High Resolution Medical Image Analysis with Spatial Partitioning
Medical images such as 3D computerized tomography (CT) scans and pathology images, have hundreds of millions or billions of voxels/pixels. It is infeasible to train CNN models directly on such high resolution images, because neural activations of a single image do not fit in the memory of a single GPU/TPU, and naive data and model parallelism approaches do not work. Existing image analysis approaches alleviate this problem by cropping or down-sampling input images, which leads to complicated implementation and sub-optimal performance due to information loss. In this paper, we implement spatial partitioning, which internally distributes the input and output of convolutional layers across GPUs/TPUs. Our implementation is based on the Mesh-TensorFlow framework and the computation distribution is transparent to end users. With this technique, we train a 3D Unet on up to 512 by 512 by 512 resolution data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work for handling such high resolution images end-to-end.
On the Origin of Deep Learning
This paper is a review of the evolutionary history of deep learning models. It covers from the genesis of neural networks when associationism modeling of the brain is studied, to the models that dominate the last decade of research in deep learning like convolutional neural networks, deep belief networks, and recurrent neural networks. In addition to a review of these models, this paper primarily focuses on the precedents of the models above, examining how the initial ideas are assembled to construct the early models and how these preliminary models are developed into their current forms. Many of these evolutionary paths last more than half a century and have a diversity of directions. For example, CNN is built on prior knowledge of biological vision system; DBN is evolved from a trade-off of modeling power and computation complexity of graphical models and many nowadays models are neural counterparts of ancient linear models. This paper reviews these evolutionary paths and offers a concise thought flow of how these models are developed, and aims to provide a thorough background for deep learning. More importantly, along with the path, this paper summarizes the gist behind these milestones and proposes many directions to guide the future research of deep learning.
Deep learning predicts total knee replacement from magnetic resonance images
Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal disorder in the United States. When diagnosed at early stages, lifestyle interventions such as exercise and weight loss can slow OA progression, but at later stages, only an invasive option is available: total knee replacement (TKR). Though a generally successful procedure, only 2/3 of patients who undergo the procedure report their knees feeling ''normal'' post-operation, and complications can arise that require revision. This necessitates a model to identify a population at higher risk of TKR, particularly at less advanced stages of OA, such that appropriate treatments can be implemented that slow OA progression and delay TKR. Here, we present a deep learning pipeline that leverages MRI images and clinical and demographic information to predict TKR with AUC $0.834 \pm 0.036$ (p < 0.05). Most notably, the pipeline predicts TKR with AUC $0.943 \pm 0.057$ (p < 0.05) for patients without OA. Furthermore, we develop occlusion maps for case-control pairs in test data and compare regions used by the model in both, thereby identifying TKR imaging biomarkers. As such, this work takes strides towards a pipeline with clinical utility, and the biomarkers identified further our understanding of OA progression and eventual TKR onset.
Building Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Human Modeling
Statistical models of 3D human shape and pose learned from scan databases have developed into valuable tools to solve a variety of vision and graphics problems. Unfortunately, most publicly available models are of limited expressiveness as they were learned on very small databases that hardly reflect the true variety in human body shapes. In this paper, we contribute by rebuilding a widely used statistical body representation from the largest commercially available scan database, and making the resulting model available to the community (visit As preprocessing several thousand scans for learning the model is a challenge in itself, we contribute by developing robust best practice solutions for scan alignment that quantitatively lead to the best learned models. We make implementations of these preprocessing steps also publicly available. We extensively evaluate the improved accuracy and generality of our new model, and show its improved performance for human body reconstruction from sparse input data.
A Deep Learning Approach to Digitally Stain Optical Coherence Tomography Images of the Optic Nerve Head
Purpose: To develop a deep learning approach to digitally-stain optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the optic nerve head (ONH). Methods: A horizontal B-scan was acquired through the center of the ONH using OCT (Spectralis) for 1 eye of each of 100 subjects (40 normal & 60 glaucoma). All images were enhanced using adaptive compensation. A custom deep learning network was then designed and trained with the compensated images to digitally stain (i.e. highlight) 6 tissue layers of the ONH. The accuracy of our algorithm was assessed (against manual segmentations) using the Dice coefficient, sensitivity, and specificity. We further studied how compensation and the number of training images affected the performance of our algorithm. Results: For images it had not yet assessed, our algorithm was able to digitally stain the retinal nerve fiber layer + prelamina, the retinal pigment epithelium, all other retinal layers, the choroid, and the peripapillary sclera and lamina cribrosa. For all tissues, the mean dice coefficient was $0.84 \pm 0.03$, the mean sensitivity $0.92 \pm 0.03$, and the mean specificity $0.99 \pm 0.00$. Our algorithm performed significantly better when compensated images were used for training. Increasing the number of images (from 10 to 40) to train our algorithm did not significantly improve performance, except for the RPE. Conclusion. Our deep learning algorithm can simultaneously stain neural and connective tissues in ONH images. Our approach offers a framework to automatically measure multiple key structural parameters of the ONH that may be critical to improve glaucoma management.
Faster Unsupervised Semantic Inpainting: A GAN Based Approach
In this paper, we propose to improve the inference speed and visual quality of contemporary baseline of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) based unsupervised semantic inpainting. This is made possible with better initialization of the core iterative optimization involved in the framework. To our best knowledge, this is also the first attempt of GAN based video inpainting with consideration to temporal cues. On single image inpainting, we achieve about 4.5-5$\times$ speedup and 80$\times$ on videos compared to baseline. Simultaneously, our method has better spatial and temporal reconstruction qualities as found on three image and one video dataset.
[ "Image Inpainting", "Video Inpainting" ]
[ "Convolution", "GAN" ]
Specifying Treebanks, Outsourcing Parsebanks: FinnTreeBank 3
Corpus-based treebank annotation is known to result in incomplete coverage of mid- and low-frequency linguistic constructions: the linguistic representation and corpus annotation quality are sometimes suboptimal. Large descriptive grammars cover also many mid- and low-frequency constructions. We argue for use of large descriptive grammars and their sample sentences as a basis for specifying higher-coverage grammatical representations. We present an sample case from an ongoing project (FIN-CLARIN FinnTreeBank) where an grammatical representation is documented as an annotator's manual alongside manual annotation of sample sentences extracted from a large descriptive grammar of Finnish. We outline the linguistic representation (morphology and dependency syntax) for Finnish, and show how the resulting `Grammar Definition Corpus' and the documentation is used as a task specification for an external subcontractor for building a parser engine for use in morphological and dependency syntactic analysis of large volumes of Finnish for parsebanking purposes. The resulting corpus, FinnTreeBank 3, is due for release in June 2012, and will contain tens of millions of words from publicly available corpora of Finnish with automatic morphological and dependency syntactic analysis, for use in research on the corpus linguistics and language engineering.
Checking Chase Termination over Ontologies of Existential Rules with Equality
The chase is a sound and complete algorithm for conjunctive query answering over ontologies of existential rules with equality. To enable its effective use, we can apply acyclicity notions; that is, sufficient conditions that guarantee chase termination. Unfortunately, most of these notions have only been defined for existential rule sets without equality. A proposed solution to circumvent this issue is to treat equality as an ordinary predicate with an explicit axiomatisation. We empirically show that this solution is not efficient in practice and propose an alternative approach. More precisely, we show that, if the chase terminates for any equality axiomatisation of an ontology, then it terminates for the original ontology (which may contain equality). Therefore, one can apply existing acyclicity notions to check chase termination over an axiomatisation of an ontology and then use the original ontology for reasoning. We show that, in practice, doing so results in a more efficient reasoning procedure. Furthermore, we present equality model-faithful acyclicity, a general acyclicity notion that can be directly applied to ontologies with equality.
IJCNLP-2017 Task 1: Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
This paper presents the IJCNLP 2017 shared task for Chinese grammatical error diagnosis (CGED) which seeks to identify grammatical error types and their range of occurrence within sentences written by learners of Chinese as foreign language. We describe the task definition, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Of the 13 teams registered for this shared task, 5 teams developed the system and submitted a total of 13 runs. We expected this evaluation campaign could lead to the development of more advanced NLP techniques for educational applications, especially for Chinese error detection. All data sets with gold standards and scoring scripts are made publicly available to researchers.
[ "Grammatical Error Correction" ]
A Tutorial on Distributed (Non-Bayesian) Learning: Problem, Algorithms and Results
We overview some results on distributed learning with focus on a family of recently proposed algorithms known as non-Bayesian social learning. We consider different approaches to the distributed learning problem and its algorithmic solutions for the case of finitely many hypotheses. The original centralized problem is discussed at first, and then followed by a generalization to the distributed setting. The results on convergence and convergence rate are presented for both asymptotic and finite time regimes. Various extensions are discussed such as those dealing with directed time-varying networks, Nesterov's acceleration technique and a continuum sets of hypothesis.
Translucent Players: Explaining Cooperative Behavior in Social Dilemmas
In the last few decades, numerous experiments have shown that humans do not always behave so as to maximize their material payoff. Cooperative behavior when non-cooperation is a dominant strategy (with respect to the material payoffs) is particularly puzzling. Here we propose a novel approach to explain cooperation, assuming what Halpern and Pass call translucent players. Typically, players are assumed to be opaque, in the sense that a deviation by one player in a normal-form game does not affect the strategies used by other players. But a player may believe that if he switches from one strategy to another, the fact that he chooses to switch may be visible to the other players. For example, if he chooses to defect in Prisoner's Dilemma, the other player may sense his guilt. We show that by assuming translucent players, we can recover many of the regularities observed in human behavior in well-studied games such as Prisoner's Dilemma, Traveler's Dilemma, Bertrand Competition, and the Public Goods game.
Polish Multimodal Corpus --- a collection of referential gestures
In face to face interaction, people refer to objects and events not only by means of speech but also by means of gesture. The present paper describes building a corpus of referential gestures. The aim is to investigate gestural reference by incorporating insights from semantic ontologies and by employing a more holistic view on referential gestures. The paper's focus is on presenting the data collection procedure and discussing the corpus' design; additionally the first insights from constructing the annotation scheme are described.
