def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _testrefastpath(repat): """Test if a re pattern can use fast path. That is, for every "$A/$B" path the pattern matches, "$A" must also be matched, Return True if we're sure it is. Return False otherwise. """ # XXX: It's very hard to implement this. These are what need to be # supported in production and tests. Very hacky. But we plan to get rid # of re matchers eventually. # Rules like "(?!experimental/)" if repat.startswith("(?!") and repat.endswith(")") and repat.count(")") == 1: return True # Rules used in doctest if repat == "(i|j)$": return True return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _run(): while _updating: update()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _globpatsplit(pat): """Split a glob pattern. Return a list. A naive version is "path.split("/")". This function handles more cases, like "{*,{a,b}*/*}". >>> _globpatsplit("*/**/x/{a,b/c}") ['*', '**', 'x', '{a,b/c}'] """ result = [] buf = "" parentheses = 0 for ch in pat: if ch == "{": parentheses += 1 elif ch == "}": parentheses -= 1 if parentheses == 0 and ch == "/": if buf: result.append(buf) buf = "" else: buf += ch if buf: result.append(buf) return result
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def update_off(): global _updating _updating = False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # If True, avoid entering subdirectories, and match everything recursively, # unconditionally. self.matchrecursive = False # If True, avoid entering subdirectories, and return "unsure" for # everything. This is set to True when complex re patterns (potentially # including "/") are used. self.unsurerecursive = False # Patterns for matching paths in this directory. self._kindpats = [] # Glob patterns used to match parent directories of another glob # pattern. self._globdirpats = [] super(_tree, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def loopcv(): import cv while 1: cv.ShowImage('hi',get_depth().astype(np.uint8)) cv.WaitKey(10)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def insert(self, path, matchrecursive=True, globpats=None, repats=None): """Insert a directory path to this tree. If matchrecursive is True, mark the directory as unconditionally include files and subdirs recursively. If globpats or repats are specified, append them to the patterns being applied at this directory. The tricky part is those patterns can match "x/y/z" and visit("x"), visit("x/y") need to return True, while we still want visit("x/a") to return False. """ if path == "": self.matchrecursive |= matchrecursive if globpats: # Need to match parent directories too. for pat in globpats: components = _globpatsplit(pat) parentpat = "" for comp in components: if parentpat: parentpat += "/" parentpat += comp if "/" in comp: # Giving up - fallback to slow paths. self.unsurerecursive = True self._globdirpats.append(parentpat) if any("**" in p for p in globpats): # Giving up - "**" matches paths including "/" self.unsurerecursive = True self._kindpats += [("glob", pat, "") for pat in globpats] if repats: if not all(map(_testrefastpath, repats)): # Giving up - fallback to slow paths. self.unsurerecursive = True self._kindpats += [("re", pat, "") for pat in repats] return subdir, rest = self._split(path) self.setdefault(subdir, _tree()).insert(rest, matchrecursive, globpats, repats)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, path): """Similar to matcher.visitdir""" path = normalizerootdir(path, "visitdir") if self.matchrecursive: return "all" elif self.unsurerecursive: return True elif path == "": return True if self._kindpats and self._compiledpats(path): # XXX: This is incorrect. But re patterns are already used in # production. We should kill them! # Need to test "if every string starting with 'path' matches". # Obviously it's impossible to test *every* string with the # standard regex API, therefore pick a random strange path to test # it approximately. if self._compiledpats("%s/*/_/-/0/*" % path): return "all" else: return True if self._globdirpats and self._compileddirpats(path): return True subdir, rest = self._split(path) subtree = self.get(subdir) if subtree is None: return False else: return subtree.visitdir(rest)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _compiledpats(self): pat, matchfunc = _buildregexmatch(self._kindpats, "") return matchfunc
