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{ "date": "2018-08-20T23:07:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221217354.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820215248-20180820235248-00646.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9052061438560486, "token_count": 2737, "url": "http://ellibrodeldragon.tk/how-to-start-dating-an-ex-again" }
Philipp Dinkelaker, M.A. studied Modern History, Ancient History and Philosophy and recently published his master's thesis about the Sammellager Synagoge Levetzowstraße - a detention camp for Jews in Nazi-Berlin. Philipp is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism at the Technical University of Berlin. His dissertation on Jewish Honour Court, Social Court and Judicial Trials Against Shoah Survivors in Post-National Socialist Germany is being supervised Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum. Philipp has been volunteering in a group called “Fragt uns, wir sind die Letzten,” that publishes booklets with historically annotated interviews with Shoah survivors and resistance fighters for young readers. In summer 2018, he will be a Junior Fellow at the Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich.
{ "date": "2019-08-26T07:05:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027331228.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20190826064622-20190826090622-00326.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8588764071464539, "token_count": 182, "url": "https://ehri-project.eu/yad-vashem-3" }
The Most Important News This is a very difficult article for me to write. As a young child I was a member of the Cub Scouts, and I still have very fond memories from those days. Throughout my life I always had a tremendous amount of respect for the Boy Scouts, and so it greatly saddened me to learn about the abuse that has been running rampant in that organization. Of course this is just a very small part of a much larger trend that is plaguing our society, but if this kind of abuse is pervasive even among the Boy Scouts, what organization is truly safe for America’s kids? Have we gotten to the point as a society where our children are literally not safe anywhere? According to ABC News, court documents that were just released indicate that 12,254 victims were abused by 7,819 Boy Scout troop leaders over the years… An expert who has been working with the Boy Scouts revealed that there may have been as many as 7,819 allegedly sexually abusive troop leaders and volunteers in the storied organization, according to newly released court documents. More than 7,800 individuals allegedly abused 12,254 victims, according to the court testimony. This is what can happen when a society has absolutely no moral foundation whatsoever. These days, many Americans seem to believe that our country will be turned in the right direction if we can just get the correct political leaders into place, but that is not true at all. No political solution is going to fix this kind of evil. Our core problems are moral and spiritual in nature, and most people don’t seem to understand that. A lawyer named Jeff Anderson is searching for even more Boy Scout victims, and he says that his firm has already identified 130 perpetrators in New York and 50 in New Jersey… Attorney Jeff Anderson said Tuesday that he’s identified 130 perpetrators of child sex abuse in the Boy Scouts of America in New York. Anderson and Greg Gianforcaro’s law firm also announced they’ve identified 50 other Boy Scout leaders in New Jersey who have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors. The names stem from the Boy Scouts’ so-called “Perversion Files.” During a morning press conference, Anderson said, “This is far from complete. The work has just begun.” In the end, this scandal could end up destroying the Boy Scouts, and that is truly sad because they were a pillar of American society during the post-World War II era. In response to all of these allegations, the Boy Scouts of America released a statement… “We care deeply about all victims of child abuse and sincerely apologize to anyone who was harmed during their time in Scouting. We believe victims, we support them, and we have paid for unlimited counseling by a provider of their choice,” the organization said in a statement to ABC News. “Nothing is more important than the safety and protection of children in Scouting and we are outraged that there have been times when individuals took advantage of our programs to abuse innocent children.” Without a doubt, the Boy Scouts will work hard to try to prevent future instances of abuse. But that may not be enough for the organization to survive. According to PBS, sexual abuse settlements that have already been agreed to have pushed the organization to the brink of bankruptcy… Sexual abuse settlements have already strained the Boy Scouts’ finances to the point where the organization is exploring “all available options,” including Chapter 11 bankruptcy. But now the financial threats have intensified. The reason: States have been moving in recent months to adjust their statute-of-limitations laws so that victims of long-ago sexual abuse can sue for damages. New York state has passed a law that will allow such lawsuits starting in August. A similar bill in New Jersey has reached the governor’s desk. Bills also are pending in Pennsylvania and California. This is yet another example of the lawlessness that is running absolutely rampant in our society. Just about every sort of evil that you can possibly imagine is exploding, and this isn’t going to be solved by voting the correct politicians into office in the next election. Our problem is a problem of the heart, and it requires a solution of the heart. There is a lot of talk about making America “great” these days, but the truth is that we are not even good at this point. If you doubt this, please see my previous article entitled “40 Facts That Prove That America’s Moral Collapse Is Spinning Wildly Out Of Control”. We desperately need to return to the values that this nation was founded upon, but right now we are running away from them as fast as we can. For example, a Gallup survey that was just released found that church membership in America has declined precipitously in recent years… As Christian and Jewish Americans prepare to celebrate Easter and Passover, respectively, Gallup finds the percentage of Americans who report belonging to a church, synagogue or mosque at an all-time low, averaging 50% in 2018. U.S. church membership was 70% or higher from 1937 through 1976, falling modestly to an average of 68% in the 1970s through the 1990s. The past 20 years have seen an acceleration in the drop-off, with a 20-percentage-point decline since 1999 and more than half of that change occurring since the start of the current decade. If we continue on the path that we are on, the social and moral decay that is so evident all around us will continue to accelerate. We are living in truly dark times, and if we choose to do nothing it is inevitable that they will get even darker. About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared Now, The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News. From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.
{ "date": "2020-10-30T19:07:07Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107911229.96/warc/CC-MAIN-20201030182757-20201030212757-00126.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9699491858482361, "token_count": 1301, "url": "http://whygodreallyexists.com/archives/end-days-evil-7819-boy-scout-troop-leaders-abused-12254-victims" }
Amsterdam is the largest city and capital of the Netherlands. Visit this beautiful city and enjoy museums, canals, amazing neighborhoods and a really exciting nightlife! Check out these main attractions you must visit if you are ever in Amsterdam. Here’s my top 5 reasons to book a flight to Amsterdam. Amsterdam is home to many famous and intriguing museums. Some famous ones include the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, and the Stedelijk Museum. But you don’t only have to be limited to those three; Amsterdam has more than fifty museums that attract millions of visitors and tourists each year! 2. Cafes and Bars Drink like the Dutch do! You should check out some local cafes or bars and mingle with the locals. Most cafes open in the morning and do not close until three in the morning. Twee Zwaantjes and Wynand Fockink are old-school cafes that will guarantee you have a great time. 3. Visit the home of Anne Frank Mostly everyone has learned about the tragic history of the Jewish community from their history text books. But in Amsterdam, you can see for yourself where Anne Frank lived and wrote her diaries while hiding for two years during World War II. A bookcase marks the entrance to the unfurnished rooms in which her family lived. There is an exhibition all about the persecution of the Jews during the War. 4. Check out Vondelpark The perfect place for a picnic, Vondelpark is the largest green space in Amsterdam. The park is named after the poet Joost van den Vondel. In the summertime, the park fills up with people who gather to smoke, drink, and eat. The park contains sculptures inlcuding one by Picasso! From June to September the park is home to music, dance, and activities for children. 5. Visit the Red Light District This part of Amsterdam has cultivated a notorious reputation on the international stage. Located in a rough triangle formed by the Central Station, it is the oldest part of the city. Along its streets you will find sex shops, the multi-cultural community of prostitutes, junkies, clerics, carpenters and cops freely intermingle, exhibiting a strange kind of social cosiness. As a tourist, of course, you’ll be a mere observer.
{ "date": "2020-10-20T19:56:27Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107874135.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020192039-20201020222039-00006.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9429758787155151, "token_count": 489, "url": "https://blog.travefy.com/2013/10/5-reasons-to-book-a-flight-to-amsterdam/" }
Hundreds of artists sang Hamlisch’s compositions. His theme song to The Way We Were (1973) was a chart-topping hit for Barbra Streisand. He also co-wrote the hit song Nobody Does it Better, sung by Carly Simon, for the James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me (1977), and his Break It to Me Gently (also 1977) was a hit for Aretha Franklin. His adaptation of Scott Joplin piano rags for The Sting (1973, starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford) inspired a new craze for 19th-century ragtime music. A classic moment in Academy Awards history occurred in 1974 when, aged 30, Hamlisch picked up three Oscars in one evening — two (for best score and best song) for The Way We Were and one (for best musical adaptation) for The Sting. Appearing uncharacteristically abashed by the windfall, he stepped to the podium, looked out at the audience and observed: “I think we can now talk to each other as friends” — a characteristic wisecrack that earned him a new sideline as a sought-after guest on chat shows. Ignoring the Cassandras who warned that it did not do to win so much so young, Hamlisch went on to write the music for A Chorus Line (a tapestry of stories about fledgling stage performers as they audition for the chance to be part of a Broadway show), which was a smash hit on Broadway in 1975. When the inevitable Tony award followed, Hamlisch had, by his early thirties, achieved every target he had set for himself. But for the next 30-odd years Hamlisch struggled “to revisit the mountain”, as he put it, and had to revise downwards his ambition to have 10 Broadway hits. They’re Playing Our Song (1978), based on his on-off romantic relationship with the lyricist Carole Bayer Sager, was a huge success on both sides of the Atlantic, though some found it off-puttingly self-indulgent and its sentimental pop-ballad style badly out of date. But in 1983 Jean, a musical about the tragic life and death of Jean Seberg, flopped at the National Theatre in London and never made it to New York. Smile (1986), a send-up of the beauty pageant world, closed after 48 performances on Broadway. The Goodbye Girl (1993), a romantic bauble about a girl whose boyfriend dumps her and sublets their apartment on the same day, lasted five months. Sweet Smell of Success, which starred John Lithgow as a power-mad 1950s gossip columnist, took a critical hammering when it opened on Broadway in 2002, closing after 109 performances. But Hamlisch continued to turn out accomplished film scores. In the 1980s he had success with Ordinary People (1980), Sophie’s Choice (1982) and Shirley Valentine (1989), and received an Academy Award nomination for the film version of A Chorus Line. More recently, he demonstrated his flair for film composition in the score for Steven Soderbergh’s offbeat The Informant (2009), the story of a corporate whistle-blower (Matt Damon), in which the constantly shifting moods of the music serve to underline or contradict what is happening on screen. In later life Hamlisch took to the road, conducting pops orchestras around the world (in 2010 he held the position of principal conductor for six pops orchestras, from Pittsburgh to San Diego), and hosting his own musical comedy shows. Part of Hamlisch’s charm was his easy gift as a raconteur and the jokes he made at his own expense. Though somewhat podgy and nerdish-looking, he liked to claim that he worked as a stunt double for Robert Redford: “I stand in on his love scenes. It’s hard work.” Among his sketches, “all the greatest songs that have lost the Academy Award” featured Cheek to Cheek, I’ve Got You Under My Skin, and his own Nobody Does It Better, which was nominated for, but missed out on, an Oscar. In “Rent-A-Composer” he encouraged members of the audience to throw him titles, round which he would spontaneously compose songs in instant and brilliant pastiches of ballads, rock and roll or doo-wop. The son of Jewish refugees from the Anschluss, Marvin Frederick Hamlisch was born on June 2 1944. His father, Max, was an accordionist and bandleader who encouraged his son’s musical talents. In his autobiography, The Way I Was (1992), Hamlisch imagined his father “looking down at me from some celestial plane and saying, 'What’s the matter, Marvin? By the time Gershwin was your age, he was dead. And he’d written a concerto. Where’s your concerto, Marvin?’”. From about the age of five, Marvin would jump on to the family piano after his older sister’s music lessons and mimic what she had been trying to play. He would also play songs from the hit parade by ear, and it was some of these that he used when, at the age of six, he was invited to audition for the Juilliard School’s pre-college division. “Of course those people from Juilliard had no idea what I was playing,” he recalled. “But the other thing I could do was transpose the tunes into any key. That they found interesting and that’s why they gave me a scholarship.” He had spent two years at the Juilliard School when, aged eight, he realised he would never become the second Vladimir Horowitz his father wanted him to be: he just wanted to write Broadway hits. “My dream was always to get to Broadway,’’ he recalled. “I don’t want to sound terrible, but put it this way, I would swoon and go crazy if I heard Richard Rodgers, Gershwin and Cole Porter. When I heard Beethoven and Mozart, I thought they were good, don’t get me wrong, but they didn’t propel me, you know what I mean.’’ None the less, his father insisted he complete his classical music training, pointing out that it would help him to play the scores properly. His first job after leaving school was as a rehearsal pianist for Funny Girl (1968) with Barbra Streisand, for whom he would later write The Way We Were and the score for her film The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996). One night, during rehearsals, he got a phone call from a woman who needed someone to play the piano at a party. The host, it transpired, was Sam Spiegel, producer of Lawrence of Arabia. After the party, Spiegel mentioned that he was looking for a fresh composer to work on his new film, The Swimmer, starring Burt Lancaster. Hamlisch promptly wrote a theme, and Spiegel liked it so much he was given the job. Hamlisch’s other film credits range from the playfully ironic scores of Woody Allen’s Bananas (1971) and Take the Money and Run (1969) to music for comedies such as Three Men and a Baby (1987) and such dramas as Fat City (1972) and Save the Tiger (1973). Hamlisch kept up a punishing schedule. As well as his conducting commitments, at the time of his death he was planning to fly to Nashville, Tennessee, to see a production of his latest musical, The Nutty Professor, which is due to transfer to Broadway. He was working on a new musical, Gotta Dance, and had been commissioned to write the score for Behind the Candelabra, a new film about Liberace. In 1989 Marvin Hamlisch married Terre Blair, who survives him. Marvin Hamlisch, born June 2 1944, died August 6 2012
{ "date": "2022-05-16T13:09:40Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662510117.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516104933-20220516134933-00606.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9764934778213501, "token_count": 1698, "url": "https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/culture-obituaries/music-obituaries/9459841/Marvin-Hamlisch.html" }
"The vigorous campaign led by human rights groups accusing God of favoritism towards Western countries and of unfair distribution of natural disasters that targeted minorities has caused God to reconsider His ways," God's spokesman announced yesterday at a press-conference held by an international clergy group representing Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions. "This summer's unusual flooding in Europe and two devastating hurricanes in the USA serve as a proof of God's reconstructed, more equitable, and politically correct approach to weather patterns," the spokesman said, describing God's new approach as "progressive," "gender-sensitive," and "minority-friendly" enough to leave critics on the Left satisfied. Today, however, Ms. Strossen greeted world's leading progressive activists at ACLU headquarters in New York, who gathered to celebrate the end of a successful struggle for equitable redistribution of natural disasters that resulted in the welcome destruction of Mississippi and Louisiana. "Who says that incessant nagging and obstructionism are counterproductive?" Nadine Strossen addressed the jubilant humanitarians and reporters. "Our struggle to correct God's inadequate natural disaster policies began with the Weathermen's idealistic bombings in US cities so as to compensate for an apparent lack of disasters in orderly Western societies. It was later reinforced by the calls of human rights groups to impeach God and replace Him with a benevolent government apparatus, or at least with a more progressive, democratically elected deity. A generation later, the international struggle of oppressed minorities for equitable devastation escalated to a corrective destruction of New York's Twin Towers. This year, it finally climaxed in a successful obliteration of the entire city of New Orleans, starting a new progressive era in human history marked by God's reformed social awareness and raised concern for the wishes of the oppressed masses to smash the imperialist United States!" The famed progressive financier George Soros was all smiles: "Tell God he has my financial backing," he called out, raising a glass of Dom Perignon to the skies. "With my money and his power we can move mountains. I am willing to finance as many natural disasters as it takes to end America's power in the world!" "I am truly excited," said former US President and Nobel Laureate Jimmy Carter. "I always knew God was on our side - He just needed a little pushing. This new weather affirmative program will make us a different country. Americans will be able to join the impoverished world community on equal terms." The celebration, however, did not blind the activists to the need of further improvement of God's inept creation. "If God had only read Marx and some of the post-modernists he wouldn't have made such a mess of this world," said William Schultz of Amnesty International USA, washing down a helping of caviar with a gulp of finest Château Babeuf. "If God had only read my columns in the New York Times!" exclaimed Paul Krugman, a New York Times columnist and Princeton scholar. "God would then have made it to be a blessed Utopia without selfishness, or inequality. As it is, some people are born men while others are born women. Some are White and some are Black. Some, like Howard Dean, have a great voice and others don't. Some, like Al Sharpton, can sing and dance before the camera, while others can't. Some, like George Soros, can speculate on financial markets and rock economies of entire nations, and others can't. Some, like myself, have a sharp penetrating mind while most others don't. If God were as smart as I am, as socially conscious as Diane Feinstein, as ambitious as John Kerry, as compassionate as Ted Kennedy, and as moral as Hillary Clinton, God would create a world where every being is of the same color, height, build, talent, and gender, without a trace of greed or toenail fungus. There would be no sexual discrimination, as humans would reproduce through spores. Humans would not need clothes or shelter, as they would not feel cold. They would have no hands to destroy Earth with their vane projects, nor brains to conceive such projects. They would have no spine or central nervous system for that matter - they would be composed of long tubular filaments with a cytoplasm lining, covered with a crispy shell of chitin that would make them nice and crunchy. But the best part is, no one would ever again be any better off than anyone else." "This God's creation has been a miserable failure from the get-go," seconded New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin who joined the festivities to honor the destruction of his own city. "So it's not my fault that the levees weren't fixed or the people evacuated. What can remedy the situation, though, is if we could have more hurricanes, plagues, and locust that we can blame on the Republicans!" Louis Farrakhan joined the chorus by envisioning a great tsunami hitting Aspen, Colorado. "Earthquakes and mudslides are also nice," he added. "Those kinds of disasters are long overdue in filthy rich places like Palm Beach, Malibu, the Hamptons, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard. And I know I'll die a happy man if I get to see a tornado touching down at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and shredding it to tiniest pieces!" Ward Churchill reminded the gathering of the approaching bird flu pandemic and proposed to use it wisely, targeting Little Eichmanns worldwide with precise surgical strikes. "I haven't prayed in years," he said. "But if I see bird flu hitting Paris, London, Luxemburg, Scandinavia - and eventually Park Avenue, the ranches of Texas, and the lilly-white male-only country clubs of Connecticut I promise I'll start believing in God again!" Lenora Fulani of the Unified Independent Party was more skeptical: "Did you see this latest Hurricane Wilma? Why weren't there any school buses flooded? Why weren't there any stranded people dying waiting for the government rescuers? Where was the looting, the rapes I ask you? I think God is pulling our leg here. He didn't even damage New Orleans nearly as badly as we wish he did. It's a hoax, just like Bush landing on an aircraft carrier saying, "Mission accomplished" when nothing of the kind happened. The number of victims is a far cry from that in the Third World countries, and why weren't there more White victims? What exactly did God accomplish here? He needs to learn more from our progressive media that corrected His ineptitude and blew up the scale of disaster to cosmic proportions, creating in our minds the reality of a Third World country. The looting, the carnage, the corruption, the incompetence, the devastation to which the poor people of diversity are exposed on a daily basis on other continents - that's what God needed to create here! That's what must be brought to this country without delay! We need to smash this fascist state with a series of enormous disasters, at the hands of God or at the hands of men, I really don't care." Former Vice President Al Gore was even more reserved in his enthusiasm: "Equitable destruction is all fine and dandy, but let's look at the bigger picture. The entire Universe is a glaring mess of unfairness and inequality. Gravity has been distributed disproportionately. As a result, bigger planets can with impunity draw smaller planets into their gravitational field and selfishly cause them to rotate in their orbit without a grain of compensation. Some planets enjoy plenty of sunlight while others spin hopelessly in freezing darkness without a glimpse of hope for a fair chance. Earth has been enjoying preferential treatment for millions of years while other planets remain bare, frozen, and airless. If we truly are progressive and unselfish, if we are patriots of this Universe, we must work together to ensure equal redistribution of Earth's oxygen, water, and soil throughout the Universe, each planet according to its need. Act now before it's too late!" Al Franken of Air America radio network closed the evening by aptly describing everyone's collective feeling: "We've gone a long way but the struggle for the little guy is not over! I'm talking of the suffering of unequally endowed human beings. Why should some men be tall and handsome while some others are short and pudgy? It is a proven fact that taller people have a greater chance to succeed in life. How fair is that? Our first priority, as far as God is concerned, is to make tall handsome people shorter and pudgier. The fight for the little guy will not be over until every single guy is the little guy!" Quote:God Yields to Angry Left, Distributes Disasters Equitably |(Go to page: 1, 2)||Red Square||158||28861| Users browsing this forum: Yahoo [Bot] and 7 guests Rubiks & Rubik’s Cube ® used by special individual permission of Seven Town Ltd. Obama captures rare Pokémon while visiting Hiroshima Barack Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Micah Johnson" White House edits Orlando 911 transcript to say shooter pledged allegiance to NRA and Republican Party President George Washington: 'Redcoats do not represent British Empire; King George promotes a distorted version of British colonialism' Following Obama's 'Okie-Doke' speech, stock of Okie-Doke soars; NASDAQ: 'Obama best Okie-Doke salesman' Weaponized baby formula threatens Planned Parenthood office; ACLU demands federal investigation of Gerber Experts: melting Antarctic glacier could cause sale levels to rise up to 80% off select items by this weekend Travel advisory: airlines now offering flights to front of TSA line John Kasich self-identifies as GOP primary winner, demands access to White House bathroom Upcoming Trump/Kelly interview on FoxNews sponsored by 'Let's Make a Deal' and 'The Price is Right' News from 2017: once the evacuation of Lena Dunham and 90% of other Hollywood celebrities to Canada is confirmed, Trump resigns from presidency: "My work here is done" Non-presidential candidate Paul Ryan pledges not to run for president in new non-presidential non-ad campaign Trump suggests creating 'Muslim database'; Obama symbolically protests by shredding White House guest logs beginning 2009 National Enquirer: John Kasich's real dad was the milkman, not mailman National Enquirer: Bound delegates from Colorado, Wyoming found in Ted Cruz’s basement Iran breaks its pinky-swear promise not to support terrorism; US State Department vows rock-paper-scissors strategic response Women across the country cheer as racist Democrat president on $20 bill is replaced by black pro-gun Republican Federal Reserve solves budget crisis by writing itself a 20-trillion-dollar check Widows, orphans claim responsibility for Brussels airport bombing Susan Sarandon: "I don't vote with my vagina." Voters in line behind her still suspicious, use hand sanitizer Campaign memo typo causes Hillary to court 'New Black Panties' vote New Hampshire votes for socialist Sanders, changes state motto to "Live FOR Free or Die" Martin O'Malley drops out of race after Iowa Caucus; nation shocked with revelation he has been running for president Hillary campaign denies accusations of smoking-gun evidence in her emails, claims they contain only smoking-circumstantial-gun evidence In effort to contol wild passions for violent jihad, White House urges gun owners to keep their firearms covered in gun burkas TV horror live: A Charlie Brown Christmas gets shot up on air by Mohammed cartoons Russia's trend to sign bombs dropped on ISIS with "This is for Paris" found response in Obama administration's trend to sign American bombs with "Return to sender" Archeologists discover remains of what Barack Obama has described as unprecedented, un-American, and not-who-we-are immigration screening process in Ellis Island Green energy fact: if we put all green energy subsidies together in one-dollar bills and burn them, we could generate more electricity than has been produced by subsidized green energy State officials improve chances of healthcare payouts by replacing ObamaCare with state lottery NASA's new mission to search for racism, sexism, and economic inequality in deep space suffers from race, gender, and class power struggles over multibillion-dollar budget ISIS opens suicide hotline for US teens depressed by climate change and other progressive doomsday scenarios 'Wear hijab to school day' ends with spontaneous female circumcision and stoning of a classmate during lunch break ISIS releases new, even more barbaric video in an effort to regain mantle from Planned Parenthood Shocking new book explores pros and cons of socialism, discovers they are same people John Kerry accepts Iran's "Golden Taquiyya" award, requests jalapenos on the side Citizens of Pluto protest US government's surveillance of their planetoid and its moons with New Horizons space drone Chicago Police trying to identify flag that caused nine murders and 53 injuries in the city this past weekend Cuba opens to affordable medical tourism for Americans who can't afford Obamacare deductibles Student job opportunities: make big bucks this summer as Hillary’s Ordinary-American; all expenses paid, travel, free acting lessons Junior Varsity takes Ramadi, advances to quarterfinals US media to GOP pool of candidates: 'Knowing what we know now, would you have had anything to do with the founding of the United States?' China launches cube-shaped space object with a message to aliens: "The inhabitants of Earth will steal your intellectual property, copy it, manufacture it in sweatshops with slave labor, and sell it back to you at ridiculously low prices" Experts agree: Hillary Clinton best candidate to lessen percentage of Americans in top 1% America's attempts at peace talks with the White House continue to be met with lies, stalling tactics, and bad faith Starbucks new policy to talk race with customers prompts new hashtag #DontHoldUpTheLine Charlie Hebdo receives Islamophobe 2015 award; the cartoonists could not be reached for comment due to their inexplicable, illogical deaths Barack Obama finds out from CNN that Hillary Clinton spent four years being his Secretary of State President Obama honors Leonard Nimoy by taking selfie in front of Starship Enterprise Police: If Obama had a convenience store, it would look like Obama Express Food Market NASA: We're 80% sure about being 20% sure about being 17% sure about being 38% sure about 2014 being the hottest year on record Cuba-US normalization: US tourists flock to see Cuba before it looks like the US and Cubans flock to see the US before it looks like Cuba White House describes attacks on Sony Pictures as 'spontaneous hacking in response to offensive video mocking Juche and its prophet' CIA responds to Democrat calls for transparency by releasing the director's cut of The Making Of Obama's Birth Certificate Obama: 'If I had a city, it would look like Ferguson' Obama signs executive order renaming 'looters' to 'undocumented shoppers' Ethicists agree: two wrongs do make a right so long as Bush did it first White House: Republican takeover of the Senate is a clear mandate from the American people for President Obama to rule by executive orders Nurse Kaci Hickox angrily tells reporters that she won't change her clocks for daylight savings time Democratic Party leaders in panic after recent poll shows most Democratic voters think 'midterm' is when to end pregnancy Ebola Czar issues five-year plan with mandatory quotas of Ebola infections per each state based on voting preferences Fun facts about world languages: the Left has more words for statism than the Eskimos have for snow Nobel Peace Prize controversy: Hillary not nominated despite having done even less than Obama to deserve it Obama: 'Ebola is the JV of viruses' BREAKING: Secret Service foils Secret Service plot to protect Obama Sharpton calls on white NFL players to beat their women in the interests of racial fairness President Obama appoints his weekly approval poll as new national security adviser Obama wags pen and phone at Putin; Europe offers support with powerful pens and phones from NATO members Obama to fight ISIS with new federal Terrorist Regulatory Agency Harry Reid: "Sometimes I say the wong thing" Elian Gonzalez wishes he had come to the U.S. on a bus from Central America like all the other kids Obama visits US-Mexican border, calls for a two-state solution "Hard Choices," a porno flick loosely based on Hillary Clinton's memoir and starring Hillary Hellfire as a drinking, whoring Secretary of State, wildly outsells the flabby, sagging original Accusations of siding with the enemy leave Sgt. Bergdahl with only two options: pursue a doctorate at Berkley or become a Senator from Massachusetts Jay Carney stuck in line behind Eric Shinseki to leave the White House; estimated wait time from 15 min to 6 weeks 100% of scientists agree that if man-made global warming were real, "the last people we'd want to help us is the Obama administration" Jay Carney says he found out that Obama found out that he found out that Obama found out that he found out about the latest Obama administration scandal on the news "Anarchy Now!" meeting turns into riot over points of order, bylaws, and whether or not 'kicking the #^@&*! ass' of the person trying to speak is or is not violence Obama retaliates against Putin by prohibiting unionized federal employees from dating hot Russian girls online during work hours Russian separatists in Ukraine riot over an offensive YouTube video showing the toppling of Lenin statues Obamacare bolsters employment for professionals with skills to convert meth back into sudafed Joe Biden to Russia: "We will bury you by turning more of Eastern Europe over to your control!" In last-ditch effort to help Ukraine, Obama deploys Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Jackson's Rainbow Coalition to Crimea Al Sharpton: "Not even Putin can withstand our signature chanting, 'racist, sexist, anti-gay, Russian army go away'!" Mardi Gras in North Korea: "Throw me some food!" Obama's foreign policy works: "War, invasion, and conquest are signs of weakness; we've got Putin right where we want him" US offers military solution to Ukraine crisis: "We will only fight countries that have LGBT military" Putin annexes Brighton Beach to protect ethnic Russians in Brooklyn, Obama appeals to UN and EU for help The 1980s: "Mr. Obama, we're just calling to ask if you want our foreign policy back. The 1970s are right here with us, and they're wondering, too." In a stunning act of defiance, Obama courageously unfriends Putin on Facebook MSNBC: Obama secures alliance with Austro-Hungarian Empire against Russia’s aggression in Ukraine Efforts to achieve moisture justice for California thwarted by unfair redistribution of snow in America North Korean voters unanimous: "We are the 100%" Leader of authoritarian gulag-site, The People's Cube, unanimously 're-elected' with 100% voter turnout Super Bowl: Obama blames Fox News for Broncos' loss Beverly Hills campaign heats up between Henry Waxman and Marianne Williamson over the widening income gap between millionaires and billionaires in their district Biden to lower $10,000-a-plate Dinner For The Homeless to $5,000 so more homeless can attend Kim becomes world leader, feeds uncle to dogs; Obama eats dogs, becomes world leader, America cries uncle White House hires part-time schizophrenic Mandela sign interpreter to help sell Obamacare Kim Jong Un executes own "crazy uncle" to keep him from ruining another family Christmas OFA admits its advice for area activists to give Obamacare Talk at shooting ranges was a bad idea President resolves Obamacare debacle with executive order declaring all Americans equally healthy Obama to Iran: "If you like your nuclear program, you can keep your nuclear program" Obama: "I'm not particularly ideological; I believe in a good pragmatic five-year plan" Shocker: Obama had no knowledge he'd been reelected until he read about it in the local newspaper last week NSA marks National Best Friend Day with official announcement: "Government is your best friend; we know you like no one else, we're always there, we're always willing to listen" Al Qaeda cancels attack on USA citing launch of Obamacare as devastating enough The President's latest talking point on Obamacare: "I didn't build that" Carney: huge ObamaCare deductibles won't look as bad come hyperinflation Washington Redskins drop 'Washington' from their name as offensive to most Americans Poll: 83% of Americans favor cowboy diplomacy over rodeo clown diplomacy Obama administration gets serious, threatens Syria with ObamaCare Obama authorizes the use of Vice President Joe Biden's double-barrel shotgun to fire a couple of blasts at Syria Sharpton: "British royals should have named baby 'Trayvon.' By choosing 'George' they sided with white Hispanic racist Zimmerman" Nancy Pelosi extends abortion rights to the birds and the bees Hubble discovers planetary drift to the left Obama: 'If I had a daughter-in-law, she would look like Rachael Jeantel' FISA court rubberstamps statement denying its portrayal as government's rubber stamp Every time ObamaCare gets delayed, a Julia somewhere dies GOP to Schumer: 'Force full implementation of ObamaCare before 2014 or Dems will never win another election' Janet Napolitano: TSA findings reveal that since none of the hijackers were babies, elderly, or Tea Partiers, 9/11 was not an act of terrorism News Flash: Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) can see Canada from South Dakota Drudge Report reduces font to fit all White House scandals onto one page Obama: the IRS is a constitutional right, just like the Second Amendment Jay Carney to critics: 'Pinocchio never said anything inconsistent' Obama: If I had a gay son, he'd look like Jason Collins IRS targeting pro-gay-marriage LGBT groups leads to gayest tax revolt in U.S. history Boston: Obama Administration to reclassify marathon bombing as 'sportsplace violence' Study: Success has many fathers but failure becomes a government program Michelle Obama praises weekend rampage by Chicago teens as good way to burn calories and stay healthy This Passover, Obama urges his subjects to paint lamb's blood above doors in order to avoid the Sequester White House to American children: Sequester causes layoffs among hens that lay Easter eggs; union-wage Easter Bunnies to be replaced by Mexican Chupacabras Time Mag names Hugo Chavez world's sexiest corpse Boy, 8, pretends banana is gun, makes daring escape from school Study: Free lunches overpriced, lack nutrition Joe Salazar defends the right of women to be raped in gun-free environment: 'rapists and rapees should work together to prevent gun violence for the common good' Dept. of Health and Human Services eliminates rape by reclassifying assailants as 'undocumented sex partners' Deeming football too violent, Obama moves to introduce Super Drone Sundays instead Japan offers to extend nuclear umbrella to cover U.S. should America suffer devastating attack on its own defense spending Feminists organize one billion women to protest male oppression with one billion lap dances Urban community protests Mayor Bloomberg's ban on extra-large pop singers owning assault weapons Concerned with mounting death toll, Taliban offers to send peacekeeping advisers to Chicago Karl Rove puts an end to Tea Party with new 'Republicans For Democrats' strategy aimed at losing elections Answering public skepticism, President Obama authorizes unlimited drone attacks on all skeet targets throughout the country Skeet Ulrich denies claims he had been shot by President but considers changing his name to 'Traps' New York Times hacked by Chinese government, Paul Krugman's economic policies stolen White House: when President shoots skeet, he donates the meat to food banks that feed the middle class To prove he is serious, Obama eliminates armed guard protection for President, Vice-President, and their families; establishes Gun-Free Zones around them instead State Dept to send 100,000 American college students to China as security for US debt obligations Jay Carney: Al Qaeda is on the run, they're just running forward Fearing the worst, Obama Administration outlaws the fan to prevent it from being hit by certain objects World ends; S&P soars Riddle of universe solved; answer not understood Greece abandons Euro; accountants find Greece has no Euros anyway Wheel finally reinvented; axles to be gradually reinvented in 3rd quarter of 2013 As Santa's workshop files for bankruptcy, Fed offers bailout in exchange for control of 'naughty and nice' list Freak flying pig accident causes bacon to fly off shelves Report: President Obama to visit the United States in the near future Obama promises to create thousands more economically neutral jobs Imam Rauf's peaceful solution: 'Move Ground Zero a few blocks away from the mosque and no one gets hurt' Study: Obama's threat to burn tax money in Washington 'recruitment bonanza' for Tea Parties Study: no Social Security reform will be needed if gov't raises retirement age to at least 814 years Vice President Biden: criticizing Egypt is un-pharaoh Israelis to Egyptian rioters: "don't damage the pyramids, we will not rebuild" Lake Superior renamed Lake Inferior in spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness Michael Moore: As long as there is anyone with money to shake down, this country is not broke Obama's teleprompters unionize, demand collective bargaining rights Obama calls new taxes 'spending reductions in tax code.' Elsewhere rapists tout 'consent reductions in sexual intercourse' Obama's Regulation Reduction committee finds US Constitution to be expensive outdated framework inefficiently regulating federal gov't Taking a page from the Reagan years, Obama announces new era of Perestroika and Glasnost White House to impose Chimney tax on Santa Claus Obama decrees the economy is not soaring as much as previously decreeed Conservative think tank introduces children to capitalism with pop-up picture book "The Road to Smurfdom" Obama refutes charges of him being unresponsive to people's suffering: "When you pray to God, do you always hear a response?" Fluke to Congress: drill, baby, drill! Planned Parenthood introduces Frequent Flucker reward card: 'Come again soon!' Obama to tornado victims: 'We inherited this weather from the previous administration' People's Cube gives itself Hero of Socialist Labor medal in recognition of continued expert advice provided to the Obama Administration helping to shape its foreign and domestic policies Hamas: Israeli air defense unfair to 99% of our missiles, "only 1% allowed to reach Israel" Voters Without Borders oppose Texas new voter ID law Enraged by accusation that they are doing Obama's bidding, media leaders demand instructions from White House on how to respond Official: China plans to land on Moon or at least on cheap knockoff thereof Koran-Contra: Obama secretly arms Syrian rebels Poll: Progressive slogan 'We should be more like Europe' most popular with members of American Nazi Party May Day: Anarchists plan, schedule, synchronize, and execute a coordinated campaign against all of the above Midwestern farmers hooked on new erotic novel "50 Shades of Hay" Study: 99% of Liberals give the rest a bad name Obama meets with Jewish leaders, proposes deeper circumcisions for the rich Cancer once again fails to cure Venezuela of its "President for Life" Tragic spelling error causes Muslim protesters to burn local boob-tube factory White House: "Let them eat statistics" Special Ops: if Benedict Arnold had a son, he would look like Barack Obama The Fine Report Sad Hill News Looking at the Left Red Planet Cartoons
{ "date": "2016-07-27T09:37:54Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257826759.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071026-00184-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9373899102210999, "token_count": 5863, "url": "http://thepeoplescube.com/current-truth/god-yields-to-angry-left-distributes-disasters-equitably-t330.html" }
WASHINGTON (Mar. 22) Assessment of Israeli Premier Menachem Begin’s visit yesterday at the Capital with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ranged from “cordial but not enthusias tic” to “extremely cordial,” a canvass by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of many of those present indicated. By virtually all accounts, his discussion with 66 Senators, about four times the number of the committee membership itself, was less warm and affective than his later meeting with the House committee where the attendance was basically its membership. “When Golda Meir in her heyday used to come to the Capital,” an aide to a Senatorial friend of Israel explained, “she was most warmly received and she could have anything she asked. Begin doesn’t come across that way. Many Senators don’t feel close to him. That’s the main difference.” This version appeared close to a consensus of those canvassed on the Senate side. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FRIENDS On the House side, the estimate was that Begin was “brilliant” and “surprised” at least one Congressman who was critical of some of his politics and approaches. Another said he spoke in a “concerned atmosphere” but “the important thing” was that the “differences” between the U.S. and Israel “were expressed between friends rather than disputes between enemies.” But, he added, “clearly there was reaffirmation of the U.S. commitment to Israel. The differences were like those in the family.” Begin, who went from an extended meeting with President Carter to the Senate, was generally reported as physically tired and presented his view in a “low key,” the JTA was told. Later, after a brief rest, he was more vigorous in his presentation to the House members and was described as “having handled himself well.” While “no nasty” questions were asked, Begin was pressed mainly by Senators who were not members of the Foreign Relations Committee on his policy on Jewish settlements. “There is a mixed picture on this” and on opposition to the Administration’s proposal to provide F-15 aircraft to Saudi Arabia, a Senatorial aide said. NO EROSION ON ANTI-PLO VIEWS “There is no erosion regarding the PLO,” a Senator said. “On that score Israel is as strong as ever in the Senate. But people are still confused about other issues, particularly the settlements.” In this connection, a Senator pointed out that 27 Senators have now endorsed a resolution calling on Carter to cut of U.S. government aid within 30 days to countries supporting the terrorist PLO. Sen. Charles Percy (R.III.) said later “this is probably the toughest negotiation that any Israeli Prime Minister has had with a President of the United States.” An indication of Administration watchfulness of Begin’s impact on Congress was that Assistant Secretary of State Harold Saunders and Samuel Lewis, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, attended the Senate meeting. Sen. James Abourezk (D.SD), who yesterday attacked Israel’s incursion into southern Lebanon, was also present but asked no questions. In both the Senate and House meetings, Begin pointed out that he offered a “forthcoming” plan for a Middle East settlement. He had presented this to Carter and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat four months ago. “Why what was right in December is not right in March?” he asked. “Why what was flexible in the winter is considered something else in the spring?” In response to a question from Percy that Iraq is sending ammunition, trucks and troops to the PLO, Begin estimated that some 500 armed Iraqis are in Lebanon north of the Litani River. “We didn’t attack them because we do not want to widen the conflict,” he was quoted as saying. QUESTIONS WITH A CRITICAL EDGE A number of questions with a “critical edge to them” focussed on whether Israel was lawfully using U.S. supplied military equipment in southern Lebanon. This is the brunt of a letter by Reps. Paul Findley (R.III.) and Charles Whalen (R. Ohio) to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, who has not yet replied. It was also being made an issue by anti-Israeli elements who propose to push an embargo in Congress against further supply of U.S. weapons to Israel on the grounds that the Lebanese situation is similar to Turkey’s incursion into Cyprus. The House has cut off arms to Turkey as a result. However, in response to questions, Begin pointed out there is no parallel between Israel entering Lebanon and Turkey’s position in Cyprus since Israel has no intention of remaining in southern Lebanon. Israel, Begin pointed out, can use U.S. weapons in self-defense and entered southern Lebanon to protect Israeli lives. He also said that the Israeli-Lebanese armistice of 1949 includes a Lebanese pledge that regular or irregular forces would not attack Israel from Lebanon. House Minority Leader Jim Wright (D. Texas) closed the session with a tribute to Begin personally and his intentions for peace in the area. “We support your efforts for peace and say ‘shalom,’ Wright said.
{ "date": "2016-07-30T08:50:21Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257832942.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071032-00112-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9807141423225403, "token_count": 1146, "url": "http://www.jta.org/1978/03/23/archive/mixed-congressional-reaction-to-begin" }
Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 11/5/2013 (1560 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Announcements for Faith Briefs must be in our office by Monday, 4 p.m., prior to the intended date of publication. Due to space restrictions, publication is not guaranteed. Please post information on website: -- Mighty Men of Valour breakfast meeting Canad Inns Garden City, 2100 McPhillips St., May 11, 8:30 a.m., a Christian men's fellowship ministry is hosting their Breakfast meeting. Information: 204-228-4751. -- Living Room Immanuel Pentecostal Church, 955 Wilkes Ave., May 12, 5 p.m., Faith-based support group for persons living with a mood disorder. -- Roots and Wings, Reverend Millie Rochester and Andrea James, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cres., May 12, 10:30 a.m. The greatest gifts we can offer our children, it is said, are the roots of connection and the wings of hope. This morning we welcome all ages in celebrating the ways in which we accomplish this joyous task. -- Zooming In: Contemporary Issues Through a Jewish Lens. The Rady JCC: adult lounge, 123 Doncaster St., May 13, 7:30 p.m., Rabbi Alan Green from the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue will discuss: Judaism and the environment, free. -- The Art of Manifesting (Bringing Abundance Into Your Life) Spiritualist Fellowship Church, 300 Arlington Street at Portage Ave., every Monday until May 27, We will discuss and demonstrate fundamentals of the spiritualist philosophy, mediumship, and spiritual healing, Spiritualist Fellowship Church, 204-222-0071, $40. -- Winnipeg Central Aglow Lighthouse Meeting, Best Western Inn and Suites, 1714 Pembina Hwy., May 13, 7 p.m., Pastor Elda Vansteenkist will be speaking on the Holy Spirit. Reservations: Marion 204-736-2341 or Florida 204-453-2561, $7. -- Healing service, St. Bartholomew Anglican Church, 881 Autumnwood Dr., May 14, 7 p.m. -- Home Circle Development Tutorial Spiritualist Fellowship Church, 300 Arlington St., every Tuesday -- May 14 -21. Learn how to form a home circle to develop your psychic abilities and skills such as clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy, mediumship, telekinesis, energy healing, etc. Learn how to meditate to raise your consciousness to a higher vibration. Learn how to provide evidence for "proof of survival". $10. -- The Path of the Spiritual Warrior, St. Norbert Arts Centre, 100 rue des Ruines du Monastere, May 17, 7 p.m., May 17-20 Meditation Retreat: The Path of the Spiritual Warrior with Dharma teacher Doug Duncan at St. Norbert Arts Centre. Information: email@example.com. Register: www.snac.mb.ca/event_calendar.php, $5 public talk, $225, three-day retreat. -- Living Green, Living Well, with Josh Brandon, communications co-ordinator from Green Action Centre, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Cres., May 19, 10:30 a.m., The Green Action Committee presents a service for sharing tips on green living. -- Manitoba Multifaith Council AGM Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, Wellington Cres. and Academy Rd., May 22, 7 p.m., Manitoba Multifaith Council AGM - with Dr David Milward, Restorative Justice: A Different Way to the Same End, seeking to resolve the tension between Aboriginal approaches to justice and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Information: http://www.manitobamultifaithcouncil.ca/. -- Exploring Eckankar Thru Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel Henderson Library, 1-1050 Henderson Hwy., May 23, 6:30 p.m., a free introductory workshop and discussion to gain insight and guidance regarding your dreams and inner spiritual experiences. Call 204-837-5915 or www.eckankar-mb.ca. -- International Order of St. Luke Healing Conference, Flin Flon, May 23- 25, with blind healer Mike Endicott, an Anglican priest from Wales, U.K. Information and register: Rev. Clare Edwards 1-204-687-8371 or firstname.lastname@example.org. -- To Israel With Love tour special from Winnipeg for those who always wanted to visit Israel. Here is a great opportunity and big value price to the Holy Land. You will never be the same. Call Ken: 204-942-5433 or www.toisraelwithlove.com.
{ "date": "2017-08-18T20:22:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105108.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818194744-20170818214744-00047.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8239411115646362, "token_count": 1039, "url": "https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/fyi/faith-briefs-207031921.html?story=Faith%20Briefs" }
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1 Corinthians 2Our apostle had, in the foregoing chapter, declared how Christ had sent him to preach the gospel in the plainness and simplicity of it, not with the wisdom of words, ver. 17, that is, not in a pompous and flourishing way and manner of preaching, mingling the simplicity of the gospel with human wisdom: accordingly in this verse he tells them, that when, pursuant to his commission, he came and preached to them at Corinth, he came not with excellency of speech; that is, he studied not to gratify their curiosity with rhetorical strains or philosophical niceties, to please their wanton wits, but solidly to inform their judgments with the great and necessary duties of the gospel, and to furnish them with the strongest arguments and motives for a good life. This is preaching: but had he come with human wisdom, this would have detracted, 1. From the excellency of the gospel, which, like the sun, shines best with its own beams, scripture eloquence is most piercing and demonstrative, and convinceth a man by its own evidence; human wisdom charms the ear, but this strikes the conscience. 2. It would have detracted from the glory of God, which is more honoured by the plainness and simplicity of the gospel, than by the luxuriance of wit, or the most admired oratory in the world; all human wisdom must be denied when it comes in competition with, or stands in opposition to, the doctrine of the gospel. Observe farther, The title given to the gospel, which he preached amongst them in so much plainness and simplicity; he styles it the testimony of God. Where note, That the testimony of the apostles concerning Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension, is called the testimony of God, because God testified and bare witness to the truth of these doctrines by signs and wonders, and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost. That is, "I determined not to discover to you, or display before you, the eloquence and wisdom of the Greeks, or to give you any other knowledge but that of a crucified Saviour, which, alas! is to them foolishness." Yet must not these words be understood absolutely, but comparatively; not as if the apostles did absolutely despise or contemn all other study and knowledge, much less vilify true philosophy, logic, or oratory; for all knowledge is useful to him that knows how to refer it to right ends, and God has made nothing knowable in vain; but that all other knowledge, without the knowledge of Jesus Christ, is insignificant and ineffectual. Note here, 1. The subject-matter of St. Paul's study and preaching, it was Jesus Christ: not Jewish traditions, not the Gentiles' philosophy, but him in whom are hid all the treasures of knowledge. Note, 2. The special relation in which our apostle chose to study and preach Jesus Christ: and that was as crucified; Christ above all other subjects, and Christ crucified above all other considerations, because Christ crucified was to the Jews a stumbling-block, and to the Greeks foolishness: human wisdom despised the sufferings of Jesus Christ, but the apostle made them the subject of hes study, and the scope of his study, and the scope if his preaching. Learn hence, 1. That as all of Christ, so more especially his death in all the mysteries of it, ought to be the principal subject of a Christian's study and knowledge. Learn, 2. That as there is no doctrine more excellent in itself, so none more necessary to be preached, than the doctrine of Jesus Christ, and him crucified. Oh! let ministers then preach, and by preaching prepare their people to receive the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And let both ministers and people count all things but dross in comparison of that excellency which is in the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord. Observe here, 1. How the apostle declares that his person was suitable to his preaching, both plain, neither pompous. 2Cor 10:10 He tells us, That his bodily presence was weak and mean, and his speech contemptible. Tradition tells us, that Paul (according as his name signifies) was a man of a very little stature, his voice small, and wanting that presence which some others had. Observe, 2. Some pain that the apostle was in, fearing lest the infirmity of his flesh should render him as a minister despicible in the eyes of any, or the course of the gospel be hindered and obstructed by his bodily infirmities; for this was he with them in fear and much trembling. Nothing doth so much affect and afflict the ministers of Christ, as an apprehension and fear lest any thing in or from themselves should obstruct or hinder the success of the gospel which they teach. It is sad when our poverty or mean appearance, to despise our message, or from any natural imperfections found with us; but much sadder, when such moral blemishes are found with us, as to render us the occasion of our own contempt, and the cause of our ministry's unsuccessfulness. Here our apostle goes on, declaring after what manner he did, and did not, preach the gospel of Christ to the Corinthians. Note, 1. How he did not preach unto them: he tells us, that his preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom; that is, his preaching was not garnished with human eloquence, did not consist in rhetorical tropes, was not accompanied with the witty insinuations of artificial learning, which pleases the ear, but affects not the heart: therefore the apostles did not, like rhetoricians and orators, polish their discourses with an affected curiosity and exactness of language: but although they came in plainness, yet not in rudeness of speech; our apostle's preaching at Corinth was great and serious, pious and ardent, plain and profitable. With what brevity, without darkness; with what gravity, without affectation; with what natural eloquence, without meretricious ornament, were St. Paul's discourses! A minister's words ought not to be instantia, but inflammantia; not high-swelling, but heart-in-flaming words. Note, 2. How the apostle did preach unto the Corinthians; namely, in the demonstration of the Spirit, and of power; that is, the doctrine he preached was accompanied with, and confirmed by, the miraculous gifts of the Holy Ghost, to convince them that Jesus was risen from the dead, and was made Lord of all, whom therefore they ought to believe and obey; he did not go about to bewitch men with eloquence, nor to entangle their minds by subtle reasonings, but he offered to men a sensible proof and demonstration of the truth of what he delivered, in those strange and miraculous operations to which he was enabled by the Holy Ghost. This demonstration of the Spirit accompanying the preaching of the word, we are not now to expect; but the ministry of the word is still attended with a divine power of the Spirit, enlightening the understanding, and persuading the conscience; which may be called a demonstration of the Spirit, because the evidence of truth is no longer disputed or contradicted, but the ministry of the word is still attended with a divine power of the Spirit, enlightening the understanding, and persuading the conscience; which may be called a demonstration of the Spirit, because the evidence of truth is no longer desputed or contradicted, but the understanding assents to the word as true, and the will embraces it as good. Note, 3. The reason assigned by the apostle why he preached the gospel in and after this plain and in artificial manner, namely, That their faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God; that is, that your faith or belief of the gospel should not seem to be obtained by human wisdom and eloquence, but be ascribed to a divine power, influencing such weak means as my plain preaching was amongst you; it is the praise of omnipotency to work by improbabilities: God delights to do great things by weak and unlikely means, knowing that the weakness of the instrument redounds to the greater honour of himself, the principal agent. Human faith is an assent to any thing credible, as credible upon the infallible testimony of God, and is grounded on, and resolved into, the evidence of divine revelation. Upon this foot stood the Corinthians' faith, not in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Our apostle here proceeds in discoursing to the Corinthins of the excellency of his ministry amongst them, to obviate the contempt which some might cast upon it for want of human eloquence, sublimity of learning, and accurateness of speech; as if the apostle had said, "Though the wise men of the world account me a fool, and my preaching foolishness, yet I speak the highest wisdom among them that are perfect, or fully instructed in the principles of the Christian faith." Although the discourses of the ablest ministers of the gospel seem jujune and dry to carnal hearts, yet they have an excellency of wisdom and depth of judgment in them, which spiritual and judicious Christians do own and acknowledge. Here observe, 1. The title which the apostle gives to the gospel of Christ, which he preached: he styles it the wisdom of God, the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world was;--the wisdom of God, because it makes men truly wise, wise to salvation, directing us to use the best means in order to the best and highest end; and the hidden mysterious wisdom of God, because it lay hid in the secret counsels of God from all eternity, and afterwards lay hid under the Jewish types, but is now revealed by the ministry of Christ and his holy apostles; revealed in due time to our glory, that is, to be the means of our happiness and glory. The gracious purpose and design of God in the recovery of a lost world to happiness and glory, by the death and sufferings of his dear and only Son, was so mysterious and surprising, that it could never have entered the thoughts of men or angels, had not God himself discovered it by the revelation of the gospel. Observe, 2. The comparison which the apostle makes betwixt the wisdom of the gospel and the wisdom of this world: The wisdom of this world, and of the princes of this world, comes to nought. By the wisdom of the world, understand the wisdom of the heathen Gentile world, the learning of their admired philosphers, all which comes to nought: that is, it is of no signficancy at all in order to the best and highest end, the salvation of the soul. Christianity or the knowledge of the gospel, is the best knowledge of the truest and highest wisdom; 'tis the best knowledge, because it contains the knowledge of God and our duty, which is the most excellent, the most useful knowledge; and it is the truest wisdom, because it is to be wise for ourselves, and to be wise as to our chief interest; it propounds to us the noblest end, to wit, the glory of God, and our soul's salvation; and it directs us to use the best, the surest, and wisest means, for the certain obtaining of that end. That is, which divine neither Caiphas, nor Herod, nor Pontius Pilate, nor any of the Jewish or Gentile rulers, did understand. Where note, The apostle calls the learned rabbis, the admired philosophers among the heathen, the celebrated doctors among the Jews, princes: but presently adds a diminutive term, which darkens all their glory: he styles them the princes of this world, utterly unacquainted with the wisdom of the other world. Observe farther, What a clear and full proof the apostle gives of their ignorance of this divine wisdom which the gospel reveals: had they known it, that is, practically known it, so as to believe it, to be influenced and persuaded by it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Note here, 1. A royal title given to Christ, The Lord of glory. There belongs to him, (1.) An essential glory as God, which is unspeakable, yea, inconceivable, He thought it no robbery to be equal with God, that is, to have a peerage or equality with his Father in glory. (2.) A mediatorial glory as head of the church, which consists in that fullness of grace which is inherent in him, and in that dignity and authority which is put upon him. (3.) A passive glory, (as some divines call it,) of a glory which shall to all eternity be given to him by his redeemed ones, by saints and angels, upon the account of his mediatorial work: Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory, and honour, and worship, Rev 5:12 for he hath redeemed us, &c. Note, 2. The indignity offered to this glorious person: They crucified him, they nailed him to an ignominious cross, and put him to death, as the vilest criminal, as the greatest malefactor. Note, 3. The cause of this indignity, and that was, ignorance; had they known, they would not have crucified, that is, had the princes of this world known, either who Christ was, or the work which he came about, they would not have crucified him, but adored him. But was their ignorance of Christ a sufficient excuse for crucifying him. In no wise, because it was not an invincible, but a willful ignorance: they had sufficient means of instruction, by which they might have come to the knowledge of him, and of their duty to him; but they closed their eyes, and would not see. These words, Eye hath not seen, &c. do not immediately respect the happiness of heaven and a future state, though very often they are so applied; but they are primarily spoken of the gospel state, and of the blessings to be enjoyed by them that love God here: from whence a good argument may be drawn to prove the inconceivable happiness of the saints hereafter. Though they have felt and tasted joys unspeakable and full of glory, in the actings of their faith and love upon God at present; yet all that they have seen and heard, all that they have tasted and felt, in the way to heaven, falls infinitely short of the perfection and blessedness of that place and state. Lord! how will thy immediate presence, when we come into it, be a great surprise to those of us that have now the greatest acquaintance with it! Observe farther, The care and kindness of God towards his servants, in revealing to them by his Spirit those great and good things prepared for them, which surpass man's understanding: though "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, yet God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit." There is a two-fold revelation of the happiness of a future state: Revelatio fidei, et revelatio visionis, a revelation of faith, and a revelation by vision and sight; the former, believers have by the help of the Holy Spirit in this life, as viatores; the latter they shall ere long enjoy in heaven, as comprehensores, where they shall see as they are seen, and know as they are known. Observe lastly, That the Holy Spirit, which thus revealeth hidden counsels to man, and searcheth the deep things of God, is omniscient, and really God. Mark, 1. He searcheth deep things; he is not only acquainted with and privy to the surface and outside of things, but searcheth things to the bottom. And, 2. He searcheth not only the deep things of man, as of kings and princes, whose hearts are a great deep, but the deep things of God: therefore the Spirit is God; for as the apostle argues, ver 11. No man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man that is in him; even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God, or he that is with God, in God, yea, God himself, as intimately with him as the soul is in the body. If the spirit that is in man were not man, it could never know the deep things of man, and if the Spirit of God were not God, he could never search and know the deep things of God. Observe here, 1. The apostle declares what spirit they had not received, namely, the spirit they had not received, namely, the spirit of the world: We have not received the spirit of the world: that is, the spirit which suggests worldly wisdom, and savours only of worldly things: which acts and influences only worldly men. In the whole generation of worldly men there is the same worldly spirit, and this spirit of the world is an earthly spirit, it is a low, a little, and a narrow spirit: earthly things which are present and visible, such a soul gapes after, and grasps hard; but future and invisible things, which are far off and out of sight, are neither believed nor sought after. Observe, 2. The apostle declares what spirit they had received, namely, the spirit which is of God, and of what use that Holy Spirit is unto them: it teaches them to know the things which are freely given them of God: that is, the Holy Spirit showeth us both what God is, and what the things of God are; we are enlightened with the knowledge of that grace and goodness of God which is discovered to us in the gospel, we know both divine mysteries and divine mercies, both what God hath done for us, and what he hath wrought in us, which are the things that are freely given us of God. Observe, 3. The apostle declares how he preached these spiritual things after a spiritual manner, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth: that is, not in the words and after the manner now counted by the Gentile philosophers to be learned and wise, but in the very words, and after the very manner, which the Spirit of God teacheth us. Where learn, That the holy apostles spake and wrote by the immediate inspiration of the Holy Ghost, as well as the prophets of old time, and delivered nothing as from God but what God revealed to them by his Holy Spirit: and accordingly some interpret those words, comparing spiritual things with spiritual, that is, say they, comparing the things which were written by the Spirit in and under the Old Testament, with what is now revealed to us under the New. Observe here, 1. The subject spoken of the natural man; not sarkhikhos, the sensual, but psnkhikhos, the animal man, who acts only by the principles of human reason and worldly wisdom; who, though well furnished with intellectual and moral improvements, is yet destitute of the enlightening Spirit and renewing grace of God. Observe, 2. What is here affirmed of the natural man, with reference to spiritual things:--That he receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; and that he cannot know them. Where note, That it is not said, that he knoweth not the things of God, but the things of the Spirit of God; for there are some things of God, which a natural man may know, but the things of the Spirit of God; as truths purely evangelical, these he receiveth not, neither in his understanding, nor in his will. Note further, It is not barely said that he doth not, but that he cannot know them. Natural reason alone, by what helps soever assisted and improved, is altogether insufficient, without spiritual illumination, to apprehend supernatural and evangelical truth: not but that the Spirit of God in the work of illumination and conversion makes use of our reason; that flower of the soul is not blasted, but more opened, by the blowing of the blessed Spirit. Christianity doth not command us to throw away our reason, but to subjugate it; not to deny or disown our reason, but to captivate it to the obedience of faith; but the sense of the apostle is, that a person of the most exquisite natural accomplishments, and one that has improved his reason to the highest pitch, cannot behold evangelical mysteries in their proper light, or embrace them in their verity and bearty, without the superadded aids and assistances of the Holy Spirit. Observe, 3. The reasons declared why the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit; because they are foolishness unto him: that is, he accounts them foolishness when propounded to him, because he doth not see them proved from principles of natural reason, and by philosophical deductions, which is the only wisdom that he seeks after. The reason also is added why he cannot know them, because they are spiritually discerned; that is, the natural man cannot know divine things by that wisdom which he alone will be conducted by, and spiritual things must be spiritually discerned; for, being mysteries they are not knowable by human reason, but by spiritual revelation. And if the wisdom of the world, that is, the learned and the wisest men in the world, were thus unable by the sharpest light of reason to discover evangelical mysteries. Lord! how endearing are our obligations for the benefit of supernatural revelation, whereby the hidden wisdom of God is made known to us. As if the apostle had said, "Although the natural man, who acteth only by principles of human reason, receiveth not the things of the Spirit, nor can know them by any study of his own, because they are spiritually discerned; yet he that is spiritual, that is, who hath the revelation and illumination of the Spirit of God, judgeth, or discerneth and trieth all things, that is, all spiritual matters; yet he himself is judged of no man, that is discerned by none who hath no higher principle than that of nature to discern things by." Learn hence, That such Christians as are enlightened and renewed with, guided and conducted by, the Holy Spirit of God, are the only proper judges of spiritual matters, able to understand their duty, and to discern between good and evil: He that is spiritual judgeth all things. That is, "What man, without divine revelation and spiritual illumination, ever knew or understood the mind of God so well, as to be able to instruct, direct, and inform the spiritual man about it? But we who are spiritual have the mind of Christ, and so are able to discern and direct, to guide and instruct, others about it." Learn hence, That none are fit and sufficient to interpret the mind of God unto others, who are not acquainted with it themselves. We have the mind of Christ, saith the apostle of himself, and his fellow-labourers in the gospel: his meaning is not only this, that they had the mind of Christ written in a book, but that they had a clear understanding of it, and so were fitted to interpret it to others. There is no such knowledge as the knowledge of experience, no teaching like unto experimental teaching. Copyright information for Burkitt Welcome to STEP Bible From Tyndale House, Cambridge UK Use the search box to find Bibles, commentaries, passages, search terms, etc. Here are some examples: This shows how to quickly lookup a passage. Looking up a passage in three different translations is also easy. This asks STEP to search for the Greek word for 'brother' and show the results in the ESV. This example runs both a 'Hebrew word search' and a 'Text' search and shows the results in both the NIV and ESV. You can mix most searches. This finds any word translated as 'throne' in the Prophets and the New Testament, but only in verses concerning the topic 'David'. This excludes verses which refer to a 'throne' in other contexts. Interlinear Hebrew & Greek is available for some translations with grammar (and more soon). To reverse the interlinear order, click on a version abbreviation under the verse number. © Tyndale House, Cambridge, UK - 2018
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The Yorktown Jewish Center stands with Israel. Many of our members, including children, have visited Israel and we invite you to submit photographs or a narrative which depict what moved you during your visit. Please keep these simple guide lines in mind. Please submit no more than 6 to 10 photographs. I will choose the photographs based on the quality of the image. Images should be in JPEG format. All submissions should be in either portrait or landscape; do not mix the orientation. Please provide a location and date as well as a brief caption for each photograph. Remember that this is an open web site and all photos can be viewed by anyone who lands on the site. E-mail images to: firstname.lastname@example.org and if you have any questions, please e-mail Mike Mirsky at the same address. Sophie is the grand-daughter of Bob & Julianne Ashkinaze who are long-time members of the Yorktown Jewish Center. Sophie is in Israel doing an internship at the Jerusalem Post. If you click on her name, you will see a page with her blog entry describing her first day on the job. Please read it and enjoy her excitement and jubilation! Phyllis and Arnie spent most of May 2016 in Israel. Read this wonderful account of Yom Haatzmaut as well as an encounter with Shimon. Ariana spoke to the congregation during Rosh Hashanah about her January 2017 trip to Israel. Click on her name to read her remarks. Yasher Koach to Ariana for sharing her thoughts with us. Lauren also spoke to the congregation during Rosh Hashanah and shared some of her impressions of her December 2016 Israeli trip. Click on her name to read Lauren's insiteful commentary. Todah to Lauren for providing us with these wonderful thoughts.
{ "date": "2019-08-17T14:33:44Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027313428.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20190817143039-20190817165039-00527.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.956969141960144, "token_count": 385, "url": "http://yorktownjewishcenter.org/israel/" }
Most classic movies involve some kind of love story that's central the plot. Heck, even Hitchcock movies had their fair share of smoochin'. But after a long cinematic dry spell, it's safe to say the resurgence of rom-coms upon us, thanks to films like To All the Boys I've Loved Before and Crazy Rich Asians. With so much love on the brain, we decided to investigate which classic films hold up as the most quintessentially romantic of them all. After scouring the archives of film history, we determined that the 40 movies below tell the story of rom-coms from the beginning of talking films through 1989 (we figured "classic" meant pre-1990—mainly because we just had to include When Harry Met Sally). So what other romantic movies do you simply have to see before you can truly call yourself an expert on the genre? Read on to see what made the cut: It Happened One Night (1934) Considered one of the first and still greatest romantic comedies of all time, this Frank Capra joint stars Claudette Colbert as a feisty young heiress set to marry a man her father disapproves of and Clark Gable as the guy hired to help her get home. Guess whether they end up together? The chemistry between Colbert and Gable positively sizzles. A Tale of Two Cities (1935) Sure, it's the film adaptation of the classic Dickens novel you were forced to read in high school English class, how can you not be utterly riveted by this story of morality, loss, and revolution in 18th century Europe? Also, Sydney Carton is a total unsung babe, here played by Ronald Colman. It won’t help you ace the test if you didn’t read the book, but consider the movie extra credit. Bringing Up Baby (1938) Cary Grant (who will appear many times on this list) and Katharine Hepburn (likewise) star in this truly batshit screwball comedy about a paleontologist and the woman who's into him. There are dinosaur bones, museum capers, and even a real-life leopard. Strap in. The Philadelphia Story (1940) The keystone in the “comedy of remarriage” genre—in which the characters of Code-era movies had to be divorced (rather than merely single) in order to make on-screen flirting kosher for audiences—is this movie starring Katharine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart, and Cary Grant. Never mind their genuinely conflicting love triangle: Those three names alone qualify this movie for a spot on every list of top classic films. The Shop Around the Corner (1940) A delightful film from iconic director Ernst Lubitsch, this movie about pen-pals who turn out to be work rivals is just heart-wrenchingly romantic. Also, it’s the basis for 1998's You’ve Got Mail (hence Kathleen Kelly’s bookstore’s name, The Shop Around the Corner). Cross-generational swoon! His Girl Friday (1940) Cary Grant is a newspaper editor, and Rosalind Russell is the do-what-it-takes investigative reporter who used to date him. When he finds out she’s engaged to someone new, he tries to postpone the wedding by giving her a juicy story about a man who may be wrongfully convicted; she ends up getting in deep when the piece turns out to have more merit than they realized. Come for the proto-feminist messaging, stay for the lightning-quick sassy dialogue. (Seriously, how do they talk this fast?) There’s a reason this is considered one of the best films of all time. Humphrey Bogart scorches the screen while Ingrid Bergman is enchanting in a breathlessly romantic and genuinely funny epic about Morocco during WWII. Somehow the most quoted movie ever made is still surprising every time. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) Judy Garland stars in this musical romance about four sisters preparing for the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri. Not only is it preciously cute with some impressive ensemble song-and-dance numbers, but this is also the movie that introduced to the world the classic holiday tune “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” That makes it both a rom-com and a Christmas movie—two great tastes that go great together (just ask Love Actually). An American in Paris (1951) Gene Kelly sings Gershwin tunes as a painter in Paris, where he surrounds himself with other bohemians and fawns over a beautiful ballet dancer. It was Leslie Caron’s first role in a movie, though she would go on to become a huge star (and the titular character in another romance on this list, Gigi). Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Debbie Reynolds danced until her feet bled and Gene Kelly filmed the famous song sequence—you know, the one where he sings in the rain?—with a 103° fever, but it was all worth it for one of the greatest and most successful musicals ever filmed. Set during the transition from silent film to the “talkies,” Don (Kelly) and Lina (Jean Hagen) are actors whose newest film is remade into a musical. Don’s voice is perfectly fine, Lina’s is not. Enter aspiring actress Kathy Selden (Reynolds) to dub over Lina’s shrill in order to save the movie and their careers, with just a dash of love along the way. Roman Holiday (1953) Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck star in this William Wyler–directed romance about a princess who takes a day off to run around town, and the civilian who falls for her. If you like Vespas, you’ll love this movie—even if Meghan Markle would never. Desk Set (1957) A classic Battle of the Sexes comedy and the eighth film of famed acting couple Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn. She’s a researcher at a broadcasting network who knows all the answers, he’s the computer salesman trying to put her out of a job. Madness and some hilarious-in-retrospect observations about the nature of technology ensue. An Affair to Remember (1957) Raise your hand if you’ve ever made a pact to reunite with someone on top of the Empire State Building in six months? Cary Grant’s character and Deborah Kerr’s character meet aboard the SS Constitution en route from Europe to New York, where they fall in love and make a plan to meet atop the Empire State Building, after which they’ll presumably ride off into the sunset. Spoiler: That’s not what winds up happening. But man, this is a love story for the ages. This très charmant musical about a French womanizer and his teenage friend who grows up to become a hot lady is a master class in getting out the friend zone. It’s a wonderfully sweet film, at least if you pretend the song “Thank Heaven For Little Girls” isn’t in it. West Side Story (1961) If you like movie musicals, gang fights that involve a lot of finger-snapping, stories based on Romeo and Juliet, old school New York settings, and deeply unhappy endings, then West Side Story is the movie for you! Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) Audrey Hepburn is the O.G. Manic Pixie Dream Girl as Holly Golightly, the country bumpkin-turned-wild party girl living out her New York City fantasy and taking on some seriously odd jobs and eating pastries in front of the Tiffany's jewelry store. Yes, it’s a romance, but it’s also a movie about what it means to invent yourself. The most unrealistic aspect is probably that Audrey Hepburn eats carbohydrates daily, but as I recall I think we both kind of liked it. Even decades after its release, the twists and turns in this story of a woman who teams up with a worldly playboy to solve her husband’s murder will keep you guessing until the very end. Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn star in this caper that’s got as many thrills as it does swoon-worthy moments. My Fair Lady (1964) Based quite closely on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, this musical follows the tale of a snobbish linguist (Rex Harrison, as a zaddy) who bets that he can turn a rough-and-tumble flower girl (Audrey Hepburn, as an urchin) into a high society lady. She's Audrey Hepburn so, naturally, she pulls it off. How to Steal a Million (1966) Romantic heists should really be a more common genre in 2018, and this movie proves why. It’s about an art forger’s daughter (played by Audrey Hepburn, in the most divine Givenchy wardrobe) who falls in love with an art thief. Things get even screwier, but it’s hilarious, madcap, and butterflies-in-your-stomach romantic, too. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? (1967) Unsurprisingly, some things about this movie are super problematic today. For example. the minor characters are basically offensive stereotypes. But this 1967 romantic comedy was groundbreaking for its time. When white Joanna Drayton brings her black fiancé (played by the legendary Sidney Poitier) home to her wealthy liberal parents for the first time, they’re forced to reconcile their “liberal” ideations with their reservations about the then-controversial concept of interracial marriage. It’s an examination of race relations in the 1960s, released just six months after the landmark Loving v. Virginia case struck down anti-miscegenation laws in the United States. Romeo and Juliet (1968) There are many adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, but only one that follows the text precisely while also bringing an awkwardly horny je ne sais quoi. This is the version you probably watched in your freshman year English class, and for that it is an instant classic. Also, great script. That Shakespeare guy was pretty good at writing! Harold and Maude (1971) This is a deeply strange, ultimately charming love story about a morbid young man who falls for a much, much older woman. If you want to understand Wes Anderson’s whole aesthetic, watch this movie—even if you don’t want to think too hard about whether Harold and Maude actually do the deed. The Way We Were (1973) Told via flashback, The Way We Were is a love story that almost isn’t. It’s not a spoiler to say this one doesn’t have a happy ending (remember the extended reference to it in Sex and the City?). It follows the lives of two polar opposites who wind up in a relationship: Katie, a politically-active Jewish woman played by Barbra Streisand, and Hubbell, an easy-going WASP played by Robert Redford. Their relationship is passionate and challenging and they almost go all the way.... Yeah, it’s a tearjerker. The Goodbye Girl (1977) Richard Dreyfuss won an Oscar for his performance as a struggling actor who sublets his friend’s apartment, only to find out that his friend has abandoned his girlfriend (Marsha Mason) and her ten-year-old daughter, who happen to still live there. The pair clash initially, but eventually get past their differences and sparks fly. It’s very 70s—and endlessly charming. Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta have famous chemistry in this tale of love between a bad boy and a good girl in the 1950s. They meet on the beach, fall in love, and then Danny Zuko thinks Sandy moves back to Australia at the end of the summer. But—TWIST!—she’s enrolled in his own Rydell High School for her senior year, and he’s suddenly got to reconcile his bad boy rep with the sweet, romantic guy Sandy met on the beach…in song! It shouldn’t be so hard to get men to respect women, but Dustin Hoffman famously admitted that appearing in Tootsie gave him perspective about how bad women have it in the workplace. He stars as Michael Dorsey, an unemployed actor with a terrible reputation who dresses up as a woman named Dorothy to help his friend’s play and winds up landing a role on a soap opera—in drag. Where’s the romance, you ask? The amazing love…rhombus (?), involving Michael, Michael’s female friend-with-benefits, the female co-star he falls in love with (Jessica Lange in an Oscar-winning performance), that same co-star's father, and a male co-star who is pining after Dorothy. Phew! Before ladies were boning fish—and I don’t mean for culinary purposes—in Oscar-nominated dramas directed by Guillermo del Toro, there was Splash, in which business guy Tom Hanks falls in love with a mermaid played by Daryl Hannah. It’s very 1980s, but Hanks is, as always, instantly lovable. Romancing the Stone (1984) Full of both romance and adventure, Romancing the Stone is basically Indiana Jones in love. Kathleen Turner plays a dowdy romance novelist who—after her sister is kidnapped by thugs in the Colombian jungle—discovers her own life is in danger and must bring a treasure map to her sister’s captors. She’s assisted by a gruff mercenary (Michael Douglas) who helps her find the treasure. It’s also hilarious, and Turner and Douglas are pitch-perfect. Sixteen Candles (1984) At the height of her Teen Queen status, Molly Ringwald starred as Samantha, a girl whose 16th birthday has pretty much been overlooked and overshadowed by her sister’s upcoming wedding. Not only that, she’s pining over older hottie Jake Ryan (the de facto name for every Hot Guy In High School) who doesn’t even know she’s alive, and the only boy in who seems to be interested in her is a massive dweeb. Yes, parts of it are super racist and problematic, but it’s also a true testament to the awkwardness of being 16 and hoping someone will see you. A Room With a View (1985) Based on the novel by E.M. Forster, this Merchant Ivory film about a couple of classy British ladies in Florence who come around to more modern thinking, thanks to Daniel Day-Lewis’s incredible ass (also other things about him and the world), is the definition of a horny period drama. More of these in the future, please! She’s Gotta Have It (1986) This story about a woman refusing to choose monogamy was the first full-length film for Spike Lee, who wrote and directed it. Though not as iconic as Lee’s Do The Right Thing (which came out three years later), it launched his career and was even remade into a very modern Netflix series in 2018. Baby Boom (1987) One of the first blockbuster Nancy Meyers screenplays, Baby Boom features Diane Keaton as a hard-nosed New York City business lady who inherits a baby girl and decides to move to the country. But even rural Vermont and its hot veterinarians played by Sam Shepard can't keep her killer business instincts down. This is as much a feminist tale as it is a romance, and is actually one 2018 reboot we'd want to see. Broadcast News (1987) Though today it’s mostly just people in suits reading other people’s tweets, broadcast news used to be quite a thing back in the 1980s. That's perfectly encapsulated in this hilarious James L. Brooks rom-com about a love triangle between journalists (played by William Hurt, Holly Hunter, and Albert Brooks). A beautiful widow (Cher, in a role for which she very rightly won a Best Actress Oscar) who lives with her Italian family in Brooklyn meets a tempestuous baker (Nic Cage, minus one hand) who turns out to be the estranged brother of her new fiancé, who happens to be visiting his ailing mother back in Sicily. It’s laugh-out-loud funny and sexy in a weird way, but the writing is deceptively poignant and thoughtful. The Princess Bride (1987) The ultimate romantic fairytale is also one of the funniest movies of the 1980s. Sure, Princess Buttercup and Wesley are made for each other, but Mandy Patinkin isn’t even in the main love story and he’s totally smoochable as Inigo Montoya. It’s almost impressive how well the jokes here hold up even 30 years after its initial release. Coming to America (1988) Before there was Wakanda, there was Zamunda, the wealthy African nation where Crown Prince Akeem Joffer (Eddie Murphy) is dreading his upcoming arranged marriage. He doesn’t want a woman who wants him because he’s a prince, he wants a woman who wants him for him. So what happens? He and his best friend go the New York, where Akeem gets a job at a fast-food restaurant and embarks on finding the woman of his dreams against his parents’ wishes. Plus, when it came out, black actors weren’t often romantic leads in film, which just adds to the importance and poignancy of this movie. When Harry Met Sally (1989) Can men and women ever really be friends? This movie doesn’t make a case for the likelihood, but Billy Crystal is sarcastically sexy and Meg Ryan is peak-America’s Sweetheart. In addition to all the iconic comedy scenes, it still manages to be incredibly sweet and romantic. I’ll have what they’re having. Say Anything… (1989) Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone thinks of this movie as “John Cusack with the boombox,” but there’s a reason it makes every “best romantic comedies” list: It’s a love story on multiple levels and shows just how much people will endure for love. John Cusack stars as Lloyd Dobler, an slacker/aspiring kickboxer in love with Ione Skye’s Diane Court, the class valedictorian. Classic.
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LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The original judge has been dead for 15 years, and no one has been able to find the criminal case file since 2004. Yet a 1977 sex scandal involving famed director Roman Polanski and a 13-year-old girl continues to stalk the courts of Los Angeles. Academy Award-winning director Roman Polanski hasn't left France in 30 years because of a U.S. fugitive warrant. Attorneys for the 75-year-old Academy Award-winning director asked a judge Tuesday to put the matter to rest once and for all. But a judge denied the request, saying the director must show up in court to obtain a ruling. That poses problems for Polanksi because prosecutors have vowed to seek his arrest on a bench warrant the minute he sets foot in the United States. The bench warrant was issued when Polanski failed to appear for sentencing more than 30 years ago. Lawyers Douglas Dalton and Chad Hummel last month filed a 239-page dismissal "request," citing allegations brought to light in the documentary, "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired." The documentary was first broadcast in June on HBO, which shares a corporate parent with CNN. The court filing alleges that a meddling prosecutor who believed Polanski should be behind bars improperly influenced a judge to ignore the terms of a plea bargain, as well as the wishes of the district attorney's office, the probation officer and the victim. None of them wanted Polanski to serve jail time. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Peter Espinoza left the door open to reconsider his ruling if Polanski, who has lived in exile in France since 1977, shows up in court. "It's hard to contest some of the behavior in the documentary was misconduct," Espinoza said in court. But he declined to dismiss the case entirely, a decision that didn't surprise legal experts who said such rulings are extremely rare. "You have to give [Polanski attorney] Chad Hummel the creative lawyering of the year award," said legal analyst Laurie Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Espinoza in effect said he was tossing out the request without considering whether it has merit because Polanski hasn't shown up for court. But he suspended his ruling, writing that "if the defendant submits to the jurisdiction of this Court within 30 days, the Court shall consider the merits of the motion." Polanski's victim is among those calling for the case to be tossed out. Larry Silver, the victim's lawyer, said he was disappointed in the ruling and that Espinoza "did not get to the merits and consider the clear proof of both judicial and prosecutorial corruption." He argued in court that had "Mr. Polanski been treated fairly" his client would not still be suffering because of publicity almost 32 years after the incident. Levinson said the victim's support may offer a sliver of hope for Polanski. "The best thing he has going is the victim," she said. "In this age of victims' rights, if I were the lawyer I would be playing that card too." But prosecutors have consistently argued that dismissing the Polanski case would be a miscarriage of justice, allowing a man who "drugged and raped a 13-year-old child" to go free. Polanski's attorneys back up the allegation with a DVD of the documentary, a script, a copy of Polanski's 1977 pre-sentencing report and various court transcripts, interviews and declarations. They paint a picture of backroom conversations between a prosecutor itching for a piece of the case and a judge so image conscious that he kept a scrapbook of media clippings, asked lawyers to "stage" Polanski's sentencing hearing and feared criticism if he didn't send the director to prison. Allegations of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct are commonly raised on appeal, but only a small percentage of these appeals succeed. Polanski pleaded guilty in 1977 to a single count of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. The director, his lawyer and the prosecutor handling the case believed they'd hammered out a deal that would spare the young victim a public trial and Polanski jail time, according to the filing. The first surprise came when Judge Laurence J. Rittenband sent Polanski to prison for "diagnostic testing" to determine whether he was what then was called a "mentally disturbed sex offender." (The results came in after Polanski spent 42 days at a maximum security prison. He wasn't.) The second surprise came on the eve of sentencing, when Rittenband informed the attorneys that he was inclined to send Polanski back to prison for another 48 days. Polanksi fled the United States and has been living in exile in France ever since. Previous attempts to resolve the case failed, including a recently disclosed secret negotiation in 1997. The sticking point has always been Polanski's refusal to come to court because he would face almost certain arrest the moment he set foot in the United States. As a director, Polanski is best known for the films "Rosemary's Baby," "Chinatown" and "The Pianist," a 2002 drama about the Holocaust that won him the Oscar for best director. But he is also known for a personal life tinged with tragedy. He was born in France and moved to Poland with his parents as a small child. Later, he escaped Krakow's Jewish ghetto and hid from the Nazis with the help of strangers. His mother died at Auschwitz. He endured the anti-Semitism of post-war Europe, attended film school and directed "Knife in the Water," which won a 1963 Oscar nomination for best foreign-language film. He then came to Southern California to make "Rosemary's Baby." As he was making his mark in Hollywood, Polanski was also making headlines in connection with two lurid Los Angeles crimes in the 1960s and '70s. Polanski was filming in Europe when members of Charles Manson's "family" butchered the director's pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate, and four others in August 1969. Eight years later, he stood accused of plying a 13-year-old girl with champagne and a sliver of a quaalude tablet and performing various sex acts, including intercourse, with her during a photo shoot at actor Jack Nicholson's house. Nicholson was not at home, but his girlfriend at the time, actress Anjelica Huston, was. According to a probation report contained in the filing, Huston described the victim as "sullen." She added, "She appeared to be one of those kind of little chicks between -- could be any age up to 25. She did not look like a 13-year-old scared little thing." Huston said Polanski did not strike her as the type of man who would force himself on a young girl. "I don't think he's a bad man," she said in the report. "I think he's an unhappy man." As she has from the beginning, the victim says Polanksi shouldn't go to prison. Samantha Geimer, now 45, married and a mother of three children, sued Polanski and received an undisclosed settlement. She long ago came forward and made her identity public -- mainly, she said, because she was disturbed by how the criminal case had been handled. Earlier this month she filed a court declaration accusing prosecutors of victimizing her yet again by publicizing graphic details of the sexual encounter. The makers of the documentary also talked with people who played roles behind the scenes. From those interviews, the tale of alleged backroom dealings emerged. Former prosecutor David Wells was regularly assigned to Rittenband's Santa Monica courtroom. He handled routine matters and told the filmmakers he had the judge's ear. "I was in the court every day," he said in an interview with the filmmakers. "So Rittenband [would] ask me questions about the thing because he counted on me, or whoever was his favorite DA at the time, to advise him on what the -- what the law was, criminal law. He was very good at civil law, but criminally, he left that to his DAs to do." Although he was involved in the early stages of the investigation, Wells was taken off the Polanski case. He said he was "miffed" at the way it was handled because he believed Polanski should go to jail. Wells recommended the 90 days of diagnostic testing to the judge because Polanski would be in a prison setting but couldn't appeal, he said. Wells told the filmmakers he showed the judge a photo of the director at an Oktoberfest celebration while the sentence was pending. "I took the picture into Judge Rittenband. I said, 'Judge,' I said, 'Look here. He's flipping you off ...' And I said, 'Haven't you had enough of this?' And then he exploded and what happened happened." Polanski's attorneys said the conversations were improper "ex parte" communications -- and nothing short of prosecutorial misconduct. Legal ethics and rules of criminal procedure usually bar one party in a case from discussing it with the judge unless the other side is present. Wells could not be reached for comment. His voice mail was full, and was not accepting new messages. But he recently told the Los Angeles Times that he did nothing wrong and that he still strongly feels Polanski should go to prison. It will be Judge Peter Espinoza's call on how to handle a celebrity case that appears to have been snakebitten from the start. CNN's Jack Hannah contributed to this report. |Most Viewed||Most Emailed||Top Searches|
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Kimye: The Second Coming of Christ - Article by Megan Enter - January 25, 2013 In this golden age of Twitterland, duckface selfies, and celebrity sex tapes a great prophet named TMZ has brought us a message: the less-than-virgin Mary, Kim Kardashian, is bearing the fruit of the tender loins of our God here on Earth, Kanye West. Now, just like Jesus Escobar Christ, a threesome of wise-ish men bearing exotic gifts of twelve-hundred thread count crib sheets, onesies made from endangered rhinos, and diapers crafted from surviving parts of the original Magna Carta will surround Kim’s famous cooter to greet the child that is soon to be likely named something like “Gucci ChristFlow Mercedes #KimYe North By North West.” With the Second Coming coming soon, Judgment Day appears to be nigh. It’s important to examine the prophetic ways in which Kim-Ye will follow in the footsteps of the Christian tradition so that our non-believing, fornicating, and alcoholic souls might be saved from eternal damnation. We can’t altogether rule out the Shyamalan-twist of Kim’s fetus actually being the offspring of Kris Humphries and coming out looking like a mentally challenged sea monkey. However, let’s Edward Norton it and keep the faith that this is the Second Coming we’ve been waiting the last two thousand years for. We will put our trust in the higher power of hard-hitting celebrity news and believe that KimYe will restore faith in our hearts and souls through miracles of fashion, music, and fame, and have the world once more witness water being turned into Kardashian money and Kanye again assuming the position as God Almighty. Much like Jesus surrounding himself with prostitutes so that they might repent and face salvation, the divine powers have recognized the tragic lot that is the Kardashian Klan. By emerging from Kim’s treacherous vaginal cavity, KimYe will redeem her porn star mother’s soul to the ranks of sainthood, while spreading the good word and saving the souls of the Kollagen and Khlamydia-riddled Kris, Kourtney, and Khloe. The prophecies tell us KimYe will follow in her father’s tradition of dropping beats on the regular that warn against gold diggin’ hoes, heartless harlots, and political leaders that don’t care about black people. These lessons will draw comparisons to the parables of Jesus and will result in a new ideology based on KimYe’s teaching, gossip, and tweets. As KimYe’s following becomes larger in number, mass hysteria will ensue and, like the Jews had it out for Jesus, the Christians will rise up and revolt against one of their own. Akin to Pontius Pilate, the Pope will condemn the combo-breaking black female that is the Second Coming. Unlike Pontius Pilate, the Pope will broadcast his message over his strictly-dick-joke-free Twitter account. Just as Mary gathered to watch with the other Jewish mothers, the prophecy speculates the day will come when Kim will gather with fellow celebutante mothers, Snooki and the cast of 16 and Preggers, as people in moral places shun her post-Humphries immaculate concoction. In stunned silence, the world will watch as KimYe takes one for Team Earth and steps out of the spotlight and into the afterlife at the behest of religious world leaders everywhere. However, three days later KimYe will return, floating like a ghost to resurrect her rap/acting/producing/reality career at the Kardashian mansion - which will then be overrun by prostitutes, washed-up magicians, and dog fight promoters. With the inability for the Second Coming to end any worse than the first, the world evaporates in the glow of Kardashian Kollection: True Reflection, Eau de Toilette. From there KimYe proclaims, “Fuck it, I buy my way to heaven anyway.”
{ "date": "2013-06-19T14:06:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368708789647/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516125309-00008-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9196877479553223, "token_count": 842, "url": "http://theblacksheeponline.com/article/kimye-the-second-coming-of-christ" }
Playing March 7-28, 2004 "A rare treat... A rich artistic melange... Priscilla Allen, grand dame of local theatre has outdone herself!..." "Director Robert Salerno, choreographer Esther Emery and designer Nadja Lancelot all provided me with a hearty boost to my bliss, using their handsome cast of 17 actors as though they had bred them for this very occasion. (Salerno and Lancelot even did a slick new translation ). I just relish the joyous leaps through torn logic and the startling images in such improbable juxtapositions."-- Welton Jones, SanDiego.com "An evening of absurdist delight... a true tour-de force... astonishing... rife with craft and subtlety... must be seen."-- Charlene Baldridge, Village News "Two brilliant, hilarious, and thought-provoking productions... "-- Rob Hopper "Using a singular sense of comedy, symbolism, and satire... under the insightful direction of Robert Salerno, the show moves at a breathless pace leaving one always thinking, laughing, and feeling a bit confused – but definitely never bored."-- Playbill.com "Classic Cocteau... absolutely not to be missed... Priscilla Allen is powerful, in charge, bigger than life... This is a must see."-- Carol Roper, SD Jewish Times Robert Salerno's award-winning production of The Wedding on The Eiffel Tower, by Jean Cocteau Running with Eugene Ionesco's hysterical farce, The Painting, both starring Priscilla Allen March 7-28, 2004 TUE, WED @8PM; Best Direction-- Robert Salerno Outstanding Costume Design (IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE) Priscilla Allen, Charlie Riendeau..........Phonographs Jen Meyer.....................The Ostrich, A Telegram Jim Turner...........................The Photographer Terence Burke...................The Hunter, A Telegram Nick Herrera...............The Manager, The Art Dealer Jen Kraus.........................The Bride, The Groom Erin McKown...............Mother-in Law, Father-in-Law Rhys Green.................................The General Eric George.............................The Ushers Sandra Little..........................The Bridesmaids Wendy Savage....................The Cyclist, The Child Annette Nixon.......................The Bathing Beauty Rachael VanWormer.......................A Telegram Brennan Taylor................................The Lion Tom Fitzpatrick..................The Art Collector Setting: The Eiffel Tower, Paris, 14 July 1921 Priscilla Allen has been a theatrical institution in San Diego for decades. She has starred on all of the major local stages and has also appeared opposite such stars as Arnold Schwarzenegger in film and TV. Beyond her monumental talent, she is much beloved for her generosity of spirit and her many years of teaching excellence and dedication. Charlie Riendeau was last seen as Alfieri in the award winning View From the Bridge with Renaissance Theatre. Before that, Jonathan in Arsenic and Old Lace, Clint Cary in Spaceman of Ocean Beach, Quince in Midsummer Night's Dream with New Village Arts, The Reverend in Buried Child at NCRT and Serebryakov in Uncle Vanya. He has acted in 10 plays for the Old Globe and Stage Managed 6 others. He has directed 20 plays and served as Artistic Director for The Ramona Hillside Players and The Temecula Overland Players. Charlie has served on the board of directors of the Fritz Theatre for 5 years. Jen Meyer is a quadruple threat- actor, singer, dancer, choreographer who has worked at Eveoke, Women’s Rep, SD Comic Opera, and the Beacon, Muse, & Stone Soup Theatres. Jim Turner performed in the title role of Vantage Theatre’s The Butterfingers Angel, and in Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and The Shadow Box, both at Mira Costa College. He also is currently appearing as The Painter in Vantage Theatre’s The Painting. The Trouville Bathing Beauty Annette Nixon is a triple threat. She has performed as an actor at Starlight Bowl (Evita, Jekyll & Hyde), dancer (Disney Cruises), and stage manager at Starlight and SD Rep. The Eiffel Tower Nick Herrera has recently appeared at Mira Costa College’s The Merry Wives of Windsor (as Dr. Caius) and Picasso at the Lapin Agile (as Pablo Picasso). Terence Burke has been seen in productions at Vantage Theatre, Coronado Playhouse, 6th@Penn, Lyceum Space, San Diego Opera, and last year’s AASD Actors Festival. Rhys Green is CO/FOUNDER AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF THE SAN DIEGO BLACK ENSEMBLE THEATRE. NEW YORK ACTING CREDITS: THE PHANTOM SWORD, SLAVE TRADE, HOME COURT, THE ROBERTO CLEMENTE STORY, THE COTTON CLUB REVUE AND A RIBBON IN THE SKY. SAN DIEGO CREDITS: FOOL FOR LOVE, THE AFRICAN COMPANY PRESENTS RICHARD THE III, MISS EVERS BOYS, PILL HILL, LIFE’S A DREAM, MOJO AND THE SAYSO, AFRICAN MEDEA, HARLEM DUETS, KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN. DIRECTING CREDITS: AFRICAN MEDEA, BONDAGE, SAM I AM, BEIRUT,THE SECRET GARDEN, PROMETHEUS BOUND, AND HOME (KPBS AWARD FOR BEST DIRECTOR) Wendy Savage has performed recently in The Marriage of Bette and Boo, Christmas at The Starbrite Diner, and Conventional Behavior. She has appeared in films and on TV (TLC). The Dealer and The Collector of Modern Paintings Nick Herrera & Thomas Fitzpatrick Tom is excited to be a part of this incredible theater experience. Tom was last seen in Flaming Idiots at Lamplighter’s and “not seen” as the Polka-dot Ghost with Big Joe Puppet Production. Other local favorite credits include 6th@Penn’s musical hit Trolls, and Diversionary’s critically acclaimed Psycho Beach Party. Thanks to family, friends and Vantage Theatre. Erin McKown is a newcomer to S.D. She has recently appeared as a dragon for the Playwright’s Project at The Globe. Eric George is a veteran of AASD and is known about town as one of the mimes of Imagination Express. Eric is also among the Living History crew aboard the Star of India. Jennifer Eve Kraus recieved her degree in Acting from The College of Santa Fe in 2001. You might have seen her recently at NCRT as Grete in Sight Unseen or as Sara In the Patte Award Winning Ensemble of Stop Kiss. Sandra Little. Actor: "Kingdom of the Shadows" (Chronos Productions), "Wannabes: Episode I" and "The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower" at the Actor's Festival 2003;"Deathtrap" & "12 Angry Men" (Parrot Players) and "Hennry the Horse" - Beacon Theatre. Stage Manager:"Farside of Paradise" (6t@Penn). Lighting Tech:"Fridays with Maureen"(Beacon Theatre). Brennan Taylor has performed at the Lyceum.in the Fritz Blitz last summer. Most recently, he was at North Coast Rep in "The Rainmaker". He says that this show makes him want to travel. The Dancing Telegrams Terence Burke, Jen Meyer, Rachael Van Wormer Rachael Van Wormer. Acting credits: Sarah in Seascape, and Willie in "This Property is Condemned" (Grossmont College); Echo in Eleemosynary (La Jolla Stage Co.); Amanda in "Curious Dangerous" (Fritz Blitz 2003); and The Player in "Rozencarantz and Guildenstern..." (Hilltop HS); Playwrighting experience: Playwrights Project and the Fritz. Robert Salerno (Director, Music Designer, Producer) is Artist In Residence at Vantage Theatre. He is an author of poetry, screenplays, and plays, and has directed for stage and screen. A workshop production of his epic OPHEUS ROX was one of two plays selected as “Critics Pick” for 1999. Other recent productions include a staged reading of The Holy Man. He has loved Cocteau’s Wedding ever since he directed and starred in it as a radio play, and he is delighted to have teamed up with so many gifted and dedicated artists to bring it to the stage. The 2003 San Diego Actors Festival production won awards for Best Production and Best Direction, as well as a "Billie" Award for Outstanding Costume Design. Watch for a return to the stage of OPHEUS ROX this summer. Esther Emery (Choreographer) Local directing credits include: Green (Staged Reading at Muse Theatre); Jason and Claire (Playwright's Project); Like a War and Xtreme Unction (Fritz Blitz 2002); Love's Fire (Stone Soup Theatre Company). Esther is also a professional Stage Manager and a Board Member of the Fritz Theatre. She is currently Stage Manager for A Divine Comedy at Lamb's Players Theatre. Sally Stockton (Lighting Designer) is Technical Director and Lighting Designer for Vantage and 6th@Penn. She coordinates Vantage’s apprenticeship program and is an accomplished actor. Sally has designed for Diversionary, Fritz, St. Cecilia's, Circus Earth, Grossmont Opera. Her most challenging design to date was for the multimedia Vantage world premiere workshop of ORPHEUS ROX, at the World Beat Center in Balboa Park. V. Nadja Lancelot (Art Director) is an MFA graduate from the Theatre Department at UCSD in scenic and costume design. Theatre productions include Having Our Say at the La Jolla Playhouse, Why We Have a Body at the Diversionary, Macbeth, Mad Forest, and Don Juan at UCSD. Her film credits include Art Director on several Disney productions, Traffic, For the Boys and K-9. Nadja is also a professional murals designer and painter. Sheila Rosen(Costumes) is an award-winning costumer and actor. She has most recently received critical raves for Vantage Theatre’s Frankie and Johnny in The Clair de Lune. Sheila and Nadja won the 2003 "Billie" Award for Outstanding Costume Design for The Wedding on The Eiffel Tower. Click picture for more on The Painting, by Eugene Ionesco The head that speaks sonorously from a gramophone in "The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower," now at the Lyceum Stage, is the same one that exploded for our governator in "Total Recall." San Diego theater fans will know to whom that putty face belongs: Priscilla Allen, grand dame of the local stage, Allen's outdone herself in a pair of little-seen absurdist plays produced downtown by Vantage Theatre as "C'Est L'Absurd." Jean Cocteau's "Wedding on the Eiffel Tower" and Eugene Ionesco's "The Painting" both offer strange, demanding roles to Allen whose vocal and physical resources and sheer stamina are something The "Eiffel Tower"(1921), is one of Cocteau's first works. Like the Serge Diaghilev modernist ballets that it so closely resembles, this absurdist romp is both visually fascinating and gently satirical. Vantage director Robert Salerno staged the cubist-inspired piece with Allen during the most recent Actors Alliance Festival here, which may account for the smooth performance when it was revived over the weekend. Allen and actor Charlie Riendeau are encased in gramophones on either side of the stage, just their faces showing, as they narrate the playful, non-linear proceedings. A photographer in formal attire tries, and perpetually fails, to shoot a picture of the wedding party on The Eiffel Tower. A dancing ostrich escapes from the mechanism and draws a rifle-toting hunter. The stuffy Tower manager gets in on the act, as well as a stiff German general (Rhys Green) and a roaring lion. Members of the wedding party itself are two-sided creatures, male on one side, female on the other. All wear Picasso-style masks that show their features from many angles at once. The gramophone faces speak all the dialogue, while the actors mime. Along the way, new technologies and proto-fascism come in for mockery that must have seemed even grimmer when the work premiered just after the devastation of World War I. "Wedding" is a rich artistic mélange, connected to the progressive music, art, and dance of its period in ways that few theatre writers and almost no regional theaters, attempt these days. It's a rare treat to see it staged. The jaunty, mildly dissonant musical selections evoke the Paris of the musical collaborative Les Six (Georges Auric, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulenc, Arthur Honegger and others inspired by composer Erik Satie). Happy to report, Salemo, Allen and company (despite an obviously limited budget) reveal Cocteau's tone and spirit The Ionesco piece opened brilliantly Sunday with Allen as The Corpulent Gentleman delivering a blustery monologue. Dressed as a fat-cat capitalist who rants about the lack of beauty in his materialistic life, Allen's Gentleman intimidates a young painter (Jim Turner, wonderfully obsequious), with a canvas rolled under his arm, who's come to sell "The Painting." Allen's Gentleman segues ridiculously from bravado to blubbering as he whines about his unhappy childhood and the ugly, deformed sister whom he is forced to support, and even worse, to look at everyday. Ionesco's would-be art patron turns the tables on the painter, forcing him to pay for the privilege of having his work displayed. And in a final inversion, the Gentleman, who's fallen pornographically in love with the sexy woman who steps forth from the painting, turns artist himself. But there's a hitch..The Corpulent Gentleman kills both real beauty and real women to objectify them. Both plays on this "C'Est L'Absurd" program are rife with such timely themes. The more one contemplates the ideas and imagination enshrined in these performance scripts, the more impoverished our contemporary realistic theater seems. Cocteau and Ionesco Plays Review by Welton Jones, San Diego.com The chance to see some virtuoso acting by a local icon and a general air of saucy abandon? That should be enough to drawn mid-week audiences to the Lyceum Space Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays through March 28. Vantage Theatre has the Lyceum lease these days for its version of Terrence McNally's "Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune" but the real news is a pair of plays by Jean Cocteau and Eugene Ionesco featuring Priscilla Allen, well-known force of nature. Allen plays a "corpulent gentleman" in Ionesco's "The Painting," which follows with lip-smacking, ironic lechery the abuse and misuse of art by commerce (or something) as the gent perfects the use of violence to transform his surroundings into erotic fantasy. In Cocteau's "The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower" (1921), Allen joins Charlie Riendeau as a pair of gramophones flanking a stage-full of stylized Dada characters including an ostrich, a cyclist, a bathing beauty, three telegrams and a wedding party as they interact mutely inside the famed monument. All the words come from the phonographs, Others may knot their brow over the meaning of Cocteau plays, but not me. I just relish the joyous leaps through torn logic and the startling images in such improbable juxtapositions. On this occasion, director Robert Salerno, choreographer Esther Emery and designer Nadja Lancelot all provided me with a hearty boost to my bliss, using their handsome cast of 17 actors (most of them unfamiliar to me) as though they had bred them for this very occasion. (Salerno and Lancelot even did a slick new translation of Cocteau's play.) Allen anchors the Cocteau but she dominates the Ionesco, with Jim Turner scurrying and dodging as a supplicant painter and Laura Bozanich swinging between dominant and submissive as the gent's elderly (and equally salacious) sister. Naturally, Allen fits herself in with the generosity and craft of the seasoned player but I can assure everyone of two things: None of the other 16 actors will soon forget working with Priscilla Allen, and... Priscilla Allen is the best (though not the only) reason to seek out this show. Vantage program reveals void in local theater by Martin Jones Westlin, San Diego City Beat The night started when the scurvy little blob of a kid iced the members of a wedding party ’cause he wanted to share their croutons with the audience. The gal a few rows down couldn’t have stifled her gale-force laughter if she’d wanted to; that scene from Jean Cocteau’s The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower had her (and the rest of us) by the ass. This avant-garde milestone scathingly slams the advance of technology, class distinction and wartime mentality. Add the auspices of San Diego’s gritty Vantage Theatre, and it also becomes a superior entry in a three-play bill running in repertory at the Lyceum Theatre downtown. The San Francisco Mime Troupe of 1960s America had a similar idea—social discontent was acute in Cocteau’s post-World War I Paris, and director Robert Salerno fleeces the fervor in The Wedding. He gilds Cocteau’s disenchantment with the defiance of a true iconoclast. The scene where the boy pelts the guests is handled almost joyfully, and Sheila Rosen’s bright costumes and Salerno’s great stop-and-go stage pictures eventually yield dancing telegrams, a hunter who can’t see past his nose (Terence Burke), a pompous paper-tiger general (Rhys Green) and the dubious prospect behind ostriches and lions disappearing into a camera. A funny Priscilla Allen and Charlie Riendeau don’t narrate so much as pontificate; their heads are encased in vintage phonographs to illustrate our technological disconnect. What’s more, the play is done in pantomime—and as Cocteau robs the actors of their speech, so too does he predict similar estrangement for us all. His play is a hilarious textbook on the almost mean-spirited absurdity of everyday life and the realization that we’re not alone in our dismay. The second one-act is The Painting, one of Romania-born playwright Eugene Ionesco’s wonderful works. Ionesco moved to France in the late 1930s, just as a Hitler sought to plunder the globe in the name of his Master Race. He found something bourgeois in such psychopathy and his plays illustrated the asininity of social distinction and the false values it creates. It’s a world in which the Corpulent Gentleman (a brilliant Allen) talks a young artist (Jim Turner) into renting space for display of his own work in the Gentleman’s home. Underneath his riches, of course, the Gentleman is worth the cost of the carbon it takes to keep him viable. The crazy climax says as much, preceded by a tirade from the man’s sister, Alice. The final entry of the night, Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune, is playwright Terrence McNally at less than his best, although the show features the right look and decent production values. Director D. J. Sullivan patiently shepherds actors Daren Scott and Devlin in a quirky tale about requited love and one party’s unsettling persistence to that end. But McNally’s small talk renders Frankie’s fears almost anticlimactic. And there’s something Woody Allen-ish about Johnny’s befuddlement—while Scott’s OK philosophically, he could go further in adopting an according body language. No such complacency was evident in the patron who went crazy. She had a ball during the absurdist plays, delighting in a visit from two of the most renowned figures of their genre. “You don’t see this stuff done here,” she declared afterward, her smile threatening to split her face. Her observation speaks to a trait that San Diego’s arts scene sorely lacks. New York and San Francisco came to be this country’s theater capitals through a key element that San Diego misses—the true spirit of competition. Competition, after all, yields the difference between some fine absurdist fare every so often versus a yearly absurdist festival, however modest. At this point in San Diego’s theater history, the like-minded company could essentially create its own ground floor, propelling others to follow suit in search of that girl who busted a gut. If relatively unsung heroes like Vantage don’t do it (and here they do it pretty darn well), who will? The Thirteenth Annual Actors Alliance Festival wrapped up a highly successful two-week event that included the work of some 100 local actors, 20 local playwrights, and 24 plays. This year’s festival featured numerous pieces of polished, entertaining, and creative works, beginning with Jean Cocteau’s The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower , the most anticipated event of the festival starring local favorites Ron Choularton and Priscilla Allen as human phonographs who narrate the story and supply a host of quirky characters with their voices. Cocteau, a friend of Picasso, creates a world that feels like you’re lost in a Picasso painting (aided by the swirling background of the Eiffel Tower that drew us into the surreality of the scene, and the fact that many of the characters wore painted blocks for heads with Picasso-like faces, some of them being two-sided (some four-sided) so that they became two (four) characters in one – just a few of the fantastic creations of Nadja Lancelot). The surreal world is situated on the Eiffel Tower right after World War I, and concerns a photographer whose “birdie” (the one that his customers are supposed to watch when he takes their picture) is an ostrich that actually runs away and gets chased by a mighty ostrich hunter. Meanwhile the photographer ends up photographing a very odd wedding party, his camera going even more berserk in the process. Now, instead of “birdies” popping out, out jumps a bathing beauty, a little boy who is the wedding couple’s future son and who massacres the entire wedding party with balls of wedding confetti, and a hungry lion that munches on a stubborn general who thinks everything out of the ordinary is a mirage (and therefore isn’t afraid of the lion who, logically, must really not be there). Using a singular sense of comedy, symbolism, and satire, Cocteau illustrates the often ridiculous and tragic nature of war, society, and our social conventions. Technology seems to be out of control (the freaked out camera) and yet controlling us (with the phonographs dictating and explaining the actions of the humans). With the charismatic ensemble who fully embrace Cocteau’s weirdness, and under the insightful direction of Robert Salerno , the show moves at a breathless pace leaving one always thinking, laughing, and feeling a bit confused – but definitely never bored. La Jolla director/playwright Robert Salerno staged Jean Cocteau's "Wedding on the Eiffel Tower" during the Actors Alliance Festival is presented at the ARK Center for the Performing Arts on Kettner Blvd. Salerno, whose "Orpheus Rox" is soon to be staged in Los Angeles, made much of Cocteau's amusing premise that images captured by the camera can be released from the black tunnel to wreak havoc. Art director Nadja Lancelot's black and white backdrop suggested the Eiffel Tower; her colorful costumes were redolent of Picasso. I was more than mildly entertained by the absurdist concoction. Comments from Rob Hopper- Judge of Festival ~ Outstanding Direction ~ Robert Salerno for The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower "The most ambitious production of the Festival was definitely The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower, a mind-bending romp through the lands of surrealism, absurdism, and Picasso run amuck in a hysterical farce that hits on technology, war, society, and the very nature of reality. Director Robert Salerno’s creative and insightful direction, along with an exceptional cast and artistic crew, produced a performance that completely sucked us into this extraordinary world with all its peculiar characters and problems that strangely mimic the characters and problems in our real world." ~ Outstanding Production ~ The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower "And finally, the award for Outstanding Production of the 2003 Actors Alliance Festival goes to the show that offered so much on every level of theatre, from the beautiful and imaginative surrealistic sets and costumes, to the fantastic performances by the cast, the incredible direction, and the unusual but unforgettable script – Jean Cocteau’s The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower." 2003 Playbill "Billie" Award Outstanding Costume Design: Nadja Lancelot and Sheila Rosen for The Wedding on the Eiffel Tower (Actors Alliance Festival)
{ "date": "2013-05-25T21:32:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368706413448/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516121333-00008-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9131025671958923, "token_count": 5690, "url": "http://www.vantagetheatre.com/CocteauEiffelTower.html" }
Talk to Me Before You Label Me, Says Chelsea Clinton’s Future Uncle Your December 11 article “Chelsea Clinton Will Join Diverse Mezvinsky Clan” briefly discussed me (an uncle of Clinton’s new fiancé) and my views regarding Israel. You could easily have contacted me and asked me directly about my views but chose not to do so. Instead, you sought for comment a former academic colleague of mine and a second, extremely negative and biased source, affiliated with the group Campus Watch. Calling me “anti-Israel,” as your article did, because I have criticized some specific Israeli policies and am opposed to political Zionism is misleading and inaccurate. Calling me “the left of left among intellectual scholars,” as Campus Watch’s Asaf Romirowsky did, is vague and also misleading. Moreover, his charge that I use my Jewish background to attack Israel is untrue. I would have at least had an opportunity to explain all of this had I been contacted regarding the article. New York, N.Y. Service Serves Us, Too We applaud the Forward’s recent editorial about the importance of high-quality, effective service that also educates volunteers about the root causes of domestic and global issues (“Not Only for Ourselves,” December 4). We agree about the dangers posed by poor-quality service and service learning programs. At the same time, we believe that effective service programs have a range of positive impacts. These include tangible benefits to communities served, volunteers’ lifelong commitments to civic engagement and social justice, and a deepened Jewish framework for understanding and actualizing those commitments. The fact that the Jewish community or Jewish identity is strengthened by such service should not be the primary goal of service programs, but is a welcome and important outcome. American Jewish World ServiceJon Rosenberg Repair the World New York, N.Y. The Forward editorial “Not Only for Ourselves” raised important issues about the community’s increasing investment in Jewish frameworks for service. These endeavors can’t be viewed as just another effective vehicle for Jewish identity building. They must first and foremost be about the Jewish community making real contributions to repairing the world. Having said that, it’s simply wrong to think that people who engage in something as challenging and profound as authentic service will not come away shaped by their experience, and I regret that the editorial may have left some readers with the mistaken impression that I believe service shouldn’t be about shaping who we are as individuals and as a people. Quite the opposite. Jewish frameworks for service are important precisely because they reject the idea that service is exclusively to the benefit of any one group of people. A commitment to serve, especially on a communal level, ought to make a difference not only in the world, but also in the community that undertakes it. For how can we ever sustain the efforts required to achieve justice if we do not learn how to see seeking justice as a part of who we are? Rabbi David Rosenn Avodah: The Jewish Service Corps New York, N.Y.
