, including Kanno Sugako , who and having a love affair with the already-married Kōtoku Kōtoku withdrew from the plot in In May 1910 , the plot was The incident spiralled out into ideological repression in prison at the time of The High Treason trial and its fallout marked the start of the of Japanese anarchism , When Iwasa Sakutarō returned from the USA to Japan in 1914 he was immediately placed under house arrest He remained under constant surveillance for push the anarchist movement in that direction . Ōsugi understood French , and of information in Japan on the French CGT union , a pioneer of syndicalist tactics This was followed by the formation of a 'Society for the Study of Syndicalism ' in 1913 , delivering lectures on the CGT and In both of these outlets , discussion tended towards the abstract and a natural result of the restrictions of the winter period In October 1914 , Ōsugi and " with a revival of the old "Heimin Shinbun" newspaper , but this was met with repeated suppression of its issues and The theoretical split between anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism the Manifesto of the Sixteen in support of the Allied cause in the First World War , it detracted sharply from his reputation amongst Japanese anarchists During the winter period , the feminist Bluestocking magazine was , believed in the doctrine of , involving himself in two relationships outside of his marriage , with This caused a scandal in November 1916 , when Kamichika stabbed Ōsugi due to her unhappiness in the relationship During the First World War , Japanese industry rapidly inspiration by the 1917 Russian Revolution , this led to a huge growth in the labour movement More than 66,000 workers engaged in labour disputes , economic unrest in the form of the rice riots The growing labour unions were met with enthusiasm from the anarchist movement , and quickly Ideologically , anarchists favoured a decentralised structure for unions , which was met with resistance from the other factions within the unions : the reformists , In the early 1920s , anarchists were
had turned to bolshevism after personally involved in the 1922 founding of These connections enabled joint projects between the two factions Another such connection was through the "Rōdō Ūndō" journal , launched by Ōsugi Sakae in October 1919 By 1922 , there was a split between anarchists and Bolsheviks Ideological differences , particularly the anarchist insistence on decentralisation to this split , and were This included the "Girochinsha " ( from Osaka , who were between Japanese anarchists and the wider world . By 1923 , Ōsugi was In response , the state used According to writer and activist Harumi Setouchi , Itō , Ōsugi by a squad of military police led in the case of the two adults have This became known as the Amakasu Incident including terrorist actions by groups such After Ōsugi's death , the dominant tendency within of anarcho-communism , was a reaction to the anarcho-syndicalism favoured by Ōsugi It was championed by Iwasa Sakutarō an attempt to ridicule the perceived arrogance of to many anarchists due to the fact Hatta Shūzō became the most influential figure in Japanese anarchism after 1923 , involving himself in the movement from 1924 until advocate of left-wing ideas within his congregation , but was ejected due to holding a memorial service for Ōsugi Sakae of labour and a failure to focus on the livelihood of the people found fault in bolshevism , he opposed anarcho-syndicalism due to of the capitalist division of labour . There were two main organisations within the Japanese anarchist movement " Kokuren " had its roots in the development of democracy during In December 1925 , a coalition of leftists formed the Farmer-Labour Party in order to take advantage of the democratic developments Anarchists opposed this , perceiving political parties of all kinds as being , and so gatecrashed its opening conference The Party was banned by the authorities on the day of its founding , their success and began to form While its name indicated an orientation towards youth association , it drew support from a variety of sources , including the labour movement including unions .
and regional federations appeared across Japan , even extending to Japanese-occupied Korea " Zenkoku Jiren " was a federation All-Japan Libertarian Federation of Labour Unions ' ) The anarcho-syndicalist Ishikawa Sanshirō helped to found it drew from syndicalist ideology , particularly which allowed autonomy for member unions , and its members were heavily often collaborated in activism , such as a joint campaign against the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti , This theoretical nature was emphasised by Hatta Shūzō's influence The tension between the anarcho-syndicalist faction and the pure anarchist faction by the Bolshevik Profintern in 1927 , decried 'opportunist' elements within their counterpart . to increasing attacks by the pure anarchist majority . In March 1928 , " Zenkoku Jirens second national conference The tension between the two factions only grew , despite a call for unity in a January 1928 letter by Augustin Souchy , In response to the furious tone of As a result , when they were involved in labour disputes , the immediate circumstances and towards their long-term goal of to a collapse in membership . been prohibited from sale , its reduction from a nationwide federation to a small group In 1931 , " Jikyō to the 16,300 members of " Zenkoku Jiren This was the peak membership for both groups In 1934 , the two anarchist union federations opted to reunify in a desperate attempt at The reunited "Zenkoku Jiren " had only four thousand members in In late 1935 , the Party attempted a bank robbery in order to obtain In response to this discovery , This devastated the anarchist movement , and , which disappeared in 1938 After the war , Ishikawa Sanshirō wrote envisioning Japanese society after an anarchist revolution . In this work , he advocated Iwasa was elected chairman of much support from the general public , due Anarchists were discriminated against due also faced opposition from the Japanese Communist Party effectively eliminated the class of tenant farmers that had formed the core base of divided over their political strategy , quarrelling Tensions between the 'pure' and syndicalist anarchists resurfaced due
In May 1950 , a splitting organisation , the 'Anarcho-Syndicalist Group ' "(Anaruko Sanjikarisuto Gurūpu ) " By October 1950 , the organisation had In June 1951 the anarcho-communists created a 'Japan Anarchist Club' "(Nihon Anakisuto Kurabu By 1956 , the Japanese Anarchist Federation had In that year , the JAF started " ( ' Black Flag' ) He advocated a more gradual revolution , focusing As an anarchist movement , the Federation supported direct action on multiple occasions through its lifespan of these was its participation in the massive Anpo Protests in opposition to revision of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in 1960 . Huge demonstrations swept major cities , and Nonetheless , the treaty was forced Disillusionment with constitutional politics led the 'mainstream' faction the JAF in calling for political violence as a form of protest . journalists , two camps of party politicians Out of this disillusionment , anarchism gained ground within the protest movement , including the Zenkyoto student power movement created during anti-Vietnam War protests The rise of protest groups encouraged the Japanese Anarchist Federation to declare 'The Opening of the Era of Direct Action' in 1968 with that of the JAF . of the worker but for themselves by engaging in political struggle . The separation of the Japanese Anarchist Federation from the contemporary political protests demonstrated the weakness of the organisation . In 1968 , the organisation was Korean and Japanese anarchism developed in close connection to While Korea was under Japanese occupation Korean activists in Japan often worked in close collaboration with their Japanese counterparts , , Ōsugi Sakae , Hatta Shūzō , Several organisations were formed by these Japan-based Korean anarchists This included the Fraternal Society of Koreans ( " the "first anarchism-oriented Korean organisation in Japan " , which was established in Osaka Japanese and edited by the Korean anarchist Pak Yol It proclaimed support for the amalgamation stemmed from the prominent transnationalist aspect of Korean anarchist became a registered member of the Japanese Black Youth League ( Japanese and Korean anarchists alike involved themselves in to China , spending two years
, Japan , Korea , in Nanjing to organise an 'Eastern Anarchist League' Worcester , Worcestershire , England facilities for Science , English , Music , Art & Design , of all time for the school in qualifications of A* to C Following an inspection by Ofsted in October 2008 , the school was accorded an overall assessment of “ Grade 1 ” Roland Zoss ( born August 2, 1951 ) He studied anthropology and literature in the Troubadour in Los Angeles , ( " Zersch näh me He works with musicians and artists like Gottfried Helnwein , Michael Mish , Clare de Lune , Mauro Guiretti and , " Slumberland " . about the mythology and character of for children , some in English , some Spanish , some French in the multi-awarded radio play series about Swiss mythologies "Jimmy Flitz through Switzerland " ) in 2007 , starring his famous mouse on In 2010 , the book " Zoss represents Switzerland in his native Swiss dialect "Baerengeburi-Bubuland " and "Krokodil " The international educational app for children shows handcrafted art pictures animal songs to each letter of the alphabet in five languages , plus e In 1993 , Zoss received the Moon " and a dozen Golden Crown awards for In 2010 , the Swiss postal service honoured Established in 2007 , it the importance of connection despite any differences is held in the so-called Dieveniškės panhandle : In 2008 , efforts were could receive the needed visas without a fee if they traveled to the festival Due to the festival's proximity to the state border The festival is situated in the historic Vilnius Region Many different genres make appearances at the Be2gether festival , including rock , electronic In addition to musical performances , the festival offers other activities , including " ) is a literary fairy tale by in Andersen’s youthful relationship with Riborg Voight , " The Sweethearts " was published by C.A. Reitzel in Copenhagen in November 1843 with several other tales by Andersen in the book " New Fairy Tales . The ball spurns the top , thinking
the air , and disappears . The ball has landed in the roof gutter He is spun and jumps She does n't recognize him as her former suitor and tells him she spent five years in the roof gutter the top , and carries him been soaking in a gutter for with Andersen and owes no debt to traditional folk or fairy material . The tale's inspiration is likely found in Andersen’s relationship with Riborg Voight , the daughter of a Danish merchant who declined his marriage proposal Following her rejection , Andersen slipped He questioned both his artistic abilities and his sexuality from Denmark and planned a trip in a volume of four tales that " The Nightingale " , and "The Ugly Duckling " as the final tale . The volume was published in Copenhagen part of the title — an omission Andersen scholar on Andersen's part : " These children , Andersen here melds The first edition of 850 was sold Reitzel planned the publication of another 850 First Collection " was a break-through for from the Danish critics for his venture into interest to them . " Andersen wrote his confidante Henriette Wulff , " These tales have been received with I am appreciated as the best fairy-tale teller The Sweethearts " as "a spare, sarcastic little tale " Like other Andersen tales , its "triumphant conclusion is offset by a pathos of tone the Top ( like his creator ) USS "Samar " ( PG-41 ) was a gunboat of the United States Navy . She was initially built for the Spanish Navy , but was captured during the Spanish–American War and taken into " Samar " was launched in November 1887 by the Manila Ship Co. , Following local operations out of Manila patrolled off Negros and Panay an Army Expeditionary Brigade under Brigadier General Lloyd Wheaton to San Fabian in Lingayen Gulf , then firing in northwestern Luzon into the new year , detachments of troops and maintaining On 24 April 1900 the gunboat carried Brigadier General Young on a tour of inspection from
In May , " Samar the 33d Infantry from Aparri to Kandon Returning to Aparri , the crew of the Kagayen River with USS "Bennington " Following a short overhaul at the Cavite Naval Station , the gunboat sailed south to Zamboanga in southwestern Mindanao , where she a cove off Paragua and rescued Recommissioned on 19 June 1902 , Lt. Montgomery M. Taylor in command , "Samar " steamed south to Zamboanga , messages and stores for Marine detachments , visiting ports throughout the island group and stopped for coal at The gunboat returned to Cavite in December , in preparation for at Canacao in February , " Samar " began hydrographic surveys off southern Mindanao area , conducting an extensive survey in command , " Samar " was assigned to the Pacific Fleet's Third Squadron and along the Chinese coast in the vicinity In late 1909 the gunboat changed station to Shanghai , where she Following an anti-foreign riots in Changsha in April 1910 , which destroyed a number to show the flag and help , in the words of the Bureau of Navigation After returning to Shanghai in August , she sailed up for two weeks , " Samar back down river to coal ship Hankow in August and Ichang in September where she wintered the outbreak of rebellion at Wuchang Following the collapse of the Qing Dynasty and the declaration of the Republic of China by Sun Yat-sen the gunboat turned downriver in July 1912 , arriving at Shanghai in a decade of conflict between provincial warlords the China Station throughout World War I , then placed on the disposal list at Shanghai Sea Containers House is located towards the eastern end In Spring 2011 , a process began The south wing was renovated as the Mondrian Hotel London , which opened on September 30, 2014 Oliyum Oliyum ( English : " on television popular during the 1980s It aired at 7:30pm on at the centre of the village . St. Andrew's church at West Stoke is of The old Congregational Chapel is situated on the road
between East Ashling and Funtington , opposite the turning to West Ashling . of worship , between 1934 and 1938 . Kingley Vale lies on the border of It is noted for its Yew woodlands Stagecoach Trail is a historic route through northern Jo Daviess County Stagecoach Trail connects Galena and Lena and provides access to over 70% In total , the collection of more than 750,000 hours of television , radio Sound and Vision one of of the national broadcasting corporations , a cultural heritage institute ( the general public ) and also a museum for Charles F. Fuller ( born Charles F. Furrer ; March 30, 1878 – March 1, 1937 ) , was an American professional baseball player from as a catcher in three games during USS "Villalobos " ( PG-42 ) the Spanish Navy as "Villalobos " but " was transferred to the United States Navy on 21 February 1900 and commissioned at Departing Cavite on 13 March , " and Malabrigo and looking for After a brief rest at Cavite from patrolled the coastline between Niac and a banca with two Americans on board and arrested them for cruising returning to the vicinity of Laguimanoc The gunboat then carried dispatches from Marinduque to Batangas before returning to commerce-watching duties during which she seized three bancas for cruising without She returned to Cavite on she headed for the familiar region of serve as a communication link for Army posts the 30th Infantry at Bana Layley , and Buac before supporting operations of " conducted patrols in support was repaired at Cavite before which she supported the Army occupation of out for service on the Yangtze River , the squadron put into Hong Kong on 17 February and remained there until 26 February , when "Villalobos " , in company with "Pompey " and "Elcano " " Villalobos " and "Elcano in company with " Elcano thence via Nanking and Wuhu to Hankow where she arrived on 10 April in the river level to permit passage to I'Chang before she got underway on the 15th for Chenglin , Yochow , and Shasi
After arriving at I'Chang on 19 April , the ship headed back downriver She waited three days for a pilot On 6 June , the boat returned quiet at Nanchang , and En route downriver , the gunboat's commander received the consul seemed to sanction . and providing for the protection of the lives and property of Americans property or other lawful interests in China by treaty with China , in business or reside for the American minister to China in Peking Conger asked Evans by what authority The admiral responded that he had John Hay , the Secretary of State , wrote to Conger siding with Furthermore , Evans at the time had had no knowledge of treaties that indirectly applied to American rights been made with other nations . Article 52 of the Anglo-Chinese 1858 Treaties of Tianjin , made reference to "most-favored nation" treatment — unbeknownst to Evans — and applied directly to "Villalobos" controversial visit withdrew their ships from Chinese waters or or redeployment of British , America's entry into the war soon resulted in internment for United States gunboats . " , " Quiros " remained at Shanghai — maintained at 75 percent complement and occupying their time with usual and routine ship's maintenance work — until China entered the war on the side of In March 1921 , the home port for these elderly gunboats—"Villalobos " , "Quiros " , — patrolled the middle Yangtze in mid-1921 , noting local conditions and continuing However , by this point , had placed trigger-happy soldiers along both banks of the upper river , preventing river traffic In late August 1926 , there were action in store for the gunboat at Hankow as Communist forces were After anchoring for the night , day , if the ship were — including ammunition and stores At the same time , — a "Lapwing"-class minesweeper converted to a river gunboat — came After her delayed arrival , " Villalobos " remained at Changsha for Chinese Nationalist forces entered Nanking on 24 March and subjected American and British commercial installations to heavy attacks
ordered his crew to place more steel boiler-plate around vital control and gun positions on board "Villalobos " in expectation of Within two weeks , riots broke " Villalobos " joined British gunboats The Secretary of the Navy's report for 1927 both hull and machinery and had On 29 December 1927 , President Calvin Coolidge authorized the destruction of "Villalobos " by gunfire ; and the gunboat was USS "Villalobos " was the model for in 1965 the producers of the 1966 film version in Worcester , Worcestershire , The school holds Specialist Language College status , and The school was opened in 1983 following the merger of two schools and the St John's area of Worcester and the surrounding west side The school occupies a large site on the west bank of the River Severn with views of The school was formed in 1983 by the amalgamation of two schools , The Boys School was formerly housed in the older 1950s buildings and the Girls Schools in the newer 1960s and 1970s buildings in age and architecture . An extension opened in 2017 , Since September 2007 , the school was Each pupil wears a coloured tie or pin badge Students now share their forms with approximately 5 pupils from each year at the school Shakespeare , Curie , Pankhurst Geography teacher Christopher Elliott was found guilty on 3 June 2011 of "unprofessional conduct " at Christopher Whitehead Language College in Worcester where he After playing non-League football with Enfield , Coll signed for Tottenham Hotspur After two seasons with Tottenham , a loan spell at Yeovil Town , Coll moved to AFC Bournemouth , where he made a total of 24 appearances It is a work in progress of all world languages in more exact detail than " is a song recorded by , which was released in It was released as a single In 2005 , country music singer Gary Allan covered the song for his 2005 album " Tough All Over , Ohio – April 17, 1948 in who played catcher for the 1902 Brooklyn Superbas Salesian schools are dedicated to young people
The figure at the center of a Salesian school and friend of the youth . Don Bosco was a 19th-century visionary from Italy who created a system of education for boys and girls from For Don Bosco , "Prevention " Don Bosco's system has three aspects : loving kindness ; reason , and religion In Latin America , the Salesians have been a key factor in the formation of Operating in 124 countries , the Salesian system could be viewed as a kind of "globalized" education , imposing the same concepts to Don Bosco , he respected at its center , however , Quanta Technology LLC is a utility infrastructure consulting company based in Quanta Technology provides management and technical consulting for utilities , heavy industry , The focus is on industry leadership rather the publication of books , technical papers In 2006 , InfraSource Services hired Up until this point , InfraSource and construction for utilities and The vision of InfraSource was to primarily through acquisitions and technology/consulting On August 30, 2007 , Quanta Services acquired Before the merger , Engineering News-Record ranked After the acquisition , InfraSource Technology changed Cry Before Dawn are a four-piece rock band They achieved attention in 1987 in the UK when they released their album " Crimes of Conscience " on was released in Ireland in and "Girl in the Ghetto " The album was a success in Ireland The band made an appearance on the UK's "Wogan Their popularity in Ireland was accounted with the rural Ireland of the time than This was reflected in the promotional video for " Gone Forever " , In 1988 Cry Before Dawn " to the soundtrack of the Irish film Their second album " Witness for the World " was recorded in Wales and mixed Greg Ledanyi , and was released the UK Singles Chart in June 1989 , though Around the time of their second album , the band appeared on the cover of In 1990 , Cry Before shortened to The Swans in 1999 Their songs were moderately successful in The band reformed in November 2010 .
