he tries to persuade her , they hear on the radio they hear on the radio that D-Day on hear that the radio David discovers the spies in a room , the rumour among was crew members the rumour among was crew members that among a close relationship was that crew members a close relationship was that crew members had The film was released in the United States the film " said that the "New York Times The series consists of nine films : A demonic interpretation followed in " Wes Craven's New Nightmare Freddy was involved in a crossover The series was rebooted in 2010 In the series Freddy Krueger has the ability the series Freddy Krueger has the ability to Freddy Krueger has the ability to enter Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp ) survives his attacks She was by replaced Alice Johnson was by replaced Alice Johnson (Lisa Wilcox by replaced Alice Johnson (Lisa Wilcox ) he " , returns Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare , he returns in subsequent media the character , changed is Freddy the character is changed from a child murderer it , considered is critical and financial flops , it is considered one it is considered one of Donald "Don" Thompson is the father of Nancy Thompson of he , participates the first film he , participates the first film in , he participates in the murder he participates in the murder of After he , divorces this this , he divorces Nancy's mother Freddy " , resumes "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 " , Freddy resumes his attacks , Freddy resumes his attacks on Freddy resumes his attacks on children She and Neil Gordon visit Don uncover Freddy , seizes his body his body , Freddy seizes control , Freddy seizes control of Freddy seizes control of his skeleton He kills Don by impaling into he , forces the real world the real world , he forces Don , he forces Don to he forces Don to summon Nancy , become has her She forgives her father , and Don has a cameo appearance in "
The Springwood Slasher ) who is a child killer ) who is a child killer is who is a child killer is responsible dreams ; he uses this ; he uses this to he uses this to stalk his parents ) , participated Glen , his parents participated in the murder his parents participated in the murder of He begins having a series of Nancy prepares to confront Krueger Nancy can not awaken him Freddy pulls Glen through his bed Nancy ; finds later the bed ; Nancy later finds his headphones Nancy later finds his headphones in Nancy turns her back on by as possessed revealed Freddy This was Depp's first film role , and he was , and Depp's first film role Depp reprised his role as Glen Marge Thompson is the mother of Nancy Thompson , she struggles with Nancy's growing instability she struggles with Nancy's growing instability from by Marge , reveals Nancy Marge , reveals Nancy that Freddy that reveals was a child murderer Marge which shows ( Nancy Krueger's glove which shows ( Nancy Krueger's glove is seeking she ; installs revenge revenge ; she installs locks ; she installs locks on she installs locks on the doors defeats she , finds him her mother , she finds him her friends are by targeted Freddy Krueger are by targeted Freddy Krueger in by targeted Freddy Krueger in nightmares murdering she , searches their children she , searches their children for , she searches for ways she searches for ways to In she " is "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 " she is an intern " she is an intern specializing she is an intern specializing in however , he uses the guise , he uses the guise of he uses the guise of her father As she , is Heather Langenkamp Heather Langenkamp , she is a main character , she is a main character in she is a main character in " she , destroys finally the end , she finally destroys Freddy Heather then finds a copy of
she , murdered is Tina she is murdered in a dream is by in murdered a dream by in a dream murdered Freddy Rod is arrested on suspicion He who tells ( Nancy who tells ( Nancy visits in he , commits the real world the real world , he commits suicide , he commits suicide by he commits suicide by hanging Tina she tells that Nancy she tells that Nancy has Tina's father left his family shortly afterwards Tina is attacked in a dream Freddy uses images of the dead Tina , Tina appears in Lori Campbell's first nightmare Tina appears in Lori Campbell's first nightmare of wearing she , tells her blue nightshirt her blue nightshirt , she tells Lori , she tells Lori : she tells Lori : " Freddy tells : " Lori Jesse Walsh who is a student moves who is a student moves into Freddy possesses Jesse , using He confides his fear to his friend Jesse retreats to his girlfriend Lisa's house Freddy goes to the boiler room where he to goes where the boiler room Lisa Jesse confronts and him Jesse confronts and him regains Critics noted the lack of interest Jesse the lack of noted interest At he confronted is a gay S&M club by he is confronted a gay S&M club he is by confronted Schneider is by confronted Schneider , by confronted Schneider , his homosexual gym teacher In Patton , published 2012 Patton , published 2012 " , Patton published " Jesse's Lost Journal Patton published " Jesse's Lost Journal " Sixty-eight journal entries span the period from 1982 to 1985 Jesse's father : hints that screen Jesse's father that hints is a pedophile Jesse supposedly kills Lisa Webber at The remaining 38 entries focus on Jesse's time in Lisa Webber who is a popular girl is who is a popular girl is attracted Lisa tries to convince Jesse Freddy tries to kill her by the bus ; careers Freddy the bus ; careers Freddy off ; the bus careers off the road the bus careers off the road ,
Jesse confides his fears about Freddy to a homoerotic subtext , implies Robert Englund a homoerotic subtext , implies Robert Englund that Schneider is Jesse and Ron's abusive coach around Jesse , wanders his home his home , Jesse wanders the streets , Jesse wanders the streets and Jesse wanders the streets and seeks Schneider he confronts when him he confronts when him tries objects begin flying off shelves A jump rope binds his arms , and he binds , and his arms She decides to become a nun to she ; gives Frederick Charles Krueger Frederick Charles Krueger ; she gives him ; she gives him up she gives him up for she ; bricks actually his release ; she actually bricks herself she actually bricks herself into As Amanda , returns an elderly nun Amanda , returns an elderly nun to Amanda returns to help Neil Gordon resurrect her son ; keeps him him ; her son keeps her ; her son keeps her from her son keeps her from telling in Freddy , lures her dreams her dreams , Freddy lures her , Freddy lures her away Freddy lures her away by fight she , sends Freddy Freddy , she sends Yvonne , she sends Yvonne to she sends Yvonne to Amanda's resting place Amanda , summoned is ' Amanda is by summoned Jacob is by summoned Jacob to by summoned Jacob to help Kristen Parker is one of the last Elm Street children who one of is the last Elm Street children falling she attacked is asleep by she is attacked asleep she is by attacked Freddy is by attacked Freddy , who by attacked , Freddy Kristen ; admitted is a suicide attempt Kristen is admitted to Westin Hills Hospital she learns to control an ability which to control learns an ability In "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4" Kristen is a false protagonist similar "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4" Kristen is a false protagonist similar to She is released from Westin Hills Her poor relationship with worsens her mother when with Kristen worsens when her mother
Kristen worsens when her mother learns she , pulls unwittingly her dreams , she unwittingly pulls her friend she unwittingly pulls her friend Alice Johnson Kristen , killed is Alice Kristen is by killed Freddy is by killed Freddy ( who by killed ( Freddy was not by approached New Line not by approached New Line to by approached New Line to reprise Jennifer Caulfield is a teenaged patient at Westin Hills Hospital who a teenaged patient at is Westin Hills Hospital star , she watches shows , she watches shows to she watches shows to learn dreaming , she approaches the wall-mounted TV , she approaches the wall-mounted TV in she approaches the wall-mounted TV in the hospital Joseph "Joey" Crusel is a mute patient at Westin Hills Joey is by seduced an attractive nurse is who by seduced an attractive nurse who by seduced an attractive nurse , him holds hostage in the dream world is later by freed Nancy later by freed Nancy and by freed Nancy and Kincaid Max Daniels is an orderly at meeting he , begins Nancy Thompson he , begins Nancy Thompson to In Gordon , appears literature Gordon , appears literature in , Gordon appears in the 1991 short story collection Gordon appears in the 1991 short story collection " Dr. Andy Curtis of struggling is Springwood Mental Health Center who to treat struggling several adolescent patients , Dr. Gordon is actually a patient Dr. Gordon is actually a patient ( Dr. Gordon recounts the events of "Dream Warriors In Neil , learned Gainesville Neil , learned Gainesville via , Neil learned via a letter Neil learned via a letter sent Neil returned in " Nightmares on Elm Street In he , joins the series the series , he joins forces , he joins forces with he joins forces with Nancy Thompson Neil appears in the comic series ' Freddy and Jason launch an attack Phillip Anderson is a patient at Westin Hills who a patient at is Westin Hills Roland Kincaid is a patient at Westin Hills Hospital who a patient at is Westin Hills Hospital
are by into pulled the dream world by into the dream world pulled Kristen Parker Roland " , leaves "A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 " , Roland leaves the hospital , Roland leaves the hospital after Roland the nightmares leaves after the hospital the nightmares leaves after the hospital end Roland is mentioned in the second issue Taryn White is a fellow patient at Westin Hills Hospital She has a history of drug abuse Taryn goes into her dreams with In she transforms her dreams into her dreams she transforms into a punk beauty she transforms into a punk beauty and Alice is a friend of Kristen Parker Freddy Krueger requires her to bring freddy ; begins then her dreams freddy then begins summoning Alice's friends personality traits are by absorbed Alice are by absorbed Alice ( by absorbed Alice ( making Alice confronts Freddy with her new abilities of she , forces broken glass broken glass , she forces Freddy , she forces Freddy to she forces Freddy to see , Alice is dating Dan Jordan Alice is dating Dan Jordan and Alice defeats Freddy with the help by Alice , returns Innovation Comics Alice , returns Innovation Comics to , Alice returns to Springwood Alice returns to Springwood after , Alice appears in Philip Nutman's "Dead Highway Alice appears in Philip Nutman's "Dead Highway , Alice , ensnared becomes a major accident Alice becomes ensnared in the dream world becomes by in ensnared the dream world by in the dream world ensnared Freddy Krueger Jacob , finds eventually Joe Bob , Jacob eventually finds his mother Alice's blossoming is coupled with the mirror the mirror is loaded with photographs is that with loaded photographs that with loaded photographs obscure rather she from hide what she from hide what considers , she takes down the photos she takes down the photos and Freddy's reflection " ; encompasses Freddy's storyline contradicts she ; is the "final girl" stereotype she ; is the "final girl" stereotype a , the women on are Elm Street the women on Elm Street are tough, resourceful, powerful role models
I immediately fell in love She who 's a daydreamer was who 's a daydreamer was kind I was totally a wallflower There 's a lot of Lisa , his friendship with introduces Rick Johnson his friendship with Rick Johnson introduces him Dan joins Alice to help Dan and Alice begin a romantic relationship Alice Alice begin and a romantic relationship Alice begin and a romantic relationship becomes Dan ) , falls the unborn Jacob's dreams , he crashes into a truck he crashes into a truck ; his pickup into crashes ; a truck killed by has , Freddy Krueger by Freddy Krueger , has a deep-rooted fear however , Freddy traps Alice , Freddy traps Alice in Freddy traps Alice in a time loop Rick is Alice Johnson's twin brother , Dan Jordan's friend He has a great interest in Japanese martial arts Rick , refuses still Kristen Sheila is a friend of Alice Johnson her motto ) ; is the boys ; her motto is " mind her motto is " mind over Jacob is the son of Alice Johnson Freddy Krueger " , returns A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 , Freddy Krueger returns in Jacob's dreams Freddy Krueger returns in Jacob's dreams before he in returns before Jacob's dreams is freed by tells Yvonne, Amanda Krueger's soul freed by Yvonne, Amanda Krueger's soul tells Jacob's spirit by Yvonne, Amanda Krueger's soul tells Jacob's spirit to in Jacob , enters a serious accident a serious accident , Jacob enters the dream world , Jacob enters the dream world in Jacob enters the dream world in search He befriends Joe Bob ( an anthropomorphic armadillo Alice find ensnared in a strange version in Jacob ; hits a psychotic rage a psychotic rage ; Jacob hits Karl ; Jacob hits Karl in Jacob hits Karl in the back a now teenaged Jacob Johnson ) , is Black Flame ) , a now teenaged Jacob Johnson is a Westin Hills patient Jacob was institutionalized as a result Alice as institutionalized and a result escaping Jacob , sees Westin Hills Westin Hills , Jacob sees visions
, Jacob sees visions of Jacob sees visions of Alice There his father is that no doubt his father is that no doubt Dan Jacob's future is explored in the first story arc He returns to Springwood with Freddy tries to manipulate Jacob Jacob learns about Freddy's plans , who with reunite , Dan Jacob later appears in the crossover by she , falls her mother she , falls her mother asleep she falls asleep at the table Freddy binds Greta to his chair Mark is a friend of Alice Johnson with he , is comic books comic books , he is a talented comic-book artist , he is a talented comic-book artist , he is a talented comic-book artist , knowledgeable he begins to take her is later by attacked Freddy later by attacked Freddy , by attacked Freddy , but Alice asks Mark to research Mark later watches over Alice while she over watches while Alice Alice sends Yvonne to now-abandoned Westin Hills Hospital Carlos Rodriguez by is counseled a youth by a youth counseled is Maggie Burroughs to Carlos , stows Springwood Carlos , stows Springwood away Carlos stows away in their van by they , rest Maggie they , rest Maggie at , they rest at a nearby house He can control his own dreams , him control , allowing his own dreams The Dream Demons which are three serpentine entities are which are three serpentine entities are revealed by the demons , appear a vigilante mob the demons , appear a vigilante mob to , the demons appear to him the demons appear to him with Freddy the demons accepts and the offer the demons accepts and the offer merge John Doe is the last surviving child in Springwood by he knocked is Freddy he knocked is Freddy beyond he is knocked beyond the Springwood limits is by up picked the police by up picked the police and discover he , learns his identity he , learns his identity that Freddy that learns had a child Loretta is Freddy's wife and the mother lead Freddy's murderous nature , overcomes a normal life
a normal life , Freddy's murderous nature overcomes him she , had has some time , she has had recurring nightmares she has had recurring nightmares of Maggie meets John Doe , and about she , brings Springwood Springwood , she brings him , she brings him there she brings him there to is Freddy , tells himself himself , Freddy tells him , Freddy tells him ( Freddy tells him ( before , a number of disappear children a number of disappear children from Freddy ; arrested is the murderer The young, traumatized Katherine " forgets " her life She stops her father by pulling She is the main protagonist in the unfinished storyline Maggie begins having nightmares after Maggie and Neil Gordon found a support group use she , reveals the Necronomicon the Necronomicon , she reveals herself , she reveals herself as she reveals herself as Freddy's daughter The alcoholic Edward Underwood who is , Freddy's physically- and mentally-abusive foster father who is , Freddy's physically- and mentally-abusive foster father adopts by sent , is Maggie Burroughs his father's expectations to sent because her shelter He is fascinated with video games to Spencer , stows Springwood Spencer , stows Springwood away Spencer stows away in their van Tracy Swan is a youth , also to Tracy , stows Springwood Tracy , stows Springwood away Tracy stows away in their van , he lies to her he lies to her that he to lies that her Heather later calls him , en Freddy's claw ; slashes route route ; Freddy's claw slashes his abdomen ; Freddy's claw slashes his abdomen , Freddy's claw slashes his abdomen , causing view she , notices his body his body , she notices the claw marks , she notices the claw marks on she notices the claw marks on his chest He begins having strange dreams and He later abducts Dylan to on Heather , begins a new "Nightmare" film Heather , begins a new "Nightmare" film having , Heather begins having prophetic nightmares Heather begins having prophetic nightmares about Her husband is killed under strange circumstances
her son under killed and strange circumstances Freddy that learns is an entity in Craven , says the films Craven , says the films that Heather that says gave her character Freddy captures Dylan to lure She she tells that Heather she tells that Heather has Julie watches over Dylan in Englund is a fictionalized version of Robert Englund He she supports when Heather she supports when Heather begins for he , leaves his safety he , leaves his safety home Englund is also an artist in Craven is a fictionalized version of Wes Craven however , his nightmares compelled him , his nightmares compelled him to his nightmares compelled him to make He provides information and support Bill Freeburg who is a Springwood teenager joins who a Springwood teenager is joins Lori Campbell They steal hypnocil ( to Charlie Linderman who is a Springwood teenager has who a Springwood teenager is has an unrequited crush Gibb Smith is a Springwood teenager and a friend She is in an emotionally abusive relationship with she is by killed Jason is by killed Jason in by killed Jason in the real world forgotten , Freddy manipulates Jason , Freddy manipulates Jason in Freddy manipulates Jason in the disguise Lori Campbell who is a Springwood teenager begins who is a Springwood teenager begins having In she , learns a dream she , learns a dream that Freddy that learns murdered her mother rapes Lori , holds her Lori , holds her on Lori holds on to him on Lori , uses a dock a dock , Lori uses gasoline , Lori uses gasoline and Lori uses gasoline and propane however , Jason incapacitates him , Jason incapacitates him and Jason Lori incapacitates and him Lori incapacitates and him decapitates Keena praised her character's depth : " I praised : " her character's depth She has an arc in the film She 's the real hero of the story Lori and Will's deaths that said were a way this scene ; appears also her this scene also appears in the film's novelization Kia Waterson is a Springwood teenager and a friend
to she , insults Charlie Linderman Charlie Linderman , she insults him of Kia , begins gruesome murders Kia , begins gruesome murders having , Kia begins having nightmares Kia begins having nightmares about Mark Davis is a patient at Westin Hills Hospital who a patient at is Westin Hills Hospital was also by tormented Freddy also by tormented Freddy until he by tormented until Freddy Mark provides Will Rollins , Lori Campbell he , given is the hospital , he is given hypnocil he is given hypnocil to of he , overhears murders murders , he overhears the name , he overhears the name "Freddy he overhears the name "Freddy " Scott suspects a Jason copycat , but the sheriff suspects , but a Jason copycat He joins Lori Campbell and her friends They go to Westin Hills Hospital , Dean Russell who is a teenager is who is a teenager is experiencing Jesse Braun who is a teenager has who a teenager is has nightmares he refuses to admit his own experiences under Jesse , goes strange circumstances Jesse , goes strange circumstances to , Jesse goes to her house Jesse goes to her house and she to goes and her house Jesse , arrested is her after Freddy , wants his son's death Freddy , wants his son's death to Freddy wants to kill the parents Freddy Krueger who is a school gardener sexually who is a school gardener sexually abuses He brings them to a hidden location doing , they hunt him , they hunt him down they hunt him down and After he , returns his death he , returns his death to he returns to stalk the children to they , plan them they , plan them to they plan to bring Freddy They pull him into the waking world He is a playable guest character in " In " Mortal Kombat" Freddy's voice resembles that " Mortal Kombat" Freddy's voice resembles that of Mortal Kombat" Freddy's voice resembles that of the original series commit she , asks suicide suicide , she asks her ex-boyfriend
, she asks her ex-boyfriend Jesse she asks her ex-boyfriend Jesse to Nancy Holbrook who is a teenage waitress sees who a teenage waitress is sees her friend She begins dreaming about a burned man all the other children that learns in the photo the parents ; joined had gardener Freddy Krueger Quentin wakes Nancy with an adrenaline injection She severs Freddy's hand with a broken paper-cutter blade Nancy's friend Quentin Smith which has nightmares Quentin Smith which has nightmares make him has which make nightmares attacks Quentin , has him him , Quentin has a vision , Quentin has a vision of Quentin has a vision of their parents molested , he blames the parents , he blames the parents for he blames the parents for killing Nancy captures Freddy in her dreams Quentin is a playable character ( as Lieutenant Tim Blocker who is the police officer arrests who the police officer is arrests Freddy Krueger After Freddy's trial ends in acquittal Freddy's trial ends in acquittal on Tim arrives to stop them He begins having nightmares about has Freddy ; is his final nightmare his final nightmare ; Freddy is the dentist ; Freddy is the dentist , Freddy is the dentist , with Tim also appears in the unfinished ' comics bridge he , is the film and television series the film and television series , he is the police partner , he is the police partner of he is the police partner of Donald Thompson Merit and Lisa are Tim and Sarah's blonde, identical-twin daughters She dreams about him , Lisa is the "normal sister " , She also begins having nightmares The sisters consult a school counselor for advice This is mirrored in an omitted scene They try to weaken Freddy The mountain is entirely snow covered by and photographed discovered Admiral Byrd Minev was born on 8 November 1931 He was by awarded the IM title was by the IM title awarded FIDE by the IM title awarded FIDE in He was the champion of Bulgaria He played for Bulgaria in He contributed to early editions of
The Rouen Mountains ( ) are a prominent mountain range were first by mapped the French Antarctic Expedition first by mapped the French Antarctic Expedition of by mapped the French Antarctic Expedition of 1908–10 Charcot indicated a break in these mountains He is the former manager of the Florida Marlins Rodríguez was signed as an amateur free agent He played his first professional season with their Rookie league Gulf Coast Yankees He played three seasons for the New York Yankees in he ) became the Puerto Rican Winter League the Puerto Rican Winter League ) he became a full-time scout ) he became a full-time scout for he became a full-time scout for the Minnesota Twins He scouted for the Twins from Rodríguez spent two seasons ( 2007–08 He had a 66–72 record with the Hoppers He previously spent two seasons as joining he , was the Marlins organization the Marlins organization , he was manager , he was manager of In 1997 he joined the Tampa Bay Devil Rays 1997 he joined the Tampa Bay Devil Rays as he joined the Tampa Bay Devil Rays as their hitting coach On Rodríguez , became June 23, 2010 June 23, 2010 , Rodríguez became the interim manager , Rodríguez became the interim manager for Rodríguez became the interim manager for the Florida Marlins He resigned as manager on first roughly by surveyed British Graham Land Expedition roughly by surveyed British Graham Land Expedition of by surveyed British Graham Land Expedition of 1936–37 " RPM " was a Canadian magazine RPM " that was a Canadian magazine " that was a Canadian magazine published that a Canadian magazine was published the best-performing singles A total of sixteen singles reached number prior to John Lennon were 1981 to John Lennon were 1981 , John Lennon were 1981 , Blondie , it remained at number one it remained at number one for and "Woman " gave him "Woman " gave him seven weeks He was educated at the École normale supérieure Fournel wrote his master's thesis on Raymond Queneau He joined the Oulipo , first
