Die Storoschewoi () war eine Fregatte des Projekts 1135 der Sowjetischen Marine. Sie war Teil der Baltischen Flotte. Meuterei Auf der Fregatte brach am 9. November 1975 eine Meuterei aus. Anführer war der Politoffizier Waleri Sablin, der nach dem Kapitän der ranghöchste Offizier an Bord war. Nach einer Vorführung des Films Panzerkreuzer Potemkin hatte Sablin den Kapitän eingeschlossen und in einer Ansprache an die Besatzung das Abweichen der Kommunistischen Partei von Idealen Lenins angeprangert. Er stellte seinen Plan vor, das Schiff mit Freiwilligen zu übernehmen und von Riga nach Leningrad zu laufen, um sich dort über die Medien an die Parteiführung und die Bevölkerung zu wenden. Die Marineführung fürchtete jedoch eine Flucht der Besatzung nach Schweden und stellte Jak-28-Bomber und verfügbare Kriegsschiffe zu Kampfgruppen zusammen, um die auslaufende Storoschewoi aufzuhalten und notfalls zu versenken. Verfolgt von den eigenen Streitkräften, gab Sablin schließlich das Unterfangen auf. Er wurde verhaftet, von einem Militärgericht zum Tode verurteilt und am 3. August 1976 hingerichtet. Außerdienststellung Das Schiff blieb noch bis 2002 im Dienst und ist inzwischen verschrottet. Fiktion Elemente der Meuterei auf der Storoschewoi inspirierten Tom Clancy bei der Verfassung seines Romans Jagd auf Roter Oktober. Einzelnachweise Weblinks Militärschiff (Sowjetunion) Fregatte Meuterei in der Schifffahrt
{'title': 'Storoschewoi', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storoschewoi', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Perejaslav ( Perejaslav) è una città dell'Ucraina che si trova nell'oblast' di Kiev. La città è situata nei pressi della confluenza dei fiumi Alta e Trubiž circa 95 km a sud di Kiev. Dal 1943 al 2019 il suo nome era Perejaslav-Khmelnytskyi (o Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyy; ). Storia La città ha avuto un ruolo significativo nella storia del paese, la prima menzione risale al Trattato Rus'-bizantino del 911. Nel 992 Vladimir I di Kiev vi fece edificare una grande fortezza per difendere il confine meridionale del Rus' di Kiev dalle incursioni provenienti dalle steppe di quella che ora è l'Ucraina meridionale. La città fu sede del principato di Pereiaslavl fino alla sua distruzione nel 1239 da parte dei Tatari durante l'invasione del Rus' di Kiev. Durante il XIV secolo la città fu annessa al Granducato di Lituania, dal 1471 fu parte del Voivodato di Kiev che nel 1569 divenne parte del Regno di Polonia, nel 1585 il sovrano Stefano I Báthory garantì alla città di Perejasław lo status di città secondo il diritto di Magdeburgo, divenne una delle città regie. Nella seconda metà del XVI secolo divenne sede di un reggimento di cosacchi. Qui nel 1654 ebbe luogo il controverso episodio in cui l'etmano Bohdan Chmel'nyc'kyj e i cosacchi ucraini votarono per l'alleanza con il regno russo e l'accettazione del trattato di Perejaslav che pose l'Etmanato cosacco sotto il controllo del regno russo. In seguito al trattato di Andrusovo la città divenne parte della Russia. In epoca sovietica la città venne rinominata in Perejaslav-Khmelnytskyi per rimarcare il ruolo di Bohdan Chmel'nyc'kyj e del trattato nell'unificazione tra Ucraina e Russia Monumenti e luoghi d'interesse La cittadina è nota per essere ricca di edifici storici tanto da essere tutelata come "riserva storica ed etnografica" (). Numerosi sono i musei, il principale è il museo dell'architettura popolare, un museo a cielo aperto che si estende per oltre 30 ettari e comprende numerosi edifici alcuni dei quali, a loro volta trasformati in sezioni dedicate ad attività artigiane. Tra gli altri musei quello dello spazio e il museo dedicato a Sholem Aleichem situato nella casa in cui l'autore di testi per l'infanzia in lingua yiddish trascorse la giovinezza. Tra gli edifici religiosi la cattedrale dell'Ascensione in barocco ucraino e risalente al XVII secolo come chiesa principale dell'omonimo monastero e attualmente occupata dal museo della battaglia del Dniepr (1943) e la chiesa di San Michele costruita sulle rovine di un precedente edificio del XI secolo e che fu residenza del vescovo di Kiev prima della costruzione della cattedrale di Santa Sofia. Voci correlate 43ª Brigata artiglieria "Atamano Taras Trjasylo" Note Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni
{'title': 'Perejaslav', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perejaslav', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Hans van Houten (politicus), een Nederlands politicus Hans van Houten (personage), een personage uit de Nederlandse soapserie Goede tijden, slechte tijden
{'title': 'Hans van Houten', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans%20van%20Houten', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Thelwall – wieś w Anglii, w hrabstwie ceremonialnym Cheshire, w dystrykcie (unitary authority) Warrington. Leży 32 km na północny wschód od miasta Chester i 265 km na północny zachód od Londynu. Przypisy Wsie w hrabstwie Cheshire Warrington
{'title': 'Thelwall', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thelwall', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Rubén Alcaraz Jiménez (born 1 May 1991) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Cádiz CF. Club career Born in Barcelona, Catalonia, Alcaraz graduated with CF Damm's youth setup, after a stint at FC Barcelona and RCD Espanyol. He made his senior debuts with UA Horta in 2010, representing the side in the regional leagues. In the 2010 summer, Alcaraz joined UDA Gramenet, being assigned to the reserves also in the lower levels. After making his debuts in Segunda División B and eventually suffering relegation, he was definitely promoted to the main squad in June 2011. On 28 June 2012, Alcaraz signed for AE Prat in the third level. On 11 July 2014, he moved to fellow league team CE L'Hospitalet, and scored ten goals in 34 appearances during his first and only season at the club. On 17 June 2015, Alcaraz signed a two-year deal with Segunda División side Girona FC. He made his professional debut on 24 August, starting in a 1–0 away win against Bilbao Athletic. Alcaraz scored his first goal in the second tier on 1 November 2015, netting the game's only in an away success over CA Osasuna. On 21 August of the following year, he scored a brace in a 3–3 draw at Sevilla Atlético. On 11 July 2017, after achieving promotion to La Liga, Alcaraz renewed his contract until 2020 and was immediately loaned to UD Almería for one year. He was the club's top goalscorer with nine goals, playing a key part as the club narrowly avoided relegation. On 3 August 2018, Alcaraz signed a four-year contract with Real Valladolid, newly-promoted to the main category. He made his debut in the main category of Spanish football on 17 August, starting in a 0–0 away draw against former side Girona. Alcaraz scored his first goal in the top tier on 7 October 2018, netting the game's only in a 1–0 home success over SD Huesca. He quickly established himself as a regular starter, but suffered team relegation in 2021. On 20 January 2022, Alcaraz was loaned to Cádiz CF in the first division, until June. On 1 June, the club exercised his buyout clause, and he signed a permanent two-year contract. References External links 1991 births Living people Footballers from Barcelona Spanish footballers Association football midfielders La Liga players Segunda División players Segunda División B players Tercera División players CF Damm players UA Horta players UDA Gramenet footballers AE Prat players CE L'Hospitalet players Girona FC players UD Almería players Real Valladolid players Cádiz CF players Catalonia international footballers
{'title': 'Rubén Alcaraz', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rub%C3%A9n%20Alcaraz', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
The Bird Spring Group is a geologic group in Nevada. It preserves fossils dating back to the Carboniferous period. See also List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Nevada Paleontology in Nevada References Geologic groups of Nevada Carboniferous System of North America
{'title': 'Bird Spring Group', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird%20Spring%20Group', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Bellinzago Lombardo is een gemeente in de Italiaanse provincie Milaan (regio Lombardije) en telt 3672 inwoners (31-12-2004). De oppervlakte bedraagt 4,5 km², de bevolkingsdichtheid is 884 inwoners per km². Demografie Bellinzago Lombardo telt ongeveer 1430 huishoudens. Het aantal inwoners steeg in de periode 1991-2001 met 14,1% volgens cijfers uit de tienjaarlijkse volkstellingen van ISTAT. Geografie Bellinzago Lombardo grenst aan de volgende gemeenten: Gessate, Inzago, Gorgonzola, Pozzuolo Martesana. Externe link Officiële site (tijdelijk niet bereikbaar) Gemeente in Milaan
{'title': 'Bellinzago Lombardo', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellinzago%20Lombardo', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
La tachycardie ventriculaire est un trouble du rythme cardiaque secondaire due à une activation non contrôlée des ventricules cardiaques. Sa dangerosité est due à sa mauvaise tolérance et au risque d'arrêt cardiaque, après fibrillation ventriculaire. Physiopathologie La tachycardie ventriculaire est liée à la présence d'une voie de réentrée intraventriculaire. Une extrasystole ventriculaire peut ainsi pénétrer le circuit de la réentrée, provoquant une tachycardie ventriculaire soutenue (prolongée). Cette voie est souvent secondaire à une cicatrice d'un infarctus du myocarde ou d'une lésion de fibrose dans une cardiomyopathie. Clinique Le sujet ressent le plus souvent une tachycardie régulière à début brutal, généralement mal tolérée (avec collapsus, insuffisance cardiaque, malaise lipothymique, voire syncope). Électrocardiogramme L'ECG va montrer : une tachycardie régulière ; une dissociation auriculo-ventriculaire (les complexes QRS sont plus nombreux que les ondes P) ; les complexes QRS sont larges (> 0,12 s) ; des complexes de capture, liés à une activation supra-ventriculaire des ventricules : les oreillettes vont conduire aux ventricules et cela donnera des complexes QRS ayant la même forme que les complexes QRS lorsque le rythme est sinusal (rythme normal) ; des complexes de fusion. On parlera de tachycardie ventriculaire monomorphe si tous les complexes QRS sont identiques et de tachycardie ventriculaire polymorphe si les complexes QRS ont des formes différentes. Une tachycardie ventriculaire non soutenue est une salve comprenant plus de 3 complexes et durant moins de 30 secondes et dont la fréquence est supérieure à 120/min. Des définitions alternatives cependant existent, variant sur la durée ou sur la fréquence minimale. Si la salve dure plus de 30 secondes, on parle alors de tachycardie ventriculaire soutenue. Si la fréquence est plus basse, on parle alors de « RIVA » (rythme idio-ventriculaire accéléré). Causes Il faut rechercher une cardiopathie sous-jacente : une cardiopathie ischémique, hypertensive ; une valvulopathie évoluée, un prolapsus de la valve mitrale ; une cardiomyopathie hypertrophique ou dilatée ; une dysplasie ventriculaire droite arythmogène ; une tachycardie ventriculaire polymorphe catécholergique. Il faut également rechercher un facteur déclenchant ou favorisant : un trouble métabolique (hypokaliémie, hypoxie, état de choc) ; une endocrinopathie (hyperthyroïdie) ; une cause médicamenteuse (surdosage digitalique, effet pro-arythmogène des antiarythmiques) ; la prise de toxiques (tabac, thé, café, alcool, cocaïne) ; une infection. Traitement La prise en charge des troubles du rythme ventriculaire a fait l'objet de la publication de recommandations. Celles de l'European Society of Cardiology ont été mises à jour en 2022. Traitement de la crise En cas de crise de tachycardie, si la tolérance est médiocre, on utilisera le choc électrique externe. Si elle est bonne, on tentera une réduction médicamenteuse. Traitement préventif Le traitement de fond repose, dans la mesure du possible, sur le traitement de la cause (correction chirurgicale d'une maladie valvulaire, revascularisation en cas d'insuffisance coronarienne, correction d'une hypokaliémie…). Si la cause n'est pas accessible à un traitement, la mise en place d'un défibrillateur automatique implantable se doit d'être discuté. Ce dispositif permet la détection d'une récidive de trouble rythmique et sa régularisation par la délivrance d'un choc électrique par une électrode située à la pointe du ventricule droit. Un traitement médicamenteux peut être associé. Ce sont essentiellement les bêta-bloquants qui sont utilisés, réduisant substantiellement le nombre de crises mais pas de manière suffisante si l'atteinte du muscle cardiaque est importante. Une alternative est l'amiodarone. Dans certains cas (tachycardies ventriculaires récidivantes et monomorphes, c'est-à-dire, issues, à chaque fois, de la même zone du ventricule et suffisamment bien tolérée à moyen terme), une ablation par radiofréquence peut être proposée. La zone ventriculaire responsable est déterminée au cours d'une exploration électrophysiologique, le patient étant en tachycardie ventriculaire (d'où la nécessité qu'elle soit bien supportée). Elle est cautérisée et circonscrite par une sonde dont l'extrémité est chauffée par un courant de radio fréquence. L'examen est aidée par un système de cartographie tridimensionnelle du cœur. Cette technique a une bonne efficacité mais le risque de récidive n'est pas éliminé et ne permet pas, en règle, de se passer de l'implantion d'un défibrillateur. L'ablation en rythme sinusal est possible mais plus complexe. Notes et références Trouble du rythme cardiaque Urgence en cardiologie
{'title': 'Tachycardie ventriculaire', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachycardie%20ventriculaire', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
George Allan Harder (Apia, 22 de junio de 1974) es un ex–jugador samoano de rugby que se desempeñaba como wing. Selección nacional Fue convocado a Manu Samoa por primera vez en abril de 1995 para jugar ante los Springboks y jugó su último partido en junio del mismo año y contra el mismo rival. En total solo jugó cuatro partidos y marcó tres tries. Participaciones en Copas del Mundo Solo disputó la Copa del Mundo de Sudáfrica 1995 donde Harder contribuyó enormemente a que Samoa avance a la fase final tras vencer a la Azzurri y a los Pumas, luego fue eliminada en cuartos de final por los eventuales campeones del Mundo; los Springboks y este fue su último partido internacional. Palmarés Campeón de la Copa Desafío de 2003–04. Referencias Personas de Apia Jugadores de rugby de Samoa Jugadores de la selección de rugby de Samoa
{'title': 'George Harder', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%20Harder', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Lennea is a genus of legume in the family Fabaceae. It contains the following species: Lennea viridiflora, including var. novogaliciensis. References Robinieae Taxonomy articles created by Polbot Fabaceae genera
{'title': 'Lennea', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennea', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Tomás de la Rica Calderón (Guadalajara; 21 de diciembre de 1881 - Orán, Argelia francesa; 1951) fue un pedagogo y político republicano español. Era hermano del médico Rafael de la Rica y del dibujante Juan Manuel de la Rica. Biografía Nació en el seno de una familia de clase media de ideología progresista y activa presencia en la vida política y cultural de Guadalajara, representante de la burguesía ilustrada y republicana del siglo XIX en la ciudad. En 1896 acabó su formación en la Escuela Normal de Guadalajara, obteniendo el título de maestro superior, y cursó los estudios de electricista en la Escuela Central de Artes y Oficios de Madrid. Trabajó como electricista en la Fábrica del Mediodía de Madrid, fue jefe del laboratorio electro-químico de la fábrica Vatímetros B y B de contadores eléctricos, jefe de fabricación de la factoría de lámparas incandescentes B.C. de Madrid y, desde 1921, fue jefe del laboratorio de metalografía de la fábrica de la Hispano de Guadalajara. Desde el año 1902 publicó numerosos artículos técnicos en revistas especializadas como La Energía Eléctrica o La Construcción Moderna, entre otras. Muy pronto destacó por su activa militancia en el Partido Republicano Democrático Federal, aunque al proclamarse la Segunda República Española se integró en el Partido Republicano Radical Socialista, formando parte de su comité en Guadalajara. También dirigió Juventud Obrera, el periódico de la UGT de Guadalajara, que se publicó entre 1911 y 1920. Librepensador convencido, fue el primer alcarreño que contrajo matrimonio civil en toda la provincia, casándose con Manuela Etreros en el mes de agosto de 1911. En 1925 ingresó en la masonería, siendo uno de los primeros miembros de la Logia Arriaco, activa durante la Segunda República, con el nombre simbólico de Henares. Pero, ante todo, Tomás de la Rica destacó como director de la Escuela Laica de Guadalajara, desde su apertura en 1903 hasta que cerró en 1936 después de ser destruida por un bombardeo de la aviación franquista, y de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de la ciudad, que solo por su generosidad pudo abrirse en 1922 y de la que fue profesor y director hasta que en 1932 se transformó en Escuela de Trabajo, de la que también fue nombrado director. Ambos centros educativos fueron pioneros en la renovación pedagógica del primer tercio del siglo XX y formaron a varias generaciones de alcarreños en un clima de exigencia intelectual y libertad personal. En 1939, al acabar la Guerra Civil Española, consiguió salir de España, refugiándose en Orán (Argelia francesa), donde falleció en 1951. Bibliografía Calero Delso, Juan Pablo; Higuera Barco, Sergio. "La Escuela Laica de Guadalajara", en Añil, número 28. Toledo, 2005. Enlaces externos Comunicación "La Escuela Laica de Guadalajara (1885-1939), presentada en el Congreso de Historia Cien años de la Escuela Moderna de Ferrer Guardia, organizado por la Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo y celebrado en Guadalajara del 9 al 11 de noviembre de 2001. Masones de España Pedagogos de España del siglo XX Políticos de la Segunda República Española Políticos del Partido Republicano Democrático Federal Políticos del Partido Republicano Radical Socialista Políticos de Guadalajara (España) Nacidos en Guadalajara (España)
{'title': 'Tomás de la Rica', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%C3%A1s%20de%20la%20Rica', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Mistrzostwa Afryki U-17 w piłce nożnej 1995 – 1. edycja turnieju o mistrzostwo Afryki w piłce nożnej do lat 17, która odbyła się w dniach 14–27 maja 1995 roku. Gospodarzem zostało Mali. Trzy najlepsze reprezentacje awansowały do Mistrzostw Świata U-17 1995 w Ekwadorze. Kwalifikacje Pierwsza runda Zwycięzcy dwumeczów awansują do drugiej rundy. Druga runda Zwycięzcy dwumeczów awansują do turnieju głównego. Zakwalifikowane drużyny (gospodarz) Faza grupowa Grupa A Grupa B Faza pucharowa Półfinały Mecz o 3. miejsce Finał Reprezentacje Ghany, Nigerii i Gwinei awansowały do Mistrzostw Świata U-17 1995. Przypisy Mistrzostwa Afryki U-17 w piłce nożnej 1995 w piłce nożnej 1995 w Afryce Piłka nożna w Mali Sport w Bamako
{'title': 'Mistrzostwa Afryki U-17 w Piłce Nożnej 1995', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistrzostwa%20Afryki%20U-17%20w%20Pi%C5%82ce%20No%C5%BCnej%201995', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
O Independente fue un periódico semanario portugués, fundado en 1988. Su primer número fue publicado a 20 de mayo de 1988 y el último el día 1 de septiembre de 2006. Detido por la SOCI - Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, que fue fundada e presidida por Luís Nobre Guedes, su primer director fue Miguel Esteves Cardoso, coadyuvado por Paulo Portas (que vendría a ser el segundo director) y por Manuel Falcão. Em 1991 la SOCI fue vendida a Miguel Pais do Amaral. O Independente tuvo también un papel en la transformación del CDS en el Centro Democrático Social / Partido Popular y fue un semanario de gran importancia en la década de 1990, cuando casi todas las semanas surgía una titular denunciando una figura pública (ministros, gobernantes, políticos, etc.), por casos de corrupción, uso indebido de fondos públicos, etc. Varias personas fueron acusadas justamente, pero otras fueron consideradas inocentes por los tribunales y el periódico fue sujeto de varios procesos por difamación. Fue uno de los principales responsables del declinar del cavaquismo, hecho que más tarde haría extremadamente difíciles las relaciones entre el CDS/PP liderado por Paulo Portas y el Partido Social Demócrata. Después de la salida de Portas, el periódico tuvo como directores, sucesivamente, a Constança Cunha y Sá, Isaías Gomes Teixeira, de nuevo Miguel Esteves Cardoso y por fin, Inês Serra Lopes. En el inicio del siglo XXI comenzó su declinar entre los lectores y la consecuente caída de ventas (9 mil ejemplares los últimos meses, que representaban solo el 1% de lectores totales). Además de las bajas ventas, el periódico tuvo que pagar varias indemnizaciones a quienes habían sido acusados injustamente por el mismo. En abril de 2001,O Independente fue adquirido, libre de cargas, por Medía Capital, un grupo de inversores encabezado por Inês Serra Lopes. La último titular del periódico decía "Punto final" y en el resto del mismo (núm. 955) solo constan algunas primeras páginas de este semanario. Periódicos de Portugal Periódicos desaparecidos Publicaciones fundadas en 1988 Publicaciones desaparecidas en 2006 Conservadurismo en Portugal
{'title': 'O Independente', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%20Independente', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Cairook, also known as Avi Havasuts ("Blue Rock") was a Mohave leader born sometime before 1814. In 1854, Cairook accompanied the Whipple expedition from the Colorado River to Afton Canyon on the Mojave Road, guiding them successfully through the area now known as the Mojave National Preserve. Amiel Weeks Whipple appreciated Cairook's help, and found Cairook to be a willing and fair trader with his party. Other American explorers and surveyors spoke highly of Cairook, including Charles Ives, who wrote in his journal entry on March 23, 1858 that "Cairook came to bid us farewell. I was never before so struck with his noble appearance. When he shook hands his head was almost level with mine as he stood beside the mule on which I was riding. He indicated his wishes that we might have a successful trip, and remained watching the train until it was out of sight, waving his hand and smiling his adieus. We all felt regret at parting with him, for he had proved himself a staunch friend." According to Fulsom Charles Scrivner, author of Mohave People (1970), Cairook grew to a height of nearly . In 1858, an attack on the Rose-Baley Party began the series of events that led to Cairook's death at the hands of American Army officials. The party arrived in late August 1858, arriving along the Colorado River. L.R. Rose, one of the leaders, reported that the Mojaves were very friendly, aiding the tired travelers throughout the evening. The travelers camped along the Colorado River, and on August 29, Mojave leaders Cairook and Sickahot went to inquire after the travelers, asking if they intended to settle on their Mojave territory or travel onward. On August 30, the traveling party was attacked by Hualapais and seven Mohaves after felling many of the Mojave cottonwood trees along the Colorado River and grazing their cattle on Mojave territory. The remaining Rose-Baley Party members fled. After the attack on the Rose-Baley Party, General N.S. Clarke, the commander of the Military Department of California (headquartered in San Francisco) was convinced that a military post should be constructed at Fort Mojave in order to prevent a general Indian uprising, which he believed was spurred by the encouragement of Mormon emigrants. Clarke sent Lieutenant Colonel William Hoffman and 50 men of the First Mohave Expedition sent to Beale's Crossing to build a post for ensuring military power along the Colorado River. Although initial contact with the Mojaves was friendly, the continued presence of soldiers worried the Mojaves that soldiers were encroaching on their territory in the fertile Mojave Valley over a period of several days in January, 1859. After the initial friendly meetings, Hoffman warned Mojaves to stay away from their camp at night, or risk being shot. He moved his camp to the Colorado River. One night, Hoffman reported that sentinels shot at several Mojaves and Paiutes (most likely Chemehuevis). He reflected "The hostile attitude taken by the Indians left little room to doubt that we could not remain another twenty-four hours in the valley without a collision with the Mohave Nation." Hoffman decided to attack the Mojaves the following day, killing at least ten Mojaves. Hoffman and his group left for Fort Yuma in order to prepare to bring a show of military force back to Mojave territory. Hoffman demanded that the tribe surrender to US forces, naming the following conditions that he later wrote in a letter to General Clarke on April 24, 1859: "1st. The must offer no opposition to the establishment of posts and roads in and through their country, when and where the government chooses; and the property and lives of whites travelling through their country must be secured. 2nd. As security for their future good conduct they must place in my hands one hostage for each of the six bands. 3rd. They must place in my hands the chief who commanded at the threatened attack on my camp in January last. 4th. They must place in my hands three of those who were engaged in the attack on the emigrant part at this spot last summer". Cairook was one of the Mojaves who agreed to be taken hostage by the U.S. Government at Fort Yuma. By late June, the imprisoned Mojaves were sick of being held hostage. After Mojave leader Irataba visited to petition for Cairook's release and was refused, Cairook and the other hostages planned their escape. Cairook's role in the escape was to hold the sentry, and he was subsequently bayoneted while the others escaped. According to Mojave elder Frances Stillman, Cairook had told the other men imprisoned "You're all young. I'm years ahead of you. I've had a lot of years already that I've spent of my life. When its lunch time, all the guards go to their lunch except that one up there. I'll go up and hold him while you men dive into the water." References Bibliography 1859 deaths First Nations history Native American leaders Mohave people Arizona Territory People of the American Old West
{'title': 'Cairook', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cairook', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
A Football League Championship (röviden Championship vagy Sky Bet Championship a szponzor miatt) az angol labdarúgó-bajnokságok közül a legelső, a szintek közül a második a Premier League után, az English Football League legmagasabb osztálya. Jelenlegi címvédője a Norwich City, a 2020–2021-es kiírás győztese. Története A Football League Championship a 2004–05-ös szezonra lett bevezetve, korábban Football League First Divisionként működött. Rögtön az első évében összesen 9,8 millió néző látogatott ki a stadionokba, amivel az európai labdarúgás negyedik legnézettebb bajnoksága lett a Premier League (12,88 millió), a spanyol La Liga (11,57 millió) és a német Bundesliga (10,92 millió) mögött, de megelőzte az olasz Serie A-t (9,77 millió) és a francia Ligue 1-et (8,17 millió). Az igazsághoz az is hozzátartozik, hogy amíg a Championshipben 24 csapat van, addig a La Ligában, a Serie A-ban és a Ligue 1-ben 20, a Bundesligában pedig 18. A bajnokság sikerében a TV-s jogdíjak hatalmas szerepet játszanak. A bajnokság lebonyolítása A Championship mezőnye 24 csapatból áll, melyek az augusztustól májusig tartó szezon alatt kétszer játszanak egymással, egyszer otthon, egyszer idegenben. Ez azt jelenti, hogy egy csapat bajnoki szezonja 46 meccsből áll. A pontozás a megszokottak szerint zajlik, a győzelemért 3, a döntetlenért 1 pont jár, vereség esetén pedig nem jár pont. A csapatok rangsorolásakor legfontosabb adat a gyűjtött pontok száma, utána veszik számításba a gólkülönbséget, legvégül pedig a lőtt gólok számát. Ha az évad végén egy csapatnál az előbbi mutatók közül mindegyik megegyezik, akkor a betűrend szerint dől el a helyezés. Ha azonban az adott pozíció megszerzésén feljutás, kiesés vagy osztályozós hely múlik, akkor az érintett csapatok még egyszer játszanak egymással. Az első két helyen végző gárda automatikusan feljut a Premier League-be, a harmadik, negyedik, ötödik és hatodik helyen végző csapatok pedig rájátszásban vesznek részt a feljutásért. E szerint a harmadik és a hatodik, valamint a negyedik és ötödik csap össze egy kétfordulós elődöntőn. A győztesek bejutnak a döntőbe, ahol egy találkozón dől el a győzelem. Aki itt nyer, az szintén feljut az élvonalba és kap egy trófeát is. A feljutókat a Premier League-ből kieső három csapat pótolja. Az utolsó három helyezett kiesik a League One-ba, a harmadosztályba, helyükre pedig a League One legjobbjai érkeznek. Feljutók az élvonalba Kiesők a harmadosztályba Feljutók a harmadosztályból Gólkirályok Jegyzetek English Football League 2
{'title': 'Angol labdarúgó-bajnokság (másodosztály)', 'url': 'https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angol%20labdar%C3%BAg%C3%B3-bajnoks%C3%A1g%20%28m%C3%A1sodoszt%C3%A1ly%29', 'language': 'hu', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Volvo er en sang af Eddie Meduza. Sangen kan findes på singlen "Jag Vill Ha En Volvo" (på dansk: Jeg Ønsker Mig En Volvo) og albummet Gasen I Botten fra 1981. I Aftonbladet blev "Volvo" kåret til Eddie Meduzas trettende bedste sang. I en uofficiel afstemning fra sommeren 2002 om Eddie Meduzas 100 bedste sange endte "Volvo" på sjette plads. Tekst Sangen handler om hovedpersonen, der kører ud med sin Chevrolet fra 1963. Derefter bliver han overhalet af en Volvo, og der er et løb mellem de to. Udgivelser Den første udgave af singlen havde Volvos logo på omslaget, men dette blev ikke værdsat af Volvo, så i den næste udgave havde omslaget ikke Volvos logo. Referencer Sange fra 1981 Eddie Meduza-sange Sange fra Sverige Singler fra 1981 Eksterne henvisninger Eddies Himmel på Luftkaffe.se, hentet d. 29 februar 2020 Swemusic på Swemusic.se, hentet d. 29 februar 2020
{'title': 'Volvo (sang)', 'url': 'https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volvo%20%28sang%29', 'language': 'da', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Престон Ерселл Клауд Молодший (; 26 вересня 1912 — 16 січня 1991) – американський палеонтолог, географ і геолог. Відомий розробкою геохронологічної шкали часу та дослідженнями з біогенезу Землі. Його праці сприяли відкриттю Кембрійського вибуху. Клауд був також піонером у галузі екології. Член низки наукових товариств. На честь Престона Клауда названо вимерлий рід клаудин. Біографія Клауд народився у Вест Ептоні, штат Массачусетс, і виріс у Вейнсборо, штат Пенсільванія, де розвинувся його інтерес до природознавства. Після коледжу Клауд відслужив три роки у ВМС США (з 1930 до 1933), де проявив себе, зокрема, як чудовий боксер. Незважаючи на труднощі, що виникли під час Великої депресії, Клауду вдається зібрати гроші за свій перший семестр занять в університеті Джорджа Вашингтона. Великий вплив на кар'єру Клауда мав Рей Басслер (1878—1961), професор і куратор палеонтологічного відділу Національного природничого музею. Басслер помітив інтерес Клауда до його досліджень і дав можливість студенту працювати в музеї спочатку як різнороб, а потім як таксидерміст. Пізніше Клауд працював з палеонтологом і стратиграфом Г. Артуром Купером. Від Купера Клауд дізнався багато нового про скам'янілості, особливо про групу брахіопод, про яку вони з Купером опублікували 1938 року спільну статтю. Незважаючи на те, що Клауд мав штатну посаду в музеї, того ж року він отримав ступінь бакалавра наук. Після закінчення університету стипендія Купера дозволила йому відвідувати Єльський університет, хоча йому також довелося продовжувати працювати таксидермістом. 1940 року в Єльському університеті він здобув ступінь доктора філософії в 1940 р. Його монографія про брахіопод була відзначена премією ім. А. Крессі Моррісона в галузі природознавства в Нью-Йоркській академії наук і була опублікована 1942 року Геологічним товариством Америки. До війни Клауд недовго викладав у Школі шахт Міссурі в Роллі та в Єлі. Він провів Другу світову війну разом із Геологічною службою США (USGS), картографуючи основні військові ресурси в США. Після війни Клауд недовго працював Асистентом професора палеонтології та куратором палеонтології безхребетних в Гарвардському університеті, але повернувся до USGS у 1948 р., щоб, серед іншого, нанести на карту Маріанські острови. Починаючи з 1948 року, Клауд досліджував розвиток життя й зокрема метазоїв (багатоклітинних організмів) протягом перших 200 мільйонів років фанерозою. З 1968 року Клауд працював над моделями ранньої Землі і намагався зрозуміти взаємодію між біосферою, атмосферою, гідросферою та літосферою. Він висунув тезу про збільшення вільного кисню в первісній атмосфері близько двох мільярдів років тому. У період між 1949 і 1959 роками Клауд очолював відділ палеонтології USGS у Вашингтоні, розширивши його з маленької групи до великого відділу. У цей час він проводив дослідження в Іспанії та на Великих Багамських відмілинах. Він зрозумів, що систематичне дослідження континентального шельфу має велике значення для досліджень, тож намагався координувати національні дослідження в цьому сенсі. У 1961 році Клауд був призначений директором Департаменту геології та геофізики Університету Міннесоти. З 1965 року він переїхав до Каліфорнійського університету в Лос-Анджелесі (UCLA) на посаду професора біогеології. Він працював у кампусі Санта-Барбари UCLA до кінця 1970-их, де також представляв USGS. З 1961 року він був членом Національної академії наук більше 30 років, де обіймав кілька посад. Клауд був одружений тричі і мав шістьох дітей. В останні роки життя він страждав на бічний аміотрофічний склероз, від якого врешті помер у січні 1991 року. Членства 1969: Клауд був обраний до Американської академії мистецтв і наук . 1973: обраний членом Американського філософського товариства . 1988: став членом-кореспондентом Палеонтологічного товариства . Праці The Biosphere, Scientific American, September 1983 (Sonderheft Dynamic Earth) Terebratuloid Brachiopoda of the Silurian and Devonian, Geological Society of America Special Publ. 38, 1942 Some Problems and Patterns of Evolution Exemplified by Fossil Invertebrates, Evolution, Band 2, Dezember 1948, S. 322—350 Our Disappearing Earth Resources, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1969 mit Aharon Giber: The Oxygen Cycle, Scientific American, September 1970 Major Features of Crustal Evolution, Alexander Du Toit Memorial Lectures 14, Geological Society of South Africa, 1976 Cosmos, Earth and Man: Short History of the Universe. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1978, ISBN 978-0300021462. Oasis in Space: Earth History from the Beginning, W. W. Norton, 1989, ISBN 978-0393305838. Відзнаки 1976: медаль Пенроуза від Геологічного товариства Америки 1977: Медаль Чарльза Дуліттла Волкотта від Національної академії наук Примітки Література John C. Crowell: Preston Cloud — September 26, 1912–January 16, 1991. In: National Academy of Sciences, Biographical Memoirs. Band 67, 1995, S. 43–62 (mit Bild) J. Thomas Dutro, Jr.: Preston Cloud: Peripatetic Paleontologist (Memento vom 7. März 2005 im Internet Archive). In: GSA Today. August 1999 Посилання Відзначені преміями та медалями. Лауреат медалі Пенроуза, Геологічне товариство Америки Медаль Чарльза Дуліттла Уолкотта. Лауреат медалі та нагороди Національної академії наук Померли від бічного аміотрофічного склерозу Отримувачі гранту Ґуґґенгайма Випускники Єльського університету Географи США Геологи США Палеонтологи США Члени Американського філософського товариства Члени і члени-кореспонденти Національної академії наук США Члени Американської академії мистецтв і наук Науковці Університету Міннесоти Геологи XX століття
{'title': 'Престон Клауд', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%D0%9A%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%B4', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Nadezhda Sergeyevna Glyzina (, née Fedotova; born 20 May 1988) is a Russian female water polo player. She was a member of the Russia women's national water polo team, playing as a driver. She was a part of the team at the 2008 Summer Olympics, 2012 Summer Olympics and 2016 Summer Olympics. On club level she played for Kinef Kirishi in Russia. See also Russia women's Olympic water polo team records and statistics List of Olympic medalists in water polo (women) List of players who have appeared in multiple women's Olympic water polo tournaments List of women's Olympic water polo tournament top goalscorers List of World Aquatics Championships medalists in water polo References External links Russian female water polo players 1988 births Living people Olympic water polo players of Russia Water polo players at the 2012 Summer Olympics World Aquatics Championships medalists in water polo Water polo players at the 2016 Summer Olympics Olympic bronze medalists for Russia Olympic medalists in water polo Medalists at the 2016 Summer Olympics Water polo players at the 2008 Summer Olympics People from Kirishi Water polo players at the 2020 Summer Olympics Sportspeople from Leningrad Oblast 21st-century Russian women
