def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self): self.stride = (4, 8, 16, 32, 64) self.short = (200, 100, 50, 25, 13) self.long = (334, 167, 84, 42, 21)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def do_register_opts(opts, group=None, ignore_errors=False): try: cfg.CONF.register_opts(opts, group=group) except: if not ignore_errors: raise
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def do_register_cli_opts(opt, ignore_errors=False): # TODO: This function has broken name, it should work with lists :/ if not isinstance(opt, (list, tuple)): opts = [opt] else: opts = opt try: cfg.CONF.register_cli_opts(opts) except: if not ignore_errors: raise
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def new_tool_type(request): if request.method == 'POST': tform = ToolTypeForm(request.POST, instance=Tool_Type()) if tform.is_valid(): messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Tool Type Configuration Successfully Created.', extra_tags='alert-success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tool_type', )) else: tform = ToolTypeForm() add_breadcrumb(title="New Tool Type Configuration", top_level=False, request=request) return render(request, 'dojo/new_tool_type.html', {'tform': tform})
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self): """Constructeur du paramètre""" Parametre.__init__(self, "voir", "view") self.schema = "<cle>" self.aide_courte = "affiche le détail d'un chemin" self.aide_longue = \ "Cette commande permet d'obtenir plus d'informations sur " \ "un chemin (ses flags actifs, ses salles et sorties...)."
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def edit_tool_type(request, ttid): tool_type = Tool_Type.objects.get(pk=ttid) if request.method == 'POST': tform = ToolTypeForm(request.POST, instance=tool_type) if tform.is_valid(): messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, 'Tool Type Configuration Successfully Updated.', extra_tags='alert-success') return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tool_type', )) else: tform = ToolTypeForm(instance=tool_type) add_breadcrumb(title="Edit Tool Type Configuration", top_level=False, request=request) return render(request, 'dojo/edit_tool_type.html', { 'tform': tform, })
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def ajouter(self): """Méthode appelée lors de l'ajout de la commande à l'interpréteur""" cle = self.noeud.get_masque("cle") cle.proprietes["regex"] = r"'[a-z0-9_:]{3,}'"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def make_data(cuda=False): train_x = torch.linspace(0, 1, 100) train_y = torch.sin(train_x * (2 * pi)) train_y.add_(torch.randn_like(train_y), alpha=1e-2) test_x = torch.rand(51) test_y = torch.sin(test_x * (2 * pi)) if cuda: train_x = train_x.cuda() train_y = train_y.cuda() test_x = test_x.cuda() test_y = test_y.cuda() return train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, train_x, train_y, likelihood): super(GPRegressionModel, self).__init__(train_x, train_y, likelihood) self.mean_module = ConstantMean(prior=SmoothedBoxPrior(-1e-5, 1e-5)) self.base_covar_module = ScaleKernel(RBFKernel(lengthscale_prior=SmoothedBoxPrior(exp(-5), exp(6), sigma=0.1))) self.covar_module = InducingPointKernel( self.base_covar_module, inducing_points=torch.linspace(0, 1, 32), likelihood=likelihood )
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def forward(self, x): mean_x = self.mean_module(x) covar_x = self.covar_module(x) return MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def setUp(self): if os.getenv("UNLOCK_SEED") is None or os.getenv("UNLOCK_SEED").lower() == "false": self.rng_state = torch.get_rng_state() torch.manual_seed(0) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(0) random.seed(0)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def tearDown(self): if hasattr(self, "rng_state"): torch.set_rng_state(self.rng_state)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_sgpr_mean_abs_error(self): # Suppress numerical warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NumericalWarning) train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = make_data() likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() gp_model = GPRegressionModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood) mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, gp_model) # Optimize the model gp_model.train() likelihood.train() optimizer = optim.Adam(gp_model.parameters(), lr=0.1) for _ in range(30): optimizer.zero_grad() output = gp_model(train_x) loss = -mll(output, train_y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() for param in gp_model.parameters(): self.assertTrue(param.grad is not None) self.assertGreater(param.grad.norm().item(), 0) # Test the model gp_model.eval() likelihood.eval() test_preds = likelihood(gp_model(test_x)).mean mean_abs_error = torch.mean(torch.abs(test_y - test_preds)) self.assertLess(mean_abs_error.squeeze().item(), 0.05)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_sgpr_fast_pred_var(self): # Suppress numerical warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NumericalWarning) train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = make_data() likelihood = GaussianLikelihood() gp_model = GPRegressionModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood) mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, gp_model) # Optimize the model gp_model.train() likelihood.train() optimizer = optim.Adam(gp_model.parameters(), lr=0.1) for _ in range(50): optimizer.zero_grad() output = gp_model(train_x) loss = -mll(output, train_y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() for param in gp_model.parameters(): self.assertTrue(param.grad is not