stringlengths 7
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1cxyzmi | Why would you follow the recipe of a country that doesn't have any culinary expertise? | 0 |
1d496h0 | It's one backpack, Michael, how much could it cost? 750 dollars? | 0 |
1bp7fjm | Hmm, chocolate or Nigel Farage? Choices, choices .... | 0 |
1d69hhx | Is Joe Lycett still feeding news outlets those false stories? | 0 |
1bcb34h | That’s quality!! | 1 |
1bslbqr | Why would you even visit this place | 0 |
1c3p115 | As someone apparently employed by one with 0 shifts in the last 2 months I also kindly request them to stfu | 0 |
1d3e0zz | For what it's worth, nursery alone is nearly £700 a month for two days a week, so you'll need alot more than £300 to be ok in this economy.
Reading on it's mostly a London issue. I don't live there anymore for the same reasons.
Absolutely no chance of ever owning a property so we left and went somewhere else.. | 0 |
1d5ls0c | I know everyone is enjoying Ed Davey's meme stunts of the last few days, but now coupled with this as their first concrete policy, is anyone else noticing how absolutely detached from reality and tone deaf the Lib Dems are?
The country is broken. Please come up with some ideas that will help and maybe worry about easier access to PL games in the next parliament once ambulance handovers and cancer wait times have been fixed. | 0 |
1d2hdo4 | I, for one,miss how un-curved our bananas have become. Back in the day, you could rely on a certain curvature, but looking at the banana stands now, might as well be eating yellow cucumbers. | 0 |
1bs5y53 | Wait so during ramadan they post muslim trope but for Easter they just post positivity mantra. Yet we're told we don't live in a two tier society. | 0 |
1bibzz6 | Stopped buying and eating chocolate couple of years ago when all this shrinkflation started. Haven't bought a single one since. Nor will I ever again. Done wonders for my waistline and my wallet. These greedy companies can all literally fuck off now imo | 0 |
1d49haf | And Israel wonders why they are hated. | 0 |
1bk4new | This is really interesting since I had no idea what different people in the UK actually prefer their tea to be like. I've always loved tea with milk and sugar but can definitely get behind without sugar too. Certainly would go with neither when it comes to green tea! | 1 |
1bdssjg | The idea for cube squash seems a little weird, especially with no concept on it.
The only possible way I could see it working is like OXO cubes, but that requires hot water.
If it's a condensed cube of powder with all the necessary additives, then that's just Pre-Workout and Gamer Fuel without the caffeine. | 0 |
1ct8tcj | Sickening | 0 |
1cnubir | They dont even get arrested mate, or they do and their on day release after stabbing someone outside maccies. Its disgusting, nothing wrong with the people that attempt to come here legally. But why is it even a question of just letting random fucking people into our first world country? The white British ethnic group remains at estimated 75% of our population. Theres already so many schemes in place to take special care for anyone whos even half black. What about us, the people who are actually British, born and bread, family histories. We are treated like shit just for existing in our own fucking country, and were not even allowed to talk about it. | 0 |
1bjrthf | Why? The sheer incompetence of the Bank of England under the 'leadership' of this doughnut, together with the ever wrong OBR is stunning, yet still our politicians allow them to constantly undermine our economy. | 0 |
1d69zbw | This article is about FDI and UK’s advantages in certain fields vs European countries. Why are you posting trade stats that have nothing to do with the article? | 0 |
1d5o3mj | Banger username. | 1 |
1cyaq43 | Best bit is the guy was paid. This bill does nothing for anyone but attempt to make it look like they’re doing something | 0 |
1d4h19p | Really awesome to see headlines like this, given all the chaos going on in the UK right now. | 0 |
1cik0vu | These zionazis are scum. | 0 |
1c7flab | Such backwards ideas do not need encouraged. Extremism is a reaction to suppressive regimes, religious ideology is not required to explain it, nor should it be encouraged as a means to justify it. | 0 |
1bqsr48 | > the USA doesn’t seem to be doing too badly with their guaranteed 1st amendment rights
You realise the USA has banned talking about slavery in schools, bans talking about LGBT topics to children in most states, and is putting forward a shitload of book bans in schools?
They support "free speech" but their idea of protecting "free speech" means censoring any speech that goes against that perception.