{ "date": "2016-07-24T08:47:32Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823989.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00284-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.948452889919281, "token_count": 653, "url": "http://forward.com/opinion/letters/120590/december-18-2009/" }
Israelis are bracing for war. No, not against Iran, nor against Hezbollah, nor Hamas. This battle will be between Israel’s growing Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) population, who resist change to their religious lifestyle, and the vast majority of Israelis who want to see the Haredim subject to the same military draft they are. At the beginning of the Israeli state, in 1948, there was concern that Orthodox communities might set up their yeshivot (religious schools) in North America and Europe rather than in Israel. So a deal was worked out whereby the Haredim could defer their military service for a time if they were fully engaged in religious studies. Things evolved, however, and the number of these yeshivot rose dramatically and the number of young men able to dodge the military draft soared. As well, deferrals became exemptions as the young men continued to study well into adulthood. And the ultra-Orthodox communities began their own political parties to ensure the government continued to protect the Haredi lifestyle. Israel’s highest court ruled earlier this year that such a skewed military draft was unconstitutional as it placed an unfair burden on those Israelis who are conscripted into service. It gave the government until August 1 to bring in a new system that is fair and constitutional. Shimon Peres, now Israel’s President, was 24 when he was asked by David Ben Gurion, the country’s first prime minister, to negotiate an arrangement with the Haredi leadership that would keep their religious schools in the aspiring Jewish state yet allow a proportion of their men to serve. The original arrangement, Mr. Peres said in a Globe and Mail interview earlier this month, “was only boys [not adult men]studying in the yeshiva would be exempted from military service.” “The number [of anticipated exemptions]was 100, 200, 300 persons [a year]” Mr. Peres said. “In the meantime,” he said, “politics came in and ‘hundreds’ became ‘thousands’.” As well, Mr. Peres pointed out, “the original deal said the minute you stop studying, you have to go to work [or military service]” Resentment by the rest of Israeli society has grown as the number of Haredi exemptions soared. Not only do people think it unfair that ultra-Orthodox men are not serving in the same numbers as others, but they also resent the government contributions to welfare for the Haredim since their men, to a very large degree, eschew working for a living. When the leading opposition Kadima party last week entered into a national unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, one of the two non-negotiable terms of the deal was that the government would bring in, by August, a new system for drafting all Israelis. To that end a special committee was struck to sift through proposals and come up with recommended legislation. It started meetings this week, but the Haredi parties refused to send representatives. It’s quite possible that the two main Haredi parties – Shas and United Torah Judaism – both of whom are members of the coalition, will resign from the government over this issue, taking their 16 members of Knesset with them. Thanks to the new coalition with Kadima, the government can sustain such a loss and retain its majority. It’s important to recall, however, that the ultra-Orthodox never supported the establishment of a Jewish state, the creation of which was largely the product of efforts by the secular Zionist movement. In general, the Haredim viewed Zionist efforts as a rebellion against the Almighty. For them, preserving the religious rules of diet, dress, marriage, divorce and burial were more important than a state and were put in jeopardy by a modern, secular state. Indeed, the Hebrew word Haredi means to fear the word of the Almighty. Over the years, these people formed political parties and mobilized their communities to vote, but only to preserve their way of life. Since it also has been traditional for most Haredi men not to work at making a living, but to devote themselves to religious studies, the political parties, often holding the balance of power in coalition governments, also became useful for extracting financial concessions from governments wanting to stay in power. With a birthrate several times that of other Jewish Israelis, the Haredim have an average of 8.9 children per family and constitute more than 10 per cent of the population of seven million. With such numbers the majority of Israelis no longer think the public support for the Haredi lifestyle is viable. That may be, but the Haredim have faced more ruthless enemies before. They are prepared to fight and even to die for the sake of their beliefs. Any attempt to formulate a law that seeks simply to draft their men into the army must bear that in mind. As a result, we are likely to see a system that seeks to encourage voluntary enlistment rather than forced conscription. Such a compromise may fall short of what the people, the government and the court expect. For his part, President Peres is personally encouraging the religious communities to accept conscription and to join the workforce. “The Torah says you respect Saturday [the Sabbath]as the day of rest, but six days you have to work [or serve] Mr. Peres notes with a smile. “I tell the religious people: ‘Gentlemen, the Torah tells you to work, not me’.”Report Typo/Error
{ "date": "2016-07-26T16:46:30Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824995.51/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00128-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9715651869773865, "token_count": 1181, "url": "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/worldview/israels-latest-battle-pits-ultra-orthodox-jews-against-most-other-israelis/article4184799/" }
239th Anniversary of the Battle of Brooklyn Commemorations of the 1776 Battle of Brooklyn will honor fallen heroes, salute the patriotic spirit and revel in local history. One thing they won’t do: celebrate a victory. The Aug. 27 battle was a devastating defeat for Washington and his Continental Army, resulting in a long British occupation of what’s now New York City. But the battle did have its triumphant moment: The British, after a brief rest, had planned to squelch what remained of the American rebellion, but on the night of Aug. 29, Washington and his remaining troops managed to sneak across the East River and flee north through Manhattan. “It was known as the Great Escape, and nobody expected it,” said Kimberly Maier, executive director of the Old Stone House, a battle-site museum in Park Slope. Night and weather aided the patriots. “They muffled their oars and rowed in the dark,” she added. Now more than a week of public events will recall the battle, starting on Saturday with the opening of a display of 85 Revolutionary War flags in Green-Wood Cemetery. Families can also tour Evergreens Cemetery, where they’ll follow the path of the British invaders (Sunday) and take a Battle of Brooklyn Neighborhood Walk, examining historical sites (Tuesday and Aug. 29). Two free events on Saturday are especially for children. From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the American Veterans Memorial Pier in Bay Ridge, the Waterfront Alliance will host storytelling, games and costumed soldiers. And at 12:30 p.m., the Brooklyn Navy Yard Center will offer “Scavenger Battle!,” an America-versus-Britain scavenger hunt that will focus not on the Revolution, but on popular culture. Answers to clues will be hidden on game pieces within the yard’s exhibits. (Above, a previous event.) “We’ll ask questions about the differences between the countries,” said Marie Nachsin, the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation’s coordinator of external affairs. Some will compare subjects like “the Tower Bridge in London versus the Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square versus Piccadilly Circus and the White House versus Buckingham Palace.” Children can also play a memory game involving nautical symbols and enjoy a tea party at the Navy Yard, which lies along Wallabout Bay, where British ships held Revolutionary prisoners of war. The festivities will end with a bang — actually many — on Aug. 30, when re-enactors restage some of the fighting at Green-Wood Cemetery, “with cannons, grenadiers on horseback with swords, and musket fire,” Ms. Maier said. And all can rejoice that Washington was a man who learned from his mistakes. (“Scavenger Battle!” at Bldg 92, 63 Flushing Avenue, at Carlton Avenue, Fort Greene, 718-907-5932, bldg92.org. Other events: waterfrontalliance.org, theoldstonehouse.org.) ‘Archaeology Zone: Discovering Treasures From Playgrounds to Palaces’ (Friday, Sunday through Tuesday, and Thursday) Children will step into the shoes of an explorer like Indiana Jones in this permanent exhibition at the Jewish Museum, but the adventures will be purely scholarly. Still, there is plenty of excitement in analyzing artifacts like a jar handle, a clay jug and a bangle and figuring out the purpose behind ancient pieces like a Greek helmet and a bull-shaped vessel. This interactive show, for ages 3 to 10, also includes a recreated room from the Ottoman period (about 1900), where young archaeologists can dress in costume. 1109 Fifth Avenue, at 92nd Street, 212-423-3200, thejewishmuseum.org. ‘Brooklyn Sewers: What’s Up Down There?’ (Friday through Sunday, and Wednesday and Thursday) When it comes to subterranean infrastructure projects, New York City’s subway system seems to get all the attention. But a group of teenage curators at the Brooklyn Historical Society would like to introduce you to another underground marvel: Brooklyn’s sewer system, one of the city’s oldest and most extensive infrastructure projects. This exhibition explores engineering conundrums and courtroom battles and tells the story of the sewer system through photographs, drawings and maps. (Through May 29.) 128 Pierrepont Street, near Clinton Street, Brooklyn Heights, 718-222-4111, brooklynhistory.org. Children’s Museum of the Arts Free Art Island Outpost (Saturday and Sunday) This island fun doesn’t require a flight to distant shores. The Children’s Museum of the Arts is offering another summer of free weekend workshops on Governors Island, exploring a variety of crafts and materials. This season’s programs will be devoted to making works that reflect the importance of nature and parks, and the human role in both. Children will also recycle and reuse something that often blights nature — trash — by turning it into art. (Through Sept. 27.) From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., outside Building 14, Nolan Park, 212-274-0986, cmany.org/schoolsandcommunity/free-summer-programs. ‘Connected Worlds’ (Friday through Thursday) Human choices and actions have an impact on the world’s ecosystems, but people usually can’t see the effects as they happen. That isn’t true in this new permanent exhibition in the renovated Great Hall of the New York Hall of Science. Consisting of huge screens (one is 38 feet tall), the show depicts six interconnected environments with a shared water supply. With the help of technology that responds to gestures, “Connected Worlds” allows children to use simple motions to plant, harvest, cut trees, create clouds and make other changes in the projected landscapes — and see how the native flora and fauna fare. 47-01 111th Street, Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, Queens, 718-699-0005, nysci.org. CRY Walk (Sunday) CRY stands for Child Rights and You, a nonprofit promoting children’s health, education and welfare worldwide. This fund-raising day, organized by CRY America, consists of two events: a five-kilometer race/walk for adults and a one-kilometer walk for children, who are encouraged to parade in costumes of their choice. All participating will be treated to a free breakfast and yoga classes. From 9 a.m. to noon (on-site registration starts at 9, with the adult walk taking place at 10, and the children’s at 11), Riverside Park, 116th Street and Riverside Drive, Morningside Heights, 765-606-8972, america.cry.org. ‘Dazzling Dragonflies & Damselflies Weekend’ (Saturday and Sunday) Wave Hill, the bountiful Bronx garden, would like to introduce children to what you could call living helicopters: dragonflies and their smaller cousins damselflies, which can all hover and fly up, down and backward, as well as forward. Young visitors can study them in this latest installment of the Wings Over Wave Hill series, as well as make their own dragonfly wings from brightly colored transparent and metallic materials in the drop-in family art project each day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. On Sunday only, the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum will hold an indoor presentation at 1 p.m. on how to tell the species apart, followed by a walk through the grounds to observe the insects and catch them gently in a net for examination before releasing them. At West 249th Street and Independence Avenue, Riverdale, 718-549-3200, wavehill.org. Family Field Day (Sunday) Children are invited to have a field day — in all senses of the term — at Brooklyn Bridge Park. At this free event at Pier 5, the park staff will provide equipment and guidance for all kinds of outdoor sports and activities, from old-fashioned games, like potato-sack and hula hoop races, to soccer instruction and scrimmages. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine (except for severe weather), Joralemon and Furman Streets, by the East River, Brooklyn Heights, brooklynbridgepark.org. Field Station: Dinosaurs (Friday through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday) Just as a Tyrannosaurus rex, velociraptors and other prehistoric creatures have thundered into movie theaters, they’re heading out of New Jersey. Field Station: Dinosaurs, the 20-acre theme park filled with more than 30 animatronic species — including a T. rex, a stegosaurus and a 90-foot-long Argentinosaurus — is losing its Secaucus home and is looking for another site. But the dinosaurs, which move when approached, are in residence for one final summer, and there’s still time to catch the attractions, which include a three-quarter-mile trail with other paleontology exhibits; a movie, “Walking with Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Planet 3D”; and Paleontologists’ Laboratory, a recent addition that allows young visitors to dig for fossils and take home a small bag of genuine artifacts. (Through Sept. 7.) At 1 Dinosaur Way (off Exit 15X of the New Jersey Turnpike), Laurel Hill Park, Secaucus, N.J., 855-999-9010, fieldstationdinosaurs.com. Fishing Clinics (Saturday and Sunday) Fishing tends to be enjoyable for almost everyone but the fish. Yet the species involved here can’t complain too much: They are all returned live to Prospect Park Lake in Brooklyn. Open to eager anglers 15 and younger, these annual free summer clinics, part of the Pop-Up Audubon series, involve not only fishing and safety instruction, but also an introduction to aquatic ecology. All equipment is provided, but supplies are limited. At 1 and 3 p.m., first come first served, at two locations in Prospect Park: the Peninsula, reachable from the Vanderbilt Street entrance, where Macy’s Fishing Clinics are offered, and White Levy Esplanade at Lakeside, reachable from the Parkside Avenue and Ocean Avenue entrance, where the Prospect Park Alliance operates the program. (Through Aug. 30.) 718-287-3400, prospectpark.org/pop-up-audubon. ‘Frida’s Flora and Fauna’ and ‘Cooking With Frida’ (Friday through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday) It’s time to say “Olé!” to all kinds of fun: The New York Botanical Garden is honoring the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) in its exhibition “Frida Kahlo: Art, Garden, Life,” and it offers more than one program to introduce its youngest visitors to this famous Latina. In “Frida’s Flora and Fauna,” through Sept. 27 at the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden, they can go on a plant scavenger hunt; make self-portraits, as Kahlo often did; play inside la Casíta Azul, a model of her blue house; and put on shows at Frida’s Puppet Theater, with puppets representing her many pets. In “Cooking With Frida,” at the Ruth Rea Howell Family Garden through Nov. 1, children can explore the raw ingredients of Mexican cuisine and enjoy cooking demonstrations inspired by Kahlo’s entertaining. “Frida’s Flora and Fauna” runs weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., and weekends from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; “Cooking With Frida” is on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2 and 4 p.m.; Bronx River Parkway (Exit 7W) and Fordham Road, the Bronx, 718-817-8700, nybg.org/frida. FringeJR, Fort FringeJR and FringeHIGH (Friday through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday) The New York International Fringe Festival has always worked to nurture a new generation of theatergoers with offerings that have the same offbeat and occasionally outrageous sensibility as the festival’s grown-up shows. This year’s FringeJR division offers six productions for ages 12 and under. They include two twists on “Rapunzel”: “The Commedia Rapunzel” (Saturday and Wednesday), done in the style of commedia dell’arte, and “Rapunzel in the Wild West” (Saturday, Wednesday and next Friday), a musical whose title explains it. “Haunted Holliot Hildorf Hotel and Shadow’s Unicycle” (Friday and Thursday) features child actors in two supernatural tales whose characters include an 8-year-old ghost hunter and pajama-clad zombies. “Ideas, Not Theories” (Friday and Sunday) explores the world of percussion, whose instruments here include water, bicycles and the human body. “Pedro Pan” (Saturday, Tuesday and next Friday), which centers on a boy sent to the United States from Havana in 1962, draws inspiration from the real Operacíon Pedro Pan. And “Solina” (Friday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday) uses puppets to populate a nightscape in which the 11-year-old title character seeks to restore the missing sun. Potential audience members can see sample scenes from all the shows at the free Fort FringeJR (Monday and Tuesday), a place to meet the characters and do arts and crafts. And for teenagers eager for challenging fare, there’s FringeHIGH, whose productions include a hip-hop “Hamlet,” as well as pieces dealing with street violence, human trafficking, illegal immigration and apartheid-era South Africa. (Through Aug. 30.) Full schedule, locations, details and tickets are at fringenyc.org, and from 2 to 8 p.m. daily at FringeCentral, at City Lore, 56 East First Street, East Village. ‘Frolic!’ at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan (Friday through Thursday) You’re never too young to rock — and this space proves it. A new pop-up installation at the museum, “Frolic!” uses rock music and a themed décor to stimulate sensory play and learning in visitors ages 5 and under. In addition to a stage, a pretend ticket booth and ’70s-style props — including a Volkswagen mini-van to climb into — the 1,500-square-foot area has programs of workshops and live performances to help little ones get into the groove. (Through Dec. 31.) The Tisch Building, 212 West 83rd Street, 212-721-1223, cmom.org. ‘From Selma to the Black Panthers: Family Conversations in the Gallery’ (Saturday) The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Panther Bobby Seale both sought civil rights for African-Americans, but their views of the appropriate means for attaining that goal differed greatly. In this program at the DiMenna Children’s History Museum of the New-York Historical Society, young visitors can reflect on the material presented in the exhibitions “Freedom Journey 1965: Photographs of the Selma to Montgomery March by Stephen Somerstein” and “Art as Activism.” Geared to older children, the program will discuss how the civil rights movement evolved from Dr. King’s espousal of nonviolent protest to the Black Panthers’ advocacy of armed resistance. It is also intended to provide a context for understanding how the struggle for civil rights continues today. (Through Aug. 29.) At 12:30 p.m., 170 Central Park West, at 77th Street, 212-873-3400, nyhistory.org/childrens-museum. ‘The Gazillion Bubble Show: The Next Generation’ (Friday through Sunday, and Thursday) Children love bubbles, and this interactive show promises not just a gazillion but also some of the largest ever blown, along with light effects and lasers. The stars are the members of the Yang family: Fan and Ana Yang and their son Deni and others, who rotate as M.C.s for the production. Audience members may even find themselves in bubbles of their own. (The run is open-ended.) Friday at 7 p.m.; Saturday at 11 a.m. and 2 and 4:30 p.m.; Sunday at noon and 3 p.m.; Thursday at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.; 340 West 50th Street, Clinton, 212-239-6200, gazillionbubbleshow.com. ‘Here. Me. Now.: The Present Plays’ (Friday through Sunday) This series of theatrical presentations fits its title: The shows were created and rehearsed in just one week of intensive work at a country retreat, and the 10 children starring in them are performing in works written expressly for them by adult theater professionals. The creative partnerships are a result of the One-on-One program, part of the 52nd Street Project, which provides theater opportunities for disadvantaged youth ages 9 to 18 in the Clinton neighborhood. The results are 10 new mini-musicals, with scores by Eric March, and grown-up crews and co-stars. Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m.; Sunday at 3 p.m.; Five Angels Theater, 789 10th Avenue, near 52nd Street, second floor, Clinton, 212-642-5052, 52project.org; free, but reservations are required. ‘The Hunger Games: The Exhibition’ (Friday through Thursday) What enterprising 12- or 13-year-old wouldn’t like to foment a little rebellion? Such a visitor can do so vicariously at this new attraction at Discovery Times Square, stepping into the role of Katniss Everdeen, the teenage heroine of “The Hunger Games” and the ultimate leader of the resistance against her nation’s totalitarian government. Based on the Lionsgate film adaptations of Suzanne Collins’s novels, the show includes costumes and artifacts from the movies, as well as re-creations of Katniss’s journey and interactive, role-playing elements like a gamesmaker’s table and a chance to learn and practice stunt choreography. (Through Jan. 3.) 226 West 44th Street, Manhattan, 866-987-9692, discoverytsx.com, thehungergamesexhibition.com. ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ (Friday through Thursday) Many plants grow in Central Park, so why not a beanstalk? This one sprouts indoors at the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater, which has revived Michael Alogna’s adaptation of the classic fairy tale about Jack, the Giant (here named Milford), Dolly the Cow and the famous Golden Goose. Bruce Cannon, the theater’s artistic director, has revised the script, and a human actor now stars in the show along with the company’s hand-built marionettes. Weekdays at 10:30 a.m. and noon, with an additional 2:30 p.m. show on Wednesday; Saturdays and Sundays at 1 p.m. (Through Sept. 20.) Reservations required. 79th Street and the West Drive, Central Park; 212-988-9093, cityparksfoundation.org/arts. ‘Jack & the Beanstalk’ (Saturday and Sunday) All kinds of greenery are sprouting at this time of year, and onstage that includes more than one beanstalk. While the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater is doing its production in Manhattan, Puppetworks in Brooklyn has been offering this version of the fairy tale, adapted by Nicolas Coppola, the company’s artistic director. Closing this weekend, it includes hand-carved marionettes, a score based on old British folk melodies, a black-light sequence with dancing beans and another giant of appropriate scale: an adult actor. At 12:30 and 2:30 p.m., 338 Sixth Avenue, at Fourth Street, Park Slope, Brooklyn, 718-965-3391, puppetworks.org. Reservations are advised. ‘Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean’ (Friday through Thursday) Ever encounter a goby or a blenny? How about a Christmas tree worm? These small marine species, often unnoticed and uncelebrated, are among the stars of this new Imax movie at the American Museum of Natural History. Filmed by Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau, and Holly Lohuis, a marine biologist, the film captures 30 species that are among the tiniest to inhabit the seas. (Through Jan. 10.) Hourly from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with 2-D screenings at 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; all other screenings are 3-D. Central Park West and 79th Street, 212-769-5200, amnh.org. ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ (Saturday) If the children of the Pevensie family could travel to the magical land of Narnia through something as simple as a wardrobe, why shouldn’t two hard-working actors be able to play them and all the characters found there? That’s what Chris Boerner and Erin Layton, who recently stepped into the roles, are attempting in the Off Broadway Family Theater’s first production, le Clanché du Rand’s adaptation of C. S. Lewis’s classic novel. (The run is open-ended and continues on Saturdays.) At 11 a.m., St. Luke’s Theater, 308 West 46th Street, Clinton, 212-239-6200, narniaoffbroadway.com. Living History Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) How often do you get to take a selfie with a Revolutionary War soldier? Opportunities abound at the New-York Historical Society, whose Living History Weekends, through Aug. 30 and free for ages 18 and under, welcome costumed re-enactors to the society’s DiMenna Children’s History Museum. On Saturday, members of the Living History Guild will represent the Fourth New York Regiment, greeting young visitors and lending them 1700s-style clothes and hats for photos. On Sunday, re-enactors will portray the Sheldon’s Horse, Second Continental Light Dragoons, a cavalry unit whose members were Washington’s personal bodyguards. They will perform exercises and lead patriotic children in military drills. Actors playing a surgeon and a spymaster will also discuss their 18th-century careers. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 170 Central Park West, at 77th Street, 212-873-3400, nyhistory.org. MoMA Art Lab: Places and Spaces (Friday through Thursday) What’s an art lab? These interactive spaces for children at the Museum of Modern Art, free with museum admission, help introduce the institution’s collection through activities related to a theme: this time it’s Places and Spaces. Young visitors can design, draw and build as they explore spaces both real and imagined — landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes — as they appear in Modern art. (Through Aug. 31.) The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Education and Research Building, 4 West 54th Street, Manhattan; 212-708-9805, moma.org/momaartlab. Music in Motion (Saturday) That motion is the gentle rocking of a boat for this series of family neighborhood concerts presented by Bargemusic, the floating barge at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge. As always, the material — announced just before the performance — is chamber music, but these programs differ in important ways from the regular Bargemusic fare: With unreserved seating, they last only an hour, include a post-show question-and-answer session with the musicians and are all free. (Through Nov. 28.) At 4 p.m. (doors open at 3:45), Fulton Ferry Landing, next to the Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, 800-838-3006, bargemusic.org. ‘Pattern Wizardry’ (Friday through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday) You don’t have to enroll at Hogwarts to experience the fun of being a sorcerer’s apprentice. These days the Brooklyn Children’s Museum is providing the flowing capes and lots of instruction. Best of all, the magic is real. It’s at “Pattern Wizardry,” an exhibition that teaches that the complex universe isn’t really random. The world is based on patterns, and the show invites children to investigate examples from nature, science, culture and art. (Through Sept. 6.) 145 Brooklyn Avenue, at St. Marks Avenue, Crown Heights, 718-735-4400, brooklynkids.org. ‘Pinkalicious, the Musical’ (Saturday and Sunday) That rosy little girl is back at yet another location. This long-running production of Elizabeth and Victoria Kann’s adaptation of their children’s book, from Vital Theater Company, is playing through Aug. 30 at Culture Project. The pink-obsessed title character finds out that sometimes being in the pink can be too much of a good thing — especially when eating too many pink cupcakes turns her pink from head to toe. John Gregor wrote the score and some of the lyrics. (Through Aug. 30.) At 1 p.m., Lynn Redgrave Theater, 45 Bleecker Street, near Lafayette Street, East Village, 212-579-0528, vitaltheatre.org. ‘Skate for Free Day’ (Sunday) With the weather New York has been having lately, what could be more appealing than a huge expanse of ice to glide on? The Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers is offering an afternoon of that free to city families. (There is still a $5 charge for skate rentals.) Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Chelsea Piers’ opening, the event lets everyone pretend that it’s winter, at least for a while. From noon to 3:50 p.m., Pier 61, 23rd Street and the Hudson River, 212-336-6100, chelseapiers.com/sr. Stories at the Statue of Hans Christian Andersen (Saturday) Not everything that blooms perennially in Central Park is a flower or a tree. Storytelling also returns there each summer, as the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, the Central Park Conservancy and the Hans Christian Andersen Storytelling Center bring narrative performers to Andersen’s statue every Saturday through Sept. 26. The free series, for ages 6 and older, continues this Saturday with Ron Sopyla and Rita Auerbach telling an Andersen tale and one from Norway. At 11 a.m., inside the park at 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue, rain or shine, hcastorycenter.org. Street League Skateboarding Nike SB World Tour (Sunday) Children are guaranteed to be safe at this skateboarding event: They’ll all be in the audience. Much greater risk, however, is in store for the 25 professionals who’ll compete in this season finale at the Prudential Center, which will be transformed into a huge concrete skate park. The fun and feats begin at 10 a.m. with a free outdoor expo, followed by preliminaries in the arena at 1:10, and the finals from 4:30 to 6:30. The eight winners will earn a place in the world championship battle in Chicago in October. Prudential Center, 165 Mulberry Street, near Edison Place, Newark, 800-745-3000, streetleague.com; prucenter.com. Sunday Story Time in Mr. Morgan’s Library (Sunday) That Mr. Morgan is none other than Pierpont (1837-1913), whose library is now a cozy museum. Children ages 3 through 6 are invited there every Sunday through Oct. 11 to hear about Alice’s amazing trip to Wonderland and what she found there. The program relates to the museum’s show “Alice: 150 Years of Wonderland,” which includes the book’s original manuscript, along with illustrations and other vintage objects that young visitors can see in a brief visit after the story. From 3 to 4 p.m., 225 Madison Avenue, at 36th Street, 212-685-0008, themorgan.org. ‘A Taste of Magic’ (Friday) Would you like a side of sleight of hand with that burger? This show, developed by Magnets, a collective of local magicians, brings wizardry to the dinner table. Taking place at various restaurants, the presentation includes acts like mind reading and card tricks, which professionals perform close-up for guests; there’s also a cabaret-style show. And the admission price includes a full meal. (Through Nov. 24.) At 8 p.m., Docks Oyster Bar & Seafood Grill, 633 Third Avenue, at 40th Street, Manhattan, atasteofmagicnyc.com. ‘Viva Isadora!’ (Saturday) Children love to run barefoot through the grass, but dancing on it is even more fun. They will both observe and participate in this free 40-minute program honoring Isadora Duncan, who was an expert at it herself. Children who have consistently participated in the free summer classes offered by Lori Belilove & the Isadora Duncan Dance Company will perform in a preshow, followed by the adult troupe in a slate of dances illustrating the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The violinist Damian Boucher will play live accompaniment, and all young audience members are invited to a free sample class after the show. At 3 p.m., Billings Lawn, Fort Tryon Park, 190th Street and Fort Washington Avenue, Washington Heights, 212-691-5040, isadoraduncan.org. ‘A Voyage Through Jewish History’ (Sunday through Thursday) This journey involves not just miles, but years. In this permanent interactive exhibition at the Jewish Children’s Museum, young visitors can travel from Abraham and Sarah’s tent to the Western Wall in contemporary Jerusalem and beyond. Activities along the way include giving water to Rebecca’s camels, playing the strings on David’s harp (a high-tech version with beams of light that emit sounds when struck) and taking part in the exodus from Egypt. The museum also offers “Summer Safety 3,” an installation through Sept. 3 that uses a special course to teach children how to avoid pedestrian dangers. 792 Eastern Parkway, at Kingston Avenue, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, 718-907-8833, jcm.museum. Danny Weinkauf and the Red Pants Band (Saturday and Sunday) Danny Weinkauf plays bass and writes music for They Might Be Giants, but he’s something of a giant on his own, too. With his group the Red Pants Band, he recorded “No School Today,” a children’s album that won a Parents’ Choice Award. This weekend he and the band will perform at the Bronx Zoo, right by the grizzly bears. (Do they like music?) Despite his album’s title, don’t be surprised to hear rollicking tunes about archaeology and spelling bees. At 12:30, 2 and 3:30 p.m., Grizzly Corner, Bronx River Parkway and Fordham Road, Fordham, 718-367-1010, bronxzoo.com.
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How to Join JCR-UK Discussion Group The JCR-UK discussion group is a free e-mail based forum for those researching their Jewish ancestors who lived in the UK, and for those interested in a particular UK Jewish community or congregation. We discuss records available in the UK and research techniques, share information and answer questions concerning all aspect of Jewish genealogy in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man) and the Republic of Ireland and Gibraltar. The sign up to join this group is to be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/listserv/sigs.htm. Put a dot in the box UNITED KINGDOM: JCR-UK scroll down to I want to SUBSCRIBE to a Mailing List and fill in your name and email address on the next screen.
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In Sunday school we tend to emphasize the inspiring parts of the Bible. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with thy God.” (Leviticus 19:18; Micah 6:8) But what about the more difficult passages? What about the murdering and pillaging and sexual perversity? As we begin the Jewish holiday of Purim, we confront an immensely challenging text. A People to Destroy In the Book of Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Israelites are commanded to “blot out the name of Amalekites,” to utterly destroy them. (Deuteronomy 25) The Amalakites were a nation who attacked the Israelites during their journey through the Sinai wilderness. The Book of Esther, which we read on Purim, identifies the arch-villain Haman as a descendant of the tribe of Amalek. Thus, at the end of the book, Haman and his entire family are hung from the gallows. It is not a comforting way to end a book of Bible. When Hatred is the Only Option It also raises difficult questions. Why does the Bible command us to destroy another people? Is it ever right to utterly hate another person or group? The Jewish sages give us a profound answer. It is permissible to hate someone when they have placed themselves outside the boundaries of basic morality. Yet, we need to be circumspect, examining our feelings carefully and constructively. As Rabbi Norman Lamm put it, We reserve our actual, living hatred for the unusually hateful individuals who commit historic crimes and whose malice is monstrous and premeditated. Anti-Semites who wish to destroy all the Jewish people; monsters who seek sadistically to wipe out whole populations–such people remain deserving, on purely moral grounds, of actual contempt and hatred. The Psychological Truth of Hatred Later Jewish thinkers also saw the psychological value in releasing our hatred on symbols of evil. We are not angels. We possess drives and feelings that can do great damage if used improperly. Part of the wisdom of faith is directing our energies so as to improve the world rather than destroy it. In Jewish tradition Amalek becomes the symbol of evil. Since the character of Haman is descended from Amalek, we boo and hiss whenever his name is mentioned in the synagogue. This noise serves to fulfill the commandment to “blot out” the name of Amalek. Thus, what we seem to strange to someone visiting a synagogue on Purim is actually a symbolic expression of the hatred of evil and wickedness. As Rabbi Lamm puts it again, “By restricting our hatred to evil and those who personify it and symbolize by chanting the commandment to obliterate Amalek and by hissing and booing at the mention of Haman’s name, we learn to hate without hurt.” In other words, professing hatred of Amalek and blotting out his name is a cathartic exercise, releasing our energies in a harmless way while reminding ourselves that evil can and does exist in the world.
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Courtyard at 1801 L Street, SacramentoMastermind Treasure Hunts and Downtowngrid... Sacramento near sacramento events Saturday, Jun 15 4:00p An Evening of Latin Jazz Featuring Pete Escovedo And His Orchestra - A Benefit for Music Never Stops Foundation Friday, Jun 21 7:00p Saturday, May 25 3:00p California Automobile Museum, SacramentoWhat Tunes Did You Ride to in the 60s? a Lake Couny wine tasting, food, and classic car event Round out your Sacramento Music Festival experience or just add a great event to your plans for 2013 Me... Friday, Jun 7 8:00p Crest Theatre, SacramentoSacramento Gay Men’s Chorus Presents ExtrABBAganza! Take a trip to the ’70s with the music, costumes, dancing and good vibes of the chart-topping Swedish pop group ABBA, featuring favorites ‘Dancin... Sacramento near sacramento Related Topics arts & crafts | community | business & tech | dance | fairs & festivals | food & dining | music | performing arts | sports & outdoors | visual arts | other | comedy | shopping | education/campus | sacramento ticket | events near | sacramento events | sacramento activities | shows in sacramento | things to do in sacramento | cultural event sacramento | beads show in sacramento | crafts fairs | fairs in sacramento | photography shows sacramento | sacramento the ticket | events and adventures | restaurants | craft fair sacramento | sacramento run | sacramento festival | live shows in sacramento | running events sacramento | festivals in sacramento | sacramento fairs Don't Miss This The Manovill Conversations Loaded: Jews & Money - More Money Than God with Rabbi David J. Wolpe, Sinai Temple at Jewish Community Center of San FranciscoTue 5/28 7:00p 2013 Dwell on Design at Los Angeles Convention CenterFri 6/21 12:00p Hot Tickets More » ON SALE NOW Tue 8/27 7:00p Sat 5/25 9:00p Tue 9/10 8:00p Sat 7/6 7:00p
{ "date": "2013-05-24T10:01:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368704517601/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516114157-00009-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8198545575141907, "token_count": 463, "url": "http://www.zvents.com/sacramento_ca/events/near+sacramento" }
Look at those little girlie skulls! On purple sequin fabric! I love the back to school pencils! Cutest gingham bows and cowboy hats! Look at the cow print! These are the cutest Jewish themed barrettes I have ever seen. Perfect for the holidays! And of course my favorite...Halloween! Look at the jewels on the princess crown and the anchor! I also love the penguin--so festive! I love the bows on the cat and penguin! This is a butterfly clippie keeper And a princess crown clippie keeper What do you think? I think they are the cutest! I have already sold a bunch to friends and family so I figured it was time to put them on etsy! You can find all of these listed in my etsy shop.
{ "date": "2015-03-31T21:57:46Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131302318.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172142-00017-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9361147284507751, "token_count": 174, "url": "http://amityoriginals.blogspot.com/2012/12/new-additions-to-my-etsy-store.html" }
This essay will look at ways the Cold War affected international relations between 1945-1990. The cold war is a term that denotes the ideological conflict between western capitalism (USA) and Soviet-Marxism-Leninism (USSR), which involves the competition for domination between two economic and political systems ( Summy & Salla, 1995, p.20). From 1945 until 1990, International Relations revolved round the resumed quarrel between the two superpowers. The ideology of the conflict 'cold-war' was transported around different parts of the world. (Cassels, A, 1996, p.207). The extension of the ideology to a universal diplomatic terrain was furthered by the invention of the atomic bomb. The failure of the United States of America and the Soviet union to agree on an international atomic energy control system left the west in sole possession of nuclear weaponry until 1949 when the Soviets exploded their first nuclear device and then, some years later, acquired a missile - delivery capability (Cassels, A, 1996, p.207). Get your grade or your money back using our Essay Writing Service! The frightening power of nuclear weapons imposed a bar on their use, a 'self-deterrence' that operated even when the West enjoyed a monopoly. Both superpowers came to possess the ultimate weapon, parity was less important than Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) even when both threatened, there were elements of bluff involved. Because of the destruction atomic or nuclear war would cause and fearful of armed clash with each other, they were compelled to play their powers in third world. (Cassels, A, 1996, p.207). The United States of America and the Soviet Union notion of the third world countries is underdevelopment, with little or no political advancement. They sought whatever kind of allies they could assemble, not minding their human rights records, be it a dictatorship or democratically elected government, they piled their arms in a determined effort to outmanoeuvre their main ideological rival in places as far apart as Cuba & Afghanistan, Vietnam & Angola. (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.82). Proxy Wars such as events and conflicts in Asia and elsewhere also affected international relations between the periods of 1945-1990. In 1949, thirty-year-long Chinese civil war ended in victory for the communist. In June 1950, the North Korean attack on South Korea was interpreted as part of a general communist strategy, over 3 million people died. (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.61). The Middle East experienced a more difficult era during the cold war. The founding of the state of Israel in 1948. Though, both the USA and the USSR helped the creation of a Jewish state in previously owned Arab lands. However, in the 1950s, relations between the superpowers had gone 'cold', the Soviet foreign policy supported Arab nationalism. The state of Israel was created by force. Israel developed relations with the British and the French, culminating in their secret agreement to attack Egypt in 1956. (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.61). The death of Stalin in 1953 had significant consequences for the USSR, his successor, Nikita Khrushchev, helped unleash reformist forces in Eastern Europe. While Poland was controlled , the situation in Hungary threatened Soviet hegemony, and in 1956, the intervention of the Red Army brought bloodshed to the street of Budapest and worldwide condemnation of Moscow's action. International relations were heading downhill. Khrushchev's policies aroused fears in the West of a global communist challenge. The cold war saw the growth of large permanent intelligent organisations, whose roles ranged from estimating intentions and capabilities of adversaries to covert intervention in the affairs of other states. (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.62). The Cold War affected international relations between 1945-1990 in so many ways but one of the most important is the replacement of a 'multipolar' with a 'bipolar configuration of power (Gaddis,J.L, 1992, p.172). A Balance of power between the USA and the USSR, 'two states, isolationist by tradition, famed for impulsive behaviour, they both showed in crucial cases to wary, alert, cautious, flexible and forbearing. This was a period of nuclear stand-off between two great powers.(Gaddis,J.L, 1992, p.172). Germany's reconstruction after the Second World War was in jeopardy because of the 'cold-war' between the two superpowers. The United States was in control of West Germany, while the Soviet Union was in control of East Germany. The cold-war had resulted to economic warfare, when the US introduced currency reforms, the USSR reacted immediately. They blockaded all links by land and cut all other supplies, subjecting the East to poverty and squalor while the Western part of Germany wallowed in economic reform and reconstruction. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.97). Always on Time Marked to Standard The Berlin blockade increased the feeling of military insecurity in northern, western and southern Europe and there was pressure for a common military force. This led to the drawing up of North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington on 4th April 1949 and eventually to a common defence force, known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). (McCauley, M, 1995, p.98). The Soviet union by way of rejoinder, established the council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) in 1949 and the WARSAW PACT, the Soviet Union's answer to NATO, in 1955. With the formation of the (WEST) European Economic Area in 1958, the division of Europe was complete. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.97). Because of the Soviet -American confrontation, a parallel process was underway - the formation of blocs. The division of Germany and the splitting of Europe, and indeed the world, into two camps, was a fait accompli by 1955. From then onwards, the two major political groupings competed for spheres of influence. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.99). The bipolar world of two superpowers also affected countries who were not directly involved in the 'war' but had an allegiance to either Moscow or Washington. The Marshall plan, an economic reform programme, was introduced by the United States to help 'kick-start' the economies of European states including the Soviet Union. It placed the Soviet Union in a serious predicament, since the economy of European states was spiralling downhill thus needed the United States capital and goods to recover. The USSR believed the plan was an extension of Truman's doctrine, which involved interference in internal affairs of other states and also the US intention to dominate political and economic dominance of Europe. The soviet response to Marshall Plan was negative. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.89). The Cold War affected international relations, in the sense that, it limited the sovereignty of allies, especially that of the USSR, the Soviets decision to reject the Marshall Plan left the plan in tatters because of their mistrust of American motives, they were able to split Europe because of their deep pessimism about their ability to contain US influence (McCauley, M, 1995, p.91). Despite the initial approval of other communist countries, immediately the Soviet Union rejected the plan and applied pressure on its allies, they all withdrew from the Marshal Plan (McCauley, M, 1995, p.90). However, as the economic situation in Czechoslovakia began to deteriorate, crises developed and because of their support for Moscow, there appeared little hope of obtaining outside assistance. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.94). The role of the Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) The Corporation that were enjoyed in countries other than the USA and USSR suffered a setback. Communists in southern and western Europe were ordered to break with social democrats because they were seen as a tool of US imperialism. The Cold War, thus, ceased to be merely an expression of international politics; it had become a reality of internal politics by affecting every part of decision making process of allies loyal to the US or the USSR. (McCauley, M, 1995, p.92). The 'War' also had an economic effect on the two superpowers, the end of the post-war boom and the onset of a period of low and declining profit rates which had detrimental effects on them. The boom had been sustained by the arms race. The USSR and the USA were doubly disadvantaged. They were affected by the global crises that meant relatively stagnant growth from the mid-1970s. Since they were the largest arms spenders, the consequences were more devastating for the USSR for two reasons. The arms race compelled the USSR to match the military build up of the US. The Soviet economy was much smaller and therefore much less efficient than that of the USA. (Summy & Salla, 1995, p.162). As soviet - Chinese relations were deteriorating, and America's involvement in Vietnam deepening, the tensions were getting out of control, thereby, resulting in the period of relative peace known as Détente. Both Washington and Moscow agreed on the peculiar status of Berlin, and the sovereignty of East Germany. The Détente of both superpowers had its roots in mutual recognition of the need to avoid nuclear crises, and in the economic sense, to avoid unconstrained nuclear arms race. But, the perception that the USSR was using arms control agreements to gain military advantage and the support for revolutionary movements in the 'Third World', Ethiopia in 1975 and Angola in 1978 killed détente. Some argued, that Reagan's own incautious killed détente (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.64). This Essay is a Student's Work This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers.Examples of our work As part of the consequences of the cold war, international relations between the USA and some European countries took a new dimension, the Truman administration sought to justify limited aid to Turkey and Greece to arouse awareness of Soviet ambition and a declaration that America would support those threatened by Soviet expansion. (Baylis, Smith & Owens, 2008, p.61). The cold war was no longer between US and USSR, they had their trusted allies by their side as a way of engineering support and unleashing whatever consequences they deem fit for any oppression against any member of their association. The war has both directly and indirectly affected international politics as well as diplomatic relations between countries.
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Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog Download: MP3 Audio Listen to an Audio Version of the Blog Download: MP3 Audio Question: There are moments during the reading of The Zohar when it’s difficult to perceive the text and then it’s easier to stay in intention. But what can I do in a different state, when during my studies I feel excitement and joy? Answer: We are going through various states until we form the correct request. It includes a variety of components. It’s possible to compare it with a delicious dish that has dozens of ingredients. We don’t need to keep all these components in our head, our mind, because they accumulate and line up in us, and what has been built is in you. You shouldn’t worry about it; you take care of other things, as a chef preparing a dish who automatically knows what to add and what needs his attention. Since our vessel, Kli, is a desire, not reason, then a habit becomes second nature. So, you are not worried about what is already included in the desire, but rise above it to other, more advanced concerns. From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/29/13, The Zohar On its own, what is the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah? Everything seems simple; people that want to study come and there is an expert that teaches. He sits and he talks, and whoever wants to hear comes and listens. There are many places like this in the world where people are studying all kinds of things. But when a man comes to the study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, quickly he reveals that the students need to be connected to each other. So, ok good, there are even quite a few examples of this. People connect in frames of a group; it could be a class or a group, etc. It is only that here, we tell them, ”You need to connect between yourselves in love.” Already this looks like mysticism. Something similar to it exists in the wisdoms of the East and also religion is preaching about connection between people, “Love your friend as yourself.” Later, the quality of this connection is spoken about. So it becomes understood that the issue is not only in studying and all the other things that accompany it, but the main thing is the connection. How could it be? I came to study some kind of wisdom. I’m willing to do it together with others; I’m willing to join them in order that the connection between us will be in accord with the study. But no, I’m being told another thing, “You need to connect with them to such a measure that you will stop feeling your existence, only they will exist for you.” This I do not understand, but they demand this from me in order to understand the material, which on its own is not important in the meantime. In this matter, a reversal of 180 degrees awaits me: Before the material of the study was important to me, I wanted to know something new, to receive wisdom, and now it is clear that the material is not important at all, rather the connection is. I hadn’t even thought about something like that. So what has to be done? How can one understand that everything is attained in connection, that we will never understand the sources if we don’t begin to connect, because the wisdom of Kabbalah speaks only about the manners of connection and not about anything else? We stumble on this problem. And that’s why the Rabash began his articles from this: love of friends, the purpose of society, the order of the gathering of friends, etc. Without this, we simply have nowhere to go, but we dismiss what doesn’t fit our desire and public opinion. Even though it is hard for me to receive the importance of the love of friends, I need to convince myself that I am here only for one goal, to connect with the friends in such a way as to annul myself before them, to lose self-existence and to exist only in such a measure that I can bestow to them, only according to their desire. From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/24/13, Writings of Rabash, “Love of Friends” We already know that “Israel” is called the giving vessels, Galgalta ve Eynaim (GE), and the “nations of the world” are the receiving vessels, AHP. Accordingly, the vessels of Israel must correct themselves first and give the Light to the nations of the world. This task was assigned to Israel from Above, meaning everyone in the world who gets the awakening by means of the point in the heart (•)—a spark of desire, which suddenly breaks out in it. In addition, the category of “Israel” includes the descendants of immigrants from ancient Babylon who had the point in the heart in the past. Thus, “Israel” is a difficult, complex concept. And namely these people have an obligation to correct themselves to become the “Light for the nations,” in other words, to transfer the method to, provide help, and support all the other people whose point in the heart is still hidden. After the breaking of the souls and mutual inclusion, this point exists in everyone, but in the category of the “nations of the world” it is still dormant and they are not aimed “straight to the Creator” (Yashar-El) and do not feel this urge (↑). That’s why there is a transitional link Galgalta ve Eynaim, Israel, the vessels of bestowal. Their nature is the same as that of the Light (OR), and they can pass it on to the nations of the world in a suitable form so that people understand how and by what means they can exit the current crisis. There is a very important point. The Creator, the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif – O”M), also shines on all people. From this everyone experiences the negative (-), the troubles and problems. However, they do not feel able to deal with this minus, with this unfulfilled desire (Hissaron). They do not get help and support from Above. The positive does not come (+?); there is no method. That is why the nations of the world feel hatred towards Israel whom they blame for all their misfortunes. We are talking about the laws and forces of nature. Nothing can be done; they operate in this way. Until Israel is able to balance the desires of the nations that were awakened by the Surrounding Light with the inner Light of the Creator, until the “minus” of the nations is neutralized by the “plus” on the part of Israel, they will constantly hate Israel and blame it; it is their lack of support, which they do not know they need, that is precisely the cause of all their troubles. Natural disasters, famine, and disease, all that will be blamed on Jews, as has happened many times. All this stems from an imbalance between these forces, which we have to balance so that we are moved not by the negative, but by the positive that provides the remedy for disease in advance. In essence, everything revolves around this scheme. So, if something wrong happens in the world, then those who belong to the category of Israel are to blame because they do not bring the world the compensating Light, and as a result, allow the bad force to break out. From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/28/13, Emergency Question: You say that by reading The Book of Zohar we have to discover inside us the same spiritual attributes it speaks about. But it’s hard for me to think about the connection with the friends at the same time. Answer: For the time being we can’t identify these spiritual attributes inside us, they are concealed too deeply. You sometimes get so angry at someone you love, for example at your wife, that you begin to hate her. If at that moment someone says to you, “but you love her,” you will get mad and say: “I love her?! I simply hate her!” Love is concealed and hate is revealed. Sometimes it’s the other way around, a few gentle words evoke the love in you, and you love her and everything is just great. So where is the hate? It’s as if it doesn’t exist. Similarly, inside us there are all the spiritual discernments that The Book of Zohar speaks about, Jacob, the Torah, HBD, HGT, the middle line. But they are all concealed internally, and we don’t identify them at the moment. The main thing is the intention. I also asked Rabash a similar question when we studied such “technical details” like Kruma de Avira or Mochin de Avira, the 13 corrections of Dikna, etc. in TES. It didn’t concern me at all, I couldn’t relate to them. So I asked him whether I could think about myself during that time: Who I am, what I am, for what reason and why? Whether I should suppress all the internal clarifications that come up and think only about what is in the book. Rabash said: “No.” If you care about the right intention now and about how to approach bestowal, then think about it. Later you will see that everything you think about the states that you go through, about the group, and about the Creator and everything that is written in the book is actually about that, you will suddenly feel: “Wow, it’s about me! How did Baal HaSulam and the authors of The Zohar know that I would be thinking precisely about what is written in this text?!” That’s what will happen. From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/28/13, The Zohar Rabash, “What Is a Ladder that is on the Ground and Its Head Reaches Heaven”: A person should know that the Creator hears his prayer. This means that we have to clearly acknowledge the fact that each of our requests or desires is incorporated in the general system, and all our feelings are a result of the general system. If we make an effort, then it naturally influences the whole system, since everything is connected. But this connection is concealed from us so we have to attain information about it and the feeling that all of reality is connected to one upper system that is called the “Creator” or “There is none else besides Him.” This system receives all the signals that come from us: both our natural instinctive evolution and the additional influences of society that are above our natural development. Everything is included in the system, and it responds to this appeal: “the Creator hears a person’s prayer.” And what he sees is that now he is in a worse state than when he didn’t pray to overcome the desire to receive, which is an answer from Above to his prayer. We cannot properly determine when in fact we really are asking from Above and when we receive a response. While it may seem to us that we are praying and asking, it’s not we who are praying and asking. We were simply given such a desire from Above, and we feel how it goes through us. This prayer is not on our account. So a person shouldn’t say that the Creator doesn’t listen to his prayer. He should rather say that the answer came from Above, and is not what a person prepares, but what is prepared for him from Above, which is for his own good, and he should know that. It is clear from Above when to answer a person and what to give him: which thoughts or desires. He has no freewill here. Which means that a person should know how far he is from bestowal, and that every part of his body is against it. And a person asks the Creator for something that there is not one part in his body that agrees to what he is asking of the Creator. So how can he ask for that? And then a person sees something new, which he didn’t know before he began to ask from the Creator, that he should be given the power to overcome his body, so that he would be able to act only in favor of the Creator and not for his own sake. A person sees that there is no point in these requests. …and the new recognition that a person attains is that he sees that the body doesn’t agree to pray for the annulment of the desire to receive for its own sake. So the question is why a person sometimes does want to annul his desire to receive, which means that a person often sees that while he is asking the Creator to give him vessels of bestowal, his whole body rejects it and what he prays for is only lip service, which means empty words. In any case he sees that there are times when he can pray from the bottom of his heart. The answer is that this is already the answer to his prayer, which means that the Creator gives him the power to pray about that from the bottom of his heart. Therefore a person has to be hopeful that the Creator will bring him close to Him. In the meantime we can’t know when we receive a desire to pray from Above and when we pray out of our own will, below. All this will be revealed later. This is done on purpose, in order to confuse a person and to let him feel disoriented in the egoistic desire, so that he will begin to ask for forces of bestowal, a desire to bestow. It’s only by the force of bestowal, the force against him, that a person can be critical of himself and see the truth. But if a person has only one force, then it’s either an angel, when it’s only the force of bestowal, or an ordinary animal that belongs to the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate nature and which have only the force of receiving. But it’s when a person is confused and has doubts, when he can’t find himself in these states of confusion, that he is simply torn apart, that he can find the connection between the two parts of creation: the Creator and the created being who is above his limited mind and feelings. He should rise above his request, above the actual prayer, and the answer for it, like Malchut that rises to Keter, which is called a true “prayer.” The Creator is the answer to the prayer, and then the two connect in the full adhesion of a person and the Creator. And so a person has to be hopeful that the Creator will bring him close to Him. Since we are constantly nourished from Above, we only have to be aware of the bestowal that comes from Above and goes through us and then back up. We have to be grateful for that, to acknowledge the greatness of the goal, that “there is none else besides Him,” and that He is good and benevolent, and to yearn for connection in every situation. If we constantly try to stabilize this in the true form, and not as it seems to us in our concealment and exile, then it will be a true prayer. From the Preparation to the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/28/13 Answer: As we all know, all things are rooted in two opposites. On one hand, I don’t have to love the one who hates me, and on the other hand, I have to work on correction. On one hand, I have to understand that I am hated to the same extent that I hate in the eyes of the Creator, because the whole world is a replica managed by Him. On the other hand, I have to do everything in my power in order to correct myself and my relationship with the Creator, for this I correct my relationship with the world. The Jews don’t have to explain to the Europeans how good they are. They are so eager to prove to the world that they don’t want to harm anyone and that they help everyone, but who cares? No one. In corporeality the Jews cannot determine anything. No matter how nice they are, the world will understand more clearly that they are not fulfilling their role. Subconsciously the nations of the world want only one thing from the Jews: “Give us the connection to the Creator.” It is because the Jews are the transition phase, we have to do it; it is our duty, our only debt to the world. So why do the Jews take other tasks upon themselves? No one needs culture, education, science, or success in any other field from the Jews. Humanity doesn’t value the enormous contribution that the Jewish people are so proud of. It is as if they say to the Jewish people: “We don’t want to acknowledge that, since this is not what we expect of you. According to the plan of creation you have to bring us the Light that Reforms. Without it, everything else is worthless…” Eventually, the general system is becoming increasingly more anti-Semitic. Anti- Semitism is a negative attitude to what Jews are needlessly dealing with in this world. The hatred towards Jews will only grow to catastrophic proportions. It is because Jews are not dealing with what they should. Israel (ISRA-EL) is assigned to be “a Light unto the nations,” the link, the “transition” between the Creator (Boreh) and the nations, the “kingdom of priests” that is supposed to teach the world. Baal HaSulam speaks about it in his articles “Matan Torah (The Giving of the Torah)” and “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee).” Only the nation of Israel can pave the road to the Light for the world, but instead it creates a “jam” and blocks the passage, creating a roadblock. So how is it possible not to hate it as a result? It is obvious that the nations of the world treat it negatively (-). Because Israel means straight to the Creator (Yashar-El), it is these people who can communicate with the Creator. The Israeli nation has received this ability and then it was shattered and dispersed among the other nations. The preparation for that was from Above and now all those who belong to the level of “Israel” have to start correcting themselves in order to bring the Light to the nations of the world (Nations). Anti-Semitism depends only on that, but Jews usually avoid their responsibility. Today, America is already losing its popularity and more people are going to Australia where it is quieter. Instead of being in the center of the world and bringing the world correction, which no one else can do, they are running to the edges of the world in order to hide there… On the whole, it is impossible to see the outcome of the current events in the short run. We have to be above all that, not wanting to harm anyone. The idea is that if I cannot bring the world to the end of correction right now, then all the evil events that happen in the world, no matter who feels them, are because of me. It is my fault. So I have to hurry and bring them the method of correction in every possible way: by books, on the Internet, in courses, and also in the internal system based on the connection among us. If something bad happens somewhere in the world, it is only because I don’t bring the world to correction. After all, only I can do that. People blame the Jews since it is human nature; a person feels that way although he doesn’t really know why. It is “natural knowledge.” Although I explain this to you and to the whole world, you still don’t understand why we are to blame for everything that happens. Do you want to stop the bloodshed? Go ahead, do something, bring more Light that Reforms to people, pray for them. It is you who should bring them correction, and in that sense the world belongs to you. Everything depends on how quickly we hasten the correction. I turn to all our friends all over the world and to our TV viewers; let’s feel a bit more responsible. From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/27/13, Shamati #34 Opinion (Nouriel Roubini, cofounder and chairman of Roubini Global Economics): “Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Davide Serra, founder of leading hedge fund Algebris, and Nouriel Roubini, the head of Roubini Economics known as Dr Doom for predicting the financial crisis, set out the case against those who think quantitative easing (QE) and low rates are benign policy tools. “’When governments borrow, they are taking money from our children. QE is the same – we are lowering returns for future generations. QE creates an inter-generational dilemma,’ Mr Serra said. “Mr Roubini warned that central bankers need to think about turning off the cheap money tap or risk creating another, possibly even worse, bubble.” Opinion (Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist & CIO, Saxo Bank): “In Europe, two core countries, the Netherlands and Germany, are now recession bound. The crisis has finally arrived at their doorstep. Meanwhile, European Central Bank monetary transmission remains obstructed by hodgepodge policies. … You can run from your debt burden but you can’t hide, and that will be the reality that Europe and France face in 2013. … “So how can it be that stockmarkets are hitting multi-year highs while employment is hitting historic lows? In a real bull market, everyone partakes in the upside—but this market and the economy are driven by those who have access to central bank funding. In short, they are detached from reality. Like a David Copperfield stage act, it is a grand illusion. We have capitalism without capital or free markets.” My Comment: At least many begin to understand that something (although not what) needs to be changed, but politicians do not hear. The realization that some understand the need for change, but others not, is already movement. But the real awareness must be in recognizing the need for full integration of all of humanity as a condition (the ultimate goal) of our development given by nature (evolution). This can be achieved only by using the property of unity, the unifying force, which is revealed in the desire to unite according to the method of Kabbalah. Nature is integral on its three levels: still, vegetative, and animate. The human being, evolving from the animate level, must himself recognize the need to “fit” in the general picture of nature as its highest integral part.
{ "date": "2019-08-25T11:55:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027323328.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20190825105643-20190825131643-00369.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9672982096672058, "token_count": 4926, "url": "https://laitman.com/2013/01/30/" }
According to Henry Lee, a 19th-century naturalist who wrote rather extensively on the vegetable lamb, the woolly plant first appeared in literature around 436 A.D., in the Jewish text, Talmud Hierosolimitanum. According to Lee, Rabbi Jochanan included a passage detailing the plant-animal that is “in form like a lamb, and from its navel grew a stem or root by which this zoophyte … was fixed … like a gourd, to the soil below the surface of the ground.” Lee's Vegetable Lamb. Public domain. Click on the image for a larger version. And it gets weirder: But there was a more sinister version of the narrative. Lee includes a passage from Rabbi Simeon, who hints that the zoophyte was not a lamb-plant hybrid, but rather a human-plant hybrid. He claims that, according to the Jerusalem Talmud, the ‘Jadua,’ was a plant found in the mountains that grows “just as gourds and melons,” but in the form of a human—with a face, body, hands, and feet. Similar to the vegetable lamb, it was connected at the navel to the stem, which, if cut, would cause the Jadua’s demise. “No creature can approach within the tether of the stem, for it seizes and kills them,” he wrote. ...The article gives no specific reference in the Talmud. Mr. Lee's book is available on Google Play (see link in the quote), but I am disinclined to pay money to read it, especially since I have no confidence that he gave a reference either. So, my readers who have expertise in the Yerushalmi, is this a real thing? (Not the vegetable creatures, the Talmudic reference.) If so, would someone please send me the reference? UPDATE (23 August): Reader Alan Messner kindly e-mails the following: There is a source, although it is rather speculation about the meaning of words in the Mishna and Yerushalmi. Kilayim 8:5 and the following Yerushalmi associated with this Mishna (73b and 74a) list animals that are either categorized as wild or domesticated. These classifications are needed to differentiate between laws that are different between the 2 groups. The Mishna says the ‘Adnei HaSadeh’ is wild. Rabbi Yosi says that a dead one imparts ‘tumah’ (ritual uncleanliness) like a dead human. According to the logic of it, and most commentaries say that it is a gorilla or orangutan. Some Medieval commentaries speculate (likely based local legend) that it can be a creature that fits the description that you described.Thanks for that! Visit PaleoJudaica daily for the latest news on ancient Judaism and the biblical world.
{ "date": "2019-08-19T13:03:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314732.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819114330-20190819140330-00329.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.951224148273468, "token_count": 623, "url": "https://paleojudaica.blogspot.com/2018/08/vegetable-lambs-and-vegetable-people-in.html" }
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Olibia MANDELOS VLAHOS at the age of 90. C’est avec grande tristesse et le cœur lourd que nous vous annonçons le décès de Olibia MANDELOS VLAHOS, à l’âge de 90 ans. FUNÉRAILLES / FUNERAL Privée / Private If you wish to send flowers, Please advise the florist to deliver on Tuesday May 18, 2021 Before 1:00 pm. Donations in memory of Olibia MANDELOS VLAHOS to the Jewish general hospital are appreciated. (follow link below) Un service accompagné par / A service accompanied by Expositionmardi 18 mai 2021 Envoyez vos messages de condoléances. Nouno and family, Our deepest condolences on your loss. May her memory be eternal. Kalo Paradiso, Nouna mou. Koumbaro and Family, We are very saddened to hear of the passing of our dear friend, Olibia. May God rest her soul. She was a wonderful woman. We will miss her. Love, Nicholas and Athina "My thoughts are with you during this time of mourning." "May you find peace and comfort in your memories of your Deceased Loved One." ExpositionTuesday, May 18, 2021 Send your condolences. We were very saddened to hear about Thia Olimbia's passing. She was a lovely woman, always so warm and kind. Kalo Paradiso Olibia was a good friend and memories of her bring comfort during this difficult time. Condolences to the family. Kalo Paradiso. Espace commémoratif de Olibia MANDELOS VLAHOS Aucune bougie allumée Allumez la prochaine bougie
{ "date": "2022-05-16T04:35:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662509990.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516041337-20220516071337-00209.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7798123955726624, "token_count": 421, "url": "https://complexeaeterna.com/avis-de-deces/2021/olibia-mandelos-vlahos/" }
This article appears in Solidarity. In the course of just a few days, three news stories came across my desk that highlighted one of the problems we face in the British trade union movement. As I write these words, the Israeli nurses’ union is engaged in a major fight with the Netanyahu government. Netanyahu is the health minister (as well as prime minister) and his government stands accused of starving public hospitals, while coming up with millions to construct new illegal settlement housing. The nurses strike deserves the support of unions everywhere, in particular unions which organise nurses. Israel’s public sector unions solidified a major victory early this month. An agreement that ended February’s general strike has now been translated into results on the ground. The general strike had been fought over the question of precarious employment and the Histadrut won a substantial victory. This week, contract workers in the public sector will get huge wage gains and back pay thanks to the solidarity of unionised workers who shut the country down and compelled the government to make concessions. Both examples show an independent, and sometimes militant, Israeli trade union movement that deserves the solidarity of trade unionists in Britain. Indeed, the Israel public sector unions may even have a thing or two to teach their British counterparts about how to win on issues like contract labour. But unfortunately Unison and the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS), unions which should, in theory, be promoting solidarity with the Israeli nurses and indeed with all the Israeli public sector unions, have played a rather different role recently. Unison and PCS were among the leading unions which actively pushed the recent congress of Public Services International (PSI) to adopt a new policy supporting boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) targetting Israel. PSI is also now on record supporting the slander that Israel is an “apartheid state”. It is unusual for a global union federation like PSI to take such a strong position in opposition to Israel, even if its BDS call was limited to “firms complicit with the occupation”. The pro-Hamas Palestine Solidarity Campaign hailed the decision as a breakthrough. I want to step back here and try to understand what is going on. Israel is the only country in the region with a strong, independent trade union movement. It is not a perfect movement and there is much to criticise about it. But when Unison sent a delegation over to meet with Israelis and Palestinians, everyone they spoke to — including the Palestinians — encouraged the British union to keep up its relationship with the Histadrut. No one, not even the far-left critics of the Histadrut, suggested to Unison that it disengage. But when the report of the Unison delegation was put to the national executive, it was rejected and Unison carried on with a policy supporting boycotts of the Jewish state and its trade union movement as well. This makes absolutely no sense. If you oppose the right-wing, neoliberal policies of the Netanyahu government, shouldn’ t you support the struggle of the Israeli nurses? Shouldn’t you support the Histadrut’s general strike which resulted in such an important victory? Instead of engaging with the Israeli labour movement, unions like Unison and PCS are moving away from it. There was a time not long ago when British unions played a more constructive role. They would bring over representatives of the Histadrut and the Palestinian unions to Britain where they could meet British trade unionists — and each other. British unions saw their role as bridge-builders, taking no sides in a tragic conflict between two nations. One doesn’t want to get all nostalgic about this — instead, I suggest we try to find ways restore some sanity and balance into the British labour movement’s view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Above all this means educating activists and members, whose only source of information seems to be the pro-Hamas camp, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Unfortunately, there is no effective alternative voice in the British labour movement today. If members of Unison, PCS and other unions were to be made aware of the reality of the Israeli trade union movement, its struggles and its victories, I think it might be possible to have a more interesting and productive debate. At the moment, the agenda in those unions is being dictated by supporters of Hamas, and that, comrades, is not a good thing.
{ "date": "2013-05-19T20:28:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368698063918/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516095423-00010-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9634385108947754, "token_count": 916, "url": "http://www.ericlee.info/blog/?m=201212" }
Sunday, February 28, 2010 After my disappointment in the Beijing games two summers ago I found these games to be quite refreshing. I didn't mention it earlier but I love to compare cauldrons and Vancouver's will go down as one of my favorites. When it malfunctioned during the opening ceremonies it bothered me, first the death of an athlete, then the malfunction. I was left with a feeling that these Olympics would have a black cloud over them. Then the death of an athlete's mother seem to seal it. But Canada should be proud of themselves. Their optimism and grace made these games one of the best in a long time. Neil Young: Sugar Mountain... Good Bye! Edited to add 3/1/2010: I thought that was the end but it wasn't, proving once again what a loser I can be. To Be or Not To Be a Loser, that is the question. Sorry about that. Anyway, turns out NBC is the loser. Did you get a look at how they cut the end off just to go to some stupid reality show premiere? Oh and if I wanted to see the rest I had to come back at 11:30. Are you kidding me? After 14 days of sleep deprivation I'm not going to sit through some stupid reality show, you lost me and what little respect I had left for NBC. Jerks. Friday, February 26, 2010 Many times the local newspaper would report on what ever had been going on. Sometimes it was spectacular. Like the time a lumber warehouse burned. The wood and paneling stacked inside burned for days. When we arrived on scene flames were 30 feet in the air. It made good news with great pictures. No need to embellish with that one. As you would expect not every call made for such good copy. I read the newspaper every day. I don't watch TV news, I'm not interested in traffic accidents, shootings and other mayhem. There are so many things going on that are important, but that doesn't make ratings. Fear mongering does though and TV and newspapers thrive on it. But that's another post. Cable news is worse than Congress when it comes to predilection. The newspaper isn't much better. There were so many times that I would be at a scene with the fire department, or even later as a 911 dispatcher and I'd read about it in the paper the next day and wonder if we were talking about the same incident. The outline was the same but the devil is in the details and apparently when they couldn't get the facts they'd construct their own version of what may or may not have happened. They also don't have a problem leaving out details that make the story less exciting. Apparently, embellishing details doesn't keep anyone up at night either. As a pit bull owner I'm affected by this bias more than most. Pit Bulls don't get to make an ass of themselves in public the way other breeds can. They aren't alone in this, German Shepard Dogs, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinchers, Chow Chows and Akitas also have to be twice as good as their brothers the Lab's and Poodles. Pit Bulls are a lot of dog. They are intelligent, strong, tenacious and have a mind of their own. The key to training one is to make it think it wants to do something then reward it for doing it. They are not for everybody. But they are a wonderful, loving, faithful dog. As a general rule they make lousy guard dogs, other than the intimidation factor. Most dogs will protect their owner if the need arises even without protection training, it's instinctual to protect a pack member. So when I read a story of a middle aged woman who was killed by a pit bull recently and how the police had to shoot it to get it to stop I wondered what details were left out of that one. It took a little research but this is what I found. The woman killed was a drug addict who had gone to her mothers house to get money. The mother had previously cut off contact with her daughter and when she showed up at her house an altercation occurred. The dog came to the defense of it's owner and attacked the daughter. Police, who had already been called, arrived on scene and shot and killed the dog. They then shot another dog who came to the defense of the first dog. I can't say that the same thing wouldn't of occurred if it was a different breed. The police aren't going to take statements while a dog is attacking someone. There is a percentage of people who own these types of dogs for the macho factor. Contrary to popular belief the majority of Pit Bull owners do not fit the stereotype. I also have no way of knowing what this family was like and the news doesn't want to go there because that might shine a different light on a breed they love to vilify. They also quoted as "fact" that the dog had the woman by the throat when the police arrived. This is exactly the type of "fact" that I used to find scattered throughout calls I was involved in. Of course this is exactly the type of "fact" that is picked up (or made up) listening to spectators comment on what they think happened. So a tragedy happened. A woman is dead. Another woman has lost her daughter, first to drugs then when her dogs were protecting her and she lost two of her dogs. And The American Pit Bull Terrier suffers another blow to it's already ravaged reputation. There were no winners, except the media who had another story to sensationalize to boost ratings and sell papers. Thursday, February 25, 2010 Cookie Mom duties are coming to a close and it's been a time sucker that's for sure. I'll deny it if anyone asks but it was kinda fun, most of the time. Mainly because the other half of this cookie team made it that way. Getting some blog fodder out of it helped too. I'm getting ready to test for my last stripe before a belt test in karate and I have not had a moment to practice. At this rate I'll be 50 before I get there. The Engineer makes time to practice, so why can't I you ask? Well, let us see how things go. As an example: Monday night I go to work and The Engineer is home playing Mr. Mom. On the way home from work I grocery shop and I arrive home at about 10PM to find Mr. Mom sitting on the sofa "resting" after spending the last two hours practicing his karate. All three kids dive into the groceries looking for anything quick to eat because what do you know, Mr. Mom hadn't made dinner yet. Yep, he got that workout in but dinner just had to wait. So I made dinner, fed the troops and sent them off to bed. Mr. Mom told me how tired he was, took a shower and went to bed. Mom's are just not wired to be able to blow off feeding the kids just to get in a workout. After some rewiring that night Mr. Mom may rethink his decision next Monday when I go to work. Schoolwork, theater class, reading club, library trips, boys book club, cookie duties, cookie booths, gym day, play dates, religious school, hamantashen dough for The Vet's class, flour exploded all over the kitchen from hamantashen dough, an extra run to the grocery store because we didn't have enough vanilla for said hamantashen dough, work, karate, violin lessons, piano lesson, guitar lessons, grocery shopping, and for some reason everyone who has ever known me has called me on the phone this week. Tired yet? Why do men call their wives on the phone and ask them to make a phone call? We are supposed to get hit with another major snowstorm over the next few days. I can't wait! I might actually get to stay home and do some laundry. Baseball Boy hasn't had socks for a week. Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Monday, February 22, 2010 They looked through sources everywhere, found nothing that would suit By waiting too much longer, though, the point would soon be moot. He won't be "Lilliputian", maybe "Gulliver" would fit (that name would tangle up your tongue when telling him to "sit!") Some people like a funny name and others like them regal There's doggie heroes too, you know, "Benji" and "Rin-Tin-Tin" King Arthur's court had "Merlin," "Lancelot" and "Dinadin." The Military names are nice, like "Admiral" and "Colonel" Mythology has lots of names of gods and beasts nocturnal! So don't lose heart in choosing, there's lots of names out there From quirks in personality to the color of his hair. He'll be your most devoted friend, dependable and trusty A good name for a dog like yours is definitely "Rusty!" by Just Me, March 1995 Until we had kids he was the worst watch dog ever. If someone knocked on the door the most you would get out of him was an annoyed look because they woke him up. After the kids were born that all changed. A perfect example was the time my mother in law wanted to take The Scientist for a walk and he wouldn't let her leave the driveway with the stroller. He stood in front of it and growled at her. I had to drag him into the house so she could go and he spent the entire time they were gone pacing back and forth in front of the windows looking for them. If he was in the yard with the kids nothing or no one could enter our property. The kids in the neighborhood loved him. They would bring dog biscuits to school and when the bus would stop in front of our house they would call him over and throw the biscuits out the window to him. He would get all excited whenever he would see a school bus. The UPS truck also got him all worked up, they never came to the house without dog biscuits either. Sunday, February 21, 2010 Yesterday was a slow booth in a crowded vestibule at a local grocery store. Outside a group of politicians were handing out flyer's for a cause they were People were bursting through the door to escape them and then running right into two girl scouts anxious to sell them a little deadly trans fat in the shape of a delicious box of cookies. Eight flavors take your pick :-) The Vet was standing by the door as they walked in and as she turned to say something she stepped backward without realizing it. At that moment someone stepped on the electronic mat and the door swung open and smacked her right in the back of the head. No blood, no swelling, just pain and some tears to help wash it away. The Scientist, always helpful, noted what a great blog post this would make. Hugs and kisses brought things under control and a sale wiped the rest of it away. Tough kid that she is, she was ready to face another dangerous day just 24 hours after her second injury selling cookies. I'm fed up with putting my kids in such danger over cookie sales. Next weekend we're heading to the skate park so they can work on some tricks on the half pipe. Thursday, February 18, 2010 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 The kids look every where for her. I find myself scanning the fields as we drive around hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Today, The Vet and Baseball Boy spent two hours, outside, walking around calling her name. They got some local dogs barking and Baseball Boy thought he caught a glimpse of a white dog running through a local farmers field but I think it was just wishful thinking. With so much snow on the ground spotting a white dog isn't going to be easy. Yesterday I let our dogs out in the yard and Mickey came back pretty quickly but Malka wanted to stay outside. After a while I realized she never came back in and called her. She didn't come right away, which started to make me nervous. I got my shoes on and went outside and didn't see her in the yard. Now I'm repeating to myself that I will not panic, then I notice a small section of the construction fence that has served as a temporary repair for our fence for the last two months is lying on the ground. I'm starting to lose the fight against panic and call her one more time. Trying to keep my voice happy so she'll come was my main focus. The Engineer was looking out the front and spots her across the street. When I call her she starts running towards me. She ran across the road without pause. Thank G-d no cars were coming. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react and if a car was coming she would have been slammed. Last night I go to bed and can't stop thinking about the missing dog and how close we came to losing Malka. I even had a nightmare that I saw the posters for the white dog and they looked different. I was excited because I thought maybe they wrote found across it but then we got closer and it had Malka's picture on it instead. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was call the fence company to come fix the fence. We had been holding off to fix it ourselves in the spring after the ground thawed to save some money. I didn't care anymore. They came out an hour later and fixed the fence. It was the best $100.00 we've spent in a long time. Monday, February 15, 2010 We talk about slips, falls and missed opportunity. We talk about sacrifice, hard work and devotion. The kids try to add up scores in their head to see if their favorites won. We look up flags to see which one belongs to which country. We love listening to the personal stories of the athletes and wonder what it must be like to work your whole life for something and have it all come together or fall apart in two minutes. At the end of the two weeks we are exhausted. When it's over we go through withdrawal and catch up on some sleep; then start our wait for the next Olympic Games to start. Sunday, February 14, 2010 The Engineer gathered up the medieval devices left behind and threw them away. After taking a much needed nap we made a list of what we would need to bottle feed and The Engineer went shopping. I'd love to say I never looked back. The truth is I beat myself up over my "failure" for a long time after The Scientist was born. But as she grew I realized there were going to be many things that didn't work out the way I planned. In spite of it she was growing up to be a happy and healthy kid. I don't tell to many people I bottle fed because there are so many women out there who just need to tell me that I didn't do what was best for my child. Maybe not but I'll tell you that by doing what was best for me I did what was best for them. The Engineer got to "bond" with our children by feeding them too, that is a gift he wouldn't of had if I hadn't failed. Saturday, February 13, 2010 We got sucked into all sorts of things that we must have if we are going to be able to successfully raise this delicate being to adulthood (and some would say beyond). Wipe warmers, bassinets, portable cribs, slings to carry them, changing tables, a diaper bag with 15 pockets, baby washcloths and towels, a matching crib sheet/comforter set with matching wallpaper border, a little mirror so you can watch the little cherubs while driving, neck supporter for the car seat, toys to hang from the car seat handle so they have something do (overscheduling starts in infancy), Baby Einstein videos (or else there goes Harvard), special diapers that keep baby extra dry, enough safety gadgets to protect even the most adventurous child and a hermetically sealed diaper pail so no one gets a whiff of what goes there. Oh my, I got carried away, sorry about that. Also available are books on every topic you can imagine related to the gestation, birthing, and raising of said child. Now some of these new fangled things are good. Car seats are the best thing that ever happened to child safety. If you get past the environmental effect, disposable diapers rock. But the biggest push for making your baby all she can be was breastfeeding. The stories were everywhere. Breastfeeding improved IQ, prevented eczema, decreased gastrointestinal problems (unless mommy loves legumes or Mexican food), protected them from dreaded diseases, facilitated bonding, it's a list that goes on and on. I had decided that come hell or high water I was going to breast feed this kid. I wasn't going to risk harming her in any way and how could I bond with her by just sticking a bottle in her mouth. ****WARNING: the following sentence contains what is probably TMI**** I had several obstacles to breastfeeding, "flat" nipples, size "H" breasts, and a complete and utter aversion to the thought of breastfeeding in any type of public situation (public being any where outside my house). None of this mattered though because I was going to do it, damn it, and nothing was going to stop me. Skip ahead nine months and I deliver a healthy baby girl at a local hospital. The birth went just the way I'd hoped. We were exhausted but proud of ourselves. I even let The Engineer take a picture of me looking like crap holding our brand new baby. The nurses are trying to help me figure out this whole breastfeeding thing. It certainly isn't as easy as the books make it sound. Is there some reason that no one mentioned that it hurts like hell and curls your toes? And I'm struggling, this whole treating my breasts like they're a hand to shake is freaking me out. And since sweet baby Scientist decided to scream the entire first night fatigue and a total collapse of the "way it should be" had left my nerves raw. All my insecurities came rushing in to laugh at me. Who was I kidding? They can't possibly think that I can take this baby home in less than 48 hours. There must be a rule about that somewhere. She won't survive, I am already showing my complete incompetence as a mother. Still the nurses are terrific. They can see I'm struggling and their patience and understanding are the only thing keeping me from a complete breakdown. They suggested giving her a bottle. I was adamant, every thing I'd read and everyone said, "Do NOT give her a bottle." There was no way that was going to happen. All sorts of damage would be done to my ability to breastfeed if I succumb to the temptation. So at some point they gave me what feels like the Holy Grail. They are going to call The Lactation Consultant to help. Surely with her training and experience she will be able to hold my hand and give me direction so I can feed this poor thing before I starve her to death. An hour later she comes breezing into the room full of confidence and with a calm smile. Wasting no time she gets down to business. She pulls my gown to the side and exposes A few minutes later The Engineer returns after heading home for a shower and some real food. I tell him that The Lactation Consultant was there and even though she freaked me out in the beginning she did tell me she knew what to do to help and would be back soon. I usually go with my first instinct, once again it's proven to be correct.... Friday, February 12, 2010 So even though I am saddened by the loss of a young man who was reaching the peak of hopes, dreams and goals he worked his whole life for, I am equally relieved that he wasn't a young American luger. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Georgia luger, his team mates and especially his family. Edited to add 2/14/2010: Last night my Olympic obsessed family stayed up until midnight watching the games. The watched the luger's closely for our only personal link (and a very loose one at that) to the Olympics. It was half way though that they realized that he isn't a luger he does skeleton. It changes nothing I wrote above but it does make me feel like I have a big "L" on my forehead. Thursday, February 11, 2010 We've been loving the snow. The dogs and chickens, not so much. The Engineer busted his hiney today even with a snow blower clearing the walkways and driveway. While the kids were busy digging the chicken coop out. The chickens refuse to leave the coop and walk on the snow, babies or should I say "chickens". That doesn't translate well to type, forgive me. I need to pick up more Girl Scout cookies and the restock warehouse has been closed for two days. I hope its open tomorrow or we are going to have a cookie crisis in this troop. Tonight I saw a group of about ten teenagers having a giant snowball fight. It was fun to watch them having such a good time. The best part was when I pulled up next to them and parked they didn't turn on my car and pelt it with snow balls. Slight restoration of my faith in teenagers. This is our first big snowfall since we moved here and I can tell you that the road crew isn't as into getting the roads as clean and dry as where we used to live. It looks beautiful but two days after the bulk of the snow fell the roads are still snow covered. Poor Mickey was so cold this morning he went to the potty about 1 foot from the front door. Malka is much more adventurous; she hopped like a bunny to get to her favorite spot by a tree to potty. Why is it when it snows and the public schools are closed everyone feels the need, no more than feels the need, they are drawn to the question like a bug to a light, compelled to ask if my kids get a snow day? Not usually. Why should they? We homeschool, we aren't stuck inside for hours on end doing school work. We spend about 2-3 hours a day on school work then we have the rest of the day to do what we want, including all the fun (and not so fun) things that a good snow fall brings. Besides if we are going to take a whole day off and blow it doing nothing even remotely school related it's going to be in the spring when the sprouting buds and warm breezes are calling to us. So if you don't ask me if we take snow days I won't ask you if you take spring fever days. Cause sometimes we do both :-) Here's a few pictures: Sweaters don't keep you very warm once they are snow encrusted. This is on the covered porch. Malka is licking her lips getting off all the yummy snow. Mickey is praying to the door gods that they will soon open the door and release him from his pergatory. Good thing we didn't have to drive anywhere right away. Did I mention that the wind blows across the driveway and most of the snow has blown off of it? That blue line is the top edge of our pool. This is the back door. It's two steps up to the back door, they are buried. That little red triangle next to the house is the top edge of the basement bilco doors. Wednesday, February 10, 2010 "I'd like to thank the residents of this city who have shown it is truely the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection." I almost puked.... You've met Mickey and Malka but two other dogs have played a large part in my adult life and I'd like to introduce you to them. This is Rusty. He is the only dog I have ever raised from a puppy. He holds a very special place in my heart. He has been gone almost two years and I still think about him every day. This is Molly. Her first family had a huge breakdown. Her owner went to prison (for some pretty horrible stuff) and his wife fell apart and was unable to care for her. She was 10 years old and had surgery for cancer. She was grossly overweight and they thought she had severe arthritis. None of the rescues wanted her because of her age and the cancer. Lets face it they only have so much room. She was going to wind up at the SPCA (which around here is a kill shelter) and with her age and history she didn't stand a chance. So I worked on The Engineer and he agreed we could take her. She was an absolute sweetheart. We got her down to a reasonable weight and lo and behold her "arthritis" went away. She made the last few years of Rusty's life wonderful. They became inseparable. She lived 3 1/2 years after we got her. It was very hard losing her after such a short time but knowing how happy she was with us made it worth it. This is how they spent most of their time. It was rare to find them seperated. Molly passed away at home while laying on the floor next to Rusty. After she died he was lost for a long time. Malka came along and made that better for him. **We did have another dog for a few months but we had to return him to the rescue. It was a very difficult time and I'll have to talk about him later.** Tuesday, February 9, 2010 If you remember I am more of an old fashioned girl so this normally isn't a problem. Normally, now that's an interesting word. Since nothing is normal anymore. Since I've been cookie mom I've added a whole list of new phone numbers to my cell phone. None of which I put in my good old fashioned phone book. Now today I am supposed to have a phone conference (doesn't that sound official, don't be impressed) with the other cookie mom about our next reorder, an important one since we are winding down cookie sales. Only one problem, we only have each other's cell phone numbers and we both have unlisted home numbers. The girls also have a chocolate party (Happy Valentines Day!) they are going to this afternoon and I don't have the phone number for the home they will be at anywhere but in my cell phone. Yep, you're right it's at the house of one of the girlscouts. So I'm going to head to the vet's office to get my phone and when I come home I'm going to write all the new numbers in my good old fashioned phone book. Monday, February 8, 2010 Towards the end we get the student Rabbi and ask her what is going on. She doesn't really want to get into it but we aren't letting her get off that easy. We explain that we don't want gory details we just want to know what all the fuss is about. She tells us that the Rabbi didn't think the religious school director was doing a very good job. He decided to approach the Board of Trustees about replacing her. The board agreed and the director (who had been director for 20 years) was fired. Well, apparently the religious school director was very well connected with quite a few influential (read: lots of money) members and they did not take it well that she was let go. Of course that's easy for them to feel that way, their kids are all grown. Our kids are in the educational trenches. Personally, after hearing from others how the religious school was run I was glad she was fired. Better late than never as far as I'm concerned. But I digress.... So now the whole synagogue is in an uproar. People are openly arguing. Somebody who forgot what Judism is all about started passing around a story with some very nasty stories about him which others have claimed are not true. Half the board who supported him have now turned against him. They have hired a lawyer to see if they can get out of his contract. Pretty hard to believe what they are claiming is true since all this blew up exactly one month, yep, just one month after he and the board agreed and signed a five year contract. So you're telling me that he went to hell and you want to fire him when one month ago you were willing to sign a five year contract. Please, do I look like I fell off the turnip truck yesterday? Not that he is perfect, I'm sure, but this stinks to the high heavens of politics as usual. The Engineer and I are really sad that this has happened. We don't live in an area with many Jews and the synagogue is our only Jewish community. We have less than two years until our daughters are B'nai Mitzvah. It can take years to find and hire a new Rabbi, especially when you have a Rabbi leave under these circumstances. Who's going to want to work here? We'll for now we wait and see where this leads. Sunday, February 7, 2010 Saturday, February 6, 2010 by Gregory Levey Hope you're not expecting something literary. Because you're not going to get it. One word description: Downer Before reading this book I always harbored a secret desire to live in Israel. Maybe not permanently but for at least a year or two for the experience. Now I'm not so sure. Of course the writers view was from a very different place than what I would see since he worked for the government and lived in the city. I can't see myself living in a city anywhere. I love visiting large cities but the large amount of people so close to each other constantly makes me claustrophobic. So you wouldn't find me living in the city anyway. The book did give a lightweight insightful view of the government workings and how there are no easy answers in the Middle East. The author has a negative view of his experience. This does not make for an easy read. I generally read for enjoyment so this was not the type of book I am used to but the subject was interesting enough to keep me going. I got it from the library. This will not be a book I would be interested in reading again and again so I will not be purchasing this book. Recommendation: If you're interested in the Middle East from a different point of view I would recommend reading it. If you're looking for a deep insiders view of the workings of the Israel government, this isn't the book. Friday, February 5, 2010 Thursday, February 4, 2010 It is an inteview with Colin Powell on this topic. I have tremendous respect for him, even though he proved himself to be human with his errors on Iraq. By the way, I think he was used by people he trusted when forming that opinion but that's another post. Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Lift military ban on gays, officials say That was today's headline in our local New Flash Folks: Gays have been serving in the military for as long as there has been a military. Since don't ask/don't tell has been in effect many more have joined and are bravely serving our country. Defense Secretary Gates is saying they are reviewing how to drop the ban, not whether is should be dropped. This has many Republicans in a tither. Like the military is skipping a step by not getting Congress' approval to drop it before they figure out the best way to do it. In 1948 President Truman signed an executive order integrating our military. That caused quite the uproar but what do you know, now blacks and whites serve together without much thought. Do a little research and find that most countries do not ban gays in the military and haven't for a long time. Spain, France, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Israel, Canada and most European countries are many of the examples you will find. Does that mean that there isn't racism in the military? No. If gays are permitted to openly serve does that mean it will wipe out homophobia, no. Are women still harassed and sometimes worse, yes. Does that mean that we shouldn't have blacks, gays and women in the military? No it doesn't. Are we trying to punish the wrong people? Whether or not you believe that homosexuality is a sin is not the point. That is a personal opinion to which you are entitled. Just like if you do not like people of a certain race, religion or hair color, that is your opinion to which you are entitled. Is it wrong to punish those people because they do not fit your idea of how people should be? That is the question, you know my answer. Don't forget that all those men and women (no matter what their race, religion, sexual orientation, or hair color) have protected your right to judge or even hate them, and many have given their lives for you to do so. Tuesday, February 2, 2010 And on an unrelated note: Last week I dropped cookies off at her house and she answered the door in a bra and slacks, invited me in and proceeded to make conversation like that for 10 minutes. I'm not a prude but I tend to invite people in when I'm dressed, but like I said, what do I know. It was a little surreal. Monday, February 1, 2010 So just for fun I complain to her about her coming in sick and how I don't want to get sick, blah, blah, blah and you know what she said!! Let me just tell you, I couldn't believe it. I'm still speechless (okay, I'm lying about speechless, I've been accused of many things, speechless is not one of them). SHE SAID, "I don't think I was sick all along, I think it's allergies." What!!! After weeks of listening about how sick she is because of me and how her cats are gonna die because of me and how she has no one to take care of her when she is sick and it's all my fault because I'm selfish and came to work sick. After all that she has now decided that it must be allergies. I just don't know how to respond to that. Today is the 11th anniversary of my father's death. He struggled with COPD and CHF and lived longer than anyone believed he could. He was determined to meet and spend time with his first grandchild. The Scientist brought great joy to his life. When she was 9 months old he could no longer hold on. It was just too much. With great dignity he chose the course his life would take and how it would end. Before he died he wrote several letters to her which were saved on a disk. Now that she is old enough I will be printing them out for her. I also plan to make copies for all his other grandchildren born after his death. It's just as much for them as for The Scientist. My father was born during the depression to first generation immigrants. He was one of 13 children. His family had worked hard and done well. They lost everything but never gave up. My father left school and went to work after 8th grade to help support the family. He was completely self educated and one of the most well read, educated people I knew. Wounded during WW II, he returned to fight even though he suffered a partially disabling injury. His obituary talks about his love for his family. How books and reading were a keystone in his life. How he considered himself a very lucky man. Even after I had grown and was on my own I talked to him almost every day. After he passed away it was a long time before I stopped catching myself picking up the phone to call him. I admired him in many ways and respected his opinion. Many times I find myself wondering what he would think or say about something. He knew how important is was to discuss and debate, he loved listening to others opinions. He had no time for political correctness or the bullshit that goes along with it. When I got my drivers license and said I wanted to get a VW Bug he was upset that I would buy a German car. But in his typical fashion he stated his opinion, heard my reply then let me make my own decision (I never got that Bug or any other German car). Yet when he met friends of my husband's family who were born and raised in Germany and immigrated to the US after WW II he was nothing but friendly and accepting. He never judged people except for what he saw in them. It took me a long time to understand how he managed to separate his feelings. Before he died he told me his only regret was that he wouldn't get to know his grandchildren and they wouldn't know him. Don't worry, The Scientist, The Vet and Baseball Boy know all about their PopPop. You will always be with us. B'Shalom (with peace)
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July 2017, Parshat Pinchas This weeks Parsha, Parshat Pinchas, is actually a case study into exemplary leadership. While Moshe Rabbeinu is often lauded as being one of the greatest leaders of the Jewish people, we see in this week’s Parsha one of the only instances where he was personally denied by G-d. It is well known that although Moshe was the people of Israel’s leader in the desert, he was not afforded the opportunity to enter into the land of Israel with them and was instead buried on Mount Nebo near the border. In almost tragic scenes, we see how selfless Moshe is when he begs G-d to ensure that the people of Israel are left with a leader who will take care of them after he dies. Yehoshua, Moshe’s right hand man, is appointed to the job. While most of us cannot fathom what it would have been like to speak to G-d face to face and engage with G-d in such an intimate manner on a daily basis, we surely can empathise with the disappointment Moshe would have felt. It isn’t always easy to be the one left behind while the people you guided and lead for 40 years continue on without you on their journey into the land you will never enter. In fact, not only does Moshe not show any bitter feelings or resentment, he positively implores G-d to ensure the next leader will ‘go before the people, shall take them out and bring them in.’ These three key criteria define leadership: someone to provide an example to the people; someone to take the difficult steps to go forth as the leader when it is unpopular or the path forward may not be clear; and someone to pick up the mess on the way out and be the last to turn off the lights. Change at a certain point is necessary but the exit strategy of a leader, even in the face of disappointment such as in the case of Moshe, really shows a person’s essence. While Moshe may have seen his inability to lead the people into the land as a failure, the annals of history record his exit with grace. Instead of judging his inability to go with his flock with sadness, we view Moshe as a great leader who knew when it was time to let others finish the job. This is what we can learn from this weeks’ Parsha, exemplary leadership takes many forms. What is right isn’t always popular. But knowing that communities, and people, work together in a large patchwork tapestry where each must take their unique place will help each person, including leaders, to know their place within it. © Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved | Website by Jaffe websites
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I have officially started programming in Java. I have some limited Java experience from my senior year in high school from Programming AP. I didn’t do so hot in the class: the teacher didn’t “teach” me squat. This lack of teaching made for some bad times when finals came along. I had to debug the “Fish” program. To his credit he was a good teacher; he was well versed in BASIC and C++, but I think he had to learn Java alongside me. He taught me many tricks and tips and made me one mean BASIC and C++ coder… just failed to do the Java thing. Much to my surprise I found my old AP textbook. It cost $30 at the time and taught me quite a bit, but not enough to make anything spectacular. It basically taught me basic input/output. I tried asking for help in the later chapters but as he was learning the language at the same time I was, he was not much help. I remember the basics of Java (I/O), but forgot the dirty details. To show this, this is the classic “Hello World!” programming in Java. This prints “Hello there, world!” to the console. public class Hello public static void main(String args) System.out.println(“Hello there, world!”); I know simple things such as if/else, switch, loops, etc., just forget stuff like JFrame. I need to learn JFrame so I can do graphical things! My main goal is to make an IRC client. This is by no means a simple task, even for an experienced programmer. This is my final goal in Java. I must master JFrame and networking to get it all together! The hello world script is pretty much the simplest thing there is. My first gooey goal is a working calculator… only then can I move on to the IRC client! If anyone feels like helping out, send me an e-mail at email@example.com. I am head deep into Final Fantasy I. I just hit the first dungeon area! I have a fighter, thief, red mage and black mage. I am having so much fun on this classic. While playing Final Fantasy I, I have been on my python calculator. I have run into a coder’s block. Let’s just say that I am stuck between a loop and a hard spot. Well I am still pretty lonely; I miss having a lady friend. On the plus side, I should be on my way to see family and friends up in Kansas City, MO! The trip is scheduled for next Wednesday, May 31. I get to visit my Jewish Aunt & Uncle along with the multitude of cousins I have up there. Aunt and Uncle range from 71 to 66 and my cousins from age ~46 down to 18. I can’t wait to get out of town for a week and visit them all! :-) Last night the power went out for most of the West part of town. I was at a friend’s house at the time, but my mother informed me of the incident. Pretty scary since the tornado hit Joplin about six years ago! Well we are all okay now so all is well :-) I have made my first GUI program with Python. It is very basic and crude. It adds, multiplys, subtracts, and divides numbers and decimals. I am going to enhance it later on this week! You need to have Python installed on your system in order to run it; there are no extra addons needed in order to run it. You can run it on any operating system! The source code is listed below on pastebin. Revamped my blog. The last post I had was about 1.5 years old; out with the old content, in with the new! I promise this time I will post more often! I have disabled comments because I want this blog to be purely my own thoughts. If you insist on voicing your opinion, send me an e-mail at firstname.lastname@example.org or by any other outlet advertised in my Contact page. I spend most of my days either working out, playing on my gaming consoles, or programming random crap with Python or C#. I am also in the works of remaking my comic book collection database in Excel; I lost my old one somewhere. All my backups turned out nothing! I fixed my Gamecube! With my Gamecube fixed, I will start a new file on Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door! I also plan on getting a new file on Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Call me silly, but I simply love the Paper Mario games.
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"Hallelujah" - A nightly visual tour of the City of David in Jerusalem, which presents the story of the rebirth of ancient Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile, in the very place where history took place some 2,500 years ago. The show's area is an exclusive archeological site with a complex topographic structure. Besides creating a fascinating visitor experience, we were forced to deal with the complicated terrain. For the first time, the City of David reveals the fascinating story of Nehemiah ben Chachlia and his surprising Jewish-Persian delegation that aimed to embark on a dangerous journey to begin the rehabilitation of Jerusalem after thousands of years of Jewish exile. This unique story of heroism is presented through an exciting show, which is projected outdoors across the City of David antiquities using breakthrough high-tech, the first of its kind in Israel.
