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BUTTE, Mont. – Butte Police and Fire officers are changing how they respond to reported drug incidents to ensure officers' safety. Addiction to meth, heroin, and opioids is a problem Butte law enforcement encounter almost every day. Sheriff Ed Lester said in the past, officers used to test the drugs on the scene using something called a NIK Test. To administer this field test, officers would place a small amount of the drug substance into a baggie. The officers would then shake the baggie until two different vials broke, causing the substance to change colors. The different colors correlated with different types of drugs. Over the past couple of years, officers have stopped using this method. "A very small amount of fentanyl can actually cause you to stop breathing, so we have stopped all of our field testing, and all of our testing currently is done at the crime lab," Lester said. All of Butte's officers and drug dogs are equipped with Narcan kits, a nose spray that can treat opioid overdoses. But Lester wanted the officers to carry the tool for themselves, not for others. "Yeah, my thoughts originally were that we would carry that and have in it our vehicles in the event that an officer was exposed to fentanyl. Then we could get them breathing and get them to the hospital," said Lester. Because of extreme cold and hot temperatures, the kits cannot be placed in a car, which is why officer wear the kits on their belt. None have been used on officers to date, but the kits have been used on people who overdosed. The Butte Fire Department also responds to quite a few drug calls, according to Fire Chief Jeff Miller. He along with the other firefighters also carry Narcan and undergo extensive training to prepare for these dangerous situations. Lester said even though officers do encounter drug calls quite often, he has not seen a drug lab in the community since before he took over as Sheriff.
Nexidia and HyperQuality Partner for a More Powerful Customer Intelligence Solution Speech analytics provider Nexidia and HyperQuality, a provider of third-party quality assurance and business intelligence scorecards and metrics for contact centers, have partnered to offer a customer service solution that combines the best of what both companies have to offer. The Nexidia-HyperQuality solution integrates Nexidia's patented phonetic speech analytics technology with HyperQuality's expertise in evaluating calls to identify people, process, product, and policy improvement opportunities. Nexidia, which brings its Enterprise Speech Intelligence (ESI) to the partnership, adds a level of automation to what was previously a much more labor-intensive, hands-on process. "HyperQuality can now analyze 100 percent of the calls and get a much more rigorous data set based on the full body of all the calls coming [into a contact center]," says Jeff Schlueter, vice president of marketing and business development at Nexidia. "Were bringing in speech analytics to generate a much broader range of calls for HyperQuality."> "Partnering with Nexidia is a natural fit for us, as their Enterprise Speech Intelligence solution provides call segmentation based on criteria specified by our clients, which in turn makes the detailed call evaluations a more efficient process for our joint customers," Chris Coles, president and CEO of HyperQuality, said in a statement. "The result is more of the targeted calls being evaluated, yielding a richer set of insights and recommendations." According to Schlueter, the joint offering is part of a relationship that "has been building for a while." Nexidia and HyperQuality share a lot of the same clients, "so it made sense for us to start working together," he says. Contact centers with a large number of agents typically analyze only cursory functions, such as average handle times, first call resolutions and other processes. With this new joint solution combining advanced speech analytics technology and quality evaluation services, a broad array of businesses can focus on improving what matters most—from systemic process issues to individual agent behavior. Additionally as a flexible, hosted offering, the new Nexidia-HyperQuality solution requires minimal infrastructure to deploy, allowing medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises to get started quickly with minimal capital costs. Companies and Suppliers Mentioned
Givers are people that after learning as much as they can about you and your needs, will help you in the most natural and easygoing way and usually without even being asked. Their help could be translated into a good advice, an idea, a contact, or any other form that the giver could deliver on. The best giver you could have in your network is a proactive giver, one with high quality contacts who would have the wisdom to give you the highest value possible. Takers are people that ask for favors, help, contacts, or advise but never give back anything valuable in return. If once a giver helped you, it probably was after you needed to ask him or her several times, and they will not let you forget about it. Takers are the kind of people you do not need in your network. Even if you heard that they are very connected or could help you in other ways, don't bother, it most probably will only be a waist of time. In a nut shell – Networking is the art of giving to givers. Sounds simple, right? Then how is it, that so many of us "good guys and gals" find ourselves surrounded by takers, that is, people who know best how to exploit our skills, knowledge and our connections to their own advantage, but when it comes to giving something in return… well, that's a whole different story. Of course, part of the problem lays in our inability to ask for what we need, but that could be solved easily, once we follow the thumb rule: Give only to givers. Just think of what your life would be like, if you had a few quality people in your immediate circle. I am referring to people with quality networking systems, or people who hold key positions, either at your business domain or a complementary one. If you would manage to maintain a good mutual value relationship with them, you could have a great team "working" for you. Of course, when I say "working" I do not mean that you will pay for their help, knowledge, advice or contact, but rather give them back, on the same token. Note that the people you could be surrounded with are proactive givers! They could be looking for new and better opportunities at any given moment – just for you. Sounds like a dream – right ?! Well, when I teach about networking I refer to what I termed "The Value System". The value system is the best method that could teach, very simply and intuitively, how to identify a person that wants to give and help you, best way he or she can. From my experience, building true and giving relationships, with high value givers, is the best way to get there. More about the Value System in my next post "The Value System". Meanwhile I will be more than happy to hear what you thinking!
H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME is identical to H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME1 in HDF5-1.10 releases. In the next major release (HDF5-1.12), H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME is a macro that is either mapped to H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME1 or H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME2. If the library and/or application is compiled for Release 1.8 or 1.10 emulation, H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME will be mapped to H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME1. With later versions, H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME is mapped to H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME2 (and H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME1 is deprecated). See either H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME1 or H5O_GET_INFO_BY_NAME2. 1.10.5 The macro H5Oget_info_by_name was removed. The functions H5Oget_info_by_name and H5Oget_info_by_name1 are identical in this release. This change was added to restore the broken API compatibility introduced in HDF5-1.10.3. 1.10.3 The function H5Oget_info_by_name was renamed to H5Oget_info_by_name1.The macro H5Oget_info_name and the function H5Oget_info_by_name2 were introduced in this release. 1.8.0 C function introduced in this release. 1.8.8 Fortran 2003 subroutine and h5o_info_t derived type introduced in this release.
Wordmarks, Logos, and the Importance of White Space 25 Insane (But True) Facts About Promotional Products Getting the balance just right Mark Jamra is someone who understands the importance of letters. He is not only a typeface designer with impressive language support experience (see his typeface Phoreus created for the Native American Cherokee language), he is also a graphic designer and educator with an understanding of what makes letterforms work together to form a distinctive word mark. A wordmark has different typographic needs than a typeface, and Jamra will lead a two-day Wordmarks Workshop on Tuesday–Wednesday, June 14–15, to help other designers understand what those needs are. The terms "logo" and "wordmark" are often thrown around as the same thing, but Jamra says "a logo is more of a symbol, whereas a wordmark is more of a readable configuration of letters. Unlike the Nike swoosh, which is a logo in itself, wordmarks are most often language-dependent". Jamra sees a distinct difference and advantage in creating a custom wordmark rather than simply relying on a stock typeface for a logo. "There is a right way and a wrong way to modify existing fonts. Anyone can make a wordmark by setting a word in a font, but there are things that can be done to make the wordmark unique". This word mark created for Sunday River Ski Resort was adapted from Kinesis Pro. An R-i ligature was created and most of the serifs were changed so that the word mark would "lock up" more effectively. (© Boyne Resorts, CNL Lifestyle Company LLC) Jamra says wordmarks have their own "typographic DNA" that shows how every element speaks to the other elements of the whole. With a wordmark, it is important to find the commonality of the elements. Setting a wordmark in a stock font can give you part of what you need, but there is much more possible if you start from scratch. "If done right, you have shapes, moments, and gestures that speak to each other across the wordmark. You sense that there is something in each letterform that is addressing the other forms and making a better whole." Jamra makes a strong distinction between creating letters for a wordmark verses letters for a typeface. With a custom wordmark, you have the flexibility to modify letters without having to worry about how those shapes would work in a full typeface. For example, a designer can create unusual ligatures, make a letter taller to bring a "bounce" into the word, or even remove the dot of a lowercase "i" to make the wordmark more unique. "There is a sort of chemistry with making wordmarks because they only have to live with the other letters in a lock up and not as a full typeface". This ability to modify a wordmark allows it to be unique and stand apart which is more important than ever in a visually-competitive marketplace.
Buy this No admittance authorised personnel only prohibition sign which is printed in full colour on 240 GSM Gloss adhesive vinyl sticker which is easy to apply on smooth surfaces. These stickers are great for indoor and outdoor use. Customise this No admittance authorised personnel only sign by adding a logo. Send us you logo and we will make the design changes for free. Categories: Prohibition Signs, Safety Signs, Sticker Themes.
Q: How to find the value of $\sin{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}+6\sin^2{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}-8\sin^4{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}$ Determine $$ \sin\left(\pi \over 14\right) + 6\sin^{2}\left(\pi \over 14\right) -8\sin^{4}\left(\pi \over 14\right) $$ My idea: Let $\displaystyle{\sin\left(\pi \over 14\right)} = x$. A: A non-trivial result is that $\sin \dfrac{\pi}{14}$ is a root to the equation $^{\color{blue}{(**)}}$ $$1 - 4x - 4x^2 + 8x^3 = 0. \tag{1}$$ If you believe this, then you can simply apply polynomial division to obtain $$x + 6x^2 - 8x^4 = -\left(x + \frac{1}{2}\right)(8x^3 - 4x^2 - 4x + 1) + \frac{1}{2}.$$ So then, filling in $x = \sin \dfrac{\pi}{14}$ gives you the answer: $$\boxed{\sin{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}+6\sin^2{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}-8\sin^4{\dfrac{\pi}{14}} = \dfrac{1}{2}.}$$ $^{\color{blue}{(**)}}$ For a proof that $\sin \dfrac{\pi}{14}$ is indeed a root of equation $(1)$, you need some patience and careful bookkeeping. Let us write $c_k = \cos \dfrac{k \pi}{14}$ and $s_k = \sin \dfrac{k \pi}{14}$. Then, using the triple angle formula for the cosine, we have: $$c_3 = 4 c_1^3 - 3c_1 = 4 c_1 (1 - s_1^2) - 3c_1 = c_1 (1 - 4 s_1^2).$$ On the other hand, using the double angle formula for the sine twice, we also have: $$c_3 = s_4 = 2s_2 c_2 = 4 s_1 c_1 (1 - 2s_1^2) = c_1 (4 s_1 - 8 s_1^2)).$$ Equating these two expressions and dividing by $c_1 \neq 0$, we get $$1 - 4s_1^2 = 4s_1 - 8s_1^3.$$ Bringing all terms to one side, this leads to $$1 - 4s_1 - 4s_1^2 + 8s_1^3 = 0.$$ A: Try using the Identities $$\sin^4\theta = \dfrac{3-4\cos2\theta +\cos 4\theta}{8}$$ $$\sin^2\theta = \dfrac{1-\cos2\theta}{2}$$ $$\sin{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}+6\sin^2{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}-8\sin^4{\dfrac{\pi}{14}}$$ Let $\theta = \dfrac{\pi}{14}$ $$\sin{\theta}+6\dfrac{1-\cos2\theta}{2}-8\dfrac{3-4\cos2\theta +\cos 4\theta}{8}$$ $$\sin{\theta}+3 - 3\cos 2\theta-3+4\cos2\theta-\cos 4\theta$$ $$=\sin{\theta}+\cos 2\theta-\cos4\theta\tag1$$ Replacing $\theta$ with $\dfrac{\pi}{14}$ in $(1)$ we get $$= \cos\left(\dfrac{\pi}{7}\right) - \cos\left(\dfrac{2\pi}{7}\right) + \cos\left(\dfrac{\pi}{2} - \dfrac{\pi}{14}\right)$$ $$= \cos\left(\dfrac{\pi}{7}\right) - \cos(\dfrac{2\pi}{7}) + \cos\left(\dfrac{3\pi}{7}\right)$$ $$= \cos\left(\dfrac{\pi}{7}\right) + \cos\left(\dfrac{3\pi}{7}\right)+ \cos\left(\dfrac{5\pi}{7}\right)=\dfrac{1}{2}$$ \begin{cases} Known\\ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \cos((2i+1)x) = \dfrac{\sin2nx}{2\sin x}\\ \text{for n = 3} \\ \sum_{i=0}^{2} \cos((2i+1)x) = \dfrac{\sin2\cdot 3 \cdot x}{2\sin x}\\ = \dfrac{\sin6x}{2\sin x} \\ \text{Let } x = \dfrac{\pi}{7}\\ = \dfrac{\sin \dfrac{6\pi}{7}}{2\sin \dfrac{\pi}{7}} = \dfrac{\sin (\pi -\dfrac{6\pi}{7})}{2\sin \dfrac{\pi}{7}} = \dfrac{\sin (\dfrac{\pi}{7})}{2\sin \dfrac{\pi}{7}}\\ =\dfrac{1}{2} \end{cases}
package com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.handlers; import java.util.List; import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismObject; import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskHandler; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskManager; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskRunResult; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskRunResult.TaskRunResultStatus; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.TaskManagerQuartzImpl; import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.quartzimpl.TaskQuartzImpl; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SchemaException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.SystemException; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TaskExecutionStatusType; import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TaskType; /** * @author Pavol Mederly * */ public class WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler implements TaskHandler { private static final transient Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler.class); public static final String HANDLER_URI = "http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/task/wait-for-subtasks-polling/handler-3"; private static WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler instance = null; private TaskManagerQuartzImpl taskManagerImpl; private WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler() {} public static void instantiateAndRegister(TaskManager taskManager) { if (instance == null) instance = new WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler(); taskManager.registerHandler(HANDLER_URI, instance); instance.taskManagerImpl = (TaskManagerQuartzImpl) taskManager; } @Override public TaskRunResult run(Task task) { OperationResult opResult = new OperationResult(WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler.class.getName()+".run"); TaskRunResult runResult = new TaskRunResult(); LOGGER.info("WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler run starting; in task " + task.getName()); List<PrismObject<TaskType>> subtasks = null; try { subtasks = ((TaskQuartzImpl) task).listSubtasksRaw(opResult); } catch (SchemaException e) { throw new SystemException("Couldn't list subtasks of " + task + " due to schema exception", e); } LOGGER.info("Number of subtasks found: " + subtasks.size() + "; task = {}", task); boolean allClosed = true; for (PrismObject<TaskType> t : subtasks) { if (t.asObjectable().getExecutionStatus() != TaskExecutionStatusType.CLOSED) { LOGGER.info("Subtask " + t.getOid() + "/" + t.asObjectable().getName() + " is not closed, it is " + t.asObjectable().getExecutionStatus() + ", for task {}", task); allClosed = false; break; } } TaskRunResultStatus status; if (allClosed) { LOGGER.info("All subtasks are closed, finishing waiting for them; task = {}", task); status = TaskRunResultStatus.FINISHED_HANDLER; } else { status = TaskRunResultStatus.FINISHED; } runResult.setOperationResult(null); // not to overwrite task's result runResult.setProgress(task.getProgress()); // not to overwrite task's progress runResult.setRunResultStatus(status); LOGGER.info("WaitForSubtasksByPollingTaskHandler run finishing; in task " + task.getName()); return runResult; } @Override public Long heartbeat(Task task) { return null; // not to overwrite progress information! } @Override public void refreshStatus(Task task) { } @Override public String getCategoryName(Task task) { return null; // hopefully we will never need to derive category from this handler! (category is filled-in when persisting tasks) } @Override public List<String> getCategoryNames() { return null; } }
Mario just posted an extremely cool example of Peacock - the Pattern Generator in the Aviary suite. I can't help myself re-posting this as I love Lego's and this Peacock "filter" will let you take ANY image and have it built with 3x2 Lego blocks. It's amazing how powerful this online Flash based application has become, just check out the video below to see how it is done.
Turning Data Into Actionable Insights: Going Beyond The Data Jan 22, 2015 | Digital Trends, Google Analytics Digital Marketing in NZ: Breakthroughs I'd like to see in 2015 Dec 16, 2014 | Digital Strategy, Digital Trends New Google Analytics Benchmarking Reports Gives Powerful Insights and Competitive Intelligence Sep 11, 2014 | Digital Strategy, Digital Trends, Google Analytics Facebook NZ Demographics and Insights 2014 Sep 10, 2014 | Digital Trends, Social Media Marketing Google Panda 4.0 Update – Good News for Small Businesses? May 21, 2014 | Digital Trends, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) 300 Insights from FIRST to Dominate Digital May 15, 2014 | Conversion (CRO), Digital Trends, Google Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Performance Media, Search Engine Marketing (PPC), Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social Media Marketing « First«...23456»
The White-Fronted Goose is still amongst the Greylags and a few Pink-Footed Geese remain. I had my first Sand Martins on the pond last week, and the first Swallow Friday just gone, the Denes alive with Chiff Chaffs, and the majority of the residents are back to breeding. Nice shots and quite close up to!
Forums > Music: Non-Prince > David Bowie's previously unreleased album "Toy" will be released, and the cover is... something else Thread started 09/28/21 6:58pm Matthaus David Bowie's previously unreleased album "Toy" will be released, and the cover is... something else This cover is completely WTF inducing, but it's also some Bowie weirdness that I love. This album has already been bootlegged to hell, but it'd be lovely to her it remastered. Edit: Oh, just realized that the photo is actually of Bowie as a baby, with his adult face cropped on. Source: https://www.davidbowie.co...-habit-now Pre-order: https://shop.davidbowie.c...ox-3cd-box You've Got A Habit Of Leaving (Radio Edit): https://www.youtube.com/w...fC-FxTP_DA Karma Man: https://www.youtube.com/w...SycYtnZcbc Silly Boy Blue (Alternative Ending Edit): https://www.youtube.com/w...UrgHFTLs1c CD 1: TOY 1. I Dig Everything 2. You've Got A Habit Of Leaving 3. The London Boys 4. Karma Man 5. Conversation Piece 6. Shadow Man 7. Let Me Sleep Beside You 8. Hole In The Ground 9. Baby Loves That Way 10. Can't Help Thinking About Me 11. Silly Boy Blue 12. Toy (Your Turn To Drive) CD 2 TOY - Alternatives & Extras 1. Liza Jane 2. You've Got A Habit of Leaving (alternative mix) 3. Baby Loves That Way (alternative mix) 4. Can't Help Thinking About Me (alternative mix) 5. I Dig Everything (alternative mix) 6. The London Boys (alternative version) 7. Silly Boy Blue (Tibet version) 8. Let Me Sleep Beside You (alternative mix) 9. In The Heat Of The Morning 10. Conversation Piece (alternative mix) 11. Hole In The Ground (alternative mix) 12. Shadow Man (alternative mix) 13. Toy (Your Turn To Drive) (alternative mix) CD 3 TOY - Unplugged & Somewhat Slightly Electric 1. In The Heat Of The Morning (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 2. I Dig Everything (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 3. You've Got A Habit of Leaving (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 4. The London Boys (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 5. Karma Man (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 6. Conversation Piece (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 7. Shadow Man (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 8. Let Me Sleep Beside You (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 9. Hole In The Ground (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 10. Baby Loves That Way (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 11. Can't Help Thinking About Me (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 12. Silly Boy Blue (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) 13. Toy (Your Turn To Drive) (Unplugged & somewhat slightly electric mix) The new box set's cover art is great as well! Though it's too expensive for me. [Edited 10/15/21 3:37am] Reply #1 posted 09/30/21 5:01am Something David Lynch would do 2freaky4church More like Lars Von Trier. All you others say Hell Yea!! Reply #3 posted 10/01/21 10:44am totally, a mix of both lol I really like the new song gsmith5678 Hamad said: Absolutely my first thought too. coldcoffeeandc ocacola Love the cover So bowie I mean...long as he wanted that as a cover Vannormal So looking forward to this release. I'm not yet all that convinced by the artwork, but if if was his choice, respect as always. I even love Bowie's nineties output, just like Dylan's eighties. It's always interesting to give it a shot. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts" (Bertrand Russsell 1872-1972) David Bowie Film, Based on 'Thousands' of Hours of Rare Footage by Manori Ravindran • Nov 18, 2021 • Variety Brett Morgen, the freewheeling director behind "Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck," "Jane" and "The Kid Stays in the Picture," is finalizing a top-secret David Bowie project based on thousands of hours of rare performance footage of the musician, most of it previously uncirculated, sources confirm to Variety. Morgen has been at work on the Bowie film, for which an official title has not been disclosed, for the last four years. A source close to the production cryptically describes it as "neither documentary nor biography, but an immersive cinematic experience built, in part, upon thousands of hours of never before seen material." Sources say live concert footage plays a central role in the film, and that Morgen is eyeing an IMAX release. The filmmaker wears a number of hats on the project, taking on editing, writing and producing duties, in addition to directing. A Sundance Film Festival premiere in late January could be in the cards. The Park City fest — which will have a significant in-person presence this year after the pandemic forced the 2021 event to go largely virtual — falls just after the six-year anniversary of Bowie's death on Jan. 10, 2016. The musician's long-time producer Tony Visconti is adding his bona fides to the film, serving as music producer. Meanwhile, the Oscar-winning sound team behind "Bohemian Rhapsody" is also mixing and designing the project. Re-recording mixers are Oscar winner Paul Massey and David Giammarco ("Ford v Ferrari"), while the sound design team includes John Warhurst and Nina Hartstone, both of whom picked up Academy Awards for the Freddie Mercury biopic. Morgen acquired the rights to the material himself, and BMG and Live Nation are financiers as well as producers, alongside the director's own production banner, Public Road. Crucially, the pic's been made with the support and cooperation of the David Bowie estate. Bowie's widow, the model Iman, recently told Variety that the family is firmly against authorizing a biopic of Bowie's life: "It's always a no. We always ask each other, 'Would he do it?' He wouldn't," as evidenced by Todd Haynes' 1998 film "Velvet Goldmine," which has a clearly Bowie-like figure at the center and is named after one of his songs, but for which Bowie declined to license his music. But clearly, the family was more amenable to a live concert-oriented documentary about the singer, particularly from someone with Morgen's track record. lastdecember And so good to hear from Iman "NO" to authorizing a Biopic. It's one thing when the person is alive for them to authorize it but these after death ones are different. Despite how big they are and Queens was huge, the band took ages with fighting with studios because everyone wanted to do a bare bones story and the band did not want to tarnish Mercury who is not here to debate it, so that's why Cohen was let go. I am hoping a Prince one Never makes it, documentaries are one thing but hiring some actor to be prince no sorry, same for Bowie, I don't care if they are dead ringers for them in looks and mannerisms don't want to see it happen. "We went where our music was appreciated, and that was everywhere but the USA, we knew we had fans, but there is only so much of the world you can play at once" Magne F
Robert, can you pm me your FaceTime contact data? We're ready to connect. Have you managed to connect to me using my email address? If you have problems, PM me again and I will send you my phone number. Looks like a great meet, guys. Stuff everywhere and people having a jolly good natter. Me, I'm marking purple sacks full of exam papers. Looking forward to the next meet when I hope to be there. Hoping to come along tomorrow with Louie & Dave. Not bringing any kit. Great news, see you tomorrow! Can you bring the video of your LED cube that you showed at ROUGOL last month? I'd like to upload it to the website. A grand day out - thanks to everyone for the interesting chats, and of course also to Robert for organising. And the interesting Teensy adventure. Yep just got back myself from a great Saturday ABUG. Picked up new skills, soldering smd's; and also picked up a 500g reel of solder then will probably last me 20 years. Shame I can't do Sunday as well, I will try harder next year. Well organised, a great venue, and most importantly the interesting people. PS might your work on MM open the way to porting the other SCUMM based games? Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken will work, the rest won't fit in a Master! Amazing! Yeah I spotted that a mile off, even on that little pic. Amx support pretty please?! How have you managed to deal with the c64 character type display? I never thought I'd see a SCUMM game on an Acorn machine! I wish I could have come down for the day -- especially as I have a BBC Master with display output problems and a Risc PC that I want to get fully working again -- but sadly family commitments meant I just couldn't get the time away. Hopefully next year! Thanks everyone for a great day, sorry I had to leave early... So nice to meet everyone and share projects and ideas and advice See you next time! Thanks for the photos everyone - looks like a great weekend! Sorry I wasn't able to make it in the end - my short business trip to Egypt earlier in the week has left me somewhat incapacitated, I'll just leave it at that. Amazing to see SCUMM running on a Master but I'm still intrigued as to what cmorley's secret demo was?! If anyone would like any captions or notes adding, send these by PM to me please. I came along on the Saturday for the day along with my other half. Was great to meet everyone - both familiar faces and new. As usual I didn't get much done on my still-work-in-progress game . But I got to chat with just about everyone and learned something new along the way, including tricky techniques from Tricky for smooth software scrolling and efficient sending of data over the Tube with hoglet's amazing implementation of Conway's Game of Life on superfast 6502 on Pi-Tube. DaveH and I also discussed code updates for the next version of the Mega Games Cartridge and I'm looking forward to working on that later this year. All in all a great day! Big thanks to Robert for arranging the inaugural Hampshire ABUG! Back in sunny Bristol now. I had a great weekend and it was nice that things were able to start slightly earlier on the Friday. The venue was excellent, very spacious, great food, great beer and great company. A big thank you again to Robert for organising this, and to the venue for being so accommodating and genuinely interested in what was going on. - helping chrism and DaveH fix a dead Electron - I think the 6502 bus analyzer helped here, even if it was just to confirm there was no 6502 bus activity to analyze! - watching a secret demo from chrism which was pretty amazing. Am I allowed to say 50fps Mode 0 video? Anyway, sad to be back home and very much looking forward to the next one. I'm still intrigued as to what cmorley's secret demo was?! After Leicester when we were talking about injecting code into the Tube memory window I did a proof of concept and got Bad Apple running at 640x512 (yep not 256) 50 fps in mode 0 with 2x2 ordered dithering and the Japanese version digital audio playing back at 22kHz via the Tube port... on an otherwise stock model B. I can post some details of how I did it if people would find it interesting. What a great meetup. Many thanks to Robert for organising this. Splendid to talk to those I've met before and to put some faces to screen names. Thanks to Dave H and hoglet I now have a working Acorn Electron (albeit with unidentified yellow goo on the return key). Stuck my 2p worth in some conversations - invited or not! Hopefully helped a few people out over the weekend too. And once again great to see the diversity of projects people are working on! Even though I say so myself, that all went rather well. Thanks to everyone for being such great fun. It really was a pleasure organising this event. Thanks, in particular, to everyone who gave me help and suggestions regarding my Teensy project. I am hoping to organise another event at the same location next year, maybe, subject to everyone's thoughts, in February. In the meantime, next stop (hopefully), Cambridge and then Leicester. Finally, I am officially renaming this thread, the Master Games Cartridge Order Thread and putting my name at the top of the list. That sounds crazy and unbelievable! Yes, please start a thread in the projects forum to explain what you've done and hopefully show some videos!? Can't believe I've missed that as well. Seems like this ABUG was a good one. Thanks to everyone, especially Robert for a great ABUG. Carol (she was the one knitting in the beer garden) liked it so much that she said that she would go to all of them if they were like that! I also enjoyed the uninvited visitors who were in the beer garden when the father exclaimed "beebs" and came in for a chat and told us about the vehicles that they used to kit out with sensors, a beeb, monitor and printer for safety testing. He remembered Chucky egg and then asked about a game where you changed from a cat to a monkey. When I said Imogen, he went off to get his daughter. He did spoil it a bit by telling us that he had binned his beebs a couple of years ago, but made up for it by saying that he would send some photos of the vehicle testing of he could find them. Nice people. He did spoil it a bit by telling us that he had binned his beebs a couple of years ago, but made up for it by saying that he would send some photos of the vehicle testing of he could find them. Nice people. If we banned everyone on stardot for the stupid mistake of getting rid of their Acorn kit, there would probably be only 20 people left Guessing he came in Sunday as dont remember that bit. I am trying to tell my wife that other peoples partners spent the whole weekend their and seemed to have fun, so why doenst she come along to the Cambridge one. But that isnt going so well at the moment. looked like a good meeting, nice to see so many interesting things. The venue was great, thank Robert for setting this up. These are always the best, its amazing how even the most unexpected people remember games from their childhood.
Flaherty, Colleen. "Scaling Up High-Impact Instruction." Inside Higher Ed, September 28, 2016. Bowen, José. "Reacting to the Past Will Revive your Teaching." Teaching Naked Blog, July 15, 2016. Greenbaum, Daniella J. "How to Think About the Past." Commentary, June 23, 2016. Karabin, Sherry. "Reenacting the Past: Student Role-Playing Make Major Historical Events Come Alive in the Classroom. " Barnard Magazine, Fall 2015, 24-27. O'Sullivan, Anna. "Leading American History Blog Features Prof. Mark Carnes' Innovative Teaching Techniques." Barnard News, September 15, 2015. Watson, Keri. "There's a Game for That: Teaching Art History with 'Reacting to the Past'." Art History Teaching Resources, April 17, 2015. "Five Points on Change in the College Classroom." Ed Policy Group, December 9, 2014. Carnes, Mark C. "From Plato to Erikson: How the War on 'Bad Play' Has Impoverished Higher Education." Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, November 21, 2014. Carnes, Mark C. "Role Immersion Games in the Higher Ed Classroom [Podcast]." Teaching in Higher Ed, October 30, 2014. Carnes, Mark C. "Plato's War on Play." Chronicle of Higher Education, September 29, 2014. Lang, James. "Stop Blaming Students for Your Listless Classroom: How the Use of Games as a Teaching Methodology Has the Potential to Break the Long History of Student Disengagement in College Learning." (Part 3) The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 29, 2014. Lang, James. "How Students Learn from Games: In the Second of a Three-Part Series, a Professor Looks at the Use of Simulation Games in the Classroom." (Part 2) The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 25, 2014. Lang, James. "Being in Nehru for 2 Days: In the First of a Three-Part Series, a Professor Looks at the Use of Simulation Games in the Classroom." (Part 1) The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 21, 2014. Schaller, Peggy. "Can (Role-) Playing the French Revolution En Français Also Teach the Eighteenth Century?" Digital Defoe, Fall, 2014. Carnes, Mark C. "Setting Students' Minds on Fire." Chronicle of Higher Education, March 6, 2011. Houle, Amanda. "Listening to Students: Reacting to 'Reacting'." Change magazine, July/August 2006. Carnes, Mark C. "Inciting Speech." Change magazine, March/April 2005. "Making the Past Come Alive." Letters to the Editor by Frank G. Kirkpatrick and Larry Carver in response to Mark Carnes' article in the Chronicle Review, November 12, 2004. Carnes, Mark C. "Being There: The Liminal Classroom." Chronicle Review, October 8, 2004.
I' ve a new article just published in Air Niugini's in-flight magazine, "Paradise". It features a unique experience enjoyed by fellow SRT, Lasse Petersen and I whilst on deployment with Shelterbox in East New Britain, PNG. We were welcomed, as honorary members of the tribe, to attend a traditional Tolai Death Ceremony. If you're interested, read on …….. This entry was posted in photography and tagged Death Ceremony, East New Britain, northern rivers, Papua New Guinea, photographer, photographs, photography, PNG, Shelterbox, Tolai, Travel writer. Bookmark the permalink.
