Sentence: Ring, ring, is how the birds sang. Question: Who called Sally?
Sentence: He was also a fan of basketball. Question: What kind of things does John like?
Sentence: The ice cream truck driver thought that no more children were coming to get ice cream so he started pulling away from the curb when they got to the corner. Question: What did the driver of the ice cream truck do when Greta and Tony got to the corner?
Sentence: Rainfall is mostly monsoon-based (about 65% of the total concentrated during the monsoon months of June to August), and decreases substantially (100 to 200 cm (39 to 79 in)) from eastern Nepal to western Nepal. Question: About what percentage of Kathmandu's annual rainfall falls during the monsoon months?
Sentence: This was not going to be good. Question: Why was Che upset?
Sentence: They made a big sand castle. Question: Which item did Frank not give Bob's dad?
Sentence: Maybe, she's not so bad after all, Shelly thinks. Question: Who is Shelly's best friend from her old school?
Sentence: It only had three legs, and it looked hungry. Question: What was wrong with the squirrel?
Sentence: They got a cage, a water bowl, and bunny food. Question: Why did Mabel name her bunny Fluffy?
Sentence: Dan had three friends who were going too. Question: Who all was going to the ocean with Dan?
Sentence: Who are you?. Question: What snack did Manny get that morning?
Sentence: Anita was there on her white bicycle. Question: What color bicycle won the race?
Sentence: After dinner she made her bed with fresh sheets from the laundry she did earlier, finished reading her book, put on her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and went to sleep. Question: What order did Sherry do two of the items on her to-do list?
Sentence: He knew he would have to be nice to Morty Roo to deliver the message and that it would be really hard. Question: Why did Woofington deliver the message to Morty Roo?
Sentence: He loved it and we played with our other friends, Daryl, John, and Angie. Question: Which of the following sections did Tim and his mom not go through to get to the toy aisle?
Sentence: And when Cowboy was feeling mean he liked to hide. Question: When Cowboy felt mean he liked to...?
Sentence: At first, covering part of the sun's circle, then more, then...a complete covering of the sun!. Question: Why was the pink moon lonely?
Sentence: Bob also had to keep the other animals away from the cattle, the wolf and the snake and the coyote. Question: What animals did Bob protect?
Sentence: Jane was happy watching the lions. Question: What animals were Mike and Jane excited to see?
Sentence: She gave some to the bully squirrels, too, so they would leave the three-legged squirrel alone. Question: What was wrong with the squirrel?
Sentence: Today was show and tell, and he planned to do his magic tricks for the whole class. Question: What did Angie bring to show and tell?
Sentence: He thought as long as he could make it to the door, he would be free. Question: Why did Harry want to leave his house?
Sentence: He ran around the yard as fast as he could. Question: What did Poppy do after he played catch with Mary?
Sentence: Then he melted the chocolate. Question: What ingredients did Paul use to make the desserts?
Sentence: The film begins with members of the Catholic Church digging up the body of a 19th century church official , whose casket has a box-shaped urn chained to it . Question: The casket of the 19th century official contained whose box?
Sentence: Anita was there on her white bicycle. Question: What color bicycle was not in the race?
Sentence: Anna loved the beach and went as often as she could. Question: Why did Jason not like the beach?
Sentence: They had to go around the track ten times. Question: What happened during the race?
Sentence: It never got cold. Question: What happened in winter in the story?
Sentence: Angela went to the store to buy lettuce. Question: Where did Angela walk to?
Sentence: Kate had such a fun time on her vacation. Question: How many different places did Kate and her family visit?
Sentence: In English class, he read a story about a lady who had fallen in love with a kitty. Question: What story did Bob read about in English class?
Sentence: They got to the dentist office and Jan told the woman, named Tiffany, at the front desk that they were there. Question: How many different people did they see at the dentist's office?
Sentence: She liked the birds and the waves. Question: What did Anna bring to the beach with her?
Sentence: said Edward the Barber as Jack the Pirate headed out the door. Question: Why did Jack really want to get his hair cut?
Sentence: She wanted the people from town to invite her to parties. Question: What did the witch want MOST from the people?
Sentence: What can we do with the leftover chicken?. Question: Why did Joe feel sad?
Sentence: I accidentally walked into the pile of mud on the floor and got stuck. Question: How did Twinkles free Betsy from the mud?
Sentence: Tom said he would rather go to the forest, the moon or the mountains, but never would he go to the ocean. Question: Where did Tiger go without Tom?
Sentence: she asked her mother. Question: What is the funny sound called that kittens make, and why do they make it?
Sentence: The pumpkin wanted to leave the garden and see the world. Question: Why was the pumpkin sad?
Sentence: There was also a smiley face sticker in the bag. Question: What was in the bag that the dentist gave to Maggie?
Sentence: He could make things move with his mind. Question: What was Steve's power?
Sentence: Penelope said she wanted yogurt. Question: What did Thomas and Cookie do in the backyard?
Sentence: She found some chocolate cookies. Question: What snack did Katie buy?
Sentence: Her first friend could not go to the party because she was sick. Question: Why was Susan sad?
Sentence: She asked the lion, Do you have any peanuts?. Question: Why did Ava dig for a bag of peanuts?
Sentence: He was also singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Question: Which item did Frank not give Bob's dad?
Sentence: John had a great, superhero kind of thought. Question: What did John do before meeting the evil superhero?
Sentence: Laura said she would like him to do that. Question: What did Laura see as she ate the ice cream cone?
Sentence: Luke puts a leash around Sparky's neck. Question: What actions does Luke take in this story?