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Hamline Advocate Fall 2009 We devote this issue of the Advocate to the work facing our judges. We witnessed a historicmoment when the first Latina took her seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier this summer, the high court considered the influence of campaign contributions on judicial impartiality: Senior Fellow/Professor of Law and Judge Jim Morrow comments on that decision. We also tip our hats to the Hamline alumni who serve as judges, including U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank ’77. And we applaud Leo Brisbois as the first Native American and Hamline law alumnus to lead the Minnesota bar—the essential partner of the Minnesota “bench”. Fall 2009 Spotlight on the Judiciary Bridging the Gap Between the Life Before and the Life After Phil Sieff '85 and Chris Messerly '86 from Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi were lead co-counsel of the I-35 Bridge Pro Bono Consortium, a group of 20 law firms that have provided pro bono legal services to the victims of the I-35 bridge collapse. All 179 claims filed with the state of Minnesota by I-35W bridge survivors settled on April 16, 2009. A Special Master Panel administered the $36-plus million survivor's fund set aside by the State Legislature last year. Steve Kirsch '76 of Murnane Brandt was appointed to that panel. On October 1, Hamline University School of Law lauded them and the other alumni who gave so generously of their time as part of the Pro Bono Consortium. 1 2 3 1 Alumni who received awards for their pro bono service to bridge victims included (from left) Genevieve Zimmerman '03, Chris Messerly '86, Phil Sieff '85, Steve Kirsch '76, Bill Harper '77, Mary Lockwood '01 and Paul Peterson '89. They are joined here by Dean Donald Lewis (right). Other alumni who volunteered on the Consortium but were unable to attend the reception include Mark Gruesner '77 and Andy Noel '02. 2 Outgoing DRI Director James Coben was recognized at the reception. He is shown here with Lela Love, Director, Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution and the Cardozo School of Law Mediation Center. 3 Chris Messerly (left) shares a light moment with Dean Lewis at the reception. Phil Sieff is second from left. ADVOCATE Table of Contents NEWS 4 From the Dean ALUMNI 6 Meet New MSBA President Leo Brisbois `87 10 Hamline Alums Join Forces EVENTS 12 Upcoming Fall 2009 and Winter 2010 16 Matt Miller to Headline the 2009 Dean's Dinner FOCUS: SPOTLIGHT ON THE JUDICIARY 18 Leading Alumnus Donovan Frank `77 Sets the Bar High 19 Introducing the Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows 20 Hamline Law Alumni among the Judiciary 22 Taking the Pulse of Minnesota's Judicial Election System-- A conversation with Jim Morrow UPDATE FROM THE INSTITUTES 26 Dispute Resolution Institute 30 Health Law Institute STUDENTS IN THE NEWS 32 Hamline Students Excel at Competitions FACULTY 34 New Law Professors Welcomed 36 Professors Kahn and Romero Promoted, Granted Tenure 39 Allen Blair Promoted to Associated Professor 40 Faculty in the News Media 42 On the Road--A Sabbatical Journey 44 Faculty Docket 52 CLASS NOTES ON THE COVER (left to right): Some of the participants in the 2009 Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows program, including 10th Judicial District Judge Mary Yunker, student Matthew Thompson, 10th Judicial District Judge Sharon Hall, student Theresa Johnson, 10th Judicial District Judge John McBride, and student Keith Marnholtz. FROM THE DEAN Dear Friends, This time last year, when I was still fresh in the Dean's chair, we had yet to see the full depth of the startling decline in the markets. By late January 2009, its impact on lawyers was felt locally amid reports of layoffs and budget reductions at major law firms, non-profit legal service offices, and government agencies. Job prospects for students diminished. With the economic downturn, the legal profession confronted transformative forces to which we continue to respond as legal educators. Those who serve in the Minnesota state court system, hit with severe budget cutbacks, must now accomplish more with fewer resources. Hamline responded with an innovative volunteer program--the Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows--which matched qualifying second-year law students seeking valuable legal experience with Minnesota judges seeking to alleviate the strain on the court system. Preparation met opportunity, and the program was an unqualified success. Read all about it on page 19. Thus, it has been a year filled with challenge but also promise for the judiciary, and we devote this issue of the Advocate to the work facing our judges. We witnessed a historic moment when the first Latina took her seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier this summer, the high court considered the influence of campaign contributions on judicial impartiality: Senior Fellow/Professor of Law and Judge Jim Morrow comments on that decision (pgs. 22�25). We also tip our hats to the Hamline alumni who serve as judges (pgs. 20�21), including U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank '77 (pg. 18). And we applaud Leo Brisbois as the first Native American and Hamline law alumnus to lead the Minnesota bar--the essential partner of the Minnesota "bench" (pgs. 6�9). Finally, this "re-invented" online version reflects our use of technology to communicate with you more effectively, and in ways that are "greener" and less costly. Let us know if it works. Change can be a good thing. Best wishes, The Alumni Board and Twin Cities Public Television recently presented Cogito, a unique series on law and public policy focusing on "The Economics and Ethics of Health Care." It was facilitated by The Honorable James Rosenbaum, U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota, (center) with Hamline Association Board member Jamal Faleel '02 (left) and Dean Lewis. Watch Cogito on Hamline's website or on TPTMN on Sunday, November 22, 8 pm and on TPTLife Sunday, November 29, noon. For TPT's complete broadcast information, click here. D ld M L i Donald M. Lewis Dean and Professor of Law 4 The entering class of 2009 brought 207 new law students to Hamline. Alumnus Bill Manning '77 welcomed many of them with a reflective and inspiring luncheon speech. He is shown here (right) with Dean Lewis and Hamline University President Linda Hanson. Robert "Tim" Coulter (left), founder and executive director of the Indian Law Resource Center, was the keynote speaker at the 2009 Anne Marie Fairbanks (Williams) Indigenous Law Forum at Hamline, which is established and supported by Marilyn (center) and Ron Mitsch. Listen to his speech online by clicking here. It was cheers all around when Dean Lewis announced the promotion of assistant professor Allen Blair (left) to associate professor, the promotion of associate professor Tom Romero (second from left) to professor of law and the promotion of associate professor Jonathan Kahn (far right) to professor of law. Professors Romero and Kahn also were granted tenure (see related stories on pages 36�39). Minnesota is home to 20,000 lawyers, four of whom--(from left to right) Patrick Sauter '77, Bassford Remele; Robert Bauer '92, Severson, Sheldon, Dougherty & Molenda; Philip Sieff '85, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi; Chris Messerly '86, Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi--are Hamline alumni who were named "Attorneys of the Year" by Minnesota Lawyer. They were honored at a dinner on February 24, 2009, shown here with Dean Donald Lewis. Leo Brisbois '87 took a moment to relax with Hamline alumni and friends, including Dean Don Lewis, at the Minnesota State Bar Association Convention in June. During the convention he was inaugurated as MSBA president--the first Hamline alumnus to serve in this distinguished capacity (see story on page 6). 5 ALUMNI Leo Brisbois '87 On July 1, Leo Brisbois '87 became president of the Minnesota State Bar Association. An impressive accomplishment for any attorney, but doubly so for Brisbois who is the first person of known American Indian descent -- and the first Hamline alumnus -- to serve in this distinguished capacity. "It's an honor and a privilege," he says. "I don't want to let people down." Brisbois credits his rise to the leadership of Minnesota's top legal association to Hamline Al umnus is Newest MSBA President it didn't happen before now because Hamline has graduated a tremendous number of talented and qualified people, many of whom are now state luminaries, including a federal court judge and state court judges. I'm really honored, though, that I'm the first Hamline graduate to become an MSBA president. It's a privilege to represent Hamline in that regard," he says. Brisbois brings a strong sense of cultural tradition and understanding of the state beyond the Twin Cities to his new role. He was born in Aurora on the Iron Range and moved to Hibbing in 1968, when he was seven. His father, Gabriel Brisbois, was raised on the White Earth Reservation in northwestern Minnesota, where Gabriel, his sisters, and his parents were all enrolled members of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe. His mother, Mary Ann (Klinkhammer) Brisbois, grew up in the nearby Mahnomen area on a succession of rented family farms. Brisbois regularly spent part of his boyhood summers on the White Earth Reservation with his grandmother and recalls that the house had no indoor plumbing or running water until well into the 1970s. What really stayed with "I don't want to tell the members what they need, I want them to tell me what they need and then we will work together to satisfy those needs." ~Leo Brisbois a strong family and cultural tradition of performing public service, along with the public service culture at both Hamline University--where he received his bachelor's degree -- and Hamline University School of Law. "It's only natural that someone from Hamline would eventually be in this position. Maybe it's unfortunate that 6 him through the years, though, was a respect for the environment, for education and for public service. These are lessons he learned from his parents, grandparents and others in his extended family, many of whom were public school teachers or military service people. "One of the reasons I went to the JAG Corps right after law school was that sense of public service. I stayed in the [Army] Reserves for seven years after active duty for the same reason. I see the bar opportunity as another means of public service, and not just to improve the practice for attorneys but also because of the MSBA's broader mission: to improve the administration of justice, access to justice, diversity on the bench to reflect society, diversity in law firms to reflect opportunities for people of color in the profession, and to advance the public good." He says a Native perspective, which views leadership as centering on serving the needs of -- as defined by -- those being served, also influences his leadership style. "I don't want to tell the members what they need, I want them to tell me what they need and then we will work together to satisfy those needs." Among the needs Brisbois sees in the current membership is a desire for more technological tools to improve the efficiencies of practice for individual members. He is excited about such recently provided MSBA services as FastCase, which is a free online computer 7 ALUMNI research tool, and mnDocs, an onlinebased automated document assembly program available for a small subscription fee, which allows members to obtain and prepare customizable standard legal documents. "Both of these tools are good examples of how members can use their MSBA membership to save time and increase efficiency in their practice. We also provide listservs and other products that encourage members to talk with one another online." 8 He'll also continue the MSBA's role of championing the importance of pro bono work and providing connections to legal aid offices for members who may want to assist them. And he will make sure the profession's interests are protected and advanced through efforts to enhance "As much as we're trying to bring current technologies and current resources and tools to the membership, the actual physical association of attorneys is important too. ~Leo Brisbois MSBA resources in order to more effectively participate in the legislative process. Despite the increased use of technology in the MSBA's future, Brisbois also emphasizes the importance of coming to meetings and events to meet fellow attorneys and to build professional relationships. "As much as we're trying to bring current technologies and current resources and tools to the membership, the actual physical association of attorneys is important too. We don't want to lose that because it directly contributes to maintaining professionalism and collegiality. If we lose those things, then we start fighting for the sake of fighting as opposed to [contesting only] those things that actually advance the cause of your client." Brisbois also believes joining the statewide MSBA -- and an affiliated local District Bar Association -- is part of every attorney's professional obligation. "We, as a profession, have a unique place in society. When we do our jobs professionally and ethically we help society to maintain respect and confidence and trust in the rule of law." 9 He pauses and points to a dramatic framed print hanging behind his desk. It depicts three Indian men on horseback, among trees and hills. Brisbois says it is his touch point and helps him to stay grounded. "I always look at this picture and imagine these three men out doing things for their family and their community, but doing it in a way that's not abusive to the environment. That, to me, is a good metaphor for what a good attorney should be. You're doing things for your client and trying to do it in way that doesn't leave scorched earth behind because that doesn't help anybody." ALUMNI Hamline Alums Join Forces to "Fight for Those Who Fought for Us" Don't tell Sharon Clark-Williams '03, John Baker '03 or Adam Wadd '03 that passion has no place in the practice of law. These Hamline alums founded their firm, Baker, Wadd & Williams L.L.P., in 2008 motivated by a passionate desire to serve people in and out of the military. Their firm is believed to be the only one of its kind in the country, with the partners focusing on the comprehensive legal needs of service members, veterans and their families -- providing legal support on everything from veterans benefits, to child custody and divorce to bankruptcy and criminal problems. They're also quite involved in helping veterans start businesses of their own. "Our firm is there for service members and veterans at every stage of their life," explains Baker. "If they can't afford our legal services we will find a resource for them, find a solution for them. We will never turn them away." "This is more than just a business. It's something we believe in," says Wadd. "We definitely give everything we've got," says Clark-Williams. "I'm exhausted at the end of every case because I take every case personally. Contrary to what you're supposed to do (engage in professional detachment), everything is personal for me here." Her partners share that same all-consuming level of dedication. Both Baker and Wadd are veterans and have personally experienced 10 some of the legal challenges faced by people in the military and veterans, including applying for disability benefits and working through a divorce while on active duty. "I was a submariner for about seven years and that's when I went through a divorce," recalls Wadd. "Part of the reason I became a lawyer was to help people in family law cases. Now I handle family law matters for veterans and service members. I can really relate to what these people are going through." Baker has 22 years of experience in the Marine Corps. He retired from active service due to a medical discharge. "Retiring, and not by choice, was tough. I was a Gunnery Sergeant and I was the guy who took care of the troops. It was one of the best things I ever did in my life. Starting this law firm gave me a chance to serve again because now I can help the troops through any legal difficulties they have. It's almost like getting to be a gunny again." Clark-Williams is not a veteran but she comes from a family with a "rich military tradition." She is a Blue Star mother and is married to a retired Marine; that would be retired Marine and fellow Hamline alumnus and firm partner John Baker, who she met in law school along with Wadd. (Clark-Willams and Baker credit Professor Larry Bakken with bringing them together.) While Clark-Williams has not served directly in the military, she does know something about From left, Adam Wadd `03, Sharon Clark-WIlliams `03 and Adam Baker `03 hanging tough when the going gets challenging: she earned her JD at Hamline while raising four children as a single mother. Any comment on the enormity of that challenge, though, is quickly brushed away by Clark-Williams. "You just play the hand you're dealt in life. I just tried to do the best I could do. My children weren't a disadvantage to me in any way. I just had extra to do," she says with a laugh. The "best she could do" included graduating from Hamline before going to work as a research attorney at Thomson West. Now she manages a full client load at Baker, Wadd & Williams and also handles the firm's administrative and technology functions. Wadd focuses most of his time on family law and criminal defense cases and Baker practices business law and represents non-profit organizations. The firm has a growing list of clients in Minnesota, where the partners are licensed to practice family and criminal law. They also represent clients on veteran benefits cases throughout the U.S. A major client, Families United for our Troops, is based in Washington, D.C. with members throughout the country. In addition to client service, Baker helped start the Veterans' Initiative Center and Research Institute (VICTRI) to help veterans who want to start businesses. He's also been active in a military action group that works with state representatives on legislation that supports vets. He helped author bills to give veterans preference in state employment and in obtaining state contracts as entrepreneurs. Baker is proud of a bill he has been involved with implementing, the Veterans Sentencing Mitigation Statute, that "helps open the lines of communication between the court system and the VA. It enables veterans to get some help if they have combat stress, instead of just incarcerating veterans like they did after Vietnam," he says, adding, "Veterans don't want a handout but they do deserve preference in recognition of their past service." 11 OCTOBER Health Reform Program from the Health Law Institute Interested in learning more about current health reform proposals in a non partisan environment? Join us on Wednesday, October 7 from 4:30�6:00 p.m. at the FALL 2009 EVENTS "Community Conversation on Health Reform" sponsored by the Health Law Institute. The program will include experts from a variety of health are perspectives: physician, health plan, quality improvement, consumer, and hospital. The first part of the program will feature an update on the current proposals before Congress. Then a panel discussion will be held in response to questions from the audience. Question, learn, and form your own opinion about the best approach to reform our health care system. Please join us: Wednesday, October 7, 4:30�6:00 p.m. Klas Center, Kay Fredericks Ballroom Questions? Contact Cheri Harthaus at 651-523-2610 or email@example.com CLE to Look "Beyond Pro Bono" to the role of "Citizen Lawyer" In cooperation with the MSBA's Civic Education Committee, Hamline University School of Law will present "Beyond Pro Bono: Citizen Lawyer" as a panel program. "Citizen Lawyers" are not satisfied with the status quo or the way things are as being "good enough" 1.5 ethics credits with institutions that served or now serve them. For them, have been requested. societal problems and political issues are not something to be ignored for someone else to resolve. Our Citizen Lawyer panelists have distinguished themselves as lawyers whose life's work goes beyond their obligations to their employer. Each has demonstrated a sense of duty to give back to the institutions around him or her and is an engaged participant who exemplifies a civic culture of accountability involving actions designed to improve and enhance institutions, societal conditions, and our democracy. Citizen Lawyers among our alumni will share their stories of civic engagement. Dan Prokott '01, an attorney with Faegre & Benson and co-chair of the MSBA's Civic Education Committee, will serve as moderator for this program. Please join us: Thursday, October 8, 3:30�5:00 p.m. Hamline University School of Law, Room 101 R.S.V.P.: Cost: 12 Contact Anne Markus at 651-523-2943 or firstname.lastname@example.org $10.00 (includes reception). No charge for Hamline faculty, staff and students It's Reunion Time On the Fives Fall leaves are changing color and it's time for what surely will be another wonderful On the Fives Reunion. This year the classes of 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, and 2004 will be celebrated: Friday, October 9, 5:30�7:30 p.m. Peterson Lounge and Law School Atrium Prepare to reminisce with fellow classmates and alumni as well as Hamline faculty and staff, enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres and cocktails, and smile at the array of picture boards from the good ol' days! Class of 1979 30-Year Reunion The following events are scheduled for the Class of 1979 surrounding the 2009 Alumni weekend: Friday, October 9, 5:30�7:30 p.m. On the Fives Reunion Reception Peterson Lounge and Law School Atrium Saturday, October 10, 2:30�4:30 p.m. Saint Paul Art Crawl Saturday, October 10, 6:00�9:00 p.m. Reception and Dinner W.A. Frost, Fireside and Sophie's Rooms (www.wafrost.com) Sunday, October 11, 11:00 a.m. Brunch Great Waters Brewing Company (www.greatwatersbc.com) R.S.V.P.: Contact Anne Markus at 651-523-2943 or email@example.com This schedule is subject to change. For updates: www.hamline.edu/law/events/2009_reunion_events.html 13 OCTOBER 19th Annual Journal of Law and Religion Symposium This year's symposium focuses on FALL 2009 EVENTS "The Global Economic Crisis, Law and the Religious Traditions" and plumbs the practices of legal institutions and private communities as they grapple with perennial economic problems. It explores ancient wisdom about economic life as well as emerging thinking about the ways in which religion can inform legal regulation of the economy, and law can shape the ethical practices of local and global communities on economic relationships between human beings. Since its inception, the Journal of Law and Religion has sought to bring academic learning and historical practice from within many jurisprudential and religious traditions to the task of understanding contemporary social dilemmas. By putting insights from intellectuals and practitioners of law and religion together, the Journal aims to foster a dialogue that fairly acknowledges the diverse, contentious and complex world that demands our committed response, while making a space for insights to converge in identifying constructive ways forward from our current situation. Please join us: Thursday, October 15, 5:15 p.m. Hamline University, Sundin Music Hall Library Friday, October 16, 8:00 a.m.�4:40 p.m. Hamline University School of Law, Klas Center, Kay Fredericks Ballroom For information: Contact Linda Berglin at firstname.lastname@example.org or www.hamline.edu/law/jlr 5.5 CLE credits applied for. 2009 Swearing-In Breakfast Please join us for a breakfast prior to the Swearing In ceremony for attorneys who pass the Minnesota State Bar exam in July. Please join us: Friday, October 30, 8:30�10:00 a.m. St. Paul River Centre, Grand Ballrooms E-F 175 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul 14 NOVEMBER The H1N1 Pandemic: Lessons for the Future Hamline's Health Law Institute will present a conversation with Dr. Michael Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota. Every aspect of the health care delivery system will feel the effects of the H1N1 Pandemic. . . . Are you prepared? Dr. Osterholm's presentation will tackle the H1N1 Pandemic with candor and expertise. Lawyers, compliance officers, and other health care professionals will get up-to-the-minute information on the state of the pandemic. Dr. Osterholm will highlight system vulnerabilities and offer detailed guidance that can be translated into critically important tactics and strategies to best protect your organization and the people it serves. Please join us: Thursday, November 12 4:00�6:00 p.m. Presentation and Q&A East Hall, Room 106 6:00�7:00 p.m. Reception, Law School Atrium To Register: Cost: Contact Cheri Harthaus at 651-523-2610 or email@example.com $35.00 (No charge for students) CLE and CEU credits have been requested. Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota Dr. Osterholm is an internationally renowned expert in public health. He serves as director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), a global leader in addressing public health preparedness and emerging infectious disease response. Six-Minute Social Come meet Hamline's current motivated students and let them know where your professional path has taken you. Please join us: Thursday, November 19, 6:30�9:00 p.m. University Club, Saint Paul 15 FALL 2009 EVENTS Leading Political & Business Thinker to Headline 2009 Dean's Dinner The 2009 Dean's Dinner, to be held November 18 at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis, will feature keynote speaker Matt Miller. Miller has been called one of the "most original thinkers" in journalism by television's public affairs program, The McLaughlin Group. He is the author of the Los Angeles Times bestseller, "The 2% Solution: Fixing America's Problems in Ways Liberals and Conservatives Can Love," which includes agenda-setting ideas and creative, common-sense solutions for some of America's biggest political problems. Miller writes a monthly column for Fortune magazine and is an award-winning contributor to The New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly and other national magazines. He is a commentator for NPR's Morning Edition Matt Miller and hosts "Left, Right & Center," a political week-in-review program aired on public radio stations across the country. He is a senior Advisor to McKinsey & Company and to the McKinsey Global Institute, the firm's in-house think-tank. Miller also is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. The annual Hamline University School of Law Dean's Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a cocktail reception, with dinner and the keynote presentation to follow. For more information, contact Hamline Alumni Director Susan Stephan at 651-523-2338 or firstname.lastname@example.org. 16 Keynote speaker for the 2008 Dean's Dinner was Charles J. Ogletree (left), the Harvard Law School Jesse Climenko Professor of Law and founding and executive director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice. Professor Ogletree discussed how the election of U.S. President Barack Obama might impact equal rights in America. Ogletree, a distinguished scholar on issues of criminal justice, race and the law, and legal education, was a classmate of Hamline Law Dean Don Lewis at Harvard Law School. After becoming a professor at Harvard, Ogletree taught two (now) famous students: Michelle and Barack Obama. Listen to Ogletree's `08 Dean's Dinner address. 2010 Thursday, January 21, 2010 UPCOMING EVENTS Annual Mid-Winter Reception Hamline Journal of Public Law & Policy Symposium "Opening Our Eyes to Health Disparities: A Look Through the Lens of Critical Race Theory" Friday, March 12, 2010 Annual Juris Fiesta Friday, April 9, 2010 Hamline Law Review Symposium on Trade Secret Law This Symposium will recognize the 30th anniversary of the Uniform Trade Secret Law and is being presented in collaboration with an IP-focused Hamline Alumni CLE. More details will be forthcoming, including an IP reception on April 15. Friday, April 16, 2010 Veteran's Benefits Regional Moot Court Competition Tuesday, April 20, 2010, Hamline West Alumni Golf Tournament Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Please watch for additional events and date/location updates in the Advocate Online and on the Hamline University School of Law web site at www.hamline.edu/law 17 SPOTLIGHT ON THE JUDICIARY Leading Hamline Alumnus Sets the Bar High Serving as a judge is a high honor and an outstanding opportunity for community service. Many Hamline University School of Law alumni have distinguished themselves through service on the bench (see pages 20-21 for a complete listing), including the Honorable Donovan W. Frank '77. Judge Frank was appointed District Judge in the United States District Court by President Bill Clinton in 1998. He is the only Hamline alumnus to serve on the federal level. Judge Frank received the Federal Bar Association's Elaine R. "Boots" Fisher award in 2006 in recognition of outstanding public service and dedication to diversity in the legal community. He is a 2000 recipient of the Hamline University School of Law Distinguished Alumnus Award and the Law School's Distinguished Achievement Award in 1995 in recognition of his contributions toward ending domestic violence. Judge Frank also was named the Minnesota Trial Judge of the Year from the Conference A frequent visitor at of Chief Judges in Hamline, Judge Frank was 1996. on campus most recently to swear in new citizens as part of a citizenship naturalization "I received a high quality education ceremony in Sundin from Hamline Music Hall in September. 18 Judge Donovan Frank University School of Law," said Judge Frank. "In the process, I received much support from the law school faculty. I left Hamline University School of Law with a deep sense of justice and a responsibility to give back to the community." He recently participated in the new Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows program. His Hamline clerk through the program, `3L Karly Kauf, who also serves as editor-and-chief of the Hamline Law Review, said working with Judge Frank was a transformative experience for her. "He really cares about what I think," Kauf said. "He made himself available to all of his interns to an incredible degree. He wanted to make sure we learned everything we could. I now know I want to work in government and I hope to work for a judge again." Judge Frank's commitment to mentoring the next generation of legal leaders is clearly evident. "It is really a privilege to work with law students like Karly. It is wonderful to see her passion for serving the public and justice," he said. Introducing the Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows The state budget shortfall is challenging the Minnesota court system to accomplish more with fewer resources. Students are working harder, too, to secure professional work and volunteer opportunities in the current economic downturn. In response, Hamline University School of Law has developed an innovative pilot program--the Dean's Summer Fellows--to help qualifying second-year law students gain valuable legal experience with a Minnesota judge while providing volunteer clerks to alleviate the strain on the court system. Each Summer Fellow performed 150 hours of volunteer work for one of the participating judges, and received a $1,500 stipend. The program primarily is funded through gifts to the Student Karly Kauf with U.S. District law school. Judge Donovan Frank '77 "The Dean's Summer Fellows program promotes the public service values of our law school," said Hamline Law Dean Donald M. Lewis. "It allows us to reward students by providing them with critical legal experience and an opportunity to serve the courts and the community." Here's what students say they learned through the Hamline Dean's Summer Fellows Program: "This has certainly given me exposure to different kinds of courts and how the process can be very different depending upon the judicial setting." "I've realized how well my classes have prepared me for a lot of the issues that have come up in the `real world,' and it's nice to have that kind of reinforcement." "I have learned that I have a lot to offer, even to a judge!" "It has made me realize that even though I have a lot more of the law part to learn, I am smart enough and capable enough already and can do a lot things really well." "Being a good lawyer is about being prepared and knowing the law, but it's also about knowing how to talk with people ... especially the judge." "This program is wonderful and very unique. I've seen the hiring process and realize how important networking is. Most of the clerkships are not advertised." 19 MN Court of Appeals Judge Gordon Schumaker with student Benjamin Petersburg SPOTLIGHT ON THE JUDICIARY Hamline University School of Law Alumni Judges Janet Barke-Cain '89 Judge, Carver County Don Courtney `76 Third Judicial District of Iowa State of Iowa Michael Dorsky `76 Administrative Law Judge New York State Department John Bastian `82 Fourth Judicial Circuit Court Judge, Corson County, South Dakota Joseph Cox `97 Unemployment Law Judge MN Department of Employment & Economic Development Kenneth Duren `86 Administrative Law Judge State of Wisconsin-Department of Health & Services Timothy Blakely `92 First Judicial District Court Goodhue County Clayton Crane `75 Circuit Court Judge Cook County, IL Harlan Dyrud `78 Magistrate, retired North Dakota District Court Tanya Bransford `83 Fourth Judicial District Court Judge, Hennepin County Mark Decaria `81 2nd District Court Judge Weber County Susan Fallek `88 Attorney and Adm. Law Judge, Children Support Section John Brinckman `81 Municipal Judge Michelle Dietrich `94 Fifth Judicial District Judge Lincoln and Lyon County Donovan Frank `77 Federal District Court Judge State of Minnesota Nancy Bostrack `91 Assistant County Attorney State of Minnesota-Winona County William Dixon `76 Reemployment Insurance Law Judge, Economic Security Michael Gableman `93 Supreme Court Justice Wisconsin Supreme Court Susan Carlson `83 Juvenile Court Judicial Referee Hennepin County 20 Marybeth Dorn `76 District Court Referee Hennepin County Daniel Glaeser `78 Municipal Court Judge City of Manitowoc, WI Richard Glynn `77 Attorney/Law Trained Magistrate Holland, Brantseg & Glynn John McBride `77 District Court Judge State of Minnesota John Rodenberg `81 District Court Judge State of Minnesota Anne McKeig `92 Assistant County Attorney Hennepin County Michael Grigsby `79 Judge, Marysville Municipal Court Louis Schiff `80 Judge State of Florida Wayne Miller `77 Judge Florida State Court System Bruce Gross `77 District Judge Windom, Minnesota State of Minnesota Thomas Schroeder `76 District Judge Becker County Kathleen Mottl `89 Judge 10th Judicial District Gary Schurrer `78 District Court Judge Tenth Judicial District Washington County Sharon Hall `79 District Court Judge State of Minnesota Rosanne Nathanson `80 District Court Judge State of Minnesota Charles Halverson `88 Unknown Hilory Seaton `78 Commissioner's Representative Steven Nordquist `77 Associate Circuit Judge State of Illinois Eugene Harrington `78 Circuit Judge State of Wisconsin Joanne Smith `78 Judge-R C District Court 2nd Judicial District David Ortley `83 Flathead County Justice Flathead County- Montana Ronald Holt `76 Administrative Law Judge State of Minnesota Michael Sovis `75 District Court Judge Dakota County Gary Pagliaccetti `79 Judge of District Court State of Minnesota Jenny Jasper `87 10th District Court Judge State of Minnesota Jack St. Arnold `76 Circuit Court Judge State of Florida Skipper Pearson `78 District Court Judge Benton County Gregg Johnson `83 2nd Judicial District Trial Judge State of Minnesota Diane Townsend-Anderson `78 Chief Judge Townsend-Anderson, PA Ronald Pirrello `81 Circuit Judge, State of Illinois William Johnson `79 Administrative Law Judge State of Minnesota LeAnn Prock `83 Administrative Law Judge Wisconsin Deptartment of Industry & Labor William Walker `76 Seventh District Court Judge State of Minnesota Ann Knox-Bauer `91 Circuit Court Judge Taylor County R. Joseph Quinn `78 Tenth Judicial District Trial Court Judge, retired Anoka County Grant Wegner `77 Circuit Judge 16th Judicial Circuit Randy Koschnick `85 Judge, Jefferson County Circuit Court Robert Weisel `76 Judge United States Department of Justice Robert Rancourt `76 Judge Chisago County Courthouse Mike Mayer `85 First Judicial District Court Judge, State of Minnesota Jane Ranum `79 District Court Judge Hennepin County Sandy Williams `83 District Attorney Ozaukee County Attorney's Office William McBee `76 District Judge for 5th Judicial District, James Reuter `80 Magistrate Court of Lea County Judge Pine County Courthouse Jodi Williamson `83 District Court Judge Olmstead County 21 SPOTLIGHT ON THE JUDICIARY Taking the Pulse of Minnesota's Judicial Election System A conversation with Jim Morrow This June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a West Virginia supreme court justice should have recused himself from a case involving a party from which he had received substantial contributions to his re-election campaign. As the case was pending before the high court, the Minnesota legislature was considering the recommendations of the 2007 Quie Commission on judicial elections. It seemed a good time for The Advocate to query Hamline Senior Fellow/Professor of Law Jim Morrow for his thoughts on the impact of elections on the impartiality of the judiciary. Judge Morrow is among the most respected of Minnesota's trial court judges, and is regarded nationally as one of the best teachers of judges. He has taught courtroom procedure, judicial decision making and evidence to new and experienced trial judges at the Minnesota New Judges School, throughout the United States at the National Judicial College, and at institutes in other nations. Morrow was selected as the 1999 Trial Judge of the Year by the Minnesota Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates and as a 2002 Trial Judge of the Year by the Minnesota Judges Association. 22 There have been many predictions to the contrary, but Jim Morrow says Minnesota's judicial elections have remained fair and relatively free from controversy despite the U.S. Supreme Court's 2002 decision in Republican Party of Minnesota v. White that Minnesota's code of judicial conduct could not restrain candidates for judgeships from discussing political issues during an election campaign. "I'm very positive about the state of Minnesota's judicial election process and would say we definitely rank among the top ten best states in this area," he says. "Former Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz and former Chief Justice Russell Anderson were leaders in communicating to the media, decision-makers and the people that we need to maintain Minnesota's tradition of strong, independent and nonpartisan judges." Despite his upbeat assessment, Morrow concedes that "fear is still there that Minnesota will end up like other states, such as Illinois, Texas and West Virginia." He says that in those states, outrageous spending in judicial elections has clouded the perception of judicial independence, if not the actual impartiality, of justices. Morrow cites an article this spring in The Wall Street Journal entitled "Justice for Sale." The story details a case in Illinois involving State Farm Insurance contributing more than $350,000 directly, and an additional $1 million indirectly, to the election campaign for a state supreme court justice. Later, that justice was involved in a controversial ruling that benefited State Farm Insurance to the tune of $456 million. Hamline Senior Fellow/Professor of Law and Judge James Morrow "There's tremendous fear that it's going to happen in Minnesota," says Morrow. "I teach judges from all over the country and some seem like politicians. Not that politicians are bad, but they are folks who advocate for their constituents. They have a point of view and they're pushing it. Judges, of course, should never be like that." A case similar to the situation with State Farm Insurance recently occurred in West Virginia. In that state, West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin, who was elected with more than $3 million in contributions from coal mining executive Don Blankenship, twice voted with a 3-2 majority to overturn a $50 million verdict against Blankenship's company. The case, Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., Inc., prompted the U.S. Supreme Court to rule (continued on next page) 23 SPOTLIGHT ON THE JUDICIARY on June 8 that the due process clause required the West Virginia justice to recuse himself from participation in the case. Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion, was careful to note that the high court believed that the case was "exceptional." "Not every campaign contribution by a litigant or attorney creates a probability of bias that requires a judge's recusal, but this is an exceptional case," wrote Justice Kennedy. "We conclude that there is risk of actual bias--based on objective and reasonable it is necessarily enough to preserve the judiciary's impartiality--or at least the appearance of that impartiality. He said the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Business supported 13 statewide elections in 2004, with 12 of the candidates it supported winning election. "It's still an open question whether any of those judges will recuse themselves from cases involving business interests," he says. "Effective recusal depends on the judicial canons in the state, how they're interpreted, and, in many "... the fear is still there that Minnesota will end up like other states, such as Illinois, Texas, and West Virginia." ~ Jim Morrow perceptions--when a person with a personal stake in a particular case had a significant and disproportionate influence in placing the judge on the case by raising funds or directing the judge's election campaign when the case was pending or imminent." The American Bar Association has promised to "refine the standards by developing recommended guidelines for recusal. In a statement immediately following the Caperton ruling, ABA President H. Thomas Wells Jr., said: "The ABA amicus brief identified factors that could be considered to determine when judges ought to withdraw from ruling on a case. We agree with the court that the size and importance of a contribution, the timing of a gift, and the relationship between the donor and a pending case all are significant." While Morrow welcomes the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on recusal, he does not believe 24 cases, the consciences of individual judges." He points to a case in which U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia did not recuse himself, even though it involved a lawsuit against someone with whom he personally associated: former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Three weeks after the case was filed in U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Scalia was Cheney's guest on a hunting trip, with transportation provided courtesy of the vice president's government jet. "I can't think of a judge in Minnesota who would do that," Morrow notes. Another safety net exists in Minnesota against possible judicial bias: the Rule 63 notice to remove. However, Morrow says it rarely is invoked and he does not believe it addresses the issue of perceived bias because it can be used for any reason, such as to get a Hamline's Practicum Makes Judicial Process a Practical Reality After many grueling hours in the classroom, library and study groups, Hamline law students have the opportunity to see the law "come alive" through participation in a judicial practicum. Noted one student upon completion of a judicial practicum, "I feel renewed energy about going back to school in the fall. I have context and a picture in my mind of how all of this law gets made...The variety of experiences has been amazing. It has helped to clarify for me why I want to be a lawyer. The next time I am sitting up late fighting my way through some challenging legal doctrine, I will have these experiences to remind me why it all matters to me." In addition to the critical work with a judge, magistrate judge or referee in the state or federal court system, students participate in six classroom meetings. The meetings focus on various aspects of the internship experience and allow students to discuss such topics as ethics, good and bad lawyering, judicial decision making, and settlement and bias in the courtroom. They also complete written assignments, including a journal. Nearly 20 percent of Hamline judicial interns parlay the experience into a full-time job upon graduation. "Students have widely varying experiences in the Judicial Practicum," notes Professor and Judge James Morrow." Judges have different approaches to working with interns. Some ask interns to do a great deal of research and writing, while others prefer their interns to do just a few writing assignments. Regardless of these variances, all student judicial interns have the valuable opportunity to observe a judge in the courtroom and in chambers, as well as to see courthouse staff in action." continuance because another judge is not available. "We want people to have faith in the fairness of the judiciary," he says. And, in Minnesota anyway, he believes--for now--they still do. "Minnesota's governors, going all the way back to Al Quie, have done a great job appointing outstanding lawyers to be judges, Morrow says." Still, with the potential for abuses lingering in the cases where judges campaign for election, Morrow would like to see a change in the state constitution that would allow for the appointment of trial judges and court of appeals judges. "The process should be rigorous, fair and free from politics," he says. On the subject of racial and gender equity among Minnesota's judiciary, Morrow believes the state has made a lot of progress but "still has a long way to go." He is heartened, however, by President Obama's appointment this year of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. "She's much more representative of most Americans and she's brilliant," he says. 25 UPDATE FROM THE INSTITUTES New Director Sharon Press Joins Hamline from the Florida Dispute Resolution Center Innovative ... Collaborative ... Practical... Global ... these are the hallmarks of Hamline's Dispute Resolution Institute (DRI), which has been ranked among the top five alternative dispute resolution programs in the nation by U.S. News & World Report for nine consecutive years, including 2009. Under the most recent direction of Hamline Law Professor James Coben, DRI has gained national and international recognition and respect for its strong academic underpinnings, innovative programs and commitment to preparing lawyers to be effective problem-solvers. On July 1, Professor Coben turned the DRI leadership reins to Sharon Press, who most recently served as the director of the Florida Dispute Resolution Center and as an adjunct professor at Florida State University College of Law. Coben, who became DRI Director in 2000, eagerly embraces his return to full-time teaching at Hamline, and he promises to remain actively involved in many of the DRI programs that he has helped to develop and champion during the past decade. "I'm delighted to welcome Sharon to our faculty and to DRI," said Hamline Law Dean Donald M. Lewis. "Her experience as both an educator and an institute leader will allow her to build on DRI's excellence 26 and national reputation. Hamline's DRI has achieved prominence, thanks, in large part, to the leadership and vision of Jim Coben over the last decade and the hard work of other Hamline faculty. I'm confident that under Sharon's able direction, Hamline will lead the way to new and creative approaches to dispute resolution in a global context." Press also has been warmly welcomed by Coben and others at Hamline who know her well from her past work as a visiting professor and for her high standing in the alternative dispute resolution field. "We weren't actually interviewing Sharon for the position, as much as recruiting her," said Coben with a smile. "When we received her application we realized that her experience made her the perfect person for this role." Press recalls dreading the day-and-a-half of revolving interviews for the position but that quickly changed. "After the first day here, I was so energized by all the conversations I had with the faculty and staff. I was extremely impressed by seeing everyone's involvement and hearing about all of the interesting work being done...this really is a dream job for me and I couldn't be more excited." The first order of business for Press is strategic planning for the Institute. "DRI has grown so quickly over the years that there has not been a lot of time to sit back and think, `Where should we be going? What should we do doing? How does this fit in the big picture?'" she said. Press is quick to note, however, that highly regarded DRI programs--such as the "Developing Second-Generation Global Negotiation Project," ADR study abroad programs, competitions including the elite International Chamber of Commerce Mediation Representation and Willem C. Vis International Arbitration moots, clinics and the certificate programs--will continue. "My philosophy is `don't mess with success,'" she said with a laugh. Press adds that she hopes to involve Hamline alumni more directly in the life of the Institute going forward. Florida Dispute Resolution Center Creates Sharon Press Excellence in ADR Award Hamline's Dispute Resolution Institute Director Sharon Press was honored at the Florida Dispute Resolution Center's (FDRC)18th Annual Conference with the establishment of an annual award honoring her work as the longtime FDRC Director. Beginning this year, the Annual Sharon Press Excellence in ADR Award will be bestowed annually to an individual who demonstrates the qualities that Sharon Press embodies: "visionary leadership, professional integrity and unwavering devotion to the field of alternative dispute resolution." At the closing plenary of the FDRC Conference, in the presence of more than 800 attendees, the inaugural Annual Sharon Press Excellence in ADR Award was presented to The Honorable Shawn L. Briese, Circuit Judge, Seventh Judicial Circuit, who has been involved with virtually every ADR rule, policy, and statute creation and revision since 1988. 27 UPDATE FROM THE INSTITUTES A long-standing commitment to collaborate with many of the leading professionals in the alternative dispute resolution field while providing "practical value" to the profession is at the heart of the Second-Generation Global Negotiation Education project underway at Hamline's Dispute Resolution Institute (DRI). "From the beginning, we made sure this is not something that just happens as an "Through the Second Generation project we have brought together a group of leading institutions and a wide-ranging group of scholars, teachers and trainers from all over the world," says Coben. "We're looking at how to teach negotiation effectively today in light of all this new information and understanding." The ambitious project will span three years and three countries: Italy, Turkey Dispute Resolution Institute Leads Project to Develop "Second-Generation Global Negotiation Education" academic exercise," explains Professor James Coben. "In fact, the overall success of the Dispute Resolution Institute lies in the balance between theory and practice in all of our activities. That commitment was there when Professor Bobbi McAdoo got the Institute off the ground in the early 1990s and I know it will continue under the leadership of the DRI's new director, Sharon Press." Most of the teaching models for negotiation education were developed nearly 30 years ago. Thanks to globalization and a host of other factors, the science of contemporary negotiation has become far broader, nuanced and complex in the intervening years. DRI is hosting a series of global academic conferences focusing on the delivery of negotiation education with the goal of helping to create cutting-edge curriculum that reflects the changes in the field of negotiation during the past three decades. 28 and China. The first stage was the initial event held last May in Rome, Italy, which assembled more than 50 internationally renowned scholars from around the world, including professors of negotiation in American and international law and business schools. "We wanted to be multi-disciplinary in our approach because lawyers increasingly are working in cross-disciplinary teams," Coben says. "Whether you're engaged in transactions, regulatory compliance or even litigation, you need to be a problemsolver and you need to collaborate, often in interdisciplinary teams." Participants in Italy first observed a stateof-the-art negotiation training organized by Hamline for European business executives and then spent two days critiquing the training. Hamline's new DRI Press has published the emerging scholarship from the event: RETHINKING Professors James Coben and Bobbi McAdoo NEGOTIATION TEACHING: INNOVATION FOR CONTEXT AND CULTURE (see related sidebar story on DRI Press on pages 30-31). Harvard's Negotiation Journal also published post-conference scholarship in a special section devoted to the project. Coben served as guest editor, a rare honor, and he co-wrote the section introduction. The special section also contains an article co-authored by Professor Bobbi McAdoo. "It sets the baseline for critiquing what generation 1.0 looks like," Coben explains. "At the end of the project, which will include an event this October in Istanbul and a third-year event in Beijing in 2011, our hope is to deliver a fully formed version of negotiation training 2.0. The intent is to provide state-of-the-art curriculum for delivery of negotiation education in a global business environment. Of course, we will be drawing heavily on this effort as we refine our teaching and training at Hamline for our own students." Coben is convinced that a global approach to teaching negotiation will aid lawyers engaged in work here in Minnesota. "All of the work we've been doing internationally, at the law school generally and specifically as it connects to alternative dispute resolution in topics like mediation and negotiation, it all comes out of a fundamental belief that globalization touches everything. The average Hamline law student who is going to be delivering legal services in our community needs to be much more sensitive to cultural difference than ever before because the world is so interconnected now." 29 UPDATE FROM THE INSTITUTES Health Law Institute Honored for Health Care Compliance Program Hamline's Health Law Institute and its Health Care Compliance Program have been recognized as leaders in the compliance and ethics profession with the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics' fifth annual "International Compliance and Ethics Award." to further compliance and ethics in health care careers. Hamline Health Law Institute Director Lucinda Jesson (pictured above) traveled to Las Vegas on September 14, 2009 to accept the award on behalf of the Hamline University School of Law. "Preparing ethical leaders has been at the forefront of a Hamline education for more than 150 years," said Jesson. The Hamline Health Care Compliance Program was accredited by the Compliance Certification Board in the spring of 2008. It is one of just four such accredited programs in the nation and the only one in the Upper Midwest. In its first year, 20 students received the certificate. For more information about the program: http://law.hamline.edu/health/corporate_ compliance_certificate_program.html This award pays tribute to organizations and individuals making significant contributions to strengthen the corporate compliance and business ethics profession. The Health Law Institute was chosen for its work in helping DRI Press--The Dispute Resolution Institut Newly formed DRI Press has published RETHINKING NEGOTIATION TEACHING: INNOVATION FOR CONTEXT AND CULTURE. The book is the first of three anticipated editions to result from the Hamline-sponsored Second Generation Global Negotiation Education Project's three conferences�Rome in May 2008, Istanbul in October 2009 and Beijing in May 2011. This first edition has 22 chapters, authored by 43 contributors representing 15 different countries, including an introduction co-authored 30 by Hamline Law Professor Jim Coben and chapters by Hamline charge at the Hamline University Law Professors Ken Fox and Bobbi School of Law website. McAdoo. DRI Press also has published The JAMS Foundation, the largest A HOUSE WITH TWO ROOMS, the for-profit provider of neutral services 610-page Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of in the world, awarded Hamline the Liberia Diaspora Project. This is $30,000 to produce and dissemthe result of hearings that were inate the book--which is the first held at Hamline University in June publication of the newly created 2009. Some 1.5 million Liberian DRI Press. The first edition was in citizens fled their country during English but soon translations will be available in Arabic, Chinese and a 27-year civil war, beginning in 1979, that left 250,000 Liberians Turkish. Copies may be purchased through amazon.com The text also dead and forced nearly half of the country's population from their is available for download at no Receives Major Grant to Fund Book Project Professor Jonathan Kahn was awarded a three-year grant totaling $124,000 by the National Library of Medicine to research and write a book titled, "Race in a Bottle: Law, Commerce and the Production of Racial Categories in Biomedicine." The aim of the project is to provide a book-length treatment of the emergence of race as a central organizing concept in the development of pharmaceuticals and related biotechnological innovations in a post-genomic age. The grant will supply funding for three summers of work to complete this book. The study will be built around a case study of BiDil, the first drug ever approved by the FDA with a race-specific label for the treatment of heart failure in a "black patient." Professor Kahn will situate this extended case study within a larger context of the emergence Professor Jonathan Kahn of race-based medicine and the continuing, indeed increasing, use of racial categories in biotechnological research and product development. He also will explore how the use of race in biomedicine is shaped by a complex interplay among commercial, legal, political and scientific forces and elaborate upon the complex double edge of using race in such contexts. "Many people using race in biomedical research and product development are doing so with good intentions but without sufficient care to understanding the potential of such use to reify race as genetic and/or reinforce stigmatizing racial stereotypes," Professor Kahn said. te's Latest Venture Already Yields Two Books homes and their country to escape the violence and destruction. Many Liberian refugees came to the United States because of strong historical ties between the two countries, with more than 30,000 Liberians eventually coming to Minnesota and forming the largest Liberian community outside of Liberia. Reconciliation Commission Project is a new model of transitional justice. This represents the first concerted effort to solicit from Diaspora communities both their personal accounts of what happened, as well as their recommendations for reconciliation and systematic change. and also to make it available free of charge online. Hamline also donated the time and expertise of Legal Research and Writing Instructor Mary Dunnewald who proofread the 610-page report. "We played a small but very satisfying part in a huge project," Professor Fox says. "The final report and the Diaspora hearings A HOUSE WITH TWO ROOMS is the While more than 30 countries have compilation of the hearings, which on which the report is based were organized by the Advocates are significant because they are implemented some form of truth important steps in healing and reconciliation after periods of for Human Rights. Hamline Law deep social wounds." Professor Ken Fox spearheaded conflict and gross human rights 31 the effort to publish the report violations, the Liberian Truth and STUDENTS IN THE NEWS Students Excel at Competitions 2008�09 was a particularly successful year for Hamline University School of Law Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Competition The goal of the Vis Moot is to foster the study of international commercial law and arbitration for resolution of business disputes. It is one of the largest and most prestigious moot court competitions. Hamline University School of Law placed first in the Willem C. Vis Moot International Hamline students (above) emerged as final four finalists at the Commercial Arbitration Willem C. Vis Competition in Hong Kong and triumphed over nearly 150 other teams at the related competition in Vienna. Pre-moot competition in They were coached by Neda Shahghasemi '09 (standing left) Chicago. Hamline students, and Professor Joe Daly (standing second from left.) John Thiede won "Best Oralist" and John Edison was named ABA Representation in the "Second Best Oralist." In April, the teams Mediation Competition from Hamline traveled to related competitions in Vienna and Hong Kong. John Thiede and The team of Karly Kauf and Whitney-Mari Ann Johnson competed in Vienna against more Bostick emerged as finalists at the Regional than 200 teams from around the world. They ABA Representation in Mediation Competition were coached by 3L students Jared Kemper and hosted by Michigan State University. The team Neda Shahghasemi. With 64 other teams they of Ben Reber and Sara Lauthen also represented made it to the first round of final competition. Hamline University School of Law. The ABA's In Hong Kong, the team of Doug Edelstein and Representation in Mediation Competition John Edison placed within measures how well students model appropriate the "final four," ahead of preparation for and representation of a client 60 teams from around in mediation and provides students a valuable the world. They were opportunity to experience the mediation coached by Neda process. The team was coached by Hamline Law Shahghasemi '09 and Professor Jim Coben and 2001 alumna and Professor Joseph Daly. adjunct faculty member, Jessica Kuchta-Miller. 32 Hamline Law Team Emerges as Finalist at Prestigious Mediation Competition in Paris Hamline law students Mike Cavallaro and Sarah Belz emerged as finalists earlier this year at the prestigious International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Mediation Representation Competition in Paris. As competition finalists, they were both awarded coveted internships this summer. Sarah interned at the ICC in Paris; Mike at the international law firm Clifford Chance. They were coached by Hamline adjunct faculty member Jessica Kuchta-Miller, who accompanied them to the competition in Paris. competition is an impressive accomplishment. We are extremely proud of them." With a view towards training lawyers to better meet the dispute resolution needs of today's cross-cultural market, the competition gives students an opportunity to test their problem"This is an incredisolving skills in "The support of the Hamline community bly tough compea moot internareally helped motivate us throughout tition judged by the tional mediation. the competition." ~Mike Cavallaro best lawyers and More than 85 mediators in the world. I know Mike and Sarah legal experts with a diverse range of expertise were honored to have been selected as one of participate as volunteer mediators and judges. only eight American teams invited to participate The competition final was filmed and will be in this prestigious competition," said Professor used as a training DVD and distributed to law James Coben, director of Hamline's Dispute schools throughout the world. It is available Resolution Institute. "So emerging as one of online by clicking here. the two best teams in the entire international Hamline Team Places in Semi-Finals at National Negotiation Moot Court Competition Hamline law students Char Hunter and Pat Zitek advanced to the semi-final round at the national Negotiation Moot Court Competition in Boston on February 13�14. This ABA-sponsored competition focuses on legal negotiation skills and provides a means to practice and improve a problem-solving approach to representing clients in both transaction and settlement negotiation situations. More than 220 teams from more than 100 North American law schools annually compete. The Hamline team placed first at the regional competition and advanced to the national finals with 23 other teams from across North America. They were coached by Hamline Law Professors Ken Fox and Marilynne Roberts. 33 FACULTY New Law Professors Welcomed Faculty and staff recently gathered to officially welcome three new faculty members--Katrina Angela Pagonis (seated, left), Sharon Press (third from left, standing) and Morgan Holcomb (right, seated)-- and visiting assistant professor Mary Szto (second from left). They each bring strong professional and academic experience to the Law School faculty: Assistant Professor Pagonis joined the Health Law Institute faculty on July 1, following two clerkships for federal judges based in Nevada: U.S. Circuit Judge Procter R. Hug., Jr. of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and U.S. District Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr. She was a teaching fellow at the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law in 2007�08 at Georgetown University Law Center, where she earned her JD in 2005. She also earned an LL.M. degree from Yale Law School, an MPH degree from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a BA from the University of 34 California, Berkeley, where she majored in both political science, and molecular and cell biology. Associate Professor Press also joined Hamline on July 1 as Director of the Hamline Dispute Resolution Institute. Professor Press served for 18 years as director of the Florida Dispute Resolution Center. She has been an adjunct professor, teaching mediation theory and general ADR survey courses at Florida State University College of Law, Hamline University School of Law, Capital University Law School and the University of Nevada Las Vegas Law School. She is the recipient of numerous professional awards, including the Mary Parker Follett Award for Excellence and Innovation in Dispute Resolution presented by the Association for Conflict Resolution and CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution's Special Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Field and Future of Dispute Resolution. Professor Press is a Florida Supreme Court certified county and family mediator and also has mediated in a number of community mediation centers in Florida and New York. York, where she taught courses on Business Organizations and Property. She was a visiting associate professor at Suffolk University Law School in Boston, Massachusetts (2007�2008), at Santa Clara University School of Law in Santa Clara, California (2005�2007), at Xiamen University School of Law in Xiamen, China (Spring 2005) and at University of Detroit Mercy School of Law in Detroit, Michigan (1993�1994). She served at Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center in Huntington, New York as Co-Director, Summer Law Program, and has served as an Associate Professor at Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia (1998�2003) and at Pepperdine University School of Law in Malibu, California (1994�1998). She began her teaching career at City University School of Law, in Flushing, New York, as an Adjunct Assistant Professor (1992�1993) and earlier worked as an adjunct professor at Nyack College, in Nyack, New York (Fall 1992). Professor Szto has lectured and written on a variety of matters dealing with both the Chinese and American legal systems. She is co-authoring two books on Chinese law for Carolina Academic Press. Her research interests include gender and the Chinese legal profession; and the relationship between Chinese ritual and law. Professor Szto's educational background includes Columbia University School of Law, New York, New York, J.D., 1986; Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, M.A., Religion, 1983; Chinese University, New Territories, Hong Kong, International Rotary Fellow, 1981�1982; and Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, B.A., English, 1981. 35 Assistant Professor Holcomb joined Hamline on a full-time basis after completing one year as a visiting professor. She teaches Individual Income Tax, Tax Policy, Agricultural Law, and Taxation of Business Entities. She previously was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Law School from 2006�2008, where she taught State and Local Tax, Tax Policy, and Individual Income Tax. She also has worked as an associate at Maslon, Edelman, Borman & Brand. Professor Holcomb clerked for the Hon. John R. Tunheim on the United States District Court for the District of Minnesota. She received her JD magna cum laude from the University of Minnesota Law School, where she was the lead Note and Comment Editor for the Minnesota Law Review and the recipient of the Hon. Edward J. Devitt Award for Excellence in the Study of Federal Law and Practice. Professor Holcomb earned her BA in English from Grinnell College, where she graduated with honors. Visiting Assistant Professor Szto brings extensive teaching experience to her current position at Hamline. She most recently served as a visiting associate professor at Hofstra University School of Law in Hempstead, New FACULTY Professors Jonathan Kahn and Tom Romero Promoted, Granted Tenure Associate Professor Jonathan D. Kahn and Associate Professor Tom I. Romero II have been granted tenure by the Hamline University Board of Trustees and promoted to Professor of Law. In making the announcement, Dean Donald Lewis noted the "effective teaching, remarkable scholarship and service to the academy, legal profession and Hamline University" on behalf of both professors that were compelling factors in the decisions. Professor Jonathan D. Kahn Professor Kahn joined the Hamline law faculty in August 2004 as an assistant professor, and was promoted to associate professor in August 2007. Professor Kahn earned his undergraduate degree (magna cum laude) from Yale University, and his J.D. in 1988 from the University of California, where he graduated Order of the Coif. He also holds a Ph.D. in history from Cornell University. Professor Kahn is an internationally recognized expert in race-specific medicine, bioethics, genetics and law. His expertise involves a variety of legal disciplines, including constitutional law, torts, and administrative law. His publications cross disciplines and audiences, and range from first-tier law reviews, peerreviewed medical and health law journals, to Scientific American and other popular periodicals, web journals, and civilliberties encyclopedias. He has published a book (recently translated into Chinese and published by the Shanghai People's Press), articles, book chapters, book reviews, comments and correspondences. 36 Professor Kahn has made multiple presentations at important venues of intellectual note, including the Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology, Simon Frazier University, Tilburg Institute of Law and Technology, Universite de Paris, University of Alberta, University of Edinburgh, among others. Professor Kahn had extensive teaching experience before he came to Hamline and also served as an associate attorney at Hogan & Hartson in Washington, D.C. At Hamline, he has taught Constitutional Law I and II, Torts II, Genetics: Law, Ethics and Policy, Regulation of the Health Care Industry, Public Health Law and "Law and Human Genetics." An active member of Hamline's Public Law Community, he has presented at symposia, conferences, and other forums organized by the Health Law Institute and others. He has provided substantial service to the legal profession, including active involvement in the health law section of the American Association of Law Schools, and is a founding member of an AALS Professor Tom I. Romero II Professor Romero joined the Hamline faculty in 2004, and was promoted to associate professor in August 2007. He received a B.A. from the University of Denver, and graduated cum laude from the University of Michigan Law School in 2000. Professor Romero also holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in history from the University of Michigan. At Hamline he has taught first year Property, Property II, Legal History, and seminars in Legal History (Latinos and the Development of Law), Interdisciplinary Studies (Law and Religion), and Property (Metropolitan Development since World War II). "He is a demanding, intellectuallystimulating professor who effectively utilizes technology, relates well with students, teaches a substantial menu of courses, and is passionate about teaching future lawyers," according to Dean Lewis. Students also give him high marks for his accessibility outside the classroom. During his time on the Hamline law faculty, Professor Romero has developed and carried out an ambitious scholarly agenda and has developed a local and national reputation for his work on race, property and civil rights. Specifically, his work explores racial transformation in relation to law and jurisprudence in the post-World War II urban United States, and focuses on the relationship between land use, metropolitan development, local government, and its impact on multiracial communities. He has authored three articles and two essays that are published (or are in production) in the New Mexico (continued on next page) From left, Allen Blair, Tom Romero and Jonathan Kahn celebrate their promotions with a special cake during a faculty-staff reception in their honor. working group that hopes to create a new bio-law section within the association. He participates in the American Bar Association's science and technology section; speaks at its conferences and is a peer reviewer for an ABA-related journal. He is a member of the American Society on Law, Medicine and Ethics, a multidisciplinary non-profit entity in whose journal he published a co-authored article on the FDA and the drug BiDil. Most recently, he received a grant from the National Library of Medicine to fund the research for a book about racial categories and biomedicine (see story on page 31.) 37 FACULTY (Promotions, continued from page 37) Law Review, Utah Law Review, Journal of Gender, Race & Justice, Oregon Review of International Law and Berkeley La Raza La Journal. He also has co-authored with a noted legal historian a book chapter on Latinos in Colorado that is forthcoming in a 50-state multivolume work, and he is completing a book manuscript on the legal history of multiracial post-World War II Denver. Both his published and unpublished scholarship has been cited in a recent amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, as well as in a variety of law reviews. Professor Romero has been an exceptionally active member of the law school community, serving on various committees and as advisor for Hamline's Latino Law Student Association, and as primary advisor of the Journal of Public Law and Policy. He was instrumental in the planning, development and implementation of the Journal's two-day international symposium, "Children and their Protection in Law," which resulted in the largest circulation of published scholarship from Hamline University School of Law to date. Professor Romero's service and leadership in the administrative and intellectual life of the University has been extraordinary and resulted in his spring 2008 nomination for a John Wesley Award. He recently was promoted by President Linda Hanson to the university-wide Diversity Integration Steering Committee, and he provided leadership of the "Strength Through Diversity" Strategic Planning Framework for Hamline University. Professor Romero also has been actively engaged in legal issues beyond the Hamline campus and has been particularly devoted to serving communities of color. He has been involved in the work of the Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association (MHBA) and was a key organizer with the National Hispanic Bar Association (NHBA) of the National Moot Court competition, held in Minneapolis in March. He served on the MHBA committee that successfully petitioned the NHBA to hold its 2010 annual meeting in the Twin Cities. Professor Romero has served on the board of Centro Legal and on the advisory board of El Fondo de Nuestra Comunidad (one of only seven Latino-based philanthropies in the United States). He as recognized by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as one of the "25 rising Lation/a change agents in Minnesota." Professor Blair Recounts Pro Bono Victory On September 15, 2009, one of my pro bono clients was granted asylum. The client, a woman from Kenya, had been subjected to female genital cutting and then forced into marrying a man who wound up physically and emotionally abusing her. After her husband brought her to the United States, where he was working, the pattern of abuse became more severe. Ultimately, my client left her spouse and sought refuge at a domestic abuse shelter in Boston. From there, she eventually found her way to Minnesota and sought the assistance of the Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. I took the case in May 2008 and worked with the client to prepare an affirmative asylum application. After a hearing before an asylum officer, my client's application was approved. 38 Allen Blair Promoted Assistant Professor H. Allen Blair has been promoted to Associate Professor at Hamline University School of Law. He also has received the student-voted honor of "Professor of the Year." In recommending Professor Blair for promotion, the Tenured Faculty Subcommittee of the Appointments, Tenure and Promotion Committee noted that Professor Blair "is an extremely productive faculty member. His teaching, scholarship and service to the school, bar and community are of excellent quality, meeting or exceeding the standards for promotion to Associate Professor." Professor Blair began his service at Hamline as a visiting assistant professor in the fall semester of 2005�06 and was appointed to the tenure track beginning in the fall semester of 2006�07. He received his B.F.A. (magna cum laude) from the University of North Dakota and his J.D. from Hamline University School of Law. He received his LL.M. as a Kent Scholar (highest honors) from Columbia University School of Law. Professor Blair began his legal career as a law clerk for Federal District Court Judge Paul Magnuson and later was an associate at Greene and Espel, a prominent Twin Cities law firm, where he focused on complex business litigation in the legal courts. to Associate Professor, Voted "Professor of the Year" At Hamline he has taught and published in the Contract, Federal Courts, and Commercial Law areas. He has provided exemplary service to the Law School and the University, serving on various Law School and University Committees, acting as a co-coach and co-advisor for the Admiralty and International Moot Courts teams, teaching orientation and ASP workships, judging the first-year oral argument honor round, and serving as an advisor for various independent study projects. The committee members who visited Professor Blair's classes all rated his teaching as excellent. "Students were attentive, engaged and stimulated to participate. Also, Professor Blair drives students to analyze problems deeply and critically," they noted. Not surprisingly for a faculty member voted "Professor of the Year," Professor Blair's student evaluations have been uniformly high every year. He also is highly regarded for his open door policy and for effectively using technology for all classes that permit students to conveniently access him via computer with questions. 39 FACULTY As experts in their fields, Hamline University School of Law faculty members frequently are contacted by members of the news media for perspective on the news and events of the day. Here is a recap of some of the news stories that have included quotes from our faculty. Larry Bakken was featured in a major article about Hamline's Norway program in Viking magazine, October 2009. Joe Daly commented in an Associated Press article about the Minnesota Senate recount, which has appeared in numerous Minnesota newspapers. Professor Daly also was quoted in the Star Tribune in July 2009 regarding a St. Louis Park company that was recently accused of fraud. Read the story by clicking here. Ken Fox was a featured guest on the October 2008 Air America program "Considering Faith." The one hour program focused on the topic "The Gifts and Challenges of Controversy: Tools for Deep Connection." Morgan Holcomb co-edited "Tax Notes & Trends" for the Minnesota State Bar Association's Bench and Bar magazine. Mary Jo Hunter was quoted in the Maryland Daily Record in July 2009 regarding whether Maryland law and federal Indian law require the government to make the same efforts to return neglected children to their parents. Read the story by clicking here. Lucinda Jesson was quoted in the story "Conflicting Minnesota law on who will judge election contest between Norm Coleman and Al Franken," on Minnesota Public Radio in December 2008. She also was quoted in the story "Health care providers anticipate challenges as scrutiny increases," in Minnesota Lawyer and Finance and Commerce in January 2009. Professor Jesson also was a source in the national newspaper USA Today in June 2009 for the story "Companies Pushing Wellness Must Step Lightly with Workers." Jonathan Kahn was interviewed by the BBC World Service for a radio program on the use of racial categories in medical practice and drug development in May 2009. 40 David Larson was interviewed by the Pioneer Press in December 2008 regarding the suspension of Minnesota Vikings football players Pat and Kevin Williams. The story is available by clicking here. Douglas McFarland was a guest on WCCO Radio as part of a program discussing the appointment process to the Supreme Court of the United States in May 2009. He also was quoted in an Associated Press article that appeared just before the Republican National Convention in the Pioneer Press, which included quotes about Chief Justice of the United States Warren E. Burger. The article was widely reprinted across the country, including in USA Today and on the CNN web page. Mary Jane Morrison was interviewed by WCCO Radio concerning the Minnesota Supreme Court's decision about the validity of a conviction obtained by a prosecutor whose license to practice law had expired for failure to meet CLE requirements. Joseph Olson was interviewed in July 2009 on Access Minnesota Online regarding Second Amendment issues. Story is available online. He also was interviewed on WCCO Radio about a recent White House policy statement during the Steele Talkin' program in August 2009. Carol Swanson was the featured speaker on WCCO Radio's "Steele Talkin" Show discussing "fast track" mergers and acquisitions. Hamline Faculty Rank High on SSRN Scholarly articles written by Hamline law faculty members David Larson and Angela McCaffrey are among the most often recently downloaded articles in their topic areas on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). SSRN offers thousands of full-text documents for downloading and "is devoted to the rapid and worldwide dissemination of social science research." The SSRN eLibrary includes an Abstract Database with more than 250,000 scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers, and an Electronic Paper Collection containing more than 206,000 downloadable full text documents in Adobe Acrobat full text format. Visit www.ssrn.com to browse the SSRN eLibrary, view the top papers or search the electronic library by title, author or journal/ topic. Be sure to look for the following: David Larson--Complete copies of his articles from the last two-and-a-half years have been downloaded more than 1,100 times from the Social Science Research Network. According to SSRN, his articles have been downloaded more times than the articles of 92% of the other 111,858 authors who have posted articles (top 8%). Angela McCaffrey--Her article, "Roleplays as Rehearsals for Doing the Right Thing: Adding Practice in Professional Values to Moldovan and United States Legal Education," was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for Business & Professional Ethics. The paper is available on SSRN online. 41 FACULTY SABBATICAL Following the conclusion of my service as the ninth dean of Hamline University School of Law, I had the privilege to undertake a year-long sabbatical designed to reengage my scholarship by writing and lecturing internationally. Through trips to Europe, Asia and the Middle East, I learned about some of the critical questions facing international intellectual property law enforcement and gained new insights into my duties as a lawyer, law professor and author. Following Prague, I was joined by my wife and two sons in a nearly two-month journey in China from Beijing south to Hong Kong. The travel included two overnight trains to visit Xian, home of Emperor Qin's Terra Cotta Warriors; a walk across the border to Macau; and working visits at the large underground or black markets in order to observe the effectiveness of intellectual property enforcement efforts. My sons learned sophisticated negotiation skills honed in dozens of open-air markets. We observed the challenge On the Road-- A Sabbatical Journey by Professor Jon M. Garon At the outset, let me also admit that the year had two other salutary effects. First, it provided me with a year to spend with my wife and children away from the demanding professional schedule of the deanship. Second, it provided my successor, the inestimable Donald Lewis, an opportunity to chart his personal path as dean without his predecessor providing unwelcome suggestions from the backseat. But while these goals were easily met, it was the experience on the ground that meant the most to me. I began my sabbatical year with an opportunity to write and present a law review entitled "Reintermediation" at the Third International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT (LSPI) and Second International Law and Trade Conference (ILTC) in Prague, Czech Republic in September 2008. The conference was host to nearly one hundred academics from around the globe, and I was doubly fortunate to have my paper selected as "best academic paper." facing trademark holders and copyright owners of policing their brands and discussed the difficulties of stopping counterfeit goods from entering the manufacturing processes. Near the end of our China visit, I spent a week teaching at United International College, Zhuhai, China, one of the few English language liberal arts colleges in China, and a partner with Hamline University. In every school, the students were devoted to their studies and willing to engage in the hard work necessary to learn in a foreign language and better understand the global world in which they live. In the spring, my sabbatical brought me to Israel, where I served as a visiting professor at Haifa University, teaching International Entertainment Law in its Global Studies program. Like my students in China (and in the U.S.), the Israeli students were diligent and engaged. But unlike other students I have taught, these students brought a different level of maturity to the classroom. Except for some of my Arab students, almost all had spent time in the Israeli military 42 Sabbatical scholarship and presentations: and most continued in reserve duty status. As a result, they were older before they began their studies, and all had a profoundly different life experience than those in the U.S. This life experience and culture of debate ingrained in Israeli society created a wild, dynamic classroom experience. As in China, I am sure that I learned more from my students than I could ever hope to impart. In addition to my course, I presented a series of lectures at other universities throughout Israel. When not on campus, the entire region served as a classroom for our family. We traveled from one end of the country to the other, enveloping ourselves in two thousand years of world history from the perspective of its intersection of Israel, the Middle East and the Holy Land. Through time spent actively participating in an architectural dig, we gained appreciation of the scientific and cultural research being conducted throughout the country. We observed and participated in conversations about the political future of the region and learned how those same debates have echoed for three thousand years, since the founding of Jerusalem. We also visited resettlement camps for Ethiopian �migr�s and alternative high schools funded by St. Paul charities in Israel. After returning home, everything seemed a bit anticlimactic, but I did manage to finish my other major writing project of the year, completing the second edition of my book, THE INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER'S LAW & BUSINESS GUIDE. As teachers, we are always in the process of discovering knowledge and sharing our discoveries with our students. This past year has allowed me to share that life with my sons and THE INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER'S LAW & BUSINESS GUIDE-- FINANCING, SHOOTING, AND DISTRIBUTING INDEPENDENT AND DIGITAL FILMS (Second Edition, A Cappella Books/Chicago Review Press, June 2009). Article, Reintermediation, 2 INT. J. OF PRIVATE LAW 227 (2009) (republished in SYNERGIES AND CONFLICTS IN CYBERLAW (2008) (Sylvia Kierkegaard, Ed.). Guest Visiting Professor at Haifa University, Israel (April�May 2009); United International College, Zhuhai, China (November 2008). Presenter, Redefining Consumer Relationships in the Semantic Web, College of Management Academic Studies, Law School, Rishon Lezion, Israel (May 2009). Presenter, Building Value: The Hidden Economics of Intellectual Property, Jerusalem College of Technology, (May 2009). Presenter, Reintermediation, Relationships, and Regulation--Managing the Semantic Web, Hebrew University Faculty of Law (April 2009). Presenter, Creativity, Commerce & Culture: Expanding through Intellectual Property, University of Hong Kong (November 2008). Presenter, Creativity, Commerce & Culture: Expanding through Intellectual Property, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai (November 2008). Presenter, An Overview of International Intellectual Property Law, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (November 2008). Presenter, Reintermediation, The Third International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT (LSPI) and Second International Law and Trade Conference (ILTC), Prague, Czech Republic (September 2008). my wife as well. Whether walking the Great Wall, cooking from a hot-pot on a crowded overnight train, exploring the archeological ruins under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, standing at the bank of the Jordan River, or walking through the open-air markets, we learned about ourselves and the world in which we live. I know these experiences have reshaped our lives, and I hope that I bring some of that experience into my classroom each day. I cannot wait for the journey to continue. 43 FACULTY DOCKET LARRY BAKKEN Presented "The Changing Face of Entrepreneurship in America" at the Fulbright Association of Norway, May 2009. Taught American Legal Systems, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Comparative Constitutional Law to students from ten European countries at the University of Bergen, spring 2009. H. ALLEN BLAIR LEN BIERNAT Completed a 2009 update for "West's Federal Administrative Process" supplement in Federal Funding for Education. Published the chapter, "Increasing the School Year for Some, But Not All Children: Constitutional Barriers" in the book, Our Promise: Achieving Educational Equity for America's Children, Carolina Academic Press, September 2009. Presented "Adding a Distance Education Component to a Family Law Course" at the Future of Family Law Education Conference at William Mitchell College of Law, June 2009. Completed "Adoption Law," an online CALI Standard Family Law Lesson, for the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction. 44 which is responsible for proposing new standards or changes Published to existing standards for ABA "A Matter of accreditation of law schools. Trust: Should No-Reliance JAMES COBEN Clauses Bar Claims for Co-edited Fraudulent Rethinking Inducement Negotiation Marquette Law Review (Volume Teaching: 92, 2009). Innovations for Context Presented "Boundaries of the and Culture. Sun: Medellin v. Texas and the The book Challenges of Supranational is the first of three anticipated Adjudication" at the Central editions (see related story on States Law Schools Association pages 30-31). Annual meeting, October 2008. Also presented this paper at Served as a guest editor and Columbia Law School in New co-wrote an introduction for York, April 2009. a Special Section "Second Generation Global Negotiation Education," published in ED BUTTERFOSS Negotiation Journal, Volume Published 25, Number 2 (April 2009), five lessons published by the Program on in criminal Negotiation at Harvard Law procedure School. The Special Section for CALI, the contains an article co-authored Center for by Professor Bobbi McAdoo. ComputerAssisted Presented the plenary Legal Instruction. address at the Florida Dispute Presented "A New Place for Flexible Programs: Weekends" and "The Evolution of J.D. Programs: Is Non-Traditional Becoming More Traditional?" at the Southwestern Law Review Symposium in Los Angeles, February 2009. Served as chair of the ABA Site Team conducting the sabbatical inspection of Pennsylvania State University-Dickinson School of Law, March 2009. Served as a member of the ABA Standards Review Committee, Resolution Center's 17th Annual Conference for Mediators and Arbitrators in Orlando, FL., August 2008; and served as a workshop leader on mediation case law and as a panelist in a closing ethics plenary. Presented on mediation advocacy at the 10th Annual Bench and Bar Retreat in Lenox, MA, sponsored by the Federal Bar Council of the Second Federal Circuit, October 2008. Made two presentations at the Tenth Annual AALS ABA Legal September 2008�August 2009 Educator's Colloquium, held in conjunction with the ABA ADR Section Annual Meeting in New York, NY., April 2009 Gave a plenary presentation on mediation law to federal magistrate judges at judicial education trainings sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center in Redondo Beach, CA, April 2009 and in Milwaukee, WI., July 2009. Panelist on "Evaluating Our Students' Performance" at a Mediation Pedagogy Conference in Boston, MA, sponsored by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, May 2009. Taught a teleseminar "Beyond the Negotiator's Fieldbook: The `Negotiation Teaching 2.0' Initiative", sponsored by the Commercial Law section of the Association for Conflict Resolution, May 2009. JOSEPH DALY Presented "Advocacy: Facts and Arguments That Match" at the Labor Arbitration Institute, September 2008. Presented "Arbitration Update" at the Minnesota State Association CLE, October 2008. Taught "Negotiation" in Ho Chi Minh City [Saigon]. Also taught a five-day course in "Business Ethics" at the National University of Hanoi, Vietnam, May 2009. KEN FOX Provided keynote speech on the "The Gifts and Challenges of Controversy: Tools for Deep Connection" at a conference co-sponsored by the Interfaith Bridging Initiative and the Human Rights Center at the University of Minnesota, October 2008. JON M. GARON Published the second edition of his book, The Independent Filmmaker's Law & Business Guide � Financing, Shooting, and Distributing Independent and Digital Films (A Cappella Books/Chicago Review Press), June 2009. Contributing author in the Annual Review of Intellectual Property Law Developments 2006�2008, ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law (2009) (George Jordan, Ed.). Panelist on Intellectual Property and Communications Norms in the Internet Age, Second Annual Conference on Innovation and Communication Law at the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law in August 2009. Appointed to serve as Chairperson of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, Law School Admini45 MARIE FAILINGER Published "A Truly Good Work: Turning to Restorative Justice for Answers to the Welfareto-Work Dilemma," 15 Geo. J. Pov. L. & Pol'y 209 (2008). Published "The Lesser Violence than Murder and the Face-toFace: `Illegal' Immigrants Stand Over American Law," Essays on Levinas and Law: A Mosaic (Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2009, ed. Desmond Manderson). Published "Sex and the Statehouse: The Law and the American Same-Sex Marriage Debate," Dialog: A Journal of Theology (2009). DAVID COBIN Co-edited "The Law of Slavery, Casebook and Materials" with Paul Finkelman, accepted for forthcoming publication by Carolina Academic Press. FACULTY DOCKET stration Committee, addressing issues for improving law school administration. See page 43 for additional scholarship and presentations by Professor Garon. drug courts in the United States and abroad at the Legal Writing Institute's Writer's Workshop, Nashville, IN, July 2008. Presented on the use of ESL techniques and methodology in the legal writing classroom at the Lone Star Regional Research and Writing Conference, Texas Tech University School of Law, May 2009; and at the Southeast Regional Legal Writing Conference and Association of Legal Writing Directors Scholars' Forum held at Stetson University in Gulfport, FL, September 2009. Presented on the use of listening exercises in the legal writing classroom to demonstrate effective communication, Rocky Mountain Regional Legal Writing Conference, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, March 2009. Indigenous Peoples for 2009. LUCINDA JESSON Published "My Lawyer told Me to Say `I'm Sorry': Doctors, Lawyers and Medical Apologies," William Mitchell Law Review; also presented it at the William Mitchell Law Review Symposium, April 2009. Presented "Dispute Resolution in Health Care: How PatientCentered Health Care and Relational Conflict Resolution May Change ADR Practice, ABA's Institute on Dispute Resolution, April 2009. Presented "Complementary and Alternative Medicine and New Models of Regulation," American Society of Law Medicine & Ethics Conference, June 2009. Presented "Caselaw Highlights" and also moderated the lunch panel discussion at the Health Law Institute Minnesota CLE, June 2009. Chaired the Advisory Committee formed by U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar to assist in recommending Minnesota's U.S. Attorney to President Obama. Elected to the Board of Directors of Stratis Health for a three-year term, May 2009. Elected Secretary of the MSBA's Health Law Governing Council, June 2009. MORGAN HOLCOMB Published "Tax My Ride, Taxing Commuters in our National Economy," 8 Florida Tax Review 885. Presented "Learning is Social" with Mary Pat Byrn and Sally Zusman at the Institute for Law Teaching & Learning Conference hosted by Gonzaga University School of Law and Washburn School of Law, summer 2009 KIMBERLY Y.W. HOLST Wrote chapter on Intellectual Property Issues in Real Property Transactions for the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DESKBOOK FOR THE BUSINESS LAWYER, 377 (Sharon K. Sandeen ed., ABA 2009). Presented on the use of wellknown fairytales to teach legal advocacy at the Northwest Regional Legal Writing Conference, University of Oregon School of Law, Portland, OR., August 2009. Presented on research regarding 46 MARY JO HUNTER Panelist, "If I Knew Then What I Know Now; Lessons from Experienced Clinical Faculty," at the 23rd Annual Midwest Clinical Law Conference held at the Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington, IN., November 2008. Panelist on Guardian ad Litem experiences at the Indian Child Welfare Act Training for Guardian ad Litems, December 2008. Elected treasurer of the AALS Section Indian Nations and September 2008�August 2009 JONATHAN KAHN Published "Exploiting Race in Drug Development: BiDil's Interim Model of Pharmacogenomics." 38 Social Studies of Science 737-758. (2008). Published "Patenting Race in a Genomic Age," a chapter in Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age ( New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2008). Published "Race and Ancestry in Biomedical Research: Exploring the Challenges." 1 Genome Medicine 8 (2009), co-authored with Timothy Caulfield et al. Published "Race, Genes, and Justice: A Call to Reform the Presentation of Forensic DNA Evidence in Criminal Trials." 74 Brooklyn Law Review 325�375 (2009). of Minnesota, February 2009. Presented "Race, Medicine and Money: Contextualizing the Emergence of `Ethnic' Drugs," University of Minnesota School of Medicine, March 2009. Presented "The Persistence of Race in Biotech Patenting and Drug Development," 21st Annual St. Louis University Health Law Symposium: "Living in the Genetic Age," St. Louis, MO., March 2009. Presented "Think-Tank Meeting on Race and Ethnicity in Cardiovascular Clinical Trials: Historical Disparities, Current Barriers and Future Opportunities," Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pentagon City, Arlington, VA., April 2009. Panelist on "Race and Ethnicity in Medicine: Law and Policy Implications," Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Denver, CO., May 2009. System: The Deaf Community is Well Prepared and Can Lead by Example," Volume 10, Number 1, Cardozo Journal on Conflict Resolution (2008), coauthored with Paula Gajewski Mickelson. Published "Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution and the Deaf Community," Volume 3, Number 1, Health Law and Policy (2009), coauthored with Paula Gajewski Mickelson. Presented "Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution (TMDR) and the Deaf Community: A Community Prepared to Both Receive and Lead" at the United Nations-sponsored 2008 International Forum on Online Dispute Resolution, June 2008. Presented "Millennial Students" at the 2008 Thomson Reuters National Academic Meeting, June 2008. Presented "Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution--ADR in the 21st Century," for the Section of Alternative Dispute Resolution's Presented "The CSI Experience" program "Envisioning Dispute on Race and Forensic DNA Resolution in 2050 (or even Evidence at the Minnesota 2025)," Association of American DAVID LARSON Museum of Science, October Law Schools 2009 Annual 2008. Published National Meeting, San Diego, "Conflicts of CA., January 2009. Panelist for the Conference on Interest and DNA, Race and History at the Disclosures: Presented "Technology Can Center for Race and Ethnicity Are We Facilitate the Incorporation at Rutgers University in New Making a of Dispute Resolution Into Brunswick, NJ, November 2008. Mountain Society," at Symposium "The Out of a Future of ADR: Incorporating Presented a seminar on Race, Molehill?" Volume 49, Issue Dispute Resolution Into Society," Science and Law at the Center No. 4, South Texas Law Review sponsored by the Journal of for Research in Law, Science and (2008). Conflict Resolution, Ohio State Technology at the Universit� de University Moritz College of Law, Paris, France, December 2008. Published "Technology Mediated Columbus, OH., February 2009. Dispute Resolution Can Improve Guest lectured "Life for Sale" for the Registry of Interpreters Global Studies 3305, University for the Deaf Ethical Practices 47 FACULTY DOCKET Presented "ADR in the 21st Century: How Technology Can Assist & Improve Dispute Resolution," a three-hour Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program, Ramsey County Bar Association, March 2009. Presented "Consumer Arbitration: The Arbitrator's Perspective," United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., April 2009. Spoke at the program titled "Protecting Consumers in Debt Collection Litigation and Arbitration: A Roundtable Discussion," presented by the Federal Trade Commission in cooperation with the Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth at Northwestern University School of Law, Chicago, IL., August 2009. Track Chair for the International and Comparative ADR track of the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution Eleventh Annual Spring Conference, New York City, NY., April 2009 Environments: Improving Adult Negotiation Education Through Classroom Process, Design and Re-Design," Rethinking Negotiation Teaching, Honeyman, Coben and De Palo, eds. (2009), with Nelken and Manwarring. Co-presented "What Do They Say About Us? Real People Talk About Their Mediation Experiences" with Hamline Mediation Center Director Aimee Gourlay, MSBA ADR Institute, October 2008. Manila, Philippines, December 2008. Presented "Presenting Evidence," Minnesota Legal Services Coalition CLE on Strategies for Unemployment and other Administrative Hearings, March 2009. Presented "Telling the Client's Story Effectively: A Model for Direct Examination Preparation for Law Students," Applied Storytelling in Law Conference, Lewis and Clark Law School, Portland, OR., July 2009. Presented "Appellate Family Mediation," MSBA Annual DOUGLAS McFARLAND Family Law Institute,March 2009. Published a memoir, Few Presented "Evaluating ADR Are Chosen: Programs," ABA Annual A Campaign Conference of the Dispute Memoir, Resolution Section, April 2009. detailing his Presented "Better Late Than run for the Never: Appellate Family Republican Mediation," Association of Party's nomination as the candiFamily and Conciliation Courts date from Minnesota for the U.S. annual conference, May 2009. Senate. ANGELA MCCAFFREY Co-authored "Roleplays as Rehearsals for `Doing the Right Thing: Adding Practice in Professional Values to Moldovan and United States Legal Education," 28 Washington University Journal of Law and Policy, 141 (2008). Co-presented "Interviewing Persons Who Have experienced Trauma," Global Alliance for Justice Education conference, Published the fourth edition of Minnesota Civil Practice. Presented on jurisdiction and venue at a national seminar for 125 state appellate court judges, National Foundation for Judicial Excellence, Chicago, IL., July 2008. Consulted with the California Law Revision Commission in its evidence study, which led to that state's adoption of a present sense impression exception to the hearsay rule. BOBBI McADOO Published "Teaching for Implementation: Designing Negotiation Curricula to Maximize Long-Term Learning," Negotiation Journal 195, with Manwarring, April 2009 Published "Negotiating Learning 48 September 2008�August 2009 GRACE M. MILLS Published an article entitled "The Digital Divide: Left Behind on the Other Side" in the University of La Verne Law Review. Presented on the value of library consortia and served as a panelist concerning the future of libraries at the 2008 ETTLIS (Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services) International Symposium in Noida, India in December 2008. Published a chapter, "Library Consortia: A Valuable Partnership for Reaching Out to the World," in Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services. Presented on Advanced Legal Research and on the Legal Research and Writing program at Hamline with Professor Mary Trevor, Lone Star LRW Regional Conference, May 2009. Co-presented on an innovative use of software for promoting law library usage on the web with Megan Jens at the CALI Annual Meeting in Boulder, CO, June 2009. MARY JANE MORRISON Named the 2008 Minnesota ESGR Ombudsman of the Year for her volunteer work mediating disputes between employers and members of the Guard and Reserves. Appointed to the Minnesota State Bar Association's 2008� 2009 "Civil Gideon" Task Force, focusing on the ancient English practice of providing attorneys in civil cases, and re-appointed for 2009�2010. Chair, ABA, Education Subcommittee for the Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (COLAP), August 2008. Attended an ABA COLAP National Conference and Committee Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, October 2008. Taught "Evidence" to 150 judges at the Iowa Judicial Conference in Des Moines, IA in June 2008 and at the Montana Judicial Conference in Whitefish, MT in April 2009. Taught "Advanced Evidence" at the National Judicial College, Nevada, November 2008; taught "Evidence in a Courtroom Setting," March 2009; "Evidence and Effective Courtroom Appointed to the Minneapolis Management," Minnesota New "Chicken Work Group," charged Judges School, October 2008; with examining that city's ordi"Evidence, Effective Courtroom nance on backyard chickens. Management and Criminal Law," March 2009. Served as pro bono chair, Human Rights and Research Committee Taught "Judicial Decision of The Phoenix Residences, Inc., Making" to 150 judges at the which operates group homes for Missouri Judges Conference in developmentally disabled adults. St. Louis, MO in August 2008; at JAMES MORROW Elected Chair of Minnesota Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) in July 2008, serving lawyers and judges on chemical dependency and mental health issues. Organized a day-long event for Romania/Lithuanian judges to visit Anoka County Court system and Corrections Department, July 2008. the National Judicial College in Monterey, California and at the Missouri Judges Conference in Kansas City, MO in September 2008; at the Montana Judicial Conference in Helena, Montana in October 2008; and at the National Conference for Federal Disability Administrative Law Judges in San Francisco, CA in July 2009. Guest lecturer, National Institute of Trial Advocacy Court, William Mitchell College of Law, September 2008; May 2009. 49 FACULTY DOCKET Presented "Appellate Advocacy," MARILYNNE ROBERTS William Mitchell College of Law, Presented a October 2008. graduation workshop on Lectured on the Judiciary "Negotiating to Bethany Academy in Difficult Bloomington, MN in March Conversa2009. tions" for Partners in Created a new two-day Trial Policymaking, May 2009. Advocacy Program CLE for the Criminal Justice Institute, August Presented, along with Professor 2009. Romero and Professor Sandeen, at the Legal Education at the Coached the Meadow Creek Crossroads v. 3.0 Conference High School Mock Trial Team, on Assessment, University of which made it to the State Denver, Sturm College of Law, Finals, November 2008� September 2009. March 2009. Special Use Districts, and Color Representation in the Metropolitan West" at the 14th Annual LatCrit Symposium in Seattle, WA, October 2008. Presented "Law and Cultural Studies: Understanding AntiImmigration Ordinances and Latinos as Racial Subjects Across Spatialities" at the Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association in Albuquerque, NM., October 2008. Presented "The Social Function of Property: On Denver and the Making of a Multiracial Metropolitan Heterotopia 1940�1975" at LatCrit Study Space and Faculty of University of Denver, December 2008. Panelist on "Unequal Educational Outcomes: Is Achievement Tracking a Source or Perpetrator of Racial Discrimination Within Schools?" at the University of Minnesota/SMRLS CLE on Latinos and Inequality of Educational Opportunity, February 2009. JOSEPH OLSON Published "Gun Control: Political Fears Trump Crime Control" with Clayton E. Cramer, Maine Law Review. TOM I. ROMERO II Published "No Brown Towns: AntiImmigrant Ordinances and Equality of Educational Opportunity for Latina/os," Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 13 (Fall 2008), which will be reprinted in the second edition of Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, The Latino Condition: A Critical Reader. JAMES PIELEMEIER Published "Why General Personal Jurisdiction Over `Virtual Stores' Is A Bad Idea," Quinnipiac Law Review (2009). Presented "Work-in-Progress: The Release of the Brown Buffalo: Water Rights, Metropolitan Development and the Color of Law and Local Government"at the UCLA Published "Kelo, Parents and the Critical Race Theory Workshop in Spatialization of Color (blindMarch 2009, and at the Critical ness) in the Berman-Brown Race Theory at 20, University of Metropolitan Heterotopia," 2008 Iowa, April 2009. Utah Law Review 947 (Winter 2009). Panelist on "Celluloid (non) Presented "Becoming Latino: Law and Social Change in the United States," at the Rotary Club of St. Paul, MN, July 2008. Presented "Confessions of a Brown Buffalo: Water Rights, Citizenship and Sovereignty: Multiracial Imaginaries Between and Beyond the Legal Border" at the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association in Denver, CO., May 2009. 50 September 2008�August 2009 Presented, along with Professor Roberts and Professor Sandeen, at the Crossroads v. 3.0 Conference on Assessment at the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, September 2009. Denver, Sturm College of Law, September 2009. BRENDA TOFTE Presented on teaching professionalism and cultural competency to law students at the Southeast Regional Legal Writing Conference, Stetson University, Gulfport, Florida, September 2009. Selected as Planning Team Member of Study Space, a joint project of the Center for the Comparative Study of Metropolitan Growth, with Georgia State University College of Law and LatCrit, Inc. Study Space is a series of intensive workshops held to acquire a deeper understanding of the Participated in the Association legal policy and human challengof Legal Writing Directors es posed by the global growth of (ALWD) Scholar's forum on megacities. issues facing women incarcerated in the federal prison system, Member of Hispanic National Northwest Regional Legal Bar Association 2010 Annual Writing Conference, Portland, Conference CLE Committee OR, September 2009. (selected as Chair of Dispute Resolution track of program). HOWARD J. VOGEL Appointed Board Member of Affordable Housing Connections, Inc. SHARON SANDEEN Presented recent research concerning Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement, New York University School of Law workshop on Trade Secrecy, February 2009. Presented, along with Professor Roberts and Professor Romero, at the Legal Education at the Crossroads v. 3.0 Conference on Assessment at the University of Selected by the United Theological Seminary (UTS) Alumni Council as this year's Distinguished Alumnus. 51 CLASS NOTES Dear Alumni: As we settle into another fall full of engaged students and myriad alumni events, I want to thank the many alumni who have been instrumental in the continuing growth and success of Hamline University School of Law. I have been honored to work with those who lead the Dean's Board of Advisors and the Law Alumni Association Board for the past five years, and I continue to be grateful for the invaluable dedication and support of our Board volunteers. I want to thank our wonderful Board of Advisors Chair, Paul Gatto '76, Alumni Board President Curtis Zaun '96, Vice President A.L. Brown '03, and all of our Board members for your support. I also want to thank all our alumni volunteers, including CLE presenters, Moot Court coaches and judges, all those who attend and volunteer at events, and everyone else who gave of your time and resources to further the goals of our school. You make all the difference to our community. The Alumni Board's inaugural Cogito program on September 17 brought us the first in a series of unique and thought-provoking discussions on issues of law and public policy. The inspiration of Alumni Board Vice President A.L. Brown and the result of the hard work of A.L. and the rest of the Board, Cogito will air throughout the year on Twin Cities Public Television as a reminder of Hamline's place among thought-leadership within and outside the legal community. October events and CLEs, including the tribute at the W Minneapolis to our Dispute Resolution Institute leaders and our alumni involved in pro bono efforts surrounding the 35W bridge collapse, presented another opportunity to recognize excellence within our Hamline community. And the Alumni weekend reunion celebrations of the classes of 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, and 2004--with special events for the Class of 1979's 30-year reunion--present the chance to reminisce and network with other members of the Hamline community. Yet to come this fall, our 2009 Dean's Dinner is just around the corner on November 17. Our headline speaker will be Matt Miller, host of public radio's weekly program "Left, Right & Center," author of THE 2% SOLUTION and THE TYRANNY OF DEAD IDEAS, and a frequent writer and commentator "from the center" on controversial current affairs issues. I hope you are able to join us as a sponsor or guest for this one-of-a-kind celebration of legal theory and discourse. Finally, we look forward to another successful Six Minute Social on November 19 at the University Club in Saint Paul. Come meet Hamline's current motivated students and let them know what your path has looked like after law school. We look forward to a continued partnership with you, our alumni, the most valuable resource in our Law School community. As always, feel free to contact me at 651-523-2338 or sstephan01@hamline. edu to find out about upcoming events, services and programs, and other ways to get involved. Regards, Susan Hayes Stephan `92, Director of Alumni Relations P If you would like to nominate a member of the Hamline community as a member of our circle of Distinguished .S. Alumni, please click here to fill out a nomination form. 52 1977 Joseph J. Dudley, Jr. '77 has been appointed by the Ramsey County Bar Association (RCBA) Board of Advisors to serve on a newly created Judicial Election Campaign Conduct Committee. The committee has been formed to monitor and comment on judicial campaign conduct for the purpose of encouraging responsible campaign behavior, assisting voters to reach an informed decision on the candidates for judicial office, supporting appropriate conduct by individuals running for judicial office, and keeping judicial elections fair and nonpartisan. Squires law firm in St. Paul, and is a member of the Falcon Heights City Council. James D. McCabe '78, senior vice president and private client advisor with Wells Fargo Investments as a part of the Wells Fargo Private Bank in Beverly Hills, has been named by Worth magazine in its October/November issue as one of the "Top 250 Wealth Advisors" in the United States. He is a financial services veteran with more than 30 years of experience advising affluent and ultra-affluent clients--20 of those years with Wells Fargo. He has also been honored on Barron's "Top 100" lists of financial advisors for three years, and is a member and past president of the Beverly Hills Estate Planning Council. 1978 David L. Ayers '78 has been selected by his peers for inclusion in both ATLA's Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Minnesota and The Best Lawyers in America. He continues to office in Mendota Heights, Minnesota and can be reached at daveayers@ ayersriehm.com. Marc Christianson '78 has been inducted into the American Board of Trial Advocates. He is a partner with Maschka, Riedy & Ries, PLLP and a litigator with particular expertise in the area of personal injury. Harlan Dyrud '78 recently retired after more than 30 years as a magistrate in the Grand Forks County District Court in North Dakota. As a magistrate he handled divorces, first appearances, child support cases, small claims cases, and juvenile cases, and also signed search warrants-- sometimes in the middle of the night. "The cops are nice enough to turn the lights off when they come into the driveway so the neighbors don't think we're having a domestic," he said. Pamela M. Harris '78 was reappointed by Governor Tim Pawlenty to the Minnesota Commission on National and Community Service, also known as the ServeMinnesota Commission, as a representative of local-elected officials. Currently, she is an attorney and partner with the Martin and 1979 Robert "Gundy" Gunderson '79 lost his courageous battle with cancer the morning of Sunday, July 12, 2009. He had taught business law, business finance, and consumer economics for Hamline's management and economics department, graduated from the school of law in 1979, and was married to Professor Beth Gunderson, a long-time Hamline University School of Business faculty member. As a Hamline men's hockey coach, he led the Pipers from 1976�80 and took the 1978�79 team to a third place finish in the NCAA DII Western Division. He exemplified all the qualities one could want in a Father, Husband, Brother, Son, and Friend; and had the attitude of a champion as he fought the good fight. He will be missed dearly. The Honorable Jane Ranum '79 was recently appointed to the 4th Judicial District Court Bench in Hennepin County. 1980 Glen E. Schumann '80 has been appointed as an Adjunct Director for 2009 at his firm of Moss & Barnett, A Professional Association. He is a member of the firm's intellectual property practice group. He will serve a one year term while 53 CLASS NOTES continuing to practice law on a full-time basis. Gerald B. Yost '80 was recently chosen by his peers as a 2009 Super Lawyer as a business attorney to be published in Minnesota Law & Politics, Twin Cities Business and Minneapolis Saint Paul Magazine. It was his sixth selection. Only five percent of the attorneys in the state are named to the list. 1982 Steven G. Hoffmeyer '82 was appointed by Governor Tim Pawlenty to head the state's Bureau of Mediation Services. He has been with the Bureau of Mediation Services since 2002, starting out as a mediator and hearing officer. He was promoted to the position of Deputy Commissioner in October 2003 by Commissioner Cunningham. As Deputy Commissioner, he currently supervises the Bureau's mediators, hearing officers, and support staff, and is actively involved in all current decision making processes. 1981 Ed Cassidy '81 was recently elected as a new shareholder in Fredrikson & Byron's Employment & Labor Group. He is a litigator with more than 25 years of experience in workers' compensation, employment law, state and federal OSHA litigation, and civil litigation. His workers' compensation practice focuses on advising and representing employers in all phases of risk assessment and management, implementation and maintenance of modified duty programs, defending worker's compensation matters and related civil claims, such as employment, subrogation, and third party matters. Mark DeCaria '81 was recently appointed by Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. as a 2nd District Court judge in Weber County. He has practiced law in the area for 28 years, serving as Weber County attorney for the past 15 years. He has also worked as a deputy Weber County attorney, Ogden City prosecutor and in private practice. Janet C. Fesler '81 died July 10, 2009. She is remembered as a super lawyer guided by fairness, integrity, laser focus on client needs and giving back through her pro bono work on ethics and legal services to the poor. Her glorious spirit embraced everything she did 120%--whether it be her love of cars, to her love of dogs, to her love of her family. She was an unforgettable and generous spirit that made the world a better place. 1983 Kathryn Cooper Stahnke '83 was recently honored as SCBA 2008 Attorney of the Year. Her law firm, Stahnke & Associates, Legal Services for Children, exclusively represents abused and neglected children who are placed under the Juvenile Court's protection. Over the years, she has served several community organizations and committees related to Solano's children, among them: Children's Network, CASA, Foster-A-Dream, Solano Family and Children's Services, Solano Adolescent Health Committee, Solano County Child Welfare Redesign, Solano Foster Parent Associations, and Solano Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. In 2003, the Solano County Child Abuse Prevention Council presented her with the "Henry Bergh Award as Practitioner of the Year" for "outstanding service and sensitivity to the needs of Solano County children." In 2006, she became one of only 80 attorneys in the nation who successfully passed the first examination offered to become certified as a specialist in child welfare law. Stephen R. Nicol '83 was recommended by the Commission on Judicial Selection, and accepted by Governor Tim Pawlenty, as a finalist for one of the three Tenth Judicial District trial court bench vacancies in the city of Anoka in Anoka County. 54 Burnham "Bud" Philbrook '83 was chosen by Agricultural Secretary, Tom Vislack, to be Agriculture Deputy Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services in charge of international affairs. Since 1994, he has been president and CEO of Global Volunteers, an organization that sends Americans on volunteer vacations on American Indian reservations and 21 countries overseas. The Minnesota native also practiced law, served in the state House, and worked as assistant commissioner in the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. As Deputy Undersecretary, he will oversee USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, and cover trade and food aid issues. Terry Paul Race '83 died on June 24, 2009 at Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital. He practiced law in Whitewater, WI and retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Major after 20 years of service to his country. He served with the Gulf Company and served in Desert Storm and Iraq. He was a volunteer ombudsman for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. He enjoyed biking, reading, his dogs, and had a passion for cooking. His greatest rewards came from helping others. Sandy A. Williams '83 was recently elected to the Branch III circuit court bench as the first female judge in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. She spent 26 years in the district attorney's office, the last 22 as the county's first elected female district attorney, prosecuting criminals and working with their victims. She will begin her six-year term on June 1, 2009. Alumnus Named to U.S. Department of Agriculture Earlier this summer, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the names of five additional people who will hold staff positions at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including alumnus Michael Martinez '08 who was named Special Assistant for Natural Resources Conservation Service. "This is a policy and administrative appointment; I'm leading teams working on Climate Change and the Recovery Act. Also known as President Obama's Stimulus Initiative, our work is intended to stabilize at-risk sectors of the economy, invest strategically in infrastructure, preserve and create jobs, and protect the environment. I still have opportunities for legal research and writing, statutory interpretation, real estate transactions, contract writing, and litigation. Who could ask for more?" said Martinez. Martinez has served at the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in a variety of roles, including project and team management, environmental policy, and real estate program administration. In addition to his JD from Hamline, Martinez earned a B.S. degree in natural resource recreation planning and management from the University of Illinois, and an M.A. in environmental studies from Northeastern Illinois University. 