Investigations of the Influences of a CNN's Receptive Field on Segmentation of Subnuclei of Bilateral Amygdalae
Segmentation of objects with various sizes is relatively less explored in medical imaging, and has been very challenging in computer vision tasks in general. We hypothesize that the receptive field of a deep model corresponds closely to the size of object to be segmented, which could critically influence the segmentation accuracy of objects with varied sizes. In this study, we employed "AmygNet", a dual-branch fully convolutional neural network (FCNN) with two different sizes of receptive fields, to investigate the effects of receptive field on segmenting four major subnuclei of bilateral amygdalae. The experiment was conducted on 14 subjects, which are all 3-dimensional MRI human brain images. Since the scale of different subnuclear groups are different, by investigating the accuracy of each subnuclear group while using receptive fields of various sizes, we may find which kind of receptive field is suitable for object of which scale respectively. In the given condition, AmygNet with multiple receptive fields presents great potential in segmenting objects of different sizes.
Automatic Speech Recognition and Topic Identification for Almost-Zero-Resource Languages
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems often need to be developed for extremely low-resource languages to serve end-uses such as audio content categorization and search. While universal phone recognition is natural to consider when no transcribed speech is available to train an ASR system in a language, adapting universal phone models using very small amounts (minutes rather than hours) of transcribed speech also needs to be studied, particularly with state-of-the-art DNN-based acoustic models. The DARPA LORELEI program provides a framework for such very-low-resource ASR studies, and provides an extrinsic metric for evaluating ASR performance in a humanitarian assistance, disaster relief setting. This paper presents our Kaldi-based systems for the program, which employ a universal phone modeling approach to ASR, and describes recipes for very rapid adaptation of this universal ASR system. The results we obtain significantly outperform results obtained by many competing approaches on the NIST LoReHLT 2017 Evaluation datasets.
[ "Speech Recognition" ]
Inferential Text Generation with Multiple Knowledge Sources and Meta-Learning
We study the problem of generating inferential texts of events for a variety of commonsense like \textit{if-else} relations. Existing approaches typically use limited evidence from training examples and learn for each relation individually. In this work, we use multiple knowledge sources as fuels for the model. Existing commonsense knowledge bases like ConceptNet are dominated by taxonomic knowledge (e.g., \textit{isA} and \textit{relatedTo} relations), having a limited number of inferential knowledge. We use not only structured commonsense knowledge bases, but also natural language snippets from search-engine results. These sources are incorporated into a generative base model via key-value memory network. In addition, we introduce a meta-learning based multi-task learning algorithm. For each targeted commonsense relation, we regard the learning of examples from other relations as the meta-training process, and the evaluation on examples from the targeted relation as the meta-test process. We conduct experiments on Event2Mind and ATOMIC datasets. Results show that both the integration of multiple knowledge sources and the use of the meta-learning algorithm improve the performance.
[ "Meta-Learning", "Multi-Task Learning", "Text Generation" ]
Revisiting the Importance of Individual Units in CNNs via Ablation
We revisit the importance of the individual units in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for visual recognition. By conducting unit ablation experiments on CNNs trained on large scale image datasets, we demonstrate that, though ablating any individual unit does not hurt overall classification accuracy, it does lead to significant damage on the accuracy of specific classes. This result shows that an individual unit is specialized to encode information relevant to a subset of classes. We compute the correlation between the accuracy drop under unit ablation and various attributes of an individual unit such as class selectivity and weight L1 norm. We confirm that unit attributes such as class selectivity are a poor predictor for impact on overall accuracy as found previously in recent work \cite{morcos2018importance}. However, our results show that class selectivity along with other attributes are good predictors of the importance of one unit to individual classes. We evaluate the impact of random rotation, batch normalization, and dropout to the importance of units to specific classes. Our results show that units with high selectivity play an important role in network classification power at the individual class level. Understanding and interpreting the behavior of these units is necessary and meaningful.
[ "Dropout" ]
Backward-Forward Algorithm: An Improvement towards Extreme Learning Machine
The extreme learning machine needs a large number of hidden nodes to generalize a single hidden layer neural network for a given training data-set. The need for more number of hidden nodes suggests that the neural-network is memorizing rather than generalizing the model. Hence, a supervised learning method is described here that uses Moore-Penrose approximation to determine both input-weight and output-weight in two epochs, namely, backward-pass and forward-pass. The proposed technique has an advantage over the back-propagation method in terms of iterations required and is superior to the extreme learning machine in terms of the number of hidden units necessary for generalization.
Fast Flexible Function Dispatch in Julia
Technical computing is a challenging application area for programming languages to address. This is evinced by the unusually large number of specialized languages in the area (e.g. MATLAB, R), and the complexity of common software stacks, often involving multiple languages and custom code generators. We believe this is ultimately due to key characteristics of the domain: highly complex operators, a need for extensive code specialization for performance, and a desire for permissive high-level programming styles allowing productive experimentation. The Julia language attempts to provide a more effective structure for this kind of programming by allowing programmers to express complex polymorphic behaviors using dynamic multiple dispatch over parametric types. The forms of extension and reuse permitted by this paradigm have proven valuable for technical computing. We report on how this approach has allowed domain experts to express useful abstractions while simultaneously providing a natural path to better performance for high-level technical code.
Agile Earth observation satellite scheduling over 20 years: formulations, methods and future directions
Agile satellites with advanced attitude maneuvering capability are the new generation of Earth observation satellites (EOSs). The continuous improvement in satellite technology and decrease in launch cost have boosted the development of agile EOSs (AEOSs). To efficiently employ the increasing orbiting AEOSs, the AEOS scheduling problem (AEOSSP) aiming to maximize the entire observation profit while satisfying all complex operational constraints, has received much attention over the past 20 years. The objectives of this paper are thus to summarize current research on AEOSSP, identify main accomplishments and highlight potential future research directions. To this end, general definitions of AEOSSP with operational constraints are described initially, followed by its three typical variations including different definitions of observation profit, multi-objective function and autonomous model. A detailed literature review from 1997 up to 2019 is then presented in line with four different solution methods, i.e., exact method, heuristic, metaheuristic and machine learning. Finally, we discuss a number of topics worth pursuing in the future.
[ "LINE" ]
Convolutional Neural Networks based automated segmentation and labelling of the lumbar spine X-ray
The aim of this study is to investigate the segmentation accuracies of different segmentation networks trained on 730 manually annotated lateral lumbar spine X-rays. Instance segmentation networks were compared to semantic segmentation networks. The study cohort comprised diseased spines and postoperative images with metallic implants. The average mean accuracy and mean intersection over union (IoU) was up to 3 percent better for the best performing instance segmentation model, the average pixel accuracy and weighted IoU were slightly better for the best performing semantic segmentation model. Moreover, the inferences of the instance segmentation models are easier to implement for further processing pipelines in clinical decision support.
[ "Instance Segmentation", "Semantic Segmentation" ]
Analysis of the Gradient Descent Algorithm for a Deep Neural Network Model with Skip-connections
The behavior of the gradient descent (GD) algorithm is analyzed for a deep neural network model with skip-connections. It is proved that in the over-parametrized regime, for a suitable initialization, with high probability GD can find a global minimum exponentially fast. Generalization error estimates along the GD path are also established. As a consequence, it is shown that when the target function is in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with a kernel defined by the initialization, there exist generalizable early-stopping solutions along the GD path. In addition, it is also shown that the GD path is uniformly close to the functions given by the related random feature model. Consequently, in this "implicit regularization" setting, the deep neural network model deteriorates to a random feature model. Our results hold for neural networks of any width larger than the input dimension.
LSMI-Sinkhorn: Semi-supervised Squared-Loss Mutual Information Estimation with Optimal Transport
Estimating mutual information is an important machine learning and statistics problem. To estimate the mutual information from data, a common practice is preparing a set of paired samples. However, in some cases, it is difficult to obtain a large number of data pairs. To address this problem, we propose squared-loss mutual information (SMI) estimation using a small number of paired samples and the available unpaired ones. We first represent SMI through the density ratio function, where the expectation is approximated by the samples from marginals and its assignment parameters. The objective is formulated using the optimal transport problem and quadratic programming. Then, we introduce the least-square mutual information-Sinkhorn algorithm (LSMI-Sinkhorn) for efficient optimization. Through experiments, we first demonstrate that the proposed method can estimate the SMI without a large number of paired samples. We also evaluate and show the effectiveness of the proposed LSMI-Sinkhorn on various types of machine learning problems such as image matching and photo album summarization.
[ "Mutual Information Estimation" ]
Evaluating Indirect Strategies for Chinese-Spanish Statistical Machine Translation
Although, Chinese and Spanish are two of the most spoken languages in the world, not much research has been done in machine translation for this language pair. This paper focuses on investigating the state-of-the-art of Chinese-to-Spanish statistical machine translation (SMT), which nowadays is one of the most popular approaches to machine translation. For this purpose, we report details of the available parallel corpus which are Basic Traveller Expressions Corpus (BTEC), Holy Bible and United Nations (UN). Additionally, we conduct experimental work with the largest of these three corpora to explore alternative SMT strategies by means of using a pivot language. Three alternatives are considered for pivoting: cascading, pseudo-corpus and triangulation. As pivot language, we use either English, Arabic or French. Results show that, for a phrase-based SMT system, English is the best pivot language between Chinese and Spanish. We propose a system output combination using the pivot strategies which is capable of outperforming the direct translation strategy. The main objective of this work is motivating and involving the research community to work in this important pair of languages given their demographic impact.
[ "Machine Translation" ]
Improving Retrieval Modeling Using Cross Convolution Networks And Multi Frequency Word Embedding
To build a satisfying chatbot that has the ability of managing a goal-oriented multi-turn dialogue, accurate modeling of human conversation is crucial. In this paper we concentrate on the task of response selection for multi-turn human-computer conversation with a given context. Previous approaches show weakness in capturing information of rare keywords that appear in either or both context and correct response, and struggle with long input sequences. We propose Cross Convolution Network (CCN) and Multi Frequency word embedding to address both problems. We train several models using the Ubuntu Dialogue dataset which is the largest freely available multi-turn based dialogue corpus. We further build an ensemble model by averaging predictions of multiple models. We achieve a new state-of-the-art on this dataset with considerable improvements compared to previous best results.