Fournel has worked at various publishing houses From 1996 to 2000 he was director of he was director of the Alliance Française Professional mourning or paid is mourning paid mourning that is an occupation mourning that is an occupation originates that is an occupation originates from Professional mourners , also called moirologists the practice was vilified in others Most of hired the people to Men were deemed unfit for for it , gave men men , it gave women , it gave women a sense it gave women a sense of which an ostentatious display of making grief There are many inscriptions on tombs Isis and Nephthys were both Egyptian gods and Nephthys that were both Egyptian gods Nephthys that were both Egyptian gods were that were both Egyptian gods were believed , one of is them one of is them at There are also rules for Evidence of seen is professional mourning This performance was part of a funeral procession The main funerary ritual had taken place at thus the LORD God says of hosts the LORD God says of hosts , They also call the farmer to this verse , implying is Biblical analysts " Then Jeremiah chanted a lament Then Jeremiah chanted a lament for Jeremiah chanted a lament for Josiah And all the male and female singers speak about Josiah all the male and female singers speak about Josiah in everyone because needed feels the weight “ them Let make haste them Let make haste and Why did you leave us did you leave us so you leave us so soon The earth is covered in a black veil Hu , ’ sings an honest man " ‘ I shed tears ‘ I shed tears for I shed tears for your children ’ she croons between sobs she croons between sobs " , the goal of is the professional mourner the goal of is the professional mourner to is also by performed the mourners also by performed the mourners in by performed the mourners in which of the sound was that Muhammad the sound was that Muhammad of
the sound that was of wailing woman The institute was founded in 1856 was that in founded 1856 that in founded 1856 catered It emerged out of the previous translation bureau The launch of the new institute was a reaction Bansho Shirabesho " functioned as a sort The school eventually became the main institution of It was renamed ' (institute first by from surveyed the ground by from the ground surveyed the British Graham Land Expedition "Lie " ) is a song by and produced written Rafael Pérez-Botija It was released as the third single " was by covered Robert Avellanet was by covered Robert Avellanet on by covered Robert Avellanet on his debut studio album The music video for the singer features the cover for the singer features the cover playing the cover the singer features playing billiards the singer features playing billiards while Avellanet's version peaked at numbers 23 " Miente " received positive reactions Miente " received positive reactions from In Iglesias , released 1995 1995 , Iglesias released his eponymous debut album , Iglesias released his eponymous debut album , Iglesias which released , his eponymous debut album which released , his eponymous debut album sold by " was revealed Vivir " was by revealed Iglesias was by revealed Iglesias in by revealed Iglesias in December 1995 that is by backed a piano is by backed a piano and by backed a piano and percussion , he goes into denial A remix version of included was the song " was by covered Puerto Rican singer Robert Avellanet was by covered Puerto Rican singer Robert Avellanet for by covered Puerto Rican singer Robert Avellanet for his debut studio album Avellanet's rendition was recorded as a salsa track The cover received the ASCAP Latin Award on the salsa field A music video was filmed for the cover version the for the cover version filmed which Joey Guerra of regarded " the "Houston Chronicle the song felt to be the album's "best cut it a week later ; spent the chart a week later ; it spent four weeks ; it spent four weeks at
it spent four weeks at this position The track also reached the top of "The Outlook " ) was a musical magazine The magazine was started in 1964 From it , published 1968 1968 , it published a related-issue magazine , it published a related-issue magazine for it published a related-issue magazine for children This monthly magazine dealt with documentary , Disks were double sided 33RPM The 1985 run of was " "Krugozor A milk bag that is a plastic bag contains that a plastic bag is contains milk milk , packaged was the late 1960s milk was packaged in heavy, reusable Imperial unit glass milk bottles DuPont , using , 1967 , DuPont , using European equipment DuPont , using European equipment , The milk bags found favour with the domestic dairy industry Milk bags were used in Australia , La Serenisima first adopted the milk bag La Serenisima first adopted the milk bag in sachet steadily grew in popularity it in grew as popularity Milk bags are sold in parts The three-bag package is the largest normally Some convenience store chains offer plastic jugs instead of a magnet and invented was a clip a magnet was invented in Toronto These bag openers are a common type of refrigerator magnet , milk in is a bag milk in a bag is the most common type They became the standard form of milk packaging In the milk bag , is Israel Israel , the milk bag is a regulated product , the milk bag is a regulated product , the milk bag which is , a regulated product which is , a regulated product means Therefore , there are price differences , there are price differences between there are price differences between the milk bags a relationship , observed was the price differences a relationship was observed between the socioeconomic status they are to buy milk on Blue Square Network , created these differences these differences , Blue Square Network created a way , Blue Square Network created a way to Blue Square Network created a way to measure Sainsbury , began 's the United Kingdom
, Sainsbury 's began a pilot experiment Sainsbury 's began a pilot experiment on one corner of secured is the bag The principal benefits of bagged milk are economy For it , is producers it , is producers easier Milk bags also take up less space bags , allow typically consumers bags typically allow for smaller portion sizes the top of turn can the bag The temple contains the 12th-century Pagoda of Tianning Temple The pagoda features a veranda with banisters Other ornamental designs include arched doorways and heavenly Buddhist guardians the pagoda the remained since same He graduated from Anson High School and He was a World War II veteran , serving He married Elaine Halbert in Sweetwater Wilson was a high school head football coach and athletic director He also coached at Brownfield In the Texas High School Coaches Association , inducted 1979 1979 , the Texas High School Coaches Association inducted Wilson , the Texas High School Coaches Association inducted Wilson into the Texas High School Coaches Association inducted Wilson into their hall Fort Sanders was a wooden fort constructed in it , renamed was Fort John Buford , it was renamed Fort Sanders it was renamed Fort Sanders after who Fort Sanders after renamed General William P. Sanders This was the second fort to be Nearly all of constructed were the buildings At least two additional buildings from moved were the fort The post Commander's quarters were moved to LaBonte Park He defeated Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter in the second round Edwards won a second term in 2019 He is a United States Army veteran , having He is the only statewide elected Democratic official in Louisiana John Bel Edwards was born in East Baton Rouge Parish in he , graduated the parish he , graduated the parish from , he graduated from Amite High School he graduated from Amite High School in Edwards completed Airborne School in 1986 Edwards served in the Army for He ended his military career to return from Edwards , clerked law school Edwards , clerked law school for , Edwards clerked for Judge James L. Dennis
Edwards clerked for Judge James L. Dennis of In Edwards , ran 2007 Edwards , ran 2007 for , Edwards ran for a seat Edwards ran for a seat in Edwards was the only freshman lawmaker to chair Edwards chaired the Veterans Affairs Committee in the House Edwards served as chairman of On Edwards , announced February 21, 2013 Edwards , announced February 21, 2013 that in Edwards , polled the race Edwards , polled the race first Edwards polled first in the nonpartisan blanket primary Meanwhile , the Republican Governors Association entered the Louisiana campaign , the Republican Governors Association entered the Louisiana campaign in the Republican Governors Association entered the Louisiana campaign in support Edwards was a delegate for Obama A statewide poll prior to showed the primary The JMC Analytics survey placed Edwards at 28 percent After the primary polls showed Edwards with the primary polls showed Edwards with a commanding lead On Edwards , failed his inauguration day Edwards , failed his inauguration day to Edwards failed to persuade the majority-Republican Louisiana House governors had traditionally handpicked the state house speakers On Edwards , signed April 13, 2016 April 13, 2016 , Edwards signed an executive order , Edwards signed an executive order to Edwards signed an executive order to protect The order prohibits state agencies from discrimination The order allows an exception for religious organizations who an exception for allows religious organizations " We respect our fellow citizens for We respect our fellow citizens for their beliefs The governor also rescinded another executive order issued This order had prohibited state agencies from In Edwards , enacted 2016 2016 , Edwards enacted Medicaid expansion Edwards promised early in 2017 In Edwards , traveled January 2017 Edwards , traveled January 2017 to , Edwards traveled to Italy Edwards traveled to Italy on Edwards traveled with sisters of Edwards campaigned on a policy to Edwards did not sign a single commutation In Edwards , signed May 2018 May 2018 , Edwards signed a bill , Edwards signed a bill into Edwards signed a bill into law In he , signed May 2019
May 2019 , he signed an even more restrictive "fetal heartbeat" bill , he signed an even more restrictive "fetal heartbeat" bill although he a similar bill signed although an even more restrictive "fetal heartbeat" bill a similar bill signed although an even more restrictive "fetal heartbeat" bill in from Edwards , released his more progressive supporters his more progressive supporters , Edwards released a statement , Edwards released a statement in Edwards released a statement in which he a statement in released which But it is also my sincere belief it is also my sincere belief that being also is that my sincere belief At Edwards , said the end of 2018 Edwards , said the end of 2018 that his top priority that said for 2019 On Edwards , delayed September 8, 2021 September 8, 2021 , Edwards delayed all upcoming Louisiana elections , Edwards delayed all upcoming Louisiana elections five weeks Edwards delayed all upcoming Louisiana elections five weeks following Edwards is married to Donna She studied at the University of Southern Mississippi in Edwards is the brother of Independence The first Auckland Anniversary Regatta took place in 1840 in 2008 which was 400 2008 which was 400 when which was 400 when compared The business exception records to the U.S. hearsay rule exception records to the U.S. hearsay rule is The basic rationale for is the exception that for employees is that the exception employees is that the exception are only the employee for substitute what the employee for substitute what could This last point was contested in the case , the Supreme Court of ruled the United States the Supreme Court of ruled the United States that of an accident report ruled that the United States an accident report ruled that the United States created other published compilations are considered generally admissible they generally considered if admissible Austad was born Marcus Jacob Austad in He was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ From 1939 to 1941 , he attended Weber College , he attended Weber College in he attended Weber College in Ogden Austad passed up law school for
he , sent was a pre-existing knee injury , he was sent to he was sent to Walter Reed General Hospital In Austad worked also late 1942 Austad worked also late 1942 part in Austad , became 1960 1960 , Austad became a commentator , Austad became a commentator at Austad became a commentator at WTTG television During he continued this time to he continued this time to host He served as a member of He received the Silver Beaver Award and in He was invited on eight occasions of Austad , received civic involvement civic involvement , Austad received an honorary doctor , Austad received an honorary doctor of Austad received an honorary doctor of humanities Austad served on the presidential inaugural committees both In 1969 Austad chaired the Inaugural Ball committee 1969 Austad chaired the Inaugural Ball committee , Austad chaired the Inaugural Ball committee , and Nixon would appoint Austad to his successor , appointed Gerald Ford Nixon's presidential resignation , his successor Gerald Ford appointed Austad his successor Gerald Ford appointed Austad as Austad , appointed was the Washington, D.C., community , Austad was appointed Ambassador Austad was appointed Ambassador to In he , was this role he , was this role also , he was also a delegate he was also a delegate to , Austad was appointed Ambassador Austad was appointed Ambassador to by Ambassador to appointed Norway He served in this position until He also gained notoriety in Police merely dropped Austad back Austad viewed the criticism as inaccurate innuendo and media sensationalism Austad sued Private Eye for libel Austad died in 1988 at The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is the largest of Evangeline Records is an independent American record label based in Initially , it was a vehicle , it was a vehicle for it was a vehicle for the duo's own work they , however were a European record deal The name for comes the label from additional artists , signed were its release additional artists were signed to the roster Most of based are the artists Most of the artists have some folk
by recorded have been the label The label views itself as a collective that itself as views a collective The record label was purchased in 2011 was by in purchased 2011 by in 2011 purchased Lori Graves Murry It is still a Bay Area-based independent label operating Most of remain the previous artists on He meets Eve , a beautiful, bright student The New Zealand Command and Staff College (NZCSC ) is the premier educational institute for The New Zealand Command and Staff College provides professional military education to New Zealand Defence Force officers which professional military education to provides New Zealand Defence Force officers The College was established at Whenuapai In the College , moved 2004 the College , moved 2004 to , the College moved to its present location the College moved to its present location in Courses that follow a modular approach incorporate that a modular approach follow incorporate the following core subjects not generally by recognized Grenadians generally by recognized Grenadians or by recognized Grenadians or indeed Caribbeans They usually refer to themselves Grenada during introduced when the second half of the 19th century a distinct Indian cultural identity into integrated that Grenada’s society Indians , involved were addition Indians were involved in every aspect Historian S. N. Yadav described the history of Indo-Grenadians Historian Raymond D. Viechweg wrote in 2007 , in they , found 1857 1857 , they found themselves , they found themselves in they found themselves in a Indians , functioned have Grenada , plantation owners in sought the region plantation owners in sought the region to Planters in began the West Indies using planters in sought also Grenada British Grenada legalised immigration in 1856 It arrived at Irwin’s Bay in None were sent to plantations The "Fulwood " brought 362 live Indian workers to Between 1857 and 1878 , ships transported a total , ships transported a total of ships transported a total of 3,033 Indians labourers indentured Indian arrived 175 Indian labourers arrived on the island labourers arrived on the island some nearly 3,206 Indians , brought were total nearly 3,206 Indians were brought to Grenada
Only about 15% of returned them to This was the first ever commemoration of the day The conference was by the Indo-Caribbean Cultural Centre Co. Ltd , On the Government of Grenada , declared 29 April 2009 the Government of Grenada , declared 29 April 2009 that The date was already a public holiday in Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean unveiled a granite plaque commemorating the arrival The plaque bears the inscription , " Between the years 1857 and 1890 other ships anchored in this and other bays other ships anchored in this and other bays bringing The main event was Chris Benoit versus Triple H for The predominant match on the card was Randy Orton The event grossed US$ 370,000 with Following Benoit , began the event the event , Benoit began a feud , Benoit began a feud with Benoit began a feud with Randy Orton The two would have a match two would have a match at Kane and Matt Hardy continued their feud The main feud heading into was Vengeance At Benoit , won the Royal Rumble the Royal Rumble , Benoit won the Royal Rumble match , Benoit which won the Royal Rumble match Benoit which won the Royal Rumble match earned which the Royal Rumble match won earned him At Benoit , defeated WrestleMania WrestleMania , Benoit defeated Triple H and , Benoit defeated Triple H and Shawn Michaels Benoit defeated Triple H and Shawn Michaels in Benoit , defended successfully Backlash , Benoit successfully defended the World Heavyweight Championship Benoit successfully defended the World Heavyweight Championship in Following Benoit , had Backlash Backlash , Benoit had a small feud , Benoit had a small feud with Benoit had a small feud with Kane Triple H " , demanded Raw be by to granted him by to him granted Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff Triple H tried to befriend Eugene Triple H " , faced Raw " , Triple H faced Eugene , Triple H faced Eugene in Triple H faced Eugene in a match Triple H " , offered Raw " , Triple H offered Eugene
, Triple H offered Eugene to Triple H offered Eugene to be Another primary feud heading into was the event from he , vowed his injury he , vowed his injury to he vowed to take Evolution He started it by facing Edge and Jericho defeated Batista Kane " , attacked Raw " , Kane attacked Hardy , Kane attacked Hardy , Kane attacked Hardy , and Lita attacked , and Hardy to Kane , revealed Lita Kane , revealed Lita that Hardy " , attacked Raw " , Hardy attacked Kane , Hardy attacked Kane and Hardy attacked Kane and was The feud started on the June 14 episode of Randy Orton , Batista knocked Jericho , Batista knocked Jericho out Batista knocked Jericho out before he knocked out before Jericho Jericho " , pinned Raw " , Jericho pinned Batista , Jericho pinned Batista in Jericho pinned Batista in a tag team rematch The second match Batista saw face Chris Jericho Batista gained the advantage early on Jericho countered the move into the Walls of Jericho Batista won the match after a Batista Bomb The next match was Eugene and Ric Flair The match started with Eugene using he after disqualified pushed the referee The next match was a No Disqualification match between Matt Hardy The match started on the outside with Kane on started with the outside Hardy attempted a Twist of Fate Next was a match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship The match started off with Edge Orton attempted an RKO but Edge The sixth match was between Victoria and The main event was between Chris Benoit and Benoit , knocked inadvertently the match Benoit inadvertently knocked down the referee Triple H the referee executed but the Pedigree the referee executed but the Pedigree was Triple H then called out Eugene Benoit attacked Triple H and knocked Triple H then hit Benoit with Triple H tried to hit Benoit Eugene fought with Benoit over Eugene " , apologized Raw , Eugene apologized to Evolution Eugene apologized to Evolution ( Bischoff booked a match between Chris Benoit Evolution , come then the match
William Regal attempted to help Eugene 20 men " , competed Raw , 20 men competed in an 20 men competed in an over Randy Orton won the match by last At Orton , faced SummerSlam SummerSlam , Orton faced Chris Benoit , Orton faced Chris Benoit for Orton faced Chris Benoit for the World Heavyweight Championship Orton " , defeated Raw " , Orton defeated Chris Benoit , Orton defeated Chris Benoit in Orton defeated Chris Benoit in a rematch Flair and Batista attacked Orton Batista Triple H attacked as Orton Triple H attacked as Orton told Triple H " , told Raw " , Triple H told Orton , Triple H told Orton to Triple H told Orton to give General Manager Eric Bischoff scheduled a match between Orton himself finds stranded in a village During he , meets his stay his stay , he meets the beautiful and mysterious Cik Putih , he meets the beautiful and mysterious Cik Putih ( he meets the beautiful and mysterious Cik Putih ( Umie Aida he , finds also the same time Who has been kidnapping the men The Nikon D60 is a 10.2-megapixel Nikon F-mount digital single-lens reflex camera announced in of the D60 , has other entry-level Nikon DSLRs the D60 , has other entry-level Nikon DSLRs no the D60 that said is more Ken Rockwell criticized the slower flash sync , more megapixels Kirkpatrick was a member of the award-winning Vehrder Trio The ensemble commissioned over 100 pieces , Recently , Kirkpatrick was a member , Kirkpatrick was a member of Kirkpatrick was a member of The Halcyon Trio The instrumentation of invented was this ensemble of by was invented this ensemble this ensemble was by invented Mozart was by invented Mozart in by invented Mozart in his Kegelstatt Trio K. 498 He was recipient of the Top Prize He made his New York City debut at Carnegie Recital Hall He has worked as a soloist Kirkpatrick was professor of music He received The Dean's Award for Excellent Artistic Achievement in 1995 " Grand Canyonscope " is a Donald Duck
Grand Canyonscope " is a Donald Duck animated It was Disney's second cartoon filmed in folks , this is CinemaScope , this is CinemaScope . Donald is taking a tour of this , made is the whole exhibition , this is made all this is made all but by made but impossible all To Louie , is Woodlore's shock Louie , is Woodlore's shock , Louie is , in fact He precedes to don a Confederate soldier's hat accordingly , he passes them , he passes them a couple he passes them a couple of On Bakar , scored 6 January 2008 6 January 2008 , Bakar scored three goals , Bakar scored three goals for Bakar scored three goals for AS he , commended was only 18 years he was commended for this was by for commended this by for this commended the French press On Bakar , joined 31 January 2019 31 January 2019 , Bakar joined Luxembourg National Division club F91 Dudelange Bakar was born in France He represented France at the 2009 Mediterranean Games It is a right-angled land mass of two relatively distinct parts Karikari Peninsula had a population of 1,251 There were 630 males and 624 females (9.4% ) people had a bachelor ) people had a bachelor or people had a bachelor or higher degree The two largest settlements which are , Whatuwhiwhi which are , Whatuwhiwhi is The tombolo once had kauri forests , The Karikari Peninsula has two marae affiliated with Haiti-tai-marangai Marae and meeting house are affiliated with Te Whānau Moana The date of controverted is his Episcopate He is revered for his holiness His relics are enshrined in the Basilica In 2009 it was the inspiration 2009 it was the inspiration for it was the inspiration for a limited-edition poster The story is about a shy boy named Enn and Vic get to a party where they to get where a party Vic pushes Enn to just Wain's Wain shows no interest in doing Enn meets a second girl with black spiky hair He nevertheless takes Stella upstairs Enn goes into the kitchen where
he into goes where the kitchen her name that claims is a form A very angry and hectic Vic suddenly pulls Enn away The title of refer can sports director He served as a member of After he served this as this he served as Guatemala's ambassador he served as Guatemala's ambassador to Castillo also served as Guatemala's foreign minister During he dominated often this time this time he often dominated the government Many people viewed Castillo as a supporter " Dunia Baru The Movie " is a Malaysian film Dunia Baru The Movie " is a Malaysian film based Opie when begins finds a letter This is a list of seasons Sir William Davenant and Thomas May were prime candidates , the influence of is Ben Jonson the influence of is Ben Jonson readily The subject of is usury crucial Brome sets some scenes in " Brome exploits the legal atmosphere of the Walks " ordinary " is a public eating establishment ordinary " is a public eating establishment , One source defines ordinaries as "Eating-houses The ordinary was a relatively new and developing institution in ordinary was a relatively new and developing institution in the English Renaissance The play's opening scene shows Sir Humphrey Dryground , a member cordial : Sir Humphrey reproaches Vermine : Sir Humphrey reproaches Vermine for Sir Humphrey reproaches Vermine for his greed Vermine in notes turn that in Sir Humphrey notes that turn Sir Humphrey notes that turn himself over he ; says his past actions he ; says his past actions that ignorant ; Alice calls him ; Alice calls him "a dunghill scarab Alice calls him "a dunghill scarab , Alice's deliverance from appears suddenly this unwanted match Sir Amphilus's servant suddenly appears : this unwanted match he away ; claims Alice he claims to have a plan does , she counsels him , she counsels him to she counsels him to do Bumpsey , be will the money of Sir Amphilus ; provides the play's comic relief the play's comic relief ; Sir Amphilus provides another ordinary , the offers business
