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1ccr2x0 | It’s a shame that that’s the case across folk music in general- it needs an injection of young interest or much of the folk tradition will die out. | 0 |
1atys09 | world leaders kept encouraging and enabling israel even when people said this wasn’t a proportional response or that it would end poorly for palestine. we knew israel was a monster and world leaders shouldn’t get into bed with them…
here we are months later and israel has shown it’s full of hate and murder with the goal of occupying all of gaza.
now they’re being bit in the arse and realising how what a moral stain this is and they’re back-pedalling like crazy.
remember this is the same cunt who said palestine could only exist with israel’s permission and then 3 days later say palestine has a right to statehood | 0 |
1cede54 | Useless cunt | 0 |
1ck8hk4 | That medieval "Wie knowwww" lady is an absolute diamond she is! | 1 |
1cj2ydy | "No it's not that you don't like us, people didn't have any photo ID so they couldn't vote for us like they wanted it to..
Also the last time Boris was doing really well from the COVID bounce so *naturally* we lost some votes, totally expected all normal, we know you still love us and the boats and the high costs of living and scandals are mere bumps in the road, but it's normal and all totally expected.. we may swap out another prime minister next week but that's completely unrelated!" | 0 |
1d2xgmo | amazing logic this | 0 |
1bqsr48 | The whole concept of “hate speech” is Orwellian and goes against the very tenets of liberalism, unless someone is making direct threats then they should not be prosecuted in any way for what they say, not only is it morally wrong to criminalise speech, but it is also foolish from an intellectual and humanitarian standpoint, ideas should be fought with ideas, that is the cornerstone of a liberal democracy and it’s the best way we can help people change, its using a carrot rather than a stick. Who decides what is considered hateful, politicians with their own agendas who are bought and paid for, a corrupt, unaccountable and unelected civil service, or strange pressure groups that are bank-rolled by big business and shady individuals. That is a very slippery slope to descend, their have been cases where comedians and writers have been prosecuted for simply making a joke or publishing a work, their was a case recently were a man was arrested for placing stickers on lamp posts, again regardless as to how distasteful you find their statements and views, it’s morally objectionable that people should be thrown in prison for simply opening their mouths and expressing an opinion. The most successful country on earth, the USA doesn’t seem to be doing too badly with their guaranteed 1st amendment rights, we’re increasingly seeing western “democracies” become more and more like 1984 as politicians try to cover their own failings with questionable legislation rather than address problems of their own making, I wouldn’t be surprised if parliament rename themselves big brother HQ soon! | 0 |
1d3z6i1 | Five more weeks and all of this stupid charade of the Telegraph, Express and Mail finding bullshit, convaluted ways of trying to defend the Tory party can stop | 0 |
1d1pqka | Kid Starver would ask Netanyahu if he needs another [British drone to cover Gaza]( and he would apologize profusely for how the media mentioned the [Israeli bombing of British doctors]( in passing that one time.
Sir. Tel Aviv Keith is planning on putting a pro-Israeli lobbyist in the position of unelected minister of defense.
Reminder that WIKILEAKS exposed her as a CIA asset and she worked **against** labour and pushed out an anti-racist journalist for exposing her.
I have a more colourful version of what Kid Starver would say to Netanyahu but I don't want to get banned off of reddit. | 0 |
1crm6ju | It’s a weird piece. Miscarriages of justice have and continue to happen, I’m sure. This reeks of amateur investigative journalism that’s trying to look like a serious challenge to the outcome of a trial. Problematic to say the least. | 0 |
1d57y5r | Do you want to be able to create fire and relax by it's warmth? Something hominids have done for nearly half a million years.
Yes? Well fuck you apparently... | 0 |
1d1ybzr | The lollipop guild are bigger than the PM | 0 |
1d38fpx | I stopped as soon as he derailed her first comment with “getting very violent” and set it all off. I can’t listen to that btec Piers Morgan shit, throwing fuel on the fire straight away and interrupting a valid point by making stupid arguments that aren’t relevant. | 0 |
1btl5lf | There doesn't seem to be much 'indiscriminate killing' going on in this particular was deliberate, targetted and they used murder and slaughter as a means to deter other actual Human beings from trying to help those poor people being systematically slaughtered in Gaza.
