HEArtT Program - Art, Dance, Music & More - ArtWorks 4 ENA, Inc. Applications for 2018-2019 available now! Due November 17, 2018 by 5PM. PURPOSE: The HEArtT Program was designed to provide youth with artistic training in the areas of dance/choreography, visual arts and music production/song writing. The mission of the program is to teach and expose youth to the healing power of creative artistic expression. The program is completely FREE to participants! A series of 10 workshops in which youth will be provided with hands on experience in the areas of Dance, Visual Arts and Music Production/Songwriting. The first Saturday will be an orientation in which youth and parents meet with Art Ambassadors (artistic experts) and get a program overview. Youth will spend the remainder of their time (10 workshops) working up close and personal with trained professionals in their chosen track learning the fundamentals of their artistic medium. Throughout the program youth will work with our Art Ambassadors to create an artistic piece that is meaningful to them and will have the opportunity to process their work through journaling and by engaging with a licensed therapist. The HEArtT Program culminates with an Art Showcase where participants can share their finished pieces with friends and family. All art, music and dance supplies used during the program are FREE for the participant to keep! Applications for the 2018-2019 HEArtT Program are now open! Program spans from November 2018 to April 2019: 10 workshops total. Looking for kids excited to learn more about the arts!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T09:54:33Z', 'url': 'http://www.artworks4ena.org/news-events/heartt/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Renny is a larger than life character who is beloved throughout the airshow world as much for his one-of-a-kind personality as he is for his aggressive aerobatic routines. Flying the legendary Russian Sukhoi-29, Renny Price is known as one of the world’s greatest aerobatic pilots. In addition to his fearless skills as an aviator, Renny brings an unbridled joy of life to his work and he is known throughout the industry for his tireless efforts to spread his love of aviation to airshow fans, school groups and newcomers to airshows. If he’s not in the cockpit at an airshow or preparing for his performance, he will most likely be found with a big smile on his face working the crowd lines, shaking hands, signing autographs and engaging the fans with his unique brand of airshow fun.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T16:37:04Z', 'url': 'https://www.cascadeairshow.com/performers-and-attractions/renny-price', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
cd changes the current working directory to a given directory, then executes a program. cd is a standard shell builtin. Be careful if you want to use the cd command outside of an execline script.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T00:03:21Z', 'url': 'http://skarnet.org/software/execline/cd.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A Crypto Currency Boom is fuelling a new startup financing market - But can it help Save The News? So How Then Is PressCoin Going to Change any of this? A primer on Scoop’s "ethical Paywall" For the past couple of weeks I’ve been working behind the scenes getting to know the team behind Presscoin.com, the latest participant in the remarkable Initial Coin Offering (ICO) boom which is rocking financial markets around the world, and which may well herald an inflection point in the history of money. Scoop Co-editor Joseph Cederwall brought PressCoin to my attention initially. And after exploring the PressCoin website and reading the white-paper, my initial impression of PressCoin – just three weeks ago- was one of admiration for the audaciousness of their plans, mixed with a healthy dose of skepticism. As I dug deeper, and got to know the crew, I embarked on a fairly steep learning curve. To understand their plans I needed to better understand the blockchain itself (which can perhaps be most easily thought of in the case of PressCoin as trust mediation technology which can be used to facilitate cooperation) as well as the extraordinary boom in Crypto Currencies (1500% growth over the past 12 months). One of the things I quickly stumbled upon is the fact that it is in all likelihood the ICO Boom which started in earnest in July this year – that has been driving the explosion in the broader Crypto Currency market - and most spectacularly and the value of Bitcoin (BTC) the oldest and, for now, most valuable crypto-currency in the market. The report that follows (Part one of a two part series) outlines what I have discovered in my inquiries, about PressCoin and its plans and the people and businesses behind it. It also provides some context around recent developments in the #FutureOfNews debate, to assist those who might consider investing in PressCoin to better understand the business processes the PressCoin project is hoping to address and disrupt. And I conclude by talking briefly about why I decided to join the team working on the project. My Conclusion: The PressCoin ICO is certainly worth consideration, and if you are interested in the future of news like I am probably worth investing a few dollars in. Hence my deciding to join the effort to help it succeed. From what I can see most ICOs tend to be based around traditional disruptive high risk technology plans – companies hoping to be disruptive, to achieve exponential growth, and which aspire to join the ranks of the unicorns - or failing that be bought out by one of them. PressCoin by contrast is at its heart a collaborative play, a venture which plans to build its future around assisting an existing industry to better chart its path through troubled waters in a cooperative manner. And in a sense therefore it is a blockchain venture that plays directly to the promise inherent in this remarkable new technology - and indeed into the promise that the internet showed in its early days. Of course like everything at the bleeding edge of this technological maelstrom, it is a high risk investment. But at the same time it has - in my view a more credible plan than most, the possibility of systemic change - albeit a remote one, plus a great spirit. And consequently I have become a supporter and joined the team. 20 years after I started working in the online news business back in 1997, it has become blindingly obvious in the past four years that an industry which looked to have such a bright future back in 1990s is now fundamentally broken. And it’s not simply a question of Facebook and Google eating the old media world’s lunch. The way the traditional news industry has responded to the threat has also been fundamentally mal-adaptive. The consolidated media giants have been for the most part closed-minded, combative and competitive. The industry has rejected opportunities to join forces and form industry responses to the challenge – and continues to ignore innovative ideas even when they presented to them on a plate. Back in 1997, when a group of four Kiwis (Peter Fowler, Ian Llewellyn, Andrew McNaughton and myself) launched NewsRoom.co.nz immediately after the first MMP (proportional representation) election in NZ of 1996, we had hopes for a bright future for our venture. It was only a short time after the World Wide Web and its foundational language HTML had been invented by Tim Berners-Lee. The prospect of being able to publish at very low cost to a worldwide readership looked certain to herald a new golden age of news publishing. And in political and readership terms the promise of our new form of up-to-the-minute internet publishing was immediately realised. NewsRoom, like Scoop.co.nz, digitised the in-box of NZ’s Parliament, and revolutionised the manner in which political parties talked to each other, the media and the public. Within a few short months the quality of material being produced by the participants in the democratic process had dramatically improved and we had become an invaluable part of NZ’s political nervous system. By providing participants in the political process - especially the smaller and less powerful ones - with the ability to flag to the world their views on what ought to be done, I think we helped facilitate the massive improvement in NZ’s Parliamentary process that arrived with MMP. Within months of our launch we would often see political parties trading releases about particular issues over the course of a day. In the past such discussion would have taken several days to work its way through, as the news cycle worked on a daily or perhaps twice daily update cycle at best. But while we disrupted - and we think improved politics - we quickly found that translating this into revenue was also difficult. NewsRoom’s main initial source of revenue was a contract to provide a news service to one of NZ’s first ISPs, ClearNet, which was later merged into TelstraClear. And when this contract was lost, the loss of revenue precipitated the fall of Newsroom 1.0. Scoop.co.nz arose out of that early foretaste of the precariousness of digital publishing. And in the years since, I have had the benefit of a ring-side view of the ever accelerating cycles of disruption of the old-order of journalism and news publishing. The rise of blogging and forums, the empowerment of angry "commenting" personalities set free by anonymity to express their malice, market-eating algorithmic marketing systems, the invention of the smart-phone, the rise and rise of "the platforms", and most recently the commercialisation of fake news, the segregation of points of view on Facebook (and creation of echo-chambers) and the weaponisation of news information delivery systems to attack democracy - as seen in Fake News epidemic that took place during the US 2016 presidential election. Today as we approach the end of 2017, seven election cycles later in NZ, I can only see a very bleak future for the so-called Fourth Estate. While journalism is a things which everybody seems to acknowledge as a vital component of our democratic systems, our economic and political system appears to be unable or unwilling to support it. Confidence in the news industry both internally - among journalists and publishers - and externally, by readers, is at an all time low. The endless cycles of journalist headcount cutting which began in the 1990s continues at pace. The ubiquity of complete nonsense and click-bait masquerading as news is painful to experience. Meanwhile the pace of technological innovation in marketing and news delivery systems continues to accelerate, making it impossible for small independent publishers to join the game – no matter how talented they are – unless they wish to do for several years as a hobby – happen to know a millionaire - or are willing to stake their house of the gamble that they might be able to achieve what nobody else has been able to. These days globally only the very biggest of the biggest are even close to breaking even in their digital publishing divisions. Using a combination of advertising and paywall/membership revenues – global reach and viral content delivery channels, the New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian and Daily Mail are the leaders amongst a handful of publications making a go of commercialising news in the online space. But the reality is that all four of those publications is also propped by old-school industrial news business models, namely print advertising and cover price revenue. And all of them also started this cycle of destruction with deep reservoirs of cash reserves - most of which are now gone. There’s also a bit of irony in the fact that the three quality journalism publishers among this group are arguably doing better right now, precisely because they have - in a sense failed in their role of informing society? The twin trans-Atlantic democratic debacles, Brexit and Trump, have been a great boon for quality news media membership models (like the Guardian’s), and a fillip to paywall subscription sales at the NYT and Washington Post. In the event that these crises are at some point resolved, public subscription and membership revenue for all three of these publications may well start to fall again. Meanwhile for the new generation of digital publishers, Vox, Axios, Buzzfeed, Mashable, The Intercept and Vice, the news is also not so good – even though they are definitely doing great high quality journalistic work they are beginning to hit a ceiling, after having barely taken off. After a fairly brief flirtation by venture capital firms with new media companies in 2015 and 2016, the interest of the disrupters in the media fizzled out around the time Gawker media was killed off by Peter Thiel and Hulk Hogan. Two years on their valuations are falling and revenue targets are being reset, downwards. Buzzfeed in particular has discovered the sponsored editorial model doesn’t scale well –it turns out becoming a digital agency in this day and age can be a relatively low margin high maintenance business. The possible exception to this is Politico, a publication which like Scoop.co.nz reports on the core democratic processes - so far in the US and the EU. Politico’s highly valued news intelligence output has secured it a special place among partially paywalled websites, distinguishing itself from other paywalled sites which serve a deep pocketed elite with the information they require to function such as the The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg news. None of all this has been much of a surprise to me. Over the decade since 2017 the direction of the "attention market" – wherein publishers decided they were in the business of selling the eyeballs of their readers - has been steady and remorseless - disrupting both the advertising and news industries in an equally inexorable fashion. As technical solutions to the challenges of servicing e-commerce businesses, i.e. finding the right targeted audience were solved, the vast bulk of advertising inventory became nearly worthless. Here in New Zealand, while the recent, and rather spectacular success of the Jennings/Murphy/Hickey NewsRoom.co.nz re-launch, and the rise and rise of TheSpinoff.co.nz are certainly bright spots in the history of digital media in NZ, their success is being achieved against the flow of the market, and will be hard to maintain. In the end their futures will be decided by a group of perennially fickle corporate marketing managers, who will be constantly advised by their agencies that there are higher ROI [Return on Investment] options to help them deliver bottom line performance in selling widgets or whatever else they’re buying advertising to achieve. Call me a cynic - and I hope I am wrong about this- but my experience strongly suggests that corporate organisations struggle to understand the value of association with excellence in content, no matter how well it is presented to them. These days, news just seems so ubiquitous, so commodified. As consumers of information it almost seems oppressive at times. And this is so in part because there is no concerted effort by the news industry to sell itself, to convince their advertising clients, corporations who rely on the success of democratic institutions and the rule of law, that the news industry is nothing more than a carrier signal for marketing messages. Perhaps realising they are stuffed, Stuff (Formerly Fairfax) appears to have decided to continue its diversification strategy expanding its foray into the fibre-broadband market and the online video entertainment space. This was my question when Scoop co-editor Joseph Cederwall sent me a link to the ambitious USD$100 million ICO plan a couple of weeks ago. If the news market is so screwed, what could possibly make a difference? Joseph lined up a call with Amit Rathore, the erstwhile leader of the PressCoin project, to explore the possibility of a collaboration between PressCoin and Scoop. Our Skype discussion - NZ/US/France - started with a brief explanation of Scoop.co.nz and its raw-news aggregation and ScoopPro business models. Amit listened with interest and then explained his background as a founder of Quintype, a high-tech cloud based publishing platform provider which simplifies the deployment of state of the art news publishing systems. We quickly established that Quintype may well be a good fit for the next stage of Scoop’s development. Amit then explained that PressCoin’s vision of a way to fix the future of news was to grow a 100 million strong network of thinking and discerning readers to support a decentralised, platform based news eco-system that would serve the news needs of people who care about fate of the planet and democracy. So far so good, but like a lot of people I was wondering how exactly this would work. How would this USD$100 million investment kick off this systemic change? Amit was certainly saying all the right things when it came to defining the problem. But that has always been the easy part. My initial feeling was that on the solution side the story PressCoin was telling was still a bit fuzzy. Nevertheless I was open to being convinced, and our discussion continued over the next few days. The core business-model for PressCoin in its early stages will be Software As A Service (SaaS) subscription revenues paid by independent publishers for use of PressCoin built, shared, scalable, state of the art (data driven) publishing system. Systems which Amit is confident can be provided at a fraction of the cost publishers routinely pay when trying to build such systems via the traditional digital agency/developer model. These services will be provided on top of the AWS (Amazon Web Services) news publisher developer-kit which Amit had previously built at Quintype. The company is now servicing a variety of different clients and serving 120 million pages of content a month. Perhaps most notable among these clients is The Quint, an Indian Huffington Post like publication in English. Fortune and Bloomberg also have deployed Quintype-powered publications. Having spent years trying to keep up with the technology requirements in the industry, and failing, this part of the pitch made perfect business sense to me as a publisher. And this shared data-driven technology platform approach immediately reminded me of Scandinavian news publisher Schibsted Group’s call in 2016 for the formation of a global alliance among news publishers. In June 2016 , The Tinius Trust – which owns half of the Schibsted Group (Scandinavia’s largest newspaper publisher – and the owner of a large number of online classified market sites in the EU) – had assembled a cast of news luminaries including legendary Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger to introduce their ideas. They published a wonderful report dissecting both the ailments of the news industry, and proposing a solution. Schibsted’s plan was to build a state of the art data-first publishing platform to personalise the news services provided to readers who would be, by virtue of the benefits of doing so, be encouraged to login to use the fully featured product. This would make news services functionally more like Facebook, and thereby give the news industry sufficient scale sufficiently to directly compete with Facebook and Google in advertising markets. But Schibsted quickly discovered that asking News Companies to work together is a bit like trying to train cats to hunt mice together. The Tinius Trust’s call for a global media alliance wasn’t even reported on in Alan Rusbridger’s own newspaper. PressCoin’s plans are more fluid than Schibsted’s but broadly similar, and focussed on a different tier in the publisher world. PressCoin hopes to help network the new and emerging publishers of the world keep up with the pace of change. And while USD$100 million will only get you so far in developing such technology, using development teams based in India ought to make this sum of money go at least five times as far as it might go if invested in tech teams based in Stockholm. However for me there remained a key unsolved challenge in this story. In a market where revenue yields on advertising have been on a steady downward path for a decade – crippling every new entrant to the game before they even get started – SaaS revenue from publishers might also be difficult to grow, unless PressCoin was able to also bring to bear some other innovations to tilt the playing field in their direction. If lowering the costs of news publishers by using shared digital infrastructure is leg one of the PressCoin vision, leg two involves enlisting the assistance of engaged readers to improve the quality of the product – and to help the network grow. This idea also rang a few bells. 2. Dutch crowd-funded start-up De-Correspondent – which is set to launch soon in New York with what can be expected to be a fire-cracker crowd-funding campaign. WikiTribune, which is presently operational in Beta – built on a modified WordPress platform, is providing its readers with the ability to participate in news creation by contributing articles, proposing ideas, and suggesting edits, additions and corrections to articles on the site. Article production is supervised by a staff of paid editors and journalists. It’s early days so far, but it is definitely an exciting project (which you can join here if you want to have a look inside the kitchen). WikiTribune, like Wikipedia, presently has a reader donation funding model and the project already has a fairly large number of supporters who have committed to recurring monthly funding. This is the same business model which is powering De-Correspondent and Jeremy Scahill’s Intercepted podcast (on The Intercept, First Look Media’s investigative journalism powerhouse led by Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill and Laura Poitras and funded by billionaire Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar. For its part De-Correspondent is a reporter’s dream, a publisher built by writers for readers who value quality thoughtful content from subject specialist reporters. Their model is also reader funded, and includes baked in opportunities for informed readers to help shape the news agenda via facilitated engagements with reporters and newsletters. There is much more to its very well thought out approach that can be explored here. Given that PressCoin is a crypto-currency based project, it is unsurprising that Amit’s vision for facilitating reader assistance is blockchain based. Amit’s plan is to provide for blockchain tools to be integrated into publishing platforms to reward engaged readers for their "mid-funnel" assistance with the news publishing and distribution process. This could range from submitting stories, and tips, to fact-checking, collecting source material from the scene of a news event, and sharing material on Social media. Rewards would be securely and transparently tracked using the Blockchain and delivered in the form of PressCoin tokens. While I have some skepticism about how well monetary incentives work in such circumstances, I can see very clear value in a cross publisher karma system to enable engaged and clever readers to move about a news universe and assist publishers in subjects they are expert in. In addition, paying for assistance in crypto-currency is all very well, but will the PressCoin tokens be worth anything? The facility of PressCoin for the purpose of making a new market for news will be backed up by provision of a real-money/PressCoin gateway via an associated project which lends quite a lot of credibility to the PressCoin project. CointypeX is a brand new Cryptocurrency exchange with an integrated Swiss Bank, featuring super-low transaction fees on transfers, payments and even fiat foreign exchange. CointypeX was built by a team of Wall St. technologists with experience in high-frequency trading, and investors in PressCoin are being encouraged to open up their crypto wallets inside this new exchange. In addition, PressCoin’s NEWS tokens are backed with share in ownership of the PressCoin platform company itself – PressCoin PLC - which makes it entirely different than most of the new ICOs presently being issued, some of which have no real asset lying behind them at all. By providing an external market to price PressCoin, and encouraging PressCoin transactions within its eco-system, it should be possible for PressCoin network publishers and technology providers to start trading internally to build network connections – for example by building a web-traffic exchange to direct readers to related websites and content - and to pay writers, designers, technologists and sales commissions for referrals with PressCoin earned from the sale of advertising and subscriptions. Crowd-funding will also be able to be carried out using PressCoin for finance, and if the PressCoin marketplace achieves sufficient liquidity the value of PressCoin could start to rise independently of the value of the underlying business that it sits on. This aspect of the Initial Coin Offering method of funding a networked platform business is a fascinating aspect to the economics of crypto currencies and I plan to discuss this in part two of this report. This was the part of PressCoin’s vision that initially had me excited, albeit for somewhat self-interested reasons, in relation to Scoop.co.nz. As readers of Scoop.co.nz will know, we have developed a novel way to fund our public interest news services - our Ethical Paywall and our raw news publication model. These are approaches to news revenue generation that we are very keen to accelerate and see used for funding more quality public interest journalism. A couple of months ago the Scoop team even began internal discussions around planning a crowd-equity raising - a project we called Scoop 3.0 - to provide us with funds to develop a new cloud based SaaS version of Scoop, one which could be deployed by small groups of entrepreneurial reporters and technologists in other jurisdictions. PressCoin’s support and the Quintype technology suite - if it works as advertised - would enable us to massively accelerate this path. it was therefore very exciting to see the support of projects like this in their roadmap. Scoop’s "Ethical Paywall" is so-named - using Fair/Ethical trade parlance - because it addresses the market failures for two groups in the news supply chain : a) journalists and publishers who can’t get paid; and b) readers who are increasingly finding themselves on the wrong-side of paywalls which prevent them from reading articles they need to access to fulfil their obligations as informed voters. "help create a polis trained to participate generatively in the public sphere" After our initial conversation I followed up to Amit with a written description of Scoop.co.nz’s "Ethical Paywall" and raw news publishing approach to news monetisation. I pitched the idea as a good fit for PressCoin’s objectives – a business model which is neither advertising nor member funded, and one which is by its very nature decentralised and which results in an open website that can serve the public interest. In May 2015, responding to a precipitous collapse in advertising revenue yields after NZ’s 2014 General Election Scoop.co.nz introduced a novel news monetisation model which we originally called an "invisible paywall". Invisible because we don’t actually have a paywall at all – and a paywall because we require professional users of Scoop to pay to access the site. the ability to reach, through Scoop, a high quality audience of decision-makers with their news releases. Our funding model incentivises us to produce content which is useful for our paying institutional and organisation readers – and this content is by default also useful for society as a whole, and is unlikely to be very click-bait like. When we introduced the idea we thought we had a pretty marginal chance of success – I put our odds of succeeding at around 10% at the beginning of 2015. But thanks to the amazing support of our readers, who donated more than $150,000 in crowd-funding campaigns to enable us to make the transition over a two year period, by May 2017 we had grown our licensed professional user base to 180 organisations and were within sight of reaching our goal, advertising-free sustainability. Amit sent off our proposal to his collaborators for their consideration and invited me to assist with the effort to put PressCoin together. At which point I began to meet the PressCoin team.After a week of working with them I confess that I am growing rather fond of their way of doing business. First of all Amit Rathore, the driving force behind the PressCoin project. A technologist first and foremost – and a remarkably adept one on the basis of what I have seen – Amit is also a very open, down to earth, accessible and kind person. He seems to be very genuinely concerned for the future of the planet and of its people just as I am. Based in San Mateo California Amit coordinates the work of the PressCoin ICO team, which at this point numbers about 20, and is and based in at least four countries, India, the UK, the UK and France (me). Early on in my engagement with Amit I pushed him a little to help him prepare for what it will be like if an investigative journalist decides to have a go at him about the ICO funding model. Amit responded very naturally and confidently, albeit a little tersely. My impression at this point is that he comes more from the Tim