2 classes
Would George Fox support stoning?
execution method
[ "George Fox was the founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers or Friends.", "The Quakers advocate for peace and nonviolence.", "Stoning is a particularly violent and brutal method of capital punishment." ]
[ "What was George Fox the founder of?", "What did #1 advocate for?", "Is stoning an example of #2?" ]
Will Tokyo Tower be repainted only once during President Trump's first term?
Tokyo Tower
observation tower
[ "Tokyo Tower is repainted every five years ", "The last repainting began in 2018", "Trump's first presidential term is from 2017 to 2021" ]
[ "How long (in years) is President Trump's first term?", "How often (interval in years) is the Tokyo Tower repainted?", "Is #2 divided by #1 less than two?" ]
Has a neanderthal ever served on the Supreme Court of the United States?
Supreme Court of the United States
Highest court in the United States
[ "The Supreme Court was established in 1789.", "Neanderthals are primitive humans that lived 40,000 years ago." ]
[ "How long ago did Neanderthals live?", "How long ago was the Supreme Court of the United States formed?", "Is #2 greater than #1?" ]
Can Clouded leopards chase down many Pronghorn antelopes?
Clouded leopard
species of mammal found from the Himalayan foothills through mainland Southeast Asia into China
[ "The top speed of a Clouded leopard is 40 MPH.", "The top speed of a Pronghorn antelope is 61 MPH." ]
[ "What is the top speed for a Clouded leopard ?", "What is the top speed for a Pronghorn antelope ?", "Is #1 greater then or equal to #2?" ]
Does the anatomy of a camel lend itself to jokes on Wednesdays?
Day of the week
[ "Wednesday is often referred to as 'hump day' as a joke.", "Camels are known for having a significant hump. " ]
[ "As a joke, what is Wednesday otherwise known as?", "What are camels known for having?", "Is there overlap between #1 and #2?" ]
Can voice actors for Goofy and Bugs Bunny each get one stripe from American flag?
Disney cartoon character
[ "The American flag has 13 stripes on it.", "Since the role originated in 1932, six people have voiced the character of Goofy.", "Since 1940, seven people have voiced the character of Bugs Bunny." ]
[ "How many stripes does the American flag have?", "How many people have been the voice of Goofy?", "How many people have been the voice of Bugs Bunny?", "What is #2 plus #3?", "Is #1 equal to or greater than #4?" ]
Did Clark Gable appear in any movies scored by John Williams?
Clark Gable
American actor
[ "Clark Gable died in 1960.", "John Williams scored his first movie in 1961." ]
[ "When did Clark Gable die?", "When did John Williams begin creating movie scores?", "Is #2 before #1?" ]
Is Linus Torvalds' wife unable to physically defend herself?
Linus Torvalds
Creator and lead developer of Linux kernel
[ "Linus Torvalds is married to Tove Torvalds.", "Tove Torvalds is a six-time Finnish national karate champion.", "Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes." ]
[ "Who is Linus Torvalds' wife?", "What is #1 well known for?", "Can #2 not be used as a form of self defense?" ]
Did Eric Clapton have similar taste in women to one of the Beatles?
Eric Clapton
English musician, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
[ "The Beatles consisted of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr.", "George Harrison was married to Pattie Boyd from 1966-1977.", "Eric Clapton married Pattie Boyd in 1979." ]
[ "Who are the spouses Eric Clapton has had?", "Who are the spouses the members of the Beatles have had?", "Is #1 listed in #2?" ]
Is watching Star Wars necessary to know who Darth Vader is?
Darth Vader
fictional character in the Star Wars franchise
[ "Star Wars is one of the most widely parodied film series to be produced.", "Star Wars merchandise, from tees to Halloween costumes, is widely available and is plentiful. " ]
[ "Has Star Wars inspired many parody films?", "Are Star Wars merchandise depicting characters from the movie available?", "Considering #1 and #2, are there no depictions of characters outside the movie?" ]
Did Eddie Murphy's father see his first stand up show?
Eddie Murphy
American stand-up comedian and actor
[ "Eddie Murphy's father died when Eddie Murphy was 8 years old.", "Eddie Murphy's stand up career began when he was 15 years old." ]
[ "How old was Eddie Murphy when he released his first stand up show?", "How old was Eddie Murphy when his father died?", "Is #2 greater than #1?" ]
Could a silverfish reach the top of the Empire State Building?
species of insect
[ "Silverfish cannot fly.", "Animals that cannot fly can only access objects at or near ground level without mechanical assistance.", "The top of the Empire State Building is \t1,454 ft high." ]
[ "How high is the Empire State Building?", "What class of animals do silverfish belong to?", "Can #2 typically get to heights of #1 without assistance?" ]
Are there winged statuettes in the home of the creator of Law & Order?
Law & Order
original television series (1990-2010)
[ "Law & Order was created by Dick Wolf", "Dick Wolf won an Emmy in 2007 ", "Dick Wolf won an Emmy in 1997", "The Emmy statuette is of a winged woman holding an atom" ]
[ "What award has a trophy that is a winged statuette?", "Who is the creator of Law & Order?", "Has #2 ever won #1?" ]
Was Donald Trump the target of Islamophobia?
Fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally,
[ "Islamophobia targets Muslims", "Donald Trump is a Presbyterian, a denomination of Christianity" ]
[ "Islamophobia is the fear of which set of people?", "Does Donald Trump identify as #1?" ]
Would baker's dozen of side by side Mac Trucks jam up Golden Gate Bridge?
Golden Gate Bridge
suspension bridge on the San Francisco Bay
[ "The width of the Golden Gate Bridge is 90 feet. ", "A baker's dozen includes 13 items.", "The width of a Mac truck is around 8 feet." ]
[ "How wide is a Mac truck?", "How many items are in a baker's dozen?", "What is #1 multiplied by #2?", "How wide is the Golden Gate Bridge?", "Is #3 greater than or equal to #4?" ]
Could someone mistake the smell of your brussels sprouts for a fart?
Brussels sprout
[ "Brussels Sprouts are cruciferous vegetables.", "Cruciferous vegetables have a sulfur containing chemical called glucosinolate in them", "When you cook brussels sprouts, their smell intensifies. " ]
[ "What kind of vegetable are brussels sprouts?", "What chemical is found inside #1?", "What happens to #2 when you cook them?", "Does #3 smell like farts?" ]
Do guitarist's have fingers that can handle pain better than average?
person who plays the guitar
[ "Guitarists typically have calloused fingertips. ", "Callouses are formed of layers of dead skin and usually lack sensation." ]
[ "What typically forms on a Guitarists' finger?", "Does #1 usually cause a lack of sensation?" ]
Were there under 150,000 American troops in Vietnam in 1965?
[ "In 1965 the president announced an intention to increase the amount of troops to 125,000", "There were only 75,000 prior to 1965" ]
[ "How many American troops were in Vietnam in 1965?", "Is #1 less than 150,000?" ]
Did Native American tribes teach Spaniards how to cultivate maize?
Cereal grain
[ "In 1492, Spanish settlers brought Maize back to Europe from America.", "Native Americans cultivated and bred the first maize from wild grasses." ]
[ "Who cultivated the maize that Spaniards took to Europe from America in 1492?", "Were #1 Native Americans?" ]
Has Oscar Wilde's most famous character ever been in an Eva Green project?
Oscar Wilde
19th-century Irish poet, playwright and aesthete
[ "Oscar Wilde is most famous for his book The Picture of Dorian Gray.", "Dorian Gray is a beautiful socialite that is the main character of The Picture of Dorian Gray.", "Acclaimed actress, Eva Green has starred in numerous films and TV shows including Penny Dreadful.", "Dorian Gray flirts with Vanessa Ives in the Penny Dreadful episode, Seance.", "Vanessa Ives is played by Eva Green." ]
[ "What is Oscar Wilde's most famous book?", "Who is the main character of #1?", "What episode of Penny Dreadful was #2 in?", "Is one of the characters in #3 played by Eva Green?" ]
Do frogs feel disgust?
Basic emotion
[ "Disgust is a basic emotion.", "Frogs make sounds that express their emotions." ]
[ "What is disgust?", "Do frogs express #1?" ]
Did either Kublai Khan or his grandfather practice monogamy?
Relationship form where each individual has only one partner during their lifetime or at any one time
[ "Kublai Khan was married multiple times and was said by some to have thousands of concubines.", "Kublai Khans grandfather was Genghis Khan.", "Genghis Khan had six wives and was said to have over 500 concubines." ]
[ "How many times was Kublai Khan married?", "Who was Kublai Khan's grandfather?", "How many times wives did #2 have?", "Is #1 equal to 1 and is #3 equal 1?" ]
Does a person need to be a parent to become a grandparent?
father or mother
[ "Parents care for their children.", "When the children grow up and have kids of their own, the parents become grandparents to those kids.", "A person who is not a parent has no kids, therefore nobody to produce grandchildren for them." ]
[ "What must a person have in order to be known as a grandparent?", "What would the parents of #1 be to the person?", "Must one be a parent to have #2?" ]
Did Van Gogh suffer from a mental disorder?
Mental disorder
Distressing thought or behavior pattern
[ "Mental disorders can be characterized by psychotic episodes and delusions", "Van Gogh suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions" ]
[ "What are mental disorders characterized as?", "What issues did Van Gogh suffer from?", "Is #1 the same as #2?" ]
Is the span in C-SPAN named after Alan Greenspan?
American pay television network
[ "Alan Greenspan was chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006.", "CSPAN is a cable news network that was created in 1979.", "Alan Greenspan was relatively unknown to the world at large in 1979." ]
[ "When was C-SPAN created?", "When was Alan Greenspan well-known?", "Is #1 contained within #2?" ]
Would Eminem perform well at the International Mathematical Olympiad?
American rapper and actor
[ "Eminem dropped out of Lincoln High School at age 17 and disliked math and social studies.", "Mathematics competitions or mathematical olympiads are competitive events where participants sit a mathematics test.", "The content on the International Mathematical Olympiad ranges from extremely difficult algebra and pre-calculus problems to problems on branches of mathematics not conventionally covered at school and often not at university level either." ]
[ "What levels of mathematics are covered in the International Mathematical Olympiad?", "What levels of mathematics is Eminem competent in?", "Does #2 meet the minimum level in #1?" ]
Can a computer be programmed entirely in Boolean algebra?
