Dog rescue foundation spreading false information to potential adopters about an aggressive dog.
My sister recently adopted a dog from this foundation in Florida who were urgently trying to find a home for him stating he was going to be euthanized the next day. She was told that he was dog friendly and that the original owner wanted him euthanized just because he didn t want him anymore. We have three other dogs in our house two of them being older (14 and 10). The first morning he was here he attacked our 14 year old dog completely unprovoked and without warning. It took 2 people to pull him off of him. We chalked it up to the stress of a new environment and the fact that he was three years old and not neutered (he was scheduled to be neutered) seeing as our 14 year old dog is male. We decided to keep him separate from our other dogs until he felt more comfortable and had been neutered to see if he could be reintroduced. That night he broke through the gate keeping him separate and beelined for our 14 year old who was sleeping on the other side of the house and hurt him pretty badly before we were able to get him to let go. (He is a very strong pure muscle dog). My sister then contacted the foundation and told them he is not dog friendly and she was going to have to give him back and they shamed her for it. Later we found out they relisted him on their page saying no one has applied for him and still telling everyone he is dog friendly and not telling the real reason his owner gave him up which was he attacked and killed a cat and the original owner was scared for his small children because the dog was showing aggressive tendencies. We ve also found out this is not the first time they have listed aggressive dogs as dog friendly resulting in injury of other pets.
2022-12-06 16:23:40
To protect yourself legally report these dog attacks to animal control. You do NOT want this dog killing a child and then getting swept up in the aftermath because you failed to report. (Remember the rescue lies. They will lie and say you told them nothing about an attack) Consider a civil suit vs the rescue. The fact they failed to be truthful about the dog after you returned it makes good evidence they knew and didn t disclose the truth when you adopted it. Make sure to take your child and your dog to the doctor and vet. That s the foundation of your loss . You might also want to take your child to therapy. Again this should be recoverable but even if not being attacked by a powerful dog is one hell of a traumatic event that can scar a kid emotionally for life
2022-12-06 20:42:33
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(GA) Employer HR refuses to open Special Enrollment Period for Group Health Insurance for Recently Immigrated Spouse with New SSN
Hello. My spouse recently immigrated to the USA. She is a legal Permanent Resident but not a citizen. Upon receiving her green card we applied for a social security number and then attempted to open a special enrollment period for healthcare coverage. We have been going through the immigration process for over 2 years. Throughout the 2 + years I ve gone through 3 employers who all verbally confirmed that my wife s immigration and gaining a SSN was a life qualifying event to open a special enrollment period. Upon contacting my HR department I was informed that immigration of my spouse and the gaining of a new SSN does not qualify for special enrollment. I have since gone to healthcare.gov and was able to enroll my wife in a horrible should-be-considered-a-scam healthcare plan that costs $450 month (just for her health insurance) and can t be used until I reach a high deductible that I hope we don t meet. Had I been able to add my spouse to my plan as promised I would be able to save over $2 000 in premium payments this year and would also be able to afford to take my spouse to get lab work (she previously had cancer) and things that are needed. My questions are: 1. Can I assume that my employer was incorrect in stating that my wife s immigration and SSN assignment does not qualify as life qualifying event? Healthcare.gov had no issues with it. 2. If my employer was incorrect is there anything that I could do to ensure that my company faces some type of legal action? If they are wrong in this situation I feel that they should face some type of consequence for this. I understand that mistakes happen but when someone s blatant refusal to do something results in excessive unnecessary costs to someone else there should be repercussions. Thanks in advance for any insight provided. Also for what its worth my employer is headquarted registered in Oklahoma.
2016-07-14 16:24:00
Did your wife have coverage in the country where she used to live? Her loss of eligibility for coverage under THAT plan (since she moved out of their service area) should trigger a mandatory special enrollment period. https: www.law.cornell.edu cfr text 29 2590.701-6
2016-07-14 16:42:44
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
I booked a place to stay through Expedia for the end of the year the place refuses to accept me.
I am pretty new to posting on reddit and thanks in advance for reading this. TLDR: I booked a place to stay in NY on October 11th through Expedia. Although money was collected and I was welcomed through email on October I was notified on December 14th that the place will not accept me as I am male (it is obvious from my name). This information was not stated on Expedia webpage and I have a saved webpage proving this. I reached the property manager and they said they never listed their property on Expedia and only on Homeaway and Airbnb so they refuse to take any responsibility or give me any refund. I reached Expedia 5 times each time taking 20 minutes making them understand my situation. They keep saying that they do not have authority because the transaction is through Homeaway and refuses to refund me. Now I do not have a place to stay and my hotel fee is gone to waste. &amp #x200B I have booked a place to stay in NY for about four days from this Saturday to Tuesday. I booked through Expedia webpage on October 11th and the property manager sent me an email (from a personal gmail account) stating Greetings welcome to NYC. Thank you for allowing us to host and serve you. We trust you will enjoy your stay with us! We are located at ... (I omitted further detail as I do not know how much I may reveal) and the money (\~$201) was collected back then. Now on December 14th I received an email from Homeaway that the property only accepts female guest. I contacted them through their personal gmail account inquiring this but I did not receive any response. I was in a foreign country for that week so I could not make too many actions other than emailing them without any response. So starting December 18th I started calling Expedia customer support. First time I called the support said they will escalate this issue to higher-up and get back to me in 36 hours. I did not receive any response for about four days so I call back. Each time it took \~15 minutes getting support and explaining the situtation. They said they have no authority over this as the transaction (although I did everything through Expedia) happened through Homeaway and that I should contact the manager. I then called the property manager and they stated that they never listed themselves on Expedia and their Homeaway listing clearly states that they only accept female guest. So they refuse to take any responsibility for Expedia s mistake and give me any refund. Then I reached back to Expedia and after fighting for 20 minutes (they kept saying can you please just talk to the hotel manager again? for 20 minutes) I talked to someone higher up. She said she will contact the hotel and Homeaway and deal with the situation and email me within 48 hours as this is now an urgent case. Then I get the response: We were informed that the hotel already notified you in writing prior to booking that they do not accept male guest in the property due to this no refund will be issued. Thank you for trusting Expedia. I have resent them yesterday the saved Expedia webpage clearly showing I was never notified of this. Then I again received an email saying: Our records show that one of our customer support representatives has already coordinated with the hotel and due to their policy they have denied your refund request. They advised that they notified you that they do not accept male guest. Thank you for choosing Expedia as your travel partner. So at this point what am I suppose to do?
2018-12-27 00:33:12
I would challenge the cost through your credit card. If they literally cannot provide the service you booked it seems a form of unjust enrichment regardless of the situation for them to keep your money. Provide copies of the website and any other proof you have to your credit card company.
2018-12-27 00:42:58
Hotel Booking Refund Issues
Who has the most legal say over a disabled family member if the legal guardian has passed away?
My dad just recently passed away and I have two younger sisters one who has Down syndrome (I ll call her M) and is mentally around a toddlers age. She is 27 and my dad was her legal guardian. Our mom passed away when we were younger and now we are still living with our stepmom who was married to my father for 20+ years. My other sister didn t have a job so she had been watching M during the day while I worked. We ve been going through the process to set up IHSS and get the provider set up for M. But now my other sister has had a melt down and she wants to call IHSS and claim we don t want the money or provider and to put M in a home. If none of us has conservatorship does that mean she legally can t do that? Is my stepmom the legal guardian since we ve been living with her for so long and married to my dad even though M is technically an adult at 27? I don t want to put my sister in a home but I don t know what rights we have and who makes the decision. The conservator will take about 6 months to process if I apply for sole conservatorship and my sister does to what is the chance I can get sole custody so she doesn t put M in a home? We are in California.
2019-06-20 13:26:13
Without any documents providing a direction I would think that the guardianship would revert back to the court until the new one could be determined. Contact a guardian ad litem for further advice.
2019-06-20 18:15:52
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(CA) Can a landlord raise my rent when there was nothing in rental agreement saying they could and we had agreed on a set amount?
I have been renting a room for over a year in a woman s house. There are 3 other tenants. For this entire time I have paid $825 a month every month. Today she told me that she would increase my rent to $900 and know from conversation that she is not increasing anybody else s rent. Nor did she give me a specific reason for the increase. The rental agreement says that I would pay the $825 and doesn t say anything about rent increases. I m thinking she s just trying to get rid of me. Couldn t she just give me a 30 day notice if I refuse to pay? Should I just start looking for a new place?
2019-04-20 04:03:39
If you had a 1-year lease and it expired you are a month to month tenant and the landlord can increase rent with a 30 day notice. Some cities in CA have stricter rules though.
2019-04-20 04:06:57
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
My friend s husband refuses to file her greencard paper work.
My friend moved here 5 years ago on the fiance visa. They got married and it s been 5 years. He has refused to file for her green card. He s refusing to work refusing to help and does nothing. He basically is useless.They have 2 kids together. She has asked him time and time again but he keeps telling her that he will get around to it. She is terrified to leave him because he keeps threatening her that he will report her for being illegal which is his fault for not filing. One of the reasons he refuses to file for her greencard is because he doesn t want her to leave him and he is holding that over her head. He belittles her and abuses her. She s filed reports against him but she has nowhere to turn. She has no license or any form of ID. I m in FL she s in Colorado. I don t know how much help I can offer I have 4 kids of my own. I told her I would figure out what can be done and what she can do to 1. Get her green card and 2. Get out of her marriage. I don t know much about immigration laws. She doesn t speak English very well and he has used that to his advantage by turning it around on her and she can t defend herself because her English is poorly spoken. Any help would be amazing. I would love to know what I can do as well. Thanks in advance!
2021-02-23 21:21:28
If your friend came to the US on a K-1 visa she had a requirement to get married in 90 days after arriving and stay married for 2 years. If both these requirements were made she will need to see an immigration attorney as a divorce at this point does not automatically disqualify her from receiving a green card. Actually the more I think about it the more an immigration attorney seems like a requirement. There should be some pro-bono resources available to her. BTW .... mentioning her working is probably not the best idea as it is illegal for her to do so at this point [Info on Fiance Visa requirements](https: www.uscis.gov family family-of-us-citizens visas-for-fiancees-of-us-citizens)
2021-02-23 21:56:10
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Previous roommate owes me $5000. He agrees. But I want this to be legally binding just in case.
EDIT - SITUATION SOLVED. NO HELP NEEDED. THANK YOU!!!!! The title. We lived together for 5 years in South Dakota and often he couldn t pay rent (not bothering to try getting a job or when he had jobs he wouldn t work full-time jumped around a lot from 11 jobs). Anyway he owes me $5 000. He has agreed to pay this amount in increments. However he has said this before to no avail. So now I m at a point where this needs to be legally binding. Do I write a contract have us both sign it then get it notarized? Not even quite sure what that means. I know nothing. Please tell me how to do the thing.
2020-01-31 23:08:41
--- &gt http: imgur.com a myIAb --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: u RetroRedhead83 Title: **Previous roommate owes me $5000. He agrees. But I want this to be legally binding just in case.** Original Post: &gt The title. We lived together for 5 years and often he couldn t pay rent (not bothering to try getting a job or when he had jobs he wouldn t work full-time jumped around a lot from 11 jobs). &gt &gt Anyway he owes me $5 000. He has agreed to pay this amount in increments. However he has said this before to no avail. So now I m at a point where this needs to be legally binding. &gt &gt Do I write a contract have us both sign it then get it notarized? Not even quite sure what that means. I know nothing. &gt &gt Please tell me how to do the thing. --- LocationBot 4.973 29 273rds | [Report Issues](https: www.reddit.com r locationbot)
2020-01-31 23:09:37
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Mom died in fire now neighbors suing for ownership of home~ Act 135
This is relating to Act 135 - Abandoned and Blighted Property Conservatorship Act Location- Philadelphia I m writing this to get advice for my friend and really have no legal knowledge. We need to know what to expect as far as the hearing and most importantly what to do to prevent losing her home the house she grew up in. (She is now a senior) She received the notice about 15 days ago (although they tried to serve her back in August but failed). The hearing is next week and we had just wrote a letter to request continuance -faxed to Judge and opposing party. She cannot afford a $275 hr attorney and cannot get help from community legal assistance due to this uncommon case as they say they do not have the expertise. The back story and reason for delay: January of 2018 her mom died in the house fire. Since then she has been trying to fix her other home in order to sell and move into the property in dispute. Apparently it has not been quick enough and through the suggestion of one slick real estate agent neighbors got together to use this against her. Asking for continuance due to a major car accident and medical leave due to a fall (all this year). Is there any chance she can win without a lawyer? She will be prepared with repair plans if continuance is denied. thanks for any advice.
2019-10-31 22:41:24
If she shops around for a lawyer she can probably find one that will let her delay payment and take the fee from the house sale.
2019-10-31 23:27:35
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(TN) Construction company installed air conditioning unit for new building on my property and will not remove it
Here is the situation: The home next to me was demolished and the property was used by XYZ construction company to replace with two very large and narrow two story row homes. They are very close to the side easement (three feet) with their foundations but it is within city codes. About three weeks ago I noticed they had installed the new air conditioning units. Both homes had their units installed one side fit within that easement and the other unit is now ~two feet onto my property. (Will upload pictures if requested). I had built my fence in 2013 after I bought my property and had a notarized survey for the build. My fence is in on my property line six inches. The fence is also behind the air conditioning unit with a gate to the backyard. I currently cannot open my gate because the air conditioning unit is blocking the entrance. Here is what I have done so far and the unit still has not been moved: 1. Called city codes and the building department roughly 5 times. I still have no response or resolution from the construction codes officer. I was able to talk to the air conditioning officer and he referred me back to the officer that will not return my calls. 2. Called the general contractor. Generally unhelpful and referred me to the developer XYZ construction. 3. Called and talked to the developer. He was apologetic claimed he was getting the land resurveyed and I haven t heard from him since. I offered to give him a copy of my survey. I have now called him a total of three times left a voice mail and have not heard anything from him. He promised that this would be moved last week (a literal sign on the unit reading: WE ARE MOVEING (sic) THIS BACK ) by removing the unit flashing and squeezing it in. Nothing has been done and construction on the building has continued. I am growing concerned because the longer I have the unit on my property the more likely the property can be disputed as being mine. What else can I do? How can I protect my property as a homeowner? I think that I have given the developer plenty of time to remove the unit from my property. EDIT: Thank you everyone for your comments. The moveing back of the unit has occurred today but it is still over my property line by a foot! Improvement but not good enough. The contractor was contacted again and I plan on writing a demand letter. I will try to update on the situation as it develops.
2016-03-18 12:46:05
Sounds like you are going to have to file a lawsuit to rattle some damn cages. Go speak to a property lawyer. I am sure a strongly worded letter from the attorney to the right person will suffice but you might have to follow through with filing. My guess is the letter will prompt action on their part and if not the lawsuit will.
2016-03-18 12:53:21
Neighbor Property Line Fence
Hit by a drunk driver. Insurance company won t budge
Back in August my kids and I were at a red light (2013 Honda Pilot) when a Camry slams the back us. Hit us hard enough that my daughter and my glasses fly off our faces... 10 year old son in the back slams into the back of my seat. Well this guy decided that he s going to pull his car out from under mine and attempts to run. Wasn t sure where he was running to with half of his radiator stuck under my car but whatever. Guy runs but of course doesn t get far...1 2 mike his car catches fire and explodes. Police and fire trucks everywhere. Police says he jumped out and ran but guess thought about it and came back. Kids and I go to ER and other than some bumps and bruises we live. Driver was arrested when he came back to his burnout car because it wasn t his car he had no license and drunk. He was charged for all that and bailed out by a family member. Well now the owner of the car insurance company denied my claim for repairs because the driver wasn t listed on his insurance. I got an atty who is saying the same because of a clause in his policy. Is that so?! I thought the insured had to prove that he didn t leave his keys out or something. I can t see that they have no liability because of a clause. This is in GA by the way. Is there anything I can do?
2017-08-02 21:26:42
You can sue the car owner if you d like to try and recoup your costs. But it s strongly unlikely that the owner has any liability. Do you not have uninsured motorist coverage? Because this is why you have uninsured motorist coverage.
