"Then what are you doing here?" an inner voice laughed at him. "You know she'll come sooner or later." Of course he knew... "It's hard to decide whether it's pathetic or repulsive how you're trying to exploit her brother's accident to see her." 
Ha! Who wants to meet her?! He's just waiting to see what happens to Jarod. He doesn't want to talk to her, he has nothing to say for that woman!
Shandris" anxeity-filled up and down walking suddenly halted as she noticed her sister-in-law and called for her. Illidan felt his soul tremble at the sound of the name for a moment, but he quickly strengthened his mind. He will no longer be vulnerable because of a woman! Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Maiev stopping her track upon noticing him.
"You didn't expect this, Warden, did you?" he grinned at his barren, small victory. "If your puny brother survives, you'll be in my debt. Awfully bothersome, isn't it?
"How curious! I thought you don't want anything from her, and now you're expecting her to fall into your arms crying with gratitude?" The voice's sharp remark stung mercilessly and deep, making him frown bitterly. Such was the fate of those who couldn't let hope die and kept the last flame eating up their beaten heart in their chest tightened by wishful thinking. He should have known better, he had already made this mistake with Tyrande. Yet, he couldn't stop himself from looking at Maiev, wanting his existence to be acknowledged, in vain. The woman's expression was just as empty and cold-livered as he remembered from that day.
"So be it, Maiev..." Illidan turned his head back to Jarod's direction. He won't be wasting his time on someone who clearly doesn’t want him to do anymore. "How pathetic..." He remarked sarcastically as the man's condition deteriorated even further. "You're on your deathbed because you cared and were worried for such a heartless woman. But, alas, a fool cannot be saved from the consequences of his decisions." Yet, those bitter thoughts were true not just for Jarod, even if he wouldn't want to admit it.
The clock-hand was moving slowly at an easy pace, as if it had to think about where to go in the next moment, though its path had long been decided by a soulless production- and assembly line, relieving it from the torture of an uncertain future. Such ease wasn't reserved for the head of the Shadowsong family by fate. His body continued to weaken, becoming less and less tolerant of the hands of countless doctors working on it, relentlessly fighting. The thread connecting soul and shell gradually thinned, and Illidan's image grew gloomier, until merely a breath kept Jarod among the living.
"So that's how it ends. Now I know what I wanted to." he looked resignedly at the stone floor. There was no reason to stay any longer. What good would it do for him to be there when the family finds out about the devastating news? A doctor may have already set off to prepare them for the worst. He did what he had to by pulling the man out of the wreckage. Everything else was off his beat, he didn't owe them anything. Especially not that woman. He won't be comforting her, after all she could blame but herself for the situation. If she hadn't pushed Jarod away from herself in the same way she did with him, the brother wouldn't have gone there that day to talk to him. Jarod would have simply gone to the theater with his precious wife. She doesn't deserve condolences.
He was proved right. A draenei doctor dressed in white shortly appeared. He said exactly what Illidan already knew. It was time to leave. He took another look at those who had been waiting with him until that moment. Lysende and Shandris sobbed in each other's arms. Then, against his will, his gaze wandered over to Maiev. The woman just stood there, like the icicle what her soul seemed to be, but the illusion suddenly withered without a trace. The night elf's arms dropped on their own, and her knees slumped as her body was about to lose its battle with the shock. Her chest began to tilt sideways little by little, her silver hair spread out in the air as the gravitational force mercilessly pulled her down. Illidan, without thinking, threw himself after the woman to catch her, kicking over his principles. He was weak again, paying for it with his own pride, just like when Tyrande freed him from his millennial prison. He was just as unable to hold on to his own determination. And he despised himself for his failing just as much. 
He waited patiently for the night elf to gather herself and stand on her own two feet after the shock. But then, he's leaving, he doesn't expect any gratitude...
Life returned into Maiev's limbs. She turned gradually, raising her silvery eyes at him, glistening sadly from tears like diamonds, and at that moment all his resentment and anger melted, leaving behind only his bare heart desperately wanting to love, as he pleaded with the woman wordlessly.
"Just let me help you, please! Let me comfort you, let me share the pain and burden with you! Let me be here for you, I beg you..."
Maiev's lips trembled from the restrained emotions. Slowly, she reached out diffidently with her shaking hand, and he needed no more than that. Without hesitation, he embraced the body weakened by grief, him swearing, cursing, and with all of his heart.
It took a long time for Maiev's sobs to subside, leaving only her desperate clinging and heavy breathing behind. At last, Illidan accompanied her to the chairs and they sat down. Together. The broken woman squatted there like an orphaned, soaked puppy. Even if physical cold didn't torment her body, her soul was shuddering from the doctor's bone-penetrating icy news. Without a better idea, Illidan placed his hand gingerly on her back, watching out for even the tiniest flickering from her. She trembled imperceptibly under the heat of his palm, and she pulled closer languidly like a small duck seeking protection under her mother's warm tender wings. And Illidan was ready to give just that to her. He would have given anything that he could. The demon hunter gently put an arm around and pulled Maiev closer until her head rested on his shoulder. How he longed to sit with her so confidently, intimately one day... Yet, his wish was fulfilled in a cruel way, twisted and stained, at the cost of the happiness of the beloved woman. How could he find any joy in this bitter fulfillment?! At that moment he would have exchanged his prize for Maiev's carefree smile in a heartbeat...
"Jarod..." Illidan looked up at the younger Shadowsong again. "Pull yourself together for your sister...!" But the prospects were just as disappointing, as the doctor said. The man's life hung on a single thin bond, a single hair, as Jarod's soul clung to his body and with it onto life. Every fibre of the demon hunter tensed as he focused all his attention on the weary connection, frantically searching for any improvement.
Then... long minutes followed. Long, dreadful, nerve-wracking minutes, and in the end Illidan almost wished for the last thread to just break and be over when he finally saw something changing. Holding his breath, he concentrated on Jarod's soul to make sure his eyes weren't mistaken. His pulse skyrocketed, and it took no small effort to hide his excitement from Maiev. But if what he was seeing was true... Another long minute passed, and he was finally sure that he wasn't just imagining things. A sigh of relief left his parched lips.
"Maiev, are you awake?" he asked, but the only response was the hospital’s silence. However, her nod signalled that she was indeed listening. "Shandris, Lysende." he turned to the other two women.
The mother, maybe sensing the nature of his message, turned toward the demon hunter with hopeful eyes, while her daughter was wiping the dreams off her ones.
"Jarod will live. Neither you, nor the doctors can see it yet, but the bond between his body and soul, which had thinned to but a hair, started to strengthen again. Your brother is strong, he will recover."
Upon hearing his words, Shandris and Lysende fell on each other’s shoulders with tears of joy. Although only two bodies were hugging, with their heart they embraced the missing third one as well, while hopefulness took the place of sorrow. Seemingly it took longer for Maiev to comprehend the man’s words, but in the end she also breathed a sigh of relief. Then, her gaze fell on the cold, rigid floor again. Shandris glanced worried at the restrained reaction of her sister-in-law, then took a meaningful look at her daughter, and hurried out of the waiting hall. The clock’s seconds hand couldn’t finish two turns before she was back. Putting her phone away in her pocket she stood before the other woman.
"Maiev. I can see that you are exhausted. Everything will be fine now, you should go home and rest." she gently touched her shoulder. However, as if Shandris’ hand was like ember on her skin, Maiev suddenly raised her head and stared out of her dark circled eyes affronted.
"Have you lost your mind? I have to be here! Until Jarod wakes up..."
"You are of more use to your brother if you don’t faint from exhaustion." Illidan interjected sternly. He was undoubtedly right, as hard as it was for Maiev to admit.
"We won’t stay here either." Shandris sat down next to her, trusting that speaking from an equal eye height will make it easier for the night elf to reconsider. "A friend of mine lives just a block away from here. We’ll stay there until they call me that Jarod regained consciousness. It was a long and grueling night, we can use some rest, as well." she beckoned toward Lysende, who immediately jumped to take her coat as if she was waiting for the signal all this time, and now was looking forward to the next command. "Illidan" she turned to the demon hunter. "We are grateful from the bottom of our hearts for everything. I know we already owe you a lot, but if you could accompany my sister-in-law for a short while..."
Illidan’s lips slightly opened from the unconcealed awe, a mistake he corrected instantly as he took notice. Under his arms, Maiev wordlessly abided by Shandris taking authority over her fate. Maybe she was too tired to even object?
Anyhow, this was finally the opportunity Illidan had waited for so long, to be able to talk, just the two of them...