O’Reilly/Craig Newmark mould of entrepreneurs, as opposed to the Mark Zuckerberg/Steve Jobs one. My introduction to Amit’s team came shortly after we spoke, and initially via the online collaboration tool Slack. To get to know their community PressCoin had simply set up an open slack instance and invited all-comers to talk to them directly. A very open start-up approach. Inside Slack I soon met Amit’s cousin Manshu Rathore, an ex-Quintype engineer, who is based in India, very helpful, and as far as I can tell doesn’t sleep. Next I met Andreas Stenzel, who lives near Amit and whose kids play together, Andreas is managing the paid marketing side of the launch using an impressive array of spreadsheets - another very down to earth, open and competent, experienced technology industry person. I next met two more of the founders – Andrew Markell and Gunther Sonnenfeld, who are also partners of Amit’s in another related venture, HigherOrderVC, a VC company which is focussing on Blockchain technologies for "Enlightened Value Creation". Andrew and Gunther are busy working behind the scenes to line up high net-worth investors in the PressCoin ICO. For some considerable time Gunther has been working closely with Journalist Dr Nafeez Ahmed, whose INSURGE Intelligence investigative journalism platform is the initial flagship platform for the PressCoin crypto-economy. A beta version of the platform is online and a working version is expected to be launched early in the new year. Nafeez is an experienced investigative journalist whose work Scoop had the privilege of publishing as early as 2002. Over a skype call from the Geneva waterfront I talked with Andrew and Gunther for some time about the amazing rise in the price of Bitcoin. I was quickly brought up to speed with various theories on the remarkable events of the past few months in the cryptocurrency world. Finally I have conversed via IRC with, albeit not yet met by voice or video conference, another of PressCoin’s founders Amit Bansal, a web-wizard and entrepreneur and who is the CEO of PressCoin’s NextElection platform, a new digital townhall which plans to bring the best aspects of digital communications to bear during (and after) elections everywhere, to ensure voters are fully informed about what and for whom they are voting. More importantly, NextElection will maintain a real-time collaborative spotlight on the incumbents, relevant issues, and challengers - 24/7 - to ensure elected officials are doing their job, and their ratings are transparent. After all, as Amit likes to say, "citizens should be like politicians, remembering at all times, that there’s always a next election coming up …" And it’s worth mentioning that one of the team members I haven’t yet met is a leading fintech player and who is the genius behind Cointype and CointypeX. So all in all a pretty impressive team. But right now the pressure is coming on the PressCoin team, fast and hard. The next 28 days will be a baptism of fire. To get to USD$100 million will be a remarkable feat, and this team has its work cut out for it. If successful this will be unquestionably the largest initial public fund-raise of any new-media venture ever. The ICO proper opened today. India was the first jurisdiction where investors are able invest directly using fiat currency – and the fiat investment gateway is now open. This allows. investors to purchase NEWS tokens directly in Indian Rupees (INR) without having to first create a crypto wallet and buy some other cryptocurrency. A fiat currency gateway for investors in US Dollars (USD) has now also been opened up. In coming days pounds (GBP), Swiss Francs (CHF) and Euros (EUR) will also be able to be used to purchase NEWS tokens. In some jurisdictions in order to invest with regular fiat currencies, investors will need to prove that they are qualified investors in order to satisfy security laws. Which highlights one of the most fascinating aspects of the ICO boom. At its heart the PressCoin ICO is effectively an unregulated IPO, financed by the sale of a brand new currency. If it succeeds then in all likelihood investors will soon be able to purchase coffee directly from their phones with fractions of their investment – something which is hard to do with shares in Facebook or Appal and also with most other ICO tokens - most of which are not presently listed on crypto-exchanges. The stated intention of PressCoin PLC. is to eventually seek a sharemarket listing for PressCoin, probably in the UK, with each NEWS Token mapping to a share in the new company on the London Stock Exchange. So will PressCoin succeed in this crowd-sale? Obviously time will tell. The ICO closes on January 8th, and if everything goes to plan PressCoin’s NEWS tokens will then be immediately tradeable on the CointypeX exchange. While I have no idea whether it will succeed, I would certainly like it to do so, and not only because it may benefit Scoop.co.nz. If there hadn’t been a bunch of recent ICOs for similar amount of money with significantly less substance behind them than this one I’d have thought this a true moon-shot. But as it is I think this one has a chance – and with the Crypto Currency Boom exploding in the headlines PressCoin’s timing appears to be perfect. And for the reasons discussed in this article, right now, I think the PressCoin plan I have seen so far to save the news industry. And potentially our planet from the scourge of misinformation. And for all these reasons I am greatly honoured to have been invited to join the team.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T02:43:40Z', 'url': 'http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1712/S00024/why-i-am-supporting-the-presscoin-ico-by-alastair-thompson.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T22:45:53Z', 'url': 'https://www.hotelinvite.com.pl/en/wroclaw-page-78872', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
paul reid • blog » Australia’s slow broadband a disservice to Digital Natives? Cartoon PD online package ePortfolio - dead concept or holy grail in education? Of course the other aspect of all this is the use of restrictive firewalls and other barriers to the effective use of a wide range of educational resources founded on Web 2.0 technologies. Coonan parroting Prensky probably isn’t going to hurt the cause - we all understand that digital natives are avid users - but are not necessarily critical users - so it seems a better argument to highlight the role of schools and universities in equipping the students with the requisite skills and knowledge to not only consume, but consume critically, manage the technologies, control the technology (in terms of soft-, firm- and hard- ware). GRIP-FIX-TURN as well as RIP-MIX-BURN. Of course there are also the economic imperatives - why don’t we see K-12 sector advocating Richard Florida’s “Creative Class”? Especially here in Perth, we need to foster a Creative Economy - the reliance upon primary resources won’t sustain us much longer. We need to develop Perth, Bunbury, Kalgoorlie and Karratha as Creative Cities… with an active and productive Creative Class - but the potential for our students to develop as members of that group is limited by policy and access restrictions such as those we’ve outlined. The high-speed net is, so far, a pipe dream (no pun intended) in Australia. I’m struck that I find myself agreeing with Rupert Murdoch in this instance - something that doesn’t happen often! We need to start more effective lobbying - the reality is that in WA there is minimal use of ICT in teaching and learning programs.. a handful of well-informed and well-intentioned teachers are pushing the envelope but the vast majority still baulk even at email communication let alone true Web 2.0 engagement.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T08:49:51Z', 'url': 'http://paulreid.id.au/blog/2006/11/25/australias-slow-broadband-a-disservice-to-digital-natives/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
My earliest memories of my life seem to have one commonality — I’m either experiencing acute anxiety or catastrophizing. Once, on a holiday, I was left with my eldest sister to look after me. My mother promised me she would only be gone for half an hour. I sat in the kitchen and watched the clock ticking relentlessly. At 40 minutes in, I was grief-stricken — my mother had obviously been in a terrible accident and had died. I was now missing the most important person in my life. Of course, she returned over two hours later thanks to the traffic and could not understand why I had once again riled myself up into such a state of anxiety. Until recently, my life revolved around such chronic catastrophizing so often that I ended up avoiding people and situations. I also procrastinated dealing with people I shouldn't avoid – my father-in-law, the gas man, the bank, and that one client with whom I just couldn’t get things right. It seemed so simple to everyone else — so black and white — you just get on with life and try to make the best of it for yourself. However, in my mind, every situation was a potential minefield, causing me great upset and worry. Before I knew it, the most memorable moments in my life were punctuated by all-consuming fear and anxiety over things that I now see were absolutely nothing to worry about. When you catastrophize, you create a nightmare scenario in which absolutely everything could implode, explode and generally make your life as you know it intolerable and irreparable. It’s a masochistic tendency that goes hand-in-hand with chronic anxiety, making you constantly fearful that something terrible is just around the corner or that something innocuous will morph into dire situation. How Catastrophizing Hinders Your Health, Happiness, and Productivity. When you catastrophize, you feel adrenaline, shock and despair, all part of anxiety. As your brain conjures up the worst possible eventualities, you react physiologically and psychologically, as if the terrible thing you imagine were really happening. Blood pressure increases, heart rate rises, blood drains from your face and other extremities, and you go into fight-or-flight mode. If you are catastrophizing several times a day, this process not only drains your mind of any mental energy, but it’s also physically exhausting. This negativity you constantly focus on and perpetuate is not just tiring — it's debilitating. When you're under pressure and need to perform and take in vital information, you can't pay attention to the tasks at hand if your thoughts are hurtling toward an imagined catastrophe. Distraction and panic set in, and before you know it, you’ve missed important information. This can happen in your workplace, in the doctor's office, in a performance situation, or even while driving. You may also avoid taking risks and putting yourself out there for opportunities in your personal or professional life, as your anxiety and worry are too overwhelming to allow you to take action. Catastrophizing not only hinders your daily happiness, productivity, and achievement, but it can also have long-term effects on your mental health. Your self-esteem can suffer when you routinely believe the world is always crumbling around you. You believe you lack the coping skills to manage the potential catastrophes you imagine and feel helpless and hopeless. Your subconscious tends to absorb your insecurities and reveal them in a self-critical way. This could materialize into catastrophizing depression or an ongoing anxiety disorder. If you don't take action to deal with your tendency to catastrophize, this bad habit will turn into an anxious addiction, holding you back from enjoying life and finding peace of mind. If your inner critic were personified, it would be your arch nemesis — a cruel, manipulative person who continuously poisons your mind with negative ideas and opinions. If you listen to what this inner critic is telling you and allow yourself to accept it as the truth, you brainwash yourself into believing in phantoms and letting them destroy your happiness. You may notice how often your negative inner voice goes off on a tangent before you even realize what’s happening. Before you know it, all of the physical symptoms and fears are sending alarm bells throughout your body. Practice noticing how often your catastrophizing mind takes control and leads you down the slippery slope of false beliefs. The minute you notice yourself in an anxiety spiral, stop yourself — even by saying “Stop,” out loud. Interrupt the process and wrestle control of your thoughts so your logical mind can take over. Take away the power of this inner voice by identifying the thoughts as imposter messages that aren't grounded in reality. Once you identify that your inner critic is at work again, take a moment to stop and breathe. Congratulate yourself for having prevented the catastrophizing from accelerating and take deep breaths to calm down your mind and body. Catastrophizing puts your body into a state of stress, so to think clearly and rationally again, you need to calm down and return to the present moment. Breathing exercises will help you be present and mindful, as opposed to focusing on an dangerous future world where only bad things come true. Close your eyes, remove any distractions, and begin breathing in and out as you count down from ten. Count on the out breath, noticing how your body and mind are settling down. Repeat this ten-count breathing as many times as necessary to feel safe and calm again. The way you speak to yourself through your inner chatterbox is worse than how you’d speak to your own worst enemy. Remember, at the end of the day, you’re all you’ve got. You can't afford to fight yourself and create unnecessary stumbling blocks every step of the way. You may be furthering your anxieties by shaming yourself for catastrophizing and worrying. You're layering problem on top of problem when you do this. What if you were actually supportive of yourself? What if you were your own cheerleader, your own best friend? What would you say to a dear friend who has doubts about themselves or unsubstantiated worries about the future? I’m sure it would be the polar opposite of what your inner critic says to you. Be kind to yourself and understand that catastrophizing often has its roots in some real fears from your past. These fears may be long gone, but the residual effect has left you on constant high alert. Show compassion to yourself for the real discomfort and frustration of living with this challenge and be patient as you work to change and heal. If you need some extra help, there are supplements you can take to help rebalance your brain’s chemistry and boost your dopamine levels. For example, vitamin D helps regulate neurotransmitters and could prevent you from naturally hurtling toward catastrophizing so quickly. When you are catastrophizing about some potential outcome or situation that scares you, take a moment to check in with reality. What are the chances that your fears really will come to pass? How often have you catastrophized over nothing in the past? Are your thoughts and worries really grounded in truth? Nine times out of ten, your past catastrophizing has been a complete waste of emotional energy and time. Even if something you feared did come to pass, it was likely less daunting or horrible than you feared. Remind yourself of the real-life facts from your history. These facts are the evidence you need to prove your catastrophizing is unnecessary and inaccurate. Shining the light of reality on your fears can help you feel more in control and calm. Shining a spotlight on your own issues also means shining it on those around you who see the worst in every situation. I have a friend who is also a catastrophizer, and the basis of our relationship for the past ten years has been voicing our nightmarish scenarios back and forth to each other and obsessing about them. This kind of disaster co-dependency only adds fuel to the anxiety fire. Two catastrophizers aren't in a good enough place to act as rational sounding boards for each another. As part of my own journey, I have needed to distance myself from this person as well as from other catastrophizers — and you do, too. Instead, spend more time with positive, optimistic, and healthy-minded people who view the world as safe, positive, and full of opportunities. Seek out someone you trust and can rely on to share your fears and help you overcome them. Perhaps voicing your fears to a nonjudgemental and trusted person will help you gain some perspective, and learning coping strategies will make you feel more in control of your life. If catastrophizing is becoming a regular occurrence and you feel your anxiety is worsening, it may be a good idea to seek professional help in any case. Psychologists, cognitive behavioral therapists, and other trained professionals can teach you cognitive strategies to control your inner critic and reveal underlying core beliefs that could be causing the anxiety. How about turning the tables on your catastrophizing and develop a new mental practice of expecting good things to happen to you? Keep a gratitude journal to focus on all of the things that are going well in your life, and make write a vision for yourself that reinforces positive, happy outcomes. Many believe that sending out positive vibrations into the world encourages positive things to come your way. Believe in yourself and work toward imagining your perfect life every day. Catastrophizing is an insidious habit that can have serious consequences on your mind and body. It can sabotage your confidence and prevent you from living the life you know you are capable of living . Take control of it now by identifying your inner critic and learning how to silence it. Seek out help if you feel that your fearful thoughts are impairing your ability to function. Even if you are anxious, work on replacing fear and anxiety with a dose of reality, chased with a generous helping of optimism and self-compassion. The more you practice shutting down the catastrophizer in your mind, the less power it will have over you. Don't forget to share it on your favorite social media channel!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T13:01:23Z', 'url': 'https://liveboldandbloom.com/10/overcoming-fear/stop-catastrophizing', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Reuters reported that “A senior U.S. soldier said on Sept. 1 that Australia must choose between a stronger U.S. alliance or closer ties with China, and urged Canberra to take a tougher stance against Chinese claims in the South China Sea. “The Pentagon, however, disputed the statement by U.S. Army Assistant Chief of Staff Colonel Tom Hanson, saying it did not represent the position of the U.S. government. “I think the Australians need to make a choice … it’s very difficult to walk this fine line between balancing the alliance with the United States and the economic engagement with China,” Colonel Hanson said on Australian Broadcasting Corp. Radio. “There’s going to have to be a decision as to which one is more of a vital national interest for Australia,” he said, adding that the comments reflected his personal view and were not necessarily that of the U.S. government. To read the entire article on this, please hit this link.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T12:31:17Z', 'url': 'https://bostonglobalforum.org/tag/south-china-sea/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Apple has a new peach with the release of its 3.0GHz, 8-core Intel Xeon-based Mac Pro. The 8-core Mac Pro is powered bu two quad-core Intel Xeon "Clovertown" processors running at 3.0GHz. Apple also released a quad-core Mac Pro featuring two Dual-Core Intel Xeon "Woodcrest" processors. Mac Pro will hold up to four drives and 3TB of storage. It also offers eight DIMM slots to fill with up to 16GB of RAM, and provides up to two SuperDrives. It also holds four PCI Express slots for future expansion and flexibility. According to Apple the 8-core Mac Pro holds three graphics card options to chose from and each lets you connect up to two displays, including at least one 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display. A diagram of the Cloverton processors.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T10:32:25Z', 'url': 'https://www.techrepublic.com/pictures/photos-apples-8-core-xeon-workstation/2/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Every year when the racing activity slows down, the sponsor activity ramps up for AJ Foyt Racing. INDIANAPOLIS – A.J. Foyt, the first driver to win the Indianapolis 500 four times, will serve as the grand marshal for the Red Bull Air Race World Championship event Oct. 6-7 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. PORTLAND, Ore. – The Grand Prix of Portland returned IndyCar racing to the Northwest and, by all accounts, it was a huge success as the fans turned out in droves the entire race weekend. PORTLAND, Ore.—Despite the best efforts of A.J. Foyt’s ABC Supply Racing team, the struggles on permanent road courses continues. After two days of practice at Portland International Raceway, the team was still trying to sort through different setups for qualifying today. MADISON, Ill.—A fast car and an untimely yellow created a frustrating evening for Tony Kanaan who appeared to be headed for a top-six finish in the No. 14 ABC Supply Chevrolet in the Bommarito Automotive Group 500 at Gateway Motorsports Park Saturday evening. MADISON, Ill. – Rain washed out qualifying Friday afternoon which means the starting grid has been set by entrants’ points. Tony Kanaan will start 15th in the No. 14 ABC Supply Chevrolet while Matheus Leist will start 18th in the No. 4 ABC Supply Chevrolet. Warren Wilson joined AJ Foyt Racing in 2017 to prepare the shocks on both the No. 4 and No. 14 ABC Supply Chevrolets. This season is Wilson’s third stint working with Tony Kanaan and Eric Cowdin.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T14:20:28Z', 'url': 'http://abcsupplyracing.com/abc-racing-news/page/2/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Regal Musical Instruments: 1895-1955 is the only book to trace the history of the Chicago musical manufacturer. With its roots in Indianapolis, the Regal familiar to most collectors and players was spun off of music giant Lyon & Healy in 1908. Besides making ukuleles, mandolins, guitars and other stringed instruments for Lyon & Healy, Regal of Chicago supplied the majority of America's wholesalers with “house brand” instruments, and also had a long relationship with Montgomery-Ward catalogue. Regal Musical Instruments: 1895-1955 draws upon period trade magazines, distributor catalogues, as well as the never before published memories of Regal factory employees to paint a complete picture of the company's history. Also includes an in-depth descriptive guide to identifying and dating some of Regal's best-known instruments, highlighted by full-color photographs throughout of guitars, mandolins, ukuleles and banjos. A must-have for all collectors!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T04:32:57Z', 'url': 'https://www.musicrack.com/products/hl00001484', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Spotify is one tech tool that I use everyday without fail. If you don’t currently use a streaming music service, I can highly recommend Spotify. It’s permanently changed the way I access music. You can use Spotify for free, but if your budget allows it’s absolutely worth upgrading to their premium service. There are a couple of ways you can view lyrics and information about the song as you listen on Spotify on your mobile device. Genius Lyrics provides a built in Behind The Lyrics feature for many songs on Spotify. While you’re listening you can tap the cover art to view lyrics and also read interesting facts about the artist and the song. If you’d prefer to see ONLY lyrics and view them karaoke-style (one line at a time) while the song is playing, you can download the Musixmatch app (iOS and Android) and connect your Spotify account. When you want to view song lyrics, open the Musixmatch app and play the song. The lyrics will scroll through in time to the song that’s playing. Connect your Spotify account to Shazam so when you hear a new song you like you can identify it with Shazam and then play it in Spotify or add it to one of your playlists. Tip 4: It’s all about Playlists, Playlists, Playlists! Playlists are really the key to using Spotify productively. Set up playlists so you can find the music you need quickly and easily. If you want to take a little shortcut, you might like to search for Playlists that have been created by other teachers. I’ve found the easiest way to do this is to search on Google. Can’t find a song in Spotify but you have it on your laptop? You can access it through Spotify, provided it’s from a legal source. This feature is also useful if you’d like to play audio files you’ve made yourself (recordings of students, rehearsal tracks, ear-training examples and so on). By default, when you add a new song to a playlist it will go to the end of the list. However, you can choose to view the list by Title, by Artist, by Album, by Recently Added or your own Custom order (only available for a playlist you have created yourself). The good thing is that you can switch between each of these views whenever you like. To Customise the order of songs, simply drag a song up or down in the list. If the playlist is long and you want to move lots of songs around it’s much easier to do it on the desktop Spotify app. If you make changes on the desktop app, your mobile app will update instantly (and vice versa). On the Spotify mobile app, there’s a secret trick that one of my kids showed me (!). First open your playlist in your Spotify app, then swipe downwards until you can see the Filter search box and tap on the little “hamburger” menu on the right. Once you discover how useful Playlists are, you might find that you end up with LOTS of them and it can get difficult to find the one you need. An excellent solution is to create Playlist folders to group similar playlists together. You can only create a new folder and add Playlists to that folder while using the desktop app at this stage. You can choose to make your Playlists public so that they can be shared with others. This can be useful if you’d like to share a playlist with students, with parents or with your colleagues. You can even make a Playlist collaborative if you’d like other Spotify users to contribute songs to the list. Spotify automatically generates a collage of album covers for your Playlist artwork. However, you can add a custom image if you prefer. The image can be a simple photo, or you can get creative and create an image like the example below by Spotify user missbensko (the author of the Maniacs In The Middle blog) . One of the main reasons I upgraded to the Premium service was so that I could listen to my music without an internet connection (ideal for when I’m running in slightly remote areas, or on a plane flight!). Just one thing to keep in mind for all you music teachers out there: if you want to use Spotify in your classroom, you have to sign up for the special Spotify Enterprise (or something similar, can’t remember the exact name) service. Spotify Premium is strictly for personal use only, as lined out in the Spotify Premium license agreement. Also worth keeping in mind is that with this service, you pay a fixed rate per user, so if you have many students, it will become quite expensive. You might be better off purchasing a music license through the music proprietary rights management organization in your country. That license will grant you permission to use whatever music streaming service you like, be it Spotify, Deezer, Naxos Music Library or whatever.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T14:45:01Z', 'url': 'https://midnightmusic.com.au/2018/11/11-must-know-spotify-tips-for-music-teachers/?replytocom=85470', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Finally everything is back to normal and I’m making CD’s again in the living room. Everyone who bought the Hermit in the past month will get The Circle sent to them as well as a treat. I am very sorry for the inconvenience my friends. I just spent the better part of an hour trying to find better cover art (i.e., better than 100px x 100px) so it would look nicer when playing in foobar2000. Apparently, even discogs has not heard of The Circle. I’ve half-fixed that, but I could use some help filling in the details. BTW, the 12-hour layover I had in Iceland was great. After all, I was able to buy The Circle, eat fish and black licorice, and chat with the locals. What’s not to love?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T01:01:57Z', 'url': 'https://ragnarzolberg.com/2015/04/21/cds-back-in-business/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Brinf your family and friends to volunteer on our beautiful trails; all ages welcome. We typically clear winter storm damage, pick up trash, remove autumn olive, or marking trails to increase visibility. Please bring gloves and trimming tools (pruners, clippers, racheting, etc.). We'll meet out on Meadow Loop near the tennis courts. If you'd like to bring a group (Scouts, 4H, Church, etc.), please e-mail naturetrails@montcalm.edu so we can have a project ready for you. Join us for a thank-you potluck from 12 - 1 pm at the Robert E. Marston Pavilion. Committee members will provide burgers and side dishes; volunteers are welcome to contribute as well.