"I found a matching car! There are two people inside, I'm going closer!"
"Where are you?"
"At the intersection of Woodpaw and Moonspear Street." the answer came. Maiev looked around searching for a street sign. Herself was standing on Runas Street, a block of houses separating her from the place marked by Illidan. Holding the phone to her ear, she began to rush in the said direction. The narrow side street was closed by a wire mesh, preventing civilian traffic, but Maiev Blinked through without hesitation and started sprinting. She couldn't recall how she had done the last hundred yards when she has finally laid eyes on the car. It was parked under a burnt-out public street light, at which point Illidan also reached there. The demon hunter's eyes and tattoos seemed like scorching flames in the cold, cruel darkness as he tore out the vehicle's door with a single motion, yanked out the panicking Za'zul by his arm then threw him to the ground. Maiev didn't pay any attention to him, she ran straight to the gaping hole in the car.
"Lysende!" she leaned in excitedly, but her enthusiasm soon evaporated. She had seen so many horrors in her long life, but none of them hit her as hard as what had waited for her inside.
Her niece was huddling up on the back seat, desperately trying to cover her meek body with her bruised arms. Her usually cheerful, lively face was beaten beyond recognition. Her left eye was barely visible from under the swelling, and the other was completely bloodshot. Blood leaked from her nose and her cracked lips, mixing with saliva and the girl's sorrowful tears. The seat was covered with her pulled out hair, and her tattered t-shirt lay in the legroom. Her bra was cut in the middle, injuring her skin and revealing her pale breasts. Her jeans were pulled down to her knees, and the strap of her underwear was cut on one side. She desperately tried to keep the garment on herself, her thin fingers whitened as she gripped the fabric convulsively. The silence was broken only by her heartbreaking sobbing.
"You wretched worm!" Maiev threw herself at the troll lying on the ground with unbridled rage, punching him with both hands. Her fists struck the man's face over and over again. One blow certainly broke the troll's nose, but Maiev didn't care. Her vengeance, heated by unstoppable anger, made her blind and insensitive to the pain of her victim. It took a thin but all the more grievous voice to end her frenzy.
"Please, stop... enough... I... I can't stand this anymore..." Lysende sniffed, tears gushing out of her injured eyes again, running down on her distorted face. Maiev gaspingly turned her head toward her. Though if she were to follow her heart, she would have kept punching the wretched as long as he was breathing, she complied with the request. She glanced one last time at Za'zul, acknowledging with satisfaction that she had managed to distort his face more than what he had done to Lysende. She got up and climbed into the car, hugging the shocked girl.
Za'zul, though even his own mother probably couldn't tell that he was hiding behind the swollen face, tried to get up, but at that moment he felt a familiar, unforgiving squeeze on his throat, and soon his whole body rose into the air. Maiev glanced indifferently at the troll struggling for air, turning the other way as the demon hunter with his victim slowly disappeared into the dark street, and instead focused on a healing spell. A pleasant, warming light soon began to radiate from her hand, and Lysende's face gradually regained its original appearance, but unfortunately, no spell could nullify the wounds inflicted on her heart. In the distance, the lid of a garbage container slammed, and soon Illidan returned, now without Za'zul.
"The boy?" Maiev asked in Darnassian.
"I put him where he belongs." he replied, then quickly added: "... Alive."
There was now a clear regret on his otherwise hard-to-read face as he looked down at the battered little girl. Unzipping his T-shirt, he took off his garment, then turned away while Maiev helped her niece to put on the oversized cloth. Once Lysende was covered, she kept caressing the sobbing girl's head for a long time...
The sound of approaching sirens broke the silence, and Illidan gently touched Maiev's shoulder, signalling that it was time to leave. She nodded and gave way to the demon hunter, who took Lysende in his arms, who had meanwhile fallen silent. Her aunt covered the girl with her coat and took her hand. And so they set off home, in silence.
The journey was long and mournful. The empty and sleepy eyes of the houses were watching the tragic trio's footsteps with disinterest.
"Auntie..." Lysende said suddenly, and Maiev raised her head.
"I'm listening." she squeezed her hand encouragingly.
"I'm sorry... I should have taken your advice... about the pocketknife. If only I had it with me... " she sniffed sadly, her relative's throat clenched at every word.
"Hush..." she silenced the girl, stroking her hand. "What good would it have done for you? You can't use it... " she finally admitted the weakness of her first birthday gift.
"Would you teach me...?" she asked, and Maiev's heart almost broke upon hearing her innocent request. How happy she would have been with this question a few months earlier... but not now... not at this price!
"Of course..." she replied, but she fell silent, unable to say more nor hide her cracking voice. Lysende smiled weakly, burying her face into Illidan's chest.
"Thank you... Both of you..."
Shandris sobbed with relief as she embraced her daughter, and soon Jarod joined them, outwinging both women. Maiev looked bittersweetly at the battered little family from the front door. Her younger brother gestured to her invitingly, but she shook her head and weaved, letting him know that she's leaving. The man nodded, and Maiev carefully closed the door on them.
"And now? Where are you going?" Illidan asked, standing next to her.
"I'm going to breathe some fresh air." she sighed as she touched her pocket to see if she had her wallet with her.
"Last time I checked, air was still free." he remarked cynically, and Maiev cursed her carelessness. She should have known that the demon hunter would not be duped by such a cheap lie. "If you want to drink, come to the club. At least I can keep my eyes on you there. Worst case, I'll ask Ukar to make you a bed." he nodded toward his workplace and began to walk slowly in the direction of the stairwell. Maiev sighed succinctly, following the man without any words.
The ice melted slowly in the Nethergarde Bitter and Moonberry Juice cocktail, making a faint, cracking sound from time to time, but it was lost in the noise of the raging crowd. Maiev stirred the drink with her straw before taking it out and drinking the beverage in one shot. The glass stumbled on the counter and the woman sighed deeply. She vowed not to drink anymore after her accident, and she had kept her resolve until now. Another failure she could add to the day...
Annoyed, she turned back and looked across the crowd. The young girls tried to outdo each other in revealing outfits with suggestive dance moves, not even realizing what kind of fate had befallen on another lass around their age. Although even if they knew, it probably wouldn’t have changed anything, they would have offered themselves seductively on the dance floor in the same way. Not far from the stairs, in a quieter corner, Illidan stood, silently keeping order, ensuring the guests" peace of mind.
Maiev didn't know exactly if the man had noticed her staring at him, or he was simply looking in her way, but their eyes met.
"He didn't lie, he's really keeping an eye on me." Maiev smiled faintly as she waved to the security guard that everything was fine. He nodded and turned his attention back to the guests, but the woman continued to look at him, immersed in his somber features and her thoughts. When did that haughty, megalomaniacal figure become a serious, trustworthy man? Someone whose mere presence filled her with a sense of security and to whom she would entrust her life? Foolish question, she knew well which side Illidan had been loyal to since the Broken Shore, but it was easier to ignore the truth than to accept that she might have been wrong about him, making her work and a significant part of her life redundant.