That's all the "Free Speech" rightoit propaganda machine wants, for you to believe that allowing the speech of bigots somehow _doesn't_ hurt the speech of others, when history has shown OVER AND OVER AND OVER, that if you let hateful people have the microphone, then anyone they target has to shut up.
You've fallen for tory propaganda. | 0 |
1boli15 | >why don’t we enjoy any of the benefits… like cheap labour and services
Because you need people who are skilled in those roles to do those roles. Contrary to what they might say, someone coming over from a less developed country probably isn’t a doctor.
If 500,000 people come in but most of those are unskilled workers, all that does it suppress wages for unskilled work and increases demand for higher skilled work (see; healthcare requirements, tradies, etc)
The difference with high population places like China is it’s local population getting local training for the local position, not someone who’s got a perhaps less than adequate education coming in and is going to work the till at Lidl. | 0 |
1d5j92a | All bark and no bite | 0 |
1bfcsgr | This isnt nazi germany, yet... | 0 |
1bame1o | Down with the fr**ch | 0 |
1bpyn8z | You think that *more* demands on landlords would be good for the vandalised rental market?
The market is fucked because of reforms. Your landlord sold and families queue to apply because renting isn't financially viable for many landlords now.
But at least the prices dropped, right? (S) | 0 |
1d4pqd7 | If Scotland is a third world nation what does that say about the 'strength of the Union' that allowed that to happen under its watch? Same for Wales, Northern Ireland and Northern England. | 0 |
1d4s065 | Even the highest profile new Tory candidate is an absolute shambles.
What a mess they are. Not one of them can do a single thing right. | 0 |
1ch4w16 | Zionist terrorists killled about 750 British servicemen, many Palestinian policemen and civilians, many of those terrorists later became high ranking members of the Israeli government.
What is happening all over the world is that history, or a warped view of it, is no longer being taught in schools and I'm a firm believer that those who don't learn from the mistakes of history will be doomed to repeat them. | 0 |
1c68bfp | There are reasons we think Yanks are stupid, this is one more to add to the list. | 0 |
1cz78fd | Well it's a war being commanded by an actor/tv comedian. What do you expect? If not for massive US, UK and EU spending, they'd have succumbed by now. | 0 |
1bpyn8z | Having just been forced to move rentals after a landlord wanted to sell the property, I can honestly say the rental market is fucked.
There is such a small pool of nice houses. Every viewing I went to, there would be families waiting outside to get in.
The fact that the Conservatives have failed to bring through any of the promised rental reforms is another nail in the coffin for me. They really do not care about the interests of people without property. | 0 |
1d69hhx | > A prolific thief who stole 17 tubes of Pringles in a series of burglaries and shop thefts told police “once you pop, you can’t stop”.
I'm suspicious. | 0 |
1b2ayq3 | They should take all the crappy tarmac off of cobbled roads. | 0 |
1clonsi | Im impressed McConnell’s signature isn’t just mouth drool. | 0 |
1d4uhul | Another nonsense platform about to be rendered meaningless.
May as well promise free homes made of chocolate Rishi. | 0 |
1bh394u | I’m sorry but a crime is a crime irrespective of the motives. All it says is that if you’re a white guy beating in a black guy, make sure you say absolutely nothing while you’re beating the guy black and blue, because that some how makes it better?
Hate crimes are nonsensical. | 0 |
1byzy64 | Kudos to Miriam using her voice to speak up against tyranny. | 1 |
1czhxmd | Why is this in dollars? How the hell is that British? | 0 |
1d2xgmo | Are you not old enough to remember how good life was during the last Labour government?
Young people bought avocado toast *and* houses. | 0 |
1by9ukv | wow the world is finally getting to see the brutality of the Zionest IDF & the evil of Israel government under zionist rule , but most of us knew the evil of them , the Jewish people are not ones causing this , its not the people Palestinan either . | 0 |
1by2u4l | West mids, if there’s anything to love about where I live it’s that there’s like a million pubs in my town. Or that we’re basically right in the middle so getting to places by train is quite easy
Oreyt duck | 1 |
1b0wddz | How the UK are currently complicit in a genocide and never know how to stick their beak out of other people's countries is a major issue I'd say. | 0 |
1d38sr1 | Government should block this, or renationalise them… the problem is that our government is run by the Tories. | 0 |
1d5tdx5 | Compulsive liar, repeatedly sacked in the past from jobs in journalism and government, loads of dodgy situations and scandals he had got himself into before...
