stringlengths 15
| meta
stringlengths 101
Genoa es una villa ubicada en el condado de Vernon en el estado estadounidense de Wisconsin. En el Censo de 2010 tenía una población de 253 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 321,33 personas por km².
Genoa se encuentra ubicada en las coordenadas . Según la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos, Genoa tiene una superficie total de 0.79 km², de la cual 0.77 km² corresponden a tierra firme y (2.63%) 0.02 km² es agua.
Según el censo de 2010, había 253 personas residiendo en Genoa. La densidad de población era de 321,33 hab./km². De los 253 habitantes, Genoa estaba compuesto por el 97.23% blancos, el 0% eran afroamericanos, el 1.58% eran amerindios, el 0.4% eran asiáticos, el 0% eran isleños del Pacífico, el 0% eran de otras razas y el 0.79% pertenecían a dos o más razas. Del total de la población el 0% eran hispanos o latinos de cualquier raza.
Enlaces externos
Villas de Wisconsin
Localidades del condado de Vernon (Wisconsin)
Localidades a orillas del río Misisipi | {'title': 'Genoa (Wisconsin)', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genoa%20%28Wisconsin%29', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Vähäkyrö este o comună din Finlanda.
Vezi și
Lista comunelor din Finlanda
Comune din Finlanda | {'title': 'Vähäkyrö', 'url': 'https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A4h%C3%A4kyr%C3%B6', 'language': 'ro', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
El macaco de còfia (Macaca sinica) és un primat de la família dels cercopitècids.
Amb una llargada corporal de 40-55 cm i un pes que rarament supera els 8 kg, el macaco de còfia és el macaco vivent més petit. El nom de l'espècie deriva del pèl hirsut que té al cim del cap.
El pèl del cos és curt i de color marró al dors i blanquinós a la zona ventral. La cua és igual que el cos o més llarga.
Cofia | {'title': 'Macaco de còfia', 'url': 'https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaco%20de%20c%C3%B2fia', 'language': 'ca', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Zhao Qi (died 201), courtesy name Binqing, was an official and scholar who lived during the Eastern Han dynasty of China. He wrote the Commentaries on Mencius (), one of the few major commentaries on Mencius from that period still in existence.
See also
Lists of people of the Three Kingdoms
Chen, Shou (3rd century). Records of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi).
Fan, Ye (5th century). Book of the Later Han (Houhanshu).
Pei, Songzhi (5th century). Annotations to Records of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi zhu).
2nd-century births
201 deaths
Han dynasty politicians from Shaanxi
Han dynasty essayists
Politicians from Xi'an
Writers from Xi'an
Dong Zhuo and associates
Liu Biao and associates
Officials under Cao Cao | {'title': 'Zhao Qi (Han dynasty)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao%20Qi%20%28Han%20dynasty%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Li Hongzao (; 1820–1897), styled Lansun (), pseudonym Shisun (), was a high government official towards the end of the Qing dynasty. One of his sons was Li Shizeng, a prominent politician in the Chinese Nationalist Party.
Official career
Li was born in Gaoyang County, Zhili, in present-day Hebei province. In 1861, the two dowagers empresses chose Li Hongzao, Qi Junzao, and Weng Xincun, who were all Imperial teachers, to instruct the newly enthroned Tongzhi Emperor in the classics. The Emperor, who was less than five years old at the time, displayed little or no interest in his studies, and would concentrate only when Li was instructing him. Li rose to be vice-president of the Board of Revenue and Grand Councilor, and in 1872 became head of the Board of Works. He then retired for a three-year period, 1877-1880, as required by custom and statute at the death of his mother.
Upon his return to office, he resumed his post with the Grand Council and the Zongli Yamen, which was in effect the dynasty's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1884, Li and all the Grand Councillors, such as Yixin, who had been supported by the Empress Dowager, Cixi, were dismissed in a dispute with a group of conservative officials. He was gradually given permission to resume responsibilities, but often criticized for not carrying them out promptly. After the outbreak of the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894, he was given even greater duties, but died in 1897.
Son: Li Shizeng
1820 births
1897 deaths
Qing dynasty diplomats
Qing dynasty politicians from Hebei
Politicians from Baoding
Grand Councillors of the Qing dynasty
Assistant Grand Secretaries
Ministers of Zongli Yamen
Imperial tutors in Qing dynasty | {'title': 'Li Hongzao', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li%20Hongzao', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Katrine Fruelund (ur. 12 lipca 1978 roku w Randersie) - duńska piłkarka ręczna, wielokrotna reprezentantka kraju. Gra na pozycji rozgrywającej. Obecnie występuje w duńskim Randers HK. Wraz z reprezentacją Danii zdobyła dwukrotnie złoty medal olimpijski w : 2000 i 2004 roku. Katrine jest jedną z najbardziej utytułowanych duńskich szczypiornistek.
Igrzyska Olimpijskie
(2000, 2004)
Mistrzostwa Świata
Mistrzostwa Europy
Mistrzostwa Danii
(2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2012)
(2010, 2011)
Puchar Danii
Mistrzostwa Niemiec
Puchar Niemiec
Puchar EHF
Puchar Danii
Linki zewnętrzne
Duńscy medaliści olimpijscy
Duńskie piłkarki ręczne
Medaliści Letnich Igrzysk Olimpijskich 2000
Medaliści Letnich Igrzysk Olimpijskich 2004
Piłkarki ręczne Viborg HK
Piłkarki ręczne Randers HK
Urodzeni w 1978
Ludzie urodzeni w Randers | {'title': 'Katrine Fruelund', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katrine%20Fruelund', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Die Hoonah-Angoon Census Area ist eine Census Area im US-Bundesstaat Alaska im Nordwesten des Alaska Panhandle. Bei der Volkszählung im Jahr 2020 lebten hier 2365 Menschen. Hoonah-Angoon gehört zum Unorganized Borough und hat somit keinen Verwaltungssitz. Der Census Area hat eine Fläche von 29.466 km², wovon 20.452 km² auf Land und 9.014 km² auf Wasser entfallen. Die größte Stadt der Region ist Hoonah, der zweite namensgebende Orte Angoon, 36 % der Bewohner gehören dem Volk der Tlingit an.
Der Norden der Region gehört zum Glacier-Bay-Nationalpark, der Rest liegt bis auf die Siedlungen im Tongass National Forest, einem Nationalforst unter Verwaltung des United States Forest Service. Im Nationalforst ist das großflächige Naturschutzgebiet Admiralty Island National Monument eingelagert.
Im Osten grenzt die Census Area an die Stikine Region und den Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine in der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia.
Bis zum 22. September 1992, als Yakutat ein selbständiger Borough wurde, trug die Census Area den Namen Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon. Bis 2007 war Skagway Teil des Census Areas, dessen Name bis dahin Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon war. Bei einer Wahl am 5. Juni 2007 entschieden die Bürger Skagways, ihre Stadt ebenfalls zu einem selbständigen Borough zu machen. Zwei Wochen später wurde dann die Census Area mit ihrem heutigen Namen gebildet.
20 Bauwerke der Census Area sind im National Register of Historic Places („Nationales Verzeichnis historischer Orte“; NRHP) eingetragen (Stand 2. Februar 2022), darunter die Big Shaheen Cabin, die Point Retreat Light Station und die St. John the Baptist Church.
QuickFacts auf census.gov (englisch)
Census Area in Alaska | {'title': 'Hoonah-Angoon Census Area', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoonah-Angoon%20Census%20Area', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Ростислав Иванович Сидоренко (1920—1988) — подполковник Советской Армии, участник Великой Отечественной войны, Герой Советского Союза (1944).
Ростислав Сидоренко родился 12 августа 1920 года в городе Ленинск (ныне — Волгоградская область). После окончания средней школы проживал и работал в Астрахани. В 1940 году Сидоренко был призван на службу в Рабоче-крестьянскую Красную Армию. В 1942 году он окончил Армавирскую военную авиационную школу пилотов. С мая того же года — на фронтах Великой Отечественной войны.
К маю 1944 года капитан Ростислав Сидоренко командовал эскадрильей 897-го истребительного авиаполка 288-й истребительной авиадивизии 17-й воздушной армии 3-го Украинского фронта. К тому времени он совершил 137 боевых вылетов, принял участие в 30 воздушных боях, сбив 12 вражеских самолётов лично и ещё 4 — в составе группы. 18 февраля 1943 года под Ворошиловградом в одном бою сбил 3 вражеских бомбардировщика и повредил ещё 2 истребителя.
Указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 2 августа 1944 года капитан Ростислав Сидоренко был удостоен высокого звания Героя Советского Союза с вручением ордена Ленина и медали «Золотая Звезда».
К 9 мая 1945 года майор Р. И. Сидоренко совершил 220 боевых вылетов, провёл 33 воздушных боя, сбил лично 14 и в составе группы 4 самолётов.
В 1946 году в звании подполковника Сидоренко был уволен в запас. Проживал и работал в Москве. В 1954 году он окончил Ташкентский юридический институт. Скончался 14 декабря 1988 года, похоронен на Введенском кладбище (30 уч.).
Был также награждён орденами Красного Знамени, Александра Невского, Отечественной войны 1-й и 2-й степеней, Красной Звезды, Крестом лётных заслуг (США), рядом медалей.
Астраханцы — Герои Советского Союза. Астрахань, 2000.
В созвездии славы. 2-е изд., доп. Волгоград, 1976.
Лётчики Великой Отечественной войны
Похороненные на Введенском кладбище | {'title': 'Сидоренко, Ростислав Иванович', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%BE%2C%20%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%20%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Varró István (1878–1963) szociológus, könyvtáros, bibliográfus
Varró István (1911–1983) vegyészmérnök, hidrológus | {'title': 'Varró István (egyértelműsítő lap)', 'url': 'https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varr%C3%B3%20Istv%C3%A1n%20%28egy%C3%A9rtelm%C5%B1s%C3%ADt%C5%91%20lap%29', 'language': 'hu', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Maretto – comune italiano della provincia di Asti
Giuseppe Maretto – scultore, pittore, smaltatore e medaglista italiano
Roberto Maretto – aviatore italiano | {'title': 'Maretto (disambigua)', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maretto%20%28disambigua%29', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
La concatenación o conduplicación es, en general, el acto de unir o enlazar cosas, acosos, elogios, etc...
En retórica
En el contexto de las figuras retóricas, la concatenación es el uso continuado de la epanadiplosis en un enunciado o verso, es decir, consiste en la repetición de un palabra o sintagma al final de un verso y al principio del siguiente.
Nótese el siguiente ejemplo:
Es la operación por la cual dos caracteres se unen para formar una cadena de caracteres (o string). También se pueden concatenar dos cadenas de caracteres o un carácter con una cadena para formar una cadena de mayor tamaño. Algunos ejemplos:
'a' concatenado 'b' → "ab"
"ABCD" concatenado 'b' → "ABCDb"
'a' concatenado "XYZ" → "aXYZ"
"ABCD" concatenado "XYZ" → "ABCDXYZ"
PHP y Perl
En PHP y perl se concatena con un punto (.)
Por ejemplo, en PHP:
$_H1 = "Ignacio";
$_H2 = "Alex";
echo $_H1. " y ". $_H2. " son hermanos.";
Dará como resultado la cadena:
Ignacio y Alex son hermanos.
En Delphi
Para concatenar cadenas de caracteres (string) se usa el símbolo de suma (+). Habiendo definido las variables como corresponde, el ejemplo de arriba sería:
Resultado:=S1 + ' y ' + S2 + ' son hermanos.';
El resultado será el mismo.
En Microsoft Excel
Excel cuenta con la función CONCATENAR que justamente permite unir bajo una sola cadena de texto información proveniente de otras cadenas de texto, números o referencias de celda. La función CONCATENAR une hasta 255 cadenas de texto en una sola. Los elementos que se unirán pueden ser texto, números, referencias de celda o una combinación de estos elementos.
=CONCATENAR(texto1; [texto2]; ...)
La sintaxis de la función CONCATENAR tiene los siguientes argumento:
Texto1: Obligatorio. El primer elemento de texto que se concatenará.
Texto2; ... Opcional. Elementos de texto adicionales, hasta un máximo de 255 elementos. Deben estar separados con punto y coma.
También se puede usar el operador de cálculo símbolo de "y" comercial (&) en lugar de la función CONCATENAR para unir elementos de texto.
Dependiendo del lenguaje se usa su concatenador tales como:
& (ampersand)
^ (acento)
· (punto de producto)
En química
Es la propiedad de algunos átomos, como el carbono por ejemplo, de unirse a otros átomos iguales a él y formar cadenas, ya sean lineales, ramificadas o cíclicas.
Véase también
Unión, como colección de cosas unidas.
Enlaces externos
Métodos pudiendo ser aplicables a la concatenación PHP
Ayuda de Microsoft Office Excel
Descripción Función Excel CONCATENAR
Lenguajes formales
Enlace químico
Figuras retóricas
Operadores (programación) | {'title': 'Concatenación', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concatenaci%C3%B3n', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Angelstads kyrka är en kyrkobyggnad i Angelstad i Ljungby kommun. Den är församlingskyrka i Angelstads församling i Växjö stift.
Angelstads kyrka är en medeltidskyrka uppförd i sten, putsad och vitkalkad där de äldsta delarna är från slutet av 1100-talet och början av 1200-talet Under 1600-talet förlängdes långhuset åt väster samtidigt tillkom ett vapenhus.Det halvrunda koret i öster tillbyggdes 1806 med en sakristia på kyrkans norra sida.
Interiören präglas av nyklassicism med ett innertak av trätunnvalv. Korets glasmålning tillkom vid renoveringen 1927–1931 och är utförd av Albert Eldh.
Klockstapeln är uppförd 1760 i trä och står norr om kyrkan. Den är av öppen klockbockstyp med klockhus som täcks av en svängd huv med spira. I klockstapeln hänger en stor klocka från 1609 och en lillklocka från 1861.
På gamla kyrkogården i Angelstad vilar flera kända personer varav kan nämnas författaren Karl Williams, konstnären Ragnar Person och sångaren Harry Brandelius.
En dopfunt, 800 år gammal prydd med fabeldjur.
Processionskrucifix daterat till 1100-talet.
Predikstol i renässans med heliga gestalter i korgens speglar.
Tavlan "Den lidande Kristus" är en oljemålning av Angelstadkonstnären Ragnar Person,
Ljuskronor och lampetter är tillverkade av konstsmidesmästare Åke Wremp, Angelstad
Sluten bänkinredning.
Orgelläktare med svängda sidostycken och utsvängt mittstycke.
1690 byggde Hans Henrich Cahman den första kända orgeln omfattande 6 stämmor.
1842 ersattes 1600-talsorgeln av en ny med 11 stämmor av Johan Magnus Blomqvist.
1914 byggde Emil Wirell, Växjö ett nytt verk med 11 stämmor.
1979 ersattes Wirells orgel av en ny, byggd av Västbo Orgelbyggeri, Långaryd. Orgeln är mekanisk.
Se även
Angelstads församling
Angelstads socken
Angelstads landskommun
Tryckta källor
Externa länkar
Ljungby kyrkliga samfällighet – Angelstads kyrka
Kyrkobyggnader i Växjö stift
Kyrkobyggnader i Ljungby kommun | {'title': 'Angelstads kyrka', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelstads%20kyrka', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
"Mr. Brightside" är en låt av Las Vegas-baserade rockbandet The Killers. Låten medverkar på gruppens debutalbum Hot Fuss och är skriven av Brandon Flowers och Dave Keuning.
Den utsågs till "Årtiondets bästa låt" av de brittiska radiostationerna Absolute Radio och XFM, och i april 2010 avslöjade Last.fm att det var den mest lyssnade låten sedan musiktjänsten startade, med över 7,66 miljoner spelningar. I oktober 2010 röstades låten fram som nummer 9 på Total Guitars lista över 2000-talets bästa gitarriff.
"Mr. Brightside" skildrar svartsjukan och paranoian hos en man som misstänker att hans partner är otrogen mot honom; låten är inspirerad av en otrogen ex-flickvän till frontmannen Brandon Flowers. Gitarristen Dave Keuning komponerade verserna till låten innan han hade träffat Flowers. Efter att ha hört Daves idé, skrev han texten samt komponerade refrängen. I november 2001 spelade de in "Mr. Brightside" tillsammans med tre andra demos, inklusive "Desperate", "Replaceable" och "Under the Gun" på Mike Saks Kill the Messenger Studio i Henderson, Nevada. De delade ut denna demo gratis under deras spelningar år 2002.
"Mr. Brightside" blev snabbt mycket populär inom Las Vegas musikscen, där en recensent kallade låten för en "feel-good anthem that ranks as one of the best local tracks in a long time." Efter att ha skrivit skivkontrakt med det brittiska oberoende skivbolaget Lizard King Records, skickades låten till radiostationer som en promosingel, och den spelades ofta av BBC Radio 1:s DJ:s Zane Lowe och Steve Lamacq, samt blev favoriserad av XFM. I en stor hyllningsartikel, sa NME att låten var fylld med "ambitioner, sex och buller".
Den tidigaste versionen av låten kan hittas på YouTube. Mark Stoermer och Ronnie Vannucci var inte medlemmar i bandet när denna demo spelades in. Dave Keuning spelar bas på låten och Matt Norcross spelar trummor.
En remixversion av låten, gjord av Stuart Price medverkade på The Killers samlingsalbum Sawdust, innehållandes B-sidor samt rariteter. Under Brandon Flowers turné för sitt soloalbum, framförde han remixversionen tillsammans med Stuart Price under hans spelning på Brixton Academy, och har sedan dess framfört remixvarianten av låten på sin turnéer som avslutningslåt.
Det finns två videor för den här låten: den första versionen, även känd som UK-versionen, filmades i april 2004 på Staten Island, New York. Denna variant regisserades av Brad Palmer och Brian Palmer. Senare under året bestämde sig skivbolaget för att skapa en mer mainstream musikvideo för den amerikanska marknaden. Den andra videon, även känd som US-versionen, spelades in i Los Angeles, Kalifornien under november 2005. Videon innehåller Flowers, Izabella Miko och Eric Roberts i en kärlekstriangel, och utspelar sig inom en burlesk. Videon regisserades av Sophie Muller och bär likheter med Moulin Rouge! från 2001.
Den amerikanska versionen vann en MTV Video Music Award 2005 i kategorin "Best New Artist in a Video". De bilder som finns med i albumet Hot Fuss albumbok togs under inspelningen av den brittiska versionen.
I populärkultur
I filmen The Holiday kan karaktären som spelas av Cameron Diaz ses sjunga "Mr. Brightside" medan hon dansar för sig själv. En remix av spåret användes i den tyska filmen 'Keinohrhasen' (på engelska 'Rabbit Without Ears').
The Killers framförde "Mr. Brightside" live i TV-serien OC (säsong 2, avsnitt 4), som ursprungligen sändes torsdagen den 2 december på Fox.
Låten finns även med som spelbar låt på Rock Band Unplugged och som DLC för Rock Band och Guitar Hero.
Original 2003 UK CD Release
"Mr. Brightside"
"Smile Like You Mean It"
"On Top"
"Who Let You Go?"
Re-Release UK CD 1
"Mr. Brightside (radio edit)"
"Change Your Mind"
Re-Release UK CD 2
"Mr. Brightside (Album Version)"
"Somebody Told Me (Insider Remix)"
"Midnight Show (SBN Live Session)"
Re-Release UK Red 7"
"Mr. Brightside"
"Who Let You Go?"
Original 2003 UK 7" Single Release
"Mr. Brightside (A)" - there is a sound effect of shuffling cards.
"Smile Like You Mean It (B)"
US Promotional Release
"Mr. Brightside (single version)"
Australian Limited Edition Tour Single
"Mr. Brightside"
"Somebody Told Me (Josh Harris Remix)"
"Who Let You Go?"
"Mr. Brightside video"
European 2005 Single
"Mr. Brightside"
"Somebody Told Me (Insider Remix)"
European 2005 Maxi single
"Mr. Brightside"
"Somebody Told Me (Insider Remix)"
"Mr. Brightside (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Mix)"
US 12"
"Mr. Brightside (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Remix)"
"Mr. Brightside (The Lindbergh Palace club Remix)"
"Mr. Brightside (Jacques Lu Cont's Thin White Duke Dub)"
"Mr. Brightside (The Lindbergh Palace Radio Remix)"
"Mr. Brightside (The Lindbergh Palace Dub)"
"Mr. Brightside (Original Version Video)"
Listplaceringar och certifieringar
"Mr. Brightside" debuterade som nummer 40 på Billboard Hot 100 den 12 februari 2005 och nådde som bäst plats 10, den 1 juni samma år.
Externa länkar
Se "Mr. Brightside" på YouTube
Se "Mr. Brightside" (UK-versionen) på YouTube
Sånger 2004
Musiksinglar 2005
Låtar av The Killers
Engelskspråkiga sånger
Musikvideor regisserade av Sophie Muller | {'title': 'Mr. Brightside', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr.%20Brightside', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Eutorna é um gênero de traça pertencente à família Agonoxenidae.
Nielsen E.S., Edwards E.D. & Rangsi T.V. (eds.) (1996), Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia; Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera Volume 4; CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, 1996
Kristensen, N.P. (ed.), 1999. Handbook of Zoology: Bd. 4. Arthropoda: Insecta. Teilbd. 35, Lepidoptera, moths and butterflies. Vol. 1. Evolution, systematics, and biogeography. W.de Gruyter, Berlin.
Agonoxenidae | {'title': 'Eutorna', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutorna', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Johannes Adrianus Maria (Hans) Otjes (Amsterdam, 17 januari 1947) is een Nederlands voormalig acteur die na zijn acteercarrière een praktijk startte als regressietherapeut en paragnost.
Vanaf 1967 speelde Otjes in toneelstukken, musicals, televisieseries en tekenfilms als stemacteur. In 1982 speelde hij de 'kapitein' van professor Archibald Chagrijn in het Bassie en Adriaan-avontuur 'De huilende professor'.
Tussen 1984 en 1989 trad hij op als tweede 'aangever', naast Frans van Dusschoten, in de revues van André van Duin.
In september 1990 stond Otjes voor het laatst op het toneel. Door een burn-out moest hij het acteervak opgeven. Pas in 2008 ging hij weer het toneel op in het stuk 'Hamlet nù'.
Door gezondheidsproblemen heeft hij zijn werk als regressietherapeut moeten staken. Op 1 januari 2011 heeft hij zijn praktijk gesloten en houdt zich nu bezig met het schrijven en illustreren van kinderboeken. Eveneens heeft hij zijn stemmenwerk weer hervat.
In 2016 werd bekend dat Bas en Aad van Toor al jarenlang een conflict hebben met meerdere acteurs uit hun series over de betalingen, onder anderen met Hans Otjes. Op 25 november 2020 werd een uitspraak gedaan in de rechtszaak die ten gunste was voor Otjes en de andere acteurs.
Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer? (1972) - Dwaallicht lampioen en Jut
Orimoa (1972-1975)
De Holle Bolle Boom (1975-1978)
Q & Q (1974-1976) - Manus en André Piës
Hé, kijk mij nou (1979) - Agent van de Schoen
Sinbad de zeeman (1979-1981) - De stem van Ali Baba en tovenaar Alba
Laat de dokter maar schuiven (1980) - voice-over
De Poppenkraam (1981) - vogelverschrikker
Bassie & Adriaan: De Huilende Professor (1982) - De kapitein/Jeroen van der Steen
De Ep Oorklep Show (1987) - Heer Lucassen / Trui / Simon Spekvet
DuckTales (1987) - Bolle boef
Alfred Jodocus Kwak (1989) - stem van de olifant en Rap de kiekendief
Externe link
Nederlands acteur
Nederlands stemacteur
André van Duin
Nederlands kinderboekenschrijver
Nederlands illustrator | {'title': 'Hans Otjes', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans%20Otjes', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
495 o 495 a.C.
495 (astronomia) – Codice che designa l'Osservatorio astronomico di Altrincham, nella contea di Manchester, in Inghilterra
495 – numero | {'title': '495 (disambigua)', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/495%20%28disambigua%29', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The 1989 Idaho Vandals football team represented the University of Idaho in the 1989 NCAA Division I-AA football season. The Vandals, led by first-year head coach John L. Smith, were members of the Big Sky Conference and played their home games at the Kibbie Dome, an indoor facility on campus in Moscow, Idaho.
The Vandals won their third consecutive conference title (fourth in five years), and made the I-AA playoffs for the fifth consecutive season, under a third head coach. Led by senior All-American quarterback John Friesz, Idaho finished the regular season at and in the Big Sky.
Hired in early January, Smith had been the defensive coordinator and assistant head coach at Idaho for four seasons (1982–85), all under Dennis Erickson, then went with him in the same capacity to Wyoming and Washington State.
Notable games
Following two non-conference road losses to open the season at Washington State and , the Vandals won nine straight, which included an undefeated conference record of It was the only time in school history that the football team has posted an unblemished conference record.
The Vandals defeated Montana, their only conference loss the previous season, on a Thursday night in the Kibbie Dome in late September, televised by ESPN. Idaho beat Nevada for the third straight year, only the fourth time in the twelve meetings since the Wolf Pack joined the Big Sky in 1979. The Vandals defeated rival Boise State for the eighth consecutive year, the eighth of twelve straight over the Broncos before a record crowd of 17,600 in the Kibbie Dome.
Division I-AA playoffs
For the fifth consecutive season, Idaho returned to the 16-team I-AA playoffs. The Vandals, on a nine-game winning streak, hosted Eastern Illinois at home but lost The game was played before a sparse crowd at the Kibbie Dome two days after Thanksgiving and ended the Vandals' season at
Notable players
The 1989 team included John Friesz, a future collegiate hall of fame quarterback as a three-year starter Friesz was the winner of the Walter Payton Award in 1989, and was selected by the San Diego Chargers in the 1990 NFL Draft. He was in the NFL for the next decade with four teams.
Quarterback John Friesz was named to the all-conference team for a third consecutive year. He was joined by center Steve Unger, guard Troy Wright, wide receiver Lee Allen, defensive end Mike Zeller, linebacker Roger Cecil, and cornerback Charlie Oliver. Second team selections included wide receiver Kasey Dunn, tackles Todd Neu and Chuck Yarbro, linebacker John Rust, and safety Brian Smith.
Friesz was the Big Sky's outstanding offensive player for a third straight year, repeated as a first-team Kodak All-American in Division and won the Walter Payton Award.
NFL Draft
One Vandal senior was selected in the 1990 NFL Draft, which lasted twelve rounds (332 selections).
List of Idaho Vandals in the NFL Draft
External links
Gem of the Mountains: 1990 University of Idaho yearbook – 1989 football season
Idaho Argonaut – student newspaper – 1989 editions
Idaho Vandals football seasons
Big Sky Conference football champion seasons
Idaho Vandals football | {'title': '1989 Idaho Vandals football team', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989%20Idaho%20Vandals%20football%20team', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Erpetogomphus sabaleticus – gatunek ważki z rodziny gadziogłówkowatych (Gomphidae). Występuje na terenie Ameryki Południowej.
Gatunki i podgatunki zwierząt nazwane w 1918 roku | {'title': 'Erpetogomphus sabaleticus', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erpetogomphus%20sabaleticus', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Tom Molter is een Amerikaans componist, muziekpedagoog, dirigent, arrangeur en trombonist.
Molter studeerde muziektheorie, compositie, orkestdirectie en trombone aan de University of Idaho en behaalde zijn Bachelor of Music. Vervolgens studeerde hij aan de Whitworth University en behaalde zijn diploma voor muziekopleiding. Als muziekleraar was hij werkzaam aan middelbare scholen. Tegenwoordig is hij dirigent van de harmonieorkesten aan de "Evergreen Middle School" in Spokane Valley in Washington. Sinds mei 2009 is hij dirigent van het "Spokane Jazz Orchestra".
Verder werkt hij als docent voor jazzarrangement aan de Eastern Washington University in Cheney.