Boolean algebra
Algebra involving variables containing only "true" and "false" (or 1 and 0) as values
[ "Boolean algebra is the branch of algebra in which the values of the variables are the truth values true and false, usually denoted 1 and 0 respectively. ", "Mathematics in 1 and 0 is also called binary or machine language.", "Computers are programmed in machine language." ]
[ "What are values included in Boolean algebra?", "At what level are program codes read directly by computers?", "Are the values included in #2 the same as #1?" ]
Is Guitar Hero Beatles inappropriate for a US third grader?
Guitar Hero
video game series
[ "The average age of a US third grader is 8.", "Guitar Hero is recommended for ages 7 and up.", "The Beatles were a British rock band with a plethora of radio friendly hits." ]
[ "How old is the average US third grader?", "What is the recommended age to play Guitar Hero?", "Is #1 higher than #2?" ]
In American society, will a bachelor's degree often include a leap year?
Social group involved in persistent social interaction
[ "Leap years occur every four years.", "In American society, a bachelor's degree takes about four years." ]
[ "Leap years occur after how many years' interval?", "How many years does an average bachelor's degree take in the US?", "Is #2 divided by #1 greater than or equal to one?" ]
At a presentation about post traumatic stress disorder, would Ariana Grande be a topic of relevance?
Ariana Grande
American singer, songwriter, and actress
[ "Ariana Grande was performing in Manchester in 2017 when explosives were set off in an act of terrorism.", "Ariana Grande has spoken openly about her trauma experience and her PTSD regarding the Manchester Bombing." ]
[ "What happened during Ariana Grande's performance in Manchester in 2017?", "What types of events cause post traumatic stress disorder?", "Is there any overlap between #1 and #2?" ]
Were plants crucial for The King of Rock'n Roll's snack with bananas?
edible fruit
[ "Elvis Presley is known as The King of Rock'n Roll.", "Elvis Presley loved to eat peanut butter and bananas.", "Bananas come from banana plants.", "Peanut butter comes from peanuts, which come from peanut plants." ]
[ "Who is commonly referred to as The King of Rock 'n Roll?", "Which snacks was #1 known to take with bananas?", "Are #2 plants products or made from them?" ]
Could you read The Atlantic magazine during the Games of the XXII Olympiad?
The Atlantic
Magazine and multi-platform publisher based in Washington, D.C.
[ "The Atlantic magazine, founded in 1857, still publishes as of May 2020.", "The XXII Olympiad was the official name for the 1980 Summer Olympics." ]
[ "When was The Atlantic Magazine founded?", "When was the XXII Olypiad?", "Is #2 after #1?" ]
Can you find Bob Marley's face in most smoke shops?
Bob Marley
Jamaican singer-songwriter
[ "Bob Marley's face is on the packaging of a popular brand of rolling papers.", "Bob Marley is a popular graphic to print on t-shirts for sale to smokers." ]
[ "Where can one find Bob Marley's face printed on?", "Are any items from #1 commonly found in smoke shops?" ]
Could Elizabeth I of England have seen the play Dido, Queen of Carthage ?
Elizabeth I of England
Queen regnant of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until 24 March 1603
[ "Elizabeth I of England lived from 1533 - 1603.", "Dido, Queen of Carthage is a short play written by the English playwright Christopher Marlowe.", " It was probably written between 1587 and 1593." ]
[ "When was the play Dido, Queen of Carthage written?", "Was Elizabeth I of England alive during the period covered by #1?" ]
Is Britney Spears' breakdown attributed to bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder
mental disorder that causes periods of depression and abnormally elevated mood
[ "In 2008 Britney Spears was detained in a psychiatric hospital for bipolar disorder.", "In 2007 Britney Spears shaved her head during a breakdown. " ]
[ "When did Britney Spears have a breakdown?", "What major event happened to Britney Spears the year after #1?", "What was the reason behind #2 happening to Britney Spears?" ]
Is week old chlorine water safe to drink?
Chemical element with atomic number 17
[ "Chlorine is a chemical that is the second lightest halogen element.", "Chlorine is toxic and can attack the respiratory system of humans.", "Chlorine is highly soluble in water and will dissolve in around 4 and a half days.", "The Water Quality and Health Council states that chlorination of drinking water protects consumers from diseases caused by waterborne microorganisms." ]
[ "How long does it take for chlorine to dissolve in water?", "Is water with dissolved chlorine safe to drink?", "Is #2 positive and #1 less than a week?" ]
Is the foot part of the metric system?
Foot (unit)
customary unit of length
[ "The metric system measures distance based on the meter unit.", "The foot is part of the American standard system of measurement." ]
[ "Which units of measure are used in the metric system?", "Is foot included in #1?" ]
Would it be typical for a Rede Globo anchor to say Konnichiwa to the viewers?
Rede Globo
Brazilian commercial television network
[ "Konnichiwa is a greeting in the Japanese language.", "The national language of Brazil is Portuguese." ]
[ "In which country is Rede Globo based?", "What is the official language in #1?", "What language is Konnichiwa?", "Are #2 and #3 the same?" ]
Does Hades appear in a Disney Channel musical movie?
