{ "ar": "ماذا حدث؟", "en": "what happened" }
{ "ar": "يمكننا أن نتوقف الآن إن أردت.", "en": " no relief we could stop right now if you want" }
{ "ar": "أتفهم ذلك", "en": "i see it" }
{ "ar": "أرجوك لا تفعل هذا", "en": "lou please dont do that" }
{ "ar": "مثل شاطئ جميل أو جبل", "en": "someplace nice like a beautiful beach or like a mountain or" }
{ "ar": "لقد مضت فترة", "en": "its been a while" }
{ "ar": "غادرت فقط", "en": "she just left" }
{ "ar": "آمل ذلك", "en": "i hope so" }
{ "ar": "صحيح , سيدي", "en": "right master" }
{ "ar": "هنالك المزيد", "en": "theres more than that" }
{ "ar": "ها نحن أولاء", "en": "here we go" }
{ "ar": "لا أقدر", "en": "im not sure i can" }
{ "ar": "وهذا يذكرني ..", "en": "which reminds me" }
{ "ar": "أنا هنا", "en": "im here" }
{ "ar": "-تفضلوا من فضلكم -شكرا", "en": "thank you" }
{ "ar": "هل رأيتها؟", "en": "you saw her" }
{ "ar": "علي الذهاب.", "en": "uh i gotta go" }
{ "ar": "ربما علي الذهاب إلى هناك", "en": "maybe i should go up there" }
{ "ar": "موسمة كـ(لاسن)؟", "en": "tagged as lassen" }
{ "ar": "ما الذي حدث هناك؟", "en": "what happened out there" }
{ "ar": "عفوا ؟", "en": "excuse me" }
{ "ar": "أنت لئيم", "en": "youre mean" }
{ "ar": "-هل تمانع؟", "en": " would you mind" }
{ "ar": "ليس لدي فكرة", "en": "i have no idea" }
{ "ar": "انهض !", "en": "get up" }
{ "ar": "إنه مهم", "en": "its important" }
{ "ar": "لقد وجدت شيئا", "en": "ooh i just found something" }
{ "ar": "المكان آمن.", "en": "were clear" }
{ "ar": "-أنا أحذرك", "en": " im warning you" }
{ "ar": "هذا يكفي.", "en": "thats enough" }
{ "ar": "-لا لست كذلك", "en": " no im not" }
{ "ar": "مع السلامه", "en": "its late" }
{ "ar": "-ديفيد -ماذا؟", "en": " david" }
{ "ar": "لكن لا تتوقف عن الحديث ياعزيزي", "en": "but you just keep talking sweetie" }
{ "ar": "أنت تضيعين الوقت فحسب", "en": "youre just wasting time" }
{ "ar": "هذا غريب", "en": "this is weird" }
{ "ar": "لم أقرر بعد", "en": "im not sure" }
{ "ar": ". ماذا , الان ؟", "en": "what now" }
{ "ar": "ماذا سنفعل الآن؟", "en": "what do we do now" }
{ "ar": "أنا بخير.", "en": "im okay" }
{ "ar": "-بربك ؟", "en": " really" }
{ "ar": "ماذا أنت , ولد صغير ؟", "en": "in the book of genesis what are you stepford boy" }
{ "ar": "مايكل أنجلو أجل", "en": " michaelangelo" }
{ "ar": "أنا الذي أحمل القنابل.", "en": "im the one with the grenade launcher" }
{ "ar": "مابالك هكذا؟", "en": "whats wrong with you" }
{ "ar": "كيف وجدتني؟", "en": "how did you find me" }
{ "ar": "هل يوجد أحد هنا ؟", "en": "anybody home" }
{ "ar": "أنت مذهلة", "en": "you look gorgeous" }
{ "ar": "هل تتجسسين علي؟", "en": "are you spying on me" }
{ "ar": "لم أفعل بك أي شيء", "en": "i didnt do anything" }
{ "ar": "- حسنا.", "en": " okay" }
