the males who are the ones build who the ones are build the nests to they , build eggs eggs , they build nests , they build nests with they build nests with smaller entrances sows , leave will natural conditions , sows will leave the herd sows will leave the herd and The sows will use their forelimbs and of the nests , are the sow the nests , are the sow generally , the nests are generally a round the nests are generally a round to their physiological thermoregulation developing is still life , this type of disturbs housing this type of housing disturbs the sows natural instinct this available ; is the lowest sheltered spot these mammals where is give birth Often some rodent species that create burrows some rodent species that create burrows develop that burrows create develop microclimates This is another way that nesting Maternal nest-building is by regulated the hormonal actions is by regulated the hormonal actions of by regulated the hormonal actions of estradiol reproductive success , it is no wonder , it is no wonder that it a set is that no wonder a set is that no wonder of This increase is by driven an increase is by driven an increase in by driven an increase in prostaglandin In it said is this stage it said is this stage that Both internal and external stimuli must exist in conjunction The cessation of correlated is the nest building In nest building , occurs rabbits nest building , occurs rabbits towards , nest building occurs towards the last third nest building occurs towards the last third of The mother digs and builds a nest This sequential motor pattern is by produced changes is by produced changes in by produced changes in estradiol by and released produced the ovaries straw-carrying behavior is expressed as a function is likely by caused the increase likely by caused the increase in by caused the increase in estrogen golden hamsters , nest-building takes place , nest-building takes place earlier nest-building takes place earlier , External factors also interact with hormones
hair , mothers prefer straw , mothers prefer straw during mothers prefer straw during the straw-carrying period Research on shows avian paternal behavior that on nest-building shows that avian paternal behavior nest-building shows that avian paternal behavior is , male nest-building among depends ring doves male nest-building among depends ring doves on However , solitary bees make individual nests , solitary bees make individual nests for solitary bees make individual nests for larvae There were 30 candidates , representing The winner would represent the Dominican Republic at The first runner up would enter Miss World Mitja Nikisch was the son of the celebrated Hungarian orchestral conductor Arthur Nikisch Like he , became his parents his parents , he became a fine interpreter , he became a fine interpreter of he became a fine interpreter of classical works in he — made that literature that literature — he made his debut — he made his debut as he made his debut as piano soloist He was on summer holiday in She was twelve years his junior and Mitja called her Barbara as he her called as Barbara He dedicated several hours a day Wednesday, August 5, 1936 , Nikisch finished the concerto , Nikisch finished the concerto and Nikisch finished the concerto and died Barbara was in London on As Mitja Nikisch , left a classical performer a classical performer , Mitja Nikisch left some reproducing piano rolls , Mitja Nikisch left some reproducing piano rolls and Mitja Nikisch left some reproducing piano rolls and one commercial recording of her sister ship ; was the s the ship , laid was the then newly created German Empire The ship was launched in March 1874 Kaiser " served with the fleet The ship was a regular participant in the annual fleet training maneuvers She participated in several cruises in Nevertheless , she spent several years , she spent several years as she spent several years as the flagship The two "Kaiser"-class ironclads were authorized under the naval program " was by powered one 2-cylinder single-expansion steam engine was by powered one 2-cylinder single-expansion steam engine ,
which by powered , one 2-cylinder single-expansion steam engine The boilers were vented into two widely spaced funnels She was armed with a main battery her armament , increased was 1891–1895 her armament was by increased six L/22 guns was by increased six L/22 guns and by increased six L/22 guns and one 8.8 cm L/30 gun of her armor belt ; was wrought iron her armor belt ; was wrought iron thick her keel ; laid was London her keel was laid in 1871 " Kaiser " spent the spring Kaiser " spent the spring working She joined the older ironclads and and The four-ship squadron remained in German waters for the next spring ; Rear Admiral Carl Ferdinand Batsch replaced Henk ; Rear Admiral Carl Ferdinand Batsch replaced Henk as Rear Admiral Carl Ferdinand Batsch replaced Henk as the squadron commander he , reinforced was the four ironclads he was by reinforced three unarmored vessels " Kaiser " joined the 1877 summer squadron Kaiser " joined the 1877 summer squadron , They were reactivated in the spring of 1883 of their engines , proved service service , their engines proved troublesome , their engines proved troublesome during their engines proved troublesome during the training cruise Regardless , the 1883 cruise was the first year , the 1883 cruise the German navy was the first year the 1883 cruise the German navy was the first year completely the German navy was the first year completely abandoned Kaiser " went into reserve " Kaiser " represented Germany Kaiser " represented Germany at of the ship ; joined Kaiser Wilhelm II Kaiser Wilhelm II ; the ship joined her sister ; the ship joined her sister " the ship joined her sister " Deutschland The fleet then held training maneuvers in and the rest of became II Division the rest of II Division became the training squadron to the voyage ; included the Mediterranean the Mediterranean ; the voyage included state visits ; the voyage included state visits to the voyage included state visits to Italy Kaiser " participated in the ceremonial transfer
She was present during the fleet maneuvers The squadron again cruised the Mediterranean , her heavy guns ; removed were an armored cruiser Despite she , remained the modernization she , remained the modernization quite " Kaiser " reinforced the East Asia Division Kaiser " reinforced the East Asia Division , " which reinforced , the East Asia Division which reinforced , the East Asia Division also " Kaiser " struck an uncharted rock Only minor damage was done to the hull Kaiser " served as the flagship Diederichs " , settled Kaiser , Diederichs settled on Kiautschou Bay " Kaiser " left Shanghai Kaiser " left Shanghai and at Diederichs ; intended sea Diederichs ; intended sea to Cormoran " steamed into the bay Diederichs's forces , captured had two hours , Diederichs's forces had captured the central and outlying forts Diederichs's forces had captured the central and outlying forts and of Diederichs , succeeded the Kiautschou garrison Diederichs , succeeded the Kiautschou garrison in Diederichs succeeded in forcing the Chinese concession In Diederichs , sent May 1898 May 1898 , Diederichs sent "Kaiser , Diederichs sent "Kaiser " Diederichs sent "Kaiser " to Diederichs , so ordered repairs , so Diederichs ordered her so Diederichs ordered her and Diederichs ordered her and "Prinzess Wilhelm Rear Admiral George Dewey objected to the size of in Diederichs , took August 1898 Diederichs , took August 1898 " , Diederichs took " Kaiser Diederichs took " Kaiser " There , the ship represented Germany , the ship represented Germany during the ship represented Germany during celebrations The ship then returned to Hong Kong the ship ran aground on an uncharted rock She was reduced to a harbor ship The ship was stricken from the naval register ) was by operated the London North Western Railway was by operated the London North Western Railway and by operated the London North Western Railway and the Great Western Railway Its line ran from Shrewsbury ( The line opened on 1 June 1849 , A province is almost always an administrative division The term derives from the ancient Roman "provincia "
since been by adopted many countries others , formed were colonial powers others were formed around local groups Many have their own powers independent of A popular etymology is from Latin ( a "province " would be a territory the word "province " is an ancient term the expression , means still France Equivalent expressions are used in Peru have been by depicted Fernand Braudel been by depicted Fernand Braudel as by depicted Fernand Braudel as the optimum-size political unit formed the United States were called provinces in centralized government , was Europe Europe , centralized government was a sign , centralized government was a sign of centralized government was a sign of modernity after Francisco Franco has been a "State of Autonomies Francisco Franco has been a "State of Autonomies " Some of be can the enumerated powers For Canadian provinces , are example Canadian provinces , are example sovereign Canadian provinces are sovereign in regard Provinces could appeal court rulings over , provinces could bypass the Supreme Court provinces could bypass the Supreme Court and The Canadian Supreme Court tended to support the view This forum provided for an opportunity forum provided for an opportunity shopping imposing the Canadian government , introduced direct taxes direct taxes , the Canadian government introduced an income tax , the Canadian government introduced an income tax during the Canadian government introduced an income tax during World War I the federal government , collects now most provinces , the federal government now collects income tax the federal government now collects income tax for so in the Canadian government introduced 1991 in 1991 the Canadian government introduced a Goods and Services Tax 1991 the Canadian government introduced a Goods and Services Tax ( the Canadian government introduced a Goods and Services Tax ( GST The evolution of created has federations under some states , allow a province's or a federal state's competency them , some states allow a province's or a federal state's competency provinces are subordinate to the national, central government the central government , create can theory , in it is practice in it is practice among
practice it is among the world's more decentralized federations local governments have been called "creatures Not all first-level political entities are termed "provinces . the equivalent of is " "province New Zealand was divided into provinces the provinces were abolished in 1876 Current examples include the 16 Regions into which New Zealand the 16 Regions into include which In a province , is many countries many countries , a province is a relatively small non-constituent level , a province is a relatively small non-constituent level of a province is a relatively small non-constituent level of sub-national government It can also be a constituent element Spain — a province is a second-level administrative sub — a province is a second-level administrative sub - a province is a second-level administrative sub - division they , referred are Chile Chile has 15 regions , subdivided Italy has 20 regions , subdivided Peru has 25 regions , subdivided The island of divided is Ireland These provinces are Connacht ( in , some overseas parts of bore the British Empire some overseas parts of the British Empire bore the colonial title The constituent entities of known are Canada the term province , used was confederation the term province was used in reference In Quebec , split 1791 Quebec , split 1791 into , Quebec split into two separate colonies Quebec split into two separate colonies , New Brunswick , known was the 18th century New Brunswick was known as His/Her Majesty's Province — six of are its ten provinces six of are its ten provinces larger New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island also have parishes within The Western provinces have more varied types of administrative sub The province of British Columbia has "regional districts British Columbia which has " "regional districts which has " "regional districts function The province of Alberta has some unique local governance schemes in Fort McMurray ; was Western Canada Fort McMurray ; was Western Canada once ; Fort McMurray was once a city Fort McMurray was once a city but Unlike Lloydminster , is most such cases Lloydminster , is most such cases not
, Lloydminster is not a pair Lloydminster is not a pair of This terms also refers to the "provinces Company.com that is an online company provides that an online company is provides services Services provided by include Company.com provided by Company.com include websites by Company.com include websites , the company , ranked was 2015 , the company was ranked the tenth the company was ranked the tenth on The song was included in the 1953 film It was by performed Doris Day was by performed Doris Day and by performed Doris Day and Howard Keel The song proceeds from a scene in Stephen H. A. Shepherd is Professor of English Literature The primary focus of is Stephen Shepherd's research on He has published essays on during Shepherd , worked his early college years Shepherd , worked his early college years as , Shepherd worked as a zoo keeper Shepherd worked as a zoo keeper in He was drafted in the first round Ponomaryova was born in Balkhash In she , made 1984 1984 , she made a dramatic improvement , she made a dramatic improvement in she made a dramatic improvement in the 400 metres hurdles her international career would continue for another decade as she , finished Margarita Khromova she , finished Margarita Khromova sixth she finished sixth in the World Cup In she , reached 1986 she , reached 1986 the European Championship , she reached the European Championship final she reached the European Championship final in make she , won the 1988 Seoul Olympics the 1988 Seoul Olympics , she won her biggest individual title , she won her biggest individual title when she won her biggest individual title when winning she ) , finished Margarita Ponomaryova Ponomaryova represented the Unified team at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics she the semi - In finals the she managed only final final she only managed 54.83 she only managed 54.83 to in she , reached Stuttgart Stuttgart , she reached her peak , she reached her peak running she reached her peak running 53.48 sec This was her first (and only) individual medal at Olympic or World Championship level
The race was by won Sally Gunnell was by won Sally Gunnell in by won Sally Gunnell in a then world record by the Village of Invermay , recorded Statistics Canada Statistics Canada , the Village of Invermay recorded a population , the Village of Invermay recorded a population of the Village of Invermay recorded a population of living In the Village of Invermay , recorded the 2011 Census of Population the 2011 Census of Population , the Village of Invermay recorded a population , the Village of Invermay recorded a population of the Village of Invermay recorded a population of , " The Complete Opera Book " is a guide The Complete Opera Book " is a guide to Gustav Kobbé was on the point of Various additions were made to it Its full title was "The Complete Opera Book: the Stories of the Operas , Together Much of appeared first the additional material The last opera of the "Goyescas is the main text of the "Goyescas is the main text " the "Goyescas is the main text " of the "Goyescas is " of Enrique Granados The earlier supplement included works by Maeterlinck, Reginald de Koven, Ravel After it enlarged was 1929 it enlarged was 1929 to The pre–World War II editions were by enriched a superb series were by enriched a superb series of by enriched a superb series of sixty-four photographs The illustrations reflected exactly the singers of Kobbé's time They are typically the singers of variant editions ) of was the English edition This constant revision the book reflected that the fact the book reflected that the fact , It which therefore was this work which therefore was this work was Details of supplied were specific productions of by were supplied specific productions specific productions were by supplied Harold Rosenthal The great body of maintained was Kobbé's work were similarly by grouped nationality similarly by grouped nationality in by grouped nationality in Part of by was retained different sections different sections was by retained the initial "K was by retained the initial "K " by retained the initial "K " for
in 1924 , was California California , 1924 was an election , 1924 was an election for 1924 was an election for California's delegation on D'Amico , attended January 24, 1941 January 24, 1941 , D'Amico attended Red Bank Regional High School D’Amico served as a Councilman in He was reelected in 1986 State Senator Frank Pallone , elected was Representative James J. Howard in he ; was the 11th Legislative District he ; was the 11th Legislative District the ; he was the first he was the first of he , appointed was 1992 he was appointed as a Judge During he , developed his tenure his tenure , he developed a streamlined trial procedure , he developed a streamlined trial procedure called he developed a streamlined trial procedure called an "Expedited Jury Trial he , appointed was 2003 , he was appointed Chairman he was appointed Chairman of As he , implemented Chairman Chairman , he implemented a system , he implemented a system of he implemented a system of graduated sanctions enhance he , established re-entry programs re-entry programs , he established re-entry task forces , he established re-entry task forces to he established re-entry task forces to work He was elected to a third three-year term He served as Deputy Director of D'Amico currently serves as Chairman Ängelsberg ( ) is a village Pickering was born in Hackney He became head boy at West Ham Secondary School She won a gold medal in the 4 x 100 metres relay He did national service in the King's Own Royal Regiment Pickering moved to Cardiff to Pickering was a coach with the British team He was recreational manager at Lee Valley Regional Park He was a television commentator at the 1968 Summer Olympic Games He was known for his catchphrase He was a leading proponent of a scheme He was president of Haringey Athletic Club Linford Christie dedicated his gold medal in the 100 metres Pickering died at home in He was by survived his wife was by survived his wife , by survived his wife , and " Bruchidius villosus " is a species
Bruchidius villosus " is a species of This is a dark gray weevil about two millimeters The female lays about ten eggs on female lays about ten eggs on the seed pod This beetle is native to Europe It was introduced to the United States was by to introduced the United States by to the United States introduced accident It became one of the newest insects Its viability as is a biocontrol agent under The Charity's dogs provide emotional support through companionship Hearing Dogs for helps Deaf People After the dogs , go around a year the dogs , go around a year on the dogs go on to advanced training They do this by nudging Vejbystrand was previously a bimunicipal locality situated The majority of lived its population in The most famous building in Vejbystrand was the kitchen/admin building Vejbystrand is a popular vacation area for Swedes District 1 ( ) is the central urban district The district is divided into 10 small subsets is which into divided 10 small subsets which into divided 10 small subsets are District 1 contains most of District 1 is the busiest district in the first district , had only 1975 , the first district only had four small subsets the first district only had four small subsets ( District 1 is subdivided into ten wards District 1 has a population of 204,899 people District 1 is located towards the center District 1 is considered the financial center of It is home to the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange and Vietnamese headquarters Ho Chi Minh City is Vietnam's biggest and busiest city , with since by were completed 1946 1946 were by completed the French The Bitexco Financial Tower is the tallest building in the city It is the location of Xá Lợi Pagoda There are many French-style villas in this district The People's Committee's headquarters is located at No there 3 , are District 3 , there are 5 high schools , there are 5 high schools , there are 5 high schools , including It also hosts facilities of District 4 ( ) is the smallest urban district
of the district , had 2010 2010 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 183,261 District 4 is a triangular cay , surrounded by is , surrounded a triangular cay these wards split up into between two and four wards had been by sent ship been by sent ship to by sent ship to South Africa The fifteen successful officers reached Italy on 28 October All squadron personnel were drawn from Polish artillery units The squadron's primary role was to observe enemy ground targets the squadron , declared was further advanced training , the squadron was declared operational the squadron was declared operational on The squadron's HQ was at Villa Carpena , Auster AOP IV and V "spotter" aircraft were flown in the unit's close support operations 663 Squadron was reformed on 1 July 1949 Tiger Moth and DHC-1 Chipmunk aircraft were used for training The unit was reformed as an army air unit Its allocated mission was to support army formations The unit's initial equipment was the Bell Sioux AH.1 helicopter , with these was , with the Bell Sioux AH.1 helicopter On the unit renamed was 1 January 1973 1 January 1973 the unit was renamed No the unit was renamed No . 660 Squadron , redesignated was Army Air Squadrons 660 Squadron was redesignated as 663 Squadron it based has been 1993 District 5 ( ) is an urban district The Chinese community accounts for a significant population in As of the district had 2010 of 2010 the district had a population 2010 the district had a population of the district had a population of 174,154 people of the district , had 2010 2010 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 253,474 District 7 ( ) is an urban district District 7 is connected to the city of the district , had 2010 2010 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 418,961
District 9 ( ) is a former urban district Acambay is a town and "municipio It was the most important cultural center before the rise who to entrusted , Capt. Juan Jaramillo de Salvatierra Later the area was granted to the area was granted to Don Mateo de San Juan was then by evangelized the Franciscans then by evangelized the Franciscans , by evangelized the Franciscans , building , nothing of remains the original structure it ; influenced is Acambay it is by influenced Mexica and Toltec prehispanic cultures It borders the state of Querétaro The mountains and plateaus occupy nearly two thirds Some of the most significant mountains include Las Palomas Farming is the most important activity in the municipality The main crops are corn , potatoes Almost every community raises domestic farm animals like cattle There are 8,100 speakers of Otomi The literacy rate has increased in recent years in 2.04% , receive the town the town , 2.04% receive medical services , 2.04% receive medical services by 2.04% receive medical services by the IMSS of the district , had 2017 2017 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 239,053 of the district , had 2010 2010 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 232,536 e="preserve">:"District refer may also 12 of the district , had 2010 2010 , the district had a population , the district had a population of the district had a population of 427,083 The district covers an area of 53.0 km² The goal of is the city to Overall taxes for the area are 10% Imported materials used for are software production It was by produced Timbaland was by produced Timbaland , who by produced , Timbaland The piano intro features a melody based intro features a melody based on The song features Timbaland's signature percussion and vocals The song is similar in structure it was released to iTunes single , the peaked New Zealand single peaked at # 10 The track debuted on chart the Hot Digital Songs
In the song made debuted Canada Canada the song debuted made a "Hot Shot Debut the song debuted made a "Hot Shot Debut " Call graduated with a B.A. from He is an associate professor in the History Department of Call also holds the position of He received the Distinguished Lecturer Award from the California Faculty Association a radical form of made is anarchism , it is not a final state it is not a final state of Nhà Bè is a suburban district of Ho Chi Minh City Sylvester loved baseball , but he loved , but baseball He he promised Sylvester would he promised Sylvester would help long he was hitting homers It was relocated to its present location at the campus , consisted the current location the campus , consisted the current location only the campus consisted only of the main building In the school , opened 1988 1988 , the school opened its football and track complex , the school opened its football and track complex , the school which opened , its football and track complex which opened , its football and track complex hosted the school's original gymnasium , converted was 2004 the school's original gymnasium was converted to the aptly named "Trojan Hall Also which was added a new athletic complex which was added a new athletic complex included Tattnall currently competes in the Single-A subdivision During the school , followed the 2014-2015 school year the 2014-2015 school year , the school followed numerous other private schools , the school followed numerous other private schools in the school followed numerous other private schools in leaving Tattnall has won over 40 state and 115 region championships to Tattnall Square Academy offers 18 dual enrollment and AP courses The school has 14 extra-curricular clubs , including For each graduating class achieved has two years two years each graduating class has achieved 90% HOPE Scholarship retention Enemy Swim Lake is a lake in the glacial lake region Obljaj ( ) is a village It is in the northwest corner of It is administratively part of Canton 10 of the Federation