None) self.assertGreater(param.grad.norm().item(), 0) # Test the model gp_model.eval() likelihood.eval() with gpytorch.settings.max_preconditioner_size(5), gpytorch.settings.max_cg_iterations(50): with gpytorch.settings.fast_pred_var(True): fast_var = gp_model(test_x).variance fast_var_cache = gp_model(test_x).variance self.assertLess(torch.max((fast_var_cache - fast_var).abs()), 1e-3) with gpytorch.settings.fast_pred_var(False): slow_var = gp_model(test_x).variance self.assertLess(torch.max((fast_var_cache - slow_var).abs()), 1e-3)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_sgpr_mean_abs_error_cuda(self): # Suppress numerical warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", NumericalWarning) if not torch.cuda.is_available(): return with least_used_cuda_device(): train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = make_data(cuda=True) likelihood = GaussianLikelihood().cuda() gp_model = GPRegressionModel(train_x, train_y, likelihood).cuda() mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, gp_model) # Optimize the model gp_model.train() likelihood.train() optimizer = optim.Adam(gp_model.parameters(), lr=0.1) optimizer.n_iter = 0 for _ in range(25): optimizer.zero_grad() output = gp_model(train_x) loss = -mll(output, train_y) loss.backward() optimizer.n_iter += 1 optimizer.step() for param in gp_model.parameters(): self.assertTrue(param.grad is not None) self.assertGreater(param.grad.norm().item(), 0) # Test the model gp_model.eval() likelihood.eval() test_preds = likelihood(gp_model(test_x)).mean mean_abs_error = torch.mean(torch.abs(test_y - test_preds)) self.assertLess(mean_abs_error.squeeze().item(), 0.02)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_subclass(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_int)] class Y(X): _fields_ = [("b", c_int)] class Z(X): pass self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(sizeof(Y), sizeof(c_int)*2) self.assertEqual(sizeof(Z), sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(X._fields_, [("a", c_int)]) self.assertEqual(Y._fields_, [("b", c_int)]) self.assertEqual(Z._fields_, [("a", c_int)])
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_subclass_delayed(self): class X(Structure): pass self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), 0) X._fields_ = [("a", c_int)] class Y(X): pass self.assertEqual(sizeof(Y), sizeof(X)) Y._fields_ = [("b", c_int)] class Z(X): pass self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(sizeof(Y), sizeof(c_int)*2) self.assertEqual(sizeof(Z), sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(X._fields_, [("a", c_int)]) self.assertEqual(Y._fields_, [("b", c_int)]) self.assertEqual(Z._fields_, [("a", c_int)])
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_simple_structs(self): for code, tp in self.formats.items(): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_char), ("y", tp)] self.assertEqual((sizeof(X), code), (calcsize("c%c0%c" % (code, code)), code))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_unions(self): for code, tp in self.formats.items(): class X(Union): _fields_ = [("x", c_char), ("y", tp)] self.assertEqual((sizeof(X), code), (calcsize("%c" % (code)), code))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_struct_alignment(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_char * 3)] self.assertEqual(alignment(X), calcsize("s")) self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), calcsize("3s")) class Y(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_char * 3), ("y", c_int)] self.assertEqual(alignment(Y), calcsize("i")) self.assertEqual(sizeof(Y), calcsize("3si")) class SI(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", X), ("b", Y)] self.assertEqual(alignment(SI), max(alignment(Y), alignment(X))) self.assertEqual(sizeof(SI), calcsize("3s0i 3si 0i")) class IS(Structure): _fields_ = [("b", Y), ("a", X)] self.assertEqual(alignment(SI), max(alignment(X), alignment(Y))) self.assertEqual(sizeof(IS), calcsize("3si 3s 0i")) class XX(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", X), ("b", X)] self.assertEqual(alignment(XX), alignment(X)) self.assertEqual(sizeof(XX), calcsize("3s 3s 0s"))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_emtpy(self): # I had problems with these # # Although these are patological cases: Empty Structures! class X(Structure): _fields_ = [] class Y(Union): _fields_ = [] # Is this really the correct alignment, or should it be 0? self.assertTrue(alignment(X) == alignment(Y) == 1) self.assertTrue(sizeof(X) == sizeof(Y) == 0) class XX(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", X), ("b", X)] self.assertEqual(alignment(XX), 1) self.assertEqual(sizeof(XX), 0)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_fields(self): # test the offset and size attributes of Structure/Unoin fields. class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_char)] self.assertEqual(X.x.offset, 0) self.assertEqual(X.x.size, sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(X.y.offset, sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(X.y.size, sizeof(c_char)) # readonly self.assertRaises((TypeError, AttributeError), setattr, X.x, "offset", 92) self.assertRaises((TypeError, AttributeError), setattr, X.x, "size", 92) class X(Union): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_char)] self.assertEqual(X.x.offset, 0) self.assertEqual(X.x.size, sizeof(c_int)) self.assertEqual(X.y.offset, 0) self.assertEqual(X.y.size, sizeof(c_char)) # readonly self.assertRaises((TypeError, AttributeError), setattr, X.x, "offset", 92) self.assertRaises((TypeError, AttributeError), setattr, X.x, "size", 92) # XXX Should we check nested data types also? # offset is always relative to the class...