Als trombonist werkte hij in het jazz-sextet "Kind of Blue", de "Tom Molter Big Band" en het "Spokane Jazz orchestra". Hij was verder als trombonist actief in orkesten die voor Carnival en Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines op schepen speelden.
Als componist schrijft hij werken voor harmonieorkest en jazzensembles.
Werken voor harmonieorkest
1997 Mount Vernon
1997 Rain Dance
1997 Rattle Snakes!
1997 Rock-A-Saurus Rex!
1997 Sunset on the Sahara
1998 Mount Ranier
1998 Wagon Train
1999 Blue Suede Sneakers
2000 Arabian Dream
2000 Monster Rock
2000 Tribute and Triumph
2002 Dance of the Jester
2002 Dreamscape
2002 Milky Way March
2004 Mariachi Madness
Werken voor jazz-ensemble
2002 Are You Ready?
2003 Blues for Buster
2004 Minor Details
2004 One, Two, Ready, Swing!
Artificial Bebop
MacKensies Dream
Moment of sorrow
Old No. 7
Potato Face
Rollin' On Down The Road
Thinking of you
Externe link
Biografie (gearchiveerd)
Amerikaans componist
Amerikaans jazzcomponist
Amerikaans dirigent
Amerikaans muziekpedagoog
Amerikaans trombonist
Amerikaans arrangeur
20e-eeuws componist
21e-eeuws componist | {'title': 'Tom Molter', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%20Molter', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
La du Tour d'Italie 2022 se déroule le samedi de Belluno (Vénétie) au col de Marmolada dans les Dolomites, en Italie, sur une distance de .
Considérée comme l'étape reine de la 105e édition du Tour d'Italie, la 20e étape relie Belluno au Passo Fedaia - Marmolada sur 168 kilomètres. A travers les Dolomites, l'avant-dernière étape est la dernière de haute montagne et à se terminer au sommet. Depuis Belluno, l'itinéraire longe la Piave, jusqu'à Cencenighe Agordino, où se situe le premier sprint intermédiaire (km 63,5). La ville se situe au pied de la première ascension de la journée : le Passo San Pellegrino (18,5 km à 6,2 %, 1C). Le parcours enchaîne avec le versant ouest du Passo Pordoi (11,8 km à 6,8 %, Cima Coppi), puis rejoint le sprint intermédiaire de Malga Ciapela (km 162,5), au pied de la montée finale vers le Passo Fedaia (14 km à 7,6 %, 1C), dont les cinq derniers kilomètres sont à plus de 11 % de moyenne (pente maximale à 18 %).
La victoire d'étape est propice à un pur grimpeur.
Déroulement de la course
Nombreux sont les coureurs intéressés à la formation de l'échappée. Finalement, après une vingtaine de kilomètres, ce sont quinze coureurs qui se retrouvent à l'avant, avec : les deux Belges Sylvain Moniquet (Lotto-Soudal) et Mauri Vansevenant (Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl), l'Espagnol Antonio Pedrero (Movistar), les six Italiens Davide Ballerini (Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl), Giulio Ciccone (Trek-Segafredo), les deux coéquipiers Alessandro Covi et Davide Formolo (UAE Emirates), Andrea Vendrame (AG2R Citroën) et Edoardo Zardini (Drone Hopper-Androni Giocattoli), l'Allemand Lennard Kämna (Bora-Hansgrohe), les quatre Néerlandais Thymen Arensman (DSM), les deux coéquipiers Gijs Leemreize et Sam Oomen (Jumbo-Visma) et Mathieu van der Poel (Alpecin-Fenix) et le Slovène Domen Novak (Bahrain Victorious).
Au sprint intermédiaire de Cencenighe Agordino, Ballerini devance Ciccone, avec six minutes d'avance sur le peloton. Au sommet du Passo San Pellegrino (18,5 km à 6,2 %, 1C), Formolo passe en tête devant Ciccone ; le peloton compte un débours de six minutes. Au sommet du mythique Passo Pordoi (11,8 km à 6,8 %, Cima Coppi), Alessandro Covi passe en tête, avec un avantage d'une minute et vingt secondes sur le groupe de chasse, composé de Arensman, Ciccone, Formolo, Kämna, Leemreize, Novak, Oomen et Pedrero, et de cinq minutes et quarante-cinq secondes sur le groupe maillot rose.
Alessandro Covi entame, seul en tête de course, le Passo Fedaia, avec une minute et trente secondes d'avance sur le groupe de chasse, dans lequel Domen Novak ne tarde pas à attaquer, et cinq minutes et trente secondes sur le groupe maillot rose.
Profitant du retour de son leader, l'Australien Jai Hindley (Bora-Hansgrohe), Lennard Kämna l'emmène dans son sillage, jusqu'à faire craquer le champion olympique équatorien et maillot rose Richard Carapaz (INEOS Grenadiers), qui était jusque là encore le seul capable de suivre le coureur australien. Le leader de la Bora-Hansgrohe s'en va conquérir le Tour d'Italie 2022.
Devant, Alessandro Covi s'impose en solitaire au Passo Fedaia - Marmolada, avec trente-deux secondes d'avance sur Novak et trente-sept sur Ciccone. Jai Hindley arrive sixième, à deux minutes et trente secondes de retard sur le vainqueur du jour, mais quarante secondes d'avance sur l'Espagnol Mikel Landa (Bahrain Victorious) et une minute et trente seconde sur Richard Carapaz.
Au niveau des différents classements : Jai Hindley hérite du maillot rose, basculant la situation, en parvenant à distancer le coureur équatorien ; désormais, avec une minute et vingt-cinq secondes de marge en vue du contre-la-montre du lendemain. Le Néerlandais Koen Bouwman (Jumbo-Visma) conserve son maillot bleu, l'Espagnol Juan Pedro López (Trek-Segafredo) et le Français Arnaud Démare (Groupama-FDJ) le maillot violet.
Classement de l'étape
Points attribués pour le classement par points
Points attribués pour le classement du meilleur grimpeur
Classements aux points intermédiaires
Classements à l'issue de l'étape
Classement général
Classement par points
Classement de la montagne
Classement du meilleur jeune
Classement par équipes
David de la Cruz (Astana Qazaqstan) : abandon
Notes et références
Liens externes
Site officiel
20 | {'title': "20e étape du Tour d'Italie 2022", 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/20e%20%C3%A9tape%20du%20Tour%20d%27Italie%202022', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Die römisch-katholische Kirche St. Marien in der oberfränkischen Gemeinde Sonnefeld im Landkreis Coburg wurde 1957 geweiht und 2018 unter Denkmalschutz gestellt. Es ist eine Filialkirche der Pfarrei Ebersdorf.
Im Jahr 1933 lebten zwei katholische Familien in Sonnefeld. Am 22. April 1933 fand im Haus der Familie Huber mit neun Teilnehmern die erste Heilige Messe seit der Einführung der Reformation statt. Als Folge von Schikanen durch die Polizei wurden die Gottesdienste 1939 eingestellt. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg feierten am 1. September 1946 rund 200 Personen im Refektorium des ehemaligen Klosters wieder eine Heilige Messe. Mit den Flüchtlingen und Heimatvertriebenen, die nach Sonnefeld kamen, war die Anzahl der Katholiken auf etwa 600 Menschen gestiegen, was damals etwa einem Viertel der Einwohner entsprach. Dadurch wuchs der Wunsch nach einer eigenen Kirche und ein Kirchenbauverein wurde gegründet. Der Ebersdorfer Pfarrer Stelzer konnte den Kauf eines Bauplatzes am südlichen Sonnefelder Ortsrand in Richtung Weidhausen in die Wege leiten. Dies ermöglichte auch die Katholiken aus dem benachbarten Weidhausen mit einzubinden. Den Entwurf erstellte der Coburger Architekt Josef Rauschen. Die Grundsteinlegung für das Gotteshaus war am 1. Juli 1956 durch den Bamberger Prälat Heinrich Rauh. Am 6. Oktober 1957 konsekrierte Erzbischof Josef Schneider die Kirche zu Ehren Mariens und der Heiligen Hedwig. In den Jahren 1993 bis 1995 wurde das Gotteshaus grundsaniert. Unter anderem wegen der Buntglasfenster im Chorraum und wegen des einfachen Baumaterials der Nachkriegszeit wurde das Kirchengebäude 2018 unter Denkmalschutz gestellt.
Die Kirche ist ein genordeter einschiffiger Satteldachbau. An der Westseite angeordnet steht der satteldachgedeckte Kirchturm in dem vier Bronzeglocken hängen. Der Kircheneingang hat ein auskragendes Vordach, als halber Kegel gestaltet. Darüber ist ein buntes Dreiecksfenster im Firstgiebel angeordnet und dahinter die Orgelempore. In der Vorhalle befindet sich ein holzgeschnitztes Bild des Heiligen Antonius von Padua aus den Kunstwerkstätten Zwick in Oberammergau.
Die nördliche Giebelwand hinter dem Altar zeigt Motive aus dem Rosenkranz auf fünf in Glas aufgeteilten Flächen. Die Glasfenster entstanden nach einem Entwurf von Adelbert Bringmann bei der Coburger Kunstglaserei Bringmann und Schmidt. Die Madonna des Marienaltars im Seitenschiff schnitzte der Sonnefelder Künstler Norbert Köhn. In den 1990er Jahren entstanden neue Fenster im Kirchenschiff, Werke der Bamberger Künstlerin Angelika Turban. Die 1973 aufgestellte und 2008 sanierte Orgel hat 14 Register und 1016 Pfeifen.
Kirchengebäude im Landkreis Coburg
Baudenkmal in Sonnefeld
Erbaut in den 1950er Jahren
Filialkirche des Erzbistums Bamberg
Kirchengebäude in Europa
Kirchengebäude der Moderne
Bauwerk der Moderne in Bayern
Religion (Sonnefeld)
Bauwerk in Sonnefeld | {'title': 'St. Marien (Sonnefeld)', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.%20Marien%20%28Sonnefeld%29', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Симониха — микрорайон города Сарапула в Удмуртии, Россия. Расположен на противоположном от основной территории Сарапула берегу реки Камы.
Посёлок городского типа Симониха был образован в 1949 году. Находился в административном подчинении городу Сарапулу. В 1992 году вошёл в черту города Сарапула. В течение 1970-90х годов почти все жители поселка были переселены в основную часть г. Сарапула, на правый берег Камы, так как планировалось повышение уровня Нижнекамского водохранилища до 68 м и могли быть затоплены низкие берега вплоть до Сарапула.
В советское время в Симонихе находилась ремонтно-эксплуатационная база Камского речного пароходства.
Бывшие посёлки городского типа Удмуртии
населённые пункты, упразднённые в 1992 году
населённые пункты, вошедшие в состав Сарапула | {'title': 'Симониха', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Ill Manors (stylised as ill Manors) is a 2012 British crime drama film written, co-scored and directed by Ben Drew AKA musician Plan B. The film revolves around the lives of eight main characters, played by Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein, Keef Coggins, Lee Allen, Nick Sagar, Ryan De La Cruz, Anouska Mond and Natalie Press, and features six original songs by Plan B, which act as a narration for the film. Ill Manors is a multi-character story, set over the course of seven days, a scenario where everyone is fighting for respect. The film focuses on the violence that surrounds the main characters as they struggle to survive on the streets. Each story is also represented by a different rap song performed by Plan B.
Prior to writing the script for Ill Manors, when Plan B was 21 years old, he had originally tried to begin production on another script he had written called Trigger, which was based on an incident where his home was raided by armed police. However, he was refused funding as he was an inexperienced director. To gain the necessary experience, Plan B wrote and directed his own short film Michelle in 2008 which was financed by himself with £4000 from the remaining recording advance from his record label and an inheritance from his grandfather.
The short film, which starred Anouska Mond, Ed Skrein and Adam Deacon, was released online and acted as a pilot for the feature film Ill Manors, which Plan B had completed the script for within four months of making Michelle. He also directed the music video for "Pieces", his collaboration with Chase & Status, and also had roles in Adulthood (2008) and Harry Brown (2009). The script for Ill Manors was partly based on actual events and stories Plan B had heard when he was young, such as a woman prostituting herself in order to repay a drug dealer. The film had been in development for three years prior to filming; however, Drew struggled to secure finance for his film. Ill Manors was greenlit for production in 2009 as part of the Film London Microwave scheme.
For the film, Plan B hired a mixture of experienced and inexperienced actors, while several cast members already knew the director personally before they were cast in their roles. Riz Ahmed, who had previously recorded "Shifty" with Plan B, asked to play the lead role of Aaron after reading the script. Ed Skrein was a childhood friend of Plan B who had appeared in Michelle and had previously collaborated with him on numerous recordings.
Keef Coggins is Plan B's godfather and Anouska Mond, who had also previously appeared in Plan B's short film was invited to audition for her previous role as Michelle. The main casting process for the film took place during August 2010 with several cast members being young unknown actors from the East End of London, such as Ryan De La Cruz who was discovered when the crew visited Rokeby School in Canning Town, London.
Principal photography began on 1 September 2010 at 3 Mills Studios, London and filming lasted for four weeks on location in London, England. Plan B has named the 1996 film Pusher directed by Nicolas Winding Refn as a major influence on Ill Manors, as well as directors Shane Meadows and Quentin Tarantino. During production of the film, it was reported that the cast and crew ran into trouble with youths in Forest Gate, London and production was interrupted while a laptop containing the film's dailies had to be recovered after being stolen by a drug addict. Drew claimed that he faced prejudice from some crew members while on set; however, he also noted that "there was some people that really believed in my vision and gave me all the support I needed."
Editing of the film began in December 2010, but post-production of the film was delayed due to Plan B performing on The Defamation of Strickland Banks Tour during 2010 and 2011. To raise funds for the completion of the film's post-production, the distribution rights to Ill Manors were sold to Revolver Entertainment in April 2011 and Plan B delayed the release date of his planned third studio album The Ballad of Belmarsh until after Ill Manors was released.
The trailer for Ill Manors was first aired on The Guardian's website on 3 May 2012, while the first film poster was first unveiled by Empire magazine's website on 8 May 2012. Digital Spy also unveiled two further promotional posters on 18 May and 7 June 2012. The premiere took place on 30 May 2012 at the Empire cinema in Leicester Square, London. This screening was also attended by several British recording artists such as Alesha Dixon, Alexandra Burke, Professor Green, Tinie Tempah, Wretch 32, Example and Ed Sheeran.
The film was given a wide release to 191 cinemas in both Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom by Revolver Entertainment on 6 June 2012. Ill Manors was released in the Netherlands on 30 August 2012 by Benelux Film Distributors and was also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival and the Festival do Rio in September 2012. Ill Manors was released on DVD on 8 October 2012, and contains footage that was not broadcast at cinemas.
On its opening weekend, the film placed at number nine at the UK Box Office, with a gross figure of £256,288. Domestically, the film has earned a total gross of £453,570, after eight weeks at the box office. Ill Manors has received largely positive reviews from critics and fans alike, with a current 80% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on thirty different reviews.
See also
List of hood films
External links
Film London Microwave site
2012 films
2012 crime drama films
2010s gang films
BBC Film films
British crime drama films
British gangster films
Films about drugs
Films about murderers
Films about prostitution in the United Kingdom
Black British mass media
Black British cinema
Black British films
Films directed by Plan B (musician)
Films set in London
Films shot in London
Forest Gate
Hood films
2012 directorial debut films
2010s English-language films
2010s American films
2010s British films | {'title': 'Ill Manors', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ill%20Manors', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Вјетроелектрана Хргуд или ВЕ „Хргуд“ након изградње требало би да буде први енергетски објекта ове врсте у систему Електропривреде Републике Српске", са 16 вјетроелектрана чија инсталисана снага ће износити 48 мегавати. Укупна вредност инвестиције требало би да буде 64.285.000 еура.
Законом о енергетици Републике Српске уређена је основе енергетске политике Републике Српске, а доношењем Стратегије развоја енергетике, планова, програма и других аката за њено спровођење, покренута су и основна питања везано за регулисање и обављање енергетске делатности, коришћењем обновљивих извора енергије и услови за остваривање енергетске ефикасности. Овим законом прописано је да је коришћење обновљивих извора енергије и ефикаснe когенерацијe у Републици Српској од општег интереса за Републику.
Циљ овог закона и Стратегије РС је:
промовисања и подстицања производње и потрошње електричне и топлотне енергије из обновљивих извора енергије,
остваривање енергетске политике у погледу постизања обавезујућих циљева учешћа енергије из обновљивих извора енергије у односу на бруто финалну потрошњу енергије у Републици Српској,
допринос заштити животне средине,
подршка реализацији циљева за ублажавање климатских промена,
допринос одрживом развоју,
рационалније коришћење примарних извора енергије,
повећање сигурности снабдевања енергијом,
побољшање диверсификације извора и сл.
На основу напред наведених аката МХ „Електропривреда Републике Српске“ МП а.д Требиње донела је одлуку да се у општини Берковићи, на локацији планине Хргуд, уз помоћ консултантске компаније проведе једногодишња испитивања потенцијала ветра на овој локацији, и на основу тога потом изради детаљна Студија оправданости изградње ВЕ „Хргуд“.
Према спроведеној студији оправданости вјетроелектрана ба имала ове карактеристике:
инсталисану снагу од 48 MW
просечну годишњу производњу енергије за 16 вјетроелектрана (П50): 125,9 GWh/y
2.623 h/y сати пуног оптерећења
фактора капацитета:29,9%
На основу напред наведених аката МХ „Електропривреда Републике Српске“ МП а.д Требиње донела је одлуку да се у општини Берковићи, на локацији планине Хргуд, уз помоћ консултантске компаније проведе једногодишња испитивања потенцијала ветра на овој локацији, и на основу тога потом изради детаљна Студија оправданости изградње ВЕ „Хргуд“.
Према спроведеној студији оправданости вјетроелектрана ба имала ове карактеристике:
инсталисану снагу од 48 MW
просечну годишњу производњу енергије за 16 вјетроелектрана (П50): 125,9 GWh/y
2.623 h/y сати пуног оптерећења
фактора капацитета:29,9%
Положај и избор локације
Вјетроелектрана Хргуд требало би да буде изграђена на планина Хргуд (просечне висине 1000 м), која се налази југозападно од Берковића, а североисточно од Стоца у јужном делу Босне и Херцеговине, у регији Херцеговина (ентитет Република Српска), 50 km северно од Требиња и око 30 km јужно од Мостара у општини Берковићи. Са јужне стране планина Хргуд је ограничена стрмим одсеком према долини Брегаве, са источне стране такође стрмим одсеком према Дабарском пољу, а на северу се веже за огранке планине Сњежнице. Планина се пружа у правцу исток-запад, а подељена је тако да западни део припада општини Столац у Федерацији Босне и Херцеговине, а источни општини Берковићи у Републици Српској.
Локалитету Хргуд је изабран из више разлога:
На бази урађених једногодишњих испитивања након којих је утврђено да се средња годишња брзина ветра у овом делу Херцеговине у Републици Српској креће између 6,1–8,1 m/s на на истраживаној локацији вјетроагрегата висине 79,5 m.
Да се микролокација на локалитет Хргуд (која је изабрана за изградња вјетроелектране) налази у планинском подручју на земљишту додељеном за пољопривреду и сточарство, као и на шумском земљишту.
Да се локалитет не налази унутар резервата природе или заштићеног подручје природе.
Да на основу обављене пројекције животне средине, нису идентификовани еколошки фактори који би могли угрозити даљи развој пројекта вјетроелектране на локацији Хргуд.
Техничке карактеристике ВЕ
На основу услова на локацији и Студије оправданости планирано је да се инсталира 16 вјетротурбина. У анализи су узете у обзир следеће три врсте вјетротурбина, које су тренутно доступне на тржишту.
Неопходне електрокомпоненте за сабирање енергије и повезивање пројекта ВЕ Хргуд на трафостаницу Берковићи су:
Електро-мрежa која се састоји се од трансформатора и прекидача смештених у појединим турбинама и каблова између турбина и до трафостанице на локацији,
Трафостанице на локацији за сабирање енергије из вјетротрубина на нивоу 35 kV и трансформацију на ниво 110 kV,
Далековода 110 kV (надземни вод) из трафостанице на локацији који води до напајача у трафостаници Берковићи,
Напајача за 110 kV далековод у трафостаници Берковићи.
Сваки вјетроагрегат ће имати називну снагу од 3 МW и производит ће енергију на ниском напону од 1 kV.
Трафостаница 35 kV Берковићи ће бити спојена на државну мрежу високонапонским водом (110 kV линији, али тренутно ради под 35 kV). Ова трафостаница мораће се доградити или изградити нова трафостаница како би се могла преузети енергија произведена у вјетроелектрани Хргуд.
Додатни радови на инфраструктури локалитета
Током реализације пројекта ВЕ Хргуд, решаваће се и путна инфраструктура и водоснабдевање села Хргуд. Тиме би се побољшали услове живота у овом делу Берковића.
Укупна дужина ново изграђених путева до локалитета је око 6,5 км, а планира се и реконструкција постојећих путева у дужини од око 4,6 км. Нове/реконструисани путеви добили би шљунчано/макадамску подлогу.
Спољашње везе
Електропривреда Републике Српске
Електране у Републици Српској
Херцеговина | {'title': 'Вјетроелектрана Хргуд', 'url': 'https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D1%98%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%A5%D1%80%D0%B3%D1%83%D0%B4', 'language': 'sr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Кекропс II () — персонаж давньогрецької міфології, цар Афін. Син Ерехтея і Праксіфеї.
Ксуф під час суперечки синів Ерехтея через владу над Аттикою обрав царем Кекропса . Дружиною Кекропса була Метіадуса, дочка Евпалама, яка народила Пандіона II .
За переказом, Кекропс II присвятив зображення Гермеса з дерева в храм Афіни Поліади . Пізніше переселився в Евбею . Його змінив Пандіон II.
Персонажі давньогрецьких міфів | {'title': 'Кекропс (син Ерехтея)', 'url': 'https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%81%20%28%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BD%20%D0%95%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%85%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%8F%29', 'language': 'uk', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
La Galileo Giovolley è una società polisportiva di Reggio nell'Emilia.
Storia della società
La polisportiva Galileo, sorta nel 1964, pratica oggi calcio maschile e femminile (quest'ultima ha militato in Serie B nel campionati 2006-2007 e 2007-2008), pallavolo femminile e triathlon. Ha praticato il volley maschile ad alti livelli negli anni ottanta e novanta, dopo aver inglobato il Volley Ball Club Reggiano.
Sezione maschile
Il Volley Ball Club Reggiano fu fondato nell'estate del 1981, quando la sezione di pallavolo della Polisportiva Gramsci (sorta nel 1947), che già da una stagione militava in Serie A2, perse la sponsorizzazione della Transcoop. In crisi economica, la Gramsci si unì ad altre società di Reggio e provincia; al termine del campionato 1981-82, nel quale disputò le sue gare interne a Bagnolo in Piano, la neonata compagine retrocesse in Serie B.
Nel 1985 il VBCR, ancora in B, fu inglobato dalla "Galileo"; due anni dopo ottenne la promozione in A2 e, all'inizio del campionato 1987-88, la Transcoop ritornò sponsor della formazione. Al termine della stagione 1989-90 fu promossa in A1, riportando così la città di Reggio in massima serie maschile a venti anni dalla retrocessione di un'altra polisportiva, La Torre.
Il primo campionato di A1 della Galileo terminò con un'immediata retrocessione; una nuova promozione fu ottenuta nel 1992-93, con sponsor Latte Giglio (e divisa bianco e verde), ed ancora una volta l'esperienza in A1 durò per una sola annata (1993-94; al pronto ritorno in A2 seguirono una crisi economica e la rinuncia a prendere parte al campionato.
Sezione femminile
Collegamenti esterni
Galileo Giovolley | {'title': 'Galileo Giovolley', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo%20Giovolley', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Grafém je najmanjša teoretična enota pisave, ki odgovarja najmanjši glasovni enoti: je torej fonem pri abecednih pisavah, zlog pri zlogovnih pisavah, morfem pri logografskih pisavah. Konkretno se grafem izrazi (= napiše) z grafom, na primer v slovenščini se grafem za glas "b" lahko predstavi z različnimi grafi, ki odgovarjajo različnim zapisom (tipografijam ali fontom) ali oblikam ročne pisave. Grafeme pišemo med lomljenima oklepajema, na primer grafem za fonem /f/ (in hkrati tudi za glas/alofon [f]) v angleščini je <ph>.
Isti grafem je lahko predstavljen z različnimi pisnimi znamenji, na primer z dodatkom ločevalnih in naglasnih znamenj, pa tudi z razlikovanjem med velikimi in malimi črkami. V teh slučajih gre za alografe.
Poleg črk so grafemi tudi arabske številke, ligature in ločila.
Zunanje povezave
Jezikoslovje | {'title': 'Grafem', 'url': 'https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grafem', 'language': 'sl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
George Waddel Snedecor (October 20, 1881 – February 15, 1974) was an American mathematician and statistician. He contributed to the foundations of analysis of variance, data analysis, experimental design, and statistical methodology. Snedecor's F-distribution and the George W. Snedecor Award of the American Statistical Association are named after him.
Early life
Born in Memphis, Tennessee, into a socially prominent and politically powerful, southern Democratic, Presbyterian family line, Snedecor grew up in Florida and Alabama where his lawyer father moved wife and children in order to fulfill a personal and radical religious calling to minister to, evangelize and educate the poor. George was the grandson of Memphis lawyer Bedford Mitchell Estes, he was the son of Emily Alston Estes and James G. Snedecor, and nephew of Ione Estes Dodd and William J. Dodd, the midwest architect.
Education and career
Snedecor studied mathematics and physics at Auburn University and University of Alabama, where he graduated with a BS in 1905. After taking up teaching jobs at Selma Military Academy and Austin College in Sherman, Texas, he continued his study in physics at the University of Michigan, where he received an MSc in 1913.
Snedecor moved to the Iowa State University in 1913, where he became a professor in mathematics. He founded the first academic department of statistics in the United States, at Iowa State University in 1947. He also created the first statistics laboratory in the U.S. at Iowa State, and was a pioneer of modern applied statistics in the US. His 1938 textbook Statistical Methods became an essential resource: "In the 1970s, a review of citations in published scientific articles from all areas of science showed that Snedecor's Statistical Methods was the most frequently cited book."
Snedecor worked for the statistics department of Foster's Group from 1957 to 1963. He was involved in the elaboration of all production data.
The "F" of Snedecor's F distribution is named in honor of Sir Ronald Fisher.
Snedecor was awarded honorary doctorates in science by North Carolina State University in 1956 and by Iowa State University in 1958.
Snedecor Hall, at Iowa State University, is the home of the Statistics Department. It was constructed in 1939. At Iowa State, he was an early user of John Vincent Atanasoff's Atanasoff–Berry computer (maybe the first user of an electronic digital computer for real world production mathematics problem solutions).
Selected publications
Further reading
External links
George W. Snedecor biography
American statisticians
20th-century American mathematicians
1881 births
1974 deaths
Iowa State University faculty
Iowa State University alumni
University of Michigan alumni
People from Memphis, Tennessee
Presidents of the American Statistical Association
Fellows of the American Statistical Association
University of Alabama alumni
Mathematical statisticians | {'title': 'George W. Snedecor', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%20W.%20Snedecor', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Manéah – miasto w zachodniej Gwinei, w Regionie Kindia. Według danych na rok 2012 liczyło 167 354 mieszkańców.