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T05:57:17Z', 'url': 'https://thegame730am.com/events-lansing/earth-day-trail-clean-up-montcalm-community-college/20-april-2019/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Summary This post involves the preparation, cooking, regeneration and service of food in venues across the University estate. Working to University standards of food safety, cooking methods and food presentation. The Cook will report to the Head Chef - Residential and Bars, may also receive supervision from the Lead Chef, and will provide supervision to the cooks and general assistants. Will supervise and co-ordinate the preparation and cooking of food for service in venues across the University estate, adapting menus to suite individual customer requirements as necessary. The Cook would contribute to the development of the menus, order commodities from suppliers, ensure correct stock levels are maintained and limited wastage. Due to the nature of our operations working hours can be between 7am and 1am Monday to Sunday. You will have: Understanding of food preparation operations Ingredient and provisions knowledge Worked in a commercial kitchen Informal contact details Contact role: Residential Catering Manager Contact name: Derek Birch Contact email: [email protected] The University is committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce, is a Stonewall Diversity and Global Diversity Champion, and supports the principles of the Race Equality Charter and Athena SWAN. Applications for job-share, part-time and flexible working arrangements are welcomed and will be considered in line with business needs. Applications from job seekers who require sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. However, non-EEA candidates who do not already have permission to work in the UK should note that this role is not recognised as a graduate level job by UK Visas and Immigration and the Tier 2 sponsorship route is not available for non-graduate level occupations. There is further information about this on the UK Visas and Immigration Website. Summary This post involves the preparation, cooking, regeneration and service of food in venues across the University estate. Working to University standards of food safety, cooking methods and food presentation. The Chef will report to the Food & Beverage Manager, may also receive supervision from the Senior Chef, and will provide supervision to the cooks and general assistants. Will supervise and co-ordinate the preparation and cooking of food for service in venues across the University estate, adapting menus to suite individual customer requirements as necessary. The Chef would contribute to the development of the menus, order commodities from suppliers, ensure correct stock levels are maintained and limited wastage. Due to the nature of our operations working hours can be between 7am and 1am Monday to Sunday. You will have: - City and Guilds Hospitality and Catering - Level 2 (7132) or equivalent - Level 2 Food Safety Qualification - Understanding of food preparation operations - Ingredient and provisions knowledge - Worked in a commercial kitchen Informal contact details Contact role:Head of Residential Catering and Bars Contact name:Matthew Tebbit Contact email:[email protected] The University is committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce, is a Stonewall Diversity and Global Diversity Champion, and supports the principles of the Race Equality Charter and Athena SWAN. Applications for job-share, part-time and flexible working arrangements are welcomed and will be considered in line with business needs. Applications from job seekers who require sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. However, non-EEA candidates who do not already have permission to work in the UK should note that this role is not recognised as a graduate level job by UK Visas and Immigration and the Tier 2 sponsorship route is not available for non-graduate level occupations. There is further information about this on the UK Visas and Immigration Website. Summary TeacherActive are working with an innovative and modern Special Educational Needs School in Mansfield who are looking for a level 3 qualified Teaching Assistant for day to day cover. The school is an all age school catering for children with a wide range of learning difficulties; moderate, severe, profound and complex. A number of the pupils also have an autism spectrum condition (ASC). To be successful in this role you must be/ have: * Positive and ambitious TA * NVQ level 3 in supporting teaching and learning in schools * A strong team player with a can-do attitude * Enthusiastic and able to successfully work with a team of talented teaching assistants *SEND Experience In return, you will receive the following: * Access to innovative new learning technology * A team of supportive and encouraging colleagues who also participate in shared/ joint planning * A rewarding yet challenging role where no day is the same * First class training and development opportunities To apply, call Katie on 0115 824 1888 or email your CV to [email protected] All applicants will be contacted to discuss suitability and then invited to register with TeacherActive. Registration involves an enhanced DBS check, ID checks and will require you to supply good professional references. We pride ourselves on excellent service. We can provide a wide range of opportunities in schools and other educational institutions, with good rates of pay, at times to suit your needs. Regular external audits have shown repeatedly that our standards are exceptional. We are passionate about finding the right staff for each environment. TeacherActive is an equal opportunities employer, and operates as an Employment Business in providing temporary or contract job-seeking services. Summary WE ARE LOOKING FOR TALENTED PEOPLE LIKE YOU!! Knowing that you're making a difference to people's lives is rewarding in itself. But our many roles offer much more than that. As well as helping you grow and develop your talent, we want you to feel proud of where you work and what you do. The Priory Hospital North London is renowned for its clinical excellence in the field of Acute Mental Health, Addiction, OCD and Adolescent Services. We are also have links with local universities and we regularly take on students and mentor them on site. You can be part of this development and receive mentorship training. Priory North London is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young Adults. All applicants must be willing to undergo safeguarding screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure & Barring Service. We are an equal opportunities employer. We are currently seeking motivated and enthusiastic Registered Mental Health Nurses to join the team and work on Lower Court our adult private unit. The unit consists of 27 beds for both males and females. Our patients are privately funded. We also provide services for adults with OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder and some get funded via NHS care pathways. We will also consider applicants who are looking for part-time work as well as full-time roles. We will also welcome Preceptor applicants looking for that first role. Full training will be provided. Having experienced in Addictions, Acute and/or OCD would be an advantage though full training will be given. This unique opportunity will allow the successful candidate to gain experience in a multitude of specialist areas working in Adult Acute, Addictions and specialist OCD fields as our CAMHS should you cover on the ward. This will allow you to expand your knowledge and skillset very quickly giving you an outstanding platform for your career. You will also gain experience working on NHS and private sectors to further widen your experience range. We also have a demonstrable career pathway where nurses on our wards have progressed to become Charge Nurses, Ward Managers, Director of Clinical Services and Service/Site Managers of other sites. So this job is not just a job for you but a chance to progress through development and hard work. Some of our nursing team have further developed with additional responsibilities as Designated Safeguarding Officers, qualified safeguarding trainers, PMVA trainers to name a few initiatives locally and how we are often looking to promote from within. Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate their skills and experiences in engaging with patients, effectively managing risk and promoting patient involvement in their care and treatment. You will want to work in a therapeutic environment that supports the patients move towards a safe, more independent future and be able to demonstrate excellent communication skills. You will work with a large multidisciplinary team including psychiatrists, other registered mental health nurses, healthcare assistants, therapists and psychologists. You will be involved in the assessment, planning and implementation of patient care. You will also be expected to attend daily multidisciplinary handover meetings, ward rounds and CPA meetings. Occasionally you may be needed to work on the CAMHS acute unit dependant on service needs. This is a service catering mainly to NHS England funded adolescents. Rewards and benefits include; enhanced pay rates for nights and weekends, monthly clothes allowance payment, additional external employee support, childcare vouchers, online discount/savings centre, cycle to work and gym schemes, pension, generous refer a friend scheme, health plan schemes to name a few. We will also pay 50% of your annual NMC registration fee. All appointments at Priory North London are Subject to an enhanced DBS check, costs are met by the Priory. All appointments at Priory North London are Subject to an enhanced DBS check, costs are met by the Priory. To apply on line please visit our website jobs.priorygroup.com. For an application form please email [email protected] For an informal chat please contact Michael Kashawa, Director of Clinical Services on 02088828191. Rewards and benefits include; enhanced pay rates for nights and weekends, monthly clothes allowance payment, additional external employee support, online discount/savings centre, cycle to work and gym schemes, pension, generous refer a friend scheme, health plan schemes to name a few. We will also pay 50% of your annual NMC registration fee. We want to invest in you and your future! Find out about our career pathways: https://www.priorycareerpathways.com/ About us From education to hospitals, care homes and secure facilities, the Priory Group of Companies offers individually tailored, multidisciplinary treatment programmes for those with complex educational needs or requiring acute, long-term and respite mental healthcare. The integrated strength of each service provides a seamless transition for the individual as they progress between higher and lower dependency care and across services. This unique approach ensures that every individual has the opportunity to achieve the best possible outcomes and quality of life with the Priory Group. As 85% of our services are publicly funded and delivered in partnership with commissioners, our teams work with commissioning bodies across the country to provide transparent pricing models and evidence-based care programmes. Disclosure All roles will be subject to a successful disclosure at an appropriate level from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), Access NI or Disclosure Scotland. We are an equal opportunities employer. Summary This post involves the preparation, cooking, regeneration and service of food for events held across the University estate and external venues. Working to University standards of food safety, cooking methods and food presentation. The Chef will report to, and receive supervision from the Head Chef and will provide supervision to the production assistants. Will supervise and co-ordinate the preparation and cooking of food for service, for both small and large-scale functions, adapting menus to suite individual customer requirements as necessary. The Chef would contribute to the development of the menus, order commodities from suppliers, ensure correct stock levels are maintained and limited wastage. Due to the nature of our operations working hours can be between 7am and 1am Monday to Sunday. You will have: City and Guilds Hospitality and Catering - Level 2 (7132) or equivalent Level 2 Food Safety Qualification Understanding of food preparation operations Ingredient and provisions knowledge Worked in a commercial kitchen Informal contact details Contact role: Head of Retail and Hospitality Contact name: Martin Batt Contact phone: +44 (0) 118 378 8235 Contact email: [email protected] The University is committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce, is a Stonewall Diversity and Global Diversity Champion, and supports the principles of the Race Equality Charter and Athena SWAN. Applications for job-share, part-time and flexible working arrangements are welcomed and will be considered in line with business needs. Applications from job seekers who require sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. However, non-EEA candidates who do not already have permission to work in the UK should note that this role is not recognised as a graduate level job by UK Visas and Immigration and the Tier 2 sponsorship route is not available for non-graduate level occupations. There is further information about this on the UK Visas and Immigration Website. Summary Team-Teach TA / Team-Teach Teaching Assistant in Swanwick Have you received training in Team-Teach? Are you looking for a challenging role within SEN as a Team-Teach TA / Team-Teach Teaching Assistant? TeacherActive require a Team-Teach TA / Team-Teach Teaching Assistant experienced in working with challenging students to work for a large SEND school in Swanwick catering for a variety of needs. The Team-Teach TA / Team-Teach Teaching Assistant post will be working across all Key Stages to support students on a 1:1 basis and in small groups, working with pupils who have (MLD) / (Moderate Learning Difficulties) including challenging behaviour. TheTeam-Teach TA / Team-Teach Teaching Assistant will need to be : - Team-Teach trained - Minimum of 6 months SEND experience in a school environment - A team player - Experience with challenging behaviour - A warm and caring individual who truly puts the children first - Comfortable and confident in providing personal care and support - Able to adapt to all environments If you have knowledge and experience of supporting children with Special Educational Needs, please apply now to be considered for an interview. Alternatively, please contact Chloe on 02380 002400 or email [email protected] All applicants will be contacted to discuss suitability and then invited to register with TeacherActive. Registration involves an enhanced DBS check, ID checks and will require you to supply good professional references. We pride ourselves on excellent service. We can provide a wide range of opportunities in schools and other educational institutions, with good rates of pay, at times to suit your needs. Regular external audits have shown repeatedly that our standards are exceptional. We are passionate about finding the right staff for each environment. TeacherActive is an equal opportunities employer, and operates as an Employment Business in providing temporary or contract job-seeking services.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T05:12:21Z', 'url': 'https://www.cvbrowser.com/jobs/?keywords%5Ball_words%5D=catering%20assistants&not_found=1', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Guttenberg Hospital believes it is important to provide pricing information to the public. In order to give consumers the information they are looking for, GMH provides a link to The Iowa Hospital Association (IHA) website called Iowa Hospital Charges Compare. This website allows users to easily access charge information for any type of inpatient hospitalization at any Iowa hospital. Please keep in mind the information provided on this website is only an estimate. GMH’s charges are the same for all patients, but a patient’s responsibility may vary, depending on payment plans negotiated with individual health insurers. Professional fees for physician services such as visiting surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and others are also not reflected, and may be billed separately. We support price transparency and believe it is important for you to know what out-of-pocket costs you will incur for services provided at Guttenberg Municipal Hospital. Click here to download the hospital’s current standard charges.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T01:28:42Z', 'url': 'https://guttenberghospital.org/patients/hospital-charge-estimation/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
donald trump – Welcome to Daly Dose Sports- Your dose of sports and sarcasm. Daly Dose Poll: Who are you writing in on your Presidential ballot? This week on the Daly Dose Sports Podcast, Clint is joined by longtime friend of the show, Mike in Castle Rock to discuss the 2016 NFL season at the halfway point. Which teams are looking like the strongest? And which teams should be kicked out of the league? And with the 2016 Presidential election coming quickly, we all know that this isn’t the strongest group of candidates that we’ve ever had. So this week, we count down the Top 5 more qualified candidates, that we would rather vote for next week! Plus World Series talk, college football, and what the early NBA season means! Be sure to check out Episode #101 The 2016 NFL Midseason Review! With the 2016 Presidential Election coming in just a few weeks, this week on the Daly Dose Sports Podcast, we sit down with the presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump! Clint asks each candidate some very direct questions, and gets some very direct answers, that just might sway your vote! Plus we look at some of the top NFL stories, a look at the MLB Playoffs, and a college football mid-season report. And then we count down the Top 5 lowest ranked college football teams in history, that ended up winning the National Championship! This a very special episode of the Dose that you do not want to miss! This week on the Daly Dose Sports Podcast, Clint answers some of the best listener emails that we have received lately. Did the Denver Broncos spend too much to keep Von Miller? How does Kevin Durant signing with the Golden State Warriors affect the rest of the NBA? Is LeBron James better than Michael Jordan? Plus, how to get through the day at a boring job, dealing with an obnoxious coworkers, and who the Daly Dose will be voting for this November. Check out Episode 86!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T08:58:58Z', 'url': 'https://dalydosesports.wordpress.com/tag/donald-trump/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Decentralised Merchant Service Provider. Using blockchain technology bitsoko creates products and services that help merchants and consumers bridge the economic gap by offering new and innovative solutions to the e-commerce industry. Using blockchain technology bitsoko creates products and services that help merchants and consumers bridge the economic gap by offering new and innovative solutions to the e-commerce industry.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T06:38:48Z', 'url': 'https://icoslot.com/en/ico/bitsoko/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Does anyone know if theres a program out there that you can put on your computer, where you can select an audio file, and assign it to start playing. Essentially an alarm clock, i.e. I'd select "Play that Funky Music White Boy" and have it start at 6:30 AM for school. If there isn't one out there, someone should make it, it'd be a nifty little program. That's kind of consfusing.. Heh.. Well, if you were in the market for a new motherboard and looking for that alarm, I could help you, but you apparently aren't, and buying a new MoBo just for an overgrown alarm clock just wouldn't make any sense. Unless you like throwing money away... in which case you could send me some money and I could just buy you a CD/alarm clock, and keep the rest of the dough. Google "mp3 alarm clock".. I found many programs, I downloaded the "Easy MP3 Alarm Clock 1.0" from like, the 3rd site down on the search engine.. Why didn't you search before posting? Just a thought. I thought I had searched a long time ago, and the idea came to me and I thought someone on here may know it.. After searching a bit on google I found one..
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T14:37:24Z', 'url': 'https://www.wtf.com/threads/alarm-program.5113/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Wigan Warriors Under 21's recorded their fourth win of the season with a 18-12 success over St Helens at Orrell on Thursday night. Widnes Vikings have announced a fun packed day of entertainment for the visit of the Warriors in the Carnegie Challenge Cup on Sunday. Wigan Warriors in conjunction with Tesco and Sportsmatch held their second "Warriors Girls Festival" at Ince Rose Bridge ARLFC on Monday. Wigan Warriors host St Helens at the JJB Stadium on Good Friday 6th April and only limited spaces remain for corporate hospitality at this game. Wigan Warriors players faced their toughest challenge of the season yesterday when they underwent a grilling from local youngsters.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T03:12:59Z', 'url': 'https://www.wiganwarriors.com/news/2007/03', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Today Shahjalal University of Science and Technology published new job circular in there website. You can also get updates about Shahjalal University of Science and Technology job in My website . See below the more information. Applications Starts: Starts on 20th Feb 2018. Applications Deadline: Application will be continued till 19th March 2018. For apply Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Please read this bd circular again. For More updates about Shahjalal University of Science and Technology job circular visit there official website at www.sust.edu . You can also get all information about this job result and News at ejobscircular.com Thanks for stay visit our website. This entry was posted in jobs Newspaper, Prothom alo jobs, Sylhet, university jobs and tagged Teacher jobs by Raju Ahmed. Bookmark the permalink.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T06:05:54Z', 'url': 'https://ejobscircular.com/shahjalal-university-science-technology/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Is There Such a Thing as Free Casino Cash? ANSWER: I get asked this question a lot, and it’s almost always posed by rookie gamblers who are wide-eyed at the prospect of getting free cash to fund their gaming career. Unfortunately, the truth of the matter can be sobering. The short answer to the question is “No, there’s no such thing as free casino cash.” I understand, however, that a significant number of my readers may not be content with such as abbreviated response, so I’ve prepared a more detailed analysis below. I’ll be looking at the most popular ways to earn “free” money at online or land-based casinos, and then I’ll explain why these gifts aren’t as good as they might seem on the surface. The online gambling industry is a competitive place, and casinos are constantly trying to draw in new customers with the promise of free money. This comes in two primary forms: sign-up bonuses that are awarded when a player creates an account and deposit bonuses that are awarded when a player puts money into their account. The casino usually makes an offer like “100% matching bonus on your first deposit up to $300.” To the untrained eye, this seems to indicate that a player committing $300 on their initial deposit will receive an additional $300 in free money. This bonus money comes with a lot of strings, and casinos are prone to bury all the specifics on their terms and conditions page. In order to examine the issue in greater detail, let’s look at the bonuses offered by the 7 Sultans Casino. 1. The first deposit is matched 100% up to $500. 2. The second deposit is matched 25% up to $125. 3. The third deposit is matched 50% up to $375. According to these rules, someone who fully embraced the bonus offers could deposit a maximum of $1000 and receive back about $718 in free money. When you check the terms and conditions page, however, you’ll see the following statement: “Bonus amounts credited to your Bonus Balance are subject to 30 times wagering requirements before they can be withdrawn.” This means that the casino keeps a careful watch over your “free” money, and each wager is credited towards fulfilling your obligation. If you obtained the maximum of $718 in free money, you would be required to risk $21,540 before you could withdraw the bonus amount. Each casino game counts differently towards satisfying the requirements. Here are the distinctions made by 7 Sultans, although other establishments may have different numbers. If you play slots or keno exclusively, then each dollar you wager is fully credited towards fulfilling the bonus withdrawal requirements. However, you would only get credit for 10 cents of each dollar wagered on video poker. This means fans of roulette or video poker would need to wager a total of $215,400 before they could withdraw their $718 in bonus cash. This isn’t quite as free as the casinos might initially lead you to believe, is it? I always answer “no” when someone asks me if there’s such a thing as free casino cash. If the person is feeling argumentative, they’ll sometimes bring up comps as a possible example of casino freebies. This section is devoted to countering that notion. Comps, which stand for “complimentary,” are gifts that the casino gives to players in exchange for their patronage. This can be as simple as a discount on a meal, or it might take the form of tickets to a show or several nights in a lavish hotel suite. True high rollers might even have access to private jets and limousines intended to shuttle them right to the waiting doors of the casino. This is about as close as players will even come to getting something for free from the casino, but it’s important to remain focused on one specific fact: You’re not going to receive comps unless you play. Comps are rewards for individuals who’ve already spent a lot of money at an establishment. While it’s a nice perk, the house edge ensures that you’ll eventually refund the casino for their gifts, as well as provide them with an additional return on their investment. In the world of casino gambling, nothing is entirely free. Almost all online casinos offer a version of their software that can be played at no cost. This might seem like free money to the more naïve players out there, but keep in mind that any credits you earn are absolutely worthless in the real world. The objective of “fun” games and demos is to get you to deposit real money into your casino account, and there’s nothing free about that. Casinos are in business to make a profit, and it’s hard to accomplish that by giving away money without getting anything in return. That’s why I always answer “no” when someone asks me “Is there such a thing as free casino cash.” Sure, there may be instances where management seems to shower their customers with bonus funds or complimentary items, but such generous gifts always come with strings attached. That doesn’t mean these freebies can’t be useful, but the realistic gambler should always strive to keep matters in perspective. This entry was posted in Advantage Gambling, Online Casinos by What Is Gambling. Bookmark the permalink.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T04:42:34Z', 'url': 'https://blog.what-is-gambling.com/2013/10/02/is-there-such-a-thing-as-free-casino-cash/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Eminem's protégé Yelawolf has recently confessed that he is an alcoholic. The "Best Friend" rapper was very candid about his addiction and the expectation of people not looking at him as a high-character guy in a recent interview. When he appeared on the ESPN program "Highly Questionable," Yelawolf admitted, "No one controls my drinking, but me. I'm the only person that can control that. God himself could not control my drinking. I'm admittedly an alcoholic and it's a problem." Yelawolf told the "Highly Questionable" hosts Dan Le Batard and Bomani Jones said he wrote a song about his addiction called "Empty Bottles" on his second studio album "Love Story," which was released on April 21. While he is not proud of his alcoholism, Yelawolf said it is in his genes. He said, "I do take breaks. I was sober for five months. That was my last sober streak. I'm back drinking again. It is what it is." Moreover, Yelawolf said he cannot deal with being sober and he does not expect people to buy his album because is a role model, which he thinks he is not. The rapper explained, "I'm just doing me, and if I wanna drink I'm gonna drink. If I wanna party, I'm gonna party. That's it. Drinking is my vice. When I'm done working, I'm gonna have a drink, that's what I'm gonna do." Aside from "Empty Bottles," there is another track in the "Love Story" album that talks about Yelawolf's alcohol addiction. It is called "Whisky In A Bottle" whose lyrics are about the mindset of being confident while under the influence of alcohol.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T19:45:11Z', 'url': 'http://en.yibada.com/articles/38605/20150615/eminem-s-prot%C3%A9g%C3%A9-yelawolf-m-alcoholic-best-friend-rapper-talks.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