Greek god of the underworld in Greek mythology
[ "The Descendants Trilogy is a series of musical movies that aired on Disney Channel between 2015 and 2019.", "Hades appears as a supporting character in the third Descendants movie." ]
[ "Which major musical series has been aired on Disney Channel?", "Has Hades been featured in any of #1?" ]
Were weather phenomena avoided when naming minor league baseball teams?
Minor League Baseball
hierarchy of professional baseball leagues affiliated with Major League Baseball
[ "Weather phenomena refers to types of weather caused conditions such as cyclones, storms, and tsunamis.", "Minor league baseball teams include the Brooklyn Cyclones and Lake Elsinore Storm." ]
[ "What are some names of weather phenomena?", "What are the name of minor league baseball teams?", "Are any terms in #1 also present in #2?" ]
Could a Hwasong-15 missile hypothetically reach Voyager 2?
Voyager 2
Space probe and the second-farthest man-made object from Earth
[ "Voyager 2 was a probe that traveled to the interstellar medium of space.", "The interstellar medium is over 12,161,300,000 miles away from earth.", "The Hwasong-15 missile is a North Korean missile with a range of 8,000 miles." ]
[ "How far away from Earth has Voyager 2 traveled?", "What is the range of a Hwasong-15 missile?", "Is #2 greater or equal to #1?" ]
Could someone theoretically use an armadillo as a shield?
family of mammals
[ "Armadillos have hard armor made of dermal bone.", "Humans have ended up in the hospital due to bullets ricocheting against an armadillo's shell." ]
[ "What are the basic features of a shield?", "Does any part of the armadillo's body possess any of #1?" ]
Does Linus Torvalds make money off of DirectX?
Linus Torvalds
Creator and lead developer of Linux kernel
[ "DirectX is a proprietary technology owned by Microsoft", "Linus Torvalds is the creator and lead developer for the open-source Linux kernel", "The Linux kernel is used in operating systems that are competitors of Microsoft Windows" ]
[ "Which company owns the DirectX technology?", "Which operating system does #1 develop?", "Linus Torvalds develops which operating system?", "Is #2 the same as #3?" ]
Did a Mediterranean Sea creature kill Steve Irwin?
Mediterranean Sea
Sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean between Europe, Africa and Asia
[ "Steve Irwin was killed by a Stingray animal.", "Batoids are sea ray animals that live in the Mediterranean Sea.", "Batoids and stingrays are related by sharing a scientific class of Chondrichthyes." ]
[ "Which animal killed Steve Irwin?", "Is #1 a sea creature" ]
Do you need to worry about Zika virus in Antarctica?
Zika virus
Species of virus
[ "Mosquitoes cannot survive in the climate of Antarctica.", "Zika virus is primarily spread through mosquito bites. " ]
[ "What animal spreads the Zika Virus?", "What is the climate of Antarctica?", "Can #1 survive in #2?" ]
Did the writer of Christmas carol fast during Ramadan?
Christmas carol
Song or hymn or carol on the theme of Christmas
[ "The writer of Christmas carol is Charles Dickens, who is a Christian. ", "Christians do not fast during Ramadan. " ]
[ "Which group of people fast during Ramadan?", "Christmas carols are composed by and for which group of people?", "Are #2 and #1 the same?" ]
Are most books written as a Haiku?
very short form of Japanese poetry
[ "Haiku is a very short poem", "Haiku is written with 3 short phrases." ]
[ "What is the format of a haiku?", "Are chapter books written like #1?" ]
Does the country that received the most gold medals during the 1976 Olympics still exist?
1976 Summer Olympics
Games of the XXI Olympiad, held in Montréal in 1976
[ "The Soviet Union received the most gold medals during the 1976 Summer Olympics", "The Soviet Union existed from 1922 to 1991" ]
[ "In the 1976 Summer Olympics, which country received the most gold medals?", "Does #1 still exist as a country?" ]
Will Chuck Norris be a nonagenarian by time next leap year after 2020 happens?
Chuck Norris
American martial artist, actor, film producer and screenwriter
[ "A nonagenarian is a person between 90 and 99 years of age.", "Chuck Norris is 80 years old in 2020.", "The next leap year after 2020 is 2024.", "Chuck Norris will be 84 in 2024." ]
[ "When was Chuck Norris born?", "When is the next leap year after 2020?", "What is the difference between #1 and #2?", "How many years of age makes one a nonagenarian?", "Is #3 greater than or equal to #4?" ]
Does Bombyx mori have a monopoly over silk production?
fine, lustrous, natural fiber produced by the larvae of various silk moths, especially the species Bombyx mori
[ "A monopoly refers to the exclusive supply of a good.", "The Bombyx mori is a moth famous for its silk production.", "Spiders, beetles, caterpillars, and fleas produce silk.", "Wild silk produced by caterpillars has been used in China, Europe, and South Asia since antiquity." ]
[ "In a monopoly, how many different entities supply goods?", "What insects produce silk?", "How many things are listed in #2?", "Is #3 equal to #1?" ]
Has cannabis been a big influence in rap music genre?