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _compileddirpats(self): pat, matchfunc = _buildregexmatch( [("glob", p, "") for p in self._globdirpats], "$" ) return matchfunc
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _split(self, path): if "/" in path: subdir, rest = path.split("/", 1) else: subdir, rest = path, "" if not subdir: raise error.ProgrammingError("path cannot be absolute") return subdir, rest
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _remainingpats(pat, prefix): """list of patterns with prefix stripped >>> _remainingpats("a/b/c", "") ['a/b/c'] >>> _remainingpats("a/b/c", "a") ['b/c'] >>> _remainingpats("a/b/c", "a/b") ['c'] >>> _remainingpats("a/b/c", "a/b/c") [] >>> _remainingpats("", "") [] """ if prefix: if prefix == pat: return [] else: assert pat[len(prefix)] == "/" return [pat[len(prefix) + 1 :]] else: if pat: return [pat] else: return []
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _buildvisitdir(kindpats): """Try to build an efficient visitdir function Return a visitdir function if it's built. Otherwise return None if there are unsupported patterns. >>> _buildvisitdir([('include', 'foo', '')]) >>> _buildvisitdir([('relglob', 'foo', '')]) >>> t = _buildvisitdir([ ... ('glob', 'a/b', ''), ... ('glob', 'c/*.d', ''), ... ('glob', 'e/**/*.c', ''), ... ('re', '^f/(?!g)', ''), # no "$", only match prefix ... ('re', '^h/(i|j)$', ''), ... ('glob', 'i/a*/b*/c*', ''), ... ('glob', 'i/a5/b7/d', ''), ... ('glob', 'j/**.c', ''), ... ]) >>> t('a') True >>> t('a/b') 'all' >>> t('a/b/c') 'all' >>> t('c') True >>> t('c/d') False >>> t('c/rc.d') 'all' >>> t('c/rc.d/foo') 'all' >>> t('e') True >>> t('e/a') True >>> t('e/a/b.c') True >>> t('e/a/b.d') True >>> t('f') True >>> t('f/g') False >>> t('f/g2') False >>> t('f/g/a') False >>> t('f/h') 'all' >>> t('f/h/i') 'all' >>> t('h/i') True >>> t('h/i/k') False >>> t('h/k') False >>> t('i') True >>> t('i/a1') True >>> t('i/b2') False >>> t('i/a/b2/c3') 'all' >>> t('i/a/b2/d4') False >>> t('i/a5/b7/d') 'all' >>> t('j/x/y') True >>> t('z') False """ tree = _tree() for kind, pat, _source in kindpats: if kind == "glob": components = [] for p in pat.split("/"): if "[" in p or "{" in p or "*" in p or "?" in p: break components.append(p) prefix = "/".join(components) matchrecursive = prefix == pat tree.insert( prefix, matchrecursive=matchrecursive, globpats=_remainingpats(pat, prefix), ) elif kind == "re": # Still try to get a plain prefix from the regular expression so we # can still have fast paths. if pat.startswith("^"): # "re" already matches from the beginning, unlike "relre" pat = pat[1:] components = [] for p in pat.split("/"): if re.escape(p) != p: # contains special characters break components.append(p) prefix = "/".join(components) tree.insert( prefix, matchrecursive=False, repats=_remainingpats(pat, prefix) ) else: # Unsupported kind return None return tree.visitdir
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, badfn=None, relativeuipath=True): self._root = root self._cwd = cwd if badfn is not None: self.bad = badfn self._relativeuipath = relativeuipath
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __call__(self, fn): return self.matchfn(fn)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __iter__(self): for f in self._files: yield f
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def bad(self, f, msg): """Callback from dirstate.walk for each explicit file that can't be found/accessed, with an error message."""