, the ordinary offers free meals the ordinary offers free meals to ordinary offers free meals to its clientele speaks she ; is broken English broken English ; she is the "damoiselle ; she is the "damoiselle " she is the "damoiselle " of Magdalen and Jane Bumpsey become her students arrange it ( was his raffle his raffle ( it was Dryground/Osbright ( it who was Dryground/Osbright it who was Dryground/Osbright bailed who Dryground/Osbright was bailed Wat The bankrupt Brookall haunts the Temple Walks , encountering He who meets , Vermine who meets , Vermine is A young beggar girl named shown is Phillis Valentine Dryground pretends to be a friend Osbright/Dryground exposes his raffle as a scheme not , Dryground refunds their £20 fees , Dryground refunds their £20 fees , Dryground refunds their £20 fees , and ce="preserve">Lung cancer staging is the assessment of the extent with staging , is most cancers most cancers , staging is an important determinant , staging is an important determinant of staging is an important determinant of treatment The initial evaluation of non-small cell lung cancer staging uses the TNM classification This is based on the size a group , assigned is the TNM descriptors There are several methods by which this assessment several methods by are which It is based on the results Lung cancer is responsible for 1.3 million deaths The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure The diagnosis of based is lung cancer Lung cancer can start in various portions there it spreads in fairly predictable pattern it first goes to close-by lymph nodes In the lung cancer , tends the mediastinum the lung cancer , tends the mediastinum at crosses it , denotes the mediastinal midline the mediastinal midline , it denotes more advanced, surgically unresectable disease Staging is the process of determining Staging of is lung cancer of treatment choices of is as paramount importance There is an extensive array of staging methods ) which recommend , TNM staging which recommend , TNM staging is Literature reports usually that reflect the staging usually that reflect the staging was
that reflect the staging was in The revisions were based on a detailed analysis a given stage , have may a result , a given stage may have quite a different prognosis a given stage may have quite a different prognosis depending which staging edition have depending on quite a different prognosis Limited-stage disease is confined to an area is that to confined an area that to confined an area is All other small-cell lung cancers are extensive-stage in this scheme The mainstay of non-invasive staging is a CT scan The CT scan shows abnormalities such PET/CT combined the benefits of functional assessment PET/CT represents a significant advance for staging mediastinal lymph node metastasis for identifying are scanning for identifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis are 51% and 85% identifying mediastinal lymph node metastasis are 51% and 85% , mediastinal lymph node metastasis are 51% and 85% , respectively ( the cancer is in fact the cancer is in fact in Nearly half of lung cancers have mediastinal disease these lymph nodes , designated are the mediastinal lymph nodes , these lymph nodes are designated N2 these lymph nodes are designated N2 if are they designated if N2 they designated if N2 are The American Thoracic Society has standardized the nomenclature of There which are numerous modalities allow which numerous modalities are allow staging This section various types on focuses the emerging role various types on focuses the emerging role of ) a miniaturized ultrasound probe is where an endoscopic technique a miniaturized ultrasound probe is where an endoscopic technique is In Wiersema , published 1993 1993 , Wiersema published the first description , Wiersema published the first description of Wiersema published the first description of EUS Numerous subsequent studies have shown this general methodology to no major complications ; recorded were procedures EUS-FNA in enlarged discrete mediastinal lymph nodes had an excellent pooled sensitivity EUS seem , if disappointing The ACCP guidelines recommend invasive staging for patients EUS can reliably reach the lymph node stations In the trachea is the superior mediastinum somewhat the trachea is the superior mediastinum somewhat to
the trachea is somewhat to the right EUS can easily sample celiac lymph nodes easily which sample , celiac lymph nodes which sample , celiac lymph nodes can included most surgeons , try a mediastinoscopy most surgeons , try a mediastinoscopy to most surgeons try to avoid a repeat mediastinoscopy for the concept , is biopsies the concept , is biopsies that the gastrointestinal tract is known as endobronchial ultrasound The instrument is inserted into the trachea There are two types of EBUS bronchoscopes a choice , which prefer an instrument , which prefer an instrument is which prefer an instrument is inserted many patients with have will suspected lung cancer EUS-FNA and EBUS-FNA are complementary techniques EUS has the highest yield in the posterior inferior mediastinum only be by accessed one method be by accessed one method and by accessed one method and not this approach has been termed “complete medical mediastinoscopy He was the son of Echu Tirmcharna mac Fergusso Diarmait that states held a feast Curnán then put himself under Curnán was torn from the hands by ) was fought County Sligo ) was by fought this alliance was by fought this alliance against by fought this alliance against Diarmait The "Annals of mention " the Four Masters that the prayers " mention that the Four Masters the prayers that mention of Columba T.M. Charles-Edwards places this battle in later Cenel Caipre Droma Cliab territory Byrne doubts the legitimacy of the early Uí Briúin genealogies He cites the reference in the annals a ruler that doubts from the Mag nAí region Hubert Knox the Uí Briúin believed in fact the Uí Briúin believed in fact originated – 25 June 1828 ) was a bookseller 25 June 1828 ) was a bookseller and In he , became 1781 he , became 1781 bookseller he became bookseller to George III In he , published 1785 1785 , he published an improved edition , he published an improved edition of he published an improved edition of James Cook's third voyage In he , became 1786 he , became 1786 involved he became involved with John Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery
Nicol was born in Scotland , he moved to London he moved to London and Later , the two men became partners Nicol were surprised when John Almon Nicol's business prospered there were changes prospered there were changes to there were changes to his business partners Initially the business was styled Wilson the business was styled Wilson and Both names appeared on the catalogue issued David Wilson died in 1777 , After Nicol , inherited Wilson's death Wilson's death , Nicol inherited his share , Nicol inherited his share in Nicol inherited his share in " In Nicol , moved 1787 1787 , Nicol moved his operations , Nicol moved his operations west Nicol moved his operations west to John and Josiah Boydell took a lease the business , renamed was 1800 , the business was renamed George the business was renamed George and In the business operations , moved about 1821 the business operations , moved about 1821 from , the business operations moved from 58 to 51 Pall Mall in William , continued 1825 1825 , William continued the business , William continued the business under William continued the business under both names Little is known of his first marriage By Nicol developed had the mid-1780s the mid-1780s Nicol had developed a close friendship Nicol had developed a close friendship with This dinner was the genesis for the Boydells' Shakespeare Gallery project the idea of was an illustrated Shakespeare edition at Nicol and Boydell met the printer Bulmer , Martin created a typeface , Martin that created a typeface Martin that created a typeface so that created a typeface so successfully Thomas Frognall Dibdin reports that despite Nicol the quality of they concocted their new typeface of their new typeface they concocted a "pretty cheat their new typeface they concocted a "pretty cheat " they concocted a "pretty cheat " that they concocted " that a "pretty cheat Bulmer set and printed Cicero's "De Officiis Nicol 's , showed Bodoni 's , Nicol showed the sample , Nicol showed the sample to Nicol showed the sample to various customers
Nicol told them " that Mr. Bodoni told " that them ( Nicol denied Dibdin's initial assertion that Nicol denied Dibdin's initial assertion that the The new typeface helped build the reputation of The association with continued was William Bulmer with by was continued William Bulmer William Bulmer was by continued Nicol's son was by continued Nicol's son William by continued Nicol's son William , he , embarked also Boydell's developing Shakespeare Gallery he also embarked on a romance Mary had previously toured Europe was only by bruised the attack Elliot was a former suitor of Mary it , argued was Elliot's subsequent Old Bailey trial The jury nevertheless acquitted Elliott of Elliot remained charged with assault Mary became a print collector and writer She died on 21 December 1820 and her prints on died and 21 December 1820 Nicol , served also books Nicol also served as a librarian He was a friend of George III Roxburghe 's he worked death 's he worked death with death he worked with a fellow bookseller he worked with a fellow bookseller , Nicol wrote the catalogue and organised It was Evans's first experience as an auctioneer George Nicol retired in 1825 and Evans in retired and 1825 Among the copy sold was the works the copy sold was the works of sold the copy was of the Gutenberg Bible the copy was of the Gutenberg Bible on After Nicol , died a long illness Nicol , died a long illness at , Nicol died at his home Nicol died at his home in ) the members is , a FATF style regional inter-governmental (international) body the members is , a FATF style regional inter-governmental (international) body of APG has two Co-Chairs : one The APG conducts mutual evaluations of its members Some of conducted are these reports The APG also has an extensive technical assistance and The APG was the first FATF-style regional body to have a number of conducted are activities The APG's typologies programme work examines trends programme work examines trends in Typologies reports are published on the APG website
the reports published by include the APG published by the APG include money laundering trends by the APG include money laundering trends in The APG also has a multi-year technical assistance programme for The APG Secretariat is located in Sydney The Executive Secretary is Dr Gordon Hook , a lawyer who is , a lawyer Dr Gordon Hook He has an LLB from Dalhousie University (Canada There are now very few jurisdictions in The APG is an associate member of the Financial Action Task Force which an associate member of is the Financial Action Task Force Observer status is available to any jurisdiction APG observers include jurisdictions and organisations that include and organisations jurisdictions considering they – are APG membership APG membership – they are members – they are members of they are members of either the FATF 15 July 1964 ) who was a Swedish psychiatrist ) who was a Swedish psychiatrist was who a Swedish psychiatrist was was a native He would later distance himself the workings that believed of the conscious mind He served as the professor of he examined and analysed an Ancient Greek bowl form The Tagalog Wikipedia ( ) is the Tagalog language edition of it , has February 3, 2011 February 3, 2011 , it has more than 50,000 articles Bantayan , Cebu became the 10,000th article , Cebu became the 10,000th article on Cebu became the 10,000th article on October 20, 2007 In the Tagalog Wikipedia , was 2011 2011 , the Tagalog Wikipedia was part , the Tagalog Wikipedia was part of the Tagalog Wikipedia was part of the WikiHistories fellowship research project It was created on March 25, 2004 , the first featured article was " Livestrong wristband the first featured article was " Livestrong wristband " by were eventually replaced the second featured article wiki were eventually by replaced a review process by replaced ' for the article The Tagalog Wikipedia which has several characteristics define which several characteristics has define it The Tagalog Wikipedia has significant coverage of topics , the Tagalog Wikipedia also represents the Filipino language started the Tagalog Wikipedia , is WikiPilipinas
the Tagalog Wikipedia , is WikiPilipinas different the Tagalog Wikipedia is different from WikiFilipino The Tagalog Wikipedia has an article depth of , Polymorphida are an order of thorny-headed worms The thorny-headed worm family Polymorphidae which contains endoparasites as adults contains which as endoparasites a subfamily Polymorphinae , established was 1931 a subfamily Polymorphinae was established in it The genus polymorphus uses amphipod crustaceans as intermediate hosts Thompson holds an undergraduate degree in engineering science he , named was March 2008 he was named as the 20th Chancellor Thompson began his IBM career in Canada There , he held a variety , he held a variety of he held a variety of management jobs In Thompson , moved January 1991 Thompson , moved January 1991 to , Thompson moved to the United States Thompson moved to the United States to In he , became October 1993 October 1993 , he became Senior Vice President , he became Senior Vice President of he became Senior Vice President of IBM's Server Group He is also the retired Vice Chairman of Thompson is also a board member at He is also Vice Chairman of He is a past director of the Hertz Corporation The Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia was established in 1885 Three of dedicated are his eight surviving works Three were love songs composed in In he turned Catalonia up he turned Catalonia up at he turned up at the court From he was 1262 to 1266 at 1262 to 1266 he was at the court he was at the court of Paulet ) , was them ) , Paulet was a staunch Ghibelline a result of James intervened this diplomacy of James intervened this diplomacy in this diplomacy James intervened in favour James intervened in favour of Paulet , mourned nevertheless Charles , Paulet nevertheless mourned his death Paulet nevertheless mourned his death ( February 1266 Paulet composed " L'autrier m'anav'ab cor pensiu Paulet composed " L'autrier m'anav'ab cor pensiu " Paul Gerald Baker was born on 20 February 1910 He enlisted in the Navy on From he , served 1935
he , served 1935 with , he served with aviation activities he served with aviation activities and he , appointed was the aircraft carrier , he was appointed Lieutenant he was appointed Lieutenant ( During the Battle of the Coral Sea he downed three Imperial Japanese Navy planes the Battle of the Coral Sea he downed three Imperial Japanese Navy planes and he downed three Imperial Japanese Navy planes and badly Paul G. Baker " returned to San Francisco She departed 11 August for Seattle " Paul G. Baker " cleared Pearl Harbor Paul G. Baker " cleared Pearl Harbor on Her duty in the Solomons was largely escort work She steamed from Purvis Bay 11 October She made a similar voyage 19–24 October , of she , shuttled December she , shuttled December from From she trained 12 January 1945 for 12 January 1945 she trained for the invasion she trained for the invasion of The task unit arrived off Okinawa on Her first taste of came enemy air activity at " Paul G. Baker " joined the dangerous but vital patrol screen Paul G. Baker " which joined the dangerous but vital patrol screen " which joined the dangerous but vital patrol screen protected which the dangerous but vital patrol screen joined protected Allied forces at enemy planes , attacked 17:45 enemy planes , attacked 17:45 without , enemy planes attacked without warning One aircraft crashed into nearby "Isherwood " Baker " picked up nine officers which the fire on joined a single plane 20 June 1945 "Paul G. Baker " sailed in the screen Paul G. Baker " steamed from Saipan 11 she sailed singly for Saipan On she got 4 November 1945 underway she got 4 November 1945 underway for Paul G. Baker " sailed to Buckner Bay She exercised off the China coast with " Baker " paid another visit Baker " paid another visit to " Paul G. Baker " departed Tsingtao Paul G. Baker " departed Tsingtao 12 October She decommissioned on 3 February 1947 , He was a private chief of staff Lanxade is also a former ambassador to
of he , is 2008 2008 , he is the chairman , he is the chairman of he is the chairman of the Académie de Marine Phillips spent most of his time He first played with North Adelaide The Bombers were coming off successive premierships Phillips off coming and successive premierships In Phillips returned 1992 to 1992 Phillips returned to South Australia Phillips returned to South Australia and He won his first North Adelaide "best and fairest" award in he , played had 1998 , he had played 222 games he had played 222 games for He has written numerous scholarly articles about He is currently Professor of KG Schlossbrauerei Kaltenberg is a brewery in Fürstenfeldbruck , which to refers the brewery's heritage which to refers the brewery's heritage can Bavaria which built , Schloss Kaltenberg which built , Schloss Kaltenberg houses Marthabräu brewery in purchased was Fürstenfeldbruck In Prince Luitpold , entered 2001 Prince Luitpold , entered 2001 into , Prince Luitpold entered into a 50/50 joint partnership Prince Luitpold entered into a 50/50 joint partnership with of production , was 2004 2004 , production was up to 340,000 hectoliters , production was up to 340,000 hectoliters annually production was up to 340,000 hectoliters annually , Myotherapy is a form of muscle therapy which a form of is muscle therapy was originally by coined Bonnie Prudden originally by coined Bonnie Prudden to by coined Bonnie Prudden to describe Myotherapy incorporates trigger point therapy and a wide range Myotherapy is a branch of manual medicine It involves a physical evaluation and an integrated therapeutic approach Myotherapy is a form of physical therapy treatment Myotherapists assess and treat the connective tissue Myotherapy was by developed Bonnie Prudden was by developed Bonnie Prudden , by developed Bonnie Prudden , an American exercise and fitness expert She created a new system of Manual Therapy All modalities are used with the specific purpose None of used were these modalities of by were used these modalities these modalities were by used Bonnie Prudden were by used Bonnie Prudden , by used Bonnie Prudden , the developer
She proposed only manual medicine based on Soft Tissue Therapy is the use of the hands Temperature Therapies is the application of either heat (thermal therapy Electromechanical Stimulation is the application of electrical currents Myofascial Stretching is the application of a range Rehabilitative Exercise and Corrective Actions are seen as central components Proponents they claim enable the client they claim enable the client to the overall quality that found of the trial were that identified assessed the effect that identified assessed the effect of Rymer was born in Zabełków Before the First World War he was an activist the First World War he was an activist in he was an activist in the Zjednoczenie Zawodowe Polskie He was also a member of ; eventually he became one eventually he became one of he became one of the leaders , he also became the first voivode he also became the first voivode of " Breathe Your Name " is a song Breathe Your Name " is a song by It was released in 2002 Sunamganj ( ) is a town It is the administrative headquarters and largest town Nader Bakht was elected to a second consecutive term a warrant was issued for his arrest It airs a Religious/Caribbean Gospel music format featuring a mix WTJC-LP's broadcast center is located in the Christchurch Methodist Education the minesweeper , launched was Portsmouth the minesweeper was launched on 18 August 1955 The minesweeper was commissioned in the RNZN was by for built the Royal Navy by for the Royal Navy built Fleetlands Shipyards Indonesia , employing was 1965 , Indonesia was employing a policy Indonesia was employing a policy of New Zealand agreed to assist Malaysia These were commissioned into the RNZN The California Energy Code ( also titled The Energy Efficiency Standards The code was by created the California Building Standards Commission was by created the California Building Standards Commission in by created the California Building Standards Commission in 1978 are by periodically updated the California Energy Commission California was the first state to implement It was the first to Updated standards were adopted on April 23, 2008
The code's purpose is to advance the state's energy policy Homes built under are this code built under about 53% more energy are this code under about 53% more energy are this code efficient about 53% more energy are this code efficient than about 53% more energy are efficient than those The 2019 Code added photovoltaic system requirements for low-rise residential buildings she , declared was 1923 , she was declared a National Historic Landmark she was declared a National Historic Landmark in In a fire , broke March 1930 a fire , broke March 1930 out a fire broke out on the freighter In a schoolhouse , was March 1958 a schoolhouse , was March 1958 on , a schoolhouse was on fire a schoolhouse was on fire in battled by was " the "Deluge by the "Deluge " was the Christmas Eve fire A barge with smashed crude oil into Fire quickly engulfed the oil , "Deluge " also completed other tasks She completed numerous towing jobs as well This usually required clearing the silt Indians in Spain form one of they , number India's Ministry of External Affairs India's Ministry of External Affairs , they number only 35,000 , they number only 35,000 , they number only 35,000 , or this figure does not include persons Most Indians originally migrated to Spain They conducted a brisk trade with the North African continent By there , were the mid-seventies the mid-seventies , there were over 200 Indian trading houses , there were over 200 Indian trading houses in there were over 200 Indian trading houses in Ceuta in business activity , shifted the eighties business activity , shifted the eighties to , business activity shifted to the port cities business activity shifted to the port cities of Sindhis and Sikhs form the majority Spain has recognised three entities of also by out taken members by out taken members of The Indian community in Spain enjoys a good reputation Indians are considered hard working the film " , stars Alexander Hull's novel "Shep of the Painted Hills " , the film stars Paul Kelly
, the film stars Paul Kelly , the film stars Paul Kelly , Bruce Cowling ) , whose faithful companion is a rough collie , whose faithful companion is a rough collie named whose faithful companion is a rough collie named Shep , he finally strikes gold Film Score , released Monthly 2010 , Film Score Monthly released the complete scores Film Score Monthly released the complete scores of commonly by to referred his nickname by to referred his nickname of tall , Antrobus was a very aggressive player , Antrobus who was a very aggressive player Antrobus who was a very aggressive player never who was a very aggressive player never took Antrobus first played for North Adelaide He won the award in 1983 The talent scouts from persisted Victoria in In Greenberg , implemented 1978 1978 , Greenberg implemented Multics Emacs , Greenberg implemented Multics Emacs using Greenberg implemented Multics Emacs using Multics Maclisp control by used signals the New York City Transit Authority’s signaling and control networks The current version of NXSYS is a Microsoft Windows application of NXSYS that is a Microsoft Windows application NXSYS that is a Microsoft Windows application makes that a Microsoft Windows application is makes use with Greenberg , is Thomas Milo Thomas Milo , Greenberg is the author , Greenberg is the author of Greenberg is the author of Basis Technology's Arabic editor " Amynothrips andersoni " is a species Amynothrips andersoni " is a species of This thrips is native to South America The female lays about 200 eggs during female lays about 200 eggs during her ninety-day adult lifespan her eggs will all yield male offspring The eggs are tan ovoids half a The larva is tan in its first stage Radford was private broadcaster owning radio stations Radford had served on the board Radler links had with the Conservative party links had with the Conservative party having He was also a close friend of ce="preserve">The 2007–08 Australian region cyclone season was only the second season to have This timeline documents all the storm formations , strengthening The season officially began on 1 November 2007