{'title': 'Nadezhda Glyzina', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadezhda%20Glyzina', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
USS Kretchmer (DE-329) was an built for the U.S. Navy during World War II. She served in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and provided destroyer escort protection against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys. Namesake Raymond Joseph Kretchmer was born on 30 January 1917, in Chicago, Illinois. He enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve on 29 August 1940. He was appointed Midshipman, Naval Reserve, at Northwestern University and commissioned Ensign on 12 September 1941. He was assigned to active duty on 12 September and served on board . He was killed in action 9 August 1942 when Astoria was sunk by Imperial Japanese Navy forces during the Battle of Savo Island. Construction and commissioning Kretchmer was laid down 28 June 1943, by Consolidated Steel Corporation, Orange, Texas; launched 31 August 1943; sponsored by Miss Betty Kretchmer, sister of Ensign Kretchmer; and commissioned 13 December 1943. World War II North Atlantic operations After a Bermuda shakedown Kretchmer departed Charleston, South Carolina, 15 February 1944, for operations in the Caribbean. Based at Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, she escorted convoys to Cuba and Bermuda until sailing for Key West, Florida, 2 May. Assigned to an air wing training detachment, Kretchmer operated with torpedo bombers for 3 weeks, before departing Charleston 8 June escorting a convoy to Europe. Sailing via Curaçao, D.W.I., Kretchmer screened shipping bound for Naples, Italy, in preparation for the assaults on southern France. After returning to the United States 16 July, the escort ship made one more cruise to Naples during the summer. Transfer to the Pacific Fleet Between 20 September 1944 and 27 April 1945, Kretchmer sailed as escort to five convoys from New York to United Kingdom ports. After victory in Europe, she prepared for Pacific Fleet duty arriving Pearl Harbor 5 July. Clearing Pearl Harbor 1 August, Kretchmer was en route to the Philippines when hostilities stopped on 14 August. Serving in the Far East until 1 April 1946, the destroyer escort engaged in occupation and repatriation operations, including the evacuation of Allied prisoners of war from Formosa during September 1945. Kretchmer also served on escort duty, mine patrol, and mail runs between Chinese ports. Departing Hong Kong 1 April 1946, she returned home by way of the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean, arriving Charleston, South Carolina, 29 May. Kretchmer decommissioned at Green Cove Springs, Florida, 20 September 1946. Conversion to picket ship After extensive conversion, Kretchmer recommissioned as DER-329 on 22 September 1956. After shakedown in the Caribbean, the radar picket arrived at Boston, Massachusetts, 18 December to commence operations in the Northern Radar Barrier. Based at Newport, Rhode Island, from 1957 to 1962, she remained on picket duty, making regular patrols to provide early warning to the continental air defense systems. Kretchmer also made cruises to northern Europe in 1958, 1961, and 1962, and in August 1961 rescued six men from foundered Icelandic fishing vessel MV Sleipnir. Cuban Missile Crisis activity In the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kretchmer departed Newport 23 November 1962 for picket duty off the southern coast of the United States. While operating as plane guard and screen for in Key West, Florida, waters, Kretchmer rescued two shrimp fishermen from disabled fishing vessel MV Ala, after they had been fired upon by Cuban MiG aircraft. On 21 February 1963, while Kretchmer was guarding Ala, a MiG-17 made four passes at the disabled fishing craft before turning tail ahead of U.S. Marine aircraft. Kretchmer continued picket and training operations in the Atlantic until 21 May 1965, when she entered Boston Naval Shipyard for overhaul prior to deployment in the western Pacific. The ship departed Newport, Rhode Island, for Guam, arriving in Agana, Guam, Mariana Islands on 2 August 1965 after a stopover at Pearl Harbor. Vietnam Operations One month later, Kretchmer joined other vessels off the South Vietnam coast in Operation Market Time, keeping coastal traffic under surveillance to prevent the shipment of Communist arms and supply to South Vietnam by sea. Her motor whaleboat came under heavy small arms fire during a roundup operation in November 1965. No American casualties resulted and Kretchmer's search party seized a large number of suspected guerrilla infiltrators. By the end of a year of patrol, the ship had investigated some 17,000 contacts, and boarded over 1,000 small craft. On 10 December 1965 Kretchmer steamed into Apra Harbor, Guam, where she remained until her departure 22 February 1966 for a 7-month deployment with the 7th Fleet. She continued "Market Time" patrol off the coast and in the harbors of Vietnam working closely with other US Navy and Coast Guard vessels assigned to Task Force 115, searching junks and providing gunfire support for US Marine and US Army operations ashore. She left Subic Bay 29 September 1966 for her homeport, Guam, where she remained in Restricted Availability and leave until 9 January 1967, departing the Guam homeport once again for a nine-month deployment with the 7th Fleet. Kretchmer served Task Force 115 in all nine of South Vietnam's Market Time Zones through 1967, 1968 and briefly in 1969. Notably, on 10 June 1967, Kretchmer and three PCFs rounded up 120 Viet Cong and 60 junks when Republic of Korea Army troops pushed the enemy to shore at Quang Gnai. POWs were held aboard until US Navy small craft transferred the captives. Her continued presence on the South China Sea and Gulf of Siam coasts delineated the commitment of the United States to the preservation of the independence of South Vietnam. Taiwan Patrol & Hong Kong Station Ship Operations When Kretchmer was not engaged in Vietnam Market Time Operations or Restricted Availability in homeport Agana, Guam, during her 1965-1969 Western Pacific 7th Fleet deployment, she usually patrolled the Taiwan Straits between Communist China and Taiwan or was assigned to Station Ship Hong Kong, B.C.C. as SOPA (Senior Officer Present Administration). Kretchmer visited Bangkok, Thailand for R&R (rest and recuperation between combat zone patrols), Subic Bay, Philippines for R&R, dry dock and repairs, Yokosuka, Japan for R&R, operational training and certification, Keelung and Kaohsiung, Taiwan for R&R, repairs and resupply between patrols of the Taiwan Straits. Notably, in the latter half of 1969, while on Taiwan Patrol she was caught in winds topping 70 knots and high seas while in the Straits. Key West In early 1970, after a brief homeport assignment in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Kretchmer transferred to the Atlantic Fleet via the Panama Canal, stopping in San Francisco and Acapulco along the way. Her new homeport was Key West with DesDiv 601 and was an ASW training ship. During this time, she fired off hedgehogs as a weapons evaluation and later was to drop depth charges between two submarines at periscope depth for the submarine CO/XO school. Fate She was decommissioned in Key West, Florida on 1 October 1973 and stricken 30 September 1973. She was sold for scrapping 14 May 1974. References External links NavSource Online: Destroyer Escort Photo Archive – USS Kretchmer (DE 329) Edsall-class destroyer escorts Ships built in Orange, Texas 1943 ships World War II frigates and destroyer escorts of the United States
{'title': 'USS Kretchmer (DE-329)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%20Kretchmer%20%28DE-329%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Ciosny – kolonia w Polsce położona w województwie łódzkim, w powiecie zgierskim, w gminie Zgierz. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do ówczesnego województwa łódzkiego. Przypisy Zgierz (gmina wiejska)
{'title': 'Ciosny (kolonia w powiecie zgierskim)', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciosny%20%28kolonia%20w%20powiecie%20zgierskim%29', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Die Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung regelt das Berufsrecht der Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland, das heißt die Rechte und Pflichten, die der Rechtsanwalt gegenüber Mandanten und Dritten zu beachten hat, sowie diverse weitere berufsrechtliche Fragen. Gesetzesgliederung Teil: Der Rechtsanwalt Teil: Die Zulassung des Rechtsanwalts Teil: Die Rechte und Pflichten des Rechtsanwalts und die berufliche Zusammenarbeit der Rechtsanwälte Teil: Die Rechtsanwaltskammern Teil: Das Anwaltsgericht, der Anwaltsgerichtshof und der Bundesgerichtshof in Anwaltssachen Teil: Die anwaltsgerichtliche Ahndung von Pflichtverletzungen Teil: Das anwaltsgerichtliche Verfahren Teil: Die Rechtsanwaltschaft bei dem Bundesgerichtshof Teil: Die Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer Teil: Die Kosten in Anwaltssachen Teil: Die Vollstreckung der anwaltsgerichtlichen Maßnahmen und der Kosten Teil: Anwälte aus anderen Staaten Teil: Übergangs- und Schlussvorschriften Folgen berufsrechtlicher Verstöße Rechtsanwälte unterliegen der Berufsaufsicht ihrer Rechtsanwaltskammer. Verstößt ein Rechtsanwalt gegen Vorschriften der BRAO oder gegen Vorschriften der BORA, kann die Rechtsanwaltskammer dieses Verhalten mit einer Rüge sanktionieren. Die Ahndung schwerer berufsrechtlicher Verfehlungen findet hingegen vor dem Anwaltsgericht statt. Literatur Christian Dahns, Johannes Keller: Ein Blick zurück auf wichtige berufsrechtliche Entscheidungen des Jahres 2011. In: BRAK-Mitteilungen 03/2012, 98 (PDF; 3,8 MB). Barbara Grunewald: Die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung zum anwaltlichen Berufsrecht im Jahr 2011. In: NJW 52/2011, 3767 (Vorgängeraufsatz: … in den Jahren 2009–2010. In: NJW 49/2010, 3551). Wilhelm E. Feuerich, Dag Weyland: Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO). Kommentar. Vahlen, München 2012, ISBN 978-3-8006-3748-5. Michael Kleine-Cosack: Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung mit Berufs- und Fachanwaltsordnung. Kommentar. 9., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. C. H. Beck, München 2022, ISBN 978-3-406-77856-8. Weblinks Einzelnachweise Rechtsquelle (Deutschland) Anwaltschaft in Deutschland Berufsrecht der Rechtsanwälte (Deutschland) Rechtsquelle (20. Jahrhundert)
{'title': 'Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Patricia Ann Reese (born 1950s) is an American former professional tennis player. Reese grew up in St. Petersburg, Florida, where her father worked as a general surgeon. She won national championships as a junior and competed on the international tour during the 1970s. In 1975 she reached the third round of the Wimbledon Championships as a qualifier. She has been married to politician J. Edward Meyer since 1979. References External links 1950s births Date of birth missing (living people) Living people American female tennis players Tennis people from Florida Sportspeople from St. Petersburg, Florida
{'title': 'Patty Ann Reese', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patty%20Ann%20Reese', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Rywalizacja w wadze do 63 kg kobiet w podnoszeniu ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000 odbyła się 19 września 2000 roku w hali Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre. W rywalizacji wystartowało 9 zawodniczek z 9 krajów. Był to debiut tej konkurencji w programie olimpijskim. Pierwszą w historii mistrzynią olimpijską w tej kategorii wagowej została Chinka Chen Xiaomin, srebrny medal wywalczyła Rosjanka Walentina Popowa, a trzecie miejsce zajęła Joana Chadziioanu z Grecji. Wyniki Bibliografia Podnoszenie ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000
{'title': 'Podnoszenie ciężarów na Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2000 – waga średnia kobiet', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podnoszenie%20ci%C4%99%C5%BCar%C3%B3w%20na%20Letnich%20Igrzyskach%20Olimpijskich%202000%20%E2%80%93%20waga%20%C5%9Brednia%20kobiet', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Бакхолтс () град је у америчкој савезној држави Тексас. По попису становништва из 2010. у њему је живело 515 становника. Демографија Према попису становништва из 2010. у граду је живело 515 становника, што је 128 (33,1%) становника више него 2000. године. Референце Литература Види још Списак градова у САД по броју становника Највећи градови у САД по деценијама Спољашње везе Градови у Тексасу Википројект географија/Насеља у САД
{'title': 'Бакхолтс (Тексас)', 'url': 'https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%82%D1%81%20%28%D0%A2%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D1%81%29', 'language': 'sr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Rhyme & Reason is an album by saxophonist Ted Nash which was recorded in 1998 and released on the Arabesque label the following year. Reception The AllMusic review by Michael G. Nastos said "As an emerging improviser and thoroughly modern composer, Nash hits his stride with this startling recording, utilizing a double quartet of standard instrumentation and strings. ... Nash has created music that is jazz based but stretches into several different areas. It's new music in every sense, has a universal appeal, unquestioned high level musicianship, and intrigue. This is one you do not want to pass on. Highly recommended". On All About Jazz, Douglas Payne noted "Ted Nash strives for something meaningful on Rhyme and Reason. Unlike other proclaimed and long-forgotten jazz events over the last few decades, Ted Nash has achieved something remarkable and lasting - just as the decade comes to an end", John Sharpe stated "At a time when the marketplace seems to be dominated by the sounds of "smooth jazz," it's encouraging to know that recordings such as these are still being produced. Saxophonist Ted Nash, who grew up in a very musical family, composed and arranged the entire CD and it's an ambitious, challenging piece of work", and Glenn Astarita observed "On Rhyme & Reason, the “Ted Nash Double Quartet”, is a finely tuned music machine, led by Nash’ multifaceted horn work along with on-target ensemble work and brisk arrangements. ... an extremely impressive release. Rhyme and Reason has staying power! Nash’ ability to entertain and sustain interest lies within his sharp arrangements, memorably melodic compositions and strong leadership qualities. Razor sharp soloing and ensemble work aside, Rhyme & Reason offers the complete package as it all sounds so natural and effortless". In JazzTimes, Bill Bennett wrote "This recording demonstrates that the range of what might be called chamber jazz is just as broad as that of its classical cousin. ... Nash has created some stunning settings for improvisation. His playing is broadly sourced and often inspired". Track listing All compositions by Ted Nash "Apollo 9" – 8:31 "Rhyme" – 6:47 "Spirit Dance" – 8:49 "Longing" – 11:35 "Free Choice" – 5:28 "Sisters" – 11:24 "Prana" – 4:40 "Ishtar Gate" – 7:40 "The Trails" – 8:53 Personnel Ted Nash – tenor saxophone, clarinet, alto flute, arranger Wynton Marsalis – trumpet (tracks 1 & 6) Frank Kimbrough – piano Ben Allison – double bass Tim Horner – drums Miri Ben-Ari, Joyce Hammann – violin Ron Lawrence – viola Thomas Ulrich – cello Erik Charlston – vibraphone, percussion References Arabesque Records albums Ted Nash (saxophonist, born 1960) albums 1999 albums
{'title': 'Rhyme & Reason (Ted Nash album)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyme%20%26%20Reason%20%28Ted%20Nash%20album%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
La contea di Henderson in inglese Henderson County è una contea dello Stato del Tennessee, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 25 522 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Lexington. Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Henderson
{'title': 'Contea di Henderson (Tennessee)', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contea%20di%20Henderson%20%28Tennessee%29', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures er et MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Computerudgaven af spillet udkom officielt til butikkerne d. 20 maj 2008 i USA og d. 23.maj 2008 i Europa. Age of Conan er funcom's store nye satsning. De står også for spillet Anarchy Online, som er et af de tidligere store mmorpg spil. Siden udgivelsen af spillet, er det gået hen og blevet den største udgivelse af en MMO titel siden udgivelsen af spillet World of Warcraft (daglig tale kaldet WoW) (kilde:kokatu.com). Historien Age of Conan bygger over bøgerne Conan the Cimmerian skrevet af Robert E. Howard i 1930erne og trækker også meget fra de film som blevet lavet i 80'erne. Udvidelser Den 11. maj 2010 udkom den første udvidelse, kaldet "Rise of The Godslayer", som foregår i det asitisk inspirerede land Khitai. Historien er løst baseret på den originale fortælling "Tower of The Elephant". I starten af 2011 opdaterede Funcom Age of Conans grafiske motor, med bedre optimering for dårligere computere, og for bedre udviklings muligheder i fremtiden. Quests og anden Information Ingen information endnu. Eksterne henvisninger Officiel Age of Conan hjemmeside AoC Wikia Gratis AoC Guide Victrix Legion Skandinavisk guild på Aquilonia Referencer Computerspil fra 2008 MMORPG Windows-spil Xbox 360-spil Free-to-play
{'title': 'Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures', 'url': 'https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age%20of%20Conan%3A%20Hyborian%20Adventures', 'language': 'da', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Žíšov (deutsch Schischow, früher Zischow) ist eine Gemeinde in Tschechien. Sie liegt zwei Kilometer nördlich von Veselí nad Lužnicí in Südböhmen und gehört zum Okres Tábor. Geographie Žíšov befindet sich auf der Anhöhe Za Humny (428 m) über der Einmündung des Baches Bechyňský potok bzw. Rytířský potok in die Lainsitz im Wittingauer Becken. Im Osten erhebt sich der Na Klobásné (470 m). Südlich des Dorfes verläuft die E55/I/3 zwischen Prag und Budweis. Am östlichen Ortsrand entsteht die Autobahn D 3 mit der Abfahrt Veselí nad Lužnicí-sever. Nachbarorte sind Vesce, Čeraz und Dráchov im Norden, Řípec im Nordosten, Újezdec und Zlukov im Osten, Mezímostí nad Nežárkou im Südosten, Veselí nad Lužnicí im Süden, Horusice, Kundratice und Sviny im Südwesten, Horní Bukovsko, Hartmanice und Borkovice im Westen sowie Komárov, Vlastiboř und Záluží im Nordwesten. Geschichte Žíšov entstand wahrscheinlich im 12. Jahrhundert und gehörte zu den Besitzungen der Witigonen. Die erste schriftliche Erwähnung des Dorfes erfolgte im Jahre 1362. Zu Beginn der Hussitenkriege plünderten die Pikarden (Adamiten) von Ostrov das Dorf. Im Jahre 1421 unternahm Jan Žižka mit 400 Mann eine erfolgreiche Strafexpedition gegen die Sekte. Die örtliche Überlieferung berichtet, dass das Dorf danach als Zeichen der Dankbarkeit den Namen Žíšov angenommen hätte. Als König Vladislav II. Jagiello am 6. Oktober 1488 alle Rechte an der Stadt Veselí an die Rosenberger abtrat, wurde Žíšov dabei als Zubehör von Veselí aufgeführt. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde der Ort als Žissov und Žiešov bezeichnet. Nach dem Tode von Peter Wok von Rosenberg fiel die Herrschaft Wittingau 1612 Peter von Schwanberg zu. Dessen Vermögen wurde nach der Schlacht am Weißen Berge wegen seiner Teilnahme am Ständeaufstand von 1618 konfisziert. Es fiel an die Habsburger, die die Gegenreformation durchführten. Erzherzog Leopold Wilhelm von Österreich trat 1660 die Herrschaft Wittingau an die Grafen Schwarzenberg ab. Im Jahre 1840 bestand Zischow/Zissow aus 33 Häusern mit 204 Einwohnern, wovon ein Haus nach Kardasch Retschitz untertänig war. Pfarrort war Wesely. Bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts blieb das Dorf immer der Herrschaft Wittingau untertänig. Nach der Aufhebung der Patrimonialherrschaften bildete Žišov/Schischow ab 1850 einen Ortsteil der Gemeinde Dráchov in der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Třeboň/Wittingau und dem Gerichtsbezirk Veselí nad Lužnicí. Seit dieser Zeit ist Dráchov Pfarr- und Schulort. Im Jahre 1873 löste sich Šišov bzw. Žišov von Dráchov los und bildete eine eigene Gemeinde. Seit 1924 findet der Ortsname Žíšov Verwendung. Nach der Aufhebung des Okres Třeboň wurde Žíšov 1948 Teil des Okres Soběslav. Dieser wurde 1961 wieder aufgelöst und der Ort dem Okres Tábor zugeordnet, zugleich erfolgte die Eingemeindung als Ortsteil Veselí nad Lužnicí III – Žíšov nach Veselí nad Lužnicí. Nach einem Referendum löste sich Žíšov zum 24. November 1990 wieder los und bildete eine eigene Gemeinde. Gemeindegliederung Für die Gemeinde Žíšov sind keine Ortsteile ausgewiesen. Söhne und Töchter der Gemeinde Matěj Kubeš (1892–1952), Flügelhornist und Kapellmeister Ladislav Kubeš (* 1949), Musikverleger, Musiker und Kapellmeister Sehenswürdigkeiten Kapelle der hl. Anna, errichtet 1837 auf Veranlassung des Ortsrichters Jan Šafránek anstelle eines Glockenturmes, bis 1908 war sie dem hl. Johannes von Nepomuk geweiht Naturschutzgebiet Doubí u Žíšova, östlich des Dorfes an der Lainsitz Naturschutzgebiet Torfmoor Kozohlůdky, nordwestlich von Žíšov Einzelnachweise Weblinks Geschichte von Žíšov Ersterwähnung 1362
{'title': 'Žíšov', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BD%C3%AD%C5%A1ov', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
(20853) Yunxiangchu (2000 VQ13) – planetoida z grupy pasa głównego asteroid okrążająca Słońce w ciągu 4,01 lat w średniej odległości 2,52 j.a. Odkryta 1 listopada 2000 roku. Zobacz też lista planetoid 20001–21000 lista planetoid Linki zewnętrzne Planetoidy pasa głównego Nazwane planetoidy Obiekty astronomiczne odkryte w 2000
{'title': '(20853) Yunxiangchu', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2820853%29%20Yunxiangchu', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
O Zmaj Fizir FP-2 foi um avião monomotor biplano de treinamento avançado da Iugoslávia. Foi designado por Rudolf Fizir e Dušan Stankov e construído na fabrica da Zmaj de Zemun em 1936. Design e desenvolvimento Em 1933 o comando da Força Aérea Real da Iugoslávia (FARI), decidiu substituir os seus aviões antigos por modernos treinadores, para um transicional treinamento básico de combate. A Zmaj designou um protótipo de biplano o Fizir FP-1, para o treino transicional de pilotos, mas este se mostrou insatisfatório em todos os requerimentos da FARI. Como resultado desta rejeição os designers e engenheiros Rudolf Fizir e Dušan Stankov realizaram modificações no FP-1 e protótipo retornou com a designação de Zmaj Fizir FP-2. História operacional Um total de 66 aeronaves desta configuração foram enviadas à Força Aérea Real da Iugoslávia que serviram de 1936 até 1941. Com uso primário para treinamento militar de pilotos. Foram 20 entregues no início de 1936 e mais 45 de 1938 a 1940, uma terceira entrega foi introduzida com equipamento para voo cego. Estes possuíam painel de controle similar aos das aeronaves Rogožarski PVT. A quinta série (15 cópias encomendadas em 1940) não foram completadas por causa do início da guerra em abril. No início de 1943 os nazistas completaram a série 5 do Zmaj Fizir FP-2 para a Força Aérea da Croácia, mas à 22 de outubro de 1944 (Dia da Liberação de Zemun) somente 8 aeronaves foram entregues. Os 7 outros foram completados e apanhados após a libertação e usados pela força aérea do exército iugoslavo. O total de aeronaves Zmaj Fizir FP-2 foi de 81. Operadores Ver também Zmaj Fizir FN Fizir F1V Rogožarski PVT Rogožarski R-100 О. Петровић; Војни аероплани Краљевине СХС/Југославије (Део II: 1931–1941.), Лет 3/2004. Београд, 2004. В. Илић; Школе војног ваздухопловства Краљевине СХС/Југославије, Лет 3/2004. Београд, 2004. Grey, C.G. (1972). Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1938. London: David & Charles. ISBN 0-7153-5734-4. Gunston, Bill (1989). World Encyclopaedia of Aero Engines (2 ed.). Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens Ltd. ISBN 1-85260-163-9. Encyclopedia of World Aircraft, Prospero Books, ISBN 1-894102-24-X Janić, Čedomir; Petrović, O. (2011). Short History of Aviation in Serbia. Beograd: Aerokomunikacije. ISBN 978-86-913973-2-6. Јанић, Чедомир; Петровић, Огњан (2010). Век авијације у Србији 1910-2010, 225 значајних летелица. Београд: Аерокомуникације. ISBN 978-86-913973-0-2. Ligações externas Jugoslovenski avion ZMAJ-FIZIR FP 2 Fizir FP-2 - airserbia.com Fizir FP - www.airwar.ru Fizir FP-2
{'title': 'Zmaj Fizir FP-2', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zmaj%20Fizir%20FP-2', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
ZETA, short for Zero Energy Thermonuclear Assembly, was a major experiment in the early history of fusion power research. Based on the pinch plasma confinement technique, and built at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment in the United Kingdom, ZETA was larger and more powerful than any fusion machine in the world at that time. Its goal was to produce large numbers of fusion reactions, although it was not large enough to produce net energy. ZETA went into operation in August 1957 and by the end of the month it was giving off bursts of about a million neutrons per pulse. Measurements suggested the fuel was reaching between 1 and 5 million kelvins, a temperature that would produce nuclear fusion reactions, explaining the quantities of neutrons being seen. Early results were leaked to the press in September 1957, and the following January an extensive review was released. Front-page articles in newspapers around the world announced it as a breakthrough towards unlimited energy, a scientific advance for Britain greater than the recently launched Sputnik had been for the Soviet Union. US and Soviet experiments had also given off similar neutron bursts at temperatures that were not high enough for fusion. This led Lyman Spitzer to express his scepticism of the results, but his comments were dismissed by UK observers as jingoism. Further experiments on ZETA showed that the original temperature measurements were misleading; the bulk temperature was too low for fusion reactions to create the number of neutrons being seen. The claim that ZETA had produced fusion had to be publicly withdrawn, an embarrassing event that cast a chill over the entire fusion establishment. The neutrons were later explained as being the product of instabilities in the fuel. These instabilities appeared inherent to any similar design, and work on the basic pinch concept as a road to fusion power ended by 1961. In spite of ZETA's failure to achieve fusion, the device went on to have a long experimental lifetime and produced numerous important advances in the field. In one line of development, the use of lasers to more accurately measure the temperature was tested on ZETA, and was later used to confirm the results of the Soviet tokamak approach. In another, while examining ZETA test runs it was noticed that the plasma self-stabilised after the power was turned off. This has led to the modern reversed field pinch concept. More generally, studies of the instabilities in ZETA have led to several important theoretical advances that form the basis of modern plasma theory. Conceptual development The basic understanding of nuclear fusion was developed during the 1920s as physicists explored the new science of quantum mechanics. George Gamow's 1928 exploration of quantum tunnelling demonstrated that nuclear reactions could take place at lower energies than classical theory predicted. Using this theory, in 1929 Fritz Houtermans and Robert Atkinson demonstrated that expected reaction rates in the core of the Sun supported Arthur Eddington's 1920 suggestion that the Sun is powered by fusion. In 1934, Mark Oliphant, Paul Harteck and Ernest Rutherford were the first to achieve fusion on Earth, using a particle accelerator to shoot deuterium nuclei into a metal foil containing deuterium, lithium or other elements. This allowed them to measure the nuclear cross section of various fusion reactions, and determined that the deuterium-deuterium reaction occurred at a lower energy than other reactions, peaking at about 100,000 electronvolts (100 keV). This energy corresponds to the average energy of particles in a gas heated to thousands of millions of kelvins. Materials heated beyond a few tens of thousands of kelvins dissociate into their electrons and nuclei, producing a gas-like state of matter known as plasma. In any gas the particles have a wide range of energies, normally following the Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics. In such a mixture, a small number of particles will have much higher energy than the bulk. This leads to an interesting possibility; even at temperatures well below 100,000 eV, some particles will randomly have enough energy to undergo fusion. Those reactions release huge amounts of energy. If that energy can be captured back into the plasma, it can heat other particles to that energy as well, making the reaction self-sustaining. In 1944, Enrico Fermi calculated this would occur at about 50,000,000 K. Confinement Taking advantage of this possibility requires the fuel plasma to be held together long enough that these random reactions have time to occur. Like any hot gas, the plasma has an internal pressure and thus tends to expand according to the ideal gas law. For a fusion reactor, the problem is keeping the plasma contained against this pressure; any known physical container would melt at these temperatures. A plasma is electrically conductive, and is subject to electric and magnetic fields. In a magnetic field, the electrons and nuclei orbit the magnetic field lines. A simple confinement system is a plasma-filled tube placed inside the open core of a solenoid. The plasma naturally wants to expand outwards to the walls of the tube, as well as move along it, towards the ends. The solenoid creates a magnetic field running down the centre of the tube, which the particles will orbit, preventing their motion towards the sides. Unfortunately, this arrangement does not confine the plasma along the length of the tube, and the plasma is free to flow out the ends. The obvious solution to this problem is to bend the tube around into a torus (a ring or doughnut shape). Motion towards the sides remains constrained as before, and while the particles remain free to move along the lines, in this case, they will simply circulate around the long axis of the tube. But, as Fermi pointed out, when the solenoid is bent into a ring, the electrical windings would be closer together on the inside than the outside. This would lead to an uneven field across the tube, and the fuel will slowly drift out of the centre. Some additional force needs to counteract this drift, providing long-term confinement. Pinch concept A potential solution to the confinement problem had been detailed in 1934 by Willard Harrison Bennett. Any electrical current creates a magnetic field, and due to the Lorentz force, this causes an inward directed force. This was first noticed in lightning rods. Bennett showed that the same effect would cause a current to "self-focus" a plasma into a thin column. A second paper by Lewi Tonks in 1937 considered the issue again, introducing the name "pinch effect". It was followed by a paper by Tonks and William Allis. Applying a pinch current in a plasma can be used to counteract expansion and confine the plasma. A simple way to do this is to put the plasma in a linear tube and pass a current through it using electrodes at either end, like a fluorescent lamp. This arrangement still produces no confinement along the length of the tube, so the plasma flows onto the electrodes, rapidly eroding them. This is not a problem for a purely experimental machine, and there are ways to reduce the rate. Another solution is to place a magnet next to the tube; when the magnetic field changes, the fluctuations cause an electric current to be induced in the plasma. The major advantage of this arrangement is that there are no physical objects within the tube, so it can be formed into a torus and allow the plasma to circulate freely. The toroidal pinch concept as a route to fusion was explored in the UK during the mid-1940s, especially by George Paget Thomson of Imperial College London. With the formation of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at Harwell, Oxfordshire, in 1945, Thomson repeatedly petitioned the director, John Cockcroft, for funds to develop an experimental machine. These requests were turned down. At the time there was no obvious military use, so the concept was left unclassified. This allowed Thomson and Moses Blackman to file a patent on the idea in 1946, describing a device using just enough pinch current to ionise and briefly confine the plasma while being heated by a microwave source that would also continually drive the current. As a practical device there is an additional requirement, that the reaction conditions last long enough to burn a reasonable amount of the fuel. In the original Thomson and Blackman design, it was the job of the microwave injection to drive the electrons to maintain the current and produce pinches that lasted on the order of one minute, allowing the plasma to reach 500 million K. The current in the plasma also heated it; if the current was also used as the heat source, the only limit to the heating was the power of the pulse. This led to a new reactor design where the system operated in brief but very powerful pulses. Such a machine would demand a very large power supply. First machines In 1947, Cockcroft arranged a meeting of several Harwell physicists to study Thomson's latest concepts, including Harwell's director of theoretical physics, Klaus Fuchs. Thomson's concepts were poorly received, especially by Fuchs. When this presentation also failed to gain funding, Thomson passed along his concepts to two graduate students at Imperial, Stanley (Stan) W. Cousins and Alan Alfred Ware (1924-2010). He added a report on a type of toroidal particle accelerator known as the "Wirbelrohr" ("whirl tube"), designed in Germany by Max Steenbeck. The Wirbelrohr consisted of a transformer with a torus-shaped vacuum tube as its secondary coil, similar in concept to the toroidal pinch devices. Later that year, Ware built a small machine out of old radar equipment and was able to induce powerful currents. When they did, the plasma gave off flashes of light, but he could not devise a way to measure the temperature of the plasma. Thomson continued to pressure the government to allow him to build a full-scale device, using his considerable political currency to argue for the creation of a dedicated experimental station at the Associated Electrical Industries (AEI) lab that had recently been constructed at Aldermaston. Ware discussed the experiments with anyone who was interested, including Jim Tuck of Clarendon Laboratory at Oxford University. While working at Los Alamos during the war, Tuck and Stanislaw Ulam had built an unsuccessful fusion system using shaped charge explosives, but it did not work. Tuck was joined by Australian Peter Thonemann, who had worked on fusion theory, and the two arranged funding through Clarendon to build a small device like the one at Imperial. But before this work started, Tuck was offered a job in the US, eventually returning to Los Alamos. Thonemann continued working on the idea and began a rigorous programme to explore the basic physics of plasmas in a magnetic field. Starting with linear tubes and mercury gas, he found that the current tended to expand outward through the plasma until it touched the walls of the container (see skin effect). He countered this with the addition of small electromagnets outside the tube, which pushed back against the current and kept it centred. By 1949, he had moved on from the glass tubes to a larger copper torus, in which he was able to demonstrate a stable pinched plasma. Frederick Lindemann and Cockcroft visited and were duly impressed. Cockcroft asked Herbert Skinner to review the concepts, which he did in April 1948. He was sceptical of Thomson's ideas for creating a current in the plasma and thought Thonemann's ideas seemed more likely to work. He also pointed out that the behaviour of plasmas in a magnetic field was not well understood, and that "it is useless to do much further planning before this doubt is resolved." Meanwhile, at Los Alamos, Tuck acquainted the US researchers with the British efforts. In early 1951, Lyman Spitzer introduced his stellarator concept and was shopping the idea around the nuclear establishment looking for funding. Tuck was sceptical of Spitzer's enthusiasm and felt his development programme was "incredibly ambitious". He proposed a much less aggressive programme based on