[ "Chatbot" ]
[ "Convolution" ]
Learning Graph While Training: An Evolving Graph Convolutional Neural Network
Convolution Neural Networks on Graphs are important generalization and extension of classical CNNs. While previous works generally assumed that the graph structures of samples are regular with unified dimensions, in many applications, they are highly diverse or even not well defined. Under some circumstances, e.g. chemical molecular data, clustering or coarsening for simplifying the graphs is hard to be justified chemically. In this paper, we propose a more general and flexible graph convolution network (EGCN) fed by batch of arbitrarily shaped data together with their evolving graph Laplacians trained in supervised fashion. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superior performance in terms of both the acceleration of parameter fitting and the significantly improved prediction accuracy on multiple graph-structured datasets.
[ "Convolution" ]
VOAR: A Visual and Integrated Ontology Alignment Environment
Ontology alignment is a key process for enabling interoperability between ontology-based systems in the Linked Open Data age. From two input ontologies, this process generates an alignment (set of correspondences) between them. In this paper we present VOAR, a new web-based environment for ontology alignment visualization and manipulation. Within this graphical environment, users can manually create/edit correspondences and apply a set of operations on alignments (filtering, merge, difference, etc.). VOAR allows invoking external ontology matching systems that implement a specific alignment interface, so that the generated alignments can be manipulated within the environment. Evaluating multiple alignments together against a reference one can also be carried out, using classical evaluation metrics (precision, recall and f-measure). The status of each correspondence with respect to its presence or absence in reference alignment is visually represented. Overall, the main new aspect of VOAR is the visualization and manipulation of alignments at schema level, in an integrated, visual and web-based environment.
Exploiting Capacity of Sewer System Using Unsupervised Learning Algorithms Combined with Dimensionality Reduction
Exploiting capacity of sewer system using decentralized control is a cost effective mean of minimizing the overflow. Given the size of the real sewer system, exploiting all the installed control structures in the sewer pipes can be challenging. This paper presents a divide and conquer solution to implement decentralized control measures based on unsupervised learning algorithms. A sewer system is first divided into a number of subcatchments. A series of natural and built factors that have the impact on sewer system performance is then collected. Clustering algorithms are then applied to grouping subcatchments with similar hydraulic hydrologic characteristics. Following which, principal component analysis is performed to interpret the main features of sub-catchment groups and identify priority control locations. Overflows under different control scenarios are compared based on the hydraulic model. Simulation results indicate that priority control applied to the most suitable cluster could bring the most profitable result.
[ "Dimensionality Reduction" ]
Enhancing TripleGAN for Semi-Supervised Conditional Instance Synthesis and Classification
Learning class-conditional data distributions is crucial for Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) in semi-supervised learning. To improve both instance synthesis and classification in this setting, we propose an enhanced TripleGAN (EnhancedTGAN) model in this work. We follow the adversarial training scheme of the original TripleGAN, but completely re-design the training targets of the generator and classifier. Specifically, we adopt feature-semantics matching to enhance the generator in learning class-conditional distributions from both the aspects of statistics in the latent space and semantics consistency with respect to the generator and classifier. Since a limited amount of labeled data is not sufficient to determine satisfactory decision boundaries, we include two classifiers, and incorporate collaborative learning into our model to provide better guidance for generator training. The synthesized high-fidelity data can in turn be used for improving classifier training. In the experiments, the superior performance of our approach on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of the mutual reinforcement between the generator and classifiers in facilitating semi-supervised instance synthesis and classification.
Adaptive Iterative Hessian Sketch via A-Optimal Subsampling
Iterative Hessian sketch (IHS) is an effective sketching method for modeling large-scale data. It was originally proposed by Pilanci and Wainwright (2016; JMLR) based on randomized sketching matrices. However, it is computationally intensive due to the iterative sketch process. In this paper, we analyze the IHS algorithm under the unconstrained least squares problem setting, then propose a deterministic approach for improving IHS via A-optimal subsampling. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) a good initial estimator based on the A-optimal design is suggested; (2) a novel ridged preconditioner is developed for repeated sketching; and (3) an exact line search method is proposed for determining the optimal step length adaptively. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed A-optimal IHS algorithm outperforms the existing accelerated IHS methods.
[ "LINE" ]
A Fast Anderson-Chebyshev Acceleration for Nonlinear Optimization
Anderson acceleration (or Anderson mixing) is an efficient acceleration method for fixed point iterations $x_{t+1}=G(x_t)$, e.g., gradient descent can be viewed as iteratively applying the operation $G(x) \triangleq x-\alpha\nabla f(x)$. It is known that Anderson acceleration is quite efficient in practice and can be viewed as an extension of Krylov subspace methods for nonlinear problems. In this paper, we show that Anderson acceleration with Chebyshev polynomial can achieve the optimal convergence rate $O(\sqrt{\kappa}\ln\frac{1}{\epsilon})$, which improves the previous result $O(\kappa\ln\frac{1}{\epsilon})$ provided by (Toth and Kelley, 2015) for quadratic functions. Moreover, we provide a convergence analysis for minimizing general nonlinear problems. Besides, if the hyperparameters (e.g., the Lipschitz smooth parameter $L$) are not available, we propose a guessing algorithm for guessing them dynamically and also prove a similar convergence rate. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Anderson-Chebyshev acceleration method converges significantly faster than other algorithms, e.g., vanilla gradient descent (GD), Nesterov's Accelerated GD. Also, these algorithms combined with the proposed guessing algorithm (guessing the hyperparameters dynamically) achieve much better performance.
Minimizing Finite Sums with the Stochastic Average Gradient
We propose the stochastic average gradient (SAG) method for optimizing the sum of a finite number of smooth convex functions. Like stochastic gradient (SG) methods, the SAG method's iteration cost is independent of the number of terms in the sum. However, by incorporating a memory of previous gradient values the SAG method achieves a faster convergence rate than black-box SG methods. The convergence rate is improved from O(1/k^{1/2}) to O(1/k) in general, and when the sum is strongly-convex the convergence rate is improved from the sub-linear O(1/k) to a linear convergence rate of the form O(p^k) for p \textless{} 1. Further, in many cases the convergence rate of the new method is also faster than black-box deterministic gradient methods, in terms of the number of gradient evaluations. Numerical experiments indicate that the new algorithm often dramatically outperforms existing SG and deterministic gradient methods, and that the performance may be further improved through the use of non-uniform sampling strategies.
The En-Ru Two-way Integrated Machine Translation System Based on Transformer
Machine translation is one of the most popular areas in natural language processing. WMT is a conference to assess the level of machine translation capabilities of organizations around the world, which is the evaluation activity we participated in. In this review we participated in a two-way translation track from Russian to English and English to Russian. We used official training data, 38 million parallel corpora, and 10 million monolingual corpora. The overall framework we use is the Transformer neural machine translation model, supplemented by data filtering, post-processing, reordering and other related processing methods. The BLEU value of our final translation result from Russian to English is 38.7, ranking 5th, while from English to Russian is 27.8, ranking 10th.
[ "Machine Translation" ]
[ "Residual Connection", "BPE", "Dense Connections", "Label Smoothing", "ReLU", "Adam", "Softmax", "Dropout", "Multi-Head Attention", "Layer Normalization", "Scaled Dot-Product Attention", "Transformer" ]
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1997)
This is the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, which was held in Providence, RI, August 1-3, 1997
Efficient hinging hyperplanes neural network and its application in nonlinear system identification
In this paper, the efficient hinging hyperplanes (EHH) neural network is proposed based on the model of hinging hyperplanes (HH). The EHH neural network is a distributed representation, the training of which involves solving several convex optimization problems and is fast. It is proved that for every EHH neural network, there is an equivalent adaptive hinging hyperplanes (AHH) tree, which was also proposed based on the model of HH and find good applications in system identification. The construction of the EHH neural network includes 2 stages. First the initial structure of the EHH neural network is randomly determined and the Lasso regression is used to choose the appropriate network. To alleviate the impact of randomness, secondly, the stacking strategy is employed to formulate a more general network structure. Different from other neural networks, the EHH neural network has interpretability ability, which can be easily obtained through its ANOVA decomposition (or interaction matrix). The interpretability can then be used as a suggestion for input variable selection. The EHH neural network is applied in nonlinear system identification, the simulation results show that the regression vector selected is reasonable and the identification speed is fast, while at the same time, the simulation accuracy is satisfactory.
Automated Alertness and Emotion Detection for Empathic Feedback During E-Learning
In the context of education technology, empathic interaction with the user and feedback by the learning system using multiple inputs such as video, voice and text inputs is an important area of research. In this paper, a nonintrusive, standalone model for intelligent assessment of alertness and emotional state as well as generation of appropriate feedback has been proposed. Using the non-intrusive visual cues, the system classifies emotion and alertness state of the user, and provides appropriate feedback according to the detected cognitive state using facial expressions, ocular parameters, postures, and gestures. Assessment of alertness level using ocular parameters such as PERCLOS and saccadic parameters, emotional state from facial expression analysis, and detection of both relevant cognitive and emotional states from upper body gestures and postures has been proposed. Integration of such a system in e-learning environment is expected to enhance students performance through interaction, feedback, and positive mood induction.
High-resolution signal recovery via generalized sampling and functional principal component analysis
In this paper, we introduce a computational framework for recovering a high-resolution approximation of an unknown function from its low-resolution indirect measurements as well as high-resolution training observations by merging the frameworks of generalized sampling and functional principal component analysis. In particular, we increase the signal resolution via a data driven approach, which models the function of interest as a realization of a random field and leverages a training set of observations generated via the same underlying random process. We study the performance of the resulting estimation procedure and show that high-resolution recovery is indeed possible provided appropriate low-rank and angle conditions hold and provided the training set is sufficiently large relative to the desired resolution. Moreover, we show that the size of the training set can be reduced by leveraging sparse representations of the functional principal components. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed reconstruction procedure is illustrated by various numerical examples.
End-to-End Cascaded U-Nets with a Localization Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation
Kidney tumor segmentation emerges as a new frontier of computer vision in medical imaging. This is partly due to its challenging manual annotation and great medical impact. Within the scope of the Kidney Tumor Segmentation Challenge 2019, that is aiming at combined kidney and tumor segmentation, this work proposes a novel combination of 3D U-Nets---collectively denoted TuNet---utilizing the resulting kidney masks for the consecutive tumor segmentation. The proposed method achieves a S{\o}rensen-Dice coefficient score of 0.902 for the kidney, and 0.408 for the tumor segmentation, computed from a five-fold cross-validation on the 210 patients available in the data.