as Wade , Pat Hayes , The song was written by Tunstall and Jimmy Hogarth for Tunstall's second album " Drastic Fantastic " ( 2007 ) It was released as the album's third single in the United Kingdom on 3 March 2008 . appeared as a track on Tunstall's second unreleased demo album , " Toons March '03 " . For a period of time , prior to the release of "Eye to the Telescope " , the demo versions for download free of charge and filmed at the Olympic Ski Jumping Hill ( Lysgårdsbakken ) in Lillehammer , The video features Tunstall as a ski jumper who fails to complete an important jump received mixed reviews from music critics . Reviewers for Channel 4 praised the song for its "chirpy chorus and beaming harmonies " Sarah Walters of the "Manchester Evening News " was and "bah-bah-bah backing vocals " as a step During his career , Wilson appeared in numerous stage productions and 30 films or television shows , including guest roles on ' and "The Equalizer " . on Broadway , appeared in " The Front Page " at Lincoln Center His most memorable roles on film were in unpainted furniture store owner Nathan Arizona , and "Bull Durham " , as Joe Riggins , manager Born in Houston , Texas , to Donald Yearnsley Wilson and Irene Louise Wilson , he attended Bellaire High School in English and theater at the University of Houston Released after his death , Wilson's final film , where he played American record producer Sam Phillips " King Lear " is a 2008 television film based on the William Shakespeare play of the same name the New London Theatre , at Pinewood Studios in The school was founded as Christ Classical Christian School In its first year , 23 students were It relocated to Newark in 1995 , to Hockessin in In 2001 , Donald Post became moved to the Faith City Family Church building in Christiana serving one year as the upper school principal . grades K-5 ) , logic ( Latin instruction begins in the third grade ,
part of the core curriculum for all grades , cross country , soccer , the conference , while both the volleyball and soccer teams placed During their partnership on the Red Lion campus , " The Pirates of Penzance " , and Students take the Classic Learning Test , an alternative standardized test had 16 medalists , including seven gold , six silver , and three bronze Sarah Chaffee represented Tall Oaks by earning first prize in the ACCS Chrysostom Oratory Competition in successive years from 2011–13 , and in to earn first prize in the competition In 2017 , Tall Oaks student Nick Yu earned Also in 2017 , Tall Oaks freshman Sam McGarvey the 2018 state competition , with 1st place finishes in the 2019 competition , and the high school team returned in 2020 to earn 6th place ( the middle school competition was cancelled due with designer Stacey Bendet at the helm alice + olivia is partially owned by ) showed their first designs to a crowd of fashion-industry insiders and celebrities in 2002 at the Russian Tea Room , a "just pants" collection led them to launch a 20-item collection at the Russian Tea Room in 2002 . alice + olivia pants gained immediate popularity due in at the hip to create the illusion of elongated legs and a lean silhouette . shoes , tech accessories and handbags In Spring 2017 , alice + olivia introduced their first line of eyewear a wife and mother of three She is a member of the CFDA , the board of trustees of essentials for children of families in need , and she offers assistance to the families of children suffering from life-threatening illnesses . Bendet loves vintage stores and flea markets The brand also has 13 international free-standing stores . In partnership with The ImagineX Group at in Harbour City , Breeze Center and and Shanghai IFC in Shanghai , and Galaxy Macau in China In partnership with Look Inc. in Japan , Victoria , Australia . It won National Literacy Awards in 2006 Some Oakwood Park Councillors reported that the Education Department had
Queensbury railway station was a station on the Queensbury lines serving the village of Queensbury , its triangular shape , and at its opening in Derbyshire and Earlestown in , also in West Yorkshire , has gained platforms on all three sides is one of the highest settlements in Access was via a poorly lit footpath . The station was opened to traffic on 12 July 1879 , closed to passengers in 1955 and closed The station at Queensbury has been The viaduct in the photograph has been The only real trace of the station is a little iron footbridge and the portal of Queensbury Tunnel . Pagano spent five seasons in the National Football League from 1987 to 1988 , in 1989 and 1990 , Pagano first linked with Butch Davis in 1995 , returning to His defensive backs did not allow a passing touchdown At the end of the 2006 season , Pagano rejoined Davis following his appointment as head coach In 2001 , Pagano joined Davis in the NFL as secondary coach In 2003 , he helped In 2006 , the Raiders allowed Pagano was named to John Harbaugh's initial coaching staff finished 13th in takeaways and 4th ; they also improved On January 25, 2012 , Pagano was a 2–14 season without long-time franchise cornerstone Peyton Manning , whom Pagano underwent treatment for leukemia from weeks 5 through 16 ; in remission , during the final week for a 9-game turnaround over the previous year and in Indy , Pagano again led the team to an 11–5 record , which was good for 1st place in the AFC South ( after going 6–0 in the division ) . In the Wild Card matchup against the Kansas City Chiefs , led the team to an 11–5 record and both the Cincinnati Bengals and Denver Broncos in the first two rounds of the playoffs , advancing to In the AFC Championship , they lost the Super Bowl , the Colts finished 8–8 in 2015 and missed the playoffs for the first time under Pagano . Quarterback Andrew Luck struggled with injuries and
which included a league-leading 6 wins with reserve quarterbacks The Colts finished with a 4–12 record . In Pagano's Bears debut against the Green Bay Packers , the defense recorded five sacks and held the Packers to ten points , but The unit enjoyed early success that included in the league by the Week 6 The defense began the 2020 season with the seventh-ranked defense in yardage as the Bears went Exiting the Week 11 bye week , the defense regressed The unit also allowed a team-record seven consecutive games in which the opposing quarterback had a passer rating over again but qualified for the playoffs ; in the Wild Card Round , the defense held the New Orleans Saints to seven points in , 12th in passing , On January 13, 2021 , Pagano announced of time away from your family I 'm excited to start to spend more time with my family Pagano was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia in September 2012 , and took an indefinite leave of absence of his coaching duties He then underwent three months of treatment at the IU Simon Cancer Center in Indianapolis On November 5 , doctors announced that Pagano's cancer is in remission of the Colts' players , and two as part of a movement to The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a United States-based suicide prevention network of over 160 crisis centers that provides 7 service via a toll-free hotline It is available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress . The caller is routed to their nearest crisis center to receive immediate counseling and local mental health referrals On the day of the song release , the lifeline received one of its highest daily call volumes It was made to bring the problems associated with suicide . , it increased the calls to On the day of the song release , and Lifeline's "website saw a 17% increase in The National Suicide Hotline Improvement Act of 2018 required the Federal Communications Commission 988 " for the hotline . The rule was adopted on July 16, 2020 to the existing service number by July 16, 2022 .
( S.2661 ) was signed into law to support the implementation for a similar program in Canada . to help vets in emotional crisis a U.S. military veteran are routed to a special veterans hotline This service caters to VA-specific mental health care needs , and helps connect vets to the VA Healthcare system in 1907 , Flood was arrested for assaulting an umpire during "Kaputol ng Isang Awit " (International title : "Unsung Melody Based on a 1991 Philippine film of the same title , the series is the seventh instalment of stars Glaiza de Castro and Lovi Poe . It premiered on March 3, 2008 on According to AGB Nielsen Philippines' Mega Manila household television ratings , the pilot episode 2001 in country music ) , on the "Billboard" Hot Country Singles & Tracks ( " in 1967 and opted He held various staff and command positions - including several deployments to Senegal , Chad and Central Africa - until he took command From 1990 to 1992 , he served as Assistant Defence Attaché in Washington , Bentégeat was promoted to the rank of Brigade General in 1995 and the Director for Strategic Affairs of the French Ministry of Defence In April 1999 , he was promoted to " Général de corps d'armée " on 1 September 1999 and to "Général d'armée On 6 November 2006 , Bentégeat took , is along the Malheur River canyon near Riverside post office was established in 1889 Paris and became friend with Both of them stayed in His father was worrying about the war's dangers Switzerland , in 1941 , In the Old Town's cafés frequented by artists and intellectuals living in Geneva he introduced Annette Arm to Giacometti In May 1964 , he went time in Montparnasse , Saint-Germain-des-Prés Garbell and some artist of the so-called School of Paris ( École de Paris ) , especially Jean Bazaine , Charles Lapicque and Nicolas de Staël , ) where he spent his summers He exhibited notably at the galerie du Siècle In 1952 , Rollier moved definitely in Geneva with his wife
He located his atelier in Chêne-Bourg From 1955 , Rollier found He did the poster for " of range , composition and figuring the forms and represent the sacred dimension By discovering these various traditions , he to go beyond the condition of The song was recorded by The Searchers South Harting is a village within Harting civil parish in the Chichester district of West Sussex , of West Harting and East Harting , was listed in the Domesday Book as Apart from three generations of the Earls Montgomery the manor was in the possession of was granted to the Caryll family . The Anglican parish church of St Mary and St Gabriel is at the southwestern end of the village street Harting now has just one pub , was the venue for one of Every Whit Monday Harting celebrates the "Festivities " . Since 1880 , the Harting Old Club has had its annual meeting on Whit Monday and to take centre stage in the street in the village and is buried He moved here in 1880 and lived at The Grange . as a young man ; his mother was the experimental Beacon Hill School at Telegraph House , which Admiral Sir Horace Law lived in South Harting and , where a room is named Riverside is an unincorporated community in Linn County Lark Lane is a street in Liverpool its cafés , bars , boutiques The street leads from the Victorian Sefton Park to Aigburth Road , and is situated between Sefton Park district and the Aigburth district . in use as a community centre . In an October 1911 meeting , the New York State Football Association created In 1912 , the AAFA initiated Despite the national invitation , only twenty-four teams from However , by that time , in April 1913 , the AAFA was , awarding the Dewar Trophy to the winner , that was the last year of In 1914 , the USFA began DF J. Robertson , A. Robertson , MF Flanagan , O'Hare , Owens , FW McPherson, Campion , O'Halloran , King, McKenzie
, Stewart , Kerr(c ) , Hill , Dennison , is a state highway in the U.S. state of to the Pennsylvania state line , where the highway MD 669 begins at US 40 Alternate ( Main Street ) in Grantsville . leaving the town limits of Grantsville and Springs Road was constructed as a modern highway The state highway was completed by 1933 most elaborate of the noble tombs of Norman de Garis Davies originally published details of the Tomb in 1903 in the "Rock Tombs of El Amarna , Part I – The tomb was found in relatively good condition compared to the other tombs of Amarna After the death of Akhenaten , In Meryra’s tomb , Akhenaten and Nefertiti’s features have The entrance to the tomb was originally the cartouches of the king , Nefertiti funerary prayers for Akhenaten and the Aten Meryra served as the high priest of the cult of Aten , a new religious tradition in the form of Aten , the idea of many gods into the essence into the stone , and then covered by a layer of plaster Like the style , the subject of Traditionally , tombs in the New Kingdom in the tomb of Meryra , on Akhenaten and worship of as little emphasis was placed on other minor figures carved in the relief . Despite this , Meryra maintains to the Temple " , Akhenaten a visit to Meryra at the temple the description of the scene has been shows Akhenaten on his way to the temple to appoint Meryra as the High Pries of Aten , or it is at the temple and exercising his office In the immediately preceding scene , Akhenaten officially with the power to access the Aten , an exclusive ability of Akhenaten . Greatest of Seers of the Aten , in the House of Aten , in Akhenaten in Atenism is referred " Meryra to him . This is similar to the contact to the tomb , as well the Aten as the universal creator of all life Born in London , Okikiolu
Okikioulu left Wimbledon in 2002 one appearance for them in September 2002 , and later played for The Auchter Company , Jacksonville's oldest general construction contractor , built Gulf Life Insurance Company was merged into American General Life of Houston in 1991 and American General wanted $30 million , but Several prospective buyers looked at the building , but the property stayed on the market and accepted a cash offer from Gate Petroleum The banner sign at the top of the building American General in 1991 , it was changed to "SouthTrust " of both genders ; older, long-term associates ; The structural system consists of precast concrete floor plates and Each of the exposed beams consist of The Gate River Run "Hall of Fame " was established in on display , and a five-minute video In honor of its 50th anniversary , Time Magazine " , "(the) Gulf Life , placed in a shoddy, chaotic part of Jacksonville , is a tonic for its area , acts as an organizing beacon . Both buildings thus achieve excellence . Riverside is an unincorporated historic locale in Yamhill County , Oregon , United States . Riverside is an unincorporated, historic community in Clackamas County , Oregon , United States . ) is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or diocese He was born in Basra " Muhasibi " means self-inspection/audit His parents left Basra for Baghdad Despite the affluent lifestyle available to him night , and limiting the kind He saw that Sufi practices can like hypocrisy and pride . one's image , it can mask Al-Muhasibi later joined a group of scholars of theology , led by They criticized the Jahmis , Mu'tazilis by Caroline Coon and Rufus Harris ( with the possession of drugs . Founded in 1967 , the aim of Release was to provide for the organisation and Harris was By the end of 1967 Release was based in an office at 50 Princedale Road , Holland Park In its first two years , Release handled Release gained charitable status in 1972 , following a review of its activities
a helpline for drug users and their families It continues to advocate treatment over punishment for drug users . The Olcott Hotel is an establishment on West 72nd Street Its builder was Louis Israelson and Associates In August 1946 the hotel was sold 850,000 made by the Travelers Insurance Company . The property was sold to Wolfe The Olcott Hotel was owned by a syndicate composed of E. Fishbein , S. Mendick , and M. Kaplan in 1956 , which was located at Joseph Slutsky , 76 , owned the time of his death in November 1958 Hotel in New York City in 1901 in charge of operations for One bedroom apartments cost from $400 to $600 monthly Isidore H. Bander , 66 , vice jumped to his death from the roof of the Olcott Hotel in September 1951 . His body landed on the sidewalk in In 1976 Jeff Bayonne purchased the Manhattan Bridge Club on the sixteenth floor of the hotel for , Michigan – August 15, 1960 in Ft. Worth , Texas ) was in Lunde in Nome , Norway on As a child she studied ballet in Kent with Rita Emmerson , to Diaghilev's Ballet Russes ) until she at the Royal Opera House , Covent Garden and She has studied ballet training methods in The Muskegon Zephyrs were a minor league professional ice hockey team in the International Hockey League was a professor of philosophy and Her main research areas were feminism and phenomenology Bartky held a BA , MA and PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign , In today’s society , the ideal body is ” or that of a newly pubescent girl This look of fragility and lack have an image of powerlessness , obedience , and subservience to They are expected to follow Using all these rules , Bartky argues in which virtually every woman is required All these rules for the ideal feminine body reflect society’s obsession with keeping women in check : it requires such radical and extensive measures of In 1977 , Bartky became Ross was born in Arkadelphia
She graduated from Henderson State University in She served as a US Navy photographer for a time in 1943 , stationed in Washington DC , and then she would serve for the remainder For her service during the war , she would receive the Good Conduct Medal , American Theater Medal , and the Victory Medal . Ross returned to Arkadelphia , from 1948 through 1955 , but was concentrate on the family business following the death of her father , who had amassed a fortune in the timber business in South Arkansas , beginning in the late 1880s In 1966 , Ross and became the chairwoman of the "Ross Foundation " She allowed family member Ross Whipple to have some control in the operations of the "Ross Foundation " starting in 1979 , concentrated on financial assistance in educational programs Clark County , and to date well as Ouachita Baptist University in special projects At last tally , the foundation had The foundation opened much of its land holdings to the public , managing a wildlife preserve in Clark County for the endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers , and maintaining hiking trails in Hot Spring County In addition to these , for the Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock , During her lifetime she served in many local public positions , including the Arkadelphia Chamber of Commerce and She received numerous awards for her charitable contributions made over the years , including the Arkadelphia Rotary Club in 1995 , and was named "Philanthropist of the Year by Ouachita Baptist University in 1983 , as " Distinguished Alumni " by her life to the foundation of her creation , and to other projects in "Redemption " ) is a neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem , Geula was established in 1927–28 It was originally a mixed neighborhood of The British consul to Jerusalem , James Finn , built his home in the area in 1855 , employing Jewish labor Geula was named for the neighborhood's main street , Geula Street , now Malkhei Yisrael Street . Geula Street was the commercial center for various local communities
, Zikhron Moshe , Batei Horenstein , Malkhei Yisrael Street is lined with dozens , and Camp Schneller – formerly the Schneller Orphanage , founded in 1860 – located in Prestestranda in Drangedal , Norway on Sørlandet Line . ce="preserve">The anomalous photovoltaic effect ( APE ) , , is a type of a photovoltaic effect which occurs in certain semiconductors and larger than the band gap of the corresponding semiconductor , the short-circuit current is unusually low First , in polycrystalline materials , each microscopic grain can act as a photovoltaic Second , in a similar manner , of parallel ferroelectric domains , where each domain This effect was discovered by Starkiewicz in 1946 on PbS films and semiconducting polycrystalline films including CdTe , Silicon , Germanium , ZnTe Observed photovoltages were found to reach a heated insulating substrate , held at an angle with respect to the direction of However , the photovoltage was found the conditions and procedure at which The oblique deposition can lead to several structure asymmetries Among the first attempts to explain the APE were few that treated the film as a single entity , such as considering the variation of sample thickness along its length or a non-uniform distribution of electron traps be created between the illuminated and non-illuminated faces of the depth of the slab , whether be generated along the film , The transfer of carriers at the surface some unspecified layer with different properties , thus cancellation of consecutive Dember voltages is being a residual dipole layer at the interface between the two structures a combination of the band gap difference and the electric fields It was suggested by Starkiewicz This is equivalent to an array The interface between crystallites may contain This may lead to a surface charge and an opposite space charge region in the crystallites , Under illumination of the inclined crystallites electron-hole pairs are the charge in the surface and within the space charge region in the crystallites , then is absorbed in one side than the charge is created between the two sides A perfect single crystal with a non-centrosymmetric structure can develop
This effect was first discovered in of a simple system that would exhibit There are two electronic levels per unit cell , separated by a large energy gap , to B , or it by absorbing a photon and going from A to B to that distinguish it from other kinds of effects : In the power-generating region of the I-V curve ( between open-circuit the drift-diffusion equation , i.e. electrons are moving towards higher fermi level or holes are example , in a normal silicon solar cell , electrons move in the direction of move in the direction of increasing hole-quasi-fermi-level ( in the power-generating region of the I-V curve an electron is excited into a mobile, delocalized state For example , it might an immobile state — until it absorbs In this situation , a leftward electron current is pushing electrons in the opposite direction . back to an immobile state , but It may require millions of In some cases , the current has Aradhna is a band that fuses traditional Indian devotional music ( bhajans ) with the Hindi language , in addition to Nepali , Bihari , Bhojpuri The band members include Chris Hale ( lead vocals , sitar ) , Peter Hicks ( acoustic guitar , sitar ) and Travis McAfee ( bass ) Aradhna was created in 2000 The name Aradhna is from Hindi , Hale assumes primarily songwriting duties due to In addition to Hale's compositions , Peter John , an Indian musician from New Delhi Aradhna has evolved in its musical style Hale was learning under the discipleship of Partho Chatterjee ( sitar ) under the discipleship of Calcutta's Partho Sarothy . Travis McAfee added electric bass to this duo in the recording of their debut album , bringing his more traditional western sensibilities and experience to Performing across the US from LA to NY , Aradhna has found audiences on University campuses as guest artists , headlining world stages at summer music festivals in the US and Europe Reviews have compared Hicks's vocals to of the display area is seen from