2017-08-02 21:31:39
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
I ve found myself a part of someone s bankruptcy
TL DR: I closed my home-based business 4 years ago but someone is using the business name and address (both in Virginia) as the contact information for a Lady in California who is filing for bankruptcy in a California court for a New York-based business. &amp #x200B Necessary background detail: &amp #x200B I have lived in Virginia for the last 26 years with the last 10 years being at my current address. I ran a business out of my home at this address from 2008-2016 before shutting it down after my spouse died not because of a bankruptcy. I ve never filed nor did my spouse ever file. &amp #x200B This past March I received a letter in the mail that appeared to be junk mail. Even though my business is closed I still get spam mail addressed to the business and I assumed that this was one of those pieces of mail. So I tossed it aside not thinking much about it. The one thing that stood out to me as being junk mail is that this letter is addressed to my closed business with my current residential address but also includes the name of another business at the top almost like my current address is registered to 2 businesses (which it is not). I Googled this other business and found that it s located in New York City. Again I am in Virginia. &amp #x200B But It happens frequently that I get junk mail phone calls emails text messages and most often the name they are asking for is not mine. i assume someone along the way has sold my phone number address email to marketing companies and that company attaches a random name to it. So I thought these letters were junk. I received another letter about a month later that looked similar but again I tossed it aside. &amp #x200B But today another letter has arrived and this time I opened it. It appears that someone in California filed for bankruptcy in a California court. This person has a name that is not mine but is using my closed business name and address to have their bankruptcy documents sent to. The letter in March and April were notices of hearing postponements because of COVID with this last letter received today July 6 an Order of Discharge. I assume they finally went to court and bankruptcy has been granted to this unknown person? To add I ve never lived or even visited California much less registered a business there. &amp #x200B My question is: does this affect me at all? Do I need to be worried? Someone who is not me with a very different name from me with a business name that is not mine has somehow gotten their lawyer trustee and the California courts to use my address and business name. Obviously this could have been a complete mistake but I ve had instances of identity theft and am not sure if this is it. &amp #x200B I have contacted the phone numbers on the documents and left messages but in the meantime I am curious to know if anyone has encountered this and if I should be concerned. &amp #x200B I genuinely appreciate any response and thanks for reading.
2020-07-06 17:29:45
Contact the courts directly and let them know there should be a case number on the letter somewhere
2020-07-06 19:57:08
Miscellaneous Legal Query
I got cold feet on a used auto loan.
Cross post from financial advice This is happening in CA I was able to get a used car loan for a private party sale. I am tasked with completing the paperwork (title transfer) when I meet with the seller of the car and give him the check for the purchase price. Now I ve got feet and don t want to go through with it. If the money hasn t been taken what are my options? What kind of repercussions can happen?
2019-07-23 13:03:30
Giving the check to the seller completes the transaction. If you change your mind prior to giving the seller the check you can just return the check to the bank and they will cancel the loan (likely without any fees).
2019-07-23 13:25:54
Car dealership title issue
(MI) Hit and run but found her. How do I get their insurance?
(MI) I was rear ended and my car was totaled. The other vehicle drove off but someone got her plates which were ran. The police didn t find her and it doesn t seem like they are making more attempts. I really need the $1000 from the mini tort as I am now stranded without a vehicle. How can I legally get her insurance information? Would it be effective bothering the police to try and get it from her?
2016-12-27 22:20:42
Have you tried *asking* her for her insurance information? Tell her that there is a witness to her hitting your car and that is how you found her. If she doesn t give her insurance information contact the police. BTW don t threaten to contact the police if she doesn t give you her insurance information. That would be extortion. Just report her if she doesn t give you her insurance.
2016-12-27 22:26:32
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Court Costs
So I ve been wondering why court costs are so high today. I ve gotten two tickets in the past one was years ago and the fine was $2. I paid the fine along with $181 in court costs to simply deal with it. I recently got another ticket for expired registration. The court date was set for 11 days from the date I got the ticket. I went in to pay it and presented my up to date registration and they waived the $24 fine for me but expect me to give them $186 in court costs for it. It is 2015. The officer used a computer to input the ticket information. I can pay for the ticket on a computer. Why are the court costs so high? Is there a way I can get a line item invoice for these charges? Where is this money going? I feel like they don t incur costs that high when everything is most likely based on computer systems. I want to do what I can to correct this problem. I think it s ridiculous. This is in the US.
2015-07-08 19:46:29
&gt I want to do what I can to correct this problem. Lobby your elected officials. You ll need to find another way to pay for the operations of the courthouse before you get any traction.
2015-07-08 19:48:26
Unresolved Speeding Ticket Issue
Disabled child locked in school bathroom for half hour at a time
I m very upset so I m sorry for omitting anger pertinent information. I m more than happy to answer any questions. I just learned my disabled niece (6 years old has an iep) was being locked in her school bathroom for 30 minutes at a time every hour (so roughly 3 hours a day total) in an effort to potty train her. She was previously mostly potty trained but did have some accidents due to lactose intolerance. The bathroom confinement ended up giving her nightmares regressed her potty behavior tremendously and ultimately made her nearly unwilling to go to school. The school she is at is for children with disabilities and has 6 teachers for 9 total students. It s nothing short of egregious abuse that this happened. My MIL notified her social worker who then had a meeting with the teacher and school doctor. They refused to transfer her to a different teacher but agreed to a different bathroom approach. I m floored that there is not formal investigation. And while there may be some details stretched I m taking my MIL s version at face value. What should their legal approach be? I am heartbroken that my beloved niece was treated so horrifically. *was also told that the teacher admitted that when they would check on my niece she would be playing with the toilet water.
2022-04-10 01:24:31
NAL but a special educator. This is absolutely illegal in California. Seclusion (leaving a student alone in a room) is illegal except in cases of extreme emergency where a student poses an extreme risk of harm to others and they are not providing your niece with the least restrictive environment for her learning. You should seek a lawyer and possibly a special education advocate. Here is a link to information on California seclusion laws: [Restraint and Seclusion in California ](https: statepolicies.nasbe.org health categories physical-environment restraint-and-seclusion california#:~:text=(a)%20An%20educational%20provider%20shall to%20use%20a%20locked%20room.) ETA more info
2022-04-10 04:41:46
School Bullying and Administrative Neglect
Police took my computer and have had it for almost a month
So my dad was caught with possession of cp and he was taken to jail. The police came to my house with a warrant and took my computer. Two days prior I had reinstalled windows so I didn t have a password on it this was enough for them to claim he had access to it so they took it. I ve spent $700+ on this computer building it from scratch and I ve had it for not even a year. For a 16 year old that s a lot of money to spend on something just to have it taken away. I know for a fact he never used my computer because he hated being in my room but they seized it anyways. They said i would have it back around November 18th. its halfway into December and i haven t heard anything about it. Is there anything I can do to get my computer back or am I stuck needing to build a new one. Edit: I am from texas i was told to put where i live so
2019-12-14 14:57:25
Once they re done investigating your property will be returned if it isn t evidence. The time period for forensic analysis on a PC is well beyond one month.
2019-12-14 15:01:40
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Landlord saying he won t accept my rent
https: www.reddit.com r legaladvice comments 56k4e1 landlord_inspection_is_this_reasonable previous post So I didn t move the furniture for his inspection. Now he s charging me an extra carpet fee because I didn t. And he s reminding me that he expects all charges to be paid in full by Nov 1 and telling me that he will not accept any money short of the full amount he thinks he s owed and that if I don t pay I will be evicted. I m worried that he s going to not accept my regular rent and then move to evict me for nonpayment. Per the lease the rent can only be paid in cash or cashier s check. So far I ve been paying cash (I have the receipts). What do I do if he won t take my rent payment? In MI
2016-10-28 03:50:51
Alright this is going to be a mess and a big one. You have two big choices here. You can: 1) Pay the fee and sue him for the difference when you leave. This will let you get out of the trouble right now but I would recommend getting a consultation with a local lawyer to make sure that you dot your i s and cross your t s. Your argument here is that the landlord breached your contract by tacking on arbitrary stipulations. 2) Pay as normal document getting the cash or cashier s check. Document taking the proper amount do the landlord. Document him refusing payment. When it comes in front of a judge he will accuse you of not paying. You will retort that you attempted to pay according to the method and amount stipulated in the lease as demonstrated by exhibits A B and C. I would again consult with a local attorney to see if there s a form of evidence that the court most strongly prefers. Sometimes they like video and sometimes they prefer text message conversations. Cover all your bases and there s very little chance that this will go badly for you. Your landlord is in for a world of hurt sooner or later on this. But he s going to make your life unpleasant for a time until that happens. I would line up another place to keep the irreplaceable in the event he decides that the court doesn t know what it s talking about and decides to change locks on you.
2016-10-28 04:54:57
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
[CA] Went on disability leave employer switched me from Direct Deposit to physical checks I have to pick up
Basically I ve been on direct deposit since spring of this year. I just went out on immediate medical leave and am partly wheelchair bound. I am physically unable to work let alone get to work and they have a doctor s note confirming this. When my direct deposit was late I emailed accounting to which I was told that with the new payroll my check was a physical check and I had to come in and pick it up. I the person who had been unable to come to work had to come to work in order to get my last paycheck. I emailed them back asking why this change was made The reason behind the regular check is that you are on temporary leave. I ve heard there s laws in California that withholding an employee s payment has penalties but I can t find any concrete information on how it works in a case like this. A. Check exists employer is just asking employee to do the legwork to retrieve it. B. Employee hasn t quit or been fired but went out on leave. I also don t know if this would fall under some sort of disability discrimination stuff (as was suggested by someone else) since again they know I am unable to return to the workplace due to disability but are asking me to return to the workplace in order to get my payment. And thirdly I don t know if their reasons for doing this are also due to some legal nonsense like are they legally required to only pay an employee who went out on leave in physical checks and aren t able to use direct deposit anymore?
2022-12-30 16:47:34
Have you asked them to mail it and are they refusing to do that? Or have you asked if someone can pick it up for you?
2022-12-30 23:37:24
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Tennessee - bank won t release lien from 30 year old $0 balance heloc.
My parents are selling the house they built 44 years ago. Closing is scheduled for 4 days from now. In the title search they discovered a lien related to a line of credit that is 30 years old and was just never closed out properly. There is no balance. The successor bank (it s gone through 2 generations of acquisitions) won t release the lien. Not that they claim any right to the property they just are being incompetent or lazy passing my parents around from one banker to another none of whom can seem to do anything about it. The closing is at risk of falling through it seems. Is there anything a family or real estate lawyer could help us do to get the lien released immediately?
2022-08-06 12:55:03
I can t say for sure that it would help but problems with a bank can generally be reported to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They usually help but it will probably take too long for the closing to go through on the scheduled date.
2022-08-06 15:08:02
Real Estate Purchase Challenges
City of Boston denied claim gave false information as the reason for denial. What are my options?
I m not here to game the city. There was a very dangerous pothole under an unlit overpass that was unmarked. At 5:00 in the morning it was nearly invisible and it blew both my tires. I had to get them replaced and I simply asked for the cost of the tires. Not the alignment tax etc just the tires. The city of Boston denied my claim because they don t take responsibility of claims for potholes less than 30 inches from a manhole. I went back and inspected the area and there isn t a manhole anywhere near the pothole. At least 15 feet. So what are my options? What do you recommend based on the following notice from them? http: imgur.com SpsYvBq Am I basically SOL? Thank you!
2015-06-18 19:28:33
&gt The city of Boston denied my claim because they don t take responsibility of claims for potholes less than 30 inches from a manhole. You read that wrong. They are saying they are responsible for issues which are ONLY 30 inches from a manhole. Either you contacted the wrong group or you just have to sue the city. You contacted Water &amp Sewer and they are telling you this isn t a water &amp sewer issue cause its not near a manhole. Find out who is responsible for maintaining the roads.
2015-06-18 19:36:45
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Chili powder other sands used as self defense (minor) [CA]
Because I am under the legal age I can t carry pepper spray and using a knife is very frowned upon (lethal weapons are always frowned upon in CA and can obviously never be carried at schools). I understand that it may not be the best option but it s at least something. &amp #x200B So my question is could I ever face trouble if I were caught carrying some of the stuff (i.e. sawdust chili powder sand)? &amp #x200B Also (only using items that cause no permanent damage) could I be in any trouble if I have to use it?
2018-10-02 23:51:37
You might as well carry nothing from a practical standpoint. If you re so desperate you re gonna sling some powder at someone you re better off swinging at them. Ofcourse don t do that unless it s in self defense. The powder idea is a really bad idea and besides being a useless weapon can also get you in more trouble than just hitting someone. Reconsider your options.
2018-10-03 00:25:12
Gun Ownership Concerns
[PA] Why is it legal for student loan bills to max your low interest and zero your high interest account payments?
Why is it legal for student loan bills to max your low interest and zero your high interest account payments?Every quarter or so the minimum payment on my highest interest loans goes up and the min payment on the lowest interest loans is now Zero. This seems to be the most abusive way to force payments. e.g. compared with letting me chose altogether or splitting the min payment 50 50 between two loans (evenly between all). Why is this legal? Is there any way to get a normal split? Pennsylvania or New York
2018-11-16 14:56:02
&gt Every quarter or so the minimum payment on my highest interest loans goes up and the min payment on the lowest interest loans is now Zero Sounds like the snowball method favorable to the debtor rather than the creditor (pay high interest first). Your student loan servicer should have options for allocating excess payments. It s legal because no law says its not. r personalfinance is better equipped for questions about repaying student loans.
2018-11-16 15:03:09
Student Financial Aid Challenges
Boyfriend s parents are keeping his social security and birth certificate away from him
My boyfriend has been trying his best to move out of Illinois to Michigan to join me but his dad has been far from helpful for the move out my boyfriend has a job using his moms social security number because they claim he doesn t have one and they say that his birth certificate either has no name or says baby on it he s been trying for months to get these and a drivers license he really wants to get away from his family with how obviously controlling they are if anyone can tell us on how to get started on getting these documents without their help that would be wonderful we really want to get away from this nightmare also he s been home schooled he has no photo id unfortunately
2021-04-07 04:40:13
[Here](https: www.dph.illinois.gov sites default files forms appbirthrecords-091117.pdf) is some info on Illinois eligibility to request a birth record. Is he over 18? If so he can request a birth certificate with some alternate forms of ID or get a state issued ID card.
2021-04-07 04:48:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Urgent! Should I file a police report?
I live in Minnesota. Brought a child in for a rash and stomache that she had when the other parent brought her to us. I was concerned because we had already gotten the rash to go away and it came back in the three weeks we didn t have her. Turns out she has a severe yeast infection with satellite scarring and impaction- with bm to her lungs. Doctor is aware of what is going on but we have to return her Monday and don t get to see her again for another 3 weeks. Do I file a police report as well?
2019-10-19 16:26:11
Assuming you re the non-custodial parent you must comply with the custody order or risk contempt. If you think she s being abused or neglected you can file an emergency motion to temporarily give you custody until a more long term solution is litigated. But what evidence do you have this was caused by abuse or neglect? If the doctor thought it was likely from that he would have already had to report it.
2019-10-19 16:34:45
Miscellaneous Legal Query
If someone pours water coffee on my head am I legally allowed to punch them (UK)
Recently I ve been in a heated argument with one of the people in my school. After learning that he will pour coffee on my head I want to know if I can retaliate by throwing a punch at him. Feel free to comment and explain the best solution. Many thanks.
2019-04-13 09:36:30
The best solution is to avoid this person and perhaps carry a shower cap just in case. Punching them would not be acceptable.
2019-04-13 10:59:07
Miscellaneous Legal Query
A man tried to force my daughter into his apartment and I m afraid for her safety now.
I live in Florida while my only daughter is currently in New Jersey studying at Rutgers University on a scholarship. She is 18 years old. I will call her Amy not her real name. Amy moved into an apartment in September after a mix up at Rutgers left her without a dorm. So this apartment is **NOT** a dorm or affiliated with the school. It s in a bad section of the city rumored to be crime riddled. However there was no other choice since she needed something close and cheap. On January 1st a new tenant moved into the unit downstairs. I ll call him Joe for simplicity s sake. Amy introduced herself to Joe as she came home after class. She says he seemed awkward but friendly at the time. A few days later Amy returned from class to find Joe in front of his unit. He asked Amy to help him with a problem he s having with his sink. She politely declined and told him she had no idea how to fix anything and suggested he call the landlord. Joe claims the landlord won t help. At this point he tried to usher her into his unit Amy tried to decline again. Joe then took her by the arm and insisted again. Amy broke free of his grip and ran to her unit. Joe banged on the door for a minute before leaving. Amy called the police and they arrived to take statements. Joe claimed he didn t even know who Amy was. The police told Amy that nothing could be done because no crime was committed and left. She told me what happened and I called the local police station. The officer I spoke to told me what he told Amy. Make note that Amy alleges that Joe did put his hands on her of course there s no concrete evidence of this. Amy and I spoke to the landlord he says nothing can done either. He can t just kick Joe out. What options do we have now? Amy s lease ends in August in order to get out of it the lease claims she would have to pay the difference in an early termination (aka pay for every month the unit is uninhabited) which may prove too expensive for us. Can he be evicted for his attempt on her? I m guessing not but I figure it may be worth a shot. Is there any way to get the police to take action on him due to him physically trying to put his hands on her? Clearly he had nefarious motives for trying to pull her into his unit. Finally could I have tips to relay to my daughter to keep her safe? She s going to have to put up with this for at least another month or more. I feel afraid of what this man might be capable of toward my child.
2018-01-08 12:33:43
I think it s worth following up with Rutgers and making a stink. Contact [the office of the ombudsperson](http: ombuds.rutgers.edu ) and explain how the housing office screwed up and the position your daughter now finds herself in. I m a professor at a different university and I think odds are pretty decent that the ombudsman will be able to bang some heads together and find your daughter safer housing somewhere in the University system.
2018-01-08 15:15:47
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
My employer is trying to screw me out of my PTO.