the season , meant that 29 July Prior to he played this to he played this for this he played for Negeri Sembilan FA he played for Negeri Sembilan FA from He made his solitary appearance for England Heron played alongside his elder brother Hubert who alongside played Hubert his elder brother England , " struggled Philip Gibbons " England struggled throughout the game England struggled throughout the game , which throughout struggled , the game after he , was the England match the England match , he was part , he was part of he was part of the Wanderers team that part of was the Wanderers team the the first match , ended final the first match , ended final in , the first match ended in a 1–1 draw the first match ended in a 1–1 draw , " Chicken Park " is a 1994 comedy parody film Chicken Park " is a 1994 comedy parody film directed " by is directed a 1994 comedy parody film by is directed a 1994 comedy parody film and he , begins immediately a cockfight The film was shot between Santo Domingo It was filmed in English The film marked both the directorial debut of Calà It was also the last work as The film mainly parodies " Jurassic Park Chicken Park " premiered at the 14th edition at the film seen was its television premiere by the film was seen its television premiere the film was by seen over 4 million people Critical reception for was the film generally Film critic Marco Giusti described the film as " According to the film fails film critic Paolo Mereghetti to the film fails film critic Paolo Mereghetti almost the film fails film critic Paolo Mereghetti almost entirely Daniela is a daughter of Javier Castro Los Hermanos Castro were three brothers - Arturo , Javier Daniela is niece to Arturo Los Hermanos Castro influenced her decision to enter She felt an attraction for music She was offered a role in She has starred in 13 telenovelas from she , returned television she , returned television to
she returned to play Lizabeta she acted in " Mi pecado This novela was not a big production and Daniela plays Cecila Vizcaino , a young girl whose parents plays , a young girl Cecila Vizcaino Cecila is sent to her aunt's house " Cañaveral de Pasiones " is a novel Cañaveral de Pasiones " is a novel written " by is written a novel by a novel written is Caridad Bravo Adams The story was by produced Humberto Zurita was by produced Humberto Zurita and by produced Humberto Zurita and Christian Bach Daniela plays Julia Santos , a very sensual role The story is about two families : the Santos played by believes , Angelica Aragón by Julia's mother , believes Angelica Aragón Julia's mother , believes Angelica Aragón Margarita the one that is is her husband's lover that is her husband's lover is Dinorah with Margarita , goes Amador Margarita , goes Amador to Margarita goes to meet him She prevents Pablo from seeing engaged , he sees Julia , he sees Julia again he sees Julia again and After she returned a long absence in a long absence she returned in the telenovela "Pasión she returned in the telenovela "Pasión " the difference ; is here Lizabeta de Salamanca she that is plays the antagonist In she , recorded addition addition , she recorded an album , she recorded an album called she recorded an album called "Junto a ti She planned to record a second album After she , dated Raul Araiza Raul Araiza , she dated the goalkeeper Jorge Campos , she dated the goalkeeper Jorge Campos , she who dated , the goalkeeper Jorge Campos who dated , the goalkeeper Jorge Campos was She married on June 19, 1999 to They have two daughters , Daniela Fufeng Group ( ) is the largest private-owned monosodium glutamate (flavour enhancer Its products include flavour enhancers , xanthan gum Fufeng was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Its share price at the first trading day was HK$3.01 of its share price , dropped corn its share price , dropped corn below
, its share price dropped below the IPO price its share price dropped below the IPO price and Its share price showed the poorest performance among all newly listed stocks The James H. Dillard House is a historic house at 571 Audubon Street in it , was the 19th century it , was the 19th century from , it was from 1894 to 1913 it was from 1894 to 1913 the residence The house is located in the Black Pearl neighborhood It is a roughly cruciform single-story wood frame structure , with James H. Dillard who was a Virginia native was who was a Virginia native was educated he , appointed was 1891 , he was appointed professor he was appointed professor of He quickly rose in prominence He forged relations with both white and African-American academic communities he , serving was 1905 he was serving as a trustee The 2008 Pattaya Women's Open was a women's tennis tournament played on It was the 17th edition of the Pattaya Women's Open It took place in Pattaya , significant Indian migration to is Italy significant Indian migration to Italy is a recent phenomenon Many Indians began immigrating to Italy Many came from the Punjab as the Indian community , integrated has a high-achieving model minority Most Indians have retained their religious practices , There are numerous temples and gurdwaras Indians , come have the 1990s Most Indians in settle Italy in The Po Valley is similar in climate , "Politico Europe describes " which "Politico Europe describes " which as "Politico Europe " describes as Italy's most important farming union This moth is native to South America It was introduced to the United States The adult moth is brown and an elongated arrowhead shape been attacked by has the larva attacked by the larva has areas by the larva has areas of Bremner established his printing enterprise in Edinburgh Business was brisk from the start Bremner later became an agent for In he , printed 1756 1756 , he printed his own "The Rudiments of Music , he printed his own "The Rudiments of Music "
he printed his own "The Rudiments of Music " , Bremner's business acumen served him well in He published Nicolò Pasquali's bestseller "Thorough-Bass Made Easy " in The next year , he published William McGibbon's Scottish tune collections , he published William McGibbon's Scottish tune collections in he published William McGibbon's Scottish tune collections in four volumes he , displayed also this time , he also displayed his musical prowess he also displayed his musical prowess by Bremner was once a violin student of he " , writes harmony He republished Geminiani's 1751 "The Art of Playing on the Violin " in Bremner died at his home in He had married Margaret Bruce on Preston and Son purchased Bremner's London stock in 1940 , was California California , 1940 was an election , 1940 was an election for 1940 was an election for California's delegation This film was by directed Robert Montgomery was by directed Robert Montgomery , who by directed , Robert Montgomery The film was by produced Montgomery was by produced Montgomery and by produced Montgomery and Cagney It was also Cagney's last starring role in " The Gallant Hours " depicts the crucial five-week period The Gallant Hours " depicts the crucial five-week period in That period of combat became a turning point The story is told in flashback officers that Note of five-star rank " The Gallant Hours " has no battle scenes All the fighting takes place off-screen , Fundamentally , the film becomes a battle , the film becomes a battle of the film becomes a battle of wills scenes that is depicting Japanese staff officers Director Robert Montgomery had served under Admiral William F. Halsey Admiral Halsey , receive would Cagney-Montgomery Productions , Admiral Halsey would receive 10 percent Admiral Halsey would receive 10 percent of , Admiral Halsey went to Camp Pendleton Admiral Halsey went to Camp Pendleton where he similar to was what The Gallant Hours " was " a labor Cagney he praised because Montgomery he praised because Montgomery " We concentrated on Halsey himself as Cagney , interviewed Halsey Halsey , Cagney interviewed many men
, Cagney who interviewed many men Cagney who interviewed many men had who interviewed many men had served he had called been his career " The Gallant Hours " was Cagney's last starring role The Gallant Hours " was Cagney's last starring role in the sets were hung from overhead grids Working titles for were the film " The studio rented a Sikorsky VS-44A , N41881 "TV Guide " gave "The Gallant Hours " It also that praised Robert Montgomery's direction also that praised Robert Montgomery's direction " that praised Robert Montgomery's direction " focuses The producers went to great lengths to Cagney's dignified portrayal may have softened Halsey's often salty, pugnacious personality of Admiral Halsey's response , was the South Pacific forces Admiral Halsey's response , was the South Pacific forces : Admiral Halsey's response was : " Jesus Christ This they is the hottest potato ever they is the hottest potato ever handed Also , there was one aspect , there was one aspect of there was one aspect of Halsey's personality neither the script one aspect of was Halsey's personality The action of the film takes place , the death of occurred Admiral Yamamoto the death of occurred Admiral Yamamoto on The Gallant Hours " also shows U.S. Marine aviators The wingtip fuel tanks visible on were these aircraft She is the Crown Family Professor of Art She has curated several important exhibitions , Grabner , named was 2014 , Grabner was named one Grabner was named one of Grabner received a B.F.A. ( painting She received an M.F.A. from Northwestern University She is the Crown Family Professor of Art Her work is in the collection of The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland presented her first solo retrospective , Michelle Grabner Grabner co - curated the 2014 Whitney Museum Biennial co - curated the 2014 Whitney Museum Biennial and she Brad Killam , founded her husband Brad Killam , she founded The Suburban , she founded The Suburban in she founded The Suburban in Oak Park In The Suburban , began 2015 2015 , The Suburban began programming exhibitions
, The Suburban began programming exhibitions in The Suburban began programming exhibitions in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood Grabner opened and Killam 2009 Grabner and Killam opened The Poor Farm Lindner was renowned for his high marking His greatest achievement was winning the 1967 Magarey Medal , Other honours during include his career topping His best performance in came South Australian colours in he in came where the 1961 Brisbane Carnival He Tassie Medal polled votes in Tassie Medal polled votes in both matches He captained and coached North Adelaide The Council of the City of Prospect commemorated Lindner's achievements by naming The walkway connects his former family home in Kintore Avenue Mayor David O’Loughlin , opened formally 29 August 2010 , Mayor David O’Loughlin formally opened the Don Lindner Walk Mayor David O’Loughlin formally opened the Don Lindner Walk at e="preserve">Jinamitra who was an Indian pandita travelled who was an Indian pandita travelled to Jinamitra worked with Jñānagarbha and Waitaki is an electorate for the New Zealand House of Representatives that an electorate for is the New Zealand House of Representatives first that for established the that for established the determined The overall effect of was the required changes highly This current Waitaki electorate is the successor to parts Waitaki ended up over quota The largest town in the electorate is Oamaru The next election was held in early January 1876 Waitaki had become a two-member electorate , four candidates become , and a two-member electorate Steward and Joseph O'Meagher contested the election the electorate onwards , became 1881 onwards , the electorate became a single-member constituency , the electorate became a single-member constituency again Thomas Young Duncan won the and the two subsequent elections Duncan , opposed was the Duncan was by opposed John Reid was by opposed John Reid , by opposed John Reid , but Duncan , contested successfully the , Duncan successfully contested the Oamaru electorate Duncan successfully contested the Oamaru electorate instead He returned to Waitaki for He held the electorate until 1911 Francis Henry Smith succeeded Steward in the Smith in , stood the next election
Smith stood unsuccessfully in the Timaru electorate The Waitaki electorate was by won John Anstey was by won John Anstey that year Anstey , defeated was the Anstey was by defeated John Bitchener was by defeated John Bitchener , who by defeated , John Bitchener At Kidd , had the final count the final count , Kidd had a majority , Kidd had a majority of Kidd had a majority of 10 votes Hayman died in office on Jonathan Elworthy of the National Party was the successful candidate the electorate , abolished was 1996 Dean increased her majority in the Evergreen Plantation is a plantation located on The plantation operated until about 1930 , The plantation continued to produce sugar cane The plantation includes 37 contributing buildings , all the plantation was included among the first 26 featured sites It was designated as a National Historic Landmark " Medalon " is a fantasy novel Medalon " is a fantasy novel written " by is written a fantasy novel by a fantasy novel written is Australian author Jennifer Fallon Medalon Country is by surrounded Karien is by surrounded Karien , by surrounded Karien , threatening children of find , the current First Sister of themselves , find the current First Sister themselves , find the current First Sister caught at Paschen , received Harvard University Harvard University , Paschen received the Lloyd McKim Garrison Medal , Paschen received the Lloyd McKim Garrison Medal for Paschen received the Lloyd McKim Garrison Medal for poetry she At , where Oxford University she , edited has 2001 , she has edited numerous anthologies she has edited numerous anthologies , Her books of include poetry , Paschen teaches in the MFA Writing Program at Charles Seife is an American author and journalist One review of this book described it Another well-known book from is Seife " The Jur River's headwaters flow from the Congo-Nile Divide , which from flow , the Congo-Nile Divide the nature of it is the wetlands of it is the wetlands not it is the wetlands not always Some sources cite the Lol River as a tributary
The Jur River was by explored John Petherick was by explored John Petherick between 1853 and 1865 was by on launched 18 April 1944 by on 18 April 1944 launched Bethlehem Steel Co. at she , arrived Manus Island she , arrived Manus Island at , she arrived at Leyte she arrived at Leyte on She remained on patrol off Damon M. Cummings " remained in the Far East On 1 November she cleared Saipan 1 November she cleared Saipan for she cleared Saipan for an overhaul Phillips was a very versatile footballer and played His 1948 Magarey Medal win was at centre half From 1949 to 1952 he topped North Adelaide's goalkicking 1949 to 1952 he topped North Adelaide's goalkicking , he topped North Adelaide's goalkicking , with ) by is spoken an Afro-Asiatic language by an Afro-Asiatic language spoken is the Burji people There are over 46,000 speakers in Ethiopia The verb morphology distinguishes passive and middle grammatical voice , as The New Testament was published in the Burji language Holzapple was born in 1914 He received an honorary doctor of laws degree He entered aviation cadet training in December 1940 He was ordered to the European Theater of Operations He flew 91 combat missions in North Africa In the 319th Group converted November 1944 to the 319th Group converted November 1944 to B-25 Mitchell the 319th Group converted to B-25 Mitchell aircraft In the group moved May 1945 to May 1945 the group moved to Okinawa the group moved to Okinawa where it to moved where Okinawa Holzapple returned to the United States in He entered the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk In he assigned was September 1951 he assigned was September 1951 to he was assigned to the Air Research and Development Command After Holzapple , went graduation Holzapple , went graduation overseas Holzapple went overseas to RAF Sculthorpe Holzapple assigned again was July 1958 He was reassigned in July 1961 In May 1964 he became director May 1964 he became director of he became director of the Weapon Systems Evaluation Group Holzapple became commander in chief
He received an honorary doctor of laws degree His military decorations included the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal with oak leaf cluster His foreign awards included the Croix de Guerre with etoile d'argent The Educational and Training Services form part of the Adjutant General's Corps The Educational and Training Services Branch can trace its history back In 1797 the Royal Artillery opened a Regimental School at Woolwich Station 1797 the Royal Artillery opened a Regimental School at Woolwich Station , the Royal Artillery opened a Regimental School at Woolwich Station , and formally this in trained The Monitorial System this in trained The Monitorial System being the Corps of Army Schoolmasters was established in 1845 ) this ; is uniforms uniforms ; this is a unique part ; this is a unique part of this is a unique part of their uniform An ETS Officer would usually start their career " Aceria malherbae " is a species Aceria malherbae " is a species of This mite is native to central and southern Europe It was imported from Greece The nymph is similar in appearance Gedeo is a Highland East Cushitic language of the Afro-Asiatic family Alternate names for the language include Derasa Verbs are marked for person In almost all cases the corporate bottom line is a paramount consideration almost all cases the corporate bottom line is a paramount consideration and the corporate bottom line is a paramount consideration and the payoff Below a list is of the largest corporate R&D spenders a list is of the largest corporate R&D spenders in Kopp has published in many prominent defense and security publications Kopp is a senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Gavin Bradley is a Canadian singer-songwriter and producer Fusing his work , is acoustic and electronic elements his work , is acoustic and electronic elements identifiable his work is identifiable for its signature "warm" piano sound Besides Bradley , is production production , Bradley is a solo recording artist in Bradley , began Ottawa Bradley , began Ottawa studying , Bradley began studying classical piano Bradley began studying classical piano at
At he , obtained age 10 age 10 , he obtained a pre-1900 Nordheimer upright piano Bradley eventually used a sampler to In his early teens Bradley developed a strong interest his early teens Bradley developed a strong interest in Bradley developed a strong interest in creating In Bradley , relocated 1991 Bradley , relocated 1991 to , Bradley relocated to Toronto Bradley relocated to Toronto to In 1992 he began an apprenticeship 1992 he began an apprenticeship in Together they worked with EMI artist Dayna Manning they worked with EMI artist Dayna Manning and Bradley's work on brought ' Nelly Furtado's third album 'Loose In Bradley began 2009 composing 2009 Bradley began composing music Bradley began composing music for In 2006 Bradley released 'Deep Freeze' 2006 Bradley released 'Deep Freeze' , Bradley released 'Deep Freeze' , his first solo album In The National Post interviewer Mike Doherty refers Canadian newspaper to The National Post interviewer Mike Doherty refers Canadian newspaper to ' The National Post interviewer Mike Doherty refers to ' Bradley's trademark piano In Bradley , explains that article Bradley , explains that article that Bradley and 2007 toured 2006 and 2007 Bradley toured the album 2007 Bradley toured the album in Bradley toured the album in Canada the alias Gavo, Bradley has also produced a steady stream Bradley also maintains ongoing collaborations with The Righteous single 'Love Is Love' featuring New York singer MJ White on released was vocals A number of use also speakers The language has a three ejective consonant phonemes and two implosive consonant phonemes It has two tones and five vowels Dirayta transcription that utilizes symbols differ that utilizes symbols differ from they contract to form ŋ The station is by owned Mid-Utah Radio is by owned Mid-Utah Radio and by owned Mid-Utah Radio and licensed of the sub district goes - the sub district goes - down district goes - down to district goes down to various conspiracy organisations The oldest conspiracy association was formed in Żoliborz was by in formed Żoliborz by in Żoliborz formed soldiers The command of assumed was it
of by was assumed it it was by assumed major Stefan Obrąbski was by assumed major Stefan Obrąbski and by assumed major Stefan Obrąbski and after " 60% of turned soldiers 60% of turned soldiers up attacks of forced were the insurgent units The same officer returned to the sub-district's units stationed the allowable amounts because is of sulphur block the fuel ) renders a 45 µm filter the fuel ) renders a 45 µm filter unusable The national annex of BS EN 14214 specifies a maximum CFPP of produced is is exactly how much carbon dioxide exactly how much carbon dioxide is produced is a complex and inexact process is produced is a complex and inexact process , produced is a complex and inexact process , and SVOs/PPOs that argued on the market Such a policy seemed to contradict the UK Government's commitments HM Revenue & Customs , announced has late 2006 , HM Revenue & Customs has announced changes HM Revenue & Customs has announced changes regarding The changes came into effect on There is no longer a requirement over the biodiesel rate applies now this threshold Substitute or Additive is limited to 2500 litres The Barrett XM500 is a gas-operated, semi-automatic anti-materiel rifle currently in it , intended is the M107 it will likely have somewhat better accuracy Her career started in 1930 as in 1938 , was California California , 1938 was an election , 1938 was an election for 1938 was an election for California's delegation CIDO-FM , branded as Creston Community Radio The Society was founded in 2001 The station branded itself as "977 CIDO The station was one of several new community radio stations FM 90.7 was a short term summer station in which a short term summer station in was Whakatane New Zealand This station is notably the very first FM station in The station only operated during the late afternoon off 1XX , continued the air 1XX , continued the air to 1XX continued to operate its usual programme 1XX did not obtain its own permanent FM licence The Medal of is Memorial Honor
It is dedicated in honor The Memorial is located on the north bank The panels are arranged into 15 walls each into arranged , 15 walls The names of etched are the recipients The Memorial also that contains an elaborate lighting system also that contains an elaborate lighting system illuminates that an elaborate lighting system contains illuminates certain panels that was chosen was the same area chosen Indianapolis' first recorded Independence Day celebration was where the same area Indianapolis' first recorded Independence Day celebration was where the same area was Site preparation began in November 1998 , The designers of the monument were architect landscape artists In they , founded 1699 1699 , they founded Fort Mississippi , they founded Fort Mississippi on they founded Fort Mississippi on a ridge The fort was completed in 1700 It was built in stockade wood Garrisons of visited occasionally French troops Juchereau de St. Denis , assigned was 1714 By Fort de la Boulaye abandoned was the middle of the 18th century of they ; found fort remnants ; they found fort they remnants found of palisade and building logs remnants found of palisade and building logs , The "Lyttelton Times" parliamentary correspondent described Laurenson as : George Laurenson was a partner in Forbes He was born in Edinburgh committees : he was chairman : he was chairman of he was chairman of the Lyttelton Harbour Board Laurenson represented the Lyttelton electorate in the New Zealand House of Representatives Laurenson was the nominal leader or chairman Like Laurenson , favoured Taylor Taylor , Laurenson favoured federation , Laurenson favoured federation with Laurenson favoured federation with Australia Laurenson was one of the On he stood 22 March 1912 in 22 March 1912 he stood in a leadership election he stood in a leadership election against He was subsequently the Deputy Prime Minister and In Laurenson , stood April 1913 Laurenson , stood April 1913 for , Laurenson stood for mayor Laurenson stood for mayor of Laurenson was a Labour movement sympathizer , but Laurenson died on 19 November 1913 aged Triumph ( ) is an unincorporated community and census-designated place