His father was a postman in the village Đông Anh is a rural district ( " Sóc Sơn is a district ( " Thanh Trì is located on the southeastern side , an Antonov An-26 aircraft on crashed a training mission an Antonov An-26 aircraft on crashed a training mission into The cause of was the accident unknown Từ Liêm was a rural district ( " The village is located along Highway Jansen is home to Zion Lutheran Church It has a Community Hall and Summer Recreation Complex as well Jansen incorporated as a village on by recorded , the Village of Jansen Statistics Canada , the Village of recorded Jansen the Village of Jansen recorded a population on its first opera staging ; was 8 October 2005 its first opera staging ; was 8 October 2005 of ; its first opera staging was of Beethoven's "Fidelio its first opera staging was of Beethoven's "Fidelio " Queen Sofía Palace of the Arts is the last major structure The building was by constructed a joint venture was by constructed a joint venture of by constructed a joint venture of Dragados , administration of was the company administration of was the company under Among Zubin Mehta is them , who is Zubin Mehta , them During the first and second seasons the theatre staged seven or eight operas the first and second seasons the theatre staged seven or eight operas per the theatre staged seven or eight operas per season Soloists included Plácido Domingo , Christopher Ventris The Queen Sofía company promotes symphonic concerts , opera galas The company also hosts the Centre de Perfeccionament Plácido Domingo , On Spanish police , arrested 21 January 2015 21 January 2015 , Spanish police arrested the company's general director , Spanish police arrested the company's general director , Spanish police arrested the company's general director , Helga Schmidt She was relieved of her duties Davide Livermore has since assumed Schmidt role The highway also connects with Behchokǫ̀ Transportation was interrupted in the spring The Deh Cho Bridge opened on November 30, 2012 , Trucks pay tolls on northbound crossings
Private passenger vehicles do not pay a toll Estimated costs have more than tripled Jacqueline Ntuyabaliwe Mengi is a Tanzanian award-winning furniture designer and chairman She began her career as a musician She performed as one of In 2004 she released her first solo album 2004 she released her first solo album with she released her first solo album with a hit single "Nalia kwa Furaha almost ten years in she switched the music industry in the music industry she switched careers the music industry she switched careers to she switched careers to interior design Jacqueline was married to Reginald Mengi Overton began his coaching career as an assistant In he , moved 1969 1969 , he moved cross country , he moved cross country to he moved cross country to coach In he , returned 1971 he , returned 1971 to , he returned to the Ohio Valley Conference he returned to the Ohio Valley Conference to he , elevated was 1974 he was elevated to the head coaching position Overton served as head coach for he , named was the season , he was named OVC Co-Coach he was named OVC Co-Coach of Overton , saved was 1980 Overton was saved under the preaching During he , was the 1980s he , was the 1980s in , he was in full-time secular sales work he was in full-time secular sales work , Fred , called was September 1991 Fred was called into full-time Christian work Since then he developed additional five seminars It represented the publishers of over 100 Canadian daily newspapers 15 years old ; she is a founding member ; she is a founding member of she is a founding member of several successful theatrical companies She appeared in the films " Martin portrayed Grandma Dynamite in " Martin " , played "Marley & Me " , Martin played the woman , Martin who played the woman Martin who played the woman sold who the woman played sold Marley Martin's recent roles include portraying Verna The Secretary to she , met Martin Martin , she met "Dumbo" director
, she met "Dumbo" director Tim Burton she met "Dumbo" director Tim Burton back He was an associate producer on "Sleeping Dogs and Davina Whitehouse also had roles American actor Warren Oates had a small but memorable role , as was Alun Bollinger ; was Michael Seresin Michael Seresin ; Alun Bollinger was the gaffer were Geoff Murphy ; was assistant editors assistant editors ; Geoff Murphy was the "Special FX Director ; Geoff Murphy was the "Special FX Director . Dorthe Scheffmann and Pat Murphy were production assistants at this film , was the time the time , this film was a first opportunity , this film was a first opportunity to this film was a first opportunity to work Funding for came the film in Shoreham-Wading River High School is a Public secondary school located in The school colors are navy blue and Shoreham-Wading River lacrosse has established itself lacrosse has established itself as In the boys' and girls' lacrosse teams , won 2006–2007 2006–2007 , the boys' and girls' lacrosse teams won the NYS Class C Championship in the other school ; was the same year the same year ; the other school was Garden City ; the other school was Garden City in the other school was Garden City in 2001 The girls' and boys' teams would do this for In the Wildcats , captured 2014 2014 , the Wildcats captured the first Rutgers Cup , the Wildcats captured the first Rutgers Cup in the Wildcats captured the first Rutgers Cup in school history Singer was born in Sora In he went 1873 to 1873 he went to Cincinnati he went to Cincinnati as He composed the cantata "The Pilgrim Fathers " He also wrote a "Rhapsodie for Piano and Orchestra He was an earnest and aggressive disciple of Liszt he an American professional pool player From is 1989 to 1991 Massey was born in Loudon Massey was inducted into the Hall of Fame In Massey , took 1991 1991 , Massey took part , Massey took part in Massey took part in the inaugural World Trickshot Championship
Massey used props and illusion it think was maybe a touch he claimed had won him with he , managed Steve Davis he , managed Steve Davis to Paper Bridge ) is an urban district of The district currently has 8 wards , It is by bordered Ba Đình District is by bordered Ba Đình District , by bordered Ba Đình District , Đống Đa District Many new urban developments are located in Cầu Giấy Trung Hoà - Nhân Chính , emerging is them Trung Hoà - Nhân Chính is emerging as the new city's commercial center It lies partly in the southern part It is by bordered Ba Đình is by bordered Ba Đình to by bordered Ba Đình to the north The district currently has 21 wards , It is the most populous district in Hanoi in the population density , is the district the district , the population density is 42302 inhabitants , the population density is 42302 inhabitants per the population density is 42302 inhabitants per square kilometer Dong Da District has a large number of monuments The district covers an area of , There are several large lakes such as of there , are 2015 2015 , there are 11169 acting enterprises , there are 11169 acting enterprises , there are 11169 acting enterprises , cooperatives The stadium holds 22,500 spectators , currently The LHSA is mainly for collectors Hai Bà Trưng District (Trưng Sisters District ) is one of The district currently has 18 wards , It is by bordered Long Biên District is by bordered Long Biên District , by bordered Long Biên District , Đống Đa District it , named is the city it is named after the two heroines Orana Wildlife Park is New Zealand's only open-range zoo , sitting It opened in 1976 , Orana generates over 95% of its income Orana must separately raise 100% On Orana's first animals , arrived 10 September 1976 Orana's first animals , arrived 10 September 1976 from , Orana's first animals arrived from Australia Orana's first animals arrived from Australia , The park opened with 28 animals from
Upon Orana's main drawcard , was opening the drive-through Lion Reserve , Orana's main drawcard was opening The drive-through Lion Reserve operated from 1976 until In Timber Wolves , arrived 1977 Timber Wolves , arrived 1977 and Wolves were a visitor favourite for Two pairs of transferred were rare Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx the Park's founders symbolise what hoped the Park's founders symbolise what hoped for Oryx were declared extinct in Giraffes were added in 1982 The South Island's first kiwi house was created in 1984 Today , Orana plays an important role , Orana plays an important role in Orana plays an important role in the captive component Orana's second decade of resulted operation in White rhinoceros were transferred to Orana that a focus on commenced native reptiles Cheetah have become one of Cheetah are a notoriously difficult species to breed a 'Cheetah Chase' , introduced was 1991 These animals moved into a new exhibit named This was by built the South Island Zoological Society The aviary is home to aviary is home to a wide range A significant shift in occurred direction in This resulted in the entrance of they walked or utilised a safari shuttle to the drive-through Lion Reserve also meant cars the drive-through Lion Reserve also meant cars ended The lion pride was relocated to a new habitat Whio have become one of These animals are one of the most threatened African carnivores This was a significant achievement as the reproductive rate In Orana , took 2000 Orana , took 2000 over , Orana took over the operation Orana took over the operation of A kiwi house was added in 2002 the critically endangered Sumatran tiger was completed in 2006 Orana in completed and 2006 In Orana , took October 2008 Orana , took October 2008 over , Orana took over the operation Orana took over the operation of a new meerkat exhibit , created was December 2008 Visitors walk along a board-walk and the zoo , closed was 2013 the zoo was closed for over 40 days Orana suffered from a range of These included two floods , three major snow storms
This event left the zoo without power An outreach partnership was formed with Gypsy Royal Stud Orana's horses with formed where Gypsy Royal Stud Orana opened New Zealand's biggest Tasmanian devil habitat in December 2014 Orana is a member of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Orana participates in 23 zoo-based breeding programmes for Hoàng Mai is an urban district ("quận " The district currently has 14 wards , of there , were 2019 2019 , there were 506,347 people , there were 506,347 people residing there were 506,347 people residing in Long Biên District is an urban district ( ' The district currently has 14 wards , Long Biên was incorporated as an urban district It is Hanoi's only urban district on the east side Long Biên District is located at 21 The Bruins were one of the original five teams Minneapolis operated as a farm team to The team originated as the Kingston Frontenacs of The district wraps around the West Lake ( The district currently has 8 wards , Tây Hồ , been has 1996 Tây Hồ currently has two international schools , Thanh Xuân is an urban district ("quận " The district currently has 11 wards , in the population density , is the district the district , the population density is 32,000 inhabitants , the population density is 32,000 inhabitants per the population density is 32,000 inhabitants per square kilometer Thanh Xuân District is divided into 11 wards First it that was a prehispanic town it that was a prehispanic town was that was a prehispanic town was in Now it is in the municipality it is in the municipality of In the Totonacos , had 1519 1519 , the Totonacos had an alliance , the Totonacos had an alliance with the Totonacos had an alliance with the Spaniards Nautla was by destroyed the fire The village is in the middle of Nautla has an area of 358.63 km The state is rich in minerals in there , are the 2000 census the 2000 census , there are 2486 houses , there are 2486 houses ,
there are 2486 houses , with Most of owned are them of by are owned them them are by owned their owners are by owned their owners , by owned their owners , and is there , is republic republic , there is a governor , there is a governor , there is a governor , and he is , and a governor all , is of which Aubry played 202 career NHL games , scoring , was by selected the Detroit Red Wings was by selected the Detroit Red Wings in by selected the Detroit Red Wings in the third round Keeler incorporated as a village on by Keeler , recorded Statistics Canada Statistics Canada , Keeler recorded a population , Keeler recorded a population of Keeler recorded a population of living In Keeler , recorded the 2011 Census of Population the 2011 Census of Population , Keeler recorded a population , Keeler recorded a population of Keeler recorded a population of , The adult feeds on new growth at This weevil is native to Europe it in released where the western United States There is a parasitic wasp , "Pteromalus sequester that , a ligand the migratory insertion migratory insertion often result in a coordinatively unsaturated product The anionic ligand can be : H− One mechanism involves the attack of the anionic ligand The alkyl group migrates intramolecularly to an adjacent CO ligand to the metal , binds the migration Alkyl derivatives of square planar complexes undergo CO insertions Insertion reactions on are square planar complexes of they are susceptible to formation into these ; include metal carbon bonds metal carbon bonds ; these include sulfur dioxide ; these include sulfur dioxide , these include sulfur dioxide , carbon dioxide With these oxides , behave transition metal alkyls these oxides , behave transition metal alkyls as , these oxides behave as electrophiles these oxides behave as electrophiles and The majority of this technology involves heterogeneous catalysts it involves , but heterogeneous catalysts a partial positive charge forms that seen on the β-carbon This polarization explains the subsequently observed formation of the bond
This transition state also that highlights the two factors also that highlights the two factors most that highlights the two factors most strongly the formation of facilitated is the new C-C bond The reaction involves the alkene and the hydride ligands In the resulting alkyl ligand , combines hydrogenation the resulting alkyl ligand , combines hydrogenation with , the resulting alkyl ligand combines with a second hydride the resulting alkyl ligand combines with a second hydride to the mechanism that requires of β-hydride elimination The first requirement for β-hydride elimination is the presence has been by superseded the Cativa process been which by superseded the Cativa process which by superseded the Cativa process uses Industrial applications of alkene insertions include metal-catalyzed routes are by heterogeneously catalyzed titanium trichloride which heterogeneously by catalyzed titanium trichloride This technology is known as Ziegler , ethylene coordinates to followed titanium metal ethylene coordinates to by followed titanium metal to titanium metal by followed its insertion It was written in the mid-1990s was by in written the mid-1990s by in the mid-1990s written Kevin "Zaph" Burfitt Burfitt stopped work on Cthugha e="preserve">The Minneapolis Millers were a minor league professional ice hockey team in the International Hockey League The Millers played at the 5,500-seat Minneapolis Arena in The Millers were created on December 3, 1959 The Mavericks had rivalry with the St. Paul Saints team Sherborne Town Football Club are a football club based in They are currently members of The club was founded in 1894 the Second World War the club moved to the Terrace the club moved to the Terrace playing fields In they , joined 1962 1962 , they joined the Dorset Combination In the 1986–87 season the club entered the FA Vase the 1986–87 season the club entered the FA Vase for the club entered the FA Vase for the first time the club 2003-4 improved had the season 2003-4 the club had improved its facilities the club had improved its facilities off in they , finished 2006–07 2006–07 , they finished runners-up , they finished runners-up in they finished runners-up in 2007–08
The club remained in the Premier Division until The Raleigh Grove site was built on a grazing field was built the club made sure built the club it made sure the club it made sure followed it sure made followed the regulations The record attendance at the ground is 1,000 , who was , an English verse-writer and musical composer who was , an English verse-writer and musical composer was He contributed verses to the local newspapers of he , lived military service he , lived military service at Linley was born on 27 December 1797 His early education was under Joshua Eastburn , Linley started his writing career in Leeds This antagonised the victims such that Linley antagonised such that the victims Linley eventually settled in London Linley's flowing style of was composition little by out at brought Covent Garden Theatre Linley was also the author of It contained smart and clever passages , and On Linley , married 4 April 1824 4 April 1824 , Linley married Violet Gilchrist , Linley married Violet Gilchrist in Linley married Violet Gilchrist in Edinburgh She was the youngest daughter of the linguist They had 6 children ( 3 sons Linley died , after a lingering illness Kevin Tsai ( ) is a Taiwanese television host Tsai was born to a wealthy family His father was a well known lawyer and his family In Kevin Tsai , graduated 1990 Kevin Tsai , graduated 1990 from , Kevin Tsai graduated from UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television Kevin Tsai graduated from UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television with He began working as the director Tsai , joined was 2004 Tsai was by joined his fellow hostess was by joined his fellow hostess Dee Hsu by joined his fellow hostess Dee Hsu in Kevin Tsai has been presenting the award show Tsai wrote and directed his first feature film The German scholar Alexander Enmann made in 1884 Enmann postulated a theory of a lost historical work is not by mentioned any late Roman historian not by mentioned any late Roman historian , by mentioned any late Roman historian , but
It had covered the time from on it , serves Grand Lake Grand Lake , it serves the town , it serves the town of it serves the town of Grand Lake The clubhouse is three floors serving the needs GLYC E Scows hosts where an annual Regatta Week E Scows hosts where an annual Regatta Week , the members , compete also Regatta Week the members also compete in several other competitions Most of the members have houses Grand Lake's shores , become have the Lodgepole Pine epidemic The unit left for the UK on 663 Squadron was reformed as a Royal Auxiliary Air Force (R.Aux.A.F.) AOP unit It was based at RAF Hooton Park The unit was reformed as 663 interim Aviation Squadron It was by commanded Maj Bill Duthoit was by commanded Maj Bill Duthoit , by commanded Maj Bill Duthoit , the Flt commanders Its allocated mission was to support army formations The unit's initial equipment was the Bell Sioux AH.1 helicopter , with these was , with the Bell Sioux AH.1 helicopter On the unit renamed was 1 January 1973 1 January 1973 the unit was renamed No the unit was renamed No . 663 Squadron AAC 660 Squadron , redesignated was Army Air Squadrons 660 Squadron was redesignated as 663 Squadron it based has been 1993 In it replaced has recent years recent years it has replaced its Westland Gazelles it has replaced its Westland Gazelles with The station opened on 27 July 1881 on Chiseldon was sited on a curved section , traffic on fell the M&SWJR traffic on fell the M&SWJR steeply The first volume was released on June 10, 2005 the second on released and June 10, 2005 A manga adaptation by serialized was Sachi Kurafuji " Watashitachi no Tamura-kuns main story revolves around the title character Watashitachi no Tamura-kuns main story revolves around the title character Yukisada Tamura Yukisada becomes by captivated a strange and beautiful girl becomes by captivated a strange and beautiful girl named by captivated a strange and beautiful girl named Komaki Matsuzawa Eventually , Yukisada confesses his feelings
, Yukisada confesses his feelings for Yukisada confesses his feelings for Komaki They keep in contact for On entering Yukisada becomes high school entering Yukisada becomes high school concerned Yukisada becomes high school concerned about one , Hiroka falls for Yukisada Hiroka falls for Yukisada , one day , Yukisada receives a letter , Yukisada receives a letter from Yukisada receives a letter from Komaki Io detests anything related to Watashitachi no Tamura-kun " began as two-volume series The novels are by published MediaWorks are by published MediaWorks under by published MediaWorks under their "Dengeki Bunko" publishing label The first novel was released on June 10, 2005 two extra side story chapters ; the first volume contains the first two main chapters ; the first volume contains the first two main chapters and the first volume contains the first two main chapters and the first side story chapter The first main chapter was serialized in the autumn 2004 edition There were also a series of The first was a short story called first was a short story called "Watashitashi no Chō Another called "Himitsu Melancholy " appeared illustrated by serialized was Sachi Kurafuji by serialized was Sachi Kurafuji in The radio drama aired on three Japanese radio stations : on the drama ; is April 30, 2007 the drama ; is April 30, 2007 approximately ; the drama is approximately ninety-five minutes the drama is approximately ninety-five minutes in by recorded , the Village of Kelliher Statistics Canada In the Village of Kelliher , recorded the 2011 Census of Population the 2011 Census of Population , the Village of Kelliher recorded a population , the Village of Kelliher recorded a population of the Village of Kelliher recorded a population of , He played two seasons in the National Hockey League He spent four years playing college ice hockey Beddoes was signed as a free agent , Beddoes signed with the Berlin Capitals Beddoes signed with the Berlin Capitals of He made 52 appearances for the Capitals He spent two more years in the German top-flight He split his last season as a professional athlete
in he , began 2002 2002 , he began a coaching career , he began a coaching career in he began a coaching career in Germany He served one year as assistant coach he , promoted was September 2008 he was promoted to the head He then joined the Frankfurt Lions' coaching staff as Beddoes , named was April 2015 , Beddoes was named head coach Beddoes was named head coach of in 1922 , was California California , 1922 was an election , 1922 was an election for 1922 was an election for California's delegation During 1934 the Fairchild company designed a business or executive aircraft 1934 the Fairchild company designed a business or executive aircraft with the Fairchild company designed a business or executive aircraft with five seats It first flew on 31 May 1935 The Model 45 was a low-wing cantilever monoplane with The aircraft was by powered a 225 hp (168 kW) Jacobs L-4 radial engine was by powered a 225 hp (168 kW) Jacobs L-4 radial engine and by powered a 225 hp (168 kW) Jacobs L-4 radial engine and had Fairchild then upgraded the prototype with In it designated was this configuration One aircraft was bought as an executive transport In Greg Herrick , requested 1997 1997 , Greg Herrick requested drawings , Greg Herrick requested drawings of Greg Herrick requested drawings of a Fairchild 45 tail section was citing , refused the design citing , refused the design was This led to a FOIA request , The effort led to the "Herrick amendment " e="preserve">The Georgia Open is the Georgia (USA) state open golf tournament , open It is by organized the Georgia section is by organized the Georgia section of by organized the Georgia section of the PGA of America 26 October 1967 ) who is a French former professional footballer ) who is a French former professional footballer played who is a French former professional footballer played as He is the younger brother of Eric Cantona Marie Schröder was a pupil of Pauline Viardot's She appeared at the Théâtre Lyrique in by Marie , resumed Franz Hanfstaengl