So today was my last day at my current job and they just told me that they do not pay PTO on separation. The problem is this is not only against the written policy in the employee handbook but also specifically in the vacation policy of our perks and benefits forms. I am quite mad about this as I have over 95 hours of banked PTO which accrued so high because I was never able to use it other than for a few individual sick days. Otherwise I was unable to take any kind of vacation or extended time off due to management always having me training someone and about to starting training of my own which was something they dangled over my head but never actually started (part of why I left but irrelevant). My state s law says there is no law about PTO itself having to be offered but that if it is the company must pay it upon seperation unless otherwise specifically stated in policy. Our policy specifically states that it will be paid unless certain conditions are met. Do I have any options here and is this worth fighting for legally (should it go that far)? The amount of money itself is only approx $1500 but at the same time that is not nothing and it feels like they re just robbing me of it. Edit: fixed a typo and forgot my location its Madison Wi.
2018-02-26 18:18:28
Contact HR and explain the situation. No HR? Contact the owner CEO - use google. Otherwise you will have to sue them.
2018-02-26 18:21:00
Company PTO Policy Changes
Rent dog rent? Ohio
So we live in an apartment complex that has a dog park. We pay dog rent on top of our normal rent. We as residents are responsible for picking up after our dogs but the apartment complex is responsible overall for the maintenance of the dog park. It has not been cleaned it weeks and is becoming a health hazard to our pets. I ve requested it be cleaned twice now and I keep getting told that they will take care of it as soon as possible. This has not happened yet. Is there anything that can be done as far as this? I don t see why I m paying dog rent if I can t even use the one thing at the complex for the dogs. They can t clean the park but they have time to replace the volleyball sand for the volleyball court that is literally never used. I am trying to word an email to the assistant manager because it s gotten out of hand and smells every time we open our door as well.
2017-08-15 22:13:32
At least in my Ohio complex pet rent is intended to cover extra damages to units that pets cause from time to time. Unless it s written in your lease that they clean it with some defined frequency I don t think you have any legal standing.
2017-08-15 22:15:44
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Illinois] Manager deleting overtime hours
I m a 20 year old part time employee at my local park district where I ve worked for the past 3 years and this summer I was promoted to the Lead Swim Lessons Coordinator for our waterpark pool. I m responsible for scheduling and paying swim instructors scheduling private lessons with parents running instructor trainings and other responsibilities as well. In the first week of my previous two-week pay period I was scheduled for 35 hours of lifeguard shifts but I was also required to attend 12 hours of preseason manager training. Knowing that I would go over hours I notified the aquatics manager that I would be going over and that I had tried to get other lifeguards to cover my shifts but no one would take them (I think I got a single 5 hour shift covered but I was still way over 40 hours). She and I agreed that next week that her assistant manager could not schedule me this many lifeguarding hours for the next week because we had 18 hours of preseason meetings that next week. She said not to worry about going over hours and thanked me for the heads up. The following week I was scheduled for 32 hours and told them immediately again that if I couldn t get my shifts covered that I would be going over a second week in a row and they told me to get my lifeguard shifts covered. With no luck the Friday before the period ends I knew I was already over hours and I told the assistant manager that I was going over especially because I was already over for the week and had an additional 6 hour lifeguard shift the following day. She told me to no go to the shift and told me that I should not have gone to the [mandatory] trainings if I knew I was over hours. She said she could be fired because they don t have the budget to pay time and a half for overtime to which I responded that I could not have had any idea to miss the meetings to avoid going over hours because we were told originally that they were mandatory and I apologized again for going over hours. The following Thursday I went in to get my paycheck and at about 95 hours (at least 15 being overtime) at $11-$15 depending on which position I am working as I was expecting around an $1000 paycheck after taxes. When I grabbed my check it was only $800 and my paystub said that I only worked exactly 80 hours. Because I pay the lesson instructors I have access to our payroll system so I immediately logged into the system to check my hours. My payroll account showed that I had only worked 80 hours as well random shifts I worked had been shortened they showed that I clocked in later and clocked out earlier that I actually did. With only 8 people having constant access to the payroll system 6 being the other Lesson Coordinators and the other 2 being our Aquatics Managers I am left to assume that they tampered with my hours to avoid being reprimanded from their bosses. Sidenote: 2 years ago they got caught taking people s overtime removing it from the payroll system then re-adding it to the next pay period to avoid paying overtime which had since then stopped. But now instead of at least doing that (which is still very illegal) they are now fully deleting my overtime hours. So my question is how do I go about this situation? Some people have told me to go straight to them our HR their bosses or even to outside authorities but I am unsure of what the best move is for me. TL DR My manager deleted 15+ hours to avoid paying me 1.5× overtime
2019-06-08 20:21:18
You need to go directly to HR and ask for it to be corrected. And to get another check immediately. If they don t help then start up the chain.
2019-06-08 20:34:46
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Will I be able to begin a scholarship fund and have fundraisers for my deceased fiancée even if their evil mother doesn t want me to?
I think its something my fiancé and myself would like but I am afraid this spiteful woman would try and stop it due to resentment towards our relationship.
2014-03-31 05:15:38
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2014-03-31 05:16:03
Family Estate Disputes
Grandma was hit by 18 wheeler company is trying to weasel out of any costs
Location:Texas UPDATE: I told my grandma what was said here she has contacted the insurance company and was able to keep the rental and they told her that they would work with her to make sure she doesn t have to pay anything she doesn t have to . Thanks for y alls advice!! So my grandma was at an intersection on the left lane and the 18 wheeler was on the right. The green light came on and my grandma started going straight as one does at a green light. Then at the same time the 18 wheeler starts doing a left turn and the front part starts getting in front on my grandma she honks at the guy and then had to start swerving to avoid hitting the guy. Then the trailer part starts scraping my grandma s van and knocking out the automatic door systems the right wing mirror and the window system. Then the owner doesn t want to talk to my grandma and had been very rude. My grandma can t use the van safely without that mirror and can t open the side back doors so she got a rental. Then they re telling my grandma that they are not covering the rental car even though they left her without a vehicle. They told my grandma to take the van to a mechanic and they would cover the cost but today the mechanic is calling as saying that my grandma had to pay the deductible for her insurance since they have not done anything to send their insurance people to appraise the damage. Now I had told my grandma to lawyer up since they are starting to get belligerent and now my grandma told them she was thinking of getting a lawyer and they told her that she was threatening them and that is everything up to this morning. Should she lawyer up or what should she do? Edit: She did call the police and has a police report on file
2017-02-27 16:15:09
&gt Should she lawyer up or what should she do? She should file a claim with her insurance company immediately and pay her deductible. They will go after the trucker s insurance company. That is what your grandma is already paying them to do. Contact a lawyer only if there are costs not covered by insurance.
2017-02-27 16:17:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Private christian university is this illegal? [tx]
I go to a private christian university that has very strict rules on lots of aspects of your life. I get it they have leeway because it is not government funded and I signed up for it. &amp #x200B That being said they are doing something that is humiliating and I want to know if there is recourse. As part of our housing contract there are surprise dorm room searches for contraband. Generally things like drugs alcohol ect. Since it is a christian university sex toys are considered contraband too. Long story short I got caught with a fleshlight. &amp #x200B &amp #x200B Not a huge deal I got a warning they took it and they required me to take a picture holding it as evidence. What I did not know is that they would post those pictures. There is now a bulletin board in our main hall with around 20 pictures of students holding their sex toys with descriptions of them. Like Jake and his fleshlight Amber and he african american dildo Jennifer and her dragon dildo ect. &amp #x200B Is there anything that can be done about this? It is humiliating.
2018-09-23 03:50:10
You can transfer to a university with values more closely aligned with your own.
2018-09-23 04:04:19
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Trying to obtain a deceased parents medical record. (Indiana)
My father passed away around 12 years ago and I m trying get his medical records but I have no idea where to go. The problem is I have no idea which doctor hospital he may have went to. Is there any way for me to get them? Sorry if this is the wrong sub I didn t know where else to ask this.
2015-11-04 21:44:45
Medical records from so long ago have probably already been destroyed. They re only required to be kept for a number of years.
2015-11-04 21:48:55
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Pregnant and At Will
Hello fellow law enthusiasts! My coworker has recently announced she may be pregnant and one of our managers all but straight out told her when she starts showing she s gonna have to go either of her own free will or not. I ve only been here a few months but one of my other coworkers mentioned that hearing that made him realize how often he s seen servers fired for pregnancy in his time there. This strikes me as a gray area not only because she s an at will employee but we re a bar so the regulations are even looser than usual and there s no HR to go to. Anyone have experience with something similar? Resources for Michigan s at will worker rights would also be helpful. Thank you in advance!
2018-06-28 03:06:42
Even at will employees are protected from discrimination. The Family Medical Leave Act protects employees who take leave for having a baby if the employer falls under the qualifications for the law. There is also a Pregnancy Discrimination Act that protects pregnant women from being fired for being pregnant. If the manager told her or even strongly implied that she would be fired when she starts to show that is a very good case for discrimination. The employer can claim that firing her is for some other reason however it seems like your coworker would have a good case especially if she can also show a pattern of pregnant women being terminated laid off or having their hours drastically reduced or even being treated poorly so they will leave voluntarily.
2018-06-28 03:14:59
Pregnancy Discrimination at Work
I moved into a new apartment 3 days ago one of the first things I noticed was cockroaches crawling on my neighbors doors as well as the walls in the hallway. I got into my room and also was greeted by a roach. The final straw was when I saw one crawling on my bed. Seeing that I just moved in Friday and I ve seen and taken pictures of the various places I ve found cockroaches in my building do I have grounds to break my lease? I just really can t deal with living in a roach infested building. EDIT: I m in Tallahassee Florida btw
2020-08-25 06:34:24
&gt do I have grounds to break my lease? What s your lease say? Mostly likely not you need to request the landlord get an exterminator to treat the building and your unit.
2020-08-25 07:03:32
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[Australia - Melbourne] The Vendors in a home purchase provided inaccurate information on the section 32 and our lawyers failed to pick it up. Settlement is in 2.5 weeks and our lawyers are forcing us to sign an amended cost disclosure.
I m having a hard time organising leave from work to go to a property lawyer to discuss this issue and I was hoping maybe reddit can give me an idea of what to expect going forward. **March** My \[26M\] partner and I \[27F\] bought a town-house in March. It was a private sale. During the negotiations we were verbally assured by the Vendor s real estate agent that body corporate did not exist. We checked the section 32 and it said that Owners Corporation was not applicable . We signed the Contract of Sale on the fourth (4th) - the Vendor signed it on the fifth (5th). The Contract of Sale has a cooling off period of three business days. We hired lawyers the day on the sixth (6th). On the seventh (7th) we received written confirmation from our lawyers that there is no body corporate. **June** Last week we again inquired with our lawyer whether there existed body corporate (we were prompted by our insurers). On the twenty-seventh (27th) of June our lawyers reaffirmed that the section 32C claims the property is not affected by body corporate. However once they did a title search it was revealed that there was indeed body corporate. Our lawyers chased this up with the Vendor s lawyers and they responded on the twenty-eigth (28th) of June. The Vendor s lawyers claims that at time of preparation of the Contract of Sale the plan of subdivision was not registered and accordingly the Owners Corporation was not created at the time. You will note the particulars in the contract refer to an unregistered plan. We can now confirm that the plan of subdivision has been registered . The attached Owners Corporation Certificate states that Owners Corporation has been payable on this property since January of 2019. **June - July** We expressed how displeased we were with our lawyers. They advised us on our options: (1) continue with the sale of contract as is (2) re-negotiate the sale of contract or (3) avoid the contract. However if we choose any options other than option (1) they re charging us additional fees. **Question:** What are our options? The body corporate is an extra net $1000 a year on a $1.2 million dollar house - is it even worth fighting any of this?
2019-07-02 11:19:39
You should post this in r AusLegal
2019-07-02 11:45:07
Real Estate Purchase Challenges
Just Got A Call from Mediation
In CA - They say I owe $1065 on a delinquent payday loan from 2012. My only options are to pay or go to court but I m pretty sure I never recieved any notification. But I have been moving around the past few years... What are my options?
2018-10-31 17:24:03
Did you take out a payday loan and not pay it back? Seems like it should be paid or you can go to court.
2018-10-31 17:39:40
Debt Collection Legal Issues
Paramedics told me the could not bill my insurance and now my bill has gone to collections
On July 31st 2016 I had an accident hiking and broke my ankle. Initially paramedics showed up assessed me gave me a splint and drugs and moved me a bit so that I could be out of direct sun until the search and rescue team arrived. Apparently the paramedics couldn t actually move me off the trail because it was too dangerous (the trail was called Misery Ridge ). Once I was brought to my vehicle I gave the paramedics my personal info (address and phone #) and signed the ambulance refusal form. My boyfriend drove me to the hospital where I had surgery the next day and got to go home a few days later. I can t remember exactly when the first bill from the paramedics arrived but I had so many incoming bills for all the medical expenses and I was trying to make arrangements to pay them all a little bit at a time ($50 mo to the surgeon anesthesiologist hospital emergency room etc.) I had never set up payments with the paramedics because I wanted them to bill my insurance first. When I called and asked them to bill my insurance they told me that they didn t have billing codes to bill my insurance! How are there no billing codes for paramedics?! So I attempted to submit a claim to my insurance for the bill it s now months later and I ve not heard a word back from them as far as I know it got lost in the mail. After talking with the paramedics I was so upset that they couldn t bill my insurance so out of spite I stupidly refused to pay them and now my bill has gone to collections. I have not heard from the collections company but they reported the account and I was notified via CreditKarma. I am just wonder what my best plan of action would be at this point? Should I try to negotiate the price down? Do you think I can somehow get my insurance to reimburse me or is it too late?
2017-05-09 02:10:53
* There is no harm in asking for a reduction in the cost. * It is likely not too late to talk to either your insurer or the ambulance service. * Calling your insurance first would be a good bet.
2017-05-09 02:12:26
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
Boston MA - Neighbor is returning trash after we take it out
I own a condo in an 8 unit building in Boston. There is a shared alleyway behind the building where you put your trash out for collection 2x per week. I am in the back bay so all the houses are brownstones and the alley runs in the middle of two rows of houses. There are signs with the trash collection schedule affixed to the telephone poles in the alley and everyone puts their trash out underneath the signs. Just normal plastic trash bags on the curb - the city does not require trash bins. The city of Boston trash policy is that you can set your trash out any time after 5:00 PM the night before trash collection. While they encourage you to put it out in the morning it is not required by their policy. One of my neighbors doesn t like it when people put trash out at night even if it is at 9-10 PM. He will dig through the trash to find a piece of mail and figure out whose trash it is then bring it back to our building and return it. Like he ll ring the doorbell and hand it back to you and tell you to put it out in the morning. It makes for an uncomfortable interaction to say the least. I know the trash policy sucks but we are abiding by the city rules and don t deserve to be hassled. I just want him to stop. I m gonna try to talk to this guy and see why he s doing this and try to work something out. If he turns out to be unreasonable what is the best way to escalate? Ask the condo association to send him a letter telling him to stop? Talk to law enforcement? Is he actually doing anything illegal?
2017-06-19 03:13:20
What happens if you take it from him and immediately put it back where he found it?
2017-06-19 03:22:04
Trash Dispute Resolutions
[AR] An anonymous person is threatening to leak my roommate s nudes. How to proceed?
[UPDATE](https: www.reddit.com r legaladvice comments 9d1jsi updatear_an_anonymous_person_is_threatening_to ). \-- So - My roommate has gotten herself in a bit of a bind. She s been using a website called Fetlife for the last couple of months which is essentially a dating website for people who want to also explore Fetishes. Most of the pictures on the website are explicit as are my roommates pictures and someone who knows her has found them and is threatening to leak them onto Facebook where they supposedly share mutual friends - If my roommate does not comply with his demands he will leak them. He is wanting MORE nudes extorting her for them with the pictures he s saved. Unfortunately her face was pictured in the images he s saved and there s no mistaking it s her. Of course we re going to the police this afternoon I ll be accompanying her with the screenshots of him asking for photos in exchange for not posting the pictures. Also taking a few of Arkansas s laws on this kind of this with us for reference on sexual extortion. In this instance I am just wondering what more we can do. He is asking for pictures of her breasts by a certain time today or he is leaking the photos. **TL DR:** Someone has my roommate s nudes and is threatening to leak them causing damage to reputation and possibly her losing her job. What actions can we take to prevent this?
2018-09-04 13:20:12
He has the nudes and internet access. So get this right now. **No one can stop him from leaking the photos.** If he wants them leaked they re leaked. Period. When dealing with blackmail you have three options. 1.) Do whatever he says forever. 2.) Ignore him and hope he goes away. 3.) Report him to the police for his criminal activity. I don t know which one I d pick. But I know which one I would NOT pick.
2018-09-04 13:26:33
Revenge porn and underage photos
Greencard question.
My grandfather(on my mother side) was born in the USA so my mother got a US citizenship and she also never stayed more than 5 years in the USA. So I was wondering if I could get a Greencard or an american passport. I live in Israel of that helps.
2014-05-11 12:03:31
It may be possible if your mother filed for a K-2 Visa (child or relative of US Citizen) you could get a green card. However if she doesn t currently live in the USA you re out of luck.