Suddenly Illidan looked at her again and the night elf quickly turned her gaze like a kid who got caught stealing candy. When she dared to look back, she was shocked to see the man cutting through the crowd toward her. She turned back to the bar counter perplexed, but soon the demon hunter stopped beside her, embarrassing the woman even more.
"Is everything alright?" he leaned down to make sure she can hear him through the pounding music.
"Of course." Maiev pulled away flustered, then reached for her coat. "I'd better leave now."
"I'll walk you home." he said firmly and the night elf turned to him bewildered.
"Did you lose your mind?!" she growled at him, to the surprise of both of them. "I mean, you've been away long enough tonight. You have to work sometime. Closing time is approaching and you will be needed here." she explained, mainly to herself. Her reasoning was apparently accepted by the demon hunter, who nodded in agreement. "Good night then." Maiev said and hurried to the exit.
The chilling spring night breeze suddenly slammed into her face after the suffocating indoor air. Her heart was still beating in her throat, and she didn't know how to explain what had gotten into her. Could she have gotten so unused to alcohol that even one glass made her tipsy?!
As she slowly walked back to Jarod's, she vowed not to drink any more. This time for real...
Through the window left slightly open for the night, the chirping of cheerful birds that had arrived with the spring could be heard, finding its way into Maiev's thrilling dream. Strong, masculine arms lifted her high, embracing the night elf at her hips as someone showered her uncovered chest with hot, passionate kisses. His lips felt like embers on her delicate skin, pervading her body with a dazing sensation. But her dream, heated by unknown desires, was unexpectedly interrupted. Terrified, she realized someone was in her room, watching her. Maiev turned from her side to the back and sat up quickly, almost fully awake. A pair of eyes gleaming with excitement looked back at her. Lysende sat at the end of her bed, eagerly waiting for her aunt to wipe the dream out of her eyes and finally pay attention to her."Good morning!" she greeted the waking woman cheerfully, as if the horrors of the last week had never happened, but Maiev still saw the picture of the shattered, shivering little girl in her mind. Although she healed most of the gal's injuries and Shandris finished the rest, what happened has left a visible mark on her niece. Her adolescent traits became more feminine from the terror she suffered through. She had lost the innocence of childhood. But her eyes, her soul shone just as brightly as ever, bringing some sense of serenity to Maiev's anxious heart."She's slowly recovering from it." she acknowledged as she took a deep breath and greeted her back with a smile, caressing Lysende's head, who snuggled to her hand like a spoiled kitten. "Good morning to you, to! Well, out with it! What brought you to my room this early in the morning?" she asked to the greatest delight of the girl, who excitedly reached to her pocket, from which soon emerged the knife she had received for her birthday."When do we start practising? she asked, and her aunt couldn't help but laugh at just how innocently she could ask for being taught how to use a knife."First let me get dressed and eat something."Roger that!" Lysende said, storming out of the room happily. Maiev shook her head and looked after the gal, then reluctantly crawled out of the bed. It was obvious that no matter how tempting it was, she would no longer be able to return to her dream. But maybe it was for the better. She was already blushing just by remembering some parts of it, she wouldn't dare ponder on the meaning of her fantasy or the identity of her partner. She tried to banish her embarrassing conjecture from her mind as she stumbled toward the kitchen, massaging her aching shoulder. She was careless and strained it while rearranging Za'zul's face, and the injury healed even slower than before. But at least it was worth it.Inside, a table set for her was waiting. Lysende did her best to get her aunt ready as soon as possible, so she smeared two toasts with jam and brewed tea to go with it. Maiev looked at the bustling girl puzzled, then took a seat smiling and began to eat. She was soon joined by her niece who scanned every bite and every sip she took argus-eyed, but the woman soon got annoyed by the filly's behaviour. Her gaze wandered to a shopping bag lying in the corner. She had completely forgotten about the books she had bought. That was understandable after what had happened, but now that she remembered, she suddenly got a great idea. She picked up the bag and began to unpack it. She placed the one intended for Illidan on the table and handed the other over to the girl, who looked at her in surprise."Here you go. I bought this for you." she smiled. Lysende took the volume perplexed, but as soon as she saw the cover, she burst into heartwarming cheers and embraced her aunt."Oh, thank you very, very much!" she jumped up from the table, storming away like stray breeze toward her room, almost bumping into Jarod as he walked into the kitchen. The man looked at his daughter in amazement, then smiled. He clearly sighed with relief as well, seeing that his child acted like her usual self."Good morning." Maiev nodded to him, who could finally enjoy her breakfast in peace."Good morning to you, too." Jarod said, walking slowly to the table to have his morning tea. However, the book lying on it caught his eyes. "Medicine making? I didn't know you were interested in the topic."It's not for me. I have a medicine enthusiast in my circle." she replied as she raised her cup to her lips."You mean Illidan?" he asked back to his sister's shock, making it clear that he had hit the nail on its head. "You know, recently, that circle is more of a straight line between you and him." he explained, but seeing that Maiev suddenly became ill at ease, he continued quickly. "Which, of course, is not wrong. I'm glad you've found a friend in someone." he smiled, placing his hand on his sibling's shoulder, but she pulled away irritably."We are not friends! I'm just doing my job! I hope if something arouses his interest, maybe I will be able to convince him to apply for training." she explained, and Jarod decided to leave the matter to her. It was clear that Maiev had exceeded her authority long ago, and her relationship with the demon hunter was far more intimate than a simple work-related one. But if she was uncomfortable with calling it a friendship, then he would respect it. Not for the world did he want the woman to become frightened and push away the first person she had come close to for the first time in centuries. Even if he had concerns about the person in the light of their past."I'm sorry, of course, you're right. Illidan is lucky to have such a great probation officer."Perhaps..." Maiev sipped her tea perplexedly, making sure her gaze wouldn't accidentally meet his brother's.The book bought for Illidan remained on the kitchen table for the rest of the day.