Cannabis (drug)
psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant
[ "Rapper Dr. Dre named his 1992 album, The Chronic, a reference to marijuana.", "Cannabis is a flowering plant also known as marijuana.", "Rapper Canibus took his name from cannabis.", "Rapper Snoop Dogg's song OG has a line, \"Rolling up my Mary Jane,\" a reference to marijuana.", "Rap group Bone Thugs N Harmony's Weed Song is a reference to marijuana." ]
[ "What is Rapper Dr. Dre's Album The Chronic a reference to?", "What did Rapper Canibus get his name from?", "Snoop Dogg's line \"Rolling up my Mary Jane\" from the song OG has reference to?", "Are all #1, #2, #3 the same as cannabis?" ]
Do Jews believe in any New Testament angels?
Ancient nation and ethnoreligious group from the Levant
[ "The New Testament is a book central to Christianity.", "The New Testament features a number of angels including Michael, and Gabriel.", "The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism.", "The Talmud names four angels who would later be known as archangels, surrounding God's throne: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael." ]
[ "What book is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism?", "Does #1 mention any angels?", "Are the angels mentioned in #2 also mentioned in the New testament?" ]
Did Christina Aguilera turn her chair around for Kelly Clarkson on The Voice?
Kelly Clarkson
American singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality
[ "Christina Aguilera is a judge on the voice.", "Kelly Clarkson is a judge on the voice.", "Judges only turn their chairs around for competitors. ", "Kelly Clarkson has not competed on the voice." ]
[ "Do judges on the voice turn their chair for only contestants?", "Has Kelly Clarkson ever been a contestant on the voice?", "Are #1 and #2 the same?" ]
Do Christians anticipate an existence in Sheol after death?
people who adhere to Christianity
[ "Sheol appears in the Christian Bible, in the Old Testament.", "Christians do not recognize Sheol as part of their afterlife." ]
[ "Which Testament of the Bible makes reference to Sheol?", "Is #1 the New Testament?", "Is Sheol included in Christians' concept of afterlife as expressed in the New Testament?", "Is #2 or #3 positive?" ]
Would an anxious person benefit from receiving courage from the Wizard of Oz?
quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain
[ "An anxious person may benefit from medication or therapy.", "The Wizard of Oz cannot give courage to anyone." ]
[ "What would an anxious person benefit from receiving?", "Can the Wizard of Oz provide #1?" ]
Is polyamory allowed in the Catholic Church?
Practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner
[ "A central tenet of the Catholic Church is a one-to-one match between man and woman.", "The ten commandments claim that \"coveting your neighbors wife\" is a sin." ]
[ "What is Polyamory?", "Is #1 allowed in catholic churches?" ]
Does a Generation Y member satisfy NYPD police officer age requirement?
Police officer
warranted employee of a police force
[ "The NYPD has a minimum age requirement of 21.", "Members of Generation Y were born between 1980 and 1994." ]
[ "How old do you have to be to be an NYPD officer?", "How old are Generation Y members currently?", "Is #2 higher than #1?" ]
Could the main character of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" join a Masonic Lodge?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
book by Lewis Carroll
[ "The main character of \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" is Alice, a young girl.", "Masonic Lodge membership is restricted to men over the age of either 18 or 21, depending on jurisdiction." ]
[ "Who is the main character of \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\"?", "Does #1 meet the age and gender requirements for Masonic Lodge membership?" ]
Did King James I despise fairy beings?
mythical being or legendary creature
[ "King James I wrote Daemonologie in which he stated that a fairy was a being that could act as a familiar.", "A familiar was an animal or spirit that conspired with The Devil.", "King James I presided over the execution of Agnes Sampson.", "Agnes Sampson was accused of conspiring with familiars and was burned at the stake." ]
[ "What did King James I claim that fairies could act as in his book 'Daemonologie'", "Which beings did he execute Agnes Sampson for allegedly conspiring with?", "Is #1 the same as #2?" ]
Did Evander Holyfield compete in an Olympics hosted in the western hemisphere?
Evander Holyfield
American boxer
[ "Evander Holyfield won a bronze medal during the 1984 Summer Olympics.", "The 1984 Olympics were held in Los Angeles, California.", "California is in the United States, which is located entirely within the western hemisphere." ]
[ "Which Olympic games have been held in the Western Hemisphere?", "Did Evander Holyfield compete in any events listed in #1?" ]
Did Harry Houdini's wife make psychics look foolish?
Harry Houdini
American magician, escapologist, and stunt performer
[ "Psychics are people that claim to have special powers to talk to the dead.", "Harry Houdini gave his wife a code word to ask psychics to repeat after his death.", "The wife of Harry Houdini, Wilhelmina Beatrice \"Bess\" Rahner, asked several psychics for the code word and none knew it." ]
[ "What did Harry Houdini give to his wife to test psychics after his death?", "Were psychics unable to provide #1?" ]
Does handedness determine how you use American Sign Language?
Better performance or individual preference for use of a hand
[ "Your dominant hand typically performs the moving part of a sign in ASL.", "Your dominant hand determines the hand you use to finger spell in ASL." ]
[ "Does the dominant hand perform different functions than the other in ASL?" ]
Do onions have a form that resembles the inside of a tree?