It is located on the south bank It is the closest town to two National Historic Landmarks The 1960 U.S Census listed Triumph as having It is by served South Plaquemines High School in Buras The system has 8 lines in operation Line 2 opened to the public Line 1 began operation on Line 3 began operation after Line 4 opened on December 26, 2018 Xi'an began its metro system plan in the mid-1980s It runs north-south and passes The route stretches from the Beikezhan to The travel time is 39 minutes for the entire length On the NDRC , approved June 12, 2019 June 12, 2019 , the NDRC approved the Phase III , the NDRC approved the Phase III ( the NDRC approved the Phase III ( 2018-2024 Line 1 opened on 15 September 2013 The route runs from east to between the Transportation Department of Xi'an , decided Xi'an and Xianyang cities the Transportation Department of Xi'an , decided Xi'an and Xianyang cities to the Transportation Department of Xi'an decided to extend Line 1 Construction of broke 3 Xi'an Metro's Line On the NDRC , approved June 12, 2019 June 12, 2019 , the NDRC approved the Phase III , the NDRC approved the Phase III ( the NDRC approved the Phase III ( 2018-2024 within all workers ; evacuated an hour all workers ; evacuated an hour safely They are the fourth largest ethnic group in Guinea They which speak , the Kissi language which speak , the Kissi language belongs In they were past times also they were past times also famous Kissi tradition " , considers The Peoples of Africa Kissi tradition considers that before the seventeenth century they that before considers the seventeenth century they lived south of the Futa Jallon Kissi Kaba Keita , the Kissi warrior managed Guinea Kissi Kaba Keita managed to unite many Kissi chiefdoms he , rallied had French attacks , he had rallied the Kuranko he had rallied the Kuranko 's in he , had 1892 he , had 1892 to to Kissi Kaba , resorted the French's technological superiority
Kissi Kaba , resorted the French's technological superiority mainly Kissi Kaba resorted mainly to guerilla tactics , by he realized 1893 by he realized 1893 that his resistance he realized that 1893 Other crops include peanuts , cotton is by equally shared the men by equally shared the men and Additional responsibilities for the men include hunting The women's duties involve caring for the small vegetable gardens For Kissi , are many generations Kissi , are many generations well The Kissi that in live small, self-governing villages that in live small, self-governing villages are Music plays a unique role in the Kissi culture it is used for certain types , most of continue them most of continue them to by and offered worshipped sacrifices Many carved soapstone figures and heads they that argue form part Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital was founded in Nagercoil It was by established the late Dr. N. D. Jeyasekharan was by established the late Dr. N. D. Jeyasekharan in by established the late Dr. N. D. Jeyasekharan in 1965 It ISO 14001:2015 Bureau Veritas is and ISO 9001-2015 ISO 14001:2015 Bureau Veritas is and ISO 9001-2015 certified In Dr. N.D. Jeyasekharan , left June 1965 June 1965 , Dr. N.D. Jeyasekharan left the Neyyoor Medical Mission , Dr. N.D. Jeyasekharan left the Neyyoor Medical Mission after Dr. N.D. Jeyasekharan left the Neyyoor Medical Mission after serving the doctor decided to build a set Those there were when times there were when times were The Jeyasekharan Nursing Home was opened in a public meeting the hospital is by recognized the National Board of Examinations is by recognized the National Board of Examinations , by recognized the National Board of Examinations , New Delhi Dr. N.D. Jeyasekharan took premature retirement , giving The station has a single island platform connected to a vestigal remnant of retained is the former switchback Iwanami Station began opened on December 8, 1944 on the station , came April 1, 1987 the station , came April 1, 1987 under , the station came under the control the station came under the control and In Li Ai , represented 1999
1999 , Li Ai represented her country , Li Ai represented her country of Li Ai represented her country of China She graduated from Guangzhou University with it was named for the German Emperor Wilhelm II who for named , the German Emperor Wilhelm II The bridge was destroyed in 1945 The event was moved across town A tall, wide, long scaffold jump took five days to build Icer Air featured BMX , skate The ICER AIR event drew over 25,000 people and generated A scandal arose in 2008 when athletes in arose when 2008 Hogan represented the Wanganui electorate in the House of Representatives Tamba Borbor-Sawyer is a Sierra Leonean politician and a retired officer He is currently a member of She continued in this role until the show in continued until this role In 1994 she fronted the extreme sports show 1994 she fronted the extreme sports show " she fronted the extreme sports show " On The Edge During the late 1990s she hosted 91ZM breakfast radio the late 1990s she hosted 91ZM breakfast radio with she hosted 91ZM breakfast radio with Marcus Lush Over the next few years Coc-Kroft hosted a series of the next few years Coc-Kroft hosted a series of shows in Coc-Kroft , became Fiji Coc-Kroft , became Fiji very She spent nine days in a coma Coc-Kroft has appeared in various New Zealand television advertisements in 1936 , was California California , 1936 was an election , 1936 was an election for 1936 was an election for California's delegation KMPT (930 AM ) is a radio station The station is by owned Townsquare Media KYSS signed on the air June 27, 1959 Treasure State Broadcasting signed the station on after KMPT , known was the new call sign KMPT was known as KLCY a deal , reached was October 2007 a deal was reached for the station He ran as a Union Nationale candidate in 2002 , that is a computer worm , that is a computer worm spreads that a computer worm is spreads itself in it , displays Visual Basic Visual Basic , it displays an image
, it displays an image of it displays an image of a girl It is named for a phrase the worm ) , searches 11:45 to 11:59 ) , the worm searches the C:\ directory , the worm searches the C:\ directory and the worm searches the C:\ directory and deletes In he , attempts this book he , attempts this book to he attempts to provide insights The Chinese government did not welcome its publication not it welcome and its publication it welcome and its publication is The book is divided into three sections Patten " , recounts "Governing " , Patten recounts various important events , Patten that recounts various important events Patten that recounts various important events happened that recounts various important events happened during his proposal how describes of electoral reforms He also details China's tactics of the success that argues of Hong Kong The New York Times Book Review " describes " East The paper calls Patten a "cold war warrior " The word , is a Japanese-language term for The term "suōdìmài " denotes the power of Those possessing believed were this ability "shukuchi , refers " modern Japanese martial arts "shukuchi " refers to a sudden movement Fictionalized versions of are " "shukuchi e="preserve">The office of is High Sheriff over The Office of High Sheriff remained first in precedence The county of formed was Avon On Szervánszky , gave 5 January 1944 5 January 1944 , Szervánszky gave the first performance , Szervánszky gave the first performance in Szervánszky gave the first performance in Hungary Bartók had already left Hungary Davey was born in Didsbury He received his education at Chorlton High School Davey was a member of the 6th Airborne Division He married Mavis Birch Baxter in Manchester He was the managing director of Queen's Hall Davey served on the Gisborne City Council from He represented the Gisborne electorate in the New Zealand House of Representatives he was by defeated National's Bob Bell Davey was a governor of both Gisborne Boys' and Gisborne Girls' High Schools district was divided into regions Since artillery and tank units , began 24 July 1944 German motor infantry
artillery and tank units , began 24 July 1944 German motor infantry to Special emphasis was put in it of district - was the sub district - was the sub deficient Some insurgents forced their way to Mokotów during McKay , joined his war service his war service , McKay joined North Adelaide , McKay joined North Adelaide in McKay joined North Adelaide in 1946 McKay was selected to the South Australian interstate side He won the Magarey Medal in 1950 He captained North Adelaide for eight seasons McKay proven had already Coleman's debut McKay had already proven himself McKay had the pace to go They rated McKay as the 9th greatest SA footballer selected the Sporting Life magazine annually chose an All Australian team the Sporting Life magazine annually chose an All Australian team and annually McKay chose and an All Australian team McKay chose and an All Australian team was He was born in Saint-Louis-du-Ha He served as School Board President of He ran as a Union Nationale candidate in M1131 ) that was a Ton" class minesweeper ) that was a Ton" class minesweeper operated that was a Ton" class minesweeper operated in She was commissioned into the RNZN Indonesia , employing was 1965 , Indonesia was employing a policy Indonesia was employing a policy of New Zealand agreed to assist Malaysia "Santon steamed " had August 1966 The company structures its operations around five business units that its operations around structures five business units Bahri is today the largest owner and Bahri Oil was established in 1996 Bahri Chemicals is a chemical/product tanker owner and operator in Bahri Logistics , was 1979 1979 , Bahri Logistics was the first strategic business unit , Bahri Logistics was the first strategic business unit to Bahri Logistics was the first strategic business unit to be Bahri Ship Management was established in the year 1996 by in established jointly the year 1996 He was the 1960 Magarey Medalist and had superb ball handling ability , Barrie Barbary was a most damaging player , Barrie Barbary was a most damaging player for
Barrie Barbary was a most damaging player for North Adelaide his play ; based is the most severe critic his play is based on the solid, boring rush his debut SANFL he impressed season SANFL he impressed season enough he impressed season enough to In 1963 Barbary was part 1963 Barbary was part of Barbary was part of arguably South Australia's greatest ever state team that part of was arguably South Australia's greatest ever state team The game was a fierce , sure ball-handling were dominating factors ball-handling were dominating factors in by Barbary , won the Victorian selectors the Victorian selectors , Barbary won the trophy , Barbary won the trophy given Barbary by won given the trophy by the trophy given won a leading oil company Barbary retired from the SANFL at In 1967 Barbary returned to the SANFL 1967 Barbary returned to the SANFL , He played 66 senior games , his experience " Potosi " was a five-masted steel barque Potosi " was a five-masted steel barque built Its primary purpose was as a "nitrate clipper " " Potosi " had five masts Potosi " had five masts and She was the third windjammer in the world merchant fleet within there , were the world merchant fleet the world merchant fleet , there were only six windjammers , there were only six windjammers of there were only six windjammers of this class who from came , the famous Laeisz-captain Robert Hilgendorf His considerations and ideas had a great influence She was assigned the call sign "RKGB Author Daniel S. Parrott describes the features of the "Flying P-Liners she , interned was World War I she was interned in Chile she , renamed was Chilean ownership , she was renamed the "Flora she was renamed the "Flora " She made twenty seven "round voyages " ( she , sold was Valparaiso she was sold to the F. A. Vinnen shipping company The French government sold her to Argentina which her to sold Argentina the ship remained unmoved in Valparaiso harbour to the ship , caught Cape Horn Cape Horn , the ship caught fire
, the ship caught fire off the ship caught fire off the Patagonian coast He anchored the ship five miles ( available , it took three days , it took three days before it help took before three days help took before three days came Next day a huge explosion ripped her steel decks apart The main mast fell overboard pulling the rest A tug tried to tow her The seamen dropped the anchor and took the ship had disappeared from the beach The Argentine cruiser "Patria " sank the burning hull of The ship had only one bulkhead in the bow section The ship four had , five masts four had , five masts of ) , she carried 43 sails , she carried 43 sails ( she 24 square sails carried ( 43 sails 24 square sails carried ( 43 sails in Not only the hull was steel only the hull was steel , the hull was steel , but The only wooden spars were the four royal yards , the four topgallant masts the first ships equipped with came that feature the huge barque , reach could good conditions , the huge barque could reach a speed the huge barque could reach a speed of Her best 24-hour-run were 376 nm in 1900 " was by manned a crew was by manned a crew of by manned a crew of 40–44 near he , studied Treviso he , studied Treviso in , he studied in the local seminary he studied in the local seminary , He took a doctorate of philosophy He was ordained priest on Agostini was created cardinal priest in Mukaa is a village and location The community is a tight and small one , and they is , and a tight and small one Mukaa was founded in the late 19th century Platt has made numerous comedic and dramatic appearances on Platt has also had guest roles As he regular played a series a series regular he played Captain Doug March regular he played Captain Doug March on he played Captain Doug March on the CBS-TV sitcom
Gondal is a town in Attock District of Punjab Province in 1934 , was California California , 1934 was an election , 1934 was an election for 1934 was an election for California's delegation by has been shaped Macedonians has been by shaped population shifts been by shaped population shifts and by shaped population shifts and political developments The ideas of grew separate Macedonian identity in It occupies most of the ancient kingdom It was by settled the Paionians was by settled the Paionians and by settled the Paionians and Dardani By the Paionians become had the 4th century AD the Paionians become had the 4th century AD fully The Slavic tribes invaded the Balkan Peninsula in the , the first attack on took Byzantium the first attack on Byzantium took place Initially , the Slavic tribes retained independent rule , the Slavic tribes retained independent rule with the Slavic tribes retained independent rule with their own political structure Historical records document that in 682AD - 685AD a group that in document 682AD - 685AD Kuber who was , a chief who was , a chief was he , made was a Bulgar , he was made chief he was made chief of They referred to themselves as Some sources Kuber suggest was the brother Kuber suggest was the brother of In these people , launched the following decades the following decades , these people launched campaigns , these people launched campaigns against these people launched campaigns against the Byzantine city He describes the traces of Bulgars laws , passed were 389 laws were passed against pagan practices The Slavic tribes in Macedonia accepted the Christianity The creators of the Glagolitic alphabet were the Byzantine Christian monks they of the Patriarchate at Constantinople were the guidance of the Patriarchate at Constantinople they were promoters the Patriarchate at Constantinople they were promoters of they were promoters of Christianity They developed their alphabet from their extensive knowledge Their work was accepted in early medieval Bulgaria Samuil ruled his kingdom from the island He was crowned in Rome The remains of are his castle still
soundly by in defeated 1014 Macedonia , incorporated was the 13th century Macedonia was incorporated into the Serbian Kingdom The Serbs saw themselves as liberators it , thus became the important trade routes , thus it became the centre thus it became the centre of it became the centre of Tsar Stefan Dušan's empire With the region fell his death under his death the region fell under leadership the region fell under leadership of Medieval Macedonia King Marko saw become the new king King Marko saw become the new king in on by was discontinued the Balkan Peninsula the Balkan Peninsula was by discontinued the occupation was by discontinued the occupation of by discontinued the occupation of the Ottoman Empire The region of Macedonia remained part Islamization means the process of a society's conversion Turkification is a cultural change in which someone a cultural change in is which , Macedonia was granted to Macedonia was granted to the new autonomous self-governing Principality they alarmed with grew what a too rapid collapse that feared of Ottoman rule This prompted the Great Powers to obtain The subsequent Congress of Berlin a few months later was a meeting of which a meeting of was the European Great Powers' Bulgaria 's lost much of it much of lost the territory which to create conspired tensions The organization was secret revolutionary society with aim , the results of were the Balkan Wars the results of were the Balkan Wars not by heavily Hellenized was re , Bulgarians in believed Bulgaria Bulgarians in believed Bulgaria that in most believed that Bulgaria most believed that Bulgaria of most that believed of the population Throughout each kingdom , tried the 19th century each kingdom , tried the 19th century to each kingdom tried to claim Macedonia This was done through the media the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization , established was 1893 This organization advocated the creation of an autonomous Macedonia The organization was founded in Ottoman Thessaloniki was by in founded Ottoman Thessaloniki by in Ottoman Thessaloniki founded a "small band On IMRO , led August 2, 1903 August 2, 1903 , IMRO led the locals
, IMRO led the locals in IMRO led the locals in the Ilinden Uprising That was one of the greatest events The high point of the Ilinden revolution was the establishment the Ilinden Uprising , suppressed was November 1903 The failure of resulted the 1903 insurrection in The left-wing faction opposed Bulgarian nationalism and advocated The right-wing fraction of drifted IMRO more of both fractions , laid 1908 both fractions , laid 1908 down , both fractions laid down their arms both fractions laid down their arms and The federalist wing welcomed in the revolution of In IMRO bands , fought the Second Balkan War the Second Balkan War , IMRO bands fought the Greeks , IMRO bands fought the Greeks and IMRO bands fought the Greeks and Serbs The Balkan Wars resulted in important demographic changes to The wars were an important precursor to World War I This concern was by shared Germany was by shared Germany , which by shared , Germany by by was begun the Central Powers the Central Powers was by begun Austria was by begun Austria , who by begun , Austria Bulgaria occupied much of Macedonia led by maintained , Todor Aleksandrov by Todor Aleksandrov , maintained its existence This was one factor in Bulgaria The IMRO organized the Valandovo action of 1915 the 11th Macedonian division in established was Bulgarian army of it , belonged today's southern Serbia it , belonged today's southern Serbia officially it belonged officially to the newly formed Vardar Banovina An intense program of implemented was Serbianization the dialects of treated were Macedonia taught , it was the language , it was the language of it was the language of government Greeks were resettled in the region Many emigrated , for the most part The Greek names for became some traditionally Slavic or Turkish speaking areas official the Slavic speakers became official and some traditionally Slavic or Turkish speaking areas A similar procedure was applied to Greek names In there , was Greece Greece , there was a government sponsored process , there was a government sponsored process of
there was a government sponsored process of Hellenization Many of closed were the border villages , the primer intended for the "Slavic-speaking minority" children the primer intended for the "Slavic-speaking minority" children in prepared by published was a special government commissioner by by was published a special government commissioner a special government commissioner was by published the Greek government was by published the Greek government in by published the Greek government in Athens In 1924 IMRO entered negotiations 1924 IMRO entered negotiations with IMRO entered negotiations with the Comintern The idea for supported was a new unified organization for by was supported a new unified organization a new unified organization was by supported the Soviet Union was by supported the Soviet Union , which by supported , the Soviet Union Todor Alexandrov defended IMRO's independence and refused secure the Comintern , decided Alexandrov's cooperation the Comintern , decided Alexandrov's cooperation to the Comintern decided to discredit him The policy of was assassinations effective He established close links with the Croatian Ustashe were by out carried IMRO agents by out carried IMRO agents in most spectacular of was these spectacular of these was the assassination During the Comintern , prepared the 1930s the 1930s , the Comintern prepared a Resolution , the Comintern prepared a Resolution about the Comintern prepared a Resolution about the recognition It was by accepted the Political Secretariat was by accepted the Political Secretariat in by accepted the Political Secretariat in Moscow , the government of declared the Kingdom of Bulgaria the government of the Kingdom of Bulgaria declared a position by Tsar Boris III , had direct military confrontation direct military confrontation , Tsar Boris III had no choice , Tsar Boris III had no choice but Tsar Boris III had no choice but to joined the Bulgarian government , maintained the Axis Powers the Axis Powers , the Bulgarian government maintained a course , the Bulgarian government maintained a course of the Bulgarian government maintained a course of military passivity , the Bulgarians remained on the side-lines , the period of ended Bulgarian passivity The goal was to gain an Aegean Sea outlet
in Macedonia , shows the Balkans Macedonia , shows the Balkans how The political sympathies were intertwined with the national feelings As the pro-Serbian elements , were a rule the pro-Serbian elements , were a rule for , the pro-Serbian elements were for the English-French Allies the pro-Serbian elements were for the English-French Allies and , some of were the former revolutionary activists some of were the former revolutionary activists not The followers of fought Ivan Mihailov for the population , divided was this situation the population was divided in different groups in a meeting held was Skopje a meeting held was Skopje , it , greeted was April 19, 1941 it was by greeted most was by greeted most of by greeted most of the population This policy changed towards 1943 with Uhrana were organized in the Kostur Local recruits and volunteers formed the Bulgarian 5th Army Harsh rule by the occupying forces encouraged some Macedonians the military wing that estimated of the Communist Party of Greece which Some Macedonians had been supporters On the Soviet Union , declared 5 September 1944 5 September 1944 , the Soviet Union declared war , the Soviet Union declared war on the Soviet Union declared war on Bulgaria Within three days the Soviets occupied the northeastern part three days the Soviets occupied the northeastern part of the Soviets occupied the northeastern part of Bulgaria Ivan Mihailov - the , arrived IMRO leader Germany Ivan Mihailov - the IMRO leader arrived in German-occupied Skopje avoid he , refused further bloodshed betrayed by fought , high-ranking military commanders by high-ranking military commanders , fought their way The People's Republic of Macedonia was proclaimed at the first session The Macedonian language was proclaimed the official language of The first document written in is the literary standard Macedonian language by it , became special Act special Act , it became a constitutive part , it became a constitutive part of it became a constitutive part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Dimitar Vlahov , used was Macedonian autonomy Following Tito , separated the war the war , Tito separated Yugoslav Macedonia
, Tito separated Yugoslav Macedonia from Tito separated Yugoslav Macedonia from Serbia He also promoted the concept of Tito had a number of reasons he wanted to sever the ties in he , claimed August 1944 he , claimed August 1944 that To he , opened this end this end , he opened negotiations , he opened negotiations with he opened negotiations with Bulgaria Tito's actions had a number of important consequences The process of started , ethnogenesis The critics of these claims question the number these claims it question as the number it question as the number would , it was certainly the case it was certainly the case that most Macedonians certainly was that the case ethnic Macedonians living in organized Greece In NOF , agreed 1946 NOF , agreed 1946 to , the Greek military dictatorship re - imposed harsh restrictions The situation gradually eased after Greece's return The Macedonians in Albania faced restrictions the population of declared was Blagoevgrad Province of Macedonian was declared Blagoevgrad Province Macedonian was declared Blagoevgrad Province and , the result of was which the result of which was the complete destruction The policy was reverted at the end of the 1950s The country of celebrates officially North Macedonia The Republic of Macedonia remained at peace through was seriously by destabilized the Kosovo War seriously by destabilized the Kosovo War in by destabilized the Kosovo War in 1999 A short conflict was fought between government and ethnic Albanian rebels This war ended with the intervention of has been by claimed Macedonian scholars been by claimed Macedonian scholars that there by claimed that Macedonian scholars The supporters of ignore generally Macedonism ethnic Macedonians living in continue the region It was founded in November 1980 The water park includes seven attractions including a 13,600-square-metre wave pool The park was by constructed a group was by constructed a group of by constructed a group of Thai elites Siam Park City was opened on 19 November 1980 The park began with a water park and Guinness World Records adjudication executive Mr. Talal Omar , recognized formally 30 April 2009