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_packed(self): class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_byte), ("b", c_longlong)] _pack_ = 1 self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), 9) self.assertEqual(X.b.offset, 1) class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_byte), ("b", c_longlong)] _pack_ = 2 self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), 10) self.assertEqual(X.b.offset, 2) class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_byte), ("b", c_longlong)] _pack_ = 4 self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), 12) self.assertEqual(X.b.offset, 4) import struct longlong_size = struct.calcsize("q") longlong_align = struct.calcsize("bq") - longlong_size class X(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_byte), ("b", c_longlong)] _pack_ = 8 self.assertEqual(sizeof(X), longlong_align + longlong_size) self.assertEqual(X.b.offset, min(8, longlong_align)) d = {"_fields_": [("a", "b"), ("b", "q")], "_pack_": -1} self.assertRaises(ValueError, type(Structure), "X", (Structure,), d) # Issue 15989 d = {"_fields_": [("a", c_byte)], "_pack_": _testcapi.INT_MAX + 1} self.assertRaises(ValueError, type(Structure), "X", (Structure,), d) d = {"_fields_": [("a", c_byte)], "_pack_": _testcapi.UINT_MAX + 2} self.assertRaises(ValueError, type(Structure), "X", (Structure,), d)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_initializers(self): class Person(Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_char*6), ("age", c_int)] self.assertRaises(TypeError, Person, 42) self.assertRaises(ValueError, Person, b"asldkjaslkdjaslkdj") self.assertRaises(TypeError, Person, "Name", "HI") # short enough self.assertEqual(Person(b"12345", 5).name, b"12345") # exact fit self.assertEqual(Person(b"123456", 5).name, b"123456") # too long self.assertRaises(ValueError, Person, b"1234567", 5)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_conflicting_initializers(self): class POINT(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)] # conflicting positional and keyword args self.assertRaises(TypeError, POINT, 2, 3, x=4) self.assertRaises(TypeError, POINT, 2, 3, y=4) # too many initializers self.assertRaises(TypeError, POINT, 2, 3, 4)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_keyword_initializers(self): class POINT(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("y", c_int)] pt = POINT(1, 2) self.assertEqual((pt.x, pt.y), (1, 2)) pt = POINT(y=2, x=1) self.assertEqual((pt.x, pt.y), (1, 2))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_invalid_field_types(self): class POINT(Structure): pass self.assertRaises(TypeError, setattr, POINT, "_fields_", [("x", 1), ("y", 2)])
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def declare_with_name(name): class S(Structure): _fields_ = [(name, c_int)]
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_intarray_fields(self): class SomeInts(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_int * 4)] # can use tuple to initialize array (but not list!) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[:], [1, 2, 0, 0]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[::], [1, 2, 0, 0]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[::-1], [0, 0, 2, 1]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[::2], [1, 0]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[1:5:6], [2]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2)).a[6:4:-1], []) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2, 3, 4)).a[:], [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(SomeInts((1, 2, 3, 4)).a[::], [1, 2, 3, 4]) # too long # XXX Should raise ValueError?, not RuntimeError self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, SomeInts, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_nested_initializers(self): # test initializing nested structures class Phone(Structure): _fields_ = [("areacode", c_char*6), ("number", c_char*12)] class Person(Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_char * 12), ("phone", Phone), ("age", c_int)] p = Person(b"Someone", (b"1234", b"5678"), 5) self.assertEqual(, b"Someone") self.assertEqual(, b"1234") self.assertEqual(, b"5678") self.assertEqual(p.age, 5)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_structures_with_wchar(self): try: c_wchar except NameError: return # no unicode class PersonW(Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_wchar * 12), ("age", c_int)] p = PersonW("Someone \xe9") self.assertEqual(, "Someone \xe9") self.assertEqual(PersonW("1234567890").name, "1234567890") self.assertEqual(PersonW("12345678901").name, "12345678901") # exact fit self.assertEqual(PersonW("123456789012").name, "123456789012") #too long self.assertRaises(ValueError, PersonW, "1234567890123")
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_init_errors(self): class Phone(Structure): _fields_ = [("areacode", c_char*6), ("number", c_char*12)] class Person(Structure): _fields_ = [("name", c_char * 12), ("phone", Phone), ("age", c_int)] cls, msg = self.get_except(Person, b"Someone", (1, 2)) self.assertEqual(cls, RuntimeError) self.assertEqual(msg, "(Phone) <class 'TypeError'>: " "expected string, int found") cls, msg = self.get_except(Person, b"Someone", (b"a", b"b", b"c")) self.assertEqual(cls, RuntimeError) if issubclass(Exception, object): self.assertEqual(msg, "(Phone) <class 'TypeError'>: too many initializers") else: self.assertEqual(msg, "(Phone) TypeError: too many initializers")
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def create_class(length): class S(Structure): _fields_ = [('x' * length, c_int)]
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_except(self, func, *args): try: func(*args) except Exception as detail: return detail.__class__, str(detail)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_abstract_class(self): class X(Structure): _abstract_ = "something" # try 'X()' cls, msg = self.get_except(eval, "X()", locals()) self.assertEqual((cls, msg), (TypeError, "abstract class"))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_methods(self):
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_positional_args(self): # see also class W(Structure): _fields_ = [("a", c_int), ("b", c_int)] class X(W): _fields_ = [("c", c_int)] class Y(X): pass class Z(Y): _fields_ = [("d", c_int), ("e", c_int), ("f", c_int)] z = Z(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) self.assertEqual((z.a, z.b, z.c, z.d, z.e, z.f), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) z = Z(1) self.assertEqual((z.a, z.b, z.c, z.d, z.e, z.f), (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Z(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test(self): # a Structure with a POINTER field class S(Structure): _fields_ = [("array", POINTER(c_int))] s = S() # We can assign arrays of the correct type s.array = (c_int * 3)(1, 2, 3) items = [s.array[i] for i in range(3)] self.assertEqual(items, [1, 2, 3]) # The following are bugs, but are included here because the unittests # also describe the current behaviour. # # This fails with SystemError: bad arg to internal function # or with IndexError (with a patch I have) s.array[0] = 42 items = [s.array[i] for i in range(3)] self.assertEqual(items, [42, 2, 3]) s.array[0] = 1