Evacuations from Pikangikum First Nation hit 1,500 as nearby wildfire rages Posted on June 2, 2019 by Peggy Alanna Rizza , The Canadian Press Published Sunday, June 2, 2019 9:52AM EDT Last Updated Sunday, June 2, 2019 2:46PM EDT PIKANGIKUM, Ont. — Evacuees from Pikangikum First Nation will be taken to host cities in two provinces on Sunday while a wildfire continues to grow near the northwestern Ontario community. The Canadian Armed Forces said late Saturday it had evacuated about 1,500 people from the fly-in community 500 kilometres northwest of Thunder Bay, with most landing in Sioux Lookout and Kapuskasing, Ont. A spokesman for the town of Sioux Lookout said evacuees who were airlifted out of Pikangikum on Sunday would be transported directly to Winnipeg, while most of those who have already arrived in Sioux Lookout would be taken to larger communities such as Thunder Bay and Timmins. Brian MacKinnon said about 19 evacuees would be staying in a hotel in Sioux Lookout because being transported again could jeopardize their health, while seven others were in hospital as a precaution. "We've been working extremely hard to ensure that families stick together and are not broken up," MacKinnon said. "The evacuees that have come through Sioux Lookout are tired, and of course they're concerned for their community and loved ones. But generally in good spirits, I think, considering the circumstances." The military said those most at risk to the effects of smoke from the wildfire, such as children and seniors, have already been evacuated. Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry said the fire, which started on Wednesday, grew to just over 36 square kilometres on Saturday — about 3,600 hectares — and remains out of control, but favourable winds were keeping it away from the community. The Manitoba government said in a statement Sunday that it is working with the Ontario and federal governments, as well as the Canadian Red Cross, to co-ordinate temporary housing and services to evacuees. Red Cross spokesman Jason Small said evacuees from Pikangikum started arriving in Winnipeg on Sunday afternoon and will be put up in hotels. There was no rain in today's Environment Canada forecast for Sunday, however periods of rain and showers are expected Monday and Tuesday. Environment Canada issued a special air quality statement for the Pikangikum area Sunday morning, warning that people in the vicinity "should be on the lookout for adverse weather conditions and take necessary safety precautions." Alvin Fiddler, grand chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents 49 First Nation communities across northern Ontario, has said the forest fire damaged the broadband communications line running through the Pikangikum area, knocking out phone and internet service. Fiddler said he was co-ordinating evacuations efforts from Thunder Bay and that the city is prepping community centres for evacuees to sleep and have access to food and water. He said officials in the host communities were also discussing how to address mental health concerns from the evacuees and trying to provide services for them. "There's a lot of anxiety, a lot of stress," said Fiddler. "The threat of the fire is still very real." You stink: how to confront a friend or colleague about an odour problem Talk green, but don't block green hydro project, Manitoba premier to Ottawa West Broadway community rink getting closer to opening Number of Manitobans opting for medically assisted death rising quickly, numbers show Police Chief addresses criminal charges against officer for unauthorized use of police computer system Curling bonspiel longest running Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraiser
EdMedia "I just wanted it finished!": The Transitions of a Novice Project Manager Barnard Clarkson, Joe Luca, Edith Cowan University, Australia EdMedia + Innovate Learning, 2003 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA ISBN 978-1-880094-48-8 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC How do you identify quality project managers? Is it possible to rate project managers on a scale, and more importantly once their level has been identified, can their skills be improved? These issues are addressed in this case study by observing the development of a research officer as she unwillingly undertook the management of a series of multimedia projects aimed at training and up-skilling tertiary students. The major conclusion from this research are that her skill development can be identified through the use of a four-stage typology derived from the literature on adult learning. Clarkson, B. & Luca, J. (2003). "I just wanted it finished!": The Transitions of a Novice Project Manager. In D. Lassner & C. McNaught (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2003--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 1668-1675). Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved January 23, 2020 from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/14066/. © 2003 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Anderson, G., & Arsenault, N. (1998). Fundamentals of Educational Research (2nd ed.). UK: Falmer Press. Ashcroft, K., & Foreman-Peck, L. (1994). Managing Teaching and Learning in Further and Higher education. London: The Falmer Press. Australian National Training Authority. (1998). Australia's National Strategy for Vocational Education and Training 1998-2003. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Bennett, N., Dunne, E., & Carre, C. (1999). Patterns of core and generic skill provision in higher education. Higher Education, 37(1), 71-93. Boud, D.J. (1988). Developing student autonomy in learning (2nd ed.). London: Kogan Page; Nichols Pub. Co. Brundage, D.H., & MacKeracher, D. (1980). Adult learning principles and their application to program planning (No. ED181292). Toronto: Ontario Dept. Of Education. Candy, P., Crebert, G., & O'Leary, J. (1994). Developing Lifelong Learners through Undergraduate Education. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. Clarkson, B., & Oliver, R. (2002). A Typology for Identifying Teachers' Progress in ICT uptake. Paper presented at the Ed-Media 2002: World Co nference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications., Denver, CO, USA. Dearing. (1997). Higher education in the Learning Society. London: HMSO. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. Hillson, D. (2001). Project management benchmarking-theory & Practice. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Project Management Institute Seminars & Symposium (PMI), 5-7 November, Nashville USA. Luca, J. (1997). Project Management for New Media. Perth: New Media Management Pty Ltd. Marginson, S. (1993). Arts, Science and Work. Work-related skills and the generalist courses in higher education. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. Mayer, E. (1992). Employment-related key competencies: a proposal for consultation. Melbourne: Australian Government Publishing Service. National Board of Employment Education and Training. (1996). Changing Context, Moving Skills: Generic skills in the Context of Credit Transfer and the Recognition of Prior Learning. Canberra: Australian Govern ment Publishing Service. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J.D. (1990). Emotional Intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9 (3), 185-211. Yin, R.K. (1994). Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Vol. Second Edition). Applied Social Research Methods Series Volume 5. Newberry Park, CA: Sage Publications.
An IQ test can give you an idea of your child's aptitude for academic performance. Most IQ tests are created to determine a child's inherent aptitude for learning rather �... The average score for an IQ test is always 100. Of all people taking an IQ test, Of all people taking an IQ test, 95 percent will have an IQ between 70 and 130. Let's start this quiz and test your IQ knowledge. Find out now how much do you know about it!... Iq Tests. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Iq Tests. Some of the worksheets displayed are Iq test, Work normal distribution and z scores conversion, Iq tests with answers, Iq tests with answers, Do not write on this paper, The quick emotional intelligence self assessment, Grade 11 mathematics practice test, Emotional intelligence. Let's start this quiz and test your IQ knowledge. Find out now how much do you know about it!
The Moon Rocks are called so because they are pitch black rocks with termite holes in them, looking like the craters of the moon. It is a popular spot for cats of any age; apprentices come to play, warriors come to train, elders come to relax and bathe in the sun, and medicine keepers come to collect the precious herbs growing around the rocks. These rocks have been fought over with RobinClan for many seasons of time. Currently, they are SnowClan's, but this could change.
To AFR columnist Jennifer Hewett, the CFMEU complaining about ethical standards in investment strategy is 'almost hilarious'. Secretary John Setka has been hounded in the financial press for campaigning to get members of the Victorian Branch of the union to leave the superannuation scheme Cbus, as punishment for investing in Grocon. He has also been criticised by much of the financial establishment, the federal minister covering superannuation and industrial relations, Bill Shorten, among other Labor figures, and the Coalition. The dispute with Grocon boils down to the construction company's safety record and how safety issues are industrially managed on site. The building unions are again protesting next to the collapsed wall that killed three pedestrians in Melbourne's CBD one month ago. Beneath the wrath, and beneath even the compromising tone of figures like Weaven, lie numerous political ironies in how the system has developed to arrive at the current crisis. 'Now the main power seems to that of exiting the fund,' he said. The oddly tripartite neoliberal project in Australia, involving labour, employers and government under Hawke and Keating, reformed the economy towards a free market ideal. Yet superannuation has created a situation in which trade unions are potentially more indignant today over how a part of capital is used, or abused, than they were when social democrats and socialists campaigned for government pensions. Financial journalist Christine St Anne records in A Super History the labour movement's early industrial campaigns for superannuation funds managed by unions, often with the assistance of employers. Some companies were so fearful of the idea that they offered higher wages rather than give the unions a foothold in superannuation. Maoist leader of the Victorian BLF Norm Gallagher was reluctant, feeling pensions should be paid by government. Current ETU Victoria Secretary Troy Grey says 'it was never either free market or socialisation'. Garry Weaven was intimately involved the eventual transformation of the industrial campaign for compulsory superannuation into a pragmatic power-sharing deal between unions and employers on the governance of Industry Funds. That arrangement has also provided hundreds of former union officials with well-paid roles in superannuation administration and sales teams. Today, almost all Industry Funds have less than a majority of union representatives on trust boards, requiring power sharing and compromise. But the blow John Setka now claims to be able to deliver against Cbus by removing some $5 billion to $7 billion relies on the market power of union members, not on the governance structure of Industry Super. It is because the building unions are fed up with the governance structure that they are threatening to leave, flexing the market power of workers capital. Ironically, it is the political Right that is the most scathing of the new democracy in the market. The Australian's John Durie described the building unions' 'contemptible' decision to invite Cbus to argue its case to remain the default fund as 'a commercial tender to get its own money back'. In order to switch funds, building workers need to add a new fund to enterprise bargaining agreements, many of which expire in 2014. Their choice rests on their industrial strength to negotiate agreements and their willingness to switch funds. Garry Weaven calls the prospect of the building unions leaving Cbus a serious mistake, but 'the establishment has been advocating choice for years, I don't know why they get so upset about it now'. Against this backdrop, the attack on the unions' role in superannuation governance is a non sequitur, at least in the building industry. The Coalition has indicated it will implement reforms to require more independent directors on Industry Super boards. 'Independent' trustees are in fact generally appointed by the existing board or fund CEO. That is why, as a compromise between unions and employers, right-wing former ALP politicians tend to fill these roles. Former Keating-government treasurer John Dawkins is the independent director for Cbus. Some have speculated that the Coalition will use the Grocon dispute as a pretext to remove union representation entirely. This would remove from the Cbus board CFMEU figures such as Dave Noonan, who is campaigning to keep the union in the fund. It would do nothing to curb the influence of Setka. Dismantling or further diluting the power-sharing deal within most Industry Super funds would be a heavy blow to the union movement as a whole but it makes no sense in the building industry. For most industries, the non-market governance structures of Industry Super boards probably overestimate the real power of unions in markets today. But Garry Weaven admits the building unions could probably go it alone, with no employer representation, if they wanted to. Troy Grey from the ETU says it's an option they haven't ruled out. To combat that scenario and put building workers' money back under corporate control, the government would effectively need to seize their assets – in other words, nationalise them. No matter which way you look at it, to stop unions exercising the market power of workers capital, the government would need to attack 'choice' and re-assert a top-down governance structure. It means attacking the most precious ideological commodity of the system. The attack on Setka's lack of fiduciary responsibility, such as by Sally Patten in AFR, is effectively this call to re-regulate control of superannuation savings. The constant references to Setka's criminal record by many commentators are thrown in to boot. But if the difference of opinion between the unions and Cbus over Grocon's safety record really does come down to the legal responsibility of superannuation trustees to act in the best interests of members, as investors, then the opposite must also be true. Trustees are perhaps legally required not to take their members best interests, as workers, into account. That is a problem for a trade union leader. If better safety threatens higher profits, trustees are being asked to go with higher profits. Thankfully, Setka is unlikely to become a director of Cbus due to his criminal record, according to the financial press. In other words, from the point of view of fund members as workers, Setka's lack of fiduciary responsibility and his criminal record could make him a very honest trade union leader when it comes to superannuation – perhaps one of the most honest to participate in the system in a generation. Trustees are only allowed to into account a narrow definition of members' financial interests – excluding the wages of members working in the industry for example. The concerns of fund members may be financial, ethical, related to their own work safety, sustainability, or any matter relating to how their money is used. But if any of these interests contradict with a purely capitalist mentality, they could constitute a 'conflict of interest'. Troy Grey believes member representatives on super-fund boards may even have fewer incentives than normal corporate managers to make investments that have additional benefits to their members. A strict interpretation of 'sole purpose' means these could be seen as a conflict of interest – one that employers or independent directors do not share. 'This is the perverse outcome of a system that was intended to give workers some representative input into investment governance,' he says. Unlike employers and independent directors, union representatives are democratically accountable to a sizable portion of the fund's membership. In some funds, members actually elect their own trustees – a model that has on occasion been rejected by both union and employer reps, fearful of losing their power. Either way, the more democratically accountable representatives are, the more they will be subject to the genuine, and potentially diverse, concerns of fund members, as people. Fiduciary responsibility literally means being responsible to a person's assets. Financial regulation effectively imposes a kind of split personality onto member representatives on super boards – indeed onto fund members themselves. It attempts to separate the interests as workers from the interests as investors even though in the unions-Cbus-Grocon dispute, they are largely the same group of people. If workers are influencing investment decisions this does not automatically mean they will choose less money for more ethical outcomes. In fact, all political shades of labour within the superannuation industrial complex appear to ultimately justify their positions in terms of higher investment returns. Weaven claims the main difference between Industry Funds and their retail rivals is the former's better returns, not an alternative ethical or economic framework. Likewise, Mike Rafferty's research indicates a correlation between the not-for-profit structure and higher member returns, but he has not found a substantive difference in the types of investments Industry Funds make in terms of say ethical issues or labour standards. Nevertheless, the Cbus dispute raises the prospect of taking into account economic benefits that cannot be measured by a bank statement. This is similar to Labor's 'social wage' argument of the eighties, except that it is not the state doing the socialising. Workers with super invested in their own industries have no reason to necessarily favour more money over better safety, or perhaps choosing what is constructed in their communities to suit themselves. How far workers could take this logic if they pushed for it under the current superannuation arrangement is anybody's guess. It's difficult not to see the renewable energy company Pacific Hydro, owned through subsidiaries by a large number of Industry Funds, as an investment already made under a slightly different ethical framework. Garry Weaven is the chair of Pacific Hydro's board, and is one of the most powerful advocates for action on climate change in Australia. The implications of workers taking into account a wider range of economic choices might fit well within the 'more is better' ideology of our society, and still threaten the business community. Pacific Hydro effectively closes the circuit of production owned by workers capital – cutting out middlemen in intermediate markets between labour and finance. While a bureaucracy still mediates between workers and their savings, pockets of the superannuation system have nevertheless fostered an ideological link between work, savings, ownership of capital and control of production. This is a potentially dangerous idea. Earthworker in Victoria aims to establish a cooperative that manufactures solar hot water units in Morwell, and eventually to 'invite superannuation funds to partner with Earthworker', according to their website. Testimonials include economist Ross Garnaut and ACTU president Ged Kearney (a director of Cbus). If super funds were to invest in projects like Earthworker, it would add a democratic structure to the shop floor of a superannuation model, with the profits going to retirees. For the moment, Earthworker is engaged in a '100,000 Australians' campaign to raise the funds to get the project off the ground. Meanwhile blue-collar unions campaign for government subsidies for for-profit manufacturing in the hope that jobs will trickle down. The strategy has proven grossly inefficient. To date, there remains no financial connection between projects like Earthworker, initiated and supported by unionists, and the trillion plus dollars in workers' capital within the superannuation system, managed with the assistance of the unions. The split personality of workers capital remains, more or less, intact. An economics lecturer of mine once diagnosed Robinson Crusoe with schizophrenia to explain why he sold apples to himself on the island. The neoclassical economist was not, as far as I know, drawing on Deleuze and Guattari's Capitalism and Schizophrenia for this insight. Australia's superannuation system provides a similar way of looking at the economy. It's your money, often invested in the industry in which you work – in a sense making you a part-employer of yourself. At an aggregate it makes workers part-employers of workers. But workers are not allowed to consider the impact of superannuation investments on themselves, even financially, if these considerations contradict how employers or corporate manager might look at the situation. Instead of adding a small degree of socialisation to the economy, therefore, it can be argued the defined-contribution and volatile-returns system has instead grown to play an important role in tying workers to the needs of capital. Workers worry about their retirement savings, and can potentially be asked to support reactionary measures to ensure profitability, even against themselves if necessary. To the cynic, this is entirely the point. Yet the process can also happen in reverse. The building unions' fight with Grocon, via financial markets, raises the prospect of rationalising capital to the real needs of workers' lives, rather than striving for capital accumulation for its own sake. For this reason, after the rally at the collapsed Grocon wall, and with a decision on Cbus expected shortly, we will likely see more calls from the Right for the re-regulation of superannuation as the prerogative of employers or the state – even if this seems contradictory in a neoliberal era. Conal Thwaite is a freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia.
I definitely had chills tonight watching the Cavs take game seven in Oakland from the Golden State Warriors. Absolutely incredible ending, incredible enough that it makes its way onto a baseball blog. Good on you, Cleveland. The curse is over.
Personal Loan srikakulam, 21 January 2020 from RBL Bank Advance Salary Loan from RBL Bank in srikakulam srikakulam is the district headquarter of the eponymous district in Andhra Pradesh. This municipal corporation functions as the headquarter of the Srikakulam revenue division as well as the Srikakulam Mandal. Srikakulam is believed to have been founded by Balarama. It was earlier known as Chicacole before the Indian independence. The city has nearly 1.5 lakh residents and Telugu is the most commonly used language in the area. The city has ample government schools to impart primary and secondary school education. The city has quite a few aided and private schools and colleges. The city has very good connectivity in terms of roads and railway. The city is known for the Arasavalli Sun temple which is believed to be the abode of the Sun God. Legend says that the great sage Kasyapa had installed the idol in the temple. It is one of the two sun temples in India and attracts a lot of devotees. Low interest rate Premium Bike Loan in srikakulam, 21 January 2020 from RBL Bank RBL is a scheduled commercial bank, based in the Mumbai region of Maharashtra, India. It was founded in August 1943. The bank has a gross business size of around Rs. 0.64 million Cr. The RBL bank provides banking services categorized into five sectors: Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, Corporate & Institutional Banking, Agri & Development Banking and Financial Markets. Ratnakar Bank was a bank in Maharashtra with two of its branches in Kolhapur and Sangli in August 1943. In the Kolhapur-Sangli belt, it used to serve to the small and medium business merchants. In August 1959, the Bank was recognized as a "Scheduled Commercial Bank" under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. RBL Bank was also known as NH4 Bank since most of its occupation was limited to the cities in the 1,235-km National Highway 4 that connected four of the ten most dense cities in India. In the 2010s, RBL Bank has allegedly raised Rs 4,000 Cr, from investors. In 2011, the Bank raised Rs. 700 Cr, Rs 376 Cr, in 2014 Rs. 328 Cr. and in 2016 Rs.488 Cr. RBL Bank raised Rs 330 Crores from the UK-based development finance institution, CDC Group Plc (CDC), through Basel III compliant Tier II capital, in September 2016. In July 2017, RBL Bank got the board approval to raise Rs 1680 Cr.
When creating a website with students it important to plan the layout of the site. This can be achieved by creating wireframes. Wireframes is an image or set of images which displays the functional elements of a website or page, typically used for planning a site's structure and functionality (defined by Google).
def in_proj_user_group(user): if user: return user.groups.filter(name='project_user').count() > 0 return False
Bakery provides free breakfast for essential workers by: Ashley Graham Posted: Mar 28, 2020 / 06:11 PM EDT / Updated: Mar 29, 2020 / 10:04 AM EDT GRAND LEDGE, Mich. (WLNS)– Michiganders are finding ways to support the essential workers during the weeks-long shutdown. Flour Child Bakery is one of the "essential services" that could stay open during the stay home order, but owner Beth Augustine made the decision to close temporarily to keep customers and staff safe. "It's definitely emotional, and it's hard for everybody," Augustine says. "But I think people still need access to their baked goods and I still want to do all of that." In an effort to keep baking and help others, Augustine made about 500 bagels in three days for people working around the clock in hospitals and grocery stores. "I'm happy to do that. That gives me a lot of peace of mind and it lets me do my normal muscle memory, my normal thing," she says. "Baking is what I do, and so I'm grateful to have an opportunity to still bake and still serve people, just on a lot smaller scale." Augustine says she's grateful that so many have reached out asking to help, and won't take donations to make the bagels. But she says there are ways people at home can support their favorite restaurants. "They can sit at home and write a Google review. They can also go to social media and they can write about their favorite restaurant. A lot of places, myself included, have e-gift cards, so you can purchase an e-gift card and redeem it whenever you want to." Above all, she says it's important to remember the light at the end of the tunnel. "I think that as long as people are staying positive and have something to work towards, that we'll all get through this and be better for it." Michigan Headlines Michigan / 1 hour ago Sports / 1 hour ago Michigan / 4 hours ago More Michigan Wintry Mix Possible Precip: 40% Sct. Snow Showers Precip: 30% StormTracker 6 Radar
During our younger days, we all have group of friends that we cherished and one of them is our neighborhood. I'm not referring to Spider man who's known as "our friendly neighborhood" but I'm referring to "Kababata Friends/ Childhood Friends". I remember when you have group, the first thing you do is to think of a group's name and this wall reminds me of it. VJ DINO stands for first initial letter of our names (Val, Jullee, Dimple, Ina, Nyke and Olive). In order for us to remember our group, we imprinted it at the wall of our neighborhood. Good thing they did not punished us for doing it in their property. I remember we use to meet up at Val's house in the afternoon just to eat dukot rice and bulad. We also collect our neighbor's news papers, sell it at junk shop and treat our selves at the mall. We also did camping at Val's back yard para camping-camping ang peg but we still end up sleeping at their living room for the reason that I forgot already because it's almost 24 years ago and there are lots of thing that happened already. These are just few memories that I remember when I saw this wall. Moving on, before I end here is my outfit post using one of my favorite Aztec top from Forever 21. If you follow my previews post, you will notice that I'm into Aztec prints here and here. Yup! I love Aztec prints. Hi everybody! Last May 3, 2013 I attended Davao Bloggers Induction Ceremony and Acquaintance Party at Krispy Kreme SM Lanang Premier, Davao City. The night is loaded with information about the Davao Bloggers history, do's and don'ts and the exciting upcoming events for this year. My tummy was filled with sweet treats form Krispy Kreme doughnuts and cupcakes. During the event new members are inducted as official members of Davao Bloggers (proud member here! *hand up & smile). We also did fun games where everybody participated and enjoyed. There was raffles too sponsored by Smart, Sun Cellular, Canon Marketing Philippines Inc. and Maxima Aquafun Beach resort which is lucky me, I won 2 tickets! Yey! (=D) And of course my day will not end with out outfit photo shoot during that day. Thanks to my hubby who accompanied me during the event. <3 So here's my outfit during that day. I'm loving aztec skirts here.. Sharing great and exciting promo from Canon Pixma Printer.. Lip balm is a must have! This is what I always say when I was asked what beauty essentials you always bring with you. My lip is my first priority when it comes to beauty essentials. I feel naked when not wearing tint at my lips. This feeling started when I was in college. We all know college is the stage where ladies enhance their beauty rituals. Like me, my lips get dry and chap easily. When your lips are chapped, you will look haggard and we don't want that to happen, right girl?! Good thing lip balm is invented and there is one brand that lessens the roughness of dry lips. Carmex lip balm is invented by Alfred Woelbring in the USA in early 1930s. It is a formula that keeps your lips soft, moisturize and relive from roughness. They have jar type, tube & click stick container which I like because I can easily put it inside my glam kit (view previous post here). What I love about this lip balm is that it has a menthol effect that heals my dry and chapped lip. It also have SPF 15 that protects lips from the heat of the sun. But wait there's more, Carmex named #1 Top Pharmacist-Recommended Lip Balm for 14 years and the product is not tested on animals. Carmex lip balm is also available in original, strawberry, cherry, lime twist, vanilla and pomegranate perfect for this coming school season. For more information about this cool healing lip balm, visit their web site here, like their facebook here and get updated with their twitter here. I'm having a hard time thinking of how I can wear a Bunt Cake type skirt (A.K.A Semi-Circular skirt) without emphasizing my belly. I've been scanning a lot of fashion magazine and searching images at the net looking for the right answer. And finally! I came up with combining two items. The LBD (Little Black Dress) and the Bunt Cake type skirt. Bunt Cake Skirt looks like this. But mine is just semi lang. You're probably thinking "Where's the LBD here?" Actually, I layered the dress with the skirt so you won't see the dress at it is. Just make sure your LBD is a body hug type so your belly will be tighten and must be shorter than the length of the skirt so it won't show up. Like this. What's good thing about this skirt is it has garter on the waist line so it will hold up and voluntary adjust after a meal. I hope this simple quick guide will help you. Leave a comment and let me know how you wear your Bunt Cake Skirt. Saturday means no work for me. I'm just feeling the vibes of being home buddy this morning. But what I love most during this day is that I can do whatever I want like eating my breakfast, chatting with my daughter and nephews, watching my fave vlogger on youtube, scrolling networking sites (facebook and twitter), editing photos before posting and constructing blog post without minding what time is it. Too much for a day, right?! Ganyan talaga pagmay trabaho ka during weekdays. You make sulit of your time during weekends. Moving on, to make sulit of my day, I'm going to share with you "What's inside my glam kit?" I brought this native glam kit at Pasalubong Center here in Davao City. Combination of white & gold native weave material. To hide oily face after a long day, I use Pressed Powder #2 Medium shade by BYS. The Matte Factor Deep Red lip paint by Miners that stay almost 6hr. on my lips. Thanks to my friend Heidi for giving me this. I'm planning to have their Hot & Light Pink shade for day time lip paint. Lip balm is a must have for me. I have here Carmex Origianl Flavor stick lip balm that helps relief my dry chapped lips. It soothe, moisturize and has menthol effect that heals your chapped lips too. Thanks to Ria Abella Jose and Carmex Philippines for giving stick tube and jar type lip balm. Carmex also have different flavors like strawberry, cherry, lime twist, vanilla and pomegranate. What's good thing about this is it has Sunscreen SPF 15 that protects your lips from the heat of the sun. For more good stuff about this cool lip balm, go check and visit their facebook here. This one is a capsule type perfume container from Penshoppe. No need to bring your gigantic expensive perfume. Just transfer it to a small container like what I did here. It's handy and easy to carry everyday and during long travels. Stay fresh breath all day with this cute Astringosol mouthwash container. Thanks to hair pins, clips, elastic bands & metal twister hair holder. It saves me during bad hair days. So that's it! That's all inside my glam kit. What's inside your? Share it here. You can never go wrong wearing lace dress fabric during weddings. It definitely gives feminine touch to your outfit. You can also add a little bit of dark color like black, brown, blue, maroon or grey. Just make sure that the color you choose is closer to your main outfit or accessories so you can easily match it. Like what I wore here, I matched the color of my shoulder bag to my shoes for balance combination. Let me know what you think of my outfit by leaving comments below. Happy Easter Sunday everybody! Today we are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after His crucifixion. He is truly a Great and Mighty God! And today is also the last day of holiday. Yup! Work mode on the next day again.. So to complete my holiday, I'm going to share with you my latest outfit post. This was taken last March 16 during Araw ng Davao at Kangaroo Coffee Company Inc. where Canon did some free photo printing using WiFi Pixma printer for their loyal customers. Corporate outfit may sometimes look so boring but if you add colors, it may look stunning! Wearing white chiffon top, orange bandage skirt and animal print shoes. This is what I wore during Image Enhancement Seminar last March 9 at Waterfront Insular Hotel. The seminar is all about how you look good and be professional when facing your clients. The seminar inspires me to look good always and be positive in every goal you choose. (so gora lang ang peg!) Let's go back to my outfit details. I love the big bow detail of my top. It looks like Korean style outfit. Don't you think? Bright colors are trend during summer season. Luckily I have this orange bandage skirt and bow bracelet that adds summer vibes to my semi corporate outfit. What you think of my outfit? It's been a long time since I blog an outfit post. I've been busy buzzing lately with my work. This time I will set aside it for a bit and jump in to my blog world. Here's my 1st outfit post for 2013. I'm wearing red & white stripes peplum top, denim shorts and velvet type flat shoes. I wore this during New Years Eve. Yah! I know it's been 2 month ago already and this post is very late. Blame it to my busy days! Nah! No I don't. I love my job. *smile =) Going back to my outfit post. Inspired by nautical prints or usually known as stripe. I really like stripes. It somehow boosts confident level. Shades is a must have every time I meet and greet Mr. Sun. Belt is perfect to make an illusion of separating your upper and lower body. It also emphasize your waist. Relax your feet from heel over weekends. I love to read your comments below. Wearing red sleeveless with sequence owl design. Paired with floral skin tone pants and leather brown animal print detail sandal. This is what I wore last December 25, 2012 during our family reunion at Grandma's house. The year will not end without get together with your relatives where there are lots of delicious food to eat, the traditional giving of gifts and "pailog" (throwing of coins). Going back to my outfit on my Mistress nakakastress post, I mentioned that I have to invest on sequence dress for special occasions like holidays. Well here it is! Starting to invest sequence top and this time it's an owl design. My friend and I decided to buy same design but in different color. Thanks to my sister, she picked red. This is perfect for holiday season. I paired it with my one and only floral pants which I really love. It somehow soften my edgy top and make me look girly during our family reunion. How's your family reunion? I love to read your comments below. Wearing silver and grey lace with stone design mask. This is what I wore during our company Masquerade Christmas party last December 19, 2012 at Blue Room, Apo View Hotel Davao City. Simple but passionate. This is how I describe my outfit during that day. I love how the dress hugs my body. It somehow shows off my remaining curves since I gain weight this year. Which reminds me put it in my new year's resolution (to lose weight). Red is one of the perfect colors to wear this Christmas. It gives energy and passion aura to the person who wears it or sees it. I like how the dress cut and design. It gives an illusion to make me look tall. I paired it with grey sandal to match my necklace and mask. Here's a carolling video to my lovely followers & viewers. Christmas season once again! Everyone is excited coz of so many happenings and parties to attend to. And for us (ladies), this is the time where we are busy dressing up and grooming ourselves. We have to treat ourselves first before everything. Like me, I like wearing sleeveless dress during parties , that's why I have to visit first my favorite salon the Lay Bare Waxing Salon. They have waxing and threading services just what I need. They are located at SM Lanang Premier, 037 Lower Ground Floor, JP Laurel Ave. Davao City. Thanks to their friendly staff for accommodating me during the treatment. Silver and gold are the common accessories I wear everyday. To try something new, I saw these cute accessories at Davao Convention, Christmas Bazaar last Sunday . It is made up of polymer clay where they bake it in oven for almost 20-25 mins. I'm in love with the star and heart shape designs inspired by nautical chart. I brought it @ below 100php. They also have floral designs perfect for my girly outfit. Hope you like my new cute polymer clay accessories. I can't wait to wear them all! Boots is perfect during winter. It can up lift your wardrobe during this season. Boots can be high or low. It depends on what length you want. Knee high boots can be paired with shorty-shorts or miniskirts. While ankle boots can be paired with tight jeans or leggings. I am going to show you how I wear my ankle boots. Main subject, It's Mot2x (Hubby's Mio) and not me. I may not be puss but I wear boots! I would appreciate if you share it to me. I haven't treated my hands and feet for almost a month. Since aztec design is into trend right now, I'm so excited to share with you the design I picked last Friday. As I was scrolling my iPad for aztec nail art design, chickettes.com caught my attention. Since it was my vacation leave and I wanted to try something new, the design was perfect to my mood during that day. To give you an idea, here's the design I picked. Thanks to ate from Nail Bar, she never fails me for every design I wanted. What do you think of my aztec nail art? PS: I only used my iPad during that day. Sorry for the low resolution. Stripes are long narrow strips of the same width and length in different colours or texture from the surface. Stripes prints always catch my attention every time I go window shopping. I think it looks good on me especially horizontal ones. But some says wearing horizontal stripes will make you look fat. While vertical stripes will make you look thin. I think it depends on how you wear it or paired it with other fabric. In the end it still depends on how you carry yourself well. Since we're talking about stripes, I would like to share with you my new outfit post wearing stripes dress. One Saturday night I saw this denim stripes dress with inner tutu skirt. It looks like Korean outfit to me. So, I immediately visualized myself pairing it with a boots. Without thinking twice, I bought it! *with a BIG smile (=D)* And finally I had my spare time and did my 1st outdoor pictorial. Floral design makes the outfit girly. Denim with tutu skirt rocks! I add up silver and rubber accessories to make it look edgy. Thank you to my lovely daughter "Samantha" for those beautiful shoots. Oh! One more thing! I'm working on my online shop right now. It's more on cool stuff and our pre-love items. I'm excited to share it with you soon! So I guess there's no any Pink Leopard existing at all. But for fashion industry, there is! And it's perfect for corporate outfits. Allow me to represent my Pink Leopard. I paired it with black leggings to put more emphasis on the prints. I also put-on one of my fave cover up to look corporate. And of course don't forget the neck accessory to look edgy since Leopard are known to be strong and fearless. Shorts are typically worn in warm weather country like Philippines where airflow are more important than the protection of the legs. While skirt is a tube shape like garment that hangs from the waist and covers part of the legs. These two outfit are one of my fave easy to wear because it's comfy and at the same time you can be girly. Here's how I wear my floral short. No! It's skirt. Nah! It's a short/skirt. I paired it with denim polo blouse and denim shoes. I also wear necklace to add feminine touch. What do you think of my floral short/skirt? Yesterday, June 8 2012 I went to Abreeza Mall Davao to meet my friends. We ate at Sabaro. I ordered one of my fave chicago white stuffed pizza (yummy!) and had a business chat. When we finished our meal, we decided to take a walk and go window shopping. We went to Isis, Sunny Side Up and July. They have great selection designs that we like especially the floral dresses and hats by Isis. While continue walking we saw Janylin Shoes. To our delight they are on sale. Super affordable from 399php, 599php to 999php. WOW! What an offer! I Love Shoe Sale! =) Knowing Janylin shoes are quite expensive. But to my excitement, I started to put on all the shoes I like and choosing what I want to buy. It was already 15-10mins before closing time so I decided to pick the formal beige closed shoes with animal prints which I believe perfect wear for smart casual occasion. Here's a peek to what I did yesterday. I love putting them on especially this floral shoes. I do hope still have budget for this. PS: My photos are not so clear. I'm only using my ipad during that day. Hope you still like it.. I really like pens especially with cute designs. Everybody needs this to organize everything. Do I need a diary? Yup! I still do. Even I have Ipad, I still need this "handy-dandy-note book" for my quick reference. Which where they go??? hehehehe! I like this arrow post it. It reminds me on what to do. Loving DIY project? I do! I saw this cloth like sticker at WS Mall and bought it at Php39. You can use this to jazz up your pen holder, notebook, scissor and even your cellphone. Saw this Smiley mouse pad at WS. It reminds me to stay happy kahit stress na sa work.. *Toink! in preparation for school projects, here's one for you! Canon Marketing Philippines present: Canon PIXMA Standout Promo! ask them how to avail this cool stuff. Last month, I was looking at my closet and saw a small pile of shorts. I've noticed I only have few of it and more on color black, brown, white, red & jeans type shorts. Then I realized I want to have different colors short with different materials that I can wear this summer. While walking at the Mall I saw this purple silky short with cute polka dots ribbon belt. I matched it with black statement shirt and add up some accessories like dangle "curtain" earrings (matched with purple short), black ribbon ring, black/gold bangle & black high heels to look simple, girly & edgy at the same time. What do you think? Here's a glimpse during the wedding.. Her raffled gown is lovely, isn't it? Do you know that accessories can polish your boring outfit? Yup! it can. Even you wear simple white shirt, jeans and flip flops your outfit can standout with accessories. And lastly, my friend gave me this ring last week and I call it "Nyke's flats" Do you love Sabado (Saturday)? Me, I do! Yup! Super love.. and I can fix myself whatever I wanted to. Here's my outfit of the day.. "Paris with LOVE".. Playing with loose strips shirt, red shorts & doll shoes.. The Peak (by day) is located at the 5th floor Gaisano Mall Davao parking area. The place is not yet filled with tenants but there are few stores already operating. What I like the most with the place it's over looking and perfect for my urban outfit "Chill Chic". Like girls, boys are also picky when buying their clothes. Agree? This photo was taken last January 15, 2012 after attending Baby Mateo's Baptismal. That's why I'm with him whenever I shop around. Venue: Robinsons, Abreeza Mall Dvo. I feel comfortable when wearing maxi-dress specially when it's cold and breezy weather. I'm planning to have at least five of it so I can wear it during gloomy days.. Blue nails for Blue dress.. What is Nail Art? It is a practice of painting decorative designs on your fingernails, is a fun way to brighten up your everyday look or accessorize a special occasion outfit. Polished by Hair Zone Abreeza Mall. Using Orly Dazzel..