2014-05-11 13:21:02
Dual Citizenship Passport Issues
Boss was trying to make me forge information.
I am outside of the US in the Caribbean. Recently the company I work for had some merchandise stolen. The problem is my boss wanted me to go back in the system and erase all the old information and raise the cost about $70 000 higher than it actually is. He forwarded me an email with a list of what the insurance company wanted. He then told me face to face to go back and change the price. I replied in the email instead of face to face so I would have proof that I refused. I said that I don t feel comfortable being involved and I would not do it and I hope he understood. He did not reply by email but by text and it said You don t need to reply by email. Its fine I will do it myself. Next time call me instead. I feel very nervous because I work in the office and have access to change the information. If the insurance company catches him committing insurance fraud I don t want to get caught up in it. I just feel very uncomfortable about the whole thing. Am I at risk here? Any advice appreciated.
2014-10-01 22:52:11
Keep the e-mail and the text in case it does somehow come back to you...chances are since you really are innocent it s unlikely that you ll get blame (unless someone purposely try to set you up). The only thing I might worry about is that since you know about the illegal activities that your boss tries to commit (i.e. insurance fraud) I m not sure by not reporting it would you be legally liable or not...
2014-10-02 00:30:13
Insurance Denial Car Accidents
Closing my business customers still have credit with me
Located in California USA Delaware C-corp I run a small online retailer where people can get credit against purchases they make. Essentially I was getting a 10% order referral fee from some merchants and I was giving 2% of that as cash back to customers who used the store. Now for my own reasons I want to close the store and move on to greener pastures. The problem is some of my customers have credit balances and aren t responding to e-mails. There are a few thousands of dollars in an account due to these credits. How can I close this business and disburse these funds? Is there anyway I can keep the funds myself after giving customers the chance to get them by check or something?
2018-03-19 16:29:26
The cleanest thing to do is mail a check to their address on file via trackable service and be done with it. No you don t get to keep it. Every state has unclaimed property laws that subject to some variation in specifics require you to return unclaimed funds to the state after a period of inactivity. Going that route would drag out your closure by a few years at least for absolutely no benefit to you while subjecting yourself to compliance with potentially 50+ different sets of laws.
2018-03-19 17:04:03
Fraudulent transactions via hacked account
My school makes you pay fines &amp sit after school for missed days.
(South Carolina US) Any absences after 5 days that remain unexcused are considered unlawful which is pretty typical for most high schools so I m not upset about it. What I m confused about is that they legitimately will count every hour you miss out of the day. For example if I was in 2nd period and was pulled out of school early those hours would be accounted for. I went to interview a counselor for Journalism and she brought up the fact that I had around 6-7 hours of unexcused absences at school. Those hours are counted up and they decide on a price which you d have to pay. I only had $72 to pay but the fact I had to pay anything in the first place was plain weird..and just a reminder I m in a PUBLIC school and all the other public schools never had this policy (nor do other high schools I know of.) Not only did you have to pay the fine you were also required to come after school on a weekend and sit in the cafeteria for said amount hours. So in the end I paid $72 to sit in a cold cafeteria for 6-7 hours. The issue is that people who do end up missing more days may also not be financially stable to pay for missing days. I believe that paying or sitting should be separate options for people..my friend has to pay up to $300+ and missed 31 hours of school but she cannot do that. If you don t pay up you end up having to do credit recovery or even being held back depending on what your grades look like. I d like to know people s opinions on this and how legal is this..my dad called it highway robbery lol
2019-05-27 11:05:17
Complain to the school board.
2019-05-27 12:02:30
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can a property management co. decide to rent part of your rental as a new unit and force you out?
My SO and I rent in Los Angeles California. Our place is laid out strangely and we have an upstairs unit and a downstairs unit both with their own entrances (that they recently decided to create two separate leases for rather than just the one lease for both spaces). I just got an email saying with new permitting in LA they re going to convert the downstairs to be another apartment and we have to move our stuff out of it in January! We re doing month to month leases but we have our laundry down there access to the backyard through that entrance and not to mention that unit holds all our storage and is a home office. Is there anything we can do about this? Any help advice is appreciated we have a newborn baby and this just really sucks…
2021-12-14 01:09:40
As a month to month tenant they can just decide not to renew your lease and give you 30-60 days notice to leave.
2021-12-14 01:21:45
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Florida and NYC: my mom has not been to New York in decades but got a parking ticket from there
She appealed it with proof that she was not in new York at the time of the ticketing through toll receipts she had in Florida but it was denied. For some reason she did not see or check the ticket before appealing but it was for a black pick up truck and she drives a maroon Ford edge and does not own a truck. She has also read online that citizens of Florida are the largest source of revenue when it comes to NYC parking tickets. Lastly she has looked up attornies to try to fight this but almost all of them have a disclaimer that they will not fight parking tickets. She has already paid the ticket but is there any way to avoid late fees or possibly get her money back?
2016-01-18 05:41:50
How did she appeal a ticket if she didn t have the ticket to review before submitting the appeal? She already paid the ticket so the damage is done. In the future don t write appeals without seeing the document you re appealing.
2016-01-18 05:56:24
Parking Ticket Disputes
I was added as an authorized user to two credit cards what should I do?
Apparently I have been added (without my permission) as an authorized user on 2 credit cards. their combined balances are over $10 000 in addition these accounts are delinquent and putting derogatory marks on my account. I called the corresponding banks who said there were no such accounts tied to my SSN - but they appear on Chase s Credit Journey report. They have multiple late payments closed with balances. I am rather unhappy about it. &amp #x200B There are three accounts which are currently being marked delinquent with 3 different banks - none of which are accounts I have control over only two appeared via Chase s credit report journey with any tangible information (partial credit card number and balances). I contacted all three banks they say there is no account associated with my name that is delinquent. &amp #x200B The bank without an authorized user has marked me delinquent 3 times transunion and the bank in question refuse to do anything about it. &amp #x200B Before you suggest a different person is being reported on my account: I have a very unique name possibly the only person in the States with my first name definitely the only one with both. This seems intentional. &amp #x200B The other two have finally been reported because they re finally appearing on my actual report with balances. &amp #x200B I contacted transunion filed a dispute put up a freeze and fraud alert - but what can I do? 1. What do I do about the third account that has been marked as delinquent for 3 months continually generates alerts but no one will help me remove it from my report. 2. How can I make sure this never happens again if my identity has been stolen how can I protect myself. Can I find out who did this to me find out if it s someone I know or a random thief? 3. Is there any benefit for a thief to add me as an authorized user when authorized users have no legal liability (beyond damaging my credit score via non payment and high credit utilization)? What are their intentions how do I prevent this from getting worse (opening loans credit cards etc) in my name?
2019-05-01 15:56:22
For being an authorized user most times it s just enough to call the bank and say I don t want to be an authorized user anymore.
2019-05-01 15:58:15
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Broken tooth and cuts
Im in Arizona I went to a restaurant friday and there was metal in my food that i bit down and cut my mouth and broke my tooth off now there telling me there insurance wont pay for dental they also want me to use my medical insurance to pay for it i dont have dental so far ive had to go to the dr have a tetanus shot for the metal and my dental bill is gonna be between 500 to 6500 to fix my mouth and gonna take around 6 to 9 months to heal do i need to hire a lawyer i go in tommorow to give them my medical bills im also on 2 medications and my mouth is still hurting really bad and i might have to go back to urgent care
2018-03-04 17:55:09
We often get I found this in my food how much money do I get questions from people who think a hunk of metal just *being there* is actionable beyond reporting health issues and asking for a free meal. It kind of gets tiresome telling those people almost doesn t count -- no injury = no lawsuit . You actually have injuries and economic losses tied to the incident. The most important thing is to get the care you need to prevent further damage. The money to pay for it is secondary -- it s very possible that if there are *health implications* from your injury your medical insurance may cover parts of the care that are necessary from an overall health perspective. But if your narrative of events is accurate the restaurant is liable. They (knowingly or unknowingly) served you food that was dangerous. They put you at risk of injury and you were in fact injured. Look for a personal injury attorney or one experienced in general civil litigation. Cases like this are often handled on a contingency fee basis (you only pay costs unless you win the case) so it s very likely that the right type of attorney will offer a free consultation.
2018-03-04 19:09:27
Dental Fraud Investigations
Job changes my time card to erase overtime hours
I work in Texas at a company that states they follow Colorado law since they are based there. This is my first full time job (F22 and recent college grad). This is a temporary job as I am searching for one that is related to my field of study. I am being paid hourly and there are times when I HAVE to go overtime. There have been at least 4 weeks that I can remember since starting in January where my time card was not the way I left it on Friday. I had a feeling it was going to happen again so I took a picture of my time card after clocking out on Friday. When I came in on Monday morning the time card was changed to 40 hours on the dot. I asked if other full time employees also experienced this and both of them said they have seen changes to their time cards as well before. One of them even said he thought he had 2 hours overtime but the next week it was exactly at 40. I took the screenshot to HR on 4 2 and she said maybe the app website (ADP) that we use glitched. I doubt it though. She then asked me to email her the screenshot so she can take it higher up in the company. It has been more than 3 weeks and I have not heard back from her. Outlook has a feature to like an email and that was all she did regarding the email. My bf suggested I email her for an update on the situation so there is more of a paper trail. I am sure she saw the email but she has not responded. While my overtime from that specific week was only 13 minutes over there have been times where I worked more in overtime. I just don t like having my time stolen from me. Is there anything that can be done about this legally? Is there any way to have someone go through the website s history to see how much overtime they owe to every full time employee? Extra info: I know that the company has been struggling financially to the point where everyone (non-salaried) received their paychecks a whole week late. They made sure to get written consent that it is ok to receive it a week late to cover their own asses. A majority of us are fresh out of uni or part timers still in school. So I can see the company doing this on purpose. TLDR: Texas company that follows Colorado law since they are based there changed my time card to take out overtime multiple times and to other employees as well. Took it to HR on 4 2 and sent an email of time card before changed to 40 hours on the dot but have not heard back yet. What can be done legally?
2021-04-26 16:25:40
For starters your employer must follow the laws of the state in which they employ you i.e. Texas. Otherwise every company would just set up their headquarters in the state with the most employer-friendly labor laws even if all their employees are elsewhere. That said you must be paid for all time worked. As an hourly non-exempt employee you are entitled to 1.5x your base salary for any hours worked over 40 in one week under federal law. You can be disciplined or fired for working unapproved overtime but must be paid for any hours worked. If you are not being paid correctly for hours worked you can file a [wage claim](https: www.twc.texas.gov jobseekers how-submit-wage-claim-under-texas-payday-law) with the Texas Workforce Commission. Be aware you only have 180 days from the date the wages were initially due so you should file promptly. Keep your own records of hours worked in addition to filing your time cards with your employer and keep copies of all your communications with your employer about the issue.
2021-04-26 16:32:31
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Can a landlord retroactively charge utilities that they neglected to provide details for in the state of Virginia (zip 23707)?
So friend of mine has been living in a house that is rented out by the owner (the ‘landlord ) since March of 2018. They have been asking since then what are the utilities costs (they re not included in the rent) and every time the landlord actively avoided the question or failed to provide details. This goes on for the next three months with no successful answer. Suddenly today they get a call saying that they owe September till now (Dec 31st). It s not written in their lease that it s included or really any mention of needing to pay anything associated with utilities (just states rent). I m pretty sure there s something illegal about this but really can t offer him any advice on it so I turn to you all to offer solid advice or quote law in the common vernacular as I am not familiar with legal jargon all too much.
2018-12-31 20:50:25
Please review the [Landlord Tenant Questions](https: www.reddit.com r legaladvice wiki landlord) section of the r LegalAdvice Wiki for common questions and answers regarding landlord tenant issues. If this does not apply to your question please disregard. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit]( message compose ?to= r legaladvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*
2018-12-31 20:50:26
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Employer requires me to take a urinalysis to use my accrued sick time but it s more complicated than that. (US OR)
So in July my employer drug tested all of the truck drivers which includes me I told her that I would fail the test due to the use of marijuana. She told me don t worry about it and that I could come back to work once I could pass one which I was fine with. So I stopped working and smoking and haven t touched it since that. Turns out I wasn t the only one who couldn t pass but she also let them slide because she was trying to single out one individual who she then fired for drug use. Two weeks later she called me asking me to come back to work because she was understaffed it didn t matter that I couldn t pass the UA. So I went back to work thought I was doing her a favor. Fast forward to last Sunday I called in sick and she said okay we re working on getting you replaced . Then I asked if I could use a sick day and her response was how about you come in and take UA when you put in for your sick pay . Needless to say I was pretty taken aback so I responded so I need to take a UA to use sick time but not to work? The changed her story and said she didn t have to pay me sick time because I wasn t scheduled I stopped responding and she hasn t contacted me since then. This was all through text message so I have it documented and I can post screenshots if needed. She might also be holding my last two paychecks hostage they usually show up by now but I haven t received them yet. Not sure what to do from here is it time to get an attorney?
2018-09-13 17:45:53
ianal but there are rules which require you to be retested after failing the one test. As far as paychecks go call and ask and if she won t release them report them to the dept of labor. [drug tests + cdl guidelines](https: www.fmcsa.dot.gov regulations title49 part 382)
2018-09-13 17:50:14
Pre-employment Urine Drug Testing
Cremation service will not tell me where my fathers body is I would like to change funeral homes. Have not signed any legal documents with them yet other than for the pick up of his body.
So I went through a so called cremation service that is now charging me out the ass and will not tell me which funeral home in Colorado they took my father to. His remains are already in a high state of decay as he was missing for over a month. I would like to get him back but these scam artists are not responding. The area he lived in was very rural and had no funeral homes of its own so the coroner had suggested them. Is there anything I can do?
2020-01-24 10:40:41
Get a lawyer and sue is about all you can do right now. If you think they don t intend to give you his remains even after you pay you can go to the police.
2020-01-24 12:23:22
Family Estate Disputes
Put in my two weeks at my company and now they re bullying me. I have unused vacation days do I have any legal right to be compensated for them?
I work in Kentucky and I gave 2 weeks notice. This is the last paragraph of the Vacation portion of the Employee Handbook: Upon termination of employment employees will be paid for unused vacation time that has been earned through the last day of work. However if COMPANY NAME in its sole discretion terminates employment for cause or if insufficient notice of resignation is given forfeiture of unused vacation time may result.
2015-06-12 15:17:58
Vacation time is part of compensation. They have to pay you for it. KRS 337.010(c)
2015-06-12 15:51:23
Company PTO Policy Changes
Am I allowed to lie about how much money I have in the bank on the FAFSA?
I live in Oregon and am currently filling out the FAFSA. My family isn t rich by any means but we certainly aren t poor either. My parents make enough money to the point where I never receive any form of financial aid despite me being the one who is paying for my college and not them. My mom told me that it would be fine for me to lie about how much money I have in the bank but this feels a little illegal can there be serious legal repercussions to me doing this?
2019-10-23 03:30:50
No and don t listen to any more financial advice from your mom. That s very illegal. Akin to lying on your taxes. That being said I m sorry you are in this position. Our system assumes parents who can afford to help pay for college will and people whose parents don t get the short end of the stick...it s a major flaw. The fact that your mom would suggest you commit a crime to compensate is a little disgusting.
2019-10-23 03:34:58
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Colorado Lunch Break Laws as pertaining to Nurses
tl dr: hospital doesn t provide an organized framework to ensure nurses to take lunch clocking system deducts 30 minutes by default and we re required to write an excuse if we want to be paid for the 30 minutes we normally actually work through- is this perfectly legal? I know that nurses are exempt from lunch breaks but what does that mean in practice? Does this just mean my employer doesn t need to go out of its way to make any accomodations to ensure nurses can actually eat during a shift? Right now the framework I work under is that I *can* take a lunch break just as long as I can find somebody to cover my 5-6 patients for 30 minutes (meaning they re responsible for 10-12 patients) otherwise I m required to be available to work during my break listen to call lights etc. The catch is that if during my 12.5-13 hour shift I can t take a break my clock-in system assumes I ve taken a break at some point by default and I have to write a justification for why I didn t take a break. This is a real issue for me because I realistically NEVER get a lunch break where I m not at least responsible for listening to patient call lights and maybe get an uniterrupted break in less than 1 4 of my shifts. If I want that extra 90 minutes of pay I feel I should be paid each week I need to essentially write myself up 3x a week. &amp #x200B Anyway thanks for reading. Appreciate any recommendations or insights.
2019-03-26 10:37:42
Are you unionized? If so check with your union rep.