A pair of lone, enchanted flies trod a meaningless measure to honour the dim light of the pylon. Somewhere, from the heart of the party district, the summer breeze brought a cheerful whooping of enviable young people, in stark contrast to the tired silence and souls of those heading towards the bus stop. Illidan glared grimly from the corner of his eye at Maiev, who was squatting beside him. They still didn't say a word to each other. And they were about to reach the station. There they will part away, maybe forever if he doesn’t do something.He was about to run out of steps and with it of time, but the words just didn't come... It was as if he was trying to draw water from a dried-up well. They finally arrived. Illidan looked carefully at the night schedule, then glanced at the display on his phone. If it's not late, the bus will arrive within five minutes. His time was short... He walked back disappointedly to the woman waiting."A few minutes." He said, finally breaking the silence. But the night elf did not respond. She stood quietly, hanging her head. Illidan scrutinized the woman curiously. Even if she didn't feel like talking, he would have expected at least a nod. "Is something wrong?" he finally asked, not anticipating an answer. Maiev tilted her head even lower, then answered, almost whispering. Her voice was weak and hoarse from the previous crying."I moved back home." She said, to the surprise of the demon hunter. Although he should have thought based on Jarod's words."I see." He looked up and thoughtfully ran through the local schedule in his memory. "Then we better walk over to the tram." He nodded toward the nearby stop and was about to set off, but Maiev didn't move. She grabbed her other arm with her hand. A soft breeze swept through the night, carrying the silence of an unspoken request, blowing through Maiev's snow-white hair. The flying strands covered her eyes and soul desiring to be understood. Illidan's lips parted slightly in amazement as the woman's quiet plea for help became clear to him. Wordlessly, he put his hand on the woman's back, and shepherding her in front of him they set off on the main road, leaving behind only the loneliness from which Maiev wanted to escape so badly. The tram, saddling from age, passed by them sleepily, and was swallowed up by the night, but it was unheeded. There was a long and quiet road ahead of them to Illidan's apartment.
The infiltrating scant public lighting drew shapeless shadows on the floor of the modest apartment as the former enemies silently hung their coats on the hanger. Maiev glanced around the room she had not seen for a long time, searching in fear for telltale signs of a possible lover, but everything stood exactly as she remembered. Except for one thing. In one corner stood a large unopened cardboard box. On its side, huge grey letters and a figure heralded its contents: a new television. Wandering, Maiev run over her fingers on the top of the package, a thin layer of powder sticking to her fingertips."Did you buy a TV?" she asked softly, glancing at Illidan, but the man looked away reluctantly. From outside, the sounds of the night muscled in on the uncomfortable silence with tactless curiosity."That's what we agreed upon." He replied unexpectedly, and Maiev's hand stopped."Indeed." she nodded dismally."Lie down, it's late." the demon hunter walked past her. He lifted the only orphaned book from the shelf drilled into the wall by the previous resident and sat down on the couch. He had read it countless times, but anything was better than the tense atmosphere between the two of them. After a while, he looked up to see if the woman was asleep, but to his surprise, she was standing exactly where she had been a few minutes ago. The man's face frowned. "Is my bed too filthy for you?" he said, but upon seeing Maiev's woeful gaze, he immediately changed his tone. "Or do you still need something? Are you hungry?" he stood up and headed for the refrigerator, but the woman's words stopped him."You're not just a job for me, Illidan..." she said softly, quaveringly. "But I can't bury the ghosts of the past." She put her arms around herself and took a deep breath. "Too many unforgivable deeds, too many memories of lost lives live with me every day. The names and faces of each of my lost men are before my eyes." she looked up at him.The silence returned, more torturous than ever as Maiev watched him waiting for an answer, and Illidan finally understood. That night, the last two months, that day at the restaurant... How could he be that foolish?! He gave up his former hatred of the woman so long ago that it never occurred to him how much pain their unclear history could cause to her. The cruel actions of the past have now retaliated against them, overshadowing their fragile relationship."Their blood is on your hands and my soul." Maiev lowered her head."True." he sighed. "Still, I can't say I regretted it. I did what I had to do. Even if I were to apologize now, I would only lie to you and not change anything. Your men would remain dead, and I don’t think you could settle for a few empty words either." Maiev nodded in agreement."You're right."Then what do you expect from me? What should I do?" he stepped closer to her. There was barely an arm's length between the two of them, yet, a seemingly insurmountable wall stood between their feelings and desires."I don't know, Illidan... I honestly don't know..."
The dawn breathed an amber kiss into the night sky as they passionately embraced each other until the sun banished the remaining shadows of the eventide. The hurtful artificial light of the streets was replaced by that of nature, its gentle rays sweetly caressed the porcelain skin of the still-sleeping night elf.Illidan slowly reached the end of the book, with only a few pages remaining, but his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts instead of the written lines. Their short conversation in the evening ended just as quietly as the life of a candle flame. His chest was filled with the endless happiness and deep torment he felt over Maiev's words. His futile attempt to find a solution to the sin separating them ended in vain.The bed creaked softly, and soon the blanket rose, then beneath it a still drowsy, shaggy night elf appeared. Illidan looked up at the awakening Maiev. He watched in admiration burning with love as the woman wiped the dream out of her eyes and looked around the room in slight confusion. Her untidy curls fell unruly on her shoulders and chest, glistening silvery in the golden sunrise. The man's heart would have flown across the room to wish her a good morning, but the numerous misdemeanours of the past put a padlock on his lips, leaving him to merely watch wordlessly as she reached for her phone and seemingly started to read something."Jarod has regained his consciousness." She said, but Illidan wasn't sure if she was talking to him or just thinking out loud. "I'll go to him immediately."As far as I know, no visitors are allowed until the afternoon hours." the demon hunter turned the last page, not caring about Maiev's stern frustrated look. "Besides, readjust yourself first. You will find a comb in the bathroom. Until then, I'll make something for breakfast." he instructed the unkempt woman. She glanced at him peevishly, then, seeing that there was no room for her appeal, headed for the bathroom. But before she disappeared behind the door, she looked back from the threshold."Would you accompany me later?"
The afternoon sun's rays coquettishly winked inside the hospital room between the mustard coloured curtains sewn of some cheap fabric. Jarod turned his head awkwardly to avoid the blinding shine, though to tell the truth, he wasn't really bothered by it. He didn't think he'd ever see any light other than that particular headlamp. His gaze wandered to his bedside table, filled with snacks from his daughter and then to the infusion stand next to his bed. No matter how uncomfortable and tense the needle felt in his arm, he was delighted to sense something in his limbs at all.A sudden, firm knock pulled him out of his life-enjoying thoughts. Without waiting for an answer, the door opened and his sister's long-seen face appeared. Jarod didn't even have time to process what was happening, the woman was already flying toward him to try to somehow embrace her sibling."Little brother! Elune be praised, you are well!" she smoothed the man's frizzy hair. Jarod rewarded the woman's loving gesture with a modest smile when he noticed they were not alone in the room. Illidan closed the door noiselessly and waited quietly in the corner. Jarod's uncomprehending gaze slipped from the demon hunter on to his sister, but the situation didn't make more sense. Not so long ago, the man didn't seem to have the slightest intention to have anything to do with any of the Shadowsong, but now he came with his sister. Maiev finally noticed his confusion."Shandris didn't tell you?"They visited earlier, but we haven't talked much." he nodded with a bittersweet smile toward the trash bin full of paper handkerchiefs. "Beside that, it was mostly the doctor informing them about my condition and the further treatments necessary. But if that's what you mean, I know he pulled me out of the wreckage. I wanted to show my gratitude... " he moaned as he tried to rise a little higher for a handshake, but it soon became apparent that his strength had not returned yet. He put his head back on his pillow, disappointed. "Then, for now just with words... Thank you."I merely paid off my debt." Illidan crossed his arms in front of his chest. The words of the present went back to the elder days. For a stray moment, Jarod could almost feel the terrible power of the mage again on his skin. A terrible power that eventually spared his life, but caused Illidan to be locked in darkness for ten thousand years and brought Maiev's original hatred towards him to life. How many times had he wondered if it would have been more gracious to sentence the demon hunter to death, but the grim question might have finally been answered as his sister looked at him with a tired, yet loving smile."Maiev. I'm sorry for bothering you with that... " Jarod began. "But would you bring me that sour gummy? You know which one. Forgive me, but suddenly the desire to eat some came over me. There is a canteen on the ground floor, I'm fairly sure they sell them." he looked apologetically at the woman, who quickly rose from his bed's side and set off to fulfill his request. Soon, the door shut behind her and Illidan stepped closer. "Forgive the innocent lie, I know you can see the gummy bag in the bedside cabinet." Jarod laughed."Maiev won't be away forever. Out with it." said the demon hunter, and the younger Shadowsong's face frowned."I hope you didn't mention our last conversation to her." He asked, but the man shook his head in relief. "Then please keep it that way, if possible. She would blame herself for the accident..."I had no intention to bring it up, but if she ever asks me, I'm not going to lie to her."I understand. Thank you."Is that it?"Staying on topic... I don't know what happened between you two months ago, but I'm sure my sister needs you. She sees you as a friend, even if she says otherwise, you must know that. Just don’t force her to admit it because that would scare her into climbing back to her snail shell. You know how proud she is..."She can't forgive the past." Illidan bitterly turned his gaze. Upon hearing his words, Jarod's eyes widened."What do you mean?" but he didn't get an answer. Maiev returned from her errand mission with incredible speed, interrupting the men's conversation, and placed the gummies into her brother's hand with a pleased expression. "Thank you!"That's the least I can do for you." she waved."Well, I won't be bothering you any longer. I'm glad you're better, Jarod." Illidan nodded at the man, who returned the gesture. Neither of them saw Maiev's tiny shudder or felt her stomach clench learning about Illidan's departure."Sister, would you kindly show our guest out?" Her younger brother touched her arm unexpectedly, and she got up from the bed as if she got nudged with a fire-hook, walking tensely to the door to open it for the demon hunter. He followed her silently, and they soon disappeared down the hall.