[ "When bisected, an onion has rings that extend from the core to the outside.", "Trees are formed of a series of rings that extend from the inside to the outside" ]
[ "What is the structure observed in an onion when it is cut open?", "What is the structure of a tree's cross section?", "Is #1 similar to #2?" ]
Are moose used for work near the kingdom of Arendelle?
A genus of mammals belonging to the deer, muntjac, roe deer, reindeer, and moose family of ruminants
[ "The opening scene of Disney's Frozen shows a group of ice breakers.", "They have moose that carry the heavy ice blocks.", "One of them, Kristoff, becomes separated with his moose Sven.", "When Queen Elsa flees Arendelle and Princess Anna gives chase, she quickly encounters Kristoff." ]
[ "What show is the kingdom of Arendelle from?", "In the opening scene of #1, what are a group of men doing?", "Are moose used to carry #2?" ]
Is eleventh grade required to get a driver's licence?
Eleventh grade
educational year
[ "Eleventh grade is an educational year in high school.", "Many high schools offer driver's education classes.", "Drivers education classes can be taken outside by other organizationsof high school.", "One must pass a driving test to obtain a drivers license." ]
[ "What criteria must be met to obtain a driver's license in the US?", "Is passing the eleventh grade required to meet #1?" ]
Do some home remedies result in your skin color turning blue?
A primary colour between purple and green
[ "Colloidal silver is a popular alternative treatment/home remedy that is used by some people.", "Ingestion of colloidal silver in high amounts can tint the skin blue." ]
[ "What can cause skin color to change?", "Of #1, what changes can be caused by ingestion of something?", "Of #2, what causes skin color to become blue?", "Is #3 used in home remedies?" ]
Was ethanol beneficial to Jack Kerouac's health?
Jack Kerouac
American writer
[ "In 1969, at age 47, Kerouac died from an abdominal hemorrhage caused by a lifetime of heavy drinking of alcohol.", "Ethanol is the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages." ]
[ "What did Jack Kerouac die from?", "Is there ethanol in #1? " ]
Did Doctor Strange creators also make Batman?
Doctor Strange
Superhero appearing in Marvel Comics publications and related media
[ "Doctor Strange is a superhero created by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee.", "Batman is a DC comics superhero.", "Stan Lee worked for Marvel comics, the competitor of DC comics.", "Steve Ditko worked for DC late in his career and worked on Blue Beetle, the Question, the Creeper, Shade the Changing Man, and Hawk and Dove." ]
[ "Who were the creators of the fictional character 'Doctor Strange'?", "Who were the creators of the fictional character 'Batman'?", "Are #1 the same as #2?" ]
Was Charlemagne's father instrumental in outcome of the Battle of Tours?
King of the Franks, King of Italy, and Holy Roman Emperor
[ "Charlemagne's father was Pepin the Short.", "Pepin the Short's father was Charles Martel.", "Charles Martel led an army against the Umayyads at the Battle of Tours.", "Pepin the Short spent his early years being raised by monks." ]
[ "Who was Charlemagne's father?", "Was #1 involved in the Battle of Tours?" ]
Would Janet Jackson avoid a dish with ham?
Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking
[ "Janet Jackson follows an Islamic practice. ", "Islamic culture avoids eating pork.", "Ham is made from pork." ]
[ "What is Janet Jackson's religion?", "Which foods are prohibited by #1?", "What type of food is ham?", "Is #3 included in #2?" ]
Can giant pandas sell out a Metallica show?
Giant panda
species of mammal
[ "Metallica concerts are held in large arenas attended by tens of thousands of fans", "The highest estimate for the giant panda population is around 3,000 animals" ]
[ "How many people can the large arenas where Metallica plays hold?", "How many giant pandas are there?", "Is #2 greater than or equal to #1?" ]
Would multiple average rulers be necessary to measure the length of a giant armadillo?
family of mammals
[ "The average ruler is 12 inches or 30 centimeters in length.", "The typical length of the giant armadillo is 75–100 cm (30–39 in), with the tail adding another 50 cm (20 in)." ]
[ "What length are the best selling rulers on Amazon?", "How long is a typical giant armadillo?", "What is #2 divided by #1?", "Is #3 greater than one?" ]
Can you only see hippopotamus in Africa?
A large, mostly herbivorous, semiaquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa
[ "The United States has several zoos featuring hippopotamus.", "In the UK, you can see hippopotamus at the Marwell Zoo." ]
[ "Where are animals kept for recreation/sightseeing?", "Can #1 that has hippopotamus be found only inside Africa?" ]
Was Kane (wrestler) banned from WCW headquarters city?
Kane (wrestler)
American professional wrestler, actor, businessman, and politician
[ "Kane (wrestler is a professional wrestler most known for his WWE tenure.", "Kane wrestled one match in WCW as Bruiser Mastino.", "WWE main rival WCW was headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.", "Kane competed in an eight-man tag match at Wrestlemania XXVII in the Georgia Dome.", "The Georgia Dome was a stadium in Atlanta Georgia." ]
[ "Where were the headquarters of the WCW?", "Did Kane never perform in #1?" ]
Was Rumi's work serialized in a magazine?
13th-century Persian poet
[ "Rumi was a poet who wrote poetry", "Magazines serialize long-form prose like novels" ]
[ "When was the first magazine ever published?", "When was the poet Rumi active?", "Was #1 before #2?" ]
Is Olympia, Washington part of "Ish river country"?
