2 classes
Was Martin Luther same sect as Martin Luther King Jr.?
Martin Luther
Saxon priest, monk and theologian, seminal figure in Protestant Reformation
[ "Martin Luther was a Catholic friar that began the movement of Protestantism after he aired several grievances against the church.", "Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister.", "Baptists form a major branch of Protestantism.", "Baptists trace their Protestantism to the English Separatist movement of the 1600s.", "Martin Luther lived from 1483-1546." ]
[ "Which religious denomination did Martin Luther belong to for the significant part of his life?", "Which religious denomination did Martin Luther King Jr. identify with for the significant part of his life?", "Is #1 the same as #2?" ]
Did Sartre write a play about Hell?
Jean-Paul Sartre
French existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic
[ "In 1944, Sartre released No Exit.", "No Exit is a play about three people mysteriously locked in a room together.", "Late in the play, it is revealed the room is a version of Hell." ]
[ "What is Jean-Paul Sartre's most famous play?", "What is the plot of #1?", "Is Hell a critical element of #2?" ]
Can rowing competitions take place indoors?
Rowing (sport)
Sport where individuals or teams row boats by oar
[ "Rowing is a sport involving propelling boats.", "Boats need a large body of water in order to move.", "There are no indoor facilities big enough to host a pool with enough size for a boating competition." ]
[ "What is the main equipment required for rowing?", "What surface does #1 need in order to move?", "Is there an indoor facility with a big enough amount of #2 to host a competition?" ]
Were there fifty English kings throughout the Middle Ages?
Middle Ages
Period of European history from the 5th to the 15th century
[ "The Middle Ages was a period of history from 476-1453 AD.", "From 476 to 1453 AD there were around 36 Kings of England including disputed claimants to the throne." ]
[ "Which span of time is referred to as the Middle Ages?", "How many kings ruled England through #1?", "Is #2 equal to fifty?" ]
Is Thanksgiving sometimes considered a day of mourning?
Thanksgiving (United States)
holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November
[ "The Native American People in the United States were brutalized during the colonization period.", "Native Americans in the US often choose to mourn the genocide of their people on Thanksgiving." ]
[ "When do Native Americans often choose to mourn the genocide of their people?", "Is Thanksgiving included in #1?" ]
Does Jack Sparrow know any sea shantys?
Sea shanty
work song sung to accompany labor on board large merchant sailing vessels
[ "Jack Sparrow is the main character of the popular 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movie franchise.", "Jack Sparrow is the captain of a pirate ship.", "Jack Sparrow sings many songs while on the sea." ]
[ "Which movie is Jack Sparrow a main character in?", "Which activity is associated with singing of sea shantys?", "As portrayed in #1, is Jack Sparrow in a position to engage in #2?" ]
If someone is a vegan, would they eat honey?
Sweet food made by bees mostly using nectar from flowers
[ "Veganism is a type of diet that excludes all animal products, including those that are byproducts. ", "Honey is considered an animal byproduct. " ]
[ "Do vegans eat animal byproducts?", "Is honey considered an animal byproduct?", "Are the answers to #1 and #2 the same?" ]
Does a mongoose have natural camouflage for desert?
family of mammals
[ "The most common fur colors of mongooses are brown and gray.", "The Desert Camouflage color is made of Café Au Lait brown and Pastel Gray." ]
[ "What colors are mongoose?", "What colors are desert camouflage?", "Is #1 included in #2?" ]
Can Lamborghini's fastest model win a race against a Porsche 911?
Italian car manufacturer
[ "Lamborghini's fastest model is the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster.", "The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster has a top speed of 217 MPH.", "The Porsche 911 has a top speed of 191 MPH." ]
[ "Which model of Lamborghini is the fastest?", "What is the top speed of #1?", "What is the top speed of a Porsche 911?", "Is #2 greater than #3?" ]
Was the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution written without consideration for black Americans?
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
Part of the Bill of Rights, regarding the right to bear arms
[ "The writers of the Constitutional Amendments did not view black people as legitimate human beings.", "The writers of the Constitutional Amendments believed that slavery benefited black slaves.", "The Constitutional Amendments were written for people that the writers considered human." ]
[ "Who were the writers of the Constitutional Amendments?", "Who was the the Constitutional Amendments written for?", "Did #1 fail to view black Americans as #2?" ]
Could a Gladiator's weapon crush a diamond?
combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire
[ "Gladiators used a sword known as a Gladius.", "The Gladius was a short sword made from various elements of steel.", "Diamond is one the hardest known substances on earth.", "Only diamond can be used to cut another diamond." ]
[ "What material were Gladiator weapons made from?", "Can #1 crush a diamond?" ]
Would Republic of Korea Navy dominate Eritrea navy?
Republic of Korea Navy
Naval warfare branch of South Korea's military
[ "The Republic of Korea Navy has 150 ships, 70 aircraft, 70,000 personnel including 29,000 marines .", "The Eritrean Navy has 4 ships and an army of 45,000." ]
[ "How many ships are in the Republic of Korea's navy?", "How many ships are in the Eritrean Navy?", "How many people are in the Republic of Korea's navy?", "How many people are in the Eritrean navy?", "Is #1 greater than #2 and is #3 greater than #4?" ]
Could someone have arrived at Wrestlemania X in a Toyota Prius?