They walked the uncomfortably white corridor in gloomy silence, heading toward the exit. Although her lips remained speechless, there was so much that went through Maiev's mind, but her voice, whenever she opened her mouth to speak, let her down. And she wanted to tell so many things... But the phantom of the past hovered over her head like a dark seraph, casting a long shadow on her struggling soul, handcuffing her to the bloody past. Illidan was right. Even if he had apologized, nothing would have changed. She can't forgive in the dead's name, thus she can't excuse him either. She could already see the entrance, and she knew she had to say goodbye to her partner soon, maybe forever if she doesn't say something."If only we could return to those days when I was still his probation officer, and my duty could relieve me of my remorse. But time flows one way only... And I can blame no one but myself. I destroyed what we had built. Then again, if his company is only important to me, then there is nothing to do... After all, he never said he wants to do anything about us, or even missing my presence. If he doesn't care, then certainly I shouldn't do either..." She gave the man a stolen look. "But I can't do that! I can't forget what he had done nor give up on him. Illidan... You keep going forward, and I'm trapped in our past. I want to start walking, too! I want to shrink the gap I made between us! Elune..." she began to pray silently as the grief and despair that overwhelmed her soul slowly overflowed, blurring her vision. "Give me the courage to be able to put it into words for him!"As for last night..." Illidan said unexpectedly. Maiev's heart began to pound violently as the man turned to her, with a deep, emotional seriousness on his face, untrue to his haughty nature. "I understand your position. All I can do for now is to take responsibility for my actions. Whatever that means for me, I accept it. I place the judgement in your hand. But you must know: Because I came to care for you Maiev, I will ponder on the matter until I find the right answer.That one I promise!"
Through the open window of the hospital, the noise of afternoon traffic filtered in as a bustling swarm of wasps, and the warm summer sunbeams slowly softened into dying lights as dusk approached. Jarod was watching anxiously as his sister was peeling an orange wordlessly, but her thoughts were clearly somewhere far away, looking for a solution to the present's problems in the old days. The sweet, sticky juice of the fruit trickled down on her practised fingers."Where are you wandering, sister?" Jarod asked as he handed Maiev a handkerchief. Upon hearing the question, the night elf stared first at the item and then at her brother."Vigilant, as always." she finally sighed. "It's a rare virtue I value deeply, but please, for now, concentrate on your own well-being, don't be concerned by lesser issues."Anything that affects you affects me just as much, sister, we share the same blood." he tried to loosen Maiev's tongue, but his attempt proved to be unsuccessful. He had to realize that he wouldn’t be able to make her speak without actually revealing how much he knew about what had happened in the last two months. So he took a deep breath and tried a more direct approach. "Illidan said something. About you being haunted by the past. " His suspicion has been confirmed. The pair of eyes, which had hitherto drifted into nothingness, was suddenly locked on his, like that of a surrounded Sabertooth."I've never realized how annoying gossipy men are." she took a piece from the orange and ate it heatedly. "Until now."Maiev..." Jarod put his hand sympathetically on the woman's. "You don't have to be a prisoner of the past forever! It was not a life sentence!"It was for those who lost their lives because of him! Because of me..."You took revenge on him for them, didn't you?"Revenge does not bring forgiveness! For anyone! It only births more hatred, feeding one's own guilty consciousness, promising salvation that will never come. In the end, the victory is just as hollow as one's soul who sacrificed everything for its cursed power. It doesn't solve anything ... It doesn't deliver justice to the lost souls."So you'd rather deny happiness from yourself forever?"They are the ones that got denied of a long and happy life!"Then don't you think it would be your responsibility as their leader to live in their place? They risked everything to protect their home and the values they believed in! For their loved ones... For their friends... For you! I didn’t know those who were lost, but I did know the Watchers who didn’t follow you when you left Darnassus behind. I have often heard them as they included you in their prayers and pleaded for your safety. They were afraid of the day when they would have to fight you. Not because they feared your power, but because they admired and respected you even when you strayed onto a path they could not follow. Maiev! Your men loved you! Do you seriously think it would bring them peace if you were to keep suffering on their behalf?!"Maiev's fist clenched, a vein bulged out on the back of her hand, but she remained silent. Jarod knew full well that it was only in light of his condition that the woman contained herself. Otherwise, she would have either intervened much earlier or stormed away furiously."It's time for me to leave." the night elf put the started and carefully peeled orange on the bedside cabinet, and soon her hand was on the doorknob."If you were to asked them..." her younger brother's voice stopped her for a moment. "What do you think, what would they say, Maiev?"How should I...?" she turned back irritably, but suddenly stopped. Perhaps words long lost to time had resounded in her soul as her gaze wandered into the distance.No more words were spoken between them, Maiev left silently, and Jarod could only hope that his sister would pay heed to his message. There was nothing more he could do about the matter. No one can forgive her in her place.The roar of the outside traffic softened into a soft hum as the sun's rays slowly faded behind the horizon, and the sweet whispering sound of the early evening breeze seemed to bring the purest wishes of hundreds with itself.
The elevator door opened slowly sluggishly on the fourth floor, giving way to father and son."Thank you, Talos, I'll be fine from here..." Jarod let go of his older child's shoulder, but the young man, not allowing any protestation, reached under his parent's arm again to take the burden off of Jarod's still weak legs."The doctor made me swear that I won't let you act foolhardily."Upon hearing their voices, Shandris quickly opened the door for the two most important men of her life, breathing tears of joy onto the cheeks of her older child and her husband as she ushered them into their home."Talos!" Lysende ran out of the living room and jumped on her brother before he playfully picked her up in his arms, showing off his strength to his sister as he often did as a teenager. She screamed loudly and laughed as the man turned her around, not caring about their mother's disapproving gaze."Quickly, go inside or you’ll end up knocking down something!" Shandris shoved the young people back into the more spacious living room, then supporting her husband, they followed suit. Inside, Kur'talos had already occupied his favourite armchair, as Lysende was awed by his every word. Soon the whole family was listening to the stories of the young man. About friends, work, hobbies, love...Jarod looked at his lively family with a heart full of happiness."If only I could see you this joyful, too, sister..." he sighed worriedly, his gaze inadvertently wandering to the bookshelf in the room in search of the poison green book Maiev had bought for Illidan months earlier. However,  not only did she not give it to the demon hunter, but when she moved out unexpectedly, she left it on her bedside cabinet, probably on purpose. But now he searched for it in vain, only to see the book missing."Honey, haven't you seen that medicine book? It was there on the shelf, but I can't seem to find it." he turned to his wife, but their daughter replied instead of the woman."That green one? Aunt Maiev took it yesterday. She said she accidentally forgot it here, but now she needs it. Father? Are you alright?" Lysende looked unsuspectingly at the man, who nodded touched. "Yes. Everything is fine now."