Not indiscriminate at all. | 0 |
1c3uw8v | If you think the NHS is bad just wait until you see what private healthcare does. | 0 |
1d5osrx | I feel like they are just making shit up now, announcing it without any real thought or intention to follow through.
Basically throwing anything at the “election” wall to see what sticks.
Don’t believe a word they say. | 0 |
1c3molo | This guy needs to learn ASAP that being polite and friendly on the surface doesn't excuse otherwise abhorrent views held in private. Serial killers are often incredibly charming individuals on the surface as that's how they're able to get away with it for prolonged periods of time, would you still stay friends with a serial killer after learning they bodied 20 people just because they've been nice to you up until then?
Now also consider the fact that you can measure the impact of a Conservative government in body bags. | 0 |
1d5hmp6 | so I'm guessing it's just overgrown now, she doesn't need the money. She has money now, so she stopped helping anybody else. | 0 |
1chz835 | Grey, depressing, endless concrete but there is a country side if you can find it. Getting access to it though, without a farmer chasing you is another matter. Theres not much to attract people other than the university's. If it wasn't for them I don't think anyone would go to Leicester. No one really goes there on purpose. There is a space museum but its pretty meh. Thats probably the best description of the place, meh.
Lately its being over run by immigrants, you'll find muslim preachers in the city center trying to convert people. | 0 |
1co1nxa | Got my vote for London mayor, I want a recount | 0 |
1d45og9 | I've seen so many "Ed Davey does X" news stories, from watersides to moving a big clock. I still haven't the first clue where he stands on any issue | 0 |
1crxfdx | Stfu. If we need to plug any labour shortages, it’s better that they’re from EU nations.
Nothing wrong with that, just like Singapore prioritises Chinese immigrants over others. Migration is one topic all native Europeans have common ground on. | 0 |
1d569vw | I’m shocked that we even have to debate this. Immigrants with these views are very open about it. | 0 |
1ayq5ew | Nah, they can go fuck themselves. | 0 |
1bd9wzg | Nothing this guy says is worth listening to. | 0 |
1ckr51r | He isn’t that bad…as long as the only person you’re comparing him to is a deep void instead of morals and competence…oh wait, nevermind | 0 |
1bj9hi3 | Zionazis are the scum of the earth. | 0 |
1d4ta3s | Cement in a rent-seeking gerontocracy in order to buy the geriatrics' vote.
Who could have possibly predicted that it would be an economic disaster? | 0 |
1boao8a | I respect that man I do the same even though I love sun pat, all about that extra 4% peanuts and none of the additives | 1 |
1bzv2q8 | So we'll be like a pub lasagne? Parts ice cold somrle parts too hot. | 0 |
1d1ndh0 | Tories have 2 months left until it’s 1997 all over again. | 0 |
1d06vir | There is a certain amount of irony in criticising an organisation previously infiltrated by paedophiles on Reddit of all places. | 0 |
1d5osrx | Haven't we already heard this. Their pledges mean shit. | 0 |
1d3e0zz | She should leave the country, go to Sudan, get citizenship there, then come back to the UK as a migrant. Then she’ll be given housing and a stipend. She could easily have 12 children and not have to work. | 0 |
1baofai | Always found it a massively weird plotline in that show - she's supposed to have picked up a Southern working class accent from a James Bond film | 0 |
1d5ysl2 | Hmmm it’s almost like the tories are cynically coming up with empty promises and policies that directly appeal to your gran and her generation. | 0 |
1d5h1jm | Our ten year old 3 door is still going strong for our family of 4, but it’s always been hard work. | 0 |
1d4ph5t | I thought it was death for a first-time offender? | 0 |
1c2m9g9 | You really think that your votes making difference? ROFL. I lived in the UK for 21 years but still don't have a right to vote in general elections as do not have British Citizenship but I recently found out that you still vote with a PENCIL in general elections OMG. I was told it's an old tradition . In my opinion you can erase any vote so easily at every polling station across the country if you have "right" people there who might be bribed let's say . | 0 |
1d5or7g | If you put a far lefty and a far right in front of each other, they will start calling names... What breaking news! This idiot even paid 100 pounds for the honor... | 0 |
1d0mrs9 | That loaf has more chance of winning election | 0 |
1d5maxb | perfect, now we just need to get more people motivated to join the armed forces and make it a fulfilling career and something that people can take long learned skills back to civilian life.
and.... it doesn't involve the Tories conscripting teenagers.