No two spots on the display are seen Colloquially , the "viewing direction " is that is looking at a specific spot to the origin of the polar coordinate system . The green arrow is the viewing direction ( i.e. direction the angle of inclination , θ of the display ( blue vertical arrow ) the viewing direction onto the surface of the display shown here as the shadow of been introduced for the first time in the international standard ISO 13406-2:2001 "Ergonomic requirements for work with visual displays This standard provides a classification for computer monitors with LCDs according to the "range the intended task (here: office work ) without "reduced visual performance evaluated from measurements of luminance and chromaticity versus direction of the requirements for the display are different represented in a polar coordinate system with the angle of inclination , θ , In this coordinate system every point corresponds to by a locus ( a closed line ) the rectangle and the ellipse in fig , it does not become Each direction in the polar coordinate system of fig . 4 can be assigned This quantity can then be represented by lines of equal values ( of gray or by pseudo starting from a certain application and the related geometry of observation , from which a range of directions can be from measurements ( versus " out with a certain display device under specified operating conditions decrease of luminance and change of chromaticity than by the decrease Comprehensive comparisons between experiments and measurements television screens with LCDs and PDPs This is found to be in agreement with other research results that to be included in a viewing direction results in a viewing cone , which is on the order of 70°–90° (subtended angle the present specification that uses a luminance decrease to 5 shows luminance and contrast versus "viewing direction " in a polar coordinate system The left column shows the directional luminance distribution of the dark state of the display ( here : Each borderline between two (shades of) colors represents a line of constant value , in the case
This way of representing the variation of a quantity of a display with direction of observation originates from an optical technique called conoscopy . used by Maugin for examination of the state of liquid crystal alignment in every LCD-laboratory in the late seventies and throughout the eighties for measurement and evaluation of the optical properties of LCDs and In the conoscopic mode of observation , generated in the rear focal plane of the objective lens This directions image is based on the same coordinates as the representation in the polar coordinate system shown PC David Copperfield is the pen name of Stuart Davidson , formerly of the Staffordshire Police , wrote the best-selling book about the British police service , In 2005 , a number of his blog posts were used without permission The usage of the material attracted protest from fellow bloggers , and Copperfield In early 2006 Copperfield signed a book deal turn his blog into a book . For its title , he chose His writing revealed the amount of time , that the theft of a bicycle over the course of a month or so ) In February 2012 , Monday Books released Further Adventures in La , La Land Copperfield appeared on the BBC's flagship news show " for "The Daily Telegraph " and was the three 'most important political books ' of the day . Copperfield was invited to appear on the "BBC Radio 5 Live " chat shows of both Victoria Derbyshire and Simon Mayo . He was invited to discuss a law and order seminar arranged by the Policy Exchange thinktank . Until this time , PC Copperfield's real identity had by his editor from Monday Booksmet producers from The broadcast aired on 17 September 2007 . Copperfield revealed himself to be Copperfield was summoned to a meeting with his Chief Constable to discuss his "other career He had evaded his force's Professional Standards Department for he had appeared on GMTV Miguel A. Torres ( born 1941 ) He is President and Managing Director of Bodegas Torres , and is a member of the fourth generation of this family business
In 1962 , he joined Miguel A. Torres has published various books about His first book , " Viñas y Vinos " , ( " Vineyards and Wines " updated by Plaza y Janes in 1993 and translated into Catalan , French , English , German , Norwegian , Finnish and Vino español , un incierto futuro " ("Spanish Wine , an Uncertain Future " ) ( 1979 ) ; "Manual de los vinos de Cataluña " ( " Manual of Catalan Wines " ) Los vinos de España " ( " The Wines of Spain " ) ( 1983 ) ; " Guía Folio de los Vinos de España " ( "Guide sheet to Spanish Wines " ) ( 1985 ) ; and "Els Vins del Penedès " ("Wines of the Penedès " ) Neslandsvatn Station ( ) is a railway station located in Neslandsvatn in Drangedal , Norway on the Sørlandet Line . The station was opened on 2 December 1927 when the Sørland Line opened to Kragerø Station In 1935 , the Sørland Line was extended to Arendal Station , while The company was established on 1 March 1986 Victor Travers ( 1884 – 26 May 1948 ) was an English character actor of for his work in many of Stelvio National Park has borders with the Swiss National Park Together , these parks comprise of The station was opened on December 2, 1927 In 1935 the line was made Passenger traffic was terminated in 1988 a right to represent Alberta at Webster joined the Olympic bronze-medalist Shannon Kleibrink rink in 2006 as the second on the team . of the season following the event . George Albert Hildebrand ( September 6, 1878 – May 30, 1960 ) was an American professional baseball player and umpire He played in 11 Major League Baseball games as a left fielder for the 1902 Brooklyn Superbas before becoming He is often credited as Born in San Francisco , California , Hildebrand began his playing career in Hildebrand worked much of his umpiring career in a team with Brick Owens . His most controversial decision came in Game 2 of
the 1922 World Series , when he ended the game on account of darkness after 10 innings with the score tied recalling Game 2 of the 1914 Series , which had ended in almost complete darkness Hildebrand was behind the plate on After retiring from baseball , Hildebrand moved into a house in He later ran a hotel in Brawley , California , and then went into business in He died of heart failure at age 81 at Reseda Hospital in Reseda its abbreviation , " SFE " ) is an electronics retailer in Niwot , Colorado , United States . SparkFun Electronics was founded in 2003 SparkFun was testing a development board , because the company's self-stated aim is to educate During the Open Source Hardware summit in October 2010 , SparkFun was one of the contributors SparkFun are released as Open-source hardware ( OSHW ) , with schematics , EAGLE files , and Product images are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA the 2nd and 3rd laws of robotics , where a fully automated robot would destroy itself after The objective is to build an automated vehicle that can circumnavigate a course without On October 16, 2009 , SPARC International sent of sparkfun.com to SPARC International . On March 7, 2014 , U.S. Customs and Border Protection informed meant for sale on SparkFun's website its extension of credit and collection a 17th-century country house near Stone , Staffordshire The River Trent runs through the estate's meadow . It is a Grade II* listed building that reached The hall consisted of two buildings with a chamber , work room and bedroom It played a role in The 'Forty-Five' rebellion by the Young Pretender , Prince Charles Edward Stuart . It was the birthplace of Admiral John Jervis of Edward Jervis Jervis , 2nd Viscount St Vincent in the late 19th century but was sold in At some point it was acquired by Craig Johnson , who undertook a number of developments , including In April 2008 Johnson was one in connection with a £138m VAT carousel fraud , with the defendants sentenced to a total
of 133 years – one of been brought to court after Following his initial season , Ryan moved Christus , Hoffnung der Welt ( "Christ, Hope of the World " ) is The church is located next to to the Orange Democratic Movement ( ODM ) He was elected to the National Assembly of Woodley Estate , Nairobi , after for the gate to his house to He was announced dead on condemned the murder as a "heinious crime " As mourners gathered outside his home alias Castro ) as the first suspect . alias Zimbo ) and Paul Otieno ( McLain began his political career campaigning on behalf of 1934 California gubernatorial candidate Upton Sinclair , before turning of California, Inc. " in 1936 return the government of California to the natives of the state , and a reaction to the large number of migrants from the Great Plains who had arrived In the early forties , McLain gained McLain is best known for running in California's Democratic presidential primary in 1960 various times , for Los Angeles School Board , and Senate , and California's 23rd Congressional District with his second marriage to Rose C. McLain ending in a contested divorce in 1961 . Karl Harold Phillip LeVander ( October 10, 1910March 30, 1992 ) was LeVander was born in Swedehome , Nebraska ( near Stromsburg , Polk County ) and attended he competed in the high hurdles and After graduating from Gustavus , After graduation , LeVander worked LeVander took the governorship in 1967 and both houses of the state legislature . During his term the first Minnesota sales tax was created referendum " and vetoed two bills He also created the Metropolitan Council , The St. Paul Companies ( 1973–1981 ) , , depicting the recently deceased popular African-American mayor of Chicago After a brief showing at a May 11, 1988 private student exhibition in Free speech advocates condemned the seizure of the painting the painting was an insult to Washington Nelson filed a federal lawsuit against the city , was elected in 1965 Washington won Chicago's 1983 Democratic mayoral primary election , defeating
, prevailing over Bernard Epton in His first four-year term was characterized by the Council Wars , a period of political conflict with , facilitating progress with Washington's agenda Washington died suddenly of a heart attack Shortly after Washington's death , Nelson a "full-length frontal portrait of a portly grim-faced Harold Washington clad in , and stockings " . The painting was approximately tall by In the portrait , Washington is mistook Washington's slumping over his desk as that had fallen onto the floor over the course of one night , He 's like a deity . the portrait after seeing prints of that depicted a smiling Washington with a blue-robe had based the iconoclastic elements of the painting Northwestern Memorial Hospital had discovered female underwear beneath He had drawn a portrait of his mother as " Whistler's Mother " Nelson had also drawn a caricature of his father as the model depicted on boxes of Cream of Wheat . On May 11, 1988 , " Mirth & Girth enough negative attention for the Art Institute to post a security guard in front of the painting word of the controversy reached the Chicago City Council , which was in session to the Art Institute unless it apologized In part , the resolution read against the wall for an hour . According to the federal lawsuit , Henry the now-hung painting from the wall and placed it on the floor , facing Three other aldermen , Allan Streeter ( 17th attempted to remove it from the school , but were stopped The aldermen then took the painting to Alderman Tillman threatened to burn the painting , advised against this . Martin telephoned Patterson in Jones' office the painting into police custody , telling Patterson overrode this direct order , citing his own powers as the lieutenant on the scene and Tillman to a waiting police car with The incident was marked by a volatile shouting match between the aldermen and students , and met with condemnation from As the aldermen escorted the painting to the police vehicle , a mass of students
Shortly after the incident , a black alderman the painting was the work of a Jewish artist Nelson replied through a "Chicago Tribune" story that The remark was made in part Steve Cokely , a mayoral aide , by Cokely had accused Jews of In a "New York Times" article published on May 13, 1988 , Alderman Streeter reiterated his stance regarding the removal of the painting , saying a great man and an affront to blacks On May 16, 1988 , Streeter appeared on the local public television station news program " Chicago Tonight " He reinforced that Nelson had abdicated his "responsibility to his constituency " In the segment , he reaffirmed common sense , the law of morality Separately , the Illinois Alliance of Black Student Organizations called for racial parity with regards to faculty and student enrollment an underlying attitude of racism at the school , while other black students distributed a flyer By contrast , another white graduate noted that school officials looked at students' slides On February 12, 1994 , during a rally to raise money for the defendants' mounting legal bills On May 12, 1988 , representatives from the painting and returned it to Jay Miller , another representative for the ACLU , described the incident as "vigilante stuff of one of the great civil libertarians of Harold Washington had a 100 percent voting record in Congress and in the state Legislature on issues of civil liberties and civil rights . the civil rights of sculptor John Sefick after Sefick had created a satirical statue of Washington Students from the SAIC protested on Student leaders began to consult attorneys to file a lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department at the Richard J. Daley Plaza , but it On "Chicago Tonight " , Daniel Polsby , a law professor at Northwestern University , cited federal statutes violated during the confiscation the seizure of " Mirth & Girth " at the time was to preserve At the SAIC , students' characterizations of the painting ranged from political caricature , In a meeting with 100 students after
the incident , Anthony Jones , then-president of the SAIC , assured the students that he stood behind their First Amendment rights Chairman Marshall Field also issued a formal apology for Field also published the apology in included leaders from mainline Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish organizations from As for the painting's critical reception , one local art reviewer In a newspaper interview , Nelson responded Nelson gave only a few interviews before leaving Chicago for the suburbs , and On the advice of his friends , Nelson stayed away from his graduation ceremony 22,000 in 2008 ) offer for the painting , calling it Nelson's views were expressed by Harvey Grossman , the legal director for the ACLU . On June 23, 1988 , the ACLU filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Nelson against the three aldermen who were seen Rush questioned the motive of the suit of Alderman Timothy C. Evans ( 17th ) , a political rival of mayor Eugene Sawyer . The City of Chicago refused in February 1990 to pay mounting legal costs for the aldermen . The aldermen argued that they were the security of the city during the turmoil The city contended that the aldermen had taken the action as individuals . On August 11, 1992 , U.S. District Judge George Lindberg dismissed the City of Chicago from the lawsuit , but Lindberg supported the recommendations regarding that issue , judges Richard Posner , Frank H. Easterbrook , Writing for the court , Posner rejected claims of official immunity and threatened to burn the painting on The appellate court also faulted the district judge for the filing and disposition of the motions , and the defendants should be On September 20, 1994 , the city and The ACLU agreed to drop claims against the city and Superintendent LeRoy Martin . In return , the city of 1994 , ) for damage to the painting and to issue and Streeter ; by September 1994 Earlier in the year , the City Council's Finance Committee voted against Grossman stated that the relatively small settlement showed
the lawsuit " on a matter of At the time the lawsuit was settled , Nelson did not issue was employed as an advertising artist at an undisclosed firm ; he continued to operation , was the first quarter-mile dragstrip on It was built in the mid-1950s To date , the site still Aquasco Speedway sits in Aquasco , Maryland , untouched and unvandalized In the early 1980s , the American Motorcyclist Association leased been helping people in the maritime community for over 100 years , by providing vital funding to support seafarers in with other countries and import essential fuel The job of a seafarer is therefore and hazardous with a much greater chance of to disability , depression , debt , relationship breakdown , homelessness The Seafarers' Charity's funding enables seafarers to access advice It also improves their quality of the essentials of daily living that a small pension The Seafarers' Charity receives no government funding and relies on donations and fundraising to The First World War took a terrible toll on merchantmen and warships : in one fortnight in 1917 many thousands of sailors and over 400,000 tons of shipping were lost In the City of London , far-sighted ship-owners and could take a realistic overview of the need and direct resources The Charity has always supported veterans In 2005 King George's Fund for Sailors adopted the working name The Seafarers' Charity is a leading provider of grants – at sea , and The charity's considerable influence is also being applied Merchant Navy Day ' launched in 2015 , and takes place on In 2019 , the campaign saw the centenary of King George V's grant of the title 'Merchant Navy in honour of this milestone , the Red Ensign flag will fly above 10 Downing Street The Seafarers' Charity receives no statutory funding and relies on supporters , donors and He has held several judicial offices from 1979 until 1988 in Hong Kong Hansen started his education at Wakari School He graduated with a Bachelor of Laws in 1968 from the University of Otago In 1967 , he had
joined the law firm of Aspinall, Joel & Co and In 1969 , he became During the years between 1979 and 1988 , Hansen was a magistrate, coroner, district court judge , family court judge and High Court master In 1988 , he returned to New Zealand and became a master He was later appointed as a judge of the High Court in July 1995 He retired in 2008 . performing his duties at Christchurch High Court . In the 2008 Queen's Birthday Honours , Hansen was appointed a Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit , for services to Hansen has played senior club cricket in Dunedin , New Zealand till 1979 In 1979 , he moved to Hong Kong where he became He was also the manager of As a member of this commission , conduct , which in the opinion the interests of the game of cricket a Level 3 offence of racially abusing Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds during the second Test with involved players and upheld the charges fined 50% of his match fee . senior players had written a letter to The Ozone Disco fire in Quezon City , Philippines Ozone Disco was a popular spot in Quezon City for students and young professionals in It was located near the 11th World Scout Jamboree Memorial Rotonda in 1991 by Segio Orgaoow . Its building had previously housed a jazz club At the time of the fire , been approved for occupancy for Most of the club guests were high school and college students inside the disc jockey's booth shortly before midnight Many of the bodies were discovered along the corridor leading to the only exit The final death count was reported as between 160 and 162 people In addition , at least 95 people were tried before the courts for criminal charges of "reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicide On March 16, 2001 , the president of Westwood Entertainment , Hermilo Ocampo , and sentenced to a four-year prison term , and indemnify the families of the deceased 150,000 pesos , and sprinklers inside the establishment ,
In November 2001 , twelve officials of the Quezon City government were charged before the Sandiganbayan for reckless imprudence resulting in multiple homicides Ozone Disco to secure a certificate of annual inspection in 1995 " despite the inadequacy , insufficiency and impropriety of the documents submitted by the owners On November 20, 2014 , seven officials of They were held liable for negligence in connection with the approval of the building permit and issuance of certificates of occupancy for the company there was a makeshift memorial on the site featuring photographs of the victims . In March 2015 , a week before the 19th anniversary of the tragedy , the Ozone Disco building was finally Relatives of the victims still visit to the economy and the world . , Tennessee , which hosts , and Denice Hicks and Bruce Arntson ) was opened in October 1967 Belgian , and other citizens , are required to pay tuition It celebrated its fortieth anniversary in late 2007 It also takes European students from of NATO , to include , and approximately one hundred students in its high school With so few students , BAS changed Of all the DoDDS schools , Brussels American School holds the highest percentage of students who graduate to the Service Academies , with two St. Anne's Episcopal Church is a historic church at 29 Church Street a gable roof , board-and-batten siding , and has a buttressed four-stage tower to the right of with open belfry on the left . topped by a low jigsawn balustrade with corner pinnacles The church was built in 1853 to a design by James Renwick , Best known for St. Patrick's Cathedral , , Renwick was in 1853 under series producer Andy Rowley and Wark Clements executive Richard Langridge . The award was in the 'Continuing Drama' category . Ebbsfleet River in Kent , south-east England , is a tributary of the Thames Estuary Its source was eight natural springs at Springhead of a Roman settlement with many temples called to the River Thames ; in the fourteenth century was the subject of a botanical study by
Thomas Philpott and mentioned in his "Villare Cantianum been partly inspired by Ebbsfleet in Thanet , to the east East Kent mentioned in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle " as Ebba's Creek , ( version A AVC-Intra was intended for video professionals who have to store HD digital video for editing and archiving . The bitrate settings for Class 4:4:4 varies between 200 and 440 Mbit / sec The 2007 Continental Cup of Curling was held at the Medicine Hat Arena , Mixed Doubles ( 36 points ) , Singles ( 32 points ) Constantine was Emperor since 741 and his first wife , Tzitzak , the Khazar , on 25 January 750 . There is no further mention of her of Constantinople , her untimely death occurred It took place on December 9, 2001 , at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego The event replaced the promotion's usual December PPV , Armageddon , for the year 2001 ; Armageddon was reinstated in 2002 with under the WWF name as the promotion was renamed to World Wrestling Entertainment ( WWE In 1999 and 2000 , - per - view ( However , following the September 11 attacks , June 2001 , ended at Survivor Series , when Team WWF won a "Winner Takes All" Survivor Series match The Alliance was forced to close business as a result , and with their respective WWF equivalents and subsequently deactivated , and the WCW Cruiserweight Championship became a WWF title of his WWF Championship , and award it to Kurt Angle due to in March 2001 , interrupted McMahon The Alliance , Shane and Stephanie McMahon a match between Austin and The Rock , the holder of the World Championship , Both title matches were rooted in feuds left Austin without a partner . hold of the WWF and in July at the InVasion event , Austin During the match , Austin turned His first chance came at SummerSlam , which Angle won by disqualification At Unforgiven in September , Angle forced Austin to submit to his ankle lock and won the WWF Championship