Toyota Prius
Hybrid electric automobile
[ "Wrestlemania X took place in 1994", "The Toyota Prius was first manufactured in 1997" ]
[ "When did Wrestlemania X hold?", "When was the Toyota Prius first manufactured?", "Is #2 before #1?" ]
Could the first European visitor to Guam been friends with Queen Victoria?
Island territory of the United States of America
[ "Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, while in the service of Spain, was the first European to visit the island.", "Magellan died in 1521.", "Queen Victoria was born in 1819." ]
[ "Who was the first European visitor to Guam?", "When did #1 die?", "When was Queen Victoria born?", "Did #3 come before #2?" ]
Would the average American family find Adam Sandler's home to be too small?
Adam Sandler
American actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer
[ "The average American family has about 3 people in it.", "Adam Sandler's home has 14 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms." ]
[ "How many people are in the average American family?", "How big is Adam Sandler's home?", "Would a home the size of #2 be too small for #1 people?" ]
Does Santa Claus work during summer?
Santa Claus
Folkloric figure, said to deliver gifts to children on Christmas Eve
[ "Christmas is in winter.", "Santa works on Christmas." ]
[ "What holiday does Santa Claus work on?", "Does #1 occur in the summer?" ]
Is the Hobbit more profitable for proofreader than Constitution of the United States?
Constitution of the United States
Supreme law of the United States of America
[ "Proofreaders typically get paid per the number of words in a document.", "The Constitution of the United States contains around 7,500 words.", "The Hobbit contains 95,356 words." ]
[ "How many words are in the US Constitution?", "What classification is the Hobbit?", "How many words do books in #2 have?", "Is #3 greater than #1?" ]
Is Krishna similar to Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit
Religious concept with varied meanings
[ "The Holy Spirit is a Christian concept of a spirit that is an aspect or agent of God that does good in the world.", "Krishna, from Hinduism, is a manifestation of the God Vishnu.", "Krishna brings compassion, tenderness, and love into the world." ]
[ "What are the characteristics of the Christian Holy Spirit?", "What are the characteristics of Krishna?", "Are many characteristics in #2 also found in #1?" ]
Do human sacrums have more fused vertebrae than an Alaskan Malamute?
Triangular-shaped bone at the bottom of the spine
[ "The human sacrum consists of five fused vertebrae.", "An Alaskan Malamute is a large domestic dog breed.", "Dogs have three fused vertebrae attached to their sacrums." ]
[ "How many vertebrae are found in the human sacrum?", "What species of animal is an Alaskan Malamute?", "How many vertebrae are found in a #2's sacrum?", "Is #1 greater than #3?" ]
Was Snoop Dogg's debut studio album released on the weekend?
Snoop Dogg
American rapper
[ "Snoop Dogg's debut studio album was Doggystyle.", "Doggystyle was released on November 23, 1993.", "November 23, 1993 was a Tuesday.", "In the USA, the weekend consists of Saturday and Sunday." ]
[ "What was Snoop Dogg's first studio album?", "When was #1 released?", "What day of the week did #2 occur on?", "What days are considered the weekend?", "Is #3 one of the answers in #4?" ]
Are Sable's a good choice of Mustelidae to weigh down a scale?
Species of marten
[ "Mustelidae is the scientific designation for animals that share similarities including polecats, sables, and ferrets.", "Polecats weigh between 2.2 and 3.3 pounds.", "Sable's weigh around 2.4 pounds.", "Ferrets can weigh up to 44 pounds.", "Sable's have sharp teeth and a painful bite and are outlawed in many states." ]
[ "How much does a sable weigh?", "What are the weights of other common members of Mustelidae?", "Is #1 greater than all #2?" ]
Was Richard III ruler of Adelaide?
Richard III of England
15th-century King of England
[ "Richard III was King of England and Lord of Ireland from 1483-1485.", "Adelaide is a city in South Australia." ]
[ "When was Richard III ruler of England?", "What country is Adelaide in?", "When was #2 ruled by England?", "Does #1 and #3 overlap?" ]
Do Sweet Potatoes prevent other plants from growing in their place?
Sweet potato
species of plant
[ "When sweet potato plants decompose, they release a chemical that prevents germination in their soil.", "Farmers will work to ensure that all parts of a sweet potato plant are out of the field before trying to grow in it again." ]
[ "What chemical is released when sweet potatoes decompose?", "Where is #1 released into?", "Does #1 prevent other plants from growing in #2?" ]
Should spaghetti be slick when cooked?
Type of pasta
[ "Spaghetti is typically served with a sauce on it.", "When noodles have too smooth a texture, no sauce will stick to them." ]
[ "What is typically served on top of spaghetti?", "Would #1 be able to stick if the spaghetti were slick?" ]
While viewing "Scary Movie" is the viewer likely to experience an increase in adrenaline?
hormone, neurotransmitter and medication. Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons
[ "Scary Movie is a film that is a comedy take on horror, intended to make viewers laugh but not afraid.", "Adrenaline is produced when a human is frightened or excited." ]
[ "What type of emotion would cause an increase in adrenaline?", "What genre of movie is Scary Movie?", "What emotion do #2 aim to create in the viewer?", "Are #3 and #1 the same?" ]
Is All Purpose Flour safe for someone who has celiac disease?
powder which is made by grinding cereal grains
[ "All purpose flour has about 9% gluten in it.", "When someone with Celiac disease eats gluten, their body has an immune response that attacks their small intestine." ]
[ "What do people with celiac disease have to avoid?", "Is #1 absent from all purpose flour?" ]
Is the Very Large Telescope the most productive telescope in the world?