Kaelor Nightgrove had his heart in his throat as he leaned over a young sprout again. From the corner of his eye, he enviously watched as his fellow apprentice, Hahmu, did the same with confidence. The huge Tauren placed his hands above a seedling that had just emerged lately, and soon a beam of life-giving light shone from his palms. The little weak plant eagerly absorbed the spell and began to grow rapidly in front of the young students’ eyes. Kaelor tried to focus on this own plant even more sourly, but success still eluded him. He desperately murmured the words he had learned over and over again, to no use. A drop of sweat ran down his back as he felt his master's gaze on him, trying even more grievously to prove himself to him, all in vain."That's enough for today." he suddenly heard Malfurion's deep, teaching voice. In the end, he disappointed his Shan'do again. Kaelor dispiritedly rose from the ground. He dusted off himself in a hurry, bowed toward his teacher and companion, then apologized and left the scene.Moonglade gleamed in emerald shine as the morning rain cast a play of light on the canopy of the evergreen trees. The water of Lake Elune'ara reflected undisturbed in the distance as the upset disciple walked deeper and deeper into the woods. How many times had Kaelor dreamed as a child that one day he himself, as a druid, would wander in these fabulous forests? But now that he was there, his desire was more like its evil caricature, a nightmare.His legs took every step faster and faster. After each of them the soft, slippery cracking sound of the wet duff disturbed the silence. His long, regal purple hair glistened every now and then in the light of the sun filtering through the trees, and his pale, gray hued skin seemed almost white illuminated. His former childlike traits had long since disappeared, replaced by a masculine stand and a cheekbone, giving a pleasant contour to his face. But he had no use of any of it, his otherwise fine gaze was overshadowed by the doubts in his mind like a dark cloud.He soon reached his destination, and a small hut emerged from the cover of the trees. Kaelor sighed. Since the beginning of his discipleship, the small shack was the only thing he could be proud of. The door swept open, and the sleepy darkness inside engulfed the Night Elf’s figure, but unfortunately, the solitude of his home did not alleviate his agonizing disappointment.Ever since he could remember, he wanted nothing more than to one day be able to protect his people and loved ones as a druid. Although he himself was born in the huge, concrete-sea town of Stormwind, far from nature and his comrades, he read books with sparkling eyes, absorbed tales and legends about druids, and especially about the first Archdruid. In his dreams, he fought on the side of Malfurion Stormrage against the evil Burning Legion, defeating the satyrs together, and resisting the attacks of the Horde. As he grew older, he became more certain of wanting to walk the path of nature. The tales got slowly replaced by textbooks on Druidism.His parents watched their child's growing admiration anxiously as they saw his hobby as a mere waste of time, fearing that their son could end up as a homeless man, but Kaelor didn't care. His determination was as solid as Mount Hyjal. He planned to finish high school and then become a druid apprentice, but a family tragedy ended his idea early.A few weeks before graduating, his father had an accident. A cable with failed ground-connection shocked him, the ambulances arriving were unable to reanimate his heart. Along with his parent's body, Kaelor also buried his dream on a flower-scented, grey, rainy afternoon. At the request of his mother, he enrolled at a university, and to lessen the torturing pain of his forsaken desires, he has chosen a profession as far removed from Druidism as possible. A few years later, he took his degree in architecture in front of his tearful mother.The pages of the calendar fluttered rapidly as the months full of calculations multiplied into years, and his former dream of one day being a protector of nature seemed just as far away to him as the mysterious red star shining in the sky. One day a special assignment came to him. They had to build a new elevator in Mulgore to meet the changing safety standards, and he had to go in person to the scene to survey the terrain. As a peculiar grimace of fate, Malfurion Stormrage also recruited apprentices there that day. Kaelor's heart missed a beat as he recognized that not far from him, his childhood hero was giving a lecture to a small group of Tauren."It can't be... and yet..." he thought as he ventured closer and closer with a heavy pounding heart. No, he was sure it wasn't a coincidence that he has arrived at Mulgore on the same day as the Archdruid. This had to be the Hand of Fate! His destiny, which he had tried to suppress for so many years, but not anymore! He called his mother that very day not to wait for him to come home. He officially became a druid apprentice.With happiness exploding in his chest, he left his work and friends behind to finally make his dream come true. He knew everything about druidism Druidism from head to toe, so he waited proudly and confidently for his first class to prove himself in front of his role model. But it soon became clear to him that Druidism was one of the rare doctrines where knowledge could not replace talent. Like a bolt from the blue, he realized that despite all his enthusiasm and devotion, he didn’t have what it takes to become a druid. From the very first days, he could tell just how much smoother his Tauren companion, Hahmu, could complete their master’s tasks, even though the man was completely new to what they had learned and did not spend his childhood years studying the craft. But what was even more frightening for Kaelor was that his initial lag slowly began to turn into a bridgeless disadvantage. The difference was clear, not only for him but for Malfurion as well.His disappointment was indescribable. All his endeavours, all his efforts have only resulted in another failure. His self-confidence gradually dwindled to nothing as he tried again and again unsuccessfully to meet his master's standards, and its place was taken by self-loathing, and what was worse: fear. What if Malfurion, seeing his lack of talent, sends him away? No, that can't happen! He couldn't let that happen! It was the dream of his life, he left everything behind for it! The pressure to perform weighed heavily on the young man's shoulders, slowly grinding away his already battered soul, further worsening his poor output. His increasing bitterness manifested in agitation or outright skipping classes more and more often, further fueling his fear that his master, fed up with his behaviour, would have enough of him and dismiss him. At those times he always resolved that the next day would be different, that he would show that his place is there, but that day never came, and instead, he was just disappointed again. And the circle began anew.
"Why ?! Why can't I succeed ?! Why can't my abilities match what's inside my heart?!"In his excruciating tension, he slammed at the table set up in the middle of the tiny room, overturning the carved glass on it. It rolled slowly, bit by bit, until it finally fell to the ground. The earsplitting crash sounded like a mocking laugh in the hut's choking loneliness, and a desperate roar burst from Kaelor's throat as he kicked into the wooden jar. It slammed loudly against the wall, soon followed by the noise of a table falling to the ground. The Night Elf gasped anxiously, his eyes scanning the bare room wildly to see what else he could take out his anger on."Kaelor." a gloomy, sad voice called to him, and blood froze in the young man's veins. He had forgotten to close the door. Icy sweat dripped down his back from the realization that his master had seen everything. His face, distorted with shame, did not dare to turn toward the Archdruid. He stood transfixed with horror, eyes downcasted in silence. "Please come with me. I have to talk with you." Malfurion continued.Upon hearing the words, the young man turned around. He got his knickers in a twist, his throat dried. Well, the feared day has come. Now his Shan'do will send him away... His feet started to move on their own toward the master, who gestured to follow him.