in front of his hometown fans in Austin demanded a rematch , claiming received it on the October 8, 2001 edition of a WrestleMania X-Seven rematch between Vince McMahon and then-WCW owner Shane McMahon The feud between The Rock and Jericho On the October 11 episode of " SmackDown Rob Van Dam of The Alliance to become At No Mercy he defeated The Rock a world champion for the first time in his career , Jericho and The Rock set On the October 29 episode of " Raw " , they dropped the titles Test to nail Rock with After the match , The Rock and nailing Jericho with two Rock Bottoms . Later on that episode , Rock challenged Jericho for the WCW Championship in On the November 5 episode of " Raw " , The Rock defeated Jericho , Jericho savagely attacked Rock after the match and hit him with a steel chair and the championship . Jericho was made part of Rock for the good of the company However , Jericho attacked The Rock following his elimination from the match and The opening match was a tag team match between Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert , and Christian , Scotty and Albert started Test and Christian took the opportunity and assaulted Scotty and prevented him from tagging in Albert Albert dominated both of them for a Baldo Bomb , but Test Scotty hit Christian with a bulldog , and attempted a Worm , Christian tried to hit the Worm , but Albert stopped him Test made the save by hitting Scotty hit a bulldog on Test , and hit a Worm . The second match was between Edge and William Regal for In the beginning of the match , Edge had the advantage , showing However , Regal threw Edge knocked him against the barricade . In the ring , Regal hit Edge with a series of European uppercuts and reversed a sunset flip into a knee drop with a forearm smash but Edge kicked On the ring apron , Edge tried on the floor but Regal sidestepped
Regal took out a pair of stuffed them into his tights . In the ring , Regal hit Edge with a powerbomb and two double underhook suplexes Regal then hit Edge with The third match was between Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy with Lita as the Special Guest Referee Jeff hit a falling headbutt and a clothesline Jeff went to the top rope but Matt trapped him in a Tree Matt then applied the sunset flip , In the ring , Jeff injured He hit a chop block and a series He tried a powerbomb , but Jeff countered it into a Compactor Clutch Jeff got to the ropes , Jeff went to the top , Matt tried a Twist of Fate , but Jeff countered it Jeff hit a suplex , and Matt tried to hit a Twist of Fate but Jeff reversed Matt attempted a pinfall on Jeff and used ropes for leverage Jeff went to the top rope again , but Matt caught him The fourth match was between The Dudley Boyz ( and Big Show and Kane for Kane dominated in the beginning , and tagged in The Big Show . as he attempted a chokeslam , The Big Show then hit D-Von with the ring , knocking the Dudleys out Kane went to the top rope and In the ring , Stacy Keibler tried to encourage the Dudleys , but The Dudleys hit Kane with a double suplex and a series of double-team maneuvers . They set him for the Dudley Death Drop but Kane kicked D-Von in the head and hit Bubba Ray with Kane tagged in The Big Show , Kane tried to hit D-Von with a flying clothesline but accidentally hit Dudleys fell to the outside while The fifth match was between The Undertaker and Earlier in the match , Van Dam hit The Undertaker with a top-rope somersault . The Undertaker crotched Van Dam on the top rope and knocked He tried to drive him into the ringpost , but Van Dam Van Dam attacked The Undertaker with the barricade The Undertaker tossed him over a railing
and choked Van Dam on the floor The Undertaker tried to use a steel chair , but Van Dam hit him He hit The Undertaker's head with a trash can He hit a Rolling Thunder on the stage hit him with the chair . However , Jacqueline knocked Stratus Stratus however hit her with but Stratus sent her in Stratus made a pinfall attempt with a victory roll She tried to hit Jacqueline her and kicked her for The first match was the match between Stone Cold Steve Austin , and applied an armlock , He choked Angle in the ropes and attacked in his biceps . In the ring , Austin used Angle then wrapped Austin's leg around Angle missed a moonsault , and Austin then hit five German suplexes , This was followed by the second tournament match Jericho hit a spinning heel kick , and Jericho knocked The Rock's head into the steel ring steps , and hit a flying back elbow . The Rock came back with a flying clothesline Jericho went to the top rope , but The Rock crotched him on The Rock tried a Superplex but Jericho but The Rock sent Jericho's head into Jericho fell to the outside where he dropped The Rock onto the barricade , and catapulted him into a Rock Bottom through the announce table , but a Rock Bottom , but Jericho countered the People's Elbow , but The Rock caught apply a Sharpshooter on Jericho , The Rock went for the pinfall but The Rock hit McMahon , and Angle attacked Austin with a steel chair Jericho with a Rock Bottom and chased Jericho took Austin to the top of table where Austin tried Jericho countered it into the Walls of Jericho but Austin flipped him off the ring , and Jericho threw onto this and broke the hold Jericho hit a low blow and a Stone Cold Stunner McMahon knocked Flair into the ringpost Austin then hit a low blow , He hit a Lou Thesz press on Jericho Austin with the WWF Championship belt from behind
in the back of Austin's head , on the interference , pinning Austin Stone Cold Steve Austin lost in a steel cage rematch against briefly feuded with Booker T , Edge to a rematch for the WWF Intercontinental Championship at the Royal Rumble , which Edge According to Kurt Angle , he was reinstated for December , thus establishing Vengeance as an annual event in that slot ( which was under the WWF name as in May 2002 , the company was renamed to which the promotion divided its roster into two distinct brands , Raw and SmackDown Vengeance was then discontinued in In 2011 , Vengeance was ( 1576–1643 ) was a Japanese wealthy merchant He was commonly called as He was the second head of the first "Yodoya " founded by the Okamoto family . Aa a merchant of Osaka , he was a prominent rice dealer who worked Brooks is in his sixth season as an analyst for NFL Network and NFL.com well as video features including "Scout’s Take " and " On the Beat " on NFL.com , and offers NFL and NCAA game previews and reviews For the 2010 season , Brooks returned as an analyst for " Thursday Night Football Thursday Night Football presents a live show throughout the game including “live look ins ” of the game Hadnagy started his career at hometown club Oltul Sfântu Gheorghe At the end of his fifth Divizia C season at In the summer of 2007 , he joined They won the 2007–2008 Liga II which meant win his second Liga II title at the end of In the summer of 2016 he joined Sepsi OSK With his 28 goals in 31 games he played a vital role in obtaining promotion singer , and composer . Little is known about Boscoop's life It was published in a new edition in 1568 in Düsseldorf and was dedicated to the Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg , Erich II For his texts , Boscoop used Many of the motets are in repeated with a different text in the repeat Willoughby-Eastlake City School District is a public school district located in
Roy Bell ( born 29 July 1949 ) in the Canadian Football League for the Edmonton Eskimos . In 1967 , he was a part of an undefeated team that won He finished with more than 6,000 rushing yards , leading the state in his last 2 years in recorded 87 carries for 625 yards ( On May 12, 1972 , he signed with the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League . with 1,455 rushing yards and was named in 6 games , collecting 50 carries in 1883 , when the Canton, Aberdeen In 1887 , a second county courthouse was the First Judicial District of Choctaw County , while Ackerman held , the voters of Choctaw County by ending Chester's role as a county seat of The courthouse was used as a school to the 433d Operations Group Air Force Reserve Command , stationed at The squadron was first activated in activated in the military reserve force in 1949 after the Korean War , the squadron was activated again in 1952 . 1 June 1942 at Geiger Field , WA AZ , 23 Jun 1942 and trained aircrews Relocated to Wendover Field , UT , CO , 30 Sep 1942 ; ; Clovis , NM , Redesignated as a Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bombardment Squadron under Second Air Force on 7 April 1944 at Dalhart Army Air Field , Mission of the squadron was the strategic bombardment Entered combat on 16 June 1945 with a bombing raid against an airfield on Moen Flew last combat mission on 15 August 1945 , on 2 September 1945 over Tokyo Bay during taking part in special assignment airlift missions , and rotating periodically to Panama departed Kelly Field on September 28, 2016 . Marfil Santa Coloma was founded in 1975 In 1999 , they reach the finals of División of Honor In 2001 , the club was " Better in Time " is a pop It was written by J. R. Rotem It is featured on Lewis's debut album "Spirit " ( 2007 ) . " Better in Time " was released on 10 March 2008 as
Lewis's third single in the United Kingdom , as Lewis promoted the song on several live television programmes , and it was included on the set list of her debut concert tour The Labyrinth Receiving generally positive reviews by music critics , it was nominated at the Brit Awards " Better in Time " of the United Kingdom and Germany , ten in several countries , including a moderate tempo of eighty beats per minute Andrea Martin and J. R. Rotem wrote the song On 29 January 2008 , Lewis announced released as a double A-side single on 10 March 2008 in the United Kingdom , with 2008 Sport Relief Footprints in the Sand " as their official single . A new remix of the song was created " Better in Time " received generally positive reviews In his review of the album , Chung Ah-young of "The Korea Times " described of the best tracks [ on the album Alex Fletcher from Digital Spy gave a mixed review Chuck Taylor of "Billboard " gave is of "equal caliber to its predecessor a one-listen hook , elegant chug-along melody , a lyric about healing and Lewis' unquestionably emotive vocal versatility " nearly three minutes to get off the ground on the "10 Best Singles of 2008" list by American magazine "Entertainment Weekly " 1 March 2008 ; rising 36 places , On its fourth week , the song reached to the number one spot by Duffy's "Mercy " With this it became the third single " Better in Time " certified as silver by the British Phonographic Industry The song was later certified gold by the Australian Recording Industry Association on New Zealand's RIANZ Chart on 17 March 2008 , in the German charts on 16 June 2008 at , and rose to its peak position " Better in Time " entered the German chart on 22 February 2009 at It achieved a gold certification by the Bundesverband Musikindustrie Time " entered the charts at and managed to rise twenty-three places at number eight on the European Hot 100 Singles in the issue ending 29 March 2008 , becoming the highest debut
On 27 July 2008 , its ninth week , it reached its peak position at number five It managed to stay within in the chart on 22 March 2009 , The song reached its peak position at number it stayed for another week . In other charts of the United States , the Adult Contemporary chart , where it spent The music video was filmed at Hampton Court House School in February 2008 , and was released at the end of the same month The video is inspired by fashion design front of "unrelated photographic set-ups " , Lewis also performed both sides of 4 April 2008 , and on the "Jimmy Kimmel Live and on 1 October 2008 on the season finale of " America's Got Talent " . The song was featured in the "90210" episode "Lucky Strike On 24 November 2008 , Lewis performed In May 2010 , the song was added to the setlist of her The Labyrinth tour , performed as the fourth song " Better in Time " was included on the tour's live album and In 2011 , Lewis performed a reggae version of the song at BBC Radio 1 segment Live Lounge , a song by Rihanna . It is also one of for Japan " , a compilation album released in response to the aftermath of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Tōhoku , Japan ) , " Better in Time " was used in the American television series " based at the south end of the Auckland urban area , and named for the Hunua Ranges It covered different geographical areas over those periods established through an amendment to the "Representation Act As part of the 1976 census , a large number of people failed to This had little practical effect for people on the general roll , but it Together with a northward shift of New Zealand's population , this resulted in five new electorates ( including Hunua ) or Population centres of the original electorate included Cockle Bay in the north-west , East Tamaki in the west , the settlement of Hunua
itself , Mangatawhiri in the south , and Kaiaua in the east The electorate existed for two parliamentary periods until the 1983 electoral redistribution , when boundary changes forced Labour candidate Malcolm Douglas held an election night majority of 301 votes However , National candidate Winston Peters claimed irregularities in the vote , and in due to the change to mixed-member proportional (MMP) voting and the resulting reduction in the number The second historical Hunua electorate contained a selection of dormitory towns in south Auckland , of which The electorate was established again for The new Hunua electorate was based around the southern and eastern fringes of the Auckland region , and contained Whitford and Maraetai from eastern Manukau Members of Parliament elected from party lists in elections where that person Paul Gilmore ( 1873 – 1962 ) was such future stars as Robert Walker Sr. , Jennifer Jones in Milwaukee , Wisconsin . His parents intended him to pursue when he performed in amateur plays at Milwaukee's Grand Opera House , which was , in 1891 , offered On a lark , Gilmore accepted the company for a few weeks and then in a number of successful productions that Gilmore quickly rose to leading man status of dark , wavy hair netted as “ the youngest, best-dressed leading man on the American stage Litt's Players and gained stature with In addition to his stage work , Gilmore participated in the early development of Starting in 1897 , he performed short "character studies " on film for Thomas Alva Edison's company on a number of On June 17, 1897 , Gilmore married Regina Cooper , the daughter of millionaire wagon maker A.A. Cooper of Dubuque , Iowa , Two years later , on Sept. 9, 1899 , Gilmore's wife delivered twins – a boy Gilmore's son , Paul Gilmore Cooper , died Three months after the death of his wife , Gilmore was nearly killed in a production of "The Musketeers " in Phoenix , Arizona . they were shot with live rounds to return to the stage . A bullet was removed from his knee
in March 1900 , after which By October of that year , he was Gilmore reached full star status in late 1900 with his performance in " The Dawn of Freedom " at the Fourteenth Street Theatre in New York City the country in scores of plays portrayed him as a swashbuckling lover . Gilmore married Mary A. Goodwin in 1901 and was divorced from her In addition to operating his own touring stage company and acting in productions throughout By 1920 , he had nine movies and accumulated more than $225,000 in cash and tangible assets , including of land on Anna Maria Island in Gilmore and Albert Plummer of Character Pictures The Isle of Destiny " , in the spring of 1920 Gilmore planned at least two other films for production , and Gilmore lost all his assets and most of his cash . He returned to New York City , where he settled in Greenwich Village In 1948 , the Gilmores moved to Duluth , Minnesota , where they established the Gilmore Comedy Theatre in The theater opened on July 14, 1949 , with a production of "This Thing Called Love . Gilmore and his daughter retired to Dubuque , Iowa , where they resided at 418 Raymond Place . Palm Springs , Florida , on Dec. 29, 1962 , at the age of 89 . Regina Cooper Gilmore died in Dubuque on British–Polish relations are the bilateral relations between the countries of United Kingdom and Poland . Exchanges between the two countries date back to medieval times , when Britain by trade and diplomacy . As a result of the 18th-century Partitions of the number of Polish immigrants to Britain increased in the aftermath of two 19th-century uprisings 1863 ) which forced much reconstituted outside Poland after the German and Soviet invasion with Poland , declared war after its fall in May 1940 , there was a piece of correspondence by King Henry V of England to Władysław II Jagiełło , King of Poland and Grand-Duke of Lithuania requesting his assistance against France in in the following years largely in the area
married in 1554 , Krzysztof Warszewicki Warszewicki was at the time of the Tudor-Habsburg marriage page to Ferdinand , King of Gdańsk as British and Dutch navies' privateers would seize Spanish vessels , including those , the city of Gdańsk sent their attacks against Spanish ships headed for , Działyński was overly direct and the English with an embargo of The Saxon Kings of Poland – Lithuania had largely neglected Poland's diplomatic relations during this period , as they preferred In 1744–1746 , the British government concluded the War of the Austrian Succession in which Britain fought on the side of Maria Theresa of Austria , the Queen of Hungary With the death of Augustus III in recruit national minorities against the Central Powers of During the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I , the British delegation under David Lloyd George During the Polish-Soviet War , the support of , but peace was by of the Curzon Line as part of During the 1920s and the early 1930s , British views of Poland were generally That was particularly the case from Poland's view of Britain was then the primary focus of British friendship and attempts With the rise of the Nazi party in of a point in friendly relations . On 31 March 1939 , the British made a guarantee of independence to Poland On 25 August , an Anglo-Polish military alliance was In March 1939 , the British gave the event of conflict with German After the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany in September 1939 , Britain and France declared war on On 4 September , an RAF raid against in France , where it in the defensive line on the Belgium border . In September 1939 , however , doubled in size to four divisions reprisals on RAF launches from French airfields , against targets in Germany and so most British bomber activity over Germany was was based in London since During the war , 250,000 Polish people served of Britain were Polish . of the Polish Army and Prime Minister of During the Yalta Conference and the postwar alteration of
During the Cold War , Poland retained a largely-negative view of Britain as part In the 1990s and the 2000s , the newly-democratic Poland maintained close relations with Britain The results of the 2011 British census has shown in Northern Ireland , after English Prolexic Technologies was a US-based provider of security solutions , and enterprise IP applications from Distributed Denial of Service the network , transport , and It operated a DDoS mitigation platform and a global network Barrett Lyon and was the subject of : airlines / hospitality , Sony is said to be in the company , and American Trading and Production Corp Prolexic provides three kinds of DDoS protection services to its clients : Monitoring and The company opened its first network traffic scrubbing center in North America in 2003 , in Europe sophisticated live attackers , Prolexic uses a combination affecting its clients to date , , zero-day attacks , UDP/ICMP floods , TCP flag abuses , DNS reflection , and The company’s service typically mitigates attacks within Prolexic mitigated more than 30,000 DDoS attacks from 2003–2011 vandalism were cited as the main inspiration This type of motivation is said Organizations of all sizes are said to be at risk of technology to redirect traffic to and send only legitimate traffic to the client site was released on 22 October 2007 . performed better than its predecessor , on the UK Singles Chart via download sales alone The first showing of the video was on The Mortgage Bankers Association ( MBA ) is Headquartered in Washington , D.C. , MBA represents over 2,200 member companies . During the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 , the MBA's membership fell from 3,000 to MBA is headed by Robert Broeksmit , president and chief executive officer . elect and re-elect candidates to Congress who have an understanding of the real estate finance and housing industries , and The MBA offers training and continuing education Since 1948 , the MBA has been offering courses through The School of Mortgage Banking (SOMB ) to the real estate finance community . SOMB is a series of three four-day courses
The courses offer comprehensive instruction in specific aspects on credit reports and scores , 's included in the mortgage payment . The "Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization " ( MISMO ) , a nonprofit subsidiary of the MBA , is the leading technology standards development body for residential and commercial industry . In October 2009 , the MBA sold its headquarters in Washington , D.C. It had originally purchased the building in 2007 for $79 million , from a group of banks headed The default was featured on "The Daily Show Jamie William Hoyland ( born 23 January 1966 ) is an English former footballer who made more than 400 appearances In September 2012 , Hoyland was Washington , D.C. , between 1955 and 1974 satirized prominent people of the day , " with their own zany "Washer-Dryer Report " . a nightly feature at 7 p.m. on WRC at the height of their popularity in the verge of powerful change " . On the "Joy Boys" program , Scott would sketch a list of characters and or note on his braille typewriter . Scott and Walker formed a professional and personal bond to another Washington radio station , WWDC ( now WQOF ) , in October 1972 , where it was heard until the show's final broadcast on October 26, 1974 . The show was sold in syndication American University has released some of the "Joy Boys" radio broadcasts of the 1960s on CDs he played in the National Football League for the Buffalo Bills ( 1984–1985 ) . , and the BC Lions ( 1997 He was a Fellow of Magdalen College In 1504 he was appointed Bill Myerscough ( 22 June 1930 in Bolton began his professional career at the relatively late age of from Ashfield in time for In March 1962 , Myerscough joined to finish bottom of the Fourth Division to Wrexham in exchange for After a season with Wrexham , Myerscough ended his professional career and joined The squadron is located at Hurlburt Field The 39th Intelligence Squadron was assigned to the 67th Intelligence Group
until 1 October 1988 when it was and NCOs ; and the Operational Military Deception Course , aimed at operational level planners . The 39th also provides initial qualification training for The Network Warfare Bridge Course ( NWBC ) provides the full range of cyber-related Air Force specialties and prepares The squadron also offers two faculty development courses . The Instructor Methodology Course ( IMC ) is and provides training to potential formal classroom/lab instructors The predecessor to the Undergraduate Network Warfare Training ( UNWT This course is to train airmen defend a wide variety of vital Air Force networks . Also known as IOIC , this course trains students in basics of IO , Air Force and Joint doctrine , concepts of operations Also known as AFOC , The band was formed in 1996 " , in 1997 . The recording was produced by Shel Talmy was released on RCA Records in New York , and performed at the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia , despite to perform by Donovan Lietch , as part of the ongoing political project started lampooned by Jello Biafra on his album The 1994 Dutch Open was an ATP tennis tournament held in Hilversum , Netherlands and played It was the 36th edition of the tournament Unseeded Karel Nováček won his first title of the year ) was lord of the Manor the Beards Brook watershed , then into the Contoocook River From 1661 to 1663 he practiced as a physician in Wittenberg moving in 1663 to Hamburg , where In 1666 he conducted the first public dissection of a human corpse now in Kiel appointed supervisor of the botanic garden of From 1673 to 1682 he devoted himself , and Director , Division of Law, Ethics Appelbaum is a member of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the World Psychiatric Association , and Chair of the APA's DSM Steering Committee He was the Fritz Redlich Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study the psychiatric aspects of jurisprudence . " Appelbaum is a graduate of Stuyvesant High School , Columbia College and Harvard Medical School .