Very Large Telescope
telescope in the Atacama Desert, Chile
[ "Telescope productivity is measured based on how many scientific papers a telescope generates.", "The Hubble Space Telescope is the most productive telescope in the world. " ]
[ "What are counted when measuring telescope productivity?", "How many occurrences of #1 have there been for the Very Large Telescope?", "How many occurrences of #1 have there been for the Hubble Telescope?", "Is #2 greater than #3?" ]
Is it safe to wear sandals in snow?
Type of footwear with an open upper
[ "Sandals have open toes and don't completely cover the feet.", "Snow is very cold and direct exposure to skin can cause hypothermia.", "The feet need to be completely covered to walk through snow safely." ]
[ "What parts of your foot are exposed in sandals?", "What is the temperature of snow?", "Is it safe to have #1 directly exposed to something that is #2?" ]
Is the cuisine of Hawaii suitable for a vegan?
Cuisine of Hawaii
Cuisine of Hawaii
[ " Per capita, Hawaiians are the second largest consumers of Spam in the world, right behind Guam.", "Kalua pig is another famous cuisine of Hawaii.", "Fish and seafood are also very common in Hawaii." ]
[ "What are the popular foods in Hawaiian cuisine?", "Which foods will a vegan exclude from their diet?", "Are all of #2 excluded from #1?" ]
Would a customer be happy if their grocery store meat tasted like game?
Game (hunting)
animal hunted for sport or for food
[ "\"Gamey\" is a word used to describe meat with a grassier, more wild taste.", "Gaminess in supermarket meat is very unusual.", "Many people find game to be unpleasant in taste." ]
[ "Which kind of meat is referred to as game?", "Are grocery store customers accustomed to #1?" ]
Is the Royal Air Force ensign on the moon?
Royal Air Force
Aerial warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces
[ "The Royal Air Force ensign is the flag of the Royal Air Force", "The Royal Air Force is a branch of the British Armed Forces", "Britain has never landed on the moon" ]
[ "What does the Royal Air Force ensign represent?", "What country is #1 a part of?", "Has #2 ever sent people to the moon?" ]
Are tampons a good 24 hour solution for mentruation?
Regular discharge of blood and tissue from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina
[ "Tampons are intended for use up to 8 hours at a time. ", "When left in for longer than 8 hours, tampons pose a dangerous risk for a life threatening condition. " ]
[ "How many hours can a tampon be safely used for at a time?", "Is #1 greater than or equal to 24?" ]
If someone loves buffalo wings do they enjoy capsaicin?
chemical compound
[ "Buffalo wings are fried chicken wings covered in a spicy sauce.", "Spicy foods are provided their spice from capsaicin from peppers." ]
[ "What sauce is used on buffalo wings?", "What is the flavor of #1", "Is capsaicin used to create #2?" ]
Can you cure hepatitis with a tonsillectomy?
inflammation of the liver tissue
[ "A tonsillectomy removes the tonsils, glands found in the back of the throat", "Hepatitis is a disease that targets the liver" ]
[ "What organ does hepatitis affect? ", "What organs are removed during a tonsillectomy?", "Is #1 the same as #2?" ]
Can cancer cause excess adrenaline production?
hormone, neurotransmitter and medication. Epinephrine is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons
[ "Adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands.", "Cancer is a disease characterized by the formation of tumors.", "Tumors on the adrenal glands can cause them to over-express." ]
[ "What is cancer cause to grow?", "Can #1 grow on Adrenal glands?", "Does #2 cause excess adrenaline production?" ]
Would a Frigatebird in Ontario be a strange sight?
A family of seabirds found across tropical and subtropical oceans
[ "Ontario is a province of Canada.", "Canada is surrounded by temperate oceans." ]
[ "Where are Frigatebirds usually found?", "Which oceans can be found around Ontario?", "Do all of #2 fail to fit the description of #1?" ]
Would a silicon shortage be bad for Intel's sales?
American semiconductor chip manufacturer
[ "Silicon is a key material for the production of semiconductor chips.", "A silicon shortage would mean fewer semiconductor chips could be produced.", "A business that produces fewer products than normal will receive lower than normal revenue." ]
[ "What kind of products does Intel make?", "What are the key materials used in the production of #1?", "Is silicon in #2?" ]
Has Ivan the Terrible flown to Europe?
Ivan the Terrible
Grand Prince of Moscow and 1st Tsar of Russia
[ "Ivan the Terrible was the 1st Tsar of Russia.", "Ivan the Terrible died in 1584.", "The first confirmed person to fly was Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier in 1783." ]
[ "When did Ivan the Terrible die?", "When was the airplane invented?", "Is #2 before #1?" ]
Could Oprah Winfrey buy dozens of her staff Bugatti luxury cars?