[ "Tumor Segmentation" ]
Working memory facilitates reward-modulated Hebbian learning in recurrent neural networks
Reservoir computing is a powerful tool to explain how the brain learns temporal sequences, such as movements, but existing learning schemes are either biologically implausible or too inefficient to explain animal performance. We show that a network can learn complicated sequences with a reward-modulated Hebbian learning rule if the network of reservoir neurons is combined with a second network that serves as a dynamic working memory and provides a spatio-temporal backbone signal to the reservoir. In combination with the working memory, reward-modulated Hebbian learning of the readout neurons performs as well as FORCE learning, but with the advantage of a biologically plausible interpretation of both the learning rule and the learning paradigm.
Derivative-Free Methods for Policy Optimization: Guarantees for Linear Quadratic Systems
We study derivative-free methods for policy optimization over the class of linear policies. We focus on characterizing the convergence rate of these methods when applied to linear-quadratic systems, and study various settings of driving noise and reward feedback. We show that these methods provably converge to within any pre-specified tolerance of the optimal policy with a number of zero-order evaluations that is an explicit polynomial of the error tolerance, dimension, and curvature properties of the problem. Our analysis reveals some interesting differences between the settings of additive driving noise and random initialization, as well as the settings of one-point and two-point reward feedback. Our theory is corroborated by extensive simulations of derivative-free methods on these systems. Along the way, we derive convergence rates for stochastic zero-order optimization algorithms when applied to a certain class of non-convex problems.
Unsupervised Feature Learning for low-level Local Image Descriptors
Unsupervised feature learning has shown impressive results for a wide range of input modalities, in particular for object classification tasks in computer vision. Using a large amount of unlabeled data, unsupervised feature learning methods are utilized to construct high-level representations that are discriminative enough for subsequently trained supervised classification algorithms. However, it has never been \emph{quantitatively} investigated yet how well unsupervised learning methods can find \emph{low-level representations} for image patches without any additional supervision. In this paper we examine the performance of pure unsupervised methods on a low-level correspondence task, a problem that is central to many Computer Vision applications. We find that a special type of Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) performs comparably to hand-crafted descriptors. Additionally, a simple binarization scheme produces compact representations that perform better than several state-of-the-art descriptors.
[ "Binarization", "Object Classification" ]
Generalization Studies of Neural Network Models for Cardiac Disease Detection Using Limited Channel ECG
Acceleration of machine learning research in healthcare is challenged by lack of large annotated and balanced datasets. Furthermore, dealing with measurement inaccuracies and exploiting unsupervised data are considered to be central to improving existing solutions. In particular, a primary objective in predictive modeling is to generalize well to both unseen variations within the observed classes, and unseen classes. In this work, we consider such a challenging problem in machine learning driven diagnosis: detecting a gamut of cardiovascular conditions (e.g. infarction, dysrhythmia etc.) from limited channel ECG measurements. Though deep neural networks have achieved unprecedented success in predictive modeling, they rely solely on discriminative models that can generalize poorly to unseen classes. We argue that unsupervised learning can be utilized to construct effective latent spaces that facilitate better generalization. This work extensively compares the generalization of our proposed approach against a state-of-the-art deep learning solution. Our results show significant improvements in F1-scores.
Object-Scene Convolutional Neural Networks for Event Recognition in Images
Event recognition from still images is of great importance for image understanding. However, compared with event recognition in videos, there are much fewer research works on event recognition in images. This paper addresses the issue of event recognition from images and proposes an effective method with deep neural networks. Specifically, we design a new architecture, called Object-Scene Convolutional Neural Network (OS-CNN). This architecture is decomposed into object net and scene net, which extract useful information for event understanding from the perspective of objects and scene context, respectively. Meanwhile, we investigate different network architectures for OS-CNN design, and adapt the deep (AlexNet) and very-deep (GoogLeNet) networks to the task of event recognition. Furthermore, we find that the deep and very-deep networks are complementary to each other. Finally, based on the proposed OS-CNN and comparative study of different network architectures, we come up with a solution of five-stream CNN for the track of cultural event recognition at the ChaLearn Looking at People (LAP) challenge 2015. Our method obtains the performance of 85.5% and ranks the $1^{st}$ place in this challenge.
Riemannian kernel based Nyström method for approximate infinite-dimensional covariance descriptors with application to image set classification
In the domain of pattern recognition, using the CovDs (Covariance Descriptors) to represent data and taking the metrics of the resulting Riemannian manifold into account have been widely adopted for the task of image set classification. Recently, it has been proven that infinite-dimensional CovDs are more discriminative than their low-dimensional counterparts. However, the form of infinite-dimensional CovDs is implicit and the computational load is high. We propose a novel framework for representing image sets by approximating infinite-dimensional CovDs in the paradigm of the Nystr\"om method based on a Riemannian kernel. We start by modeling the images via CovDs, which lie on the Riemannian manifold spanned by SPD (Symmetric Positive Definite) matrices. We then extend the Nystr\"om method to the SPD manifold and obtain the approximations of CovDs in RKHS (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space). Finally, we approximate infinite-dimensional CovDs via these approximations. Empirically, we apply our framework to the task of image set classification. The experimental results obtained on three benchmark datasets show that our proposed approximate infinite-dimensional CovDs outperform the original CovDs.
Blind Modulation Classification based on MLP and PNN
In this work, a pattern recognition system is investigated for blind automatic classification of digitally modulated communication signals. The proposed technique is able to discriminate the type of modulation scheme which is eventually used for demodulation followed by information extraction. The proposed system is composed of two subsystems namely feature extraction sub-system (FESS) and classifier sub-system (CSS). The FESS consists of continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for feature generation and principal component analysis (PCA) for selection of the feature subset which is rich in discriminatory information. The CSS uses the selected features to accurately classify the modulation class of the received signal. The proposed technique uses probabilistic neural network (PNN) and multilayer perceptron forward neural network (MLPFN) for comparative study of their recognition ability. PNN have been found to perform better in terms of classification accuracy as well as testing and training time than MLPFN. The proposed approach is robust to presence of phase offset and additive Gaussian noise.
An Ensemble Deep Learning Based Approach for Red Lesion Detection in Fundus Images
Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness in the world. Its earliest sign are red lesions, a general term that groups both microaneurysms and hemorrhages. In daily clinical practice, these lesions are manually detected by physicians using fundus photographs. However, this task is tedious and time consuming, and requires an intensive effort due to the small size of the lesions and their lack of contrast. Computer-assisted diagnosis of DR based on red lesion detection is being actively explored due to its improvement effects both in clinicians consistency and accuracy. Several methods for detecting red lesions have been proposed in the literature, most of them based on characterizing lesion candidates using hand crafted features, and classifying them into true or false positive detections. Deep learning based approaches, by contrast, are scarce in this domain due to the high expense of annotating the lesions manually. In this paper we propose a novel method for red lesion detection based on combining both deep learned and domain knowledge. Features learned by a CNN are augmented by incorporating hand crafted features. Such ensemble vector of descriptors is used afterwards to identify true lesion candidates using a Random Forest classifier. We empirically observed that combining both sources of information significantly improve results with respect to using each approach separately. Furthermore, our method reported the highest performance on a per-lesion basis on DIARETDB1 and e-ophtha, and for screening and need for referral on MESSIDOR compared to a second human expert. Results highlight the fact that integrating manually engineered approaches with deep learned features is relevant to improve results when the networks are trained from lesion-level annotated data. An open source implementation of our system is publicly available online.
A GPU-based WFST Decoder with Exact Lattice Generation
We describe initial work on an extension of the Kaldi toolkit that supports weighted finite-state transducer (WFST) decoding on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). We implement token recombination as an atomic GPU operation in order to fully parallelize the Viterbi beam search, and propose a dynamic load balancing strategy for more efficient token passing scheduling among GPU threads. We also redesign the exact lattice generation and lattice pruning algorithms for better utilization of the GPUs. Experiments on the Switchboard corpus show that the proposed method achieves identical 1-best results and lattice quality in recognition and confidence measure tasks, while running 3 to 15 times faster than the single process Kaldi decoder. The above results are reported on different GPU architectures. Additionally we obtain a 46-fold speedup with sequence parallelism and multi-process service (MPS) in GPU.
Deep Elastic Networks with Model Selection for Multi-Task Learning
In this work, we consider the problem of instance-wise dynamic network model selection for multi-task learning. To this end, we propose an efficient approach to exploit a compact but accurate model in a backbone architecture for each instance of all tasks. The proposed method consists of an estimator and a selector. The estimator is based on a backbone architecture and structured hierarchically. It can produce multiple different network models of different configurations in a hierarchical structure. The selector chooses a model dynamically from a pool of candidate models given an input instance. The selector is a relatively small-size network consisting of a few layers, which estimates a probability distribution over the candidate models when an input instance of a task is given. Both estimator and selector are jointly trained in a unified learning framework in conjunction with a sampling-based learning strategy, without additional computation steps. We demonstrate the proposed approach for several image classification tasks compared to existing approaches performing model selection or learning multiple tasks. Experimental results show that our approach gives not only outstanding performance compared to other competitors but also the versatility to perform instance-wise model selection for multiple tasks.
[ "Image Classification", "Model Selection", "Multi-Task Learning" ]
Bio-LSTM: A Biomechanically Inspired Recurrent Neural Network for 3D Pedestrian Pose and Gait Prediction
In applications such as autonomous driving, it is important to understand, infer, and anticipate the intention and future behavior of pedestrians. This ability allows vehicles to avoid collisions and improve ride safety and quality. This paper proposes a biomechanically inspired recurrent neural network (Bio-LSTM) that can predict the location and 3D articulated body pose of pedestrians in a global coordinate frame, given 3D poses and locations estimated in prior frames with inaccuracy. The proposed network is able to predict poses and global locations for multiple pedestrians simultaneously, for pedestrians up to 45 meters from the cameras (urban intersection scale). The outputs of the proposed network are full-body 3D meshes represented in Skinned Multi-Person Linear (SMPL) model parameters. The proposed approach relies on a novel objective function that incorporates the periodicity of human walking (gait), the mirror symmetry of the human body, and the change of ground reaction forces in a human gait cycle. This paper presents prediction results on the PedX dataset, a large-scale, in-the-wild data set collected at real urban intersections with heavy pedestrian traffic. Results show that the proposed network can successfully learn the characteristics of pedestrian gait and produce accurate and consistent 3D pose predictions.