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_none_to_pointer_fields(self): class S(Structure): _fields_ = [("x", c_int), ("p", POINTER(c_int))] s = S() s.x = 12345678 s.p = None self.assertEqual(s.x, 12345678)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_contains_itself(self): class Recursive(Structure): pass try: Recursive._fields_ = [("next", Recursive)] except AttributeError as details: self.assertTrue("Structure or union cannot contain itself" in str(details)) else:"Structure or union cannot contain itself")
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_vice_versa(self): class First(Structure): pass class Second(Structure): pass First._fields_ = [("second", Second)] try: Second._fields_ = [("first", First)] except AttributeError as details: self.assertTrue("_fields_ is final" in str(details)) else:"AttributeError not raised")
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def config(self): settings = { # Use SYSTEMMPI since openfoam-org doesn't have USERMPI 'mplib': 'SYSTEMMPI', # Add links into bin/, lib/ (eg, for other applications) 'link': False, } # OpenFOAM v2.4 and earlier lacks WM_LABEL_OPTION if self.spec.satisfies('@:2.4'): settings['label-size'] = False return settings
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self,title,richtext,text): self.title=title self.richtext=richtext self.text=text
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def setup_run_environment(self, env): bashrc = self.prefix.etc.bashrc try: env.extend(EnvironmentModifications.from_sourcing_file( bashrc, clean=True )) except Exception as e: msg = 'unexpected error when sourcing OpenFOAM bashrc [{0}]' tty.warn(msg.format(str(e)))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self): self.factory = yui.YUI.widgetFactory() self.dialog = self.factory.createPopupDialog() mainvbox = self.factory.createVBox(self.dialog) frame = self.factory.createFrame(mainvbox,"Test frame") HBox = self.factory.createHBox(frame) self.aboutbutton = self.factory.createPushButton(HBox,"&About") self.closebutton = self.factory.createPushButton(self.factory.createRight(HBox), "&Close")
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def setup_dependent_build_environment(self, env, dependent_spec): """Location of the OpenFOAM project directory. This is identical to the WM_PROJECT_DIR value, but we avoid that variable since it would mask the normal OpenFOAM cleanup of previous versions. """ env.set('FOAM_PROJECT_DIR', self.projectdir)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def ask_YesOrNo(self, info): yui.YUI.widgetFactory mgafactory = yui.YMGAWidgetFactory.getYMGAWidgetFactory(yui.YExternalWidgets.externalWidgetFactory("mga")) dlg = mgafactory.createDialogBox(yui.YMGAMessageBox.B_TWO) dlg.setTitle(info.title) dlg.setText(info.text, info.richtext) dlg.setButtonLabel("Yes", yui.YMGAMessageBox.B_ONE) dlg.setButtonLabel("No", yui.YMGAMessageBox.B_TWO) dlg.setMinSize(50, 5); return == yui.YMGAMessageBox.B_ONE
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def setup_dependent_run_environment(self, env, dependent_spec): """Location of the OpenFOAM project directory. This is identical to the WM_PROJECT_DIR value, but we avoid that variable since it would mask the normal OpenFOAM cleanup of previous versions. """ env.set('FOAM_PROJECT_DIR', self.projectdir)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def aboutDialog(self): yui.YUI.widgetFactory; mgafactory = yui.YMGAWidgetFactory.getYMGAWidgetFactory(yui.YExternalWidgets.externalWidgetFactory("mga")) dlg = mgafactory.createAboutDialog("About dialog title example", "1.0.0", "GPLv3", "Angelo Naselli", "This beautiful test example shows how it is easy to play with libyui bindings", "");
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def projectdir(self): """Absolute location of project directory: WM_PROJECT_DIR/""" return self.prefix # <- install directly under prefix
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def handleevent(self): """ Event-handler for the 'widgets' demo """ while True: event = self.dialog.waitForEvent() if event.eventType() == yui.YEvent.CancelEvent: self.dialog.destroy() break if event.widget() == self.closebutton: info = Info("Quit confirmation", 1, "Are you sure you want to quit?") if self.ask_YesOrNo(info): self.dialog.destroy() break if event.widget() == self.aboutbutton: self.aboutDialog()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def foam_arch(self): if not self._foam_arch: self._foam_arch = OpenfoamOrgArch(self.spec, **self.config) return self._foam_arch
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def archbin(self): """Relative location of architecture-specific executables""" return join_path('platforms', self.foam_arch, 'bin')
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def archlib(self): """Relative location of architecture-specific libraries""" return join_path('platforms', self.foam_arch, 'lib')
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def rename_source(self): """This is fairly horrible. The github tarfiles have weird names that do not correspond to the canonical name. We need to rename these, but leave a symlink for spack to work with. """ # Note that this particular OpenFOAM requires absolute directories # to build correctly! parent = os.path.dirname(self.stage.source_path) original = os.path.basename(self.stage.source_path) target = 'OpenFOAM-{0}'.format(self.version) # Could also grep through etc/bashrc for WM_PROJECT_VERSION with working_dir(parent): if original != target and not os.path.lexists(target): os.rename(original, target) os.symlink(target, original)'renamed {0} -> {1}'.format(original, target))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def patch(self): """Adjust OpenFOAM build for spack. Where needed, apply filter as an alternative to normal patching.""" self.rename_source() add_extra_files(self, self.common, self.assets) # Avoid WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR for ThirdParty, site or jobControl. # Use openfoam-site.patch to handle jobControl, site. # # Filtering: bashrc,cshrc (using a patch is less flexible) edits = { 'WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR': r'$WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty #SPACK: No separate third-party', 'WM_VERSION': str(self.version), # consistency 'FOAMY_HEX_MESH': '', # This is horrible (unset variable?) } rewrite_environ_files( # Adjust etc/bashrc and etc/cshrc edits, posix=join_path('etc', 'bashrc'), cshell=join_path('etc', 'cshrc'))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def configure(self, spec, prefix): """Make adjustments to the OpenFOAM configuration files in their various locations: etc/bashrc, etc/ and customizations that don't properly fit get placed in the etc/ file (similiarly for csh). """ # Filtering bashrc, cshrc edits = {} edits.update(self.foam_arch.foam_dict()) rewrite_environ_files( # Adjust etc/bashrc and etc/cshrc edits, posix=join_path('etc', 'bashrc'), cshell=join_path('etc', 'cshrc')) # MPI content, with absolute paths user_mpi = mplib_content(spec) # Content for etc/prefs.