Oprah Winfrey
American businesswoman, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist
[ "Oprah Winfrey is a billionaire", "A new Bugatti costs a few million dollars" ]
[ "How much is Oprah Winfrey worth?", "How much does a Bugatti cost?", "Is #2 times 2 dozen less than #1?" ]
Did the Wehrmacht affect the outcome of the War to End All Wars?
unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945
[ "The Wehrmacht was the unified military of Germany from 1935 to 1945", "The War to End All Wars is a nickname for World War I", "World War I ended in 1918" ]
[ "What war was the War to End All Wars?", "When did #1 end?", "When was the Wehrmacht formed?", "Is #3 before #2?" ]
Are Leopard cats in less dire straits than Bornean Orangutan?
Leopard cat
Small wild cat
[ "Leopard cats are classified as Least Concern on IUCN endangered list.", "Bornean Orangutan's are classified as Endangered on IUCN endangered list." ]
[ "What are the recognized threats to the Bornean orangutan?", "What are the recognized threats to the leopard cat?", "Is #1 worse than #2?" ]
Did Snoop Dogg refuse to make music with rival gang members?
Snoop Dogg
American rapper
[ "American rapper Snoop Dogg is a member of the Crips gang.", "The Crips are enemies of their rival gang, The Bloods.", "Rapper, The Game is a member of The Bloods gang.", "Tha Blue Carpet Treatment was a Snoop Dogg mixtape featuring the song California Vacation.", "Snoop Dogg collaborates with Xzibit and The Game on the song California Vacation." ]
[ "What is the name of the gang that Snoop Dogg is part of?", "Which gang is the rival of #1?", "In Snoop Dogg's song California Vacation, which rapper did he collaborate with?", "Is #3 not associated with #2?" ]
Does the density of helium cause voices to sound deeper?
Chemical element with atomic number 2
[ "Helium is less dense than air.", "Sound travels more quickly through helium than it does through air. ", "When sound travels more quickly, the tone of it raises and sounds higher." ]
[ "What is the density of helium compared to air?", "As a result of #1, what is the speed in which air travel throughs helium compared to air", "When #2 happens, does the tone go deeper?" ]
Is Romeo and Juliet an unusual title to teach high schoolers?
Romeo and Juliet
tragedy by William Shakespeare
[ "Romeo and Juliet has topped multiple 'Top Read Books In High School' lists.", "Romeo and Juliet is available in multiple editions targeted at school age children." ]
[ "What academic sources teach Romeo and Juliet?", "Are high schools included in #1?" ]
Are there multiple American government holidays during winter?
one of the Earth's four temperate seasons, occurring between autumn and spring
[ "Winter runs from about December 20 to about March 20.", "Government holidays include Christmas, New Year, King Day, and President's Day.", "Christmas is always December 25, New Year is always January 1, King Day is a Monday in the middle of January, and President's Day is a Monday in late February." ]
[ "Through which period of the year does winter usually last in the US?", "How many government holidays fall within the span of #1?", "Is #2 considerably greater than one?" ]
Is Islamophobia against Cyprus majority religion misdirected?
Fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally,
[ "Islamophobia is prejudice and fear against Muslims.", "Cyprus is a country in the Middle East, which is a predominantly Muslim region.", "Cyprus is the only Christian majority country in the Middle East, with Christians forming between 76% and 78% of the country's total population, and most of them adhere to Eastern Orthodox Christianity." ]
[ "What religion is targeted by Islamophobia?", "What is the most common religion in Cyprus?", "Is #1 different than #2?" ]
Have jokes killed more people than rats in history?
something spoken, written, or done with humorous intention
[ "Greek philosopher Chrysippus was said to have died from laughter after seeing a donkey eating figs.", "There are only a handful of deaths attributed to jokes throughout history including King Martin of Aragon.", "There are an average of 30 deaths by rat attacks every century.", "The plague which is sometimes associated with diseased rats killed millions of people." ]
[ "How many people have been killed by laughing to jokes?", "Which diseases are spread by rats?", "How many people have been killed by #2 over time", "Is #1 greater than #3?" ]
Will parma ham be ready for New Year's if the pig is slaughtered in December?
Pork from a leg cut that has been preserved by wet or dry curing, with or without smoking
[ "Parma ham requires two months to cure", "New Year's is at most one month away from December" ]
[ "What is the minimum period of time required for parma ham to cure?", "How long is New Year's Day from December?", "Is #2 greater than or equal to #1?" ]
Does Amtrak operate four wheel vehicles?
Intercity rail operator in the United States
[ "Amtrak is a transportation service.", "Amtrak transports people with trains and buses.", "A bus is a four wheel vehicle. " ]
[ "What kinds of vehicles does Amtrak use?", "Do any of #1 have four wheels?" ]
Does chlorine inhibit photosynthesis?
Chemical element with atomic number 17
[ "Chlorine prevents algae from growing in pools", "Algae photosynthesize " ]
[ "What does Chlorine prevent from growing in a pool?", "Does #1 do photosynthesis?" ]
Was Bruce Lee absent from the 1964 University of Washington graduation ceremony?