{ "ar": "أين المال؟", "en": "wheres the money" }
{ "ar": "هو كذلك .", "en": "thats it" }
{ "ar": "- أوه نعم", "en": "yeah well theyve been buddies ever since so" }
{ "ar": "سوف أدفنك مع السافلة!", "en": "ill let you be buried with the bitch" }
{ "ar": "نعم , صحيح", "en": "yeah right" }
{ "ar": "ها هو ذا", "en": "there he is hi carol" }
{ "ar": "جيد انت تطوعت", "en": " five ten good you just volunteered" }
{ "ar": "أنا لست زوجتك المتوسطة", "en": "i am not your average trophy wife" }
{ "ar": "ماهذا بحق الجحيم؟", "en": "what the fuck is that" }
{ "ar": "مثل ماذا ؟", "en": "like what" }
{ "ar": "لا,لا أعتقد ذلك", "en": "no i dont think so" }
{ "ar": "- اللعنة ، لا أعرف", "en": " i dont know" }
{ "ar": "يا سافل إنه في ألم رهيب", "en": "you son of a bitch hes in hell" }
{ "ar": "اطلق النار عليه", "en": "shoot him" }
{ "ar": "هذا رائع", "en": "its cool big o" }
{ "ar": "حظا موفقا.", "en": "good luck" }
{ "ar": "دعني أرى.", "en": "let me see" }
{ "ar": "ماذا تعتقد؟", "en": "what do you think" }
{ "ar": "لم تسألان؟ لقد مات", "en": "why do you ask" }
{ "ar": "هذا هو", "en": "thats it" }
{ "ar": "أنا هنا.", "en": "im here" }
{ "ar": "فقط ذلك ؟", "en": "thats it" }
{ "ar": ". واحد، إثنان، ثلاثة", "en": "one two three" }
{ "ar": "ليس بعد الأن", "en": "not anymore" }
{ "ar": "ـبشأنالرجلالذيأطلق النارعليك..", "en": "about that guy that shot you" }
{ "ar": "نعم، (هانا) أرادت سرقة شيء", "en": "yeah hannah she wanted to steal something" }
{ "ar": "بكل سرور", "en": "with pleasure" }
{ "ar": "كل شيء على ما يرام", "en": "come here" }
{ "ar": "لقد سمعت عنكم", "en": "i heard about you" }
{ "ar": "إلى اين ذهبت ؟", "en": "where did she go" }
{ "ar": "ما الذي يحصل؟", "en": "whats happening" }
{ "ar": "- نعم؟", "en": "clears throat yeah um" }
{ "ar": "علم بذالك.", "en": "copy that" }
{ "ar": "يبدو ذلك", "en": "seems that way" }
{ "ar": "ماذا نفعل هنا؟", "en": "what are we doing here" }
{ "ar": "انا سعيد جدا بلقائك", "en": "im very pleased to meet you" }
{ "ar": "ابتعد من طريقي", "en": "get out of my way" }
{ "ar": "ابتعد, سأهتم بالأمر", "en": "walk away i got this" }
{ "ar": "-إلى أين سنذهب؟", "en": " where are we going" }
{ "ar": "لقد ربحت العملة المعدنية", "en": "i won the coin toss" }
{ "ar": "الموت سيكون مغامرة كبيرة جدا", "en": "to die will be an awfully big adventure" }
{ "ar": "هل أنت أصم؟", "en": " they havent yet" }
{ "ar": "(كلارك)، لم تكن مضطرا.", "en": "you shouldnt have" }
{ "ar": "لا يصدق", "en": " unbelievable" }
{ "ar": "...حسنا الآن", "en": "all right now" }
{ "ar": "ليس بعد الآن.", "en": " not anymore" }
{ "ar": "-لم أنت هنا؟", "en": "why are you here" }
{ "ar": "أنا آسف.", "en": "im sorry" }
{ "ar": "هل هذه لي؟", "en": "are those for me" }