PITCH PERFECT review When alt-chick Beca (Anna Kendrick) arrives at college, her lecturer father makes a deal with her that if she joins one of the many clubs on campus, he will fund her move to New York to pursue her musical dreams. After joining the failing a capella group, The Barden Bellas, along with an array of collegiate misfits, Beca tries to bring a new eclectic style to their tired old routines. Let's get this out of the way right now. Pitch Perfect isn't Glee. It's much better than Glee. It is what Glee promised to be when it first aired until it collapsed in on itself like a dying star, becoming the very thing it set out to mock to ensure it built a following rather than providing quality programming. A lot of the thanks for Pitch Perfect avoiding the same path is down to a witty script that, although it may be hung on a predictable and by-the-numbers premise, never fails to be funny and engaging. Starring the extremely likeable Anna Kendrick as Beca, a laptop-owning, music-remixing genius who prefers to use instruments rather than her voice to create music; she's offbeat and charming without resorting to being a kooky girl stereotype. Likewise the rest of the Bellas; they're individuals each with their own comic characteristics, be it the mouse-like Lilly ("I set fires to feel joy") or the almighty Rebel Wilson as Fat Amy with too many great one-liners to mention. Wilson has had notable appearances in "chick" comedies such as Bridesmaids and Bachelorette, but this is the role that will help make her a new comic star. Fat Amy (so called so that skinny girls won't call it her behind her back) is sharp, funny, sweet and can belt out a tune too. Wilson almost walks away with the entire movie, only stopped by Kendrick's Beca taking centre stage, although it's Wilson who provides the most laughs. In the words of Elizabeth Banks' cameoing commentator, "nothing makes a woman feel like a girl more than a man who sings like a boy", and Beca's rollercoaster romance with Jesse, one of the rival groups singers, follows pretty much the path you would expect it too. However, it's inoffensive enough to warrant inclusion to keep the younger audience members happy. He's into '80s movies and likes singing in harmonies, but along with the magic loving Benji and a whole host of background "boys", he comes across as a bit dull compared to the wonderfully named Bumper, the Jack Black-esque lead singer of the Treblemakers and the most obnoxious jerk ever to walk the Earth. There's numerous musical highlights that showcase eclectic musical styles (or mash ups as the kids would say), the best being the so called "riff-off's". Essentially a popular music karaoke version of 8 Mile, it's in these scenes that the groups show what they're made of. This isn't specifically a teen comedy, more aimed at a slightly older audience, complete with friendly digs towards its a-capella rival, Glee. It has some of the trappings of the teen movie genre (complete with references to what may be the quintessential teen angst movie, The Breakfast Club) and occasionally struggles to find the right balance to keep its audience happy, the forays into gross out humour not sitting very well alongside the musical numbers. Still, it's that rarest of things; an utterly girly movie that guys can enjoy too, and a great calling card for the musical and comedic stylings of Rebel Wilson and Anna Kendrick. You could do a lot worse than try a little musical appreciation. Posted by Colin Oakley Labels: Anna Kendrick, Bridesmaids, Elizabeth Banks, Glee, Pitch Perfect, Rebel Wilson, The Breakfast Club The Good, the Bad and the Blu-rays JACK REACHER review WHAT ARE OTHER PEOPLE READING RIGHT NOW? ONE MAN AND HIS SHOES - London Film Festival 2020 Directed by Yemi Bamiro, One Man and His Shoes charts the rise of the Nike Air Jordan brand and the impact it has had on culture, leading to... DAWN OF THE DEAD - LIMITED EDITION BLU-RAY review Ten years after the release of George A. Romero's seminal zombie classic Night of the Living Dead, he decided to cement his reputation a... ROSE: A LOVE STORY - London Film Festival 2020 Living a secluded life out in the woods with his wife Rose (Sophie Rundle), the isolated world Sam (writer Matt Stokoe) has created is put i... DOC/FEST 2020 - BRING DOWN THE WALLS review Directed by Phil Collins (the visual artist, not the Genesis drummer/singer) the title Bring Down The Walls refers to a civic space s... YOU DON'T NOMI review "I think we're still talking about Showgirls because we're not done with it". So says the opening voiceover of this new ... SLACKER CINEMA 2011. Powered by Blogger.
Again, a guest post from my friend, Whitney Doubleday. Unfortunately, she has made some of the most common mistakes in choosing a college. She does not mention that you should not choose a college based on mascots, but that may also be a bad idea. In the interest of full disclosure, I personally have nothing against J. Crew. Picking a college is hard. I know this. I have picked a few colleges in my day. I have transferred from a couple of these colleges as well. To say that the process can be challenging/frustrating/stressful/make-you-wanna-cry-sometimes is generally an understatement. My theory as to why this decision is so hard is that there is no magical formula where you input various facts about yourself like your height, your dog's middle name, and the color underwear you are wearing to give you a black and white answer about which college would be best for you. With the number of transfers each semester, the fact that there is no magical formula is obviously an issue. Someone should really quit being lazy and invent one. Although I can't give you a formula, I can give you a few things that are good to think about when beginning to look at colleges. 1. Make sure you like the location of your college. This feels like it doesn't really need to be explained much more than what is directly above, but for those of you who need things to be spelled out for them, here we go. This is important because you will be living here for the next four, or possibly more, years. You should like where you live. The end. 2. Don't pick your school based solely on location. I did this once. Immediately upon graduating, I decided the best place for me would be where I could continue to work with my horse trainer and ride horses. Luckily, there was a college about ten minutes down the road from my trainer. Unfortunately, this was a very expensive private college. Being really, really smart, I decided that money didn't really matter. Really expensive? No problem! That's what student loans are for, obviously. This would probably be an appropriate time to mention that when you have just graduated and you often feel like you are invincible and debt doesn't seem all that real. The reality of it is, you are not invincible and debt is real. I discovered the first thing after breaking my leg a month into freshmen year. I am discovering the other right now every month when bills arrive addressed to me. I went to this college for two years and loved the opportunities its location afforded me, but I really didn't like the college itself. It wasn't my style. There were too many girls wearing J. Crew and too many boys wearing Dockers. What life-loving eighteen-year-old wears J. Crew? I mean really. I became miserable and transferred. Pick a college because you like the college as well as the location. This brings me to my next piece of advice. 3. Make sure the college fits you. All colleges have a certain "feel"about them. This "feel" can make you make you really excited about the prospect of going there, or it can help you decide that another college is probably the better choice for you. Start by looking at colleges' websites or talking to people who you know who have gone to the colleges you are interested in. If you think any of these colleges might be the right one for you, schedule a day, or days, to visit the colleges that you like. Not only will this allow you to see the campuses firsthand which will allow you to get a "feel" for the college, but you will also get the day off school to go. Most college visits are done during the week when classes are in session so visitors can get the full effect of the college. When you get back from your visit, your teachers will be excited that you are taking such an active role in planning the future of your education. This will come in handy when senioritous kicks in. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Except for that one kid who reminds the teacher about homework and quizzes. This kid thinks that he will get farther ahead in life because of his love of schoolwork, but it will catch up with him. Wait for it. After you have gone on a college visit, you should have a pretty good idea of what it's all about. As I have stated before, you will either have a good feeling or a bad feeling about it. Do not ignore this feeling. It is trying to tell you something. It is your friend. 4. The college should fit your life goals. While the college should fit you as a social being, it is important that the college you choose will be able to foster your academic goals. This shouldn't really be a problem to find, as most institutions of higher learning tend to have a few academic areas in which they have especially strong programs. While this is true, it also helps if you know what you want out of life career-wise. This will help to guide your decision immensely. I believe that our education system is very efficient at preparing students to be successful in college, but one aspect it is lacking is exposing students to all of the career options possible. I came out of AP Statistics knowing how to calculate if a study was significantly relevant, but I had no idea how that would be useful outside of a classroom setting. In other words, the education system gives us the tools, but as students we have to take responsibility to be proactive and explore different avenues. If you aren't sure about a certain career path, you can usually do a little job shadowing. In case you don't know, job shadowing is when you spend time with someone at his or her job. During this time, you will learn more about what is required of people in this particular field on a daily basis. This can help to answer questions that you might have about the job, helping you to decide if this is something that you would like to further pursue. Once you have even a vague concept of what you would like to be when you grow up, it will help you narrow down your picks. Do you know what might be the coolest tool ever in the entire world? Google! Google is the lazy man's first world encyclopedia. Google can pretty much tell you anything and everything, which I'm sure you already know. In fact, while I've been writing this, I have Googled at least five words in here to check the spelling. Other than sweatpants, Google will be your best friend in college, but start getting better acquainted with Google now! Use Google to look up different ways you can use your interests in different careers as well as tell you just about anything about any college that you've ever wanted to know. One of the best things about Google is that you will end up learning about careers that you didn't know existed while looking for information about other career paths as well as crazy college legends that may or may not be true, but are still pretty fun to read. Also, one of the best sources out there is other people. Talk to people. Ask about their experiences at the college(s) they attended. What were the people like? Were the classes big or small? What were some things that they liked and/or disliked about it? They can bring your attention to things that only someone with firsthand experience at a particular college could. A two-minute chat with someone could pique your interest in a certain school or save you from wasting your time with a campus visit. Not to be forgotten, school counselors are extremely valuable sources of information about careers and colleges. They help people think ahead about their lives. It's kinda their specialty. It's what they do. Plus, if you forgot the read the SparkNotes the night before the quiz for My Brother Sam Is Dead, you can always meet with the counselor during English. All in all, college is a really big step and choosing the right one is important, but you have lots of time to make that decision. You're still middle schoolers. Don't get too stressed out about it, but definitely start to think about what you might be looking for in a college. Looking back, I wish I would have Googled more relevant stuff or maybe even talked to my school counselor. My school counselor seemed so weird though. In hindsight, she was most likely okay. It's probably the same case with yours. She seems weird, but I bet she's pretty normal deep down. "Many of my family members are graduates of M.S.U (my grandpa, uncle, father, brother, and multiple cousins), so when the time came for me to apply it was a natural fit for me. Actually, I did not even bother to apply anywhere else. I immediately felt a connection to my academic advisor who helped me navigate course selection and more importantly selection of professors. Check out this great resource for future planning! 86% of our middle school students are interested in education or training beyond high school. This resource is a comprehensive approach to success in the future.
Best American cars First bigger updates of current generation of this full-size SUV are expected to come with 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe, according to latest reports. This large SUV is well-known name in car industry. It is present for more than two decades. Original model came in 1995, when it replaced Blazer model. So far, we have seen four generations of it. Latest model came about two years ago. So, it is still very fresh at the moment. However, in about year or two, it will be a perfect time for some first bigger updates. It is expected that this refresh will bring several changes, mainly in visual aspect. 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe changes Current model is still pretty much fresh, as we already mentioned. However, in a year or two, it will be three/four years of production so, first notable changes could come. It is still unclear will this be a mid-cycle refresh, or just some bigger update. In any case, we expect to see some notable changes, especially if we consider that next generation of Ford Expedition is expected to come in the pretty much same period. So, what to expect from 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe? We predict that the main accent will be on visual appearance. So, we will probably see novelties outside, primarily at the front end, on areas like grille, headlights, bumper etc. Also, we expect to see some changes inside. Design of the cabin will probably remain the same, and we could hardly see even some smaller modifications on the dashboard. On the other side, we will probably see an updated infotainment system, and many new features of all kind in offer, both as standard and as optional. 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe engine We probably won't see changes in this aspect. The 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe will come with the same 5.3 liter EcoTec V8 engine, which has max output of 355 horsepower and 383 pound-feet of torque. This engine comes paired with 6-speed automatic transmission. You probably don't know, this SUV in Russia available with 6.2 liter V8 engine, and according to some rumors, this variant could also come to United States. 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe release date and price Although it is still early to talk about release date, it all indicates that refreshed 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe will come somewhere in the second half of next year. When it is about price, we don't expect bigger changes. So, base model should go around 50.000 dollars. 2021 Chevrolet Cruze Price, SS, Redesign, China, Release Date 2021 Ford F-550 Specs, Features, Trim Level, Price 2021 Jeep Scrambler 2 Door, Rumors and Expectations 2021 Chevrolet Express Cargo, Van, New V8 Engine 2021 Ford Falcon Comeback Rumors 2018 Chevrolet Tahoe 2018 Tahoe changes price release date updates 2018 Chevy Avalanche 2018 Chevrolet City Express americancars Jean S December 11, 2017 Why don't the Tahoe's Silverados and Suburbans come with the shifters on the floor. That is one feature I love in other vehicles and has stopped me from purchasing any of these models. Jean S Best American cars Copyright © 2021.
Sinnerboy a Tribute to Rory Gallagher Upstairs Dolans 3 Dock Road Limerick Ireland (map) Tickets €12 - (strictly over 18's) Top international tribute band, Sinnerboy return to Dolans to play the epic music of the late, great Rory Gallagher, for the 17th year running! Sinnerboy, from Manchester, have a huge reputation for faithfully recapturing the sound and excitement of a live "Rory gig". They have played a major role in promoting the revival of Rory's music in the last seventeen years and apart from gigging extensively in Europe, have headlined Rory Gallagher tribute events in Ireland, Italy, Austria, UK, Holland, Germany, Greece, Spain, Norway and the USA. Rory Gallagher, who sadly passed away in 1995, was born in Ballyshannon and reared in Cork. He had a huge impact on the world of blues and rock and was Ireland's first real |"rock star" - blazing the trail for many major Irish acts to follow on the international stage. Apart from being recognised as one of the greatest ever exponents of the electric guitar, Rory Gallagher left behind an enduring musical legacy which has received fresh recognition over recent years. He was a prolific composer and in his lifetime recorded no fewer than fifteen albums of highly original and soulful blues and rock material. Sinnerboy will bring out the very best of Rory Gallagher's music at their upcoming gig. With a repertoire that covers every era of the late Rory's career they guarantee another blistering performance! "This is the proof that my brother's music lives on" Donal Gallagher. Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge. No exchanges or refunds. Over 18s only (unless advertised to the contrary) Le Boom proudly presented by Seoda Shows King Kong company
Home/Science/New Large Hadron Collider Data At Odds With Standard Model of Particle Physics New Large Hadron Collider Data At Odds With Standard Model of Particle Physics Rob Schwarz Follow on Twitter September 1, 2015 Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via CC by 2.0 Scientists working with data from CERN's Large Hadron Collider have discovered a possible anomaly that may overturn our Standard Model of particle physics. The scientists, comprised of a team at the University of Maryland, studied data collected during the LHC's initial run back in 2011-2012. More specifically, they looked at the decay of B mesons, which produce tau leptons and muons. What they found was that this decay happened at different and unexpected rates. The Standard Model tells us that all leptons are treated equally by the fundamental forces, and decay at the same rate. But this new discovery, if true, could change that model. "The Standard Model says the world interacts with all leptons in the same way. There is a democracy there. But there is no guarantee that this will hold true if we discover new particles or new forces. Lepton universality is truly enshrined in the Standard Model. If this universality is broken, we can say that we've found evidence for non-standard physics." – University of Maryland professor Hassan Jawahery, co-author Study co-author Brian Hamilton also points out that this new finding is in line with results from another experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, so there is some corroboration. Nonetheless, new measurements will have to be made to confirm the results. As for what all this means for our understanding of the universe, co-author Hassan Jawahery suggests that this may be a path toward unraveling the mysteries of dark matter: "…we know that dark matter and dark energy exist, but we don't yet know what they are or how to explain them. Our result could be a part of that puzzle." On the other hand, scientists have meanwhile found the Higgs boson – observed at CERN in 2012 – to behave as predicted using the Standard Model. // via Yahoo, Arxiv.org CERN LHC Physics Sir Roger Penrose Comments On the Universes Before Our Own 'Paradox-free Time Travel Is Theoretically Possible' Claims University Study CERN: Portals in the Sky and Other High Strangeness CERN Reveals Concept for Future Circular Collider Scientists Wonder: Should the Universe Even Exist? Stephen Hawking On Harnessing the Power of Mini Black Holes September 2015: CERN, Moons, and Asteroids at the End of the World CERN's LHCb Experiment Discovers "Exotic" New Particle CERN's LHC: Will We Find Parallel Universes…or the Gates of Hell? IBM Presents: A Boy And His Atom, The Smallest Stop-Motion Movie Ever Made Will We Time Travel This Century? The Ends Of The World: Killer Strangelets Yes, Virginia, Time Does Exist cool article Rob, I just don't have a clue what it's about but anything coming out of CERN is worth my time to investigate and try to learn up on. To be honest, this one just boils down to "Scientists observed something they didn't expect and it could be a big deal…or not. We'll see." It could always turn out like those faster-than-light neutrinos (which was an error caused by an unplugged cable, if I remember right). And to be 100% honest, I also find it difficult to wrap my head around some of these topics. They're difficult to write about and I'm always afraid I'm getting something wrong. But I like to share this stuff, because I might want to refer to it in the future. CERN is cool. Agree- CERN is very cool. This is a very interesting article- thank you! I find CERN really fascinating. Definitely going to try and research more about this. Lemuel Vargas says: might be they have been interacting at the quantum level? What do you think of this insight? Boston Dynamics Robots Say Goodbye to 2020 with Style Parkes Telescope Detects Radio Signal from Proxima Centauri Space Balloon Test Flight Scheduled for 2021, Commercial Tourism by 2024
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Lisa Zidek and her husband are sitting on the couch, watching television, when they feel someone behind them, breathing on their necks. They aren't alarmed. It's just their dog, Buddy. He was about 4 months old when they adopted him. Now, just over a year later, "He has grown to be quite large," Lisa says. "When I take him to the farmers' market, people say, 'Look! There's Marmaduke,'" although she says he talks more like Scooby Doo. The family thinks he's a Great Dane mix. Buddy shows off his Canine Good Citizen ribbon. "Although we know he's large, he thinks he's a lap dog and often pulls the typical Great Dane move of slowly backing onto your lap if you're sitting on the couch," Lisa says. Lisa and her husband aren't the only ones who sometimes sense someone behind them. For Buddy, though, it turns out to be his own tail, which is coming along back there–at some distance because he's so big. He decides the tail is fair game and begins to chase it, running into walls and chairs until he gets distracted. The distraction might be something on TV because he's a TV watcher. One evening while the Zideks were watching a nature show, Buddy saw a bug on the screen. He ran over and followed the bug's movements, transfixed, until it disappeared. "Since then we look for nature shows with bugs," Lisa says. Within 24 hours in his new home with three boys and two other dogs, the aloofness disappeared, and the clown came out. He loves to wrestle with Abbie, a Newfoundland/Labrador Retriever mix. Dudley, a Shepherd/Basset Hound mix "is the supervisor and will yell at them when he thinks things are getting out of hand. Buddy likes to snuggle with Dudley when he is ready for a nap or bedtime," Lisa says. Soon Lisa, Joseph and Buddy will start their journey together as a therapy dog team. Good work for a good dog.
Matt Kahn returned to AJC in 2017 as regional director of AJC San Francisco. He worked for AJC Houston as assistant regional director and assistant development director in 2011-15. In the interim, Kahn was associate director of the Interfaith Relations Department at Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston. Kahn has two master's—in Jewish nonprofit management and Jewish education—from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and a B.S. in psychology from Tulane University.
Q: Is there a way to fix a singular controller in rails 3.1? I accidentally generated a singular controller comm_log without 's'. 's' was added to controller name, helpers, views, specs and routes. The customer_comm_log_path(f.customer_id, f.id) seems not right. The relation is a comm log belongs to a customer and a customer has many comm logs. resources :customers do resources :comm_logs end The output of rake routes (related) is: comm_logs_index GET /comm_logs/index(.:format) {:controller=>"comm_logs", :action=>"index"} comm_logs_new GET /comm_logs/new(.:format) {:controller=>"comm_logs", :action=>"new"} comm_logs_create GET /comm_logs/create(.:format) {:controller=>"comm_logs", :action=>"create"} comm_logs_show GET /comm_logs/show(.:format) {:controller=>"comm_logs", :action=>"show"} comm_logs_destroy GET /comm_logs/destroy(.:format) {:controller=>"comm_logs", :action=>"destroy"} customer_comm_logs GET /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"comm_logs"} POST /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"comm_logs"} new_customer_comm_log GET /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs/new(.:format) {:action=>"new", :controller=>"comm_logs"} edit_customer_comm_log GET /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs/:id/edit(.:format) {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"comm_logs"} customer_comm_log GET /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs/:id(.:format) {:action=>"show", :controller=>"comm_logs"} PUT /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs/:id(.:format) {:action=>"update", :controller=>"comm_logs"} DELETE /customers/:customer_id/comm_logs/:id(.:format) {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"comm_logs"} Is there a way to fix the singular controller? Thanks. A: Try script/destroy your_controller_name using the same controller name used to create it.
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Ethics aside, these are the psychological reasons why it's so hard not to spill the beans. Ever have someone share a piece of information in confidence and ask you not to tell it to anyone else–then you spilled the beans anyway? Of course you did! You're human. Some of us are better at keeping secrets than others. In order to understand why–and what makes the temptation to break the silence on others' secrets run so high–you first need to understand the psychology of secrecy itself. A secret is any piece of information that's intentionally hidden from someone else. There are three main reasons why someone–or an organization like a company or country–would want to keep a secret. One is that the person gains a strategic advantage from having information that other people don't have. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger kept quiet about their initial contact with the Chinese government in the 1970s in order to avoid backlash from Congress. Similarly, companies often keep their employees' compensation information secret to avoid candidates using it during salary negotiations (although this is beginning to change in some quarters). If you're engaged in a complex discussion, it may be difficult to keep track of what you're allowed to say and what you aren't. The second reason is that the information would have negative consequences for the secret holder if it were more widely known. People engaged in illegal activities hold these kinds of secrets for obvious reasons. The third is that the information would have negative consequences for other individuals if they found out about it. An obvious example is a surprise party, where the surprise would be ruined if the person being surprised learned about it ahead of time. There are business cases in which this kind of secrecy can be valuable as well. Earlier this year, Kraft removed artificial colors from its macaroni and cheese mix, but it kept news of that change under wraps for three months after rolling it out so it wouldn't bias consumers' sense of taste (which can be affected by expectations). As Kraft anticipated, people didn't notice any change in flavor, and so the company launched an ad campaign to let people know about the switch well after it happened. When you have a piece of information that's being withheld from other people for any of those reasons, it takes a certain amount of mental effort to keep it secret. You have to pay a lot of attention both to what other people already know as well as to whether they're allowed to know the secret information, too. This mental effort can be a problem in casual conversation, where it's easy to let a piece of information slip unintentionally. Our minds have a limited capacity to process information. So if you're engaged in a complex discussion, it may be difficult to keep track of what you're allowed to say and what you aren't, which can lead you to divulge information you shouldn't. The most difficult secrets to keep usually aren't about good news–they're the ones in which you become privy to a piece of information that has negative consequences, either for the person with the secret or for someone else. The simple reason why is that this type of secret creates social tension. In your mind, if other people had the information that you possess, they would see the world differently than they do now–probably with a certain degree of shock. The truth is that it often feels good to elicit a reaction from other people when you tell them something, even if it isn't something positive. That tension creates the same desire you feel to share a joke you've just heard with people you don't know. And it's akin to the urge you feel to post on social media about a new product or movie or musician you've just come across that your friends haven't heard about yet. In the end, it's important to recognize that not all secrets are bad. So how can we resist the temptation to divulge confidential data? Start by revising, or at least expanding, your idea of honesty–which you can do without compromising your integrity (many of us unwittingly conflate these two things). A final factor that makes secret-keeping so difficult (especially where others' secrets are concerned) is that avoiding telling others often requires lying overtly or by omission. People lie all the time in small ways, but telling a lie to protect someone else's information can be uncomfortable: We feel we're being willfully dishonest–which, technically, we are. The very act of keeping a secret is forcing you to transgress one of your core values, which ratchets up the psychological pressure that's already involved in keeping confidences. Philosophers have spent centuries contemplating the ethics involved in situations like these, but in the end, it's important to recognize that not all secrets are bad. Without tipping too far in the other direction (where moral relativism resides), it helps to remember that in many cases, the advantages of withholding information can be high, while the costs of doing so (for you or others) are slight. Holding back information that might bias someone's opinions may also have benefits–even for the person who's being kept in the dark. On the other hand, when you're asked to keep a secret that might otherwise get someone in trouble, you should think carefully about how you want to be involved in that situation. In many cases, these secrets get more damaging the longer they remain hidden–which can put your integrity at risk anyway. You may not choose to be the one to reveal the secret, but you can make it clear that you aren't willing to lie explicitly on someone else's behalf. Let context decide which secrets you keep, otherwise your psychology may end up deciding for you.