PGA Professionals & Golf Coordination. Use of Driving Range & Putting Greens. Organized Staging of Golf Carts. Receive a 20% discount on all in-stock tournament prizes purchased prior to your event. Receive a 15% discount on all special-order tournament prizes. Purchase gift certificates as your tournament prizes and the winners will receive a 15% discount on purchases made in the Golf Shop on the same day of the event. Any group hosting an outing must attach a $500 deposit with a signed outing contract to guarantee the selected day and time. Management reserves the right to cancel any booking without proper deposit. Group is responsible for a billable-guaranteed number of players 7 days in advance of the event. Player roster and pairings are required 2 days in advance. Any event canceled with less than 30-days notice will be subject to loss of the deposit. Other terms and conditions will apply.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T08:24:41Z', 'url': 'http://tempestgolfclub.com/events/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A 42-year old man, Mr. Abioye Olakunle, has been caught in a double game after he obtained N850,000 from a married woman, one Mrs. Kehinde Opebiye and promised to marry her but ended up duping her in Lagos. The woman was reportedly planning to leave her husband and marry Olakunle before the bubble busted. According to PM Express, the alleged scam happened at Irewolede Street, Shasha area of Lagos where Olakunle resided with his wife and children. It was learnt that the woman discovered that Olakunle was married and had children but told her that he was still single and wanted to marry her. She then requested her money back but Olakunle refused. He asked her to come in and join his wife; as he was still prepared to marry her having realised that he was married. The victim then confessed to her husband who had been suspicious of her movements before she opened up. She pleaded for forgiveness and told the husband that she might have been charmed by Olakunle to behave in such a manner. Her husband forgave her; they became united, went to the police at Shasha Division and reported the alleged scam. The police later arrested Olakunle, detained and asked him to refund the money to her. However, Olakunle was found culpable and charged before the Ejigbo Magistrates court on Thursday for marriage fraud and stealing. The prosecutor, Inspector G. Simon did not oppose his bail because the offence was bailable. Thus, the Presiding Magistrate, Mr. L.K.J. Layeni granted Olakunle bail in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T20:27:10Z', 'url': 'http://www.mrcaesar.com/2018/06/married-woman-duped-of-n850000-by.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Breakfast meets lunch in this easy-to-make and yummy-to-eat recipe. By nixing the sugary jam and replacing it with fresh strawberry slices, I brought in a touch of sweetness without the added sugar. It’s a no-brainer for little ones but it’s just as great for adults who are in a rush to get to work in the a.m. Give it a shot tomorrow morning for a delicious way to start the day. Trim the crusts off the bread (optional). Spread each slice with 1 tablespoon of the peanut butter and strawberry slices. Fold each slice of bread in half and pinch the edges of the bread together. In a small bowl, whip the whole egg with the skim milk. Generously coat a skillet with oil spray and preheat over medium-high heat. Dunk and coat the 2 folded bread halves in the egg mixture. Place the folded bread halves in the skillet and cook for 1 to 2 minutes per side, or until crisp. Enjoy. Try topping it with my Cherry-Chia Jam.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T22:38:15Z', 'url': 'https://joybauer.com/healthy-recipes/pb-berry-french-toast/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Details about the company's response to the Montana pipeline burst emerged late Tuesday as the Department of Transportation ordered the company bury the duct deeper beneath the riverbed, where it is buried 5 to 8 feet underground to deliver 40,000 barrels of oil a day to a refinery in Billings. The federal agency's records indicate the pipeline was not fully shut down for 56 minutes after the break occurred Friday near Laurel. That's longer than the 30 minutes that company officials claimed Tuesday in a briefing with federal officials and Gov. Brian Schweitzer. "Clearly our communication with the regulator (DOT) is the one that we've got precision on," spokesman Alan Jeffers said. It was not the first time the company offered clarification of its response and assessment of the spill. A day earlier, the company acknowledged under political pressure that the leak's impact could extend far beyond a 10-mile stretch of the river it initially said was the most affected area. The company had earlier downplayed government officials' assertions that damage was spread over dozens of miles. The governor toured the area Tuesday as the waterway rose above flood stage and stoked fears that surging currents could push crude into undamaged areas and back channels vital to the river's prized fishery. Conditions have hampered efforts to find the cause of the break. The river has been flowing too swiftly for crews to reach some oiled areas, and forecasters said mountain snowmelt was adding to high water levels. Officials speculated that the surge may push oil into areas that haven't yet been damaged. Castleberry's wife suffers from heart disease and the fumes gave her difficulty breathing, he said. While he appreciated the company promising to cover the couple's immediate expenses, the retired fuel truck driver was doubtful workers would be able to clean up the black, gooey film that laced through the underbrush along the river. "Exxon's been nothing but 100 percent with us," he said. "But when you get into brush that thick, that's going to be virtually impossible to clean." Company and federal officials said they have only seen oil about 25 miles downstream from the site of the break near Laurel. But Schweitzer said he believes some has traveled hundreds of miles to North Dakota. "At seven miles per hour, some oil is already in North Dakota. That's a given," Schweitzer said. "I'm asking everyone to get out there and report what you see on the river." Representatives of Exxon Mobil and the Environmental Protection Agency said they had no reports of oil beyond the town of Huntley. Transportation officials said Tuesday that oil was observed as far downstream as 240 miles in Terry, Mont. The agency said that information was provided by Exxon Mobil, but company spokesman Alan Jeffers said he was not aware of any such sighting. Exxon planned to test the river's conditions with a jet boat, with eight more on standby if the launch is successful, Glass said. "We will follow their requirements," he said. Schweitzer also ordered a review of pipelines that cross major and minor rivers in the state. Officials will look at the pipes' age, location of shut-off valves and whether they are similar to the ruptured pipe. He said the state has 88 such crossings. Modern pipelines can be buried as much as 25 feet beneath bodies of water; Exxon Mobil's Silvertip line was 5 to 8 feet below the bottom of the Yellowstone. Schweitzer said he noticed that oil was pooling in areas near banks with slower-moving water, close to islands and cottonwood stands that support the microbes and insects that bring life to the river. "Those riparian areas are a biological treasure trove. That's the health and wealth of the river," he said.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:41:29Z', 'url': 'https://www.foxnews.com/us/documents-detail-exxons-yellowstone-response.print', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:52:08Z', 'url': 'http://longchampmalaysia2.weebly.com/blog/genuinely-certain-form-moreover-relief-longchamp-knockoff-clutches', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This is a good deal on a big boat that has been customized by the owner. He cut the top off and put a complete new cabin top and flybridge similar to a Viking. He also changed the interior layout. She needs a little TCL and the price in very negatable. The vessel is Bahamas Duty paid and there for can stay in the Bahamas without the need or cost of a yearly cruising permit.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T11:04:19Z', 'url': 'https://www.luxyachtconsulting.com/yacht-details.php?boatid=2723822', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I've been encouraged to start Tweeting, so I'm setting up my Twitter account now! Once everything is in place, I'll send out a notice on Facebook and here on the website. I hope you'll all become followers! A nice review for "Sisters"! SPECIAL EBOOK DEAL FOR MOONLIGHT ON BUTTERNUT LAKE!! Readers, the ebook for Moonlight on Butternut Lake is now available on Amazon and Nook for $.199. This special offer is available until April 25! Happy reading!! Here's to the New Year! I'm hard at work on my fifth novel, which means the battle is on to find a quiet (but not too quiet) place to work. There's the local library, a nearby donut shop, and my living room. I have all my characters in place; now I just need to fine tune the story. And write, write, write. More soon! Yesterday I got final approval for the edited version of the fourth Butternut Lake novel, The Space Between Sisters! Going to celebrate tonight! Just before Thanksgiving I finished my fourth Butternut Lake novel, The Space Between Sisters. I outlined and wrote and edited and wrote some more. But now it'd done! I'm waiting for final approval. Fingers crossed! I do have an approved cover for the book, which you can find in the Books section. I love the cover! It makes me long for summer and we haven't even had winter yet.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T01:01:07Z', 'url': 'http://www.marymcnear.com/blog-on-writing-and-reading', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Red Light: 640nm (Red Weavelength) Skin penetration depth: 1-6mm Effect: The most penetrating power, skin cell regeneration, increasing the oxygen content in the blood to stimulate the circulation of blood, improve ance wound, treating allergic dermatitis or ringworm to ease the pain and promote the active of the ample active ingredients activating cells, enhancing energy efficiency, promoting collagen proliferation, improving wrinkles, effective treatment of aging, skin relaxation and products deep absorption. Reference: There will be a little hotness in the course of treatment. There will be some stimulation when you have this treatment in condition of skin turning to red after the laser treatment. Blue Light: 423nm (Purple Weavelength) Skin penetration depth: 1mm Effect: Bacteria killing, skin cleaning,cell activation,injury recovery, promoting protein-ossein composition, acne skin sterilization, inhibition of sebaceous gland, prevention of wound infection. Reference: often be applied in acne treatment. Green Light: 532nm (Green Weavelength) Skin penetration depth: 0.5-2mm Effect: Effective reduction of melanin cell, decreasing pigment formation, adjusting skin gland function, reducing grease gland excitation, stabilization, application of sensitive skin. Reference: Commonly used in red skin after laser treatment to reduce the red degree and calm skin. Yellow Light: 583nm (Yellow Weavelength) Skin penetration depth: 1-2mm Effect: Improving cell's oxygen alternation function, promoting mirco circulation, decomposing pigment, promoting lymph posion discharge, curing skin roughness, red spots and deficient circulations, anti redness, red face, pigment precipitation. Reference: Used to stain therapy, can also be used for the initial treatment of herpes zoster advantage.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T21:08:33Z', 'url': 'https://www.isharemaps.com/product/dermapeel-photon-light-facial-neck-mask-photodynamic-pdt-skin-rejuvenation-machine-01', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Oh, guilty pleasures. Way of the Wolf is the first novel in E. E. Knight’s The Vampire Earth series, and tells the story of a near-future Earth that has been invaded by (literally) blood thirsty aliens called the Kurians. The Kurians rule by fear, live off the auras of sentient beings (the blood is drunk as a part of the process of harvesting the auras), and are helped by genetically modified monsters and, of course, human quislings. It’s not a good time to be human. Enemies of the Kurians are also on Earth, and help the humans by “amplifying” some of them—increasing their speed and strength to aid them in fighting the Kurians. In this world lives David Valentine, a young man whose parents were killed by quislings. We follow him as he becomes a member of the Wolves, an amplified guerilla force, and fights the Kurians and their henchmen. The novel is a bit ham fisted at times, and the characterizations are a bit sketchy, but, hey: alien vampires! It’s a lot of mindless fun.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T00:46:02Z', 'url': 'https://thecoredump.org/2006/09/review-way-of-the-wolf/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Looking for reasonably priced furniture, clothing, housewares, jewelry or knick-knacks? If so, head to the Holy Redeemer Thrift Store! And be sure to check out our Silent Auction items!
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T21:17:39Z', 'url': 'https://www.emccc.org/list/member/holy-redeemer-thrift-store-1846', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
* First column is Average Total Corners per Match for matches involving CF Rayo Majadahonda Under 19. 2nd column is for Extremadura UD Under 19. * First column is Average Total Cards per Match for matches involving CF Rayo Majadahonda Under 19 (Includes Opponent team cards). 2nd column is for Extremadura UD Under 19. Will Rayo Majadahonda U19 Score? There is a Very High Chance that Rayo Majadahonda U19 will score a goal based on our data. Will Extremadura UD U19 Score? There is a Very High Chance that Extremadura UD U19 will score a goal based on our data. On 6th December 2018, Rayo Majadahonda U19 played Extremadura UD U19 in División de Honor Juvenil. The match ended draw with a scoreline of 3 - 0. Since this match is over, we suggest you check out the head to head statistics for the next meeting between Rayo Majadahonda U19 and Extremadura UD U19.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T12:15:42Z', 'url': 'https://footystats.org/spain/cf-rayo-majadahonda-under-19-vs-extremadura-ud-under-19-h2h-stats', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T10:46:42Z', 'url': 'https://flights.rumbo.com/flights/valencia-menorca', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
January 30, 2019 Comments Off on How STRUTT is creating a difference in Indian fashion and lifestyle space? How to fund child’s education: Take a loan or use own funds? July 11, 2018 Comments Off on How to fund child’s education: Take a loan or use own funds?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T04:28:37Z', 'url': 'https://www.tutevilla.org/tag/how/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What starts as revenge turns into something else entirely in the start to a new series. A Duke set on revenge and a woman already on the shelf find that there is something better when the two of them act together. A nice romp with some unexpected results. There is a mystery that has an unexpected ending. Fun start to the series. I often fuss about how much time Ridley spends in her characters heads (I call this passive writing). Not this time. There is enough dialog and action to keep even me happy. I loved both main characters. They wore masks in their daily lives and found they could only be themselves when they were masked and anonymous. It was fun to see how being themselves changed their lives. Look for humor, great dialog and fun secondary characters. All kept the book moving and me reading. What happens when you have a cute kid and a very large dog. Sometimes it brings two people together who separated years ago but really do belong together. Burton uses a familiar theme in a very entertaining way. Both Loretta Simmons and Deacon Fox have a history and when Loretta moves back to Hope they try to ignore each other. That cute kid and the very large dog keep that from happening. A nice story about second chances. The author is giving away a $10 Amazon/BN GC. This is great space opera. Hailimi Bristol is anything but the heir to the throne but when her sisters are killed she is forced to come back and be just that. Notice something different. It seems that the women rule the planet and gender roles are reversed. Not everyone is happy to see Hailimi back and her life is in constant danger. She has a great group of characters who are helping her stay alive. A fun and hard to put down story. I really liked this book and am off to get book two, After the Crown, which is already out. This is a new world created by those aliens who's art keep moving parts of earth between different time periods. This time it is a cruise ship that goes from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean. But they don't just change locations they change time periods and this time it is just after the death of Alexander the Great. I did find this one a little harder to swallow. This was a ship with 5000 people on board and having been on a cruise ship for 4 months at a time the lack of information about most of those was not very realistic. It was however fun. There are the historical characters and the fictional ones all interacting as they try to get a different result from the one that is written in the cruise ships history. I do recommend it just take it with a grain of salt. I found it the least believable book of the series. Once again two people with serious issues in their past have to make the journey from friends to lovers. For Finn Donnelly and Lane Jensen this is not an easy journey. Having all of his brother come home adds to Finn's problems. For Lane it is the appearance on TV of someone from her past. All of this leads to each doing a lot of serious thinking and some very hot action. This is the first Maisey Yates novel I have read. It started out great and I did like the story line and the characters however all of the pages and pages each character did inside their heads really slowed the story down. The fact that I like pages of action and dialog instead of pages of subjective thinking kept this from being a five star book. I found that I was skimming trying to get to the dialog and action. Still a nice story. I love the cover of Avengers of the Moon. It really sets the tone for the story. Steele has gone back to a group of stories he read as a young adult and upgraded the hero in a story that fits in the world today. This is pure space opera with a hero who has spent most of his life in hiding after his parents were murdered. The three people who raised him are not exactly human but they have prepared him for life outside. I loved the characters, the action and the plot. This is space opera as I first started reading it and it was great finding something new and fun. I hope this is the start of a series as I would love to visit again. This was a free book on Amazon. It turned out to be as cute and fun as it sounded. Harmony McMahon is a Mensa member and computer genius. What she is not is a social success. Her 10 year high school reunion is coming up and she need a date. Enter Major Conner Talbot. He is up for auction and Harmony has the winning bid. From there it is fun and cute. Conner really likes a lot about Harmony and some of the things that she thinks will turn anyone off he finds adorable. Harmony is very insecure and very attracted to Conner. Both have some issues that they work through as they get to know each other. This is novella length so pick it up for a fun short read. Charlotte Devon is running from her past and Anthony Fairfax's running from his debt. The two have such different problems there is no way they should get together. Then they make the mistake of claiming to be married and forget that in Scotland that means they are married. I loved how they both found a way to make the marriage work while solving both of their problems. Anthony turned out to be more that just a very charming gambler and Charlotte learns that her birth does not define her. A nice story with interesting characters. My only problem with Ridley's writing is how long she spends inside her characters head with no outside interaction. More dialog to define the problems less time just thinking about them. You never know what will happen when you catch a tiger by his tail. Lulu finds out when she gets involved with Broderick. In this short story both Lulu and Broderick have secrets that lead to some laughs out loud moments. Broderick knows Lulu is his mate but she is human and just does not want to believe him even though she also feels the bond. There is enough world building and backstory to support the plot. The ending did make me wonder if there is a story for another character in the works. This is a nice short read. Pick it up for when you don't have time for a long books but need something to lighten your mood. Ry Morgan has finally had enough and he is back at the Morgan ranch to stay. His identical twin does not take it well and that adds to the tension in the story. Avery Hayes provides the romantic tension. She had a bad accident 7 years ago and does not see herself as being complete. Ry on the other hand does and now that he is home he is acting on the attraction that he felt before he left years ago. I really liked Ry. He is one of the good guys and his action reflect that. There is still the mystery from when his mother disappeared when he was 5 years old and some old stuff comes out in the book. Between the tension between Ry and his twin, Avery's lack of confidence, and trying to find what happened to Ry's mother this a cannot put down book. There is still one Morgan man and a new character ready for romance. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T12:43:17Z', 'url': 'https://mixedbookbag.blogspot.com/2017/04/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
How do entrepreneurial behavior and success vary depending on the motivation of the enterprising individual? How do entrepreneurial behavior and success vary depending on the social identity of the enterprising individual? How do entrepreneurial behavior and success vary depending on the ‘dark side’ personality characteristics of the enterprising individual (e.g., traits and skills associated with mental disorders, such as ADHD, dyslexia, bipolar disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder)? How do ownership structure and associated values (family business versus non-family business) affect the linkages between personality and entrepreneurial behavior and success? Which dimensions of personality need to be considered in entrepreneurship education, and how, to effectively stimulate entrepreneurial behavior and success among e.g., students and academics?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T17:16:20Z', 'url': 'http://www.dutchce.nl/dare-seminar-12-may/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Tired and restlessly, drifting in and out of sleep. Hearing crashing and banging, thinking the roof will cave in. Not alert enough to quite know what it was, I yelled loudly for whoever was making those noises at such an hour to stop. They heard and listened, I'm guessing, for there was a long enough silence that I finally fell asleep. I then awoke, there was banging and stomping trashing through my living room, trudging back and forth down the hall. I yell "What the hell is going on?" "We working; is ok!" said my landlord. What??? It's 3am, what does he mean “it's okay”? Then I heard some more voices in a foreign language, sounding demanding and bossy towards each other. I scream "GET OUT!!!" at the top of my lungs. "I don't care if you're working; I pay my rent, now GEETT OOOUUTTT!!!" Giving in uneasily, they all left. Only to hear, once they closed the door to my apartment, there was knocking. I stayed silent in hopes that the visitor would give up and leave. NO, that's not what happened though. The door opened and closed, footsteps nearing my bedroom. They stopped at the door only for a moment and then the ghost of my past entered my privacy. The place where people only come into invited. The nerve. The only time this person ever entered my room was in my nightmares and now they're here. How is that even possible? They're fictional. This "image" walked over to my vanity table took a seat and reached out and brushed the hair from my eyes. Cringing, I tried to move away but I just couldn't. I heard the door open and close again and the banging started all over again, all the while this ghost from my past is updating me with some jibber-jabber of their past events. Shaking my head, hearing a fire alarm in the distance and what I could make out of some emergency service sirens, I looked out the window from my laying position. Cloudy and dark. As I turned to look at the seated evil, I was shocked. They were gone. My phone rang and I answered. The voice asked if I was awake yet. "It's 11 o'clock." What? It was just 3am, I thought to myself. "Yea!" and ended the call. I looked around, everything was fine. I lifted myself outta bed, quite easily, I might add. Venturing out of my room, seeking anyone in my path. No. Everything was secure. Lights were flickering outside my window. Oh my goodness!!! Was it all just a dream? Were the noises I heard only the storm? I wasn't stopping to find out, I had to hurry, and I was late for my meeting. I’d figure it out later, I imagine.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T12:13:55Z', 'url': 'http://fancykhaos.blogspot.com/2012/08/tired-and-restlessly-drifting-in-and.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