[ "Autonomous Driving" ]
Mad Max: Affine Spline Insights into Deep Learning
We build a rigorous bridge between deep networks (DNs) and approximation theory via spline functions and operators. Our key result is that a large class of DNs can be written as a composition of max-affine spline operators (MASOs), which provide a powerful portal through which to view and analyze their inner workings. For instance, conditioned on the input signal, the output of a MASO DN can be written as a simple affine transformation of the input. This implies that a DN constructs a set of signal-dependent, class-specific templates against which the signal is compared via a simple inner product; we explore the links to the classical theory of optimal classification via matched filters and the effects of data memorization. Going further, we propose a simple penalty term that can be added to the cost function of any DN learning algorithm to force the templates to be orthogonal with each other; this leads to significantly improved classification performance and reduced overfitting with no change to the DN architecture. The spline partition of the input signal space that is implicitly induced by a MASO directly links DNs to the theory of vector quantization (VQ) and $K$-means clustering, which opens up new geometric avenue to study how DNs organize signals in a hierarchical fashion. To validate the utility of the VQ interpretation, we develop and validate a new distance metric for signals and images that quantifies the difference between their VQ encodings. (This paper is a significantly expanded version of A Spline Theory of Deep Learning from ICML 2018.)
[ "Quantization" ]
A Fast and Lightweight System for Multilingual Dependency Parsing
We present a multilingual dependency parser with a bidirectional-LSTM (BiLSTM) feature extractor and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) classifier. We trained our transition-based projective parser in UD version 2.0 datasets without any additional data. The parser is fast, lightweight and effective on big treebanks. In the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, the official results show that the macro-averaged LAS F1 score of our system Mengest is 61.33{\%}.
[ "Dependency Parsing" ]
Learning with Random Learning Rates
Hyperparameter tuning is a bothersome step in the training of deep learning models. One of the most sensitive hyperparameters is the learning rate of the gradient descent. We present the 'All Learning Rates At Once' (Alrao) optimization method for neural networks: each unit or feature in the network gets its own learning rate sampled from a random distribution spanning several orders of magnitude. This comes at practically no computational cost. Perhaps surprisingly, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with Alrao performs close to SGD with an optimally tuned learning rate, for various architectures and problems. Alrao could save time when testing deep learning models: a range of models could be quickly assessed with Alrao, and the most promising models could then be trained more extensively. This text comes with a PyTorch implementation of the method, which can be plugged on an existing PyTorch model: .
Identification of Internal Faults in Indirect Symmetrical Phase Shift Transformers Using Ensemble Learning
This paper proposes methods to identify 40 different types of internal faults in an Indirect Symmetrical Phase Shift Transformer (ISPST). The ISPST was modeled using Power System Computer Aided Design (PSCAD)/ Electromagnetic Transients including DC (EMTDC). The internal faults were simulated by varying the transformer tapping, backward and forward phase shifts, loading, and percentage of winding faulted. Data for 960 cases of each type of fault was recorded. A series of features were extracted for a, b, and c phases from time, frequency, time-frequency, and information theory domains. The importance of the extracted features was evaluated through univariate tests which helped to reduce the number of features. The selected features were then used for training five state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers. Extremely Random Trees and Random Forest, the ensemble-based learners, achieved the accuracy of 98.76% and 97.54% respectively outperforming Multilayer Perceptron (96.13%), Logistic Regression (93.54%), and Support Vector Machines (92.60%)
[ "Residual Connection", "BPE", "Dense Connections", "Label Smoothing", "ReLU", "Adam", "Softmax", "Dropout", "Multi-Head Attention", "Layer Normalization", "Scaled Dot-Product Attention", "Transformer" ]
Constraint Selection in Metric Learning
A number of machine learning algorithms are using a metric, or a distance, in order to compare individuals. The Euclidean distance is usually employed, but it may be more efficient to learn a parametric distance such as Mahalanobis metric. Learning such a metric is a hot topic since more than ten years now, and a number of methods have been proposed to efficiently learn it. However, the nature of the problem makes it quite difficult for large scale data, as well as data for which classes overlap. This paper presents a simple way of improving accuracy and scalability of any iterative metric learning algorithm, where constraints are obtained prior to the algorithm. The proposed approach relies on a loss-dependent weighted selection of constraints that are used for learning the metric. Using the corresponding dedicated loss function, the method clearly allows to obtain better results than state-of-the-art methods, both in terms of accuracy and time complexity. Some experimental results on real world, and potentially large, datasets are demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposition.
[ "Metric Learning" ]
Chinese Text in the Wild
[python3.6] 运用tf实现自然场景文字检测,keras/pytorch实现ctpn+crnn+ctc实现不定长场景文字OCR识别
[ "Optical Character Recognition" ]
Sparse Lifting of Dense Vectors: Unifying Word and Sentence Representations
As the first step in automated natural language processing, representing words and sentences is of central importance and has attracted significant research attention. Different approaches, from the early one-hot and bag-of-words representation to more recent distributional dense and sparse representations, were proposed. Despite the successful results that have been achieved, such vectors tend to consist of uninterpretable components and face nontrivial challenge in both memory and computational requirement in practical applications. In this paper, we designed a novel representation model that projects dense word vectors into a higher dimensional space and favors a highly sparse and binary representation of word vectors with potentially interpretable components, while trying to maintain pairwise inner products between original vectors as much as possible. Computationally, our model is relaxed as a symmetric non-negative matrix factorization problem which admits a fast yet effective solution. In a series of empirical evaluations, the proposed model exhibited consistent improvement and high potential in practical applications.
Ontology-based Design of Experiments on Big Data Solutions
Big data solutions are designed to cope with data of huge Volume and wide Variety, that need to be ingested at high Velocity and have potential Veracity issues, challenging characteristics that are usually referred to as the "4Vs of Big Data". In order to evaluate possibly complex big data solutions, stress tests require to assess a large number of combinations of sub-components jointly with the possible big data variations. A formalization of the Design of Experiments (DoE) on big data solutions is aimed at ensuring the reproducibility of the experiments, facilitating their partitioning in sub-experiments and guaranteeing the consistency of their outcomes in a global assessment. In this paper, an ontology-based approach is proposed to support the evaluation of a big data system in two ways. Firstly, the approach formalizes a decomposition and recombination of the big data solution, allowing for the aggregation of component evaluation results at inter-component level. Secondly, existing work on DoE is translated into an ontology for supporting the selection of experiments. The proposed ontology-based approach offers the possibility to combine knowledge from the evaluation domain and the application domain. It exploits domain and inter-domain specific restrictions on the factor combinations in order to reduce the number of experiments. Contrary to existing approaches, the proposed use of ontologies is not limited to the assertional description and exploitation of past experiments but offers richer terminological descriptions for the development of a DoE from scratch. As an application example, a maritime big data solution to the problem of detecting and predicting vessel suspicious behaviour through mobility analysis is selected. The article is concluded with a sketch of future works.
Understanding Art through Multi-Modal Retrieval in Paintings
In computer vision, visual arts are often studied from a purely aesthetics perspective, mostly by analysing the visual appearance of an artistic reproduction to infer its style, its author, or its representative features. In this work, however, we explore art from both a visual and a language perspective. Our aim is to bridge the gap between the visual appearance of an artwork and its underlying meaning, by jointly analysing its aesthetics and its semantics. We introduce the use of multi-modal techniques in the field of automatic art analysis by 1) collecting a multi-modal dataset with fine-art paintings and comments, and 2) exploring robust visual and textual representations in artistic images.
[ "Art Analysis" ]
Effectiveness of Hierarchical Softmax in Large Scale Classification Tasks
Typically, Softmax is used in the final layer of a neural network to get a probability distribution for output classes. But the main problem with Softmax is that it is computationally expensive for large scale data sets with large number of possible outputs. To approximate class probability efficiently on such large scale data sets we can use Hierarchical Softmax. LSHTC datasets were used to study the performance of the Hierarchical Softmax. LSHTC datasets have large number of categories. In this paper we evaluate and report the performance of normal Softmax Vs Hierarchical Softmax on LSHTC datasets. This evaluation used macro f1 score as a performance measure. The observation was that the performance of Hierarchical Softmax degrades as the number of classes increase.
[ "Hierarchical Softmax", "Softmax" ]
An Empirical Evaluation of True Online TD(λ)
The true online TD({\lambda}) algorithm has recently been proposed (van Seijen and Sutton, 2014) as a universal replacement for the popular TD({\lambda}) algorithm, in temporal-difference learning and reinforcement learning. True online TD({\lambda}) has better theoretical properties than conventional TD({\lambda}), and the expectation is that it also results in faster learning. In this paper, we put this hypothesis to the test. Specifically, we compare the performance of true online TD({\lambda}) with that of TD({\lambda}) on challenging examples, random Markov reward processes, and a real-world myoelectric prosthetic arm. We use linear function approximation with tabular, binary, and non-binary features. We assess the algorithms along three dimensions: computational cost, learning speed, and ease of use. Our results confirm the strength of true online TD({\lambda}): 1) for sparse feature vectors, the computational overhead with respect to TD({\lambda}) is minimal; for non-sparse features the computation time is at most twice that of TD({\lambda}), 2) across all domains/representations the learning speed of true online TD({\lambda}) is often better, but never worse than that of TD({\lambda}), and 3) true online TD({\lambda}) is easier to use, because it does not require choosing between trace types, and it is generally more stable with respect to the step-size. Overall, our results suggest that true online TD({\lambda}) should be the first choice when looking for an efficient, general-purpose TD method.
Dynamics of Pedestrian Crossing Decisions Based on Vehicle Trajectories in Large-Scale Simulated and Real-World Data
Humans, as both pedestrians and drivers, generally skillfully navigate traffic intersections. Despite the uncertainty, danger, and the non-verbal nature of communication commonly found in these interactions, there are surprisingly few collisions considering the total number of interactions. As the role of automation technology in vehicles grows, it becomes increasingly critical to understand the relationship between pedestrian and driver behavior: how pedestrians perceive the actions of a vehicle/driver and how pedestrians make crossing decisions. The relationship between time-to-arrival (TTA) and pedestrian gap acceptance (i.e., whether a pedestrian chooses to cross under a given window of time to cross) has been extensively investigated. However, the dynamic nature of vehicle trajectories in the context of non-verbal communication has not been systematically explored. Our work provides evidence that trajectory dynamics, such as changes in TTA, can be powerful signals in the non-verbal communication between drivers and pedestrians. Moreover, we investigate these effects in both simulated and real-world datasets, both larger than have previously been considered in literature to the best of our knowledge.