2019-03-26 15:28:08
Labor Law Compliance Concerns
Caught my job shaving my hours... fired shortly after confronting manager owner
Ok so I m gonna try and make this as short as possible. Waitress shift lead at a local mom and pop restaurant in Iowa. Was never able to review my pay stubs due to having to reset password every time I would try and sign in so never got into the habit of checking them. About a month or so before I was fired started working funky hours and when I wasn t there other servers would have to clock me in in order to do discounts when another ‘lead server was not present. This led to me being more aware of my hours. I started to notice on weeks where I was working 7 days a week I would see days that I was clocked out hours before my night had ended. Brought it up to my manager (the owners daughter) she tells me that it must have been her on accident and that I didn t need to worry. My next shift I had lost all the privileges for me to access the clock-in clock-out screen (i used it a lot because I needed to be able to clock employees out when the system wouldn t let them). I did know the managers access code so I gave myself back the privilege without their knowledge. (So I can secretly see what was really going on) on numerous occasions my hours were shaved so I was not going into overtime. Sometimes up to 10+ hrs a week. Me getting fired: things were tense between me and the owner after me confronting his daughter about my hours being messed with. Now the owner is notorious for making the work environment absolute hell if there is anything he is unhappy about. He approaches me one day and starts making up absolute crazy things people have supposably said about me (I was a drug addict and had a drinking problem) making the work environment that much more uncomfortable. Then one day I come in 15 mins late because I had to go to the store for things for the restaurant (common occurrence- at least twice a week... and might I add this was not something I was being paid for only reimbursed for the items bought nothing for my time or gas) and the owner was standing there asked why I was late and once I replied he yelled at me to get out of his restaurant. So my question is what am I able to do about this? I know that I wasn t the only one they were doing this to.
2019-11-23 06:55:30
You can file a wage claim for any hours that you worked but weren t paid.
2019-11-23 07:04:12
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Ex-roommate w a cat in a no pet house
I moved into the main level of a house a year after two acquaintances had first moved in. Initially the girl with the pet cat told me it would be temporary. When she decided to move to the upstairs and begin a new lease the landlord scheduled for him to check out both bedrooms so she could move up. All damage the apartment incurred was OBVIOUS at this point. Cat hair on the blinds litter on the floor stained carpet where the litter box once was. This is just speaking to the rooms I was in her cat was in her room ALL THE TIME so I know that there were signs of the cat in there as well. The landlord did not perform due diligence in my mind made no mention of the obvious cat odor or ANYTHING. As for signs my roommate had given our landlord: She texted our landlord around the time I moved in saying something along the lines of Would it be alright for me to watch my sisters cat for the weekend? Obviously the landlord declined this. Here s the kicker: when she moved upstairs she brought the cat with her. It s been nearly a year since she moved up there. I told the landlord of this before moving out. I also have DMs from this girl saying to move a table to cover the stains from the litter box and that she would clean the carpet before I moved out. Is any cat hair upstairs + these texts enough to show I had nothing to do with the damage incurred? My problem stems from the landlord sending me a text that it cost $1200 to clean the house with the deposit only covering half of it. So my main question is: Am I liable for damage incurred to a house before I moved in by a tenant that stayed on the lease for a good 4 months after I moved in? Edit: in the United States more specifically Nebraska
2019-07-27 22:26:31
Being that she moved rooms and in addition was in the home prior to your moving in were you on separate leases? It sounds as though the LL s correspondence is regarding a single lease... If you *were* both on the same lease the costs are just as much your responsibility as they are hers unfortunately. If she will not willingly pay for a larger portion of the deposit cleaning costs you can certainly take your roommate to small claims court after the fact. NAL
2019-07-28 00:15:20
Miscellaneous Legal Query
HOA wants to fine me because my car is a “disruptive eyesore” [Maricopa County AZ]
I am renting half of a duplex from my uncle while I shop for a property out of town to make my home on. Unfortunately this community has an HOA and they sent me a fine for $200 now and then $25 a day starting next Monday because my car is apparently a “disruptive eyesore” and “environmental hazard” — it is a classic car but it s not a hoopty on bricks on the lawn it s a 1973 Ford Thunderbird and it is well maintained I drive it daily. I don t put it in the garage because the upstairs tenant rents the single car garage and has filled it with stuff. This is unreasonable in my opinion and a petty twisting of these vague HOA regulations. What I want to ask is is this legal?
2018-11-20 22:53:00
Yes it s probably legal. The better question is if you can contest the HOA decision (check their bylaws) and what remedy the HOA is asking for (such as you renting a parking space from someone).
2018-11-20 22:55:01
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[TX] Landlord contacting me 2 years after move out to notify of damage fees
I lived in an apartment complex in College Station from 2015\-2017. After my first year there \(2015\-2016\) I moved to a different unit in the same complex. I moved out of this complex and moved to a different city in 2017 after my lease was up. When I left I logged in to my resident portal a month after move out to double check that everything was good I had no notifications and the balance was $0. I got a call today from this complex saying that I owed 240 dollars due to damages on my 2015\-2016 lease.. 2 YEARS AGO. They claimed that I had holes in the wall and a broken chair which isn t true. I don t have any picture evidence to prove it was fine when I moved out because my portal showed everything was good and I deleted my photos. Not only did I live there at the complex for an entire year before I ever heard anything about this but they also took 2 years to notify me of the alleged charges. I tried to google what time frame was legally allowed but I couldn t find anything. If anyone could give me advice it would be greatly appreciated.
2018-06-05 00:14:18
I m assuming you had a security deposit and after all this time the landlord no longer has any security deposit (it was returned or there were other charges) and they are trying to charge you extra? https: statutes.capitol.texas.gov SOTWDocs PR htm PR.92.htm Chapter 92 of the Texas Property Code Sec. 92.109. LIABILITY OF LANDLORD. (d) A landlord who fails either to return a security deposit or to provide a written description and itemization of deductions on or before the 30th day after the date the tenant surrenders possession is presumed to have acted in *bad faith*. A landlord who has acted in *bad faith* as per (b)(1) forfeits the right to withhold any portion of the security deposit or to bring suit against the tenant for damages to the premises . So the landlord cannot sue you for the $240.
2018-06-05 02:03:52
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Non married couple bought a house together. One person A wants out but is afraid of the other person B stopping payment on the house and forcing a foreclosure. What are persons A options? (TX)
Person A and person B are not married not even common law.
2016-07-18 14:05:52
It s probably best to come to an agreement with the other person and sell the property. I am not a Texas attorney but Texas probably has a legal procedure to force a sale of real property. In Virginia where I practice this process may last for years and you would probably need an attorney. I have no reason to think it s faster or cheaper in Texas if it exists at all.
2016-07-18 14:10:28
Mortgage Disputes After Divorce
[Northern Virginia] Movers changed the price
So here is the information my wife and I moved for the first time with movers this past week. So I was out of the loop I called and got a price quote from about 10-15 moving companies in the area and then choose one which gave a reasonable price and included the truck with two movers. I got a text message confirming that we are scheduled to move from the two locations. The day before the move I called them and was able to get the move confirmed (on the phone) and then they let me know that the movers will be showing up an hour after they claimed they would. Due to the last minute I had no option but to agree due to no other movies were available. During the day of the move I called the movers since they showed up three hours late. Along with being late they showed up with four movers instead of the two I requested (to make matters worst one is them was an elderly lady.). When I talked to the mover he went up on the price I said I didn t order four only two since that is what I needed and it would take them about four hours or so. Finally after talking he showed me the flat rate or the hourly (the hourly went from $50 2 for $150 4) so I took the flat rate. Then he put the paper up and I didn t get the copy (looking back that was my first mistake). After the move was done I told my wife to pay the man the flat rate and he came back and said that we owed $120 more. I told him we had agreed upon the flat rate and then I realized that I didn t have the price sheet he gave. After arguing for about 10 minutes I had to pay to get him kicked out of my house. I asked for a receipt and he said he would email it to me. That has been two days without a receipt and I am wondering what I can do? I am not concern about getting my money back I learned a good $120 lesson but I want this guy to get investigated by VA for an ethical business. Any suggestions or help.
2014-07-05 15:32:54
Okay well I just got downvoted for suggesting BBB yesterday but it is a free quick and easy thing to do. You can file a complaint here https: www.bbb.org consumer-complaints file-a-complaint get-started then they will contact the company and try to get a resolution. You don t mention if the man you were speaking to was the owner or not. If he wasn t I would call or write to the owner of the company. You can also take this issue to their facebook and google+ page and leave negative comments on Yelp and other review websites. The negative attention might make them take your complaint more seriously. You could take it to small claims court but you pay a filing fee have to go to court and it might not be worth the trouble for $120. You could try sending a certified letter professionally stating the issue requesting a payment by xx date and that if it can t be resolved you will take legal actions to see if that would scare them. You could also have a friend or your wife call pretending to need a mover record the call (one party consent in VA) and see if they quote the lower flat rate they told you originally. You can include that in the letter that you have verbal confirmation of their $xx flat rate. Just some ideas. Sorry you got scammed.
2014-07-05 15:58:32
Moving Company Delivery Delays
Mother of my son is preventing me from seeing him
I live in California. My son is 8 months old but his mother and I haven t been together for about 14 months. However shortly after he was born the agreement on the place she was staying was running out. Since she had no place to live she asked if she could move in. This was 7 months ago. I agreed and she had been living here since rent free bill free. She has a full-time job as a teacher and I ve been continuously urging her to be productive about finding her own place. There has always been a little tension but things between us started to deteriorate considerably over the last month or so. I felt that she was taking the situation for granted and after the last time she got upset with me I finally said that I d had enough and told her she needed to leave. She moved out the next day and my son has been staying with her although I ve insisted that I would prefer he stay with me. I picked him up from her work yesterday morning and spent the day with him and dropped him back off at her work at the end of the day. I assumed since I have days off when she works and that I always watched him on those days when she lived here that this arrangement would continue. I would prefer something a little more steady and permanent but for now I m just happy to see him at all until I can fully resolve the situation. She insists that she won t spend the night without him until he s a year old. Anyway after I dropped him off I received a text last night from her that said that she found someone to watch him and that it would no longer be necessary for me to watch him. I told her that I m his father that I wanted to see him and that I insisted on spending time with him when I had the opportunity. She told me that it isn t going to happen and she is no longer responding to my texts. Despite being very frustrated with the situation I ve maintained a reasonable attitude. I haven t threatened her or harassed her about it. I ve decided to leave it alone until I find out what my rights are in this situation. I don t want to jeopardize a future with my son so I m approaching the situation very cautiously. We ve never been to court or had a custody case involving him but she insists that she is the primary caretaker. She says she has it in writing but she refuses to show me. I don t know if she somehow established that on his birth certificate or something. I feel that this is almost kidnapping as I don t see what right she has to deny me from seeing my son. Any advice on how to handle this situation is much appreciated. I should mention that I m currently a student going to school on the GI Bill so money is very tight.
2014-12-03 14:54:51
Absent a custody order she can make that decision. Your recourse is to file for custody and visitation. Also paternity if you did not sign the paternity and birth cert paperwork at the hospital. It is not kidnapping. Absent a court order she is not obligated to allow you access to the child.
2014-12-03 15:03:33
Custody and Visitation Disputes
Former company took money intended for my retirement fund but never deposited it into my account.
So I worked for a (now closed) company. In January I began having 3% taken from my paycheck to be placed in my IRA. I left in July. Come October I find out they never put the money they withheld from my paychecks into the IRA. Can I sue them? Would it be worth my time and energy?
2018-03-26 17:02:29
Have you asked them about it?
2018-03-26 17:22:17
Miscellaneous Legal Query
DA s office declined to prosecute rape DV case despite recorded evidence
I was in a abusive relationship for a year. He drugged and raped me to take my virginity. During that time he took videos of my condition showing that I was incapacitated couldn t walk or talk because of the drugs. We also made an audio recording to document the “funny things” he said I was saying because of the drugs. The audio happened to capture the times that he threatened to beat me if I didn t stay still on the bed the time that he did hit me me saying no to sex and then screaming at him to stop and get off me. I didn t know what to do and tried to put the situation behind me. The abuse worsened and he raped me again. I told him I wanted to get help from the police and he stopped me. He begged for forgiveness and promised to change. I wanted to leave the relationship and he would threaten me saying I couldn t go anywhere. A few months later I was able to leave and finally report things. It was a really hard time for me as I got used to the abuse. Despite the video audio and text messages that I provided the police shared that the DA declined to prosecute claiming that it is because I stayed in the relationship and had delayed reporting. They acknowledged that there is probable cause and they believe it happened but they fear their case wouldn t be strong because of me staying. Staying with an abuser and delayed reporting of a rape are common behaviors among survivors of domestic violence and acquaintance rape. I was surprised to hear they are the reasons why my case couldn t be pursued. I am coming here for advice. Edit: I plan on meeting with the prosecutor to understand why he isn t moving forward with the case but I ve heard from the crisis center advocate that they usually don t change their minds with these meetings so I m feeling a bit defeated
2022-04-08 19:47:46
This is a terrible situation and I m very sorry that you re dealing with it. Although you don t share your location in the US there is unfortunately generally no way to force a prosecutor to undertake a given prosecution. Some states permit a state attorney general to prosecute in lieu of the local prosecutor but that s both unusual and unlikely to happen. And although we ve come a long way the truth is that more than a few juries would behave as this prosecutor is describing: reasoning that staying showed either consent or some sort of poor moral character and declining to convict. When a prosecutor is concerned about a win loss rate sometimes the decision to not risk such a prosecution happens. But this is politics and bureaucracy and NOT any kind of official judgement that you were somehow in the wrong. There are a ton of useful resources at [https: www.rainn.org ](https: www.rainn.org ) and you can absolutely sue for damages -- one big benefit of suing is you merely need to prove your case by preponderance of the evidence rather than the criminal beyond a reasonable doubt that the prosecutor faces. But a big downside is: it costs money and unless your attacker is wealthy it may happen that even if you win he won t pay you because he has no money to pay you. You should talk to a lawyer anyway to get a more informed and nuanced assessment of your case and your chances. Perhaps a lawyer by your side might help convince the prosecutor to move forward and you can still sue afterwards. Indeed suing after a criminal conviction is easier the fact of the criminal conviction can be used as evidence in your civil trial. But when all is said and done it might be that the legal system isn t going to be able to help no matter what happens in court. Contact RAINN. And best of luck to you.
2022-04-08 20:30:45
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[MD] found the notes my boss took on her questionable hiring practices
Today at my new job my boss asked me to do something in her office at her computer. In plain sight sitting on the base of the monitor was what appeared to be a list of prospective applicants and the Facebook dirt she dug up on them. Most of it was arguably unethical (not to mention pointless) but not illegal...about half of the people were labeled either can t find or seems okay most of the rest were labeled liberal or democrat and one was labeled seems okay which was then crossed out and replaced with lesbian. I know that political affiliation is not protected in any way but is there any agency to whom I can report the whole ~~seems okay~~ lesbian situation?
2017-03-31 03:34:05
&gt is there any agency to whom I can report the whole seems okay lesbian situation? You don t have proof of anything. All this will achieve is making your new job your old job.
2017-03-31 04:40:39
Workplace Sexual Harassment Concerns
At-Will Employee Agreement Question
About to accept a new job and have only one concern in the At-Will Agreement. In the agreement doc it says I forfeit to them my rights to a long line of items including ideas developments etc - * including off-duty hours *. I m curious if this should be brought up with my potential future employer or if this is simply boiler plate and I shouldn t be worried. I see that WA likes to protect employee s off-time projects: ([https: apps.leg.wa.gov rcw default.aspx?cite=49.44.140](https: apps.leg.wa.gov rcw default.aspx?cite=49.44.140)) &amp #x200B Full text of concerned section: A. Assignment of Inventions. As between the Company and myself I agree that all right title and interest in and to any and all copyrightable material notes records drawings designs logos inventions improvements developments discoveries ideas and trade secrets conceived discovered authored invented developed or reduced to practice by me solely or in collaboration with others during the period of time I am in the employ of the Company (including during my off-duty hours) or with the use of Company s equipment supplies facilities or Company Confidential Information and any copyrights patents trade secrets mask work rights or other intellectual property rights relating to the foregoing except as provided in Section 3.G below (collectively “Inventions”) are the sole property of the Company. I also agree to promptly make full written disclosure to the Company of any Inventions and to deliver and assign and hereby irrevocably assign fully to the Company all of my right title and interest in and to Inventions. &amp #x200B Thanks!
2019-02-07 15:13:41
It s a fairly common ask but should also be negotiated regardless of where you re at. I wouldn t sign it unless it s limited in scope to anything developed with company resources or with personal resources but relating to the company s business. This is more or less what Washington put in law.
2019-02-07 16:06:00
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Landlord is taking entire security deposit AND stating that I owe money.
To start I m in Florida. Moved out a bit under a month ago when I left I vacuumed mopped replaced broken fixtures with like kind replaced the air filter pressure washed etc. all to make sure my landlord gave me my deposit back. I took a bunch of pictures at move in but they only show a small part of the damage they re saying I did I sent most of them as well as a description of issues with the paint discoloring and running to an email address that I was told would serve as my move-in inspection. These photos do not have a timestamp but uploaded to my Google photos showing the upload date. I also took pictures moving out these do have a time date stamp and I also have receipts for things they said were damaged that were not. They re saying I owe $2200 for painting charging me $400 for (pre existing) damage to counters $100 for an ac filter outlet cover shower rod(that was not in the unit) $25 for a light bulb etc etc. I ve mailed them an objection letter but what comes next?
2022-11-10 03:26:49
If they don t give you your money back after the objection letter the next step is taking them to court.