pinch. Both men presented their ideas in Washington in May 1951, which resulted in the Atomic Energy Commission giving Spitzer US$50,000. Tuck convinced Norris Bradbury, the director of Los Alamos, to give him US$50,000 from the discretionary budget, using it to build the Perhapsatron. Early results In 1950 Fuchs admitted to passing UK and US atomic secrets to the USSR. As fusion devices generated high energy neutrons, which could be used to enrich nuclear fuel for bombs, the UK immediately classified all their fusion research. This meant the teams could no longer work in the open environment of the universities. The Imperial team under Ware moved to the AEI labs at Aldermaston and the Oxford team under Thonemann moved to Harwell. By early 1952 there were numerous pinch devices in operation; Cousins and Ware had built several follow-on machines under the name Sceptre, and the Harwell team had built a series of ever-larger machines known as Mark I through Mark IV. In the US, Tuck built his Perhapsatron in January 1952. It was later learned that Fuchs had passed the UK work to the Soviets, and that they had started a fusion programme as well. It was clear to all of these groups that something was seriously wrong in the pinch machines. As the current was applied, the plasma column inside the vacuum tube would become unstable and break up, ruining the compression. Further work identified two types of instabilities, nicknamed "kink" and "sausage". In the kink, the normally toroidal plasma would bend to the sides, eventually touching the edges of the vessel. In the sausage, the plasma would neck down at locations along the plasma column to form a pattern similar to a link of sausages. Investigations demonstrated both were caused by the same underlying mechanism. When the pinch current was applied, any area of the gas that had a slightly higher density would create a slightly stronger magnetic field and collapse faster than the surrounding gas. This caused the localised area to have higher density, which created an even stronger pinch, and a runaway reaction would follow. The quick collapse in a single area would cause the whole column to break up. Stabilised pinch Early studies of the phenomenon suggested one solution to the problem was to increase the compression rate. In this approach, the compression would be started and stopped so rapidly that the bulk of the plasma would not have time to move; instead, a shock wave created by this rapid compression would be responsible for compressing the majority of the plasma. This approach became known as fast pinch. The Los Alamos team working on the Columbus linear machine designed an updated version to test this theory. Others started looking for ways to stabilise the plasma during compression, and by 1953 two concepts had come to the fore. One solution was to wrap the vacuum tube in a sheet of thin but highly conductive metal. If the plasma column began to move, the current in the plasma would induce a magnetic field in the sheet, one that, due to Lenz's law, would push back against the plasma. This was most effective against large, slow movements, like the entire plasma torus drifting within the chamber. The second solution used additional electromagnets wrapped around the vacuum tube. The magnetic fields from these magnets mixed with the pinch field created by the current in the plasma. The result was that the paths of the particles within the plasma tube were no longer purely circular around the torus, but twisted like the stripes on a barber's pole. In the US, this concept was known as giving the plasma a "backbone", suppressing small-scale, localised instabilities. Calculations showed that this stabilised pinch would dramatically improve confinement times, and the older concepts "suddenly seemed obsolete". Marshall Rosenbluth, recently arrived at Los Alamos, began a detailed theoretical study of the pinch concept. With his wife Arianna W. Rosenbluth and Richard Garwin, he developed "motor theory", or "M-theory", published in 1954. The theory predicted that the heating effect of the electric current was greatly increased with the power of the electric field. This suggested that the fast pinch concept would be more likely to succeed, as it was easier to produce larger currents in these devices. When he incorporated the idea of stabilising magnets into the theory a second phenomenon appeared; for a particular, and narrow, set of conditions based on the physical size of the reactor, the power of the stabilising magnets and the amount of pinch, toroidal machines appeared to be naturally stable. ZETA begins construction US researchers planned to test both fast pinch and stabilised pinch by modifying their existing small-scale machines. In the UK, Thomson once again pressed for funding for a larger machine. This time he was much more warmly received, and initial funding of £200,000 was provided in late 1954. Design work continued during 1955, and in July the project was named ZETA. The term "zero energy" was a phrase used in the nuclear industry to refer to small research reactors, like ZEEP, which had a role similar to ZETA's goal of producing reactions while releasing no net energy. The ZETA design was finalised in early 1956. Metropolitan-Vickers was hired to build the machine, which included a 150 tonne pulse transformer, the largest built in Britain to that point. A serious issue arose when the required high-strength steels needed for the electrical components were in short supply, but a strike in the US electrical industry caused a sudden glut of material, resolving the problem. ZETA was the largest and most powerful fusion device in the world at the time of its construction. Its aluminium torus had an internal bore of and a major radius of , over three times the size of any machine built to date. It was also the most powerful design, incorporating an induction magnet that was designed to induce currents up to 100,000 amperes (amps) into the plasma. Later amendments to the design increased this to 200,000 amps. It included both types of stabilisation; its aluminium walls acted as the metal shield, and a series of secondary magnets ringed the torus. Windows placed in the gaps between the toroidal magnets allowed direct inspection of the plasma. In July 1954, the AERE was reorganised into the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA). Modifications to Harwell's Hangar 7 in order to house the machine began that year. Despite its advanced design, the price tag was modest: about US$1 million. By late 1956 it was clear that ZETA was going to come online in mid-1957, beating the Model C stellarator and the newest versions of the Perhapsatron and Columbus. Because these projects were secret, based on the little information available the press concluded they were versions of the same conceptual device, and that the British were far ahead in the race to produce a working machine. Soviet visit and the push to declassify From 1953 the US had increasingly concentrated on the fast pinch concept. Some of these machines had produced neutrons, and these were initially associated with fusion. There was so much excitement that several other researchers quickly entered the field as well. Among these was Stirling Colgate, but his experiments quickly led him to conclude that fusion was not taking place. According to Spitzer resistivity, the temperature of the plasma could be determined from the current flowing through it. When Colgate performed the calculation, the temperatures in the plasma were far below the requirements for fusion. This being the case, some other effect had to be creating the neutrons. Further work demonstrated that these were the result of instabilities in the fuel. The localised areas of high magnetic field acted as tiny particle accelerators, causing reactions that ejected neutrons. Modifications attempting to reduce these instabilities failed to improve the situation and by 1956 the fast pinch concept had largely been abandoned. The US labs began turning their attention to the stabilised pinch concept, but by this time ZETA was almost complete and the US was well behind. In 1956, while planning a well publicised state visit by Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin to the UK, the Harwell researchers received an offer from Soviet scientist Igor Kurchatov to give a talk. They were surprised when he began his talk on "the possibility of producing thermonuclear reactions in a gaseous discharge". Kurchatov's speech revealed the Soviet efforts to produce fast pinch devices similar to the American designs, and their problems with instabilities in the plasmas. Kurchatov noted that they had also seen neutrons being released, and had initially believed them to be from fusion. But as they examined the numbers, it became clear the plasma was not hot enough and they concluded the neutrons were from other interactions. Kurchatov's speech made it apparent that the three countries were all working on the same basic concepts and had all encountered the same sorts of problems. Cockcroft missed Kurchatov's visit because he had left for the US to press for declassification of the fusion work to avoid this duplication of effort. There was a widespread belief on both sides of the Atlantic that sharing their findings would greatly improve progress. Now that it was known the Soviets were at the same basic development level, and that they were interested in talking about it publicly, the US and UK began considering releasing much of their information as well. This developed into a wider effort to release all fusion research at the second Atoms for Peace conference in Geneva in September 1958. In June 1957 the UK and US finalised their agreement to release data to each other sometime prior to the conference, which both the UK and the US planned on attending "in force". The final terms were reached on 27 November 1957, opening the projects to mutual inspection, and calling for a wide public release of all the data in January 1958. Promising results ZETA started operation in mid-August 1957, initially with hydrogen. These runs demonstrated that ZETA was not suffering from the same stability problems that earlier pinch machines had seen and their plasmas were lasting for milliseconds, up from microseconds, a full three orders of magnitude improvement. The length of the pulses allowed the plasma temperature to be measured using spectrographic means; although the light emitted was broadband, the Doppler shifting of the spectral lines of slight impurities in the gas (oxygen in particular) led to calculable temperatures. Even in early experimental runs, the team started introducing deuterium gas into the mix and began increasing the current to 200,000 amps. On the evening of 30 August the machine produced huge numbers of neutrons, on the order of one million per experimental pulse, or "shot". An effort to duplicate the results and eliminate possible measurement failure followed. Much depended on the temperature of the plasma; if the temperature was low, the neutrons would not be fusion related. Spectrographic measurements suggested plasma temperatures between 1 and 5 million K; at those temperatures the predicted rate of fusion was within a factor of two of the number of neutrons being seen. It appeared that ZETA had reached the long-sought goal of producing small numbers of fusion reactions, as it was designed to do. US efforts had suffered a string of minor technical setbacks that delayed their experiments by about a year; both the new Perhapsatron S-3 and Columbus II did not start operating until around the same time as ZETA in spite of being much smaller experiments. Nevertheless, as these experiments came online in mid-1957, they too began generating neutrons. By September, both these machines and a new design, DCX at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, appeared so promising that Edward Gardner reported that: Prestige politics The news was too good to keep bottled up. Tantalising leaks started appearing in September. In October, Thonemann, Cockcroft and William P. Thompson hinted that interesting results would be following. In November a UKAEA spokesman noted "The indications are that fusion has been achieved". Based on these hints, the Financial Times dedicated an entire two-column article to the issue. Between then and early 1958, the British press published an average of two articles a week on ZETA. Even the US papers picked up the story; on 17 November The New York Times reported on the hints of success. Although the British and US had agreed to release their data in full, at this point the overall director of the US program, Lewis Strauss, decided to hold back the release. Tuck argued that the field looked so promising that it would be premature to release any data before the researchers knew that fusion was definitely taking place. Strauss agreed, and announced that they would withhold their data for a period to check their results. As the matter became better known in the press, on 26 November the publication issue was raised in House of Commons. Responding to a question by the opposition, the leader of the house announced the results publicly while explaining the delay in publication due to the UK–US agreement. The UK press interpreted this differently, claiming that the US was dragging its feet because it was unable to replicate the British results. Things came to a head on 12 December when a former member of parliament, Anthony Nutting, wrote a New York Herald Tribune article claiming: The article resulted in a flurry of activity in the Macmillan administration. Having originally planned to release their results at a scheduled meeting of the Royal Society, there was great concern over whether to invite the Americans and Soviets, especially as they believed the Americans would be greatly upset if the Soviets arrived, but just as upset if they were not invited and the event was all-British. The affair eventually led to the UKAEA making a public announcement that the US was not holding back the ZETA results, but this infuriated the local press, which continued to claim the US was delaying to allow them to catch up. Early concerns When the information-sharing agreement was signed in November a further benefit was realised: teams from the various labs were allowed to visit each other. The US team, including Stirling Colgate, Lyman Spitzer, Jim Tuck and Arthur Edward Ruark, all visited ZETA and concluded there was a "major probability" the neutrons were from fusion. On his return to the US, Spitzer calculated that something was wrong with the ZETA results. He noticed that the apparent temperature, 5 million K, would not have time to develop during the short firing times. ZETA did not discharge enough energy into the plasma to heat it to those temperatures so quickly. If the temperature was increasing at the relatively slow rate his calculations suggested, fusion would not be taking place early in the reaction, and could not be adding energy that might make up the difference. Spitzer suspected the temperature reading was not accurate. Since it was the temperature reading that suggested the neutrons were from fusion, if the temperature was lower, it implied the neutrons were non-fusion in origin. Colgate had reached similar conclusions. In early 1958, he, Harold Furth and John Ferguson started an extensive study of the results from all known pinch machines. Instead of inferring temperature from neutron energy, they used the conductivity of the plasma itself, based on the well-understood relationships between temperature and conductivity. They concluded that the machines were producing temperatures perhaps what the neutrons were suggesting, nowhere near hot enough to explain the number of neutrons being produced, regardless of their energy. By this time the latest versions of the US pinch devices, Perhapsatron S-3 and Columbus S-4, were producing neutrons of their own. The fusion research world reached a high point. In January, results from pinch experiments in the US and UK both announced that neutrons were being released, and that fusion had apparently been achieved. The misgivings of Spitzer and Colgate were ignored. Public release, worldwide interest The long-planned release of fusion data was announced to the public in mid-January. Considerable material from the UK's ZETA and Sceptre devices was released in depth in the 25 January 1958 edition of Nature, which also included results from Los Alamos' Perhapsatron S-3, Columbus II and Columbus S-2. The UK press was livid. The Observer wrote that "Admiral Strauss' tactics have soured what should be an exciting announcement of scientific progress so that it has become a sordid episode of prestige politics." The results were typical of the normally sober scientific language, and although the neutrons were noted, there were no strong claims as to their source. The day before the release, Cockcroft, the overall director at Harwell, called a press conference to introduce the British press to the results. Some indication of the importance of the event can be seen in the presence of a BBC television field crew, a rare occurrence at that time. He began by introducing the fusion programme and the ZETA machine, and then noted: The reporters at the meeting were not satisfied with this assessment and continued to press Cockcroft on the neutron issue. After being asked several times, he eventually stated that in his opinion, he was "90 percent certain" they were from fusion. This was unwise; a statement of opinion from a Nobel prize winner was taken as a statement of fact. The next day, the Sunday newspapers were covered with the news that fusion had been achieved in ZETA, often with claims about how the UK was now far in the lead in fusion research. Cockcroft further hyped the results on television following the release, stating: "To Britain this discovery is greater than the Russian Sputnik." As planned, the US also released a large batch of results from their smaller pinch machines. Many of them were also giving off neutrons, although ZETA was stabilised for much longer periods and generating more neutrons, by a factor of about 1000. When questioned about the success in the UK, Strauss denied that the US was behind in the fusion race. When reporting on the topic, The New York Times chose to focus on Los Alamos' Columbus II, only mentioning ZETA later in the article, and then concluded the two countries were "neck and neck." Other reports from the US generally gave equal support to both programmes. Newspapers from the rest of the world were more favourable to the UK; Radio Moscow went so far to publicly congratulate the UK while failing to mention the US results at all. As ZETA continued to generate positive results, plans were made to build a follow-on machine. The new design was announced in May; ZETA II would be a significantly larger US$14 million machine whose explicit goal would be to reach 100 million K, and generate net power. This announcement gathered praise even in the US; The New York Times ran a story about the new version. Machines similar to ZETA were being announced around the world; Osaka University announced their pinch machine was even more successful than ZETA, the Aldermaston team announced positive results from their Sceptre machine costing only US$28,000, and a new reactor was built in Uppsala University that was presented publicly later that year. The Efremov Institute in Leningrad began construction of a smaller version of ZETA, although still larger than most, known as Alpha. Further scepticism, retraction of claims Spitzer had already concluded that known theory suggested that the ZETA was nowhere near the temperatures the team was claiming, and during the publicity surrounding the release of the work, he suggested that "Some unknown mechanism would appear to be involved". Other researchers in the US, notably Furth and Colgate, were far more critical, telling anyone who would listen that the results were bunk. In the Soviet Union, Lev Artsimovich rushed to have the Nature article translated, and after reading it, declared "Chush sobachi!" (bullshit). Cockcroft had stated that they were receiving too few neutrons from the device to measure their spectrum or their direction. Failing to do so meant they could not eliminate the possibility that the neutrons were being released due to electrical effects in the plasma, the sorts of reactions that Kurchatov had pointed out earlier. Such measurements would have been easy to make. In the same converted hangar that housed ZETA was the Harwell Synchrocyclotron effort run by Basil Rose. This project had built a sensitive high-pressure diffusion cloud chamber as the cyclotron's main detector. Rose was convinced it would be able to directly measure the neutron energies and trajectories. In a series of experiments, he showed that the neutrons had a high directionality, at odds with a fusion origin which would be expected to be randomly directed. To further demonstrate this he had the machine run "backwards", with the electric current running in the opposite direction. This demonstrated a clear difference in the number of neutrons and their energy, which suggested they were a result of the electrical current itself, not fusion reactions inside the plasma. This was followed by similar experiments on Perhapsatron and Columbus, demonstrating the same problems. The issue was a new form of instability, the "microinstabilities" or MHD instabilities, that were caused by wave-like signals in the plasma. These had been predicted, but whereas the kink was on the scale of the entire plasma and could be easily seen in photographs, these microinstabilities were too small and rapidly moving to easily detect, and had simply not been noticed before. But like the kink, when these instabilities developed, areas of enormous electrical potential developed, rapidly accelerating protons in the area. These sometimes collided with neutrons in the plasma or the container walls, ejecting them through neutron spallation. This is the same physical process that had been creating neutrons in earlier designs, the problem Cockcroft had mentioned during the press releases, but their underlying cause was more difficult to see and in ZETA they were much more powerful. The promise of stabilised pinch disappeared. Cockcroft was forced to publish a humiliating retraction on 16 May 1958, claiming "It is doing exactly the job we expected it would do and is functioning exactly the way we hoped it would." Le Monde raised the issue to a front-page headline in June, noting "Contrary to what was announced six months ago at Harwell – British experts confirm that thermonuclear energy has not been 'domesticated. The event cast a chill over the entire field; it was not only the British who looked foolish, every other country involved in fusion research had been quick to jump on the bandwagon. Harwell in turmoil, ZETA soldiers on Beginning in 1955, Cockcroft had pressed for the establishment of a new site for the construction of multiple prototype power-producing fission reactors. This was strongly opposed by Christopher Hinton, and a furious debate broke out within the UKAEA over the issue. Cockcroft eventually won the debate, and in late 1958 the UKAEA formed AEE Winfrith in Dorset, where they eventually built several experimental reactor designs. Cockcroft had also pressed for the ZETA II reactor to be housed at the new site. He argued that Winfrith would be better suited to build the large reactor, and the unclassified site would better suit the now-unclassified research. This led to what has been described as "as close to a rebellion that the individualistic scientists at Harwell could possibly mount". Thonemann made it clear he was not interested in moving to Dorset and suggested that several other high-ranking members would also quit rather than move. He then went on sabbatical to Princeton University for a year. The entire affair was a major strain on Basil Schonland, who took over the Research division when Cockcroft left in October 1959 to become the Master of the newly formed Churchill College, Cambridge. While this was taking place, the original ZETA II proposal had been growing ever-larger, eventually specifying currents as powerful as the Joint European Torus that was built years later. As it seemed this was beyond the state-of-the-art, the project was eventually cancelled in February 1959. A new proposal soon took its place, the Intermediate-Current Stability Experiment (ICSE). ICSE was designed to take advantage of further stabilising effects noticed in M-theory, which suggested that very fast pinches would cause the current to flow only in the outer layer of the plasma, which should be much more stable. Over time, this machine grew to be about the same size as ZETA; ICSE had a 6 m major diameter and 1 m minor diameter, powered by a bank of capacitors storing 10 MJ at 100 kV. Harwell was as unsuited to ICSE as it was for ZETA II, so Schonland approached the government with the idea of a new site for fusion research located close to Harwell. He was surprised to find they were happy with the idea, as this would limit employment at Harwell, whose payroll roster was becoming too complex to manage. Further study demonstrated that the cost of building a new site would be offset by the savings in keeping the site near Harwell; if ICSE was built at Winfrith, the travel costs between the sites would be considerable. In May 1959, the UKAEA purchased RNAS Culham, about from Harwell. ICSE construction began later that year, starting with a one-acre building to house it, known as "D-1". Meanwhile, work continued on ZETA to better understand what was causing the new forms of instabilities. New diagnostic techniques demonstrated that the electron energies were very low, on the order of 10 eV (approximately 100,000 K) while ion temperatures were somewhat higher at 100 eV. Both of these pointed to a rapid loss of energy in the plasma, which in turn suggested the fuel was turbulent and escaping confinement to hit the walls of the chamber where it rapidly cooled. A full presentation of the results was made at the Salzburg Conference in 1961, where the Soviet delegation presented very similar results on their ZETA-clone, Alpha. The source of this turbulence was not clearly identified at that time, but the team suggested it was due to current-driven resistive modes; if one did not use the simplifying assumption that the plasma had no macroscopic resistance, new instabilities would naturally appear. When the new head of the UKAEA, William Penney, heard that the ICSE design was also based on the resistance-free assumption, he cancelled the project in August 1960. Parts for the partially-assembled reactor were scavenged by other teams. Thonemann had returned by this point and found much to disagree with on ICSE. He demanded to be allowed to set up a new fusion group to remain at Harwell on ZETA. ZETA remained the largest toroidal machine in the world for some time, and went on to have a productive career for just over a decade, but in spite of its later successes ZETA was always known as an example of British folly. Thomson scattering and tokamaks ZETA's failure was due to limited information; using the best available measurements, ZETA was returning several signals that suggested the neutrons were due to fusion. The original temperature measures were made by examining the Doppler shifting of the spectral lines of the atoms in the plasma. The inaccuracy of the measurement and spurious results caused by electron impacts with the container led to misleading measurements based on the impurities, not the plasma itself. Over the next decade, ZETA was used continuously in an effort to develop better diagnostic tools to resolve these problems. This work eventually developed a method that is used to this day. The introduction of lasers provided a new solution through a British discovery known as Thomson scattering. Lasers have extremely accurate and stable frequency control, and the light they emit interacts strongly with free electrons. A laser shone into the plasma will be reflected off the electrons, and during this process will be Doppler shifted by the electrons' movement. The speed of the electrons is a function of their temperature, so by comparing the frequency before and after collisions, the temperature of the electrons could be measured with an extremely high degree of accuracy. By "reversing" the system, the temperature of the ions could also be directly measured. Through the 1960s ZETA was not the only experiment to suffer from unexpected performance problems. Problems with plasma diffusion across the magnetic fields plagued both the magnetic mirror and stellarator programs, at rates that classical theory could not explain. Adding more fields did not appear to correct the problems in any of the existing designs. Work slowed dramatically as teams around the world tried to better understand the physics of the plasmas in their devices. Pfirsch and Schluter were the first to make a significant advance, suggesting that much larger and more powerful machines would be needed to correct these problems. An attitude of pessimism took root across the entire field. In 1968 a meeting of fusion researchers took place in Novosibirsk, where, to everyone's astonishment, the Soviet hosts introduced their work on their tokamak designs which had performance numbers that no other experiment was even close to matching. The latest of their designs, the T-3, was producing electron energies of 1000 eV, compared to about 10 eV in ZETA. This corresponded to a plasma temperature of about 10 million K. Although the Soviet team was highly respected, the results were so good that there was serious concern their indirect temperature measurements might be unreliable and they had fallen prey to a measurement problem like the one that had occurred with ZETA. Spitzer, once again, expressed his scepticism rather strongly, sparking off an acrimonious debate with Artsimovich. The Soviets were equally concerned about this, and even though it was the height of the Cold War, Artsimovich invited UKAEA to bring their laser system to the Kurchatov Institute and independently measure the performance. Artsimovich had previously called their system "brilliant." The team became known as "the Culham five", performing a series of measurements in late 1968 and early 1969. The resulting paper was published in November 1969 and convinced the fusion research field that the tokamak was indeed reaching the levels of performance the Soviets claimed. The result was a "veritable stampede" of tokamak construction around the world, and it remains the most studied device in the fusion field. Tokamaks are toroidal pinch machines. The key difference is the relative strengths of the fields. In the stabilised pinch machines, most of the magnetic field in the plasma was generated by the current induced in it. The strength of the external stabilisation fields was much lower and only penetrated into the outer layers of the plasma mass. The tokamak reversed this; the external magnets were much more powerful and the plasma current greatly reduced in comparison. Artsimovich put it this way: This difference is today part of a general concept known as the safety factor, denoted q. It has to be greater than one to maintain stability during a discharge; in ZETA it was about . A ZETA-type machine could reach this q, but would require enormously powerful external magnets to match the equally large fields being generated by the current. The tokamak approach resolved this by using less pinch current; this made the system stable but meant the current could no longer be used to heat the plasma. Tokamak designs require some form of external heating. Reversed field pinch In 1965, the newly opened Culham laboratory hosted what had become a periodic meeting of international fusion researchers. Of all the work presented, only two papers on stabilised pinch were present, both on ZETA. Spitzer did not mention them during the opening comments. Normally, the pulse of electricity sent into ZETA formed a current pulse with a shape similar to a Poisson distribution, ramping up quickly then trailing off. One of the papers noted that the plasma stability reached a maximum just after the current began to taper off, and then lasted longer than the current pulse itself. This phenomenon was dubbed "quiescence". Three years later, at the same meeting where Soviet results with the T-3 tokamak were first released, a paper by Robinson and King examined the quiescence period. They determined it was due to the original toroidal magnetic field reversing itself, creating a more stable configuration. At the time, the enormity of the T-3 results overshadowed this result. John Bryan Taylor took up the issue and began a detailed theoretical study of the concept, publishing a groundbreaking 1974 article on the topic. He demonstrated that as the magnetic field that generated the pinch was relaxing, it interacted with the pre-existing stabilising fields, creating a self-stable magnetic field. The phenomenon was driven by the system's desire to preserve magnetic helicity, which suggested a number of ways to improve the confinement time. Although the stabilising force was lower than the force available in the pinch, it lasted considerably longer. It appeared that a reactor could be built that would approach the Lawson criterion from a different direction, using extended confinement times rather than increased density. This was similar to the stellarator approach in concept, and although it would have lower field strength than those machines, the energy needed to maintain the confinement was much lower. Today this approach is known as the reversed field pinch (RFP) and has been a field of continued study. Taylor's study of the relaxation into the reversed state led to his development of a broader theoretical understanding of the role of magnetic helicity and minimum energy states, greatly advancing the understanding of plasma dynamics. The minimum-energy state, known as the "Taylor state", is particularly important in the understanding of new fusion approaches in the compact toroid class. Taylor went on to study the ballooning transformation, a problem that was occurring in the latest high-performance toroidal machines as large-scale waveforms formed in the plasma. His work in fusion research won him the 1999 James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics. Demolition Culham officially opened in 1965, and various teams began leaving the former sites through this period. A team kept ZETA operational until September 1968. Hangar 7, which housed ZETA and other machines, was demolished during financial year 2005/2006. Notes References Citations Bibliography External links Britain's Sputnik – BBC Radio 4 programme on ZETA first broadcast on 16 January 2008 ZETA – Peace Atoms, contemporary newsreel story on the reactor. Magnetic confinement fusion devices Nuclear power in the United Kingdom Nuclear research institutes in the United Kingdom Nuclear research reactors Nuclear technology in the United Kingdom Research institutes in Oxfordshire Vale of White Horse
{'title': 'ZETA (fusion reactor)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZETA%20%28fusion%20reactor%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Dps is a Japanese rock band under the Giza Studio label. History In May 2016, Naoki participated in Zard's live tour session "25th Anniversary Live" as a guitarist. DVD footage was released on December. On the same month, Atsushi, Naoki and Tsuyoshi had participated as an arranger for Giza studio cover project D-project where he re-arranged Zard's single Ai ga Mienai and Ame ni Yurete. In October 2016, the vocalist Ryosuke has won the main grandprix in Sugoiyo! Campastar Vocal Contest. Three months later in 2017, the band formation has begun by adding more members as Naoki Morioka, Atsushi Yamaguchi (former known as Atsushi Kawamura from Naifu and Loe) and Tsuyoshi Asai (previously as guitarist in band Loe). On April 28, 2017, they've held first live performance in Hill PansKoujou. In September 2017, an official website for Dps has been launched. In November 2017, they've released first mini album Begins with Em under indies label Tent House. The album was successful with reaching into Tower Records Kansai rankings as No.1 In March 2018 they made their first radio guest appearance on the MBS radio program Kanemura Yoshiaki no Eekagen ni see! In June 2018 Dps appeared on free live Kansai Neo Rock along with bands as Qyoto, Cross Lord and Satou Cocoa to Hinawa Juu, who all of the artists belong to Being Inc's indies label. On 8 September 2018 was announced their major debut under major label Giza Studio. In October 2018 Naoki participated in music production recording as a guitarist on special project KYOTO RIMPA ROCKERS. The main producer of this project is the owner of Being Inc., Daiko Nagato. On 7 November 2018 they've released debut release single Timeline. The single is used as an opening theme for Anime television series Detective Conan. On 5 December 2018 Naoki will participate in music production recording as a guitarist in Daigo cover album Deing. In March 2019, Dps appeared on live celebration of live house Pan Koujou Hills 16th anniversary. During free live event "Onto Vol.4" were announced first digital single Ano Koro wa Nani mo Wakaranakatta with Marty Friedman which will release on 24 April 2019. This will lead as a promotional single to the upcoming fourth mini album Kamikaze which plans release on 19 June 2019 with total 4 tracks recorded. Members - vocals, lyricist - guitar, composer, arranger, backing vocals - bass guitar, lyricist, backing vocals - drums, composer Discography So far they've released 4 mini albums, one digital single and one singles. Singles Digital Singles Mini albums In-media usage Ippatsu Gyakuten is used as an opening theme for MBS Radio Kanemura Yoshiaki no Eekagen ni see! Zettai Zetsumei no Hero is used as an ending theme for MBS Radio Kanemura Yoshiaki no Eekagen ni see! Timeline will be used as an opening theme for Anime television series Detective Conan References External links Dps official Web site Dps Official YouTube channel Being Inc. artists Living people Japanese rock music groups Anime musicians Musical groups established in 2017 2017 establishments in Japan Year of birth missing (living people)
