1 class
1 value
[ { "context": " getDeviceList \n , clientId =\n \"cfe2208fcad346cda755e6f65a7c171e\"\n , scope =\n [\"user-read-playback-state", "end": 1599, "score": 0.9840475917, "start": 1567, "tag": "KEY", "value": "cfe2208fcad346cda755e6f65a7c171e" } ]
{- the majority of the auth code in this file was pulled off the oath2 package demo github with little alteration -} port module Main exposing (main) import Base64.Encode as Base64 import Browser exposing (Document, application) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation exposing (Key) import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..), after) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import OAuth import OAuth.Implicit as OAuth import Url exposing (Protocol(..), Url) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode exposing (map7) import Helpers exposing (..) type alias FlagObject = Maybe (List Int) main : Program FlagObject Model Msg main = application { init = Maybe.map convertBytes >> init , update = update , subscriptions = always <| randomBytes GotRandomBytes , onUrlRequest = always NoOp , onUrlChange = always NoOp , view = view { title = "SpotifyConnectionVerifier" , btnClass = class "CTA__secondary--FVl7a" } } configuration : Configuration configuration = { authorizationEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "accounts.spotify.com", path = "/authorize" } , accountPlayerEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "api.spotify.com", path = "/v1/me/player/devices" } , accountPlayerDecoder = getDeviceList , clientId = "cfe2208fcad346cda755e6f65a7c171e" , scope = ["user-read-playback-state"] } --decoder for spotify devices decodeDeviceList : Decoder AccountPlayer decodeDeviceList = Json.map7 AccountPlayer (Json.Decode.at ["id"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["is_active"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_private_session"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_restricted"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["name"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["type"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["volume_percent"] Json.int) getDeviceList : Decoder (List AccountPlayer) getDeviceList = Json.Decode.at ["devices"] (Json.Decode.list decodeDeviceList) -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { redirectUri : Url , flow : Flow } type Flow = Idle | Authorized OAuth.Token | Done (List AccountPlayer) | Errored Error type Error = ErrStateMismatch | ErrAuthorization OAuth.AuthorizationError | ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo type alias UserInfo = { name : String} type alias AccountPlayer = {id: String ,is_active: Bool ,is_private_session: Bool ,is_restricted: Bool ,name: String ,playerType: String ,volume_percent: Int } type alias Configuration = { authorizationEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerDecoder : Json.Decoder (List AccountPlayer) , clientId : String , scope : List String } init : Maybe { state : String } -> Url -> Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init mflags origin navigationKey = let redirectUri = { origin | query = Nothing, fragment = Nothing } clearUrl = Navigation.replaceUrl navigationKey (Url.toString redirectUri) in case OAuth.parseToken origin of OAuth.Empty -> ( { flow = Idle, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.none ) OAuth.Success { token, state } -> case mflags of Nothing -> ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) Just flags -> if state /= Just flags.state then ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) else ( { flow = Authorized token, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.batch [ after 0 Millisecond AccountPlayerInfoRequested , clearUrl ] ) OAuth.Error error -> ( { flow = Errored <| ErrAuthorization error, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) -- -- Msg -- type Msg = NoOp | SignInRequested | GotRandomBytes (List Int) | AccountPlayerInfoRequested | GotAccountPlayerInfo (Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer)) | SignOutRequested getAccountPlayers : Configuration -> OAuth.Token -> Cmd Msg getAccountPlayers {accountPlayerDecoder, accountPlayerEndpoint} token = Http.request { method = "GET" , body = Http.emptyBody , headers = OAuth.useToken token [] , url = Url.toString accountPlayerEndpoint , expect = Http.expectJson GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerDecoder , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } port genRandomBytes : Int -> Cmd msg port randomBytes : (List Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- -- Update -- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( model.flow, msg ) of ( Idle, SignInRequested ) -> signInRequested model ( Idle, GotRandomBytes bytes ) -> gotRandomBytes model bytes ( Authorized token, AccountPlayerInfoRequested) -> accountPlayerInfoRequested model token ( Authorized _, GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerResponse) -> gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse ( Done _, SignOutRequested ) -> signOutRequested model _ -> noOp model noOp : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) noOp model = ( model, Cmd.none ) signInRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signInRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , genRandomBytes 16 ) gotRandomBytes : Model -> List Int -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) gotRandomBytes model bytes = let { state } = convertBytes bytes authorization = { clientId = configuration.clientId , redirectUri = model.redirectUri , scope = configuration.scope , state = Just state , url = configuration.authorizationEndpoint } in ( { model | flow = Idle } , authorization |> OAuth.makeAuthorizationUrl |> Url.toString |> Navigation.load ) accountPlayerInfoRequested : Model -> OAuth.Token -> (Model, Cmd Msg) accountPlayerInfoRequested model token = ( {model | flow = Authorized token} , getAccountPlayers configuration token ) gotAccountPlayerInfo : Model -> Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer) -> (Model, Cmd Msg) gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse = case accountPlayerResponse of Err _ -> ( { model | flow = Errored ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo } , Cmd.none ) Ok accountPlayer -> ({ model | flow = Done accountPlayer } , Cmd.none ) signOutRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signOutRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , Navigation.load (Url.toString model.redirectUri) ) -- -- View -- type alias ViewConfiguration msg = { title : String , btnClass : Attribute msg } view : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> Document Msg view ({ title } as config) model = { title = title , body = viewBody config model } viewBody : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> List (Html Msg) viewBody config model = [ div [ class "flex", class "flex-column", class "flex-space-around"] <| case model.flow of Idle -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep False , viewStepSeparator False ] :: viewIdle config Authorized _ -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True ] :: viewAuthorized Done accountPlayerInfo -> div [ class "flex"] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True , viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep True ] :: viewAccountPlayerInfo config accountPlayerInfo Errored err -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewErroredStep ] :: viewErrored err ] viewIdle : ViewConfiguration Msg -> List (Html Msg) viewIdle { btnClass } = [ button [ onClick SignInRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign in" ] ] viewAuthorized : List (Html Msg) viewAuthorized = [ span [] [ text "Getting info..." ] ] viewAccountPlayerInfo : ViewConfiguration Msg -> (List AccountPlayer) -> List (Html Msg) viewAccountPlayerInfo {btnClass } ls = [ div [class "flex", class "flex-column"] [ul [] (List.map (\l -> li [] [(text l.id),(text ", "),(text l.name),(text ", "),(text (boolToString l.is_active)) ]) ls) , div [] [ button [ onClick SignOutRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign out" ] ] ] ] viewErrored : Error -> List (Html Msg) viewErrored error = [ span [ class "span-error" ] [ viewError error ] ] viewError : Error -> Html Msg viewError e = text <| case e of ErrStateMismatch -> "'state' doesn't match, the request has likely been forged by an adversary!" ErrAuthorization error -> oauthErrorToString { error = error.error, errorDescription = error.errorDescription } ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo -> "Unable to retrive account player info: HTTP request failed." viewAuthorizationStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewAuthorizationStep isActive = viewStep isActive ( "Authorization", style "left" "-110%" ) viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep isActive = viewStep isActive ("Get Account Device Info", style "left" "-135%") viewErroredStep : Html Msg viewErroredStep = div [ class "step", class "step-errored" ] [ span [ style "left" "-50%" ] [ text "Errored" ] ] viewStep : Bool -> ( String, Attribute Msg ) -> Html Msg viewStep isActive ( step, position ) = let stepClass = class "step" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in div stepClass [ span [ position ] [ text step ] ] viewStepSeparator : Bool -> Html Msg viewStepSeparator isActive = let stepClass = class "step-separator" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in span stepClass []
{- the majority of the auth code in this file was pulled off the oath2 package demo github with little alteration -} port module Main exposing (main) import Base64.Encode as Base64 import Browser exposing (Document, application) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation exposing (Key) import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..), after) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import OAuth import OAuth.Implicit as OAuth import Url exposing (Protocol(..), Url) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode exposing (map7) import Helpers exposing (..) type alias FlagObject = Maybe (List Int) main : Program FlagObject Model Msg main = application { init = Maybe.map convertBytes >> init , update = update , subscriptions = always <| randomBytes GotRandomBytes , onUrlRequest = always NoOp , onUrlChange = always NoOp , view = view { title = "SpotifyConnectionVerifier" , btnClass = class "CTA__secondary--FVl7a" } } configuration : Configuration configuration = { authorizationEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "accounts.spotify.com", path = "/authorize" } , accountPlayerEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "api.spotify.com", path = "/v1/me/player/devices" } , accountPlayerDecoder = getDeviceList , clientId = "<KEY>" , scope = ["user-read-playback-state"] } --decoder for spotify devices decodeDeviceList : Decoder AccountPlayer decodeDeviceList = Json.map7 AccountPlayer (Json.Decode.at ["id"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["is_active"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_private_session"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_restricted"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["name"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["type"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["volume_percent"] Json.int) getDeviceList : Decoder (List AccountPlayer) getDeviceList = Json.Decode.at ["devices"] (Json.Decode.list decodeDeviceList) -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { redirectUri : Url , flow : Flow } type Flow = Idle | Authorized OAuth.Token | Done (List AccountPlayer) | Errored Error type Error = ErrStateMismatch | ErrAuthorization OAuth.AuthorizationError | ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo type alias UserInfo = { name : String} type alias AccountPlayer = {id: String ,is_active: Bool ,is_private_session: Bool ,is_restricted: Bool ,name: String ,playerType: String ,volume_percent: Int } type alias Configuration = { authorizationEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerDecoder : Json.Decoder (List AccountPlayer) , clientId : String , scope : List String } init : Maybe { state : String } -> Url -> Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init mflags origin navigationKey = let redirectUri = { origin | query = Nothing, fragment = Nothing } clearUrl = Navigation.replaceUrl navigationKey (Url.toString redirectUri) in case OAuth.parseToken origin of OAuth.Empty -> ( { flow = Idle, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.none ) OAuth.Success { token, state } -> case mflags of Nothing -> ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) Just flags -> if state /= Just flags.state then ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) else ( { flow = Authorized token, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.batch [ after 0 Millisecond AccountPlayerInfoRequested , clearUrl ] ) OAuth.Error error -> ( { flow = Errored <| ErrAuthorization error, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) -- -- Msg -- type Msg = NoOp | SignInRequested | GotRandomBytes (List Int) | AccountPlayerInfoRequested | GotAccountPlayerInfo (Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer)) | SignOutRequested getAccountPlayers : Configuration -> OAuth.Token -> Cmd Msg getAccountPlayers {accountPlayerDecoder, accountPlayerEndpoint} token = Http.request { method = "GET" , body = Http.emptyBody , headers = OAuth.useToken token [] , url = Url.toString accountPlayerEndpoint , expect = Http.expectJson GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerDecoder , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } port genRandomBytes : Int -> Cmd msg port randomBytes : (List Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- -- Update -- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( model.flow, msg ) of ( Idle, SignInRequested ) -> signInRequested model ( Idle, GotRandomBytes bytes ) -> gotRandomBytes model bytes ( Authorized token, AccountPlayerInfoRequested) -> accountPlayerInfoRequested model token ( Authorized _, GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerResponse) -> gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse ( Done _, SignOutRequested ) -> signOutRequested model _ -> noOp model noOp : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) noOp model = ( model, Cmd.none ) signInRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signInRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , genRandomBytes 16 ) gotRandomBytes : Model -> List Int -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) gotRandomBytes model bytes = let { state } = convertBytes bytes authorization = { clientId = configuration.clientId , redirectUri = model.redirectUri , scope = configuration.scope , state = Just state , url = configuration.authorizationEndpoint } in ( { model | flow = Idle } , authorization |> OAuth.makeAuthorizationUrl |> Url.toString |> Navigation.load ) accountPlayerInfoRequested : Model -> OAuth.Token -> (Model, Cmd Msg) accountPlayerInfoRequested model token = ( {model | flow = Authorized token} , getAccountPlayers configuration token ) gotAccountPlayerInfo : Model -> Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer) -> (Model, Cmd Msg) gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse = case accountPlayerResponse of Err _ -> ( { model | flow = Errored ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo } , Cmd.none ) Ok accountPlayer -> ({ model | flow = Done accountPlayer } , Cmd.none ) signOutRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signOutRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , Navigation.load (Url.toString model.redirectUri) ) -- -- View -- type alias ViewConfiguration msg = { title : String , btnClass : Attribute msg } view : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> Document Msg view ({ title } as config) model = { title = title , body = viewBody config model } viewBody : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> List (Html Msg) viewBody config model = [ div [ class "flex", class "flex-column", class "flex-space-around"] <| case model.flow of Idle -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep False , viewStepSeparator False ] :: viewIdle config Authorized _ -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True ] :: viewAuthorized Done accountPlayerInfo -> div [ class "flex"] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True , viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep True ] :: viewAccountPlayerInfo config accountPlayerInfo Errored err -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewErroredStep ] :: viewErrored err ] viewIdle : ViewConfiguration Msg -> List (Html Msg) viewIdle { btnClass } = [ button [ onClick SignInRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign in" ] ] viewAuthorized : List (Html Msg) viewAuthorized = [ span [] [ text "Getting info..." ] ] viewAccountPlayerInfo : ViewConfiguration Msg -> (List AccountPlayer) -> List (Html Msg) viewAccountPlayerInfo {btnClass } ls = [ div [class "flex", class "flex-column"] [ul [] (List.map (\l -> li [] [(text l.id),(text ", "),(text l.name),(text ", "),(text (boolToString l.is_active)) ]) ls) , div [] [ button [ onClick SignOutRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign out" ] ] ] ] viewErrored : Error -> List (Html Msg) viewErrored error = [ span [ class "span-error" ] [ viewError error ] ] viewError : Error -> Html Msg viewError e = text <| case e of ErrStateMismatch -> "'state' doesn't match, the request has likely been forged by an adversary!" ErrAuthorization error -> oauthErrorToString { error = error.error, errorDescription = error.errorDescription } ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo -> "Unable to retrive account player info: HTTP request failed." viewAuthorizationStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewAuthorizationStep isActive = viewStep isActive ( "Authorization", style "left" "-110%" ) viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep isActive = viewStep isActive ("Get Account Device Info", style "left" "-135%") viewErroredStep : Html Msg viewErroredStep = div [ class "step", class "step-errored" ] [ span [ style "left" "-50%" ] [ text "Errored" ] ] viewStep : Bool -> ( String, Attribute Msg ) -> Html Msg viewStep isActive ( step, position ) = let stepClass = class "step" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in div stepClass [ span [ position ] [ text step ] ] viewStepSeparator : Bool -> Html Msg viewStepSeparator isActive = let stepClass = class "step-separator" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in span stepClass []
{- the majority of the auth code in this file was pulled off the oath2 package demo github with little alteration -} port module Main exposing (main) import Base64.Encode as Base64 import Browser exposing (Document, application) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation exposing (Key) import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..), after) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import OAuth import OAuth.Implicit as OAuth import Url exposing (Protocol(..), Url) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode exposing (map7) import Helpers exposing (..) type alias FlagObject = Maybe (List Int) main : Program FlagObject Model Msg main = application { init = Maybe.map convertBytes >> init , update = update , subscriptions = always <| randomBytes GotRandomBytes , onUrlRequest = always NoOp , onUrlChange = always NoOp , view = view { title = "SpotifyConnectionVerifier" , btnClass = class "CTA__secondary--FVl7a" } } configuration : Configuration configuration = { authorizationEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "accounts.spotify.com", path = "/authorize" } , accountPlayerEndpoint = { defaultHttpsUrl | host = "api.spotify.com", path = "/v1/me/player/devices" } , accountPlayerDecoder = getDeviceList , clientId = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , scope = ["user-read-playback-state"] } --decoder for spotify devices decodeDeviceList : Decoder AccountPlayer decodeDeviceList = Json.map7 AccountPlayer (Json.Decode.at ["id"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["is_active"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_private_session"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["is_restricted"] Json.bool) (Json.Decode.at ["name"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["type"] Json.string) (Json.Decode.at ["volume_percent"] Json.int) getDeviceList : Decoder (List AccountPlayer) getDeviceList = Json.Decode.at ["devices"] (Json.Decode.list decodeDeviceList) -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { redirectUri : Url , flow : Flow } type Flow = Idle | Authorized OAuth.Token | Done (List AccountPlayer) | Errored Error type Error = ErrStateMismatch | ErrAuthorization OAuth.AuthorizationError | ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo type alias UserInfo = { name : String} type alias AccountPlayer = {id: String ,is_active: Bool ,is_private_session: Bool ,is_restricted: Bool ,name: String ,playerType: String ,volume_percent: Int } type alias Configuration = { authorizationEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerEndpoint : Url , accountPlayerDecoder : Json.Decoder (List AccountPlayer) , clientId : String , scope : List String } init : Maybe { state : String } -> Url -> Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init mflags origin navigationKey = let redirectUri = { origin | query = Nothing, fragment = Nothing } clearUrl = Navigation.replaceUrl navigationKey (Url.toString redirectUri) in case OAuth.parseToken origin of OAuth.Empty -> ( { flow = Idle, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.none ) OAuth.Success { token, state } -> case mflags of Nothing -> ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) Just flags -> if state /= Just flags.state then ( { flow = Errored ErrStateMismatch, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) else ( { flow = Authorized token, redirectUri = redirectUri } , Cmd.batch [ after 0 Millisecond AccountPlayerInfoRequested , clearUrl ] ) OAuth.Error error -> ( { flow = Errored <| ErrAuthorization error, redirectUri = redirectUri } , clearUrl ) -- -- Msg -- type Msg = NoOp | SignInRequested | GotRandomBytes (List Int) | AccountPlayerInfoRequested | GotAccountPlayerInfo (Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer)) | SignOutRequested getAccountPlayers : Configuration -> OAuth.Token -> Cmd Msg getAccountPlayers {accountPlayerDecoder, accountPlayerEndpoint} token = Http.request { method = "GET" , body = Http.emptyBody , headers = OAuth.useToken token [] , url = Url.toString accountPlayerEndpoint , expect = Http.expectJson GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerDecoder , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } port genRandomBytes : Int -> Cmd msg port randomBytes : (List Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- -- Update -- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( model.flow, msg ) of ( Idle, SignInRequested ) -> signInRequested model ( Idle, GotRandomBytes bytes ) -> gotRandomBytes model bytes ( Authorized token, AccountPlayerInfoRequested) -> accountPlayerInfoRequested model token ( Authorized _, GotAccountPlayerInfo accountPlayerResponse) -> gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse ( Done _, SignOutRequested ) -> signOutRequested model _ -> noOp model noOp : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) noOp model = ( model, Cmd.none ) signInRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signInRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , genRandomBytes 16 ) gotRandomBytes : Model -> List Int -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) gotRandomBytes model bytes = let { state } = convertBytes bytes authorization = { clientId = configuration.clientId , redirectUri = model.redirectUri , scope = configuration.scope , state = Just state , url = configuration.authorizationEndpoint } in ( { model | flow = Idle } , authorization |> OAuth.makeAuthorizationUrl |> Url.toString |> Navigation.load ) accountPlayerInfoRequested : Model -> OAuth.Token -> (Model, Cmd Msg) accountPlayerInfoRequested model token = ( {model | flow = Authorized token} , getAccountPlayers configuration token ) gotAccountPlayerInfo : Model -> Result Http.Error (List AccountPlayer) -> (Model, Cmd Msg) gotAccountPlayerInfo model accountPlayerResponse = case accountPlayerResponse of Err _ -> ( { model | flow = Errored ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo } , Cmd.none ) Ok accountPlayer -> ({ model | flow = Done accountPlayer } , Cmd.none ) signOutRequested : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) signOutRequested model = ( { model | flow = Idle } , Navigation.load (Url.toString model.redirectUri) ) -- -- View -- type alias ViewConfiguration msg = { title : String , btnClass : Attribute msg } view : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> Document Msg view ({ title } as config) model = { title = title , body = viewBody config model } viewBody : ViewConfiguration Msg -> Model -> List (Html Msg) viewBody config model = [ div [ class "flex", class "flex-column", class "flex-space-around"] <| case model.flow of Idle -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep False , viewStepSeparator False ] :: viewIdle config Authorized _ -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True ] :: viewAuthorized Done accountPlayerInfo -> div [ class "flex"] [ viewAuthorizationStep True , viewStepSeparator True , viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep True ] :: viewAccountPlayerInfo config accountPlayerInfo Errored err -> div [ class "flex" ] [ viewErroredStep ] :: viewErrored err ] viewIdle : ViewConfiguration Msg -> List (Html Msg) viewIdle { btnClass } = [ button [ onClick SignInRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign in" ] ] viewAuthorized : List (Html Msg) viewAuthorized = [ span [] [ text "Getting info..." ] ] viewAccountPlayerInfo : ViewConfiguration Msg -> (List AccountPlayer) -> List (Html Msg) viewAccountPlayerInfo {btnClass } ls = [ div [class "flex", class "flex-column"] [ul [] (List.map (\l -> li [] [(text l.id),(text ", "),(text l.name),(text ", "),(text (boolToString l.is_active)) ]) ls) , div [] [ button [ onClick SignOutRequested, btnClass ] [ text "Sign out" ] ] ] ] viewErrored : Error -> List (Html Msg) viewErrored error = [ span [ class "span-error" ] [ viewError error ] ] viewError : Error -> Html Msg viewError e = text <| case e of ErrStateMismatch -> "'state' doesn't match, the request has likely been forged by an adversary!" ErrAuthorization error -> oauthErrorToString { error = error.error, errorDescription = error.errorDescription } ErrHTTPGetAccountPlayerInfo -> "Unable to retrive account player info: HTTP request failed." viewAuthorizationStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewAuthorizationStep isActive = viewStep isActive ( "Authorization", style "left" "-110%" ) viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep : Bool -> Html Msg viewGetAccountPlayerInfoStep isActive = viewStep isActive ("Get Account Device Info", style "left" "-135%") viewErroredStep : Html Msg viewErroredStep = div [ class "step", class "step-errored" ] [ span [ style "left" "-50%" ] [ text "Errored" ] ] viewStep : Bool -> ( String, Attribute Msg ) -> Html Msg viewStep isActive ( step, position ) = let stepClass = class "step" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in div stepClass [ span [ position ] [ text step ] ] viewStepSeparator : Bool -> Html Msg viewStepSeparator isActive = let stepClass = class "step-separator" :: (if isActive then [ class "step-active" ] else [] ) in span stepClass []
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"Naruto_Hentai,8227" , "naturaltitties,18749" , "Nekomimi,9066" , "Nipples,31889" , "nipslip,21758" , "normalnudes,19985" , "notgayporn,3849" , "NotSafeForNature,33964" , "NowYouReallySeeMe,12900" , "nsfw2,85112" , "NSFW411,41427" , "nsfw,619457" , "Nsfw_Amateurs,30250" , "nsfwasmr,17370" , "NSFWBarista,11093" , "nsfwcelebgifs,14493" , "nsfwcosplay,92462" , "NSFWCostumes,29258" , "NSFWfashion,9646" , "NSFWFunny,120163" , "nsfwgif,11381" , "NSFW_GIF,444769" , "nsfw_gifs,275755" , "nsfwhardcore,149726" , "NSFW_HTML5,84757" , "NSFWIAMA,17481" , "NSFW_Japan,48017" , "NSFW_Korea,21277" , "NSFW_nospam,36611" , "nsfwoutfits,80662" , "NSFW_Plowcam,16101" , "NSFW_Snapchat,46100" , "nsfwsports,15357" , "nsfw_videos,54269" , "NSFW_Wallpapers,27968" , "nsfw_wtf,41894" , "Objects,28620" , "oculusnsfw,8319" , "O_Faces,88301" , "OffensiveSpeech,2068" , "Oilporn,25106" , "OldSchoolCoolNSFW,28864" , "omgbeckylookathiscock,27781" , "OnHerKnees,44792" , "OnOff,184350" , "OpenShirt,10388" , 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"RateMyNudeBody,15430" , "RealGirls,500214" , "realmoms,9517" , "rearpussy,68313" , "RedditorCum,6165" , "reddtube,1483" , "redheads,130037" , "RemyLaCroix,22780" , "RepressedGoneWild,26693" , "ResearchMarkets,3461" , "RollaGoneWild,196" , "RopesandRoundThings,524" , "RugsOnly,14065" , "RuinedOrgasms,25075" , "rule34,163083" , "rule34celebs,6481" , "rule34_comics,45072" , "rule34feet,3842" , "Rule34LoL,25018" , "russiangirls,8482" , "RWBYNSFW,3191" , "Saggy,13386" , "SaraJUnderwood,11930" , "scissoring,26368" , "sea_girls,8563" , "seethru,29190" , "selfservice,8018" , "sex_comics,35364" , "SexiestPetites,18782" , "SexInFrontOfOthers,32286" , "Sexsells,11753" , "SexShows,9930" , "SexToys,11036" , "Sexy,31638" , "SexyButNotPorn,43830" , "SexyFrex,48227" , "SexyGirlsInBoots,17162" , "sexygirlsinjeans,22536" , "sexytgirls,7684" , "SexyTummies,17663" , "Shadman,3095" , "Sharktits,3507" , "SheLikesItRough,46307" , "Shemales,18524" , "ShinyPorn,33412" , "shorthairchicks,32275" , "sideboob,12252" , "simps,38791" , "Singlets,5067" , "Sissies,18319" , "sissyhypno,12887" , "Sissyperfection,7430" , "skinnytail,25088" , "skivvies,10936" , "slightcellulite,3263" , "slimgirls,14166" , "SluttyHalloween,22066" , "SluttyStrangers,24537" , "slutwife,9641" , "smalldickporn,524" , "smashbros34,4666" , "snapchat_sluts,26970" , "snapleaks,20340" , "SocialMediaSluts,11252" , "sodomy,12505" , "softies,6895" , "SoFuckable,14879" , "Spanking,13720" , "spreadeagle,14882" , "SpreadEm,20109" , "spreading,13811" , "squirting,40828" , "ssbbw,3072" , "Stacked,74848" , "Steroidsourcetalk,7141" , "stockings,53328" , "StomachDownFeetUp,7113" , "StraightGirlsPlaying,64462" , "straponlesbians,2754" , "StretchingIt,9820" , "StruggleFucking,35561" , "StrugglePorn,11899" , "Stuffers,3886" , "suicidegirls,87512" , "Sukebei,8178" , "superheroporn,4904" , "sweatermeat,28465" , "Swingersgw,17068" , "TallGoneWild,22606" , "tanlines,31041" , "TBoIRule34,1089" , "Tgifs,12920" , "Tgirls,42572" , "thefullbush,8242" , "TheHangingBoobs,25255" , "TheHottestBabes,1734" , "theratio,18115" , "TheRedFox,22052" , "TheUnderboob,30281" , "TheUnderbun,32463" , "thick,92258" , "ThickChixxx,17944" , "thickloads,32225" , "ThickThighs,13548" , "thighhighs,26000" , "thinspo,38863" , "Throatfucking,9389" , "throatpies,31332" , "tightdresses,99184" , "TightsAndTightClothes,3033" , "TightShorts,30016" , "tight_shorts,34247" , "TinyAsianTits,7369" , "TinyTits,103655" , "tipofmypenis,69706" , "titfuck,23529" , "tits,20395" , "Titties,14990" , "TittyDrop,97809" , "torpedotits,18064" , "TotallyStraight,23505" , "transformation,4418" , "translucent_porn,14520" , "transporn,1341" , "traps,38877" , "trashyboners,39484" , "TrashyPorn,6319" , "treesgonewild,70558" , "TributeMe,31704" , "twerking,12030" , "TwinGuys,559" , "twinks,14936" , "Unashamed,86525" , "UncutPorn,9592" , "UnderTail,1255" , "UnderwearGW,36741" , "upherbutt,13848" , "Upskirt,71682" , "usedpanties,9873" , "Vaganny,486" , "vagina,19014" 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"CuteGuyButts,8870" , "CuteModeSlutMode,46138" , "DadsGoneWild,496" , "damngoodinterracial,14987" , "DanielleSharp,5570" , "DarkAngels,36217" , "DarkHumor,4633" , "DarkNetMarkets,80737" , "datgap,93167" , "datgrip,11198" , "deepthroat,40451" , "DegradingHoles,5571" , "DeliciousTraps,5631" , "DesiBoners,6455" , "<NAME>,841" , "DirtyFamilyPhotos,13784" , "dirtykikpals,32993" , "dirtypenpals,74555" , "dirtyr4r,40526" , "dirtysmall,136317" , "DirtySnapchat,31502" , "disneyporn,9475" , "distension,40247" , "doppelbangher,26184" , "dota2smut,6949" , "doublepenetration,8700" , "doujinshi,21636" , "downblouse,45814" , "DownBra,9851" , "dreamjobs,13943" , "drunkencookery,12918" , "DSLs,9883" , "DumpsterSluts,20270" , "dykesgonewild,34039" , "easterneuropeangirls,12899" , "Ebony,28317" , "ecchi,37105" , "ecchigifs,2582" , "eFukt,5453" , "<NAME>_cs,2615" , "emmaglover,4749" , "EngorgedVeinyBreasts,15262" , "EntExchange,6696" , "ErectElephantDicks,16" , "eroticauthors,5308" , 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"LegalCollegeGirls,1681" , "LegalTeens,185026" , "LegalTeensXXX,30374" , "legendarylootz,6324" , "leggingsgonewild,24557" , "legs,40997" , "legsup,20993" , "legwrap,23286" , "leotards,27721" , "lesbians,83608" , "lesserknownpornstars,8051" , "lewdgestures,4194" , "lineups,12259" , "lingerie,52073" , "LipsThatGrip,102947" , "littlespace,8004" , "lolgrindr,10393" , "lovegaymale,14054" , "LoveToWatchYouLeave,18542" , "MakeUpFetish,11899" , "Mal<NAME>,10088" , "manass,6408" , "mangonewild,18777" , "MassiveCock,36277" , "MasterOfAnal,17320" , "MastersOfAnal,362" , "maturewomen,10179" , "MCBourbonnais,2616" , "mellisaclarke,6928" , "MensHighJinx,5700" , "MiddleEasternHotties,16949" , "milf,189385" , "Milfie,10295" , "Milfinstockings,3494" , "milf_nowandforever,6478" , "MilitaryGoneWild,28966" , "MistressPorn,3998" , "mmgirls,29077" , "monster_cocks,8243" , "MonsterGirl,15410" , "Mooning,18263" , "MorbidReality,199435" , "Morphs,4714" , "MoundofVenus,21951" , "mycleavage,17212" , "Naruto_H<NAME>ai,8227" , "naturaltitties,18749" , "Nekomimi,9066" , "Nipples,31889" , "nipslip,21758" , "normalnudes,19985" , "notgayporn,3849" , "NotSafeForNature,33964" , "NowYouReallySeeMe,12900" , "nsfw2,85112" , "NSFW411,41427" , "nsfw,619457" , "Nsfw_Amateurs,30250" , "nsfwasmr,17370" , "NSFWBarista,11093" , "nsfwcelebgifs,14493" , "nsfwcosplay,92462" , "NSFWCostumes,29258" , "NSFWfashion,9646" , "NSFWFunny,120163" , "nsfwgif,11381" , "NSFW_GIF,444769" , "nsfw_gifs,275755" , "nsfwhardcore,149726" , "NSFW_HTML5,84757" , "NSFWIAMA,17481" , "NSFW_Japan,48017" , "NSFW_Korea,21277" , "NSFW_nospam,36611" , "nsfwoutfits,80662" , "NSFW_Plowcam,16101" , "NSFW_Snapchat,46100" , "nsfwsports,15357" , "nsfw_videos,54269" , "NSFW_Wallpapers,27968" , "nsfw_wtf,41894" , "Objects,28620" , "oculusnsfw,8319" , "O_Faces,88301" , "OffensiveSpeech,2068" , "Oilporn,25106" , "OldSchoolCoolNSFW,28864" , "omgbeckylookathiscock,27781" , "OnHerKnees,44792" , "OnOff,184350" , "OpenShirt,10388" , 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"RateMyNudeBody,15430" , "RealGirls,500214" , "realmoms,9517" , "rearpussy,68313" , "RedditorCum,6165" , "reddtube,1483" , "redheads,130037" , "RemyLaCroix,22780" , "RepressedGoneWild,26693" , "ResearchMarkets,3461" , "RollaGoneWild,196" , "RopesandRoundThings,524" , "RugsOnly,14065" , "RuinedOrgasms,25075" , "rule34,163083" , "rule34celebs,6481" , "rule34_comics,45072" , "rule34feet,3842" , "Rule34LoL,25018" , "russiangirls,8482" , "RWBYNSFW,3191" , "Saggy,13386" , "SaraJUnderwood,11930" , "scissoring,26368" , "sea_girls,8563" , "seethru,29190" , "selfservice,8018" , "sex_comics,35364" , "SexiestPetites,18782" , "SexInFrontOfOthers,32286" , "Sexsells,11753" , "SexShows,9930" , "SexToys,11036" , "Sexy,31638" , "SexyButNotPorn,43830" , "SexyFrex,48227" , "SexyGirlsInBoots,17162" , "sexygirlsinjeans,22536" , "sexytgirls,7684" , "SexyTummies,17663" , "Shadman,3095" , "Sharktits,3507" , "SheLikesItRough,46307" , "Shemales,18524" , "ShinyPorn,33412" , "shorthairchicks,32275" , "sideboob,12252" , "simps,38791" , "Singlets,5067" , "Sissies,18319" , "sissyhypno,12887" , "Sissyperfection,7430" , "skinnytail,25088" , "skivvies,10936" , "slightcellulite,3263" , "slimgirls,14166" , "SluttyHalloween,22066" , "SluttyStrangers,24537" , "slutwife,9641" , "smalldickporn,524" , "smashbros34,4666" , "snapchat_sluts,26970" , "snapleaks,20340" , "SocialMediaSluts,11252" , "sodomy,12505" , "softies,6895" , "SoFuckable,14879" , "Spanking,13720" , "spreadeagle,14882" , "SpreadEm,20109" , "spreading,13811" , "squirting,40828" , "ssbbw,3072" , "Stacked,74848" , "Steroidsourcetalk,7141" , "stockings,53328" , "StomachDownFeetUp,7113" , "StraightGirlsPlaying,64462" , "straponlesbians,2754" , "StretchingIt,9820" , "StruggleFucking,35561" , "StrugglePorn,11899" , "Stuffers,3886" , "suicidegirls,87512" , "Sukebei,8178" , "superheroporn,4904" , "sweatermeat,28465" , "Swingersgw,17068" , "TallGoneWild,22606" , "tanlines,31041" , "TBoIRule34,1089" , "Tgifs,12920" , "Tgirls,42572" , "thefullbush,8242" , "TheHangingBoobs,25255" , "TheHottestBabes,1734" , "theratio,18115" , "TheRedFox,22052" , "TheUnderboob,30281" , "TheUnderbun,32463" , "thick,92258" , "ThickChixxx,17944" , "thickloads,32225" , "ThickThighs,13548" , "thighhighs,26000" , "thinspo,38863" , "Throatfucking,9389" , "throatpies,31332" , "tightdresses,99184" , "TightsAndTightClothes,3033" , "TightShorts,30016" , "tight_shorts,34247" , "TinyAsianTits,7369" , "TinyTits,103655" , "tipofmypenis,69706" , "titfuck,23529" , "tits,20395" , "Titties,14990" , "TittyDrop,97809" , "torpedotits,18064" , "TotallyStraight,23505" , "transformation,4418" , "translucent_porn,14520" , "transporn,1341" , "traps,38877" , "trashyboners,39484" , "TrashyPorn,6319" , "treesgonewild,70558" , "TributeMe,31704" , "twerking,12030" , "TwinGuys,559" , "twinks,14936" , "Unashamed,86525" , "UncutPorn,9592" , "UnderTail,1255" , "UnderwearGW,36741" , "upherbutt,13848" , "Upskirt,71682" , "usedpanties,9873" , "V<NAME>anny,486" , "vagina,19014" , "vikingsgonewild,6364" , "VintageBabes,21387" , "voluptuous,59581" , "Vore,3307" , "watchitforthecat,7063" , "WatchItForThePlot,140279" , "watchpeopledie,92815" , "watersports,9380" , "WeAllGoWild,6888" , "WeddingRingsShowing,20896" , "WeddingsGoneWild,26648" , "WesternHentai,22661" , "wet,29784" , "WhipItOut,2715" , "whooties,15565" , "whynotasource,12838" , "wifesharing,71509" , "wildchicks,19547" , "wincest,29725" , "WomenOfColor,41357" , "womenofcolorXXX,17855" , "WomenOfColour,26912" , "workgonewild,82309" , "WorkIt,9982" , "Workoutgonewild,23199" , "WouldYouFuckMyWife,37655" , "WtSSTaDaMiT,91151" , "XChangePill,4260" , "xray,17712" , "xsmallgirls,36517" , "Xsome,28602" , "xxxcaptions,12808" , "yaoi,7060" , "YAYamateurs,29424" , "yiff,27964" , "yiffcomics,7957" , "YogaPants,43138" , "youngporn,16792" , "youtubetitties,34514" , "yuri,9468" ]
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"BlowJob,11002" , "blowjob_eyes,8850" , "BlowjobGifs,26677" , "Blowjobs,119089" , "blowjobsandwich,25966" , "bodyperfection,20335" , "bodyshots,24452" , "boltedontits,61128" , "Bondage,67688" , "BonerMaterial,64112" , "boobbounce,55981" , "boobgifs,21473" , "Boobies,219679" , "boobs,44694" , "booty,28469" , "BorednIgnored,30986" , "Bottomless_Vixens,44832" , "Brazzers_Network,3069" , "BreastEnvy,32075" , "BreastExpansion,9933" , "breastsucking,3878" , "Breeding,17945" , "broslikeus,19536" , "brunette,30380" , "BubbleButts,21270" , "bubbling,9960" , "Bulges,9188" , "BurningLibrary,35" , "burstingout,85792" , "bustyasians,20150" , "bustybabes,22596" , "Bustyfit,12946" , "BustyNats,3729" , "BustyNaturals,8845" , "BustyPetite,233193" , "butterface,7741" , "buttplug,45727" , "ButtsAndBareFeet,12313" , "buttsex,13970" , "CamelToeGirls,13152" , "CamSluts,20545" , "camwhores,57858" , "CandidFashionPolice,65014" , "cardsagainsthumanity,25841" , "cat_girls,21561" , "CelebFakes,25971" , "celebnsfw,139023" , "CelebOops,8986" , "CelebrityButts,20657" , "CelebrityNipples,19472" , "CelebrityPussy,37756" , "celebsnaked,29058" , "celebsunleashed,9458" , "cfnm,23842" , "CharlotteMcKinney,3941" , "chastity,7850" , "cheatingwives,6914" , "CheekyBottoms,10873" , "chesthairporn,7507" , "chickflixxx,35961" , "choking,7219" , "ChristianGirls,45343" , "chubby,36225" , "cinnamonmermaids,1223" , "cleavage,37843" , "ClopClop,16429" , "cocaine,6289" , "cock,8378" , "CockOutline,3647" , "collared,32214" , "CollegeAmateurs,49920" , "collegesluts,99495" , "comics18_story,14893" , "ConfusedBoners,39957" , "consentacles,4110" , "cougars,16995" , "couplesgonewild,11583" , "creampie,20395" , "creampiegifs,19352" , "creampies,60796" , "crouch,3451" , "Cuckold,43103" , "cuckoldcaptions,6454" , "cumcoveredfucking,42377" , "cumfetish,60077" , "CumHaters,31134" , "cumontongue,6670" , "cumshots,16021" , "cumsluts,203095" , "CumSwallowing,11310" , "curvy,119160" , "cutecunts,6710" , "CuteGuyButts,8870" , "CuteModeSlutMode,46138" , "DadsGoneWild,496" , "damngoodinterracial,14987" , "DanielleSharp,5570" , "DarkAngels,36217" , "DarkHumor,4633" , "DarkNetMarkets,80737" , "datgap,93167" , "datgrip,11198" , "deepthroat,40451" , "DegradingHoles,5571" , "DeliciousTraps,5631" , "DesiBoners,6455" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI,841" , "DirtyFamilyPhotos,13784" , "dirtykikpals,32993" , "dirtypenpals,74555" , "dirtyr4r,40526" , "dirtysmall,136317" , "DirtySnapchat,31502" , "disneyporn,9475" , "distension,40247" , "doppelbangher,26184" , "dota2smut,6949" , "doublepenetration,8700" , "doujinshi,21636" , "downblouse,45814" , "DownBra,9851" , "dreamjobs,13943" , "drunkencookery,12918" , "DSLs,9883" , "DumpsterSluts,20270" , "dykesgonewild,34039" , "easterneuropeangirls,12899" , "Ebony,28317" , "ecchi,37105" , "ecchigifs,2582" , "eFukt,5453" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI_cs,2615" , "emmaglover,4749" , "EngorgedVeinyBreasts,15262" , "EntExchange,6696" , "ErectElephantDicks,16" , 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"homemadexxx,122095" , "Hotchickswithtattoos,120592" , "Hotwife,61092" , "hugeboobs,77828" , "Hugeboobshardcore,21026" , "HugeDickTinyChick,29890" , "hugefutanari,4664" , "hugenaturals,20316" , "HungryButts,16331" , "Hyiff,2296" , "iateacrayon,6315" , "Ifyouhadtopickone,14070" , "ImaginaryBoners,10338" , "ImGoingToHellForThis,503147" , "incest,55424" , "IncestComics,18632" , "Incest_Gifs,3856" , "IncestPorn,27977" , "IndianBabes,48961" , "IndianPorn,9680" , "IndiansGoneWild,24650" , "IndianTeens,12059" , "Innie,43412" , "insertions,32142" , "IntenseBDSM,6422" , "iWantToFuckHer,47799" , "JapanesePorn2,19840" , "JavDownloadCenter,15046" , "Jewdank,20970" , "JiggleFuck,21003" , "jilling,76929" , "jobuds,7193" , "joi,18674" , "juicyasians,80772" , "JustOneBoob,12369" , "KanMusuNights,1975" , "KateeOwen,26976" , "kati3kat,7846" , "kinderyiff,2342" , "kinksters_gone_wild,15872" , "KinkyStuff,3431" , "kpopfap,27478" , "LabiaGW,31435" , "lactation,14580" , "ladybonersgw,73296" , "latinas,43997" , "LatinasGW,16088" , "LegalCollegeGirls,1681" , "LegalTeens,185026" , "LegalTeensXXX,30374" , "legendarylootz,6324" , "leggingsgonewild,24557" , "legs,40997" , "legsup,20993" , "legwrap,23286" , "leotards,27721" , "lesbians,83608" , "lesserknownpornstars,8051" , "lewdgestures,4194" , "lineups,12259" , "lingerie,52073" , "LipsThatGrip,102947" , "littlespace,8004" , "lolgrindr,10393" , "lovegaymale,14054" , "LoveToWatchYouLeave,18542" , "MakeUpFetish,11899" , "MalPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI,10088" , "manass,6408" , "mangonewild,18777" , "MassiveCock,36277" , "MasterOfAnal,17320" , "MastersOfAnal,362" , "maturewomen,10179" , "MCBourbonnais,2616" , "mellisaclarke,6928" , "MensHighJinx,5700" , "MiddleEasternHotties,16949" , "milf,189385" , "Milfie,10295" , "Milfinstockings,3494" , "milf_nowandforever,6478" , "MilitaryGoneWild,28966" , "MistressPorn,3998" , "mmgirls,29077" , "monster_cocks,8243" , "MonsterGirl,15410" , "Mooning,18263" , "MorbidReality,199435" , "Morphs,4714" , "MoundofVenus,21951" , "mycleavage,17212" , "Naruto_HPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIai,8227" , "naturaltitties,18749" , "Nekomimi,9066" , "Nipples,31889" , "nipslip,21758" , "normalnudes,19985" , "notgayporn,3849" , "NotSafeForNature,33964" , "NowYouReallySeeMe,12900" , "nsfw2,85112" , "NSFW411,41427" , "nsfw,619457" , "Nsfw_Amateurs,30250" , "nsfwasmr,17370" , "NSFWBarista,11093" , "nsfwcelebgifs,14493" , "nsfwcosplay,92462" , "NSFWCostumes,29258" , "NSFWfashion,9646" , "NSFWFunny,120163" , "nsfwgif,11381" , "NSFW_GIF,444769" , "nsfw_gifs,275755" , "nsfwhardcore,149726" , "NSFW_HTML5,84757" , "NSFWIAMA,17481" , "NSFW_Japan,48017" , "NSFW_Korea,21277" , "NSFW_nospam,36611" , "nsfwoutfits,80662" , "NSFW_Plowcam,16101" , "NSFW_Snapchat,46100" , "nsfwsports,15357" , "nsfw_videos,54269" , "NSFW_Wallpapers,27968" , "nsfw_wtf,41894" , "Objects,28620" , "oculusnsfw,8319" , "O_Faces,88301" , "OffensiveSpeech,2068" , "Oilporn,25106" , "OldSchoolCoolNSFW,28864" , "omgbeckylookathiscock,27781" , "OnHerKnees,44792" , "OnOff,184350" , "OpenShirt,10388" , "outercourse,27863" , "Page3Glamour,28383" , "painal,32954" , "palegirls,100724" , "paleskin,7065" , "pantsu,17621" , "Pantyfetish,28625" , "pantyhose,10234" , "passionx,59476" , "pawg,48293" , "Pee,20091" , "peegonewild,15600" , "Pegging,34258" , "pelfie,19023" , "penis,28641" , "petite,21158" , "PetiteGirls,11221" , "PetiteGoneWild,138254" , "photoplunder,48664" , "PiercedNSFW,19428" , "Playboy,25672" , "PlayfulGirls,5082" , "PokePorn,28191" , "pokies,39944" , "porn,61231" , "porn_gifs,65373" , "pornID,25944" , "porninfifteenseconds,69115" , "porn_irl,1387" , "PornStars,18744" , "pornvids,144272" , "preggo,6602" , "PreggoPorn,29370" , "prematurecumshots,5118" , "Presenting,18893" , "primes,16123" , "pronebone,11836" , "PublicBoys,10645" , "PublicFlashing,40754" , "Puffies,15400" , "PunkGirls,18050" , "pussy,90627" , "pussyjobs,13757" , "PussyJuices,11737" , "PussyMound,18778" , "quiver,42504" , "RandomActsOfBlowJob,57817" , "RandomActsOfMuffDive,26518" , "randomsexiness,108173" , "RateMyNudeBody,15430" , "RealGirls,500214" , "realmoms,9517" , "rearpussy,68313" , "RedditorCum,6165" , "reddtube,1483" , "redheads,130037" , "RemyLaCroix,22780" , "RepressedGoneWild,26693" , "ResearchMarkets,3461" , "RollaGoneWild,196" , "RopesandRoundThings,524" , "RugsOnly,14065" , "RuinedOrgasms,25075" , "rule34,163083" , "rule34celebs,6481" , "rule34_comics,45072" , "rule34feet,3842" , "Rule34LoL,25018" , "russiangirls,8482" , "RWBYNSFW,3191" , "Saggy,13386" , "SaraJUnderwood,11930" , "scissoring,26368" , "sea_girls,8563" , "seethru,29190" , "selfservice,8018" , "sex_comics,35364" , "SexiestPetites,18782" , "SexInFrontOfOthers,32286" , "Sexsells,11753" , "SexShows,9930" , "SexToys,11036" , "Sexy,31638" , "SexyButNotPorn,43830" , "SexyFrex,48227" , "SexyGirlsInBoots,17162" , "sexygirlsinjeans,22536" , "sexytgirls,7684" , "SexyTummies,17663" , "Shadman,3095" , "Sharktits,3507" , "SheLikesItRough,46307" , "Shemales,18524" , "ShinyPorn,33412" , "shorthairchicks,32275" , "sideboob,12252" , "simps,38791" , "Singlets,5067" , "Sissies,18319" , "sissyhypno,12887" , "Sissyperfection,7430" , "skinnytail,25088" , "skivvies,10936" , "slightcellulite,3263" , "slimgirls,14166" , "SluttyHalloween,22066" , "SluttyStrangers,24537" , "slutwife,9641" , "smalldickporn,524" , "smashbros34,4666" , "snapchat_sluts,26970" , "snapleaks,20340" , "SocialMediaSluts,11252" , "sodomy,12505" , "softies,6895" , "SoFuckable,14879" , "Spanking,13720" , "spreadeagle,14882" , "SpreadEm,20109" , "spreading,13811" , "squirting,40828" , "ssbbw,3072" , "Stacked,74848" , "Steroidsourcetalk,7141" , "stockings,53328" , "StomachDownFeetUp,7113" , "StraightGirlsPlaying,64462" , "straponlesbians,2754" , "StretchingIt,9820" , "StruggleFucking,35561" , "StrugglePorn,11899" , "Stuffers,3886" , "suicidegirls,87512" , "Sukebei,8178" , "superheroporn,4904" , "sweatermeat,28465" , "Swingersgw,17068" , "TallGoneWild,22606" , "tanlines,31041" , "TBoIRule34,1089" , "Tgifs,12920" , "Tgirls,42572" , "thefullbush,8242" , "TheHangingBoobs,25255" , "TheHottestBabes,1734" , "theratio,18115" , "TheRedFox,22052" , "TheUnderboob,30281" , "TheUnderbun,32463" , "thick,92258" , "ThickChixxx,17944" , "thickloads,32225" , "ThickThighs,13548" , "thighhighs,26000" , "thinspo,38863" , "Throatfucking,9389" , "throatpies,31332" , "tightdresses,99184" , "TightsAndTightClothes,3033" , "TightShorts,30016" , "tight_shorts,34247" , "TinyAsianTits,7369" , "TinyTits,103655" , "tipofmypenis,69706" , "titfuck,23529" , "tits,20395" , "Titties,14990" , "TittyDrop,97809" , "torpedotits,18064" , "TotallyStraight,23505" , "transformation,4418" , "translucent_porn,14520" , "transporn,1341" , "traps,38877" , "trashyboners,39484" , "TrashyPorn,6319" , "treesgonewild,70558" , "TributeMe,31704" , "twerking,12030" , "TwinGuys,559" , "twinks,14936" , "Unashamed,86525" , "UncutPorn,9592" , "UnderTail,1255" , "UnderwearGW,36741" , "upherbutt,13848" , "Upskirt,71682" , "usedpanties,9873" , "VPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIanny,486" , "vagina,19014" , "vikingsgonewild,6364" , "VintageBabes,21387" , "voluptuous,59581" , "Vore,3307" , "watchitforthecat,7063" , "WatchItForThePlot,140279" , "watchpeopledie,92815" , "watersports,9380" , "WeAllGoWild,6888" , "WeddingRingsShowing,20896" , "WeddingsGoneWild,26648" , "WesternHentai,22661" , "wet,29784" , "WhipItOut,2715" , "whooties,15565" , "whynotasource,12838" , "wifesharing,71509" , "wildchicks,19547" , "wincest,29725" , "WomenOfColor,41357" , "womenofcolorXXX,17855" , "WomenOfColour,26912" , "workgonewild,82309" , "WorkIt,9982" , "Workoutgonewild,23199" , "WouldYouFuckMyWife,37655" , "WtSSTaDaMiT,91151" , "XChangePill,4260" , "xray,17712" , "xsmallgirls,36517" , "Xsome,28602" , "xxxcaptions,12808" , "yaoi,7060" , "YAYamateurs,29424" , "yiff,27964" , "yiffcomics,7957" , "YogaPants,43138" , "youngporn,16792" , "youtubetitties,34514" , "yuri,9468" ]
[ { "context": "{--\n\nCopyright (c) 2016, William Whitacre\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in s", "end": 41, "score": 0.9998480678, "start": 25, "tag": "NAME", "value": "William Whitacre" } ]
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, William Whitacre All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Scaffold.Machine (Machine, machine, getModel, replaceModel, dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate, maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel, maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate, machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs ) where {-| This module builds a more usable state machine snapshot with the Elm Architecture in mind on top of the Gigan App. # Definition @docs Machine # Constructor @docs machine # Get and Set the Model @docs getModel, replaceModel # Using Machines @docs dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate # Get and Set the Model of Maybe Machines @docs maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel # Optional Machines Using Maybe @docs maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate # Resource Dependant Machines @docs machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs -} import Scaffold.App exposing (..) import Scaffold.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Set exposing (Set) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Time exposing (Time) {-| A Machine is an instantaneous description of some model associated with an ProgramInput (see App) that specifies how it should be updated, staged and presented. -} type alias Machine a b c bad = { input : ProgramInput a b c bad , state : ProgramSnapshot a b bad } {-| Create a machine from an ProgramInput -} machine : ProgramInput a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad machine input = { input = input , state = programSnapshot input.model0 (dispatchTasks []) } {-| Get the model of a machine. -} getModel : Machine a b c bad -> b getModel machine' = machine'.state.model' {-| Create a machine with a different model from a replacement model and an original machine. -} replaceModel : b -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad replaceModel model' machine' = let machine'state = machine'.state in { machine' | state = { machine'state | model' = model' } } -- FLAT STEM OPERATORS {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatch' : Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) dispatch' machine' = programSnapshotDispatch machine'.state |> \result -> ({ machine' | state = fst result }, snd result) {-| Get the currently waiting dispatchment. -} dispatching : Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a dispatching = dispatch' >> snd {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine using some transducer to translate the action list. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatchAs' : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') dispatchAs' xdcr machine' = dispatch' machine' |> \(machine'', dispatchment) -> dispatchment |> promoteDispatchment xdcr |> \dispatchment' -> (machine'', dispatchment') {-| Get the currently waiting task dispatchment, but apply some action type transformation. -} dispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a' dispatchingAs xdcr = dispatchAs' xdcr >> snd {-| Remove the currently waiting task dispatchment. This should be done only after retrieving any possibly waiting dispatchment. -} integrate : Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad integrate = dispatch' >> fst {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes a list of actions, the current time, and the Machine. -} updating : List a -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad updating actions now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotUpdate machine'.input actions now machine'.state } {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} staging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad staging address now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotStage machine'.input address now machine'.state } {-| Same as staging, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} stagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad stagingAs xdcr address = staging (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) {-| Run the present function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a ViewOutput, which includes the an element of the Machine's view type, and a TaskDispatchment for any desired asynchronous tasks. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} presenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a c bad presenting address now machine' = programSnapshotPresent machine'.input address now machine'.state {-| Same as presenting, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} presentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a' c bad presentingAs xdcr address now machine' = presenting (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) now machine' |> \view' -> { view' | dispatchment = promoteDispatchment xdcr view'.dispatchment } {-- OPTIONAL MACHINES USING MAYBE --} {-| Create a possible machine from possible model given a partial program definition (without the model). -} maybeMachine : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Maybe b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeMachine modelInput maybeModel = Maybe.map (modelInput >> machine >> Just) maybeModel |> Maybe.withDefault Nothing {-| -} maybeGetModel : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe b maybeGetModel = Maybe.map (.state >> .model') {-| -} maybeReplaceModel : b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeReplaceModel model' = Maybe.map (replaceModel model') {-| -} maybeDispatch : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) maybeDispatch = Maybe.map dispatch' {-| -} maybeDispatching : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a maybeDispatching machine' = Maybe.map dispatching machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) -- variant of dispatch' that accepts a transducer with which to promote actions. {-| -} maybeDispatchAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') maybeDispatchAs xdcr = Maybe.map (dispatchAs' xdcr) {-| -} maybeDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' maybeDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Maybe.map (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} maybeIntegrate : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeIntegrate = Maybe.map integrate {-| -} maybeUpdating : List a -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeUpdating actions now = Maybe.map (updating actions now) {-| -} maybeStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStaging address now = Maybe.map (staging address now) {-| -} maybeStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStagingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} maybePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a c bad) maybePresenting address now = Maybe.map (presenting address now) {-| -} maybePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a' c bad) maybePresentingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (presentingAs xdcr address now) {-- RESOURCE DEPENDANT MACHINES USING RESOURCE --} {-| Create a machine resource from a model resource given a partial program definition (without the model). -} machineResource : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Resource euser b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) machineResource modelInput modelResource = Resource.toProgram modelInput modelResource |> Resource.therefore machine {-| -} resourceGetModel : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser b resourceGetModel = Resource.therefore (.state >> .model') {-| -} resourceReplaceModel : b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceReplaceModel model' = Resource.therefore (replaceModel model') {-| -} resourceDispatching : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a resourceDispatching machine' = Resource.therefore dispatching machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' resourceDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Resource.therefore (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceIntegrate : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceIntegrate = Resource.therefore integrate {-| -} resourceUpdating : List a -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceUpdating actions now = Resource.therefore (updating actions now) {-| -} resourceStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStaging address now = Resource.therefore (staging address now) {-| -} resourceStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStagingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} resourcePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a c bad) resourcePresenting address now = Resource.therefore (presenting address now) {-| -} resourcePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a' c bad) resourcePresentingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (presentingAs xdcr address now)
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, <NAME> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Scaffold.Machine (Machine, machine, getModel, replaceModel, dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate, maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel, maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate, machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs ) where {-| This module builds a more usable state machine snapshot with the Elm Architecture in mind on top of the Gigan App. # Definition @docs Machine # Constructor @docs machine # Get and Set the Model @docs getModel, replaceModel # Using Machines @docs dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate # Get and Set the Model of Maybe Machines @docs maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel # Optional Machines Using Maybe @docs maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate # Resource Dependant Machines @docs machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs -} import Scaffold.App exposing (..) import Scaffold.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Set exposing (Set) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Time exposing (Time) {-| A Machine is an instantaneous description of some model associated with an ProgramInput (see App) that specifies how it should be updated, staged and presented. -} type alias Machine a b c bad = { input : ProgramInput a b c bad , state : ProgramSnapshot a b bad } {-| Create a machine from an ProgramInput -} machine : ProgramInput a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad machine input = { input = input , state = programSnapshot input.model0 (dispatchTasks []) } {-| Get the model of a machine. -} getModel : Machine a b c bad -> b getModel machine' = machine'.state.model' {-| Create a machine with a different model from a replacement model and an original machine. -} replaceModel : b -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad replaceModel model' machine' = let machine'state = machine'.state in { machine' | state = { machine'state | model' = model' } } -- FLAT STEM OPERATORS {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatch' : Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) dispatch' machine' = programSnapshotDispatch machine'.state |> \result -> ({ machine' | state = fst result }, snd result) {-| Get the currently waiting dispatchment. -} dispatching : Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a dispatching = dispatch' >> snd {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine using some transducer to translate the action list. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatchAs' : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') dispatchAs' xdcr machine' = dispatch' machine' |> \(machine'', dispatchment) -> dispatchment |> promoteDispatchment xdcr |> \dispatchment' -> (machine'', dispatchment') {-| Get the currently waiting task dispatchment, but apply some action type transformation. -} dispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a' dispatchingAs xdcr = dispatchAs' xdcr >> snd {-| Remove the currently waiting task dispatchment. This should be done only after retrieving any possibly waiting dispatchment. -} integrate : Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad integrate = dispatch' >> fst {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes a list of actions, the current time, and the Machine. -} updating : List a -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad updating actions now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotUpdate machine'.input actions now machine'.state } {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} staging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad staging address now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotStage machine'.input address now machine'.state } {-| Same as staging, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} stagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad stagingAs xdcr address = staging (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) {-| Run the present function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a ViewOutput, which includes the an element of the Machine's view type, and a TaskDispatchment for any desired asynchronous tasks. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} presenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a c bad presenting address now machine' = programSnapshotPresent machine'.input address now machine'.state {-| Same as presenting, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} presentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a' c bad presentingAs xdcr address now machine' = presenting (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) now machine' |> \view' -> { view' | dispatchment = promoteDispatchment xdcr view'.dispatchment } {-- OPTIONAL MACHINES USING MAYBE --} {-| Create a possible machine from possible model given a partial program definition (without the model). -} maybeMachine : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Maybe b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeMachine modelInput maybeModel = Maybe.map (modelInput >> machine >> Just) maybeModel |> Maybe.withDefault Nothing {-| -} maybeGetModel : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe b maybeGetModel = Maybe.map (.state >> .model') {-| -} maybeReplaceModel : b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeReplaceModel model' = Maybe.map (replaceModel model') {-| -} maybeDispatch : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) maybeDispatch = Maybe.map dispatch' {-| -} maybeDispatching : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a maybeDispatching machine' = Maybe.map dispatching machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) -- variant of dispatch' that accepts a transducer with which to promote actions. {-| -} maybeDispatchAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') maybeDispatchAs xdcr = Maybe.map (dispatchAs' xdcr) {-| -} maybeDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' maybeDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Maybe.map (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} maybeIntegrate : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeIntegrate = Maybe.map integrate {-| -} maybeUpdating : List a -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeUpdating actions now = Maybe.map (updating actions now) {-| -} maybeStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStaging address now = Maybe.map (staging address now) {-| -} maybeStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStagingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} maybePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a c bad) maybePresenting address now = Maybe.map (presenting address now) {-| -} maybePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a' c bad) maybePresentingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (presentingAs xdcr address now) {-- RESOURCE DEPENDANT MACHINES USING RESOURCE --} {-| Create a machine resource from a model resource given a partial program definition (without the model). -} machineResource : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Resource euser b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) machineResource modelInput modelResource = Resource.toProgram modelInput modelResource |> Resource.therefore machine {-| -} resourceGetModel : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser b resourceGetModel = Resource.therefore (.state >> .model') {-| -} resourceReplaceModel : b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceReplaceModel model' = Resource.therefore (replaceModel model') {-| -} resourceDispatching : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a resourceDispatching machine' = Resource.therefore dispatching machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' resourceDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Resource.therefore (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceIntegrate : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceIntegrate = Resource.therefore integrate {-| -} resourceUpdating : List a -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceUpdating actions now = Resource.therefore (updating actions now) {-| -} resourceStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStaging address now = Resource.therefore (staging address now) {-| -} resourceStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStagingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} resourcePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a c bad) resourcePresenting address now = Resource.therefore (presenting address now) {-| -} resourcePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a' c bad) resourcePresentingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (presentingAs xdcr address now)
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Scaffold.Machine (Machine, machine, getModel, replaceModel, dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate, maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel, maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate, machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs ) where {-| This module builds a more usable state machine snapshot with the Elm Architecture in mind on top of the Gigan App. # Definition @docs Machine # Constructor @docs machine # Get and Set the Model @docs getModel, replaceModel # Using Machines @docs dispatching, dispatchingAs, presenting, presentingAs, staging, stagingAs, updating, integrate # Get and Set the Model of Maybe Machines @docs maybeGetModel, maybeReplaceModel # Optional Machines Using Maybe @docs maybeDispatching, maybeDispatchingAs, maybePresenting, maybePresentingAs, maybeStaging, maybeStagingAs, maybeUpdating, maybeIntegrate # Resource Dependant Machines @docs machineResource, resourceGetModel, resourceReplaceModel, resourceDispatching, resourceDispatchingAs, resourceIntegrate, resourceUpdating, resourceStaging, resourceStagingAs, resourcePresenting, resourcePresentingAs -} import Scaffold.App exposing (..) import Scaffold.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Set exposing (Set) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Time exposing (Time) {-| A Machine is an instantaneous description of some model associated with an ProgramInput (see App) that specifies how it should be updated, staged and presented. -} type alias Machine a b c bad = { input : ProgramInput a b c bad , state : ProgramSnapshot a b bad } {-| Create a machine from an ProgramInput -} machine : ProgramInput a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad machine input = { input = input , state = programSnapshot input.model0 (dispatchTasks []) } {-| Get the model of a machine. -} getModel : Machine a b c bad -> b getModel machine' = machine'.state.model' {-| Create a machine with a different model from a replacement model and an original machine. -} replaceModel : b -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad replaceModel model' machine' = let machine'state = machine'.state in { machine' | state = { machine'state | model' = model' } } -- FLAT STEM OPERATORS {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatch' : Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) dispatch' machine' = programSnapshotDispatch machine'.state |> \result -> ({ machine' | state = fst result }, snd result) {-| Get the currently waiting dispatchment. -} dispatching : Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a dispatching = dispatch' >> snd {-| Dispatch the tasks of a Machine using some transducer to translate the action list. This function is in the depreciated family of `dispatch'*` functions. Use `dispatching*` and `integrate` instead. -} dispatchAs' : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') dispatchAs' xdcr machine' = dispatch' machine' |> \(machine'', dispatchment) -> dispatchment |> promoteDispatchment xdcr |> \dispatchment' -> (machine'', dispatchment') {-| Get the currently waiting task dispatchment, but apply some action type transformation. -} dispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Machine a b c bad -> TaskDispatchment bad a' dispatchingAs xdcr = dispatchAs' xdcr >> snd {-| Remove the currently waiting task dispatchment. This should be done only after retrieving any possibly waiting dispatchment. -} integrate : Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad integrate = dispatch' >> fst {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes a list of actions, the current time, and the Machine. -} updating : List a -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad updating actions now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotUpdate machine'.input actions now machine'.state } {-| Run the update function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a new model and dispatch any asynchronous tasks desired. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} staging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad staging address now machine' = { machine' | state = programSnapshotStage machine'.input address now machine'.state } {-| Same as staging, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} stagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> Machine a b c bad stagingAs xdcr address = staging (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) {-| Run the present function from the configured ProgramInput of the Machine on the Machine's current model to produce a ViewOutput, which includes the an element of the Machine's view type, and a TaskDispatchment for any desired asynchronous tasks. This takes an address for actions to be sent to, the current time, and the Machine. -} presenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a c bad presenting address now machine' = programSnapshotPresent machine'.input address now machine'.state {-| Same as presenting, but with a transformation to apply to action lists before they are sent to the address. -} presentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Machine a b c bad -> ViewOutput a' c bad presentingAs xdcr address now machine' = presenting (Signal.forwardTo address xdcr) now machine' |> \view' -> { view' | dispatchment = promoteDispatchment xdcr view'.dispatchment } {-- OPTIONAL MACHINES USING MAYBE --} {-| Create a possible machine from possible model given a partial program definition (without the model). -} maybeMachine : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Maybe b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeMachine modelInput maybeModel = Maybe.map (modelInput >> machine >> Just) maybeModel |> Maybe.withDefault Nothing {-| -} maybeGetModel : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe b maybeGetModel = Maybe.map (.state >> .model') {-| -} maybeReplaceModel : b -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeReplaceModel model' = Maybe.map (replaceModel model') {-| -} maybeDispatch : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a) maybeDispatch = Maybe.map dispatch' {-| -} maybeDispatching : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a maybeDispatching machine' = Maybe.map dispatching machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) -- variant of dispatch' that accepts a transducer with which to promote actions. {-| -} maybeDispatchAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad, TaskDispatchment bad a') maybeDispatchAs xdcr = Maybe.map (dispatchAs' xdcr) {-| -} maybeDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' maybeDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Maybe.map (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Maybe.withDefault (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} maybeIntegrate : Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeIntegrate = Maybe.map integrate {-| -} maybeUpdating : List a -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeUpdating actions now = Maybe.map (updating actions now) {-| -} maybeStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStaging address now = Maybe.map (staging address now) {-| -} maybeStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) maybeStagingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} maybePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a c bad) maybePresenting address now = Maybe.map (presenting address now) {-| -} maybePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Maybe (Machine a b c bad) -> Maybe (ViewOutput a' c bad) maybePresentingAs xdcr address now = Maybe.map (presentingAs xdcr address now) {-- RESOURCE DEPENDANT MACHINES USING RESOURCE --} {-| Create a machine resource from a model resource given a partial program definition (without the model). -} machineResource : (b -> ProgramInput a b c bad) -> Resource euser b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) machineResource modelInput modelResource = Resource.toProgram modelInput modelResource |> Resource.therefore machine {-| -} resourceGetModel : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser b resourceGetModel = Resource.therefore (.state >> .model') {-| -} resourceReplaceModel : b -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceReplaceModel model' = Resource.therefore (replaceModel model') {-| -} resourceDispatching : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a resourceDispatching machine' = Resource.therefore dispatching machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceDispatchingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> TaskDispatchment bad a' resourceDispatchingAs xdcr machine' = Resource.therefore (dispatchingAs xdcr) machine' |> Resource.otherwise (dispatchTasks []) {-| -} resourceIntegrate : Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceIntegrate = Resource.therefore integrate {-| -} resourceUpdating : List a -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceUpdating actions now = Resource.therefore (updating actions now) {-| -} resourceStaging : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStaging address now = Resource.therefore (staging address now) {-| -} resourceStagingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) resourceStagingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (stagingAs xdcr address now) {-| -} resourcePresenting : Signal.Address (List a) -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a c bad) resourcePresenting address now = Resource.therefore (presenting address now) {-| -} resourcePresentingAs : (List a -> List a') -> Signal.Address (List a') -> Time -> Resource euser (Machine a b c bad) -> Resource euser (ViewOutput a' c bad) resourcePresentingAs xdcr address now = Resource.therefore (presentingAs xdcr address now)