1985 Sidney F. Ansbacher '85 continues to be a senior shareholder with GrayRobinson, one of the largest statewide firms in Florida. He has been listed in Florida Super Lawyers as recently as 2009, as well as in Best Lawyers in America for 2009. He continues to practice administrative, land use and environmental law. His biggest victory in the past year was successful representation of the Chartwells/Thompson Group, including successful defense of a bid challenge regarding a $46.6 million food services contract with a local school district. His son, Benjamin, continues to play a pretty high level brand of ice 55 1984 Barbara Miller '84 and Daniel Murray '93 have formed the law office of Miller and Murray, S.C, in downtown Hudson, WI. The firm is committed to representing individuals and small businesses in the following areas: personal injury, civil litigation, family law, criminal law, mediation, and agricultural damage claims. CLASS NOTES Dear Alumni and Friends, I have been with the Hamline Law School for just over a year now. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet with many of you and look forward to talking with many more of you in the months and years ahead. The past year has been a challenging and trying time in our nation with many uncertainties, and yet many of you continued to support the Hamline Law School. Thank you for the financial support that each alumni and friend of the Law School has made during the past year. These gifts enable the Law School to provide scholarships to students and enhance programs and offerings so that we can continue to provide excellent legal education. In the year ahead, I challenge each of you to think about ways in which you can help continue the Law School's remarkable success. The Dispute Resolution Institute is yet again ranked in the top five in the country and we are excited to have Sharon Press with us as its new director. Soon, we will launch the Business Law Institute, which will further help to distinguish Hamline as a renowned and exceptional law school. Your continued support is critical to these endeavors. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about supporting and giving back to the Hamline Law School. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, thank you. Sincerely, Hans Thomsen Fund Development Director hockey, at least by Florida standards, and starts at the local Bishop Kenny High School this fall. Jamie (Russ) Jensen '85 has moved to Seattle for his wife's health (she has MS). With only one kid left at home he got bored and took the Washington Bar Exam, passed, and in November is taking over the real estate department of a small law firm in the Seattle area. In the 12 years since he last practiced law he developed residential real estate, but had time to build cedar strip canoes and ash snowshoes, become a ski patroller and an instrument pilot and teach Real Estate Law and Real Estate Development at the University of St. Thomas. 56 Rosemary Kassekert '85 was recently reappointed to a four-year term as a public member to the Minnesota Board of Social Work by Governor Tim Pawlenty. She is a retired attorney and published author. Debra E. Yerigan '85 has been named a 2009 Minnesota Super Lawyer by Minnesota Law & Politics. She joined Messerli & Kramer in May of 2007, was named shareholder in January 2008, and was most recently made Chair of the Family Law practice group in August 2008. She has extensive experience representing clients in marriage dissolution, child custody, child support, parenting time, spousal maintenance, property division, post-dissolution, paternity, domestic abuse, and antenuptial matters. 1988 Steven Stromberg '88 now works on the global account team for Exhibitgroup/Giltspur (EG), a leading experiential marketing agency known for creating meaningful and memorable brand experiences. Based in the Minneapolis client care center, he will be responsible for coordinating business development efforts and managing trade show programs for EG clients. As a published author and workshop leader, he has been a prominent figure in the exhibit industry for more than ten years. 1986 Suzanne Bollman '86 was recommended by the Commission on Judicial Selection, and accepted by Governor Tim Pawlenty, as a finalist for one of the three Tenth Judicial District trial court bench vacancies in the city of Anoka in Anoka County. Reid Trautz '86 has co-authored the book The Busy Lawyer's Guide to Success: Essential Tips to Power Your Practice, published by the American Bar Association. 1989 Lynn M. Lahti '89 of Menomonie passed away, at the age of 48, due to a two-vehicle crash. Working in private practice as an appellate attorney, she is remembered as being an excellent and resourceful attorney, especially in the area of family law. She was polite, friendly, and extremely diligent. She will be sorely missed. David Ujke '89 and Amy Douglas were married on April 11, 2009. David continues to work as Tribal Attorney for the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. Kurt Tourdot '90 and his wife Rachel welcomed the arrival of their son, Judah on July 16, 2009. He joins his excited big sister, Alyssa (13) into the family. 1987 Leo I. Brisbois '87 became President of MSBA on July 1, 2009. Scott D. Reep '87 received the honor of Solano County Bar Association 2008 Law Firm of the Year for his firm of Gizzi & Reep, LLP. He has served as the President of the Contra Costa Barristers' Association and as President of the Benicia Rotary Club. He is a founding member and past director/officer of the The Robert G. McGrath American Inn of Court, The Contra Costa County Bar Association Litigation Section and The Law Center, a non-profit organization providing pro bono legal services to the working poor. In 2005, he was recognized as Pro Bono Attorney of the Year in Contra Costa County . In addition to his active practice, Scott currently serves as director/general counsel for the Benicia Education Foundation, as a trustee of the Benicia Library Foundation and as Vice-President of the Benicia Bocce League. James C. Snyder, Sr. '87 is one of eight lawyers competing for a rare open judgeship, with the retirement of Judge John T. Finley, in Ramsey County. 1990 Patrick Charles Smith '90 has been appointed to the Minnesota Association of Realtors Forms Committee, which provides all state approved real estate transaction forms utilized. 1991 Lee Bjorndal '91 was recently hired as the new Albert Lea city attorney. He is active on the 10th District Ethics Committee, Mower County Bar Association, and Minnesota State Bar Association, 57 CLASS NOTES serving as a contributing editor for their "Bench and Bar" publication. Allen Eskens '91 has been named a finalist by Governor Tim Pawlenty for the trial court bench vacancy in the 1st Judicial District in Le Sueur County. Eskens is an attorney and senior partner with the Eskens, Gibson and Behm law firm in Mankato. Phillip Trobaugh '91 and Elizabeth Lake Trobaugh welcomed the arrival of their daughter, Olivia Mary Lake Trobaugh on August 19, 2009. Dan Homstad '93, after 15 years in the Hennepin County Public Defender's Office, became a prosecutor in the Hennepin County Attorney's Office. Currently he handles both juvenile and adult prosecutions. 1994 Jeannette Imani Appold '94 has started a nationwide adoption coaching business (www.adoptionplancoach.com) to guide potential adoptive parents through the non-legal aspects of the adoption process. She is also married to Kevin Appold '94 who is a Sr. Director of New Product Development at West, a Thomson Reuters company. They have a 6 year old son, named Sean, and a 3 year old daughter, named Aaliyah, and will celebrate 12 years of marriage this August. Brett Perry '94 and Angela Douglas were married on July 26, 2008. 1992 Bob Oleisky '92 has been given the 2008 Jewish Family and Children's Service Award. A criminal defense attorney in Minneapolis, he has been volunteering for JFC for 13 years. He has volunteered for many projects and organizations including the JFC Citizenship Celebration, Sholom Home, STEP, People Serving people, and the Hennepin County Bar Association Misdemeanor Defense Panel. David Schultz '92 has been appointed by the Ramsey County Bar Association (RCBA) Board of Advisors to serve on a newly created Judicial Election Campaign Conduct Committee. This year he also was appointed to the Minnesota Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure. 1995 John Choi '95 will be awarded the Joseph I. Mulligan Jr. Distinguished Public Service Award from the International Municipal Lawyers Association in October for his work last year that included developing local and national foreclosure strategies; leading a community process to develop an implementation plan to improve opportunities for small and women- and minority-owned contractors; and working at the Legislature to develop and implement public safety tools including civil gang injunctions to combat criminal gang activity and a driver diversion program to decrease the revolving door issue and provide drivers a responsible path to pay their fees and get their licenses reinstated. Patrick T. Harrigan '95 has been appointed as Senior Vice President of M& I Exchange Services LLC. He will be responsible for the Minneapolis market. 1993 Commander Dale Harris '93 was appointed by the Judge Advocate General of the Navy as a reserve judge on the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals. He was sworn in on January 12, 2009 for a four-year term. The court, located in Washington, D.C., reviews courts-martial for all Navy and Marine Corps personnel who received a punitive discharge or confinement in excess of one year at trial, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. � 866. In civilian life, he continues to serve as an Assistant St. Louis County Attorney in Duluth. 58 Daniel Lew '95 was recently appointed by Governor Tim Pawlenty to serve on the Commission on Judicial Selection. He has served as a Board Member of the State of Minnesota Ombudsperson for Asian Pacific American Families, and as a Minneapolis Civil Rights Commissioner. He is also a past President, and active current member, of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. Jim Tanner `95 has written a book titled Vintage France: Adventures Along the French Wine Route. The book came out in 2002 and still remains in the top 5% of sales at Barnes and Nobels. He was also recently interviewed on Bergman's Bourgogne: Appetite for Burgundy http://www. bourgogne-info.eu/ and was awarded best website design by the Chambre de Metier (the French equivalent of the Chamber of Commerce). 55424, 952-836-2733. The focus of the firm is Wills, Trusts, Estates and Small Business and Entrepreneurial Law. Thomas Scott Montgomery '96 died unexpectedly on June 25, 2009 at the age of 55. Ted Olsen '96 announces his return to private practice after 10 years as a Personal Trust Officer with U.S. Bank. He is practicing as Theodore O. Olsen, Attorney at Law, at 420 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102. He can also be reached at 651-209-8025 or Ted@TOlsenLaw.com. His areas of practice include Estate Planning, Trust Administration and Probate. He is also Co-Chair of the Ramsey County Bar Association's Estates and Trusts Section. Bethany O'Neill '96 and her husband, Jeffrey Commisso, have a new baby boy: Joseph Alexander Commisso, born April 13, 2009. Mary Schwind '96, shareholder at Leonard, Street and Deinard, was recently elected chair of the Minnesota State Bar Association Construction Law Section. The section comprises of attorneys practicing in all areas of construction law, both plaintiff 's and defense counsel in commercial and residential construction. 1996 John Bloomer '96 has recently joined the Dallas Law Firm of Curran Tomko Tarski, L.L.P. as a part of their Real Estate & Finance Section. His practice focuses on sophisticated commercial real estate transactions. For over eleven years, he has worked with owners nationwide regarding acquisition, development, leasing, financing, operation, and management of all kinds of real estate, ranging from raw land to luxury apartments to senior living centers to shopping centers. He has also represented banks and other financial institutions regarding multi-million dollar real estate transactions. Chris Carlson '96 and his wife, Jessie Seehof Carlson, announce the birth of their daughter, Isabelle Lynne Carlson, born on July 6, 2009 at 1:50 a.m. She weighed 7 lbs, 13 oz and measured 19.5 inches. Paul Moe '96 and Wade Walton '08 are pleased to announce the formation of a Professional Corporation Moe & Walton, PC with offices at 5200 Willson Road, Suite 150, Edina, MN 1997 Caryn A. Boisen '97 has become a partner at Larson � King. She is an experienced business litigator and focuses her practice in the areas of construction, commercial and insurance litigation. Elizabeth Feyrer Bagley '97 was named a Wisconsin Rising Star 2008 by Super Lawyers Magazine. She is a partner at Flanner, Stack, Fahl & Bagley, LLP in Brookfield Wisconsin and her practice is exclusively family law. 1998 Kaarin K. Foede '98 has become an associate with the Waconia law firm of Melchert Hubert Sjodin, P.L.L.P. She is a member of the American 59 CLASS NOTES Alumni Golf Tourney: Another M Four Hamline Law School students--Brian Rochel, Amy Schwarz, Jada Lewis and Lyndsay Capeder--each received a $3,000 scholarship from the Alumni Association as part of this year's annual alumni golf tournament. In addition to raising money for these important student scholarships, the tournament was a delightful summer activity for all who participated. Hitting some balls and enjoying a perfect June day with alumni, faculty and staff was its own reward, but a few also picked up an award for their prowess on the green. It's not too soon to plan on attending next year's tournament, which is set for June 1, 2010. In the meantime, take a moment to savor scenes from this year's tournament at beautiful Prestwick Golf Course in Woodbury by clicking here. 2009 Winners: Brad Chad Tyler 60 Memorable Occasion on the Green Winners of the 2009 Annual Alumni Golf Tournament: FIRS PLACE O ERAL FIRST PLACE OVERALL -- RST ALL Just Sou hwell 06, Brad Man `06, Justin Southwell `06, Brad Mann `06, stin u l ann Jaso Pete `06 Chad Tyl Jason Peters `06, Chad Tyler o ters 06, yler FIRS PLAC FIRST PLACE WOMEN -- IR AC OME Nanc Liss '1L; Jessica Sto ckman '1L Nancy Liss, '1L; Jessica Stoeckman, '1L ncy ss, essi toec an, FIRS PLAC C -E FIRST PLACE CO-ED -- RST ACE -ED Karl Yeager `86, Kat Mel nd `86, Karl Yeager `86, Katie Melander `86, eage atie elan 6 Shan Barn Shane Barnes `05, Joe Crosby `86 ane n 05, o Cros `86 osby SECON SECOND PLAC SECOND PLACE OVERALL -- A V RALL LL Fran Madd `77 Frank Madden `77, Ed Butterfoss, Professor of Law, ank dden 77, utt rfos Profess of Law, terf te oss, rofessor J.P Gat `07 Mark rues e `77 J.P. Gatto `07, Mark Gruesner `77 P. atto 07, esne TH R THIRD PLACE OVERALL -- LAC ACE VE ALL Chri Messerly `86 Juli Chris Messerly `86, Julius Nolen `86, Greg Kulka ris sser 86, l ole `86 G en 86, Kul ulka H GHES SCOR TEAM HIGHEST SCORE TEAM -- S O M Shelle Harker, Law Staf Deb Lange, Law Staf S elley Harker, Law Staff; Deb Lange, Law Staff; ley rker aff; ange aff; Robi ngli, Law taff Robin Ingli, Law Staff; Michelle Kruse bin i, ff; ichel elle u e CLOSEST CLOSEST TO THE LINE -- LOSES H N Jare Jare Kemper, Law Student Jared Kemper, Law Student mper uden M N'S CLOSE TO THE MEN'S CLOSEST TO THE PIN -- OSES E Crai Baumann `8 Craig Baumann `86 a uman `86 n WOMEN'S CLOSE WOMEN'S CLOSEST TO THE PIN -- MEN' S O THE PIN H Shel e Harker, a Staf Shelley Harker, Law Staff elle k aff M N MEN'S LONGEST DRIVE -- ONGEST DRIV IV Dan Prokot `01 Dan Prokott `01 okot ott WOMEN'S LONGEST DR VE -- OM N'S L GE DRIV Kell L rm `06 Kelly Larmon `06 l MEN' LONGEST P T MEN'S LONGEST PUTT -- N NGES Jerr Jerrod Montoya, Law Student rrod on oy Law Student uden WOM N'S LONGEST PUTT WOMEN'S LONGEST PUTT -- NGES Kell Larm `06 Kelly Larmon `06 lly rmon 0 61 Mann `06, Justin Southwell `06, r, and Jason Peters `06 CLASS NOTES Bar Association, Minnesota State Bar Association, Eighth District Bar Association, American Agricultural Law Association and Minnesota Women Lawyers. Stephanie A. Miller '98 has been appointed Human Resources Director at Metropolitan State University. She is a member of the president's senior leadership team, and is also a member of the vice president for administration and finance's leadership team. In her new position, she will assume responsibility for all human resources policies and practices. marital dissolution, child custody, child support and spousal maintenance, paternity cases, property divisions, settlement negotiations, premarital agreements, litigation and appeals. She also has consecutively been named a Rising Star by Minnesota Law & Politics magazine since 2002, is the current Co-Chair of the Executive Committee for the Hennepin County Bar Association Family Law Section, and serves as Co-President for the Loan Repayment Assistance Program of Minnesota. Rob A. Stefonowicz '99 has been elected as a shareholder of Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. He focuses his practice in real estate litigation and construction litigation, representing developers, contractors, and property owners in condemnation, property tax and special assessment matters. He has been named a Rising Star since 2005 by Minnesota Law & Politics magazine. He is a member of the American Bar Association Construction and Litigations Forums and is licensed to practice in Minnesota and North Dakota. Dule Vicovac '99 has left the United Nations to take up a position with the Danish Refugee Council in Serbia as Senior Legal Advisor in the "Legal Assistance Programme to the Institutions of the Government of Serbia dealing with Refugees and IDPs," funded by the European Union. 1999 Angela Beranek Brandt '99, a partner with Larson King in St. Paul, was recently elected to membership in the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel. FDCC membership is limited and selective. Its membership is composed of recognized leaders in the legal community who have achieved professional distinction. She also has been elected to serve a three-year term on the Ramsey County Bar Association's Board of Directors. Earlier this year she and her husband Davin Brandt welcomed twin boys, Luke and Leo, on February 3, 2009. The twins join 3-year-old brother John. Christina (Garner) Hensler '99 and Jon (CLA '99) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Ava Marie, who was born on July 14, 2009. They are very happy and blessed to have her in their lives. Joy Isler DiMucci '99 of Plymouth, passed away unexpectedly on Sept. 13, 2008 at the age of 50. As a dedicated and passionate social worker and attorney, she was a role model, mentor and friend to those whose lives were touched with her strong presence. Joani C. Moberg '99 has been elected as a shareholder of Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. She currently practices family law and handles a variety of legal matters relating to 62 2000 Sally Ackerman '00 and her husband George announce the birth of their daughter, Sophie, on October 15, 2008. She was 7lbs 11oz and 19� inches long. Todd J. Anlauf '00 was elected to serve a 3 year term on the Board of Directors of the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce. He is a partner in the Commercial Practice Group at Oppenheimer, Wolff & Donnelly, LLP practicing in the areas of commercial real estate finance and commercial real estate transactions. Candice (Roark) Ciresi '00 was recently elected by the Corporate Counsel Association's Board of Directors to serve as a Director of the Corporate Counsel Association (CCA) and has also been invited to serve on the Executive Leadership Team for the Go Red For Women, a national movement founded by the American Heart Association to help fight the No. 1 killer of American women. Michael Collyard '00 has been named partner in the Minneapolis office of the national law firm of Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P. His practice focuses on intellectual property litigation and business litigation. Debra A. Filteau Begley '00 and Bruce Begley were married on May 26, 2007 in Duluth, Minnesota. Bruce is a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy and is currently stationed at the Navy Yard in Washington D.C. In July Debra started working as a trial attorney for the United States Department of Justice Civil Division, Office of Vaccine Litigation in Washington D.C. Her and her husband live in Springfield, Virginia. Kimberly G. Behm '00 has joined Champion Law, LLC. She focuses her practice on personal injury. Kermit Nash '00 has joined the Minneapolis office of Gray Plant Mooty as a principal. He will practice in the firm's entrepreneurial services group, focusing in energy law, agribusiness, and mergers and acquisitions. Suzanne Senecal-Hill '00, an appellate attorney at the Minnesota State Public Defender's Office, argued a first-degree murder case in front of the Minnesota Supreme Court in September 2007 when the court was at Hamline University School of Law. The United States Supreme Court granted her petition for a writ of certiorari in State v. Moua Her and remanded the case back to the Minnesota Supreme Court for further review. 2001 May C. Lee '01 moved back to Minnesota from Maryland in August 2008 and joined FairMarket Life Settlements Corp. as Associate General Counsel. Theresa Pomahatch Neo '01 works for Indian Legal Assistance Program in Duluth, Minnesota. It is a public defense corporation that provides criminal and civil legal services to low income clients. Also working there are Dori Smith '07, Jennifer Barry '07 and Christopher Sailors '07. Dana Reicks '01 passed away at his home on September 18, 2008 at age 36 from colon cancer. He enjoyed discussing and reading about history and politics. He traveled extensively, was an avid Cyclone Fan, and possessed a unique sense of humor. His greatest pleasure was spending time with family and friends. He will be remembered for his warm-hearted personality and positive outlook on life. Dana was an inspiration to all the people whose lives he touched. Karin Simonson '01 and her husband Brian welcome the birth of their second child, daughter Alicia. Bryant D. Tchida '01 has been elected as a shareholder at Leonard, Street and Deinard. He currently focuses his practice in complex business and class action litigation. Kelly M. Wagner '01 has joined the firm of Baudler, Baudler, Maus and Blahnik, LLP, as an associate. She will focus her practice in probate, estates and trusts, real estate and municipal law. 2002 Erika Anderson '02 and her husband, Eric Klawiter, welcomed a baby girl named Liv Isabel on May 11, 2009. Erika is a partner at the firm of Dowd Bennett, LLP in St. Louis, MO. 63 CLASS NOTES John Dexter '02 has been accepted into the Army JAG Corp and will be starting this October. Jamal Faleel '02 was recently elected as a new shareholder in Fredrikson & Byron's Litigation Group. His practice focuses on assisting clients in a wide range of complex business disputes, including contract matters, business torts, employment litigation, shareholder matters, and medical practices litigation. He has a special interest in international commercial contract disputes and antitrust litigation. Jonathan M. Fritz '02 was recently elected as President-Elect of the Wisconsin Intellectual Property Law Association and to the Madison Symphony Orchestra's Board of Directors. He currently focuses his practice on intellectual property law in the Madison, WI office of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C. Kevin M. Mosher '02 has been named the newest shareholder of Wessels Sherman Law Firm. He practices employment and workplace immigration law in the firm's Minneapolis office. Mary Rose Orcutt '02 and husband Rob Orcutt '02 announce the birth of their son, William Geimer Orcutt, born on January 9, 2009. The family currently lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Rob is an attorney for the Oneida Tribe and Mary is in private practice focusing in elder law. Jamie (Sandler) Sather '02 has joined the legal department of Eden Prairie based Kroll Ontrack Inc. She will be primarily responsible for negotiating contracts on behalf of Kroll Ontrack. Bob Tess '02 has recently been elected to serve a three-year term on the Arthritis Foundation's Board of Directors. He is currently an attorney with O'Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong, S.C. and is a member of the Planning Commission of the Village of West Milwaukee where he lives with his wife Kristen and their two sons. Tifanne E. E. Wolter '02 has joined the St. Paul based family law firm of Butler, Huson & Allen, P.A. 64 2003 Stephanie Haedt '03 has recently been named one of the Up and Coming Attorneys by Minnesota Lawyer. She is currently a shareholder at Peterson, Savelkoul & Benda Ltd. where she advises clients on employment and business decisions, including personnel issues and revising employee handbooks and policies. She also practices in the areas of family law and civil litigation, and currently serves on the Human Rights Commission in Austin while volunteering as an attorney for Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services. Charlene K. Quade '03 was admitted to the Minnesota Bar in 2003. She went on to apply, test, and be admitted to the Idaho Bar in September of 2004. In June of 2004, she moved with her daughters to Idaho to work as an Associate and Of Counsel in the Law Offices of Richard Cummings in Boise, Idaho. In December 2006, she established C.K. Quade Law, LLC. Her practice includes: special education law, elder law, estate planning, special needs trusts, and guardianship and conservatorship. A founding board member, she continues as a member of the Idaho Guardianship and Fiduciary Association, and serves as a board member of the Trust Estate Professionals of Idaho. In December of 2007, she moved from solo practice and engaged an associate to include advocacy in the area of elder law. In May of 2008, honored to be asked, she submitted her resume and agreed to serve on then Senator, and now President-Elect, Obama's National Disability Committee. Jonathan Trexler '03 has been named a candidate for LL.M. in Taxation at New York University School of Law. 2004 Katy Bowen McCampbell '04 passed away on Friday, August 14, 2009 in Baltimore, MD from complications following surgery. She practiced law at Ross, Earle and Bonan, P.A. in Stuart, FL, was a member of the Florida Bar and the Martin County Bar Association, and was an active member of the Junior League. She was an avid reader, and enjoyed tennis, Pilates, traveling, and fine wine. Nicole (Strand) Bangasser '04 was married to Mike Bangasser on October 4, 2008 in Minnetonka, Minnesota. She currently works for Wells Fargo & Company in their Corporate Finance--Enterprise Contracts Group. Charles E. Cheney '04 died September 12, 2009. Toward the end of his career, Chuck took up the practice of law, obtaining his law degree at the age of 61. He did most of his work pro bono, tirelessly helping friends, family, and very often near strangers in difficult situations calling for the commitment and expertise he brought to his entire professional life. Chuck's family and many friends sadly bid farewell to a truly exceptional man. Sarah Dunn Rohne '04 is serving as the New Lawyers Section Chair on the 2009�2010 Executive Committee of the Hennepin County Bar Association. Jennifer (Natzke) Gaecke '04 and husband Jeffrey Gaecke are excited to announce the birth of their first child, Alexander Jeffrey Gaecke born June 12, 2008. Megan Kraby '04 and her husband, Brian, welcomed their third child, a boy, Logan Nicholas Kraby, born October 4th, 2008. Logan joins sister Lauren, 3, and brother Joshua, 1�. Heidi Nau '04 became a member of the State Bar of California in 2007. She currently works at Haight, Brown & Bonesteel, LLP in Los Angeles, CA. Phillip Quintana '04 and his wife, Adrienne Quintana, recently welcomed a new addition to their family: Eve Gabrielle Quintana, born May 24, 2009. Eve joins older siblings Jake (7), Marina (4), and Vivienne (2). Sarah (Frisque) Schmitz '04 and her husband announce the birth of their new daughter, Jillian Ruby Schmitz. Jillian arrived on April 8, 2009 at 11:13 a.m., weighing in at 7lbs, 2oz and 20 inches long. All is well with mom, baby, and dad. 2005 Christine A. Bosquez '05 passed away on March 5, 2009 at age 44. She was a loving wife, mother of four, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. Heaven has a new pitcher for their softball team! Jennifer M. Gibson '05 has been elected to Officer status at Cousineau McGuire Chartered. She devotes her practice solely to defending employers and insurers in workers' compensation matters. Jessica Intermill '05 has joined the law firm of Jacobson Buffalo Magnuson Anderson and Hogen. She represents Indian tribes, tribal members, and businesses in litigation regarding sovereignty, taxation, reservation boundaries, and tribal jurisdiction. Daniel M. Key '05 has established The Key Law Firm, LLC in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. The firm focuses on medical malpractice, product liability, and criminal defense litigation. www. thekeylawfirm.com. Elizabeth Lambrecht '05 has joined the firm of Parker & Wenner in Minneapolis as an associate. She represents small business clients in corporate formation and risk management and commercial litigation. John W. Sadowski '05 and his wife Sherry had their second child in September; a beautiful baby girl named Willow. They have one son, Jonah, who is now two. John is a public defender in Ramsey County and Sherry is an ER nurse at Hennepin County Medical Center. Kristy A. Saum '05 has joined the firm Messerli & Kramer P.A.'s Business Litigation Group. She 65 CLASS NOTES focuses her practice on general litigation. Her experience includes real estate matters involving construction defect claims. Jasper Schneider '05 has been chosen by the White House as the new State Director of USDA Rural Development in North Dakota. He currently serves in the North Dakota House of Representatives and represents District 21. In addition, he is a member of Senator Conrad's Fargo staff where he serves as legislative counsel, responsible for legal research and analysis on health care reform, the flooding response, and other issues. Jeremy Westendorf '05 and his wife announce the birth of their new son, Jason, born November 11, 2008. He currently practices personal injury in Waterloo, Iowa. nation, retaliation, and sexual harassment claims. Reginald W. Bowerman '06 has been appointed to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of DiaMedica Inc., a drug discovery and clinical development company focused on novel treatments for type 2 diabetes. Michael S. Gaarder '06 joined the St. Cloud law firm of Pennington, Lies & Cherne, P.A. in September 2007 after completing judicial clerkships with Judge Fred Casey and Judge Richard Zimmerman in Crow Wing County. He is currently practicing in family law, criminal defense, personal injury, employment law, and civil rights/police misconduct. Brian Gryth '06 and Stacie announce the birth of their daughter, Lydia Armstrong Gryth, born July 31, 2008 at 11:27 a.m. She weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20� inches long. Patty Houser '06 and Jess Houser welcomed their new daughter, Avery Nicole Houser, on June 16, 2009 at 1:58 p.m. Avery is 7 pounds 6 ounces and 19.25 inches. Kathryn Lammers '06 recently joined the law firm of Germscheid, Heimerl & Lammers, with locations in Maplewood and Edina. She will focus her practice in general civil litigation and family law. Melisa Lopez Franzen '06 was appointed as the Hispanic National Bar Association's National Representative to the Young Lawyer Division of the American Bar Association. She is also the Senior Specialist for Government Affairs with Target Corporation, President-Elect of the MHBA, and recent recipient of the 25 on the Rise award from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota. Margaret P. Moss PhD, JD, RN '06 is currently in residence in Washington DC as a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow, the only one ever from Hamline. http://healthpolicyfellows.org/ profiles_currentfellows.php. She will be placed in 2006 Heidi Andres '06 has been serving as a Trial Counsel on active duty in the U.S. Army Jag Corps for the past two and a half years. She will be deploying to Iraq for one year with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, where she will be practicing international and operational law and military justice. Jill K. Baker-Jueneman '06 has been in private practice at the law firm of Blethen, Gage & Krause in Mankato since graduation, where she practices primarily in the areas of corporate law, real estate, and employment. She also recently accepted an adjunct teaching position in the College of Business at Minnesota State University Mankato where she will be teaching business law. She is still enjoying running and bicycling and participated in her first triathlon this summer! Megan Brennan '06 has joined the firm Nichols Kaster, PLLP as an associate attorney. She will represent employees on a variety of employment issues including multi-plaintiff class and collective actions involving overtime and minimum wage violations, and individual employment discrimi66 a Congressional Office or Committee following her orientation for the 111th Congress. She will also be inducted as a Fellow into the American Academy of Nursing at their November Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ. Sara Nachtman '06 was recently hired as an associate attorney by the Duluth law firm of Reyelts & Bateman. Gail R. Prock '06 was recently honored as a Cabot Executive during the closing keynote lecture of the 25th Anniversary of the Arthur R. Cabot Executive Residency at UW-Stout in Menomonie, Wisconsin. After graduating from Hamline, she began a family business, Pine Harbor Holding Co., with her husband to manufacture and sell the ShadowShield, a portable and lightweight shield that her husband developed to use for hunting and stalking game. Noel C. Stahle '06 was appointed Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies at William Penn University, in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Ryan P. Thompson '06 recently joined the firm Silton Seifert Carlson, S.C. The firm focuses on business law and his practice will still primarily focus on employment law, and maybe a bit more business litigation as well. Amy Hunt Tjornhom `06 and her husband, Tad Tjornhom, are excited to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Ava Ruth Tjornhom. She was born on March 7, 2008. Dustin Bower '07 was recently featured in an article in Minnesota Lawyer magazine about opening up his own law office in Bloomington. His practice focuses on transactional business matters and bankruptcy. He was also recently a volunteer foreclosure attorney at the 2009 SMRLS Senior Law Fair, a panelist on "Careers in the Law" at the 2009 Legal Expo, and a presenter on "The 21st Century Law Office" at the Inver Hills Community College Student Success Day. Meghan (Gaspar) Goldammer '07 has joined Sanford Health based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Sanford Health is an integrated health care delivery system that serves the five-state region of South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota. She will focus her practice in health care policy. Nathan Hansen '07 is a judicial law clerk on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals with Judge Terrence O'Brien who is chambered in Cheyenne, WY. Tricia M. Niebuhr '07 has joined the New Ulm law firm of Berens, Rodenberg & O'Connor as an associate. Prior to joining the firm, she served as law clerk for the Honorable Terri J. Stoneburner, judge for the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Annie Paruccini '07 currently Director of Board and Commission Appointments, will be moving to the State Federal Affairs office in Washington, D.C. to become director of that office effective July 1, 2009. Kristy A. Saum '07 has recently joined the firm Messerli & Kramer, PA in their business and litigation group. Chad A. Staul '07 has joined the law firm of Wessels Sherman as an associate attorney practicing out of their Minneapolis office. He will focus on employment related litigation and counseling business clients. 2007 Thomas L. Borgen '07 and his wife welcomed the birth of their new daughter, Elizabeth. He was also recently hired as a new associate attorney at Nierengarten and Hippert, Ltd. in New Ulm, Minnesota, where his family now resides. Lindsay Brice '07 just accepted a job with the Rochester City Attorney's Office. She will start as their newest Assistant City Attorney in early May. 67 CLASS NOTES Sonny Zhan '07 has recently joined Welch Allyn, Inc., located in New York, as an in-house patent counsel. currently applying for admission on motion to the Minnesota bar as well. Charles Schwartz '08 wrote an article, "Thy Will Not Be Done: Why States Should Amend Their Probate Codes to Allow an Intestate Share for Unmarried Homosexual Couples", which was published in the Spring 2008 issue of the Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal. Dena M. Sonbol '08 has recently joined Leonard, Street and Deinard as a practicing attorney. She focuses her practice on commercial real estate. John B. Sprenzel '08 has joined the law firm of McCartyWinkler LLP, an Illinois law firm with offices in Chicago and Schaumburg, as an associate attorney. His practice areas include general business planning, commercial and residential real estate, real estate tax appeals, and general estate planning. Amy E. Thompson '08 has joined the firm Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. where she specializes in insurance defense and litigation. Joshua Townsend Sr. '08 has been admitted to the Idaho Bar and is currently an associate of Blackburn Law P.C. in Meridian, Idaho. His focus is on Family Law and Criminal Defense. 2008 Joshua A. Dorothy `08 recently completed a clerkship with Judges Jill Flaskamp Halbrooks and Louise Dovre Bjorkman of the Minnesota Court of Appeals and is now an associate attorney with Gregerson, Rosow, Johnson & Nilan, Ltd. in Minneapolis. Kate Hannaher '08 has accepted a position as a law clerk to Hennepin County District Court Judge Tony Leung. She will be working out of the Juvenile Justice Center in downtown Minneapolis. Laura M. Johnson '08 was recently hired by Olson & Price, Ltd. as and associate attorney. She works directly with contractors to document their claims and to promptly and cooperatively contract disputes. Kelly M. Klun '08 has joined Klun Law Firm, P.A. Since 1979, Klun Law Firm has represented individuals, governments, and businesses on the Iron Range and across Minnesota. She will practice primarily in the areas of estate planning, family law, business law, real estate, and municipal law. Joshua Larson '08 recently completed a clerkship with Judge David Minge at the Minnesota Court of Appeals and is now a prosecutor in the Hennepin County Attorney's Office. Brad Pederson '08 has joined the firm Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, LLP in the business and securities practice group. Callie Schmitt '08 passed the Iowa bar and is currently working at Reynolds & Kenline, L.L.P. in Dubuque, IA. It is a general practice firm and she came on as the 8th attorney in the firm. She is 2009 Michael Goodwin '09 begins a new job at Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services (SMRLS) this fall as an americorps attorney with Lilian Ejebe, a HUSL adjunct professor in the education law clinic. If you have career or personal news to share with the Hamline Law community, please feel free to drop us a note at email@example.com Published by the Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Marketing & Communications 651-523-2943 www.hamline.edu/law email: firstname.lastname@example.org 68 Last-minute "no shows" at your sponsored table? Unleash a Hamline Chowhound! Contact Stachia Ullmann at Hamline University School of Law and she will supply some well-mannered Hamline "chowhounds," (i.e., law students) to fill those seats. 651-523-2734 email@example.com 69
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Format: Print Length Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 6.96 MB Downloadable formats: PDF Publisher: Sema Institute (August 9, 2013) The Dwellers on the Nile Chapters on the Life, History, Religion and Literature of the Ancient Egyptians. With 11 Plates and 38 Illustrations in the Text The History of Egypt: From the Earliest Times Till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640, Volume 1 Portrait Mummies from Roman Egypt ( I-IV centuries A.D.) with a catalogue of Portrait Mummies in Egyptian Museums (Oriental Institute Communications,) Gotter bewohnten Agypten Temples Tombs & Hieroglyphs Women of Jeme: Lives in a Coptic Town in Late Antique Egypt (New Texts from Ancient Cultures) Click here to print Artifact Analysis chart. 4. Write a paper describing the economic, social and political life of the civilization and evaluating whether or not the artifact supports the interpretation you have read. Click here for a graphic organizer to help you write your paper Lake of Knives and the Lake of Fire BAR IS2144 (Bar S) Lake of Knives and the Lake of Fire BAR. But it's not a modern city - it's in the center of ancient civilization on the Nile , e.g. The Life And Times Of Joseph: In The Light Of Egyptian Lore http://expertgaragedoorportland.com/books/the-life-and-times-of-joseph-in-the-light-of-egyptian-lore! Only in the past 9,000 to 10,000 years have humans discovered how to raise crops and tame animals. Such changes probably first took place in the hills to the north of present-day Iraq and Syria. The first successful efforts to control the flow of water were made in Mesopotamia and Egypt, where the remains of the prehistoric irrigation works still exist Tutankhamun: His Tomb and Its read online read online. When this happens, floods cover the river's valleys, leaving sediments needed for trees, plants and crops to grow. Egypt is often divided into two sections - Upper Egypt in the south and Lower Egypt in the north , cited: Jewish Women Philosophers of First-Century Alexandria: Philo's 'Therapeutae' Reconsidered http://amaniashawn.com/library/jewish-women-philosophers-of-first-century-alexandria-philos-therapeutae-reconsidered. There may have been new rulers, but the gods were eternal. The names of the gods changed, however, as did the emphasis of religion. For example, Nanna was the Sumerian god of the moon. In Akkadian, the language of Sargon and his people, Nanna was called Sin or Suen. Inanna, mistress of heaven, became Ishtar in Akkadian pdf. The number 2 in the world has only 250.000) Greece is the founder of Western civilization and also the most influential one, they invented so many things its impossible to write them in a paragraph. Romans copied everything from the Greeks the Romans were deeply enamoured with Greek culture they regarded Greece as the mother of all knowledge, they adopted their religion, architecture, philosophies even the rich aristocrats hired Greek teachers for their kids A lot of Ancient Greek influence can be found all over the world epub. Just trying to figure out some things that I missed in school... I continue to read extensively on all sides of the debate and there are still aspects about the contemporary interpretation of ancient Egyptian/African history that are puzzling to me. For instance, I am intrigued by the people who seem to devote significant time and energy trying to make sure that ancient Egyptians are viewed as anything BUT black. .. , e.g. Lincoln's Inn its Ancient and download for free http://xn--fiqx1l37gwsne2a713h612b.com/?ebooks/lincolns-inn-its-ancient-and-modern-buildings-with-an-account-of-the-library. 7. The power and strength of Egypt proved to be their own downfall as the Egyptians became prideful and arrogant The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti: Amarna and Its People (New Aspects of Antiquity) The City of Akhenaten and Nefertiti:. And there is ample evidence of their literacy. Yet there is not one single entry: describing any of the people of their times, whether it be friends, foes, or invaders: or even more incredulously, there is not one single entry describing invading Whites in any of their literature , e.g. The Brooklyn Museum Annual X: Reports and Articles 1968-1969 download pdf. Art history can be integrated into any history or social studies curriculum easily. For teachers looking to do a broad study of the history of art, creating a visual timeline is a logical first step The Primeval Flood Catastrophe: Origins and Early Development in Mesopotamian Traditions (Oxford Oriental Monographs) read epub. The Spirit of the Border Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, Tradition. Wroclaw/Breslau, 18./19. Nov. 2011 (Philippika: Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlingen / Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures) The Rape of the Nile, Tomb Robbers, Tourists and Archaeologists in Egypt The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Volume 13 The Rescue of Jerusalem : The Alliance Between Hebrews and Africans in 701 B. C. The Story of the Church of Egypt: Being; An Outline of the History of the Egyptians Under Their; From the Roman Conquest Until Now, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) A Brief History of Cleopatra (Brief History (Running Press)) Egyptian Scriptures Interpreted through the Language of Symbolism Present in all Inspired Writings Ancient Egyptian Scribes: A Cultural Exploration (Bloomsbury Egyptology) An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt Gordon At Khartoum Lexikon der Aegyptologie. Volumes 1-7 The Crescent and the Cross; Or, Romance and Realities of Eastern Travel.
{ "date": "2017-08-23T23:18:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886124662.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823225412-20170824005412-00251.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.888671875, "token_count": 1327, "url": "http://www.cauldronsandcrockpots.com/books/ancient-egyptian-origins-of-hatha-yoga" }
There was (and I assume still is) a large section of 13th Avenue Brooklyn in Boro Park that was strictly observant Jewish. There were banks that were closed on Saturday and open on Sunday. There were stores that were closed on Saturday and open on Sunday before the consumerism of American forced almost all stores to be open 7 days a week. The Post Office (11219) was even open on Sunday. (I just checked and Blythebourne Station 11219 still has Sunday retail hours - as well as Saturday hours.) Yes, it was a little weird to have the school buses from the Jewish Private Schools picking up kids on the usual holidays including Christmas. Which brings us to the point of this story. It was possible to buy things on Christmas (of course if Christmas was on a Friday, things would close at sundown and if it was on a Saturday you would need to wait until after sundown). There was at least one year when we ran out to get a last minute gift for someone or their kids who was coming over on short notice. Boston really disappoints me in this. There is a Kosher bakery (Blacker Brothers) a couple of blocks from me on Comm Ave. in Newton Centre. I'm used to them being closed on Saturday. They would never bother to reopen after sundown on Saturday. But they are nominally open on Sundays. I went out yesterday (Sunday) to get a Kosher (parve) dessert. And found ... they are closed for the Christmas holiday from Sat 12/22 through Tuesday 12/25. WTF? Of course Rosenfeld Bagels seems to be embracing the holiday in the other direction. They are normally only open Wednesday to Sunday (not being observant of the Sabbath), This week and next they are open on Tuesday mornings (Christmas and New Years). Yesterday morning they were pretty much decimated of everything except plan bagels. I hope tomorrow will be better.
{ "date": "2018-08-20T12:31:15Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221216453.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820121228-20180820141228-00251.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9880391955375671, "token_count": 396, "url": "https://paradoox.livejournal.com/611636.html" }
Portland, we've got a bone to pick with you. Yeah, we're talking to you, buddy. None of this passive-aggressive "who, me?" conflict-dodging. Let's be honest: You're mad at us, and we're mad at you. The other day, one of our editors was talking to a newcomer—freshly arrived in Portland from California. What did she think of our fair city? "Everybody is angry," she replied. "Portland isn't weird. Portland is mad." That's indisputable. Maybe it's Twitter pumping outrage into our brain stems. Maybe it's the Proud Boys heading into the streets each month looking for a fight with Antifa. Or maybe we just never got over all the forest-fire smoke. But this city has its teeth set on edge. The mood is as foul as we can remember. Seems like we could all use a kvetch. In 1999, WW introduced Kvetch Fest, our seasonal airing of civic grievances. It's not a festival we annually observe; we pull it out of mothballs whenever we think Portland could use a bitch session and a good-natured chuckle at our own pettiness. This is the sixth occurrence—and, in a happy coincidence, the first to fall during Hanukkah. ("Kvetch," for those who don't know, is Yiddish for complaining. Don't even think about accusing us of cultural appropriation, you schmucks.) This year, we asked a few of our favorite regular writers to tell us what's annoying them. We asked a few civilians, too—you'll find the guest kvetches scattered throughout the following pages. You can join the chorus by writing to firstname.lastname@example.org. Let's clear the air. The Hash Brown Shortage It's easier to find hash oil than hash browns in this town. Portland prides itself on a beautiful brunch—or at least one pretty enough to post on Instagram—so maybe that's why every breakfast plate comes with an artfully arranged batch of roasted potatoes. Roasted potatoes are for dinner. Shredded hash browns are for sopping up runny eggs. Yes, they are a pain in the ass to cook and take up space on your griddle. But they are glorious. I know only one joint in Portland that consistently serves hash browns like you'll find at any decent Waffle House. I'm not telling you where it is. You can't have my hash browns. AARON MESH. What a racket. I don't mind an extra deposit to secure an apartment that will take my fluffy friend and her mild dander problem. That's basically insurance for the landlord, and I'll vacuum extra vigilantly to get it back. But pet rent is just a surcharge with a new, serious-sounding name, tacked on because landlords know people with pets are desperate and willing to pay. Adding 50 bucks each month or my feline has to go feral? That's basically blackmail. Next thing you know, some glass tower on the Central Eastside is going to start charging "child rent" for each kid. Actually, that's reasonable. Both cats and children pee everywhere—but children are louder. AARON MESH. NBA writer Dane Delgado put it best: "Real Blazers fans aren't worried because real Blazers fans are already dead inside." But let's be real: If the Portland Trail Blazers suddenly became a league-dominating juggernaut, most of y'all wouldn't know what to do with yourselves. A sense of myopic self-pity has ingrained itself so deeply into the fan base, I'm pretty sure the city would spend the championship parade waiting for the float carrying the team to fall into a sinkhole. Sure, plenty of bad shit has happened—destiny-altering injuries, failed draft picks, fourth-quarter collapses, Rudy Fernandez—but the fans who run to Twitter to performatively bemoan every loss as some kind of cosmic futility should remember that many franchises would kill to have just one championship, let alone several finals runs, a world-beating backcourt of Dame and CJ, and the right to put Rasheed Wallace on T-shirts and claim him as their own. MATTHEW SINGER. The Superfund Sham The Portland Harbor Superfund site is a tiresome fiction. In 2000, the feds designated the downtown bed of the Willamette River an environmental disaster and ordered the responsible parties to clean it up. Eighteen years have passed and, aside from some law firms and consultants who've made handsome livings running out the clock, nothing has happened. The pretense of regulation may be worse than no regulation at all. NIGEL JAQUISS. Streetcar Tracks in the Bike Lane Almost nothing annoys me when I'm on a bike. In fact, my ride to work is my outlet for obliterating the stresses of balancing work and family. Should some worry come to mind, I just pedal a little harder—at least until I hit the streetcar tracks of the Pearl District. They're a terror. There's research behind this complaint: Streetcar tracks have been fatal for cyclists across the country and, for decades, a major cause of accidents for Portland cyclists. One national study showed the left turn across tracks was the most dangerous—and so it is for me. The left turn out of the Pearl onto the Broadway Bridge across bumpy asphalt and streetcar tracks is the scourge of my commute. Go bye, streetcar! RACHEL MONAHAN. The Food Cart Exodus I hate the fact that food carts are disappearing in large numbers and the city seems to have no plan to preserve them. In Singapore, where real estate is a lot more expensive than in Portland (and the food is even better), the government long ago realized noodle chefs and satay men couldn't compete with investment banks for space. So they set aside large "hawker centers," where a universe of tiny food and drink vendors operate in the middle of the city. Let's get all those planners to do something useful for our stomachs. NIGEL JAQUISS. The "White Fragility" Billboard It's time we talk about this "Portland…Is Your White Fragility Showing?" billboard that popped up on Southeast Belmont Street and 26th Avenue last April. The billboard was mounted by an anonymous racial-justice group called Portland Equity in Action to bring attention the deaths of Larnell Bruce Jr., who was killed by white supremacists in Gresham, and Terrell Johnson, who was killed by police on Southeast Portland MAX tracks. According to PEA's website, the billboards were intended to "disrupt the rampant complacency in this city regarding issues of white supremacy." One problem: I didn't know that's what the campaign was about until I went home and Googled it. Reducing the deaths of Bruce and Johnson to "white fragility"—an academic term that describes how white people become sad when they learn about racism—isn't any better than explaining racism as "economic anxiety." Bruce didn't die of white fragility. He died because two pieces of shit didn't see his life as having any value. That seems pretty easy to put on a billboard. CRYSTAL CONTRERAS. Restroom Keys at Restaurants Nothing makes me lose my appetite faster than going to wash my hands before a meal and having to contend with a restroom key attached to a spoon—or a scuffed-up piece of wood, or half of a French press, or whatever cumbersome germ trap the manager decided to affix it to. And for what? To make sure everyone who uses your precious toilet purchased a pizza slice? I've worked in the service industry, and can say with certainty paying customers are no cleaner or more courteous than the general public. If making sure only people who pay can piss in your commode is your hill to die on, at least have a restroom code—four digits, max. The only thing worse than having to memorize a five-digit restroom code is the disgusting key. CRYSTAL CONTRERAS. There's Still No MAX Train to Vancouver It's madness. It takes, I dunno, like three days to drive home if you live anywhere north of downtown Portland, and that's because every resident of Vancouver is sitting alone in a car, listening to a Ducks football replay on the radio. The answer to the problem is staring us in the face: a MAX line to Vancouver. As a lifelong son of Clark County who doesn't drive, I have long been deeply annoyed by this absence. Of course, it goes without saying that my Clark County people are suspicious of taxes and of scruffy-looking people arriving via train, but they have to recognize the traffic situation is untenable, and an honest-to-God train line is an elegant solution that basically every other suburb in the Portland metro area has already done with no harmful side effects. It's getting so congested that some people have been talking about a ferry—a ferry, for pity's sake—connecting Vancouver and Portland. Like in a James Garner movie about riverboat gambling! This solution sounds like a colossal waste of time for commuters and a plainly absurd exercise in sending a boat chugging along for a distance of less than a mile. Just build a new bridge and put some train tracks on it! CORBIN SMITH. Silly Bicycle Helmets Grown adult human beings pedal around this town wearing helmets covered with stegosaurus plates, or rows of spikes, or devil horns. Do you really want to have your head crushed while wearing a helmet painted like a watermelon? Because I'm telling you now: If that's what you're wearing when your time comes, there will be jokes. How dare I be mean about bike safety? Cool it, pal—I feel the same about people who put those festive red noses and antlers on their cars. Imagine a witness being interviewed by the police and saying, in a somber tone, "That's correct, officer, the Rudolph car was trying to turn left across traffic when it got T-boned by the semi and burst into flames." CRYSTAL CONTRERAS. Every social media app is terrible and should be flung directly into the sea. But most of them feel like well-meaning experiments that just went awry. Mark Zuckerberg wasn't trying to destroy democracy, any more than Dr. Frankenstein wanted to freeze to death in the Arctic looking for a murderous corpse. Sometimes things just don't work out. But NextDoor? That's the one app that looks designed out of pure malice. And it feels particularly insidious in Portland. Why? In Portland, every third post is someone expressing fear for their life because someone poor breathed in their direction, and they are pretty sure they've been exposed to Spanish measles. You should just call the app "Oh no, I just saw a homeless person!" NextDoor is a cauldron of middle-class paranoia. If Portlanders had to pay a dollar every time they logged into NextDoor, we could build apartments for everyone. AARON MESH. Social media outrage directed at restaurants is one of Portland's most popular pastimes—and an all-you-can-eat buffet of embarrassment. Portlanders have gotten mad because cooks who aren't Mexican sold burritos, children beat up a piñata that looked like Trump at a restaurant opening, and Jewish restaurant owners didn't kick someone wearing a German air force T-shirt out of their establishment fast enough. Sometimes the anger is justified. But then again: This summer, people started protesting and harassing an Egyptian food cart because the owner had been arrested for attacking a customer after allegedly calling her a racial epithet. Except they protested the wrong food cart. They mixed up the names of two Egyptian food carts. This is a tremendous way to protest racism. What is it about Portland that makes restaurants such an easy target? I think it's mostly because this city is full of liberal white people who rely on social media clout for subsistence and feed themselves by yelling at other white people for being bigots. CRYSTAL CONTRERAS. Who could possibly give a shit that we have to share the road with e-scooters? Who looks at somebody experiencing joy and feels the urge to smash their ride? I don't care if scooters pile up on the sidewalks, or if riders aren't wearing helmets. I'm not 10 million years old and constipated, that's why. It's much more alarming to learn that in Portland during the four-month experiment with scooters, people lit them on fire, dropped them off buildings and threw them into the river. How little self-control must you have to feel a need to toss scooters into trees? It's making me suspicious of my fellow citizens. How many of you are one beer away from ripping apart my bicycle? CRYSTAL CONTRERAS. You Can't Smoke Weed at the Movies Being stoned at the movie theater: You like it, I like it, everyone likes it. The only problem is logistical: Staying properly lit for a two-hour, 30-minute Marvel movie is kind of hard! You could do edibles, but those candies are unreliable as hell. You're not trying to be straight for half of Ant-Man, then way too stoned for the second half. You could vape in the theater, but you're not a monster and, more importantly, you don't want to get caught. It's time for movie theaters to offer patios where you can step out halfway through a movie, take a fatty rip off a J, and step back inside the theater, where you can buy some popcorn and kick back with your good pal Rocket Raccoon. The fact that this isn't legal (editor's note: It definitely isn't legal) is just another reason Portland's progressive reputation is fake as hell. CORBIN SMITH. Knute Buehler's Goatee Now that the governor's race is over, I can finally say this: Nothing drove me so crazy this year as Republican nominee Knute Buehler and his ever-changing facial hair. Every time I turned on a Blazers game, there was Knute in some commercial, chatting with small-business owners about putting hobos in jail or something, and his goatee was in a different place. Sometimes it changed color and location from shot to shot. No continuity whatsoever. The GOP spent some $20 million and couldn't get him a consistent shave. It was like being asked to vote for an Etch-a-Sketch character. We would have a new governor if he'd just grown a nice beard like a normal person. AARON MESH. Bus Riders Who Don't Preload Their HOP Cards It drives me crazy when passengers get on the bus without loaded HOP cards, tap their cards on the scanner, get that little bwah-bwah noise, realize they forgot to load their cards earlier, say "Oh, sorry," stand near the entrance of the bus while everyone is trying to get on, add a measly $5 to their card, so they can find themselves in this pickle again at the soonest possible moment, retap the card while everyone waits for them, get a ding, and sheepishly thank the bus driver, as if this weren't the third time they've done this in the past week. Don't they know ample auto-load options are available on the website and the app? Are they really so hard up they can't just auto-deposit 10 bucks when they're running low? It drives me especially crazy because: I am the person who does this, all the time, more than anyone in the world, and I know my vile irresponsibility is driving everyone I meet to madness. It's me. I am the kvetch. CORBIN SMITH. Extra Kvetch! We asked some of our favorite Portlanders to share what ticks them off. They had a lot to unload: "The damn noise pollution caused by people moving from cities where honking is a thing. It's contagious and likely unstoppable." — Zia McCabe, Dandy Warhols "Portland is a city that can look at a huge amount of homeless people and think, 'I should build a dog hotel.'"— Corina Lucas, comedian "I hate when people say they're from Portland, but really they're from like Vancouver or Gresham or the westside. That's not Portland. Half a million people live out there. You can't just say you're from Portland, you're from Beaverton. It's a big enough city, be proud of it. And everybody smokes American Spirits, I hate that. I run out of cigarettes and I'm like, 'Hey, can I bum a cigarette?' And they hand me a crusty-ass American Spirit that takes 15 minutes to smoke." — Dee Casey, manager at Laundry PDX "My biggest P-town peeve is that there doesn't seem to be a height restriction on the ugly-ass, janky condos that seem to reproduce like genetically defective rabbits around here. Are these developers paying someone off? Do they have to be the cheapest, nastiest-looking ones?" — Courtney Taylor-Taylor, Dandy Warhols "I'm looking forward to the pothole-filling ninjas this winter. I spilled coffee on my lap yesterday after a bump on Albina and got a heart hard-on imagining the rogue hole-fillers after a good season of frozen street spoliation." — Matt Brown, Bunk Sandwiches "People in Portland love to be as uncomfortable as humanly possible. Every restaurant is the size of a fucking storage unit. And for some reason, we all have to sit together, at long, weird picnic tables, linking arms and trying like hell not to relax your legs too much, lest you suddenly make three-point contact with your neighbor. If there even are chairs, they're made out of recycled bicycle parts or oil drums or whatever else they found in the alley. If you're charging $17.98 for a hummus plate, you can afford individual tables. I've seen them shits at IKEA for 50 bucks apiece." — Becky Braunstein, comedian "Seriously, whose bright idea was it to have street names printed on only one side of our street signs? Was it a financial decision? Because I'd be happy to help raise money to finish the job. I can't tell you the number of almost-accidents I've witnessed stemming from indecisive drivers searching in haste for nonexistent street names." — The Unipiper "All my life, Portland has been talking about how important all-ages music is. Meanwhile, aside from some rare and short-lived exceptions to the rule, we've always decided to sell alcohol instead of having places for the next generation of music to cut their collective teeth alongside the last. Maybe it's a vast conspiracy against the kids by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. More likely, it's because Portlanders don't like music as much as we like drinking, and we won't admit it because we all want to seem smarter than that." — Bim Ditson, musician "Why are you outside jogging in the rain? Why are you jogging in 40-degree weather? Knock it off!" — Shain Brenden, comedian "Californians, we don't hate you for being Californians—we hate that you're acting like Californians. It's not enough that you're driving property values up to the point we can't afford rent, and traffic is insane at 1 pm, but I can bet at any gathering you'll point out the streets you pronounce incorrectly, giggle and say, 'I thought it was Wil-la-MEHT-tay!' If you're particularly boring, you'll ask if I've been 'keeping it weird.'" — Belinda Carroll, comedian and Portland Dyke March organizer "I hate how every bar and restaurant uses those old-timey vintage light bulbs—like the one place Portland isn't going to be progressive is when you'd like to see the $13 drink you ordered. We get it, the '20s were a fine decade. Move on." — Jake Silberman, comedian "I have a real problem with the woman in North Portland who hands out fliers on the dangers of climate change and encourages me to ride my bike to the grocery store—while also trying to organize unvaccinated child play groups and tells me I did my kids a disservice by getting them shots. I understand people picking and choosing their science when it comes to certain topics, but please get your kids vaccinated. Tussin can't cure pertussis, and your crystals can't either." — Leigh Feldman, event promoter "I often see drivers stop at an intersection with a two-way stop sign and they have the right away. For a few minutes, there is this interchange of 'you first' or 'no, please, after you' while cars on the entire intersection come to a complete stop—a waste of precious few minutes of travel time." — Zari Santner, former director of Portland Parks & Recreation
{ "date": "2019-08-17T14:50:55Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027313428.28/warc/CC-MAIN-20190817143039-20190817165039-00531.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9656004905700684, "token_count": 4419, "url": "https://www.wweek.com/culture/2018/11/27/nothing-feels-better-than-complaining-weve-got-gripes-about-scooter-vandals-food-carts-and-knute-buehlers-goatee/" }
I’m more working class now than ever I was. Just because I don’t drop my aitches all the time and spit on the floor while eating my lunch doesn’t mean I’m not working class. Everyone aspires to do a little better. That’s what being in the working class is all about: how to get out of it. — Neville Wran, 1982 NEVILLE WRAN is not so much a Balmain boy as a boy from Balmain. He lived there from his birth on 11 October 1926 – first in an 1891 terrace house still standing at 117 Darling Street, the main street, and later at 11 Nicholson Street, in a cottage rented from Harry West, a sailmaker. He can therefore claim to be part of that working-class Labor ethos which Balmain epitomised and which has been so much romanticised since. In fact there was nothing very romantic about Balmain in the 1920s and 1930s: it was a crowded, dockfront, industrial suburb at the back end of Sydney – a far cry from the desirable inner-city living estate agents now offer. Wran did not linger there. His mother Lillian, the driving force in the family, moved the Wrans to Lenore Street, Five Dock, just across the Iron Cove Bridge from Balmain, when Neville was ten. It was a better class of suburb. “The old lady was always trying to better herself, you know,” said Joe Wran, Neville’s brother and the oldest surviving member of the family. Neville Wran followed his own dictum and left the working class behind him. But he likes to recall his origins, which help his political image. Balmain is a suburb with a rich history and folklore: the first Labor Electoral League was formed there in the 1890s, giving it claim to the title of birthplace of the Labor Party. As well, it has nurtured such diverse figures as Billy Hughes, John Storey, “Doc” Evatt, and John Kerr. By contrast, Wran never talks of life in Five Dock, although he moved there at a young age. When he was premier, Michael Maher, the member for Drummoyne, suggested during a campaign visit by Wran that he be photographed by the local newspaper in front of the family home in Five Dock, which was part of Maher’s electorate. Wran refused. Yet Wran’s Balmain origins are part of him, however much he may have moved above and beyond them. In private, in the company of Labor colleagues, groups of working-class people and sometimes journalists, Wran does drop his aitches and spice his speech with the patois of the working class and the epithets you would expect of Balmain in the tough years of the 1930s. On Saturdays, Wran often buys fish at the Pyrmont markets, drives on to the plain semi-detached cottage with the concreted front yard in Campbell Street, Balmain where Joe has lived since 1929, and shares with him cooked fish and beer and political conversation. The two faces of Neville Wran – the street-smart boy from Balmain, rough and ruthless in running his cabinet and caucus; and the polite and polished public politician – were the secret of his political success, a success which, in terms of winning seats in elections, was rarely matched in Australian politics. Wran has some of the same qualities as Bob Hawke: he can look as much at home in the pub chatting with men in blue singlets as he can at a meeting of pinstriped captains of industry. As Murray Sayle, a journalist who has known him since his school days, put it, “He combines the respectability that Australians crave with the kind of engaging informality and friendliness which they like.” An accomplished actor, he is also a political chameleon. WRAN was the eighth and last child born to Joseph Wran and Lillian Langley Wran. He was, in the words of his brother Joe, “a real afterthought.” The children spanned twenty years. Marjorie, the eldest, was, according to Joe, the smartest of them all. “If she had had the opportunity, out of all of us she would have been prime minister,” Joe said. After her husband died in the 1950s, she travelled overseas and learnt Italian. When she came back, she said, “I’m not going to sit on my arse all the time,” and she became a nursing sister. Joe was the second oldest and was followed by Alec, who died at eighteen months of meningitis. Next came Beatrice, who worked as a receptionist, looked after her mother in old age and never married. Lillian, known as Ann, worked in Anthony Horderns, married Sydney Robyns, a businessman who made commercial films for advertising, and lived in one of Sydney’s best suburbs, Bellevue Hill. She was followed by Dorothy, a receptionist, who married Eric Woods, the wealthy owner of Christies nightclub, later to become Chequers. They lived in Vaucluse, on the eastern harbour peninsula and later in St Ives, in the northern suburbs. The brother nearest to Neville in age, Doug, was a welder who died in his late forties or early fifties. Joe, Ann, Dorothy and Neville were the surviving members of the family in 1986. Wran is particularly close to Joe but also maintains regular contact with his two sisters. His mother Lillian came from a working-class family at Waverley, in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Joseph’s family had been in Balmain for two generations: Neville’s great grandfather was a stonemason who sculpted the coat of arms on the Balmain Post Office. His grandfather carried on the trade, together with a Balmain tradition – heavy drinking. He lost a leg after falling off a horsedrawn cart. Wran’s father was, according to brother Joe, “a carefree man, very kind, very likeable.” In his younger years he worked as a seaman, travelling to America and Canada and later, perhaps as a concession to the growing family, between Newcastle and Sydney. His job was to shovel coal into baskets that were winched out of the ships to be sent ashore. On one occasion, the ship he was on was rammed and sunk by a bigger boat in Sydney Harbour. The crew was picked up by the Manly ferry and went to the pub to celebrate their survival. As Neville Wran told the story, “the inevitable happened: they all got drunk. They eventually got home about nine o’clock next morning and told the story to my mother, who just wouldn’t have a bar of it.” During the Depression, Wran’s father was often without work. He would walk from Balmain to the city and back – about ten kilometres – looking for a job. He worked as a cleaner at the Theatre Royal, then as a caretaker at Her Majesty’s – a job arranged by a brother who worked at J.C. Williamson. The free tickets his father brought home gave Neville his first contact with the stage. His mother was the dominant influence. Joe described her as “a remarkable woman, very clever, canny, a great organiser. She held the reins.” Neville Wran said of her: “My Mum was a stern lady. She had to be with all those kids and a husband who was a pretty lively sort of bloke. Our household was a really warm household – a lot of fun.” Despite the large family, the fact that Joe senior drifted in and out of jobs, and the Depression, they were never short of essentials. “My mother could always put her hands on a few bob,” said Joe. In Balmain, Wran went to Nicholson Street Public School, which produced mainly labourers and tradesmen and shopkeepers, and the occasional lawyer or member of the other professions. Neville Wran stood out because he was good at his schoolwork and so was thought of by some of his fellow pupils as “a bit of an egghead.” Fighting and football were not his strengths, and he was uncomfortable in the very physical environment at Nicholson Street school. “I could never fight but I had to fight every afternoon, out the back by the side of the school. You had to take your turn to have one. It was bloody awful. Sometimes you’d get a hiding.” His schoolmate Harry Leo, who later played first grade Rugby League, reached an agreement with Wran to teach him football in return for Wran teaching him to be a scholar. “After about a month, I said to him: ‘There’s a rough chance of me being a scholar but you’ve got no chance of being a footballer.’” Joe is the only one of the seven surviving children to stay in Balmain. He bore the brunt of the Great Depression, which blighted the prospects of a generation of young people, just as continuing high unemployment in the 1970s and the 1980s has robbed another generation, or at least part of it, of livelihoods and careers. Yet Joe, who ran a greengrocer’s business in Balmain, managed better than most. At one stage during the Depression, he was the only tenant who could still afford to pay the rent to his landlady. He married in 1929, moving in to the Campbell Street house, which he later bought and, to support himself, extended his round to Double Bay because “no one had a zac [sixpence] in Balmain.” Joe remembers Neville as being studious – “he would always do his homework” – and “cagey”: “Ask him anything and he would never know. He would always say: ‘Beg your pardon?’ One of the [Wran] girls was going with a chap who was supposed to be well-educated. He would try to trick Neville with questions and Neville would say: ‘I beg your pardon, I never caught what you said?’ He would be thinking all the time. He would never commit himself unless he knew it.” Neville Wran himself remembers Balmain as “a great place, a great society – a much smaller, more generous community probably than it is today. Everyone knew everyone else and people shared things when times were tough. If someone caught fish, everyone in the row of terraces would have fish that night. Because my brothers were pretty good fishermen, our standing was pretty high.” The Depression touched Wran only lightly. In 1930, he was four, whereas Joe was twenty-two. As the youngest in a family of eight, he had some privileges. “He was well looked after by the family because we were all doing all right,” said Joe. “He had a good way about him, Neville. He could bite you [for money] and do what he liked with you.” Wran said he was the only child at Nicholson Street in the early 1930s who had shoes, though photographs of the period suggest that is an exaggeration. Neville Wran’s next step in upward mobility came when he topped the year at Drummoyne High and won a scholarship to Fort Street Boys’ High School, a selective school with a reputation as the best state secondary institution in Sydney. It was there he spent the last two years of high school. Wran’s fellow pupils remember Fort Street as a school with a strong pride and spirit, where the school song was sung at assembly every day. Wran was gregarious and popular. In 1941, in fourth year, he won the Baxendale Special Prize for a lecture on a modern author and was first in history. On 25 April, he represented Fort Street at an Anzac Day commemorative service. But his academic performance was hardly spectacular. In the leaving certificate in 1942, he topped the year in modern history, gaining second-class honours. He received an A in English but only Bs in Latin, French and chemistry, as well as passing qualifying mathematics, a subject for matriculation purposes. He was placed equal eighteenth in the class of seventy. It was in acting and debating that he made his mark. The school journal, Fortian, of December 1941, said of the performance of the play Friends: “This Irish comedy of circumstances went over well, the fighting scenes particularly. Packer and Wran should apply at the Stadium for instant approval.” The Packer was Frank Packer, now a solicitor in Five Dock and no relation to the family of media and cricket fame. He recalls his role in the play as including sitting on Wran’s chest, holding his hair and making it seem as though he was knocking his head hard against the floor. “He didn’t feel a thing,” he said. The following year, Wran had a part in The Recoil, of which Fortian said: “Quite a triumph of atmosphere. The tragedy was handled very ably. Wran as the emotional character did an excellent job. The rest were also very good and the play was a real success.” Wran also excelled in debating. In 1942, he was the whip in the final of the Hurne–Barbour debating competition against Sydney High. As the last speaker for his side, the whip’s role is to attack the opposition. The subject was that “in the best interests of humanity, socialism must be used in the postwar reconstruction.” Fort Street, arguing the affirmative, lost. But as a result of his performance, Wran was chosen for the 2GB radio program Youth Speaks, hosted by John Dease. It was one of the most popular programs on radio at the time. The best high school debaters were chosen each week to speak live on a topic announced to them an hour before the beginning of the program. Wran’s contemporaries on the program included Eugene Kamenka, later professor of the history of ideas at the Australian National University, David and Phillip Wolfers, Adrian Roden, later a Supreme Court judge, Jill Crichton, diplomat, and Murray Sayle and George Munster, who would become noted journalists. Sayle recalled that the representation of Jewish refugee families on the program was strong. “They were pretty dazzling figures to us because their uncles were famous people and they actually spoke a language other than English. The arrival of these people in the Australian education system in the 1930s instantly upgraded the whole intellectual tone of the country.” Wran and Sayle managed to keep their ends up, though. The audience would decide by applause who had won. Sayle said Wran was a frequent winner. “Although he was not what you would call a very funny speaker, nor as formidable intellectually as Kamenka or the Wolfers brothers, nevertheless he always did a good job. His gift of the gab was already well-established.” Sayle doesn’t remember politics playing a large part in their discussions. I would have thought his opinions were those of that kind of liberalism that the Labor Party used to represent – being on the side of the underdog. He was not deeply interested in issues so much as the stylish and orderly presentation of whatever side he happened to be on. He was a technician. At organising his ideas and expressing himself, I have never met anyone who could match him. I would not have expected him then, nor expect him now, to make new departures as a political theorist. Wran was sixteen when he matriculated and, too young to start a law degree, he enrolled in arts at Sydney University with a Commonwealth scholarship to help support him. He was uncertain about his future. The war had been under way for three years and there were three more before it ended, by which time he was approaching nineteen. Wran did claim on one occasion that he wanted to join the air force “but the old man found out in the nick of time and stopped me.” The military age was eighteen, which Wran reached in October 1944. University students could apply for exemptions but they were easier to obtain in faculties such as medicine, engineering and science than in arts or law, where only the best students avoided service. Some of Wran’s contemporaries enlisted. Bill Fisher, a fellow-debater who was to work with Wran as a barrister and became president of the NSW Industrial Commission, joined the navy at seventeen and did not start law at Sydney University until the year Wran left in 1948. Acting was Wran’s first love and he considered it as a career. He did a season of Shakespeare at the Theatre Royal, losing the lead in The Tempest because the director did not think he was good enough. “The leading lady thought I was fine in the part but unfortunately hers wasn’t the final say,” Wran said. He played in radio soap operas, including The Croftons Are Coming, a family drama in which he took the part of the son. As a lawyer and a politician, Wran realised this frustrated ambition: one of his strengths as a barrister was jury cases and, as a parliamentary performer, he was without peer in Australia and turned Macquarie Street into some of the best theatre in Sydney. Judging by the reviews in the student newspaper Honi Soit and the official journal the Union Recorder, he tended towards over-enthusiasm as a member of the Sydney University Dramatic Society, known by its acronym SUDS. Of the presentation of Oedipus by W.B. Yeats (an adaptation of the classic drama), for example, J.S. Morrisby complained about the actors’ “overwhelming fear of the audience and artificial dramatics, particularly on the parts of Messrs Wran and Pollard.” In 1945, Wran appeared in the play No More Peace, by Ernst Toller. It was a satire about abolishing war, directed at the Nazis. Of his part as Cain, the review in the Union Recorder said Wran was more in character than some of the other actors but, “perhaps under the influence of his Hitlerian make-up, he flung himself into his part with rather too much intensity. He needs to learn the value of economy, even in a ranting role.” But it was the law to which Wran turned, enrolling at Sydney University in 1944. It was a more stable, prestigious and lucrative profession than acting. The course was part-time, for five years, with the custom being for the student to join a law firm and do his articles at the same time. Apart from the help he received from his family, Wran supported himself by selling insurance and working as a bookmaker’s runner for the Waterhouse family. He was friends with Bill Waterhouse, with whom he went through law school. Waterhouse, like Wran, had style and an attractive personality. He also had plenty of money, certainly by the standards of most university students, including Wran. It was at university that Wran also met the person who became his closest and oldest friend, Lionel Murphy. Murphy stood apart from his fellow law students: he had completed a science degree, which put him in a reserved occupation during the war. He worked in a chemical factory before starting a law degree, making him considerably older than most undergraduates – he is four years Wran’s senior. He was not handsome like Wran, nor an orator. But fellow-students admired him for his high intelligence and maturity. His contemporaries at university differ in their memories of Wran but they all agree that he was one of the sharpest dressers on the campus. According to Sayle, “he was by far the best looking of our group, by far the best dressed and, in worldly terms, I always thought by far the most ambitious. He was going to make his mark somewhere – that was the feeling you got.” Another fellow-student, Bruce Yuill, said Wran was “always fairly presentable. We never knew that he came from Balmain, put it that way.” Wran has always paid a great deal of attention to his appearance: he has had his teeth capped, for example, and is secretive about his age. He admitted in one interview: “I am tender about age. I regard age as a personal business. Next question.” He also was a diligent student: fellow-students often would find him bent over his law books at the Mitchell Library, not far from the university law school in Phillip Street. Eugene Kamenka, who with Sayle went on to university with Wran, remembers him as earnest: He was a fairly conventional person compared with most of the more radical students, who might be socially, culturally or sexually radical. He was not one of the undergraduates that I found very exciting. He wasn’t toying with ideas. He was serious about life. But then I was an Andersonian [disciple of Professor John Anderson, whose free thought, libertarian philosophy had a large student following] and we were very much an “in group.” Neville was what we thought of as a square, conventional student. WRAN came to university with little political background other than his working-class origins. His father was, in the words of brother Joe, “Labor-minded,” but he was not a member of the Labor Party; nor was he active in union affairs. His mother showed no particular interest in politics. At university, Wran had the choice of the Labour Club, which included communists, the ALP Club, which excluded them, the Free Thought Society, which was the Andersonian group, and the Liberal Club. He joined none of them in his first two years. But by 1945, the political elements were starting to stir in him. In May 1945, R.G. Menzies, then out of office and in the process of establishing the Liberal Party, addressed the inaugural meeting of the university’s Liberal Club. The political climate was one of change. The impending defeat of fascism triggered a spirited debate about the new world order. With the Soviet Union playing such a vital part in the Allied war effort and the experience of communism still fresh, socialism and communism had a strong appeal, particularly at the universities. There are numerous cases of politicians, barristers and judges who were communists in their youth in the 1940s. Menzies reflected the climate of the times when, in response to baiting from students about his alleged fascist sympathies, he said, “If ever I have to make the unfortunate choice between fascism and communism, I would choose communism.” But Wran, the “square, conventional” student, was not attracted to communism. It was another strand in Menzies’s arguments which appealed to him. Menzies spoke to the Liberal Club of “the dignified freedom of the individual citizen” and added: “All policies should be judged in the light of the progress of the individual.” The Union Recorder added the comments: “He was sure that they would easily detect the spurious and bombastic propaganda of the Communists, the intimidation implicit in their methods and would reject as ineffectual the dogmatism of the Labor Party, who, Mr Menzies maintained, upheld the capitalistic structure while hoping to exact their plunder from it.” While it is not known if Wran attended this meeting, he was sufficiently interested in the Liberal Club to be elected a member of its committee on 11 April the following year. It was the first time he was chosen for political office. Among those who joined him was Adrian Roden, a fellow-debater, who was to become a judge of the NSW Supreme Court. The president of the Club, Ted McWhinney, now a law professor in Canada, recalled that he had persuaded both Wran and Roden to join. McWhinney had replaced the founder of the Liberal Club, John Appleby, who had been a Liberal candidate for a state seat and died of cancer at a young age. John Butters, who became a general manager of the Australian Gas Light Company and was involved with the Liberal Club during the same period, described the Club as “a bit of a mixed bag.” He and others who came from faculties such as engineering saw the encouragement of individual initiative and free enterprise as the key issues. This group was generally in favour of affiliation with the Liberal Party. Wran’s interests were more those of the small “l” liberal and civil libertarian. “The Liberal Club covered the spectrum from social democracy to laissez-faire liberalism,” McWhinney said. “It was, in effect, a liberal philosophical club, without party affiliation. It was a way of opening the membership up more widely.” But if Wran had Labor sympathies, there were no signs of them. A week after his election to the committee of the Liberal Club, he participated in a Union Night debate on the proposal “that the return of the Labor Government is in the best interest of Australia.” Wran supported the case led by Ray Watson, the endorsed Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Werriwa, who subsequently became a Family Court judge. The Union Recorder reported: Mr Wran (No) stated the difficulty of determining “what is Right and what is Left.” “Most reasonable people,” he said, “are in complete accord as far as social benefits, and so on, are concerned.” The main objection to the Labor government was that it was “imbued with the spirit of bureaucracy.” Power bred corruption and absolute power bred absolute corruption. “The present government is approaching this latter ‘stage.’” Finally, the Labor Party had outlived its usefulness as far as the working classes were concerned, while the employee was using the strike, not for his real benefit but to undermine lawful government. Union Night debates came in two forms: those meant to entertain, in which speakers paraded their semantic skills, often by joking their way through topics; and serious debates on major issues, often with an outside speaker invited and participants generally expressing their own views. Wran’s comments were a striking, if partly coincidental, signpost to the future. This is not only for their irony, considering Wran forty years later was leading a government beset with allegations of corruption. As a Labor leader, Wran would later stand out, particularly in the early years of government, for his attitude towards the bureaucracy. His administration saw only a minimal increase in the size of the NSW Public Service and several years where the numbers actually fell. While this had a good deal to do with the financial strictures imposed on the states by the Fraser Coalition government in Canberra, even when times improved in the latter years Wran was much less ready to expand his bureaucracy than, say, was John Cain, his counterpart in Victoria. He did match Cain in a large expansion of the government’s capital works program but it was private industry, through the increase in government contracts, which benefited directly from this initiative. Wran as premier also pioneered a tougher stand against trade union industrial action than most Labor leaders before him. During 1946 and the first two terms of 1947, Wran had a weekly column in Honi Soit. Then, as now, Honi Soit on occasions stretched the limits of good taste and radical thought. Wran’s contribution was a gossip column – a collection of items, often trivial, sometimes witty, occasionally serious and regularly provocative. The Honi Soit column provided an insight into Wran’s interests, as well as those of the university as a whole. It usually was lively and fulfilled at least one of the requirements of a successful column – it provoked reactions. Until it settled down in its last year under the title of “Speak Easy,” with the drawing of a whisky bottle and a spilt glass or, alternatively, a well-soaked drinker, it had a different heading each week, sometimes adopting the undergraduate pretence of French or Latin, such as “De profundis ad te.” The first column, on 21 March 1946, headed “J’Accuse,” took to task fellow law students for “attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of a very wide awake Law School meeting last Monday.” Wran claimed their opposition to the appointment of a part-time dean of the faculty was the beginning of another campaign to make Julius Stone the dean. He received a sharp response from Hal Wootten (later a barrister and judge), one of those accused, for attempting to pull the wool over readers’ eyes: “it is a pity to see a person of Mr Wran’s qualities thinking he can refute, or even explain, anything by calling it a name. We will soon be able to write him off as the liberal who became a Liberal.” This was a week before Wran went on to the committee of the Liberal Club. His political predilections were becoming well known. The column produced the first signs of the stands on principle which Wran would take as a lawyer and politician. In April 1946 he wrote, “Our local politicians have gone pure again, this time by tightening up on ‘obscene’ literature. Originating as a move to suppress divorce details, it has degenerated into an attempt to prohibit the ‘wicked spread of contraceptive information.’” There were other matters of state on which he ventured forthright opinions. Of the McKell Labor government’s efforts to reform the liquor law, he wrote: A word on Melba McKell’s Liquor (Amendment) Act. Now it took the Squire a trip abroad and many thousands of the Consolidated Revenue to get the ideas for this masterpiece. His “earnest” desire to raise us from the swill tub has netted this result. Not ONE restaurant has applied for a licence under the Act, which permits the sale of light wines and malted beverages, i.e. brewery beer, ’twixt 6 and 8.30 p.m! This provision imposes more severe restrictions than we’ve battled on with before. As for the other main provision of the Act, dealing with the transfer of pub licences, it’s just a joke for the benefit of the breweries. Indeed, the whole Act is a sorry reflection on the way in which McKell’s brewery interests have influenced his steps towards the emancipation of the grog-slogging masses. Time changed Wran’s opinion of McKell. As premier, he delivered the inaugural William McKell Lecture in 1982 and described him as “one of the very greatest figures in the history of New South Wales, the history of the Australian Labor Party and the history of Australia.” Wran held McKell up as a political model, particularly because of his work in widening Labor’s electoral base to country areas. His contemporaries recall he was never short of female company. His girlfriends included Ann Pitsch, a member of SUDS who came from a European migrant family, and Patricia McQueen, who later married Sir Anthony Mason of the High Court. Wran went to plays, films and art shows as well as lighter entertainment. Waterhouse, who described himself as being “the closest of buddies” with Wran at university, said the nickname of “playboy” he bestowed on Wran in his letter to Honi Soit was facetious. “We all thought we were. We used to go out and play the field. We both liked night clubs.” The places to go in Sydney in those days were Princes, Romanos, the Roosevelt, Sammy Lee’s, Christies and the Celebrity Club. There was usually a cabaret and Waterhouse recalled being able to get a meal for 12/6d [$1.25]. During and after the war, there were tight restrictions on liquor sales but also ready availability of black-market alcohol. The clubs were raided regularly by the police. When Wran was twenty and still at university, he married Marcia Oliver, who came from a Bathurst family. She was strikingly good-looking and had worked briefly as a Tivoli showgirl in Sydney. She had obtained a divorce from her previous husband from the law firm at which Wran worked as an articled clerk. A few years older than Neville, she had a young son Glenn, whom Wran adopted. Wran was a serious student and, like most of those who went through the law school during this period, including Lionel Murphy and Gough Whitlam, was influenced by Professor Julius Stone. McWhinney said of Stone: He taught people to think about law and gave it a sense of social purpose. He introduced the idea of problem solving and social engineering. The law in those days was the worship of old precedents and the pursuit of the historical. Stone taught that law is a dynamic process, not a bed of dead ideas. Wran graduated from Sydney University in June 1948 with an LLB and second class honours. He turned the degree into a passport for a secure future and a stepping stone to politics. •
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Learning From Lady Parts Teachers need vivid imaginations to keep students interested and materials fresh. Kathryn D. Blanchard and Jane S. Webster demonstrate creative pedagogy and innovative scholarship with Lady Parts: Biblical Women and the Vagina Monologues (Eugene, OR: WIPF and STOCK, 2012). This is a unique project both in content and method. It is bound to generate others like it and, with luck, change lives. Various women from Hebrew and Christian scriptures are brought alive by 21st century scholars, students, and others. The texts of Lady Parts are hard to read. It is not because they are poorly written, nor because they are uninteresting. To the contrary, I found them painful. Stories of ripped, torn, abused, bloodied, mistreated, ignored vaginas are not easy to read. I hope they never become so, because a major goal of the book, according to the authors, is to stop violence against women. One cannot stop something one does not know about. Most people turn to the sacred scriptures of their faith with the hope of finding insight, enlightenment, even encouragement. Alas, what shines through here is the way in which women, Christian and Jewish among others, have been mistreated for millennia: violated, raped, used, objectified, and thrown away for newer models. Admittedly, the Lady Parts stories, based on scripture, were written by late modern women whose own experiences and awareness lie behind the telling. But I was left to wonder if there is no lovely text in Hebrew and/or Christian scripture where the vagina is enjoying her dear self, safe and snug in her woman’s place, ready for the pleasure for which she was created. Apparently there is not. Gender oppression is ubiquitous and there is no reason to think scriptures would be exempt. I was heartened to find a few lesbian scenes in the texts. I detect that the roots of Dolly Van Fossan’s piece, “Eve,” in Lady Parts may be in Judith Plaskow’s famous myth about Lilith. Dolly makes the women’s relationship explicit, stretching our imaginations to encompass a new possibility in the text. This is a welcome advance in the 21st century for which Dr. Plaskow’s extraordinary creativity forty years earlier prepared the way. That Eve and Lilith enjoyed themselves now seems to be an obvious interpretation. I went back to Judith Plaskow’s classic, The Coming of Lilith: Essays on Feminism, Judaism, and Sexual Ethics (Boston: Beacon Press, 2005, especially pages 31-32 where the original myth is reprinted), looking for hints and glimpses that only a lesbian hermeneutic would reveal. There they were, though I had all but missed them in many readings. Read the text: “before Lilith got away, Eve got a glimpse of her and saw she was a woman like herself…Another woman! The very idea attracted Eve. She had never seen another creature like herself before. And how beautiful and strong Lilith looked!” So Eve noticed the other woman. That was a good sign. Later in the text: “One day, after many months of strange and disturbing thoughts, Eve wandering around the edges of the garden…swung herself over the wall. She did not wander long on the other side before she met the one she had come to find, for Lilith was waiting.” So, apparently it was a two-way street. Lilith was also interested. Nice. Their conversation ensued: “They taught each other many things, and told each other stories, and laughed together, and cried, over and over, till the bond of sisterhood grew between them.” What a nice way to describe their pleasurable times together. How had I missed it before? Toward the end the text reads: “And God and Adam were expectant and afraid the day Eve and Lilith returned to the garden bursting with possibilities, ready to rebuild together.” It sounds like the afterglow of a very special time to me. The males had reason to worry because they were both unnecessary to the women’s pleasure and a source of distraction from the women’s plans. The reader’s eyes are opened to possibilities that might have been passed over in previous encounters with the texts. Broader and more inclusive understandings of sexual orientation and gender identity inform the task of biblical study. A lesbian/queer women’s hermeneutic is welcome. When will this be taught as a normative part of biblical scholarship in seminaries and graduate programs? I urge widespread use of the text as a teaching tool, starting with the very extensive Introduction (a useful stand-alone piece for teaching) in which the authors lay out the basic contours of feminist biblical scholarship. They underscore the importance of a feminist methodology, relying on Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s four-fold approach to biblical work: suspicion, resistance, remembrance, and reconstruction (Bread Not Stone: The Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984). They clarify the importance of using contemporary literary pieces, especially “The Vagina Monologues,” to capture attention and spark creativity among students and colleagues in the field. Lady Parts reminded me of another creative project of similar proportions, Eve’s Big Fat Family Reunion, a play with music and lyrics by Lois Cecsarini, first performed in 2012, which I reviewed here. Cecsarini’s script is far tamer than Lady Parts, but the message is parallel: women need to live into their power and be strong. In her piece, Eve and Lilith sing about themselves: “When it comes to that thing called obedience My sister’s no fool (oh, no, no fool) She knows in the end its virtue depends Entirely on who writes the rules.” Lady Parts and Eve’s Big Fat Family Reunion, point out the horrible ways women have been treated in texts that are central to major religious traditions. No wonder religion and violence have been such common bedfellows. Creators of these feminist works invite scholars to probe the texts, and to write some new ones, to create alternative images and symbols that exalt women’s bodies, and in so doing to create a safer world. I commend these works to our collective reading and viewing. Enjoy!
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The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it Occupation magazine - Activism Send To friend Rabbinical Support for the End of Unconditional Military Aid to Israel Rabbi Brant Rosen The undersigned members of the Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council stand with our American Christian colleagues in their recent call to “make U.S. military aid to Israel contingent upon its government’s compliance with applicable US laws and policies.” We are as troubled as our Christian colleagues by the human rights violations Israel commits against Palestinian civilians, many of which involve the misuse of US – supplied weapons. It is altogether appropriate – and in fact essential – for Congress to ensure that Israel is not in violation of any US laws or policies that regulate the use of US supplied weapons. The US Foreign Assistance Act and the US Arms Export Control Act specifically prohibit assistance to any country which engages in a consistent pattern of human rights violations and limit the use of US weapons to “internal security” or “legitimate self-defense.” The Christian leaders’ letter points out, in fact, that the most recent 2011 State Department Country Report on Human Rights Practices covering Israel and the Occupied Territories detailed widespread Israeli human rights violations committed against Palestinian civilians, many of which involve the misuse of US – supplied weapons such as tear gas. It is certainly not unreasonable to insist that foreign assistance be contingent on compliance with US laws and policies. Mideast analyst MJ Rosenberg has rightly pointed out that during this current economic downturn, Congress has been scrutinizing all domestic assistance programs - including Social Security and food stamps - to ensure that they are being carried out legally in compliance with stated US policy. Why should US military aid to Israel be exempt from the same kind of scrutiny? While some might feel that requiring assistance to be contingent with compliance would compromise Israels security, we believe the exactly the opposite is true. As Israels primary ally, the US alone is in a place to create the kind of leverage that might challenge Israel to turn away from policies that impede the cause of a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians - and true security for all who live in the region. As Jews we acknowledge that the signers of the letter, and the churches they represent, have ancient and continuing ties to the land of Israel just as we do, and that their concerns for the safety and dignity of Christians in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territories is as compelling as our concern for the safety and dignity of Jews there. We are troubled that several Jewish organizations have cynically attacked this faithful and sensitive call – and we are deeply dismayed that the Anti-Defamation League has gone so far as to pull out of a scheduled Jewish-Christian dialogue in protest. We believe that actions such as these run directly counter to the spirit and mission of interfaith dialogue. True dialogue occurs not simply on the areas where both parties find agreement, but in precisely those places where there is disagreement and divergence of opinion. We call on all of our Jewish colleagues to remain at the table and engage our Christian colleagues on this painful issue that is of such deep concern to both our communities. We express our full support for the spirit and content of this statement and likewise call upon US citizens to urge their representatives to end unconditional military aid to Israel. Signed (list in formation): Rabbi Brant Rosen Rabbi Margaret Holub Rabbi Alissa Wise Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton Rabbi Lynn Gottleib Rabbi Brian Walt Rabbi Julie Greenberg Rabbi David Mivasair Rabbi Joseph Berman Cantor Michael Davis Rabbi Shai Gluskin Jessica Rosenberg, Rabbinical Student Ari Lev Fornari, Rabbinical Student Links to the latest articles in this section Israelis support Russian opposition to the Ukraine War All to Burin this Friday! Stand with the Palestinians against settler violence! The burial of ashes - an emotionally loaded day
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The instrumentation for INDECENT includes accordion, baritone ukulele, wood block, clarinet, bass clarinet, tin whistle, violin, mandolin, hi-hat, and vocals. For information about alternate instrumentations, please email firstname.lastname@example.org . View a perusal score online by clicking here: INDECENT—PERUSAL SCORE INDECENT, by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel, is a deeply moving play inspired by the true events surrounding the controversial 1923 Broadway debut of Sholem Asch’s God of Vengeance —a play seen by some as a seminal work of Jewish culture, and by others as an act of traitorous libel. INDECENT charts the history of an incendiary drama and the path of the artists who risked their careers and lives to perform it.
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I went to Limmud NY 2011 and wrote a lot of posts about it. Here’s a guide to them. The word Renewal arouses suspicion in me. At Limmud NY on Friday, there was a Renewal service being offered. It was led by David Ingber, the endlessly fascinating spiritual journeyman who founded the flagship Renewal outfit in New York, Romemu. The music was by Romemu Musical Director Shir Yaakov as well as Shoshana Jedwab on the drums. I took a lot of notes. By way of a review, here they are, polished a bit: - Kirtan Rabbi: We began with Hareini Mekabel Alai by Kirtan Rabbi, which I love. I hadn’t expected tunes from KR to show up here, perhaps because I’ve never heard them anywhere except on his albums. I suppose it shouldn’t have been too surprising, given that I’m on KR’s e-mail list and I know that he plays at Romemu pretty regularly. It was a very nice beginning to the service. - Things that make me suspicious: Shir says things like, “Breathe in the first breath of Shabbat. Breathe out the previous week.” OK. What is this Kol Haneshama? - Things that make me downright uncomfortable: Shir says, “Don’t worry about the recipe book. Enjoy the meal we’re making together.” Don’t worry about the siddur? Fat chance. Also, a curious thing for him to say, as we’ll see later. This is the attitude that makes me suspicious of Renewal. - Liturgical health check: Most present are using the copies of Sim Shalom provided by Limmud NY. Joe Rosenstein is in the front row and looks like he’s loving it. Not surprisingly, he’s using Siddur Eit Ratzon, which he edited. Also, Shir Yaakov created Joe’s website, newsiddur.org. I’m using Koren Talpiot. There’s one Koren Sacks in the crowd. And my friend’s girlfriend, rather curiously, has brought Gates of the House with her. - his album, “Zeh.” I can’t dislike it. But the music is good: Shir then leads Higale Na, a tune from - And then the dancing starts: We move into the Carlebach Psalm 96 (Shiru lAdonai, shir chadash etc.), skipping 95. When the Psalm ends and the nigun begins, people are out of their seats dancing. We’ve gone from zero to ecstatic dancing in less than half the time and liturgical space it takes Kol Zimrah or B’nai Jeshurun. In a conversation with Ingber later, he’s pretty proud of this. Between the clapping, the stomping and drumming, the floor is shaking. - I’m into it: We go into Psalm 29 (Mizmor leDavid etc.) with more Carlebach. Somewhere around this point, I decide to visit Romemu in person. - Kid Friendly: This is not a kid’s service. But it is a forceful refutation of the idea that such things necessary. Right before the service, I heard to kids bargaining with their mom about how much time they’d be in the service. They Jewed her down to 20 minutes without much trouble. And then they stayed for the entire service. - Ana Bechoach? I don’t know from Ana Bechoach. I rarely see it done at the places I go, but we did a tune that I’ll assume was a Shir Yaakov tune for the line from Ana Bechoach “Yachid ge’eh le’amecha feneh zochrei kedushatecha.” Again, it was nice. I like his music in a liturgical setting. There’s thinking to be done this week about guitar liturgy, given Debbie Friedman’s recent death. - Kab Shab: Generally, I prefer that we do all of Kabbalat Shabbat, but I don’t feel as strongly about that as I do about some things. In a conversation later with Ingber I tell him I find Kabbalah and mysticism suspicious. Then I tell him I prefer a full Kab Shab. He rightly calls me on this and I have no answer. - About that cookbook: The injunction to ignore the siddur is a curious thing from a guy like Shir Yaakov, who is reaching into relatively obscure pieces like Ana Bechoach, which is otherwise untouched by contemporary guitarish Jewish songwriters. The service is interestingly inaccessible to some. Given that we have no transliterations and there isn’t a lot of page number announcing going on, one friend–far less liturgically literate than I–is having a lot trouble keeping up. She doesn’t sing at all until we hit Lecha Dodi–is that another Shir Yaakov original we’re doing?–because it’s common enough in liberal Jewish liturgy that she knows a lot of the words. Musically, the service is accessible, textually it isn’t. One with out the other is not enough. The problem of access to text is too important to push aside with a quip about cookbooks. - Krakow! I was beginning to wonder when we’d get to the Krakow nigun. At the sixth paragraph of Lecha Dodi, we begin to use the Krakow nigun melody, which is novel to me. It works. One woman in the front row is dancing again. Later, a lot of people join her. Can you spot Romemu regulars by how quick they are to start dancing during services? - Shmooze fest: Between Kab Shab and Maariv, Ingber asks everyone to say Shabbat to people around him that we don’t know. “Careful though,” he says. “I don’t want it to become a shmooze fest.” Yeah, OK. It quickly becomes a shmooze fest. - Call and response: Barchu is done with an unfamiliar tune. People often have a hard time discerning what to do during Barchu when it’s a tune rather than nusach because the call and response nature of it is hard to parse. That happens here. - Shma: One, two, skip a few… aaaaaand Shma. We do the long, breathing, slow, ponderous version of the first line of the Shma. I’m impatient. We chant the second paragraph and the rest is silent. - Rain Stick? During Mi Chamocha, Jedwab starts in with a rain stick. After two goes with the stick, I’m done with it and–thank God–she cuts it out. - Chanting and whatever: “Ufros aleinu sukat shelomecha” in Hashkiveinu to that tune I like. I don’t know whose it is, but you know what I mean. Then we chant Shalom a bunch. Then we chant Salaam a bunch. Ingber occasionally interrupts with things like, “Peace in every heart… peace in every mind… peace throughout the world… peace out the wazoo… etc.” Then we chant, “Let there be peace” for a while. And then there’s the chatimah. - And then the Christians show up: Oddly, “Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary” cropped up. In this instance, we did Yihyu in English to the tune, then we sang the chorus of “Lord prepare me etc,” then we niguned it for a while, then we did “Ve’asu li mikdash etc. Then I had to run out to do announcements somewhere else, but ended up coming back and doing them at the Renewal service anyway when I got back. I missed the rest of the service though. I’m curious to see more. I’m strongly considering attending Romemu on Shabbat morning this week. And I’m gonna go with 3 1/2 Ballpoint Pens for this service: |||- But I wanna be very careful in pointing out that this isn’t a rating of Romemu. It’s a rating of a thing that a group of people from Romemu did somewhere else without their core group.
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"Win Ben Stein's apology"? Dec 29, 2009 at 8:33 PM As Rachel reported earlier, armchair warrior Ben Stein called Ron Paul "anti-semitic" for advocating the foreign policy of Jefferson. For all his faults, I never took Stein to be a race-baiter, but he ought to apologize to Dr. Paul for this completely unwarranted, kneejerk reaction to a conversation that had nothing to do with Jewish people or even Israel. And should Stein fail to man up and say sorry in his 2nd appearance with the Good Doctor on Larry King later tonight, you can join the "Win Ben Stein's Apology" Facebook group to personally nag him for one.
{ "date": "2016-07-25T15:53:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824319.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00056-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9731424450874329, "token_count": 145, "url": "http://www.yaliberty.org/posts/win-ben-steins-apology" }
Mordkhe Schaechter, 79, Leading Yiddish Linguist By WOLFGANG SAXON Published: February 16, 2007 Mordkhe Schaechter, a leading Yiddish linguist who spent a lifetime studying, standardizing and teaching the language, died yesterday in the Bronx. He was 79 and lived in Yonkers. His death, at Montefiore Medical Center, followed a long illness, his daughter Rukhl Schaechter said. Dr. Schaechter, whose passion for Yiddish dated to his boyhood in Romania, dedicated his life to reclaiming Yiddish as a living language for the descendants of its first speakers, the Ashkenazic Jewry of central and eastern Europe. Written in the Hebrew alphabet and containing Semitic, Germanic and other components, it is one of the three major literary languages in Jewish history, the others being Hebrew and Aramaic. In addition to being a teacher, Dr. Schaechter was an author and promoter, founding organizations devoted to furthering the use of Yiddish. He wrote dictionaries intending to standardize it. Dr. Schaechter was a senior lecturer in Yiddish studies at Columbia from 1981 to 1993. He also taught in the Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture from its beginning in 1968 until 2004; the program is a joint project of Columbia and the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York, which is prominent in the study of Ashkenazic Jewry. Dr. Schaechter started contributing to YIVO -- then based in Poland -- as an archival collector in Austria in 1947, four years before he came to the United States. Over the years he also gave Yiddish courses at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the Jewish Teachers Seminary-Herzliah and Yeshiva University, all in New York. In the 1980s, he was associate editor of The Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language and, from 1961 to 1972, he was associate editor of The Language and Culture Atlas of Ashkenazic Jewry. From the 1970s until 1986 he was a bibliographer, proofreader and finally editor of YIVO's Yiddishe Shprakh, a journal devoted to the pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of standard Yiddish. Itsye Mordkhe Schaechter was born on Dec. 1, 1927, in what was then the Romanian town of Cernauti but is now Chernivtsi in Ukraine, or Czernowitz to its Yiddish speakers. He became fascinated with Yiddish as a pupil and later studied linguistics at the University of Bucharest. He received his doctorate at the University of Vienna in 1951 with a dissertation in Yiddish. Dr. Schaechter arrived in New York that year. After serving in military intelligence in the United States Army during the Korean War, he resumed his association with YIVO and began teaching and writing. He founded the Committee for the Implementation of the Standardized Yiddish Orthography in 1958. Six years later, with two students, he founded Yugntruf (''Call to Youth''), a worldwide organization devoted to teaching Yiddish to new generations. (It has a Web site at www.Yugntruf.org.) Dr. Schaechter founded the Task Force for Yiddish Terminology in 1970 and the League for Yiddish, based in New York, in 1979. He served as its executive director until 2004. In 1994, Dr. Schaechter received the Itzik Manger Prize, the most prestigious Yiddish literary award. His books, all in Yiddish, include ''Authentic Yiddish'' (1986), ''Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Childhood: An English-Yiddish Dictionary'' (1991), ''The History of the Standardized Yiddish Spelling'' (1999), ''Yiddish II: An Intermediate and Advanced Textbook'' (2004), and ''Plant Names in Yiddish: A Handbook of Botanical Terminology'' (2005). Dr. Schaechter is survived by his wife of 50 years, Charne Schaechter; three daughters, Rukhl Schaechter of Yonkers, Gitl Viswanath of Teaneck, N.J., and Eydl Reznik of Safed, or Tsfat, Israel; a son, Binyumen of Manhattan; a sister, Bella Schaechter-Gottesman of the Bronx; and 16 grandchildren, with whom he spoke only in Yiddish, his son said. Photo: Mordkhe Schaechter
{ "date": "2016-07-28T09:01:55Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257828010.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071028-00265-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9487609267234802, "token_count": 975, "url": "http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9E04E5DE143EF935A25751C0A9619C8B63&legacy=true" }
Summary: Three reasons we can trust God to be fair in the unfolding of his plan. There are certain phrases every parent begins to expect from their kids. Phrases like "why?" or, "But Greg’s parents let him do it." One of those phrases is, "That’s not fair!" We said it as kids, and when we become parents our kids bombard us with that phrase. And of course the standard response we learned from our parents that we pass on to our kids is, "Life’s not fair." When you’re a kid, you expect things to be fair. But as we get older, we tend to grow more cynical. But even in our cynicism we hold out hope that at least there’s one person who is fair: God. Even if a criminal slips through justice in this life, we hope they don’t slip past God’s justice. Even when we’re wronged and betrayed by people we care about, even when those we care about turn on us, even when we’re tricked out of our hard earned money, at least we can trust that that person will have to stand before God. Even if life isn’t fair, at least we can trust God to be fair. But what if he isn’t? What if God plays favorites, or if God’s definition of fairness is different than our definition of fairness? When a person begins to doubt God’s fairness, that suspicion erodes very core of his or her confidence in God. How can you trust someone who isn’t trustworthy? How can you put your confidence in someone who might let you down? We’ve been in a series through the New Testament book of Romans called "Good News for Our Times." In this series we’ve been looking at God’s message to our world through His Son Jesus Christ. In the first four chapters of Romans we looked at the good news about God’s integrity, in chapters 5 to 8 we looked at the good news about God’s love, and then last week we started chapters 9 to 11 by looking at the good news about God’s faithfulness. I mentioned last week that Romans chapter 9 is one of the most difficult and controversial chapters in the New Testament. Differences over how to understand Romans 9 have parted friendships, split churches, and divided Christians into different doctrinal groups. In fact, I probably made some people in our church mad last week when I started going through this chapter, and I’ll probably make even more people mad this week. I introduced chapter 9 last week by posing a dilemma. The dilemma is this: If Jesus Christ fulfills God’s promises to the Jewish people of Israel, then why do the majority of Jewish people reject Jesus as their Messiah? We saw that even though the nation of Israel has mostly rejected Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promises to them that God isn’t done with Israel yet. But because Israel has rejected Jesus, God has created the Christian Church to fulfill God’s purposes in this stage of his plan. We saw last week that this is nothing new, because God has always used individuals and nations in special ways to fulfill his strategy. Just as in the Old Testament God chose Isaac over Ishmael, just as he chose Jacob over Esau, so now has chosen his Church over Israel for the unfolding of God’s plan. But Paul warned us last week that this shouldn’t cause us to think that God’s promises to Israel have failed or that the Church has replaced Israel. It simply means that for the time being God is using the Christian Church for the outworking of his strategy.
{ "date": "2017-08-18T15:05:15Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886104681.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818140908-20170818160908-00212.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9593920111656189, "token_count": 776, "url": "https://www.sermoncentral.com/sermons/the-potters-freedom-timothy-peck-sermon-on-gods-forgiveness-33795" }
Today, Almost a year on from the last war in Gaza, we declare the two-state solution dead. Not because we want to, but because there comes a point when you have to stop resuscitating and check your watch. Need convincing? Look at the map: 430,000 Jews living in huge settlements in the West Bank. Look at the politics: a coalition openly against compromise. Look at the Palestinians: terrorists in the left corner, imbeciles in the right. And look at the terrain: jihadists knocking on the door in broken states surrounding Israel’s borders. It pains us to say so, but there is now no way of achieving an independent and viable Palestinian state alongside a Jewish state reassured of its security. It simply won’t be granted. We hope this reality changes, but reality it nevertheless is. Leaving aside the blame game, let’s deal with what’s in front of us and start with the bottom line – a defensible eastern border. In the West Bank this most likely means military control of the Jordan Valley. Israeli negotiators have long said so in talks with the Palestinians. The debate is whether this security can be achieved through a foreign force [United Nations? United States? EU?], Israeli military control over a Palestinian state or Israeli sovereignty. Hawks say only the latter will do. Foreign troops are too risky. Israelis see UN peacekeepers unable to stop fierce fighting in other parts of the world, so recoil at trusting them with their own border. They have a point. If you want to defend yourself, there’s no better alternative to a soldier fighting on his own land. There is another problem with a one-state solution. Either Israel will make the 2.5 million Palestinians in the occupied territories Israeli citizens, leading to situation where Jews are the minority in a Jewish state. Or the Palestinians are denied full and equal rights, leading to an invidious situation for any democracy. That leaves either Israeli military control over a Palestinian state, or Israeli military control over an Israeli state, within which there are Palestinians. The latter leaves nothing to chance, but both options leave questions as to how Israelis and Palestinians live under one IDF roof. In our report this week we explore some of the options, including controversial ideas from those branded “racist”. Explore them we must. Our magical default to-date has been to say that we want two states for two peoples, both of whom have legitimate claims on the land. It always worked. It was fair, familiar, safe. But it was always a distant, receding dream, a speck on the horizon. And that solution has now finally vanished. Whether Israel lives with the status quo or proceeds down a different path (unilaterally or in agreement) remains to be seen, but one thing becomes ever clearer: what life looks like after the death of the two-state solution is now the Middle East’s most pertinent question. This week, we started asking it.