Franz Hanfstaengl , Marie resumed her musical studies , Marie resumed her musical studies in Marie resumed her musical studies in 1878 She sang at the Metropolitan Opera as In 1895 she became a teacher 1895 she became a teacher of she became a teacher of singing and the polished virtuosity of made her delivery the polished virtuosity of her made her delivery of her made her delivery an her made her delivery an outstanding The California Department of Fish and Wildlife stocks the lake annually with The lake is by formed an earthen dam is which by formed an earthen dam which by formed an earthen dam dates It was by built Colonel Mark Lindsay McDonald was by built Colonel Mark Lindsay McDonald and by built Colonel Mark Lindsay McDonald and named The lake is by encircled trails is by encircled trails ( by encircled trails ( Eagle Scout Trail March each year , the trail is the initial section , the trail is the initial section of the trail is the initial section of the Tibbitt on the highway , is Great Slave Lake Great Slave Lake , the highway is the only access , the highway is the only access to the highway is the only access to Dettah a winter road to opened is Lac de Gras This is shown on the first season Yellowknife has experienced an aurora borealis tourism boom the last few years the Ingraham Trail experienced the last few years and an aurora borealis tourism boom He published poems , including , Merrick contributed to the verses Merrick which to contributed the verses which to contributed the verses were to by are published Longinus Longinus are by published Nathaniel Lardner are by published Nathaniel Lardner in by published Nathaniel Lardner in the ‘Collection of Testimonies of Ferriar was born near Jedburgh He obtained his MD at the University of Edinburgh In he , helped 1795 he , helped 1795 to He described to the Committee for the Regulation of the Police the appalling living conditions newly arrived from were the country arrived from were the country particularly
He was by endowed nature was by endowed nature with by endowed nature with an acute and vigorous understanding The purposes of pursued were his sagacious mind As he obtained had a professional author a professional author he had obtained a high station he had obtained a high station , the world obtained , and a high station His essay on reprinted was Massinger he , published also 1813 he also published " An essay The "Kaiser" class of ironclad warships was a pair both ships ; built were 1874 both ships were by built the Samuda Brothers shipyard were by built the Samuda Brothers shipyard in by built the Samuda Brothers shipyard in London They by were built the last German capital ships by the last German capital ships built were a foreign shipyard Both ships served with the fleet following " Kaiser " was the flagship Kaiser " was the flagship of the ships , used were 1899–1900 the ships were used in several secondary roles the new North German (Imperial Diet , approved ) 1867 , the new North German (Imperial Diet ) approved a fleet plan the new North German (Imperial Diet ) that approved a fleet plan ) that approved a fleet plan called that approved a fleet plan called for The design for prepared was these vessels was by in prepared 1869 by in 1869 prepared Edward Reed who had by become 1872 Reed designed the vessels as casemate ships the two vessels , regarded were 1875 the two vessels were by regarded foreign navies were by regarded foreign navies as by regarded foreign navies as the most powerful vessels The "Kaiser"-class ships were long at the waterline They had a beam of and At the vessels , displaced the designed displacement double longitudinal iron frames ; iron plating covered teak backing The German navy regarded the ships as good sea boats The ships had a moderate turning radius and were Their standard complement consisted of 32 officers and the crew , increased was the second flagship the crew was increased by six officers The size of grew the command staffs as
The two ships were by powered a two-cylinder single-expansion steam engine were by powered a two-cylinder single-expansion steam engine built by by powered built a two-cylinder single-expansion steam engine The ships' engines that drove a single four-bladed screw propeller was that drove a single four-bladed screw propeller was in The engines were supplied with steam were by with supplied steam by with steam supplied eight coal-fired trunk boilers The eight boilers were trunked into two large, retractable funnels Three generators provided 30 kilowatts of electrical power The "Kaiser"-class ships were armed with a main battery These guns were supplied with 768 rounds 9 this ; enabled ° ° ; this enabled a maximum range ; this enabled a maximum range of The ships' armor was made of wrought iron The armored belt ranged in thickness from Kaiser"s conning tower was protected with a thick roof and thick sides which housed was , the ships' main armament in both ships , served 1875 both ships , served 1875 with , both ships served with the fleet to the violence ; threatened the Russo-Turkish War the Russo-Turkish War ; the violence threatened German citizens ; the violence threatened German citizens living the violence threatened German citizens living there the 1878 maneuvers in placed after reserve During both ships' steam engines , proved the maneuvers the maneuvers , both ships' steam engines proved troublesome , both ships' steam engines proved troublesome , both ships' steam engines proved troublesome , and The two ships were reactivated in 1889 Kaiser " served in Asian waters the commander of used , the East Asia Squadron Kaiser " was renamed "Uranus she ; broken was 120,000 marks CS Meaux Academy Football is a French football club , based Summerville was born in County Kildare In Summerville , appeared 1884 Summerville , appeared 1884 in , Summerville appeared in her first leading role Summerville appeared in her first leading role in Summerville appeared in fourteen Broadway plays Summerville took an interest in dieting Blacker was born in Armagh He obtained a commission in the Madras Cavalry He served in Deccan ,
Blacker took over from John Hodgson In this capacity he made substantial contributions this capacity he made substantial contributions to he made substantial contributions to the ongoing Trigonometrical Survey He was stationed in Calcutta He was buried in South Park Street Cemetery This work was a metrical version of the Psalms which was improved in the second edition McKay turned professional in February 2002 In his debut McKay defeated experienced his debut McKay defeated experienced English journeyman Jimmy Steel McKay defeated experienced English journeyman Jimmy Steel with McKay is a former holder of the Irish light heavyweight title In December 2007 he found Andy Lee December 2007 he found Andy Lee for he found Andy Lee for the Irish super middleweight title A year later McKay fought Darren Barker for McKay fought Darren Barker for the middleweight version It sold a range of local and imported fresh foods Products included fresh fruit and vegetables Thomas Dux specialised in organic , Local boutique suppliers included Saskia Beer , Maggie Beer In Woolworths , announced May 2009 May 2009 , Woolworths announced the acquisition , Woolworths announced the acquisition of Woolworths announced the acquisition of eight In Woolworths , closed September 2014 September 2014 , Woolworths closed the Thomas Dux store , Woolworths closed the Thomas Dux store in Woolworths closed the Thomas Dux store in Surry Hills The lease on sold was the store In the Richmond store sold was May 2015 the Richmond store sold was May 2015 to the Richmond store was sold to Little Group Projects which to sold , Little Group Projects In the Glen Waverley store was January 2016 closed the Glen Waverley store was January 2016 closed , In the four remaining Thomas Dux stores were 2017 closed the Paddington store were rebranded as Woolworths Metro stores was by over taken Flannerys Thomas Dux , ceased has December 2017 , Thomas Dux has ceased trading Thomas Dux has ceased trading altogether at Woolworths , continued June 2021 Woolworths , continued June 2021 to Woolworths continued to sell limited gourmet products At it connects the Alberta border to
the Alberta border it connects to Alberta Highway it connects to Alberta Highway 48 which to connects 48 Alberta Highway This highway connects to other area roads going He played forty-three career NHL games , scoring at Weaver , served the University of Toronto Weaver , served the University of Toronto in , Weaver served in the Royal Canadian Air Force Weaver served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during Weaver , visited annually example , Weaver annually visited Canadian universities Weaver annually visited Canadian universities where annually he visited where Canadian universities he visited where Canadian universities had with Weaver , turned writers Weaver , turned writers down , Weaver turned down his promotions Weaver turned down his promotions at The mine closed in 1987 , by recorded , the Village of Kendal Statistics Canada , the Village of recorded Kendal the Village of Kendal recorded a population Henshaw was educated at London Charterhouse In he , was 1660 1660 , he was precentor , he was precentor and he was precentor and dean The municipality of located is Lagunillas Its municipal seat is Lagunillas , Michoacán It is bordered on the north Its distance from the state capital is 30 kilometers Lagunillas (small lakes ) owes its name This place was called “Hacienda de Lagunillas ” The town owes its name to the ancient system It has an area of 83.23 km2 Its highlight is by constituted the Sistema Volcánico Transversal is by constituted the Sistema Volcánico Transversal ( by constituted the Sistema Volcánico Transversal ( the Volcanic transversal System Its hydrography is by constituted El río Prieto (Prieto River is by constituted El río Prieto (Prieto River ) by constituted El río Prieto (Prieto River ) and The climate is mild with rain It has an annual rainfall of 784.6 millimeters Its distance from the state capital is 30 kilometers During it established was the colony the colony it was established a population centre it was established a population centre hacienda was which established hacienda a population centre which established hacienda a population centre was It was until the year 1930 ,
of Lagunillas , has 2000 2000 , Lagunillas has a population , Lagunillas has a population of Lagunillas has a population of 5136 inhabitants of 9 inhabitants , belonged 1990 9 inhabitants , belonged 1990 to , 9 inhabitants belonged to some ethnic group 9 inhabitants belonged to some ethnic group in Five of men were them of men were them and men were them and 4 In Lagunillas there is a school Lagunillas there is a school of there is a school of the National Institute to Adults Benton made his debut for West Adelaide His first kick in him saw league football in him saw league football score him saw league football score the him saw score the first Ron Benton was also a member of in West , prevailed 35°C heat West , prevailed 35°C heat over , West prevailed over the Redlegs West prevailed over the Redlegs 16.13 Tonatico Municipality is one of the municipalities Axayacatl , the Aztec emperor conquered legend , the Aztec emperor Axayacatl conquered the area the Aztec emperor Axayacatl conquered the area , Axayacatl conquered the area , then been originally by populated the Matlatzincas originally by populated the Matlatzincas , by populated the Matlatzincas , but In 1521 Hernán Cortés sent Andrés de Castro 1521 Hernán Cortés sent Andrés de Castro to Hernán Cortés sent Andrés de Castro to keep In the Spanish , founded 1525 1525 , the Spanish founded the modern town , the Spanish founded the modern town , the Spanish founded the modern town , modifying Franciscan friars came to evangelize the area , a statue of arrived the Virgin Mary a statue of arrived the Virgin Mary , In the town , became 1870 1870 , the town became the seat , the town became the seat of the town became the seat of the current municipality The Liberation Army of the South were ) (Zapatistas active the Feria del Calvario (Calvary Festival , began ) the same year Tonatico has had a number of Teodoro Estrada was born in the nearby town He fought against the French alongside
him had murdered in Tenancingo Brigadier General Domitilo Ayala Arenas was born on May 12, 1885 He fought with the Liberation Army of the South , He died February 12, 1932 in Mexico City Don Sebastián Lealba was born in Tonatico He was the leader of the movement which the leader of was the movement , the town of has Tonatico the town of has Tonatico governing The municipality of Tonatico spans 91.724 km2 The rate of is population growth very Tonatico has several nearby mountains , including The largest is La Puerta at largest is La Puerta at 1,685 meters The main economic activity is agriculture , particularly corn Another major crop which is , onions which is , onions are The municipality has little to no industry in Tonatico , had 1995 1995 , Tonatico had 2,258 households , Tonatico had 2,258 households in Tonatico had 2,258 households in total In Tecomatepec there are several clay whistles Tecomatepec there which are several clay whistles there which are several clay whistles are which are several clay whistles are used The Providence Grays that were a new franchise joined that a new franchise were joined the National League for the e="preserve">The Georgia PGA Championship that is a golf tournament is that a golf tournament is is the section championship who a Canadian former professional ice hockey left is winger He was drafted 103rd overall was by drafted overall 103rd by 103rd overall drafted the Whalers in she , performs the United States she , performs the United States at , she performs at colleges she performs at colleges throughout Her spoken word CD "Madivinez " won the 2007 Patchwork Majority Radio Album Award CD "Madivinez " won the 2007 Patchwork Majority Radio Album Award for Moïse was a member of the permanent ensemble cast In she , developed 2008 2008 , she developed a two-person vocal , she developed a two-person vocal musical she developed a two-person vocal musical about co - wrote " Sexual Dependency She has completed her own experimental shorts " Her homemade music video "Pied Piper " was an official selection of
She earned an MFA in Playwriting Her two-act play Merit won the 2011–2012 Ruby Prize Her other plays include : Matermorphosis, Little Griot, Spilling Venus , A peduncle is an elongated stalk of tissue Pedunculated eyes are also the defining attribute of Labarkot is a village and union council ( an administrative subdivision " Giacomo Joyce " is a posthumously-published work Giacomo Joyce " is a posthumously-published work by It was by published Faber was by published Faber and by published Faber and Faber The original manuscript contains fifty fragments transcribed onto It was written in Joyce's "best calligraphic hand The manuscript was left with his brother " Giacomo Joyce " contains several passages Giacomo Joyce " that contains several passages " that contains several passages appear that contains several passages appear in to this , reflects Ellmann Ellmann , this reflects a decision , this reflects a decision on this reflects a decision on Joyce’s part The hero of is " "Giacomo Joyce There is also a reference to , "Giacomo " is the Italian form "Giacomo " is the Italian form of , the use of is the name the use of the name is an ironic allusion by " is identified "Giacomo " is by identified Ellmann is by identified Ellmann as by identified Ellmann as Amalia Popper Amalia , tutored was Trieste Amalia was by tutored Joyce was by tutored Joyce between 1908 and 1909 part lyrical poetry ... part prose narrative ... part prose narrative " It Joyce represents when the liminal period Joyce represents when the liminal period was In German artist Paul Wunderlich , produced 1976 1976 , German artist Paul Wunderlich produced ten multicolored heliographs , German artist Paul Wunderlich produced ten multicolored heliographs illustrating German artist Paul Wunderlich produced ten multicolored heliographs illustrating "Giacomo Joyce e="preserve">The Minneapolis Millers were a minor league professional ice hockey team based in The Millers originated in the Central Hockey League as The Millers then switched to a revived Central Hockey League After the Millers , rejoined the CHL's demise the CHL's demise , the Millers rejoined the AHA
, the Millers rejoined the AHA , the Millers rejoined the AHA , where they rejoined , where the AHA The team went on hiatus during Kennedy is home to the Moose Mountain Pro Rodeo which home to is the Moose Mountain Pro Rodeo There is a post office ( Canada Post by the Village of Kennedy , recorded Statistics Canada Statistics Canada , the Village of Kennedy recorded a population , the Village of Kennedy recorded a population of the Village of Kennedy recorded a population of living In the Village of Kennedy , recorded the 2011 Census of Population the 2011 Census of Population , the Village of Kennedy recorded a population , the Village of Kennedy recorded a population of the Village of Kennedy recorded a population of , "Snacktime ! " is a children's-themed studio album A companion book was written with artwork was by with written artwork by with artwork written multi-instrumentalist Kevin Hearn It is the final Barenaked Ladies album to include I was along for the ride Snacktime ! " reached number Some of these callers are celebrities these callers others are while celebrities others are while celebrities are Santa Rosa Creek Reservoir is a reservoir in Spring Lake Regional Park Jeff DeGrandis is an American animation director and producer Currently he 's Executive Producer at he 's Executive Producer at Warner Bros Animation New Jersey , DeGrandis studied animation , DeGrandis studied animation at DeGrandis studied animation at the California Institute of the Arts entering he , graduated CalArts he , graduated CalArts from , he graduated from Christian Brothers Academy he graduated from Christian Brothers Academy and ! was by created DeGrandis was by created DeGrandis when he by created when DeGrandis He developed a short film based on to he , pitched several Nickelodeon / Nick Jr. productions several Nickelodeon / Nick Jr. productions , he pitched the idea , he pitched the idea to he pitched the idea to Nickelodeon him he , did the greenlight the greenlight , he did the storyboards , he did the storyboards and he did the storyboards and scripts
Fairfield Airport is a public airport located one mile Fairfield Airport covers an area of and in 1920 , was California California , 1920 was an election , 1920 was an election for 1920 was an election for California's delegation , Deane is one of Deane is one of only two South Adelaide players He won the first in Deane coached Myrtleford in the Ovens " Agave geminiflora " is a species Agave geminiflora " is a species of Agave geminiflora " can have 100-200 leaves " can which have 100-200 leaves can which have 100-200 leaves are which 100-200 leaves have are linear He enlisted in the United States Naval Reserve on Apprentice Seaman Durik was killed in action She served as schoolship for Durik " arrived at Miami she overhauled was briefly 21 July to 5 September The state by has dominated a multiparty system by a multiparty system dominated has the Christian Social Union Bavaria has long been a bastion Every Minister-President since been has 1957 In the Bavarians decided 1995 to the Bavarians decided 1995 to introduce the Bavarians decided to introduce direct democracy This which is a grass-roots organization campaigns which is a grass-roots organization campaigns for In 1997 the Bavarian Supreme Court aggravated the regulations 1997 the Bavarian Supreme Court aggravated the regulations considerably the Bavarian Supreme Court aggravated the regulations considerably ( Nevertheless , Bavaria has the most advanced regulations , Bavaria has the most advanced regulations on Bavaria has the most advanced regulations on local direct democracy The Constitution of enacted was Bavaria Bavaria has a unicameral Landtag , or The Bavarian State Government is the supreme executive authority of the state It consists of the Minister-President of Bavaria uses mixed-member proportional representation to elect , the distribution of takes seats the distribution of seats takes place The constituencies are divided into electoral districts Since the 1950 state elecion every elector has two votes the 1950 state elecion every elector has two votes , every elector has two votes , one All district (local) candidates are also constituency (regional) candidates with The parties may also nominate constituency-only candidates
, the constituency ballots in omit each district the constituency ballots in each district omit the candidates Members in elected are single-member districts in by are elected single-member districts single-member districts are by elected first-past-the-post are by elected first-past-the-post , by elected first-past-the-post , based in by are made the constituencies the constituencies are by made proportional representation are which by made proportional representation which by made proportional representation takes Seats are allocated using the Hare-Niemeyer method the other parties ) , receive overhang seats ) , the other parties receive leveling seats , the other parties receive leveling seats in the other parties receive leveling seats in the constituency There is no statewide adjustment of the seats Bavaria uses an open-list system for the constituency seats a candidate , ranked is list seats a candidate is ranked within the list is by within ranked the list by within the list ranked the number The state election was held on 14 October 2018 The state election was held on 15 September 2013 The state election was held on 28 September 2008 The state election was held on 21 September 2003 The CSU won more than two-thirds of the seats Sinarades ( ) is a town In 2011 its population was 854 2011 its population was 854 for its population was 854 for the village It is the largest village of Parelioi The Indianapolis Checkers were a minor league professional ice hockey team from Indianapolis The Checkers' home arena was the Fairgrounds Coliseum from 1981 The team originated in the Central Hockey League where they in originated where the Central Hockey League The Checkers by filled left a void by a void left filled the departed Indianapolis Racers The team transferred to the International Hockey League , The village is situated on Moose Bay which on situated , Moose Bay is entirely by surrounded Moose Mountain Provincial Park entirely by surrounded Moose Mountain Provincial Park , which by surrounded , Moose Mountain Provincial Park Kenosee Lake was incorporated as a village of it , was the lake it , was the lake n't
By the last cottage , was the 1940s the last cottage , was the 1940s gone The Christopher family built the Saint Rest Resort in 1897 The oldest surviving dance hall which is , Tumble Inn which is , Tumble Inn was The Inn was part of the Pioneer Host hotel In Fred Christopher , sold 1913 1913 , Fred Christopher sold 40 , Fred Christopher sold 40 of Fred Christopher sold 40 of the 42 acres he 40 of sold the 42 acres He built a new hotel , dance hall By there , were the late 1920s the late 1920s , there were two hotels , there were two hotels and there were two hotels and 60 cottages In he , built 1933 1933 , he built the Kenosee Gardens , he built the Kenosee Gardens , he which built , the Kenosee Gardens which built , the Kenosee Gardens was There was even a casino in the Gardens Ray died in 1941 leaving In Clarke Resort's hotel , burnt 1942 Clarke Resort's hotel , burnt 1942 down Clarke soon absorbed the resort into Kenosee Gardens , sold was 1956 , Kenosee Gardens was sold to Kenosee Gardens was sold to Lawrence James Albert Hirtle much of surveyed was the land , the RM of built Wawken the RM of Wawken built roads it , sold was the early 1970s , it was sold to it was sold to Leipert & Jones The village of sits Kenosee Lake mostly On the community , became 5 July 1978 the community , became 5 July 1978 independent the community became independent of the RM it , renamed was 1981 it was renamed to the Village of Kenosee Lake by recorded , the Village of Kenosee Lake Statistics Canada In the Village of Kenosee Lake , recorded the 2011 Census of Population the 2011 Census of Population , the Village of Kenosee Lake recorded a population , the Village of Kenosee Lake recorded a population of the Village of Kenosee Lake recorded a population of , The village is at the heart of