2022-11-10 04:50:59
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Custody of pet years after a divorce
Hey guys So an odd situation here. My boyfriend had cut his mother out of his life due to a variety of issues not worth listing. She still texts and harasses him every day but he refuses to respond. The big issue at play here is his dog. They used to split custody up but due to her issues he stopped that. His parents were divorced years ago and the dog was never apart of anything in the proceedings. She s now threatening legal action to take the dog from him if he doesn t respond to her. He s an incredibly loving dog owner who d do anything for her and shows her all the attention she deserves but I m aware that courts treat dogs like property essentially so that matters very little. Most of the papers from when his parents were together list her name on them but everything in the last 1-2 years lists his. What s a likely scenario here given we get a lawyer to try to fight back? Edit: Sorry reside in Minnesota.
2018-03-10 23:19:40
Pets are property. They re owned by one person or another. There is no such thing as pet custody. He should simply ignore her.
2018-03-10 23:21:51
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Wire Fraud When Closing on Home
UPDATE: 9 1 2020 -&gt My bank contacted me and gave me some more info. Turns out the account I wired to is a victim of identity theft. Loss Prevention said they can t guarantee funds but apparently there is some money in the account. I m hopeful for anything at this point. Morning Redditors Unfortunately I have become a victim of wire fraud. This is my first time buying a home and I am set to close this upcoming Monday. On Wednesday of this week I had received an email from what I thought at the time was the lawyer that works with the title company. The email was asking to wire the closing costs of the home so we can close on time. I didn t think of it much at the time because the email looked exactly like the email the lawyer uses to normally send correspondence all the correct phone numbers and emails and letter head were there. I even asked in the email for the correct amount of closing costs to wire the money and the scammers had replied with the exact amount down to the cent. They had sent me the wiring instructions and like a complete fool I wired the money to the scammers account. Come Friday afternoon 2 days later I get an email from the lawyer asking me to wire the closing costs so I immediately call them and tell them I had wired them the money two days ago. I said You emailed me Wednesday the wiring instructions . The lawyer said no I have not contacted you at all for closing costs. At that point I went back to look at the email and thats when I saw the actual email itself (checked where it came from) wasn t the same as the laywers. Luckily I still have some money to close on the home Monday however I will completely depleted of cash savings. I feel completely violated and cheated. It baffles me how the scammers knew all the intimate details of the transaction. I ve already contacted my bank to try and initiate a wire recall but the money was already sent. I also tried contacting the receiving bank (Wells Fargo) and told them what happened and requested to freeze the receiving account but they said they cant just freeze accounts and had to open a case for me. At this point I am aware I can safely say I will never see that money again. It baffles me how the hackers scammers knew all the intimate details of the transactions. The title lawyer told me that my email was probably hacked and I said thats not possible because I change my passwords monthly and have 2 factor auth set up. I get notified on my phone if anyone attempts to access my email. With all this said is there any chance I can possible hold the title company or any other involved party liable for this? To me its pretty obvious that they might have a breach of security at their offices. What legal recourse do I have if any? EDIT: Charlotte NC
2020-08-29 13:42:48
What happened to you was a crime and I can t believe no one has said yet that you need to be contacting law enforcement. That s probably the only option that could potentially provide you with some kind of reimbursement if they catch whoever did it. Sure the involved parties should have been trying to mitigate the risk of being hacked. And you are not likely to be able to investigate this yourself. FBI is probably the correct agency to report this to.
2020-08-29 14:29:04
Fraudulent transactions via hacked account
[WA] Hiring my girlfriend for a position she is qualified for. How do i protect myself and my business?
I met someone recently that I get along great with and it s a pretty serious relationship. Due to our location jobs in her field are hard to find without a very long commute. I have a position thats been open for few months which I need to fill. She would qualify for it and I own the company. I would normally avoid it all together but the alternative is her moving 3 to 4hrs away. If she takes the job and works with for me what possible legal issues or shenanigans could I be setting myself up for if the relationship turns sour? are there any legal work prenups for relationships etc.
2019-12-04 02:56:47
It could ultimately be cheaper if you straight-up gave her money yourself to pay her rent without hiring her. I m not kidding: this is a business-endingly bad idea and depending on how your business is structured could put your personal assets at serious risk. There are two obvious problems. The first is perception: some of your employees will believe that she got the job because she s having sex with you and not because she s good at it no matter how careful you are with optics. Nepotism isn t illegal but the perception of nepotism will be a constant drag on morale and may encourage others to act the same way. The second is legal: you re setting yourself up for a sexual harassment suit if you two have a falling out. You may believe that that risk is unlikely but the impact if it comes to pass is quite large. Even if she is fully consenting now if the two of you break up you will have a very hard time firing or demoting her even for legitimate business or performance reasons without creating the impression that you fired her for not having sex with you. (Which is illegal just to be clear.) That impression could support a lawsuit and even a settlement will be expensive. There s no paperwork you can sign and no legal maneuver you can use to avoid either risk either. They are the risks that follow naturally from this course of action. You either accept them or do something else up front and avoid them.
2019-12-04 03:06:39
Unfair Pay and Hour Practices
Right to contact niece?
I called CPS last year in an effort to protect my niece from neglect at the hands of her guardians (paternal grandparents). They intervened and got my niece into therapy and the grandparents into parenting classes. Anyway the grandparents found out I was the reporter. They decided that I could no longer have any contact with my niece. It s been almost a year now and my niece is messaging me on FB. I don t know what to do. I was specifically told not to have contact with her - so if I respond can I get into trouble? I want to talk to her of course but I don t know if I can.
2022-08-06 17:32:11
In the absence of a court order saying so if she contacts you you can respond to her. Do not discuss CPS the dependency case or anything that could be vaguely interpreted as being negative toward the grandparents.
2022-08-06 17:35:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Parking lot sign broke windshield - Act of God or not? (CO)
I ve read several posts about trees falling on cars but this is something a bit different. I came out of a big box store in Colorado and found a parking sign they had placed in the lot had blown over onto my car and smashed my windshield during gusty winds. The sign was one of those movable types with a post set in a weighted base but not anchored in any other way. Some similar signs in the lot had sandbags on the bases for additional weight but not the one that fell on my car. The manager submitted a claim to their insurance but basically told me they expect it to come back denied as an Act of God . My own insurance shrugged since the windshield will cost just under the comprehensive deductible. BL if the big box store s insurance denies the claim as the manager expects do I have any recourse or do I just suck up the cost of the new windshield?
2022-04-25 21:13:02
I would make the case the the other signs were properly secured and this one was not resulting in your damage. While they can t control nor be liable for unexpected high wind gusts they clearly see these signs as being a potential danger under the conditions you had as evidenced by the fact that they took precautionary measures to secure the others with weights but somehow missed this one.
2022-04-25 22:14:11
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Paid my friend to draw a mural inside a giftshop that I own. Do I now own the artwork?
Location: Oregon &amp #x200B Hi Reddit! Long time lurker never really posted. But I had a question: ​ I paid my friend about $700 a few months ago to draw a mural inside my shop. I love it and my customers love it as well. I had the idea recently to have some merchandise (t-shirts totes etc) for branding purposes and took a photo of an animal that they drew on the mural. I thought it was cute traced it on Illustrator added Drawn by: Friend s Name and sent a picture to them. ​ They replied saying how I should ve asked before taking their artwork and that they wanted to talk about profit sharing with me. I immediately apologized told them I didn t realize what I did and asked if they wanted to discuss pricing. ​ They never responded. If they don t end up replying I ll probably just grab the same animal off Shutterstock-- but I did wonder... since I paid for the artwork what are the laws surrounding that? We also unfortunately never had a contract. All the agreements were verbal and they were paid via Paypal. ​ Thanks!
2018-08-28 07:00:01
When I sell a painting I sell a painting. By copyright law I maintain marketing rights of the image for reproduction purposes. I have sold marketing rights which depending on the image can be worth more than the original over time. I ve also given away marketing rights (written into the commission agreement) because I had no intention of reproducing the image. Example: a commission of a very modest historical home the patron wanted to reproduce for family members ... worth nothing to me and everything to them. The mural is the original work you paid for marketing rights are copyrighted. I strongly urge you *not* to partner with the artist. It will get sticky and unmanageable in a very short time. Very few artists do that. Offer him $XXX for marketing rights and have a written agreement. If not find another artist and commission a different image for your tee shirts totes etc. That needs an agreement as well.
2018-08-28 15:34:58
Copyright Infringement in T-Shirt Design
Boyfriend had open wound on his perineum for close to 3 years.
Hi all! I am in California and my boyfriend has medical. So this has been an ongoing issue for almost the past three years. My boyfriend has had a cyst on his perineum and it had been leaking blood and puss constantly. For the first two years we made multiple trips to the doctor to get it taken care of. Each time my boyfriend was told to do warm compresses. We aren t doctors so we did as they suggested and continued to go back but eventually it ruptured and the inside tissue started protruding out. We go again and they decide to remove it and sew it closed and send him home with antibiotics. The only problem is that they didn t sew it properly. While being sewed up my boyfriend expressed pain and discomfort with no assistance but the worst part is that they made him hold his legs up the whole time as well until he was shaking and could no longer hold them. After I checked the wound and it looked as if they had just pinched the skin together and sewed it it looked pinched like a dumpling. It continued to bleed and puss even after. When getting the stitches removed they left one unaccounted for. When he went in for a follow up he told them that he was being poked by something and thought that he saw a stitch poking out. They checked him out and told him that it doesn t look like a stitch and sent him home. He went in again after being sure that it was a stitch and finally they pulled it out. By then it was still draining puss and blood and we assumed it would just be a problem that would take lots of time to heal. We end up moving to a different city where the wound gets worse over time. By now it s smelling and ruining his clothes. We make an appointment with a local doctors office in our area who takes one look at it and sends us to infectious disease. They then send us to have a small surgery done sooner rather than later. The doctor who was supposed to do that surgery found out by then it was too deep to take care of with local anesthesia and that my boyfriend will need to be put under in order to take care of it. We then schedule for a surgery where he will now need a wound vac. They estimate that heal time should be about 1-3 weeks. After the surgery we were informed that it was worse still than they thought and heal time is now 3-6 weeks. They had to make a 4 inch long and a 4 cm deep incision. He is healing now luckly but having a hard time with it all. My question is: Is there anything we can do? We went into the original doctors multiple times to in order to address this and it s turned into a crazy ordeal that has taken a toll on my boyfriend. The way he was treated during the the first time seeing it up really makes me upset and the origional nurses doctors don t seem to care for their patients. Luckly we didn t have to pay for the surgery and we feel extremely luck that nothing more serious came from this and that the new doctors took it seriously but I am still incredibly frustrated by the origional doctors nurses. Thank you.
2019-04-11 03:18:34
I believe you are beyond the scope of reddit help with this one. Medical malpractice is a case by case basis and can be incredibly complex . QC correct me if I m wrong but you need to consult an attorney if you wish to pursue further legal action.
2019-04-11 03:32:37
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(USA - GA) I was legally kidnapped and placed under 1013 under false pretenses and then held against my will for 4 days in deplorable conditions.
Okay background. I suffer from anxiety and major depressive disorder. However I have been seeking healthy coping skills (Gardening and Drawing out my feelings) My mom and I have always had an open relationship in regard to my depressive thoughts and feelings. However the problem starts when my mom looked through my private sketchbook and saw one of my depressing drawings. I explained to her I had no desire to hurt myself I was just drawing my feelings so I could get them out of my head as a form of release. The next morning I wake up and she is on the phone with a crisis team. She leaves for a Dr. Appt. While I m sitting at home watching TV the crisis team arrives. They spend about an hour assessing me. They then conclude in their words exactly You aren t suicidal you just have depression. I respond with I know that is what I ve been trying to explain. The two crisis counselors talk for a few moments and decide to leave me at home but that they must check in with their supervisor first. The supervisor tells them to take me to an ER in order to be assessed by yet another assessor. I asked if I have a choice to go and they do the little medical shrug meaning you can come Voluntarily or we have to have police bring you. I go with them to the ER and given a bed in a hallway to sit on for about 3-4 hours. After that waiting period some doctor comes and ask me how I feel I tell him that im annoyed I have no desire to hurt myself I m just depressed in general. he says OK and proceeds to walk away After that i m left sitting for another 2 hours or so before EMS comes and picks me up and straps me to a bed. Also with no choice. After about a 45 minute ride (it is about 2 am at this point in time) I exit the ambulance unsure of where I was taken. After sitting in the patient intake room at this facility for about 5 minutes a nurse comes in and takes my phone from my hand. Me still not understanding whats going on I become rowdy and somewhat aggressive because nobody is explaining to me where I am or why I am there and people are just taking my things. (please keep in mind it is almost 3 am and nobody is still talking to me like I am a person. Realizing I have no choice I go through with the intake process. The laces were cut out a pair of my jogger pants and the laces were removed from my shoes and all my personal belongings were stripped from me. I was then put into a common room of one of the Adult unit a moment later a doctor comes and talks to me ask me how i felt. I explained I was frustrated and confused. I explained what the crisis team had said (Not suicidal just depressed). He didn t even look up at me the entire duration of my assessment . And Just wrote for me to be given Zoloft every morning and Vistaril every 6 hours PRN. He then leaves while I am still left in the common area of the Adult unit. The staff treated me like I was a lesser human then them every time I asked for something even as simple as paper to draw on they made it seem like I was annoying them. They spoke to me in an extremely condescending manner as well. This persisted throughout my 4 day stay. In the 4 days I was forced to be there nobody would provide me with my doctors contact information and there was only 1 group therapy session. The majority of the time patients were confined to the common area for almost 16 hours a day where all we could do was watch TV and play card games with each other. The only times we were allowed outside was for 20 minute smoke breaks (we received 4 or 5 of those a day depending on the nurse.) The vast majority of patients did not have valid reasons to be in forced inpatient into the facility. At one point there were no more beds but instead of refusing more patients the staff moved 2 beds into the common room and let the new 2 patients sleep out there. And from what was explained to me the doctors were able to pick and choose what days of the week counted towards your 72 hour hold. For most people the weekend didn t count but for a few the weekend days did count. I was not one of the few. The doctor kept saying you should be discharged tomorrow and then the next day he would say tomorrow again. Or they would tell me that I could file a habeas corpus but that would take up to a week to process and the nurses insisted that it would just be quicker to wait it out. This persisted until my mom came in and raised hell to get me out. While there I was also refused when I asked for 2 of the pages of my patient rights book because they were missing. But they were missing from everyone s patients rights book. This request was denied and nobody could explain to me why I couldnt have the rest of my rights. I feel like I was essentially kidnapped and locked up for 4 days against my will. Could I sue for false imprisonment and mistreatment of patients. Or do I have any legal ground at all? I feel misstreated and falsly imprisioned for a coping strategy that my therapist recommended. Edit: I don t know if I need a flair however if I do I do not see a button to add one. Edit 2: Found the flair button and selected the appropriate one.
2018-01-16 21:41:03
&gt I feel like I was essentially kidnapped and locked up for 4 days against my will. &gt &gt Could I sue for false imprisonment and mistreatment of patients. Or do I have any legal ground at all? Were you locked in or otherwise physically restrained from leaving?
2018-01-16 21:44:44
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[OH] Trying to get my girlfriend a state ID but can t
I made a post on here a few months back when she was still 17 and it s been nearly a year of trying but she has still been unable to get a state ID. **January 2016** My girlfriend moves from Florida to Ohio to stay with me. She s 17 at the time and has no legal documents. **February** She opens an online store and requires a bank account to deposit her received payments. We go to my local branch and they ask for a state ID to open her account along with other documents. We go to the local DMV and they ask for her birth certificate and proof of residency in Ohio as well as someone at least 21 to sign off for her. I go to the county building and am able to purchase her birth certificate for $20 and then go to the local Post Office for an official change-of-address form. **March** We have her birth certificate and change-of-address form as well as being my dad as the person over 21 to sign for her. We head to the DMV and they say that they needed her legal guardian to sign for her as she s under 18 and that she also needs to bring her social security card. Her mother is her legal guardian but she hasn t lived with her for 4 years. Her mother lives in Ohio but doesn t want anything to do with her. Her grandmother (who lives in Florida) had been taking care of her but was never her official legal guardian. **April** We head to the Social Security office to have a new social security card be mailed to our house. They ask for a state ID. We explained that we needed the social security card to GET the state ID. They asked for other documents that can help prove her identity -- bank statements w-2 wage forms medical records or a school transcript. She was taken out of school in 8th grade and was home schooled by her grandmother since. We contacted her last school and they wouldn t release her transcript to her without her mother s permission or until she turned 18. She has no physical medical records and doesn t know exactly where she was born other than that it was somewhere in Ohio. **July** She turned 18. We drive 5 hours to West Virginia to her last school and were able to get a copy of her school transcript. The day we get back we quickly got to the DMV and they stated that the transcript needed to have her official address and social security number printed on it. We were furious. They also said that just a few dyas prior the official change-of-address form from the USPS could no longer be used and they literally told us to go to Walmart and buy a fishing license because it d be an official document with her address on it and you don t need any information to buy one. We contacted the school and they stated they weren t allowed edit the transcript to give that information. **August** I discovered that you can get a US passport without a state ID as long as you have a legal citizen who has known you for 2+ years fill out a form verifying that you are a citizen. We head to the passport office in my city and once the forms are filled out the woman asked to see her social security card. We explained the situation and the woman said that she doesn t need an ID but she did need 2 pieces of identification -- a birth certificate + social security card. The woman there said there s nothing they could do and that we were in a pretty situation. She said she s never heard of someone in this situation before. We ve all but given up. At this point we have one option -- my girlfriend can get an Offender Release ID card if she commits a crime and gets released from jail prison. This isn t really something we want to hope for. **September 2016** We had a pregnancy scare. We got to Planned Parenthood to get birth control and once the appointment was set up they asked to see her ID. The lady there was extremely rude and was no help. She basically said if you have a birth certificate you can get an ID . ________________________________________ We don t know what options we have at this point. My girlfriend s mom refuses to talk to her. She never saved any of her documents so there s no social security card or original birth records. My girlfriend s grandma has never taken her to a hospital before and has never needed to use her SSN for anything. My girlfriend knows her SSN and we have her birth certificate a fishing license an expired military ID from when she was 11 living on a base in Germany a copy of her school transcript from where she went in 2012 (doesn t have her SSN on it). We don t know where she was born so she can t request any medical records. I don t know if she d be able to anyways since she doesn t have an official state ID. She is unable to get a job drive a car open a bank account or seek medical care because of this.