Olympia, Washington
State capital and city in Washington, United States
[ "Poet Robert Sund called the Puget Sound region \"Ish River country\".", "Olympia is in the Puget Sound region." ]
[ "Where is Ish river country? ", "What cities are located in #1?", "Is Olympia included in the list in #2?" ]
Would someone with back pain enjoy picking strawberries?
edible fruit
[ "Back pain may be worsened by repeated bending at the waist.", "Strawberries grow very close to the ground." ]
[ "What are some common body postures that can aggravate back pain?", "At which position relative to the ground do strawberries grow?", "What posture would one have to assume to reach #2?", "Is #3 excluded from #1?" ]
Was the Euro used in Prussia?
state in Central Europe between 1525–1947
[ "Prussia was formally abolished in 1947.", "The Euro was introduced in 1992." ]
[ "When was Prussia formally abolished?", "When was the Euro introduced?", "Is #2 before #1?" ]
Did Eiffel Tower contribute to a war victory?
Eiffel Tower
Tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France
[ "A radio transmitter located in the Eiffel Tower.", "This transmitter jammed German radio communications.", "This hindrance in German radio communications contributing to the Allied victory at the First Battle of the Marne." ]
[ "What notable events in which Eiffel Tower was of primary importance took place during a war?", "Did any of #1 give a side an advantage during the said war?" ]
Has the Indian Ocean garbage patch not completed two full rotations of debris since its discovery?
Indian Ocean
The ocean between Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica (or the Southern Ocean)
[ "The Indian Ocean garbage patch was discovered in 2010", "The Indian Ocean garbage patch takes 6 years to complete a circulation " ]
[ "When was the Indian Ocean garbage patch discovered?", "How long does it take for the Indian Ocean garbage patch to complete a rotation?", "How many years has it been since #1?", "Is #3 less than two times #2?" ]
Do some religions look forward to armageddon?
according to the Book of Revelation, the site of a battle during the end times
[ "Evangelicals cite that we are living in the beginning of Armageddon and that the rapture will happen soon as a good thing.", "Jehova's Witnesses believe that destroying the present world system and Armageddon is imminent, and that the establishment of God's kingdom over the earth is the only solution for all problems faced by humanity" ]
[ "Where does the concept of Armageddon has its roots?", "#1 is associated with which religion?", "Do adherents of #2 believe in and await the Armageddon?" ]
Could a llama birth twice during War in Vietnam (1945-46)?
War in Vietnam (1945–46)
Prelude to the Indochina Wars
[ "The War in Vietnam (1945-46) lasted around 6 months.", "The gestation period for a llama is 11 months." ]
[ "How long did the Vietnam war last?", "How long is llama gestational period?", "What is 2 times #2?", "Is #1 longer than #3?" ]
Is Rick and Morty considered an anime?
Rick and Morty
Animated sitcom
[ "Anime is a genre of animation that is hand drawn and is of Japanese origin.", "Rick and Morty is an American animated show." ]
[ "What country does anime come from?", "Rick and Morty is an animated show from which country?", "Do #1 and #2 have the same answer?" ]
Does The Hague border multiple bodies of water?
The Hague
City and municipality in South Holland, Netherlands
[ "The Hague is in the Netherlands. ", "The Hague is in the Western part of the Netherlands. ", "The Netherlands borders the North Sea to its west. " ]
[ "What country is the Hague located in?", "What bodies of water does #1 border on?", "What part of #1 is the Hague located in?", "How many bodies of water in #2 does #3 border?", "Is #4 greater than 1?" ]
Could a chipmunk fit 100 chocolate chips in his mouth?
Tribe of mammals (rodent (marmot))
[ "A chipmunk can fit up to two tbsp of food in his mouth.", "There are about 20-25 chocolate chips in a tbsp." ]
[ "What is the carrying capacity of a chipmunks mouth in tbsp.?", "How many chocolate chips are in a tbsp?", "What is 100 divided by #2?", "Is #1 greater than #3?" ]
Would a pescatarian be unable to eat anchovy pizza?
Family of fishes
[ "Pescatarians do not eat red meat or chicken but do eat fish.", "Pescatarians have no restrictions with eating cheese." ]
[ "What do pediatricians eat for source of meat?", "Is anchovy not included in #1?" ]
Would Sophist's have hypothetically made good lawyers?
Specific kind of teacher in both Ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire
[ "Sophist's were teachers in ancient Greece that used rhetoric.", "Lawyers must persuade juries that their side of the case is correct.", "Rhetoric is the ancient art of persuasion that was meant to sway audiences in specific situations." ]
[ "What were Sophist's role in Ancient Greece?", "What did #1 use in their position?", "What do lawyers do in their position?", "Would #3 find #2 to be helpful?" ]
Can fish get Tonsillitis?