[ { "context": "exposing (..)\n\nbaseUrl : String\nbaseUrl = \"\"", "end": 75, "score": 0.9482345581, "start": 61, "tag": "IP_ADDRESS", "value": "" } ]
module Api exposing (..) baseUrl : String baseUrl = ""
module Api exposing (..) baseUrl : String baseUrl = ""
module Api exposing (..) baseUrl : String baseUrl = "http://PI:IP_ADDRESS:"
[ { "context": " [ h1 []\n [ text \"Helmtris\" ]\n , text <| \"GAME OVER with scor", "end": 8285, "score": 0.9818140268, "start": 8277, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Helmtris" }, { "context": " [ h1 []\n [ text \"Helmtris\" ]\n , div\n [ cl", "end": 8633, "score": 0.9705299139, "start": 8625, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Helmtris" }, { "context": " [ h1 []\n [ text \"Helmtris\" ]\n , viewPlayField game.grid <| N", "end": 9085, "score": 0.9097798467, "start": 9077, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Helmtris" }, { "context": " [ h1 []\n [ text \"Helmtris\" ]\n , viewPlayField (Grid.empty pl", "end": 9383, "score": 0.9079140425, "start": 9375, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Helmtris" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Grid import Block import AnimationFrame as AF import Char exposing (KeyCode) import Collage import Color exposing (..) import Element import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, keyCode) import Keyboard as KB import Random import Time import Transform exposing (..) defaultTimeToUpdate : Time.Time defaultTimeToUpdate = 450 * Time.millisecond boostedTimeToUpdate : Time.Time boostedTimeToUpdate = 50 * Time.millisecond playFieldSize : { cols : Int, rows : Int } playFieldSize = { cols = 10, rows = 20 } rowsBetweenLevels : Int rowsBetweenLevels = 10 type alias Score = Int type alias Game = { grid : Grid.Grid , activeBlock : Block.Block , nextBlock : Maybe Block.Block , score : Score , timeToUpdate : Time.Time , boost : Bool , level : Int , rowsToNewLevel : Int } type GameState = Initial | Playing Game | Paused Game | GameOver Score type alias Model = { state : GameState } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = Model Initial ! [] -- Update type Msg = Tick Time.Time | TogglePlay | Left | Right | Rotate | Boost Bool | Reset | InitialBlocks ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) | NextBlock Block.Block | NoOp -- Needed by handleKey update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( msg, model.state ) of ( Tick diff, Playing game ) -> let ( updatedGameState, cmd ) = updateGame game diff in { model | state = updatedGameState } ! [ cmd ] ( TogglePlay, _ ) -> togglePlaying model ( Left, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn -1) game ( Right, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn 1) game ( Rotate, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock Block.rotateOn game ( Boost onOff, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| setBoost onOff game ( Reset, _ ) -> init ( InitialBlocks blocks, Initial ) -> startPlaying model blocks ! [] ( NextBlock block, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| nextBlockSpawned game block _ -> model ! [] playingNoCmd : Model -> Game -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) playingNoCmd model game = { model | state = Playing game } ! [] spawnNextBlock : Cmd Msg spawnNextBlock = Random.generate NextBlock Block.getRandom spawnInitialBlocks : Cmd Msg spawnInitialBlocks = Random.pair Block.getRandom Block.getRandom |> Random.generate InitialBlocks togglePlaying : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) togglePlaying model = case model.state of Playing game -> { model | state = Paused game } ! [] Paused game -> { model | state = Playing game } ! [] Initial -> model ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] GameOver _ -> { model | state = Initial } ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] startPlaying : Model -> ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) -> Model startPlaying model ( block, nextBlock ) = let grid = Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows game = Game grid block (Just nextBlock) 0 defaultTimeToUpdate False 1 rowsBetweenLevels in { model | state = Playing game } nextBlockSpawned : Game -> Block.Block -> Game nextBlockSpawned game block = { game | nextBlock = Just block } setBoost : Bool -> Game -> Game setBoost onOff game = { game | boost = onOff } modifyActiveBlock : Block.BlockManipulation -> Game -> Game modifyActiveBlock fn game = case fn game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> { game | activeBlock = block } _ -> game copyBlockToGrid : Game -> Game copyBlockToGrid game = { game | grid = Block.copyOntoGrid game.activeBlock game.grid } calculateScore : Int -> Int -> Int calculateScore removedLines oldScore = case removedLines of 0 -> oldScore n -> calculateScore (n - 1) (oldScore + n * 10) removeFullRows : Game -> ( Int, Game ) removeFullRows game = let ( removed, grid ) = Grid.removeFullRows game.grid score = calculateScore removed game.score in ( removed, { game | grid = grid, score = score } ) updateLevel : ( Int, Game ) -> Game updateLevel ( removedRows, game ) = let rowsUntilNextLevel = game.rowsToNewLevel - removedRows ( level, rows ) = if rowsUntilNextLevel <= 0 then ( game.level + 1, rowsBetweenLevels + rowsUntilNextLevel ) else ( game.level, rowsUntilNextLevel ) in { game | level = level, rowsToNewLevel = rows } attemptNextBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) attemptNextBlock game = case game.nextBlock of Just nextBlock -> if Block.detectCollisionInGrid nextBlock game.grid then GameOver game.score ! [] else Playing { game | activeBlock = nextBlock , nextBlock = Nothing } ! [ spawnNextBlock ] Nothing -> Playing game ! [] landBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) landBlock game = copyBlockToGrid game |> removeFullRows |> updateLevel |> attemptNextBlock resetTimeToNextUpdate : Game -> Game resetTimeToNextUpdate game = let timeToUpdate = if game.boost then boostedTimeToUpdate else defaultTimeToUpdate - (toFloat game.level) * 50 in { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } updateGame : Game -> Time.Time -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) updateGame game diff = let timeToUpdate = game.timeToUpdate - diff in if timeToUpdate < 0 then advanceGame <| resetTimeToNextUpdate game else Playing { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } ! [] advanceGame : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) advanceGame game = case Block.moveYOn 1 game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> Playing { game | activeBlock = block } ! [] _ -> landBlock game -- Subscriptions subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = case model.state of Playing _ -> Sub.batch [ AF.diffs Tick , KB.downs handleDownKey , KB.ups handleUpKey ] _ -> Sub.none handleDownKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleDownKey code = case code of -- WASD 65 -> Left 68 -> Right 87 -> Rotate 83 -> Boost True -- Arrow keys 37 -> Left 38 -> Rotate 39 -> Right 40 -> Boost True _ -> NoOp handleUpKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleUpKey code = case code of -- WASD 83 -> Boost False -- Arrow keys 40 -> Boost False _ -> NoOp -- View {-- Simplify the rendering code by applying a transformation on all forms drawn. Since Collage in elm-graphics puts origin in the center with Y growing upwards and draws all forms anchored to the center as well, flip the Y axis and translate origin to be half a cellSize in from the top left. --} canvasTranslation : Int -> Int -> Transform.Transform canvasTranslation width height = let startX = -(toFloat <| width - Grid.cellSize) / 2 startY = -(toFloat <| height - Grid.cellSize) / 2 in Transform.multiply (Transform.scaleY -1) (Transform.translation startX startY) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.state of GameOver score -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Helmtris" ] , text <| "GAME OVER with score: " ++ (toString score) , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Playing game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Helmtris" ] , div [ class "game-container" ] [ viewPlayField game.grid <| Just game.activeBlock , viewGameInfo game ] , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Pause" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Paused game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Helmtris" ] , viewPlayField game.grid <| Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Initial -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Helmtris" ] , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] viewGameInfo : Game -> Html Msg viewGameInfo game = case game.nextBlock of Just block -> let ( width, height ) = Block.dimensions block transformation = canvasTranslation width height forms = [ Block.renderPreview block ] preview = Collage.collage width height [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.toHtml in div [ class "preview" ] [ h2 [] [ text <| "Score: " ++ toString game.score ] , h2 [] [ text <| "Level: " ++ toString game.level ] , h2 [] [ text "Next block:" ] , preview ] Nothing -> div [] [] viewPlayField : Grid.Grid -> Maybe Block.Block -> Html Msg viewPlayField grid maybeBlock = let forms = case maybeBlock of Just block -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid , Block.render block ] Nothing -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid ] ( gridWidth, gridHeight ) = Grid.dimensions grid transformation = canvasTranslation gridWidth gridHeight in Collage.collage gridWidth gridHeight [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.color gray |> Element.toHtml -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Main exposing (main) import Grid import Block import AnimationFrame as AF import Char exposing (KeyCode) import Collage import Color exposing (..) import Element import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, keyCode) import Keyboard as KB import Random import Time import Transform exposing (..) defaultTimeToUpdate : Time.Time defaultTimeToUpdate = 450 * Time.millisecond boostedTimeToUpdate : Time.Time boostedTimeToUpdate = 50 * Time.millisecond playFieldSize : { cols : Int, rows : Int } playFieldSize = { cols = 10, rows = 20 } rowsBetweenLevels : Int rowsBetweenLevels = 10 type alias Score = Int type alias Game = { grid : Grid.Grid , activeBlock : Block.Block , nextBlock : Maybe Block.Block , score : Score , timeToUpdate : Time.Time , boost : Bool , level : Int , rowsToNewLevel : Int } type GameState = Initial | Playing Game | Paused Game | GameOver Score type alias Model = { state : GameState } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = Model Initial ! [] -- Update type Msg = Tick Time.Time | TogglePlay | Left | Right | Rotate | Boost Bool | Reset | InitialBlocks ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) | NextBlock Block.Block | NoOp -- Needed by handleKey update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( msg, model.state ) of ( Tick diff, Playing game ) -> let ( updatedGameState, cmd ) = updateGame game diff in { model | state = updatedGameState } ! [ cmd ] ( TogglePlay, _ ) -> togglePlaying model ( Left, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn -1) game ( Right, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn 1) game ( Rotate, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock Block.rotateOn game ( Boost onOff, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| setBoost onOff game ( Reset, _ ) -> init ( InitialBlocks blocks, Initial ) -> startPlaying model blocks ! [] ( NextBlock block, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| nextBlockSpawned game block _ -> model ! [] playingNoCmd : Model -> Game -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) playingNoCmd model game = { model | state = Playing game } ! [] spawnNextBlock : Cmd Msg spawnNextBlock = Random.generate NextBlock Block.getRandom spawnInitialBlocks : Cmd Msg spawnInitialBlocks = Random.pair Block.getRandom Block.getRandom |> Random.generate InitialBlocks togglePlaying : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) togglePlaying model = case model.state of Playing game -> { model | state = Paused game } ! [] Paused game -> { model | state = Playing game } ! [] Initial -> model ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] GameOver _ -> { model | state = Initial } ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] startPlaying : Model -> ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) -> Model startPlaying model ( block, nextBlock ) = let grid = Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows game = Game grid block (Just nextBlock) 0 defaultTimeToUpdate False 1 rowsBetweenLevels in { model | state = Playing game } nextBlockSpawned : Game -> Block.Block -> Game nextBlockSpawned game block = { game | nextBlock = Just block } setBoost : Bool -> Game -> Game setBoost onOff game = { game | boost = onOff } modifyActiveBlock : Block.BlockManipulation -> Game -> Game modifyActiveBlock fn game = case fn game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> { game | activeBlock = block } _ -> game copyBlockToGrid : Game -> Game copyBlockToGrid game = { game | grid = Block.copyOntoGrid game.activeBlock game.grid } calculateScore : Int -> Int -> Int calculateScore removedLines oldScore = case removedLines of 0 -> oldScore n -> calculateScore (n - 1) (oldScore + n * 10) removeFullRows : Game -> ( Int, Game ) removeFullRows game = let ( removed, grid ) = Grid.removeFullRows game.grid score = calculateScore removed game.score in ( removed, { game | grid = grid, score = score } ) updateLevel : ( Int, Game ) -> Game updateLevel ( removedRows, game ) = let rowsUntilNextLevel = game.rowsToNewLevel - removedRows ( level, rows ) = if rowsUntilNextLevel <= 0 then ( game.level + 1, rowsBetweenLevels + rowsUntilNextLevel ) else ( game.level, rowsUntilNextLevel ) in { game | level = level, rowsToNewLevel = rows } attemptNextBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) attemptNextBlock game = case game.nextBlock of Just nextBlock -> if Block.detectCollisionInGrid nextBlock game.grid then GameOver game.score ! [] else Playing { game | activeBlock = nextBlock , nextBlock = Nothing } ! [ spawnNextBlock ] Nothing -> Playing game ! [] landBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) landBlock game = copyBlockToGrid game |> removeFullRows |> updateLevel |> attemptNextBlock resetTimeToNextUpdate : Game -> Game resetTimeToNextUpdate game = let timeToUpdate = if game.boost then boostedTimeToUpdate else defaultTimeToUpdate - (toFloat game.level) * 50 in { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } updateGame : Game -> Time.Time -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) updateGame game diff = let timeToUpdate = game.timeToUpdate - diff in if timeToUpdate < 0 then advanceGame <| resetTimeToNextUpdate game else Playing { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } ! [] advanceGame : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) advanceGame game = case Block.moveYOn 1 game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> Playing { game | activeBlock = block } ! [] _ -> landBlock game -- Subscriptions subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = case model.state of Playing _ -> Sub.batch [ AF.diffs Tick , KB.downs handleDownKey , KB.ups handleUpKey ] _ -> Sub.none handleDownKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleDownKey code = case code of -- WASD 65 -> Left 68 -> Right 87 -> Rotate 83 -> Boost True -- Arrow keys 37 -> Left 38 -> Rotate 39 -> Right 40 -> Boost True _ -> NoOp handleUpKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleUpKey code = case code of -- WASD 83 -> Boost False -- Arrow keys 40 -> Boost False _ -> NoOp -- View {-- Simplify the rendering code by applying a transformation on all forms drawn. Since Collage in elm-graphics puts origin in the center with Y growing upwards and draws all forms anchored to the center as well, flip the Y axis and translate origin to be half a cellSize in from the top left. --} canvasTranslation : Int -> Int -> Transform.Transform canvasTranslation width height = let startX = -(toFloat <| width - Grid.cellSize) / 2 startY = -(toFloat <| height - Grid.cellSize) / 2 in Transform.multiply (Transform.scaleY -1) (Transform.translation startX startY) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.state of GameOver score -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "<NAME>" ] , text <| "GAME OVER with score: " ++ (toString score) , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Playing game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "<NAME>" ] , div [ class "game-container" ] [ viewPlayField game.grid <| Just game.activeBlock , viewGameInfo game ] , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Pause" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Paused game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "<NAME>" ] , viewPlayField game.grid <| Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Initial -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "<NAME>" ] , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] viewGameInfo : Game -> Html Msg viewGameInfo game = case game.nextBlock of Just block -> let ( width, height ) = Block.dimensions block transformation = canvasTranslation width height forms = [ Block.renderPreview block ] preview = Collage.collage width height [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.toHtml in div [ class "preview" ] [ h2 [] [ text <| "Score: " ++ toString game.score ] , h2 [] [ text <| "Level: " ++ toString game.level ] , h2 [] [ text "Next block:" ] , preview ] Nothing -> div [] [] viewPlayField : Grid.Grid -> Maybe Block.Block -> Html Msg viewPlayField grid maybeBlock = let forms = case maybeBlock of Just block -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid , Block.render block ] Nothing -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid ] ( gridWidth, gridHeight ) = Grid.dimensions grid transformation = canvasTranslation gridWidth gridHeight in Collage.collage gridWidth gridHeight [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.color gray |> Element.toHtml -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Main exposing (main) import Grid import Block import AnimationFrame as AF import Char exposing (KeyCode) import Collage import Color exposing (..) import Element import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on, keyCode) import Keyboard as KB import Random import Time import Transform exposing (..) defaultTimeToUpdate : Time.Time defaultTimeToUpdate = 450 * Time.millisecond boostedTimeToUpdate : Time.Time boostedTimeToUpdate = 50 * Time.millisecond playFieldSize : { cols : Int, rows : Int } playFieldSize = { cols = 10, rows = 20 } rowsBetweenLevels : Int rowsBetweenLevels = 10 type alias Score = Int type alias Game = { grid : Grid.Grid , activeBlock : Block.Block , nextBlock : Maybe Block.Block , score : Score , timeToUpdate : Time.Time , boost : Bool , level : Int , rowsToNewLevel : Int } type GameState = Initial | Playing Game | Paused Game | GameOver Score type alias Model = { state : GameState } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = Model Initial ! [] -- Update type Msg = Tick Time.Time | TogglePlay | Left | Right | Rotate | Boost Bool | Reset | InitialBlocks ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) | NextBlock Block.Block | NoOp -- Needed by handleKey update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case ( msg, model.state ) of ( Tick diff, Playing game ) -> let ( updatedGameState, cmd ) = updateGame game diff in { model | state = updatedGameState } ! [ cmd ] ( TogglePlay, _ ) -> togglePlaying model ( Left, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn -1) game ( Right, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock (Block.moveOn 1) game ( Rotate, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| modifyActiveBlock Block.rotateOn game ( Boost onOff, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| setBoost onOff game ( Reset, _ ) -> init ( InitialBlocks blocks, Initial ) -> startPlaying model blocks ! [] ( NextBlock block, Playing game ) -> playingNoCmd model <| nextBlockSpawned game block _ -> model ! [] playingNoCmd : Model -> Game -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) playingNoCmd model game = { model | state = Playing game } ! [] spawnNextBlock : Cmd Msg spawnNextBlock = Random.generate NextBlock Block.getRandom spawnInitialBlocks : Cmd Msg spawnInitialBlocks = Random.pair Block.getRandom Block.getRandom |> Random.generate InitialBlocks togglePlaying : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) togglePlaying model = case model.state of Playing game -> { model | state = Paused game } ! [] Paused game -> { model | state = Playing game } ! [] Initial -> model ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] GameOver _ -> { model | state = Initial } ! [ spawnInitialBlocks ] startPlaying : Model -> ( Block.Block, Block.Block ) -> Model startPlaying model ( block, nextBlock ) = let grid = Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows game = Game grid block (Just nextBlock) 0 defaultTimeToUpdate False 1 rowsBetweenLevels in { model | state = Playing game } nextBlockSpawned : Game -> Block.Block -> Game nextBlockSpawned game block = { game | nextBlock = Just block } setBoost : Bool -> Game -> Game setBoost onOff game = { game | boost = onOff } modifyActiveBlock : Block.BlockManipulation -> Game -> Game modifyActiveBlock fn game = case fn game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> { game | activeBlock = block } _ -> game copyBlockToGrid : Game -> Game copyBlockToGrid game = { game | grid = Block.copyOntoGrid game.activeBlock game.grid } calculateScore : Int -> Int -> Int calculateScore removedLines oldScore = case removedLines of 0 -> oldScore n -> calculateScore (n - 1) (oldScore + n * 10) removeFullRows : Game -> ( Int, Game ) removeFullRows game = let ( removed, grid ) = Grid.removeFullRows game.grid score = calculateScore removed game.score in ( removed, { game | grid = grid, score = score } ) updateLevel : ( Int, Game ) -> Game updateLevel ( removedRows, game ) = let rowsUntilNextLevel = game.rowsToNewLevel - removedRows ( level, rows ) = if rowsUntilNextLevel <= 0 then ( game.level + 1, rowsBetweenLevels + rowsUntilNextLevel ) else ( game.level, rowsUntilNextLevel ) in { game | level = level, rowsToNewLevel = rows } attemptNextBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) attemptNextBlock game = case game.nextBlock of Just nextBlock -> if Block.detectCollisionInGrid nextBlock game.grid then GameOver game.score ! [] else Playing { game | activeBlock = nextBlock , nextBlock = Nothing } ! [ spawnNextBlock ] Nothing -> Playing game ! [] landBlock : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) landBlock game = copyBlockToGrid game |> removeFullRows |> updateLevel |> attemptNextBlock resetTimeToNextUpdate : Game -> Game resetTimeToNextUpdate game = let timeToUpdate = if game.boost then boostedTimeToUpdate else defaultTimeToUpdate - (toFloat game.level) * 50 in { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } updateGame : Game -> Time.Time -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) updateGame game diff = let timeToUpdate = game.timeToUpdate - diff in if timeToUpdate < 0 then advanceGame <| resetTimeToNextUpdate game else Playing { game | timeToUpdate = timeToUpdate } ! [] advanceGame : Game -> ( GameState, Cmd Msg ) advanceGame game = case Block.moveYOn 1 game.grid game.activeBlock of Ok block -> Playing { game | activeBlock = block } ! [] _ -> landBlock game -- Subscriptions subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = case model.state of Playing _ -> Sub.batch [ AF.diffs Tick , KB.downs handleDownKey , KB.ups handleUpKey ] _ -> Sub.none handleDownKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleDownKey code = case code of -- WASD 65 -> Left 68 -> Right 87 -> Rotate 83 -> Boost True -- Arrow keys 37 -> Left 38 -> Rotate 39 -> Right 40 -> Boost True _ -> NoOp handleUpKey : KeyCode -> Msg handleUpKey code = case code of -- WASD 83 -> Boost False -- Arrow keys 40 -> Boost False _ -> NoOp -- View {-- Simplify the rendering code by applying a transformation on all forms drawn. Since Collage in elm-graphics puts origin in the center with Y growing upwards and draws all forms anchored to the center as well, flip the Y axis and translate origin to be half a cellSize in from the top left. --} canvasTranslation : Int -> Int -> Transform.Transform canvasTranslation width height = let startX = -(toFloat <| width - Grid.cellSize) / 2 startY = -(toFloat <| height - Grid.cellSize) / 2 in Transform.multiply (Transform.scaleY -1) (Transform.translation startX startY) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.state of GameOver score -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , text <| "GAME OVER with score: " ++ (toString score) , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Playing game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , div [ class "game-container" ] [ viewPlayField game.grid <| Just game.activeBlock , viewGameInfo game ] , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Pause" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Paused game -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , viewPlayField game.grid <| Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] Initial -> div [] [ h1 [] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , viewPlayField (Grid.empty playFieldSize.cols playFieldSize.rows) Nothing , button [ onClick TogglePlay ] [ text "Play" ] , button [ onClick Reset ] [ text "Reset" ] ] viewGameInfo : Game -> Html Msg viewGameInfo game = case game.nextBlock of Just block -> let ( width, height ) = Block.dimensions block transformation = canvasTranslation width height forms = [ Block.renderPreview block ] preview = Collage.collage width height [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.toHtml in div [ class "preview" ] [ h2 [] [ text <| "Score: " ++ toString game.score ] , h2 [] [ text <| "Level: " ++ toString game.level ] , h2 [] [ text "Next block:" ] , preview ] Nothing -> div [] [] viewPlayField : Grid.Grid -> Maybe Block.Block -> Html Msg viewPlayField grid maybeBlock = let forms = case maybeBlock of Just block -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid , Block.render block ] Nothing -> [ Grid.render 0 0 grid ] ( gridWidth, gridHeight ) = Grid.dimensions grid transformation = canvasTranslation gridWidth gridHeight in Collage.collage gridWidth gridHeight [ Collage.groupTransform transformation forms ] |> Element.color gray |> Element.toHtml -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
[ { "context": " Maybe String\n , email : Email\n , password : Password\n , plan : Plan\n }\n\n\nnameField =\n Form.te", "end": 1528, "score": 0.9957033992, "start": 1520, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" }, { "context": " { label = \"Email\"\n , placeholder = \"you@example.com\"\n , htmlAttributes = []\n }\n", "end": 2280, "score": 0.9999206662, "start": 2265, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "you@example.com" } ]
port module DemoElmApp exposing (..) import Browser import Css.Global as Global import Email import Form exposing (..) import Form.View import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as D import TW.Utilities as TW -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view >> Html.Styled.toUnstyled , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- PORTS port sendMessage : String -> Cmd msg port messageReceiver : (Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = { draft : String , messages : Int , forma : Form.View.Model InputValues } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { draft = "" , messages = 0 , forma = Form.View.idle { name = "" , email = "" , password = "" , repeatPassword = "" , plan = "Pro" , agreedToTerms = False } } , Cmd.none ) type Plan = Basic | Pro | Enterprise type Email = Email String type Password = Password String type alias InputValues = { name : String , email : String , password : String , repeatPassword : String , plan : String , agreedToTerms : Bool } type alias UserDetails = { name : Maybe String , email : Email , password : Password , plan : Plan } nameField = Form.textField { parser = Ok , value = .name , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | name = value } , attributes = { label = "Name" , placeholder = "Your name" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parseEmail correo = if Email.isValid correo then Ok <| Email correo else Err "Invalid email" emailField = Form.emailField { parser = parseEmail , value = .email , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | email = value } , attributes = { label = "Email" , placeholder = "you@example.com" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parsePassword s = if String.length s >= 6 then Ok <| Password s else Err "Password must be at least 6 characters" passwordField = Form.passwordField { parser = parsePassword , value = .password , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | password = value } , attributes = { label = "Password" , placeholder = "Your password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } repeatPasswordField = Form.meta (\values -> Form.passwordField { parser = \value -> if value == values.password then Ok () else Err "The passwords must match" , value = .repeatPassword , error = always Nothing , update = \newValue values_ -> { values_ | repeatPassword = newValue } , attributes = { label = "Repeat password" , placeholder = "Repeat password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } ) parsePlan s = case s of "Basic" -> Ok Basic "Pro" -> Ok Pro "Enterprise" -> Ok Enterprise _ -> Err "Invalid plan" planSelector = Form.selectField { parser = parsePlan , value = .plan , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | plan = value } , attributes = { label = "Choose a plan" , placeholder = "Choose a plan" , htmlAttributes = [] , options = [ ( "Basic", "Basic" ) , ( "Pro", "Pro" ) , ( "Enterprise", "Enterprise" ) ] } } termsCheckbox = Form.checkboxField { parser = \value -> if value then Ok () else Err "You must accept the terms" , value = .agreedToTerms , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | agreedToTerms = value } , attributes = { label = "I agree to terms and conditions" , htmlAttributes = [] } } form : Form InputValues UserDetails form = Form.succeed (\name email password plan _ -> UserDetails name email password plan ) |> Form.append (Form.optional nameField) |> Form.append emailField |> Form.append (Form.succeed (\password _ -> password) |> Form.append passwordField |> Form.append repeatPasswordField |> Form.group ) |> Form.append planSelector |> Form.append termsCheckbox -- UPDATE type Msg = DraftChanged String | Send | Recv Int | FormChanged (Form.View.Model InputValues) | Signup UserDetails -- Use the `sendMessage` port when someone presses ENTER or clicks -- the "Send" button. Check out index.html to see the corresponding -- JS where this is piped into a WebSocket. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DraftChanged borrador -> ( { model | draft = borrador } , Cmd.none ) Send -> ( { model | draft = "" } , sendMessage model.draft ) Recv mensaje -> ( { model | messages = mensaje } , Cmd.none ) FormChanged newForm -> ( { model | forma = newForm } , Cmd.none ) Signup _ -> ( model , Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS -- Subscribe to the `messageReceiver` port to hear about messages coming in -- from JS. C -- subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = messageReceiver Recv -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Echo Chat" ] , p [ css [ TW.text_4xl , TW.font_semibold , TW.text_indigo_400 ] ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.messages ] , input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Draft" , onInput DraftChanged , on "keydown" (ifIsEnter Send) , value model.draft ] [] , button [ onClick Send ] [ text "Send" ] , Global.global [ Global.class "elm-form-label" [ TW.text_blue_400 , TW.text_sm ] ] , Html.Styled.fromUnstyled <| Form.View.asHtml { onChange = FormChanged , action = "Sign up" , loading = "Signing up" , validation = Form.View.ValidateOnSubmit } (Form.map Signup form) model.forma , h1 [] [ text "PRIMERO TITULO" ] ] -- DETECT ENTER ifIsEnter : msg -> D.Decoder msg ifIsEnter msg = D.field "key" D.string |> D.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" then D.succeed msg else D.fail "some other key" )
port module DemoElmApp exposing (..) import Browser import Css.Global as Global import Email import Form exposing (..) import Form.View import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as D import TW.Utilities as TW -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view >> Html.Styled.toUnstyled , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- PORTS port sendMessage : String -> Cmd msg port messageReceiver : (Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = { draft : String , messages : Int , forma : Form.View.Model InputValues } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { draft = "" , messages = 0 , forma = Form.View.idle { name = "" , email = "" , password = "" , repeatPassword = "" , plan = "Pro" , agreedToTerms = False } } , Cmd.none ) type Plan = Basic | Pro | Enterprise type Email = Email String type Password = Password String type alias InputValues = { name : String , email : String , password : String , repeatPassword : String , plan : String , agreedToTerms : Bool } type alias UserDetails = { name : Maybe String , email : Email , password : <PASSWORD> , plan : Plan } nameField = Form.textField { parser = Ok , value = .name , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | name = value } , attributes = { label = "Name" , placeholder = "Your name" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parseEmail correo = if Email.isValid correo then Ok <| Email correo else Err "Invalid email" emailField = Form.emailField { parser = parseEmail , value = .email , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | email = value } , attributes = { label = "Email" , placeholder = "<EMAIL>" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parsePassword s = if String.length s >= 6 then Ok <| Password s else Err "Password must be at least 6 characters" passwordField = Form.passwordField { parser = parsePassword , value = .password , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | password = value } , attributes = { label = "Password" , placeholder = "Your password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } repeatPasswordField = Form.meta (\values -> Form.passwordField { parser = \value -> if value == values.password then Ok () else Err "The passwords must match" , value = .repeatPassword , error = always Nothing , update = \newValue values_ -> { values_ | repeatPassword = newValue } , attributes = { label = "Repeat password" , placeholder = "Repeat password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } ) parsePlan s = case s of "Basic" -> Ok Basic "Pro" -> Ok Pro "Enterprise" -> Ok Enterprise _ -> Err "Invalid plan" planSelector = Form.selectField { parser = parsePlan , value = .plan , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | plan = value } , attributes = { label = "Choose a plan" , placeholder = "Choose a plan" , htmlAttributes = [] , options = [ ( "Basic", "Basic" ) , ( "Pro", "Pro" ) , ( "Enterprise", "Enterprise" ) ] } } termsCheckbox = Form.checkboxField { parser = \value -> if value then Ok () else Err "You must accept the terms" , value = .agreedToTerms , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | agreedToTerms = value } , attributes = { label = "I agree to terms and conditions" , htmlAttributes = [] } } form : Form InputValues UserDetails form = Form.succeed (\name email password plan _ -> UserDetails name email password plan ) |> Form.append (Form.optional nameField) |> Form.append emailField |> Form.append (Form.succeed (\password _ -> password) |> Form.append passwordField |> Form.append repeatPasswordField |> Form.group ) |> Form.append planSelector |> Form.append termsCheckbox -- UPDATE type Msg = DraftChanged String | Send | Recv Int | FormChanged (Form.View.Model InputValues) | Signup UserDetails -- Use the `sendMessage` port when someone presses ENTER or clicks -- the "Send" button. Check out index.html to see the corresponding -- JS where this is piped into a WebSocket. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DraftChanged borrador -> ( { model | draft = borrador } , Cmd.none ) Send -> ( { model | draft = "" } , sendMessage model.draft ) Recv mensaje -> ( { model | messages = mensaje } , Cmd.none ) FormChanged newForm -> ( { model | forma = newForm } , Cmd.none ) Signup _ -> ( model , Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS -- Subscribe to the `messageReceiver` port to hear about messages coming in -- from JS. C -- subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = messageReceiver Recv -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Echo Chat" ] , p [ css [ TW.text_4xl , TW.font_semibold , TW.text_indigo_400 ] ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.messages ] , input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Draft" , onInput DraftChanged , on "keydown" (ifIsEnter Send) , value model.draft ] [] , button [ onClick Send ] [ text "Send" ] , Global.global [ Global.class "elm-form-label" [ TW.text_blue_400 , TW.text_sm ] ] , Html.Styled.fromUnstyled <| Form.View.asHtml { onChange = FormChanged , action = "Sign up" , loading = "Signing up" , validation = Form.View.ValidateOnSubmit } (Form.map Signup form) model.forma , h1 [] [ text "PRIMERO TITULO" ] ] -- DETECT ENTER ifIsEnter : msg -> D.Decoder msg ifIsEnter msg = D.field "key" D.string |> D.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" then D.succeed msg else D.fail "some other key" )
port module DemoElmApp exposing (..) import Browser import Css.Global as Global import Email import Form exposing (..) import Form.View import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as D import TW.Utilities as TW -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view >> Html.Styled.toUnstyled , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- PORTS port sendMessage : String -> Cmd msg port messageReceiver : (Int -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = { draft : String , messages : Int , forma : Form.View.Model InputValues } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { draft = "" , messages = 0 , forma = Form.View.idle { name = "" , email = "" , password = "" , repeatPassword = "" , plan = "Pro" , agreedToTerms = False } } , Cmd.none ) type Plan = Basic | Pro | Enterprise type Email = Email String type Password = Password String type alias InputValues = { name : String , email : String , password : String , repeatPassword : String , plan : String , agreedToTerms : Bool } type alias UserDetails = { name : Maybe String , email : Email , password : PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI , plan : Plan } nameField = Form.textField { parser = Ok , value = .name , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | name = value } , attributes = { label = "Name" , placeholder = "Your name" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parseEmail correo = if Email.isValid correo then Ok <| Email correo else Err "Invalid email" emailField = Form.emailField { parser = parseEmail , value = .email , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | email = value } , attributes = { label = "Email" , placeholder = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" , htmlAttributes = [] } } parsePassword s = if String.length s >= 6 then Ok <| Password s else Err "Password must be at least 6 characters" passwordField = Form.passwordField { parser = parsePassword , value = .password , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | password = value } , attributes = { label = "Password" , placeholder = "Your password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } repeatPasswordField = Form.meta (\values -> Form.passwordField { parser = \value -> if value == values.password then Ok () else Err "The passwords must match" , value = .repeatPassword , error = always Nothing , update = \newValue values_ -> { values_ | repeatPassword = newValue } , attributes = { label = "Repeat password" , placeholder = "Repeat password" , htmlAttributes = [] } } ) parsePlan s = case s of "Basic" -> Ok Basic "Pro" -> Ok Pro "Enterprise" -> Ok Enterprise _ -> Err "Invalid plan" planSelector = Form.selectField { parser = parsePlan , value = .plan , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | plan = value } , attributes = { label = "Choose a plan" , placeholder = "Choose a plan" , htmlAttributes = [] , options = [ ( "Basic", "Basic" ) , ( "Pro", "Pro" ) , ( "Enterprise", "Enterprise" ) ] } } termsCheckbox = Form.checkboxField { parser = \value -> if value then Ok () else Err "You must accept the terms" , value = .agreedToTerms , error = always Nothing , update = \value values -> { values | agreedToTerms = value } , attributes = { label = "I agree to terms and conditions" , htmlAttributes = [] } } form : Form InputValues UserDetails form = Form.succeed (\name email password plan _ -> UserDetails name email password plan ) |> Form.append (Form.optional nameField) |> Form.append emailField |> Form.append (Form.succeed (\password _ -> password) |> Form.append passwordField |> Form.append repeatPasswordField |> Form.group ) |> Form.append planSelector |> Form.append termsCheckbox -- UPDATE type Msg = DraftChanged String | Send | Recv Int | FormChanged (Form.View.Model InputValues) | Signup UserDetails -- Use the `sendMessage` port when someone presses ENTER or clicks -- the "Send" button. Check out index.html to see the corresponding -- JS where this is piped into a WebSocket. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DraftChanged borrador -> ( { model | draft = borrador } , Cmd.none ) Send -> ( { model | draft = "" } , sendMessage model.draft ) Recv mensaje -> ( { model | messages = mensaje } , Cmd.none ) FormChanged newForm -> ( { model | forma = newForm } , Cmd.none ) Signup _ -> ( model , Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS -- Subscribe to the `messageReceiver` port to hear about messages coming in -- from JS. C -- subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = messageReceiver Recv -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Echo Chat" ] , p [ css [ TW.text_4xl , TW.font_semibold , TW.text_indigo_400 ] ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.messages ] , input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Draft" , onInput DraftChanged , on "keydown" (ifIsEnter Send) , value model.draft ] [] , button [ onClick Send ] [ text "Send" ] , Global.global [ Global.class "elm-form-label" [ TW.text_blue_400 , TW.text_sm ] ] , Html.Styled.fromUnstyled <| Form.View.asHtml { onChange = FormChanged , action = "Sign up" , loading = "Signing up" , validation = Form.View.ValidateOnSubmit } (Form.map Signup form) model.forma , h1 [] [ text "PRIMERO TITULO" ] ] -- DETECT ENTER ifIsEnter : msg -> D.Decoder msg ifIsEnter msg = D.field "key" D.string |> D.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" then D.succeed msg else D.fail "some other key" )
[ { "context": "ord password ->\n ( { model | password = password }, Cmd.none )\n\n SetConfirmPassword passwor", "end": 2336, "score": 0.9988494515, "start": 2328, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" }, { "context": "sword ->\n ( { model | confirmPassword = password }, Cmd.none )\n\n SetRegistrationType t ->\n ", "end": 2441, "score": 0.9986771345, "start": 2433, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" }, { "context": " [ class \"my-2\"\n , placeholder \"Confirm Password\"\n , onInput SetConfirmPassword\n ", "end": 8760, "score": 0.9620594978, "start": 8744, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Confirm Password" } ]
module Page.Register exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Api import Components import Data.Session exposing (Session, authorization) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Http import Route import SHA1 import Util exposing (defaultHttpErrorMsg) import Validate exposing (Validator, fromErrors, ifBlank, ifInvalidEmail, validate) import Views.Form as Form type alias Model = { errors : List Error , email : String , registrationType : Maybe RegistrationType , code : Maybe String , schoolName : String , teacherName : String , password : String , confirmPassword : String , status : Status } type PwnedCount = Zero | One | Pwned Int | Error type Status = NotSent | AwaitingPwnedResponse | AwaitingResponse | Completed type RegistrationType = WithCode | NewSchool type Msg = SubmitForm | SetEmail String | SetCode String | SetSchoolName String | SetRegistrationType RegistrationType | SetTeacherName String | SetPassword String | SetConfirmPassword String | RegisterResponse (Result Http.Error Api.NoContent) | PwnedResults (Result Http.Error String) init : Model init = { errors = [] , email = "" , registrationType = Nothing , code = Nothing , schoolName = "" , teacherName = "" , password = "" , confirmPassword = "" , status = NotSent } update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update session msg model = case msg of SubmitForm -> case validate validator model of Err errors -> ( { model | errors = errors }, Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | status = AwaitingPwnedResponse, errors = [] }, getPwnedMatches model.password ) SetEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) SetCode code -> ( { model | code = Just code, schoolName = code }, Cmd.none ) SetSchoolName name -> ( { model | schoolName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetTeacherName name -> ( { model | teacherName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword password -> ( { model | password = password }, Cmd.none ) SetConfirmPassword password -> ( { model | confirmPassword = password }, Cmd.none ) SetRegistrationType t -> ( { model | registrationType = Just t }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Err error) -> let errorMessages = case error of Http.BadStatus { status } -> case status.code of 409 -> [ "Account already registered" ] 403 -> [ "The registration code was not found or may have expired" ] _ -> [ "There was an error during registration" ] _ -> [ defaultHttpErrorMsg error ] in ( { model | status = NotSent, errors = List.map (\errorMessage -> ( Form, errorMessage )) errorMessages }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Ok _) -> ( { model | status = Completed }, Cmd.none ) PwnedResults (Err _) -> sendForm model session PwnedResults (Ok matches) -> let pwnedCount = pwnedCountFromResponse model.password matches errors = validatePwned pwnedCount in if errors == [] then sendForm model session else ( { model | errors = errors, status = NotSent }, Cmd.none ) sendForm : Model -> Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) sendForm model session = ( { model | status = AwaitingResponse, errors = [] } , Api.postAccountRegister (authorization session) (Api.Registration model.email model.code model.schoolName model.teacherName model.password) |> Http.send RegisterResponse ) view : Model -> { title : String, content : Html Msg } view model = { title = "Register with 3ml" , content = div [ class "max-w-xl mx-auto flex flex-col" ] [ h1 [ class "text-xs-center text-gray-600" ] [ text (heading model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "my-2 text-lg leading-normal" ] [ text (blurb model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "mb-4" ] [ a [ Route.href Route.Login, class "text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" ] [ text "Have an account already?" ] ] , Form.viewErrors model.errors , if model.registrationType == Nothing then viewRegistrationOptions else if model.status == Completed then div [ class "text-lg" ] [ p [] [ text "Registration complete." ] , p [] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> text "Your school admin should let you know when they have activated your account." _ -> text "Your account should be activated within an hour." ] , p [] [ text "You can then sign in using your email and password." ] ] else viewForm model ] } heading : Maybe RegistrationType -> String heading rt = case rt of Nothing -> "Sign up" Just NewSchool -> "Register a new school" Just WithCode -> "Register as a teacher in an existing school" blurb : Maybe RegistrationType -> String blurb rt = case rt of Nothing -> """ You can either register a new school or, if your school is already using 3ml, as a teacher in an existing school. """ Just WithCode -> """To register for an existing school, a 3ml admin at your school should have given you a registration code. Please enter it in the form below. If you don't have a code, please ask the teacher who registered your school for one. The code is only valid for a short time, so you should complete your registration right away. """ Just NewSchool -> """ Registering will create a new school in the 3ml system for which you will be the administrator. You will be able to create accounts for the children in your school to use 3ml and also accounts for other teachers. You will be responsible for obtaining consent for your students to use the system, for controlling the data that they enter and for maintaining the accounts for your school. """ viewRegistrationOptions : Html Msg viewRegistrationOptions = div [ class "flex justify-around" ] [ Components.btn [ id "register-school", class "mr-2", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType NewSchool) ] [ text "Register a new school" ] , Components.btn [ id "register-teacher", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType WithCode) ] [ text "Register as a teacher in an existing school" ] ] viewForm : Model -> Html Msg viewForm model = Html.form [ class "flex flex-col", onSubmit SubmitForm ] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "Registration code" , onInput SetCode , maxlength 100 ] [] _ -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "School name" , onInput SetSchoolName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "my-2" , placeholder "Your name" , onInput SetTeacherName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "mb-2" , placeholder "Email" , onInput SetEmail , maxlength 50 ] [] , Form.password [ class "" , placeholder "Choose a password" , onInput SetPassword , maxlength 100 , type_ "password" ] [] , Form.password [ class "my-2" , placeholder "Confirm Password" , onInput SetConfirmPassword , maxlength 100 ] [] , Components.btn [ class "mt-1", disabled (model.status /= NotSent) ] [ text "Sign up" ] ] -- VALIDATION -- type Field = Form | SchoolName | TeacherName | Email | Password type alias Error = ( Field, String ) validator : Validator Error Model validator = Validate.all [ ifBlank .schoolName ( SchoolName, "school name can't be blank." ) , ifInvalidEmail .email (\_ -> ( Email, "please enter a valid email." )) , ifBlank .teacherName ( TeacherName, "name can't be blank." ) , fromErrors validatePassword ] validatePassword : Model -> List Error validatePassword { password, confirmPassword } = case password of "" -> [ ( Password, "password can't be blank" ) ] _ -> if password /= confirmPassword then [ ( Form, "the passwords must be the same" ) ] else if String.length password < 8 then [ ( Password, "password must be at least 8 characters" ) ] else [] validatePwned : PwnedCount -> List Error validatePwned pwned = case pwned of Zero -> [] One -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found in a compromised database)!" ) ] Pwned n -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found " ++ String.fromInt n ++ " times in compromised databases)!" ) ] Error -> [] sha1 : String -> String sha1 s = SHA1.fromString s |> SHA1.toHex |> String.toUpper pwnedCountFromResponse : String -> String -> PwnedCount pwnedCountFromResponse password response = let suffix = sha1 password |> String.dropLeft 5 match = String.lines response |> List.filter (String.startsWith suffix) |> List.head |> Maybe.map (String.dropLeft 36) |> Maybe.andThen String.toInt in case match of Nothing -> Zero Just 1 -> One Just count -> Pwned count getPwnedMatches : String -> Cmd Msg getPwnedMatches password = Http.send PwnedResults <| Http.getString ("https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/" ++ String.left 5 (sha1 password))
module Page.Register exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Api import Components import Data.Session exposing (Session, authorization) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Http import Route import SHA1 import Util exposing (defaultHttpErrorMsg) import Validate exposing (Validator, fromErrors, ifBlank, ifInvalidEmail, validate) import Views.Form as Form type alias Model = { errors : List Error , email : String , registrationType : Maybe RegistrationType , code : Maybe String , schoolName : String , teacherName : String , password : String , confirmPassword : String , status : Status } type PwnedCount = Zero | One | Pwned Int | Error type Status = NotSent | AwaitingPwnedResponse | AwaitingResponse | Completed type RegistrationType = WithCode | NewSchool type Msg = SubmitForm | SetEmail String | SetCode String | SetSchoolName String | SetRegistrationType RegistrationType | SetTeacherName String | SetPassword String | SetConfirmPassword String | RegisterResponse (Result Http.Error Api.NoContent) | PwnedResults (Result Http.Error String) init : Model init = { errors = [] , email = "" , registrationType = Nothing , code = Nothing , schoolName = "" , teacherName = "" , password = "" , confirmPassword = "" , status = NotSent } update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update session msg model = case msg of SubmitForm -> case validate validator model of Err errors -> ( { model | errors = errors }, Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | status = AwaitingPwnedResponse, errors = [] }, getPwnedMatches model.password ) SetEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) SetCode code -> ( { model | code = Just code, schoolName = code }, Cmd.none ) SetSchoolName name -> ( { model | schoolName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetTeacherName name -> ( { model | teacherName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword password -> ( { model | password = <PASSWORD> }, Cmd.none ) SetConfirmPassword password -> ( { model | confirmPassword = <PASSWORD> }, Cmd.none ) SetRegistrationType t -> ( { model | registrationType = Just t }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Err error) -> let errorMessages = case error of Http.BadStatus { status } -> case status.code of 409 -> [ "Account already registered" ] 403 -> [ "The registration code was not found or may have expired" ] _ -> [ "There was an error during registration" ] _ -> [ defaultHttpErrorMsg error ] in ( { model | status = NotSent, errors = List.map (\errorMessage -> ( Form, errorMessage )) errorMessages }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Ok _) -> ( { model | status = Completed }, Cmd.none ) PwnedResults (Err _) -> sendForm model session PwnedResults (Ok matches) -> let pwnedCount = pwnedCountFromResponse model.password matches errors = validatePwned pwnedCount in if errors == [] then sendForm model session else ( { model | errors = errors, status = NotSent }, Cmd.none ) sendForm : Model -> Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) sendForm model session = ( { model | status = AwaitingResponse, errors = [] } , Api.postAccountRegister (authorization session) (Api.Registration model.email model.code model.schoolName model.teacherName model.password) |> Http.send RegisterResponse ) view : Model -> { title : String, content : Html Msg } view model = { title = "Register with 3ml" , content = div [ class "max-w-xl mx-auto flex flex-col" ] [ h1 [ class "text-xs-center text-gray-600" ] [ text (heading model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "my-2 text-lg leading-normal" ] [ text (blurb model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "mb-4" ] [ a [ Route.href Route.Login, class "text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" ] [ text "Have an account already?" ] ] , Form.viewErrors model.errors , if model.registrationType == Nothing then viewRegistrationOptions else if model.status == Completed then div [ class "text-lg" ] [ p [] [ text "Registration complete." ] , p [] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> text "Your school admin should let you know when they have activated your account." _ -> text "Your account should be activated within an hour." ] , p [] [ text "You can then sign in using your email and password." ] ] else viewForm model ] } heading : Maybe RegistrationType -> String heading rt = case rt of Nothing -> "Sign up" Just NewSchool -> "Register a new school" Just WithCode -> "Register as a teacher in an existing school" blurb : Maybe RegistrationType -> String blurb rt = case rt of Nothing -> """ You can either register a new school or, if your school is already using 3ml, as a teacher in an existing school. """ Just WithCode -> """To register for an existing school, a 3ml admin at your school should have given you a registration code. Please enter it in the form below. If you don't have a code, please ask the teacher who registered your school for one. The code is only valid for a short time, so you should complete your registration right away. """ Just NewSchool -> """ Registering will create a new school in the 3ml system for which you will be the administrator. You will be able to create accounts for the children in your school to use 3ml and also accounts for other teachers. You will be responsible for obtaining consent for your students to use the system, for controlling the data that they enter and for maintaining the accounts for your school. """ viewRegistrationOptions : Html Msg viewRegistrationOptions = div [ class "flex justify-around" ] [ Components.btn [ id "register-school", class "mr-2", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType NewSchool) ] [ text "Register a new school" ] , Components.btn [ id "register-teacher", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType WithCode) ] [ text "Register as a teacher in an existing school" ] ] viewForm : Model -> Html Msg viewForm model = Html.form [ class "flex flex-col", onSubmit SubmitForm ] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "Registration code" , onInput SetCode , maxlength 100 ] [] _ -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "School name" , onInput SetSchoolName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "my-2" , placeholder "Your name" , onInput SetTeacherName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "mb-2" , placeholder "Email" , onInput SetEmail , maxlength 50 ] [] , Form.password [ class "" , placeholder "Choose a password" , onInput SetPassword , maxlength 100 , type_ "password" ] [] , Form.password [ class "my-2" , placeholder "<PASSWORD>" , onInput SetConfirmPassword , maxlength 100 ] [] , Components.btn [ class "mt-1", disabled (model.status /= NotSent) ] [ text "Sign up" ] ] -- VALIDATION -- type Field = Form | SchoolName | TeacherName | Email | Password type alias Error = ( Field, String ) validator : Validator Error Model validator = Validate.all [ ifBlank .schoolName ( SchoolName, "school name can't be blank." ) , ifInvalidEmail .email (\_ -> ( Email, "please enter a valid email." )) , ifBlank .teacherName ( TeacherName, "name can't be blank." ) , fromErrors validatePassword ] validatePassword : Model -> List Error validatePassword { password, confirmPassword } = case password of "" -> [ ( Password, "password can't be blank" ) ] _ -> if password /= confirmPassword then [ ( Form, "the passwords must be the same" ) ] else if String.length password < 8 then [ ( Password, "password must be at least 8 characters" ) ] else [] validatePwned : PwnedCount -> List Error validatePwned pwned = case pwned of Zero -> [] One -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found in a compromised database)!" ) ] Pwned n -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found " ++ String.fromInt n ++ " times in compromised databases)!" ) ] Error -> [] sha1 : String -> String sha1 s = SHA1.fromString s |> SHA1.toHex |> String.toUpper pwnedCountFromResponse : String -> String -> PwnedCount pwnedCountFromResponse password response = let suffix = sha1 password |> String.dropLeft 5 match = String.lines response |> List.filter (String.startsWith suffix) |> List.head |> Maybe.map (String.dropLeft 36) |> Maybe.andThen String.toInt in case match of Nothing -> Zero Just 1 -> One Just count -> Pwned count getPwnedMatches : String -> Cmd Msg getPwnedMatches password = Http.send PwnedResults <| Http.getString ("https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/" ++ String.left 5 (sha1 password))
module Page.Register exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Api import Components import Data.Session exposing (Session, authorization) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Http import Route import SHA1 import Util exposing (defaultHttpErrorMsg) import Validate exposing (Validator, fromErrors, ifBlank, ifInvalidEmail, validate) import Views.Form as Form type alias Model = { errors : List Error , email : String , registrationType : Maybe RegistrationType , code : Maybe String , schoolName : String , teacherName : String , password : String , confirmPassword : String , status : Status } type PwnedCount = Zero | One | Pwned Int | Error type Status = NotSent | AwaitingPwnedResponse | AwaitingResponse | Completed type RegistrationType = WithCode | NewSchool type Msg = SubmitForm | SetEmail String | SetCode String | SetSchoolName String | SetRegistrationType RegistrationType | SetTeacherName String | SetPassword String | SetConfirmPassword String | RegisterResponse (Result Http.Error Api.NoContent) | PwnedResults (Result Http.Error String) init : Model init = { errors = [] , email = "" , registrationType = Nothing , code = Nothing , schoolName = "" , teacherName = "" , password = "" , confirmPassword = "" , status = NotSent } update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update session msg model = case msg of SubmitForm -> case validate validator model of Err errors -> ( { model | errors = errors }, Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | status = AwaitingPwnedResponse, errors = [] }, getPwnedMatches model.password ) SetEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) SetCode code -> ( { model | code = Just code, schoolName = code }, Cmd.none ) SetSchoolName name -> ( { model | schoolName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetTeacherName name -> ( { model | teacherName = name }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword password -> ( { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI }, Cmd.none ) SetConfirmPassword password -> ( { model | confirmPassword = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI }, Cmd.none ) SetRegistrationType t -> ( { model | registrationType = Just t }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Err error) -> let errorMessages = case error of Http.BadStatus { status } -> case status.code of 409 -> [ "Account already registered" ] 403 -> [ "The registration code was not found or may have expired" ] _ -> [ "There was an error during registration" ] _ -> [ defaultHttpErrorMsg error ] in ( { model | status = NotSent, errors = List.map (\errorMessage -> ( Form, errorMessage )) errorMessages }, Cmd.none ) RegisterResponse (Ok _) -> ( { model | status = Completed }, Cmd.none ) PwnedResults (Err _) -> sendForm model session PwnedResults (Ok matches) -> let pwnedCount = pwnedCountFromResponse model.password matches errors = validatePwned pwnedCount in if errors == [] then sendForm model session else ( { model | errors = errors, status = NotSent }, Cmd.none ) sendForm : Model -> Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) sendForm model session = ( { model | status = AwaitingResponse, errors = [] } , Api.postAccountRegister (authorization session) (Api.Registration model.email model.code model.schoolName model.teacherName model.password) |> Http.send RegisterResponse ) view : Model -> { title : String, content : Html Msg } view model = { title = "Register with 3ml" , content = div [ class "max-w-xl mx-auto flex flex-col" ] [ h1 [ class "text-xs-center text-gray-600" ] [ text (heading model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "my-2 text-lg leading-normal" ] [ text (blurb model.registrationType) ] , p [ class "mb-4" ] [ a [ Route.href Route.Login, class "text-blue-500 hover:text-blue-700" ] [ text "Have an account already?" ] ] , Form.viewErrors model.errors , if model.registrationType == Nothing then viewRegistrationOptions else if model.status == Completed then div [ class "text-lg" ] [ p [] [ text "Registration complete." ] , p [] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> text "Your school admin should let you know when they have activated your account." _ -> text "Your account should be activated within an hour." ] , p [] [ text "You can then sign in using your email and password." ] ] else viewForm model ] } heading : Maybe RegistrationType -> String heading rt = case rt of Nothing -> "Sign up" Just NewSchool -> "Register a new school" Just WithCode -> "Register as a teacher in an existing school" blurb : Maybe RegistrationType -> String blurb rt = case rt of Nothing -> """ You can either register a new school or, if your school is already using 3ml, as a teacher in an existing school. """ Just WithCode -> """To register for an existing school, a 3ml admin at your school should have given you a registration code. Please enter it in the form below. If you don't have a code, please ask the teacher who registered your school for one. The code is only valid for a short time, so you should complete your registration right away. """ Just NewSchool -> """ Registering will create a new school in the 3ml system for which you will be the administrator. You will be able to create accounts for the children in your school to use 3ml and also accounts for other teachers. You will be responsible for obtaining consent for your students to use the system, for controlling the data that they enter and for maintaining the accounts for your school. """ viewRegistrationOptions : Html Msg viewRegistrationOptions = div [ class "flex justify-around" ] [ Components.btn [ id "register-school", class "mr-2", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType NewSchool) ] [ text "Register a new school" ] , Components.btn [ id "register-teacher", type_ "button", onClick (SetRegistrationType WithCode) ] [ text "Register as a teacher in an existing school" ] ] viewForm : Model -> Html Msg viewForm model = Html.form [ class "flex flex-col", onSubmit SubmitForm ] [ case model.registrationType of Just WithCode -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "Registration code" , onInput SetCode , maxlength 100 ] [] _ -> Form.input [ class "" , placeholder "School name" , onInput SetSchoolName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "my-2" , placeholder "Your name" , onInput SetTeacherName , maxlength 100 ] [] , Form.input [ class "mb-2" , placeholder "Email" , onInput SetEmail , maxlength 50 ] [] , Form.password [ class "" , placeholder "Choose a password" , onInput SetPassword , maxlength 100 , type_ "password" ] [] , Form.password [ class "my-2" , placeholder "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" , onInput SetConfirmPassword , maxlength 100 ] [] , Components.btn [ class "mt-1", disabled (model.status /= NotSent) ] [ text "Sign up" ] ] -- VALIDATION -- type Field = Form | SchoolName | TeacherName | Email | Password type alias Error = ( Field, String ) validator : Validator Error Model validator = Validate.all [ ifBlank .schoolName ( SchoolName, "school name can't be blank." ) , ifInvalidEmail .email (\_ -> ( Email, "please enter a valid email." )) , ifBlank .teacherName ( TeacherName, "name can't be blank." ) , fromErrors validatePassword ] validatePassword : Model -> List Error validatePassword { password, confirmPassword } = case password of "" -> [ ( Password, "password can't be blank" ) ] _ -> if password /= confirmPassword then [ ( Form, "the passwords must be the same" ) ] else if String.length password < 8 then [ ( Password, "password must be at least 8 characters" ) ] else [] validatePwned : PwnedCount -> List Error validatePwned pwned = case pwned of Zero -> [] One -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found in a compromised database)!" ) ] Pwned n -> [ ( Password, "Insecure password (found " ++ String.fromInt n ++ " times in compromised databases)!" ) ] Error -> [] sha1 : String -> String sha1 s = SHA1.fromString s |> SHA1.toHex |> String.toUpper pwnedCountFromResponse : String -> String -> PwnedCount pwnedCountFromResponse password response = let suffix = sha1 password |> String.dropLeft 5 match = String.lines response |> List.filter (String.startsWith suffix) |> List.head |> Maybe.map (String.dropLeft 36) |> Maybe.andThen String.toInt in case match of Nothing -> Zero Just 1 -> One Just count -> Pwned count getPwnedMatches : String -> Cmd Msg getPwnedMatches password = Http.send PwnedResults <| Http.getString ("https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/" ++ String.left 5 (sha1 password))
[ { "context": "-- Copyright (c) 2016, Richard Feldman\n-- All rights reserved.\n-- \n-- Redistribution and", "end": 38, "score": 0.9997396469, "start": 23, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Richard Feldman" } ]
-- Copyright (c) 2016, Richard Feldman -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module Hex exposing (fromString, toString) {-| Convert to and from Hex strings. @docs fromString, toString -} {-| Convert a hexdecimal string such as "abc94f" to a decimal integer. Hex.fromString "a5" == Ok 165 Hex.fromString "hat" == Err "invalid hexadecimal string" -} fromString : String -> Result String Int fromString str = if String.isEmpty str then Err "Empty strings are not valid hexadecimal strings." else let result = if String.startsWith "-" str then let list = str |> String.toList |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] in fromStringHelp (List.length list - 1) list 0 |> Result.map negate else fromStringHelp (String.length str - 1) (String.toList str) 0 formatError err = String.join " " [ "\"" ++ str ++ "\"" , "is not a valid hexadecimal string because" , err ] in Result.mapError formatError result fromStringHelp : Int -> List Char -> Int -> Result String Int fromStringHelp position chars accumulated = case chars of [] -> Ok accumulated char :: rest -> -- NOTE: It's important to have this call `fromStringHelp` directly. -- Previously this called a helper function, but that meant this -- was not tail-call optimized; it did not compile to a `while` loop -- the way it does now. See 240c3d5aa4f97463b924728935d2989621e9fd6b case char of '0' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest accumulated '1' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (16 ^ position)) '2' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (2 * (16 ^ position))) '3' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (3 * (16 ^ position))) '4' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (4 * (16 ^ position))) '5' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (5 * (16 ^ position))) '6' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (6 * (16 ^ position))) '7' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (7 * (16 ^ position))) '8' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (8 * (16 ^ position))) '9' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (9 * (16 ^ position))) 'a' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (10 * (16 ^ position))) 'b' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (11 * (16 ^ position))) 'c' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (12 * (16 ^ position))) 'd' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (13 * (16 ^ position))) 'e' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (14 * (16 ^ position))) 'f' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (15 * (16 ^ position))) nonHex -> Err (String.fromChar nonHex ++ " is not a valid hexadecimal character.") {-| Convert a decimal integer to a hexdecimal string such as `"abc94f"`. Hex.toString 165 == "a5" -} toString : Int -> String toString num = String.fromList <| if num < 0 then '-' :: unsafePositiveToDigits [] (negate num) else unsafePositiveToDigits [] num {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH POSITIVE INTEGERS! -} unsafePositiveToDigits : List Char -> Int -> List Char unsafePositiveToDigits digits num = if num < 16 then unsafeToDigit num :: digits else unsafePositiveToDigits (unsafeToDigit (num % 16) :: digits) (num // 16) {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH INTEGERS BETWEEN 0 and 15! -} unsafeToDigit : Int -> Char unsafeToDigit num = case num of 0 -> '0' 1 -> '1' 2 -> '2' 3 -> '3' 4 -> '4' 5 -> '5' 6 -> '6' 7 -> '7' 8 -> '8' 9 -> '9' 10 -> 'a' 11 -> 'b' 12 -> 'c' 13 -> 'd' 14 -> 'e' 15 -> 'f' _ -> Debug.crash ("Tried to convert " ++ toString num ++ " to hexadecimal.")