, Guinness World Records adjudication executive Mr. Talal Omar formally recognized the 13,600-m2 Guinness World Records adjudication executive Mr. Talal Omar formally recognized the 13,600-m2 ( one women , killed was October 2007 has been by removed the park About two decades a narrow gauge railway circled the area of a narrow gauge railway circled the area of the park Sani was born in Rao with Sani , published Chairil Anwar and Rivai Apin Chairil Anwar and Rivai Apin , Sani published "Tiga Menguak Takdir , Sani published "Tiga Menguak Takdir " Sani published "Tiga Menguak Takdir " in Sani's first screenplay was "Lewat Djam Malam " (Past Curfew He had become a chairman of , the situation of deteriorated Indonesian cinema Sani received an Anugerah Seni award in 1969 Whirinaki is a locality on the Whirinaki River Highway 12 runs through it It is part of the Hokianga South statistical area Whirinaki was by raided Te Roroa was by raided Te Roroa in by raided Te Roroa in 1810 In it united was that year it united was that year into it was united into the diocese In the Emperor Frederick II wished 1211 to the Emperor Frederick II wished 1211 to give the Emperor Frederick II wished to give this see Lafontaine ran as a Union Nationale candidate in He was appointed to the cabinet Erikson would often acquire ships In there was the early 1920s still the early 1920s there was still some competition there was still some competition for By the South Australian grain trade , was the late 1930s the late 1930s , the South Australian grain trade was virtually the only profitable use , the South Australian grain trade was virtually the only profitable use for the South Australian grain trade was virtually the only profitable use for windjammers Erikson supplied his ships adequately with A young Eric Newby sailed to Australia on At she owned was the time by she was owned the time she was by owned Erikson was by owned Erikson and by owned Erikson and part Newby chronicled his trip in "
Miguel Torres Chile that is a Chilean winery was that is a Chilean winery was founded In the Viña Santa Digna vineyard , cultivates its its , the Viña Santa Digna vineyard cultivates the varieties , the Viña Santa Digna vineyard cultivates the varieties Sauvignon blanc the Viña Santa Digna vineyard cultivates the varieties Sauvignon blanc , All of the wines undergo a fermentation process In 1981 he joined ICC Bank 1981 he joined ICC Bank as he joined ICC Bank as a graduate trainee he , offered was 1987 , he was offered a role he was offered a role with He was by approached Bank of Scotland was by approached Bank of Scotland , who by approached , Bank of Scotland as he , resigned CEO he , resigned CEO from , he resigned from the Bank of Scotland he resigned from the Bank of Scotland ( He was by replaced his former COO Joe Higgins was who by replaced his former COO Joe Higgins who by replaced his former COO Joe Higgins along of particularity Svenska Fonden , focussed new start up vehicles particularity Svenska Fonden , focussed new start up vehicles on , particularity Svenska Fonden focussed on financial services Blacksoil is a rural locality in the City of The station is by owned North Wave Communications is by owned North Wave Communications , previously were by used an AM station were by used an AM station in by used an AM station in Atchison Tiguent is a small town and commune There is a Kirkmaiden both in Some points about the name suggest problems she that said founded a number There are other perhaps stronger arguments for the name 16 saints " : bore "my Aedan " : 16 saints bore the name : 16 saints bore the name Aedan 16 saints bore the name Aedan , a male saint named buried was Medan A male Modan is the saint of Rosneath, Falkirk it is , and a St Medan's Well The Kola ( ) is a river The river flows out of Lake Kolozero The neighbouring river Tuloma has its mouth just
Tuloma has its mouth just one kilometer The average discharge is 40 m³/s , Its largest tributaries is Kitza and Orlovka " Herzogin Cecilie " was a German-built four-mast barque Herzogin Cecilie " was a German-built four-mast barque (windjammer was by in built 1902 by in 1902 built Rickmers Schiffbau AG She was yard number 122 and she , painted was Rickmers she was painted in white The tall ships of remained the time competitive " Herzogin Cecilie " was one Herzogin Cecilie " was one of she , interned was World War I she was by interned Chile was by interned Chile , by interned Chile , returning after Gustaf Erikson , sent the war the war , Gustaf Erikson sent her , Gustaf Erikson sent her to Gustaf Erikson sent her to bring In several tall ships , tried so-called grain races several tall ships , tried so-called grain races to ships were loaded in the Spencer Gulf area her first mate , the ship left Port Lincoln , the ship left Port Lincoln in the ship left Port Lincoln in South Australia On the ship , capsized 18 January 1939 the ship , capsized 18 January 1939 and The timber and brass portholes from salvaged were the chart room The room contains several photographs and press cuttings There is also a collection of Official Numbers were a forerunner to IMO Numbers The route is now the central section of Croisetière ran as a Union Nationale candidate in He was elected in the 1966 election in 1932 , was California California , 1932 was an election , 1932 was an election for 1932 was an election for California's delegation This election began the transition of California it would have been six have the House seats been if six the House seats been if six were Democrats won six of those seats The station is by owned Seward Media Partners is by owned Seward Media Partners , by owned Seward Media Partners , LLC KSEW's license expired on February 1, 2014 , The HUSAR rover is part of the Hunveyor system
, so the HUSAR is (Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover so the HUSAR is (Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover ) the HUSAR is (Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover ) an experimental university rover model This rover accompanies the Hunveyor as like The Hunveyor-Husar system is an educational work at Hungarian Universities There by are supported smaller and larger model-cars by are supported smaller and larger model-cars onboard The building of focusing is the Husar-rover types The rover has a solar panel on its board movements , controlled are electric engines movements are by controlled the camera view are by controlled the camera view through by controlled the camera view through a wireless connection On there Husar-2a version a larger chassis there Husar-2a version a larger chassis are Husar-2a there version are independent driving there version are independent driving on The rover can turn in a very narrow arc can which in turn a very narrow arc which in turn a very narrow arc is The wheels in connected are one axis in by are connected one axis one axis are by connected a differential , the driving mechanism all have a left- and right-hand side symmetric structure by can be directed these servos can be by directed a microcontroller This microcontroller gets the position of the servos In a planetary simulation work we use testfields a planetary simulation work we which use testfields we which use testfields are which testfields use are analog the most important rock types from arranged are the Solar System in 1930 , was California California , 1930 was an election , 1930 was an election for 1930 was an election for California's delegation " Hover Strike " is a shooter video game Hover Strike " is a shooter video game developed the project originally went under the title " Hover Strike " received mixed reception Hover Strike " received mixed reception from of it , is April 1, 1995 it , is April 1, 1995 unknown how many copies unknown is of the title the action , viewed is gameplay the action is viewed inside the cockpit
in the game that are low flying aircraft the game that are low flying aircraft follow that are low flying aircraft follow and Moving done is the reticle by Pressing 2 will lock the reticle Terrain plays an important role in the game in the game that are low-flying aircraft the game that are low-flying aircraft follow that are low-flying aircraft follow and it ) , was the same name ) , it was one , it was one of it was one of the first fourteen titles by " was spearheaded "Hover Strike " was by spearheaded ex-Atari vice was by spearheaded ex-Atari vice - by spearheaded ex-Atari vice - president Atari veteran Rob Zdybel also worked as one The music and sound effects were by created composer Brad Wait " Next Generation " reviewed the Jaguar version Next Generation " reviewed the Jaguar version of The remake featured improved graphics and additional levels The Melbourne Turkish consulate bombing was an attempt to bomb This was a second Armenian attack on Turkish diplomats were by down gunned two people The Justice Commandos for the Armenian Genocide claimed responsibility , Turkish diplomats were considered the second-greatest security risk Turkish diplomats were considered the second-greatest security risk worldwide On ASIO , intercepted 12 July 1983 12 July 1983 , ASIO intercepted JCAG member , ASIO intercepted JCAG member , ASIO intercepted JCAG member , Krikor Keverian , was by devastated a car bomb The blast occurred at 2:16 am , which in killed , the blast The body of found was Levonian The device severely damaged the five-storey building in the consulate the five-storey building in damaged which They evacuated the area up to in an unidentified and heavily accented caller , warned Sydney an unidentified and heavily accented caller , warned Sydney of , an unidentified and heavily accented caller warned of further violence an unidentified and heavily accented caller warned of further violence after he , " said more Minister for Bill Hayden said Foreign Affairs for the Government Bill Hayden said Foreign Affairs the Government Bill Hayden said Foreign Affairs would
the Government said would review diplomatic security procedures He condemned the bombing " in Police and Emergency Services Race Mathews there said was concern there said was concern that searched , police found a notebook , police found a notebook containing police found a notebook containing the names they alleged also found 174 sticks The prosecutor Dickson told the jury the accused The consulate bombing Demirian not was the first time Demirian not was the first time had In he questioned was 1980 he questioned was 1980 over he was questioned over the assassination five hours of the Supreme Court jury found deliberation of Demirian the Supreme Court jury found deliberation Demirian the Supreme Court jury found deliberation guilty Demirian found guilty on both the murder and conspiracy charges On Demirian sentenced was 27 November 1987 Demirian sentenced was 27 November 1987 to Demirian was sentenced to life imprisonment Justice Kaye also sentenced him to He was refused bail because was it refused because bail it refused because bail was Demerian then began a minimum 25-year sentence as to the murder conviction overturned was the Supreme Court the murder conviction overturned was the Supreme Court , China is the largest market in the world China's photovoltaic industry began by making panels dramatically : the country became the world's leading installer : the country became the world's leading installer of the country became the world's leading installer of photovoltaics China surpassed Germany as the world's largest producer At China's total installed photovoltaic capacity , was the end of 2020 the end of 2020 , China's total installed photovoltaic capacity was 253 GW , China's total installed photovoltaic capacity was 253 GW , China's total installed photovoltaic capacity was 253 GW , accounting Most of generated is China's solar power In China , owned 2011 2011 , China owned the largest solar power plant , China owned the largest solar power plant in China owned the largest solar power plant in the world In it , held 2018 2018 , it held the record , it held the record again it held the record again with
China currently owns the second-largest solar plant in Solar power contributes to a small portion of Photovoltaic research in began China in Research continued with the development of The Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences led this research for a year Other research institutions continued the development and research In domestic solar cell production , began 1975 domestic solar cell production , began 1975 with , domestic solar cell production began with factories domestic solar cell production began with factories in These cells were produced in a similar fashion , demonstration projects for began solar energy production demonstration projects for began solar energy production to Yingli became one of the first producers annual capacity did not increase much Sichuan was by introduced the National Development and Planning Commission This spurred solar cell production and annual installations Photovoltaic cell production expanded in the following years , Only 5 MW of installed was solar energy China's annual solar energy installations grew to 10 MW installed In the National Development and Reform Commission , planned 2007 the National Development and Reform Commission , planned 2007 to the National Development and Reform Commission planned to have China's solar capacity increase China , stated that the National Development and Reform Commission's renewable energy development The solar park contains 200 MW of installed photovoltaic capacity The Chinese PV production system faced severe external shocks since 2010 a comprehensive set of introduced was policies of by was introduced policies policies was by introduced the Chinese government was by introduced the Chinese government mainly by introduced the Chinese government mainly to , the annual installed capacity in experienced China the annual installed capacity in China experienced notable growth In the National Development and Reform Commission , increased 2014 2014 , the National Development and Reform Commission increased the solar capacity target , the National Development and Reform Commission increased the solar capacity target to the National Development and Reform Commission increased the solar capacity target to 70 GW The National Energy Administration also announced plans to By China , installed the end of 2015 the end of 2015 , China installed 15.1 GW
, China installed 15.1 GW of China installed 15.1 GW of solar energy In China , added 2016 2016 , China added 34.5 GW , China added 34.5 GW of China added 34.5 GW of solar energy set by met was Chinese authorities by met was Chinese authorities in In China , saw the first nine months of 2017 43 GW , China saw the first nine months of 2017 China 43 GW saw of solar energy 43 GW saw of solar energy installed 2017 is currently the year with China's total photovoltaic energy capacity at the end of 2017 was 130 GW In China , saw 2018 2018 , China saw a decrease , China saw a decrease in China saw a decrease in annual solar energy annual solar energy installation , dropped further 2019 annual solar energy installation further dropped to 30.1 GW This decline in attributed is growth in China , remained growth growth , China remained the largest market , China remained the largest market for China remained the largest market for solar energy only 3.9% of produced was that energy of by was produced that energy that energy was by produced solar energy In China , saw 2020 2020 , China saw an increase , China saw an increase in China saw an increase in annual solar energy installations 2020 is currently the year with , almost 10% of came China's energy almost 10% of came China's energy from China's total photovoltaic energy capacity at the end of 2020 was 252.5 GW The solar park has an installed capacity of 2.2 GW The solar plant is connected to the world's first ultra-high voltage power line is which to connected the world's first ultra-high voltage power line which to connected the world's first ultra-high voltage power line gets MW of added were utility scale power plant installations China is the leading country for solar water heating capacity of China , comes population China , comes population 7th China comes 7th in the world been rapidly by accelerated the growth rapidly by accelerated the growth of by accelerated the growth of the solar market
Chinese-produced photovoltaic cells have made the construction of been heavily by subsidized the Chinese government heavily by subsidized the Chinese government , by subsidized the Chinese government , allowing they , become have a result , they have become the leading country they have become the leading country for new feed-in tariffs , promised were 2011 new feed-in tariffs were promised to potential solar power developers The government of Qinghai province offered solar projects of Qinghai province that offered solar projects Qinghai province that offered solar projects were that offered solar projects were operational The National Development and Reform Commission offered same-priced subsidies to potential solar power project operators meet the National Development and Reform Commission , announced promised subsidies the National Development and Reform Commission , announced promised subsidies in , the National Development and Reform Commission announced in May 2018 the National Development and Reform Commission announced in May 2018 that solar power subsidies in announced that May 2018 , the Ministry of Finance of slashed the People's Republic of China the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China slashed the solar energy subsidy budget With companies , are the auction-based system companies , are the auction-based system to companies are to submit subsidies bids China's budget for increased was renewable energy subsidies paid by has , consumers by consumers , has a 100 billion yuan deficit , tariff payments has while a 100 billion yuan deficit tariff payments has while a 100 billion yuan deficit have However , polysilicon production produces silicon tetrachloride , polysilicon production produces silicon tetrachloride as polysilicon production produces silicon tetrachloride as a byproduct Silicon tetrachloride that is a poisonous material can that is a poisonous material can make silicon tetrachloride , recycled is developed countries many Chinese firms have not adopted the practice The factory had previously failed pollution tests by has been accompanied renewables has been by accompanied controversy been by accompanied controversy regarding by accompanied controversy regarding China's contributions it has also opened new coal plants Critics of argue China's climate policy that of China argue that China's climate policy
China argue that China's climate policy is its carbon emissions , risen have recent years investments that argue into renewable energy sources so the construction has of buildings infrastructure projects also been by criticized environmentalists been who by criticized environmentalists who by criticized environmentalists see The high amount of encouraged has government incentives , there has been mass investment there has been mass investment in This has caused the curtailment of in some critics , argue 2016 some critics , argue 2016 that China's production of been has cheap photovoltaic cells there that claim is substantial evidence the cheap nature of resulted has Chinese photovoltaic cells many critics of stated have the forced labor usage it have stated that the forced labor usage The institute was established in 1948 The institute started with 75 students in it , affiliated was the Gujarat Technological University it was affiliated to the Gujarat University Each department has modern, fully equipped laboratories for U.G. and P.G. programs Most of recognized are the laboratories the laboratories , cater also the students the laboratories also cater to industrial testing It is equipped with a CNC machine The college has dedicated a team for College also has its own ground for The library has 1,03,000 technical books , 173 periodicals The institute maintains a training and placement cell to help students maintains to help a training and placement cell Assistance is given to students The institute has hostel facilities for 787 students There are two messes in the hostel campus The canteen is located at the center The team takes part in an annual robotics competition The team also organize an annual techno-cultural fest "Lakshya " In Marimar Torres embarked 1986 on 1986 Marimar Torres embarked on a project Marimar Torres embarked on a project to The vineyard is called Don Miguel , searching , she acquired the land , she acquired the land and she acquired the land and began Today there are 30 acres planted there are 30 acres planted with of the vineyard , is the family the vineyard , is the family unique the vineyard is unique in California
of the rootstocks ; are an east-facing hillside the rootstocks ; are an east-facing hillside phylloxera At the estate , utilizes the Sonoma vineyard the Sonoma vineyard , the estate utilizes traditional Mediterranean viticultural practices , the estate utilizes traditional Mediterranean viticultural practices , the estate utilizes traditional Mediterranean viticultural practices , such of the winery , sits 15,000 cases the winery , sits 15,000 cases on , the winery sits on a hill the winery sits on a hill surrounded by on sits surrounded a hill The production wing is outfitted with carefully selected equipment The Manly Fun Pier started life as a cargo wharf the passenger wharf in demolished when the late 1980s the "Vineyard men , fought " the town centre the "Vineyard men " fought with the "Ock Street men A public house called traded The Ock Street Horns for Tattersall successfully completed the course in It by comprises composed five classical chamber music pieces by five classical chamber music pieces composed comprises Frith 5 October 1954 ) who is a German former professional footballer ) who is a German former professional footballer played who is a German former professional footballer played as He played for Kickers Offenbach , Hartwig won the European Cup in 1983 After Hartwig , worked his playing career Hartwig , worked his playing career as , Hartwig worked as a coach Hartwig worked as a coach at In Hartwig , described his 1994 autobiography his 1994 autobiography , Hartwig described his tough childhood , Hartwig described his tough childhood in Hartwig described his tough childhood in the city Theodore was born in Constantinople , in he became 794 in 794 he became abbot 794 he became abbot of he became abbot of the Symboleon monastery He clashed with successive emperors ( exile : he is the author : he is the author of he is the author of many works Jackson promoted seven of his solo albums In Jackson , became the early 1980s the early 1980s , Jackson became a dominant figure , Jackson became a dominant figure in Jackson became a dominant figure in popular culture
directed by depicts , Martin Scorsese by Martin Scorsese , depicts Jackson Jackson paid cinematic tribute to "West Side Story For Jackson , experimented the "Smooth Criminal" video Jackson , experimented the "Smooth Criminal" video with in it , won the US the US , it won a Golden Lion Award , it won a Golden Lion Award in it won a Golden Lion Award in 1989 Jackson received the MTV Video Vanguard Award in 1988 It featured Macaulay Culkin , Tess Harper The video helped introduce morphing , directed by is , Mark Romanek and production designer Tom Foden by Mark Romanek and production designer Tom Foden , is one In it , garnered 1995 1995 , it garnered eleven MTV Video Music Award nominations , it garnered eleven MTV Video Music Award nominations — it garnered eleven MTV Video Music Award nominations — more " Guinness World Records " listed it Guinness World Records " listed it as " was by accompanied an expensive environmentally themed music video showing images was by accompanied an expensive environmentally themed music video showing images of by accompanied an expensive environmentally themed music video showing images of animal cruelty time , reversed is special effects " Michael Jackson's Ghosts " was a short film Michael Jackson's Ghosts " was a short film written " by was written a short film by a short film written was Jackson The video for is " "Ghosts , was by directed Paul Hunter was by directed Paul Hunter and by directed Paul Hunter and released In Jackson , appeared 1978 Jackson , appeared 1978 in , Jackson appeared in his first film Jackson appeared in his first film , It was nominated for four awards " Stark Raving Dad " was the first episode Stark Raving Dad " was the first episode in Jackson performed the speaking voice of Leon Kompowsky Yingli Green Energy's manufacturing covers the photovoltaic value chain from ingot casting Yingli is headquartered in Baoding Yingli Solar was established in 1997 Yingli was by founded Liansheng Miao was who by founded Liansheng Miao who by founded Liansheng Miao was