Bruce Lee
Hong Kong-American actor, martial artist
[ "Bruce Lee enrolled at the University of Washington in 1961.", "Bruce Lee dropped out of college in early 1964.", "Bruce Lee moved to Oakland to live with James Yimm Lee in 1964." ]
[ "When did the University of Washington graduation ceremony for the class of 1964 take place?", "What college did Bruce Lee attend?", "When did Bruce Lee drop out of #2?", "Did #1 occur after #3?" ]
Do people who smoke Djarum's like cloves?
species of plant
[ "Djarum is a brand of cigarette popular around the world.", "Djarum cigarettes are made with a blend of cloves and tobacco." ]
[ "What are Djarum cigarettes made of?", "Does #1 include cloves?" ]
Is an astronomer interested in drosophila?
Scientist who studies celestial bodies
[ "Astronomers study celestial bodies like planets and stars", "Drosophila are a type of fly commonly studied by scientists in fields related to biology" ]
[ "What do astronomers study?", "What kind of entity is Drosophila?", "Is #2 included in #1?" ]
Is Atlantic cod found in a vegemite sandwich?
Atlantic cod
benthopelagic fish of the family Gadidae
[ "Vegemite is a spread popular in Australia.", "Vegemite is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract with various vegetable and spice additives. ", "The Atlantic cod is found mostly in North America and Greenland." ]
[ "To what taxonomic kingdom does the Atlantic cod belong?", "What are the ingredients of Vegemite?", "Do any of #2 belong in #1?" ]
Did Bruiser Brody wrestle on WWE Raw?
WWE television program
[ "WWE Raw debuted on TV January 11, 1993.", "Bruiser Brody was a wrestler that was stabbed to death in 1988." ]
[ "When did WWE Raw make its debut appearance?", "When did wrestler Bruiser Brody's wrestling career come to an end?", "Is #1 before #2?" ]
Can the largest crustacean stretch out completely on a king-sized mattress?
subphylum of arthropods
[ "The largest crustacean is the Japanese spider crab ", "The largest Japanese spider crabs have a leg span of just over 12 feet ", "The longer edge of a king-sized mattress is six feet, eight inches" ]
[ "What is the largest crustacean?", "How long is the largest #1?", "How long is a king-sized matress?", "Is #2 smaller than #3?" ]
Do Windows or Android smartphones run newer versions of Linux?
Family of free and open-source software operating systems based on the Linux kernel
[ "Android smartphones are based on Linux.", "Windows smartphones are based on the Windows operating system." ]
[ "Which operating system do Windows smartphones run on?", "Which operating system do android smartphones run on?", "Is #1 or #2 Linux-based?" ]
Does Neville Longbottom have more courage as a child than as an adult?
quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain
[ "Neville Longbottom is a character from the Harry Potter series.", "In the first few books of the Harry Potter series, Neville is a child.", "In the final few books of the Harry Potter series Neville is becoming an adult. ", "Neville's first appearances in the series show him to be very cowardly.", "Neville is considered a hero by the end of the series." ]
[ "Did Neville Longbottom's first appearances in the series show him to be very cowardly?", "Was #1's a child in the first few books of the Harry potter series?", "Was Neville Longbottom considered a hero by the end of the series?", "Was #3's an adult in the final few books of the Harry potter series?", "Was he more courageous in #2 than #4?" ]
Could Brooke Shields succeed at University of Pennsylvania?
University of Pennsylvania
Private Ivy League research university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[ "Brooke Shields graduated from Princeton University.", "Princeton is ranked as the number 1 national college by US news.", "University of Pennsylvania is ranked as number 6 national college by US news.", "Princeton only admits around 6 percent of applicants as of 2018.", "University of Pennsylvania accepts around 9% of applicants as of 2018." ]
[ "What college did Brooke Shields go to?", "Out of all colleges in the US, how is #1 ranked?", "Is the ranking of University of Pennsylvania similar to #2?" ]
Would Atlantic Salmon be within David Duchovny's dietary guidelines?
Atlantic salmon
species of fish
[ "David Duchovny is a pescatarian. ", "Pescatarians do not eat chicken, pork, or beef, but will eat fish." ]
[ "What kind of diet does David Duchovny follow?", "What type of food is Atlantic Salmon?", "Do people who follow #1 diets eat #2?" ]
Do people remember Lucille Ball's winemaking as successful?
the production of wine, starting with the selection of the fruit, its fermentation into alcohol, and the bottling of the finished liquid
[ "Lucille Ball was the star of \"I Love Lucy\".", "On \"I Love Lucy\", Lucille's character fails miserably while stomping grapes for wine." ]
[ "What show was Lucille Ball a star of?", "On #1, was Lucille's character successful in making wine?" ]
Can a Sphynx cat be used for wool?