2016-09-24 23:30:09
quick question. If she lived on a military base abroad she should have had a passport for travel. there should also be some records somewhere in the Military with her information on it. those are worth trying to follow up on.
2016-09-24 23:43:30
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[MO]Dog park opened directly adjacent to my apartment - curious about excessive noise etc.
St. Louis MO Hello I ve lived in an apartment for \~2 years. There is a church-type place next door to me with an open plot of land. When I moved in initially it was used sparingly (once a month or so) and the place was quiet. The owners recently transformed the space into a dog park which has increased foot traffic substantially and caused increased noise. There are a few individuals in particular whose dogs will bark for an extended period of time and the owners will do nothing to intervene. I am planning on opening a dialogue with the owner however I am also curious if there s city or state-wide regulations regarding turning your property into a dog park (i.e. if it needs to be approved have certain regulations etc.) and if there s regulations that extend to maintaining such a park. Thanks for any help you can provide.
2020-04-03 19:58:29
That s likely a zoning issue. If you aren t satisfied with the response from the owner check with code enforcement or city hall whether the land is zoned for that or whether they have a variance. If it _is_ zoned for this then you don t have much recourse. You can ask that the zoning be changed but the existing use would normally be grandfathered in and it would stay a dog park for the time being anyways. If the noise is so bad that it poses a serious nuisance you could also make noise complaints or file a private nuisance lawsuit but that s an extreme response. In particular it may be cheaper to move than to sue.
2020-04-03 19:59:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Small business owner here do I have to guarantee an employee (minor) job security.
I own a small ice cream shop in Colorado and we go through a season here that requires us to down size when Fall rolls around usually this isn t a problem as a lot of our employees are in school and end up putting in their two weeks in August however August-September is still a busy period and if we lose too many employees we ll look to hire a few so we can keep the shop well-staffed during the slow season. This year one of our younger employees a 15-year-old left abruptly due to depression involving a death in the family. During his absence we hired other employees as we usually do during this time and after three weeks he has returned asking to work. We never let him go but in this case we let him know that we don t have hours to offer him he accused us of firing him and this morning we received a letter from his father stating their son has the right to return to a job and has been unjustly treated. They ve implied there are laws that protect minors in these types of situations. We meant no harm and while the father seems to think his son has received high praise as an employee we have had issues with his behavior at work and were intending to let him go if his behavior failed to improve. At this point I m afraid it will lead to further problems if we let him continue to work with us especially if he proves less responsible than before and we have to let him go. It may be important to note that we never informed him we would have to hire a replacement in his absence perhaps we shouldn t have assumed he would not return. I m really looking to see what would be best to do in the situation and if we are legally obligated to provide a minor with work in this situation?
2021-10-19 01:04:40
No unless there is an employment contract. Make sure to save any documentation you have regarding this employees performance issues and resignation. Do not engage with either the minor or the parent.
2021-10-19 01:08:16
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Wasn t being paid overtime pointed it out was fired. What to do next?
Location- Lapeer Michigan. &amp #x200B In February of 2017 I started working at a bakery. In my contract it stated I wouldn t be paid for overtime. I worked about \~20 hours of overtime between February-December of that year. Fast forward to December 2018 I finally felt like something was off and looked into the wage laws of Michigan. Legally my employer should have been paying all of their employees overtime but none had been paid to any of us. I confronted the employer about this saying that I didn t want to create a big issue and that I would be happy to continue working for them if I were to be paid for any overtime I worked from that moment on. &amp #x200B They were immediately verbally aggressive and stated that they would NOT be paying anyone overtime like they had stated previously in 2017. They also said they would be hiring an attorney just to cover their bases in the event that they were reported to the Department of Labor. A poster about worker s rights was shown to them where it does indeed state that being paid overtime is a law in Michigan. They still claimed that they didn t have to pay it because it was written in the contract. (Correct me if I m wrong but I m pretty sure something someone types up in a contract can t override a state law?) &amp #x200B The attorney told the employer that since it had been pointed out they were now required to send me my overtime pay from the last few years. On December 31 2018 I was told to collect any personal items I had at the building and turn in my key or throw it away because the locks would be changed and kept saying they had no idea it was a law they couldn t believe I was doing this to them etc. There was another manager who was involved in this and was also told to turn in her keys take her belongings. In January I was mailed my OT pay from 2018. It is almost June now and I still have not received my 2017 pay. I ve politely asked if there was any information available about my 2017 pay and have been given excuses every time. &amp #x200B There were many other issues going on there including minors working well over their legal hours employees working 9+ hour shifts with no breaks having me clean a grease trap by hand (I have photo evidence of that one!) multiple other health code violations etc. I ve wanted to file a complaint with the Department of Labor in my state but am not sure how to do so as this is a bit of an unusual situation. I do also believe I could sue for wrongful termination but I don t know if I should go that far or not. **Basically I am unsure of which direction I should take this in.** Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this I would love to hear some opinions on the situation.
2019-05-26 22:37:28
If you plan to consult with an employment attorney then do that first but you have three years from the date of the violation to [file an overtime complaint](https: wageandbenefitcomplaint.apps.lara.state.mi.us ) with the State so don t wait too long.
2019-05-26 22:57:05
Overtime Pay Violations
Advice on a car I sold over a year ago and is now haunting me.
I sold a car in june of 2014. Now the day I sold it I did the DMV online notification of sale and also took the insurance off it. I did not take a photo copy of the bill of sale or anything (I dun goofed). I knew I was going to have some headaches with this when a month after I sold it the buyer called me asking if there was still insurance on the car. To his luck the insurance was still reporting good to the cops but I did cancel it the day I sold it. Now about 2 months ago I received a letter from an insurance company saying the car was involved in an accident and they need my insurance information. I called them and found out the buyer had MY insurance card and that is the information he gave the other driver involved in the accident. I explained that I sold the car a year and a half ago and I do not claim ownership. Though a series of phone calls with them I found out the DMV is still reporting me as the owner.... So I get my insurance involved and they advice me to go to the online notification of sale and do it again. And any time the other insurance company calls just tell them to call my company. I haven t heard anything from that in about a month so I thought they got it all sorted out. But I m not thinking that anymore. Now back to the present I received two parking citations today in the mail. One for a vehicle s tags being past and one for a parking violation. And as you can guess the plate and vin match the car I sold. Now I got home late so I did not have a chance to call the court about it or anyone. I just thought I would get some advice from here before I do that tomorrow. I live in the US in Oregon. And the only thing I have to prove I sold the car is a bank statement showing the deposit of money. And the two times notifying the DMV of sale (If they keep them on record. If not then I have one that I took a screen shot of). My worries are that the person ditched the car with the title that is still in my name and the bill of sale is long gone.
2016-01-01 08:50:47
Get written verification from your insurance company of the exact date you dropped coverage and you should probably have an email confirmation of the dmv thing (not familiar with that but my dmv gives email confirmation of everything done online.) Not having a copy of the bill of sale is a big mistake and you should have taken your plates off the car when you sold it. But you should be fine.
2016-01-01 15:27:33
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Anyone know anything about booting regulations?
I work in a shop adjacent to a store which owns a large parking lot. Unfortunately we along with the other stores in the area don t really have parking lots (just some spaces in the back not particularly clear or easy to find). That being said anyone who parks in that parking lot has been booted relentlessly within 1-2 minutes of parking in the area. The booting company set up camp in the corner of the parking lot and boots anyone who does not go directly into the store. This has been going on for months even before that store has opened and since it was an empty lot and the store was closed anyone who parked there was booted immediately. Cases include people walking into our store and inquiring about parking and walking back out after we tell them to find their car has been booted. One case even involved someone stepping out of their car to use the atm on the lot corner and being booted for it. My question is is there a time limit before they are allowed to boot your car? Is it legal for them to boot a parking lot for which there is no store open? Can they claim that they know for sure you were not going to go to the restaurant that owns the lot after say getting a bubble tea from our store which is next door? Thanks for the help! Edit: The location is Austin Texas. Sorry about that! Edit 2: I don t know if this helps but there s not a specific fee specified by any of the signs either
2015-08-12 15:22:13
&gt My question is is there a time limit before they are allowed to boot your car? No. If the parking lot is owned by the store they are allowed to limit parking there to explicitly visiting the store. &gt Is it legal for them to boot a parking lot for which there is no store open? Just because the store isn t open does not mean someone doesn t own the lot. &gt Can they claim that they know for sure you were not going to go to the restaurant that owns the lot after say getting a bubble tea from our store which is next door? If they see you not go directly into the store and the lot is only for use for that store they can boot you.
2015-08-12 15:28:37
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Being charged for crime despite evidence
I live in Vegas but im in London right now and apparently one of my neighbors house got broken into yesterday and he said he saw me going out a window. and some cop i talked to said hes putting a warrant out for me even after i showed proof i have been gone for a month. can he really do this?
2019-02-17 12:23:27
Yes. Gather evidence of your presence in the UK hotel receipts boarding passes train stubs etc.
2019-02-17 12:37:48
Miscellaneous Legal Query
(Orlando FL) A lawyer is trying to steal my cryptocurreny
So to the lawyers out there need a hand here from an attorney if possible. So I was invited to take part in an ICO due to the law changes only an accredit investor can partake. Well I was friends (notice the was) with an attorney and he offered to buy them for me. I did not ask he offered. Also I got very lucky as the invite was a presale so we got a huge bonus on top of what we purchased I introduced him to my contact at this presale as they could not solicit it was by invite only. I introduced the lawyer to my friend so he could receive an invite and he bought the required amount. Long story short he is now refusing to send me any emails on what this company is saying and is now intimating he is going to keep all of the tokens on the basis that I am not an accredited investor. -- QUICKUPDATE wanted to give quick update I hired an attorney my attorney explained that the accredited investor thing played no part as this was not a security. The company was treating the token as a security to keep the SEC off their back. The attorney who tried to keep the tokens entered into an oral agreement and nothing illicit in my part. He was trying to defraud me... one demand letter later and he admitted the tokens are mine and his firm is about to let him go. My lawyer sent them a letter telling them a practicing attorney of theirs was about to get sued and we added all the emails from him to me and viola unethical behavior is frowned upon by law firms. Who knew. So when you get cheated never stop fighting.
2018-01-13 23:48:19
This lawyer may have an ethical problem but you likely have no way to get in on the deal. You introduced him to the people making the offering he is a qualified investor you are not. You did not give him any money. You have no legal ownership of the crypto. Be happy you live in a country that protects you from “investment” scams like ICO offerings.
2018-01-14 00:45:28
Legal Representation Challenges
Puppy s original owner wants her back
So let s start off with I am an 18 yr old about to go off to college and live in AL. My friend s brother had a puppy as in he owned her that s what I was told when I first saw her. She was living in a small pen in the back of their property as an outdoor dog and barely got any attention. So she recently texted me and said do you know anyone who wants this puppy? And I asked for the background on the dog and she said the fence broke and they re moving and don t want to keep it. So I took her in and found her a LOVING home in Tennessee with miles of land and three loving children. But now the owner of the dog is wanting her back. I asked for proof of him owning the dog and he said he had nothing and told me to ask the original owners of the dog for vet records ??? Who are they?? I don t know. He s threatening to call the police and charge me for ransom and theft since I asked for $150 to ensure she goes to a good home and he isn t going to dump her on someone else. He claims he gave the dog to the brother to look after her while he set up his new house for her I turned around and asked my friend and she said he told us we could get rid of her then he turned around and asked for the dog back for his aunt. And now he wants ownership of the dog. The dog was living at my friends house in not the right environment for a puppy she wasn t starved but definitely not loved and I am unwilling to give this man the dog without proof of ownership besides words? And I asked for photos of where she would be staying like his yard and he got very defensive in saying I m not going to show you where I live. The lady who was going to take the dog for $150 might I add was very willing to send me photos of her huge property and the other dog she owned. I don t know what to do he s threatening to call the police if I don t show up and give him the dog and I m just trying to figure out where I would stand in this situation I do not want this puppy to go into a crappy unloving home when there is such a great home ready to have her. I don t have any vet bills either since my deal was to find her a home as quickly as possible but I have been feeding her walking her and taking care of her and have lots of photos with the dog and of the dog and my other dog playing. Should I give the dog back or call the police asking what to do because the dog was given to me and he is threatening theft?
2017-06-08 11:40:35
I m confused - it was your friend s brother s dog but she texted you? So did the friend s brother tell you you could have the dog or the friend? Who is the she ?
2017-06-08 13:08:54
Legal Battles Over Stolen Dogs
State of Hawaii: Tree fell from neighboring property. Can I sue landowner even if my insurance covered damages?
Back in May a tree from a neighboring property hit my house and caused $60k of damages. My insurance covered the damages and associated living expenses while the house was being repaired. There has been letters sent to him from the association on my behalf but not certified mail prior to this event. I think he is being let off the hook too easy and there are a ton more trees that threaten additional damages. What recourse do I have legally?
2019-11-15 20:31:12
In short no. Trees falling from adjacent properties onto yours fall into two categories: Acts of God and Negligence. Acts of God occur when a tree that is otherwise healthy falls due to a storm lightening strike or any other random occurance. Negligence is when the tree was actively dying or dead...not only that you need to be able to show proof that the neighbor was careless in his maintenance of the trees and show the damages that occurred due to his negligence. However neither situation really matters. Your insurance paid out and you would have to prove other damages that insurance did not cover. You can t just decide to sue becuase you re upset or feel he should should ve done more. That s not how suing works.
2019-11-15 20:39:47
Tree Disputes with Neighbors
Boss accidentally CC d me in derogatory emails about myself (twice!)
In the 4 years I ve been employed by my company the CEO has been extremely difficult to work with. He yells at employees threatens to fire entire departments and ignores questions and requests for assistance. Recently he has accidentally CC d me in two separate e-mails in which he s made disparaging remarks about me to other employees. The first e-mail contained remarks about my character the second e-mail called me annoying for asking a basic question. I ve also heard from employees that other executives have been making negative remarks about me and my team to leaders at other companies. I ve been able to deal with his toxic attitude up until now. However this second most recent email really made me feel like my name has been dragged through the mud by my superiors. If I ve been CC d accidentally on two internal e-mails with negative comments how many e-mails have I missed? I ve never worked in a setting where the CEO is a bully to their employees. I would like to know if I have any legal recourse or if I should simply be looking for other employment opportunities. Thanks in advance!
2021-12-28 16:58:12
&gt I would like to know if I have any legal recourse or if I should simply be looking for other employment opportunities. Unless the remarks were concerning a protected characteristic like your gender race etc nothing illegal happened. It s not against the law to be an asshole for the most part but it s definitely not a way to retain employees. You should look for a new job.
2021-12-28 16:59:39
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Told to keep quiet by employer after bringing to light payroll issues.
I ll try to make a long story short.. Myself and another employee brought it to the attention of our employer (the hr safety guy and the payroll clerk) that payroll had been accounted wrong for quite sometime and it needed to be fixed. (Our payroll officer that has been working there for 10-15 years has been entering half hours of work as .30 rather than .50 for the entirety of her employment at the company.) Well we were told to keep our mouths shut because they couldn t afford to get into back paying affected employees. Well fast forward to last week and both myself and the other person mentioned left the company and after seeing our last checks realized that we were both docked pay due to payroll advances that never took place and there is zero proof of ever taking place. My question is where to I go from here? Is this a department of labor issue or a civil courts issue? Also would the employer be required to pay all passed employees unpaid wages or is there a statue of limitations on things like that? Edit: In Atlanta Georgia if that dictates anything
2018-08-16 15:42:15
Sounds like illegal [retaliation against a whistleblower](https: employment.findlaw.com whistleblowers whistleblower-retaliation-and-the-law.html). Talk to a lawyer.
2018-08-16 16:08:27
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Is this a suable offense?