I recently watched Amazon's Blue Angels series and was just blown away with the support of the US military. America i think has learned alot from their recent past wars and starting to really support members of their armed forces. | 1 |
1c3uw8v | ....I'm sure the attempts to run it like a business since the 80s haven't damaged its efficacy.....
"It should be reformed"
Christ. What an idea. I'm glad you didn't just throw that in there with zero suggestions as to how it would be structured and funded.
"Bad thing is bad"
Edit 1: it's not My job to fix it.
No, but until you suggest how to fix it, suggesting fixing it is pointless.
*"Some third world countries have better free health care than us"*
This is the point where I call the comment moronic and move the fuck on.... | 0 |
1bvhpf8 | What a dipstick! | 0 |
1c5hfxg | Simple, scrap all "faith" schools and make all of them secular.
Establishments that segragate an ddivide societies based on religion have no place in a modern world. Catholics here, CofE there, other Potestants there, Muslims somewhere else, Jewish children in their own schools etc... I can not believe that this is tolerated in today's world after literally thousands of years of experience showing us what religion does to inflame and instigate grief, ignorance and violence.
If your religion is so important to you then send you children to after school classes. Your beliefs should not impinge on my freedom to be educated undisturbed, on teachers' abilities to teach or on schools' abilities to teach. Why should 90% of society move over every time someone says their "faith" means they need to interrupt? If every religious minority did this society would simply grind to a halt. Civilised society depends on everyone compromising in the face of facts not beliefs. Your beliefs doe not trump my facts.
France has it right. | 0 |
1d4sb4p | I’m getting tired of this headline. Maybe stop allowing so many people in the country? Maybe then we start hitting targets. | 0 |
1d5k5xh | Can’t wait till we get the sample pack of her accumulated STIs | 0 |
1cqw49x | We’re already in a dangerous era man | 0 |
1bh394u | "I'm not defending the criminals, I just want your attention to focus elsewhere, because they're white" | 0 |
1cdhbxz | Yes white people were created in Norway and there they stayed until the Vikings. | 0 |
1bhqrbb | He's nicknamed "The Caterpillar" because he is a total backhoe loader. | 0 |
1d4rmlq | Fucking madness.. this country is a laughing stock | 0 |
1d5wzpn | "With UK airports missing the June deadline for scanners and others with awaiting regulatory approval, passenger confusion reigns"
The UK in a nutshell... | 0 |
1d69mzd | As expected, it will be an utterly token amount if it happens at all. | 0 |
1brcl81 | To be fair, he was brought to justice, which patted him on the head with a "there, there, try harder next time" and sent him skipping on his merry fucking way so he could try harder to murder someone.
The laws aren't designed to keep people like that under control any more. They're just here to keep us (us as in the plebs) under control whilst we get exploited. | 0 |
1cb3vk3 | Irishman here, who thoroughly enjoys celebrating St Patrick’s day.
I lived in England for a few years, and was really disappointed that St George’s day wasn’t widely celebrated. In fact I would make it a personal crusade of mine to get my English mates to the pub for it.
Having a national holiday (aside from being a great opportunity to get pissed) fosters a sense of collective belonging. It is a net positive that helps heal divisions and motivates a feeling that your community has a collective power (to fix shit).