-- Copyright (c) 2016, <NAME> -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module Hex exposing (fromString, toString) {-| Convert to and from Hex strings. @docs fromString, toString -} {-| Convert a hexdecimal string such as "abc94f" to a decimal integer. Hex.fromString "a5" == Ok 165 Hex.fromString "hat" == Err "invalid hexadecimal string" -} fromString : String -> Result String Int fromString str = if String.isEmpty str then Err "Empty strings are not valid hexadecimal strings." else let result = if String.startsWith "-" str then let list = str |> String.toList |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] in fromStringHelp (List.length list - 1) list 0 |> Result.map negate else fromStringHelp (String.length str - 1) (String.toList str) 0 formatError err = String.join " " [ "\"" ++ str ++ "\"" , "is not a valid hexadecimal string because" , err ] in Result.mapError formatError result fromStringHelp : Int -> List Char -> Int -> Result String Int fromStringHelp position chars accumulated = case chars of [] -> Ok accumulated char :: rest -> -- NOTE: It's important to have this call `fromStringHelp` directly. -- Previously this called a helper function, but that meant this -- was not tail-call optimized; it did not compile to a `while` loop -- the way it does now. See 240c3d5aa4f97463b924728935d2989621e9fd6b case char of '0' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest accumulated '1' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (16 ^ position)) '2' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (2 * (16 ^ position))) '3' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (3 * (16 ^ position))) '4' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (4 * (16 ^ position))) '5' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (5 * (16 ^ position))) '6' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (6 * (16 ^ position))) '7' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (7 * (16 ^ position))) '8' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (8 * (16 ^ position))) '9' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (9 * (16 ^ position))) 'a' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (10 * (16 ^ position))) 'b' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (11 * (16 ^ position))) 'c' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (12 * (16 ^ position))) 'd' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (13 * (16 ^ position))) 'e' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (14 * (16 ^ position))) 'f' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (15 * (16 ^ position))) nonHex -> Err (String.fromChar nonHex ++ " is not a valid hexadecimal character.") {-| Convert a decimal integer to a hexdecimal string such as `"abc94f"`. Hex.toString 165 == "a5" -} toString : Int -> String toString num = String.fromList <| if num < 0 then '-' :: unsafePositiveToDigits [] (negate num) else unsafePositiveToDigits [] num {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH POSITIVE INTEGERS! -} unsafePositiveToDigits : List Char -> Int -> List Char unsafePositiveToDigits digits num = if num < 16 then unsafeToDigit num :: digits else unsafePositiveToDigits (unsafeToDigit (num % 16) :: digits) (num // 16) {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH INTEGERS BETWEEN 0 and 15! -} unsafeToDigit : Int -> Char unsafeToDigit num = case num of 0 -> '0' 1 -> '1' 2 -> '2' 3 -> '3' 4 -> '4' 5 -> '5' 6 -> '6' 7 -> '7' 8 -> '8' 9 -> '9' 10 -> 'a' 11 -> 'b' 12 -> 'c' 13 -> 'd' 14 -> 'e' 15 -> 'f' _ -> Debug.crash ("Tried to convert " ++ toString num ++ " to hexadecimal.")
-- Copyright (c) 2016, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module Hex exposing (fromString, toString) {-| Convert to and from Hex strings. @docs fromString, toString -} {-| Convert a hexdecimal string such as "abc94f" to a decimal integer. Hex.fromString "a5" == Ok 165 Hex.fromString "hat" == Err "invalid hexadecimal string" -} fromString : String -> Result String Int fromString str = if String.isEmpty str then Err "Empty strings are not valid hexadecimal strings." else let result = if String.startsWith "-" str then let list = str |> String.toList |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] in fromStringHelp (List.length list - 1) list 0 |> Result.map negate else fromStringHelp (String.length str - 1) (String.toList str) 0 formatError err = String.join " " [ "\"" ++ str ++ "\"" , "is not a valid hexadecimal string because" , err ] in Result.mapError formatError result fromStringHelp : Int -> List Char -> Int -> Result String Int fromStringHelp position chars accumulated = case chars of [] -> Ok accumulated char :: rest -> -- NOTE: It's important to have this call `fromStringHelp` directly. -- Previously this called a helper function, but that meant this -- was not tail-call optimized; it did not compile to a `while` loop -- the way it does now. See 240c3d5aa4f97463b924728935d2989621e9fd6b case char of '0' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest accumulated '1' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (16 ^ position)) '2' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (2 * (16 ^ position))) '3' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (3 * (16 ^ position))) '4' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (4 * (16 ^ position))) '5' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (5 * (16 ^ position))) '6' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (6 * (16 ^ position))) '7' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (7 * (16 ^ position))) '8' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (8 * (16 ^ position))) '9' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (9 * (16 ^ position))) 'a' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (10 * (16 ^ position))) 'b' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (11 * (16 ^ position))) 'c' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (12 * (16 ^ position))) 'd' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (13 * (16 ^ position))) 'e' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (14 * (16 ^ position))) 'f' -> fromStringHelp (position - 1) rest (accumulated + (15 * (16 ^ position))) nonHex -> Err (String.fromChar nonHex ++ " is not a valid hexadecimal character.") {-| Convert a decimal integer to a hexdecimal string such as `"abc94f"`. Hex.toString 165 == "a5" -} toString : Int -> String toString num = String.fromList <| if num < 0 then '-' :: unsafePositiveToDigits [] (negate num) else unsafePositiveToDigits [] num {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH POSITIVE INTEGERS! -} unsafePositiveToDigits : List Char -> Int -> List Char unsafePositiveToDigits digits num = if num < 16 then unsafeToDigit num :: digits else unsafePositiveToDigits (unsafeToDigit (num % 16) :: digits) (num // 16) {-| ONLY EVER CALL THIS WITH INTEGERS BETWEEN 0 and 15! -} unsafeToDigit : Int -> Char unsafeToDigit num = case num of 0 -> '0' 1 -> '1' 2 -> '2' 3 -> '3' 4 -> '4' 5 -> '5' 6 -> '6' 7 -> '7' 8 -> '8' 9 -> '9' 10 -> 'a' 11 -> 'b' 12 -> 'c' 13 -> 'd' 14 -> 'e' 15 -> 'f' _ -> Debug.crash ("Tried to convert " ++ toString num ++ " to hexadecimal.")
[ { "context": "e =\n let\n nodes =\n [ Node 0 \"Socks\"\n , Node 1 \"Undershorts\"\n ,", "end": 2074, "score": 0.9803011417, "start": 2069, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Socks" }, { "context": " [ Node 0 \"Socks\"\n , Node 1 \"Undershorts\"\n , Node 2 \"Pants\"\n ]\n\n ", "end": 2109, "score": 0.9738795757, "start": 2098, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Undershorts" }, { "context": " , Node 1 \"Undershorts\"\n , Node 2 \"Pants\"\n ]\n\n e from to =\n E", "end": 2138, "score": 0.9933710098, "start": 2133, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Pants" } ]
module Tests.Graph exposing (all) import Expect import Graph exposing (Edge, Graph, Node, NodeContext, NodeId) import IntDict exposing (IntDict) import Test exposing (..) isJust : Maybe a -> Bool isJust m = case m of Just _ -> True _ -> False isOk : Result m n -> Bool isOk result = case result of Err _ -> False Ok _ -> True isErr : Result m n -> Bool isErr result = not (isOk result) expectEqualComparing : (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Expect.Expectation expectEqualComparing f a b = Expect.equal (f a) (f b) edgeTriples : Graph n e -> List ( NodeId, NodeId, e ) edgeTriples = Graph.edges >> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to, e.label )) dressUp : Graph String () dressUp = let nodes = [ Node 0 "Socks" , Node 1 "Undershorts" , Node 2 "Pants" , Node 3 "Shoes" , Node 4 "Watch" , Node 5 "Shirt" , Node 6 "Belt" , Node 7 "Tie" , Node 8 "Jacket" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 3 -- socks before shoes , e 1 2 -- undershorts before pants , e 1 3 -- undershorts before shoes , e 2 3 -- pants before shoes , e 2 6 -- pants before belt , e 5 6 -- shirt before belt , e 5 7 -- shirt before tie , e 4 8 -- watch before jacket , e 6 8 -- belt before jacket , e 7 8 -- tie before jacket ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges simple : Graph String (Maybe String) simple = let nodes = [ Node 0 "first" , Node 1 "second" , Node 2 "third" ] edges = [ Edge 0 1 Nothing , Edge 0 2 (Just "relationship") ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges dressUpWithCycle : Graph String () dressUpWithCycle = let nodes = [ Node 0 "Socks" , Node 1 "Undershorts" , Node 2 "Pants" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 1 , e 1 2 , e 2 0 ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges connectedComponents : Graph Char () connectedComponents = let nodes = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ] edges = [ ( 0, 1 ) , ( 1, 2 ) , ( 1, 4 ) , ( 1, 5 ) , ( 2, 3 ) , ( 2, 6 ) , ( 3, 2 ) , ( 3, 7 ) , ( 4, 0 ) , ( 4, 5 ) , ( 5, 6 ) , ( 6, 5 ) , ( 6, 7 ) ] in Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs nodes edges noNeighbors : Node String -> NodeContext String () noNeighbors node = NodeContext node IntDict.empty IntDict.empty isValidTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) -> Bool isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = ordering |> List.foldl (\ctx maybeIds -> maybeIds |> Maybe.andThen (\ids -> if List.all (\i -> IntDict.member i ids) (IntDict.keys ctx.incoming) then ids |> IntDict.insert ctx.node.id () |> Just else Nothing ) ) (Just IntDict.empty) |> isJust |> (&&) (List.length ordering == Graph.size graph) expectTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph String e -> List (NodeContext String e) -> Expect.Expectation expectTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = let message = String.join "\n" [ "Expected a valid topological ordering of " , " " ++ Graph.toString Just (always <| Just "") graph , "but got" , " " ++ Debug.toString ordering ] in Expect.true message (isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering) all : Test all = let emptyTests = describe "empty" [ test "has size 0" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (Graph.size Graph.empty) , test "isEmpty" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.isEmpty Graph.empty) ] memberTests = describe "member" [ test "True" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.member 0 dressUp) , test "False" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Graph.member 99 dressUp) ] getTests = describe "get" [ test "id 0, the socks" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Socks") (dressUp |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label)) , test "id 99, Nothing" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Graph.get 99 dressUp) ] nodeIdRangeTests = describe "nodeIdRange" [ test "dressUp: [0, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 8 )) (Graph.nodeIdRange dressUp) , test "dressUp - 0: [1, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 1, 8 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) , test "dressUp - 8: [0, 7]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 7 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 8 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) ] listRepTests = describe "list conversions" [ test "nodeIds" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodeIds) , test "nodes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodes |> List.map .id) , test "edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ ( 0, 3 ), ( 1, 2 ), ( 1, 3 ), ( 2, 3 ), ( 2, 6 ), ( 4, 8 ), ( 5, 6 ), ( 5, 7 ), ( 6, 8 ), ( 7, 8 ) ] (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) ] insertTests = describe "insert" [ test "new node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (+) 1) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "new node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 99 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "replace node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - replaces adjacency" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (\ctx -> IntDict.isEmpty ctx.incoming && IntDict.isEmpty ctx.outgoing) ) ] removeTests = describe "remove" [ test "nonexistent node" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.remove 99) , test "existing node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (\i -> (-) i 1)) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.size) , test "existing node - can't get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.get 0) ] updateTests = describe "update" [ test "remove outgoing edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.update 0 -- "Shorts" has outgoing edges (Maybe.map (\n -> { n | outgoing = IntDict.empty })) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.outgoing >> IntDict.isEmpty) ) ] inducedSubgraphTests = describe "inducedSubgraph" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> expectEqualComparing (edgeTriples >> List.sortBy (\( f, t, _ ) -> ( f, t ))) (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a', Node 1 'b', Node 4 'e' ] [ Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 4 (), Edge 4 0 () ] ) (Graph.inducedSubgraph [ 0, 1, 4 ] connectedComponents) ] fromNodesAndEdgesTests = describe "fromNodesAndEdges" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ Edge 0 0 () ] (Graph.edges (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a' ] [ Edge 0 0 (), Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 0 (), Edge 1 1 () ] ) ) ] foldTests = describe "fold" [ test "sum up ids" <| \() -> Expect.equal 36 (dressUp |> Graph.fold (\ctx -> (+) ctx.node.id) 0 ) ] mapTests = describe "map*" [ test "mapContexts over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapContexts identity) , test "mapNodes over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) , test "mapEdges over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) -- This should be backed by more tests, but I'm not in the mood for that :/ ] toStringTests = describe "toString" [ test "works as expected" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Graph.toString Just identity simple) "Graph [Node 0 (first), Node 1 (second), Node 2 (third)] [Edge 0->2 (relationship), Edge 0->1]" ] graphOpsTests = describe "Graph ops" [ test "symmetricClosure is symmetric" <| \() -> Expect.true "expected all incoming edges to also be outgoing and vice versa" (dressUp |> Graph.symmetricClosure (\_ _ e _ -> e) |> Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing && acc ) True ) , test "reverseEdges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) (dressUp |> Graph.reverseEdges |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.to, e.from )) |> List.sort ) ] checkAcyclicTests = describe "checkAcyclicTests" <| [ test "Ok for graph with no cycles" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Ok" (isOk (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp)) , test "Err for cyclic graph" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUpWithCycle)) , test "Err for connectedComponents" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic connectedComponents)) ] topologicalSortTests = describe "topologicalSort" [ test "valid topological ordering" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.topologicalSort |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp , test "heightLevels" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.heightLevels |> List.concat |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp ] bfsTests = describe "BFS" [ test "breadth-first node order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 3, 1, 2, 6, 8, 4, 5, 7 ] (dressUp |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.map (.node >> .id) |> List.reverse ) ] graphWithLoop = Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs [ 0 ] [ ( 0, 0 ) ] sccTests = let result = Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents connectedComponents sg nodeIds = connectedComponents |> Graph.inducedSubgraph nodeIds |> Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "") in describe "Strongly connected components" [ test "The input graph was acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Result should be Err" (isErr result) , test "The expected SCCs in order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ sg [ 0, 1, 4 ] -- "abe" , sg [ 2, 3 ] -- "cd" , sg [ 5, 6 ] -- "ef" , sg [ 7 ] -- "h" ] (case result of Err components -> List.map (Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "")) components Ok _ -> [] -- should never happen oO ) , test "dressUp is acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Ok" (isOk (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents dressUp)) , test "The input graph has loops" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Err" (isErr (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents graphWithLoop)) ] unitTests = describe "unit tests" [ emptyTests , memberTests , getTests , nodeIdRangeTests , listRepTests , insertTests , removeTests , updateTests , inducedSubgraphTests , fromNodesAndEdgesTests , foldTests , mapTests , toStringTests , graphOpsTests , checkAcyclicTests , topologicalSortTests , bfsTests , sccTests ] examples = describe "examples" [ test "README - iWantToWearShoes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ "Pants", "Undershorts", "Socks", "Shoes" ] iWantToWearShoes , test "insert" <| \() -> Expect.true "Graph size wasn't 2" insertExample , test "fold" <| \() -> Expect.true "The graph had a loop." foldExample , test "mapContexts" <| \() -> Expect.true "Mapped edge flip should've reversed edges" mapContextsExample ] in describe "The Graph module" [ unitTests , examples ] -- EXAMPLE SECTION -- The code of the more complex examples is exercised here -- This is from the README iWantToWearShoes : List String iWantToWearShoes = Graph.guidedDfs Graph.alongIncomingEdges -- which edges to follow (Graph.onDiscovery (\ctx list -> -- append node labels on finish ctx.node.label :: list ) ) [ 3 {- "Shoes" NodeId -} ] -- start with the node labelled "Shoes" [] -- accumulate starting with the empty list dressUp -- traverse our dressUp graph from above |> Tuple.first -- ignores the untraversed rest of the graph insertExample : Bool insertExample = let graph1 = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1" ] [] newNode = { node = Node 2 "2" , incoming = IntDict.singleton 1 () -- so there will be an edge from 1 to 2 , outgoing = IntDict.empty } graph2 = Graph.insert newNode graph1 in Graph.size graph2 == 2 foldExample : Bool foldExample = let hasLoop ctx = IntDict.member ctx.node.id ctx.incoming graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] -- The graph should not have any loop. in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc || hasLoop ctx) False graph == False mapContextsExample : Bool mapContextsExample = let flipEdges ctx = { ctx | incoming = ctx.outgoing, outgoing = ctx.incoming } graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] in Graph.reverseEdges graph == Graph.mapContexts flipEdges graph symmetricClosureExample : Bool symmetricClosureExample = let graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] onlyUndirectedEdges ctx = ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing merger from to outgoingLabel incomingLabel = outgoingLabel -- quite arbitrary, will not be called for the above graph in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc && onlyUndirectedEdges ctx) True (Graph.symmetricClosure merger graph) == True onDiscoveryExample : () -- Just let it compile onDiscoveryExample = let dfsPostOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPostOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onDiscovery (::)) [] graph in dfsPostOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) onFinishExample : () -- Just let it compile onFinishExample = let dfsPreOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPreOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onFinish (::)) [] graph in dfsPreOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) ignorePathExample : () -- Just let it compile ignorePathExample = let bfsLevelOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) bfsLevelOrder graph = graph |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.reverse in bfsLevelOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ())
module Tests.Graph exposing (all) import Expect import Graph exposing (Edge, Graph, Node, NodeContext, NodeId) import IntDict exposing (IntDict) import Test exposing (..) isJust : Maybe a -> Bool isJust m = case m of Just _ -> True _ -> False isOk : Result m n -> Bool isOk result = case result of Err _ -> False Ok _ -> True isErr : Result m n -> Bool isErr result = not (isOk result) expectEqualComparing : (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Expect.Expectation expectEqualComparing f a b = Expect.equal (f a) (f b) edgeTriples : Graph n e -> List ( NodeId, NodeId, e ) edgeTriples = Graph.edges >> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to, e.label )) dressUp : Graph String () dressUp = let nodes = [ Node 0 "Socks" , Node 1 "Undershorts" , Node 2 "Pants" , Node 3 "Shoes" , Node 4 "Watch" , Node 5 "Shirt" , Node 6 "Belt" , Node 7 "Tie" , Node 8 "Jacket" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 3 -- socks before shoes , e 1 2 -- undershorts before pants , e 1 3 -- undershorts before shoes , e 2 3 -- pants before shoes , e 2 6 -- pants before belt , e 5 6 -- shirt before belt , e 5 7 -- shirt before tie , e 4 8 -- watch before jacket , e 6 8 -- belt before jacket , e 7 8 -- tie before jacket ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges simple : Graph String (Maybe String) simple = let nodes = [ Node 0 "first" , Node 1 "second" , Node 2 "third" ] edges = [ Edge 0 1 Nothing , Edge 0 2 (Just "relationship") ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges dressUpWithCycle : Graph String () dressUpWithCycle = let nodes = [ Node 0 "<NAME>" , Node 1 "<NAME>" , Node 2 "<NAME>" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 1 , e 1 2 , e 2 0 ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges connectedComponents : Graph Char () connectedComponents = let nodes = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ] edges = [ ( 0, 1 ) , ( 1, 2 ) , ( 1, 4 ) , ( 1, 5 ) , ( 2, 3 ) , ( 2, 6 ) , ( 3, 2 ) , ( 3, 7 ) , ( 4, 0 ) , ( 4, 5 ) , ( 5, 6 ) , ( 6, 5 ) , ( 6, 7 ) ] in Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs nodes edges noNeighbors : Node String -> NodeContext String () noNeighbors node = NodeContext node IntDict.empty IntDict.empty isValidTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) -> Bool isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = ordering |> List.foldl (\ctx maybeIds -> maybeIds |> Maybe.andThen (\ids -> if List.all (\i -> IntDict.member i ids) (IntDict.keys ctx.incoming) then ids |> IntDict.insert ctx.node.id () |> Just else Nothing ) ) (Just IntDict.empty) |> isJust |> (&&) (List.length ordering == Graph.size graph) expectTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph String e -> List (NodeContext String e) -> Expect.Expectation expectTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = let message = String.join "\n" [ "Expected a valid topological ordering of " , " " ++ Graph.toString Just (always <| Just "") graph , "but got" , " " ++ Debug.toString ordering ] in Expect.true message (isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering) all : Test all = let emptyTests = describe "empty" [ test "has size 0" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (Graph.size Graph.empty) , test "isEmpty" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.isEmpty Graph.empty) ] memberTests = describe "member" [ test "True" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.member 0 dressUp) , test "False" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Graph.member 99 dressUp) ] getTests = describe "get" [ test "id 0, the socks" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Socks") (dressUp |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label)) , test "id 99, Nothing" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Graph.get 99 dressUp) ] nodeIdRangeTests = describe "nodeIdRange" [ test "dressUp: [0, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 8 )) (Graph.nodeIdRange dressUp) , test "dressUp - 0: [1, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 1, 8 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) , test "dressUp - 8: [0, 7]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 7 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 8 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) ] listRepTests = describe "list conversions" [ test "nodeIds" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodeIds) , test "nodes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodes |> List.map .id) , test "edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ ( 0, 3 ), ( 1, 2 ), ( 1, 3 ), ( 2, 3 ), ( 2, 6 ), ( 4, 8 ), ( 5, 6 ), ( 5, 7 ), ( 6, 8 ), ( 7, 8 ) ] (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) ] insertTests = describe "insert" [ test "new node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (+) 1) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "new node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 99 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "replace node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - replaces adjacency" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (\ctx -> IntDict.isEmpty ctx.incoming && IntDict.isEmpty ctx.outgoing) ) ] removeTests = describe "remove" [ test "nonexistent node" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.remove 99) , test "existing node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (\i -> (-) i 1)) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.size) , test "existing node - can't get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.get 0) ] updateTests = describe "update" [ test "remove outgoing edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.update 0 -- "Shorts" has outgoing edges (Maybe.map (\n -> { n | outgoing = IntDict.empty })) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.outgoing >> IntDict.isEmpty) ) ] inducedSubgraphTests = describe "inducedSubgraph" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> expectEqualComparing (edgeTriples >> List.sortBy (\( f, t, _ ) -> ( f, t ))) (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a', Node 1 'b', Node 4 'e' ] [ Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 4 (), Edge 4 0 () ] ) (Graph.inducedSubgraph [ 0, 1, 4 ] connectedComponents) ] fromNodesAndEdgesTests = describe "fromNodesAndEdges" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ Edge 0 0 () ] (Graph.edges (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a' ] [ Edge 0 0 (), Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 0 (), Edge 1 1 () ] ) ) ] foldTests = describe "fold" [ test "sum up ids" <| \() -> Expect.equal 36 (dressUp |> Graph.fold (\ctx -> (+) ctx.node.id) 0 ) ] mapTests = describe "map*" [ test "mapContexts over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapContexts identity) , test "mapNodes over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) , test "mapEdges over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) -- This should be backed by more tests, but I'm not in the mood for that :/ ] toStringTests = describe "toString" [ test "works as expected" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Graph.toString Just identity simple) "Graph [Node 0 (first), Node 1 (second), Node 2 (third)] [Edge 0->2 (relationship), Edge 0->1]" ] graphOpsTests = describe "Graph ops" [ test "symmetricClosure is symmetric" <| \() -> Expect.true "expected all incoming edges to also be outgoing and vice versa" (dressUp |> Graph.symmetricClosure (\_ _ e _ -> e) |> Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing && acc ) True ) , test "reverseEdges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) (dressUp |> Graph.reverseEdges |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.to, e.from )) |> List.sort ) ] checkAcyclicTests = describe "checkAcyclicTests" <| [ test "Ok for graph with no cycles" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Ok" (isOk (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp)) , test "Err for cyclic graph" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUpWithCycle)) , test "Err for connectedComponents" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic connectedComponents)) ] topologicalSortTests = describe "topologicalSort" [ test "valid topological ordering" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.topologicalSort |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp , test "heightLevels" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.heightLevels |> List.concat |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp ] bfsTests = describe "BFS" [ test "breadth-first node order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 3, 1, 2, 6, 8, 4, 5, 7 ] (dressUp |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.map (.node >> .id) |> List.reverse ) ] graphWithLoop = Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs [ 0 ] [ ( 0, 0 ) ] sccTests = let result = Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents connectedComponents sg nodeIds = connectedComponents |> Graph.inducedSubgraph nodeIds |> Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "") in describe "Strongly connected components" [ test "The input graph was acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Result should be Err" (isErr result) , test "The expected SCCs in order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ sg [ 0, 1, 4 ] -- "abe" , sg [ 2, 3 ] -- "cd" , sg [ 5, 6 ] -- "ef" , sg [ 7 ] -- "h" ] (case result of Err components -> List.map (Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "")) components Ok _ -> [] -- should never happen oO ) , test "dressUp is acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Ok" (isOk (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents dressUp)) , test "The input graph has loops" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Err" (isErr (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents graphWithLoop)) ] unitTests = describe "unit tests" [ emptyTests , memberTests , getTests , nodeIdRangeTests , listRepTests , insertTests , removeTests , updateTests , inducedSubgraphTests , fromNodesAndEdgesTests , foldTests , mapTests , toStringTests , graphOpsTests , checkAcyclicTests , topologicalSortTests , bfsTests , sccTests ] examples = describe "examples" [ test "README - iWantToWearShoes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ "Pants", "Undershorts", "Socks", "Shoes" ] iWantToWearShoes , test "insert" <| \() -> Expect.true "Graph size wasn't 2" insertExample , test "fold" <| \() -> Expect.true "The graph had a loop." foldExample , test "mapContexts" <| \() -> Expect.true "Mapped edge flip should've reversed edges" mapContextsExample ] in describe "The Graph module" [ unitTests , examples ] -- EXAMPLE SECTION -- The code of the more complex examples is exercised here -- This is from the README iWantToWearShoes : List String iWantToWearShoes = Graph.guidedDfs Graph.alongIncomingEdges -- which edges to follow (Graph.onDiscovery (\ctx list -> -- append node labels on finish ctx.node.label :: list ) ) [ 3 {- "Shoes" NodeId -} ] -- start with the node labelled "Shoes" [] -- accumulate starting with the empty list dressUp -- traverse our dressUp graph from above |> Tuple.first -- ignores the untraversed rest of the graph insertExample : Bool insertExample = let graph1 = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1" ] [] newNode = { node = Node 2 "2" , incoming = IntDict.singleton 1 () -- so there will be an edge from 1 to 2 , outgoing = IntDict.empty } graph2 = Graph.insert newNode graph1 in Graph.size graph2 == 2 foldExample : Bool foldExample = let hasLoop ctx = IntDict.member ctx.node.id ctx.incoming graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] -- The graph should not have any loop. in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc || hasLoop ctx) False graph == False mapContextsExample : Bool mapContextsExample = let flipEdges ctx = { ctx | incoming = ctx.outgoing, outgoing = ctx.incoming } graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] in Graph.reverseEdges graph == Graph.mapContexts flipEdges graph symmetricClosureExample : Bool symmetricClosureExample = let graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] onlyUndirectedEdges ctx = ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing merger from to outgoingLabel incomingLabel = outgoingLabel -- quite arbitrary, will not be called for the above graph in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc && onlyUndirectedEdges ctx) True (Graph.symmetricClosure merger graph) == True onDiscoveryExample : () -- Just let it compile onDiscoveryExample = let dfsPostOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPostOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onDiscovery (::)) [] graph in dfsPostOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) onFinishExample : () -- Just let it compile onFinishExample = let dfsPreOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPreOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onFinish (::)) [] graph in dfsPreOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) ignorePathExample : () -- Just let it compile ignorePathExample = let bfsLevelOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) bfsLevelOrder graph = graph |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.reverse in bfsLevelOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ())
module Tests.Graph exposing (all) import Expect import Graph exposing (Edge, Graph, Node, NodeContext, NodeId) import IntDict exposing (IntDict) import Test exposing (..) isJust : Maybe a -> Bool isJust m = case m of Just _ -> True _ -> False isOk : Result m n -> Bool isOk result = case result of Err _ -> False Ok _ -> True isErr : Result m n -> Bool isErr result = not (isOk result) expectEqualComparing : (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Expect.Expectation expectEqualComparing f a b = Expect.equal (f a) (f b) edgeTriples : Graph n e -> List ( NodeId, NodeId, e ) edgeTriples = Graph.edges >> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to, e.label )) dressUp : Graph String () dressUp = let nodes = [ Node 0 "Socks" , Node 1 "Undershorts" , Node 2 "Pants" , Node 3 "Shoes" , Node 4 "Watch" , Node 5 "Shirt" , Node 6 "Belt" , Node 7 "Tie" , Node 8 "Jacket" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 3 -- socks before shoes , e 1 2 -- undershorts before pants , e 1 3 -- undershorts before shoes , e 2 3 -- pants before shoes , e 2 6 -- pants before belt , e 5 6 -- shirt before belt , e 5 7 -- shirt before tie , e 4 8 -- watch before jacket , e 6 8 -- belt before jacket , e 7 8 -- tie before jacket ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges simple : Graph String (Maybe String) simple = let nodes = [ Node 0 "first" , Node 1 "second" , Node 2 "third" ] edges = [ Edge 0 1 Nothing , Edge 0 2 (Just "relationship") ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges dressUpWithCycle : Graph String () dressUpWithCycle = let nodes = [ Node 0 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , Node 1 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , Node 2 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] e from to = Edge from to () edges = [ e 0 1 , e 1 2 , e 2 0 ] in Graph.fromNodesAndEdges nodes edges connectedComponents : Graph Char () connectedComponents = let nodes = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ] edges = [ ( 0, 1 ) , ( 1, 2 ) , ( 1, 4 ) , ( 1, 5 ) , ( 2, 3 ) , ( 2, 6 ) , ( 3, 2 ) , ( 3, 7 ) , ( 4, 0 ) , ( 4, 5 ) , ( 5, 6 ) , ( 6, 5 ) , ( 6, 7 ) ] in Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs nodes edges noNeighbors : Node String -> NodeContext String () noNeighbors node = NodeContext node IntDict.empty IntDict.empty isValidTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) -> Bool isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = ordering |> List.foldl (\ctx maybeIds -> maybeIds |> Maybe.andThen (\ids -> if List.all (\i -> IntDict.member i ids) (IntDict.keys ctx.incoming) then ids |> IntDict.insert ctx.node.id () |> Just else Nothing ) ) (Just IntDict.empty) |> isJust |> (&&) (List.length ordering == Graph.size graph) expectTopologicalOrderingOf : Graph String e -> List (NodeContext String e) -> Expect.Expectation expectTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering = let message = String.join "\n" [ "Expected a valid topological ordering of " , " " ++ Graph.toString Just (always <| Just "") graph , "but got" , " " ++ Debug.toString ordering ] in Expect.true message (isValidTopologicalOrderingOf graph ordering) all : Test all = let emptyTests = describe "empty" [ test "has size 0" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (Graph.size Graph.empty) , test "isEmpty" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.isEmpty Graph.empty) ] memberTests = describe "member" [ test "True" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Graph.member 0 dressUp) , test "False" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Graph.member 99 dressUp) ] getTests = describe "get" [ test "id 0, the socks" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Socks") (dressUp |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label)) , test "id 99, Nothing" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Graph.get 99 dressUp) ] nodeIdRangeTests = describe "nodeIdRange" [ test "dressUp: [0, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 8 )) (Graph.nodeIdRange dressUp) , test "dressUp - 0: [1, 8]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 1, 8 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) , test "dressUp - 8: [0, 7]" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just ( 0, 7 )) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 8 |> Graph.nodeIdRange) ] listRepTests = describe "list conversions" [ test "nodeIds" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodeIds) , test "nodes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] (dressUp |> Graph.nodes |> List.map .id) , test "edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ ( 0, 3 ), ( 1, 2 ), ( 1, 3 ), ( 2, 3 ), ( 2, 6 ), ( 4, 8 ), ( 5, 6 ), ( 5, 7 ), ( 6, 8 ), ( 7, 8 ) ] (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) ] insertTests = describe "insert" [ test "new node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (+) 1) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "new node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 99 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 99 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.size) , test "replace node - can get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just "Ring") (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.node >> .label) ) , test "replace node - replaces adjacency" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.insert (noNeighbors (Node 0 "Ring")) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (\ctx -> IntDict.isEmpty ctx.incoming && IntDict.isEmpty ctx.outgoing) ) ] removeTests = describe "remove" [ test "nonexistent node" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.remove 99) , test "existing node - size" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.size |> (\i -> (-) i 1)) (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.size) , test "existing node - can't get it" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (dressUp |> Graph.remove 0 |> Graph.get 0) ] updateTests = describe "update" [ test "remove outgoing edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just True) (dressUp |> Graph.update 0 -- "Shorts" has outgoing edges (Maybe.map (\n -> { n | outgoing = IntDict.empty })) |> Graph.get 0 |> Maybe.map (.outgoing >> IntDict.isEmpty) ) ] inducedSubgraphTests = describe "inducedSubgraph" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> expectEqualComparing (edgeTriples >> List.sortBy (\( f, t, _ ) -> ( f, t ))) (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a', Node 1 'b', Node 4 'e' ] [ Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 4 (), Edge 4 0 () ] ) (Graph.inducedSubgraph [ 0, 1, 4 ] connectedComponents) ] fromNodesAndEdgesTests = describe "fromNodesAndEdges" [ test "should not have any dangling edges" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ Edge 0 0 () ] (Graph.edges (Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 0 'a' ] [ Edge 0 0 (), Edge 0 1 (), Edge 1 0 (), Edge 1 1 () ] ) ) ] foldTests = describe "fold" [ test "sum up ids" <| \() -> Expect.equal 36 (dressUp |> Graph.fold (\ctx -> (+) ctx.node.id) 0 ) ] mapTests = describe "map*" [ test "mapContexts over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapContexts identity) , test "mapNodes over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) , test "mapEdges over id is the id" <| \() -> Expect.equal dressUp (dressUp |> Graph.mapNodes identity) -- This should be backed by more tests, but I'm not in the mood for that :/ ] toStringTests = describe "toString" [ test "works as expected" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Graph.toString Just identity simple) "Graph [Node 0 (first), Node 1 (second), Node 2 (third)] [Edge 0->2 (relationship), Edge 0->1]" ] graphOpsTests = describe "Graph ops" [ test "symmetricClosure is symmetric" <| \() -> Expect.true "expected all incoming edges to also be outgoing and vice versa" (dressUp |> Graph.symmetricClosure (\_ _ e _ -> e) |> Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing && acc ) True ) , test "reverseEdges" <| \() -> Expect.equal (dressUp |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.from, e.to )) |> List.sort ) (dressUp |> Graph.reverseEdges |> Graph.edges |> List.map (\e -> ( e.to, e.from )) |> List.sort ) ] checkAcyclicTests = describe "checkAcyclicTests" <| [ test "Ok for graph with no cycles" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Ok" (isOk (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp)) , test "Err for cyclic graph" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic dressUpWithCycle)) , test "Err for connectedComponents" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should return Err" (isErr (Graph.checkAcyclic connectedComponents)) ] topologicalSortTests = describe "topologicalSort" [ test "valid topological ordering" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.topologicalSort |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp , test "heightLevels" <| \() -> case Graph.checkAcyclic dressUp of Err e -> Expect.fail ("dressUp should be acylic, but returned edge " ++ Debug.toString e) Ok acyclic -> acyclic |> Graph.heightLevels |> List.concat |> expectTopologicalOrderingOf dressUp ] bfsTests = describe "BFS" [ test "breadth-first node order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ 0, 3, 1, 2, 6, 8, 4, 5, 7 ] (dressUp |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.map (.node >> .id) |> List.reverse ) ] graphWithLoop = Graph.fromNodeLabelsAndEdgePairs [ 0 ] [ ( 0, 0 ) ] sccTests = let result = Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents connectedComponents sg nodeIds = connectedComponents |> Graph.inducedSubgraph nodeIds |> Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "") in describe "Strongly connected components" [ test "The input graph was acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Result should be Err" (isErr result) , test "The expected SCCs in order" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ sg [ 0, 1, 4 ] -- "abe" , sg [ 2, 3 ] -- "cd" , sg [ 5, 6 ] -- "ef" , sg [ 7 ] -- "h" ] (case result of Err components -> List.map (Graph.toString (Just << String.fromChar) (always <| Just "")) components Ok _ -> [] -- should never happen oO ) , test "dressUp is acyclic" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Ok" (isOk (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents dressUp)) , test "The input graph has loops" <| \() -> Expect.true "Should be Err" (isErr (Graph.stronglyConnectedComponents graphWithLoop)) ] unitTests = describe "unit tests" [ emptyTests , memberTests , getTests , nodeIdRangeTests , listRepTests , insertTests , removeTests , updateTests , inducedSubgraphTests , fromNodesAndEdgesTests , foldTests , mapTests , toStringTests , graphOpsTests , checkAcyclicTests , topologicalSortTests , bfsTests , sccTests ] examples = describe "examples" [ test "README - iWantToWearShoes" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ "Pants", "Undershorts", "Socks", "Shoes" ] iWantToWearShoes , test "insert" <| \() -> Expect.true "Graph size wasn't 2" insertExample , test "fold" <| \() -> Expect.true "The graph had a loop." foldExample , test "mapContexts" <| \() -> Expect.true "Mapped edge flip should've reversed edges" mapContextsExample ] in describe "The Graph module" [ unitTests , examples ] -- EXAMPLE SECTION -- The code of the more complex examples is exercised here -- This is from the README iWantToWearShoes : List String iWantToWearShoes = Graph.guidedDfs Graph.alongIncomingEdges -- which edges to follow (Graph.onDiscovery (\ctx list -> -- append node labels on finish ctx.node.label :: list ) ) [ 3 {- "Shoes" NodeId -} ] -- start with the node labelled "Shoes" [] -- accumulate starting with the empty list dressUp -- traverse our dressUp graph from above |> Tuple.first -- ignores the untraversed rest of the graph insertExample : Bool insertExample = let graph1 = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1" ] [] newNode = { node = Node 2 "2" , incoming = IntDict.singleton 1 () -- so there will be an edge from 1 to 2 , outgoing = IntDict.empty } graph2 = Graph.insert newNode graph1 in Graph.size graph2 == 2 foldExample : Bool foldExample = let hasLoop ctx = IntDict.member ctx.node.id ctx.incoming graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] -- The graph should not have any loop. in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc || hasLoop ctx) False graph == False mapContextsExample : Bool mapContextsExample = let flipEdges ctx = { ctx | incoming = ctx.outgoing, outgoing = ctx.incoming } graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] in Graph.reverseEdges graph == Graph.mapContexts flipEdges graph symmetricClosureExample : Bool symmetricClosureExample = let graph = Graph.fromNodesAndEdges [ Node 1 "1", Node 2 "2" ] [ Edge 1 2 "->" ] onlyUndirectedEdges ctx = ctx.incoming == ctx.outgoing merger from to outgoingLabel incomingLabel = outgoingLabel -- quite arbitrary, will not be called for the above graph in Graph.fold (\ctx acc -> acc && onlyUndirectedEdges ctx) True (Graph.symmetricClosure merger graph) == True onDiscoveryExample : () -- Just let it compile onDiscoveryExample = let dfsPostOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPostOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onDiscovery (::)) [] graph in dfsPostOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) onFinishExample : () -- Just let it compile onFinishExample = let dfsPreOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) dfsPreOrder graph = Graph.dfs (Graph.onFinish (::)) [] graph in dfsPreOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ()) ignorePathExample : () -- Just let it compile ignorePathExample = let bfsLevelOrder : Graph n e -> List (NodeContext n e) bfsLevelOrder graph = graph |> Graph.bfs (Graph.ignorePath (::)) [] |> List.reverse in bfsLevelOrder Graph.empty |> (\_ -> ())
[ { "context": " Password password ->\n { model | password = password, submitState = False }\n\n PasswordAgain passwor", "end": 830, "score": 0.9823200107, "start": 822, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
import Html exposing (..) import Html.App as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import String exposing (toUpper, toLower, any, toInt) import Char exposing (isDigit) main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model , view = view , update = update } -- MODEL type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , age : String , submitState : Bool } model : Model model = Model "" "" "" "" False -- UPDATE type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String | Age String | SubmitForm update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name, submitState = False } Password password -> { model | password = password, submitState = False } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password, submitState = False } Age age -> { model | age = age, submitState = False } SubmitForm -> { model | submitState = True } -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ input [ type' "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] [] , input [ type' "text", placeholder "Age", onInput Age ] [] , input [ type' "button", value "Submit", onClick SubmitForm ] [] , viewValidation model ] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = let (color, message) = if not model.submitState then ("", "") else if String.length model.password < 8 then ("red", "Password is too short") else if model.password /= model.passwordAgain then ("red", "Passwords do not match!") else if (passwordInvalid model.password) then ("red", "Password must contain atleast one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one number") else if (ageValid model.age) then ("red", "Age must be a number") else ("green", "OK") in div [ style [("color", color)] ] [ text message ] passwordInvalid : String -> Bool passwordInvalid password = (String.toUpper password) == password || (String.toLower password) == password || not (any isDigit password) ageValid : String -> Bool ageValid age = case toInt age of Err msg -> True Ok val -> False
import Html exposing (..) import Html.App as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import String exposing (toUpper, toLower, any, toInt) import Char exposing (isDigit) main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model , view = view , update = update } -- MODEL type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , age : String , submitState : Bool } model : Model model = Model "" "" "" "" False -- UPDATE type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String | Age String | SubmitForm update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name, submitState = False } Password password -> { model | password = <PASSWORD>, submitState = False } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password, submitState = False } Age age -> { model | age = age, submitState = False } SubmitForm -> { model | submitState = True } -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ input [ type' "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] [] , input [ type' "text", placeholder "Age", onInput Age ] [] , input [ type' "button", value "Submit", onClick SubmitForm ] [] , viewValidation model ] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = let (color, message) = if not model.submitState then ("", "") else if String.length model.password < 8 then ("red", "Password is too short") else if model.password /= model.passwordAgain then ("red", "Passwords do not match!") else if (passwordInvalid model.password) then ("red", "Password must contain atleast one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one number") else if (ageValid model.age) then ("red", "Age must be a number") else ("green", "OK") in div [ style [("color", color)] ] [ text message ] passwordInvalid : String -> Bool passwordInvalid password = (String.toUpper password) == password || (String.toLower password) == password || not (any isDigit password) ageValid : String -> Bool ageValid age = case toInt age of Err msg -> True Ok val -> False
import Html exposing (..) import Html.App as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import String exposing (toUpper, toLower, any, toInt) import Char exposing (isDigit) main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model , view = view , update = update } -- MODEL type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , age : String , submitState : Bool } model : Model model = Model "" "" "" "" False -- UPDATE type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String | Age String | SubmitForm update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name, submitState = False } Password password -> { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI, submitState = False } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password, submitState = False } Age age -> { model | age = age, submitState = False } SubmitForm -> { model | submitState = True } -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ input [ type' "text", placeholder "Name", onInput Name ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Password", onInput Password ] [] , input [ type' "password", placeholder "Re-enter Password", onInput PasswordAgain ] [] , input [ type' "text", placeholder "Age", onInput Age ] [] , input [ type' "button", value "Submit", onClick SubmitForm ] [] , viewValidation model ] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = let (color, message) = if not model.submitState then ("", "") else if String.length model.password < 8 then ("red", "Password is too short") else if model.password /= model.passwordAgain then ("red", "Passwords do not match!") else if (passwordInvalid model.password) then ("red", "Password must contain atleast one uppercase character, one lowercase character and one number") else if (ageValid model.age) then ("red", "Age must be a number") else ("green", "OK") in div [ style [("color", color)] ] [ text message ] passwordInvalid : String -> Bool passwordInvalid password = (String.toUpper password) == password || (String.toLower password) == password || not (any isDigit password) ageValid : String -> Bool ageValid age = case toInt age of Err msg -> True Ok val -> False
[ { "context": "d ->\n UpdateResult { model | password = password } globals Cmd.none\n\n Login ->\n ", "end": 1226, "score": 0.740205884, "start": 1218, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" }, { "context": "ue\nmodelToJson model =\n JE.object\n [ ( \"username\", JE.string model.username )\n , ( \"passwor", "end": 2740, "score": 0.6771520376, "start": 2732, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "\n [ textFieldWithLabel ChangeUsername \"Username\" \"Username\"\n , inputFieldWithLabel\n ", "end": 3655, "score": 0.9575333595, "start": 3647, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Username" }, { "context": " [ textFieldWithLabel ChangeUsername \"Username\" \"Username\"\n , inputFieldWithLabel\n ", "end": 3666, "score": 0.9545494914, "start": 3658, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Username" }, { "context": "= \"Password\"\n , placeholderText = \"Password\"\n , hasError = False\n ", "end": 3972, "score": 0.6675733924, "start": 3964, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
port module Components.Login exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import String import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=)) import Json.Encode as JE import HttpBuilder exposing (..) import Maybe import Task import Navigation import Globals import Utils.HttpUtils exposing (httpErrorToString) import Utils.HtmlUtils exposing (..) -- MODEL type alias Model = { username : String , password : String , httpError : Maybe (Error String) } initialModel : Model initialModel = { username = "" , password = "" , httpError = Nothing } port saveToLocalstorage : Globals.Model -> Cmd msg -- UPDATE type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Login | LoginFailed (Error String) | LoginSuccessful (Response String) | NoOp type alias UpdateResult = { model : Model , globals : Globals.Model , cmd : Cmd Msg } update : Msg -> Model -> Globals.Model -> UpdateResult update msg model globals = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> UpdateResult { model | username = name } globals Cmd.none ChangePassword password -> UpdateResult { model | password = password } globals Cmd.none Login -> UpdateResult model globals (login model globals) LoginFailed error -> UpdateResult { model | httpError = Just error, password = "" } globals Cmd.none LoginSuccessful token -> let newGlobals = { globals | apiToken = token.data, username = model.username } in UpdateResult { model | password = "", httpError = Nothing } newGlobals (Cmd.batch [ saveToLocalstorage newGlobals, Navigation.newUrl "#home" ]) NoOp -> UpdateResult model globals Cmd.none login : Model -> Globals.Model -> Cmd Msg login model global = Task.perform LoginFailed LoginSuccessful (doLogin model global) doLogin : Model -> Globals.Model -> Task.Task (Error String) (Response String) doLogin model global = let loginUrl = global.endpoint ++ "/auth/getToken" loginSuccessReader = jsonReader ("token" := JD.string) loginFailReader = jsonReader (JD.at [ "error" ] ("message" := JD.string)) body = modelToJson model in HttpBuilder.post loginUrl |> withJsonBody body |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> send loginSuccessReader loginFailReader modelToJson : Model -> JE.Value modelToJson model = JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string model.username ) , ( "password", JE.string model.password ) ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ errorView model , formView model , a [ href "#register", class "text-center lead" ] [ text "No account? Register Here!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] errorView : Model -> Html Msg errorView model = case model.httpError of Just error -> Utils.HtmlUtils.errorView (httpErrorToString error) Nothing -> text "" formView : Model -> Html Msg formView model = div [ class "panel panel-primary login-form" ] [ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ text "Login" ] , div [ class "panel-body" ] [ textFieldWithLabel ChangeUsername "Username" "Username" , inputFieldWithLabel { inputHandler = ChangePassword , focusHandler = Nothing , enterHandler = Just ( Login, NoOp ) , inputType = "password" , labelText = "Password" , placeholderText = "Password" , hasError = False , inputValue = Just model.password } , primaryButton Login (isValid model) "Login" ] ] isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = (String.length model.username) > 0 && (String.length model.password > 6)
port module Components.Login exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import String import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=)) import Json.Encode as JE import HttpBuilder exposing (..) import Maybe import Task import Navigation import Globals import Utils.HttpUtils exposing (httpErrorToString) import Utils.HtmlUtils exposing (..) -- MODEL type alias Model = { username : String , password : String , httpError : Maybe (Error String) } initialModel : Model initialModel = { username = "" , password = "" , httpError = Nothing } port saveToLocalstorage : Globals.Model -> Cmd msg -- UPDATE type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Login | LoginFailed (Error String) | LoginSuccessful (Response String) | NoOp type alias UpdateResult = { model : Model , globals : Globals.Model , cmd : Cmd Msg } update : Msg -> Model -> Globals.Model -> UpdateResult update msg model globals = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> UpdateResult { model | username = name } globals Cmd.none ChangePassword password -> UpdateResult { model | password = <PASSWORD> } globals Cmd.none Login -> UpdateResult model globals (login model globals) LoginFailed error -> UpdateResult { model | httpError = Just error, password = "" } globals Cmd.none LoginSuccessful token -> let newGlobals = { globals | apiToken = token.data, username = model.username } in UpdateResult { model | password = "", httpError = Nothing } newGlobals (Cmd.batch [ saveToLocalstorage newGlobals, Navigation.newUrl "#home" ]) NoOp -> UpdateResult model globals Cmd.none login : Model -> Globals.Model -> Cmd Msg login model global = Task.perform LoginFailed LoginSuccessful (doLogin model global) doLogin : Model -> Globals.Model -> Task.Task (Error String) (Response String) doLogin model global = let loginUrl = global.endpoint ++ "/auth/getToken" loginSuccessReader = jsonReader ("token" := JD.string) loginFailReader = jsonReader (JD.at [ "error" ] ("message" := JD.string)) body = modelToJson model in HttpBuilder.post loginUrl |> withJsonBody body |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> send loginSuccessReader loginFailReader modelToJson : Model -> JE.Value modelToJson model = JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string model.username ) , ( "password", JE.string model.password ) ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ errorView model , formView model , a [ href "#register", class "text-center lead" ] [ text "No account? Register Here!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] errorView : Model -> Html Msg errorView model = case model.httpError of Just error -> Utils.HtmlUtils.errorView (httpErrorToString error) Nothing -> text "" formView : Model -> Html Msg formView model = div [ class "panel panel-primary login-form" ] [ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ text "Login" ] , div [ class "panel-body" ] [ textFieldWithLabel ChangeUsername "Username" "Username" , inputFieldWithLabel { inputHandler = ChangePassword , focusHandler = Nothing , enterHandler = Just ( Login, NoOp ) , inputType = "password" , labelText = "Password" , placeholderText = "<PASSWORD>" , hasError = False , inputValue = Just model.password } , primaryButton Login (isValid model) "Login" ] ] isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = (String.length model.username) > 0 && (String.length model.password > 6)
port module Components.Login exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import String import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=)) import Json.Encode as JE import HttpBuilder exposing (..) import Maybe import Task import Navigation import Globals import Utils.HttpUtils exposing (httpErrorToString) import Utils.HtmlUtils exposing (..) -- MODEL type alias Model = { username : String , password : String , httpError : Maybe (Error String) } initialModel : Model initialModel = { username = "" , password = "" , httpError = Nothing } port saveToLocalstorage : Globals.Model -> Cmd msg -- UPDATE type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Login | LoginFailed (Error String) | LoginSuccessful (Response String) | NoOp type alias UpdateResult = { model : Model , globals : Globals.Model , cmd : Cmd Msg } update : Msg -> Model -> Globals.Model -> UpdateResult update msg model globals = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> UpdateResult { model | username = name } globals Cmd.none ChangePassword password -> UpdateResult { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } globals Cmd.none Login -> UpdateResult model globals (login model globals) LoginFailed error -> UpdateResult { model | httpError = Just error, password = "" } globals Cmd.none LoginSuccessful token -> let newGlobals = { globals | apiToken = token.data, username = model.username } in UpdateResult { model | password = "", httpError = Nothing } newGlobals (Cmd.batch [ saveToLocalstorage newGlobals, Navigation.newUrl "#home" ]) NoOp -> UpdateResult model globals Cmd.none login : Model -> Globals.Model -> Cmd Msg login model global = Task.perform LoginFailed LoginSuccessful (doLogin model global) doLogin : Model -> Globals.Model -> Task.Task (Error String) (Response String) doLogin model global = let loginUrl = global.endpoint ++ "/auth/getToken" loginSuccessReader = jsonReader ("token" := JD.string) loginFailReader = jsonReader (JD.at [ "error" ] ("message" := JD.string)) body = modelToJson model in HttpBuilder.post loginUrl |> withJsonBody body |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> send loginSuccessReader loginFailReader modelToJson : Model -> JE.Value modelToJson model = JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string model.username ) , ( "password", JE.string model.password ) ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ errorView model , formView model , a [ href "#register", class "text-center lead" ] [ text "No account? Register Here!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] errorView : Model -> Html Msg errorView model = case model.httpError of Just error -> Utils.HtmlUtils.errorView (httpErrorToString error) Nothing -> text "" formView : Model -> Html Msg formView model = div [ class "panel panel-primary login-form" ] [ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ text "Login" ] , div [ class "panel-body" ] [ textFieldWithLabel ChangeUsername "Username" "Username" , inputFieldWithLabel { inputHandler = ChangePassword , focusHandler = Nothing , enterHandler = Just ( Login, NoOp ) , inputType = "password" , labelText = "Password" , placeholderText = "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" , hasError = False , inputValue = Just model.password } , primaryButton Login (isValid model) "Login" ] ] isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = (String.length model.username) > 0 && (String.length model.password > 6)
[ { "context": "f all kinds (and I guess coffee too)\n\nAuthor(s):\n* Madison Scott-Clary - http://github.com/makyo\n\nLicense:\nMIT\n-}\n\nimpor", "end": 131, "score": 0.9998768568, "start": 112, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Madison Scott-Clary" }, { "context": "hor(s):\n* Madison Scott-Clary - http://github.com/makyo\n\nLicense:\nMIT\n-}\n\nimport Html exposing (..)\nimpor", "end": 157, "score": 0.999473393, "start": 152, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "makyo" } ]
module SteepList where {-| Steep.♡ - a steep timer for tea of all kinds (and I guess coffee too) Author(s): * Madison Scott-Clary - http://github.com/makyo License: MIT -} import Html exposing (..) import Signal exposing (Address, Signal) -- main : Signal Html -- main = -- Signal.map (view actions.address) session main : Html main = em [] [ text "Coming soon: storing multiple sessions in localStorage!" ]
module SteepList where {-| Steep.♡ - a steep timer for tea of all kinds (and I guess coffee too) Author(s): * <NAME> - http://github.com/makyo License: MIT -} import Html exposing (..) import Signal exposing (Address, Signal) -- main : Signal Html -- main = -- Signal.map (view actions.address) session main : Html main = em [] [ text "Coming soon: storing multiple sessions in localStorage!" ]
module SteepList where {-| Steep.♡ - a steep timer for tea of all kinds (and I guess coffee too) Author(s): * PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI - http://github.com/makyo License: MIT -} import Html exposing (..) import Signal exposing (Address, Signal) -- main : Signal Html -- main = -- Signal.map (view actions.address) session main : Html main = em [] [ text "Coming soon: storing multiple sessions in localStorage!" ]
[ { "context": " Int Animal String\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList ani", "end": 5907, "score": 0.9996019006, "start": 5904, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "ng\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n get ", "end": 5925, "score": 0.9995942116, "start": 5920, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": "ist animalToInt\n\n get Cat animals\n -> Just \"Tom\"\n\n get Mouse animals\n --> Just \"Jerry\"\n\n ", "end": 6003, "score": 0.999550581, "start": 6000, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "> Just \"Tom\"\n\n get Mouse animals\n --> Just \"Jerry\"\n\n get Dog animals\n --> Nothing\n\n-}\nget : k", "end": 6047, "score": 0.9995827675, "start": 6042, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": "ON object.\n\n import Json.Encode\n\n type Key = Foo | Bar\n\n toString : Key -> String\n toString ", "end": 14033, "score": 0.5877886415, "start": 14030, "tag": "KEY", "value": "Foo" }, { "context": "ample =\n fromList personToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234", "end": 15224, "score": 0.9994463921, "start": 15220, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeve" }, { "context": "\n fromList personToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)]\n\n ", "end": 15231, "score": 0.9991819859, "start": 15227, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sobs" }, { "context": "nToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)]\n\n encodeList (\\k v -> E", "end": 15253, "score": 0.9989579916, "start": 15250, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tim" }, { "context": "ing [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)]\n\n encodeList (\\k v -> Encode.list ide", "end": 15267, "score": 0.9964020252, "start": 15256, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Berners-Lee" }, { "context": " |> Encode.encode 0\n --> \"[[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"", "end": 15424, "score": 0.9993127584, "start": 15420, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeve" }, { "context": "e 0\n --> \"[[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-L", "end": 15442, "score": 0.9822134972, "start": 15438, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sobs" }, { "context": "\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-Lee\\\"},1234]]\"\n\n-}\nencodeLis", "end": 15469, "score": 0.9871366024, "start": 15466, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tim" }, { "context": "\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-Lee\\\"},1234]]\"\n\n-}\nencodeList : (k -> v -> Encode.Val", "end": 15494, "score": 0.8232983947, "start": 15483, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Berners-Lee" }, { "context": ".field \"last\" Decode.string)\n\n \"[[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"", "end": 16183, "score": 0.9992086291, "start": 16179, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeve" }, { "context": "de.string)\n\n \"[[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-L", "end": 16201, "score": 0.992266655, "start": 16197, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sobs" }, { "context": "\":\\\"Jeve\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-Lee\\\"},1234]]\"\n |> De", "end": 16228, "score": 0.9952753782, "start": 16225, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tim" }, { "context": "\\\":\\\"Sobs\\\"},9001],[{\\\"first\\\":\\\"Tim\\\",\\\"last\\\":\\\"Berners-Lee\\\"},1234]]\"\n |> Decode.decodeString (decode", "end": 16253, "score": 0.9395899773, "start": 16242, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Berners-Lee" }, { "context": " --> Ok (fromList personToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234", "end": 16461, "score": 0.9994388223, "start": 16457, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeve" }, { "context": " --> Ok (fromList personToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)])\n\n-}", "end": 16468, "score": 0.9992434978, "start": 16464, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sobs" }, { "context": "nToString [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)])\n\n-}\ndecodeList : (k -> co", "end": 16490, "score": 0.9994186163, "start": 16487, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tim" }, { "context": "ing [(Person \"Jeve\" \"Sobs\", 9001), (Person \"Tim\" \"Berners-Lee\", 1234)])\n\n-}\ndecodeList : (k -> comparable) -> D", "end": 16504, "score": 0.9978007674, "start": 16493, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Berners-Lee" }, { "context": " Int Animal String\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList ani", "end": 17646, "score": 0.9962713718, "start": 17643, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "ng\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n isAC", "end": 17664, "score": 0.9931938052, "start": 17659, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": " Int Animal String\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList ani", "end": 18360, "score": 0.9976517558, "start": 18357, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "ng\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n aris", "end": 18378, "score": 0.9931262732, "start": 18373, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": "t Animal String\n aristocats =\n [ (Cat, \"Marie\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n isAC", "end": 18502, "score": 0.9989669323, "start": 18497, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Marie" }, { "context": " Int Animal String\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList ani", "end": 19283, "score": 0.9973566532, "start": 19280, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "ng\n animals =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\"), (Mouse, \"Jerry\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n only", "end": 19301, "score": 0.999139607, "start": 19296, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": " Int Animal String\n onlyTom =\n [ (Cat, \"Tom\") ]\n |> fromList animalToInt\n\n getC", "end": 19417, "score": 0.9950299263, "start": 19414, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" } ]