"Can you throw me the screwdriver?" Illidan asked as he palpated a screw with his free hand and then put it into the pre-drilled hole."If I throw it at you, you might not survive." Maiev chuckled at her own tasteless joke. "Force of habit." She glanced cheekily from behind the TV stand's assembly instructions to see the man's reaction."Then bring it here, if you'd be so kind." he held out his hand, asking for the item."Don't be lazy, Illidan! Come here for it." she held up the dark blue screwdriver, taunting the man. Giving up, Illidan got up from the rug and walked measuredly to the couch where the woman had been lying so far."Look who's talking!" he towered over Maiev, pretending to be upset, but his disguise soon fell apart upon seeing Maiev's mischievous smile and sparkling eyes. He shook his head and took the screwdriver out of the woman's hand, then, on a whim flicked her nose."Hey! What gives!?" The night elf sat up annoyed as Illidan laughed while he walked back to the almost finished stand."Sorry, force of habit."This is not one of your habits and you know that!"Every tradition has to start somewhere." the demon hunter looked back, teasing her as Maiev tried to throw the assembly guide to his head, but the light paperback fell to the ground clumsily before it could reach its target, making both of them burst out with loud laughter. Finally, Maiev walked across the room quietly, sitting cross-legged next to Illidan, watching wordlessly as the man made the final touches on the furniture."Almost done." He assured her, and she nodded with a bitter-sweet smile. A familiar voice rang in her ears again."Go mistress... The goddess will light our path to the hereafter." - She heard the last words of her trusted lieutenant."You wanted me to see another day, didn't you, Naisha? Forgive me for not understanding it sooner. I won't betray your last wish ever again, my friend. It may take time, but slowly I'll unchain myself to live freely for all of you."
Sitting on the hastily made bed, a multitude of plushes watched silently as a teenager measured her developing figure in the mirror. Their soulless plastic eyes reflected the girl's brooding face, as she tried on more and more clothes, then threw them to the floor in displeasure. Eventually, a black summer dress came into her hands and she reluctantly put it on. The day she bought the dress was still fresh in her memory. The short dress that revealed her shoulders seemed like a good idea at the store, but back at home she found it too flirtatious, and in her shame, she carefully hid the garment from her parents, and even from herself. Now, however, she stood in front of the mirror in the provocative piece."I'm so sorry, but I'm not ready for a new relationship yet. I... I need more time..." Those were the words she said to him, weren't they? Then why is she trying to find an outfit that he might like, luring him even deeper?! Could she truly be that so vain...?"Do you see a chance for us to eventually be together?"I don't want to beguile you with promises. It wouldn't be fair of me to ask you to wait because of a "maybe'..."You don't have to ask me, Lysende. I'll wait for you as long as you let me to." "Would you really do that for me...?"How many times had she recalled that day in one of the clearings of Moonglade? She could see Kaelor's kind, tender smile clearly before her eyes, and her heart sank again. "You're just playing hard to get like a virgin bitch!" The idyllic memory was shattered by Za'zul's former accusation and her own disappointing reflection. Perhaps the boy was right, and she was just as awful of a girl as he said... Those who play with the feelings of others don't deserve any sympathy. She earned this pain, throbbing in her chest. A shameful kid, desiring intimacy, yet unwilling to go the distance. Accepting, even yearning for men's adoration, but unable to give back anything in return... Even when Kaelor tried to merely touch her hand, she pulled away, terrified, yet she basked in the glorious feeling of the young druid falling for her. And deep down in her heart, closed behind tainted bars made out of "love-inflicted" concussion, only there she dared to experience her own tender feelings for him.She was woken up from her self-blaming daydreaming nightmare by her phone's ringtone. Lysende reached for the device on her desk. Her clouded expression rose upon seeing who texted her."The next weekend promises excellent weather. If you feel like it, we could go."Sounds good! I’ll ask my parents!" she wrote back quickly, hurrying into the living room, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Her mother had just finished changing the covers in the bedroom and now was busy dusting the bookshelf."Mom!" Shandris" careful hand stopped upon hearing Lysende's voice, and she turned to her excited daughter with an expectant smile on her face. Every mother could recognize the tone when their child wanted something from them."I'm listening, dear."Can I go camping to Lake Mystral with Kaelor next weekend?" she took a pose that radiated sheer innocence. "You know, he's Grandpa Malfurion's disciple." She added quickly, hoping that her grandfather's prestige would help to convince her mother, but Shandris" face frowned."No, Lysende." the short, concise answer came without delay."But why...? Kaelor is very reliable, he's studying to be a druid and... " the startled girl tried to change her mother's mind, but she wasn't having any of it."I'm not opening a debate on this. I'm truly sorry, but I can't let you go."Because I would go with a man?!" Lysende blurted out."Listen..."Are you punishing me for making a mistake once?! Because I was irresponsible once for a boy? Yes, I know I was stupid! And I regret it! That's what you wanted to hear, isn't it?"Honey, please..."Don’t "honey please" me! Tell me honestly! You don't let me go because you don't trust me?"I trust you and Kaelor." Shandris replied firmly, somewhat startling the indignant teenager."Then why won't you let us go?" she asked, but instead of answering, her mother looked away. "You expect me to bear and accept your decision, but I can't even know the reason?"Her angry words slowly disappeared into the ether, leaving only her pouting sigh, but it soon passed as well as she calmed down a little."Great. Now you have demonstrated your maturity, Lysende." her shoulders slumped from the recognition. Defeated, she walked over to her mother and hugged her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mom." She drilled her soon to be unchildlike cheeks into Shandris" chest, waiting for reciprocation, but her mother gently pushed her away. Her face reflected unspeakable worry and fear, known only by parents. Wordlessly, she walked to the couch and took a seat."Please sit down, dear. Now I’m going to tell you something you may not even be ready for, and after which you won’t look at the world the same way anymore. You will be an adult, just like your father or me, and you will have to act like one because I will put the lives of many people in your hands." she looked up at the stunned teenager. Lysende obediently sat down next to her mother, who nodded contentedly. "I guess you haven't missed the news either. In Ashenvale, a serial killer attacked and killed people. The culprit is still missing."If that's what you're worried about, then..." Lysende tried to intervene, but her mother hushed her."What you and the general mass don't know is that these cases are not a work of a deranged mind, your run of the mill murderer. They chose their victims with clear intent and goal. They are targeting the Kaldorei. To be exact, young night elf couples." she began. Her words were followed by a weeping silence as deep shock mixed with fright appeared on the teenager's face. "We have recorded four confirmed cases so far, and another three are still under investigation. In each case, the perpetrator attacked popular dating and camping sites and murdered their victims in a selective manner. This part was brought to light, but we must be careful to not put any emphasis on the identity of the victims..." She took a deep breath. "Do you understand now why I don't want you to go?" she asked, and her daughter nodded thoughtfully. "Good. You should in no situation speak about what you just heard or you may endanger the investigation. You can't act like a gossipy lass, you have to behave like an adult. Many lives depend on it, you understand?"I do." she pouted, yet an unexplainable pride sparkled in her young heart. "But who can hate our kind so much to be able to do that? And why can't you share the race of the victims? Surely, it would be crucial for people to..." Lysende asked, but her mother shook her head."It's not xenophobia that motivated these crimes, my child. I wish it was, but this is not the first time we had to face how terrible some of our own kind could be." She said as she took a short pause, pondering on how to word what she was about to tell, not noticing the uninvited figure listening to their conversation. "Our own kind?" Lysende asked in disbelief."Our species has enjoyed the blessing of immortality for many millennia. However, in a world where we live in one society with mortal species, this difference proved threatening to them. That is why the Two Children System was introduced, to prevent our people from overpopulating or some families from gaining too much influence by building immortal oligarchies. Those who give birth to a child are included in the database of the National Office for Population Regulation, and must appear voluntarily in the office no later than seventy-five years after the birth of the second child to... you know why, you are aware of this so far." Shandris paused for a moment to think about how to proceed. Lysende nodded in agreement, indicating that she was listening and understanding her mother's words. "With this system, the number of our people has stabilized, and for the time being, we have managed to minimize possible abuses. However, what happens if a night elf dies without having a child? Let's say they have an accident." she asked, and her daughter seemed to think about it seriously. "The Office offers the deceased's parents to have another child first, but not everyone wants to take this opportunity There can be many reasons for this, some simply do not want to make up for the lost child in this way. Or, the parents might not be alive themselves. In such cases, the Office will issue a tender for Kaldorei couples who already have two children to have a third. By winning the assignment, the parents are obligated to have another child within two years, and with it, the clock turns back and starts again to raise the newborn."You mean...!" cried the pale Lysende, her voice trembling with fear and anger at the same time."Someone is killing young Kaldorei so another Kaldorei can take advantage of their deaths to prolong their life, yes. That's why we can't share the race angle. The perpetrator is probably hired by a night elf couple, getting close to their deadline. If the clients get wind of us having realised their true goal, they may erase the evidence and not act through their original intent. Then those Kaldorei would have died in vain and we could never put the parties at fault on trial. We must let them believe that we are investigating these incidents as mere murders." Shandris sighed."I see.." the teenager hung her head sadly, still in disbelief. "How can anyone do something like that, just to earn a few more years?!"Lysende... For you, passing is part of life. You have already been born and raised among mortal races, but not everyone takes this as naturally as you do. Just look at your aunt..."Look at me why?" Maiev said unexpectedly, directing the gaze of her relatives at herself. She had been listening intently to the conversation, leaning against the living room door jamb, and Shandris" story seemed to arouse her interest."Maiev! Jarod asked you to let us know beforehand if you're visiting! Or at least ring the bell and use the door instead of Blinking through it!" she growled at her sister-in-law, but her request obviously fell on deaf ears."Don't worry Lysende, I'll take you camping."Her niece's eyes flashed from what she heard and she turned to her mother in excitement. Shandris knew exactly that she had lost the war. Maiev was indeed able to protect her daughter from an ordinary killer, and she did not want to stand in the way of her child’s happiness. She resignedly agreed to the offer, and Lysende jumped up happily to hug her aunt, then stormed off toward her room to let Kaelor know the good news."You know I'm not going to let her into any harm." Maiev said."Yes. And it's very unlikely that you would bump into that monster. But..." Shandris began to fold her fingers anxiously as a wide, confident smile appeared on her sister-in-law's face."Worry not, Captain. If demons are hiding in the forests of Ashenvale, then I just happen to know the perfect man to take care of the situation."