" Simplicity is the sesame to the gates of the coming mystery. encircled in the folds of love. to him who brings his torch of sincerity and incessant labor." Roerich Nicholas. ' Star of the Mother of the World.' In Shambhala. © Copyright 1930. Nicholas Roerich Museum. n.p. n.d. Web. Accessed October 11, 2012. <http://www.roerich.org/nr.html?mid=wrtgs>. Copyright © Domain Public in Canada . This page was last modified on 26 August 2017, at 16:01.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:34:36Z', 'url': 'https://www.wiki-shangri-la.com/index.php/Simplicity', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I read a blog post recently about New Year’s Resolutions. The post talked about how you should already be thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. What? No! I should live fancy free from Halloween until New Year’s Day. Well, maybe not. The post suggested thinking about your New Year’s Resolution (or just one of them if you have multiple). Now think of several action items that can help you attain that goal. Decide on just one of those actions items and start focusing on it now. Theory being that it will slowly help you ease into the resolution instead of just having New Year’s Day be your D-Day. So my New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. SHOCKING!! This is my goal (and so many people’s goal) every damn year. But maybe just maybe this will be the year!! My one action item to start on now is to eat a salad every day. I know that eating more veggies is good for me, healthy, and will help me with my soon-to-be New Year’s Resolution. Enter the hodge podge salad. A hodge podge salad is basically just throwing anything on a bed of lettuce. You can jazz it up or keep it super simple if you’re pressed for time. You can pretty much turn any previous night’s dinner into a salad the next day. Here’s a few of my recent salads. I made Sloppy Joes for dinner recently. The leftovers became a fantastic Sloppy Joe salad!! Just throw the meat on top of lettuce and used mustard as the dressing. My 2 ingredient slow cooker salsa chicken became a delicious salad. Versatile food like this is the best, especially for a single lady. I need to keep things interesting with so many leftovers. Lettuce topped with carrots, celery, peas, tuna, and jalapeno ranch. How often do you eat a salad? Have you decided on a New Year’s Resolution yet? You can pretty much call me Joey from Friends. This sandwich is based off of my favorite sandwich from Il Vicino in Wichita. Load up your ingredients and toast your sandwich on your panini press or in a skillet. Happy July!!! Where in the world did June go? It flew on by! I started July off great today with lunch and a movie. I suggested to my parents and aunt and uncle that we have lunch at Il Vicino in Bradley Fair. I’ve eaten at the College Hill location, but it was years ago. None of my family had eaten there before. It’s always a bit nerve wracking when you suggest a restaurant. I would somehow feel responsible if they didn’t like their food. There was no reason to worry today though! Everyone seemed to really like what they ate! Whew!! Oddly enough, for Il Vicino being a wood oven pizza restaurant, none of us opted for pizza. With the 100+ degree heat, I was all about a sandwich and side salad instead. I got the # 18 Panino Con Pollo E Pesto. It was a panini with roasted chicken, pesto mayo, artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, onions, and mozzarella. It was SO delicious!!! I knew immediately that I would love the sandwich. Hello….pesto, artichokes, and roasted red peppers. That’s a no brainer for me. I know that my Mom & aunt both really loved their sandwiches too. They got the #22 Vespa…roasted chicken, sun-dried tomato mayo, fontina, tomatoes, spinach, and pesto. Their sandwiches were huge too. I’d recommend splitting a sandwich and side salad next time. Most of all, I was really pleased with the service. At Il Vicino, you order at the counter and your food is brought to you. Often times, with the counter situation you rarely get drink refills. I must have drank 6 glasses of water at lunch though! Great service!! After lunch, we were off to see Larry Crowne. My Mom & I were especially hyped to see this movie. We love everything Julia Roberts. And who doesn’t love Tom Hanks?? No one I want to be friends with, that’s who! The movie was adorable, just as I expected. It’s just a cute summer movie to see! What are your favorite Julia Roberts’ and Tom Hanks’ movies? 1. Pretty Woman — this is probably my favorite movie ever! 2. Steel Magnolias — My colors are blush and bashful, Mama!!! Did you listen to NPR today? They did a story from Harvard about weight loss. Nuts & yogurt are the foods most closely related to weight loss. And potatoes are most closely related to weight gain. Darn you, potatoes!!!! If you remember, I had a strawberry chicken salad from Biederman’s recently. Today, I recreated and IMPROVED it at home for lunch. The suspects: organic sweet baby lettuce, a Gardein chick’n scallopini breast, organic cauliflower, mushrooms, slices of yellow pepper, a sprinkle of Chia seeds, strawberries, and Maple Grove Farms of Vermont citrus vinaigrette. The Garden chick’n scallopini was very good. It had been an impulse buy. A successful impulse buy, very tender and juicy! I also love this dressing. It was much better than the poppyseed dressing from the restaurant version. Do you like to recreate dinners from restaurant at home? I never met a sandwiches I didn’t like. Often times for lunch, wraps are my go-to choice. Quick, easy, and tasty! And it’s a fast way to sneak in more veggies. This wrap was so yummo!!! I served mine with some baby carrots and an apple on the side. What did you have for lunch?? I heart tortilla chips. But tri-colored tortilla chips….eh, not so much. I think the red and blue chips just taste a bit stale and off. So, I surprised myself by buying a bag of blue corn tortilla chips at the grocery store. These chips are so good!! And it was a perfect pairing with my favorite tomato soup. Amy’s chunky tomato bisque soup is delicious. The chunkiness of it reminds me a bit of tomato sauce. I doctored mine up with a little rotisierre chicken, hot sauce, salsa, cheese, and a dollop of sour cream.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T07:46:18Z', 'url': 'http://sugarfooteats.com/category/lunch/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T05:04:06Z', 'url': 'https://learntodiski.com/beatstars-promo-code/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
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{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T02:36:18Z', 'url': 'http://paultuns.info/model-agreement-template/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
We create a story around your brand. View some of our previous work with our amazing clients. At Spread we also provide Brand Building, Strategic Planning, Content Creation and many other additional services. Please click below to learn more.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T20:58:03Z', 'url': 'https://spreadcomms.com/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A 1990 self-portrait in Morgan Territory Preserve with snowcapped Mount Diablo beyond. Much of the land in the middle distance was then in private hands. Today, virtually all of it has been protected. The district named a ridge and trail here after Walker, in honor of his work to save this rugged landscape. Photo courtesy Bob Walker Collection, Oakland Museum of California. Photographer Bob Walker produced emotionally powerful images that, like no others, dramatized what was—and still is—at stake in the battle between development and preservation in the Bay Area. The images here, drawn from Christopher Beaver’s new book After the Storm: Bob Walker and the East Bay Regional Park District (Wilderness Press, 2007), offer just a hint of Walker’s rich legacy of both images to be admired and wild landscapes to be enjoyed. Beaver’s book is in turn a window onto the nearly 40,000 photos that make up the Bob Walker Collection at the Oakland Museum of California. During his too-short life, Walker made remarkably effective political use of that body of work, leaving no doubt that he was as gifted an advocate as he was an artist. Bob Walker lived in a small garden apartment in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury and worked as an apartment manager in Berkeley. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, he spent most of his free time roaming public—and sometimes not-so-public—open space in the East Bay. With a secondhand camera and no formal training, he took to the hills in what he often described as a simple search for a place to walk his dog. As soon as he could arrange it, Kent hired Bob for the first of many contracts running from 1982 until close to Bob’s death of complications from AIDS in 1992. The assignment was as basic as it was sweeping: Create the first collection of professional photos of the district’s parklands. Bob was in heaven. The contract barely covered film, developing costs, and gas, but he was now a professional photographer. Bob Doyle, in charge of land acquisition for the district, spent long hours teaching Bob to read maps and interpret the region’s topography. As Bob came to understand the connections between his photographs and those maps, he began to wonder what could be done to connect people’s responses to his beautiful photography with their desire to protect that beauty. The answer was not long in coming. This 1989 image, titled “Matchstick Houses,” shows the beginning ofa development near Danville. Walker sought out and photographed areaswhere ridgetops were in imminent danger. Here, developers agreed toturn over the hills behind the houses to the district, and they are nowpart of Sycamore Valley Open Space Preserve, which covers almost 700acres in two parcels. Photo courtesy Bob Walker Collection, Oakland Museum of California. In 1986, Bob discovered a “For Sale” sign on the Marshall property, adjacent to Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, one of his favorite haunts. In that instant, a park activist was born. He began to lobby district staff to lobby the board of directors to buy the property. And he lobbied conservation organizations to lobby the board. Much of his lobbying came in slide show presentations. He shaped his shows as carefully as he took his pictures, and he was able to cut to the heart of an issue and yet remain fair and civil. The 1,700-foot Maguire Peak in Sunol Regional Wilderness. Photo courtesy Bob Walker Collection, Oakland Museum of California. Jocelyn Combs served on the board of directors of the East Bay Regional Park District from 1987 to 1998.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T01:51:52Z', 'url': 'https://baynature.org/article/after-the-storm/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Owl can support young people to identify their anger triggers and work together to identify strategies to help regulate their feelings enabling them to engage in their education. One to one, group or whole class approach can be used. 30 minute consultation to discuss any concerns schools or parents may have, ensuring that all support is appropriate to meet the need of young people.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T13:05:55Z', 'url': 'http://www.owlbehaviourconsultancy.co.uk/sessions/anger-management/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
For this article, I'm going to talk about quite a lot of tips that will backing well-nigh any angler arrest more Rainbow Trout. Some of these bow fish tips may seem to be simplistic and obvious, but yet they should sustain you be more than delighted as a bow trout schemer. As anglers, we should all endeavour to revise as noticeably as we can going on for the aquatic vertebrate that we're trying to catch, at smallest possible in my inference. These unsophisticated arc trout tips will relief you do newly that. When The Water's High, Use A Longer Rod - This tip is especially real in river and burn situations. When the liquid tide is heavier than natural (in the spring for prototype) using a longer field sport rod makes contagious arc fish noticeably easier. A longer rod enables you to "feel" your sweetener or enticement substantially better. I personally have a 5-foot immoderate light rod for median binary compound flows and a 6 linear unit 6 linear unit extremist desk light rod for dignified water flows. It makes a vast peculiarity in the numeral of arc fish I hook and land. Be Efficient - This tip is going on for compliance your strip in the water, where on earth the trout are, instead than out of the wet piece you foul-up around for come-on and/or gear. Two of the longest way to execute human being well-run are finished the use of both retractors and a enticement bag. Especially a come-on bag. A bait bag is in use for carrying your inhabit worms spell field sport. If you're a survive invertebrate angler, same me, after you must switch on mistreatment a temptation bag, it's as simplex as that. Use Gang Hooks - When field sport for arc trout beside unfilmed enticement (especially be a resident of worms) gang hooks should be used. are the unsurpassed way that I've ever seen to inst a singing invertebrate in a wholly pure manner. Presenting your singing worms in a inherent comportment extended the way God intended, helps you get much bites, it's as elemental as that. As a thing of fact, in most instances pack meat hooks will out aquatic vertebrate lone meat hooks two to one! Wear Drab Clothing - Being hidden isn't necessary, but neither is wearing a glimmering white T-shirt patch fishing for arc fish. Trout a enormously sensible to thing that is "out of place" in their situation. This is especially apodictic beside autochthonal bow trout. Wearing garb that makes you rod out resembling a tender finger is ne'er a favorable idea, and will fee you bites. Stick with garb that matches next to your state of affairs as a great deal as reasonable. These frugal tips, that I'm occupation rainbow fish tips, will assistance be more triple-crown spell outdoor sport for arc fish. Most of these tips are for those of you who aquatic vertebrate in or along a watercourse or stream, but you probably but patterned that out. The stand dash is that these simple, yet hard-hitting tips will assist you be more than exultant.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T10:03:47Z', 'url': 'http://wrighh9x.pixnet.net/blog/post/89260466-pure-manner--presenting-', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Samsung J series enthusiasts have something more to be excited about. Samsung has redesigned and upgraded Galaxy J2 that was launched in 2015. Samsung has launched Galaxy J2 2016 with two new technologies: Turbo Speed Technology and Smart Glow in the Nepali Market. Turbo speed Technology results superior device performance like loading of apps will be 40 percent faster. It enhances overall operating system. Smart Glow is a new generation LED notification system. This enables user to set notification light to know whereabouts of incoming call. The Smart Glow consists of an LED ring around the rear camera; customer can set color for the Smart Glow as per their requirements. Four alerts can be set with the Smart Glow. Galaxy J2 2016 is 4G enabled smart phone that features Ultra data saving mode that provides 50 percent mobile data savings locking unnecessary background consumption of data. It also has modern technologies like Ultra Power Saving, Selfie Assist and Quick Launch Apps. The new Galaxy J2 has upgraded selfie camera of 5MP from 2MP and primary camera of 8MP. It runs on the latest Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. It is powered by 1.5 GHz Quad Core Processor, 1.5 GB RAM, to ensure smoother multitasking. It has larger 2600 mAh battery that doesn’t require frequent charging. It is priced at Rs 15,900. Next How to protect privacy online?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T09:47:14Z', 'url': 'http://doorsanchar.com/turbo-speed-smart-glow-technology-equipped-galaxy-j2-2016-launched/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
DENHAM SPRINGS - A local wastewater management company sent two truck operators to Texas to fuel dozens of boats and emergency personnel who were in need of gas. The operators at Wastewater Treatment Systems and Operations drove a large dump truck towing a 2,000 gallon tank of gas to Houston Monday afternoon, returning Wednesday. "We knew that there wasn't no gas in Houston," truck driver Jeffery Brice, Jr. said. The Cajun Navy were among the dozens of people who received fuel from the large tank of gas. "We pulled up at one of the Cajun Navy staging areas and sat there and we had it in the middle of the parking lot and they'd come on either side and we'd pass the gas pump back and forth and put it in the boats and trucks," Brice said. With the fuel they supplied, the duo was able to help several boats and officials so they could rescue efforts. The truck operators say the trip they took is about the people who needed to be rescued. "It just means I can just give back," volunteer Carlos Abbott said.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T13:15:42Z', 'url': 'https://www.wbrz.com/videos/denham-springs-company-helps-fuel-cajun-navy', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
New work from the VANBINSBERGEN PLAY STATION: Fifteen, the 15 part music suite commissioned by the Amsterdam City Council in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Westergasfabriek site (Western Gas Works), recorded on March 18th in the Wisseloord Studios. This special celebratory edition also includes tracks from all previous Brokken Records releases. „10” is a special jubilee edition from Brokken Records, celebrating ten years adventurous eclectic music without borders. There is a story behind each part of FIFTEEN SUITE. In the words of Corrie van Binsbergen: All the parts have to do with the site itself or the park, either as images, or as personal associations or memories. I lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, and since 2005 the Stichting Brokken office has been located in Zaal 100 in the De Wittenstraat. Driving bass line with 15 quarter notes. Represents the energy of the Westergasfabriek (Western Gas Factory) site. A second life for Amsterdam trees. Stadshout Foundation (City Wood Foundation) processes trees into beautiful and new objects that are either suffered from blight or have become hindrances. In this way the wood takes on a new function for the city. There is a statue without a title at the entrance to the Westerpark. The piece’s composition is based on the statue’s form. It’s anyone’s guess who I am referring to here: the presenter of the talk show that has been broadcast from Westerpark for quite a few years now. We buried our sweet cat in the park years ago. A little ode to Joop. Cinematic music; I can see an animated cartoon before me for cats, with top hats, solemnly walking along with the coffin. Lying in the grass, chewing on a blade of grass, glass of white wine within reach, in short, chilling on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Short piece of abstract music, a tad alienating. Dozing off in that ‘grass’ maybe? Enough of that lazing around, so put on those running shoes and get going! A big step back in history: when the Westergasfabriek was still in operation. In memory of the great saxophonist Sean Bergin, who always celebrated his birthday in the Westerpark. Joost and I regularly attended the festivities. Plenty of booze, tons of friendly fun. Sean, who was born in South Africa, loved kwela tunes and played them a lot. This is for him. I know a few. The skinny man with the black coat, long beard, long hair, who I still see bicycling past, or the man with the trumpet, who we often heard years ago playing in the park at night or in the morning. ‘I am at home’ is a piece of sculpture made out of polyester. The artist has this to say about it: “Life in the big city can frustrate, tire out or even make a person unhappy. At moments like these all you want to do is disappear and seek out the safest place on earth, like under a blanket.” My inspiration for this part, in which I try to unite the relaxed mood of reggae with the restless, somewhat melancholic melody. Fifteen Suite (tracks 1 – 15) by VANBINSBERGEN PLAYSTATION. All compositions Fifteen Suite by Corrie van Binsbergen, except track 11 by Tom Waits. Recorded on March 18, 2018 at Wisseloord Studio by Chris Weeda. Produced by Corrie van Binsbergen. Mixed and mastered by Chris Weeda at Studio Rapenburg. BR 010 mastered by Chris Weeda at Studio Rapenburg. Credits on all previous Brokken Records see the information in our shop.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T01:12:57Z', 'url': 'https://corrievanbinsbergen.com/en/shop/10-a-brokken-records-special-edition/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Daryl Evans Jersey There are 9 products. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Men's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Youth Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Men's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Away Jersey - White. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Youth Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Away Jersey - White. Let everyone know you're the #1 Los Angeles Kings fan when you sport this Authentic Adidas Men's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black! The perfect complement to your Los Angeles Kings wardrobe, this jersey is sure to turn heads. Let everyone know you're the #1 Los Angeles Kings fan when you sport this Authentic Adidas Youth Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black! The perfect complement to your Los Angeles Kings wardrobe, this jersey is sure to turn heads. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Women's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black. Showcase your dedication to the Los Angeles Kings by wearing this Breakaway Fanatics Branded Women's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Away Jersey - White. Let everyone know you're the #1 Los Angeles Kings fan when you sport this Authentic Adidas Women's Daryl Evans Los Angeles Kings Home Jersey - Black! The perfect complement to your Los Angeles Kings wardrobe, this jersey is sure to turn heads.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T15:16:02Z', 'url': 'https://www.lakingsfanstore.com/daryl_evans_jersey-55', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
18ct White Gold Engagement Ring: A stunning Oval Solitaire diamond. Weight (Carat) – 1.03ct. 18ct White Gold Ring – Oval and Round Brilliant Diamonds. Solitaire Diamond Ring. 18ct White Gold Engagement Ring: A stunning Oval Solitaire diamond. Weight (Carat) – 1.03ct. High Clarity High colour. Symmetry – V.Good . Polish – Good . Our Rings can be resized (in most cases) within an hour – If you place an order, please reply to your confirmation email and let us know the size required.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T09:00:15Z', 'url': 'https://www.rebeccasjewellers.com/shop/diamonds/diamond-solitaire-rings/1-03ct-solitaire-diamond-ring-0729/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The chill in the air, the falling of the leaves, and the wide array of trench coats sported by fellow Manhattanites remind me that fall is here. Yet another reminder of Fall is the color palette of earth tones that comprise Fall handbags – red, green, purple, and of course, brown. My pick this week is the “East West” Front Pocket Bag from Ellen Tracy. I love the rich cognac weathered leather, offset by burnished brass hardware. A great new trend in handbags is chunky knotted straps, which add a tough girl vibe to this otherwise feminine bag. An added bonus is the braided trim, piped around the barrel edges, and surrounding the two bulging front pockets. The pockets are both fashionable and functional, giving you extra space to store your stuff without sacrificing style.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T08:50:51Z', 'url': 'http://hautenessmagazine.com/hauteness_bag9_25_06.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy) and tagged Boy Scouts of America Troop 67, East Mt. Airy, Franklin Spencer Edmonds, Northwest Philadelphia on September 5, 2018 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy), Grace Epiphany Church, St. David's Church (Manayunk) and tagged Charles E. Eder, East Mt. Airy, Germantown, Louis C. Washburn, Northwest Philadelphia on September 15, 2017 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy), Grace Epiphany Church and tagged East Mt. Airy, Northwest Philadelphia, Simeon C. Hill on August 25, 2017 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy) and tagged Archives of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, East Mt. Airy, Northwest Philadelphia on August 10, 2017 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Cathedral Church of Christ (Roxborough), Grace Church (Mt. Airy), St. Mary's Church (Cathedral Road) and tagged Andorra, East Mt. Airy, Northwest Philadelphia, Roxborough on July 20, 2017 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy) and tagged East Mt. Airy, Northwest Philadelphia on October 17, 2016 by mjk38. This entry was posted in Grace Church (Mt. Airy), Grace Epiphany Church and tagged Charles E. Eder, East Mt. Airy, Northwest Philadelphia on August 29, 2016 by mjk38.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:52:09Z', 'url': 'https://philadelphiastudies.org/tag/east-mt-airy/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Way Below Appraisal! Great Deal! Privacy Galore! Backs to a Creek! Start your experience with a long private driveway lush with landscaping and privacy as you head Home for the first time! Plenty of Rooms for entertaining. From the Family room with fireplace, Living room, Separate Dining room and Bonus Room upstairs to your screened lanai and huge backyard playground! Split floor plan on the first floor. Second floor Bonus with bathroom, office, wrapping room, computer room. The Owners Suite has private access to the lanai, a separate sitting/office area, his & her closets, a shower & garden tub w/excellent detail. Enjoy your sparkling pool centered in the outdoor space with a large backyard full of Palms, flowers, landscaping and even a creek with a deck. See Supplement & DocsCalifornia Closets in Garage and Craft/Wrapping Room. Electric Hurricane/Storm shutters Enclose the whole rear of the house with switches and a few smaller windows are equipped with hand-crank systems. 3 Central Heat and Air Systems. Tons of Attic Space and Tons more storage in heated and cooled areas throughout the home. Malibu landscape lighting on timers. Separate electric panel with safety breaker box for an emergency generator backup. 3 panels in all. Window tinting. 80 Gallon Water Heater. Wild animal proofing in the attic. Gutter Helmets. Lighted Dock on the creek. Recently resurfaced pool and cool deck around In-ground pool and hot tub. Electric heater for hot tub. Pool with Auto-cleaner. Artisan Well for irrigation and pool. Lots of newer fencing. Landscaping was done two full times for deep lush privacy! Long Private Driveway with upgraded sewer lift system to assure seamless disposal of waste to the city sewer system. 4 Skylights for natural light along with 31 Windows brightens up this home everywhere! Plumbing, Electrical, Roof, windows and fencing have all been recently inspected and/or updated. This home has been cared for very well! Roof has plenty of life left according to a roofing company that recently cleaned the shingles.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T06:34:14Z', 'url': 'http://www.bradofficer.com/listing/938186-8200-shade-tree-ct-jacksonville-fl-32256/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Over the weekend, Justin Bieber hung out with noted doppelganger and Orange Is the New Black star Ruby Rose. The two struck up an unlikely friendship earlier this summer, presumably when they realized they could pass for twins. It's important to have things in common with your pals, and what could spawn a bigger bond than looking like actual spawn? While fans were freaking out about just how much they look alike (a lot!), we were freaking out how accurately Justin is channeling '90s heartthrobs like Josh Hartnett, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, and, above all, fellow teen pop icon Nick Carter. Talk about doppelganger. His similarity to the tow-headed Backstreet Boys dreamboat is uncanny.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T08:39:19Z', 'url': 'https://www.teenvogue.com/story/justin-bieber-nick-carter-boy-band-hair', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I believe that you will appeal to more people with your change, especially older people. Since our baby boomer population is growing it is more important to appeal to them business wise. Either way you seem like a nice pleasant person and I for one would do business with you. Best of luck! Awesome. I really did laugh out loud. Did you know that you were going to do this at the conference? I don’t know Jerry…. The bearded look is fine, but I’m missing the bacon already. Couldn’t you be the “Bearded Bacon Man”??? I’m torn up inside but I will support you in this change because you really seem to want it, and I love you. Best wishes, my bearded friend.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T08:00:21Z', 'url': 'http://zoomjer.com/bacon/bacon-blog/from-bacon-to-beard-my-personal-rebranding/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