Cuchi is a town and municipality The 4th Mediterranean Grand Prix was a motor race , run 1937–1998 ) who was a Scottish badminton player ) who was a Scottish badminton player won who a Scottish badminton player was won numerous national and international titles , his greatest international victories came in doubles With Muriel Woodcock (née Ferguson) McCoig was runner-up Muriel Woodcock (née Ferguson) McCoig was runner-up in (née Ferguson) McCoig was runner-up in mixed doubles Benny Heller who was a jazz rhythm guitarist is who was a jazz rhythm guitarist is known The International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in ITA , got has 1987 , ITA has got the Special Consultative Status ITA has got the Special Consultative Status with Hồng Bàng ( ) is a district Ngô Quyền is an urban district ("quận " The Donor Sibling Registry is a website and non-profit US organization serving donor offspring The DSR has pioneered an international discussion about The DSR began as a Yahoo! group , which as began , a Yahoo! group It was by started Wendy Kramer was by started Wendy Kramer and by started Wendy Kramer and her then 10-year-old son Ryan Kramer After the group , was the first year the group , was the first year home the group was home to only 37 members In Wendy , created October 2002 October 2002 , Wendy created a press release , Wendy which created a press release Wendy which created a press release was which created a press release was sent was by up picked Denver's NBC affiliate by up picked Denver's NBC affiliate , a small article about written was the DSR This article led to national and international media coverage , they , filed are the same donor number An Dương is a rural district ( " It is located in the west It separated from An Hải district in An Dương's area its population is and 98.3196 km2 its population is and 98.3196 km2 is The district is adjacent to Hải Dương province He studied at the École Polytechnique ,
From he carried 1877 out 1877 he carried out geological mapping studies he carried out geological mapping studies of His wave theory described a build-up of massive folds He was married to Mathilde Mascart As of the district had 2003 of 2003 the district had a population 2003 the district had a population of the district had a population of 124,592 Thủy Nguyên is also a good place for tourists also is for a good place New York , he started his musical career , he started his musical career playing he started his musical career playing cello by he started had 1929 he started had 1929 playing he had started playing bass He performed with trumpeter Red Nichols , In he performed 1939 with 1939 he performed with Benny Goodman he performed with Benny Goodman at However , he won the "Down Beat" readers' poll , he won the "Down Beat" readers' poll in he won the "Down Beat" readers' poll in 1943 The Catholic dioceses in organised are Great Britain in by are organised Great Britain Great Britain are by organised two separate hierarchies are by organised two separate hierarchies : by organised two separate hierarchies : the Catholic Church the Catholic Church of England and Wales has five provinces declared there , were illegal illegal , there were no Catholic dioceses , there were no Catholic dioceses in there were no Catholic dioceses in England In there , came time there , came time to The Catholic Church in Scotland comprises two Latin ecclesiastical provinces by comprises each headed two Latin ecclesiastical provinces He was the son and successor He produced a multilingual "dictionary" defining terms in Arabic He also took measures against measures of such are justice of such are justice not such are justice not usual He gave robes of honour So the merchants departed recounting his praises the merchants departed recounting his praises and of the event , was 23 cars the event , was 23 cars close 16 by were driven four factory-team Type 51s by four factory-team Type 51s driven were the Monegasque Louis Chiron
The real challenge came from the Maserati 8C 2500 The race was between the blue cars from the start flag dropped it was Rene Dreyfus dropped it was Rene Dreyfus in it was Rene Dreyfus in his red Maserati who Rene Dreyfus in was his red Maserati , Louis Chiron eventually displayed his talents Louis Chiron eventually displayed his talents ; He caught up with all his opponents Jean Bugatti could not control his joy The community is by administered a local services board is by administered a local services board , by administered a local services board , and His work includes documentaries about significant figures Return to is " Lonesome Dove by is , written a 1993 American four part television miniseries The story focuses on a retired Texas Ranger and It is a sequel to the 1989 miniseries McMurtry followed " Streets of Laredo " To he drive help the herd he drive help the herd seeks are also by joined Pickett's family also by joined Pickett's family and by joined Pickett's family and his brother they , helped are the sheriff they are by helped his neighbor are by helped his neighbor , by helped his neighbor , Gregor Dunnigan The chief recognizes him as an enemy Isaac is by killed the outlaw is by killed the outlaw Cherokee Jack by killed the outlaw Cherokee Jack , Isom has to take his place Augostina heads off to Fort Wallace Call , disturbed is Clara , Johnson survive but the inferno Johnson survive but the inferno is They head off to town Call meets Dunnigan on the range Things come to a head when he to come when a head , they stop at Miles City they stop at Miles City , Gideon begins showing a romantic interest in They are by observed Dunnigan are by observed Dunnigan , who by observed , Dunnigan reaching the horse drovers , begin Montana the horse drovers , begin Montana to he had accidentally shot her mother Call her mother's death convinces that her her mother's death convinces that her was
Call had tracked her mother's brother , He also reasons with her her father with reasons that her of Cherokee Jack , attacks their deal their deal , Cherokee Jack attacks a small herd , Cherokee Jack attacks a small herd of Cherokee Jack attacks a small herd of cattle Dunnigan uses this attack to stir Jack also attacks Clara's family and Johnson manages to warn Call Cherokee Jack follow and find the trail Dunnigan's alliance begins persecuting the smaller outfits , Call he up rounds all the men he up rounds all the men can He confronts Dunnigan with the money purse Dunnigan , knows that the evidence She she tells that him she tells that him feels Return to is " Lonesome Dove Principal Photography began in late May , Filming locations took place in and Filming also includes Texas , Actor Jon Voight calls this chapter of the Dove series Return to released was Lonesome Dove David Strother is an American musician and composer Strother is based in Los Angeles Strother has played for numerous local Los Angeles bands who with appears , The Radio Ranch Straight Shooters RRSS played on the same stage with Strother played alongside DJ Bonebrake , In Strother , released 2006 2006 , Strother released his first solo CD , Strother released his first solo CD entitled Strother released his first solo CD entitled “ the desert released entitled “ his first solo CD Flights of whimsy and demonic psychic breaks characterize this far-reaching playing ) , who was a Chicago politician , who was a Chicago politician was who was a Chicago politician was born In 1987 Osterman emerged victorious 1987 Osterman emerged victorious from Osterman emerged victorious from an eleven-person race is now by represented Osterman's son now by represented Osterman's son , by represented Osterman's son , Harry Osterman in she , switched Council Wars she , switched Council Wars to , she switched to the largely white bloc she switched to the largely white bloc immediately She served on numerous City Council committees , into Osterman , retired her term
Osterman , retired her term in , Osterman retired in 1989 Osterman retired in 1989 , During Osterman , worked her brief tenure Osterman , worked her brief tenure on , Osterman worked on the rehabilitation Osterman worked on the rehabilitation of She lobbied vigorously for passage Ardmore Beach in renamed was the Edgewater neighborhood He was a member of the Polish Historical Society Doran Regional Park is a regional park south of spit at on located the sand The park features a sandy beach ( Doran Beach Other amenities include flush toilets and showers Doran Regional Park has 120 pet friendly campsites for tents Doran Regional Park was once part of During the government , took World War II World War II , the government took control , the government took control of the government took control of the bay portion the land , passed eventually the war the land eventually passed to the County the beach to passed and the County It is on the Greek National Road 53 The village was by founded the Ottoman Turks Its inhabitants were 3/4 Bulgarian and to the 1912 population , contained professor Lyubomir Miletich professor Lyubomir Miletich , the 1912 population contained 320 Bulgarian families The highway was established in 1962 in the highway , remains 1966 the highway , remains 1966 under , the highway remains under provincial jurisdiction Highway   802 is a route   802 that is a route 802 that is a route branches that is a route branches both The north branch travels to the community of maintaining the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act , stipulates Highway802 the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act , stipulates Highway802 that , operations at were the mine operations at were the mine short Kashabowie is an unincorporated place and Compact Rural Community Horner joined the Army from Shamokin Horner reached the commissioned officer rank of major He died at age 83 in He was married to Joyce Farmer Lott in enemy artillery observers , directed the field the field , enemy artillery observers directed fire , enemy artillery observers directed fire upon
enemy artillery observers directed fire upon them he , fired was seeming safety was by on fired a machinegun which on by fired a machinegun He coolly wheeled in his fully exposed position bullets in wheeled while his fully exposed position He turned to face the fire hit the enemy , abandoned the intrepid infantryman the intrepid infantryman , the enemy abandoned their guns , the enemy abandoned their guns and the enemy abandoned their guns and took Horner burst into the building , Four men gave up to him The Sauvie Island Bridge crosses the Multnomah Channel of the Willamette River near Portland , the first bridge to replaced Sauvie Island the first bridge to Sauvie Island replaced the Sauvie Island Ferry The $900,000 bridge was by designed the Oregon Department of Transportation was by designed the Oregon Department of Transportation and by designed the Oregon Department of Transportation and built Oregon transferred ownership to Multnomah County of it , was three steel truss spans three steel truss spans , it was a total , it was a total of it was a total of long The approach spans were built of reinforced concrete girders in the bridge , was color the bridge , was color wide in Multnomah County , restricted 2001 2001 , Multnomah County restricted weight , Multnomah County restricted weight and Multnomah County restricted weight and speed Early designs for submitted were a new bridge The new $38 million span was by designed H2L2 Architecture was by designed H2L2 Architecture with by designed H2L2 Architecture with David Evans & Associates the main span three , is river mile The main span is of a tied arch design constructed The bridge has two lanes of traffic In then-city commissioner Sam Adams , proposed March 2006 then-city commissioner Sam Adams , proposed March 2006 reusing , then-city commissioner Sam Adams proposed reusing the Sauvie Island bridge span then-city commissioner Sam Adams proposed reusing the Sauvie Island bridge span as " Pretty In Puke " is the fifth recording Pretty In Puke " is the fifth recording and e="preserve">"Punch ! " is a Canadian animated series
! " that is a Canadian animated series " that is a Canadian animated series first that is a Canadian animated series first aired Newport Center is the primary village and a census-designated place The CDP is in northern Orleans County , He wore uniform number 58 until Zach currently wears uniform number 15 Zach Zarba has officiated 697 regular season NBA games , Zarba was born in Brooklyn joining Zarba , officiated the NBA Zarba , officiated the NBA in , Zarba officiated in the NBA Development League Zarba officiated in the NBA Development League for Zarba has three years of collegiate officiating experience at Zarba , was New Paltz New Paltz , Zarba was a member , Zarba was a member of Zarba was a member of the basketball team He graduated with a degree in He currently does public and community service work for Macklin married Hannah Kenting in 1777 first year , his sold 7,000 copies , his sold 7,000 copies of his sold 7,000 copies of a print He planned to commission 100 paintings He also held an annual exhibition in , the war with cut France the war with cut France into The project produced paintings by Joshua Reynolds beginning Macklin , undertook the Poet's Gallery Macklin , undertook the Poet's Gallery to Macklin undertook to publish an illustrated folio The finished Bible 16 had , 70 engraved plates 16 had , 70 engraved plates of 703 people signed the subscription list , including produce : he paid Reynolds £ : he paid Reynolds £ 500 he paid Reynolds £ 500 for Macklin died on 25 October 1800 , " [t]he Macklin Bible endures as the most ambitious edition [t]he Macklin Bible endures as the most ambitious edition produced Macklin's influence was felt in the world Local disc jockeys heard on this station include of it ; signed Bud Paxson it ; signed Bud Paxson on it signed on at roughly the same time to this ; was 101.9 MHz 101.9 MHz ; this was part ; this was part of this was part of an agreement
It has long been Jamestown's country music outlet The station changed call signs to WMHU the time in there was France in France there was a great interest France there was a great interest in there was a great interest in international car races The French government was against the idea of races against was of the idea Many French car manufacturers supported the request , employing promote they , interceded the brands they , interceded the brands with , they interceded with the government they who with interceded the government who with interceded the government finally The race was to span over 1307 kilometers The rules called for four weight categories : The subscription cost ranged from 50 to 400 Francs , The race start was established for the 3.30 AM to the cars , had the pens the cars , had the pens to the cars had to cross the towns who for enrolled , the Mors brand Mercedes deployed 11 cars , ranging The smallest cars from were those brands still The race was presented as the biggest race The crowd and the darkness convinced the organisers the race convinced to delay the organisers The starting point was in front of of participants , started May 24, 1903 participants , started May 24, 1903 at , participants started at one minute intervals participants started at one minute intervals for The soldiers deployed to manage the crowd De Knyff on left his Panhard-Levassor second Officials watered down just the first kilometer of second in the crowd became Chartres in the crowd became Chartres less the crowd became Chartres less dense him , Louis Renault's wild racing style allowed Rambouillet him allowed to overcome both De Knyff Louis Renault reached Bordeaux in first place Vanderbilt broke a cylinder on his Mors a woman was by hit a car was by hit a car and by hit a car and injured There is a memorial at the place Porter's Wolseley was destroyed at a rail crossing the bar at destroyed where a rail crossing The car hit it and overturned Georges Richard hit a tree in Angoulême
south , another car left the road , another car left the road and another car left the road and went The third De Dietrich driven by crashed Loraine Barrow driven by crashed Loraine Barrow into by Loraine Barrow crashed into a tree The French Parliament reacted strongly to the news Newspapers and experts declared the "death " Le Matin " supported the opinion Le Matin " supported the opinion first by supported first stated the opinion The organization was held responsible for The random start order was a mess , since faster and more powerful cars was , since a mess preventing the race start before was a driver change the race start before was a driver change also the race start was also under scrutiny that occurred to was Porter up , it hit a dog , it hit a dog while it hit a dog while avoiding Marcel Renault's and Stead's accidents were the only true racing incidents , and after the newspapers , lost the disaster the disaster , the newspapers lost interest , the newspapers lost interest in the newspapers lost interest in the Paris–Madrid race She is a member of NPR's Breaking News Investigations team Temple-Raston was born in Brussels She graduated from Redwood High School in She received her Bachelor of Arts with honors In she , joined March 2007 March 2007 , she joined the staff , she joined the staff of she joined the staff of NPR She took a leave in 2017 She was chosen for a Nieman Fellowship These fellowships are given to mid She previously worked as City Hall Bureau Chief Temple-Raston , recruited was the news services earliest employees In Holiday , cites her 1956 autobiography her 1956 autobiography , Holiday cites the infidelity , Holiday cites the infidelity of Holiday cites the infidelity of her first husband McCutchen is married with two children Before he , was basketball basketball , he was a substitute teacher , he was a substitute teacher at he was a substitute teacher at Thomas Edison middle school Klaus Janson , the character made his first appearance
, the character made his first appearance in the character made his first appearance in " the Rev" Smith was born in Terre Haute to the Rev , has him him , the Rev has the man , the Rev has the man killed the Rev has the man killed , which has killed , the man The Rev has everyone board a ship has everyone board a ship to everyone board a ship to " alleged the Punisher , makes traitors traitors , the Punisher makes his move , the Punisher makes his move , the Punisher makes his move , assaulting in the Rev , enslaves a Tepui temple a Tepui temple , the Rev enslaves a village , the Rev enslaves a village , the Rev enslaves a village , and he Jigsaw ( The Rev breaks whose face Jigsaw fails to kill the Punisher Later , the Rev performs a ritual , the Rev performs a ritual in the Rev performs a ritual in which he a ritual in performs which The Rev is coerced at gunpoint The Rev possessed healing powers , which he healing powers , possessed which " Utricularia panamensis " is a small carnivorous plant Utricularia panamensis " that is a small carnivorous plant " that is a small carnivorous plant belongs that is a small carnivorous plant belongs to many old systems , closed were the late 19th and early 20th centuries many old systems were closed during the mid-20th century This was especially the case in Much tramway infrastructure was lost during the mid-20th century Most of Eastern Europe retained tramway systems ; a "tram " is a tourist trolley a "tram " is a tourist trolley , " an aerial tramway is , a tourist trolley an aerial tramway is , a tourist trolley or Toronto's system grew with the abandonment of During several cities , installed the late 20th century the late 20th century , several cities installed light rail systems , several cities installed light rail systems ( several cities installed light rail systems ( partially Horsecars were in use on
largely by in declined use by in use declined the late 1920s The Great Depression led to the closure of These systems generally had more lines and which had and larger service areas more lines predate electric tram service ; began the country's founding electric tram service ; began the country's founding in ; electric tram service began in 1893 electric tram service began in 1893 in In cable cars , began 1913 cable cars , began 1913 operating cable cars began operating in Colon The Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company opened Latin America's first underground tram system , Subte Line A Subte Line A is arguably one of , it runs from the northern suburbs it runs from the northern suburbs of The PreMetro E2 operates as a feeder at the Tranvía del Este (or Puerto Madero Tramway , was ) central Buenos Aires , the Tranvía del Este (or Puerto Madero Tramway ) was an experimental tramway the Tranvía del Este (or Puerto Madero Tramway ) which was an experimental tramway ) which was an experimental tramway operated which was an experimental tramway operated on Brazil has the largest light-rail network in Latin America Rio de Janeiro has the largest system , with The city of Santos has a line Recife has two lines with nine stations at they , began the start of the 20th century the start of the 20th century , they began a steady decline , they began a steady decline during they began a steady decline during the mid to late 1930s , a number of continue systems a number of continue systems to Kolkata which has Asia's oldest operating electric tram system currently which has Asia's oldest operating electric tram system currently runs There is rekindled interest in tram transport The first Japanese tram line began in 1895 as The tram reached its zenith in 1932 Its popularity declined during the rest of all other major cities ; dismantled largely Melbourne ; all other major cities largely dismantled their legacy networks all other major cities largely dismantled their legacy networks by Sydney reintroduced tram service on the Dulwich Hill Line
A distinctive feature of many classic Australasian trams was their early use It is an example of a surviving interurban electric railway The urban system operates yellow cars ( including , construction by was China Railway Group Limited construction by was China Railway Group Limited ongoing The Ethiopian Railway Corporation began construction of the double-track electrified light rail project , the system would have two lines the Metro Express light rail system , inaugurated was Mauritius the Metro Express light rail system was inaugurated in 2019 Tunis had traditional trams until about 1960 Public transport in began South Africa in Cape Town's electric tram system initially which had ten cars initially which had ten cars were which had ten cars were built Cape Town and its suburbs had 32 electric trams Henry joined the Army from his birthplace - handedly which charged a German machine gun nest handedly which charged a German machine gun nest was which charged a German machine gun nest was preventing reaching his attack , provided the nest the nest , his attack provided a distraction , his attack which provided a distraction his attack which provided a distraction enabled which a distraction provided enabled his comrades he volunteered to attempt the destruction he sprinted alone with his rifle Dropping he , continued his rifle he , continued his rifle to His single-handed attack forced the enemy to leave this break in the platoon moved hostile fire in the platoon moved hostile fire forward the platoon moved hostile fire forward and " by is released the second album by the second album released is the Norwegian rock group Animal Alpha Pennsylvania , the station serves the Jamestown, NY and Warren, PA areas The station plays a classic rock format as well The Rock 103 airstaff includes Brian Papalia in the Morning The station also plays local musical talent on The station went on the air as Bessarabia Governorate was a part of the Russian Empire ) , it included the eastern part , it included the eastern part of it included the eastern part of the Principality of Moldavia
The Governorate was disbanded in 1917 of it , occupied the Ottoman Empire the Ottoman Empire , it occupied the eastern half , it occupied the eastern half of it occupied the eastern half of the autonomous Principality Before the territory , had the Russian annexation the Russian annexation , the territory had no particular name , the territory had no particular name , the territory Moldavia had , no particular name Moldavia had , no particular name being Bessarabia had an area of 45,630 km² a special autonomous region , created was 1818 Nicholas I of crowned , Russia in Autonomy of retracted was the region Romanian , banned was 1834 Romanian was banned in schools Russian , made was 1854 , Russian was made the official language Integration within continued the Russian Empire with The Moldavian boyars protested against the reforms , which against protested , the reforms Alexander Zanzer is now leading major Jewish organisations the Russian Empire and Romania signed a treaty by Romanian politician Mihail Kogălniceanu : accused this action this action : Romanian politician Mihail Kogălniceanu accused Russia : Romanian politician Mihail Kogălniceanu accused Russia of Romanian politician Mihail Kogălniceanu accused Russia of deception He even started a memorandum against ) , Romania gained Dobruja , Romania gained Dobruja as Romania gained Dobruja as a compensation of Bessarabia , was Russification policy Bessarabia , was Russification policy the Bessarabia was the most backward In literacy , was 1897 1897 , literacy was just 15.4% , literacy was just 15.4% for literacy was just 15.4% for the whole Bessarabia 400 rural schools : founded were every parish 400 rural schools were founded in the 1860s all links with cut were Romanian literature The Kishinev pogrom that was an anti-Jewish riot took that an anti-Jewish riot was took place influenced by wanted , socialist revolutionaries by socialist revolutionaries , wanted a real national awakening Their movement had little success because in In the newspaper , published March 1907 the newspaper , published March 1907 " , the newspaper published " Deşteaptă-te the newspaper published " Deşteaptă-te ,