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A team of scientists from the Czech National Institute of Mental Health and their foreign colleagues joined the Huni Kui and Ashaninka tribes from the Brazilian and Peruvian parts of the Amazon forest on a project to study the neurobiological effects of the psychoactive brew Ayahuasca. The expedition was initially funded by the Czech "Neuron Foundation" and is the first of its kind involving indigenous people as partners of scientific research. The whole project is being filmed by a crew directed by Mr. David Čálek, who is in the process of making a documentary with the preliminary title "Doctors on a Trip". The main part of the expedition is to be held in early 2020 and aims at collecting data from volunteers who will take part in various Ayahuasca ceremonies. The scientists hope to explore the role of the traditional ceremonial setting and indigenous practices on psychological domains such as mood, well-being and connectedness. In order to study the neurobiological correlates of the effects of Ayahuasca, they will be equipped with multiple mobile EEG systems, devices that record the electric activity of the brain. The expedition leader, Dr. Tomáš Páleníček, explains the overall objectives: "First of all, the study should answers whether the traditional setting can generate long-term positive effects on mood and well-being. At the same time, we are interested in the neurobiological biomarkers of these changes, for which we are bringing the EEG systems. Secondly, we believe that ritual psychedelic experiences can induce connections between people. Therefore, while we will record EEG during the ceremony, we will also assess brain to brain connectivity across the participants including the shaman. We will use precisely synchronized EEG systems that allow us to explore such effects. Furthermore we believe that experience with Ayahuasca may also alter long-term interpersonal relationships, increase sociability and the ability to link with others or even affect our relationship and connection to nature." Tomáš Páleníček alias researcher in research action Even though the work on the project started back in 2016, the major preparatory part of the expedition was performed in May this year. The selected expedition team consisted of scientists from the National Institute of Mental Health, led by Dr. Tomáš Páleníček accompanied by Dr. Filip Tylš , Dr. Martin Brunovský & Dr. Martin Kuchař, their colleagues Dr. Eduardo Ekman Schenberg as the main Brazilian counterpart, Dr. Frank Zanow, Physicist and CEO of ANT Neuro (ant-neuro.com), a manufacturer of mobile EEG equipment, and the Italian anthropologist Dr. Tania Re, founder and board member of UNESCO Chair "Health Anthropology, Biosphere and Healing systems". Remaining members of the expedition were the documentary director David Čálek and his crew Václav Flégl and Eva Césarová. All together they successfully visited the native people of the Amazon in Brazil and Peru to map the local conditions, establish relationships, introduce local people to the goals of the research and the technology to be used, and test technological aspects of the equipment under rainforest conditions. The team's first steps led to Santa Rosa do Purus, a small town in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, in the state of Acre. In Santa Rosa, about 80% of inhabitants are indigenous people of the Huni Kui tribe. The local leader "cacique" Naxima hosted the whole group, described the lifestyle and traditions of the Huni Kui people and organized an exploratory hike through the nearby jungle with "rapé" initiation. Rapé is a famous traditional medicine made of tobacco and other plants. It is a powder that is blown into other person's nostril via a wooden pipe called a "tepi" and is recognized as having cleansing and stimulatory effects. Finally, he introduced the research team to a local community further up the Purus River in their "Aldeia" (village). As a part of the stay and also in honor of the research team being present, Naxima organized two ceremonies with Nixi Pae (Huni Kui name for Ayahuasca) that involved his family and a respected old "pajé" (shaman). All of this was performed in such a natural way; it was simply a very warm, familiar and open-minded setting. As the enthusiasm of the scientists simply cannot be erased, as well as the hunger for any valuable or pilot data, everybody agreed to fill in psychometric scales describing the subjective nature of their experiences. Extreme environmental conditions, especially heat and humidity, were a challenge for the team as well as for the equipment. Notably, while first attempting to record the EEG during the Nixi Pae ceremony, the EEG amplifier stopped working due to overheating. Unfortunately, the device was damaged so severely that it could not be reused for further measurements. Luckily, Frank in his caution brought two mobile EEG systems as back up, so we could perform more recordings. As mentioned above, all of the members of the expedition were introduced to rapé. Since they found its effects very interesting, they also decided to record the EEG of some of the participants during and after the ritual administration of this medicine. All of the local people were very interested in what the scientists were doing, but they could not become subjects of any investigation before the scientists obtained final approval from the Federal Government in Brazil. For that they counted on the partnership and support of the official Huni Kui federation "FEPHAC" (Federação do Povo Huni Kui do Estado do Acre) and its president, Ninawa Inu Huni Kui. The expedition team after its arrival to Santa Rosa de Purus. After an amazing week in Santa Rosa the whole team moved to Peru. Via Puerto Maldonado and Lima the final destination was the Mayantuaycu retreat center located in the jungle nearby the city of Pucallpa. The center is located in a beautiful spot on the bank of the Shanay-timpishka River, a river in which the water is almost boiling with temperatures around 90°C. This has also led to its alternative names "Aguas calientes" or "Aguas hirbiendas". The center was founded and is led by maestro (shaman) Juan Flores, of the Ashaninka tribe. Famous anthropologist and Ayahuasca researcher, Jeremy Narby, helped to develop this magical place. Maestro Juan was also very open-minded, shared some knowledge about the plants they use to treat various disorders and let us present him with our intention, including a practical demonstration of the EEG equipment. On the second night, an Ayahuasca ceremony took place in there, where the EEG equipment was successfully tested and the principal investigator's EEG was recorded throughout the whole session. As a result, maestro Juan also agreed to collaborate and join the research. Dr. Tomáš Páleníček, Juan Flores and Dr. Tania Re Tomáš Páleníček summarized the preparative phase of the expedition: "We have established important and warm relationships, they want to support us and to collaborate on the research. I believe this is the first time ever western neuroscientists have gained such a level of cooperation. Furthermore, we have also succeeded to test the equipment, which at the current stage can have several limitations when used in such an extreme environment." About two weeks later, after the team returned from their journey to the Amazon, on May 22 and 23, Eduardo Schenberg presented the project and preliminary results at the fourth official large assembly of the whole Huni Kui tribe, organized by FEPHAC in the city of Rio Branco. It was the largest assembly ever organized, with around 300 representatives from all 104 aldeias of the Huni Kui. There were several political topics discussed; however, most importantly here, the study including the documentary movie was presented and unanimously approved. This was a major historical breakthrough and an honor at the same time, since, for the first time ever in Brazilian history, the whole indigenous tribe gave a green light to a scientific collaboration. Although these initial steps of the expedition were successful, the team still has a long journey ahead of them. First, there are technical issues to be solved for simultaneous recording and questions regarding big data analysis. Second, despite the fact that the study was ethically approved by the Czech ethics board, it still needs the approval from Brazilian and Peruvian local authorities. Finally, although these initial steps were funded by the Czech philanthropist Václav Dejčmar via the "Neuron Foundation", this encouraging work requires additional funding. For that purpose the project was selected as one of the pilot studies to be supported by fundraising campaign of the Czech "Foundation for Psychedelic research" , PSYRES foundation at psyresfoundation.eu. For more information, please contact Eva Césarová at: eva@psyresfoundation.eu. International Meeting of Psychedelic Researchers Festival Nixi-Pae at Huni Kui / Santa Rosa de Purus The Huni Kui tribe is calling for help
Hattie's Home By: Mary Gibson Narrated by: Anne Dover Categories: Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction The Bermondsey Bookshop Set in 1920s London, this is the inspiring story of Kate Goss' struggle against poverty, hunger and cruel family secrets. Her mother died in a fall, her father has vanished without trace, and now her aunt and cousins treat her viciously. In a freezing, vermin-infested garret, factory girl Kate has only her own brave spirit and dreams of finding her father to keep her going. She has barely enough money to feed herself, or to pay the rent. The factory where she works begins to lay off people and it isn't long before she has fallen into the hands of the violent local money-lender. Great story By Spottydog on 31-05-2020 A Sister's Struggle London, 1935. Ruby is always hungry, but she will go without if it means her young brothers can eat. 1930s Bermondsey might be called the larder of London, with its pie, pickle and jam factories, but for the poor working classes, starvation is often only a heartbeat away. When Ruby's neighbour suggests she ought to go to the Methodist Mission for free food, Ruby knows her father will be furious, but she has no other option. Jam and Roses Three sisters in 1920s struggle to make ends meet and protect their mother from their violent father. Milly works in Southwells jam factory. Elsie dreams of a career on the stage, while little Amy runs wild with her friends. All three of the girls fear the unforgiving temper of their father and their courageous attempts to protect their defenseless mother will have dramatic, disastrous consequences for them all. By Donna on 23-05-2016 Gunner Girls and Fighter Boys As London goes up in flames during the Blitz, two sisters from Bermondsey find their lives changed out of all recognition.... When a bombing raid destroys nearly everything she holds dear, May joins the ATS and becomes a gunner girl. Peggy, May's elder sister, is trapped in a stifling marriage, yet amid the chaos of war, a route to freedom beckons. From war will come hardship and tragedy as well as new, unexpected friendships and love affairs. Another great read Bourbon Creams and Tattered Dreams Handsome Frank Rossi took Matty Gilbie away from her working class roots in East London, promising her fame and fortune. As his wife, she would be half of a power couple. But the Wall Street Crash puts paid to all that, and as Frank becomes more violent, Matty flees in the dead of night. Once home in Bermondsey, she goes into hiding, but Frank is on the move, determined to find her and get her back. Another great Mary Gibson read Two Penn'orth of Sky By: Katie Flynn Emmy Dickens lives with her widowed mother in a neat house in neglected Nightingale Court, but Mrs Dickens has always impressed upon her daughter that her main aim in life must be to escape from the court. Emmy sees that marriage is her best way out, and when Peter Wesley, First Officer aboard a cruise ship, asks her to marry him, she is over the moon. Life goes well for the newlyweds; they set up home and start a family. But when Peter is killed and Emmy is left almost penniless, her problems begin.... Custard Tarts and Broken Hearts They call them the custard tarts - the girls who work at Pearce Duff's custard powder factory in Bermondsey before the First World War. Conditions are hard but nothing can quench the spirit of humour and friendship. But the shadow of the coming war looms over them; it will pull London's East End together as never before - even while it tears the world apart. Pre-war Chick lit By Karyn W on 17-05-2015 Marrying Simone By: Anna Jacobs Narrated by: Karen Cass In Australia, Simone has been widowed for four years and is ready to make a more interesting life. Her friends are driving her mad introducing her to eligible men; her busy daughters are just the opposite, wanting her available for babysitting. When she is offered a house swap with a couple in the UK she takes it, not without some trepidation. In the UK, Russ has just taken possession of his new house and wants only peace and quiet after a few months of rehab following a serious injury. Can these two help one another avoid meddling friends and relatives and build new lives? as usual a great story Miss Mary's Daughter By: Diney Costeloe Narrated by: Deirdra Whelan After her mother's death, 20-year-old Sophie Ross is left orphaned, with only her erstwhile nursemaid and faithful friend, Hannah, for company. Penniless and with little chance of an income, she looks for work as a governess in London to avoid destitution. But unbeknownst to Sophie, her mother instructed Hannah to post a letter to Trescadinnick House in Cornwall upon her death. The letter will be the catalyst that changes Sophie's life forever as she learns of her mother's doomed romance and family she left behind in Cornwall. The Lost Children By: Shirley Dickson Narrated by: Rosie Jones England, 1943: Home is no longer safe for eight-year-old twins Molly and Jacob. Night after night, wailing bombs and screeching planes skim the rooftops overhead. They cradle each other, shivering in terror, not knowing if they'll live to see dawn. Their mother, Martha, has no choice but to evacuate them to the safety of the countryside. At the train station, Martha bites back tears as she says good-bye to her precious children. Knowing she might never see them again, she gives Jacob a letter, pressing the envelope into his hands and telling him to only read it if they are in danger. Tissues needed often By birdie on 02-01-2021 Jessie Burton is lively and intelligent - she wants more than the respectable life in service her mother has planned for her. Times are changing; railways are being built across the land, bringing new freedom and possibilities. Jessie tastes that freedom when she meets an ambitious young navvy, newly arrived in Yorkshire. The attraction between them is overwhelming. And Jared Wilde is determined to make Jessie his wife. By Dianne Pridham on 17-10-2020 The Orphan Sisters A heartbreaking, enthralling and utterly unforgettable World War 2 story of two young sisters cruelly abandoned by their mother at an orphanage. 1929: four-year-old Etty and eight-year-old Dorothy are abandoned at Blakely Hall orphanage by their mother, never to see her again. With no other family to speak of, the sisters worship their beloved mam - and they are confused and heartbroken to be deserted by her when they need her the most. Heart wrenchingly beautiful By Tessa on 26-11-2020 Music Hall Series, Book 2 Marjorie is the pretty one of the Preston sisters. So pretty that when a performer at her sister's music room breaks her leg, Marjorie is asked to fill in as the assistant to the singer Denby Sinclair. He offers to take her with him, away from Lancashire and into London theatres. It seems as if her dreams will come true, but Denby is not what he seems. He has a dangerous secret which, if it were to be revealed, would ruin her. Marjorie, however, is reckless and will take any risk for a chance to work on the stage. Pride of Lancashire Carrie Preston is used to hard work - oldest of 10, with an incompetent mother and a drunken father, she struggles to find food for her siblings. But nothing could have prepared her for the day fate deals her family the cruellest of hands, rendering them more desperate than ever. In a harsh world, small acts of kindness can bring great hope - Eli Beckett's offer of a job at the Dragon pub promises a better future for Carrie, especially as Eli's uncle has offered his nephew some spare land to build a music room. By Melissa on 02-09-2020 Bright Day Dawning Gwynna had fallen from grace once, bearing a stillborn child out of wedlock. Determined to have a respectable future, she finds a position for herself as a nursemaid at Hungerton House. But just as she begins to find her feet, the secrets of her past are revealed. She is swiftly dismissed but not before she becomes the target of a lascivious groom. And even afterwards she is pursued by Hungerton, an evil old man who wishes to send her back to the gutters. Lancashire Lass Lancashire Settlers, Book 1 Narrated by: Nicolette McKenzie Seventeen-year-old Liza is happy working as a lady's maid - until her employers decide to emigrate and her father makes up his mind that she is to wed an older widower whom she detests. Determined to avoid a loveless marriage, Liza plans to run away. But when the widower rapes her to force her to marry him, she flees back to the family for whom she worked. She feels she has no choice but to go with them to Australia, and they all set out on the long voyage. On board ship, Liza discovers to her horror that she has fallen pregnant. Great find The Champagne War By: Fiona McIntosh Narrated by: Katy Sobey In the summer of 1914, vigneron Jerome Méa heads off to war, certain he'll be home by Christmas. His new bride Sophie, a fifth-generation champenoise, is determined to ensure the forthcoming vintages will be testament to their love and the power of the people of Épernay, especially its strong women. But as the years drag on, authorities advise that Jerome is missing, considered dead. When poison gas is first used in Belgium by the Germans, British chemist Charles Nash jumps to enlist. By Sabra on 23-12-2020 Our Last Goodbye Narrated by: Joan Walker A heart-wrenching, poignant and totally unforgettable tale of a young woman who must finally face up to the secret she has hidden for a lifetime. 1943, England: On a foggy night during the blackout, 25-year-old May Robinson watches in horror as her mother, Ivy, is tragically killed. Heartbroken, May is not sure she has the strength to harbour the secret she has kept for so many years - a secret that her mother devoted her life to hiding and that would tear their broken family even further apart. By Sandy on 03-07-2020 Hattie finds herself relegated to the factory floor on her return from the war. Her workmates are unforgiving at Hattie's attempt to raise herself up, and she is soon ostracised. After journeying to Australia to marry her husband, Clara is betrayed and returns penniless, homeless and trying to raise a child alone. Lou's daughter and parents are killed by a bomb blast. By day she works at the factory; by night she roams the bomb sites, half mad with grief. These women forge a bond that will ultimately allow them to find hope. ©2017 Mary Gibson (P)2018 W.F. Howes Ltd "This wonderfully descriptive book is a must-read." ( OK Magazine) Hallam Square What listeners say about Hattie's Home No Reviews are Available Mouse2560 Hattie's Home Excellent read, got to be my favourite of Mary Gibson books so far Loved each the every character and storyline had me captured from start to finish It was wonderfully narrated by Anne Dover Who always manages to bring each character to life. Would loved to hear more about Hattie and her friends Reikimaster 123 I felt that I was in the story myself. I loved all the characters except the Harpers, especially Lennie. Ronnie stole my heart. I wanted to get to the end to find out what happens but hated it when I did! I would highly recommend this book. A great book I found it difficult to get into this book, but I loved it by the end june Regan AnnDover is an amazing narrator, a lovely story,and I really enjoyed it from start to finish. A. Richards When Hattie returns home to a bombed out London it is a shock and even worse she is attacked by some down and out children. with no decent homes she decides to set up home in some old army shacks and soon gets some other less fortunate people to squat in the shelters, there is a lot to this story and this book should not be over looked. it is full of twists and turns, Great book! Wonderful story. Very gripping throughout. The characters were expertly brought to life by the narrator and I was transported to the harsh life for many folk during the post war years. I highly recommend this book. Hattie Home Good storyline tense in parts but all comes good in the end. Love a follow up Purple Kama Another great book by Mary Gibson I have listened to all of Mary Gibsons books now, this was the last one left for me to listen to. I ploughed through all of them. I love how there are familiar themes and characters in all the books. I enjoyed all the social history in her books. Karen Dearnaley Another good story from Mary Gibson I enjoyed this book and the narrator but I don't think I'll listen to any more by this author - this is my second and they do seem to be very similar. It was a bit too long and I was getting a bit bored by the end. helenelakin This story is one of the best I have listened to in a long time made me smile even made me cry a lovely lovely book
Our region lacks diversity in our elected officials, especially by gender and race/ethnicity. While women make up nearly 50% of the region's population and people of color make up 12% of Nebraska's population, their representation in state and local government is roughly half of that. In the three largest cities in the Metro (Omaha, Council Bluffs, and Bellevue), the percentage of City Council members (plus the Mayor) that includes people of color does not match the population. The same is true for representation from these respective counties in the state legislatures (except for Douglas County). And many of these governing groups don't have a single person of color. Women account for approximately 50% of the population in the Metro area, yet their representation in state and local government is significantly lower. In both city and state government, women are under-represented in all three of the major cities, as well as the legislative representatives from Douglas, Sarpy & Pottawattamie Counties. Elected officials are increasingly serving communities with diverse needs and to effectively serve their constituents, reflecting their population is important. Government was built on the idea of representing the people it serves. The United States' population is expected to be a majority people of color by 2040, and our government and public representatives should reflect that change in order to most effectively serve its constituents. Just as having a diverse workforce is important and can lead to better results for a company, a diverse representation within government will lead to better public policies that include the voices of all people within a community. It can bring new perspectives, skills, and ideas to the table and ultimately create a more efficient, inclusive, and innovative elective leadership. The lack of diversity in our local and state offices, mirrors a lack of diversity on the national government level. Just as we see within our own local and state leadership, public leadership on a federal level does not mirror the population it represents. In the U.S. Congress, about 20% of Representatives are people of color, and 20% are female. Yet Congress represents a U.S. population made up of 38% people of color and 49% women. And according to the Diversity Gap study, just 10 percent of state governors in 2013 were either women or people of color. A recent report from PEW has shown increasing racial and ethnic diversity in Congress— U.S. Representatives of color have steadily grown from 63 Representatives in 2001, to 106 Representatives in 2017— when looking just at Members of Congress elected in 2016, 34% were people of color, compared to only 15% of new members elected in the 2014 elections.
Lamjabat is een bestuurslaag in het regentschap Banda Aceh van de provincie Atjeh, Indonesië. Lamjabat telt 635 inwoners (volkstelling 2010). Plaats in Atjeh
Corregidor is een Filipijns eiland in de baai van Manilla. Vanwege de vele fortificaties en het rotsachtige landschap wordt het eiland ook The Rock (de rots) genoemd. Geschiedenis In 1570 kwam het eiland in Spaanse handen. Miguel López de Legazpi en zijn troepen arriveerden dat jaar in de baai van Manilla. Legazpi had toestemming van de Spaanse troon om van Manilla de hoofdstad van de Filipijnen te maken. Corregidor werd gebruikt als uitvalsbasis voor de vloot van Legazpi. Onder het Spaanse bewind werd het eiland gebruikt ter bescherming van de baai, als gevangenis en door de douane. In 1885 werd het eiland opgenomen in de Spaanse defensieplannen van generaal Cerero, maar dit werd niet gevolgd door werkzaamheden. Pas jaren later, toen de Spaans-Amerikaanse Oorlog was uitgebroken, werden oude scheepskanonnen met een groot kaliber op het eiland geplaatst. In de nacht van 30 april op 1 mei in 1898 voer een vloot van Amerikaanse oorlogsschepen onder leiding van commodore George Dewey ten zuiden van het eiland de baai in. De vloot negeerde het eiland en voer naar Cavite waar de vloot van admiraal Montojo werd vernietigd. De slag in de Baai van Manilla duurde enkele dagen en op 4 mei werd na een korte strijd het eiland ingenomen en kwam een einde aan ruim drie eeuwen Spaanse aanwezigheid op Corregidor. Na de Spaans-Amerikaanse Oorlog deed een Amerikaanse adviescommissie, onder leiding van William Howard Taft, de aanbeveling de havens in Amerika en overzeese gebiedsdelen, waaronder de Filipijnen, beter te beschermen door de bouw van forten bewapend met zwaar kaliber geschut. Corregidor (Fort Mills) werd opgenomen in de beschermingslinie voor de havens van Manilla en Subicbaai. Verder werden er forten gebouwd op de eilanden El Fraile (Fort Drum), Caballo (Fort Hughes) en Carabao (Fort Frank) allemaal gelegen in de toegang tot de baai van Manilla. Corregidor speelde een belangrijke rol bij de verdediging tegen de Japanners tijdens het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Tijdens de Slag om de Filipijnen gebruikte generaal Douglas MacArthur het eiland tot 11 maart 1942 als locatie van het geallieerde hoofdkwartier vanwege de strategische ligging en het rotsachtige landschap. Op 6 mei van dat jaar waren de Amerikaanse en Filipijnse troepen gedwongen zich over te geven aan de Japanners na de Slag om Corregidor. Tegenwoordig is het eiland een historisch monument en een veelbezochte toeristische bezienswaardigheid. Vele reisbureaus bieden tripjes aan naar de militaire installaties uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog die nog steeds aanwezig zijn op Corregidor. Geografie Topografie Het eiland ligt ongeveer 48 kilometer ten westen van Manilla op een strategische locatie aan de ingang van de Baai van Manilla. Het ligt op ongeveer 4 kilometer ten zuiden van Bataan. Het eiland heeft de vorm van een kikkervisje, met de staart naar het oosten toe, en een oppervlakte van 9 km². Het eiland is ongeveer 6 kilometer lang en maximaal 2 kilometer breed. Het hoogste punt ligt 180 meter boven de zeespiegel. Het eiland wordt verdeeld in vier regio's. Van west naar oost gezien ligt in het uiterste westen Topside. Dit is het grootste en hoogste deel van het eiland. Ten oosten hiervan ligt Middleside gevolgd door Bottomside. Bottemside is het laagste deel van het eiland en verbindt de kop van het eiland met de staart. Hier liggen aan de noord- en zuidkust stranden en er zijn bescheiden pieren aangelegd voor de kleine scheepvaart. Het meest oostelijke deel van het eiland staat bekend als Tailside. Hier ligt nog een klein vliegveld met een korte baan. Op ongeveer twee kilometer ten zuiden van het eiland ligt het kleinere eiland Caballo. Bestuurlijke indeling Het eiland hoort bestuurlijk gezien tot de Filipijnse provincie Cavite en valt onder direct bestuur van de stad Cavite City. Bezienswaardigheden Het eiland trekt nog veel bezoekers en veteranen. Reisbureau's bieden dagreizen aan om de overgebleven militaire installaties en gebouwen te bezoeken en ook de vele gedenktekens. Het Pacific War Memorial staat op het hoogste deel van het eiland op Topside. De Amerikaanse regering liet het in 1968 bouwen om de omgekomen Filipijnse en Amerikaanse militairen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog te herdenken. De Malinta Tunnel was het laatste bolwerk van de Amerikaanse troepen in 1942. Het Japanse leger lag voor de ingang ten oosten van de tunnel en beschoot de ingang. De tunnel verbond Bottomside met Topside en werd gebruikt als militair hospitaal, voor de opslag van materiaal en als bomvrije ruimte voor de manschappen. Het Filipino Heroes Memorial staat op Tailside. In dit gebouw worden in 15 grote tekeningen de heroïsche daden van de Filipijnse leger vanaf de 15e eeuw weergegeven. Het complex werd op 28 augustus 1992 geopend door de Filipijnse president Fidel Ramos. In de Japanese Garden of Peace worden de Japanse militairen herdacht die op het eiland tijdens de oorlog zijn opgekomen. Filipijns eiland
NEW YORK, USA – 12-11-2018 (PRDistribution.com) — Telebyte, Inc., the leader in Gfast physical layer test solutions, today announced the release of the world's first commercially available local loop simulators designed for Gfast production testing. Telebyte's Model 800-8-212-TP100 series of products all feature 8 independent 25m fixed length channels and utilize a passive design with a very low noise floor (of less than -160 dBm/Hz) for realistic, repeatable test results. Versatile connection options allow extension of line lengths by jumpering from channel-to-channel and/or unit-to-unit while a modular design facilitates dense configurations. Based upon TP100 wire, these models simulate attenuation, impedance, group delay and DC resistance. Provides support for testing Gfast Profile 106, Profile 212 and bonding as well as devices utilizing Reverse Power Feeding. Headquartered in New York State, USA, Telebyte solutions are used for a variety of physical layer testing applications such as rate/reach, qualification, R&D, interoperability, vendor trials and more. For the original news story, please visit https://prdistribution.com/news/telebyte-releases-worlds-first-gfast-multi-channel-simulators-for-production-testing.html.
Brain & Behavior Free Thought CDCPantsOnFire The central conspiracy theory of the antivaccine movement oracknows | August 24, 2014 Occasionally, there are issues that come to my attention that need more than just one blog post to cover. One such issue popped up last week, and it's one that's kept you all very engaged, with the comment count on the original post rapidly approaching 200. I'm referring, of course, to the alleged CDC "whistleblower" who's supposedly blown the lid on a "coverup" based on Brian Hooker's incompetent "reanalysis" of a ten year old study (Destefano et al) that failed to find a link between age at MMR vaccination and the risk of developing autism. More specifically, given that Destefano et al… Brian Hooker proves Andrew Wakefield wrong about vaccines and autism Education oracknows | August 22, 2014 Here we go again. If there's anything that ignites the fevered brains (such as they are) of antivaccine activists, it's a good seeming conspiracy. Indeed, as we've seen before, if they can't find a legitimate one, they'll either exaggerate one or make one up out of whole cloth. This week, an "alleged" conspiracy has been brewing. It's really the damnedest thing in that it's hard to figure out exactly what's going on. Whatever is going on, though, I would recommend extreme skepticism because two people are involved whose word you would be very foolish to trust on any scientific matter… ScienceBlogs is where scientists communicate directly with the public. We are part of Science 2.0, a science education nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please make a tax-deductible donation if you value independent science communication, collaboration, participation, and open access. You can also shop using Amazon Smile and though you pay nothing more we get a tiny something. Science Codex Sungudogo is on Smashwords Sungudogo, the highly entertaining and exciting adventure novella set in the Central African rain forest, which provides the Skeptics Movement with its own Origin Myth, has been available on the Kindle for a while now, but it is now also available on Smashwords, HERE. ... Sungudogo is a little known zoological mystery, an "undiscovered" primate living in the remote and rugged region of the… "Let me introduce you to my little friend": 2014, warmest year Andrew Revkin has this commentary at the New York Times: How 'Warmest Ever' Headlines and Debates Can Obscure What Matters About Climate Change. I will argue below that Revkin has, inadvertently or not, linked a science denialist trope to the important scientific finding that 2014 is the warmest year on record, as part of his presumably well intentioned effort to focus on trends rather than… Comments of the Week #55: From planet formation to black holes "The simple fact of existence, of being aware that you are aware; this to me is the most astounding fact." -William Hurt There was so much that happened this past week on Starts With A Bang, from eruptions to bad science reporting to black holes and more, that we couldn't help but share so much with you! Just in the last seven days, we've taken on the following: Why are all the planets in the… © 2006-2020 Science 2.0. All rights reserved. Privacy statement. ScienceBlogs is a registered trademark of Science 2.0, a science media nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Get to Know the In's and Out's of Summer Set Music Festival with Founder Jack Trash [INTERVIEW] We already have FOMO and Summer Set isn't until August... Kierstin Rounsefell Chris Lotten *Sponsored Content Summer Set Music & Camping Festival is back this summer for it's sixth year! From August 11th to 13th, Somerset, Wisconsin will become an enchanting haven for all festival lovers to come together at. On both Friday and Saturday, the festival runs from 2:30pm to midnight, with afterparties held on site until 2:30am. On Sunday, the festival takes place until 10:15pm. This three day festival of course includes a setting on multiple beautiful stages as well as camping for attendees, so that the party never has to end. This year holds another incredible lineup, bringing acts like Zeds Dead, Zedd, GRiZ, RL Grime, Datsik, Seven Lions, Run The Jewels, Audien, Big Wild, and more. If you couldn't already tell from the full lineup above, Summer Set never fails to provide a diverse roster that is sure to please anyone. Heavy dubstep, chill trance, indie, and even hip-hop acts like Post Malone will all make an appearance. Jack Trash (who goes by JT), one of the partner producers of Summer Set Music & Camping Festival, had a lot to say about this amazing festival. We got the chance to ask him some things about the festival, including what his favorite moments are, how he works with his partners to bring different acts to the festival, how it started, and more. JT started by talking about his favorite moments of the festival. Every year, the one consistent piece he always looks forward to is when all of the afterparties are wrapping up and people are heading back to their campsites. "I love rolling through the campground at 2 or 3 in the morning. It's just so much family and community. Everyone's just hanging out in their tents and, you know, having drinks and they're grilling stuff up or they're having snacks and just talking about what their day was like…" As far as planning goes, JT works with various partners to plan the festival such as React, Majestic, and SIMshows, making the year-round experience that much easier. During the weekend of the festival, all of the partners discuss the positive and negatives of the festival, what they want to change and accentuate next year, etc. After the festival, the partners take a few weeks to breathe, and then go right back into planning. Since this is Summer Set's sixth year, the festival has adapted to more or less run itself. The different partners and people that work on the festival "own" what they work on so that the producers can focus on the overall vision that they want to accomplish in August. When curating the lineup, the partners have to work together starting almost right after the festival gates close. EDM Maniac "The big top tier acts that we want to...close the Main Stage and the Grove are acts that are in demand and are playing with their schedule a year in advance, so we're constantly looking at those acts and trying to start putting the pieces together." Even though Summer Set is primarily EDM, they also have a lot of diversity of sounds, making the festival engaging and fun for each and every attendee. While putting together the lineup and incorporating the different stages, JT and his partners try to balance out the stages while having some EDM artists, hip-hop artists, etc. However, the Big Top is a DJ area that you can always rely on for heavy bass all throughout the festival. When JT was initially figuring out where Summer Set would take place, he loved the idea of holding a festival somewhere between Chicago and Minneapolis. When looking at different venues, him and his partners stumbled upon the Somerset Amphitheater in the Twin Cities area. After applying to hold the festival at the amphitheater, year one was off to a start. One thing that people don't know about JT? "I'm a school teacher by day. I teach sixth grade. I've been a school teacher for sixteen years now and people always ask me...how do you manage that? The short answer is I love music and I love kids, and I am so incredibly blessed and fortunate to be able to be involved in things so that I can maintain my lifestyle and build my dreams and take care of my kid, my family, through things I love. My life is insanely busy and that can be very challenging." JT has to manage a lot every day including spending time with his family, teaching during the day, and taking care of emails and conference calls whenever he has a chance. Inevitably, almost every day that he has is full, but JT doesn't mind one bit. Of course, all of his work pays off, both with teaching and Summer Set. When a student in one of his classes finally understands the material and he sees it "click", or when he is watching the huge production for the headliner that year at Summer Set, Jack Trash knows that this busy life is just where he wants to be. "I'm so lucky that I have these jobs where, yes they are incredibly physically and mentally demanding, but they are so incredibly rewarding." After hearing from Jack Trash, Summer Set Music & Camping Festival just got even more exciting. The 2017 edition of the festival doesn't only bring a diverse, extremely talented lineup to the table, but it also provides a space for music lovers of all genres to come together for an unforgettable weekend. Once going behind the scenes of the festival as well, we have a newfound level of respect and appreciation for the festival as a whole. JT and his entire team are tirelessly working year-round to bring new, exciting elements to each year of the festival so that you can have the festival experience of a lifetime. Whether you're going for your first time this year or returning to the fields of Somerset yet again, get even more hype with the official 2016 after movie below. Tickets and more information can be found here! Be sure to check out our full interview with Jack Trash! Summer SetJack Trash Go Behind the Scenes of Escapade Music Festival with Founder Ali Shafaee [INTERVIEW] See what goes on behind the scenes of Escapade 2017 and what's in store for the future of Canadian electronic music festivals. We Sat Down with Riot Ten at Global Dance Festival [Interview] Chris filled us in on how he got his start in music, his upcoming Hype or Die Tour, Fortnite, and more! Founder of Beloved Festival Opens Up [Interview] The founder of Beloved Festival discusses the success and challenges of operating and running a festival. What Does It Take to Be a General Manager and Booker for a Music Festival? We Spoke With Ostend Beach's Jan Mortelmans. Experience and drive are key to working in the industry. Armin van Buuren Releases His High Energy Tomorrowland 2017 Set [LISTEN] We can't count the times we've listened to this! Get to know Swedish Female Pop-DJ duo Rebecca & Fiona [INTERVIEW] We spoke with Swedish Grammy winners Rebecca & Fiona after the recent release of their "Art of Being A Girl" Album. Get to Know the Don of the Future in This Exclusive Video Interview [WATCH] Don Diablo talks about his new album Future and confirms an urban myth about his live sets. Get to Know Rising Star Dante Klein with an Exclusive Interview Look out for this guy!