{csh,sh} self.etc_prefs = { r'MPI_ROOT': spec['mpi'].prefix, # Absolute r'MPI_ARCH_FLAGS': '"%s"' % user_mpi['FLAGS'], r'MPI_ARCH_INC': '"%s"' % user_mpi['PINC'], r'MPI_ARCH_LIBS': '"%s"' % user_mpi['PLIBS'], } # Content for etc/config.{csh,sh}/ files self.etc_config = { 'CGAL': {}, 'scotch': {}, 'metis': {}, 'paraview': [], 'gperftools': [], # Currently unused } if True: self.etc_config['scotch'] = { 'SCOTCH_ARCH_PATH': spec['scotch'].prefix, # For src/parallel/decompose/Allwmake 'SCOTCH_VERSION': 'scotch-{0}'.format(spec['scotch'].version), } if '+metis' in spec: self.etc_config['metis'] = { 'METIS_ARCH_PATH': spec['metis'].prefix, } # Write prefs files according to the configuration. # Only need for building, but install both for end-users if self.etc_prefs: write_environ( self.etc_prefs, posix=join_path('etc', ''), cshell=join_path('etc', 'prefs.csh')) # Adjust components to use SPACK variants for component, subdict in self.etc_config.items(): # Versions up to 3.0 used an etc/config/ naming # convention instead of etc/ if spec.satisfies('@:3.0'): write_environ( subdict, posix=join_path('etc', 'config', component) + '.sh', cshell=join_path('etc', 'config', component) + '.csh') else: write_environ( subdict, posix=join_path('etc', '', component), cshell=join_path('etc', 'config.csh', component))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def build(self, spec, prefix): """Build using the OpenFOAM Allwmake script, with a wrapper to source its environment first. Only build if the compiler is known to be supported. """ self.foam_arch.has_rule(self.stage.source_path) self.foam_arch.create_rules(self.stage.source_path, self) args = [] if self.parallel: # Build in parallel? - pass via the environment os.environ['WM_NCOMPPROCS'] = str(make_jobs) builder = Executable(self.build_script) builder(*args)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def install(self, spec, prefix): """Install under the projectdir""" mkdirp(self.projectdir) projdir = os.path.basename(self.projectdir) # Filtering: bashrc, cshrc edits = { 'WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR': os.path.dirname(self.projectdir), 'WM_PROJECT_DIR': join_path('$WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR', projdir), } # All top-level files, except spack build info and possibly Allwmake if '+source' in spec: ignored = re.compile(r'^spack-.*') else: ignored = re.compile(r'^(Allwmake|spack-).*') files = [ f for f in glob.glob("*") if os.path.isfile(f) and not ] for f in files: install(f, self.projectdir) # Having wmake and ~source is actually somewhat pointless... # Install 'etc' before 'bin' (for symlinks) # META-INFO for 1812 and later (or backported) dirs = ['META-INFO', 'etc', 'bin', 'wmake'] if '+source' in spec: dirs.extend(['applications', 'src', 'tutorials']) for d in dirs: if os.path.isdir(d): install_tree( d, join_path(self.projectdir, d), symlinks=True) dirs = ['platforms'] if '+source' in spec: dirs.extend(['doc']) # Install platforms (and doc) skipping intermediate targets relative_ignore_paths = ['src', 'applications', 'html', 'Guides'] ignore = lambda p: p in relative_ignore_paths for d in dirs: install_tree( d, join_path(self.projectdir, d), ignore=ignore, symlinks=True) etc_dir = join_path(self.projectdir, 'etc') rewrite_environ_files( # Adjust etc/bashrc and etc/cshrc edits, posix=join_path(etc_dir, 'bashrc'), cshell=join_path(etc_dir, 'cshrc')) self.install_links()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def install_links(self): """Add symlinks into bin/, lib/ (eg, for other applications)""" # Make build log visible - it contains OpenFOAM-specific information with working_dir(self.projectdir): os.symlink( join_path(os.path.relpath(self.install_log_path)), join_path('log.' + str(self.foam_arch))) if not self.config['link']: return # ln -s platforms/linux64GccXXX/lib lib with working_dir(self.projectdir): if os.path.isdir(self.archlib): os.symlink(self.archlib, 'lib') # (cd bin && ln -s ../platforms/linux64GccXXX/bin/* .) with working_dir(join_path(self.projectdir, 'bin')): for f in [ f for f in glob.glob(join_path('..', self.archbin, "*")) if os.path.isfile(f) ]: os.symlink(f, os.path.basename(f))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def linear_search(lst,size,value): i = 0 while i < size: if lst[i] == value: return i i = i + 1 return -1
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def main(): lst = [-31, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 65, 83, 99, 782] size = len(lst) original_list = "" value = int(input("\nInput a value to search for: ")) print("\nOriginal Array: ") for i in lst: original_list += str(i) + " " print(original_list) print("\nLinear Search Big O Notation:\n--> Best Case: O(1)\n--> Average Case: O(n)\n--> Worst Case: O(n)\n") index = linear_search(lst,size,value) if index == -1: print(str(value) + " was not found in that array\n") else: print(str(value) + " was found at index " + str(index))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def setUp(self): self.credentials = { 'username': 'testuser', 'password': 'test1234', 'email': ''} # Create a test Group my_group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='test_group') # Add user to test Group User.objects.get(pk=1).groups.add(my_group)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseConverter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_ = "string" self.regex = '[^(/;)]+'
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_user_login(self): c = Client() # User points the browser to the landing page res ='/', follow=True) # the user is not logged in self.assertFalse(res.context['user'].is_authenticated) # and is redirected to the login page self.assertRedirects(res, '/login/') # The login page is being rendered by the correct template self.assertTemplateUsed(res, 'registration/login.html') # asks the user to login using a set of valid credentials res ='/login/', data=self.credentials, follow=True) # The system acknowledges him self.assertTrue(res.context['user'].is_authenticated) # and moves him at the dashboard self.assertTemplateUsed(res, 'app/dashboard.html')
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FloatConverter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_ = "float" self.regex = '-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?'