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def abs(self, f): """Convert a repo path back to path that is relative to the root of the matcher.""" return f
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def rel(self, f): """Convert repo path back to path that is relative to cwd of matcher.""" return util.pathto(self._root, self._cwd, f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def uipath(self, f): """Convert repo path to a display path. If patterns or -I/-X were used to create this matcher, the display path will be relative to cwd. Otherwise it is relative to the root of the repo.""" return (self._relativeuipath and self.rel(f)) or self.abs(f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def files(self): """Explicitly listed files or patterns or roots: if no patterns or .always(): empty list, if exact: list exact files, if not .anypats(): list all files and dirs, else: optimal roots""" return self._files
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _fileset(self): return set(self._files)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def exact(self, f): """Returns True if f is in .files().""" return f in self._fileset
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): """Decides whether a directory should be visited based on whether it has potential matches in it or one of its subdirectories. This is based on the match's primary, included, and excluded patterns. Returns the string 'all' if the given directory and all subdirectories should be visited. Otherwise returns True or False indicating whether the given directory should be visited. """ return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def always(self): """Matcher will match everything and .files() will be empty -- optimization might be possible.""" return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def isexact(self): """Matcher will match exactly the list of files in .files() -- optimization might be possible.""" return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def prefix(self): """Matcher will match the paths in .files() recursively -- optimization might be possible.""" return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def anypats(self): """None of .always(), .isexact(), and .prefix() is true -- optimizations will be difficult.""" return not self.always() and not self.isexact() and not self.prefix()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, badfn=None, relativeuipath=False): super(alwaysmatcher, self).__init__( root, cwd, badfn, relativeuipath=relativeuipath )
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def always(self): return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): return "all"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<alwaysmatcher>"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, badfn=None): super(nevermatcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def isexact(self): return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<nevermatcher>"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, badfn=None, gitignorepaths=None): super(gitignorematcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn) gitignorepaths = gitignorepaths or [] self._matcher = pathmatcher.gitignorematcher(root, gitignorepaths)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): # XXX: is_dir is set to True here for performance. # It should be set to whether "f" is actually a directory or not. return self._matcher.match_relative(f, True)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def explain(self, f): return self._matcher.explain(f, True)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") matched = self._matcher.match_relative(dir, True) if matched: # Everything in the directory is selected (ignored) return "all" else: # Not sure return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<gitignorematcher>"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, badfn=None, rules=[]): super(treematcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn) rules = list(rules) self._matcher = pathmatcher.treematcher(rules) self._rules = rules
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return self._matcher.matches(f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): matched = self._matcher.match_recursive(dir) if matched is None: return True elif matched is True: return "all" else: assert matched is False return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<treematcher rules=%r>" % self._rules
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def normalizerootdir(dir, funcname): if dir == ".": util.nouideprecwarn( "match.%s() no longer accepts '.', use '' instead." % funcname, "20190805" ) return "" return dir
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _kindpatstoglobs(kindpats, recursive=False): """Attempt to convert 'kindpats' to glob patterns that can be used in a treematcher. kindpats should be already normalized to be relative to repo root. If recursive is True, `glob:a*` will match both `a1/b` and `a1`, otherwise `glob:a*` will only match `a1` but not `a1/b`. Return None if there are unsupported patterns (ex. regular expressions). """ if not _usetreematcher: return None globs = [] for kindpat in kindpats: kind, pat = kindpat[0:2] if kind == "re": # Attempt to convert the re pat to globs reglobs = _convertretoglobs(pat) if reglobs is not None: globs += reglobs else: return None elif kind == "glob": # The treematcher (man gitignore) does not support csh-style # brackets (ex. "{a,b,c}"). Expand the brackets to patterns. for subpat in pathmatcher.expandcurlybrackets(pat): normalized = pathmatcher.normalizeglob(subpat) if recursive: normalized = _makeglobrecursive(normalized) globs.append(normalized) elif kind == "path": if pat == ".": # Special case. Comes from `util.normpath`. pat = "" else: pat = pathmatcher.plaintoglob(pat) pat = _makeglobrecursive(pat) globs.append(pat) else: return None return globs