Psychiatry at the Western Psychiatric Institute , University of Pittsburgh Medical School into empirical research on issues in He returned to the Massachusetts Mental Health Center to serve as Executive Officer and as Psychiatry , at the University of Massachusetts Medical School . According to Appelbaum , his focus His areas of particular expertise include the logic and practice of informed consent , Since moving to Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons in Appelbaum grew up in Brooklyn , New York , the son of A Gale–Stewart game is a two-player game of perfect information The two players alternate turns , and On each turn , each player chooses than once without restriction . The play continues without end , determines an infinite sequence formula 2 of elements of The set of all such sequences is denoted the beginning of the game , of of the game is in the payoff set A winning strategy for a player is a function to make from any position in strategies , and played the strategies For the purposes of Gale–Stewart games , the set "A " is endowed with endowed with the resulting product topology , where " A"ω is viewed as a countably infinite topological product of "A " with viewed as the set of paths through a certain tree , which leads to a second characterization of its topology . The tree consists of all finite sequences of elements of " A " , and the children of a particular node σ that extend σ by one element of the tree consists of the sequences For each of the finite sequences σ in the tree , the set of is closed under complement and countable union . Over the next twenty years , this was extended to slightly higher levels of the Borel hierarchy This led to the question of Donald A. Martin ( 1975 ) proved , Martin published a shorter proof in In his review of Martin's paper , Drake describes the second proof as " The field of descriptive set theory studies properties of Polish spaces been used to establish many properties
of Borel subsets of these spaces . A"ω for arbitrary "A " is equivalent to the axiom of choice ) is Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the axiom It differs from ZF in that Z does not prove that the power set operation can be iterated , a particular countable level of the cumulative hierarchy , is a model of Zermelo set by " V"κ for significantly larger values of κ , such as Borel determinacy are studied in descriptive set theory It is known to be consistent with it and implied in Norfolk , Virginia ) is a former Canadian Football League defensive end who played ten seasons for five different teams , as well in short yardage situations , thus he both sides " ( of the football The U.S. State of Colorado includes the headwaters The state is divided into two major hydrographic regions by the Continental Divide of the Americas . via the Rio Grande or via one of several rivers ( the South Platte River , the North Platte River , the Republican River , the Arkansas River , the Cimarron River , or the Canadian River flow via the Green River , the upper Colorado River ( formerly the Grand River ) , or the San Juan River into the Colorado River and on " Little Lucid Moments " is the twelfth full-length studio album by the Norwegian band Motorpsycho that was released in Scandinavia , the UK , March 28, 2008 , by Stickman Records in Germany and the rest of Europe It is available on CD This was the first album recorded with Gerard Rioux ( born February 17, 1959 ) Guipry ( , Gallo : "Gipri " ) is a former commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Brittany in northwestern France The title of Viscount of Guignen had been the property of the House of Rohan the Princes of Condé , members of the House of Bourbon by a marriage between Louis Joseph de Bourbon , " Prince of Condé " to Charlotte de Rohan his football career at Burnley and progressed He captained the club's youth side to reach
After spending two months on the substitute bench for Stefan Stam in the second half , was sent out on loan to Halifax Town for the remainder of from injury , starting the whole game , in a 1–0 win over Cambridge United Trotman's chances at the beginning of the 2007–08 season Trotman then found himself in " by the fans and became Trotman then scored his first goal of the FA Cup replay , he was sent the season against Leeds United in Oldham's 3–1 win at Elland Road ; however , strength and sharpness attracted scouts from clubs , Oldham faced a tough fight to keep hold of him during After spending three months on the sidelines , he made his Preston North End debut , a 2–2 draw against Plymouth Argyle on 19 April 2008 However , in the 2008–09 season , Trotman suffered a hernia injury that kept By mid–December , he made his return to training and played During the match , he " , resulting from praise by scoring in their 5–1 win over Morecambe in the first round of the League Cup . On 20 August 2009 , Trotman joined Since joining the club , Trotman His first goal for the club came in a 3–1 victory over Exeter City on Boxing day In January 2010 , he was Huddersfield Town on loan until the end of the season He scored his first goal for the club in the 2–0 win against Hartlepool United at in Towns central defence for the second half of the season . , Trotman played in both legs against Millwall , as they on a permanent basis after returning to - joined his previous club , Oldham Athletic on loan until January 2011 . the club's only goal of the game , in Since joining Oldham Athletic , Trotman One club Rochdale on 14 July 2011 on a two-year contract Trotman made his debut for Rochdale in the opening game of the season . Trotman received his a red card after a second booking offence After the match , Manager Steve Eyre criticised
Trotman for his "moments of madness He was again at fault against Stevenage on 3 September 2011 when Despite this , he continued to regain his first team place for Rochdale On 3 November 2011 , Trotman joined Chesterfield on a two-month loan deal , with The deal became permanent on 3 January 2012 He was made captain of the side by manager John Sheridan for the rest for the club , in a 2–2 draw final of the Football League Trophy , having played for Rochdale in the same competition Ahead of the 2012–13 season , Trotman At the start of the season , he continued appointed as a new manager and under After the match , Trotman was Since returning to the first team , , Trotman went on trial them , but a deal was had a short trial at Dundee United . Since joining the club , Trotman , playing in the centre – for the club in a league match at His handful of first team football resulted in In a match against York City on 15 February 2014 , he was sent – off in early first half , as Plymouth Argyle lost 4–0 . , as they lost 2–0 for the side at the start of the season . the first team from injury , coming on as a substitute in the first half found himself away from the club " Footprints in the Sand " It was written by Simon Cowell in Johannesburg , South Africa . " Footprints in the Sand " in Ireland , the United Kingdom and in Germany and Switzerland , ) , in 2008 . In the same year , Lewis performed the song for the first time in the UK was written by Simon Cowell , It was recorded in 2007 at Rokstone Studios in London , the idea to base a song around the Christian poem "Footprints " , and suggested it to Kreuger and Magnusson Irish boy band Westlife , but it was When Cowell mentioned the song concept to Regarding the song , Lewis commented
and being there for people was included on Lewis's debut studio album " The song has a duration of 4:09 in the key of A major with a "larghetto" tempo of sixty beats per minute of E3 to the high note of The song follows the sequence of A5 – A5/B – Fm7 – –B – Bm – Fm It incorporates four instruments : keyboard instruments ( a piano , an organ and On 29 January 2008 , Lewis announced the B-side , and was released in the United Kingdom as a digital download on release on the following day , with " Footprints in the Sand " became the official song of the charity Sport Relief , BBC Sport , for their 2008 broadcast . In her performance , Lewis sang those images became pictures of "happiness As part of promotion , 9 March 2008 ; her song accompanied Torvill The accompanying music video was filmed in Johannesburg to - back with the video for " Better in Time " . It premiered on Lewis official website and The video begins with the message " the world , in support of Then , it intercuts a performance of Lewis in front of a wall and greyscale scenes : an image of a child walking on a landfill site , a funeral , a child lying in the street , and a kid sat in continues showing scenes of poverty and AIDS issues in the country . to show images of kids The video ends with children and Upon the release of " Spirit received generally positive reviews by music critics , In his review of the album , Chris Elwell-Sutton of the "Evening Standard " commented as a "theme to a Disney movie " , Chad Grischow of IGN Music described the song as a "show-stopping [ ... Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine called it receive comparisons to Carey . Digital Spy's reviewers gave similar opinions about " Footprints in the Sand " . Nick Levine in his review of the album " Footprints in the Sand " charted in Europe , reaching
debuted on the UK Singles Chart at number re - entered it at " Footprints in the Sand " on the UK Singles Chart on 1 March 2008 . at number two on 22 March 2008 It was certified as gold by the British Phonographic Industry ( BPI ) on 16 June 2008 at number five , Limehouse Conservation Area is located on the Niagara Escarpment near Limehouse , Ontario and It is within the watershed of The area is known for a system of deep rock fissures and crevices , from a trail via ladders at the location known as the "Hole in Hans Jansen belonged to the "revisionists " in Islamic Studies , i.e. he on early Islam which were written At the age of 17 , Jansen began studying theology at the University of Amsterdam , yet changed the subject after one year in Cairo in order to Jansen taught at the universities of Groningen , Leiden and Amsterdam In 1988 Jansen converted to With his second wife he had three children Jansen was member of a leftist group and left the room in protest The turning point of his opinion about Islam was the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Sadat in Jansen was friend to Ayaan Hirsi Ali In 2008 , he advised Geert Wilders about his anti-Islam movie "Fitna " and in the trial of Geert Wilders . During this trial , a judge approached As a result , the judges were Jansen was an expert witness on the Koran and Shariah in the trial in Birmingham Magistrates Court ( Crown vs Timothy Martin Burton ) on Hans Jansen is part of the so-called "revisionist " or historical-critical line of Islamic Studies In his main work "De Historische Mohammed " ( , Jansen discusses chapter by He shows in detail , Jansen reveals self-contradictions, contradictions to other historical sources , embellishments by later authors , politically or theologically motivated distortions of the depiction , symbolic meanings of allegedly historical names , literary construction of are of great importance for the interpretation after Muhammad on the basis of
In the epilogue , Jansen concluded without further ado that Muhammad did Thus , Jansen belongs to a minority within the "revisionist" school which supports The book " De Historische Mohammed " was Akagi Station is a terminal station of the Tōbu Kiryū Line from the opposing terminal of the line at Akagi Station has one island platform for the Jōmō Line the Tōbu Kiryū Line , with both sets of The station opened on 10 November 1928 as The Tōbu Railway station opened on 18 March 1932 . He was a part of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and TV hostess in Taiwan . She is best known for offers 360 degree views from its open summit . Lower elevations are wooded with species of coniferous red spruce cling to the upper slopes . organized in its current form in 1986 1818 to 1986 , the Diocese of Belluno St. Hermagoras , a disciple of St. Mark and first Bishop of Aquileia , Ferdinando Ughelli places the first bishop , Theodorus Pertinax ( 193 ) . a manuscript of the 12th century , claims that Zotas had been executed at Ptolemais ( ? ) in Libya by an official of the Emperor Maximianus ( 285–305 ) ; completely unknown to the ancient martyrologies of On 10 September 963 , Bishop Joannes II ( for himself and his successors the title of count and temporal sovereignty over the city and The twelfth century was a stormy period for Belluno In the spring of 1197 , Bishop Gerardo de Taccoli joined the united armies of Belluno , Padua On 20 April , at the battle of Cesana , Bishop Gerardo of Bishop Drudus succeeded the murdered Gerardus as bishop of the united dioceses ; Drudus died Luigi Lollin ( 1595 ) promoted the love of learning among the clergy for a number of priests at by Austria and Venice , , Udine and Goritza . was again united with that The violent expansionist military policies of the French Revolutionary Republic had brought in various territories , according to Belluno and Venice were under , embodying the conclusions of arduous negotiations
The metropolitan archbishopric of Udine was abolished and its bishop made suffragan to is dedicated to S. Peter . and the Archdeacon ) and twelve Canons the bishop of a diocese and his clergy Bishop Giovanni Battista Valier ( 1575–1596 ) presided Bishop Gianfrancesco Bembo ( 1694–1720 ) presided , and published the decrees . 1855–1871 ) held a synod for reduce the number of dioceses in in terms of modern population changes and The change was made urgent because between the Italian State and the Holy See on 18 February 1984 , and embodied in The dioceses of Belluno and Feltre The seat of the diocese was to The former cathedral in Feltre was to cathedral , and its Chapter was " דאָס דרײַצענטל " ) was a Jewish Nazi collaborationist organization in the Warsaw Ghetto during the German occupation the former head of Hashomer Hatzair in Łódź distinguished by caps with green bands extorted large sums of money through Its most important branch was the Office to Combat Usury Subsequently, the remaining members of Group 13 centered on the so-called Emergency Service , or the First Aid Station ) for smuggling and contraband . was a split in the Group leadership , with Gancwajch and established their own organizations they were hunting for Poles in hiding or supporting other Nazi collaborationists After closing the Jewish Gestapo , Gancwajch remained in Warsaw , outside the Ghetto , where he continued Morandi was born in Pergola ( 1777 ) , and ; Jyutping : " Dip bin" ; Pinyin : " Dié It has elements of history Sir John Lade , 2nd Baronet ( 1 August 1759 as an owner and breeder of racehorses , as an accomplished driver , associated with Samuel Johnson's circle , and he developed a reputation as a judge America , and "the most important horse of His "harlequin" colours were a familiar sight at races a coach-dog , a fillet of veal sic ) , a pantaloon cutlet , and plenty of pancakes ' one of the founding members , of the "Four-Horse Club " , or Four
His slapdash style of dressing gave rise to the simple knot for which the Club Lade wagered heavily on horses a thousand guineas against the Duke of Queensberry he could carry him on Bets revolved around feats of of his phaeton over a sixpence , a member of the working class in the Drury Lane district , and possibly a servant in a brothel After that notorious highwayman was hanged in 1774 , she became the mistress on a horse and skills as a long affair and in spite of familial disapproval , in 1787 . Letitia Lade was a great favourite with the Regent and his set ; she was in the culture of excess that and once wagered on herself once bet five hundred guineas on an eight-mile race She took after her husband in dress and demeanour , and and he spent some time in The Prince of Wales in 1805 asked Lord Thurlow to dinner , Prince went into the ante-room to was an old friend of his , asking him to dinner , Sir , to Sir John Lade in The Lades faded from the social scene when Letitia died in 1825 , and is buried at St Mary's " set of gentleman-sportsmen , a race from Brighton to London Birch was born in London He came to the U. S. in 1794 , and assisted his artist father a 29-plate collection of engravings:"Birch's Views of Philadelphia " ( Subscribers to the series included President John Adams into multiple editions , inspiring similar collected views of New York City , and of a view of Philadelphia from the Treaty Elm in Kensington , which was He painted portraits until about 1807 " Birch was the first American ship portraitist , countless artists and craftsmen in America In addition to ships , they provide valuable images of bridges , lighthouses , docksides , and harbor fortifications in the Early Republic that hung in the Oval Office of by an Englishman in Philadelphia — The freshness of his atmosphere and clearly-painted waves His delineation of the engagement between the U.S. frigate "Constitution
" and the British frigate "Guerriere " , and the "Macedonian " — each four by two feet six inches He exhibited regularly at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts for forty years , beginning in 1811 , and managed the museum His work is collected at PAFA , the Library Company of Philadelphia , the Philadelphia Museum of Art , the Smithsonian American Art Museum , the U.S. Naval Academy , and In 1833 , he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Honorary member Martin Kusch ( born 19 October 1959 ) is Professor of philosophy at Until 2009 , Kusch was Professor of Philosophy and Sociology of science at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge University . Kusch's wide-ranging contributions to philosophy reflect both systematic and historical interests , then Colonel Jan Rzepecki pseudonym " Wolski " Tasks of BIP included informing of Polish community activities by the Polish Government in London , documenting activities of the German occupiers , psychological warfare against Nazi propaganda , consolidation of solidarity in the fight collecting of information , reports ( "Information Bulletin " ) , and "Insurekcja " ( "Insurrection Among others , cameramen and , Seweryn Kruszyński , film/stage directors Jerzy Gabryelski , The Lebanese Democratic Party ( "Hizb al-democraty al-lubnany " ) is a political party in Lebanon established by Prince Talal Arslan and Marwan Abou Fadel in has members from all Lebanese sects , It was the first dental school in Arizona 2003 and graduated its first class in from St. John Gualbert Cathedral in Johnstown . Proclaim ! discusses news from The news segments are hosted by Tony DeGol , Director of Communications for The St. John Gualbert Television Ministry dates back to 1988 when Deacon John Sroka pitched the idea of Over time , the church underwent WWCP-TV picked up the broadcast in Proclaim ! raises most of its funds through public support by way Teen Talk was originally hosted by , and Aaron hosted solo attend Boston College in 2004 . with Aaron Carter at the Palace Theater in
of the original Teen Talk as the segment would go on hiatus until August 2007 discussing his study abroad experiences in Australia . Following the success of the interview and November 11, 2007 , with Crispin Havener . In August , 2009 , would resign as Teen Talk's host by Crispin aired his last show on August 23 Guests have included church and school leaders , as well as heads of charities , and leaders of Bishop Joseph V. Adamec hosted the segment during his time WWCP-TV continues to air the Live Mass as The Catholic Mass from St. John Gaulbert Cathedral ) The Mass is celebrated by priests from local parishes , as well " La Fontenèll " ) is a former commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department of Brittany in 1998 , West contributed vocals to a variety of projects His recording career began in 1986 as Later , he sang for In 1996 , West joined In 1998 , West replaced D.C. Cooper as the lead singer of Royal Hunt , remaining with the group until He recorded four studio albums , one live album , and one EP with the group West has released four albums under his own name , which have featured After concentrating on Royal Hunt for Finally , in 2006 , , which is more of Since departing from Royal Hunt in 2007 , West has lent In 2012 , he sang former Artension guitarist Roger Staffelbach to form Artlantica , He also appeared on Chilean progpower band Delta's fifth album , " The End of Philosophy " , singing a duet with the band's regular vocalist , Abraham Gancwajch ( 1902–1943 ) was a prominent Nazi collaborator in the Warsaw Ghetto during the World War II occupation of Poland , and a Jewish kingpin Gancwajch was born in Częstochowa As a youth , he apprenticed he surfaced in Warsaw as the German "Sicherheitsdienst " ( "SD " Gancwajch believed the Germans would win to usurp as head of In the Warsaw Ghetto Gancwajch lived a lavish life , collecting hefty sums from others by
On the other hand , he helped 1943 , Gancwajch reemerged outside the ghetto on the Aryan side in Warsaw for Poles hiding or otherwise supporting He was also the leader of The Jewish Combat Organization sentenced him to death " Two Thousand Miles " is the fourth album The Santa María School massacre was a massacre of striking workers by the Chilean Army in Iquique , The number of victims is undetermined It occurred during the peak of the nitrate mining era , which coincided with With the massacre and an ensuing reign of was thrown into limbo for The site of the massacre was the Domingo Santa María School been camping for a week after Rafael Sotomayor Gaete , the minister of the interior On December 21, 1907 , the commander of the troops at the scene , General Roberto Silva Renard Chilean society faced a crisis from the late 19th century in the country's mining centers and major cities " last of a series of strikes the Atacama Desert , the driest region on Earth the south belong to the Chilean "pampa " between the Pacific Ocean and the western foothills of ( before 1974 ) of the two Provinces of Tarapacá and Antofagasta Chile from Bolivia and Peru in the War of the Pacific ( 1879–1884 ) in minerals , principally copper and The mining of nitrate had become the mainstay of the nation's economy at the end of the 19th century According to the census of November 28, 1907 , Tarapacá Province held 110,000 inhabitants . was known locally as an "oficina " , "office " , a term whose use extended to the adjoining settlement — The enterprises exercised a severe control over the life and working conditions inside the mines , to arbitrary actions perpetrated by the owners Each "oficina " was a company town in which the mine owner owned the workers' housing , Chile as a "pulpería " ) Each mining camp ran its own money system , paying On December 16 , thousands of Iquique in support of the nitrate miners' demands
upon the provincial authorities , with the aim The national government in Santiago sent extra regiments by land and sea to President Pedro Montt appointed General Roberto Silva Renard to handle by December 21 the strikers in Iquique met in Manuel Montt plaza and at mediate between them and the bosses of the foreign (English) nitrate firms to resolve their demands of the titular intendant , Carlos Eastman Quiroga , The ministry relayed orders to the strikers to leave the plaza and the school and gather at the horse racing track , trains and return to work In the face of the growing tension between the groups , on December 20, 1907 , the press announced the declaration of a state were ordered to leave the school premises back to work within one hour At the hour indicated by Silva Renard , he ordered the soldiers to on the school's roof , and they the soldiers , and were fired upon with rifles and machine guns After a period of firing from in a frenzy without regard to On one hand , the official report of General Silva Renard speaks at first of a witness to the massacre , Nicolás Palacios , a physician in the mines and However , this figure is considered unrealistic given the number of workers General Silva Renard reported to the government in mandating payment in legal tender and setting the maximum length of the working day . General Silva Renard was seriously wounded in been one of the victims of one victim and one survivor of the massacre Borovnják was born in the village Borovnják first served as a priest the village of Apátistvánfalva ( Vas Country Witham on the Hill is a village The parish church is dedicated to Saint Andrew The village is between the and west tributaries of of its 'hill ' , which The civil parish covers a large area , extending it meets the boundary of Edenham , which marked its 50th year in It is on the road to established by Euin during the Lombard interregnum of 574–584 that followed the assassination
subject to the Patriarch of Aquileia In 574–75 , Lombard raiding parties pillaged Euin was at the head of went into the territory of the duke After Euin's death c 595 , Agilulf installed Gaidoald , who After some friction between king and With the collapse of the Lombard kingdom in incorporated Tridentum into the March of the Bishop Ulrich II of Trent with temporal powers over a sizable territory , as an independent prince and privileges of a duke . In cellular biology , labile cells are Functional cells may be lost through of cells caused by environmental disturbances , which is the programmed death of part of an organism's development ( Fink & Cookson three types of cells that are The other two cell types include stable cells and permanent cells Each of these three cell types respond to Stable cells , unlike labile cells , which are malignant in the body For this reason , adverse effects are often produced from chemotherapy . ( 2005 ) Apoptosis , " Hang Your Dog in the Wind " Slumdance showed seven features and two shorts Besides two screening rooms , there was a slum , and had a mission area " which was decorated like The converted Slumdance space was 6000 square feet in total The event garnered some media attention , and the parties attracted celebrities including Tim Robbins A brief interview followed on the Sundance Channel and " directed at Sundance mogul Robert Redford . Yodobashi Camera's sales rank fourth among consumer electronics mass retailers in Japan , after Yamada Denki , Yodobashi Camera was founded by Terukazu Fujisawa The original product line up focused on cameras Fujisawa adopted a technique of opening The stores were in relatively small buildings at prime locations in front of train stations in Yodobashi Camera TV commercials were played in as sense of familiarity in potential customers unfamiliar with the location . Cameras at the time tended to high as several hundred thousand yen for a single camera , but customers were incentivised to spend the train fare and time tens of thousands of yen below market prices
The Yodobashi Camera product range expanded significantly over time , audio visual (AV) equipment , toys , There are 15 stores in the Kanto region ( 8 in Tokyo , 2 in both Yokohama and Kawasaki in Kanagawa Prefecture , 1 in Saitama , 1 in Chiba City , Chiba , and 1 in Utsunomiya in Aichi Prefecture in the Chubu area ( the city of Kyoto in Kyoto Prefecture , the city of Osaka in to potential customers traveling by train Bic Camera and Yamada Denki under the LABI banner In most cases , with notable exceptions a large warehouse distribution network that began with YAC Kawasaki The Yodobashi's first store in Shinjuku West has expanded , Travel Building , Camera Building , machine toys in capsules ) and The location of the first ever store is the current Multimedia East Building This is particularly noticeable in far as the third floor , but ground connected by an escalator . of the Osaka Station from the Japanese National Railway Settlement Corporation ( 150 billion yen was invested in the construction of Yodobashi Umeda that opened in Yodobashi Umeda resembles a large shopping center with the core Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Umeda supplemented by specialty stores and restaurants Subsequently , Yodobashi Camera opened a series 5 November 2010 saw the opening of Multimedia Kyoto built on the site of the Kyoto branch The Matsuzakaya store in Nagoya was expected be built on the site of the original Multimedia Sendai , opened as the anchor store The timing of the opening was initially set for 2014 , later The area of the directly managed selling space is expected Before construction , the original Multimedia Sendai was Floors 1–3 ) from 26 April . " (previously Yasuda Seimei Building No. 2 ) , opposite the Shinjuku West Multimedia Store , was acquired in open for business in 2017 and loft building ) of the Seibu store in Sapporo , that closed in September 2009 , were acquired The area of the directly managed selling space is expected Yodobashi Camera is conducting a study on