at the ethnic Romanians was (Moldavians) proportion the beginning of the 19th century the beginning of the 19th century the ethnic Romanians (Moldavians) proportion was approximately 95% the ethnic Romanians (Moldavians) proportion was approximately 95% ( The Russian rule resulted in important changes in , the purpose of was the colonization policy the purpose of was the colonization policy unrelated From 1812 to 1818 , there were 12 counties , there were 12 counties , there which were , 12 counties which were , 12 counties were they were known as Southern Bessarabia Cubal is a town and municipality The Omaha Knights that were a minor league professional ice hockey team played that were a minor league professional ice hockey team played in The Knights were members of the American Hockey Association The Knights returned to the ice , Contourlets form a multiresolution directional tight frame designed of there , are geometrical image transforms geometrical image transforms , there are many 1-D transforms , there are many 1-D transforms designed there are many 1-D transforms designed for The contourlet transform has properties of multiresolution The contourlet transform is by inspired the human visual system is by inspired the human visual system and by inspired the human visual system and Curvelet transform The contourlet transform uses a double filter bank structure to get The Laplacian pyramid (LP) decomposition only produce one bandpass image in This is the reason to combine , image signals pass through LP subbands image signals pass through LP subbands to The contourlet transform has a number of useful features by and proposed developed da Cunha the Laplacian Pyramid , replaced was the transform the Laplacian Pyramid was replaced with a nonsubsampled pyramid structure this mitigates a new issue is the shift invariance issue mitigates a new issue is the shift invariance issue now a new issue is the shift invariance issue now present the coarser levels of there is the pyramid of there is the pyramid potential there is the pyramid potential for there is potential for aliasing that lies with is this transform According to there were the authors
to the authors there were some properties the authors there were some properties that there they some properties were that they some properties were that desired by implemented first removing the tight frame requirement it , take can images , it can take the place it can take the place of The wavelet-based contourlet transform is similar to the original contourlet transform the wavelet transform , used is the first stage the HMT model for proposed is the contourlet transform the contourlet coefficients that show are highly non-Gaussian, high interaction of by was proposed the contourlet transform the contourlet transform was by proposed Lu was by proposed Lu and by proposed Lu and Do This new proposed method was intended as a remedy The issue with was the original contourlet transform that the contourlet transform was that when the original contourlet transform first , the is the aliasing , the first is the periodicity the first is the periodicity of first is the periodicity of 2-D frequency spectra This new method mitigates these issues by changing before , the original contourlet used the Laplacian Pyramid , the original contourlet used the Laplacian Pyramid for the original contourlet used the Laplacian Pyramid for multiscale decomposition by uses and Do Lu and Do that uses a multiscale pyramid Do that uses a multiscale pyramid can that uses a multiscale pyramid can be fixes it , reduces multiple issues multiple issues , it reduces the amount , it reduces the amount of it reduces the amount of cross terms In the contourlet transform proven has prior studies prior studies the contourlet transform has proven effective the contourlet transform has proven effective in The contourlet transform meets this criterion to some extent This transform first passes the image through band - calculated is each sub This method of outperformed significantly image enhancement United States , the station serves the Jamestown , the station serves the Jamestown , the station serves the Jamestown , New York area to the call sign , made the current WKZA the current WKZA , the call sign made popular , the call sign by made popular
the call sign by popular made a now-defunct AM station by popular made a now-defunct AM station in The station's first format was a stunt , airing WKZA , leaned sometimes an independently owned station WWSE , stay would a pure top-40 outlet WWSE would stay with hot adult contemporary He was previously with Intel Stevens earned bachelor 's and in then a mid-sized company , about 1982 then a mid-sized company , about 1982 to He joined as a technical salesperson and In Stevens , became 1989 1989 , Stevens became a partner , Stevens became a partner at Stevens became a partner at Sequoia Capital Over he , became the years the years , he became a rising star , he became a rising star on he became a rising star on Forbes magazine's Midas List Stevens was previously one of Stevens and his wife donated $50 million The Institute's goal is to enhance knowledge In the Institute , received 2017 2017 , the Institute received FDA clearance , the Institute received FDA clearance for the Institute received FDA clearance for clinical use Stevens is a member of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Board of Councilors Stevens became an investor in the Golden State Warriors He was ejected from Oracle Arena He served as the head football coach at He was the men's swimming head coach there from Schmalenberger was born in 1925 After World War II Schmalenberger returned to college World War II Schmalenberger returned to college , from Schmalenberger , taught college college , Schmalenberger taught high school physical education , Schmalenberger taught high school physical education and Schmalenberger taught high school physical education and history at Schmalenberger , served UC Davis Schmalenberger , served UC Davis as , Schmalenberger served as vice chairman Schmalenberger served as vice chairman of three of drafted were his players of by were drafted his players his players were by drafted the National Football League New York , the station serves the Jamestown area is currently by owned the Reg Lenna Center currently by owned the Reg Lenna Center for
Dennis Drew served as the station's general manager from " Hex " is a 1973 American Western horror film Hex " is a 1973 American Western horror film directed " by is directed a 1973 American Western horror film by a 1973 American Western horror film directed is Leo Garen in its plot , follows 1919 1919 , its plot follows a wayward band , its plot follows a wayward band of its plot follows a wayward band of motorcyclists who a wayward band of follows motorcyclists " was by written Garen was by written Garen and by written Garen and Stephen Katz The film was shot on location The film was released in the fall of 1973 Through it , screened September 1973 it , screened September 1973 in , it screened in some locations it screened in some locations under In the men , come rural Nebraska the men , come rural Nebraska upon , the men come upon a small town the men come upon a small town called They seek refuge on a remote farm In Giblets , attempts the middle of the night Giblets , attempts the middle of the night to Giblets attempts to rape Acacia In Oriole , casts retaliation retaliation , Oriole casts a hex , Oriole casts a hex on Oriole casts a hex on him The group find Giblets' body the next morning , They hold a funeral for Giblets Meanwhile , Whizzer teaches Oriole , Whizzer teaches Oriole how Whizzer teaches Oriole how to China goes to a nearby swimming hole to China has a disturbing nightmare in which she a disturbing nightmare in has which of Oriole , claims the gang she , Oriole claims the gang After they , return a fruitless search they , return a fruitless search to , they return to the farm they return to the farm at Jimbang attempts to shoot Oriole , who attacks , Whizzer who attacks , Whizzer pleads In Acacia , returns the morning Acacia , returns the morning to , Acacia returns to the house Acacia returns to the house and
Oriole flees back to the swimming hole their motorcycles donning , causing her father's shaman regalia She is by stopped Whizzer is by stopped Whizzer before she by stopped before Whizzer was by in written 1969 by in 1969 written Vernon Zimmerman The story was completed at the height Filming of began " "Hex Additional photography took place in California It had a working title of " some sequences , filmed were South Dakota some sequences were filmed at Fox Studios by being impressed recalled her co was heavily by edited Twentieth Century Fox executives heavily by edited Twentieth Century Fox executives , who by edited , Twentieth Century Fox executives - they , allowed screening Garen , they allowed screening Garen intended the film to be serious , I pull the rug , I pull the rug out It goes from blatant farce to the film , shown was Wisconsin the film was shown under the original title Hex " " crosses elements if the "Cedar Rapids Gazette " praised the film the "Cedar Rapids Gazette " praised the film for After one , settles this theory vanishes one , settles this theory vanishes back The film was released on VHS " The Amateur's Guide to Love " is an American television game show The Amateur's Guide to Love " is an American television game show , by is , created an American television game show Gene Rayburn was the emcee , while Kenny Williams was , while the emcee The show somewhat resembled "Candid Camera " These people were involved in a comedy situation The subjects in faced were the particular situation Amateur's Guide " originated as a pilot " that as originated a pilot that as originated a pilot aired The program was CBS' first daytime game since the cancellation The series replaced reruns of "Gomer Pyle the show failed to make an impact , CBS returned with game shows CBS returned with game shows in in he , was Vockenhausen Vockenhausen , he was a major proponent , he was a major proponent of he was a major proponent of the Enlightenment
Formerly she worked as Associate Director she worked as Associate Director of Duckett works primarily in systematics This involves analyzing the genetic relationship between She works on the taxonomy and In she focused has the past she focused has the past on she has focused on the Oedionychines Besides she , is phylogeny she , is phylogeny interested she is interested in the evolution Duckett worked alongside Joan W. Bennett at The organization is unique in its online catalog Notably , the site includes a "my story" section , the site includes a "my story" section , the site includes a "my story" section , where the women includes , where a "my story" section Smock was born in Holmdel Township He became Professor-elect of Mining and Metallurgy He is a two-time middleweight world champion , having Jacobs' career was almost cut short Jacobs , ranked is September 2021 Jacobs is ranked as the world's eighth best active super middleweight is by as ranked the world's eighth best active super middleweight by as the world's eighth best active super middleweight ranked "The Ring" magazine He was by raised his mother was by raised his mother , by raised his mother , Yvette Jacobs As Jacobs , recorded an amateur boxer an amateur boxer , Jacobs recorded 137 wins , Jacobs recorded 137 wins and Jacobs recorded 137 wins and 7 losses In Jacobs , won 2003 2003 , Jacobs won the Junior Olympics national championship , Jacobs won the Junior Olympics national championship at Jacobs won the Junior Olympics national championship at 154 pounds In Jacobs , won 2004 2004 , Jacobs won the United States national champion , Jacobs won the United States national champion in Jacobs won the United States national champion in the In he , won 2005 2005 , he won his second PAL national championship , he won his second PAL national championship and he won his second PAL national championship and also In July 2005 he faced Russian Matvey Korobov July 2005 he faced Russian Matvey Korobov at he faced Russian Matvey Korobov at the preliminaries
In Jacobs , won 2006 2006 , Jacobs won the United States Amateur middleweight championship , Jacobs won the United States Amateur middleweight championship , Jacobs won the United States Amateur middleweight championship , decisioning During Jacobs , won his amateur career four New York Golden Gloves , Jacobs won his amateur career , Jacobs four New York Golden Gloves won championships Jacobs made his professional boxing debut on the undercard In he , defeated that fight that fight , he defeated Jose Jesus Hurtado , he defeated Jose Jesus Hurtado by he defeated Jose Jesus Hurtado by first round technical knockout Jacobs signed with Golden Boy Promotions and On Jacobs , agreed April 27, 2009 Jacobs , agreed April 27, 2009 to Jacobs agreed to replace junior middleweight James Kirkland The fight took place on May 2, 2009 On Jacobs , faced July 31, 2010 July 31, 2010 , Jacobs faced undefeated Russian Dmitry Pirog , Jacobs faced undefeated Russian Dmitry Pirog for Jacobs faced undefeated Russian Dmitry Pirog for the vacant WBO middleweight championship who to belonged , Sergio Martínez The fight took place at the Mandalay Bay Events Center Pirog was a 3-1 underdog going into Jacobs was up on the cards After Pirog , said the fight Pirog , said the fight " Pirog said " After the second round I hurt him in the for his fight , moved this event his fight , moved this event to , his fight moved to April 27 his fight moved to April 27 as On Jacobs , captured August 19, 2013 August 19, 2013 , Jacobs captured the WBC Continental Americas , Jacobs captured the WBC Continental Americas middleweight title Jacobs captured the WBC Continental Americas middleweight title via On Jacobs , won August 9, 2014 August 9, 2014 , Jacobs won the vacant WBA (Regular) middleweight title , Jacobs won the vacant WBA (Regular) middleweight title with Jacobs won the vacant WBA (Regular) middleweight title with a 5th-round TKO Jacobs dropped Fletcher in round With Jacobs , became the win the win , Jacobs became a world champion
Jacobs , " said this belt " It 's the greatest moment in It 's the greatest moment in my life Jacobs ' then fought former light middleweight titlist Sergio Mora Jacobs started the fight tentatively , On December 5, 2015 Jacobs beat Peter Quillin December 5, 2015 Jacobs beat Peter Quillin by Jacobs beat Peter Quillin by TKO Jacobs that landed a lead right hand caught that a lead right hand landed caught Quillin He that landed another big punch saw Quillin landed that saw another big punch In Jacobs , rematched September 2016 September 2016 , Jacobs rematched Sergio Mora On Jacobs , scored fight night fight night , Jacobs scored two flash knockdowns , Jacobs scored two flash knockdowns in Jacobs scored two flash knockdowns in rounds Jacobs was engaged in negotiations Jacobs was Golovkin 's mandatory WBA president Gilberto Mendoza confirmed in an email to before Golovkin , tipped the fight the fight , Golovkin tipped the scales , Golovkin tipped the scales at Golovkin tipped the scales at 159.6 lb they , weigh can the morning weight check they can weigh no more of the fight , went 19,939 the fight , went 19,939 the This Golovkin the first time was that Golovkin the first time was that fought In Golovkin , dropped the fourth round the fourth round , Golovkin dropped Jacobs , Golovkin dropped Jacobs with Golovkin dropped Jacobs with a short right hand Jacobs was effective in switching to Golovkin , landed Compubox punch stats Compubox punch stats , Golovkin landed 231 , Golovkin landed 231 of Golovkin landed 231 of 615 punches he thought had won the fight In Golovkin , said the post-fight interview Golovkin , said the post-fight interview , it , announced was September 2017 Jacobs had worked without a promotional outfit Jacobs dominated Arias from beginning This was Jacobs' first decision win in a 12-round bout to Jacobs , landed CompuBox Stats CompuBox Stats , Jacobs landed 184 , Jacobs landed 184 of Jacobs landed 184 of 581 punches Jacobs outlanded Arias in every single round On the WBA , elevated March 30
March 30 , the WBA elevated the fight , the WBA elevated the fight to the WBA elevated the fight to be On the IBF , ordered April 27 April 27 , the IBF ordered Gennady Golovkin , the IBF ordered Gennady Golovkin to the IBF ordered Gennady Golovkin to defend Golovkin allowed to fight Martirosyan Golovkin , stripped was June 6 Golovkin was stripped of his IBF world title The IBF released a statement in detail On the IBF , ordered June 25 June 25 , the IBF ordered a purse bid , the IBF ordered a purse bid to the IBF ordered a purse bid to take In Jacobs , faced his next fight Jacobs , faced his next fight pound In both fighters , managed a mostly tactical bout both fighters , managed a mostly tactical bout to both fighters managed to avoid a lot Chavez Jr started the fight well , In Jacobs , faced his following bout his following bout , Jacobs faced Gabriel Rosado Jacobs , diagnosed was May 2011 Jacobs was diagnosed with osteosarcoma successful treatment at he returned NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital at he returned NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital to NewYork–Presbyterian Hospital he returned to the ring The stations serve Bradford County , Pennsylvania is currently by owned Dave Radigan's WATS UP currently by owned Dave Radigan's WATS UP , by owned Dave Radigan's WATS UP , LLC WATS is licensed to Sayre It is cataloged as Roud Folk Song Index No The earliest commercial recording of was the song by who have recorded include the song , Mexico was under the rule Mexico was under the rule of Mexico was the British author Graham Greene undergoing what was the British author Graham Greene undergoing what called the British author Graham Greene what undergoing called the "fiercest persecution Gonzáles excelled and earned the nickname to González , began Holy Orders Holy Orders , González began the study , González began the study of González began the study of law González became an activist , led Originally , González supported passive resistance , González supported passive resistance against
González supported passive resistance against the government in he , learned 1926 he , learned 1926 of , he learned of the murder he learned of the murder of , we defend will these we defend will these because , Mexican Catholics took up arms Mexican Catholics took up arms and crush the government , sought the rebellion the government , sought the rebellion to the government sought to capture the leaders he , executed was April 1, 1927 he was by executed firing squad for I : die the second time I : die the second time but " Utricularia petersoniae " is a small annual carnivorous plant Utricularia petersoniae " that is a small annual carnivorous plant " that is a small annual carnivorous plant belongs that is a small annual carnivorous plant belongs to by and described published Peter Taylor He left elementary school at West Side He learned marksmanship skills while hunting he , drafted was age 18 he was drafted into the U.S. Army He was sent to basic training He was sent to Europe ; during he broke parachute training during parachute training he broke his leg parachute training he broke his leg when he his chute broke when his leg his chute broke when his leg did He reached the rank of master sergeant , he was with the leading element he was with the leading element engaged He dismounted from his half-track and Later he in the attack again he in the attack again left silencing he , held 2 hostile machineguns he , held 2 hostile machineguns off , he held off the enemy he held off the enemy by Hendrix again distinguished himself when again he distinguished when himself he distinguished when himself hastened , he extricated the wounded man and he extricated the wounded man and extinguished United States , the station serves that market , the station serves that market and the station serves that market and occasionally WQNY was the flagship station of the Rural Radio Network In WQNY , began March 2010 WQNY , began March 2010 carrying
, WQNY began carrying its AM sister stations WQNY began carrying its AM sister stations on WNYY now occupies the 103.7-HD2 channel , WHCU occupies , while the 103.7-HD2 channel translator W240CB , signed 95.9 FM August 2010 translator W240CB 95.9 FM signed on the air On WQNY-HD3 , dropped August 30, 2018 August 30, 2018 , WQNY-HD3 dropped its simulcast , WQNY-HD3 dropped its simulcast with WQNY-HD3 dropped its simulcast with WHCU Nagata was born in Shizuoka from he , joined Shizuoka Gakuen High School Shizuoka Gakuen High School , he joined J1 League club Kashiwa Reysol , he joined J1 League club Kashiwa Reysol in he joined J1 League club Kashiwa Reysol in 2002 He debuted in September 2002 and However he injured his anterior cruciate ligament in he injured his anterior cruciate ligament in March 2005 Reysol , relegated was November Reysol was relegated to J2 League end In Nagata , moved 2006 Nagata , moved 2006 to , Nagata moved to J1 club Nagata moved to J1 club Albirex Niigata He became a regular player in 2007 In Nagata , moved 2011 Nagata , moved 2011 to , Nagata moved to Urawa Reds Nagata moved to Urawa Reds with He became a regular center back from he could not play many matches In he , moved 2017 he , moved 2017 to , he moved to J2 club Tokyo Verdy Nagata was a participant at 2003 World Youth Championship He made his full international debut on 2 September 2010 The formal credit in is the comic's indicia for The copyright is by held ABC via it , features mail-order mail-order , it features the Marvel characters , it features the Marvel characters the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man it features the Marvel characters the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man , who the Marvel characters features , the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man The main cover image of penciled was the Fantastic Four's Mr. Fantastic by was penciled either the Fantastic Four's Mr. Fantastic was by either penciled Jack Kirby by either penciled Jack Kirby or WLNL (1000 AM ) is a radio station
It is licensed to Horseheads Trinity Media has historically carried a Christian radio format Hank was born in Oakland He attended San Leandro High School and Stanford University While in he was school in school he was singer school he was singer in he was singer in the band They had their first record contract with RCA Victor albums were recorded with Capitol and Epitomé Records Dean was drafted in 1963 the duo in drafted and 1963 became Hank's emphasis , shifted a music publishing executive Hank's emphasis , shifted a music publishing executive towards , Hank's emphasis shifted towards TV entertainment Hank's emphasis shifted towards TV entertainment and On Hank , had television television , Hank had roles , Hank had roles in Hank had roles in " He was featured in many comedy programs One of playing was his most interesting roles Hank , featured was the years Hank was featured in countless television commercials some in featured , countless television commercials by Mel Tormé in obtained 1970 In he withdrew 1981 from 1981 he withdrew from the entertainment industry he withdrew from the entertainment industry and One of his ancestors was Abraham Bergmann his ancestors who was , Abraham Bergmann who was , Abraham Bergmann emigrated Hank studied the records of the entire group Hank was elected as one From his first marriage he has a daughter his first marriage he has a daughter Amanda WHHO (1320 AM ) was a radio station United States , the station served the Elmira-Corning area The station was by owned Bilbat Radio, Inc. was by owned Bilbat Radio, Inc. ( by owned Bilbat Radio, Inc. ( at The station had been the home of owned by came , Canisteo Radio Corporation by came , Canisteo Radio Corporation on WWHG , granted was that , WWHG was granted a Conditional Permit WWHG was granted a Conditional Permit and its license , transferred was the picture its license was transferred from Canisteo Radio Corporation WLEA returned to the air under WWHG then applied for a construction permit In The W.H. Greenhow Company , sold June 1956
June 1956 , The W.H. Greenhow Company sold the station , The W.H. Greenhow Company sold the station to , the owner principals in changed RA-Tel Broadcasters the owner principals in changed RA-Tel Broadcasters , the company name changed , but RA-Tel Broadcasters the station , sold was July 1970 the station was by sold Steuben Broadcasters was by sold Steuben Broadcasters to by sold Steuben Broadcasters to Southeastern Publications, Inc. the station , sold was December 1974 The licensee and ownership changed one " Chain Letter " is an American game show Chain Letter " is an American game show produced " by is produced an American game show by an American game show produced is Stefan Hatos-Monty Hall Productions The first player would have ten seconds to , the next player would have ten seconds the next player would have ten seconds to Each player alternated giving answers until a bad answer giving alternated until answers The championship team was given a chain word and was the players given and a chain word the players given and a chain word alternated The first pilot was developed under the title The first round featured three categories and the opposing team's choice the "Chain Letter" name was taped in December 1964 Each player naming items pertaining to Dee Wright Observatory is an observation structure at the summit The structure is an open shelter constructed with Dee Wright Observatory is located in the Willamette National Forest 15 miles The highway is part of the McKenzie-Santiam Pass Scenic Byway McKenzie Pass is above sea level , The observatory is an open shelter built with These "lava tube " viewing allow holes " viewing visitors allow holes viewing visitors allow holes to visitors allow holes to easily The half-mile long Lava River Interpretive Trail begins at the observatory , McKenzie Pass follows the path of an 1860 wagon route The route emerges from the forest and At the wagon road , had the summit the wagon road , had the summit to alternate routes over used were the Cascades over by were used the Cascades