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _makeglobrecursive(pat): """Make a glob pattern recursive by appending "/**" to it""" if pat.endswith("/") or not pat: return pat + "**" else: return pat + "/**"
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _convertretoglobs(repat): """Attempt to convert a regular expression pattern to glob patterns. A single regular expression pattern might be converted into multiple glob patterns. Return None if conversion is unsupported. >>> _convertretoglobs("abc*") is None True >>> _convertretoglobs("xx/yy/(?!zz/kk)") ['xx/yy/**', '!xx/yy/zz/kk/**'] >>> _convertretoglobs("x/y/(?:.*/)?BUCK") ['x/y/**/BUCK'] """ m = _repat1.match(repat) if m: prefix, excluded = m.groups() return ["%s/**" % prefix, "!%s/%s/**" % (prefix, excluded)] m = _repat2.match(repat) if m: prefix, name = m.groups() return ["%s/**/%s" % (prefix, name)] return None
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, kindpats, ctx=None, badfn=None): super(patternmatcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn) # kindpats are already normalized to be relative to repo-root. # Can we use tree matcher? rules = _kindpatstoglobs(kindpats, recursive=False) fallback = True if rules is not None: try: matcher = treematcher(root, cwd, badfn=badfn, rules=rules) # Replace self to 'matcher'. self.__dict__ = matcher.__dict__ self.__class__ = matcher.__class__ fallback = False except ValueError: # for example, Regex("Compiled regex exceeds size limit of 10485760 bytes.") pass if fallback: self._prefix = _prefix(kindpats) self._pats, self.matchfn = _buildmatch(ctx, kindpats, "$", root) self._files = _explicitfiles(kindpats)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _dirs(self): return set(util.dirs(self._fileset))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") if self._prefix and dir in self._fileset: return "all" if not self._prefix: return True return ( dir in self._fileset or dir in self._dirs or any(parentdir in self._fileset for parentdir in util.finddirs(dir)) )
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def prefix(self): return self._prefix
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<patternmatcher patterns=%r>" % self._pats
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, kindpats, ctx=None, badfn=None): super(includematcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn) # Can we use tree matcher? rules = _kindpatstoglobs(kindpats, recursive=True) fallback = True if rules is not None: try: matcher = treematcher(root, cwd, badfn=badfn, rules=rules) # Replace self to 'matcher'. self.__dict__ = matcher.__dict__ self.__class__ = matcher.__class__ fallback = False except ValueError: # for example, Regex("Compiled regex exceeds size limit of 10485760 bytes.") pass if fallback: self._pats, self.matchfn = _buildmatch(ctx, kindpats, "(?:/|$)", root) # prefix is True if all patterns are recursive, so certain fast paths # can be enabled. Unfortunately, it's too easy to break it (ex. by # using "glob:*.c", "re:...", etc). self._prefix = _prefix(kindpats) roots, dirs = _rootsanddirs(kindpats) # roots are directories which are recursively included. # If self._prefix is True, then _roots can have a fast path for # visitdir to return "all", marking things included unconditionally. # If self._prefix is False, then that optimization is unsound because # "roots" might contain entries that is not recursive (ex. roots will # include "foo/bar" for pattern "glob:foo/bar/*.c"). self._roots = set(roots) # dirs are directories which are non-recursively included. # That is, files under that directory are included. But not # subdirectories. self._dirs = set(dirs) # Try to use a more efficient visitdir implementation visitdir = _buildvisitdir(kindpats) if visitdir: self.visitdir = visitdir
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") if self._prefix and dir in self._roots: return "all" return ( dir in self._roots or dir in self._dirs or any(parentdir in self._roots for parentdir in util.finddirs(dir)) )
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<includematcher includes=%r>" % self._pats
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, root, cwd, files, badfn=None): super(exactmatcher, self).__init__(root, cwd, badfn) if isinstance(files, list): self._files = files else: self._files = list(files)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") return dir in self._dirs
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<exactmatcher files=%r>" % self._files
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, m1, m2): super(differencematcher, self).__init__(m1._root, m1._cwd) self._m1 = m1 self._m2 = m2 self.bad = m1.bad self.traversedir = m1.traversedir
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return self._m1(f) and (not self._m2(f) or self._m1.exact(f))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _files(self): if self.isexact(): return [f for f in self._m1.files() if self(f)] # If m1 is not an exact matcher, we can't easily figure out the set of # files, because its files() are not always files. For example, if # m1 is "path:dir" and m2 is "rootfileins:.", we don't # want to remove "dir" from the set even though it would match m2, # because the "dir" in m1 may not be a file. return self._m1.files()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") if not self._m2.visitdir(dir): return self._m1.visitdir(dir) if self._m2.visitdir(dir) == "all": # There's a bug here: If m1 matches file 'dir/file' and m2 excludes # 'dir' (recursively), we should still visit 'dir' due to the # exception we have for exact matches. return False return bool(self._m1.visitdir(dir))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def isexact(self): return self._m1.isexact()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<differencematcher m1=%r, m2=%r>" % (self._m1, self._m2)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def intersectmatchers(m1, m2): """Composes two matchers by matching if both of them match. The second matcher's non-matching-attributes (root, cwd, bad, traversedir) are ignored. """ if m1 is None or m2 is None: return m1 or m2 if m1.always(): m = copy.copy(m2) # TODO: Consider encapsulating these things in a class so there's only # one thing to copy from m1. m.bad = m1.bad m.traversedir = m1.traversedir m.abs = m1.abs m.rel = m1.rel m._relativeuipath |= m1._relativeuipath return m if m2.always(): m = copy.copy(m1) m._relativeuipath |= m2._relativeuipath return m return intersectionmatcher(m1, m2)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, m1, m2): super(intersectionmatcher, self).__init__(m1._root, m1._cwd) self._m1 = m1 self._m2 = m2 self.bad = m1.bad self.traversedir = m1.traversedir
