Sentence: Steve owns many pump-jacks and is having a very tough time keeping them working. Question: What is Steve's problem?
Sentence: People came from all over to see him. Question: Where was Pauly when the zoo worker saw him?
Sentence: Luna, I have no use for socks because my legs and toes have thick feathers. Question: Why was Luna afraid of humans?
Sentence: Under the table was a crayon. Question: What was on the table?
Sentence: It was the lion!. Question: Why did John and Sally's mother want her children to follow the river and not go into the forest?
Sentence: but his father was silent. Question: Why does Tim run the race?
Sentence: She remembered being a little girl and her dad putting the finishing touches on the house. Question: Who did the younger sister miss?
Sentence: Jill had failed. Question: Where did Jill study with her friend?
Sentence: Anita said, I can bring a carrot for the nose. Question: Who brought all the things to make the snowman?
Sentence: Ranchipur suddenly is ravaged by a natural disaster , an earthquake and flood . Question: which place was ravaged in disasters?
Sentence: She saw fish as good food. Question: What did Leah take with her for lunch?
Sentence: Sure!. Question: What did Drake and Lana spend their day doing?
Sentence: She kept dropping the needles on the ground. Question: Where did the needle the narrator stuck herself with come from?
Sentence: Back at the funeral , Alla Nazimova makes a flamboyant entrance . Question: Where does Nazimova make a scene?
Sentence: So Bret was left with a cat named Wolfgang. Question: What was the name of the cat?
Sentence: She could tell John was a nice man. Question: What did Buddy, Mary and John like to do?
Sentence: The chicken had the types of food he needed to get through the day. Question: Which food did the boy not find in the fridge?
Sentence: He went to his friend's house to borrow a ladder. Question: What did Stinky Pete borrow from James?
Sentence: { { lang } } centers on a man who roams the street night after night . Question: To where the roaming man aims?
Sentence: And so the dinosaur walked home, his new best buddy in hand. Question: Which fish did the pet store have for sale?
Sentence: A lot of times, Grandma made dinner dishes that included the vegetables Josh and Grandma were growing. Question: What did Grandma sometimes include in her dinners?
Sentence: She loves soup, and pea soup most of all, even if tomato is pretty good too. Question: What do my friend and I do together?
Sentence: Lulu likes to bark. Question: Why does Daddy get mad?
Sentence: She did not have time to eat the sprinkles. Question: What was on the cake?
Sentence: He took the pink candy from her and thanked her. Question: What color was the candy?
Sentence: The importance of the Bagmati also lies in the fact that Hindus are cremated on its banks, and Kirants are buried in the hills by its side. Question: In addition to Hindus, who regards the Bagmati River as sacred?
Sentence: Snowball then jumped down to the middle shelf, and down to the table, and down to the couch, and back to the floor. Question: Which kitten got the ball of yarn?
Sentence: He came from a far away land known as Factory. Question: Where did Carl come from?
Sentence: Her nose is the same color as her fur. Question: When do Oliver and Spike watch the rain through the window?
Sentence: By daylight he pretended to be a kind, nice wolf. Question: What does the wolf like to do?
Sentence: Inside the box they discover artifacts belonging to Mater Lachrymarum , the last surviving member of the Three Mothers ; an ancient trio of powerful black witches . Question: The casket of the 19th century official contained whose box?
Sentence: We were walking down a path when all of the sudden we came across a bear. Question: How many bears were there?
Sentence: Joey was scared and ran away to hide. Question: Why was Bert so angry today?
Sentence: It was a beautiful day. Question: What happened when daddy came home?
Sentence: While he was riding, he saw many interesting things like some insects that would fly around and some pets that were in peoples' backyards. Question: What did Joe see when he was riding his bicycle?
Sentence: Twenty years later, and the boy was the drummer in a band. Question: What happened to the boy?
Sentence: Ralph sat down and enjoyed the picnic with his family under the large tree. Question: Where did the family have dinner and why?
Sentence: Mommy says if I work hard and keep up my practice, one day I'll get to to make costumes for movie stars too!. Question: What does Mommy do as a job?
Sentence: After she had finished her shopping, Jill went to the library to get some books, to the car wash to wash her car, and to her mother's house to say hello. Question: What color were the apples?
Sentence: There was a straw bed for the lions to sleep on, and all visitors loved to watch the baby lion cub. Question: Why were the people crying and taking pictures?
Sentence: One upon a time there was a dragon named Jack. Question: What did Jack have?
Sentence: Dan and Andy did not like green onions, so they did not get green onions on the pizza. Question: Who wanted mushrooms on the pizza?
Sentence: My mom came upstairs and told me, If you clean up your room there is a great surprise in it for you. Question: where was his room?
Sentence: His favorite toy is a little fake squeaky mouse. Question: What happens after the mouse hides in the wall?
Sentence: He enjoyed watching the boy not wiggle any more. Question: Why did grandpa give the boy a pea?
Sentence: Grace was very excited about Halloween. Question: What was Max's sister's name?
Sentence: He got so full he took a nap. Question: Why could the cat not run away?
Sentence: Max and Grace walked up to the first house on their block and rang the doorbell. Question: What was Max's sister's name?
Sentence: From the very size of the media monopolies and how they got that way to who decides what gets broadcasted and what does n't , Orwell Rolls in His Grave moves through a troubling list of questions and news stories that go unanswered and unreported in the mainstream media . Question: What does Orwell Rolls in His Grave examine?
Sentence: It was the weekend, so Thomas's dad had no work the next day. Question: Why did it need to the weekend in order for them to go sledding?
Sentence: This was not very fun. Question: Why was James' mother right?