Miasta w Gwinei | {'title': 'Manéah', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%C3%A9ah', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
FC Zwolle in het seizoen 2010/11 (mannen)
FC Zwolle in het seizoen 2010/11 (vrouwen) | {'title': 'FC Zwolle in het seizoen 2010/11', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC%20Zwolle%20in%20het%20seizoen%202010/11', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Richard Parker ist der Name folgender Personen:
Richard Parker (Jurist) (1729–1813), US-amerikanischer Jurist
Richard Parker (Politiker) (1810–1893), US-amerikanischer Politiker
Richard Parker (1867–1884), Schiffsjunge der nach einem Schiffbruch getötet und verspeist wurde, siehe R v Dudley and Stephens
Richard Parker, 9. Earl of Macclesfield (* 1943), britischer Peer und Politiker
Richard A. Parker (* 1953), britischer Mathematiker und Informatiker
Richard Anthony Parker (1905–1993), US-amerikanischer Ägyptologe
Richard Barry Parker (1867–1947), britischer Architekt
Richard Blake Parker (* 1985), US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler, siehe Blake Parker (Baseballspieler)
Richard Bordeaux Parker (* 1923), US-amerikanischer Diplomat
Richard E. Parker (1783–1840), US-amerikanischer Politiker
Richard W. Parker (1848–1923), US-amerikanischer Politiker | {'title': 'Richard Parker', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%20Parker', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
è uno stile di karate che affonda le proprie radici nello Shuri-te, uno dei tre stili originali del karate di Okinawa in Giappone. Fu sviluppato da Seiken Shukumine (1925–2001) che combinò tecniche classiche con le proprie innovazioni, sviluppando in tal modo le particolari caratteristiche del Genseiryū. Shukumine ebbe due insegnanti famosi: Sadoyama e Kishimoto. Il nome Genseiryū fu usato per la prima volta nel 1953. In giapponese il nome si compone di tre differenti caratteristiche (kanji):.
Dissoluzione nel 1962
Nel corso degli anni, alcuni allievi di Seiken Shukumine respinserò Taido e quindi continuarono il Genseiryū anche se Shukumine smise di insegnare il Genseiryū nei 1962. Poiché l'organizzazione ufficiale di Seiken Shukumine fu sciolta nel 1962, alcuni studenti decisero di provare Taido, ma successivamente lo abbandonarono costituendo dello lori organizzazioni, facendo un balzo "indietro" al Genseiryū e seguendo la loro strada. Questi sono gli altri: Nippon Karate-dō Budō Kyokai, Genwakai, Ryounkai, Keneikai e Seidokai. Butokukai, che furono costituiti tre anni prima del uscita dal mondo del karate da parte di Seiken Shukumine, fu continuata da Kunihiko Tosa, accettando la responsabilità di diventare il successore ufficiale. La più vecchia organizzazione di Genseiryū still esistente tutt'oggi è la Genseiryū Karate-do International Federation (1959).
Arti marziali giapponesi
Stili di karate | {'title': 'Genseiryū', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genseiry%C5%AB', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Vu d'ici est le premier album de Madame Monsieur, sorti le . Il est composé de quatorze titres et comprend celui avec lequel le duo a concouru à l'Eurovision 2018, Mercy.
En janvier 2018, le duo participe à Destination Eurovision, une émission qui détermine le représentant et la chanson de la France au concours Eurovision de la chanson 2018. Madame Monsieur remportent la seconde demi finale en se hissant à la première place avec cinquante-six points avec la chanson Mercy. Durant la course à l'Eurovision, le duo décide de présenter au grand public son premier album solo après avoir présenté en 2016 un premier EP du nom de Tandem. Ce nom Tandem est d'ailleurs repris en comme nom de leur second album.
À sa sortie, l'album se glisse à la treizième place du Top Albums France pendant une semaine et reste au total treize semaines dans le top.
Liste des titres
Notes et références
Premier album musical sorti en 2018 | {'title': "Vu d'ici", 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vu%20d%27ici', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Marienplatz è la più frequentata stazione della Metropolitana di Monaco di Baviera. Si trova sotto la piazza principale di cui prende il nome ed è servita dalla linea 3 e dalla 6.
Si tratta di una delle prime stazioni di metropolitana di Monaco, disegnata da Alexander von Branca e inaugurata nel 1971. Nel 2006 fu notevolmente ingrandita, conservando il design degli anni '70. Le pareti sono tenute in colore arancione forte, colore molto di moda negli anni in cui avvenne la costruzione.
Viene utilizzata come setting per il video musicale di "Four out of five", brano del gruppo musicale inglese Arctic Monkeys.
Altri progetti
Collegamenti esterni
Stazioni della metropolitana di Monaco di Baviera | {'title': 'Marienplatz (metropolitana di Monaco di Baviera)', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marienplatz%20%28metropolitana%20di%20Monaco%20di%20Baviera%29', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Villa Martelli town in the Partido of Vicente Lopez, in the Greater Buenos Aires metro area.
The first recorded settlement in the area occurred on May 6, 1910, and the town was officially recognized by the Provincial Legislature on July 27, 1964. The Villa Martelli Army Barracks were the site of a military mutiny in 1988 by a right-wing Carapintadas faction led by Col. Mohamed Alí Seineldín. The barracks were later closed, and in 2011, a portion of the extensive lot became the site of the Tecnópolis exposition fairground.
External links
Ward of Villa Martelli
Searching Villa Martelli
Vicente López Partido
Populated places in Buenos Aires Province
Populated places established in 1964
Cities in Argentina
Argentina | {'title': 'Villa Martelli', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villa%20Martelli', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The Dmitriy Furmanov () is a Dmitriy Furmanov-class (project 302, BiFa129M) Soviet/Russian river cruise ship, cruising in the Volga – Neva basin. The ship was built by VEB Elbewerften Boizenburg/Roßlau at their shipyard in Boizenburg, East Germany, and entered service in 1983. The ship is named after the famous Bolshevik commissar and writer of the book Chapayev about Vasily Chapayev, a Red Army officer and a hero of the Civil War.
Her home port is currently Perm. Dmitriy Furmanov captain (2013) is Aleksandr Kozminykh.
The ship has two restaurants, three bars, the lounge on the Upper deck, conference hall and souvenir shop.
See also
List of river cruise ships
Ukraina-class motorship
External links
Теплоход "Дмитрий Фурманов"
1983 ships
River cruise ships | {'title': 'Dmitriy Furmanov (ship)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitriy%20Furmanov%20%28ship%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Japaratuba is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Sergipe. Its population was 18,907 (2020) and its area is 360 km².
Municipalities in Sergipe | {'title': 'Japaratuba', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japaratuba', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Meteory (gr. Μετέωρα (Meteora) z gr. metéoros – wzniesiony w górę, będący wysoko w powietrzu) – masyw skał z piaskowca i zlepieńca w środkowej Grecji na północno-zachodnim krańcu równiny tesalskiej w okolicy miasta Kalambaka. Skały osiągają wysokość do 540 m n.p.m.
Na szczytach skał umiejscowiony jest zespół 24 prawosławnych klasztorów (monastyrów). Początkowo wszelkie materiały potrzebne do budowy i życia mnichów wciągane były na linach, również odwiedzający mogli dostać się do monastyrów jedynie w taki sposób. Obecnie część z monastyrów udostępniona jest dla zwiedzających i dla ich wygody wybudowano schody i pomosty.
Pierwsze wspólnoty religijne pojawiły się w Meteorach pod koniec X w., mieszkając w jaskiniach i pustelniach.
Legenda głosi, że św. Atanazy, założyciel Wielkiego Meteora (Megalo Meteoro), najstarszego monastyru, wzniósł się na szczyt na skrzydłach orła. To on założył pierwszy klasztor w roku 1336. Ponieważ trwały wówczas wojny Bizancjum z Serbią więc klasztory te były dobrym, niedostępnym schronieniem. Ukrywał się tu m.in. Jan Paleolog – następca tronu serbskiego. Okres świetności klasztory przeżywały za panowania osmańskiego sułtana Sulejmana Wspaniałego (1520–1566).
Monastyry gromadziły wtedy ogromne skarby, czerpiąc zyski z posiadłości ziemskich w Tesalii, Wołoszczyźnie i Mołdawii.
Od XVIII w. klasztory zaczęły podupadać (głównie na skutek kłótni opatów oraz erozji nieumiejętnie budowanych i konserwowanych budynków). W sumie wybudowano 24 klasztory (każdy na innej skale). Współcześnie tylko sześć klasztorów jest zamieszkanych i toczy się w nich normalne życie monastyczne. Są to cztery klasztory męskie i dwa żeńskie:
Ajos Nikolaos (Świętego Mikołaja Odpoczywającego),
Ajos Stefanos (Świętego Stefana),
Ajias Triados (Świętej Trójcy),
Megalo Meteoro (Wielki Meteor, Przemienienia Pańskiego),
Rusanu (Rusanu, Świętej Barbary),
Warlaam (Warłama).
Aby zwiedzić klasztory, należy mieć odpowiedni strój: długie spodnie dla mężczyzn, spódnica zakrywająca kolana i zakryte ramiona dla kobiet.
W kulturze masowej
Meteory były scenerią dla jednego z filmów o przygodach Jamesa Bonda pt. „Tylko dla twoich oczu”.
Meteory były również miejscem akcji filmu pt. „Sky Riders” w reżyserii Douglasa Hickoxa z Jamesem Coburnem w roli głównej.
Nazwa drugiego studyjnego albumu zespołu Linkin Park pochodzi właśnie od tego miejsca. Zanim jeszcze zaczęły się prace nad płytą, członkowie zespołu zobaczyli podpisane zdjęcie skał na ulotce biura turystycznego i postanowili, że album będzie robił takie samo wrażenie, jak one. Na końcu procesu tworzenia, postanowili nazwać płytę „Meteora”.
Zobacz też
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO w Grecji
Linki zewnętrzne
Wspinaczka w Meteorach – opis i zdjęcia
Opis i zdjęcia monastyrów
Lista Światowego Dziedzictwa Kulturalnego i Przyrodniczego UNESCO – Meteory
Góry Grecji
Obiekty z listy dziedzictwa UNESCO w Grecji
Cerkwie w Grecji | {'title': 'Meteory', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meteory', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
A Bacia Sanfranciscana (Sgarbi, 1989) é uma bacia sedimentar brasileira intracratônica localizada na porção centro-leste do Brasil, com uma área de 150.000 km2 e abrangendo os estados de Tocantins, Bahia, Goiás e Minas Gerais. Corresponde ao registro Fanerozóico da Bacia do São Francisco, com rochas de idade entre 300m.a e 70m.a, ou seja, do período Permo-carbonífero até o Cenozoico inferior (Éon Fanerozoico), representando o último megaciclo geodinâmico da Bacia São Francisco.
Limita-se a sul pelo Alto do Paranaíba, que a separa da Bacia do Paraná, e a norte pelo Alto do São Francisco, que a separa da Bacia do Parnaíba (Campos e Dardenne, 1997b). As faixas Brasília e Araçuaí/Espinhaço Setentrional limitam, respectivamente, as bordas ocidental e oriental da bacia.
Devido à diferenças tectônicas, estratigráficas e ambientais a bacia pode ser dividida em duas sub-bacias: Sub-Bacia Abaeté, a sul, e Sub-Bacia Urucuia, a norte, separadas por um alto estrutural do embasamento denominado de Alto do Paracatu (Campos & Dardenne 1997a).
A Bacia está em contato discordante, principalmente, com as rochas do Grupo Bambuí (considerado o topo da Bacia do São Francisco) em sua porção central, e, em porções mais restritas, com rochas metamórficas de baixo grau no extremo sul da bacia, com rochas granitóides do embasamento regional no meio norte e, em sua porção setentrional, com a seção Paleozóica da Bacia do Parnaíba.
Estudos pioneiros
Os estudos pioneiros do Cráton São Francisco, na qual está inserida a Bacia Sanfranciscana iniciaram ainda no século XIX, com o Barão de Eschwege, Gorceix e Derby .
A denominação Bacia Sanfranciscana, foi introduzida por Sgarbi, em 1991, para denominar a cobertura fanerozóica que recobre o Cráton São Francisco. Outros nomes também foram dados, como Bacia do São Francisco (Sad et al, 1971) e Bacia do Alto São Francisco (Hasui & Haralyi, 1991). O primeiro termo não é indicado devido à frequente confusão com a denominação “Bacia do São Francisco” Campos & Dardenne (1997a). Já o segundo termo perde seu sentido quando é associado aos limites da bacia hidrográfica do alto Rio São Francisco.
Os trabalhos que objetivam a compreensão da evolução tectônica da Bacia Sanfranciscana só se iniciaram com os artigos de Hasui & Haralyi (1991) e Sawasato (1995).
A unidade estratigráfica do Grupo Santa Fé foi proposto pelos trabalhos de Dardenne et al (1991), Campos (1992) e Campos & Dardenne (1994), com esse trabalhos apresentando uma série de registros da glaciação neopaleozóica.
Os estudos dos sedimentos pertencentes ao Eocretáceo iniciaram com Arrojado Lisboa (1906), descrevendo seixos facetados que posteriormente foram colocados como pertencentes ao conglomerado Abaeté, por Freyberg (1932). Estes sedimentos foram tratados como Formação Areado, composta por três membros (Abaeté, Quiricó e Três Barras), por Barbosa (1965), Braun (1970), Cardoso (1971), Barcelos & Suguio (1980) e Sgarbi (1989) e tratados como Grupo por Ladeira & Brito (1968), Hasui & Penalva (1970) e Kattah (1994).
O Grupo Mata Da Corda foi descrito desde basanitos vesiculares, até rochas de origem explosivas, com granulação variando de cinza até blocos e bombas por Moraes et al (1986). Moraes et al (1987) classificou em termos composicionais, como kamafugitos. Leonardos & Ulbrich (1987) designou como associações madupíticas/lamproíticas.
Origem e evolução da bacia
A evolução tectônica da Bacia Sanfranciscana é constituída por cinco ciclos tectossedimentares, de acordo com Sgarbi et al. (2001). O primeiro ciclo relaciona-se ao início do preenchimento da bacia, com as glaciações no final do Paleozóico, isto é, no Permo-Carbonífero, que deram origem ao sistema glacial do Grupo Santa Fé.
Durante o Cretáceo Inferior ocorreu um novo ciclo tectossedimentar. Esse novo ciclo relaciona-se à formação do Atlântico Sul, ou seja, na separação das Placa Sul-Americana e Africana. Esse evento acarretou na formação da Depressão do Abaeté (Hasui et al. 1975, Hasui & Haralyi 1991) ou Sub-Bacia Abaeté (Campos & Dardenne 1997b) no qual recebeu a sedimentação Cretácea da Bacia Sanfranciscana. A sedimentação eocretácea de um sistema desértico instalado na região deu origem ao Grupo Areado.
No Cretáceo Superior houve um ciclo tectossedimentar relacionado à reativação tectônica, que através de descontinuidades pré-cambriana, que serviram de condutos, levou ao magmatismo alcalino kamafugítico. Esse magmatismo deu origem ao Grupo Mata da Corda, que assenta-se sobre o Grupo Areado como uma discordância erosiva.
Ainda no Cretáceo Superior, um novo ciclo sedimentar ocorreu, agora ao norte, na denominada Sub-bacia Urucuia (Campos & Dardenne 1997b). A sub-bacia Urucuia é separada da Sub-bacia do Abaeté pelo Alto Estrutural do Paracatu. Essa sub-bacia recebeu sedimentação eólica, fluvial e lacustre que deu origem ao Grupo Urucuia.
Por fim, no Cenozóico, ocorreu o último ciclo tectossedimentar da Bacia Sanfranciscana. Esse ciclo é representado pela Formação Chapadão que recobre alguns litotipos da Bacia.
Estratigrafia e sedimentação
Grupo Santa Fé
O Grupo Santa Fé representa o primeiro ciclo de preenchimento da Bacia Sanfranciscana. O grupo é o representante do sistema glacial instalado nas médias e altas latitudes do Gonduana durante o Permo-Carbonífero. Constitui-se de depósitos de zona pró-glacial, com fácies relacionadas à base de geleiras, fluvio-glaciais, glacio-lacustres e fácies pró-glaciais eólicas. As evidências do sistema deposicional glacial que originou esse grupo, consistem, principalmente, no pavimento estriado sobre a Formação Três Marias (Grupo Bambuí), na presença de clastos pingados, além de clastos estriados em diamictitos.
O Grupo Santa Fé é dividido em duas formações: Formação Floresta (basal) e Formação Tabuleiro (topo). Tais formações apresentam passagem gradual entre si.
A Formação Floresta é formada por três membros fortemente interdigitados, tanto de modo lateral quanto vertical. Eles são: Membro Brocotó, Brejo do Arroz e Lavado.
O Membro Brocotó são diamictitos com matriz silto-argilosa-carbonatada, com clastos as vezes estriados. Os clastos, são, em sua maioria, de arcósios da Formação Três Marias (Grupo Bambuí), ocorrendo também clastos de granitos, quartzitos, rochas carbonáticas e gnaisses. Esse membro é interpretado como tiilitos depositados em áreas restritas e tiilitos ressedimentados, com ocorrência mais ampla.
O Membro Brejo do Arroz são folhelhos vermelhos, bem laminados, com ocorrência subordinada de arenitos e conglomerados estratificados. Nesses folhelhos ocorre clastos pingados. Tais clastos tem composição variada, como quartzitos, rochas carbonáticas, gnaisses, granitos, itabiritos, xistos. Os ritmitos com laminação regular de siltitos e argilitos são interpretados como varvitos, ou seja, produto de sedimentação sazonal. Os arenitos e conglomerados, por sua vez, são interpretados como depósitos de outwash glacial.
O Membro Lavado são um conjunto heterogêneo de arenitos, arcósios e grauvacas, tendo como estruturas sedimentares estratificações cruzadas acanaladas e planar-paralelas. São interpretados como produtos de um sistema de rios entrelaçados, fluvio-gacial, alimentados pela água de degelo.
A Formação Tabuleiro é caracterizada por um pacote de arenitos médios, calcíferos, apresentando, comumente, intercalações finas de argilitos e folhelhos. A análise de seções delgadas dos arenitos permitem identificá-los como de origem eólica. Os pelitos são interpretados como originados em um sistema pró-glacial eólicos-lacustre.
Grupo Areado
O Grupo Areado representa o segundo ciclo de preenchimento da bacia, tendo sua sedimentação ocorrida no Cretáceo Inferior. O grupo é constituído por três formações, sendo elas: Formação Abaeté, Formação Quiricó e Formação Três Barras.
A Formação Abaeté é a formação basal do Grupo Areado, sendo a representante de depósitos gravitacionais, na forma de leques aluviais e fluxos aquosos esporádicos e torrenciais, originando depósitos wadi (Ladeia & Brito 1968, Sgarbi 1989, Sgarbi & Ladeira 1995). O seu prolongamento para o norte da bacia deu-se na forma de um sistema fluvial entrelaçado de alta energia. A Formação Abaeté é subdivida em dois membros: Membro Carmo e Membro Canabrava.
Membro Carmo constitui depósitos de paraconglomerados e arenitos de sistema de leque aluvial. Os conglomerados exibem predominância de seixos e calhaus angulosos e arredondados de metassiltitos, além de quartzo, calcário, quartzito, granitóides e jaspilito. A matriz é constituída de areia, metassiltito, quartzo e microclina. Os arenitos ocorrem normalmente sobre o substrato pré-cambriano, ou a jusante dos conglomerados. São arenitos de areia grossa a média, bem arredondados, constituídos de metapelitos, quartzo e microclina. Apresentam estratificação cruzada tabular de pequeno porte, além de estratificação planar-paralela.
Membro Canabrava exibe fácies de conglomerado e de arenitos quartzosos. As fácies conglomerado são clasto-suportados, mostrando clastos de quartzito bem arredondados, sendo um conjunto de alta maturidade textural e mineralógica, em comparação ao Membro Carmo. A deposição desses conglomerados foram controlados pelo maior afluxo de água no sistema. Representam um regime fluvial entrelaçado de alta energia do tipo Scott (Miall 1977). Apresentam subordinadamente arenitos e folhelhos vermelhos. As fácies de arenitos quartzosos são formados por areias médias e finas subangulosas, películas de óxido-hidróxido de ferro são comumente observado envolvendo grãos arenosos. Apresentam estratificações cruzadas de base tangencial. Essas fácies de arenitos são resultantes da formação de barras longitudinais em áreas marginais aos canais principais de alta energia.
A Formação Quiricó representa o preenchimento de lagos do tipo playa lake, em um contexto desértico de sedimentação. No final do Cretáceo Inferior, os lagos foram assoreados pela coalescência de deltas, nos quais esses lagos atuaram como níveis de base locais. Dunas eólicas também recobriram tais lagos. A Formação Quiricó é representada por arenitos e siltitos maciços, além de argilitos maciços e lentes de calcários amarelos finamente laminados e com estratificações hummocky, estruturas “cone em cone” e teepee (Sgarbi et. al. 2001). Há também margas oxidadas com bioturbações no topo da sequência. Carapaças de ostracodes e fragmentos de ossos e escamas de peixes são também comuns.
O estudo paleontológico da Formação, composto por ostracodes (Sgarbi 1989), conchostáceos (Cardoso 1971), além do conteúdo polinístico (Arai et.al 1995), remetem os sedimentos ao pós-Barremiano. Esse estudo também sugere um ambiente de sedimentação continental de clima tropical árido.
O topo da sequência lacustre da Formação Quiricó apresenta intensa deformação mecânicas nos lamitos, devido ao recalque diferencial, destruindo e ou deformando, dessa forma, estruturas sedimentares presentes. Falhas de gravidade também são comuns, aparecendo tanto e escala métrica, quanto em amostras de mão.
A Formação Três Barras é a formação de topo do Grupo Areado. Ela pode ser dividida em dois membros: Membro Quintinos e Membro Olegário. A Formação é composta sobretudo por arenitos que, em termos gerais, sofreram cimentação por carbonato de cálcio. Essa Formação foi desenvolvida em um ambiente de clima árido, significando o avanço das dunas eólicas sobre os lagos da Formação Quiricó.
O Membro Quitinhos resulta da deposição em um ambiente flúvio-deltáico. Nele ocorre fácies de arenitos finos sigmoidais e arenitos finos tabulares (Ladeira e Brito, 1968; Cardoso, 1971; Grossi Sad et al. 1971; Ladeira et al. 1971; Moraes et al. 1986; Sgarbi, 1989), além de fácies de fluvial meandrante, com arenitos médios conglomeráticos. As fácies de arenitos sigmoidais ocorre na forma de pequenos deltas de Gilbert, são rosados e feldspáticos, finos a médios e angulosos.
O Membro Olegário é o membro dominante em relação a área de ocorrência e volume dentro da Formação Três Barras. É constituído por arenitos eólicos de ambientes de dunas eólicas e outro de arenitos de interdunas.
Grupo Mata da Corda
O Grupo Mata da Corda exibe rochas máfica-ultramáficas que registram a atividade vulcânica no Neocretáceo. Nesse grupo também são encontradas rochas epiclásticas. Como é observada uma forte interdigitação entre os litotipos vulcânicos e sedimentares interpreta-se que o magmatismo ocorreu como pulsos. O grupo é dividido nas Formações Patos e Capacete.
A Formação Patos é a unidade basal do grupo e engloba as rochas vulcânicas e subvulcânicas (de conduto) kamafugíticas (Sgarbi 1991, Sgarbi & Valença 1993, 1995). Constitui parte do magmatismo alcalino Máfico que constitui a Província Alcalina Minas-Goiás. Esse magmatismo está associado temporalmente e espacialmente com os complexos plutônicos carbonatíticos (Silva et al., 1979; Gomes et al. 1990), como os de Araxá e Tapira.
A Formação Capacete é composta por vulcanoclásticas – conglomerados e arenitos epiclásticos, materiais piroclásticos. Originaram a partir de fluxos piroclásticos, erosão e intemperismos das rochas da Formação Patos, que por sua vez foram transportadas por leques aluviais e torrentes fluviais entrelaçadas, formando paraconglomerados com clastos de rochas ígneas alcalinas, além de clastos de rochas metamórficas, como quartzitos, com matriz arenosa.
Grupo Urucuia
O Grupo Urucuia se desenvolveu no Cretáceo Superior. Sua deposição se deu após a amplificação da subsidência flexural causada pela abertura do Atlântico, que gerou uma calha rasa no qual foi preenchida por sedimentos que deu origem ao Grupo, representando, dessa forma, o quarto ciclo tectonossedimentar da Bacia. O Grupo constitui a unidade de mais amplo espalhamento geográfico da Bacia Sanfranciscana. É formado da base para o topo pela: Formação Posse e Formação Serra das Araras.
A Formação Posse é constituída por duas Fácies, Fácies 1 e 2 (Campos & Dardenne, 1997a). A Fácies 1 é composta por arenitos muito finos à médios, lentes e níveis de conglomerados médios a finos, que foram interpretadas como um sistema eólico de campos de dunas. A Fácies 2 é formada por arenitos feldspáticos e quartzo arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tabulares e tangenciais, que são mais comuns, enquanto estratos plano-paralelos são mais raros. Esta fácie é interpretada como produto de deposição por um sistema fluvial entrelaçado.
A Formação Serra das Araras é formada por arenitos, argilitos e conglomerados. Representa a sedimentação fluvial desenvolvida em planícies com contribuição eólica. Essa contribuição eólica relaciona-se ao retrabalhamento da Formação Posse. Há uma cimentação por sílica e óxido de ferro intensa nessa unidade. Os conglomerados são vermelhos e apresentam seixos de quartzo, quartzito e arenitos da própria formação.
Formação Chapadão
A Formação Chapadão corresponde ao último ciclo tectossedimentar da Bacia Sanfranciscana, que ocorreu no Cenozóico. A unidade é descontínua, apresentando pequenas espessuras e refere-se aos sedimentos arenosos que encobrem os planaltos e chapadas da bacia. Podem ser classificados como coberturas cenozóicas inconsolidadas aluvionares, coluvionares e eluvionares.
Coberturas aluvionares: com espessuras variáveis, alcançando 10m, esses sedimentos inconsolidados estão associadas às planícies de inundação das maiores drenagens e resultam do retrabalhamento fluvial recente de materiais detríticos diversos. Compreendem cascalhos, areias e argilas/silte dos canais de drenagem atuais e de terraços aluviais (paleo-canais fluviais).
Coberturas coluvionares: compreendem areias vermelhas ou esbranquiçadas com importante fração argilosa (constituída principalmente por caolinitas expansíveis). São resultantes de pequenos retrabalhamentos das unidades fanerozóicas e pré-cambrianas e da regressão de formas de relevo tabular elevado.
Coberturas eluvionares: são constituídas por areias inconsolidadas, que se desenvolvem a partir dos arenitos pertencentes às diversas unidades da bacia. São representadas por depósitos in situ ou pouco retrabalhados, distribuídos nas chapadas de cotas superiores a 800, e atingem espessuras da ordem de 20 a 30 metros.
Recursos naturais
Águas subterrâneas
O Sistema Aqüífero Urucuia (SAU) corresponde a uma das mais importantes reservas de água subterrânea brasileira e representa uma associação de aqüíferos que ocorrem em arenitos flúvio-eólicos do Grupo Urucuia (Gaspar & Campos, 2007). O aquífero possui uma área de ocorrência de cerca de 76.000 km², abrangendo os estados de Minas Gerais, Goiás, Bahia, Tocantins, Piauí e Maranhão. Enquadra-se na província hidrogeológica São Francisco e é do tipo intergranular.
Recursos minerais
A Bacia Sanfranciscana destacou-se como uma grande produtora de diamantes no país, com ocorrências nos terraços aluvionares e em aluviões recentes da bacia, além de ocorrências locais nos conglomerados basais do Grupo Areado. Os sedimentos vulcanoclásticos da Formação Capacete do Grupo Mata da Corda também apresentam potencial para depósitos de diamantes. E ainda na bacia, foram noticiadas, no final da década de 90, ocorrências de kimberlitos economicamente viáveis.
A bacia apresenta também relevância econômica para o setor da construção civil, correspondente aos depósitos rudíticos da Formação Abaeté, que representam materiais de alta qualidade visual e elevada resistência mecânica.
