how the hell can you move it from one receiver to the other ?
no babe not yet we 're not married yet .
we should get a pre-nup .
that 's like retarded .
do you think when they are listening to these recordings that they 're going to listen to both of us at the same time ?
they ... they did n't mean Jim right ?
but it ... it makes more sense .
because I think they got sued by the real wow .
they have the little wooden ones all of them .
ok .
and it 'll cost you less money .
anyways remember Rebecca ?
<unintelligible> other one ?
two thousand five they closed down the network .
I did not like that movie you know .
I am not going to do two language invitations .
what let 's take it one step forward then once it 's that over <unintelligible> .
yet is her ... her responsibility to not hurt the dog which cost a thousand something dollars .
" detoxify your body . "
my mom says that she ... no she said that she wishes that he would eat Jock .
oh my god .
but it has nothing to do with me seeing it to consider whether or not I want it to be a venue for my wedding .
that basically says our names the maid of honour the best man .
the cheapest one is a dollar fifty each .
let 's go to Wales .
I know <unintelligible> .
it 's beautiful .
hello ?
he 's ... he 's ... he 's like laughing and wagging the little stub for a tail that he has .
because of the whole Kazaa ... Kazaa .
hello temper temper .
I am .
how are there so many old people here in Florida ?
and well I suppose he 's also going to do it in Spanish ?
no pero doing it in Spanish ...
it 's over a hundred dollars less .
wait ok .
look the layout .
maybe he does n't know .
how about that ?
but I really ...
but then I would have to like run wires through each door .
but nova you know supernova that 's sounds like an English word .
yeah .
eh eh eh .
there he is um .
it does n't ... none of them allow you to put the program on it .
and she left their ... her ... her parrot .
I think it would be really mean of us to have an outdoor wedding and not be ... not offer fans .
it 's uncouth .
te quiero .
yeah because it 's got to be thick stock .
I do n't want to have a winter wedding .
well they 're older than mine !
my mom your mom <unintelligible> ...
the vows are something personal .
so but what happened to the whole sunset and all that stuff ?
no it 's not a terrier <unintelligible> .
they need to get with the fricking program .
alright and then check the other ones for me .
so that was the only reason why they said me a maximum of a hundred for the ... for the fricking chairs ?
the thing is that he would just keep on going like it 's all good .
what ?
could we save money by putting the program onto the face of <unintelligible> ?
ay Jesu Cristo .
my lady .
he just unplugged that from that receiver .
and then the garden area .
oh that 's right they can not ... fly .
ok it 's like the two part ones where you have the base .
but she had ... he had already eaten the ... the thing ?
ok god .
it 's a different guy asking .
the car has to be off for it to come now .
they brought it back .
no because of the whole religion thing .
you know I ... I do n't want to do ... I did n't want to do it in Spanish .
I ...
yeah well but ...
mmhm it 's from the teacher reference .
I think she either visited Wales or she spoke ...
delete it ?
well I 'm paying like two thousand bucks .
babe if you want a happy place we 'll get married in McDonalds .
oh it makes sense .
ok traditionally what you do is that you give out um a program at the ceremony .
you know what you do is you buy the modules fifty bucks each .
maybe you <unintelligible> .
but now he just looks like a freaking old you know .
I say I love you .
maybe he does n't know .
I was going to say they can not swim !
ok .
no but that ... that cage was huge .
who knows how many things you downloaded into your computer .
we 're not married yet .
see what she says .
well before they ... they make ... made you pay to use it while it was with the ads and all that stuff they come out with Kazaa Lite .
it does n't even look like a happy place .
there 's also one called Nova .