Yes, he was totally unfit. | 0 |
1bmj5p2 | Nope. Cannabis is only for liberal lefty woke ethnic types/s
But in all seriousness, only a small percentage of the population use it, or consider its health benefits. No political party wants to waste whatever political capital they have on what is considered such a niche issue. | 0 |
1d5x2ir | Alcohol really is a huge issue in this country | 0 |
1b7ffjh | Atun Shei is so good and I do enjoy his lighter moments. | 1 |
1cmjixy | Great places, thanks! Are there any scenic routes to drive through? | 1 |
1d3grdf | A man who has tried and failed 7 times to become an MP is open to a conversation with a political party who will be lucky to make it to 2025 with more than 7 seats. Match made in incompetent heaven. | 0 |
1bp7fjm | The NHS is failing so let's blame fat people?
Yeah, that take is stupid as fuck lol, blame the government that allowed it to be privatised. | 0 |
1cryxda | I’m not shocked at all, this is not the first nor last person to think and behave this way in our country. If anything expect more of this. | 0 |
1d4e1pp | Bollocks to you Tory Stooge.
14 years of undelivered promises and corrupt and inept administrations. These criminal fucks are going down and will be annihilated. I'll watch with glee mf.
@Conservatives #Proroguers #JailCummings #PPEWastage #LateLockdown #ToryLies #ToryIncompetence #ToryCorruption #ToryBrexit #TorySleaze | 0 |
1c9t10g | "GROWTH....!"
Stupid twat. | 0 |
1cypi8f | You will love the current labour part then. Pretty much said they are going to do nothing and have explained exactly how they are going to do everything they are going to do. | 0 |
1c5ezyp | A baby could have done better than her | 0 |
1benywu | Why even change the definition of extremists? It's literally just to silent their opponents. Soon protesting will make you a terrorist | 0 |
1d4zore | Good to know they’re spending time thinking about the important issues. | 0 |
1cb8gcc | Absolute nonsense. | 0 |
1bkzrtt | Custard creams and a scalding hot cuppa. Get in my fucking face hole. | 1 |
1bq81h2 | Shutup yank | 0 |
1cji78e | Very true, but he's also a short-arsed multi-millionaire too, so I reckon the serious amount of fucks he gives will be minimal. Then the Tories will elect another prick to lead them in opposition, like mirror-opposite lanky streak of piss Jacob Rees-Mogg. | 0 |
1d3c1qu | Wtf this is so disappointing as a Radiohead fan :( | 0 |
1d5yr56 | Well wait until you hear about what happened at the last European final to be held at Wembley.
It was a shit show. | 0 |
1d4q7bh | Fuck these ghouls. Ban increases in public utility prices for a year and subsidise utility companies who haven’t blown billions in dividends when they had issues like this that went unfixed. Let Thames go under. Buy it back for pennies on the pound and renationalise it. | 0 |
1cq4ev3 | All their fault, is it?
Not the fault of lazy chavs who don’t want to work? Have you seen the state of some people these days?
How TF does a little political party change millions of people like that? Give them more money, yeah? | 0 |
1blwc70 | That's not our flag! get it off. The cross should be red. and the background white.
people are acting like If our flags have no meaning these days, which basically Insults the nation we all live in.
what have we done to our society for this to even become a possibility? WW1 & WW2 Vets did not die for the type of society that we have made England become today, we have not made things better, we have just gone backwards in some ways.
Who ever did this has wronged all of us. | 0 |
1c3molo | This made my Sunday morning. What a twat. | 0 |
1cpgqtd | Fucking scum just stop oil protesters. Y'know they are using senjor citizens so that they can spread the "hey look, old people hate oil too" and also other law enforcement won't dare to go too violent with them. | 0 |
1c5hfxg | Why did the “conservative” government pay this family £150,000 of taxpayer funds to bring this kind of frivolous lawsuit?
Conservatives should be voted out forever and completely unemployable after what they have done | 0 |
1d5x2ir | So those vouchers are completely worthless then. | 0 |
1bpyn8z | Reform are as boomer as any party. | 0 |
1d38o5c | I'm from the Balkans. Came in the UK 15 years ago. Never claimed any sort of benefit. Even paid for private medical for the first 4-5 years.
When I first came here I was really amazed how easy the system was to scam... However when I actually talked to British people about it I always ended up being accused of "racism" and being "bigoted". So I quickly stopped.