“Ratna Vira’s latest book delves into emotional abuse in families, an aspect that is hardly ever talked about,” says Geetika Sasan Bhandari in Mail Today on 19th August 2016 (referring to, It’s Not About You). The book, the author’s second after Daughter By Court Order, delves into a world most parents find difficult to make inroads into – the secret life of teenagers. It talks about bullying and abuse in schools, the teenage world, and the distance between parents and children, as a single mom attempts to understand what happened to her son when she finds him battered and beaten after an incident in school. The book also delves into another aspect of bullying, one that is hardly ever talked about – bullying in families. Next PostNext Go, Ratna, Go! You have a story to tell.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T00:17:27Z', 'url': 'http://ratnavira.com/books/bullying-child-home/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Just because you can't eat wheat flour doesn't mean you can't eat Thanksgiving dessert. Pumpkin pie is the traditional Thanksgiving sweet, but we think all of these gluten-free desserts are just as great for Turkey Day. This collection includes classic fall desserts like Pumpkin Flan, as well as a few more adventurous options, such as Buttermilk-Beet Sherbet and gluten-free brownies. Whether you're cooking for an entirely family who's eating gluten-free or just one individual who will be joining your holiday feast, these gluten-free Thanksgiving dessert recipes can help you round out your meal. A splash of nutty amaretto adds an extra layer of elegance to the milk chocolate in this decadently creamy dessert. If you don't own a kitchen blowtorch, simply sprinkle the chilled ramekins evenly with sugar and place on a baking sheet; broil close to heat source for 1 to 3 minutes or until sugar is melted and caramelized. The crumbled toffee candy on top gives the creamy butterscotch pudding a crunchy-sweet finish. This gluten-free dessert marries that signature nutty flavor with a sweet, caramel finish that is sure to have you coming back for seconds. Blending mascarpone cheese with fat-free cream cheese is the key to this divine tiramisu. The richness and flavor of the mascarpone cheese still shines through but with less saturated fat and fewer calories than traditional recipes. We used gluten-free ladyfingers so that everyone could enjoy this decadent dessert. Nothing says "autumn" like the fragrance and flavor of cooked apples, especially when they're filled with a mixture of sweetened currants and walnuts and spiced with cinnamon. Serve these apples warm from the crockpot with low-fat frozen yogurt. If you'd rather snuggle up to a cozy fireplace and hand out candy, rather than collect it, then you'll want to curl up with this warm, flavorful, and savory cider. If you'd prefer a beverage with less spice, try substituting apple juice for the apple cider. It's fantastic either way. These rich treats are such a game-changer that you may never go back to traditional brownies again. Why would you, when they deliver exactly what you're looking for: dense texture, incredibly fudgy interior, amazing sugar crust on top. It’s that superfine teff flour that makes the magic happen; it becomes slightly gelatinous when cooked—which makes for a moist and fudgy brownie. These decadent sweets are 100% whole grain, no refined flour in sight. Did we mention that they’re gluten free, too? Put the Sterno and matches aside, and use this flameless method to make fondue. Unlike a thin fondue pot, a slow cooker has a thick ceramic liner (plus, in this recipe, a glass container) that keeps the chocolate from scorching.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T06:57:49Z', 'url': 'https://www.cookinglight.com/thanksgiving/gluten-free-thanksgiving-desserts', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Nap Trap #1: “My baby wakes up the instant I put him down.” He shouldn’t fall asleep in your arms in the first place. Remember the rule: to bed semi-awake. Nap Trap #2: “My baby refuses to nap.” Typically, the problem is timing. A baby won’t nap unless he’s tired. Try too early, and he’ll resist; try too late, and he’ll catch a second wind. In general, a young baby needs to nap after 2 hours of activity. Nap Trap #3: “My baby takes only short naps.” There are several equally good reasons a baby may take only catnaps. First, a short nap may be all she needs; some babies are fully energized after 30 to 40 minutes of sleep. But this next reason is more likely the culprit: Your baby may be having problems going from a shallow to a deep sleep state. She may wake up after 20 minutes because she can’t settle down. Here are some ways to help your baby relax. Remember, it takes 10 to 20 minutes for a young baby to fall into a deep sleep. You must proceed with caution during the transition. The fewer distractions, the greater the likelihood he’ll nod off. Young babies sleep best surrounded by white noise, but sometimes loud, sudden household noises interfere with drifting off. If there are older siblings at home, consider using white noise to minimize outside distractions. Like the mantra “om . . . om . . . om . . .,” white noise allows a baby to dive into a deeper level of consciousness. Once he’s asleep, there’s no need to keep the troops quiet. If your baby consistently wakes up after a 30-minute nap, tiptoe into her room around the 20-minute mark, and charm her back to sleep once she starts the wake-up shuffle. Don’t leave the room before she’s in a deep sleep. If you try to sneak out too early, she’ll notice and wake up. Even when your baby’s sleeping, his gifted brain is busy soaking up outside signals. A dark room sends the message “go back to sleep” and can extend naptime. So hang dark curtains, and get rid of the night-light. Nap Trap #4: “My baby naps best in her car seat.” A baby who loves to sleep in her car seat is most likely one who loves to feel cuddled, as though she’s in a cocoon — which isn’t surprising, considering a baby spends 9 months curled up in the womb. Swaddling is the best way to re-create this comfort. According to recent studies, swaddling helps babies sleep longer. Nap Trap #5: “My baby power-naps in the car on the way home from daycare and then refuses to go to bed.” Some things can’t be helped, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Here are some suggestions: Ask your daycare provider to record your baby’s naps for a week. Play around with the timing of the afternoon nap so he’s not so tired when you pick him up. Avoid giving your baby a bottle on the way home — the moving car plus relaxed sucking is a dangerous duo. Finally, when choosing a daycare center, consider one close to home so you can at least try to reduce the risk of your baby falling asleep on the way home. Nap Trap #6: “My baby only catnaps because we’re always on the go.” Some families are so busy that it’s hard to squeeze in a good nap. There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with short naps, as long as your baby is well rested. However, if your baby falls apart at the end of the day, is hard to please, dozes off the instant he’s in the car seat, or is high maintenance, I’d rethink your activities. If you have an older child with a jam-packed schedule, perhaps it’s time to simplify. In an effort to allow stay-at-home naptime, I suggest you cut back on commitments, carpool, or hire a sitter. Nap Trap #7: “My baby will nap only if I lie down with her.” There is nothing wrong with lying down with your baby, provided you’re prepared to do this for a long time; it’s the kind of habit that’s hard to break. Instead, sit beside her bed and charm her to sleep. She’ll feel the same sense of closeness and ultimately sleep for longer stretches. Best of all, you can sneak out of the room as she becomes more adept at self-soothing to sleep. Reprinted from: The Lull-A-Baby Sleep Plan: The Soothing, Superfast Way to Help Your New Baby Sleep Through the Night . . . And Prevent Sleep Problems Before They Develop by Cathryn Tobin, MD © 2006 Cathryn Tobin, MD. Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling at (800) 848-4735.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T11:39:45Z', 'url': 'http://takingtimeformommy.com/the-seven-most-common-nap-traps/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Staff from the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario participated in a day of learning and reflection around the new spiritual theme Be Holy – Joy springs from a loving heart! Hosted at St. Joseph’s Catholic Secondary School in Cornwall on Friday, September 28, and broadcast live to four secondary school locations across the Board, members of the school community began the CDSBEO Faith Day with greetings from Board Chair Todd Lalonde, words of welcome from Director of Education John Cameron, followed by a keynote address from John L. Allen Jr., a renowned journalist specializing in coverage of the Vatican. Mr. Allen has written nine books on the Vatican and Catholic affairs. His articles have appeared in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and he is the senior Vatican correspondent for CNN. Following Director Cameron, the keynote address by John L. Allen Jr. provided insight into the leadership of the Holy Father Pope Francis, connecting his leadership and focus on mercy to the CDSBEO spiritual theme. “I am going to try to contextualize the thought of Joy springs from a loving heart! through the example of Pope Francis. After all, the programmatic document of his papacy, was a document called The Joy of the Gospel. This is a Pope who has put joy at the centre of what he is about, and I think if you watch him in action, you will develop some insight not just into the ministry of Catholic education, but also the life of the Church at large,” began Allen. Allen discussed the idea of Pope Francis’ belief that the solution to any crisis is not to be joyless, but to be more joyful – reasoning that if people can reconnect with the joy of their faith, they can also summon the will to face problems in a clear fashion. Allen’s message illuminated details of Pope Francis’ focus on missionary leadership, and how the institute of Catholic education, and the maintenance of it as an institution, are worth doing only to the extent that they serve the mission. The afternoon session provided staff the opportunity to collaborate and discuss strategies to bring the new theme to life in CDSBEO schools and classrooms.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T04:48:54Z', 'url': 'https://www.cdsbeo.on.ca/cdsbeo-hosts-inspirational-faith-day-celebration/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Feb 7, 2017 at 6 p.m. to May 17, 2017 at 4 p.m. TimeFeb 7, 2017 at 6 p.m. to May 17, 2017 at 4 p.m. Come join McKenzie for an awesome sweat packed session of the world famous dance exercise; ZUMBA. Awesome music, fun moves, and comfortable space means the perfect workout and McKenzie offers that at her weekly zumba class. So come get your zumba on. Feb 7, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Feb 8, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Feb 12, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Feb 14, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Feb 15, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Feb 19, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Feb 21, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Feb 22, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Feb 26, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Feb 28, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Mar 1, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Mar 5, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Mar 7, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Mar 8, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Mar 12, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Mar 14, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Mar 15, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Mar 19, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Mar 21, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Mar 22, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Apr 2, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Apr 4, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Apr 5, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Apr 9, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Apr 11, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Apr 12, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Apr 18, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Apr 19, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Apr 23, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. Apr 25, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. Apr 26, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. Apr 30, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. May 2, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. May 3, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. May 7, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. May 9, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. May 10, 2017 at 4–5 p.m. May 14, 2017 at 5–6 p.m. May 16, 2017 at 6–7 p.m. May 17, 2017 at 4–5 p.m.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T16:42:37Z', 'url': 'https://gustavus.edu/calendar/zumba-w-mckenzie-hwc-3/51735', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
installed it as it always has done. >> Yeah, I could try that. I just don't have a copy of Read on my computer. >>>> would record clips using it, but it would take way too long. >>> Why don't you use the SAPI4 voicebox script? Next message: Rich Cavallaro: "Re: Voice support suggestion" Next in thread: Rich Cavallaro: "Re: Voice support suggestion" Reply: Rich Cavallaro: "Re: Voice support suggestion"
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T17:13:43Z', 'url': 'https://www.rockbox.org/mail/archive/rockbox-archive-2007-03/0642.shtml', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Since all of wedding rings are can be made to order, any model can be possible to create. You are able to custom your own personal exclusive titanium wedding bands for him or use numerous favorite styles on display that can assist you choose. You can choose from numerous sizes, patterns and finishes, in addition to a comprehensive range of diamond bands which may be personalized to match your perfect style. Most models are possible, from traditional styles to unique styles concerning engraving, gemstone or a mixture of metals. The specialized jeweller will include any style and characteristics, such as diamonds, following you've finished creating the bands and will also make certain the wedding rings suits perfectly with your character, even when it has a unique model. First alternative is to get your wedding rings personalized by certified artists. Pick from these wide variety of attractive styles or build your own amazing styles. Second option is to share the unique and romantic connection with getting each other's titanium wedding bands for him under the help of a specialist designers. Designing and making a band your love as a perfect moment of love is possibly probably the most perfect gesture you can create. Regardless of where you determine to to purchase your wedding rings, finding a couple that satisfies you both is quite valuable. Your wedding is a once in a lifetime event, and everyday it is important to cherish forever. Find the right set of titanium wedding bands for him and you'll have lasting memory of your respective motivation to each other, bands that'll meet both wife and husband. Explore our wonderful personalize wedding rings to get a really unique and unique band made by designer. Notable quality promises a truly unique band fitting of the exclusive milestone occasion. Titanium wedding bands for him can be found in several designs. Women and men may select to obtain harmonizing models or variations that show the character and personality. The wedding rings could be the mark that the wearer is engaged or married. The right ring may be opted and meant for style of the band or lifestyle of the wearer. You can check our many wedding rings models on photo gallery to help you decide or, instead, you can bring in your own models or photos and the expert can customize sketches of numerous design and choices. Taking your wedding rings custom made ensures that you can choose any model from common designs to exclusive designs – and make certain the wedding rings fits completely together with your personality. To help you choose a design, we've a wide selection concerning titanium wedding bands for him on display that you could try on to have an inspiration of what design suits your hand. You can select one of many beautiful styles or you can customize your own special design. As you pick out wedding rings planning, you will need to go on the kind of metal for the titanium wedding bands for him. You may have a preference for an unique color of metal (yellow, white, or rose), or a particular form of metal (platinum, gold, or palladium). Check out what band that you typically use to get ideas. White gold, platinum, palladium and silver are typical neutral and just about similar in hue. For a pink or rose hue, choose rose gold. For a golden look, choose yellow gold. To find the appropriate titanium wedding bands for him, look at everything that matches your lifestyle and personality. Besides your budget and quality, your individual style are the key considerations that will direct your choice of wedding rings. Listed here are ideas that match your personality or character with trendy design of wedding rings. When picking the right wedding rings design, there are numerous designs and qualities to consider. Consider current most liked element and design, in addition to those which meet your style and personality. Understand the ideas for your main gem planning, feature gemstone placing, band, and polishing features. To choose wedding rings, you'll need to get a style, material, and then band sizing. You will spend most of your interest at the following gallery in order to buying a correct wedding rings. One benefit of purchasing your titanium wedding bands for him from an online jeweler may be the enhanced entry you reach ring models. Most of them offer numerous ring type and if they do not have a model that you want, they can create the ring style that customized for you. Titanium wedding bands for him can be higher and more than a lifestyle prestige. It could be image of an existence of the lovers will be sharing, caring and the adventure they're starting. So when faced with a wide choice of wedding rings pieces, go for a thing that you naturally feel shows the love you share, as well as the character of the bride and groom. Discover various wedding rings to obtain the right band for the love of your life. You'll find classic, modern, old-fashioned, and more. You are able to shop around by metal to find white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, platinum, and more. You may also browse by stone shape to see wedding rings with gemstones and diamonds of most designs and colors. You can find tons of impressive wedding rings waiting to buy. Expand your wedding rings search to add several styles until you will find one which you are feeling matches and fits your style perfectly. If you're on the look for titanium wedding bands for him, check out these designs for inspiration. Shopping online is usually less expensive than buying at a brick and mortar store. You are able to shop quicker finding a suitable wedding rings is just a few clicks away. Explore our selection of stunning titanium wedding bands for him currently, and discover a good wedding rings based on your budget.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T14:11:10Z', 'url': 'https://fasqu.com/rings/wedding-rings/titanium-wedding-bands-for-him/attachment/male-rings-tags-white-gold-wedding-ring-men-wedding-men-ring-with-regard-to-titanium-wedding-bands-for-him/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A mobile application that allows quick and easy barcode scanning of parts for stock control. Required a specialist barcode scanner device. A mobile application that allows quick and easy barcode scanning of parts for stock control. Required a specialist barcode scanner device. Frontier Stores can be replaced by Frontier Mobile for users of the latest version of Frontier Dismantling.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T08:56:46Z', 'url': 'https://www.dhsystems.co.uk/content/mobile-solutions/frontier-stores/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
By a long shot, it’s the line from “Little Drummer Boy,” The ox and lamb kept time. You can even drop the pah-rum-pum-pum-pum and it’s still pretty awesome, just because farm animals joining in on rhythm sections gets right to the heart of Christmas magic. Its greatness even overshadows the fact that given that the boy was playing a drum, the additional rhythm by the ox and lamb was completely unnecessary and perhaps even obtrusive. But do you think they just kept time with their hooves? Or do you think maybe they also had percussion instruments? I looked it up, but I guess the New Testament is staying pretty neutral on this one.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:50:49Z', 'url': 'https://www.backofthecerealbox.com/2012/12/best-line-ever-in-christmas-carol.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Complete your GeO-Deck visit with a stop at Cloud Nine Cafe, where you can enjoy casual food and drinks with a revolving view! Cloud Nine Cafe offers a hot food menu on Saturday and Sunday, and light food and drinks on the GeO-Deck Monday – Friday. Extended hours may apply during summer and holiday weekends. The Cloud Nine Cafe reserves the right to close in part or whole without notice for private events, holidays, inclement weather or facility upgrades. Please check the calendar above for cafe hours. Are Tickets Required for Cloud Nine Cafe? Yes. Guests must purchase GeO-Deck admission to gain access to Cloud Nine Cafe. Menus subject to change seasonally and based on item availability. The Cloud Nine Cafe reserves the right to close in part or whole without notice for private events, holidays, inclement weather or facility upgrades.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T16:07:38Z', 'url': 'https://reuniontower.com/dining/cloud-nine-cafe/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The Senate bill to tighten access to Florida’s one-way attorney fee law faltered before the Banking and Insurance Committee Monday. The panel was on the verge of voting on Chairman Doug Broxson’s legislation (SB 122) when Sen. Jeff Brandes moved to temporarily pass the measure. He acted in advance of what clearly would be a 4-4 tie preventing the legislation from advancing. “I think you could see the trajectory here,” Brandes — who supports the bill — said following the committee action. “Everybody needs to let’s go back to our individual corners and reassess,” The St. Petersburg Republican said. Broxson said he accepted the delay because the committee was hard up against its scheduled end. He planned to continue negotiations and bring the bill back before his committee. Broxson conceded that the problem had been persuading Sen. Tom Lee, who with Democrat Perry Thurston Jr. offered amendments that would have tinkered with the workings of AOBs without altering the one-way attorney fee. Details available here. Both senators withdrew their amendments after Broxson called a short recess. Again, it seemed clear that neither of the senators’ fixes would clear the committee. “Sen. Lee had some questions that, I guess, he’ll need to get answered,” Broxson said. Florida is the only state with a law requiring carriers to cover the litigation costs for policyholders suing over insurance claims. Broxson’s bill would block home restoration contractors from acquiring rights to these fees through assignment of benefits, or AOB, agreements. The same provisions would apply to additional lines, including auto glass coverage. The committee split mostly down partisan lines — Republicans for, Democrats against. Lee, a Republican from Brandon, was the swing vote. He argued the bill went too far. He’d sought assurances that the committee would reach some compromise but hadn’t “been able to get the assurance that I need,” he told its members. And he expressed bitterness that the process seemed stacked. “My experience over the past few years is that you can’t trust this process,” he said. There was enough frustration in the room to go around. “This is the 18th bill filed since 2013” on AOBs,” Broxson said. “Fifteen different Banking and Insurance Committee chairs. What have we passed? Zero,” he argued. “AOB has become the Star Wars bar scene of public policy in the state of Florida,” Brandes said, featuring “the requisite characters and scoundrels and all kinds of other things” involved in the dispute. He noted that the state-backed Citizens Property Insurance Corp. is fielding 1,000 lawsuits per month. The committee’s vice chairman, St. Petersburg Democrat Darryl Rouson, presided over the hearing on Broxson’s bill. He made clear that he would have voted for Lee’s amendment. “This is the nuclear option to get at a few bad people, whereas the overwhelming majority of law firms are doing good and excellent work every day,” Rouson said. “This is an issue we need to address, but I don’t think we should address it with a sledgehammer,” Thurston said. Broxson suggested senators who opposed his bill could pay a political price. “I’m disappointed. I think this is a bipartisan issue. The people that are represented by the Democrats in southeast Florida have major issues — their constituents,” he said.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T12:10:17Z', 'url': 'http://floridapolitics.com/archives/288051-doug-broxsons-attorney-fee-bill-stalls-in-his-own-committee', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
There are a number of ways to improve the performance of LINQ to SQL queries. You might wonder what happens in a multithreaded environment. What if two threads (e.g., from two different client requests) instantiate their own instances of MyDataContext and start executing queries at the same time? Fortunately, everything works correctly because MetaModel instances are thread-safe. I've used this technique in a large CRM application that uses LINQ to SQL almost entirely for data access: the system has over 500 users and has been running without trouble since early 2008. (Without this optimization, some queries were simply too slow for LINQ to SQL to be viable). Note that although MetaModel (MappingSource) instances are thread-safe, the same is not true for DataContext instances. You cannot share a single DataContext instance between multiple threads, or things will go terribly wrong! (And not that you'd want to: doing so would mean taking on unpleasant concurrency issues that are otherwise handled very well by SQL Server itself, through its transaction isolation level semantics). Ordinarily, LINQ to SQL must translate LINQ queries to SQL every time a query executes; this involves recursing the expression tree that makes up the query in several stages. It sounds worse than it is: the computation cost is not enormous in the overall scheme of things (certainly not as big as the cost of building an AttributeMappingSource when lots of entities are involved). Nonetheless, you can avoid paying the price on each query execution by precompiling the query using the CompiledQuery class. Finally, there are some queries for which LINQ to SQL producesless-than-ideal SQL. Furthermore, some SQL queries need optimization hints to get the best performance, and optimization hints are impossible with LINQ to SQL alone. A compromise in these situations is to encapsulate the difficult part of the query in a table-valued function, and then map this function into your typed DataContext class. You can then run LINQ queries over this function, and the queries will be translated to SQL and execute on the server. So, in effect, you're mix SQL and LINQ to SQL in the same query.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T00:54:06Z', 'url': 'http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/speedinguplinqtosql.aspx', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
LEGO City Arctic Base Camp $74.88 + FREE Shipping Eligible! The LEGO City Artic Base Camp set is on sale for $74.88 at Walmart.com right now. That is a savings of $15 off the regular price of $89.97 for this very popular LEGO set.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T20:55:19Z', 'url': 'https://www.babysavers.com/lego-city-arctic-base-camp-74-88-free-shipping-eligible/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Automotive, Motor Trade Jobs: Vehicle Technician required in Norwich, Norfolk. Motor Trade Jobs / Automotive Vacancies: Qualified Vehicle Technician required in Norwich, Norfolk. We are looking for an experienced and qualified vehicle technician to join our client.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T14:43:57Z', 'url': 'https://www.simplysalesjobs.co.uk/job/vehicle-technician-5124026107721/10625163', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
No. 88. Saмvat 45 Kathmandu, Chitlang. On a slab of stone lying inside a small temple of Ganeщa not far from Chitlang, a village at the foot of the Chandragiri hill (7000 ft high) from the southern and western side. The inscription belongs to the reign of Udayadeva and is the only extant indigenous record in his name. The date symbol and letters in some lines are damaged. The inscribed part is 34 cm wide and 56 cm long. The date 40 is marked but another symbol can only be conjectural between 5 and 8 (R). Bhaттаraka Mahаrajаdhirаja Щrи Udayadeva from . . . ; (granted before by ?) Bhaттаraka Mahаrajаdhirаja Щrи Aмщuvarmman, dutaka - sarva(daндanаyaka) . . Prasаdи-kрto (by Am.) agrahаra . . . prasаdи-kрta (by Ud.). 5. [samа]jгаpayati viditamastu vo yo yuшmadиya-tala-pratibaddha . . . . 9. sthitaye cаbhilekhya . . . . . щаsanam-idan-dattaм sиmа cаsya . . . . . 11. . . . . . . . .yа . . . . . sa eva khаtaka ityetatsиmaparikшipta . . . 13. stv-etаm-аjгаm-atikramy-аnyathа kuryа[t-kаrayed-vа]. . . . L. 6. -aмщuvarmapаdai patиpa. . L. 7. R. has prasаdиkрtoёbhуttada rasmabhir-. . . L. 8. R. has -agrahаratvena . . L. 11 omitted by R, he red stk. 12 as 11 etc.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T10:20:09Z', 'url': 'http://indepigr.narod.ru/licchavi/content106.htm', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Classic arcade and pinball games, adventurous new-comfort food, and a full bar in a historic and fun setting! Bit Bar Number One Hottest Restaurant in Boston on EATER Heat Map! 21+ after 8pm. Accompanied minors welcome before 8pm. Kitchen and Patio close at 10pm on Sun-Thur and 11pm on Fri-Sat.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T20:59:59Z', 'url': 'https://bit.bar/news/2016/7/26/boston-herald', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