module Dict.Any exposing ( AnyDict, equal , empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll , isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all , keys, values, toList, fromList , map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap , union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy , toDict , decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList ) {-| A dictionary mapping unique keys to values. Similar and based on Dict but without restriction on comparable keys. Insert, remove, and query operations all take O(log n) time. # Converting Types to Comparable When writing a function for conversion from the type you want to use for keys to comparable it's very important to make sure every distinct member of type k produces different value in set o of comparables. Take for instance those two examples: We can use Bool as a key for our Dict (No matter how unpractical it might seem) boolToInt : Bool -> Int boolToInt bool = case bool of False -> 0 True -> 1 empty boolToInt |> insert True "foo" |> get True --> Just "foo" or Maybe String. comparableKey : Maybe String -> (Int, String) comparableKey maybe = case maybe of Nothing -> (0, "") Just str -> (1, str) empty comparableKey |> insert (Just "foo") 42 |> get (Just "foo") --> Just 42 Note that we give Int code to either constructor and in Case of Nothing we default to `""` (empty string). There is still a difference between `Nothing` and `Just ""` (`Int` value in the pair is different). In fact, you can "hardcode" any value as the second member of the pair in case of nothing but empty string seems like a reasonable option for this case. Generally, this is how I would implement `toComparable` function for most of your custom data types. Have a look at the longest constructor, Define tuple where the first key is int (number of the constructor) and other are types within the constructor and you're good to go. # Dictionaries @docs AnyDict, equal # Build @docs empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll # Query @docs isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all # Lists @docs keys, values, toList, fromList # Transform @docs map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap # Combine @docs union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy # Dict @docs toDict # Json @docs decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Be aware that AnyDict stores a function internally. Use [`equal`](#equal) function to check equality of two `AnyDict`s. Using `(==)` would result in runtime exception because `AnyDict` type contains a function. -} type AnyDict comparable k v = AnyDict { dict : Dict comparable ( k, v ) , toKey : k -> comparable } {-| Check equality of two `AnyDict`s * returns `True` if AnyDicts are equal * returns `False` if AnyDicts are not equal -} equal : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool equal (AnyDict r1) (AnyDict r2) = r1.dict == r2.dict -- Build {-| Create an empty dictionary by suppling function used for comparing keys. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} empty : (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v empty toKey = AnyDict { dict = Dict.empty , toKey = toKey } {-| Create a dictionary with one key-value pair. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} singleton : k -> v -> (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v singleton k v f = empty f |> insert k v {-| Insert a key-value pair into a dictionary. Replaces value when there is a collision. -} insert : k -> v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v insert k v (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.insert (inner.toKey k) ( k, v ) inner.dict } {-| Update the value of a dictionary for a specific key with a given function. -} update : k -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v update k f (AnyDict inner) = let updateDict = Maybe.map (\b -> ( k, b )) << f << Maybe.map Tuple.second in AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.update (inner.toKey k) updateDict inner.dict } {-| Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found, no changes are made. -} remove : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v remove k (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.remove (inner.toKey k) inner.dict } {-| Remove all entries from AnyDict. Useful when you need to create new empty AnyDict using same comparable function for key type. -} removeAll : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k x removeAll (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { toKey = inner.toKey , dict = Dict.empty } -- Query {-| Determine if a dictionary is empty. isEmpty (empty identity) --> True singleton 1 "foo" identity |> isEmpty --> False -} isEmpty : AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool isEmpty (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.isEmpty dict {-| Determine if a key is in a dictionary. -} member : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool member k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.member (toKey k) dict {-| Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, return Nothing. This is useful when you are not sure if a key will be in the dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "Tom"), (Mouse, "Jerry") ] |> fromList animalToInt get Cat animals -> Just "Tom" get Mouse animals --> Just "Jerry" get Dog animals --> Nothing -} get : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe v get k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.second {-| Get a key associated with key. This is useful in case of `AnyDict` because some parts of a key might not be used for generating comparable. This function allows quering `AnyDict` with old key to obtain updated one in such cases. -} getKey : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe k getKey k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.first {-| Determine the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. -} size : AnyDict comparable k v -> Int size (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.size dict -- List {-| Get all of the keys in a dictionary, sorted from lowest to highest. -} keys : AnyDict comparable k v -> List k keys = List.map Tuple.first << toList {-| Get all of the values in a dictionary, in the order of their keys. -} values : AnyDict comparable k v -> List v values = List.map Tuple.second << toList {-| Convert a dictionary into an association list of key-value pairs, sorted by keys. -} toList : AnyDict comparable k v -> List ( k, v ) toList (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.values dict {-| Convert an association list into a dictionary. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} fromList : (k -> comparable) -> List ( k, v ) -> AnyDict comparable k v fromList f xs = AnyDict { toKey = f , dict = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( f k, ( k, v ) )) xs } -- Transform {-| Apply a function to all values in a dictionary. -} map : (a -> b -> c) -> AnyDict comparable a b -> AnyDict comparable a c map f (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = AnyDict { dict = Dict.map (\_ ( k, v ) -> ( k, f k v )) dict , toKey = toKey } {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from lowest key to highest key. -} foldl : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldl f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldl (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from highest key to lowest key. -} foldr : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldr f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldr (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Keep a key-value pair when it satisfies a predicate. -} filter : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v filter f (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.filter (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict } {-| Partition a dictionary according to a predicate. The first dictionary contains all key-value pairs which satisfy the predicate, and the second contains the rest. -} partition : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> ( AnyDict comparable k v, AnyDict comparable k v ) partition f (AnyDict inner) = let ( left, right ) = Dict.partition (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict in ( AnyDict { inner | dict = left } , AnyDict { inner | dict = right } ) -- Combine {-| Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given to the first dictionary. -} union : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v union (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.union inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary. Preference is given to values in the first dictionary. -} intersect : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v intersect (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.intersect inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary. -} diff : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v diff (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.diff inner.dict dict } {-| The most general way of combining two dictionaries. You provide three accumulators for when a given key appears: 1. Only in the left dictionary. 2. In both dictionaries. 3. Only in the right dictionary. Only in the left dictionary. In both dictionaries. Only in the right dictionary. -} merge : (k -> a -> result -> result) -> (k -> a -> b -> result -> result) -> (k -> b -> result -> result) -> AnyDict comparable k a -> AnyDict comparable k b -> result -> result merge f g h (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = let l fc _ ( k, v ) = fc k v in Dict.merge (l f) (\_ ( k, a ) ( _, b ) -> g k a b) (l h) inner.dict dict -- Dict {-| Convert `AnyDict` to plain dictionary with comparable keys. -} toDict : AnyDict comparable k v -> Dict comparable v toDict (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.map (always Tuple.second) dict {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This encoder is limitted for cases where JSON representation for a given type is an JSON Object. In JSON, object keys must be of type `String`. If you need to decode different representation into `AnyDict` value, just use primitive `Decoder` types directly and map `AnyDict` constructors over these. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Foo _ -> Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] -} decode : (String -> v -> k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v acc = insert (fromStr strK v) v acc in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (empty toComparable)) {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This variant of decode allows you to fail with error while parsing key from String. In such case whole Dict decoding will fail. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Result String Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Ok Foo "bar" -> Ok Bar _ -> Err <| "Unknown key " ++ str toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode_ (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"baz\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.fail "Unknown key baz") "{}" -} decode_ : (String -> v -> Result String k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode_ fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v = Result.andThen (\acc -> fromStr strK v |> Result.map (\key -> insert key v acc) ) in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (Ok <| empty toComparable)) |> Decode.andThen (\res -> case res of Ok val -> Decode.succeed val Err err -> Decode.fail err ) {-| Turn an `AnyDict` into a JSON object. import Json.Encode type Key = Foo | Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int encodeData : Data -> Json.Encode.Value encodeData = encode toString Json.Encode.int fromList toString [(Foo, 1), (Bar, 2)] |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 --> "{\"bar\":2,\"foo\":1}" -} encode : (k -> String) -> (v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encode keyE valueE = Encode.object << List.map (Tuple.mapBoth keyE valueE) << toList {-| Turn an AnyDict into a JSON list of tuples. This is useful when you have more complex types as keys import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personEncode : Person -> Encode.Value personEncode {first, last} = Encode.object [("first", (Encode.string first)), ("last", (Encode.string last))] example : AnyDict String Person Age example = fromList personToString [(Person "Jeve" "Sobs", 9001), (Person "Tim" "Berners-Lee", 1234)] encodeList (\k v -> Encode.list identity [ personEncode k, Encode.int v ]) example |> Encode.encode 0 --> "[[{\"first\":\"Jeve\",\"last\":\"Sobs\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"Tim\",\"last\":\"Berners-Lee\"},1234]]" -} encodeList : (k -> v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encodeList encodeF = Encode.list (\( k, v ) -> encodeF k v) << toList {-| Decode an AnyDict from a JSON list of tuples. import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personDecode : Decode.Decoder Person personDecode = Decode.map2 Person (Decode.field "first" Decode.string) (Decode.field "last" Decode.string) "[[{\"first\":\"Jeve\",\"last\":\"Sobs\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"Tim\",\"last\":\"Berners-Lee\"},1234]]" |> Decode.decodeString (decodeList personToString (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 personDecode) (Decode.index 1 Decode.int))) --> Ok (fromList personToString [(Person "Jeve" "Sobs", 9001), (Person "Tim" "Berners-Lee", 1234)]) -} decodeList : (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder ( k, v ) -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decodeList keyToComparable = Decode.map (fromList keyToComparable) << Decode.list {-| Takes a key-fn and a list. Creates an `AnyDict` which maps the key to a list of matching elements. -} groupBy : (value -> key) -> (key -> comparable) -> List value -> AnyDict comparable key (List value) groupBy toKey keyToComparable list = List.foldr (\x acc -> update (toKey x) (\maybeValues -> maybeValues |> Maybe.map ((::) x) |> Maybe.withDefault [ x ] |> Just ) acc ) (empty keyToComparable) list {-| Find out if there is any instance of something in a Dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "Tom"), (Mouse, "Jerry") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False any isACat animals --> True -} any : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool any predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc || predicate k v) False dict {-| Find if all key value paris in Dictionary match a predicate. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "Tom"), (Mouse, "Jerry") ] |> fromList animalToInt aristocats : AnyDict Int Animal String aristocats = [ (Cat, "Marie") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False all isACat animals --> False all isACat aristocats --> True -} all : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool all predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc && predicate k v) True dict {-| Apply a function that may or may not succeed to all entries in a dictionary, but only keep the successes. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "Tom"), (Mouse, "Jerry") ] |> fromList animalToInt onlyTom : AnyDict Int Animal String onlyTom = [ (Cat, "Tom") ] |> fromList animalToInt getCatName : Animal -> String -> Maybe String getCatName animal name = case animal of Cat -> Just name _ -> Nothing filterMap getCatName animals == onlyTom --> True -} filterMap : (k -> v1 -> Maybe v2) -> AnyDict comparable k v1 -> AnyDict comparable k v2 filterMap f dict = foldl (\k v acc -> case f k v of Just newVal -> insert k newVal acc Nothing -> acc ) (removeAll dict) dict
module Dict.Any exposing ( AnyDict, equal , empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll , isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all , keys, values, toList, fromList , map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap , union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy , toDict , decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList ) {-| A dictionary mapping unique keys to values. Similar and based on Dict but without restriction on comparable keys. Insert, remove, and query operations all take O(log n) time. # Converting Types to Comparable When writing a function for conversion from the type you want to use for keys to comparable it's very important to make sure every distinct member of type k produces different value in set o of comparables. Take for instance those two examples: We can use Bool as a key for our Dict (No matter how unpractical it might seem) boolToInt : Bool -> Int boolToInt bool = case bool of False -> 0 True -> 1 empty boolToInt |> insert True "foo" |> get True --> Just "foo" or Maybe String. comparableKey : Maybe String -> (Int, String) comparableKey maybe = case maybe of Nothing -> (0, "") Just str -> (1, str) empty comparableKey |> insert (Just "foo") 42 |> get (Just "foo") --> Just 42 Note that we give Int code to either constructor and in Case of Nothing we default to `""` (empty string). There is still a difference between `Nothing` and `Just ""` (`Int` value in the pair is different). In fact, you can "hardcode" any value as the second member of the pair in case of nothing but empty string seems like a reasonable option for this case. Generally, this is how I would implement `toComparable` function for most of your custom data types. Have a look at the longest constructor, Define tuple where the first key is int (number of the constructor) and other are types within the constructor and you're good to go. # Dictionaries @docs AnyDict, equal # Build @docs empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll # Query @docs isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all # Lists @docs keys, values, toList, fromList # Transform @docs map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap # Combine @docs union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy # Dict @docs toDict # Json @docs decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Be aware that AnyDict stores a function internally. Use [`equal`](#equal) function to check equality of two `AnyDict`s. Using `(==)` would result in runtime exception because `AnyDict` type contains a function. -} type AnyDict comparable k v = AnyDict { dict : Dict comparable ( k, v ) , toKey : k -> comparable } {-| Check equality of two `AnyDict`s * returns `True` if AnyDicts are equal * returns `False` if AnyDicts are not equal -} equal : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool equal (AnyDict r1) (AnyDict r2) = r1.dict == r2.dict -- Build {-| Create an empty dictionary by suppling function used for comparing keys. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} empty : (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v empty toKey = AnyDict { dict = Dict.empty , toKey = toKey } {-| Create a dictionary with one key-value pair. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} singleton : k -> v -> (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v singleton k v f = empty f |> insert k v {-| Insert a key-value pair into a dictionary. Replaces value when there is a collision. -} insert : k -> v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v insert k v (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.insert (inner.toKey k) ( k, v ) inner.dict } {-| Update the value of a dictionary for a specific key with a given function. -} update : k -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v update k f (AnyDict inner) = let updateDict = Maybe.map (\b -> ( k, b )) << f << Maybe.map Tuple.second in AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.update (inner.toKey k) updateDict inner.dict } {-| Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found, no changes are made. -} remove : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v remove k (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.remove (inner.toKey k) inner.dict } {-| Remove all entries from AnyDict. Useful when you need to create new empty AnyDict using same comparable function for key type. -} removeAll : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k x removeAll (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { toKey = inner.toKey , dict = Dict.empty } -- Query {-| Determine if a dictionary is empty. isEmpty (empty identity) --> True singleton 1 "foo" identity |> isEmpty --> False -} isEmpty : AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool isEmpty (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.isEmpty dict {-| Determine if a key is in a dictionary. -} member : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool member k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.member (toKey k) dict {-| Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, return Nothing. This is useful when you are not sure if a key will be in the dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "<NAME>"), (Mouse, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt get Cat animals -> Just "<NAME>" get Mouse animals --> Just "<NAME>" get Dog animals --> Nothing -} get : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe v get k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.second {-| Get a key associated with key. This is useful in case of `AnyDict` because some parts of a key might not be used for generating comparable. This function allows quering `AnyDict` with old key to obtain updated one in such cases. -} getKey : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe k getKey k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.first {-| Determine the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. -} size : AnyDict comparable k v -> Int size (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.size dict -- List {-| Get all of the keys in a dictionary, sorted from lowest to highest. -} keys : AnyDict comparable k v -> List k keys = List.map Tuple.first << toList {-| Get all of the values in a dictionary, in the order of their keys. -} values : AnyDict comparable k v -> List v values = List.map Tuple.second << toList {-| Convert a dictionary into an association list of key-value pairs, sorted by keys. -} toList : AnyDict comparable k v -> List ( k, v ) toList (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.values dict {-| Convert an association list into a dictionary. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} fromList : (k -> comparable) -> List ( k, v ) -> AnyDict comparable k v fromList f xs = AnyDict { toKey = f , dict = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( f k, ( k, v ) )) xs } -- Transform {-| Apply a function to all values in a dictionary. -} map : (a -> b -> c) -> AnyDict comparable a b -> AnyDict comparable a c map f (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = AnyDict { dict = Dict.map (\_ ( k, v ) -> ( k, f k v )) dict , toKey = toKey } {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from lowest key to highest key. -} foldl : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldl f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldl (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from highest key to lowest key. -} foldr : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldr f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldr (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Keep a key-value pair when it satisfies a predicate. -} filter : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v filter f (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.filter (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict } {-| Partition a dictionary according to a predicate. The first dictionary contains all key-value pairs which satisfy the predicate, and the second contains the rest. -} partition : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> ( AnyDict comparable k v, AnyDict comparable k v ) partition f (AnyDict inner) = let ( left, right ) = Dict.partition (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict in ( AnyDict { inner | dict = left } , AnyDict { inner | dict = right } ) -- Combine {-| Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given to the first dictionary. -} union : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v union (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.union inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary. Preference is given to values in the first dictionary. -} intersect : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v intersect (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.intersect inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary. -} diff : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v diff (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.diff inner.dict dict } {-| The most general way of combining two dictionaries. You provide three accumulators for when a given key appears: 1. Only in the left dictionary. 2. In both dictionaries. 3. Only in the right dictionary. Only in the left dictionary. In both dictionaries. Only in the right dictionary. -} merge : (k -> a -> result -> result) -> (k -> a -> b -> result -> result) -> (k -> b -> result -> result) -> AnyDict comparable k a -> AnyDict comparable k b -> result -> result merge f g h (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = let l fc _ ( k, v ) = fc k v in Dict.merge (l f) (\_ ( k, a ) ( _, b ) -> g k a b) (l h) inner.dict dict -- Dict {-| Convert `AnyDict` to plain dictionary with comparable keys. -} toDict : AnyDict comparable k v -> Dict comparable v toDict (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.map (always Tuple.second) dict {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This encoder is limitted for cases where JSON representation for a given type is an JSON Object. In JSON, object keys must be of type `String`. If you need to decode different representation into `AnyDict` value, just use primitive `Decoder` types directly and map `AnyDict` constructors over these. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Foo _ -> Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] -} decode : (String -> v -> k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v acc = insert (fromStr strK v) v acc in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (empty toComparable)) {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This variant of decode allows you to fail with error while parsing key from String. In such case whole Dict decoding will fail. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Result String Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Ok Foo "bar" -> Ok Bar _ -> Err <| "Unknown key " ++ str toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode_ (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"baz\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.fail "Unknown key baz") "{}" -} decode_ : (String -> v -> Result String k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode_ fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v = Result.andThen (\acc -> fromStr strK v |> Result.map (\key -> insert key v acc) ) in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (Ok <| empty toComparable)) |> Decode.andThen (\res -> case res of Ok val -> Decode.succeed val Err err -> Decode.fail err ) {-| Turn an `AnyDict` into a JSON object. import Json.Encode type Key = <KEY> | Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int encodeData : Data -> Json.Encode.Value encodeData = encode toString Json.Encode.int fromList toString [(Foo, 1), (Bar, 2)] |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 --> "{\"bar\":2,\"foo\":1}" -} encode : (k -> String) -> (v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encode keyE valueE = Encode.object << List.map (Tuple.mapBoth keyE valueE) << toList {-| Turn an AnyDict into a JSON list of tuples. This is useful when you have more complex types as keys import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personEncode : Person -> Encode.Value personEncode {first, last} = Encode.object [("first", (Encode.string first)), ("last", (Encode.string last))] example : AnyDict String Person Age example = fromList personToString [(Person "<NAME>" "<NAME>", 9001), (Person "<NAME>" "<NAME>", 1234)] encodeList (\k v -> Encode.list identity [ personEncode k, Encode.int v ]) example |> Encode.encode 0 --> "[[{\"first\":\"<NAME>\",\"last\":\"<NAME>\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"<NAME>\",\"last\":\"<NAME>\"},1234]]" -} encodeList : (k -> v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encodeList encodeF = Encode.list (\( k, v ) -> encodeF k v) << toList {-| Decode an AnyDict from a JSON list of tuples. import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personDecode : Decode.Decoder Person personDecode = Decode.map2 Person (Decode.field "first" Decode.string) (Decode.field "last" Decode.string) "[[{\"first\":\"<NAME>\",\"last\":\"<NAME>\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"<NAME>\",\"last\":\"<NAME>\"},1234]]" |> Decode.decodeString (decodeList personToString (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 personDecode) (Decode.index 1 Decode.int))) --> Ok (fromList personToString [(Person "<NAME>" "<NAME>", 9001), (Person "<NAME>" "<NAME>", 1234)]) -} decodeList : (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder ( k, v ) -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decodeList keyToComparable = Decode.map (fromList keyToComparable) << Decode.list {-| Takes a key-fn and a list. Creates an `AnyDict` which maps the key to a list of matching elements. -} groupBy : (value -> key) -> (key -> comparable) -> List value -> AnyDict comparable key (List value) groupBy toKey keyToComparable list = List.foldr (\x acc -> update (toKey x) (\maybeValues -> maybeValues |> Maybe.map ((::) x) |> Maybe.withDefault [ x ] |> Just ) acc ) (empty keyToComparable) list {-| Find out if there is any instance of something in a Dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "<NAME>"), (Mouse, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False any isACat animals --> True -} any : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool any predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc || predicate k v) False dict {-| Find if all key value paris in Dictionary match a predicate. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "<NAME>"), (Mouse, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt aristocats : AnyDict Int Animal String aristocats = [ (Cat, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False all isACat animals --> False all isACat aristocats --> True -} all : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool all predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc && predicate k v) True dict {-| Apply a function that may or may not succeed to all entries in a dictionary, but only keep the successes. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "<NAME>"), (Mouse, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt onlyTom : AnyDict Int Animal String onlyTom = [ (Cat, "<NAME>") ] |> fromList animalToInt getCatName : Animal -> String -> Maybe String getCatName animal name = case animal of Cat -> Just name _ -> Nothing filterMap getCatName animals == onlyTom --> True -} filterMap : (k -> v1 -> Maybe v2) -> AnyDict comparable k v1 -> AnyDict comparable k v2 filterMap f dict = foldl (\k v acc -> case f k v of Just newVal -> insert k newVal acc Nothing -> acc ) (removeAll dict) dict
module Dict.Any exposing ( AnyDict, equal , empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll , isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all , keys, values, toList, fromList , map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap , union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy , toDict , decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList ) {-| A dictionary mapping unique keys to values. Similar and based on Dict but without restriction on comparable keys. Insert, remove, and query operations all take O(log n) time. # Converting Types to Comparable When writing a function for conversion from the type you want to use for keys to comparable it's very important to make sure every distinct member of type k produces different value in set o of comparables. Take for instance those two examples: We can use Bool as a key for our Dict (No matter how unpractical it might seem) boolToInt : Bool -> Int boolToInt bool = case bool of False -> 0 True -> 1 empty boolToInt |> insert True "foo" |> get True --> Just "foo" or Maybe String. comparableKey : Maybe String -> (Int, String) comparableKey maybe = case maybe of Nothing -> (0, "") Just str -> (1, str) empty comparableKey |> insert (Just "foo") 42 |> get (Just "foo") --> Just 42 Note that we give Int code to either constructor and in Case of Nothing we default to `""` (empty string). There is still a difference between `Nothing` and `Just ""` (`Int` value in the pair is different). In fact, you can "hardcode" any value as the second member of the pair in case of nothing but empty string seems like a reasonable option for this case. Generally, this is how I would implement `toComparable` function for most of your custom data types. Have a look at the longest constructor, Define tuple where the first key is int (number of the constructor) and other are types within the constructor and you're good to go. # Dictionaries @docs AnyDict, equal # Build @docs empty, singleton, insert, update, remove, removeAll # Query @docs isEmpty, member, get, getKey, size, any, all # Lists @docs keys, values, toList, fromList # Transform @docs map, foldl, foldr, filter, partition, filterMap # Combine @docs union, intersect, diff, merge, groupBy # Dict @docs toDict # Json @docs decode, decode_, decodeList, encode, encodeList -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Be aware that AnyDict stores a function internally. Use [`equal`](#equal) function to check equality of two `AnyDict`s. Using `(==)` would result in runtime exception because `AnyDict` type contains a function. -} type AnyDict comparable k v = AnyDict { dict : Dict comparable ( k, v ) , toKey : k -> comparable } {-| Check equality of two `AnyDict`s * returns `True` if AnyDicts are equal * returns `False` if AnyDicts are not equal -} equal : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool equal (AnyDict r1) (AnyDict r2) = r1.dict == r2.dict -- Build {-| Create an empty dictionary by suppling function used for comparing keys. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} empty : (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v empty toKey = AnyDict { dict = Dict.empty , toKey = toKey } {-| Create a dictionary with one key-value pair. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} singleton : k -> v -> (k -> comparable) -> AnyDict comparable k v singleton k v f = empty f |> insert k v {-| Insert a key-value pair into a dictionary. Replaces value when there is a collision. -} insert : k -> v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v insert k v (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.insert (inner.toKey k) ( k, v ) inner.dict } {-| Update the value of a dictionary for a specific key with a given function. -} update : k -> (Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v update k f (AnyDict inner) = let updateDict = Maybe.map (\b -> ( k, b )) << f << Maybe.map Tuple.second in AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.update (inner.toKey k) updateDict inner.dict } {-| Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found, no changes are made. -} remove : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v remove k (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.remove (inner.toKey k) inner.dict } {-| Remove all entries from AnyDict. Useful when you need to create new empty AnyDict using same comparable function for key type. -} removeAll : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k x removeAll (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { toKey = inner.toKey , dict = Dict.empty } -- Query {-| Determine if a dictionary is empty. isEmpty (empty identity) --> True singleton 1 "foo" identity |> isEmpty --> False -} isEmpty : AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool isEmpty (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.isEmpty dict {-| Determine if a key is in a dictionary. -} member : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool member k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.member (toKey k) dict {-| Get the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, return Nothing. This is useful when you are not sure if a key will be in the dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"), (Mouse, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt get Cat animals -> Just "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" get Mouse animals --> Just "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" get Dog animals --> Nothing -} get : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe v get k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.second {-| Get a key associated with key. This is useful in case of `AnyDict` because some parts of a key might not be used for generating comparable. This function allows quering `AnyDict` with old key to obtain updated one in such cases. -} getKey : k -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Maybe k getKey k (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = Dict.get (toKey k) dict |> Maybe.map Tuple.first {-| Determine the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. -} size : AnyDict comparable k v -> Int size (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.size dict -- List {-| Get all of the keys in a dictionary, sorted from lowest to highest. -} keys : AnyDict comparable k v -> List k keys = List.map Tuple.first << toList {-| Get all of the values in a dictionary, in the order of their keys. -} values : AnyDict comparable k v -> List v values = List.map Tuple.second << toList {-| Convert a dictionary into an association list of key-value pairs, sorted by keys. -} toList : AnyDict comparable k v -> List ( k, v ) toList (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.values dict {-| Convert an association list into a dictionary. **Note that it's important to make sure every key is turned to different comparable.** Otherwise keys would conflict and overwrite each other. -} fromList : (k -> comparable) -> List ( k, v ) -> AnyDict comparable k v fromList f xs = AnyDict { toKey = f , dict = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( f k, ( k, v ) )) xs } -- Transform {-| Apply a function to all values in a dictionary. -} map : (a -> b -> c) -> AnyDict comparable a b -> AnyDict comparable a c map f (AnyDict { dict, toKey }) = AnyDict { dict = Dict.map (\_ ( k, v ) -> ( k, f k v )) dict , toKey = toKey } {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from lowest key to highest key. -} foldl : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldl f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldl (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from highest key to lowest key. -} foldr : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> AnyDict comparable k v -> b foldr f acc (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.foldr (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) acc dict {-| Keep a key-value pair when it satisfies a predicate. -} filter : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v filter f (AnyDict inner) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.filter (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict } {-| Partition a dictionary according to a predicate. The first dictionary contains all key-value pairs which satisfy the predicate, and the second contains the rest. -} partition : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> ( AnyDict comparable k v, AnyDict comparable k v ) partition f (AnyDict inner) = let ( left, right ) = Dict.partition (\_ ( k, v ) -> f k v) inner.dict in ( AnyDict { inner | dict = left } , AnyDict { inner | dict = right } ) -- Combine {-| Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given to the first dictionary. -} union : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v union (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.union inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary. Preference is given to values in the first dictionary. -} intersect : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v intersect (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.intersect inner.dict dict } {-| Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary. -} diff : AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v -> AnyDict comparable k v diff (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = AnyDict { inner | dict = Dict.diff inner.dict dict } {-| The most general way of combining two dictionaries. You provide three accumulators for when a given key appears: 1. Only in the left dictionary. 2. In both dictionaries. 3. Only in the right dictionary. Only in the left dictionary. In both dictionaries. Only in the right dictionary. -} merge : (k -> a -> result -> result) -> (k -> a -> b -> result -> result) -> (k -> b -> result -> result) -> AnyDict comparable k a -> AnyDict comparable k b -> result -> result merge f g h (AnyDict inner) (AnyDict { dict }) = let l fc _ ( k, v ) = fc k v in Dict.merge (l f) (\_ ( k, a ) ( _, b ) -> g k a b) (l h) inner.dict dict -- Dict {-| Convert `AnyDict` to plain dictionary with comparable keys. -} toDict : AnyDict comparable k v -> Dict comparable v toDict (AnyDict { dict }) = Dict.map (always Tuple.second) dict {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This encoder is limitted for cases where JSON representation for a given type is an JSON Object. In JSON, object keys must be of type `String`. If you need to decode different representation into `AnyDict` value, just use primitive `Decoder` types directly and map `AnyDict` constructors over these. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Foo _ -> Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] -} decode : (String -> v -> k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v acc = insert (fromStr strK v) v acc in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (empty toComparable)) {-| Decode a JSON object into an `AnyDict`. This variant of decode allows you to fail with error while parsing key from String. In such case whole Dict decoding will fail. import Json.Decode type Key = Foo | Bar fromString : String -> Result String Key fromString str = case str of "foo" -> Ok Foo "bar" -> Ok Bar _ -> Err <| "Unknown key " ++ str toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int dataDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Data dataDecoder = decode_ (\str _ -> fromString str) toString Json.Decode.int Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Ok [(Bar, 2), (Foo, 1)] Json.Decode.decodeString dataDecoder "{\"foo\":1,\"baz\":2}" |> Result.map toList --> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.fail "Unknown key baz") "{}" -} decode_ : (String -> v -> Result String k) -> (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder v -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decode_ fromStr toComparable valueD = let construct strK v = Result.andThen (\acc -> fromStr strK v |> Result.map (\key -> insert key v acc) ) in Decode.dict valueD |> Decode.map (Dict.foldr construct (Ok <| empty toComparable)) |> Decode.andThen (\res -> case res of Ok val -> Decode.succeed val Err err -> Decode.fail err ) {-| Turn an `AnyDict` into a JSON object. import Json.Encode type Key = PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI | Bar toString : Key -> String toString key = case key of Foo -> "foo" Bar -> "bar" type alias Data = AnyDict String Key Int encodeData : Data -> Json.Encode.Value encodeData = encode toString Json.Encode.int fromList toString [(Foo, 1), (Bar, 2)] |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 --> "{\"bar\":2,\"foo\":1}" -} encode : (k -> String) -> (v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encode keyE valueE = Encode.object << List.map (Tuple.mapBoth keyE valueE) << toList {-| Turn an AnyDict into a JSON list of tuples. This is useful when you have more complex types as keys import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personEncode : Person -> Encode.Value personEncode {first, last} = Encode.object [("first", (Encode.string first)), ("last", (Encode.string last))] example : AnyDict String Person Age example = fromList personToString [(Person "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 9001), (Person "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1234)] encodeList (\k v -> Encode.list identity [ personEncode k, Encode.int v ]) example |> Encode.encode 0 --> "[[{\"first\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\",\"last\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\",\"last\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},1234]]" -} encodeList : (k -> v -> Encode.Value) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Encode.Value encodeList encodeF = Encode.list (\( k, v ) -> encodeF k v) << toList {-| Decode an AnyDict from a JSON list of tuples. import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Person = {first : String, last : String} type alias Age = Int personToString : Person -> String personToString {first, last} = first ++ last personDecode : Decode.Decoder Person personDecode = Decode.map2 Person (Decode.field "first" Decode.string) (Decode.field "last" Decode.string) "[[{\"first\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\",\"last\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},9001],[{\"first\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\",\"last\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},1234]]" |> Decode.decodeString (decodeList personToString (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 personDecode) (Decode.index 1 Decode.int))) --> Ok (fromList personToString [(Person "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 9001), (Person "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1234)]) -} decodeList : (k -> comparable) -> Decode.Decoder ( k, v ) -> Decode.Decoder (AnyDict comparable k v) decodeList keyToComparable = Decode.map (fromList keyToComparable) << Decode.list {-| Takes a key-fn and a list. Creates an `AnyDict` which maps the key to a list of matching elements. -} groupBy : (value -> key) -> (key -> comparable) -> List value -> AnyDict comparable key (List value) groupBy toKey keyToComparable list = List.foldr (\x acc -> update (toKey x) (\maybeValues -> maybeValues |> Maybe.map ((::) x) |> Maybe.withDefault [ x ] |> Just ) acc ) (empty keyToComparable) list {-| Find out if there is any instance of something in a Dictionary. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"), (Mouse, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False any isACat animals --> True -} any : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool any predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc || predicate k v) False dict {-| Find if all key value paris in Dictionary match a predicate. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"), (Mouse, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt aristocats : AnyDict Int Animal String aristocats = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt isACat : Animal -> String -> Bool isACat animal _ = case animal of Cat -> True _ -> False all isACat animals --> False all isACat aristocats --> True -} all : (k -> v -> Bool) -> AnyDict comparable k v -> Bool all predicate dict = foldl (\k v acc -> acc && predicate k v) True dict {-| Apply a function that may or may not succeed to all entries in a dictionary, but only keep the successes. type Animal = Cat | Mouse | Dog animalToInt : Animal -> Int animalToInt animal = case animal of Cat -> 0 Mouse -> 1 Dog -> 2 animals : AnyDict Int Animal String animals = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"), (Mouse, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt onlyTom : AnyDict Int Animal String onlyTom = [ (Cat, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] |> fromList animalToInt getCatName : Animal -> String -> Maybe String getCatName animal name = case animal of Cat -> Just name _ -> Nothing filterMap getCatName animals == onlyTom --> True -} filterMap : (k -> v1 -> Maybe v2) -> AnyDict comparable k v1 -> AnyDict comparable k v2 filterMap f dict = foldl (\k v acc -> case f k v of Just newVal -> insert k newVal acc Nothing -> acc ) (removeAll dict) dict
[ { "context": " , autofocus True\n , placeholder \"Username\"\n ]\n []\n ", "end": 2781, "score": 0.9989962578, "start": 2773, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Username" }, { "context": ", type_ \"password\"\n , placeholder \"Password\"\n ]\n []\n ", "end": 2956, "score": 0.9916075468, "start": 2948, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Css exposing (..) import Css.Breakpoint as Breakpoint import Css.Global as Global exposing (global) import Data.Auth as Auth exposing (Auth(..)) import Data.Request as Request import Data.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Data.Session as Session import Data.User exposing (User) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing ( autofocus , css , disabled , placeholder , type_ ) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Html.Styled.Keyed as Keyed import Http import Markdown import Specification exposing (colors) import Task import Time -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , redirectUrl : Maybe String , username : String , password : String } init : Session.Data -> Maybe String -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init session redirectUrl = let redirect = case Session.getAuth session of Auth.Auth _ -> Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey session) "/" _ -> Cmd.none in ( Model session redirectUrl "" "" , redirect ) -- UPDATE type Msg = OnUsernameInput String | OnPasswordInput String | PerformLogin | GotPerformLogin (Result Http.Error User) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of OnUsernameInput input -> ( { model | username = input }, Cmd.none ) OnPasswordInput input -> ( { model | password = input }, Cmd.none ) PerformLogin -> ( model , Task.attempt GotPerformLogin <| Request.postLogin model.username model.password ) GotPerformLogin (Ok user) -> let url = Maybe.withDefault "/" model.redirectUrl in ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth (Auth user) model.session } , Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey model.session) url ) GotPerformLogin (Err err) -> ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth Anonymous model.session } , Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let disable = String.isEmpty model.password || String.isEmpty model.username in section [ css styling.login ] [ h1 [] [ text "Tokonoma" ] , Html.Styled.form [ onSubmit PerformLogin ] [ input [ onInput OnUsernameInput , autofocus True , placeholder "Username" ] [] , input [ onInput OnPasswordInput , type_ "password" , placeholder "Password" ] [] , button [ disabled disable ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] styling = { login = [ backgroundColor colors.offwhite , padding (rem 1.5) , width (rem 25) , margin2 (vh 25) auto , Global.descendants [ Global.h1 [ marginBottom (rem 2) ] , Global.button [ backgroundColor colors.black , padding2 (rem 0.5) (rem 1) , color colors.white , width (pct 100) , Css.disabled [ color colors.greyLighter , cursor notAllowed ] ] ] ] }
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Css exposing (..) import Css.Breakpoint as Breakpoint import Css.Global as Global exposing (global) import Data.Auth as Auth exposing (Auth(..)) import Data.Request as Request import Data.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Data.Session as Session import Data.User exposing (User) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing ( autofocus , css , disabled , placeholder , type_ ) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Html.Styled.Keyed as Keyed import Http import Markdown import Specification exposing (colors) import Task import Time -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , redirectUrl : Maybe String , username : String , password : String } init : Session.Data -> Maybe String -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init session redirectUrl = let redirect = case Session.getAuth session of Auth.Auth _ -> Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey session) "/" _ -> Cmd.none in ( Model session redirectUrl "" "" , redirect ) -- UPDATE type Msg = OnUsernameInput String | OnPasswordInput String | PerformLogin | GotPerformLogin (Result Http.Error User) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of OnUsernameInput input -> ( { model | username = input }, Cmd.none ) OnPasswordInput input -> ( { model | password = input }, Cmd.none ) PerformLogin -> ( model , Task.attempt GotPerformLogin <| Request.postLogin model.username model.password ) GotPerformLogin (Ok user) -> let url = Maybe.withDefault "/" model.redirectUrl in ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth (Auth user) model.session } , Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey model.session) url ) GotPerformLogin (Err err) -> ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth Anonymous model.session } , Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let disable = String.isEmpty model.password || String.isEmpty model.username in section [ css styling.login ] [ h1 [] [ text "Tokonoma" ] , Html.Styled.form [ onSubmit PerformLogin ] [ input [ onInput OnUsernameInput , autofocus True , placeholder "Username" ] [] , input [ onInput OnPasswordInput , type_ "password" , placeholder "<PASSWORD>" ] [] , button [ disabled disable ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] styling = { login = [ backgroundColor colors.offwhite , padding (rem 1.5) , width (rem 25) , margin2 (vh 25) auto , Global.descendants [ Global.h1 [ marginBottom (rem 2) ] , Global.button [ backgroundColor colors.black , padding2 (rem 0.5) (rem 1) , color colors.white , width (pct 100) , Css.disabled [ color colors.greyLighter , cursor notAllowed ] ] ] ] }
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Css exposing (..) import Css.Breakpoint as Breakpoint import Css.Global as Global exposing (global) import Data.Auth as Auth exposing (Auth(..)) import Data.Request as Request import Data.Resource as Resource exposing (Resource) import Data.Session as Session import Data.User exposing (User) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing ( autofocus , css , disabled , placeholder , type_ ) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import Html.Styled.Keyed as Keyed import Http import Markdown import Specification exposing (colors) import Task import Time -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , redirectUrl : Maybe String , username : String , password : String } init : Session.Data -> Maybe String -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init session redirectUrl = let redirect = case Session.getAuth session of Auth.Auth _ -> Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey session) "/" _ -> Cmd.none in ( Model session redirectUrl "" "" , redirect ) -- UPDATE type Msg = OnUsernameInput String | OnPasswordInput String | PerformLogin | GotPerformLogin (Result Http.Error User) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of OnUsernameInput input -> ( { model | username = input }, Cmd.none ) OnPasswordInput input -> ( { model | password = input }, Cmd.none ) PerformLogin -> ( model , Task.attempt GotPerformLogin <| Request.postLogin model.username model.password ) GotPerformLogin (Ok user) -> let url = Maybe.withDefault "/" model.redirectUrl in ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth (Auth user) model.session } , Navigation.replaceUrl (Session.getNavKey model.session) url ) GotPerformLogin (Err err) -> ( { model | session = Session.insertAuth Anonymous model.session } , Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let disable = String.isEmpty model.password || String.isEmpty model.username in section [ css styling.login ] [ h1 [] [ text "Tokonoma" ] , Html.Styled.form [ onSubmit PerformLogin ] [ input [ onInput OnUsernameInput , autofocus True , placeholder "Username" ] [] , input [ onInput OnPasswordInput , type_ "password" , placeholder "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" ] [] , button [ disabled disable ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] styling = { login = [ backgroundColor colors.offwhite , padding (rem 1.5) , width (rem 25) , margin2 (vh 25) auto , Global.descendants [ Global.h1 [ marginBottom (rem 2) ] , Global.button [ backgroundColor colors.black , padding2 (rem 0.5) (rem 1) , color colors.white , width (pct 100) , Css.disabled [ color colors.greyLighter , cursor notAllowed ] ] ] ] }
[ { "context": " Encode.object\n [ ( \"username\", Encode.string model.username )\n ", "end": 617, "score": 0.6707237363, "start": 609, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "dated username ->\n { model | username = username } ! []\n\n PasswordUpdated password ->\n ", "end": 2067, "score": 0.9716808796, "start": 2059, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "dated password ->\n { model | password = password } ! []\n", "end": 2153, "score": 0.93659693, "start": 2145, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Http import HttpBuilder import Html import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Model exposing (..) import Task import View import Window main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) , update = update , view = View.mainView , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none) } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Signin -> let jsonBody = Encode.object [ ( "username", Encode.string model.username ) , ( "password", Encode.string model.password ) ] builderCmd = HttpBuilder.post "http://localhost:4000/signin" |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody jsonBody |> HttpBuilder.withQueryParams [ ( "timestamp", (toString model.timestamp) ) ] |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson Decode.int) |> HttpBuilder.send SigninCompleted saveCmd = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token ] , url = "http://localhost:4000/signin?timestamp=" ++ (toString model.timestamp) , body = Http.jsonBody jsonBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.int , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send SigninCompleted in model ! [ saveCmd, builderCmd ] SigninCompleted (Ok data) -> model ! [] SigninCompleted (Err error) -> model ! [] UsernameUpdated username -> { model | username = username } ! [] PasswordUpdated password -> { model | password = password } ! []
module Main exposing (..) import Http import HttpBuilder import Html import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Model exposing (..) import Task import View import Window main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) , update = update , view = View.mainView , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none) } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Signin -> let jsonBody = Encode.object [ ( "username", Encode.string model.username ) , ( "password", Encode.string model.password ) ] builderCmd = HttpBuilder.post "http://localhost:4000/signin" |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody jsonBody |> HttpBuilder.withQueryParams [ ( "timestamp", (toString model.timestamp) ) ] |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson Decode.int) |> HttpBuilder.send SigninCompleted saveCmd = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token ] , url = "http://localhost:4000/signin?timestamp=" ++ (toString model.timestamp) , body = Http.jsonBody jsonBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.int , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send SigninCompleted in model ! [ saveCmd, builderCmd ] SigninCompleted (Ok data) -> model ! [] SigninCompleted (Err error) -> model ! [] UsernameUpdated username -> { model | username = username } ! [] PasswordUpdated password -> { model | password = <PASSWORD> } ! []
module Main exposing (..) import Http import HttpBuilder import Html import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Model exposing (..) import Task import View import Window main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) , update = update , view = View.mainView , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none) } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Signin -> let jsonBody = Encode.object [ ( "username", Encode.string model.username ) , ( "password", Encode.string model.password ) ] builderCmd = HttpBuilder.post "http://localhost:4000/signin" |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody jsonBody |> HttpBuilder.withQueryParams [ ( "timestamp", (toString model.timestamp) ) ] |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson Decode.int) |> HttpBuilder.send SigninCompleted saveCmd = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "X-CSRF-TOKEN" model.token ] , url = "http://localhost:4000/signin?timestamp=" ++ (toString model.timestamp) , body = Http.jsonBody jsonBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.int , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send SigninCompleted in model ! [ saveCmd, builderCmd ] SigninCompleted (Ok data) -> model ! [] SigninCompleted (Err error) -> model ! [] UsernameUpdated username -> { model | username = username } ! [] PasswordUpdated password -> { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } ! []
[ { "context": "{-\n Swaggy Jenkins\n Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / O", "end": 20, "score": 0.999653995, "start": 6, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Swaggy Jenkins" }, { "context": "cation\n\n OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1\n Contact: blah@cliffano.com\n\n NOTE: This file is auto generated by the open", "end": 153, "score": 0.999912858, "start": 136, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "blah@cliffano.com" }, { "context": "d by the openapi-generator.\n https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git\n Do not edit this file ma", "end": 252, "score": 0.9996265769, "start": 240, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "openapitools" } ]
{- Swaggy Jenkins Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: blah@cliffano.com NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Hudson exposing (Hudson, hudsonDecoder, hudsonEncoder) import Data.HudsonassignedLabels exposing (HudsonassignedLabels, hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder, hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) import Data.FreeStyleProject exposing (FreeStyleProject, freeStyleProjectDecoder, freeStyleProjectEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Data.UnlabeledLoadStatistics exposing (UnlabeledLoadStatistics, unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder, unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias Hudson = { class : Maybe String , assignedLabels : Maybe (List HudsonassignedLabels) , mode : Maybe String , nodeDescription : Maybe String , nodeName : Maybe String , numExecutors : Maybe Int , description : Maybe String , jobs : Maybe (List FreeStyleProject) , primaryView : Maybe AllView , quietingDown : Maybe Bool , slaveAgentPort : Maybe Int , unlabeledLoad : Maybe UnlabeledLoadStatistics , useCrumbs : Maybe Bool , useSecurity : Maybe Bool , views : Maybe (List AllView) } hudsonDecoder : Decoder Hudson hudsonDecoder = decode Hudson |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "assignedLabels" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "mode" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeDescription" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeName" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "numExecutors" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "description" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "jobs" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list freeStyleProjectDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "primaryView" (Decode.nullable allViewDecoder) Nothing |> optional "quietingDown" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "slaveAgentPort" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "unlabeledLoad" (Decode.nullable unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder) Nothing |> optional "useCrumbs" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "useSecurity" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "views" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list allViewDecoder)) Nothing hudsonEncoder : Hudson -> Encode.Value hudsonEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) , ( "assignedLabels", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) model.assignedLabels) ) , ( "mode", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.mode) ) , ( "nodeDescription", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeDescription) ) , ( "nodeName", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeName) ) , ( "numExecutors", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.numExecutors) ) , ( "description", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.description) ) , ( "jobs", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map freeStyleProjectEncoder) model.jobs) ) , ( "primaryView", withDefault Encode.null (map allViewEncoder model.primaryView) ) , ( "quietingDown", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.quietingDown) ) , ( "slaveAgentPort", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.slaveAgentPort) ) , ( "unlabeledLoad", withDefault Encode.null (map unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder model.unlabeledLoad) ) , ( "useCrumbs", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useCrumbs) ) , ( "useSecurity", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useSecurity) ) , ( "views", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map allViewEncoder) model.views) ) ]
{- <NAME> Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: <EMAIL> NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Hudson exposing (Hudson, hudsonDecoder, hudsonEncoder) import Data.HudsonassignedLabels exposing (HudsonassignedLabels, hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder, hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) import Data.FreeStyleProject exposing (FreeStyleProject, freeStyleProjectDecoder, freeStyleProjectEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Data.UnlabeledLoadStatistics exposing (UnlabeledLoadStatistics, unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder, unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias Hudson = { class : Maybe String , assignedLabels : Maybe (List HudsonassignedLabels) , mode : Maybe String , nodeDescription : Maybe String , nodeName : Maybe String , numExecutors : Maybe Int , description : Maybe String , jobs : Maybe (List FreeStyleProject) , primaryView : Maybe AllView , quietingDown : Maybe Bool , slaveAgentPort : Maybe Int , unlabeledLoad : Maybe UnlabeledLoadStatistics , useCrumbs : Maybe Bool , useSecurity : Maybe Bool , views : Maybe (List AllView) } hudsonDecoder : Decoder Hudson hudsonDecoder = decode Hudson |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "assignedLabels" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "mode" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeDescription" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeName" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "numExecutors" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "description" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "jobs" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list freeStyleProjectDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "primaryView" (Decode.nullable allViewDecoder) Nothing |> optional "quietingDown" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "slaveAgentPort" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "unlabeledLoad" (Decode.nullable unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder) Nothing |> optional "useCrumbs" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "useSecurity" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "views" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list allViewDecoder)) Nothing hudsonEncoder : Hudson -> Encode.Value hudsonEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) , ( "assignedLabels", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) model.assignedLabels) ) , ( "mode", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.mode) ) , ( "nodeDescription", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeDescription) ) , ( "nodeName", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeName) ) , ( "numExecutors", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.numExecutors) ) , ( "description", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.description) ) , ( "jobs", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map freeStyleProjectEncoder) model.jobs) ) , ( "primaryView", withDefault Encode.null (map allViewEncoder model.primaryView) ) , ( "quietingDown", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.quietingDown) ) , ( "slaveAgentPort", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.slaveAgentPort) ) , ( "unlabeledLoad", withDefault Encode.null (map unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder model.unlabeledLoad) ) , ( "useCrumbs", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useCrumbs) ) , ( "useSecurity", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useSecurity) ) , ( "views", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map allViewEncoder) model.views) ) ]
{- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Hudson exposing (Hudson, hudsonDecoder, hudsonEncoder) import Data.HudsonassignedLabels exposing (HudsonassignedLabels, hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder, hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) import Data.FreeStyleProject exposing (FreeStyleProject, freeStyleProjectDecoder, freeStyleProjectEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Data.UnlabeledLoadStatistics exposing (UnlabeledLoadStatistics, unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder, unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder) import Data.AllView exposing (AllView, allViewDecoder, allViewEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias Hudson = { class : Maybe String , assignedLabels : Maybe (List HudsonassignedLabels) , mode : Maybe String , nodeDescription : Maybe String , nodeName : Maybe String , numExecutors : Maybe Int , description : Maybe String , jobs : Maybe (List FreeStyleProject) , primaryView : Maybe AllView , quietingDown : Maybe Bool , slaveAgentPort : Maybe Int , unlabeledLoad : Maybe UnlabeledLoadStatistics , useCrumbs : Maybe Bool , useSecurity : Maybe Bool , views : Maybe (List AllView) } hudsonDecoder : Decoder Hudson hudsonDecoder = decode Hudson |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "assignedLabels" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list hudsonassignedLabelsDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "mode" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeDescription" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "nodeName" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "numExecutors" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "description" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "jobs" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list freeStyleProjectDecoder)) Nothing |> optional "primaryView" (Decode.nullable allViewDecoder) Nothing |> optional "quietingDown" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "slaveAgentPort" (Decode.nullable Decode.int) Nothing |> optional "unlabeledLoad" (Decode.nullable unlabeledLoadStatisticsDecoder) Nothing |> optional "useCrumbs" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "useSecurity" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> optional "views" (Decode.nullable (Decode.list allViewDecoder)) Nothing hudsonEncoder : Hudson -> Encode.Value hudsonEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) , ( "assignedLabels", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map hudsonassignedLabelsEncoder) model.assignedLabels) ) , ( "mode", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.mode) ) , ( "nodeDescription", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeDescription) ) , ( "nodeName", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.nodeName) ) , ( "numExecutors", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.numExecutors) ) , ( "description", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.description) ) , ( "jobs", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map freeStyleProjectEncoder) model.jobs) ) , ( "primaryView", withDefault Encode.null (map allViewEncoder model.primaryView) ) , ( "quietingDown", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.quietingDown) ) , ( "slaveAgentPort", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.int model.slaveAgentPort) ) , ( "unlabeledLoad", withDefault Encode.null (map unlabeledLoadStatisticsEncoder model.unlabeledLoad) ) , ( "useCrumbs", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useCrumbs) ) , ( "useSecurity", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.bool model.useSecurity) ) , ( "views", withDefault Encode.null (map (Encode.list << List.map allViewEncoder) model.views) ) ]
[ { "context": " ->\n { title = x.title\n , author = x.author\n , article = x.article\n , vote = x.", "end": 7039, "score": 0.7050427794, "start": 7033, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "author" }, { "context": "hen\n { title = x.title\n , author = x.author\n , article = x.article\n , vote = x.", "end": 8536, "score": 0.6023058891, "start": 8530, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "author" }, { "context": "\n [ a\n [ href \"https://github.com/HaroldLeo\" ]\n [ text \"Written by Hongji Liu\" ]\n ", "end": 10932, "score": 0.9995158911, "start": 10923, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "HaroldLeo" }, { "context": "thub.com/HaroldLeo\" ]\n [ text \"Written by Hongji Liu\" ]\n ]\n ]\n\nviewArticle : List String -", "end": 10975, "score": 0.9998182058, "start": 10965, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hongji Liu" }, { "context": " [ type_ \"text\"\n , placeholder \"who are you\"\n , autofocus True\n ", "end": 14899, "score": 0.786262989, "start": 14888, "tag": "NAME", "value": "who are you" } ]
module TreeHole exposing (..) -- Add/modify imports if you'd like. ------------------------------------------ import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DecodePipeline -- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------- type PostState = Posting | None type alias Comment = { postId : Int , author : String , content : String , id : Int } type alias Post = { title : String , author : String , article : String , vote : Int , comments : List Comment , clicked : Bool , newCommentAuthor : String , newCommentContent : String , id : Int } type alias Model = { posts : List Post , comments : List Comment , newTitle : String , newAuthor : String , newArticle : String , postState : PostState , newComPostId : Int } type alias Flags = () init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = (initModel, getPosts) initModel : Model initModel = { posts = [] , comments = [] , newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None , newComPostId = 0 } -- Update --------------------------------------------------------------------- type Msg = NewPost (Result Http.Error Post) | Upload | GetPost (Result Http.Error (List Post)) | NewTitle String | NewAuthor String | NewArticle String | Upvote Int | Downvote Int | VoteUpdated (Result Http.Error Post) | ChangePostState PostState | ChangeCommentState Int Bool | GetComment (Result Http.Error (List Comment)) | NewCommentAuthor String | NewCommentContent String | CommentUpdated (Result Http.Error Comment) | SendComment Int update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Upload -> (model, sendPost model) NewPost (Ok score) -> ({ model | newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None}, getPosts) NewPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "Cannot post a new post" error in (model, Cmd.none) GetPost (Ok lists) -> ({ model | posts = List.reverse (List.sortBy .id lists)}, Cmd.none) GetPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request posts" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewTitle t -> ({ model | newTitle = t }, Cmd.none) NewAuthor a -> ({ model | newAuthor = a }, Cmd.none) NewArticle ar -> ({ model | newArticle = ar }, Cmd.none) Upvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (upvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) Downvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (downvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) VoteUpdated _ -> (model, getPosts) ChangePostState state -> ({ model | postState = state}, Cmd.none) ChangeCommentState id state -> case state of True -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = id}, getComments) False -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = 0}, getComments) GetComment (Ok lists) -> ({ model | comments = List.reverse (List.sortBy .postId lists) , posts = distributor model.posts lists}, Cmd.none) GetComment (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request comments" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewCommentAuthor author -> ({ model | posts = updateComAuthor model.posts model.newComPostId author } , Cmd.none) NewCommentContent content -> ({ model | posts = updateComContent model.posts model.newComPostId content } , Cmd.none) CommentUpdated _ -> (model, getComments) SendComment id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> ({ model | posts = sendingCom model.posts model.newComPostId } , sendComment post) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) -- Posts postsURL : String postsURL = "http://localhost:3000/posts/" getPosts : Cmd Msg getPosts = (Decode.list postDecoder) |> Http.get postsURL |> Http.send GetPost postDecoder : Decoder Post postDecoder = Decode.succeed Post |> DecodePipeline.required "title" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "author" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "article" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "vote" Decode.int |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded [] |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded False |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.required "id" Decode.int encodePost : Model -> Encode.Value encodePost model = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string model.newTitle) , ("author", Encode.string model.newAuthor) , ("article", Encode.string model.newArticle) , ("vote", Encode.int 0) ] postEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value postEncoder post = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string post.title) , ("author", Encode.string post.author) , ("article", Encode.string post.article) , ("vote", Encode.int post.vote) ] sendPost : Model -> Cmd Msg sendPost model = let body = encodePost model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post postsURL body postDecoder in Http.send NewPost request -- Comments commentsURL : String commentsURL = "http://localhost:3000/comments" getComments : Cmd Msg getComments = (Decode.list commentDecoder) |> Http.get commentsURL |> Http.send GetComment commentDecoder : Decoder Comment commentDecoder = Decode.map4 Comment (field "postId" Decode.int) (field "author" Decode.string) (field "content" Decode.string) (field "id" Decode.int) encodeComment : Post -> Encode.Value encodeComment post = Encode.object [ ("postId", Encode.int post.id) , ("author", Encode.string post.newCommentAuthor) , ("content", Encode.string post.newCommentContent) ] sendComment : Post -> Cmd Msg sendComment post = let body = encodeComment post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post commentsURL body commentDecoder in Http.send CommentUpdated request distributor : List Post -> List Comment -> List Post distributor posts comments = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = List.filter (\c -> c.postId == x.id) comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: (distributor xs comments) updateState : List Post -> Int -> Bool -> List Post updateState posts id state = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = state , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateState xs id state) updateComAuthor : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComAuthor posts id author = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = author , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComAuthor xs id author) updateComContent : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComContent posts id content = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = content , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComContent xs id content) sendingCom : List Post -> Int -> List Post sendingCom posts id = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = "" , newCommentContent = "" , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (sendingCom xs id) -- Upvotes/Downvotes findPostById : Int -> List Post -> Maybe Post findPostById id posts = case posts |> List.filter (\post -> post.id == id) |> List.head of Just post -> Just post Nothing -> Nothing upvote : Post -> Post upvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote + 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } downvote : Post -> Post downvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote - 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } updatePost : Post -> Cmd Msg updatePost post = let body = postEncoder post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.request { method = "PATCH" , headers = [] , url = postsURL ++ (Debug.toString post.id) , body = body , expect = Http.expectJson postDecoder , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } in Http.send VoteUpdated request -- View ----------------------------------------------------------------------- viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [ class "header" ] [ h1 [] [ text title ] , h4 [] [ text "...where you can put your secrets in *shh*" ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = div [] [ footer [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/HaroldLeo" ] [ text "Written by Hongji Liu" ] ] ] viewArticle : List String -> List (Html Msg) viewArticle list = case list of [] -> [] first :: rest -> (p [ class "article" ] [ text first ]) :: viewArticle rest viewVote : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewVote post = [ div [ class "vote" ] [ button [ class "upvote", onClick (Upvote post.id)] [ text "⇧" ] , h5 [ class "vote-num" ] [ text (String.fromInt post.vote) ] , button [ class "downvote", onClick (Downvote post.id)] [ text "⇩" ] ]] viewPost : Post -> Html Msg viewPost post = article [ class "post" ] ([ h2 [ class "title" ] [ text post.title ] , h4 [ class "author" ] [ text post.author ] ] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" post.article) ++ viewVote post ++ viewCommentList post) viewPostList : List Post -> Html Msg viewPostList posts = let postList = List.map viewPost posts in ul [ class "posts" ] postList viewComment : Comment -> Html Msg viewComment comment = article [ class "comment" ] ([ h5 [ class "author" ] [ text (comment.author ++ ":") ]] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" comment.content)) viewCommentList : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewCommentList post = let commentList = List.map viewComment post.comments in case post.clicked of True -> [ div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id False) ] [ text "comments" ] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "you, the name" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentAuthor , value post.newCommentAuthor ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ textarea [ cols 10 , rows 5 , placeholder "any thoughts?" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentContent , value post.newCommentContent ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-submit" , onClick (SendComment post.id) , disabled (emptyComment post) ] [ text "don't regret" ] ] ] ++ [ ul [ class "comments" ] commentList ] False -> [div [ class "commenting"] [button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id True) ] [ text "comments" ] ] ] emptyComment : Post -> Bool emptyComment post = if post.newCommentAuthor == "" || post.newCommentContent == "" then True else False emptyPost : Model -> Bool emptyPost model = if model.newTitle == "" || model.newAuthor == "" || model.newArticle == "" then True else False viewPostInput : Model -> Html Msg viewPostInput model = case model.postState of Posting -> div [ class "posting" ] [ div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState None) ] [ text "let go" ] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "a bit of a summary" , autofocus True , onInput NewTitle , value model.newTitle , class "post-title" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "who are you" , autofocus True , onInput NewAuthor , value model.newAuthor , class "post-author" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ textarea [ cols 50 , rows 10 , placeholder "please elaborate" , autofocus True , onInput NewArticle , value model.newArticle , class "post-article" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "submit-button" , onClick Upload , disabled (emptyPost model) ] [ text "push it in" ] ] ] None -> div [ class "posting" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState Posting) ] [ text "a new post" ] ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "container" ] [ viewHeader "a giant hole of a mysterious tree" , viewPostInput model , viewPostList model.posts , viewFooter ]