Inflammation of the tonsils
[ "Tonsils are a pair of soft tissue masses located at the rear of the throat", "Tonsillitis is the inflammation of tonsils.", "Fish do not have tonsils.", "Tonsils are only found in mammals. " ]
[ "What does Tonsillitis affect?", "What kinds of animals are #1 found in?", "Are fish #2?" ]
Will Queen Elizabeth be buried in the Pantheon?
mausoleum in Paris
[ "Queen Elizabeth is the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom", "The Pantheon is a resting place for notable French citizens" ]
[ "The Panthéon is reserved as a mausoleum for citizens of which country?", "Is Queen Elizabeth from #1?" ]
Does coding rely on Boolean algebra characters?
Boolean algebra
Algebra involving variables containing only "true" and "false" (or 1 and 0) as values
[ "Boolean algebra uses the characters of 1 and 0 to represent true and false.", "Binary code is an essential part of computer coding.", "Binary code consists of the characters 0 and 1 which represents strings of value." ]
[ "What characters does Boolean algebra use?", "What characters does binary code use?", "Are #1 and #2 the same?" ]
Was Gandalf present at the death of Eomer?
Fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien
[ "Eomer died in a skirmish with orcs outside Rohan at the beginning of Two Towers.", "Gandalf had been killed by the Balrog at the end of Fellowship of the Ring.", "Gandalf returns with improved powers later on in Two Towers." ]
[ "In which LOTR installment was Gandalf first killed?", "At what point in the LOTR franchise did Eomer die?", "When did Gandalf first reappear after #1?", "Did #2 take place outside of the period between #1 and #3?" ]
Would Amy Winehouse's death have been prevented with Narcan?
Amy Winehouse
English singer and songwriter
[ "Narcan is a medication that save the life of someone overdosing on opiates.", "Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning.", "Narcan cannot work on alcohol overdoses." ]
[ "What was the cause of Amy Winehouse's death?", "What are the indications/symptoms that can be treated with Narcan?", "Is #1 included in #2?" ]
Are those incapable of reproduction incapable of parenthood?
Biological process by which new organisms are generated from one or more parent organisms
[ "Surrogates are women who will carry a baby to term for a family seeking to adopt.", "Many children are put into the adoption and foster system every year and are always available to adopt, independent of the parents reproductive status." ]
[ "What do surrogate mothers do?", "What purpose do adoption and foster systems serve?", "Do #1 and #2 fail to help couples incapable of reproduction become parents?" ]
Is Mixed martial arts totally original from Roman Colosseum games?
Mixed martial arts
full contact combat sport
[ "Mixed Martial arts in the UFC takes place in an enclosed structure called The Octagon.", "The Roman Colosseum games were fought in enclosed arenas where combatants would fight until the last man was standing.", "Mixed martial arts contests are stopped when one of the combatants is incapacitated.", "The Roman Colosseum was performed in front of crowds that numbered in the tens of thousands.", "Over 56,000 people attended UFC 193." ]
[ "What are the major features of UFC's Mixed martial arts?", "What were the major features of Roman Colosseum games?", "Is #1 a complete match with #2?" ]
Can Herpes simplex virus spread on Venus?
Herpes simplex virus
Species of virus
[ "Herpes simplex virus is a disease that has the structure of a tiny protein cage.", "Venus is the hottest planet and its temperature can reach 900°F.", "Proteins lose their structure and break down at temperatures above 105.8°F." ]
[ "What kind of organism is the Herpes simplex virus?", "What is the maximum temperature that #1 can withstand?", "What is the average temperature on Venus?", "Is #3 less than or equal to #2?" ]
Is Bern located east of Paris?
Place in Switzerland
[ "Paris is located in France.", "Bern is located in Switzerland.", "Switzerland borders France to the east." ]
[ "What country is Paris located in?", "What country is Bern located in?", "Is #2 located east of #1?" ]
Would keelhauling be a fair punishment under the Eighth Amendment?
Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution
prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail
[ "Keelhauling was a severe punishment whereby the condemned man was dragged beneath the ship’s keel on a rope.", "Keelhauling is considered a form of torture.", "Torture is considered cruel.", "The Eighth Amendment forbids the use of \"cruel and unusual punishment\"." ]
[ "What kind of punishment is keelhauling considered a form of?", "Does the Eighth Amendment allow #1?" ]
Would Franz Ferdinand have survived with armadillo armor?
family of mammals
[ "Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria that was assassinated in 1914.", "Franz Ferdinand was assasinated with a FN Model 1910 pistol.", "Armadillos have a hard outer shell made of bony plates called osteoderms.", "The armadillos bony plates can withstand some force, but not a bullet." ]
[ "How was Franz Ferdinand killed?", "Can armadillo armor withstand #1?" ]
Can you find a railroad engineer on TNT?
Railroad engineer
person who operates a train on a railroad or railway
[ "TNT is a cable television network", "Snowpiercer is a show airing on the TNT network", "Snowpiercer involves people living on an active train in a postapocalyptic future", "A railroad engineer is necessary to keep a train running" ]
[ "What movies are about trains or railroads?", "Are any of #1 currently airing on TNT?" ]
Could Amazon afford The Mona Lisa?
Amazon (company)
American electronic commerce and cloud computing company
[ "Amazon is worth over $1 trillion and had a revenue of $232.887 billion in 2018.", "The Mona Lisa had an insurance valuation equivalent to $650 million as of 2018." ]
[ "How much is Amazon worth?", "How much is the Mona Lisa worth?", "Is #1 more than #2?" ]