{ "date": "2017-08-21T12:22:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886108268.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20170821114342-20170821134342-00572.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.940218448638916, "token_count": 616, "url": "http://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/voice-of-the-jewish-news-two-states-now-no-solution/" }
The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible The Year of Living Biblically is about my quest to live the ultimate biblical life. To follow every single rule in the Bible as literally as possible. I obey the famous ones: - The Ten Commandments - Love thy neighbor - Be fruitful and multiply But also, the hundreds of oft-ignored ones. - Do not wear clothes of mixed fibers. - Do not shave your beard - Stone adulterers Why? Well, I grew up in a very secular home (I’m officially Jewish but I’m Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant). I’d always assumed religion would just wither away and we’d live in a neo-Enlightenment world. I was, of course, spectacularly wrong. So was I missing something essential to being a human? Or was half the world deluded? I decided to dive in headfirst. To try to experience the Bible myself and find out what’s good in it, and what’s maybe not so relevant to the 21st century. The resulting year was fascinating, entertaining and informative. It was equal parts irreverent and reverent. It was filled with surprising insights almost every day. (I know it’s not biblical to boast, so apologies for that). The book that came out of the year has several layers. - An exploration of some of the Bible’s startlingly relevant rules. I tried not to covet, gossip, or lie for a year. I’m a journalist in New York. This was not easy. - An investigation of the rules that baffle the 21st century brain. How to justify the laws about stoning homosexuals? Or smashing idols? Or sacrificing oxen? And how do you follow those in modern-day Manhattan? - A look at various fascinating religious groups. I embedded myself among several groups that take the Bible literally in their own way, from creationists to snake handlers, Hasidim to the Amish. - A critique of fundamentalism. I became the ultra-fundamentalist. I found that fundamentalists may claim to take the Bible literally, but they actually just pick and choose certain rules to follow. By taking fundamentalism extreme, I found that literalism is not the best way to interpret the Bible. - A spiritual journey. As an agnostic, I’d never seriously explored such things as sacredness and revelation. - A memoir of my family’s eccentric religious history, including my ex-uncle Gil, who has been, among other things, a Hindu cult leader, an evangelical Christian and an Orthodox Jew. The Year of Living Biblically has received praise from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, The New York Times Book Review, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today and others. “An achingly funny memoir. Its self-awareness rescues Jacobs' project from being merely quixotic or entertaining and elevates it to something beautiful.” –Christianity Today, Books & Culture “The Year of Living Biblically: One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, offers an accessible way to think about religion in modern life. Yes, studying religion can be fun.” –American Way “What would it require for a person to live all the commandments of the Bible for an entire year? That is the question that animates this hilarious, quixotic, thought-provoking memoir from Jacobs (The Know-It-All).” –PUBLISHER’S WEEKLY “[Jacobs] is a joy to ride along with on this biblical journey. It is a book that could spark deep conversations and cause audible laughter.” –Jewish Book World “Jacobs humor, wit and dedication will leave you with an appreciation for even the most bizarre religious rituals” –Daily Candy “Impressive and often tremendously amusing… The author's determination despite constant complications from his modern secular life (wife, job, family, NYC) underscores both the absurdity of his plight and its profundity. While debunking biblical literalism-with dinner party-ready scriptural quotes-Jacobs simultaneously finds his spirituality renewed…. A biblical travelogue-and far funnier than your standard King James.” –Kirkus Reviews “Often very funny [but] it's ultimately a thoughtful and endearing study of the limits of biblical literalism and the possibilities of moral and spiritual self-improvement.” –Houston Chronicle “The Year of Living Biblically is worth reading. It's a good book about the Good Book.” –The Oregonian “A.J. Jacobs is so funny he can make watching his beard grow hilarious. The Year of Living Biblically is the most unexpectedly delightful - and consistently charming - book I've read in a long time. It will have you laughing out loud, nodding in disbelief, and rethinking what you believe about the Bible. It will also have you tallying your sins: I coveted his humor and envied his facial hair. And that's no lie.” –Bruce Feiler, author of Waking the Bible and Where God was Born “Often laugh-out-loud funny, and nearly always painfully honest. A” –The Onion A.V. Club “Jacobs recounts his year with intimacy, honesty and humor. He examines some truly odd aspects of religious life (visiting a new creationist museum, an Amish baseball game and a former cult leader ex-uncle who became haredi and lives in Jerusalem) but strives, always, to focus on the essence of Biblical literalism.” –Jerusalem Post “A.J. Jacobs has written a -- how else to put it? -- Good Book. Let me take my review from the original, Psalm 2, verse 4: "He that sittith in the heavens shall laugh." And let me suggest that readers, whether they know their bible or not, get to know A.J. Jacobs. But not in a biblical sense, please.” –PJ O'Rourke
{ "date": "2015-03-28T00:26:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131297146.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172137-00249-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9471171498298645, "token_count": 1314, "url": "http://ajjacobs.com/books/the-year-of-living-biblically/" }
PLO agrees, again, to indirect Israeli-Palestinian peace talks In what's being called a minor victory for President Obama, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed Saturday to indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks. But will 'shuttle diplomacy' fare any better this time? The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) formally announced on Sunday the start of indirect peace talks with Israel's right-wing government, ending a 17-month hiatus that followed the 2009 election that brought to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to power. The Israeli-Palestinian talks will be mediated by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell, who will shuttle between Jerusalem and the West Bank city of Ramallah, the seat of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's government. The PLO's Executive Committee, the body that oversees peace talks, approved a return to negotiations on Saturday despite deep seated skepticism fanned by Israeli expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In four months, the talks will be reassessed. The Palestinians want Israel to negotiate on "substantive" final-status issues like East Jerusalem, a mutual border, and the fate of Palestinian refugees, said Palestinian government spokesman Ghassan Khatib. The Palestinians also want to see "whether there is progress or whether there is stalling, or wasting time" on secondary issues, he said. He added that the Palestinians will looking to see whether Israel decides on any new settlement expansion. Netanyahu wants direct talks Mr. Netanyahu welcomed the Palestinian decision, but added that there is a limit to how far indirect negotiations can go. Israel wants to a move to direct talks as soon as possible, he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. "Peace cannot be made from a distance or by remote control," Mr. Netanyahu said. "Over time, it is inconceivable that we will make decisions and agreements on critical issues such as security and our national interests, and theirs as well, without sitting together in the same room.'' Israel has said that it wants to focus first on guarantees that the future Palestinian state will be demilitarized, and reducing Palestinian "incitement" against the Jewish state. The Palestinians approved indirect two months ago, but balked during the March visit of Vice President Joe Biden when Israel announced a building plan for 1,600 new housing units in East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as the capital of a future state. A minor victory for Obama The resumption of talks marks a minor victory for President Obama, who has made advancing Israeli-Palestinian talks a priority but has enjoyed little success until now. To lure the Palestinians back to the table, the US reportedly told the Palestinian leaders privately that Israel would face consequences if there are provocative expansions of Jewish settlements. The Palestinians are hoping that the Obama administration mediation efforts will prod Israel into concessions. "The Palestinians were pressured into talks," says Mohammed Dajan, a political science professor at Al Quds University in Jerusalem. "If this process succeeds, the Obama administration will have to pressure both sides – also the Arab states – because there is a price to be paid by everyone."
{ "date": "2016-07-25T10:36:36Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257824226.33/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071024-00038-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9452652931213379, "token_count": 633, "url": "http://m.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2010/0509/PLO-agrees-again-to-indirect-Israeli-Palestinian-peace-talks" }
Thursday, May 26, 2011 A Letter To Jewish California Read this, and respond: Dear Jewish Community of California, Bigotry against Jewish students has occurred on University of California campuses over many years and on many campuses. Jewish students have been subjected to: swastikas; acts of physical aggression; speakers, films and exhibits that use anti-Semitic imagery and discourse; speakers that praise and encourage support for terrorist organizations; the organized disruption of events sponsored by Jewish student groups; and most recently the promotion of student senate resolutions for divestment from Israel that seek to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish State. Last May, more than 700 Jewish UC students signed a petition expressing outrage at anti-Jewish rhetoric and imagery on their campuses. They asserted that these incidents are as offensive and hurtful to Jewish students as a "Compton cookout" or a noose are to African American students. In addition, dozens of Jewish students from three different UC campuses, who responded to an on-line questionnaire, described feeling harassed and intimidated by the promotion of hatred against the Jewish State and of Jews. Almost all of the students felt that the administrators on their campuses did not treat Jewish concerns as sensitively as they did the concerns of other minorities such as African Americans and Latinos. In June 2010, leaders of 12 Jewish organizations, including the Orthodox Union and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, wrote to UC President Mark Yudof, expressing their concerns about the hostile environment faced by Jewish students on UC campuses, and calling on him to address this serious problem immediately. President Yudof responded by asking Jewish leaders to have patience and faith in the newly-established Advisory Councils on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion. Over the last year, however, these Advisory Councils have failed to address, or even acknowledge, the problem of anti-Semitism on UC campuses. In fact, the aims and actions of the Advisory Councils since their inception, as revealed by documents released under a Freedom of Information request, show that Jewish students are not a focus at all. In an effort to convey to President Yudof the deep concern that members of the California Jewish community feel for the well-being of Jewish students, and their distress that the harassment and intimidation of Jewish students have not been addressed by UC administrators in a substantive way, we have created the AMCHA Initiative. AMCHA is the Hebrew word meaning "Your People" and also connotes "grassroots," "the masses," and "ordinary people." It is our goal to bring together Jewish people from all over California so that they might speak in one voice, united in their concern for the safety of Jewish students on UC campuses. Jewish students, like all students, should be guaranteed a campus environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Please help protect Jewish students at the University of California by signing the Petition to UC President Mark Yudof protesting the intimidation and harassment of Jewish students on several UC campuses: In order to reach as many Jewish Californians as possible, please circulate this letter widely. For more information, contact Tammi Rossman-Benjamin: email@example.com. Leila Beckwith, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Los Angeles Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, Lecturer, University of California at Santa Cruz
{ "date": "2017-08-23T23:18:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886124662.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20170823225412-20170824005412-00253.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9635274410247803, "token_count": 681, "url": "http://balabustabluejeans.blogspot.com/2011/05/letter-to-jewish-california.html" }
It’s early on a Wednesday morning, and Jeff Hobbs, bestselling author and stay-at-home dad, is sitting in the family room of his “old beater” house in Los Angeles, dressed in a gray Oregon Track T-shirt, talking about the art of juggling child-rearing and a writing career. “I don’t know if Mr. Mom is an offensive term,” Hobbs says via Skype. “I guess it’s archaic, but I kind of am with my kids pretty much all the time.” Most days, he gets up at 4:30 a.m. to write at the family dining table, when, he says, it’s dark and cold and nobody is emailing. That table is where Hobbs, 40, wrote Show Them You’re Good: A Portrait of Boys in the City of Angels the Year Before College. Out in August from Scribner, it covers about a year in the life of a group of senior boys at two Los Angeles schools as they navigate their social and academic lives and work toward a common goal: getting into college. “I wanted to write about kids living through their senior year, as they apply to college and deal with that process and its outcomes, and all the nonsense in between,” Hobbs says. As for why he focused on boys: “I felt like the emotional lives of boys are minimized in what’s still a machismo culture.” He takes a beat and adds, “I also thought an adult male probing the emotional lives of teenage girls might not go over well with their parents.” Hobbs is the author of two previous books: the 2007 novel The Tourists, about a man who seduces both halves of a couple (“I don’t recommend it,” he says of his debut), and the 2014 nonfiction book The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark for the Ivy League. The latter explores race, class, economic disparity, and maleness—subjects that Hobbs revisits in Show Them You’re Good. At the heart of Show Them You’re Good are four students, two from Beverly Hills High School and two from Ánimo Pat Brown Charter High School (which is in a neighborhood called Florence-Firestone, north of Compton). From Beverly Hills High, there’s Owen, the well-off son of Christopher Lloyd, co-creator of the TV show Modern Family, and Jon, a Chinese Jewish kid whose immigrant mother moved the family to a small apartment in Beverly Hills so that Jon could have access to a good school. From Ánimo Pat Brown, there’s Carlos, a son of undocumented workers who’s trying to secure Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals protection, and Tío, an aspiring engineer whose father is an alcoholic. “They’re all super cool,” Hobbs says of the boys, whom he followed from August 2016 to June 2017 and still stays in contact with. Born and raised in Pennsylvania, Hobbs says his own high school experience was “pretty unremarkable”—he got good grades, he ran track—and that going back to high school to do research was in no way a return to the glory days. “I just felt old,” he says with a smirk. Developing a rapport with his young subjects took some time. “I’m an awkward guy, so the first couple of meetings were stilted,” says Hobbs, who has a tendency to pause often when he talks, giving his speech a unique halting rhythm. Pretty soon, though, he was immersed in the teens’ daily dramas. “I spent a lot of time in their homes, I went to family dinners, and to dances and proms,” Hobbs recalls. “I was running around Los Angeles a lot, and it’s weird to tell your kids that you won’t be home for Friday night dinner because you’re going to a Halloween dance at a high school in South L.A., but, you know, my kids know what I do.” Hobbs’s kids, now ages six and 10, sometimes joined him on his expeditions. They played while he conducted interviews. “It happened frequently that year,” he says. “It worked out. I think it was nice for the boys to get a glimpse into my life, too.” Show Them You’re Good shows its quartet of high schoolers striving to get good grades, filling out blizzards of college application and financial aid forms, and dealing with family issues, including a sick parent (Owen) and an unstable living situation (Tío). Readers get to root for them as they forge their futures. “This is a book that crosses over cultures, class, and race, and that’s at the heart of what Jeff Hobbs is looking to bring to the world,” says Hobbs’s agent, David Black at the David Black Literary Agency. Colin Harrison, Hobbs’s editor and the v-p and editor-in-chief of Scribner, adds, “Line by line, Jeff is just a lovely writer. He’s careful and slow in the making of prose, and it shows. The guy couldn’t write a bad sentence.” Nonfiction writing didn’t always interest Hobbs. “I stumbled into it when my friend Rob Peace died,” he says. Peace was Hobbs’s roommate at Yale, and after the two graduated in 2002, Peace returned to his hometown in New Jersey and began selling drugs, which led to his 2011 murder by a drug dealer. Hobbs struggled to make sense of the tragedy and, at the suggestion of his wife, began writing a book about Peace. The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace became a bestseller. There are currently 250,000 copies in circulation, across print and e-book formats, according to Scribner, and the book is being adapted into a movie. Hobbs’s wife, Rebecca Hobbs, is a film and TV producer and is producing the film with Training Day director Antoine Fuqua. “I always felt like this story needed to be told to help people walk in someone else’s shoes,” Rebecca says. “It explores this idea that in order to make it in America you have to leave behind what you came from, and how unacceptable that could be.” Hobbs remains keenly interested in examining people’s lives and understanding their motives. His next book is about kids in juvenile halls and detention centers. “I’m not good at much, but I’m pretty good at asking questions,” he says. “And I’m really good at listening.” As a bright morning light filters in through his living room window, Hobbs hears his kids rousing in the next room. It’s time to make breakfast and maybe chat with his daughter about the pet rats she wants to buy. (“I’m skeptical,” he says.) Then it’s a full day of dad duty. And the next morning, before the sun comes up, it’s back to writing. “Talking to someone that no one has heard of, that isn’t famous, and somehow helping their story become part of a reader’s story—that’s pretty neat,” Hobbs says. — Jeff Hobbs in His Own Words This piece was produced in partnership with Publishers Weekly.
{ "date": "2020-10-27T06:42:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107893402.83/warc/CC-MAIN-20201027052750-20201027082750-00013.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9717103838920593, "token_count": 1639, "url": "https://themillions.com/books-reviews/show-them-youre-good-a-portrait-of-boys-in-the-city-of-angels-the-year-before-college-1982116331" }
The Changency is a fellowship-style initiative that teaches its participants that they have the ability to make an impact on their community as an individual and as part of a group. This addresses the issue that many young people feel that since they don’t necessarily have money to donate, they can not influence change around them. Through the exploration of social justice, volunteerism, advocacy and philanthropy, participants will get to accesses a variety of ways they can make a difference in their community through a Jewish lens. About the Founder I am an energetic Jewish Community Professional with a constant drive to make things better than they already are. I’ve lived: In Elkins Park, PA, Akko, Israel, Ithaca, NY, Washington, DC, & Philadelphia, PA. I’ve learned: At Cheltenham High School, the Jewish Community High School at Gratz College, & Ithaca College. I’ve lead: Campers and Staff at Habonim Dror Camp Galil, student leaders at Ithaca College, Jewish community programming with The Collaborative. I love: Meeting new people, trying new things, developing new and innovative programming, bringing people together, standing up and speaking out, the idea that social media is the truest form of democracy that exists globally.
{ "date": "2022-05-18T07:20:08Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662521152.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20220518052503-20220518082503-00213.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9496397972106934, "token_count": 290, "url": "https://tribe12.org/alumni/molly-wernick/" }
The chief Rabbinate of Israel sent a letter to the Vatican saying that dialogue with Catholics could not continue as before "without a public apology from Bishop Williamson and recanting his deplorable statements". The Rabbinate said it would not attend a meeting scheduled for March "until this matter is clarified". Chief Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said he hoped the pope's words at the audience would be "sufficient to respond to the doubts expressed about the position of the pope and the Catholic Church" on the Holocaust. Lombardi said he hoped the Israeli Rabbinate would now rethink its position and continue "fruitful and serene dialogue". British-born Richard Williamson, one of four traditionalist bishops whose excommunications were lifted on Saturday, has made several statements denying the full extent of the Holocaust of European Jews, as accepted by mainstream historians. Williamson told Swedish television: "I believe there were no gas chambers" and only up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps, instead of 6 million. His comments caused an uproar among Jewish leaders and progressive Catholics, many of whom said it had cast a dark shadow over 50 years of Christian-Jewish dialogue. Pope Benedict has given credence to "the most vulgar aspect of anti-Semitism" by rehabilitating a Holocaust-denying bishop, said Elie Wiesel, the death camp survivor, author and Nobel Peace Prize winner. In an exclusive interview with Reuters, Wiesel also said there was no way the Vatican could have not known about the bishop's past and it may have been done "intentionally". "What does the pope think we feel when he did that? That a man who is a bishop and Holocaust denier - and today of course the most vulgar aspect of anti-Semitism is Holocaust denial - and for the pope to go that far and do what he did, knowing what he knows, is disturbing," Wiesel said by phone from New York. "The result of this move is very simple: to give credence to a man who is a Holocaust denier, which means that the sensitivity to us as Jews is not what it should be," he said late on Tuesday. "It's a pity because Jewish-Catholic relations, thanks to John XXIII and John Paul II, had never been as good, never in history," Wiesel said, referring to the popes who revolutionized relations with Jews after 2,000 years of persecution and mistrust. Asked if he believed it was possible that the Vatican did not know that Williamson was a Holocaust denier, Wiesel, who won the Nobel in 1986 and survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald, said, "Oh no! The Church knows what it does, especially on that level for the pope to readmit this man, they know what they are doing. They know what they are doing and they did it intentionally. What the intention was, I don't know." Since the fury over the pope's decision to lift the excommunication, the Vatican has condemned Williamson's comments as "grave, upsetting (and) unacceptable", restating the Church's -- and Benedict's -- teachings against anti-Semitism. Wiesel said he could not offer the Vatican any advice on how to put things right with Jews but something had to be done. On Tuesday, Williamson's superior in the traditionalist movement publicly apologised to the pope and said William had been disciplined and ordered to remain silent on political or historical issues. Pope Benedict on Wednesday reaffirmed his "full and unquestionable solidarity with Jews" in an attempt to relieve tensions with Jews after a Catholic bishop denied the Holocaust. Speaking at his Wednesday audience, the pope said the attempt to exterminate the Jews in the Holocaust should remain a warning for all people.
{ "date": "2013-06-18T23:44:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368707436824/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516123036-00014-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9748693704605103, "token_count": 762, "url": "http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3663261,00.html" }
A revelatory May 7 Chopin recital by the noted pianist Edward Auer at New York’s Kosciuszko Foundation coincides with historic CD reissues from Sony Masterworks of Arthur Rubinstein and Vladimir Horowitz. Rivals in death as they were in life, Rubinstein (1887–1982) and Horowitz (1903 –1989) offer utterly different definitions of what it means to be a Jewish musician. While Rubinstein offers a patriotic reading of Chopin, along the lines of his famous attributed quote, “When I play Chopin, I am Polish; when I play Falla, I am Spanish…”, Horowitz belongs to a generation of Russian Jewish virtuosi (the violinist Jascha Heifetz may be seen as another example) whose digital derring-do and blinding speed seem designed to outrun any potential pogrom in the offing. In contrast, today’s Jewish pianists do not merely play differently than these eminent elders; they sometimes seem to provide a more direct, unadorned approach to Chopin’s music itself. On May 7, Auer, a white-haired mustachioed gentleman with more than a passing resemblance to Mark Twain, played with steady technique, but technique was not the main focus of his performance. Instead, a warm-toned investigation of the structure of Chopin’s Mazurkas and Ballades left listeners enchanted with the composer’s musical creativity, more than any superimposed notion of nationality or performing virtuosity. Auer’s two CDs of Chopin’s “Nocturnes,” part of an ongoing series, confirm this impression of a heartfelt, experienced approach to music. A younger contemporary, the Latvian-born Israeli pianist Dina Yoffe, exemplifies comparable virtues. Yoffe, who has spent many years teaching in Japan and Germany, has released CDs of Chopin which, like Auer’s, intimately investigate Chopin’s creativity. Such performances, which are more about the composer than any individual interpreter, can only be the result of transcendent art and preparation. The Los Angeles-born Auer studied with Aube Tzerko, a Toronto-born teaching assistant of the legendary Artur Schnabel and an acclaimed pedagogue himself. Auer also studied with the daunting Rosina Lhévinne and Julius Katchen, but pianists know that performing ability cannot be explained away by teachers. At a 2009 master class, Dina Yoffe cited the familiar maxim: “If students play well, it’s because of their talent, but if they play badly, it’s because of their teachers.” Auer, a teaching mainstay at Indiana University for many years, would probably concur. Listen to Edward Auer play Chopin in 2009:
{ "date": "2013-05-23T13:29:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368703317384/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516112157-00014-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.942403256893158, "token_count": 597, "url": "http://blogs.forward.com/the-arty-semite/128093/chopin-and-jewish-pianists-then-and-now/" }
“Huh, that’s odd,” Luke says, and he shows me: He has been able to draw out very little liquid. What there is is thick and puslike, though that could be consistent with infection. I get dressed. Luke tells me he still sees no reason for concern; the signs point to an inflammation, and he’s prescribing Dicloxacillin, a form of penicillin. We’ll try that for a week or two and see if it reduces the swelling. If not, he will remove the lump. I am concerned: If it’s a cyst, I say, how come more liquid didn’t come out? And if it’s not a cyst, what is it? “I don’t know,” says Luke. “That’s why we’re doing the tests.” I go meet Nick at the Lion’s Head, downtown. He’s wearing his fedora low on his head and gives me that cocky Bronx grin that has always knocked me out. “See, I knew it would be nothing,” he says, and within hours we are un—broken up. I am not a hypochondriac, I lean toward the other extreme, associating sickness with weakness and therefore denying being sick. This, I believe, is the legacy of my mother, Milly, who ran off to Florida at seventeen to paint flamingos on glass, in my childhood stole trees from state preserves insisting they were hers because her tax dollars had paid for them, and at 65 is still one of the great forces of nature. “I’ve never been sick a day in my life,” she says. “One hour after I had you, I was eating. The other women in the hospital were screaming their heads off. I made up my mind, ‘How it went in, it will go out,’ and that was that. This worrying you have about every little thing, that you got from your father. He was the worrier. Him and his mother. The Aspirin Addict.” Also, before going off at 62 as a volunteer in the Israeli army, “I don’t fear death. Death to me is just another adventure. I can think of no greater honor than dying for the state of Israel, the Jewish homeland.” “You’re an old dame, Ma,” I say. “You think they’re gonna put a machine gun in your hand and send you to the front? You’re gonna be cleaning toilets.” “Don’t even bother to bring back the body,” she says. I do fear death. Even more, I fear a bad death, strapped to machines in a hospital like my father. “Joyce,” he had taken to telling me from the mountains, when I called once a week from Paris. “Your father is a very sick man. Your father is dying.” I did not entirely believe him. I knew he was sick, very sick. I had been there for the early operations in the city and the last-minute flights to Florida. I knew the cancer was creeping up his spine and down his legs and was eventually going to kill him. But his blood counts were good, he was going to his business every day. It is a rotten thing to admit, but a voice in me, hearing him, was satirizing him: “Joyce, your father is dying”—Hebraic Dramatic Third Person, now replacing that previous family favorite, “You realize, of course, you are killing your father.” He was a worrier, and critical and angry. Worrying how he and his mother and his two younger brothers would survive on a small dairy farm when he was nineteen and his father died; worrying about making a business out of nothing when he was in his thirties; worrying once he was successful it would all disappear. Then, when I got home from Paris, I saw the worrying was real: My father was 67 and got up from his desk at the office like a man of 85, his weight down 30 pounds, shaking, and supporting himself on a cane. Seeing me, he started to cry. “I never thought I’d see you again,” he said, and I was filled with self-loathing. What the f--- was I doing in Paris all that time? I didn’t even need all of that stuff. Why wasn’t I here with my father? Two weeks later, he fell and broke his hip, and after that operation, his heart started to fail and they put him on life support. “You’re not getting enough oxygen, Bernie,” the doctor said. “Your lungs are exhausting your heart. If we don’t put you on this machine, you’re going to die. Do you give your consent?” My father nodded yes. Nobody in the family had any idea what life support meant, but in an hour, when they let us in to see him, we found out. An oxygen tube had been stuffed down his nose, his hands were strapped to the side of the bed, and he was pulling against the straps like an animal at auction, trying to speak but unable to because of the tube down his throat.
{ "date": "2015-03-30T13:34:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131299339.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172139-00154-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9914805889129639, "token_count": 1151, "url": "http://nymag.com/news/features/46178/index3.html" }
A Visit to the Holy Land There is so much to see in the Holy Land – one of the most religious and historically rich places in the world. It is definitely worth a visit, despite all the regional tensions. This is also a great place to celebrate the traditional New Year’s Eve (December 31st according to the Gregorian / Roman calendar) as it doesn’t coincide with Jewish New Year’s celebrations (Rosh Hashanah). If you only have a few days, you can make the most of it with a tour – either a private hire through your hotel or a group tour through Egged Tours. It is easy to get lost in the narrow, winding pedestrian streets and to forget which quarter of the Old City you’re in – the Jewish, Muslim, Armenian, and Christian Quarters are all closely intertwined. This is the place to view biblical sites and get souvenirs of your trip if you so wish. The Western (Wailing) Wall is also a must see – be sure to pray at either the men’s or women’s side before you leave. THE DEAD SEA One of the most memorable parts of this trip, the Dead Sea really is a unique site. Float in the water, and make sure to wrap the Dead Sea mud all over your body for a proper natural spa session. Or as one creative woman did, take a Tupperware with you so that you can fill it with the mud and take it home! You can also buy Ahava (Dead Sea beauty products) there or for a better deal, at the airport duty-free. There’s a charming new little boutique hotel called Hotel Berdichevsky located on a quiet street in Tel Aviv. The rooms are clean and tastefully decorated, and the breakfast is delicious. The concierge also gives fantastic restaurant recommendations (see below). Eat (as often as you can) at Shila restaurant, also known as Sharon Cohen’s Kitchen & Bar. If you sit at the food bar, the mouth-watering tasting menu is created right in front of you by the chefs. A LITTLE R&R: For a shisha and mint tea in a live DJ setting, stop at Honey Beach (cocktails are also served here). Or relax on the beach in Tel Aviv – the winter sunshine in December (21degrees Celsius or approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit) is very welcomed by pale, Vitamin-D deficient tourists (myself included). As always, have a great trip! Filed under: Getaways | 1 Comment Tags: Ahava, Dead Sea, Holy Land, Honey Beach, Hotel Berdichevsky, Jerusalem, Sharon Cohen's Kitchen & Bar, Shila, Tel Aviv, Western Wall
{ "date": "2015-04-01T13:06:33Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131304598.61/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172144-00102-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.939538300037384, "token_count": 573, "url": "http://gypsyjetsetter.com/2013/01/22/a-visit-to-the-holy-land/" }
Varda Proctor the wife of Cambridge spy and fellow apostle Dennis Proctor threatened to inform the authorities on her knowledge of both their sex and black magic parties and her husbands illegal spying activities, she then very kindly committed 'suicide'. It is in the records that highly secret treasury documents were found at the flat of Guy Burgess. Peter Mandelsons grandfather was Herbert Morrison, who held various ministerial positions in W W II Britain, Intel files from this period, state quite clearly that Morrison was instrumental in informing other powerful Jewish businessmen connected to the Russians which products would be going up in the annual budget, three houses side by side in Marylebone London and owned by wartime millionaire black marketer Phil Sher were packed full of goods which would appreciate, traditionally inside informants have said advance financial information was always available to certain Jewish business people from the office of the Chancellor of the exchequer, and still is today. Dame Shirley Porter who is the daughter of Jack Cohen founder of Tesco supermarkets, had close connections to the late Herbert Morrison, and all these people are linked to the Rothschild's, who fund both Britain's New Labour and Conservative parties, the old joke,: 'no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in', is perhaps not wide of the mark. Britain's intel apparatus listed names of all those who went to Russia from the thirties onward, Churchill foolishly forbad all Intel gathering on Russia during the war as he said; 'they were an ally' but the records show visits to Russia from members of the Astor family who wrote letters to with George Bernard Shaw, which are now in the archives. Lord William 3rd viscount Astor, was to hold sex and black magic parties at his grand house, where Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies seduced the rich and famous. The society osteopath and healer Stephen Ward, was a master occultist who at these orgies would conjure weird spirits to visibly appear, which sound identical to those at Bilderberg ceremonies. M.I.5 informant Stephen Ward treated Winston Churchill for alcoholism and depression, and got him painting for therapy, it was said to be what ward knew of Churchill that ensured his murder. Sir Anthony Blunt then bought up all Stephen Wards drawings of the royal family and destroyed them, so no links would be found of Satanism and perversion in any enquiry, between the royals and a black magician, but of course Blunt sent word first to his Soviet controllers. Attendees at these parties told of Sir Anthony Blunt asphyxiating young boys to death while a naked masked man sodomised him, this man was said to be royalty or a rothschild and always wore his socks, but in killing the boy in this way his body muscles would suddenly contract bringing on the sexual climax of the predator. Sir Anthony Blunt could do as he wanted he and his boyfriend John gaskin would trawl the late night London lavatories for young men incapacitated by drink or drugs, to bring back to their flat over the Courtalds institute. A mysterious incident with John Gaskin falling from a window high in the building, preceded him going under a train, whether this was suicide or murder to silence what he knew, has never been established. In 1987 the 'greatest jockey ever', Lester Piggott was jailed for 3 years for tax evasion, but what the police really wanted was to nab the jockey for extensive race fixing, envelopes of 3 grand each was given to certain jockeys to throw the race, so Lester Piggott could then win, but special branch police discovered, he raced the miserly queen mothers horses, implicating her in crime, so this was dropped. The queen mother and Lady Fermoy, pushed and plotted Prince Charles to marry Diana Spencer in 1986, the town closest to the royal Sandringham estate, kings Lynn held its annual festival, but they did not hold a British week or even a Norfolk week, they held a Czechoslovakian week where Czech poetry was read out with Czech literature, and no one understood one word said, a telephone tap discovered that a K.G.B operative working at the nearby Czech Skoda cars depot, paid a bribe of 1000 pounds for this, and Lady Fermoy was quietly advised to stand down from being festival patron, It was not realized that Skoda cars, was the automobile division of a heavy armaments company who supplied semtex explosives to the I R A and other terrorist groups. The top catholic exorcist Dom Robert Petit-Pierre claimed the exorcisms he had to perform at the Astors huge estate and Wards cottage, contained the most potent satanic entities he had ever come across, including the spirits of several murdered boys, the evil spirits were similar to the entities surrounding the devils chimney, the Aleister Crowley wartime rituals on Britain's south coast for Winston Churchill's occult Black group experiments. Dennis Proctor, who helped run the pre war ministry of power, and helped government supply contracts only go to those Jews approved by Rothschild, and explained that Stalin moved the inhabitants of the countries of the old Soviet Union to other areas, to disinherit them of their homelands, essential he said for if they had no homelands to fight for, they would become docile, Disinheritance = Docility runs the socialist formula. Tony Blair's New Labour has followed this rule, and brought in hordes of foreign peoples to Britain, many towns now have almost no English language or inhabitants, the pro-Israel lobby now has the Milliband’s in government places for the next mid east conflict,. The real reason for W. W. II was to bring the German economy back under foreign control, weaken Britain and allow in one world government, one world currency and one world army, exactly as envisaged by Rothschild and the Cambridge Apostles all those years ago T Stokes London
{ "date": "2015-03-28T14:19:14Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131297587.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172137-00206-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9714478254318237, "token_count": 1230, "url": "http://whale.to/c/one_world.html" }
Meditation Heart Sutra Go to a restrained place everywhere you are not ecological to be anxious for fifteen proceedings. Next your eyes, practice the old-fashioned pure tune "SO HUM" for five proceedings, placing your mind on your tip-off. On one occasion five proceedings put your mental mind in the event of your inside, in the essence of your chest. As a consequence your selflessness on your inside, you may begin to skill your inside trouncing exceptional brutally This is widespread. As you control the trouncing of your inside, begin to also control thanks. The way to control thanks is to devise of all the items, events, and family members in your life for which you take pleasure in feature to be privileged. Allow those images to departure in your consciousness whilst you reserve your selflessness on your inside. Contract a minute to devise of all the staff whom you love and all the staff who section their love with you. With say to yourself: "Altogether Verdict I Power IS A Choice Concerning A Moan AND A Fact. i let go of grievances andSteal miracles. Aspect resentments and grievances - and the staff co-conspirator with those resentments and grievances - may departure in your mind. If they do, precise say, "I let go of the grievances. I pick and choose the miracles." With become sharp of your inside again, and on purpose start to stay happening your inside. As you do, say to yourself, "Consideration... knowingness...Bliss... Consideration," and for that reason stay out for the precise accumulation of four. Concerning each breath and exhalation put for out of the ordinary seconds. Do this for three or four proceedings. Before the inside sutra meditation, the fire of your thing - which is love, knowingness, and delight - strength of mind start to TV show itself complete the inside. This is everywhere the third pride of synchrodestiny meets the fourth pride. The fire in your thing now begins to bring into being your target. On one occasion having alleged "i let go of grievances and chose miracles a few era, start to revise mentally the chesterfield "THEY Ghost BE Over and done with." This prepares your reason to put up the target of the nonlocal intuit, and to understand that it is, cool, your target. On one occasion about a tardy, let go of all opinion and bring your mind carefully to your inside. Realize your heartbeat, either as a pure or as a phenomenon. Ambiance it pulsation. Considering you can gist your inside, relinquish your mind happening your hands, and skill the pulsation of your inside in your hands. Element the target to embroider the blood route to your hands. Simply take pleasure in the target. As the blood route to your hands increases, either the pulsation strength of mind embroider or you'll skill welcome, tickle, or some other phenomenon. Element the target of budding welcome so that your hands become electric fire and electric fire. Ambiance the welcome in your hands as your target alone increases the blood route. Having the status of your hands take pleasure in become emotional, move your mind happening your personality, the zenith part of your personality nearly the eyeballs, and take pleasure in the precise target. Expand the blood route to your personality so your personality starts to regular and get emotional. Simply the target. You may skill a pulsing or tickle phenomenon nearly your eyes as the blood route increases and your personality becomes emotional. Wholly, bring your mind back happening your inside. Check that contemporary is a highlight of light vivid in your inside, agreeable your heartbeat. This highlight of light vivid in your inside is the light of your thing as it pulsates with the three merits of the soul: love, knowingness, and delight, or sat chit ananda, which is also the sutra for the third pride. As it pulsates, control the highlight of love, knowingness, delight. It is liberation glowing light to the rest of your cadaver. Slothfully let that highlight of light fade not worth it from your mind, and vent in to your whole cadaver. Ambiance the feelings. With open your eyes. The meditation is better. In The News Vandals Football And Army WitchesUffington Pallid Pony vandalised Vandals transfer defaced the Uffington Pallid Pony, on the Berkshire Downs in Oxfordshire. A BBC figures sham assumed that parts of the 3,000-year-old chalk monument transfer been decorated violet. Control and Confusion Trust members transfer been in action to repair the taint. Stage are imagery of white cattle on tons British hillsides. The oldest white mare in Britain is the Uffington mare... Garden Spells By Sarah Addison AllenMY SUMMER Learn Trickle HAS NOT Just been magickal, but itS Going up Bony AND I AM Departure TO Conduct TO Hoard UP ON Quite a lot of Higher. I Conduct to say this is theInitial summer inDuration THAT I Conduct ENJOYED Learn so much! Estate spells is anCharming and magickalWander Voguish the lives of the waverley sisters, claire and sydney.At the rear of TEN Duration, sydney hasSettled TO Selected to bascom.. Perspective Is A Funny ThingMy friend and teammate has this painting. He told me it was disconcerting but he couldn't figure out why. What I major looked at it, I saw an eye and meeting turned on its deposit that concurrent to zip up excessively. I've foster some red to trepidation out the eye and eye meeting that I saw. If you support click the picture you'll see the red go down. To me, it looked to hand a Dali-like imperil at painting a hot-headed front... Getting In Deeper And DeeperNicolas Sarkozy has afterward once more put his discharge in it. His incompetent attention of fairness, history, apology, and preparation are now alleged at the Jewish band, who (I cordially objective) are not dominated in by this publicize of mock impression. It all started on February 13 when Sarkozy attended the annual report lunch of CRIF (Symbolic Gathering of Jewish Institutions of France)...
{ "date": "2017-08-18T14:36:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886104681.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818140908-20170818160908-00214.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9197516441345215, "token_count": 1311, "url": "http://nicoledewalt.com/meditation-heart-sutra.html" }
This is made a good deal more complex by asserting what are primarily supernatural methods of "Knowing". All of which are subject to the individual's interpretation. This makes it impossible to find external evidence, since evidence requires facts, and facts are, in the forensic sense, tangible things like; fingerprints, blood type, etc.--and it's forensic evidence that separates the bible from most other ancient, religious texts. Stating that the bible is infallible, is likewise, so broad a statement as to be meaningless. How is it infallible?—and what does that actually mean? These questions should be the starting place. We can answer them by cobbling together disparate strands of existing thought, as though we’re dining at an all you can eat restaurant—“I’ll take some of this and a bit of that”! We can abandon the tradition altogether and do the same thing with pop-psychologists and get rich quick schemes framed in the language of the Gospel, without any of its substance, mind you. Unfortunatley, that’s already happened. There is, however, another way. In the past fifty years our knowledge of the 1st century world of Jesus and his followers, its language and customs has radically increased. That increase has come from genuine scholarship. From archaeologists, linguists and historians, most of whom are agnostics, not true believers. They've shed new light on the meaning of Jesus’ words, his actions and the geopolitical environment that shaped his life and that of the Jewish people. They've also shown the profound relationship between the geography of the region and its impact on biblical history. Separating Jesus from his culture and the land that is central to virtually all of the biblical writers, would be no different than trying to teach American history without understanding the uniqueness of the land that shaped us as a people. The prior history of England and its long march out of the ashes of the Roman Empire, including the denuded period of the "Dark Ages" too enlightenment super-power, would also be intrinsic in the search for America. Understanding the history of the Jews and the extraordinary military and political forces that shaped them, would be no different. The bible, by the way, records all of theses changes, it simply does it the way that an ancient, Near Eastern people told their own story. Not the way that a modern, post enlightenment European would. You’re probably not going to hear these things in your local church, at least not much of it. But it is readily available. If you want to “Know” you can. If you don’t, you can ignore it. What we don’t need is a "New" dogma—and anytime someone says emphatically “This is the truth”, it quickly becomes the new dogma, same as the old dogma. Or, just another case of the “Dogma chasing its tail”.
{ "date": "2018-08-14T13:15:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221209040.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20180814131141-20180814151141-00534.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9625145792961121, "token_count": 613, "url": "http://www.weeklysouthernarts.com/jesus-and-the-new-dogma/jesus-and-the-new-dogma" }
Bookworm Claudette Colvin had two dreams when she was young. The first was to marry a baseball player. The second was to become President of the United States. Lofty dreams indeed for a teenager from the poor side of town, but she was an A-grade student and determined to make something of her life. The thwack of a curveball rocketing over a baseball diamond or the patriotic stirrings of a big brass band on the lawns of the White House must have seemed impossible that one Friday in March, when the smart and pretty 15-year-old was hauled into a courthouse. She’d been yelled at by students, kicked three times by police and then taken across town crying and humiliated in a patrol car by the same officers, who made lewd comments about her appearance. (more…) The need to be culturally relevant How can the local church, which originated almost 2,000 years ago, survive in a world of diverse languages, customs and ways of life? In particular, how does the church balance a changeless message in an ever changing culture? The Church is Multicultural History shows that Christianity and the church have been multicultural across both time and space. They have survived from the first century to the twenty first century. During this period, Christianity was practised in the Roman Empire, in the feudal hierarchical system of the Middle Ages, in the Reformation of the 1500s, in the revivals of the 1700s and 1800s and in the modern world. These were all radically different cultures with different technology, different languages, different ways of life and different customs. So, the church has adapted to various cultures across history. Through missionaries, Christianity and the church has spread geographically across the world, first across the Middle East and then around the Mediterranean Sea and across Europe, and finally to colonies across the world as they were visited by European nations. Today, there are churches in virtually every country, although in some places they meet in secret because of persecution. In all these countries there are different cultures with different technology, different languages, different ways of life and different customs. So, the church has adapted to various cultures across the world. Today, it is multicultural. It was God’s intention that the church be multicultural. On the day the church began, God did a linguistic miracle, so those present could all hear the wonders of God in their native language (Acts 2:1-13) . Christianity was to go to all language groups. As this was a new thing, when Peter was about to visit a Gentile, he was given a vision that taught him that God accepts believers from all nations (Acts 10:35). Peter needed to be retrained to know that God doesn’t have any favourites in the church. So, Christianity was to go to all nations, to all cultures. That’s why before He ascended, the Lord told His followers, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8TNIV). They took Christianity to the ends of their known world and today it has spread across the globe. Finally, in heaven Jesus will be praised because He “purchased for God members of every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9). So, Christianity will go to all tribes, to all language groups, to all nations, to all cultures across the world. Now we will look at how the church survives in these different cultures. The Bible records the history of the Jewish nation over a period of about 2,000 years. The coming of their Messiah had such an impact that Scripture is divided into two parts: the Old and the New Testaments. The Old Testament describes what life was like before Christ and the New Testament what it was like after Christ. Let’s see what the Lord said about this change. The Importance of Wineskins In Luke 5:33-35 the religious leaders criticized Jesus because His disciples did not fast (go without eating) as was their custom. Jesus gave a reason for not following all the religious customs of that time and He explained it further with a parable: “People do not pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins” (Lk. 5:37-38). In ancient times goatskins were used to hold wine (1 Sam.1:24). After the animal was skinned, the skin was tanned, the openings were sewn shut, the neck of the goat was used for the spout, and unfermented grape juice was poured in. Afterwards the neck was sewn shut and the fermentation process began. As the fresh grape juice fermented it gave off carbon dioxide which stretched the new leather wineskin (Job 32:18-19). Only a new wineskin would have the capacity to stretch and not break during the process of fermentation. A used wineskin would break because it was already stretched and hardened and was no longer elastic or flexible. It had lost its power to stretch any more and so was no longer an effective container for the wine. Jesus’ hearers knew not to use old skins with new wine. The wineskin contained the wine and protected it from the outside environment. This is shown schematically in the diagram as three components: the wineskin (represented by a circle); the wine inside the skin and the environment outside the skin. This parable, which is reported in Matthew, Mark and Luke, illustrated a truth that Jesus was teaching. From the diagram it can be seen that the wineskin is the point of contact between the wine and the world (or the surrounding environment). Old “wine” represented the OT law and old “wineskins” represented the Jewish practices of carrying out the law, both of which are described in the Old Testament. Jesus introduced the “new wine” of the gospel of God’s salvation through the death of Christ as a substitute for us all (Rom. 7:6; 2 Cor.3:6). The lesson was that the Jewish practices were too old, weak and rigid for the gospel. They needed to be replaced. The gospel would be destroyed if they tried to express it through the Jewish practices. Because there was a new wine, there needed to be a new wineskin. So, because the gospel was new and different to the Old Testament law, it could not be expressed by the Jewish customs and practices that were related to the law. This problem was faced by the early church in Galatia and other places. Instead, new Christian practices were required to express Christ’s teachings: “Pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved” (Mt. 9:17). The new covenant which Jesus was instituting must bring with it new structures, new forms, new practices; which are those for the church. The application of this illustration to the church era is shown schematically as three components: Christian practices (represented by the circle), Christian principles inside the circle and circumstances outside the circle. Action is essential for putting the principles into practice. Our practices are important because they are the visible aspect of our faith. For example, Jesus said that people will recognize His disciples if they love one another (Jn. 13:35). Furthermore, James wrote, “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” and John wrote “let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” (Jas. 2:15-17; 1 Jn. 3:17-18). So genuine faith and love will produce action. The practices are the action part of our faith, when the principles are expressed in an active way in our world. Next we will look at the wineskins and then the environment outside the skins. There is an important difference between the “wineskins” of the Old Testament and those of the New Testament. This is a difference between Jewish practices and Christian practices. The Old Testament has many detailed laws about how the Jews were to behave including: social life; the tent and temple where sacrifices were made to God; the sacrifices; the priests; health regulations; and religious festivals; even down to circumcising male babies. These characterised the Jewish way of life. But Christ freed us from slavishly following the Old Testament law and its regulations (Gal. 5:1; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14; Heb. 9:10). So detailed regulations are absent from the New Testament, where the emphasis is on principles that can be expressed and practiced in many ways in different cultures. For example, Jesus summarised the law as “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt. 22:37-39). We need to distinguish between the principles and the practices. Scriptural principles are fixed by Scripture. However, we need to interpret these and sometimes there is more than one interpretation. On the other hand, Christian practices are expressions of divine principles in a particular human situation. They can change according to local circumstances. They are multicultural. They enable the changeless principles to be applied to any culture. This is one of the liberties of the Christian faith. Having the practices between the principles and the circumstances also reflects our dual citizenship. We live under human government and we serve the Lord of heaven: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Mt. 22:21). Our values are heavenly and our impact and service is earthly. Responding to Circumstances We now look at how this applied to the early church. In the above parable, Jesus taught that if the principles (wine) changed, then the practices (wineskins) should change. What if there are changes to the circumstances we live in, which are represented by the outside environment in the illustration? Biological organisms respond to changes in their environment, otherwise there is no evidence of life. Likewise, the early church was urged to address the circumstances it faced. In the first century, local churches in different places faced different circumstances. This is reflected in the topics of the letters that were written to these churches. For example, some of the issues they faced were: - Corinth: factions, immorality, litigation, disorder, false teaching - Galatia: legalism - Ephesus: false teachers, lacked love - Thessalonica: persecution, misunderstandings about death and the second coming, idleness - Smyrna: persecution, poverty, - Thytaria: immorality and idolatry - Sardis: lacked spiritual life - Loadicea: material wealth, stagnant. In all these situations the writer was inspired by God to tell the church how to respond to their particular circumstances. In particular, the elders at Ephesus were told to be alert for false teachers: “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). They are told to “keep watch” over themselves and the congregation, to “Be shepherds of the church of God” and to be on their guard for threats to the congregation (Acts 20:28, 31). This means being vigilant and aware of the circumstances that are faced from both within and outside the local church. They were to protect the congregation like a shepherd protected their sheep from predators. So church elders are to be active and responsive to the circumstances being faced, not passive and unresponsive. Past, Present and Future Human behavior is influenced by past experiences, present circumstances and goals for the future. This means that the circumstances faced in the local church can relate to the past, the present or the future. Influences from the past may be traditions handed down from previous times. These are practices that were followed beforehand. Jesus called the religious leaders hypocrites for placing more importance on their traditions than on God’s commands (Mk. 7:1-9; Lk. 6:1-11). They imposed many laws on the common people and treated their traditions as though they were scriptural truths. Jesus also said, “And none of you, after drinking old wine wants the new, for you say, ‘The old is better’” (Lk. 5:39). This indicates people’s reluctance to replace the old for the new. In context, it meant that the Jews of the first century would find it hard to make the change to accept Christianity. They would be reluctant to give up their traditional Jewish ways and try the gospel. It was probably directed at the Pharisees who questioned Jesus. Given this trait of human nature, today some will be reluctant to accept new practices. There is a tendency to perpetuate long-established practices, but our security should be in the principles, not in the practices. Influences from the present are current circumstances that demand a response. For example, language, way of life and geographic spread of the congregation. These circumstances change with time because life is dynamic. Influences from the future may be goals that the local church has agreed to move towards. The balance between these influences will control the practices within a local church at a given point in time. This is shown schematically in the diagram, where the changeless is shown in blue and the variable is shown in black. Lessons for us God has established the local church so that it can function in all cultures across the world. The truths of the gospel and the church should be expressed by the practices of the local church in a manner that takes account of changes in culture, technology, language, way of life and customs. That’s how the church is multicultural. We need to distinguish between Scriptural principles and Christian practices: principles are fixed, whereas the practices can change and should change when there are significant changes in circumstances. We should know the purpose behind our practices, and periodically consider whether other methods would be more appropriate. A practice shouldn’t be viewed as better only because it is old, or better simply because it is new. Local churches all face different circumstances. Today we need to be aware of the circumstances we face, including the changing culture of our world. If the local church is to be sustainable, we need to know our circumstances and decide how they affect our expression of the principles. If its practices don’t change, the local church becomes a stagnant and unresponsive subculture that will die out. There is no future for churches that are content with the old and caught up in the traditions and the forms of 50 or 100 years ago. Let’s face it, the world we live in has changed drastically over the last 40 years. This is a challenge that is faced by all local churches, particularly in times of rapid cultural changes. It’s not enough to be a church that is based on Scripture; there is also a need to be culturally relevant. Our vision should include these two components: Scriptural principles that reflect our Lord and our heavenly citizenship and practices that relate to the physical world we live in. Let’s be a Biblical church that is culturally relevant. Written, November 2007 See earlier article on scriptural principles and practices: – Practicing scriptural principles Change is a major characteristic of our modern world. For example, technological developments, increased mobility and multiculturalism all impact on our way of life. How then, should believers respond, both individually and collectively, to change and diversity in their communities? Two New Testament truths seem relevant here, namely: acceptance, not favoritism; and principles, not regulations. It is important that we practice New Testament attitudes and behaviors, and not those more appropriate to Old Testament times. Acceptance – not favoritism God’s favored people in the Old Testament, the children of Israel, were of one nationality. They were given special promises (Gen. 12:2-3; 17:7-8), the sign of circumcision, and detailed rules and regulations for their customs and culture. (See Exodus to Deuteronomy). Other nations were despised as they had detestable customs (Lev. 18:30). But in Christ, God’s favor and loving concern now extends to all humanity (Jn. 3:16-17), as His salvation is for all people and nations across the world (Mt. 28:19; Acts 1:8). The New Testament principle is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts people who follow Him from every nation (Acts 10:34-35). All believers are now accepted and favored by God, regardless of their nationality, customs, culture, status in society, or gender (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11). Clearly, God does not discriminate among believers. In fact, we are told to accept one another just as Christ accepted us (Rom. 15:7), and that it is a sin to show favoritism (Jas. 2:9). Similarly, we are urged to do good to all people, especially all believers (Gal. 6:10). The only people we should not accept are those who claim to be believers but who are immoral, greedy, who cheat, slander others, get drunk, worship idols (1 Cor. 5:9-13), cause divisions (Rom. 16:17-18; Ti. 3:10-11), or do not bring the doctrine of Christ (2 Jn. 9-11). Principles – not regulations The Bible contains many important principles for humanity from the time of Adam and Eve up until today. The Old Testament also contains detailed regulations and procedures on how many of these principles were to be practiced by the Jews of that period. This even included the design of their building and furniture to be used for worship (Ex. 25-27, 35-38; 2 Chr. 3-4). These were for a particular time in the history of the Jewish nation. But Christ freed us from slavishly following the Old Testament law and its regulations (Gal. 5:1; Eph. 2:15; Col. 2:14; Heb. 9:10). So detailed regulations are absent from the New Testament where the Holy Spirit is left free to apply biblical principles among the diverse nations, customs and cultures across the earth since the times of the early Church described in Acts. This means that local practices and methods may vary in different communities according to their way of life and particular needs. A changing world The greatest change that faced the early Church was when Christianity extended to the Gentiles (Acts 10, 11, 15). Prior to this time, the believers were mainly Jews and converts to Judaism (Acts2:11, 22; 6:1). Cornelius’ conversion represented a significant step in the separation of the early Church from Judaism. The divine principle of acceptance– not favoritism was given to Peter at this time. Evangelism among the Gentiles was pioneered by men from Cyprus and Cyrene (Acts 11:20), encouraged by Barnabas (Acts 11:23) and was Paul’s mission (Acts 9:15). Different people can react differently to change in their circumstances and environment. When conflict arose among believers because of this change it was resolved after discussion by the elders. Peter claimed that God does not discriminate among believers, but accepts all by giving them the same Holy Spirit. Consequently, unnecessary requirements should not be imposed on fellow believers (Acts 15:8-11). He had profited from Paul’s rebuke of his pride and hypocrisy in forcing Gentiles to follow Jewish customs, and then separating from them (Gal. 2:11-21). James agreed with Peter: they should not insist that Gentile believers obey Jewish regulations (Acts 15:19). Likewise, we should not make it difficult for people in our community who are turning to God by placing unnecessary and non-biblical requirements on them. A multicultural world Many of us live in multicultural communities where there is a diversity of customs and lifestyles. The Bible recognizes and allows for diversity among believers in the nonessential aspects of the Christian faith. Such issues faced by the early church concerned food and drink and whether one day was more sacred than another (Col. 2:16). Paul commanded that we accept one another, as Christ has accepted us (Rom. 15:7) by respecting the other’s viewpoint and their conscience (Rom. 14:1-15:7; 1 Cor. 8; 1 Cor. 10:23-33). This means not criticizing and not stumbling another, particularly a weaker believer, but acting in love towards them. We will give an account of our conduct to God (Rom. 14:12). Remember, how we treat each other is how we are treating the Lord (Mt. 25:40,45). Consideration of others, rather than selfishness, is given as the key to unity among Christians, with Christ the greatest example (Rom. 15:1-7). He always acted to please His Father (Jn. 8:29). This principle also applies to our attitudes and behavior towards non-Christians. Paul went out of his way to identify with all kinds of people, by serving them rather than imposing on them in order to effectively communicate the gospel (1 Cor. 9:19-23; 10:33). We also should be aware of local customs and respect those that are not evil (1 Th. 5:21-22). Let’s understand our times (like the men of Issachar in 1 Chr. 12:32) and follow the examples of Christ, Peter, Paul and James in our changeable and diverse world by: - Accepting and welcoming other believers and non-believers. - Encouraging each generation, nationality and community to express the Christian faith within their culture. - Assessing the appropriateness of our customs and practices. Some may hinder the communication of the gospel or the building of relationships among believers. Summary of attitudes to others (from Romans 14:1-15:7 and Acts 10, 11 and 15) |Divine Nature||Sinful Nature| |Accepts, welcomes, encourages||Criticizes, discriminates| |Pleases and builds up||Selfishly dominates and controls| |Allows diversity||Imposes uniformity| |Is humble, confesses, forgives||Is proud| |Is loving, patient, tolerant||Causes to stumble or fall into sin| |Presents Christian liberty||Loads with unnecessary rules| Published, May 1995
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John 1:19-23: This is John’s testimony, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” He declared, and didn’t deny, but he declared, “I am not the Christ.” They asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the prophet?” He answered, “No.” They said therefore to him, “Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself? He said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.” In today’s section of John, we have the record of John the Baptist’s description of himself when he was questioned by Jewish leadership. These men who came to visit John came from the city of Jerusalem, the city of the Jewish temple. The priests were those who served God in the temple and the Levites were one of the families of Israel that God specifically gave temple duties to. In a sense, this was a traveling inquisition. It appears that they were attempting to find out what authority that John had to be preaching to the people in the name of God. It is a good thing to verify the message of a prophet to see if they are from God (Deuteronomy 18:22, 1 John 4:1,2). John did not avoid the question but answered. He started by making it clear that he was not the Messiah that they were waiting for. The leadership also asked him if he was Elijah. In Malachi 4:4,5 it says that God was going to send Elijah at some point in the future before the “Day of the Lord”. There did seem to be a great similarity between Elijah and John the Baptist, but John was John and this really wasn’t the “Day of the Lord” yet. The Jews were also expecting the arrival of a Prophet. I am not clear about who this is but John knew that he was not the one. It is clear that there is yet to be two prophets that will come to Jerusalem that have been written about in Revelation 11. And this does happen at the “Day of the Lord.” So the question then was, “Who was John?” The wonderful thing is that John was also spoken of in prophesy and he quotes it to them. It is an Old Testament prophesy found in Isaiah 40:3. It is my understanding that Isaiah was already hundreds of years old by that time. Isaiah was one of the books of the Old Testament that was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls in recently. Amazingly enough, these copies dated back to about the time of John. So we know that they were aware of this prophesy and that it was already old. Evidently, this quote wasn’t enough to satisfy theses leaders as we will find out more about in the next verse next time.
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The first big novel of the year is Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk's The Museum of Innocence (Faber), both a tale of obsessional love and a stunning panorama of Istanbul society rich and poor, traditional and westernised, over the past three decades. It comes with a real museum attached: Pamuk plans a house of ephemera in which to display the memorabilia of his hero's affair and of Istanbul life, from ferry tickets to quince grinders. EL Doctorow creates another museum of the moment in Homer and Langley (Little, Brown), based on the lives of the Collyer brothers, eccentric hoarders who rarely left their New York townhouse and were eventually killed by their own clutter. Doctorow finds in their decaying mansion a weird and wonderful platform from which to view a century of American life. The trend for posthumous publication continues with John Wyndham's Plan for Chaos (Penguin). In this companion piece to Day of the Triffids, the suspicious deaths of a series of identical women reveal a plot to clone a master race. Meanwhile, Blacklands (Bantam) heralds a fresh new voice in crime: Belinda Bauer inhabits the mind of her 12-year-old hero, struggling to tease the whereabouts of his uncle's body from an imprisoned child-killer, with uncanny conviction. Seeing Further: The Story of Science & the Royal Society, edited by Bill Bryson (HarperPress). On a dismal night in London 350 years ago, a group of intellectuals sat down and created a society for the accumulation of knowledge. Since then, the Royal Society has been at the heart of scientific endeavour. Bryson's anniversary collection of articles by Richard Dawkins, Margaret Atwood, Richard Holmes and others tells the story of human advancement, from the pioneering expeditions of Captain Cook and dubious experimental medical procedures to Newton's theory of light, splitting the atom and the discovery of the DNA double helix. Must You Go, by Antonia Fraser (Weidenfeld & Nicolson). This memoir of one of the great literary marriages of our time is based on diaries Fraser kept during her time with Harold Pinter. It promises to shed new light on the germination of his plays as well as on their lives together. "In essence," Fraser writes, "it is a love story and as with many love stories, the beginning and the end, the first light and the twilight, are dealt with more fully than the high noon in between." Love Poems, by Carol Ann Duffy (Picador). The inaugural collection of Carol Ann Duffy's laureateship explores a theme that has long lain at the core of her poetry; the publication of her 2005 narrative of a relationship, Rapture, saw her anointed as our generation's premier anatomist of love. This collection unites some of her greatest love poems with more recent efforts. "All poems are love poems," she said at last year's Hay festival. "Poetry can offer consolation, it can be angry and potent, but all these poems, these moments in language, come from love." A Hospital Odyssey, by Gwyneth Lewis (Bloodaxe). In her first collection since stepping down as the first national poet of Wales, Gwyneth Lewis follows the odyssey of Maris, whose husband Hardy has been diagnosed with cancer (Lewis's own husband faced the same news some years earlier). Somewhere in the hospital she loses him, and her search metamorphoses into a descent through wards and corridors populated by a fantastical cast of fickle physicians, anthropomorphised diseases, party-going microbes – and the shade of Aneurin Bevan – posing fundamental questions about the nature of health and healthcare. SC The Cello Suites: In Search of a Baroque Masterpiece, by Eric Siblin (Harvill Secker). Eric Siblin spent years as a rock critic before suddenly falling under the spell of Bach's Cello Suites. It wasn't just the way the music sounded, but its backstory that so intrigued him. The Cello Suites had lain forgotten until Pablo Casals famously popularised them in the 20th century. In crisp, business-like prose Siblin explores the source of both his and Casals's fascination with some of Bach's most challenging music. Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay, by John Lanchester (Allen Lane). How did Royal Bank of Scotland get to be not just the biggest bank, but the biggest company in the world? How could so much smart money chase such stupid risks? With wit and fury novelist John Lanchester unpacks the dizzying complexities of the financial industry to provide what promises – from advance glimpses in Lanchester's journalism – to be the year's most lucid and illuminating guide to the credit crunch. JJ Enchanted Glass, by Diana Wynne Jones (HarperCollins). This shows how fleet of foot fantasy can be even with a huge cast and a complex plot. Magician Jocelyn Brandon dies at a great age, leaving everything to his grandson. Andrew inherits a house with unruly and difficult staff and magic suffusing it all. When orphaned Aidan arrives, seeking protection from extreme forces, Andrew has to get a grip on the magic – which means finding the set of instructions that seems to be missing. At the heart of all is the colourful, stained glass window in the kitchen . . . (9+) A bleak book for a grim month: but Jon McGregor's Even the Dogs (Bloomsbury), in which a chorus of the drugged and dispossessed tell their stories, is unmissable. As the state begins its investigation into the body of an anonymous alcoholic, we get fragmentary glimpses of the lives the state looks away from: McGregor's prose is unflinching yet luminous. Joshua Ferris also examines physical degredation and mysterious compulsion in The Unnamed (Viking), in which a man's irresistible urge to walk makes him a stranger to his family and himself: the book is as hard to pin down as its hero, yet as readable as The Corrections. Memoir fuelled one of Martin Amis's best books, Experience, and his much-anticipated new novel, The Pregnant Widow (Jonathan Cape), also promises an autobiographical flavour. In an Italian castle, during the hot summer of 1970, a biting comedy of manners unfurls as half a dozen young people – including a brilliant English literature student "clogged up with the English novel and high on lust", seeking to turn women's lib to his own ends – enact the brutal and confusing new rules of the sexual revolution. Andrea Levy follows up 2004's hugely successful Small Island with The Long Song (Headline Review), moving back from Windrush-era Britain to the last days of slavery in Jamaica; it's told in the voice of Miss July, born a slave on a sugar plantation at the beginning of the 19th century. Other historical revolutions feature in Peter Carey's playful riff on the life of Alexander de Tocqueville, Parrot and Olivier in America (Faber), in which a French aristocrat escapes Europe's guillotines for the New World. Elsewhere, discover the work of Nobel laureate JMG Le Clezio with the first English translation of the book considered his masterpiece, Desert (Atlantic), which spans the 20th century from the tribes of north Africa to refugees on the streets of Marseilles; while Paul Murray's outrageously enjoyable, bittersweet Skippy Dies (Hamish Hamilton) is an Irish boarding school comedy to savour. JJ What Darwin Got Wrong, by Jerry Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini (Profile). In autumn 2007, the philosopher Jerry Fodor caused a stir with an article in the London Review of Books entitled "Why Pigs Don't Have Wings", which attacked the concept of "natural selection" in evolutionary theory. Philosophers and biologists subsequently wrote in to the LRB's letters pages expressing puzzlement: perhaps Fodor had overlooked this or that, or fastened too doggedly on a form of words that Darwin himself, after all, had called "shorthand"? Interested parties have not much longer to wait for a fuller argument. Van Gogh, by Tim Hilton (HarperPress). Van Gogh's life and work has tended to be overshadowed by his penchant for self-harm. So it's easy to forget that when he wasn't cutting off bits of himself he was painting like a fury, producing the paintings and drawings which changed the direction of modern art. Tim Hilton, who dedicated years to producing a definitive biography of John Ruskin, now focuses that same close attention on Van Gogh. The result is the fullest and most satisfactory life of the artist yet to be published. KH Living Dolls, by Natasha Walter (Virago). This long-awaited book from the author of The New Feminism, who is also a leading campaigner on behalf of women refugees, promises to offer a rallying cry for the post-feminist era – an age when hard-won liberties are being sacrificed to a market-driven, sexualised vision of what women are today. CA Fly by Wire, by William Langewiesche (Penguin). When Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger landed his plane safely in the Hudson river last January after the engines were taken out by geese, he was hailed as a hero pilot of the old school. Here, the reporter (and pilot) William Langewiesche promises a detailed account of the incident, tied in to a more general history of the increasing automation of aircraft. He argues that "fly-by-wire" systems helped Sullenberger, but that they also make him one of the last of a dying breed, sucking the glamour out of the piloting profession. SP Michelangelo's Finger: An Exploration of Everyday Transcendence, by Raymond Tallis (Atlantic). The philosopher, poet and former medical scientist was lauded for his previous books on the hand, the head and the mind. The latest bodily examination brings us to the forefinger and what Raymond Tallis sees as its defining role in humanity and human nature. From the touching fingertips of God and man in the Sistine Chapel, Tallis's meditation on the index finger explores how a seemingly insignificant ability influenced the evolution of our earliest ancestors and set us apart from other primates. IS How Many Friends Does One Person Need? by Robin Dunbar (Faber). Regardless of what Facebook has us believe, our poor little brains cannot cope with more than 150 friends. Such is the limit imposed by the size of our neocortex, says Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary biologist and anthropologist at Oxford University. But this is only one quirk of evolution that colours our everyday lives; our behaviour is bound by our evolutionary history in complex and far–reaching ways. Dunbar's latest delves into the experiments that explain why men talk and women gossip, why all babies are born premature and why monogamy is a drain on the brain. IS The Wrecking Light, by Robin Robertson (Picador, £8.99). Robertson follows up his 2006 Forward prizewinning collection, Swithering, with a new volume which fishes back through Greek mythology with pacey retellings of stories from Ovid, and translations of Pablo Neruda and Eugenio Montale. His poems are haunted: by ghosts, by ambiguities, by the pull of the past, but at root, the collection offers a cogent, unflinching examination of the fallibility of the human world, set against nature's splendour and spaciousness. SC Fighting Ruben Wolfe, by Markus Zuzak (Definitions). Two brothers take to prize fighting after their father loses his job. Having practised together, one with the left-hand glove and one with the right, the two are both good, although Ruben is always just that little bit better. Cameron is always there to cheer his brother on, but what will happen when the two of them meet? Written with a spare, gritty authenticity, this is a compelling and refreshingly brief novel by the author of the bestselling The Book Thief. (11+) JE Blue Chameleon, by Emily Gravett (Macmillan). A lonely chameleon turns himself into all manner of things in an effort to find friends. But friendship takes more than just blending in. How the blue chameleon finds happiness is a glorious exploration of colours and shapes. (2+) JE TimeRiders, by Alex Scarrow (Puffin). Operating across a century, three young adults are recruited by a secret agency to fulfil a single mission; becoming timeriders, they must fix broken history. The job can wait no longer as those in the present think nothing of changing the past. A thriller full of spectacular effects. (10+) JE Ian McEwan's Solar (Jonathan Cape) grapples with climate change, as a burned-out, philandering physicist sees his chance to save the planet in a novel that promises comedy as well as crisis, while Rose Tremain follows her Orange prizewinner The Road Home with Trespass (Chatto & Windus), in which family resentments and cultures collide in an isolated corner of France. There's an eerie novella from Don DeLillo, Point Omega (Picador), which juxtaposes the metaphysical musings of a war adviser with the high-concept cinematography of video art, all considered under the unforgiving sky of the American desert. A debut from a former bond trader, This Bleeding City by Alex Preston (Faber), is the first of several novels this year to confront hubris, moneymaking and the emotional and philosophical ramifications of the crash. Look out too for Marilyn Chin's debut Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen (Hamish Hamilton), a blend of magical realism and savvy modernity about growing up Chinese in America. JJ The Big Short, by Michael Lewis (Allen Lane). Explanations of the financial crisis have not been thin on the ground so far, but The Big Short looks like a perfect storm of brilliant, informed writer (author of the classic Wall Street memoir, Liar's Poker) meeting big, important subject. If his recent articles in Vanity Fair – on the collapse of Iceland, and on the head of AIG – are anything to go by, it will be a gourmet blend of illumination and schadenfreude. SP Are We Alone in the Universe? by Paul Davies (Allen Lane). Paul Davies is an imaginative scientist and a brilliant writer for whom the title question is not so easily answered. As chair of the highly speculative Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) post-detection taskgroup, Davies wonders if we've been looking for aliens in all the wrong places. Instead of pointing our antennae to the heavens and listening out for interstellar broadcasts, we should turn our sights elsewhere. Perhaps ET has buried messages in the DNA of animals around us? How else might an advanced civilisation leave us a note? IS Zeitoun, by Dave Eggers (Hamish Hamilton). The Dave Eggers who brought you What Is the What – the life story of a Sudanese "lost boy" – is back with this account of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as experienced by a Syrian-born painter and decorator, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, and his American wife Kathy. "It's the stuff of great narrative non-fiction," said the New York Times. After spending six days paddling around the flooded city rescuing people, Zeitoun was arrested at gunpoint in what becomes a parable of human compassion and resilience in the face of official incompetence. CA Philip Pullman subverts the founding narrative of the Christian church with a new take on the gospels, "part novel, part history, part fairytale", in The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (Canongate). Helen Dunmore furnishes a sequel to her bestselling The Siege, The Betrayal (Fig Tree), which sees Leningrad in the early 1950s suffering under Stalin and recovering from war, while writer's writer Mick Jackson may have his breakthrough with The Widow's Tale (Faber), in which a newly bereaved woman holes up on the Norfolk coast to consider her past and her possible future. Roddy Doyle completes his trilogy of an IRA veteran in changing times with The Dead Republic (Jonathan Cape) and Naomi Alderman, whose Disobedience opened a window on the orthodox Jewish community in London, turns her eye on Oxford students in The Lessons (Viking). Nicola Barker's Darkmans was one of the glories of 2007: Burley Cross Postbox Theft (Fourth Estate), an epistolary comic novel that lays out the pettiness and passions of a Yorkshire village, is described as "a Cranford for today". JJ Shakespeare, Sex and Love, by Stanley Wells (Oxford). The term "bowdlerize" is an eponym for the man who cut the rude bits out of Shakespeare to protect the morals of 19th-century women and children. Lately it has been more common to sex up the Bard, presumably on the assumption that country matters are all the youth of today understand. Stanley Wells can be relied upon to take a more nuanced approach, offering a historical account of attitudes to sex and love in Elizabethan times, and an analysis of those themes in Shakespeare's work. A central text is Romeo and Juliet, which Wells argues is at once the oeuvre's "bawdiest" and "most romantic" play. SP White Egrets, by Derek Walcott (Faber). Derek Walcott's latest collection contains few surprises: the poems revisit subjects – the oscillations of time, the place of the poet in the world, Walcott's home turf of the Caribbean – that will be instantly familiar to aficionados of his work. As ever, though, when it comes to the swoop and dive of his cadences, the Nobel laureate is in a class of his own. After the mud-slinging that attended the ill-fated 2009 race for the Oxford poetry professorship, Walcott makes a welcome return here to what he does best. SC Katherine the Queen, by Linda Porter (MacMillan). When it comes to Tudor biography, it might seem as if there is no ruff left unruffled. And while no-one can pretend that Katherine Parr, Henry VIII's widow, is a new subject, she has had less attention than some of the other wives. Genuinely clever, and with an all-too-human weakness for bad boys (step forward Thomas Seymour), she deserves to be seen as something more than a provincial dowdy who became queen in order to wipe the ailing king's enormous bottom. KH The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology, by Anil Ananthaswamy (Duckworth). The bottom of a defunct iron mine in Minnesota seems a strange place to search for dark matter, the mysterious substance that clusters around galaxies. But science takes people to unusual places. In Antarctica, a detector cut from a cubic kilometre of ice keeps watch for ghostly particles from outer space. Meanwhile, in the Atacama desert in Chile, astronomers search for stars in their death throes. The author mucks in with scientists performing the world's most extreme experiments, creating a travelogue that celebrates the blood, sweat and tears that drive our understanding of the universe. IS Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? by James Shapiro (Faber). The author of the prizewinning 1599 embarks on another literary whodunit, investigating the cases of all the conspiracy theorists who have claimed Shakespeare's plays were not written by him at all. In doing so, he weighs up the claims and counterclaims advanced over centuries by a distinguished line-up of doubters including Sigmund Freud, Henry James, Mark Twain and Orson Welles. CA May is a bumper month for fiction, with the long-awaited new novel from David Mitchell, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (Sceptre). In 1799 the young Dutch clerk of the title finds himself one of the few westerners to visit Japan, a closed society that keeps its foreigners confined to a walled island. Jonathan Coe anatomises more recent times in The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim (Viking), a picaresque journey through the last decade, while Andrew O'Hagan's The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog, and of His Friend Marilyn Monroe (Faber) relates the star's last days through the eyes of her pet. Alan Warner reintroduces us to the irrepressible cast of The Sopranos in The Stars in the Bright Sky (Jonathan Cape) as the girls, now in their 20s, launch themselves on a reunion holiday. Expect lipgloss, hysteria and razor-sharp dialogue. Meanwhile, there's more sedate In-Flight Entertainment (Jonathan Cape) in the new story collection from Helen Simpson, queen of domestic wryness, and an English release at last for Christos Tsiolkas's exuberant Commonwealth Writers' prize winner The Slap (Atlantic). At a suburban barbie, a man hits someone else's child; Tsiolkas examines the incident through eight different perspectives to build a rich mosaic of Australian society. JJ War, by Sebastian Junger (Fourth Estate). From the author of The Perfect Storm comes an intense account of an almost fatal year with the 2nd Battalion of the American army as it fights its way through eastern Afghanistan. Accepted by the soldiers, Junger uses his documentary skills to ask his comrades tough questions about killing, dying, loyalty and friendship. The result is a book not just about war, or even one war in particular, but about the limits of courage and, yes, love under pressure. KH The Googlization of Everything, by Siva Vaidhyanathan (Profile). Google's corporate ethic, famously, is "Don't be evil", but does the company really live up to it? Media scholar Siva Vaidhyanathan has been drafting this book online since September 2007, as the giant has stumbled into many controversies – acquiescence in Chinese censorship, book-digitisation settlements, and privacy worries about Streetview or its datamining of users' email and search histories. "One of my key concerns with Google is that it is a black box," Vaidhyanathan writes. Good that someone is trying to pry open the lid a fraction. SP Dragon Talk, by Fleur Adcock (Bloodaxe). It's a shock to realise that this is Adcock's first new collection for a decade; the pin-sharp voice of poems such as "Against Coupling", "Advice to a Discarded Lover" and "For a Five Year Old" is so essential and recognisable that it's difficult to know how we've done without it for 10 years. Inspired by the letters her father wrote from England, where he was stationed, to his parents in New Zealand during the second world war, this collection returns Adcock to familiar territory: the family, and her own complex feelings towards her native country. SC Why We Lie: The Source of Our Disasters, by Dorothy Rowe (Fourth Estate). In her previous books Dorothy Rowe has managed to unpick most of the things that bother us in everyday life, from worrying about money to believing in a punitive God. Here she asks why we tell lies and puts the answer down to a mixture of vanity and terror. All pretty toxic, as far as personal relationships are concerned, but Rowe goes further: our failure to tell the truth is behind all manner of ills, from the current economic crisis to global warming. Scary stuff, but Rowe is so wise that you begin to think it might be possible to change. KH The Prince of Mist, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón (Orion). Murky things from the past haunt a young boy after his family moves to an inventor's house on the Atlantic coast. The motif of a six-pointed star appears in some unlikely places and Max becomes increasingly uneasy the more he hears the chilling stories of the legendary Prince of Mist. A powerful and atmospheric story of a mysterious character, whose sinister business is the granting of gifts in exchange for souls. (12+) JE We've been waiting a long time for the follow-up to Yann Martel's tiger fable Life of Pi, the bestselling Booker winner ever; Beatrice and Virgil (Canongate) continues the animal theme, exploring human cruelty through the characters of a monkey and a donkey. In 2008 Juan Gabriel Vasquez's The Informers established a vital new voice in Latin American literature. In The Secret History of Costaguana (Bloomsbury) he offers a riposte to Nostromo, as a Colombian newly arrived in London answers Conrad's advertisement for inspiration – then tells the story his way. There'll be a new Jackson Brodie from Kate Atkinson (Doubleday) and a theatrical extravaganza set in Dublin, London and New York from Joseph O'Connor (Ghost Light, Harvill Secker), while Caine prize winner Helon Habila addresses pressing themes of oil and kidnap in the Niger delta in The River (Hamish Hamilton). JJ Encounter, by Milan Kundera (Faber). A new collection of essays by Milan Kundera is always cause for celebration, and Encounter was loudly acclaimed on its publication (as Une rencontre) last year in France. This volume includes extended discussions of some figures who have previously had walk-on parts in his criticism, particularly Louis-Ferdinand Céline and the Italian novelist Curzio Malaparte. As with his novels, it is a mystery how much Kundera manages to pack in to an apparently simple style, and in previous volumes such as Testaments Betrayed and The Curtain he has shown himself a matchlessly perceptive and sympathetic critic of his fellow artists. SP The Most Powerful Idea in the World: The Story of Steam, Industry and Invention, by William Rosen (Cape). Steam is peculiar and really rather clever. You can't touch it and you can barely see it. Yet, when harnessed, it can move mountains or, failing that, pumps, pistons and giant rotating wheels. In this deft book, Rosen explains how this most whispy of commodities lies behind the world's transformation from one giant farm into a series of industrial clusters. As in his earlier book, Justinian's Flea, Rosen is skilled at hooking small, local phenomena into a narrative of global sweep and significance. KH
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Mayim Bialik is best known for her child acting career as the title character on Blossom. She currently plays the nerdy Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory and holds a real-life PhD in neuroscience. She’s a vegan and tries to practice a version of Jewish modesty dress in a landscape of skimpy outfits. She’s a homeschooler and believer in Attachment Parenting aka “AP.” She’s even written a book on the subject. I really want to adore her, but then she had to go ruin it all by practicing unsafe parenting. Sure, she’s a bit extreme. AP isn’t for everyone, and we all make different choices with our kids. I co-slept with my kids, tandem nursed and allowed them to wean on their own schedule, and put them in cloth diapers. Elimination Communication - not so much, but I don’t have a problem if that’s how she wants to spend her time. If she wants to occasionaly chew food for her kids, which she has, or eat her own placenta, which she has, that’s her choice. It’s not my bag, but it doesn’t hurt me. We at GeekMom are used to people doing things that are a little offbeat. However, when she decides not to vaccinate her kids, that’s when she hurts me, you, the little old lady down the street, and all the rest of us. First off, any parent deciding to not vaccinate their children is deciding to rely on the herd immunity of others around them — unless they plan on intentionally exposing their children to deadly diseases to build up their immunity. (Read what happened to Roald Dahl’s child before contemplating a measles party. It could still happen today.) Mayim is freeloading on the system and weakening it at the same time. That herd immunity is there to protect people like our very own Jules, who can’t be vaccinated for health reasons. That herd immunity is there for kids on chemotherapy, tiny babies, and people who are vaccinated but for whatever reason it doesn’t “take.” It’s not intended to be a matter of personal choice, like cloth or disposable diapers. For years—at least a decade, as it was a question among the psychology community when I studied abnormal psychology about one decade ago—there have been questions regarding why autism rates are rising. One of the many theories is that rates are not rising. Instead, the medical community has gotten better at recognizing and diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), coupled with a much expanded definition of ASD. The last two weeks were really cool for me. Two exciting studies were released regarding autism. One study out of the UK indicates that autism rates in adults are the same as those in children. Many of the subjects of this study had no idea they fell under the spectrum, nor had they ever been diagnosed with autism. Another study out of South Korea, indicates higher rates of ASD in South Korean students—2.6% compared to 0.9% in the US—simply as a result of expanding testing to include students who are not considered to be in high-risk groups. Both of these studies are excellent starting points to answering the question, “Have ASD incidence rates increased or are we just more aware and therefore doing a better job diagnosing it?” This good beginning was overshadowed by other autism news. Last week, a number of press releases went out stating that a new study, published in the student-run Pace Environment Law Journal, proves a vaccine-autism link. Quoted from one press release: “As this study shows, vaccines can and do cause brain damage and subsequent autism in certain children,” said Fournier. The question is no longer, “Can vaccines cause autism?” The answer is clear. Now, we have to ask, “How many cases of autism have vaccines caused and how do we prevent new injuries from occurring?” Before I speak to this study, I want to make it clear that there are known risks to vaccines, including seizures and encephalopathy. These risks have never been denied and vary depending on the vaccine. I want to make it clear that immunization is not 100% effective. Depending on the vaccine, these rates vary. Also, not all vaccines provide lifetime immunity and booster shots are required. However, if you want to weigh the risks of severe complications from the disease—1 in 1,000 die from measles—compared to the rate of severe complications from the vaccine—Encephalitis or severe allergic reaction: 1 in 1,000,000. Seizure: 333 in 1,000,000 from MMR—the odds are in favor of the vaccine. This study did not show vaccines can and do cause brain damage. It was an already known fact that has never been denied or disputed. In fact, with every single case sited in this study, the reasons for compensation were due to seizures and/or encephalopathy. None were awarded compensation because the child became autistic as a result of immunization and this study states as much. In the introduction, the authors state (page 4): This assessment of compensated cases showing an association between vaccines and autism is not, and does not purport to be, science. In no way does it explain scientific causation or even necessarily undermine the reasoning of the decision in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding based on the scientific theories and medical evidence before the VICP. What the conclusion actually states is (page 53): While there are likely many routes to “autism,” including prenatal neurological insults and toxic post-natal exposures, this preliminary analysis of VICP-compensated cases suggests that autism is often associated with vaccine-induced brain damage. It raises the questions if the VICP’s decisions have been fair to reject all claims of vaccine injury that use the term “autism.” This preliminary assessment also suggests the possibility that other contemporary childhood neurological disorders, including attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities, might be less severe after-effects, on the same spectrum of vaccine-induce brain injury. Based on this preliminary assessment, there may be no meaningful distinction between the cases of encephalopathy and residual seizure disorder that the VICP compensated over the last twenty years and the cases of “autism” that the VICP has denied. If true, this would be a profound injustice to those denied recovery and to all who have invested trust in this system that Congress created. This preliminary study calls for Congress to investigate the VICP and for scientists to investigate all compensated cases of vaccine injury to gain a fuller understanding of the totality of consequences of vaccine injury. Also stated by the authors (page 14): Because autistic disorder is defined only by an aggregation of symptoms, there is no meaningful distinction between the terms “autism” and “autism-like symptoms.” This article makes the distinction only to accurately reflect the terms that the Court of Federal Claims, caregivers, and others use. It is not a distinction to which the authors attach significance. The problem with the above statement is that there is a significance, especially as there are a number of disorders that can appear like autism, having many things in common with autism, but are not autism. This is a very dangerous way of thinking. Imagine if the medical community had this type of thinking when it came to treating any disease or disorder that shares traits with, or has a tendency to mimic, other diseases and disorders. All the authors did was search a database for specific terms and compiled the search results together, then try to report a causality link, while acknowledging that the legal standard of causation is not the same as the scientific standard. Using their method, I could pick any word I wanted, one that I know is in the database, then create a paper designed to show causation. Another thing that is very important to know about this study is that two of the authors represent clients who have claims on behalf of family members in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This is not an independent study. The authors are biased. The authors have a vested interest in the outcome. Also, all authors are on the board of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, which is an autism advocacy group. The authors also state that they had help from Pace University Law School. One press release—the original has subsequently disappeared from the internet—stated: Investigators from Pace Law School in New York will be joined by parents and children with autism to announce a groundbreaking study that strongly suggests a link between vaccines and autism. I spoke with the media relations department at Pace University Law School,via telephone and e-mail, and was told that was not the case. To quote: Pace Law School had no participation in the paper. Pace Law students assisted with legal research of the vaccine court decisions and creating an objective database of the case holdings and facts, but neither Pace Law School nor any of our students had anything to do with the article or its findings or conclusions nor do we express any opinion on the article or its findings. The article, titled, “Unanswered Questions From the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury,” is authored by four board members of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy. It will be published in the Winter 2011 edition of the Pace Environmental Law Review, Volume 28.2. It will be available May 10 on the Pace Environmental Law Review’s website. The article’s authors are Mary Holland, Research Scholar and Director of the Graduate Legal Skills Program at NYU School of Law; Louis Conte, an independent investigator; and Robert Krakow and Lisa Colin, attorneys in private practice who represent clients who have claims on behalf of family members in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. They are all on the board of the Brooklyn-based Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, which provides training, resources and a forum within which to advance legal and advocacy strategies to improve the lives of those with autism. Established in 1982, the Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) was one of the first scholarly journals in the then-new field of environmental law. It is run and edited by Pace Law School JD candidates. Since August 1, 2009, the law review has used an anonymous peer review process to select articles for publication. Submissions are reviewed internally, and then forwarded to a selected group of peer reviewers: academics, practitioners, and experts in the field, including members of Pace Law School’s world-renowned environmental law faculty. The way in which SafeMinds.org has presented this study is very misleading. Not a single thing about this paper, or the involvement of Pace Law School, has been represented accurately. How many parents are going to take the time to read the 66-page paper or are they just going to listen to the press and believe the presentation? How many of the parents who do take the time to read the study are going to be able to understand it? Not every one has a background or education in research. Without such a background or education, reading these types of papers and interpreting them correctly can be quite difficult. The result: More fear and panic surrounding vaccines and autism. Instead of funding other possible causes such as: genetics; environmental; and whether or not there is an actual increase in autism spectrum disorder or is it because of a broader definition and are we just better at identifying it, more funds are at risk for being diverted to researching questions that have already been answered. As a parent, I know we want nothing more than for our children to be safe. On a daily basis, we do things to protect them. Many of the things we do carry a higher risk than the possible severe adverse reactions of immunization, plus they are not nearly as effective as immunizations. Using a seat belt is one of many examples. Seat belts are shown to be only 45% effective in reducing the risk of fatal injury to front-seat passengers. Child safety seats are 71% effective for children younger than one year old and 54% for children 1-4 years old. Seat belt use is also shown to increase the risk of abdominal injury. Immunization effectiveness ranges from about 80% to near 100%. I can also understand why so many parents are wanting more transparency. When I was preparing to write this article, I asked a group of moms whether or not they felt they received full disclosure when vaccinating their children, if they understood the risk and if they didn’t feel they received full disclosure, would they have made a different choice upon receiving it. The responses were pretty much split down the middle between those who felt they understood the risks and those who did not. I know this is not a scientific survey in any form. I asked because I wanted to know what it is like for a parent in the US to navigate this issue. I needed to understand this as I’ve always been aware of the risks and I am often baffled by why there is so much confusion surrounding this issue. Living in Canada, our system is quite different. Every thing, from how and where vaccines are administered, to how reactions are reported, to how data about vaccination rates are collected, is different. My boys were born in 1995 and 1999. Before there was an autism-vaccine scare, I received more than enough information during their immunization appointments to make an informed and educated decision. I also decided to search the internet for US-based, parent-friendly equivalents to the resources residents of British Columbia receive for free. I asked Leart Shaka, the editor-in-chief of The Vaccine Times, to send me links to sites containing the information I was looking for, as it appeared my Google-fu was weak that day. I discovered that my Google-fu was not weak. The reality was there is nothing US-based that presented the information I was looking for in, what I would consider, a parent-friendly way. They were all a hassle to navigate, difficult to find the wanted information and contained things that turn me off, such a celebrity endorsements or things being sold on the front page. To say it was frustrating is an understatement. I invite you all to visit the ImmunizeBC website. The site is easy to navigate. The answers are short and sweet, in easy to understand language, with links to more information. On the front page, you’ll find the answers to the two most common questions asked today: “Is there any link between the MMR vaccine and autism?” and “Will multiple injections overwhelm my baby’s immune system?” I am not a doctor. I cannot give you any medical advice. I can say the science has shown, time and time again, that there is no link between vaccines and autism. It is also important to understand that when you vaccinate your children, you are not only protecting them but those around them. There are some people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. They rely on those around them for herd-immunity. Our generation has been lucky to grow up in a time where we did not see the effects, first-hand, of the diseases that vaccines protect us against. Our parents’ generation was not so lucky. I had a teacher who was crippled because of polio. It would be terrible if we had to see these effects, once again, in order to get the necessary incentive to protect our children from these diseases. Already, the cases of measles and whooping cough have increased in the United States, with nearly 50% of those who contracted measles in the last few months ending up in hospital and a number of babies hospitalized and dying from whooping cough. Many argue that we should have a choice in this area. My personal opinion on that issue, and it just that, an opinion, is that when it concerns public health and safety, we do not have a choice unless there is a medical reason why one cannot be vaccinated. We don’t allow people to drive while under the influence. We don’t allow people to drive without a seat belt. There are many things we do not allow because, to quote Gene Roddenberry via Spock and Kirk, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few… or the one.” I will not tell you to vaccinate. I will ask that you please speak to your doctor or local health nurse. Through immunization, you are not only protecting the life of your children, but also the lives of those around you. In the interest of full disclosure: I am the layout and design editor of The Vaccine Times, a quarterly print-publication, by parents who are trying to find out as much information as they can about vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases. I volunteer my time and resources, and receive no compensation for doing so. It once was believed that a woman’s role and worth was to bear children. Throughout history it may have been the men that fought the wars but the women produced the soldiers. There was a time that most women gave birth to upwards of six times in their lives. It wasn’t so much a matter of producing large families, but that 1 in 3 children would not see the age of four prior to 1945. With drastic advancement in medical technology, less than .01% of children die from complications at birth in the United States. The infant mortality rate is less than seven deaths per 1000 live births in the US due in most part to effective and safe vaccines. Not to spit in the face of all the women who fought so fiercely for women’s suffrage, liberation, and rights, but many women today still view having and raising children as a primary focus in their lives. We also balance careers, hobbies, personal lives, and, in my case, writing and blogging, but we are moms and thrilled to be so. However there is a relatively recent trend in child-bearing that could lend itself to some interesting discussion. The average number of children per family has been falling since the 1950′s. Many parents are consciously choosing to have only one child. To the extent that as soon as their first child is born, one or both parents turn to surgical intervention, such as vasectomies and even as drastic as partial hysterectomies (the latter according to a story found in a local publication, Bethany Magazine…sorry no website available. I know, it’s weird to me too), to ensure their one-and-done baby. It is both a drastic change in the ideology of the last century and a giant leap of faith in the medical technology of today. If something terrible and unspeakable happens to that one child, those parents will have extreme difficulty producing further progeny, if it is possible to do so at all. Not that another child could ever replace one that is lost, but it is human instinct to reproduce.* The ability to resist this urge represents a drastic change in ideology. Personally I was an only child, not so much because my parents chose this but because fate interceded and I was it. It was a lonely existence but I made due, turned out alright, and readily admit there were some perks. But I believe that as a result of my experience, I want more than one child. Ideally I’d like two, could be coerced into three, and will consider four only after a substantial bribe involving a large diamond, a new car, a vacation castle on the Scottish Highlands, and a lucrative book deal. What are your thoughts on it? Are you an only child and has this affected the number of children you have (or want to have)? Are you a one-and-done mom? Are you averse to birth control and up for your own Discovery Channel Special? Do you feel that this trend may begin to have a negative affect on our population rates in the coming years or decades? Do you care if they do? Comment accordingly in the GeekMom forums! Comments have been disabled on this post to allow for further discussion. Luckily, my kids were vaccinated years ago, long before the possibility of a link between childhood vaccinations and autism was explored. It is a hard, tough subject and one I am glad I am not currently wrestling with, as I can see both sides. Even so, I like to stay on top of this topic, just to stay informed. I also found the GeekMom post back in December that pointed to the Seattle pediatrician who discussed the issue of immunization with her colleagues to be hugely helpful and informative.
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Interfaith experience: Catholic universities accommodate students of various religious backgrounds In today’s diverse world, most Catholic colleges and universities are home to several religious denominations, including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, all manner of Christianity, and other faith-based and non-faith traditions. Just as they are working to accommodate Muslim students, Catholic universities must work to engage and communicate with these students as well. Leah Karchmer, a sophomore at DePaul University in Chicago, is one of the Vincentian school’s active Jewish students. As a board member of the Jewish student group Hillel, she meets regularly with other students for monthly Shabbat dinners and celebrations of the High Holy Days. Even though she chose to attend DePaul for its generous scholarship program, Karchmer said she’s been pleased with how respectful the school is toward religions in general. As an interfaith scholar for her university, she’s enjoyed engaging in dialogue with students from other backgrounds. The exposure to other belief systems, including Catholicism, has been eye-opening. “I realize so much more what we have in common as religious people, rather than focusing on the fact that we’re different religions,” she says. Tanushree Mondkar, a senior at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California, will graduate this June with her bachelor’s degree in political science. A practicing Hindu, she helped reboot her school’s Hindu student council in January 2010 and later served as its president. For the past three years she’s been involved in Santa Clara’s Interfaith Council. She sees the Catholic presence on campus daily, especially when passing by the university’s mission church. Rather than feeling isolated Mondkar likes that her school places such a large emphasis on spirituality. Growing up, Mondkar always celebrated the Hindu holidays and traditions with her family. Now, she likes being able to share her faith with other students. “This is what we do,” she says. “That should be shared because most people grow up with it and it’s an important aspect of their personal life, and in the public sense, a part of who they are.” But what about those students who don’t believe in God or have faith in any religion at all? According to a recent study released from the Pew Forum on Religious and Public Life, about one third of people between the ages of 18 and 30 no longer identify with any religion. At DePaul, those students are represented by the 100-member DePaul Alliance for Free Thought (DAFT), a student organization for atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and humanists. DePaul senior Heather Stebbins, an atheist, has been involved with DAFT for the past two years. She says the group is a safe space for discussions related to science, education, social issues, and social justice through the secular lens. The group also performs charitable projects and acts as a positive advocate for atheist and secular students on campus. While at DePaul, Stebbens says she’s learned that Catholicism is not just about ritual and tradition but that it can also include community service and volunteerism. She also enjoys being able to have discussions with students of all faith backgrounds. “For me personally, I feel like it’s been a very positive experience, getting together with people who believe different things,” Stebbens says. “At the end of the day, it always comes back to how can we take our respective ideas and beliefs and make that positive and do something positive in the world.” This article is a web-only feature that accompanies "Inter-religious Ed: Muslim students on Catholic campuses" which appeared in the February 2013 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 78, No. 2, pages 12-17).
{ "date": "2016-07-30T07:37:02Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257832942.23/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071032-00120-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9686445593833923, "token_count": 807, "url": "http://www.uscatholic.org/articles/201301/interfaith-experience-catholic-universities-accommodate-students-various-religious" }
In the last months of the U.S. President’s last term in office, he wants to leave a legacy of having negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (June 27, 2016, in Italy). They discussed a range of issues including efforts to advance a two state solution, Syria, and developments in the region. Of course, Mr. Netanyahu would want to discuss events in Syria and “developments in the region” – whatever this refers to. As for a “two state solution” – that boat sailed about ten years ago. Jews evacuated Gaza during August and September 2005. This was an Israeli disengagement – Gaza was no longer occupied by the Israeli military. Gazans regularly had been firing Qassam rockets before the Israeli withdrawal, and the frequency of Qassam attacks increased after the withdrawal. Neither the U.S. or the UN paid attention to how each rocket was a violation of Israel’s sovereignty. I’m not researching the details of other violations such as tunnels and incursions by terrorist troops. Israel attacked Gaza with full force several times since 2005 between periods of patience over Gaza’s aggression. On what basis does Gaza deserve to be a nation state? Now let’s examine the possibility of a pluralistic Palestinian state. Just as Israel has Arab citizens, a pluralistic Palestine would have Jewish citizens. This is unimaginable for Palestinians. Jews must go. What this amounts to is an evacuation of 100-120 Jewish villages (called settlements) whose combined population was about 104,000 (as of 2011). We see that the average population of each village is about 1,000 Jews. Israel on its part has no intention of evacuating the handful of cities along the east side of the 1949 cease-fire line. The Camp David negotiations proposed that these cities or blocs of towns would become part of Israel, be annexed. Since then, no diplomatic proposals have considered anything other than annexing these urban regions to Israel. The population of these blocs of cities is about an additional 148,000 (as of 2010). The idea of a Palestinian state – the two state solution – was never a proposal for peace. It has been a resolve by Palestinians to reverse time, moving back almost 50 years. Each American president knew this or should have understood this. In the last months of President Obama’s last term in office, it seems that he wants to leave a legacy of having negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In the last months of President Clinton’s last term in office, he wanted to leave a legacy of having negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians. That was the abortive Camp David Summit of July 2000 – an effort to end the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. For some reason, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak of Israel agreed to attend this summit. What was he thinking? Now, 16 years later, Secretary of State John Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. What are Mr. Kerry and PM Netanyahu thinking? A new president will be elected in a little more than four months from the time of the Kerry-Netanyahu talks (as I write this). In a little more than four months from now, Mr. Kerry will be transitioning the State Department for a new administration. Every Representative in Congress faces an election except for the few who have chosen not to run for reelection. One third of the Senators face an election except for the few who have chosen not to run. For Mr. Clinton, in his time, the summer until the election and then the period before the inauguration the next winter were his play time. President Obama hasn’t been much of a player, and he and Mr. Netanyahu don’t play well together. But, Secretary of State John Kerry discussed efforts to advance a two state solution. Haven’t we been here before?
{ "date": "2017-08-20T19:14:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886106984.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20170820185216-20170820205216-00055.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9694045782089233, "token_count": 822, "url": "https://teawithsugar31.wordpress.com/category/public-policy/" }
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{ "date": "2018-08-18T00:27:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221213247.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20180818001437-20180818021437-00575.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9485182762145996, "token_count": 2595, "url": "http://agtc.tk/dating-rituals-throughout-history" }
Asthma: a chronic condition Asthma is a chronic condition of the lungs that has two main components. Two things happen inside the lungs of women suffering with Asthma–, the tightening of the muscles surrounding the airways, and inflammation, the swelling and irritation of the airways. – and inflammation cause narrowing of the airways, by a combination of muscle spasm, mucosal swelling and bronchial secretion with symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that, if left untreated, asthma can cause long-term loss of lung function. Asthma might be either episodic or chronic . In general atopic individuals tend to develop episodic asthma and non-atopic individuals develop chronic asthma. Types of Asthma Episodic Asthma : In this type of disease the patient has no respiratory symptoms between episodes of asthma. Episodes of asthma might be triggered by allergens, exercise and viral infections such as common cold or may be apparently spontaneous. Attacks may be mild to to severe and may last for hours, days or even weeks. For example, some people find that their asthma is worse in the spring when there is an increase in flowering plants. Others find their asthma is worse in the late summer or early fall when ragweed and leaves from trees are more likely to cause problems. Exercise induced asthma, simply refers to the fact that some asthmatics have primarily their asthma symptoms during exercise, and sometimes have no other asthmatic symptoms. It refers to the fact that in these individuals, when they exercise, most commonly in cold weather, they will begin to wheeze, become short of breath, and when tested will have all the characteristics of asthma, but often only during those circumstances. During the rest of their lives, they may have no other asthmatic symptoms. Exercise, cold air, sudden changes in air temperature, and even gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn) may be triggers for people with non-allergic asthma. Severe Acute Asthma : This is a term used in place of “status asthmaticus” which is a description for life threatening attacks of asthma. The patient usually adopts an upright position fixing the shoulder girdle to assist the accessory muscles of respiration. Their is often an incidence of an unproductive cough which aggravates respiratory distress. The respiratory symptoms are accompanied by tachycardia, pulsus paradoxus, sweating and in severe cases central cyanosis. Chronic Asthma : With symptoms of chest tightness, wheeze and breathlessness on exertion,together with spontaneous cough and wheeze during the night, may be chronic unless controlled by appropriate therapy. Episodes of ‘severe acute asthma’ can occur, and cough production of mucoid sputum with recurrent episodes of frank respiratory infection is common in this type of asthma which in adult may be difficult to distinguish from chronic bronchitis . Asthma triggers are irritants in the environment that can provoke asthma symptoms or attacks. There are many triggers that can aggravate asthma symptoms, and they often differ from person to person. You can help prevent bothersome asthma symptoms by identifying and avoiding your known triggers. In fact, identifying and avoiding triggers should be part of a detailed plan of action to successfully help manage your asthma. It may not be possible to completely eliminate asthma triggers. You should still try to remove as many as possible from your home and work surroundings. This can help you enjoy a healthier life with fewer asthma symptoms and attacks. Do not allow tobacco smoke in the home or around you, especially in the bedroom or a car. Do avoid smoke-filled areas. - Dust Mites Dust mites are tiny bugs you cannot see that live in cloth and carpet. Encase your mattress and pillow in a special dust-proof cover. Replace old pillows with new ones at least once every 5 years. Wash the sheets and blankets on the bed each week in hot water. Water must be hotter than 130 F (this kills dust mites). During the day, keep dust off your bed by covering the entire bed with a bedspread. At night, take off the bedspread and put it in another room. If you’ve done all these things and still have trouble with your asthma, talk to your healthcare professional. Some people are allergic to the flakes of skin (dander) or dried saliva that come from animals with fur or feathers. Find a new home for the pet or keep pets out of your home. This can be very hard to do but might be the best way to control your asthma if you are allergic to animals. If you cannot keep pets out of your home, keep the pet out of your bedroom and keep the bedroom door closed. Consider placing filters on the air vents in your bedroom. Remove carpets and furniture covered with cloth from your home. If this is not possible, keep the pet out of the rooms where these are located. Many people with asthma are allergic to the dried droppings and remains of cockroaches. Keep all food out of your bedroom. Keep food and garbage in closed containers (never leave food out). Use baits or traps to eliminate cockroaches. If a spray is used to kill roaches, stay out of the room until the odor goes away. - Indoor Mold Fix leaky faucets, pipes, or other sources of water. Clean mold off of surfaces with a cleaner that has bleach in it. Replace or wash moldy shower curtains. - Smoke, Strong odors, and Sprays If possible, do not use a wood-burning stove, kerosene heater, or fireplace. Try to stay away from strong odors and sprays, such as perfume, talcum powder, hair spray, and paints. - Pollen or Outdoor Mold During your allergy season, you should: Try to keep your windows closed. Stay indoors with the windows closed during the midday and afternoon, if you can. Pollen and some mold spore counts are highest at that time. Ask your healthcare professional whether you need to adjust your current asthma treatment regimen before your allergy season starts. If you have asthma, you can still be active. See your healthcare professional if you have asthma symptoms when you are active-like when you exercise, do sports, play, or work hard. Ask your healthcare professional about taking medicine for your asthma before you exercise to prevent symptoms. Warm up for about 6 to 10 minutes before you exercise by stretching or walking. Try not to work or play hard outside when the air pollution or pollen levels (if you are allergic to pollen) are high. - Colds and Infections If colds and infections trigger your asthma, talk with your healthcare professional about developing a treatment plan to follow when you start feeling sick. Also consider: Getting a flu shot Trying to stay healthy by getting plenty of rest, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding with others who have colds or the flu. Cover your nose and mouth with a scarf on cold or windy days. Avoid going outside on days when pollen or mold counts are high if you are allergic to pollens or molds (check weather reports or the newspaper). Polymorphisms of the beta2-adrenoceptor genes appear to have an association with adult-onset asthma in sedentary, but not in active women, according to researchers at the Harvard Medical School in Boston and at other centers.Dr. R Graham Barr and colleagues noted that a “sedentary lifestyle is associated with adult-onset asthma.” Furthermore, Glu27 polymorphism of the beta2-adrenoceptor may predict body mass index (BMI). Gly16 polymorphism is also associated with asthma severity. To read more regarding the report at : Genetically Influenced Asthma Onset Greater in Sedentary Women (Dec 13, 2001) - Other Triggers Sulfites in foods: For example, do not drink beer or wine, and do not eat shrimp, dried fruit, or processed potatoes if they cause asthma symptoms. Other medicines: Tell your healthcare professional about all the medicines you may take. Include aspirin, cold medicines, nonsteroidals (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen), and even eye drops What happens to you when your asthma is not under control? A whistling sound that you make when you breathe? A tight grip around your chest? Most patients with asthma have one or more of these classic symptoms: - Chest tightness: Feels like a rope being tightened around your chest. During an attack the chest is held near the position of full inspiration and the percussion note may be hyper resonant. - Shortness of breath: Feels like you’re trying to breathe through a straw-or worse, like you can’t catch your breath at all. Breathing out is especially tough. The airflow obstruction which characteristically fluctuates causes mismatch of alveolar ventilation and perfusion and increases the work of breathing .Being more marked during expiration it also causes air to be ‘trapped’ in the lungs causing shortness of breathing. - Coughing: A cough or hack that may not go away, and often occurs or is worse at night. Death may occur from alveolar hypoventilation and severe arterial hypoxaemia culminating in cardiac arrest . Here are the 2 main things that happen deep within the airways of your lungs when you have asthma symptoms that may lead to an attack: - -: The muscles around the airways in the lungs squeeze together or tighten. This tightening is often called “broncho-,” and it can make it hard for you to breathe the air in or out of your lungs. - Inflammation: The airways of the lung are often swollen and irritated if you have asthma, and become more swollen and irritated when an attack begins. Your healthcare professional may refer to this swelling and irritation as “inflammation.” Inflammation can reduce the amount of air that you can take in or breathe out of your lungs. The bottom line on asthma is this: it can be a quiet, sneaky condition that’s always with you. Your airways may be constricted and inflamed, whether you have symptoms or not. That’s why it’s so important to treat asthma every day-even when you’re feeling fine-because there is increasing evidence that, if left untreated, asthma can cause a long-term loss of lung function. - Avoidance of Allergens: There are a few instances in which a single agent can be identified as the cause of attacks of asthma .These allergens include grass pollens, mites animal dander , drugs industrial chemicals such as isocyanates , and certain articles of diet. Prevent the exposure to these agents as far as possible. - Hyposensitisation: This is the only specific measure available for the prevention of damaging antigen-antibody reaction. It involves the subcutaneous injection of initially very small, but gradually increasing doses of extracts of allergens believed to be responsible for the patient’s asthma. Hyposensitisation may be of some value when only a single allergen, such as grass pollen ,house dust mite or animal dander is implicated but it is not without the risk of producing an acute anaphylactic reaction. Hyposensitisation with a mixture of allergens is irritable and cannot be recommended. - Drugs which control or suppress clinical manifestation of asthma: - Sodium Cromoglycate: Administered by inhalation. This has actions which include prevention of mediator release from the mast cells. It seems to be of particular value in children with atopic asthma and should be given a trial of at least 4 weeks duration in all such patients.This drug has no place in the management of severe asthma. - Nedocromil sodium: This an anti-inflammatory drug with similar properties to those of sodium cromoglycate and is administered by inhalation from a metered dose inhaler in a dose of 4mg,2-4 times daily. - Ketotifen: Taken by mouth, it is claimed to have a similar mode of action, but is less effective than sodium cromoglycate or nedocromil sodium and has the serious disadvantage in some patients of causing drowsiness which may be of dangerous side effect in patients driving car or operating machinery. The recommended dose is 1-2 mg twice daily with food. - Bronchodilators and Corticosteroids: Bronchdilators have a direct and immediate effect on airflow obstruction, corticosteroids relieve and prevent airflow obstruction indirectly by their less rapid anti-inflammatory action. Beta-adrenoreceptor agonist stimulate adenyl cyclase the enzyme which catalyses the formation of cyclic adenosine 5′-phosphate (AMP) from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The effect caused is the relaxation of bronchial muscles, but does not last for long. Corticosteroids also do have a beneficial effect on bronchial inflammation and decreases bronchial hyper-responsiveness. In case of selective beta-agonists such as salbutamol, terbutaline or fenoterol, the inhalation of aerosol has clear advantage over oral administration because it reduces airflow obstruction more rapidly. Also because the effective dose is much lower it is less liable to produce side effects such as tremor and anxiety. is a fast-acting beta2-agonist that is used as a rescue medicine. It acts within minutes to help relieve bronchospasm and its symptoms for up to 6 hours. VENTOLIN is indicated for the prevention and relief of bronchospasm in patients 4 years of age and older with reversible obstructive airway disease and for the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm in patients 4 years of age and older. to See your healthcare professional to find out if VENTOLIN is right for you - Episodic Asthma: Mild and infrequent episodes of asthma can be controlled by inhalation of bronchodilator aerosol. When the episodes are more frequent treatment should be supplemented by regular prophylactic therapy with a corticosteroid by inhalation. - Exercise-Induced Asthma: This common phenomenon which occurs particularly in children and young adults can often be prevented by the inhalation of 2 metered dose salbutamol or terbutaline a few minutes before exercise .In the long-run, exercise has been shown to be good for asthma, but nevertheless, in the short-run, the patients can have these severe attacks that are precipitated by exercise. Regular treatment with sodium cromoglycate or an inhaled corticosteroid may be necesarry if treatment with a beta-adreno-receptor agonist is not wholly effective - Chronic Asthma: Some form of suppressive treatment is necesarry in all patients with chronic asthma. Sodium cromoglycate is worth a trial in children, but a better response has been observed with inhalation of corticosteroid aerosol. Doses might vary with the severity of the illness .Corticosteroid aerosols are free from systemic unwanted effects in conventional doses, but can cause oropharyngeal candidiasis and a husky voice in few patients . New asthma treatment Recent findings from two phase III clinical trials show that treatment with Anti-IgE resulted in fewer asthma attacks and a decrease in the use of steroid medications in children and adults ages 6-75. In most cases, those in the study were able to completely stop taking the medications that had been an essential part of their lives. How Anti-IgE Works “This is a completely new approach to therapy, one that may greatly improve the treatment outlook for people with allergic asthma,” says Henry Milgrom, a pediatric asthma specialist at the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, Colorado. “It is unlike anything that has been used before.” When the allergic asthmatic encounters irritants like animal dander, molds, and dust mites-called allergens-an immune system antibody known as immunoglobulin or IgE binds to certain cells, and this causes allergy symptoms. These cells (mast cells) are found in the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes. Then, inflammatory agents (like histamine) are released. When mast cells come in with an allergen, allergic symptoms result-coughing, wheezing, nasal congestion, hives, and inflammation and swelling of the airways. Anti-IgE works by binding to circulating IgE in the blood. It prevents IgE from binding to mast cells and later blocks the release of inflammatory agents. Another benefit of Anti-IgE treatment is that it does not produce the serious long-term side effects that other asthma drug treatments cause. “Oral corticosteroids suppress the swelling and inflammation of the airways that are responsible for asthma symptoms,” Dr. Milgrom says. “These drugs have side effects such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cataracts and, in children, slowed growth. The ability to eliminate or reduce the need for this medicine would be a very favorable development in the treatment of allergic asthma”. - Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine (sixteenth edition) - WF Health & Fitness Resources.