The approaching resonance of hoofbeat echoed in the nightly silence of the high-rise building. Maiev turned toward the front door with anticipation, waiting. The sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, then suddenly went quiet, as if the incoming person had stopped. The woman's lips twitched into a wide smile, knowing that the lord of the house had become aware of her unauthorized intrusion. A short pause, followed by the lock's clicking, then the door opened and Illidan entered the apartment. Their gazes met immediately as the man tensely assessed the situation. Finally, keeping his relief for himself, he turned his back on the night elf to close the door."You should stop coming over without letting me know beforehand." he scolded her, though he didn't mind it truly. Nothing would have made him happier than finding Maiev there every night. The brief, passing thought was enough to make him dizzy."Did me being here make you worried?" the night elf teased him, and though she hit the nail on the head, the man refused to take the bait."At least you searched through my stuff?"Twice." She laughed, making Illidan finally smile at the obvious fib. The fierce beating of his heart made the perfect accompaniment to the sound of Maiev's sweet titter, letting him forget his concerns from just a moment ago."So, what's the reason for your visit? I assume it's not mere insomnia what drove you all the way here." he walked to the kitchen cabinet and took out a mug. "Tea?" he turned toward to his guest questioningly. She nodded in favour, and Illidan took out another. That dark blue one, with a little moon that belonged to the woman by an unspoken agreement."Lysende and her boyfriend are going camping next weekend." Maiev began to talk. Hearing her words, the demon hunter raised an eyebrow in amazement. First, that his grand-niece has a relationship again, and second, why would a teenager's field trip concern her? He put tea bags in the mugs and then filled them."Go on..." he said as he walked to the couch with the cups and sat down on the armrest. Magical energies emitted from his hands, boiling the water. When he judged the temperature appropriate, he handed the woman her drink. She nodded gratefully, then continued."A killer seems to be hiding in the forests of Ashenvale, searching for defenceless Kaldorei couples." she blew her tea, then took a sip.For Illidan, the picture was finally starting to come together."And the thought of the hunt thrilled you so much that you were unable to keep it inside until morning." he grinned as he took another sip, but Maiev didn't seem to mind him seeing through her so effortlessly. She allowed herself a stolen, admiring glimpse at the man, then crossed her legs, satisfied."I took the liberty to offer our help to protect Lysende."Plural?" the demon hunter asked curiously, though he had already guessed where the story was going, and it promised to be for his liking."I hope you have swimming trunks." She glanced again at Illidan with a teasing smile hiding on the corner of her lips."I hope you can sew one fast enough." challenged the demon hunter, admiring Maiev's playfully sparkling eyes, making sure his own, chest-stretching feelings remained hidden."You doubting me?"You can prove yourself tomorrow, but for now..." he drank down the remaining tea, then took the empty cup from Maiev and walked to the sink. "Get some rest."I'm not sleepy, I took a nap before I came here." she leaned comfortably on the couch as if she were at home. Undeniably, the place filled her with more warmth than her own brittle apartment."Would you rather watch a movie?" the man raised the idea as he took something out of one of the drawers and walked over to Maiev."Maybe." the night elf stretched lazily, keeping one eye on the man approaching him. Her brain, clouded from her new and fierce emotions, tried to dismiss her wilder, languorous thoughts and figure out what the demon hunter might want from her."Your hand." Illidan stopped above her, and she complied with the request with a pounding heart. The man held his fist above hers, then dropped something in her palm. A cold, metallic sensation ran down her arm."A key?" She looked at Illidan in confusion."A more elegant way to let yourself in." He said, then headed for the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower. I reek from the stench of cheap booze and cigarettes. In the meantime, choose a movie." he closed the door behind him, leaving the surprised woman alone.Maiev looked at the tiny metal object in amazement."You... have such faith in me...?"No, that's why I told you not to touch my stuff." She recalled an earlier conversation with the man when she lent her keys to the demon hunter to let him to be a little alone with his thoughts. A small, heartfelt laugh escaped her smiling lips. "I wouldn't have guessed that you were so sentimental. Nor that I would be." She thought as she pressed the gift to her heart. "Ah, Elune... tell me that this is not just my feelings playing a cruel game with me, but that this key may have opened new doors for me... That this love could be not as hopeless as it seems?"I care for you, Maiev..."Yes, you truly do, Illidan."
The coruscant sun's rays sparkled like aquamarines on the gently rippling surface of Mystral Lake as they have always done, since time immemorial. Near the shore, a school of young sagefish peacefully dug the mud, searching for food, remaining oblivious to the nearby campers. A leaf falling from one of the echinacea trees that had stood there for as long as anyone could remember rode the gentle summer breeze with exalted elegance, then landed gracefully on the water's surface, scaring away the smaller fishes, leaving only behind a thousand ripples.Maiev took a deep breath of the forest's characterful air and allowed the memories to wash over her lungs and mind for a passing moment. Though the carefree days of wandering in the woods with her mother and hunting together were long gone, she felt a similarly warm and cosy sensation as she glanced at the budding Lysende, busily gathering firewood beside her. She proved to be a quick learner for a city girl, the bundle of branches was neatly accumulating in her smooth hands that have avoided any hard labour to that day."That should be enough." Maiev tied up both of their rations in a stack and they headed back towards their campsite. On the way, the adolescent asked her a whole host of questions, much to the woman's joy. She pointed to each flower and berry, curiously waiting for her aunt to explain which one was used for what, or whether it was edible, but her attention immediately drifted away, and like a young fawn she sprang forward as she caught sight of Kaelor in the distance, who just finished setting up the second tent."Two steps forward, one step back." Maiev shook her head disapprovingly, resigned to the fact that she could never compete with the boy for her niece's interest."Her people don't have to grow up before their time" Illidan caught up with her from behind. He turned his eyeless gaze to the youth, letting a faint smile cross his face as Lysende praised the druid apprentice enthusiastically. Kaelor took hold of his left shoulder, blushing, as he tried to adjust his goofy, infatuated smile to be something more adequate, but the girl's tinkling laughter prevented him from doing so at every turn, embarrassing him even more.Maiev watched the boy thoughtfully. Would Illidan behave like that lad if a woman were to approach him? No, the years of their youth was long gone, consumed by the first attack of the Burning Legion and all the hatred and bloodshed it brought with itself. Their eyes, once brightly shining with desires and hopes, were clouded with cynicism and bitterness, and in Illidan's case, he lost even more. But would he have blushed like that in his younger days after a compliment? Did he look at Tyrande so openly love-struck with those golden eyes? "No." she dismissed the thought. "It's meaningless to ponder on the matter. There is no way he would still have tender feelings for her after the festival... Your jealousy is misplaced, Maiev." She reached involuntarily into her pocket with her free hand to check if she still had the key she had received from Illidan as confirmation of her assumption."The seals are ready." the man's words interrupted Maiev's troubled thoughts, pulling her back to a more pleasant present."I see." she nodded disconcertedly, then snorted. "I never thought I'd have a use of your horrid magic." she looked up at the cloudless sky with a smile."That's what surprises you? Did it seemed more likely to you that one day you would spend the nights at my place from time to time?" Illidan chuckled, and even the blow to his arm from the woman couldn't dampen his spirits. Maiev's startled scowl was worth the slight pain."Don't say it like that!" She hissed at him. "Let's go." She said as she started walking towards the camp, the demon hunter following closely behind her with a satisfied smile on his face. His plan was already in motion. He felt the time had come to test the waters, to see how Maiev would react to his approach, and the camping seemed to be the perfect opportunity. Although the past few weeks had given him the confidence he needed to make his move, he didn't want to push his luck, risking losing the woman's friendship. Not to mention that he still owed her an answer regarding their confounded past. "Don't get carried away, Illidan. Too many times your overconfidence has caused your downfall." He reminded himself, but it was easier to think that than to calm his hopeful, wildly beating love-heated heart. All he needed was the slightest sign from the woman."Wait. Why are there only two tents?" Lysende looked around questioningly."Well... Maiev and Illidan didn't bring any." Kaelor explained it much to her surprise."Then where will you be sleeping?" she turned to her relatives as they finally reached the younglings."A tent? Who needs that?" the two Old Elves gave each other the glad eyes."For my part, I'll take the opportunity to sleep under the starry sky, just like the old days." She gestured towards the sleeping bag resting not far from them. "As for Illidan, he will stand guard through the night. Remember, the wild is full of dangerous beasts, hiding and waiting in the shadows." she looked sternly at her niece, reminding the girl of her mother's words.Lysende's stomach immediately twitched. She glanced longingly at Kaelor for some comfort, for a kind, reassuring touch, but the boy, not understanding the sinister message behind Maiev's words, merely nodded assent. She didn't know what hurt her yearning heart more at that moment: not being able to tell anyone about the horrors happening in the area, or not being able to find peace in Kaelor's protecting arms, and she had only herself to blame. Will she ever be ready to be intimate with someone again...? And more importantly: will she be still in time...? What if Kaelor changes his mind and simply moves on? The torturous question plagued her mind more and more often, and she felt the air around her running out. Maybe if she were to talk with him...
