I do n't know what the hell it is .
that 's how we do it down here .
and they let you control .
because I think it 's funny .
silk is cool .
we saw it in person .
I mean if you have n't figured it out by now it 's my first time getting married sweetheart .
seventy degrees is not good for old people what the hell is that ?
I 've put it ... I typed it in right ?
so what ?
we 're not going to be all the way back there .
and the dog ate the parrot .
no it has a little ... it has a little entrance .
when are we getting married ?
then let 's make an account <unintelligible> .
but it ... does n't say anywhere that we can not adjust the microphones .
I do want some .
because maybe he says ... he just pays for everything .
that 'd be nice .
they going to look at us .
because they 're ... they all attached to Jock .
" Lassie let 's go now outside . "
eight thirty for what babe ?
because then you 're paying two different people ... two different companies to do ...
is n't this like the ... the ... the golfing capital of the world or something for old farts to come ?
maybe you 'll be the one to discover Jesus .
your mum is just ... she looks like a square .
sorry .
and you can put the actual program on it .
she said that we can have more than a hundred guests .
I do n't know .
Ray Home verandah .
there 's some ... there 'll be a lot of old people .
well why do n't we do it on a day of spring where the temperatures will be around seventy sixty five degrees ?
daylight savings time or not ?
because if they poop on my <unintelligible> .
oh yeah .
so you had the ... the ... the ...
ok .
we 're not getting a pre-nup .
it 's ... this is our number one thing .
but I do n't want to pay twelve hundred dollars for people to go look at birds .
some guy just hacked it and took out all the ...
oh uh we were n't going to eat it .
but our ... but that dollar fifty would that allow you to put enough text to put the whole frigging thing ?
ah gays bo look it up !
ok <unintelligible> .
so we 'll may ... be able to like just have to pay one hour extra .
I wonder if she settled ?
mmhm .
because this guy wanted to buy the lights to the car ... the headlights .
that 's what I wanted to use for the actual reception .
sixty five too cold .
ok darling .
and then the whole place looks too small .
yeah well I do n't want you to .
no it 's a little um .
and then it turn ... it ... it makes the ... the ... the motors on the ... on the windows go down .
my mom went outside .
the lady from Flamingo Gardens .
no my parents do n't even know about this idea .
all on your own .
can you have it ?
but then again are we doing this for ...
who got my fifteenth invitation in Spanish and knew how to get there .
I mean it 's not like you know uno dos tres cuatro .
because there 's a receiver in the car that receives signals from this remote .
yeah they can not fly .
no .
that 's what he said the guy did .
I do n't think we 'll need it .
five years older than the crypt keeper .
what concession do I have to make ?
we could save so much money if we only had twenty guests .
ok but when I 'm doing that ...
they got ... they got sued .
I said sued !
except for Roger .
I ... I have ... I have to email them about the reception if we can meet them in the garden area in front .
no you can not ...
and they have in the back supposedly .
" I did n't know you could roll them back up <unintelligible> ... "
why can not uh ... can not that come to mind now ?