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- Academic Information - Applied Linguistics Major - BA in Biblical Languages - BA in Biblical Preaching - BA in Biblical Studies - BA in Children and Family Ministry - BA in Human Services and Pre-Counseling - BA in Music (Music Ministry) - BA in TESOL - Bible Secondary Education Major - BMus in Music and Worship - Elementary Education Major - Evangelism/Discipleship Major - Five-Year B.A./M.A. in Pastoral Ministry - Intercultural Ministries Major - Interdisciplinary Studies - Jewish Studies Major - Ministry to Victims of Sexual Exploitation Major - Ministry to Women Major - Pastoral Ministry Major - Urban Ministries Major - Youth Ministry Major - Spiritual Enrichment - Student Life - Tuition and Fees - Financial Aid - Campus Info - Student Services PARKING ON CAMPUS In a downtown urban campus like Chicago's, parking is always at a premium. However, there are several options for you to consider when visiting Moody's campus. Visitor Parking Lot B (subject to change during construction season) - The visitor parking lot is located on the corner of Wells St. and Locust St., which is three blocks north of Chicago Ave. - Free parking is available from 6 a.m. to midnight, with a guest parking permit, when visiting the campus. - Please stop by the Alumni Student Center, 821 N Wells St., to receive a parking permit for your car window. Alumni Student Center Circle Drive Lot A limited number of 15-minute parking spots for drop off and pick up are available in the circle driveway of the Alumni Student Center, located at 821 Wells Street. During special events, Moody's parking garage located on the corner of Wells Street and Institute Place, is made available to guests. Please note that during non-event times this parking is by permit only. - Metered parking There are many parking pay boxes with corresponding spaces on the city streets surrounding the Moody campus. - Free parking There is limited free street parking available around the Moody campus. When parking in these spaces, be sure to carefully read the signs to confirm the hours when parking is allowed. Current Student and Staff Parking Log on to my.moody.edu to view policies and procedures for staff and student parking.
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A Hardback edition by Jennifer A Nielsen in English (Aug 28, 2018) $19.14 + FREE delivery Short Description: Chaya Lindner is a teenager living in Nazi-occupied Poland. Simply being Jewish places her in danger of being killed or sent to the camps. After her little sister is taken away,... Read more Chaya Lindner is a teenager living in Nazi-occupied Poland. Simply being Jewish places her in danger of being killed or sent to the camps. After her little sister is taken away, her younger brother disappears, and her parents all but give up hope, Chaya is determined to make a difference. Using forged papers and her fair features, Chaya becomes a courier and travels between the Jewish ghettos of Poland, smuggling food, papers, and even people. Soon Chaya joins a resistance cell that runs raids on the Nazis' supplies. But after a mission goes terribly wrong, Chaya's network shatters. She is alone and unsure of where to go, until Esther, a member of her cell, finds her and delivers a message that chills Chaya to her core, and sends her on a journey toward an even larger uprising in the works -- in the Warsaw Ghetto. Though the Jewish resistance never had much of a chance against the Nazis, they were determined to save as many lives as possible, and to live -- or die -- with honor. Resistance Hardback edition by Jennifer A Nielsen - Jennifer A Nielsen - Hardback, With dust jacket - Scholastic US - Publication date - Aug 28, 2018 - Product dimensions - 140 x 210mm
{ "date": "2018-08-15T03:18:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221209856.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20180815024253-20180815044253-00495.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9482284188270569, "token_count": 335, "url": "https://wordery.com/resistance-jennifer-a-nielsen-9781338148473" }
When God told Erin Stevens to "go feed the strippers," she had no idea it was the first step toward a radical change in her local church's commitment to servant evangelism. Page 3 of 15 Find out the causes of fear and its cure, directly from the pages of Scripture. Millennials account for roughly 73 million people, or about 23 percent of the U.S. population. Its therefore economically critical to figure out what makes them tick. The spirit realm is normalangels and demons are all around us, whether were aware of it or not. The true stories in this book will inspire you to become more aware of Gods supernatural world. When God told Don Schulze to leave his career and his comfortable life to travel the country and world with his family, he wasnt sure hed heard God right. But when he said yes, a miraculous adventure followedfull of dramatic rescues, just-in-time provisions, amazing miracles of healing and Gods surprising answers to everyday prayers. Best-selling author Dutch Sheets teaches you how to tap into the often underestimated and overlooked power of hope in God, who can get you through any trouble and help you rise above every disappointment. Learn how to stop medicating personal pain and find real relief with a lifestyle adjustment that will break the destructive cycle that first wounded you. In this fiction tale, Wynter Evans is on a mission to find real answers to her brothers disappearance. Will the handsome mayor help her discover the truth, or will a shadowy presence do all it can to derail her investigation? As part of her Rules for Engagement series, best-selling author Cindy Trimm teaches you how to overcome your past and break free of guilt, rejection, abuse and betrayal—ultimately, how not to allow things in your past to derail your future. Best-selling author Perry Stone breaks down Ephesians 6 and gives readers strategies to win spiritual battles using the tried-and-true armor of God, including how to seal off openings that invite assault against you and your family. Everyone deals with fear; not everyone conquers it. In his latest book, Messianic rabbi K.A. Schneider uses his own testimony as living proof of how you can eliminate fear from everyday experiences. The women of Duck Dynasty offer provocative insights into their reality TV family, including Kay Robertsons story of overcoming Phils unfaithfulness and how she learned to forgive him and sustain their 48-year marriage. The daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes sharesin the same spirit of her popular and transparent blogher experiences as a 14-year-old mother and a divorcee by the age of 24, as well as the woes of growing up the child of a popular pastor. Gods plan for you includes an everlasting covenant of peace and protection over you. Do you live within that divine promise? Apostle John Eckhardt shows you how. Barbara Brown Taylor, the New York Times best-selling author of An Altar in the World, returns with her most lyrical and profound book to date. In Learning to Walk in the Dark, Taylor turns her considerable talents and incandescent prose to illuminate a subject at once compelling and taboo: darkness. Taylor boldly calls for a move away from popular spirituality to instead embrace the lunar spirituality of the dark. Professional illusionist Harris III suggests the constant desire for more is only a façade and reveals how to trick your mind into believing by faith. Mission at Nuremberg tells the gripping true-life story of St. Louis Lutheran minister Henry Gerecke. In 1943 and at the age of 50, Gerecke told his wife he was enlisting as a U.S. Army chaplain. As two of his three sons faced danger and death on the battlefield during the height of World War II, Gerecke tended to 2,000 battered bodies and souls of wounded and dying GIs each month in the war hospitals just outside London. The lives of one of Americas largest reality TV families jump off the pages of this book, written from the vantage point of the four eldest Duggar daughters. They discuss their faith, their dreams and what its like to be in a family with 19 children. Best-selling author Joel Rosenberg shares the story of Jacob Weiszs beloved Germany after the Nazi regime has taken over through a tale that forges into the life of a Jewish militant determined to undermine Hitlers regime. Cindy Trimm explains how to identify destructive relationships, avoid unhealthy attachments and realize your potential.
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Best Films of All Time (2019 Revision)by Matt_Dammit | created - 10 Jan 2013 | updated - 2 months ago | Public I Added few films for 2019 Revision My Facebook: Egi David Perdana II And from now on at least a weekly, I'll add a comment from critics concerned about the films on my list expect rangking 1 & 2 by me I will not provide a critique review from many critics for films who out from top 500 or even out of the list 1 Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941, USA) 2 Bicycle Thief (Vittorio de Sica, 1948, Italy) 3 Tokyo Story (Yasujiro Ozu, 1953, Japan) 4 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968, USA/UK) 5 Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, USA) 6 The Rules of the Game (Jean Renoir, 1939, France) 7 8½ (Federico Fellini, 1963, Italy) 8 The Godfather: Part 1 & 2 (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972 & 1974, USA) 9 Seven Samurai (Akira Kurosawa, 1954, Japan) 10 Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989, Poland) She Puppet (Peggy Ashwesh, 2001) A Story of Tobacco (Noburo Ofuji, 1926) - Instant Watch Options - Movies or TV - IMDb Rating - In Theaters - On TV - Release Year 1. Citizen Kane (1941) PG | 119 min | Drama, Mystery Following the death of publishing tycoon, Charles Foster Kane, reporters scramble to uncover the meaning of his final utterance; 'Rosebud'. Votes: 367,630 | Gross: $1.59M Many outstanding films and more complex plot affairs, and a lot more beautiful films than Citizen Kane, Kane does have it all (great plote, amazing shot etc) but still far behind from other great films but remember Citizen Kane has something special, something that is worth mentioning that I call cinematic magic "Differences views between us and the character " Charles Foster Kane is a very annoying man, hated by many rivals, one which justifies any means to achieve his ambition, but why do we even sympathize with him? Just because of his death? i don't think so. It should be underlined that the death of the character it will not make us sympathize, instead we just curious cause, and this is where the genius thinking of Orson Welles, he din't take the issue of what the cause of death as in mostly films but he took the issue of the last words that Kane say , this is the point, yeah the beginning of Citizen Kane is the main structure of the whole story and we all know it. Welles made a lot of scenes of Charles Foster Kane who so hated by other characters but instead we are even more sympathetic to the character he played, the key is "He humanizes the character like human humanize other human" Kane is a figure that could be sad, feel angry, evil, good, rather excited he is truly a human, a lot of other movies with villain character does not have a good side at all, oh friend film is a reflection of real life. No one people who truly good or evil, for example in The Godfather character Old Vito Corleone in most scene is always as almost good person and almost no negative side, see the fact that he is a mobster, a mobster is like that? Humans are not entirely good and not entirely evil and in some western movie, the main character is described as wise and sensible, a cowboy who has a positive side is much greater than the negative side,humans are not entirely good and not entirely evil, so even in many other films, again humans are not entirely good and not entirely evil. Citizen Kane is different, we actually saw a villain (cruel, justifies way, firing his own best friend) who impersonate the owner of major newspapers but the characters are so human that makes us sympathize with him, "Yeah Citizen Kane is cinematic magic" that makes us "have a different view between viewers and the character in film" because "A key character is a very human, just like us " 2. Bicycle Thieves (1948) Not Rated | 89 min | Drama In post-war Italy, a working-class man's bicycle is stolen. He and his son set out to find it. Votes: 129,970 | Gross: $0.33M Most beautiful films I've ever seen by storytelling, as well as my most favorite movie, not because it is considered as one of the most influential Italian Neorealist but because the story is simple yet but very deep meaning, anyone can experience though different conditions, perhaps even now in the world, somewhere along the line, are there under conditions similar to those experienced like Antonio Ricci and his son that maybe even you. Setting at city who try rise again after the war, the mental state of society at that time, including the main character who depression and despair including the thief who actually pitiable irrespective of how to trick people to get away from the accusation, maybe if we talk more broadly it would leads to a system of government at that time, therein lies the greatness of this film, Bicycle Thieves (or can also Bicycle Thief) do not need to directly attack the new government has re-emerged in the aftermath of the second world war but highlight a common people and bang! we have a masterpiece, one of film which indirectly (for me) created phenomenon call French New Wave, making French as country with most films with the largest contributor with predicate "The Best Films of All Time" by versions of most various critics, well fitting for France should be grateful to Italy especially for Italian Neorealist including with this movie. Bicycle Thieves arguably perfectly both in terms of influence, storytelling, acting and cinematography, makes me think maybe in my list "rangking" for Bicycle Thieves will be never change in a very long time, yeah only Citizen Kane and Bicycle Thieves whose position is likely not will never change. 3. Tokyo Story (1953) Not Rated | 136 min | Drama An old couple visit their children and grandchildren in the city; but the children have little time for them. No story could be simpler. An old couple come to the city to visit their children and grandchildren. Their children are busy, and the old people upset their routines. In a quiet way, without anyone admitting it, the visit goes badly. The parents return home. A few days later, the grandmother dies. Now it is the turn of the children to make a journey. From these few elements Yasujiro Ozu made one of the greatest films of all time. "Tokyo Story" (1953) lacks sentimental triggers and contrived emotion; it looks away from moments a lesser movie would have exploited. It doesn't want to force our emotions, but to share its understanding. It does this so well that I am near tears in the last 30 minutes. It ennobles the cinema. It says, yes, a movie can help us make small steps against our imperfections. "Roger Ebert" - November 9, 2003 from his site 4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) G | 149 min | Adventure, Sci-Fi After discovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, mankind sets off on a quest to find its origins with help from intelligent supercomputer H.A.L. 9000. Votes: 549,837 | Gross: $56.95M "With music and mind-blowing visuals, Stanley Kubrick created a wildly popular avant-garde film that asked all of the biggest questions -- without venturing any easy answers." The painter Georges Braque once wrote that art is meant to disturb, while science reassures. When Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey” arrived in April 1968, both fear and hope were in ample supply. A few days before the film’s premiere, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, and President Lyndon Johnson, burdened by the ongoing quagmire of Vietnam, had just announced he would not seek reelection. Robert Kennedy’s assassination was just two months away, with the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia to follow. Youth across the world were burning bras and buildings. At the same time, President Kennedy’s dream of American astronauts reaching the moon was within our grasp. As Kubrick and co-screenwriter Arthur C. Clarke understood, excitement over the pending 1969 moon landing, and over space exploration in general, gave us license to consider a greater purpose and more enlightened future for humankind, even as the world seemed to be crashing down — perhaps especially then. "Brian Libby" - March 6, 2002 from Salon 5. Vertigo (1958) PG | 128 min | Mystery, Romance, Thriller A former police detective juggles wrestling with his personal demons and becoming obsessed with a hauntingly beautiful woman. Votes: 325,318 | Gross: $3.20M Seeing the newly-restored, 70 mm print of Vertigo in a theater is an experience that no fan of Hitchcock, or of cinema in general, should miss. Especially for those (like me) whose sole exposure to the film has been through faded, deteriorating video copies, the opportunity to watch the movie in a manner akin to the one intended by director Alfred Hitchcock comes as a great boon. In fact, aside from the plot itself, there are few similarities between the shrunken, battered TV version of the film and this painstakingly meticulous restoration. Hitchcock films in general, and Vertigo in particular (which many critics view as the Master of Suspense's greatest achievement), have influenced an entire generation of film makers, from Martin Scorsese to Brian DePalma and David Lynch. Hitchcock's innovative use of back- screen projection and camera tricks (such as simultaneously zooming in and tracking out) to enhance suspense and draw the audience deeper into the narrative have frequently been emulated, but rarely equaled. From a craft standpoint, Vertigo represents the director in peak form. When observed from a contemporary, 1990s viewpoint, certain plot elements of Vertigo seem dated and naive (in particular, how women and the justice system are viewed). However, for the most part, the film holds together surprisingly well even 40 years later. There are times when we're aware that Vertigo was written for a different audience during an earlier era, but this doesn't necessarily detract from the film going experience; rather, it helps place the movie in its proper historical context. "James Berardinelli" from Reelviews 6. The Rules of the Game (1939) Not Rated | 110 min | Comedy, Drama A bourgeois life in France at the onset of World War II, as the rich and their poor servants meet up at a French chateau. Enjoying: If you've never seen the film before, and even if you have, I recommend reading the essay first. It will give you some ideas that you can bring to the film as well as referring to details in the movie that you'll want to be alert for. In particular, read the three suggestions at the end for enjoying the movie more. There are two movies you’re likely to find on every ten best list you’ll ever see. Citizen Kane is one. This is the other. Yet I feel this is a hard movie to like. When I first saw it, it seemed to me chaotic, unstructured, not coming to a focus. And I get that feeling every time I see it again. I have to, as it were, re-learn this movie each time I view it. Nevertheless, I think this is, quite simply, one of the two or three greatest movies ever made, and so say the critics and cinéastes in general. In it, as in all even merely good movies, the opening scene sets the motifs, like the opening of a symphony. The very first thing we see is a radio transmitter, a machine, and machines are one of the important symbols in this film. From the transmitter comes a wire, and at the end of the wire is a radio announcer. She has come to Le Bourget airport to tell her radio audience about the arrival of a French hero, André Jurieu (Roland Toutain), who has just flown the Atlantic in a record-breaking 23 hours. Around her is a chaotic mob of people rushing to hail this new hero. And there you have it all, all the themes around which Jean Renoir built his movie. You have the solitary, in this instance heroic and romantic, individual. But you also have the mobs and wires and transmitter that connect him and us to other people. Communication is one theme. Hell, said Sartre, is other people, and so it will prove in La Règle du Jeu. (The French name is the more severe for being singular: the rule of the game.) The game is the game of human relationships, and the rule is absolute. A cabinet minister’s flunky greets and congratulates the pilot on behalf of the minister. Unfortunately, the minister himself could not come—he says. People will fall short; they will disappoint you and frustrate you. They will lie and pretend. "Norman Holland" from A Shaper Focus 7. 8½ (1963) Not Rated | 138 min | Drama A harried movie director retreats into his memories and fantasies. Votes: 100,266 | Gross: $0.05M Always feeding directly on his experiences for material, Federico Fellini had an autobiographical binge with "8½." The 1963 movie -- which marked eight and a half movies for Fellini (seven solos, three collaborations) -- was the director's unabashed gaze into the mirror. A vivid interspersing of fantasy and satire, it reflected ironically on Fellini's career -- with Marcello Mastroianni as his alter ego. Its entrancing combination of technical virtuosity and modish psychology won Fellini his third Academy Award for best foreign language film. Now, repeat-viewers and first timers can view the restored black-and-white classic, with 30 years of available hindsight. Its narcissistic themes -- daringly indulgent then -- now seem commonplace. The movie has been paid homage countless times, most notably in Woody Allen's "Stardust Memories." Yet, you might just warm to that oldtime smoothness, fluidity and la dolce vita lifestyle. "Desson Howe" - February 26, 1993 from Washington Post 8. The Godfather (1972) R | 175 min | Crime, Drama The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son. Votes: 1,459,860 | Gross: $134.97M (tie) with Part II Twenty-five years' hindsight wasn't necessary to prove the brilliance and authority of "The Godfather," Francis Ford Coppola's classic epic of a Mafia family in America. It was clear, even when the movie opened in 1972, that Coppola had created a landmark in American cinema. It remains the high point of his career. What we couldn't see then was how wide the film's influence would SPREAD. There's barely a gangster movie, a family epic or a movie about Italian Americans that doesn't inevitably use "The Godfather" as a frame of reference. It's more than a standard-bearer for critics and filmmakers -- it's a monument. Today, as the Castro Theatre launches a two-week revival of "The Godfather" in a new 35mm print with a digitally enhanced stereo soundtrack, it's fascinating to consider the directions that Coppola and his actors have taken in the quarter- century since they made the movie, which was based on Mario Puzo's best-seller. "Edward Guthman" - March 21, 1997 from San Fransisco Chronicle 9. The Godfather: Part II (1974) R | 202 min | Crime, Drama The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate. Votes: 1,015,349 | Gross: $57.30M (tie) with Part I "The Godfather, Part II" far from being a spinoff followup to its 1972 progenitor is an excellent epochal drama in its own right providing bookends in time -- the early part of this century and the last two decades -- to the earlier story. Al Pacino again is outstanding as Michael Corleone, successor to crime family leadership. The $15,000,000-plus production about 2-1/2 times the cost of the original was most handsomely produced and superbly directed by Francis Ford Coppola who also shares credit for a topnotch script with original book author Mario Puzo. The Paramount release has everything going for it to be an enormous b.o. winner. There should be very few criticisms that the latest film glorifies criminality since the script never lets one forget for very long that Pacino as well as Robert De Niro, excellent as the immigrant Sicilian who became the crime family chief as played by Marlon Brando in the first pic, and all their aides are callous, selfish and undeserving of either pity or adulation. Yet, at the same time, there’s enough superficial glory in the panoramic story structure to satisfy the demands of less discriminating filmgoers. Hence Coppola has straddled the potential audience and therefore maximized the commercial potential. The film’s 200 minutes to be played without an intermission could be broken down into two acts and 10 scenes. The scenes alternate between Pacino’s career in Nevada gambling rackets from about 1958 on and DeNiro’s early life in Sicily and New York City. A natural break comes after 126 minutes when DeNiro involved with low level thievery brutally assassinates Gaston Moschin the neighborhood crime boss without a shred of conscience. It’s the only shocking brutality in the film. The small number of other killings are discreetly shot and edited and it makes its point. Of course, in the modern day sequences, Pacino is also making the point clear that he has passed completely from the idealistic youth that made him enlist in the early days of World War II. A brief flashback scene presents James Caan in a cameo encore as the original heir apparent to his final destiny. In the Caan flashback Pacino is sitting alone with his untested ideals; in the fadeout scene he is again alone, but it’s all his own doing. "A.D. Murphy" - December 8, 1974 from Variety 10. Seven Samurai (1954) Not Rated | 207 min | Adventure, Drama A poor village under attack by bandits recruits seven unemployed samurai to help them defend themselves. Votes: 288,116 | Gross: $0.27M Widely considered one of the greatest films ever made, Seven Samurai was both the apex of Akira Kurosawa's long career and the high-water mark of the Japanese period drama. The film's action rivets the viewer in spite of the three-hour-plus running time: the battle sequences, among the best ever filmed, are immediate and visceral; and the characters are complex and so well-rendered that the viewer grieves when one dies. Like few other historical films, it captures not only the physical look of the time but also its essence. Like Jean Renoir's masterpieces Grand Illusion (1937) and The Rules of the Game (1939), Seven Samurai illustrates the collapse of social distinctions and the growing irrelevance of old traditions in dangerous and chaotic times. Kurosawa questions the division between samurai and bandit, between good and evil. In one scene, peasant-born Kikuchiyo heatedly argues that the samurai have been abusing and exploiting the peasants for centuries. In this framework, the samurais' acts of bravery, selflessness, and honor seem absurd, if not pointless. The peasants' choice of the samurai over the bandits is merely one of a lesser evil. Once the bandits are gone, the samurai will no longer be needed. This is underscored in the film's poignant end, when the surviving three samurai leave the village, receiving neither acclaim nor reward, as the villagers plant rice. American audiences were so impressed with Kurosawa's epic masterpiece that it was remade into John Sturges' Magnificent Seven (1960). "Jonathan Crow" from AllMovies 11. Dekalog (1989–1990) TV-MA | 572 min | Drama Ten television drama films, each one based on one of the Ten Commandments. Votes: 18,904 | Gross: $0.10M Thanks to highly regarded works like The Double Life of Veronique and the landmark Three Colors trilogy, the late Polish director Krzysztof Kieslowski has a devoted following in the United States. However, the one work widely regarded as his ultimate masterpiece, the 1988 made-for-Polish-TV opus The Decalogue (Dekalog), is only now receiving an official stateside release--and it is indeed worth the wait. The Decalogue can be seen as a precursor to Kieslowski's (and co-writer Krzysztof Piesiewicz's) Three Colors trilogy, whose individual features each explored the idea represented by one of the three colors of the French flag: blue, white, and red. The Decalogue is made up of ten approximately one-hour films (which goes a long way toward explaining the difficulty of a theatrical run for the series), each telling a story that addresses one of the Ten Commandments. Like the Three Colors trilogy, the characters in the ten different films all have tangential links (here, all installments are set in and around the same Warsaw apartment building), and also like that series, each film explores its theme in unconventional and surprising ways. "Michael Dequina" - May 19, 2000 from The Movie Report 12. Sunrise (1927) Passed | 94 min | Drama, Romance An allegorical tale about a man fighting the good and evil within him. Both sides are made flesh - one a sophisticated woman he is attracted to and the other his wife. I have found that it is always a good sign when you begin to beg and plead with the movie you are watching. Actually, I take that back, there are times when I beg and plead for the movie to show me mercy and spare me any more horribleness. But, in this instance I was begging and pleading with the film based on the story and the emotions it was eliciting from me. It has often been said that silent pictures were more about human emotion than any other factor, and Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans is a perfect example of that. Because for as well as it does everything, it is one of the most emotionally charged films I have ever seen. Right off the bat F.W. Murnau toys with your emotions and your expectations. By making the first moments of the film about the suspense of the Man’s actions on the boat ride he toys expertly with the audience. You wonder what the Man will do, you fear for what he will do, if you are like me you beg and plead with him to not kill his wife. It’s a testimony to the skills of Murnau that he can draw that much emotion from the audience in such a short amount of time, especially when you consider that other directors can’t get a smidgen of that emotion after a full two hours of character building. By playing on your expectations of what will or won’t happen Murnau grabs the viewer by the throat and refuses to let go. The amount of emotion invested in that boat ride ensures that the ensuing city scenes are fulfilling. "Bill Thompson" - April 2, 2009 from Bill's Movie Emporium 13. Battleship Potemkin (1925) Not Rated | 66 min | Drama, History In the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1905, the crew of the battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel's officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre. Votes: 48,586 | Gross: $0.05M The Russian master’s 1925 bombshell Battleship Potemkin, showing for a week at Film Forum in its definitive restoration, was cinema history’s third great game-changer, after The Birth of a Nation and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Just 27 when he directed this montage-powered expression of kino-revolutionary fervor, Sergei Eisenstein was the original film intellectual to come to power. “I am a civil engineer and mathematician by training. I approach the making of a motion picture in much the same way as I would the equipment of a poultry farm or the installation of a water system.” His first theory proposed Pavlov’s behavior psychology as a model for film production: “The [cinematic] attraction is every element that can be verified and mathematically calculated to produce certain emotional shocks.” "J. Hoberman" - Jan 12, 2011 from Village Voice" 14. The Searchers (1956) Passed | 119 min | Adventure, Drama, Western An American Civil War veteran embarks on a journey to rescue his niece from the Comanches. "Built Ford Tough" To my tastes, the world has rarely harbored enough reservations about John Ford and has always held far too many about John Wayne, but everyone has always been able to agree about this 1956 classic, which is as far from an ordinary mid-century western as King Lear is from a soap opera. The obsessive hunt for a kidnapped frontier girl (eventually, Natalie Wood) is the through-line, lasting for years and growing into a perverted odyssey of xenophobic self-hatred and waste, with Wayne at the center in arguably the most profound portrait of macho montrosity ever delivered by an American movie star. "Michael Atkinson" - May 30, 2006 from Village Voice 15. Raging Bull (1980) R | 129 min | Biography, Drama, Sport The life of boxer Jake LaMotta, whose violence and temper that lead him to the top in the ring destroyed his life outside of it. Votes: 292,063 | Gross: $23.38M Martin Scorsese's "Raging Bull" (1980) is arguably the greatest American biopic ever made. Based on the life of boxer Jake La Motta (Robert De Niro), I see the movie as a subtle character study of an unlikable man who relates to the world by giving and taking punishment. His self-destructive behavior eventually alienates all who try to know him. But "Raging Bull" is not a conventional movie. It doesn't tell us what to think or feel, and we have to figure out the mystery that is Jake La Motta for ourselves. Although the film is about a professional prizefighter who was once the middleweight champion, it's more about La Motta's life than it is about boxing. I doubt it's just coincidence that the movie covers 14 of La Motta's fights and there are 14 Stations of the Cross. Even though Jake is far from Christ-like, given Scorsese's fascination with marrying Roman Catholic iconography to story and imagery, it occurred to me that an alternate title for the movie could be "The Passion of Jake La Motta." "Ivana Redwine" from About - Dvd Pick 16. Man with a Movie Camera (1929) Not Rated | 68 min | Documentary, Music A man travels around a city with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling invention. Although the moving image is a natural progression from static photography, what a wonder the movie camera must have been in those early days. It may well have been an answer to this little couplet from Robert Burns‘ To A Louse: "O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!" The movie camera, assuming that power, was able to record and play back the world around us. Naturally, when it came to telling stories through this new medium, the narratives were borrowed from both page and stage. Was this to be the fate of moving images? Dziga Vertov thought different. The moving picture made possible new means of expression and new narratives. The movie needed to be a language in its own right, an “absolute separation from the language of theatre and literature”. Hence Man With A Movie Camera (1929, 68 mins), a manic composite of disparate scenes and images drawn from any old day in Soviet Russia edited in such a way as to tell a universal story. As the title suggests, the premise is thin – a man does indeed have a movie camera – but it’s the execution that is rich and makes this a rewarding view. Our eponymous man can be seen regularly, out and about with his camera, whether he be running along the streets, standing on rooftops looking over the streets, or even just standing in the middle of the street. It’s hardly surprising that much of the content should be set here as this is a film about life and much of our daily life happens on the streets. Shops line them, trams glide along them, and those down on their luck sleep in them. But the man about town with his camera is not the subject, but what is seen through his lens. And, what the camera sees is a world without borders. Where a person may have difficulty going, the camera has no qualms. And so the streets are only part of its focus. Beyond there’s industry, beaches, and bedrooms. All human life is here, juxtaposed. Birth alongside deaths; marriage against divorce; the rigours of work versus the pursuit of leisure. That it’s real people and not actors make it a beautiful historical document, but Vertov’s handling of this is nothing short of cinematic poetry. And it’s not just his attention to the myriad Russian lives that composes this symphony but the technology that occupies the people, be it in the workplace or through entertainment. The wheels of machinery turn, churning out their product repeatedly, a mirror to humanity’s daily saga of life and death. "Alan Smiffey" - August 5, 2013 from his site 17. Breathless (1960) Not Rated | 90 min | Crime, Drama A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy. Votes: 65,371 | Gross: $0.34M Shot on a shoestring and none the worse for it, Jean-Luc Godard's gritty and engaging first feature had an almost revolutionary impact when first released in 1960. It lays down most of the Godardian repertoire that the later films would build upon: male bravado spiced with plug-ugly mugging and amusing self-mockery (brought to perfection in Jean-Paul Belmondo's wonderful performance); a fascination with female beauty and treachery (the indelible Jean Seberg as the archetypal American abroad); an emulation of the American gangster movie, and a love-hatred for America in general; radically employed jump cuts that have the effect of a needle skipping gaily across a record; and a taste for literary, painterly, and musical quotations, as well as original aphorisms. Less characteristic of Godard's later work are the superb jazz score (by French pianist Martial Solal), a relatively coherent and continuous narrative, and postsynchronized dialogue. In French with subtitles. "Jonathan Rosenbaum" from Chicago Reader 18. Rashomon (1950) Not Rated | 88 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery The rape of a bride and the murder of her samurai husband are recalled from the perspectives of a bandit, the bride, the samurai's ghost and a woodcutter. Votes: 137,334 | Gross: $0.10M "Rashomon (1950): Japanese master filmmaker Akira Kurosawa's treatise on the subjectivity of truth" Rashomon (1950), a Japanese film directed by master filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, introduced the Japanese cinema to the whole world. In the movie Rashomon, Akira Kurosawa highlighted, for the first time in cinema, that discrepancies can exist among the different versions of the same event (as narrated from the perspective of different parties). These discrepancies testify the subjective nature of truth. Rashomon's extraordinarily unique concept and Kurosawa's brilliant treatment of the subject matter make it an undisputed masterpiece. Rashomon - the 1950 Akira Kurosawa Japanese movie which propounded the "Rashomon Effect" - vividly limns the artistry of contrivance innate in the human psyche owing to the unending desire of humans to placate their insatiable egos. This manipulation of facts has no limits and entirely depends upon the skill of imaginative improvisation of the individual along with his level of comfort at trickery. The ability to misinterpret comes naturally to the humans as an obvious tool to counter the adversities of life, and perhaps that's what makes it indispensable. As a direct consequence of contrivance, the concept of truth no longer remains universal but becomes rather subjective and a matter of individualistic perception. Whether by design or inadvertence, this subjectivity of perception with respect to veracity must not be overlooked under any circumstance so as to surmise the most befitting conclusion. "Murtaza Ali" - February 9, 2012 from A Potpourri of Vestiges 19. Apocalypse Now (1979) R | 147 min | Drama, Mystery, War A U.S. Army officer serving in Vietnam is tasked with assassinating a renegade Special Forces Colonel who sees himself as a god. Votes: 555,959 | Gross: $83.47M This sorry-ass movie year finally coughs up a masterpiece — Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now — and it turns out the damn thing was first released in 1979. It still counts, though, because this Vietnam epic is not the same movie the public saw back then. Coppola and editor Walter Murch have remixed the film from original raw footage, restored forty-nine minutes (the running time now clocks in at three hours and sixteen minutes) and tacked on a new title: Apocalypse Now Redux. It's not the usual hustle to cadge bucks from a rerelease and future video and DVD sales (think of the recent scam with The Exorcist). This is the untamed Apocalypse that Coppola envisioned in 1979 before money and mental pressures made him fear he had created something too long, too weird and too morally demanding for the masses. course, the film is still chaos, and as such it's an apt reflection of the war it depicts. But the journey, laid out in the script by Coppola and John Milius, is much better mapped now. As Capt. Willard (Martin Sheen) begins his trip up river to Cambodia to "terminate with extreme prejudice" the mad renegade Col. Kurtz (Marlon Brando), the film moves with less velocity but, oddly, with a greater sense of purpose. Extended scenes on the patrol boat draw us closer to Willard, Chief (the great Albert Hall), Chef (Frederic Forrest), the surfer Lance (Sam Bottoms) and the ghetto-raised Clean, played by a fourteen-year-old Laurence Fishburne. Robert Duvall's sensational performance as the surf-lovin', bomb-droppin' Col. Kilgore ("I love the smell of napalm in the morning") is pumped with more humor as Willard steals the bastard's new surfboard. One restored scene, showing Kilgore helping to save a Vietnamese child, adds a telling ambiguity. Even the sequence with the Playboy bunnies is, er, fleshed out, and speaks to the theme of exploitation that permeates the film. "Peter Travers" - August 31, 2000 comment for 2001 Redux version from Rolling Stone 20. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) Not Rated | 114 min | Biography, Drama, History In 1431, Jeanne d'Arc is placed on trial on charges of heresy. The ecclesiastical jurists attempt to force Jeanne to recant her claims of holy visions. Votes: 41,414 | Gross: $0.02M One of three silent movies featured in Sight & Sound's latest poll of the 10 greatest pictures of all time, The Passion of Joan of Arc was made in France by the Danish master Carl Theodor Dreyer. To play the 19-year-old "Maid", he chose the 35-year-old Renée Falconetti, a French stage star specialising in light comedy. In keeping with his devotion to realism and austerity, his screenplay was based largely on a contemporary transcript of Joan's trial for heresy that concluded with her execution in 1431. Carefully framed in claustrophobic settings, the picture is most notable for its close-ups, though Dreyer insisted on a whole town being built to represent medieval Rouen. This was Falconetti's only major film and over a period of a year under Dreyer's direction (a combination of cruelty and patience), her extraordinarily expressive face made for one of the greatest, most harrowing screen performances. Phillip French" - February 17, 2013 from Guardian 21. Shoah (1985) Not Rated | 566 min | Documentary, History, War Claude Lanzmann's epic documentary recounts the story of the Holocaust through interviews with witnesses - perpetrators as well as survivors. Votes: 7,665 | Gross: $0.02M "Shoah: Presence Through Absence" "Lanzmann & Shoah" I had the privilege to catch Shoah at the National Museum of Singapore, a film that deals with the Holocaust, and of which, it spends a massive 9.5 hours bringing to life the exact details of what happened in extermination camps during the German occupation of Eastern Europe in the early forties. For a film like Shoah, it is very difficult to give a rating, neither does it demand one. What Lanzmann has achieved here cannot be equated to a number that falls on a scale that determines whether a film is good or bad. Thus, I will leave Shoah unrated. Shoah is categorized into the documentary genre, but it is unfair or even inaccurate to do so. Lanzmann has said that his film cannot be construed as a documentary because it does not contain actual footage of the Holocaust. When asked in a Q&A session with him, he explained that no single photograph (let alone, a video footage) of the Holocaust has ever been captured. Even if so, the Nazis would have burned all of them. Therefore, what remains as “evidence” of the torture and extermination of the Jews can only be found trapped in the memory of survivors and eyewitnesses. Shoah is made up of interviews of survivors, eyewitnesses, and bystanders who witnessed the atrocities committed by the Nazis. Lanzmann also interviewed former Nazis (with a hidden camera) who were present at the extermination camps, but according to them, did not partake directly in the mass murdering of the Jews. A historian is also interviewed who offers an in-depth analysis of specific events occurred during the Holocaust and sets it in the context of human history, in particular, Jewish history. "Eternality Tan" - July 15, 2010 from Filmnomenon 22. Singin' in the Rain (1952) G | 103 min | Comedy, Musical, Romance A silent film production company and cast make a difficult transition to sound. Votes: 199,937 | Gross: $8.82M Often cited as the greatest of all Hollywood musical comedies, Singin’ in the Rain is particularly notable as a historical reconstruction of the early days of sound cinema and the crisis it brought about in the industry. Many of the funniest set-pieces are based on the various problems of recording sound, the biggest joke of all being that the gorgeous leading lady of the silents, deliciously played by Jean Hagen, has a voice that could strip paint at fifty yards. So the comedy works a treat but what most people remember is the music and dancing, both of which are top-notch. Gene Kelly is at his most creative and least pretentious, particularly in the iconic title number and the Broadway Melody ballet, and Debbie Reynolds is simply radiant. The sensational Technicolor photography, courtesy of Harold Rossen, is to die for. "Mike Sutton" - November 22, 2012 from 140 Words 23. Persona (1966) Not Rated | 83 min | Drama, Thriller A nurse is put in charge of a mute actress and finds that their personae are melding together. The film opens up with an unusually long prologue whose purpose is to test the viewer's mind – a series of images pop up on the screen and then quickly disappear. The mind immediately begins speculating, making it awfully difficult for the viewer to decide whether the images were random or carefully selected. After the prologue the images begin to make sense. A voice coming from behind the camera informs a young and very beautiful nurse (Bibi Andersson, Wild Strawberries, The Girls) that she has been hired to take care of an actress (Liv Ullmann, Autumn Sonata, Hour of the Wolf) who has suddenly gone mute. The viewer sees the actress before the nurse does, in a flashback. She is on the stage, wearing makeup and looking confused. The owner of the voice is then revealed while the actress and her condition are carefully described to the nurse. In the next episode the nurse visits the actress in her hospital room. Now the viewer learns that the nurse is in her twenties and is engaged. While she introduces herself, the actress remains indifferent. After the visit the nurse reveals her frustration and confesses that she is unsure if she is the right person to take care of the actress. Soon after, however, the two are sent to a small cottage somewhere in the Swedish countryside where the actress is expected to recover. At this point most viewers feel fairly confident that Ingmar Bergman's Persona will focus on the actress' recovery. Only a select few would still consider the strange prologue and think about its purpose. What happens next can best be described as a fascinating intellectual mind game. There are multiple ways of deconstructing it, but not right and wrong ones. What is important here is to be aware that the game is played in and outside of the film. In the film the two women play the game as they warm up to each other and then become frustrated with their relationship. In a variety of different ways Bergman also plays with the viewer's mind, making it awfully difficult for him to effectively separate dreams from reality. The film's visual style is extraordinary. The camera spends a great deal of time carefully observing the faces of the two women as if to prove to the viewer that they are masks that can be easily exchanged. Eventually, different feelings and emotions begin to alter them and the film does precisely that – it effectively proves that human beings are perpetually wearing masks while playing roles they have chosen or have been forced to accept. The acting is equally impressive. Andersson's excellent monologues direct the story, but leave plenty of room for healthy speculations. Ullmann utters only a few words, but her face is like an open book. When the camera observes the two women from afar, their body language is also terrific. "Dr. Svet Atanasov" - February 27, 2014 from Blu-Ray 24. The Mirror (1975) G | 107 min | Biography, Drama A dying man in his forties remembers his past. His childhood, his mother, the war, personal moments and things that tell of the recent history of all the Russian nation. Even beginning to understand The Mirror after one viewing is like grasping at straw in the wind. For every solid grasp taken, so much flies by and is missed, and even then, the edged of each solid though feels like just a fleeting moment that echoes something beyond the frame. I think part of this can be attributed to the film’s short runtime. This is the shortest Andrey Tarkovsky I’ve seen and part of it makes me wish for his longer films. Here is a film so densely packed that I often found myself suffocated, the tantalizing cinematography, the provoking voiceovers and the elusive narrative strands made me wish for those moments of reprieve, the long gaps of Stalker and Andrei Rublev which gave my time to chew over and think about what I was watching as I was watching it. With this lengthy caveat, I will begin to offer what feeble insights I can upon a first viewing. The most obvious and perhaps most intriguing idea in the film is in the title. Throughout the film, we are treated to shots of mirrors, always with people clearly in the mirror. The mirror suggests a number of ideas. The most literal idea that is also to be taken figuratively is the idea of self-reflection, that the mirror exists as a lens in which to examine oneself. One could argue the entire film is built around self-reflection. The mirror also offers up a secondary idea of a mirror existence, that the mirror serves as a bridge between two planes of existence and that only through reflection can one begin to notice that existence. Once again, Tarkovsky pushes the bounds of films, trying to get that glimpse of the beyond, the camera lingering on the mirror in the hopes that it might bridge the gap as well. "James Blake Ewing" - September 5, 2011 from Cinema Sights 25. Taxi Driver (1976) R | 114 min | Crime, Drama A mentally unstable veteran works as a nighttime taxi driver in New York City, where the perceived decadence and sleaze fuels his urge for violent action by attempting to liberate a presidential campaign worker and an underage prostitute. Votes: 646,036 | Gross: $28.26M It is the last line, "Well, I'm the only one here," that never gets quoted. It is the truest line in the film. Travis Bickle exists in "Taxi Driver" as a character with a desperate need to make some kind of contact somehow--to share or mimic the effortless social interaction he sees all around him, but does not participate in. The film can be seen as a series of his failed attempts to connect, every one of them hopelessly wrong. He asks a girl out on a date, and takes her to a porno movie. He sucks up to a political candidate, and ends by alarming him. He tries to make small talk with a Secret Service agent. He wants to befriend a child prostitute, but scares her away. He is so lonely that when he asks, "Who you talkin' to?" he is addressing himself in a mirror. This utter aloneness is at the center of "Taxi Driver," one of the best and most powerful of all films, and perhaps it is why so many people connect with it even though Travis Bickle would seem to be the most alienating of movie heroes. We have all felt as alone as Travis. Most of us are better at dealing with it. "Roger Ebert" - January 1, 2004 from his site 26. Lawrence of Arabia (1962) Approved | 216 min | Adventure, Biography, Drama The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks. Votes: 245,822 | Gross: $44.82M A thousand camels bray in Dolby and the Arabian night dries up under a new Kodak sun. Out of a 70-mm desert rides "Lawrence of Arabia," a thundering restoration of the 27-year-old legend. As long as ever and never better -- technology serves this epic well. With help from the likes of Martin Scorsese, Robert A. Harris has carefully restored British director David Lean's Oscar-winner to mint condition. The film had been severely cut and allowed to deteriorate, but today it is as mighty as when it premiered in 1962. "Lawrence's" beauty and place of honor in the epic hall of fame are without question, as is its status as perhaps the most manly movie ever made. Lean portrays a weirdly lopsided, oddly womanless cosmos. The only females in the film are skewered corpses, except for a glimpse of a harem that Harris has proudly added. He calls "Lawrence" a "boy's movie." Others call it homoerotic, and Lean has agreed. In the land the sea left behind, Arabs sway along with the wind in their burnooses. Lawrence, looking positively bridal in his filmy white robes, smiles philosophically from atop his camel. "Hut-hut," he says to the beast, beginning yet another of the movie's many hot, draggy camel rides. It's rather like wandering the desert with the children of Israel. There's a sameness to the grandeur that so intoxicated Lean, Harris and the hero. The film's genius is its marriage of intimate portrait and big-screen epic. T.E. Lawrence, a repressed 29-year-old British mapmaker, becomes a desert Napoleon, worshiped as a self-proclaimed demigod. His story is an atavistic "Revenge of the Nerds," every angry adolescent's dream come true. It is also the tragedy of a troubled scholar whose repressed violence spills out in the seminal sword-rattling of the battle scenes. Peter O'Toole, hair an Arthurian gold, eyes an impossible azure, plays Lawrence as a ferocious priss. It's a striking debut, a poem of lurid charms. This mercurial character is now established in a never-before-seen (but not that great) scene in the officers' club in which he disrupts two colleagues' snooker game. "Rita Kempley" - February 8, 1989 from Washington Post 27. L'Atalante (1934) Not Rated | 89 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance Newly married couple Juliette and a ship captain Jean struggle through marriage as they travel on the L'atalante along with the captain's first mate Le père Jules and a cabin boy. Some filmmakers have a lifetime in which to develop their art, to explore their themes, to express their world view. Others do it in a single film. 1934’s ‘L’Atalante’ is the single feature from the then 29-year-old French master Jean Vigo and was made as its director died of TB. The result is not so much a film as an entire artistic vision crammed into 89 of the busiest and most beautiful minutes of celluloid ever shot. Dita Parlo plays Juliette, the smalltown girl married off to Jean (Jean Dasté, captain of L’Atalante, a grubby barge plying the waterways of rural France. Once on board, Juliette is caught between her uncertain love for Jean and her desire to see a world beyond the restrictive confines of the boat. The situation is complicated by the constant interruptions of Jean’s beloved but irascible first mate, salty sea-dog Pére Jules (Michel Simon). It’s a traditional set-up, and the film was intended by its producers as a straight romantic melodrama. But Vigo had other ideas: as his life slipped away, he stuffed the film with reference and resonance, fusing groundbreaking visual trickery with an almost tangible sense of ecstatic romance, startling eroticism and unexpected moments of harsh social truth. The film is far from flawless, and has no desire to be: Simon’s performance alone ensures a ragged, playful sense of spontaneity. The result is something utterly indescribable, partway between comedy and tragedy, romance and realism, film and dream. See it and swoon. "Tom Huddleston" - January 17, 2012 from Time Out London 28. Touch of Evil (1958) PG-13 | 95 min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir A stark, perverse story of murder, kidnapping, and police corruption in a Mexican border town. Votes: 93,269 | Gross: $2.24M Touch of Welles Makes Film Even Better "Touch of Evil," the loony border-town noir mystery from 1958, which has been re-edited into the "pattern" that Orson Welles desired, opens today in a revival that never for a moment seems redundant. The film has always been full of reckless energy, and now it is, as they say, better than ever. It stars writer-director Welles as a corrupt police chief on the American side of the Mexican border, Charlton Heston as a straight-arrow Mexican narc and Janet Leigh as his wife, who seems to have a screw loose. Along the way, there is a grand performance by, and homage to, Marlene Dietrich. "Touch of Evil" seems to take place on the border of reality as well. The whole project has an air of unreality about it as it brazenly hits hot buttons of police corruption, sex, drugs and racism. "Bob Graham" - September 18, 1998 from San Fransisco Chronicle 29. Casablanca (1942) PG | 102 min | Drama, Romance, War A cynical American expatriate struggles to decide whether or not he should help his former lover and her fugitive husband escape French Morocco. Votes: 482,125 | Gross: $1.02M Hal Wallis of Warner Brothers must had a hunch that the next important arena in the global war would be Northwest Africa, when he put “Casablanca” into production under Michael Curtiz’ direction. The French Moroccan seaport has become headline news since the picture was made and, I suspect, a slight change in the ending of the film was decided upon at the last moment to further cement our friendly relations with French-Morocco, officialdom. “Casablanca,” now on exhibition at the Hollywood Theatre, is an entertaining adventure story played against the colorful background of the cosmopolitan city that has become an important stop on the timetable of the European refugee. Since the occupation by the Nazis of the Low Countries, France, the Balkans and Greece, Casablanca became a haven to the fleeing hordes who came on the chance of obtaining visas to Lisbon, on their way to America, the Island of the free. Heartbreaking drama and high comedy marled the endeavors of the frantic people of Europe to escape the oppressor and it is all epitomized in the story of Victor Laszlo and his wife, Ilsa, who managed to get from Prague to Casablanca via Paris and Marseille, where their last battle of wits and bullets is fought with the enemy and where, with the help of an American citizen and a French police officer, they begin their flight to freedom. "Kate Cameron" - February 17, 2015 from New York Daily News 30. Psycho (1960) R | 109 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller A Phoenix secretary embezzles forty thousand dollars from her employer's client, goes on the run, and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother. Votes: 546,051 | Gross: $32.00M So there's this girl who steals $40,000. Her name's Marion Crane (Leigh). She's a secretary at a real-estate office who's hungering to move in with her hunky but destitute long-distance lover (John Gavin). Hence the impulsive decision to palm the cash when a cocky client waves it in her face between double entendres. Men surround Marion---a cop in shades ogles her with contemptuous suspicion; a used-car dealer prods her with intimidating sales-speak. Even Norman Bates (Perkins), the seemingly mild-mannered clerk she has dinner with at a roadside motel, gets antsy in her presence. But he eventually illuminates her crisis of conscience: "We all go a little mad sometimes," the young man observes, inspiring Marion to renounce her kleptomania and take a cleansing shower. Then Mother shows up. "Keith Uhlich" - October 26, 2010 from Time Out New York 31. Balthazar (1966) Not Rated | 95 min | Drama The story of a mistreated donkey and the people around him. A study on saintliness and a sister piece to Bresson's Mouchette. Votes: 15,542 | Gross: $0.04M "Everyone who sees this film will be absolutely astonished," Jean-Luc Godard once said, "because this film is really the world in an hour and a half." Robert Bresson's 1966 masterpiece defies any conventional analysis, telling a story of sin and redemption by following Balthazar, a donkey, as he passes through the hands of a number of masters, including a peasant girl, a satanic delinquent, and a saintly fool. Perhaps the greatest and most revolutionary of Bresson's films, Balthazar is a difficult but transcendently rewarding experience, never to be missed. "Dave Kehr" - April 27, 2009 from Chicago Reader 32. Ugetsu (1953) Not Rated | 96 min | Drama, Fantasy, War A tale of ambition, family, love, and war set in the midst of the Japanese Civil Wars of the sixteenth century. Votes: 18,209 | Gross: $0.01M Two brothers, one consumed by greed, the other by envy. In a time when the land is savaged by marauding armies, they risk their families and their lives to pursue their obsessions. Kenji Mizoguchi's "Ugetsu" (1953) tells their stories in one of the greatest of all films -- one which, along with Kurosawa's "Rashomon," helped introduce Japanese cinema to Western audiences. The heroes are rough-hewn and consumed by ambition, but the film style is elegant and mysterious, and somehow we know before we are told that this is a ghost story. "Roger Ebert" - May 9, 2004 from his site 33. Andrei Rublev (1966) R | 205 min | Biography, Drama, History The life, times and afflictions of the fifteenth-century Russian iconographer St. Andrei Rublev. Votes: 39,706 | Gross: $0.10M The complete version (39 minutes longer than the print originally released) 'explains' no more than the cut version, but at least Tarkovsky's mysteries and enigmas are now intact. Rublev was a minor icon-painter of the early 1400s. Tarkovsky re-imagines him as a Christ-like cypher for the sufferings of a divided Russia under the Tartar invaders: a troubled visionary reduced to years of silence by the horrors that he witnesses, who finally rediscovers the will to speak - and to paint. The film offers eight imaginary episodes from Rublev's life: the most brilliant coup is the story of a beardless boy saving his own life by pretending that he knows how to cast a giant bell - and finding that he can do it. This boy's blind faith rekindles Rublev's confidence in himself and his people, leading the film into its blazing climax: a montage of details from Rublev's surviving icons. "Tony Rayns" - February 9, 2006 from Time Out London 34. City Lights (1931) G | 87 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance With the aid of a wealthy erratic tippler, a dewy-eyed tramp who has fallen in love with a sightless flower girl accumulates money to be able to help her medically. Votes: 150,156 | Gross: $0.02M Unwilling to bend to the winds of change, which saw the introduction of the spoken word in movies three years earlier, Chaplin's is a silent film. However, he does use music and sound effects cleverly throughout, even employing them pointedly to satirize "the talkies." Other familiar targets are the hypocrisy, prissiness, and arrogance of wealthy "polite society" and cruelty to society's less fortunate, lovable outcasts like The Little Tramp himself. Chaplin's physical comedy is, of course, riotously funny. He dances along the highwire between hilarity and disaster with aplomb. All the while, Chaplin's Little Tramp maintains his dignity and sense of fair play. City Lights's parallel plot lines, the first a love story between the Tramp and a blind flower girl and the second with a suicidal millionaire, unfold efficiently and dovetail beautifully to an unforgettable ending. The narrative involving The Little Tramp and the suicidal millionaire presages themes developed more fully in Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life whil the pathos-ridden love story with the blind flower girl (Virginia Cherrill) plays on universal themes, such as the intoxicating blindness of love and the rejuvenating power of selflessness. A graceful, athletic artist of pantomime, Chaplin's Little Tramp moves effortlessly between figures of destitution and wealth, aiding and abetting all around him. City Lights is a paean to our best impulses, a plea for humanitarianism and justice. This is one of those rare creatures, the work of a master craftsman in full control of his craft. "Dan Jardine" - August 6, 2010 from Cinemania 35. The Gold Rush (1925) Not Rated | 95 min | Adventure, Comedy, Drama A prospector goes to the Klondike in search of gold and finds it and more. Votes: 90,623 | Gross: $5.45M In this tale of the "Lone Prospector" (aka the Little Tramp) coming in to the world of mid 19th century gold miners and trying to stake his claim, win the heart of the sweet (though not always nice) girl Georgia, and just survive in general, Chaplin gets loads of memorable moments out of his perfect comedy (and sometimes just dramatic, bittersweet) timing. I'm not sure if it really marks it as a "deep" film the way that City Lights, Modern Times or Great Dictator are. And you know what? Who cares? It's one of his most sheerly entertaining films, meant to manipulate the audience like puppets. I say, it's so much fun being at the fingers of a master-manipulator-artist like Chaplin. "Jack Gattanella" - December 28, 2011 from Cinetarium 36. Contempt (1963) Not Rated | 102 min | Drama, Romance Screenwriter Paul Javal's marriage to his wife Camille disintegrates during movie production as she spends time with the producer. Layered conflicts between art and business ensue. Votes: 25,164 | Gross: $0.04M Certain films are worth returning to periodically, the way a pilgrim would visit a shrine. Either they cut to the heart of the matter or they conjure up the passions of one's youth, when it felt as if a movie or a pop song or a book could re-orient the entire universe. For some of us - a lot of us, actually - the movies Jean-Luc Godard made between 1960 and 1967 are that touchstone, burning with a fervor that's half Picasso, half John Lennon, and wholly original. Films like "Vivre Sa Vie" (1962) and "Pierrot le Fou" (1965) felt like the reinvention of cinema when they came out, and they still have the power to shame 99 percent of what passes for movies today. So when I say that 1963's "Contempt" is playing at the Brattle in a brand-new print, those of you who know what that means know what to do. Those who don't - well, trust me, you want to see this on the biggest screen possible. Few movies have used color and CinemaScope with such aching precision. "Ty Burr" - April 11, 2008 from Boston Globe PG | 95 min | Comedy An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a War Room full of politicians and generals frantically tries to stop. Votes: 419,263 | Gross: $0.28M Half a century after Stanley Kubrick unleashed his most perverse provocation (about a bombing run no one can stop), it’s amazing that we’re even here to see it. The fears of Dr. Strangelove are real and remain so: Nuclear annihilation, not as a result of official policy—though that’s been sometimes considered—but via the convictions of a well-positioned madman (Sterling Hayden’s immortal cigar-chomping lunatic, Jack D. Ripper), is hardly an antiquated notion. So go down to Film Forum and party like it’s 1964; it might as well be. By a whopping margin, this is Kubrick’s most radical film and greatest dramatic gamble. It was the director’s idea, after steeping himself in game theory and end-of-the-world scenarios, to go for vicious comedy. Onboard came novelist Terry Southern and the mighty Peter Sellers, doing triple duty as President, simpering aide and German nut. "Joshua Rothkopf" - May 13, 2014 from Time Out New York 38. Rear Window (1954) PG | 112 min | Mystery, Thriller
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The role of the Pirate/Phrygians in the colonization of America is hinted at in The Devil Colony, James Rollins’ seventh Sigma Force novel, in which Native Americans, Mormons, and other characters call the Manasseh “exiled Israelites”, “pale Indians”, “white Indians”, and the “14th colony”. Chapter 24 describes symbols of America’s Founding Fathers included in the Great Seal of the United States to memorialize the Manasseh, e.g., an olive branch and sheaf of arrows. This olive branch and the sheaf of arrows is symbolic of the role of the first Manasseh and his Pirate Samballat in-laws. To marry into your enemy’s family is the olive branch, then to use that marriage to bring down your enemy is the sheaf of arrows. I’ve cross-referenced American ‘history’ with a few other histories and it is a fact that many of the pirates acted the part of Indians, and then changed costume and played the part of ‘Puritan’ and ‘Founding Father’, and then returned to England to put on the costume of an English Lord. This is how the great fraud of the usurpation of America and the establishment of the Freemasonic ‘Corporation of the United States’ was pulled off. During the mid-1600’s, while the illegitimate children of European Kings were forming secret alliances and employing themselves in piracy on the high seas, they established the use of a red ‘flag’ as a symbol of secret cooperation. The red flag is reported by several observers in early America. Was it a red Phrygian cap on a pole or was it a red flag, and is there any difference between the two? In America, the Pirates established their havens along the Eastern seaboard. The havens were places to sell stolen goods and to use captured slaves as workers and prostitutes. When that game played out, they used their stolen riches to purchase English Titles and become ‘Lords’. After becoming Lords, they were able to infiltrate the monarchies and gain valuable commissions for the building and maintenance of forts in America. It became very lucrative to them to pretend to fight wars, wherein each phony fort was destroyed and had to be built again and each time it was all nothing but a show. The monarchs paid for these phony forts and the pirates, now Lords, received payment to build them. The hastily and poorly built excuse for a ‘fort’ would then be ‘surrendered’ to or ‘captured’ by the ‘enemy’, and burnt. After each ‘surrender’ of each American and Canadian fort, the con-men of both sides of the ‘war’ got together and had a big party to celebrate their victory over the duped ‘masses’ and to divvy up the loot. The most notorious of these phony wars occurred at Fort William Henry in 1756, which was a stage-set of a phony fort to begin with, a staged war and a huge cast of Indian and French unwitting extras who had been duped into participating. When they realized they’d been duped, the ‘Massacre at Fort William Henry’ occurred. This ‘massacre’, despite all the propaganda lies which surround it, was a situation where the phony war was discovered and the well-deserved slaughter of the Pirates in various costumes commenced. The angriest group of all were the Iriquois Indians who had formerly been allied with the Pirates who were disguised as ‘colonists’. The Iriquois had enough of being used as cannon fodder by the Pirates who were known to them as ‘Englishmen’. After the surrender of Fort William Henry under the Red Flag/Phrygian Cap system, the military officers of both sides held their usual victory party which became a source of anger to all the men who had been wounded during this bit of chicanery. The incident at Fort William Henry is a long story in itself, but suffice it to say that after the surrender, the various spies and double agents of the English became known to all involved in one single night. After the outing of the spies, the Iriquois, instead of being allied with the Englishmen Pirates, now sang a song about wanting to ‘eat the English’. Suddenly the Catholics had more Indian allies against the Pirates than they really needed or wanted, and no one could prevent those angry Indians from seeking their own justice after they’d been betrayed by the Pirate/Protestant/Founding Fathers/Englishmen. To think in terms of modern European Nation States when considering early American and Canadian history is wrong. In reality, the groups in question were either Catholic or Protestant and these can be found in all nations including the Indians, but Catholics were the established majority by far at that time. Protestants were mainly limited to Pirate communities and the Iriquois. The Mohawks were themselves Pirates dressed as Indians. There is no way to understand early American and Canadian history without understanding this fully. If you read in any history book that the English were fighting the French, just throw that book away. Have you ever noticed the Phrygian cap on the emblems of several Nations and States of America? It’s the little red elve’s cap on a pole. Here are just a two samples, but there are many, many more: Great Seal of Iowa with Phrygian Cap. Great Seal of Nicaragua with Phrygian Pirate’s Cap Ancient Roots of Piracy The Red Phrygian [Samarian] Cap was supposedly worn by Roman slaves and so it carries with it many associations and it came to be worn by both pirates and anyone else who values freedom. The Red Phrygian Cap signifies democracy over monarchy, independent atheism over service to God, and it all sounds pretty good but what it really means is something else. It’s all a very tricky business to convince people to get rid of their own protectors by promising them ‘freedom’. The trick is that, once you’ve voluntarily given up your own protection, you become fair game for the pirates to capture and sell into slavery. “Pirate” has its roots in the word “Phrygia”, and the journey to those roots is a very long one. One thing is certain, Phrygians have wanted to eliminate Catholics ever since Catholics existed, because piracy and Catholicism are natural enemies. The original place called Phrygia is also called Samaria in the Bible, which is now Turkey and Syria, more or less. Samaria is a name related etymologically to Samballat, and Samuel the prophet in the bible both of whom lived in Samaria/Phrygia. This is important because in the Old Testament, the prophet Samuel gave the first crown of the Israelites to Saul, God’s anointed and chosen King from the tribe of Benjamin. But before that, God informed the people that only God should be king, other wise they would find themselves enslaved by the very person they had crowned. Then Samuel, after crowning Saul, accused Saul of not worshipping correctly, and so set the stage for the genocide of King Saul and his family and the take-over by David who was not God’s chosen and who wasn’t even an Israelite. In fact, if you read carefully the words in the Old Testament that describe David’s actions, it’s obvious that he is a double agent working for the Philistines who were enemies of Israel. Even the Philistines didn’t trust him, because who knew better than they what a lying, treacherous, two-faced hypocrite David was. They would not have him in their real army, but they used him when they could, mainly as a puppet King because he had married the daughter of Saul. No one trusted David because David was a Pirate, a highway robber, a spy and the original mafia who demanded protection money from the people after the death of Saul. With the removal of the true monarch, the people no longer had a protector, and so they were easy prey for pirates. Propaganda is the art of making a Pirate look like a Saint, so we get a taste of ancient propaganda techniques when we read about King David in the Bible. Since Phrygia is a name and place whose roots go back to Samuel and David and Saul in the Old Testament, then why is a Phrygian cap on the Great Seals of modern nations and states? If the Phrygian cap was worn by slaves, then naturally a slave owner would value the Phrygian cap and a slave would hate it. Yet we are told that it means freedom from slavery and so was used as a symbol for democracy. At this point in time, everyone knows that democracy does not really bring freedom at all, it’s just a bigger and worse kind of slavery for the slaves, and a bigger and better kind of slavery for the owners. And so the slave’s cap stays, and that’s the big joke on believers in Democracy. Wherever you see the Phrygian cap you know you are dealing with piracy and trickery under the guise of democracy. That’s the secret. One of the most notorious events of the French Revolution was when King Louis XIV appeared in public wearing a Phrygian Cap. The French revolutionaries wore these caps. Much has been written about how all the revolutions were and still are tricks of the Freemasons to remove the customs and rights of the people and to replace it all with slavery and dictatorship. Back in the early 1700’s the Freemasons declared their intention of eliminating Catholic monarchies and Catholic religion, and so the wearing of the Phrygian cap by the King of France was a shocking thing for the people. Maybe King Louis XVI never even wore it in truth, but someone passed the rumor that he did and someone drew a picture of it and published it and spread it around so it might as well have actually happened. Such is the art of Propaganda. The king of France was still guilty of weakness, one way or the other, and he was already illegitimate as a ruler to begin with. He wasn’t a practicing Catholic, yet he sat on a Catholic throne and his government was completely controlled by anti-Catholic Phrygians. His throne rested on the assassinations and confiscation of lands of many true Catholics. The Ultra-Catholic Guise family and their followers were already migrating away from France, had been since the early 1600’s. This is how they became transformed into the group known as the Acadians in America. So whenever the crown of God’s anointed is replaced by the Phrygian cap, you can be sure that the Freemasons are involved behind the scenes, and that the tricky plan is enslavement of the many by the few, under the promise of liberty. We know from scripture that ‘King’ David was a man who behaved like a pirate 100% of the time, though he expected to be forgiven afterwards. With the death of King Saul, David certainly plunged a dagger into the heart of God’s kingdom to destroy it. The Saulic tribes left the Holy Land at the time of the emergence of David. We live in an age where King David is worshipped and his tribe is supported with huge sums of confiscated American cash and lives. The Davidites are allowed to literally destroy the planet without so much as a word of reproof by anyone in position of power. Saul is not even mentioned, and no one knows what the Salic flag or the Salic tribes are all about, even though it was the calling card of Christendom, and everyone knew it was the St. Andrew’s cross. St. Andrew was the Patron Saint of Constantinople, the capitol city of the Roman Empire for almost 2000 years. The last time we used a Salic flag it was called the ‘Confederate Flag’, and it is now outlawed. Any reminder of Catholicism is very bothersome to the Davidic people. After the crowning of David as King by the Prophet Samuel, the emigration of the Sallic tribes began and the remainder of the people in Jerusalem were not Israelite. It appears that we no longer hear of the Sallic Tribes in the Bible, but in fact they return in the form of Darius/Cyrus the Great to rebuke the followers of David, and to destroy the pagan Temple that Solomon built, and to enslave the inhabitants of Jerusalem who were not Israelite at that time. It’s just that in the Bible, Cyrus the Great is not identified clearly as an Israelite or a Benjamite. It takes some investigation to figure it out. Meanwhile, the usurpers under David engaged in quite a bit of infighting, but the main event had been the marriage of Samballat’s daughter, a pagan, to Manasseh one of the tribes of Joseph. This was necessary for the appearance of legitimacy, and it was a betrayal of the true Israelites by Manasseh. Josephus records the marriage of Manasseh and Samballat’s daughter from Nehemiah 13:28 as actually having taken place and causing the founding of the rival Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim. Josephus (“Antiquities xi. 7, § 2.) places Samballat in Persian history during the reign of Darius III (336-331). Samballat had successors, Samballat II and Samballat III. In the Elephantine papyri, the ‘Jews’ of Elephantine asked for the help of Samballat’s sons in rebuilding the ‘Jewish’ temple at Elephantine, which had been damaged or destroyed. Elephantine is on the Nile River. Josephus describes the Samaritan temple as based on a copy of the Jerusalem temple, however, no one is certain where the ‘Jerusalem’ of the Old Testament was located. Since very old maps show that the Jordan and the Nile were once the same river, with a sharp bend toward the south, it could be that Jerusalem was on the Nile river. Josephus also relates that many Israelites moved to Samaria, causing much bewilderment in ‘Jerusalem’. This could describe a migration from Egypt northward into Samaria. Without the imprimatur of Manasseh, Samballat’s new temple would not have been accepted by the people who still had a notion of legitimacy when it came to rulers. Modern man has completely lost this concept. But Manasseh did not have the right to build a rival temple, or to marry his daughter to someone outside the tribe. In the old testament, Jacob the Patriarch had foretold that Mannaseh, though the oldest of Joseph’s sons, would not receive the blessings of the first born. Jacob, with his foresight, chose the second born, Ephraim, as the recipient of the privileges of the first born. The privilege of the first born son includes the right and responsibility of rulership. From Manassah we get the word ‘menace’, and this description holds true for Manasseh throughout history, due to his early alliance with Samballat, who is the Patriarch of the Pirates. In the Elephantine papyri Samballat is said to have had two sons, Delaiah bar Samballat and Shelemiah bar Samballat. The people of Elephantine on the Nile River asked for the help of Samballat’s sons in rebuilding their temple, which had been destroyed by rioters. This could be the very same rebuilding of the ‘Temple at Jerusalem’ which we imagine happened in Palestine, but in reality we know not where any of the biblical events actually occurred, or what kind of geographical changes might have happened since then to throw us off. Manasseh (/mə.ˈnæs.ə/; Hebrew: מְנַשֵּׁה “Mnaše”) is an Ancient Hebrew language name for men meaning “causing to forget”. People with the given name Manasseh or Menashe include: • Manasseh (tribal patriarch), a son of Joseph, grandson of Jacob, according to the Torah • Menasseh or Manasseh was the name of two Khazar rulers of the Bulanids [The Kings Bulan of the Bulanids, perhaps ancestors of Ann Bolyn and Queen Elizabeth I, were Kings of Khazaria/Jews]: • Manasseh I, mid to late 9th century CE • Manasseh II, late 9th century CE • Manasseh of Judah, a king of the Judah • Manasseh (High Priest of Israel), the ancestor of a priest named Jonathan, mentioned in the Book of Judges as being the son of Gershom, son of Manasseh • Manasseh, a Jewish-born priest who married a Samaritan and withdrew from Jerusalem to Mount Gerizim/Gershom. The Phrygians always try to make their Pagan religion appear to be the established non-pagan religion. One of the first Protestant kings of England, William of Nassau, was a pirate who had a name derived from Manasseh. Protestants, beginning with Queen Elizabeth, copied almost all the outward forms of the Catholic religion that they sought to destroy. Under the Protestants, or any Phrygian influence, the substance of the religious rites and incantations change, very gradually, by degrees to the point of actual pagan human sacrifice, cannibalism, sexual impurity or atrocities of one form or another. The usurpation of the outward forms of an older true religion or any institution, when creating a pirate version, is typical of Phrygian behavior. Abu l-Fath, who in the 14th century wrote a major work of Samaritan history, comments on Samaritan origins as follows: We are told that “Eli offered a sacrifice on the altar, but without salt, as if he were inattentive. When the Great High Priest Ozzi learned of this, and found the sacrifice was not accepted, he thoroughly disowned him; and it is said that he rebuked him.” In regard to Manasseh, “Thereupon he and the group that sympathized with him, rose in revolt and at once he and his followers and his beasts set off for Shiloh. Thus Israel split in factions. He sent to their leaders saying to them, Anyone who would like to see wonderful things, let him come to me. Then he assembled a large group around him in Shiloh, and built a Temple for himself there; he constructed a place like the Temple. He built an altar, omitting no detail—it all corresponded to the original, piece by piece.” Abu l-Fath’s comments on Samaritan origins are a reminder that tricky power grabs from the inside are nothing new. Abu l-Fath describes the situation as follows: A terrible civil war broke out between Eli son of Yafni, of the line of Ithamar. Eli son of Yafni resolved to usurp the High Priesthood from the descendants of Pincus/Phineas. This desire to usurp the priesthood is a consistent theme that began with the story of Cain and Abel, continues with the selling of Joseph into slavery, the crucifixion of Jesus by Herod, the repression of Catholicism in America and the take-over of the Vatican by Free Masonic Jews. The family of Zachariah, descended from Aaron, held the privilege of the High Priesthood, of which, much later, John the Baptist, Jesus and Mary were members. We are told by al-Fath that Eli “used to offer sacrifices on an altar of stones”, which infers to us that the sacrifice was not human. The bronze altar on wheels, which King David used, is indicative of human sacrifice, since Pagans used the sculpture of an animal as a metal barbecue pit on wheels for cooking human babies. So perhaps Eli’s sacrifice wasn’t pleasing to the Phrygians because it wasn’t human. Either way, God demands neither a house nor a sacrifice of creatures, he asks of us only the sacrifice of our pride and selfishness. Therefore both of these two religions were false. “Manaseh was 50 years old, endowed with wealth and in charge of the treasury of the children of Israel.” When Ozzi disowned Eli, and Eli sailed away to Shiloh, he grabbed the Temple for himself. But who is the Great High Priest Ozzi, if not one of the Samballat? He betrayed Manasseh/Eli, after Manasseh had given the new religion legitimacy by letting his daughter marry Samballat, just as Herod betrayed Simeon after Simeon allowed his daughter to marry Herod [Josephus], and just as David betrayed Saul. This helps us to understand the symbolism of the olive branch and the arrows. After Ozzi betrayed Eli/Manasseh, “Thereupon Manasseh and the group that sympathized with him, rose in revolt and at once he and his followers and his beasts set off for Shiloh.” All we are told by Al-Fath is that “Mannasah sent to their leaders saying to them, ‘Anyone who would like to see wonderful things, let him come to me’. Then he assembled a large group around him in Shiloh, and built a Temple for himself there; he constructed a place like the Temple. He built an altar, omitting no detail—it all corresponded to the original, piece by piece.” So the Children of Israel, or at least people posing as the Children of Isreal, split into three factions. It is most likely that the legitimate Israelites evacuated long before and we’re seeing the remaining two pretenders fighting each other. The legitimate rulers have simply gone someplace else, and in fact archeologists have confirmed this by having located an entire section of Benjamite territory in Palestine where anciently the homes were simply abandoned while in perfect condition. One thing we know about the Phrygians is that, rather than establish their own religion, they infiltrate and corrupt religions and governments that are already established. The Samaritans as an ethnic and religious community distinct from pure Israelites appears to have occurred during the several hundred years time before and after the Assyrian conquest of the ‘Kingdom of Israel’ in approximately 721 BCE. The records of Sargon II of Assyria indicate that he deported 27,290 inhabitants of the former kingdom, but this does not mean to say that they were Israelites. We are only told that they were inhabitants of the Israelite cities, and many bible scriptures and prophecies concur with this important detail. I can only conclude that Sargon allowed the true Israelites to return, and he exiled the posers. Samaritans claim to be Israelite descendants through Manasseh. This may be true, though not necessarily of pure blood, just as the Edomite Pharisees claimed to be descendants of Abraham through Judah. Jesus called them sons of Satan and told them that God can make descendants of Abraham out of rocks if he wanted to, but these inhabitants of Jerusalem were the children of snakes. Their pure Israelite blood had been corrupted, but mostly it was their actions that were corrupt. The main body of the Northern Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh and Benjamin survived the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) by the Assyrians in 722 BCE simply because they were no longer inhabitants of Jerusalem. Jerusalem had been taken over by the Philistine followers of David. In this text, Sargon II explains that he defeated several tribes and sent them to live in Samaria: “The Tamudi, Ibadidi, Marsimani and Hayappa, who live in distant Arabia, in the desert, who knew neither overseer nor commander, who never brought tribute to any king–with the help of Ashshur my lord, I defeated them. I deported the rest of them. I settled them in Samaria/Samerina.“ (Sargon II Inscriptions, COS 2.118A, p. 293) Zertal dates the Assyrian onslaught at 721 BC to 647 BC and discusses three waves of imported settlers. He shows that Mesopotamian pottery in Samaritan territory cluster around the lands of Menasheh and that the type of pottery found was produced around 689 BC. The Samaritans who had not been exiled claimed that their version of the Pentateuch was the original and that the ‘Jews’, the Tamudi, the Ibadidi, the Marsimani and Hayappa, had a falsified text produced by Ezra. The Encyclopaedia Judaica (under “Samaritans”) summarizes both past and the present views on the Samaritans’ origins. It says: The Samaritans are the direct descendants of the Joseph tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh, and until the 17th century AD they possessed a high priesthood descending directly from Aaron through Eleazar and Phinehas. They claim to have continuously occupied their ancient territory and to have been at peace with other Israelite tribes until the time when Eli disrupted the Northern cult by moving from Shechem to Shiloh and attracting some northern Israelites to his new followers there. For the Samaritans, this was the ‘schism’ par excellence. (“Samaritans” in Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1972, Volume 14, op. cit., col. 727.) “Furthermore, to this day some of the Samaritans claim descent from the tribe of Joseph, which includes Benjamin, which, the Chronicles assert, was established at Gaza in earlier days. There exists an aristocratic feeling amongst the different families in this community, and some are very proud over their pedigree and the great men it had produced.” (J. A. Montgomery, The Samaritans The Earliest Jewish Sect: Their History, Theology And Literature, 1907, op. cit., p. 32.) The Dead Sea scroll 4Q372 hopes that the northern tribes will return to the land of Joseph, referring to the legitimate tribe who had left. The current dwellers in the north are referred to as fools, an enemy people. It goes on to say that the dwellers in Samaria mocked Jerusalem and built a temple on a high place to provoke Israel. These current dwellers in the north would have to be the Arabian tribes mentioned by Sargon, “The Tamudi, Ibadidi, Marsimani and Hayappa, who live in distant Arabia, in the desert, who knew neither overseer nor commander, who never brought tribute to any king”. These are the Phrygians who became known henceforth as Samarians. The people called Jews are the tribe of Judah descended from the pagan Tamar. They are both pretending to be Israelites, long after the true Israelites had expanded into other regions. Both Jewish and Samaritan religious leaders taught that it was wrong to have any contact with the opposite group. During the New Testament period, Josephus reports numerous violent confrontations between Jews and Samaritans throughout the first half of the first century. According to 2 Chronicles 36:22–23, the Persian emperor, Cyrus the Great (reigned 559–530 BCE), permitted the return of the exiles to their homeland and permitted the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem (Zion). The true Israelites had already left after the death of Saul, and had become Persian, so it appears that these were the exiles being sent back to Jerusalem by Cyrus, not the Davidic Jews. The prophet Isaiah identified the Persian King Cyrus as “the Lord’s Messiah” (Mashiach; see Isaiah 45:1). The word “Messiah” refers to an anointed one, such as a king or priest. Therefore, Cyrus/Sargon himself was therefore the Israelite, who had tried to clear Jerusalem of non-Israelite usurpers, and who destroyed the pagan temple of the usurpers. It’s important to understand that a Jew and an Israelite are not the same thing, and that an inhabitant of Jerusalem is not the same thing as an Israelite. King Sargon wrote: “The inhabitants of Samaria/Samerina, who agreed not to do service and not to bring tribute and who did battle, I fought against them with the power of the great gods, my lords. I counted as spoil 27,280 people, together with their chariots, and gods, in which they trusted. I formed a unit with 200 of chariots for my royal force. I settled the rest of them in the midst of Assyria. I repopulated Samaria/Samerina more than before. I brought into it people from countries conquered by my hands. I appointed my eunuch as governor over them. And I counted them as Assyrians.” (Nimrud Prisms, COS 2.118D, pp. 295-296) The king of the Assyrians then brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avah, Emath, and Sepharvaim to place in Samaria, which came to be called Phrygia by the second century A.D. The names identify these incoming tribes as Benjamites, and the Awa are Levites. The “Cuthim” sent by Sargon, were from Kutha or Cush in Ethiopia or Yemen in Mesopotamia. This is the group which is known to be a tribe of white people who pioneered the domestication of water buffalo for the clearance of lions from marshy areas. These are the Benjamites from ancient days of the Saulic emigration. Thus they would have been the true Israelites, while the exiled and defeated ‘Jews’ were the posers. So as groups migrate and return, in the confusion they find themselves being called by the very names of their enemies, just as Jews today love to call Jesus a Jew, even as they take pride in having killed him. This is why it is necessary to look at the substance, the culture and content of a tribe in order to truly identify, what Jesus called ‘their fruits’. The Talmud accounts for a people called “Cuthim” on a number of occasions, mentioning their arrival back in Jerusalem by the hands of the Assyrians. Meanwhile the inhabitants of Jerusalem were being sent away. According to 2 Kings and Josephus, that the people who lived in the land of Israel were removed by the king of the Assyrians (Sargon II) to Halah, to Gozan on the Khabur River and to the towns of the Medes. These are all places to the East, Iraq and Afghanistan probably. We are told that when the then-sparsely populated areas became infested with dangerous wild beasts, the returned exiles appealed to the king of Assyria for Israelite priests to instruct them on how to worship the “God of that country.” Thus it appears that the King of Assyria was an Israelite himself, otherwise why would he have Israelite priests? This is why Sargon sent Levites with the Benjamites and Ephraimites. They were all returning to their land with the help of the Israelite King. The Jewish Davidic ‘inhabitants of Israel’, on the other hand, were sent away to far Arabia. There they “created a syncretistic religion, in which tribal groups worshiped the Hebrew God as they had been taught by Hebrews, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been taken.” Into this mess was Jesus born, and within 200 years after his birth, almost the entire region of Phrygia and Samaria, not to mention Macedonia, Gaul and the British Isles, was Christian. Samaria is what we call Syria and Turkey today. After the death of the Anointed King Jesus: In the Christian gospel of the ‘Good Samaritan’, the Pagan Priest and the Levite both ignored a person who had been robbed on the highway, because the person in need wasn’t of their tribe. But the Samaritan helped the man regardless of which sect he was. This was one of the most important lessons that Jesus gave us, which has led us to the point where we no longer see people in terms of tribes. The Aramaic word used for Samaritans at the time is derived from the word for “Guardians/Keepers/Watchers”. This word etymology has been supported by a number of Christian Church fathers and in some Ancient Jewish Talmudic Bible Interpretations. The term ‘watcher’ also can mean ‘spy’, and the word can refer to secret assassins as well as guardians, something akin to a bodyguard. These are all root names that will be repeated many times in the next 2000 years, forming the root etymology of Pirate related-activity such as Brigandage, Slavery, Spying, and the creation of a religion which we know of as the religion of Mythras, from whom we get the word Myth. A myth is a lie that has been around for a long time. The religion that most people practice today is a religion of myths and lies, whether people realize it or not, and that includes belief in Evolution, Democracy and Humanism. It is the search for truth that is the basis of every war, because not all religions are the same. One religion stands for lies, slavery, impurity, murder and theft, and the other religions stands for truth, duty to God, love and fidelity. It’s certainly a worthy fight. To call for peace is sometimes nothing more than a call to surrender to your deadliest enemies. Around 88 B.C., Mythradates and the Mythraists revolted and killed off the Roman generals and Treasurers who had occupied Ephesus in Phrygia for centuries, retaking the city. The Essene Hebrew sect of the Christians and the Visigoth Christians, combined to take Ephesus again in 262 A.D. destroying the Temple there another time, and reducing it by holocaust to an ash-heap once again. The story of Christianity is the story of the Roman Empire at this point, which starts to become centered in Constantinople and Phrygia around the time of Bishop Albericus. The inscription on the Tomb of Albericus describes the stages of St. Paul’s third missionary journey through the heart of Phrygia, “namely: Issus, Tarsus, Derbe, Iconium, Antioch in Pisidia, and Apamea Cibotus.” Phrygia at that time was fully Christianized, according to Albericus, but it was also the source of a constant flow of arguments, obstacles and sectarian agent provocateurs against the Christian Church. The trouble always seems to emanate from a remote mountainous area, which the Phrygians seem to prefer. Later we find them in the mountains of Transylvania, then they move into Bavaria and much later we find them in the mountains of America and Canada. They were called Montanists at the time of St. Paciens, and the name was still used at the time of the French Revolution to describe people who valued ‘liberty’ above all else. ‘Liberty’ is a tricky word that can be used to justify any outrageous behavior, as we well know today. Albericus Marcellus, was Bishop and author of a work against the Montanists c. 193 A.D., preserved in part by Eusebius. Two of the sects originating from Phrygia were the Montanists and the Novations, mentioned by St. Paciens in his second century letter to Simpronian [Sambroniam] in which he explained the name of the Catholic Church. It has long been the Phrygian dream to infiltrate the Catholic Church or to usurp the name. But Catholic is a word that means specifically not a schism or sect. The Phrygians, at the time of Albericus, attempted to brand Piracy as a religion and to convert or confuse Christians in order to use them in their deadly rituals. The war was over control of the Temples and the lucrative income attached to them, and the only way to control the Temple is to win the hearts and minds of the people. The Phrygians wanted to do this as much as the Christians did, and this was the source of conflict during the first days of Christianity when each Temple was controlled by a Priest. The switch over to Christianity required the conversion of the Temple Priests, but mainly the Pontifex Rex who resided in the Roman Capitol city, first at Rome and then at Constantinople. The Phrygians promised stolen loot, while the Christians promised truth and light. Besides making a living from robbery and using their daughters as prostitutes [reported by Greek mercenaries in the Zenophon], what were the Phrygians doing that made Kings such as Sargon and later the Roman Catholics oppose them? The answer lies in the catacombs. The reason the Christians had to hide their dead in catacombs underground had much to do with the grotesque rituals that were practiced by the Phrygians. Piecing all the clues together, I can only conclude that they were either practicing necrophilia or cannibalism or both. So it’s not so much that Christianity was against the law in early Rome, but that the other religion had no bounds whatsoever. St. Saturninus/Sernin Feast Day Nov. 29 “St. Sernin was the first bishop of Toulouse, whither he went during the consulate of Decius and Gratus in the year 250 A.D. He had a Christian church in Toulouse, and on the way to his church, after he’d been taunted for some time… “One day they seized him and on his unshakeable refusal to sacrifice to the idols they condemned him be tied by the feet to a bull which dragged him about the town until the rope broke. Two Christian women piously gathered up the remains and buried them in a deep ditch, that they might not be profaned by the pagans.” 1914 Catholic Encyclopedia So the Christians had to keep dead bodies away from the Phrygians. Go figure. Now that they are in charge again, is it any wonder that every two weeks a new zombie movie is made, yet public prayer is against the law? What do historians have to say about the Phrygians of the ancient past? Inscriptions found at Gordium make clear that Phrygians spoke a language clearly not that of their neighbors. One of the Homeric Hymns describes the Phrygian language as not the same language of Troy. According to ancient tradition of Greek historians, the Phrygians migrated to Anatolia [Present day Turkey area]. Herodotus says the Phrygians were called Bryges [brigands]. He and other Greek writers also recorded legends about King Midas, source of Mythras, the religion of the Phrygians. Phrygian continued to be spoken until sixth century AD. The Phrygian arrival explains the downfall of the Hittite and Greek Empires at the end of the high Bronze Age in Anatolia, at the beginning of the 12th century BC. Where did the Phrygians receive this form of ‘worship’? Were the Phrygians responsible for the destruction of the ancient Greek Empire, which was one of the most total and complete destructions of any civilization known to modern man? A wave of raiders, who correspond precisely to the description of the Phrygians, moved west from Anatolia and the Greeks left, for awhile, around 1500 B.C. The ancient Phrygian migration is accepted by scholars as a factual element of the Iliad. The Phrygians were established on the Sakarya River before the Trojan War, which places them within the Hittite Empire which occcupied the same territory that was later called Phrygia. Greek legends about the founding of Phrygia’s main city Gordium by Gordias and of Ancyra [in Turkey still] by Midas, suggest that Gordium and Ancyra were active before the Trojan War. Further evidence for a Phrygian migration is the similarity of their name and culture to the Bryges in Europe, from which we get the word Brigantine, another word for pirate. Gordium was destroyed in 800 B.C. Josephus reports that they had been called Togarmah by the ancient Hebrews, which has in turn been identified as the Tegarama of Hittite texts and Til-Garimmu of Assyrian records. We can see the word ‘thug’ and ‘Troy’, when Josephus called Togarmah “the Thrugrammeans, and this word came to be pronounced ‘Phrygian’ by the Greeks.” Scholars of the Hittites believe Tegarama was in eastern Anatolia – some locate it at Gurun – far to the east of Phrygia. It remains possible that they originated in Tartarus/Otartan, the mountain called ‘Do not go there’ in the far Northern Urals of Russia. Also related to the Togarmah is the name Montgomery in England. Of the tribe of the Gomorah, a word from which we get ‘gambling’, is the Knight who killed King Henry II of France which initiated the end of the Catholic Monarchy in Europe. But that is still far into the future from Gordias. Gordias corresponds to the Biblical Gog, and is also the place where Alexander the Great had to untie the Gordian knot that held the oxen, in order to rule Asia. We don’t know details, we only know that Alexander the Great is given credit for putting the Gorgians behind the iron wall in Tartarus and thus freeing the world from their menace. We are also told in the hadith of the Muslims that they escaped from behind this wall during the life of Muhammad, or roughly around the year 650 AD. St. Abercius Marcellus, Feast Day Oct 22 This epitaph was written by St. Abercius in the year 250 AD. “The citizen of a chosen city, this I made living, that there I might have in time a resting-place of my body, being by name Abercius, the disciple of a holy shepherd who feeds flocks of sheep on mountains and on plains, who has great eyes that see everywhere. For this taught me [that the] book is worthy of belief. And to Rome he sent me to contemplate majesty, and to see a queen golden-robed and golden-sandalled; there also I saw a people bearing a shining mark. And I saw the land of Syria and all cities Nisibis when I passed over Euphrates. But everywhere I had brethren. I had Paul. . . . Faith everywhere led me forward, and everywhere provided as my food a fish of exceeding great size, and perfect, which a holy virgin drew with her hands from a fountain and this it ever gives to its friends to eat, it having wine of great virtue, and giving it mingled with bread. These things I, Abercius, having been a witness told to be written here. Verily I was passing through my seventy-second year. He that discerneth these things, every fellow-believer, let him pray for Abercius. And no one shall put another grave over my grave; but if he do, then shall he pay to the treasury of [the] Romans two thousand pieces of gold and to my good native city of Hieropolis one thousand pieces of gold.” St. Abercius is portrayed in one painting ‘Smashing Roman gods With Rod Given Him By The Angels’. The Catholic Encyclopedia tells us about the tomb of Abercius: “The inscription bears witness of no slight value to the importance of the Church of Rome in the second century. A mere glance at the text allows us to note the spread of Christianity, whose members Abercius meets with everywhere; (3) The receiving of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and of the Virgin Mary, in the Eucharist, (4) under the species of Bread and Wine. This may be Abercius Marcellus, author of a work against the Montanists, some fragments of which have been preserved by Eusebius. As the treatise in question was written about the year 193, the epitaph may be assigned to the last years of the second, or to the beginning of the third, century. The writer was bishop of a town, the name of which is wrongly given in the Life, since he belongs to Hieropolis in Phrygia Salutaris, and not to Hierapolis in Phrygia Pacatiensis. The proof of this fact given by Duchesne is all that could be wished for. The text of the inscription itself is of the greatest possible importance in connection with the symbolism of the early Church. The poem of sixteen verses which forms the epitaph shows plainly that the language used is one not understood by all; ‘Let the brother who shall understand this pray for Abercius’. The bishop’s journey to Rome is merely mentioned, but on his way home he gives us the principal stages of his itinerary. He passed along the Syrian coast and, possibly, came to Antioch, thence to Nisibis, after-having traversed the whole of Syria, while his return to Hieropolis may have been by way of Edessa. The allusion to St. Paul the Apostle, which a gap in the text renders indecipherable, may originally have told how the traveller followed on his way back to his country the stages of St. Paul’s third missionary journey, namely: Issus, Tarsus, Derbe, Iconium, Antioch in Pisidia, and Apamea Cibotus, which would bring him into the heart of Phrygia.” Was Albericus one and the same person as St. Paul, or was he a companion of Paul and was the calendar changed? I wonder, but this much is certain: under the Roman Pontifex system, the Pontifex Rex had the power to change the calendar, and he was known to do just that, if there were good reason to do so. Therefore, the missing 100 years or so of records after Christ’s death could be explained by a calendar that was adjusted. It is known that the calendar was changed several times for different reasons by Roman Pontiffs and the total of changes could easily have added up to the missing first years of Christendom. It is these missing years that the anti-Christians use to condemn Christianity in various ways, claiming that it ‘changed’. In reality, the merging of Christianity with the Roman Empire, immediately after the death of Jesus, is obvious.
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Before long, Zelda has fallen for him, even though Scott isn’t wealthy or prominent or even a Southerner and keeps insisting, absurdly, that his writing will bring him both fortune and fame. When he sells his first novel, she optimistically boards a train to New York, to marry him and take the rest as it comes. What comes, here at the dawn of the Jazz Age, is unimagined success and celebrity that will make Scott and Zelda legends in their own time. Each place they go becomes a playground:New York City, Long Island, Hollywood, Paris, and the French Riviera – where they join the endless party of the glamorous, sometimes doomed Lost Generation that includes Ernest Hemingway, Sara and Gerald Murphy, and Gertrude Stein. Everything seems new and possible, but not even Jay Gatsby’s parties go on forever. Who is Zelda, other than the wife of a famous – sometimes infamous – husband? With brilliant insight and imagination, Therese Anne Fowler brings us Zelda’s irresistible story as she herself might have told it. Undercover ops are always dangerous, but DC Constance Fairchild never expected things to go this wrong. Returning to their base of operations, an anonymous office in a shabby neighbourhood, she finds the bloodied body of her boss, and friend, DI Pete Copperthwaite. He’s been executed – a single shot to the head. In the aftermath, it seems someone in the Met is determined to make sure that blame for the wrecked operation falls squarely on Con’s shoulders. She is cut loose and cast out, angry and alone with her grief… right until the moment someone also tries to put a bullet through her head. There’s no place to hide, and no time to cry. In 1937, courageous and independent Martha Gellhorn travels to Madrid to report on the atrocities of the Spanish Civil War, and finds herself drawn to the stories of ordinary people caught in devastating conflict. She also finds herself unexpectedly – and uncontrollably – falling in love with Ernest Hemingway, a man already on his way to being a legend. In the shadow of the impending Second World War, and set against the tumultuous backdrops of Madrid, Finland, China, and especially Cuba, where Martha and Hemingway made their home, their relationship and professional careers ignite. But when Hemingway publishes the biggest literary success of his career, they are no longer equals, and Martha must make a choice: surrender to the suffocating demands of a domestic lifestyle, or risk losing her husband by forging her way as her own woman and writer. It is a dilemma that will force her to break his heart, and her own. Everyone knows his name. Everyone thinks they know his story. Rome 37AD. The emperor is dying. No-one knows how long he has left. The power struggle has begun. When the ailing Tiberius thrusts Caligula’s family into the imperial succession in a bid to restore order, he will change the fate of the empire and create one of history’s most infamous tyrants, Caligula. But was he really a monster? Forget everything you think you know. Let Livilla, Caligula’s youngest sister and confidante, tell you what really happened. How her quiet, caring brother became the most powerful man on earth. And how, with lies, murder and betrayal, Rome was changed for ever . . . When a torched body is found in a country lane, DI Bliss and Chandler are called in to investigate. The detectives are drawn towards recent missing person reports and believe their victim will prove to be one of them. Bliss thinks he knows which, and fears the outcome if he is proven right. Soon the body is identified, and Bliss and Chandler discover evidence suggesting this murder might be a terrorist attack. Meanwhile, someone from Bliss’s past needs his help, and soon he is juggling his personal life with the demanding case. To make matters more complicated, MI5 and the Counter-Terrorist Unit are called in to help solve the case. But are they on the right track? Bliss and Chandler soon find themselves in a race against time, and this might just be their most challenging case yet… Recovering from injuries sustained in a road collision, DI Bliss is taken directly from hospital to a fresh crime scene and ordered to investigate the vicious stabbing and murder of Jade Coleman. When Bliss realises the victim had reported being stalked, and that two of his own team had been drafted in to take her statement, he is given the unenviable task of interviewing both of his detectives. Increasingly it appears that the stalker may be their killer. However, several other people soon become part of the team’s suspect list. Bliss also finds himself being questioned about his own past and has to battle to defend himself whilst continuing to investigate the murder. Soon more questions arise. Why would anybody target Jade Coleman? Why are the team unable to identify the victim’s close female friend? And why did Jade recently leave her job without any explanation? With his work cut out, and his team under pressure, can Bliss solve the case before more victims show up? Or will the shadows of his own past reach out and drag him under before he can succeed? Like A Streecat Named Bob before it, Finding Gobi is a truly heart-warming story for animal lovers worldwide… In 2016, Dion Leonard, a seasoned ultramarathon runner, unexpectedly stumbled across a little stray dog while competing in a gruelling 155 mile race across the Gobi Desert. The lovable pup, who earned the name ‘Gobi’, proved that what she lacked in size, she more than made up for in heart, as she went step for step with Dion over the treacherous Tian Shan Mountains, managing to keep pace with him for nearly 80 miles. As Dion witnessed the incredible determination of this small animal, he felt something change within himself. In the past he had always focused on winning and being the best, but his goal now was simply to make sure that his new friend was safe, nourished and hydrated. Although Dion did not finish first, he felt he had won something far greater and promised to bring Gobi back to the UK for good to become a new addition to his family. This was the start of a journey neither of them would ever forget with a roller coaster ride of drama, grief, heartbreak, joy and love that changed their lives forever Your life is in his hands. In the gripping new serial killer thriller from Michael Wood, Matilda Darke faces a vicious killer pursuing his own brand of lethal justice. Perfect for fans of Angela Marsons and Helen Fields. There’s a killer in your house. The Hangman waits in the darkness. He knows your darkest secrets. He’ll make you pay for all the crimes you have tried desperately to forget. And he is closer than you think. DCI Matilda Darke is running out of time. Fear is spreading throughout the city. As the body count rises, Matilda is targeted and her most trusted colleagues fall under suspicion. But can she keep those closest to her from harm? Or is it already too late? When Kieran O’Mahony rides away to the hunt on a powerful black horse, his mother is gripped by a sense of foreboding. He is a rising hurling star, with the world at his feet and one spirited local girl in his heart. His grandmother, however, has read a frightening premonition in the tea leaves. Already several things out of the ordinary have occurred that summer. First, there is the arrival of Tamara, a young London cousin – minus her voice, which she lost following a traumatic event. Then, in the same week of July 1969, the family are caught up in the magic of the Apollo moon landing. It’s a giant step for mankind indeed but doesn’t help Tamara to adjust to the already alien world of the Cork farm. Mute, she must cope with the unfamiliar idiom and way of seeing the world, while her cousin Sally resents the attention paid to her. Then all their lives are shattered by a blind act of fate that threatens to tear the family asunder. Like the Apollo astronauts, Kieran and his family begin a voyage away from the familiar. Their journey back from the dark side of the moon involves one exceptional moon-silver horse, the bonds of family, the wisdom of age and the passionate loyalty of youth. Saskia watches the lives of others from her eyrie in Lavender Square with a lonely fascination. While the teacher, the recluse, the advertising whizz-kid and the African woman and her young son run, rush, dart and dash, she knows for sure that she will never have anything worth dashing to. But sometimes all it takes is a little magic to bring people together. And, in Lavender Square, where the lavender grows in mysterious abundance and colours the air with a musky sense of love, magic is never very far away. The neighbours, who once passed each other by in detached universes, find themselves thrown together when they are obliged to take care of young Patrick Kimba. His mother is seriously ill and no one knows when or if she is ever coming home. At first they resist the tiresome interruption, until quite by accident Patrick’s dream of becoming a football star and finding his long-lost father becomes theirs, and their lives and heartaches become woven together in a new and unexpected pattern. Can a chance encounter unlock one woman’s past? On holiday in Italy, Briony Wood becomes fascinated by the wartime story of a ruined villa hidden amongst the hills of Naples. Not only is it the very place where her grandfather was stationed as a soldier in 1943, but she also discovers that it harbours the secret of a love long lost. Handed a bundle of tattered letters found buried at the villa, Briony becomes enraptured by the blossoming love story between Sarah Bailey, an English woman, and Paul Hartmann, a young German. The letters lead her back almost seventy years to pre-war Norfolk. But as Briony delves into Sarah and Paul’s story, she encounters resentments and secrets still tightly guarded. All too quickly it is clear that what happened long ago under the shadow of Vesuvius, she suspects, still has the power to cause terrible pain . . . NetGalley Review Copies Dr Jaq Silver. Skier, scientist, international jet-setter, explosives expert. She blows things up to keep people safe. Working on avalanche control in Slovenia, Jaq stumbles across a problem with a consignment of explosives. After raising a complaint with the supplier, a multinational chemical company, her evidence disappears. Jaq is warned, threatened, accused of professional incompetence and suspended. Taking her complaint further, she narrowly escapes death only to be framed for murder. Escaping from police custody, she sets out to find the key to the mystery. Racing between the snowy slopes of Slovenia and the ghostly ruins of Chernobyl, can she uncover the truth before her time runs out? Unbound Book Club January Choice ‘I’m working on a novel intended to express the feel of England in Edward III’s time … The fourteenth century of my novel will be mainly evoked in terms of smell and visceral feelings, and it will carry an undertone of general disgust rather than hey-nonny nostalgia’ – Anthony Burgess, Paris Review, 1973 The Black Prince is a brutal historical tale of chivalry, religious belief, obsession, siege and bloody warfare. From disorientating depictions of medieval battles to court intrigues and betrayals, the campaigns of Edward II, the Black Prince, are brought to vivid life by an author in complete control of the novel as a way of making us look at history with fresh eyes, all while staying true to the linguistic pyrotechnics and narrative verve of Burgess’s best work. Reading in Heels January Choice At the age of thirty, Amy Liptrot finds herself washed up back home on Orkney. Standing unstable on the island, she tries to come to terms with the addiction that has swallowed the last decade of her life. As she spends her mornings swimming in the bracingly cold sea, her days tracking Orkney’s wildlife, and her nights searching the sky for the Merry Dancers, Amy discovers how the wild can restore life and renew hope. HeadLine New Voices 2019 See Report of Event here for full details.