the relocation of the current Multimedia Sapporo at Sapporo Station North Operations commenced in 1998 with a range of 8,000 products , expanding to reach 3.7 million products in July 2015 This growth was due to an increased number a single battery , and a proprietary distribution network . The convenience of online shopping is used store and purchase from another retailer be at a disadvantage with respect low as those on other e-commerce websites as additional delivery fees , the time and , shipment and delivery times , ( known as the versions 'Gonbee-san-no-akachan ( " in Japan ) with arrangements for specific locations are used in TV commercials and are broadcast , and an English version with a male/female duet In 1986 the theme song was changed At the time of the stores founding These were initially limited to the CD department and were made of paper ( card stock ) with The card was valid for one year a procedure at the sales point ) . In November 1990 a transition was made to a Gold Point Card made of plastic that could be used in At that time when the consumption tax rate was Yodobashi Camera initiated a policy of " 1992 , but in April 1997 the law on 1 April 2004 , the tax was included in the price ) At that time , the percentage of was made in cash , to 10% , for credit cards be added with specific products and Harimi Shimoda ( a writer ) , sought compensatory damages of ¥18 million yen from Yodobashi Camera , employees of the temping agency The worker was dispatched to the Yodobashi Camera mobile phone sales department This temporary worker was affiliated with a temping agency in the Shibuya ward of Tokyo from The worker was working under an illegal two-layer dispatch structure now Softbank Mobile ) →Yodobashi Camera . The judgment recognized the facts of the violence pay damages of one hundred thousand yen on account of the assault by the Yodobashi employees combined damages of about 1.5 million yen , any responsibility
of the employees of Yodobashi Camera and DDI Pocket was art which engages public participation in , and observers of the work This type of art is incomplete It intends to challenge the dominant form of making art in the West buying the work of the professionals in One of the earliest usages of the term appears in photographer Richard Ross's review for the Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art journal of the exhibition "Downtown Los Angeles Artists , Santa Barbara , Ross wrote , " These artists bear the responsibility to Participatory art requires of the artist that creation ; without this detail , the domain of authority of the artist ; they will be subjugated in this way , and the work This detail is centrally important in asserting participation as a form in itself , and effectively differentiates There are various degrees of participation from nominal manipulation of an object like the wearable sculptures of Lygia Clark to the relinquishing of the artist's body to the whims of In the Fall/Winter issue of Oregon Humanities magazine , to works of art in often creates a scenario in which Although the results may be documented with photography , video , or otherwise , the artwork is the audience's engagement with the artist and the situation Participatory or interactive art creates a dynamic collaboration between the artist , the audience and is something you participate in You touch it , smell , talk to it , dance with it , play with it , learn from There are many examples of artists to use the term in this way art that interface with the public (social practice , socially-engaged art , community-based art , engages with the public , that It is important to point of the term Relational Aesthetics by Bourriaud in the late 1990s ' , ' interactive art ' Many forms of popular culture and media participatory with the rise of the Internet and social media , which allow We are led to believe Participation can be used as an umbrella term for the various types of interfacing
a local community center in an impoverished area of a city of true public value in its original setting ) As we see in this example Further complexity can be seen in It is distinguished from its sub participants are at best collaborators and model for contemporary "participatory art " in the making of " art " However , the ideological issue of "use already part of the art world , and Francesco , Principe Ruspoli ( 23 February 1899 the Holy Roman Empire , son of Alessandro Ruspoli His maternal grandmother was an American heiress from New York City His great-great-great-great-uncle was Bartolomeo Ruspoli and his great-great-great-great grandfather Khushal Khan Khattak Memorial Library is a public library in Akora Khattak The library was constructed in memory The library was established in 1994 Because this library is located in a small city that has a relatively low literacy rate , it does not have many visitors played as a defender and midfielder In 2011 , he became In March 2019 , he took Strasbourg to its fourth Coupe de la Ligue final , in The song is inspired by the relationship between Estefan and Emilio Estefan Jr. , on September 28, 1993 , and peaked spending 4 weeks in pole position . Quentin Harrison from Albumism described the song as a "lush, filmic number " , and among her most compelling" songs , with " and declared it as one gains its depth from acoustic instrumentation and Estefan is at her lovliest and Ron Fell from the "Gavin Report " commented from Spanish to English . With her successes as a kinetic musician , Music writer James Masterton said in his weekly UK chart commentary , recording of the album track , paced Alan Jones from "Music Week " rated A music video was produced to promote It was published on YouTube Charlie Zaa performed the song on his 2000 album The song was covered by Thalía Samo in 2012 for Thalía's studio album The Mangal ( ) is a Pashtun tribe , and in the town of Tari Mangal , district Kurram , Pakistan
Their land constitutes the northeastern part of the Loya Paktia Mangals are known for their brave and independent nature in the region and other external infiltrators , in respect of recent conflicts . The majority of Mangals are spread have been attached to professions such as politicians , military commanders The Mangal leaders are most recognized for A small number of Mangals residing in The Mangal tribal militia was one of the various militias to the tribes of Paktia , The Mangal tribal militia was deployed in Northern Afghanistan was using ethnic kin support in Northern Afghanistan against Soviets in his homeland across During Kalakani's short rule as king , Laqqai was given support in summoned the Mangal tribe , amongst others , armed them with Soviet-supplied weaponry The Mangals also played a notable role in in the Afghan Army and educated in Mangal tribe also found in Qematay Mangal nearer to Tari Mangal on Afghanistan side Mangals Of Tari Mangal and Mangals of Qematay Mangal are relatives of These Mangals on both sides of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan are Educationalist and Political activist Syed Ahmad Shah also belongs to Tari Mangal He is serving as a Principal in International Public School e="preserve">The International Turbine Engine Company LLC ( ITEC , formerly the International Turbine Engine Corporation ) is a joint venture between Honeywell Aerospace ( formerly Garrett AiResearch , and later AlliedSignal ) , and the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation ( is used in the Aermacchi M-346 , SS "George Washington Carver " was a Liberty ship built for the United States Maritime Commission during World War II . The ship was initially assigned by the War Shipping Administration ( WSA ) to the American South African Line ( Farrell Lines ) , Inc. In November 1943 the ship was allocated was converted to hospital ship USAHS "Dogwood " In January 1946 , the ship was troops and military dependents as USAT on 12 April 1943 on shipway 7 Permanente Metals Corp. of Richmond , California A crowd of 1,500 gathered to watch the launching of "George Washington Carver "
The ceremonies were organized by the United Negro Labor Committee scheduled to be in attendance The ship was assigned by the WSA to the American South African Line ( Farrell Lines ) for merchant operation in the Mediterranean . The ship made convoy runs from Alexandria to Malta in September 1943 , and from Alexandria to Bizerte to a Hague Convention hospital ship at the Atlantic Basin Iron Works yard in her first trip as a hospital ship in late July 1944 and returned to her new homeport of In May 1945 , " Dogwood at Leyte and Manila there , Hollandia , and back In August the ship made another circuit as a hospital ship at that time and put into the Marine Repair Shop at the San Francisco Port of Embarkation for conversion to carry a combination of troops and military dependents . During this interval , the ship reverted to her original name as USAT " The ship was assigned to duty between Seattle and ports in " George Washington Carvers first voyage in this role took her to Dutch Harbor , Shemya , Attu , Adak , Whittier , with a return to A second voyage , in late March 1946 , had the ship visit Anchorage , Seward , Dutch Harbor , Adak , Amchitka On 21 March 1947 , " George Washington Carver " entered the National Defense Reserve Fleet at Suisun Bay England and came to Montreal He became one of the first English merchants from Montreal to enter the fur trade from that city until the Seven Years' War . Joseph Howard arrived in Montreal in the 1770s , he was trading In August 1775 , he purchased lands from the Ramezay property on the Yamaska River He was born in Otisco , New York and the twin-brother of Clark wrote a series of amusing articles " ( 1833 ) . In the latter part of his life , he was the chief editor of the "Philadelphia Gazette Clark died from tuberculosis in Thomas John Metcalf ( born July 16, 1940 ) is an American former professional baseball pitcher who appeared in
, in Major League Baseball for the New York Yankees in Wisconsin Rapids and attended Northwestern University He signed with the Yankees in 1961 and was in his third year in their farm system when he was called to the majors in August 1963 the Baltimore Orioles in his August 4 debut , allowing a home run to John Orsino , five hits and 11 innings pitched in the majors Metcalf gained a measure of revenge against Baltimore on September 1 . He then departed for a pinch hitter Mantle belted a two-run home run off Mike McCormick The 1963 season was Metcalf's only campaign in the majors innings , he posted a 1–0 won–lost mark with an earned run average of 2.77 , three bases on balls , with The St. Louis Brown Stockings joined the newly formed National League as a charter member , in 1877 , the standings were determined by number of Hartford finished in second and to 4 – winning all of its season series against all National League opponents . Due to the politics between the teams at the time , an unofficial five-game post-season was created between those two teams to determine the "Championship of the West . " Marden is a civil parish in the Chichester district of West Sussex , England . in an old bible invite : " All you that do delight in Cricket , come to Marden , After parts of three seasons abroad As captain of the club in On July 6, 2013 , Brodie Dupont married She emerged as an early feminist in the region through her work "Nabankur " ( "The Seedling " ) in 1956 to become a member of the Communist Party of India " Nabankur " was published she learns to fight injustice , and the restrictions of the patriarchal society for she was born into Chittagong , went for undergraduate studies at the Scottish Church College , where she On 21 January 1947 , following a police assault , she was arrested along , and that put an end into use early in the 21st century
John Debrett ( 8 January 1753 - 15 November 1822 ) was Debrett took over the business of John Almon , opposite Burlington House in Piccadilly , in 1781 . Debrett retired from business about 1814 a pension from his wife and partly Among Debrett's publications were a new edition of ) , 6 vols . , ( 1785–1788 ) , 4 vols At the end of the former work , an Account of all the Peers " , in May 1802 , with plates of arms , a second edition appeared , a tenth in 1816 , an eleventh in 1819 , a thirteenth in 1820 The next edition came out in 1825 their Descent and Present State , by John Debrett " , 2 vols . , appeared Sketch ) is a fictional character in Sketch is portrayed as an obsessive and somewhat delusional Welsh girl , bordering on pathological, infatuation with Maxxie Oliver , a boy with whom she goes to school . due to her suffering from multiple sclerosis On top of this , a lot of her peers and most likely has feelings of unworthiness or low self-esteem She sees Maxxie as someone ' in love ' with for anyone she hurts in to be besotted with Maxxie , and even enters into a relationship with Maxxie's friend Anwar Kharral , in Introduced in the second episode of series to be a pathologically obsessed stalker of Maxxie Oliver's She works on the lighting for a play directed by Mr. Gelpart , Maxxie as part of her role , she drops a light from Later , Sketch attends a house party After he refuses the part , she tells the headteacher of the school for his friend , Anwar . She escapes to a cupboard and , and she accidentally witnesses After leaving the party , she breaks into Maxxie's home by picking his clothing and masturbate on his bed from the party , and Sketch him , he calls at Her mother discovers the truth about her infatuation Finally , she steals Michelle's main role in the school play " ( )
confesses her love for him . She places his hand on her breast At the moment of their kiss , Maxxie whispers to her that on stage , and Maxxie yells at her and walks The play abruptly ends to an awkward and confused audience He tells her that Maxxie She goes up to his room to have sex with him of Maxxie , showing her obsession She makes an appearance in Sid , where she is shown In Michelle , Sketch crashes with her , considering her past history she is over him , Later over the campfire , she In the last episode of Skins's second series , Sketch tries to convince the emotional and isolated Anwar with his friends — that they home to take care of with that kind of life style to Vegårshei Station ( ) is a railway station located in the village of Myra in Vegårshei municipality in Agder county , The station is located along the Sørlandet Line Marxism was the most influential ideology in the Turkish revolutionary movements Almost the entire Marxist movement was crushed by military repression Many militants faced the dilemma of advocating for the ultimate goal of Marxism in reaching a society without a State and of statism and authoritarianism that The first signs of anarchism in the Ottoman period by Aleksandr Atabekyan , one of the pioneers of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation , has a rich content regarding both anarchist philosophy and the Armenian revolutionary movement The first written source of Turkish anarchism is Kropotkin's "Ethics and published in 1935 . In the 1970s , while Marxist and socialist approaches After the 1980 Turkish coup d'état , anarchism began to take its place in Turkey's political scene Launched in 1986 , "Kara" magazine was taken as a turning point in terms of the anarchist movement in Turkey " Kara " was published of "anarchy " as chaos By the 2000s , the word anarchy was and terror , and began to be seen as a political philosophy heritage from the anarchism of the 80s The Honeywell/ITEC F124 is a low-bypass turbofan engine derived from
The F125 is an afterburning version of the engine The engine began development in the late 1970s for the Republic of China ( Taiwan) Air Force AIDC F-CK Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF ) , and it first ran The F124/F125 engine has since been proposed for use on other aircraft , such as the T-45 Goshawk and the SEPECAT Jaguar , and currently powers the Aero The F124 has a rather unusual design for a two spool gas turbine engine , using both axial and centrifugal compressors in its high-pressure compressor In 1978 , Garrett announced joint research on the TFE1042 afterburner with Swedish company Volvo Flygmotor AB in order to provide an engine for the Republic of China ( Taiwan) Air Force ( a low bypass ratio "military derivative of the proven commercial TFE731 engine " and , cost effective propulsion for the next generation of light strike and advanced trainer aircraft " , with thrust of 4260 lbf After initial negotiation , the investment was Garrett, Volvo , AIDC , and The development would consist of the non-afterburning TFE1042-6 for the AMX or F-5 upgrade . with General Electric F404 for applications such Piaggio asked to participate at In 1988 , ITEC decided At the same time , GE decided to enter the market with J101/SF , a smaller version of F404 . cut in half due to budget concerns , the TFE1088-12 engine upgrade plan Garrett introduced the TFE742 concept in the early 1990s Consisting of an uprated core from the TFE1042 , the TFE742 was promoted for In the mid-1990s , AlliedSignal considered developing a turboprop engine for the European Future Large Aircraft military transport ( based on the core of the TFE1042 In the early 1990s , the United States Navy considered the Royal Australian Air Force as a competitor for their trainer requirement BAe wanted to offer the F124 as an option on their entry for the aircraft , the RAAF decided to have a separate competition between the F124 and In 1994 , the F124 engine was In 2000 , Alenia Aermacchi announced that their new M-346 trainer/light attack aircraft would be powered
over its common rival , the Adour . as a replacement for the Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour engines in It was successfully demonstrated in This proposal of Indian Air Force to up-engine a decade in August 2019 owing to The fan/low-pressure compressor has three stages with titanium blades The first stage has 30 blades , and The high-pressure compressor (HPC ) has an uncommon arrangement for a small turbofan engine , with both axial and The fuel is burned in an annular combustor and the core flow passes through a single-stage high-pressure turbine from the core are mixed before , the mixed flow passes through the afterburner section operate on 12 standard C cell flashlight batteries for portability He is most noted for , located in Venezuela , Aleksandrs Laime was born on July 9, 1911 He grew up in Grīziņkalns neighborhood interested in adventure stories and shipping At the age of 15 , he learned basic principles of sailing in Ķīšezers Together with some friends , they stole a sailboat and traveled to At age 16 , Laime went After his return to Riga , Laime studied at the Riga Technical School and In 1936 , Laime and a friend took a sailing trip to Danzig kayaks and traveled through Poland They wanted to reach the Black Sea , but were discouraged from In 1939 , Laime started a sailing trip from Riga to Africa reach Africa via the United Kingdom and He traveled across the western coast of Africa until he reached Cape Town traveled to the coasts of the United States In 1942 , Laime visited Canaima for the first time , and Laime explored the surface of the tepui He gave the river on which , after the Latvian river of the same name It is sometimes written as many of his contemporaries , went Laime came down the Churun River on and supplies for the next few weeks , He spoke to the wife of Ramón Jiménez , asking for him He complained to her about He then went to the nearby Waku Lodge Joe first came to North America
in 1864 , landing in Victoria , British Columbia and moving to Boise , Idaho . He moved to the Cassiar region in He moved to Wrangell about bakery in the hull , and The business worked well for about a year until Wrangell began to decline In the summer of 1881 Joe moved to where he lived for 36 years Supporters worked to keep Joe Joe was proud to be Lauterborn is a quarter ( "Stadtteil approximately 9,500 inhabitants ( 2020 ) . Lauterborn was the historic name of a fountain and a truck garage of the US Army next Favorsky studied chemistry at the imperial Saint Petersburg State University In 1895 , Favorksy received His discovery of the Favorskii rearrangement in 1894 He worked at the new organics department from They have one older brother , Brayden , and one older sister , Christina and has a son with actor Allen Evangelista They have appeared in a variety " which was featured on " Waiting for the Heartbreak " It won Radio Disney's Music Mailbag on January 19, 2008 The song also received airplay on In December 2007 they performed at located in the village of Vennesla of Chester, Cheshire , England . St Mary's is constructed in ashlar Waverton stone at the southeast , an organ chamber and on the south and one on The stained glass in the baptistry is dated 1900 to the first Duke of Westminster The nave is floored with wood blocks to the chancel with wrought iron rails . The reredos was designed by Frederic Shields by French warships in the Mediterranean in Spain in Genoa in 1713 She saw action in the Siege Since the 1960s , the bell from a church bell at St. Bride's Anglican church in the town North Marden is a tiny village on the spur of the South Downs in the Chichester district of The elaborate Norman south doorway in Caen stone suggests a date The three Norman windows in the apse have been The Norman sandstone font was provided an octagonal stem base in The 1877 St. Louis Brown Stockings finished the season in fourth place
After the season , they signed in a game-fixing scandal that led to the permanent expulsion of the two players ( and others ) from the league . Nodeland Station ( ) is a railway station of the Sørlandet Line situated in the village of Nodeland in Kristiansand municipality in Located from Oslo Central Station , it In addition to intercity services to Oslo and Stavanger , the eight daily trains in each direction serve as a commuter link The station was opened on 17 December 1943 as part of the segment of the Sørlandet Line between Kristiasand and Sira The line past the station was electrified from 1946 and the station automated A major upgrade in 2012 saw the lengthening this was changed to Nodeland Irregular revenue traffic commenced on the line on Ordinary traffic commenced on 1 March 1944 . 16 May 1946 , as part of remotely controlled from 19 November 1969 . closed in 2000 , although a major growth in commuter traffic in the 2000s , including ridership from Nodeland However , the station was in The Norwegian National Rail Administration therefore started a full renovation of , and replace the former island platform with Extension of the passing loop was done The new station was officially opened by Nodeland Station is on the Sørlandet Line , located from Oslo Central Station at an elevation There is a waiting shed on both sides Kuliaveien , on the eastern end of altered to include elements of These operate from Oslo via The station had 10,300 annual passengers in 2008 Wiltshire , England , and in 1938 , he was Slim started a traveling circus in the 1940s a chimpanzee on a bicycle , and In 1949 , he had his first hit on record , " got a job in British Columbia selling In 1997 , he was After 1585 when Antwerp was moved to Amsterdam and lived in a house in the Warmoesstraat , Lucia grew up at Keizersgracht 213 she was accompanied by her mother On January 6, 1665 the couple married in On November 13, 1665 , Lucia gave
very popular in the Netherlands after 1660 , and a portrait functioned as a sort of a personal web page . This painting by the son of Bartholomeus van der Helst , she had her portrait painted from 1667 , now in with Johanna Maria and Sara Hinlopen , Lucia moved in with her mother at Herengracht and remarried Johan van Nellesteyn If he would die before her , she would inherit not the library , nor the portraits . In the same year , she claimed from the estate of her late husband . She was related to Jan Commelin Machteld on her turn left everything In the 19th century the portrait of Lucia Van Nellesteyn was a burgomaster in the city After his second wife , Hillegonda Pater , fleeing from Utrecht , when the city was occupied by the French army moved their belongings to Amsterdam by Nellesteyn was attacked by the orangist mob , who regarded him as HMS "Gloucester " was a 60-gun fourth rate ship of the line built for the Royal Navy during twenty-two 24-pounder cannon on her main gundeck , twenty-two 9-pounder demi-culverins on her upper gundeck , ten 6-pounder cannon on the quarterdeck and four 3-pounder guns on the poop deck This was revised in 1703 as a part of the 1691 Naval Programme from the flagship for Rear-Admiral John Benbow in 1698 The ship returned to home waters in 1704 before sailing to Brazil on the Sørlandet Line situated in the village of Breland in Lindesnes municipality in Located from Oslo Central Station , it is served by a single long-distance train in and from the town of Kristiansand as part of the segment of the station building was demolished in 1987 this was changed to Breland Ordinary traffic commenced on 1 March 1944 . remotely controlled from 19 November 1969 . Like the other stations along the Sørlandet Line , the now demolished station building at Breland received a standardized design altered to include elements of The train is the sole form of public transport to Kristiansand — a morning train to
town and an afternoon train from town These trains continue onwards to Oslo The closing was announced in 2010 , along with the closing of Passengers from Breland can drive to Nodeland Station and take the train In May, 2008 , after of they were forced to relegate to Primera Nacional A due to economic limitations as head football coach at San Jose State University . , Hill restarted the event in Little Rock as The Delta Classic 4 Literacy , with the intent of raising awareness regarding Proceeds from the game go to The first game in the Arkansas version of the Delta Classic was played between Grambling State University and The Delta Classic 4 Literacy was discontinued in 2012 a 17–14 victory by UAPB over Langston University Lake Solitude is a highland tarn located in the top of Sunapee Ridge between the main summit is located within Mount Sunapee State Park in via the Andrew Brook Trail , the Newbury Trail , White Ledge , elevation , rises " Two on a Guillotine " It features the last music score by Max Steiner The guillotine was placed in the wrong place a series of low budget suspense dramas for Warner Bros " and "Brainstorm " . Reporter Val Henderson offers to stay with Stevens was under contract with make something like this believable . 'd spent more money on it In his review in " The New York Times " , Howard Thompson called the film " a dull, silly, tedious clinker " and "an old-fashioned, haunted-house spooker " Under the Crescent " is of an American actress in modern Egypt ( Ahmed bin Yousef ) was a senior adviser to Beginning in 1968 , Ahmed Yousef was the pupil of the founder of Yousef previously served as the Executive Director He also served as editor of UASR’s quarterly journal " The Middle East Affairs Journal " Yousef returned to Gaza in 2005 following the withdrawal of the Israeli army and the victory of Hamas in In 2006 he was appointed as the political advisor to then-Prime Minister Ismail Haniya .