the Cascades were by used most early travelers The observatory was built during the Great Depression was by during built the Great Depression by during the Great Depression built a Civilian Conservation Corps crew Both sites are by maintained the United States Forest Service Olayr Coan was born in the city Coan was a graduate of the Escola de Arte Dramática He joined the Centro de Pesquisa Teatral (Research Center of Theater ) , which joined ) , the Centro de Pesquisa Teatral (Research Center of Theater Coan's theater directing work included " Veríssimo em Revista Coan's recent works included "Toda Nudez Será Castigada " by Olayr Coan was killed in a one car crash Miraflores ) who is a Peruvian former footballer ) who is a Peruvian former footballer last who is a Peruvian former footballer last played Butrón's former clubs include Sporting Cristal , Alianza Atlético of the lake , marks Yellowknife Yellowknife , the lake marks the northern terminus , the lake marks the northern terminus of the lake marks the northern terminus of the Ingraham Trail Ndibe was born in Yola Okey Ndibe was born in Yola His father was a postal worker , and His early life in marked was Nigeria in by was marked Nigeria Nigeria was by marked the Biafran War was by marked the Biafran War , by marked the Biafran War , a subject Ndibe worked in Nigeria as In Ndibe , helped the United States Ndibe , helped the United States to Ndibe helped to found "African Commentary Ndibe holds both an MFA in writing Ndibe has worked as a professor Ndibe is an author of short fiction He is a regular columnist for " He also contributes to many other publications He has contributed poetry to has been by praised Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka been by praised Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka ( by praised Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka ( " Ndibe is co - editor Ndibe relocated to the United States in Ndibe has taught at Brown University Hanfstaengl originated from a commoner family and in he , had lithography
lithography , he had contact , he had contact with he had contact with Alois Senefelder In he , went 1826 he , went 1826 to , he went to Dresden he went to Dresden and Between 1835 and 1852 Hanfstängl brought out about 200 lithographic reproductions Hanfstängl brought out about 200 lithographic reproductions of In he founded 1833 in 1833 he founded in Munich he founded in Munich a lithographic establishment Later , he became court photographer , he became court photographer and he became court photographer and produced portraits He influenced his brother - in He was married to Franziska Wegmeier United States , the station serves the Elmira-Corning area United States , the station serves the Elmira-Corning area The station first signed on the air the station , sold was October 1974 , the station was sold to the station was sold to Genkar, Inc. which to sold , Genkar, Inc. The combined stations were sold to Media Magic of Media Magic , declared operation operation , Media Magic declared bankruptcy , Media Magic declared bankruptcy in Media Magic declared bankruptcy in February 1989 Schlatter was born in Birmingham As Schlatter , sang a teenager Schlatter , sang a teenager for , Schlatter sang for two seasons Schlatter sang for two seasons with Schlatter was a Hollywood agent in the band and act department After he , left several years he , left several years to he left to become general manager in he , started Las Vegas he , started Las Vegas producing , he started producing variety series he started producing variety series and Between 1964 and 1970 , he oversaw the annual telecast , he oversaw the annual telecast of he oversaw the annual telecast of the Grammy Awards In he , formed 1968 1968 , he formed George Schlatter Productions , he formed George Schlatter Productions , he formed George Schlatter Productions , noted Schlatter produced and directed several television series In he , started 1987 he , started 1987 " , he started " The American Comedy Awards he started " The American Comedy Awards "
They have two daughters , Andrea Schlatter was nominated for 15 Emmy Awards The Door with is " Seven Locks It was based on the 1926 novel Flinn was born in Davison was also by employed GM also by employed GM in by employed GM in its personnel department due he ; died her father's terminal cancer diagnosis he ; died her father's terminal cancer diagnosis two years later Her third book focuses on these early years in from she , decided Manatee High School she , she decided Manatee High School so she packed up her car she packed up her car and to 36-year-old Flinn , decided a management reorganization 36-year-old Flinn , decided a management reorganization to Throughout Flinn , intersperses the book the book , Flinn intersperses dozens , Flinn intersperses dozens of Flinn intersperses dozens of recipes in she , shares the book she , shares the book that The Seattle Times " referred to the book The book earned generally positive reviews on its debut ) by chronicles inspired a year-long project by a year-long project inspired chronicles a supermarket encounter Flinn used her culinary training to help novice cooks used to help her culinary training Viking/Penguin published her third book , " The title refers to her grandmother's phrase meant Flinn it reflected had a metaphorical meaning it reflected had a metaphorical meaning , The book was a bestseller , and In Flinn , announced 2018 Flinn , announced 2018 that at she , held Columbia College Chicago Columbia College Chicago , she held internships , she held internships at she held internships at Adweek and Playboy magazines , she was founding editor she was founding editor - turned their courtship ; is entrepreneur entrepreneur ; their courtship is part ; their courtship is part of their courtship is part of the story in 1918 , was California California , 1918 was an election , 1918 was an election for 1918 was an election for California's delegation in 1916 , was California California , 1916 was an election , 1916 was an election for
1916 was an election for California's delegation Kirk was the first Brazilian Army officer to learn He graduated from École d’Aviation d’Étampes (France Three monoplanes were dispatched to the area They were stationed at União da Vitória aviation field of Kirk , had Santa Catarina Santa Catarina , Kirk had a mechanical failure , Kirk had a mechanical failure leading Kirk had a mechanical failure leading to it consisted only of a wooden cross On another monument inaugurated was 5 October 1980 another monument inaugurated was 5 October 1980 around another monument was inaugurated around the cross was by around inaugurated the cross by around the cross inaugurated the city It consists of a reinforced concrete structure symbolising the remains of moved were Lieutenant Kirk It was formed from the 52nd Infantry Division which from formed , the 52nd Infantry Division The 52nd was renumbered as the 49th The 52nd Infantry Division was activated on 15 August 1946 The change was by approved a National Guard Bureau Letter was by approved a National Guard Bureau Letter , by approved a National Guard Bureau Letter , CSNGB The change was made retroactive to The new division was known as the "Argonaut Division The nickname refers to the 49'ers , who to refers , the 49'ers Allen began his career in 1998 His first job in was the industry on In Allen , directed January 2007 January 2007 , Allen directed a 19-minute video montage , Allen directed a 19-minute video montage for Allen directed a 19-minute video montage for the Grammy-winning producer's stage performance The song went on to top music charts In Allen , directed Spring 2008 Spring 2008 , Allen directed two , Allen directed two back Allen directed two back to In November 2009 Allen directed the music video November 2009 Allen directed the music video for Allen directed the music video for the first single In Allen , went December 2009 Allen , went December 2009 on Allen became Executive Producer of the TV One network's R&B Divas WICB broadcasts an alternative music format to the greater Ithaca area
WICB also has a News and Sports Department run also by has run a News and Sports Department by a News and Sports Department run has student executives 92 WICB began in 1947 with The Radio Station currently operates with 4,100 watts The station has a long-standing annual tradition of playing by almost entirely run a staff Students of encouraged are all majors readers of voted " the "Ithaca Journal WICB is an active member of College Broadcasters, Inc In WICB , was October 2015 October 2015 , WICB was a finalist , WICB was a finalist for WICB was a finalist for Best Audio News Reporting In the station's Jazz Impressions show , was 2016 2016 , the station's Jazz Impressions show was a CBI finalist , the station's Jazz Impressions show was a CBI finalist for the station's Jazz Impressions show was a CBI finalist for " the station , run is modern rock Other major programming genres include Weekend Rhythms , Jazz Impressions Other specialty programs are by run both student DJs are by run both student DJs and by run both student DJs and community members Many of developed have the shows WICB , provides also mainstream music , WICB also provides an outlet WICB also provides an outlet for There is both a specialty show specifically for WICB , expanded has music , WICB has expanded both sports and talk radio segments WICB has expanded both sports and talk radio segments in Both the News and Sports departments at directed are WICB at by are directed WICB WICB are by directed student executives are by directed student executives , by directed student executives , with The WICB Sports department is responsible for broadcasting The Luo River ( ) is a tributary It rises in the southeast flank of by it , flows most standards it , flows most standards through , it flows through an area it flows through an area of It was released on Ipecac Recordings Phil Freeman of AllMusic gave the album The Michigan and Ohio Railroad is a defunct railroad and Ohio Railroad which is a defunct railroad
Ohio Railroad which is a defunct railroad operated which is a defunct railroad operated in The company incorporated on June 25, 1883 , The company filed articles on October 9, 1883 this new section opened opened on November 29, 1883 by written - Igleias and Chein García-Alonso with ballad , it is a confessional song , it is a confessional song of it is a confessional song of love Upon one reviewer , lauded "Esperanza"'s release "Esperanza"'s release , one reviewer lauded Iglesias's vocals , one reviewer lauded Iglesias's vocals and one reviewer lauded Iglesias's vocals and the song's arrangements by " was directed "Esperanza " was by directed Emmanuel Lubezki was by directed Emmanuel Lubezki , which by directed , Emmanuel Lubezki On Iglesias , announced 30 July 1998 Iglesias , announced 30 July 1998 that It was by produced Spanish producer Rafael Pérez-Botija was by produced Spanish producer Rafael Pérez-Botija , who by produced , Spanish producer Rafael Pérez-Botija , was by written Iglesias was by written Iglesias and by written Iglesias and Chein Alonso Garcia Its music video was filmed in Malibu The video features Argentine model Inés Rivero , whom Iglesias Argentine model Inés Rivero , features whom It won Video of the Year at the 11th Annual Lo Nuestro Awards in The single received the Song of the Year award at single received the Song of the Year award at the inaugural Ritmo Music Awards in it , reached Latin America Latin America , it reached number , it reached number one it reached number one in It reached the number one position on the chart It spent four consecutive weeks in this position United States , the station serves the Ithaca area " was by owned a local company was by owned a local company as by owned a local company as part The AM/FM combo was one of two The WNYY call letters were put in place WNYY also carried programming from of the station , runs 2015 2015 , the station runs an all-syndicated lineup , the station runs an all-syndicated lineup consisting
the station runs an all-syndicated lineup consisting mostly In WNYY , returned March 2010 WNYY , returned March 2010 to , WNYY returned to the FM airwaves WNYY returned to the FM airwaves when sister station WQNY to returned when the FM airwaves WNYY had been on the W277BS 103.3 FM translator In Saga , announced January 2017 Saga , announced January 2017 that e="preserve">The Delaware Valley Minority Student Achievement Consortium began as an initiative of The story is about Matthias , Matthias maintains a library of virtual universes In 2005 renovation works started at the airport Projects included a passenger terminal located on The old terminal was converted into an international cargo terminal The construction costed initially BRL 300 million , He was selected in 1957 It was the 24th edition of the tournament 1170 AM is a United States clear-channel frequency , on WWLE has existed in two incarnations The original WWLE came to air on Edmonds' widow Adeline served as WWLE's president Adeline served as WWLE's president , The station aired a big band/standards format with country programs After the station , faced several years several years , the station faced financial troubles , the station faced financial troubles and the station faced financial troubles and was The old WWLE returned as WNBW on the station , moved had the late 1990s the station was by bought 1170 Broadcast Radio, Inc. was by bought 1170 Broadcast Radio, Inc. and by bought 1170 Broadcast Radio, Inc. and flipped Marthe Distel started the culinary magazine " La Cuisinière Cordon Bleu prompt Distel , offered readership readership , Distel offered subscribers , Distel offered subscribers cooking Distel offered subscribers cooking lessons The first class was held in January 1895 in Distel , left the 1930s the 1930s , Distel left the school , Distel left the school to Distel left the school to an orphanage Asian Fortune is an Asian American interest English language newspaper published in in its circulation , is 1993 1993 , its circulation is 35,000 , its circulation is 35,000 with its circulation is 35,000 with 800 outlets
It claims to be the only English language newspaper The newspaper's focus and tone is Pan-Asianism Asian Fortune was founded in 1993 was by in founded 1993 by in 1993 founded Asian American publisher Jay Chen WGNY signed on as the Hudson Valley's first radio station in he , decided 1932 he , decided 1932 to he decided to create a radio station that to create decided a radio station Goelet sold out to Merritt C. Speidel at WGNY , upped 100 watts 100 watts , WGNY upped its power , WGNY upped its power to WGNY upped its power to 250 watts , WGNY would have Orange County WGNY would have Orange County , In WGNY , switched 1952 1952 , WGNY switched news affiliations , WGNY switched news affiliations from WGNY switched news affiliations from the United Press In FM radio , came the fall of 1966 FM radio , came the fall of 1966 to , FM radio came to Orange County FM radio came to Orange County , by , owned WFMN brothers Wilbur WFMN and WGNY remained competitors WFMN changed its calls to WGNY-FM WGNY , switched has recent years In WGNY-AM-FM , began March 2005 March 2005 , WGNY-AM-FM began a Local Marketing Agreement , WGNY-AM-FM began a Local Marketing Agreement with WGNY-AM-FM began a Local Marketing Agreement with Port Jervis' WDLC WGNY began simulcasting a 1955-72 Oldies format with on they , switched April 3, 2013 they , switched April 3, 2013 back they switched back to ESPN Radio of the second studio album " is Man the second studio album " is Man by " the second studio album is by American singer Kenny Lattimore Critics uniformly lauded this album as The album opens with the first single "Days Like This " Lattimore also reimagines The Beatles ' In the album , peaked the United States the album , peaked the United States at , the album peaked at number the album peaked at number 71 " it , reached Billboards Hip-Hop Albums chart Billboards Hip-Hop Albums chart , it reached number , it reached number 15
The lead single "Days Like This " peaked at number at the track , climbed Work the track , climbed Work to , the track climbed to number the track climbed to number 26 the initial cadre of formed was the 58th Bombardment Wing all the initiative was left to the Army Most of done was the construction work of by was done the construction work the construction work was by done Patti-McDonald Construction Company was by done Patti-McDonald Construction Company of by done Patti-McDonald Construction Company of Kansas City Most of the buildings were Theater of Operations construction the buildings some were while Theater of Operations construction some were while Theater of Operations construction were There were three hangars with a parking apron this new city , contained now only open farm land , this new city now contained over 200 buildings this new city now contained over 200 buildings , These were followed in time were by in followed time by in time followed facilities On the 501st transferred was 13 February 1943 the 501st transferred was 13 February 1943 to the 501st was transferred to Great Bend Capping Lt. Col. Glenn M. Pike , assumed the inchoate organizational structure the inchoate organizational structure , Lt. Col. Glenn M. Pike assumed command , Lt. Col. Glenn M. Pike assumed command of Lt. Col. Glenn M. Pike assumed command of the field Great Bend Army Air Field , assigned was heavy bombardment groups It was the function of the 21st on 1 July 1943 Second Air Force transferred the 5th Heavy Bombardment Processing Unit to 1 July 1943 Second Air Force transferred the 5th Heavy Bombardment Processing Unit to Great Bend the 5th Heavy Bombardment Processing Unit , redesignated was its function , the 5th Heavy Bombardment Processing Unit was redesignated the 73d Bombardment Operational Training Wing the 5th Heavy Bombardment Processing Unit was redesignated the 73d Bombardment Operational Training Wing on But the new organization endured for scarcely four months the new organization endured for scarcely four months before it for endured before scarcely four months , physical expansion of became necessity
physical expansion of necessity became the order Great Bend received the 444th Bombardment Group ( VH Great Bend , destined was its career Great Bend was organized under the standard plan the 498th , continued , that time part of conducted was the flying training The primary purpose of termed , this program the crews would return to Great Bend AAF from Great Bend , became the European theater the European theater , Great Bend became one , Great Bend became one of Great Bend became one of the first redeployment installations the ground echelon receiving , but its regular training Victory over Japan had a direct effect No other groups were assigned for a full schedule Great Bend became a temporary home for Boeing B-29 Superfortresses the base informed was officially 25 October 1945 was officially by informed Second Air Force officially by informed Second Air Force that the installation by informed that Second Air Force the 405th Air Service Group were transferred to Salina Army Air Field Second Air Force had placed Great Bend AAF in Great Bend was still in the category The General Services Administration eventually turned the air base over United States , the station serves the Olean area The station first broadcast with an operating power The radio station was acquired on October 31, 1990 by on acquired , October 31, 1990 The 1994 Los Angeles Open was a men's tennis tournament held on It was the 68th edition of the tournament a culinary magazine " , was La cuisinière cordon-bleu a culinary magazine was started in the late 1890s The magazine offered recipes and tips prompt the magazine , offered readership readership , the magazine offered cooking classes , the magazine offered cooking classes to the magazine offered cooking classes to subscribers one was held in the kitchens The classes evolved in a more formal cooking school , United States , the station serves the Olean area The station operates on greatly reduced power at Because of she gives her father's debt of her father's debt she gives herself her father's debt she gives herself three years
she gives herself three years to She she promises that herself she promises that herself 's Liberal Army Airfield was a World War II Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bomber training base of the United States Army Air Forces' Second Air Force The new airfield was situated in Sections 1 the survey completed had been 16 January 1943 contracts were let on 9 January , was by purchased the government Facilities on were Liberal Army Airfield to a concrete parking apron of constructed was some 276,318 square yards Training facilities included three school buildings and four buildings housing Link Trainers A spur line of run was the Rock Island Railroad , was by acquired lease It placed was under the jurisdiction of personnel acquisition , moved construction personnel acquisition , moved construction into , personnel acquisition moved into an intensified phase personnel acquisition moved into an intensified phase during the members of introduced were the first class This is the official date of the inauguration The training cycle was nine weeks in length of another class , began the first class the first class , another class began the course , another class began the course , another class began the course , so In February 1945 these sections were redesignated squadrons February 1945 these sections were redesignated squadrons , these sections which were , redesignated squadrons which were , redesignated squadrons remained Europe the training program of became Liberal Army Airfield the training program of became Liberal Army Airfield somewhat On 7 September 1945 the commanding officer received official orders 7 September 1945 the commanding officer received official orders for the commanding officer received official orders for inactivation Liberal field was placed at that time of Liberal Army Air Field , graduated actual training actual training , Liberal Army Air Field graduated 4,468 four-engine airplane commanders has been by operated the city been by operated the city of by operated the city of Liberal One of maintained is the runways United States , the station serves the Rochester area , the station serves the Rochester area and the station serves the Rochester area and ,
It is affiliated to the Carinthia division The first Scout group of founded was the Slovene-speaking minority was by in founded 1959 by in 1959 founded the Catholic priest At the beginning of the 1980s there were 70 active members the beginning of the 1980s there were 70 active members and there were 70 active members and a patrol This camp was by organized the Carinthia division was by organized the Carinthia division of by organized the Carinthia division of the Boy Scouts Hinchingbrooke was the eldest son of Edward Montagu at Hinchingbrooke , married the age of 14 the age of 14 , Hinchingbrooke married Elizabeth Popham , Hinchingbrooke married Elizabeth Popham ( Hinchingbrooke married Elizabeth Popham ( died he , given was 1708 , he was given command he was given command of Hinchingbrooke , elected was 1713 Hinchingbrooke was elected as Member John A. Creighton Boulevard , is a boulevard-type north – through the boulevard , runs the Adams Park neighborhood the boulevard , runs the Adams Park neighborhood from , the boulevard runs from Hamilton Avenue the boulevard runs from Hamilton Avenue to In 1912 the City of spent Omaha 1912 the City of Omaha spent almost $4,000 the City of Omaha spent almost $4,000 on it been has recently recent years it has recently been the target " Utricularia schultesii " is a small, terrestrial, perennial carnivorous plant Utricularia schultesii " that is a small, terrestrial, perennial carnivorous plant " that is a small, terrestrial, perennial carnivorous plant belongs that is a small, terrestrial, perennial carnivorous plant belongs to He started boxing in 1968 He deserted the army in 1973 , he went to Uganda he went to Uganda and Murunga " , turned "Tiger Murunga turned pro after his amateur career He was by promoted Mogens Palle Murunga had two wives , Mariam Wambui He converted to Islam when he to converted when Islam as of he lived 2003 of he lived 2003 in 2003 he lived in Bombolulu he lived in Bombolulu in The façade was by designed architect Philip Hooker was by designed architect Philip Hooker ,