Bigger question tho, what should ‘Englands Guinness’ be? Nothing gets a national holiday going like the marketing might of a multinational drinks company. I’d vote for Tetleys (Edit: The Bitter not the Tea ) | 1 |
1d4z7k4 | Oh boy. Can't wait to see how this one goes when the YouTube scientists get here. | 0 |
1bfa63i | Woah... We could fit so many more migrants in here. We could fit the entire population of the world into a small grain silo if we only crush them into a fine powder first. Lets tarmac over every national park so we can increase our GDP! | 0 |
1bn9s9s | It's a flakey investment now for sure.
If you look at things pragmatically, there will have to be asset taxes in the not so distant future due to younger people being unable to afford the tax burden to keep things like the NHS and the state pension afloat.
It's an inevitability.
Hopefully though there'll be a personal allowance, so the majority of homeowners won't be affected. | 0 |
1d60q17 | I don’t particularly like Andrew Tate, he is just another internet character which has sprung up. Some of these boys arrested are 12 and 13. Are you saying, even IF, they are a fan of him, that would make it right? Really big cop out suggesting this is happening because of people like Andrew Tate. This is poor parenting from whoever is raising these kids. Not only 1 to rape a girl, but 6? None of them there were like, err hang on should we stop this? | 0 |
1csfnv2 | It's ultimately OUR fault, THE PEOPLE have allowed this to happen. | 0 |
1cqw49x | The planet is slowly burning, world war three has never looked closer and governments think the solution to all our problems is money printing. Still, you've got to laugh... | 0 |
1bnn6h7 | >Otherwise the ideal thing to do wouldcvecto just movecthechouses of parliament elsewhere like Bristol.
Yeah I'm sure the best thing to do for the UK is to move parliament just to a different area of the already wealthy south! great idea! | 0 |
1bp7fjm | Can people stop listening to this conman? the stupid half of this country already fell for his buggest scam, don't give him more attention. | 0 |
1cu2zml | This is the standard in our "liberal" society. Anybody who speaks up is censored. | 0 |
1d6ccd4 | And yet people steal from Co-op, which isn’t that at all.
It’s clearly just people thinking they can get away with it and/or feeling entitled to freebies. | 0 |
1cd5kfn | People who say this have never tried real food and just eat frozen shit from supermarkets and gastro pubs. Moron. | 0 |
1d4yzwe | Ah the brexit clickbait headline on a story previously explained as our interest rates still being higher. | 0 |
1d47cc5 | Literally nobody cares. They aren't even a real party they are a meme. Nigel "ordinary bloke" Fromage literally is just the political hand job for everyone's grandad. | 0 |
1ay3ju2 | Well said | 1 |
1d5or7g | We're really giving this toxic piece of shit attention? REALLY!? I thought her antics were known and the news stopped giving her what she wanted? | 0 |
1d3zhcp | Bugger all information in the article, just seems like a bent copper | 0 |
1bij6ji | I really don't care about the RF but this is getting ridiculous...can't avoid the coverage...she's recovering from surgery, end of. We don't need daily updates. What do people expect?? | 0 |
1bno8wv | It’s only a flag, what does it really matter, there are more things too worry about, ie our financial state. Is the colour of a flag going too pay better wages, is the colour of a flag going to pay your mortgage, is the colour of a flag going to give you job security, no it isn’t, so instead of worrying about the colour of a poxy bit of paint on canvas, shouldn’t you be more concerned about how the government will be affecting your life. Don’t be fooled again by a simple distraction, concern your self about what the government are doing, wile you’re not looking. | 0 |
1d5l0pg | >This is never going to be “front and centre” of the July GE. Starmer knows it’s divisive and he’d alienate many of the votes he’s keen to capture
And yet, he was one of the main people who pushed for a "peoples vote" to be included in the Labour 2019 manifesto. | 0 |
1bdu09m | It's king of degenerated into a celebration involving alcohol and explosives, a heady combination. | 0 |
1d4ta3s | Now hang on a minute, Rishi’s income has been doing rather well. Michelle Mone isn’t complaining either, so it’s not all bad. | 0 |
1bj9hi3 | Israel is doing a holocaust on Palestine. | 0 |
1c0qbo2 | It’s not just capitalism the game.