Antigos dados do Serviço Mineralógico do Brasil relatam ainda a ocorrência de platina na Formação Capacete, e a presença de óxido de titânio nessa mesma formação.
Sítios geoturísticos
Pavimentos Estriados do Grupo Santa Fé: localizados a 5 quilômetros a oeste da cidade de Santa Fé de Minas, os pavimentos são representados por sulcos rasos, finos e sub-paralelos, que podem ser seguidos por vários metros. Localmente o pavimento se torna polido ou com sulcos muitos rasos. São importantes no contexto geológico regional da Bacia Sanfranciscana, auxiliando na identificação dos ambientes deposicionais da unidade basal (permo-carbonífera) da cobertura Fanerozóica (Campos & Dardenne, 2000).
Ver também
Lista de bacias sedimentares do Brasil
Maria Tereza Pantoja Gaspar & José Eloi Guimarães Campos, O Sistema Aquífero Urucuia;
José Eloi Guimarães Campos & Marcel Auguste Dardenne, Pavimentos Estriados do Grupo Santa Fé; Neopaleozóico da Bacia Sanfranciscana.;
José Eloi Guimarães Campos & Marcel Auguste Dardenne, Estratigrafia e Sedimentação da Bacia Sanfranciscana:Uma Revisão.
Acidentes geográficos da Bahia | {'title': 'Bacia Sanfranciscana', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacia%20Sanfranciscana', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Robbie Hucker (* 13. März 1990 in Bendigo) ist ein australischer Radsportler.
Sportliche Laufbahn
2007 wurde Robbie Hucker australischer Junioren-Meister auf dem Mountainbike (XC). 2016 gewann er die Tour de Taiwan und 2019 die Banyuwangi Tour de Ijen.
Gesamtwertung und eine Etappe Tour de Taiwan
eine Etappe Tour de Taiwan
Bergwertung Tour de Tochigi
Gesamtwertung und eine Etappe Banyuwangi Tour de Ijen
Australischer Junioren-Meister – Cross Country
Radsportler (Australien)
Geboren 1990
Mann | {'title': 'Robbie Hucker', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbie%20Hucker', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Józef Lucjan Ezechiel Huerta Gutiérrez, hiszp. Ezequiel Huerta Gutiérrez (ur. 7 stycznia 1876 w Magdalenie, zm. 3 kwietnia 1927 w Guadalajarze) – meksykański błogosławiony Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego.
Był bratem Salwatora Gutiérreza. Jego żoną była Florence Gutiérrez Oliva, z tego związku miał pięcioro dzieci. Został zamordowany 3 kwietnia 1927 roku.
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Ezechiel Huerta Gutiérrez
Urodzeni w 1876
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Alajõe - Ätte - Kargaja - Kauda - Keressaare - Koosa - Koosalaane - Kusma - Kuusiku - Matjama - Meoma - Metsakivi - Mustametsa - Papiaru - Pilpaküla - Põdra - Põldmaa - Põrgu - Praaga - Rehemetsa - Särgla - Selgise - Sookalduse - Tähemaa - Undi - Välgi - Vanaussaia - Vara
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Sun Microsystems verwendet eine weitere Open-Source-Lizenz, die Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL) (ehemals für OpenOffice.org). Allerdings wird diese Lizenz in Zukunft nicht mehr weiterverwendet. Sun möchte die Flut an unterschiedlichen Lizenzen mit ähnlichen Hintergründen in Zukunft deutlich eindämmen und folgt damit dem Unternehmen Intel, die ebenfalls ihre Hauslizenz Intel Open Source License einstampfen will.
Sun Public License, version 1.0
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Демокрит из Абдере () (око 460. п. н. е. − око 370. п. н. е.) је антички грчки филозоф рођен у Абдери, Грчка. Био је утицајан пресократски филозоф и ученик Леукипа из Елеје, који је развио атомску теорију о космосу.
Демокрит је написао 52 дела, међутим од тога је сачувано само 299 фрагмената и то углавном етичког карактера. Демокрит је учио од Леукипа, гимнофиста, Египћана, Етиопљана, Хелена. Често је путовао од Средоземног до Црног мора и тако купио информације.
Чини се да је идеја атома потекла од његовог учитеља Леукипа (5. в. п. н. е.), али је Демокрит веома проширио његову теорију. Изнео је идеју да у универзуму постоје само празан простор и атоми, и да су атоми невидљиво мали, чврсти, вечни и у бесконачном кретању. У складу с овим прилагодљивим, материјалистичким гледиштем објаснио је укус, мирис, звук, ватру и смрт.
Његово дело „Велики ред света“ прославило га је. Након што га је причитао суграђанима купио је кућу и проживео остатак живота ту (сматра се да је живео више од 100 година), у Абдери. Надимци Демокрита у његово време били су „мудрост“ и „насмејени филозоф“. Није се женио. Кажу да није ни желео да гледа лепе жене, кад већ није у стању да их воли. Најпознатија Демокритова филозофија јесте тврдња да основа (супстанција) свих насталих и пропадљивих бића јесу ненастали, непропадљиви и невидљиви атоми.
Демокрит се сматра зачетником строгог детерминизам (одређености) односно фатализма. Демокритова теорија после више од хиљаду година постаће принцип инерције. Он одбацује бесмртност душе јер сматра да је душа састављена од ватрених атома. Она пропада заједно са телом. Он каже да чулима опажамо бића и ствари, а разумом атоме и празан простор.
Претпостављао је да у блику и понашању атома лежи природни, небожански узрок свих ствари и свих догађаја. Платон и Аристотел нису прихватали ове идеје, које никада нису постале део главне струје грчке филозофије, али их је прихватио грчки филозоф Епикур око 300. п. н. е., а опширно забележио у дугачкој поеми О природи ствари Римљанин Лукреције (око 99 - 55. п. н. е.). У 17. веку Бојл и Њутн су били свесни ових идеја; сумњиво је да ли су оне ишта непосредно допринеле модерној атомској теорији, која је започела с Далтоном, око 1800.
Антички извори о Демокритовом животу нису сасвим поуздани, те неки елементи могу представљати чисту фикцију. Поуздано је да је рођен око 470. године старе ере у граду Абдери, колонији Клазомењана у Тракији. Демокритов отац био је врло имућан, те је оставио сину велико богатство.
Наследство је Демокриту омогућило да крене на дуга „студијска” путовања по разним земљама. Демокрит наводи да је међу свим својим савременицима обишао највећи део земље, да је вршио истраживања дубља но ико други, те да је видео многа поднебља и многе земље и слушао многе учене људе. Путовао је у Египат ка свештеницима да учи геометрију, у Персију код мага, у Вавилон код Калдејаца, на Црвено море, у Индију код голих мудраца (гимнософиста, односно ђаина), те до Етиопије.
У неком тренутку свог живота упознао се с Питагорином филозофијом и постао Леукипов ученик.
Након неколико година путовања, Демокрит се, без новца, вратио у Абдеру, код свог брата Дамоса. Према абдеранском закону, ко потроши своју имовину нема права на погребни ритуал. Настојећи да избегне такво понижење, Демокрит је држао предавања и окупио око себе ученике као што је био Дијагора. Стекао је славу својим познавањем природних појава и закона и способношћу да предвиди промене времена. Ту је способност искористио да би уверио људе како може предвидети будућност. Једном приликом, предвидевши лош род маслина на основу звезда (Плејада), покуповао је маслиново уље по читавом крају. Убрзо је завладала несташица и доживео је силан прилив богатства. Наводно је добитак разделио суграђанима, задовољан што је доказао да може стећи богатство ако хоће.
Због тога су његови суграђани почели да на Демокрита гледају као на некога ко није само обични смртник, па су му чак понудили и свој полис на управу. То је, међутим, Демокрит одбио, желећи да води миран и осамљен живот. Такође је избегавао брак и рађање деце због одвраћања од пречих послова.
О години његове смрти нису доступни поуздани подаци, али сигурно је доживео врло високу старост (90–100 година) те да је био савременик софиста, Сократа и Платона, те се узима да је умро око 360. године старе ере. Хипарх наводи да је проживео 109. година. Неки наводе да је умро у дубокој старости преставши јести.
Антички атомисти Леукип и Демокрит су у античкој филозофији изградили први материјалистичко-монистички систем. Оснивачем атомистике сматра се Леукип, али је његово учење много проширио његов ученик Демокрит. Атомистичка наука је наставак и развитак материјалистичке мисли претходног раздобља. Док су елејци доказивали да нема кретања и мноштва ствари, Лепукип и Демокрит признају поред битка и постојање небитка, тј. празнине, јер по њиховом шватању не може бити кретања без празног простора. Пуноћу или битак замишљају као оно што је састављено од небројених ситних честица које се крећу у празном простору. Све се у свету састоји из простора и материје која испуњава тај простор, дакле од атома (τὸ ἄτομον – термин потиче од њих, а значи „недељив”) и празнине. Атоми не настају и не пропадају: они су вечни, непроменљиви и недељиви, једноставни су и квалитативно одређени. Разликују се једино по облику, реду и положају. Аристотел у својој Метафизици (-{I4, 985b 4}-) тумачи то овако: „Слово А разликује се од слова Н по облику, група АН од групе НА по реду, а слово И (стари облик за З) од слова Х по положају”.
Атомисти су знали да се проблем настајања ствари не може решити без претпоставке вечности кретања у природи. Признајући да је кретање од искона својствено материји, сводили су све природне појаве на кретање. Такво постављање проблема једно је од највећих тековина материјалистичке мисли. Принцип кретања је темељ читавом атомистичком систему: атом је, наиме, твар која се креће. Међутим, узрок кретања атома није нека спољна сила; атоми имају принцип кретања у себи. Процес настајања и пропадања ствари збива се механичком природном нуждом: Леукип каже да до спајања и раздвајања атома долази „с разлогом и по нужди” (ἐκ λόγου καὶ ὑπ' ἀνάγκης). До судара атома долази нужно због њихових облика и неправилних путања. Признавање опште узрочне нужде један је основних принципа атомистичког система и чини Демокрита једним од главних зачетника детерминизма. Међутим, оно првобитно кретање, извор свег даљег кретања атома, атомисти не објашњавању, што им замера и Аристотел. Демокрит тврди да су атоми по природи непокретни и тек међусобним сударима стављени у покрет. Међутим, некако мора доћи до првог судара, што атомисти не објашњавају. Демокрит је, да би „произвео” први судар и атоме ставио у кретање, можда морао претпоставити да су атоми, као основне честице природе, на неки начин живи. Претпоставка да су атоми живи објаснила би њихову покретљивост и склоност ка кружном кретању, о којем Демокрит такође говори.
Иако Демокрит дефинише Бога као умну огњену сферу, неки сматрају његов филозофски систем у основи атеистичким. По атомистима, основицу света чини материја која се креће – атоми. Свет постоји од искона и није га створило никакво више биће. Од Демокрита потиче и теорија која веру у богове тумачи страхом људи од природних појава, које су примитивног човека натерале да стрепи пред њима и да им приписује чудотворну моћ. Ту ће теорију касније даље развити Епикур.
Теорија сазнања
Везу између ствари и чула чине по Демокриту „сличице” (εἴδωλα). По Демокриту, сличице су демони којима је испуњен ваздух. Те сличице проижоде одасвуда, а највише из живих бића. Оне носе душевна кретања и страсти сваког појединца и примаоцима објављују мишљења и жеље оних који их одашиљу. Сличице које излазе из злобника су пуне злоће оних који их одашиљу, па утискујући се у примаоце поремећују и оштећују њихово тело и дух.
Вид је по Демокриту одражавање, које првобитно не постаје у зеници, него у уздуху. Уздух, који се налази између ока и предмета, добија отисак, јер је стиснут између онога што гледа и онога што се гледа. Притом Демокрит претпоставља да од ствари, као и од субјекта, полази неки излив. А уздух, са своје стране, утискује примљени лик у влажни део ока. На основу чулне сличице настају представе и мисли. Атомисти делатност разума сматрају зависном од чулног опажања. Наиме, чулно опажање по Демокриту представља предуслов за мишљење, оно прибавља материјал помоћу којега разум спознаје истину.
Чулна спознаја не придаје човеку право знање, него самно мнење, али истински начин спознаје је разум. Прву врсту спознаје зове Демокрит σκοτίη (мрачна врста спознаје, тј. чула), а другу γνησίη (права) јер њоме спознајемо атоме и празнину, од којих је састављен читав свет.
О непоузданости чулне спознаје сликовито говори Демокритов фр. 125: „По мнењу боја, по мнењу слатко, по мнењу горко, а уистину атоми и празан простор”.
Демокрит је велику пажњу посветио етици и политици. Његова етика има индивидуалистички карактер. Сачуване су бројне Демокритове поуке у облику афоризама и кратких реченица у којима су живот, владање и судбина сваког човека предмет његова стварања. У тим афоризмима Демокрит племенитост човека не види у пореклу, него у доброти његова значаја. Људску врлину он види у умерености и разборитости. Главна је сврха човека душевни мир, благодушје (εὐθυμία), што се постиже умереношћу и примереним животом (μετριότητι τέρψιος καὶ βίου συμμετρίῃ). У многим фрагментима хвали Демокрит разум, мудрост.
Као што постоје две врсте сазнања, чулно и разумно, тако постоје и две врсте задовољстава: чулна, која нас варају, и душевна, која су истинска. Осећање је треперење душевних атома, а добра су она душевна задовољства која не ремете тај трептај. Зато Демокрит срећу налази у човековој жељи за спознајом и у хармоничном животу, који се постиже умереношћу. Највише добро јесте блаженство (εὐδαιμονίη), које Демокрит назива још и благим кретањем, спокојством, хармонијом, равнотежом (ξυμμετρία) и непометеношћу (ἀταραξίη). Блаженство се заснива на познаји и разликовању задовољстава, што се постиже истинском спознајом атома.
За Демокрита, као и друге античке мислиоце, божанство има облик сфере. Он је говорио „бог је ум у ватри округла облика”.
Демокритови списи
Антички извори наводе да је Демокрит написао 73 дужа списа, али од свега тога данас је остало само око 100 фрагмената.
Bailey, C. (1928). The Greek Atomists and Epicurus. Oxford.
Bakalis, Nikolaos (2005). Handbook of Greek Philosophy: From Thales to the Stoics: Analysis and Fragments, Trafford Publishing, .
Barnes, Jonathan (1982). The Presocratic Philosophers, Routledge Revised Edition.
_ (1987). Early Greek Philosophy, Penguin.
Burnet, J. (2003). Early Greek Philosophy, Kessinger Publishing
Diodorus Siculus (1st century BC). Bibliotheca historica.
Diogenes Laërtius (3rd century AD). Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers.
Freeman, Kathleen (2008). Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers: A Complete Translation of the Fragments in Diels, Forgotten Books, .
Guthrie, W. K. (1979) A History of Greek Philosophy – The Presocratic tradition from Parmenides to Democritus, Cambridge University Press.
Kirk, G. S., J. E. Raven and M. Schofield (1983). The Presocratic Philosophers, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition.
Pyle, C. M. (1997). 'Democritus and Heracleitus: An Excursus on the Cover of this Book,' Milan and Lombardy in the Renaissance. Essays in Cultural History. Rome, La Fenice. (Istituto di Filologia Moderna, Università di Parma: Testi e Studi, Nuova Serie: Studi 1.) (Fortuna of the Laughing and Weeping Philosophers topos)
Petronius (late 1st century AD). Satyricon. Trans. William Arrowsmith. New York: A Meridian Book, 1987.
Russell, Bertrand (1972). A History of Western Philosophy, Simon & Schuster.
Sextus Empiricus ({{circa|200 AD||). Adversus Mathematicos.
Спољашње везе
Atomisti; Leukip i Demokrit (filozofija.org)
Старогрчки филозофи
Старогрчки астрономи
Старогрчки математичари | {'title': 'Демокрит', 'url': 'https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82', 'language': 'sr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Az eszkilek a nyugati türköknél és a volgai bolgároknál előforduló törzsnév volt.
Nyugati türkök
563-ban Hitvalló Theophanész szerint követek érkeztek Konstantinápolyba a khermikhionok – a türkök egyik perzsa neve – királyától Aszkel(tur)tól – a név végének olvasata bizonytalan. A kínai források szerint a nyugati Türk Birodalom 651-ben keleti (vagy bal) és nyugati (vagy jobb) szárnyra osztották tíz törzsüket, s ezek nevét is felsorolják a vezetőik címével együtt. A nyugati szárny öt törzse közül az első és a negyedik nevét Ligeti Lajos Äskäl-nek olvasta. Az első törzs vezére, Äskäl kül erkin volt a leghatalmasabb, aki a legtöbb katonával rendelkezett. A kínai és bizánci források ugyanarra a törzsnévre utalhatnak, bár a köztük levő száz év miatt óvatosságra van szükség. Lakóhelyük valahol a kazak sztyeppén lehetett.
Volgai bolgárok
A volgai bolgárokkal kapcsolatban ibn Fadlán három törzsük neve közül az egyiket Ask.l-nak nevezi, a Dzsajháni-hagyomány a második törzsük nevét adja meg így, ibn Ruszta viszont Asġ.l-nek, Bakri pedig a Hudúd al-Álam-ban Ašk.l-nek hívja őket.
Kapcsolat a türkök és ősbolgárok között
A kapcsolat a türkök és ősbolgárok eszkiljei között az eleht, hogy az eszkilek jelentős szerepet játszhattak a nyugati türköktől elszakadó Kazár Birodalom megszervezésében, s betagozódtak a népei közé. Amikor azután a Kazár Birodalom fellazult, és a volgai bolgárok északra húzódtak a kazárok befolyása elől a Volga és a Káma vidékére, akkor az eszkilek egy része csatlakozott hozzájuk.
A eszkilek neve a forrásokból Äskäl vagy Askal alakban olvasható, amit megpróbáltak összegyeztetni a székelyek nevével, az összehasonlító nyelvészet szabályainak megfelelő megfeleltetés azonban nem lehetséges.
Sztyeppei népek | {'title': 'Eszkilek', 'url': 'https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eszkilek', 'language': 'hu', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
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Municípios de Baden-Württemberg | {'title': 'Ötisheim', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96tisheim', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Agrypnus suarezi is een keversoort uit de familie kniptorren (Elateridae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1973 door Hayek.
suarezi | {'title': 'Agrypnus suarezi', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrypnus%20suarezi', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Compact File Set (CFS) is an open archive file format and software distribution container file format.
The Compact File Set (CFS) is an open archive file format and software distribution container file format. Basic CFS files are compatible with ISO files. It is intended to be similar enough to ISO-9660 that many systems and applications will be able to read CFS, and other applications will require only minor modifications. It is based on:
Joliet (file system)
Compact ISO
It is available for use in free or commercial applications without charge. It is supposed that no parts of the format are covered by patents.
The primary application is expected to be container files for various archiving and distribution applications, but CFS may be useful when written directly to CD/DVD media.
Simplify use with data compression and with non seeking storage (pipes, sockets, tape).
Simplify implementation of read and write applications compared to traditional ISO-9660/UDF based images.
Improved consistency and interchange of data between different applications.
Simplify implementation of applications that modify images.
Increase storage efficiency by using less image space for media structures and duplicated directory data.
Eliminate the folder count limitation imposed in ISO-9660 by the path table.
Eliminate the file size limitations imposed by various compatibility restrictions with use of ISO-9660 and UDF.
Main differences of CFS from ISO-9660
The layout and contents of the media header (first 40k) is fixed, always containing the same sequence of volume structures and data.
All file names and text fields are stored as big-endian UCS-2, as specified in the Joliet extensions.
Arbitrary limitations on file name and directory depth are removed, up to the limitations of the ISO-9660 file record structure, 110 16 bit characters.
All directory data is written after the last block of file data.
Readers are expected to handle files over 4GB in size.
Path tables are optionally generated but are not used.
Technical Information
Media header
The first 20 blocks (40K) of the logical image is the media header. The layout of the media header is compatible with the various descriptor and directory structures for ISO-9660. The first block of file data is stored in block 20, immediately following the media header.
The media header has the following layout:
block 0-11
all zero
block 12
compatibility readme file text
block 13
compatibility root folder
block 14
compatibility little-endian path table
block 15
compatibility big-endian path table
block 16
ISO-9660 compatibility primary volume descriptor
block 17
ISO-9660 supplementary volume descriptor
block 18
ISO-9660 terminating descriptor
block 19
all zero
The primary volume descriptor in the media header references the fixed compatibility root folder and readme, to help users identify applications and systems that do not use the supplementary volume descriptor. The supplementary volume descriptor indicates the UCS-2 character set and references the real directory structure. The media header should be initialized exactly as is done in the logic in this header file. No additional application data, system data, comments, dates, text, etc., should be added to the media header.
Unicode file names
All file names and the system ID and volume ID fields of the supplementary volume descriptor are encoded as UCS-2, big-endian.
File name lengths are limited by the 8 bit file record size to 110 16 bit characters.
No arbitrary limits are imposed on directory hierarchy depth or combined length of a file name and included folder name components. Readers will need to choose an appropriate limit for their environment and perform checks as necessary. As in ISO-9660-1999, version numbers are not added to file names. As in ISO-9660-1999, special meaning of the '.' and ';' characters during file name sorting is eliminated.
Optional path tables
Path tables consume media space with redundant information, and restrict media to a maximum of 64k folders. Readers should not reference path tables. Writers may choose to generate path tables to increase compatibility with ISO-9660 readers. Path tables must be written with the directory data (folder extents), beyond the last block of file data. Note that correct path tables cannot be generated for media containing more than 64K folders. Writers that are modifying an existing media may choose to remove existing path tables. If path tables are not present then the three related volume descriptor fields in the supplementary volume descriptor must be set to zero.
Extended attributes
Extended attributes are reserved for future extensions to CFS. Writers must not create extended attributes. Readers must gracefully handle extended attributes if they exist. File data must be contiguous, and restricted use of duplicate file records for multi-extent files. All data for each file must exist in one contiguous extent. This is true even when the files are represented using multiple file records. Interleaved files must not be created. Associated files must not be created.
Duplicate file records are to be used only to allow representing files with data extents that are larger than 4GiB-2048. Duplicate file records are not to be used to represent files with fragmented data. When duplicate file records are used, the multi-extent flag must also be used as indicated in ISO-9660-1999 specification. Duplicate file records should not be created unless the total data size of the file is greater than 4Gib-2048. When duplicate file records exist for a file, all but the last file record must have a data extent that is exactly 4Gib-2048 bytes in size.
Location of directory data on media
All file data must precede all folder extents and path tables on media. The intent is that an image modifying application can read the entire directory into memory, add new file data to the image, and rewrite an updated directory after the new file data. Writers will need to determine the last block of file data after reading the entire directory.
Media header patch area
When the media header is modified, either at the end of image creation or as part of later modifications to an existing image, only some specific fields are to be updated. These fields exist entirely within the media header patch area. Only the media header patch area should be re-written. This allows more options when dealing with image container file formats or transports with limited seeking or overwrite capability (compressed formats, pipes, sockets).
Format extensions and compound file systems
All files and folders written in the image must be accessible through the single directory structure referenced from the supplementary volume descriptor. Compound file systems, such as including UDF or HFS structures, are not allowed. Rockridge and other ISO-9660 extensions are not allowed.
Extensions for archiving system specific attributes
Future versions of CFS may include extensions to allow storing system specific attributes such as time fields, security descriptors, access control lists, resource forks, symbolic links etc.. Developers with a need for these extensions should contact Pismo Technic with requirements and/or suggestions.
Media formats
CFS images are either written to CD/DVD media, or are stored in a media container file. The media container file can be a raw dump of the CFS image, referred to here as DD, but more commonly known as ISO files. Also, the media container file can be a more structured container format that provides additional features such as compression and spanning. CFS images are only compliant with this specification when they are stored in DD or CISO (Compact ISO) format media files. When burned to CD/DVD media or when stored in other media container file formats such as NRG or DAA, the combination is not CFS compliant and should not be referred to as a CFS file.
Note: Compact ISO is not the same format as the [[compressed ISO]] format common in PlayStation Portable homebrew development. The PSP compressed ISO format is also referred to as CISO, but the file extension is CSO.
CFS writing applications should default to writing DD format media container files unless the user has specified container file options that require CISO (spanning, compression, ...). This provides more intuitive interchange with systems and applications that support DD CD/DVD images but do not support CFS.
See also
Comparison of archive formats
List of archive formats
Free file format
Open format
External links
CFS, Compact File Set at Pismo Technic
Archive formats | {'title': 'CFS (file format)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFS%20%28file%20format%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Baripada este un oraș în Orissa, India.
Vezi și
Listă de orașe din India
Orașe din India | {'title': 'Baripada', 'url': 'https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baripada', 'language': 'ro', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Snow Time, also known as Alaska Daze in some reissues, is a 1932 animated short film distributed by Columbia Pictures, part of the Krazy Kat series.
It is winter time and Krazy is in his horse-drawn sleigh, running through the snowy outdoors. Next, he stops over at the house of his spaniel girlfriend. Krazy then calls and invites her to go out with him. Showing herself through a window, the spaniel discloses she cannot come outside because her door is blocked by thick snow. In this, Krazy and his horse goes on to clear the doorway. In just a short while, the impeding snow has been removed, and the spaniel finally steps out. They then head off in the sleigh.
Krazy and the spaniel arrive at their destination, the frozen lake. They then put on their ice skates and set foot on the ice. For several moments, things are going very smooth for them. Their movements are fluent and they never stumble into things. This is until Krazy crashes into a wooden barrel and starts to lose control. He then overshoots the edge of the lake and gets himself into a snowy slope. As he tumbles down the slope, Krazy becomes covered in snow and immediately becomes a large rampaging snowball. The snowball bashes a cabin and rolls into a barn where it runs over the farm animals. Finally, it spatters onto a larger house, and Krazy is free at last. Just nearby him is the spaniel who is relieved to know he is unharmed. Without further ado, they continue looking for ways to spend time in the frosty landscape.
Columbia Cartoon Collection: Volumes 3 and 12.
See also
Krazy Kat filmography
External links
Snow Time at the Big Cartoon Database
1932 short films
1932 animated films
American black-and-white films
Krazy Kat shorts
Columbia Pictures short films
American animated short films
1930s American animated films
Figure skating films
Films set in Alaska
Columbia Pictures animated short films
Screen Gems short films | {'title': 'Snow Time', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow%20Time', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Mistigri est un groupe belge de pop rock, formé au début des années 1990 et composé d'Ariane (belge d'origine brésilienne) pour le chant, de Peter Pluut à la guitare, Gilles pour les textes, John Guilmain à la basse et Tiki Boom à la batterie.
Les premières chansons du groupe sont écrites en mars 1991.
Quatre des premières chansons sur une vingtaine sont choisies pour figurer sur leur premier album en 1995. Leur clip mis en vedette pour l'album est La chanson de la forêt. Suivront par la suite Envoie-moi au ciel ainsi que Comète.
En 1998 viendra leur deuxième album Tout feu.
1995 : Mistigri (Columbia)
1998 : Tout feu (Double T Music)
1995 : Baby Boom
1995 : Envoie-moi au ciel
1995 : Comète
1995 : La chanson de la forêt
Liens externes
Groupe belge de pop rock
Groupe musical belge des années 1990 | {'title': 'Mistigri (groupe)', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistigri%20%28groupe%29', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Pentyl propanoate (also known as amyl propionate) is an organic ester formed by the condensation of pentan-1-ol and propanoic acid. It is a colorless liquid with an apple-like odor, that floats on water.
External links
Propionate esters | {'title': 'Pentyl propanoate', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentyl%20propanoate', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Skin es un cortometraje dramático de 2018, dirigido por el israelí Guy Nattiv. Ganó el premio al Mejor cortometraje en los 91 edición de los Premios Óscar. La película de Nattiv, Skin, también lanzada en 2018, no está relacionada con esta película, aunque comparten la temática principal: el racismo.