Fusion of Range and Thermal Images for Person Detection
Detecting people in images is a challenging problem. Differences in pose, clothing and lighting, along with other factors, cause a lot of variation in their appearance. To overcome these issues, we propose a system based on fused range and thermal infrared images. These measurements show considerably less variation and provide more meaningful information. We provide a brief introduction to the sensor technology used and propose a calibration method. Several data fusion algorithms are compared and their performance is assessed on a simulated data set. The results of initial experiments on real data are analyzed and the measurement errors and the challenges they present are discussed. The resulting fused data are used to efficiently detect people in a fixed camera set-up. The system is extended to include person tracking.
[ "Human Detection" ]
Online Risk-Bounded Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Dynamic Environments
A crucial challenge to efficient and robust motion planning for autonomous vehicles is understanding the intentions of the surrounding agents. Ignoring the intentions of the other agents in dynamic environments can lead to risky or over-conservative plans. In this work, we model the motion planning problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and propose an online system that combines an intent recognition algorithm and a POMDP solver to generate risk-bounded plans for the ego vehicle navigating with a number of dynamic agent vehicles. The intent recognition algorithm predicts the probabilistic hybrid motion states of each agent vehicle over a finite horizon using Bayesian filtering and a library of pre-learned maneuver motion models. We update the POMDP model with the intent recognition results in real time and solve it using a heuristic search algorithm which produces policies with upper-bound guarantees on the probability of near colliding with other dynamic agents. We demonstrate that our system is able to generate better motion plans in terms of efficiency and safety in a number of challenging environments including unprotected intersection left turns and lane changes as compared to the baseline methods.
[ "Autonomous Vehicles", "Motion Planning" ]
On the Complexity of Finding Second-Best Abductive Explanations
While looking for abductive explanations of a given set of manifestations, an ordering between possible solutions is often assumed. The complexity of finding/verifying optimal solutions is already known. In this paper we consider the computational complexity of finding second-best solutions. We consider different orderings, and consider also different possible definitions of what a second-best solution is.
Comparative analysis of verbal alignment in human-human and human-agent interactions
Engagement is an important feature in human-human and human-agent interaction. In this paper, we investigate lexical alignment as a cue of engagement, relying on two different corpora : CID and SEMAINE. Our final goal is to build a virtual conversational character that could use alignment strategies to maintain user{'}s engagement. To do so, we investigate two alignment processes : shared vocabulary and other-repetitions. A quantitative and qualitative approach is proposed to characterize these aspects in human-human (CID) and human-operator (SEMAINE) interactions. Our results show that these processes are observable in both corpora, indicating a stable pattern that can be further modelled in conversational agents.
Development of a Real-time Colorectal Tumor Classification System for Narrow-band Imaging zoom-videoendoscopy
Colorectal endoscopy is important for the early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer and is used worldwide. A computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system that provides an objective measure to endoscopists during colorectal endoscopic examinations would be of great value. In this study, we describe a newly developed CAD system that provides real-time objective measures. Our system captures the video stream from an endoscopic system and transfers it to a desktop computer. The captured video stream is then classified by a pretrained classifier and the results are displayed on a monitor. The experimental results show that our developed system works efficiently in actual endoscopic examinations and is medically significant.
Optimality and Sub-optimality of PCA for Spiked Random Matrices and Synchronization
A central problem of random matrix theory is to understand the eigenvalues of spiked random matrix models, in which a prominent eigenvector is planted into a random matrix. These distributions form natural statistical models for principal component analysis (PCA) problems throughout the sciences. Baik, Ben Arous and P\'ech\'e showed that the spiked Wishart ensemble exhibits a sharp phase transition asymptotically: when the signal strength is above a critical threshold, it is possible to detect the presence of a spike based on the top eigenvalue, and below the threshold the top eigenvalue provides no information. Such results form the basis of our understanding of when PCA can detect a low-rank signal in the presence of noise. However, not all the information about the spike is necessarily contained in the spectrum. We study the fundamental limitations of statistical methods, including non-spectral ones. Our results include: I) For the Gaussian Wigner ensemble, we show that PCA achieves the optimal detection threshold for a variety of benign priors for the spike. We extend previous work on the spherically symmetric and i.i.d. Rademacher priors through an elementary, unified analysis. II) For any non-Gaussian Wigner ensemble, we show that PCA is always suboptimal for detection. However, a variant of PCA achieves the optimal threshold (for benign priors) by pre-transforming the matrix entries according to a carefully designed function. This approach has been stated before, and we give a rigorous and general analysis. III) For both the Gaussian Wishart ensemble and various synchronization problems over groups, we show that inefficient procedures can work below the threshold where PCA succeeds, whereas no known efficient algorithm achieves this. This conjectural gap between what is statistically possible and what can be done efficiently remains open.
[ "PCA" ]
Extreme value statistics for censored data with heavy tails under competing risks
This paper addresses the problem of estimating, in the presence of random censoring as well as competing risks, the extreme value index of the (sub)-distribution function associated to one particular cause, in the heavy-tail case. Asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator (which has the form of an Aalen-Johansen integral, and is the first estimator proposed in this context) is established. A small simulation study exhibits its performances for finite samples. Estimation of extreme quantiles of the cumulative incidence function is also addressed.
Hybrid data clustering approach using K-Means and Flower Pollination Algorithm
Data clustering is a technique for clustering set of objects into known number of groups. Several approaches are widely applied to data clustering so that objects within the clusters are similar and objects in different clusters are far away from each other. K-Means, is one of the familiar center based clustering algorithms since implementation is very easy and fast convergence. However, K-Means algorithm suffers from initialization, hence trapped in local optima. Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) is the global optimization technique, which avoids trapping in local optimum solution. In this paper, a novel hybrid data clustering approach using Flower Pollination Algorithm and K-Means (FPAKM) is proposed. The proposed algorithm results are compared with K-Means and FPA on eight datasets. From the experimental results, FPAKM is better than FPA and K-Means.
Low Shot Learning with Untrained Neural Networks for Imaging Inverse Problems
Employing deep neural networks as natural image priors to solve inverse problems either requires large amounts of data to sufficiently train expressive generative models or can succeed with no data via untrained neural networks. However, very few works have considered how to interpolate between these no- to high-data regimes. In particular, how can one use the availability of a small amount of data (even $5-25$ examples) to one's advantage in solving these inverse problems and can a system's performance increase as the amount of data increases as well? In this work, we consider solving linear inverse problems when given a small number of examples of images that are drawn from the same distribution as the image of interest. Comparing to untrained neural networks that use no data, we show how one can pre-train a neural network with a few given examples to improve reconstruction results in compressed sensing and semantic image recovery problems such as colorization. Our approach leads to improved reconstruction as the amount of available data increases and is on par with fully trained generative models, while requiring less than $1 \%$ of the data needed to train a generative model.
[ "Colorization" ]
Pure Strategy or Mixed Strategy?
Mixed strategy EAs aim to integrate several mutation operators into a single algorithm. However few theoretical analysis has been made to answer the question whether and when the performance of mixed strategy EAs is better than that of pure strategy EAs. In theory, the performance of EAs can be measured by asymptotic convergence rate and asymptotic hitting time. In this paper, it is proven that given a mixed strategy (1+1) EAs consisting of several mutation operators, its performance (asymptotic convergence rate and asymptotic hitting time)is not worse than that of the worst pure strategy (1+1) EA using one mutation operator; if these mutation operators are mutually complementary, then it is possible to design a mixed strategy (1+1) EA whose performance is better than that of any pure strategy (1+1) EA using one mutation operator.
Evolutionary Multitasking for Multiobjective Continuous Optimization: Benchmark Problems, Performance Metrics and Baseline Results
In this report, we suggest nine test problems for multi-task multi-objective optimization (MTMOO), each of which consists of two multiobjective optimization tasks that need to be solved simultaneously. The relationship between tasks varies between different test problems, which would be helpful to have a comprehensive evaluation of the MO-MFO algorithms. It is expected that the proposed test problems will germinate progress the field of the MTMOO research.
[ "Multiobjective Optimization" ]
Improved Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates
We study the construction of coresets for kernel density estimates. That is we show how to approximate the kernel density estimate described by a large point set with another kernel density estimate with a much smaller point set. For characteristic kernels (including Gaussian and Laplace kernels), our approximation preserves the $L_\infty$ error between kernel density estimates within error $\epsilon$, with coreset size $2/\epsilon^2$, but no other aspects of the data, including the dimension, the diameter of the point set, or the bandwidth of the kernel common to other approximations. When the dimension is unrestricted, we show this bound is tight for these kernels as well as a much broader set. This work provides a careful analysis of the iterative Frank-Wolfe algorithm adapted to this context, an algorithm called \emph{kernel herding}. This analysis unites a broad line of work that spans statistics, machine learning, and geometry. When the dimension $d$ is constant, we demonstrate much tighter bounds on the size of the coreset specifically for Gaussian kernels, showing that it is bounded by the size of the coreset for axis-aligned rectangles. Currently the best known constructive bound is $O(\frac{1}{\epsilon} \log^d \frac{1}{\epsilon})$, and non-constructively, this can be improved by $\sqrt{\log \frac{1}{\epsilon}}$. This improves the best constant dimension bounds polynomially for $d \geq 3$.