{ "date": "2020-10-20T20:09:51Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107874135.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20201020192039-20201020222039-00015.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9597365856170654, "token_count": 5396, "url": "https://jillsbookcafe.blog/2019/02/01/january-book-haul/" }
No, I’m not talking about those adorable yellow guys who have taken the world by storm, I’m talking about a Jewish Minyan (Hebrew for “number”). A Minyan is a Quorum of men and women, generally ten or more and over the age of 13, who gather together to pray amongst one another. This is central to a Jews spiritual life, as it forges community, shares in prayer, and explores devotion to Adonai in an informal group setting. Whereas one person praying can move mountains, a Minyan can change the world! There’s Minyan all around, in online groups, in meetup groups, but mine I found through my synagogue, which is also a great place to find one. If you’re a convert, this is a great place to explore prayer with those who are seasoned in it and draw yourself closer into the Jewish community. Joining a Minyan is integral to one’s spiritual life in Judaism. Jump in, get your prayer on and have a blessed time within the Minyan you find, I’d bet you’ll learn a lot and feel closer to Judaism and the Jewish people than ever before!
{ "date": "2022-05-22T23:13:37Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662550298.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20220522220714-20220523010714-00215.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9417315721511841, "token_count": 252, "url": "https://www.sonofsinai.com/what-is-a-minyan/" }
Where to live? Around Town, posted by Editor, Palo Alto Online, on Mar 20, 2013 at 3:32 pm For seniors who want to "love where you live," Avenidas is offering its sixth annual housing conference on that theme on Saturday, March 23, at the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto. Read the full story here Web Link posted Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 10:43 AM Add a comment Add a new topic If you were a member and logged in you could track this topic Posted by Advertising Ploy, a resident of Menlo Park, on Mar 20, 2013 at 3:32 pm Seems to be a marketing ploy for: 1) realtors to find and pressure people to sell their homes 2) sales folks from the various senior housing options to plug their offerings. This is NOT an unbiased event. These speakers are not representing your interests! They are trying to earn commissions!!! And the newspaper is giving them free advertising. Can I have some free adv for my business too??? Posted by It sure is, a resident of the Leland Manor/Garland Drive neighborhood, on Mar 21, 2013 at 7:02 pm If you sell your house and move to a retirement community, an agent will sell your house to a buyer who pays cash in exchange for a lower price and a quicker commission for the agent. Posted by Avenidas supporter, a resident of Another Palo Alto neighborhood, on Mar 22, 2013 at 9:25 am Avenidas supports seniors in many ways. Many people downsize before an accident in the home occurs - like the fall and broken hip which leads to an abrupt entry into a nursing home. The housing conference sounds like it provides information about other options that may be preferable for responsible seniors.
{ "date": "2013-06-19T00:14:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368707436824/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516123036-00016-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9581726789474487, "token_count": 373, "url": "http://www.paloaltoonline.com/square/index.php?i=3&d=&t=20384" }
Exposure to certain animals may prevent rather than trigger asthma and allergies, experts believe. Handling rodents conferred some protection against asthma Lab workers who frequently handled research rodents had fewer allergic reactions to the animals as a result, an Imperial College London team found. The researchers believe it is the type of exposure that is important. A recent study found early childhood exposure to cats increased eczema risk, whilst early exposure to dogs appeared to be protective. The latest work, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, supports the "hygiene hypothesis" of asthma and allergic diseases. According to the hygiene hypothesis, exposure to naturally occurring infections and microbes might essentially immunise against the development of asthma and allergies. Dr Meinir Jones and her team suggest that the laboratory workers were experiencing a natural form of immunotherapy via exposure to animals through their occupation. Dr Jones said: "Interestingly, this does not seem to be the case for other groups at risk of occupational asthma such as bakers and detergent manufacturers." She believes the difference lies in the fact that lab workers get exposure not only through inhalation but also through the skin if they are bitten or scratched. Among the 689 lab workers they studied, those who had antibodies in their blood that were specifically produced in response to the rodent allergens had a two-fold reduced risk of developing work-related chest symptoms than those who had only non-specific antibodies in their blood. Furthermore, the ratios of rodent-specific antibodies were highest in those lab workers who had handled the greatest number of rodents. Another possibility is that workers handling a larger number of animals might have been exposed to greater levels of dirt and other microbes which may protect against allergic disease, as suggested by the hygiene hypothesis, said the authors. Commenting on the research Dr Karen Pacheco of the National Jewish Medical and Research Centre in Denver, the US, said: "This approach suggests that peak exposures are more important for the development of immune responses to laboratory animals than average exposures." A spokeswoman from Asthma UK said although the work was helpful, more research was still needed. "This research helps us understand the risks people may face when working with animals. However, we still have much to learn about allergen exposure and and the risk of developing asthma."
{ "date": "2015-03-26T19:38:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131292567.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172132-00216-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.971267580986023, "token_count": 474, "url": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5132674.stm" }
Now that Pepsi has gotten the message that some people just prefer sugar-sweetened-soda, we’re wondering why Coke doesn’t offer it’s Kosher for Passover version all year round. It’s certainly popular with Coca-Cola aficionados of all religious persuasions. A little background, during Passover Jewish custom is to not eat any foods that have leavening in them, including corn. Hence, Coke makes a version of its product that doesn’t include HFCS for Passover. USAToday says the bottles are flying off the shelves: “They’re quite popular not just with Jews, but non-Jews as well,” Rabbi Alan Schwartz told the paper. “It’s been flying out of the store.” Sugar-sweetened Coke is also available year round as an import from Mexico.
{ "date": "2015-04-02T00:22:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131309986.40/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172149-00060-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9469843506813049, "token_count": 191, "url": "http://consumerist.com/2009/04/09/kosher-coke-continues-its-popularity-among-sugar-lovers/" }
Josep Lago / AFP - Getty Images A wounded protester gets assistance following clashes with riot policemen during a demonstration in Barcelona on March 29, 2012 on a national strike day. Flag-waving Spanish workers livid over labor reforms they see as flagrantly pro-business blocked traffic Thursday, forming boisterous picket lines outside wholesale markets and bus garages, as part of a nationwide strike. Unions claimed massive participation in the 24-hour stoppage protesting what they claim to be the latest dose of bitter medicine Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's conservative government has prescribed to appease European Union overseers and jittery investors watching Spain's debt grow and its GDP shrink. Police arrested a number of protesters in Madrid, while small-scale violence flared in Barcelona, Spain's second city. Tourists were locked out of the Alhambra, a 14th-century Moorish palace in the southern city of Granada which is one of Europe's great cultural monuments. The unions demanded a "gesture" from the government to scale back the reforms, warning they could cause more unrest from May 1. The government quickly said no, and downplayed the impact of the strike, which failed to bring the country to a standstill. "There is no stopping on the path to reform," Labor Minister Fatima Banez said. In fact, the government will on Friday serve up even more austerity pain with a 2012 budget to feature tens of billions of euros (dollars) in deficit-reduction measures. The cuts are designed to help Spain lower its deficit to within EU limits and calm the international investors who determine the country's borrowing costs in debt markets — and therefore have a lot of say in whether Spain will follow Greece, Ireland and Portugal in needing a bailout. There were no reports of significant violence in Thursday's demonstration. A total of 58 people were detained and nine were injured in scuffles as the strike got under way a minute after midnight, Interior Ministry official Cristina Diaz said. Unions are challenging a conservative government not yet 100 days old, protesting changes to labor market rules long regarded as among Europe's most rigid. Among other things the changes make it cheaper and easier for companies to lay people off and let them cut their wages unilaterally. On the Gran Via, one of the Spanish capital's main commercial strips, a group of about 500 whistle-blowing picketers marched slowly, blocking traffic for about an hour. Police and helmeted riot police watched from the sidelines. As the group made its way down the boulevard, many merchants — such as jewelers and clothing retailers — pulled down their metal shutters or locked their front doors. One protester, Angel Andrino, 31, said he was laid off a day after the labor reforms were approved in a decree last month. The government argues that while the reforms might hurt now, they will create jobs in the future. Spain is by official estimates already back in recession. Andrino lives with his parents and brother, the latter the only one to be employed, with a part-time job. "We are going through a really hard time, suffering," he said. "The rights that our parents and grandparents fought for are being wiped away without the public being consulted." General Workers Union Secretary General Candido Mendez put average participation at midday at 77 percent but said that it was 97 percent in industry and construction. "This strike has been an unquestionable success," said Mendez. Some statistics, however, suggested the strike had not brought the country to a standstill. Electricity consumption — a measure of industrial and commercial activity — was down by 17 percent at mid-morning, according to the Interior Ministry. That is slightly less than during the last general strike in 2010, which was deemed only partially successful. Investors are worried about prospects for continued, widespread social unrest of the kind seen in bailed-out Greece. But management professor Jose Ramon Pin of IESE Business School said this will not happen in Spain because people reluctantly accept that the country needs a radical economic makeover. "This country is in no mood for taking to the streets," Pin said. One of the strike's most noticeable effects was on public transportation, with unions guaranteeing only around 30 percent of normal service at rush hour times. "We're offering the government a chance to start a different path (of reform) in search of wider consensus," Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, head of Spain's largest union Comisiones Obreras said. "If not there will be rising social conflict." The main airline, Iberia, canceled 65 percent of its flights. By mid-morning, 402 flights had been canceled, National airport operator AENA said. Minimum services decreed by law ensured that 1,675 flights would operate — less than half of the average daily amount of more than 4,500 flights. The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report. More from msnbc.com and NBC News: - 'Global March to Jerusalem': Israel's borders on high alert as protests loom - For Palestinian farmer, a reminder of Israeli occupation - Gang-raped, strangled, set on fire: Teen dies in Ukraine hospital - Was Jewish school gunman linked to French spies? - Three-hour firefight: Afghan militants ambush NATO convoy - Global smartphone booms poses huge fraud risk, expert says Follow us on Twitter: @msnbc_world
{ "date": "2015-03-28T14:21:41Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131297587.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172137-00208-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9588780999183655, "token_count": 1124, "url": "http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/03/29/10925022-spanish-workers-strike-against-labor-reforms" }
2012: LAHORE, June 28: The Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf and the Jamaat-i-Islami have agreed to launch a joint struggle for upholding supremacy of the Constitution with full support to the Supreme Court, and for holding free, fair and transparent elections under an independent election commission. A PTI’s four-member delegation led by Imran Khan called on JI chief Syed Munawar Hasan at Mansoora here on Thursday. The two leaders discussed the current political situation in the country. JI’s Prof Khurshid Ahmed, Dr Muhammad Kamal, Muhammad Aslam Saleemi and Liaqat Baloch were also present. The PTI and JI leadership also called for setting up an interim government involving all the stakeholders for ensuring free and transparent elections. They demanded that the names of the people killed in drone attacks and military operations should be disclosed so that the facts could be known. They also called for the implementation of the Supreme Court directives in regard to the missing persons. After the meeting, Imran Khan told reporters the two parties had decided to foil all conspiracies against the Chief Justice and the Supreme Court. He said plunderers had ganged up in the name of democracy and wanted to demolish the constitution and constitutional institutions. Mr Khan said Raja Pervez Ashraf had been elected as prime minister only to protect Zardari’s corruption. He said the PTI would not have an election alliance with any party present in the assembly. He said the armed forces should have no role in the formation of the government. REFERENCE: Independence of judiciary PTI, JI to wage joint struggle http://dawn.com/2012/06/29/independence-of-judiciary-pti-ji-to-wage-joint-struggle/ Imran Khan and Munawar Hassan media talk in Lahore 28th June 2012 July 8, 2012 Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer July 8, 2012 Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- A shot rings out, but the burqa-clad woman sitting on the rocky ground does not respond. The man pointing a rifle at her from a few feet away lets loose another round, but still there is no reaction. He fires a third shot, and finally the woman slumps backwards. But the man fires another shot. And another. And another. Nine shots in all. Around him, dozens of men on a hillside cheer: "God is great!" Video: Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer By the CNN Wire Staff July 8, 2012 -- Updated 2157 GMT (0557 HKT) http://edition.cnn.com/2012/07/08/world/asia/afghanistan-public-execution/index.html?iref=NS1 2007 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) on Thursday called for a judicial inquiry into the thrashing of Imran Khan on Wednesday at the Punjab University. "We strongly condemn the treatment meted out to Imran Khan when he went to the Punjab University on Wednesday, and demand a judicial inquiry into the sad incident," PTI Media Coordinator Waqar Ahmed said in a statement here. Waqar Raja said that in the present scenario, no section of a society could remain unmoved and indifferent. Moreover, the students' community had always been proactive and played a vital and positive role in the politics of Pakistan in the past too. He made it clear that Imran Khan had not provoked or incited the students to get involved in any unlawful political activity. "The only purpose of Imran Khan going to the University Campus was to hold a peaceful protest against the removal of the Chief Justice of Pakistan and of curbing the fundamental rights of an ordinary citizen of this country under the cover of emergency." Waqar said that while taking serious note of the ugly incident, the leadership of PTI had also protested to Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami and also to the local leadership of Lahore that failed to control the rowdy students of IJT at the time of Imran Khan's arrival in the university. PTI media coordinator regretted that the students' wing of Jamaat-e-Islami had resorted to violence without any provocation, adding his party would now further accelerate its efforts for the independence of judiciary, rule of law, and the supremacy of constitution. REFERENCE: PTI demands judicial inquiry into thrashing of Imran Friday, November 16, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=81082&Cat=6&dt=11/16/2007 CNN November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 1 2007: LAHORE: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan was arrested by police on Wednesday as he emerged from hiding to mobilise students' support at the Punjab University New Campus against the imposition of emergency. Activists of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) student wing Islami Jamiat-e-Tulba and PU administration were instrumental in foiling the bid of the cricketer-turned politician to drum up some support for the anti-government protest. Imran, attracting scores of charged students, was whisked away from the campus, manhandled and forcefully detained by the IJT activists inside the building of Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP), before the PU administration handed him over to the police authorities outside the varsity premises. Imran had announced to start the movement from the PU after strong assurance of IJT support from his ally (JI) in the All Parties Democratic Movement (APDM) Qazi Hussain Ahmed, chief patron of IJT and the head of JI and MMA. In an eventful day, Imran's sudden appearance galvanised the protesting students into action who started to flock to the politician and chanting slogans of 'Go Musharraf Go'. The procession gained momentum and Imran was lifted onto the shoulders of the students then pushed inside CHEP building by IJT students. IJT varsity head had earlier aired vibes of disapproval regarding Imran's decision to lead a student rally from the PU, stating Imran would not be welcome to the varsity. The protesting students and media flocked to the building in the morning while only some pro-IJT teachers were allowed to enter the premises by the students (IJT members). The IJT, which had gathered support from other city institutions as well, also fired crackers around the building to disperse the swelling crowd of the students. Some supporters of Imran and students were brutally manhandled by the IJT members besides roughing up the foreign and local journalists who demanded that they should be allowed to talk with Imran. The detention drama dragged on till 12:00 pm, for almost an hour, during which plain clothed security personnel also reached the spot. Later, a PU van (LRC-526) was brought to the entrance gate of the building and Imran was bundled into the vehicle. The IJT activists made a protective chain around the van to stop journalists from interaction with Imran. Accompanied by two PU professors, Imran was taken to Gate No. 1, amid silent protest of students, where awaiting police team arrested Imran. JI Information Secretary Amir-ul-Azeem, who appeared at the scene after Imran had been taken away, was brushed aside by IJT activists while chanting slogans against JI leaders including Qazi Hussain Ahmed. The IJT members said they would not allow any politician to damage the atmosphere of the varsity. PU Registrar Naeem Khan said the administration did not invite Imran Khan whereas some professors only facilitated the exit of a person wanted by the state. However, he shied away when asked why JI information secretary Ameer-ur-Azeem, who is also wanted by the police, was not handed over. It merits a mention that the PU administration renounced any link with the IJT and JI but acting Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Arif Butt was an office-bearer of the IJT. Though IJT claims being an independent body, its patron-ship by the JI is well known, as the IJT serves as a breeding ground of future political leaders of the JI. Present Vice head of JI, Liaqat Baloch and many others, held the rank of PU IJT head during their student life. Sources within the JI disclosed that IJT had received specific instructions by the JI command to roughen up the PTI leader, for publicly denouncing Maulana Fazlur Rehman, head of JUI, a coalition partner in the religious conglomeration of MMA. Despite open assurance of support, Qazi Hussain Ahmed and IJT members, are wary of Imran's popularity within the youth and were afraid that IJT's hegemony as the sole power in PU might be at stake after Imran's rally on Wednesday. The MMA has been severely criticized in the past for supporting the regime by underhand deals with the government besides remaining in coalition government in Balochistan with the ruling PML. Agencies add: Talking to AFP, Imran said "I came to the university to lead a rally of students against the dictator Musharraf and his illegal actions." "I have achieved my purpose. I have started the student movement." Police said Imran would be charged under anti-terrorism laws. "He will be charged under the anti-terrorism act," Lahore police chief Malik Mohammad Iqbal said. "Through his speeches he has been inciting people to pick up arms, he has been calling for civil disobedience, he was spreading hatred," Iqbal said. Meanwhile, Jamaat-e-Islami condemned the arrest of Imran Khan. In a joint statement, Secretary General Syed Munawar Hassan, JI Naib Amir Liaqat Baloch, former president PU student union Hafiz Muhammad Idrees, Deputy Secretary General, Punjab Farid Ahmad Paracha and JI leader Ameer ul Azeem said it was an attempt to quell the struggle. Showing solidarity with Imran Khan, the JI leaders expressed their resolve to fight against anti-democratic elements in the country. Meanwhile, taking notice of the incident in which some university's students misbehaved with Imran Khan, JI Chief Qazi Hussain Ahmad constituted a committee to probe the matter. REFERENCE Jamiat shoves Imran into police hands Khalid Khattak & Zubair Azam Thursday, November 15, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=11156&Cat=13&dt=11/15/2007 BBC November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 2 2007: Lawyers have condemned the role of Islami Jamiat Tulaba (IJT) in the arrest of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan and termed it a worst example of hypocrisy. In this regard, LHCBA ex-president Ahmad Awais flayed the role of IJT and said the incident clearly implied that IJT had joined hands with agencies. Students adore Imran Khan, as he is a peace loving and law-abiding citizen, he added. Ahmad Awais stated Imran khan was booked under 7-ATA since, as per Gen Musharraf’s definition of terrorism, all political and human rights activists struggling for the rule of law and restoration of Constitution are terrorists. He termed Jamaat-e-Islami statement calling IJT’s act as a black stain on the face of JI, as a futile exercise to dispel that notion that they party is a B team of the government. LBA secretary Shamimur Rehman said IJT has played a very dirty role to please the dictator. He added IJT has deceived the most sincere politician of Pakistan and this act is intolerable. Meanwhile, Justice (r) Wajihuddin Ahmad has said that the way adopted by the IJT activists regarding the arrest of Imran Khan proved a deep fissure between the opposition parties. While talking to The News, he said that the current political scenario would not allow the government to keep Imran Khan behind bars as according to her will. He said that the role of IJT activists should be condemned as they had manhandled a high profile political leader of the country. REFERENCE: ‘A worst example of hypocrisy’ Thursday, November 15, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=80851&Cat=5&dt=11/15/2007 GEO TV November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 3 2007: LAHORE: THE Islami Jamiat Talba - the student wing of the Jamat-e-Islami - has always been in the forefront, staged big demonstrations and even smashed public property on the call of JI in the past. IJT activists, however, have tried to show that they are an independent union and not run by the JI after they manhandled Imran and later handed him over to police who had been searching for the PTI chief for many days. IJT activists have always been in the forefront on every important occasion in the history of JI be it when Qazi Hussain Ahmed gave the slogan of “Zalmoo Qazi aa Raha Haa” or when the JI attempted to sabotage the visit of former Indian prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee to Lahore. During Kargil operation, the JI leadership called on the IJT to start agitation and its student wing performed well in showing its muscle. The IJT was also very active during February 14 riots on The Mall to protest the publication of blasphemous caricatures. They were also very conspicuous when they came out on roads to show unity with deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussain when he was hanged. A similar response was seen when US launched attacks on Afghanistan. In the case of Lal Masjid and imposition of emergency in the country, however, the IJT response was not similar to its earlier efforts. But whether the IJT can really distance itself from the JI after it has thrashed the legendary Pakistani cricketer is not something it can easily sell to people. REFERENCE: Fish of the same kettle Thursday, November 15, 2007 Jawwad Rizvi http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=80850&Cat=5&dt=11/15/2007 ARY NEWS November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 4 2007: LAHORE: JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI Chief Qazi Hussain Ahmed is responsible for the arrest of Pakistan Tehirk-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan from Punjab University, stated PTI Central Secretary General Air Marshal (R) Shahid while addressing a press conference at Lahore Press Club on Wednesday. Speaking on the occasion, Shahid said Qazi Hussain Ahmed had given personal assurances that Imran would be accorded a welcome by the Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) in PU for the planned protest rally of students. He said the JI head had clearly told Imran that there would be no disturbance by the IJT members during the rally and had specially asked Imran to let the IJT members join the planned protest. Shahid said the PTI was against the participation of IJT in the student rally but, on repeatedly being told of IJT’s cooperation, the PTI had given the go-ahead to Mr. Qazi. He said, being the head of JI and IJT, Qazi Hussain Ahmed should accept the responsibility for the incident, as two special aides Amir-ur-Azeem and Hafiz Salman Butt had been dispatched along Imran to ensure smooth participation of IJT in the rally. He said the IJT had planned the whole episode under the instructions of their patrons so that demonstration could not take place and, on the same time, Imran could be arrested. He said this move was aimed at creating rift in the opposition parties which are on the verge of uniting at one point agenda against the current regime. Shahid said PTI condemned the IJT activism while stating the APDM leaders should take notice of the situation. He said PTI is in contact with the opposition members and due strategy is being evolved. REFERENCE: Qazi held responsible Thursday, November 15, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=80849&Cat=5&dt=11/15/2007 November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 5 2007: LAHORE: THE JI leadership should be taken to task for the adventures of its student wing, stated PML-N leaders while condemning the maltreatment and subsequent arrest of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan from Punjab University while the JI has hoodwinked Imran at a very crucial time. Senior Vice President PML-N Syed Zafar Ali Shah, reacting strongly to the maltreatment of Imran Khan by IJT, said the entire Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) is responsible for this shameful incident. He said not the IJT but JI Ameer Qazi Hussain Ahmed is behind this incident and the MMA must be penalized for this act, as its leaders are serving as touts of Musharraf in the APDM camp. Zafar Ali Shah further said MMA is only serving the agenda of Musharraf government and this incident of deceiving Imran is nothing but a revenge taken by the MMA leadership regarding Imran’s distrust in Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman. General Secretary PML-N Iqbal Zafar Jhagra said “I strongly condemn it and this has been done with a person who always felt proud to be a companion of these people in the struggle for the restoration of democracy.” He said the leadership of JI shouldn’t neglect the issue and take notice of this ‘planned strategy’ which can cause dissention in t he APDM camp. Chairman PML-N Raja Zafar-ul-Haq, expressing displeasure over the New Campus incident, said this is certainly a quite regretful incident which should have not taken place. He said Imran went there with a positive purpose to strive against dictatorship but what happened afterwards is awful. He said the reason behind that could be lack of coordination but added that it should have been avoided. “I don’t know where these people stand who have committed this shameful act,” said the PML-N General Secretary who himself is under house arrest after the imposition of emergency. He said that, at this hour, such incident can lead to severe mutual disharmony and persons behind the act should be exposed impartially. Secretary Information PML-N Ahsen Iqbal also expressed his displeasure over the incident of manhandling with Imran and said that JI leadership should take strict action against the happening. REFERENCE: JI hoodwinks Imran Thursday, November 15, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=80848&Cat=5&dt=11/15/2007 November 2007: Imran Khan's Arrest in Punjab University Courtesy Jamat-e-Islami - 6 2007: LAHORE: The organizers of the anti-emergency movements at the Lahore University of Management Sciences and the FAST-National University and different student organizations have condemned Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT) for conniving to arrest PTI chief Imran Khan and called its move an attempt to sabotage the students’ struggle against the suspension of Constitution. Talking to The News, a spokesman of the FAST-NU anti-emergency movement, Aileee, (a fictitious name), said: “We condemn as treacherous the connivance of the IJT in disrupting the peaceful demonstration of the non-IJT students and other concerned citizens and their shocking role in roughing up, virtually kidnapping and eventually helping in the arrest of PTI chief Imran Khan and some of his aides.” A spokesman of the LUMS movement, Raheel (a fictitious name) said student protesters in LUMS were disturbed by the turn of events at the Punjab University on Wednesday. “We do not think that the way some people at the campus behaved is worthy of educated university students,” he added. He said: “We, the members of the LUMS students’ movement, condemn unwarranted and illegal arrest of Mr Imran Khan and express disappointment at the role the IJT played.” “We also appeal to all other students in Pakistan to avoid resorting to uncivilised conduct, such as using brute force to intimidate perceived rivals and burning tires, smashing windows or damaging public property,” he said. The President of the Anjuman-e-Talaba Islam (ATI) Dr Azhar Mahmood said the students wing of the JI had proved that it (IJT) was a party of hypocrites like their elders. He said the plotted arrest of Khan by Jamiat was a commendable act, adding it was an effort to sabotage the students’ struggle against the declaration of emergency and suspension of judiciary in the country. He said: “The Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Qazi Hussain Ahmad is doing in Pakistan what the Jewish lobby does in the US.” The JI is the mother organization of the IJT. Dr Azhar told The News from Islamabad that the ATI had invited PTI chief Imran Khan to lead the students rally at International Islamic University (IIU) some days ago but the plan was foiled by Jamiat activists. “Imran is a national hero and the IJT has betrayed the whole nation by helping in his arrest,” he added. A student leader of the Imamia Students Organization (ISO) Farhan Mehdi said Jamiat activists by manhandling Imran Khan and plotting his arrest at PU had in fact strengthened dictatorship in the country just for its own survival. REFERENCE: Imran’s arrest Thursday, November 15, 2007 http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=80845&Cat=5&dt=11/15/2007 For example, after the 9/11, the former JI Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmad stated that al-Qaeda was a figment of the Americans’ imagination. On the contrary, the then JI Secretary General Syed Munawar Hassan, the current chief of the party, said that al-Qaeda leaders were our brethren (Nawa-i-Waqt, October 13, 2002). Commenting on these statements, Prof. Ahmad said: ‘There is no contradiction between the two. The Muslims in al-Qaeda are our brethren. They should be punished if they are criminals!’ He sounded mightily reluctant to hold Al-Qaeda responsible for 9/11. He even refused to give any credence to Gulbadeen Hikmatyar’s statement that Al-Qaeda was responsible for 9/11. (It may be added here that Hikmatyar is Jamaat-i-Islami’s favorite Afghan leader.) Instead, he finds “dozens of scholarly books” casting doubt on the official version more credible. REFERENCE: The Muslims in al-Qaeda are our brethren, says the top Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad Dec 16th, 2010 By Shakil Chaudhary and Mohammad Shehzad http://www.pol-dev.com/?p=678 Saudi Fatwa on Usaamah Ibn Laadin Al Khaarijee Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad - 1 He justified the two-nation theory saying, the Hindus and the Muslims coexisted peacefully only under the Muslim rule and such an existence was otherwise impossible. ‘The colonial rule divided the Hindus and the Muslims…that resulted in the 1947 riots!’ He admitted that during the last 15-20 years, the Pakistani society had become increasingly intolerant. He conceded that the blasphemy laws were being misused, but he did not favor amending them. ‘The punishment for blasphemy is death – in Christianity, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran and the precepts of the Holy Prophet Mohammad.’ The blasphemy does not apply to serious academic debate, he said. ‘It applies only to derogatory remarks.’ He dismissed the argument that the Barelvis consider the Deobandis and the Ahl-i-Hadith blasphemers. On the Kashmir jihad, Prof. Ahmad said that the JI has no organizational relationship with the Hizbul Mujahideen. ‘But of course, we do meet and whatever the Hizb is doing, it is its fundamental right.’ The JI India and JI Pakistan have different ideas on certain issues such as Kashmir though the source of inspiration for them was the same. He justified it saying that they became different and independent organization after the partition because the political situation had changed. He said that Israel was an illegitimate country, but did not support the annihilation of the Israeli Jews. In fact, he supported the idea of a single state in which the Jews and the Palestinians live together. He acknowledged that the US and NATO played some positive role in the Balkans, but they allowed the massacre of the Muslims to continue. Their intervention was aimed at preventing the revival of Islamic movements there. REFERENCE: The Muslims in al-Qaeda are our brethren, says the top Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad Dec 16th, 2010 By Shakil Chaudhary and Mohammad Shehzad http://www.pol-dev.com/?p=678 Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad - 2 Jamat-e-Islami Links with Al-Qaeda Terror mastermind captured – Terror mastermind captured – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is thought to be the man who masterminded the attacks on 11 September. His capture in Pakistan was seen as a key success in the US fight to counter al-Qaeda. BBC News Online presents key video reports following the arrest. Tuesday, 4 March, 2003, 22:56 GMT http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/2820179.stm - KARACHI – Under immense pressure from the United States, a slow and gradual operation has begun in Pakistan against the strongest political voice of Islamists and the real mother of international Islamic movements, of which Osama bin Laden’s International Islamic Front is the spoiled child. In a surprise move this week, Pakistan’s federal minister of the interior, Faisal Saleh Hayat, listed a number of incidences in which members of the Jamaat-i-Islami (JI), the premier fundamentalist party in the country, had been tied to al-Qaeda, and called on it to “explain these links”. “It is a matter of concern that Jamaat-e-Islami, which is a main faction of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal [MMA], has neither dissociated itself from its activists having links with the al-Qaeda network nor condemned their activities,” Faisal said, adding that “one could derive a meaning out of its silence”. The MMA is an alliance of six religious parties that gained unprecedented electoral victories in national elections in 2002. One of its members is the leader of the opposition in the Lower House, while the MMA controls the provincial government in North West Frontier Province. It also forms part of a coalition government in Balochistan province. The MMA has 67 seats in the 342-seat National Assembly, with just under a third of them held by the JI. Asia Times Online predicted that the JI would be targeted (Jihadi’s arrest a small step for Pakistan , Aug 10) and now contacts confirm that moves have already started against associates of the JI in its strongest political constituency, Karachi. The next phase will most likely be in Rawalpindi and southern Punjab. Several close affiliates are believed to have been arrested by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) without charges being laid against them. Pakistan turns on itself By Syed Saleem Shahzad Aug 19, 2004 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/FH19Df05.html Khalid: A test for US credibility By Syed Saleem Shahzad Mar 6, 2003 http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/EC06Df04.html Profile: Al-Qaeda ‘kingpin’ Page last updated at 14:04 GMT, Friday, 13 November 2009 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2811855.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12964158 ‘THE MASTERMIND’ For smug KSM, federal court could be perfect arena By Peter Finn Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, November 14, 2009 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2009/11/13/ST2009111300917.html?sid=ST2009111300917 Jamaat-i-Islami ideologue Prof. Khurshid Ahmad - 3 ISLAMABAD: One of the top security agencies on Wednesday picked up Raja Ehsan Aziz, a member of Tehrik-e-Islami (TI), for his alleged connections with terrorists who had attacked the Parade Lane Mosque in Rawalpindi and Moon Market in Lahore. Tehrik-e-Islami is a splinter group of the JI. Two female members of the Tehrik have already been taken into custody. Sarwat Wahid, another female member whose son’s car was used in the Parade Lane Mosque attack, is missing. Also her son, Jawad, who was studying in Faisalabad after doing A Level from Beacon House School System, is missing. Aziz, a graduate of Columbia University who also served on senior positions at the Foreign Office, is a retired professor of International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University. His elder son is an Army doctor. Aziz was taken away from his house in G/10-3 on Wednesday evening by sleuths of the Counter-Terrorism Cell, his wife Amira Aziz told The News. Amira, an ex-MNA of Jamaat-e-Islami and now a Shura member of the Tehrik, is a religious scholar and writes columns in an Urdu daily. Aziz’s driver, Phool Zeb from Nowshera, has already been arrested as investigators found a mobile SIM allegedly used for conversation during the attacks on the Parade Lane Mosque and Moon Market, was issued in his name. Likewise, the car used in the mosque attack belonged to Jawad, the son of a Tehrik-e-Islami woman, Sarwat Wahid, a resident of I-8 Sector, Islamabad. Both of them are missing since then. Likewise, Aziz’ son, Omer, a student of Islamic International University, has not returned home for the last five days. JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=214063&Cat=2&dt=12/21/2009 Jamat e Islami Terrorist Dr. Usman was mastermind of Attack on GHQ Aziz has been picked up for the second time, his wife said, denying any links of the family with terrorism incidents. “I’m a sworn enemy of America and can pay any price for it but I strongly oppose terrorism within Pakistan,” Amira Aziz told The News. She said the intelligence operatives had been following the women activists of Tehrik-e-Islami for the last six months and harassed them. She alleged that her husband was beaten black and blue when picked up last time and kept in illegal custody for a night. Amira said her son, Omer, a heart patient, was very upset when intelligence guys kept his father in their custody for a night. A female member of Tehrik, Najma Sana, who lives in G-9/1, is already in the agency’s custody for the last 10 days. Sarwat Wahid, after being chased by the intelligence agency, left Islamabad for Karachi where she was again pursued by the police. Her sister and children in Karachi have been arrested to press for recovery of Sarwat who has gone underground there. Sarwat’s son, Jawad, is also missing. Tahira Mumtaz, another female member of the Tehrik, was twice called for investigation over her alleged assistance to Sarwat to flee the capital. Altaf Aziz Khattack, SHO, said he was not aware of any such incident. He asked this correspondent to take up the matter with the R A Bazaar police in whose jurisdiction the mosque was attacked. When contacted, officials of the concerned police station said that they had not arrested Ehsan Aziz, adding the Army was investigating the attack and the matter may be taken up with them. The DG ISPR could not be contacted. REFERENCE: JI splinter group leader, females held for links to suicide attackers Friday, December 18, 2009 By Umar Cheema http://www.thenews.com.pk/TodaysPrintDetail.aspx?ID=214063&Cat=2&dt=12/21/2009
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Playmakers Youth Theatre Click here to see what's coming to stage for the 2017-2018 season! Playmakers Youth Theatre, under the direction of the very talented Rachel Zake, is a dynamic Jewish youth theater program that emphasizes self-confidence, creativity, teamwork and an appreciation for the performing arts among its young performers. In addition to welcoming children of all levels of talent, Playmakers is an inclusive youth theater program that is also wonderfully accessible and rewarding for children and youth with disabilities or physical limitations. For more information about Playmakers Youth Theatre classes, auditions or productions, please call the box office at, (216) 831-0700 ext.1230 or e-mail firstname.lastname@example.org. Learn how you can support Playmakers! Playmakers is part of a nonprofit organization, and your contributions help us build beautiful sets, sew incredible costumes and stage amazing productions. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Click here. Thanks to the generous support of:
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- $5 million from Amgen founder, Bill Bowes, to launch a new biomedical initiative in ocular disease at the Center for Stem Cell Biology and Engineering. - $1 million from the Marsha and Jay Glazer Foundation to support a professorship and provide funding for research, teaching and programming in Jewish Studies. - $2 million from Duncan and Suzanne Mellichamp for the creation of distinguished professorships in the social sciences and humanities, clustered around the study of global civil society. - $600,000 from alumnus Anton Vonk and his wife, Diane Boss, to establish an endowed chair in political science in support of teaching and research in international security studies, energy, and the environment. - A multiyear commitment from Paul Orfalea and the Orfalea Family Foundation for the creation of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies. - Two significant endowments for the Walter H. Capps Center for the Study of Ethics, Religion, and Public Life, part of the response to a $1.5 million challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: - A gift from Lillian and Jon Lovelace established the annual Martin E. Marty Lectureship on Religion in American Life. - A $250,000 endowment gift from Henry A. Schimberg develops personal and business ethics, and social responsibility in the next generation of business and corporate leaders. A $500,000 gift from alumnus M. Ross Johnson and his wife, Charlotte, to establish an endowed fellowship fund to recruit and support outstanding graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. A $500,000 gift from Sara Miller McCune and SAGE Publications to endow the position of Dean of Social Sciences. Dean Melvin L. Oliver, the first SAGE Sara Miller McCune Dean of Social Sciences, dedicated endowment proceeds for outstanding underrepresented doctoral students. A $1.75 million gift from John and Judy Arnhold that helped establish the Arnhold Endowment for Excellence in English, designed to fund courses, projects, and programs that support the undergraduate research experience, graduate student training, postdoctoral teaching fellows, and curricular advancements
{ "date": "2017-08-20T15:20:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886106779.68/warc/CC-MAIN-20170820150632-20170820170632-00496.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9075796604156494, "token_count": 452, "url": "http://college.ucsb.edu/alumni/support" }
'Black Sabbath': Musical history of Jews, blacks 'Black Sabbath': Musical history of African American and Jewish artists is presented as a cross-cultural nightclub. Give a listen. Published 4:00 am, Thursday, September 2, 2010 The alternately fraught and affectionate history of Jews and African Americans is one of those cultural intersections that seems so well traversed there can't be much new to say on the topic. But hearing Johnny Mathis croon "Kol Nidre," the lamenting Aramaic prayer that opens Judaism's most solemn and holy service on Yom Kippur, suddenly reveals an unsuspected crossroads that confounds easy expectations. For David Katznelson and his three fellow cultural spelunkers in the Idelsohn Society for Musical Preservation, discovering the long-out-of-print Mathis recording was an epiphany that led to "Black Sabbath: The Secret Musical History of Black-Jewish Relations," a beautifully produced CD with a 40-page booklet slated for release on Sept. 14 that includes cross-fertilized jazz gems like Billie Holiday swinging "My Yiddishe Momme," Cab Calloway wailing on "Utt Da Zay" and Cannonball Adderley's searing "Sabbath Prayer" from "Fiddler on the Roof." Material collected for the project makes up the bulk of the Idelsohn-curated "Black Sabbath" exhibition at the Contemporary Jewish Museum, which runs through March. In just about every case, the music reflects the proximity and deep ties shared by black and Jewish artists. "Johnny Mathis went to Washington High, and San Francisco at that time was a wonderfully open place to all different types of culture," Katznelson says. "He had Jewish friends. He's trying to hone his chops, taking singing lessons, and he sees cantorial music as a really interesting way to improvise. Having that experience allowed this blend to happen." Dedicated to uncovering overlooked and forgotten forms of Jewish musical expression, the Idelsohn Society scored another record bin coup reissuing Irving Fields' pioneering Latin klezmer album "Bagels and Bongos," which sold more than 2 million copies after its 1959 release. More recently, the society assembled the Contemporary Jewish Museum exhibition "Jews on Vinyl." For "Black Sabbath," Katznelson has turned the Contemporary Jewish Museum's Yud Space into a high-tech version of a 1940s nightclub, complete with retro tables outfitted with headphones, a selection of tracks and iPads with an app that enables listeners to explore video and other information about the performers. While Jewish fascination with African American music is a central current in American popular culture from Irving Berlin to Benny Goodman to Doc Pomus, "Black Sabbath" reverses course, detailing the way black musicians discovered a creative wellspring in Jewish music. "If you didn't know it was Cab Calloway singing, you'd think, that cantor's got the most amazing band of all time," Katznelson says. "He had a sense of the cantorial wail, and incorporated it right into 'St. James Infirmary.' Billie's voice is perfect singing 'My Yiddishe Momme' in a sorrowful way, and at the same time she's reaching out to another community." Through March 22. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, 1-8 p.m. Thurs., closed Wed. $5-$10. Contemporary Jewish Museum, 736 Mission St., S.F. (415) 655-7800. www.thecjm.org.
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The Last Eight Days of Advent FREE Catholic Classes During the last eight days of Advent, it is useful to reflect on the different titles given to the Lord who is to come. The titles are Old Testament titles, here conferred on Jesus, showing he is the promised Messiah. St. Paul tells us that God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom. He is saying that it is hard to imagine the Wisdom of God, who knows all things, because God has created all things. This title of God reminds us especially of the Book of Wisdom in the Old Testament - a beautiful hymn in which wisdom is personified, and is active in the world. A name for the Most High God, whose true name could not be uttered, and of whom it was said that no-one could gaze on the face of God and live. Adonai is the Lord of armies, who will march out to save the people in battle. Stock of Jesse Jesse was the father of King David, and Jesus is a descendent of David. >From David comes the association of Jesus as royal, of David's line. Jesus inherits the throne of David, re-defining his role as King of the Jews. Key of David Jesus is not simply a ruler descended from David, but a liberator, a redeemer. This name echoes the mission of Jesus to bind and to loose, a mission Jesus passes on to his disciples. The sun is a sign of God's creation, God's endurance, and a sign of God's glory. God's glory outshines the sun, and will endure after the sun and moon have failed. Psalm 84 describes God as the sun: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; he bestows favor and honor. No good thing does the LORD withhold from those who walk uprightly." (Psalm 84:11 NRSV) God is the king above all kings, and the prophet Samuel is reluctant to anoint a king for the Israelites as this will seem like a rejection of God's rule. Pilate asks Jesus if he is a king; Jesus answers indirectly, because his kingship does not accord with the expectations of the Romans, the Jewish authorities, or even his followers. The prophecy of Isaiah foretells a sign to be given by God: a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son whom she will call Emmanuel: a name which means God is with us. Jesus is the word made flesh, God in the midst of the people. © Liguori Publications Excerpt from Advent - A Quality Storecupboard The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer More Advent & Christmas The word Advent derives from the Latin word meaning coming. The Lord is coming. We may reflect that every year at this time we celebrate his coming , so that in a sense we can lose the feeling of expectancy and joyful anticipation, because at the end of the season, everything seems to return to pretty much the same routine. If that is the case, then our preparation may have been lacking ... continue reading To become the mother of the Savior, Mary "was enriched by God with gifts appropriate to such a role."132 The angel Gabriel at the moment of the annunciation salutes her as "full of grace". In fact, in order for Mary to be able to give the free assent of her faith to the announcement of her vocation, it was necessary that she be wholly borne by God's grace... continue reading The weeks of Advent remind us to set aside some of the hectic business of the holiday season, and to quietly reflect on the promise of the baby born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. The Bible readings listed below relate to the Advent themes of waiting, preparation, light in the darkness, and the coming of the promised Messiah. continue reading More Advent & Christmas News Fifty years ago on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24, 1968) the crew of Apollo 8 entered lunar orbit and began circling the moon - the first time in ... continue reading With the first Sunday of Advent behind us, the liturgical season of preparing for Christmas is well underway. Denver, Colo. (CNA) - ... continue reading The artwork featured on the Vatican's postage stamps for Christmas 2018 were painted by a man serving a life-sentence in a Milanese ... continue reading Catholic Online Shopping has announced 40 Days of Deals. Catholic gifts will be discounted, allowing shoppers to get bargains on some of ... continue reading The Nativity Scene Watch The Nativity Scene is a meaningful expression for our religious faith. With it, we provide a captivating visual focus during the Christmas ... continue reading Learn about Catholic world Inform - Inspire - Ignite Catholic Online Saints Your saints explained Catholic Online Prayers Prayers for every need Catholic Online Bible Complete bible online Catholic Online News Your news Catholic eye Today's bible reading Products and services we offer Catholic Online Shopping Catholic medals, gifts & books Advertise on Catholic Online Your ads on catholic.org Catholic Online Email Email with Catholic feel Learn the Catholic way Catholic Online School Free Catholic education for all K-12 & Adult Education Classes Support Free Education Tax deductible support Free education Copyright 2019 Catholic Online. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2019 Catholic Online. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
{ "date": "2019-08-22T18:37:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027317339.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20190822172901-20190822194901-00176.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9267011880874634, "token_count": 1222, "url": "https://www.catholic.org/advent/advent.php?id=3" }
Matthew is a cultural historian whose work focuses on the lived experiences of Jewish and Christian communities in classical and late antiquity. Matthew came to Princeton from a teaching position at Yale University, where he also received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies in May 2017. He is the author of the book, Gospels before the Book (Oxford University Press, 2018), and his work has also been published in the Journal for the Study of Judaism, the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, the Journal of Early Christian Studies (forthcoming), Studies in Late Antiquity: A Journal (forthcoming), and various other venues. His research and teaching interests include ancient writing and reading cultures, carceral studies, ancient medicine, material culture, and approaching religions as constellations of embodied practices. He is currently working on writing a cultural history of early Christians and incarceration. Courses – Fall 2019 HUM 315/CLA 315/REL 301 (HA) No Audit Incarceration in Antiquity Cheung, Caroline & Larsen, Matthew 1:30 pm-4:20 T Department Area Requirement: Does NOT satisfy sub-field requirement; does NOT count as departmental. Majors may petition to count this as a cognate course (in addition to the 8 required courses for the major). Courses – Spring 2019 REL 251 / HLS 251 / MED 251 (HA) Graded A-F, P/D/F, Audit Christianity in the Roman Empire: Secret Rituals, Mystery Cults, and Apocalyptic Prophets Matthew Larsen, AnneMarie Luijendijk 01:30:00 pm – 02:20:00 pm M W Department Area Requirement: Ancient Mediterranean
{ "date": "2019-08-19T01:17:10Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314638.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819011034-20190819033034-00136.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9214137196540833, "token_count": 355, "url": "https://religion.princeton.edu/people/faculty/lecturers/matthew-larsen/" }
For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice. The knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. Last Monday, I wrote in regard to Joel 2:11-13. I explored the attributes by which God identifies himself in those verses. I am following that post about memorization with this one because this brief line from the prophet Hosea provides some additional insight into God that I believe is excellent “icing on the cake” for the revelations discussed last week. First, let me provide a little context. In the Old Testament system, sacrifices and offerings were completed as symbolic and meaningful gestures of thanksgiving, repentance, and acknowledgment of sin. The practice of conducting regular, necessary sacrifices and offerings would have been a normal part of the spirituality of a Jewish believer. This would have been a means by which those original believers maintained relationship with God. But do you see how the Lord informs the Israelites of that relationship’s importance above and beyond the practice itself. He does not simply want the them to “go through the motions”. He wants committed love. He wants them to know him. And I believe he wants those two ideas to be cyclical–the more we love him, the more we want to know him; the more we come to know him, the more we love him. What a rewarding process into which he invites believers! Note that these practices in and of themselves are not bad. God does not say “Stop it with sacrificies and offerings” (at least not here anyway. Here he does, though. Oh how he does!). The practices have value, but if mere practices and activities are the basis for your interaction with God, without a desire for intimacy and relationship, they are inadequate. He wants more, and he rewards you with the greatest reward he can give a human being, himself! Love him. Know him. If you do, you’ll grow in the former and embrace the latter by default! That being said, what are the practices that we modern believers conduct regularly to which God may respond the same? Here are mine: Blogging about Christ (rather than Blogging becuase of Love of Christ) Yeah, I do these, but without a desire for steadfast love for God and others as well as a true thirst for the knowledge of the Lord himself, they are lacking, indeed. How about you? Thanks for reading, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Enjoy what you are reading??? Let’s connect. I'm currently on Instagram, Letterboxd, Flickr, Twitter, always as CJstunkard.
{ "date": "2020-10-31T21:32:12Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107922463.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20201031211812-20201101001812-00656.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9624997973442078, "token_count": 569, "url": "http://www.cjstunkard.com/2013/03/11/memorization-hosea-66/" }
PA Fights Nuns, Just Doesn’t Want Them in CourtroomDecember 14, 2017 ACLJ Preparing to File Critical Brief Defending the National Motto from Satanist’s AttackDecember 14, 2017 President Donald Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. So what? Why all the fuss? It matters because history matters — and the history of Jerusalem is super-important. The first connection with this hilltop city goes right back to the Old Testament patriarch, Abraham. The Book of Genesis tells the story of how Abraham took his son Isaac to Mount Moriah, and although scholars debate it, some believe the location of that mountain is also the site of Jerusalem. Photo: Netanyahu urges EU to follow Trump on Jerusalem, Reuters A settlement must have been there in Abraham’s time, as there is a record of the city of Urusalima on Mesopotamian tablets from about 2400 B.C. Historians date Abraham from about 2000 B.C, so the character from Genesis called Melchizedek, “the priest of Salem,” may have dwelt in that ancient city. What we do know is that approximately 1,000 years later, Jerusalem became the united capital of King David and his son King Solomon. For at least 3,000 years, the city of Jerusalem has been not only the political capital, but also the religious center for the Jews. On the ancient mountain, Solomon built his magnificent temple, and for nearly 500 years Jerusalem was the center of Jewish life and religion. Then, in 586 B.C., the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar swept down from the Northeast, besieged the city, and finally conquered it — and destroyed the temple. The Jews were exiled to Babylon and many fled into Northwest Arabia. About 50 years later the Jews returned and rebuilt the temple on a more modest scale. Some four centuries later, during Roman occupation, Herod the Great served as the king of the Jews under the thumb of the Roman emperor. Herod expanded the temple — restoring it to the grandeur that Solomon’s great temple had displayed. It was during Herod the Great’s reign that Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem. Matthew’s gospel records how wise men came “from the East” to look for the Christ child. During Matthew’s time “the East” was shorthand for Arabia, and the evidence indicates that the famous Magi were diplomats from the neighboring kingdom of Nabatea on a diplomatic mission to pay homage to a new heir to the throne of Judea. Jerusalem was also the site, some 30 years later for the arrest, trial and execution of Jesus. Over the site of His death and resurrection — within the old city walls — is built the ancient Church of the Holy Sepulcher, thus making Jerusalem a holy city not only for the Jews but also for Christians. Always rebelling against their Roman overlords, the Jewish launched a final fatal rebellion a few decades after the death of Jesus Christ. The Romans crushed the rebellion mercilessly and, after a long and terrible siege, destroyed the temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Jews were dispersed and the city leveled. Eventually the Romans rebuilt the city, and when Christianity was legalized, the Emperor Constantine constructed the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and for several centuries the city was predominantly Christian. From the seventh century through the Middle Ages, various Muslim powers controlled the city. The prophet Mohammed was supposed to have traveled to the city, and the Al Aqsa mosque — which now stands on the site of the Jewish temple — is the third holiest site for Muslims. Throughout the next 18 centuries, Muslim dominance of Jerusalem was challenged by various invading Christian forces, but it was not until 1917 that Western forces took control as the British conquered the city. They controlled the territory until after the Second World War. In 1947, with many Jewish refugees returning to the Holy Land, the United Nations established a separate state ruled by Israel and Jordan. In the wars of 1948 and 1967, the Israelis consolidated their hold on the city and declared Jerusalem their capital. Nevertheless, the status of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been a matter of international controversy and debate for the past 70 years. The Palestinians also claim the city as their capital, and the complicated and volatile politics of the region still dominate the headlines. In recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, President Trump is not only honoring a campaign promise, but he is recognizing that the Jewish claim to the city and territory not only has deep roots in history, but branches that reach into the future. He is also taking sides in the long and bitter battle between Jews and Muslims — throwing American weight behind the continued struggle of the Jews to rule the ancient city and country they claim as their own God-promised land. Fr. Dwight Longenecker, a parish leader and award-winning Catholic blogger based in Greenville, South Carolina, is the author of “Mystery of the Magi:The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men.”
{ "date": "2022-05-27T14:46:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662658761.95/warc/CC-MAIN-20220527142854-20220527172854-00416.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9596503376960754, "token_count": 1058, "url": "https://brownpelicanla.com/recognizing-the-deep-roots-of-jewish-history/" }
Hanukkah begins at sunset on Saturday, December 8 this year and ends at nightfall on Monday, December 17, when three stars are in the sky. It is the eight day festival of light that begins on the eve of the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev and celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, or purity over adulation and spirituality over materiality. This traditional family holiday is not the most important of the Jewish holidays, but takes place at “holiday” time in our country and is perhaps the most visible to gentiles. At Pottery Barn, there is a beautiful and classic selection of Hanukkah decor and items, including the menorah. Menorah is the Hebrew word for lamp, and contains nine branches, one for a candle for each of the eight nights , and one for the shamash (“the servant”), for its purpose is to light the others. The lovely deep blue, silver and white motif is very classic, understated and will last for years to come. Placecards, napkins and serveware keeps everything special for the holiday. So add to your own tradition, enriching it with these lovely items, and Shalom!
{ "date": "2013-05-23T19:57:28Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368703748374/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516112908-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9503570795059204, "token_count": 248, "url": "http://blog.timesunion.com/homedecor/happy-hanukkah/5614/" }
This has not been an easy year. On the national front we’ve endured a divisive presidential campaign, a mortgage crisis, soaring gas prices, low consumer confidence, renewed tensions with Russia, bank failures, layoffs, selloffs, buyouts, bailouts and meltdowns—plus a storm that almost wiped Galveston off the map. It has also been a tough year spiritually. Moral failures and divorces among Christian leaders have left many disillusioned. Politics has bitterly divided the church. Ministries have had to cut back because of the economic downturn. Some of my friends are joking about buying “I SURVIVED 2008” T-shirts. All the uncertainty tends to drag us down. But trials are a blessing in disguise when we respond properly to them. In times of adversity, there are four sure ways we can fight discouragement: 1. Get your praise on. King David knew the key to spiritual survival. In tough times he ran to the secret place. Throughout his life, praise was the soundtrack playing in the background. When difficulties closed in on David, he shut himself away and prayed, sang, shouted and danced. He said with confidence: “Though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident” (Ps. 27:3, NASB). When your soul has been overwhelmed by bad news, you must counteract it by declaring your faith out loud. If you are fighting discouragement, go in a room, shut the door and tell God how awesome He is. The heaviness will lift. The book of Psalms is in the middle of the Bible because praise is the core of the Christian life. If you praise God only once a week in church, you may survive but you won’t thrive. Many Christians are defeated because personal time with God isn’t a priority. 2. Soak in God’s Word. The author of Psalm 119 found his encouragement in the Word of God, and it sustained him during the tough times. He wrote: “Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, I do not forget Your statutes” (v. 83). Many Christians today think studying the Bible is optional. Yet when adversity comes, they experience personal crisis because they aren’t building their lives on anything solid. We charismatics think we can make it through difficult times just by having visions, dreams and Technicolor experiences with God. Of course, we need those special moments desperately. But manifestations of the Holy Spirit alone do not solidify our character or make us faithful. The Word is our foundation. 3. Practice giving encouragement. The book of Hebrews was written to believers who were actually considering going back to the Jewish faith. They had become so discouraged that they were planning to reject Christ. So the author of the epistle wrote: “But encourage one another day after day ... so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3:13). People are backsliding today. I know Christians who have walked with the Lord for years but now are trading the truth for sexual immorality, harmful addictions or New Age deception. Others are turning away from God because they feel so overwhelmed by their temptations. You could be sitting next to someone in church who is actually thinking of leaving God—or even committing suicide—because they’ve abandoned all hope. One word of encouragement from you could lift them out of the pit of depression. 4. Fight for your promises. Delays are disappointing. I’m vulnerable to discouragement when I think about God’s promises that have not been fulfilled. As birthdays tick by, my expectant prayer sours into a whiny complaint: “How long, Lord?” The apostle Paul urged his spiritual son Timothy to“fight the good fight” by using the prophecies that had been spoken over him (see 1 Tim. 1:18). When God gives us prophetic promises, we should use them as weapons. Abraham warred against doubt to obtain his promised heir. The delay was painful, but in the end—after years of believing “hope against hope” (Rom. 4:18)—he held Isaac in his arms and became the father of many nations. This is not a time to give up or let go. Don’t let the shakings and the meltdowns discourage you. Praise God and keep believing. We’ll have much more than a T-shirt when this year is over. J. Lee Grady is the editor of Charisma. You can read his previous online columns, as well as comments from readers, at fireinmybones.com
{ "date": "2013-05-22T08:46:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368701543416/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516105223-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9677447080612183, "token_count": 984, "url": "http://www.charismamag.com/blogs/fire-in-my-bones/2706-praise-him-in-the-meltdown" }
Hot flashes and night sweats have long been considered inevitable symptoms of menopause for women. But new research suggests that hot flashes and night sweats can be reduce—or avoided altogether—without hormone-replacement therapy. The solution could be as simple as eating a healthy diet and losing weight. Hot flashes and extra pounds About 80 percent of women say they suffer from hot flashes and night sweats during menopause, according to Bette J. Caan, DrPH, senior research scientist at the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Division of Research. Nearly half of them deal with moderate or severe episodes, which doctors believe are caused when blood vessels close to the skin dilate. Previous research has found that overweight women are more susceptible to more severe menopausal symptoms. Caan and her colleagues found that losing weight can relieve and even eliminate hot flashes and night sweats. A low-fat diet is a common-sense alternative to hormone-replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms, which have been associated with heart disease and breast cancer. Lose weight, lose the night sweats Researchers analyzed data collected from the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial. They evaluated more than 17,000 participants ages 50-79. None were on hormone-replacement therapy. Forty percent of those women followed a low-fat diet with 20 percent of calories from fat, including five servings of fruit and vegetables and six servings of whole grains a day. The remaining participants were the control group used for comparison. All participants reported on the frequency and severity of their menopausal symptoms. When the study began, 26 percent had hot flashes and 27 percent had night sweats. Twelve months later, the women on a low-fat diet were three times more likely to lose weight than the control group. Those initially reporting moderate to severe menopausal symptoms who lost 22 pounds or more actually eliminated those symptoms. Those who had reported mild symptoms that lost 10 pounds or more also eliminated their symptoms. Even the women who gained weight on the low-fat diet reported fewer symptoms. Fat stores heat, estrogen An explanation for the elimination of symptoms may be as simple as losing fat, according to Caan. “Fat provides insulation,” she said in a report on the study published online in Menopause. “You lose it, and you don’t need to dissipate as much heat. A hot flash is a way to dissipate heat.” Women may also suffer from hot flashes and night sweats during menopause because fat tissue stores estrogen, according to Jill Rabin, MD, of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center. After reviewing the study, she told WebMD, “the fat cell itself may be functioning in a way we didn’t realize to regulate temperature and produce substances that alter perception of body temperature.” Salads instead of hormones Regardless of the cause and effect, losing weight with a low-fat diet appears to be a low cost alternative to hormone-replacement therapy. Plus, there’s a bonus: reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes—illnesses that become more likely with hormone-replacement therapy. For a population of women that is currently two-thirds overweight, that’s something to chew on.
{ "date": "2013-05-25T21:06:52Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368706413448/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516121333-00017-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9546093940734863, "token_count": 668, "url": "http://www.themedifastplan.com/main/lose-weight-to-make-hot-flashes-and-night-sweats-disappear/" }
Title: Is Obama The Coming Antichrist? Resources to aid your Understanding Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING EDGE Copyright © 2008 Cutting Edge Ministries. All rights reserved. See full copyright notice below. Once Israel became a nation again in May, 1948, genuine Bible-believing Christians the world over began to expect that Antichrist would be the next major event on the world scene. After all, in Matthew 24, Jesus presented the most important prophetic dissertation in the entire Bible as to how the End of the Age would unfold for the Jews specifically and for the world insofar as the world shares this planet with Israel. In other words, some of the prophecies in Matthew 24 are meant for the Jews of the Tribulation Period only. In Matthew 24, Jesus is asked by His disciples what was THE one single event which would foretell His second coming. Jesus gave them many more than just ONE single prophetic event. Let us pick examine this passage: Matthew 24 -- Synopsis -- Jesus' disciples had just pointed out to Him the beauty and magnificence of the wonderful Temple Herod was re-building, when Jesus turned around and uttered a most horrible prophecy: "See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." Jesus' disciples panicked, because they equated the destruction of the Temple with the destruction of the nation, Israel, and further equated both destructions with the End of the Age. [They were not wrong, as events would quickly demonstrate, as both the Temple and Israel were destroyed in A.D. 70.] As soon as the group reached the Mount of Olives, where they could talk to Jesus privately, they asked Him, "Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" Notice they asked Jesus for THE sign, one sign, but He was going to give them much more than they asked [Isn't that just like Jesus?] When we properly understand the import of the signs by which we can know the End of the Age is approaching, we will be much better prepared when the events begin to break over our heads. However, before we review these signs, we need to understand the context into which Jesus placed these signs. This context is found in verse 8: "All these are the beginning of sorrows." This word, "sorrows" has a special meaning in the original Greek. This word is Strong's Number, 'G5604', which really means the "pangs of childbirth". The Amplified Bible Commentary renders the verse correctly and with proper emphasis: "All this is but the beginning [the early pains] of the birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish]." So, the beginning of these multiple signs heralds the beginning of a birth process; someone or some thing is to be born on to the world scene; he is to appear! But, whom? We get this answer in verse 15, when Jesus is suddenly speaking of the prophecy in Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11. This prophecy states that the Antichrist will walk into Holy of Holies in the Temple at the mid-point of the 7-year Tribulation Period for the express purpose of desolating it, and causing extreme offense to God. Daniel calls this act the "abomination that makes desolate"; scholars have called it "The Abomination of Desolation". Therefore, the "baby" to be "born" is the Antichrist. But, wait, there is another "baby" born in these verses! When Jesus suddenly starts talking of the Antichrist committing the Abomination of Desolation in the Holy of Holies in the Temple, all sorts of red lights should begin flashing, but thanks to the terrible teaching of traditional Bible teachers, these red lights are nowhere to be found. In Matthew 24:1-2, Jesus foretells the destruction of the Temple Herod was rebuilding; in verse 3, the disciples correctly understand that the destruction of the Temple heralds the destruction of the nation, Israel. Indeed, both destructions were carried out in 70 A.D. Yet, Jesus is suddenly speaking of Antichrist desecrating the Holy of Holies! Therefore, the nation, Israel, must have been reborn by this time, and the Third Temple rebuilt; otherwise, Antichrist would not be able to offend God by desecrating the Holy of Holies inside the Temple! We have another "baby" being born here -- Israel! And, sometime before Antichrist goes into the Holy of Holies at Day 1,260 of the Tribulation Period, the Temple has to have been rebuilt. THEREFORE: the signs, the "birth pangs" Jesus listed in Matthew 24 will give birth to two babies: the nation of Israel and Antichrist. Let us examine these birth pangs, and then we shall see how the baby of Israel was born exactly in accordance with these signs, these birth pangs. Jesus listed the following birth pangs as the multiple signs by which believers would know the End of the Age is close. Unparalleled Spiritual Deception [vs 4]; this spiritual deception is so pervasive, and of such great concern that Jesus reiterated the warning twice more in this chapter, verses 11 and 24. Certainly, we are faced with just such spiritual deception today, as ministries thought to be Fundamental and right on target, are suddenly seen shifting to support Liberal or even New World Order causes. In this day, Christians must have their eyes on Scripture -- acting as the Noble Bereans -- and not just on a man or his organization. We must diligently compare everything said and done against Scripture, remembering that organizations and men have suddenly turned bad after years of seeming to be right on target. As Jesus warned, "He who endures to the end shall be saved". [Matthew 10:22] False Messiah Figures [vs 5]; the 20th Century has seen the appearance of so many Messiah-type figures as to stagger the imagination. Wars and Rumors of Wars [vs 6]; Nation Rising Against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom -- this is an idiomatic phrase which defines a conflict started between two local combatants but quickly joined on both sides by allies, thus making the war much larger [vs 7]; after the attacks of 9/11, governments throughout the world have continuously threatened war against nations in the world, most specifically Iran and North Korea. Nations like Afghanistan and Iraq have been militarily invaded. "Wars and Rumors of Wars" is the order of the day. Famines and earthquakes occurring all over the globe -- once again, this is an idiomatic phrase meaning that famines and earthquakes will occur simultaneously in different parts of the globe [vs 7]. Note that this prophecy does NOT state that earthquakes will be increasing, but only that they will be occurring at different spots on the globe, sometimes simultaneously. Re-Birth of Nation of Israel In 1948 Fulfilled These Birth Pangs Exactly When one examines the process of the birth of Israel from the first Zionist Congress in 1897 to its birth in 1948, you can easily see how this birth fulfilled the Birth Pangs prophecy, above. Let us take a cursory examination of the historic record. Let us begin by discussing the unprecedented historical miracle of Israel's rebirth. God began to throw the Jews out of their nation with the invasion of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in 602 B.C. The Jews never really governed themselves as an independent state from that time forward, even though the Greeks and the Romans allowed Israel limited self-government. However, Rome's patience for the Jews was put to the test continually by their repeated rebellion. Roman patience was finally exhausted in A.D. 66, when the Jews rose in unprecedented revolt. At first, the Jewish army took over part of Palestine, including Jerusalem. Rome's military response was also unprecedented, as it sent an immense force against Jerusalem. Their siege lasted for over three years. In A.D. 70, the Roman Army finally conquered Jerusalem. Roman leadership was determined to finally rid themselves of the perennially rebellious Jewish nation. Therefore, they slaughtered untold numbers of people and began to systematically force the Jews out of Israel and into the nations which surrounded her. In doing so, they fulfilled God's many warnings that He would punish Israel in just this way if they continued to sin against His commandments. Historical fact records that Israel was out of her land for the next 1,900 years. Her Biblical land was controlled by a succession of Gentile powers during that long period of time. At this point, Israel should never have been expected to gain her land back, because no people who had ever been out their land for several hundred years had ever regained it. But, Bible scholars who read the Bible literally consistently insisted, on the authority of God's Word, that Israel would be restored back to her land. In fact, there were scholars who maintained that the countdown to the End of the Age could not actually begin until National Israel was reestablished. And, against all historic odds, Israel was reborn in one day in May, 1948. Since then, she has fought several wars for her survival, against incredible odds. The rebirth of Israel in 1948 was truly an historically unprecedented miracle of God, accomplished against all historic odds. But, we should not have been surprised, because God foretold in many places in both the Old and New Testaments that He would tear Israel out her land if she refused to obey His commandments. But, then God would repeatedly turn around and promise national restoration. Now let us quickly examine how the historic way in which Israel was restored to her land fulfills this prophecy of Matthew 24 precisely. When the first Zionist Conference was held in 1897, in Basel, Switzerland, for the express purpose of beginning an organized and concerted effort to return significant Jews back to Israel, the prospects seemed bleak, indeed. The entire region was tightly controlled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, whose rulers would most definitely not look with kindness on the return of Jews to their homeland, and to the restoration of the nation of Israel. Nevertheless, the Jewish delegates to this conference felt a unique heavy hand upon them, propelling them forward. This conference ended with a commitment of influential and wealthy Jews to begin funding a return of individual Jews back to their Promised Land. And return they did, in the hundreds at first and then by the thousands, and then by the tens of thousands. UNPARALLELED SPIRITUAL DECEPTION -- Matthew 24:4 From the beginning, the quiet, invisible spiritual direction leading Israel back to her land was NOT traditional Judaism, and it certainly was not Christian; rather, the spiritual leadership was Illuminist! The Rothschild family took early leadership in this crucial struggle, and provided the immense funding necessary for Jewish immigrants to buy land back from the Arabs once they settled in Israel. No Jewish settler ever understand this fact; they were totally deceived. WAR AND RUMORS OF WAR In the first decade of the 1900's, storm clouds were forming on the European horizon, as ethnic groups all throughout Europe and Eastern Europe begin to make demands that would soon culminate in World War I. The causes of World War I were several: the continuing instability of the Balkan Peninsular region (Austrian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1908); Balkan Wars (1912-13); and the gradual collapse of the Ottoman Empire. As much promise as the collapse of the Ottoman Empire created throughout Europe and the Middle East, it also weakened the Turkish control over the region, allowing the planned Jewish influx to continue and to flourish. As the storm clouds grew, so did the pressure upon the Jews living in Europe, and thousands began to flee persecution, seemingly being driven to the Promised Land. Even though many Arabs living there complained and even carried out some physical reprisals, the fact is that when the Jews arrived, they came with enough money from wealthy Jews in Britain, America and Europe, so they could began to buy back the Holy Land, parcel by parcel. NATION RISING UP AGAINST NATION AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM Remember our discussion, above, of this idiomatic phrase the Lord used? This phrase literally describes a war in which the fighting is begun by two smaller nations, but where each side is quickly reinforced by allies, thus resulting in a far wider, and more devastating war. This is exactly how World War I began! The spark that touched off WW I was the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist in 1914. The war quickly spread to many different fronts and eventually involved all the major Western powers. Quickly, the war formalized between the Allies (France, Britain, Russia, Italy, US) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire). The war was concluded in November 11, 1918, at 11:00 a.m. [note the occult practice of grouping together important numbers, in this case the most important number, '11', three times? World War I ended on the 11th month of the year, the 11th day of the month, and the 11th hour of the day. This historic fact firmly places the occult stamp of the Illuminati on this war]. Albert Pike would have been pleased, for the First World War had occurred just as his demonic vision of 1870 had foreseen [Read NEWS1056 for full details]. The aftermath of this war was huge. Over 30 million people died during the fighting, and millions more died from famine and various illnesses both during the fighting and afterward. Much of Europe was in ruins, the Czarist Government of Russia fell in 1917, and was replaced from the Illuminist Government from Hell, Communism. But, most importantly, Britain felt that it was uniquely aided by a Jewish British citizen, the brilliant chemist and Zionist leader, Chaim Weizmann, for his help in the war effort when he developed a process to synthesize acetone, an ingredient necessary for producing the explosives that were in extremely short supply. Further, Britain wanted to establish a Jewish nation in the Middle East, as a method of keeping the Ottoman Empire at arms length; plus, she felt that a declaration of support for the Zionist cause would bring America into World War I. Therefore, the British cabinet issued the famous Balfour Declaration. Arthur James Balfour, Foreign Secretary in the British government, communicated the following memo to Lord Rothschild, head of the Zionist Federation in Great Britain, on November 2, 1917: "I have the pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with the Jewish Zionist aspirations which have been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. His Majesty's Government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use our best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I find it highly interesting that Rothschild received this memorandum, because his family has been the greatest supporter of the coming New World Order of Antichrist since 1793! Further, you can easily see how clearly Illuminist the funding of the Zionist effort was, beginning in 1897. The Illuminati was literally buying Israel back from the Arabs, parcel by parcel. Worldwide Jewry funding for this project was enormous. The Balfour Declaration, and was the first major step toward establishing Israel as a nation. For the first time in the past 2,000 years, a major nation committed itself to the re-birth of Israel. SECOND WORLD WAR World War II was the ultimate war that produced the nation of Israel. An Illuminist leader, Adolf Hitler, arose in Germany, promising to end the humiliation suffered at the hands of the Allies, and to restore German might and influence. Hitler also published a book entitled, Mein Kampf, "My Struggle", in which he promised to annihilate all Jews throughout the world, and to engulf all Europe in the war needed to establish the Greater Germany he felt he needed to establish the perfect Aryan race. From the beginning of his government, Hitler set out to draw up precise plans to eradicate the Jews. We call this effort the Holocaust. From 1933-1938, Hitler began to issue various degrees and laws that systematically set the Jew up for persecution, even stripping them of their German citizenship in 1935. But, the Holocaust officially began on November 9-10, 1938, during a night called Kristallnacht, during which virtually all synagogues in Germany were destroyed. Soon after, the Nazis began confiscating property owned by Jews and imprisoning Jews in concentration camps. After the outbreak of World War II on September 1, 1939, Hitler began the official extermination program, an effort that ended only in May, 1945, when the Allies liberated the last of the death camps. I have often found it interesting that Hitler's Holocaust lasted almost 7 years [2,376 days] 11/9/38 to 5/6/45; the true Antichrist will deal with Israel for exactly 7 Jewish years [2,530 days]. Jewish immigration to their Promised Land increased heavily during World War II, as Jews sought to flee Hitler. However, both American and British governments set up such formidable roadblocks to immigration that they kept the numbers lower than they would have been. After the war ended, the influx of Jews into Israel became a flood. ISRAEL REBORN IN ONE SINGLE DAY The horror in Western countries over the Holocaust set in motion a chain of events in which the United States, now under the leadership of President Truman, firmly backed the re-birth of Israel. This re-birthing took place under the auspices of the United Nations, thus demonstrating once again the Illuminist backing for this national restoration. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation once again; after 1,900 years of not having a state, she came back to life again in a "single day", as prophesied [Zechariah 3:9]. The Second World War resulted in widespread destruction and suffering at the cost of many millions of lives. In addition, millions of others (notably Jews and Poles) died in Nazi death camps. Famines and illnesses swept the world as a result of this war; while not as many people died of these causes as in World War I, the death toll was still staggering. Earthquakes also began a steady rise in both numbers and intensity, in each decade, from the 1920-1940's. Thus, you can see that the first baby to be born, the nation of Israel, was born with exactly these type of birth pangs -- spiritual deception, wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes. God is true to His Word! Not only was Israel born again as a nation, but she was brought back in unbelief, just as God foretold in Ezekiel 37:8d, "there was not spirit or breath ...". God prophesied Israel would come back in unbelief, in either Him or His Son, Jesus. One of the major goals of the Tribulation Period is to produce a nation that believes in Jesus by the time He returns at the Slaughter of Armageddon. A major part of producing this Christian nation is to allow Antichrist to kill two-thirds of the Jews [all unbelieving, Zechariah 13:8], while God protects the one-third believing remnant [Revelation 12:13-17]. This conversion of one-third of the Jewish population will not begin until after the Rapture of the Christian Church, the work of the 144,00 Jewish evangelists [Revelation 7:2-8], and the testimony of the two Witnesses who will be standing in front of the Temple Mount for the first 1,260 days of the Tribulation Period, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But, when Jesus returns, he finds an Israel in which the only people still living are the protected Christian remnant. Thus, the Apostle Paul could confidently say, "And so all Israel shall be saved .." [Romans 11:26] Jesus will find, as He returns, fulfillment of the prophecy in Zechariah 12:10b, "They shall look earnestly upon Me Whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him ..." [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]. Now, we get to the subject of this day, i.e, the appearance of Antichrist. Notice that his appearance is presented as a uniquely Jewish event. The Birth of the Antichrist "Baby" Now, let us examine the birth of the next "baby" of Matthew 24, the Antichrist. Jesus suddenly begins speaking, in verse 15, of the Antichrist going into the Temple -- obviously the rebuilt Third Temple -- and desecrating it so thoroughly that he creates the "Abomination That Makes Desolate". God is so angry after this blasphemous act, and speech within the Holy of Holies that He begins to pour out His wrath anew and with greater intensity. This abomination will occur at the half-way point of the 7-year Tribulation Period, Day number 1,260. For some reason, Jesus Christ skips over the appearance of Antichrist in Matthew 24. However, He tells us about the appearance of this Man of Sin in Revelation 6:1-2. "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." This is the moment of the "birth" of the Antichrist baby in Matthew 24. Therefore, his "birth", his appearance will be preceded by an intensification of the Birth Pangs in Matthew 24:6-7. In the time period immediately preceding his appearance, the world is going to experience all these foretold birth pangs in its strongest possible intensity! Therefore, we should expect: Wars and rumors of wars -- to the highest degree possible. Nation Arising Against Nation, Kingdom Against Kingdom -- once again, this idiomatic phrase indicates a war beginning between two local powers, in which other powers jump in, supporting the original two combatants, so that a much larger conflict instantly breaks forth! In this case, we see the New World Order Plan to start a war between Israel and the Palestinians [House of Esau, Obadiah 15-18], in which both sides will receive allies, resulting in World War III. The Illuminati has been planning a World War III since 1870 [Read NEWS1056 and NEWS1057 for full details]. Literally, out of the smoke, destruction, and death caused by this Third World War, Antichrist will come striding, displaying enormously effective "lying signs and wonders". Since 9/11, Illuminist nations have been invading other nations with regularity and threaten many others with regularity. Famines will occur as the result of this war, probably in Third World countries. Much of the famine may be the result of this coming Third World War. Earthquakes can now be created by HAARP and Scalar electromagnetic technology [Read NEWS1196, NEWS1197, NEWS1198, NEWS1199, NEWS1201, NEWS1206, and NEWS1207 for full details on the current capabilities of Weather Warfare. Both America and Russia have these capabilities]. Is Senator Barack Obama the "Messiah" - or at least a Messiah figure? Is Barack Obama THE Biblical Antichrist? He certainly has run a Messianic type campaign, with numerous people noting a certain unexplainable charisma emanating from the Illinois Senator, a spiritual type of feeling which they cannot explain, even though they are dramatically drawn to it. That question is popping up with a lot more regularity these days, and seems to tie in with the occult theme which Cutting Edge has already noted. NEWS BRIEF: "Is Barack Obama The Messiah?", by Ben Shapiro, Town Hall, January 31, 2007 "Apparently, Senator Barack Hussein Obama, D-Illinois, is the Messiah ... Jesus didn't get this kind of Sunday media coverage on Easter Sunday. It is no wonder Slate.com has a running Obama 'Messiah Watch' dedicated to 'considering evidence that Obama is the Son of God'." Now, this is the kind of rhetoric which should cause Bible-believing Christians to sit up and take notice, at this End of the Age. Jesus firmly warned us to expect "false Christs" (false political leaders) and "false prophets" (false religious leaders) at the End of the Age. Listen: "Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matt 24:4-5) "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." (Matt 24:24) Barack Obama is causing many people to want to follow him, simply because he is exuding some sort of mysterious power which draws them to the man! On the website, "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?", we read some startling statements: 1) "... a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama" - Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire. (January 7, 2008) This statement is most definitely couched in religious terms. And, it is most definitely effective! 2) "A quantum leap in American consciousness" (Deepak Chopra) Deepak Chopra is a major New Age author and lecturer! It is highly significant that Obama is suddenly the darling of a person like this. New Age adherents have been looking for a Messiah figure for a very long time. The fact that he would be so enthusiastic about Obama is very telling as to the kind of eclectic power which he is exuding. Also, note his quote about a "quantum leap in American consciousness". New Agers believe that, just before the New Age Christ appears, mankind will have passed through a "quantum leap of consciousness"! In fact, the Christ cannot appear until the population of the world passes through this 'quantum leap of consciousness"! Therefore, this statement is within the New Age context of waiting for their Messiah. 3) "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." (Obama, Super Tuesday) The major themes from Obama are deceptively short and very useful as mass propaganda -- 1) "Keep it simple, stupid" and 2) Repeat the same short message as a mantra - are two very effective techniques in deception of the masses. Obama repeats just a few mantras over and over again, and does so as some kind of occult power emanates from his voice and his body. 4) "Some readers understood right away what I meant last week when I said that John McCain has the misfortune to be running against Luke Skywalker ... Obama's myth is a tried-and-true one. The late folklorist Joseph Campbell called it "the hero's journey," and it's found in every culture, from Moses, David and Odysseus to Luke Skywalker, Frodo and Harry Potter." 5) "I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear." (Halle Berry) 6) "Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence." (Eve Konstantine) 7) "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event." (Chris Matthews) Chris Matthews clearly felt a Messianic aura around Obama! 8) "Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves." (Ezra Klein) 9) "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash there from a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind." (Gerald Campbell) Clearly, this kind of language is the jargon of a religious messiah. 10) "We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth." (Oprah Winfrey) 11) “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan." (Bill Rush) Obviously, these quotes make Obama sound like a man imbued with supernatural power, the kind of Messianic figure the world so desperately wants. Now, listen to some quotes from this website. "The Obama campaign uses a religious calling as its central rhetorical trope: "I'm asking you to believe," reads the banner across the top of barackobama.com. His appeal to voters is an archetype of religious conversion: instead of being asked for support, Americans are exhorted to 'join the movement'. In Georgia, he directly equated his supporters with God's people." NEWS BRIEF: 'We Are The Chosen Ones': A new hymn to Barack Obama - The Telegraph (London), March 6, 2008 "The similarities between Obamian hope and biblical hope are extraordinary." We could go on and on, listing more instances of Messianic type or Biblical type language. If you want to continue this search, we encourage you to read this material on this "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" website. Now, let us return to our Town Hall resource, which we quoted, above, for the final statement which shall lead us into our next news story. "What is more, Obama knows they are empty promises. In the war between traditionalism and radicalism, Obama stands solidly with radicalism. Though he has a gift for obscuring his positions, Obama is an advocate of gay rights, a strong believer in the concept of private property as social property, an abortion-on-demand fanatic. His pledge to move beyond the politics of the 1960s is a pledge to achieve unity in the fully triumphant program of the 1960s. If Obama is a Messiah, he is a secular Messiah, preaching the word of Tom Hayden." Did you notice the kinds of positions Obama supports which are anathema to Conservatives and/or Christians? * Advocate of gay rights * Strong believer in the concept of private property as social property -- Hillary believes this strongly and the Illuminati Plan envisions the end of private property rights! * Abortion-on-demand fanatic - How strange for a person who claimed last week that he is a Christian who prays to Jesus daily! And, now the black charismatic leader, Louis Farrakhan, has endorsed Senator Obama as a messiah! NEWS BRIEF: "Louis farrakhan Calls OBAMA the messiah! Helter Skelter", You Tube We encourage you to listen carefully to this extremely revealing video, for it reveals how many people, including many blacks, have already boarded Obama's messianic bus. World Net Daily picked up the exact wording of this video. NEWS BRIEF: "Farrakhan on Obama: 'The Messiah is absolutely speaking' ", World Net Daily, October 09, 2008 "Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, another powerful Chicago-based political figure associated with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and other long-time associates of Democratic Party presidential candidate Barack Obama, is leaving no doubt about what he thinks of the leader in the campaign for the White House. He says when Obama talks 'the Messiah is absolutely speaking'." To Farrakhan, Senator Obama is the "messiah", which literally means the one who appears with great power and charisma to lead his people out of bondage and into the light of freedom and prosperity. But that is not enough for genuine Bible-believing Christians, is it? The Messiah whom we are expecting is the Biblical Messiah, which we Christians know to be Jesus Christ returned the second time. BUT -- and here is the biggest 'but' of the last 2,000 years -- the first man stepping on to the world stage after Israel became a nation again will be the prophesied False Messiah, also known as the Antichrist. If Obama is anything, he is the coming Antichrist! We shall come back to this segment at the end of this article. For now, let us return to the World Net Daily article. You will see that Farrakhan is speaking of a non-biblical messiah figure. "Addressing a large crowd behind a podium Feb. 24 with a Nation of Islam Saviour's Day 2008 sign, Farrakhan proclaims, 'You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking'." The words 'universal change' are common in New Age literature speaking of the coming Antichrist. In fact, these words are used so much that they should rightly be considered "buzz words". Whenever Farrakhan used these words to describe Obama, he was casting the New Age specter of the coming Antichrist upon his listeners. Now notice that Louis is promising better things to come, another New Age messianic concept. " 'Brothers and sisters', Farrakhan said, 'Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way'." This next segment is news to me. I did not know that the Islamic 'Savior' had a black father and white mother. This racial fact could be the reason the Illuminati deliberately chose Barack Obama to be the Democrat candidate for President and, perhaps, the 44th President of the United States. "Farrakhan points out that the man Nation of Islam followers refer to as 'the Savior', Fard Muhammad, had a black father and a white mother, just as Obama did.' A black man with a white mother became a savior to us', he said. 'A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall. Would God allow Barack to be president of a country that has been so racist, so evil in its treatment of Hispanics, native Americans, blacks?' he asked. 'Would God do something like that? Yeah. Of course he would. That's to show you that the stone that the builders rejected has become the headstone of the corner. This is a sign to you. It's the time of our rise. It's the time that we should take our place. The future is all about you'." Forget about Farrakhan's misuse of this Biblical passage; he is referring here to a strictly American phenomenon, a political messianic figure which will lead American blacks and people of nonwhite color into the promised land! This World Net Daily article then reports other times when Senator Obama has been campaigning as a messiah figure. "WND previously reported a website called "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" captured the wave of euphoria that followed the Democratic senator's remarkable rise. The site is topped by an Obama quote strategically ripped from a Jan. 7 speech at Dartmouth College just before the New Hampshire Primary in which he told students, '… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote' for Obama." While this statement sounds like mind control at work, it does contain several key messianic elements to which we must pay attention: 1) "light will shine through that window" 2) "a beam of light will come down upon you" 3) "you will experience an epiphany" Now, here is the Mind Control clincher: " 'you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote' for Obama." Some important people have felt a strange, unexplainable power emanating from this Senator. "MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews is among the many members of the media enraptured by Obama, admitting he felt a "thrill going up my leg" listening to an Obama speech." "Columnist Mark Morford of the San Francisco Chronicle writes that Obama has a charisma that goes beyond "his youthful vigor, or handsomeness, or even inspiring rhetoric." "Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn't have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity," Gladnick says. "Dismiss it all you like, but I've heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who've been intuitively blown away by Obama's presence - not speeches, not policies, but sheer presence - to say it's just a clever marketing ploy, a slick gambit carefully orchestrated by hotshot campaign organizers who, once Obama gets into office, will suddenly turn from perky optimists to vile soul-sucking lobbyist whores, with Obama as their suddenly evil, cackling overlord." WND also reported when talk radio host Rush Limbaugh criticized Democrats who were comparing Obama to Jesus and Gov. Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate. " 'I know Jesus Christ. I pray to Jesus Christ all the time', said Limbaugh. 'I study what Jesus Christ did and said all the time, and let me tell you something, Barack Obama, you are no Jesus Christ'." "He (Limbaugh) also attacked Obama's stances for abortion and sex education for children in kindergarten, saying, 'I can't find any such references to Jesus promoting infanticide nor do I find any references to Jesus Christ suggesting sex education be taught to 4- and 5-year-olds, but I'm still looking in the New Testament and I'll let you all know if I come up with anything." In fact, Obama's campaign strategists are using Biblical references all the time. "Democrats, including party strategist Donna Brazile and Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., made nearly identical biblical comparisons of the characters in this presidential election, which Limbaugh traced back to a Sept. 4 posting on a Washington blog. 'Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus', Cohen said during a one-minute speech on the floor of the U.S. House yesterday." There is no doubt whatsoever that the Democrat Party chieftains have chosen Barack Obama to run a messianic campaign for President. There is also no doubt whatsoever that many Mass Media commentators have adopted this mantra, and there is really no doubt that increasing numbers of American citizens are viewing him in this light. However, can he even be Antichrist? The Bible is very explicit as to the requirements for Antichrist. 1) Antichrist's original emphasis will be Jewish - Antichrist must deceive the Jewish people into accepting his claims to be the Jewish Messiah. Therefore, he must be able to prove his lineage back to King David. Listen to the prophecy: "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." (Isaiah 9:7) God foretold that the true Jewish Messiah would be able to produce a genealogy which runs clearly back to King David. For this reason, Matthew 1 exists in our Bibles, for it proves Jesus' genealogy back to King David. Jews will insist that this newly-arisen Masonic Christ produce a lineage which proves his genealogy back to King David. How is a Masonic Christ, arising out of a 'Revived Roman Empire' (Europe and Great Britain) going to produce his lineage back to King David? That is where the lie inherent in the 'Da Vinci Code' becomes so very important. Antichrist cannot arise until significant numbers of people throughout the world believe the 'Merovingian Bloodline Lie', now so powerfully presented by Hollywood. (Read full details of the "Merovingian Bloodline Lie" and how it relates to Antichrist in our Archived Headline News Article, NEWS2133). I do grant you that Senator Obama has a bloodline which dates back to the British monarch, King Edward I (NEWS2307). Therefore, he could plug into the Merovingian Bloodline deception, because once Antichrist convinces people that his lineage dates back to Jesus through the Merovingian Kings, then he is "home free" instantly to King David! However, there are more problematic reasons that Obama is probably not the Biblical Antichrist. 2) Antichrist must come out of the "Revived Roman Empire" -- Great Britain and Europe. (Daniel 9:26b) Listen to this strange wording: "... And the people of the other prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood; and even to the end there shall be war, and desolations are decreed." (Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary) Evangelical Bible scholars have been united in their opinion that the "other prince" is a reference to the ruling prince of the kingdom which put the true Messiah to death in the first part of Daniel 9:26. That kingdom, of course, was the Old Roman Empire. Thus, Antichrist is foretold to be the "other prince" of this passage, thus requiring that the Old Roman Empire be revived at the End of the Age. And, of course, right on schedule, Western Europe arose from the ashes of history, comprised of almost exactly the same territory as the original empire possessed -- even Great Britain! Does Barack Obama come from Western Europe! No, he does not, and it is a real stretch to state that, since America came from England, it could be considered part of the Revived Roman Empire. Ancient Rome controlled Great Britain, but never stepped foot on North America. No, Obama does not come from any country which was originally part of the Old Roman Empire. 3) Antichrist will not be married -- Daniel 11:37 "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all." (Dan 11:37) Antichrist will not desire women; Evangelical Bible scholars have long held that this prophecy means that the coming "Man of Perdition" will not be married, and may be gay. Obviously, since Barack Obama is married with two children, he is disqualified from being the Biblical Antichrist. 4) Antichrist will not regard any god, but will worship the 'god of forces' - Daniel 11:38 "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour." (Daniel 11:38) Which god does Senator Obama honor? He has professed to be a Christian, and he has said that he prays to Jesus daily. This means that with his lips, he honors Jesus Christ. The Senator also committed a slip of the tongue when he made reference to "my Muslim faith". Thus, it is evident that he honors Allah, the god of Islam. As the famous Islamic saying goes, "Allah is god, and Mohammed is his prophet". Therefore, Obama cannot be Antichrist. 5) Antichrist must carry the title, "Prince"! Let us return back to Daniel 9:26, as we quoted above, to pick up one critically important prophetic fact. "... And the people of the other prince who will come ..." Antichrist must carry the title, "Prince" prior to his arising on the world scene! Only the monarchies of Great Britain and Europe (the Revived Roman Empire) carry the titles "Prince", "King" and "Queen". This fact takes us back to the Revived Roman Empire, does it not? Since Barack Obama does not carry the title, "Prince", he is disqualified to be Antichrist. For these reasons, Senator Barack Obama cannot be THE Biblical Antichrist. However, he can be and undoubtedly is, "an antichrist". "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists..." (1 John 2:18) In fact, if Obama ascends to the Oval Office, he will be the President at the very time the North American Union NAFTA) is finalized. By the lofty nature of his office, a President Obama will be the de facto head or ruler of NAFTA. Thus, the 10-nation reorganization foretold in prophecy and planned by the Illuminati will have come into reality. (Read NEWS1002, "NAFTA: The Shocking 'Rest of the Story' ") This means that he will be part of the welcoming committee when Antichrist does arise. Listen to the prophecy of Daniel 7:7-8, where Daniel sees four Gentile Kingdoms that gave way to a reorganization of 10 Horns (symbolizing 10 kings). "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast [the Roman empire]--terrible, powerful and dreadful, and exceedingly strong. And it had great iron teeth; it devoured and crushed and trampled what was left with its feet. And it was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had ten horns [symbolizing ten kings]." (Daniel 7:7; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary) In other words, God is prophesying here that the entire world will be reorganized into 10 super nations, each one with a ruler. Interestingly, the Illuminati Plan foresaw a global reorganization into precisely 10 super nations! As we reveal in NEWS1002, above, NAFTA is Nation #1 is the Illuminati 10-Nation reorganization. Therefore, a President Obama will be one of the 10 Rulers of this Illuminati Kingdom! And, that means he is AN antichrist, sharing the same characteristics as THE Biblical Antichrist. Listen again to the prophecy: "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn..." Dan 7:8 The "little horn" which came up from among the 10 horns is most definitely Antichrist. The wording of this passage clearly indicates that Antichrist is of the same spiritual bent as the 10 kings who preceded him! This means that a President Obama will be of the same occult spiritual inclination as Antichrist. Therefore, people will consider Obama a likely candidate to be the Biblical Antichrist, but this simply cannot be. What Obama will be is a replica of the Biblical Antichrist. But, not the real "Man of Sin". These events are propelling the world into the final days of the End of the Age, and it does look like the 44th American President will be on hand to welcome the Biblical Antichrist. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news. Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us by mail or email. God bless you. Copyright © 2008 Cutting Edge Ministries. All rights reserved. This password protected article and its contents are protected under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. This article is provided by subscription only for use by the subscriber and all other rights are expressly reserved by the copyright owner. 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Every so often a sermon or lecture is delivered which merits being published in its entirety. In truth, the Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks delivers them all too frequently, but the pithy brevity of the blog is hardly the optimum medium for dissemination. This one, on the question of 'Has Europe Lost its Soul?' was delivered today at The Pontifical Gregorian University. It is replete with wisdom and insight (for those who don't have the time to read it, His Grace highlights some salient points). Lord Sacks' grasp of history, theology, philosophy, politics and economics is profound. His address is to the Roman Catholic Church, and his appeal is to their partnership. Yet in talking of the market and capitalism, he ignores the fact that the EU was founded upon (and is steeped in) Roman Catholic Social Doctrine which is not quite synonymous with 'markets with morals'. He said: As the political leaders of Europe come together to try to save the euro, and with it the very project of European Union, I believe the time has come for religious leaders to do likewise, and I want to explain why. What I hope to show in this lecture, is first, the religious roots of the market economy and of democratic capitalism. They were produced by a culture saturated in the values of the Judaeo-Christian heritage, and market economics was originally intended to advance those values. Second, the market never reaches stable equilibrium. Instead the market itself tends to undermine the very values that gave rise to it in the first place through the process of “creative destruction.” Third, the future health of Europe, politically, economically and culturally, has a spiritual dimension . Lose that and we will lose much else besides. To paraphrase a famous Christian text: what will it profit Europe if it gains the whole world yet loses its soul? Europe is in danger of losing its soul. I want to preface my remarks by thanking His Eminence Cardinal Koch for not only inviting me to deliver this lecture, but being so graciously helpful throughout my trip and private audience with His Holiness. I want to thank Father Francois-Xavier Dumortier, Rector of the Gregorian University for his kind words of introduction as well as Father Philipp Renczes of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies and Dr. Ed Kessler of the Woolf Institute in Cambridge for hosting this lecture and for all their support in arranging this visit. These two institutions represent the best of European thought, wisdom and spirituality. Through collaborative work, my hope is that these two institutions will help build a European platform to showcase and apply the resources that this continent with its rich heritage has to offer to build a better future for the world. I am also honoured to see a number of Ambassadors and many other distinguished guests join us here this evening; I thank you all very much for coming. I want to begin by saying a word about the relationship between the Vatican and the Jewish people. The history of the relationship between the Catholic Church and the Jews was not always a happy or an easy one. Too often it was written in tears. Yet something extraordinary happened just over half a century ago, when on 13 June 1960 the French Jewish historian Jules Isaac had an audience with Pope John XXIII and presented him with a dossier of materials he had been gathering on the history of Christian antisemitism. That set in motion the long journey to Vatican II and Nostra Aetate, as a result of which, today, Jews and Catholics meet not as enemies, nor as strangers, but as cherished and respected friends. That is one of the most dramatic transformations in the religious history of humankind and lit a beacon of hope, not just for us but for the world. It was a victory for the God of love and forgiveness, who created us in love and forgiveness, asking us to love and forgive others. I hope that this visit, this morning's audience with His Holiness, and this lecture might in some small way mark the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship. For half a century Jews and Christians have focused on the way of dialogue that I call face-to-face. The time has come to move on to a new phase, the way of partnership that I call side-by-side. For the task ahead of us is not between Jews and Catholics, or even Jews and Christians in general, but between Jews and Christians on the one hand, and the increasingly, even aggressively secularising forces at work in Europe today on the other, challenging and even ridiculing our faith .If Europe loses the Judaeo-Christian heritage that gave it its historic identity and its greatest achievements in literature, art, music, education, politics, and as we will see, economics, it will lose its identity and its greatness , not immediately, but before this century reaches its end. When a civilisation loses its faith, it loses its future. When it recovers its faith, it recovers its future. For the sake of our children, and their children not yet born, we – Jews and Christians, side-by-side – must renew our faith and its prophetic voice. We must help Europe recover its soul. That is by way of introduction. Let me begin with a striking passage from Niall Ferguson's recent book, Civilisation. In it he tells of how the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was given the task of discovering how the West, having lagged behind China for centuries, eventually overtook it and established itself in a position of world pre-eminence. At first, said the scholar, we thought it was because you had more powerful guns than we had. Then we concluded it was because you had the best political system. Then we realised it was your economic system. "But in the past 20 years, we have realised that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. That is why the West has been so powerful. The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don't have any doubt about this. The Chinese scholar was right. The same line of reasoning was followed by the Harvard economic historian, David Landes, in his magisterial The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. He too pointed out that China was technologically far in advance of the West until the 15th century. The Chinese had invented the wheelbarrow, the compass, paper, printing, gunpowder, porcelain, spinning machines for weaving textiles and blast furnaces for producing iron. Yet they never developed a market economy, the rise of science, an industrial revolution or sustained economic growth. Landes too concludes that it was the Judeo-Christian heritage that the West had and China lacked. Admittedly the phrase “Judeo-Christian tradition” is a recent coinage and one that elides significant differences between the two religions and the various strands within each. Different scholars have taken diverse tracks in tracing the economic history of the West. Max Weber famously spoke about The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, with special emphasis on Calvinism. Michael Novak has written eloquently about the Catholic ethic. Rodney Stark has pointed out how the financial instruments that made capitalism possible were developed in the fourteenth century banks in pre-Reformation Florence, Pisa, Genoa and Venice. Those who emphasised the Jewish contribution, from Karl Marx to Werner Sombart, tended to do so in a spirit of criticism. Nonetheless it cannot be pure coincidence that Jews, numbering less than a fifth of a per cent of the population of the world, have won more than 30 per cent of Nobel Prizes in economics and include such contributions as John von Neumann’s invention of Games Theory, Milton Friedman’s monetary economics, Joseph Stiglitz’ development economics, and Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky’s behavioural economics and the less-than-fully-rational way in which we make market choices. The biblical Joseph may have been the world’s first economist, having discovered the theory of trade cycles – seven years of plenty followed by seven lean years. The financial state of Europe would be better today if people knew their Bible There is, though, enough common ground to speak, at least here, of shared values. First there is the deep biblical respect for the dignity of the human individual, regardless of colour, creed or class, created in the image and likeness of God. The market gives more freedom and dignity to human choice than any other economic system. Second is the biblical respect for property rights, as against the idea prevalent in the ancient world that rulers were entitled to treat property of the tribe or nation as their own. By contrast, when Moses finds his leadership challenged by the Israelites during the Korach rebellion, he says about his relation to the people, “I have not taken one ass from them nor have I wronged any one of them.” The great assault of slavery against human dignity is that it deprives me of the ownership of the wealth I create. Then there is the biblical respect for labour. God tells Noah that he will be saved from the flood, but it is Noah who has to build the ark. The verse “Six days shall you labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God” means that we serve God through work as well as rest. Job creation, in Judaism, is the highest form of charity because it gives people the dignity of not depending on charity. “Flay carcasses in the market-place,” said the third century teacher Rav, “and do not say: I am a priest and a great man and it is beneath my dignity”. Equally important is Judaism’s positive attitude to the creation of wealth. The world is God’s creation; therefore it is good, and prosperity is a sign of God’s blessing. Asceticism and self-denial have little place in Jewish spirituality. By our labour and inventiveness we become, in the rabbinic phrase, “partners with God in the work of creation”. Above all, from a Jewish perspective, the most important thing about the market economy is that it allows us to alleviate poverty. Judaism refused to romanticize poverty. It is not, in Judaism, a blessed condition. It is, the rabbis said, “a kind of death” and “worse than fifty plagues” . At the other end of the spectrum they believed that with wealth comes responsibility. Richesse oblige. Successful businessmen (and women) were expected to set an example of philanthropy and to take on positions of communal leadership. Conspicuous consumption was frowned upon, and periodically banned through local “sumptuary laws”. Wealth is a Divine blessing, and therefore it carries with it an obligation to use it for the benefit of the community as a whole. The rabbis favoured markets and competition because they generate wealth, lower prices, increase choice, reduced absolute levels of poverty, and extend humanity’s control over the environment, narrowing the extent to which we are the passive victims of circumstance and fate. Competition releases energy and creativity and serves the general good. So the market economy and modern capitalism emerged in Judeo-Christian Europe and not in other cultures like China that were more advanced in other ways. The religious ethic was one of the driving forces of this once new form of wealth creation. Equally however, this same ethic taught the limits of capitalism. It might be the best means we know of for generating wealth, but it is not a perfect system for distributing wealth. Some gain far more than others, and with wealth comes power over others. Unequal distribution means that some are condemned to poverty. And poverty is not just a physical disaster for those without the means to sustain themselves. It is a psychological disaster. Poverty humiliates. It can also force the poor into a cycle of dependence. They may be forced to borrow. They might in biblical times be forced to sell themselves into slavery. The Hebrew Bible refuses to see as an inexorable law of nature, a Darwinian struggle in which, in Thucydides’ words, “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” That is the ethics of ancient Greece not the ethics of ancient Israel. And so we find in the bible an entire structure of welfare legislation: the corner of the field, the forgotten sheaves, and other parts of the harvest, left for the poor, together with the tithe on certain years; the sabbatical year in which all produce is available for everyone, debts cancelled and slaves set free; and the jubilee year in which ancestral land returned to its original owners. This is a highly sophisticated system, aimed at two things: first that the poor should have means of a livelihood, and second that there should be, every seven and fifty years, periodic redistributions to correct the inequalities of the market and establish a level playing field. And what was done in biblical times in a largely agricultural economy was done in post-biblical times through a vast extension of the tzedakah, the word we usually translate as charity, though it also means justice. Every Jewish community in the Middle Ages had an elaborate system of tzedakah that amounted to nothing less than a mini-welfare state. There was a chevra, a fellowship, gathering and distributing funds for every conceivable purpose: for poor brides, for the sick, for education, for burial, so that no one was deprived of the means of a dignified existence. What made this structure remarkable, indeed unique, was not only that it was the first of its kind, the precursor of the modern welfare state, but also that it was entirely voluntary, the collective decision of a community with no governmental power and often no legal rights. In a recent and impressive study Harvard political philosopher Eric Nelson has shown that it was the Hebrew Bible, as read by the Christian Hebraists in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, that was the source of the idea that today we take for granted that it is part of the business of a society to engage in the redistribution of wealth through taxation to ensure the welfare of the poor. Such an idea could not be found in the Greek or Roman classics that inspired the Renaissance. The concept of welfare – distributive justice as opposed to legal or retributive justice – is Judaic in origin and flows ultimately from the same generative principle as the free market itself, the idea that every individual has dignity in the image of God and that it is our task to develop social structures that honour and enhance that dignity. So not only is the market the outcome of a Judeo-Christian ethic. So too is a keen sense of the limits of the market and the need to supplement it with a system of welfare itself funded by the market. However as the critics of capitalism pointed out, the market does not create a stable equilibrium. It engages in creative destruction, or as Daniel Bell put it, capitalism contains cultural contradictions. It tends to erode the moral foundations on which it was built. Specifically, as is manifest clear in contemporary Europe, it erodes the Judeo-Christian ethic that gave birth to it in the first place Instead of seeing the system as Adam Smith did, as a means of directing self- interest to the common good, it can become a means of empowering self-interest to the detriment of the common good. Instead of the market being framed by moral principles, it comes to substitute for moral principle. If you can buy it, negotiate it, earn it and afford it, then you are entitled to it – as the advertisers say – because you’re worth it. The market ceases to be merely a system and becomes an ideology in its own right. The market gives us choices; so morality itself becomes just a set of choices in which right or wrong have no meaning beyond the satisfaction or frustration of desire. The phenomenon that uniquely characterises the human person, the capacity to make second-order evaluations, not just to feel desire but also to ask whether this desire should be satisfied, becomes redundant. We find it increasingly hard to understand why there might be things we want to do, can afford to do and have a legal right to do, that none the less we should not do because they are unjust, or dishonourable, or disloyal, or demeaning. When Homo economicus displaces Homo sapiens, market fundamentalism rules. There is a wise American saying: Never waste a crisis. And the current financial and economic crisis affords us a rare opportunity to pause and reflect on where we have been going and where it leads. Let’s begin with the current crisis and what led to it. First the sheer complexity of the financial instruments involved in subprime mortgages and the securitization of risk, was so great that for many years their true nature eluded the regulatory authorities, who continued to give the firms involved Triple A ratings, despite the fact that as early as 2002 Warren Buffett described them as weapons of mass financial destruction. Governments, and sometimes even the bankers themselves, did not fully understand the risks involved nor the way in which failure in any part of the banking system could cause the entire system to collapse. This was in clear contravention of the principles of transparency and accountability. The book of Exodus devotes astonishing space to a detailed set of accounts as to how every item donated to the building of the Tabernacle was spent, to establish the principle that those in charge of public funds must be transparently above suspicion. Second, many people, especially in America but also in Europe, were encouraged to take out mortgages, often with low initial repayment rates, that they could not repay, and that those encouraging them should have known they could not repay except under the most optimistic and unlikely scenarios of continued low interest rates and continually rising house prices. This is forbidden in Jewish law under the biblical prohibition: “You shall not place a stumbling block before the blind.” Third, the bankers themselves not only awarded themselves disproportionately high salaries but also, by providing themselves with “golden parachutes”, insulated themselves from the very risks to which they were exposing both their customers and their shareholders. Almost two thousand years ago the rabbis established a series of enactments precisely to avoid the possibility that someone could benefit from failure or dereliction of duty. Fourth, no one who reads the Bible with its provisions for the remission of debts every seventh year could fail to understand how morally concerned it is to prevent the build up of indebtedness, of mortgaging freedom tomorrow for the sake of liberty today. The unprecedented levels of private and public debt in the West should have sent warning signals long ago that such a state of affairs was unsustainable in the long run. The Victorians knew what we have forgotten, that spending beyond your means is morally hazardous, however attractive it may be, and the system should not encourage it. There are larger issues. There is the fundamental question of who can control the modern international corporation and to whom is it accountable. In medieval times, however much the owners of land abused those who worked for them, there was an organic connection between them. The landowner had some interest in the welfare of those who worked for him, for if they were well and reasonably happy, they worked reasonably well. Likewise in the nineteenth century, industrialists may have created appalling working conditions, but at least some enlightened employers, like Robert Owen or the Cadburys and Rowntrees, knew that satisfied employees produced good work. Their example, together with the great nineteenth century social reformers, eventually led to more humane working conditions. To whom is an international corporation answerable? Often they do not employ workers. They outsource manufacturing to places far away. If wages rise in one place, they can, almost instantly, transfer production to somewhere else. If a tax regime in one country becomes burdensome, they can relocate to another. To whom, then, are they accountable? By whom are they controllable? For whom are they responsible? To which group of people other than shareholders do they owe loyalty? The extreme mobility, not only of capital but also of manufacturing and servicing, is in danger of creating institutions that have power without responsibility, as well as a social class, the global elite, that has no organic connection with any group except itself. As for moral responsibility, it seems that that too can be outsourced. It is someone else’s problem, not mine. This has profound moral consequences. George Soros writes of how in his early years as an investment manager he had to spend immense time and energy proving his credentials, his character and integrity, before people would do business with him. Nowadays, he says, deals are transactional rather than personal. Instead of placing your faith in a person, you get lawyers to write safeguards into the contract. This is an historic shift from a trust economy to a risk economy. But trust is not a dispensable luxury. It is the very basis of our social life. Many scholars believe that capitalism had religious roots because people could trust other people who, feeling that they were answerable to God, could be relied on to be honest in business. A world without trust is a lonely and dangerous place. It was precisely the breakdown of trust that caused the banking crisis in the first place. We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that the market is a shrine to materialism, forgetting that its keywords are deeply spiritual. “Credit” comes from the Latin “credo” meaning “I believe.” “Confidence” comes from the Latin meaning “shared faith.” “Trust” is a word that has deeply religious resonance. Try running a bank, a business or an economy in the absence of confidence and trust and you will know it can’t be done. In the end we do not put our faith in systems but in the people responsible for those systems, and without morality, responsibility, transparency, accountability, honesty and integrity, the system will fail. And as it happens, the system did fail. With this we come to perhaps the most profound truth of the Judeo-Christian ethic. That ethic, based on justice, compassion and respect for human dignity, took moral restraint from “out there” to “in here.” Good conduct was not dependent on governments, laws, police, inspectorates, regulatory bodies, civil courts and legal penalties. It was dependent on the still, small voice of God within the human heart. It became part of character, virtue and an internalised sense of obligation. Jews and Christians devoted immense energies to training the young in the ways of goodness and righteousness. A moral vision, a clear sense of right and wrong, was present in the stories they told, the texts they read, the rituals they performed, the prayers they said and the standards the community expected of its members If you were Jewish, you knew what it felt like to be a slave in Egypt, eating the bread of affliction and the bitter herbs of slavery. You knew what it felt like to be homeless for forty years as you wandered through the desert. You knew the call of Isaiah, “Learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” You had social justice engraved in your neural pathways. When I asked the developmental economist Jeffrey Sachs what motivated him in his work, he replied immediately, tikkun olam, the Jewish imperative to heal a fractured world. Christians did likewise. They did not need regulatory bodies to ensure that they worked for the common good. They knew they were morally responsible, even if they were not legally liable, for the consequences of their decisions for the lives of others. Economists call this social capital, but it is not a given of the human condition. Societies where self-interest trumps the common good eventually disintegrate. That is why societies at the peak of affluence have usually already begun on the downward slope to decline. The fourteenth century Islamic thinker Ibn Khaldun argued that when a civilization becomes great, its elites get used to luxury and comfort, and the people as a whole lose their asabiyah, their social solidarity. Giambattista Vico described a similar cycle: “People first sense what is necessary, then consider what is useful, next attend to comfort, later delight in pleasures, soon grow dissolute in luxury, and finally go mad squandering their estates.” This was said first and most powerfully by Moses long ago. The theme of his great speeches in the book of Deuteronomy is that it is not hardship that is the real trial, but affluence. Affluence makes you complacent. You no longer have the moral and mental energy to make the sacrifices necessary for the defence of freedom. Inequalities grow. The rich become self-indulgent. The poor feel excluded. There are social divisions, resentments, injustices. Society no longer coheres. People do not feel bound to one another by a bond of collective responsibility. Individualism prevails. Trust declines. Social capital wanes. When that happens, you will be defeated. Those who believe that liberal democracy and the free market can be defended by the force of law and regulation alone, without an internalised sense of duty and morality, are tragically mistaken. At the most basic level, the consumer society is sapping our moral strength. It has produced a society obsessed with money: salaries, bonuses, the cost of houses, and expensive luxuries we could live without. When money rules, we remember the price of things and forget the value of things, and that is dangerous. The financial crisis was caused, at least in part, by banks and mortgage brokers lending people so much money at such low interest rates to buy houses, that house prices rose rapidly until investing in a house seemed the best you could make. More people borrowed more money and house prices rose yet higher, until everyone felt that they were richer. But in real terms we weren't. Ignoring values and concentrating on price, we mortgaged our future to feed a fantasy. Like other historic bubbles, it was a moment of collective madness, of the essentially magical belief that there can be gains without losses; forgetting that the larger the gain, the bigger the risk, and that the price is often paid by those who can least afford it. In general, the build-up of personal debt happened because the consumer society encouraged people to borrow money they didn’t have, to buy things they didn’t need, to achieve a happiness that wouldn’t last. The sages of the ancient world said: Who is rich? One who rejoices in what he has. The consumer society says the opposite. Who is rich? One who can buy what he does not yet have. Relentlessly focussing on what we lack and what others have, it encourages feelings of inadequacy that we assuage by buying a product to make us happy, which it does until the day after, when the next best thing comes along and makes us feel inadequate all over again. It is no accident that despite the fact that until recently we were affluent beyond the dreams of previous generations, we were not measurably happier. We turned children into mini-consumers, giving them mobile phones instead of our time. The result, in Britain, is a generation of children more unhappy, more prone to depression, stress, eating disorders, and drug and alcohol abuse than they were fifty years ago. The consumer society turns out to be a highly efficient system for the creation and distribution of unhappiness. It goes deeper still. We know – it has been measured in many experiments – that children with strong impulse control grow to be better adjusted, more dependable, achieve higher grades in school and college and have more success in their careers than others. Success depends on the ability to delay gratification, which is precisely what a consumerist culture undermines. At every stage, the emphasis is on the instant gratification of instinct. In the words of the pop group Queen, “I want it all and I want it now.” A whole culture is being infantilised. My late father, coming to Britain at the age of six fleeing persecution in Poland, knew poverty and lived it. But he and his contemporaries had a rich cultural, communal and spiritual life. He enjoyed classical music and the great painters. He loved synagogue and his faith as a Jew. The Jewish communities of the East End, like some Asian sub-communities today, had strong families, supportive networks, and high aspirations, if not for themselves then for their children. Of the gifts of the spirit they had an embarrass de richesse. Can we really say that the world of brands and status symbols, of what you own rather than what you are, is better? What of the future if we really are fated to years of recession? What will that mean for a culture where happiness is defined by material possessions? It will mean the maximum of disappointment with the minimum of consolation. Whether our social structures are strong enough to survive this is wholly open to doubt. A good society has its own ecology which depends on multiple sources of meaning, each with its own integrity. I want to draw attention briefly to five features of Judaism, largely shared by Christianity, whose role over the centuries has been to preserve a space uninvaded by the market ethic. The first is the Sabbath, the boundary Judaism draws around economic activity. The Sabbath is the day we focus on the things that have value but not a price, when we neither work nor employ others to do our work, when we neither buy nor sell, in which all manipulation of nature for creative ends is forbidden and all hierarchies of power or wealth are suspended. It is the still point in the turning world, when we renew our attachment to family and community, living the truth that the world is not wholly ours to bend to our will but something given to us in trust to conserve for future generations, and in which the inequalities of a market economy are counterbalanced by a world in which money does not count, in which we are all equal citizens. The Jewish writer Achad Ha-am said that more than the Jews have kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jews. It is the one day in seven when we stop making a living and instead simply live. The second: marriage and the family. Judaism is one of the great familial traditions. Many of its supreme religious moments take place in the home between husband and wife, parents and children. Marriage is where love and loyalty combine to bring new life into the world. If Jews have survived tragedy, found happiness, and contributed more than their share to the human heritage, I suspect it is because of the sanctity with which they endowed marriage and the way they regarded parenthood as their most sacred task. Third: education. Since the days of Moses Jews have predicated their very survival on education. They were the first civilization to construct, two thousand years ago, a universal compulsory education, communally funded, to ensure that everyone had access to knowledge. They even said that study is holier than prayer. Jews are the people whose heroes are teachers, whose citadels are schools and whose passion is the life of the mind. Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, once said that he came from one of those Russian-Jewish families where they expected even the plumber to have a PhD. Jews did not leave education to the vagaries of the market. They made the market serve the cause of education. Fourth: the concept of property itself. Deeply embedded in the Jewish mind is the idea that we do not ultimately own what we possess. Everything belongs to God, and what we have, we hold in trust. There are conditions to that trust. As the great Victorian philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore put it, “We are worth what we are willing to share with others”. Hence the long tradition of Jewish philanthropy that explains how Judaism encouraged the creation of wealth without giving rise to class resentments. Finally, there is the Jewish tradition of law itself. It was William Rees-Mogg who first drew attention to a connection between Jewish law and economics I had never thought of before. In a book he wrote about inflation, The Reigning Error, he said that inflation – like high levels of debt – is a disease of inordinacy. It happens because of a failure to understand that energy, to be channelled, needs restraints. It was the constant discipline of law, he says, that provided the boundaries within which Jewish creativity could flow. It taught Jews self-restraint, and it is the failure of societies to practice self-restraint that leads to inflation or unsustainable debt. So the Sabbath, the family, the educational system, the concept of ownership as trusteeship, and the discipline of religious law, were not constructed on the basis of economic calculation. To the contrary, they were ways in which Judaism in effect said to the market: thus far and no further. There are realms in which you may not intrude.The concept of the holy is precisely the domain in which the worth of things is not judged by their market price or economic value. This fundamental insight of Judaism and Christianity is all the more striking given their respect for the market. Their strength is that they resisted the temptation to believe that the market governs the totality of our lives, when it fact it governs only a limited part of it, that which concerns goods subject to production and exchange. There are things fundamental to being human that we do not produce; instead we receive from those who came before us and from God Himself. And there are things which we may not exchange, however high the price When everything that matters can be bought and sold, when commitments can be broken because they are no longer to our advantage, when shopping becomes salvation and advertising slogans our litany, when our worth is measured by how much we earn and spend, then the market is destroying the very virtues on which in the long run it depends. That is the danger that advanced economies now face. At such times the voice of our great religious traditions needs to be heard, warning us of the gods that devour their own children, and of the ruins of once-great buildings that stand today as relics of civilisations that once seemed invincible. I have argued that the market economy originated in Europe in the fertile environment of Judeo-Christian values sympathetic to hard work, industry, frugality, diligence, patience, discipline, and a sense of duty and obligation. Capitalism was seen by its early proponents as a profoundly moral enterprise. It generated wealth, softened manners, tamed unruly passions, and diminished the threat of war. Two adjacent nations could either fight or trade. From fight both lost. From trade both gained. The market’s “invisible hand” turned the pursuit of self interest into the wealth of nations, and intellectual property fuelled the fires of invention. Capitalism has enhanced human dignity, leaving us with more choices and a longer-life expectancy than any generation of those who came before us. But there is no such thing as a stable equilibrium in human affairs. There is a natural tendency for institutions in the ascendancy to invade territories not rightly or fully their own, with disastrous consequences. In religious ages, the culprit was usually religion. At times it sought political power and became an enemy of liberty. At other times it sought to control the dissemination of ideas and thus became an enemy of the unfettered collaborative pursuit of truth. Today, in a Europe more secular than it has been since the last days of pre-Christian Rome, the culprits are an aggressive scientific atheism tone deaf to the music of faith; a reductive materialism blind to the power of the human spirit; global corporations uncontrollable by and sometimes more powerful than national governments; forms of finance so complex as to surpass the understanding of bodies charged with their regulation; a consumer-driven economy that is shrivelling the imaginative horizons of our children; and a fraying of all the social bonds, from family to community, that once brought comfort and a redemption of solitude, to be replaced by virtual networks mediated by smartphone, whose result is to leave us “alone together.” What can we do, we who, because we have faith in God, have faith in God’s faith in humankind? There is a significant phrase that Pope Benedict XVI has often used: creative minority. If there is one thing Jews know how to be it is a creative minority. So my proposal is that Jews and Catholics should seek to be creative minorities together. A duet is more powerful than a solo. Renouncing any aspiration for power, we should seek to encourage the single most neglected source of energy in a consumer-driven, profit-maximising society, namely the power of altruism. We should enlist business leaders to help us teach that markets need morals; that without a strong ethic, there may be short term success but no long term viability; and that conscience is not for wimps, it is the basis of trust and confidence on which business, financial institutions and the economy as a whole depend. We should use this moment of recession to restore to their rightful place in society the things that have value but not a price: marriage, the family, home, dedicated time between parents and children, the face-to-face friendships that make up community, the celebration of what we have not the restless pursuit of what we don’t, a sense of gratitude and thanksgiving, and a willingness to share some of God’s blessings with those who have less. These are the true sources of lasting happiness and have been empirically proved to be so. We should seek to recover the alternative world created by the Sabbath, one day in seven in which we set limits to the power of the market to enslave us with its siren song, and instead give our relationships the chance to mature and our souls the pure air they need to breathe. We should challenge the relativism that tells us there is no right or wrong, when every instinct of our mind knows it is not so, and is a mere excuse to allow us to indulge in what we believe we can get away with. A world without values quickly becomes a world without value. Economic superpowers have a short shelf-life: Spain in the fifteenth century, Venice in the sixteenth, Holland in the seventeenth, France in the eighteenth, Britain in the nineteenth, America in the twentieth. Meanwhile Christianity has survived for two thousand years, and Judaism for twice as long as that. The Judeo-Christian heritage is the only system known to me capable of defeating the law of entropy that says all systems lose energy over time. Stabilising the Euro is one thing, healing the culture that surrounds it is another. A world in which material values are everything and spiritual values nothing is neither a stable state nor a good society. The time has come for us to recover the Judeo-Christian ethic of human dignity in the image of God. When Europe recovers its soul, it will recover its wealth-creating energies. But first it must remember: humanity was not created to serve markets. Markets were created to serve humankind.