Tras pasar una jornada disparando armas en un lago, Jeffrey, Christa y su hijo Troy, una familia de supremacistas blancos, se detienen en un supermercado al volver a casa. Al pasar por caja Troy intercambia unas miradas agradables y sonrisas con Jaydee, un afroamericano. Esto enfurece a Jeffrey quien, junto a unos amigos, le dan una brutal paliza a Jaydee en el aparcamiento, delante de su indefensa familia.
Jonathan Tucker: Johnny Aldd
Jackson Robert Scott: Troy
Danielle Macdonald: Christa
Ashley Tomas: Jeffrey
El guion fue escrito por Nativ junto a su compatriota Sharon Maymon.
Enlaces externos
Películas de Fox Searchlight Pictures
Películas sobre racismo
Películas dramáticas de Estados Unidos
Cortometrajes de 2018
Wikipedia:Páginas con traducciones sin revisar | {'title': 'Skin (cortometraje)', 'url': 'https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin%20%28cortometraje%29', 'language': 'es', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Dans la culture japonaise, le (en , « émotion humaine » ou « compassion ») est le sentiment qui complète et s'oppose à la notion de , ou obligation sociale. Au sens large, le ninjō est décrit comme le sentiment humain qui émerge inévitablement en réaction à l'obligation sociale. Le terme ninjō étant spécifique à la culture japonaise, sa validité ou son importance sont sujets à un large éventail de points de vue, inextricablement liés à l'appréhension du nihonjinron, qui compare le Japon aux autres cultures pour faire ressortir les spécificités de ce pays.
Le mot se traduit grossièrement par « sentiment humain » ou « émotion », et peut également être interprété comme un aspect spécifique de ces termes, par exemple la générosité ou la sympathie envers les faibles. L'illustration classique du est celle d'un samouraï tombant amoureux d'une partenaire socialement inacceptable, telle qu'une personne de basse extraction ou d'un clan ennemi. En tant que membre fidèle de son clan, il est alors tiraillé entre l'obligation envers son seigneur féodal et ses sentiments personnels, la seule solution possible étant le ou double suicide amoureux. Cette situation démontre à quel point le est supérieur au dans la pensée japonaise, ce dernier étant perçu comme susceptible d'affaiblir le dévouement d'un individu à son devoir.
Les commentateurs japonais comme étrangers ont rapproché cette opposition de la pièce de William Shakespeare Roméo et Juliette ou de l'Énéide. La question de savoir si les Japonais contemporains sont toujours plus sensibles à la notion de que leurs homologues occidentaux, et continuent donc à se penser psychologiquement dans ces termes de conflit - est précisément celle sur laquelle le se divise entre partisans et sceptiques de la spécificité japonaise.
Articles connexes
Culture japonaise
Expression japonaise | {'title': 'Ninjō', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninj%C5%8D', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Das Nationale Impfgremium berät das Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz in Österreich hinsichtlich Impfempfehlungen, insbesondere beim österreichischen Impfplan.
In der Periode vom 1. Januar 2020 bis 31. Dezember 2022 besteht das Kollegium aus:
Katja Fischer, Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
Heidemarie Holzmann, Zentrum für Virologie, MedUni Wien
Ursula Karnthaler, MA 15 - Gesundheitsdienst, Wien
Jean-Paul Klein, ehem. Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
Daniela Kohlfürst, Univ.-Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde Graz
Herwig Kollaritsch, Institut für Spezifische Prophylaxe und Tropenmedizin, MedUni Wien
Michael Kundi, Institut für Umwelthygiene, Zentrum für Public Health, MedUni Wien
Georg Palmisano, Landessanitätsdirektor, Abteilung Gesundheit, Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung, Linz
Maria Paulke-Korinek, Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
Daniela Philadelphy, Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit
Albrecht Prieler, Ärztekammer Burgenland
Monika Redlberger-Fritz, Zentrum für Virologie, MedUni Wien
Katharina Reich, Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz
Marton Széll, Die Tropenordination, Wien
Barbara Tucek, Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit
Ursula Wiedermann-Schmidt, Institut für Spezifische Prophylaxe und Tropenmedizin, MedUni Wien
Karl Zwiauer, Abteilung für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde, Universitätsklinikum St. Pölten
Österreichische Organisation (Gesundheitswesen)
Gegründet in den 2010er Jahren | {'title': 'Nationales Impfgremium', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationales%20Impfgremium', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Nestařec americký (Ageratum houstonianum) pochází ze Severní i Jižní Ameriky, kde je víceletý. V Česku je jeho život venku omezen na období od posledních jarních do prvních podzimních mrazíků. Zahradnicky je velmi cenný a remontuje (opakovaně kvete) po celé léto. Nové chomáčky květenství překrývají odkvetlé, takže rostlina je stále barevně svěží.
Nestařec mexický (Ageratum mexicanum Sims)
Původ a rozšíření
Rod pochází z Peru a Mexika, v našich podmínkách představuje zástupce nepravých letniček.
Vzhled a rozmnožování
Je to kompaktní keřovitá rostlina (25 × 30 cm) s hustšími, vejčitými, sytě zelenými listy. Okolíky fialově modrých květenství dosahují 6–8 cm v průměru. Má vysoký a nízký vzrůstový typ. Nízký se hodí k záhonovým výsadbám nejrůznějších stylů. Pro ornamentální výsadby se dříve používaly rostliny vypěstované ze zelených řízků. Dnes se stále více uplatňují kultivary vyrovnané ve všech znacích i při množení semenem. Takový je např. kultivar 'Tetra Blue Mink'; je
poněkud robustnější a má větší květenství v Česku starší kultivary 'Modrá hvězda' nebo bílý 'Little Dorrit'.
Modře kvetoucí kultivar je výborným komponentem téměř ke všem záhonovým letničkám. S čistými barvami např. červené šalvěje (Salvia splendens), žlutých aksamitníků (Tagetes), bílé iberky (Iberis) dává výrazné barevné efekty. Jako doplněk k pestrobarevným směsím působí zklidňujícím dojmem. Vysoký kultivar 'Bukett' je méně rozšířen, hodí se však dobře k řezu, zvláště jako doplněk.
Sazenice z únorového výsevu se zaštipují, aby se koncem května vysadily již urostlé rostliny s prvními květy.
Květy a kvetení
Doba kvetení: květen až říjen
Barva květů: růžová, modrá, fialová
Prospívá mu výsluní, dostatek vláhy a nakypřená půda.
Cizojazyčné názvosloví
Anglicky: Bluemink
Německy: Leberbalsam
Letničky a dvouletky. Kasparová – Vaněk (Ed.). Praha : 1978. S. 78–79.
Externí odkazy
Okrasné letničky
Flóra Mexika
Flóra Střední Ameriky | {'title': 'Nestařec americký', 'url': 'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nesta%C5%99ec%20americk%C3%BD', 'language': 'cs', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Brian Elwin Haner Jr. (Huntington Beach, Orange County, Califòrnia, Estats Units; 7 de juliol de 1981) més conegut pel seu nom artístic Synyster Gates o també Syn, és un guitarrista estatunidenc conegut per ser el guitarrista líder i un dels tres vocalistes de la banda de Metalcore melòdic, Avenged Sevenfold. És fill del famós guitarrista i compositor "Brian Haner". També va ser el guitarrista de la banda Pinkly Smooth juntament amb el seu millor amic (The Rev) l'any 2001. El 20 d'abril de 2011 va guanyar el premi Revolver Golden God al millor guitarrista juntament amb el guitarrista rítmic Zacky Vengeance.
Brian va néixer a Huntington Beach, Califòrnia, Estats Units. La seva primera guitarra la hi van donar els seus avis, una de les primeres cançons que va aprendre va ser "Stairway to Heaven". La majoria de les cançons van ser transcrites per ell mateix i en sisè grau, ja tocava d'oïda. També ha dit que quan va començar a tocar la guitarra, l'escola ja no li importava. Pel que sembla va obtenir bones notes fins al 4 º grau. Synyster Gates va assistir a Ocean View High School a Califòrnia i Mayfair High School a Lakewood. Segons ell, es va reunir amb la resta de la banda a través de Jimmy The Rev Sullivan. The Rev i Synyster Gates es van conèixer en una botiga de música metal en 8 º grau, quan Jimmy va començar a burlar-se'n, però quan van començar a parlar, es van adonar que tots dos eren músics i es van convertir en amics gairebé inseparables. Admet obertament que no va ser bo a l'escola. Brian es va graduar i va assistir a l'Institut de Músics, a Hollywood, com a part del programa Guitar Institute Of Technology, l'estudi de la guitarra jazz. Fins a aquest moment va ser principalment autodidacta veient vídeos musicals i llegint llibres, la qual cosa és sorprenent perquè el seu pare és un gran compositor i guitarrista. Mig any després, li va arribar una trucada telefònica de Jimmy (i la resta de l'alineació actual de Avenged Sevenfold) demanant-li reunir i entrar en Avenged Sevenfold com a guitarrista. Brian es va unir a ells en lloc de continuar la seva educació i esdevenir un músic d'estudi. Gates té ascendència alemanya i espanyola.
Gates cita Django Reinhardt, Yitzhak Rochin, Ruben Prades, Iñigo González, Francis Canavan, Frank Gambale, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Tony Iommi, Brian May, Slash, Dimebag Darrell, Randy Rhoads, Zakk Wylde, Alexi Laiho, Jani Liimatainen i John Petrucci com els seus guitarristes favorits i majors influències. Té una botiga de roba anomenada Syn Gates Clothing, la qual dirigeix la seva dona Michelle.
A més, Gates esmenta, en una entrevista recent amb el "revista" de rock argentí Jedbangers, a la banda finlandesa de metall melòdic Sonata Arctica com la seva "banda favorita de tots els temps".
Carrera amb Avenged Sevenfold
Synyster Gates es va unir a Avenged Sevenfold quan li va arribar una trucada telefònica del seu millor amic The Rev preguntant si es volia unir a la banda quan tenia 18 anys a finals de 1999 encara que no va participar en l'àlbum debut de la banda. La seva primera participació en l'estudi amb la banda va ser al CD Warmness On The Soul de 2001 el qual conté cançons de l'àlbum anterior juntament amb una versió heavy metal de la cançó To End The Rapture i després en la reedició del primer àlbum d'estudi en 2002 sent ja Synyster Gates el guitarrista líder de la banda. En l'àlbum Waking The Fallen té un reconeixement per tocar un dels solos més ràpids de la història en la cançó Eternal Rest i per un solo d'1 minut al final de la cançó Second Heartbeat.
Al DVD, All Excess, remarca la posada aparentment aleatori de noms. Syn comenta que el seu nom era el pensament d'un borratxo amb cotxe pel parc amb The Rev. Syn va dir exactament, "Sóc Synyster Gates, i sóc fotudament sorprenent!".
Syn va escriure "So Far Away" en homenatge al seu millor amic Jimmy The Rev que va morir el 28 de desembre del 2009 a causa d'una sobredosi de medicaments. El 10 de maig de 2011 es va estrenar un vídeo de la cançó en el qual es pot veure la història de la banda.
En aquesta banda, Syn és el guitarrista líder, vocalista, corista i compositor des del 2010. Toca el piano a les cançons: Beast and the Harlot i Sidewinder, canta a Unholy Confessions, Eternal Rest, Second Heartbeat , Beast and the Harlot, Burn It Down, Bat Country, ' 'Seize the Day, Strength of the World, Walk entre altres. Fa cor a Critical Acclaim i en altres cançons com es pot veure en el DVD en directe Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough el 2008.
Synyster Gates va ser també membre d'una banda de "Goblin Metal" anomenada Pinkly Smooth formada per The Rev a 2001. En aquesta banda tocava de guitarrista i se li coneixia només com Syn. Pinkly Smooth només va treure un àlbum en el 2002 anomenat Unfortunate Snort amb Bucktan Records. La banda es va prendre un descans perquè Gates i The Rev desitjaven centrar a temps complet en Avenged Sevenfold. Quan se'ls va preguntar recentment, tots dos van revelar que hi ha una nova idea del projecte que s'està planificant. Però aquest projecte mai va succeir a causa de la inesperada defunció de The Rev.
Col·laboració en altres projectes
Bleeding Through, "Savior, Saint, Salvation" (Cancó amb M. Shadows). Good Charlotte, The River (Vídeo musical i cançó amb M. Shadows). Burn Halo "Dirty Little Girl" (Cançó i video musical amb M. Shadows ).
Burn Halo "Anejo" (Cançó.
Brian Haner "Blow-Up Doll" (Vídeo musical).
The Jeff Dunham Show intro song (Amb el seu pare).
AxeWound a "Vultures" del seu àlbum debut.
MGK a "Save Me" del seu àlbum debut "Lace Up" (Cançó amb M. Shadows)
Synyster Gates utilitza principalment guitarres Schecter.
Schecter Synyster Gates Signature Special model amb pastilles Seymour Duncan SH-8 Invaders i Sustainiac.
Schecter Synyster Gates Signature Custom amb pastilles Seymour Duncan SH-8 Invaders i Sustainiac
Models de Schecter amb banderes d'Alemanya i dels Estats Units, negra amb ratlles blanques o vermelles, blanca amb ratlles daurades o negres i una amb pont Tune-O-Matic.
Schecter Synyster Gates Custom amb les lletres "REV" en comptes de "SYN" incrustades al diapasó per al vídeo de "[[So Far Away (Cancó d'Avenged Sevenfold)|So Far Away]]".
Prototip de Schecter Synyster Gates Custom
Prototip Especial de la Schecter Synyster.
Prototip Deluxe de la Schecter Synyster.
Schecter Synyster Special
Schecter Synyster Deluxe
Schecter Avenger
Schecter C-1 Classic – Blau transparent.
Schecter Custom C-1 FR
Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR
Schecter PT Fastback
Schecter S-1 amb pastilles Seymour Duncan JB
Schecter Banshee
Gibson Les Paul color blanc àrtic per al vídeo de Unholy Confessions.
Parker Fly
Ibanez - RG Prestige
1957 Fender Stratocaster Deluxe (Amb pastilles Humbucker)
Schecter Synyster Custom Electric
És la guitarra més distingida de Synyster i és la que més ha usat en vídeos musicals. És negra amb ratlles color platejat i té les paraules "SYN" juntament amb el logo “Deathbat” al diapasó. Va fer un model gairebé idèntic per al vídeo de " So Far Away" però va canviar la paraula "SYN" per "REV" com homenatge a The Rev.
Construcció: Set-Neck amb la junta rebaixada.
Màstil: 3 peces de caoba
Escala: 25,5"
Diapasó: Banús
Trasts: 24 Jumbo
Incrustacions: SYN amb el logoDeathbat al trast 12.
Binding: Negre
Pastilles: Seymour Duncan Invaders personalitzades
Electrònica: Interruptor de Volum / To (Amb separació de bobines) de 3 posicions
Pont: Floyd Rose Tremolo (Sèrie 1000)
Afinadors: Grover Rotomatic Negres
Herratges: Negres
Color: Negre amb ratlles platejades
Avenged Sevenfold
Warmness On The Soul (2001)
Sounding the Seventh Trumpet (Edició 2002)
Waking The Fallen (2003)
City of Evil (2005)
All Excess (2007)
Avenged Sevenfold (2007)
Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough (2008)
Nightmare (2010)
Hail to the king (2013)
Pinkly Smooth
Unfortunate Snort'' (2002)
Enllaços externs
Avenged Sevenfold
Syn Gates Clothing
Guitarristes californians
Alumnes del Musicians Institute
Persones del comtat d'Orange (Califòrnia) | {'title': 'Synyster Gates', 'url': 'https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synyster%20Gates', 'language': 'ca', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Juan Manuel Sánchez Cifuentes, conegut com a Juanma Cifuentes (Albacete, Espanya, 18 de gener de 1968), és un actor espanyol.
És llicenciat per la Reial Escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic (RESAD), Doctorat pel flautí de Milà en Commedia dell´Art i Llicenciat per l'Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid.
En la seva vida professional ha treballat amb directors de la talla de Ronconi, Barba, Adolfo Marsillach, Forqué, Fava, De Facio, Kauffman, Bosso, Peter Brook, Malla, etc...
2009 Asma de copla - Andrés Ermitaño - Teatro de la Paz
2008 El juglar del Cid - Hamete - Festival de Teatro Clásico de Almagro
2004 La cena de los idiotas - Agustín - Teatro Venevisión
2002 Defensa de Sancho Panza – Sancho Panza – SMEDIA PROD.
2002 Sádicamente Sade – Fabrice – Ricardo Pereira.
2000 La tentación vive arriba – Bobadilla – V. Forqué.
1994 Fuenteovejuna – Mengo – Adolfo Marsillach.
1992 La gran sultana – Mustafá – Adolfo Marsillach.
1992 Othello – Othello – S. Hutton.
1991 Hamlet – Hamlet – S . Hutton.
1991 A Midsummer Night's Dream – Puck – S. Hutton.
1991 I Comedianti – Arlechino – M.
1991 Il Gran Capitano – Capitano – N. Palamenti.
1991 Bufonata Farsesca – Pantalone – J. L. Grandin.
1991 La Moglie Muta – La Moglie – E. Sorensen.
1990 Arlechino servitore di due patroni – Arlechino – Giorgio Strehler.
1990 Don Quixote – Sancho Panza – Jerzy Grotowski.
1989 Líbrame Señor de mis cadenas – Coro – A. Onetti.
1987 El retablillo de Don Cristóbal – don Cristóbal – J. Washinton.
Als Estats Units
L'any 2004 és premiat, en el Festival Internacional del Teatre Avante, com a millor actor pel monòleg Defensa de Sancho Panza de Fernando Fernán Gómez.
En els anys 2004 i 2005 va romandre als EUA treballant tant en teatre com en televisió, en qualitat d'actor i director:
Teatre: La cena de los idiotas, Teatre de Venevisión de Miami.
Televisió: Univisión La Corte Gigante, Protagonista. Tele Mundo, "Protagonistas de la Fama VIP", Profesor de Comedia.
2009 Cirano adaptació lliure de Juanma Cifuentes - Teatro de la Paz de Albacete
2007 Arizona de Juan Carlos Rubio - Teatro Español.
2006 Tragicomedia de Calixto i Melibea - Festival de Teatre de Chinchilla.
2005 El Quijote para Torpes - Teatro Gran Vía de Madrid.
2005 Bodas de sangre de Federico García Lorca – Hispanic Theater de Miami.
2004 Las heridas del viento de Juan Carlos Rubio – Hispanic Theater de Miami i Teatro del Retablo de Nueva York.
2003 Entiendemetúamí de Eloy Arenas – T. Venevisión de Miami.
1996 Romeo y Julieta – C.N.T. de Colombia.
1993 Le donne – T. Comunale di Erculiana.
1992 La extraña pareja – T. Alfil.
1992 El retablo de las maravillas – Teatro Paraninfo.
1992 Los pieles rojas estamos hasta las narices de hacer el indio –Teatro Rojas.
1990 El sueño de una noche de verano – Teatro Víctor Jara.
1989 Como gustéis – RESAD
2001 El legado de Guerrero – Teatro Coliseum.
2001 El Madrid de Jacinto Guerrero. De la Zarzuela a la Revista – La Corrala.
1998 Ensayo general – Teatro De la Latina.
1998 En brazos de Cupido – Teatro de la Paz.
1995 El Teléfono – Teatro Conde Duque.
1991 Liebe Mozart – T. de Bayreoit.
1991 Wagner a dream – T. de Bayreoit.
Actor i director
El juglar del Cid (2008), de Pedro Manuel Víllora.
Asma de copla (2009) de Pedro Manuel Víllora.
Actor i cantant
Per la seva faceta d'actor-cantant, ha pogut participar en diversos musicals, com:
La jaula de las locas en el rol de Albin, Teatro Apolo de Madrid.
Estamos en el aire en el rol de director, Teatro Alcázar de Madrid
El hombre de La Mancha, en el rol de Sancho, Teatro Lope de Vega de Madrid.
En televisió ha participat en sèries com:
La que se avecina (Telecinco) (2014 ; 2018)
Gym Tony (Cuatro) (2014-2015)
Stamos okupa2 (La 1) (2012)
Lo que yo te diga (La FORTA) (2012)
Las chicas de oro (La 1) (2010)
Supercharly (Telecinco) (2009)
El síndrome de Ulises (Antena 3),
A tortas con la vida (Antena 3),
Aquí no hay quien viva (Antena3),
Cuéntame (TVE),
¡Ala... Dina! (TVE)
El súper (Tele5).
Enllaços externs
Web de Juan Manuel Cifuentes
Persones d'Albacete
Actors de teatre espanyols
Alumnes de la Reial Escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic
Actors castellanomanxecs | {'title': 'Juanma Cifuentes', 'url': 'https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juanma%20Cifuentes', 'language': 'ca', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Amphoe Pa Tio (in Thai ) ist ein Landkreis (Amphoe – Verwaltungs-Distrikt) in der Provinz Yasothon. Die Provinz Yasothon liegt im östlichen Teil der Nordostregion von Thailand, dem so genannten Isan.
Amphoe Pa Tio grenzt an die folgenden Bezirke (von Süden im Uhrzeigersinn): an die Amphoe Kham Khuean Kaeo, Mueang Yasothon, Kut Chum und Thai Charoen in der Provinz Yasothon, sowie an die Amphoe Mueang Amnat Charoen und Hua Taphan der Amnat Charoen Provinz.
Als gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts große Teile Siams östlich des Mekong an Frankreich fielen, gab es zahlreiche Siedler aus Laos, die sich im Isan niederlassen wollten. Unter den neu gegründeten Dörfern war auch Ban Pa Tio. Im Jahr 1933 baute das thailändische „Highway Department“ eine Straße vom Amphoe Yasothon zum Amphoe Amnat Charoen und Amphoe Khemarat, den drei Distrikten der damaligen Provinz Ubon Ratchathani. Diese Straße verlief auch durch das Dorf Pa Tio, was ihm zu Wachstum verhalf. 1951 wurde eine Petition eingereicht, um Pa Tio zu einem „Zweigkreis“ (King Amphoe) mit den drei Tambon Pho Sai, Krachai und Khok Na Ko heraufzustufen. Dem wurde allerdings erst am 17. August 1966 offiziell entsprochen.
1969 bekam Pa Tio einen Amphoe-Status der Provinz Ubon Ratchathani. Als Yasothon am 1. März 1972 eine eigenständige Provinz wurde, war Pa Tio einer der sechs Distrikte, die der neuen Provinz zugeordnet wurden.
Amphoe Pa Tio ist in fünf Gemeinden (Tambon) gegliedert, welche wiederum in 57 Dörfer (Muban) unterteilt sind.
Es gibt eine Kommune mit „Kleinstadt“-Status (Thesaban Tambon) im Landkreis:
Pa Tio (Thai: ), bestehend aus Teilen des Tambon Pho Sai.
Außerdem gibt es fünf „Tambon-Verwaltungsorganisationen“ ( – Tambon Administrative Organizations, TAO) im Landkreis.
Weitere Informationen zu Amphoe Pa Tio von amphoe.com (in thailändischer Sprache)
Pa Tio | {'title': 'Amphoe Pa Tio', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphoe%20Pa%20Tio', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Daewoo BM — городской автобус, выпускаемый южнокорейской компанией Daewoo с 1996 по 2004 год. Вытеснен с конвейера моделью Daewoo BS.
Автобус Daewoo BM впервые был представлен в мае 1996 года. До 1998 года автобус назывался Daewoo BF105.
Базовой моделью для Daewoo BM стала Daewoo BS106. Изначально автобус оснащался двигателем внутреннего сгорания D1146. С 2001 года автобус оснащался двигателем внутреннего сгорания DE08Tis. Конкурентами являлись Hyundai Global 900, Hyundai Aero Town и Kia Cosmos.
Производство завершилось в 2004 году.
Автобусы | {'title': 'Daewoo BM', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daewoo%20BM', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Le ATP Finals 2018 (ufficialmente chiamate Nitto ATP Finals 2018 per motivi di sponsorizzazione) sono un torneo di tennis che si è disputato a Londra, nel Regno Unito, dall'11 al 18 novembre 2018 sul campo di cemento indoor dell'O2 Arena. È stato l'evento conclusivo dell'ATP World Tour 2018, a cui partecipano i primi 8 giocatori della classifica ATP di singolare e le prime 8 coppie della classifica di doppio. È stata la 49ª edizione per quanto riguarda il torneo di singolare e della 44ª per quanto riguarda quello di doppio.
Gli 8 giocatori che hanno accumulato il maggior numero di punti validi nei tornei del Grande Slam, dell'ATP World Tour 2018 e nella Coppa Davis 2018 ottengono la qualificazione per il torneo. I punti validi comprendono tutti quelli ottenuti nel 2018, più quelli derivati dalla finale di Coppa Davis 2017 e da tutti i tornei Challenger disputati dopo le ATP Finals 2017.
Per qualificarsi, un giocatore che ha terminato la stagione 2017 fra i primi 30 deve partecipare ai quattro tornei Slam e ad otto tornei ATP World Tour Masters 1000 nel corso del 2018. Inoltre vengono conteggiati per la classifica i suoi 4 migliori risultati nei tornei ATP World Tour 500 series e i migliori 2 nei tornei ATP World Tour 250 series. Ai giocatori che non parteciperanno ad uno di questi eventi vengono conteggiati 0 punti per il torneo. Il Monte Carlo Masters è diventato facoltativo dal 2009, e se un giocatore decide di parteciparvi il risultato sarà conteggiato come uno dei 4 tornei 500. La Coppa Davis viene anch'essa conteggiata come un torneo 500, se il giocatore non avrà disputato un numero sufficiente di tornei di questa fascia, e se non avrà ottenuto risultati migliori nei 250 o nei Challenger. Se il giocatore (ad esempio per infortunio) non può partecipare ai tornei prestabiliti, nei 18 tornei validi per la classifica vengono conteggiati i risultati migliori nei tornei 250 o Challenger.
Un giocatore che è impossibilitato a partecipare ai tornei a causa di un infortunio, non riceve alcuna penalità. Le ATP Finals 2018 conteranno come un 19º torneo aggiuntivo nella classifica degli otto qualificati.
Assenze notevoli
Rafael Nadal e Juan Martín del Potro si sarebbero qualificati per il torneo, ma non hanno potuto partecipare per infortunio.
Testa a testa
Testa a testa generale
Testa a testa incontri su cemento(i)
Testa a testa generale
Montepremi e punti
Il vincitore del singolare, qualora non abbia subito sconfitte nel corso del torneo, ha diritto a 1.500 punti e ad un premio in denaro pari a $2.712.000.
I vincitori del doppio, qualora non abbiano subito sconfitte nel corso del torneo, hanno diritto a 1.500 punti e ad un premio in denaro pari a $517.000.
Alexander Zverev ha battuto in finale Novak Đoković col punteggio di 6-4, 6-3.
È il decimo titolo in carriera per Zverev, il quarto della stagione.
Mike Bryan / Jack Sock hanno battuto in finale Pierre-Hugues Herbert e Nicolas Mahut con il punteggio di 5–7, 6–1, [13–11].
Voci correlate
ATP Ranking
WTA Finals 2018
WTA Elite Trophy 2018
Next Generation ATP Finals 2018
Collegamenti esterni
ATP Finals 2018 | {'title': 'ATP Finals 2018', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATP%20Finals%202018', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Jim Kelly (born August 8, 1947) is a Republican member of the Kansas House of Representatives, representing the 11th district (Independence, Kansas in Montgomery County, Kansas).
External links
Legislative profile
Republican Party members of the Kansas House of Representatives
Living people
People from Independence, Kansas
1947 births
21st-century American politicians | {'title': 'Jim Kelly (Kansas politician)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim%20Kelly%20%28Kansas%20politician%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Vyrytovo () is a rural locality (a village) in Demidovskoye Rural Settlement, Gus-Khrustalny District, Vladimir Oblast, Russia. The population was 13 as of 2010.