Textile fibre from the hair of sheep or other mammals
[ "A Sphynx cat is a breed of cats that lacks hair.", "Wool is a soft smooth fabric derived from the hair of animals.", "Sphynx cats skin are covered in an oily sticky substance." ]
[ "Which animals can wool be derived from?", "Is the Sphynx cat likely to be included in #1?" ]
Are classic nintendo games for emulator legal?
system that emulates a real system such that the behavior closely resembles the behavior of the real system
[ "Distribution of copyrighted games by anyone other than the owner is considered theft.", "Nintendo has not released any games for emulators." ]
[ "Who owns the copyright for classic Nintendo games?", "Has #1 issued any versions of classic Nintendo games for emulators?" ]
Can you use the T-Mobile tuesdays app if you aren't a T-Mobile customer?
global telecommunication company
[ "T-Mobile tuesdays is a rewards app for T-Mobile subscribers.", "T-Mobile Tuesdays verifies users by making sure they have a T-Mobile phone number." ]
[ "Who can use the T-Mobile tuesdays app?", "Does T-Mobile allow use of the app if you aren't #1?" ]
Could Aretha Franklin vote for a president when her second child was born?
Aretha Franklin
American singer, songwriter, and pianist
[ "Aretha Franklin was born in 1942.", "Aretha Franklin had her second child in 1957.", "You must be at least 18 years old to vote in a presidential election in the United States." ]
[ "How old was Aretha Franklin when her second child was born?", "What is the minimum age required to vote in a U.S. election?", "Is #2 lower than #1?" ]
Is Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution popular in court?
Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution
prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail
[ "The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.", "The Fifth Amendment prevents a person from incriminating themselves.", "The Fifth Amendment is often invoked in criminal cases.", "The Fourteenth Amendment regards equal protection under the law and has been in numerous landmark cases." ]
[ "How many cases have involved the 8th amendment?", "How many cases have involved the other amendments?", "Is #1 the highest out of #2?" ]
Did the Social Democratic Party of Germany help Frederick II become King of Prussia?
Social Democratic Party of Germany
Social-democratic political party in Germany
[ "The Social Democratic Party of Germany was founded in 1863.", "Frederick II was King of Prussia from 1740-1786." ]
[ "In what year was the Social Democratic Party of Germany founded?", "In what year did Frederick II become King of Prussia?", "Is #1 before #2?" ]
Would a Catholic priest commend someone's pride?
inwardly directed emotion that carries two common meanings
[ "Adherents to Catholicism subscribe to the notion of the '7 deadly sins'.", "Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins." ]
[ "According to Catholic beliefs, what are the seven deadly sins?", "Is pride excluded from #1?" ]
Did Bill Gates help to develop the PlayStation 4?
PlayStation 4
Sony's eighth-generation home video game console
[ "The PlayStation 4 was developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment.", "Bill Gates works for Microsoft Corporation, which is a competitor of Sony." ]
[ "Which organization does Bill Gate work for?", "Which organization developed PlayStation 4?", "Is #1 the same as #2?" ]
Would a teacher still have their job if they called a black student an ape?
superfamily of mammals
[ "'Ape' and 'monkey' are words that have been used in a derogatory manner against black people.", "Teachers are held to a level of professionalism and cannot act in an abusive way towards children." ]
[ "What kind of term would \"Ape\" be if used to describe a black person?", "What standards are teachers held up to?", "If a teacher used #1, would they be upholding #2?" ]
Did compact discs make computer gaming more popular?
Compact disc
Optical disc for storage and playback of digital audio
[ "Compact discs contained significantly more storage space than the previously popular floppy disc format.", "Gaming studios were therefore able to significantly improve the graphics, sounds, and features of their games to make them more immersive.", "The better games led to a massive increase in popularity for computer gaming." ]
[ "Which external storage device was previously popular before compact discs?", "What features of compact disc made them much better than #1?", "What new possibilities did #2 create for computer games?", "Did #3 lead to increased interest in computer games?" ]
Do storks need golden toads to survive?
family of birds
[ "Storks feed on a number of reptiles, amphibians, and ammals, and insects.", "The golden toad is an amphibian.", "The golden toad is a rare animal that has not been seen since 1989." ]
[ "What is the most current population estimate of storks?", "What is the most current population estimate of golden toads?", "If storks exclusively ate golden toads, would #2 have been enough to sustain #1?" ]
Are any letters directly before and after H missing from Roman numerals?
letter in the Latin alphabet
[ "The Roman numerals are: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.", "The letter H in the alphabet is preceded by G and followed by I." ]
[ "What is the letter before \"H\"?", "What is the letter after \"H\"?", "What are the Roman numerals? ", "Is it the case that not both #1 and #2 are in #3?" ]
Did the Nazis use the Hammer and sickle flag?
Hammer and sickle
Communist symbol
[ "Hammer and sickle is a communist symbol used on flags", "The Nazi flag had a large symbol of a swastika. ", "The hammer and sickle was used as a anti Nazi symbol during World War II." ]
[ "Which symbol is featured in the Nazi flag?", "Is #1 a hammer and sickle symbol?" ]
Are there enough Jonny Cash records in the world to give one to each French citizen?
Johnny Cash
American singer-songwriter and actor
[ "Johnny Cash has sold about 90 million albums", "The population of France is around 66 million " ]
[ "How many Johnny Cash records have been sold?", "What is the population of France?", "Is #1 greater than or equal to #2?" ]
Can monkeys use QWERTY keyboards?
keyboard layout where the first line is "QWERTYUIOP"
[ "QWERTY keyboards are an alphabet key layout that were first used on typrwriters. ", "Monkeys can be trained to push buttons.", "Typewriter key's are buttons.", "Monkeys can press keys on keyboards." ]
[ "What kind of keys are found on QWERTY keyboards?", "Can #1 be likened to buttons?", "Can monkeys be trained to push buttons?", "Are #2 and #3 positive?" ]
Should children be kept from "special brownies"?