"The countryside is especially beautiful today, don't you think?" Malfurion asked as he first looked up at the fabulous mountains, then reverently looked down the bright little clearing where he had led his disciple. But as he didn't get an answer, he continued."What do you think, why did I call you here?" he asked the whitened-lipped Kaelor."What kind of cruelty is this?" the young man thought. "Isn't it enough punishment to get discharged, he even wants me to say it!?"I can see that you're suffering, Kaelor." the druid spoke unexpectedly, and his disciple's throat tightened with fear and pain."No, I’m not...!" he objected desperately, but his voice broke, he couldn't squeeze out anything else from himself, just some pathetic whimper as he tried to hold back his tears.Malfurion motioned him to stay silent, taking away the last opportunity from the man to stand up for his cause. Seeing the futility of his attempt, Kaelor put up with the inevitable and listened to his Shan'do quietly."Kaelor. I think you've already realized you have no talent for Druidism." he stepped closer to the man. "I'll be honest with you. No matter how much energy you put into your studies, your abilities will always lag behind those of other students. I don't want to beguile you with promises. If your heart can’t find peace with this reality, then it would be best for you to leave.At the sound of his words, his disciple raised his glassy gaze, accepting his fate and nodded slowly. His master was right. There was no point in torturing himself any longer. It was time to grow up and face the reality that childhood dreams are often shattered by the limitations of the individual, and he was no exception. He tried to take a breath to see if the air could somehow fill the empty space he felt in his chest, but instead it was as if he were surrounded by a vacuum. He let the agonizing choking sensation to devour him silently, defeated."At the same time ..." Malfurion's paternal voice suddenly could be heard again. "I want you to know: if you decide to stay, I will not send you away. As long as you take your lessons seriously, you can always count on me to be by your side and support you. I won't give up on you, ever." he said, placing his hand on his student's shoulder encouragingly.Kaelor - for the first time in a while - looked into his master's eyes, still not daring to believe what he just heard. As the Archdruid lifted his strong hand, it was as if he were to lift a heavy burden off of his chest. The air began to flow into his lungs again and the suppressed cry for help and sorrow finally erupted from his throat. He buried his face in the palm of his hands, covering his flowing tears.He was fine with never becoming a great druid. He was fine with always lagging behind. It all didn't matter, it never mattered. Knowing that Malfurion would always be by his side, no matter what happened, was all he needed..."Thank you..."
Tyrande walked up to her returning husband to comfort him. She knew how much his discipline's problems and his own perceived failure as a teacher pained him, so she was surprised to see Malfurion look at her with a wholehearted smile on his worn face."Is everything all right, darling?" she asked."Yes, everything will be fine with Kaelor now. He's staying with us." the druid replied."I thought you'd take Illidan's advice and send him away." Tyrande followed her husband into the living room, where they sat on the couch embracing each other. A playful night breeze invited the lavender curtain for a dance, and for a moment the couple watched the phenomenon, smiling quietly."Yes, I planned to. But... As cowardly as it seems... I thought it would be better to leave the door open for him. The day may come when he decides on his own that he wants to walk a different path, but that day has not yet come. I didn’t want to deprive him of the opportunity to take his destiny into his own hands."You are wise, as ever." Tyrande stroked his sweetheart's arm. "I'm glad you didn't follow your brother's advice. Illidan’s judgment is overshadowed by his own bitterness that he still feels over his failures to this day."I don’t think so. I think his words were driven by good intentions, and he was right about me, fearing that I might fail as a teacher." the older Stormrage admitted."Cenarius would be proud of you." Tyrande smiled, raising her eyes gleaming with love to the druid.Malfurion carefully smoothed a lock of hair from his wife's face, then breathed a gentle kiss on her lips.
Maiev glared annoyed at the book intended as a simple, yet thoughtful gift still sitting on her bedside cabinet almost as if it were trying to make fun of her. It had been a month since she had bought it, but she still couldn't bring herself to give it to Illidan, even though the opportunities kept rising one after another, mostly by her courtesy. And what’s more, she was just about to meet him that day as well. Carefully, she picked up the poison-green book and flipped through it. Her bashful eyes scanned its contents in a way that made her appear as if she was afraid that somebody had published her non-existent diary in it. But since she deemed what she had read completely harmless, she lowered the volume with a big sigh."What's wrong, Maiev?" she heard the sound in her mind again that hadn't left her alone for weeks, whenever the issue of Illidan came up. Its tone was bitter at times or even angry, and at others contemptuous and dismissive, but always disturbing. "Come on! Just give it to him. Jarod is right, at this point you're pretty much friends, it's useless to deny it. But of course, you still do it and will continue to do so, won't you? Oh, but only in front of others. If he were to ask you what he means to you, what would you say? Because that's what you fear the most, isn't that right? That you'd have to commune with your own heart then, and you're afraid of what you could find. You've been always good at turning a blind eye to facts, haven’t you?"Auntie, are you ready?" she heard Lysende's knock on the door, waking her from her storming thoughts. Frightened, she put the book back on the bedside table, and while picking up her bag she hurried to the door, trying to calm her troubled mind."Patience is a virtue, Lysende." she opened the door to the girl who was already waiting with her shoes on."It may be, but if we're late to the movie, we can wipe our bottoms with it!" her niece grinned as she unhooked Maiev's coat and held it out to her. The night elf reluctantly took the garment and put it on. Not even a minute has passed, and the front door closed behind them.Lysende pounded excitedly toward the bus stop, pulling her aunt behind her like a playful puppy does its owner. The spring break just started, and for her, it was meant to be the last day she spent at home. Her prepared suitcase was already resting quietly in her room, waiting for the next morning to travel with the girl to her grandparents. The teenager usually hated when she had to spend her free time at the boring countryside, but exceptionally she didn’t mind it the least. Her therapist's encouraging words convinced her that a change in the environment would be good for her healing process. Her only regret was not being able to practise the art of knife throwing with Maiev for two weeks. Consolingly, the woman offered to go with her to any film of her choice. However, what Maiev wasn't expecting was that the girl would invite Illidan to the event too, guided by a sudden whim. "As a sign of her gratitude" she said, but Maiev couldn't dismiss the nagging idea that her niece had something else on her mind.Lysende seemingly confirmed her suspicion when upon laying eyes on the waiting Illidan in front of the cinema, like an arrow shot from a bow, the girl began to run toward the man just to jump into his arms with a devil-may-care attitude. The unfortunate demon hunter looked stunned first at the teenager embracing his waist, then quickly raised his gaze at Maiev, who upon seeing his confused expression, couldn't help herself but laugh."It seems I was right. Now she's into Illidan. I better talk with her after the movie about this." the night elf remarked to herself as she walked closer to the others."Hi." said the man still not having a grasp on the situation. "Would you help me?" he asked, nodding at his relative."With what?" the subject of the request looked up enthusiastically, apparently ready to lend a helping hand, but instead her aunt gently grabbed her shoulder and pulled the teenager away."Sorry about that, I'll discipline her later." Maiev smirked and quickly led her niece to her side. Illidan wasn't hesitating to mimic her expression without realizing it as they shared a faint smile."Wait, what?" Lysende looked around puzzled, but she had to realise that the two adults were communicating in a language she – in principle – spoke, yet she didn't understand.The cinema they went to was nothing like the multiplex complex in Maestra’s Post. It was painted lemon yellow on the outside, and the corridors were lit by the light flooding through the disproportionately large, wooden-framed semicircular windows during the day. Inside the lobby hung an old imitation of a crystal chandelier with dozens of candle-shaped lightbulbs on it. The halls were located on two levels and were named after famous people instead of the usual numbers. There was no doubt that the building was inspired by the design of the old theatres, with all its advantages and disadvantages. But this was the only place Illidan’s wings could fit, as the back row didn’t end in the wall, leaving enough space for the man to sit down comfortably."You two go to the box office, buy the