Sentence: When she got back to her house, Sally went inside and ate a cat treat. Question: What did Sally do when she got home?
Sentence: The sooner he finished his homework, the sooner he could go to his friend Jacob's house, where he was spending the night. Question: What William have to do before his parents would let him go to Jacob's house?
Sentence: Jud takes Louis to an ancient Micmac Indian burial ground beyond the pet cemetery they visited earlier and buries the cat . Question: Who was Church and where was he buried?
Sentence: She was going to give her mom the biggest, most beautiful bunch of flowers her mother had ever seen. Question: Why did Kelly hide the flowers a second time?
Sentence: Maybe the cake would have a turtle on it. Question: Why didn't Jen have turkey?
Sentence: What do you need, sir?. Question: What doesn't Terry enjoy doing?
Sentence: She grows her own peas, mushes them up in the soup, and then stirs it all up with a spoon. Question: What doesn't my piggy princess friend have?
Sentence: Sarah is dating the curator Michael Pierce , a single father who is away from the museum that night . Question: Where do Sarah and Michael work?
Sentence: It had chocolate on it. Question: What was on the cake?
Sentence: His claws gripped trees hard which made it easy for him to pull himself up. Question: What did Eddy do most of the day?
Sentence: Bobby bought three postcards and a little snow globe in the shop. Question: What did Bobby buy before taking the elevator to the ground floor?
Sentence: I also have other friends, like a cat and a dog, but Joseph is the best. Question: What animals do I have?
Sentence: She was very happy. Question: Was Mary happy with the cake?
Sentence: He used a black pencil to write the truth on this stone, but the writing turned out blue. Question: Why did Steve's sister bring him a coat?
Sentence: As quiet as they could, they walked up to him. Question: Who made the noise that caused the sock monster to look at the friends?
Sentence: I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him drop hot sauce on that chicken breast and eat every bite. Question: What did dad put on chicken breast?
Sentence: We went to the zoo!. Question: Where did the child go when he saw the butterflies?
Sentence: Once upon a time there was a little boy who had a rock. Question: What did the little boy not do with his rock?
Sentence: He chose to eat cereal because he thought that eating something good for you would make him play better. Question: What did Jason eat for breakfast?
Sentence: He picked up the newspaper and brought it to his dad. Question: Who ate peanuts in the story?
Sentence: The doctor said, Wow Sam!. Question: What did the nurse NOT do to Sam before the doctor came?
Sentence: His mother asked Why not?. Question: Why does Tim run the race?
Sentence: Except for on the weekends he would wear a green collar. Question: What color did collar did the dog wear on Mondays?
Sentence: She pulled it out and there was the invitation to Allison's party. Question: What did Mary find in her desk?
Sentence: The bird flew away and the cat was left stuck on the branch. Question: What did the cat chase last?
Sentence: Jimmy tried playing very quiet. Question: What was the instrument that Jimmy played first?
Sentence: One day , annoyed by Julie and possibly jealous of Joe 's attentions , Charlie blurts out a proposal of marriage to Sylvia . Question: Who does Charlie propose to?
Sentence: He had also thought about naming his cat Sir Purrsalot. Question: When did Wolfie purr?
Sentence: Around the farmyard there were many goats and chickens, who wandered around as they wished. Question: What did the Nixon family grow on their farm?
Sentence: The first foods they ran into were the fruits. Question: What was the first food the family bought?
Sentence: His dad thought the jeep was a great toy. Question: What toy did Kyle buy?
Sentence: Thomas and Cookie played catch with the toy fish. Question: What did Thomas and Cookie do in the backyard?
Sentence: And that was the last time I gave a pickle to a spider at breakfast. Question: What did the sneaky spider do?
Sentence: Puddles was so happy, he barked with joy. Question: What does Puddles choose to do?
Sentence: Her mother's name was Queen Alice. Question: What did Lizzie see at the edge of the pond?
Sentence: The last thing to be done was to rub Juno down with a towel and dry her off Once Billy had finished he took the collar and leash off and Juno lay down in the sun happy that bath time was over once again. Question: What is the dog's name?
Sentence: Andy was tired, but wouldn't give up. Question: How many friends did he ask for strawberries?
Sentence: At camp they had lots of fun activities like swimming, wood carving, and telling ghost stories. Question: Which of the following wasn't one of the ways that the campers would make their own meals?
Sentence: Rose and Lily were best friends. Question: Who did not go to the party?
Sentence: He had practiced the dessert recipe before. Question: How did Paul know how to fix the recipe and what did he do?
Sentence: Billy chased the bunny into a field. Question: Why did Billy want to eat the bunny?
Sentence: When Cotton came out she was herself again. Question: What did Cotton do to herself that made her mommy and sisters laugh?
Sentence: The mommy and daddy birds came back for many summers and had many more baby birds but only one, the very first baby bird, had a long tail feather and could do tricks like daddy bird. Question: How many of Daddy bird's babies had a long tail feather?
Sentence: It is richer and contains tea leaves boiled with milk, sugar and spices. Question: What beverage is consumed by more people in Kathmandu, coffee or tea?
Sentence: After the nurse left the room, the doctor came in and asked Sam about his knee. Question: What did the nurse NOT do to Sam before the doctor came?
Sentence: A little worried that they may get lost in this part of the woods they had never seen before the bear and the wolf turned around. Question: what did the bear and wolf cross, and why did they turn back?
Sentence: She had been wanting a new doll that had come out in the stores. Question: Why did Julia want her allowance?
Sentence: He had also asked Johnny not to touch it. Question: What did the three buttons say?
Sentence: The major religions are Hinduism and Buddhism. Question: What are Kathmandu's primary religions?