Hydraulic and benefit study for a new 10 km tailrace tunnel that is to increase the plant output from 585 MW to 770 MW. Probabilistic analysis of the lake Manapouri operating strategies during a 3 week shutdown required to connect a new tailrace tunnel. Participated in safety review of an existing 65 m high asphalt-faced rockfill dam in Tasmania. Multipurpose reservoir simulation of 35 MW Coleridge hydropower plant with irrigation and other mandatory releases, as part of renewal of the resource consents of the project. Reservoir operation simulation for a cascade of 3 major hydropower stations on Waitaki River with 865 MW total installed capacity. Hydraulic expertise and problem solving for a 1 MW hydropower project in PNG that developed air flow problems due to a very long siphon penstock. Due diligence study of a chain of 3 high head power stations (130 MW) constructed between 1920's and 1940's, as part of their privatization process. Institutional Analysis and Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of the water planning processes in Queensland, in accordance with Water Act 2000 and Institutional Development and Analysis (IAD) framework. Development of a new methodology for regional impact assessment and sustainability reporting with integration of the social, ecological, biophysical and economic aspects.
Q: Move voice channel discord js I've been coding with Python for Discord but I wanted to make the switch to JS as there is more. I am having some trouble, the bot did not have a join or leave command. So I created one. I can get the join working but the bot cant leave. const util = require("../util"); var arr = [] module.exports = { name: "join", aliases: ["j"], exec: async (msg, args) => { const { music } = msg.guild; if (!msg.member.voice.channel) return msg.channel.send(`:x: You need to be in a voice channel to run this command!`); if (msg.guild.me.voice.channel && !msg.guild.me.voice.channel.equals(msg.member.voice.channel)) return msg.channel.send(`:thumbsup: **I've left** ${msg.guild.me.voice.channel} **and joining** ${msg.member.voice.channel}!`); await music.join(msg.member.voice.channel); const missingPerms = util.missingPerms(msg.guild.me.permissionsIn(msg.member.voice.channel), ["CONNECT", "SPEAK"]); if ((!music.player || !music.player.playing) && missingPerms.length) return msg.channel.send(`Hmm :thinking: I am unable to join you're voice chat! I am missing the permission: ${missingPerms.map(x => `\`${x}\``).join(", ")}. Do I have access to this voice chat?`); else { await music.join(msg.member.voice.channel); } } } How would I get the bot to move and leave? A: Discord.js v12 Hmm I see your problem is really simple and you could've find it in the Official Documentation. Instead of trying to switch channels you can just quit the current one and join a new one using <ThisChannel>.leave() and then <NewChannel>.join() PS : Your code is kinda messy so if you want it to be more readable you can use msg.member.voice.channel for the member's channel and msg.guild.me.voice.channel for the channel you're in, and it will be null if the target isn't there, to join the member's voice channel it's msg.member.voice.channel.join() without putting anything in the () To be more precise, your new code would look something like const { music } = msg.guild; if (!msg.member.voice.channel) return msg.channel.send(`:x: You need to be in a voice channel to run this command!`); if (msg.guild.me.voice.channel && !msg.guild.me.voice.channel.equals(msg.member.voice.channel)) return msg.channel.send(`:thumbsup: **I've left** ${msg.guild.me.voice.channel} **and joining** ${msg.member.voice.channel}!`); await msg.guild.me.voice.channel.leave() await msg.member.voice.channel.join() const missingPerms = util.missingPerms(msg.guild.me.permissionsIn(msg.member.voice.channel), ["CONNECT", "SPEAK"]); if ((!music.player || !music.player.playing) && missingPerms.length) return msg.channel.send(`Hmm :thinking: I am unable to join you're voice chat! I am missing the permission: ${missingPerms.map(x => `\`${x}\``).join(", ")}. Do I have access to this voice chat?`); else await music.join(msg.member.voice.channel);
Q: react-select: how to keep dropdown open when styling in inspector? I'm using react-select and I'm customizing it,I didn't found an option to do this. Is there some workaround I can use to keep dropdown open when I'm styling it? A: Beforehand I exec window.onkeydown = () => {debugger} in js console and after expanding the dropdown I click any key It's important to keep developer tools open A: If you're using V2 there's a menuIsOpen prop you can use to keep the menu open at all times. If you're using Chrome and you have the React Developer Tools plugin, you can inspect your component in the React tab of the console and manually toggle this property right from your browser. For V1, you can toggle the isOpen state to achieve the same behavior. A: That's work for me: menuIsOpen={true} A: Maybe this could help: <Select ref={el => (this.selectRef =el)} onBlur={() => { setTimeout( () => this.selectRef.setState({ menuIsOpen: true, }), 50 ); }} /> A: By using the Chrome React extension, you can force the "isOpen" (v3: "menuIsOpen") state value to true on the Select component. more info here: https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/issues/927#issuecomment-313022873 A: You can use the menuIsOpen props. It was on the react-select documentation and it works! Docs: https://react-select.com/props Screenshot: A: In chrome, got to Elements > Event Listeners > open "blur" > with the mouse go to the right of where it is written "document", then you can see a button "Remove" > click on it A: Simple hack goes this way Run this command on your console open the menu and then wait for 5 seconds and the debugger will automatically be applied and screen will be freezed. setTimeout(() => {debugger;}, 5000) A: If you are using Google Chrome to debug. You can hover over the select drop down and press Ctrl+Shift+C simultaneously and it should be automatically selected in the debug window A: in select component send this as props menuIsOpen={true} A: Open dropdown and then right click on dropdown... it will drown a pop over and on inspector.. now you can work upon your dropdown.
DR CRIPPEN THERE ARE SOME MALEFACTORS down the years whose names only make us shudder because we know the deeds with which they have become associated. In themselves, they are just ordinary names, commonplace even. West, Brady, Hindley, Sutcliffe, Shipman, Haigh – take a look in your local telephone directory, and you will find them by the dozen, all, we assume, leading blameless lives. But our man here is something of an exception – Crippen. It has a nasty little bite to it, consonants crunching into vowels. Say it over. It sounds sinister, doesn't it? Hawley Harvey Crippen was never a doctor, in the accepted sense. He was at best, a purveyor of quack medicines and homepathic cures to the gullible. He may even have been a backstreet abortionist, but that has never been proved. He was born in Michigan in 1862, but emigrated to England in 1897 with his second wife Cora. Cora was a second rate music hall entertainer and Crippen, tired of her charms, took up with a young typist named Ethel Le Neve. In 1910, Cora disappeared. Crippen claimed that she had left him and returned to America. Ethel Le Neve was duly installed in her place at 39 Hilldrop Crescent, Hollway (sketch, right). A friend of Cora Crippen eventually raised the alarm, as she suspected foul play. The house was searched, and nothing was found. Crippen and Le Neve, however, were spooked, and fled to the continent, where they bought a passage on a steamer bound for Canada. The guilty couple's disappearance triggered more exhaustive searches of the house and , eventually, the remains of a woman were found under the basement floor. The discovery filled newspapers around the English speaking world. Meanwhile, on board the SS Montrose, Le Neve had cropped her hair and disguised herself as a boy, but the Captain had his doubts and sent a radio telegram to Britain. With great alacrity Chief Inspector Walter Dew, no doubt smarting that he had accepted Crippen's earlier story at face value, took an express boat to Canada, and arrived in Quebec before the SS Montrose. Crippen and his 'boy' were duly arrested, brought back to England, and were duly tried. Crippen was found guilty and was hanged at Pentonville Prison on 23rd November 1910. Le Neve? She escaped with a minor conviction and left for Canada on the morning of her lover's execution. The mundane is never far away in these dramas, however, and Le Neve returned to England, changed her name, and died in relative obscurity in 1967, in Croydon of all places. Below is a composite of Ethel Le Neve contrasting her feminine and boyish modes. Dr Crippen by Katherine Watson The Mild Murderer: The True Story of the Dr. Crippen Case by Tom Cullen DEADLY DECEIT … Between The Covers In a former life Jean Harrod was a British diplomat who served all over the world. One hopes that she gave the lie to Sir Henry Wotton's famous assertion that a diplomat was "an honest gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country." Now she has retired from that demanding role, and is free to give full reign to her vivid imagination. She has settled in Yorkshire, and in addition to writing plays, she has embarked on a series of crime thrillers featuring British career diplomat Jess Turner. The second of these is Deadly Deceit, and opens with Turner being sent to the seemingly exotic British Overseas Territory of the Turks and Caicos Islands, TCI for short. She is on a troubleshooting mission, as the Governor has been involved in a mysterious near-fatal car accident, and someone with the proverbial 'safe pair of hands' is required to step into the breach. Crime fiction has a much used trope – that of 'The Odd Couple'. Nothing to do with Neil Simon's immortal characters, of course, but think of Holmes and Watson, Wolfe and Goodwin, Dalziel and Pascoe, Morse and Lewis. They tolerate, irritate, admire and, occasionally, infuriate each other, but the device allows writers to have great fun with the law of opposites. Readers were introduced to Jess Turner's 'other half' in the first book in the series, Deadly Diplomacy. He is Queensland cop DI Tom Sangster. As you might expect, in order to be a foil for the urbane and sleek Turner, he has to be a bit of a rough diamond. Sangster is no fool, however, as his crime clear-up rate testifies. Given the fact that Turner and Sangster live worlds apart, Jean Harrod will have to continue coming up with convincing reasons for them to meet up. In this case, it is TCI's proximity to the stricken island republic of Haiti. Boatloads of Haitian migrants are arriving on TCI, and the patience and compassion of the locals has been wearing pretty thin. Sangster's homeland has its own problems with 'illegals' of course, and he has been attending a conference in Miami – a short flight from TCI – with US Immigration officials. Turner and Sangster uncover a nasty racket in people smuggling, which involves not just shady villains down at the waterfront, but some very eminent people. Although there are a couple of grisly killings, and a very convincing description of a tropical hurricane, I would class this novel as a romantic thriller. It's none the worse for that, however, and it makes a refreshing change to have central characters who are neither near-alcoholics, black-humoured nor self destructive. I have not had the pleasure of meeting the author, but I suspect that there is a little something autobiographical about Jess Turner. Deadly Deceit is out now. Buy now on Amazon. DENNIS NILSEN WRITERS OF GORY CRIME NOVELS need a fertile – if not downright disturbing – imagination, but it is difficult to think of anyone who could have invented Dennis Nilsen. Between 1978 and 1983 he murdered – and then butchered – a series of young men who had been lured into his houses, 195 Melrose Avenue and 23 Cranley Gardens. On the face of it, the two properties (below) couldn't look less sinister if they tried. Both houses are harmless suburbia writ large. They might be the subject of a gently mocking John Betjeman poem, but Houses of Horror – surely not? Think again! Nilsen (left) preyed on young men who were often lost and alone in London. He murdered them, so he claims, so that they would not leave him. To ensure their continuing post-mortem presence, he would wrap their bodies in polythene and conceal them beneath the floorboards, regularly spraying with with deodorant as the corpses putrified. When he tired of this game, he would dismember what was left of his young victims, and then try to dispose of the body parts via the toilet. Sometimes, when this was too difficult, the limbs were boiled to remove the flesh, thus making disposal more straightforward. When he had access to a garden space, at Melrose Avenue, many of the victims were eventually consumed by that most normal of activities – the garden bonfire. Nilsen's catalogue of horror closed in 1983 when an employee of Dyno Rod discovered the cause of the smell and the drain blockages near the house in Cranley Gardens. Nilsen was duly arrested, and confessed to the murders. At his trial, the only major dispute was the question of his sanity, and his fitness to stand trial. He was found guilty of six counts of murder and one of attempted murder.He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum stipulation of twenty five years. It would be a brave – or suicidal – Home Secretary who would ever agree to his release.
namespace Incoding.UnitTest.MvcContribGroup { #region << Using >> using Incoding.Extensions; using Incoding.MvcContrib; using Machine.Specifications; #endregion [Subject(typeof(JavaScriptSelector))] public class When_java_script_selector { #region Fake classes class HealthcareSystemProviderDetailsVm { #region Properties public object AdrVal1 { get; set; } #endregion } #endregion It should_be_eval = () => Selector.JS.Eval("123") .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*123||"); It should_be_call = () => Selector.JS.Call("Method", 5, "aws") .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*Method(5,'aws')||"); It should_be_call_with_selector = () => Selector.JS.Call("Method", Selector.JS.Call("FormatPhone", Selector.Result.For<HealthcareSystemProviderDetailsVm>(r => r.AdrVal1))) .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*Method(||javascript*FormatPhone(||result*AdrVal1||)||)||"); It should_be_confirm = () => Selector.JS.Confirm("My message '") .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*confirm('My message \\'')||"); It should_be_confirm_extensions = () => "My message '".ToConfirm() .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*confirm('My message \\'')||"); It should_be_inc_432 = () => Selector.JS.Call("StringAsFormatByInc", Selector.JS.Eval("resultData.Name")) .ToString() .ShouldEqual("||javascript*StringAsFormatByInc(||javascript*resultData.Name||)||"); } }
MKE Forward, Powered by Colliers By Colliers International Category: Local Colliers International | Wisconsin is proud to present MKE Forward, a podcast focused on our community. Our hope for MKE Forward is to showcase leaders in our community who are moving this city forward. This will not be a podcast about real estate. Rather, we hope to have open conversations with Milwaukeeans about what as a city we are doing right, and what more we can do to be good stewards of our community. 2261 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1384996-let-s-get-technical.mp3 On the latest episode of MKE Forward, the team welcomes Matt Cordio of Startup Milwaukee and Chris Widmayer, of Milwaukee based technology firm Penrod. Listen in to uncover the opportunity that awaits Milwaukee, from tech talent, to whether or not Milwaukee is a tech city, and how, as a community, we can continue to embrace technology and leverage it to drive our city forward. The Man Behind the Music 2149 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1305232-the-man-behind-the-music.mp3 Festival season is finally here and the MKE Forward team celebrated by sitting down with Bob Babisch, Vice President of Entertainment at Milwaukee World Festival. Learn about what it takes to put on Milwaukee's festival of festivals, what is new this year and how bringing people together through music has and will continue to positively impact our city. Milwaukee's Soaring Downtown 1893 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1243031-milwaukee-s-soaring-downtown.mp3 Beth Weirick, champion and queen of downtown Milwaukee joins the team to discuss the momentum of downtown. Listen in to hear how downtown is just getting started. A "Moderne" Take on Milwaukee 2025 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1113404-a-moderne-take-on-milwaukee.mp3 Rick Barrett of Barrett Lo Development and Matt Rinka of Rinka Architecture join the team to discuss their past successes and the role they have had in shaping the current and future skyline. Find out how their pasts have informed why both returned to Milwaukee and learn about the status of their current joint undertaking, the Couture. Bucking the Milwaukee Mindset: How we got the DNC 1901 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1113416-bucking-the-milwaukee-mindset-how-we-got-the-dnc.mp3 The team snags Alex Lasry to discuss how he became a champion for the city and the journey to get the DNC in Milwaukee. Listen in as the team discusses how Milwaukee can embrace 2020 and avoid being caught on its heels. Doing it all: Ultra-marathoner, CEO, addressing the education gap and seeking to redefine the political landscape 1696 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1113419-doing-it-all-ultra-marathoner-ceo-addressing-the-education-gap-and-seeking-to-redefine-the-political-landscape.mp3 From All American swimmer to the White House and becoming the CEO of Husco International, Austin Ramirez has accomplished a lot, yet, he still finds time to give back to his community. In our latest episode, find out what drives Austin and how he works to turn his vision into reality. Commercial Real Estate: Where are all the Women? 1750 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1113425-commercial-real-estate-where-are-all-the-women.mp3 In 2019, commercial real estate remains an industry that lacks diversity and remains dominated by men. Join Tammy Babisch, an industry veteran, and Maggie Blair, a young leader, as they hijack this episode to have an all-female conversation with Denise Thomas and Shar Borg. Thirty minutes is not nearly enough time, but join us as we discuss the importance of attracting diverse talent to the industry and how the industry and Milwaukee will be better because of it. Why MKE Forward? 654 https://www.buzzsprout.com/311309/1109633-why-mke-forward.mp3 What heights can Milwaukee reach and what trajectory is our city on? How do we shift into high gear and continue the momentum? What more can we be doing? In this intro episode, join the Colliers Team to learn how throughout this podcast, we will seek to answer these questions. Steve Palec, Scott Welsh, and Lyle Landowski are industry veterans who have seen the impact real estate has had on this community and how one person can move the needle. Learn about what types of guests will join us as we delve into not only our community's triumphs but also the issues that face our community. Steve, Scott and Lyle share their experiences and shed light on what we seek to accomplish through MKE Forward.
What skills could my child learn? Click here for a list of the current groups being offered. We offer several sessions throughout the school year. Each session runs for 6 weeks. New groups start on January 29, 2019. How do I register my child and what costs are involved? Clients who are new to the Pastoral Institute should call to schedule an initial evaluation appointment. If your child is currently, or was recently a client of the Pastoral Institute, you or your child's counselor can refer them for group sessions. All or part of the charges for these services may be covered by your insurance, EAP benefits through your employer or CCP benefits through your Church. Applicable insurance deductibles and co-pays are due at time of service. Group Therapy Fees: $60 per week. Most insurance plans will reimburse a percentage of these fees. We can help file for insurance reimbursement. Insurance deductibles and co-pays that apply are due when you check-in each week for the group session. Materials Fee: $70 - due when you register your child for a group. This fee covers printed materials, snacks, and rewards for the children. This non-refundable fee is not covered by your insurance or EAP/CCP benefits. Broken Appointment Policy: The materials fee includes one missed appointment fee of $30, which will be refunded if no sessions are missed (whether canceled or no-showed by the client). Additional group sessions missed are charged a $30 missed appointment fee. CURRENT REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 25 - Space is limited so call now to reserve your spot! Please contact the Children's Center at 706-649-6507, ext. 1361 or email Christi Schiffman at cschiffman@pilink.org if you have any questions or would like to register for one of the groups.
investors, offering non-EU citizens, and their families, the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful quality of life, great weather and safety that Portugal has to offer, as well as the advantage of being part of the European Union with the freedom to travel within the Schengen Area without being obligated to reside permanently in Portugal. The Golden Visa - what is it? The Golden Visa programme is a fast track for foreign investors from non-EU countries to obtain a fully valid residency permit in Portugal. Aimed at attracting foreign investment to Portugal, the Golden Visa is a very straightforward and flexible programme, with simple and clear legal requirements and extremely reduced minimum stay requirements. 1. Straightforward and flexible investment requirements with minimum documentation needed for application. 3. Freedom to travel in the Schengen Area. Golden Visa holders need not apply for a visa to travel within Europe. 4. Ability to apply for a family reunification visa to enable family members to also be granted a Portuguese residence permit – this carries no requirement to make further investment and will allow families to live, study, travel and work freely in the entire European Union. 5. Eligibility to apply for permanent residency after 5 years and Portuguese nationality after 6 years. 6. Access to all Portuguese public services including (but not limited to) health and education. investment activity is maintained and the minimum stay periods in Portugal are met. We will help you to select the property, negotiate it, agree the purchase contract and represent you in deed and registry. We will represent you at the Portuguese authorities throughout the residency application, family reunification application and renewal processes. Accounting; Interpreter and translation services; Hotel reservations, Airport pick-up etc.
Your chance to design skate park Posted: 8am 18 Sep 2020 Skaters across the Moreton Bay Region can help design the next generation of skateparks to be built in Deception Bay and North Lakes. Mayor Peter Flannery says it is part of Moreton Bay Regional Council's goal to plan today for the skateparks of tomorrow. "Skating, scootering, BMX riding and roller blading have seen a huge surge in popularity in recent years, so much so that they've become a key part of Council's future planning," Mayor Flannery says. "As a father of young kids I want to know that they'll be growing up with parks, playgrounds, and amenities that reflect modern standard - not just dated swings and slides. Design to impress "That's why we're inviting public feedback to guide our skatepark designs to upgrade Deception Bay and North Lakes. "You can even submit drawings, sketches, and photos of what you want to see. "Each region of Moreton Bay is unique and we want that to be reflected in our planning, so that no two skate parks are identical and they each have their own distinct features. "The feedback we receive as part of this process will help inform the concept design phase, which will then be subject to future community consultation." Click on the following links to complete the council survey forms: Deception Bay Skate Park survey form North Lakes Skate Park survey form There's more news here Juniors meet idols at Broncos' clinics The next generation of rugby league stars had the chance to meet and be coached by some of their idols during Broncos Junior Rugby League Coaching Clinics in the Moreton Bay Region this week.… Turn spotlight on Dolphin Stadium Stage three of Dolphin Stadium is pretty much finished, but there's one more element needed to push it onto the prime-time international stage.… Nurturing young talent key to Dolphins' NRL success Player pathways specialist Kurt Richards is heading up a team at the Dolphins working with junior clubs to identify and nurture emerging rugby league players. Four local boys have already been selected for the new academy program, with more to come.… Local News • 6-1-2022 • Nick Crockford Tee-time for Cameron Smith Classic The rescheduled Cameron Smith Junior Classic (CSJC) will tee-off tomorrow at Wantima Country Club, in Brendale with entrants from across the Moreton Bay Region and Queensland.… Local News • 16-12-2021 • Moreton Daily Dolphins team up with XXXX Queensland's newest professional sporting franchise has teamed up with one of the oldest and most iconic brands in the state.… Local News • 16-12-2021 • Kylie Knight Dolphins sign young guns The Dolphins have secured three young talents for their roster ahead of their entry into the 2023 NRL competition. Coach Wayne Bennett is building a club for the future.… Warriors' warm welcome to country Traditional custodians representing the Jinibara, Kabi Kabi and Turrbal people have warmly welcomed the New Zealand Warriors to their land at Moreton Daily Stadium.…
Ecco gli splendidi cuccioli della nostra Bashira e di Kazar Ulvar presso Adelrose Borzoi in Norvegia! Yesterday evening both Cinnamon "Zandor" (on his third birthday!) and Kirgei finished their solo-races for trac race licens, at "our" club in Borås :-).
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Training and Technical Assistance Network Updates Introducing the TTACC (Training and Technical Assistance Coordination Center) Team The Children's Bureau T&TA Network has worked to provide a seamless array of services to States, Tribes, Territories, Tribal organizations, Tribal consortia, and grantees to promote continuous improvement in the delivery of child welfare services. The mission of the Training and Technical Assistance Coordination Center (TTACC), operating under the guidance and direction of the Children's Bureau, is to coordinate the delivery of intensive, individualized, onsite T&TA services provided to States, Tribes, territories, and courts through the T&TA Network. This will allow for improved assessment and coordination of T&TA after Federal reviews and recommendations. One of the primary roles is to assist Children's Bureau staff as they monitor the delivery of onsite T&TA. The Coordination Center engages both the customers (States, Tribes, territories, and courts) and members (Regional Offices, Children Bureau Central Office, National Resource Centers, and Implementation Centers) of the T&TA Network. It is housed at JBS International in North Bethesda, MD. TTACC carries out its coordination work principally through its four T&TA Coordination Specialists: Sonja Heard, Deb Martinez, Ann Carver, and Tamisha Peanort. Under the guidance of Project Director Melody Roe and Federal Project Officer Roshanda Shoulders, the Coordination Specialists have forged relationships with key players throughout the Network to carry out the coordination that's at the heart of the Children's Bureau's goals. For a map of TTACC coordination coverage, visit the TTACC Information Portal: www.ttaccportal.org According to Ms. Roe, "I joined TTACC in August of 2010 because I believe that a coordinated, integrated approach to the delivery of TA services will result in better long-term outcomes for the States, Tribes, territories, and courts we serve. It's exciting and challenging to be a part of shaping the T&TA Network's future direction, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue working with the Regional Offices, our T&TA Network partners, and our Federal partners to improve the delivery of TA services." Even as TTACC moves from establishing itself as a new player within the Network to becoming essential in carrying out the Children's Bureau's vision of a nationwide TA Network that works collaboratively to provide a seamless array of services that promote continuous improvement in child welfare, early success stories of coordination efforts have come in, including several States with particularly complex T&TA coordination challenges. Please feel free to direct any questions you may have about the project to ttacc@jbsinternational.com. Contributed by John Cashman of TTACC
Piazza Venezia is a major circus and the central hub of Rome, Italy, in which many thoroughfares intersect, like Via dei Fori Imperiali and Via del Corso. It takes its name from Venice ("Venezia" in Italian), after the Venetian Cardinal, Pietro Barbo (later Pope Paul II) who had built Palazzo Venezia, a palace set next to the nearby church of Saint Mark, the patron saint of Venice. Palazzo Venezia was the former embassy of the city of the Republic of Venice to Rome. The piazza or square is at the foot of the Capitoline Hill and next to Trajan's Forum. The main artery, the Viale di Fori Imperiali starts there, leading past the Roman Forum and to the Colosseum. It is dominated by the imposing Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, first king of Italy. In 2009, during excavations for the Rome C Metro Line, ancient remains of what has been identified as emperor Hadrian's Athenaeum were unearthed in the middle of the square.[1]
Album Pick Standup Comedy Political Comedy Comedy George Washington University, Washington D.C The Off-White Album AllMusic Review by Bret Adams The title of this album alone -- a parody of the Beatles' White Album -- formally christened "The Beatles" -- is a strong indicator of the sarcastic wit within. Dennis Miller was in the middle of his six-year run on Saturday Night Live as the Weekend Update anchorman when he recorded The Off-White Album at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Some unkind critics have called Miller a pretentious show-off with a large vocabulary. Fans, however, love his blend of pop culture and intellectual references which allow him to mention, for instance, Shemp of the Three Stooges and existentialist author Franz Kafka seconds apart in the same breath. Since it would be nearly impossible to divide Miller's bits that bounce from topic to topic, there are no individual track listings on The Off-White Album. It is merely split into sides one and two. Miller, a Pittsburgh native, takes potshots at easy standup comedy targets such as Southerners, 7-11, and Kmart (the stylish home of "short-sleeved suits" and "lime-green leisure suits"). He also covers sex and religion, but he's at his best when he uses other obvious standup fodder and gives it more of a twist. For example, he suggests that Star Trek phasers should have a "melancholy" setting, not just "stun" and "kill." One of the highlights is Miller's disbelief that Pope John Paul II met with and forgave his would-be assassin instead of getting violently angry. Miller followed The Off-White Album with audio book recordings of his books The Rants and Ranting Again. [Untitled Track] Dennis Miller 46:14 Amazon
[twitter]Children are children are children. No matter their country or culture, kids are kids are kids. They're curious. They're eccentric. They believe in the impossible. Their imaginations know no limits. See how Ikea has harnessed the creativity of kids with their IKEA FAMILY Drawing Competition. The idea was simple: get kids to draw what they would like to see as a stuffed animal. Ikea would then pick a bunch and sew them up to sell in stores. It's called Kids Designing For A Good Cause and it embraces the creativity of kids and their love of empathy and charity in one deep breath. And no matter their culture or background -from the Netherlands, to the UK, to Norway, to Spain – the amazing designs from the brains of these little creatures we've created will look very familiar to you. Kids are kids are kids, no matter where they're from, and they are pure untapped genius. The deadline for the next competition is November 30. You need to go to an Ikea store to get an entry form to be submitted before the deadline. I showed the video above to Charlie and Zacharie this week and they giggled in excitement at the things the kids had created and eagerly ran to paper to scribble out ideas they would like made. to doodles on placemats at restaurants. This week he wrapped up another round of art classes at a community centre, and I'm just amazed at what happens when a kid has their natural, boundless free-association focused just a bit. Charlie learned perspective, colour, depth, and other basic art concepts. His drawings are as wacky as ever, but now they're telling a story. They're built with purpose. And they're fantastic. After being inspired by my pal, Bill Peebles, I'm going to be getting some of his doodles printed on tshirts for us for Christmas. And we're going to enter in the Ikea contest. Got wacky doodle loving kids? You should too.
DUNEDIN, Florida | Year after year, Michael Crouse remained in Dunedin. So many of his teammates shipped out to Lansing or Manchester or Las Vegas, bound for a new city, a new team, a new league, a new experience. And he just continued to work three blocks from the Gulf of Mexico. And he loved it. Crouse is the starting rightfielder for the Dunedin Blue Jays, a young player with a developing swing, an incredible presence on the base paths and a family history filled with sports. Toronto drafted him out of a British Columbia high school in the 16th round four summers ago, impressed by raw tools and sheer athleticism. He was the son of a pro football player — Ray Crouse, who played one season with the Green Bay Packers and three more in the CFL — so he played football as a kid. He played soccer, too, and ran track, then added basketball and volleyball during high school. He never specialized in a sport until that day in 2008 when he signed his name on a contract. Because of his lack of experience, the Blue Jays started his development slowly with a handful of games in the Gulf Coast League shortly after the 2008 draft. The next April, at the end of spring training, he hung around Dunedin for extended spring training, then another season in the GCL. In 2010, he spent more time in extended spring training and the GCL. Same thing in 2011. "You don't want to overdo yourself because you're there every day. So you get your work in, you're smart about it and do it the next day. You build up, you condition yourself." — Dunedin outfielder Michael Crouse "Those times during extended were great," he says. "I was allowed to get a lot of repetitions, allowed to work on my game and become a lot better." Crouse worked every day in the batting cage, with his hitting coach, out on the field for batting practice. He never counted his swings, never tried to reach any sort of benchmark for the day, but he estimates he cut somewhere between 100 and 150 good swings every day. Whenever his swing started to break down, he knew he was finished. "You don't want to overdo yourself," he says, "because you're there every day. So you get your work in, you're smart about it and do it the next day. You build up, you condition yourself." So far, at least, all the extra work has translated to improved numbers on the field and a continued climb toward Toronto. In 2008, he hit .133 in a small sample size of GCL games. In 2009, back in the GCL, he hit .218, but averaged about a run, a walk and a stolen base every other game. In 2010, his last in the GCL, his average jumped to .333 and he finally received a promotion to Lansing in the Low-A Midwest League. And he batted .216 and struck out too much. Last season, he hit .261 in Lansing, a good enough number for a player who didn't turn 21 until after the season. In 101 games, he hit 14 home runs and 26 doubles, scored 73 runs and drove in 55 more, and stole 38 bases, fifth in the league. He still struck out too much, 113 times in all, but he finally received a call to go back to Dunedin — this time to play in the Florida State League. "The more you're in the game, you start to understand what it takes in order to be successful," Crouse says 10 games into his first season in the FSL. His average still hangs in the low .200s, but he has scored seven runs already, driven in five, stolen five bases. His strikeouts are still high, one every game, but he has walked seven times, too. He is a 21-year-old work in progress. "You're not worried about High-A or Double-A," he says. "You're working on a swing that plays in the big leagues." Time for minor league trivia. Among the 11 cities in the Florida State League, Dunedin is the second-smallest in terms of population, according to the 2010 U.S. Census. What is the only FSL city with fewer people? (Keep reading for the answer.) Dunedin catcher Jack Murphy hit his second home run of the season and the bullpen managed to hang on to help the Blue Jays outlast the Daytona Cubs, 8-7, for the series sweep. Neither starting pitcher worked past the fourth inning. No worries, though. The Dunedin bullpen allowed two earned runs in five innings of work — both on a ninth-inning home run by Daytona first baseman Greg Rohan that cut the lead to one. Daytona allowed just one earned run in 5 1-3 innings of relief work. The Blue Jays have swept two of their first four series and won eight of their last nine. The Dunedin Blue Jays tend to avoid the wild promotions typical of so many other minor league teams. A big part of that is because the team is owned and operated by the Toronto Blue Jays, who want a certain level of decorum in their spring training home. Also, team officials think their crowds might not, um, appreciate something like a centennial memorial of the Titanic as much as residents and tourists in Fort Myers. Still, the team has managed to schedule some promotions that should be fun, if nothing else — like Gas Price Tickets Night, where all tickets cost as much as a gallon of gasoline, and an attempt to set the Guinness world record for most people simultaneously blowing their gum into a bubble (which is a surprisingly low number). Want the answer? Viera, home of the Brevard County Manatees, checks in at 17,398 residents combined between Viera East and Viera West. About 47 percent of that population could fit in Space Coast Stadium at the same time. Dunedin counted 35,691 residents two years ago during the U.S. Census. And in random statistical news, the game started one minute later than the scheduled time, the first pitch was a strike, the first batter flied out to right and a recording of "The Star-Spangled Banner" played on the stadium speakers in a crisp 1 minute, 12.7 seconds. (For whatever reason, we thought we would hear "O Canada," which really is a beautiful national anthem. But the Dunedin Blue Jays have nothing to do with Canada other than their Major League affiliate, which isn't enough, apparently, to play two anthems before games.) Also, we ate a couple of hot dogs, a dollar bag of popcorn and a pretzel filled with cream cheese. How have we each lost four pounds? Dunedin die-hard Jon Talley
Q: export svgs in bokeh for vbar_stack with hatch patterns I wanted to export svg and it is executing but it gives no output after waiting a long time. Can you please help me out? I wanted to have hatched vbar stack as output as svg. I have found it takes that much time for exporting svg. Links: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/8192 Now I'm a bit confused whether it won't work for vbar plot or not? from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show from bokeh.models import Title from bokeh.core.properties import value from bokeh.layouts import row from bokeh.models import Legend from bokeh.io import export_svgs output_file('stacked.html') capacity = ['CO2_Cap', 'Min_RES_Quota', 'CO2_Tax', 'FIT'] types = ['Lignite', 'Coal', 'CCGT', 'OCGT','Wind Onshore', 'Wind Offshore', 'Solar'] colors = ["#9a7b5c", "#414141", "#c7dada", "#c7dada", "#5a67ff",'#00b8f2', '#fff340'] maxload = [90.03467675, 90.03467675, 90.03467675, 90.03467675] Total_demand = [540.7686148, 540.7686148, 540.7686148, 540.7686148] data = {'capacity' : capacity, 'Lignite' : [0,22.28330605,0,25.76575924], 'Coal' : [0, 0, 0,0], 'CCGT' : [52.12309276, 0.209356135, 52.12598273, 6.416971663], 'OCGT' : [10.1753325,20.35167058,10.1729694,22.18142626], 'Wind Onshore': [90.66714923, 77.28982927, 90.6875821, 86.3713515], 'Wind Offshore': [24.26075426, 53.92876756, 24.25201174, 60.265434], 'Solar' : [90.1174063, 159.3567357, 90.0774928, 178.0811123] } s1 = figure(x_range=capacity, plot_height=450,plot_width=655) s1.vbar_stack(types, x='capacity', width=0.3, color=colors, source=data, legend=[value(x) for x in types], hatch_pattern=['dot', 'spiral', 'vertical_wave', 'right_diagonal_line', 'vertical_dash', 'left_diagonal_line', 'ring']) s1.line(x = capacity, y = maxload, color="red", line_width=3, legend_label = "max_load") s1.legend.location = "bottom_right" s1.legend.click_policy="hide" #s1.add_layout(Title(text="Total CO2 Emissions (in 10^6t) ", align="center"), "left") show(s1) from bokeh.io import export_svgs s1.output_backend = "svg" export_svgs(s1, filename="plot11111.svg") A: As of Bokeh 2.1.1 hatch patterns are not supported on the SVG backend. With those removed, your code above functions as expected.