Yingli expanded production capacity at a time module prices production capacity at expanded a time In 2016 Yingli of posted the first quarter the first quarter of 2016 Yingli posted a profit of 2016 Yingli posted a profit first 2016 Yingli posted a profit first time Yingli has cut workforce and Yingli's cost per watt is 41 cents Yingli is a member of the ‘Silicon Module Super League Yingli Green Energy was established in 1998 was by in established 1998 by in 1998 established Liansheng Miao Yingli Green Energy began module production in 2003 By Yingli , reached 2004 2004 , Yingli reached 6 MW , Yingli reached 6 MW in Yingli reached 6 MW in ingot/wafer/cell production The company also expanded into Germany After Yingli Green Energy , completed continued expansion and fundraising efforts continued expansion and fundraising efforts , Yingli Green Energy completed its IPO , Yingli Green Energy completed its IPO on Yingli Green Energy completed its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange In Yingli , achieved 2009 2009 , Yingli achieved 1 GW , Yingli achieved 1 GW of Yingli achieved 1 GW of cumulative output In the company , acquired 2009 2009 , the company acquired Cyber Power , the company acquired Cyber Power , the company acquired Cyber Power , a development stage enterprise In Yingli Green Energy , became 2010 2010 , Yingli Green Energy became the first Chinese company , Yingli Green Energy became the first Chinese company and Yingli Green Energy became the first Chinese company and the first renewable energy company Yingli was also a sponsor of modules solar deployed are Yingli In Yingli Green Energy , reached 2012 2012 , Yingli Green Energy reached a production capacity , Yingli Green Energy reached a production capacity of Yingli Green Energy reached a production capacity of 2,450 MW It also became the world's leading solar module supplier by Yingli manufactures crystalline silicon solar PV modules , including PANDA modules use n-doped silicon instead of Yingli Solar's manufacturing facilities are located in Baoding Yingli is the largest and first official module supplier to GRID Alternatives
Yingli has also sponsored the United States Soccer Federation The PASS program provides schools in disadvantaged communities in Yingli , participates South Africa Yingli , participates South Africa in , Yingli participates in the “Football Yingli participates in the “Football for Dega was by signed Perth Glory was by signed Perth Glory in by signed Perth Glory in 1999 Dega's first match for was Perth Glory against he in Playing a defensive midfielder role went 3–3 ) he had the chance ) he had the chance to he had the chance to score The following season Dega again played a major part Dega again played a major part in with by was hampered the Glory Dega the Glory Dega was by hampered injury problems was by hampered injury problems but by hampered injury problems but still the Olympic Sharks Dega he received when a standing ovation he received when a standing ovation came Dega joined Tai Po Football Club in 2006 His debut game for Tai Po Football Club is the first ever home game In Dega , changed season 2007–08 season 2007–08 , Dega changed his number , Dega changed his number to Dega changed his number to 5 He has been the first choice penalty taker since Dega took and scored a penalty Dega was by judged the game was referee Pau Sai Yin by judged the game referee Pau Sai Yin by judged the game performed However , the referee awarded a free kick , the referee awarded a free kick to the referee awarded a free kick to Eastern AA which a free kick to awarded Eastern AA After Tai Po Football Club , made the game the game , Tai Po Football Club made an official objection , Tai Po Football Club made an official objection to Tai Po Football Club made an official objection to the HKFA He started both matches in Guangdong-Hong Kong Cup he , praised was the first match he was by praised the fans was by praised the fans and by praised the fans and also the team manager In Dega , kept season 2008–2009
season 2008–2009 , Dega kept his fine form , Dega kept his fine form and Dega kept his fine form and selected Unfortunately , he missed the penalty , he missed the penalty in he missed the penalty in both he , failed has prior Tai Po's central defender Joel has left the team The team's performance has dropped since the departure This was by proved the team was by proved the team qualified by proved the team qualified to against they , defeated Citizen Citizen , they defeated another finalist TSW Pegasus , they defeated another finalist TSW Pegasus and they defeated another finalist TSW Pegasus and won the there , were final final , there were rumors , there were rumors which there Dega rumors were which Dega rumors were which will he , like would Hong Kong Myanmar women's national football team is a female association football team representing Myanmar in 1928 , was California California , 1928 was an election , 1928 was an election for 1928 was an election for California's delegation Camp Morton was a military training ground and a It was named for Indiana governor Oliver Morton to the site , served the war the site , served the war as , the site served as the fairgrounds the site served as the fairgrounds for The first Union troops arrived at the camp in its last prisoners ; paroled were February 22, 1862 its last prisoners were paroled on June 12, 1865 of the property , resumed the war the war , the property resumed its role , the property resumed its role as the property resumed its role as the fairgrounds Camp Morton was established on a tract It was among the largest was it ; averaged 3,214 3,214 ; it averaged fifty deaths ; it averaged fifty deaths per it averaged fifty deaths per month Its maximum prison population reached 4,999 in July 1864 Several monuments and historical markers commemorate Camp Morton Camp Morton served as a military camp for Indiana's governor , offered Morton April 12, 1861 The site had served as the state fairgrounds
it , renamed was a military camp , it was renamed Camp Morton it was renamed Camp Morton in The first recruits arrived at the facility on in the dining hall , became the power hall the power hall , the dining hall became the commissary , the dining hall became the commissary , the dining hall became the commissary , and office space became , and the commissary The hastily built facility had difficulties accommodating so many men Indianapolis's Camp Morton was among the largest Other large prison camps included Camp Douglas ( Chicago in it , was 1862 it , was 1862 initially it was initially under state control The camp reopened in 1863 with on the camp's average prison population , was June 12, 1865 June 12, 1865 , the camp's average prison population was 3,214 , the camp's average prison population was 3,214 and the camp's average prison population it was and 3,214 it was and 3,214 averaged Tennessee , Morton informed Union general Henry W. Halleck , Morton informed Union general Henry W. Halleck that Morton Indianapolis informed that Union general Henry W. Halleck Indianapolis informed that Union general Henry W. Halleck could Stalls were converted into sleeping quarters it ; included also the camp ; it also included reinforced gates it also included reinforced gates and On the first Confederate prisoners , arrived February 22 the first Confederate prisoners , arrived February 22 by , the first Confederate prisoners arrived by train the first Confederate prisoners arrived by train at Additional prisoners arrived at the camp over Local residents helped provide the necessary food , The death rate among was the unfortunate Confederate prisoners high In 144 prisoners , died March 1862 144 prisoners , died March 1862 at , 144 prisoners died at the camp who had separated were commissions Colonel Richard Owen took over as commandant Camp Morton's first prison guards came from the Fourteenth Light Artillery , Quarters for established were the camp's prison guards On Owen , reported May 4, 1862 May 4, 1862 , Owen reported less than one regiment
, Owen reported less than one regiment plus Owen reported less than one regiment plus 202 men Owen , so devised Union prison camps so Owen devised his own Owen devised his own , which his devised , own Owen's policies were sympathetic to the prisoners' needs Under camp discipline , was his command camp discipline , was his command strict Early challenges at the camp included equitable distribution by and in erected operation It provided prisoners a place to Recreational activities included music and sports Prisoners formed musical clubs and theatrical groups Other pastimes included ballgames and whittling Contraband was removed before delivery , the hospital on was Camp Morton's grounds the hospital on was Camp Morton's grounds not only a few Confederate prisoners ; taken were Union troops additional facilities for established were Confederate prisoners David Garland Rose succeeded Owen as Camp Morton's commandant New volunteers from served Indiana's military companies as prisoner exchanges , arranged were August 22, 1862 The prisoners were sent to Vicksburg Camp Morton , used was their departure Camp Morton was used as a military training ground that to perform permitted duties By Camp Morton's buildings were 1863 in 1863 Camp Morton's buildings were in need Camp Morton's buildings were in need of Soldiers from assigned were Biddle's regiment Additional Confederate prisoners came in August 1863 , few of made were these attempts In Captain Albert J. Guthridge placed was July 1863 Captain Albert J. Guthridge placed was July 1863 in Captain Albert J. Guthridge was placed in charge David W. Hamilton took over as commandant Guthridge resumed the duties of commandant on the camp , indicated October 22 the camp , indicated October 22 had , the camp indicated had 2,362 prisoners the camp indicated had 2,362 prisoners with the prisoners that reported had sufficient food He also suggested the camp suffered Stevens helped improve the camp by Ninety-one prisoners died in November 1863 , Conditions at improved the camp hospital over Two new, but incomplete, hospital wards were opened in December 1863 a new military prison , constructed was the end of 1863
a new military prison was constructed on the grounds In thirty men imprisoned were January 1864 thirty men imprisoned were January 1864 there in camp's inmates , continued the new prison camp's inmates , continued the new prison to camp's inmates continued to attempt escapes prisoner count at reached Camp Morton count at Camp Morton reached 4,999 Overcrowded barracks and the July heat caused more illnesses Drinking water obtained from contained Fall Creek Fall Creek which contained , limestone which contained , limestone caused , two thousand of left Camp Morton's prisoners two thousand of left Camp Morton's prisoners as Only 1,408 prisoners remained at the camp in many of discharged were Camp Morton's prisoners Only 308 prisoners were left at the camp The camp's last Confederate prisoners were released on June 12, 1865 Confederate prisoners were buried in wooden coffins The individual gravesites were marked with wooden boards the remains of left were 1,616 Confederate prisoners additional tracks for the Confederate prisoners caused the Vandalia Railroad for the Confederate prisoners caused the Vandalia Railroad ' the Confederate prisoners caused the Vandalia Railroad ' remains In 1906 the U.S. government sent Colonel William Elliot 1906 the U.S. government sent Colonel William Elliot to the U.S. government sent Colonel William Elliot to Indianapolis The monument was moved to Indianapolis's Garfield Park The remains from moved were the Confederate gravesite The area became known as the Confederate Mound The Indiana State Fair returned to the site in which on constructed , the former Camp Morton site Southerners contributed $ 3,000 for A monument at erected was Indianapolis's Greenlawn Cemetery who to honor erected the Confederate soldiers A monument and ten bronze plaques were erected at Confederate Mound to he , was Dzogchen legends Dzogchen legends , he was an early Dzogchen practitioner , he was an early Dzogchen practitioner of he was an early Dzogchen practitioner of Vajrayāna Buddhism defined by is , the United States Census Bureau by the United States Census Bureau , is an area of there , were 2010 2010 , there were 40,602 people , there were 40,602 people ,
there were 40,602 people , 16,493 households The racial makeup of the μSA was 93.7% Males had a median income of $ Historically , the area was part , the area was part of the area was part of the ancient region e="preserve">FK ASK Riga was a Latvian football club of the Latvian army it and 1930s was the 1920s and 1930s it was one 1930s it was one of it was one of the leading clubs AVN was renamed to ASK ASK was founded as a football club In its first year the club earned a promotion its first year the club earned a promotion to the club earned a promotion to the top Riga division In ASK finished 1924 second ASK finished 1924 second in ASK finished second in Riga In 1932 ASK won its first Virsliga title 1932 ASK won its first Virsliga title ( ASK won its first Virsliga title ( in the "champion would be considered the teams However a vote in decided the Latvian Football Union a vote in decided the Latvian Football Union that in the champion decided that the Latvian Football Union the champion decided that the Latvian Football Union would In the golden match ASK won 3:1 the golden match ASK Rehtšprehers won 3:1 ASK Rehtšprehers won 3:1 , Rehtšprehers won 3:1 , Bredersons and Timpers with by was disbanded other popular Latvian football clubs other popular Latvian football clubs was by disbanded the Soviets was by disbanded the Soviets but by disbanded the Soviets but in it and 1943 won 1942 and 1943 it won the Latvian league 1943 it won the Latvian league , it won the Latvian league , and In the early 1950s it was one the early 1950s it was one of it was one of the strongest football clubs Still it was a completely different club than it was a completely different club than the former ASK In the club disbanded was 1953 the club disbanded was 1953 as the club was disbanded as a part later he played with top Soviet clubs he played with top Soviet clubs  
FK ASK had a strong dominance in the Latvian league 5 September 191818 March 1990 ) who was an Australian politician ) who was an Australian politician served who was an Australian politician served in He served as Minister for Katter was born on 5 September 1918 His father was a Maronite Catholic born in His father was one of the two-dozen original investors of he , served World War II he , served World War II in , he served in the Australian Army he served in the Australian Army as his service , terminated was July 1942 his service was terminated on grounds Later he was proprietor of he was proprietor of the local drapery business Katter served on Cloncurry Shire Council for Katter married his first wife , Mabel Horn Katter remarried in 1976 to Katter was at one time a member Bob Katter Sr. was a member of the executive He left the Labor Party in 1957 In he , joined 1966 1966 , he joined the Country Party , he joined the Country Party , he joined the Country Party , later the National Party On he , faced paper paper , he faced daunting odds The seat had been in Labor hands of Labor , held the election the election , Labor held the seat , Labor held the seat with Labor held the seat with a 13 percent majority A 1969 redistribution cut out Labor-voting Bowen , him allowed to consolidate his hold He would not face another serious contest He was Minister for the Army He also served as Chair He served two terms as Australian Parliamentary representative he , said was the Country/National Party = " preserve">Fahaheel Stadium or Nayif Al-Dabbous Stadium is a multi-use stadium " preserve">Fahaheel Stadium or Nayif Al-Dabbous Stadium is a multi-use stadium in preserve">Fahaheel Stadium or Nayif Al-Dabbous Stadium is a multi-use stadium in Kuwait City This stadium is the second smallest(2000 seats ) in " Warlock " is a side-scrolling action video game Warlock " is a side-scrolling action video game based It was released on May 26, 1995
happens , the Evil One sends his only son , the Evil One sends his only son , the Evil One sends his only son , the Warlock assembled , the runestones give the possessor ultimate power , the runestones give the possessor ultimate power to the runestones give the possessor ultimate power to undo the player , armed is a druid the player is armed with seven different spells is that with armed seven different spells that with armed seven different spells will " Next Generation " reviewed the SNES version Next Generation " reviewed the SNES version of Captain Squideo of gave " "GamePro " GamePro"s Bro' Buzz gave the Super NES version a more mixed appraisal GamePro"s Bro' Buzz gave the Super NES version a more mixed appraisal than He also criticized the delayed controls , it 's a good intermediate adventure with some truly challenging puzzles " Game Informer " gave the SNES version Game Informer " gave the SNES version 3.5 Martinelli was active in France of he , picked 1584 1584 , he picked a name , he picked a name taken he picked a name taken from His character wore a linen costume of colourful patches He chose the name Harlequin (Arlequin ) after Martinelli became attached to the Mantuan court Within he overseeing was a few years a few years he was overseeing all the professional acting troupes he was overseeing all the professional acting troupes in A decree from mandated the Duke that from Arlecchino mandated that the Duke Arlecchino mandated that the Duke and He was the most famous harlequin of his generation Martinelli played Arlecchino for several famous companies They joined with a troupe called Marie de' Medici urged him to return Martinelli returned in 1621 to Martinelli commissioned numerous dramatic portraits of himself Sibsu , also spelt Sibsoo It is located in Samtse District Willowbank is a rural locality in the City of = " preserve">Chengmari is a settlement " preserve">Chengmari is a settlement in preserve">Chengmari is a settlement in the far west It is home to the largest tea estate
Ebenezer is a rural locality in the City of Geiger Lagoon ( ) is a lake The locality takes its name from the Ebenezer Wesleyan In it renamed was 1888 1888 it was renamed Ebenezer State School There are no schools in Ebenezer The nearest primary schools are Rosewood State School in neighbouring Rosewood Dagapela is a settlement in the south The following is a list of following is a list of episodes It is located on the Indian border It is one of the road entry points Gelephu Thromde which has 11.52 km2 planning boundary area can which has 11.52 km2 planning boundary area can be It has 6 sub zones ( Demkhong Gelephu is located at about 30 km The Sarpang-Gelephu Zone offers unique opportunities for Bhutan The structure plan for lays Gelephu down It reviews the existing scenario of Gelephu It explains the proposals for action It also includes implementation and management strategies , The jurisdiction of these regulations includes the area The Structure Plan envisions an impressive entrance or a ‘Gate way Gelephu development corridor will serve as the backbone Open space systems have become an integral part of The existing teak plantation area along the Royal Boulevard road provides a huge potential However , the thick teak plantation provides an avenue , the thick teak plantation provides an avenue for the thick teak plantation the youth provides for an avenue the youth provides for an avenue to the region , dominated is the intense rainfall the region is by dominated hard wood trees is by dominated hard wood trees and by dominated hard wood trees and cash The industrial site is identified for the medium & small scale industrial related activities As per it Plan-2005 Gelephu Structure per it Plan-2005 Gelephu Structure is it Plan-2005 Gelephu Structure is already Location of is Gelephu quite Indo-Bhutan Royal entrance gate is opening a vast opportunity for The plan faced major obstacles in construction Work finally began in July 2011 Gelephu's runway was by inaugurated Lyonchen Jigme Yoser Thinley was by inaugurated Lyonchen Jigme Yoser Thinley ( by inaugurated Lyonchen Jigme Yoser Thinley ( )
Bhutan's modern liquor industry was established in 1976 The AWP is constantly growing its portfolio The AWP has strong presence with more than 18 well-established brands The main strengths of lies today AWP Presently AWP Gelephu which has around 18.44 acre area AWP Gelephu which has around 18.44 acre area include which around 18.44 acre area has include the water treatment plant and manufacturing unit Construction Development Corporation Limited is a Public Sector Company with 100% shares It caters to 3 Field Division i.e. Sarpang wise , it covers the far-flung central region , it covers the far-flung central region of it covers the far-flung central region of Panbang The hospital is situated near the Drungkhag Court it near situated and the Drungkhag Court The current hospital complex was built in the 1970s a new state in built and the 1970s The bus stand is located nearby the Bank of Bhutan is which nearby located the Bank of Bhutan which nearby located the Bank of Bhutan is The taxi stand is located nearby the Post Office there Since nearby the present taxi stand is a Buddhist temple as He was the son of Melchior Berri Berri grew up as the son , he studied with the famous architect he studied with the famous architect Friedrich Weinbrenner In he , travelled 1826 he , travelled 1826 to , he travelled to Italy he travelled to Italy , so , he developed the technical skills , he developed the technical skills of he developed the technical skills of a stonemason In Melchior Berri , opened 1828 1828 , Melchior Berri opened a construction business , Melchior Berri opened a construction business and Melchior Berri opened a construction business and a school Berri was also a member of Nærbø Station ( ) is a railway station The station is by served the Jæren Commuter Rail is by served the Jæren Commuter Rail between by served the Jæren Commuter Rail between Stavanger = " preserve">Tingtibi is a settlement " preserve">Tingtibi is a settlement in preserve">Tingtibi is a settlement in the south It is located in Zhemgang District
Panbang is a settlement in the south Panbang is a small town in Bhutan There that is no road connects that no road is connects Panbang they have to use the road Panbang is equipped with the modern amenities First school was established in 1979 , Candidates from are Panbang Candidates from are Panbang from of Zhemgang High School, Rinchen Tshering is representing Druk Nyamrup Tshopa And aspiring candidate for is Druk Mangsui Tshopa aspiring candidate for Druk Mangsui Tshopa is Sangay Dorji who is , the former candidate Sangay Dorji The story follows a poor uneducated woman ( Antara Mali The film was shot in Mumbai to she , learns her parents she , learns her parents that her parents that learns have other plans Chutki's best friend Raja (Rajpal Yadav ) shares her dreams Varhaug Station ( ) is a railway station The station is by served the Jæren Commuter Rail is by served the Jæren Commuter Rail between by served the Jæren Commuter Rail between Stavanger The station is south of the city = " preserve">Daifam is a settlement " preserve">Daifam is a settlement in preserve">Daifam is a settlement in the far east Daifam means , in the local language It is located in Samdrup Jongkhar District " Calocephalus aervoides " is a species Calocephalus aervoides " is a species of This species is a herb growing up It produces yellow flowers in September , the kabuki theater could use a revolving stage the kabuki theater could use a revolving stage to the 46 rōnin , ordered were 20 March 1703 , a kabuki play opened in Edo It was entitled " Akebono Soga no Youchi was by down shut the authorities by down shut the authorities , ; the third act appeared in another puppet play the third act appeared in another puppet play , ; Moronao was actually a cipher Moronao was actually a cipher for ; the blushing young man of is the second act the blushing young man of is the second act so way , it was certain death It was like taking expensive medicine