Under the already high sun, a carefully measured mix of spices and vegetables was simmering in a large pot, coquettishly inviting Lysende to lean toward the appetising meal and take in the heavenly aromas. "I didn't take you for a cook." Maiev grinned at her as she poured the freshly chopped peppers into the bowl."Well... to tell you the truth, I wasn't before." she blushed, "But Mom always said that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach." She glanced wistfully towards the lake, where Kaelor was fishing quietly on the pier."Actually, it's through the ribs with a sharp weapon. Isn't that right, Illidan?" the elf teased the demon hunter peeling potatoes, sitting on a log shirtless, revealing a faded scar across his chest."Your aunt is a hopeless romantic." a faint smug smile adorned his otherwise stoic face, unlike Lysende's, who looked from one to the other in mingled horror, just realising the hinted truth behind the otherwise friendly banter."You have no idea." Maiev started chopping an onion, winking, unaware that her innocent, easily misunderstandable joke had just given the final push the man had been looking for."Well then, don't mind if I’ll try to find out, my dear Maiev..."Can someone help me?" Kaelor called from the pier as he was dragging something long and heavy behind him in his tightly woven net, which soon turned out to be a giant catfish. The druid's heart was filled with amorous satisfaction as Lysende sized up her catch amazed, then raised her gleaming eyes to him and praised his fishing skills."Not too shabby for a rookie." Maiev patted him on the back, making him sway a little from the woman's sheer strength, but he stood his ground. His beloved had warned him beforehand that her aunt had a peculiar way of showing her appreciation, but he couldn't shake off the suspicion that in truth she was testing him to see if he was worthy of her niece. He would not have been surprised, nor would have he has blamed the former warden, knowing Lysende's past. His stomach clenched with pain and turned up in disgust just by merely thinking about what that good-for-nothing trash had done to that lovely girl."Don't you worry, Starlight, I will do my best and find a way to help heal your soul." he looked at her, returning her sparkling smile."Alright, I'll take it over from here." suddenly Maiev took the net from his hand, and in a blink of an eye, she untangled the still alive, writhing animal. "Be quick, don't let them suffer." she took a large knife from her back pocket and with a practised movement she struck the fish's head with the handle, killing it instantly. Lysende flinched in fright at the sound of the crack, but she didn't even have time to recover, her aunt was already removing the scales, then cut the fish's belly open. Horrible as it was to see a carcass that had been swelling with life just a few moments ago, she couldn't help but admire the millennia of experience Maiev had put to work. 
Both the soup and the fried fish were impeccably cooked, and the campers sat back satisfied after their lunch, enjoying the lingering taste dancing on their tongues. "So, is there any room left for dessert?" asked Kaelor, a cooler in his hand as he headed toward the group. Lysende's eyes lit up at the question, and she held up her hand enthusiastically, signalling that her stomach was up to the challenge."Why am I not surprised?" remarked Maiev, knowing well her niece's sweet tooth, but she had to admit that she could have a use of something cold in the summer heat as well, just to cool down her incessant, overheated daydreamy thoughts which she had struggled with whenever her eyes fell on the demon hunter lying contentedly across from her. "Get a grip, woman! Just because he has taken his shirt off doesn't mean you have to feast your eyes on him like some repulsive, starving Gnome! You've seen him in the past like this, there's no need for such an immature and shameless behaviour!"Oh no." slipped out of Kaelor's mouth as he opened the cooler box, distracting Maiev's thoughts. "I'm afraid I forgot the ice bucket."You mean the ice-creams have melted?" she summarised the situation dispassionately. Her blunt tone made Kaelor cover before the group even more. His ears drooped down like a child's as he stared in disappointment at the contents of the packed box."Come on, it's still edible!" Lysende took one popsicle out encouragingly and showed it to the boy."We won't be able to eat that much in one sitting. The rest will go to waste anyway." her aunt inspected the rather large amount of sweets. "Even with an ice pack, it wouldn't last until the evening in this torridity." She shook her head disapprovingly, once again discouraging the druid."Can't we just freeze them somehow?" Lysende asked in hope to find a solution and cheer up Kaelor."Let's put Maiev in, she's cold enough." grinned Illidan at the woman in question."I wouldn't fit in, imbecile."Then just your heart, it's well below freezing temperature already."And it drops one every time I have to listen to one of your witty one-liners." she rubbed her face bored, emphasizing her words, but from under her hands she looked up cheekily at Illidan, who returned the smile. Finally, the man placed his hand on the inner wall of the cooler box. He chanted a few magic words, and thick ice formed under his fingers."This should hold for a while." he turned to the dazzled youths. Lysende clapped her hands in delight, further damaging the self-esteem of Kaelor who in return walked away from the company, defeated. His lover glanced anxiously after him and then at her aunt for some advice, but she was already joyfully eating her ice cream with Illidan, seemingly continuing their impish banter."Oh, well. For someone who said on more than one occasion that she's not into Illidan and doesn't want anything from him, she's surely behaving like they are joined at the hip. Today they whisper the three little words, tomorrow they tie the knot." she said to herself, feeling somewhat jealous over her aunt's happiness. Finally, she took two ice creams, determined to cheer Kaelor up. "I'll do my best to make you smile until I re-learn how to keep all the love you give me in my hands, not letting it run through my fingers... Elune, give me strength, don't let me be late..."
Although Kaelor had wisely pitched the tents in the cool shade of the giant millennia-old trees, it was still sweltering hot inside. Lysende was relieved to take off her sweat-soaked shirt and toss it casually to the ground. She took a sky-blue swimsuit from her bag, and soon the elastic fit tight on her frail body. She carefully adjusted her soft breasts in the bra and was pleased to see them resting gracefully inside. Then she examined her bottom excitedly to see how it presented. The material was a little askew, showing more than it should have, and Lysende blushed, wondering if Kaelor would like what he would see. Chuckling to herself, she reached under the edges of her panties, flirting with the idea of pulling them a little further in, but the smile suddenly melted off her face. 
How many times had Za'zul complimented her round bottom? How many times had he grabbed it, sometimes even slapped it hard, something she hated with all her heart? The memory made her stomach cramp and she almost threw up. She cupped her hands over her mouth and gasped for breath, trying to organise her thoughts. She felt weak and humiliated again as the hyena-like laughter of the troll and his friends rang in her ears as he grabbed her buttocks and she groaned in misery. Distraught, she touched where she felt the phantom pain, desperate to protect herself from the boy's ghost. She didn't want anyone touching her there! Not even Kaelor. Her heart broke at the realization, and with a lump in her throat, she adjusted her bikini bottom back to cover as much as possible.
"Are you ready yet? Illidan won't be wandering around in the bush all day!" Maiev peeked into the tent, but seeing the tears in Lysende's eyes, she quickly changed her tone. "You know what?" she stepped in and patted the girl's head. "He can stay where he is for a few more minutes."
Illidan looked back towards the campsite, bored, but there was no sign of the girls. They were probably still dressing in the tent. Kaelor was sitting on a log nearby, shrugging apologetically. The druid could stay there while Maiev banished him to the bush. 