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_public_views(client, expectedStatus): res = client.get('/public/task/{}/map/'.format( self.assertTrue(res.status_code == expectedStatus) res = client.get('/public/task/{}/3d/'.format( self.assertTrue(res.status_code == expectedStatus) res = client.get('/public/task/{}/iframe/3d/'.format( self.assertTrue(res.status_code == expectedStatus) res = client.get('/public/task/{}/iframe/map/'.format( self.assertTrue(res.status_code == expectedStatus) res = client.get('/public/task/{}/json/'.format( self.assertTrue(res.status_code == expectedStatus)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_admin_views(self): c = Client() c.login(username='testsuperuser', password='test1234') settingId = Setting.objects.all()[0].id # During tests, sometimes this is != 1 themeId = Theme.objects.all()[0].id # During tests, sometimes this is != 1 # Can access admin menu items admin_menu_items = ['/admin/app/setting/{}/change/'.format(settingId), '/admin/app/theme/{}/change/'.format(themeId), '/admin/', '/admin/app/plugin/', '/admin/auth/user/', '/admin/auth/group/', ] for url in admin_menu_items: res = c.get(url) self.assertEqual(res.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) # Cannot access dev tools (not in dev mode) settings.DEV = False self.assertEqual(c.get('/dev-tools/').status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) settings.DEV = True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): PathConverter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_ = "string"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_default_group(self): # It exists self.assertTrue(Group.objects.filter(name='Default').count() == 1) # Verify that all new users are assigned to default group u = User.objects.create_user(username="default_user") u.refresh_from_db() self.assertTrue(u.groups.filter(name='Default').count() == 1)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseConverter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.type_ = "string"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def test_projects(self): # Get a normal user user = User.objects.get(username="testuser") self.assertFalse(user.is_superuser) # Create a new project p = Project.objects.create(owner=user, name="test") # Have the proper permissions been set? self.assertTrue(user.has_perm("view_project", p)) self.assertTrue(user.has_perm("add_project", p)) self.assertTrue(user.has_perm("change_project", p)) self.assertTrue(user.has_perm("delete_project", p)) # Get a superuser superUser = User.objects.get(username="testsuperuser") self.assertTrue(superUser.is_superuser) # He should also have permissions, although not explicitly set self.assertTrue(superUser.has_perm("delete_project", p)) # Get another user anotherUser = User.objects.get(username="testuser2") self.assertFalse(anotherUser.is_superuser) # Should not have permission self.assertFalse(anotherUser.has_perm("delete_project", p))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, api, name): super(V1Routing, self).__init__(api, name, description='Current version of navitia API', status='current', index_endpoint='index')
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def looks_like_hash(sha): return bool(HASH_REGEX.match(sha))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _get_unique_constraints(self, table): """Retrieve information about existing unique constraints of the table This feature is needed for _recreate_table() to work properly. Unfortunately, it's not available in sqlalchemy 0.7.x/0.8.x. """ data = table.metadata.bind.execute( """SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=:table_name""", ).fetchone()[0] UNIQUE_PATTERN = "CONSTRAINT (\w+) UNIQUE \(([^\)]+)\)" return [ UniqueConstraint( *[getattr(table.columns, c.strip(' "')) for c in cols.split(",")], name=name ) for name, cols in re.findall(UNIQUE_PATTERN, data) ]
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_base_rev_args(rev): return [rev]
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _recreate_table(self, table, column=None, delta=None, omit_uniques=None): """Recreate the table properly Unlike the corresponding original method of sqlalchemy-migrate this one doesn't drop existing unique constraints when creating a new one. """ table_name = self.preparer.format_table(table) # we remove all indexes so as not to have # problems during copy and re-create for index in table.indexes: index.drop() # reflect existing unique constraints for uc in self._get_unique_constraints(table): table.append_constraint(uc) # omit given unique constraints when creating a new table if required table.constraints = set([ cons for cons in table.constraints if omit_uniques is None or not in omit_uniques ]) self.append('ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO migration_tmp' % table_name) self.execute() insertion_string = self._modify_table(table, column, delta) table.create(bind=self.connection) self.append(insertion_string % {'table_name': table_name}) self.execute() self.append('DROP TABLE migration_tmp') self.execute()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def is_immutable_rev_checkout(self, url, dest): # type: (str, str) -> bool _, rev_options = self.get_url_rev_options(hide_url(url)) if not rev_options.rev: return False if not self.is_commit_id_equal(dest, rev_options.rev): # the current commit is different from rev, # which means rev was something else than a commit hash return False # return False in the rare case rev is both a commit hash # and a tag or a branch; we don't want to cache in that case # because that branch/tag could point to something else in the future is_tag_or_branch = bool( self.get_revision_sha(dest, rev_options.rev)[0] ) return not is_tag_or_branch
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _visit_migrate_unique_constraint(self, *p, **k): """Drop the given unique constraint The corresponding original method of sqlalchemy-migrate just raises NotImplemented error """ self.recreate_table(p[0].table, omit_uniques=[p[0].name])