module TreeHole exposing (..) -- Add/modify imports if you'd like. ------------------------------------------ import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DecodePipeline -- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------- type PostState = Posting | None type alias Comment = { postId : Int , author : String , content : String , id : Int } type alias Post = { title : String , author : String , article : String , vote : Int , comments : List Comment , clicked : Bool , newCommentAuthor : String , newCommentContent : String , id : Int } type alias Model = { posts : List Post , comments : List Comment , newTitle : String , newAuthor : String , newArticle : String , postState : PostState , newComPostId : Int } type alias Flags = () init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = (initModel, getPosts) initModel : Model initModel = { posts = [] , comments = [] , newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None , newComPostId = 0 } -- Update --------------------------------------------------------------------- type Msg = NewPost (Result Http.Error Post) | Upload | GetPost (Result Http.Error (List Post)) | NewTitle String | NewAuthor String | NewArticle String | Upvote Int | Downvote Int | VoteUpdated (Result Http.Error Post) | ChangePostState PostState | ChangeCommentState Int Bool | GetComment (Result Http.Error (List Comment)) | NewCommentAuthor String | NewCommentContent String | CommentUpdated (Result Http.Error Comment) | SendComment Int update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Upload -> (model, sendPost model) NewPost (Ok score) -> ({ model | newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None}, getPosts) NewPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "Cannot post a new post" error in (model, Cmd.none) GetPost (Ok lists) -> ({ model | posts = List.reverse (List.sortBy .id lists)}, Cmd.none) GetPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request posts" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewTitle t -> ({ model | newTitle = t }, Cmd.none) NewAuthor a -> ({ model | newAuthor = a }, Cmd.none) NewArticle ar -> ({ model | newArticle = ar }, Cmd.none) Upvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (upvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) Downvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (downvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) VoteUpdated _ -> (model, getPosts) ChangePostState state -> ({ model | postState = state}, Cmd.none) ChangeCommentState id state -> case state of True -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = id}, getComments) False -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = 0}, getComments) GetComment (Ok lists) -> ({ model | comments = List.reverse (List.sortBy .postId lists) , posts = distributor model.posts lists}, Cmd.none) GetComment (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request comments" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewCommentAuthor author -> ({ model | posts = updateComAuthor model.posts model.newComPostId author } , Cmd.none) NewCommentContent content -> ({ model | posts = updateComContent model.posts model.newComPostId content } , Cmd.none) CommentUpdated _ -> (model, getComments) SendComment id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> ({ model | posts = sendingCom model.posts model.newComPostId } , sendComment post) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) -- Posts postsURL : String postsURL = "http://localhost:3000/posts/" getPosts : Cmd Msg getPosts = (Decode.list postDecoder) |> Http.get postsURL |> Http.send GetPost postDecoder : Decoder Post postDecoder = Decode.succeed Post |> DecodePipeline.required "title" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "author" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "article" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "vote" Decode.int |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded [] |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded False |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.required "id" Decode.int encodePost : Model -> Encode.Value encodePost model = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string model.newTitle) , ("author", Encode.string model.newAuthor) , ("article", Encode.string model.newArticle) , ("vote", Encode.int 0) ] postEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value postEncoder post = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string post.title) , ("author", Encode.string post.author) , ("article", Encode.string post.article) , ("vote", Encode.int post.vote) ] sendPost : Model -> Cmd Msg sendPost model = let body = encodePost model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post postsURL body postDecoder in Http.send NewPost request -- Comments commentsURL : String commentsURL = "http://localhost:3000/comments" getComments : Cmd Msg getComments = (Decode.list commentDecoder) |> Http.get commentsURL |> Http.send GetComment commentDecoder : Decoder Comment commentDecoder = Decode.map4 Comment (field "postId" Decode.int) (field "author" Decode.string) (field "content" Decode.string) (field "id" Decode.int) encodeComment : Post -> Encode.Value encodeComment post = Encode.object [ ("postId", Encode.int post.id) , ("author", Encode.string post.newCommentAuthor) , ("content", Encode.string post.newCommentContent) ] sendComment : Post -> Cmd Msg sendComment post = let body = encodeComment post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post commentsURL body commentDecoder in Http.send CommentUpdated request distributor : List Post -> List Comment -> List Post distributor posts comments = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = List.filter (\c -> c.postId == x.id) comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: (distributor xs comments) updateState : List Post -> Int -> Bool -> List Post updateState posts id state = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = state , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateState xs id state) updateComAuthor : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComAuthor posts id author = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = author , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComAuthor xs id author) updateComContent : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComContent posts id content = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = content , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComContent xs id content) sendingCom : List Post -> Int -> List Post sendingCom posts id = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = "" , newCommentContent = "" , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (sendingCom xs id) -- Upvotes/Downvotes findPostById : Int -> List Post -> Maybe Post findPostById id posts = case posts |> List.filter (\post -> post.id == id) |> List.head of Just post -> Just post Nothing -> Nothing upvote : Post -> Post upvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote + 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } downvote : Post -> Post downvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote - 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } updatePost : Post -> Cmd Msg updatePost post = let body = postEncoder post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.request { method = "PATCH" , headers = [] , url = postsURL ++ (Debug.toString post.id) , body = body , expect = Http.expectJson postDecoder , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } in Http.send VoteUpdated request -- View ----------------------------------------------------------------------- viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [ class "header" ] [ h1 [] [ text title ] , h4 [] [ text "...where you can put your secrets in *shh*" ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = div [] [ footer [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/HaroldLeo" ] [ text "Written by <NAME>" ] ] ] viewArticle : List String -> List (Html Msg) viewArticle list = case list of [] -> [] first :: rest -> (p [ class "article" ] [ text first ]) :: viewArticle rest viewVote : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewVote post = [ div [ class "vote" ] [ button [ class "upvote", onClick (Upvote post.id)] [ text "⇧" ] , h5 [ class "vote-num" ] [ text (String.fromInt post.vote) ] , button [ class "downvote", onClick (Downvote post.id)] [ text "⇩" ] ]] viewPost : Post -> Html Msg viewPost post = article [ class "post" ] ([ h2 [ class "title" ] [ text post.title ] , h4 [ class "author" ] [ text post.author ] ] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" post.article) ++ viewVote post ++ viewCommentList post) viewPostList : List Post -> Html Msg viewPostList posts = let postList = List.map viewPost posts in ul [ class "posts" ] postList viewComment : Comment -> Html Msg viewComment comment = article [ class "comment" ] ([ h5 [ class "author" ] [ text (comment.author ++ ":") ]] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" comment.content)) viewCommentList : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewCommentList post = let commentList = List.map viewComment post.comments in case post.clicked of True -> [ div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id False) ] [ text "comments" ] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "you, the name" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentAuthor , value post.newCommentAuthor ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ textarea [ cols 10 , rows 5 , placeholder "any thoughts?" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentContent , value post.newCommentContent ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-submit" , onClick (SendComment post.id) , disabled (emptyComment post) ] [ text "don't regret" ] ] ] ++ [ ul [ class "comments" ] commentList ] False -> [div [ class "commenting"] [button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id True) ] [ text "comments" ] ] ] emptyComment : Post -> Bool emptyComment post = if post.newCommentAuthor == "" || post.newCommentContent == "" then True else False emptyPost : Model -> Bool emptyPost model = if model.newTitle == "" || model.newAuthor == "" || model.newArticle == "" then True else False viewPostInput : Model -> Html Msg viewPostInput model = case model.postState of Posting -> div [ class "posting" ] [ div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState None) ] [ text "let go" ] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "a bit of a summary" , autofocus True , onInput NewTitle , value model.newTitle , class "post-title" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "<NAME>" , autofocus True , onInput NewAuthor , value model.newAuthor , class "post-author" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ textarea [ cols 50 , rows 10 , placeholder "please elaborate" , autofocus True , onInput NewArticle , value model.newArticle , class "post-article" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "submit-button" , onClick Upload , disabled (emptyPost model) ] [ text "push it in" ] ] ] None -> div [ class "posting" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState Posting) ] [ text "a new post" ] ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "container" ] [ viewHeader "a giant hole of a mysterious tree" , viewPostInput model , viewPostList model.posts , viewFooter ]
module TreeHole exposing (..) -- Add/modify imports if you'd like. ------------------------------------------ import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DecodePipeline -- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------- main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Model ---------------------------------------------------------------------- type PostState = Posting | None type alias Comment = { postId : Int , author : String , content : String , id : Int } type alias Post = { title : String , author : String , article : String , vote : Int , comments : List Comment , clicked : Bool , newCommentAuthor : String , newCommentContent : String , id : Int } type alias Model = { posts : List Post , comments : List Comment , newTitle : String , newAuthor : String , newArticle : String , postState : PostState , newComPostId : Int } type alias Flags = () init : Flags -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = (initModel, getPosts) initModel : Model initModel = { posts = [] , comments = [] , newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None , newComPostId = 0 } -- Update --------------------------------------------------------------------- type Msg = NewPost (Result Http.Error Post) | Upload | GetPost (Result Http.Error (List Post)) | NewTitle String | NewAuthor String | NewArticle String | Upvote Int | Downvote Int | VoteUpdated (Result Http.Error Post) | ChangePostState PostState | ChangeCommentState Int Bool | GetComment (Result Http.Error (List Comment)) | NewCommentAuthor String | NewCommentContent String | CommentUpdated (Result Http.Error Comment) | SendComment Int update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Upload -> (model, sendPost model) NewPost (Ok score) -> ({ model | newTitle = "" , newAuthor = "" , newArticle = "" , postState = None}, getPosts) NewPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "Cannot post a new post" error in (model, Cmd.none) GetPost (Ok lists) -> ({ model | posts = List.reverse (List.sortBy .id lists)}, Cmd.none) GetPost (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request posts" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewTitle t -> ({ model | newTitle = t }, Cmd.none) NewAuthor a -> ({ model | newAuthor = a }, Cmd.none) NewArticle ar -> ({ model | newArticle = ar }, Cmd.none) Upvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (upvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) Downvote id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> (model, updatePost (downvote post)) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) VoteUpdated _ -> (model, getPosts) ChangePostState state -> ({ model | postState = state}, Cmd.none) ChangeCommentState id state -> case state of True -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = id}, getComments) False -> ({ model | posts = updateState model.posts id state , newComPostId = 0}, getComments) GetComment (Ok lists) -> ({ model | comments = List.reverse (List.sortBy .postId lists) , posts = distributor model.posts lists}, Cmd.none) GetComment (Err error) -> let _ = Debug.log "cannoot request comments" error in (model, Cmd.none) NewCommentAuthor author -> ({ model | posts = updateComAuthor model.posts model.newComPostId author } , Cmd.none) NewCommentContent content -> ({ model | posts = updateComContent model.posts model.newComPostId content } , Cmd.none) CommentUpdated _ -> (model, getComments) SendComment id -> case (findPostById id model.posts) of Just post -> ({ model | posts = sendingCom model.posts model.newComPostId } , sendComment post) Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) -- Posts postsURL : String postsURL = "http://localhost:3000/posts/" getPosts : Cmd Msg getPosts = (Decode.list postDecoder) |> Http.get postsURL |> Http.send GetPost postDecoder : Decoder Post postDecoder = Decode.succeed Post |> DecodePipeline.required "title" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "author" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "article" Decode.string |> DecodePipeline.required "vote" Decode.int |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded [] |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded False |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.hardcoded "" |> DecodePipeline.required "id" Decode.int encodePost : Model -> Encode.Value encodePost model = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string model.newTitle) , ("author", Encode.string model.newAuthor) , ("article", Encode.string model.newArticle) , ("vote", Encode.int 0) ] postEncoder : Post -> Encode.Value postEncoder post = Encode.object [ ("title", Encode.string post.title) , ("author", Encode.string post.author) , ("article", Encode.string post.article) , ("vote", Encode.int post.vote) ] sendPost : Model -> Cmd Msg sendPost model = let body = encodePost model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post postsURL body postDecoder in Http.send NewPost request -- Comments commentsURL : String commentsURL = "http://localhost:3000/comments" getComments : Cmd Msg getComments = (Decode.list commentDecoder) |> Http.get commentsURL |> Http.send GetComment commentDecoder : Decoder Comment commentDecoder = Decode.map4 Comment (field "postId" Decode.int) (field "author" Decode.string) (field "content" Decode.string) (field "id" Decode.int) encodeComment : Post -> Encode.Value encodeComment post = Encode.object [ ("postId", Encode.int post.id) , ("author", Encode.string post.newCommentAuthor) , ("content", Encode.string post.newCommentContent) ] sendComment : Post -> Cmd Msg sendComment post = let body = encodeComment post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post commentsURL body commentDecoder in Http.send CommentUpdated request distributor : List Post -> List Comment -> List Post distributor posts comments = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = List.filter (\c -> c.postId == x.id) comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: (distributor xs comments) updateState : List Post -> Int -> Bool -> List Post updateState posts id state = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = state , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateState xs id state) updateComAuthor : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComAuthor posts id author = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = author , newCommentContent = x.newCommentContent , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComAuthor xs id author) updateComContent : List Post -> Int -> String -> List Post updateComContent posts id content = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = x.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = content , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (updateComContent xs id content) sendingCom : List Post -> Int -> List Post sendingCom posts id = case posts of [] -> [] x :: xs -> if x.id == id then { title = x.title , author = x.author , article = x.article , vote = x.vote , comments = x.comments , clicked = x.clicked , newCommentAuthor = "" , newCommentContent = "" , id = x.id } :: xs else x :: (sendingCom xs id) -- Upvotes/Downvotes findPostById : Int -> List Post -> Maybe Post findPostById id posts = case posts |> List.filter (\post -> post.id == id) |> List.head of Just post -> Just post Nothing -> Nothing upvote : Post -> Post upvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote + 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } downvote : Post -> Post downvote post = { title = post.title , author = post.author , article = post.article , vote = post.vote - 1 , comments = post.comments , clicked = post.clicked , newCommentAuthor = post.newCommentAuthor , newCommentContent = post.newCommentContent , id = post.id } updatePost : Post -> Cmd Msg updatePost post = let body = postEncoder post |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.request { method = "PATCH" , headers = [] , url = postsURL ++ (Debug.toString post.id) , body = body , expect = Http.expectJson postDecoder , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } in Http.send VoteUpdated request -- View ----------------------------------------------------------------------- viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [ class "header" ] [ h1 [] [ text title ] , h4 [] [ text "...where you can put your secrets in *shh*" ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = div [] [ footer [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/HaroldLeo" ] [ text "Written by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ] ] viewArticle : List String -> List (Html Msg) viewArticle list = case list of [] -> [] first :: rest -> (p [ class "article" ] [ text first ]) :: viewArticle rest viewVote : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewVote post = [ div [ class "vote" ] [ button [ class "upvote", onClick (Upvote post.id)] [ text "⇧" ] , h5 [ class "vote-num" ] [ text (String.fromInt post.vote) ] , button [ class "downvote", onClick (Downvote post.id)] [ text "⇩" ] ]] viewPost : Post -> Html Msg viewPost post = article [ class "post" ] ([ h2 [ class "title" ] [ text post.title ] , h4 [ class "author" ] [ text post.author ] ] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" post.article) ++ viewVote post ++ viewCommentList post) viewPostList : List Post -> Html Msg viewPostList posts = let postList = List.map viewPost posts in ul [ class "posts" ] postList viewComment : Comment -> Html Msg viewComment comment = article [ class "comment" ] ([ h5 [ class "author" ] [ text (comment.author ++ ":") ]] ++ viewArticle (String.split "\n" comment.content)) viewCommentList : Post -> List (Html Msg) viewCommentList post = let commentList = List.map viewComment post.comments in case post.clicked of True -> [ div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id False) ] [ text "comments" ] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "you, the name" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentAuthor , value post.newCommentAuthor ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ textarea [ cols 10 , rows 5 , placeholder "any thoughts?" , autofocus True , onInput NewCommentContent , value post.newCommentContent ] [] ] , div [ class "commenting" ] [ button [ class "comment-submit" , onClick (SendComment post.id) , disabled (emptyComment post) ] [ text "don't regret" ] ] ] ++ [ ul [ class "comments" ] commentList ] False -> [div [ class "commenting"] [button [ class "comment-button" , onClick (ChangeCommentState post.id True) ] [ text "comments" ] ] ] emptyComment : Post -> Bool emptyComment post = if post.newCommentAuthor == "" || post.newCommentContent == "" then True else False emptyPost : Model -> Bool emptyPost model = if model.newTitle == "" || model.newAuthor == "" || model.newArticle == "" then True else False viewPostInput : Model -> Html Msg viewPostInput model = case model.postState of Posting -> div [ class "posting" ] [ div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState None) ] [ text "let go" ] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "a bit of a summary" , autofocus True , onInput NewTitle , value model.newTitle , class "post-title" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , autofocus True , onInput NewAuthor , value model.newAuthor , class "post-author" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ textarea [ cols 50 , rows 10 , placeholder "please elaborate" , autofocus True , onInput NewArticle , value model.newArticle , class "post-article" ] [] ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ button [ class "submit-button" , onClick Upload , disabled (emptyPost model) ] [ text "push it in" ] ] ] None -> div [ class "posting" ] [ button [ class "post-button" , onClick (ChangePostState Posting) ] [ text "a new post" ] ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "container" ] [ viewHeader "a giant hole of a mysterious tree" , viewPostInput model , viewPostList model.posts , viewFooter ]
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module Demo.Dialog exposing (Model, Msg(..), defaultModel, update, view) import Demo.CatalogPage exposing (CatalogPage) import Demo.Helper.ResourceLink as ResourceLink import Html exposing (Html, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style) import Html.Events import Material.Button exposing (buttonConfig, textButton) import Material.Dialog exposing (dialog, dialogConfig) import Material.Icon exposing (icon, iconConfig) import Material.List exposing (list, listConfig, listItem, listItemConfig, listItemGraphic, listItemText) import Material.Radio exposing (radio, radioConfig) import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Model = { openDialog : Maybe String } defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { openDialog = Nothing } type Msg = Close | Show String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Close -> { model | openDialog = Nothing } Show index -> { model | openDialog = Just index } view : Model -> CatalogPage Msg view model = { title = "Dialog" , prelude = "Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks." , resources = { materialDesignGuidelines = Just "https://material.io/go/design-dialogs" , documentation = Just "https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/latest/Material-Dialog" , sourceCode = Just "https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages/mdc-dialog" } , hero = heroDialog , content = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-alert-dialog") } "Alert" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-simple-dialog") } "Simple" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-confirmation-dialog") } "Confirmation" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-scrollable-dialog") } "Scrollable" , text " " , alertDialog model , simpleDialog model , confirmationDialog model , scrollableDialog model ] } heroDialog : List (Html Msg) heroDialog = [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog mdc-dialog--open" , style "position" "relative" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__surface" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__title" ] [ text "Get this party started?" ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__content" ] [ text "Turn up the jams and have a good time." ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__actions" ] [ textButton buttonConfig "Decline" , textButton buttonConfig "Accept" ] ] ] ] alertDialog : Model -> Html Msg alertDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-alert-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Nothing , content = [ text "Discard draft?" ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Discard" ] } simpleDialog : Model -> Html Msg simpleDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-simple-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Select an account" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "user1@example.com" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "user2@example.com" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "add" ] , listItemText [] [ text "Add account" ] ] ] ] , actions = [] } confirmationDialog : Model -> Html Msg confirmationDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-confirmation-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Phone ringtone" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio { radioConfig | checked = True } ] , listItemText [] [ text "Never Gonna Give You Up" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "Hot Cross Buns" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "None" ] ] ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "OK" ] } scrollableDialog : Model -> Html Msg scrollableDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-scrollable-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" , content = [ Html.p [] [ text """ Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em had a big bed in one corner, and Dorothy a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now. When Dorothy, who was an orphan, first came to her, Aunt Em had been so startled by the child's laughter that she would scream and press her hand upon her heart whenever Dorothy's merry voice reached her ears; and she still looked at the little girl with wonder that she could find anything to laugh at. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Uncle Henry never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ It was Toto that made Dorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. Toto played all day long, and Dorothy played with him, and loved him dearly. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Today, however, they were not playing. Uncle Henry sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual. Dorothy stood in the door with Toto in her arms, and looked at the sky too. Aunt Em was washing the dishes. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Henry and Dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. There now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also. """ ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Decline" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Continue" ] }
module Demo.Dialog exposing (Model, Msg(..), defaultModel, update, view) import Demo.CatalogPage exposing (CatalogPage) import Demo.Helper.ResourceLink as ResourceLink import Html exposing (Html, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style) import Html.Events import Material.Button exposing (buttonConfig, textButton) import Material.Dialog exposing (dialog, dialogConfig) import Material.Icon exposing (icon, iconConfig) import Material.List exposing (list, listConfig, listItem, listItemConfig, listItemGraphic, listItemText) import Material.Radio exposing (radio, radioConfig) import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Model = { openDialog : Maybe String } defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { openDialog = Nothing } type Msg = Close | Show String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Close -> { model | openDialog = Nothing } Show index -> { model | openDialog = Just index } view : Model -> CatalogPage Msg view model = { title = "Dialog" , prelude = "Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks." , resources = { materialDesignGuidelines = Just "https://material.io/go/design-dialogs" , documentation = Just "https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/latest/Material-Dialog" , sourceCode = Just "https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages/mdc-dialog" } , hero = heroDialog , content = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-alert-dialog") } "Alert" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-simple-dialog") } "Simple" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-confirmation-dialog") } "Confirmation" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-scrollable-dialog") } "Scrollable" , text " " , alertDialog model , simpleDialog model , confirmationDialog model , scrollableDialog model ] } heroDialog : List (Html Msg) heroDialog = [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog mdc-dialog--open" , style "position" "relative" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__surface" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__title" ] [ text "Get this party started?" ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__content" ] [ text "Turn up the jams and have a good time." ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__actions" ] [ textButton buttonConfig "Decline" , textButton buttonConfig "Accept" ] ] ] ] alertDialog : Model -> Html Msg alertDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-alert-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Nothing , content = [ text "Discard draft?" ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Discard" ] } simpleDialog : Model -> Html Msg simpleDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-simple-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Select an account" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "<EMAIL>" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "<EMAIL>" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "add" ] , listItemText [] [ text "Add account" ] ] ] ] , actions = [] } confirmationDialog : Model -> Html Msg confirmationDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-confirmation-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Phone ringtone" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio { radioConfig | checked = True } ] , listItemText [] [ text "Never Gonna Give You Up" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "Hot Cross Buns" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "None" ] ] ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "OK" ] } scrollableDialog : Model -> Html Msg scrollableDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-scrollable-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" , content = [ Html.p [] [ text """ <NAME>orothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with <NAME>, who was a far<NAME>, and <NAME>, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle <NAME> and <NAME> had a big bed in one corner, and <NAME> a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When <NAME> stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When <NAME> came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now. When <NAME>, who was an orphan, first came to her, <NAME> <NAME> had been so startled by the child's laughter that she would scream and press her hand upon her heart whenever <NAME>orothy's merry voice reached her ears; and she still looked at the little girl with wonder that she could find anything to laugh at. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Uncle Hen<NAME> never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ It was <NAME>oto that made <NAME>orothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. Toto played all day long, and <NAME>orothy played with him, and loved him dearly. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Today, however, they were not playing. Uncle Hen<NAME> sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual. <NAME>orothy stood in the door with <NAME>oto in her arms, and looked at the sky too. <NAME> was washing the dishes. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Hen<NAME> and <NAME>othy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. There now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also. """ ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Decline" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Continue" ] }
module Demo.Dialog exposing (Model, Msg(..), defaultModel, update, view) import Demo.CatalogPage exposing (CatalogPage) import Demo.Helper.ResourceLink as ResourceLink import Html exposing (Html, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style) import Html.Events import Material.Button exposing (buttonConfig, textButton) import Material.Dialog exposing (dialog, dialogConfig) import Material.Icon exposing (icon, iconConfig) import Material.List exposing (list, listConfig, listItem, listItemConfig, listItemGraphic, listItemText) import Material.Radio exposing (radio, radioConfig) import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Model = { openDialog : Maybe String } defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { openDialog = Nothing } type Msg = Close | Show String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Close -> { model | openDialog = Nothing } Show index -> { model | openDialog = Just index } view : Model -> CatalogPage Msg view model = { title = "Dialog" , prelude = "Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks." , resources = { materialDesignGuidelines = Just "https://material.io/go/design-dialogs" , documentation = Just "https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/aforemny/material-components-web-elm/latest/Material-Dialog" , sourceCode = Just "https://github.com/material-components/material-components-web/tree/master/packages/mdc-dialog" } , hero = heroDialog , content = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-alert-dialog") } "Alert" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-simple-dialog") } "Simple" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-confirmation-dialog") } "Confirmation" , text " " , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just (Show "dialog-scrollable-dialog") } "Scrollable" , text " " , alertDialog model , simpleDialog model , confirmationDialog model , scrollableDialog model ] } heroDialog : List (Html Msg) heroDialog = [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog mdc-dialog--open" , style "position" "relative" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__surface" ] [ Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__title" ] [ text "Get this party started?" ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__content" ] [ text "Turn up the jams and have a good time." ] , Html.div [ class "mdc-dialog__actions" ] [ textButton buttonConfig "Decline" , textButton buttonConfig "Accept" ] ] ] ] alertDialog : Model -> Html Msg alertDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-alert-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Nothing , content = [ text "Discard draft?" ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Discard" ] } simpleDialog : Model -> Html Msg simpleDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-simple-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Select an account" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "person" ] , listItemText [] [ text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] ] , listItem { listItemConfig | additionalAttributes = [ Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 , Html.Events.onClick Close ] } [ listItemGraphic [ Html.Attributes.style "background-color" "rgba(0,0,0,.3)" , Html.Attributes.style "color" "#fff" ] [ icon iconConfig "add" ] , listItemText [] [ text "Add account" ] ] ] ] , actions = [] } confirmationDialog : Model -> Html Msg confirmationDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-confirmation-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "Phone ringtone" , content = [ list { listConfig | avatarList = True } [ listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio { radioConfig | checked = True } ] , listItemText [] [ text "Never Gonna Give You Up" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "Hot Cross Buns" ] ] , listItem listItemConfig [ listItemGraphic [] [ radio radioConfig ] , listItemText [] [ text "None" ] ] ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Cancel" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "OK" ] } scrollableDialog : Model -> Html Msg scrollableDialog model = dialog { dialogConfig | open = model.openDialog == Just "dialog-scrollable-dialog" , onClose = Just Close } { title = Just "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" , content = [ Html.p [] [ text """ PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, who was a farPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI had a big bed in one corner, and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. Not a tree nor a house broke the broad sweep of flat country that reached to the edge of the sky in all directions. The sun had baked the plowed land into a gray mass, with little cracks running through it. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. Once the house had been painted, but the sun blistered the paint and the rains washed it away, and now the house was as dull and gray as everything else. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ When PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now. When PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, who was an orphan, first came to her, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI had been so startled by the child's laughter that she would scream and press her hand upon her heart whenever PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIorothy's merry voice reached her ears; and she still looked at the little girl with wonder that she could find anything to laugh at. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Uncle HenPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was. He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ It was PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIoto that made PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIorothy laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings. Toto was not gray; he was a little black dog, with long silky hair and small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose. Toto played all day long, and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIorothy played with him, and loved him dearly. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ Today, however, they were not playing. Uncle HenPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual. PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIorothy stood in the door with PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIoto in her arms, and looked at the sky too. PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI was washing the dishes. """ ] , Html.p [] [ text """ From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle HenPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. There now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also. """ ] ] , actions = [ textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Decline" , textButton { buttonConfig | onClick = Just Close } "Continue" ] }
[ { "context": "e version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0\n Contact: sainth@sainth.de\n\n NOTE: This file is auto generated by the open", "end": 191, "score": 0.9999152422, "start": 175, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "sainth@sainth.de" }, { "context": "d by the openapi-generator.\n https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git\n Do not edit this file ma", "end": 290, "score": 0.9996531606, "start": 278, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "openapitools" } ]
{- pgtune A service to generate some optimized configuration parameters for PostgreSQL based on best practices. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: sainth@sainth.de NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Memory exposing (Memory, decoder, encode) import Data.SizeUnit as SizeUnit exposing (SizeUnit) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Memory = { memory : Int , unit : SizeUnit } decoder : Decoder Memory decoder = Decode.succeed Memory |> required "memory" Decode.int |> required "unit" SizeUnit.decoder encode : Memory -> Encode.Value encode model = Encode.object [ ( "memory", Encode.int model.memory ) , ( "unit", SizeUnit.encode model.unit ) ]
{- pgtune A service to generate some optimized configuration parameters for PostgreSQL based on best practices. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: <EMAIL> NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Memory exposing (Memory, decoder, encode) import Data.SizeUnit as SizeUnit exposing (SizeUnit) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Memory = { memory : Int , unit : SizeUnit } decoder : Decoder Memory decoder = Decode.succeed Memory |> required "memory" Decode.int |> required "unit" SizeUnit.decoder encode : Memory -> Encode.Value encode model = Encode.object [ ( "memory", Encode.int model.memory ) , ( "unit", SizeUnit.encode model.unit ) ]
{- pgtune A service to generate some optimized configuration parameters for PostgreSQL based on best practices. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0 Contact: PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.Memory exposing (Memory, decoder, encode) import Data.SizeUnit as SizeUnit exposing (SizeUnit) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode type alias Memory = { memory : Int , unit : SizeUnit } decoder : Decoder Memory decoder = Decode.succeed Memory |> required "memory" Decode.int |> required "unit" SizeUnit.decoder encode : Memory -> Encode.Value encode model = Encode.object [ ( "memory", Encode.int model.memory ) , ( "unit", SizeUnit.encode model.unit ) ]
[ { "context": " Element.paddingXY 12 0 ]\n [ Element.text \"Carlos\"\n , viewMenu\n ]\n\n\nviewMenu : Elemen", "end": 1373, "score": 0.9940210581, "start": 1367, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Carlos" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation import Element import Element.Font import Url main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlChange = onUrlChange , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest } onUrlRequest : Browser.UrlRequest -> Msg onUrlRequest urlRequest = MsgCambiarDePagina onUrlChange : Url.Url -> Msg onUrlChange url = MsgCambiarDePagina subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of MsgCambiarDePagina -> ( { model | titulo = "Nueva página" } , Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = model.titulo , body = [ Element.layout [] viewPage ] } viewPage : Element.Element Msg viewPage = Element.column [ Element.padding 22 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ viewCabecera , Element.text "Home" , viewContenido ] viewContenido : Element.Element msg viewContenido = Element.text "Esta es la página del home" viewCabecera : Element.Element msg viewCabecera = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 ] [ Element.text "Carlos" , viewMenu ] viewMenu : Element.Element msg viewMenu = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/ayuda" , label = Element.text "Ayuda" } , Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/hoja-de-vida" , label = Element.text "Hoja de vida" } ] init : flags -> Url.Url -> Browser.Navigation.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navigationKey = ( initModel, Cmd.none ) initModel = { titulo = "Home page" } type Msg = MsgCambiarDePagina type alias Model = { titulo : String }
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation import Element import Element.Font import Url main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlChange = onUrlChange , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest } onUrlRequest : Browser.UrlRequest -> Msg onUrlRequest urlRequest = MsgCambiarDePagina onUrlChange : Url.Url -> Msg onUrlChange url = MsgCambiarDePagina subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of MsgCambiarDePagina -> ( { model | titulo = "Nueva página" } , Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = model.titulo , body = [ Element.layout [] viewPage ] } viewPage : Element.Element Msg viewPage = Element.column [ Element.padding 22 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ viewCabecera , Element.text "Home" , viewContenido ] viewContenido : Element.Element msg viewContenido = Element.text "Esta es la página del home" viewCabecera : Element.Element msg viewCabecera = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 ] [ Element.text "<NAME>" , viewMenu ] viewMenu : Element.Element msg viewMenu = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/ayuda" , label = Element.text "Ayuda" } , Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/hoja-de-vida" , label = Element.text "Hoja de vida" } ] init : flags -> Url.Url -> Browser.Navigation.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navigationKey = ( initModel, Cmd.none ) initModel = { titulo = "Home page" } type Msg = MsgCambiarDePagina type alias Model = { titulo : String }
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation import Element import Element.Font import Url main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlChange = onUrlChange , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest } onUrlRequest : Browser.UrlRequest -> Msg onUrlRequest urlRequest = MsgCambiarDePagina onUrlChange : Url.Url -> Msg onUrlChange url = MsgCambiarDePagina subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of MsgCambiarDePagina -> ( { model | titulo = "Nueva página" } , Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = model.titulo , body = [ Element.layout [] viewPage ] } viewPage : Element.Element Msg viewPage = Element.column [ Element.padding 22 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ viewCabecera , Element.text "Home" , viewContenido ] viewContenido : Element.Element msg viewContenido = Element.text "Esta es la página del home" viewCabecera : Element.Element msg viewCabecera = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 ] [ Element.text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , viewMenu ] viewMenu : Element.Element msg viewMenu = Element.row [ Element.paddingXY 12 0 , Element.spacing 12 ] [ Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/ayuda" , label = Element.text "Ayuda" } , Element.link [ Element.Font.underline ] { url = "/hoja-de-vida" , label = Element.text "Hoja de vida" } ] init : flags -> Url.Url -> Browser.Navigation.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navigationKey = ( initModel, Cmd.none ) initModel = { titulo = "Home page" } type Msg = MsgCambiarDePagina type alias Model = { titulo : String }
[ { "context": "\n\ndefaultModel : Model\ndefaultModel =\n { name = \"Cool Person\" }\n\n\nupdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )\n", "end": 335, "score": 0.9971963167, "start": 324, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Cool Person" }, { "context": "e msg of\n DoClick ->\n ( { model | name = \"Awesome Person\" }, Cmd.none )\n DoSpecialClick modifier ->\n ", "end": 473, "score": 0.9966956973, "start": 459, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Awesome Person" } ]
module Elmer.TestApps.LazyTestApp exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Html.Events as Events import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy, lazy2, lazy3) type alias Model = { name : String } type Msg = DoClick | DoSpecialClick String defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { name = "Cool Person" } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DoClick -> ( { model | name = "Awesome Person" }, Cmd.none ) DoSpecialClick modifier -> ( { model | name = modifier ++ " " ++ model.name }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events", Events.onClick DoClick ] [ Html.div [ Attr.id "name-text" ] [ lazy subView model ] ] subView : Model -> Html Msg subView model = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div" ] [ Html.text <| "Some name: " ++ model.name ] lazyView2 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView2 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy2 subView2 model "bowling" ] subView2 : Model -> String -> Html Msg subView2 model activity = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div", Events.onClick <| DoSpecialClick "Happy" ] [ Html.text <| model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ] lazyView3 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView3 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy3 subView3 model "bowling" 5 ] subView3 : Model -> String -> Int -> Html Msg subView3 model activity times = model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ++ " " ++ (String.fromInt times) ++ " times a week!" |> Html.text
module Elmer.TestApps.LazyTestApp exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Html.Events as Events import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy, lazy2, lazy3) type alias Model = { name : String } type Msg = DoClick | DoSpecialClick String defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { name = "<NAME>" } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DoClick -> ( { model | name = "<NAME>" }, Cmd.none ) DoSpecialClick modifier -> ( { model | name = modifier ++ " " ++ model.name }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events", Events.onClick DoClick ] [ Html.div [ Attr.id "name-text" ] [ lazy subView model ] ] subView : Model -> Html Msg subView model = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div" ] [ Html.text <| "Some name: " ++ model.name ] lazyView2 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView2 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy2 subView2 model "bowling" ] subView2 : Model -> String -> Html Msg subView2 model activity = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div", Events.onClick <| DoSpecialClick "Happy" ] [ Html.text <| model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ] lazyView3 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView3 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy3 subView3 model "bowling" 5 ] subView3 : Model -> String -> Int -> Html Msg subView3 model activity times = model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ++ " " ++ (String.fromInt times) ++ " times a week!" |> Html.text
module Elmer.TestApps.LazyTestApp exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Html.Events as Events import Html.Lazy exposing (lazy, lazy2, lazy3) type alias Model = { name : String } type Msg = DoClick | DoSpecialClick String defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of DoClick -> ( { model | name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" }, Cmd.none ) DoSpecialClick modifier -> ( { model | name = modifier ++ " " ++ model.name }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events", Events.onClick DoClick ] [ Html.div [ Attr.id "name-text" ] [ lazy subView model ] ] subView : Model -> Html Msg subView model = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div" ] [ Html.text <| "Some name: " ++ model.name ] lazyView2 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView2 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy2 subView2 model "bowling" ] subView2 : Model -> String -> Html Msg subView2 model activity = Html.div [ Attr.id "lazy-div", Events.onClick <| DoSpecialClick "Happy" ] [ Html.text <| model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ] lazyView3 : Model -> Html Msg lazyView3 model = Html.div [ Attr.id "root", Attr.class "styled no-events" ] [ lazy3 subView3 model "bowling" 5 ] subView3 : Model -> String -> Int -> Html Msg subView3 model activity times = model.name ++ " likes " ++ activity ++ " " ++ (String.fromInt times) ++ " times a week!" |> Html.text
[ { "context": "x\n , title = \"Welcome to Self-Review, FirstName!\"\n , content = Html.text \"This is wh", "end": 1708, "score": 0.7732272744, "start": 1699, "tag": "NAME", "value": "FirstName" } ]
module Examples.SlideModal exposing (Msg, State, example, init, update) {-| @docs Msg, State, example, init, update -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html, div, h3, p, text) import Assets import Css import Html.Styled exposing (fromUnstyled) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample) import Nri.Ui.Button.V8 as Button import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors import Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2 as SlideModal import Svg exposing (..) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) {-| -} type Msg = ModalMsg SlideModal.State {-| -} type alias State = { modal : SlideModal.State } {-| -} example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg example parentMessage state = { name = "Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2" , category = Modals , content = [ viewModal state.modal , modalLaunchButton ] |> List.map (Html.map parentMessage) } {-| -} init : State init = { modal = SlideModal.closed } {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of ModalMsg modal -> ( { state | modal = modal }, Cmd.none ) -- INTERNAL modalLaunchButton : Html Msg modalLaunchButton = Button.button { onClick = ModalMsg SlideModal.open , size = Button.Small , style = Button.Secondary , width = Button.WidthUnbounded } { label = "Launch Modal" , state = Button.Enabled , icon = Nothing } viewModal : SlideModal.State -> Html Msg viewModal state = SlideModal.view { panels = [ { icon = grayBox , title = "Welcome to Self-Review, FirstName!" , content = Html.text "This is where the content goes!" , buttonLabel = "Continue" } , { icon = fancyIcon , title = "Here are the steps we’ll take:" , content = div [ css [ Css.height (Css.px 400) ] ] [ Html.text "Sometimes the content may change height." ] , buttonLabel = "Okay, keep going!" } , { icon = grayBox , title = "As you revise, remember:" , content = Html.text "Sometimes things may change back." , buttonLabel = "Let's get to it!" } ] , height = Css.px 400 , parentMsg = ModalMsg } state grayBox : Html msg grayBox = div [ css [ Css.backgroundColor Colors.gray45 , Css.height (Css.pct 100) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ] [] {-| -} fancyIcon : Html msg fancyIcon = svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", version "1.1" ] [ g [ id "Page-1" , stroke "none" , strokeWidth "1" , fill "none" , fillRule "evenodd" ] [ g [ id "tree-3" , fillRule "nonzero" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M44.2554458,76.2957186 C36.1962642,76.2957186 29.6386609,69.7388768 29.6386609,61.6796952 L29.6386609,55.8332857 C29.6386609,54.2174899 30.9468311,52.9100811 32.5618657,52.9100811 C34.1776615,52.9100811 35.4858318,54.2174899 35.4858318,55.8332857 L35.4858318,61.6796952 C35.4858318,66.5156609 39.4194799,70.4493092 44.2554458,70.4493092 C45.8712416,70.4493092 47.1786506,71.7567179 47.1786506,73.3725139 C47.1786506,74.9883097 45.8712416,76.2957186 44.2554458,76.2957186 L44.2554458,76.2957186 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M61.7946739,70.4493092 L55.9482646,70.4493092 C54.3324686,70.4493092 53.0250599,69.1419004 53.0250599,67.5261044 C53.0250599,65.9103087 54.3324686,64.6028997 55.9482646,64.6028997 L61.7946739,64.6028997 C66.6298784,64.6028997 70.5642881,60.6692516 70.5642881,55.8332857 C70.5642881,54.2174899 71.8716969,52.9100811 73.4874928,52.9100811 C75.1032886,52.9100811 76.4106974,54.2174899 76.4106974,55.8332857 C76.4106974,63.8924673 69.8530942,70.4493092 61.7946739,70.4493092 L61.7946739,70.4493092 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#913F02" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L41.3322411,95.7256259 L41.3322411,55.8332857 C41.3322411,54.1961693 42.6175679,52.9100811 44.2554458,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D97F4A" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L50.1018553,95.7256259 L50.1018553,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 L49.9259604,51.7412561 C49.984592,51.7412561 50.0432236,51.6826243 50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 C48.2888439,24.0876939 46.3014607,23.6780341 44.2554458,23.6780341 L26.7154562,23.6780341 C25.0783398,23.6780341 23.7922517,22.391946 23.7922517,20.7548294 C23.7922517,9.47090917 32.9715254,0.097465538 44.2554458,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L50.1018553,58.7564904 L50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 L50.1018553,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#66BB00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,18.7080531 C48.2309737,18.1240213 46.3014607,17.8316247 44.2554458,17.8316247 L20.8690469,17.8316247 C15.1985323,17.8316247 9.93615468,20.0535344 6.07789013,24.1455642 C2.16099382,28.2383552 -0.0220819872,33.6751048 0.211682965,39.4050125 C0.796476291,50.045508 10.5795797,58.7564904 21.8048683,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 C46.3014607,58.7564904 48.2309737,58.4640938 50.1018553,57.8793006 C58.5204412,55.3657558 64.7178786,47.5312018 64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,29.0569135 58.5204412,21.2223595 50.1018553,18.7080531 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,47.5312018 58.5204412,55.3657558 50.1018553,57.8793006 L50.1018553,18.7080531 C58.5204412,21.2223595 64.7178786,29.0569135 64.7178786,38.2940576 L64.7178786,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M88.1035161,38.2940576 C88.1035161,39.9083306 86.7945844,41.2172622 85.1803114,41.2172622 C83.5660384,41.2172622 82.2571069,39.9083306 82.2571069,38.2940576 C82.2571069,36.6797847 83.5660384,35.3708529 85.1803114,35.3708529 C86.7945844,35.3708529 88.1035161,36.6797847 88.1035161,38.2940576 L88.1035161,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,20.7548294 C76.4106974,22.3691024 75.1017658,23.6780341 73.4874928,23.6780341 C71.8732199,23.6780341 70.5642881,22.3691024 70.5642881,20.7548294 C70.5642881,19.1405564 71.8732199,17.8316247 73.4874928,17.8316247 C75.1017658,17.8316247 76.4106974,19.1405564 76.4106974,20.7548294 L76.4106974,20.7548294 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 C48.4639774,41.2172622 47.1786506,39.931174 47.1786506,38.2940576 C47.1786506,36.6569411 48.4639774,35.3708529 50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,44.1404669 C76.4106974,45.7547399 75.1017658,47.0636717 73.4874928,47.0636717 C71.8732199,47.0636717 70.5642881,45.7547399 70.5642881,44.1404669 C70.5642881,42.5261939 71.8732199,41.2172622 73.4874928,41.2172622 C75.1017658,41.2172622 76.4106974,42.5261939 76.4106974,44.1404669 L76.4106974,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M41.3322411,44.1404669 C41.3322411,45.7547399 40.0233093,47.0636717 38.4090364,47.0636717 C36.794002,47.0636717 35.4858318,45.7547399 35.4858318,44.1404669 C35.4858318,42.5261939 36.794002,41.2172622 38.4090364,41.2172622 C40.0233093,41.2172622 41.3322411,42.5261939 41.3322411,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M23.7922517,44.1404669 C23.7922517,45.7547399 22.4840813,47.0636717 20.8690469,47.0636717 C19.2547739,47.0636717 17.9458422,45.7547399 17.9458422,44.1404669 C17.9458422,42.5261939 19.2547739,41.2172622 20.8690469,41.2172622 C22.4840813,41.2172622 23.7922517,42.5261939 23.7922517,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,14.9084201 C64.7178786,16.5226931 63.4089469,17.8316247 61.7946739,17.8316247 C60.1796395,17.8316247 58.8714693,16.5226931 58.8714693,14.9084201 C58.8714693,13.2941471 60.1796395,11.9852154 61.7946739,11.9852154 C63.4089469,11.9852154 64.7178786,13.2941471 64.7178786,14.9084201 L64.7178786,14.9084201 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M29.6386609,32.4476482 C29.6386609,34.0619211 28.3304908,35.3708529 26.7154562,35.3708529 C25.1011832,35.3708529 23.7922517,34.0619211 23.7922517,32.4476482 C23.7922517,30.8333752 25.1011832,29.5244436 26.7154562,29.5244436 C28.3304908,29.5244436 29.6386609,30.8333752 29.6386609,32.4476482 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,41.2172622 L50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF001E" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L26.7154562,99.8762872 C25.0783398,99.8762872 23.7922517,98.5901989 23.7922517,96.9530825 C23.7922517,95.3159659 25.0783398,94.0298778 26.7154562,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L50.1018553,99.8762872 L50.1018553,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] ] ] ] |> fromUnstyled
module Examples.SlideModal exposing (Msg, State, example, init, update) {-| @docs Msg, State, example, init, update -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html, div, h3, p, text) import Assets import Css import Html.Styled exposing (fromUnstyled) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample) import Nri.Ui.Button.V8 as Button import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors import Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2 as SlideModal import Svg exposing (..) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) {-| -} type Msg = ModalMsg SlideModal.State {-| -} type alias State = { modal : SlideModal.State } {-| -} example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg example parentMessage state = { name = "Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2" , category = Modals , content = [ viewModal state.modal , modalLaunchButton ] |> List.map (Html.map parentMessage) } {-| -} init : State init = { modal = SlideModal.closed } {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of ModalMsg modal -> ( { state | modal = modal }, Cmd.none ) -- INTERNAL modalLaunchButton : Html Msg modalLaunchButton = Button.button { onClick = ModalMsg SlideModal.open , size = Button.Small , style = Button.Secondary , width = Button.WidthUnbounded } { label = "Launch Modal" , state = Button.Enabled , icon = Nothing } viewModal : SlideModal.State -> Html Msg viewModal state = SlideModal.view { panels = [ { icon = grayBox , title = "Welcome to Self-Review, <NAME>!" , content = Html.text "This is where the content goes!" , buttonLabel = "Continue" } , { icon = fancyIcon , title = "Here are the steps we’ll take:" , content = div [ css [ Css.height (Css.px 400) ] ] [ Html.text "Sometimes the content may change height." ] , buttonLabel = "Okay, keep going!" } , { icon = grayBox , title = "As you revise, remember:" , content = Html.text "Sometimes things may change back." , buttonLabel = "Let's get to it!" } ] , height = Css.px 400 , parentMsg = ModalMsg } state grayBox : Html msg grayBox = div [ css [ Css.backgroundColor Colors.gray45 , Css.height (Css.pct 100) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ] [] {-| -} fancyIcon : Html msg fancyIcon = svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", version "1.1" ] [ g [ id "Page-1" , stroke "none" , strokeWidth "1" , fill "none" , fillRule "evenodd" ] [ g [ id "tree-3" , fillRule "nonzero" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M44.2554458,76.2957186 C36.1962642,76.2957186 29.6386609,69.7388768 29.6386609,61.6796952 L29.6386609,55.8332857 C29.6386609,54.2174899 30.9468311,52.9100811 32.5618657,52.9100811 C34.1776615,52.9100811 35.4858318,54.2174899 35.4858318,55.8332857 L35.4858318,61.6796952 C35.4858318,66.5156609 39.4194799,70.4493092 44.2554458,70.4493092 C45.8712416,70.4493092 47.1786506,71.7567179 47.1786506,73.3725139 C47.1786506,74.9883097 45.8712416,76.2957186 44.2554458,76.2957186 L44.2554458,76.2957186 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M61.7946739,70.4493092 L55.9482646,70.4493092 C54.3324686,70.4493092 53.0250599,69.1419004 53.0250599,67.5261044 C53.0250599,65.9103087 54.3324686,64.6028997 55.9482646,64.6028997 L61.7946739,64.6028997 C66.6298784,64.6028997 70.5642881,60.6692516 70.5642881,55.8332857 C70.5642881,54.2174899 71.8716969,52.9100811 73.4874928,52.9100811 C75.1032886,52.9100811 76.4106974,54.2174899 76.4106974,55.8332857 C76.4106974,63.8924673 69.8530942,70.4493092 61.7946739,70.4493092 L61.7946739,70.4493092 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#913F02" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L41.3322411,95.7256259 L41.3322411,55.8332857 C41.3322411,54.1961693 42.6175679,52.9100811 44.2554458,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D97F4A" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L50.1018553,95.7256259 L50.1018553,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 L49.9259604,51.7412561 C49.984592,51.7412561 50.0432236,51.6826243 50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 C48.2888439,24.0876939 46.3014607,23.6780341 44.2554458,23.6780341 L26.7154562,23.6780341 C25.0783398,23.6780341 23.7922517,22.391946 23.7922517,20.7548294 C23.7922517,9.47090917 32.9715254,0.097465538 44.2554458,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L50.1018553,58.7564904 L50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 L50.1018553,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#66BB00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,18.7080531 C48.2309737,18.1240213 46.3014607,17.8316247 44.2554458,17.8316247 L20.8690469,17.8316247 C15.1985323,17.8316247 9.93615468,20.0535344 6.07789013,24.1455642 C2.16099382,28.2383552 -0.0220819872,33.6751048 0.211682965,39.4050125 C0.796476291,50.045508 10.5795797,58.7564904 21.8048683,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 C46.3014607,58.7564904 48.2309737,58.4640938 50.1018553,57.8793006 C58.5204412,55.3657558 64.7178786,47.5312018 64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,29.0569135 58.5204412,21.2223595 50.1018553,18.7080531 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,47.5312018 58.5204412,55.3657558 50.1018553,57.8793006 L50.1018553,18.7080531 C58.5204412,21.2223595 64.7178786,29.0569135 64.7178786,38.2940576 L64.7178786,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M88.1035161,38.2940576 C88.1035161,39.9083306 86.7945844,41.2172622 85.1803114,41.2172622 C83.5660384,41.2172622 82.2571069,39.9083306 82.2571069,38.2940576 C82.2571069,36.6797847 83.5660384,35.3708529 85.1803114,35.3708529 C86.7945844,35.3708529 88.1035161,36.6797847 88.1035161,38.2940576 L88.1035161,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,20.7548294 C76.4106974,22.3691024 75.1017658,23.6780341 73.4874928,23.6780341 C71.8732199,23.6780341 70.5642881,22.3691024 70.5642881,20.7548294 C70.5642881,19.1405564 71.8732199,17.8316247 73.4874928,17.8316247 C75.1017658,17.8316247 76.4106974,19.1405564 76.4106974,20.7548294 L76.4106974,20.7548294 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 C48.4639774,41.2172622 47.1786506,39.931174 47.1786506,38.2940576 C47.1786506,36.6569411 48.4639774,35.3708529 50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,44.1404669 C76.4106974,45.7547399 75.1017658,47.0636717 73.4874928,47.0636717 C71.8732199,47.0636717 70.5642881,45.7547399 70.5642881,44.1404669 C70.5642881,42.5261939 71.8732199,41.2172622 73.4874928,41.2172622 C75.1017658,41.2172622 76.4106974,42.5261939 76.4106974,44.1404669 L76.4106974,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M41.3322411,44.1404669 C41.3322411,45.7547399 40.0233093,47.0636717 38.4090364,47.0636717 C36.794002,47.0636717 35.4858318,45.7547399 35.4858318,44.1404669 C35.4858318,42.5261939 36.794002,41.2172622 38.4090364,41.2172622 C40.0233093,41.2172622 41.3322411,42.5261939 41.3322411,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M23.7922517,44.1404669 C23.7922517,45.7547399 22.4840813,47.0636717 20.8690469,47.0636717 C19.2547739,47.0636717 17.9458422,45.7547399 17.9458422,44.1404669 C17.9458422,42.5261939 19.2547739,41.2172622 20.8690469,41.2172622 C22.4840813,41.2172622 23.7922517,42.5261939 23.7922517,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,14.9084201 C64.7178786,16.5226931 63.4089469,17.8316247 61.7946739,17.8316247 C60.1796395,17.8316247 58.8714693,16.5226931 58.8714693,14.9084201 C58.8714693,13.2941471 60.1796395,11.9852154 61.7946739,11.9852154 C63.4089469,11.9852154 64.7178786,13.2941471 64.7178786,14.9084201 L64.7178786,14.9084201 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M29.6386609,32.4476482 C29.6386609,34.0619211 28.3304908,35.3708529 26.7154562,35.3708529 C25.1011832,35.3708529 23.7922517,34.0619211 23.7922517,32.4476482 C23.7922517,30.8333752 25.1011832,29.5244436 26.7154562,29.5244436 C28.3304908,29.5244436 29.6386609,30.8333752 29.6386609,32.4476482 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,41.2172622 L50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF001E" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L26.7154562,99.8762872 C25.0783398,99.8762872 23.7922517,98.5901989 23.7922517,96.9530825 C23.7922517,95.3159659 25.0783398,94.0298778 26.7154562,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L50.1018553,99.8762872 L50.1018553,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] ] ] ] |> fromUnstyled
module Examples.SlideModal exposing (Msg, State, example, init, update) {-| @docs Msg, State, example, init, update -} import Accessibility.Styled as Html exposing (Html, div, h3, p, text) import Assets import Css import Html.Styled exposing (fromUnstyled) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css) import ModuleExample exposing (Category(..), ModuleExample) import Nri.Ui.Button.V8 as Button import Nri.Ui.Colors.V1 as Colors import Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2 as SlideModal import Svg exposing (..) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) {-| -} type Msg = ModalMsg SlideModal.State {-| -} type alias State = { modal : SlideModal.State } {-| -} example : (Msg -> msg) -> State -> ModuleExample msg example parentMessage state = { name = "Nri.Ui.SlideModal.V2" , category = Modals , content = [ viewModal state.modal , modalLaunchButton ] |> List.map (Html.map parentMessage) } {-| -} init : State init = { modal = SlideModal.closed } {-| -} update : Msg -> State -> ( State, Cmd Msg ) update msg state = case msg of ModalMsg modal -> ( { state | modal = modal }, Cmd.none ) -- INTERNAL modalLaunchButton : Html Msg modalLaunchButton = Button.button { onClick = ModalMsg SlideModal.open , size = Button.Small , style = Button.Secondary , width = Button.WidthUnbounded } { label = "Launch Modal" , state = Button.Enabled , icon = Nothing } viewModal : SlideModal.State -> Html Msg viewModal state = SlideModal.view { panels = [ { icon = grayBox , title = "Welcome to Self-Review, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!" , content = Html.text "This is where the content goes!" , buttonLabel = "Continue" } , { icon = fancyIcon , title = "Here are the steps we’ll take:" , content = div [ css [ Css.height (Css.px 400) ] ] [ Html.text "Sometimes the content may change height." ] , buttonLabel = "Okay, keep going!" } , { icon = grayBox , title = "As you revise, remember:" , content = Html.text "Sometimes things may change back." , buttonLabel = "Let's get to it!" } ] , height = Css.px 400 , parentMsg = ModalMsg } state grayBox : Html msg grayBox = div [ css [ Css.backgroundColor Colors.gray45 , Css.height (Css.pct 100) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] ] [] {-| -} fancyIcon : Html msg fancyIcon = svg [ viewBox "0 0 100 100", version "1.1" ] [ g [ id "Page-1" , stroke "none" , strokeWidth "1" , fill "none" , fillRule "evenodd" ] [ g [ id "tree-3" , fillRule "nonzero" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M44.2554458,76.2957186 C36.1962642,76.2957186 29.6386609,69.7388768 29.6386609,61.6796952 L29.6386609,55.8332857 C29.6386609,54.2174899 30.9468311,52.9100811 32.5618657,52.9100811 C34.1776615,52.9100811 35.4858318,54.2174899 35.4858318,55.8332857 L35.4858318,61.6796952 C35.4858318,66.5156609 39.4194799,70.4493092 44.2554458,70.4493092 C45.8712416,70.4493092 47.1786506,71.7567179 47.1786506,73.3725139 C47.1786506,74.9883097 45.8712416,76.2957186 44.2554458,76.2957186 L44.2554458,76.2957186 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M61.7946739,70.4493092 L55.9482646,70.4493092 C54.3324686,70.4493092 53.0250599,69.1419004 53.0250599,67.5261044 C53.0250599,65.9103087 54.3324686,64.6028997 55.9482646,64.6028997 L61.7946739,64.6028997 C66.6298784,64.6028997 70.5642881,60.6692516 70.5642881,55.8332857 C70.5642881,54.2174899 71.8716969,52.9100811 73.4874928,52.9100811 C75.1032886,52.9100811 76.4106974,54.2174899 76.4106974,55.8332857 C76.4106974,63.8924673 69.8530942,70.4493092 61.7946739,70.4493092 L61.7946739,70.4493092 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#913F02" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L41.3322411,95.7256259 L41.3322411,55.8332857 C41.3322411,54.1961693 42.6175679,52.9100811 44.2554458,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D97F4A" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,95.7256259 L50.1018553,95.7256259 L50.1018553,52.9100811 L55.9482646,52.9100811 C57.585381,52.9100811 58.8714693,54.1961693 58.8714693,55.8332857 L58.8714693,55.8332857 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#D55F05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 L49.9259604,51.7412561 C49.984592,51.7412561 50.0432236,51.6826243 50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 C48.2888439,24.0876939 46.3014607,23.6780341 44.2554458,23.6780341 L26.7154562,23.6780341 C25.0783398,23.6780341 23.7922517,22.391946 23.7922517,20.7548294 C23.7922517,9.47090917 32.9715254,0.097465538 44.2554458,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.164939 C98.9975744,50.2206412 90.0916609,58.1716972 79.5090354,58.7564904 L50.1018553,58.7564904 L50.1018553,51.6239928 C55.246208,49.4020832 58.8714693,44.2569686 58.8714693,38.2940576 C58.8714693,32.2725149 55.246208,27.1274003 50.1018553,24.9054908 L50.1018553,0.097465538 L67.6410834,0.097465538 C78.5739756,0.097465538 87.5773547,8.94474751 88.1035161,19.7611378 C95.7621755,23.4442691 100.633929,31.5118267 99.9326344,40.1063075 L99.9326344,40.1063075 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#66BB00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,18.7080531 C48.2309737,18.1240213 46.3014607,17.8316247 44.2554458,17.8316247 L20.8690469,17.8316247 C15.1985323,17.8316247 9.93615468,20.0535344 6.07789013,24.1455642 C2.16099382,28.2383552 -0.0220819872,33.6751048 0.211682965,39.4050125 C0.796476291,50.045508 10.5795797,58.7564904 21.8048683,58.7564904 L44.2554458,58.7564904 C46.3014607,58.7564904 48.2309737,58.4640938 50.1018553,57.8793006 C58.5204412,55.3657558 64.7178786,47.5312018 64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,29.0569135 58.5204412,21.2223595 50.1018553,18.7080531 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,38.2940576 C64.7178786,47.5312018 58.5204412,55.3657558 50.1018553,57.8793006 L50.1018553,18.7080531 C58.5204412,21.2223595 64.7178786,29.0569135 64.7178786,38.2940576 L64.7178786,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M88.1035161,38.2940576 C88.1035161,39.9083306 86.7945844,41.2172622 85.1803114,41.2172622 C83.5660384,41.2172622 82.2571069,39.9083306 82.2571069,38.2940576 C82.2571069,36.6797847 83.5660384,35.3708529 85.1803114,35.3708529 C86.7945844,35.3708529 88.1035161,36.6797847 88.1035161,38.2940576 L88.1035161,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,20.7548294 C76.4106974,22.3691024 75.1017658,23.6780341 73.4874928,23.6780341 C71.8732199,23.6780341 70.5642881,22.3691024 70.5642881,20.7548294 C70.5642881,19.1405564 71.8732199,17.8316247 73.4874928,17.8316247 C75.1017658,17.8316247 76.4106974,19.1405564 76.4106974,20.7548294 L76.4106974,20.7548294 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 C48.4639774,41.2172622 47.1786506,39.931174 47.1786506,38.2940576 C47.1786506,36.6569411 48.4639774,35.3708529 50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,44.1404669 C76.4106974,45.7547399 75.1017658,47.0636717 73.4874928,47.0636717 C71.8732199,47.0636717 70.5642881,45.7547399 70.5642881,44.1404669 C70.5642881,42.5261939 71.8732199,41.2172622 73.4874928,41.2172622 C75.1017658,41.2172622 76.4106974,42.5261939 76.4106974,44.1404669 L76.4106974,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M41.3322411,44.1404669 C41.3322411,45.7547399 40.0233093,47.0636717 38.4090364,47.0636717 C36.794002,47.0636717 35.4858318,45.7547399 35.4858318,44.1404669 C35.4858318,42.5261939 36.794002,41.2172622 38.4090364,41.2172622 C40.0233093,41.2172622 41.3322411,42.5261939 41.3322411,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M23.7922517,44.1404669 C23.7922517,45.7547399 22.4840813,47.0636717 20.8690469,47.0636717 C19.2547739,47.0636717 17.9458422,45.7547399 17.9458422,44.1404669 C17.9458422,42.5261939 19.2547739,41.2172622 20.8690469,41.2172622 C22.4840813,41.2172622 23.7922517,42.5261939 23.7922517,44.1404669 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M64.7178786,14.9084201 C64.7178786,16.5226931 63.4089469,17.8316247 61.7946739,17.8316247 C60.1796395,17.8316247 58.8714693,16.5226931 58.8714693,14.9084201 C58.8714693,13.2941471 60.1796395,11.9852154 61.7946739,11.9852154 C63.4089469,11.9852154 64.7178786,13.2941471 64.7178786,14.9084201 L64.7178786,14.9084201 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#CD0000" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M29.6386609,32.4476482 C29.6386609,34.0619211 28.3304908,35.3708529 26.7154562,35.3708529 C25.1011832,35.3708529 23.7922517,34.0619211 23.7922517,32.4476482 C23.7922517,30.8333752 25.1011832,29.5244436 26.7154562,29.5244436 C28.3304908,29.5244436 29.6386609,30.8333752 29.6386609,32.4476482 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF637B" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M50.1018553,41.2172622 L50.1018553,35.3708529 C51.7389717,35.3708529 53.0250599,36.6569411 53.0250599,38.2940576 C53.0250599,39.931174 51.7389717,41.2172622 50.1018553,41.2172622 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#FF001E" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L26.7154562,99.8762872 C25.0783398,99.8762872 23.7922517,98.5901989 23.7922517,96.9530825 C23.7922517,95.3159659 25.0783398,94.0298778 26.7154562,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#C3EA21" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M76.4106974,96.9530825 C76.4106974,98.5901989 75.1246092,99.8762872 73.4874928,99.8762872 L50.1018553,99.8762872 L50.1018553,94.0298778 L73.4874928,94.0298778 C75.1246092,94.0298778 76.4106974,95.3159659 76.4106974,96.9530825 L76.4106974,96.9530825 Z" , id "Path" , fill "#9CDD05" ] [] ] ] ] |> fromUnstyled