"All because I saw those two fast-food workers making love once by chance." the demon hunter growled to himself. "Not that I can see anything but flowing energies through the wall, but that cold woman couldn't care less." he broke a withered branch off a nearby tree as his uninterested gaze caught on its healthy parts - its flower to be precise. Without thinking, he carefully plucked the plant to take a closer look. The edges of the petals were resplendent in a shade of violet, embracing the inner parts which gradually turned to pale pink around the pistil, reminding him of Maiev's porcelain skin. 
The whole flower seemed to embody his own most ardent desire, to hold the woman tenderly in his arms, and make her listen with rosy cheeks to the words of love which his lips and heart so inexpressibly wished to whisper into her ears. The summer heat paled before his burning, consuming fire of affection, waiting to scorch the night elf's soul. Lost in his intoxicating thoughts, Illidan lifted the flower to his lips and blew a tender kiss on one petal, wondering if Maiev's skin would be just as velvety soft. But he could not enjoy the lustful fantasy for long, as Lysende's voice cut through the stuffy air with a painful sobering sound.
"Aunt Maiev!" she pointed desperately towards the water. Illidan blenched with terror, spread his wings and immediately rushed to his niece.
"What happened?" he snarled at the girl, waiting for an explanation.
"Auntie has jumped into the water, but she hasn't come up yet!" said Lysende, her eyes downcast, and she kept pointing towards the end of the pier. 
The demon hunter wasted no more time on the stammering adolescent, and ran to the end of the stage to scan the water for Maiev, but saw nothing. His heart pounded in his throat in fear. Had his sight failed him?! He desperately concentrated on finding her, not even noticing someone running at high speed across the pier, straight towards him, and pushing him full force into the water.
The fish-flavoured water immediately filled his nostrils. He stood up snortingly in the chest-deep lake as his ears were immediately struck by a familiar, sweetly tinkling giggle, and Illidan finally understood what had happened. Maiev was standing there, laughing triumphantly at the end of the pier, and he was standing there in the lake like a wet donkey. Kaelor, sitting on the bank not far away, raised his hand to indicate that he had nothing to do with the prank.
"You have won this round, Maiev." the demon hunter smoothed a wet strand out of his face. "Now help me get out of here." he reached out towards her, but she held up her index finger in warning. 
"No, no, no. Do you think I would fall for that lousy trick and let you pull me into the water?" said Maiev haughtily, but got no reply. Instead, a satisfied smile spread across Illidan's face. She was puzzled as to what he was so happy about, but the next moment she felt a strong push on her back, and soon she herself was standing there next to the man in the lake, dripping wet, gasping for breath. At the end of the pier, Lysende stood ablush, her fragile fingers trying to hide her mischievous smile.
"Betrayer!" shouted Maiev at the girl.
"I beg your pardon, I'm right here." Illidan corrected her, and the night elf rewarded him by splashing water into his grinning face.
Soon Lysende and Kaelor joined in, and an all-out water fight broke out.
The sun was setting as the party made its way back to the beach. The fresh air and all-day exercise had done the trick. Although she had planned to stay up late, listening to all the wonderful stories about her aunt and Illidan's adventures, Lysende had to admit with a heavy heart that she was exhausted, and Kaelor probably felt the same way, at least his ever-increasing number of yawns implied it. She glanced once more at the darkening forest around them and listened for a few moments to its unknown yet familiar sounds. The music of whispering shrouds, the quiet noise of the rustling duff as the nocturnal animals went out to hunt. Not far away, by the campfire, her aunt was gazing at the sky, seemingly lost in thought. From the bush, a familiar pair of eyes shone up in the night. Wherever her great-uncle had been, he had returned, so Lysende thought it best to retire. She sent another grateful smile toward her aunt, then disappeared into her tent.
The demon hunter watched Maiev in silence, his soul embracing the dignified sight of her. The unbridled flames of the campfire dwarfed in comparison to the glow of her eyes, they could but borrow their grace. Her melancholic, muser gaze reminded him of the night he had first found her in his apartment. She had felt so lonely and naked, her tormenting feelings showing on her sleeves - a rather rare occurrence for her -, pursuing her to his place.
Was she once again haunted by the ghosts of their past? He couldn't tell, but he was certain of one thing: she will never have to chase after him ever again, for he intended to be at her side forevermore. And he was ready to take the first step to make his intentions clear for her, too. To reveal the love that lay so deep in his heart that he once thought could never feel for another. The odds no longer mattered, as for him the slight chance she offered was enough to risk everything. That was his nature after all.  
"Is the wind carrying the sounds of old memories again?" he asked Maiev. She looked at him in surprise, but seeing his serious expression, she shook her head with a sigh. 
"Only the crackle of the fire and the brushwood," she answered, and lifted her silvery eyes to the sky again.
"It should deliver you an answer as well." he stopped beside her.
"We are immortal, Illidan. Time itself is our wealth. I do not worry about things that will solve themselves with time."
"You're right." he let the topic go. 
"I know." Maiev smiled. Though she meant what she said, she was pleased that Illidan had not forgotten his promise to find a way to atone for his past transgressions in a just manner. He still had no inkling that his care was his redemption, and she had no reason to spell it out for him. Albeit the wounds healed slowly, the scab felt comforting and she gradually learned how to live with it, how to mend it and more importantly: how to allow others to tend to it. 
Away from the artificial lights of the city, the sky could shine sumptuously in its true inky black beauty, highlighting the diamond glitter of its million stars. The loving light of the White Lady illuminated the campsite, dressing the lake in a silvery crystal dress. The croaking of frogs and the fiddling of crickets filled the place, exuding the simple peace of ancient times, and Maiev whispered her sincere gratitude to Elune for the moment.
A sudden, cool breeze blew through the camp, making the night elf shiver. 
"It's getting chilly." she rubbed her exposed arm to warm it slightly.
"Or perhaps your freezing heart has reached the rest of your body." Illidan jokingly remarked. "But you're in luck." he changed his playful tone unexpectedly to a more self-assured, even enticing one. Maiev was no stranger to the man's cocky behaviour, yet the sudden difference caught her off-guard, and this has not escaped Illidan's attention. "I just happen to be quite adept in the art of fire magic as well. I'm sure I can warm you up, I'm quite confident in my abilities." He continued. Just as he hoped, his bold words didn't leave Maiev unaffected as she lowered her head, hiding her embarrassment.
"Knowing you, the forest would burn down in the process." she tried to feign composure. "Don't get excited! It's just the way he is." She reminded herself, but the damage was done, her hopes were already high, like every other time she got exposed to the demon hunter's oddly coquette teases. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Illidan walk past her, then rummage through his luggage for something. Soon he returned and stopped just opposite her, further fueling her excitement. A strange rustling sound hit her ears, and then something soft and warm spread across her back and shoulders, enveloping her.
"A blanket?" she looked questioningly at Illidan, who still held its folds in his hands, and then knelt down, just at eye level with Maiev, taking away her breath.  
The moment their eyes met, the outside ceased to exist for Maiev. It was just them, in their closed-world, beyond time and space. A meadow of emotions and desires, watered by her recently discovered love. Across from her sat the man she craved for so deucedly it almost drove her mad. The distance between them was narrow enough to let her feel the demon hunter's scorching, seductive breath on her lips, further fueling her longing. The material stretched soundlessly, and the space between them seemed to gradually disappear.
"Is he going to...?" Maiev dropped her teeth, and her body was flooded with heat as her heart pounded in her throat with excitement, letting the blanket pull her closer. Her overflowing lust was barely contained as her arousal-dried lips slowly parted, waiting to be wetted by the other's kiss.  
However, the spell has abruptly ended, as Illidan frowned and looked back over his shoulder, pricking his ears.
"Someone has broken one of the sigils." he let go of the blanket's sides and quickly straightened. Maiev, understanding the meaning of his words, followed suit in anger, and the material that had bound them together moments before fell to the ground in solitude as the two elves were swallowed by the darkness of the forest. 
"They may have nothing to do with the murders, so you will restrain yourself." said the demon hunter upon seeing how eager the woman was to start their hunt.
"Of course." she hissed, but the fate of the intruder was already decided in her mind. Whether they were the culprit or not, they were going to pay for potentially depriving her of her first kiss, and dearly!
The memory of the sun’s warmth faded into the eerily cold night as if it had never existed. From the cloudless sky, the White Lady watched the ancient forest below detachedly. Its pale moonlight barely filtered through the dense canopy, casting a ghostly glow over the undergrowth. The peaceful silence was disturbed by the shrill crackling of branches and the rattling anhelation as a strange figure attempted to make his way through the thicket with no direction. It didn’t matter which way, just away, away! He tried desperately to make his path clear of the weeds with his unhurt arm, but the vegetation refused to obey his will. His sweltering fur from the running was full of thistles and thorns, causing further pain to the fleeing one. His suffering seemingly amused the owl hooting mockingly above his head. Its golden eyes sizing up the knife wound in his shoulder as if it had a chance to consume the wounded Worgen. He irritably tried to shoo the gloating animal away and could only hope that the foolish bird would not reveal his whereabouts, and he had managed to get far enough away. 