by designed architect Philip Hooker , notable The conservative Federal style of is the chapel characteristic The design includes three bays on the eastern façade the corner quoins is , while Oriskany stone by and laid quarried Reuben Wilcox The interior carpentry was by done Deacon Isaac Williams was by done Deacon Isaac Williams , by done Deacon Isaac Williams , of of by is topped the building the building is by topped a white, octagonal cupola Until the college library housed was 1872 the college library housed was 1872 in the college library was housed in increasing portions From the chemistry lab lodged was 1830-1855 the chemistry lab lodged was 1830-1855 in the chemistry lab was lodged in the cellar Commencement exercises were held in the chapel by today was donated evidence today was by donated John Wanamaker was by donated John Wanamaker , by donated John Wanamaker , of the steeple , restored was 1893 The current bell was installed in 1902 Electricity was installed in the building the interior , remodeled was 1949 She was decommissioned in January 1947 , she was named "Carlinville she was named "Carlinville " She was struck from the Navy List In she seized was 1976 by she was seized 1976 she was by seized the United States Marshals Service was by seized the United States Marshals Service in by seized the United States Marshals Service in a bankruptcy ruling she , renamed was Greenpeace , she was renamed the M/V "Ohana Kai she was renamed the M/V "Ohana Kai " later that to sold a group that to sold a group wanted who to sold , Clause Von Wendel the owners of Von Wendel had the marina of Von Wendel had the marina and Von Wendel had the marina and his followers Manimou specializes in several percussive instruments , He is the founder of Dounia Djembe Manimou Camara began studying the music and His primary education was spent with Sekou Dico Sylla Prud'homme collaborated with his great aunt Julia Child The book became a number one "New York Times" best-seller , and
after Prud'homme , wrote her memoir Prud'homme , wrote her memoir " , Prud'homme wrote " The French Chef in America: Julia Child's Second Act Prud'homme wrote " The French Chef in America: Julia Child's Second Act " " Utricularia tricolor " is a medium to large sized perennial carnivorous plant Utricularia tricolor " that is a medium to large sized perennial carnivorous plant " that is a medium to large sized perennial carnivorous plant belongs that is a medium to large sized perennial carnivorous plant belongs to It has a diploid chromosome number of 2n ce="preserve">The Pledge Protection Act is proposed legislation in the United States Congress that proposed legislation in is the United States Congress The first decision of handed was the Ninth Circuit to it , passed the House Judiciary Committee the House Judiciary Committee , it passed the committee , it passed the committee and it passed the committee and was The bill passed the House of Representatives on September 23, 2004 in Rep. Akin , reintroduced the 109th Congress the 109th Congress , Rep. Akin reintroduced the bill , Rep. Akin reintroduced the bill as Rep. Akin reintroduced the bill as the 'Pledge Protection Act by tied in The bill committee In response Rep. Phil Gingrey introduced House Resolution 920 response Rep. Phil Gingrey introduced House Resolution 920 on Rep. Phil Gingrey introduced House Resolution 920 on July 18, 2006 was by the next day adopted a vote by the next day adopted a vote of In the bill introduced was the Senate by the bill was introduced the Senate the bill was by introduced Sen. Jon Kyl was by introduced Sen. Jon Kyl as by introduced Sen. Jon Kyl as S. Todd Akin did not seek re the bill that stated was an attempt that violates is – a constitutional right Today's House adoption of is ' the so-called 'Pledge Protection Act involving this legislation , sets the Pledge the Pledge , this legislation sets a dangerous precedent , this legislation sets a dangerous precedent : this legislation sets a dangerous precedent : threatening construction was by undertaken a group
was by undertaken a group of by undertaken a group of faculty used by manufactured was the Sinag solar–powered car by by was manufactured the Sinag solar–powered car the Sinag solar–powered car was by manufactured SunPower The Philippine team finished 12th place from 40 participants Sinag , zoomed quickly its brake system Sinag quickly zoomed to 11th place The SINAG solar car arrived at the finish line of SINAG arrived in Adelaide at was warmly by welcomed the Lord Mayor warmly by welcomed the Lord Mayor of by welcomed the Lord Mayor of Adelaide Michael Harbison The town is located on the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro trade on located , the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro The name "Acolco " comes from Nahuatl language Aculco de Espinoza lies in the north of The town of Aculco de Espinoza is the municipal seat The "River Ñadó " is big river that " crossing is that big river crossing is that big river by The 2008 Brasil Open was a men's tennis tournament played on It was the 8th edition of the Brasil Open The singles draw featured former World No . The "Abraham Lincoln " was a named passenger train operated " by was operated a named passenger train by a named passenger train operated was the Baltimore The "Abe Lincoln " ran between Chicago The train later passed to the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad is now by known the umbrella term now by known the umbrella term "Lincoln Service by known the umbrella term "Lincoln Service " This train was the first streamlined passenger service to travel The original streamlined "Abe Lincoln " was one of , was by powered an 1800-hp box-cab diesel was by powered an 1800-hp box-cab diesel made by by powered made an 1800-hp box-cab diesel on Amtrak , retained May 1, 1971 May 1, 1971 , Amtrak retained the "Abraham Lincoln , Amtrak retained the "Abraham Lincoln " Amtrak retained the "Abraham Lincoln " as In November of that year Amtrak extended both the "Abraham Lincoln November of that year Amtrak extended both the "Abraham Lincoln "
Amtrak extended both the "Abraham Lincoln " and In Amtrak , replaced October 1973 October 1973 , Amtrak replaced the rolling stock , Amtrak replaced the rolling stock with Amtrak replaced the rolling stock with the new French-built Turboliner In February 1976 Amtrak returned conventional rolling stock February 1976 Amtrak returned conventional rolling stock to Amtrak returned conventional rolling stock to the route Amtrak added the "State House " to in Amtrak , extended 1977 1977 , Amtrak extended the "Abraham Lincoln , Amtrak extended the "Abraham Lincoln " Amtrak extended the "Abraham Lincoln " to American Car and Foundry (ACF ) constructed two lightweight trainsets , the "Abraham Lincoln " received the "Royal Blue"s equipment the "Abraham Lincoln " received the "Royal Blue"s equipment , the "Abraham Lincoln"s original equipment received , while the "Royal Blue"s equipment This consist included a 60-seat chair car ( # The river rises in Luanchuan County , The Khalaj which originally were a Turkic tribe which originally were a Turkic tribe had They intermarried with the local Pashtuns and Some of them left the area This occurred in the Peshawar sub - It intensified in the mid-18th century under in some Pashtuns , settled the late 19th century some Pashtuns , settled the late 19th century in , some Pashtuns settled in the north some Pashtuns settled in the north of This was done for political reason some southern groups of adopted have Aimaqs the band , accumulated had July 2006 , the band had accumulated nine-and-a-half new tracks the band had accumulated nine-and-a-half new tracks for They spent the following five months working on it , announced was October 29, 2007 it , mentioned was addition We 're like a brand new band . who , Michael Baskette produced the remaining songs Sessions with occurred Baskette at Dave Holdredge acted as his engineer , was reportedly by finished the end of December Marsala it said had the heavy tone it said had the heavy tone of The album was named after Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book Your Fate " that is an anti-George W. Bush track
" that is an anti-George W. Bush track is that is an anti-George W. Bush track is reminiscent It was similar in style Angel in takes " the Swamp Marsala wrote it in response in its chorus ; recalled a biracial-relationship a biracial-relationship ; its chorus recalled the "Page Avenue ; its chorus recalled the "Page Avenue " its chorus recalled the "Page Avenue " single "Anthem of Our Dying Day The piano ballad "Terrified " is a lo-fi track the channels " was by inspired the famous photograph was by inspired the famous photograph of by inspired the famous photograph of the same name on it ; sees MTV MTV ; it sees the band ; it sees the band performing it sees the band performing in In the band , appeared early April the band , appeared early April at , the band appeared at the Bamboozle Left festival , the band performed on the 2008 Warped Tour The group toured as part of on it ; trails June 30, 2009 June 30, 2009 ; it trails a soldier ; it trails a soldier in it trails a soldier in Iraq Critical reception for was The album generally Motown released "You Beat Me to the Punch This organization performs the art of change This art uses mathematical sequences and patterns The primary goals of are the NAGCR to It also sells products including The Guild publishes a quarterly newsletter , " This service is provided to all membership levels The Officers of consist the Guild of there where held is a bell tower Qiao Xing ( ) is the first Chinese telephone manufacturer Cosun Group was incorporated in April 1992 in the company , has Huizhou Huizhou , the company has two US-listed arms Comilla Victoria Government College is a college in Comilla It is one of the oldest and renowned colleges Fazlul Karim was the first Muslim teacher of this college Many students of Comilla Victoria College joined the Bangladesh liberation war Comilla Victoria College has five dormitories : four These organizations are also leading national and local level cultural fields
a charge is levied on immigrants who with associated , American economist Gary Becker In the 36-year-old author , loses this non-fiction narrative this non-fiction narrative , the 36-year-old author loses her corporate job , the 36-year-old author loses her corporate job , the 36-year-old author loses her corporate job , cashes Throughout Flinn , intersperses the book the book , Flinn intersperses dozens , Flinn intersperses dozens of Flinn intersperses dozens of recipes in she , shares the book she , shares the book that The Seattle Times " referred to the book The book earned generally positive reviews on its debut You Cry " was a Finalist " Tiny Mirrors " is the first full-length recording Tiny Mirrors " is the first full-length recording by " Pitchfork " called the album Pitchfork " called the album "tropically tranquil Roberto in born when Genoa He joined Internazionale's "Allievi Regionali" team in 2005 On Internazionale , announced 31 January 2008 Internazionale , announced 31 January 2008 to He was by released Inter was by released Inter in by released Inter in July 2008 In he left the 2008–09 season for the 2008–09 season he left for Monza he left for Monza along Filippo was played for Monza's "Berretti" Under-20 squad season Inter also loaned several players Inter also loaned several players to Two Lovers " is a single The song was the third consecutive hit to be The song became Wells's most successful release to date He served as Associate director and Kellogg was born in New York Mills He attended the Brooks School in North Andover , Massachusetts At he , was Yale Yale , he was a member , he was a member of he was a member of Skull Berkeley were by interrupted World War II were by interrupted World War II , by interrupted World War II , when from he , joined UCLA UCLA , he joined the RAND Corporation , he joined the RAND Corporation in he joined the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica He also collaborated on a procedure This resulted in the first unclassified report in
he , invited was 1964 he was by invited Walter Orr Roberts was by invited Walter Orr Roberts to by invited Walter Orr Roberts to join He was a chief organizer of the international Study In he , decided 1973 he , decided 1973 to he decided to devote himself sociologist Robert Schware co - authored one co - authored one of - authored one of the first books He served on the National Academy of Science's Space Science Board ( He was Past President of the American Meteorological Society [ 1994 ] is a public international law case 1994 ] is a public international law case decided ] by is decided a public international law case by a public international law case decided is the International Court of Justice The Aouzou Strip is a barren piece of land to the government , saw Chad Chad , the government saw the Aouzou Strip , the government saw the Aouzou Strip as the government saw the Aouzou Strip as part From there , is Libya's perspective there , is Libya's perspective not , there is not enough evidence there is not enough evidence to the boundary that ruled between Chad Farnham Castle is a 12th-century castle in Farnham of Farnham castle , became William the Conqueror William the Conqueror , Farnham castle became the home , Farnham castle became the home of Farnham castle became the home of the Bishops of Winchester The original building was by demolished Henry II was by demolished Henry II in by demolished Henry II in 1155 In it , was the early 15th century the early 15th century , it was the residence , it was the residence of it was the residence of Cardinal Henry Beaufort who the residence of was Cardinal Henry Beaufort The castle's architecture reflects changing styles through It is an impressive stone motte and bailey fortress The large motte was formed around the massive foundations The stables burnt down during a visit During the castle , was the Second World War the Second World War , the castle was the home
, the castle was the home of the castle was the home of the Camouflage Development and Training Centre English Heritage has guardianship of the keep " Utricularia tridentata " is a small terrestrial carnivorous plant Utricularia tridentata " that is a small terrestrial carnivorous plant " that is a small terrestrial carnivorous plant belongs that is a small terrestrial carnivorous plant belongs to It relates the story of a Listen to was " the Mocking Bird It was popular during the American Civil War Its verse was the instrumental introduction to a number The tune is still the same Listen to follows " the Mocking Bird Zuddas turned professional in 1950 He held the Italian bantamweight title and fought " Abra Cadabra " is a 1983 Australian animated comedy/fantasy film Abra Cadabra " is a 1983 Australian animated comedy/fantasy film about by and written directed Alexander Stitt Jennifer Lynn Allard is a former All-American softball player at the University of Michigan Allard played for the Michigan Wolverines softball team from She was a third baseman as a freshman Allard , named was 1989 , Allard was named the Big Ten Player Allard was named the Big Ten Player of She has been the head coach at In Allard , told 1997 1997 , Allard told her team , Allard told her team that Allard she told that her team she told that her team was California , Allard played softball , Allard played softball for Allard played softball for Hall of Fame coach Carol Hutchins She began at Michigan as As Allard , led a freshman a freshman , Allard led the Wolverines , Allard led the Wolverines with Allard led the Wolverines with 26 RBIs She led the team in batting average She was also a four-time All-Big Ten Conference selection , She was the recipient of Michigan’s Conference Medal in Allard , ranked 1992 Allard , ranked 1992 in , Allard ranked in the top four all-time Allard ranked in the top four all-time in In Allard , accepted 1992 1992 , Allard accepted a full-time coaching position
, Allard accepted a full-time coaching position as Allard accepted a full-time coaching position as an assistant coach In Allard , accepted 1995 the head , Allard accepted 1995 Allard the head accepted coaching position the head accepted coaching position for She has been the head coach at She holds 313-249-1 overall record at Harvard Harvard has won four Ivy League softball titles in Allard has also been Harvard’s coach In Allard , led 1998 1998 , Allard led Harvard , Allard led Harvard to Allard led Harvard to the best season In Allard’s team , won 2000 2000 , Allard’s team won its second Ivy League championship , Allard’s team won its second Ivy League championship and Allard’s team won its second Ivy League championship and NCAA tournament berth Harvard , won again 2001 , Harvard again won the Ivy League title Harvard again won the Ivy League title after In the team , had 2002 2002 , the team had a 31-10 record , the team had a 31-10 record in the team had a 31-10 record in 2002 In Harvard , won 2007 2007 , Harvard won its fourth Ivy League championship , Harvard won its fourth Ivy League championship under Harvard won its fourth Ivy League championship under Allard In Allard , told 1997 1997 , Allard told her team , Allard told her team that Allard she told that her team she told that her team was Allard made the announcement to her players I could n't tell them could n't I tell them n't I tell them 'm I tell them 'm hiding Allard has spoken at conferences she , " said the forefront " It 's a big learning experience to It 's a big learning experience to have from she , sang solo work she , sang solo work for , she sang for Charlie Barnet she sang for Charlie Barnet , He played college football at Baylor University He was by drafted the Kansas City Chiefs was by drafted the Kansas City Chiefs in by drafted the Kansas City Chiefs in 1976 NFL Draft
The Greek Mob was formed in southern Greece was by in formed southern Greece by in southern Greece formed the original boss Pattakos also had strong ties with in Pattakos , decided the 1960s Pattakos , decided the 1960s to Pattakos decided to move his operations until Bouras , headed 1981 1981 , Bouras headed the Greek Mob , Bouras headed the Greek Mob in Bouras headed the Greek Mob in Philadelphia Bouras directed the mob efficiently , There have also been speculations also Martorano been that speculations Martorano been that speculations arranged , there have been some occurrences there have been some occurrences of have members been of some occurrences members been of some occurrences being by in 1997 Launched Thai company BEC-TERO TV3 Ghana established itself as the , TV3 has experienced major competition TV3 has experienced major competition in Despite TV3 , remains this TV3 , remains this popular TV3 remains popular for its showing The populations of primary concern are refugees As CFSI , relies a non-profit organisation CFSI , relies a non-profit organisation solely CFSI relies solely on funding on CFSI , started 1 June 1981 CFSI , started 1 June 1981 as , CFSI started as the Community Mental Health Services CFSI started as the Community Mental Health Services , CFSI , carrying is present CFSI is carrying out activities CFSI also provides training in The film stars John Barrymore , Marian Marsh He adopts a protégé , Fedor Ivanoff Fedor falls in love with He tries to separate them Fedor runs away with Nana Nana begs Tsarakov to give marry she ; agrees another man loves he ; refuses him he ; refuses him to Tsarakov threatens to kill him The Romanian Carpathians ( ) are a section This is an overview of the geological subdivisions The broadest divisions are shown in the map by prefers , Naffah frontman Roger Clyne of Naffah , remembers Chicago Chicago , Naffah remembers his first drum set , Naffah remembers his first drum set that Naffah he his first drum set remembers that he his first drum set remembers that received
What started as became a boyhood hobby started as a boyhood hobby became a drumming passion a boyhood hobby he became as a drumming passion he became as a drumming passion methodically Naffah he mimicked until the songs’ percussion parts he mimicked until the songs’ percussion parts mastered , he also found inspiration he also found inspiration in By Naffah , was age 15 Naffah , was age 15 in , Naffah was in a band Naffah was in a band and As Naffah , headed a doctor’s son Naffah , headed a doctor’s son to , Naffah headed to college Naffah headed to college to During he , drummed school he , drummed school for , he drummed for local bands he drummed for local bands and in he , left 1993 1993 , he left the band scene , he left the band scene , he left the band scene , took He rarely followed the local bands but In Blush , called 1995 1995 , Blush called Naffah , Blush called Naffah , Blush called Naffah , inviting a career that decided in medicine , the Refreshments grew from garage band the Refreshments grew from garage band to Their first label album from was 1996-1997 the Naffah is usually the first Dixon's discography as began a solo artist with The song reached number fourteen on she was signed to Asylum Records The album two yielded , four singles two yielded , four singles of he was obsessed with Mary Boydell apothecary ) which is a retail shop ) which is a retail shop provides which a retail shop is provides pharmaceutical drugs At a pharmacist , oversees the pharmacy the pharmacy , a pharmacist oversees the fulfillment , a pharmacist oversees the fulfillment of a pharmacist oversees the fulfillment of medical prescriptions A typical pharmacy would be in the commercial area , a retail outlet for is prescription drugs a retail outlet for is prescription drugs subject It was once the case that pharmacists once was that the case many pharmacies are now rather grocery store-like Community pharmacies offer a unique added value by building
consumers that recommends choose a pharmacy they using Anyone when drugs benefits drugs need delivered to their home Different pharmacies may charge different prices for a pharmacy , offer might prescriptions , a pharmacy might offer preventive healthcare services a pharmacy might offer preventive healthcare services like There are around 11,400 community pharmacies in England the pharmacist , required is mainland Europe a pharmacist , be can this arrangement , a pharmacist can be the operator a pharmacist can be the operator of Most of are New Zealand's community pharmacies owner A survey conducted by found PrescribeWellness conducted by PrescribeWellness found that by PrescribeWellness found that almost half Patients also value pharmacies where also they value where pharmacies they value where pharmacies can , 67% of responded patients 67% of responded patients that of they responded that patients they responded that patients would Many of are these pharmacies similar The primary difference is the method by which the medications the method by is which this consider to be more convenient and private method require some Internet pharmacies , sell a valid prescription a valid prescription , some Internet pharmacies sell prescription drugs , some Internet pharmacies sell prescription drugs without some Internet pharmacies sell prescription drugs without requiring Some customers order drugs from such pharmacies people the ease with is which be by for issued a legitimate medical purpose by for a legitimate medical purpose issued a licensed practitioner The filling pharmacy has a corresponding responsibility to ensure individual state laws what outline defines a valid patient-doctor relationship Canada is home to dozens there , been has the United States , there has been a push there has been a push to he , chosen was a high school student he was chosen as one of He , was this status He , was this status able He played two league games for Albirex he , signed officially 2006 he officially signed with Albirex Niigata His first appearance as came a professional player on 28 February 1993 ) who was a Finnish heavyweight boxer ) who was a Finnish heavyweight boxer competed
who was a Finnish heavyweight boxer competed in He won a bronze medal in 1952 Domestically he held the Finnish amateur heavyweight title in he held the Finnish amateur heavyweight title in 1951–1956 and 1958 In he turned 1958 professional he turned 1958 professional and McNeill was born near 2nd & Allegheny McNeill , scored once North Catholic High School He was selected as a 1st team All-Catholic player As McNeill , led the team's point guard the team's point guard , McNeill led the 1956 Falcons basketball team , McNeill led the 1956 Falcons basketball team to McNeill led the 1956 Falcons basketball team to a Philadelphia Catholic League Championship He then led the Falcons to He led the team to the NCAA tournament He was named first-team All-Big Upon McNeill , held graduating graduating , McNeill held the St. Joseph's record , McNeill held the St. Joseph's record for McNeill held the St. Joseph's record for assists He still owns school record for He was drafted in the 3rd round He played guard during the course He averaged 5 points and 3 assists In 1963 McNeill joined the Eastern Pennsylvania Basketball League (EPBL 1963 McNeill joined the Eastern Pennsylvania Basketball League (EPBL ) McNeill the Bullets helped win the 1964 Eastern League Championship the Bullets helped win the 1964 Eastern League Championship where It grows to a length of The spectacled caiman was by described Carl Linnaeus was by described Carl Linnaeus in by described Carl Linnaeus in 1758 The body mass of is most adults between The upperside of is the species upperside of is the species mostly , the black pigment within expands its skin cells the black pigment within expands its skin cells , it expands , making its skin cells The species has an enlarged 4th tooth , and It that has a long snout tapers that has a long snout tapers moderately Several ridges begin in front of , the diet of varies the spectacled caiman the diet of varies the spectacled caiman seasonally it , eats primarily the wet season , it primarily eats snails