critically against the Palestinian Authority government and their lack of control in Gaza . In a December 2014 statement , he criticized the PA’s lack of governance in Gaza and praised Qatari support of Gazans as a direct result of this lack of In the past several years , Yousef has called for an end to the armed resistance in order for the Palestinians to Ahmed Yousef has published multiple books including tribute to Hamas founder and Leader Ahmed Yassin Miracle , and the Legend of the Challenge " This tribute was published through UASR of Hamas over the Jews . Ciprian Virgil Dianu ( born 13 January 1977 ) Other cast members include Seema Deo , Ajit Vachhani , Anjana Mumtaz , Rajeev Verma , Dan Dhanoa , Priya Arun , Rajesh Puri In the past , Anand's father had to jail , despite being confess the truth to the police . The Highland Renaissance Festival is a permanent Renaissance Festival located on former farmland in Eminence , Kentucky and set in the fictional early 14th century village of Briarwood in the Highlands of Scotland in the time when Robert the Bruce ruled Stage entertainment includes a mud show ( Nuttin' But Mud , a circus-style sideshow ( The Pickled Brothers ) , Fae Lore and faerie tales ( Ebeneezer Grumpypants ) , and musicians such as craft demonstrations , human-powered rides The Twisted Thistle ( The 21+ Pub ) provide food , drinks , and Attendance in 2007 averaged over 1000 people a day ce="preserve">Tlatlaya is one of 125 municipalities No large cities were built in this area , Cerro del Tecolote , Copaltepec , San Francisco , Santa Ana Zicatecoyan , el Cerro de Tequesquite as well as objects for between Mexica and Purépecha-dominated areas . However , the area suffered attacks from the Purépecha because it was During the Spanish Conquest , the area did included the descendants of the Aztec tlatoani Chimalpopoca . Juan Saucedo was the first Spanish governor from 1527 to While the town of Tlatlaya has independent of the district of Sultepec Despite having a population of only 553 people
as of 2005 , the town of Tlatlaya is the largest community in the municipality and functions as the government The current municipality was established in 1849 The municipality of Tlatlaya has an extension Tlatlaya is bounded in the north Principal crops include corn , beans , chili peppers , squash , tomatoes , onions , melons , mango and papaya . SMS "Königsberg " was the lead ship of the of light cruisers , built earlier , which had been destroyed during the Battle of Rufiji Delta in 1915 1914 at the AG Weser shipyard , launched in December 1915 , and commissioned into the High Seas Fleet in August 1916 . with the II Scouting Group ; in September 1917 She was hit by the battlecruiser She escaped behind the cover of part in a sortie by the entire High Seas Fleet she escaped the scuttling of the German fleet and a draft of forward . Her propulsion system consisted of two sets of steam turbines powered by ten coal-fired and two oil-fired Marine-type water-tube boilers . The ship was armed with a main battery of eight 45 guns in single pedestal mounts . , two on either side , and two were arranged in She was also equipped with in Bremen on 22 August 1914 , without fanfare , after which the ship participated in coastal defense patrols in At the time , II Scouting Group also The ships were primarily tasked with supporting the defenses of the German North Sea coast , as the fleet commander , "Vizeadmiral " offensive operations with the surface fleet in favor the Baltic to take part in Operation Albion , the amphibious assault on the islands In addition , the German fleet sought to eliminate the Russian naval forces in the Gulf of Riga of Ösel , and specifically the Russian gun batteries with escorting the troop transports and "Königsberg of IV Transport Group for the operation . Ludwig von Estorff , the commander of the 42nd Division , came aboard the ship during Tagga Bay while IV Squadron shelled Russian gun batteries
Tagga Bay , where Estorff coordinated On the 19th , "Königsberg " Reuter could not locate the vessels By 20 October , the islands were under German control and the Russian naval forces had On 17 November , " Königsberg " saw action at the Second Battle of Along with three other cruisers from II Scouting Group and a group of torpedo boats , by the British in the area of Reuter had sent "Nürnberg " back with the ships of II "Minensuchflotille , Reuter sought to use " arrived on the scene , Reuter launched a counterattack , during on " Königsberg " with The shell knocked all three of her funnels Reuter transferred to "Pillau " so her crew could fight the fire ; after the fire was suppressed The presence of the German battleships led the British aboard " Friedrich der Grosse " , "VAdm" Wilhelm Souchon , conducted a sweep for At 15:00 , the German ships withdrew from the area and "Königsberg " In the course of the battle , of new guidelines for placing battleships Reuter came back aboard his flagship in the German Bight on 17 December . On 20 January 1918 , Reuter was II Scouting Group conducted exercises in the Baltic from 21 January to 7 February , after which they returned to the North Sea . They took part in the abortive fleet operation on 23–24 April to attack British convoys with the Second Torpedo-Boat Flotilla were to attack From 10 to 13 May , "Königsberg " The ships conducted additional training in the Baltic July for the meetings that led to the formation of the "Seekriegsleitung " ("SKL"—Maritime Warfare Command ) ; during this period In October 1918 , "Königsberg " in Flanders , to draw Großadmiral " and placed in charge of the "SKL " , secure a better bargaining position for Germany , On the morning of 29 October 1918 , When informed of the situation , While disorder consumed the bulk of the fleet , " Kommodore" Andreas Michelsen organized take advantage of the fleet's disarray .
around sixty ships , including "Königsberg " On 9 November , reports of the flotilla returned to Borkum , where they learned of the Kaiser's abdication Following the Armistice that ended the fighting , " Königsberg " took Rear Admiral Hugo Meurer to Scapa Flow to negotiate with Admiral David Beatty , the commander of the Grand Fleet , for the place of The ship arrived in Scapa Flow on 15 November , flying a white flag . The accepted arrangement was for the High Seas Fleet to "Königsberg"s sister ships " Karlsruhe " , the British naval base in Scapa Flow , under " Königsberg " was stricken The ship was taken to Cherbourg on 20 July , and was and the above-water tubes were replaced with After entering service in November 1921 assigned to the Atlantic Light Division , but In October 1922 she carried Henry Franklin-Bouillon to Turkey to take part in the negotiations that led to World War I for Turkey , which had spawned the Turkish War of Independence of 1919–1922 In 1927 , " Metz stationed in Brest ; this coincided with the commissioning of the new light cruisers She was stricken from the naval register on 18 August 1933 and sold to , Rosenband played high school soccer for He played college soccer at Wake Forest University from 1999 to 2000 and As a freshman and sophomore for Wake Forest , Rosenband played in 31 matches for the Demon Deacons , scoring He was named to the Collegiate Soccer News Team of Rosenband transferred to Ohio State prior to his junior year where he led the Buckeyes in points ( 14 ) and shots on goal In January 2003 , he was overall in the 2003 MLS SuperDraft of Major League Soccer Released in September 2003 , Rosenband In 2004 , Rosenband was In the Storm's inaugural season , he played seven assists for 19 points and blocked At the end of the 2004–05 season , Chicago Storm lost the rights to Rosenband with the California Cougars that sent John Ball the Storm on March 14, 2006 , and
29 ) and tied for second in the league in shorthanded goals in 2018 and 2019 . She was the last wife of Kim Philby She met Philby through George Blake Pukhova and Philby married in " ( 2000 ) . Before meeting Kim Philby , Pukhova worked as a copy editor in Russia She lived through World War II as The couple married in 1971 . He was a drunkard through their early marriage The couple lived in Moscow in he suffered from depression , Pukhova helped him through it After Philby's controversial death in 1988 , Pukhova fought against the rumours of he had died of a heart condition She said to Helen Womack of Pukhova wrote two memoirs about her life " , a collection of works It also included some autobiographical chapters by some unpublished chapters from Philby's autobiography , a foreword essays from Mikhail Lyubimov and Hayden Peake The book focuses mostly on the relationship between Pukhova and Philby and not his work as a double agent for the KGB Vivien Spitz ( 1924 – April 1, 2014 ) , at the Nuremberg trials after World War II . Vivien Ruth Putty was born in Montana Putty worked as a court reporter in Detroit after completing her training in to the Subsequent Proceedings trial at Nuremberg , to transcribe the testimony of twenty Nazi doctors in my life , and eyes Spitz became a court reporter in Denver serve as Official Reporter of Debates , she was Chief Reporter of to community groups about the Nuremberg trials . of Nazi Experiments on Humans " she met in Nuremberg . In 2017 she appeared in during his first season at De Graafschap . He only played 15 games in the Eerste Divisie during the 2006/07 season after the arrival In January 2008 Aberdeen signed Bus on a six-month loan deal with first option to At Aberdeen , Bus made He finished his career in 2014 Hare Moss is a bog in Aberdeenshire , Scotland , in the vicinity Hare Moss is situated along the ancient elevated Causey Mounth trackway
This ancient passage specifically connected the River Dee crossing ( AAUSat-2 ( Aalborg University CubeSat-2 ) , also spelled as AAUSAT-II , by students from Aalborg University in It was launched 28 April 2008 05:53:51 UTC from Student satellite activities at Aalborg University ( AAU ) started in 2003 as The project started in the summer 2003 . After the launch on 28 April 2008 , AAUSat-2 beacon was received at Cal Poly University The ground station has remained in operation and beacons are received on Beacons are still received on In addition , AAUSat-2 does On left side is a beacon , and AAUSat-2 reply with a transmission A young carer is a young person who cares who has any type of physical or mental illness The age of a young carer varies between top of the normal pressures of a young persons life Each Australian state and territory has a carer association Some support programmes for young carers have been located in Douglas County , Oregon , near the town of Yoncalla Originally petitioned in 2002 as the "Red Hill AVA " , the proposed appellation name brought protest from Willamette Valley AVA vintners , where official status in 2004 , the Red Hills Lake County AVA The AVA is the home to a single vineyard Hitchings died on September 5, 2016 . In 1968 , counterculture and and demonstrations in response to the convention , and the city promised to maintain law and order of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War MOBE was an umbrella organization that included from marching to civil disobedience . MOBE's main aim was to get the largest turnouts David Dellinger , MOBE chairman , believed militancy into milder and more conventional forms For Chicago , MOBE originally planned for two large-scale marches and an end of convention rally at Soldier Field . The goal was originally a massive show of The Youth International Party was one of the major groups in the organization of the protests . Hoffman's apartment on New Year's Eve , 1967 They discussed the events of the year
Over the next week , the Youth International Party took In preparation for the Chicago convention , the Yippies held the "Yip-In " , and the "Yip-Out " at Grand Central Station Both events were planned simply as The event was used to promote peace , love and harmony , and as a trial run for The black banner of an anarchist group was hung on the wall , bearing the words relations between the police and Yippies purpose but held in Central Park , Yippies performed a sit-in at In the end , an agreement was made on staging , electricity , police presence , bathrooms , The Yippies took a radical approach to the Democratic National Convention They wrote articles , published fliers would be thrown from overpasses intersections , main streets , police stations be dumped in the city's water supply and However , none of these threats Nonetheless , city officials in Chicago One of the Yippies' main tactics was to that drew the attention of mainstream America Yippie activities were used to put across the message that the average American did They tried to show this the decision-making process in the convention hall , unlike a "straight" protest with picket lines , marches conceivably convince delegates of mass support Chicago's security forces prepared for the protests during had received refresher training on crowd control put the force on 12-hour shifts , Two-thirds of the officers would continue In the Amphitheatre , the City concentrated In suspected trouble areas , police patrols were This allowed the police to shift with the National Guard to create a plan at the beginning of the convention , but held in reserve at permits from the city in order The City had several reasons for denying permits to MOBE and Yippie The City was worried about a black rebellion , independent of the white protesters , as The Woodlawn Organization , the Black Consortium , large numbers of white protesters marching through the black ghettos with a heavy police or National Guard escort A city ordinance closed the city parks at 11 pm
In a letter to Yippie , Deputy Mayor David Stahl gave eight rules for Yippie all city , state , and In a last-ditch effort , MOBE filed permits for a rally in Soldier Field The start of the convention week's violence is sometimes traced to the shooting of Dean Johnson another boy were stopped on the sidewalk on the morning of Thursday, August 22 . a pistol at police ( the gun a memorial service for Johnson , but On Friday, August 23 , Jerry Rubin and the Yippie candidate for president , Pigasus By the time Rubin arrived with Pigasus , several hundred spectators and reporters For the previous several nights , the police had cleared Lincoln Park at 11 p.m. and maintained a significant presence during the day . Women Strike for Peace attempted to hold a women-only picket at the Hilton Hotel , It was generally agreed upon in Lincoln Park after the curfew , At exactly 11 p.m. , poet Allen Ginsberg led When the crowd stopped at Wells and North Avenue On Sunday , MOBE had marching across the street from the Conrad Hilton At 4 pm , the Festival started with proto-punk band MC5 , the only band who Hoffman declared that the police had to conduct a workshop on dispersal tactics to avoid arrest by police As the next police shift came on duty , they were informed of At 9 pm , police formed This drew a crowd of spectators At 11 pm the police pushed the protesters of the park , they maintained Yippie Jerry Rubin told a friend " This They might declare martial law in on a statue of General Logan on a horse , leading to violent skirmishes with police in Grant Park . Protestors were joined on 28 August by Neil Steinberg of "The Chicago Sun-Times " as "a 17-minute melee in front of on television , along with footage from the floor of the convention bystanders , reporters and photographers , while tear gas reached Hubert Humphrey Police pushed protesters through plate-glass windows 100 protesters and 119 police officers were treated
for injuries , and 600 protesters At the convention several delegates made statements against Mayor Daley and the CPD , of " Gestapo tactics on the streets of Chicago " in his speech In 1968 , Terry Southern described Paul Cowan of "The Village Voice " reports at 18th Street and Michigan Avenue by the National Guard . Arrests were followed by tear gas " and retreated to Grant Park In the park , demonstrators sang "V" symbols above their heads , asking Five hours later , police officers raided a party organized by McCarthy workers in the Hilton hotel The city of Chicago , the U.S. Department of Justice , the House Committee on Un-American Activities , and the presidentially appointed National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Within days , the Daley administration issued the first report , blaming the violence on "revolutionaries " who came to Chicago " for the avowed purpose of a hostile confrontation with law enforcement " . In Mayor Daley's report , a list of Their wounds ranged from an officer's split fingernail to Although the precise number of injured protesters is On September 4, 1968 , Milton Eisenhower , chair of the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence , announced that the commission would investigate the violence at the Chicago convention and report A Chicago lawyer , Daniel Walker , headed the team of over 200 members , who and film of the confrontations . The report was released on December 1, 1968 , characterized the convention violence as a "police riot police who used indiscriminate violence ; damage public confidence in law enforcement . Its origin dates back to the First Congress of Independent African States , held in Accra , Ghana , from 15 to 22 April 1958 . revived in the mid-1990s under the leadership of Libyan head of state Muammar al-Gaddafi : the heads of state and government of the OAU issued the Sirte Declaration ( named after Sirte , in for the establishment of an African Union . The Declaration was followed by summits
at Lomé in 2000 , in 2001 , when the plan for the implementation of the African Union was by European colonial powers in the 19th century , to offer to their Empires . Instead , they carved the continent for control of as much territory as The Union of African States , was a short lasting union of , Ghana , and Guinea On November 23, 1958 , a Liberia Ghana-Guinea Union was formed with a flag like that of Ghana but with two black stars In May 1959 it was announced that the Union would be renamed In April 1961 Mali joined this union The African Economic Community ( abbreviated AEC ) is grounds for mutual economic development among the majority the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) , in 1984 , when many opposed the OAU's admission of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic , and the Mobutu regime boycotted the organisation from Some countries have since retracted their support for the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morocco . the codified framework under which the African Union is The African Union was launched in Durban on July 9, 2002 by its first president , South African , Thabo Mbeki at the first session , formerly Endeavour Awards , was an internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship programme that formed part of the Australian Government's $1.4 billion Australian initiative The programme brought leading researchers , executives and students to Australia to disciplines , and enabled Australians Through international, merit-based competition , the Endeavour Awards bring leading researchers , professionals and students The Australian Scholarships , a $1.4 billion Australian Government initiative , brings Under Australian Scholarships , the Endeavour Awards were greatly expanded to provide approximately 9,000 scholarships ) was the briefest Government during this period gain a support from Sejm majority and failed in a vote of confidence Pawlak returned to Prime Minister office in as a continuation of SD 11 along the Rock–Pipestone county line for most of after entering the city of Jasper It ends at an intersection with Railroad Avenue , in the southern part of The route is legally defined as
build a branch line from Wilmington to Wilmington to Portland , Maine The B&M opened a new route ( the Western Route north of Wilmington ) to Boston via Reading in July 1845 the original line between Wilmington and Wilmington Junction In 1874 , the B&L rebuilt the original grade , while others are , this Wilmington Branch paralleled the Western Route to Lowell via the S&L and the Lowell and Lawrence Railroad avoided slow grade crossings in Malden and in January 1965 , state subsidies were on the Lowell Line ; local governments were Salem Street was closed on June 30, 1967 , as the B&M cut all service on the line except for a single round trip the Wildcat Branch , on December 27, 1976 . to Haverhill as the Haverhill/Reading Line on due to the 1970s construction of the Haymarket North Extension Anti-Jewish violence in Poland from 1944 to 1946 World War II in Europe and influenced It occurred amid a period of Jews constituted between 2% and 3% of the total number territories of Poland annexed by Jewish emigration from Poland surged partly " ) to Mandatory Palestine . By contrast , the Soviet Union brought Uninterrupted traffic across the Polish borders intensified with In January 1946 , there were 86,000 survivors registered with the Central Committee of Most left without visas or antisemitic motives to all attackers , or however , in many cases " Tens of thousands of people were killed in Poland's two-year civil war , but also Among the Jewish victims of violence directed against the new government were numerous functionaries of the new Stalinist regime , assassinated by the so-called cursed soldiers of the anti-communist underground due to their political loyalties deaths could be attributed to in Poland or outside the country The law remained in effect until An expedited court process with minimal costs was put in place to handle claims The Communist government enacted legislation on " pre-war inheritance law which allowed inheritance by The initial 1945 decrees were superseded by a 1946 law , with a claims deadline of 31 December 1947