What types of aircraft will be deployed on tomorrow’s flattops? The F-35 non-controversy aside, Admiral Greenert made a profound statement that could have dramatic implications for the character of U.S. air power in general and the future CVW in particular. The CNO declared that “we need to move from ‘luxury-car’ platforms—with their built-in capabilities—toward dependable ‘trucks’ that can handle a changing payload selection.” Why? Well, by definition “luxury car” platforms are expensive both to buy and maintain. In addition, they tend to look good and have great performance but can be of limited utility. A dependable “truck” has a wider range of uses, particularly if one doesn’t mind riding in the back. A payload-centric approach also allows for more rapid technological refresh at lower cost as well as the ability to tailor forces for the conflict du jour. One conclusion to be drawn from the CNO’s assertion is that the value of the performance characteristics associated with so-called luxury-car platforms is declining. Those include stealth, speed, maneuverability, perhaps even survivability. There are several reasons for the Navy’s tastes in tactical aircraft to be changing. Obviously, two related ones are declining defense budgets and the high cost of advanced manned platforms. Another is concern regarding the anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) threat. What should the carrier air wing of the future look like? The topic has taken on new significance as a consequence of an article in the July issue of Proceedings by the Chief of Naval Operations ADM Jonathan Greenert. The title of the article, “Payloads over Platforms: Charting a New Course,” its discussion of the diminishing value of stealth, and the positive mentions of both the F/A-18 Hornet and unmanned systems such as the Scan Eagle and Fire Scout led some observers to accuse the CNO of being secretly opposed to the carrier variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. In response, ADM Greenert and his staff have stressed that the article did not refer in any way to the F-35, but instead to stealth in the future. The F-35 noncontroversy aside, Greenert made a profound statement that could have dramatic implications for the character of U.S. air power, in general, and the future carrier air wing, in particular. The CNO declared “we need to move from ‘luxury-car’ platforms—with their built-in capabilities—toward dependable ‘trucks’ that can handle a changing payload selection.” Why? Well, by definition “luxury car” platforms are expensive. A payload-centric approach allows for more rapid technological refresh at lower cost as well as the ability to tailor forces for the conflict du jour. One conclusion to be drawn from the CNO’s assertion that the Navy needs to move toward “dependable trucks” is that the value of the performance characteristics associated with so-called “luxury car” platforms is declining Those characteristics include stealthiness, speed, maneuverability, perhaps even survivability. There are those who argue that the combination of advanced sensors, data fusion, high-performance missiles and directed-energy weapons will bring the era of manned fighters and penetrating bombers to an end. It is by no means certain that the U.S. aerospace industry will be able to design an affordable sixth generation manned aircraft with the combination of range, persistence, stealth, ISR, and payload required to operate in such an intensely hostile environment.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T08:35:06Z', 'url': 'https://news.usni.org/author/dgoure', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
With more than 50 years in operation, Temple Electric, Inc. has built a reputation as one of the most established and respected electrical contracting firms in West Texas. To learn more about the services offered by Temple Electric, Inc. please browse the rest of this site at your leisure and feel free to contact us at any time with questions you may have. We look forward to adding you to our long list of satisfied customers. Copyright © 2019 Mike Temple Electric Inc - All Rights Reserved.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T11:15:10Z', 'url': 'https://templeelectric.net/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I am getting a WSA (I am bidding on a few as we speak and intend to win one auction). Few of the WSA1 for sale include manuals so I thought I should just google it up and see if I can download one. Thus I landed here. It would be super if I could read a manual today. I am pretty sure I will love this machine since I am trying to do Karplus+Strong on my other machines (with so-so success). Interesting, I looked up Karplus-Strong so I would know what you're talking about. I see it's a burst+delay+filters method of producing a plucked string sound, the delay sets the pitch. I see in the WSA1 Reference Guide there are Delay Effects in there, and Filters are a part of the main Editing parameters. Producing a pulse is done by selecting a sound Driver and putting an amplitude envelope on it. I'm not sure how you would control the pitch using the Delay, though. The WSA1 will control the pitch of the pulse for you already, then maybe the Delay would add to the harmonics to give you the timbre you want. You'll have to experiment with that. Aside from Karplus-Strong, the WSA1 has quite a few Drivers that are already a plucked string sound. The Drivers are based on instrument recordings, which can be shaped in a number of different ways, and mixed together to get unique sounds. I haven't experimented much with the Effects, so maybe I should. I haven't had my WSA1R for very long, just a couple of months. Yes, I suppose you could say that. The WSA1 has more variety in the timbre from the different Drivers, it's not limited to using just a noise burst. It can also mix up to four different Drivers together into each voice, along with using a variety of Resonators to shape the sound. There is also a very nice general purpose filter on top of that. You should be able to get quite a variety of instrument sounds out of it, especially since you have a background in Analog.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T23:21:15Z', 'url': 'https://wsa1.technicskeyboards.com/forum/hello-i-am-becoming-a-wsa-user/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
'BoJack Horseman' season 5 takes no prisoners, itself included, and it's amazing. Haifaa Al-Mansour partners with 'Bojack Horseman' producers for a new animated series. Netflix has owned the market on streaming adult animation, but Amazon is putting their first foot into the ring. And other life lessons from Princess Carolyn.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T12:07:35Z', 'url': 'https://filmschoolrejects.com/topics/bojack-horseman/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This wall mural collection enables you to tell the tales that shape your everyday life. Straight on the wall. Choose the wallpaper murals as they are or replace our words with yours.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T11:21:34Z', 'url': 'https://www.mrperswall.co.uk/wall-murals/collections/communication?page=3', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
How I earned $500,000 ON Social Media! Use the Google Plus Search to find things and people that interest you. Search for your topic in the Google Plus search bar and skim through the search results stream until you find something that is interesting or makes you want to comment on. Start to comment on things you like or are interested in. Join hangouts. You usually don’t have to say anything and you can just get some experience! Be friendly and introduce yourself. Join the conversation where you feel confident. This is the best way to make real connections with people. How did I get to 19300 followers so fast? Your first step is to define your goals. – Choose two topics you want to get deeper in on Google Plus. This may be related to your business or simply a passion. For me I did fiverr and Instagram. Choose the number of followers you aim to gain each week. Break down your goals into weekly targets. Define your daily schedule required to attain your goal. Follow at least 50 new people a day. Try to find a few heavy hitters for each topic you are interested in. These are people with over 15,000 followers that get a lot of attention on Google Plus. Once you are really active it is important to be aware of your reputation. Knowing when people mention your name or engage with your posts. cards, Jewish wedding invitations, Christian cards online Conjugal Cards. in the air iv. Nonpareil range: Internet is spin you detach from website nearby another. affaire de coeur 15 minutes, you footing dozen another websites court approximately your right away designs. Like it you are ready for Jewish bridal invitations or for Christian cards online, you best collections. I am in academy and watching that again here. Greetings! Very helpful advice on this article! kind of informatіon in such an ideаl meаns of writing? thе same niche. Υour blοg рroνidеd us valuable informatіon to work on. You haѵe ԁοne а marvеllous job! 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{'timestamp': '2019-04-22T06:00:52Z', 'url': 'http://www.jmhhacker.com/2012/12/how-i-gained-19200-google-followers-in.html?showComment=1362595441837', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
From Wikimedia. Photo - PKM. Also posted to the Reign of Louis XV - 1715 to 1774 Album. This stomacher probably makes a grand impression when worn.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-23T05:58:21Z', 'url': 'http://www.gogmsite.net/new-content/1700-1750-french-stomacher.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
This unique image collections about Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About is available to download. We collect this unique image from internet and choose the best for you. Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About photos and pictures collection that posted here was carefully selected and uploaded by after choosing the ones that are best among the others. So, finally we make it and here these list of unique image for your inspiration and informational purpose regarding the Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About as part of facts about seagull for kids, seagull facts for kids, Design exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find the best Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About images and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use, Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About. So, if you want to get this wonderful image about Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About, just click save button to save this images to your computer. Finally if you want to get new and the latest wallpaper related with Quality Seagull Facts For Kids Competitive Seagulls 25 Fun And Interesting About, please follow us on facebook or bookmark this site, we try our best to give you daily update with fresh and new wallpaper 2017.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T19:07:08Z', 'url': 'http://www.reevolveclothing.com/9658/seagull-facts-for-kids-14-05-2018/quality-seagull-facts-for-kids-competitive-seagulls-25-fun-and-interesting-about/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
150 Years Ago Today: Arkansas in the Civil War, is an online exhibit that allowed the Arkansas History Commission to showcase some of its extensive holdings relating to the Civil War in Arkansas. The AHC staff selected and digitized an image, announcement, article, diary entry, letter or other document from each day of the Civil War from early tensions in January of 1861 through the end of April in 1865, and shared them online. The war is again over, but the documents and images of the war are still available to us, to illustrate the lives and times of those who lived through it. 150 Years Ago Today: Arkansas in the Civil War can still be searched and browsed through here on our site, and its companion publication, Documenting Arkansas: The Civil War 1861-1865 is available for purchase. Order forms can be found here.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T10:24:23Z', 'url': 'http://archives.arkansas.gov/doc-a-day/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Every year, we support the Just Rifles Charity Appeal for Wounded Soldiers at their annual Dinner and Dance. Around 700 people come together to raise funds for injured servicemen and women or bereaved families to support them with what they need. The charity has been going for 5 years and 100% of donations go to where is matters most. Last night was the 2016 dinner and dance, so we got dressed up and enjoyed a wonderful 3 course meal, a fantastic evening of entertainment and fundraising to support our brave men and women who served in Afghanistan. There were lots of great fundraising activities and a live auction with an auctioneer who had everyone laughing so much they'd forgotten what was being bid on! All the money raised last night will allow Just Rifles to provides immediate funds to meet the needs of injured Riflemen going through rehabilitation. To date 63 Riflemen have been killed and nearly 100 very seriously injured (imminent threat to life or limb ) on operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just Rifles truly makes a difference. Many injured servicemen and women or bereaved families find that there are things they need. It might be a break from everyday life, some household items may need replacing or perhaps a specific piece of sporting equipment is required to help those who have been injured continue to lead active lives despite physical injury. That is what Just Rifles is here to help with.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T07:00:32Z', 'url': 'https://www.fitzroviait.com/just-rifles-dinner-2016/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Estrogen receptor alpha transcriptional activity is regulated by distinct conformational states that are the result of ligand binding. Phage display was used to identify peptides that interact specifically with either estradiol- or tamoxifen-activated estrogen receptor alpha. When these peptides were coexpressed with estrogen receptor alpha in cells, they functioned as ligand-specific antagonists, indicating that estradiol-agonist and tamoxifen-partial agonist activities do not occur by the same mechanism. The ability to regulate estrogen receptor alpha transcriptional activity by targeting sites outside of the ligand-binding pocket has implications for the development of estrogen receptor alpha antagonists for the treatment of tamoxifen-refractory breast cancers.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-24T02:35:53Z', 'url': 'https://scholars.duke.edu/display/pub650979', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Iron condors is my favorite strategy to trade nifty options month after month. Well if you want to know the winning percentage – its close to 70%. But what’s more important is how to handle the 30% losses. If you are willing to take less profits you can also trade iron condors with 90% winning probability – and that’s the best strategy for beginners. First thing first – What is an Iron Condor? An iron condor is a trade of two credit spreads – one on a call option and one on the put option – sold on any underlying for the same month. Since I always trade on nifty, henceforth all my examples will be restricted to nifty only. If you don’t know what credit spreads are, this article will help you to know about credit spreads. Read that first and then come back here. In short in credit spreads, one near option is sold and the further OTM option is bought for insurance. Since the sold option has more points, a credit is done to your account. You actually buy the OTM option from the money you get by selling the near option. That is why the number of sold options should be equal to the bought options. Now what if you think in this month nifty will not close beyond 6000 and not fall below 5500? you can sell an iron condor for that month. You can sell a credit spread on 6000 call by selling 6000 call and buying either 6100 call or 6200 call according to your risk capacity. Similarly you can sell a 5500 put and buy 5400 or 5300 put as per your risk. Remember the more gap you give between the sold and the bought options – the more money you make but more risky your iron condor becomes. Justified, isn’t it? You can see in the graph that profit and loss is limited in Iron Condor. But the risk in the Iron condor is more than the reward you get. However Iron Condors are profitable most of the times. The rest of the times the risk needs to be managed aggressively. If you take my course I will tell you exactly how I manage the risk much better than how most traders manage it. I actually take a trade that is successful 95% of the times after my Iron condor hits a stop loss. This ensures I get back losses made in the Iron Condor trade plus I end up making a small profit because I double the lot in the second strategy. Ok, lets get back to the strategy I was discussing in this article. Now lets calculate the ROI if I win. So 60000.00 + 4445.00 = 64,445.00 – this is approx cash locked in my account for this trade for margin money. If all of the options expire worthless I keep 4490. ROI: (4490/64450) * 100 = 6.96% in 30 days – not bad! It means my maximum loss in this trade is 5510 wherever nifty closes and maximum profit is 4490 if it closes between 6000 and 5700. Does that makes sense? Yes it does if I risk 8.54% of my capital to make 6.96% in 30 days. As soon as put the trade on 26-Apr-2013 – nifty started to rise – a worst case scenario. Nifty was already in a bull run since 9-Apr-2013 from touching of a low of 5487. It had reached almost 5900 when I put on the trade. I thought it wont raise any further or start to fall soon. As you can see I got more premiums from my calls than my puts. When nifty or any stock is rising the system makes the calls costlier and vice verse. This I done to make an even field for buyers and sellers. If the sellers are not getting a good premium for selling options why would they sell in the first place? Long story short – my short call was in trouble and I had to adjust or get out or hedge my position to make sure I at least do not lose a lot on my trade. How to adjust an iron condor? 1. The most common option done by traders – rollover the condor one step up if the underlying is going up – or roll down if its going down. In my case I should close the 6000/6100 leg and sell/buy the 6100/6200 calls. Depending on profits I should also close my puts and bring them up one position to make more money. However please note that this should be done early as otherwise it will get costly to close the condor. Idea is to lose less and make more. 2. Close the losing leg in small loss (in my case the sold call) and let the other leg expire worthless. Note that the bought calls will bring in some money and offset the losses. So I don’t lose 5510 – my max loss. I lose much less. In reality if your losses are less than you can make from the leg that expires worthless you make money and not lose it. Though your ROI will be less. However the problem with this strategy is that what if nifty nose dives back in the opposite direction after you close the losing leg? 3. Take a small loss before it escalates. Close the condor before you smell trouble. You can put on the condor again and get your money back. 4. Buy more OTM calls or puts depending on which leg is in trouble. However the same problem exists here – what if nifty starts heading south? As you can see all the above three adjustments to iron condors come with their own risk. However one thing is clear – you should take action before you start losing a lot of money. Even though you know your maximum risk but why wait if you can recover the same money in that month and lose nothing? If you actually lose nothing in that 30% of the times when an iron condor is in trouble – you will see that in a year your investments have bought in around 30-50%. And that is very good. Now you would like to know what I did? I closed my call leg for a small loss of around 1000 and sold 6300/6400 JUNE call option. Technically this is not a iron condor as I shifted to next month, but its all fair in the game as I have to do what will make me money. The put ones expired worthless in may and I waited for nifty to go down. It did and I closed the June credit spread at a good profit. Nifty started to go down after reaching 6146. My profits actually exceeded my max profit but it took a little more time and patience. Yes patience is important in any trade. Nothing happens in a day or even two. You have to have patience while trading. Eventually the win will come. As you can see iron condors can be profitable even if your view is wrong. And since one leg is guaranteed to make money, will expire worthless – you can use some strategy to make sure you come out winner of the other leg. However its easier said than done. What if nifty would have kept creeping up? My losses would have been much more than my max loss. Another thing you should keep in mind when trading iron condors is that you should go as far deep OTM as possible if that makes sense. The further you go, the probability of wining be more. It depends on how experienced you are. A 700 points wide iron condor will have a 80-90% probability. One more point: Sometime volatility will drop after you have traded an iron condor – and you will be in good profit in few days. In that case don’t wait till expiry – just book your profits. Whats wrong in making 2% in 10 days? You can make the rest in the remaining days. These small profits will add up to big profits in a year. Sir I am interested in ur iron condor strategy please fell free to give ur mobile thru email so that I will contact u. I am almost new to option trading and want to do it passionately . I liked your article and want to know some more. Will the following strategy work for the balance number of days of May,2015? Ofcourse, I am working on the calculations as given in your article. Yet, your guidance is solicited in the early stages of learning. You have bought and sold the same Put strike? Looks like its a typo. Whether it works or not will depend on a lot of things like Volatility, and Nifty movement. If its in a range it will be in profit in a few days. Now nifty close as on 31/07/2015 is 8532 and volatility is around 14.5%. Is it safe to trade iron condor option strategy now. 2. Volatility drops or stays in a tight range. The only think is that I don’t know how to select the correct strike price. how much is ideal? That exactly I teach in my course. Otherwise the world world can trade Iron Condors and make money. I teach which strikes to chose, which ones to sell which to buy. When you should enter and when to exit. What to do after taking a stop loss to recover the lost money. I way I trade is very different than what is written here. My strategies makes money 90% of the times. Dilip Ji, your material on Options basics & strategies are well explained and much impressive . I could have visited your website much before to avoid un-necessary losses incurred in last 6 months . Atleast i found this by now to follow ur guidlines. 1) can i become proficient enough to generate the calls and can succeed surely ? or do we need to follow your tips also . 2) please confirm the strategies can work for intraday or ONLY for positional calls ? 3) Do you provide us any S/W to generate Buy/Sell signals ? 4) what is the minium profit we can expect in a month/day for 1lac capital , if i follow ur strategies ? 1. No need to follow any tips, you can generate your calls yourself. 2. Made for positional calls. But some people have converted them to trade Intraday and are doing very good. 3. No software required. Software cannot make money. Is high volatility at the time of trading preferable for Iron Condor? While trading Nifty should one see VIX for the same? Also, I was thinking of taking your paid courses. Had doubt, as from October, the trading hours would be extended how would it affect your strategies? Yes High VIX is good to trade an IC. Trading hours extension will not effect my strategies as they are fully hedged. Hedge give protection for 24 hours – it does not matter if the markets are open every second if you hedge your trades.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T10:30:10Z', 'url': 'https://www.theoptioncourse.com/nifty-iron-condors-strategy-and-adjustments-with-live-example/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
At Home is a perfect theme if you’re looking for a simple, but powerful theme, packed up with magnificent home pages on all kinds of topics! Find the one that will suit your website the most, and enjoy the classy appearance of At Home theme, that is based on the true diversity of topics. Pick the topic that suits you the most.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T04:22:28Z', 'url': 'http://www.azrollingshuttersandscreens.com/2017/10/20/one-among-many-though-gorgeous-in-its-unique-way/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
My topic today, Autism. Much has been written recently about every aspect of a worldwide, complex, human and eternal issue: People with Disabilities. Inclusion. Tolerance and Acceptance… etc etc. But I’ve seen far less written about the trials and stresses of being a normal, well-adjusted, neuro-typical, decent-hearted human being stuck with living with the disabled. They cannot stack plates properly. Plates in my house are just put on top of the existing stack. My family are so disabled, they cannot look at the stack and put like-with-like; largest on the bottom, smallest on the top. It’s very distressing. The bowls, too. I mean, how could anyone be so defective? But they are. Another one is this: they cannot arrange things on the kitchen bench or on the stovetop. Nothing is aligned. The handles are pointing every which way. Seriously, it is as if they have completed failed to be born with any of the normal sense receptors. And don’t get me started on their total inability to arrange things waiting to be washed. It seems to be the place where all their dysfunctions cluster together as one. But the absolute worst, and the thing that is so difficult to tolerate (it is like a physical pain to me), is inside the dishwasher. My family are so disabled they cannot perceive the natural order within, all perfected down through the ages by expert German engineers. To a neuro-typical person such as myself, with normal fully-functional perceptions, it is so obvious where the soup bowls need to go; the flatware, the cups as distinct from mugs, and so on. Everything has a place; it can ‘nest’. And those other obvious things: like tall items being placed to the back or sides to prevent impacts and chipping. Nothing should be placed so that it can wobble. Upside down mugs must always be on a tilt. and so on. Nope; it just gets flung in there, higgledy-piggledy. It is torment! But I endure it. I suffer, because the disabled must be accepted for their tragic limitations. We must not judge. We must practice kindness, tolerance & patience. Even when we want to scream. Sad and so unproductive, but we must endure the defective. It’s a great world we live in. Well, enough with the sarcasm, but I’m making a point. I hope you’ve already figured it out. WHO IS TO JUDGE? WHO MAY CLAIM THE MORAL HIGH GROUND? WHAT SORT OF OUT-AND-OUT ARROGANCE is it to declare yourself ‘normal’ and then proceed to define others as defective? WHO DOES THESE STUDIES? WHO MAKES THESE DECLARATIONS? There’s a nasty whiff of the Patriarchy about this. A hint of the evil crap generated and disseminated by arrogant aristocrat gentlemen-scientists of a few hundred years back, declaring Africans as sub-human, for example, or women as incapable of reason. Even when studies are done, there is a recurring blind-spot. Those that believe themselves to be ‘un-defective’ are going to fall prey to their own Confirmation Bias. Results will inevitably be interpreted to bolster the idea that Autism is a defect. “So, why do so many people see a lack of empathy as a defining characteristic of autism spectrum disorder? The problem starts with the complexity of empathy itself. One aspect is simply the ability to see the world from the perspective of another. Another is more emotional – the ability to imagine what the other is feeling and care about their pain as a result. Autistic children tend to develop the first part of empathy – which is called “theory of mind” – later than other kids. This was established in a classic experiment [my emphasis] Children are asked to watch two puppets, Sally and Anne. Sally takes a marble and places it in a basket, then leaves the stage. While she’s gone, Anne takes the marble out and puts it in a box. The children are then asked: Where will Sally look first for her marble when she returns? There it is. seems solid enough. Statistics; analysis; conclusion. BUT: the bias is built in. The experimenters were already looking for some sort of ‘fault’ in the ‘autistic’ children, so they interpret the children’s expectations as evidence of the expected fault. But there is another way of interpreting the results: Some of the children (defined here as ‘autistic’ and therefore already faulty) were actually well ahead of the game. Having superior abilities compared to the rest of the plonkers, even at that age, they saw it for what it was: a puppet show. They figured out that behind the puppets was a single puppeteer who knew exactly where the marble was – because she was the one who moved it to the box. So when she came back as Sally, she was still the puppeteer and would look in the box. Hell. Obvious. But the observing adult experts had grossly underestimated the ability of that sub-set of children. As the main article posits: autistic children are hyper-perceptive. Thus everyone who comes along thereafter, the bright-eyed 19yo psych students, have their ability to reinterpret the experiment re-shaped and glued down by their teaching masters – all convinced of their neuro-typical exceptionalism. I wonder how many of them put up their hand during the lecture and said, “Wait a minute…”? And if they did, their seniors would smoothly wriggle around the protest, I’m sure. Been in lectures, I have. The Patriarchy writ large. That was a very interesting and thought-provoking article! Thanks for sharing it, it’s really helped me to see things from a different perspective. I’ll try to keep it in mind when I’m dealing with my family. Thanks. It’s been stewing in me for quite a while.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T19:22:34Z', 'url': 'https://steamedup.wordpress.com/2017/11/20/living-with-the-disabled/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