As i write this i am kept up by an incredibly intrusive and loud dance club across the street from me. They use intense bass that literally shakes my windows couch and bed. So much so that i cannot sleep until they close. This has been going on for over a month now. They are open Tuesdays and then Thursday-Saturday til after 2am. I am losing 20 hours a week of my sanity to these people. I have been in contact with a city worker that has gone out twice now to measure the noise level and on both occasions they ve been over the legal noise limit in my city. The city worker is going to speak with them but they ve already ignored their first fine. I am honestly so sick of this business that i want to sue them and hit them hard. I have evidence of official measurements that i feel would be sufficient proof of my suffering. My main question is is this acceptable enough to sue for can i sue for the time it has stopped me from being able to relax and be comfortable in my own home and is this sufficient enough evidence (with more mounting i can easily take videos of things vibrating lol and get more measurements most likely) to likely win? Thank you any advice helps. I just want this to stop Edit: I d like to add that prior to me calling the city rep they had received complaints from another neighbor of mine a month prior about the same club and the rep had already sent a warning. I also wanna add that i don t have much money which is why i would only be wanting to sue if i had sufficient enough of a case.
2022-10-30 07:55:30
You mentioned you have proof of them being over the sound limit. If you were to sue them you would also need proof of your financial damages that are caused by them being over the sound limit. In your case damages could be things like pay lost because you couldn t go to work due to lack of sleep and medical bills incurred as a result of the noise.
2022-10-30 14:35:54
Neighbor Noise Disputes
Eligibility for MA Paid Family Medical Leave in 2021?
My wife will begin employment as an exempt FT employee at a university in Washington DC. The job is classified as designated on site but she has a verbal agreement that all work will be done remotely in MA where we live. We re trying to have a baby in 2021. Will she be eligible for the MA benefit of Paid Family Medical Leave for birth of a baby even though the employer is in Washington DC and her job would be classified by the university as designated on site ?
2020-06-18 14:21:40
There are a lot of factors that go into these laws so beware she could be the exception. Also IANAL but I have 8 years of payroll experience mostly in the Northeast so I have some experience with these laws. From reading the state website the law is based on whether or not the employee works in MA and there is no minimum employee count. There is a very small group of employers exempt from the law. Provided she doesn t fall in this small group she should qualify. If the university doesn t have any other employees in MA they may not be aware of the law because it is so new. Once she begins working she should review her paystub to ensure that a small deduction in addition to state income tax appears. If not she should contact the HR Payroll department. If for some reason the employer considers her to be working in DC DC also has a paid family leave law.
2020-06-18 15:22:33
Pregnancy Discrimination at Work
Oklahoma: HIPPA violation or not? Nurse faxed medical records to my stalker
Hello there I have had a stalker for about 10 years now. I started seeing a new doctor and my first appointment I reserved two time slots so I could explain the situation to the doctor and her PA (physicians assistant for those who may be out of the country). Because of this one of the things I talked to them about was that I wanted not a single person to receive my medical records unless it was me and I was there for them IN PERSON with my ID. The doctor reassured me that I had nothing to worry about because HIPPA didn t allow them to release records unless it was for another physician or if I was there in person to verify that it was indeed me. Not even a month later I was informed that the PA had faxed my medical records to the business office of my stalker. When I called to ask what happened. The PA was immediately defensive and extraordinarily rude telling me and I quote “you are not going to get me in trouble for this” over and over. I am a bit of a push over and really just wanted to know what happened and what all was sent and why they didn t verify the identity of the person calling. They were obviously not calling from my number on file so I have no clue why they would allow this to happen. All this time I have wondered if she was right and if she was in her rights to do this or if what she did was illegal. I ve changed doctors a few times since and haven t had this happen to me but that very one time even though my stalker is still active. Can anyone give me any legal insight on if this was a HIPPA violation or not? EDIT: I think my comment was deleted so I ll just update here: Hello everyone thank you for your responses! To answer any questions my stalker worked at a law office at the time he worked at the front desk. He cannot hold a job and has since be fired from that position. I couldn t have contacted his place of employment without it being seen as interest from me and would have cause me a whole lot of more intense issues. And cope aren t the most helpful. Could his place or employment have been why he was able to request my files? We were also never married. I did make an appointment to see the doctor in person to talk about this issue and was never issued even an apology from either her or her PA I assume because apologies are viewed as an admittance of doing something wrong. Thank you again for all of your information.
2020-07-24 04:07:12
What is the business office for your stalker. — he does not work for your health insurance company does he?
2020-07-24 04:39:04
Medical Billing Disputes and Fraud
My estranged stepfather has all of my deceased mother s belongings do i legally have any right to anything?
My mother passed away and my stepfather refuses to give us any belongings saying he sold everything. She didn t have a will so if I understand the laws correctly I have no rights here do I? I don t want anything of monetary value just something to remember her by I find it hard to believe he sold everything. It s worth noting that he lives across the country as did my mother when she died. EDIT: Sorry she passed away in Florida
2018-06-02 13:31:23
[Here are the laws about dying intestate in Florida.](https: www.nolo.com legal-encyclopedia intestate-succession-florida.html)
2018-06-02 14:16:24
Family Estate Disputes
My attorney won t do what was agreed to and paid for
Las Vegas NV Last year in March my child custody order was finalized with my ex husband. Along with being my attorney for the custody case he agreed to do my child support case as well. Well it s almost been a year later and still no word on child support of if I have to go back to court. I email and call my attorney s paralegal all the time and he never returns my calls of emails. The last email he sent was in the middle or January with the paperwork attached that was going to be sent to the courts saying my ex refuses to respond to the child support paperwork sent to his home back in November. (My ex drags his feet so everything costs more and takes longer he fights everything) I sent an email back that very day saying there were a lot of wrong statements they had but in there like when my husband took on of our children and refused to give her back for 6 months and my attorney had in there 1 month. That regardless of the judge ordering joint custody my ex husband has refused to see or talk to my oldest daughter. He has not seen her since the order was finalized in March and just sends her texts saying happy bday merry Christmas yet comes by the house every Sunday to pick up her little sister and take her back home with him telling my oldest daughter she s not welcome in his home. (My judge is an idiot and didn t look at my case at all she just treated it like every other case 50 50) So after sending my email back stating all the things that were wrong I never heard back. I ve called a couple times a week and left messages for the paralegal to call me and let me know what s going on but he never returns my calls. My gut feeling is either the paralegal sent it in regardless of all the mistakes or they have pushed my case to the side again. The reason I say this is because I was once told after many attempts to contact my legal team that they are in trial with a couple of their other cases and are too busy for mine. I have already paid him and he admitted he forgot to do my child support back in March and said he would do it asap I don t know what to do. A part of me wants to threaten the attorney with a letter to the better business bureau but I don t know if I even can. Please help so I can move on with my life. - my attorney won t finished what I paid him for and won t return my emails or calls.
2019-02-17 14:04:52
The BBB is just old people Yelp. They can t do anything. Send him a letter via certified mail demanding the return of any retainer he currently holds so you can hire a different attorney to resolve outstanding business. Put a do it by date on it say 30 days out. Don t make threats. If he doesn t do what you ask within that time call your state bar association and ask how they can help with him. If they get involved it will light a fire under his ass.
2019-02-17 15:10:08
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Fired because I m a distraction at work?
Hello Reddit lawyers Posting this for a friend. Apparently she got let go from work because they deemed her a distraction to other male members in the warehouse She was told by other coworkers that every-time she passes by the shop warehouse all the other guys would stare at her and that she was a distraction another coworker told her to not be around the warehouse much because they will fire her for being a distraction and that she talked more to some guys more than others and it made other s jealous . Part of her job (shes a QC) is to inspect equipment and be in the shop constantly I for once have witnessed the borderline sexism in the shop but always tried to ignore it or pass it on since as a guy it really didn t affect me much until this issue happened with her. Note: I know this isn t as relevant information but a big part of the warehouse is either middle eastern or latino hispanic being hispanic myself I always witnessed a lot of my culture take a big part in sexism and discrimination including my own mother. Regardless In this case is there anything she can legally do? would it help if she recorded any of the comments the other guys said about her and would this be a case of unlawful termination? Edit: Location: Southern California Edit 2: It seems like I missworded things when I said she talks to them in the shop or wharehouse the reason she talks to them is because she NEEDS to communicate her QC evaluations to them. Common example of a typical conversation she has with them is : Her: Hey you need to revise this welding it looks weak on this side and it may compromise the integrity of the whole structure. Them: Ok babe sweetheart cutie sexy etc while the other men laugh or stare in the background. They are the ones making off topic conversations as well. sometimes shed tell em something and theyd take her pen and be like. ill give it back if you go out on a date with me give me your phone number etc . The list can go on and on. The worst part is that she has a boyfriend almost fiance and PEOPLE KNOW THIS but still decide to act this way towards her. And its disgusting that the bossess CEOs decide to fire her because they cant control the shitty behaviour of the other men. Thanks.
2019-09-12 20:32:06
If her boss said this to her - or even better if her boss put this in writing - she needs to go directly to an employment attorney to talk about a human rights equal opportunity complaint or a lawsuit. The guys on our team can t control themselves around women so you have to go is _exactly_ the kind of sexist and discriminatory conduct that s illegal under the huge majority of circumstances. What state province and country was she working in?
2019-09-12 20:37:03
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Someone is selling 5 things of my art as NFT S!
I m under 18+ and I love making art but I found out someone I selling some of my art as NFT s without my permission and I m not even credited they cropped it! I m worried more people have done this with my other art. What can I do?
2021-12-28 21:25:05
There should be a way to send a DMCA notice or similar piracy takedown notice to the marketplace hosting the NFT. You can google how to send a DMCA takedown email if the site doesn t have an automatic form for it.
2021-12-28 22:01:58
Copyright Infringement in T-Shirt Design
[Florida] The company I work for is allowing water loaded in motor oil to go into the municipal water lines. There are quite a few other concerns as well. I ve called OSHA and the EPA and neither group has done anything. What s the next step?
I called OSHA about the insulation that s literally hanging from the ceiling and walls of my building as well as the black sooty mold growing on several walls as well. For christ s sake they use old hamburger containers from Walmart for holding the parts we use every day. Basically there are presses at my work that take an aluminum or copper tube and flatten one end of it punch holes in it and then send it on its way to be washed. It the flattening process a large amount of oil is needed (we still haven t been told why) and when it gets washed off the water and oil goes into a basin in the floor. When about 100 gallons of water and oil is collected it gets pumped into the municipal wastewater lines and sent out. I d be extremely surprised if the ground around the building isn t completely contaminated but when I bring it up management shuts me down.
2014-01-04 08:05:20
If any of that water goes to ocean lake or river call Dept. Fish &amp Game. It happened to a company I worked for once -- disgruntled ex-employee reported to Fish &amp Game that we dumped acetone into a storm drain (which wasn t true). Within a month we got inspected by the EPA water quality board air quality board fire department our city s hazmat enforcement people and a few others.
2014-01-04 08:20:54
Miscellaneous Legal Query
[NC] Trying to evict a tenant from a house my grandma owns.
So my grandma lives in Florida and I m handling the eviction process for her (I live in NC where the house is) but I don t know where to begin. The guy has been living there for about 3 years now. The original agreement was that he would fix up the house (it s not in the best shape) and wouldn t have to pay rent until the house was fixed at which time we would negotiate a rent. There was never a written lease. As of now he s never done anything to fix the house and has never paid rent. I want him out as soon as possible as I intend to move in so I can fix the house and get it ready to sell. I m not particularly interested in recovering any rent I just want him out as soon as possible. But is there anyway I can use the threat of suing for rent as leverage to make him leave faster (since we never agreed on a monthly rent)? Or should I forget about past rent and just start the eviction process?
2015-08-13 05:07:19
&gt There was never a written lease. Well that s a problem. You can give him notice that you are terminating his lease which is a tenancy at will. Look at NC laws but usually it is 30 days or the next period where rent would be paid which ever is longest. That s why there is a problem here as he isn t paying rent so it s hard to establish an end date for the tenancy. I would serve with notice on quit (leave) by october 1. Use certified mail.
2015-08-13 05:16:49
Miscellaneous Legal Query
Received a speeding ticket in NY haven t received anything in the mail and haven t been able to reach anyone.
Around the middle of August I got a speeding ticket while going through NY on my way to Canada. It was about an hour north of Syracuse on route 81. As soon as I got back home from Canada (I live in PA) I mailed in the ticket as instructed on it to the appropriate courthouse with a plea of guilty. I have not received *anything* about the ticket. No fine. No letter. Nothing. I ve tried e-mailing and calling multiple court houses and no one seems to be able (or willing) to show me what I need to do. Should I get in touch with the DMV about the ticket? Is there anything more I should be doing to make this come to a close? I would really like to not have any fines or worse thrown at me. Thanks for any advice!
2014-09-26 13:24:52
Some small towns in NY have traffic court only once a month. Just keep waiting.
2014-09-26 17:19:42
Unresolved Speeding Ticket Issue
[IL] Stolen ashes
About 8 months ago I broke up with my ex. He has since kept my infant son s ashes in a storage unit to hurt me. The storage unit is in another county. I have pretty much no money to my name to get a lawyer to sue for the ashes and I don t know if the police will help. I know which storage facility they are at but have no idea which unit. He can keep everything else as he has almost everything I own I just want my baby s ashes back. What can I do? My son was not his son and not even remotely related to him.
2016-05-08 00:34:21
Police should help. That s theft and I m sure they d be sympathetic to the circumstances
2016-05-08 00:42:54
Family Estate Disputes
Spanish landlord is refusing to return deposit despite clear contractual agreement
I am an American studying in Madrid and at the last minute I booked a rental with a company called ohmyroom through Spotahome. As soon as I moved in all of the other tenants told me that I wouldn t be getting my deposit back but I was cautiously optimistic. I am a clean person and took excellent care of the property so I thought that maybe they were just less responsible and had broken some things. When I was moving out I considered skipping the last months rent but I didn t want to break the law since I will be living in Spain for awhile. Apparently the landlord has been telling different tenants that We spent your deposits and are unable to pay you anything back as our company has no money . Of course this is a huge crock of shit. The contract is crytal clear that we are to have our deposits returned after a two month waiting period and Spanish law seems pretty biased in favor of the rights of tenants in general. So I threatened to sue them with a group of my other roommates if we were not paid our deposits after the agreed upon period in the contract. I think my email spooked them (especially since I hsve pictures from when I moved in and when I moved out) but if I actually have to sue how much of a case do I have? At this point it is really a matter of principle for me. These crooked slum lords think they can steal from us because we are broke immigrants. They fucked with the wrong American though because I am completely willing to spend more money than what my deposit is worth (€600) in order to pursue then legally. If I win the case would they also have to pay for the cost of my legal fees?
2019-06-25 12:39:35
Try r LegalAdviceEU.
2019-06-25 15:01:50
Landlord Lease Deposit Disputes
Girlfriend and her co-worker were wrongfully terminated I posted about it online and I ve been threatened with a libel suit. [NC] [CA]
EDIT: I messed up the title. Girlfriend quit was not fired. The other guy was though. My bad you guys. Okay. This probably doesn t make me look all that good but here goes nothing. Girlfriend is working at a shop with a co-worker when inclement weather hits. They call the manager who tells them they are to keep manning the shop. Meanwhile streets are flooding and cops are directing and diverting traffic. They call the owner who gives them the okay to close up shop. Well the next day the co-worker gets fired and my girlfriend quits before she can get fired too. They were told that this was because they closed up early. Well in a fit of admittedly ill-advised heroism I repeatedly post this story to the shop s Facebook page until I get blocked share the story and post a Google review. Cut to the next day and the girlfriend receives a text from the owner telling her that what I did was illegal and that he will be contacting his lawyers about suing me for spreading lies on the internet. I go into damage control mode delete everything confirm that the shared posts were also deleted and make my account private. All in all these posts were up for 24 hours. Now here s the thing: I m fairly certain my account of events is truthful and accurate despite the owner s objections. The other employees apparently have my back in a very big way and some have also been informed of possible legal action for similar posts. It s been a week and I ve received no letter from any attorney. I live in NC the owner lives in CA. None of us make much money and likely can t afford representation or a settlement of any kind. Also rumor had it this particular shop was being shut down anyway due to poor management. So here are my questions: 1. Am I likely to be sued for libel or harassment here? 2. Do I have a snowball s chance of winning this thing? 3. Should I delete this post too and assume you all are wishing me the best of luck? EDIT: I seem to have goofed up my wording in the title so I apologize for the confusion. I m not alleging that my girlfriend was wrongfully fired just the other guy. So no we re not the ones considering suing. Also yes it s one sided. I know. I m fairly certain I ve got my facts straight but as I understand it I m liable if I actually don t.
2016-08-14 15:00:32
1. You probably aren t going to get sued. 2. Your girlfriend and her friend weren t wrongfully terminated. Actually rereading your post the title and the post are conflicting. According to what you wrote your girlfriend wasn t even fire. She quit. ~~California~~ North Carolina is an at will employment state and they can be fired for virtually any reason with very few exceptions. The manager doesn t even need a reason to fire them.
2016-08-14 15:08:51
Miscellaneous Legal Query