{'title': 'Dps (band)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dps%20%28band%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Випо-путешественник, или Випо: Приключения летающего пса — мультипликационный сериал о летающем щенке по имени Випо. Сериал был дублирован на множество языков и теперь транслируется в различных странах мира, в том числе в Германии, Франции, Израиле, Италии, Чехии, Словакии, Испании, Финляндии, Польше, Хорватии, Венгрии, России, Украине, Турции и др. Випо — собака, умеющая летать. Он и его друзья — аист Генри и игрушечная кошка Бетти — отправляются в кругосветное путешествие. Они побывают в разных странах и узнают много нового о других нациях и культурах. Список серий Зальцбург Вена Венеция Рим Мадрид Париж Мюнхен Гамбург Амстердам Лондон Швейцария Шотландия Россия Афины Севилья Египет Конго Индия Австралия Бразилия Мексика Нью-Йорк Япония Китай Домой! Персонажи Випо - летающая собака. Бетти - плюшевая игрушечная кошка. Генри - аист. Билли - бык. Доктор Тимли - подопытный кролик. Игорь - амурский тигр. Несси - Лох-несское чудовище. Винсент Ван Фокс - лисица-художник. Яо - китайская обезьяна. Йоши - мышь. Конго - горилла, любящая покомандовать. Рамзес - скарабей из Египта. Он считает Бетти богиней, потому что она кошка. Дон Леоне - самовлюбленный голубь. Ссылки VipoClub — Официальный веб-сайт Vipo Land Inc. — главный дистрибьютор Snowball vfx — Израильская анимационная компания Мультсериалы 2007 года Мультсериалы Израиля
{'title': 'Випо: Приключения летающего пса', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BE%3A%20%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%20%D0%BF%D1%81%D0%B0', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Sitalcina peacheyi is a species of armoured harvestman in the family Phalangodidae. It is found in North America. References Further reading Harvestmen Articles created by Qbugbot Animals described in 2008
{'title': 'Sitalcina peacheyi', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitalcina%20peacheyi', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Angulus texanus is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Tellinidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1900 door Dall. Tellinidae
{'title': 'Angulus texanus', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angulus%20texanus', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Świniokierz Włościański – wieś w Polsce położona w województwie łódzkim, w powiecie tomaszowskim, w gminie Żelechlinek. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa piotrkowskiego. Zobacz też Świniokierz Dworski Przypisy Żelechlinek (gmina)
{'title': 'Świniokierz Włościański', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Awiniokierz%20W%C5%82o%C5%9Bcia%C5%84ski', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Джейсон Скотт Лі (; 19 листопада 1966, Лос-Анджелес, Каліфорнія) — американський актор китайсько-гавайського походження. Відомий за фільмом «Дракон: Історія життя Брюса Лі», де зіграв Брюса Лі. Біографія Джейсон Скотт Лі народився 19 листопада 1966 року в місті Лос-Анджелесі, в сім'ї Сільвії і Роберта Лі. Крім Джейсона, в сім'ї також було троє братів і одна сестра. У віці двох років Джейсон з батьками переїхав на Гаваї на острів Оаху, де його батько отримав роботу моряка. У 19 років Лі повернувся в Лос-Анджелес і незабаром записався на акторські курси. В середині 1990-х, Лі мав кілька ролей у художніх фільмах. У той час, він не мав ще статусу зірки, але все одно продовжував отримувати значні ролі. Найголовніша його роль у фільмі «Дракон: Історія життя Брюса Лі», йому належало зіграти самого Брюса Лі. Для цієї ролі він вивчав бойове мистецтво Джит Кун-До, створене самим Брюсом, навчав Скотта колишній студент Брюса Лі, Джеррі Потіт. У 2010 році знявся в серіалі «Гаваї 5.0» в ролі детектива Кале. Фільмографія Примітки Американські кіноактори Уродженці Лос-Анджелеса
{'title': 'Джейсон Скотт Лі', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%D0%A1%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%82%20%D0%9B%D1%96', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Bruchflächen sind die neuen Oberflächen, die an den Bruchstücken eines zuvor Ganzen offenliegen. Oft kann anhand der Beschaffenheit der Bruchflächen der Grund eines – insbesondere ungewollten – Bruches festgestellt werden. Aus der Oberflächenstruktur einer Bruchfläche lässt sich auf den Bruch- und Schadensmechanismus schließen. Die Färbung der Bruchflächen kann auf Vorschädigungen hinweisen, z. B. Oxidation von Metallflächen als Zeichen für einen bereits früher entstandenen, aber unerkannten Anbruch oder eine anderweitige Materialermüdung. Literatur Johann Andreas Wagner: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Band 3, Druck und Verlag Tobias Dannheimer, Kempten 1842. Ulrich Zorll: Untersuchung der Oberflächen- und Innen-Struktur von Lackschichten mit dem Elektronenmikroskop. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1972, S. 15–18. Otto Wawrziniok: Handbuch des Materialprüfungswesens für Maschinen- und Bauingenieure. Zweite Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 1923. Karlheinz G. Schmitt-Thomas: Integrierte Schadenanalyse. Technikgestaltung und das System des Versagens, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 978-3-662-07948-5. Siehe auch Bruchstein Roheisen Sprödbruch Spaltbarkeit Weblinks Stähle und ihre Eigenschaften (abgerufen am 20. September 2018) Werkstoff- und Schadensuntersuchungen (abgerufen am 20. September 2018) Protokoll Kerbschlagbiegeversuch (abgerufen am 20. September 2018) Bruchflächenanalyse (abgerufen am 20. September 2018) Bruchmechanik
{'title': 'Bruchfläche', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruchfl%C3%A4che', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Grandicrepidula grandis is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Calyptraeidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1849 door Middendorff. Calyptraeidae
{'title': 'Grandicrepidula grandis', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandicrepidula%20grandis', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Onchopristis is an extinct genus of sclerorhynchoid from the Cretaceous of North Africa, Europe, and North America. Its name is derived from the Ancient Greek ónkos (ὄγκος, 'barb') and prístis (πρίστις, 'saw' or 'sawfish'). It contains two valid species, O. numida and O. dunklei. Onchopristis first appeared in the Barremian and its latest occurrence dates to the Campanian, making it one of the oldest and longest-lived sclerorhynchoid genera. Description Specimens of O. numida, IPUW 353500 and IGR 2818, suggest a length estimate of and , respectively; such individuals would have weighed . Like other sclerorhynchoids, it had a long rostrum with large denticles similar to sawfishes and sawsharks. This feature was convergently evolved and its closest living relatives are actually skates. Isolated rostral denticles are the most common fossils of Onchopristis, but rostra, chondrocrania, jaws, oral teeth, vertebrae, and dermal denticles have also been found. Taxonomy Gigantichthys numidus was named by Émile Haug in 1905 for fragmentary rostral denticles from the Continental intercalaire of Algeria. Haug also named Platyspondylus foureaui for vertebrae from the same formation. Articulated specimens have confirmed that the rostral denticles and vertebrae belong to the same species. In 1917, Ernst Stromer named the new genus Onchopristis with "G". numidus as the type species. Although the spelling "Onchopristis numidus" is commonly used, it is grammatically incorrect and has been emended to O. numida. Oral teeth from the Bahariya Formation of Egypt were named Squatina aegyptiaca by Stromer in 1927, and were later renamed as the separate genus Sechmetia by Christa Werner in 1989. Again, articulated specimens confirmed that these teeth belong to O. numida. In 1935, Wilhelm Weiler named Peyeria libyca for what he thought were sawfish rostral denticles from the Bahariya Formation. An associated specimen of Ischyrhiza mira, a close relative of Onchopristis, indicates that "Peyeria" are actually dermal denticles from O. numida. A second valid species from the Woodbine Formation of Texas, Onchopristis dunklei, was named by Charles McNulty, Jr. and Bob Slaughter in 1962. In 1971, John Thurmond named the subspecies O. dunklei praecursor, but it is probably not distinct from O. dunklei. Rostral denticles from New Zealand formerly referred to "O. d. praecursor" have been reassigned to their own genus and species, Australopristis wiffeni. References Prehistoric cartilaginous fish genera Cretaceous cartilaginous fish Prehistoric fish of Africa Sclerorhynchoidei
{'title': 'Onchopristis', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onchopristis', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Mosanje (ou Mosanja) est un village du Cameroun situé dans le département de la Meme et la Région du Sud-Ouest. Il fait partie de la commune de Konye. Population En 1968 la localité comptait 270 habitants, principalement des Bakundu du groupe Oroko. Lors du recensement de 2005, la localité comptait . Notes et références Annexes Bibliographie Dictionnaire des villages de la Meme, ORSTOM, Yaoundé, , Dan T. Friesen, Oroko orthography development: Linguistic and sociolinguistic factors, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 2002, 154 p. (MA thesis), Liens externes Konye, sur le site Communes et villes unies du Cameroun (CVUC) Communal Development Plan of Konye Council PNDP, 2010-2012, 120 p. Village dans la région du Sud-Ouest (Cameroun)
{'title': 'Mosanje', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosanje', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Gervais de Bazoches, prince de Galilée et de Tibérias, exécuté en 1108 à Damas. Avant la première croisade, il était avoué de l'église de Mont-Notre-Dame et frère d'Hugues, seigneur de Bazoches. En Terre sainte, c'est l'un des officiers du roi Baudouin de Jérusalem qui lui confia la principauté de Galilée à la mort d'Hugues de Fauquembergues en 1106. Au mois de mai 1108, sa troupe de 80 chevaliers et 200 soldats fut défaite par Tughtekin, atabeg de Damas, et Gervais fut fait prisonnier avec quelques chevaliers. Tughtekin demanda les villes d’Acre, d'Haïfa et de Tibériade pour sa libération, le roi Baudouin 1er refusa tout en proposant une rançon d'argent. Gervais fut alors exécuté. Guibert de Nogent rapporte dans son Histoire des Croisades que son crâne fut transformé en coupe à boire par les Turcs. Source Notes et références Noblesse du Moyen-Âge en Champagne Croisé du XIIe siècle Personnalité de la première croisade Noble latin d'Orient Prince de Galilée Décès en 1108 Gervais
{'title': 'Gervais de Bazoches', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gervais%20de%20Bazoches', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
The German Social Union (, DSU) is a small conservative political party mainly active in the new states of Germany. It was founded in 1990 as a right-wing opposition group during the Wende transition to democracy in East Germany, when it was part of the Alliance for Germany electoral coalition. After 1990, it fell into insignificance, only holding a few seats on the local level. Ideology According to its 2006 basic programme, the DSU refers to itself as a conservative, democratic and social party. Ideologically, the party's goals are to preserve and uphold Western-Christian civilization, and to dismantle the welfare state.. The party can thus be seen as right-wing (anti-socialistic) national-conservative. It strongly differentiates itself from the National Democratic Party (NPD) and German People's Union (DVU), who tend more towards national socialism. Its closest ideological ally among the right-wing parties is The Republicans. Historically, and as its name implies, it is modelled after the CSU in Bavaria, the more rightist of the two Union "sister parties". However it was not possible for the DSU to join the CSU, as the CDU and CSU do not compete in the same states. History Establishment In the chaotic world of 1989–1990 East German politics, several long-suppressed cultural and political movements (re)emerged, and numerous small parties sprang up. The German Social Union was one of these, then several comprising conservative, Christian-democratic and liberal opposition groups. The party was founded in Leipzig on 20 January 1990 by the St. Thomas Church pastor Hans-Wilhelm Ebeling, modeled loosely on the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (Christlich-Soziale Union, CSU). Initially, the Bavarian CSU supported the DSU to the tune of millions, wishing to make it its East German branch, and thus revisiting Franz Josef Strauß' mid-1970s plan to make the CSU a nationwide "fourth party". Reunification period On 5 February 1990, DSU joined the Alliance for Germany together with the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the now-defunct Democratic Awakening (DA) to form the Alliance for Germany, a centre-right coalition which ran in the first (and only) free East German general election of 18 March 1990. The DSU polled 6.3% of the votes cast and 25 seats in the People's Chamber parliament. It achieved its strongest results in the southern districts of Karl-Marx-Stadt, Dresden and Leipzig (that later formed the state of Saxony), where the DSU polled two-digit percentages. Its most prominent politician was the lawyer Peter-Michael Diestel, who joined the last East German cabinet (Council of Ministers) under Lothar de Maizière as minister of the interior and deputy prime minister. The DSU also held the ministry of economic cooperation, led by Hans-Wilhelm Ebeling. However, both Diestel and Ebeling left the party in June and July 1990, respectively, Diestel joined the CDU a month later. Of all parties in the People's Chamber, the DSU was the keenest on a swift reunification of East and West Germany. Its delegates repeatedly proposed a motion for East Germany's "immediate accession" to the Federal Republic of Germany. Hansjoachim Walther, a mathematics professor, was elected chairman of the DSU on the first regular party congress in May 1990. Under his leadership, the party took a turn to the right, hosting national-conservative and in some cases even far-right voices. Unlike the other parliamentary parties and a vast majority of the population, numerous DSU members did not accept the Oder–Neisse line as Germany's eastern border (which was finally laid down in the reunification treaty and the Two Plus Four Agreement). After German reunification was accomplished on 3 October 1990, eight DSU People's Chamber deputies entered into the Bundestag (federal parliament), where they joined the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. The Alliance for Germany coalition dissolved after that. In Chancellor Helmut Kohl's third cabinet, the DSU was represented by Hansjoachim Walther as federal minister without portfolio from October 1990 to January 1991. In the October 1990 legislative elections in the new German states, the DSU did not pass the five-percent threshold, winning 3.6% in its former stronghold of Saxony and even less in the other states, and thus failed to enter into any Landtag (state legislature). Ahead of the first post-reunification German federal election on 2 December 1990, the Bavarian CSU aimed for a deal with the CDU to save its East German offshoot from irrelevance: If the CDU had abstained from competing in a few constituencies in Saxony and Thuringia, thus winning the DSU at least three "direct mandates", the small party could have been spared from the five-percent threshold and might have survived as a regional party. However, the CDU under Helmut Kohl insisted on the unwritten CDU/CSU agreement that the CSU may only run in Bavaria, while all other states are CDU's territory. Many DSU members realised that the party had no future and switched to the CDU. Eventually, DSU achieved 0.2% of nationwide votes, 1.0% in the new states. After this disappointment, the Bavarian CSU reduced its benefits to the DSU, but continued to transfer six-figure sums annually until 1993. After 1990 The DSU drifted further towards a nationalistic course, aiming for a position inbetween the centre-right CDU and the far-right Republicans. During the early-1990s, the party received support by the (West German) Neue Rechte ("New Right") movement, in particular by the Criticón magazine of Caspar von Schrenck-Notzing, who also attended DSU meetings. The DSU's image was then characterised by financial misconduct, internal squabbles, resignations, and contacts with far-right groups. The cooperation of DSU and CSU was definitely ended after the Spring 1993 party conference, when Roberto Rink was elected chairman of the DSU. In subsequent elections its share of the vote has remained under 1% of the vote in all Landtag elections held in the new states. Electoral coalitions with right-wing parties like the German Party, the Party for a Rule of Law Offensive or the Statt Party led to no avail. Nevertheless, the DSU has a loyal following of voters on the local level, especially in some districts of Saxony. In the western states, the party is virtually nonexistent. The DSU had one member in the Landtag of Saxony from 2006 to 2009, after the NPD parliamentarian Klaus Baier had defected from his party after a series of disputes and joined the DSU. See also References External links The DSU from Chronik der Wende 1990 establishments in East Germany Conservative parties in Germany National conservative parties Political parties established in 1990 Political parties in East Germany Right-wing populism in Germany
{'title': 'German Social Union (East Germany)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%20Social%20Union%20%28East%20Germany%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Ezen az oldalon a 2001-ben fennálló államok vezetőinek névsora olvasható földrészek, majd országok szerinti bontásban. Európa Afrika Dél-Amerika Észak- és Közép-Amerika Ázsia Óceánia Kapcsolódó szócikkek Kortárs uralkodók listája Források Uralkodók Híradó honlapja folyamatosan BBC honlapja 2001 2001
{'title': 'Államok vezetőinek listája 2001-ben', 'url': 'https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%81llamok%20vezet%C5%91inek%20list%C3%A1ja%202001-ben', 'language': 'hu', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Taron (slak), een geslacht van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken) Taron (achtbaan), een stalen lanceerachtbaan in het Duitse Phantasialand, Brühl, Reinland Taron (Armenië) Taron Egerton
{'title': 'Taron', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taron', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Meave G. Leakey (born Meave Epps; 28 July 1942) is a British palaeoanthropologist. She works at Stony Brook University and is co-ordinator of Plio-Pleistocene research at the Turkana Basin Institute. She studies early hominid evolution and has done extensive field research in the Turkana Basin. She has Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees. Flat-faced man of Kenya Leakey's research team at Lake Turkana, Kenya made a discovery in 1999. They found a 3.5-million-year-old skull and partial jaw thought to belong to a new branch of the early human family. She named the find Kenyanthropus platyops ("flat-faced man of Kenya"). Personal life Leakey was married to Richard Leakey, a palaeontologist. They have two children, Louise (born 1972) and Samira (born 1974). Louise Leakey continues family traditions by conducting palaeontological research. Leakey initially studied zoology and marine zoology at the University of North Wales. Her first contact with the Leakey family was working for the Tigoni Primate Research Centre while taking her PhD at this time, the centre was being administered by Louis Leakey. She received her PhD in zoology in 1968. In 2004, she was awarded an honorary D.Sc. from University College, London, for palaeontology. That same year, she received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement. Leakey is currently a Research Professor for the Turkana Basin Institute (affiliated with Stony Brook University). On 30 April 2013, Leakey was elected as a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences, with specialities of geology and anthropology. This made Leakey the first Kenyan citizen and also the first woman citizen of an African country to be elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. She was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2017. Position in the Leakey family Selected publications Lothagam: The Dawn of Humanity in Eastern Africa by John Harris and Meave Leakey, Eds. (December 2001). Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Pliocene and Pleistocene Localities West of Lake Turkana, Kenya by John Harris, Meave Leakey, Eds. et al. (October 1988). See also Meave (Irish name) List of fossil sites (with link directory) List of hominina (hominid) fossils (with images) References External links Leakey Foundation Koobi Fora Research Project Dr. Meave Leakey Discusses Kenyanthropus platyops Turkana Basin Institute 1942 births Living people 20th-century anthropologists 20th-century archaeologists 21st-century anthropologists 21st-century archaeologists Archaeologists from London British expatriates in Kenya British women anthropologists British women archaeologists English anthropologists Foreign associates of the National Academy of Sciences Meave Members of the American Philosophical Society Paleoanthropologists Women paleontologists Fellows of the African Academy of Sciences
{'title': 'Meave Leakey', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meave%20Leakey', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Le terme d'enveloppe sonore a été proposé par Didier Anzieu et repris par Edith Lecourt. Cette enveloppe sonore est composée de deux faces : une face verbale, tournée vers l'extérieur et une face musicale tournée vers l'intérieur. Les deux faces sont indissociables et complémentaires. La notion a été abordée par Didier Anzieu en particulier dans son ouvrage Le moi-peau. Ouvrages psychanalytiques Le moi-peau, Paris, Ed.: Dunod, 1995, Collectif, Les Enveloppes psychiques, Ed. Dunod, 2003, Le penser. Du Moi-peau au Moi pensant, Paris, Dunod 1994, Psychanalyse et limites, Dunod, 2007, Notes et références Concept de psychanalyse
{'title': 'Enveloppe sonore (psychanalyse)', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enveloppe%20sonore%20%28psychanalyse%29', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
August Schaffer (Viena, 3 de julho de 1905 — data de morte desconhecida) foi um ciclista austríaco de ciclismo de pista. Competiu na prova tandem nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1928 em Amsterdã, terminando na quinta posição. Ciclistas olímpicos da Áustria Ciclistas nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 1928 Ciclistas de pista Naturais de Viena
{'title': 'August Schaffer', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/August%20Schaffer', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Rhypodes argenteus är en insektsart som beskrevs av Alan C. Eyles 1990. Rhypodes argenteus ingår i släktet Rhypodes och familjen fröskinnbaggar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Fröskinnbaggar argenteus
{'title': 'Rhypodes argenteus', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhypodes%20argenteus', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Cyrtandra maesifolia är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer. Cyrtandra maesifolia ingår i släktet Cyrtandra och familjen Gesneriaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Plisterordningen maesifolia
{'title': 'Cyrtandra maesifolia', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrtandra%20maesifolia', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
The 19th Indian Infantry Division was an infantry division of the Indian Army during World War II, and played a prominent part in the final part of the Burma Campaign. History The 19th Indian Infantry Division was raised in Secunderabad, India in October 1941 during the Second World War and became part of Southern Army, which was mainly concerned with defence against a possible seaborne invasion by the Japanese. The division originally consisted of the 47th, 48th and 49th Indian Infantry Brigades. The divisions' first General Officer Commanding (GOC) was Major General Sir Jackie Smyth VC, who left in December to take command of the 17th Indian Infantry Division, then fighting in Burma. Between January and April 1942 all three brigades were reassigned and replaced by the 62nd, 64th and 98th Indian Infantry Brigades. After short periods under the command of Major General Geoffry Scoones and Douglas Stuart the division in October 1942 came under the command Major General Thomas Wynford Rees, who was to become GOC until December 1945. The division spent an extended period on internal security duties and in training before being committed to the Fourteenth Army, commanded by Lieutenant General Sir William J. "Bill" Slim, on the Burma front in July 1944. From October the division concentrated on the Imphal plain under IV Corps and from November its brigades were involved in operations on the Chindwin River advancing to establish contact with the British 36th Infantry Division advancing from the north on their left. Concentrating once more at Sinlamaung the division came under Indian XXXIII Corps, and played the major role in the capture of Mandalay which was completed on 20 March. Transferred to IV Corps, it guarded the Fourteenth Army's lines of communication and mounted an offensive towards Mawchi, in the Kayah State. The division's successes were due to its fitness and high morale. It had a high proportion of pre-war regular soldiers among its officers and senior Non-Commissioned Officers. The 19th Indian Division was occasionally referred to as the "Dagger Division", from its divisional sign, which was a hand thrusting a dagger overhand, in yellow on a red background. During the Second World War, a large number of brigades were assigned or attached to the division. The included at various points the 9th, 47th, 48th, 49th, 62nd, 64th, 98th and 99th Indian Infantry Brigades as well as the 22nd (East Africa) Infantry Brigade. Order of Battle 1 March 1945 General Officer Commanding: Major General Thomas Wynford Rees Commander, Royal Artillery: Brigadier John Alexander MacDonald Chief of Staff (GSO1): Lieutenant Colonel John Masters 62nd Indian Infantry Brigade (Brigadier James Ronald Morris) 2nd Battalion, Welch Regiment 3rd Battalion, 6th Rajputana Rifles 4th Battalion, 6th Gurkha Rifles 64th Indian Infantry Brigade (Brigadier John Godfrey Flewett) 2nd Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment 5th Battalion, 10th Baluch Regiment 1st Battalion, 6th Gurkha Rifles 98th Indian Infantry Brigade (Brigadier Charles Ian Jerrard) 2nd Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment 8th Battalion, 12th Frontier Force Regiment 4th Battalion, 4th Gurkha Rifles Divisional Troops 7th Light Cavalry (attached) Stuart Tanks 1st Battalion, Assam Regiment (attached) 1st Battalion, 15th Punjab Regiment (Divisional reconnaissance regiment) MG Battalion, 11th Sikh Regiment (Divisional Machine Gun Battalion) 134th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery 4th Field Regiment, Royal Indian Artillery 5th Field Regiment, Indian Artillery 115th (North Midland) Field Regiment, Royal Artillery 20th Mountain Regiment, Indian Artillery 33rd Anti-tank Regiment, Royal Artillery (mixed anti-tank and light anti-aircraft batteries) Queen Victoria's Own Madras Sappers & Miners, Indian Engineers 64th Field Company, Indian Engineers 65th Field Company, Indian Engineers 327th Field Park Company, Indian Engineers Royal Bombay Sappers and Miners, Indian Engineers 29th Field Company, Indian Engineers 9th Bridging Platoon, Indian Engineers Postwar Just before the Indian/Pakistani war of 1965 began, 19th Infantry Division was at Baramula under XV Corps (India). Its brigades were the 104th Brigade, Tithwal, the 161st Brigade, Uri and the 268th Indian Infantry Brigade, Baramula. References Further reading Latimer, Jon Burma: The Forgotten War, London: John Murray, 2004 Masters, John The Road Past Mandalay London:Cassell Military, Reprinted 2002 External links Indian World War II divisions Divisions of the Indian Army British Indian Army divisions Military units and formations established in 1941 Military units and formations of the British Empire in World War II D
{'title': '19th Indian Infantry Division', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19th%20Indian%20Infantry%20Division', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Het Boston African American National Historic Site ligt in het hart van de stad Boston Massachusetts. Verspreid over de wijk Beacon Hill staan vijftien structuren die dateren van voor de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog. Elk verwijzen ze naar de 19e-eeuwse geschiedenis van de Afro-Amerikanen in de stad. Het betreft onder andere twee schoolgebouwen, een oorlogsherdenkingssteen en verschillende huizen. Daarnaast ook het African Meeting House, het oudste overgebleven Afro-Amerikaanse kerkgebouw in de Verenigde Staten dat dateert uit 1806. De verschillende structuren van de site worden met elkaar verbonden door een 2,5 km lang traject Black Heritage Trail. Externe link Official Park Service site Afro-Amerikaanse geschiedenis Bouwwerk in Boston National Register of Historic Places Geschiedenis van Massachusetts Gebied beheerd door de National Park Service
{'title': 'Boston African American National Historic Site', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston%20African%20American%20National%20Historic%20Site', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Элой Артуро Хименес Солано (, 27 ноября 1996, Санто-Доминго) — доминиканский бейсболист, аутфилдер клуба Главной лиги бейсбола «Чикаго Уайт Сокс». Обладатель награды «Сильвер Слаггер» по итогам сезона 2020 года. Биография Элой Хименес родился 27 ноября 1996 года в Санто-Доминго. В детстве он увлекался баскетболом, в который играл его отец Луис Артуро. В возрасте 12 лет именно по настоянию отца, считавшего что пробиться в НБА, не обучаясь в колледже в США, невозможно, Элой сконцентрировался на занятиях бейсболом. Летом 2013 года он считался лучшим молодым игроком среди иностранцев. Борьбу за Хименеса выиграл клуб «Чикаго Кабс», сумма соглашения с бейсболистом составила 2,8 млн долларов. В 2014 году Хименес дебютировал в профессиональном бейсболе в фарм-клубе «Кабс» в Аризонской лиге для новичков. Свой первый сезон он завершил с показателем отбивания 22,7 %. В 2015 году его перевели в команду Северо-Западной лиги «Юджин Эмералдс», где атакующая эффективность Элоя выросла до 28,4 %. Прорывным для молодого игрока стал 2016 год, который он провёл в Лиге Среднего Запада в составе «Саут-Бенд Кабс». В играх регулярного чемпионата Хименес отбивал с эффективностью 32,9 %, отметившись 14 выбитыми хоум-ранами и 40 даблами. После вылета команды из плей-офф он был переведён уровнем выше в «Мертл-Бич Пеликанс». После завершения сезона Элой успешно выступил в Аризонской осенней лиге. В первой половине сезона 2017 года он провёл 42 игры в составе «Пеликанс», отбивая с показателем 27,1 %. Летом Хименес сыграл за сборную мира в Матче всех звёзд будущего. В июле «Кабс» обменяли его и ещё трёх молодых игроков в «Чикаго Уайт Сокс» на питчера Хосе Кинтану. После перехода Хименес провёл 29 матчей в составе «Уинстон-Сейлем Даш» и 18 матчей за «Бирмингем Бэронс». В сезоне 2018 года Хименес суммарно сыграл в 108 матчах на уровнях AA- и AAA-лиг, отбивая с эффективностью 33,7 % и выбив 53 экстра-бейс-хита. Весной 2019 года он хорошо проявил себя на сборах, но перед стартом чемпионата был возвращён в команду AAA-лиги «Шарлотт Найтс». Главной причиной стало желание клуба сократить время, проведённое игроком в Главной лиге бейсбола, и отсрочить получение им статуса свободного агента на год. В основном составе «Уайт Сокс» Хименес дебютировал в марте 2019 года. Из-за травм голеностопа и локтя он принял участие только в 122 матчах регулярного чемпионата. Несмотря на это он стал лидером среди новичков Американской лиги по числу выбитых хоум-ранов (31) и набранных RBI (79). В голосовании, определявшем лучшего новичка сезона в Американской лиге, Хименес занял четвёртое место. В сокращённом чемпионате 2020 года он принял участие в 55 матчах, отбивая с показателем 29,6 % и выбив 14 хоум-ранов. По итогам сезона он стал обладателем награды Сильвер Слаггер, самым молодым в истории клуба. Весной 2021 года во время предсезонного матча Хименес получил разрыв сухожилия грудной мышцы и выбыл из строя на срок до шести месяцев. Примечания Ссылки Бейсболисты Доминиканской Республики Игроки «Чикаго Уайт Сокс»
{'title': 'Хименес, Элой', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%81%2C%20%D0%AD%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B9', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Papyrus 95 (nach Gregory-Aland mit Sigel bezeichnet) ist eine frühe griechische Abschrift des Neuen Testaments. Mittels Paläographie wurde sie auf das 3. Jahrhundert datiert. Beschreibung Dieses Papyrusmanuskript des Johannesevangelium enthält nur die Verse 5,26–29. 36–38. Text Der griechische Text des Kodex repräsentiert den Alexandrinischen Texttyp. Aufbewahrungsort Die Handschrift wird zurzeit im Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (PL II/31) in Florenz aufbewahrt. Einzelnachweise Siehe auch Liste der Papyri des Neuen Testaments Literatur Jean Lenaerts, Un papyrus de l’Évangile de Jean : PL II/31, Chronique d’ Egypte 60 (Brussels: 1985), SS. 117–120. Philip W. Comfort, The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts, 2001, S. 627–628. Abbildungen Bilder von Papyrus des Neuen Testaments Handschrift der Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Florenz)
{'title': 'Papyrus 95', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papyrus%2095', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Helga Helene Moos (født 26. juli 1951) er forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere folketingsmedlem for Venstre. Biografi Helga Moos gik i folkeskole 1958-65 og tog realeksamen 1968. Efter et højskoleskoleophold 1969-70 tog hun en landbrugsfaglig uddannelse. Hun var derefter ansat ved et fjerkræprojekt i Tanzania, og fra 1974 har hun været gårdejer med ægproduktion og eget ægpakkeri 1984-92. Siden 1991 har hun fungeret som fuldtidsforfatter og -foredragsholder Ved siden af sit erhverv har Helga Moos sammen med sin familie fungeret som værtsfamilie for AFS (American Field Service) i forbindelse med international udveksling 1993-98. Hun har været medlem af Grundlovskomiteen fra 1997, medlem af LOF's landsstyrelse fra 1999 og af bestyrelsen i Eltra, transmissions- og systemansvarlig virksomhed for elproduktion i Vestdanmark. Politisk blev hun Venstres folketingskandidat i Augustenborgkredsen fra februar 1998, og hun blev valgt ind for Sønderjyllands Amtskreds ved valget 11. marts 1998. Ved valget 8. februar 2005 blev hun ikke genvalgt. Helga Moos har modtaget Landbrugets Kulturpris 1991, SiD-pris for »Fuld beskæftigelse i 90'erne – hvordan?«, pris fra Ældre Sagen 1994 samt pris fra Indenrigsministeriet for »Udvikling i landsbyer og landdistrikter«. Bibliografi Helga Moos har udgivet følgende bøger: Kvindefælder 1991 Hvad har du lært dit barn i dag? 1995 Kvinde kend din værktøjskasse 1995 Øko-ideologi – nej tak 1997 Skal de andre ikke have noget at spise? 2001 Syv år for folkestyret 2006 Hun har endvidere fungeret som fast kronikør ved Jyllands-Posten siden 1994. Eksterne henvisninger Helga Moos' hjemmeside Arkiveret CV på Folketinget.dk Dato: 4. september 2006. Gammelt portrætfoto Tidligere folketingsmedlemmer fra Venstre Faglitterære forfattere fra Danmark Dansksprogede forfattere fra Danmark Personer i Kraks Blå Bog
