{ "ar": "إنه وقت الهلاوين", "en": "halloween time" }
{ "ar": "ماذا , قصتك؟", "en": "what your story" }
{ "ar": "-ما الذي فعلته بتلك الملفات؟", "en": "what did you do with those documents" }
{ "ar": "تبا لذلك.", "en": "fuck that" }
{ "ar": "لا انتظر يجب ان تأخذ حمام لان", "en": "no wait" }
{ "ar": "هل هذا حلم؟", "en": "is this a dream" }
{ "ar": "لم أمسح لطخة ما؟", "en": "did i miss something" }
{ "ar": "آمل أننا أصدقاء الآن", "en": "i should hope were old friends by now" }
{ "ar": "أراهن على ذلك.", "en": "i bet they did" }
{ "ar": "- \" أنت والطبيب \" بايك -", "en": " you and dr pike" }
{ "ar": "نعم , ولكنه كان صعبا", "en": "yes and it was so hard" }
{ "ar": "! لقد نظرت مجددا", "en": "i looked again" }
{ "ar": "- هل بامكانك؟", "en": " would you" }
{ "ar": "لدي الكثير لأقوله لك.", "en": "oh i have many things to say to you" }
{ "ar": "كابتن استدعيتني ؟", "en": "captain you sent for me" }
{ "ar": "لماذا نحن هنا إذن؟", "en": "why are we here then" }
{ "ar": "نعم - نعم بالطبع -", "en": " hell yes" }
{ "ar": "آسف لأخذ لك قبو rapey؟", "en": "sorry for taking you to a rapey basement" }
{ "ar": "ما أقصده هو...", "en": "what im saying is" }
{ "ar": "أعد أنا سأعلمك حالما أنا أعمل.", "en": "i promise ill let you know as soon as i do" }
{ "ar": "-أهلا بك", "en": " hello there" }
{ "ar": "‫هل فكرت بالأمر؟", "en": "have you given this any thought at all" }
{ "ar": "عملت خطوة بخطوة", "en": "i work my steps" }
{ "ar": "اراك في السابع من الشعر", "en": "um ill see you on the 7th okay" }
{ "ar": "يجب أن نكتشف ..", "en": "and where are you taking us" }
{ "ar": "ما أستطيع لمس...", "en": "what i can touch" }
{ "ar": "وهذا ضد القانون.", "en": "that is against the law" }
{ "ar": "(مصر)، أخيرا سترى الأهرامات.", "en": "egypt ha finally gonna get to see the pyramids" }
{ "ar": "اعتقد ..", "en": "i think i" }
{ "ar": "-يا إلهي", "en": " no" }
{ "ar": "تعال لهنا ايها الفتى القذر", "en": "come on over here you naughty little boy" }
{ "ar": "إذا ستكون أنت الذي سيموت", "en": "then you shall be the one who dies" }
{ "ar": "سوف آخذ قيلولة", "en": "my afternoon nap" }
{ "ar": "-في نهاية الشارع", "en": " straight up the street" }
{ "ar": "أليس كذلك؟", "en": "werent they" }
{ "ar": "ساعدني) -", "en": "help me" }
{ "ar": "هل قتلت رجل صباح يوم الاثنين؟", "en": "did you kill a man on monday morning" }
{ "ar": ". أنا أفعل", "en": "i do" }
{ "ar": "-أوتا) ).", "en": " uta" }
{ "ar": "ولكنهم كانوا على خطأ.", "en": "but they were wrong" }
{ "ar": "إلى أين أنت ذاهب ؟", "en": "where are you going" }
{ "ar": "لا يهمني ما ستقول، أتعلم؟", "en": "i dont care how you figure it out" }
{ "ar": "تبيناللطفسو كانأعظمسلاحلها .", "en": "turns out sues niceness was her greatest weapon" }
{ "ar": "إنه على ما يرام هو معى", "en": "its all right hes with me" }
{ "ar": "لقد حصلنا عليها.", "en": "we got it" }
{ "ar": "هذا بخصوص صديقك (إبليس)", "en": "so this is about your buddy lucifer" }
{ "ar": "- طبعا, انني رئيس البلدية", "en": "of course im the mayor" }
{ "ar": "أنا رأس التنظيم.", "en": "im the brains of the organization" }
{ "ar": "مضحك, كنت سأطلب منك نفس الأمر.", "en": "funny i was about to tell you the same thing" }
{ "ar": "أختيار عظيم - شكرا، وأنت؟", "en": "great choice thank you" }
{ "ar": "مهلا,لا تفعل,ماذا... .. ؟", "en": "hey dont what are you doing" }