Chocolate brownie
A square, baked, chocolate dessert
[ "\"Special brownies\" typically refer to brownies that have been laced with THC.", "THC is an active component of cannabis, a drug meant for adults only." ]
[ "What are \"special brownies\" made from that makes them special?", "Who is #1 made specifically for?", "Are children allowed to have things meant for #2?" ]
Would Taylor Swift refer to Snoopy as oppa?
cartoon dog
[ "Oppa is a Korean word used by women to address a man who is 10 or more years older than her", "Snoopy is 47 years old", "Taylor Swift is 30 years old" ]
[ "What is the minimum age difference that a Korean woman would use Oppa to address an older man?", "How old is Snoopy?", "How old is Taylor Swift?", "What is #2 minus #3?", "Is #4 greater than or equal to #1?" ]
Can horseradish be eaten in a religious context?
species of plant
[ "A Seder is typically held during the Jewish holiday Passover.", "The Seder involves several items representing the story of the Exodus.", "Horseradish is commonly used for the traditional bitter herb item." ]
[ "What are some commonly used traditional bitter herb items for the Seder held during the Passover?", "Is horseradish included in #1?" ]
Do hamsters provide food for any animals?
subfamily of mammals
[ "Hamsters are prey animals.", "Prey animals provide food for predators. " ]
[ "What types of animal are hamsters?", "Do #1 provide food for any other animals?" ]
Will Chick-fil-A hypothetically refuse to sponsor a Pride parade?
American fast food chain
[ "Pride parades are annual festivals held to celebrate the gay community.", "Chick-fil-A is a fast food restaurant founded by S. Truett Cathy.", "S. Truett Cathy was a devout Southern Baptist. ", "Chick-fil-A's opposition to same-sex marriage has been the subject of public controversy." ]
[ "Who founded Chick-fil-A?", "What religion was #1?", "What do pride parades typically celebrate?", "Do #2's oppose #3?" ]
Are the headquarters of All Nippon Airways near a beach?
All Nippon Airways
Japanese Airline
[ "The headquarters of All Nippon Airways are located in Shiodome City Center in the Shiodome area of the Minato ward of Tokyo.", "Tokyo is a metropolitan area.", "A beach is a landform alongside a body of water.", "Metropolitan areas typically do not have bodies of water in the surrounding area." ]
[ "Where city are the headquarters of All Nippon Airways?", "What kind of development area is #1?", "What is a beach characterized as?", "Do #2 areas typically have #3?" ]
Does Evander Holyfield eat pork products?
Evander Holyfield
American boxer
[ "Evander Holyfield is a born-again Christian", "Mainstream Christian denominations do not observe restrictions on the kinds of animals they can eat" ]
[ "What religion was Evander Holyfield?", "Does #1 allow eating pork?" ]
Could John Key issue an executive order in the USA?
John Key
38th Prime Minister of New Zealand
[ "An executive order is a means of issuing federal directives in the United States, used by the president of the United States.", "To serve as president of the United States, one must be a natural-born citizen of the United States.", "John Key was born in Auckland, New Zealand." ]
[ "Who can issue executive orders in the USA?", "What are the requirements to become #1?", "Does John Key satisfy all of #2?" ]
Can a Goblin shark hypothetically ride a bike if it had limbs?
Goblin shark
Deep-sea shark
[ "A Goblin shark weighs around 460 pounds.", "The weight capacity of the average bike is 300 pounds." ]
[ "What is the average weight of a goblin? ", "What is the average weight a bike can hold? ", "Is #1 less than #2?" ]
Does a Trek 9000 require an anchor in order to park?
Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting
[ "A Trek 9000 is a mountain bike", "An anchor is used on water borne vehicles like boats" ]
[ "What kind of vehicle is the Trek 9000?", "Does #1 need an anchor to park?" ]
Does Steven Spielberg's 1998 film take place in a period after War Horse setting?
Steven Spielberg
American film director and screenwriter
[ "Steven Spielberg's 1998 film, Saving Private Ryan, takes place during World War II.", "World War II took place from 1939-1945.", "The 2011 movie War Horse takes place during World War I.", "World War I took place from 1914-1918." ]
[ "What time period does War Horse take place in?", "What years did #1 take place in?", "What time period does Steven Spielberg's 1998 film take place in?", "When years did #3 take place in?", "Did #4 happen after #2?" ]
Is November a bad time for a photographer to take pictures of a plum tree in bloom?
subgenus of plants
[ "A plum tree is a deciduous tree that bears fruit.", "Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the autumn.", "Autumn happens from September until the end of Deember." ]
[ "What kind of tree is a plum tree?", "What season will it be in temperate regions by November?", "What do #1 do during #2", "Considering #3, will a plum tree have an unattractive appearance at that time?" ]
Do more Cauliflower grow in Arizona than California?