[ "LINE" ]
Training DNN IoT Applications for Deployment On Analog NVM Crossbars
A trend towards energy-efficiency, security and privacy has led to a recent focus on deploying DNNs on microcontrollers. However, limits on compute and memory resources restrict the size and the complexity of the ML models deployable in these systems. Computation-In-Memory architectures based on resistive nonvolatile memory (NVM) technologies hold great promise of satisfying the compute and memory demands of high-performance and low-power, inherent in modern DNNs. Nevertheless, these technologies are still immature and suffer from both the intrinsic analog-domain noise problems and the inability of representing negative weights in the NVM structures, incurring in larger crossbar sizes with concomitant impact on ADCs and DACs. In this paper, we provide a training framework for addressing these challenges and quantitatively evaluate the circuit-level efficiency gains thus accrued. We make two contributions: Firstly, we propose a training algorithm that eliminates the need for tuning individual layers of a DNN ensuring uniformity across layer weights and activations. This ensures analog-blocks that can be reused and peripheral hardware substantially reduced. Secondly, using NAS methods, we propose the use of unipolar-weighted (either all-positive or all-negative weights) matrices/sub-matrices. Weight unipolarity obviates the need for doubling crossbar area leading to simplified analog periphery. We validate our methodology with CIFAR10 and HAR applications by mapping to crossbars using 4-bit and 2-bit devices. We achieve up to 92:91% accuracy (95% floating-point) using 2-bit only-positive weights for HAR. A combination of the proposed techniques leads to 80% area improvement and up to 45% energy reduction.
[ "Quantization" ]
Adversarial Ladder Networks
The use of unsupervised data in addition to supervised data in training discriminative neural networks has improved the performance of this clas- sification scheme. However, the best results were achieved with a training process that is divided in two parts: first an unsupervised pre-training step is done for initializing the weights of the network and after these weights are refined with the use of supervised data. On the other hand adversarial noise has improved the results of clas- sical supervised learning. Recently, a new neural network topology called Ladder Network, where the key idea is based in some properties of hierar- chichal latent variable models, has been proposed as a technique to train a neural network using supervised and unsupervised data at the same time with what is called semi-supervised learning. This technique has reached state of the art classification. In this work we add adversarial noise to the ladder network and get state of the art classification, with several important conclusions on how adversarial noise can help in addition with new possible lines of investi- gation. We also propose an alternative to add adversarial noise to unsu- pervised data.
[ "Latent Variable Models", "Unsupervised Pre-training" ]
Analysis of a Design Pattern for Teaching with Features and Labels
We study the task of teaching a machine to classify objects using features and labels. We introduce the Error-Driven-Featuring design pattern for teaching using features and labels in which a teacher prefers to introduce features only if they are needed. We analyze the potential risks and benefits of this teaching pattern through the use of teaching protocols, illustrative examples, and by providing bounds on the effort required for an optimal machine teacher using a linear learning algorithm, the most commonly used type of learners in interactive machine learning systems. Our analysis provides a deeper understanding of potential trade-offs of using different learning algorithms and between the effort required for featuring (creating new features) and labeling (providing labels for objects).
PZnet: Efficient 3D ConvNet Inference on Manycore CPUs
Convolutional nets have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in many biomedical image analysis tasks. Many tasks within biomedical analysis domain involve analyzing volumetric (3D) data acquired by CT, MRI and Microscopy acquisition methods. To deploy convolutional nets in practical working systems, it is important to solve the efficient inference problem. Namely, one should be able to apply an already-trained convolutional network to many large images using limited computational resources. In this paper we present PZnet, a CPU-only engine that can be used to perform inference for a variety of 3D convolutional net architectures. PZNet outperforms MKL-based CPU implementations of PyTorch and Tensorflow by more than 3.5x for the popular U-net architecture. Moreover, for 3D convolutions with low featuremap numbers, cloud CPU inference with PZnet outperfroms cloud GPU inference in terms of cost efficiency.
An Experiment on Measurement of Pavement Roughness via Android-Based Smartphones
The study focuses on the experiment of using three different smartphones to collect acceleration data from vibration for the road roughness detection. The Android operating system is used in the application. The study takes place on asphaltic pavement of the expressway system of Thailand, with 9 km distance. The run vehicle has an inertial profiler with laser line sensors to record road roughness according to the IRI. The RMS and Machine Learning (ML) methods are used in this study. There is different ability of each smartphone to detect the vibration, thus different detected values are obtained. The results are compared to the IRI observation. ML method gives better result compared to RMS. This study finds little relationship between IRI and acceleration data from vibration collected from smartphones.
[ "LINE" ]
Comment on "Adv-BNN: Improved Adversarial Defense through Robust Bayesian Neural Network"
A recent paper by Liu et al. combines the topics of adversarial training and Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN) and suggests that adversarially trained BNNs are more robust against adversarial attacks than their non-Bayesian counterparts. Here, I analyze the proposed defense and suggest that one needs to adjust the adversarial attack to incorporate the stochastic nature of a Bayesian network to perform an accurate evaluation of its robustness. Using this new type of attack I show that there appears to be no strong evidence for higher robustness of the adversarially trained BNNs.
[ "Adversarial Attack", "Adversarial Defense" ]
Incremental Adaptation of NMT for Professional Post-editors: A User Study
A common use of machine translation in the industry is providing initial translation hypotheses, which are later supervised and post-edited by a human expert. During this revision process, new bilingual data are continuously generated. Machine translation systems can benefit from these new data, incrementally updating the underlying models under an online learning paradigm. We conducted a user study on this scenario, for a neural machine translation system. The experimentation was carried out by professional translators, with a vast experience in machine translation post-editing. The results showed a reduction in the required amount of human effort needed when post-editing the outputs of the system, improvements in the translation quality and a positive perception of the adaptive system by the users.
[ "Machine Translation" ]
Learning to Define Terms in the Software Domain
One way to test a person{'}s knowledge of a domain is to ask them to define domain-specific terms. Here, we investigate the task of automatically generating definitions of technical terms by reading text from the technical domain. Specifically, we learn definitions of software entities from a large corpus built from the user forum Stack Overflow. To model definitions, we train a language model and incorporate additional domain-specific information like word co-occurrence, and ontological category information. Our approach improves previous baselines by 2 BLEU points for the definition generation task. Our experiments also show the additional challenges associated with the task and the short-comings of language-model based architectures for definition generation.
[ "Knowledge Base Population", "Language Modelling", "Relationship Extraction (Distant Supervised)" ]
Inclusion within Continuous Belief Functions
Defining and modeling the relation of inclusion between continuous belief function may be considered as an important operation in order to study their behaviors. Within this paper we will propose and present two forms of inclusion: The strict and the partial one. In order to develop this relation, we will study the case of consonant belief function. To do so, we will simulate normal distributions allowing us to model and analyze these relations. Based on that, we will determine the parameters influencing and characterizing the two forms of inclusion.
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction beyond the Sentence Boundary
The growing demand for structured knowledge has led to great interest in relation extraction, especially in cases with limited supervision. However, existing distance supervision approaches only extract relations expressed in single sentences. In general, cross-sentence relation extraction is under-explored, even in the supervised-learning setting. In this paper, we propose the first approach for applying distant supervision to cross- sentence relation extraction. At the core of our approach is a graph representation that can incorporate both standard dependencies and discourse relations, thus providing a unifying way to model relations within and across sentences. We extract features from multiple paths in this graph, increasing accuracy and robustness when confronted with linguistic variation and analysis error. Experiments on an important extraction task for precision medicine show that our approach can learn an accurate cross-sentence extractor, using only a small existing knowledge base and unlabeled text from biomedical research articles. Compared to the existing distant supervision paradigm, our approach extracted twice as many relations at similar precision, thus demonstrating the prevalence of cross-sentence relations and the promise of our approach.
[ "Relation Extraction" ]
The Application of Differential Privacy for Rank Aggregation: Privacy and Accuracy
The potential risk of privacy leakage prevents users from sharing their honest opinions on social platforms. This paper addresses the problem of privacy preservation if the query returns the histogram of rankings. The framework of differential privacy is applied to rank aggregation. The error probability of the aggregated ranking is analyzed as a result of noise added in order to achieve differential privacy. Upper bounds on the error rates for any positional ranking rule are derived under the assumption that profiles are uniformly distributed. Simulation results are provided to validate the probabilistic analysis.
Multi-scale Online Learning and its Applications to Online Auctions
We consider revenue maximization in online auction/pricing problems. A seller sells an identical item in each period to a new buyer, or a new set of buyers. For the online posted pricing problem, we show regret bounds that scale with the best fixed price, rather than the range of the values. We also show regret bounds that are almost scale free, and match the offline sample complexity, when comparing to a benchmark that requires a lower bound on the market share. These results are obtained by generalizing the classical learning from experts and multi-armed bandit problems to their multi-scale versions. In this version, the reward of each action is in a different range, and the regret w.r.t. a given action scales with its own range, rather than the maximum range.
Unstructured Multi-View Depth Estimation Using Mask-Based Multiplane Representation
This paper presents a novel method, MaskMVS, to solve depth estimation for unstructured multi-view image-pose pairs. In the plane-sweep procedure, the depth planes are sampled by histogram matching that ensures covering the depth range of interest. Unlike other plane-sweep methods, we do not rely on a cost metric to explicitly build the cost volume, but instead infer a multiplane mask representation which regularizes the learning. Compared to many previous approaches, we show that our method is lightweight and generalizes well without requiring excessive training. We outperform the current state-of-the-art and show results on the sun3d, scenes11, MVS, and RGBD test data sets.
[ "Depth Estimation" ]
Recovering Block-structured Activations Using Compressive Measurements
We consider the problems of detection and localization of a contiguous block of weak activation in a large matrix, from a small number of noisy, possibly adaptive, compressive (linear) measurements. This is closely related to the problem of compressed sensing, where the task is to estimate a sparse vector using a small number of linear measurements. Contrary to results in compressed sensing, where it has been shown that neither adaptivity nor contiguous structure help much, we show that for reliable localization the magnitude of the weakest signals is strongly influenced by both structure and the ability to choose measurements adaptively while for detection neither adaptivity nor structure reduce the requirement on the magnitude of the signal. We characterize the precise tradeoffs between the various problem parameters, the signal strength and the number of measurements required to reliably detect and localize the block of activation. The sufficient conditions are complemented with information theoretic lower bounds.
Max-Cost Discrete Function Evaluation Problem under a Budget
We propose novel methods for max-cost Discrete Function Evaluation Problem (DFEP) under budget constraints. We are motivated by applications such as clinical diagnosis where a patient is subjected to a sequence of (possibly expensive) tests before a decision is made. Our goal is to develop strategies for minimizing max-costs. The problem is known to be NP hard and greedy methods based on specialized impurity functions have been proposed. We develop a broad class of \emph{admissible} impurity functions that admit monomials, classes of polynomials, and hinge-loss functions that allow for flexible impurity design with provably optimal approximation bounds. This flexibility is important for datasets when max-cost can be overly sensitive to "outliers." Outliers bias max-cost to a few examples that require a large number of tests for classification. We design admissible functions that allow for accuracy-cost trade-off and result in $O(\log n)$ guarantees of the optimal cost among trees with corresponding classification accuracy levels.