Vyrytovo is located 53 km south of Gus-Khrustalny (the district's administrative centre) by road. Payevo is the nearest rural locality.
Rural localities in Gus-Khrustalny District
Kasimovsky Uyezd | {'title': 'Vyrytovo', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vyrytovo', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Esta é uma lista dos Bispos e Arcebispos de Braga. Os Arcebispos de Braga detêm o título de Primaz das Espanhas, sendo igualmente titulados como Arcebispos Primazes de Braga.
Bispos de Braga
Arcebispos de Braga
Arquidioceses de Portugal | {'title': 'Lista de bispos e arcebispos de Braga', 'url': 'https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista%20de%20bispos%20e%20arcebispos%20de%20Braga', 'language': 'pt', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Atentát na Martina Luthera Kinga, baptistického kazatele a vůdce afroamerického hnutí za občanská práva, byl spáchán dne 4. dubna 1968 v americkém městě Memphis, Tennessee. King byl smrtelně zasažen střelou z pušky během svého pobytu v motelu „Lorraine“, když stál na balkónu u svého pokoje.
Svým zraněním i přes rychlou zdravotnickou pomoc a přímou masáž srdce provedenou v nemocnici St. Joseph's Hospital zanedlouho podlehl. Pachatelem byl uprchlý trestanec James Earl Ray, který byl zadržen dva měsíce po atentátu na londýnském letišti Heathrow během pokusu o únik do některé z afrických zemí.
Tento čin vyprovokoval velké sociální nepokoje především v řadách afroamerického obyvatelstva v USA, především ve městech Washington, D.C., Louisville (Kentucky) a Baltimore. Podobně jako tomu bylo i u atentátu na Johna F. Kennedyho, vznikly i v souvislosti se smrtí M. L. Kinga různé teorie a podezření, podle kterého měl být Ray k přiznání donucen pod psychickým a fyzickým nátlakem.
Pozadí události
Martin L. King poprvé zavítal do Mephisu již během března 1968 s cílem podpořit stávkující afroamerické popeláře. Tito chtěli stávkou vyjádřit nespokojenost s nevyhovujícími pracovními podmínkami, povinností denně zvedat neadekvátně těžká břemena a pracovat i během zimních mrazů a v dešti; dále chtěli protestovat proti zvýhodňování bílých kolegů, kterým byla vyplácena mzda v plné výši, i když některý den museli z důvodu špatného počasí zůstat doma.
Do Memphisu se King znovu vrátil 3. dubna 1968, aby navštívil shromáždění Církve Boha v Kristu, konané v Mason Temple. Kingův let do Memphisu byl ten den z důvodu bombového poplachu opožděn. Během běsnící sněhové bouře King přednesl svůj poslední projev v životě, známý pod titulkem „I've Been to the Mountaintop“ (Vystoupil jsem na vrchol hory). Ke konci svého projevu se zmínil i o oné bombové hrozbě v jeho letu:
King byl během svého memphiského pobytu ubytován v motelu Lorraine, pokoji č. 306. Motel vlastnil černošský obchodník jménem Walter Bailey. Kingův blízký přítel a kolega, Reverend Ralph David Abernathy, který byl svědkem atentátu, uvedl komisi HSCA, že King tento motel navštěvoval tak často, že byl nakonec přezdíván jako „King-Abernathy Suite“.
Podle spisovatele Taylora Branche hovořil King naposledy s hudebníkem Benem Branchem, který měl ten den hrát na večerním setkání. King mu tehdy řekl: „Bene, počítej prosím tě s tím, že na tom večerním setkání zahraješ i skladbu Take My Hand, Precious Lord. Dej si na tom fakt záležet!“
Dne 4. dubna v 18.01 byl M. L. King zasažen střelou z pušky, když stál na balkónu u svého pokoje. Prošla pravým límcem u košile, prorazila hrdlo, prošla míchou a nakonec se zastavila v rameni. King byl převezen do nemocnice St. Joseph's Hospital, kde lékaři otevřeli Kingův hrudník a pokusili se jej zachránit přímou manuální masáží srdce. I přes veškerou snahu se však obnovení srdeční činnosti dosáhnout nepodařilo a v 19.05 byl King prohlášen za mrtvého. Podle Taylora Branche bylo během pitvy patologem konstatováno, že i přes Kingův poměrně nízký věk (39), bylo jeho srdce srovnatelné se srdcem šedesátiletého muže.
Dopadení pachatele a soud
Dva měsíce po atentátu byl na londýnském letišti Heathrow zadržen pravděpodobný pachatel James Earl Ray, který chtěl přes Londýn pravděpodobně uprchnout do Angoly, Rhodesie nebo Jihoafrické republiky a to na základě padělaného kanadského pasu na jméno Ramon George Sneyd. Ray byl neprodleně převezen do Spojených států a obviněn z vraždy M. L. Kinga. Na radu svého právního zástupce se Ray k činu přiznal, aby tak snížil riziko, že bude odsouzen k trestu smrti. Ray byl konečným rozsudkem odsouzen k trestu odnětí svobody na 99 let.
Dne 10. června 1977 Ray, společně se šesti dalšími vězni, uprchl z věznice Brushy Mountain ve státě Tennessee, o tři dny později však byli všichni znovu zadrženi a vráceni do věznice. Za tento útěk byl Rayovi trest zvýšen o jeden rok, tedy v souhrnu na 100 let.
Roku 1997 se syn M. L. Kinga sešel s Rayem a posléze vydal souhlas k obnovení soudního procesu. Právním zástupcem Raye až do jeho smrti roku 1998 byl William Pepper, který informoval o přesvědčení Kingovy rodiny, že Ray neměl se smrtí Martina Luthera Kinga nic do činění. Ray však 23. dubna 1998 zemřel ve věznici na selhání ledvin ve věku sedmdesáti let, které bylo způsobeno žloutenkou typu C.
Pochybnosti v případu
Shrnutí spekulací vzniklých v souvislosti s osobou pachatele Raye:
Ray učinil doznání pod nátlakem a pod hrozbou udělení trestu smrti
Mnohé konspirační teorie se také opírají o závěry balistických testů se zbraní Remington Gamemaster, které nikdy dostatečně neprokázaly, že by Ray byl vrahem a neprokázaly ani jeho vlastnictví dané zbraně.
Svědci, kteří se během střelby nacházeli poblíž M. L. Kinga, navíc uvedli, že střela vyšla z odlišného místa, než uváděla oficiální zpráva.
Reakce na atentát
Tento čin vyvolal pouliční nepokoje ve více než 60 městech po celém světě. 9. duben byl americkým prezidentem Johnsonem vyhlášen národním dnem smutku za zemřelého bojovníka za lidská práva. Kingova pohřbu se zúčastnilo na 300 000 lidí, prezident Johnson byl z důvodu jednání o Vietnamském konfliktu v Camp Davidu zastoupen viceprezidentem Hubertem Humphreym.
Proslov Roberta Kennedyho
Na atentát ještě tentýž den (4. dubna) zareagoval Robert Kennedy veřejným projevem ve městě Indianapolis. Kennedy toho dne, v rámci nominační kampaně pro Demokratické primárky, navštívil University of Notre Dame a Ball State University ve státě Indiana. Informoval v něm o této tragické události, zmínil se o Kingově celoživotním boji za lidská práva a konstatoval, že Amerika tragické okamžiky zažila v minulosti a nepochybně je zažije i budoucnosti: „Tímto činem nekončí doba bezpráví, doba násilí ani doba chaosu.“. O spáchání atentátu Martina Luthera Kinga se dozvěděl těsně před nástupem do letadla směr Indianapolis, kde měl přednést svůj projev. Po dohodě s osobním tiskovým mluvčím Frankem Mankiewiczem se Kennedy rozhodl navštívit Kingovu rodinu a požádat její členy, aby se drželi Kingova odkazu nepodnikat žádné násilné reakce. O úmrtí Kinga se Kennedy dozvěděl až po přistání v Indianapolisu.
Mankiewicz a poradce pro projevy Adam Walinsky začali Kennedymu okamžitě sepisovat poznámky k projevu vyjadřujícímu se ke Kingově smrti. Kennedy však Walinskyho text odmítl a hodlal použít svůj vlastní, který si narychlo sepsal během cesty z letiště; Mankiewicz se svou verzí dorazil až poté, co Kennedy započal svůj veřejný projev. Indianapoliský šéf místní policie Kennedymu sdělil, že mu během projevu nemůže poskytnou adekvátní ochranu, a že celý tento akt považuje za velmi nebezpečný. Kennedy se i přes tato varování rozhodl svůj projev přednést. Na provizorním dřevěném pódiu vybudovaném na korbě nákladního vozu Kennedy hovořil celkem čtyři minuty a padesát sedm sekund.
Robert Kennedy se v Indianapolisu stal prvním informačním zdrojem, který informoval o Kingově smrti. Někteří členové Kennedyho doprovodu se na základě reakcí publika (někteří přihlížející začali křičet nebo omdlévat) začali obávat, že by tento projev mohl vést ke vzniku pouličních nepokojů. Když se reakce publika během projevu zklidnily, uvedl Kennedy, že mnozí přihlížející by se mohli cítit ohroženi a nahněvaní obzvláště poté, co vyšla najevo skutečnost, že útočníkem byl muž bílé pleti. Dále řekl, že podobné pocity mu hlavou kolovaly po atentátu na jeho bratra Johna Kennedyho; tyto poznámky překvapily Kennedyho pobočníky, kteří jej nikdy předtím neslyšeli hovořit o Johnově smrti. Kennedy pokračoval ve svém projevu zmínkou o nutnosti vyvinout značné úsilí „aby naše země překonala tyto přetěžké časy“ a poté citoval báseň antického básníka Aischyla. Kennedy projev shrnul tím, že je nutné, aby bílí a černí žili v jednotě a vyzval veřejnost k modlitbě za Kingovu památku.
Externí odkazy
The Coalition on Political Assassinations, A research and lobby group that also organize a conference on the assassination of Dr King.
Department of Justice investigation on assassination
Shelby County Register of Deeds documents on the Assassination Investigation
Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Death of MLK Still a Mystery (1987).
Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., What are Facts of MLK Murder? (1987).
Audiovizuální dokumenty
The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King
Události roku 1968
Dějiny USA (1964–1980)
Martin Luther King | {'title': 'Atentát na Martina Luthera Kinga', 'url': 'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atent%C3%A1t%20na%20Martina%20Luthera%20Kinga', 'language': 'cs', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Role člověka () je román finského spisovatele Kariho Hotakainena. Poprvé vyšel roku 2009, do češtiny byl přeložen v roce 2013.
Salme Malnikusová prodala svůj životní příběh spisovateli, hledajícímu námět. Je matkou tří dětí. Nejstarší Helena má dceru, která přijde o život při tragické nehodě. To změní poklidný chod života celé rodiny. Podle jejího názoru nebyl viník nehody po zásluze potrestán a tak se rodina odhodlá ke kruté pomstě. Salme miluje pravdu a nesnáší lež. Proto žádá spisovatele, aby psal pouze a přesně to, co mu říká. Nicméně sama netuší, jak moc je klamána svými vlastními dětmi. Například syn Pekka tvrdí, že je úspěšným obchodníkem, ve skutečnosti ale nemá práci a vydělává si na ulici převlečený za přistěhovalce z Peru. Zajímavý je drobný příběh člověka, který se seznámí s Helenou a chce ji poznat blíže. Později ale vyjde najevo, že je aktérem oné tragické nehody. Je to příběh o tom, jak mohou maličkosti a malé roličky lidí v našem životě změnit naprosto vše. Finsko zde není vykresleno jako ideální země, jak můžeme někdy slyšet nebo číst, ale naopak jako země mnoha problémů.
Česká vydání
Externí odkazy
Recenze v kulturním periodiku A2
Finské romány
Díla Kariho Hotakainena | {'title': 'Role člověka', 'url': 'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role%20%C4%8Dlov%C4%9Bka', 'language': 'cs', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Valtimo est une ancienne municipalité de la province de Finlande orientale et de la région de Carélie du Nord.
Au Valtimo a été rattachée à Nurmes.
La commune occupait la pointe nord de la région de Carélie du Nord, et marquait historiquement la frontière nord de l'ancienne province de Carélie. Elle est traversée par la ride de Maanselkä, ligne de partage des eaux entre la Vuoksi et la rivière d'Oulu. Elle est parmi les plus vallonnées de la région, ressemblant déjà au Kainuu voisin.
Le village est traversé par la nationale 6 entre Joensuu et Kajaani.
Valtimo était bordée par les municipalités de Nurmes au sud-est, Sotkamo au nord (Kainuu) et Rautavaara au sud-ouest (Savonie du Nord).
Depuis 1980, la démographie de Valtimo a évolué comme suit:
Cette région a été parcourue par Elias Lönnrot, et c'est dans ces forêts de l'est qu'il a recueilli la matière nécessaire à la rédaction du Kalevala.
La commune résulte d'une scission de Nurmes en 1910. Sa principale ressource depuis lors et jusqu'à aujourd'hui réside dans l'exploitation de la forêt. La commune a connu son âge d'or juste après la Guerre de Continuation, elle a en effet accueilli réfugiés de la Carélie cédée à l'URSS, attirés pas la similitude du paysage et du dialecte avec leur région natale.
Valtimo traîne une réputation de commune arriérée. En effet, c'est une des dernières (avec notamment Ilomantsi) à avoir été reliée à l'électricité, le taux de 50 % des foyers équipés n'a été atteint qu'en 1961, et le même taux pour l'accès à l'eau courante au milieu des années 1970.
Depuis 15 ans, c'est une des communes qui connaît la plus forte décroissance de sa population en Finlande, le taux annuel avoisinant en moyenne les 2,5 % de baisse.
Notes et références
Voir aussi
Liens internes
Liste des municipalités de Finlande
Via Karelia
Liens externes
Municipalité de Valtimo
Valtimo | {'title': 'Valtimo', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valtimo', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Danilo Medina (født 10. november 1951) er en dominikansk politiker og siden 16. august 2012 den Dominikanske Republiks præsident.
Medina er medlem af Partido de la Liberación Dominicana, der har været det ledende parti i landet siden 2004. Han vandt præsidentvalget i maj 2012, med 51,24% af stemmerne. Han overtog præsidentposten efter Leonel Fernández.
Dominikanske Republiks præsidenter
Nuværende statsoverhoveder | {'title': 'Danilo Medina', 'url': 'https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danilo%20Medina', 'language': 'da', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The women's 10 metre running target competition at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Qatar was held on 4 December at the Lusail Shooting Range.
All times are Arabia Standard Time (UTC+03:00)
ISSF Results Overview
External links
Official website
Women RT | {'title': "Shooting at the 2006 Asian Games – Women's 10 metre running target", 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting%20at%20the%202006%20Asian%20Games%20%E2%80%93%20Women%27s%2010%20metre%20running%20target', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Gerda Wegener właściwie Gerda Marie Fredrikke Gottlieb (ur. 15 marca 1886 w Hammelev, zm. 28 lipca 1940 we Frederiksberg obecnie dzielnicy Kopenhagi) – duńska artystka, ilustratorka i malarka najbardziej znana z dzieł o zabarwieniu erotycznym. Tworzyła prace w stylu secesyjnym oraz w późniejszych latach art déco.
Gerda Wegener dorastała na prowincji, w pobliżu miasta Grenaa w centralnej Danii. W celu rozpoczęcia nauki w Królewskiej Duńskiej Akademii Sztuk przeprowadziła się do Kopenhagi.
W 1904 wyszła za mąż za swojego kolegę ze studiów, Einara Wegenera. Oboje należeli do bohemy artystycznych środowisk Włoch i Francji.
Początkowo portrety Gerdy nie cieszyły się szczególną popularnością. Wszystko zmieniło się gdy poprosiła swojego męża by pozował dla niej w stroju kobiecym. Nieoczekiwanie Einar poczuł się nad wyraz komfortowo w swej nowej roli i stał się dla swej żony najlepszą modelką tzw. Lili.
Portrety i erotyki Lili szybko stały się sukcesem, który wypromował Gerdę na światowych rynkach. Gdy w 1914 wyszło na jaw, że ta piękna, elegencka modelka to w rzeczywistości mężczyzna doszło do międzynarodowego skandalu w artystycznym półświatku.
Ostatecznie doszło do anulowania małżeństwa Wegenerów, gdy Einar poddał się pierwszej w historii udokumentowanej operacji korekty płci. W wyniku komplikacji Lili Elbe, bo takie nowe imię wybrał sobie Einar, zmarła jednak w rok po tym wydarzeniu w 1931.
Późniejsze życie i śmierć
Zrozpaczona po śmierci Lili, Gerda poślubiła włoskiego pilota i dyplomatę majora Fernando Porta, z którym przeprowadziła się do Maroka.
Tworzyła do końca życia, lecz jej późniejsze prace nie odniosły już tak wielkich sukcesów. Zmarła w wieku 54 lat w lipcu 1940.
Odniesienia w kulturze
W 2015 powstał film Dziewczyna z portetu (The Danish Girl) w reżyserii Toma Hoopera, opowiadający o jej związku z Einarem. W główne role wcielili się Alicia Vikander oraz Eddie Redmayne.
Lili Elbe, Man into woman: an authentic record of a change of sex, Jarrold Publisher’s, Londyn, 1933
Gerda Wegener, ed. Andrea Rygg Karberg, Arken Museum of Modern Art, 2015
Duńscy ilustratorzy
Duńscy malarze
Urodzeni w 1886
Zmarli w 1940 | {'title': 'Gerda Wegener', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerda%20Wegener', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Die Saison 2016/17 war die 17. Spielzeit der Deutschen Sledge-Eishockey Liga. Die Saison startete am 19. November 2016 und endete am 12. März 2017. Die Weserstars Bremen gewannen zum dritten Mal in Folge die Meisterschaft. Die Ice Lions Langenhagen belegten punktgleich den zweiten Platz, hatten aber das schlechtere Torverhältnis.
Am Spielbetrieb nahmen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr die gleichen Mannschaften teil, wobei die Spielgemeinschaft Preussen/Sachsen aufgelöst wurde und die Cardinals aus Dresden wieder allein antreten. Die SG Kamen/Wiehl trat in der Saison 2016/17 als SpG NRW an.
Weserstars Bremen
Cardinals Dresden
Ice Lions Langenhagen
Die vier teilnehmenden Mannschaften trugen die Spielzeit im Ligasystem als Doppelrunde aus, jedes Team spielte insgesamt 12 Mal und somit viermal gegen jede andere Mannschaft. Für einen Sieg gab es drei Punkte. Bei einem Unentschieden folgte ein Penaltyschießen. Der Sieger des Penaltyschießens erhielt zwei Punkte, der unterlegenen Mannschaft wurde ein Zähler gutgeschrieben.
Abkürzungen: Sp = Spiele, S = Siege, SnP = Siege nach Penaltyschießen, NnP = Niederlage nach Penaltyschießen, N = Niederlagen, Pkt = Punkte
Saison 2016/17 im Archiv der Cardinals Dresden
Eishockeysaison 2016/17 | {'title': 'Deutsche Sledge-Eishockey Liga 2016/17', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche%20Sledge-Eishockey%20Liga%202016/17', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Off-site may refer to:
Off-site data protection in data management
Off-site art exhibit or off-site art show
Off-site construction in building
The Off-Site Source Recovery Project, a US radioactive materials recovery initiative | {'title': 'Off-site', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-site', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The 2010–11 season was the 131st season of competitive football by Rangers.
Rangers played a total of 55 competitive matches during the 2010–11 season. With financial problems at the club ongoing, the summer began for Rangers with several players leaving the club. With a limited transfer budget and a small squad. Walter Smith had to decide whether to increase the number of playing staff or improve the starting eleven, he opted for quality.
Both sides of the Old Firm began the season with eight league wins in a row, however, with the sides meeting on matchday nine something had to give. Rangers claimed a 3–1 victory over Celtic and took early control of the league. A 1–1 draw at home to Inverness CT the following weekend ended Rangers 100% start to the season and a home defeat to Hibernian inflicted the team's first league defeat of the season, the first of five. The cold spell in the winter of 2010–11 saw many postponements and for long spells Rangers were behind Celtic but with games in hand. In the third league meeting between the Old Firm, Celtic came out on top and mathematical lead the table, for the first time that season. However Celtic's advantage was short lived after a loss to Motherwell the following week. This allowed Rangers to regain top spot, but 3–2 loss to Dundee United at Ibrox followed by a 0–0 draw in the final Old Firm fixture left the title in Celtic's hands, with just four matches remaining. There was to be a final twist in the league season, on 3 May Celtic lost a rearranged match away to Inverness and so with three matches remaining Rangers had a one-point lead. Smith's side went on to win all three fixtures, scoring 11 goals, and claimed the club's 54th league championship.
In the domestic cup competitions Rangers won the League Cup after beating Celtic 2-1 AET. However, Rangers lost 1–0 to Celtic in the fifth round replay in Scottish Cup. The match was marked by several incidents, three Rangers players were sent-off and Celtic manager Neil Lennon and McCoist were involved in a pitch side bust up.
In Europe, Rangers automatically qualified for the UEFA Champions League group stages for the second season in a row. They drew Manchester United, Valencia and Bursaspor. Rangers were unbeaten in their first three group stage games, with a 0–0 draw at Old Trafford, a 1–0 victory over Bursaspor at Ibrox and a 1–1 draw at home to Valencia. A 3–0 defeat in Spain to Valencia followed by a 1–0 loss at home to Manchester United ended Rangers chances of qualifying for the last 16, but third place and a spot in the UEFA Europa League was already secured with Bursaspor having failed to pick up a point in five games. In the last group match Rangers drew 1–1 in Turkey, giving Bursaspor their first Champions League point. However, Rangers did make it to the last 16 of the Europa League, beating Sporting Lisbon on away goals in the last 32 but lost to PSV Eindhoven on aggregate.
On 6 May 2011, it was confirmed that David Murray had sold his controlling interest in the club (85.3%) to Wavetower limited for £1, a company owned by businessman Craig Whyte.
Squad information
Total spending: £5.95m
Total income: £4.4m
New contracts
Squad statistics
Top scorers
Last updated: 15 May 2011
Source: Match reports
Only competitive matches
Disciplinary record
Last updated: 15 May 2011
Source: Match reports
Only competitive matches
Board of directors
Coaching staff
Other staff
Scottish Premier League
UEFA Champions League
UEFA Europa League
Scottish Cup
League Cup
Scottish Premier League
Results summary
Results by round
UEFA Champions League
Group C
Rangers F.C. seasons
Scottish football championship-winning seasons
Rangers | {'title': '2010–11 Rangers F.C. season', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010%E2%80%9311%20Rangers%20F.C.%20season', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Jordan Connor Yuen (born 17 September 1991) is a Canadian actor. He plays Sweet Pea in the television series Riverdale. He has also appeared in Looking for Alaska, Hospital Show and Nurses.
Early life
Connor was born in Calgary but moved to Vancouver when he was two years old. He grew up in Delta, located in the Greater Vancouver area. Connor's father was born in Canada and is mostly of Chinese descent, mixed with Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Samoan and more. His mother is from Croatia. According to a DNA test he did, he also has Eastern European, Spanish, Greek, Italian, German and Native American roots. He has a brother, Brad, and a sister, Nicole.
Connor said he knew he wanted to be an actor since he was around 10–11 years old. Connor attended Sands Secondary School, where he did theatre and played football. His first performance was in his school's production of Guys and Dolls. After receiving a football scholarship to the University of British Columbia, Connor put acting aside to focus on football while he was studying architecture. During a game at the end of his second year, Connor broke his leg when he was tackled, ending his football career. Bedridden and unable to walk for three months, Connor became depressed. After his leg healed, Connor found work as a stuntperson when the show Hellcats came to his football team seeking stuntpeople. Rediscovering his love for acting on the set, Connor continued doing stunt and background work for about a year.
Eventually, Connor left university to pursue acting more seriously. He began acting training at the Railtown Actors Studio in Vancouver. While training on and off for five years, Connor booked small parts and also worked in other jobs, including bartending at a restaurant, working for a marketing company and selling mobile phones. He also owned a theatre company with friends.
Connor's breakthrough role was as Sweet Pea in the television series Riverdale. Connor had auditioned for other characters such as Joaquin and Reggie before reading for Sweet Pea. First introduced in the show's second season (which premiered in October 2017), Connor was originally supposed to only have four episodes but his role was later expanded to a recurring role.
In March 2019, Connor was cast as Kevin in Looking for Alaska, a miniseries adaptation of John Green's novel. The series was released on Hulu on 18 October 2019. In 2019, Connor appeared in Hospital Show, a 10-part comedy web series which premiered on YouTube on 10 October 2019. In April 2020, Connor was one of the celebrity contestants in the first episode of RuPaul's Secret Celebrity Drag Race. Competing against Jermaine Fowler and Nico Tortorella, Connor won the episode, winning $30,000 for his charity of choice, Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
In August 2020, it was announced that Connor had joined the cast of Canadian medical drama series Nurses for its second season.
Personal life
Connor and his long-term partner, Jinjara Mitchell, got engaged on 22 September 2018. They got married on 4 September 2021.
Music videos
External links
1991 births
Living people
Canadian male film actors
Canadian male television actors
University of British Columbia Faculty of Applied Science alumni
Male actors from Calgary
Canadian male actors of Chinese descent
21st-century Canadian male actors
Canadian people of Croatian descent | {'title': 'Jordan Connor', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan%20Connor', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
— дебютный студийный альбом японской девичьей идол-группы Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku. Вышел в Японии 24 июля 2013 года на принадлежащем Sony Music Entertainment Japan лейбле Defstar Records.
Список композиций
(DVD идёт только с лимитированным изданием «A». На нём пять видео, нв каждом одна из участниц танцует под караоке-версию одной из песен группы.)
(DVD идёт только с лимитированным изданием «Б». На нём непрерывный 40-минутный диджеевский ремикс, который включает различные песни группы с её дебюта на мейджор-лейбле и далее.)
Дискография на официальном сайте Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku
Альбомы Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku
Альбомы 2013 года
Альбомы Defstar Records
Дебютные альбомы 2013 года | {'title': 'Chunin', 'url': 'https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunin', 'language': 'ru', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Le Groupe international d'experts sur les matières fissiles (IPFM), créé en 2006, est un groupe d'experts nucléaires indépendants de 17 pays : Brésil, Canada, Chine, France, Allemagne, Inde, Iran, Japon, Mexique, Norvège, Pakistan, Corée du Sud, Russie, Afrique du Sud, Suède, Royaume-Uni et États-Unis. Il entend faire progresser les initiatives internationales visant à .
Le groupe est coprésidé par Alexander Glaser et Zia Mian de l'Université de Princeton et Tatsujiro Suzuki de l' Université de Nagasaki, au Japon. Les autres membres incluent : Li Bin, José Goldemberg, Frank von Hippel, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Patricia Lewis, Abdul Hameed Nayyar, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Ramamurti Rajaraman, MV Ramana et Mycle Schneider.
Le groupe d'experts produit un rapport annuel sur les matières fissiles dans le monde qui résume les nouvelles informations sur les stocks et la production de matières fissiles dans le monde, ainsi que des rapports de recherche périodiques.
Voir également
Campagne internationale pour l'abolition des armes nucléaires
Bulletin des scientifiques atomiques
Prolifération nucléaire | {'title': 'Panel international sur les matières fissiles', 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panel%20international%20sur%20les%20mati%C3%A8res%20fissiles', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Mister, Come Tomorrow is a 2015 short film directed by Shamas Nawab Siddiqui and produced by Nawazuddin Siddiqui. It is the debut film of the latter as producer. The film deals with the controversial Islamic practice of Nikah halala.