it primarily eats snails and Smaller specimens tend to eat more insects , the most common animals in are this species' diet the most common animals in this species' diet are crabs , about 55% of had adult specimens about 55% of adult specimens had plants The spectacled caiman uses nine different vocalizations and 13 visual displays The spectacled caiman reaches sexual maturity from four to seven years old Specimens choose mates and engage The females build nests as a mound The nests are over in diameter Clutch size is 22 on average Females stay close to their nests females , so build the developing eggs , so females build their nests so females build their nests in females build their nests in a way that their nests in build a way in the nests , produce the nests decays the nests decays , the nests produce heat , the nests which produce heat the nests which produce heat can which produce heat can keep Heat not only incubates the eggs They are yellow with black spots Parents raise their young in They take care of their Young are by threatened various predators are by threatened various predators , by threatened various predators , such The spectacled caiman has the largest range of any caiman It is found in various countries It lives in Brazil , its range , so is cold climates It usually lives in forests It prefers habitats with calm water In the species , lives Brazil the species , lives Brazil in , the species lives in the rivers the species lives in the rivers Amazon The adult population of estimated is this crocodilian About four million spectacled caimans are found in Venezuela This is an example of how The skin of covered is the spectacled caiman which with covered , osteoderms at least 6 million skins ; exported were leather at least 6 million skins were exported from Colombia conservation efforts since have caused a significant reduction most countries , hunting is this species , hunting is this species legal habitat loss does not affect the species
and the United States negatively impact the native animals the United States negatively impact the native animals there ) – both species eat mostly insects – both species eat mostly insects as both species eat mostly insects as juveniles This causes interspecific competition , making it causes , making interspecific competition Conservation programs for used are this species The most common form of conservation is the use A similar program released over 15,000 juveniles into wetlands Previously , Colombia restricted the exportation , Colombia restricted the exportation of Colombia restricted the exportation of spectacled caiman skins The spectacled caiman is listed as a species Polish culture in the interwar period witnessed the rebirth no longer by suppressed the three foreign partitioners The territories of were the Prussian Partition most the Second Polish Republic , had also Poland , the Second Polish Republic also had numerous vibrant national minorities the Second Polish Republic also had numerous vibrant national minorities , It whose ethno-cultural makeup was a multicultural society was whose ethno-cultural makeup was a multicultural society was shaped to the Catholic Poles , constituted the first-ever national census the first-ever national census , the Catholic Poles constituted 69.2% , the Catholic Poles constituted 69.2% of the Catholic Poles constituted 69.2% of the population The minorities amounted to 30.8% of The rise of resulted new intelligentsia in In new universities , opened 1919 new universities , opened 1919 in , new universities opened in Poznań new universities opened in Poznań , The Elementary School Teachers Union was formed in 1919 , the total number of increased schools the total number of increased schools by In a major trade fair established was 1921 a major trade fair established was 1921 in a major trade fair was established in Lwów could 400 boast , some 1,600 exhibitors 400 boast , some 1,600 exhibitors of The fair attracted 150,000 visitors that year fair attracted 150,000 visitors that year , a similar trade fair , launched was 1928 a similar trade fair was launched in Wilno ) was by visited the staggering 180,000 guests was by visited the staggering 180,000 guests in
by visited the staggering 180,000 guests in the first year New theatres opened in Bydgoszcz ( in the "Teatr Narodowy opened " 1924 the "Teatr Narodowy opened " 1924 , by , followed opened the "Teatr Bogusławskiego There were also several vibrant theatre companies in By 1936 there were 26 permanent dramatic theatres 1936 there were 26 permanent dramatic theatres in there were 26 permanent dramatic theatres in the country The Kraków Philharmonic Concert Hall by inspired the Brussels' Maison du Peuple , by inspired the Brussels' Maison du Peuple , was Music conservatories were established in Warszaw the main branch of erected was Poland's National Museum The period saw the introduction of the studio system The studio discovered the then 17-year-old Pola Negri and made In 1926 the Polish Radio began its regular broadcasts 1926 the Polish Radio began its regular broadcasts from the Polish Radio began its regular broadcasts from Warsaw It was one of the most important state institutions It was by proposed Stefan Żeromski was by proposed Stefan Żeromski in by proposed Stefan Żeromski in order The Academy awarded two highest national honors for contribution The main objective was to raise the quality level The spirit of rebirth affected not only Poland's mainstream society the Ukrainian press , boast could the late 1930s , the Ukrainian press could boast some 68 titles the Ukrainian press could boast some 68 titles published It was published on a weekly basis Other popular dailies included "Nowyi czas " and The Belarusian press consisted of 16 periodicals ; the seminars on held were Ukrainian history on by were held Ukrainian history Ukrainian history were by held renowned scholar were by held renowned scholar , by held renowned scholar , prof who Myron Korduba taught Jerzy Giedroyc among Other renowned Jewish authors included Bruno Schulz , Julian Tuwim Singer Jan Kiepura was one of the most famous artists in Leopold (Leib) Pilichowski , were Poland Leopold (Leib) Pilichowski , were Poland trained by Leopold (Leib) Pilichowski trained were Samuel Hirszenberg the school year of there were 1937–1938 of 1937–1938 there were 226 elementary schools
1937–1938 there were 226 elementary schools and there were 226 elementary schools and twelve high schools A network of run was 219 secular Yiddish language schools of by was run 219 secular Yiddish language schools 219 secular Yiddish language schools was by run TSYSHO (Central Yiddish School Organization was by run TSYSHO (Central Yiddish School Organization ) by run TSYSHO (Central Yiddish School Organization ) with The Sony Ericsson T650i that is a mobile phone was that is a mobile phone was announced The T650i was available in four different colour schemes The T650 features a 3.2 megapixel camera ( with The phone also features a MP3/AAC music player , The phone comes with 16 MB of The phone which features flash themes phone which features flash themes change which features flash themes change depending , a gang of boarded seven armed convicts a gang of seven armed convicts boarded the ship They seized the crew and the ship's owner Off Cape Frederick they released their captives Cape Frederick they released their captives – they released their captives – Mansel Mansel and the crew navigated their way the ship , found that Special Commissioner J.T. Bigg Vietnamese is an analytic language , meaning it is , meaning an analytic language The basic word order is subject-verb-object ( SVO has been by called several other names been by called several other names , by called several other names , including can be by distinguished its different behavior Focus "cái " always precedes a following classifier , the item in is focus the item in is focus " Here , it is the feature , it is the feature of it is the feature of the horse's blackness that the feature of is the horse's blackness Vietnamese uses a rich set of classifiers Nouns may require the animate classifier even they require even if the animate classifier More specific classifiers typically indicate the shape of Some linguists count as many as 200 classifiers in Vietnamese Possession is shown in Vietnamese The pronouns are categorized into two classes Like Vietnamese pronouns , indicate other Asian pronominal systems
other Asian pronominal systems , Vietnamese pronouns indicate the social status , Vietnamese pronouns indicate the social status between Vietnamese pronouns indicate the social status between speakers The first person "tôi " that is the only pronoun " that is the only pronoun can that is the only pronoun can be these forms are otherwise considered impolite The third person form " nó " There is an inclusive plural distinction in the first person : "chúng tôi an inclusive plural distinction in is the first person The other class of known are pronouns can be by preceded the pluralizer be by preceded the pluralizer in by preceded the pluralizer in southern dialects Kinship terms in become have Vietnamese they , used are these cases they are used as honorifics another is considered more personal in cardinal and ordinal numerals , occur noun phrases cardinal and ordinal numerals , occur noun phrases in , cardinal and ordinal numerals occur in different syntactic positions cardinal and ordinal numerals occur in different syntactic positions with The Vietnamese word for is 100 " Number formation generally follows the same logic as The Vietnamese word for 1,000 is "ngàn be by from distinguished nouns by from nouns distinguished their ability required , Vietnamese has many particles , Vietnamese that has many particles Vietnamese that has many particles are that has many particles are used The topic–comment structure is an important sentence type in Vietnamese The "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in is " Quantum Electronics " by is published a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal by a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published is the IEEE Photonics Society It covers research on quantum electronics Xonotla is a town located northeast It shares a border with Tuzamapan de Galeana The town gets its name from the Nahuatl word The town was called "Xonotla " The place was by named Ixocélotl was whose name by named Ixocélotl whose name by named Ixocélotl means The place was by founded Ixocélotl was by founded Ixocélotl in by founded Ixocélotl in 1180 Xonotla the conquistadors was when a densely populated area the conquistadors was when a densely populated area arrived
Two languages were spoken at that time Flora are chalahuite , jonote It has ferns , including Fauna range from armadillo, wild boar , The largest is the Náhuatl followed largest by is followed the Náhuatl by the Náhuatl followed is the Totonaco Xonotla produces corn , beans Farm animals include cattle , pigs Legend a miracle has that it a miracle has that it took , a native walking across saw the mountain a native walking across a rock saw the mountain across a rock saw the mountain fall a rock saw the mountain fall away He was born in Solingen to he , assisted Bunsen Bunsen , he assisted him , he assisted him in he assisted him in his great "Völlstandiges Bibelwerk für At the same time he was privatdocent the same time he was privatdocent at he was privatdocent at Heidelberg to she , was her current role her current role , she was an Orchestra (Strings) teacher , she was an Orchestra (Strings) teacher at she was an Orchestra (Strings) teacher at Lindsay Place High School She was also a member of It is the country's second-tier football competition , contested by is , contested the country's second-tier football competition The Liga Nacional de Ascenso was formed in 2009 Other important goals were league expansion to 16 teams The league was successful with attendance records , the clay soil bed at became Saint-Jean-Vianney the clay soil bed at became Saint-Jean-Vianney saturated that saturated with became water the earth at dropped suddenly Saint-Jean-Vianney The Saint-Jean-Vianney site was subsequently declared unsafe The site of remains Saint-Jean-Vianney uninhabited Gyeongin National University of Education Station is located at Gyeyang district The station was opened in 1999 the term , changed was 2003 the term was changed following the alteration Rossetter Park is a public park located on The capsule of the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint is the articular capsule "frozen shoulder syndrome " that is a common shoulder capsule pathology " that is a common shoulder capsule pathology results that is a common shoulder capsule pathology results when the shoulder capsule , inflamed becomes the damage
The name originally derives from Taiwanese He served as an offensive coordinator with He was significantly the son of Edgar Hanfstaengl was born in Munich Edgar completed a training as commercial purchaser At Edgar set the beginning of the 1860s out Edgar set the beginning of the 1860s out for Edgar set out for Asia In he returned 1867 to 1867 he returned to Munich he returned to Munich to In he embarked the same year upon the same year he embarked upon a love-affair he embarked upon a love-affair with Three days later Sophie met Edgar in Sophie met Edgar in his father's photographic studio attended by occurred , the utmost secrecy by occurred , the utmost secrecy in The couple had 5 children : Edgar The eldest son Edgar from took 1907 The Breadwinner by was made a solid body electric guitar by a solid body electric guitar made was the Ovation Guitar Company It is one of the few solid body electrics they one of is the few solid body electrics It has an unusual ergonomic body made of There were three distinct models based upon The Breadwinners were coated in Kaman Industries' "LyraChord" material Early models were equipped with Ovation's toroidal single pole pickups later models with equipped while Ovation's toroidal single pole pickups of the guitar , was the model the model , the guitar was one , the guitar was one of the guitar was one of the guitarists allowed to get a very wide range Björn Ulvaeus of ABBA used a white version Colin Newman of uses also the band Wire T.Rex seen can be glam rock group " , Obst was a back pocket specialist , Obst was a back pocket specialist but Obst was a back pocket specialist but occasionally In 1967 he was a surprise winner 1967 he was a surprise winner of he was a surprise winner of the Magarey Medal He was a member of Port Adelaide premiership teams Joseph Strub was born in Strasbourg he , given was a Holy Ghost Father , he was given permission he was given permission to
He worked there from 1857 to 1863 He became the Vicar General to Mgr He was Chaplain General of the French prisoners He accepted the order , however All Tuigg promised was a recommendation to Strub also wrote the Superior General in You have no idea how useful the English language have how useful no idea Strub and his fellow Spiritans established the Pittsburgh Catholic College of the Holy Ghost Bishop Tuigg did not provide the support did not he provide the support not he provide the support had he provide the support had promised in Strub , visited Arkansas Arkansas , Strub visited the state , Strub visited the state and Strub visited the state and wrote Bishop Fitzgerald visited and wrote the state The Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad granted the mission several hundred thousand acres of In Strub , moved January 1879 January 1879 , Strub moved the mission , Strub moved the mission to Strub moved the mission to Morrilton In Strub , wrote 1880 Strub , wrote 1880 " , Strub wrote " Der Leitstern Strub wrote " Der Leitstern " ninety-five Catholic families , settled had 1889 ninety-five Catholic families had settled near Morrilton A drought in the mid-1880s stymied immigration the mission stymied , but immigration , the Holy Ghost Fathers's novitiate moved to Pittsburgh the Holy Ghost Fathers's novitiate moved to Pittsburgh in " Operation Darkness " is a tactical role-playing game Operation Darkness " is a tactical role-playing game for A North American version was released on June 24, 2008 was by on released June 24, 2008 by on June 24, 2008 released Atlus " Operation Darkness " follows a squad Operation Darkness " follows a squad of The story covers much of the real history The game diverges significantly from real history Gameplay consists of a series of Battles play out in standard tactical role-playing game characters , move can a turn The battle system also includes factors like characters killed in remain battle Characters possess the following attributes : HP, MS Each character also has specific weapon-related abilities and
characters , carry can addition , characters can carry up to five weapons characters can carry up to five weapons and Two player characters can transform into werewolves which into transform , werewolves Operation Darkness " received " generally unfavorable reviews in 1914 , was California California , 1914 was an election , 1914 was an election for 1914 was an election for California's delegation e="preserve">Catullus 58b by is written a poem by a poem written is the Roman poet Catullus In he tells this poem that he tells this poem that under he tells that under no circumstances There is debate as to it that believe was an earlier draft others it feel was a separate poem it feel was a separate poem entirely The first members of rebuilt were the XR class The second group of built were three locomotives They differ from the earlier units as Hectopsyllidae is a small family of fleas These fleas usually parasitize terrestrial mammals , Woite was a key position player , used in Woite , had 1969 1969 , Woite had a good year , Woite had a good year in Woite had a good year in 1970 which a good year in had 1970 He won the Magarey Medal in 1975 Gyeyang station is the northern terminus of Line 1 A tendon sheath is a layer of synovial membrane Tlalpujahua (; formally Tlalpujahua de Rayón ) It is a former mining town , home A major landslide of mud and mining debris damaged this mine Mining continued until 1959 , of Christmas tree began making Joaquín Muñoz Orta Christmas tree began making Joaquín Muñoz Orta ornaments another factory , there are about 150 small workshops , there are about 150 small workshops dedicated there are about 150 small workshops dedicated to It is filled with stone paved streets is which with filled stone paved streets which with filled stone paved streets rise Along the streets there are houses the streets there are houses with there are houses with thick walls A number has wooden balconies and other wood details In Tlalpujahua , became 2005
2005 , Tlalpujahua became the 20th town , Tlalpujahua became the 20th town to Tlalpujahua became the 20th town to be Tlalpujahua's history is tied to mining The major mine of the area was the Dos Estrellas Mine the area which was , the Dos Estrellas Mine which was , the Dos Estrellas Mine was This mine was the largest producer of gold A major landslide caused damage to the mine The mine museum contains mining equipment and a collection Some of hold also the buildings of workshops also hold the buildings workshops also hold the buildings and The garden areas of the museum contain sculptures They were by made Gustavo Bernal were by made Gustavo Bernal , by made Gustavo Bernal , the director The museum also has a bookshop and Tlalpujahua is one of a number What sets is apart it sets is apart it that it apart is that it The industry began with Joaquín Muñoz Orta , who with began , Joaquín Muñoz Orta He returned to Mexico in They initially sold the trees in By they , decided the end of the decade they , decided the end of the decade to they decided to move their workshop home Today , the company has about 1,000 employees , the company has about 1,000 employees , the company has about 1,000 employees , five plants It is considered the largest such enterprise in This is one of two established large factories In there , are addition addition , there are about 150 smaller workshops , there are about 150 smaller workshops making there are about 150 smaller workshops making various kinds by , usually blown men Colors vary and include red, pink, yellow, blue gold The classic ornaments there are but simple glass spheres there are but simple glass spheres are Workshops in the area have over 300 standard designs Most of the painters are women The creation of given have these glass spheres Local authorities see the ornament industry as a way The industry employs about 10,000 people , and of there , were 2015 2015 , there were about 200 workshops
, there were about 200 workshops in there were about 200 workshops in town that about 200 workshops in were town From the seat , hosts November to early December the seat , hosts November to early December an the seat hosts an annual fair It exhibits ornaments , trees It was constructed in the first half of the 18th century It originally had rich Baroque ornamentation both one can still see the Baroque portal The levels are by divided paths are which by divided paths which by divided paths guard outside lights , installed were 2009 The last remodeling of came the interior in The project was by sponsored Father José María Galván was by sponsored Father José María Galván and by sponsored Father José María Galván and done first glance the work of looks Orta Menchaca the work of looks Orta Menchaca to Today , the main altar has an image , the main altar has an image of the main altar has an image of Our Lady The Mount Carmel image comes from a former chapel dedicated the image was was painted which , the face of was the image the face of was the image also The salvation of considered was the image The project was by realized the residents was by realized the residents themselves by realized the residents themselves with The monastery of built was San Francisco It was home to poet Manuel Martínez de Navarrete The Santiago Puxtla Church was built in the 16th century It which is a simple construction originally which is a simple construction originally was is still by used locals still by used locals and by used locals and one The chapel of Señor Jesús del Monte is one The museum was opened in 1973 Most craft items are related to Christmas One local workshop called La Estanzuela produces high fire ceramics both traditionally cooked in adobe ovens at it , hosts the end of the October the end of the October , it hosts the annual Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror Mórbido , it hosts the annual Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror Mórbido (
it hosts the annual Festival Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror Mórbido ( International Festival , there are also events there are also events related The films are from both Mexico and The event is by sponsored a number is by sponsored a number of by sponsored a number of organizations Tlalpujahua is host to the most important horror film festival The films are shown in a number The festival gives young filmmakers a chance to The 2010 festival paid homage to the Cardona family , the town of is Tlalpujahua the town of Tlalpujahua is the local governing authorities The municipality has a total population of 25,373 The municipality is located in the far northeast It is 156 km from the capital The municipality is connected to Atlacomulco There that are state highways link that state highways are link it Other important communities include San Francisco de Los Reyes , Tlacotepec of there , were 2005 2005 , there were only 49 people , there were only 49 people in there were only 49 people in the municipality that only 49 people in were the municipality While the municipality had a negative growth rate in the municipality had a negative growth rate in the 1990s by mountainous dominated is the Sierra de Tlalpujahua It has one river called the San José There are also fresh water springs and It has a temperate climate with rain The municipality is by dominated forests is by dominated forests of by dominated forests of pine Wildlife includes cacomixtle , raccoons The area is part of a rugged mountain chain that part of is a rugged mountain chain of it , is Mexico Mexico , it is an area , it is an area historically it is an area historically rich The most important economic activity now is industry , This is concentrated in the town Other products include pencil sharpeners , stone products Principle crops include corn , beans Livestock include cattle , pigs It accounts for twenty percent of the municipality has been making efforts Outside there , are the municipal seat