Add the buckwheat to a medium bowl and cover with water and let sit overnight. In the morning drain the buckwheat in a fine mesh strainer or colander. Rinse the buckwheat with cold water. Transfer the buckwheat and the remaining ingredients (reserve 1 kiwi and the other half of the apple for garnish) to a blender and blend until smooth. Divide the buckwheat mix between bowls. Slice the remaining ½ apple and the second kiwi and divide between bowls. Garnish with additional toppings if desired. The soaking liquid from the buckwheat will seem goop-y, this is normal. You can use chia seeds instead of ground flaxseed if you wish but only use 1 tablespoon. Remember chia seeds will create a stretchy texture if left too long after blending. These portion sizes (I have suggested that this serves 2) might seem smaller than the usual bowl, but this bowl is made with heavier ingredients. It packs a lot of protein and good fat and will keep you full!
Designed to stack for easy storage. Feature heavy-duty 1" square steel construction and a red scratch-proof powder coat finish. The platforms are reinforced 1/2″ plywood covered in nonslip rubber surface. 300 lb. weight capacity. Built to withstand years of abuse by athletes of all sizes.
Levant/NEWS Head of Lebanese central bank receives travel ban for alleged misconduct A Lebanese court issued a travel restriction on Banque du Liban Governor Riad Salameh on Tuesday, as the once-vaunted custodian of the country's economy faces inquiries for financial misconduct at home and abroad. "He is slated for interrogation on Thursday, based on the clear evidence we have," Salameh's investigator, Judge Ghada Aoun, announced. "There is critical information that we need to check throughout the interrogation." Earlier today, the court questioned top staff in the Lebanese central bank. The prohibition took immediate effect. Salameh's travel restriction was requested earlier Tuesday by lawyers for an activist organization named "The People Demand the Reform of the Regime." Salameh is charged with a number of financial offenses, including illicit enrichment, money laundering, embezzlement, and squandering public funds, according to Haitham Ezzo, one of the group's attorneys. Salameh leased a tiny apartment on the Champs-Élysées in Paris through Lebanon's state bank, Ezzo said. "He is gaining directly from the discrepancy," Ezzo said. Salameh, formerly lauded for his financial acumen, is blamed by many in Lebanon for the country's financial collapse, which left the country's banks mostly bankrupt and wiped away the life savings of many Lebanese. Ghada Aoun Riad Salameh Lebanese cabinet to convene within days for first time since October Prof. Karim Emile Bitar: "France has had difficulties in facing the dark chapters of its history"
Julian Hoke Harris (August 22, 1906 – January 25, 1987) was an American artist. Life He was born in Carrollton, Georgia in 1906 the youngest child of Joseph and Margaret Harris. His father owned Harris Hardware on the square in Carrollton. He graduated from Georgia Tech in 1928 with a B.S. in architecture. In 1930, he enrolled at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. After the first year of study, he was granted by the Academy a full scholarship for the remaining three years. He graduated in 1934 and returned to Atlanta Georgia. He was licensed by the State of Georgia as an architect and worked briefly for architect Philip Schutze. That same year, he opened his sculpture studio and by the close of his first year was sculpting full-time. He worked as a sculptor based in Atlanta until his death in 1987. During World War II, Harris served as a Major in the United States Army during the India-Burma Theatre. At Georgia Tech, he did ten busts of famous engineers and scientists, the bronze gate of the Naval Armory, and the stained glass window in Brittain Dining Hall. He also taught architecture part-time in the College of Architecture for 34 years. He worked alongside the architectural firm of Tucker & Howell on various projects and sculpted a frieze at Georgia State Prison depicting figures embodying various trades and occupations. Other collaborations with architectural firms in Atlanta include the Morris Plan Bank (1936, razed), zoo buildings (1950s), the Department of Agriculture Building (1954), the Commerce Building (1959), and the DeKalb County Federal Savings and Loan Building (1963) in Conyers, Georgia. He was elected into the National Academy of Design in 1976 as an Associate member and became a full Academician in 1979. While a student at Georgia Tech, he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Works Georgia Tech projects Georgia State Prison frieze Cedartown [West] Theater (1941) relief sculpture Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library Two bas-relief sculptures on Old Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness building in Atlanta, GA References External links http://medallicartcollector.com/julian-harris_biography.html Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Emory University: Julian Hoke Harris papers,circa 1920-1980 1906 births 1987 deaths American architectural sculptors American male sculptors Artists from Atlanta Georgia Tech alumni Georgia Tech faculty 20th-century American sculptors 20th-century American male artists Sculptors from Georgia (U.S. state)
Check out all of the names of the Santa Teresa High School alumni that attended high school in San Jose that are listed above. Registering will allow you to join the directory. You can share memories of those activities that you were involved with at Santa Teresa HS and you can view other alumni and read what other former students have posted about the time they spent at Santa Teresa.
Albert Lapeyrère, better known as Fred Adison (September 15, 1908, Bordeaux - August 25, 1996, Nice) was a French jazz and light music vocalist, drummer, and bandleader. He studied piano and violin before switching to drums. As a teenager, he became passionate about jazz and formed a small ensemble with his friends. This troupe toured France and based itself in Paris in 1931, where it scored silent short films by Charlie Chaplin and others. Alongside the orchestras of Ray Ventura and Jacques Hélian, Adison's band (often billed as Fred Adison and His Collegians) was one of the principal French backing groups for singers and films in the 1930s. Adison also recorded copiously, and released many 78rpm commercial recordings during this time. After the onset of World War II, he toured with Django Reinhardt in September–October 1940, and continued writing music for film. He was imprisoned in a Nazi war camp in 1943. Following the war, he led a new big band. In 1952, Charles Spiessert, owner of Cirque Pinder, hired Fred Adison to conduct the circus orchestra, a position he held until 1962. He accompanied Luis Mariano and Gloria Lasso during this time and recorded several albums of circus music. Following this Adison went into semi-retirement, occasionally playing with small ensembles and dance orchestras on television. Filmography À nous deux, madame la vie (1937) Kora Terry (1940) Le Studio en folie (1946) Dinner for Two (1947) References Jacques Hélian, Les grands orchestres de music-hall en France : souvenirs et témoignages. Paris, Filipacchi, 1984, 236 p. ( & 978-2-8501-8491-8, OCLC 12536229). Chantal Brunschwig, Louis-Jean Calvet & Jean-Claude Klein, Cent ans de chanson française. Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1981 (1st ed. 1972), 447 p. ( & 978-2-0200-6000-4, OCLC 299371520). 1908 births 1996 deaths French jazz bandleaders French conductors (music) French male conductors (music) French jazz singers 20th-century French male singers French jazz drummers Male drummers Musicians from Bordeaux French male jazz musicians
Q: KiCAD: Footprints for {Axial, Horizontal, Through Hole} Resistors I have these two resistors in my schematic, that i want to find footprints for: * *Body dimensions = 2.5 x 6.8mm AND Leads dimensions = 0.6 x 28mm (like this one: https://www.acdcshop.gr/resistormetalfilmtht2k06w121625x68mm50ppmc-p-28928.html 1) *Body dimensions = 1.9 x 3.7mm AND Leads dimensions = 0.45 x 28mm (like this one: https://www.acdcshop.gr/resistormetalfilmtht100komega04wplusmn1oslash19x37mm50ppmdeg-p-15162.html) i understand that the (Body dimensions = 2.5 x 6.8mm) part is useless. The only info left is (Leads dimensions = 0.6 x 28mm). I opened the datasheet but this info is not clear to me since i can bend the leads wherever i want. Also, do i care about the diameter of the leads (0.6mm)? There is no clear P value (in KiCAD's terms) in order to select one. I opened up the footprint library and there were a ton of THT axial horizontal resistors, but each carried a different prefix like DIN0309, DIN0411 etc. What do these mean and how to select one? A: Don't over think it - it's not that hard. This one will do:- Do you see? Your 2.5 mm x 6.8 mm simply has to fit into the box in the footprint viewer. The one I've selected is 2.5 mm x 6.3 mm which is pretty close and will do as the lead pitch is 10.16 mm. So bend leads to fit. Personally, I tend to go long as my boards are pretty childish, so you could go to the next longer pitch (15.24 mm) which gives you wiggle room. DIN207 is simply an international standard for common parts so that they're easy to fit into designs. Like TO-3 transistor cases. Decide the lead pitch yourself, but of course it can't be less than the body length or you'll be having to shove it in at an angle/vertically/with hammer. Tip again. Ideally source your parts first so you have confidence of their sizes. Then design PCB and print it out like below at an exact 1:1 scale. Finally test fit by hand... A: The footprint for an axial through hole resistor is typically just two through holes and a courtyard/keep-out for the part body and leads. Because you can bend the leads however you want, you have a lot of freedom in how you design the footprint. There is no one-correct way to do it, and there may be many footprints in the library that would actually fit. The DINxxxx numbers refer to the size of resistor. Beyond that I can't really say specifically what the sizes will be. If you are unsure you can always open the footprint and measure it. Making a footprint in the Ki-CAD footprint editor is really easy. If you can't find one you want in the libraries, then just make one. The only restrictions are... * *The hole diameter is appropriately sized for the leads. Usually this is something like lead-diameter + 10 mills. In your case 0.6mm + 10 mils = 0.825mm holes. *Unless you are doing something strange like bending the leads in a U shape, the distance between the holes needs to be at least a far as the part-body length + 2x the allowed lead bend radius. The minimum bend radius is usually something like 3X the lead diameter. Given you body diameter the hole spacing would be 6.8mm + 6 * 0.6mm = 10.4mm.
Shelving shall be of the type manufactured by Serv-Ware Products. It shall carry the approval of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). Shelves shall be composed of bright basic carbon steel wire, being either chrome plated or epoxy coated in finish. Construction shall be of open wire design to offer better visibility, less weight, increased air circulation, and minimal accumulation of dust.
Sunland (Choyini: Thichana) is the continent furthest North West on the map of Shechilushoeathu. Choyini is spoken in most parts of the Southland region, and the continent is home to several countries. The Lo that live here are of the light green variant north of the savana, and of the dark green variant in the savana and the deserts. Sunland has a large variety of different countries which has varying relations with eachother. Thenuwa is one of the larger countries. It is the origin of Mechagics. The earliest records of civilization on Sunland go back to about 5000 Before Magic (BM). These civilizations were mostly located around the southern coasts and on the islands. The only found objects were pots and simple copper and stone tools. The buildings are presumed to have consisted mostly of wood, except in the desert and dry savanna regions since there have been no recorded findings. The very first finds showing written language are dated to about 4500 BM. The language was written in a form of simple hyroglyphics. Around this time, there are also significant changes in these civilizations. Pottery is found in greater concentration, as are tools, and the first stone buildings can be found outside of the desert and dry savana regions. Evidence of habitation in the entire continent, except the coldest north can be found in archeological evidence from about 4000 BM. The continental cultures can now be divided into about 6 unique cultures. The east desert, west desert, south, west, north and east cultures which are all located in their respectable areas in comparison to the mountain ranges. 3000 BM The Obsidian City was created. 2000 BM The west culture has obviously gone through a golden age. Currency can be easily found, impressive architecture which stands even today, writing which is not only confined to the official, but also for recreational uses etc. Most notable is their mastery of metals, being able to make a significant amount of metals including iron, steel, bronze, brass, copper, and surprisingly, magic conducting material. However we have no reason to believe that they knew that this material had this property, and is mostly used for decorational purposes. 1000 BM The countries of the West culture appear to have formed one nation through conquest. 500 BM The Western nation starts a rapid expansion to the east and the south. 0 After Magic(AM) Magic is discovered in the form of Vocalism. 50 AM According to many written records of the western nation, the vocalism mages from one of the nations of the Southern culture cause massive destruction against their armies. The vocalism nation starts its conquest of the Western nation. 100 AM The western nation ceases to exist. Shortly after, a powerful vocalist kills the reigning ruler, and takes the throne, becoming the first Mageking. 170 AM The first Mageking dies from old age, he became 90. The second Mageking takes the throne. 175 AM The Vocalism nation goes to war with several of it's neighbours. 180 AM Negatism is discovered in one of the Northern culture's nations. They use this new found power to attack the Western provinces of the Vocalism nation. This War in the West is mostly in the advantage of the Northern nation, as they slowly win ground throughout the years, bloody battle after bloody battle. 190-200 AM The Ancient Entities are believed to have created themselves. 210 AM The War in the West ends in a duel between the second Mageking and a northern Negatismic mage. The Mageking ended up not counting on his own powers being used against him, which caused his death. 212 AM The Vocalism nation crumbles, new nations are formed and lands are taken by neighbouring nations. 213 AM A period called the Southern Lesser Ages begins. This is a period in which the grandure of the Vocalism nation is forgotten, and people fall back on their old customs. 220 AM Celestial Dance magic is discovered in the western deserts, but rather than be in the hands of the rulers, Celestial Dance magic was discovered, and practiced by the people, this combined with it's lack of use in large scale combat prevented another war in the west. 265 AM An artificial narcotic is produced in the east, it gains significant popularity. 266 AM People using the narcotics have been found to produce magical effects. These magical effects are later categorized as Linking, Linking magic is invented. The narcotics appeared to have produced the appropriate state of mind for Linking to occur. 270 AM People using the narcotics start to get very ill, there have been a significant amount of narcotic related deaths. The narcotics are illegalized in most nations, the narcotic enters the black market, many people who have stopped with the narcotic attempt to find the state of mind to produce linking without the narcotic and they succeed. 276 AM A medium sized earthquake can be felt throughout the entirity of the Sunlands, large waves batter all coastlines, even those of lakes and a strong Raw Magical Energy wind pulls south for several days. Scholars are baffled and up to this day and are still trying to figure out what was the cause of this event.
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Menu 2020 RostersAtlanta United FCChicago FireFC CincinnatiColorado RapidsColumbus Crew SCFC DallasD.C. UnitedHouston DynamoLAFCLA GalaxyInter Miami CFMinnesota United FCMontreal ImpactNashville SCNew England RevolutionNew York City FCNew York Red BullsOrlando City SCPhiladelphia UnionPortland TimbersReal Salt LakeSan Jose EarthquakesSeattle Sounders FCSporting Kansas CityToronto FCVancouver Whitecaps FC Goalkeepers Player Transactions 2020 Rosters Real Name: Didier Drogba HT: 6' 2" WT: 201 Age: 42 (03/11/1978) Birthplace: Abidjan, Ivory Coast @didierdrogba Out of contract following 2016 season. Didier Drogba made an explosive start to his time in Montreal, scoring 11 goals in 11 games, and only nine starts. He cooled off in the 2015 playoffs, only managing one goal in three appearances, and will be on a quest to help the Impact win some silverware in 2016. OUTSIDE MLS: Drogba started in France, playing for LeMans, Guingamp and Olympique Marseille. He then joined Chelsea, where he played 381 games with English giant between 2004 and 2012, and during the 2014-15 season. The Ivorian player is also one of the best strikers in English Premier League history with 104 goals and 63 assists in 254 games. He helped the London club win four Premier League titles (2004-05, 2005-06, 2009-10, 2014-15), four FA Cup titles (2006-07, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2011-12) and three League Cup titles (2004-05, 2006-07, 2014-15). He won the Premier League Golden Boot twice. He added to his English football legend status when he scored the tying goal and the winning penalty kick that gave Chelsea their first ever UEFA Champions League title, in 2012 against Bayern Munich. Following his Chelsea career, Drogba enjoyed successful spells with Chinese Premier League side Shanghai Shenhua, and Turkish club Galatasaray SK. INTERNATIONAL: Drogba played 105 games with the Ivory Coast National Team between 2002 and 2014, concluding his career as the Elephants all-time scorer with 65 goals, while also finishing in third place for most appearances. As captain of the team, he took part in three FIFA World Cups (2006, 2010 & 2014) and five Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. He announced his retirement from international soccer on August 8, 2014, after playing his final game on June 24 against Greece during the FIFA World Cup. He was named the African Footballer of the Year in 2006 and 2009, as well as the Ivory Coast Player of the Year in 2006, 2007 and 2012. Career Statistics (Regular Season) 2016 Montreal Impact 22 18 10 1650 6 90 35 26 11 5 1 2015 Montreal Impact 11 9 11 870 1 47 21 19 5 1 0 Career Totals - 33 27 21 2520 7 137 56 45 16 6 1 Career Statistics (Post Season) 2016 Montreal Impact 3 0 0 76 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 2015 Montreal Impact 3 3 1 300 0 11 8 3 2 1 0 10/23/2016 MTL @ NE L 0-3 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/16/2016 TOR @ MTL T 2-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/02/2016 MTL @ ORL W 1-0 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/28/2016 SJ @ MTL W 1-3 Subbed on 20 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 9/24/2016 MTL @ RBNY L 0-1 Started 90 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 9/17/2016 NE @ MTL L 3-1 Started 90 1 0 9 2 1 2 0 0 9/10/2016 MTL @ PHI T 1-1 Subbed on 29 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 9/07/2016 ORL @ MTL L 4-1 Started 90 1 0 9 4 2 4 0 0 8/27/2016 MTL @ TOR W 1-0 Started 55 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 8/24/2016 DC @ MTL T 1-1 Started 90 0 0 5 1 0 4 0 0 8/20/2016 CHI @ MTL L 3-0 Started 90 0 0 3 2 0 2 1 0 8/06/2016 HOU @ MTL W 0-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/31/2016 MTL @ DC T 1-1 Started 81 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 1 7/23/2016 PHI @ MTL W 1-5 Started 79 3 0 6 3 2 2 0 0 7/17/2016 NYC @ MTL L 3-1 Started 90 0 0 4 2 3 1 0 0 7/13/2016 MTL @ POR T 1-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/09/2016 MTL @ RSL T 1-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/02/2016 NE @ MTL W 2-3 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/25/2016 SKC @ MTL T 2-2 Started 90 0 1 4 1 1 2 1 0 6/18/2016 MTL @ CLB T 0-0 Started 90 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 5/28/2016 LA @ MTL W 2-3 Started 90 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 0 5/21/2016 MTL @ ORL L 1-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5/14/2016 PHI @ MTL T 1-1 Started 70 1 0 6 3 1 0 0 0 4/30/2016 COL @ MTL T 2-2 Started 90 1 0 7 1 1 3 0 0 4/27/2016 MTL @ NYC T 1-1 Started 90 0 1 3 1 1 2 0 0 4/23/2016 TOR @ MTL L 2-0 Started 90 0 0 6 1 2 0 0 0 4/16/2016 MTL @ CHI W 2-1 Subbed on 40 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 4/09/2016 CLB @ MTL W 0-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/02/2016 MTL @ SEA L 0-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/2016 MTL @ DAL L 0-2 Subbed on 20 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3/12/2016 RBNY @ MTL W 0-3 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/06/2016 MTL @ VAN W 3-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/25/2015 TOR @ MTL W 1-2 Started 90 2 0 9 3 2 4 0 0 10/17/2015 MTL @ NE W 1-0 Started 90 0 0 4 2 2 1 0 0 10/10/2015 MTL @ COL W 1-0 Started 89 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 10/07/2015 MTL @ RBNY L 1-2 Started 90 1 0 6 3 2 2 0 0 10/03/2015 MTL @ ORL L 1-2 Subbed on 31 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 9/26/2015 DC @ MTL W 0-2 Started 89 2 0 5 3 3 1 1 0 9/23/2015 CHI @ MTL W 1-2 Started 90 1 0 5 2 3 4 0 0 9/19/2015 NE @ MTL W 0-3 Started 90 1 1 4 2 3 1 0 0 9/16/2015 MTL @ SJ T 1-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/12/2015 MTL @ LA T 0-0 Started 90 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 8/29/2015 MTL @ TOR L 1-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/22/2015 PHI @ MTL L 1-0 Subbed on 31 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 8/08/2015 DC @ MTL L 1-0 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/05/2015 RBNY @ MTL T 1-1 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8/01/2015 MTL @ NYC W 3-2 Unused Sub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Didier Drogba Latest News Just how good was Drogba for Montreal? Check out these finishes May 14, 2020 (2 min) Impact legend shares Drogba stories, plus Jim Curtin joins the show Didier Drogba: Legend's top MLS highlights March 13, 2020 (2 min) Drogba, De Ro & Alecko to play in Australia relief match Ex-Impact star Didier Drogba calls it a career Didier Drogba leads Phoenix to USL final Didier Drogba Latest Videos How do you bench a legend? MTL's Biello explains Assessing Drogba's legacy in Montreal November 23, 2016 (4 min) Did Montreal solve their Drogba drama? October 18, 2016 (2 min) GOAL: Didier Drogba free kick knuckler stuns ORL! September 7, 2016 (1 min)
using Template10.Mvvm; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Template10.Services.NavigationService; using Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation; namespace DiveInoUWP.ViewModels { public class MainPageViewModel : ViewModelBase { public MainPageViewModel() { if (Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled) { Value = "Designtime value"; } } string _Value = "Gas"; public string Value { get { return _Value; } set { Set(ref _Value, value); } } public override async Task OnNavigatedToAsync(object parameter, NavigationMode mode, IDictionary<string, object> suspensionState) { if (suspensionState.Any()) { Value = suspensionState[nameof(Value)]?.ToString(); } await Task.CompletedTask; } public override async Task OnNavigatedFromAsync(IDictionary<string, object> suspensionState, bool suspending) { if (suspending) { suspensionState[nameof(Value)] = Value; } await Task.CompletedTask; } public override async Task OnNavigatingFromAsync(NavigatingEventArgs args) { args.Cancel = false; await Task.CompletedTask; } public void GotoDetailsPage() => NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(Views.DetailPage), Value); public void GotoSettings() => NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(Views.SettingsPage), 0); public void GotoPrivacy() => NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(Views.SettingsPage), 1); public void GotoAbout() => NavigationService.Navigate(typeof(Views.SettingsPage), 2); } }
Hi there, it seems like you are using an outdated browser. Vi highly recommend that you are using the latest version of your browser. Tekna.no supports Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera, among others. If you are not able to update your browser to the latest version, other browsers are available here: http://browsehappy.com Back to navigation Salary and employee rights Academic fields and networks Representatives at your work Policies and opinions About Tekna Outgoing Tekna president Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg points at several important political breakthroughs recently made by the union Important political breakthroughs made in spring 2021 Published: June 21 2021 -This spring Tekna's made several important political breakthroughs in areas including the workplace, competency, technology and sustainability, says outgoing Tekna president Lise Lyngsnes Randeberg. Tekna has weighed in at 36 Parliamentary hearings this spring. Here are our most important political breakthroughs: Right to unemployment compensation during schooling The temporary plan that was implemented in spring 2020 will now by replaced by a permanent one starting on 1 October 2021. This is an important breakthrough for Tekna, which has been working for individuals' right to receive unemployment compensation while pursuing education all the way back to the oil crisis of 2015. We're continuing to work towards removing restrictions concerning age limits, academic progression, length of study as well as the requirement to be an active job seeker. College and university sector In 2020 Tekna made a breakthrough with respect to examining how the college and university sector is financed. The political parties that might assume political power this fall have now given their support to Tekna on two important points: The financial system for public colleges and universities must be changed so that the institutions' mission to develop their continuing education programs is included in their basic financing scheme and mission statement. Changes made to regulations on deductibles must not erode the free principle in higher education or undermine the goal of guaranteeing lifelong learning for everyone. Employment committee Through its membership in Akademikerne, Tekna contributed actively to the work being done by the Employment Committee. The most important breakthrough there was keeping the compensation awarded in cases of illness at its current level. IT security and competency Tekna got IT security competency put on the agenda once more when the Parliamentary report on societal security was debated in Parliament. The Tekna president has also participated in several debates on this topic, including one on current challenges in the Norwegian police force. The parties that might assume governmental power this fall followed up Tekna's input about the need for a statement concerning 1) how the National Strategy for Digital Security Competency has been followed up, 2) how many IT courses have been created and number of admissions granted, and 3) how many research fellowships have been created in the IT field of study. Tekna has helped raise consciousness levels about the need for more specialized IT skills through its report entitled, «Norway is losing due to a lack of IT competency», which was written along with other related organizations and submitted to the Prime Minister in January. Several Tekna breakthroughs in the Parliamentary report on data as a resource, or data-driven economics, a topic which has been debated in Parliament this year and includes Tekna's input on data capture and sharing, open APIs, searchability and availability, data-drive platform companies, regulatory sandboxes, competency and infrastructure. An additional amount of NOK 100 million for broadband networks was included in the revised national budget. Tekna's view is that new goals must be set with regard to capacity and coverage of high-speed networks in upcoming Parliamentary sessions so that Norway will be at the forefront of digital-social transformation. These goals must also be accompanied by predictable economic support schemes in the national budget. This is why we've spoken up about the need for making this investment until 2025. Relief package for students At the end of January 2021, the government passed a relief package of over NOK 1 billion for higher education students, of which just under NOK 80 million was set aside for student organizations' low-threshold services and other work done to support students' mental health. These are two important causes that Tekna Student has been working with throughout the pandemic. We also achieved a breakthrough for creating a follow-up survey for the Student Health and Welfare Survey (SHoT), which was administered during spring 2021. No COVID certificate in workplaces Tekna's input about a proposed introduction of a COVID certificate was that this certificate should not be applied to workplaces. This input was noted, and the Cabinet emphasized in its proposal to Parliament that it is highly unlikely that this certificate will be used in this manner in the future. Important breakthroughs internationally This spring Tekna participated at the general meeting of IndustriALL, helping to make digitalization and sustainability major topics included in the strategic plan that was approved by the assembly. The president also participated in the think tank session and Resolutions and Motions Committee, and through this participation contributed actively to forming both the work program and other resolutions that were later approved at this meeting. This is what technologists are demanding of the new government Tekna's been closely following the process surrounding the new government's formation, having both expectations of and input for its new platform. – W... - Employers have to assume more responsibility for employees who are working from home - We see that this situation will be longlasting, maybe even permanent. At the same time, the physical and mental toll [of working remotely] is starti... Norwegian companies need more technology experts The latest NHO 'competency barometer report' shows that Norwegian companies are demanding more high-tech and STEM expertise. – There's a growing comp... Become a member or sign in to take advantage of your membership benefits P.O. Box 2312 Solli Tekna's switchboard Mon–fri 09:00–15:00 Tekna – The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals Vat.nr 971420782
Want to come on to the Podcast? Conversions> Converting Between Different D&D Editions Part 1 Post author:Logar The Barbarian Post category:Conversions / Game Mechanics Converting monsters across editions of Dungeons & Dragons can be quick and easy. It is so easy that I do it at the table on the fly. I do not find it necessary to figure out before game. The best way to do it is to understand what is going on with the monster stats, especially the Hit Points and Armor Class. I run my game often with Castles & Crusades, I consider it the Rosetta stone of D&D. It takes the third edition rule set and brings it back from the more complex elements and delivers a base game that is easy to convert back and forth with other editions. It is a great game to see where the changes occur between editions. It has an ascending armor class, which means the AC number gets higher and the players must roll equal to or over their opponents' AC to hit. This means a higher AC was better and makes the monster or PC harder to hit. Editions before third had a descending AC meaning the lower the AC number the harder to hit they became. This was figured out a couple ways depending on the edition or rules you were using for the edition. To Hit Armor Class Zero (THAC0) is often brought up here. It might be interesting to note that THAC0 Was a newer element to the game which became an official rule in the late 80s with the release of 2nd edition AD&D. The editions prior to this used charts. The charts were easy for players because only the Dungeon Master had to pay attention to them. They made combat more of a mystery. Often players were not looking at the number they had to roll over but rolling and telling the DM to see if they hit the monster. The DM would look at the AC of the monster and the level and class of the PC and determine by the chart what had to be rolled to hit the monster. I personally find this the easiest of the two descending AC mechanics. For the most part, the formula is simple in taking a descending AC stat to a game like Castles & Crusades. You subtract the existing AC number from 20, (sometimes this is 21 or 19 depending on what you are converting for where) this inverts the number giving you a new AC. You go with the initial hit die, and just roll them up. Viola, there you have it. That is the easy quick way to do it. You can get dirty with it if you want, and really get into understanding what is going on and that really does help in doing this in game. We are going to look at this. In the end, the best way for you to convert monsters across editions and versions is to spend time comparing Monster Manuals from the two versions you are using. This works with games based on the Dungeons & Dragons mechanics and the OGL or earlier. The newer the edition, the less this works. I think the ascending AC is a better mechanic. I played D&D for quite a while before the ascending AC was released with 3rd edition in the year 2000. As someone who came to D&D through other Role Playing Games, I was introduced to forms of ascending AC years before it was in D&D, and I thought it was just a simpler streamlined idea. I only ran one 3rd edition campaign in 2000, when it first came out. The issues that I had with the D&D 3rd edition were not with the AC, I thought that was a great idea. Castles & Crusades also uses this with the same basic ratio and formula that is derived from earlier editions. I might note that the 5th edition completely threw away this ratio from all the previous editions making your older books pretty much useless for conversion. The AC of 5th edition Monsters tend to be much lower than the previous editions, and the HP tend to be much higher. This change makes it much easier to hit monsters, but they must take more damage, more hits to kill. I have yet to figure out any correlation between the stats of a 5th edition D&D monster and those of previous editions. I am not even touching 4th edition, because I have never played it. Nothing against it, it was just short lived and I never picked it up. I also never picked up 5th edition, my only experience was playing in a few games with a group when it first came out, and I did not DM. So, we will be looking at newer retro-clones, Pathfinder, 3.5 and earlier editions of D&D. Which is most D&D editions and versions. Also, the D&D that was played the longest. AC in general in 3.5, 3rd, Pathfinder and C&C starts at a base of 10. An unarmored human has a base AC of 10. Which means, anyone trying to hit that person or monster needs to roll a 10 or higher to hit that creature. Before that in 2nd edition with the use of THAC0 the base AC was also 10, only it went down as the character gained better armor, so to determine the number needed to hit you would take the number given by level as what was needed to hit AC 0 and subtract from that number. Let us say you have a THAC0 of 20, and you are going against a monster with an AC of 5. Subtract the 5 from the 20, and you need a 15 or higher to hit. As the character gains levels the THAC0 decreases making the opponent easier to hit. In the family of 3rd edition versions where we see the ascending AC this is reflected in a bonus to hit. Instead of adjusting the formula to hit, the bonus is given and added to the dice roll and not subtracted. The THAC0 number given by level and class more accurately reflects the math from the AD&D and OD&D to hit charts. This made most all the earlier editions compatible. The notable difference was that monsters in general were one point lower in Basic versions of the game as compared to AD&D. This means instead of a base of 10, we might be looking at a base of 9. The monsters would shift one point down in AC. If you pull a monster from the Rules Cyclopedia or the Basic Expert set, you will need to add one point to all AC if converting to AD&D. They need to be one point harder to hit. The best way possible to figure out