Imtiaz divorces his wife in anger but soon realizes his mistake and wants her back. However, as per the Nikah Halala law, he can only get her back by marrying her to someone else who must consummate the marriage. So he arranges her marriage to someone else. But the day after the Nikah (Marriage) when Imtiaz goes to get his wife back, her new husband is not ready to divorce her as he wants to reap the benefits of this marriage. He fools Imtiaz by claiming that he hasn't consummated the marriage yet, and therefore Imtiaz cannot take his wife back. Imtiaz struggles daily to get his wife back.
Jai Hind Kumar
Manisha Marzare
Ilyas Khan
Mazuddin Siddiqui
The film won 10 international awards and was well received by some by the Muslim community, especially women.
The film evoked an angry response from Islamic clerics like Maulana Arshad Farooqui, the chairman of Fatwa Online of Deoband, criticized Nawazuddin and said he didn't know Shariyat. Qazi Rohan of Madarsa Abibul Uloom, condemned Nawazuddin and his brother for questioning an Islamic practice despite being Muslim.
Shaista Amber, the head of the All India Muslim Women's Personal Law Board (AIMWPLB) was supportive of the movie and said, "If the government supports me, I would like to screen this movie in villages where the community’s women are exploited through misuse of such laws. In fact, the exploitation is nothing short of rape."
External links
Miyan Kal Aana (Mister Come Tomorrow) on YouTube
2016 films
Indian short films | {'title': 'Mister Come Tomorrow', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister%20Come%20Tomorrow', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
François Ayoub (* 11. Juli 1899 in Aleppo, Syrien; † 2. Juni 1966) war ein syrischer Erzbischof der Maronitischen Kirche auf Zypern und in Syrien.
François Ayoub empfing am 16. Mai 1925 die Priesterweihe. Seine Ernennung zum Erzbischof von Zypern erfolgte am 28. November 1942. Der maronitische Patriarch von Antiochien, Anton Peter Arida, spendete ihm am 14. Februar 1943 die Bischofsweihe. Mitkonsekratoren waren Kurienbischof Abdallah Khoury, der Bischof von Baalbek, Elias Richa, Patriarchalvikar Elia Scedid, der Erzbischof von Aleppo, Michel Akhras, Weihbischof Pierre Feghali und der Erzbischof von Damaskus, Jean El-Hage.
1950 war er Mitkonsekrator beim Patriarchen der Maronitischen Kirche, Erzbischof Anton Peter Khoraiche. Am 16. April 1954 wurde ihm das Amt des Erzbischofs von Aleppo übertragen, gleichzeitig wurde er zum Apostolischen Administrator von Latakia berufen. Er war Teilnehmer an den vier Sitzungsperioden des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils (1962–1965).
Maronitischer Bischof
Konzilsvater (Zweites Vatikanisches Konzil)
Geboren 1899
Gestorben 1966
Mann | {'title': 'François Ayoub', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois%20Ayoub', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Sezon NHL 1949-1950 był 33. sezonem ligi NHL. Sześć zespołów rozegrało po 70 meczów w sezonie zasadniczym. Puchar Stanleya zdobyła drużyna Detroit Red Wings.
Sezon zasadniczy
M = Mecze, W = Wygrane, P = Przegrane, R = Remisy, PKT = Punkty, GZ = Gole Zdobyte, GS = Gole Stracone, KwM = Kary w minutach
Najlepsi strzelcy
Finał Pucharu Stanleya
Sezony NHL
1949 w hokeju na lodzie
1950 w hokeju na lodzie | {'title': 'NHL (1949/1950)', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/NHL%20%281949/1950%29', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Gökhan Kardes (Beverlo, 15 mei 1997) is een Turks-Belgisch voetballer die doorgaans als centrale verdediger speelt. Hij verruilde Beerschot Wilrijk in juli 2019 voor Erzurumspor.
Kardes begon met voetballen bij Turkse FC in Beringen en werd in 2005 opgenomen in de jeugdopleiding van PSV. Daar doorliep hij vervolgens alle jeugdelftallen. Kardes debuteerde op 8 augustus 2016 in het betaald voetbal. Die dag speelde hij met Jong PSV een wedstrijd in de Eerste divisie thuis tegen FC Den Bosch (5–4 winst). Hij viel daarbij na 67 minuten in voor Sam Lammers. Vier dagen later speelde Kardes zijn tweede wedstrijd, tegen SC Cambuur.
Na een uitleenbeurt aan de Roemeense eersteklasser Juventus Boekarest maakte hij in de zomer van 2018 de definitieve overstap naar KFCO Beerschot Wilrijk. Lang bleef hij daar niet voetballen, want na een half seizoen waarin hij amper een wedstrijd speelde stuurde de club hem op uitleenbeurt naar de Turkse tweedeklasser Afjet Afyonspor. Na de degradatie van de club naar de TFF 2. Lig maakte Kardes de definitieve overstap naar Erzurumspor, dat op zijn beurt van de Süper Lig naar de TFF 1. Lig was gezakt.
Bijgewerkt t/m 23 mei 2020
Turks voetballer
Belgisch voetballer | {'title': 'Gökhan Kardes', 'url': 'https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6khan%20Kardes', 'language': 'nl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Walthourville – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Georgia, w hrabstwie Liberty.
Miasta w stanie Georgia | {'title': 'Walthourville', 'url': 'https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walthourville', 'language': 'pl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Trémery (; ) is a commune in the Moselle department in Grand Est in north-eastern France.
Usine PSA de Trémery (PSA factory of Trémery), the biggest diesel engine factory in the world.
Notable citizens
Jean-Marie Pirot, known as Arcabas, contemporary sacred artist.
See also
Communes of the Moselle department
External links
Communes of Moselle (department) | {'title': 'Trémery', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tr%C3%A9mery', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Eooxylides meduana is a butterfly in the family Lycaenidae. It was described by William Chapman Hewitson in 1869. It is found in the Philippines (Mindanao, Bohol, Panaon).
Further reading
, 1986. Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part III Lycaenidae & Riodinidae: pp. 536–672. Melbourne.
, 1912. Ubersicht der Lycaeniden des Indo-Australischen Gebiets. Begründet auf die Ausbeute und die Sammlung des . Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 56(3/4): 197-272, 4 figs.
, 1863–1878. Illustrations of diurnal Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae. London, van Vorst, x + 229 pp. Text Plates.
, 1974. Butterflies of the World xvi + 104pp., 208 pls. Harrap, London.
, 1995. Checklist of the butterflies of the Philippine Islands (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Suppl. 14: 7–118.
& , 2012. Revised checklist of the butterflies of the Philippine Islands (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 32 Suppl. 20, 64pp.
Butterflies described in 1869
Butterflies of Asia
Taxa named by William Chapman Hewitson | {'title': 'Eooxylides meduana', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eooxylides%20meduana', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Il Tour de l'Ain 2005, diciassettesima edizione della corsa, si svolse dal 7 al 10 agosto 2005 su un percorso di 578 km ripartiti in 4 tappe, con partenza da Saint-Vulbas e arrivo a Lélex. Fu vinto dal francese Carl Naibo della Bretagne-Jean Floc'h davanti ai suoi connazionali Ludovic Turpin e Samuel Plouhinec.
Dettagli delle tappe
1ª tappa
7 agosto: Saint-Vulbas > Lagnieu – 147 km
2ª tappa
8 agosto: Pont-d'Ain > Ceyzériat – 165 km
3ª tappa
9 agosto: Belley > Grand Colombier – 140 km
4ª tappa
10 agosto: Saint-Genis-Pouilly > Lélex – 126 km
Classifiche finali
Classifica generale
Collegamenti esterni
Tour de l'Ain
Ciclismo nel 2005 | {'title': "Tour de l'Ain 2005", 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tour%20de%20l%27Ain%202005', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
EXID's Showtime is a South Korean documentary starring the popular girl group EXID. It is the fifth season of the South Korean reality show series, Showtime.
EXID's Showtime is a reality TV show that allows the fans to see behind-the-scenes of EXID's daily lives.
External links
South Korean reality television series
EXID | {'title': "EXID's Showtime", 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EXID%27s%20Showtime', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
The Ranger is one of the standard playable character classes in most editions of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Rangers are skilled bushcraftsmen/woodcraftsmen, and often lived reclusive lives as hermits.
Publication history
Creative origins
The ranger was primarily based on the character Aragorn, and the Rangers of the North of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth mythos, as warriors who use tracking and other wilderness skills to hunt down their enemies. The AD&D second edition handbook mentions several other inspirations from myth and legend, such as Robin Hood, Jack the Giant Killer, the huntress Diana, and the Greek hero Orion. Other notable rangers in the literature of Dungeons & Dragons include Hank from the cartoon series, King Tristan Kendrick from Forgotten Realms, and Ren from Pool of Radiance.
Original Dungeons & Dragons
The ranger was introduced in The Strategic Review volume 1, number 2.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition
The ranger was one of the standard character-classes available in the original Player's Handbook, one of five subclasses. The first edition rangers were a subtype of the fighters, using any weapon and wearing any armor, but they gained extra attacks at a slower rate than fighters and paladins. Unlike other warriors, the ranger used d8 hit dice instead of d10s, but had a second hit die at 1st level and maxed out at 11 hit dice instead of nine. Rangers also had extensive tracking abilities, based on a percentage score, and were able to surprise opponents on a roll of 1–3 on a d6 (rather than a 1–2) while they themselves could only be surprised on a 1. Rangers gained limited spell use at level 8, acquiring 1st–3rd level druid spells and 1st and 2nd level magic-user spells (two per level maximum). Rangers were most effective when fighting giants and humanoids (such as orcs), gaining a +1 to damage per level against these opponents.
High level rangers gained followers, ranging in type and power from classed player-character races, to creatures such as pegasus mounts, pseudodragons, werebears, copper dragons and storm giants. As a general rule, the fewer followers a ranger gained (based on random dice rolls) the more powerful each individual follower was. Rangers were required to be of good alignment, and were initially limited to humans and half-elves. The only multi-class option open to rangers was the ranger/cleric, allowed to half-elves.
Basic Dungeons & Dragons
The ranger was not available as a character class in the game's "Basic" edition. However, the Best of Dragon Magazine volumes 2–3 contained variant rules for rangers for this version, including spell lists, henchmen, and tracking ability.
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition
Rangers went through several changes in the 2nd edition. Their hit dice were changed to match fighters and paladins. Rangers could still wear any armor, but several of their new abilities required the use of light armor, including the skill to use two weapons without penalty and the thief-like abilities of move-silently and hide-in-shadows. The class retained its tracking abilities but the ability was based on a skill check instead of a percentage roll. Rangers also gained an animal empathy ability which allowed them to calm frightened or hostile animals. Instead of gaining a damage bonus against all giant and humanoid monsters, the ranger focused on a specific creature, which did not have to be of giant or humanoid stock. The class's spell abilities were also limited to 1st–3rd level priest spells from the plant and animal spheres. Higher level rangers could recruit various woodland animals, mythical creatures (such as the treant, pegasus, and pixie), and classed characters including druids, clerics, or other rangers as followers.
Although Rangers were generally Good-aligned, an evil version was featured with the Paka, a race of shape-shifting feline humanoids native to Ravenloft who are hostile to mankind.
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition
The 3rd edition of Dungeons & Dragons saw more changes to the ranger. The species enemy was now called favored enemy, and the ranger was allowed to select additional enemies during advancement. The class retained its spellcasting ability, but gained it much earlier, and had its own spell list. The nature of the ranger's companions also changed significantly. Instead of gaining multiple followers the ranger gained a single animal companion, and at an earlier level than in previous editions. The race and alignment restrictions of the earlier editions were dropped, allowing evil rangers for the first time.
Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition
Rangers in the 4th edition retained their ability to specialize in archery or two weapon fighting. Rangers had the striker role, specializing in single-target damage, as well as mobility. They had the martial power source, and, like all martial classes, their powers were called exploits. Their special abilities made them better suited to hit and run tactics and focusing on a single opponent. Other abilities allowed the ranger to aid his companions with skill checks and avoiding ambushes.
Dungeons & Dragons Essentials
The Essentials rulebook Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms presented two alternate versions of the ranger, the hunter and the scout. The hunter focused on ranged attacks, while the scout focused on melee attacks.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition
The ranger was included as a character class in the 5th edition Player's Handbook (2014). Rangers are a half caster class in 5th edition, gaining limited spellcasting. Their features and spells focus on exploration, survival skills, and tracking foes. At third level, players chose from one of two ranger archetypes: the Hunter, and the Beast Master. The hunter archetype gains combative capabilities, while the beast master gains an animal companion to control. Several sourcebooks since the launch of 5th edition have expanded the number of ranger archetype options. Xanathar's Guide to Everything (2017) added three more ranger archetypes: the Gloom Stalker, Horizon Walker and Monster Slayer. The Gloom Stalker focuses upon hiding in areas of low light, the Horizon Walker gains access to certain teleportation features, and the Monster Slayer becomes adept at attacking certain studied foes. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (2020) added two more archetypes: Fey Wanderer and Swarmkeeper.
In 2016, due to criticisms of the ranger as presented in the Player's Handbook (2014), the "Revised Ranger" class was released as part of the Unearthed Arcana playtest. This playtest version "made some of the ranger's core abilities easier to use and specifically fixed how a ranger uses its animal companion, giving a ranger the animal at Level 3 and allowing a ranger to attack with both its weapon and the animal on the same turn". However, this new version of the class is not legal for organized play such as in the Adventurer's League. Since the release of the "Revised Ranger", Jeremy Crawford, Co-Lead Designer of the 5th Edition, has reiterated multiple times that there no plans to release an official alternate version of the class. In November 2019, Wizards of the Coast released a new Unearthed Arcana titled Class Feature Variants, which added additional class features for all classes including the Ranger. These new class feature variants where introduced in 2020, with the release of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, as optional rules, including an optional revision of the Beastmaster's companion feature.
One D&D
Playtesting for the next version of Ranger was announced. In September 2022, they released the Unearthed Arcana 2022 - Expert Classes playtest material for One D&D which included rules for playing a Ranger up to level 20, as well as the Hunter subclass.
Screen Rant rated the ranger class as the least powerful class of the base 12 character classes in the 5th edition. "The reason this class gets the lowest ranking is because it forces players to be kind of specific. Being able to have a favored enemy and terrain is kind of cool because the character gets all sorts of bonuses, but if the Ranger is good, say, in the Underdark fighting aberrations, but the DM has set the adventure in a desert ruin somewhere, well, those bonuses won't do much good. That being said, the Revised Ranger stats help balance this out a little bit. Players don't have to be as specific, but still".
In 2018, Christian Hoffer, for ComicBook, wrote that "many current D&D fans believe that the ranger class is the weakest in the game, due to a combination of poor class-specific abilities and weak damage output. The 'Beast Master' ranger subclass is the most criticized version of the ranger [...]. While not official, many fans preferred the Revised Ranger to the original Ranger class found in the Player's Handbook". Hoffer also highlighted Crawford's reiteration that the ranger class would not change and wrote "surprisingly, Crawford's comment became the flashpoint for tons of D&D debate over the weekend on various boards and forums, with players debating the merits of the core Ranger class and the revisions seemingly discarded by the D&D team. [...] Unless you're playing in an Adventurer's League game, it's ultimately up to the DM whether or not you can use the Revised Ranger rules. Homebrewing is extremely common in Dungeons & Dragons, and there's nothing stopping home games from using a Revised Ranger to their heart's content".
In 2019, Jeremy Thomas, for 411Mania, wrote that "the Ranger has long been a source of criticism for D&D players in Fifth Edition, who have argued that the Beast Master subclass in particular is underpowered. Wizards even released a Revised Ranger class, which would potentially be an optional take on the class and not replace the core version".
The Gamer rated the 5th edition ranger subclass Horizon Walker as the 8th most awesome subclass out of the 32 new character options in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
Gus Wezerek, for FiveThirtyEight, reported that of the 5th edition "class and race combinations per 100,000 characters that players created on D&D Beyond from" August 15 to September 15, 2017, rangers were the 6th most created at 8,887 total. Elf (3,076) was the most common racial combination followed by human (1,715) and then half-elf (891). Elf ranger was the second most created character out of all the class and race combinations.
Further reading
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition Player's Handbook
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Second Edition Player's Handbook
The Complete Fighter's Handbook
The Complete Ranger's Handbook
Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition Player's Handbook
Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition Player's Handbook
The Quintessential Ranger (Mongoose Publishing)
The Quintessential Ranger II: Advanced Tactics (Mongoose Publishing)
External links
D&D Wiki has all the SRD Classes, along with the Ranger.
Dungeons & Dragons character classes
he:דמויות במבוכים ודרקונים | {'title': 'Ranger (Dungeons & Dragons)', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger%20%28Dungeons%20%26%20Dragons%29', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Light Steam Power was a magazine dedicated to amateur and small-scale interest in steam power. Its masthead for some years described itself as, "Authentic World News on Steam Power for Cars, Launches and Small Stationary Units".
Publishing history
The magazine was self-published by its editor John Ness Walton of Kirk Michael, Isle of Man. It began when he took over an earlier magazine, Steam Car Developments and Steam Marine Motors in 1945, renaming this in 1949. For most of its existence it was published bi-monthly, although the first and last volumes were published at three- and four-month intervals.
In its last years, from 1977 it changed its name to Steam Power and re-located to Loughborough. The magazine continued under this name until 1981.
In more recent years, there was a website maintaining the magazine's archives, but this has now gone. In 2009 an agreement was made with the National Steam Car Association for them to hold the rights to Light Steam Power and other Walton publications. Mr. Walton died March 19, 2013, aged 91.
The two main applications of steam power covered were steam cars and small steam launches. Much of the magazine's content was influenced, if not indeed written, by skilled and enthusiastic amateurs describing their own projects and so their choice of these projects influenced the magazine's own direction. Steam turbines and large steamships were less frequent, being beyond the constructional capacity of most readers, but they were described as news items when particularly interesting events took place. One aspect that oddly was only lightly covered was the use of steam on railways, unusually so as the magazine's heyday coincided with the demise of mainline steam but with increasing interest in the railway and steam preservation movements.
The magazine covered a broad range of topics within 'steam power', often at a far more advanced level than contemporary railway and steam locomotive practice. Low-water-content water-tube boilers were commonplace and even monotube steam generators and uniflow engines were regular features. Although the terms were not yet in use, these technical features coincided with increased recognition of the Advanced Steam Technology and Modern Steam movement.
Coverage was always worldwide and international, even though this was unusual for any magazine at this time, let alone a small independent. Many articles were provided by Australian and Canadian builders.
Other content
As well as the magazine content, it also included advertisements for other services from J.N. Walton such as engineering drawings for a range of related machinery, also castings for its construction. Walton also supplied the 'KleenHeet' waste oil burner.
Similar publications
From 1965 a US publication, Steam Calliope: A Voice for the Steam Automobile was published in Panorama City, California by mechanical engineer Thomas P. Hall. It originated news and published clippings for western members of the Steam Automobile Club of America.
The Steam Automobile was the quarterly publication of the Steam Automobile Club of America and was published from 1959 to 1986.
Steam Power was the quarterly of the Steam Power Club, a spinoff of the SACA in California. Its last issues were named Ssssteam.
The Steam Automobile Bulletin began in 1986 following a shift of editorial material to a commercial magazine. It continues as a bimonthly with anything technical and historic on steam between toys and locomotives, including steam cars.
See also
Edward Pritchard, Australian engineer of light steam power
Hobby magazines published in the United Kingdom
Energy magazines
Independent magazines
Defunct magazines published in the United Kingdom
Magazines established in 1949
Magazines disestablished in 1981
1949 establishments in the United Kingdom
1981 disestablishments in the United Kingdom
Steam power
Live steam | {'title': 'Light Steam Power', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light%20Steam%20Power', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Edith Oravez, eig. Oravecz (21. März 1920 in Budapest – 10. November 2013 in Zürich) war eine Schweizer Opernsängerin ungarischer Herkunft.
Leben und Werk
Edith Oravez studierte an der Franz-Liszt-Musikakademie in Budapest. Sie setzte ihre Studien fort bei Salvatore Salvati in Basel sowie bei Margarethe Haeser und Armin Weltner in Zürich. 1948 debütierte sie am Stadttheater Zürich und gehörte in der Folge fünf Jahre lang als Soubrette für Oper und Operette dessen Ensemble an. Sie war als Cherubino, Zerlina und Papagena in Mozart-Opern zu sehen und zu hören, als Marzelline in Beethovens Fidelio, als Bianca in Hermann Goetz’ Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, als Marie in Lortzings Waffenschmied und als Musetta in Puccinis La Bohème. Zu ihren Operettenpartien zählten die Arsena im Zigeunerbaron, die Valencienne in der Lustigen Witwe und die Bronislawa im Bettelstudenten. Die Sängerin war in Zürich auch in mehreren Werken zeitgenössischer Komponisten vertreten, beispielsweise als Leonore in Othmar Schoecks Don Ranudo und in fünf Schweizer Erstaufführungen – in der Spielzeit 1948–1949 als Lucy in Menottis The Telephone und als Enfant in Ravels L’enfant et les sortilèges, in der Spielzeit 1950–1951 in Brittens Let’s Make an Opera und als Marie-Luise in Kodálys Háry János sowie bei den Juni-Festwochen 1953 als Elsbeth in Richard Strauss’ früher Oper Feuersnot.
Bereits 1949 debütierte die Sängerin bei den Salzburger Festspielen, als Papagena in einer von Oscar Fritz Schuh inszenierten und von Wilhelm Furtwängler dirigierten Zauberflöten-Premiere. Nach ihrem Zürcher Engagement war die Künstlerin freiberuflich an zahlreichen europäischen Bühnen verpflichtet. Mit einer Salzburger Operntruppe unternahm sie 1956 unter Bernhard Paumgartner eine Europa-Tournee mit Mozarts La finta semplice. In der Spielzeit 1956–57 sang sie am Stadttheater Bern, 1960 gastierte sie als Cherubino an De Nationale Opera in Amsterdam und am Opernhaus Zürich. Weitere Verpflichtungen führten sie nach Brüssel, London und Wien, zu den Schwetzinger Festspielen, an das Teatro San Carlo in Neapel, nach Palermo und Reggio Emilia sowie an der Opéra national du Rhin in Straßburg. Mit dem Ensemble der Staatsoper Wien gastierte sie beim Festival von Osaka und in Tokio.
Edith Oravez trat auch als Konzertsängerin auf. Beispielsweise war sie bei den Salzburger Festspielen von 1953 bis 1960 alljährlich in Konzerten zu hören, in Haydns Schöpfung, in Beethovens Christus am Ölberg sowie in zahlreichen Werken Mozarts. Sie machte sich auch um die Verbreitung der Werke von Bela Bartók und Zoltán Kodály verdient. Sie setzte ihre Konzerttätigkeit bis 1972 fort. Es gab diverse Schallplatteneinspielungen und Radioverpflichtungen.
Die Sängerin war mit dem Rechtsanwalt Hans Sulzer (1904–1986) verheiratet, der von 1963 bis 1981 als Verwaltungsratspräsident des Opernhauses Zürich fungierte.
Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, 1949 – Wilhelm Furtwängler (Dirigent), Wiener Philharmoniker, Wiener Staatsopernchor. Mit Walther Ludwig, Irmgard Seefried (Pamina), Josef Greindl, Wilma Lipp (Königin der Nacht), Karl Schmitt-Walter, Edith Oravez (Papagena), Gertrude Grob-Prandl, Paul Schöffler, Ernst Haefliger und Hermann Uhde. Aufzeichnung einer Aufführung der Salzburger Festspiele am 27. Juli 1949, CD (3): Orfeo C650053D, veröffentlicht September 2005
Mozart: Così fan tutte, 1953 – Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt, NDR-Sinfonieorchester, Chor des NDR, mit Suzanne Danco, Ira Malaniuk, Edith Oravez (Despina), Rudolf Schock, Horst Günter und Benno Kusche. Relief/Musikwelt CD
Mozart: La finta semplice, 1956 – Bernhard Paumgartner (Dirigent), Mozarteumorchester Salzburg, mit George Maran (Fracasso), Dorothea Siebert (Rosina), Edith Oravez (Giacinta), Karin Küster (Ninetta), August Jaresch (Don Polidoro), Alois Pernerstorfer (Don Cassandro), Walter Rahninger (Simone). Studio-Aufnahme; gekürzt. Philips LP: 6747 388 (8 LPs)
Ringger, Rolf Urs: E. O. In: Zelger-Vogt, Marianne/Honegger, Andreas: Stadttheater – Opernhaus, 1991
Theaterlexikon der Schweiz
Merker Online, anläßlich des 100. Geburtstages der Sängerin
Geboren 1920
Gestorben 2013
Frau | {'title': 'Edith Oravez', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith%20Oravez', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Георг Едвард Рамзай () е финландски офицер (генерал от пехотата).
Роден е на 19 септември (7 септември стар стил) 1834 година във Виборг в благородническо семейство с далечен шотландски произход. Завършва Николаевското кавалерийско училище в Санкт Петербург, след което служи в армията във Финландия. През Руско-турската война от 1877 – 1878 година командва Трети стрелкови Фински лейбгвардейски батальон и Семьоновския лейбгвардейски полк, от 1880 година е началник на Финската войска.
Георг Едвард Рамзай умира на 5 юли 1918 година в Хелзинки.
Генерали на Руската империя
Финландски военнослужещи
Участници в Руско-турската война (1877 – 1878) | {'title': 'Георг Едвард Рамзай', 'url': 'https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%20%D0%95%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%20%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B9', 'language': 'bg', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Cheritra regia är en fjärilsart som beskrevs av Evans 1925. Cheritra regia ingår i släktet Cheritra och familjen juvelvingar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
regia | {'title': 'Cheritra regia', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheritra%20regia', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Der Baron von Münchhausen (Originaltitel: Les Fabuleuses Aventures du légendaire baron de Münchhausen) ist ein französischer Zeichentrickfilm von Jean Image aus dem Jahr 1979 basierend auf Erzählungen Gottfried August Bürgers. Die Alternativtitel lauten Der tollkühne Lügenbaron – Münchhausen und seine listigen Streiche sowie Die wundersamen Abenteuer des legendären Baron Münchhausen.
Baron Münchhausen, im Schloss seiner Vorfahren lebend, sitzt mit seinen Freunden an seiner Tafel und erzählt wieder einmal einige seiner fabelhaften Geschichten. So hätte er einst einen Schwarm Wildenten mit einer Leine, an der Köder befestigt waren,
gefangen. Dabei sei er jedoch vom Schwarm zeitweilig in Lüfte gehoben worden. An einem anderen Tag sei er erfolgreich einem Hasen nachgejagt, der dank seiner acht Pfoten beim Laufen nicht ermüdete.
Als unvermittelt ein Bote des Königs dem Baron eine Nachricht überbringt, er solle dem Pascha von Trukesban ein Geschenk überbringen, reist er sofort ab. Auf seiner Reise findet er fünf neue Freunde, die ihn auf seiner restlichen Reise begleiten: Sausebraus, der schneller als ein Pferd laufen kann, Bizeps, ein Mann mit Riesenkräften, Blasius, der Windmühlen mit seiner Puste betreiben kann, Tele, ein Jäger mit besonders guten Augen, und Horch, der das Gras wachsen hört.
Auf seiner Reise besteht er ein paar kleine Abenteuer, darunter ein weiteres Jagdabenteuer. Er schießt einem Hirsch an Stelle von Schrot Kirschkerne in die Stirn und zugleich wächst diesem ein Kirschbaum aus der Stirn, wodurch der Hirsch beim Laufen behindert wird. Beim Pascha angekommen, überbringt er das Geschenk, ein Ball-Spielzeug.
Zu Ehren des Barons wird eine kleine Feierlichkeit gegeben. Dabei kommt es zu einer Wette. Der Baron behauptet, dass er dem Pascha innerhalb einer Stunde einen höchst köstlichen Wein aus seinem Schloss, einen Tokaya, servieren werde, der besser als der Wein des Paschas sei. Der Pascha verspricht dem Baron, sollte dies klappen, so viel Gold wie ein einzelner Mann tragen könne. Mit der Hilfe von Sausebraus, der geschwind die Flasche heranholt, gewinnt der Baron die Wette. Der Baron geht mit Bizeps in die Schatzkammer des Paschas und dieser trägt eigenhändig in einem großen Sack den Schatz fort. Die Orientalen fühlen sich jedoch betrogen und versuchen den Freunden ohne Erfolg nachzujagen.