{'title': 'Helga Moos', 'url': 'https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helga%20Moos', 'language': 'da', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Nikolaj Konstantinovič Rerich, rusky Николай Константинович Рéрих, v anglosaském světě známý jako Nicholas Roerich ( – 13. prosinec 1947) byl ruský mystik, malíř, scénograf, filozof, archeolog, teozof, spisovatel a cestovatel. Vytvořil na 7000 obrazů a 30 literárních děl. Život Narodil se v bohaté rodině, jeho otec byl notář, patřil do tzv. vyšší střední třídy a stýkal se s umělci a spisovateli. Nikolaj měl už jako dítě všestranné zájmy – kromě malování také archeologii a přírodní vědy. Chtěl studovat malířství, otec mu však doporučoval práva, a tak se roku 1893 zapsal zároveň na akademii výtvarných umění a na universitu (práva). Hudební teoretik a kritik Vladimir Vasiljevič Stasov v něm v té době probudil zájem o hudbu a seznámil ho s vynikajícími hudebníky Modestem Petrovičem Musorgským, Nikolajem Andrejevičem Rimským-Korsakovem, Alexandrem Konstantinovičem Glazunovem. Rerich se stal ctitelem a znalcem vážné hudby, nejvíce miloval dílo Richarda Wagnera. Seznámil se i s mladým Sergejen Pavlovičem Ďagilevem, který také studoval práva. Později s Ďagiljevem, organizátorem slavného Ruského baletu, působícího v Paříži, spolupracoval. Vytvořil např. scénický návrh pro tehdy skandální premiéru Stravinského baletu Svěcení jara (Paříž, 29. května 1913). Roku 1899 po dokončení studií se Rerich rozhodl, že bude cestovat po Evropě, aby poznal kulturní život a hlavně výstavy, muzea a výtvarné umění v Paříži, Bruselu a Berlíně. Ještě před odjezdem se seznámil s Helenou Šapošnikovou, neteří skladatele Musorgského, se kterou se zasnoubil a po návratu z evropské studijní cesty si ji vzal za ženu. Helena byla všestranně nadaná spisovatelka (jejím nejvýznamnějším dílem jsou Základy buddhismu). Celý život byla manželovi oporou, měla stejné zájmy a doprovázela ho i na jeho cestách. V roce 1902 se jim narodil syn Grigorij, 1904 syn Svjatoslav. Další studijní cestu podnikl Rerich v letech 1903–04 po evropském Rusku, kreslil a maloval chrámy, hrady, města. Uvědomil si, že většina památek je ve špatném stavu, upozorňoval na tyto nedostatky, a již tehdy vznikal plán na záchranu památek, který později rozšířil na celý svět – za 30 let vyhlásil slavný Roerichův pakt. Roku 1915 onemocněl zápalem plic a dlouhodobě se léčil ve Finsku, revoluce ho zastihla mimo území Ruska. V nepřehledné situaci uvažoval, že se usadí v Indii, dostal však pozvání k návštěvě Spojených států a v roce 1920 tam s rodinou odjel. Měl velmi úspěšnou výstavu v New Yorku a ještě několik dalších výstav po celých Spojených státech. Pracoval tam i jako scénický výtvarník (Wagnerova opera Tristan a Isolda pro Operu v Chicagu). V roce 1921 založil v New Yorku vzdělávací Mistrovský institut spojených umění, který se snažil propojit malířství s ostatními druhy výtvarného umění. Institutu se dařilo do roku 1937, kdy byl zrušen, a až 1949 byl obnoven jako N. Roerich Museum. Je v něm veliká sbírka umělcových obrazů. Konečně v roce 1923 se Rerichovi dostali do Indie. Nejdříve se soustředili na prohlídku kulturních a historických center a seznámení s vynikajícími učenci a umělci. Přestěhovali se do podhůří Himálaje, údolí Kullu blízko městečka Naggar, kde založili nový domov a ústředí himálajských studií, které bylo zaměřeno na botaniku, etnografii, lingvistiku a starou indickou a čínskou medicínu. Toto zařízení se rozkládá na ploše 16 hektarů a má 11 budov. Funguje dodnes jako mezinárodní nadace Institution Roerich Memorial Trust (IRMT), která má výzkumné centrum, galerii Rerichových obrazů a především školu pro 150 dětí, kde se vyučuje vedle výtvarného umění také indický klasický balet, klasická hudba, umění řezbářské a textilní (tradiční tkaní). Rericha, který se hluboce zajímal o náboženství a kulturu Východu, fascionovala pověst o bájné podzemní říši Šambala, která se prý nachází v Himálaji. Svoji velikou výzkumnou expedici (1924-28) věnoval právě hledání této bájné země. Putoval s manželkou a syny a vyšli ze Šrínagaru v Kašmíru, pokračovali přes Ladak, Tibet, Turkestán a pohoří Altaj až do Mongolska. Po cestě studovali náboženství, mýty, bajky a jazyky obyvatel všech území, kterými prošli, hovořili s domorodci i s mnichy z vysokohorských klášterů. Cesta byla nesmírně náročná, i když byli dobře vybaveni – expedice měla sto velbloudů, pět koní, pět nákladních povozů a několik desítek nosičů. Postupovali starými karavanními cestami, museli překonat přes třicet vysokohorských průsmyků ve výšce 4 až 6 tisíc metrů, přešli pohoří Karákóram i Altaj a putovali po okrajích čínské pouště Taklamakan. Cestu popisuje kniha Srdce Asie, vznikla na ní řada obrazů a byla inspirací i pro další díla. Po návratu Rerich maloval a psal knihy a filozofická pojednání z etnografie, archeologie, mystiky a náboženství. Roku 1935 začal realizovat záměr, o kterém uvažoval již řadu let - zformuloval a propagoval mezinárodní dohodu o ochraně uměleckých, historických a kulturních památek v případě války (tzv. Rerichův mírový pakt), který podepsalo 21 států panamerické unie a významní světoví umělci (Rabíndranáth Thákur, G. B. Shaw, H. G. Wells aj.). Namaloval pro tuto akci obraz „Pakt kultury“, který má ve svém středu čintámani, buddhistický a hinduistický symbol, který byl pro Roericha znakem duchovna a míru. Čintámani (sanskrt), je bájný drahokam s osmi fazetami, který plní všechna přání. V Rerichiově stylizovaném zobrazení je to červeně orámovaný bílý kruh, který má uprostřed tři pyramidovitě uspořádané červené čintámani (kruhy). Roerich navrhl také vlajku paktu kultury – kruh čintámani v bílém poli. Tento symbol se stal zobrazením jeho nejvnitřnějšího přesvědčení, že mír je bezpodmínečnou nutností pro další duchovní rozvoj lidstva. Za svoji mírovou iniciativu byl N. K. Rerich nominován v roce 1935 na Nobelovu cenu míru. Celý život se snažil přispívat k duchovnímu rozvoji lidstva. Proto spolu s manželkou Helenou vytvořil novou duchovní cestu nazvanou agni-jóga (agni znamená v sanskrtu oheň), pokus o syntézu buddhismu, teosofie, ruského ortodoxního křesťanství a Einsteinovy teorie relativity. Dílo V prvním období (kolem roku 1904) maloval hlavně ruská posvátná místa a kláštery (Starý Novgorod, Jaroslavl, Rostov Veliký, Suzdal, Smolensk, Kostroma, Pečora). Obrazy zachycovaly náboženské témata a pravoslavné světce, ale již v nich převládal mysticismus - motiv andělů, strážců duchovních pokladů, motiv cesty, brány, mostu jako symbol duchovního hledání. Objevovalo se i poselství dávných věků a kultur (Ilja Muromec, Velké očekávání), do obrazů zakomponovával také zapomenuté symboly. Po první světové válce maloval především alegorické a symbolické obrazy (Bitva v nebesích). Další tvorba byla ovlivněna studiem náboženství a mystiky, zvláště východní. Jeho díla byla poznamenána pobytem v Indii a Himálajskou expedicí (obrazy Himálaj, Brahmaputra, Horská pevnost, Horské jezero, Klášter, Lama, Hranice Tibetu, Kančendženga, Tibetský stan, Mongolské jurty, Mongolský jezdec, Kůň štěstí – znak čintamani, Gessar-chán). Věčným tématem bylo zachycení mužského a ženského principu a série ikonografických představ o matce boží. Zobrazoval ji jako křesťanskou Marii (Madona laboris), nebo hinduistické bohyně (Lakšmí a hněvivá Kálí). Maloval také společně představitele různých světových náboženství – Krista, Muhammada, Buddhu, Konfucuia. Zajímal se i o „bohy budoucnosti“, Buddhu příštích věků Majtreju a Kalkího, posledního avatara (vtělení) boha Višnua. Rerichovy knihy byly věnovány především filosofii, náboženství a mystice (Adamant, Plamen v kalichu, Říše světla), ale i etnografii a archeologii. Duchovní hledání odráží sbírka básní Květy Morya (1916–19). Cesty zachycují knihy Srdce Asie a Požehnaná cesta. Řády a vyznamenání Řád sv. Stanislava (Rusko) Řád sv. Anny (Rusko) Řád sv. Vladimíra (Rusko) Řád sv. Sávy (Srbsko) Rytíř čestné legie (Francie). V češtině vyšla v 2003 Rerichova kniha Zářící Šambala v nakladatelství Kitěž. V Rusku si N. K. Rericha i jeho díla vždy velmi vážili, jeho obrazy jsou v moskevské Treťjakovské galerii a stále vycházejí v ruštině jeho knížky. Roku 2014 byla v Petrohradě uspořádána k 150. výročí umělcova narození veliká výstava, na které byly i obrazy zapůjčené ze zahraničí, především z Indie a USA. Související články Agni-jóga Externí odkazy Životopis a rozsáhlá galerie obrazů na stránkách Fondu Daniila Andrejeva Rerichovo muzeum Ruští malíři Ruští spisovatelé Ruští archeologové Ruští filozofové Mystikové Teosofové Nositelé Řádu svatého Stanislava Narození v roce 1874 Narození 9. října Narození v Petrohradu Úmrtí v roce 1947 Úmrtí 13. prosince Muži Rytíři Řádu čestné legie Absolventi vysokých škol v Rusku Archeologové 20. století Filozofové 20. století
{'title': 'Nikolaj Konstantinovič Rerich', 'url': 'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolaj%20Konstantinovi%C4%8D%20Rerich', 'language': 'cs', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Tulfes is a municipality in the district of Innsbruck-Land in the Austrian state of Tyrol, located 12 km east of Innsbruck and 6 km above Hall in Tirol. The village was mentioned as “Tellevo” for the first time in 1240. Main source of income is tourism. Tulfes became a popular area of settlement due to the cities of Innsbruck and Hall. Population References External links Municipality Tulfes: Official website of the municipality in the Hall-Wattens region Cities and towns in Innsbruck-Land District
{'title': 'Tulfes', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulfes', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Star Istevnik (en macédonien Стар Истевник) est un village de l'est de la Macédoine du Nord, situé dans la municipalité de Deltchevo. Le village comptait en 2002. Démographie Lors du recensement de 2002, le village comptait : Macédoniens : 70 Voir aussi Liens internes Deltchevo (Macédoine) Liens externes Site officiel de la municipalité de Deltchevo Références Village dans la commune de Delčevo
{'title': 'Star Istevnik', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star%20Istevnik', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
E.Town Concrete, ou parfois appelé E-Town, est un groupe de rap metal américain, originaire d'Elizabeth, dans le New Jersey. Biographie Le groupe est formé en 1995. Leur premier album Time 2 Shine sort en 1999 sur le label Resurrection A.D. Ils publieront par la suite quatre autres albums sur différents labels, tels que Razor & Tie ou Ironbound Recordings. En 2004, le groupe joue au Hellfest, à Clisson, en France. Le groupe décide de se séparer en 2006, jouant leur dernier concert le 20 mai de cette même année. Le , la page Myspace du groupe indiquait leur retour imminent. Deux concerts au Starland Ballroom de Sareyville, New Jersey, sont annoncés le 13 octobre 2008, et programmés pour le 20 et 21 février 2009. Depuis leur réunification en 2009, le groupe comprend également un claviériste et un percussionniste lors de leurs concerts. Ils rejouent au Starland Ballroom le avec entre autres The Acacia Strain, Ill Bill, Reign Supreme, et Razorblade Handgrenade. Ils revinrent une quatrième fois au Starland Ballroom avec Hatebreed le 8 janvier 2011. En février 2012, E-Town Concrete publie une nouvelle chanson intitulée Someone Tell 'Em, leur première depuis neuf ans. En juin 2013, les groupes qui joueront au East Coast Tsunami 2013 sont annoncés. Le festival fera jouer E.Town Concrete le 29 septembre aux côtés de groupes comme Sworn Enemy. En 2014, le groupe publie son nouvel album, The Renaissance, chez Roadrunner Records. En juillet 2016, E.Town Concrete annonce un concert spécial 20 ans, le octobre, au Starland Ballroom de Sayreville, dans le New Jersey. Ils joueront aux côtés de Candiria et All Out War. Membres Membres actuels Anthony Martini (Ant-Money ; Ignant Ass Ant) - chant (depuis 1995) David Mondragon - guitare (depuis 1995) Ted P. (Theodore Panagopoulos) - batterie (depuis 1995) Eric DeNault - basse (depuis 1997) Anciens membres Ken Pescatore - guitare (1995–1998) Henry W Hess IV - basse (1995–1997) Discographie 2014 : The Renaissance Notes et références Liens externes E.Town Concrete sur PureVolume Groupe américain de rap metal Groupe américain de punk hardcore Groupe américain de metal alternatif Groupe musical formé en 1995 Groupe musical du New Jersey Artiste de Triple Crown Records
{'title': 'E.Town Concrete', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.Town%20Concrete', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Os porta-aviões Zeppelin classe Graf foram quatro porta-aviões Kriegsmarine alemães planejadas em meados da década de 1930 pelo Grande Almirante Erich Raeder como parte do programa de rearmamento Plano Z, depois da Alemanha e Grã-Bretanha assinaram o Acordo Naval Anglo-Germânico. Eles foram planejando-o após um estudo aprofundado de modelos japoneses operados; no entanto, os arquitetos navais alemães entraram em dificuldades devido à falta de experiência na construção de tais navios, as realidades situacionais de operações de transporte no Mar do Norte e da falta de clareza geral em objetivos da missão dos navios. Esta falta de clareza levou a características tanto eliminados ou não incluídas nos projetos transportadora americanos e japoneses. Estes incluíram um complemento de armas de fogo de tipo cruiser para o comércio invasão e defesa contra cruzadores britânicos. Transportadoras americanas e japonesas, desenhadas ao longo das linhas de defesa da força-tarefa, usam apoio cruzadores para o poder de fogo de superfície, o que permitiu que as operações de voo para continuar sem interrupção e manteve portadores de risco indevido de dano ou afundar de ação de superfície. Uma combinação de luta política entre a Kriegsmarine e Luftwaffe, disputas dentro das fileiras de interesse minguante da própria Kriegsmarine e Adolf Hitler todos conspiraram contra os transportadores. A escassez de trabalhadores e materiais desacelerou construção ainda mais e, em 1939, Raeder reduziu o número de navios de quatro para duas. Mesmo assim, a Luftwaffe treinados sua primeira unidade de pilotos para o serviço de suporte e preparou-o para operações de voo. Com o advento da Segunda Guerra Mundial, as prioridades deslocado para a construção de submarinos; uma transportadora, Flugzeugträger B, foi quebrado na rampa de lançamento, enquanto o trabalho do outro, Flugzeugträger A (batizado Graf Zeppelin) foi mantido provisoriamente, mas suspensa em 1940. A unidade de ar prevista para ela foi dissolvida nesse momento. O papel das aeronaves na Batalha de Taranto, a busca do encouraçado Bismarck alemão, o ataque a Pearl Harbor e da Batalha de Midway demonstraram conclusivamente a utilidade do porta-aviões na guerra naval moderna. Com a autorização de Hitler, o trabalho recomeçou no transportador restante. O progresso foi novamente adiada, desta vez pela demanda por aviões mais recentes projetados especificamente para uso transportadora e a necessidade de modernização do navio em função da evolução do tempo de guerra. desencanto de Hitler com o desempenho de unidades de superfície da Kriegsmarine levou a uma paralisação final do trabalho. O navio foi capturado pela União Soviética no final da guerra e afundado como um navio-alvo, em 1947. Design e construção Depois de 1933, a Kriegsmarine começou a examinar a possibilidade de construir um porta-aviões. Wilhelm Hadeler tinha sido assistente do Professor de Construção Naval da Universidade Técnica de Berlim por nove anos, quando foi nomeado para elaborar desenhos preliminares para um porta-aviões, em abril de 1934. Primeiro projeto de Hadeler era um navio de 22.000 longo ton (22.000 t), que poderia levar 50 aeronaves e vapor a 35 nós (65 km / h; 40 mph). O Acordo Naval Anglo-Germânico, assinado em 18 de Junho de 1935, permitiu que a Alemanha para construir porta-aviões com deslocamento total de até 38.500 toneladas, Embora a Alemanha foi limitada a 35% da tonelagem britânica totais em qualquer categoria de navio de guerra. A Kriegsmarine, então, decidiu escalar para trás o projeto de Hadeler para 19.250 toneladas longas (19.560 t), o que permitiria a construção de dois navios dentro do limite de 35%. A equipe de design decidiu que a nova operadora teria de ser capaz de se defender contra os combatentes de superfície, o que exigiu a proteção armadura para o padrão de um cruzador pesado. Uma bateria de dezesseis 15 cm (5,9 in) armas foram consideradas suficientes para defender o navio de destruidores. Em 1935, Adolf Hitler anunciou que a Alemanha iria construir porta-aviões para fortalecer a Kriegsmarine. Um oficial da Luftwaffe, um oficial da Marinha, e um construtor visitou o Japão no Outono de 1935 para obter modelos de equipamentos de cabina de pilotagem e inspecionar o porta-aviões japoneses Akagi. Os alemães também tentaram em vão examinar o HMS transportadora britânica Furious. A quilha do Graf Zeppelin foi estabelecido em 28 de dezembro de 1936, na rampa de lançamento que, recentemente, ocupava o couraçado Gneisenau. O navio foi construído pelo estaleiro Deutsche Werke em Kiel. Dois anos mais tarde, Großadmiral (Grande Almirante) Erich Raeder apresentou um programa de construção naval ambicioso denominado Plano Z que iria construir a Kriegsmarine a um ponto onde ele poderia desafiar a Marinha Real Britânica no Mar do Norte. No âmbito do Plano Z, em 1945, como parte da força equilibrada a Marinha teria quatro transportadores; o par de Graf Zeppelin navios da classe foram os dois primeiros no plano. Hitler aprovou o programa de construção em 1 de Março de 1939. Em 1938, um segundo porta, ordenou sob o nome provisório "B", foi previsto no estaleiro Germaniawerft em Kiel. Graf Zeppelin foi lançada em 8 de Dezembro de 1938. Aeronave O papel esperado da classe Graf Zeppelin foi o de uma plataforma marítima de aferição e seu grupo aéreo inicialmente previsto refletiu que a ênfase: 20 Fieseler Fi, 167 biplanos para scouting e torpedo ataque, 10 Messerschmitt Bf, 109 lutadores, 13 Junkers Ju, 87 bombardeiros de mergulho. Isso foi mais tarde alterado para 30 Bf, 109 lutadores, 12 Ju, 87 bombardeiros de mergulho como doutrina transportadora no Japão, Grã-Bretanha e os Estados Unidos se afastou de direitos puramente de reconhecimento para com missões de combate ofensivas. No final de 1938, a Technische Amt RLM (Gabinete Técnico do Ministério da Aviação Reichsluftfahrtministerium ou Estadual) solicitou que o Messerschmitt departamento do projeto Augsburg elaborar planos para uma versão transmitida por portador do lutador Bf 109E, a ser designado Bf 109T (o "T "em pé de Träger ou Carrier). Até dezembro de 1940, o RLM decidiu completar apenas sete Bf 109T-1s equipado operadoras e para terminar o restante como T-2s terrestres desde o trabalho na Graf Zeppelin tinha deixado para trás em abril e parecia haver pouca probabilidade de que ela faria em seguida, ser encomendado qualquer momento em breve. Quando o trabalho na Graf Zeppelin cessou, os T-2s foram mobilizados para a Noruega. No final de 1941, quando o interesse em completar Graf Zeppelin revivido, o Bf sobrevivendo 109 T-2s foram retirados de serviço de linha de frente, a fim de prepará-los novamente para o serviço de suporte possível. Sete T-2s foram reconstruídas com os padrões T-1 e entregues ao Kriegsmarine em 19 de maio de 1942. Em dezembro, um total de 48 Bf 109T-2s havia sido convertido novamente em T-1s. 46 destes foram estacionados em Pillau na Prússia Oriental e reservado para uso a bordo do porta. Em fevereiro de 1943, no entanto, todos os trabalhos no Graf Zeppelin tinha cessado ea aeronave foram devolvidos ao serviço de Luftwaffe em abril. Porta-aviões da Marinha da Alemanha
{'title': 'Classe Graf Zeppelin', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classe%20Graf%20Zeppelin', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
This is a list of cemeteries in Georgia. Cemeteries in Georgia Black Pioneers Cemetery, Euharlee, Georgia Ebenezer Cemetery, Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Rincon, founded 1733 by Lutheran refugees from Salzburg, Austria Forest Lawn Cemetery, College Park Georgia National Cemetery Greenwood Cemetery, Atlanta Laurel Grove Cemetery Levi Sheftall Family Cemetery, Savannah Lincoln Cemetery, Atlanta Linwood Cemetery (Columbus, Georgia) Magnolia Cemetery, Augusta, Georgia Marietta Confederate Cemetery Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Atlanta Memory Hill Cemetery Mordecai Sheftall Cemetery, Savannah Oak Hill Cemetery, Cartersville, Georgia Patrick R. Cleburne Confederate Cemetery – large memorial cemetery with hundreds of unmarked confederate graves from the Civil War Resaca Confederate Cemetery, Resaca, Georgia South Bend Cemetery South-View Cemetery, Atlanta Southview Cemetery, Augusta, Georgia Summerville Cemetery, Augusta, Georgia Sunbury Cemetery, Sunbury, Georgia St. James Episcopal Cemetery, Marietta Westview Cemetery, Atlanta (largest civilian cemetery in southeastern United States) Cemeteries on the National Register of Historic Places in Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Basket Creek Cemetery Behavior Cemetery Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, made famous by the Bird Girl sculpture featured on the cover of the book, and in the movie of, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil City Cemetery (Sandersville, Georgia) Crawford-Dorsey House and Cemetery Colored Cemetery Decatur Cemetery Jackson Street Cemetery, Athens Lott Cemetery Marietta National Cemetery McCanaan Missionary Baptist Church and Cemetery Midway Historic District, Midway, Georgia Myrtle Hill Cemetery, Rome, Georgia Notchaway Baptist Church and Cemetery Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta Oconee Hill Cemetery, Athens Old City Cemetery, Columbus, Georgia Riverside Cemetery, Macon Robert Mable House and Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery, Macon Sunset Hill Cemetery Upper Lott's Creek Primitive Baptist Church and Cemetery See also List of cemeteries in the United States References Cemeteries in Georgia (U.S. state) Georgia
{'title': 'List of cemeteries in Georgia (U.S. state)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List%20of%20cemeteries%20in%20Georgia%20%28U.S.%20state%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Dunai is een dorpscommissie (Engels: village development committee, afgekort VDC; Nepalees: panchayat) in het westen van Nepal, en tevens de hoofdplaats van het district Dolpa. De plaats telde bij de volkstelling in 2001 2136 inwoners, in 2011 2592 inwoners. Dorpscommissie in Nepal
{'title': 'Dunai', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunai', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Cantonul Taninges este un canton din arondismentul Bonneville, departamentul Haute-Savoie, regiunea Rhône-Alpes, Franța. Comune La Côte-d'Arbroz La Rivière-Enverse Les Gets Mieussy Taninges (reședință) Cantoane în Haute-Savoie
{'title': 'Cantonul Taninges', 'url': 'https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonul%20Taninges', 'language': 'ro', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
James Henry Norick (January 23, 1920 – March 4, 2015) was an American politician. He served as mayor of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, from 1959 to 1963 and 1967 to 1971. He was a member of the Democratic party. Norick also served on Oklahoma City council prior to serving as mayor, from 1951 to 1955. His son, Ron Norick, was also a mayor of Oklahoma City, serving from 1987 to 1998. He was the son of Henry Calvin and Ruth Norick. His father owned a printing business. James Norick attended the Oklahoma Military Academy and served in the United States Navy from 1942 to 1945. Norick died on March 4, 2015, at the age of 95. References 1920 births 2015 deaths Classen School of Advanced Studies alumni Mayors of Oklahoma City Oklahoma city council members Oklahoma Democrats
{'title': 'James Norick', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%20Norick', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
La cinquième édition du Championnat international d'escrime en 1926 s'est déroulé dans deux endroits différents : les épreuves de fleuret (qui fait son apparition) et de sabre à Budapest, en Hongrie, et d'épée à Ostende, en Belgique. Résultats Tableau des médailles 1926 Escrime Escrime 1926 Escrime 1926 Événement sportif à Ostende International 1926 International 1926 Monde Sport en Hongrie en 1926 Sport en Belgique en 1926
{'title': "Championnat international d'escrime 1926", 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Championnat%20international%20d%27escrime%201926', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Morasverdes é um município da Espanha na província de Salamanca, comunidade autónoma de Castela e Leão, de área 51,88 km² com população de 351 habitantes (2007) e densidade populacional de 7,56 hab/km². Demografia elpelos.com:Morasverdes y sus gentes morasverdes.com:Descúbrelo todo sobre Morasverdes Morasverdes Municípios da Espanha por nome Municípios por nome de Castela e Leão Localidades da Espanha Localidades de Castela e Leão Localidades de Salamanca (província)
{'title': 'Morasverdes', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morasverdes', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Lincolnshire (pronunciat /ˈlɪŋkənʃər/ o /ˈlɪŋkənʃɪər/; abreujat Lincs) és un dels comtats d'Anglaterra, situat a la regió dels Midlands de l'Est. Limita amb els comtats de Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Rutland, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, South Yorkshire, East Riding of Yorkshire i Northamptonshire. És del tipus comtat no metropolità, ja que la majoria de la població pertany a l'àmbit rural. En la seva economia té un lloc destacat l'agricultura i el turisme de costa, on els visitants poden trobar diversos parcs d'atraccions. Lincolnshire va ser el comtat on va néixer el famós científic Isaac Newton. El comtat cerimonial de Lincolnshire età format per nou districtes, dos dels quals són autoritats unitàries: Lincolnshire Nord i Lincolnshire Nord-est.té la particularitat que algunes poblacions no estan coberts pel servei de policia del mateix comtat sinó pel dels comtats veïns. Als nascuts a Lincolnshire se'ls anomena panxesgrogues (Yellowbellies ). No està clar l'origen d'aquest sobrenom, però es creu que podria tenir a veure amb el color de les solapes de l'uniforme del X Regiment d'Infanteria, de fet, en l'escut heràldic del comtat es veuen dos oficials d'aquest exèrcit;però altres opinen que ve del nom d'una granota típica d'aquesta contrada. Geografia La geografia de Lincolnshire és força variada, però es pot agrupar en les següents àrees: Els Wolds de Lincolnshire, una zona de turons arrodonits situada al nord-est del comtat, que està designada àrea d'especial bellesa natural (AONB). Els Fens, una zona d'aiguamolls que domina el paisatge del quadrant sud-est. Els maresmes, que s'estenen al llarg de la costa. Els promontoris de Lincoln, una línia de penya-segats de pedra calcària que van de nord a sud ocupant la meitat oest del comtat. El riu Humber separa el comtat de l'Riding Est de Yorkshire, al sud. El comtat va patir un terratrèmol el 27 de febrer del 2008, que va assolir les magnituds 4,7 i 5,3 en l'escala de Richter, un dels més intensos que han afectat l'illa de la Gran Bretanya en els darrers anys. Història Lincolnshire procedeix de la unió dels territoris de l'antic regne de Lindsey amb el territori de Stamford, que havia estat sota el control del Danelaw. És per això que durant algun temps aquest comtat se l'anomenava "Lindsey", i aquest és el nom que consta al Domesday Book, escrit al . Posteriorment el nom de Lindsey es va aplicar només a la zona nord, al voltant de Lincoln, el que seria una de les tres parts de Lincolnshire, juntament amb les altres dues parts: Holland, al sud-est, i Kesteven al sud-oest. Cadascuna d'aquestes parts tenia els seus tribunals, que actuaven quatre vegades a l'any (Quarter Sessions), i administradors propis. L'any 1888 quan es van establir els consells dels comtats d'Anglaterra, Lindsey, Holland i Kesteven van obtenir un per a cadascun, amb seus a Lincoln, Sleaford i Boston, respectivament. Aquests organismes van perdurar fins al 1974, quan Holland, Kesteven, i la major part de Lindsey van quedar unificats amb la creació del comtat administratiu de Lincolnshire. La zona nord de l'antic Lindsey, que incloïa el municipi de Scunthorpe i el de Grimsby van ser incorporats en el nou comtat de Humberside, el qual també va rebre territoris de l'Riding Est de Yorkshire. Amb la reforma de governs locals del 1996 Humberside va quedar abolit, i les terres al sud de l'Humber van ser traspassades als districtes de Nord Lincolnshire i Nord-est Lincolnshire. Aquestes dues àrees van quedar dins el comtat de Lincolnshire per qüestions cerimonials, per exemple són representades per una mateixa persona, el Lord Lieutenant, però no comparteixen el servei de policia de Lincolnshire, sinó que reben aquest servei de les regions de Yorkshire i Humber; per altres qüestions són administrativament independents, ja que són autoritats unitàries. La resta de districtes de Lincolnshire són: Boston, Lindsey Est, Lincoln, Kesteven Nord, Holland Sud, Kesteven Sud, i Lindsey Oest. El comtat forma part de la regió dels Midlands de l'Est. Poblacions El comtat no metropolità de Lincolnshire no té grans àrees urbanes, a banda de Lincoln i la seva rodalia, i Boston. Tanmateix les àrees de Skegness, Ingoldmells i Chapel St Leonards (i en menor grau Sutton-on-Sea i Mablethorpe) situades al llarg de la costa, estan cada cop més urbanitzades i més poblades durant les vacances d'estiu, fins i tot emprant caravanes. Tots aquests estiuejants no són una població reflectida en els estudis censals, però s'estima que, al ple de l'estiu, ha població local augmenta fins als 100.000 residents. Això té un apreciable impacte en les infraestructures i serveis dels pobles de la costa. La següent llista dona informació sobre les poblacions amb més habitants segons el cens del 2011: Economia La següent taula indica l'aportació al producte interior brut, desglossat per sectors, amb valors expressats en milions de lliures esterlines. La suma dels valors parcials pot no coincidir amb el valor total degut als arrodoniments. Negocis Les empreses més destacades de Lincolnshire són: Lincs FM Group (emissora de ràdio), Young's Seafood (peix fresc i congelat), Openfield (llavors i fertilitzants) i Lincolnshire Co-operative (un conglomerat de diversos negocis: botigues d'alimentació, farmàcies, funeràries, floristeries, agències de viatges, que dona feina a un quart de la població). Agricultura Lincolnshire és una àrea agrícola, on es conreen grans quantitats de blat, ordi, remolatxa sucrera i colza. A Lincolnshire Sud, on el terra és particularment ric en nutrients, es conreen: patates, cols, coliflors, i cebes. A Lincolnshire Sud hi ha l'estació experimental agrícola més gran del Regne Unit, concretament a la població de Sutton Bridge, que està patrocinada per Potato Councili Sutton Bridge Crop Storage Research. La mecanització que es va iniciar al voltant de l'any 1900 va disminuir força els llocs de treball que calia per operar en aquests grans camps de conreu. Algunes empreses es van establir a Lincoln, Gainsborough i Granthamper, per subministrar el material necessari per aquests canvis: l'empresa Richard Hornsby & Sons, i la William Foster & Co Ltd, que també feia vehicles per l'exèrcit i és famosa per haver construït el primer tanc. Actualment els treballadors immigrants procedents de l'est d'Europa són la majoria de la mà d'obra estacional que s'encarreguen de fer la collita, en especial al sud del comtat on es produeixen petits vegetals i flors, que no poden ser collits amb maquinària. Això causa de vegades conflictes amb la població local que, a diferència d'altres comtats, està poc acostumada a l'arribada massiva de treballadors. Per altra banda, a causa dels darrers canvis climàtics, molts conreus s'han abandonat i la mà d'obra estrangera ha disminuït. Alguns immigrants són ja una mà d'obra permanent i han establert petites colònies, per exemple els portuguesos a Boston o els polonesos a Grantham. Turisme La majoria del turisme de Lincolnshires es localitza a les poblacions costaneres de l'est, a la zona geogràfica dels Wolds. Aquesta zona és un dels millors conjunts vacacionals del Regne Unit i atreu molts visitants de tot el país, però en especial els dels Midlands de l'Est i de Yorkshire. Hi ha tres ciutats principals i la resta són petites viles. Una d'aquestes ciutats és Skegness, famós per l'escultura del Alegre Pescador i pel seu eslògan "Skegness és tan vigoritzant!". A continuació estan Ingoldmells i Chapel St Leonards, que formen un espai continu per a caravanes a prop de la costa i serveis per a visitants. En aquesta zona hi ha a prop de la platja: entreteniments, botigues, llocs d'acampada (Butlins Skegness), parc d'atraccions (Fantasy Island), museus (Church Farm Museum, sobre la vida tradicional del pagesos), espectacles amb animals (Natureland Seal Sanctuary), circuit de velocitat del tipus stock car (Skegness Stadium), passeig marítim (Skegness Pier) i diversos camps de golf. Hi ha bones carreteres i connexions amb autobús i ferrocarril amb la resta del comtat. El segon gran nucli vacacional està al voltant de la ciutat de Mablethorpe, famosa per la sorra daurada de la seva platja, que enllaça amb les veïnes Trusthorpe i Sutton-on-Sea. També hi ha oferta d'activitats d'esbarjo i zona d'acampada per a caravanes, però està menys desenvolupada no hi ha tants bars de copes nocturns i els enllaços per carretera no són tan bons; és el lloc escollit pels turistes que busquen tranquil·litat i relax. L'accés per ferrocarril a aquesta zona va quedar restringit pel pla Beeching del 1963. El tercer grup inclou la ciutat de Cleethorpes i la de Humberston, al districte de Lincolnshire Nord-est. Aquí hi ha un parc temàtic (Pleasure Island Family), un mini tren de 381 mm que fa un recorregut a prop de la costa (Cleethorpes Coast Light Railway), un passeig marítim (Cleethorpes Pier) , camps de golf i llocs d'acampada per a caravanes. Cleethorpes està ben comunicada per carretera i ferrocarril, fàcilment accessible des de la M180 o des de la línia TransPennine Express que va fins a Manchester. La natura és una atractiu per a molts turistes: al sud-est del comtat, sobretot als fenlands hi niuen diferents espècies d'ocells i es poden visitar les reserves naturals de Gibraltar Point, Saltfleetby i Theddlethorpe. La reserva natural de Donna Nook posseeix una colònia de pinnípedes. La zona dels Wolds és popular entre els aficionats al ciclisme i dels excursionistes per als quals es fa el Lincolnshire Wolds Walking Festival. Dialecte Com en altres dialectes del nord d'Anglaterra i dels Midlands, es tendeix a pronunciar la vocal "a" amb el so [æ], per exemple bath es diu /ˈbæθ/, en comptes de /ˈbɑːθ/, o water, pronunciat /ˈwætər/. El so vocàlic del anglès estàndard /ʌ/ se substitueix per /ʊ/. Altres trets dialectals són: Transformació dels sons /eɪ/ o /iː/ del anglès estàndard, en un complex triftong que de vegades apareix escrit -air- o -yair-. Per exemple: mate, [m(j)ɛːət]; beast [b(j)ɛːəst]; tates (diminutiu de potatoes [t(j)ɛːəts]. El diftong /oʊ/ , que generalment es pronuncia [oː] al nord d'Anglaterra, a Lincolnshire es transforma en -ooa-. Per exemple, boat, [bʊːət]. Inserció d'una /ə/ enmig el diftong de l'anglès estàndard /aʊ/. Al nord-est del comtat, en la rodalia de Grimsby i Immingham, es produeix el fenomen de transformació de la vocal prèvia a la "r", per exemple /ɜː(r)/ es pronuncia com /eə(r)/, igual com passa a entre els parlants de la costa est de Yorkshire i de Liverpool. Hi ha tot un conjunt de paraules que només es fan servir aquí o que prenen un nou significat; exemples: duck, emprat per donar ànims o saludar amistosament un company, mardy que vol dir «neguitós» o «irascible», mowt, «poderós», while «fins a», frit com a abreviació de frightened, grufty que pot voler dir «brut» o «repugnant»; i la salutació now then!? en comptes de dir hello, de vegades escrita nairn per indicar tal com es pronuncia. Un resident de Woodhall Spa, Edward Peacock, irònicament una de les poblacions més allunyades del Lincolnshire rural, va publicar un diccionari amb el vocabulari propi d'aquest comtat. Un granger de la localitat de Minting, que es fa dir Farmer Wink (de nom real Robert Carlton), va guanyar un concurs de ràdio per contestar preguntes sobre el dialecte de Lincolnshire i pels vídeos que ha fet explicant la vida rural tradicional emprant aquest dialecte. L'exèrcit El relleu bastant pla de Lincolnshire i la baixa densitat de població fa que sigui un lloc escollit per a les instal·lacions de la RAF, que ha fet setanta bases militars, moltes de les quals estan actualment tancades però la seva presència és encara important a Coningsby, on estan els Typhoon jets, a Waddington, on hi ha el quarter general, les oficines de subministraments i un aeròdrom, a Cranwell, lloc d'entrenament d'oficials, a Scampton, on estan els Red Arrows, a Barkston Heath, on hi ha un camp d'entrenament. Altres bases menors són: la de Kirton, la de Holbeach, la de Donna Nook i la de Digby. L'exèrcit de terra també té dues bases: una anomenada Sobraon Barracks, on està l'esquadró de logística 160 (Lincoln), i l'altra Prince William of Gloucester Barracks'' (Grantham), on està l'escola d'entrenament Fase 2. Notes Referències Bibliografia Enllaços externs Lincolnshire web Lincolnshire County Council website Visitlincolnshire.com Pàgina de la bandera oficial de Lincolnshire Lincolnshire Life magazine