tickets! I'll bring some snacks!" Lysende pushed her aunt towards the cashiers, and without waiting for her companions" response, she stormed away toward the buffet."All right, what's got into her?" the demon hunter turned to Maiev questioningly, but she just shrugged."Beats me." she said, then took another look at the receding girl, and they stood into the queue, causing some movement from the others waiting there, mainly due to Illidan's appearance. A small child asked loudly in a rude way over and over again why the strange man was so frightening, to the greatest horror of his parents, who desperately tried to silence their son. The conversation, of course, did not escape Maiev's ears either, and she looked back at the roisterer with a telling glance to lower her blood pressure, which was slowly creeping into the skies. Her silent intercession probably saved the parents quite a few sweets and toys, which they promised in an attempt to make their offspring come around because the flood of questions suddenly stopped. The Night Elf turned back satisfied."Anyway..." Illidan said unexpectedly, and Maiev stared at him in fright. "Don't tell me he noticed it...? Of course, he must have heard it, too, he's blind, not deaf..." "Yes?" she turned to the man, trying to force naturalness on herself."Do you often go to the cinema?" he asked, to the woman's greatest relief."Rarely."I see." Illidan replied, and Maiev could not overcome the feeling that her answer was somewhat disappointing."You?"First time." A faint smile sat on the demon hunter's face, enlightening his companion."I see. You're excited, aren't you?" She jokingly pushed him while teasing the man."I'm not ashamed to admit it, yes. I've been interested in this movie thing for a while now." he said and Maiev recalled him watching the movie scene in front of an electronics store with great interest. The memory was enough to make her grin."What's so funny?" Illidan asked."Nothing. I'm just excited about the movie, too." she lied.Not for the world she would have admitted that she was simply happy to share that moment with him. Especially not to herself.Lysende soon returned, with two servings of popcorn in her hand. A bag filled with soft drinks hung on her arm."Two?" her aunt asked as she stared at her suspiciously."Well, I only have two hands. And I thought that these were enough for the three of us. Two of us could share and eat from one." she smiled shyly, and Maiev dared to swear that the girl intentionally brought one less. As she expected, the larger portion of popcorn soon landed in Illidan's hands, but contrary to the woman's expectations, her niece kept the smaller one with herself."If your plan was to eat with Illidan from a shared bag, I'm afraid you messed up during execution by not giving me the other one." she rolled her eyes and pulled out the tickets from her pocket. "Okay, let's decide who's sitting where, don't make a scene inside. Lysende, right seat, Illidan left seat, I'm in the middle. Here, done. Let's go in." she ordered, already prepared for her niece's protest, but the girl cheerfully took her ticket and disappeared in the dimly lit projection room. "Could it be? I was wrong?!" the possibility arose in her head as they took their place, but she soon dispelled the thoughts as the lamps slowly went out and the film began.The light reflected from the canvas illuminated Illidan's excited expression next to her, and Maiev had to remind herself that the projection was in the other direction. In the end, she didn't eat popcorn at all. Lysende ate her own at lightning speed, and the demon hunter was so immersed in the film that he didn't even touch his own, and she didn't want to disrupt the man's entertainment."Keep lying to yourself." she heard the voice again but it was suppressed by the movie's sounds.Two and a half hours later, they got out a little dazed of the old red-tinted chairs and headed for the exit."How did you like it?" Maiev asked Illidan as they got out."It was strange. In the old days, theatre was not uncommon at Suramar parties, but this was a whole other level. Cinema has more tools to present a story and explore themes." he began a brief reflection. "The basis of the plot was good, but I felt like they wanted to pack too much into a short runtime."Yes, this many plotlines could fit into two movies." she replied. "Anyway, typical popcorn flick, watchable. I usually expect more, but I don't mind this kind of movie every now and then."There would have been plenty of room for them to dive deeper into the difficulties and dilemmas of ruling. Although in the end, the self-sacrifice of the king says a lot about the character, I think it would have been better if they had shown from the beginning how much his people meant to him. Thus, the emotional impact was much smaller."Yes! That's exactly what I thought! It would have been enough to make some hint at the beginning, such as that he had risked his life in the past or something like that." Maiev agreed enthusiastically with the demon hunter's views, pumped up by the recognition that someone else shared her opinion."Yes, but it would have been better to show. A tiny scene for example, where he protects someone with his own body, signalling his selflessness." he continued.Maiev took a quick glance at Lysende, who was walking on the other side, listening to the man with her mouth almost open. Her aunt smiled. She didn't blame her, surprisingly, Illidan had rather intelligent suggestions that she was happy to listen to as well. Most of the men he knew would have got over the conversation by saying "Not bad" and nothing more, or they would have praised the visual effects into the skies and could not say an intact sentence about the topics and issues presented in the film."If you're interested, there is a movie or two I can recommend." she added. "Older films are often played here as well. If you're in the mood... " she suggested, but once she realized what she just proposed, she quickly bit her tongue."Sounds fascinating." Illidan nodded gratefully at her, and Maiev turned her eyes in embarrassment. She could only hope that no one had noticed her blatant behaviour, and she cursed herself for becoming more and more flustered by the man's tiny gestures. She turned down her gaze, and her unknowing heart began to play a new rhytm. Oh, how much she wished she knew how to stop the irritating tone as the trio walked down the street loud from the crowd.They continued their way together for a while, then halfway they finally said goodbye to Illidan."Lysende, can you spare your time for me a bit longer?" her aunt asked, glancing at her watch. "I'd like to talk to you." she said, directing the nodding girl toward the nearby park.Although spring was already in full swing, the sun still went out like a light in the hiding of the zigzagged mountain chains, painting the sky peachy pink and purple. The fresh shoots on the verdant trees dazzled walkers in the park like golden buds. Maiev found a place for the two of them at a bench near the edge."What did you want to talk about?" her niece asked excitedly, as if she were waiting for a surprise proposal."Cut it out." she replied dryly, surprising her company."I'm sorry but I don't understand. What are you talking about?"It wasn't long ago that you burned yourself with a bad boy, you shouldn't run right after another. Believe me, Illidan is not as good of a party as he seems." Maiev looked at her grimly, and Lysende finally understood in which way the wind was blowing. She laughed in red."Oh, no!" she dismissed the allegations. "Of course, I don't deny that I like him. But he's a little old for me!" she explained. "And of course I don't want to stand between you! On the contrary! I just tried to help you two a little..." she smiled reassuringly at her aunt, but there was no sign of sympathy in the woman's gaze, instead she looked back at her with a grim expression. That was the last thing she wanted to hear that day."Listen Lysende! I tell you this for the last time: there is nothing between us, especially not in that sense!"But why?" the teenager asked back uncomprehendingly, further straining her aunt's already overworked nerves."What why?! Because we don’t feel that way for each other, that's why! I will not open a debate on this!" she got up from the bench and headed home."But I think you should get together!" Lysende said sulkily, not suspecting that she had crossed an invisible line."Shut your mouth!" Maiev shouted at the girl, losing the little self-control she had left. "You have no idea what I went through because of him! About how many of my sisters and friends lost their lives because of that monster! Or about how I sacrificed everything to protect the world from him and his minions! And you have the nerve to tell me to welcome him into my heart because you think we would look good together?! Do you think everything works like in your silly teenage series or among your stupid girlfriends where you drag fictional characters with zero chemistry into a relationship for your own entertainment, disregarding their history?! You are a stupid, immature little brat! No wonder you were almost raped by the first twat you fell for!" like a volcano, she vomited her words smouldering with rage into the girl's face. Then there was a sudden silence. Maiev trembled from fury, Lysende from the need to cry. Seeing her niece's expression, she suddenly realized what kind of cruelty she had thrown at her and lowered her face burning with shame. When she looked up again, she was standing alone in the park. Only the uninterested noise of the cars driving next to her roared among the foliage of the judgmental golden trees.