[ { "context": "8482bea5493a0d7b44ccc4749b65\"\n , name = \"Né ici\"\n , duration = 274080\n }\n ", "end": 1091, "score": 0.9961437583, "start": 1085, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Né ici" } ]
module Model exposing (..) type alias Model = { album : Album , isPlaying : Bool , selectedTrack : Maybe Track } type alias Album = { cover : String , title : String , playlist : PlayList } type alias PlayList = List Track type alias Track = { url : String , name : String , duration : Int } model : Model model = { album = mockAlbum , isPlaying = False , selectedTrack = Nothing } mockAlbum : Album mockAlbum = { cover = "https://i.scdn.co/image/d025af49bb84dbb26393f42ff9646f1c748c3035" , title = "Menu Best Of" , playlist = [ { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fb897f080a9c6765cc9178d48abcb4d6f81b472c" , name = "Viens voir le docteur - Dirty moog mix" , duration = 322213 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/887d0e4b4aa31b5c4ed971394dbc21573aaa4e8c" , name = "Nirvana" , duration = 338840 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2aac3d146c048482bea5493a0d7b44ccc4749b65" , name = "Né ici" , duration = 274080 } ] }
module Model exposing (..) type alias Model = { album : Album , isPlaying : Bool , selectedTrack : Maybe Track } type alias Album = { cover : String , title : String , playlist : PlayList } type alias PlayList = List Track type alias Track = { url : String , name : String , duration : Int } model : Model model = { album = mockAlbum , isPlaying = False , selectedTrack = Nothing } mockAlbum : Album mockAlbum = { cover = "https://i.scdn.co/image/d025af49bb84dbb26393f42ff9646f1c748c3035" , title = "Menu Best Of" , playlist = [ { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fb897f080a9c6765cc9178d48abcb4d6f81b472c" , name = "Viens voir le docteur - Dirty moog mix" , duration = 322213 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/887d0e4b4aa31b5c4ed971394dbc21573aaa4e8c" , name = "Nirvana" , duration = 338840 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2aac3d146c048482bea5493a0d7b44ccc4749b65" , name = "<NAME>" , duration = 274080 } ] }
module Model exposing (..) type alias Model = { album : Album , isPlaying : Bool , selectedTrack : Maybe Track } type alias Album = { cover : String , title : String , playlist : PlayList } type alias PlayList = List Track type alias Track = { url : String , name : String , duration : Int } model : Model model = { album = mockAlbum , isPlaying = False , selectedTrack = Nothing } mockAlbum : Album mockAlbum = { cover = "https://i.scdn.co/image/d025af49bb84dbb26393f42ff9646f1c748c3035" , title = "Menu Best Of" , playlist = [ { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/fb897f080a9c6765cc9178d48abcb4d6f81b472c" , name = "Viens voir le docteur - Dirty moog mix" , duration = 322213 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/887d0e4b4aa31b5c4ed971394dbc21573aaa4e8c" , name = "Nirvana" , duration = 338840 } , { url = "https://p.scdn.co/mp3-preview/2aac3d146c048482bea5493a0d7b44ccc4749b65" , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , duration = 274080 } ] }
[ { "context": " (second argument, `target`).\n\n confirmEnding \"Bastian\" \"n\" == True\n confirmEnding \"He has to give me", "end": 701, "score": 0.998916328, "start": 694, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bastian" }, { "context": "<| assertEqual expected actual\n inputs = [ (\"Bastian\", \"n\", True)\n , (\"Connor\", \"n\", Fal", "end": 1309, "score": 0.9986441135, "start": 1302, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bastian" }, { "context": "uts = [ (\"Bastian\", \"n\", True)\n , (\"Connor\", \"n\", False)\n , (\"Walking on water", "end": 1348, "score": 0.9960696101, "start": 1342, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Connor" } ]
module ConfirmEnding ( main, confirmEnding ) where {-| # Confirm the Ending ------------------------ Check if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). This is a certification challenge. <https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/confirm-the-ending> # Core functions @docs main, confirmEnding -} import Graphics.Element exposing (Element) import List import String import ElmTest exposing (..) {-| Main entry point. This just runs the tests. -} main : Element main = elementRunner testSuite {-| Return true if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). confirmEnding "Bastian" "n" == True confirmEnding "He has to give me a new name" "na" == False -} confirmEnding : String -> String -> Bool confirmEnding string target = String.endsWith target string {-| Test suite for `ConfirmEnding`. -} testSuite : Test testSuite = suite "ConfirmEnding" [testConfirmEnding] {-| Test suite for `confirmEnding`. -} testConfirmEnding : Test testConfirmEnding = let f (str, target, expected) = let name = "input: " ++ toString str ++ " " ++ toString target actual = confirmEnding str target in test name <| assertEqual expected actual inputs = [ ("Bastian", "n", True) , ("Connor", "n", False) , ("Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen", "specification", False) , ("He has to give me a new name", "name", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "me", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "na", False) , ("If you want to save our world, you must hurry. We dont know how much longer we can withstand the nothing", "mountain", False) ] tests = List.map f inputs in suite "confirmEnding" tests
module ConfirmEnding ( main, confirmEnding ) where {-| # Confirm the Ending ------------------------ Check if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). This is a certification challenge. <https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/confirm-the-ending> # Core functions @docs main, confirmEnding -} import Graphics.Element exposing (Element) import List import String import ElmTest exposing (..) {-| Main entry point. This just runs the tests. -} main : Element main = elementRunner testSuite {-| Return true if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). confirmEnding "<NAME>" "n" == True confirmEnding "He has to give me a new name" "na" == False -} confirmEnding : String -> String -> Bool confirmEnding string target = String.endsWith target string {-| Test suite for `ConfirmEnding`. -} testSuite : Test testSuite = suite "ConfirmEnding" [testConfirmEnding] {-| Test suite for `confirmEnding`. -} testConfirmEnding : Test testConfirmEnding = let f (str, target, expected) = let name = "input: " ++ toString str ++ " " ++ toString target actual = confirmEnding str target in test name <| assertEqual expected actual inputs = [ ("<NAME>", "n", True) , ("<NAME>", "n", False) , ("Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen", "specification", False) , ("He has to give me a new name", "name", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "me", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "na", False) , ("If you want to save our world, you must hurry. We dont know how much longer we can withstand the nothing", "mountain", False) ] tests = List.map f inputs in suite "confirmEnding" tests
module ConfirmEnding ( main, confirmEnding ) where {-| # Confirm the Ending ------------------------ Check if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). This is a certification challenge. <https://www.freecodecamp.com/challenges/confirm-the-ending> # Core functions @docs main, confirmEnding -} import Graphics.Element exposing (Element) import List import String import ElmTest exposing (..) {-| Main entry point. This just runs the tests. -} main : Element main = elementRunner testSuite {-| Return true if a string (first argument, `str`) ends with the given target string (second argument, `target`). confirmEnding "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "n" == True confirmEnding "He has to give me a new name" "na" == False -} confirmEnding : String -> String -> Bool confirmEnding string target = String.endsWith target string {-| Test suite for `ConfirmEnding`. -} testSuite : Test testSuite = suite "ConfirmEnding" [testConfirmEnding] {-| Test suite for `confirmEnding`. -} testConfirmEnding : Test testConfirmEnding = let f (str, target, expected) = let name = "input: " ++ toString str ++ " " ++ toString target actual = confirmEnding str target in test name <| assertEqual expected actual inputs = [ ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "n", True) , ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "n", False) , ("Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen", "specification", False) , ("He has to give me a new name", "name", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "me", True) , ("He has to give me a new name", "na", False) , ("If you want to save our world, you must hurry. We dont know how much longer we can withstand the nothing", "mountain", False) ] tests = List.map f inputs in suite "confirmEnding" tests
[ { "context": "oat\n , reply : String\n }\n\n-- Http\napikey = \"DZZnkt3h7o4Sd5q9NhFIRj3iAdZVMywA\"\nnewRequest : String -> String\nnewRequest query =", "end": 1673, "score": 0.9997575283, "start": 1641, "tag": "KEY", "value": "DZZnkt3h7o4Sd5q9NhFIRj3iAdZVMywA" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, a, text, input, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value, disabled) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder) main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Update type Msg = Send | Input String | Recieve (Result Http.Error Talk) update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Input newInput -> ({model | input = newInput }, Cmd.none) Send -> ( {model | input = "", userState = Waiting} , Http.post { url = "https://api.a3rt.recruit-tech.co.jp/talk/v1/smalltalk" , body = Http.stringBody "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (newRequest model.input) , expect = Http.expectJson Recieve talkDecoder } ) Recieve (Ok talk) -> ({model | userState = Loaded talk}, Cmd.none) Recieve (Err e) -> ({model | userState = Failed e}, Cmd.none) -- Model type alias Model = { input : String , userState : UserState } type UserState = Init | Waiting | Loaded Talk | Failed Http.Error init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( {input = "", userState = Init }, Cmd.none ) -- Data type alias Talk = { status : Int , message : String , results : (List Response) } type alias Response = { perplexity : Float , reply : String } -- Http apikey = "DZZnkt3h7o4Sd5q9NhFIRj3iAdZVMywA" newRequest : String -> String newRequest query = ["apikey=", apikey, "&query=", query] |> String.concat -- Decoder talkDecoder : Decoder (Talk) talkDecoder = D.map3 Talk (D.field "status" D.int) (D.field "message" D.string) (D.field "results" (D.list responseDecoder)) responseDecoder : Decoder (Response) responseDecoder = D.map2 Response (D.field "perplexity" D.float) (D.field "reply" D.string) -- Render renderResponse : (List Response) -> Html Msg renderResponse results = let toA = \result -> a [] [text result.reply] in div [] (List.map toA results) -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container"] [ div [] [ h1 [] [ text "テキストを入力してネ"] , input [ onInput Input, value model.input] [] , button [ onClick Send , disabled ((model.userState == Waiting) || String.isEmpty (String.trim model.input) ) ] [text "Submit"] ] , div [] [ case model.userState of Init -> text "" Waiting -> text "waiting..." Loaded talk -> renderResponse talk.results Failed error -> text (Debug.toString error) ] ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, a, text, input, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value, disabled) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder) main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Update type Msg = Send | Input String | Recieve (Result Http.Error Talk) update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Input newInput -> ({model | input = newInput }, Cmd.none) Send -> ( {model | input = "", userState = Waiting} , Http.post { url = "https://api.a3rt.recruit-tech.co.jp/talk/v1/smalltalk" , body = Http.stringBody "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (newRequest model.input) , expect = Http.expectJson Recieve talkDecoder } ) Recieve (Ok talk) -> ({model | userState = Loaded talk}, Cmd.none) Recieve (Err e) -> ({model | userState = Failed e}, Cmd.none) -- Model type alias Model = { input : String , userState : UserState } type UserState = Init | Waiting | Loaded Talk | Failed Http.Error init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( {input = "", userState = Init }, Cmd.none ) -- Data type alias Talk = { status : Int , message : String , results : (List Response) } type alias Response = { perplexity : Float , reply : String } -- Http apikey = "<KEY>" newRequest : String -> String newRequest query = ["apikey=", apikey, "&query=", query] |> String.concat -- Decoder talkDecoder : Decoder (Talk) talkDecoder = D.map3 Talk (D.field "status" D.int) (D.field "message" D.string) (D.field "results" (D.list responseDecoder)) responseDecoder : Decoder (Response) responseDecoder = D.map2 Response (D.field "perplexity" D.float) (D.field "reply" D.string) -- Render renderResponse : (List Response) -> Html Msg renderResponse results = let toA = \result -> a [] [text result.reply] in div [] (List.map toA results) -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container"] [ div [] [ h1 [] [ text "テキストを入力してネ"] , input [ onInput Input, value model.input] [] , button [ onClick Send , disabled ((model.userState == Waiting) || String.isEmpty (String.trim model.input) ) ] [text "Submit"] ] , div [] [ case model.userState of Init -> text "" Waiting -> text "waiting..." Loaded talk -> renderResponse talk.results Failed error -> text (Debug.toString error) ] ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, a, text, input, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value, disabled) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder) main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- Update type Msg = Send | Input String | Recieve (Result Http.Error Talk) update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Input newInput -> ({model | input = newInput }, Cmd.none) Send -> ( {model | input = "", userState = Waiting} , Http.post { url = "https://api.a3rt.recruit-tech.co.jp/talk/v1/smalltalk" , body = Http.stringBody "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (newRequest model.input) , expect = Http.expectJson Recieve talkDecoder } ) Recieve (Ok talk) -> ({model | userState = Loaded talk}, Cmd.none) Recieve (Err e) -> ({model | userState = Failed e}, Cmd.none) -- Model type alias Model = { input : String , userState : UserState } type UserState = Init | Waiting | Loaded Talk | Failed Http.Error init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( {input = "", userState = Init }, Cmd.none ) -- Data type alias Talk = { status : Int , message : String , results : (List Response) } type alias Response = { perplexity : Float , reply : String } -- Http apikey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" newRequest : String -> String newRequest query = ["apikey=", apikey, "&query=", query] |> String.concat -- Decoder talkDecoder : Decoder (Talk) talkDecoder = D.map3 Talk (D.field "status" D.int) (D.field "message" D.string) (D.field "results" (D.list responseDecoder)) responseDecoder : Decoder (Response) responseDecoder = D.map2 Response (D.field "perplexity" D.float) (D.field "reply" D.string) -- Render renderResponse : (List Response) -> Html Msg renderResponse results = let toA = \result -> a [] [text result.reply] in div [] (List.map toA results) -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container"] [ div [] [ h1 [] [ text "テキストを入力してネ"] , input [ onInput Input, value model.input] [] , button [ onClick Send , disabled ((model.userState == Waiting) || String.isEmpty (String.trim model.input) ) ] [text "Submit"] ] , div [] [ case model.userState of Init -> text "" Waiting -> text "waiting..." Loaded talk -> renderResponse talk.results Failed error -> text (Debug.toString error) ] ]
[ { "context": ") ->\n Expect.equal\n [\"Alice\", \"Bob\", \"Chuck\"]\n (pluck .name [\n", "end": 7235, "score": 0.9998080134, "start": 7230, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": " Expect.equal\n [\"Alice\", \"Bob\", \"Chuck\"]\n (pluck .name [\n ", "end": 7242, "score": 0.9998311996, "start": 7239, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": " Expect.equal\n [\"Alice\", \"Bob\", \"Chuck\"]\n (pluck .name [\n ", "end": 7251, "score": 0.9997984171, "start": 7246, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chuck" }, { "context": " (pluck .name [\n { name=\"Alice\", height=1.62 }\n , { name=\"Bob\",", "end": 7316, "score": 0.9998544455, "start": 7311, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": "Alice\", height=1.62 }\n , { name=\"Bob\", height=1.85 }\n , { name=\"Chuck", "end": 7364, "score": 0.9998577833, "start": 7361, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": "=\"Bob\", height=1.85 }\n , { name=\"Chuck\", height=1.76 }\n ])\n ]\n ", "end": 7414, "score": 0.999728322, "start": 7409, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chuck" }, { "context": " expectedValue = [\n {name = \"Alice\"},\n {name = \"Bob\"},\n ", "end": 8220, "score": 0.9998437166, "start": 8215, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": " {name = \"Alice\"},\n {name = \"Bob\"},\n {name = \"Steve\"}\n ", "end": 8254, "score": 0.999830246, "start": 8251, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": " {name = \"Bob\"},\n {name = \"Steve\"}\n ]\n actualValue =", "end": 8290, "score": 0.9994302392, "start": 8285, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "\n [\n {name = \"Bob\"},\n {name = \"Steve\"},\n ", "end": 8406, "score": 0.9998250604, "start": 8403, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": " {name = \"Bob\"},\n {name = \"Steve\"},\n {name = \"Alice\"}\n ", "end": 8444, "score": 0.9994353056, "start": 8439, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": " {name = \"Steve\"},\n {name = \"Alice\"}\n ]\n in\n ", "end": 8482, "score": 0.9998514652, "start": 8477, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" } ]
module ListTest exposing (..) import Underscore.List exposing ( map, reduce, reduceRight, find, filter, whereDict, whereProperty, findWhereDict, findWhereProperty, reject, every, some, contains, pluckDict, pluck, min, max, sortBy, groupBy, indexBy, partition, first) import Dict exposing (fromList) import Test exposing (..) import Expect all : Test all = describe "Underscore.elm" [ describe "map" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4, 6] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) []) ] , describe "reduce" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 6 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 []) ] , describe "reduceRight" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "123" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" ["1", "2", "3"]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" []) ] , describe "find" [ test "finds first element satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 2) (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns Nothing if no element is found" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "returns Nothing if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "filter" [ test "leaves only the elements satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) ] , describe "whereDict" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")]] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "whereProperty" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided property value" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } ] actualValue = (whereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "findWhereDict" [ test "return first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just (Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")])) (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "findWhereProperty" [ test "returns first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Just ({ city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" }) actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Nothing actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Latvia" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "reject" [ test "rejects the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 3] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "every" [ test "every element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 4, 6]) , test "at least one element does not satisfy the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "some" [ test "not a single element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "at least one element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "contains" [ test "list contains element" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.contains 2 [1, 2, 3]) , test "list does not contain element" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.contains 4 [1, 2, 3]) ] , describe "pluckDict" [ test "list of dictionaries some of which contain key" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Just "name1", Nothing, Just "name3"] (pluckDict "name" [ Dict.fromList [("name", "name1"), ("email", "email1")], Dict.fromList [("email", "email2")], Dict.fromList [("name", "name3"), ("email", "email3")] ]) ] , describe "pluck" [ test "list some of which contain property" <| \() -> Expect.equal ["Alice", "Bob", "Chuck"] (pluck .name [ { name="Alice", height=1.62 } , { name="Bob", height=1.85 } , { name="Chuck", height=1.76 } ]) ] , describe "min" [ test "list with a minimum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 1) (Underscore.List.min [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.min []) ] , describe "max" [ test "list with a maximum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 3) (Underscore.List.max [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.max []) ] , describe "sortBy" [ test "sorts list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ {name = "Alice"}, {name = "Bob"}, {name = "Steve"} ] actualValue = sortBy .name [ {name = "Bob"}, {name = "Steve"}, {name = "Alice"} ] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "groupBy" [ test "groups list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("even", [0, 2]), ("odd", [1, 3]) ] actualValue = groupBy (\x -> if x % 2 == 0 then "even" else "odd") [0, 1, 2, 3] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "indexBy" [ test "indexes list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("a", "abc"), ("b", "bca"), ("c", "cab") ] actualValue = indexBy (\x -> let maybeFirstSymbol = List.head <| String.toList x in case maybeFirstSymbol of Just firstSymbol -> (String.fromChar firstSymbol) Nothing -> "?") ["abc", "bca", "cab"] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "partition" [ test "partitions list by given predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal ([2, 4], [1, 3, 5]) (partition (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ] , describe "first" [ test "takes first n elements if n less than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), test "takes all list elements if n greater than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 5 [1, 2, 3]), test "takes no elements if n is not positive" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (first -3 [1, 2, 3]) ] ]
module ListTest exposing (..) import Underscore.List exposing ( map, reduce, reduceRight, find, filter, whereDict, whereProperty, findWhereDict, findWhereProperty, reject, every, some, contains, pluckDict, pluck, min, max, sortBy, groupBy, indexBy, partition, first) import Dict exposing (fromList) import Test exposing (..) import Expect all : Test all = describe "Underscore.elm" [ describe "map" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4, 6] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) []) ] , describe "reduce" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 6 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 []) ] , describe "reduceRight" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "123" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" ["1", "2", "3"]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" []) ] , describe "find" [ test "finds first element satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 2) (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns Nothing if no element is found" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "returns Nothing if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "filter" [ test "leaves only the elements satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) ] , describe "whereDict" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")]] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "whereProperty" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided property value" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } ] actualValue = (whereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "findWhereDict" [ test "return first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just (Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")])) (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "findWhereProperty" [ test "returns first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Just ({ city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" }) actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Nothing actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Latvia" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "reject" [ test "rejects the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 3] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "every" [ test "every element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 4, 6]) , test "at least one element does not satisfy the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "some" [ test "not a single element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "at least one element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "contains" [ test "list contains element" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.contains 2 [1, 2, 3]) , test "list does not contain element" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.contains 4 [1, 2, 3]) ] , describe "pluckDict" [ test "list of dictionaries some of which contain key" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Just "name1", Nothing, Just "name3"] (pluckDict "name" [ Dict.fromList [("name", "name1"), ("email", "email1")], Dict.fromList [("email", "email2")], Dict.fromList [("name", "name3"), ("email", "email3")] ]) ] , describe "pluck" [ test "list some of which contain property" <| \() -> Expect.equal ["<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>"] (pluck .name [ { name="<NAME>", height=1.62 } , { name="<NAME>", height=1.85 } , { name="<NAME>", height=1.76 } ]) ] , describe "min" [ test "list with a minimum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 1) (Underscore.List.min [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.min []) ] , describe "max" [ test "list with a maximum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 3) (Underscore.List.max [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.max []) ] , describe "sortBy" [ test "sorts list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ {name = "<NAME>"}, {name = "<NAME>"}, {name = "<NAME>"} ] actualValue = sortBy .name [ {name = "<NAME>"}, {name = "<NAME>"}, {name = "<NAME>"} ] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "groupBy" [ test "groups list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("even", [0, 2]), ("odd", [1, 3]) ] actualValue = groupBy (\x -> if x % 2 == 0 then "even" else "odd") [0, 1, 2, 3] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "indexBy" [ test "indexes list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("a", "abc"), ("b", "bca"), ("c", "cab") ] actualValue = indexBy (\x -> let maybeFirstSymbol = List.head <| String.toList x in case maybeFirstSymbol of Just firstSymbol -> (String.fromChar firstSymbol) Nothing -> "?") ["abc", "bca", "cab"] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "partition" [ test "partitions list by given predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal ([2, 4], [1, 3, 5]) (partition (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ] , describe "first" [ test "takes first n elements if n less than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), test "takes all list elements if n greater than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 5 [1, 2, 3]), test "takes no elements if n is not positive" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (first -3 [1, 2, 3]) ] ]
module ListTest exposing (..) import Underscore.List exposing ( map, reduce, reduceRight, find, filter, whereDict, whereProperty, findWhereDict, findWhereProperty, reject, every, some, contains, pluckDict, pluck, min, max, sortBy, groupBy, indexBy, partition, first) import Dict exposing (fromList) import Test exposing (..) import Expect all : Test all = describe "Underscore.elm" [ describe "map" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4, 6] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.map (\x -> 2 * x) []) ] , describe "reduce" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 6 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 [1, 2, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal 0 (reduce (\s x -> s + x) 0 []) ] , describe "reduceRight" [ test "non-empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "123" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" ["1", "2", "3"]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal "" (reduceRight (\s x -> s ++ x) "" []) ] , describe "find" [ test "finds first element satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 2) (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns Nothing if no element is found" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "returns Nothing if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (find (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "filter" [ test "leaves only the elements satisfying the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal [2, 4] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) ] , describe "whereDict" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")]] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (whereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "whereProperty" [ test "leaves only the elements matching the provided property value" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } ] actualValue = (whereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "findWhereDict" [ test "return first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just (Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")])) (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) [Dict.fromList [(1, "1"), (2, "2")], Dict.fromList [(2, "2"), (3, "3")], Dict.fromList [(3, "3"), (4, "4")]] ) , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (findWhereDict (Dict.fromList [(2, "2")]) []) ] , describe "findWhereProperty" [ test "returns first element if there are multiple matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Just ({ city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" }) actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Finland" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue , test "returns Nothing if there are no matching elements" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Nothing actualValue = (findWhereProperty .country "Latvia" [ { city = "Helsinki", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Turku", country = "Finland" } , { city = "Tallinn", country = "Estonia" } ]) in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "reject" [ test "rejects the elements matching the provided dictionary" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 3] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]) , test "returns empty list if list is empty" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (Underscore.List.reject (\x -> x % 2 == 0) []) ] , describe "every" [ test "every element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 4, 6]) , test "at least one element does not satisfy the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.every (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "some" [ test "not a single element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 3, 5]) , test "at least one element satisfies the predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.some (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [2, 3, 6]) ] , describe "contains" [ test "list contains element" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (Underscore.List.contains 2 [1, 2, 3]) , test "list does not contain element" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (Underscore.List.contains 4 [1, 2, 3]) ] , describe "pluckDict" [ test "list of dictionaries some of which contain key" <| \() -> Expect.equal [Just "name1", Nothing, Just "name3"] (pluckDict "name" [ Dict.fromList [("name", "name1"), ("email", "email1")], Dict.fromList [("email", "email2")], Dict.fromList [("name", "name3"), ("email", "email3")] ]) ] , describe "pluck" [ test "list some of which contain property" <| \() -> Expect.equal ["PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"] (pluck .name [ { name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", height=1.62 } , { name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", height=1.85 } , { name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", height=1.76 } ]) ] , describe "min" [ test "list with a minimum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 1) (Underscore.List.min [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.min []) ] , describe "max" [ test "list with a maximum element" <| \() -> Expect.equal (Just 3) (Underscore.List.max [2, 1, 3]) , test "empty list" <| \() -> Expect.equal Nothing (Underscore.List.max []) ] , describe "sortBy" [ test "sorts list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = [ {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"}, {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"}, {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"} ] actualValue = sortBy .name [ {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"}, {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"}, {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"} ] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "groupBy" [ test "groups list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("even", [0, 2]), ("odd", [1, 3]) ] actualValue = groupBy (\x -> if x % 2 == 0 then "even" else "odd") [0, 1, 2, 3] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "indexBy" [ test "indexes list by given property" <| \() -> let expectedValue = Dict.fromList [ ("a", "abc"), ("b", "bca"), ("c", "cab") ] actualValue = indexBy (\x -> let maybeFirstSymbol = List.head <| String.toList x in case maybeFirstSymbol of Just firstSymbol -> (String.fromChar firstSymbol) Nothing -> "?") ["abc", "bca", "cab"] in Expect.equal expectedValue actualValue ] , describe "partition" [ test "partitions list by given predicate" <| \() -> Expect.equal ([2, 4], [1, 3, 5]) (partition (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) ] , describe "first" [ test "takes first n elements if n less than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), test "takes all list elements if n greater than list length" <| \() -> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3] (first 5 [1, 2, 3]), test "takes no elements if n is not positive" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (first -3 [1, 2, 3]) ] ]
[ { "context": "\n\n\ncreator : Creator\ncreator =\n { id = \"creator-1\"\n , links = Dict.fromList [ ( \"self\", \"http://", "end": 1210, "score": 0.851672411, "start": 1209, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "1" }, { "context": " \"http://url-to-creator/1\" ) ]\n , firstname = \"John\"\n , lastname = \"Doe\"\n }\n\n\ncomment1 : Commen", "end": 1305, "score": 0.9994282126, "start": 1301, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": "1\" ) ]\n , content = \"Comment 1\"\n , email = \"email@email.com\"\n }\n\n\ncomment2 : Comment\ncomment2 =\n { id =", "end": 1519, "score": 0.9998466372, "start": 1504, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "email@email.com" }, { "context": "2\" ) ]\n , content = \"Comment 2\"\n , email = \"email@email.com\"\n }\n\n\ncomment3 : Comment\ncomment3 =\n { id =", "end": 1710, "score": 0.9925261736, "start": 1695, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "email@email.com" }, { "context": "3\" ) ]\n , content = \"Comment 3\"\n , email = \"email@email.com\"\n }\n\n\ncommentDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder", "end": 1901, "score": 0.9999201894, "start": 1886, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "email@email.com" }, { "context": " \"http://url-to-creator/1\" ) ]\n , firstname = \"Fake\"\n , lastname = \"Fake\"\n }\n\n\nbadCreatorDecode", "end": 3382, "score": 0.741296649, "start": 3378, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Fake" }, { "context": "d { id = \"test\", links = Dict.empty, firstname = \"John\", lastname = \"Doe\" })\n (succeed [])\n\n\npost", "end": 4424, "score": 0.999370873, "start": 4420, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": "nks = Dict.empty, firstname = \"John\", lastname = \"Doe\" })\n (succeed [])\n\n\npostWithoutAttributesD", "end": 4442, "score": 0.9920120835, "start": 4439, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" } ]
module JsonApi.Data.Posts exposing (..) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, string, succeed, decodeString, map4, map6, oneOf) import JsonApi.Decode as Decode import JsonApi exposing (ResourceInfo) type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , creator : Creator , comments : List Comment } type alias Creator = { id : String , links : Dict String String , firstname : String , lastname : String } type alias Comment = { id : String , links : Dict String String , content : String , email : String } posts : List Post posts = [ postNoLink, post2 ] postNoLink : Post postNoLink = { id = "post-1" , links = Dict.empty , title = "Post no link" , content = "Post content no link" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment1, comment2 ] } post2 : Post post2 = { id = "post-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/2" ) ] , title = "Post 2" , content = "Post content 2" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment3 ] } creator : Creator creator = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "John" , lastname = "Doe" } comment1 : Comment comment1 = { id = "comment-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/1" ) ] , content = "Comment 1" , email = "email@email.com" } comment2 : Comment comment2 = { id = "comment-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/2" ) ] , content = "Comment 2" , email = "email@email.com" } comment3 : Comment comment3 = { id = "comment-3" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/3" ) ] , content = "Comment 3" , email = "email@email.com" } commentDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Comment commentDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Comment (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "content" string) (field "email" string) creatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator creatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "firstname" string) (field "lastname" string) postDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postDecoderWithoutCreator : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoderWithoutCreator resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (oneOf [ Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder, succeed fakeUser ]) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) fakeUser : Creator fakeUser = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "Fake" , lastname = "Fake" } badCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator badCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "lastname" string) postBadCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postBadCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo badCreatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed { id = "test", links = Dict.empty, firstname = "John", lastname = "Doe" }) (succeed []) postWithoutAttributesDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutAttributesDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (succeed "fake title") (succeed "fake content") (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) badPostDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post badPostDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder)
module JsonApi.Data.Posts exposing (..) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, string, succeed, decodeString, map4, map6, oneOf) import JsonApi.Decode as Decode import JsonApi exposing (ResourceInfo) type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , creator : Creator , comments : List Comment } type alias Creator = { id : String , links : Dict String String , firstname : String , lastname : String } type alias Comment = { id : String , links : Dict String String , content : String , email : String } posts : List Post posts = [ postNoLink, post2 ] postNoLink : Post postNoLink = { id = "post-1" , links = Dict.empty , title = "Post no link" , content = "Post content no link" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment1, comment2 ] } post2 : Post post2 = { id = "post-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/2" ) ] , title = "Post 2" , content = "Post content 2" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment3 ] } creator : Creator creator = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "<NAME>" , lastname = "Doe" } comment1 : Comment comment1 = { id = "comment-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/1" ) ] , content = "Comment 1" , email = "<EMAIL>" } comment2 : Comment comment2 = { id = "comment-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/2" ) ] , content = "Comment 2" , email = "<EMAIL>" } comment3 : Comment comment3 = { id = "comment-3" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/3" ) ] , content = "Comment 3" , email = "<EMAIL>" } commentDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Comment commentDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Comment (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "content" string) (field "email" string) creatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator creatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "firstname" string) (field "lastname" string) postDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postDecoderWithoutCreator : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoderWithoutCreator resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (oneOf [ Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder, succeed fakeUser ]) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) fakeUser : Creator fakeUser = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "<NAME>" , lastname = "Fake" } badCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator badCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "lastname" string) postBadCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postBadCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo badCreatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed { id = "test", links = Dict.empty, firstname = "<NAME>", lastname = "<NAME>" }) (succeed []) postWithoutAttributesDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutAttributesDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (succeed "fake title") (succeed "fake content") (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) badPostDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post badPostDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder)
module JsonApi.Data.Posts exposing (..) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, string, succeed, decodeString, map4, map6, oneOf) import JsonApi.Decode as Decode import JsonApi exposing (ResourceInfo) type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , creator : Creator , comments : List Comment } type alias Creator = { id : String , links : Dict String String , firstname : String , lastname : String } type alias Comment = { id : String , links : Dict String String , content : String , email : String } posts : List Post posts = [ postNoLink, post2 ] postNoLink : Post postNoLink = { id = "post-1" , links = Dict.empty , title = "Post no link" , content = "Post content no link" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment1, comment2 ] } post2 : Post post2 = { id = "post-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/2" ) ] , title = "Post 2" , content = "Post content 2" , creator = creator , comments = [ comment3 ] } creator : Creator creator = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , lastname = "Doe" } comment1 : Comment comment1 = { id = "comment-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/1" ) ] , content = "Comment 1" , email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" } comment2 : Comment comment2 = { id = "comment-2" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/2" ) ] , content = "Comment 2" , email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" } comment3 : Comment comment3 = { id = "comment-3" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-comment/3" ) ] , content = "Comment 3" , email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" } commentDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Comment commentDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Comment (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "content" string) (field "email" string) creatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator creatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "firstname" string) (field "lastname" string) postDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postDecoderWithoutCreator : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postDecoderWithoutCreator resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (oneOf [ Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder, succeed fakeUser ]) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) fakeUser : Creator fakeUser = { id = "creator-1" , links = Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-creator/1" ) ] , firstname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , lastname = "Fake" } badCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Creator badCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map4 Creator (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "lastname" string) postBadCreatorDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postBadCreatorDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo badCreatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutRelationshipsDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed { id = "test", links = Dict.empty, firstname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", lastname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" }) (succeed []) postWithoutAttributesDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post postWithoutAttributesDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (succeed "fake title") (succeed "fake content") (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder) badPostDecoder : ResourceInfo -> Decoder Post badPostDecoder resourceInfo = map6 Post (succeed (JsonApi.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.links resourceInfo)) (field "bad" string) (field "content" string) (Decode.relationship "creator" resourceInfo creatorDecoder) (Decode.relationships "comments" resourceInfo commentDecoder)
[ { "context": "\n { url = \"https://mailchi.mp/145ed6fd7df3/danmarcab\"\n , label =\n Icon.view\n ", "end": 1752, "score": 0.9789002538, "start": 1743, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "danmarcab" }, { "context": "ewTabLink []\n { url = \"https://twitter.com/danmarcab\"\n , label =\n Icon.view\n ", "end": 2100, "score": 0.9985332489, "start": 2091, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "danmarcab" }, { "context": "newTabLink []\n { url = \"https://github.com/danmarcab\"\n , label =\n Icon.view\n ", "end": 2448, "score": 0.9996643066, "start": 2439, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "danmarcab" }, { "context": " Element.newTabLink []\n { url = \"mailto:danmarcab+web@gmail.com\"\n , label =\n Icon.view\n ", "end": 2795, "score": 0.9998853207, "start": 2772, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "danmarcab+web@gmail.com" }, { "context": "k []\n { url = \"https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/\"\n , label =\n ", "end": 3154, "score": 0.9271771908, "start": 3144, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "daniel-mar" }, { "context": " = \"https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/\"\n , label =\n Ico", "end": 3165, "score": 0.9059643149, "start": 3162, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "cab" }, { "context": "www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/\"\n , label =\n Icon.view\n ", "end": 3177, "score": 0.5547302365, "start": 3174, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "502" }, { "context": "ize.sm ] <|\n Element.text \"© 2019 - present Daniel Marin Cabillas\"\n", "end": 3582, "score": 0.999877274, "start": 3561, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Daniel Marin Cabillas" } ]
module Widget.Footer exposing (copyrightView, mailingListView, profilesView, view) import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Border as Border import Element.Font as Font import FeatherIcons as Icon import ViewSettings exposing (ViewSettings) import Widget.Icon as Icon view : { viewSettings : ViewSettings } -> Element msg view { viewSettings } = Element.wrappedRow [ Element.width Element.fill , Element.spacingXY viewSettings.spacing.xl viewSettings.spacing.md , Element.spaceEvenly , Element.alignBottom , Border.widthEach { top = 5 , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } , Element.paddingEach { top = viewSettings.spacing.sm , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } ] [ mailingListView viewSettings , profilesView viewSettings , copyrightView viewSettings ] mailingListView : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailingListView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Subscribe to my mailing list:", mailListLink viewSettings ] profilesView : ViewSettings -> Element msg profilesView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Find me on:" , emailLink viewSettings , twitterLink viewSettings , githubLink viewSettings , linkedinLink viewSettings ] mailListLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailListLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://mailchi.mp/145ed6fd7df3/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } twitterLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg twitterLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://twitter.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.twitter } githubLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg githubLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://github.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.github } emailLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg emailLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "mailto:danmarcab+web@gmail.com" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } linkedinLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg linkedinLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.linkedin } copyrightView : ViewSettings -> Element msg copyrightView viewSettings = Element.el [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm ] <| Element.text "© 2019 - present Daniel Marin Cabillas"
module Widget.Footer exposing (copyrightView, mailingListView, profilesView, view) import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Border as Border import Element.Font as Font import FeatherIcons as Icon import ViewSettings exposing (ViewSettings) import Widget.Icon as Icon view : { viewSettings : ViewSettings } -> Element msg view { viewSettings } = Element.wrappedRow [ Element.width Element.fill , Element.spacingXY viewSettings.spacing.xl viewSettings.spacing.md , Element.spaceEvenly , Element.alignBottom , Border.widthEach { top = 5 , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } , Element.paddingEach { top = viewSettings.spacing.sm , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } ] [ mailingListView viewSettings , profilesView viewSettings , copyrightView viewSettings ] mailingListView : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailingListView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Subscribe to my mailing list:", mailListLink viewSettings ] profilesView : ViewSettings -> Element msg profilesView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Find me on:" , emailLink viewSettings , twitterLink viewSettings , githubLink viewSettings , linkedinLink viewSettings ] mailListLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailListLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://mailchi.mp/145ed6fd7df3/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } twitterLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg twitterLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://twitter.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.twitter } githubLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg githubLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://github.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.github } emailLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg emailLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "mailto:<EMAIL>" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } linkedinLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg linkedinLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.linkedin } copyrightView : ViewSettings -> Element msg copyrightView viewSettings = Element.el [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm ] <| Element.text "© 2019 - present <NAME>"
module Widget.Footer exposing (copyrightView, mailingListView, profilesView, view) import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Border as Border import Element.Font as Font import FeatherIcons as Icon import ViewSettings exposing (ViewSettings) import Widget.Icon as Icon view : { viewSettings : ViewSettings } -> Element msg view { viewSettings } = Element.wrappedRow [ Element.width Element.fill , Element.spacingXY viewSettings.spacing.xl viewSettings.spacing.md , Element.spaceEvenly , Element.alignBottom , Border.widthEach { top = 5 , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } , Element.paddingEach { top = viewSettings.spacing.sm , right = 0 , bottom = 0 , left = 0 } ] [ mailingListView viewSettings , profilesView viewSettings , copyrightView viewSettings ] mailingListView : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailingListView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Subscribe to my mailing list:", mailListLink viewSettings ] profilesView : ViewSettings -> Element msg profilesView viewSettings = Element.row [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm, Element.spacing viewSettings.spacing.md ] [ Element.text "Find me on:" , emailLink viewSettings , twitterLink viewSettings , githubLink viewSettings , linkedinLink viewSettings ] mailListLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg mailListLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://mailchi.mp/145ed6fd7df3/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } twitterLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg twitterLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://twitter.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.twitter } githubLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg githubLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://github.com/danmarcab" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.github } emailLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg emailLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "mailto:PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.mail } linkedinLink : ViewSettings -> Element msg linkedinLink viewSettings = Element.newTabLink [] { url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-mar%C3%ADn-cabillas-09b50254/" , label = Icon.view { size = viewSettings.font.size.lg , color = viewSettings.font.color.primary } Icon.linkedin } copyrightView : ViewSettings -> Element msg copyrightView viewSettings = Element.el [ Font.size viewSettings.font.size.sm ] <| Element.text "© 2019 - present PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"
[ { "context": " , H.input\n [ HA.placeholder \"Password\"\n , HA.type_ \"password\"\n ", "end": 3043, "score": 0.9321292639, "start": 3035, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Generated.Api as BE import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Html.Attributes.Aria as HAA import Html.Events as HE import Http import Page import Ports exposing (putPlayerSession) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData) import Route import Session import Utils exposing (disabledIfLoading, maybe, maybeToList, remoteDataError) type Msg = SetPlayerId String | SetPassword String | Submit | HandleResp (Result Http.Error BE.Token) type alias Model = { playerId : String , password : String , submission : RemoteData String Session.Player } type alias PageMsg = Page.SubMsg Msg init : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) init key player = ( { playerId = "" , password = "" , submission = RemoteData.NotAsked } , Utils.maybe Cmd.none (always (Route.pushRoute key Route.Lobby)) player ) subscriptions : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Sub PageMsg subscriptions _ _ = Ports.onPlayerSessionChange (Page.wrapParentMsg (Page.SetPlayer Route.Lobby)) update : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) update key player msg model = case msg of SetPlayerId pId -> ( { model | playerId = pId }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword p -> ( { model | password = p }, Cmd.none ) Submit -> ( { model | submission = RemoteData.Loading } , BE.postApiLogin { dbPlayerId = model.playerId, dbPlayerPassword = model.password } (Page.wrapChildMsg HandleResp) ) HandleResp r -> let remoteData = RemoteData.fromResult r |> RemoteData.mapError Utils.httpErrorToStr |> RemoteData.map (\t -> { playerId = model.playerId, token = t }) in ( { model | submission = remoteData } , RemoteData.unwrap Cmd.none (\us -> Cmd.batch [ putPlayerSession (Just us) ]) remoteData ) view : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Browser.Document Msg view player model = { title = "Dissidence - Login" , body = [ H.div [ HA.class "login-box" ] [ H.h1 [] [ H.text "Login" ] , H.p [ HA.class "login-alternative" ] [ H.text "Don't have a player id? " , Route.routeLink Route.Register [ H.text "Register" ] , H.text " instead!" ] , H.form [ HE.onSubmit Submit ] [ H.input [ HA.placeholder "Player Id" , HE.onInput SetPlayerId , HA.value model.playerId , HAA.ariaLabel "Player ID" ] [] , H.input [ HA.placeholder "Password" , HA.type_ "password" , HE.onInput SetPassword , HA.value model.password , HAA.ariaLabel "Password" ] [] , H.ul [ HA.class "warn" ] (Maybe.map (\em -> H.li [] [ H.text em ]) (remoteDataError model.submission) |> maybeToList ) , H.button [ HA.class "btn primary", disabledIfLoading model.submission ] [ H.text "Login" ] ] ] ] }
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Generated.Api as BE import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Html.Attributes.Aria as HAA import Html.Events as HE import Http import Page import Ports exposing (putPlayerSession) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData) import Route import Session import Utils exposing (disabledIfLoading, maybe, maybeToList, remoteDataError) type Msg = SetPlayerId String | SetPassword String | Submit | HandleResp (Result Http.Error BE.Token) type alias Model = { playerId : String , password : String , submission : RemoteData String Session.Player } type alias PageMsg = Page.SubMsg Msg init : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) init key player = ( { playerId = "" , password = "" , submission = RemoteData.NotAsked } , Utils.maybe Cmd.none (always (Route.pushRoute key Route.Lobby)) player ) subscriptions : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Sub PageMsg subscriptions _ _ = Ports.onPlayerSessionChange (Page.wrapParentMsg (Page.SetPlayer Route.Lobby)) update : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) update key player msg model = case msg of SetPlayerId pId -> ( { model | playerId = pId }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword p -> ( { model | password = p }, Cmd.none ) Submit -> ( { model | submission = RemoteData.Loading } , BE.postApiLogin { dbPlayerId = model.playerId, dbPlayerPassword = model.password } (Page.wrapChildMsg HandleResp) ) HandleResp r -> let remoteData = RemoteData.fromResult r |> RemoteData.mapError Utils.httpErrorToStr |> RemoteData.map (\t -> { playerId = model.playerId, token = t }) in ( { model | submission = remoteData } , RemoteData.unwrap Cmd.none (\us -> Cmd.batch [ putPlayerSession (Just us) ]) remoteData ) view : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Browser.Document Msg view player model = { title = "Dissidence - Login" , body = [ H.div [ HA.class "login-box" ] [ H.h1 [] [ H.text "Login" ] , H.p [ HA.class "login-alternative" ] [ H.text "Don't have a player id? " , Route.routeLink Route.Register [ H.text "Register" ] , H.text " instead!" ] , H.form [ HE.onSubmit Submit ] [ H.input [ HA.placeholder "Player Id" , HE.onInput SetPlayerId , HA.value model.playerId , HAA.ariaLabel "Player ID" ] [] , H.input [ HA.placeholder "<PASSWORD>" , HA.type_ "password" , HE.onInput SetPassword , HA.value model.password , HAA.ariaLabel "Password" ] [] , H.ul [ HA.class "warn" ] (Maybe.map (\em -> H.li [] [ H.text em ]) (remoteDataError model.submission) |> maybeToList ) , H.button [ HA.class "btn primary", disabledIfLoading model.submission ] [ H.text "Login" ] ] ] ] }
module Page.Login exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Generated.Api as BE import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Html.Attributes.Aria as HAA import Html.Events as HE import Http import Page import Ports exposing (putPlayerSession) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData) import Route import Session import Utils exposing (disabledIfLoading, maybe, maybeToList, remoteDataError) type Msg = SetPlayerId String | SetPassword String | Submit | HandleResp (Result Http.Error BE.Token) type alias Model = { playerId : String , password : String , submission : RemoteData String Session.Player } type alias PageMsg = Page.SubMsg Msg init : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) init key player = ( { playerId = "" , password = "" , submission = RemoteData.NotAsked } , Utils.maybe Cmd.none (always (Route.pushRoute key Route.Lobby)) player ) subscriptions : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Sub PageMsg subscriptions _ _ = Ports.onPlayerSessionChange (Page.wrapParentMsg (Page.SetPlayer Route.Lobby)) update : Nav.Key -> Maybe Session.Player -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd PageMsg ) update key player msg model = case msg of SetPlayerId pId -> ( { model | playerId = pId }, Cmd.none ) SetPassword p -> ( { model | password = p }, Cmd.none ) Submit -> ( { model | submission = RemoteData.Loading } , BE.postApiLogin { dbPlayerId = model.playerId, dbPlayerPassword = model.password } (Page.wrapChildMsg HandleResp) ) HandleResp r -> let remoteData = RemoteData.fromResult r |> RemoteData.mapError Utils.httpErrorToStr |> RemoteData.map (\t -> { playerId = model.playerId, token = t }) in ( { model | submission = remoteData } , RemoteData.unwrap Cmd.none (\us -> Cmd.batch [ putPlayerSession (Just us) ]) remoteData ) view : Maybe Session.Player -> Model -> Browser.Document Msg view player model = { title = "Dissidence - Login" , body = [ H.div [ HA.class "login-box" ] [ H.h1 [] [ H.text "Login" ] , H.p [ HA.class "login-alternative" ] [ H.text "Don't have a player id? " , Route.routeLink Route.Register [ H.text "Register" ] , H.text " instead!" ] , H.form [ HE.onSubmit Submit ] [ H.input [ HA.placeholder "Player Id" , HE.onInput SetPlayerId , HA.value model.playerId , HAA.ariaLabel "Player ID" ] [] , H.input [ HA.placeholder "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" , HA.type_ "password" , HE.onInput SetPassword , HA.value model.password , HAA.ariaLabel "Password" ] [] , H.ul [ HA.class "warn" ] (Maybe.map (\em -> H.li [] [ H.text em ]) (remoteDataError model.submission) |> maybeToList ) , H.button [ HA.class "btn primary", disabledIfLoading model.submission ] [ H.text "Login" ] ] ] ] }
[ { "context": "ly as possible to the CommonMark spec.\nWrite me at jxxcarlson@gmail.com with comments and bug reports,\nor post an issue o", "end": 1544, "score": 0.9999132156, "start": 1524, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "jxxcarlson@gmail.com" }, { "context": " an issue on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown).\n\nFor installation, see the notes\na", "end": 1643, "score": 0.9474871755, "start": 1633, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "jxxcarlson" }, { "context": "![Hummingbird](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg)\nHummingbird (Meditation)\n\nLink:", "end": 1947, "score": 0.7665268183, "start": 1937, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "jxxcarlson" }, { "context": "or the people, shall not perish from the earth.\n\n— Abraham Lincoln, *Gettysbug Address*\n\n## Poetry (Extension)\n\nPoet", "end": 5974, "score": 0.9998550415, "start": 5959, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Abraham Lincoln" } ]
module Placeholders exposing (initialText, notes, testText) testText : String testText = """## Example **Pythagoras** said: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. An integral formula: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ You should see two formulas above. """ initialText : String initialText = """# A Pure Elm Markdown Parser ## Introduction ![Hummingbird::left](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) This project grew out of the need to have a pure Elm Markdown parser-renderer that could also handle mathematical text. Mathematical text is rendered by MathJax 3, which has very large performance advantages compared to its predecessors. The Markdown used here offers three options: *Standard*, *Extended* and *ExtendedMath*. The Extended option provides for strike-through text, verbatim blocks, poetry blocks, and tables. ExtendedMath handles formulas written in TeX/LaTeX: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ Note also that there is an automatically generated active table of contents. It can be placed inside the document at the top, to one side, as it is here, or it can be absent. The [library](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown/latest/) with which this demo app is built is suitable for light-weight writing tasks that require mathematical notation — problem sets, short class notes, etc. This project is a work in progress: more to to do make it adhere as closely as possible to the CommonMark spec. Write me at jxxcarlson@gmail.com with comments and bug reports, or post an issue on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown). For installation, see the notes at the end. This Markdown package is written in pure Elm. It uses MathJax.js to render math formulas. ## Demo Below we illustrate some typical Markdown elements: images, links, headings, etc. ![Hummingbird](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) Hummingbird (Meditation) Link: [New York Times](http://nytimes.com) Text styles: **bold** *italic* ~~strike it out~~ ## Inline Math This is a test: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. ## Display Math So is this: $$ \\int_0^1 x^n dx = \\frac{1}{n+1} $$ ## Code He said that `a := 0` is an initialization statement. ### Harmonic series: ```python sum = 0 for n in range(1..100): sum = sum + 1.0/n sum ``` ## SVG @@svg <svg width="100" height="100"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3" fill="cyan" /> </svg> ## Verbatim and Tables (Extensions) A verbatim block begins and ends with four tick marks. It is just like a code block, except that there is no syntax highlighting. Verbatim blocks are an extension of normal Markdown. ```` Verbatim text has many uses: Element | Z -------------------- Altium | 4/5 Brazilium | 7/5 Certium | 9/5 ```` But better is to use Markdown tables: | Element | Symbol | Z | A | | Hydrogen | H | 1 | 1.008 | | Helium | He | 2 | 4.0026 | | Lithium | Li | 3 | 6.94 | | Beryllium | Be | 4 | 9.0122 | | Boron | B | 5 | 10.81 | | Carbon | C | 6 | 12.011 | | Nitrogen | N | 7 | 14.007 | | Oxygen | O | 8 | 15.999 | | Flourine | F | 9 | 18.998 | | Neon | Ne | 10 | 20.180 | ## Lists Indent by four spaces for each level. List items are separated by blank lines. - Solids - Iron *(metal)* - Iron disulfide (Pyrite): $FeS_2$, crystalline - Iron(II) sulfed $FeS$, not stable, amorphous - Selenium *(use for solar cells)* - Liquids - Alcohol *(careful!)* - Water *(Ok to drink)* ## Numbered lists ### Problem Set 18 1. Compute the coefficient of $a^5b^2$ in $(a + b)^7$. 1. Do also: coefficient of $a^5b^5$ in $(a + 2b)^{10}$ 2. Do also: coefficient of $a^7b^5$ in $(a - b)^{12}$ 4. If $f'(2) = 0$, what can you say about the graph of $f$ at $x = 2$? 6. Suppose that in addition, $f''(2) > 0$. What else can say about the graph? ### Problem Set 19 4. Show that $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ is a solution to the equation $\\partial u(x,t)/\\partial x + c^{-1} \\partial u(x,t)/\\partial t = 0$. 3. State the wave equation and show that $u(x,t)$ as above is a solution to it. 2. In what direction does the wave defined by $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ move? 4. Find a solution of the wave equation that represents a pulse moving in the opposite direction. ## Quotations Quotations are offset: > Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. > Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. > But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — Abraham Lincoln, *Gettysbug Address* ## Poetry (Extension) Poetry blocks, an extension of normal Markdown, begin with ">>"; line endings are respected. >> Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. >> Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch! Etcetera! ___ NOTE: this Markdown implementation is an option for writing documents on [knode.io](https://knode.io). Knode also offers MiniLaTeX, a web-friendly subset of TeX/LaTex. To see how it works without a sign-in, please see [demo.minilatex.app](https://demo.minilatex.app). ___ ## Installation To compile, use ```elm elm make --output=Main.js ``` Then open `index-katex.html` to run the app. """ notes : String notes = """ # Notes """
module Placeholders exposing (initialText, notes, testText) testText : String testText = """## Example **Pythagoras** said: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. An integral formula: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ You should see two formulas above. """ initialText : String initialText = """# A Pure Elm Markdown Parser ## Introduction ![Hummingbird::left](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) This project grew out of the need to have a pure Elm Markdown parser-renderer that could also handle mathematical text. Mathematical text is rendered by MathJax 3, which has very large performance advantages compared to its predecessors. The Markdown used here offers three options: *Standard*, *Extended* and *ExtendedMath*. The Extended option provides for strike-through text, verbatim blocks, poetry blocks, and tables. ExtendedMath handles formulas written in TeX/LaTeX: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ Note also that there is an automatically generated active table of contents. It can be placed inside the document at the top, to one side, as it is here, or it can be absent. The [library](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown/latest/) with which this demo app is built is suitable for light-weight writing tasks that require mathematical notation — problem sets, short class notes, etc. This project is a work in progress: more to to do make it adhere as closely as possible to the CommonMark spec. Write me at <EMAIL> with comments and bug reports, or post an issue on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown). For installation, see the notes at the end. This Markdown package is written in pure Elm. It uses MathJax.js to render math formulas. ## Demo Below we illustrate some typical Markdown elements: images, links, headings, etc. ![Hummingbird](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) Hummingbird (Meditation) Link: [New York Times](http://nytimes.com) Text styles: **bold** *italic* ~~strike it out~~ ## Inline Math This is a test: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. ## Display Math So is this: $$ \\int_0^1 x^n dx = \\frac{1}{n+1} $$ ## Code He said that `a := 0` is an initialization statement. ### Harmonic series: ```python sum = 0 for n in range(1..100): sum = sum + 1.0/n sum ``` ## SVG @@svg <svg width="100" height="100"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3" fill="cyan" /> </svg> ## Verbatim and Tables (Extensions) A verbatim block begins and ends with four tick marks. It is just like a code block, except that there is no syntax highlighting. Verbatim blocks are an extension of normal Markdown. ```` Verbatim text has many uses: Element | Z -------------------- Altium | 4/5 Brazilium | 7/5 Certium | 9/5 ```` But better is to use Markdown tables: | Element | Symbol | Z | A | | Hydrogen | H | 1 | 1.008 | | Helium | He | 2 | 4.0026 | | Lithium | Li | 3 | 6.94 | | Beryllium | Be | 4 | 9.0122 | | Boron | B | 5 | 10.81 | | Carbon | C | 6 | 12.011 | | Nitrogen | N | 7 | 14.007 | | Oxygen | O | 8 | 15.999 | | Flourine | F | 9 | 18.998 | | Neon | Ne | 10 | 20.180 | ## Lists Indent by four spaces for each level. List items are separated by blank lines. - Solids - Iron *(metal)* - Iron disulfide (Pyrite): $FeS_2$, crystalline - Iron(II) sulfed $FeS$, not stable, amorphous - Selenium *(use for solar cells)* - Liquids - Alcohol *(careful!)* - Water *(Ok to drink)* ## Numbered lists ### Problem Set 18 1. Compute the coefficient of $a^5b^2$ in $(a + b)^7$. 1. Do also: coefficient of $a^5b^5$ in $(a + 2b)^{10}$ 2. Do also: coefficient of $a^7b^5$ in $(a - b)^{12}$ 4. If $f'(2) = 0$, what can you say about the graph of $f$ at $x = 2$? 6. Suppose that in addition, $f''(2) > 0$. What else can say about the graph? ### Problem Set 19 4. Show that $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ is a solution to the equation $\\partial u(x,t)/\\partial x + c^{-1} \\partial u(x,t)/\\partial t = 0$. 3. State the wave equation and show that $u(x,t)$ as above is a solution to it. 2. In what direction does the wave defined by $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ move? 4. Find a solution of the wave equation that represents a pulse moving in the opposite direction. ## Quotations Quotations are offset: > Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. > Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. > But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — <NAME>, *Gettysbug Address* ## Poetry (Extension) Poetry blocks, an extension of normal Markdown, begin with ">>"; line endings are respected. >> Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. >> Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch! Etcetera! ___ NOTE: this Markdown implementation is an option for writing documents on [knode.io](https://knode.io). Knode also offers MiniLaTeX, a web-friendly subset of TeX/LaTex. To see how it works without a sign-in, please see [demo.minilatex.app](https://demo.minilatex.app). ___ ## Installation To compile, use ```elm elm make --output=Main.js ``` Then open `index-katex.html` to run the app. """ notes : String notes = """ # Notes """
module Placeholders exposing (initialText, notes, testText) testText : String testText = """## Example **Pythagoras** said: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. An integral formula: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ You should see two formulas above. """ initialText : String initialText = """# A Pure Elm Markdown Parser ## Introduction ![Hummingbird::left](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) This project grew out of the need to have a pure Elm Markdown parser-renderer that could also handle mathematical text. Mathematical text is rendered by MathJax 3, which has very large performance advantages compared to its predecessors. The Markdown used here offers three options: *Standard*, *Extended* and *ExtendedMath*. The Extended option provides for strike-through text, verbatim blocks, poetry blocks, and tables. ExtendedMath handles formulas written in TeX/LaTeX: $$ \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \\pi $$ Note also that there is an automatically generated active table of contents. It can be placed inside the document at the top, to one side, as it is here, or it can be absent. The [library](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown/latest/) with which this demo app is built is suitable for light-weight writing tasks that require mathematical notation — problem sets, short class notes, etc. This project is a work in progress: more to to do make it adhere as closely as possible to the CommonMark spec. Write me at PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI with comments and bug reports, or post an issue on the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jxxcarlson/elm-markdown). For installation, see the notes at the end. This Markdown package is written in pure Elm. It uses MathJax.js to render math formulas. ## Demo Below we illustrate some typical Markdown elements: images, links, headings, etc. ![Hummingbird](http://noteimages.s3.amazonaws.com/jxxcarlson/hummingbird2.jpg) Hummingbird (Meditation) Link: [New York Times](http://nytimes.com) Text styles: **bold** *italic* ~~strike it out~~ ## Inline Math This is a test: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$. ## Display Math So is this: $$ \\int_0^1 x^n dx = \\frac{1}{n+1} $$ ## Code He said that `a := 0` is an initialization statement. ### Harmonic series: ```python sum = 0 for n in range(1..100): sum = sum + 1.0/n sum ``` ## SVG @@svg <svg width="100" height="100"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3" fill="cyan" /> </svg> ## Verbatim and Tables (Extensions) A verbatim block begins and ends with four tick marks. It is just like a code block, except that there is no syntax highlighting. Verbatim blocks are an extension of normal Markdown. ```` Verbatim text has many uses: Element | Z -------------------- Altium | 4/5 Brazilium | 7/5 Certium | 9/5 ```` But better is to use Markdown tables: | Element | Symbol | Z | A | | Hydrogen | H | 1 | 1.008 | | Helium | He | 2 | 4.0026 | | Lithium | Li | 3 | 6.94 | | Beryllium | Be | 4 | 9.0122 | | Boron | B | 5 | 10.81 | | Carbon | C | 6 | 12.011 | | Nitrogen | N | 7 | 14.007 | | Oxygen | O | 8 | 15.999 | | Flourine | F | 9 | 18.998 | | Neon | Ne | 10 | 20.180 | ## Lists Indent by four spaces for each level. List items are separated by blank lines. - Solids - Iron *(metal)* - Iron disulfide (Pyrite): $FeS_2$, crystalline - Iron(II) sulfed $FeS$, not stable, amorphous - Selenium *(use for solar cells)* - Liquids - Alcohol *(careful!)* - Water *(Ok to drink)* ## Numbered lists ### Problem Set 18 1. Compute the coefficient of $a^5b^2$ in $(a + b)^7$. 1. Do also: coefficient of $a^5b^5$ in $(a + 2b)^{10}$ 2. Do also: coefficient of $a^7b^5$ in $(a - b)^{12}$ 4. If $f'(2) = 0$, what can you say about the graph of $f$ at $x = 2$? 6. Suppose that in addition, $f''(2) > 0$. What else can say about the graph? ### Problem Set 19 4. Show that $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ is a solution to the equation $\\partial u(x,t)/\\partial x + c^{-1} \\partial u(x,t)/\\partial t = 0$. 3. State the wave equation and show that $u(x,t)$ as above is a solution to it. 2. In what direction does the wave defined by $u(x,t) = f(x - ct)$ move? 4. Find a solution of the wave equation that represents a pulse moving in the opposite direction. ## Quotations Quotations are offset: > Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. > Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. > But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. — PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, *Gettysbug Address* ## Poetry (Extension) Poetry blocks, an extension of normal Markdown, begin with ">>"; line endings are respected. >> Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. >> Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch! Etcetera! ___ NOTE: this Markdown implementation is an option for writing documents on [knode.io](https://knode.io). Knode also offers MiniLaTeX, a web-friendly subset of TeX/LaTex. To see how it works without a sign-in, please see [demo.minilatex.app](https://demo.minilatex.app). ___ ## Installation To compile, use ```elm elm make --output=Main.js ``` Then open `index-katex.html` to run the app. """ notes : String notes = """ # Notes """