Now reading the comments on this I can tell that most people paint me with the same brush as the scammers. And it happens in real life too, nobody outright says it but I can tell I'm being treated as a potential fraudster once people learn I was born in the Balkans.
Thankfully my accent does not sound Eastern European and I actually changed my name so now people can tell I'm not originally from the UK but they usually think I'm American lol.
TLDR: Actual legal self-sufficient immigrants from Eastern Europe kept warning you about all the fraudsters that were let into UK and then they stopped because they were getting branded racist... | 0 |
1c83gob | It's not a democracy as there are no politicians or parties that care about the country, its people or the democratic process.
Literally every single serving MP is a career politician that supports corruption and the status quo to improve their own career.
If the UK was a democracy, political parties would listen to the people and stick to the manifestos that got them voted in. This never happens.
If you waste your time on politics, you are pissing into the wind as no one is listening and nobody in the government cares.
If you support any political party, you are my direct enemy as you are enabling people who are trying to make my life worse. | 0 |
1cbgc15 | it's not fear of racism, its apathy. a lot of people just don't give a shit. | 0 |
1d1c2rm | *"Vote for me, I'll kill your kids"*
Unusual one from Tories this year | 0 |
1d68acz | I saw a video of this march where very young children were shouting with absolute rage “Allah, Allah, who the f*ck is Allah”. Seeing how angry these kids were was kinda scary. Obviously brainwashed with hate and racism. | 0 |
1d2y53i | This creates an extremely bad incentive for companies to underperform to avoid fines! | 0 |
1cy7isi | So, you're basically saying there ARE plenty of 'English' things to do and see in london..... Just gotta avoid the brown people. Thanks for clarifying top lad | 0 |
1bq6tfs | Don't worry everyone, the money is safe! | 0 |
1d3eajh | Bold of you to assume that these regulations are observed consistently. | 0 |
1c3uw8v | Nice try , Boris Johnson. We love our NHS, it just struggles to keep up with cunts like you. Fortunately, you’ve got private healthcare right? Right? | 0 |
1cvwflz | Despite all the beauty
It’s a fact that nature is still seriously declining across the UK, a country that is already one of the most nature-depleted in the world. The data show that since 1970 UK species have declined by about 19% on average, and nearly 1 in 6 species (16.1%) are now threatened with extinction. | 0 |
1d5l0pg | > this is what happens when you essentially hand a toddler (more than half the electorate) a harpoon (supreme transformational change).
Yes, but let's not forget most of the blame is still with the government.
1. The referendum was not legally binding and the amount of people who came out against the result should of been cause for pause and more discussion.
2. They did not have to trigger article 50 straight away. Could of actually worked out what Brexit might look like and present that to the public before doing anything.
The referendum should of been, "ok the public want to leave EU. Let's see what that looks like". Not "the public want to leave the EU, let's go NOW" | 0 |
1b2ayq3 | The quality of the Brit’s roads made them the best sailors in the world. | 0 |
1d5hsxf | Yet thousands of parents pay for their kids to watch pantomime every Chrisrmas and nobody gives a shit. | 0 |
1c8szfa | wiltshire is banging mate | 1 |
1cuktsy | How have you not been to the Isle of Wight.
Was there last year after the schools went back and after a washout summer the weather became nice. Handy as we were camping.
Ok it’s not a party island but we had great food at the pubs and found some fossils on the beaches.
I’ve mentioned this before so no affiliation. The Dairyman’s Daughter pub is in the middle a craft area and is worth a look. | 1 |
1d3uho4 | Woop, common sense prevailing. Expect Reddit medical experts to have a meltdown. | 0 |
1cp05gm | Fuck israel | 0 |
1d3c1qu | They have some great music but they're BORING in concert and now we know that their politics suck | 0 |
1d1ybzr | What a pitch to old people
"Vote for me! I'll kill your grandkids!" | 0 |
1d35oeh | PM facilitates massive expansion of rip-off degrees
PM pledges to swap rip-off degrees for apprenticeships | 0 |
1bibzz6 | It’s ridiculous they got rid of the squares, they were a big part of the chocolate. | 0 |
1clonsi | This is the state of international law. That US Senators are writing threatening letters to an international court to get what they want.
What an absolute shit show. Even countries at the top of the corruption index hide this shit better. | 0 |
1c7u8y3 | Should've gone with British Union of Kebabs | 0 |
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