He tried to find shelter in the cover of a wide-trunked tree and rest for a bit. He listened breathlessly to see if he was being followed. His temples and injured shoulder throbbed with pain as crimson blood oozed from the wound. A single glance was enough for him to know that if he were to pull the hunting knife out, he would bleed to death within minutes, and so was forced to endure its flesh-lacerating torture.
He should have finished the work long ago and be on his way home. He can’t even tell his wife. The damned place didn’t have any signal, and even if it weren’t the case, he wouldn’t be able to explain why he was sending a message and not calling her on the phone, nor he could risk the light from the device giving away his position. If he was even being followed. Maybe they were content just to scare him off and chase him away. No... He knew that was impossible. His arrival did not surprise those two at all. On the contrary! They were waiting for him! Could it all have been a trap? That sneaky little worm of a night elf got cold-footed and is trying to tie up the loose ends this way? How else could they have known about the murders and their purpose? His troubled mind was a whirl of thoughts, each one making less sense than the other, and the growing, searing pain didn’t help to keep his sanity.
Not far from him the duff rattled, and the blood ran cold in the Worgen’s veins. Could they have found him? Though his common sense told him it was a mistake to peek out from his hiding place, it was clouded by his fiercely howling survival instinct. He had to know! So he gathered his courage and forced himself to look out. His golden eyes widened in terror as he stared into the darkness, searching for the source of the noise. Nothing. Relieved, he leaned back into the shelter of the tree and the held back air could finally burst out from his lungs. But his momentary ease proved to be short-lived, and he nearly screamed in fright. Only a few yards from him, two eyes peered at him from the shadows. Not eyes, but flames! Green, flickering flames, covered by a blindfold, but their owner could still "see’ him without a doubt. The Worgen’s knees trembled with fear as he leaned back, but the tree stood in his way. He hissed in agony as the knife protruding from his shoulder pressed against the trunk. He had to decide. Should he run for it? Or was he merely imagining things, and the other couldn’t see him? If he jumped out now and ran, he would surely be discovered. If he pulls back and lays low, maybe... But the choice was taken from him by his pursuer. A branch cracked deafeningly in the night's stillness beneath his hoof as he approached the Worgen, his terrifying form slowly unfolding before him. His giant wings, his thick, uptwisting horns appeared quite unreal in the pale moonlight. A mocking, contemptuous smile spread across his grotesque face. He probably found pleasure in intimidating his prey.
The beast hesitated no more. Giving in to his instincts, he got down on all fours and started sprinting. He just hoped he had enough strength left to reach the edge of the forest or at least a point where he could get a signal. Then he would call the police. He didn’t even mind getting caught anymore. Even sitting in jail would be better than rotting away in an unmarked grave, leaving his wife and son to wonder where he disappeared. He sniffed the air for clues as to which direction to go, but all he could smell was ominous danger. Behind him, tree branches cracked. Did he stir the birds nesting there by his weary panting? The leaves shook again, and the sounds crept closer and closer to him, unbidden. The Worgen gave in to his fears and looked up. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure passing over from tree to tree like a shadow, then vanished in the foliage.
"That woman!" he gasped and was even more determined to outrun his pursuers. Although the demonic man looked threatening, he had the feeling that he was someone willing to negotiate, given the opportunity. Not so his partner. The Worgen only had to look into her eyes once to see the madness hidden behind her steady and calm mask. She was a born monster.
As if an arrow had been shot, a howling sound cut through the night chase’s sounds, and the next moment the pained wail of the Worgen shook the forest once again. Squealing, he clutched at his left calf and tried to palpate the cause of the agony. Another knife... The blade sliced through his thick hide with the greatest of ease, tearing muscles and sinews. He was completely immobilized. The night elf landed near without the slightest noise and walked to him just as silently. In his final desperation, the Worgen reverted to his human form. Perhaps if he’s not perceived as a wounded beast...
"Now, look at that, Illidan. He’s trying to appeal to our humanity!" she grinned.
"I can see that." a deep, husky voice spoke behind him. Only then did he realise the demon was standing right next to him. He couldn’t shake him off, not even for a minute. "It’s a pity that he abandoned his humanity at the moment he took the lives of those night elves."
The man’s words, and the fact that his companion had blurted out his name flippantly, made it clear as noonday that he would not be leaving the forest. Wearily, paralysed with pain, he looked up at his hunters. It was over. He didn’t even have the strength to maybe defend himself. His hands went cold and were shaking as his life slowly dripped away with every drop of blood. With his last strength, he clumsily dug his phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. There, a boy around the age of six and his mother smiled back at him. He tried to caress the young face, but the woman snatched the device from his hand.
"This might be useful." She said matter-of-factly and put it away.
The blood froze in the Worgen's veins. What if they find his family through the phone?! His eyes were watery with fear and his mouth opened in supplication to plea for his beloveds" lives, but not even one word could escape his lips. The night elf cut his throat in one swift movement. It all happened so fast he hardly realised it. He stared in disbelief at the blood on his hand. He gasped for air, but could only make a horrible grunting sound. As he thought once more of the safety of his family, the demon approached him. A strange pattern glowing from beneath his clothes in the dark night. The man placed his hand on his head.
Then he ceased to exist. 
"Did she notice it?" Once again, Illidan returned to the subject that was bothering him since last night. 
If the question had not crossed his mind at least a thousand times until that moment, then not even once, but no matter how much he pondered on it, he hasn't got any closer to an answer. On the one hand, Maiev's behaviour had not changed at first glance. After their hunt, she laid her head down to sleep, seemingly satisfied, and in the morning she acted like her usual self. On the other hand, it was hard to believe that such an overt attempt would have slipped her notice. No, that was out of the question. He could see for himself that she was embarrassed by his words, even if she hid it well. Or was it merely his longing heart playing a cruel joke on him, and it was all in his imagination? 
For every evidence he could find that Maiev had shown interest in his advances, he could come up with just as many against it, driving him mad.
"Dubitation does not suit you, Illidan!" He reminded himself. "You would have never got this far if it weren't for your absolute trust in your judgement! It's not the time to start having second thoughts!" Yet, he hesitated last night, no matter how unwilling he was to admit it. True to his character, he pinned the blame on someone else.
"Damned worgen!" he growled under his breath. He had to distract him at the crucial moment! And he was only one swift movement away from taking his love in his arms! 
He sighed in annoyance as he glanced towards the forest, but there was no sign of the girls. They had been swallowed by the woodland, and somewhere in the trees, they were hunting for that day's lunch. Or to better put, Maiev was hunting. Lysende was probably glad just to be able to keep up with her aunt and her technique, perfected over thousands of years.
"There's no way she didn't notice it..." he stated again, returning to his hellish train of thought, despite knowing full well that he was going to end up at a dead-end once more. "But then what does her neutral behaviour mean? Rejection?" He tried to put that thought out of his mind immediately, but it tenaciously kept popping up over and over in the list of possible answers, piercing the man's heart like a thorn, and each time penetrating deeper. "No, the last time it was much clearer when she pulled her hand away in the cinema." He recalled his first attempt, but the memory left an even bitter taste in his mouth. He tried to lift his gloomy spirit by reviewing how much his relationship with Maiev had improved since then, and the once impossible now seemed much more probable. Or was it just that his judgement had been completely blinded by love, and like with Tyrande, he is seeing more into things...? Once again, his confidence turned into self-doubt, and to his sorrow, these thought-hurts followed each other faster and faster, driving the demon hunter mad. He would have liked to go after her and just confess his love without further ado, but his common sense intervened.
"Stick to the plan! Yesterday had seemed to offer a good opportunity to perhaps get there a bit sooner, but alas, it was not meant to be. Matters not. You've already signed the contract and paid the deposit. Just a little more patience and you'll be able to stand before her, worthy of her love!"
The duff rattled, and soon Maiev emerged from the rustling bushes, holding a dead rabbit at its ears. Behind her stood her niece, blushing.
"Look at this!" she lifted the animal overjoyed, showing the knife protruding from its neck, and then added triumphantly, "Lysende caught it!" and with her free arm, she pulled the shy girl into a hug. Her eyes gleaming with pride, she smiled at her niece - at the daughter she never had. She was walking on air, to the delight of Illidan's loving heart. He too rose to congratulate his great-cousin, and for the first time that day, he finally forgot for a while about the question that had been weighing on his mind.