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_git_version(self): VERSION_PFX = 'git version ' version = self.run_command( ['version'], show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True ) if version.startswith(VERSION_PFX): version = version[len(VERSION_PFX):].split()[0] else: version = '' # get first 3 positions of the git version because # on windows it is, and this parses as # LegacyVersion which always smaller than a Version. version = '.'.join(version.split('.')[:3]) return parse_version(version)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def patch_migrate(): """A workaround for SQLite's inability to alter things SQLite abilities to alter tables are very limited (please read for more details). E. g. one can't drop a column or a constraint in SQLite. The workaround for this is to recreate the original table omitting the corresponding constraint (or column). sqlalchemy-migrate library has recreate_table() method that implements this workaround, but it does it wrong: - information about unique constraints of a table is not retrieved. So if you have a table with one unique constraint and a migration adding another one you will end up with a table that has only the latter unique constraint, and the former will be lost - dropping of unique constraints is not supported at all The proper way to fix this is to provide a pull-request to sqlalchemy-migrate, but the project seems to be dead. So we can go on with monkey-patching of the lib at least for now. """ # this patch is needed to ensure that recreate_table() doesn't drop # existing unique constraints of the table when creating a new one helper_cls = sqlite.SQLiteHelper helper_cls.recreate_table = _recreate_table helper_cls._get_unique_constraints = _get_unique_constraints # this patch is needed to be able to drop existing unique constraints constraint_cls = sqlite.SQLiteConstraintDropper constraint_cls.visit_migrate_unique_constraint = \ _visit_migrate_unique_constraint constraint_cls.__bases__ = (ansisql.ANSIColumnDropper, sqlite.SQLiteConstraintGenerator)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_current_branch(cls, location): """ Return the current branch, or None if HEAD isn't at a branch (e.g. detached HEAD). """ # git-symbolic-ref exits with empty stdout if "HEAD" is a detached # HEAD rather than a symbolic ref. In addition, the -q causes the # command to exit with status code 1 instead of 128 in this case # and to suppress the message to stderr. args = ['symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD'] output = cls.run_command( args, extra_ok_returncodes=(1, ), show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, cwd=location, ) ref = output.strip() if ref.startswith('refs/heads/'): return ref[len('refs/heads/'):] return None
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def db_sync(engine, abs_path, version=None, init_version=0, sanity_check=True): """Upgrade or downgrade a database. Function runs the upgrade() or downgrade() functions in change scripts. :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database :param abs_path: Absolute path to migrate repository. :param version: Database will upgrade/downgrade until this version. If None - database will update to the latest available version. :param init_version: Initial database version :param sanity_check: Require schema sanity checking for all tables """ if version is not None: try: version = int(version) except ValueError: raise exception.DbMigrationError( message=_("version should be an integer")) current_version = db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version) repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path) if sanity_check: _db_schema_sanity_check(engine) if version is None or version > current_version: return versioning_api.upgrade(engine, repository, version) else: return versioning_api.downgrade(engine, repository, version)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def export(self, location, url): # type: (str, HiddenText) -> None """Export the Git repository at the url to the destination location""" if not location.endswith('/'): location = location + '/' with TempDirectory(kind="export") as temp_dir: self.unpack(temp_dir.path, url=url) self.run_command( ['checkout-index', '-a', '-f', '--prefix', location], show_stdout=False, cwd=temp_dir.path )
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _db_schema_sanity_check(engine): """Ensure all database tables were created with required parameters. :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database """ if == 'mysql': onlyutf8_sql = ('SELECT TABLE_NAME,TABLE_COLLATION ' 'from information_schema.TABLES ' 'where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s and ' 'TABLE_COLLATION NOT LIKE "%%utf8%%"') table_names = [res[0] for res in engine.execute(onlyutf8_sql, engine.url.database)] if len(table_names) > 0: raise ValueError(_('Tables "%s" have non utf8 collation, ' 'please make sure all tables are CHARSET=utf8' ) % ','.join(table_names))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_revision_sha(cls, dest, rev): """ Return (sha_or_none, is_branch), where sha_or_none is a commit hash if the revision names a remote branch or tag, otherwise None. Args: dest: the repository directory. rev: the revision name. """ # Pass rev to pre-filter the list. output = cls.run_command( ['show-ref', rev], cwd=dest, show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, on_returncode='ignore', ) refs = {} for line in output.strip().splitlines(): try: sha, ref = line.split() except ValueError: # Include the offending line to simplify troubleshooting if # this error ever occurs. raise ValueError('unexpected show-ref line: {!r}'.format(line)) refs[ref] = sha branch_ref = 'refs/remotes/origin/{}'.format(rev) tag_ref = 'refs/tags/{}'.format(rev) sha = refs.get(branch_ref) if sha is not None: return (sha, True) sha = refs.get(tag_ref) return (sha, False)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version): """Show the current version of the repository. :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database :param abs_path: Absolute path to migrate repository :param version: Initial database version """ repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path) try: return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository) except versioning_exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError: meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData() meta.reflect(bind=engine) tables = meta.tables if len(tables) == 0 or 'alembic_version' in tables: db_version_control(engine, abs_path, version=init_version) return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository) else: raise exception.DbMigrationError( message=_( "The database is not under version control, but has " "tables. Please stamp the current version of the schema " "manually."))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _should_fetch(cls, dest, rev): """ Return true if rev is a ref or is a commit that we don't have locally. Branches and tags are not considered in this method because they are assumed to be always available locally (which is a normal outcome of ``git clone`` and ``git fetch --tags``). """ if rev.startswith("refs/"): # Always fetch remote refs. return True if not looks_like_hash(rev): # Git fetch would fail with abbreviated commits. return False if cls.has_commit(dest, rev): # Don't fetch if we have the commit locally. return False return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def db_version_control(engine, abs_path, version=None): """Mark a database as under this repository's version control. Once a database is under version control, schema changes should only be done via change scripts in this repository. :param engine: SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database :param abs_path: Absolute path to migrate repository :param version: Initial database version """ repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path) versioning_api.version_control(engine, repository, version) return version