[ { "context": "-- Copyright 2018 Gregor Uhlenheuer\n--\n-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version ", "end": 35, "score": 0.9998822212, "start": 18, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gregor Uhlenheuer" } ]
-- Copyright 2018 Gregor Uhlenheuer -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. module View.Planet exposing (planet) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Utils exposing (capacityPercent, zonedIso8601) import View.Utils exposing (..) planet : ActivePlanet -> Model -> List (Html Msg) planet active model = let planet0 = active.planet name = planetName planet0 in [ h2 [] [ text name ] , div [ class "row" ] [ ul [ id "planet-description", class "no-mobile nine columns" ] [ li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Type: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| Utils.planetToString planet0.planetType ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Size: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| String.fromInt planet0.size ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Position: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| coordStr planet0.position ] ] ] , div [ class "u-pull-right three columns" ] [ div [ class "u-full-width text-right" ] [ planetImg planet0 ] ] ] ] -- vim: et sw=2 sts=2
-- Copyright 2018 <NAME> -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. module View.Planet exposing (planet) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Utils exposing (capacityPercent, zonedIso8601) import View.Utils exposing (..) planet : ActivePlanet -> Model -> List (Html Msg) planet active model = let planet0 = active.planet name = planetName planet0 in [ h2 [] [ text name ] , div [ class "row" ] [ ul [ id "planet-description", class "no-mobile nine columns" ] [ li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Type: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| Utils.planetToString planet0.planetType ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Size: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| String.fromInt planet0.size ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Position: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| coordStr planet0.position ] ] ] , div [ class "u-pull-right three columns" ] [ div [ class "u-full-width text-right" ] [ planetImg planet0 ] ] ] ] -- vim: et sw=2 sts=2
-- Copyright 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); -- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. -- You may obtain a copy of the License at -- -- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, -- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. -- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and -- limitations under the License. module View.Planet exposing (planet) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Utils exposing (capacityPercent, zonedIso8601) import View.Utils exposing (..) planet : ActivePlanet -> Model -> List (Html Msg) planet active model = let planet0 = active.planet name = planetName planet0 in [ h2 [] [ text name ] , div [ class "row" ] [ ul [ id "planet-description", class "no-mobile nine columns" ] [ li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Type: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| Utils.planetToString planet0.planetType ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Size: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| String.fromInt planet0.size ] ] , li [] [ span [ class "description" ] [ text "Position: " ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text <| coordStr planet0.position ] ] ] , div [ class "u-pull-right three columns" ] [ div [ class "u-full-width text-right" ] [ planetImg planet0 ] ] ] ] -- vim: et sw=2 sts=2
[ { "context": "\ninitialModel : Model\ninitialModel =\n { key = \"test1\"\n , value = \"\"\n , keyToGet = \"\"\n , value", "end": 646, "score": 0.9984562993, "start": 641, "tag": "KEY", "value": "test1" } ]
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, h1, h2, input, label, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, for, id, readonly, value) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Model = { key : String , value : String , keyToGet : String , valueGot : String , keyToRemove : String } -- INIT initialModel : Model initialModel = { key = "test1" , value = "" , keyToGet = "" , valueGot = "" , keyToRemove = "" } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SetValue String | StoreItem | SetKey String | SetKeyToGet String | GetItem String | GotItem String | SetKeyToRemove String | RemoveItem | Clear type alias LocalStorageItem = { key : String , value : String } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SetValue newValue -> ( { model | value = newValue }, Cmd.none ) StoreItem -> ( model, setItem { key = model.key, value = model.value } ) SetKey newKey -> ( { model | key = newKey }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToGet newKey -> ( { model | keyToGet = newKey }, Cmd.none ) GetItem key -> ( model, getItem key ) GotItem value -> ( { model | valueGot = value }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToRemove key -> ( { model | keyToRemove = key }, Cmd.none ) RemoveItem -> ( model, removeItem model.keyToRemove ) Clear -> ( model, clear () ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "localStorage example" ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Set" ] , div [] [ div [] [ label [ for "key-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-input", onInput SetKey, value model.key ] [] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-input" ] [ text "Item value" ] , input [ id "value-input", onInput SetValue, value model.value ] [] ] , button [ onClick StoreItem ] [ text "Set" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Get" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-get-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-get-input", onInput SetKeyToGet ] [] , button [ onClick (GetItem model.keyToGet) , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToGet) == 0) ] [ text "Get" ] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-gotten-input" ] [ text " Value gotten" ] , input [ id "value-gotten-input", readonly True, value model.valueGot ] [] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Remove" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-remove-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-remove-input", onInput SetKeyToRemove ] [] , button [ onClick RemoveItem , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToRemove) == 0) ] [ text "Remove" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Clear" ] , div [] [ button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] ] -- PORTS port setItem : LocalStorageItem -> Cmd msg port getItem : String -> Cmd msg port gotItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port removeItem : String -> Cmd msg port clear : () -> Cmd msg -- port requestItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- port arrivingItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = gotItem GotItem
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, h1, h2, input, label, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, for, id, readonly, value) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Model = { key : String , value : String , keyToGet : String , valueGot : String , keyToRemove : String } -- INIT initialModel : Model initialModel = { key = "<KEY>" , value = "" , keyToGet = "" , valueGot = "" , keyToRemove = "" } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SetValue String | StoreItem | SetKey String | SetKeyToGet String | GetItem String | GotItem String | SetKeyToRemove String | RemoveItem | Clear type alias LocalStorageItem = { key : String , value : String } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SetValue newValue -> ( { model | value = newValue }, Cmd.none ) StoreItem -> ( model, setItem { key = model.key, value = model.value } ) SetKey newKey -> ( { model | key = newKey }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToGet newKey -> ( { model | keyToGet = newKey }, Cmd.none ) GetItem key -> ( model, getItem key ) GotItem value -> ( { model | valueGot = value }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToRemove key -> ( { model | keyToRemove = key }, Cmd.none ) RemoveItem -> ( model, removeItem model.keyToRemove ) Clear -> ( model, clear () ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "localStorage example" ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Set" ] , div [] [ div [] [ label [ for "key-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-input", onInput SetKey, value model.key ] [] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-input" ] [ text "Item value" ] , input [ id "value-input", onInput SetValue, value model.value ] [] ] , button [ onClick StoreItem ] [ text "Set" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Get" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-get-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-get-input", onInput SetKeyToGet ] [] , button [ onClick (GetItem model.keyToGet) , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToGet) == 0) ] [ text "Get" ] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-gotten-input" ] [ text " Value gotten" ] , input [ id "value-gotten-input", readonly True, value model.valueGot ] [] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Remove" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-remove-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-remove-input", onInput SetKeyToRemove ] [] , button [ onClick RemoveItem , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToRemove) == 0) ] [ text "Remove" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Clear" ] , div [] [ button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] ] -- PORTS port setItem : LocalStorageItem -> Cmd msg port getItem : String -> Cmd msg port gotItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port removeItem : String -> Cmd msg port clear : () -> Cmd msg -- port requestItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- port arrivingItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = gotItem GotItem
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, h1, h2, input, label, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, for, id, readonly, value) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Model = { key : String , value : String , keyToGet : String , valueGot : String , keyToRemove : String } -- INIT initialModel : Model initialModel = { key = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , value = "" , keyToGet = "" , valueGot = "" , keyToRemove = "" } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( initialModel, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SetValue String | StoreItem | SetKey String | SetKeyToGet String | GetItem String | GotItem String | SetKeyToRemove String | RemoveItem | Clear type alias LocalStorageItem = { key : String , value : String } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SetValue newValue -> ( { model | value = newValue }, Cmd.none ) StoreItem -> ( model, setItem { key = model.key, value = model.value } ) SetKey newKey -> ( { model | key = newKey }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToGet newKey -> ( { model | keyToGet = newKey }, Cmd.none ) GetItem key -> ( model, getItem key ) GotItem value -> ( { model | valueGot = value }, Cmd.none ) SetKeyToRemove key -> ( { model | keyToRemove = key }, Cmd.none ) RemoveItem -> ( model, removeItem model.keyToRemove ) Clear -> ( model, clear () ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "localStorage example" ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Set" ] , div [] [ div [] [ label [ for "key-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-input", onInput SetKey, value model.key ] [] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-input" ] [ text "Item value" ] , input [ id "value-input", onInput SetValue, value model.value ] [] ] , button [ onClick StoreItem ] [ text "Set" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Get" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-get-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-get-input", onInput SetKeyToGet ] [] , button [ onClick (GetItem model.keyToGet) , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToGet) == 0) ] [ text "Get" ] ] , div [] [ label [ for "value-gotten-input" ] [ text " Value gotten" ] , input [ id "value-gotten-input", readonly True, value model.valueGot ] [] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Remove" ] , div [] [ label [ for "key-to-remove-input" ] [ text "Item key" ] , input [ id "key-to-remove-input", onInput SetKeyToRemove ] [] , button [ onClick RemoveItem , disabled (String.length (String.trim model.keyToRemove) == 0) ] [ text "Remove" ] ] ] , div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Clear" ] , div [] [ button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] ] -- PORTS port setItem : LocalStorageItem -> Cmd msg port getItem : String -> Cmd msg port gotItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port removeItem : String -> Cmd msg port clear : () -> Cmd msg -- port requestItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- port arrivingItem : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = gotItem GotItem
[ { "context": " }\n\ninitialForm : Form\ninitialForm = { email = \"admin@mail.com\", password = \"admin\", passwordAgain = \"admin\", po", "end": 972, "score": 0.9999275208, "start": 958, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "admin@mail.com" }, { "context": "alForm = { email = \"admin@mail.com\", password = \"admin\", passwordAgain = \"admin\", postTitle = \"\", postBo", "end": 992, "score": 0.9995387793, "start": 987, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "admin" }, { "context": "n@mail.com\", password = \"admin\", passwordAgain = \"admin\", postTitle = \"\", postBody = \"\" }\n\n", "end": 1017, "score": 0.9995198846, "start": 1012, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "admin" } ]
module Models exposing (..) import Lorem import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(NotAsked), WebData) import Routes exposing (Route(HomeRoute)) type alias User = { email : String } type alias Post = { id : String , title : String , body : String } type alias Form = { email : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , postTitle : String , postBody : String } type alias Token = { accessToken : String , idToken : String , tokenType : String , expiresIn : Int } type alias Model = { posts : WebData (List Post) , form : Form , route : Route , user : WebData User , token : WebData Token , account : WebData () } initialModel : Model initialModel = { posts = NotAsked , form = initialForm , route = HomeRoute , user = NotAsked , token = NotAsked , account = NotAsked } initialForm : Form initialForm = { email = "admin@mail.com", password = "admin", passwordAgain = "admin", postTitle = "", postBody = "" }
module Models exposing (..) import Lorem import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(NotAsked), WebData) import Routes exposing (Route(HomeRoute)) type alias User = { email : String } type alias Post = { id : String , title : String , body : String } type alias Form = { email : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , postTitle : String , postBody : String } type alias Token = { accessToken : String , idToken : String , tokenType : String , expiresIn : Int } type alias Model = { posts : WebData (List Post) , form : Form , route : Route , user : WebData User , token : WebData Token , account : WebData () } initialModel : Model initialModel = { posts = NotAsked , form = initialForm , route = HomeRoute , user = NotAsked , token = NotAsked , account = NotAsked } initialForm : Form initialForm = { email = "<EMAIL>", password = "<PASSWORD>", passwordAgain = "<PASSWORD>", postTitle = "", postBody = "" }
module Models exposing (..) import Lorem import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(NotAsked), WebData) import Routes exposing (Route(HomeRoute)) type alias User = { email : String } type alias Post = { id : String , title : String , body : String } type alias Form = { email : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String , postTitle : String , postBody : String } type alias Token = { accessToken : String , idToken : String , tokenType : String , expiresIn : Int } type alias Model = { posts : WebData (List Post) , form : Form , route : Route , user : WebData User , token : WebData Token , account : WebData () } initialModel : Model initialModel = { posts = NotAsked , form = initialForm , route = HomeRoute , user = NotAsked , token = NotAsked , account = NotAsked } initialForm : Form initialForm = { email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI", password = "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI", passwordAgain = "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI", postTitle = "", postBody = "" }
[ { "context": "ed (NewItem workflowKind process { id = \"\", name = newItemName, description = \"\" } itemIndex))\n ,", "end": 17661, "score": 0.8843414187, "start": 17658, "tag": "NAME", "value": "new" } ]
module ProcessDesigner exposing (..) import Controls import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (attribute, css) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import List.Extra as List import Utils exposing (boolToMaybe, boolToString, onStd, onWithoutDef, onWithoutProp, updateIfTrue) type Msg = Idle | ToggleMode Mode | TempIdRequested (Int -> Msg) | NewProcess WorkflowKind Process Int | NewItem WorkflowKind Process ProcessItem Int Int | NewItemSlot WorkflowKind Process | DragStart DraggingState | DragEnd | Drop WorkflowKind DropProcessItemTarget | DragTargetOnDraggableArea Bool | ToggleProcessItemSelection Process ProcessItem type alias Model = { processes : List Process , subWorkflow : Maybe SubWorkflowData , mode : Mode , draggingState : Maybe { state : DraggingState, hasTargeted : Bool} } type alias Workflow a = { a | processes : List Process } type alias SubWorkflowData = { parentProcessItem : ProcessItem , parentProcess : Process , processes : List Process } type alias Process = { id : String , name : String , items : List (Maybe ProcessItem) } type alias ProcessItem = { id : String , name : String , description : String } type DraggingState = DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , item : ProcessItem , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingProcessState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process } type Mode = ViewerMode | EditorMode type DropProcessItemTarget = DropOnEmptySlot Process Int | DropOnNewSlot Process | DropInBin | DropOnAnotherProcessItem Process ProcessItem Int type DroppableAreaMode = Normal | ReadyToReceiveProcessItem | ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem | ReadyToReceiveProcess type WorkflowKind = MainWorkflow | SubWorkflow type ProcessItemState = NormalProcessItemState | ActiveProcessItemState -- UPDATE toggleMode : Mode -> Model -> Model toggleMode mode model = { model | mode = mode } updateWorkflow : WorkflowKind -> (Model-> Model) -> (SubWorkflowData -> SubWorkflowData) -> Model -> Model updateWorkflow workflowType updateMainWorkflow updateSecondaryWorkflow model = case workflowType of MainWorkflow -> updateMainWorkflow model SubWorkflow -> { model | subWorkflow = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map updateSecondaryWorkflow } newProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newProcess tempId process workflow = addProcess { process | id = String.fromInt tempId } workflow addProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = List.append workflow.processes [ process ] } newItemToProcess : Int -> Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newItemToProcess tempId itemIndex item process model = addItemToProcess itemIndex { item | id = String.fromInt tempId } process model addItemToProcess : Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemToProcess itemIndex item process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Just item) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeItemFromProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Nothing) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } dropOn : DropProcessItemTarget -> Model -> Workflow a -> Workflow a dropOn target model workflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\{ state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind, process, item, itemIndex } -> case target of DropOnNewSlot targetProcess -> workflow |> addItemSlot targetProcess |> addItemToProcess (List.length targetProcess.items) item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropInBin -> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow DropOnEmptySlot targetProcess targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropOnAnotherProcessItem targetProcess targetItem targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess itemIndex targetItem process |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess DraggingEmptyItemState { process, itemIndex } -> removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow DraggingProcessState { process } -> removeProcess process workflow ) |> Maybe.withDefault workflow addItemSlot : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemSlot process workflow = let update p = { p | items = List.append p.items [ Nothing ] } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeEmptySlot : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.removeAt itemIndex } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = workflow.processes |> List.remove process } setDraggingState : DraggingState -> Model -> Model setDraggingState draggingState model = { model | draggingState = Just { state = draggingState, hasTargeted = False } } hasDragTargeted : Model -> Bool hasDragTargeted model = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .hasTargeted |> Maybe.withDefault False clearDraggingState : Model -> Model clearDraggingState model = { model | draggingState = Nothing } toggleTargetingOfDraggingState : Bool -> Model -> Model toggleTargetingOfDraggingState hasTargeted model = { model | draggingState = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\s -> { s | hasTargeted = hasTargeted}) } toggleSubWorkflow : Process -> ProcessItem -> List Process -> Model -> Model toggleSubWorkflow parentProcess parentProcessItem subProcesses model = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.andThen (\w -> boolToMaybe { model | subWorkflow = Nothing } (w.parentProcessItem == parentProcessItem)) |> Maybe.withDefault { model | subWorkflow = Just { parentProcessItem = parentProcessItem , parentProcess = parentProcess , processes = subProcesses } } -- ATTRS attrDraggable mode = attribute "draggable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) attrEditable mode = attribute "contenteditable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let droppableAreaMode = case model.draggingState of Just { state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcessItem DraggingEmptyItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem DraggingProcessState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcess Nothing -> Normal mode = model.mode toggleModeButton = let (label, newMode) = case model.mode of ViewerMode -> ("Edit", EditorMode) EditorMode -> ("Back to viewer", ViewerMode) in Controls.viewToggle label newMode ToggleMode ((==) ViewerMode) activeProcessItem = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map .parentProcessItem addWorkflowControls workflowKind workflow ps = mode == EditorMode |> boolToMaybe ( List.append ps [ div [ css [ displayFlex ] ] [ viewAddProcessButton workflowKind workflow.processes ] ] ) |> Maybe.withDefault ps viewMainWorkflow = model.processes |> List.filter isUsefulProcess |> List.map (viewProcess MainWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls MainWorkflow model |> List.append [ toggleModeButton ] |> div [ css [ overflowX scroll , whiteSpace noWrap , height (vh 75) ] ] viewSubWorkflow workflow = workflow.processes |> List.map (viewProcess SubWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls SubWorkflow workflow |> div [ css [ bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (pct 100) , height (vh 25) , borderTop3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) ] ] isUsefulProcess p = (model.mode == EditorMode) || ((model.mode == ViewerMode) && (p.items /= [] && List.any ((/=) Nothing) p.items)) binWorkflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .state |> Maybe.map ( \state -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingProcessState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind ) |> Maybe.withDefault MainWorkflow in div [] [ viewMainWorkflow , model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map viewSubWorkflow |> Maybe.withDefault (text "") , viewBin binWorkflow droppableAreaMode ] viewProcess : WorkflowKind -> Mode -> DroppableAreaMode -> Maybe ProcessItem -> Process -> Html Msg viewProcess workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem process = let getProcessItemState i = activeProcessItem |> Maybe.andThen (\x -> boolToMaybe ActiveProcessItemState (x == i)) |> Maybe.withDefault NormalProcessItemState viewProcessItems = let items = process.items |> List.filter ((/=) Nothing >> (||) (mode == EditorMode)) |> List.indexedMap ( \itemIndex item -> item |> Maybe.map (\i -> viewProcessItem workflowKind (getProcessItemState i) mode process i) |> Maybe.withDefault (viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex) ) in if mode == EditorMode then List.append items [ viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process ] else items in div [ css [ displayFlex , before [ width (rem 2) , minWidth (rem 2) , margin (rem 0.25) , backgroundColor (hex "#606dbc") , property "content" "''" ] , hover [ backgroundColor (rgba 128 128 128 0.05) ] , cursor (if mode == EditorMode then move else default) ] , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , attrDraggable mode ] viewProcessItems viewProcessItem workflowKind state mode process processItem = let viewName = div [ css [] ] [ div [ attrEditable mode , css [ focus [ outline none ] , whiteSpace noWrap ] ] [ text processItem.name ] ] itemIndex = process.items |> List.elemIndex (Just processItem) |> Maybe.withDefault 0 -- unattainable result style = case state of NormalProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) ] ActiveProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) ] in div [ css [ style , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , overflowX hidden , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) , cursor pointer ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer ] ] , attrDraggable mode , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, item = processItem, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onWithoutProp "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onWithoutProp "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) , onWithoutProp "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnAnotherProcessItem process processItem itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onClick (ToggleProcessItemSelection process processItem) ] [ viewName ] viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex = let newItemName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (itemIndex + 1)) droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 255 255 255) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewItem workflowKind process { id = "", name = newItemName, description = "" } itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , attrDraggable mode , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnEmptySlot process itemIndex)) , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "EMPTY" ] viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process = let droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (NewItemSlot workflowKind process) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnNewSlot process)) , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "➕" ] viewAddProcessButton : WorkflowKind -> List Process -> Html Msg viewAddProcessButton workflowKind processes = let processesCount = List.length processes newProcessName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (processesCount + 1)) in div [ css [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (rem 20) , height (rem 3) , opacity (num 0.25) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewProcess workflowKind (Process newProcessName newProcessName []))) ] [ text "➕" ] viewBin : WorkflowKind -> DroppableAreaMode -> Html Msg viewBin workflowKind droppableAreaMode = let droppableStyles = let droppableReadyStyles = Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 105 0 24) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 211 216) , color (rgb 105 0 24) , opacity (num 0.5) , display block ] in case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) , display none ] _ -> droppableReadyStyles dropMsg = case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Idle _ -> Drop workflowKind DropInBin in div [ css [ droppableStyles , position fixed , bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (vw 10) , height (vh 10) ] , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" dropMsg , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "🗑️" ]
module ProcessDesigner exposing (..) import Controls import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (attribute, css) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import List.Extra as List import Utils exposing (boolToMaybe, boolToString, onStd, onWithoutDef, onWithoutProp, updateIfTrue) type Msg = Idle | ToggleMode Mode | TempIdRequested (Int -> Msg) | NewProcess WorkflowKind Process Int | NewItem WorkflowKind Process ProcessItem Int Int | NewItemSlot WorkflowKind Process | DragStart DraggingState | DragEnd | Drop WorkflowKind DropProcessItemTarget | DragTargetOnDraggableArea Bool | ToggleProcessItemSelection Process ProcessItem type alias Model = { processes : List Process , subWorkflow : Maybe SubWorkflowData , mode : Mode , draggingState : Maybe { state : DraggingState, hasTargeted : Bool} } type alias Workflow a = { a | processes : List Process } type alias SubWorkflowData = { parentProcessItem : ProcessItem , parentProcess : Process , processes : List Process } type alias Process = { id : String , name : String , items : List (Maybe ProcessItem) } type alias ProcessItem = { id : String , name : String , description : String } type DraggingState = DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , item : ProcessItem , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingProcessState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process } type Mode = ViewerMode | EditorMode type DropProcessItemTarget = DropOnEmptySlot Process Int | DropOnNewSlot Process | DropInBin | DropOnAnotherProcessItem Process ProcessItem Int type DroppableAreaMode = Normal | ReadyToReceiveProcessItem | ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem | ReadyToReceiveProcess type WorkflowKind = MainWorkflow | SubWorkflow type ProcessItemState = NormalProcessItemState | ActiveProcessItemState -- UPDATE toggleMode : Mode -> Model -> Model toggleMode mode model = { model | mode = mode } updateWorkflow : WorkflowKind -> (Model-> Model) -> (SubWorkflowData -> SubWorkflowData) -> Model -> Model updateWorkflow workflowType updateMainWorkflow updateSecondaryWorkflow model = case workflowType of MainWorkflow -> updateMainWorkflow model SubWorkflow -> { model | subWorkflow = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map updateSecondaryWorkflow } newProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newProcess tempId process workflow = addProcess { process | id = String.fromInt tempId } workflow addProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = List.append workflow.processes [ process ] } newItemToProcess : Int -> Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newItemToProcess tempId itemIndex item process model = addItemToProcess itemIndex { item | id = String.fromInt tempId } process model addItemToProcess : Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemToProcess itemIndex item process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Just item) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeItemFromProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Nothing) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } dropOn : DropProcessItemTarget -> Model -> Workflow a -> Workflow a dropOn target model workflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\{ state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind, process, item, itemIndex } -> case target of DropOnNewSlot targetProcess -> workflow |> addItemSlot targetProcess |> addItemToProcess (List.length targetProcess.items) item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropInBin -> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow DropOnEmptySlot targetProcess targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropOnAnotherProcessItem targetProcess targetItem targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess itemIndex targetItem process |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess DraggingEmptyItemState { process, itemIndex } -> removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow DraggingProcessState { process } -> removeProcess process workflow ) |> Maybe.withDefault workflow addItemSlot : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemSlot process workflow = let update p = { p | items = List.append p.items [ Nothing ] } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeEmptySlot : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.removeAt itemIndex } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = workflow.processes |> List.remove process } setDraggingState : DraggingState -> Model -> Model setDraggingState draggingState model = { model | draggingState = Just { state = draggingState, hasTargeted = False } } hasDragTargeted : Model -> Bool hasDragTargeted model = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .hasTargeted |> Maybe.withDefault False clearDraggingState : Model -> Model clearDraggingState model = { model | draggingState = Nothing } toggleTargetingOfDraggingState : Bool -> Model -> Model toggleTargetingOfDraggingState hasTargeted model = { model | draggingState = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\s -> { s | hasTargeted = hasTargeted}) } toggleSubWorkflow : Process -> ProcessItem -> List Process -> Model -> Model toggleSubWorkflow parentProcess parentProcessItem subProcesses model = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.andThen (\w -> boolToMaybe { model | subWorkflow = Nothing } (w.parentProcessItem == parentProcessItem)) |> Maybe.withDefault { model | subWorkflow = Just { parentProcessItem = parentProcessItem , parentProcess = parentProcess , processes = subProcesses } } -- ATTRS attrDraggable mode = attribute "draggable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) attrEditable mode = attribute "contenteditable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let droppableAreaMode = case model.draggingState of Just { state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcessItem DraggingEmptyItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem DraggingProcessState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcess Nothing -> Normal mode = model.mode toggleModeButton = let (label, newMode) = case model.mode of ViewerMode -> ("Edit", EditorMode) EditorMode -> ("Back to viewer", ViewerMode) in Controls.viewToggle label newMode ToggleMode ((==) ViewerMode) activeProcessItem = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map .parentProcessItem addWorkflowControls workflowKind workflow ps = mode == EditorMode |> boolToMaybe ( List.append ps [ div [ css [ displayFlex ] ] [ viewAddProcessButton workflowKind workflow.processes ] ] ) |> Maybe.withDefault ps viewMainWorkflow = model.processes |> List.filter isUsefulProcess |> List.map (viewProcess MainWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls MainWorkflow model |> List.append [ toggleModeButton ] |> div [ css [ overflowX scroll , whiteSpace noWrap , height (vh 75) ] ] viewSubWorkflow workflow = workflow.processes |> List.map (viewProcess SubWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls SubWorkflow workflow |> div [ css [ bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (pct 100) , height (vh 25) , borderTop3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) ] ] isUsefulProcess p = (model.mode == EditorMode) || ((model.mode == ViewerMode) && (p.items /= [] && List.any ((/=) Nothing) p.items)) binWorkflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .state |> Maybe.map ( \state -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingProcessState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind ) |> Maybe.withDefault MainWorkflow in div [] [ viewMainWorkflow , model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map viewSubWorkflow |> Maybe.withDefault (text "") , viewBin binWorkflow droppableAreaMode ] viewProcess : WorkflowKind -> Mode -> DroppableAreaMode -> Maybe ProcessItem -> Process -> Html Msg viewProcess workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem process = let getProcessItemState i = activeProcessItem |> Maybe.andThen (\x -> boolToMaybe ActiveProcessItemState (x == i)) |> Maybe.withDefault NormalProcessItemState viewProcessItems = let items = process.items |> List.filter ((/=) Nothing >> (||) (mode == EditorMode)) |> List.indexedMap ( \itemIndex item -> item |> Maybe.map (\i -> viewProcessItem workflowKind (getProcessItemState i) mode process i) |> Maybe.withDefault (viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex) ) in if mode == EditorMode then List.append items [ viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process ] else items in div [ css [ displayFlex , before [ width (rem 2) , minWidth (rem 2) , margin (rem 0.25) , backgroundColor (hex "#606dbc") , property "content" "''" ] , hover [ backgroundColor (rgba 128 128 128 0.05) ] , cursor (if mode == EditorMode then move else default) ] , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , attrDraggable mode ] viewProcessItems viewProcessItem workflowKind state mode process processItem = let viewName = div [ css [] ] [ div [ attrEditable mode , css [ focus [ outline none ] , whiteSpace noWrap ] ] [ text processItem.name ] ] itemIndex = process.items |> List.elemIndex (Just processItem) |> Maybe.withDefault 0 -- unattainable result style = case state of NormalProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) ] ActiveProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) ] in div [ css [ style , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , overflowX hidden , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) , cursor pointer ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer ] ] , attrDraggable mode , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, item = processItem, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onWithoutProp "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onWithoutProp "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) , onWithoutProp "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnAnotherProcessItem process processItem itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onClick (ToggleProcessItemSelection process processItem) ] [ viewName ] viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex = let newItemName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (itemIndex + 1)) droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 255 255 255) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewItem workflowKind process { id = "", name = <NAME>ItemName, description = "" } itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , attrDraggable mode , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnEmptySlot process itemIndex)) , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "EMPTY" ] viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process = let droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (NewItemSlot workflowKind process) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnNewSlot process)) , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "➕" ] viewAddProcessButton : WorkflowKind -> List Process -> Html Msg viewAddProcessButton workflowKind processes = let processesCount = List.length processes newProcessName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (processesCount + 1)) in div [ css [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (rem 20) , height (rem 3) , opacity (num 0.25) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewProcess workflowKind (Process newProcessName newProcessName []))) ] [ text "➕" ] viewBin : WorkflowKind -> DroppableAreaMode -> Html Msg viewBin workflowKind droppableAreaMode = let droppableStyles = let droppableReadyStyles = Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 105 0 24) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 211 216) , color (rgb 105 0 24) , opacity (num 0.5) , display block ] in case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) , display none ] _ -> droppableReadyStyles dropMsg = case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Idle _ -> Drop workflowKind DropInBin in div [ css [ droppableStyles , position fixed , bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (vw 10) , height (vh 10) ] , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" dropMsg , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "🗑️" ]
module ProcessDesigner exposing (..) import Controls import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (attribute, css) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import List.Extra as List import Utils exposing (boolToMaybe, boolToString, onStd, onWithoutDef, onWithoutProp, updateIfTrue) type Msg = Idle | ToggleMode Mode | TempIdRequested (Int -> Msg) | NewProcess WorkflowKind Process Int | NewItem WorkflowKind Process ProcessItem Int Int | NewItemSlot WorkflowKind Process | DragStart DraggingState | DragEnd | Drop WorkflowKind DropProcessItemTarget | DragTargetOnDraggableArea Bool | ToggleProcessItemSelection Process ProcessItem type alias Model = { processes : List Process , subWorkflow : Maybe SubWorkflowData , mode : Mode , draggingState : Maybe { state : DraggingState, hasTargeted : Bool} } type alias Workflow a = { a | processes : List Process } type alias SubWorkflowData = { parentProcessItem : ProcessItem , parentProcess : Process , processes : List Process } type alias Process = { id : String , name : String , items : List (Maybe ProcessItem) } type alias ProcessItem = { id : String , name : String , description : String } type DraggingState = DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , item : ProcessItem , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process , itemIndex : Int } | DraggingProcessState { workflowKind : WorkflowKind , process : Process } type Mode = ViewerMode | EditorMode type DropProcessItemTarget = DropOnEmptySlot Process Int | DropOnNewSlot Process | DropInBin | DropOnAnotherProcessItem Process ProcessItem Int type DroppableAreaMode = Normal | ReadyToReceiveProcessItem | ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem | ReadyToReceiveProcess type WorkflowKind = MainWorkflow | SubWorkflow type ProcessItemState = NormalProcessItemState | ActiveProcessItemState -- UPDATE toggleMode : Mode -> Model -> Model toggleMode mode model = { model | mode = mode } updateWorkflow : WorkflowKind -> (Model-> Model) -> (SubWorkflowData -> SubWorkflowData) -> Model -> Model updateWorkflow workflowType updateMainWorkflow updateSecondaryWorkflow model = case workflowType of MainWorkflow -> updateMainWorkflow model SubWorkflow -> { model | subWorkflow = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map updateSecondaryWorkflow } newProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newProcess tempId process workflow = addProcess { process | id = String.fromInt tempId } workflow addProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = List.append workflow.processes [ process ] } newItemToProcess : Int -> Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a newItemToProcess tempId itemIndex item process model = addItemToProcess itemIndex { item | id = String.fromInt tempId } process model addItemToProcess : Int -> ProcessItem -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemToProcess itemIndex item process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Just item) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeItemFromProcess : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.updateAt itemIndex (\_ -> Nothing) } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } dropOn : DropProcessItemTarget -> Model -> Workflow a -> Workflow a dropOn target model workflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\{ state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind, process, item, itemIndex } -> case target of DropOnNewSlot targetProcess -> workflow |> addItemSlot targetProcess |> addItemToProcess (List.length targetProcess.items) item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropInBin -> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process workflow DropOnEmptySlot targetProcess targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess |> removeItemFromProcess itemIndex process DropOnAnotherProcessItem targetProcess targetItem targetItemIndex -> workflow |> addItemToProcess itemIndex targetItem process |> addItemToProcess targetItemIndex item targetProcess DraggingEmptyItemState { process, itemIndex } -> removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow DraggingProcessState { process } -> removeProcess process workflow ) |> Maybe.withDefault workflow addItemSlot : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a addItemSlot process workflow = let update p = { p | items = List.append p.items [ Nothing ] } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeEmptySlot : Int -> Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeEmptySlot itemIndex process workflow = let update p = { p | items = p.items |> List.removeAt itemIndex } updatedProcesses = workflow.processes |> List.map (\p -> updateIfTrue update p (p.id == process.id)) in { workflow | processes = updatedProcesses } removeProcess : Process -> Workflow a -> Workflow a removeProcess process workflow = { workflow | processes = workflow.processes |> List.remove process } setDraggingState : DraggingState -> Model -> Model setDraggingState draggingState model = { model | draggingState = Just { state = draggingState, hasTargeted = False } } hasDragTargeted : Model -> Bool hasDragTargeted model = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .hasTargeted |> Maybe.withDefault False clearDraggingState : Model -> Model clearDraggingState model = { model | draggingState = Nothing } toggleTargetingOfDraggingState : Bool -> Model -> Model toggleTargetingOfDraggingState hasTargeted model = { model | draggingState = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map (\s -> { s | hasTargeted = hasTargeted}) } toggleSubWorkflow : Process -> ProcessItem -> List Process -> Model -> Model toggleSubWorkflow parentProcess parentProcessItem subProcesses model = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.andThen (\w -> boolToMaybe { model | subWorkflow = Nothing } (w.parentProcessItem == parentProcessItem)) |> Maybe.withDefault { model | subWorkflow = Just { parentProcessItem = parentProcessItem , parentProcess = parentProcess , processes = subProcesses } } -- ATTRS attrDraggable mode = attribute "draggable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) attrEditable mode = attribute "contenteditable" (boolToString (mode == EditorMode)) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let droppableAreaMode = case model.draggingState of Just { state } -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcessItem DraggingEmptyItemState _ -> ReadyToReceiveEmptyItem DraggingProcessState _ -> ReadyToReceiveProcess Nothing -> Normal mode = model.mode toggleModeButton = let (label, newMode) = case model.mode of ViewerMode -> ("Edit", EditorMode) EditorMode -> ("Back to viewer", ViewerMode) in Controls.viewToggle label newMode ToggleMode ((==) ViewerMode) activeProcessItem = model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map .parentProcessItem addWorkflowControls workflowKind workflow ps = mode == EditorMode |> boolToMaybe ( List.append ps [ div [ css [ displayFlex ] ] [ viewAddProcessButton workflowKind workflow.processes ] ] ) |> Maybe.withDefault ps viewMainWorkflow = model.processes |> List.filter isUsefulProcess |> List.map (viewProcess MainWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls MainWorkflow model |> List.append [ toggleModeButton ] |> div [ css [ overflowX scroll , whiteSpace noWrap , height (vh 75) ] ] viewSubWorkflow workflow = workflow.processes |> List.map (viewProcess SubWorkflow mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem) |> addWorkflowControls SubWorkflow workflow |> div [ css [ bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (pct 100) , height (vh 25) , borderTop3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) ] ] isUsefulProcess p = (model.mode == EditorMode) || ((model.mode == ViewerMode) && (p.items /= [] && List.any ((/=) Nothing) p.items)) binWorkflow = model.draggingState |> Maybe.map .state |> Maybe.map ( \state -> case state of DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind DraggingProcessState { workflowKind } -> workflowKind ) |> Maybe.withDefault MainWorkflow in div [] [ viewMainWorkflow , model.subWorkflow |> Maybe.map viewSubWorkflow |> Maybe.withDefault (text "") , viewBin binWorkflow droppableAreaMode ] viewProcess : WorkflowKind -> Mode -> DroppableAreaMode -> Maybe ProcessItem -> Process -> Html Msg viewProcess workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode activeProcessItem process = let getProcessItemState i = activeProcessItem |> Maybe.andThen (\x -> boolToMaybe ActiveProcessItemState (x == i)) |> Maybe.withDefault NormalProcessItemState viewProcessItems = let items = process.items |> List.filter ((/=) Nothing >> (||) (mode == EditorMode)) |> List.indexedMap ( \itemIndex item -> item |> Maybe.map (\i -> viewProcessItem workflowKind (getProcessItemState i) mode process i) |> Maybe.withDefault (viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex) ) in if mode == EditorMode then List.append items [ viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process ] else items in div [ css [ displayFlex , before [ width (rem 2) , minWidth (rem 2) , margin (rem 0.25) , backgroundColor (hex "#606dbc") , property "content" "''" ] , hover [ backgroundColor (rgba 128 128 128 0.05) ] , cursor (if mode == EditorMode then move else default) ] , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , attrDraggable mode ] viewProcessItems viewProcessItem workflowKind state mode process processItem = let viewName = div [ css [] ] [ div [ attrEditable mode , css [ focus [ outline none ] , whiteSpace noWrap ] ] [ text processItem.name ] ] itemIndex = process.items |> List.elemIndex (Just processItem) |> Maybe.withDefault 0 -- unattainable result style = case state of NormalProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 4 4 4) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) ] ActiveProcessItemState -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) ] in div [ css [ style , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , overflowX hidden , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 10 124 10) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 10 124 10) , cursor pointer ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer ] ] , attrDraggable mode , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingProcessItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, item = processItem, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onWithoutProp "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onWithoutProp "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) , onWithoutProp "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnAnotherProcessItem process processItem itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onClick (ToggleProcessItemSelection process processItem) ] [ viewName ] viewEmptyItem workflowKind mode droppableAreaMode process itemIndex = let newItemName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (itemIndex + 1)) droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 255 255 255) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewItem workflowKind process { id = "", name = PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIItemName, description = "" } itemIndex)) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , attrDraggable mode , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnEmptySlot process itemIndex)) , onWithoutProp "dragstart" (DragStart (DraggingEmptyItemState { workflowKind = workflowKind, process = process, itemIndex = itemIndex })) , onWithoutProp "dragend" DragEnd , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "EMPTY" ] viewNewSlotButton workflowKind droppableAreaMode process = let droppableStyles = case droppableAreaMode of ReadyToReceiveProcessItem -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , opacity (num 0.5) ] _ -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) ] in div [ css [ droppableStyles , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , minWidth (rem 10) , height (rem 3) , hover [ backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (NewItemSlot workflowKind process) , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" (Drop workflowKind (DropOnNewSlot process)) , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "➕" ] viewAddProcessButton : WorkflowKind -> List Process -> Html Msg viewAddProcessButton workflowKind processes = let processesCount = List.length processes newProcessName = "New item " ++ (String.fromInt (processesCount + 1)) in div [ css [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (rem 20) , height (rem 3) , opacity (num 0.25) , hover [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 15 103 15) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 13 110 13) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.5) ] , active [ border3 (rem 0.1) solid (rgb 26 171 26) , backgroundColor (rgb 216 255 211) , color (rgb 26 171 26) , cursor pointer , opacity (num 0.85) ] ] , onClick (TempIdRequested (NewProcess workflowKind (Process newProcessName newProcessName []))) ] [ text "➕" ] viewBin : WorkflowKind -> DroppableAreaMode -> Html Msg viewBin workflowKind droppableAreaMode = let droppableStyles = let droppableReadyStyles = Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 105 0 24) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 211 216) , color (rgb 105 0 24) , opacity (num 0.5) , display block ] in case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Css.batch [ border3 (rem 0.1) dashed (rgb 4 4 4) , opacity (num 0.25) , display none ] _ -> droppableReadyStyles dropMsg = case droppableAreaMode of Normal -> Idle _ -> Drop workflowKind DropInBin in div [ css [ droppableStyles , position fixed , bottom (vh 0) , right (rem 0) , margin (rem 0.5) , padding (rem 0.25) , width (vw 10) , height (vh 10) ] , onWithoutDef "dragover" Idle , onStd "drop" dropMsg , onStd "dragenter" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea True) , onStd "dragleave" (DragTargetOnDraggableArea False) ] [ text "🗑️" ]
[ { "context": "nsecutiveItemsBy\n Tuple.second\n [ (\"Betty\", 1), (\"Tom\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)] -- [(\"Betty\", 1), ", "end": 2891, "score": 0.9996955395, "start": 2886, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty" }, { "context": "By\n Tuple.second\n [ (\"Betty\", 1), (\"Tom\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)] -- [(\"Betty\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)]", "end": 2903, "score": 0.9998113513, "start": 2900, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "uple.second\n [ (\"Betty\", 1), (\"Tom\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)] -- [(\"Betty\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)]\n\n-}\ndeduplic", "end": 2916, "score": 0.999502182, "start": 2912, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane" }, { "context": " [ (\"Betty\", 1), (\"Tom\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)] -- [(\"Betty\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)]\n\n-}\ndeduplicateConsecutiveItem", "end": 2934, "score": 0.9996693134, "start": 2929, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty" }, { "context": " 1), (\"Tom\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)] -- [(\"Betty\", 1), (\"Jane\", 2)]\n\n-}\ndeduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy : (a -> b", "end": 2947, "score": 0.9996161461, "start": 2943, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane" } ]
module Ra exposing ( allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true , lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals , adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated , ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until , converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 , isMemberOf , deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile ) {-| Ra supports Pointfree style in Elm by providing various combinators to work with Predicates, Relations, Math, Functions, and Flow Control. ## Categories ### Predicate Combinators Predicate combinators provide a huge readability win when you have named predicates. @docs allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true ### Readable Chain and Composition Relations Partial application of the native relation operators is not intuitive or readable because the order is reversed from what one might expect. For example, `((>=) 21)` does not return True for numbers that are greater than or equal to 21 but rather returns True for numbers less than 21 because the 21 is applied on the left i.e. `n -> 21 >= n`. By contrast, the `greaterThanEqualTo` function returns a test of numbers greater than or equal to the first number given. So `greaterThanEqualTo 21` is `n -> n >= 21`. @docs lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals ### Readable Chain and Composition Math @docs adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated ### Flow Control @docs ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until ### Function Combinators @docs converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 ### Dict @docs isMemberOf ### List @docs deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile -} import Dict import List.Extra -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dictionary -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Dict.member with the arguments flipped in order to test the member of _many_ keys against a _single_ dictionary. let validPersonIds = personIds |> List.filter (isMemberOf idToPerson) in -- ... -} isMemberOf : Dict.Dict comparable v -> comparable -> Bool isMemberOf = flip Dict.member -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- List -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Deduplicate consecutive items in a list using a function to extract the element of interest. deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy identity [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 ] -- [1, 2, 3] deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy Tuple.second [ ("Betty", 1), ("Tom", 1), ("Jane", 2)] -- [("Betty", 1), ("Jane", 2)] -} deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy : (a -> b) -> List a -> List a deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy key = List.Extra.groupWhile (fnContraMap2 key equals) >> List.map Tuple.first {-| Returns all of the items in the list that pass the given predicate up until the first item that fails in the first position and the remaining items in the second. partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 15, 10, 3] -- ([1, 5, 10], [15, 10, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [11, 20, 30, 5, 3] -- ([], [11, 20, 30, 5, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 7] -- ([1, 5, 10, 7], []) -} partitionWhile : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> ( List a, List a ) partitionWhile p list = list |> List.Extra.splitWhen (complement p) |> Maybe.withDefault ( list, [] ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Flip the first and second arguments of a function. - This is an incredibly useful function when needing to change the application of an existing function. - **WARNING** However, it can also destroy the literate reading of code if overused and it is easy to overuse. For example, the first argument to Dict.get is the key and the second is the dictionary. What if we want to map over multiple keys? We would want to apply the dictionary first and get a function that accepts the key. valuesForKeys : Dict comparable value -> List comparable -> List value valuesForKeys = flip Dict.get >> List.filterMap More simply, consider the case of having a `(Dictionary k v)` of values but wanting to pass along a function `k -> Maybe v` to some provider so that the provider doesn't couple to the Dictionary? This would be a good idea to Reduce Coupling and honor the Principle of Least Privilege. someInterestingProvider : (Int -> Widget) -> String -> Maybe Widget someInterestingProvider = Debug.todo "doesn't matter for the demonstration" someConsumer : List Widget -> String -> Maybe Widget someConsumer widgets = someInterestingProvider (flip Dict.get (indexBy .id widgets)) -} flip : (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c) flip f a b = f b a {-| Converts a function from 2-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry : (( a, b ) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) curry original = \a -> \b -> original ( a, b ) {-| Converts a function from 3-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry3 : (( a, b, c ) -> d) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) curry3 original = \a -> \b -> \c -> original ( a, b, c ) {-| Converts a normal Elm function to a function that accepts a 2-tuple. This can be useful if the output of some function happens to be a tuple or a functor (List, Maybe, Result, etc.) of a tuple. sums : List (number, number) -> List number sums = List.map (uncurry adding) sum : Maybe (number, number) -> Maybe number sum = Maybe.map (uncurry adding) -} uncurry : (a -> b -> c) -> (( a, b ) -> c) uncurry original = \( a, b ) -> original a b {-| Converts a standard Elm function to a function that accepts a 3-tuple. -} uncurry3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (( a, b, c ) -> d) uncurry3 original = \( a, b, c ) -> original a b c {-| This function can best be explained with examples as it is unusually useful when building data pipelines but has a tricky type signature. Please do NOT be afraid of the type signature! If you would like a function that transforms a Person to a String of their first and last name. converge String.append ( .firstName, .lastName >> String.append " " ) Or perhaps you are building a data pipeline - where at some stage you have a `List Widget` - and you have a function `extraWidgets: List Widget -> List Widget` - and you would like to like to end up with a new list of widgets that contains both the original widgets and the extra widgets. Then you might write converge List.append (identity, extraWidgets) -} converge : (first -> second -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second ) -> input -> output converge fn ( firstFn, secondFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) {-| Converge for the case of a 3 argument function. See `converge` for examples. -} converge3 : (first -> second -> third -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second, input -> third ) -> input -> output converge3 fn ( firstFn, secondFn, thirdFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) (thirdFn input) {-| As with converge, convergeList is best explained with an example convergeList (String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] Or to be more complete nonEmptyStrings : List String -> List String nonEmptyStrings = List.filter (complement String.isEmpty) fullName : Person -> String fullName = convergeList (nonEmptyStrings >> String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] -} convergeList : (List a -> output) -> List (input -> a) -> input -> output convergeList reducer reducerInputs input = reducerInputs |> List.map ((|>) input) |> reducer {-| This is like `map` for functions but going the opposite direction (contra functor). - map: (a -> b) -> F a -> F b - contraMap: (a -> b) -> F b -> F a OKAY. So that it probably a little or a lot confusing. How would you use this? Any time yout have a parent/child relation and a function that will transform the child and you want to get back a function that transforms the parent. addressesCount : Person -> Int addressesCount = fnContraMap .addresses List.length -} fnContraMap : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c) fnContraMap ab original = ab >> original {-| Best described with an example. Let's say you have a parent/child relation, a function of 2 arguments that applies to the child type and you would like to get back a function that works on the parent. sameFavoriteColor : Person -> Person -> Bool sameFavoriteColor = fnContraMap2 (.favorites >> .color) (==) -} fnContraMap2 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> c) fnContraMap2 ab original first second = original (ab first) (ab second) {-| Same as fnContraMap2 but for 3 argument functions. -} fnContraMap3 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> a -> c) fnContraMap3 ab original first second third = original (ab first) (ab second) (ab third) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Predicate -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type alias Predicate a = a -> Bool {-| Return a new predicate that is true if both of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns false. -} both : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a both left right a = left a && right a {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if every one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isAmazing : Person -> Bool isAmazing = allPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} allPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a allPass preds a = List.all ((|>) a) preds {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if at least one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isOkay : Person -> Bool isOkay = anyPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} anyPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a anyPass preds a = List.any ((|>) a) preds {-| Return a new predicate that is true if either of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns true. -} either : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a either left right a = left a || right a {-| Invert (negate, complement) a predicate i.e if the predicate would have return True for some `a` it will now return False and vice versa. -} complement : Predicate a -> Predicate a complement fn = fn >> not {-| A predicate that always returns true. -} true : Predicate a true = always True {-| A predicate that always returns false. -} false : Predicate a false = always False -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Flow Control -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Creates a function that will process either the whenTrue or the whenFalse function depending upon the result of the condition predicate. ifElse (.weightInLbs >> R.Relation.greaterThan 500) (always "Sorry. You cannot ride the coaster.") (.name >> String.append "Enjoy your ride ") -} ifElse : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) ifElse condition whenTrue whenFalse input = if condition input then whenTrue input else whenFalse input {-| Returns a function which encapsulates if/else, if/else, ... logic given a list of (predicate, transformer) tuples. - The condition pairs are processed in order - and returns the transformation of the first predicate that passes - If no conditions pass then returns Nothing. -} cond : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> a -> Maybe b cond cases input = let apply = (|>) input in cases |> List.Extra.find (Tuple.first >> apply) |> Maybe.map (Tuple.second >> apply) type alias Thunk a = () -> a {-| Same as `cond` but also provides a default option in the case that none of the conditions pass. -} condDefault : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> Thunk b -> (a -> b) condDefault cases defaultThunk a = case cond cases a of Just v -> v Nothing -> defaultThunk () {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenTrueFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} when : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) when condition transform a = if condition a then transform a else a {-| Tests the final argument against the predicate and if true then performs the transformation. This is super helpful when combined with List.filterMap. For example, let's say you wanted the names of just the cool people allThePeople |> List.filterMap (maybeWhen .isCool .fullName) -} maybeWhen : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b maybeWhen condition transform a = if condition a then a |> transform |> Just else Nothing {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenFalseFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} unless : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) unless whenFalse = when (complement whenFalse) {-| Takes a predicate, a transformation function, and an initial value, and returns a value of the same type as the initial value. It does so by applying the transformation until the predicate is satisfied, at which point it returns the satisfactory value. -} until : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) until condition transform = let aux current = if condition current then current else aux (transform current) in aux -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Relation -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Designed for use in pipelines or currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThan 10) -- [True, False, False, False] -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Bool lessThan a b = b < a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThanEqualto 10) -- [True, True, False, False] -} lessThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable lessThanEqualTo a b = b <= a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThan 10) -- [False, False, True, True] -} greaterThan : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThan a b = b > a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThanEqualTo 10) -- [False, True, True, True] -} greaterThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThanEqualTo a b = b >= a {-| A natural language alias for `==` that also helps to avoid parenthesis when writing point-free flows employees |> List.filter (.employmentType >> equals Contractor) -} equals : a -> Predicate a equals = (==) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Math -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| A literate alias for addition that is nice for building functional pipelines by avoiding parenthesis. [5, 10, 15, 20] |> List.map (adding 5) -- [10, 15, 20, 25] -} adding : number -> number -> number adding a b = a + b {-| Subtraction alias designed for pipelines i.e. the order is swapped such that the subtrahend is the first argument. [20, 30, 40] |> List.map (subtracting 6) -- [14, 24, 34] -} subtracting : number -> number -> number subtracting subtrahend minuend = minuend - subtrahend {-| A natural language alias for \*. -} multiplying : number -> number -> number multiplying = (*) {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 32, 40] |> List (divideByInt 4) -- [5, 8, 10] -} dividedByInt : Int -> Int -> Int dividedByInt divisor dividend = dividend // divisor {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 25, 26.25] |> List (divideByFloat 2.5) -- [8.0, 10.0, 10.5] -} dividedByFloat : Float -> Float -> Float dividedByFloat divisor dividend = dividend / divisor {-| Negate the given number. -} negated : number -> number negated = (*) -1