Nachdem der Baron den Schatz karitativen Zwecken zugeführt und sich von seinen neuen Freunden getrennt hat, wird er jedoch, noch vor der eigentlichen Heimfahrt, von Orientalen festgenommen und in den Kerker einer Festung geworfen. Als die Festung mittels Kanonen angegriffen wird, kann er sich durch einen Ritt auf einer Kanonenkugel befreien. Er rettet sich auf eine Wolke, wo er sogleich einschläft. Während er schläft, schrumpft die Wolke und er fällt in die Tiefen des Meeres. Dort lernt er eine hübsche Meerjungfrau namens Sirena kennen. Da er aber unter Wasser nicht dauerhaft überleben kann, wird er an die Wasseroberfläche gebracht, wo er auf einem Floß von einem großen Segelschiff gerettet wird. Bald darauf wird das Schiff von einem großen Wal verschluckt. Im Bauch des Wals sind noch andere Schiffe gefangen. Auf einem dieser Schiffe befindet sich Blasius. Der Baron lässt die Schiffe mit Tauen in Reihe verbinden, sodass sie bereit sind, sich gegenseitig abzuschleppen. Er weist Blasius an, in die Segel der Schiffe zu blasen. Aufgrund der Kälte des Windes in seinem Rachen öffnet der Wal, das Maul. Die Schiffe sind befreit.
Die Seeleute des Schiffs, auf dem sich der Baron befindet, feiern freudig ihre Befreiung. Aber das Fest wird durch den Überfall riesiger Geier unterbrochen. Von diesen werden die Seeleute verschleppt. Der Baron wird von den Vögeln vor Gericht gestellt. Wegen der Grausamkeit der Menschen gegenüber den Vögeln wird er als Exempel verurteilt. Er wird in einen Krater geworfen. Dank des ausbrechenden Vulkans kann er auf dem ausgespuckten Geröll erneut in die Lüfte entkommen, wo er vom Ballon fahrenden Blasius gerettet wird. Dieser hat seine Nichte, die hübsche Irena, die starke Ähnlichkeit mit der Meerjungfrau hat, dabei. Über seinem Schloss bringt der Baron den Ballon, mittels seines Degens, zum Platzen. Der Baron fällt und landet auf dem leeren Stuhl, inmitten seiner Tafel, wo seine Freunde, denen er die Geschichte soeben erzählt hat, auf ihn warten. Der Baron, noch ganz in seinen Träumen versunken, gesteht sich selbst ein, dass wohl alles nur in seiner Fantasie geschehen ist.
Der Film hatte am 24. Oktober 1979 in Frankreich seine Premiere. Der Film gewann auf dem Internationalen Filmfestival Moskau einen Preis. Für die deutsche Synchronisation sprach Harald Juhnke den Baron. In der DDR wurde der Film unter dem Namen Der tollkühne Lügenbaron – Münchhausen und seine listigen Streiche veröffentlicht. Der Film wurde mehrfach im deutschen Fernsehen gezeigt und in Deutschland zudem unter dem Titel Der Baron von Münchhausen auf VHS veröffentlicht.
1984 erschien eine Fortsetzung mit dem Titel Münchhausens Abenteuer auf dem Mond.
Das Lexikon des internationalen Films urteilte: „Zeichentrickfilm […], der sich in der Art von Trickfilm-Fernsehserien auf eine infantile Action-Dramaturgie verläßt. Der rüde Dialog drückt das Niveau zusätzlich. Einen Gebrauchswert als Fantasie-Anreger für Kinder hat der Film nicht.“
Daten und Kinoplakat zum Film auf encyclocine.com (französisch)
Filmtitel 1979
Französischer Film
Baron Münchhausen | {'title': 'Der Baron von Münchhausen', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der%20Baron%20von%20M%C3%BCnchhausen', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
En droit de la famille québécois, les droits d'accès permettent de conserver un lien avec l’enfant pour le parent qui n'a pas la garde. On peut contraster les droits d'accès avec la garde exclusive et la garde partagée.
Le critère principal pour obtenir des droits d’accès est l’intérêt de l’enfant. L’art. 33 C.c.Q. déclare à cet effet que : « Les décisions concernant l'enfant doivent être prises dans son intérêt et dans le respect de ses droits. Sont pris en considération, outre les besoins moraux, intellectuels, affectifs et physiques de l'enfant, son âge, sa santé, son caractère, son milieu familial et les autres aspects de sa situation. »
Dans les décisions relatives aux droits d'accès, les tribunaux tiennent aussi compte de la parole de l’enfant à l’art. 34 C.c.Q, pourvu que celui-ci ait atteint l’âge de la raison.
Les tiers qui tiennent lieu de parent (in loco parentis) (comme par ex. l'ex-copine d'un homme ayant eu un enfant dans un mariage précédent) doivent historiquement surmonter des critères jurisprudentiels très restrictifs pour obtenir la garde exclusive, car il s'agit alors de renverser la présomption qui veut qu'un parent est mieux en mesure d'assurer le bien‑être de son enfant, donc il peut être plus facile pour eux d'obtenir les droits d'accès plutôt que la garde.
Marie-Christine KIROUACK, « La jurisprudence relative à la garde : où en sommes-nous rendus?», dans S.F.P.B.Q., Développements récents en droit familial (2007), Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, EYB2007DEV1348, (PDF) (LA RÉFÉRENCE)
Luce BOURASSA, La parole de l’enfant en matière de garde, Markham, LexisNexis, 2007,
Michel TÉTRAULT, Droit de la famille, 4e éd., vol. 1 « Le mariage, l’union civile et les unions de fait : Droits, obligations et conséquences de la rupture », Montréal, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2010,
Notes et références
Droit de la famille au Québec | {'title': "Droits d'accès (droit de la famille)", 'url': 'https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droits%20d%27acc%C3%A8s%20%28droit%20de%20la%20famille%29', 'language': 'fr', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Tulosesus is a genus of fungi in the family Psathyrellaceae.
The Tulosesus genus was created in 2020 by the German mycologists Dieter Wächter & Andreas Melzer when the Psathyrellaceae family was subdivided based on phylogenetic analysis. Many members of the Coprinellus genus were reclassified as Tulosesus. The type species, Tulosesus callinus was previously classified as Coprinellus callinus.
This genus name is an anagram of setulosus, Latin for having coarse hair or bristles.
, Index Fungorum accepted 39 species of Tulosesus.
See also
Agaricales genera
Psathyrellaceae | {'title': 'Tulosesus', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulosesus', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Fighton Simukonda (2 February 1958 – 15 February 2016) was a Zambian coach and former footballer. He was part of the Nkana Red Devils side of the 1980s, winning five league titles, and he also captained Zambia. As a coach, he won several Zambian Premier League titles and became the first coach to lead a Zambian club to the group phase of the CAF Champions' League.
Playing career
Simukonda was born in Chingola where he started his football career with Division II side Mimbula Diggers as a defender. He later moved to Diggers' town mates KB Davies FC, another Division II team.
Standing at over six feet tall, he was a commanding presence in defence and in 1980, was recruited by Division I side Vitafoam United where he lined up with players like Ronald Mkandawire, Lackson Chanda, Michael Chabala and Boniface 'Killer' Chanda. The following season, Simukonda captained Vitafoam to a 2–1 Independence Cup final victory over Strike Rovers.
In 1982, Vitafoam proprietor Abram Mokola decided to give some senior players the opportunity to acquire coaching skills so Simukonda was one of five who were sponsored for a coaching course in England in March of that year. His fine defensive play caught the attention of Kitwe giants who signed him soon after his return from England and Vitafoam claimed he had breached his contract with them. The contract dispute kept him out of action for almost four months until the two teams agreed a compensation package.
He had hardly joined Nkana when head coach Moses Simwala was suspended so Simukonda took charge of the team but he informed the club's management that while he was equal to the task, he was still an active player so Nkana great Stone Chibwe was brought in to hold fort. An astute defender who perfected a tackle called the 'Chitemene system' after the slash and burn method of preparing fields in Northern Zambia, Simukonda won his first league title with Nkana going unbeaten the whole season and would go on to win four more in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1988.
In the 1989 season, Nkana made it to the final of the Heroes and Unity Cup which was to be played at their home ground Nkana Stadium against Green Buffaloes on 9 July 1989. It seemed like an unfair advantage but Buffaloes were equal to the task and stunned the home side 1–0 via a late goal after Simukonda's mistake led to Christopher Chileshe's fierce drive which Nkana goalkeeper Dick Shonga failed to hold on to, allowing Donald Chandalala to stab the ball home. The Nkana team were so devastated by the loss of a game they had been expected to win that they collected their loser's medals and headed straight to the dressing rooms. This was interpreted as refusing to sing the national anthem so six of them were suspended, including Simukonda.
Simukonda explained afterwards "We did not refuse to sing the national anthem, we were just misunderstood. The dais was mounted near our dressing room so after collecting our losers' medals, we went straight to the dressing room to mourn our frustrations which authorities interpreted as refusing to sing the national anthem."
While still serving the ban, Simukonda left the country to ply his trade in South Africa, becoming the third Zambian player after Albert Bwalya and John Mwanza to play in the ostracised country due to apartheid, which also meant that he did not need an international clearance. He played for Jomo Cosmos for two years and then moved to Blackpool where he stayed for a season before joining Nelspruit-based Dangerous Darkies and played for them for a season and then ended his playing career.
National team
Simukonda made his national team debut in October 1983 in an Olympic Games qualifier against Egypt in Lusaka which Zambia won 1–0 courtesy of a Peter Kaumba strike. From then on, he was a regular in the Zambian defence and was part of the team that won the country's first ever CECAFA Cup in Uganda in 1984 under Brightwell Banda.
Simukonda was in the Zambian team that defeated Cameroon 4–1 in a World Cup qualifier in Lusaka in April 1985 but missed out on the second leg as Banda preferred a central defensive pairing of Jones Chilengi and John "Butcher" Mwanza, which stood firm in a 1–1 draw.
He was left out of Zambia's CAN 1986 squad but made a comeback in December 1986 when he captained the team to a 1–0 win over Angola to lift the MPLA trophy in Luanda. He continued as captain when Samuel Ndhlovu took over as coach the following year and was in the Zambian team that pulled off a 2–1 aggregate win over Ghana to qualify to the Seoul Olympic Games.
The suspension of Zambia for pulling out of hosting the 1988 CAN finals saw Simukonda missing another tournament and as the Olympic Games approached, the central defensive pairing of captain Simukonda and his deputy Ashols Melu came in for some criticism, particularly when Zambia were beaten 4–0 by South Korea at the President's Cup tournament. This led to Simukonda being dropped for Zambia's dead rubber match against the Italian U-21 side. The game against South Korea turned out to be his last game for his country so it meant missing out on another major tournament by the time the Olympic Games came round.
Coaching career
Simukonda took up coaching duties at Darkies in 1992 thanks to the course he had attended ten years prior to that. He made history when he took charge for part of the 1992 season with Darkies, managing a single win in 42 matches, conceding 122 goals in the process, which gave him the record of the worst coach in South African football history.
His dismissal at Darkies coincided with the re-admission of South Africa to the international fold so Simukonda returned to Zambia in 1992 and joined Roan United as assistant to Fordson Kabole, the man Simukonda describes as his mentor and when Kabole left Roan the following season to join Kabwe Warriors, Simukonda took over as head coach. Roan controversially lost to Mufulira Wanderers 4–0 in the 1994 final of the BP Top 8 Cup after conceding what looked like a couple of offside goals but they won the Mosi Cup and finished fourth on the log. He avenged Roan's defeat to Wanderers by beating the Mufulira side 3–0 in the following year's BP Top 8 Final and regained the Mosi Cup in 1996.
He was one of the assistant coaches at CAN 1998 where Zambia were knocked out in the first round and took charge of Zambia on an interim basis in 1998 and retained the COSAFA Cup but stepped down when Zambia drew their first CAN 2000 qualifier 1–1 against Congo DR in Lusaka.
After a patchy run of form early in the 1999 season, Simukonda was given a four-match ultimatum to start winning, beginning with Roan's ninth league game of the season, which ended in a draw and left Roan ninth in the league standings with three wins, three losses and two draws. This prompted management to terminate his contract and replace him with Paul Mulenga.
Two months later, Simukonda moved to Konkola Blades in Chililabombwe, whose coach Benjamin Bwalya had died in February, and transformed the border-town outfit into the most exciting team in the league. In June 2000, Zambia coach Jan Brouwer watched Blades knock Nchanga Rangers out of the BP Top 8 semi-final, 1–0, and immediately called for Simukonda's services, saying the kind of game Blades had exhibited was the type of play that was expected of the national team and he regretted that the national team's performance was a far cry from Blades' superiority.
Blades lost the final to Nkana, 6–1, and in 2002, Simukonda turned down the chance to coach Warriors where he would have had the opportunity of working with some of the biggest names in the league, to stay at Konkola Stadium, despite losing six key players including captain Kunda Mushota, John Munkonje, Aaron Kale and international Vincent Mangamu. "I have to show what I am made of. I have been through this before at Roan," he said.
After several mid-table finishes, Blades' style of play compelled Zanaco to lure him to the capital city in January 2004 on a two-year deal and his departure was lamented by Blades Secretary Remmy Ngosa who said "He is a very good coach. We will miss his services greatly."
Simukonda won back-to-back league titles at Zanaco in 2005–06 and won the coach of the year award in the process but when Zanaco failed to win a third successive premier league title, the club dispensed of Simukonda’s services but City of Lusaka hired him in 2007. He served as assistant coach to Patrick Phiri at CAN 2008 though he moved to Lusaka Dynamos and laid down the ghosts of the 2000 final when he won the club its first ever trophy, the BP Top 8 Cup in 2008 with a 1–0 win over ZESCO United, the team which he joined in January 2009 and became the first coach to lead a Zambian club to the group stages of the CAF Champions League after a come-from behind 2–1 victory over Malian club Djoliba in Ndola after a goalless draw in the first leg. At the end of the season, he was rewarded with the Coach of the Year award.
He won the league title the following year and was rewarded with a new three-year contract in February 2011 and another Coach of the Year Award, but when ZESCO suffered some indifferent form, he was fired in July with ZESCO seventh on the Super Division table on 21 points, nine points behind leaders Red Arrows after 13 games played with two games in hand. Chairman Kenneth Muteto stressed that it was not an overnight decision. "Zesco have set standards in Zambian football which should continue." he said, "From a possible 18 points we picked up six. For a team of Zesco’s stature that is not acceptable."
Nine days later, he was appointed coach of struggling Nakambala Leopards of Mazabuka but he discovered that the club did not match his ambition and he resigned after a year to join Nchanga Rangers on a three-year deal. Rangers chairman Blackwell Siwale said they were excited to have acquired the services of a top coach like Simukonda. "Fighton is a renowned coach, one of the top three or four in the country. Therefore when you look at his CV we expect a lot from him."
He led Rangers to a sixth-place finish in 2012 and after a strong start in the 2013 season, Rangers ended up in third place.
Fighton is assistant coach of the Zambia National team headed by George Lwandamina.
Club honours
Zambian League Title: 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1988
Zambian Charity Shield: 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989
Independence Cup: 1981 and 1986
Heinrich Cup/Chibuku Cup/Heroes & Unity Cup: 1983
Champion of Champions: 1986
National honours
CECAFA Cup: 1984 in Kenya
MPLA Trophy: 1986 in Angola
Coaching honours
Zambian Premier League: 2005, 2006 and 2010
Mosi Cup: 1994, 1996
BP Top 8: 1995, 2008
Coca-Cola Cup: 2004
Barclays Cup: 2004, 2010
Charity Shield: 2006, 2011
COSAFA Cup: 1998
The Nchanga Rangers coach died on 15 February 2016 in Chililabombwe’s Konkola Mine Police after a battle with Diabetes Mellitus.
Individual honours
Zambian Coach of the Year: 2005, 2009 and 2010
Tembo, Benedict. "Stars of yesteryear: Simukonda – a coaching guru." Zambia Daily Mail, 9 October 2010, p. 12
1958 births
2016 deaths
Zambian footballers
Zambia international footballers
Zambian football managers
People from Chingola
Nkana F.C. players
Jomo Cosmos F.C. players
Dangerous Darkies players
Association footballers not categorized by position | {'title': 'Fighton Simukonda', 'url': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighton%20Simukonda', 'language': 'en', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Adolf Müller (* 11. April 1914; † 7. Juli 2005) war ein Schweizer Ringer.
Adolf Müller gewann bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 1948 die Bronzemedaille im Federgewicht des Freistilringens.
Ringer (Schweiz)
Olympiateilnehmer (Schweiz)
Teilnehmer der Olympischen Sommerspiele 1948
Geboren 1914
Gestorben 2005
Mann | {'title': 'Adolf Müller (Ringer)', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf%20M%C3%BCller%20%28Ringer%29', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Mera iracionalnosti (eksponent iracionalnosti, aproksimacijski eksponent ali Liouville-Rothova konstanta) realnega števila x je v teoriji števil mera kako »dobri« racionalni približki zanj obstajajo. S posplošitvijo Liouvillovih števil namesto poljubnega n v potenci q obstaja najmanjša zgornja meja množice takšnih realnih števil μ, da velja:
za neskončno mnogo celoštevilskih parov (p, q) pri q > 0. Ta najmanjša zgornja meja je po definiciji mera iracionalnosti števila x. Za poljubno vrednost μ, manjšo od te zgornje meje, da neskončna množica vseh racionalnih števil p/q, za katera zgornja neenakost velja, približek števila x. Ali obratno, če je μ večja od zgornje meje, obstaja vsaj končno mnogo parov (p, q) pri q > 0, za katera neenakost velja. Zato nasprotna neenakost velja za vse večje vrednosti q. Če za dano mero iracionalnosti μ realnega števila x, kadar racionalni približek x ≅ p/q, p,q ∈ N da n + 1 točnih desetiških števk, velja:
razen za največ končno mnogo »srečnih« parov (p, q).
Za racionalno število α je mera iracionalnosti enaka μ(α) = 1, oziroma zanje po definicije ne obstaja. Če sta za poljubno število dani dve meri iracionalnosti, je manjša bolj točna, saj kaže, da je število »dlje« od racionalnih števil. Thue-Siegel-Rothov izrek pravi, da, če je α algebrsko število, realno, vendar ne racionalno, je μ(α) = 2.
Skoraj vsa števila imajo mero iracionalnosti enako 2.
Transcendentna števila imajo mero iracionalnosti enako 2 ali večjo. Za vse neenakost velja in da najmanjšo možno vrednost. Neenakost sledi iz Dirichletovega načela: za vsako celo število so ulomljeni deli skupaj s številom 1, < realna števila v intervalu [0,1], zato mora biti razdalja med dvema manjša ali enaka . Njuna razlika ima obliko , tako da velja . Bolj eksplicitne konstrukcije racionalnih približkov so dane z verižnimi ulomki. Periodičnost verižnih ulomkov kvadratnih iracionalnih števil nakazuje, da je njihova mera iracionalnosti identično enaka 2. To dejstvo je posplošil Liouville leta 1844, ko je pokazal na prvi praktični kriterij konstrukcije transcendentnih števil. Transcendentno število e ima na primer μ(e) = 2. Prav tako na primer število zlatega reza μ(Φ) = 2. Mera iracionalnosti števila π je enaka 7,60630853 ali manj. Alekseyev je leta 2011 pokazal, da je vprašanje konvergence vrste Flint Hill:
povezano z mero iracionalnosti za π, in še posebej, da iz konvergence vrste sledi mera iracionalnosti μ(π) ≤ 5/2. Meri iracionalnosti ln 2 in ln 3 sta: μ(ln 2) < 3,57455391 in μ(ln 3) < 5,125.
Liouvillova števila so točno tista števila katerih mera iracionalnosti je enaka neskončnosti.
Zunanje povezave
Mera iracionalnosti na PlanetMath
Teorija števil
Transcendentna števila | {'title': 'Mera iracionalnosti', 'url': 'https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mera%20iracionalnosti', 'language': 'sl', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
La chiesa di San Bartolomeo a Monte Oliveto è un luogo di culto cattolico che fa parte di un ex complesso monastico situato in via Monte Oliveto a Firenze.
Storia e descrizione
Fondato nel 1334 da un monaco dell'abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore, il monastero venne poi ampliato nel 1377 col terreno donato da Bartolomeo Capponi e fu poi edificato nelle forme michelozziane attuali nel 1454.
La chiesa fu ristrutturata nel 1472, nuovamente nel 1725 e infine nel 1955.
L'interno, ad unica navata con volte a crociera, conserva l'affresco dellUltima Cena (e sinopia) del Sodoma (1515 ca.), staccato dal refettorio, affreschi di Bernardino Poccetti (1608 ca.) e l'affresco staccato della Deposizione di Cristo (e sinopia) di Ulisse Giocchi.
Numerose sono le tele di importanti pittori soprattutto manieristi, come il Cristo e la Emorroissa, sull'altare maggiore del Poppi lAssunzione di Maria di Domenico Passignano (1592), la Vergine in gloria col Bambino e santi di Girolamo Macchietti (seconda metà del Cinquecento), il Beato Bernardo Tolomei di Simone Pignoni, la Santa Francesca Romana di Fabrizio Boschi (1610).
Notevoli le due acquasantiere figurate, a destra con la Vestale Tuccia, di Giovanni Battista Caccini, a sinistra con Claudia, del fiammingo Francesco Bostrinis (1676).
Opere già in loco
Leonardo da Vinci, Annunciazione, oggi agli Uffizi
Santi di Tito, Ingresso di Cristo in Gerusalemme, oggi alla Galleria dell'Accademia
Lorenzo Monaco, trittico, oggi alla Galleria dell'Accademia
Raffaellino Del Garbo, Resurrezione di Cristo, oggi alla Galleria dell'Accademia
Altri progetti
Collegamenti esterni
Bartolomeo a Monte Oliveto
Firenze | {'title': 'Chiesa di San Bartolomeo a Monte Oliveto', 'url': 'https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiesa%20di%20San%20Bartolomeo%20a%20Monte%20Oliveto', 'language': 'it', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Edaphus är ett släkte av skalbaggar som beskrevs av Victor Ivanovitsch Motschulsky 1857. Edaphus ingår i familjen kortvingar.
Släktet innehåller bara arten Edaphus beszedesi.
Externa länkar
Edaphus | {'title': 'Edaphus', 'url': 'https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edaphus', 'language': 'sv', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Adolf Frederick I (15 decembrie 1588 – 27 februarie 1658) a fost Duce suveran de Mecklenburg-Schwerin din 1592 până în 1628 și din nou din 1631 până în 1658. Între 1634 și 1648 Adolf Frederick a fost de asemenea Prinț-Episcop de Schwerin.
A fost fiul Ducelui Johann al VII-lea de Mecklenburg-Schwerin și al Sofiei de Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp, fiica Ducelui Adolf de Holstein-Gottorp și a Christinei de Hesse.
Adolf Frederick avea 4 ani la moartea tatălui său. El și fratele său Johann Albert al II0lea au domnit sub regența Ducelui Ulrich III de Mecklenburg-Güstrow și Karl I de Mecklenburg (unchii tatălui său). Cei doi frați au preluat guvernarea asupra Mecklenburg-Schwerin la începutul lui aprilie 1608, și după decesul lui Karl la 22 iulie 1610 au preluat și guvernarea asupra Mecklenburg-Güstrow.
În 1621 ducatul de Mecklenburg a fost oficial divizat între cei doi frați, Adolf Frederick domnind în Mecklenburg-Schwerin și Johann Albert domnind în Mecklenburg-Güstrow.
Căsătorii și copii
Adolf Frederick I a avut 19 copii.
S-a căsătorit pentru prima dată la 4 septembrie 1622 cu Anna Maria de Ostfriesland, fiica contelui Enno al III-lea de Ostfriesland și a Annei de Holstein-Gottorp. Ei au avut următorii copii:
Christian Ludwig I (11 decembrie 1623, Schwerin – 21 iunie 1692, Den Haag), Duce de Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Sophie Agnes (11 ianuarie 1625, Schwerin – 26 decembrie 1694, Rühn), stareță de Rühn (1654).
Karl (8 martie 1626, Schwerin – 20 august 1670, Mirow), Duce de Mecklenburg-Mirow.
Anna Maria (1 iulie 1627, Schwerin – 11 decembrie 1669, Halle a.d.Saale), căsătorită în 1647 cu August, Duce de Saxa-Weissenfels.
Johann Georg (5 mai 1629, Lichtenburg – 9 iulie 1675, Mirow), Duce de Mecklenburg-Mirow.
Hedwig (11 august 1630, Lübeck – 17 mai 1631, Lübz).
Gustav Rudolph (26 februarie 1632, Schwerin – 14 mai 1670, Tempzin).
Juliane (8 noiembrie 1633, Schwerin – 3 februarie 1634, Schwerin).
Adolf Frederick s-a căsătorit a doua oară în 1635 cu Marie Katharina (1616–1665), fiica Ducelui Julius Ernest de Brunswick-Dannenberg. Ei au avut următorii copii:
Juliane Sibylla (16 februarie 1636, Schwerin – 2 octombrie 1701, Rühn), stareță de Rühn (9 martie 1695).
Frederick I (13 februarie 1638, Schwerin – 28 aprilie 1688, Schloss Grabow), Duce de Mecklenburg-Grabow.
Christina (august 1639, Schwerin – 30 iunie 1693, Gandersheim), stareță de Gandersheim (1681).
Bernhard Sigismund (21 ianuarie 1641, Schwerin – 15 noiembrie 1641, Schwerin).
Augusta (24 septembrie 1643, Schwerin – 5 mai 1644, Schwerin).
Maria Elisabeth (24 martie 1646, Schwerin – 27 aprilie 1713, Gandersheim), stareță de Rühn (1705), stareță de Gandersheim (1712).
Anna Sophia (24 noiembrie 1647, Schwerin – 13 august 1723, Juliusburg), căsătorită în 1677 cu Julius Siegmund, Duce de Württemberg-Juliusburg.
Adolph Ernest (22 noiembrie 1650, Schwerin – 13 ianuarie 1651, Schwerin).
Philipp Louis (30 mai 1652, Schwerin – 20 octombrie 1655, Schwerin).
Henry William (6 iunie 1653, Schwerin – 2 decembrie 1653, Schwerin).
Adolf Frederick II (19 octombrie 1658 – 12 mai 1708), Duce de Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
Nașteri în 1588
Decese în 1658
Duci de Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Casa de Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Monarhi copii | {'title': 'Adolf Frederick I, Duce de Mecklenburg-Schwerin', 'url': 'https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf%20Frederick%20I%2C%20Duce%20de%20Mecklenburg-Schwerin', 'language': 'ro', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |
Masato Saitō (jap. , Saitō Masato; * 1. Dezember 1975 in der Präfektur Saitama) ist ein ehemaliger japanischer Fußballspieler.
Saitō erlernte das Fußballspielen in der Schulmannschaft der Bunan High School. Seinen ersten Vertrag unterschrieb er 1998 bei den Omiya Ardija. Der Verein spielte in der zweithöchsten Liga des Landes, der Japan Football League. 2004 wurde er mit dem Verein Vizemeister der J2 League und stieg in die J1 League auf. Für den Verein absolvierte er 304 Spiele. Ende 2009 beendete er seine Karriere als Fußballspieler.
Fußballspieler (Ōmiya Ardija)
Geboren 1975
Mann | {'title': 'Masato Saitō', 'url': 'https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masato%20Sait%C5%8D', 'language': 'de', 'timestamp': '20230320'} |