Sentence: Santa also gives the reindeer candy to keep up their energy. Question: What are needed for the reindeer before they are ready to fly on Christmas Eve?
Sentence: I hope Samson doesn't get mad about that!. Question: What is Samson?
Sentence: When at the store, Will had a good laugh at a very silly looking dog. Question: What did Will eat with his biscuit?
Sentence: It was much better than his last birthday. Question: What had Tony's birthday on it?
Sentence: He was looking forward to watching a movie. Question: What did the mother bring home?
Sentence: Sometimes he'd find frosting from a cake. Question: What was something the mouse found on a good day?
Sentence: Two doors were blue. Question: What color was door C?
Sentence: They dream of someday playing in the NBA. Question: What do Ryan and Adam play at Jared's house?
Sentence: She like reading about how fast they can go, and about the workers who build them. Question: Why do Karen and Michael go to the library?
Sentence: They took me in this thing they called a car. Question: What did Rex do to Clyde?
Sentence: Upon completion the tree house was ten by twelve feet high, with two windows, and plenty of space for the children to have fun. Question: What all was at the park for the children to play with?
Sentence: They would go to the park and he could push her on the swing then they could take their dog for a walk and have a long talk like they used to do. Question: Why were Juan and Amy happy?
Sentence: He couldn't take a nap because they were so loud. Question: What was Joey scared of?
Sentence: As soon as they started to watch the monkeys, they started dancing by the window in front of Mike, Jane, and their mother. Question: What were the monkeys and the lions doing when Jane and Mike watched them?
Sentence: Cindy had been invited to it, but Mary had not. Question: Who did we think was not invited to the party?
Sentence: Michelle and Anthony were having lunch in the park with their mother. Question: What was Anthony's sister's name?
Sentence: It was important for her parents for Eliza to do well in all parts of her life, but her dancing is what lit a fire in her eyes. Question: What was Eliza's favorite sport that she did?
Sentence: They even played racing to see who could fly the fastest. Question: What games did Molly and Lily play?
Sentence: My little hamster is going to bite me in the beginning, as hamsters are nervous, but we're going to end up being best friends. Question: What'll my hamster do that is bad?
Sentence: All was well until Pawn woke up and knew that it was only a dream. Question: Who was the greatest person in Board?
Sentence: It was a good job for cowboy Bob. Question: The name of the horse was what?
Sentence: His favorite cartoon was Scooby Doo. Question: What is the boy's favorite TV shows?
Sentence: Lucy said happily. Question: Why does Lucy like flying?
Sentence: Once upon a time Jimmy had a mother who told him that he was good at music. Question: What was the instrument that Jimmy played first?
Sentence: Traditionally, these festivals were celebrated by Newars. Question: Before the modern era, who mostly celebrated Kathmandu festivals?
Sentence: Max got the chocolate and bananas to make his cake and Greg got the strawberries and blueberries to make his pie. Question: What were the items Greg needed at the store?
Sentence: He is a cute black kitty named Dillon. Question: What kinds of food does Dillon get into that he shouldn't?
Sentence: It looked great!. Question: What did the friends and the frog think of the cake?
Sentence: I walked to the back of the store and picked up some cold sodas and a bottle of orange juice. Question: what did I buy in the store?
Sentence: Bert threw a shoe at them because they were barking too much. Question: Why was Bert so angry today?
Sentence: With that, Betsy flew off toward her home in the wet cave near the other end of the river. Question: How did Twinkles free Betsy from the mud?
Sentence: My mom loves zucchini so I also planted ten zucchini plants. Question: What vegetables were planted?
Sentence: The adult dogs clean up the leftover food. Question: What did Daddy Rover bring with them for the day?
Sentence: Bliss consistently avoids marrying Sophie , enthusiastically pursuing Esme Crowfoot , a seamstress and client who consistently rejects his advances . Question: Who is Sid Bliss romantically pursuing even though she is a client of Wedded Bliss and he's in a relationship with Sophie?
Sentence: The wolf liked to watch his food run in circles like a hamster until he felt like eating it. Question: What does the wolf like to do?
Sentence: Continental cuisine can be found in selected places. Question: Along with Nepali, Indian and Chinese cuisines, what cuisine has been a focus of Kathmandu restaurants?
Sentence: Four of them were only yellow. Question: What was David's favorite thing at the pond?
Sentence: He couldn't thing of why he was different. Question: Why was Seedy upset he didn't have any seeds?
Sentence: She awoke early and had a filling breakfast before making her way to school. Question: What did Jill not do to be ready for the test?
Sentence: He crawled through an open window and saw a funny looking box. Question: What did Billy find in the house?
Sentence: I was scared again that I would have to go with new humans. Question: What made Clyde scared?
Sentence: Eventually, Jason yelled for everyone to stop. Question: What happened during the game?
Sentence: Red ones, blue ones, tall ones, round ones. Question: What was one of the games Justin played with his Friends?
Sentence: Then lots Krishna came to Nepal, killed Banasur and again drained out water. Question: Who was Banasur's murderer?
Sentence: When everything was ready, she removed the seedlings from their trays and planted them in her garden. Question: What did Josie do to get her seedlings ready to plant in the garden?
Sentence: I want to make them a cake!. Question: Why did the frog make a cake?
Sentence: Sarah has one brother. Question: How many brothers and sisters does Sarah have?
Sentence: One day, Terry is walking around town with Max, and as they pass by the nearby farm, the farmer who owns the land calls out to them - Hey!. Question: What doesn't Terry enjoy doing?
Sentence: Bobby got a big surprise when he came home from school one day. Question: What does Bobby find in his room?