It was already late at night when a key turned in the lock of the dark apartment, and Maiev carefully opened the door. Only the light from a table lamp filtered out of the living room, presumably Jarod was reading some novel. She closed the door softly and peered into her niece's room, but as she guessed it was empty. But that's what she counted on, wasn't she? She knew she wasn't ready to face the poor girl after what she said...Disappointed and relieved at the same time she opened the door to her temporary room to end the damn day and drown her self-loathing into the sea of dreams, but to her surprise, someone was lying in her bed. The moonlight shone with maternal love on Lysende's innocent face and her messy tousled blue curls spread out on the pillow. She was probably waiting for the woman but fell asleep while doing so. Maiev's heart sank with the realization that, unlike her, who had done everything to avoid confrontation with the girl, she had done everything in her little power to mend things. No doubt, she was her father's blood. Maiev walked softly to the bed to carefully cover the girl, but she unexpectedly opened her teary eyes from a dream."Auntie!" she said, sitting up quickly. "I'm sorry! Please, forgive me! I talked with Dad, he told me everything!" she stammered as her gaze slowly became misty. "I did not know! If only I had a clue, I would've never said such nonsense!" she wiped her eyes. "I just... I thought it because you got along so well... I really thought Illidan was a good man! Because he saved me... But now I know I was wrong, I'm so sorry!" Lysende sobbed.Maiev sat down next to her, pulling her niece to her chest radiating with shame, struggling with her own emotions as she patted her head, admiring the little teenager's strength for being able to admit her mistake so honestly."I owe you an apology, too." she began. "I've said something that I should've never said, and because of that, I'm ashamed. Please, forgive me if you can." she tilted her head at her niece's, who nodded cautiously under the touch, drilling her face even more into the woman's chest. "As for Illidan..." she sighed. "What your father told you about had happened a very, very long time ago, in another world. Thing worked differently back then, the norm wasn't like it is now. It would be unfair to judge his actions by today's standards. And even if one would still try to do, at the end of the day he was proven right, and I was wrong, even if it hurts me to admit it. It really pains me, but I must make this clear for you." she took a short break to collect her thoughts, then continued. "Our relationship is a whole different question. We both had done things against each other that made our resentment legitimate. But you really only saw his good side because he was always good to you. It would not be fair to take away from him what he did for you because of our past. I’m not going to tell you how you should treat him in the future or how you should feel about him, but I want you to know: if you continue to like him and consider him a friend, I won’t condemn you for it. "Thank you..."Don’t thank me, there's nothing to be grateful for about my words. I'm just trying to do the right thing."
When Lysende finally calmed down, the two women said a quiet, but all the more loving farewell to each other. The door closed shortly, and Maiev could finally be alone with her torturing thoughts in the solitude of her room. She lay on the bed troubled, raising her gaze to the empty ceiling casting a sharp contrast with her busy mind. She sighed. Another failure to add to the long list of her regrets piled up through millennia. On that day she was yet again most cruel to those who were the most important to her, an acute habit she wished she could get rid of. She shouldn't have lost her temper like that. She should've had simply let go of the girl's nonsense. Those were mere empty words, baseless fantasies. Yet, she attacked those innocent, childish words as if they were part of the Burning Legion itself.Lysende's phrases made her angry, that was undeniable. What she also couldn't hide from herself any longer was the reason behind her fury. Even if she wished oh so dearly to keep turning blind eyes to her own rallying emotions, she had to decide what was more important to her: her family or saving face in front of herself. No, she could never hurt Lysende again like on this cursed day. As much as it pained her, she took a deep breath to phrase her thoughts for the first time. She was furious... because she agreed with the girl. And that meant one simple thing: Some time during all the silly meetings in the rundown restaurant, the educational tours and movie visits... through all the shared laughs and joy... She began to like Illidan. No... This wasn't the case, that couldn't be the truth. No, it's simple, she thought as she grabbed a pillow and hugged it under her chin.Her obsession was taking over her in a wrong way. Yes, now it all makes sense. As hating him no longer benefitted her, her feelings began to change, disguising themselves as affection. But it's not love, it's her ill mind playing games with her heart. Infatuation is not love, nor should she ever mistake it for anything more than madness she controlled for twelve thousand years. That's right. Yet, her hatred never felt so warm... so... kind yet painful... It was hollow compared to her newly discovered attraction. No, she should sort these things out, and fast, before she truly falls into the delusion of love.The only remaining question was if she had enough time before that."But how...?" 
Hungry customers, slowly losing their patience, stood in line in front of the food counter, but to no avail. The workers of the crumbling fast food restaurant seemed to be swallowed up by the earth, and the poor, unfortunate cashier, who was left alone by her colleagues, bit her lips nervously. She glanced back and forth at her watch and at the increasingly angry customers, silently cursing the day when she got cocky by refusing her parents’ financial help and instead applied to the place to show them that she's an adult now.
Illidan, who had been sitting peacefully at his usual table until now, upon hearing the growing uproar, turned his attention to the scene, then looked toward the kitchen. He didn’t have to search long for the source of the problem, which was two employees, entangled in each other. No wonder, a plethora of lustful kisses can fool a person’s sense of time easily. They probably didn’t even know how long they cared for each other instead of the guests.