by down put led the Genko uprising Attending is the governor of Kamakura Moronao objects to preserving the helmet in she , saw the imperial palace the helmet , she saw the imperial palace the helmet saw presented to Yoshisada En'ya sends his retainers a message that he his retainers sends that a message Honzō finds Moronao at Tadayoshi's palace with Wakasanosuke , arrives his lover Angered , Moronao takes exception , Moronao takes exception to Moronao takes exception to En'ya's tardiness beyond En'ya , draws his limits En'ya , draws his limits and En'ya draws and slashes Moronao En'ya is placed under house arrest across En'ya ; charges his stomach his stomach ; En'ya charges him ; En'ya charges him with En'ya charges him with seeking , he meets on the highway he meets on the highway a fellow "rōnin Kanpei he mentions rumors has he mentions rumors has heard The other "rōnin " categorically denies this categorically the meetings denies : this the meetings denies : this and , an old man comes along the road an old man comes along the road with sooner has Sadakurō hidden the body has Sadakurō hidden the body and Sadakurō hidden the body and counted their money ; enable will the old man ; their money will enable Kanpei their money will enable Kanpei to with Kanpei , arrives the old man Kanpei , arrives the old man with , Kanpei arrives with the tell-tale wallet of he , commits events events , he commits seppuku disavows they , plan revenge they , plan revenge to they plan to kill him Konami arrives at Yuranosuke's house , he is by surrounded dozens is by surrounded dozens of by surrounded dozens of police The merchant scorns them and makes out : it was a test : it was a test , it was a test , and the "rōnin was , and a test They will use his shop name as A party scales the walls , captures in 1926 , was California California , 1926 was an election , 1926 was an election for
1926 was an election for California's delegation e="preserve">Hertfordshire Intensive Care & Emergency Simulation Centre (HICESC ) is an advanced teaching facility heavily been by influenced a project grant been by influenced a project grant received by influenced a project grant received from the centre , relocated was the Department of ECEE the centre was relocated within another part HICESC on , became that point on , HICESC became a central Faculty of Health & Human Sciences , HICESC became a central Faculty of Health & Human Sciences resource HICESC became a central Faculty of Health & Human Sciences resource without of HICESC , became 2006 2006 , HICESC became the centre piece , HICESC became the centre piece of HICESC became the centre piece of a new 4-storey building project The ground floor of provides now the new Health Research Building To the centre benefitted has that effect the centre benefitted has that effect from the centre has benefitted from several educational research grants HICESC , hosted has the purpose built facilities , HICESC has hosted two simulation conferences During ERMES , aimed the 1990s ERMES , aimed the 1990s to ERMES aimed to achieve a standardised digital platform was paging that intended systems paging that intended systems based ERMES never achieved recognition as There were questions over costs Sakteng is a town in Trashigang District Sakteng was featured in an Imogen Heap song He is the son of the late filmmaker He co - wrote the horror sequel Merak is a settlement in the far east Merak is under Sakteng Dungkhag , The main activities of raising are these highlanders only be by reached a two-day hike In a new road constructed was 2012 that a new road was constructed 2012 was that constructed shortened the hike that constructed shortened the hike to defined by is , the United States Census Bureau by the United States Census Bureau , is an area of there , were 2000 2000 , there were 21,880 people , there were 21,880 people , there were 21,880 people , 8,700 households The racial makeup of the μSA was 96.70% White
Males had a median income of $ e="preserve">Emilio Bozzi was an Italian businessman , known Also , he had the rights , he had the rights to he had the rights to the Turinese Frejus bicycle brand They renamed the company Legnano ( the name He was prior at Saint-Barbe-en-Auge He returned to the Abbey in The central theme of recalls " "Microcosmus " Microcosmus " offers one Microcosmus " offers one of Godfrey used the symbolism of a biblical framework He affirmed man's matter-spirit unity and the basic goodness Godfrey admits four principal capabilities in man of it , assembled man's natural and supernatural purpose man's natural and supernatural purpose , it assembled texts , it assembled texts from it assembled texts from the early Church Fathers The "Fons Philosophiae " was a didactic poem presented It was originally one of three were by presented Godfrey were by presented Godfrey to by presented Godfrey to the Abbot Donnington is a small village and civil parish The village lies on the B2201 road , also spelled is ) Bumdeling or Bumdelling spelled Bumdeling or Bumdelling ) is a settlement The 21st BRDC International Trophy was a non-championship Formula One race held Jackie Stewart qualified the Matra MS80 on pole Jack Brabham led from start to Gyalpozhing or Gyelpozhing is a town Lingmethang is a small town under Salling Geog The town lies in a lush valley just The Australian Uranium Association which was an Australian industry trade group represented which an Australian industry trade group was represented companies 2006 to the Australian Uranium Association acted 2013 to the Australian Uranium Association acted 2013 as 2013 the Australian Uranium Association acted as a national advocate the Australian Uranium Association acted as a national advocate for , was by replaced the Association was by replaced the Association in by replaced the Association in the same year The Association had two full members ( the mining companies The Association supported increased exports of Australian uranium of EITM , considers the IT function the IT function , EITM considers the need , EITM considers the need for
EITM IT organizations considers for the need IT organizations considers for the need to Enterprise IT management was developed in response along EITM , proposes technical functions technical functions , EITM proposes a set , EITM proposes a set of EITM proposes a set of capabilities that a set of proposes capabilities whose focus with associated , Lean IT His other work includes roles in " those of are whilst Carboniferous origin The oldest rocks in represented are Yorkshire in by are represented Yorkshire Yorkshire are by represented a number are by represented a number of by represented a number of small inliers Avalonia moved and Baltica the Silurian period which lay between was them which is now was Yorkshire The blocks are known as the Askrigg and Alston blocks actively which into subsiding shallow seas which into subsiding shallow seas were These seas contained high levels of calcium carbonate There are areas of reef deposition The sand of the deltas became the Millstone Grits The climate then became humid and then the delta areas became and humid the delta areas became and humid started These deltas changed size and shape They would eventually form the numerous coal seams The Variscan orogeny occurred towards the end of The seas between closed were the land masses Yorkshire lay in the arid hinterland of The rocks of dominated are this period of by are dominated this period this period are by dominated red desert sandstones which a dry area of was subsidence Later a marine transgression from the north established a shallow saline sea from the north which established a shallow saline sea the north which established a shallow saline sea produced which a shallow saline sea established produced a thickness had completely by evaporated the end completely by evaporated the end of by evaporated the end of the Permian During a hot and mainly arid climate continued the following Triassic period but a hot and mainly arid climate continued the following Triassic period but with a hot and mainly arid climate continued but with flash floods Britain at lay this time between
It was during this time that the North Atlantic during was that this time the north of only small amounts block the Market Weighton of only small amounts block the Market Weighton of the Market Weighton only small amounts block of deposit only small amounts block of deposit were These which were the Speeton clays are which the Speeton clays were are 100 Neogene , the British land mass drifted northwards , the British land mass drifted northwards from the British land mass drifted northwards from 40 It was also moved eastwards was also by moved eastwards also by eastwards moved the widening by eastwards moved the widening of It was in this period that the Cleveland dyke in this period was that the end of there were the Tertiary period of the Tertiary period there were repeated cycles the Tertiary period there were repeated cycles of there were repeated cycles of warmer and cooler climate Each cycle had a period of about 10,000 years Seventeen cycles of recognised are cold and temperate climate The latest glacial episode destroyed much of the evidence There was scouring of material The Pennines which form an anticline extends which form an anticline extends in The limestone is exposed at the surface In this limestone exposure led has the Yorkshire Dales this limestone exposure led has the Yorkshire Dales to this limestone exposure has led to the formation in notable examples ; are England England ; notable examples are the chasms ; notable examples are the chasms of notable examples are the chasms of Gaping Gill The coalfield area is underlain by Coal Measures which underlain by is Coal Measures The sandstones they resist so erosion they resist so erosion form The Magnesian Limestone belt forms a narrow north–south oriented strip of undulating The upper layer is made of a similar sequence There by are caused numerous swallow holes by numerous swallow holes caused are the underground dissolution South of there is Wetherby of Wetherby there is only a thin layer Wetherby there is only a thin layer of there is only a thin layer of glacial deposits
Beneath sandstone of the Vale of York lie Triassic the drift deposits sandstone of the Vale of York lie Triassic the drift deposits and These deposits include glacial till , sand The Escrick moraine extends across the vale from The geology of dominated is the North York Moors of by is dominated the North York Moors the North York Moors is by dominated rocks is by dominated rocks of by dominated rocks of the Jurassic period Fluctuations in sea level produced different rock types The upper layers of eroded were rock rocks became exposed in the north These are the bands of shales The middle layers form the sandstones of the high moors cut through there are the younger rocks through there are the younger rocks also the younger rocks there are also exposures there are also exposures of , the area has experienced a sequence the area has experienced a sequence of the end of the ice age the snowfields on began the moors the snowfields on began the moors to Huge torrents of forced were water Water from the Esk valley area flowed southwards Water from the moors formed a vast lake Eventually this lake filled its basin and this lake filled its basin and then finally retreated they left deep deposits retreated they left deep deposits of they left deep deposits of boulder clay The boulder clay blocked the eastern end of the Vale of the vale , has the post glacial Lake Pickering the post glacial Lake Pickering , the vale has a predominantly level topography , the vale has a predominantly level topography covered the vale by has covered a predominantly level topography by a predominantly level topography covered has glacial drift deposits The underlying Jurassic sandstones and mudstones have little direct influence There are minor outliers of Jurassic limestone The hills are formed from Cretaceous chalk ; Flamborough Headland is designated a Heritage Coast Most of the area takes the form The chalk formation of the hills provides exceptionally good drainage Holderness is underlain by Cretaceous Chalk The landscape is by dominated deposits is by dominated deposits of
by dominated deposits of till These were deposited during the Devensian glaciation The glacial deposits which form a more or less continuous lowland plain has which a more or less continuous lowland plain form has some peat filled depressions The well-drained glacial deposits that provide fertile soils can that provide fertile soils can support The main glacial front was at Escrick where the Escrick moraine at was where Escrick This formed the northern limit of an extensive lake the lake was filled with clay sediments was which with filled clay sediments which with filled clay sediments are The species is native to the Western Cape formally by in described 1854 by in 1854 described British botanist John Miers defined by is , the United States Census Bureau by the United States Census Bureau , is an area of there , were 2000 2000 , there were 19,253 people , there were 19,253 people , there were 19,253 people , 7,623 households The racial makeup of the μSA was 89.51% Males had a median income of $ at both proposals – included the same time the same time – both proposals included lines – both proposals included lines from both proposals included lines from near Construction of passed was the line Acts were submitted in 1856 Hull timber merchant , the line was Joseph Armytage Wade , the line was Joseph Armytage Wade to the line was Joseph Armytage Wade to both was later by replaced an embankment on the extension was ran which the extension was ran which boggy The line began in Hull at In 1914 there were 14 trains 1914 there were 14 trains a there were 14 trains a day The service remained at a similar level of Closure of came the line as One short section was retained in north-east Hull The section became operational in 1968 ; many of remain the station buildings many of remain the station buildings in The Roe Valley Country Park is a forested area containing part The terrain next to is the river it , increases significantly catchment area it significantly increases in volume
The river is bridged at several points The Green Lane Museum closes for winter , He was a contemporary of Ibn Khaldun Ismail Ibn al-Ahmar was born in Granada He fled al-Andalus with his father e="preserve">The term 'Flagship ' signifies a ship an Admiral a ship in signifies which the term can also indicate that then the Fleet Commander has flown his flag the Fleet Commander has flown his flag from it has usually been an aircraft carrier that been , but an aircraft carrier He is known for his books His literary debut was " Vandring i Grønoset was born in Tynset He made his literary debut in 1952 He was awarded HM The King's Medal a Canadian music festival was started in Calgary Smith played 228 games for Leicester Tigers He played in winning Premiership Finals Smith made his Tigers debut against the Barbarians Smith had been a regular member of and coach Ian "Dosser" Smith, Smith joined the Tigers Junior Academy coach Ian "Dosser" Smith, Smith joined the Tigers Junior Academy at Ian "Dosser" Smith, Smith joined the Tigers Junior Academy at U-16 On 9 May 2019 Smith announced his retirement from 9 May 2019 Smith announced his retirement from rugby the senior naval officer as used for a generic term ) were by overseen an independent official were by overseen an independent official : by overseen an independent official : usually a resident Commissioner ... was by attended the Port-Admiral was by attended the Port-Admiral , by attended the Port-Admiral , the Admiral-Superintendent of the Dockyard of this , was the term the term , this was an official designation Port admiral is an honorary rank in the United States Navy Examples include Samuel Livingston Breese from 1869 to 1870 , the rank of appeared port admiral the rank of appeared port admiral as The Final Four consisted of Connecticut , The first two rounds were held at the home court 4 seed , faced Alabama a second-round game , 4 seed Alabama faced the 5 seed 4 seed Alabama faced the 5 seed Duke The game was close throughout the contest
in Alabama's Niesa Johnson , hit regulation regulation , Alabama's Niesa Johnson hit a three-pointer , Alabama's Niesa Johnson hit a three-pointer to Alabama's Niesa Johnson hit a three-pointer to send the game would eventually feature four overtimes , Louisiana Tech's Debra Williams went to the foul line Louisiana Tech's Debra Williams went to the foul line for She missed it , but the scorekeeper missed , but it Louisiana Tech tried and missed a last second shot Tennessee was a number 1 seed , while Georgia was , while a number 1 seed The two teams had faced each other Georgia coach Andy Landers complained about lack of Tennessee's Pat Summitt emphasizes rebounds , and Tennessee emphasizes , and rebounds they then played in the Big East which in played , the Big East The Big East earned just two invitations to the NCAA tournament Stanford was a representative of the Pacific-10 conference the Huskies jumped out to an early 16–4 lead Kara Wolters scored 31 points , a Consensus national player of Rebecca Lobo added the year of the year Rebecca Lobo added 17 points the year Rebecca Lobo added 17 points , Rebecca Lobo added 17 points , prompting In Tennessee , had the championship game the championship game , Tennessee had a small lead , Tennessee had a small lead in Tennessee had a small lead in the first half 28–25 Auriemma tried playing small , In the lead , was the second half the lead , was the second half still , the lead was still four points the lead was still four points in in Lobo , had the game Lobo , had the game but Lobo then scored on four possessions , then Rizzotti made a play then Rizzotti which made a play Rizzotti which made a play would which made a play would be She grabbed a rebound , then reaching she , executed the basket the basket , she executed a cross , she executed a cross - she executed a cross - over In the automatic bid , was seventeen cases
seventeen cases , the automatic bid was the only representative , the automatic bid was the only representative from the automatic bid was the only representative from the conference The sixty-four teams came from thirty-three states , in Touré , began Bamako Bamako , Touré began his career , Touré began his career with Touré began his career with hometown club Stade Malien Touré earned 69 caps for Mali Denny Hulme took pole position for Bruce McLaren Motor Racing team The race was held over 52 laps Denny Hulme took the winner spoils for The podium was by completed another Kiwi was by completed another Kiwi , by completed another Kiwi , Chris Amon , Abraham came through the ranks Abraham came through the ranks after He took up the sport three years earlier Abraham had a short spell playing at hooker He was an U-21 League winner with the Tigers He also won the Guinness A League in Kierikki is an area located in Kierikki is one of the most important archaeological exploratory areas Excavations started in 1960 and they in started and 1960 Research has significantly changed the view In people , lived fact people , lived fact in , people lived in large villages people lived in large villages the whole year Kierikki is also a subdivision of Kierikki ceramics were used in 3500–3100 BC it in used and 3500–3100 BC Finnish Comb Ceramic culture is called neolithic because is it called because neolithic it called because neolithic is Finnish Comb Ceramic culture , includes also ceramics , Finnish Comb Ceramic culture also includes polished weapons Finnish Comb Ceramic culture also includes polished weapons made Kierikki which includes , Kierikki Stone Age Centre which includes , Kierikki Stone Age Centre is " Light Ages " is a 1993 album Light Ages " is a 1993 album by It is their seventh studio album after a sixteen year hiatus Wigwam had disbanded in 1978 Drummer Ronnie Osterberg died in 1981 putting However very favourable support encouraged further live appearances and very favourable support encouraged further live appearances and the decision
The resulting album was a combination of re-recorded versions Overall the album continued the pop-rock style of the album continued the pop-rock style of the last albums the work of missed is drummer Ronnie Osterberg replacement Jan Noponen is missed and drummer Ronnie Osterberg by was however replaced the recent live shows was however by replaced Mikko Rintanen Jan Noponen was a new addition on drums Colacone started his career at Parma He made his Serie A debut on 9 April 1994 He then played for two Serie C1 clubs Lucchese relegated to Serie C1 in He scored 14 goals in Serie C1 Colacone followed Como promoted to He then played for Genoa he did not have a biography his clan that known traced its ancestry They then changed their name back Fang Rong , serving was 704 Fang Rong was serving as the secretary general He was born in Truro He settled in the Saint John River valley during he , defeated was 1809 he was by defeated Elijah Miles was by defeated Elijah Miles in by defeated Elijah Miles in 1816 he ; defeated was an appeal he was defeated in the general election " Queen of Camelot " is an Arthurian-legend based novel Queen of Camelot " is an Arthurian-legend based novel shown It is a combination of two The novel begins at the end of The prologue leads you to know Guinevere is in a convent when Lancelot in is when a convent Lancelot he tells that her he tells that her had The novel then opens with Guinevere's birth Guinevere is to be a "white shadow Guinevere spends her early years being adored ages , he sends her , he sends her away he sends her away to Her aunt has one daughter near her age Elaine is headstrong , stubborn chosen it , is a bride a bride , it is Guinevere , it is Guinevere , it which is , Guinevere which is , Guinevere complicates At they fall their first meeting passionately they fall their first meeting passionately and , Guinevere's affair with is Lancelot
Guinevere's affair with is Lancelot celibate They bring Mordred and his half-brothers Guinevere takes a special liking to Mordred His dreams are the undoing of Arthur Mordred meets with Saxon leaders in Publishers Weekly " gave " The Child Queen the reviewer , " thought a "worthwhile debut it thought suffered from Guinevere's rivalry St Paul's Church overlooks the River Dee in Boughton The church is recorded in the National Heritage List It ceased to be a church The first church on built was the site Its style was Italianate with round-headed windows The architect was William Cole the younger The church is built in red brick Its plan consists of a through nave and The walls are decorated with stencilled patterns The stained glass dated 1887 in the north aisle The rest of made was the stained glass of by was made the stained glass Two of designed were the windows of by were designed the windows the windows were by designed Burne-Jones were by designed Burne-Jones , by designed Burne-Jones , others The reredos is a war memorial dated 1920 by is dated 1920 a war memorial The species inhabits the surface waters of coastal regions It is the largest fish of the scad genus "Alepes The herring scad is identified among the genus "Alepes by among identified " the genus "Alepes The herring scad is one of five extant species first scientifically by described the French naturalist scientifically by described the French naturalist Georges Cuvier by described the French naturalist Georges Cuvier in He named the species "Caranx vari " , India , designated was Puducherry The herring scad has a body profile The ventral and dorsal profiles of are the fish almost There are two separate dorsal fins , the The anal fin consists of two anteriorally detached small spines followed by of consists followed two anteriorally detached small spines The curved section contains 42 to 50 scales and 0 to 2 scutes There is a well-developed adipose eyelid on The jaws hold a single row of numerous comb There are 32 to 38 gill rakers and a total
The species is an ash blue above , The fins are dusky with the exception The herring scad is a carnivorous species , known " Fortier " is a French-language Canadian television series Fortier " which is a French-language Canadian television series " which is a French-language Canadian television series debuted which is a French-language Canadian television series debuted on Anne Fortier (Lorain ) is a criminal psychologist The station originally had one platform adjacent There was a turntable , Eudokia the Confessor , was Theophanes the Confessor , Eudokia was a sister , Eudokia was a sister - Eudokia was a sister - in Constantine V was Emperor since 741 His first wife Tzitzak gave birth to There is no further mention of her on 769 Constantine , named April 1 April 1 , 769 Constantine named her , 769 Constantine named her an Augusta Theophanes points out the existence of in George Alexandrovič Ostrogorsky , points 899 George Alexandrovič Ostrogorsky , points 899 that Constantine was a fervent iconoclast and specifically targeted monasteries Eudokia is recorded as a generous benefactor Constantine was campaigning against Telerig of Beal was born in Godstone of Danny Blanchflower retired had the following season Danny Blanchflower retired had the following season with Danny Blanchflower had retired with Beal The versatile player filled a variety of defensive positions Beal played in both League Cup winning Swanbank is an industrial locality in the City of The predominant land usage in is Swanbank industrial There are both current and historic mines in Early settler James Foote named the locality after his wife's birthplace Swanbank railway station is by used a heritage and railway preservation society the site is by occupied a new road layout is by occupied a new road layout with by occupied a new road layout with the large goods yard 28 March 1976 ) who is a former professional footballer ) who is a former professional footballer played who is a former professional footballer played as Kin'ya made his debut with his father He is a contemporary of , The 1960s and 1970s saw him