MAGNOLIA – Fox News Channel’s Stuart Varney is scheduled to present at the Ninth Annual Farmers Bank and Trust Distinguished Speaker Series on November 7, 2013 at Southern Arkansas University. Tickets for the event are now on sale. Varney’s topic will be “21st Century America: A New Day in Politics, Culture, and Business.” He anchors “Varney & Company” on the Fox Business Network, and appears regularly with Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and Megyn Kelly, among others. Proceeds from the event provide scholarships to students who possess the talent, energy, and intellectual curiosity to access higher education but lack the financial resources. A private reception with Varney will be held at 6 p.m. at the Farmers Bank & Trust main branch in Magnolia. The dinner and lecture follow at 7 p.m. in the Grand Hall of the Donald W. Reynolds Campus and Community Center at SAU. Tickets start at $100 for the dinner and lecture, and are $200 for the dinner, lecture, the private reception and an autographed photo with Varney. An economist educated at the London School of Economics, Varney is uniquely qualified to address the rapidly shifting domestic and global economic trends, and the implications for business, institutional investors, and individuals. His exceptional coverage and analysis of the stock market crash of 1987 earned him a Peabody Award for excellence in journalism. For business to prosper, it must address economic issues impacting its ability to compete. Varney cuts through the jargon to make complex economic issues accessible and interesting for any audience. No discussion about the economy is complete without consideration of the political climate and the economic agenda of the current administration. Varney’s frank assessment of worldwide politics as it relates to economic trends, opportunities, and hazards is fresh, insightful, and comprehensive. For more information, Click Here or call the SAU Foundation Office at (870) 235-4078 or toll-free at (877) 235-7409. Tickets can be purchased online by Clicking Here.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T21:18:46Z', 'url': 'https://www.saufoundation.org/fbtvarney/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
These whey protein powders will help with any type of training plan. If you're looking to build muscle, boost your performance, and make the most out of all your hard work in the gym, whey protein is the way to go. Smart guys don't build up supplement stacks based off hunches and the hard work of companies looking to sell their wares (although that certainly doesn't hurt). Research suggests that using whey protein powder along with resistance training can help maintain lean body mass and increase upper and lower-body strength. That's just the start of the benefits you can get from the powdery stuff — studies performed on mice suggest whey protein could improve performance, too. But walk through the aisles of any supplement store, and you'll see a wide variety of different protein types. So why whey? One of the major benefits of using whey protein is that it contains a wide range amino acids not seen in plant-based protein products, like pea or hemp proteins, says Marie Spano M.S., sports nutritionist for the Atlanta Hawks, Braves, and Falcons. "With any plant-based protein, it's not a complete protein," Spano says. "It doesn't have all amino acids necessary for muscle growth and repair."The ease of protein powder lends itself to on-the-go options like shakes, but you can use it to boost the protein content of real food, too. When it comes to incorporating whey protein into meals, Spano suggests adding it into foods like yogurt or oatmeal because the moisture makes for easier integration. She also recommends combining whey with foods like peanut butter that have significant fat content, since that helps compensate for the drying effects that whey protein sometimes has. There is also an abundance of essential amino acids in whey protein, one of which is leucine. Leucine is needed to 'turn on' muscle building at a cellular level, according to Mike Roussell, Ph.D., author of The Meta Shred Diet. Think of this tried and true whey protein powder as a dependable, cost-conscious option. “Gold Standard Whey is aptly named, as it is the gold standard. It contains whey protein and digestive enzymes and is a great affordable option for anyone looking for a whey protein supplement without any nutritional ‘bells and whistles',” says Dr. Roussell. If you look for protein powders with simple ingredients and few add-ins, you’ll like this whey option.“BioPro is one of the purest whey protein isolates you can find. It is essentially just whey," says Dr. Roussell. If you are lactose intolerant, this is also a good option because all the lactose has been removed." Unlike most protein powders, this low-carb whey variety has no maltodextrin, leaving room in your diet for carbs that pack more nutrients, according to nutrition consultant Mike Roussell, Ph.D. If you're all about flavor, this is the whey protein powder for you. BSN teamed up with Cold Stone Creamery to bring the deliciousness of the sundae bar to your shaker bottle, complete with 22 grams of protein per serving. This whey protein powder isn't messing around when it comes to protein per serving — at 30 grams, it's the highest ratio on this list. The whey isolates go through a hydrolization process, which the company claims will make it easier for your body to break down. Concerned about your gut? This certified organic whey protein powder is sourced from grass fed cows and contains probiotics to help your digestion, along with the 21 grams of protein per serving. Minimalist? Naked whey protein powder strips everything out but the whey itself — no additives or sweeteners here. The supplement is also cold processed, which the company claims makes sure that no contamination occurs from chemical detergents, synthetic additives, or heavy metals. Creatine, a compound made from amino acids, can help reduce fatigue during heavy lifting and boost muscle gains from strength training. College students who supplemented with creatine protein powders before and after pumping iron increased their bicep muscle thickness by 20 percent in 6 weeks, says a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Get the best of both worlds in this whey protein powder: A blend of fast-acting whey protein fuel muscle recovery and growth, and slow-digesting casein quells post-gym hunger pangs. People reported feeling more satiated after drinking 20 grams of casein protein mixed with water than they did after drinking a whey protein or pea protein solution, a Swiss study found. If you have an allergy or intolerance to dairy, plain whey concentrate protein powders are going to cause issues. Whey isolate, a purer form of whey protein, has 99.9 percent of the offending lactose removed, making it a safe bet for lactose-intolerant guys.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-26T03:49:27Z', 'url': 'https://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/g19547347/best-whey-powder-review/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Loading New Cases - High Forces??? So I know I'm getting a late start, but I'm starting to load up my Camp Perry ammo. I just got in some brand new Starline 45 ACP cases so I am loading those for at least my long line rounds. However, when the primed case goes up into the powder through expanding die it has more resistance than normal and then the resistance is very high when I raise the lever back up to remove the case from that die. I don't have anywhere near this resistance level when loading my older Starline brass. Any suggestions as to what is going on??? I'm using a Lee Classic Turret Press with Lee dies. Re: Loading New Cases - High Forces??? not unusual with new brass.. especially sticking on the expander die.. Noticed the same when loading new starline brass for .38spl, .357, and .38sc. The noticeable hangup was on the powder through expander, once the brass residue was wiped off, periodically, the press smoothed up considerably. Guessing a tiny bit of roughness is on the inside of the case mouths causing the expander to smooth it out. jglenn21 wrote: not unusual with new brass.. especially sticking on the expander die.. Thanks, guys. This is only my second order of new brass. I don't remember it being this tough with the first, but that was a couple years ago. I'll tumble them today and hopefully load more. dstates wrote: Thanks, guys. This is only my second order of new brass. I don't remember it being this tough with the first, but that was a couple years ago. I'll tumble them today and hopefully load more. Every year it gets harder and harder to pull that handle. hornady spray case lube, stand them up and spray a few hundred at a time, dries in a minute and loads like butter. Does all this extra lubing affect the crimp tension we try so hard to put on the bullet at the end of the loading process. Or does the case expand before the bullet has time to travel so no affect? DavidR wrote: hornady spray case lube, stand them up and spray a few hundred at a time, dries in a minute and loads like butter. How long does the application of Hornady One Shot case lube stay usable? Can it be applied after cleaning brass and before the brass is stored, or is it best applied just before loading? The Hornady case lube makes it a lot easier to have a good smooth uninterrupted loading session. Once you spray it your good, ive had some in a sealed plastic box done a year ago that still works like I did them yesterday. DON'T USE TOO MUCH SPRAY LUBE!!! I made some duds that way....you don't need duds at Perry!!! Rob Kovach wrote: DON'T USE TOO MUCH SPRAY LUBE!!! those type case lubes are for rifle mostly, buy the hornady and forget the rest, it will not cause primer failure, it says so right on the can.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T20:27:49Z', 'url': 'https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t5872-loading-new-cases-high-forces', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
After almost a week in the wilds of Big Bend Ranch State Park, then over to Big Bend National Park, I found myself exploring an area of Texas I didn’t know quite as well – Brownsville, Texas. I’d walked the sands of South Padre Island and driven the Queen Isabella Causeway in the past, but I’ve not photographed the resacas (waterways) in this border town. I had the opportunity to basically be guided around the area by a local, and jumped at the chance. My friend – I’ll call him Mark for now – is a photographer, as well, and better than he gives himself credit. We met in San Antonio just after lunch and made the drive to Brownsville. Mark had written down 25 potential locations for me to shoot, locations in Brownsville, Port Isabel, and South Padre Island. He’d made arrangements for us to stay in Brownsville, so that first night we focused on a few scenic resacas. Before the trip, I had never heard the word resaca. Now I know these waterways are remnants of the Rio Grande River flow. Ten percent of Brownsville is taken by these waterways, and with the sun low in the horizon followed by a setting crescent moon, the evening offered some nice photographic opportunities. A crescent moon sets in the west over a resaca in Brownsville, Texas. These waterways are found throughout this border town and add beauty to the city. This footbridge crosses the water on the campus of Texas Southmost College. That first night, I noticed traffic seemed a little haphazard. In some ways, it reminded me of my younger days when commuting in Rome. I once had been driven around the eternal city by a monsignor at the Vatican (he was an American serving there). I asked him what was his secret to managing the driving madness. His answer: Don’t make eye contact! He said if your eyes met the eyes of another driver, that gave him permission to cut you off. I asked if he’d ever been in any wrecks. His answer, grinning: Sure, everyone who drives here has. Brownsville wasn’t that bad. As we weaved in and out of traffic on a Thursday night in Brownsville, I asked Mark if it was always so crazy driving here. Smiling, he said: It’s Brownsville. I’m glad to say we never had any fender-benders, but driving was a bit sketchy at times. We awoke on Saturday morning well before dark. Our destination this a.m. was past Port Isabel and over the bay (Laguna Madre) to the sand dunes of South Padre Island. We had planned on driving down Ocean Blvd until we found some nice dunes, but high water prevented us from traveling more than a few miles before the road was too much under water for us to continue. I had no idea that a hurricane 600 miles away could affect the water levels on the beach. But it had. So we parked, scampered up and over the sand to the east, then dropped down the other side and headed toward the ocean. From there, on a windy October morning, we both enjoyed a beautiful sunrise. The beach was filled with shells and parts of shells. When the water would recede between waves, the shells would leave zig-zagged and curving lines in the sand. With the sun’s glow on the sand, I really liked the lines in the beach. From South Padre Island, this is a beautiful early morning sunrise. As the waves washed out to the Gulf waters, the lines in the sand created by shells tumbling in the shifting surf weave a tapestry in the orange light of morning. Overhead, three gulls watched my work from overhead. We played here, photographing every angle we could manage, then headed to the other side of the island to photograph any fowl we might find. After that, a trip over the causeway to Port Isabel allowed us a brief stop to photograph the Lighthouse in the center of town. After that, I was guided to an amazing Mexican restaurant, but not before shooting the courthouse of Cameron County. After a midday siesta, Mark took me back to the island,but this time we were shopping for stuffed dolphins. Yes, being away from my family sometimes requires me to bring my girls a gift as pennance for being gone. And they love dolphins. After stopping at several tacky tourists shops, I finally found a pink and a blue dolphin – perfect for a peace offering. From the tacky tourist are, we shot several locations – birds on a stump in the water at sunset using a 400mm prime lens, the east side of the Queen Isabella Causeway, and the west side of the Causeway. The Queen Isabella Causeway stretches 2.37 miles from Port Isabel to South Padre Island. It spans the Laguna Madre and is the onlyl road connecting the south Texas mainland with the island. This image was taken from the South Padre Island as a crescent moon was setting in the west. On a humid October evening on South Padre Island just north of Port Isabel, the sun last light spreads across the water between the Island and the mainland. In the foreground, an egret searches for fish who may swim his way. We tried to photograph some shrimp boats, but in asking for permission from (apparently) the crew, the gnarly guys working did not speak English. I tried talking slower and louder and using hand gestures, but one fellow just took a drag from his one-inch cigarette, turned, and walked away. The other said, I think, we needed to talk to the boss. When asked where the boss was, he shrugged and sat back down to do whatever was doing before being interrupted. That night, after a long, hot, and humid day, Mark took me to a street taco dive. Both outside and in, the area was teeming with Hispanic folks enjoying the evening. I am 100% sure we were the only gringos in the place. And the street tacos – bisteak and barbacoa with avocado and goat cheese were amazing. I tried the sauces, too. The orange sauce, whatever that was, left the right side of my face numb – as if I’d been to see the dentist. Some might ask if I was a true Texan. The answer is yes – 4th generation! And that stuff was numbingly hot. The left side of my face will remember how good those tacos tasted. The right side remembers nothing. A little more time in Brownsville shooting around Texas Southmost College and the resacas made it a successful, fun, and enlightening trip. I had some great food, donated some blood to the local mosquitoes around the water, and enjoyed exploring a new location. – It is a long drive from the Hill Country to the Texas/Mexico border. Posted in and Gulf locations and tagged beach, border town, brownsville, isabella causeway, lighthouse, port isabel, resaca, sand, south padre island, south texas, sunrise, sunset on October 17, 2018 November 12, 2018 by Rob Greebon.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-21T04:53:33Z', 'url': 'https://www.imagesfromtexas.com/blog/tag/south-padre-island/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
BECIL Recruitment 2018 Regional Consultant Posts invites Application for the post of 02 Regional Consultant Posts. BECIL Regional Consultant Jobs Notification 2018 Released. Candidates are requested to Download Application through Official website www.becil.com. Opening Date and time for Submission of Application is 19.11.2018 and end up by 10.12.2018. You can check here BECIL Recruitment Eligibility Criteria, Pay Scale, Application Fee/Exam Fee, BECIL Selection Process, How to Apply, BECIL Syllabus, BECIL Question Paper, BECIL Admit Date Release Date, BECIL Exam Date, BECIL Result Release Date & other rules are given below… Aspirants are requested to go through the latest BECIL job recruitment 2018 fully, before applying to this job. Other Details Like education qualification, age limit, selection process, application fee & how to apply, important links, syllabus, admit cards, results, previous papers are given Below. As per the recent BECIL notification 2018, the eligibility details like Educational Qualification & Age Limit for the Regional Consultant job has given below. Qualification An engineering degree from a reputed University/ Institute. Preference will be given to an added Master’s degree in Engineering/ Management from a reputed Indian or International Institute / University. The duly filled in application form along with self-attested photocopies of educational/ experience certificates, two passport size photograph, Aadhar Card, Pan Card and nonrefundable registration fee for General/OBC of Rs.500/- and SC/ST/PH of Rs.250/- by Cash / Card or demand draft drawn in favor of BROADCAST ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED payable at New Delhi may be submitted to Assistant General Manager (HR) in BECIL’s Corporate Office at BECIL Bhawan, C-56/A-17, Sector-62, Noida-201307 (U.P). Step 7: Hard Copies of the signed application (registered online) along with photocopies of (i) ID proof (ii) Proof of Date of Birth (iii) Educational Certificates: Mark-Sheets/Degree Certificate (iv) Caste and attested copies of relevant documents should be addressed to “Assistant General Manager (HR) in BECIL’s Corporate Office at BECIL Bhawan, C-56/A-17, Sector-62, Noida-201307 (U.P).” by post so as to reach us by 10.12.2018.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-20T09:02:37Z', 'url': 'https://www.tamilanwork.com/becil-recruitment-2018-regional-consultant-posts/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Angie Knost Photography created this Google Virtual Tour for Lou Fusz Nissan in Creve Couer, MO. They sell and service Nissans in the Greater St Louis area. Look inside, starting with the stylish showroom, through to the service areas and parts department. It’s simple to get your business on Google. Contact Angie Knost Photography for more information! © 2001-2019 Angie Knost, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No support, endorsement or advocacy is implied from any persons, businesses, products, companies or likenesses appearing on this website.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T00:28:37Z', 'url': 'https://angieknost.com/2013/12/virtual-tour-of-lou-fusz-nissan-creve-couer-mo/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
A 65 y/o male is found to have sepsis secondary to an urinary tract infection, Escherichia coli, MIC = 0.25 mg/L. He is started on gentamicin. Patient data is as follows: Ht = 69 in. Wt = 70.5 kg. Scr = 1.33 mg/dL. Based on the following doses and serum concentrations, calculate the following: ke, t1/2, Vd, CL, infusion dose (round down to the nearest 10 mg) over 1 hr, dosing interval (round up to the nearest 12 hr), projected Cpmaxss and Cpminss with target Cpmaxss = 9 mg/L and Cpminss = less than 1 mg/L and time from the last sample to starting the next dose (to the nearest hour). You will have one chance to submit your answers for this problem [# 1140745268]. You can try the homework problem more than once with different data to improve your grade. Your highest score is recorded. After submitting your answers you can use the browser back arrow to get back here and see how the compuer worked the problem.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T07:45:26Z', 'url': 'https://www.boomer.org/c/php/pk2706a.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
The days are getting longer and longer. The last little remnant of the school year is getting shorter and shorter. The kids are getting restless and excited. (So are the teachers.) Summer’s coming! In honor of these budding independent readers, we’ve assembled a collection of illustrated chapter books just for them. Each is relatively brief (50–100 pages), with short chapters, black and white illustrations to help them jump the gap between picture books and novels, and characters and scenarios that they will easily relate to. When a job opening for a Big Bad Wolf suddenly opens up, Karl the sheep decides to apply. But he’s barely slipped on the wolf’s skin when he starts to change before his friends’ very eyes, becoming perhaps a bit more wolf (and a lot more bully) than anyone expected. This fractured fairy tale of the “sheep in wolf’s clothing” has a lot of humor, a little bite, and an important message about what can happen when sheep (or children) allow themselves to forget who they really are. The simple, expressive strokes of Katharina Busshoff’s black-and-white drawings on every page perfectly complement this quirky and profound new novel. In this first book in the Ernie and Maud series, Ernie Eggers isn’t exactly what you’d call a likely superhero — he’s neither a star athlete nor a stellar student. But when a group of aging superheroes goes looking for a new recruit, Ernie answers the call and becomes Extraordinary Ernie (after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and all day Saturday). He is thrilled – until he discovers that his sidekick is a sheep. It doesn’t take him long to realize, though, that there has never been another sheep quite like Marvelous Maud. With fun illustrations and engaging characters, this hilarious and fast-paced book about unlikely superheroes offers plenty to entertain young readers — and with four books now available in the Ernie and Maud adventure series, there’s plenty to keep those young readers entertained throughout a large chunk of the summer. Click here to read one young reader’s review of this book. When Alice meets an adorable pig on her class’s special outing to a farm, she decides that a pig is what she wants most for her eighth birthday. She’d also like to learn to say the word “animal” — or is it “aminal”? — properly so that her know-it-all older brother Oliver will stop teasing her about it. Oliver is smart and talented, but Alice hates his condescending attitude. Alice also has to contend with her baby sister Rosie, a toddling tornado who continually leaves disaster in her wake. This charming novel will have young readers cheering for in-the-middle Alice as she finds a clever way to outwit her brother and amaze her sister with an unexpected birthday surprise. UPDATE October 2013: Unfortunately, this title is no longer available from Eerdmans. We apologize for the inconvenience. Simms Sylvanus is nine years old and enormously wise. He knows more about volcanoes than his father knows about business and more about electromagnetic fields than anyone in his class. His ideas to improve things are amazing! Yet nobody — not even his parents — will listen to him. A cricket is living a solitary life beneath the floorboards in Simms’s room. His bride-to-be has left him after a fight, and in his loneliness he turns for companionship to the other creatures who live underground. Soon he finds himself deeply involved in their struggle for survival. Everything changes one winter’s day when Simms and Cricket discover they can communicate with each other. Through Morse code, the two tell of their troubles, listen to each other’s ideas, and together learn that it’s sometimes difficult to do the right thing. Reissued in 2006 with charming new illustrations, this beloved classic (originally published in 1967) is sure to delight a new generation of young readers. Click on the banner below to browse our complete collection of illustrated chapter books.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T16:24:37Z', 'url': 'https://eerdlings.com/2012/05/22/four-great-chapter-books-for-intermediate-readers/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Due to a software problem, the product IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001_b will be delayed. We expect to distribute this cycle products today, before 15:00h UTC. If you have any question, please contact CMEMS Service Desk, quoting reference [CMEMS:3505].
{'timestamp': '2019-04-18T12:16:58Z', 'url': 'http://marine.copernicus.eu/newsflash/cmems3508-ibi_analysis_forecast_phys_005_001_b-delayed/', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
I have the second half of the Grace-full Nail Polish Once Upon a Dream Collection for you to see today. If you missed it, I have the other half here. Let's have a look at these lovely, shifty holos! Tickled By Wings is a scattered holo with blue microflakes that shift pink. Touched a Scale is a scattered holo with cool beige microflakes that shift pink. Unicorn Rides is a scattered holo with cool pale salmon microflakes that shift gold. That concludes the Grace-full Nail Polish Once Upon A Dream Collection, which is available now, along with the August and September monthly colors. I have the first half of the collection here if you have not seen it yet. Are there any you want to grab?
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T17:50:45Z', 'url': 'https://www.thepolishedhippy.com/2016/09/grace-full-nail-polish-once-upon-dream_2.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Sweet As!: Washington D.C . What can I say the history of this place is unbelievable,we have had an intense two days with full days speaking with a wide variety of people.They ranged from senior staffers to agricultural economists, environmental lawyers,and the head of international affairs for John Deere. The one thing that became very apparent to me is the fact of how small of a player Australia is in the global agriculture, for example Australia has the same GDP as New York state. The new farm bill is the hot topic here, and no wonder it is a very complicated document, and has a big impact on a lot of people not only here but at home as well. There is no good news for us on the Sugar industry front after asking all the speakers about sugar they all were very vague about why this commodity is treated so differently, it looks like it will be the last of the industries to be liberalised. We had the opportunity for a night tour last night around the monuments here in D.C.Wow do these guys know how to build monuments. I hope you have had some time to be able to keep a journal of personal thoughts and experiences .With so much going on, it will be hard to keep track of what happened when later on. It would be wonderful to be able to re -live this in years to come.BTW..I think this is actually the first time I have ever seen you wearing a coat..It must be cold.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T06:50:01Z', 'url': 'http://bryan-granshaw.blogspot.com/2012/03/washington-dc.html', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
At Harby's Braids, our clients come to us because they only trust their hair with true professionals. We have been braiding and styling hair for over 20 years and will leave you looking and feeling great! It takes an experienced stylist to understand the intricacies of ethnic hair as well as the many variations of braids and extensions. Our extensive experience braiding ethnic hair is really what helps us stand out above the other salons in the area. Our friendly stylists are here to help you achieve the exact hairstyle you�re looking for. We have gained many of our customers through great word-of-mouth reviews and we are very proud of that fact. Also, the answer to your question is one call away... So take advantage of our Free Phone Consultation today.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-19T15:09:26Z', 'url': 'http://harbysbraid.com/index.php', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}
Welcome to Wicked Today! We publish articles about New England, be it news headlines, restaurants, entertainment and sports. Be sure to visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/WickedToday.
{'timestamp': '2019-04-25T16:08:35Z', 'url': 'http://www.wickedtoday.com/about', 'language': 'en', 'source': 'c4'}