But the demon hunter's unsolicited snooping soon came to an end as Maiev reluctantly sat down across the table. Her grumpy expression and frown did not indicate a good mood.
"It seems you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Illidan smirked, anticipating the usual cheeky retort from the woman, but instead, she pulled out a long-time-no-see but all the more familiar folder even more annoyed. "Behind schedule? It's unusual of you." he tried to get a reaction, but his vain effort was met with an answer of silence. "Something happened?" the idea arose in him, and his thought must have been visible on his face, because after Maiev glanced at him, her expressions visibly somewhat softened.
"I had a tiring last night." she explained succinctly, but that was enough to dispel Illidan's sprouting concern. "What is this tumult?" she finally noticed the unusual situation.
"Two employees were busy snogging in the kitchen. As far as I can tell, they're done now." Illidan grinned fiendishly, but his companion did not share his good mood, instead looked at him in disbelief.
"Did you voyeurize them?!"
"I beg your pardon, I merely looked for the cause of the problem." the demon hunter denied the allegations, pretending to be innocent, though to his credit, he truly didn't watch the scene any longer than necessary.
"You're terrible. I never thought I should add peeping to your list of sins... Clearly, a mistake on my part." Maiev opened her folder, grumbling, and her remark finally put a wide grin on Illidan's face.
"Now that you mentioned peeping... would you like to go and watch a movie at the weekend?" he asked the question that had been bubbling in his chest since their last meeting in the cinema a week ago.
There was only a handful of things in the world that he anticipated as much as sitting in the screening room with the woman again and then discussing what they have seen. And what was even better, this time without Lysende! Because although he liked the girl, he still preferred the time he spent with Maiev, tête-à-tête. He had always known that under that stern and expressionless helm was hiding a woman blessed with intellect and reason, and now that she wasn't using her brilliance against him, she had proved to be an excellent interlocutor. 
He found her laconic, but always purposeful and concise insights to be a joy to listen to, even if her opinions sometimes put his own ideas to the test, as their exchanges took place on an equal footing. It couldn't be compared to his brother's "knowing everything better, yet doing modesty," or Tyrande's openly condemning remarks. Perhaps the most important thing to him was that Maiev treated him as an equal.
"How do you say?" she looked up confused.
"I said you should rest. Let's go to the cinema to watch a movie and relax." the man put his ingenuity into action, but despite the cunningly redefined invitation, Maiev shook her head.
"I can't. I'm busy." she cut the conversation short, closing the folder she had just opened. "I can't work like this. We can take this week's mandatory meeting checked, can't we?" she asked, but didn't wait for an answer, waving goodbye to the startled demon hunter, and soon disappeared on the other side of the door.
"What was that?!"
It would have been difficult to describe with words the frustration Illidan felt in his soul, and what made him even more annoyed was not knowing what caused Maiev's odd behaviour. He glared upset at the display of his phone. It was almost an hour before the start of his shift and he wanted to spend that time with the woman, but since she stormed out of the restaurant without a word, he thought it'd be better to leave as well. He roamed the streets bored to death, craving something to distract his troubled mind from the aching gush left by his unfulfilled wish to spend some meaningful moments with Maiev. Driven by a sudden whim, he picked up his cell phone once again and began dialling.
"Hello, brother! How are you?"
"Illidan, I'm glad you're calling!" Malfurion said across the line, his voice bringing a much needed temporary peace to his brother's mind. "We're fine, just finished today's lesson. Today, Kaelor finally managed to complete the task as well. He’s been working tirelessly to make up for his lag, but he’s been coruscating for the last few days!"
"He better try his best after you refused to follow my wise advice." teased the younger Stormrage, chuckling at his brother.
"But you didn't expect me to accept it to begin with, did you?"
"Of course not. You never listen to me."
"Yet, you said exactly what I needed to hear to make the right decision... You know me too well, Illidan." Malfurion spoke softly, his voice filled with something almost akin to the brotherly love that they thought they had lost ages ago. "But, I also know a thing or two about you." the druid remarked mysteriously.
"Don't tease me, out with it, brother!"
"That you didn't call me just to talk about my students." he said amusedly.
"Oh no, I've got busted!" the demon hunter played along. "Indeed. However, I'm more than willing to discuss the topic with you at the usual place this weekend. What do you say?" Illidan weaved his words cleverly, but his efforts ultimately proved futile for the second time on that day.
"This weekend? I'm afraid I'm not available." the demon hunter could almost see his brother in front of him as he frowned his forehead aged by deep, troubled wrinkles. "We're holding the Kaldorei Tradition Days. But I thought Maiev told you too."
"Maiev?" the younger brother asked back in surprise. 
"Yes, the dance group which she attends will perform at the festival." the answer came swiftly, which finally explained the woman's strange behaviour, and Illidan couldn't stop himself from grinning.
"Silly me, of course she told me. In fact, I'll be there to watch the show. If I can be of any use, I'll go there earlier before the show and help you to sort things out. There are always one or two heavy items that have to be moved, right?"
"That's certainly true. Thank you for your contribution on behalf of the directors! Then see you at the weekend!" Malfurion said goodbye cheerfully.
"Thank you for the opportunity!" Illidan briefly said farewell too, feeling that he would not be able to hide from his brother much longer the small, but all the more significant intoxication he felt over his victory. "So that's why you don't have time for me, Maiev." he smirked. "But then don’t be startled if I show up in surprise! It's not my fault you didn't say where you would be! I’ve been planning for a long time to watch your little secret dance one day anyway. How lucky that Malfurion played to my hand unknowingly! I owe you one, brother!" he pocketed his phone. His annoyance caused by the woman's refusal to spend the weekend with him has been long gone and his fantasies about the festival took its place. The weekend couldn't come soon enough...
The humble, restrained neighbourhood was dressed in such splendour that could only be seen once a year. Visitors to Hyjal could already suspect that something special has begun at the moment they arrived. Signs with traditional Night Elven motifs showed the direction to the venues for the annual Kaldorei Tradition Days. Their enamelled surface reflected like a lake with clear water, amazing even the experienced eyes with their mysterious blueness. The main street of the village was covered with stands, where for the first time this year the Blood Elves also paid their respects, contemplating their Highborne heritage, and of course, turning it into profit. At the end of the road was a huge meadow where the events took place. A multitude of Night Elf helpers tried to secure a venue for every activity. Malfurion and his druids assisted in various animal forms. Some flew high as birds to hang an ornament, some carried heavy wooden boards on their backs in the form of a bear. The two rookies, Kaelor and Hahmu, for their lack of an animal form, took the logs in their hands to serve as a seat later for one of the races.