conversions between editions is to take the editions and compare them. It is easier to convert from 3rd and later to fit your older editions or to fit your C&C game than it is to convert from an older edition to 3rd and later. If you look at books of 3rd, 3.5 or Pathfinder you find the excessive statistics not in older editions or editions such as C&C. So, this is primarily for converting back to older editions and retro clones. Older editions had a stat for hit die, it was normally just one number. You would roll one D8 for every number noted as your hit die. So, a monster with 5 hit die, would have 5D8 hit points. But, when you get to 3rd and later, they start handing out bonuses to hit, skills, feats, and other things that began a power creep in the game like never before. To reflect this creep, hit die were no longer a single number to reflect this, but it would list 5D8 +12. The hit die was getting padded to reflect the power creep of player characters. The hit die ceased to be a D8 and began to become just any die number you could come up with. If you look at the ratio though, the stat block could be taken back by simply dropping everything after the initial Hit Die number. For example, now a monster might have 5D10 + 8 for their hit die. Whereas in an earlier edition just the 5 was needed and everything else after was not. So, in this case we are only looking to use the initial number, the 5. The monster has 5 Hit Die, and you can just stick with the D8 hit die and not worry about the other stats given in the Monster Manual. As a house rule, I still use D8's for hit dice. I will stray a little depending on the given monster, but since I do a lot of converting, it is just way easier to keep the D8 as the hit dice. You can deviate from that as much or little as possible if you want. Let us compare some monsters between editions and illustrate this. When using common monsters like the Ogre, or the ones you will be comparing in the Monsters Manuals, it is advisable to just use the one from the system you are running. This is just a method I use to port in monsters that were not made for a specific system. The other time I use this is when the stats for monsters are in a module and I am trying to reduce clutter by using them instead of getting out another book. The Ogre in C&C has an AC of 16 and 4D8 HP. The Ogre in AD&D has an AC of 5 and Hit Dice of 4+1 (now that's a +1 for each hit die so whatever 4D8 is rolled plus four). Let's look at Swords & Wizardry. S&W is a great resource for looking at conversions because it gives both the ascending as well as descending AC of each monster in it's stat block. The Ogre has an AC of 5 [14] (the first number being the descending AC and the number in brackets [14] is the ascending AC), and the ogre in S&W gets hit points of 4+1. Now it is worth noting that the ascending AC in C&C tends to run a little high compared to the ascending AC in C&C. So we see a full two point difference here. The AC between the AD&D and S&W are spot on though for this one. It is worth noting that the descending to ascending from S&W seems to be best achieved by subtracting from 19. The good part is that you do not have to subtract with. To get the AC for C&C from AD&D we see that there is a 21 point invert to achieve this. We see the AD&D is 5 (like the S&W version) subtract that from 21 you get 16. But wait! There is more! This is not a universal number you figure out to plug in and convert directly. There is a lot of judgment calls to be made. Both the AD&D and the S&W have Hit Points of +1 but we do not see that with the C&C stat block. The C&C stat block also has the highest Ogre AC, so this call as to pull in the +1 for AC or not is totally yours to make. I would determine this based on what I know about how easily my PC's could take this guy. Often the extra +4 is minimal. Want a harder monster, go with it. Want it easier? Leave it off. Now, this is intended to be used for monsters not in the Monster Manual you are using for the system you are playing, so you will have to make the call off of what you see for a monster that is not represented in the system you are playing for comparison. If you look at Pathfinder The AC shoots up to a 17, and the hit dice are suddenly 4D8 +12. Wow! That went up quick! If we look at the Ogre in 3rd edition (Not 3.5 but third) we see the AC is around the C&C with a 16, and the Hit Die is a 4D8 +8. You can see the progressive power creep from the AD&D +1 to the 3rd edition +8 and the Pathfinder +12. Because of this I tend to drop anything after the 4D8 when converting backwards from newer editions. The book I have done this with most is my copy of The Tome Of Horrors for Pathfinder when converting to Castles & Crusades. Converting from Pathfinder to AD&D or Basic you would still invert by subtracting from a number like 19, 20, or 21, but with such a power bloat, I would almost look at subtracting from 22 to bring a monster from pathfinder to AD&D. My current campaign is a C&C campaign ran in The Lost Lands. The Lost Lands books were initially released under the D20 system, which is the 3rd edition and 3.5, and later books in the setting were Predominantly Pathfinder or Swords & Wizardry and 5th edition. I buy a lot of the S&W editions of Lost Lands books because I find them easiest to work from, but I often find I am using a 3rd edition or Pathfinder version of a book. So, I am going to do some converting and comparing using those systems to further delve into this. One of the books I have converted from the most is The Tome of Horrors Complete, which is available in Pathfinder or S&W. You can get print to order versions of the S&W edition on Amazon, and I cannot tell you how great this is as a Monster Manual for your game. Tons of new and unique different horrors for your players to encounter. Now Orcus The Demon Prince of the Undead was in the AD&D Monster Manual, but never made it to the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual because of the satanic panic and his being a Demon Lord. In The Tome of Horrors Complete for S&W, Orcus has the AC of -5[24] and his Hit Dice is 30. That means 30D8. Not the easiest thing to take out in the game. Pretty damn near impossible to hit with an AC like that. Remember, a negative AC in descending AC combat is good. The Pathfinder version of Orcus blows up huge, we are looking at an AC of 55, and Hit Points of 45D10 + 495. The power creep is really seen at higher levels here in Pathfinder and newer editions. For this reason you really need to have a good grasp on the system you are running. As higher levels go up in things like Pathfinder you see damage amounts not possible in previous editions. But wait! Orcus is in C&C in the Tome of the Unclean specifically by Troll Lord Games. And here Orcus has an AC of 26, so just two more than the ascending AC from S&W. It calculates out perfectly if you calculate using 21 from S&W to C&C with a negative 5 subtracting from the 21 putting you at the 26. (-5-21=26) If we look at the Ogre who had an AC of 5 and do the same (5-21=16) we see the same calculation that worked to bring the Ogre from S&W or AD&D (Because the two were the same) works to give us the C&C AC. This also shows just how similar C&C is to earlier editions as opposed to later editions despite its use of ascending AC. There is a lot more ground to be covered between the varying editions and conversions, but this one is getting long, and I have plans to follow up making this just the first in a series of articles on conversion from varying editions of Dungeons & Dragons. I would love to hear feedback or observations from others who convert often. Also, if you want to have a version addressed shoot me a line and let me know, I can try to focus on those ones specifically. With so many versions the combinations are pretty vast in converting from edition to version. Vaesen Nordic Horror Roleplaying Game Review Palladium is Dead Long live Rifts Different RPG Player Types
Fraser Heath investigating outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in Surrey, B.C. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services' Division of Public Health Services is continuing to investigate an outbreak in the area associated with Ashworth Avenue between Island Path and M Street in Hampton of the potentially serious bacterial pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacteria. State officials say one person has died from Legionnaires' Disease as an outbreak in Hampton continues to grow. The NH DHHS says tests carried about by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC "detected the presence of the Legionella bacteria from multiple sources within the Sands Resort water system, including but not limited hot tub spa". Legionnaire's disease is acquired from breathing in small drops of water that contain the bacteria. Common sources for this disease include aerosol droplet inhalation from showers, hot tubs, cooling towers, faucets, as well as decorative fountains. "It's just a coincidence", said Leon, adding that New Hampshire sees an average of 30 to 35 cases of Legionnaires' disease annually. At least a dozen people were sickened from the disease; one elderly person died. Two years ago, health departments reported about 6,100 cases of Legionnaires' disease in the United States, the CDC said. Legionnaires' disease can not be spread from person to person. Martin said upon interviewing the Nashua patients, health officials determined the cases were not connected to the Hampton outbreak. They can develop pneumonia and symptoms like fever, shortness of breath, severe fatigue, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Most people get better with early treatment, although they may need to be hospitalized. The history surrounding Legionnaires' is well known, which might explain why many fear even the mention of the disease.
Али Магомед оглы Гусейнов (, ) — азербайджанский политический деятель. Депутат Милли Меджлиса Азербайджана II, III, IV, V, VI созывов (с 2000 года). Биография Родился 8 октября 1968 года. Окончил юридический факультет Бакинского государственного университета. Кандидат юридических наук. В 1991—1995 годах являлся секретарём судебного заседания, консультантом, а также помощником председателя Верховного суда Азербайджана. Член координационного совета азербайджанцев мира. Политическая деятельность В 1995 году назначен на должность специалиста в Исполнительном аппарате Президента Азербайджана. Помощник председателя Милли Меджлиса Азербайджана (1996—2000). Депутат Милли Меджлиса II, III, IV, V, VI созывов. 10 марта 2020 года на первом пленарном заседании Милли Меджлиса Азербайджана VI созыва избран первым заместителем председателя Национального cобрания Азербайджана. Член межпарламентских рабочих групп Азербайджан — Эстония, Азербайджан — Алжир, Азербайджан — Украина, Азербайджан — Япония. Руководитель межпарламентской рабочей группы Азербайджан — Венгрия. Председатель комитета Милли Меджлиса по правовой политике и государственному строительству (c 20 июня 2003 года). Член делегации Азербайджана в Парламентской ассамблее Совета Европы. Заместитель председателя комиссии по правовым вопросам Межпарламентской ассамблеи СНГ. Первый заместитель председателя Национального cобрания Азербайджана (с 10 марта 2020 года). Член партии Новый Азербайджан. Награды Почётная грамота Национального собрания Республики Беларусь (15 апреля 2013 года) — за значительный личный вклад в укрепление межгосударственных и межпарламентских связей Республики Беларусь и Азербайджанской Республики. Примечания Ссылки Профиль на сайте Национального Собрания АР Профиль на сайте Национального Собрания АР Депутаты Национального собрания Азербайджана II созыва Депутаты Национального собрания Азербайджана III созыва Депутаты Национального собрания Азербайджана IV созыва Депутаты Национального собрания Азербайджана V созыва Депутаты Национального собрания Азербайджана VI созыва Члены партии «Новый Азербайджан»
Joan Jonas Joan Jonas studied sculpture and art history at Columbia University and Mount Holyoke College, and dance with Tricia Brown at the Boston Museum school. Widely known for her work in performance in the mid-'60s, Jonas first incorporated a live video camera and monitor into a 1972 performance, Organic Honey's Visual Telepathy. In the same year, she began producing single-channel tapes, among them Vertical Roll (1972), which are recognized as landmark investigations into the structural and performative nature of the medium. Jonas's tapes draw on the essential connection between performance art and the video monitor, as time-based media especially suited to materializing the artist's psyche. Exploring the dislocation of physical space and mythical female archetypes, Jonas's work occupies an important position in the development of both early formalist and early feminist video. "Space was always a primary concern, and in considering the space of the monitor I then dealt with the box-like structure, positioning it in relation to myself. I tried to climb into the box, attempting to turn the illusion of flatness into one of depth." — Joan Jonas Available Titles by Joan Jonas Disturbances 1974 Early Video Art, Single Titles Double Lunar Dogs 1984 Single Titles I Want to Live in the Country (And Other Romances) 1974 Early Video Art, Single Titles Left Side Right Side 1972 Early Video Art, Single Titles Upsidedown and Backwards 1980 Early Video Art, Single Titles Vertical Roll 1972 Early Video Art, Single Titles Waltz 2003 Single Titles Joan Jonas; Anthea Hamilton review – modern myths and a parallel universe MIT offers succinct, fascinating overview of Jonas video art Joan Jonas: All at Once Artists in Conversation: Rosa Barba by Joan Jonas
To be 100% honest, I thought I would like being pregnant much more than I actually have. That being said, I am so so so grateful that it has been very smooth and uneventful. I have close friends who have had miscarriages in the past year, and I know how much of a blessing it is to have a healthy pregnancy. I have NO room at all to complain, but I figured I am not the only one who has had some of the following emotions or experiences, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts from the past 9 months. 1-The moment the pee stick says "pregnant" my life really did change. Everything shifts and while it doesn't necessarily feel real at first, I went through waves of fear and excitement like I never have known before. *side note, get an OB or midwife that you connect with. You will be so grateful the next 9mos. 2-Nausea in the first trimester was expected. But I also had it in the 3rd... beware! Cravings are not nearly as bad as aversions. I couldn't eat meat or vegetables until week 24. 3-I thought I would be able to run further into my pregnancy than I did. I ran every day until 18.5weeks, and then my SI joint started killing me. I had to take two weeks totally off because even walking hurt, and when I tried to start running again, I felt so out of shape that it wasn't fun at all. No need to force fitness while pregnant, do what you can to stay healthy and active, but give yourself the mental break if you need it. I miss running a lot, but I get outside for walks, pool, biking with Dillon on his runs, and that has been so helpful. Especially because my energy isn't nearly what it used to be and a 45min easy bike ride now is exhausting. 4-If you want to do a Babymoon, I definitely recommend it! Plan during the middle of the second trimester, it seems like that is the happy spot in pregnancy. We went to Europe and checked 6 countries off our travel list and made wonderful memories as a couple! 6-Listening to my body was so key. It's like running a marathon. You go through good and bad phases, and you have no choice but to keep going. Be kind to yourself, get the rest you need, and remember the important thing your body is doing.. growing a human! 7-Do things to eliminate stress in your life. To be honest, I hit a point right at the beginning of the 3rd trimester where I felt so overwhelmed, stressed, and out of control. I learned the hard way after a panic attack and several melt downs, that asking for help is part of parenting. A lot of what happens in pregnancy is preparing us for what our new life as a parent is going to be. I hired a house cleaner to come twice a month, I restructured my work schedule to be more manageable, I made sure to make time for myself to do fun things, and I relied on my friends and family to be there for me if I needed someone to talk to. 8-A friend of mine set up a meal train for me... this means that after the baby is born, friends can sign up to bring meals over for the next few months to help ease the work load while adjusting to life with a newborn. I def recommend you set one up for your pregnant friends, or have a friend set it up for you! 9-Plan a lot of date nights the last month. I have had so much fun and genuine appreciation for doing fun dates with Dillon before the baby's arrival. 10-Do what feels right for you in terms of prepping for child birth. I chose to not have a set birth plan because I've never done this before, so I don't know what to expect. I didn't want to have something structured and then feel like I "failed" if it didn't happen exactly as I imagined. It seems everyone wants to provide advice as to what you should do, but in reality, it's your body and your baby and it's up to you to take ownership and create the birthing situation you want without guilt. I'm so grateful for Dillon because he said he supports me and my decisions 100% throughout the labor and delivery. I'm in the final week, and tonight, Dillon asked if I'm sad it's close to the end. My response, "NOPE. 39weeks has been plenty long and I am mentally and physically ready to move on to the next phase and meet this baby."
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Samsung and Cookies This site uses cookies. By clicking ACCEPT or continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Find out more here. For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19 Smart Ways to Buy Upgrade to Galaxy 2020 QLED TV 2020 Smart TV Big Screen TVs T-Series Soundbars Power of QLED 8K RS5000 Range Twin Cooling Plus TMF Bottom Mount Freezer Top Mount Freezer One Door System AC Refrigerators Endless innovation Portable SSD T5 27-inch Curved Monitor UHD Monitor Flat Monitor Your Office Is Where Your Monitor Is Chargers | Powerbanks All IT Nothing in Between Solutions & Tips Open Cart Layer Number of Products : 0 Open Cart Layer Number of Products : 0 Can we help find anything? CONDITIONS FOR THE SAMSUNG GALAXY S10 GALAXY BUDS CAMPAIGN Please read these Promotion terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") carefully. Participation in this Promotion will constitute your agreement to comply with these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, please do not participate in this Promotion. Please refer to this website for the current Terms and Conditions for this Promotion: https://www.samsung.com/za/offer/s10-preorder-promotion/ All participants during the term of this Promotion agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions: 1. Promotion: Samsung Galaxy S10 Galaxy Buds Campaign 9 ("Promotion"). The promoter of the Promotion is Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Registration number: 1994/003872/07 and/or its agencies ("Organiser"). 2. Promotion Period: 2.1 The Promotion will run from 20 February 2019 (00h00) to the 30 April 2019 (23h59). ("the Promotion Period") while stocks last, in the Republic of South Africa. 2.2 The Promotion Period may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Organiser. 3. Who may enter: 3.1 All participants must: (a) be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and/or legal residents of the aforesaid country; (b) be currently residing in the Republic of South Africa at the date of the commencement of the Promotion Period; (c) be a natural person and be at least 18 (eighteen) years old at the date of the commencement of the Promotion Period; (d) be in the possession of a valid South African identity document at the time of redemption of the Samsung Galaxy Buds; and (e) Have a valid purchase, with a valid IMEI of a Galaxy S10 and/or Galaxy S10 and/or Galaxy S10e purchased in the Republic of South Africa. 3.2 Participation in this Promotion excludes the Organiser, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by them or any supplier of goods and services in connection with the Promotion and their spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates. 4. How to qualify for the Promotion: 4.1. the participant must: (a) pre – order and activate your Samsung Galaxy S10 ("Device") at any network operator, retail outlet and/online store from the 20th February 2019 (00h00) to the 30 April 2019 (23h59) to qualify for 1 x Samsung Galaxy Buds per eligible device purchased; (b) have purchased the Device during the Promotion Period; (c) have downloaded the Samsung Members application from the Google Play Store or Galaxy Apps on the Device and be a registered subscriber of the Samsung Members service managed by the Organiser; and (d) have redeemed the Samsung Galaxy Buds through the Samsung Members application between 20th of February 2019 – 30 April 2019 or while stocks last. ("Redemption Period") 4.2. No claims for any Samsung Galaxy Buds redeemed in respect of the Device purchased during the Promotion Period will be accepted or processed after 30 April 2019. 4.3. Proof of purchase of the Device may be required as part of the redemption process. 4.4. A qualifying Samsung Galaxy S10 is on a predetermined list as specified by the Organiser. 5. Can I qualify more than once for the Promotion: 5.1. The Promotion is limited to one Samsung Galaxy Buds per valid Device purchased (identifiable by the unique IMEI number). 5.2. Should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organiser shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organiser's decision shall be final. 6. Offer: 6.1. The Promotion will afford the participant the opportunity to receive 1 x Samsung Galaxy Buds. ("Offer") 6.2. The Offer is not transferable. No substitution, cash redemption, or assignment of the Offer is permitted. 6.3. The Offer may differ from that shown on the promotional material with regard to colour and specs and same shall be subject to availability and in the Organiser's sole discretion to select same. 7. Terms of Delivery: 7.1. Delivery of the Samsung Galaxy Buds will occur within 4 (four) weeks of receipt of confirmation of the participant's delivery details that have been supplied by the participant through the Samsung Members application. 7.2. Should the participant fail to supply valid delivery details upon redemption of the Samsung Galaxy Buds through the Samsung Members application, the Samsung Galaxy Buds will be forfeited. 7.3. Delivery of the Samsung Galaxy Buds will occur by way of courier and the Organiser does not accept any responsibility for late/non arrivals and/or any damage to the Samsung Galaxy Buds that may arise during its delivery to the participant. 7.4. In the event that the participant is unreachable or fails to claim the Samsung Galaxy Buds after 2 (two) attempts to deliver over a period of 10 (ten) working days, the Samsung Galaxy Buds shall be forfeited. 7.5. The participant may need to present a valid South African identity document at the time of delivery. 7.6. Deliveries will only be made within the borders of the Republic of South Africa. 7.7. Deliveries will occur from Monday to Friday during regular office hours (08h00 to 17h00) and no deliveries will be made on public holidays or over the weekends. 8. Limitation of Liability: 8.1. To the extent permitted by Consumer Protection Act No 68 of 2008 and any other applicable law: (a) The participant and/or winner(s) hereby indemnifies the Organiser against any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages or loss of any kind regardless of how this was caused, and whether it arose under the law of contract or delict or otherwise, because of the participants entrance to the Promotion. (b) The Organiser excludes all warranties (express or implied), representations and liabilities regarding this Promotion (other than for death or personal injury caused by its negligence and/or fraud). (c) All personal information exchanged with the usage of 3rd party applications will not be monitored or controlled by the Organiser. The participant bares the responsibility to ensure that it is aware of the terms and conditions applicable to usage of 3rd party applications. The participant understands and agrees to indemnify the Organiser from all liability arising from whatsoever nature. (d) Data charges may be incurred for downloading and utilizing the Samsung Members Application. (e) Network rates apply. 9. General: 9.1. In accordance with the confidentiality policies and practices of the Organiser, none of the entry details of any participant in this Promotion will be disclosed or used by the Organiser for any purposes other than for entry into the Promotion and in accordance with clause 9.4 below. 9.2. The participant is bound by the Samsung Members application terms and conditions, where more specifically, only one account per Device is permitted to be registered for use of the Samsung Members application. Should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organisers shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organisers decision shall be final. 9.3. The Samsung Members application is downloadable from Galaxy Store and Google Play Store and it is supported on the Galaxy S10+ (SM-G975), Galaxy S10 (SM-G973) and the Galaxy S10e (SM-G970). 9.4. Participants acknowledge and accept that the Organiser shall utilise a third party agent to contact the participant to arrange delivery. In order to affect the contacting and delivery process, the Organiser shall provide the participant's information to such third party agent. 9.5. Details of participants will not be used by the Organiser for Samsung related communication should the participants opt-out to receive further communication from the Organiser. 9.6. Information regarding the Promotion that is published on authorized advertising material will also form part of the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion. 9.7. The Organiser may in its sole discretion amend these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice, and such amendments shall be deemed to have taken effect from the date of publication of the revised Terms and Conditions on the Organiser's website http://www.samsung.com/za/offer/. The onus rests on the participant to constantly check the website for updates to the Terms and Conditions. 9.8. The Organiser reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of participants (including a participant's identity, age and place of residence) and to reject any participant who has not agreed to these Terms and Conditions. Errors and omission may be accepted at the Organiser's discretion. Failure by the Organiser to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights. 9.9. If this Promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser, including but not limited to technical difficulties, unauthorized intervention or fraud, the Organiser reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to the fullest extent permitted by law: (a) to disqualify any participant; or (b) to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the Promotion as appropriate, subject to the approval of relevant regulatory authorities. 9.10. Save as permitted by law, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel, suspend or terminate this Promotion, without notice at any time, and such cancellation, suspension or termination shall be deemed to have taken effect from the date of publication on the Organiser's website http://www. samsung.com/za/offer/ liability shall lie against the Organiser in favor of any participant, winner(s) and/ or third party arising from such cancellation, suspension or termination. Therefore the participant waives his/her right which they may have against the Organiser and hereby acknowledge that they will have no right of recourse or claim of any nature whatsoever against the Organiser. 9.11. This Promotion is governed by these Terms and Conditions, as well as those of the relevant authorized participating stores, associated with this Promotion. 9.12. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the Promotion shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of South Africa. 9.13. To the extent that these Terms and Conditions conflict with the terms and conditions of Samsung Members application, these Terms and Conditions will take precedence. 9.14. The Organiser accepts no liability or responsibility, whether occasioned by any circumstance not foreseeable and not within its reasonable control for late or delayed delivery of the Samsung Galaxy Buds owing to, but not limited to, stock unavailability, strike, lock out, destruction of the Samsung Galaxy Buds on route by any means, any civil commotion or disorder, riot, threat of war, any action taken by governmental authority or public authority of any kind, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earth quake or other acts of God. 9.15. If part or all of any clause of these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable: (a) It will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but if that is not possible; (b) It will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect. News Newsroom South Africa/ English
WNFO (1430 AM) is a radio station broadcasting a Spanish Variety format. Licensed to Hilton Head, South Carolina, United States, the station is currently owned by Walter M. Czura. History The station went on the air as WBUG in 1953 by a gentleman farmer and country music recording artist, Sam Malphrus. Malphrus sold the station to a small town publishing company owned by Joseph Sink. Mr. Sink sold the station in 1975 to some business partners who worked for ABC radio in New York. One of the partners, Dale Hawkins moved to the Hilton Head area to work as the General Manager of the station. During its heyday in the mid 70's some stronger DJ's were hired and the station was known as "Rockin 143 - WBUG" Even though the station was listed in the Savannah, Georgia broadcasting market, its low power pretty much only serviced its licensed area of Ridgland and the Greater Jasper County area. There were however some Savannah ratings and the station did get nominated a few times for the "Addy Award" for its talented production team. In the early 80's the station was sold again to a marketing firm in Hilton Head who used it for promoting the Hilton Head Island resort area, basically becoming a full-time "infomercial" for local tourism. Permission was granted through the FCC to move its city of license to Hilton Head. It is believed to have gone "dark" meaning it went off the air for a short amount of time before the frequency was sold in 1984 On January 16, 1986, the station changed its call sign to WCOG, on April 13, 1992 to the current WNFO, References External links NFO Radio stations established in 1953 1953 establishments in South Carolina NFO
Extending Redundancy Protection for Women and New Parents – a big step in the right direction! The Government's latest announced consultation on pregnancy and maternity discrimination has seen headlines such "Pregnant Women to get more job protection", but what does it mean in practice. Currently, under the Maternity and Parental Leave Etc Regulations 1999 (MAPLE for short), before making an employee on maternity leave redundant, employers have an obligation to offer them (rather than just inviting them to apply for) a suitable alternative vacancy where one is available. This effectively gives employees on maternity leave a priority right over other employees to suitable alternative employment during a redundancy process. This is one of the only forms of positive discrimination permitted under UK employment law and failure to comply can come with a heavy price – a claim for automatic unfair dismissal and the potential costs that come with that. At the moment, this priority right only applies during the maternity leave period. Once that period has ended and the employee has been returned to work, they are considered equally alongside other employees. However, there has been, for some time , concern that some employers are forcing new mothers out of work once they have returned from maternity leave. As a result under the proposal, the scope of the current protection under MAPLE would be extended so the priority over suitable alternative vacancies applies both during the maternity leave period and for a six month period after the employee has returned from maternity leave. Further the consultation is also asking whether the protection should be extended to cover the period once an employee has given notice of their pregnancy and before they start maternity leave. Both those extensions would significantly increase the level of protection for pregnant employees and new mothers. The Consultation is also looking at whether the protections under MAPLE should be extended to cover other employees who are retuning to work for reasons that are akin to maternity leave such as adoption leave and shared parental leave. This would extend the scope of the protection but does raise some interesting issues. If, for example, you have one employee returning from maternity leave and one employee returning from shared parental leave, and there is only one suitable alternative vacancy, who gets offered that role first? One change that some campaigners have been looking for has, however, been ruled out by the Government. There had been suggestions that we should adopt the German approach which sees employers being unable to dismiss women during pregnancy without first securing consent from the appropriate public authorities. This has been ruled out with little appetite to require an employer to apply to a state body for permission to make a new mother redundant. Instead the current system of enforcement via individual rights and the tribunal systems will remain. This is likely to be supported by a new single labour market enforcement agency that the Government intends to introduce to ensure vulnerable workers such as new mothers, are more aware of, and can exercise their rights. With consultation due to close on April 2019 and no date for the implementation of any change, employers are not faced with an immediate change to the current system. However, polices should be reviewed in due course and at the very least employers need to ensure that they are complying with the current rules. For advice on extending redundancy protection for women and new parents, please contact Matt Jenkin.
Bobby Jindal Signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge to the American People Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.), a candidate for the presidency of the United States, has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge to the American people. The pledge is a written commitment to the American people to "oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes." "I commend Governor Jindal for signing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge to the hard working taxpayers of this country," said Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform. "Governor Jindal understands that government should be reformed so that it takes and spends less of the taxpayers' money, and will oppose tax increases that paper over and continue the failures of the past." Of the 17 GOP Presidential candidates, nine have experience serving as chief executive of a state. A study by Dan Clifton, head of policy research at Strategas Research Partners, provides an apples-to-apples comparison of their record on government spending. The chart below compares the average annual increase in general fund spending during each Governor's term. During his time in office, Gov. Jindal has the most aggressive anti-spending record: ATR has shared the Pledge with all candidates for federal office since 1986. In the 114th Congress, 49 U.S. Senators and 218 members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed the Pledge. Pledge signers include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, and GOP Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan are also pledge signers. On the state level, 13 incumbent governors and approximately 1,000 incumbent state legislators have signed the Pledge. Though it is still early in the 2016 nominating process, most of the GOP candidates have already made a written commitment to the American people that they will oppose and veto any tax increase in the event they are elected to the White House. Along with Jindal, these candidates include Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, and Jim Gilmore. In 2012, all candidates for the Republican nomination for president signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, with the lone exception of former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. Huntsman finished seventh in Iowa and third in New Hampshire before dropping out of the race.