{'title': 'Lincolnshire', 'url': 'https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincolnshire', 'language': 'ca', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Anthophora zimini is een vliesvleugelig insect uit de familie bijen en hommels (Apidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1935 door Gussakovsky. zimini
{'title': 'Anthophora zimini', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthophora%20zimini', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Струве Герман Оттович (3 жовтня 1854 — 12 серпня 1920) — російський та німецький астроном. Народився в Пулкові. Син О. В. Струве. До 1895 р. працював у Пулковській обсерваторії, потім обійняв посаду директора обсерваторії і професора Кенігсберзького університету; 1904 р. очолив Берлінську обсерваторію, яку під його керівництвом було переведено до Бабельсбергу. Основні наукові роботи стосуються спостережної астрономії і небесної механіки. Спостерігав подвійні зірки на 15-дюймовому рефракторі. Був першим спостерігачем на найбільшому тоді у світі 30-дюймовому рефракторі Пулківської обсерваторії, який став до ладу 1885 р.; дослідив інструмент і зробив значну кількість вимірювань подвійних зірок. Особливу цінність становлять виконані Струве дослідження супутників Марса і Сатурна. На підставі власних спостережень він побудував теорію руху супутників Сатурна. Відкрив лібрацію в русі сьомого супутника цієї планети — Гіперіона і пояснив її впливом на Гіперіон шостого супутника — Титана, найбільшого в системі Сатурна (1888). Відкрив також лібрацію двох найближчих до Сатурна супутників — Мімаса і Енцелада (1892). Спостереження супутника Марса Фобоса, які Струве здійснив у Пулковській обсерваторії, були згодом використані Б. П. Шарплессом при вивченні вікового прискорення в русі цього супутника. Примітки Джерела Персоналії за алфавітом Російські астрономи Балтійські німці Члени Шведської королівської академії наук Уродженці Санкт-Петербурга Науковці Кенігсберзького університету Науковці Берлінського університету
{'title': 'Струве Герман Оттович', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B2%D0%B5%20%D0%93%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BD%20%D0%9E%D1%82%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
W sezonie 2016/17 Dinamo Moskwa występowało w Pierwszej Dywizji (2. poziom ligowy) i Pucharze Rosji. Skład Mecze Tabela |}Zasady ustalania kolejności: 1. Punkty, 2. Liczba zwycięstw, 3. Mecze bezpośrednie. otrzymała licencję na przyszły sezon i pozostała w FNL, ponieważ zrezygnowała z awansu. Uwagi Dinamo Moskwa w poszczególnych sezonach 2016 w piłce nożnej 2017 w piłce nożnej 2016 w Rosji 2017 w Rosji
{'title': 'Dinamo Moskwa w sezonie 2016/2017', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinamo%20Moskwa%20w%20sezonie%202016/2017', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Bāz, auch Abdul-Aziz bin Baz (; geboren 1912 (meist wird der 21. November 1910 genannt) in Riad, Saudi-Arabien; gestorben am 13. Mai 1999) war ein saudi-arabischer Qādī und Gelehrter salafistischer Ausrichtung. Ab 1992 wirkte er bis zu seinem Tod 1999 als Großmufti seines Heimatlandes. Bin Bāz war einer der wenigen Gelehrten, die zu vielen islamistischen Bewegungen gute Beziehungen pflegten, beispielsweise zu den Muslimbrüdern, den Anhängern der Sahwa, den Ahl-i Hadīth oder der Tablighi Jamaat. Seine Lehrmeinungen sind somit auch in diesen Strömungen einflussreich. Leben Als Bin Bāz drei Jahre alt war, starb sein Vater. Dieser Umstand zwang ihn und seinen Bruder zum Verkauf von Kleidung auf dem Markt. Er gab sich zur selben Zeit weiterhin dem Studium hin, weshalb er, als er geschlechtsreif wurde (al-bulūġ), den Koran auswendig konnte. Im Anschluss daran begann er bei einer Vielzahl von Gelehrten in Riad Scharʿīa-Wissenschaften und Arabisch zu studieren. Als er 16 Jahre alt war, verschlechterte sich sein Sehvermögen, bis er mit 20 Jahren vollständig erblindete. Er studierte unter anderem bei Muhammad bin Ibrāhīm Āl asch-Schaich, einem Enkel Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhābs und seines Zeichens der wichtigste Lehrer im Nadschd. Muhammad bin Ibrāhīm Āl asch-Schaich war gleichzeitig Bin Bāz' Vorgänger im Amt des saudi-arabischen Großmuftis, eine Position, die zwischen Muhammad bin Ibrāhīm Āl asch-Schaichs Tod 1969 und Bin Bāz' Berufung 1992 nicht besetzt war. Von 1938 bis 1951 war er Qādī in al-Chardsch, bis er im selben Jahr zum Lehrer am Riad Institut der Wissenschaft (Dār al-Rāya) berufen wurde. Um den Arabischen Nationalismus einzudämmen, gründete König Saʿūd ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz 1961 in Medina eine neue Universität, die Islamische Universität Medina. Muhammad bin Ibrāhīm Āl asch-Schaich wurde zum Präsidenten und Bin Bāz zum Vizepräsidenten ernannt. Seine Position dort behielt er, bis er 1992 zum saudi-arabischen Großmufti, zum Vorsitzenden des Rates der Höchsten Religionsgelehrten (Hayʾat Kibār al-ʿUlamāʾ) und zum Präsidenten des Ständigen Komitees für Rechtsfragen (Idārat al-Buḥūth al-ʿIlmiyya wa-l-Iftāʾ) ernannt wurde. Diese Positionen wurden erst nach seinem Tod 1999 neu besetzt. Während seiner Zeit als Großmufti hostete er ein Radioprogramm mit dem Titel "Licht auf dem Pfad" (Nūr ʿalā d-darb), um neue Entwicklungen zu diskutieren und Fatwas zu erteilen. Letztere sind auf seiner arabischen Homepage transkribiert aufrufbar. Politische Positionen Die US-amerikanische Islamwissenschaftlerin Natana J. DeLong-Bas schreibt in einem Eintrag in der Encyclopaedia of Islam, dass ibn Baz in den frühen 1940er-Jahren sein „politisches Debüt feierte“. In einer Fatwa folgerte er aus dem Betretungsverbot für Ungläubige (kāfir) in Mekka und Medina, dass dies auf die gesamte Arabische Halbinsel auszuweiten sei. Lediglich solche, die Arbeiten ausüben, für die kein Muslim qualifiziert ist, dürften temporär auf die Halbinsel. Ungläubige, die sich auf der Halbinsel aufhalten, müssten deportiert werden. Mit dieser Ansicht griff Bin Bāz die Politik seines Landes an, was ihm seine erste Inhaftierung bescherte – Dauer und Ort sind unbekannt. Seine Argumentation hatte sich auf ein Hadīth gestützt, in dem es heißt, dass Juden und Christen von der arabischen Halbinsel vertrieben werden sollten, bis nur noch Muslime dort leben. Andere Gelehrte wie Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī dagegen interpretierten das Hadīth anders und beschränkten seine Wirksamkeit lediglich auf Mekka und Medina. Nachdem König ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Saʿūd Bin Bāz während eines Gesprächs überzeugen konnte, dass öffentliche Kritik der Stabilität des islamischen Staates schade, wurde Bin Bāz freigelassen. In konservativen Kreisen war sein Name nun aber bekannt. Öffentlich blieb Bin Bāz zwar ein Kritiker der Modernisierungsgeschwindigkeit in Saudi-Arabien, allerdings formulierte er seine Kritik gemäßigter und versuchte zugleich die saudi-arabische Politik mit Fatwas zu legitimieren. So verurteilte er die Besetzung der Großen Moschee 1979, da diese Aktion Fitna hervorrufe. Allerdings wehrte Bin Bāz sich dagegen, die Angreifer als Apostaten zu deklarieren. Der französische Islamwissenschaftler Gilles Kepel sieht den Grund in dieser Haltung darin, dass unter den Angreifern viele von Bin Bāz' Schüler waren. DeLong-Bas nennt zudem seine Fatwa von 1990, in der er die Präsenz US-amerikanischer Truppen in Saudi-Arabien im Zuge des Golfkriegs gegen Saddam Hussein gutheißt, 1993 seine Unterstützung des Oslo-Friedensprozesses, seine Zurückweisung des Anschlags in Riad 1995 und seine Kritik an Usāma bin Lādin. Bin Bāz' öffentliche Unterstützung im Friedensprozess zwischen Israel und Palästina kritisierte Usāma bin Lādin scharf. In einem offenen Brief beschuldigte bin Lādin Bin Bāz einen Frieden islamisch zu legitimieren, den "feige arabische Politiker" unterzeichnet hätten. Die Unterzeichner seien zudem keine Muslime, sondern Säkularisten, die auch Bin Bāz schon in einer Fatwa als Ungläubige (kuffār) bezeichnet habe. Einen Frieden zwischen Muslimen und ihren Feinden können gemäß der Scharia aber nur Muslime aushandeln, die durch Konsens dazu berufen wurden, so bin Lādin. Zudem hätte Bin Bāz zu diesem Thema keine Fatwa veröffentlichen dürfen, da er die Verträge nicht durchgelesen habe und die Komplexität der Situation nicht verstanden habe. Deshalb solle Bin Bāz als Großmufti zurücktreten und sich zu dem Thema nicht mehr äußern. Bin Lādins offener Brief enthält neben diesen Anschuldigungen auch Botschaften von Safar al-Hawālī, Salmān al-ʿAuda, ʿAbd Allāh ibn Dschibrīn und zehn anderen Gelehrten, die Bin Bāz ebenfalls vor den Konsequenzen seiner Fatwa warnen. Lehre Bin Bāz Lehrmeinungen zeichneten sich durch eine buchstabengetreue Lesung von Koran und Hadīth aus. Die meisten seiner Veröffentlichungen behandeln Riten, vor allem das Gebet, Fasten und Pilgern. Kritiker bemängeln, dass Bin Bāz meistens an den sozialen Realitäten vorbei geurteilt habe. Beispielsweise seine Forderungen nach dem Verbot von Zigaretten, Klatschen oder der Präsenz von Frauen im öffentlichen Raum. Da er in streng konservativen Kreisen aber noch immer einflussreich ist und viele wichtige Gelehrte in Saudi-Arabien seine Schüler waren, folgt hier ein Überblick über seine Positionen. 1966 trat Bin Bāz für das geozentrisches Weltbild ein. Dies fand im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Diskussion zwischen ihm und dem irakischen Gelehrten Muhammad Mahmūd as-Sawwāf statt, die der Islamwissenschaftler Werner Ende in einem Artikel nachzeichnet. As-Sawwāf war der geistliche Anführer der irakischen Organisation Die islamische Bruderschaft (al-uchuwwa al-islāmīya), der nachgesagt wurde, der irakische Arm der im Irak verbotenen Muslimbrüder zu sein. In Mekka unterrichtete as-Sauwāf Arabisch und Scharia. Zwischen ihm und Bin Bāz entwickelte sich ein offener Schlagabtausch über die Frage, inwiefern Erkenntnisse der modernen Astronomie eine Neuinterpretation koranischer Aussagen zu Erde, Sonne und anderen Gestirnen nötig macht oder inwiefern der Koran auf diese neuen Erkenntnisse hinweist. Die Vorstellung, dass die Erde um die Sonne kreist, bezeichnete Bin Bāz als unvereinbar mit koranischen Aussagen, weshalb sie als Unglaube (kufr) zu gelten habe. Diese Haltung sorgte inner- und außerhalb Saudi-Arabiens für großes Aufsehen. Eine Vernichtung von Bin Bāz' Schriften infolge einer königlichen Anordnung durch König Faisal ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd konnte der Verbreitung nicht Einhalt gebieten. Kaum ein islamischer Gelehrter hielt Bin Bāz den Rücken frei. Die Anhänger des von Muhammad ʿAbduh begründeten islamischen Modernismus, dessen Kerngedanke die Vereinbarkeit von Wissenschaft und Religion ist, stellten sich alle auf die Seite as-Sauwāfs. Unter anderem der auch in Saudi-Arabien angesehene Abū l-Aʿlā Maudūdī schrieb as-Sauwāf einen Brief, in dem er sich auf seine Seite stellte. Die internationale Rezeption dieser Diskussion und das damit negative Bild, das über den Islam in die Welt getragen wurde, bewegte as-Sauwāf, seine Argumente in einem Buch zu veröffentlichen. Eine Folge dieser Kontroverse war laut Ende, dass Bin Bāz „als Wortführer jener starrsinnigen Alt-Wahhabiten gilt, bei denen man leicht den Eindruck gewinnt, sie wollten am liebsten die letzten Spuren des Modernismus in der Salafiya [sic!] tilgen“. Von einer angeblichen Aussage, dass die Erde flach und nicht rund sei, distanzierte er sich. Zuvor gab es Auszüge, die belegen sollten, dass dies seine Meinung gewesen sei. Bin Bāz stand zudem gegen Positives Recht. Der Praxis seines Lehrers Muhammad ibn Ibrāhīm, der königliche Dekrete absegnete, sofern sie eine klare Linie zwischen Gläubigen und Ungläubigen zogen, stand Bin Bāz entgegen. Für ihn musste die Kondition der Rechtsprechung (šarṭ al-istiḥlāl) gegeben sein. Die Bedeutung dieser Kondition ist laut dem Islamwissenschaftler Stéphane Lacroix, dass die Einführung eines Gesetzes, das gegen Gottes Gesetze steht, einen großen Akt des Unglaubens (kufr akbar) darstellt. Als ein kuwaitisches Magazin Bin Bāz darauf ansprach, dass er sich mit dieser Meinung über seinen Lehrer hinwegsetzt, antwortete dieser, dass sein Lehrer nur ein Gelehrter war und kein Prophet. Manchmal könne er also richtig liegen, manchmal falsch. 1991 konnten Aktivisten der Sahwa-Bewegung Bin Bāz dazu überzeugen, einen einseitigen „Brief der Forderungen“ (ḫiṭāb al-maṭālib) zu unterzeichnen. Darin forderten 400 Gelehrte den saudi-arabischen König Fahd ibn ʿAbd al-Azīz unter anderem auf, einen Konsultativrat einzurichten und sämtliche Gesetze sowie außenpolitische Allianzen auf ihre Konformität mit der Scharia abzugleichen. Nachdem Bin Bāz unterzeichnet hatte, ließ sich auch Muhammad ibn al-ʿUthaimīn dazu bewegen, seine Unterschrift unter das Dokument zu setzen. Die Namen von Bin Bāz und al-ʿUthaimīn ließen die Forderungen in der Öffentlichkeit als legitim erscheinen und verhinderten, dass der „Rat der großen Gelehrte“ (Haiʾat kibār al-ʿulamāʾ) das Dokument komplett verwerfen konnte. Die Dap ist des Briefes wurde dennoch in einer Fatwa verboten, da ein „Rat an den König unter gewissen Umständen und auf gewissen Wegen erteilt werden sollte“. Es war nichtsdestotrotz ein Sieg für die Sahwa-Bewegung. Eine Folge war, dass es 1992 erstmals zur Einberufung der Beratenden Versammlung kam. Literatur Natana J. DeLong-Bas: Bin Bāz. In: Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas, Everett Rowson (Hrsg.): Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Brill Online, 2016. Werner Ende: Religion, Politik und Literatur in Saudi-Arabien. Der geistige Hintergrund der religiösen und kulturpolitischen Situation. In: Orient. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients. Band 23. Nr. 3. 1982. Online aufrufbar Mamoun Fandy: Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent. Houndmills et al. 1999, MacMillan Press LTD. Dore Gold: Hatred's Kingdom – How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism. Washington, D.C., 2003, Regnery Publishing, Inc. Digitalisat Gilles Kepel: The War for Muslim Minds – Islam and the West. Cambridge, Massachusetts und London 2004, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Stéphane Lacroix: Awakening Islam – The Politics of Religious Dissent in Contemporary Saudi Arabia. Cambridge und London 2011, Harvard University Press. aš-Šaiḫ Muḥammad bin Mūsā al-Mūsā (Erzählung) und Muḥammad bin Ibrāhīm al-Ḥamd (Ausarbeitung): Ǧawānib min sīrat al-Imām ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz bin Bāz. Riad 2002, Dār ibn Ḫuzaima. Online aufrufbar Nabil Mouline: The Clerics of Islam – Religious Authority and Political Power in Saudi Arabia. New Haven & London 2014, Yale University Press. Digitalisat Unbekannt: Der Einfluss des Sheikh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Bāz auf die saudische und internationale Prägung des Wahhabismus. Heimerzheim 2018, Akademie für Verfassungsschutz. Online aufrufbar Mark Watson: Prophets and princes. Saudi Arabia from Muhammad to the present. New Jersey 2008, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Schüler Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Qahtani (1935–1980), saudischer Prediger und Salafist; Mahdi der Besetzer der Großen Moschee in Mekka Dschuhaimān al-ʿUtaibī (1936–1980), Anführer der Besetzung der Großen Moschee 1979 Weblinks Homepage von ibn Baz (arabisch) Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz, Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaimin und Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid: Das Buch des Fastens. Hrsg. von Usama Ayoub. Einzelnachweise Politiker (Saudi-Arabien) Islamischer Rechtsgelehrter (20. Jahrhundert) Mufti Person (Riad) Saudi-Araber Geboren 1910 Gestorben 1999 Mann
{'title': 'Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd%20al-Aziz%20ibn%20Baz', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Пісочник чорнощокий (Thinornis novaeseelandiae) — вид сивкоподібних птахів родини сивкових (Charadriidae). Поширення Ендемік Нової Зеландії. Раніше він був поширений на Південному та Північному островах Нової Зеландії, але вимер, ймовірно, через хижацтво інтродукованих котів і щурів. Він зберігся на одному невеликому острові Рангатіра на островах Чатем. У 1999 році виявлено невелику гніздову популяцію з 21 птаха на сусідньому Західному рифі. Проте у 2003 році колонія зникла. У 2001—2003 роках вид був успішно інтродукований на острів Мангере. У 1998 році був заселений на острів Портленд (що розташований між Південним і Північним островами), але популяція там знаходиться стабільно низькою на рівні 4-7 пар. Чисельність У 2015/16 роках загальна популяція нараховувала 65-70 гніздових пар, із загальною кількістю статевозрілих особин після розмноження на початку 2016 року близько 175 особин. Близько 70 % гніздових пар були в одному місці на острові Рангатіра. Це єдине населення, яке наразі можна вважати відносно безпечним і самодостатнім у довгостроковій перспективі. Чисельність на Рангатірі та Мангере наразі стабільна. Примітки Посилання BirdLife Species Factsheet. Shore plover discussed on RadioNZ Critter of the Week, 29 April 2016 New Zealand Shore Plover, New Zealand Birds Online Сивкові Птахи, описані 1789 Ендемічні птахи Нової Зеландії
{'title': 'Пісочник чорнощокий', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%96%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%20%D1%87%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%89%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Trimethyltryptamine may refer to: α,N,N-Trimethyltryptamine 2,N,N-Trimethyltryptamine 5,N,N-Trimethyltryptamine 7,N,N-Trimethyltryptamine
{'title': 'Trimethyltryptamine', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethyltryptamine', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Asteia inanis är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Lyneborg 1969. Asteia inanis ingår i släktet Asteia och familjen smalvingeflugor. Artens utbredningsområde är Spanien. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Smalvingeflugor inanis
{'title': 'Asteia inanis', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteia%20inanis', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Royal Marines recruit training is the longest basic modern infantry training programme of any Commonwealth, or North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) combat troops. The Royal Marines are the only part of the British Armed Forces where officers and other ranks are trained at the same location, the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) at Lympstone, Devon. Much of the basic training is carried out on the rugged terrain of Dartmoor and Woodbury Common with a significant proportion taking place at night. Selection All potential recruits take a psychometric test and are interviewed at the Armed Forces Careers Office (AFCO) to assess their suitability. A series of physical assessments are conducted including a sight test and medical examination. Then the Pre Joining Fitness Test: two 1.5-mile runs (2.4 km) on a treadmill, the first to be completed within 12 minutes 30 seconds, the second within 10 minutes and 30 seconds, with 1 minute of rest in between. Royal Marines recruits must be aged 16 to 32 (they must be in Recruit Training before their 33rd birthday). Due to the July 2016 lifting on the ban on women in Ground Close Combat roles, females are now permitted to join all British military infantry units, including the Royal Marines Commandos. The final selection assessment for potential recruits is either the Potential Royal Marine Course (PRMC) for ratings candidates, or the Potential Officer Course (POC) and Admiralty Interview Board for officer candidates. PRMC and POC last three days and assess physical ability and intellectual capacity to undertake the recruit training. Potential Officers must be aged 18 to 25. Training Basic training The first weeks of training are spent learning basic skills that will be used later. This includes much time spent on the parade ground and on the rifle ranges. The long history of the Royal Marines is also highlighted through a visit to the Royal Marines Museum in Southsea, Hampshire. Physical training at this stage emphasizes all-round physical strength, endurance and flexibility in order to develop the muscles necessary to carry the heavy equipment a marine will use in an operational unit. Key milestones include a gym passout at week 9 (not carried out with fighting order), a battle swimming test, and learning to do a "regain" (i.e. climb back onto a rope suspended over a water tank). Most of these tests are completed wearing fighting order of 31 lb (14 kg) of Personal Load Carrying Equipment. Individual fieldcraft skills are also taught at this basic stage. Young officer (YO) training begins with Phase 1 which teaches the officers how to be Royal Marines. Training modules Foundation – 3 weeks Individual Skills – 7 weeks Advanced Skills – 5 weeks Operations Of War – 10 weeks Commando Phase – 6 weeks Kings Squad – 1 week YO Training Modules Phase 1: Initial Training This 16-week training course will introduce the YO's to the core skills they need to be a Royal Marine, and assess their abilities in an intensive and progressive environment. Phase 2: Tactics and Doctrine Training For the next 12 weeks the training will switch focus to Section and Troop level tactical development. Using what the YO's have already learnt, they will spend time preparing, delivering and receiving orders. This phase will incorporate a mixture of academic study and advanced physical training. Phase 3 – Defensive, Fibua, Special to Arms, and Commando Course Phase This six-week phase will hone the YO's defensive skills, teaching the principles of transitional operations, and introduce the YO's to the tactics of Fighting In Built Up Areas (FIBUA). Phase 4 – Advanced Military Management Training This phase is designed to broaden the YO's experience and military knowledge. They will complete a two-week range qualification course, before further academic study at BRNC Dartmouth. Additional exercises will take place during a deployment to the United States. Phase 5 – Unit Management, Exercise Planning and Final Exercise. This phase will provide the YO's with the essential ability to administrate and manage their men. Topics that they will cover, include: Military law Report writing Unit documentation Strategic studies A planning exercise in Normandy Training exercises Throughout basic training, recruits must undergo many exercises testing what they have learnt up to that point. Early Knight – week 2 First Step – week 4 Quick Cover – week 5 Marshal Star – week 7 Hunters Moon – week 10 Baptist Walk – week 13 Baptist Run – week 14 First Base – week 16 Second Empire – week 18 Holdfast – week 20 Urban Warrior – week 21 Violent Entry – week 22 Field Firing exercise – weeks 26 & 27 Final exercise – weeks 29 & 30 Commando tests – week 31 YO Training exercises Throughout YO training, Young Officers must undergo many exercises testing what they have learnt up to that point. Phase 1 First Stop – This is designed to introduce them to life in the field, teaching them how to look after themselves and navigate by day and night Tenderfoot – Here they will put the skills they have developed into practice, progressing to basic fieldcraft Lost Tribe – This is a day and night navigation exercise on Dartmoor. They'll need to be able to cope with unfamiliar terrain and remain calm under pressure Eye Opener – Another navigation exercise, this will also test their day and night navigation skills. It takes place over a longer period of time, so they will need stamina to be successful Quickdraw I – This is a firing range exercise, which is designed to bring their marksmanship skills up to standard. At the end of the exercise, they will take the Annual Combat Marksmanship Test (ACMT) Softly Softly – Here they will be introduced to low-level soldiering skills and basic operating procedures, at the same time as developing an understanding of the Estimate and Orders process Phase 2 Quickdraw II – They will make the transition from the firing range to live field firing, starting with Close Quarter Battle (CQB), before progressing to team firing and manoeuvres Long Night – Over the course of a week they will develop your tactical knowledge, and the ability to take the lead in different scenarios Eagle Eye – they will be taught to establish and run surface and sub-surface observation points Jagged Edge – This will teach them all about Troop level battle procedures and offensive operations Dragon Storm – Drawing on everything they've learned about offensive operations, they will complete a test exercise Quickdraw III – Tactical live firing training Phase 3 Open Door – This exercise will focus on conducting FIBUA operations up to Troop level Special To Arms Week – Here they will have an introduction to the specialist weapons and equipment that they'll use throughout their career Endurance Course – they will need to complete this in less than 71 minutes A 9-mile Speed March – they will need to complete this uphill route in less than 90 minutes Tarzan Assault Course – This ropes and ladders course will need to be completed in less than 12 minutes The 30 Miler – they will have 7 hours to complete this cross-terrain challenge, unlike recruits they must navigate it themselves Phase 4 Stone Post – they will conduct a number of visits that focus on the Army's land capabilities. This will broaden their Service knowledge Special To Arms Week – Here they will have an introduction to the specialist weapons and equipment that they'll use throughout their career Deep Blue – Similar to Stone Post, this exercise will provide them with an insight into the capabilities of the Royal Navy Virginia Tempest – This is a three-week deployment to the US, where they will forge closer links with the United States Marine Corps, and complete a number field exercises Phase 5 Final Exercise consists of: Wet Raider – Taking place on the West Coast of Scotland, this is where their amphibious training will conclude Counter Insurgency – This is one of the most realistic experiences in training, replicating a full-scale riot Final Nail – they will be integrated with trained marines and use VIKING vehicles Otter's Run – Use of a series of hypothetical scenarios to hone their decision-making skills The Commando course The culmination of training is the Commando course. Following the Royal Marines taking on responsibility for the Commando role with the disbandment of the Army Commandos at the end of World War II, all Royal Marines, except those in the Royal Marines Band Service, complete the Commando course as part of their training (see below). Key aspects of the course include climbing and ropework techniques, patrolling and amphibious warfare operations. This intense phase ends with a series of tests which have remained virtually unchanged since World War II. Again, these tests are done in full fighting order of 32 lb (14.5 kg) of equipment. The Commando tests are taken on consecutive days and all four tests must be successfully completed within a seven-day period; they include; A nine mile (14.5 km) speed march, carrying full fighting order, to be completed in 90 minutes; the pace is thus 10 minutes per mile (9.6 km/h or 6 mph). The Endurance course is a six-mile (9.65 km) course which begins with a two-mile (3.22 km) run across rough moorland and woodland terrain at Woodbury Common near Lympstone, which includes tunnels, pipes, wading pools, and an underwater culvert. The course ends with a four-mile (6 km) run back to CTCRM. Followed by a marksmanship test, where the recruit must hit 6 out of 10 shots at a 25m target simulating 200 m. To be completed in 73 minutes (71 minutes for Royal Marine officers). Originally 72 minutes, these times were recently increased by one minute as the route of the course was altered. The Tarzan Assault Course. This is an assault course combined with an aerial confidence test. It starts with a death slide (now known as the Commando Slide) and ends with a rope climb up a thirty-foot near-vertical wall. It must be completed with full fighting order in 13 minutes, 12 minutes for officers. The Potential Officers Course also includes confidence tests from the Tarzan Assault Course, although not with equipment. The 30 miler. This is a 30-mile (48-km) march across upland Dartmoor, wearing full fighting order, and additional safety equipment carried by the recruit in a daysack. It must be completed in eight hours for recruits and seven hours for Royal Marine officers, who must also navigate the route themselves, rather than following a DS (a trained Royal Marine) with the rest of a syndicate and carry their own equipment. After the march, any who failed any of the tests may attempt to retake them up until the seven-day window expires. If a recruit fails two or more of the tests, however, it is unlikely that a chance to re-attempt them will be offered. Normally the seven- to eight-day schedule for the Commando Tests is as follows: Saturday – Endurance Course Sunday – Rest Monday – Nine Mile Speed March Tuesday – Tarzan Assault Course Wednesday – 30 Miler Thursday – Failed test re-runs Friday – Failed test re-runs Saturday – 30 Miler re-run if required Completing the Commando course successfully entitles the recruit or officer to wear the green beret but does not mean that the Royal Marine has finished his training. That decision will be made by the troop or batch training team and will depend on the recruit's or young officer's overall performance. Furthermore, officer training consists of many more months. Training to be a Royal Marine takes 32 weeks. The last week is spent mainly on administration and preparing for the pass out parade. Recruits in their final week of training are known as the King's Squad and have their own section of the recruits' galley at Lympstone. After basic and commando training, a Royal Marine Commando will normally join a unit of 3 Commando Brigade. There are four Royal Marines Commando infantry units in the Brigade: 40 Commando located at Norton Manor Camp near Taunton in Somerset; 42 Commando at Bickleigh Barracks, near Plymouth, Devon; 43 Commando FPGRM at HMNB Clyde near Glasgow; and 45 Commando at RM Condor, Arbroath on the coast of Angus. Non-Royal Marine volunteers for Commando training undertake the All Arms Commando Course. There is also a Reserve Commando Course run for members of the Royal Marines Reserve and Commando units of the Army Reserve. YO Exams/Qualifications Map reading exam Signals exam Military Law exam Operations other than war exam Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence exam Strategic studies exam Part 1, Part 2 and end of course final exams The Commando tests Infantry range supervisor's qualification Helicopter Underwater Escape Training One-day Sea Survival Course Information Technology Level 2 Defence Instructional Technique Specialist training Upon completion of training, Royal Marine recruits spend a period of time as a General Duties Rifleman. They are assigned to one of the three Commando battalions or a Fleet Standby Rifle Troop on board a Royal Navy ship for up to two years before being sent for specialist training. Commandos may then go on to undertake specialist training in a variety of skills: Recruit Specialisations Aircrewman Assault Engineer Armoured Support Group (Viking) Armourer Clerk Combat Intelligence Communications Technician Drill Instructor Driver Heavy Weapons – Air Defence Heavy Weapons – Anti-Tank Heavy Weapons – Mortars Information Systems Landing Craft Coxswain Medical Assistant Metalsmith Military Police Mountain Leader Platoon Weapons Instructor Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Reconnaissance Operator Signaller Special Forces Communicator Swimmer Canoeist Stores Accountant Telecommunications Technician (Tels Tech) Vehicle Mechanic (VM) Yeoman of Signals Officer specialisations (recently decreased from 7 to 3) Landing Craft Officer Mountain Leader Signals Officer Training for these specialisations may be undertaken at CTCRM or in a tri-service training centre such as the Defence School of Transport at Leconfield, the Defence School of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering (DSEME) at MOD Lyneham, Wiltshire, Defence Helicopter Flying School (pilots/aircrew) or the Defence School of Policing and Guarding. Some marines are trained in military parachuting to allow flexibility of insertion methods for all force elements. Marines complete this training at RAF Brize Norton but are not required to undergo Pre-Parachute Selection Course (P-Company) training due to the arduous nature of the commando course they have already completed. See also Royal Marines P company Special Boat Service#Recruitment, selection and training References Selection Royal Marines training Military selection in the United Kingdom
{'title': 'Royal Marines selection and training', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal%20Marines%20selection%20and%20training', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Carlos Weber, né le à Buenos Aires, est un joueur de volley-ball argentin. Carrière Carlos Weber participe aux Jeux olympiques de 1988 à Séoul et remporte la médaille de bronze avec l'équipe argentine composée de Daniel Castellani, Esteban Martinez, Alejandro Diz, Daniel Colla, Claudio Zulianello, Hugo Conte, Waldo Kantor, Raul Quiroga, Jon Uriarte, Esteban de Palma et Juan Cuminetti. Palmarès Joueur En sélection Jeux panaméricains: Vainqueur: 1995 Championnat d'Amérique du Sud: Vainqueur: 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999. En club Championnat du Brésil: Vice-champion: 1998, 1999. Entraîneur En sélection Championnat d'Amérique du Sud: Finaliste: 2011, 2013. En club Championnat sud-américain des clubs: Vainqueur: 2010. Finaliste: 2017. Coupe ACLAV: Vainqueur: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2014. Championnat du Brésil: Champion: 2004, 2021. Vice-champion: 2003. Championnat de Grèce: Champion: 2006. Championnat d'Argentine: Champion: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2017, 2019. Vice-champion: 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018. Supercoupe du Brésil: Vainqueur: 2020. Supercoupe de Pologne: Vainqueur: 2012, 2015. Notes et références Liens externes Joueur argentin de volley-ball Joueur de volley-ball aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1988 Naissance en janvier 1966 Naissance à Buenos Aires Médaillé de bronze olympique argentin Joueur de volley-ball aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1996 Joueur de volley-ball aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2000 Entraîneur de volley-ball
{'title': 'Carlos Weber', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos%20Weber', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
El Premio Tiflos de Poesía está organizado por la ONCE. Fue creado en 1986. Convocado por la Organización Nacional de Ciegos (ONCE), el Premio Tiflos de Poesía fomenta y distingue la creación literaria en lengua castellana. Iniciados en 1986, desde la segunda edición el galardón se concede a un volumen de poemas de temática libre. A lo largo de sus más de treinta años de existencia, el Premio Tiflos de Poesía se ha convertido en uno de los certámenes poéticos más prestigiosos del panorama literario. Actualmente, la editorial Castalia Ediciones publica el libro ganador. La publicación se realiza al año siguiente del año de la convocatoria. En la última, XXXII edición, concurrieron 325 ejemplares. Los Premios Tiflos El Premio Tiflos de Poesía es el decano de las distintas modalidades de los Premios Tiflos (poesía, cuento, novela y periodismo) que, anualmente, convoca la ONCE. Las tres modalidades literarias (poesía, cuento y novela) son publicadas por la editorial Castalia Ediciones. Asimismo, con la finalidad de promocionar la creación literaria entre las personas con ceguera o deficiencia visual grave, en las tres modalidades literarias se concede un premio especial a los escritores con discapacidad visual grave acreditada. Ganadores I (1986) Graciela Aráoz II (1987) Antonio Hernández Ramírez, “Campo lunario” III (1988) Fernando Quiñones, “Las crónicas de Castilla” IV (1989) Miguel Fernández (poeta), “Secreto secretísimo” V (1990) Rafael Alfaro, “Poemas para una exposición” VI (1991) María Sanz, “Desde noviembre” VII (1992) Manuel Jurado López, “Poemas de Ginebra” VIII (1993) Joaquín Márquez, “Clave de espumas” IX (1994) José María Muñoz Quirós, “El sueño del guerrero” X (1995) Carmelo Guillén Acosta, “Humanidades” XI (1996) Arcadio López-Casanova, “Asedio de sombra” XII (1997) Joaquín Benito de Lucas, “Álbum de familia” XIII (1999) José Ramón Ripoll, “Niebla y confín” XIV (2000) Francisco García Marquina, “El río” XV (2001) José Mas, “Península del olvido” XVI (2002) Juan Van-Halen, “De carne o de cristal” XVII (2003) Manolo Romero (poeta), “Música de sombras” XVIII (2004) Pedro A. González Moreno, “Calendario de sombras” XIX (2005) Fernando Lanzas, “Salón de Baile” XX (2006) Carlos Eugenio López, “Teoremas” XXI (2007) Basilio Sánchez, “Las estaciones lentas” XXII (2008) Jaime Siles, “Desnudos y acuarelas” XXIII (2009) Premio declarado desierto XXIV (2010) Almudena Guzmán, “Zonas comunes” XXV (2011) José Luis Rey, “Las visiones” XXVI (2012) Antonio Praena, “Yo he querido ser grúa muchas veces” XXVII (2013) Nilton Santiago, “El equipaje del ángel” XXVIII (2014) Diego Doncel, “El fin del mundo en las televisiones” XXIX (2015) Gilda Guimeras Pareja, “Quien llega a los andenes” XXX (2016) Luis Bagué Quílez, “Clima mediterráneo” XXXI (2017) Felipe Benítez Reyes, “Ya la sombra” XXXII (2018) Toni Quero, “El cielo y la nada” XXXIII (2019) Javier Velaza Frías, “De mudanzas” XXXIV (2020) Fadir Delgado, "La Temperatura exacta del miedo" Referencias Enlaces externos Bases del Premio Tiflos Castalia Ediciones Tiflos Tiflos Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles Tiflos