Illidan flew from one place to another with heavy wooden lumbers on his shoulder without a hitch, significantly speeding up the work on the main stage.
"Illidan!" he heard his brother's voice from behind. "Why don't you go and relax a little? You've been working since the morning." Malfurion offered him a refreshing Moonberry Juice.
"Your attentiveness, as always, puts me under an obligation, but I have no need for that. Along with my soul, I sacrificed the feeling of fatigue as well." the younger Stormrage grinned, but his humour did not impress his brother.
"I see." he muttered. "Then you don't meet with Maiev before the performance?" he asked with interest, and upon hearing his words, cold sweat ran down on the back of the previously confident demon hunter. He has completely forgotten that he had lied about his meeting with the woman.
"Why, yes, maybe she's already here?" he asked, putting all of his effort to keep his cool demeanour.
"I'm not entirely sure, although I've seen a couple of dancers from her group on my way here. I'd assume she's not far behind either."
"I see. Well, I better go and find her. I wouldn't want to make her wait. You know what she's like when she's frustrated." He patted the druid's shoulder brotherly as he said goodbye. Malfurion’s troubled look made it obvious he had a good idea about the woman's bad mood, but the hastily leaving Illidan barely noticed it as he swiftly disappeared in the crowd. And even if he cared, his thoughts had long been around Maiev already. What kind of face will she make when she sees him? Will she be embarrassed? Maybe even blush! What could his Probation Officer look like if her rosy cheeks are coloured by a dark red flush? Will she be already dressed in her performing clothes? A multitude of thoughts like these swirled in his excited mind while paying little attention to the colourful festival cavalcade that surrounded him. His route traversed along a tree-lined path that led to the clearing where the dance performances would be held. The light filtering through the canopies sparkled like clear diamonds on the trampled trail, but as the trees thickened, their play of light slowly subsided, leaving room for a world of shadows, yet unable to distract Illidan. Of course it couldn't, he's been waiting for this moment for so long! The throbbing excitement that stretched his chest brought a half-smile to his other times grim and stiff face, and he had to consciously restrain his leap-desiring legs to keep their calm pace. Their meeting today will make up for that missed moviegoing!
"Illidan!" a voice reached his ears, but not the one he expected. Suddenly, it was as if blood had frozen in his veins, and he could almost see his own pale face in his mind. Every ounce of strenght had has left his legs in a blink of an eye, it felt like he tried to walk on jelly. He had never thought that one day she would be the one to provoke the same reaction that only The Warden who chased him through worlds could before. He took a deep breath as he turned slowly to face the woman who called him.
"Tyrande..." the name left his dry lips involuntarily. Opposite him stood his former friend and beloved immovably, and once again he felt weak and vulnerable in her presence. He cursed and despised his nature for not being able to look straight and proudly into her eyes.
"What are you doing here?" the measured, yet all the more frigid question came, but without waiting for an answer, the priestess continued. "As far as I know, you told my sweetheart you wouldn't bother us. Could it be that I'm mistaken?"
"No. That's what I've told him." the demon hunter squeezed the words out of his sore chest. Gathering his strength, he raised his head to face the woman, but the encounter of their gaze only aroused more pain in his soul. Tyrande's eyes, darkened with contempt, burned his skin almost like embers.
"You're still here, betraying your own words yet again." her words smote another blow on his weakened mind. If only she would stop speaking! He knew, oh yes, he knew well how much she detested him, but at least he wouldn't have to hear it! Her eyes, those despising eyes had already told him everything... "I almost believed that maybe a glimpse of honour was still left in you and at least I can trust your word for once. But now I see I was naive. Worry not, that was my last mistake as it is clear that only lies may leave your lips!" Tyrande hissed, with every sentence breaking one of the many irreplaceable memories from their shared youth into million small pieces. The only fragile phase of Illidan's long life that was dear to him. "Your brother is bound by blood, so he forgives you, but I'm not held back by such sentimental shackles! Leave, Illidan, once and for all! Bother us no more!"
Swiftly - like a tempest - a shadowy figure slid past Illidan in a blink of an eye, and the next moment a loud snap shook the forest from its silence. Then the narrow path became quiet again.
Tyrande was left speechless with an expression closest to deep dismay as she cannily touched her reddening face. Right in front of her stood Maiev, her right hand still in the air from the force as she swung it. The flame of her silvery eyes glowed like an ominous fire as she stared at the woman.
"I hope this will help you re-evaluate your self-perceived importance, High Priestess! Illidan is here to see my performance!" she said with blood-curdling brittleness. Whereas she hasn’t received an answer, she turned on her heels, not wasting her time on the startled Night Elf. Her long, white hair spread out like an ornate fan in flight, barely avoiding slapping the priestess across her face again. As she reached Illidan, she didn't even look at him, grabbed his wrist, and imperiously marched onward, pulling the demon hunter behind him.
The landscape changed slowly. The grim prison of the canopies gradually tore open, letting in the warming sunlight again, casting shadows on two walking figures on the beaten path. The falling petals of the soon blowning flowers fell like a cavalcade of spring torrents, whispering their quiet farewell as they began one last serene dance with the memory of the wind they were so fond of once.
However, the passing beauty of the summer went unnoticed, slowly moving past Illidan while he was still following Maiev wordlessly. What could he possibly say to her that might come close to what he felt? He was unable to put his gratitude into words. At that moment, as her long white hair rippled like the sea on her straight, strong back, her hands clenching her wrists confidently, he wanted to squeeze the woman as tightly to his chest as close he felt her to his heart.
They walked like this together for a while, when at once Maiev - as if she had woken from sleep - suddenly stopped and finally let go of the demon hunter's wrist.
"So, what's the story?" she finally turned to the man, as if nothing had happened. There was no sign of the confusion from the other day on her face, which was still glowing with rage.
"I came to help my brother with the festival." Illidan admitted almost honestly. Technically, he was right. Maiev scanned his gaze suspiciously for a moment, then hurriedly smoothed a strand of hair behind her ear.
"However..." Illidan said unexpectedly. "I didn't think I'd see the day to catch you lying." he smiled mischievously at the woman, who listened to his words in with moderation but finally turned her lips into a faint grin as well.
"What are you talking about? I did not claim anything untrue. I merely invited you at the same time as I informed Tyrande about the purpose of your visit. As you can see, I was telling the truth."
"Clever and cunning, as always." Illidan laughed as Maiev tilted her head to the side in slight embarrassment but still smiling, letting her hair move like a waterfall under her shoulder. "I think I have no choice then, I have to watch that particular performance now." he spread his arms innocently, and his companion nodded quietly.
"It's getting dark, I have to go." she glanced at the sky, slowly shrouded in orange light. "I still have to change and warm up. The show begins after sunset." she said, then pointed in the direction they had headed earlier. "Go down this path, the performances will be there.