Report: 11 More Women Accuse Plácido Domingo Of Sexual Misconduct By Anastasia Tsioulcas | NPR Opera star Placido Domingo, 78, rehearsing onstage in Orange, France in July. Christophe Simon / AFP/Getty Images The Associated Press reported Thursday that 11 more women have accused opera megastar Plácido Domingo of sexually harassing them in the opera theaters that are their workplaces. In total, 20 women have now accused Domingo of misconduct in allegations made via the AP. A spokesperson for Domingo disputed the report and accused the AP of waging an "inaccurate" and "unethical" campaign against Domingo. One singer, Angela Turner Wilson, told the AP in Thursday's report that Domingo groped her breast while they were having makeup applied backstage at the Washington Opera in Washington, D.C., during the 1999-2000 season. The other 10 women, who have come forward anonymously, allege that Domingo touched them unwantedly, persistently asked for private meetings in person or in late-night phone calls, or that he attempted to kiss them. The AP said that it has also spoken to a number of women who have worked backstage with Domingo. Those women told the AP that Domingo's reputation for inappropriate conduct was so well-known in the industry that they made a point of trying to keep Domingo separate from young female performers and other backstage workers, and that they tried to ensure that Domingo's wife, Marta, was around as much as possible. Those women include Melinda McLain, who was a production coordinator who worked with the famed singer at both the LA Opera in Los Angeles and Texas' Houston Grand Opera. These women said that such tactics have been used since the 1980s and as recently as the 2016-17 opera season. "We created these elaborate schemes for keeping him away from particular singers," McLain told the AP. Domingo's spokesperson, Nancy Seltzer, issued a statement to NPR on Thursday saying: "The ongoing campaign by the AP to denigrate Placido Domingo is not only inaccurate but unethical. These new claims are riddled with inconsistencies and, as with the first story, in many ways, simply incorrect. Due to an ongoing investigation, we will not comment on specifics, but we strongly dispute the misleading picture that the AP is attempting to paint of Mr. Domingo." Last month, the AP published a report in which nine women made accusations against Domingo. In the wake of that report, the LA Opera, the company which Domingo has led for more than 15 years, announced that it had hired an independent firm to investigate the allegations. Two other major American classical music institutions — the San Francisco Opera and the Philadelphia Orchestra — promptly rescinded invitations for Domingo to perform with them this fall. New York's Metropolitan Opera, the best-known and most influential opera company in the U.S., said last month that it would wait for the results of the LA Opera's investigation before taking any steps. Last month, Domingo issued a statement through Seltzer that said in part: "I believed that all of my interactions and relationships were always welcomed and consensual." Wilson alleges that the groping incident took place when she was 28 years old and co-starring with Domingo during a run of the Jules Massenet opera Le Cid at the Washington Opera. The company is now known as the Washington National Opera [WNO] and is affiliated with the Kennedy Center. In a statement to NPR on Thursday, Kennedy Center president and WNO general director Timothy O'Leary said: "We are both disturbed and disheartened to read these new allegations and we appreciate the courage it takes for anyone to come forward with this kind of account. Washington National Opera and the Kennedy Center have zero tolerance policies with regard to harassment and discrimination, and we take allegations of this nature very seriously. The Kennedy Center did not receive any documented complaints about Mr. Domingo's behavior prior to WNO's affiliation with the Kennedy Center in 2011, and has not received any since. Our goal is to ensure that all of our artists and employees can work and thrive in an environment of safety, trust, support, creativity, and mutual respect. These values are fully reflected across WNO and the Kennedy Center today." The other 10 women included in Thursday's AP report have come forward anonymously, citing fears of retribution to their careers; according to the AP, several also said that they wanted to "protect an art form that is struggling to remain relevant in the U.S." Because opera careers are built internationally, some of the women also cited the lack of response by foreign opera companies as a further deterrent. After the August AP report, no European institutions or opera houses canceled Domingo's upcoming engagements; the president of the prestigious Salzburg Festival in Austria told the New York Times, "I would find it factually wrong and morally irresponsible to make irreversible judgments at this point." Some prominent opera singers, including the soprano Anna Netrebko — who is scheduled to co-star with Domingo at the Metropolitan Opera later this month in Verdi's Macbeth — have rallied to his defense, as have many fans. The AP reported that it has corroborated Angela Turner Wilson's account with her husband and parents, as well from journal entries she made at the time. However, the AP also reported that the makeup artist who was in the room with Domingo and Wilson at the time of the alleged groping said that he has no memory of the incident, and that he declined further comment. Wilson declined to comment to NPR. View this story on npr.org Follow us for more stories like this CapRadio provides a trusted source of news because of you. As a nonprofit organization, donations from people like you sustain the journalism that allows us to discover stories that are important to our audience. If you believe in what we do and support our mission, please donate today. 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The Canadiens' season ending rather prematurely certainly has fans and media talking, and with good reasons. The team's lack of offensive threat has been a problem since the second half of the season and ultimately, cost the team a chance to face the Senators in the division finals and perhaps even to represent the Eastern Conference in the finals. No one knows that better than better than team GM Marc Bergevin who, in his press conference, acknowledged that his team needs a boost in that department, particularly at the centre position. After all, while Tomas Plekanec was starting to show signs of slowing down, it was difficult to predict that he would be completely MIA on offense and who in their right mind would have predicted that Alex Galchenyuk would hit rock bottom a year after scoring 30 goals? Fans and media alike are looking at ways that the Habs can improve their offense rather rapidly, based on what's available out there on the market and they are quick to point out that both Jonathan Drouin and Leon Draisaitl are Restricted Free Agents (RFA) with compensation and could be eligible to offer sheets. While those players are exceptional young talents, many like yours truly question if the offer sheet is even an option. While legal according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement, Offer Sheets are seldom used by NHL General Managers and while no one will come out publicly and admit it, the tool is heavily frowned upon by GMs around the league as it is perceived as putting their homologues in dicy situations in a salary cap world, where cheap talent is key to having a competitive team. The fact is that most GMs don't want to use it, whether is by principle alone, or by fear of retribution by their colleagues in the future. As you notice, only eight players have signed offer sheets as a RFA and all but one was matched by the team. Only Brian Burke's Anaheim Ducks backed out and took, instead, the compensation which was the Oilers 1st (12th), 2nd (43rd) and 3rd (73rd) round picks in the 2008 draft. Everyone else matched the original offer, which is quite telling. If a team is going to brave the rest of the league by signing a player to an offer sheet, they will usually sign players who can have, in their opinion, an impact in the NHL. More interesting though is what happened (or not) to those so-called gutsy GMs who dared to break the unwritten rule. The first GM out of the gate after the salary cap CBA was Bobby Clarke, who signed Kesler back in September 2006. He was replaced by Paul Holmgren the following month, on October 22, 2006. Kevin Lowe is the GM who signed both Vanek and Penner in 2007. He lasted a year before being replaced by Steve Tambellini on July 31, 2008. Canucks' GM Mike Gillis was just hired on April 23, 2008 prior to signing Backes to an offer sheet the next summer. St-Louis Blues GM at the time, Larry Pleau, gave him a taste of his own medicine when a week later, he signed Bernier, who was just acquired in a trade four days earlier by Gillis, to an offer sheet of his own. Gillis completed several minor deals after, but had to wait to 2013 before being able to complete a substantial trade, acquiring the 9th pick overall (Bo Horvat) from the Devils for Cory Schneider. Doug Wilson of the San Jose Sharks is definitely the exception to the rule. He has completed several trades, including some important ones, after signing Hjalmarsson to an offer sheet in 2010. Wilson has even completed three trades with the Blackhawks since that time! Faced with the loss of Chris Pronger to injury, Paul Holmgren and the Flyers were in desperation mode and signed Shea Weber to the richest offer sheet in NHL history, hoping that the Predators couldn't match… but they did. In the two following years at the helm of the team, Holmgren has completed a dozen trades, but none of impact. In the book released for the Flyers' 50 anniversary, he admitted being unable to find people to trade with because of it. He had to step down and give way to Ron Hextall for that reason. Brian Burke, then interim GM for the Flames and who was quite verbal against Kevin Lowe's offer sheet to Dustin Penner six years earlier while GM with the Ducks, signed Ryan O'Reilly to an offer sheet of his own in what is perhaps the most hypocritical offer sheet signing ever. Colorado matched and Burke went back into is President's role making ways to Brad Treliving just a few months later. So Habs' fans and media, unless you want Marc Bergevin out, which clearly some of you do, what do you really think the odds are of him signing one of Drouin or Draisaitl to an offer sheet? Do you honestly think for a minute, based on facts and history, that it would be for the best of the team, of the organization? Oh don't get me wrong here, if Drouin is available as rumours around the NHL seem to suggest, Bergevin will be all in to get him, but it will be, in my humble opinion at least, through the traditional way of trade. As for Draisaitl, don't lose too much sleep over that folks, he will be re-signed in Edmonton. Next Habs With Plenty of Cap Space?
A leánykökörcsin (Pulsatilla grandis) a boglárkafélék családjába tartozó, Európában honos, száraz gyepekben élő, Magyarországon védett növényfaj. Népies nevei: lókökörcsin, kikirics, kükörics, tikdöglesztő, alamuszvirág, kokasharang, varjúkikerics. Megjelenése A leánykökörcsin 10-40 cm magas, lágyszárú, évelő növény. Gyökere erős és hosszú karógyökér, hogy száraz élőhelyein a vízutánpótlását biztosítsa. Szára egyenes, felálló. Szára, levelei selymesen gyapjasak, ez védi a növényt a hideg tavaszi reggeleken. Levelei hosszú nyélen ülnek, tőállóak, szárnyasan szeldeltek. A szár csak a virágzás vége felé nyúlik meg, ekkor jelenik meg rajta a három örvösen álló, gallérozó fellevél, 2–8 mm-es, behajlított, keskeny sallangokkal. Március-áprilisban virágzik. Felálló, kehelyszerű, halványlila virágai magányosan nyílnak a szár végén. Alul sallangos, sűrűn szőrös murvalevelek veszik körbe. A hat csészelevél nagy, sziromszerű, színes, hosszuk 4-5 cm. Porzói élénksárgák. A virágok borús időben gyakran bókolnak. Termése aszmagcsokor, a magok hosszú, szőrös repítőkészülék végén ülnek. A szél segítségével nagy távolságra jutnak el a magok. Mikor nedvesség éri csavarodott szárukat, kiegyenesedik, és a magot a földbe fúrja. Kromoszómaszáma 2n = 32. Elterjedése és élőhelye Európai faj, Dél-Németországban, a Kárpát-medencében, az Észak-Balkánon és Ukrajnában fordul elő. Magyarországon a leggyakoribb. Hazánkban az Északi- és a Dunántúli-középhegységben, valamint a Dél-Dunántúlon szórványosan jelenik meg, a Nyugat-Dunántúlon és az Alföldön ritka. Sztyeppréteken, szikla- és pusztafüves lejtőkön, erdőspuszta-réteken él. A száraz gyepek egyik legkorábban nyíló tavaszi virága. Beporzását méhek, poszméhek végzik. Magyarországon 1982 óta védett, természetvédelmi értéke 10 000 Ft. Felhasználása Mérgező. Kámforszerű anemonolt tartalmaz, amely már a növényben anemoninsavra, izoanemoninsavra, valamint mérgező, irritatív hatású anemoninra bomlik. A száraz növény elveszti mérgező hatását. A bőrre kerülve helyi irritációt, ekcémát okoz. Elfogyasztva - jellemzően a legelő állatok által - nyálkahártya-gyulladás, gyomor- bél- és vesegyulladás, hányás, véres hasmenés, véres vizelet, tehenek esetében tejmirigygyulladás okozta véres tej, támolygás, izomgörcsök, szívgyengeség a jellemző tünetek. Súlyos esetben a légzésbénulás az állat elhullását is kiválthatja. A népi gyógyászatban teájával az asztmatikus görcsöket csillapították, fejfájás enyhítésére itták. Vesebetegségek, köszvény, csúz gyógyítására ritkán még ma is használják. Kapcsolódó cikkek Magyarországon védett és fokozottan védett növények listája Források leánykökörcsin Természetvédelem.hu Leánykökörcsin Növényhatározó Leánykökörcsin TERRA Alapítvány Greater Pasque Flower The IUCN Red List Növényfajok Kökörcsinek Magyarországon őshonos növények Magyarországon védett növények
Bowling now the biggest agony Australia have severely dented the pride of Bangladeshi bowlers and fielders after they humiliated them in all possible manners in the three-match series that ended on Wednesday. With two convincing wins earlier, Australian have given ample scope to raise questions over the effectiveness of our bowling attack when they posted 361-8 on Wednesday. In the first match, Bangladesh somehow managed to keep them below 300, but Australia treated them in a ruthless manner in the second and third games with Shane Watson leading the way. Watson struck them for a world record 15 sixes in the second one-dayer and in the third game he hit them with equal disdain. Watson had only 230 runs to chase in the second game, so he had to stop on 185 off 96 balls, but on Wednesday only sky was the limit for the Australian vice-captain. Bangladesh should thank their luck that they somehow managed to get rid of him for 72 off 40 balls, otherwise it looked like he would take Australia to 500-plus total this time. At the end of innings Australia made only 361-8, but it was no less a humiliation for them as they have never conceded so many runs in a home game, apart from the World Cup opener against India. At times it was said that Bangladesh's spin attack was world class and it had been a major threat for any side from outside the Indian subcontinent, especially on home soil. True the spinners led Bangladesh to 4-0 win against New Zealand and also had Zimbabwe on their toes before the World Cup. England also struggled against them in the World Cup, making the assessment almost into a myth. But Australia showed if the batting side have some quality Bangladeshi spinners can never be a threat and they hardly know where to land the ball if put under pressure. And the fast bowlers are also nothing better. Shafiul Islam is being considered as Bangladesh's best fast bowling option in current form, but skipper Sakib al Hasan did not dare to bowl him for more than two overs in the second one-dayer. Sakib had little choice on Wednesday and bowled him eight overs in which the paceman conceded as many as 77 runs. Making a comeback in the side Mashrafee bin Muratza bowled well in patches and with his three wickets he became only second Bangladeshi bowler after Abdur Razzak to take 150 wicket in one-day internationals. But he too gave away 80 runs in his nine overs, which made it most expensive bowling figures in his career. Throughout the World Cup, Bangladesh cried only for their batting and in less than two weeks after the tournament ended, it is now the bowling that is giving them the maximum pain. Sadly for them, they were also let down by their fielding. Watson were given two reprieves in the second one-dayer which could have made his world record innings into an ordinary one. And they also dropped at least two catches on Wednesday. Mike Hussey was the supreme beneficiary, getting a century after none other than skipper Sakib dropped him on 95. Courtesy of New Age Categories Cricket Tags Australia, bangladesh, bangladesh batsman, bangladesh cricket team, bangladesh team, bangladesh vs australia, Bangladesh-Australia match, cricket, cricket-craz, cricketer, dhaka, jamie siddons, mirpur, sakib, sakib al hasan, siddons last match, tigers Bangladesh batsmen gain some lost pride Pahela Baishakh today Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Chandika Hathurusighe has been appointed Bangladesh National Team Head Coach, confirmed Bangladesh Cricket Board through a press release on Tuesday. This will be the former Sri Lanka batsman's second spell with the Bangladesh team which he had previously coached from 2014 to 2017. The 54-year old Hathurusighe has reached a two-year ... Read more Young Tigresses defeat USA to advance as group champions Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh batters Rabeya Khan and Misty Shaha dug deep as they saw their side off in a nervy run chase beating the USA by five wickets in their final Group A match of the ICC Women's U-19 T20 World Cup at Willowmoore Park in Benoni yesterday. With qualification already in the ... Read more Bangladesh stun Australia in Women's U-19 T20 WC opener Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh women's team made a sensational start in the ICC Women's Under-19 T20 World Cup as they beat their Australian counterparts in their first match by seven-wicket at the Willowmoore Park in Benoni on Saturday. Dilara Akter scored 40 off 42 while Sumaiya Akter and Shorna Akter remained not out on ... Read more Bangladesh win another thriller against India, capture ODI series 5-run win gives Tigers series victory Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh won the three-match ODI series with a game to spare after a five-run triumph at Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Mirpur yesterday. Bangladesh continued their dominance at home, having now won 17 out of their last 20 ODIs, as they recorded a second bilateral ODI ... Read more Bangladesh wins final-over thriller in Brisbane Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh got back on track in the Twenty20 World Cup on Sunday when they beat Zimbabwe in a thrilling last-ball win. Opener Najmul Shanto's first half-century and Taskin Ahmed's three wickets helped them win. Shanto's 71 helped Bangladesh get to 150-7 at Brisbane Gabba ground in a game that came down ... Read more Tigers can become very good T20 side in future: Sriram Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Despite their mixed fortunes in the ongoing T20 World Cup, Bangladesh's technical consultant, Sridharan Sriram, believes the Tigers have the potential to become a very good T20 side in the future. The Tigers entered the tournament with their only win in the main draw of the 2007 Twenty20 World Cup against ... Read more Tigers suffer their worst-ever loss in T20Is to SA Batters surrender against their opponent Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh's batting was no match for their counterpart South Africa, which led to a massive loss for the Tigers by 104 runs at the Sydney Cricket Ground today in the two teams' second Super 12 fixture of the T20 World Cup. Chasing a daunting 206, Bangladesh ... 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The Tigers will face the Dutch on October 24 in Hobart. Despite losing by 16 runs against Sri Lanka, the Dutch are in the Super 12s as runners-up behind the Lankans after UAE beat Namibia by seven runs on Thursday. ... Read more West Indies ousted, Ireland reaches Super 12 Sports Desk: dhakamirror.com Veteran opener Paul Stirling smashed an unbeaten 66 to propel Ireland into the Twenty20 World Cup Super 12 and eliminate two-time champions West Indies in a shocking upset on Friday. Gareth Delany took a career-best 3-16 to reduce the Caribbeans to 146-5 before the Irish reached their goal with 15 balls to ... Read more Shakib reclaims the top all-rounder ranking Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh captain Shakib Al Hasan will enter the ICC T20 World Cup on top of the world after he was elevated to the No.1 spot for all-rounders on the latest MRF Tyres ICC Men's T20I Player Rankings. Shakib claimed top billing on the back of an excellent tri-series against New Zealand ... Read more No more opening slot experiments: chief selector Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Bangladesh national cricket team chief selector Minhajul Abedin reassured that the team management wouldn't experiment further with the opening slot during the ICC T20 World Cup in Australia. Bangladesh are scheduled to start their campaign in the Super 12 round on October 24 in Hobart against the Group A runners-up from ... Read more Pakistan win tri-series final, sends T20 World Cup warning Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Mohammad Nawaz, an all-rounder, helped Pakistan defeat New Zealand by five wickets on Friday to win the tri-series Twenty20 final in Christchurch with three balls remaining. After the hosts finished on 163-7 at Hagley Oval, spinner Michael Bracewell checked Pakistan's early momentum in the tourists' reply, before Nawaz stepped up with ... Read more Rain ends Bangladesh's title defence Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Rain ended hosts Bangladesh's chance of qualifying for the semi-final of the eighth Asia Cup as their match against the UAE was washed out in Sylhet on Tuesday. The wash-out meant Thailand moved to the semi-final for the first time in history with six points collected from as many matches earlier ... Read more Bangladesh defeated by SL in thriller Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com India and Sri Lanka advanced to the eighth Women's Asia Cup semi-finals after defeating Thailand and the host Bangladesh, on a rain-hampered day in Sylhet on Monday. Pakistan joined them in the semi-final as well because both teams have eight points and are tied for second position with Sri Lanka. Bangladesh ... Read more Conway leads New Zealand to victory against Bangladesh Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com In the third game of the tri-nation series, played on Sunday in Christchurch, opening batsman Devon Conway led New Zealand to an eight-wicket victory over Bangladesh. The left-handed batter smashed six fours and a six as the hosts chased down Bangladesh's total of 137 with 13 balls to spare, in the ... Read more Bangladesh utterly defeated by India Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com India recovered from a shocking loss to Pakistan to defeat hosts Bangladesh by 59 runs on Saturday in Sylhet, effectively securing a spot in the semifinals of the eighth Women's Asia Cup. India has eight points after winning four of its last five games, with one more match to play in ... Read more Tigers hope to improve against Kiwis Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com When Bangladesh plays New Zealand in today's second game of the ongoing tri-nation series in Christchurch, they will be trying to get back on track. The game will start at noon (12:00pm). The match will be broadcast live on T Sports and in Bangladesh Standard Time. Bangladesh, which lost to Pakistan ... Read more Dona Ganguly diagnosed with chikungunya Sports Desk : dhakamirror.com Dona Ganguly, wife of Sourav Ganguly, President of The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) was admitted to a private hospital in Kolkata on Tuesday after being diagnosed with chikungunya. As per reports, she was rushed to Woodlands hospital after showing symptoms of the virus. The acclaimed Indian Odissi ... Read more
Top Ten Beauty Mistakes… | StyleAble Fashion For Everyone! A study by professional hair care website Hairtrade.com has shown that nine out of ten British women admit to making grooming mistakes almost everyday. Amongst them are washing our hair too much, not taking care of finger nails, neglecting our necks and forgetting to wash make up brushes. It seems that even when we think we are doing the right things, we could be getting it very wrong. Experts say that applying too much conditioner can actually make your hair look worse by weighing it down and clogging your pores – especially if you have fine or thin hair. If you thought you were ok applying just any old hair product, think again. Using heated tools on your hair could cause damage without the application of a heat protector – not every product does this. You may believe that by washing your hair everyday you're keeping it squeaky clean and in top condition. You're wrong. Washing your locks so frequently means you strip them of their natural oils and are actually doing more harm than good. This is an easy mistake to put right, ­ try washing your hair every other day then, over time, stretch it to every three days. You'll find your hair looks healthier and you'll get an extra half hour in bed in the morning. Most of us apply conditioner all over our hair, just as we do with shampoo. The hair at our roots is new, healthier growth, however at the tips it is older and more likely to be damaged. Concentrate on the tips of your hair as it will save you conditioner and leave those ends looking better and full of volume. There really is no excuse for not protecting your hair when you use hairdryers and straighteners most days. Blasting your hair with all that heat without shielding it in someway will leave it dry, frizzy and in poor condition. If you always wear your hair up in a tight ponytail, then try not to tie it in exactly the same place everyday. It can cause too much tension on the hair and over time can weaken it. It's one of those jobs you know you should do but just can't be bothered. If you fail to give your brushes a good clean then not only will you have mixed colours, you're also allowing bacteria to build up. Aim to give your brushes a clean once a week. As part of your daily skin care routine, do you cleanse and moisturise your neck? Thought not. Don't stop at your chin, make sure you carry on and take care of the thin, delicate skin on your neck. This area can be prone to sensitivity so it is really important to look after it. It's too easy to apply every spot cream you have to your face as soon as you have a breakout, but don't. They work on your skin for hours so make sure you always follow the pack instructions to the letter. Likewise, don't cake your spots in make-up. Your skin needs time to breath. Moisturiser needs time to dry, so give it a minute before you start applying your foundation. The creaminess of moisturiser can cause make up to thin out, so if you apply too quickly you'll get a streaky look. If you pluck too close to the mirror, you could find yourself looking at every hair rather than looking at the overall shape of your eyebrows. This can leave you with thin, uneven brows. Instead, use a large mirror and take a couple of steps back so you can see your whole face, not just your eyebrows. If you love nail art and never leave the house without a new design or colour on your talons, then you could be prone to yellow nails. Constant decoration can change the natural colour of the nails. The answer? Always apply a base coat and this will help prevent the stains. I have used fairy liquid to wash my hair. My excuse is that I was a student! Ooh I really rarely am bothered to take my makeup off…and I wash my hair daily. But honestly when I don't wash it every day it gets SO gross and unprofessional looking.
Cricket great bats for NMIT Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) has re-signed Sri Lankan cricket star Mahela Jayawarden as a brand ambassador for 2017, in a move to entice more international students to New Zealand. NMIT chief executive Tony Gray said the cricketer is a household name in Sri Lanka and India. These are both important markets for overseas student recruitment, making Jayawardena an influential asset for NMIT. "We're fortunate to have such a superstar batting for NMIT. He has been a regular visitor to NMIT and genuinely believes in the opportunities that NMIT can give fellow Sri Lankans," said Tony. "Having Mahela as brand ambassador will help us show Sri Lankan students that Nelson and Marlborough are the places to come to study and enjoy life at the same time." The arrangement will see Jayawardena promoting the educational attractions of NMIT in Sri Lanka, appearing on banners, posters, videos and social media for the institute. Tony Gray says NMIT wants to build its Sri Lanka numbers, especially students attracted to accountancy and business programmes. Currently, less than 20 per cent of Sri Lankan students who want to attend university in Sri Lanka are able to gain a place due to high demand and limited spaces - making overseas education very attractive. "We already have more than 30 Sri Lankans studying at NMIT and living in Nelson. They fit in very well, speak very good English and work hard," said Tony.
Magnificent image. A real 'eye-catcher'! Great photo Miguel! Wonderful detail. Very nice shot, great sky and very interesting rock. This is super nice...very well done! WOW! Superb! there is something 'surreal' about this image..
Zoarces elongatus är en fiskart som beskrevs av Kner, 1868. Zoarces elongatus ingår i släktet Zoarces och familjen tånglakefiskar. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Tånglakefiskar elongatus
4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, 4:2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 4:7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
Schools are closing for the summer and seniors are graduating, and that means teachers and principals everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief knowing they've survived another year of school pranks. The best pranks are both hilarious and good-natured, like that of the pranksters who hired a mariachi band this year to follow their principal all day. But over the years, few pranks have been able to top this clever collaborative effort by more than 90 Minnesota high schoolers in 2006. Technically they didn't even do anything wrong, although plenty of motorists late for work might disagree. Luckily, students caught this prank on video from multiple angles and uploaded it to YouTube, which we saw via Mental Floss. At first, everything seems normal at the crosswalk in front of this Austin, Minnesota, high school. On second thought, that's one large group of students. And why are they all walking single file? Since the two school buildings the dozens of students are walking between are connected by an underground tunnel, the same kids can walk across the street over and over again. They continue long enough for the line of cars to extend far down the road. It's unclear how long they kept this up, although one student in the video states their intention to make it last 15 agonizing minutes. Some of the students dressed up in cow and chicken costumes. We're guessing that may have been a clever way to drive motorists crazy when they saw the same costume make multiple passes.
/* HappyCommander class * * Written by Sylvain Tertois (Sylvain.Tertois@fnac.net) to show how to use * BeHappy's scripting capabilities */ // constants static const char *behappySignature = "application/x.vnd-STertois.BeHappy"; static const char *behappyAddOnPath = "Add-ons"; static const char *alertText = "Would you like to install the 3DM Toolkit's documentation for BeHappy?"; static const char *alertText2 = "Add-on successfully installed!"; #include "HappyCommander.h" #include <Entry.h> #include <Roster.h> #include <Directory.h> #include <Application.h> #include <Alert.h> #include <String.h> #include <Path.h> HappyCommander::HappyCommander(const char *an, const char *afn, const char *hi) : addOnName(an),addOnFileName(afn),htmlIndex(hi) { addOnInstalled = false; } HappyCommander::~HappyCommander() { } int HappyCommander::InstallAddOn() { // Search if BeHappy is there entry_ref behappyRef; if (be_roster->FindApp(behappySignature,&behappyRef) != B_OK) // it isn't here return HC_NO_BEHAPPY; // Find BeHappy's add-on folder BEntry behappyEntry(&behappyRef); BDirectory behappyAddOnDir; behappyEntry.GetParent(&behappyAddOnDir); behappyAddOnDir.SetTo(&behappyAddOnDir,behappyAddOnPath); if (behappyAddOnDir.InitCheck() != B_OK) return HC_NO_BEHAPPY; // Add-ons folder not found... // Look if the add-on is here BEntry myAddon(&behappyAddOnDir,addOnFileName,true); if (myAddon.Exists()) { addOnInstalled = true; return HC_ALREADY_INSTALLED; } // The add-on isn't in BeHappy's add-on folder... // We'll try and install it // first search the application's folder app_info myAppInfo; be_app->GetAppInfo(&myAppInfo); BEntry myAppEntry(&myAppInfo.ref); BDirectory myAppDir; myAppEntry.GetParent(&myAppDir); myAddon.SetTo(&myAppDir,addOnFileName,true); // so, is this add-on here? if (!myAddon.Exists()) return HC_NO_ADDON; // ask the user if he wants to install the add-on BAlert *myAlert = new BAlert("Add-on installation",alertText,"Yes","No","Don't ask anymore",B_WIDTH_FROM_LABEL,B_IDEA_ALERT); switch(myAlert->Go()) { case 1: return HC_REFUSED; case 2: return HC_NO_MORE_ASKING; } // the user wants to install the add-on if (myAddon.MoveTo(&behappyAddOnDir) == B_OK) { // everything worked! addOnInstalled = true; myAlert = new BAlert("Add-on installation",alertText2,"OK"); myAlert->Go(); return HC_OK; } else return HC_INSTALL_ERROR; } int HappyCommander::Show(const char *index, const char *topic) { if (!addOnInstalled) { OpenHtmlIndex(); return HC_NO_ADDON; } // first we must be shure the window is opened int error = CheckMessenger(); if (error == HC_NO_BEHAPPY) { OpenHtmlIndex(); return error; } if (error != HC_OK) return error; // the messenger is ok. // active the window BMessage activateMessage(B_SET_PROPERTY); activateMessage.AddSpecifier("Active"); activateMessage.AddBool("data",true); bhWindow.SendMessage(&activateMessage); // check what book is opened BMessage messageG(B_GET_PROPERTY),reply; messageG.AddSpecifier("Book"); bhWindow.SendMessage(&messageG,&reply); BString openedBook; if (reply.FindString("result",&openedBook) != B_OK) { // the reply isn't what's expected... it must be an old version of BeHappy OpenHtmlIndex(); return HC_OLD_BEHAPPY; } BMessage messageS(B_SET_PROPERTY); // is the book opened the correct one? if (openedBook != addOnName) { // no... set it to the correct book messageS.AddSpecifier("Book"); messageS.AddString("data",addOnName); bhWindow.SendMessage(&messageS,&reply); if ((reply.what != B_REPLY) || (reply.FindInt32("error") != B_OK)) return HC_ERROR; } // now set the wanted index or topic (or both) if (index != NULL) { messageS.MakeEmpty(); messageS.AddSpecifier("Index"); messageS.AddString("data",index); bhWindow.SendMessage(&messageS,&reply); if ((reply.what != B_REPLY) || (reply.FindInt32("error") != B_OK)) return HC_NO_INDEX; } if (topic != NULL) { messageS.MakeEmpty(); messageS.AddSpecifier("Topic"); messageS.AddString("data",topic); bhWindow.SendMessage(&messageS,&reply); if ((reply.what != B_REPLY) || (reply.FindInt32("error") != B_OK)) return HC_NO_TOPIC; } // if we've made it till here, it means that all went all right return HC_OK; } int HappyCommander::CheckMessenger() { // first see if the messenger still points to something if (bhWindow.IsValid()) // it's ok! return HC_OK; // now, see if BeHappy is launched app_info behappyInfo; if(be_roster->GetAppInfo(behappySignature,&behappyInfo) != B_OK) { // it isn't... let's launch it BMessage initMessage('Hide'); be_roster->Launch(behappySignature,&initMessage); } BMessenger happyMessenger(behappySignature); // if the messenger isn't initilalised, it means BeHappy isn't here if (!happyMessenger.IsValid()) return HC_NO_BEHAPPY; // ask BeHappy to open a window BMessage openMessage('Open'),reply; openMessage.AddString("Name",addOnName); happyMessenger.SendMessage(&openMessage,&reply); // extract the messenger for the new opened window if (reply.what == B_NO_REPLY) // the old behappy doesn't send any reply return HC_OLD_BEHAPPY; if ((reply.what != B_REPLY) || (reply.FindMessenger("Messenger",&bhWindow) != B_OK)) // there has been an error... add-on not here? return HC_ERROR; else { if (bhWindow.IsValid()) return HC_OK; // done! else return HC_ERROR; } } bool HappyCommander::OpenHtmlIndex() { // find the application's folder app_info myInfo; be_app->GetAppInfo(&myInfo); BEntry myEntry(&myInfo.ref); BDirectory myDir; myEntry.GetParent(&myDir); BPath htmlFilePath(&myDir,htmlIndex); if (myEntry.SetTo(htmlFilePath.Path()) == B_OK) // open the file { entry_ref myRef; myEntry.GetRef(&myRef); return(be_roster->Launch(&myRef) == B_OK); } else // error while retreiving the application's directory return B_ERROR; }