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def _files(self): if self.isexact(): m1, m2 = self._m1, self._m2 if not m1.isexact(): m1, m2 = m2, m1 return [f for f in m1.files() if m2(f)] # It neither m1 nor m2 is an exact matcher, we can't easily intersect # the set of files, because their files() are not always files. For # example, if intersecting a matcher "-I glob:foo.txt" with matcher of # "path:dir2", we don't want to remove "dir2" from the set. return self._m1.files() + self._m2.files()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return self._m1(f) and self._m2(f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") visit1 = self._m1.visitdir(dir) if visit1 == "all": return self._m2.visitdir(dir) # bool() because visit1=True + visit2='all' should not be 'all' return bool(visit1 and self._m2.visitdir(dir))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def always(self): return self._m1.always() and self._m2.always()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def isexact(self): return self._m1.isexact() or self._m2.isexact()
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<intersectionmatcher m1=%r, m2=%r>" % (self._m1, self._m2)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, path, matcher): super(subdirmatcher, self).__init__(matcher._root, matcher._cwd) self._path = path self._matcher = matcher self._always = matcher.always() self._files = [ f[len(path) + 1 :] for f in matcher._files if f.startswith(path + "/") ] # If the parent repo had a path to this subrepo and the matcher is # a prefix matcher, this submatcher always matches. if matcher.prefix(): self._always = any(f == path for f in matcher._files)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def bad(self, f, msg): self._matcher.bad(self._path + "/" + f, msg)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def abs(self, f): return self._matcher.abs(self._path + "/" + f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def rel(self, f): return self._matcher.rel(self._path + "/" + f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def uipath(self, f): return self._matcher.uipath(self._path + "/" + f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): # Some information is lost in the superclass's constructor, so we # can not accurately create the matching function for the subdirectory # from the inputs. Instead, we override matchfn() and visitdir() to # call the original matcher with the subdirectory path prepended. return self._matcher.matchfn(self._path + "/" + f)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): dir = normalizerootdir(dir, "visitdir") if dir == "": dir = self._path else: dir = self._path + "/" + dir return self._matcher.visitdir(dir)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def always(self): return self._always
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def prefix(self): return self._matcher.prefix() and not self._always
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<subdirmatcher path=%r, matcher=%r>" % (self._path, self._matcher)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, matchers): m1 = matchers[0] super(unionmatcher, self).__init__(m1._root, m1._cwd) self.traversedir = m1.traversedir self._matchers = matchers
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): for match in self._matchers: if match(f): return True return False
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): r = False for m in self._matchers: v = m.visitdir(dir) if v == "all": return v r |= v return r
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<unionmatcher matchers=%r>" % self._matchers
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, m1, m2): super(xormatcher, self).__init__(m1._root, m1._cwd) self.traversedir = m1.traversedir self.m1 = m1 self.m2 = m2
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): return bool(self.m1(f)) ^ bool(self.m2(f))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): m1dir = self.m1.visitdir(dir) m2dir = self.m2.visitdir(dir) # if both matchers return "all" then we know for sure we don't need # to visit this directory. Same if all matchers return False. In all # other case we have to visit a directory. if m1dir == "all" and m2dir == "all": return False if not m1dir and not m2dir: return False return True
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<xormatcher matchers=%r>" % self._matchers
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __init__(self, matcher): self._matcher = matcher
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def matchfn(self, f): match = self._matcher return match(f) or any(map(match, util.dirs((f,))))
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def visitdir(self, dir): if self(dir): return "all" return self._matcher.visitdir(dir)
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def __repr__(self): return "<recursivematcher %r>" % self._matcher
def dist(a, b): return sum((i-j)**2 for i, j in zip(a, b))
def patkind(pattern, default=None): """If pattern is 'kind:pat' with a known kind, return kind.""" return _patsplit(pattern, default)[0]