It showscases the end game. One player having all the wealth, stripping away all the assets from other played until people get bored and everyone stops playing.
I can only think of one way to stop playing in real life to be honest. | 0 |
1crm6ju | I'm gonna take a wild punt and say it's American right wing freaks that are saying that she's Innocent? | 0 |
1d4dgk9 | [Yougov tracking poll](
>Question: Generally speaking, do you think the sentences that the courts hand down to people who have been convicted of crimes are too harsh, not harsh enough, or get the balance about right?
>Too harsh: 4%
>About right: 17%
>Not harsh enough: 64%
Lot of victorians still kicking around it seems. | 0 |
1cuvfjf | Everyone who’s ever met him says he’s not a nice person apparently | 0 |
1cz78fd | Bojo is high | 0 |
1cz78fd | the fact that there are neo-nazi groups in the army is not a surprise- there are neo-nazis on the russian side too and in many other armies (which is partially what makes Russia's 'de-nazification' excuse so obviously bullshit).
What *is* concerning is the level of influence and prestige that Azov battallion has, and *has* had since 2014. Putin kept Prigozhin and his thugs at arms' length and killed them the second they started acting out, but Zelensky is in a bind because of the power of these extreme elements within Ukrainian military and administration. In the (unlikely) event that Ukraine wins, what will happen to these extreme groups?
How many more hundreds of thousands will die over lies and greed? The young men of Russia and Ukraine are being fed into a meat grinder and there seems to be no end in sight. | 0 |
1bospol | > One mosque-goer, who did not want to be identified, said Ezedi had "attacked innocent people" and as he had converted to Christianity, it was the "responsibility of the church to bury him according to his new belief or religion, not the mosque".
What a messed up situation all round. I would be livid if my local mosque used donation money to bury this rat | 0 |
1cijl06 | I enjoy how Thomas is an 80 year old Tiger 2 but still hanging around with far more modern machinery.
Good on you Thomas. Age isn’t a barrier. | 1 |
1cj657s | Obvious publicity stunt | 0 |
1d1paj3 | Feinstein is fab. well Worth listening to. Shame he won’t will. | 1 |
1d177uh | It’s truly terrifying that this rhetoric and conspiracy is so acceptable. Just like how dangerous antisemitism is and we know how that went. It’s exactly the same. | 0 |
1cq5za5 | Who cares. The UK entry was truly awful though!!! | 0 |
1bndcda | It's nice to be seen once in a while.
<Chuckles in tubby> | 1 |
1cj657s | Boris.... always the bumbly fumbly 'doing it for the bants' attention whore..... | 0 |
1btwk24 | The clinical staff know this. We know there's a lot of corruption and made-up roles, too. We can't do anything about it, unfortunately. | 0 |
1c7flab | There are no martyrs. Religion has enough blame for compelling such inhumane behaviour without spreading its sick ideas. You do not get rewards for suffering. | 0 |
1cbgc15 | >But we can't do it here because we're worried that some people might think it's racist.
And God forbid, we ask the London luvvies to show any sort of patriotism. The sky may very well come falling down! | 0 |
1bcvprx | These people are deranged extremists. How anyone thinks zionism is still a normal ideology, I have no clue. | 0 |
1d5vktv | Both parties are fucking useless let's be honest, dismantle parliament. | 0 |
1by8lcq | Indeed. I totally agree. But would you like the chance to defend yourself or hope that they don't whack you? Scum is scum and it's their rules which they make up as they go along. It's also worse among a certain age group, the young will always be trying to out do the last guy in order for a scarier reputation.
I'm also for the death penalty. But again who does it? You certainly don't give the role to the person with their hand frantically waving in the air.
As I said, law and order has gone to shit. Prison is no longer something the criminals truly fear.
But when you have a group that appeals to take it easy on youth offenders, or make winners of those that don't do as well as the person who put the effort in to win, you create a nation of cowards and evil bastards. | 0 |
1c3molo | A straight Tory?! What is the world coming to? | 0 |
1b4lm23 | Utter disgrace. But they disgrace themselves and show the whole world. | 0 |
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