, when it was occupied Vast quantities of Jewish property were unclaimed they sought to reclaim family property intimidated Jews from filing claims . Polish legislation in 1947 severely restricted intestate succession , limiting inheritance by from the Soviet Union and settled in the territories Poland acquired from Germany were entitled to material compensation on equal footing with ethnic Poles who were were confronted with fears of Members of the former Communist Party of Poland from the Soviet Union as prominent functionaries of Poles of Jewish origin , who the Ministry of Public Security of Poland , among in command in Bolesław Bierut's political apparatus and Jakub Berman , head of State Security Services ( UB, Urząd Bezpieczeństwa ) considered Joseph Stalin's right hand Jewish representation in Bolesław Bierut's apparatus of political oppression was considerably higher than their share in positions of repressive authority ( the Special Bureau Anatol Fejgin and others ) in director positions in the Ministry , 37.1% May 1945 , Polish partisans attacked country offices 50% of the militiamen in Lublin In May 1945 , public security offices were destroyed by the anti-communist underground in Krasnosielc and Annówka ( May 1 ) , Grajewo and Białystok ( Wyrzyki ( May 11 ) , Ostrołęka and Rembertów ( May 18–21 ) , Biała Podlaska ( May 21 , May 24 ) , Majdan-Topiło (Białowieża Forest , May 28 ) , Kotki ( Busko-Zdrój ) ( May 28 ) . The human rights law violations and the abuse of power in Poland , adding to with all Soviet nationals from DP camps back to the USSR " irrespective of The former Polish citizens , the second-largest refugee group in the West to return until late 1946 . in the beginning of 1947 ) were declared to the US pressure – which forced the British government to open the borders of By the spring of 1947 the number of Jews of Jews was motivated by the raging civil war on Polish lands , in a strong Polish-Jewish lobby at the Jewish Agency working towards , was troubled by the mass arrests
The wave of state-sponsored terror and large-scale deportations The prewar class of Polish intelligentsia ceased to Sporadic anti-Jewish disturbances or riots were enticed by the spread of false blood libel accusations against in the shooting death of one woman , from the security forces behind closed doors . During the riot , Jews were attacked in Kazimierz , and A fire was set in Kupa Synagogue In total , 145 suspects were arrested including 40 militiamen and 6 soldiers 25 of them were charged , erupted in Kielce on to Pynsent – ignited a violent public reaction Attacks on Jewish residents of Kielce were provoked by units of The pogrom in Kielce resulted in The Kielce pogrom was a turning point for the postwar history of Polish Jews according to Michael R. Marrus for Jews in Europe . Poland without visas or exit permits , and the Jewish emigration from Poland In July 1946 , almost 20,000 Jews left By September , there were A statistical compendium of "Jewish deaths by violence , by month and province " was compiled by Engel in Poland from liberation until only a fraction of these deaths can be , political violence and banditry . offered no reference for such 'general estimates ' Other estimates include those of Anna Cichopek Studying case records , Engel wrote that the compilation of cases is cases of anti-Jewish violence were selectively He cites numerous incidental reports of killings of Jews for which no official reporting He concludes that these figures have The group was created in 1942 and included a group of schoolboys of the Prince Józef Poniatowski Secondary School and youth of The place of concentration of the Żniwiarz Group areas in Mikołaj Górka Street , Józef Sułkowski Street and the Park Promyka in the officer quarter of stores in Wespazjana Kochowskiego Street fired the first shots Although the soldiers won the skirmish , it did not prevent the insurgents attacked in the area of Plac Lelewela ( Krechowiecka and Cieszkowskiego Streets ) During further fights , the units of the group waged heavy fights in Suzina Street
They took part in the attack on Warsaw Gdańsk Station , defended the Opel workshop as well as the insurgent redoubt in which doubles as a working office for Adger is a rural community that arose in the late 1880s during development of Debardeleben's Adger , Johns , and merge in Northeast Jefferson County and run through Jefferson County into Tuscaloosa County and City-Data.com reports the area to be with a population density of 23 per square mile . The climate in this area is characterized ) located in downtown Bessemer with Adger is situated in the midst of the iron ore and coal district of Alabama . Coal is still mined in Steel is manufactured in nearby cities from 1850-2010 for Alabama , on the U.S. Census as an unincorporated community . The Median Age of its residents was 37.5 yrs with 92.3% White ; 6.4% Black ; destroyed them on April 8, 1998 . They reopened as separate buildings two years later and around the cities of Birmingham Adger is home to several churches , including Adger Baptist , Adger Church of God , Adger Holiness , Adger is approximately from a new state between Bessemer and McCalla . at Deptford , and she to be taken to pieces of the village of Heddeland in Lindesnes municipality in Agder county , Norway In addition to intercity services to The platforms were renovated and extended , the line was built through Marnardal Station was planned as a primary station This included the coastal town of Mandal of the municipality at the time . He took the name of the river " and added suffix "dal " Work on the line started in During the following years the population increased with The station building was completed in 1942 this was changed to Marnardal Ordinary traffic commenced on 1 March 1944 . while the electrification on the section form This allowed the station to become remotely controlled from 19 November 1969 . The passing loop was extended in 1992 carried out a major renovation in 2012 Work on the tracks and overhead wires
started in March and work The upgrades were in anticipation to receive an increase in the frequency , Marnardal Station is a station on the Sørlandet Line , located from Oslo Central Station at The station features a passing loop with two side tracks The station buildings along the Sørlandet Line were mostly Marnardal followed late in a rather standardized period of Neoclassical architecture used by the Norwegian State Railways By the 1940s the designs had been a side platform situation at grade with the station building has access to trains on when two passenger trains pass at the station The station building is open around the clock except from 21:00 on Saturday These operate from Oslo via The train is therefore popular amongst ) is an easterly wind that blows In the western Mediterranean , particularly when same as the origin of the Levant , the region of the eastern Mediterranean : The name of the wind pattern entered English from Middle French "levante " ( ) of the wind and rain . The wind rises in the central Mediterranean or reaching its greatest intensity through the Strait of Gibraltar . and precipitation in the eastern side of the Strait , but dry in the western side , as the moisture rains on the mountains between Algeciras and Gibraltar ; In Almería , blows across the desert interior of the province to the east , over the Mediterranean , with lower pressure to the west in the low-level air flow , strongly suppressing the formation of an inversion within a few thousand feet gale force strength on the western side of Near the surface , the levanter is As the moist air , which must to rise over the Rock , , the cloud does not form to small changes in moisture content , the Rock veers into the southeast , the flow At high wind speeds , the turbulent mixing to the lee of the Rock distributes the moisture through a comparatively deep layer and the cloud is It usually extends about west from the top of the Rock in
forms on the Matterhorn in Switzerland seen on the Rock , early in the morning in westerly winds , but this Formation of the cloud is classically very near the top of the ridge-line of the Rock at nearly altitude , across the crest of the Rock , the cloud becomes detached from the crest of the Rock forming west of a line parallel At the same time , curved arcs of Usually , this produces light and rather variable winds near sea level , at times forming a cyclonic circulation area over Gibraltar Bay and However , at times , the strong winds break away from the crest of the Rock , producing gusts to about the speed of the wind " The Adventures of Peg o' the Ring " is a 1916 American drama film serial directed by Francis Ford and Jacques Jaccard She was given a Best New Talent award at Naka has a Swedish grandfather , making In spring 2013 , it was announced that Naka would marry , Bracken started at halfback head coach Thomas A. Barry in 1907 , and then graduated from Notre Dame Law School in 1908 , eventually becoming " Katapult " is the twenty-seventh album It was released on CD The album has a clear black metal influence , displaying a fondness for the harsh guitars and rapid drums of bands such as Immortal and Celtic Frost Despite this , the album is due to its insistence on repetition " Canadian Express " was a Canadian variety television series which aired on CBC Television between September 22, 1977 and The show was hosted by Ryan's Fancy in St. John's , Newfoundland and Labrador , Gabrielle in Edmonton is in the Veneto , at In 1110 , Enrico Grancarolo , , transferred his see to Chioggia The episcopal election of 1284 was so Some of the Canons chose Ptolemaeus During the litigation , Bishop Tolomeo abandoned the pope ; they chose Uberto , the abbot of the monastery de Brondolo . a "postulatio " with the Patriarch of Aliro's lawyer entered an appeal against Uberto
, the Patriarch , and Uberto's electors , but the Patriarch went ahead and chose Leonardo Faletrum of Venice as bishop of Chioggia . Before that election could proceed to a confirmation by anyone , Aliro's lawyer , Joannes Vandalinus , lodged an appeal to the papal court against Leonardo , his electors , and the Patriarch of and granted Leonardo temporal and spiritual possession of the diocese Leonardo also appealed to the Holy See against Canon Joannes Vandalinus , the former procurator of , on 17 June 1286 , appointed the bishop of Castello , Bartolomeo Quirini , as Apostolic Administrator of the diocese He was ordered to see surrendered to papal jurisdiction , and Luca , the Vicar of the bishop , and a cleric of Chioggia to the Holy See in opposition to Following the death of Bishop Ottonellus , of Venice , the parish priest of S. Marina , as their new bishop . Then , on 22 August 1322 , Father Andreas to the bishopric of Chioggia On 25 January 1348 , during the episcopate as Trent , Piacenza , Modena , and Dalmatia . In Venice , four church towers were of the church of S. Basilio was In the city of Venice seven out of ten inhabitants At Chioggia , by 1 August 1348 , the situation was so bad ("propter pestem mortalitatis multum est de populata " Chioggia and a professor of Canon Law the Dominican Marco Medici ( 1578 ) , a theologian at the Council of Trent ; and Gabriello Fiamma ( 1584 ) , one of the greatest orators of his time The original cathedral of Chioggia was dedicated In 1319 , the cathedral Chapter consisted of nineteen Canons , though five Bishop Ottonellus ( 1317–1321 ) , proposed to reduce the number of It was expected that this would receive the approval of the Papacy , which was supporting reduction plans to rise to the rank of of Venice , summoned a meeting of the Great Council of Chioggia , at which The result was the withdrawal of the right
The Doge and Council of Venice with the uproar , and in a letter of 24 July 1319 to the new Podestà On 4 November 1347 , the tower of In 1605 , Bishop Lorenzo Prezzato ( 1601–1610 ) created the dignity of Archpriest in the Chapter of the cathedral the bishop of a diocese and his clergy In November 1490 , Bishop Bernardino Fenier ( Bishop Alberto Pascaleo , O.P. ( 1540–1543 ) held a diocesan synod on 1 June 1541 Bishop Jacopo Nacchianti , O.P. ( 1544–1569 was a lengthy informational session on the recently concluded Council of Trent and Bishop Lorenzo Prezzato ( 1601–1610 ) held Bishop Pietro Paolo Miloto ( 1615–1618 ) held a diocesan synod in Chioggia on 25–27 October 1616 Another diocesan synod was held by Bishop Pasquale Grassi ( 1619–1636 ) on 29–30 June 1634 first in 1648 , and The Squadron has approximately 65 student members — the majority Officer Cadet as members of the RAF Volunteer Reserve , and is split into three flights — Clydesdale , Houston The Squadron was formed as Glasgow University Air Squadron on 13 January 1941 , initially recruiting only from the University of Glasgow and during equipped with the de Havilland Tiger Moth and the Miles Magister initially at the Royal Naval Air Station at Abbotsinch having its runway's relaid in 1950 , a move was made to Scone airfield In 1965 when the Royal College of Science and Technology became its current name to reflect this change . with its current aircraft , the Grob Tutor . in honour after Lord Clydesdale and in the 1930s in 602 (City year for a period of three to four weeks at a time , formerly to either RAF Kinloss or RAF Leuchars , but It was formed in March 1988 as a joint venture between Eastman Kodak and of Kodak in 1994 . It was headquartered in Durham Qualex's business slowed from the overall decline in traditional film photography in favor of digital photography that number had shrunk to 22 by June 2004 , and the company
The Cowboys matched their record from the season but little change in the Cowboys’ fortunes . another team — in part due Aikman announced his retirement at an emotional and lengthy press conference as the last of the famed “triplets ” Veteran quarterback Tony Banks was signed in the off-season from the Super Bowl champion Baltimore Ravens as an immediate replacement , and owner Jerry Jones hand picked Georgia quarterback Quincy Carter with a second round draft choice as the quarterback of the future the first pre-season game by starter Tony Banks , the Cowboys , in a very surprising move , released Banks in the middle of training camp Unfortunately, a combination of injuries and ineffectiveness of four different quarterbacks over the course of the season including journeyman Anthony Wright and former Arkansas Razorback Clint Stoerner In an attempt to provide more depth at the quarterback position , the team signed His only start of the season , a Week 9 loss was dismissed after the season . In an unusual move , Stoerner was pulled from the game for Ryan Leaf late in the 4th quarter of a tie game Another infamous game was on Thanksgiving Day against Dallas trailed 26–10 and scored Campo instead kicked the extra point , keeping the margin at 9 . A fourth consecutive season sweep of rival Washington Redskins and a victory over the San Francisco 49ers were the only victories of and Messina in 1973 on In her native Canada , it topped In the United States , the song peaked chart and just missed the Top 10 in the adult contemporary market — it became ( In Canada , it Arriving as a love interest for established character , Craig ( Renato Bartolomei ) , Sarah became the centre of for four years and climaxed in ( Benjamin Mitchell ) in 2006 its highest ever ratings ; the Prime Minister Helen Clark also expressed The character of Sarah has seen high acclaim for the show and Billing's acting won multiple awards including a nomination in the "New Zealand Television Awards " for "Best Actress "
Amanda Billing previously auditioned for the roles of Sarah in early 2004 . Sarah made her debut on 14 September 2004 a good looking, vivacious and driven woman in her early 30s " and In the casting of Sarah , it was suggested that producers were carrying on the tradition of in late 2010 when Billing took to it due to Sarah Billing was informed in March 2014 She described the writing off process as one stuff that plays into it " and noted some of She hoped that Sarah would her say goodbye to her toddler daughter Tillie ( Leila Eketone ) proved and was celebrated with a large cast party to the press following previous leaks on the departures of Teuila Blakely ( Vasa Levi Sarah arrived to Shortland Street and under Craig Valentine ( Renato Bartolomei ) , she married Andrew Solomon ( later conman Hamish ( Phil Brown ) . to Craig and started to Craig cheated on Sarah with Huia's cousin TK Samuels ( Benjamin Mitchell ) comforted was faced with a tough decision between The couple married in mid-2007 and Sarah's baby would be born with In 2009 Brooke Freeman ( Beth Allen ) Sarah made a surprise return to Shortland Street in March 2011 and announced she with TK and clashed with In July 2011 Sarah gave birth to daughter , Matilda Mareikura "Tillie" Potts ( and accepted more administrative positions at the hospital dating , Sarah discovered Zac In 2013 Sarah lost her job Their relationship was put to the test Tillie in her truck , but The character of Sarah was originally written into the show as a potential love interest for established character , Craig Valentine ( Jake Valentine ( Calum Gittins ) . for a job in his department , Craig opposed to her job application , Throughout Sarah's early scenes , she often of chemistry and potential romance was someone can irritate you heaps , and that 's why They 're both headstrong and think We have monitors through the whole building was in love with Craig she committed to marry him
Craig's point of view , he Sarah with Huia Samuels ( Nicola Kawana about the child and stated : I think he will stand I think he will stand At the end of the year , Craig admitted Billing described the conundrum , saying about Craig’s return because she knows In a lot of ways Sarah because they have n’t figured On her wedding day to TK in 2007 , Sarah decided to Sarah came back from her honeymoon In 2008 Craig diagnosed Sarah on Craig's relationship with Sarah , There is a great deal of resolution at the end for everyone concerned Sarah sung an emotional song at his service , highlighting his personality and kindness With TK Samuels ( Benjamin Mitchell ) arriving in early 2006 , Sarah However , TK took a shine to Sarah and did all , Sarah used TK as Billing explained Sarah's conflict between Craig and understanding with her where He accepts that she is and proposing to TK . the love of Sarah's life , and ) or Craig ; " TK still has respect for Shortly into the relationship , Sarah began to lose trust in sharing a drink with his ex lover Holly Makatea , TK has never told her is her boyfriend with a young gorgeous Maori Woman like Sarah proposed to TK , in mid-2007 , with Sarah Sarah clashed with TK's family and a wedge between her and the Samuels She has been on the marae invite a lot of the whanau to might get some flack for that She is determined to put of integrating into the family . a family in late 2007 ; however Sarah broke up with TK purposely drove a wedge between the couple She believed that Sarah found belief in herself " . Upon her unexpected arrival , Sarah announced despite feelings for Sarah , Billing sympathised with Sarah during the ordeal , " My heart breaks for Sarah Potts because her bubble is She has a fantasy in her head In August 2013 , Sarah moved they could look after Tillie
together following his separation from Roimata Billing hoped that it was has romantic feelings for her . In September 2013 , Sarah and Sarah travelled to America for several months on a MS trial and in feelings for her friend Harper Whitley ( violence , Mitchell believed that for him and his family . the annoyance of TK , whom taking care of herself . in the relationship , " Their relationship in good things for other people . she is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis I thought they were trying Producer Jason Daniel explained the situation ; " considerable depth over long periods – and to do with Sarah's multiple sclerosis . In mid-2008 , Sarah started Ex-boyfriend Craig Valentine diagnosed Sarah with multiple sclerosis from husband , TK . Sarah's fast-paced job as a consultant in the Emergency Department the truth about her illness and TK MS , Billing researched heavily of a friend with the illness . Sarah begun to attend MS support groups in the midst of people who , it was quite strange of ED , Sarah realised a result of her eventual inability to perform , " Sarah has a hard time 's her identity and the thought of a relapse in her MS symptoms , confirming She has another relapse in mid-2010 , cementing her relationship with Maxwell did a lot of reading , I also spoke to a psychologist It 's important to me at Shortland Street for information about of people living with the condition When Sarah 's in remission In November 2010 Sarah leaves Ferndale However , upon her return , daughter , Tillie in July 2011 , Sarah has another relapse in her symptoms and begins to fear for her ability to mother Tillie Billing received a nomination in the New Zealand TV Guide for her role in Outrageous Fortune . In 2012 , the character was named as one of the standout characters Billing also received a nomination for "Best Actress " in the 2012 "New Zealand Television Awards " for the "TV Guide Best on the Box Award "
for "Best Actress " , for Billing also landed a nomination for In the "Ferndale Talk Best of 2013 awards " for "Favourite Character " whilst Billing The character has also received a lot of dislike with Billing stating useless in her private life . " In November 2006 , Fiona Rae of The Listener magazine , criticised the storyliners of a self-absorbed witch with a “b ” . Fortunately for us , she of her character , referring to her as " stroppy " One fan enjoyed the character to such an extent they made a false profile on social networking site They chose to create the page about Sarah as they liked about a character with so many issues . During a speech at the show's 15th anniversary , The departure of Sarah alongside several other characters as a "disappointing" era of the show , where it entered a style of helped educate New Zealanders about the illness the impact her diagnosis has on her of Sarah and TK and Sarah , TK and Roimata was viewed by 676,400 people , landing more viewers than ratings juggernaut – on the character of Sarah and was told through flashback . Daniel ensured viewers that fans with an audience of 834,200 . Billing offered an opinion on the reason of the marketing towards the Winter Season . Pete Shelley , peaked at number The birth scene was also named by Television New Zealand as one of the top moments of 2011 , and was voted by fans as one The week following the episode saw an average of 614,000 viewers and became the most watched week of the year This reached 1.6 million by the end of the week a blur between fiction and reality trending in New Zealand on Twitter Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality ( PEVQ the picture quality of a video presentation by means of a 5-point mean opinion score ( MOS ) PEVQ was benchmarked by the Video Quality Experts Group ( VQEG ) in the course / decoding (or transcoding) process , radio- or The measurement paradigm is to assess degradations