cauliflower plants (for the vegetable see Q23900272)
[ "Cauliflower grows best in cool temperatures with lots of sun.", "California is the largest producer of Cauliflower in the U.S.", "Arizona has a hot arid climate." ]
[ "Which kind of climate favors the growth of Cauliflower?", "What kind of climate does Arizona have?", "What kind of weather does California have?", "Is #1 more similar to #2 than #3?" ]
Would Jason Voorhees hypothetically fail at being a martyr?
person who suffers persecution and death for advocating, refusing to renounce, and/or refusing to advocate a belief or cause, usually a religious one
[ "A martyr is someone that is killed for their beliefs.", "Jason Voorhees is the horror maniac from the Friday the 13th movies.", "Jason Voorhees is immortal and cannot be killed.", "Characters in Friday the 13th thought that dismembering Jason Voorhees would kill him but Jason even survived dismemberment." ]
[ "What experience must one pass through in order to be considered a matyr?", "Can Jason Voorhes be killed?", "Would #2 being negative make Jason Voorhees unable to undergo #1?" ]
Could Palm Beach be held in the palm of your hand?
Palm Beach, Florida
Town in Florida, United States
[ "Palm Beach has a total area of 8.12 square miles.", "The average palm is around 3 inches in length.", "There are 63360 inches in a mile." ]
[ "What is the total area of Palm Beach?", "What is the maximum area that can be held on the palm of a human hand?", "Is #1 greater than or equal to #2?" ]
Did Alfred Nobel write a banned book?
Alfred Nobel
Swedish chemist, innovator, and armaments manufacturer (1833–1896)
[ "Banned books are works which are not available for free access due to government restrictions.", "Alfred Nobel is the author of Nemesis, a prose tragedy in four acts about Beatrice Cenci", "The entire stock of Nemesis was destroyed immediately after Nobel's death except for three copies, being regarded as scandalous and blasphemous. " ]
[ "What literary works did Alfred Nobel write?", "Have any of the works listed in #1 been banned?" ]
Can a quarter fit inside of a human kidney?
internal organ in most animals, including vertebrates and some invertebrates
[ "Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that can form in the kidneys.", "The largest kidney stone ever recorded was 13 cm wide.", "The diameter of a quarter is 2.4 cm." ]
[ "How big is the largest kidney stone ever recorded?", "How wide is a quarter?", "Is #1 larger than #2?" ]
Did Boris Yeltsin watch the 2008 Summer Olympics?
2008 Summer Olympics
Games of the XXIX Olympiad, held in Beijing in 2008
[ "The 2008 Summer Olympics were held Aug 08 - 24, 2008", "Boris Yeltsin died on Apr 23, 2007" ]
[ "What were the date of the 2008 Summer Olympics?", "When did Boris Yeltsin die?", "is #2 before #1?" ]
Does frost mean that it will be a snowy day?
coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight
[ "Frost forms regularly in areas that experience freezing temperatures and morning dew.", "Frost isn't deposited from the sky like snow, it forms on the ground." ]
[ "How is frost formed?", "Does #1 usually involve the falling of snow?" ]
Would students at Marist have to petition to get a rowing team?
Rowing (sport)
Sport where individuals or teams row boats by oar
[ "Marist is located along the Hudson River.", "Marist college has rowing teams for both men and women." ]
[ "What sports teams exist at Marist?", "Does #1 exclude mention of any rowing team?" ]
Are there multiple Disney Zorro?
Fictional character
[ "Zorro is a man who is a famous fictional Spanish hero and crime fighter featured in a novel.", "Disney produced a 1957 TV show featuring Zorro the spanish crime fighter. ", "Zorro is spanish for \"fox\".", "\"El Zorro y El Sabueso\" is the spanish title for Disney's animated movie called \"The Fox and The Hound\"." ]
[ "Which famous hero was featured in Disney's 1957 TV show?", "What does 'The Fox' in Disney's 'The Fox and the Hound' translate to in Spanish?", "Do #1 and #2 refer to Zorro?" ]
Could a hundred thousand lolcats fit on a first generation iPhone?
image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour
[ "Lolcat memes are often in jpeg form", "The average size of a jpeg is 10 to 30 kb", "One gigabyte is 1000000 kb", "The first iPhone had 4GB to 16GB of storage " ]
[ "What file formats are lolcats usually saved in?", "What is the typical size of #1?", "What was the storage size range of first generation iPhones?", "What is 100000 multiplied by #2 expressed in gigabytes?", "Is #4 less than or equal to the minimum value of #3?" ]
Does selling a 2020 Chevrolet Corvette almost pay for a year at Columbia University?
Chevrolet Corvette
Sports car by the Chevrolet division of General Motors (GM)
[ "The price of a 2020 Chevrolet Corvette is $58,900.", "Columbia University cost $59,430 during the 2018-2019 school year." ]
[ "How much does a 2020 Chevrolet Corvette cost?", "How much does a year at Columbia University cost?", "Is #1 almost as much as #2?" ]
Does the book Revolutionary Road give a glimpse at life in a suburb?
Human settlement that is part of or near to a larger city
[ "The setting of the book is in Connecticut.", "The area of Connecticut where the book takes place is not in a major city.", "The book takes place in a suburb called Revolutionary Hill Estates." ]
[ "What location is the setting of the book Revolutionary Road?", "Is #1 a suburb?" ]