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def resolve_revision(cls, dest, url, rev_options): # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> RevOptions """ Resolve a revision to a new RevOptions object with the SHA1 of the branch, tag, or ref if found. Args: rev_options: a RevOptions object. """ rev = rev_options.arg_rev # The arg_rev property's implementation for Git ensures that the # rev return value is always non-None. assert rev is not None sha, is_branch = cls.get_revision_sha(dest, rev) if sha is not None: rev_options = rev_options.make_new(sha) rev_options.branch_name = rev if is_branch else None return rev_options # Do not show a warning for the common case of something that has # the form of a Git commit hash. if not looks_like_hash(rev): logger.warning( "Did not find branch or tag '%s', assuming revision or ref.", rev, ) if not cls._should_fetch(dest, rev): return rev_options # fetch the requested revision cls.run_command( make_command('fetch', '-q', url, rev_options.to_args()), cwd=dest, ) # Change the revision to the SHA of the ref we fetched sha = cls.get_revision(dest, rev='FETCH_HEAD') rev_options = rev_options.make_new(sha) return rev_options
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def is_commit_id_equal(cls, dest, name): """ Return whether the current commit hash equals the given name. Args: dest: the repository directory. name: a string name. """ if not name: # Then avoid an unnecessary subprocess call. return False return cls.get_revision(dest) == name
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def fetch_new(self, dest, url, rev_options): # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None rev_display = rev_options.to_display()'Cloning %s%s to %s', url, rev_display, display_path(dest)) self.run_command(make_command('clone', '-q', url, dest)) if rev_options.rev: # Then a specific revision was requested. rev_options = self.resolve_revision(dest, url, rev_options) branch_name = getattr(rev_options, 'branch_name', None) if branch_name is None: # Only do a checkout if the current commit id doesn't match # the requested revision. if not self.is_commit_id_equal(dest, rev_options.rev): cmd_args = make_command( 'checkout', '-q', rev_options.to_args(), ) self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) elif self.get_current_branch(dest) != branch_name: # Then a specific branch was requested, and that branch # is not yet checked out. track_branch = 'origin/{}'.format(branch_name) cmd_args = [ 'checkout', '-b', branch_name, '--track', track_branch, ] self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) #: repo may contain submodules self.update_submodules(dest)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options): # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None self.run_command( make_command('config', 'remote.origin.url', url), cwd=dest, ) cmd_args = make_command('checkout', '-q', rev_options.to_args()) self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) self.update_submodules(dest)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def update(self, dest, url, rev_options): # type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None # First fetch changes from the default remote if self.get_git_version() >= parse_version('1.9.0'): # fetch tags in addition to everything else self.run_command(['fetch', '-q', '--tags'], cwd=dest) else: self.run_command(['fetch', '-q'], cwd=dest) # Then reset to wanted revision (maybe even origin/master) rev_options = self.resolve_revision(dest, url, rev_options) cmd_args = make_command('reset', '--hard', '-q', rev_options.to_args()) self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) #: update submodules self.update_submodules(dest)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_remote_url(cls, location): """ Return URL of the first remote encountered. Raises RemoteNotFoundError if the repository does not have a remote url configured. """ # We need to pass 1 for extra_ok_returncodes since the command # exits with return code 1 if there are no matching lines. stdout = cls.run_command( ['config', '--get-regexp', r'remote\..*\.url'], extra_ok_returncodes=(1, ), show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, cwd=location, ) remotes = stdout.splitlines() try: found_remote = remotes[0] except IndexError: raise RemoteNotFoundError for remote in remotes: if remote.startswith('remote.origin.url '): found_remote = remote break url = found_remote.split(' ')[1] return url.strip()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def has_commit(cls, location, rev): """ Check if rev is a commit that is available in the local repository. """ try: cls.run_command( ['rev-parse', '-q', '--verify', "sha^" + rev], cwd=location, log_failed_cmd=False, ) except InstallationError: return False else: return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_revision(cls, location, rev=None): if rev is None: rev = 'HEAD' current_rev = cls.run_command( ['rev-parse', rev], show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, cwd=location, ) return current_rev.strip()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_subdirectory(cls, location): """ Return the path to, relative to the repo root. Return None if is in the repo root. """ # find the repo root git_dir = cls.run_command( ['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, cwd=location, ).strip() if not os.path.isabs(git_dir): git_dir = os.path.join(location, git_dir) repo_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(git_dir, '..')) return find_path_to_setup_from_repo_root(location, repo_root)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def get_url_rev_and_auth(cls, url): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], AuthInfo] """ Prefixes stub URLs like 'user@hostname:user/repo.git' with 'ssh://'. That's required because although they use SSH they sometimes don't work with a ssh:// scheme (e.g. GitHub). But we need a scheme for parsing. Hence we remove it again afterwards and return it as a stub. """ # Works around an apparent Git bug # (see scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url) if scheme.endswith('file'): initial_slashes = path[:-len(path.lstrip('/'))] newpath = ( initial_slashes + urllib_request.url2pathname(path) .replace('\\', '/').lstrip('/') ) after_plus = scheme.find('+') + 1 url = scheme[:after_plus] + urlunsplit( (scheme[after_plus:], netloc, newpath, query, fragment), ) if '://' not in url: assert 'file:' not in url url = url.replace('git+', 'git+ssh://') url, rev, user_pass = super(Git, cls).get_url_rev_and_auth(url) url = url.replace('ssh://', '') else: url, rev, user_pass = super(Git, cls).get_url_rev_and_auth(url) return url, rev, user_pass
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def update_submodules(cls, location): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, '.gitmodules')): return cls.run_command( ['submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive', '-q'], cwd=location, )