{'title': 'Premio Tiflos de Poesía', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio%20Tiflos%20de%20Poes%C3%ADa', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Piotruś Królik (ang. Peter Rabbit, 2012-2016) – amerykańsko-brytyjski serial animowany, powstały na podstawie serii książek dla dzieci autorstwa Beatrix Potter pod tym samym tytułem. Wyprodukowany przez Penguin Books, Brown Bag Films, Silvergate Films i Nickelodeon Animation Studios. Serial wykonany techniką trójwymiarową CGI. Premiera serialu miała miejsce 14 grudnia 2012 roku na amerykańskim kanale Nickelodeon (regularna emisja od 19 lutego 2013). Opis fabuły Akcja serialu rozgrywa się w angielskim Lake District w północnej Anglii. Opowiada o perypetiach królika Piotrusia, który jest bardzo ciekawy otaczającego go świata, zadaje mnóstwo pytań i chce wszystko zrozumieć. Razem ze swoimi przyjaciółmi, kuzynem Benjaminem i Lily przeżywa przygody. Wersja polska Wersja polska: Master Film Reżyseria: Elżbieta Mikuś (odc. 1-4a, 5, 7, 10-11a, 12-13, 16b, 17b, 19-29), Agata Gawrońska-Bauman (odc. 4b, 6, 8-9, 11b, 15-16a, 17a, 18) Dialogi: Karolina Anna Kowalska (odc. 2-3a, 4b, 6, 8b, 10, 11b, 12b, 13b, 15-17, 20, 24b, 26b-27a, 28a), Magdalena Dwojak (odc. 1, 3b-4a, 5, 7-8a, 9, 11a, 12a, 13a, 18-19, 21-24a, 25-26a, 27b, 28b-29) Dźwięk: Elżbieta Mikuś (odc. 1-4a, 5, 7, 10-11a, 12-13, 16b, 17b, 19-29), Mateusz Michniewicz (odc. 4b, 6, 8-9, 11b, 15-16a, 17a, 18) Montaż: Jan Graboś (odc. 1-4a, 5, 7, 10-11a, 12-13, 16b, 17b, 19-29), Paweł Siwiec (odc. 4b, 6, 8-9, 11b, 15-16a, 17a, 18) Kierownictwo produkcji: Romuald Cieślak Teksty piosenek: Andrzej Brzeski Opracowanie muzyczne: Piotr Gogol Wystąpili: Marcel Groblewski – Piotruś Bernard Lewandowski – Beniamin Maja Kwiatkowska – Lila W pozostałych rolach: Joanna Węgrzynowska – Tekla Kałużyńska Sławomir Pacek – farmer McGregor, Samuel Baczko (odc. 7, 13b, 22a, 23ab, 24b) Jakub Szydłowski – pan Rudzielec Andrzej Ferenc – Jeremi Rybak Izabela Dąbrowska Waldemar Barwiński – Orzeszko Miłogost Reczek – Tadek Borsuk Andrzej Chudy – sowa Bruno Beata Wyrąbkiewicz – Kłapcia Julia Kołakowska-Bytner – Ciapcia (odc. 5a) Joanna Pach-Żbikowska – Ciapcia (odc. 1, 8a, 10a, 17b, 21a, 21b, 25b) Agata Gawrońska-Bauman – mama Lili Mirosław Guzowski – tata Lili Piotr Bąk – tata Beniamina Jacek Król – Płetwus Jarosław Domin – ryjówka Rico Artur Pontek – Albert Myszatek (odc. 18a) Małgorzata Szymańska – Luiza Myszatek (odc. 18a) Agnieszka Mrozińska-Jaszczuk – Stasio Myszatek (odc. 18a) i inni Śpiewał: Michał Rudaś Lektor: Paweł Bukrewicz Spis odcinków Przypisy Linki zewnętrzne Amerykańskie telewizyjne seriale animowane Brytyjskie telewizyjne seriale animowane Filmy o królikach i zającach Seriale telewizyjne emitowane od 2012 Seriale telewizyjne zakończone w 2016 Seriale animowane zrealizowane w koprodukcji
{'title': 'Piotruś Królik (serial animowany)', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piotru%C5%9B%20Kr%C3%B3lik%20%28serial%20animowany%29', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Superpuchar Serbii w piłce siatkowej mężczyzn 2021 – jedenasta edycja rozgrywek o Superpuchar Serbii zorganizowana przez Serbski Związek Piłki Siatkowej (Odbojkaški savez Srbije, OSSRB). Mecz rozegrany został 5 października 2021 roku w hali sportowej w Kraljevie. Wzięły w nim udział dwa kluby: mistrz Serbii w sezonie 2020/2021 – oraz zdobywca Pucharu Serbii w tym sezonie – . Po raz czwarty zdobywcą Superpucharu Serbii został klub . Drużyny uczestniczące Mecz Ustawienie wyjściowe drużyn Bibliografia Superpuchar Serbii w piłce siatkowej mężczyzn 2021 w piłce siatkowej 2021 w Serbii
{'title': 'Superpuchar Serbii w piłce siatkowej mężczyzn (2021)', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superpuchar%20Serbii%20w%20pi%C5%82ce%20siatkowej%20m%C4%99%C5%BCczyzn%20%282021%29', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Carriera Club Muove i primi passi a livello di club col , mentre in ambito scolastico gioca per la . Dopo il diploma, entra a far parte del programma della , in NCAA Division I, giocandovi dal 2013 al 2014 e ricevendo il premio di National Freshman of the Year. Si trasferisce quindi alla nel 2015, ma dopo un solo incontro è costretta a saltare l'intera annata per infortunio; nei seguenti due anni con le Longhorns raggiunge una finale nazionale e raccoglie qualche altro riconoscimento individuale. Nella stagione 2018-19 firma il suo primo contratto professionistico nella Voleybol 1. Ligi, turca, dove difende i colori del . Nella stagione seguente approda invece in Italia, dove partecipa alla Serie A2 con la . Nel 2021 torna a giocare in patria, prendendo parte alla prima edizione dell'. Nazionale Nel 2014 riceve la prima e sola convocazione in nazionale, prendendo parte al Montreux Volley Masters, dove conquista la medaglia d'argento. Palmarès Club Nazionale (competizioni minori) Montreux Volley Masters 2014 Premi individuali 2013 - National Freshman of the Year 2013 - NCAA Division I: Los Angeles Regional All-Tournament Team 2013 - All-America First Team 2016 - All-America First Team 2016 - NCAA Division I Austin Regional MVP 2016 - NCAA Division I Columbus National All-Tournament Team Note Collegamenti esterni
{'title': 'Ebony Nwanebu', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebony%20Nwanebu', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
NGC 925 es una galaxia espiral barrada de tipo SAB(s)d que se encuentra en la constelación de Triangulum, 2º al este de γ Trianguli. De magnitud aparente 9,9, su brillo superficial es sólo de 14,2 mag/arcsec2, por lo que para apreciarla es necesario utilizar telescopios bastante grandes. Su distancia es bien conocida gracias al hallazgo de variables cefeidas en ella con ayuda del Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Estudios de su estructura y formación estelar muestran diversas asimetrías en ella (por ejemplo, tener un brazo bien desarrollado en su parte norte y brazos fragmentarios en su parte sur) y la presencia de formación estelar incluso más allá del disco visible, características más propias de galaxias irregulares que de galaxias espirales, pensándose que ha podido tener una interacción con otra galaxia en el pasado. NGC 925 es miembro del Grupo de NGC 1023. Fue descubierta por William Herschel en 1784. Véase también Lista de galaxias Lista de objetos NGC Enlaces externos Catálogo SEDS Structure and Star Formation in NGC 925 The H I Distribution and Dynamics in Two Late-Type Barred Spiral Galaxies: NGC 925 and NGC 1744 The Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. VI. The Cepheids in NGC 925 0925 Galaxias espirales barradas Constelación de Triangulum
{'title': 'NGC 925', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC%20925', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Spil for mig! (eng: Make Mine Music) er en animationsfilm fra 1946 produceret af Walt Disney og er den den 8. film i rækken af Disneys klassikere. Filmen er bygget op af 10 segmenter med hver sin historie og fortælling. Segmenter The Martins and the Coys Dette segment indeholder den dengang populær radio-vokalgruppe The Kings Men, som synger historien om Hatfields og McCoys indbyrdes kampe. Bjergene bliver brudt op, da to unge fra hver side bliver forelskede; de er de eneste overlevende fra hver sin side. Dette segment blev senere skåret fra filmens videoudgivelse på grund af tegneserien skyderi. Blue Bayou Dette segment indeholder en animation, som oprindeligt var tiltænkt Fantasia, hvor Claude Debussys komposition Clair de Lune skulle akkompagner. Men ved den tid Make Mine Music blev udgivet, blev Clair de Lune erstattet af den nye sang Blue Bayou sunget af Ken Darby Singers. Den oprindelige version af dette segment eksistere dog stadig. All the Cats Join In Dette segment var et af to segmenter som Benny Goodman bidrog til. Scenen er innovativ idet at en blyant optegner handlingen, som den forløber og dermed fungere det hele på et metaplan. Segmentet omhandler 1940'ernes teenagere, som bliver fejet væk af populærmusik. Without You Dette segment er en ballade om tabt kærlighed sunget af Andy Russell. Casey at the Bat Dette segment viser Jerry Colonna recitere digtet Casey at the Bat af Ernest Thayer, som omhandler den arrogante baseboldspiller hvis kæmphøje attitude bliver sin undergang. Two Silhouettes Dette segment fremviser to live-action balletdansere, David Lichine og Tania Riabouchinskaya, der bevæger sig i silhuet med animerede baggrunde og figurer. Dinah Shore sang titelsangen. Peter and the Wolf Dette segment er en animeret dramatisering af Sergei Prokofiev komposition Peter og ulven fra 1936 med indtaling af skuespilleren Sterling Holloway. En russisk dreng Peter tager ind i skoven for at jage ulven med sine dyrevenner: fuglen Sasha, anden Sonia, og katten Ivan. After You've Gone Dette segment fremhæver igen Benny Goodman og sit orkester som fire antroforiske instrumenter, der paraderer gennem en musikalsk legeplads. Johnny Fedora and Alice Blue Bonnet Dette segment fortæller den romantiske historie om to hatte (Alice og John) som bliver forelsket i et udstillingsvindue ved et stormagasin. Da Alice bliver solgt vier Johnny sig til at finde hende igen. The Andrews Sisters sang på dette segment. Lige som de andre segmenter, så blev dette segment senere udgivet i biograferne den 21. maj 1954. The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met Dette var den bittersøde finale om en kaskelothval med en utrolig musikalsk talent og sine drømme om at synge grand opéra. Dog mener den kortsynede impresario Tetti-Tatti, at hvalen blot har slugt en operasanger og jagter ham med harpun. Nelson Eddy fortalte og udførte alle de stemmer i dette segment. Som Willie the Whale sang Eddy alle tre mandestemmer i den første del af seksteten fra Donizettis opera Lucia di Lammermoor. I sidste ende bliver Willie harpuneret og dræbt, men fortælleren blødgjorde slaget ved at fortælle at den sang videre i himlen. Kildehenvisninger Eksterne henvisninger The Big Cartoon Database artikel Animationsfilm fra USA Amerikanske film fra 1946 Disney tegnefilm
{'title': 'Spil for mig!', 'url': 'https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spil%20for%20mig%21', 'language': 'da', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
A Xenocypris a sugarasúszójú csontos halakon belül a pontyfélék (Cyprinidae) családjába tartozó nem. Rendszerezés A nembe az alábbi 7 faj tartozik: Xenocypris argentea (Basilewsky, 1855) Xenocypris davidi (Bleeker, 1871) Xenocypris macrolepis (Bleeker, 1871) Xenocypris yunnanensis (Nichols, 1925) Xenocypris medius (Oshima, 1920) Xenocypris fangi (Tchang, 1930) Xenocypris hupeinensis (Yih & Yang, 1964) Források Pontyfélék Halnemek
{'title': 'Xenocypris', 'url': 'https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenocypris', 'language': 'hu', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Duperouzel is a surname. Notable people with the surname include: Aimable Duperouzel (1831–1901), French-born convict transported to Western Australia Bruce Duperouzel (born 1950), Australian rules footballer and cricketer Gary Duperouzel, Australian cricket umpire French-language surnames
{'title': 'Duperouzel', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duperouzel', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Siderone cancellariae är en fjärilsart som beskrevs av Hall 1935. Siderone cancellariae ingår i släktet Siderone och familjen praktfjärilar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Praktfjärilar cancellariae
{'title': 'Siderone cancellariae', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siderone%20cancellariae', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Klimczyce – wieś w Polsce położona w województwie mazowieckim, w powiecie łosickim, w gminie Sarnaki. Leży nad Bugiem. Wierni Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego należą do parafii św. Stanisława Biskupa i Męczennika w Sarnakach. Klimczyce to swoisty region sadowniczy położony na krańcu wschodnim województwa mazowieckiego. Piękne sady doskonale wkomponowały się w krajobraz nadbużański, dzięki czemu okolica ta jest jeszcze piękniejsza. Dlatego zimą można natknąć się tu na niezliczone rzesze Białorusinów i Rosjan, którzy przyjeżdżają do miejscowych sadowników po jabłka. I właśnie położenie wsi blisko granicy wschodniej sprzyja temu niesamowicie. W okresie letnim można spotkać tu wielu turystów z całej Polski, którzy w Klimczycach zaczęli kupować działki i budować domy. Już dziś jest tu kilka rodzin - szczególnie emerytów - którzy na stałe przeprowadzili się z miasta na wieś. W latach 1975–1998 miejscowość administracyjnie należała do województwa bialskopodlaskiego. W drugiej połowie XVII wieku właścicielką Klimczyc była Helena z Zamoyskich, wdowa po Marku Wodyńskim i jej syn Jan. Po niej dobra przejęła Konstancja Butlerowa. Zobacz też Klimczyce-Kolonia Przypisy Linki zewnętrzne Klimczyce w serwisie Polinów Sarnaki (gmina)
{'title': 'Klimczyce', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klimczyce', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Dalea piptostegia är en ärtväxtart som beskrevs av Rupert Charles Barneby. Dalea piptostegia ingår i släktet Dalea, och familjen ärtväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Ärtväxter piptostegia
{'title': 'Dalea piptostegia', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalea%20piptostegia', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
NGC 3455 (również PGC 32767 lub UGC 6028) – galaktyka spiralna z poprzeczką (SBb), znajdująca się w gwiazdozbiorze Lwa. Odkrył ją William Herschel 21 marca 1784 roku. Zobacz też Lista obiektów NGC Przypisy Linki zewnętrzne 3455 Galaktyki spiralne z poprzeczką Gwiazdozbiór Lwa Obiekty astronomiczne odkryte w 1784
{'title': 'NGC 3455', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC%203455', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Marx (Russisch: Маркс) is een stad gelegen in de oblast Saratov in Rusland en had, volgens de laatste volkstelling in 2002, 32.849 inwoners. De stad ligt aan de rivier de Wolga. De stad werd in 1767 als Wolga-Duitse kolonie gesticht door de Nederlandse baron Ferdinand Baron Caneau de Beauregard en kreeg zodoende de naam Baronsk (Баронск). Deze naam veranderde al snel in Jekaterinenstadt (Екатериненштадт), naar tsarina Catharina de Grote. In 1920 werd de naam veranderd in Marxstadt (Марксштадт), naar Karl Marx. Nadat de hier woonachtige Wolga-Duitsers in 1941 werden gedeporteerd werd de naam verkort tot Marx. Ten zuiden van Marx ligt de naar Friedrich Engels vernoemde stad Engels. Plaats in de oblast Saratov Stad in het federaal district Wolga
{'title': 'Marx (stad)', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx%20%28stad%29', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Gercüş District is a district of Batman Province in Turkey. The town of Gercüş is the seat and the district had a population of 19,304 in 2021. Its area is 914 km2. Composition There are two municipalities in Gercüş District: Gercüş Kayapınar There are 58 villages in Gercüş District: Akburç Akyar Ardıç Ardıçlı Arıca Aydınca Aydınlı Babnir Bağlıca Bağözü Başarköy Başova Becirman Boğazköy Çalışkan Cevizli Çiçekli Çukuryurt Dereiçi Dereli Doruk Düzmeşe Eymir Geçitköy Gökçe Gökçepınar Gönüllü Gürbüz Güzelöz Hisar Kantar Karalan Kayalar Kesiksu Kırkat Kışlak Koçak Kömürcü Koyunlu Kozlu Kutlu Nurlu Özler Poyraz Rüzgarlı Sargın Seki Serinköy Taşçı Tepecik Ulaş Yakıtlı Yamanlar Yassıca Yayladüzü Yemişli Yenice Yüceköy The district encompasses 12 hamlets. References Districts of Batman Province Gercüş District
{'title': 'Gercüş District', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerc%C3%BC%C5%9F%20District', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Молодіжний рух «Спротив» — Всеукраїнський молодіжний неієрархічний рух, який об‘єднав молодіжні громадські, студентські організації та студентські профспілки. Заснований 19 травня 2010 року в Києві. 4 червня 2010 року Молодіжний рух «Спротив» провів у Києві акцію під назвою: «Янукович: 100 днів ганьби та брехні», яка була присвячена першим ста дням перебування Віктора Януковича на посаді Президента України. Новостворений молодіжний рух планує скоординувати свою діяльність з Народним комітетом захисту України та іншими політичними об’єднаннями, партіями, громадським організаціями, які поділяють його принципи. Див. також Спротив (громадський рух) Відсіч Джерела Молодіжний рух «СПРОТИВ» створено! Янукович: сто днів ганьби та брехні Посилання 20 молодіжних організацій оголосили про створення руху "СПРОТИВ" Десятки молодіжних організацій України об'єдналися для захисту суверенітету від влади YouTube - Молодіжний рух "Спротив" 29.05.2010 в Сумах відео Молодіжний Рух "СПРОТИВ" Молодіжні громадські організації України Засновані в Україні 2010
{'title': 'Молодіжний рух «Спротив»', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%96%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D1%80%D1%83%D1%85%20%C2%AB%D0%A1%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%C2%BB', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Safair è una compagnia aerea con sede presso l'aeroporto Internazionale O.R. Tambo a Kempton Park, Sudafrica. Operatore di una delle più grandi flotte al mondo di Lockheed L-100 Hercules cargo civili, svolge operazioni di trasporto aereo di merci e attività charter; leasing e vendita; addestramento per equipaggi di volo; manutenzione e modifica di aeromobili; sicurezza aerea e formazione medica. Storia Safair Operations come è conosciuta oggi venne fondata nel 1965. All'epoca era conosciuta come Tropair (Pty) Ltd ed era una compagnia charter che compiva operazioni di aviazione generale. Nel 1970, il nome della società cambiò in Safair Freighters (Pty) Ltd quando fu acquistata da Safmarine e la nuova entità iniziò ad operare il 18 marzo 1970. Il suo cliente principale negli anni '80 era la South African Defense Force. Fino al Negli anni novanta servì principalmente il mercato delle merci aviotrasportate locali e regionali. Nel 1991 si diversificò nella manutenzione degli aeromobili e nelle operazioni di corriere notturno prima di concentrarsi su leasing e noleggio. Nel 1998, Safair acquistò una partecipazione del 49% in Air Contractors, con sede in Irlanda, e venne acquisita da Imperial Holdings per 40 milioni di dollari nel dicembre 1998. Nel luglio 1999, Safair acquisì il controllo della National Airways Corporation e Streamline Aviation. Safair è controllata al 100% da ASL Aviation Group Ltd con sede a Dublino, Irlanda, una controllata del gruppo belga Compagnie Maritime Belge. Gli aiuti umanitari e le operazioni di soccorso sono sempre stati il mercato "di nicchia" di Safair, che assiste le agenzie di aiuto e soccorso come le Nazioni Unite, il World Food Programme e il Comitato internazionale della Croce Rossa nel fornire gli aiuti umanitari necessari alle regioni colpite del continente africano e ad altre aree del mondo in cui è richiesta tale assistenza. Fino al 2018, Safair è stata appaltata al Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide italiano per supportare le spedizioni scientifiche durante l'estate australe, volando con un Lockheed L-100-30 da Christchurch, in Nuova Zelanda, alla stazione Zucchelli nella Baia Terra Nova, in Antartide. Nel 2007, Safair ha ottenuto l'approvazione dalla IATA per l'Audit sulla sicurezza operativa (IOSA). FlySafair Nel 2013, Safair ha fondato una compagnia aerea a basso costo chiamata FlySafair. Il piano iniziale per operare voli dall'ottobre 2013 ha dovuto essere annullato, a seguito di una richiesta all'Alta Corte da parte di Comair. Il primo volo è poi avvenuto il 16 ottobre 2014. Flotta Flotta attuale A dicembre 2022 la flotta di Safair è così composta: Flotta storica Safair operava in precedenza con: Boeing 737-200 British Aerospace 146-100 British Aerospace 146-200 McDonnell Douglas MD-82 McDonnell Douglas MD-83 Note Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Compagnie aeree sudafricane Compagnie aeree cargo
{'title': 'Safair', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safair', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Stepanivka (în ) este un sat în comuna Kotovske din raionul Vilșanka, regiunea Kirovohrad, Ucraina. Demografie Conform recensământului din 2001, majoritatea populației localității Stepanivka era vorbitoare de ucraineană (%), existând în minoritate și vorbitori de armeană (%) și rusă (%). Note Stepanivka, Vilșanka, Kirovohrad Stepanivka, Vilșanka, Kirovohrad Stepanivka, Vilșanka, Kirovohrad
{'title': 'Stepanivka, Vilșanka', 'url': 'https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepanivka%2C%20Vil%C8%99anka', 'language': 'ro', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Aravane Rezaï was the defending champion, having won the event in 2012, but she chose not to defend her title. Timea Bacsinszky won the tournament, defeating Beatriz García Vidagany in the final, 6–1, 6–1. Seeds Main draw Finals Top half Bottom half References Main draw Open 88 Contrexeville - Singles
{'title': '2013 Open 88 Contrexéville – Singles', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013%20Open%2088%20Contrex%C3%A9ville%20%E2%80%93%20Singles', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
(10430) Martschmidt – planetoida z pasa głównego asteroid okrążająca Słońce w ciągu 4 lat i 198 dni w średniej odległości 2,74 j.a. Została odkryta 24 września 1960 roku przez Cornelisa i Ingrid van Houtenów na płytach Palomar Schmidt wykonanych przez Toma Gehrelsa. Nazwa planetoidy pochodzi od Maarten Schmidta (ur. 1929), holenderskiego astronoma. Przed jej nadaniem planetoida nosiła oznaczenie tymczasowe (10430) 4030 P-L. Zobacz też lista planetoid 10001–11000 lista planetoid Linki zewnętrzne Planetoidy pasa głównego Nazwane planetoidy Obiekty astronomiczne odkryte w 1960
{'title': '(10430) Martschmidt', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%2810430%29%20Martschmidt', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Khát vọng Thăng Long é um filme de drama vietnamita de 2010 dirigido e escrito por Lưu Trọng Ninh e Charlie Nguyen. Foi selecionado como representante do Vietnã à edição do Oscar 2011, organizada pela Academia de Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas. Ligações externas Filmes em língua vietnamita Filmes do Vietnã
{'title': 'Khát vọng Thăng Long', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kh%C3%A1t%20v%E1%BB%8Dng%20Th%C4%83ng%20Long', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Władimir Iljin (1891-1974) – rosyjski wykładowca akademicki, emigracyjny filozof, teolog i muzykolog, pisarz i publicysta, propagandysta antysowiecki podczas II wojny światowej Władimir Iljin (ur. 1947) – radziecki i rosyjski aktor teatralny i filmowy Władimir Iljin (1928-2009) – radziecki piłkarz
{'title': 'Władimir Iljin', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C5%82adimir%20Iljin', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
Acanthophyllum xanthoporphyranthum är en nejlikväxtart som beskrevs av Ian Charleson Hedge och Wendelbo. Acanthophyllum xanthoporphyranthum ingår i släktet Acanthophyllum och familjen nejlikväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Nejlikväxter xanthoporphyranthum
{'title': 'Acanthophyllum xanthoporphyranthum', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acanthophyllum%20xanthoporphyranthum', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
The is a hybrid electric vehicle that is manufactured and marketed by Honda. Its first generation was a two-door, two passenger liftback (1999–2006) and in its second generation was a four-door, five passenger liftback (2009–2014). In its third generation, it became a four-door sedan (2018–2022). It was Honda's first model with Integrated Motor Assist system and the most fuel efficient gasoline-powered car available in the U.S. without plug-in capability — for the length of its production run. Honda introduced the second-generation Insight in Japan in February 2009 and in the United States on March 24, 2009. The Insight was the least expensive hybrid available in the US. In December 2010, Honda introduced a less expensive base model for the 2011 model year. The Insight was launched in April 2009 in the UK as the lowest priced hybrid on the market and became the best selling hybrid for the month. The Insight ranked as the top-selling vehicle in Japan for the month of April 2009, a first for a hybrid model. During its first twelve months after first available in the Japanese market, the second-generation Insight sold 143,015 units around the world. In July 2014, Honda announced the end of production of the Insight for the 2015 model, together with the Honda FCX Clarity hydrogen fuel-cell car and the Honda Fit EV electric car. At the 2018 North American International Auto Show, Honda announced the third-generation Honda Insight prototype, based on the tenth-generation Honda Civic sedan. Unlike the previous Insight, it was a traditional sedan, not a five-door liftback. The third-generation Insight went on sale later that year. In April 2022, Honda announced that the Insight would be discontinued after the 2022 model year, with production ending in June. It will be replaced by a new Civic Hybrid. First generation (ZE1; 1999) History Based on the Honda J-VX concept car unveiled at the 1997 Tokyo Motor Show, the Insight was introduced in Japan in November 1999 as the first production vehicle to feature Honda's Integrated Motor Assist system. In the following month, December 1999, the Insight became the first hybrid available in North America, followed seven months later by the Toyota Prius. The Insight featured optimized aerodynamics and a lightweight aluminum structure to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions. Until 2015, the first generation Insight ranks as the most fuel-efficient United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certified gasoline-fueled vehicle, with a highway rating of and combined city/highway rating of . Design The Honda Insight is a subcompact liftback in length with a wheelbase of a height of and a width of . The first-generation Insight was manufactured as a two-seater, launching in a single trim level with a manual transmission and optional air conditioning. In the second year of production two trim levels were available: manual transmission with air conditioning, and continuously variable transmission (CVT) with air conditioning. The only major change during its life span was the introduction of a trunk-mounted, front-controlled, multiple-disc CD changer. In addition to its hybrid drive system, the Insight was small, light and streamlined — with a drag-coefficient of 0.25. At the time of production, it was the most aerodynamic production car to be built. Technology The gasoline engine is a , 1.0-liter, ECA series 3-cylinder unit providing lean burn operation with an air-to-fuel ratio that can reach 25.8 to 1. The engine uses lightweight aluminum, magnesium, and plastic to minimize weight. The electrical motor assist adds another (at 3000 rpm) and a maximum of 36 pound-feet (49 Nm) of torque when called on, resulting in at 5700 rpm and of torque at 2000 rpm, with the aim to boost performance to the level of a typical 1.5 L gasoline engine. It also acts as a generator during deceleration and braking to recharge the vehicle's batteries, and as the Insight's starter motor. (This improves fuel efficiency and extends the lifetime and fade resistance of the brakes, without adding unsprung weight). When the car is not moving, for example at a stop light, the engine shuts off. Power steering is electric, reducing accessory drag. The Insight uses the first generation of Honda's Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid technology. (The next generation, used in the Honda Civic Hybrid, is much more space-efficient.) The Insight's electric assist is an ultrathin 60 mm (about 2.4 inches) brushless 10-kW electric motor located on the crankshaft. Located behind the seats are a series of 120 commercial grade "D" sized 1.2 V NiMH batteries wired to provide a nominal 144 V DC and a capacity of 6.5 AH. During heavy acceleration, the NiMH batteries drive the electric motor, providing additional power; during deceleration, the motor acts as a generator and recharges the batteries using a process called regenerative braking. A computer control module regulates how much power comes from the internal combustion engine, and how much from the electric motor; in the CVT variant, it also finds the optimal gear ratio. The digital displays on the dashboard display fuel consumption instantaneously. On the manual transmission up and down arrows suggest when to shift gears. Dashboard gauges monitor the current battery status, instantaneous fuel consumption, and mode of the electric motor — standby, engine assist or charging the batteries. High pressure ( / ), low rolling resistance tires and the use of low viscosity "0W-20" synthetic oil enhance fuel economy. The original Insight had a conventional manual transmission. Starting with the 2001 model, a CVT variant of the Insight was available; the CVT is similar to that used in the Honda Civic Hybrid and the Honda Logo. A traditional transmission shifts between a fixed set of engine-to-wheel ratios; however, a CVT allows for an infinite set of ratios between its lowest gear and its highest. A feature shared by the two hybrids (and now appearing in others) is the ability to automatically turn off the engine when the vehicle is at a stop (and restart it upon movement). Since it is more powerful than most starters of conventional cars, the Insight's electric motor can start the engine nearly instantaneously. The Integrated Motor Assist is run by an "Intelligent Power Unit (IPU)", a desktop computer-sized box. The Intelligent Power Unit, the Power control Unit, the Electronic Control Unit, the vehicle's batteries, DC-to-DC converter and a high-voltage inverter are all located under the cargo floor of the vehicle, behind the seats. Honda increased the vehicle's fuel efficiency using aluminum and plastic extensively to reduce the vehicle's weight. The basic structure is a new, lightweight aluminum monocoque, reinforced in key areas with aluminum extrusions joined at cast aluminum lugs. Stamped aluminum panels are welded onto this structure to form an extremely light and rigid platform for the drivetrain and suspension. The Insight has a body weight less than half that of the contemporary Civic 3-door, with increased torsional rigidity by 38% and bending rigidity by 13%. Honda built the Insight with aluminum front brake calipers and rear brake drums, and with a largely aluminum suspension, in addition to standard aluminum wheels; reducing the ratio of un-sprung to sprung weight as well as the total weight. The fuel tank is plastic; the engine mounts are aluminum; and the exhaust is a small, thin wall pipe. Its compact spare is also aluminum. The Insight weighed in manual transmission form without air conditioning, with manual transmission and air conditioning, or with CVT and air conditioning. The Insight has a coefficient of drag of 0.25. The absence of a rear seat allows the body to taper just behind the driver and the rear track is 110 mm (approximately 4.3 inches) narrower than the front track. The CVT-equipped Insight is classified as a super-low emissions vehicle. The Insight features low emissions: the California Air Resources Board gave the 5-speed model a ULEV rating, and the CVT model earned a SULEV rating – the 5-speed model's lean-burn ability traded increased efficiency for slightly higher NOx emissions. Manufacturing The Insight was assembled at the Honda factory in Suzuka, Japan, where the Honda NSX and the Honda S2000 were also assembled. The Insight and the NSX are aluminum-bodied, while the S2000 employs a steel body with aluminum hood. At the 2003 Tokyo Motor Show, Honda introduced the concept car Honda IMAS, an extremely fuel-efficient and lightweight hybrid car made of aluminum and carbon fiber, which was perceived by most observers to be the future direction where the Insight was heading. With its aluminum body and frame, the Insight was an expensive car to produce and was never designed for high-volume sales. Instead, it was designed to be a real world test car for hybrid technology and a gauge to new consumer driving habits. With an aerodynamic fuel-saving shape similar to its predecessor, the Honda CR-X, and some unconventional body colors it was a bit more than mainstream car buyers could handle, preferring more conservative styles. Production halted announced in May 2006, with plans announced to replace Insight with a new hybrid car, smaller than the eighth generation Civic, but not earlier than in 2009. Ahead of this announcement, Honda stopped selling Insight in the UK, for example, as early as December 2005. To fill the market niche void, in 2002 Honda rolled out a hybrid version of the Honda Civic – Honda Civic Hybrid, followed by Toyota's redesign of the Prius in 2003 as a 2004 model. Sales Honda had originally planned to sell 6,500 first generation Insights each year of production, but in the end achieved total global cumulative sales of 17,020 units over 7 years, split geographically as follows: US market The Insight was the first mass-produced hybrid automobile sold in the United States, achieving per its then current United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highway rating. Other hybrids soon followed, with the Toyota Prius arriving in June 2000. Fuel efficiency The first generation Insight was the most fuel efficient gasoline-powered car available in the U.S. without plug-in capability for the length of its production run and up until December 2015, when it was surpassed by the 2016 Toyota Prius Eco. The Insight earned an EPA fuel economy estimate of in highway driving, city. With air conditioning it was and . With a CVT it was /. The EPA changed the way it estimated fuel economy starting with the 2008 model year. The revised fuel economy ratings for the 2000 Insight with manual shift 5-speed under the updated testing are in highway driving, city, and combined city/highway. Insight owners who are "hypermilers" compete to achieve maximum travel distance with each refueling. Upon the Insight's release, Honda challenged several automotive magazines to a competition to see who could obtain the best fuel efficiency on the drive from Columbus, Ohio to Detroit. The contest was won by Car and Driver magazine, which rigged a box behind a Ford Excursion, and had the Insight drive within the confines of the box. With much less wind resistance, the Insight made the trip with a fuel consumption of , while averaging . A two-year test of an Insight with air conditioning, driven , averaged . The New York Times noted that "[if] you drive the car badly, you will get bad mileage." In the EU fuel economy tests, the Insight achieved a combined efficiency figure with an Extra-Urban figure of and Urban figure of .) This remains unbeaten in the UK market for a gasoline car. The Insight has an official emissions figure of 80 g/km which is still the lowest of any UK market car. It was also the only car to fall into the VED band A (up to 100g/km ), introduced in 2005, until 2008 when other manufacturers started developing cars to benefit from the tax free status. Usage incentives Under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 in the United States, the Honda Insight was eligible for a US$1,450 tax credit. Cars registered in the UK after 2001 qualified for free road tax because of their low CO2 emissions (2000 registered cars would be taxed on the lower rate of the old system based on engine size). As a hybrid, the Insight did also qualify for an exemption from the London Congestion Charge. However, in December 2010 this changed such that hybrids no longer gained automatic exception, instead cars emitting less than 100g/km CO2 and meeting the January 2005 Euro 4 emissions standard. The Insight being homologated as a 2000 vehicle, and hence not Euro 4 compliant, meant it no longer meets the criteria. Motorsport A Honda Insight won five races and the Class A championship in the Formula 1000 Rally in the United Kingdom in 2006. In 2011, the Insight was asked to step down from the Formula 1000 Rally Championship after dominating the first three rallies, it went on to compete and win the hybrid electric vehicle class of the RAC Future Car Challenge from Brighton to London by consuming just . Replacement battery pack As of June 2008 in the U.S., according to Honda, there are fewer than 200 battery failures beyond warranty coverage out of more than 100,000 hybrids sold. As of 1 June 2008, the replacement battery costs US$1,968 and installation is around US$900. By 2010, multiple aftermarket large capacity replacement NiMH battery packs, including GreenTec Auto, YABO Power, BumbleBee