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009 "Here's what we know so far: On Christmas Day, Northwest Airlines Flight 253 was en route from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit. As the plane made its final approach to Detroit Metropolitan Airport, a passenger allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device on his body, setting off a fire." "Allegedly?" Does anyone, anywhere, doubt that was what happened? Obama then went on to refer to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab four times as a "suspect," as though he had just been pulled over for possible drunken driving or something. This is the language of law enforcement. When an American citizen is observed doing something that might be illegal, that person is a "suspect," and they are only "alleged" to have done something until it is proven in a court of law. The words represent basic constitutional rights of Americans. Citizens of other countries, who train in terrorist camps and try to commit mass murder on an airplane, and NOT entitled to these rights, no matter how many crybaby ACLU lawyers come out of the woodwork. Instead of treating Abdulmutallab as an enemy combatant, and taking him to a military base for interrogation, we are treating him like a suspected burglar, or some such thing. According to today's Washington Post: "Abdulmutallab remains in a Detroit area prison and, after initial debriefings by the FBI, has restricted his cooperation since securing a defense attorney, according to federal officials. Authorities are holding out hope that he will change his mind and cooperate with the probe, the officials said." Isn't that beautiful? We've made sure he has an attorney, and now we are "holding out hope" that he might decide to talk. Think about the message that sends to all of the other would-be bombers training in al-Qaeda camps: "Don't worry, you'll either blow yourself up and go to paradise, or you'll get a nice warm jail cell and a lawyer, and at your trial you'll be able to tell the whole world about the greatness of Allah and the need for jihad. And don't worry about ending up in some detainee camp like Guantanamo, because Obama already promised to close that up." Until this administration decides we are at war, not just policing the neighborhood, more and more American lives will be at risk. Monday, December 28, 2009 Napolitano heads the Department of Homeland Security in the Obama administration. As we now know, on Christmas Day Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit and tried to blow up the plane with a bomb he smuggled on board. A couple hundred lives were saved when the bomb malfunctioned. In just the first 48 hours since the incident, we've learned that Abdulmutallab: -- Was already on a terrorist watch list; -- Was thought by his family to have "gone over the edge" of radical Islam, and his father went so far as to contact the U.S. Embassy and warn them about his son; -- Had been spending time in Yemen, an al-Qaeda hotbed; -- Was able to apply for, and get, a U.S. visa; -- Smuggled his bomb through security; -- And failed in his plot only because of the poor quality of the bomb. Despite this incredible list of breakdowns and failures, Napolitano went on CNN Sunday and proclaimed "the system worked." See the clip HERE. The Obama administration view seems to be this: None of our tools - terrorist watchlists, airport inspections, etc. - can prevent someone from smuggling a bomb onto an airplane. We know that's their view, because that's what happened, and Napolitano said "the system worked." So apparently the only difference between the system working, and the system NOT working, is whether or not the bomb really goes off, the plane crashes and people die. This reflects the Obama Administration viewpoint that fighting terrorism is really a law enforcement matter. When things happen - like Major Hasan shooting up Ft. Hood after spending months trading emails with a terrorism advocate - you simply bag the bodies and prosecute those responsible. I liked it better in the 88 months after 9/11, when the Bush administration decided that we would focus on preventing attacks, rather than reacting to them. They monitored terrorist conversations, they sent special forces to kill terrorist leaders, they set up a terrific detainee system at Guantanamo Bay to hold enemy combatants, and they established military tribunals to deal with those combatants. They forced countries with lax banking laws to stop hiding terrorist funding channels. And in those seven-plus years after 9/11, we had no successful terrorist attacks on the country. Of course, Obama and his people called this "shredding the Constitution" and "abandoning our values," because they wanted to score cheap political points. And as soon as Obama was elected, he announced he would shut down Guantanamo, and he has since decided to give confessed mass murderers like Khalid Sheik Muhammad a civilian trial in New York City. And now, in less than a year after Obama taking office with this new "sophisticated" approach to fighting what Napolitano likes to call "man-made disasters" - rather than terrorism - we have had the Ft. Hood massacre, and a fellow with a bomb in a plane over Detroit. Listen to Napolitano tell us that "the system worked" and then ask yourself how safe you feel with this administration running the country. Saturday, December 26, 2009 Thursday, December 24, 2009 Wednesday, December 23, 2009 The 39th president is near the bottom of most historian's presidential rankings, and with good reason. His mistakes are too long to list here, and I'm only bringing him up because he got himself in the news again, in a way that serves to make people even more cynical about politicians. Carter - as president, and even more so once he left office - has been an enemy of Israel. Historian Douglas Brinkley has written about Carter's love for the terrorist Yasir Arafat, and the way Carter rushed to the Middle East in the 1990s in an effort to smooth things over between Arafat and Saudi Arabia. Again, I don't have time to go through all of Carter's shortcomings, but National Review's Jay Nordlinger once wrote an outstanding piece about Carter that you can read here. So what got ol' Jimmy back in the news? Well, turns out he now feels bad about his shabby treatment of Israel (the only democracy in the Middle East) and wants to apologize. "We must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel," Carter said in a message to Israel. "As I would have noted at Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, but which is appropriate at any time of the year, I offer an Al Het (a plea for forgiveness) for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so." Now comes the cynical part. Why would Carter - after 30-plus years of opposing Israel's interests - feel the need to apologize? Feelings of guilt? A change of perspective? A desire to simply do the right thing? No, no and no. It turns out that Carter's grandson is now running for Congress, in a district with a large Jewish population. So in order to help the boy, Jimmy's decided it's now time to set aside his lifelong dislike of Israel and try to make nice. Just when I thought my opinion of Carter couldn't get any lower, he manages to drain a little more water from the tub. Friday, December 18, 2009 In addition to the failures of his business, Hecker has been in the news because of his bankruptcy filing, and the messy divorce proceedings between Hecker and his wife Tamitha. The two were granted a divorce Thursday, and here was the quote Denny gave to the Star-Tribune: "I am just tickled pink to untie the rope from the anchor." I know divorces can be ugly - even those between 57-year-old millionaires and 42-year-old bleached blondes - but isn't the mother of two of your children entitled to something a little classier than that? Like maybe saying "No comment" for once in your life? Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Across the road from you is another potato farmer, on a similar piece of land, but he's kind of a lazy guy. He scatters a few seeds around, doesn't fertilize, lets the weeds grow, and each year his crop fails. Then one year the government comes along and announces that they believe there are too many potatoes on the market, and they find it necessary to "cap" the number of potatoes being produced. They will give each farmer a permit to produce 5,000 pounds of potatoes, but if the farmer wants, he can sell his permit to another grower. So the lazy neighbor comes over one day and offers to sell you his permit for a few thousand dollars. Since you need to continue producing 10,000 pounds of potatoes to stay profitable, you buy the permit. Of course, you now have to recover the cost of buying the permit, so you raise the price of potatoes to cover that cost. Net result: There is no increase in the number of potatoes being produced, the cost of potatoes to consumers has risen and a chunk of your wealth is now in the hands of the non-producing neighbor. The only person who wins in this scenario is the non-producing neighbor, who now gets something for nothing. Now, replace "you" with "Developed countries," replace "neighbor" with "underdeveloped countries," and replace "potatoes" with "energy," and you will understand what the underdeveloped countries of the world are trying to accomplish at the "climate summit" in Copenhagen. Third-world countries - mostly African dictatorships - are using the make-believe threat of "global warming" to try and guilt the developed countries into agreeing to a cap-and-trade scheme that will give each country permissible amount of carbon emissions (the "cap"), which would then force developed countries to buy the permits from poorer countries (the "trade") in order for the larger countries to maintain their energy output and continue to grow their economies. Of course the underdeveloped countries remain underdeveloped, in large part, because they are reluctant to embrace concepts like democracy and free enterprise, which would put them on the path to growth, prosperity and peace. It's more fun to run a dictatorship, oppress the people and then come up with ways to get bigger, more successful countries to transfer some of their wealth to you. This same "cap and trade" concept is behind the bill passed earlier this year in the U.S. House of Representatives, except it applies to businesses in the United States. The government would auction off carbon emission permits, which could then be traded among various industries. So if you are Xcel Energy, for example, you might have to buy a permit from another company in order to continue to produce energy for your customers. Of course, the only way to recoup the permit cost is to raise rates on your customers. There won't be any fewer carbon emissions, you'll just end up with a higher utility bill each month. Fortunately the proposal is so stupid, the Senate hasn't even considered it. But when you hear "cap and trade," it's time to guard your wallet, because the only thing these schemes are designed to do is separate you from your money. Sunday, December 13, 2009 As it turned out, it was a pretty orderly process, more books were signed than were expected, and I wish I would have gone, although I expect I'll have other opportunities in the future to get the book signed. I'm a big fan though, and I've read a good chunk of the book already. I was at the Republican National Convention in 2008 when she spoke, and the atmosphere in the Xcel Energy Center was absolutely electric that night. I can say that it was like having a rock star in the building, because I have been in that building many times with actual rock stars, like Paul McCartney, AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Elton John, and others, and there has never been an atmosphere like that night. Everyone wanted to see this relatively unknown Governor of Alaska, and she didn't disappoint. She gave a knockout speech and had the crowd - and much of the nation -in the palm of her hand. Since that night, my appreciation of her has only grown, for two reasons: 1) She destroyed liberal feminism. Ever since high school, I've had to listen to my liberal friends talk about: a) The importance of electing more women to office, and b) How feminism was all about "expanding opportunities" and "respecting choices." I was sympathetic to both points of view. From an electoral standpoint, a gender that is more than 50% of the population maybe SHOULD have 50% of elective offices. And if a woman happens to have an aptitude for anything in particular - math, science, engineering, whatever - there's no reason she should be denied an opportunity to pursue those interests because of gender stereotyping. Given that philosophy, Palin should have been a feminist's dream. Here is a bright, talented woman who had won high political office and was seeking an even higher office. Early in her career she broke into a male-dominated field - television sportscasting - and she could hold her own hunting moose and racing snowmobiles, two other areas usually left to the men. Juggling a challenging family and a rising career, Palin should be considered the very embodiment of female empowerment. But no! Turns out that ever liberal feminist I know immediately - and I mean within 72 hours of Palin being introduced - already hated her. Turns out that some of the choices Palin made in her life weren't the choices liberal feminists would make. Like being pro-life. Like choosing to give birth to a Down syndrome child. Like supporting the military. Like believing in American exceptionalism. All of these things were utterly unacceptable to the left. And in those same 72 hours, I realized that the feminists had been lying to me for 40 years. They didn't care about electing women, they only cared about electing liberals. Gender was just a tool to hide behind, and to use for leverage. There are no "sisters" in feminism, there are only fellow liberals, who are required to march in line and follow orders from the feminist elites. When I realized that a "feminist" could love Ted Kennedy - a misogynist, serial abuser of women - and despise Sarah Palin, I realized the feminist ideology had nothing to do with benefitting women, and that the ideology was dead. (Fun thing to do: Next time someone starts ranting about how unfair the world is to women, just say, "You must have been really disappointed that Sarah Palin didn't win." Shuts them up like a mute.) 2) I love the fact that she makes liberals NUTS. She drives them absolutely crazy. Any sense of fairness or decency goes right out the window when they discuss Palin. They'll call her names, spread vicious lies, tell barbaric jokes about her children, cut-and-paste her face on pornographic pictures. Nothing is too low for a Palin-hater. There are a million hateful quotes out there, but one of my personal favorites is this one, from someone named Wendy Doniger, a religion professor at the University of Chicago Divinity School, who wrote for the Washington Post that "Her (Palin's) greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman." Imagine that coming from someone whose job is to instruct future teachers of Christianity. (Here are Palin and Doniger. You can decide for yourself which one is really a woman.) Criticize Hillary Clinton's position on the Middle East, and the lefties will call you a sexist, fascist, woman-hating, neanderthal pig and maybe charge you with a hate crime. But say that Palin looks like a "slutty flight attendant" and you're simply "talking about the issues." Palin has turned large portions of the political left into absolute moonbats, simply by being herself. And I love it when the left goes nuts like this, because when they get this way, they do really stupid things. George W. Bush did the same thing to them. They hated him - just absolutely HATED him - so much that they were willing to do whatever they could to defeat him. And when they lost twice to him, their hatred made them so nuts that they ran out and grabbed a naive, inexperienced, not-too-bright guy to be their presidential nominee, simply because they could leverage his skin color into the election win they so desperately wanted. Their hatred of Bush led them to Obama, and Obama is going to set them back 20 years, just like Jimmy Carter did. Will Sarah Palin ever be president? I doubt it, for a variety of reasons, but she doesn't have to be president to have performed a valuable service to the nation. The thousands and thousands of people that are turning out for her book signings are evidence that there is a great untapped reserve of political energy in this country that will be the scourge of liberals for the next generation, and we'll have Palin to thank for it. Tuesday, December 8, 2009 In 1988, a year or so after I had become Press Secretary to Sen. Rudy Boschwitz, Rudy got interested in the then-relatively unknown subject of man-made global warming. For a fellow who grew up just outside of New York City, Rudy always had a pretty keen interest in environmental issues, in part because he made his fortune selling lumber (he founded Plywood Minnesota - now called Home Valu - a chain of home improvement stores) which helped him realize the importance of responsible resource management. That summer President Reagan appointed Rudy as a congressional representative to the United Nations, and so for a six-month period we would occasionally hop the shuttle up to New York, where Rudy would speak at the UN on various topics. He decided he wanted to speak on global warming, and addressed the UN on that subject that summer. As one of the people in charge of helping shape Rudy's image, I have to admit that I loved the topic, but for very cynical reasons. First of all, it helped shore up Rudy's environmental credibility, which was important to voters in Minnesota. Secondly, no one was really sure it was a problem - and there was no way to prove that it was. Finally, if it was a problem, it was waaaaay off in the distance, and we wouldn't have to step on anyone's toes to deal with it. From a PR standpoint, it was ideal: A vague problem with no concrete solution that allowed Rudy to highlight his legitimate environmental interests without ticking off anyone important. (Let me emphasize that that was MY position on the issue, not Rudy's. He was the statesman; I was the cynical political hack. At the time he genuinely believed there was a threat, although he has since moved 180 degrees on the issue and has become a big supporter of the Hudson Institute's debunking of the global warming scare. For more on the Hudson Institute's important work, click here.) Rudy's interest in the issue caught the attention of the junior senator from Tennessee, one Albert Gore. And in early 1990, a relatively new group called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held one of its first meetings in Washington D.C. To add a little credibility, they decided to round up some senators to be listed as "hosts" for the event. Gore jumped to the head of the line, and easily signed up a couple other Democrats (I forget who, but I think Bill Bradley was one of them), but he needed a Republican to create the appearance of balance, and he approached Rudy, who agreed to be a host. And so, for three days, Rudy went down to the J.W. Marriott on Pennsylvania Ave. for the conference, and listened to the doomsayers talk about all of the evils that were about to fall upon the world if we didn't stop eating meat, driving cars, etc., etc. By the third day, I think Rudy was beginning to understand that this group wasn't interested in real science, it was just a bunch of environmental wackos who were shoving all of their socialist, Walden Pond dreams into a vessel called "global warming." Whenever a senator had to go to a meeting away from Capitol Hill, it was normal procedure to have a staff person drive them there and pick them up. Washington is crowded, there's limited parking, and it was just a more efficient way of doing things. For staffers, it was a chance to have some "face time" with the senator, and I often had the duty of driving and picking up Rudy for a couple of reasons. First, I could bring along any work that I wanted him to review, and he could make his comments while I was driving. Secondly, Rudy had a perverse sort of affinity for my car, which was a badly beat-up 1970 Mustang convertible. Dents, scratches, faded paint, ratty interior...this car had it all. Rudy liked to ride in it because, in his words, "Anyone who sees this car knows that Republicans aren't all rich fat cats." A little Jewish humor at my expense. On the final day of the conference, I drove down to the Marriott to pick up Rudy. My car, as usual, was a mess. On a normal day, the back seat would have my golf clubs, my dirty softball pants and gear, a pile of empty fast-food wrappers, maybe a change of clothes or two and who knows what else. It didn't really matter, because seldom did anyone ever ride in the back seat because it was so tiny. And if someone did, it was probably some intern who would just shove the mess to one side and make room. Suffice it to say that Rudy was used to it. I rolled down Pennsylvania Ave. and pulled up in front of the Marriott, and there was Rudy, standing next to Al Gore. Rudy opened the door and said, "Al's ride hasn't shown up, could we take him back with us?" "Not a problem," I said, "But he'll have to make a little room." So Rudy flipped the front seat forward, making way for Al to climb into the back seat. I'll never forget the look on his face as he peered into the tiny, cramped seat and realized he was going to have to sit on what was basically a pile of dirty laundry, sporting goods and trash. I reached back and started frantically pulling the pile over to one side, trying to create some space, while Al was trying to stretch his 6-foot-1 frame into the car, slide behind the front seat and find a perch amidst the rubble. He finally got in. Rudy climbed in front and right away said to Al, "I'll move this seat up and give you some room." To which I answered, "I'm sorry, the seat is stuck in that position." "That's okay," Al said, with his knees almost up to his chin. "Where's the seat belt?" Again, I had to apologize. "There aren't any. But don't worry, I'm a careful driver." Al didn't look too reassured, and he seemed even less so when I pulled a quick u-turn across Pennsylvania Ave. to get us headed back up to the Capitol. "So, how was the conference?" I asked. "It was excellent," Al said. "You know, Rudy, we should look at co-sponsoring a bill on some of this." As I said, I was already pretty cynical about the whole idea, but I wanted to be polite, so I said something like, "Yeah, things could be a lot different a few hundred years from now." Al didn't like that at all, and said something along the lines of "Oh, no, the problem is right now. We have to stop this now before it's too late." Which led to a kind of uncomfortable silence. As I said, Rudy was beginning to have his doubts, and I was only paying attention because of the potential political benefits, so I decided on a quick change of subject. "Senator, I'd really like to get down to see that University of Tennessee football stadium sometime. It must be great to hear all those people sing 'Rocky Top.' " Which got Al off of the subject of global warming, and on to the subject of the University of Tennessee, which occupied the couple of minutes it took to drive back to the Capitol. Rudy got out, flipped the seat up and extended a hand to help lift Al out of his tiny, filthy compartment. "Thanks for the lift," Al said, and I answered, "Anytime, Senator." It certainly wasn't a monumental moment at the time. Al was just the junior senator from Tennessee, only in office about three years, but soon he was ready to hit the big time. Just over two years later, Bill Clinton would tap him as a running mate, and suddenly the guy from my back seat was Vice-President of the United States. Then he published Earth in the Balance, and pretty soon he was the world's biggest global warming scold. After losing the 2000 election, he figured out how to get rich off of environmental doomsaying and flies around the world in a private jet so he could tell people how to reduce their "carbon footprint." The world is quickly catching on to the junk science and beginning to see that "global warming" is little more than a fraud and a hoax, as evidenced by the recently released e-mails from a British university, in which the "scientists" talk about manipulating and suppressing climate data that didn't fit their pre-supposed notions, and how they can't explain why the world hasn't been warming up at all for the past decade or so. A while ago I mentioned that afternoon to Rudy, and said, "If I had known Al was going to become such a nut, I wouldn't have given him a ride back from the conference." Ruefully, Rudy said, "Al took that conference very seriously." What still strikes me about that day was the absolute certainty Al had about the problem. That was almost 20 years ago, and today there is no proven science that demonstrates the problem even exists, but in 1990 Al was already prepared to sacrifice the global economy and sentence millions of third world people into permanent poverty on the basis of junk science. I still find that a little frightening. (See the November 19 blog post here to learn more about my thoughts on Al.) As for the Mustang, it didn't last much longer. I junked it, replaced it with a beat-up Volkswagen Cabriolet, and by the time that car was finished, two senators and a governor had ridden in it. The Smithsonian has not asked for permission to display either vehicle. (UPDATE: A picture of the Mustang in question has been unearthed. See it here.) Thursday, December 3, 2009 The good ol' 8-3-0 has been around my entire life, of course, and there was a time when it was one of the premier radio stations in the country. A "clear channel" station, its nighttime signal could be picked up over wide swaths of the nation, and it had a well-earned reputation as a great source for breaking news. When something big happened, there used to be a sort of automatic reflex to turn to 'CCO and find out what was going on. On the drive home I listened to Richards, then listened to the post-game chatter between Wild studio guy Kevin Falness and 'CCO nighttime "personality" Dark Star. After the hockey talk ended - about 10:30 - I would normally have switched the channel or plugged in my MP3, but right about then I reached Hastings. What I saw was a sea of police lights. Cop cars were blocking Hwy. 61, forcing us over to the side streets. TV trucks were parked all over, and clearly something big had happened. After a few blocks on the side streets, I cut back to Hwy. 61, and went only two blocks before finding another big area blocked off by police cars. Having no idea what had happened, I decided to leave the radio tuned to 'CCO, where I assumed I'd get the story. Instead, I got about 20 minutes of Dark Star chatting with some buddy of his who apparently owns a restaurant where Dark Star likes to eat. They chatted about the economy, the President's laughable speech on Afghanistan and a couple other things. Dark Star's buddy had no real insights to offer, but then, he's not a news guy, he's just Dark Star's buddy. I put up with the gibberish because the top of the hour was coming up, which generally means the CBS network news break, then local news. 11:00 p.m. came, we went to CBS, and at 11:05 we went to local news. Nothing about Hastings. Whatever event had happened that was big enough to close chunks of U.S. Hwy 61, bring out dozens of police cars and attract TV news trucks wasn't a big enough deal to mention on WCCO Radio. So I thought, well, either it wasn't that big a deal, or it just happened in the last 15 minutes and 'CCO hasn't had time to get someone on the story. Wrong on both counts. Turns out that police had a felony arrest warrant for a guy, who was suspected of stealing a truck, and when they tried to stop him, he started ramming into squad cars. Police started shooting, and when they were done the suspect was hauled away in an ambulance and bystanders said there were more than 20 bullet holes in the car. And all of this happened between 8:00 and 8:30 p.m., more than two hours before I drove through Hastings. But, again, it didn't merit a mention on WCCO radio news. If the news-gathering capability of this once-great station has fallen that far, there's pretty much no reason for it to exist except to bring us the fabulous Wild hockey broadcasts of Bob Kurtz and Tom Reid, along with Coach Richards' press conferences. The other 280 or so days of the year they may as well shut it down. Which is kind of sad. Monday, November 30, 2009 That's 240 goals in his career...just five more and he will already have scored more than 10% of his career goals as a New York Ranger, despite playing for them just two months. As mentioned in the post last April 9, in 10 years no one will remember that one of the best players in history was ever a member of the Minnesota Wild. It's killing me. Sunday, November 29, 2009 There were some injuries - most notably the concussion that has kept Pierre-Marc Bouchard out of the lineup for all but the first game of the season - and there obviously was going to be a period of adjustment to the system of new coach Todd Richards. But none of this seemed to explain the dull, listless team that blew a lead and lost at Tampa, lost three days later in Carolina, and lost again three days after that at home to Phoenix. There wasn't much energy inside the X, and there was even talk of the benefit of having a horrible record so we could get a high draft choice. But after that Phoenix loss - which was one of the most unwatchable games ever played in the Xcel Energy Center - something seemed to happen. On Friday the 20th, they earned a gritty win over the Islanders, when Owen Nolan scored late in the game. Over the next couple of days, they picked up center Andrew Ebbettt off of waivers from Chicago, and then traded away Benoit Puliot for Guillaume Latendresse. Also, Chuck Kobasew came back from an injury. And something about the chemistry of the team seemed to change. We'd been hearing since training camp that the Richards system encouraged aggressive forechecking, with all three forwards free to go after the puck-carrier, as opposed to the Jacques Lemaire system of the first eight years, which relied more on a single forechecker and tried to disrupt the other team's attack as it moved through the neutral zone. But for 20 or 22 games, we didn't see much of that. But over the past four games, it's starting to happen. Wild forwards are crashing hard in the offensive zone, forcing turnovers and creating chances. The defensemen are getting more integrated into the attack and the Wild have had long stretches of puck possession in the offensive zone, something we saw little of in the Lemaire years. Ebbett scored in his first game. Kobasew had a hat trick against Colorado, and Latendresse scored the tying goal tonight in Denver. Suddenly the team is creating a lot of quality chances. And yet the defense isn't suffering. The night before Thanksgiving, they held Boston to just seven shots through two periods, and tonight they held Colorado to 22 shots in a shootout win at the Pepsi Center. They have three wins and an OT loss in their last four games (seven out of a possible eight points) and suddenly there seems to be a good vibe around the team, even though Martin Havlat, Brent Burns, Petr Sykora and Marek Zidlicky are all injured right now. It might just be an illusion - we tend to do well against the less-physical Eastern Conference teams, and the Avalanche are having struggles of their own right now - but I think there's a chance this team is much better than it showed the first six weeks of the season. December's schedule is brutal - 16 games in 30 days, nine of them on the road - and so we'll do another reality check around New Year's Day, but right now I'm cautiously optimistic that this group can climb back into serious contention for a playoff spot. Monday, November 23, 2009 "Today we vote whether to even discuss one of the greatest issues of our generation - indeed, one of the greatest issues this body has ever face: whether this nation will finally guarantee its people the right to live free from the fear of illness and death, which can be prevented by decent health care for all." Imagine that: The United States Senate can make it possible for all of us to live free from the fear of illness and death. Had I known about the immortality option when I worked in the Senate, I would have signed up for it right away. Thursday, November 19, 2009 This means my favorite magazine shares a birthday with my youngest son. William Mays Droogsma turns 21 today, and I'm pleased to report he's a brighter, harder-working and more responsible 21-year-old than his father was (although that bar isn't set particularly high). I have no doubt he'll stay that way. Alarmism has been a good racket for Gore, who stands to become the world's first "carbon billionaire," as outlined in this New York Times article. Al had a few moments last week to face the challenging questions of noted scientific expert Conan O'Brien, and the two of them got off on a little exchange that demonstrated the depth of Al's knowledge of the earth. Conan asked about the possiblities of geothermal energy - harvesting the heat from the earth's core - and Alvin jams enough mistakes into the discussion to make a middle school earth science teacher cringe. First, he asserts that the temperature of the earth's interior is "several million degrees: Monday, November 16, 2009 What makes it interesting to watch is that so many of the things that are ripping British society apart are things that we think could never happen here. Yet, that's exactly what the British thought 20 or 30 years ago, but here they are, with political correctness run amok and chapter after chapter of silly laws that are turning British society into a laughingstock. There are areas of the London suburbs - called "Londonistan" because of the dense Muslim population - where British police will not go, and where they have been told by the local Islamists to stay out because they, the Islamists, will govern that area under Sharia law. Last March I linked to the story of a British grocer, who gave his customers the option of making their produce purchases in metric measures - liters, grams, etc. - or buying them in gallons, ounces, quarts, etc., also known as the "British" system of measures. He was prosecuted and convicted because it's been made illegal in Britain to use British measurements. Now comes a case that would be even sillier if it weren't tragic. In March, a former solider named Paul Clarke looked down from his balcony and saw a garbage bag on the ground in his garden. He went down and got it, opened it and found a sawed-off shotgun with two shells. The next morning, in an attempt to do what he considered his civic duty, he called the local police and asked if he could stop by. He came into the station with the gun and shells, laid them on a table and reported his find. Upon which he was promptly arrested, and charged with firearm possession. It's against the law in Britain to HAVE a firearm without a permit, and it is considered a "strict liability" offense, which means there is no acceptable excuse. And because the Brits have a mandatory minimum sentence for this law, Mr. Clarke was sentenced to five years in jail after a jury spent just 20 minutes deliberating before returning a guilty verdict. A complete story of the case is here. The moral is that it's a very small step from what might seem like a sensible law to a tyrannical, overreaching government that can take away your liberty on a lark. I'm sure that if you had described this case to a British citizen 20 years ago they would have said, "That could never happen here." Which is what most Americans would say right now. But do they really KNOW that? Wednesday, November 11, 2009 On the other hand, they've grown very politically unreliable in the past couple of decades. The political correctness that infects American society is even worse in the Great White North, with their absurd "Human Rights Commission" that attacks free speech (here is a great example) and the bankrupt (morally and financially) socialist health care system, similar to the one Obama and Nancy Pelosi are trying to impose on us. But here's the tie-breaker that comes down in Canada's favor: They remember - and honor - their veterans. Today is Veterans Day here in the U.S., and chances are that the only way most people will notice it is when their mail isn't delivered and their bank branch isn't open. In Canada, they call it "Remembrance Day," and it's more than a day, it's a week or so of honoring military veterans, and it seems like everyone up there remembers. The symbol of Remembrance Day is the poppy flower (pictured here), immortalized in the poem 'In Flanders Fields," and it seems as though everyone in Canada wears their poppy the week before and in the days after Remembrance Day. "In Flanders Fields" was written by a Canadian World War I officer, Lt.-Colonel John McCrae, who saw poppies growing alongside the gravesites of fallen comrades. In Flanders Fields the poppies blow Between the crosses row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields. The lines, "To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high" are painted on the wall of the Montreal Canadiens locker room. When you watch a hockey game in Canada this time of year, every TV commentator, every coach and - it seems - every fan in the stands has their poppy on their lapel. Last night the Wild played in Toronto, and the pre-game ceremony took almost 20 minutes as five different war veterans were introduced on the ice and received standing ovations. Then Johnny Bower, the Maple Leafs Hall of Fame goalie, read "In Flanders Fields," and a young Canadian officer sang one of the most stirring renditions of "O, Canada" that you will ever hear. (Bower, by the way, joined the Canadian Army at age 15, having lied about his age, and spent four years in Europe during World War II. He returned to Canada after the war and still had a year of junior hockey eligiblity left!) Here he is as a Maple Leaf (he won four Stanley Cups), and today: It was an incredibly moving ceremony, and both teams stood on the ice the entire time, tapping their sticks on the ice in that great hockey applause way as each veteran was introduced. The day clearly means more to most Canadians than it does to most Americans, but try to take a moment today - the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month - to remember that every freedom we enjoy was made possible by millions of brave men and women, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of freedom. Monday, November 9, 2009 (Keep in mind that Obama is the same guy who - less than 24 hours after the incident, and knowing almost nothing about the facts of the case - announced that Cambridge police had "acted stupidly" when they arrested his buddy for disorderly conduct up in Massachusetts. So his advice about not jumping to conclusions has a sort of "do as I say, not as I do" ring to it.) But, in deference to the President, let's not jump. Let's just see where the evidence takes us. Here's what we know so far: 1) Major Hasan attended the controverial Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia, in 2001, at the same time as two of the 9/11 hijackers. 2) The preacher at the mosque at that time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who - last August - was banned from addressing a meeting in London because of his support for attacking troops, and his support of terrorist organizations. 3) Hasan's eyes "lit up" when he mentioned his deep respect for al-Awlaki's teachings, according to a fellow Muslim officer at Fort Hood. 4) While attending a Maryland graduate military medical program, Hasan's fellow students complained to the faculty about Hasan's "anti-American propaganda," but said a fear of appearing discriminatory against a Muslim student kept officers from filing a formal complaint. 5) Before opening fire, Hasan screamed "Allahu Akbar," meaning "God is Great," and then killed at least 13 Americans. But, just to be clear, we shouldn't jump to the conclusion that this incident has anything to do with Islamic hatred of Americans. In that same spirit of fairness, I am refusing to jump to the following conclusions: 1) I refuse to believe that the Yankees' recent World Series win is in any way connected to their ability to score more runs than their opponents. 2) I refuse to believe that the earth's eastward rotation contributes in any way to the direction in which the sun will rise tomorrow morning. 3) I refuse to believe that the trial lawyers' hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Democrats in any way explains the total lack of tort reform in the health care bill passed this weekend. 4) And, finally, I will not jump to the conclusion that we elected a naive, inexperienced, socialist junior senator to be our president just because of his skin color. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions. Friday, November 6, 2009 Reading the New York Times, Washington Post and the Star-Tribune all these years had conditioned me to believe that only political conservatives, evangelical Christians and Rush Limbaugh listeners commited these kinds of acts. Thursday, November 5, 2009 Burris recently told an interviewer that Congress is authorized to force everyone to buy health insurance by the Constitution. This suprising bit of Constitutional intepretation comes from Burris' understanding that Constitution authorizes the federal government (in Burris' words) "to provide for the health, welfare and defense of the country." In fact, the word "health" is nowhere in the Constitution. The preamble reads: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America." It's scary that Illinois would put a guy in the Senate whose understanding of the Constitution would get him flunked out of law school. You can read the whole shoddy interview here. Thursday, October 29, 2009 He's supposed to be back tonight as a member of the New York Rangers, but he injured his leg Monday, missed Wednesday's game and will likely be a game-time decision here against the Wild. But of course, he's ripping things up for the Rangers. Ten goals and 18 points so far, both among the league leaders, and he's the toast of Broadway. I understand the business of hockey, and I know why it was necessary for him to go elsewhere, but that won't make it any tougher to see him out there on the ice sheet where he should have played for the next dozen years. It's been a tough Wild season so far, and if he comes in and scores a goal or two and the Rangers win, it's going to be really hard to take. Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Monday, October 26, 2009 Monday night they play in Chicago, which means it is Martin Havlat's first regular-season game in Chicago since he left there to sign with the Wild. On Wednesday, the Wild host Nashville, where defenseman Greg Zanon played the past couple of years. (It's also the franchise Wild owner Craig Leipold used to own.) On Friday, Marian Gaborik comes back to town with the Rangers, and on Saturday the Wild travel to Pittsburgh, where GM Chuck Fletcher (former GM) and Petr Sykora will receive their Stanley Cup rings from last year. Strange days indeed. Goofy start to the season. The Wild are 0-7 on the road, 3-0 at home (all three in OT or shootouts) and I'm not sure what to make of this team yet. It seems to me that the talent level is high enough that we should expect a playoff spot, and we just need to fight through an early injury bug and adjust to the new coach's system, and things should be all right. But then I look around at all the teams that seem to be playing well in the Western Conference, and I realize it's going to be tough to dig out of the hole they've created with their slow start. You know Detroit, San Jose, Chicago and Calgary are going to be up there, but now we're looking up at teams like the Kings, Avalanche and Stars. Things have to turn around pretty soon or it's just not going to happen this season. Thursday, October 22, 2009 Or much else-wise. The weather was frigid, as most of the southeastern U.S. was having an incredible cold snap. It's hard to get excited for golf when it's 45 degrees and the north wind is kicking up around 20 mph. We fought our way through 7 rounds over five days, but very little of it was much fun. Oh well, after 11 trips, we were bound to have one that was something less than perfect. On my flight home, however, I had a great moment that improved my mood. I was sitting in a window seat, reading National Review, and the poor fellow trapped in the center seat of our row pulled out a Glenn Beck book to read. The woman to his left said, "Oh, I just read that, and it was great. I'm not always very political, but he really made me think." Then the guy reached into his bag and said, "You might like reading these as well," and handed her two copies of Imprimis, the great conservative idea journal published by Hillsdale College. So there we were, three strangers on an Atlanta-to-Minneapolis flight, each reading and enjoying conservative material. I said to the two of them, "There may be hope for this country after all." Thursday, October 15, 2009 Well, I feel the same way about my Myrtle Beach golf week. For 11 years, my buddy Pete Thrane and I have gone down to Myrtle in October and spent 5-6 days on the many courses (about 130) in the area. Over the years we've played about 60 or so of them. This map shows about 100 of the courses...there are others. (Sorry that it's a little fuzzy...click on it for a better view.) We usually play four days of 36 holes, then on getaway day, we play one of our favorite courses, Oyster Bay, and catch an afternoon flight home. In between, we enjoy eating fresh seafood, southern BBQ and going to sleep early so we can make those 7:30 tee times that are necessary this time of year if you want to get 36 holes in. It's golf heaven, and I'll try to provide blog posts while I'm there, but no guarantees. Enjoy the early winter! Monday, October 12, 2009 Friday, October 9, 2009 Wednesday, October 7, 2009 For Opening Night, the normal 7:00 game time had been pushed back to 8:00 to accommodate television, but then the Wild decided to open the doors at 4:00 so people could come in to watch Twins in their playoff game against Detroit. Only a handful of fans were there at 4:00, but by 6:00, the crowd was coming in pretty steadily. Pretty soon there was a good crowd sitting in the arena, watching the Twins on the scoreboard jumbotron. And it would have been a great night if the Twins game had followed a normal arc. They would have been done around 7:00 or so, and people could have mentally transitioned from baseball to hockey, enjoyed the Opening Night festivities and watched the game. Except the Twins game, as you know, became an epic. It went into extra innings, and meandered through a series of remarkable plays that kept everyone intensely interested right through the 12th inning. Which was great, except that it ran past the start of the hockey game. As the 9th inning began, the Wild put a message on the scoreboard that said that, beginning at 7:20, the scoreboard jumbotron would begin carrying Wild-related messages, and that the Twins game would be on the televisions in the concourse. The Wild are used to coming out of their locker room and being greeted - even for warmups - by a noisy group of several thousand people. Last night they hit the ice for warmups about 7:35, and they must have looked in the stands and wondered if there had been a bomb scare. No more than a few hundred people were in their seats, because virtually everyone had gone out to the hallways and concourses to watch the Twins. And they stayed out there through the warmups, through the pre-game ceremonies and even through the start of the game. At the first puck drop, there were about 17,000 people in the building, and my guess would be that 10,000 or more were watching the Twins on TV. In a building that is famous for its sellout streak - and the noise level of its fans - it was very strange. There were only a couple minutes left in the first period when the Twins finally pushed the winning run across, and it produced a loud roar that traveled from the outside hallways into the arena. Wild coach Todd Richards said later that it was so loud he began looking all over the ice to see what he might have missed, until it dawned on him that everyone was cheering for the Twins. Everyone then flocked into their seats, to see the last 90 seconds or so of the first period, then returned to the TV sets during intermission, watching replays of the Twins and their locker room celebration. With the start of the second period, it seemed that things had returned to normal. People were back in their seats, the focus was on hockey and all seemed right with the world. Except that the Wild stunk. Herb Brooks used to tell his players - when things weren't going right - "You look like a monkey trying to hump a football." That expression passed through my mind during the second period as I watched the Wild give up three goals in a six-minute span and fail to generate any offense at all. It was wretched hockey, and the fans booed the team off the ice at the end of the period, with Anaheim leading 3-0. Lots of people left, and even more left after the first five minutes of the third period, when things didn't look much better. And then came John Scott. With Derek Boogaard out for a while with a concussion, the Wild have converted the 6-foot-8 Scott from defense to wing, and sent him out to bang bodies a little bit, and be available to fight. Early in the third period, with the Wild still trailing 3-0, Scott decided to taken on George Parros, one of the real heavyweight fighters in the league. It was no contest, as you can see here. It ignited the crowd, and the Wild as well. A bit later, Mikko Koivu scored to make it 3-1. Then Petr Sykora got his first goal as a Wild player. And Eric Belanger blasted a shot through J.S. Giguere to tie the game. Finally, Andrew Brunette scored in overtime for a 4-3 win, the first time the Wild has ever overcome a three-goal, third-period deficit at the X. Crazy night. The Wild has still never lost a home opener (eight wins and a tie), the Twins are headed to the ALCS and I had a truly memorable night. Monday, October 5, 2009 The Smartest Little Girl in the Universe - my granddaughter Anne - turns 2 years old today, and I was able to spend part of the morning babysitting while her mom and baby brother went to the doctor. She's a huge fan of "watching the kid," which means watching video of the 4-year-old who does the Herb Brooks pre-Soviet speech (see Sept. 21 blog post.) She's watched it enough that she's beginning to retain parts of it. If you say "Tonight we skate with them. Tonight we stay with them" she will respond with "And we shut them down, because we CAN." Two years seemed to have flown by since she came into our lives, and she is an indescribable blessing. I've had a few different job titles in my life, but "Opa" is the very best one. Happy Birthday, Annie. Friday, October 2, 2009 "At a rally in Daley Plaza five months before the election, Obama drummed up enthusiasm for the bid. He said: "In 2016, I'll be wrapping up my second term as president, so I can't think of a better way than to be marching into Washington Park alongside Mayor Daley, alongside Rahm Emanuel, alongside Dick Durbin, alongside Valerie Jarrett as President of the United States, and announcing to the world, 'Let the games begin!" I've been around a lot of politicians in my career, which means I've been around a lot of giant egos, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone cram as much ego, presumption, arrogance and self-aggrandizement into one sentence as he did that day. That kind of hubris explains a lot of this administration's problems. Wednesday, September 30, 2009 This week, she's coming to the defense of convicted child molester and noted filmmaker Roman Polanski. If you're not familiar with the story, here's a quick synopsis: Polanski, in 1977, brought a 13-year-old girl to his home under the pretense of photographing her for Vogue magazine. Once there, he gave her champagne, fed her a Quaalude and then repeatedly raped her. The details are here. Tuesday, September 29, 2009 This year, with the addition of Kyle Brodziak, the Wild will have four legitimate centers in Mikko Koivu, James Sheppard, Brodziak and Eric Belanger. It's also possible that Pierre-Marc Bouchard could move from wing to center, but I like him better at wing, so I hope it doesn't happen. This is also the first time Wild fans can really engage in this kind of line combo speculation, since Jacques Lemaire very rarely kept lines together for very long. It didn't matter what combo started the game, Jacques was always juggling lines, which was an irritant to some fans - and, reportedly, to some of the players. (Personally, I never questioned Jacques. My feeling was this: He has 11 Stanley Cup rings, and I have zero. If there's a difference of opinion, always defer to the guy with 11 Cup rings.) One ancient hockey theory says that a line should have one good playmaker, one good scorer, and one physical forechecker. With that in mind, I think I'd like to see: 1st: Koivu centering Martin Havlat and Owen Nolan. Bouchard and Brunette were together quite a bit last year, and seemed to develop some chemistry. This chart relegates Belanger to the 4th line, and that's unfortunate, because he's a real pro who has done solid work here. But Sheppard has to learn to play: He's 21 now, and the Wild probably made a mistake by keeping him as a 19-year-old instead of letting him develop, but we can't help that now. Another year of 4th-line minutes is going to stifle his development further, and we have too much invested in him to not find out if he can play. It's been an odd training camp, with a lot of injuries and a team struggling to learn the new Todd Richards system, and I spoke to a number of people at the last preseason game who have very low expectations for this season. I'm usually too optimistic, but I disagree. I think this is a team that can compete every night, and challenge Vancouver for the division title. We'll all start to learn more on Friday. Sunday, September 27, 2009 Now, after seeing him twice in the preseason, I think the Wild have upgraded. While he doesn't have Gaborik's speed - virtually no one does - Havlat does things with the puck that Gaborik could only dream of. He has a great scoring touch, but I've already seen him throw a half-dozen remarkable passes. It's obvious that he sees the ice well, knows how to create passing lanes and makes the people around him better players. By December, Wild fans are going to love this guy. Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Monday, September 21, 2009 (Just below is Kurt Russell as Herb in the movie Miracle. It was my pleasure to know Herb a bit, and Kurt Russell does him so well that I now think of Russell as Herb. If I see the movie "Overboard," my first reaction is "Why is Herb on a boat?" If I see "Backdraft," I think "Why is Herb a firemen?" Russell just nailed the part.) Friday, September 18, 2009 2-0 win over Columbus, and here are just a few random observations: -- In new coach Todd Richards' system, defensemen are allowed - even expected - to jump into the rush when possible. Brent Burns was made for that kind of system. He was all over the ice tonight, assisted on a goal and looked fantastic. He could really thrive in this system. -- Cal Clutterbuck's rookie year wasn't a fluke, and he's ready to contribute. Two goals tonight, #1 star and a great presence. -- Goaltending, of course, is solid. Backstrom and Harding split the game, and the shutout, tonight. Harding will likely be traded soon, and it will hurt a bit to see him go. -- There were already #17 Petr Sykora jerseys on sale in the Hockey Lodge. Lots of fans wearing Havlat #14 jerseys already. -- Kyle Brodziak is going to be a nice addition to the team. Good skills, skates well. -- Colton Gillies didn't help his bid to make the team when he biffed a breakaway after Antti Meittinen set him up beautifully. Fun night, back there again on Sunday afternoon against the Blackhawks...Hope we get to see some Havlat, Sykora, Koivu, Brunette. Thursday, September 17, 2009 So let me be clear: Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile activity poses a real threat, not just to the United States, but to Iran's neighbors and our allies. The Czech Republic and Poland have been courageous in agreeing to host a defense against these missiles. As long as the threat from Iran persists, we will go forward with a missile defense system that is cost-effective and proven." Today, five months later, he notified the Czechs and Poles that he was pulling out of any agreement to provide a missile defense. To make it worse, today we learned, via the International Atomic Energy Agency, that: "Tehran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press." Now every potential ally of the United States has learned that the President's word is no good, and every potential enemy of the United States has learned that the United States will cut and run if pressured. Putting this group of amateurs in the White House is making the world much more dangerous. Tuesday, September 15, 2009 I also liked him because he wasn't afraid to talk about how much he respected the military. Burnsie's grandfather, Patrick, lived with the family while Brent was growing up, and the young Burns brothers loved to listen to Patrick - an artilleryman in World War II - tell stories about the war. Brent and his brother, Brad, have identical tattoos on their left arms. The tattoo features a cross and Canadian military helmet. In the background is a Bofor artillery gun, shooting over the hills of Sicily, and below the picture it reads, "Patrick Joseph Burns, 1911-1998." Now here's another reason to root for this good guy: According to a Tuesday story by ace reporter (see Sept. 2 blog entry below) Mike Russo, Burnsie has purchased a suite for the 2009-2010 season, and donated it to the National Guard. For each Wild home game, Burns will host veterans and their families in the suite. They will all get "Burnzie's Battalion" shirts, and meet him after each game. Anyone who has spent time around professional athletes will tell you that hockey players are far and away the friendliest and most accessible. Most of them don't make the huge money that baseball, football and basketball players make, and lots of them come from small-town backgrounds that help keep them humble. Burns has always been a classy guy, and this latest gesture increases my esteem even more. Friday, September 11, 2009 ...and brave firemen like Mike Kehoe never again saw their wives or children.... ....and when it was over, they celebrated across the Arab world, because the "Great Satan" - the United States of America - had been hit. And here we are, eight years later, still not taking seriously the threat to our country. The political left seeks to appease those who hate us, as if those who proclaim jihad against us could someone be appeased if we were just "nicer" to them. In the aftermath of 9/11, we said we'd "never forget," but half of the country has already. In the name of "diversity" and "tolerance" we let those who hate us and work for our destruction continue to make their plans, while the current administration focuses on prosecuting the very people who help keep us safe. We allow a fundamentalist islamic regime in Iran to come closer to its dream of owning nuclear weapons. A Holocaust survivor was once asked what lesson he learned from his experience, and he said, "When someone says that they want to kill you, believe them." Do we still believe that someone wants to destroy America, and what are we willing to do to stop them?
{ "date": "2017-08-19T16:45:22Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105700.94/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819162833-20170819182833-00137.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9804519414901733, "token_count": 13662, "url": "http://timdroogsma.blogspot.com/2009/" }
Jerusalem -Wednesday, afternoon August 6, 2014 According to political apocrypha, in 1972 President Richard Nixon asked China's number two leader Chou En Lai to assess the French Revolution which ended in 1799. "It's too soon to tell." But in the blogging world snap judgments – gut reactions – are expected. IDF reservists are on the way home to their families. Thank God. The Alpha and Omega is this: Gaza is part of The Long War which the Arabs launched against the Zionist enterprise, arguably in 1929. Understand all that follows in that light. The headlines talk about a return to normalcy. But of course, given the part of the world we live in "normalcy" could unravel in milliseconds. It looks like the ceasefire will hold. Hamas, however, is threatening to resume attacks on Friday morning. So, it is too early to tell. I hear say that the war was a "failure" because the enemy was able to keep shooting until the very end and that our army did not manage to kill the enemy leaders. Hamas even partially closed Ben-Gurion airport. Well, actually, that was the Federal Aviation Administration. And that was a taste of what will happen if ever, heaven forbid, the "two state solution" kicks in and the PLO sits astride the mountains of Samaria opposite the airport. But, that's a separate matter. Back to Gaza. The most cost-effective way to stop a military threat is with deterrence. Israel is surrounded by enemies. All of them have rockets. Some have missiles. One is working on a nuclear weapons capability. We will know in the fullness of time whether Israel restored its military deterrence vis-à-vis Hamas-controlled Gaza. I hope so. But I also regret that we did not manage to liquidate very many enemy leaders, particularly Mohammed Deif. I would say that he is anyway a walking dead man -- but because of previous assassination attempts that would uncouth. His time will come. Ins'allah. Experience shows that killing the enemy leadership while delivering justice and retribution – legitimate ends in and of themselves – as a military value has a short shelf-life span. It was good that we liquidated Abdel Aziz Rantisi. It was even better that we neutralized Ahmed Yassin (who founded Hamas). It was welcome that we sent Yahya Ayyash to hell. But liquidating such evil men offers no magic bullet. And it vastly complicates the schedule of that haggard 72-year-old virgin promised to all the shahids. Killing the enemy leaders during a battle disrupts their command and control and would have been particularly valuable. We didn't manage to get, as far as I know, any key Izz ad-Din al-Kassam leaders (but, here too, too early to tell) or any in the so-called political leadership of Hamas like Mahmoud al-Zahar or Ismail Haniyeh. A couple of top Islamic Jihad characters did come down with fatal lead poisoning. Meanwhile, the outside Hamas leaders and much of the "religious guidance council" probably don't sleep too easy. There are complaints the job is unfinished. Since when does Israel have the luxury to finish the job? And by the way, when was the last time the U.S. won a war? Russia? Britain? I think we're talking 1945. If Hamas had been suicidal and continued to shoot – there would have been no choice but to re-conquer the Strip. No one really knows how long that would take – everyone agrees it would be a long, drawnout and bloody business. And then what? Not clear. I am not keen on "helping Abu Mazen" by handing him Gaza (like he could digest it). I hear the Egyptians are thinking in terms of Mohammed Dahlan for Gaza. The old crackdown artist. Anyway, I know the mantra "helping Palestinian moderates" is supposedly our only recourse. Problem is I think all true "Palestinian moderates" are pushing up daises -- and Fatah is by no means a genuine moderate movement. For now, the army is entirely out of Gaza. So we sit tight and see how it all plays out. Plainly, if it begins to drizzle rockets and we don't act, disproportionately, to re-establish deterrence, then we'll have only ourselves to blame for the consequences. How do you know when you've restored deterrence? When the enemy does not shoot. We always say we won't let the situation get out of hand and we always let the situation get out of hand. I guess that's human nature. People are saying how we handled the tunnel business – not dealing with it sooner – was a failure. I am not sure any army could have done better. Gilad Shalit got taken (and Hanan Barak and Pavel Slutzker were killed) by Hamas tunnel guerillas. What did PM Benjamin Netanyahu do? He released 1,000 terrorists. That emboldened the enemy in Gaza and in Judea and Samaria -- but don't get me started. People say we should have acted sooner on the tunnels. Well, there are undoubtedly tunnels from Hezbollah-occupied Lebanon into northern Israel. And I don't know too many reasonable people who want to do anything offensive about it at this point. It will take time for the fog of war to lift. We lost 64 soldiers and four civilians. The air force flew 4,762 sorties. The IDF called up 80,000 reservists – men and women. The true extent of Palestinian casualties we do not know We guesstimate about 1,000 gunmen killed. But there were also among enemy non-combatants perhaps 429 children killed. We cannot cherish Palestinian children more than their own leaders – still it is tragic that they forced us to kill them in the process of defending ourselves. It sullies us. But what choice was there? Gold Meir was right when she said that it was unforgivable that the Arabs made us kill their children. It will take a while to discover the rules of the game going forward. We are fortunate that Egypt is presently at odds with Hamas. President Abdul Sisi, too, sees his interest in "helping Abu Mazen" not the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood. Cairo will presumably keep the tunnels between Sinai and Gaza sealed and not permit weapons to flow in either direction. Let's hope Sisi hangs on and maintains this policy. What will Israel demand of Gaza? Will we be able to resist the so-called international community in order to protect our elementary security interests. Netanyahu will need to be prudent in what we ask for and steadfast in his resolve. Hamas needs to be defanged and disarmed. Time will tell. It's hard to be optimistic given that Barack Obama and John Kerry are looking after our interests with an assist from David Cameron and Francois Hollande. All agree Israel has the right to passive self-defense. Meantime, a depraved United Nations, an Orwellian UN Human Rights Council, and the twisted enablers of Palestinian victimization at UNRWA – prepare for a their kangaroo court that manipulates international law into lawfare holding Jews to a double standard. During the war Israel moved 2,000 trucks of food and supplies for the enemy non combatants. Until the war, Israel also supplied fuel and electricity. We set up a field hospital just outside the gates of Gaza. If you are going to have enemies, pray your enemy is a Jew. According to a Haaretz poll, 53 percent of Israelis also think "helping Abu Mazen" should be our goal. Obviously, a political solution is preferable. It is just not in the cards given enemy intentions. What can I say: countries are not the only ones who want the illusion of momentum. People like that too. And when that is the uniform message Israelis get – can you blame them for falling for it? Some 56 percent say that the IDF achieved at least a partial victory – with that, at least, I agree. PM Benjamin Netanyahu comes out of the war with a 44 percent approval rating. DF Moshe Ya'alon with 43 percent and the IDF chief of staff Gen. Benny Gantz comes out best with 53 percent. As much as I don't care for Netanyahu due to his chronic lack of character, I would give him better marks for his handling of the war. Especially because he also had to contend with a demagogic foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who behaved appallingly and a smart-alecky Jewish Home Party leader Naftali Bennett, who said one thing behind closed doors (reportedly) and another to the TV cameras. In fact, he had no friends around the cabinet table. He's not a guy who generates a lot of loyalty from the people he works with our who work for him. But, that too, is another story. Some final snap judgments. The country really pulled together. Basically. The Zionist opposition was mostly responsible and supportive of the war effort. I think former Labor leader Shelly Yacomovitch and the current leader Isaac Herzog did good work. The Disloyal Knesset Opposition did its best for Hamas. No surprise there. Meanwhile, Jerusalem-area Palestinians rioted regularly, unhelpfully, counter-productively. A few used knives, tractors, and guns to kill Jews – answering the Hams call to start a third intifada. Fatah (which benefits most because the IDF weakened Hamas) will now use every trick in the lawfare book to besmirch Israel and agitate, instigate, and mobilize against Israel. Naturally, Abbas himself would not last 48 hours without Israel watching his back. But – that's another story. And while Fatah/the Palestinian Authority/ State of Palestine/PLO –whatever you want to call it is undermining Israel, a long line of Israelis -- Herzog is just the most obviously gormless -- will be banging the "help Abu Mazin" drum. I don't get it. The Agents of Foreign Influence – groups like B'Tselem and ACCRI did what we would expect of them: and what their paymasters at the EU and in the US and the various foundations (some of them, sigh, Jewish) wanted them to: undermine the war effort and weaken moral. They were pretty ineffectual. I saw that Jodi Rudoren of the New York Times had a little kvetch that B'Tselem couldn't buy radio time during the war to damage Israeli morale. Well, as far as I know, no one has sold anyone radio time in Washington or London to read the names of enemy non-combatants killed by U.S. or British forces. Nu, Rudoren is disappointed. She came to Jerusalem disappointed with the Zionists and she will leave disappointed with the bad "right-wing" Zionists. She says the whole bloody country is "right-wing" meaning it's nothing like the neighborhood around Zabar's. So many disappointed Jews at the Times. Uncle Tom. Uncle Roger. Bummer. The war should humble us. Israeli intelligence does not know everything. Let's remember that. We don't know where all the tunnels are. We don't know where the Hamas leaders hide… Let's remember that's true, too, in connection with our greatest enemy Iran. Speaking of intelligence, I have a hunch where the bad guys were hiding. Last time I looked, Qatar had a consulate in Gaza. Not sure if Turkey has diplomats stationed in the Strip. I'd bet the enemy command and control was in a bunker underneath a diplomatic mission and not under Shifa hospital. People will rightly complain that some of our soldiers went into Gaza on armored personnel jalopies – terrible. That needs to be investigated. It needs to be fixed. Some 705 foreign journalists were sent to Israel to cover the war. I didn't watch much foreign media during this war. Firstly, there was little time and secondly, I know where they stand on Israel. What little I did see and read reinforced this view. People latched on to a single friendly essay in The Independent (noch) or in the Times (of London). The Arabs accused the BBC of a pro-Zionist slant. No, I mean it. The Western press (writ large) does not "get" the war of civilizations or that Israel is engaed in a Long War. It just doesn't and everything else follows from that. The idea of a zero sum conflict strikes liberals and cosmopolitans and many millennials as archaic. On the Israeli media, I'd say that I found Channel 2 (intermittently) the least bad. No one beats Ehud Ya'ari for reading the Arab mind or the jingoistic Ronny Daniel for making me feel like I'm a dove. And I also liked to have my convictions tested by Amnon Abramovich. Yonit Levi did an outstanding job of being Yonit Levi and that’s all I'll say. Otherwise, Israelis benefitted from some hardworking field reporters and producers and cameramen who deserve our appreciation. On radio, heroic Carmella Ben Meneshe lost her voice but did a yeoman's job. Channel 10 tended to be defeatist – but only intermittently. And I can't help that I enjoy Rafi Reshef. Channel 1 did its best but with a small budget it was at a decided disadvantage. Yediot Aharanot and Maariv stayed populist and shallow – like we would expect. Haaretz wasn't terrible – not all the time – given that it straddles the post-Zionist/anti-Zionist/ quasi Zionist line. Mekor Rishon was good. Israel Hayom was superb in rallying the nation. Thank you Sheldon Adelson. Seriously. The haredi papers I saw were also supportive of the war effort. I suppose I should wrap up with a word about the Obama administration. My regulars know that I have argued all U.S. administrations have let Israel down when the going got tough. I've elsewhere given the litany to prove this point. All administrations rightly pursue U.S. interests not Israeli interests. And anyway, why should Barack Obama treat Israel with any less disdain, arrogance, and meanness than he treats the U.S. Congress? Would Mitt Romney have been better? History says no. But I'm wavering. I'm wavering. Obama really is different. The worst president for Israel? Too early to tell.
{ "date": "2018-08-17T01:27:47Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221211403.34/warc/CC-MAIN-20180817010303-20180817030303-00217.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.963397204875946, "token_count": 3096, "url": "http://elliotjager.blogspot.com/2014/08/its-wrap-2014-gaza-war.html" }
By now, you know how much I like to glean wisdom from our Jewish brothers and sisters, especially when it comes to reading the Hebrew Scriptures. This is partly because I have Jewish background on my father’s side. My great grandfather grew up in a shtetl in the Ukraine and I have memories of colorful Yiddish words and phrases that my grandfather would frequently use. Whenever my grandpa found himself doing something that he thought was boring or useless he would say he was “shlug zich kop in vaunt,” which means, “banging his head against the wall.” And whenever my dad complained or whined to my grandpa, my grandpa would tell him “don’t hak mir in tchainik” which literally means “stop banging my tea kettle,” but is a colloquial way of saying, “stop making a tempest in a teapot.” And if my dad would persist in his whining, my grandpa would tell him to stop being such a “nudnik,” which is someone who is so annoying that it is becoming boring. My dad recalls his uncle referring to him and his sister as “nudnik” so often that he’s not sure if his uncle ever really knew their real names (!). There are many popular Yiddish words my grandpa would often use, such as “klutz” and “schlep” and “mensch,” but there is one paritcular Yiddish word that I want to offer for some reflection this morning; and that is the word “kvetch”, which means “to complain, whine or fret” or “someone who tends to complain.” In today’s readings, there is a lot of kvetching. The Israelites kvetch about not having enough bread in the wilderness, the day laborers kvetch about not getting paid more than those who worked for only an hour, and even Paul kvetches a bit about his suffering and his struggle. The other optional readings for this Sunday have even more kvetching with the bitter and melodramatic complaints of the self-pitying prophet Jonah. Ironically, the one reading that has the least kvetching is the Psalm, which comes from the book most replete with complaints. But even the Psalmist describes the kvetching of the Israelites (somewhat euphemistically) in saying, “They asked, and quails appeared, and [God] satisfied them with bread from heaven” (105:40). And here is what is so fascinating to me about all this kvetching: Instead of God sternly demanding everyone to stop whining and start being more grateful for what they already have, God responds to all the complaining with profound grace, bestowing gifts of physical and spiritual nourishment. God does not necessarily encourage the kvetching, but God does seem to create a space for it, to accommodate it and to respond generously to it. God displays an amazing grace that appears to save all of these kvetches. And I’m personally comforted by these lessons because they encourage me to believe that God’s amazing grace could save a kvetch like me. After all of their complaining, the Israelites receive the divine invitation to “Draw near to the LORD for he has heard your complaining” and then they receive a divine vision: “they looked toward the wilderness and the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.” And then they receive their fill of meat and bread because, as the text says multiple times, the LORD heard their complaining. The Lord heard their kvetching. In the Gospel, the day laborers also grumble. In fact, the Greek word for grumble is rather onomatopoetic (sounds like the act it conveys): gogguzw (gong-good-zo), which is the same word used in the Septuagint for the “complaining” of the Israelites (gong-good-zo, almost as fun to say as “kvetch”). The day laborers are frustrated and for good reason. They have received the same pay as those who only worked for an hour! They worked and sweated through the scorching heat and, as a result, do not want to be considered equal to those who worked for a brief hour in the coolness of the evening, so they bring their complaint to the landowner. And the landowner responds to their complaint not with harsh judgment, not by calling them “nudniks,” but by calling them “Friends.” If we see the landowner as God, then already the laborers have received a great honor in being called “Friends.” In this light, the parable reflects the words from the Gospel of John when Jesus tells his disciples, “I do not call you servants any longer…but I have called you friends” (John 15:15). The landowner then assures them, “I am doing you no wrong” and then proceeds to offer them deep spiritual wisdom about his scandalous generosity that will nourish them for a lifetime. In the readings, humanity complains and God responds with grace and love. As the Psalm says, “They complained and God satisfied them.” Now I am not encouraging us all to think of things to complain about. Giving thanks and praise to the Lord is a right and good and joyful thing for us to do as the Psalms and our Prayer Book attest. However, when we do have justifiable reason to complain (loss of job, apparent injustice in the work place, loss of loved one), God would prefer our kvetching to our cold indifference. Now I am not talking about complaining to one another or to our supervisors or to our priests. I am talking about complaining to God in our prayer. Biblical Scholar Walter Brueggemann explains that our failure to bring our complaints to God in prayer leads to “both psychological inauthenticity and social immobility.” By not confronting God with our frustration, we lose our voice and our capacity for what Bruegemann calls “genuine covenant interaction.” We also lose “the ego strength that is necessary for responsible faith” and our prayers become “a practice of denial, cover-up, and pretense.” If we fail to be honest with our frustration and refuse to bring our complaints to God in prayer, we fall into “civility …docility…grim obedience and eventually despair.” But if we are honest with our frustration and bring our complaints to God in prayer, then we will experience the generosity and love of God in response. Throughout Scripture and throughout the history of Christian spirituality, those who complain to God tend to draw closer to God as a result. Draw near to the LORD for he has heard your complaining. Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel was asked if he still believed in God after experiencing the horror of the Holocaust. He said, “I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I’ve been closer to him for that reason.” When it comes to major tragedies, the word “kvetch” feels wholly inappropriate and inadequate to describe what we want to do and what we want to say to a God whom we expect to be ultimately in charge. Literally, the word “kvetch” means “to press or to squeeze,” which is what Jacob was doing to the Angel with whom he was wrestling; he squeezed and refused to let go of the angel until he received a blessing. Eventually, God gave him a blessing as well as a new name: Israel, which means “The one who struggles with God.” When it comes to major suffering in our lives or in the world, our kvetching turns into wrestling and serious struggle. St. Paul, who was no stranger to tragedy, (who was, as he said, “hard-pressed”), speaks of this struggle as a privilege because he knows that such struggle drew him closer to Christ. God can handle whatever anger or frustration we bring to him, whether it be profound sorrow caused by deep loss or kvetching about some apparent injustice. God can handle it (and will handle it) and then transform us in the process by pouring down nourishment from heaven. When we complain, God does not say, “Quit banging my tea kettle” or “Stop being such a nudnik.” Instead God calls us “Friend” and holds us in our anger and frustration the way a parent holds a child who is screaming or throwing a temper tantrum. Even as the child is kicking and screaming, the parent still holds the child lovingly, knowing that the child does not (and perhaps cannot) understand. Although I myself can be a real kvetch to God in prayer, I have found that, through all my grumbling, God remains patient and loving. And I actually grow closer to God, maybe even because of my honest complaining. So I invite you to be honest with God in your prayers, to engage in “genuine covenant interaction” with your Lord. I invite you to draw near to the LORD for he will hear your complaining. Draw near to the Lord for his amazing grace continually saves a kvetch like me. Brueggemann, The Psalms & the Life of Faith, 111 Ibid, 102 Ibid, 103 Ibid, 100 Ibid, 102
{ "date": "2018-08-20T05:16:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221215843.55/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820042723-20180820062723-00137.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9691581130027771, "token_count": 2018, "url": "http://redeemer94901.org/home/sermons/ordinary-time-ii/09-17-17-grace-that-saves-a-kvetch-like-me/" }
Corneal Specialist and Comprehensive Ophthalmology - Fellowships — Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington D.C., Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University and Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation - Residency — Nassau County Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania Scheie Eye Institute - Medical School — University of Cincinnati College of Medicine - Undergraduate — Hofstra University - American Association of Ophthalmic Pathologists - American Academy of Ophthalmology - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology - Nassau County Medical Society - New York State Medical Society - International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty - Eastern Ophthalmic Pathology Society Henry Perry, MD, is a board certified ophthalmologist who is recognized as one of the leading corneal and refractive surgeons in the United States. He is also internationally renowned and lectures throughout the world. He is a nationally recognized expert in diseases and surgery of the cornea and corneal pathology. He has also written over 190 peer-reviewed papers and numerous chapters on corneal and refractive surgery. He is the winner of the Senior Honor Award and Honor Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Most recently, Dr. Perry was awarded the Life Achievement Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology for his contributions to ophthalmology; he is the first ophthalmologist from Long Island to win this award. Dr. Perry has won several Best Doctor Awards and received the 2016 Premier Surgeon 300 designation given to the top 300 surgeons by Ocular Surgery News. Dr. Perry received his bachelor’s degree from Hofstra University and his medical degree with honors from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. After completing his residency at the Nassau County Medical Center and the University of Pennsylvania Scheie Eye Institute, Dr. Perry completed fellowships in ophthalmic pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington D.C., in cornea and external disease at the cornea service of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard University, and cornea research at Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation. Dr. Perry is the Chief of the Cornea Service at Nassau University Medical Center. He has served as attending surgeon and consultant for numerous hospitals, including North Shore University Medical Center, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, Winthrop-University Hospital, Nassau County Medical Center, Mercy Hospital, John T. Mather Memorial Hospital and Long Island Jewish Hillside Medical Center. He is Medical Director of the Lions Eye Bank for Long Island at North Shore University Medical Center. Dr. Perry is a Fellow of the American Association of Ophthalmic Pathologists and is a member of several professional societies including the American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Medical Association, and Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Nassau County Medical Society, New York State Medical Society, International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty and Eastern Ophthalmic Pathology Society. Dr. Perry is the Associate Editor for the journal Cornea. Dr. Perry offers patient appointments exclusively in the Rockville Centre office of Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island.
{ "date": "2018-08-19T09:22:05Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221215075.58/warc/CC-MAIN-20180819090604-20180819110604-00337.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9299764037132263, "token_count": 653, "url": "https://www.ocli.net/doctors-staff-long-island/dr-henry-d-perry/" }
As the world watches Iraq’s ISIS Crisis with astonishment and thinks about the outcome of the possible triumph of terrorism and its impact on Global Economy, very few people actually try to figure out the true cause while others satiate themselves by saying – “oh that’s not our business…we can just wait it out”. We could only wish it had been that simple! Unfortunately, the entire Iraq Crisis and the reign of ISIS terror was planned out with pen and paper back in 1996 by the Zionists. It is a part of global Zionist conspiracy. As hard as it may appear to digest, it is true and this allegation is not a conspiracy theory made up by anyone. This is a fact proven again and again by authentic proofs but Jews don’t care because they have the power, they have money, they control American politics and look at us! We dumb idiots believe what they want us to believe because Jews control the media (that was once referred to as Press). And…most of the some of us who know the truth are either afraid to stand up and speak freely or we are just happy with our daily dose of pizzas and burgers, pubs and nightclubs, movies and sex! Most of us are just happy enough to earn enough money that will ensure our survival and give us the means to indulge ourselves in activities that we define as happiness. So what is the relation between rise of ISIS and Zionism? This post is in no way going to speak about ISIS or its development or even the kind of firepower they own. Rather, this post will concentrate on facts that led to ISIS terror and true masterminds behind the crisis and their motive. This post will go back into 9/11 Twin Tower attacks and cover aspects of Saddam Hussein and occupation of Iraq and the current ISIS led crisis. We will find out who benefits from this. Let us look back in not so distant history of WWI and WWII Holocaust. We already mentioned that the events were all set up by the Jews. What did they gain from that? Complete immunity from criticism, enormous amounts of wealth and the much needed political power. And then there was 9/11 which was straight away blamed on Osama Bin Laden (who was formerly trained by the CIA) and 10 years later American Navy Seals killed Laden. Interesting story but everything was fabricated and was nothing more than a lie. Bin Laden was already dead by December 2001 somewhere in the mountains of northeastern Afghanistan. Because we want to skip the part and go into ISIS and Zionism, we will give you four resources that explain the death of Osama and how American government just decided to hide the truth from the world so that they can continue their so called war against terrorism at the cost of American taxpayers’ money. One of these resources gives evidence of how Jews planned, executed and created a cover story for the 9/11 attacks so that they can destroy the Arabic countries that they consider to be threats to Zionist Israel. Francesco Cossiga, former Italian President, told the Italian newspaper named Corriere della Sera that it was MOSSAD that committed the 9/11 attack. Here is the English translation of his statement: “All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.” Here are the four resources that we highly recommend: - 9/11:Israel did it - Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government - The Osama Bin Laden US Government Lies Exposed: Revealed – Military E-Mails Show That NO US Sailors Witnessed Osama Bin Laden’s Secret Burial At Sea! Now coming to ISIS and the current Iraq Crisis, the facts are amazingly disturbing! The question is, “Why did we even bring up 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden in the picture?” You will get to know that soon enough. So, let us begin with the 12 interesting facts about how Zionists led to ISIS crisis. 1. The current ISIS crisis in Iraq was manufactured by Zionists a long time ago. The plans were laid down by David Wurmser and Richard Perle. Both of them were America based Zionists. David Wurmser – a Jewish neocon (neoconservative) wrote a paper in 1996 while working for The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS) – an Israeli think tank. This paper was prepared in 1996 – exactly 7 years before America and Britain declared war on Iraq. 2. It the paper it was specifically mentioned that any peace process between Israel and Palestine was hampering the strategic initiative of Israel. You can find the entire paper here but we will quote some of the key points of the paper just in case you decide to skip reading the entire paper. Here are the extracts in bold italics: “……That peace process obscured the evidence of eroding national critical mass— including a palpable sense of national exhaustion—and forfeited strategic initiative. The loss of national critical mass was illustrated best by Israel’s efforts to draw in the United States to sell unpopular policies domestically, to agree to negotiate sovereignty over its capital…… ……To secure the nation’s streets and borders in the immediate future, Israel can: - Work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of its most dangerous threats. This implies clean break from the slogan, “comprehensive peace” to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power. - Change the nature of its relations with the Palestinians, including upholding the right of hot pursuit for self defense into all Palestinian areas and nurturing alternatives to Arafat’s exclusive grip on Palestinian society. - Forge a new basis for relations with the United States—stressing self-reliance, maturity, strategic cooperation on areas of mutual concern, and furthering values inherent to the West. This can only be done if Israel takes serious steps to terminate aid, which prevents economic reform. ……Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions…… ……Since Iraq’s future could affect the strategic balance in the Middle East profoundly, it would be understandable that Israel has an interest in supporting the Hashemites in their efforts to redefine Iraq……Were the Hashemites to control Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah, Iran, and Syria……” Zionist Israel made it clear that their primary target was to destroy Syria and Iraq! The naked truth of Iraq Crisis today is that Sunni Muslim militants are today killing the Shia Muslims exactly as planned in 1996! Zionists in American politics – 9/11 attacks – the Iraq War followed by ISIS Crisis – The Chain of destruction as planned 3. We saw the master plan of the Jews and they had to execute it. But how? “Put Zionists (Jews) in American politics and make America nothing but Israel’s bitch” – this is exactly what was planned. Richard Perle attended IASPS conference as the American Enterprise Institute’s delegate and he was not only the study group leader but was also a Jewish neocon. Another Jewish neocon was Douglas Feith representing Feith and Zell Associates. 4. Those to people, Perle and Feith became members of Bush administration and held extremely important posts. Perle was appointed the chairman of Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee for George W. Bush and Feith assumed the roles of Policy Advisor of Pentagon and Under Secretary of Defense. 5. Then a flood of other Jewish neocons entered American government and all of them held important positions. The image below gives a list of all Jews that made it to the most important and powerful positions in American government and administration. It also gives the respective positions held by them. 6. Now that everything and everyone was in place, all that the Zionists had to do was to push America into war and then came 9/11. America staged it (of course they were Zionists) as a mission carried out by the Islamic terrorists. Was it? We gave 4 resources earlier which indicate that it was MOSSAD that was behind the 9/11 strike. As a matter of fact, the Twin Towers had every sign of controlled demolition and so did the third building – Building 7. These were steel frame supported buildings and the only way they could have collapsed the way they did was by controlled demolition and not by airplanes hitting them. As a matter of fact Building 7 was never even hit by a plane. What caused its demolition? American authorities jumped out and created a report that it collapsed because of an internal fire. This is nothing but absolute bullshit. Read the scientific report from Architects and Engineers that can be downloaded from here. Who was behind this? Yes, you get it right. The Zionists! And…who was blamed? Yes, Laden! But Laden was just a cover for the prime target. Then the Jew-dominated media came up saying that Iraq was behind the attack. 7. 9/11 was just an excuse that was made up and then the fingers pointed towards Iraq. It was declared that Saddam Hussein could have been involved in 9/11 attacks. CIA was commissioned to MANUFACTURE a bogus intelligence report that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (in short, nuclear weapons). Voila! There was the much needed justification for invading Iraq. 2003 – Britain in Grasp of Zionists! 8. In the meantime, Britain was not immune to Zionist conspiracy. Those filthy Jews were there too and why not? Remember what happed in WWI? The Zionists sold out German victory to England by maneuvering USA into war with Germany. Tam Dalyell, a left wing veteran member of the House of Commons of England openly declared in May 2003 that a “cabal of Jewish advisors” had surrounded Tony Blair (Blair was the Prime Minister of Britain in 2003). Dalyell went on saying that “[Jews] are skewing British foreign policy on the Middle East in favour of the Israeli Government” and that Blair was “unduly influenced” by Lord Levy who was unofficial envoy of Blair to the Middle East and was also the primary fund-raiser for the Labour Party. There was no wonder that Britain joined US in war against Iraq. Below is the screenshot of a report from THE SCOTSMAN: 9. The result was clean and simple. Iraq was destroyed and Saddam Hussein was hanged. The Zionist conspiracy was successful. But, there was no one to oppose. Ernest Hollings, US Senator, wrote a post in May 2004 where he said that US fought the Iraq War for Israel and Iraq was in no way a threat to US and that when US invaded Iraq, there were no terrorist threats from Saddam Hussein or Iraq against the US in last 10 years. Here is the entire copy of the article. 10. Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander and retired US Army General, told in an interview with London’s local newspaper Guardian in 2002 that “…Saddam Hussein is no threat to the United States…” Complete report here. 11. Furthermore, a public acknowledgement came from Jim Moran, US congressman that it was because of Israel that US invaded Iraq. He said that if the Jewish community did not support the war, US would have never done so. Complete report here. 12. What more? Carl Bernstein (a Jew), one of America’s most famous journalists (who was responsible for bringing down US President Richard Nixon by exposing Watergate Scandal), openly spoke on NBC’s Joe Scarborough show that ‘Jewish neocons’ were the people who caused the Iraq War. Watch the video below What’s really disturbing is that after the end of Iraq War it was completely clear that Saddam Hussein’s fall would break Iraq into religious sects of Sunnis, Shias and Kurdish who would fight among themselves and there was no wonder that Saddam’s regime was that of a dictatorship, he actually maintained a secular dictatorship and kept Iraq stable for a long time. This is exactly what the Jewish neocon’s 1996 report titled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” aimed for. Today Iraq has been broken down into ethnic enclaves and ISIS militants (the Sunnis) are ruthlessly killing Shia and taking control of one city after another in Iraq. If that is not disturbing enough, here is something you should know – “US will strike on ISIS probably not by ground but by air”. Why so? Zionists cannot afford to have ISIS taking control over entire Iraq once again because if that happens, Israel will be threatened once again. So, are there any signs of US striking ISIS? Yes, there is! On 16th June, 2014, CBS NEWS published a report where Senator Lindsay Graham said, “The seeds of 9/11s are being planted all over Iraq and Syria. They want an Islamic caliphate that runs through Syria and Iraq…and they plan to drive us out of the Mideast by attacking us here at home.” Pay attention! Sen. Graham displayed, what can rightly be called as “staggering, extraordinary and monumental hypocrisy”. It was the same Sen. Graham who once supported the military aid to radical Muslim terrorists of al Qaeda in Syria – the de facto al Qaeda terrorist group that has now become ISIS (or Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams or Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Today Graham says that ISIS is a threat to US. Surprisingly enough, the person who interviewed Graham was probably aware of how Graham supported the military aid to the al Qaeda-aligned radical terrorists but never questioned Sen. Graham. Why didn’t he question? The answer is, ‘How could he?’ This is nothing but a typical example of how the Jews control the media and Graham is nothing but a typical Zionist stooge! There are two questions to ask now: What is America? The answer is: “She is Israel’s Bitch”. Which is the most powerful nation in this world? The answer is: “Israel because America is Israel’s bitch”. Wake up Americans! Zionism is leading you and the entire world to complete annihilation! Suggested reading: More Evidence U.S. Funds al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria (Warning! This link contains a very graphic video). Post inspired by David Duke’s “Iraq ISIS Crisis — The Zionist Treason that Has Led Syria, Iraq and Ultimately America to Disaster”
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Benjamin Netanyahu has miscalculated. In the nine days since the Israeli prime minister reneged on a decision that would have allowed men and women to pray together at Jerusalem’s holy Western Wall, the outrage among American Jews is only getting worse. The carefully-crafted agreement, adopted by Netanyahu’s cabinet in January 2016 with input from Israeli and American leaders of the Reform and Conservative Jewish movements, would have created a third area at the Wall where both men and women could pray together. In spiking the deal, and thereby keeping the genders separated, with the lion’s share of the wall reserved for men, Netanyahu has caved to pressure from the increasingly strident ultra-Orthodox partners in his governing coalition. But the prime minister’s pandering to minority hardliners has caused an unprecedented uproar among the Diaspora Jews whose political and financial support is crucial to Israel. “Enough is enough,” wrote Isaac Fisher, a board member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), in a pained letter to senior Israeli officials. “The time has come for the Israeli government to understand that its public includes all the people of Israel.” Fisher, a real estate magnate and philanthropist, has asked for the return of the $1 million he invested in Israeli bonds last month and announced that he is suspending fundraising activities for Israel over what he described as Netanyahu’s “serious act of contempt” for the rabbis and leaders of U.S. communities. “Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox say, ‘You don’t matter. They say to our women, ‘Your Judaism isn’t Judaism’,” Fisher told the newspaper Yediot Ahronot. “We have an obligation to put an end to it.” Jewish Canadian Charles Bronfman, a billionaire and major donor to North American Jewish causes, wrote to Netanyahu that he did not know of any other country that “denies any Jew based on denomination.” AIPAC, a powerful pro-Israel lobbying group, was so concerned that it sent an emergency delegation to meet with Netanyahu over the Fourth of July weekend. At present, the Wall, once part of the ancient temple of Jerusalem, divides men from women75 percent of the space and access to more than 100 Torah scrolls reserved exclusively for men. The remaining quarter, with no scrolls, is assigned to women. Non-Orthodox Jews do not separate men and women for prayer in synagogue, but they are not allowed to pray together at the Wall except in a third section, below ground level, that is not fully excavated and invisible from the main plaza. The agreement would have given them equal space for their prayers – a principle supported by nearly two-thirds of Israelis. Friction over how women pray at the Wall, known in Hebrew as the Kotel, has been increasing for years. In 2013, Israel police detained 10 women from Women of the Wall, a group that has been protesting gender restrictions since 1988, for praying out loud and wearing prayer shawls traditionally used by men. The current crisis, however, takes place against a backdrop of growing ultra-Orthodox extremism and the secular majority’s dwindling patience for their demands. Orthodox political parties are incensed about a conscription law drafting young ultra-Orthodox men as part of Israel’s mandatory military service; secular Israelis resent the preferential tax treatment and state sponsorship of religious institutions that the ultra-Orthodox enjoy. Orthodox political leaders have recently adopted more confrontational rhetoric. On July 3 Shas leader Aryeh Dery, one of the ministers who forced Netanyahu’s hand, absurdly claimed the Reform movement intends to convert thousands of African asylum-seekers (he called them “infiltrators”) to Judaism, so they could become Israeli citizens. The next day, the baseless xenophobic claim was parroted by Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, who heads the Jewish Home party. The Israeli public is alert to the consequences of Netanyahu’s rebuff of their international supporters. The hosts of Vilensky and Bardugo, a popular afternoon drive-time radio news show, said the prime minister’s “surrender to the ultra-Orthodox… signifies a loss of Israel’s number one strategic interest, American Jews.” A July 4th editorial in Haaretz noted the key political role played by U.S. Jews: “They push Israeli causes in the White House, lobby for budgets on Capitol Hill … defend Israel’s good name in the media, fight our wars, lock horns with our enemies and stand by our side even when they don’t agree with it.” Another commentator, National Jewish Book Award winner Daniel Gordis, thinks that American Jews should force “a coalition crisis” for the Netanyahu government. “Netanyahu, his party and anyone in his coalition must become toxic,” Gordis, an American-born Orthodox Jew who lives in Israel writes. “No meetings with American Jews, not in Israel and not in the U.S. Delegations that would normally meet with him should stop. Israel’s consuls-general in the US should be shunned and disinvited.” Netanyahu seems impervious to the scale of the rage he has precipitated. After heaping praise on President Trump at the United States embassy’s Fourth of July party, he said, “I am committed to making every Jew feel at home in Israel, including at the Kotel. All we need is patience and perseverance.” He offered no details as to how he would reconcile the tension between keeping his coalition partners happy without alienating his mainstream supporters. About the Author Noga Tarnopolsky has covered the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US-Israeli relations for more than twenty years. Her work has been published in publications that include the New York Times, the New Yorker, and the Washington Post. @NTarnopolsky The views expressed in this article are not those of Reuters News.
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* Assad: Israel pushing Middle East to war Syrian President Bashar Assad on Wednesday said Israel was not serious about wanting peace, and accused the Jewish state of leading the Middle East towards war. * Assad: Israel pushing Middle East to war Israel is pushing the Middle East toward a new war, Syrian President Bashar Assad said on Wednesday. * FM: If Syria provokes Israel, Assad will be out of power Lieberman blasts Syrian president for claiming Israel leading Middle East towards war. * U.S. report: Blond-haired, blue-eyed Americans may be joining Al Qaida The Senate has expressed concern over American converts to Islam who were joining the Al Qaida network in Yemen. * China Renews Opposition to Iran Sanctions Adding to a growing catalogue of disputes between Washington and Beijing, a senior Chinese official said on Thursday that pressure for tighter sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program could block chances of a diplomatic settlement. * Hamas wants talks with US, Europe: Haniya Hamas is ready for dialogue with the international community, including the United States and European Union. * PM: Peace talks could resume in weeks Seven years after then-prime minister Ariel Sharon unveiled his Gaza disengagement plan at the Herzliya Conference. * More Than 25% of Knesset Joins 'Land of Israel Forum' A new Land of Israel Forum has been formed in the Knesset, with representation from no fewer than seven parties. * Free Speech on Trial: 15 Defense Witnesses Disallowed The free-speech trial of anti-Islamization Fitna movie-producer Geert Wilders has taken a break – after the court rejected 15 of Wilders' requested witnesses. * Huckabee in Israel: Iran threatens US as well Governor Mike Huckabee is in Israel this week leading a delegation of 170 American Christians.
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