Integrating Additional Knowledge Into Estimation of Graphical Models
In applications of graphical models, we typically have more information than just the samples themselves. A prime example is the estimation of brain connectivity networks based on fMRI data, where in addition to the samples themselves, the spatial positions of the measurements are readily available. With particular regard for this application, we are thus interested in ways to incorporate additional knowledge most effectively into graph estimation. Our approach to this is to make neighborhood selection receptive to additional knowledge by strengthening the role of the tuning parameters. We demonstrate that this concept (i) can improve reproducibility, (ii) is computationally convenient and efficient, and (iii) carries a lucid Bayesian interpretation. We specifically show that the approach provides effective estimations of brain connectivity graphs from fMRI data. However, providing a general scheme for the inclusion of additional knowledge, our concept is expected to have applications in a wide range of domains.
From Averaging to Acceleration, There is Only a Step-size
We show that accelerated gradient descent, averaged gradient descent and the heavy-ball method for non-strongly-convex problems may be reformulated as constant parameter second-order difference equation algorithms, where stability of the system is equivalent to convergence at rate O(1/n 2), where n is the number of iterations. We provide a detailed analysis of the eigenvalues of the corresponding linear dynamical system , showing various oscillatory and non-oscillatory behaviors, together with a sharp stability result with explicit constants. We also consider the situation where noisy gradients are available, where we extend our general convergence result, which suggests an alternative algorithm (i.e., with different step sizes) that exhibits the good aspects of both averaging and acceleration.
Separation of target anatomical structure and occlusions in chest radiographs
Chest radiographs are commonly performed low-cost exams for screening and diagnosis. However, radiographs are 2D representations of 3D structures causing considerable clutter impeding visual inspection and automated image analysis. Here, we propose a Fully Convolutional Network to suppress, for a specific task, undesired visual structure from radiographs while retaining the relevant image information such as lung-parenchyma. The proposed algorithm creates reconstructed radiographs and ground-truth data from high resolution CT-scans. Results show that removing visual variation that is irrelevant for a classification task improves the performance of a classifier when only limited training data are available. This is particularly relevant because a low number of ground-truth cases is common in medical imaging.
Adapting Neural Single-Document Summarization Model for Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization: A Pilot Study
Till now, neural abstractive summarization methods have achieved great success for single document summarization (SDS). However, due to the lack of large scale multi-document summaries, such methods can be hardly applied to multi-document summarization (MDS). In this paper, we investigate neural abstractive methods for MDS by adapting a state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarization model for SDS. We propose an approach to extend the neural abstractive model trained on large scale SDS data to the MDS task. Our approach only makes use of a small number of multi-document summaries for fine tuning. Experimental results on two benchmark DUC datasets demonstrate that our approach can outperform a variety of baseline neural models.
[ "Abstractive Text Summarization", "Document Summarization", "Machine Translation", "Multi-Document Summarization", "Text Generation" ]
Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Visual saliency patterns are the result of a variety of factors aside from the image being parsed, however existing approaches have ignored these. To address this limitation, we propose a novel saliency estimation model which leverages the semantic modelling power of conditional generative adversarial networks together with memory architectures which capture the subject's behavioural patterns and task dependent factors. We make contributions aiming to bridge the gap between bottom-up feature learning capabilities in modern deep learning architectures and traditional top-down hand-crafted features based methods for task specific saliency modelling. The conditional nature of the proposed framework enables us to learn contextual semantics and relationships among different tasks together, instead of learning them separately for each task. Our studies not only shed light on a novel application area for generative adversarial networks, but also emphasise the importance of task specific saliency modelling and demonstrate the plausibility of fully capturing this context via an augmented memory architecture.
[ "Saliency Prediction" ]
Residual Attention Net for Superior Cross-Domain Time Sequence Modeling
We present a novel architecture, residual attention net (RAN), which merges a sequence architecture, universal transformer, and a computer vision architecture, residual net, with a high-way architecture for cross-domain sequence modeling. The architecture aims at addressing the long dependency issue often faced by recurrent-neural-net-based structures. This paper serves as a proof-of-concept for a new architecture, with RAN aiming at providing the model a higher level understanding of sequence patterns. To our best knowledge, we are the first to propose such an architecture. Out of the standard 85 UCR data sets, we have achieved 35 state-of-the-art results with 10 results matching current state-of-the-art results without further model fine-tuning. The results indicate that such architecture is promising in complex, long-sequence modeling and may have vast, cross-domain applications.
Ambiguity and Incomplete Information in Categorical Models of Language
We investigate notions of ambiguity and partial information in categorical distributional models of natural language. Probabilistic ambiguity has previously been studied using Selinger's CPM construction. This construction works well for models built upon vector spaces, as has been shown in quantum computational applications. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to provide a satisfactory method for introducing mixing in other compact closed categories such as the category of sets and binary relations. We therefore lack a uniform strategy for extending a category to model imprecise linguistic information. In this work we adopt a different approach. We analyze different forms of ambiguous and incomplete information, both with and without quantitative probabilistic data. Each scheme then corresponds to a suitable enrichment of the category in which we model language. We view different monads as encapsulating the informational behaviour of interest, by analogy with their use in modelling side effects in computation. Previous results of Jacobs then allow us to systematically construct suitable bases for enrichment. We show that we can freely enrich arbitrary dagger compact closed categories in order to capture all the phenomena of interest, whilst retaining the important dagger compact closed structure. This allows us to construct a model with real convex combination of binary relations that makes non-trivial use of the scalars. Finally we relate our various different enrichments, showing that finite subconvex algebra enrichment covers all the effects under consideration.
Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Overview
In recent years, a specific machine learning method called deep learning has gained huge attraction, as it has obtained astonishing results in broad applications such as pattern recognition, speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing. Recent research has also been shown that deep learning techniques can be combined with reinforcement learning methods to learn useful representations for the problems with high dimensional raw data input. This chapter reviews the recent advances in deep reinforcement learning with a focus on the most used deep architectures such as autoencoders, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks which have successfully been come together with the reinforcement learning framework.
[ "Speech Recognition" ]
Unsupervised Pidgin Text Generation By Pivoting English Data and Self-Training
West African Pidgin English is a language that is significantly spoken in West Africa, consisting of at least 75 million speakers. Nevertheless, proper machine translation systems and relevant NLP datasets for pidgin English are virtually absent. In this work, we develop techniques targeted at bridging the gap between Pidgin English and English in the context of natural language generation. %As a proof of concept, we explore the proposed techniques in the area of data-to-text generation. By building upon the previously released monolingual Pidgin English text and parallel English data-to-text corpus, we hope to build a system that can automatically generate Pidgin English descriptions from structured data. We first train a data-to-English text generation system, before employing techniques in unsupervised neural machine translation and self-training to establish the Pidgin-to-English cross-lingual alignment. The human evaluation performed on the generated Pidgin texts shows that, though still far from being practically usable, the pivoting + self-training technique improves both Pidgin text fluency and relevance.
[ "Data-to-Text Generation", "Machine Translation", "Text Generation" ]
Learning to Hash-tag Videos with Tag2Vec
User-given tags or labels are valuable resources for semantic understanding of visual media such as images and videos. Recently, a new type of labeling mechanism known as hash-tags have become increasingly popular on social media sites. In this paper, we study the problem of generating relevant and useful hash-tags for short video clips. Traditional data-driven approaches for tag enrichment and recommendation use direct visual similarity for label transfer and propagation. We attempt to learn a direct low-cost mapping from video to hash-tags using a two step training process. We first employ a natural language processing (NLP) technique, skip-gram models with neural network training to learn a low-dimensional vector representation of hash-tags (Tag2Vec) using a corpus of 10 million hash-tags. We then train an embedding function to map video features to the low-dimensional Tag2vec space. We learn this embedding for 29 categories of short video clips with hash-tags. A query video without any tag-information can then be directly mapped to the vector space of tags using the learned embedding and relevant tags can be found by performing a simple nearest-neighbor retrieval in the Tag2Vec space. We validate the relevance of the tags suggested by our system qualitatively and quantitatively with a user study.
BlenderProc is a modular procedural pipeline, which helps in generating real looking images for the training of convolutional neural networks. These can be used in a variety of use cases including segmentation, depth, normal and pose estimation and many others. A key feature of our extension of blender is the simple to use modular pipeline, which was designed to be easily extendable. By offering standard modules, which cover a variety of scenarios, we provide a starting point on which new modules can be created.
[ "3D Object Recognition", "Depth Image Estimation", "Instance Segmentation", "Pose Estimation", "Semantic Segmentation", "Surface Normals Estimation" ]
Pruned non-local means
In Non-Local Means (NLM), each pixel is denoised by performing a weighted averaging of its neighboring pixels, where the weights are computed using image patches. We demonstrate that the denoising performance of NLM can be improved by pruning the neighboring pixels, namely, by rejecting neighboring pixels whose weights are below a certain threshold $\lambda$. While pruning can potentially reduce pixel averaging in uniform-intensity regions, we demonstrate that there is generally an overall improvement in the denoising performance. In particular, the improvement comes from pixels situated close to edges and corners. The success of the proposed method strongly depends on the choice of the global threshold $\lambda$, which in turn depends on the noise level and the image characteristics. We show how Stein's unbiased estimator of the mean-squared error can be used to optimally tune $\lambda$, at a marginal computational overhead. We present some representative denoising results to demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method over NLM and its variants.
[ "Denoising" ]
Value Propagation Networks
We present Value Propagation (VProp), a set of parameter-efficient differentiable planning modules built on Value Iteration which can successfully be trained using reinforcement learning to solve unseen tasks, has the capability to generalize to larger map sizes, and can learn to navigate in dynamic environments. We show that the modules enable learning to plan when the environment also includes stochastic elements, providing a cost-efficient learning system to build low-level size-invariant planners for a variety of interactive navigation problems. We evaluate on static and dynamic configurations of MazeBase grid-worlds, with randomly generated environments of several different sizes, and on a StarCraft navigation scenario, with more complex dynamics, and pixels as input.
[ "Starcraft" ]