{ "ar": "عفوا، جزء من \"النمط\"؟", "en": "im sorry part of the pattern" }
{ "ar": "أحضر الجميع.", "en": "gather everyone" }
{ "ar": "سعيدة أننا تحدثنا سويا.", "en": "im so glad we had this conversation" }
{ "ar": "ذلك واضح نحن أصدقاء", "en": "thats obvious were friends" }
{ "ar": "بالتأكيد لا", "en": "absolutely not" }
{ "ar": "ثم تغلب عليك (كيد).", "en": "then kid beat you" }
{ "ar": "-اخبرتك ان هذا الزفاف كان غلطة", "en": "i told you this was a mistake" }
{ "ar": ") لا يمكنني إستخراج شيء", "en": "i cant make anything out" }
{ "ar": "كل ما قالوه...", "en": "everything they said i" }
{ "ar": "ـ يجب ان تلغي الغذاء.", "en": "you have to cancel the lunch" }
{ "ar": "أفكر بأختيار الفريق النهائي", "en": "gotta think of it as choosing our final team" }
{ "ar": "ومرت بطلاق قاسي", "en": "shes been through a tough divorce" }
{ "ar": "رباه، أحب هذا الفلم", "en": "god i love that movie" }
{ "ar": "لاتخاف كابتن (فوضى) هنا", "en": "have no fear chaos is here dundundah" }
{ "ar": "عندنا مشكلة بسيطة هنا.", "en": "we have a little problem here" }
{ "ar": "ولكن لماذا كل هذه الأسئلة؟", "en": "why all the questions" }
{ "ar": "وأنت إستحقيته", "en": "you have to earn these" }
{ "ar": "ضعها ، ضعها هنا", "en": "put it in put it in there" }
{ "ar": "أعتقد أن ذلك ممكنـا هيا بنـا", "en": "i believe its possible" }
{ "ar": "- عليك ان تهاجم اولا", "en": " you have to attack first" }
{ "ar": "احذف a خط", "en": "remove a line" }
{ "ar": "كان (إرني) رجلا طيبا.", "en": "ernie was a good man" }
{ "ar": "هل أنت جاد؟", "en": "are you serious" }
{ "ar": "تنظر إلى", "en": " locked on mine" }
{ "ar": "إنـهـا سـهـرة عـيـد الـمـيـلاد", "en": "its christmas eve" }
{ "ar": "عماذا تتحدثين؟", "en": "what are you talking about" }
{ "ar": "هذا ضرب من الجنون", "en": "this is crazy this is totally insane" }
{ "ar": "- صباحا؟", "en": " in the morning" }
{ "ar": "سيد ديتريك", "en": "mr dietrich" }
{ "ar": "أنا لست متأكدة من التفاصيل", "en": "never mess with a black belt asshole" }
{ "ar": "نخبك , للملك لانسنغ", "en": "to you king lansing" }
{ "ar": "ما هي الأخطاء المطبعية ؟", "en": "gasps what are typos" }
{ "ar": "انتظري، سوف أعود جلبت لك هدية", "en": "wait ill be right back i got a present for you" }
{ "ar": ".تقول هذا كأنك تعرف اي شيء عني", "en": "you say that like you know anything about me" }
{ "ar": "لذا تريد أن تكون مثلي...", "en": "so you want to be more like me" }
{ "ar": "بالطبع لاتفهمين ياعزيزتي", "en": "of course you dont honey" }
{ "ar": "إذن، أين أبوك ؟", "en": "so where is your father" }
{ "ar": "لا، لا، الأمر هذا يخصك", "en": "no no this is your thing" }
{ "ar": "-لا، في الواقع انا...", "en": "no really l" }
{ "ar": "اشعل الضوء", "en": "hit the lights" }
{ "ar": "سأقوم يإرخائها لك", "en": "ill unsprain the ligaments" }
{ "ar": "أنا لا أهتم بما قاله شتراوس", "en": "i dont care what strauss said" }
{ "ar": "شكرا لك، إنه رائعة.", "en": "thank you theyre beautiful" }
{ "ar": "حول ماذا؟", "en": "about what" }
{ "ar": "فرغ الهواء من اطارات السياره !", "en": "i had a flat tyre" }
{ "ar": "حسنا، ماذا عن هذا ؟", "en": "okay what about this" }
{ "ar": "لا أستطيع مساعدتك", "en": "i cant help you" }
{ "ar": "ستباع هناك، كل شيء جاهز؟", "en": "sell it there everything accounted for" }
{ "ar": "يجب عليك أن ترحل", "en": "you should go" }