Batteries and Hybrid ReVolt, among others. Safety Rated by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in 2001 Second generation (ZE2/ZE3; 2009) In 2009, Honda introduced its second-generation Insight based on an all-new, 5-passenger, 5-door, dedicated hybrid platform, which was also later used for the Honda CR-Z. The concept version of the Insight liftback hybrid electric vehicle had made its public debut at the 2008 Paris Motor Show. and its North American debut at the Los Angeles Auto Show. In the US, the new Insight is classified as a compact car based on its interior volume. History The 2010 Honda Insight was specifically designed to make hybrid technology more affordable to a wide range of buyers. Departing from the first generation Insight's two-seat configuration, the 2010 Insight is a 5-passenger, 5-door dedicated hybrid vehicle that includes the fifth generation of Honda's Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid powertrain. The Insight was facelifted in 2010 in the United Kingdom and in 2011 for the 2012 model year in the United States, with updates to the suspension, styling and interior. There are revisions to the recoil rate of the springs, change of the rear camber angles and alterations to the rear suspension brace and adjusting mounts. As a result, Honda promised better ride, handling and stability. Interior changes include revisions to the dashboard, seat fabric, and some plastics. The air vents received a chrome surround and a silver garnish now adorns the door sills. In 2013, Honda of Japan offered for sale two Insights: base Insight and Insight Exclusive with a CR-Z engine with CVT transmission. The base Insight had the 1.3-liter LDA engine which was offered in 2010 Insight; the 1.5-liter LEA Engine was installed in the Insight Exclusive. The base Insight had the 1.3-liter LDA engine with two trim levels: G and L. The Insight Exclusive had the 1.5-liter LEA engine with two trim Levels: XG and XL. The 2013 Insight Exclusive received revised front bumper, side skirts, revised rear bumper lower valance and 16-inch alloy wheels with 185/55R16 V-rated tires. The XG trim level had 15-inch steel wheels or 15-inch alloy wheels with 185/60R15 H-rated tires. The 2014 Insight Exclusive received two trims levels of XL with level one receives 15-inch alloy wheels and different colors. XL level two receives 16-inch alloy wheels, fog lights, navigation, and different colors. The XG trim level received 15-inch steel wheels and different colors. The 1.5-liter LEA engine is same as the Honda CR-Z with 4 valves per cylinder and has slightly less gas mileage when compared to the 1.3-liter LDA engine. Design Honda chose a 5-door hatchback configuration for the second Insight. The wedge-shaped body assists aerodynamics and reduces drag for improved fuel economy. The 5-passenger accommodations enhance marketability and the overall vehicle shape, as Honda puts it, is “clearly identifiable as a hybrid.” The wedge shape of the second-generation Insight has been praised by many automotive journalists for its similarities with the more successful and older second-generation Toyota Prius. The Insight's exterior design merges design cues from both the first generation Insight (the tapered tail and triangular taillights) and Honda's production hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, the FCX Clarity (the low hood, six-point front grille, and wedge-shaped profile). The interior of the new Insight includes a variation of the two-tier instrument panel first introduced on the 2006 Honda Civic. In this arrangement, a digital speedometer is mounted high on the instrument panel within the driver's normal line-of-sight for ease of visibility. An analog tachometer, fuel gauge, hybrid assist gauge, and Multi-Information Display are housed in the lower tier. Powertrain The new Insight includes Honda's fifth generation of its Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid system. This system mates an internal combustion engine with an electric motor mounted directly to the engine's crankshaft between the engine and transmission. Honda states that this configuration is less complex, lower cost, and compact enough to accommodate a wide range of vehicle sizes when compared to competing hybrid powertrains. Honda has used previous generations of this IMA system on all of its production hybrid vehicles including the original Insight, Civic Hybrid, and Accord Hybrid. Advanced development has allowed the Insight's IMA system to be 19 percent smaller and 28 percent lighter than the previous generation IMA used in the existing Civic Hybrid. The Insight's IMA includes a high-efficiency, lightweight, low-friction 1.3-liter SOHC i-VTEC 4-cylinder engine rated for at 5800 rpm and of torque from 1000 to 1700 rpm. The high torque at low rpm is made possible by the electric motor which contributes up to at 1500 rpm and of torque at 1000 rpm to the powertrain, assisting in acceleration and some steady state cruising situations at low-to-mid vehicle speeds. The motor acts as a generator during braking, steady cruising, gentle deceleration and coasting in order to recharge the IMA battery. The motor also serves as the engine starter, quickly spinning the engine to idle speed after Idle Stop and during normal vehicle starting. The system will automatically switch to a back-up, conventional 12-volt starter to start the engine if the IMA system is disabled or if the car is started at extreme cold temperatures. As an additional safety feature, Honda's hybrid configuration allows the car to operate like a conventional, gasoline-engine vehicle even if the IMA hybrid-electric motor system is completely disabled. The 2013-2014 Honda Exclusive Model Code-ZE3: is powered by a i-VTEC SOHC inline-4 engine, designated as LEA, with Honda's Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid-electric system. the continuously variable transmission (CVT) is standard equipment. The system delivers a combined peak output of at 6000 rpm and at 1000 to 1500 rpm ( on CVT-equipped models). The gasoline engine contributes at 6000 rpm and at 4800 rpm. The Insight's Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) provides infinite ratios to keep the engine operating within its most efficient range. Forward gear ratios are infinitely variable between 3.172–0.529 and reverse gear ranges from 4.511~1.693. Final drive is 4.20:1. On Insight EX models, paddle shifters mounted behind the steering wheel allow the driver to engage a manual shift mode and select from seven simulated gear ratios for full control over acceleration and engine braking. Since the CVT's gear ratios are continuously variable the system electronically directs the transmission to up- or downshift into pre-determined ratios when the driver taps the shift paddles. In normal driving, the CVT allows the engine and IMA motor to stay in their most efficient operating range thereby providing superior fuel efficiency to that of a conventional automatic transmission with fixed gear ratios. The CVT's variable gear ratios allow for both quick, initial acceleration and efficient, low-rpm cruising. In order to allow the powertrain computer to optimize performance under every driving condition, the Insight's accelerator pedal is a “drive-by-wire” type that uses an electronic position sensor instead of the conventional metal cable that usually connects the pedal to the engine's throttle body. In the drive-by-wire system, the engine's throttle body is controlled by the powertrain computer in response to the accelerator pedal position—allowing the computer to determine the optimal throttle body, fuel, and CVT settings based on the accelerator pedal position and its rate of travel. Car and Driver magazine performed a comparison between the 2010 Honda Insight and the 2010 Toyota Prius. In this test, the Insight achieved 0–60 mph in 10.3 seconds (Prius, 10.0 seconds), the quarter mile in 17.9 seconds at 78 mph (Prius, 17.6 at 79 mph), and 70–0 mph braking in 181 feet (Prius, 182 feet). The Insight's average fuel economy during a 600-mile controlled evaluation was (Prius, ). Overall, Car and Driver selected the Insight as their preferred vehicle due to its "fun-to-drive" qualities including superior handling, steering, braking, and paddle-shifted transmission. IMA battery The Insight's IMA is powered by a flat, nickel-metal hydride battery pack located below the cargo floor between the rear wheels. The 84 module battery is manufactured by Sanyo Electric and provides a nominal system voltage of 100.8 volts with a nominal capacity of 5.75 ampere hours. The power density of the modules is 30 percent greater than in the second generation Civic Hybrid. The battery is recharged automatically by scavenging engine power, when needed, and by regenerative braking when the car is decelerating. The power management electronics, battery modules, and cooling system are all self-contained within the IMA battery pack. Honda ECO ASSIST System The system monitors and displays the positive or negative effect of a driving style on the vehicle's fuel economy. As a visual aid, the background of the Insight's digital speedometer glows green when the car is being driven in an efficient manner. Somewhat less-efficient driving makes the meter glow blue-green. Aggressive starts and stops that consume extra fuel make the meter glow blue. By observing the color shift of the speedometer background, the driver receives assistance in developing driving habits that typically enhance fuel economy. In addition, ECO ASSIST includes a dedicated ECON button that enables the driver to initiate a range of functions that increase the fuel economy of the IMA system via a single button press. In ECON mode, the driver trades off a measure of performance for enhanced fuel economy but gains the following advantages: Increases the potential for engaging the Idle Stop feature sooner Operates air conditioning more in recirculation mode Reduces automatic climate control blower fan speed Optimizes throttle angle input and CVT operation Limits power and torque by approximately 4 percent (full responsiveness is provided at wide-open-throttle) Overall, ECO ASSIST is designed to assist the driver in adopting a balanced approach between efficient highway commuting and efficient city driving. However, the EPA found during fuel economy testing that using the ECO ASSIST mode "registered no effect" on its fuel economy rating. "It relaxes throttle response, so the test driver simply compensates with additional throttle to achieve the required speeds." The multi-information display, located in the center of the tachometer, can be toggled through nine different screens of vehicle information including instantaneous fuel economy, hybrid system schematic, trip computer, and ECO Guide. The ECO Guide display includes a real-time graphic that provides a target zone for acceleration and deceleration in order to achieve maximum fuel economy. When the ignition switch is turned off, a summary screen displays a scoring function that encourages drivers to take an interest in developing fuel-efficient driving habits over the long term. In this manner, drivers can earn additional ‘leaves’ on a plant stem when practicing fuel saving strategies. Long-term fuel efficient driving habits ultimately earn the driver a ‘trophy’ graphic. Chassis, suspension, and steering The Insight's compact chassis is derived from components used in the Honda Fit. The structure of the engine compartment and front section of the chassis is almost identical to the Fit's, but with additional enhancements to aid crash protection. From the firewall aft the platform is unique to Insight. The most significant difference between the Fit and the Insight platform is the position of the fuel tank. While the Fit locates the fuel tank under the front seats, the Insight positions the fuel tank under the rear seats. This allows the Insight's hybrid battery pack to be located in the cargo floor below the spare tire, to accommodate folding rear seats, lower roofline, and a more aerodynamic body shape. Front and rear suspension components from the Fit are used including MacPherson struts at the front and an H-shaped torsion beam at the rear to keep the load floor low. Front and rear stabilizer bars are also installed. On EX models, the 175/65-15 low-rolling resistance tires are mounted on lightweight aluminum wheels, each weighing together with the tire. The rack-and-pinion steering uses electric assist and allows the Insight to steer normally even when the engine is shut off in Idle Stop mode. The braking system includes four-channel ABS, electronic brake distribution, and a creep aid system to prevent the car from rolling on a hill. A brake booster pressure monitoring system monitors vacuum when the engine is shut off during Idle Stop mode. Traction control and vehicle stability assist are also included. The front brakes are single-piston sliding caliper with a one-piece ventilated rotor. Drum brakes are used in the rear. Enhanced efficiency air conditioning system The air conditioning system on the new Insight has an expanded thermodynamic range compared to conventional systems. Unlike the separate low pressure and high pressure refrigerant pipes used in conventional systems, the Insight has its low pressure cold pipe enclosing the high pressure hot refrigerant pipe that allows the cold refrigerant on its way back to the engine bay to cool the warm refrigerant traveling to the cabin. A unique, spiral groove along the outside of the inner pipe increases the surface area and therefore the efficiency of the heat transfer between the outer and inner tubes. This improves the thermal efficiency of the air-conditioning system and, as a result, less effort is required from the compressor, resulting in improved fuel efficiency. In order to control costs, Honda decided not to include the electric-assist air conditioning compressor used in the Civic Hybrid. The Civic Hybrid's electric-assist allows the air conditioning compressor to continue running (using battery pack power) to maintain cabin temperature when the engine is shut off in Idle Stop mode. Instead, the Insight limits the duration of the Idle Stop mode during air conditioning use and restarts the engine, when needed, to maintain cabin temperature. However, when the Insight's ECON function is engaged, a longer Idle Stop time is invoked for improved fuel efficiency at the expense of rapid cabin cooling. In other words, the air conditioning stops whenever the car stops, as in stop-and-go traffic. During Idle Stop the blower continues to run albeit at a low speed. 2012 facelift A facelifted Insight for Europe is shown at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show. Honda facelifted the Insight for 2012 model year. There are several significant changes to improve the car, including exterior, interior, driving and fuel economy. In the exterior, Honda updates the front with larger air intakes on the lower front fascia, installs new headlights and tail lights, and has new wheel designs. The new grille comes with a blue stripe that Honda says represents the car's “high-tech hybrid identity.” A thinner rear spoiler and a more compactly mounted rear wiper motor help to improve visibility through the rear window. Even though it now comes with wider 185/60R15 tires, a reduction in engine and CVT friction, improvements to the front and rear bumpers and underbody lead to a 1-mpg increase in EPA's city, highway, and combined mileage numbers. in the city, on the highway, and mpg combined. The aerodynamic efficiency is improved by two percent. In the interior, the rear-seat and headliner are redesigned to add more rear legroom and headroom, improving comfort, additional sound insulation is added and the cupholders are larger. A rear camera and a 16-gigabyte flash card system now comes with the navigation system. Furthermore, the gauge cluster is refreshed. Changes in design led to excessive oil consumption that could require replacement of parts of the engine. In 2017, Honda addressed the concern in 2016 and, in 2017, extended the warranty to cover these flaws for eight years. Fuel efficiency Despite technological advances, the fuel efficiency of the second-generation Insight was lower than that of the first because of significant increases in size, weight and power. Fuel efficiency rating according to the U.S. EPA testing methodology is: City , Highway , Combined . The 2012 model year U.S. version has minor improvements and its updated EPA fuel economy rating is: City , Highway , Combined . Honda UK state that the official UK fuel efficiency data for the Insight SE is: Urban , Extra urban , Combined and the CO2 emissions rating is: 101 g/km, putting it in the second lowest UK vehicle excise duty band. Sales and prices by country Honda sold 130,445 Insights worldwide in 2009. In an interview in early February 2011, a Honda executive disclosed that Honda produced around 200,000 hybrids a year in Japan. The Insight was removed from Honda Canada's website in November 2013. It was removed from sale in the UK mid 2014. Japan The new Insight began sales in Japan on February 6, 2009. The reception in Japan exceeded Honda's original forecast of 5,000 monthly sales. This resulted as less availability to overseas markets and Honda has to start production on a second line at its Suzuka factory in mid-June to increase production from 700 units a day. In April 2009, the Honda Insight became the first gasoline-electric hybrid to be the best-selling vehicle in Japan for the month. After less than eleven months on sale, Honda sold 93,283 Insight in Japan in 2009, ranking it the fifth best-selling car for the year. In March 2010, Honda announced that the new Insight broke through 100,000 sales in the Japanese market in just one year after its introduction. United States The car went on sale on March 24, 2009, in the U.S. as a 2010 model, making it the least expensive hybrid vehicle available in the United States. Within less than ten months from its introduction, Insight total sales for 2009 in the U.S. market were 20,572 units, selling more than the Fusion Hybrid (15,554 units) and the Civic Hybrid (15,119), but behind the Camry Hybrid (22,887 units) and the Toyota Prius (139,682 units). The sales in the U.S. were below expectation, mainly due to the economic recession in 2008–09, stiff competition and a drop in gasoline prices of over one-third over the past year, eroding demand for fuel-efficient cars. In December 2010, Honda introduced a less expensive Insight hybrid for the 2011 model year to help boost sales. For the 2011 LX model, center armrest, cruise control, USB connectivity for the audio system and floor mats are newly added. Electronic stability control and brake assist became standard across all trim levels. All models come with automatic climate control. Honda explained the move "to make (the vehicle) more affordable for those younger customers who couldn't previously get into a hybrid." In 2009, Toyota promised a lower-priced version of the Prius to compete with Insight, but quietly dropped the deal for consumers. In 2010, 20,962 Insights were sold in the country. The Insight ranked number two in all hybrid vehicle sales after the Toyota Prius, beating out the Toyota Camry Hybrid and the Ford Fusion Hybrid. From January 2011 to August 2011, cumulative sales of the Insight in the U.S. reached 13,106 units, ranking number two among hybrid sales for 2011 and outsold only by the Prius. By September 2011, cumulative sales reached 13,618 units, falling to the third place, surpassed by the Hyundai Sonata. For the 2012 model year, upgraded upholstery, map light, and steering-wheel-mounted controls are added to LX trim; Bluetooth, automatic headlights, a premium fabric upholstery, plus a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift knob are added to EX trim. Rearview camera and a 16-gigabyte flash card system are added to the navigation system. In October 2009, Consumer Reports named the Honda Insight the most reliable vehicle as it scored the highest of any vehicles in predicted reliability, according to its annual vehicles reliability survey. Europe United Kingdom The Honda Insight has been on sale from 4 April 2009 and early reports said it outsold its competitor by 15%. The Insight is no longer exempted from the London congestion charge. Starting from autumn 2010, revised suspension should improve ride and handling, parking sensors are added to ES model and higher trim models. Australia The Insight was launched as the lowest-priced hybrid car in Australia starting from December 2010. Its price was lower than the Civic Hybrid and the Toyota Prius. Its fuel economy is rated in official Australian testing. Honda questions the green credentials of electric vehicles when electricity is generated from coal-fired power stations, "For Australia, unless you're tapped into a green power source, the benefits are negligible". The Netherlands As of March 2010, Honda has sold 2,661 units since the introduction of the Insight in April 2009 of which 847 were sold in the first three months of 2010. As of January 2010, the Honda Insight is exempt of road tax. The sales of the Honda Insight, along with those of the Honda Civic Hybrid, helped Honda achieve their best sales result in the Netherlands since 1989. Republic of Ireland Between 2009 and 2015, The Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) 'Motorstats' (beepbeep.ie) show that there were 306 'Total New Registrations' of Honda Insights (including 27 and 5 in 2014 & 2015 respectively) with a peak of 108 in 2010 (10 in 2009). The 'Refreshed' model (new front etc.) was available in 2013. Retail price in 2014 for the SE option was €23,495 and the ES €24,610 (kevinoleary.ie). Other Asian countries The Insight was launched in South Korea in October 2010 as the lowest priced hybrid car offered by import automakers. In Malaysia, Honda launched the Insight on December 2, 2010, at the Kuala Lumpur International Motor Show (KLIMS) 2010. It was priced slightly more than the top model Honda City. It is reported that a few hundred sales orders were received even before its launch. In 2011, Insight was the best selling hybrid in the country with a total of 4,568 sold. Reception Early reviews praised the Insight's futuristic styling, handling, and price but noted that it was less powerful, less fuel efficient, and less comfortable than other more expensive hybrids. The Insight performed well in comparison tests administered by Motor Trend and Car and Driver. In their comparison test against the 2010 Toyota Prius, Car and Driver stated "...the Insight proved more visceral, connected, and agile than the Prius. The Insight represents a lot of engineering bang for the buck, and the majority of its dynamics are more satisfying than the Prius’s" citing the benefits of the Insight's firm brake feel, accurate steering, and tight suspension (the latter borrowing heavily from the latest Honda Fit). It did not perform as well in Edmunds or Popular Mechanics tests. Despite a high reliability rating in Consumer Reports testing, the Insight was assigned a low score, stating that it fell short in ride quality, handling, interior noise, acceleration, refinement, rear seat access and rear visibility. Autoblog praised it for its fuel economy, tight handling, and good steering feedback, and stated "the Insight is a shockingly fun car to drive in a spirited manner in spite of the comparatively modest thrust available.", but criticized the Insight for its low passenger volume. Automotive critic Jeremy Clarkson, known for his disdain for hybrid vehicles, criticized the Insight for its continuously variable transmission, engine noise, and build quality. He recognized that the price was low, but concluded that a Volkswagen Golf was a better deal. Edmunds.com praised the Insight for improving upon the formula of rival Prius and costing thousands less, but criticized it for excessive road noise, a tight back seat, and buzzy engine under hard acceleration. In addition, they state it "is by far the most enjoyable hybrid hatchback to drive" and praised the ride for being firm, the steering for being relatively responsive, and the seamless integration between the electric and internal combustion engine. In 2009, Edmunds pitted a Honda Insight against other hybrids like Toyota Prius and Ford Fusion hybrid, a Volkswagen Jetta TDI automatic and a MINI Cooper with manual transmission over two days of mixed city and highway driving. In October 2014, Top Gear magazine placed the Insight on its list of "The worst cars you can buy right now", describing the car as "A £20k hyper-efficient numbers merchant now surpassed by loads of diesel rivals in practically any measurement except urban quietness. The game has moved on." Safety Discontinuation In November 2013, Honda informed dealers in Japan that Insight production would stop. Its sales were in a "slow death" and its discontinuation was for the second time in ten years. On February 28, 2014, Honda officially announced ending production of the second generation Insight after the 2014 model year. With its "unrefined powertrain and cheap interior" the car had "dismal sales" especially when compared to its competition. Although it had a lower base price than the competing hybrid model, the Insight's 42 mpg estimate did not reach the 50 mpg Toyota Prius, the number that "mattered most to potential customers." With a combined fuel economy rating that was now little more than that of some non-hybrid models available in the U.S. marketplace, in early 2014 there was 237 days worth of supply of Insights in contrast to the typical 60-day inventory held by automakers. Third generation (ZE4; 2018) The third-generation Honda Insight prototype debuted at the 2018 North American International Auto Show, and the production version was unveiled at the 2018 New York International Auto Show. It is based on the tenth-generation Honda Civic sedan, and shares similar exterior and interior dimensions (although the Insight is about one inch longer than its non-hybrid counterpart). Unlike the previous Insight, it is a traditional sedan, not a five-door liftback. The new Insight uses Honda's third generation two-motor hybrid powertrain, featuring a 1.5-liter gasoline engine that runs on Atkinson cycle combined with an electric motor and a lithium-ion battery pack. The Insight shares the same trunk space as the tenth-generation Honda Civic sedan, as the batteries for the Insight do not impede on trunk space. The fully digital LCD instrument cluster was taken from the larger 2018 Honda Accord, and many interior styling features were taken from the tenth-generation Honda Civic Sedan, which is assembled at the same Greensburg, Indiana plant as the all-new Insight. Honda projects a city, highway fuel economy, and combined rating for the 2019 Insight LX and EX trim levels, as compared to the city, highway, and combined fuel economy ratings on the top Touring trim, which introduces leather seating to the Insight for the first and only time. The difference in fuel economy between the versions is due to the higher weight and added equipment of the Touring version. The third-generation Honda Insight went on sale at Honda dealerships in the United States in June 2018 as a 2019 model year vehicle with a retail price starting at $22,830 plus $895 destination charge. It was also launched in Mexico on September 6, 2018, and later in Japan on December 13, 2018, and went on sale on the next day. In April 2022, Honda announced that the Insight would be discontinued after the 2022 model year, with production ending in June. A new Civic Hybrid will replace the Insight. Awards and recognition First generation The Insight's engine won the International Engine of the Year award for 2000, and continued to hold the "Sub-1 liter" size category for the next six years. It received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2000 Climate Protection Award. It was named the Greenest Vehicle of the year for 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2006 by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The Insight was nominated for the North American Car of the Year award for 2001. Until the 2016 Toyota Prius Eco, the 2000 Insight was the most efficient EPA-certified gasoline-powered vehicle ever, with a highway rating of and combined city/highway rating of . Second generation The Insight is awarded 2009 Good Design Award from the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization The American Automobile Association (AAA) awarded the Honda Insight the Top Commuter Vehicle in 2010. The 2010 Insight EX was awarded Top Safety Pick 2009 from Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Selected among Kelley Blue Book Top 10 Green Cars for 2010. Selected among Kelley Blue Book Top 10 Green Cars for 2011. Selected among the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Greenest Vehicles of the Year for 2010, 2011 and 2012. 2012 Total Cost of Ownership Award in the hybrid car category, granted by Kelly Blue Book for the lowest projected costs during initial five-year ownership period in its category. Third generation 2019 Green Car of the Year See also Honda CR-Z Honda Civic Hybrid Honda Clarity List of hybrid vehicles References External links Honda Insight official website Insight Hybrid electric cars Partial zero-emissions vehicles Vehicles with CVT transmission Hatchbacks Cars introduced in 1999 2010s cars Front-wheel-drive vehicles
{'title': 'Honda Insight', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda%20Insight', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'}
De vlucht van vroeger is het 19e stripalbum van Agent 327, getekend door Martin Lodewijk en in 2005 uitgegeven door Uitgeverij L. Het verhaal (dossier) is voor het eerst verschenen in het Algemeen Dagblad in 2004 (1 april t/m 4 augustus). In 2020 werd het album heruitgegeven onder de titel De vlucht van 75 jaar terug naar aanleiding van van het 75-jarig jubileum van de bevrijding in Nederland. In De vlucht van vroeger worden vreemde theorieën over Rudolf Hess en de affaire van de Stadhoudersbrief verweven tot een verhaal waarin 327's verleden een rol blijkt te spelen. Verhaal Agent 327 en de Chef spitten in de oude archieven en komen zo op dossier De vlucht van vroeger. Dat gaat terug tot in de oorlog, toen de jonge Hendrik IJzerbroot via het verzet de Chef al ontmoette. Het dossier begint in 1941, wanneer Rudolf Hess naar Engeland wil vliegen. Daarbij had hij stiekem voorwerpen uit de kluis van Hitler meegenomen. Als Hitler hiervan op de hoogte komt, stuurt hij om verwarring te zaaien elf dubbelgangers achter Hess aan. Negen komen nooit aan, de tiende is joods en vlucht naar Portugal maar de elfde bereikt Engeland. Deze wordt gevangengenomen en sterft in 1987 in de Spandaugevangenis. De echte Hess is onderweg naar Engeland in aanvaring gekomen met een Brits vliegtuig dat in de Noordzee verdween, wat niemand weet. Terug naar 1948, terug naar de aanstaande inhuldiging van koningin Juliana. De jonge IJzerbroot is onlangs als Geheim Agent 327 toegelaten en moet met de Chef naar Berlijn om daar het kunstgebit van koningin Wilhelmina te zoeken. Voor de oorlog is het gebit gestolen in opdracht van Hitler, als pesterij. De staatsgeheimen, op microfiche, zitten in de prothese van Wihelmina en deze moeten terug zijn voordat Juliana ingehuldigd wordt. Allereerst moeten chef en 327 het kamermeisje opsporen dat het kunstgebit van Wilhelmina stal. Met behulp van de Trümmerbube Emil komen ze haar tandarts op het spoor en ontsnappen ze aan Dritta Reich en haar handlangers, die ook op zoek zijn naar het kamermeisje. Als Chef en IJzerbroot het kamermeisje hebben gevonden, zal zij ervoor zorgen dat Wilhelmina's gebit terugkomt. Met Emils hulp slagen ze erin om in de ruïnes van Hitlers bunker te komen. Het kamermeisje opent een geheime kluis en op dat moment verschijnt Reich weer. Wat zowel Chef als Reich zoeken, blijkt te zijn wat Hess stal: een onduidelijk geheim wapen. Dan verschijnt ook nog Victor Baarn bij de kluis, die de zoektocht van 327 en Chef volgde om dé Stadhoudersbrief te vinden. Het echte exemplaar blijkt ook door Hess gestolen. Een kopie laat wel zien dat Hitler juist vroeg of Bernhard stadhouder wilde worden en dat Bernhard dat niet zelf aanbood. Integendeel: hij wees het af. De jonge IJzerbroot zorgt op dat moment voor verwarring zodat de Nederlanders kunnen ontsnappen. Er is er nog één probleem: hoe moeten de Nederlandse staatsgeheimen op tijd terugkomen in Amsterdam, want vanwege de mist wordt er niet gevlogen. Met behulp van een postduif wordt de microfilm toch nog op tijd afgeleverd. Trivia Aan het begin van het verhaal is Juffrouw Betsy in de rouw over de dood van prinses Juliana, die toen dit verhaal in de krant liep net overleden was. De vliegtuigen in strook H7 vliegen allemaal naar Engelse graafschappen: Middlesex, Essex, East Sussex, West-Sussex, Wessex, Dorset en zelfs Plassex. Een van Hess' dubbelgangers vlucht naar Portugal, waar een vrouw naar zijn penis kijkt tussen de lakens en opmerkt dat hij besneden en dus joods is. In strook H10 ontdekt Hess een B-24 Liberator bommenwerper van de Amerikaanse USAAF, die afgedwaald is van zijn konvooi. De Verenigde Staten waren in 1941 echter nog niet deelnemer aan de strijd tegen Nazi-Duitsland. In strook H11 is dezelfde B-24 Liberator uit strook H10 plots een toestel van de Britse Royal Air Force geworden. De piloot is in deze en de volgende stroken echter nog altijd gekleed in Amerikaans uniform. In strook H13 eist Hess dat de piloten naar Engeland vliegen. De piloot merkt op: "Toe maar! Alsof het niks is... waarom niet ineens naar Cuba of zo?" Tijdens de jaren 70 zouden veel kapers piloten dwingen naar Cuba te vliegen. De kolenwagen in strook H20 heeft de running gag de fictieve firma "Habraken" op de zijkant staan. In strook H43 staat het in het Duits geschreven als "Habracke auto's". IJzerbroot en de chef vliegen in strook H26-H28 mee met Gail Halvorsen, een Amerikaanse piloot die tijdens de Blokkade van Berlijn de Berlijnse bevolking per vliegtuig chocolade bezorgde. Hij kreeg hierbij de naam "Candy Bomber" en "Der Schokoladen Flieger". De balpen heeft zijn intrede gedaan in Berlijn. IJzerbroot merkt op dat de mensen zelfs nog nooit zijn Eversharp hebben gezien. "Eversharp" was een potlodenmerk. In H39 merkt een van de Duitse gangsters op: "Arbeit macht froh!" ("Arbeid maakt vrolijk!"), een woordspeling op Arbeit macht frei ("Arbeid maakt vrij"), de boodschap die op het Auschwitzhek stond geschreven. Dritta Reichs naam is een woordspeling op "Das Dritte Reich" (Het Derde Rijk). Dritta's handlangers, Goethe en Wittgenstein, zijn genoemd naar de gelijknamige Duitse auteurs. Een van de gangsters hoort in strook H45 allerlei rare luide geluiden en vraagt: "Wat zijn ze aan het doen? Het lijkt Stalingrad wel!" IJzerbroot beweert autorijden te hebben geleerd op het Circuit van Zandvoort. Wanneer IJzerbroot per auto onder de Berlijnse douanepoort heenrijdt, merkt hij triomfantelijk op: "Ze zullen hier toch echt op z'n minst een muur moeten bouwen om mij tegen te houden." Fraulein Lotte Lieferbahr lijkt op Liza Minnelli in de film Cabaret (1972) In strook H55 merkt Lieferbahr op dat ze "heus niet zo'n dom blondje is als Eva Braun of Traudl Junge." In strook H65 voegt ze eraan toe dat ze "Hanna Reitsch veel aardiger vond." Emiel verklaart in diezelfde strook dat men beter ergens ver weg oorlog kan voeren: "Weet ik veel... in Korea of Indo-China of voor mijn part Irak. Dan heb je er tenminste zelf geen last van." In strook H61 gebruikt Lieferbahr het scheldwoord Götterdämmerung, dat op een verduitste versie van het woord "goddamn" lijkt, maar in feite "godenschemering" betekent. De "Götterdämmerung" is een bekende opera van Richard Wagner. In strook H64 vindt Lieferbahr "het dagboek dat de Führer bijhield over z'n darmproblemen": "Mein KRampf" IJzerbroot laat in strook H67 een van de gangsters struikelen en verklaart: "Een tackle die ik niet van Kick Wilstra geleerd heb..." Kick Wilstra was de hoofdfiguur in een Nederlandse voetbalstrip, die echter pas in 1949 zijn debuut maakte, terwijl dit verhaal zich afspeelt in 1948. Victor Baarn, wiens identiteit al jaren een mysterie is in Agent 327, verschijnt hier met een sjaal voor zijn gezicht, maar afgaande op zijn Duitse accent, hooggeplaatste functie en duidelijk herkenbare brilglazen is het Prins Bernhard, iets wat Lodewijk zelf ook al heeft toegegeven. In strook H88 volgt nog een extra hint, wanneer IJzerbroot vraagt: "Hoe kan de pr...eh... Victor Baarn nu wel op tijd bij de inhuldiging geweest zijn als de vliegtuigen niet vlogen?" Olga Lawina antwoordt: "Dubbelgangers." In strook H84 zegt de chef dat indien de duif een wielrenner was, hij de Tour de France zeven keer zou winnen. Dit is een verwijzing naar Lance Armstrong die in 2005, toen dit album verscheen, voor de zevende keer de Ronde van Frankrijk won. IJzerbroot en de Chef zingen in strook H86 het Wilhelmus. IJzerbroot verklaart later: "Daar kon Willem Duys twintig jaar later nog een puntje aan zuigen, chef!" Zie ook Lijst van albums van Agent 327 Stripverhaal van Agent 327
{'title': 'De vlucht van vroeger', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/De%20vlucht%20van%20vroeger', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'}