module Ra exposing ( allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true , lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals , adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated , ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until , converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 , isMemberOf , deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile ) {-| Ra supports Pointfree style in Elm by providing various combinators to work with Predicates, Relations, Math, Functions, and Flow Control. ## Categories ### Predicate Combinators Predicate combinators provide a huge readability win when you have named predicates. @docs allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true ### Readable Chain and Composition Relations Partial application of the native relation operators is not intuitive or readable because the order is reversed from what one might expect. For example, `((>=) 21)` does not return True for numbers that are greater than or equal to 21 but rather returns True for numbers less than 21 because the 21 is applied on the left i.e. `n -> 21 >= n`. By contrast, the `greaterThanEqualTo` function returns a test of numbers greater than or equal to the first number given. So `greaterThanEqualTo 21` is `n -> n >= 21`. @docs lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals ### Readable Chain and Composition Math @docs adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated ### Flow Control @docs ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until ### Function Combinators @docs converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 ### Dict @docs isMemberOf ### List @docs deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile -} import Dict import List.Extra -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dictionary -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Dict.member with the arguments flipped in order to test the member of _many_ keys against a _single_ dictionary. let validPersonIds = personIds |> List.filter (isMemberOf idToPerson) in -- ... -} isMemberOf : Dict.Dict comparable v -> comparable -> Bool isMemberOf = flip Dict.member -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- List -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Deduplicate consecutive items in a list using a function to extract the element of interest. deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy identity [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 ] -- [1, 2, 3] deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy Tuple.second [ ("<NAME>", 1), ("<NAME>", 1), ("<NAME>", 2)] -- [("<NAME>", 1), ("<NAME>", 2)] -} deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy : (a -> b) -> List a -> List a deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy key = List.Extra.groupWhile (fnContraMap2 key equals) >> List.map Tuple.first {-| Returns all of the items in the list that pass the given predicate up until the first item that fails in the first position and the remaining items in the second. partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 15, 10, 3] -- ([1, 5, 10], [15, 10, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [11, 20, 30, 5, 3] -- ([], [11, 20, 30, 5, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 7] -- ([1, 5, 10, 7], []) -} partitionWhile : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> ( List a, List a ) partitionWhile p list = list |> List.Extra.splitWhen (complement p) |> Maybe.withDefault ( list, [] ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Flip the first and second arguments of a function. - This is an incredibly useful function when needing to change the application of an existing function. - **WARNING** However, it can also destroy the literate reading of code if overused and it is easy to overuse. For example, the first argument to Dict.get is the key and the second is the dictionary. What if we want to map over multiple keys? We would want to apply the dictionary first and get a function that accepts the key. valuesForKeys : Dict comparable value -> List comparable -> List value valuesForKeys = flip Dict.get >> List.filterMap More simply, consider the case of having a `(Dictionary k v)` of values but wanting to pass along a function `k -> Maybe v` to some provider so that the provider doesn't couple to the Dictionary? This would be a good idea to Reduce Coupling and honor the Principle of Least Privilege. someInterestingProvider : (Int -> Widget) -> String -> Maybe Widget someInterestingProvider = Debug.todo "doesn't matter for the demonstration" someConsumer : List Widget -> String -> Maybe Widget someConsumer widgets = someInterestingProvider (flip Dict.get (indexBy .id widgets)) -} flip : (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c) flip f a b = f b a {-| Converts a function from 2-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry : (( a, b ) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) curry original = \a -> \b -> original ( a, b ) {-| Converts a function from 3-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry3 : (( a, b, c ) -> d) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) curry3 original = \a -> \b -> \c -> original ( a, b, c ) {-| Converts a normal Elm function to a function that accepts a 2-tuple. This can be useful if the output of some function happens to be a tuple or a functor (List, Maybe, Result, etc.) of a tuple. sums : List (number, number) -> List number sums = List.map (uncurry adding) sum : Maybe (number, number) -> Maybe number sum = Maybe.map (uncurry adding) -} uncurry : (a -> b -> c) -> (( a, b ) -> c) uncurry original = \( a, b ) -> original a b {-| Converts a standard Elm function to a function that accepts a 3-tuple. -} uncurry3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (( a, b, c ) -> d) uncurry3 original = \( a, b, c ) -> original a b c {-| This function can best be explained with examples as it is unusually useful when building data pipelines but has a tricky type signature. Please do NOT be afraid of the type signature! If you would like a function that transforms a Person to a String of their first and last name. converge String.append ( .firstName, .lastName >> String.append " " ) Or perhaps you are building a data pipeline - where at some stage you have a `List Widget` - and you have a function `extraWidgets: List Widget -> List Widget` - and you would like to like to end up with a new list of widgets that contains both the original widgets and the extra widgets. Then you might write converge List.append (identity, extraWidgets) -} converge : (first -> second -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second ) -> input -> output converge fn ( firstFn, secondFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) {-| Converge for the case of a 3 argument function. See `converge` for examples. -} converge3 : (first -> second -> third -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second, input -> third ) -> input -> output converge3 fn ( firstFn, secondFn, thirdFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) (thirdFn input) {-| As with converge, convergeList is best explained with an example convergeList (String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] Or to be more complete nonEmptyStrings : List String -> List String nonEmptyStrings = List.filter (complement String.isEmpty) fullName : Person -> String fullName = convergeList (nonEmptyStrings >> String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] -} convergeList : (List a -> output) -> List (input -> a) -> input -> output convergeList reducer reducerInputs input = reducerInputs |> List.map ((|>) input) |> reducer {-| This is like `map` for functions but going the opposite direction (contra functor). - map: (a -> b) -> F a -> F b - contraMap: (a -> b) -> F b -> F a OKAY. So that it probably a little or a lot confusing. How would you use this? Any time yout have a parent/child relation and a function that will transform the child and you want to get back a function that transforms the parent. addressesCount : Person -> Int addressesCount = fnContraMap .addresses List.length -} fnContraMap : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c) fnContraMap ab original = ab >> original {-| Best described with an example. Let's say you have a parent/child relation, a function of 2 arguments that applies to the child type and you would like to get back a function that works on the parent. sameFavoriteColor : Person -> Person -> Bool sameFavoriteColor = fnContraMap2 (.favorites >> .color) (==) -} fnContraMap2 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> c) fnContraMap2 ab original first second = original (ab first) (ab second) {-| Same as fnContraMap2 but for 3 argument functions. -} fnContraMap3 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> a -> c) fnContraMap3 ab original first second third = original (ab first) (ab second) (ab third) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Predicate -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type alias Predicate a = a -> Bool {-| Return a new predicate that is true if both of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns false. -} both : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a both left right a = left a && right a {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if every one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isAmazing : Person -> Bool isAmazing = allPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} allPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a allPass preds a = List.all ((|>) a) preds {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if at least one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isOkay : Person -> Bool isOkay = anyPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} anyPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a anyPass preds a = List.any ((|>) a) preds {-| Return a new predicate that is true if either of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns true. -} either : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a either left right a = left a || right a {-| Invert (negate, complement) a predicate i.e if the predicate would have return True for some `a` it will now return False and vice versa. -} complement : Predicate a -> Predicate a complement fn = fn >> not {-| A predicate that always returns true. -} true : Predicate a true = always True {-| A predicate that always returns false. -} false : Predicate a false = always False -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Flow Control -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Creates a function that will process either the whenTrue or the whenFalse function depending upon the result of the condition predicate. ifElse (.weightInLbs >> R.Relation.greaterThan 500) (always "Sorry. You cannot ride the coaster.") (.name >> String.append "Enjoy your ride ") -} ifElse : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) ifElse condition whenTrue whenFalse input = if condition input then whenTrue input else whenFalse input {-| Returns a function which encapsulates if/else, if/else, ... logic given a list of (predicate, transformer) tuples. - The condition pairs are processed in order - and returns the transformation of the first predicate that passes - If no conditions pass then returns Nothing. -} cond : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> a -> Maybe b cond cases input = let apply = (|>) input in cases |> List.Extra.find (Tuple.first >> apply) |> Maybe.map (Tuple.second >> apply) type alias Thunk a = () -> a {-| Same as `cond` but also provides a default option in the case that none of the conditions pass. -} condDefault : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> Thunk b -> (a -> b) condDefault cases defaultThunk a = case cond cases a of Just v -> v Nothing -> defaultThunk () {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenTrueFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} when : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) when condition transform a = if condition a then transform a else a {-| Tests the final argument against the predicate and if true then performs the transformation. This is super helpful when combined with List.filterMap. For example, let's say you wanted the names of just the cool people allThePeople |> List.filterMap (maybeWhen .isCool .fullName) -} maybeWhen : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b maybeWhen condition transform a = if condition a then a |> transform |> Just else Nothing {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenFalseFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} unless : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) unless whenFalse = when (complement whenFalse) {-| Takes a predicate, a transformation function, and an initial value, and returns a value of the same type as the initial value. It does so by applying the transformation until the predicate is satisfied, at which point it returns the satisfactory value. -} until : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) until condition transform = let aux current = if condition current then current else aux (transform current) in aux -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Relation -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Designed for use in pipelines or currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThan 10) -- [True, False, False, False] -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Bool lessThan a b = b < a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThanEqualto 10) -- [True, True, False, False] -} lessThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable lessThanEqualTo a b = b <= a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThan 10) -- [False, False, True, True] -} greaterThan : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThan a b = b > a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThanEqualTo 10) -- [False, True, True, True] -} greaterThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThanEqualTo a b = b >= a {-| A natural language alias for `==` that also helps to avoid parenthesis when writing point-free flows employees |> List.filter (.employmentType >> equals Contractor) -} equals : a -> Predicate a equals = (==) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Math -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| A literate alias for addition that is nice for building functional pipelines by avoiding parenthesis. [5, 10, 15, 20] |> List.map (adding 5) -- [10, 15, 20, 25] -} adding : number -> number -> number adding a b = a + b {-| Subtraction alias designed for pipelines i.e. the order is swapped such that the subtrahend is the first argument. [20, 30, 40] |> List.map (subtracting 6) -- [14, 24, 34] -} subtracting : number -> number -> number subtracting subtrahend minuend = minuend - subtrahend {-| A natural language alias for \*. -} multiplying : number -> number -> number multiplying = (*) {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 32, 40] |> List (divideByInt 4) -- [5, 8, 10] -} dividedByInt : Int -> Int -> Int dividedByInt divisor dividend = dividend // divisor {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 25, 26.25] |> List (divideByFloat 2.5) -- [8.0, 10.0, 10.5] -} dividedByFloat : Float -> Float -> Float dividedByFloat divisor dividend = dividend / divisor {-| Negate the given number. -} negated : number -> number negated = (*) -1
module Ra exposing ( allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true , lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals , adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated , ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until , converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 , isMemberOf , deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile ) {-| Ra supports Pointfree style in Elm by providing various combinators to work with Predicates, Relations, Math, Functions, and Flow Control. ## Categories ### Predicate Combinators Predicate combinators provide a huge readability win when you have named predicates. @docs allPass, anyPass, both, either, complement, false, true ### Readable Chain and Composition Relations Partial application of the native relation operators is not intuitive or readable because the order is reversed from what one might expect. For example, `((>=) 21)` does not return True for numbers that are greater than or equal to 21 but rather returns True for numbers less than 21 because the 21 is applied on the left i.e. `n -> 21 >= n`. By contrast, the `greaterThanEqualTo` function returns a test of numbers greater than or equal to the first number given. So `greaterThanEqualTo 21` is `n -> n >= 21`. @docs lessThan, lessThanEqualTo, greaterThan, greaterThanEqualTo, equals ### Readable Chain and Composition Math @docs adding, subtracting, dividedByInt, dividedByFloat, multiplying, negated ### Flow Control @docs ifElse, cond, condDefault, maybeWhen, when, unless, until ### Function Combinators @docs converge, converge3, convergeList, curry, curry3, flip, fnContraMap, fnContraMap2, fnContraMap3, uncurry, uncurry3 ### Dict @docs isMemberOf ### List @docs deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy, partitionWhile -} import Dict import List.Extra -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Dictionary -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Dict.member with the arguments flipped in order to test the member of _many_ keys against a _single_ dictionary. let validPersonIds = personIds |> List.filter (isMemberOf idToPerson) in -- ... -} isMemberOf : Dict.Dict comparable v -> comparable -> Bool isMemberOf = flip Dict.member -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- List -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Deduplicate consecutive items in a list using a function to extract the element of interest. deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy identity [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 ] -- [1, 2, 3] deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy Tuple.second [ ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1), ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1), ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 2)] -- [("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1), ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 2)] -} deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy : (a -> b) -> List a -> List a deduplicateConsecutiveItemsBy key = List.Extra.groupWhile (fnContraMap2 key equals) >> List.map Tuple.first {-| Returns all of the items in the list that pass the given predicate up until the first item that fails in the first position and the remaining items in the second. partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 15, 10, 3] -- ([1, 5, 10], [15, 10, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [11, 20, 30, 5, 3] -- ([], [11, 20, 30, 5, 3]) partitionWhile (lessThanEqualTo 10) [1, 5, 10, 7] -- ([1, 5, 10, 7], []) -} partitionWhile : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> ( List a, List a ) partitionWhile p list = list |> List.Extra.splitWhen (complement p) |> Maybe.withDefault ( list, [] ) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Function -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Flip the first and second arguments of a function. - This is an incredibly useful function when needing to change the application of an existing function. - **WARNING** However, it can also destroy the literate reading of code if overused and it is easy to overuse. For example, the first argument to Dict.get is the key and the second is the dictionary. What if we want to map over multiple keys? We would want to apply the dictionary first and get a function that accepts the key. valuesForKeys : Dict comparable value -> List comparable -> List value valuesForKeys = flip Dict.get >> List.filterMap More simply, consider the case of having a `(Dictionary k v)` of values but wanting to pass along a function `k -> Maybe v` to some provider so that the provider doesn't couple to the Dictionary? This would be a good idea to Reduce Coupling and honor the Principle of Least Privilege. someInterestingProvider : (Int -> Widget) -> String -> Maybe Widget someInterestingProvider = Debug.todo "doesn't matter for the demonstration" someConsumer : List Widget -> String -> Maybe Widget someConsumer widgets = someInterestingProvider (flip Dict.get (indexBy .id widgets)) -} flip : (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c) flip f a b = f b a {-| Converts a function from 2-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry : (( a, b ) -> c) -> (a -> b -> c) curry original = \a -> \b -> original ( a, b ) {-| Converts a function from 3-tuple to normal curried function. This is mostly useful for reverting an uncurry. -} curry3 : (( a, b, c ) -> d) -> (a -> b -> c -> d) curry3 original = \a -> \b -> \c -> original ( a, b, c ) {-| Converts a normal Elm function to a function that accepts a 2-tuple. This can be useful if the output of some function happens to be a tuple or a functor (List, Maybe, Result, etc.) of a tuple. sums : List (number, number) -> List number sums = List.map (uncurry adding) sum : Maybe (number, number) -> Maybe number sum = Maybe.map (uncurry adding) -} uncurry : (a -> b -> c) -> (( a, b ) -> c) uncurry original = \( a, b ) -> original a b {-| Converts a standard Elm function to a function that accepts a 3-tuple. -} uncurry3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (( a, b, c ) -> d) uncurry3 original = \( a, b, c ) -> original a b c {-| This function can best be explained with examples as it is unusually useful when building data pipelines but has a tricky type signature. Please do NOT be afraid of the type signature! If you would like a function that transforms a Person to a String of their first and last name. converge String.append ( .firstName, .lastName >> String.append " " ) Or perhaps you are building a data pipeline - where at some stage you have a `List Widget` - and you have a function `extraWidgets: List Widget -> List Widget` - and you would like to like to end up with a new list of widgets that contains both the original widgets and the extra widgets. Then you might write converge List.append (identity, extraWidgets) -} converge : (first -> second -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second ) -> input -> output converge fn ( firstFn, secondFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) {-| Converge for the case of a 3 argument function. See `converge` for examples. -} converge3 : (first -> second -> third -> output) -> ( input -> first, input -> second, input -> third ) -> input -> output converge3 fn ( firstFn, secondFn, thirdFn ) input = fn (firstFn input) (secondFn input) (thirdFn input) {-| As with converge, convergeList is best explained with an example convergeList (String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] Or to be more complete nonEmptyStrings : List String -> List String nonEmptyStrings = List.filter (complement String.isEmpty) fullName : Person -> String fullName = convergeList (nonEmptyStrings >> String.join " ") [ .firstName, .middleInitial, .lastName ] -} convergeList : (List a -> output) -> List (input -> a) -> input -> output convergeList reducer reducerInputs input = reducerInputs |> List.map ((|>) input) |> reducer {-| This is like `map` for functions but going the opposite direction (contra functor). - map: (a -> b) -> F a -> F b - contraMap: (a -> b) -> F b -> F a OKAY. So that it probably a little or a lot confusing. How would you use this? Any time yout have a parent/child relation and a function that will transform the child and you want to get back a function that transforms the parent. addressesCount : Person -> Int addressesCount = fnContraMap .addresses List.length -} fnContraMap : (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c) fnContraMap ab original = ab >> original {-| Best described with an example. Let's say you have a parent/child relation, a function of 2 arguments that applies to the child type and you would like to get back a function that works on the parent. sameFavoriteColor : Person -> Person -> Bool sameFavoriteColor = fnContraMap2 (.favorites >> .color) (==) -} fnContraMap2 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> c) fnContraMap2 ab original first second = original (ab first) (ab second) {-| Same as fnContraMap2 but for 3 argument functions. -} fnContraMap3 : (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b -> c) -> (a -> a -> a -> c) fnContraMap3 ab original first second third = original (ab first) (ab second) (ab third) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Predicate -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type alias Predicate a = a -> Bool {-| Return a new predicate that is true if both of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns false. -} both : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a both left right a = left a && right a {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if every one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isAmazing : Person -> Bool isAmazing = allPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} allPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a allPass preds a = List.all ((|>) a) preds {-| Takes a list of predicates and returns a predicate that returns true for a given list of arguments if at least one of the provided predicates is satisfied by those arguments. isOkay : Person -> Bool isOkay = anyPass [isKind, isCreative, isHardWorking] -} anyPass : List (Predicate a) -> Predicate a anyPass preds a = List.any ((|>) a) preds {-| Return a new predicate that is true if either of the two predicates return true. Note that this is short-circuited, meaning that the second predicate will not be invoked if the first returns true. -} either : Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a either left right a = left a || right a {-| Invert (negate, complement) a predicate i.e if the predicate would have return True for some `a` it will now return False and vice versa. -} complement : Predicate a -> Predicate a complement fn = fn >> not {-| A predicate that always returns true. -} true : Predicate a true = always True {-| A predicate that always returns false. -} false : Predicate a false = always False -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Flow Control -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Creates a function that will process either the whenTrue or the whenFalse function depending upon the result of the condition predicate. ifElse (.weightInLbs >> R.Relation.greaterThan 500) (always "Sorry. You cannot ride the coaster.") (.name >> String.append "Enjoy your ride ") -} ifElse : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) ifElse condition whenTrue whenFalse input = if condition input then whenTrue input else whenFalse input {-| Returns a function which encapsulates if/else, if/else, ... logic given a list of (predicate, transformer) tuples. - The condition pairs are processed in order - and returns the transformation of the first predicate that passes - If no conditions pass then returns Nothing. -} cond : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> a -> Maybe b cond cases input = let apply = (|>) input in cases |> List.Extra.find (Tuple.first >> apply) |> Maybe.map (Tuple.second >> apply) type alias Thunk a = () -> a {-| Same as `cond` but also provides a default option in the case that none of the conditions pass. -} condDefault : List ( Predicate a, a -> b ) -> Thunk b -> (a -> b) condDefault cases defaultThunk a = case cond cases a of Just v -> v Nothing -> defaultThunk () {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenTrueFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} when : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) when condition transform a = if condition a then transform a else a {-| Tests the final argument against the predicate and if true then performs the transformation. This is super helpful when combined with List.filterMap. For example, let's say you wanted the names of just the cool people allThePeople |> List.filterMap (maybeWhen .isCool .fullName) -} maybeWhen : Predicate a -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b maybeWhen condition transform a = if condition a then a |> transform |> Just else Nothing {-| Tests the final argument by passing it to the given predicate function. - If the predicate is not satisfied, the function will return the result of calling the whenFalseFn function with the same argument. - If the predicate is satisfied, the argument is returned as is. -} unless : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) unless whenFalse = when (complement whenFalse) {-| Takes a predicate, a transformation function, and an initial value, and returns a value of the same type as the initial value. It does so by applying the transformation until the predicate is satisfied, at which point it returns the satisfactory value. -} until : Predicate a -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a) until condition transform = let aux current = if condition current then current else aux (transform current) in aux -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Relation -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| Designed for use in pipelines or currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThan 10) -- [True, False, False, False] -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Bool lessThan a b = b < a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is less than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (lessThanEqualto 10) -- [True, True, False, False] -} lessThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable lessThanEqualTo a b = b <= a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThan 10) -- [False, False, True, True] -} greaterThan : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThan a b = b > a {-| Designed for currying. Returns a predicate that tests if the value is greater than or equal to the first value given. [5, 10, 11, 20] |> List.map (greaterThanEqualTo 10) -- [False, True, True, True] -} greaterThanEqualTo : comparable -> Predicate comparable greaterThanEqualTo a b = b >= a {-| A natural language alias for `==` that also helps to avoid parenthesis when writing point-free flows employees |> List.filter (.employmentType >> equals Contractor) -} equals : a -> Predicate a equals = (==) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Math -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| A literate alias for addition that is nice for building functional pipelines by avoiding parenthesis. [5, 10, 15, 20] |> List.map (adding 5) -- [10, 15, 20, 25] -} adding : number -> number -> number adding a b = a + b {-| Subtraction alias designed for pipelines i.e. the order is swapped such that the subtrahend is the first argument. [20, 30, 40] |> List.map (subtracting 6) -- [14, 24, 34] -} subtracting : number -> number -> number subtracting subtrahend minuend = minuend - subtrahend {-| A natural language alias for \*. -} multiplying : number -> number -> number multiplying = (*) {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 32, 40] |> List (divideByInt 4) -- [5, 8, 10] -} dividedByInt : Int -> Int -> Int dividedByInt divisor dividend = dividend // divisor {-| Division designed for pipelines i.e. the divisor is the first argument. [20, 25, 26.25] |> List (divideByFloat 2.5) -- [8.0, 10.0, 10.5] -} dividedByFloat : Float -> Float -> Float dividedByFloat divisor dividend = dividend / divisor {-| Negate the given number. -} negated : number -> number negated = (*) -1
[ { "context": "\ninitialModel : Model\ninitialModel = \n { name = \"Anonymous\"\n , gameNumber = 1\n , entries = []\n , alertMes", "end": 734, "score": 0.5788097978, "start": 725, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anonymous" } ]
module Bingo exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Random import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Entry -- MODEL type GameState = EnteringName | Playing type alias Model = { name : PlayerName , gameNumber : GameNumber , entries : List Entry.Entry , alertMessage : Maybe String , nameInput : String , gameState : GameState } type alias PlayerName = String type alias GameNumber = Int type alias Score = { id : Int , name : String , score : Int } initialModel : Model initialModel = { name = "Anonymous" , gameNumber = 1 , entries = [] , alertMessage = Nothing , nameInput = "" , gameState = EnteringName } -- UPDATE type Msg = NewGame | Mark Int | NewRandom Int | NewEntries (Result Http.Error (List Entry.Entry)) | CloseAlert | ShareScore | NewScore (Result Http.Error Score) | SetNameInput String | SaveName | CancelName | ChangeGameState GameState update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeGameState state -> ( { model | gameState = state }, Cmd.none ) SaveName -> if String.isEmpty model.nameInput then ( model, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | name = model.nameInput, nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) CancelName -> ( { model | nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) SetNameInput value -> ( { model | nameInput = value }, Cmd.none ) NewRandom randomNumber -> ( { model | gameNumber = randomNumber }, Cmd.none ) ShareScore -> ( model, postScore model ) NewScore (Ok score) -> let message = "Your score of " ++ (toString score.score) ++ " was successfully shared!" in ( { model | alertMessage = Just message }, Cmd.none ) NewScore (Err error) -> ( { model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error) }, Cmd.none ) NewGame -> ( { model | gameNumber = model.gameNumber + 1 }, getEntries ) NewEntries (Ok randomEntries) -> ( { model | entries = randomEntries }, Cmd.none) NewEntries (Err error) -> ( {model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error)}, Cmd.none) CloseAlert -> ( {model | alertMessage = Nothing}, Cmd.none ) Mark id -> ({ model | entries = Entry.markEntryWithId model.entries id }, Cmd.none ) httpErrorMessage: Http.Error -> String httpErrorMessage error = case error of Http.NetworkError -> "Is the server running?" Http.BadStatus response -> (toString response.status) Http.BadPayload message _ -> "Decoding Failed: " ++ message _ -> (toString error) -- DECODERS / ENCODERS encodeScore : Model -> Encode.Value encodeScore model = Encode.object [ ("name", Encode.string model.name) , ("score", Encode.int ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) ) ] scoreDecoder : Decoder Score scoreDecoder = Decode.map3 Score (field "id" Decode.int) (field "name" Decode.string) (field "score" Decode.int) -- COMMANDS generateRandomNumber : Cmd Msg generateRandomNumber = Random.generate NewRandom (Random.int 1 100) getEntries : Cmd Msg getEntries = Entry.getEntries NewEntries "http://localhost:3000/random-entries" postScore : Model -> Cmd Msg postScore model = let url = "http://localhost:3000/scores" body = encodeScore model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post url body scoreDecoder in Http.send NewScore request -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "content" ] [ viewHeader "Buzzword Bingo" , viewPlayer model.name model.gameNumber , alert CloseAlert model.alertMessage , viewNameInput model , Entry.viewEntryList Mark model.entries , viewScore ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) , div [ class "button-group" ] [ primaryButton NewGame "New Game" , primaryButton ShareScore "Save Score" ] , div [ class "debug" ] [ text (toString model) ] , viewFooter ] viewPlayer : PlayerName -> GameNumber -> Html Msg viewPlayer name gameNumber = h2 [ id "info", class "classy" ] [ a [ href "#", onClick (ChangeGameState EnteringName) ] [ text name ] , text (" - Game #" ++ (toString gameNumber)) ] viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [] [ h1 [] [ text title ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = footer [] [ a [ href "http://elm-lang.org" ] [ text "Powered by Elm." ] ] viewScore : Int -> Html Msg viewScore score = div [ class "score" ] [ span [ class "label" ] [ text "Score" ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text (toString score) ] ] viewNameInput : Model -> Html Msg viewNameInput model = case model.gameState of EnteringName -> div [ class "name-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Who's playing?" , autofocus True , value model.nameInput , onInput SetNameInput ] [ ] , primaryButton SaveName "Save" , primaryButton CancelName "Cancel" ] Playing -> text "" main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, getEntries ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none ) }
module Bingo exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Random import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Entry -- MODEL type GameState = EnteringName | Playing type alias Model = { name : PlayerName , gameNumber : GameNumber , entries : List Entry.Entry , alertMessage : Maybe String , nameInput : String , gameState : GameState } type alias PlayerName = String type alias GameNumber = Int type alias Score = { id : Int , name : String , score : Int } initialModel : Model initialModel = { name = "<NAME>" , gameNumber = 1 , entries = [] , alertMessage = Nothing , nameInput = "" , gameState = EnteringName } -- UPDATE type Msg = NewGame | Mark Int | NewRandom Int | NewEntries (Result Http.Error (List Entry.Entry)) | CloseAlert | ShareScore | NewScore (Result Http.Error Score) | SetNameInput String | SaveName | CancelName | ChangeGameState GameState update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeGameState state -> ( { model | gameState = state }, Cmd.none ) SaveName -> if String.isEmpty model.nameInput then ( model, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | name = model.nameInput, nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) CancelName -> ( { model | nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) SetNameInput value -> ( { model | nameInput = value }, Cmd.none ) NewRandom randomNumber -> ( { model | gameNumber = randomNumber }, Cmd.none ) ShareScore -> ( model, postScore model ) NewScore (Ok score) -> let message = "Your score of " ++ (toString score.score) ++ " was successfully shared!" in ( { model | alertMessage = Just message }, Cmd.none ) NewScore (Err error) -> ( { model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error) }, Cmd.none ) NewGame -> ( { model | gameNumber = model.gameNumber + 1 }, getEntries ) NewEntries (Ok randomEntries) -> ( { model | entries = randomEntries }, Cmd.none) NewEntries (Err error) -> ( {model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error)}, Cmd.none) CloseAlert -> ( {model | alertMessage = Nothing}, Cmd.none ) Mark id -> ({ model | entries = Entry.markEntryWithId model.entries id }, Cmd.none ) httpErrorMessage: Http.Error -> String httpErrorMessage error = case error of Http.NetworkError -> "Is the server running?" Http.BadStatus response -> (toString response.status) Http.BadPayload message _ -> "Decoding Failed: " ++ message _ -> (toString error) -- DECODERS / ENCODERS encodeScore : Model -> Encode.Value encodeScore model = Encode.object [ ("name", Encode.string model.name) , ("score", Encode.int ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) ) ] scoreDecoder : Decoder Score scoreDecoder = Decode.map3 Score (field "id" Decode.int) (field "name" Decode.string) (field "score" Decode.int) -- COMMANDS generateRandomNumber : Cmd Msg generateRandomNumber = Random.generate NewRandom (Random.int 1 100) getEntries : Cmd Msg getEntries = Entry.getEntries NewEntries "http://localhost:3000/random-entries" postScore : Model -> Cmd Msg postScore model = let url = "http://localhost:3000/scores" body = encodeScore model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post url body scoreDecoder in Http.send NewScore request -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "content" ] [ viewHeader "Buzzword Bingo" , viewPlayer model.name model.gameNumber , alert CloseAlert model.alertMessage , viewNameInput model , Entry.viewEntryList Mark model.entries , viewScore ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) , div [ class "button-group" ] [ primaryButton NewGame "New Game" , primaryButton ShareScore "Save Score" ] , div [ class "debug" ] [ text (toString model) ] , viewFooter ] viewPlayer : PlayerName -> GameNumber -> Html Msg viewPlayer name gameNumber = h2 [ id "info", class "classy" ] [ a [ href "#", onClick (ChangeGameState EnteringName) ] [ text name ] , text (" - Game #" ++ (toString gameNumber)) ] viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [] [ h1 [] [ text title ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = footer [] [ a [ href "http://elm-lang.org" ] [ text "Powered by Elm." ] ] viewScore : Int -> Html Msg viewScore score = div [ class "score" ] [ span [ class "label" ] [ text "Score" ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text (toString score) ] ] viewNameInput : Model -> Html Msg viewNameInput model = case model.gameState of EnteringName -> div [ class "name-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Who's playing?" , autofocus True , value model.nameInput , onInput SetNameInput ] [ ] , primaryButton SaveName "Save" , primaryButton CancelName "Cancel" ] Playing -> text "" main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, getEntries ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none ) }
module Bingo exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Random import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, field, succeed) import Json.Encode as Encode import ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Entry -- MODEL type GameState = EnteringName | Playing type alias Model = { name : PlayerName , gameNumber : GameNumber , entries : List Entry.Entry , alertMessage : Maybe String , nameInput : String , gameState : GameState } type alias PlayerName = String type alias GameNumber = Int type alias Score = { id : Int , name : String , score : Int } initialModel : Model initialModel = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , gameNumber = 1 , entries = [] , alertMessage = Nothing , nameInput = "" , gameState = EnteringName } -- UPDATE type Msg = NewGame | Mark Int | NewRandom Int | NewEntries (Result Http.Error (List Entry.Entry)) | CloseAlert | ShareScore | NewScore (Result Http.Error Score) | SetNameInput String | SaveName | CancelName | ChangeGameState GameState update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeGameState state -> ( { model | gameState = state }, Cmd.none ) SaveName -> if String.isEmpty model.nameInput then ( model, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | name = model.nameInput, nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) CancelName -> ( { model | nameInput = "", gameState = Playing }, Cmd.none ) SetNameInput value -> ( { model | nameInput = value }, Cmd.none ) NewRandom randomNumber -> ( { model | gameNumber = randomNumber }, Cmd.none ) ShareScore -> ( model, postScore model ) NewScore (Ok score) -> let message = "Your score of " ++ (toString score.score) ++ " was successfully shared!" in ( { model | alertMessage = Just message }, Cmd.none ) NewScore (Err error) -> ( { model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error) }, Cmd.none ) NewGame -> ( { model | gameNumber = model.gameNumber + 1 }, getEntries ) NewEntries (Ok randomEntries) -> ( { model | entries = randomEntries }, Cmd.none) NewEntries (Err error) -> ( {model | alertMessage = Just (httpErrorMessage error)}, Cmd.none) CloseAlert -> ( {model | alertMessage = Nothing}, Cmd.none ) Mark id -> ({ model | entries = Entry.markEntryWithId model.entries id }, Cmd.none ) httpErrorMessage: Http.Error -> String httpErrorMessage error = case error of Http.NetworkError -> "Is the server running?" Http.BadStatus response -> (toString response.status) Http.BadPayload message _ -> "Decoding Failed: " ++ message _ -> (toString error) -- DECODERS / ENCODERS encodeScore : Model -> Encode.Value encodeScore model = Encode.object [ ("name", Encode.string model.name) , ("score", Encode.int ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) ) ] scoreDecoder : Decoder Score scoreDecoder = Decode.map3 Score (field "id" Decode.int) (field "name" Decode.string) (field "score" Decode.int) -- COMMANDS generateRandomNumber : Cmd Msg generateRandomNumber = Random.generate NewRandom (Random.int 1 100) getEntries : Cmd Msg getEntries = Entry.getEntries NewEntries "http://localhost:3000/random-entries" postScore : Model -> Cmd Msg postScore model = let url = "http://localhost:3000/scores" body = encodeScore model |> Http.jsonBody request = Http.post url body scoreDecoder in Http.send NewScore request -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "content" ] [ viewHeader "Buzzword Bingo" , viewPlayer model.name model.gameNumber , alert CloseAlert model.alertMessage , viewNameInput model , Entry.viewEntryList Mark model.entries , viewScore ( Entry.sumMarkedPoints model.entries ) , div [ class "button-group" ] [ primaryButton NewGame "New Game" , primaryButton ShareScore "Save Score" ] , div [ class "debug" ] [ text (toString model) ] , viewFooter ] viewPlayer : PlayerName -> GameNumber -> Html Msg viewPlayer name gameNumber = h2 [ id "info", class "classy" ] [ a [ href "#", onClick (ChangeGameState EnteringName) ] [ text name ] , text (" - Game #" ++ (toString gameNumber)) ] viewHeader : String -> Html Msg viewHeader title = header [] [ h1 [] [ text title ] ] viewFooter : Html Msg viewFooter = footer [] [ a [ href "http://elm-lang.org" ] [ text "Powered by Elm." ] ] viewScore : Int -> Html Msg viewScore score = div [ class "score" ] [ span [ class "label" ] [ text "Score" ] , span [ class "value" ] [ text (toString score) ] ] viewNameInput : Model -> Html Msg viewNameInput model = case model.gameState of EnteringName -> div [ class "name-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , placeholder "Who's playing?" , autofocus True , value model.nameInput , onInput SetNameInput ] [ ] , primaryButton SaveName "Save" , primaryButton CancelName "Cancel" ] Playing -> text "" main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( initialModel, getEntries ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none ) }
[ { "context": "should go here instead of this sample token:\n \"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\"\n", "end": 147, "score": 0.9990240932, "start": 107, "tag": "KEY", "value": "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" } ]
module Auth exposing (token) token = -- Your token should go here instead of this sample token: "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"
module Auth exposing (token) token = -- Your token should go here instead of this sample token: "<KEY>"
module Auth exposing (token) token = -- Your token should go here instead of this sample token: "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI"
[ { "context": "-- Elm-chat\n-- Developed by Christian Visintin <christian.visintin1997@gmail.com>\n-- Copyright ", "end": 48, "score": 0.9998890758, "start": 30, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christian Visintin" }, { "context": "-- Elm-chat\n-- Developed by Christian Visintin <christian.visintin1997@gmail.com>\n-- Copyright (C) 2021 - Christian Visintin\n-- ", "end": 82, "score": 0.9999250174, "start": 50, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "christian.visintin1997@gmail.com" }, { "context": "n.visintin1997@gmail.com>\n-- Copyright (C) 2021 - Christian Visintin\n-- Distribuited under \"The Unlicense\" license\n--", "end": 127, "score": 0.9998824, "start": 109, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christian Visintin" } ]
-- Elm-chat -- Developed by Christian Visintin <christian.visintin1997@gmail.com> -- Copyright (C) 2021 - Christian Visintin -- Distribuited under "The Unlicense" license -- for more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org> port module Ports exposing (chatMessageReceiver, sessionChanged, setSession, startChat) import Json.Decode exposing (Value) -- Ports {-| Tells to JsRuntime to connect to remote via websockets -} port startChat : () -> Cmd msg {-| Receiver for message from websockets -} port chatMessageReceiver : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called when the session in the storage changes -} port sessionChanged : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called from Elm to set the session in the local storage -} port setSession : Value -> Cmd msg
-- Elm-chat -- Developed by <NAME> <<EMAIL>> -- Copyright (C) 2021 - <NAME> -- Distribuited under "The Unlicense" license -- for more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org> port module Ports exposing (chatMessageReceiver, sessionChanged, setSession, startChat) import Json.Decode exposing (Value) -- Ports {-| Tells to JsRuntime to connect to remote via websockets -} port startChat : () -> Cmd msg {-| Receiver for message from websockets -} port chatMessageReceiver : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called when the session in the storage changes -} port sessionChanged : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called from Elm to set the session in the local storage -} port setSession : Value -> Cmd msg
-- Elm-chat -- Developed by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI <PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI> -- Copyright (C) 2021 - PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -- Distribuited under "The Unlicense" license -- for more information, please refer to <https://unlicense.org> port module Ports exposing (chatMessageReceiver, sessionChanged, setSession, startChat) import Json.Decode exposing (Value) -- Ports {-| Tells to JsRuntime to connect to remote via websockets -} port startChat : () -> Cmd msg {-| Receiver for message from websockets -} port chatMessageReceiver : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called when the session in the storage changes -} port sessionChanged : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg {-| This port is called from Elm to set the session in the local storage -} port setSession : Value -> Cmd msg
[ { "context": "g and evictions.\"\n , author = \"Greg Ziegan\"\n , programmingLanguage = Stru", "end": 2049, "score": 0.9998855591, "start": 2038, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Greg Ziegan" } ]
module Page.Glossary exposing (Data, Model, Msg, page) import Cloudinary import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import Date exposing (Date) import Element exposing (Element, alignLeft, alignRight, alignTop, centerX, column, fill, fillPortion, height, maximum, minimum, paddingXY, px, row, spacing, textColumn, width, wrappedRow) import Element.Font as Font import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Logo import Markdown.Html import MarkdownCodec import MarkdownRenderer import OptimizedDecoder import Page exposing (Page, StaticPayload) import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import Path import Shared import Site import StructuredData import View exposing (View) type alias Model = () type alias Msg = Never type alias RouteParams = {} page : Page RouteParams Data page = Page.single { head = head , data = data } |> Page.buildNoState { view = view } data : DataSource Data data = MarkdownCodec.withFrontmatter Data frontmatterDecoder blogRenderer "content/glossary.md" head : StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = let metadata = static.data.metadata in Head.structuredData (StructuredData.aboutPage { title = metadata.title , description = metadata.description , author = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , publisher = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , url = Site.config.canonicalUrl ++ Path.toAbsolute static.path , imageUrl = metadata.image , lastReviewed = Date.toIsoString metadata.lastReviewed , mainEntityOfPage = StructuredData.softwareSourceCode { codeRepositoryUrl = "https://github.com/red-door-collective/eviction-tracker" , description = "A free website that keeps the people informed about housing and evictions." , author = "Greg Ziegan" , programmingLanguage = StructuredData.elmLang } } ) :: (Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "Red Door Collective" , image = Logo.smallImage , description = metadata.description , locale = Just "en-us" , title = metadata.title } |> Seo.website ) type alias Data = { metadata : Metadata , body : List (Element Msg) } view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> View Msg view maybeUrl sharedModel static = { title = static.data.metadata.title , body = [ column [ width (fill |> minimum 300 |> maximum 750) , centerX , spacing 10 , paddingXY 0 10 ] [ row [ width fill ] [ textColumn [ width fill ] static.data.body ] ] ] } elmUiRenderer = MarkdownRenderer.renderer viewAlignLeft : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignLeft renderedChildren = row [ alignLeft, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewAlignRight : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignRight renderedChildren = row [ alignRight, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewTextColumn : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewTextColumn renderedChildren = textColumn [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 10 10 ] renderedChildren viewRow : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewRow renderedChildren = wrappedRow [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 0 10 , alignTop ] renderedChildren viewColumn : String -> List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewColumn portion renderedChildren = let fillAttr = width <| case String.toInt portion of Nothing -> fill Just number -> fillPortion number in column [ alignTop, fillAttr ] renderedChildren viewSizedImage : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> String -> String -> Element msg viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt = let ( w, h ) = ( Maybe.andThen String.toInt widthInPx , Maybe.andThen String.toInt heightInPx ) widthAttr = case w of Just number -> width (px number) Nothing -> width fill heightAttr = case h of Just number -> height (px number) Nothing -> height fill in case title of Just _ -> Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } Nothing -> row [ width fill ] [ Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } ] viewLegend : String -> Element msg viewLegend title = column [ Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX ] [ Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text title) ] ] blogRenderer = { elmUiRenderer | html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "legend" (\title _ -> viewLegend title ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "title" , Markdown.Html.tag "sized-image" (\title widthInPx heightInPx src alt _ -> viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt ) |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "title" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "width" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "height" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "src" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "alt" , Markdown.Html.tag "column" (\portion renderedChildren -> viewColumn portion renderedChildren ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "portion" , Markdown.Html.tag "text-column" (\renderedChildren -> viewTextColumn renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-left" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignLeft renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-right" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignRight renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "row" (\renderedChildren -> viewRow renderedChildren ) ] } type alias Metadata = { title : String , description : String , lastReviewed : Date , image : Pages.Url.Url } frontmatterDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Metadata frontmatterDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.map4 Metadata (OptimizedDecoder.field "title" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "description" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "lastReviewed" (OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.andThen (\isoString -> Date.fromIsoString isoString |> OptimizedDecoder.fromResult ) ) ) (OptimizedDecoder.field "image" imageDecoder) imageDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Pages.Url.Url imageDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.map (\asset -> Cloudinary.url asset Nothing 400 300)
module Page.Glossary exposing (Data, Model, Msg, page) import Cloudinary import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import Date exposing (Date) import Element exposing (Element, alignLeft, alignRight, alignTop, centerX, column, fill, fillPortion, height, maximum, minimum, paddingXY, px, row, spacing, textColumn, width, wrappedRow) import Element.Font as Font import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Logo import Markdown.Html import MarkdownCodec import MarkdownRenderer import OptimizedDecoder import Page exposing (Page, StaticPayload) import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import Path import Shared import Site import StructuredData import View exposing (View) type alias Model = () type alias Msg = Never type alias RouteParams = {} page : Page RouteParams Data page = Page.single { head = head , data = data } |> Page.buildNoState { view = view } data : DataSource Data data = MarkdownCodec.withFrontmatter Data frontmatterDecoder blogRenderer "content/glossary.md" head : StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = let metadata = static.data.metadata in Head.structuredData (StructuredData.aboutPage { title = metadata.title , description = metadata.description , author = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , publisher = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , url = Site.config.canonicalUrl ++ Path.toAbsolute static.path , imageUrl = metadata.image , lastReviewed = Date.toIsoString metadata.lastReviewed , mainEntityOfPage = StructuredData.softwareSourceCode { codeRepositoryUrl = "https://github.com/red-door-collective/eviction-tracker" , description = "A free website that keeps the people informed about housing and evictions." , author = "<NAME>" , programmingLanguage = StructuredData.elmLang } } ) :: (Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "Red Door Collective" , image = Logo.smallImage , description = metadata.description , locale = Just "en-us" , title = metadata.title } |> Seo.website ) type alias Data = { metadata : Metadata , body : List (Element Msg) } view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> View Msg view maybeUrl sharedModel static = { title = static.data.metadata.title , body = [ column [ width (fill |> minimum 300 |> maximum 750) , centerX , spacing 10 , paddingXY 0 10 ] [ row [ width fill ] [ textColumn [ width fill ] static.data.body ] ] ] } elmUiRenderer = MarkdownRenderer.renderer viewAlignLeft : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignLeft renderedChildren = row [ alignLeft, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewAlignRight : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignRight renderedChildren = row [ alignRight, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewTextColumn : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewTextColumn renderedChildren = textColumn [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 10 10 ] renderedChildren viewRow : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewRow renderedChildren = wrappedRow [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 0 10 , alignTop ] renderedChildren viewColumn : String -> List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewColumn portion renderedChildren = let fillAttr = width <| case String.toInt portion of Nothing -> fill Just number -> fillPortion number in column [ alignTop, fillAttr ] renderedChildren viewSizedImage : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> String -> String -> Element msg viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt = let ( w, h ) = ( Maybe.andThen String.toInt widthInPx , Maybe.andThen String.toInt heightInPx ) widthAttr = case w of Just number -> width (px number) Nothing -> width fill heightAttr = case h of Just number -> height (px number) Nothing -> height fill in case title of Just _ -> Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } Nothing -> row [ width fill ] [ Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } ] viewLegend : String -> Element msg viewLegend title = column [ Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX ] [ Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text title) ] ] blogRenderer = { elmUiRenderer | html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "legend" (\title _ -> viewLegend title ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "title" , Markdown.Html.tag "sized-image" (\title widthInPx heightInPx src alt _ -> viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt ) |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "title" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "width" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "height" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "src" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "alt" , Markdown.Html.tag "column" (\portion renderedChildren -> viewColumn portion renderedChildren ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "portion" , Markdown.Html.tag "text-column" (\renderedChildren -> viewTextColumn renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-left" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignLeft renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-right" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignRight renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "row" (\renderedChildren -> viewRow renderedChildren ) ] } type alias Metadata = { title : String , description : String , lastReviewed : Date , image : Pages.Url.Url } frontmatterDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Metadata frontmatterDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.map4 Metadata (OptimizedDecoder.field "title" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "description" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "lastReviewed" (OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.andThen (\isoString -> Date.fromIsoString isoString |> OptimizedDecoder.fromResult ) ) ) (OptimizedDecoder.field "image" imageDecoder) imageDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Pages.Url.Url imageDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.map (\asset -> Cloudinary.url asset Nothing 400 300)
module Page.Glossary exposing (Data, Model, Msg, page) import Cloudinary import DataSource exposing (DataSource) import Date exposing (Date) import Element exposing (Element, alignLeft, alignRight, alignTop, centerX, column, fill, fillPortion, height, maximum, minimum, paddingXY, px, row, spacing, textColumn, width, wrappedRow) import Element.Font as Font import Head import Head.Seo as Seo import Logo import Markdown.Html import MarkdownCodec import MarkdownRenderer import OptimizedDecoder import Page exposing (Page, StaticPayload) import Pages.PageUrl exposing (PageUrl) import Pages.Url import Path import Shared import Site import StructuredData import View exposing (View) type alias Model = () type alias Msg = Never type alias RouteParams = {} page : Page RouteParams Data page = Page.single { head = head , data = data } |> Page.buildNoState { view = view } data : DataSource Data data = MarkdownCodec.withFrontmatter Data frontmatterDecoder blogRenderer "content/glossary.md" head : StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> List Head.Tag head static = let metadata = static.data.metadata in Head.structuredData (StructuredData.aboutPage { title = metadata.title , description = metadata.description , author = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , publisher = StructuredData.person { name = "Red Door Collective" } , url = Site.config.canonicalUrl ++ Path.toAbsolute static.path , imageUrl = metadata.image , lastReviewed = Date.toIsoString metadata.lastReviewed , mainEntityOfPage = StructuredData.softwareSourceCode { codeRepositoryUrl = "https://github.com/red-door-collective/eviction-tracker" , description = "A free website that keeps the people informed about housing and evictions." , author = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , programmingLanguage = StructuredData.elmLang } } ) :: (Seo.summary { canonicalUrlOverride = Nothing , siteName = "Red Door Collective" , image = Logo.smallImage , description = metadata.description , locale = Just "en-us" , title = metadata.title } |> Seo.website ) type alias Data = { metadata : Metadata , body : List (Element Msg) } view : Maybe PageUrl -> Shared.Model -> StaticPayload Data RouteParams -> View Msg view maybeUrl sharedModel static = { title = static.data.metadata.title , body = [ column [ width (fill |> minimum 300 |> maximum 750) , centerX , spacing 10 , paddingXY 0 10 ] [ row [ width fill ] [ textColumn [ width fill ] static.data.body ] ] ] } elmUiRenderer = MarkdownRenderer.renderer viewAlignLeft : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignLeft renderedChildren = row [ alignLeft, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewAlignRight : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewAlignRight renderedChildren = row [ alignRight, width (fill |> maximum 375), height fill ] renderedChildren viewTextColumn : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewTextColumn renderedChildren = textColumn [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 10 10 ] renderedChildren viewRow : List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewRow renderedChildren = wrappedRow [ width fill , Element.spacingXY 0 10 , alignTop ] renderedChildren viewColumn : String -> List (Element msg) -> Element msg viewColumn portion renderedChildren = let fillAttr = width <| case String.toInt portion of Nothing -> fill Just number -> fillPortion number in column [ alignTop, fillAttr ] renderedChildren viewSizedImage : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> String -> String -> Element msg viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt = let ( w, h ) = ( Maybe.andThen String.toInt widthInPx , Maybe.andThen String.toInt heightInPx ) widthAttr = case w of Just number -> width (px number) Nothing -> width fill heightAttr = case h of Just number -> height (px number) Nothing -> height fill in case title of Just _ -> Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } Nothing -> row [ width fill ] [ Element.image [ centerX, widthAttr, heightAttr ] { src = src, description = alt } ] viewLegend : String -> Element msg viewLegend title = column [ Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX ] [ Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text title) ] ] blogRenderer = { elmUiRenderer | html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "legend" (\title _ -> viewLegend title ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "title" , Markdown.Html.tag "sized-image" (\title widthInPx heightInPx src alt _ -> viewSizedImage title widthInPx heightInPx src alt ) |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "title" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "width" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "height" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "src" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "alt" , Markdown.Html.tag "column" (\portion renderedChildren -> viewColumn portion renderedChildren ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "portion" , Markdown.Html.tag "text-column" (\renderedChildren -> viewTextColumn renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-left" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignLeft renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "align-right" (\renderedChildren -> viewAlignRight renderedChildren ) , Markdown.Html.tag "row" (\renderedChildren -> viewRow renderedChildren ) ] } type alias Metadata = { title : String , description : String , lastReviewed : Date , image : Pages.Url.Url } frontmatterDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Metadata frontmatterDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.map4 Metadata (OptimizedDecoder.field "title" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "description" OptimizedDecoder.string) (OptimizedDecoder.field "lastReviewed" (OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.andThen (\isoString -> Date.fromIsoString isoString |> OptimizedDecoder.fromResult ) ) ) (OptimizedDecoder.field "image" imageDecoder) imageDecoder : OptimizedDecoder.Decoder Pages.Url.Url imageDecoder = OptimizedDecoder.string |> OptimizedDecoder.map (\asset -> Cloudinary.url asset Nothing 400 300)
[ { "context": " name : String\n name =\n \"Hermann\"\n\n increment : Int -> Int\n incremen", "end": 11126, "score": 0.9947600365, "start": 11119, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hermann" } ]
-- The last type is the return type. -- A single type means it takes 0 arguments thing : Int thing = 0 -- You can alias a type type alias Model = Int -- This allows us to make more readable types. model : Model model = 0 -- This is a sum type (specifially a boolean type). -- You may also see: tagged or disjoint unions or variant types type Msg = Increment | Decrement -- Why boolean and sum? -- Because there are 2 possible options type Bool = False | True -- Sum Types can have as many options as you'd like type Cars = Mustang | Camero | Taurus | Fit | Focus -- Why called Sum Type? -- You can find the total number of possible values by adding them -- Bool has 2 possible options (False + True) -- Cars has 5 possible options (Mustang + Camero + Taurus + Fit + Focus) -- Note this is not the "space". To get that you need to use the max possible space of Int -- FUNCTION TYPES AND ARROWS -- PARTIALLY APPLIED FUNCTIONS AND CURRYING -- This takes 2 integers and returns and Int add1 : Int -> Int -> Int add1 x y = x + y -- But it doesn't have to. You can pass only one argument add1 1 -- What happens. Well you can read that like add1 : Int -> (Int -> Int) -- This means when you don't pass all of the arguments in you will get back a function. -- So: add1 1 -- Returns a function -- Let's set that to a variable let add2 = add1 -- Now add2 is a function that takes a single argument. It looks like add2 : Int -> Int add2 x = add1 1 -- or add2 x = 1 + x -- So if we call it add2 2 -- 3 -- Btw this can be done in Javascript, Python, etc -- Javascript: > var myCurriableFunction = function (x, y, z){ return function (y, z){ x + y + z; } } > myCurriableFunction(2); function (y, z){ x + y + z; } -- Back to our code -- This takes 2 arguments, a Msg and a Model and returns a Model update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Increment -> model + 1 Decrement -> model - 1 -- This takes a single type of Model and returns a single type of Html Msg view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ] , div [] [ text (toString model) ] , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ] ] -- TYPE ALIASES -- Html is another type alias for: type alias Html msg = VirtualDom.Node msg -- This type as a "generic" type. -- The msg could be anything: type alias Html a = VirtualDom.Node a -- RECORDS -- What if we want to store multiple values? -- Record Types! type alias Record = { value : Int , count : Int } -- Records are often called Product Types or Tuples -- Why? -- It's a compound type that is formed by a sequence of types and is commonly denoted: -- (T1, T2, ..., Tn) or T1 x T2 x ... x Tn -- They correspond to cartesian products thus products types -- By allowing you to be named they become records -- Or potentially in other languages ... structs, classes, etc -- So you find the total number of options by multiplying the maximum value of each option. -- https://www.stephanboyer.com/post/18/algebraic-data-types record : Record record = { value = 0 , count = 0 } -- Accessing properties getValue : Record -> Int getValue record = record.value -- Updating Properties updateValue : Int -> Record -> Record updateValue newValue existingRecord = { existingRecord | value = newValue } -- Shorthand accessors getValueShort : Record -> Int getValueShort record = .value record -- We can do neat stuff type alias Record2 = { value : Int , count : Int , foo : String } type alias Record3 = { value : Int , count : Int , bar : String } type alias Record4 = { value : Int , foobar : String } type alias ValueRecord a = { a | value : Int } getValue2 : ValueRecord a -> Int getValue2 valRec = valRec.value -- COMPILES: getValue2 record2 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record3 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record4 updateRecord : Int -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } updateRecord rec newValue = { rec | value = newValue , count = count + 1 } -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record2 -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record3 -- DOESN'T COMPILE: updateRecord 1 record4 -- NULLS -- DON'T EXIST!!!! -- If we can't have a null we need something to help us -- What does a NULL mean? -- It meas we either have something or we don'to -- So what about something called either type Either a b = Left a | Right b -- But really it's not THAT generic. How about? type Result error value = Ok value | Err error -- Well this makes a ton of since for an error but this isn't an error. -- It's expected and it means Nothing, so what about maybe ... type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing -- Now we have something. Maybe we Just have a value (of type a) or we have Nothing giveMeIfGreatherThan0 : Int -> Maybe Int giveMeIfGreatherThan0 val = if val > 0 then Just val else Nothing -- But now there is this structure that w ehave to deal with. -- Thankfully there are many functions in the maybe package to help us out withDefault : a -> Maybe a -> a withDefault default maybe = case maybe of Just value -> value Nothing -> default withDefault 10 (Just 15) -- 15 withDefault "foo" (Just "bar") -- "bar" withDefault 10 (Nothing) -- Nothing withDefault "foo" (Nothing) -- Nothing -- Map map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b map f maybe = case maybe of Just value -> Just (f value) Nothing -> Nothing -- Hmm so we take in a function a maybe and return a slightly modified maybe -- Let's create a function from (a -> b) -- This could be: add1 : Int -> Int add1 val = val + 1 -- In this case we use the same type. It doesn't have to be 2 different types -- but we can do that positiveMessage : Int -> String positiveMessage val = if val > 0 then "I'm a positive message!" else "I'm not so postivie :(" -- Now we can "map" that function over our Maybe ... wut! map add1 (Just 10) -- Just 11 map add1 Nothing -- Nothing map positiveMessage (Just 10) -- Just "I'm a positive message!" map positiveMessage (Just -23) -- Just "I'm not so positive :(" map positiveMessage Nothing -- Nothing -- LISTS simpleList : List Int simpleList = [1, 2, 3, 4] insertIntoSimpleList : Int -> List Int insertIntoSimpleList num = num :: [1, 2, 3, 4] -- LOOPS? -- Elm doesn't have them -- We use functions. It is functional programming after all -- FOLDS -- We start with a fold -- This is a fold left of Ints -- The left means we reduce (or traverse) from the left foldlInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int foldlInt func aggVal list = case list of [] -> aggVal x :: xs -> foldl func (func x aggVal) xs -- It takes a function of two values that returns one -- It then takes some value to accumulate into. Something that can accumulate like a list, a string, a number -- It also takes a starting value -- So this takes a function of prepend (insert into the 0 index of a list) -- as well as an empty list to accumlate into -- and of course our starting list -- Thus starting from the left we prepend 1 we have [1] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 1] -- And then we finish by prepending the 3: [3,2,1] foldlInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [3,2,1] -- We also can fold from the right foldrInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int -- Using the same arugments as before we end up with the same list we started -- Since we started from the right we prepend 3 we have [3] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 3] -- And then we finish by prepending the 1: [1,2,3] foldrInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [1,2,3] -- We of course can pass in different types of functions -- What if we use the max function foldlInt max 0 [1,2,3] == 3 -- We give it the builtin max function that is a more generic version of: max : Int -> Int max x y = if x > y then x else y -- We can then make this a nice function. maximumInt : List Int -> Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) [x] -> x [] -> 0 -- But this kinda sucks. If we give an empty list we get back a 0. -- Which might be ok but isn't obvious. maximumInt [1,2] == 2 maximumInt [1] == 1 maximumInt [] == 0 -- Blech! -- How about using a Maybe? -- Why Maybe? maximumInt : List Int -> Maybe Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) _ -> Nothing maximumInt [1,2] == Just 2 maximumInt [1] == Just 1 maximumInt [] == Nothing -- Now if we want to get a 0 value when the list is empty we just use what we already have: withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1,2]) == 2 withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1]) == 1 withDefault 0 (maximumInt []) == 0 -- While we're here, we do this function chaining quite a bit. -- And we're not a lisp so we'd like to avoid all of the parentheses. -- Thankfully elm gives us some nice symbols to use withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1,2] == 2 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1] == 1 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [] == 0 -- This allows us to do nice chaining when we have many functions withDefault 0 <| maximumInt <| range 0 10 == 10 -- or [1,2,3] |> maximumInt |> withDefault 0 == 3 -- Also while we're here let's make the fold more generic: foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b foldl func acc list = case list of [] -> acc x :: xs -> foldl func (func x acc) xs -- Now our fold function can work on many different data types. -- With generic fold functions what can we do? -- It turns out, quite a lot. map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b map f xs = foldr (\x acc -> f x :: acc) [] xs map (\x -> x + 1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] add1 : Int -> Int add1 x = x + 1 map add1 [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] -- There are all kinds of functions for working with lists in the List.elm module in the standard library -- Just like Python, Javascript and Ruby -- isEmpty, length, reverse, member, head, tail, filter, take, drop, sum, all, etc -- Elm has documentation to help you transition -- http://elm-lang.org/docs/from-javascript -- IMMUTABILITY -- One last thing before we get to the real fun -- Purescript is functional and immutable ... so can we store state? -- Yes -- It's no different than const in js but you must do it within a let expression. forty : Int forty = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 sixteen = 4 ^ 2 in twentyFour + sixteen -- You just can't reassign the same variable bad : Int bad = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 twentyFour = 20 + 4 in twentyFour -- This will not compile. good : Int good = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 newTwentyFour = 20 + 4 in newTwentyFour -- This will compile. -- 2 other notes -- You can assign functions -- And you can provide type annotations letFunctions : Int letFunctions = let hypotenuse a b = sqrt (a^2 + b^2) name : String name = "Hermann" increment : Int -> Int increment n = n + 1 in increment 10
-- The last type is the return type. -- A single type means it takes 0 arguments thing : Int thing = 0 -- You can alias a type type alias Model = Int -- This allows us to make more readable types. model : Model model = 0 -- This is a sum type (specifially a boolean type). -- You may also see: tagged or disjoint unions or variant types type Msg = Increment | Decrement -- Why boolean and sum? -- Because there are 2 possible options type Bool = False | True -- Sum Types can have as many options as you'd like type Cars = Mustang | Camero | Taurus | Fit | Focus -- Why called Sum Type? -- You can find the total number of possible values by adding them -- Bool has 2 possible options (False + True) -- Cars has 5 possible options (Mustang + Camero + Taurus + Fit + Focus) -- Note this is not the "space". To get that you need to use the max possible space of Int -- FUNCTION TYPES AND ARROWS -- PARTIALLY APPLIED FUNCTIONS AND CURRYING -- This takes 2 integers and returns and Int add1 : Int -> Int -> Int add1 x y = x + y -- But it doesn't have to. You can pass only one argument add1 1 -- What happens. Well you can read that like add1 : Int -> (Int -> Int) -- This means when you don't pass all of the arguments in you will get back a function. -- So: add1 1 -- Returns a function -- Let's set that to a variable let add2 = add1 -- Now add2 is a function that takes a single argument. It looks like add2 : Int -> Int add2 x = add1 1 -- or add2 x = 1 + x -- So if we call it add2 2 -- 3 -- Btw this can be done in Javascript, Python, etc -- Javascript: > var myCurriableFunction = function (x, y, z){ return function (y, z){ x + y + z; } } > myCurriableFunction(2); function (y, z){ x + y + z; } -- Back to our code -- This takes 2 arguments, a Msg and a Model and returns a Model update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Increment -> model + 1 Decrement -> model - 1 -- This takes a single type of Model and returns a single type of Html Msg view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ] , div [] [ text (toString model) ] , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ] ] -- TYPE ALIASES -- Html is another type alias for: type alias Html msg = VirtualDom.Node msg -- This type as a "generic" type. -- The msg could be anything: type alias Html a = VirtualDom.Node a -- RECORDS -- What if we want to store multiple values? -- Record Types! type alias Record = { value : Int , count : Int } -- Records are often called Product Types or Tuples -- Why? -- It's a compound type that is formed by a sequence of types and is commonly denoted: -- (T1, T2, ..., Tn) or T1 x T2 x ... x Tn -- They correspond to cartesian products thus products types -- By allowing you to be named they become records -- Or potentially in other languages ... structs, classes, etc -- So you find the total number of options by multiplying the maximum value of each option. -- https://www.stephanboyer.com/post/18/algebraic-data-types record : Record record = { value = 0 , count = 0 } -- Accessing properties getValue : Record -> Int getValue record = record.value -- Updating Properties updateValue : Int -> Record -> Record updateValue newValue existingRecord = { existingRecord | value = newValue } -- Shorthand accessors getValueShort : Record -> Int getValueShort record = .value record -- We can do neat stuff type alias Record2 = { value : Int , count : Int , foo : String } type alias Record3 = { value : Int , count : Int , bar : String } type alias Record4 = { value : Int , foobar : String } type alias ValueRecord a = { a | value : Int } getValue2 : ValueRecord a -> Int getValue2 valRec = valRec.value -- COMPILES: getValue2 record2 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record3 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record4 updateRecord : Int -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } updateRecord rec newValue = { rec | value = newValue , count = count + 1 } -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record2 -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record3 -- DOESN'T COMPILE: updateRecord 1 record4 -- NULLS -- DON'T EXIST!!!! -- If we can't have a null we need something to help us -- What does a NULL mean? -- It meas we either have something or we don'to -- So what about something called either type Either a b = Left a | Right b -- But really it's not THAT generic. How about? type Result error value = Ok value | Err error -- Well this makes a ton of since for an error but this isn't an error. -- It's expected and it means Nothing, so what about maybe ... type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing -- Now we have something. Maybe we Just have a value (of type a) or we have Nothing giveMeIfGreatherThan0 : Int -> Maybe Int giveMeIfGreatherThan0 val = if val > 0 then Just val else Nothing -- But now there is this structure that w ehave to deal with. -- Thankfully there are many functions in the maybe package to help us out withDefault : a -> Maybe a -> a withDefault default maybe = case maybe of Just value -> value Nothing -> default withDefault 10 (Just 15) -- 15 withDefault "foo" (Just "bar") -- "bar" withDefault 10 (Nothing) -- Nothing withDefault "foo" (Nothing) -- Nothing -- Map map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b map f maybe = case maybe of Just value -> Just (f value) Nothing -> Nothing -- Hmm so we take in a function a maybe and return a slightly modified maybe -- Let's create a function from (a -> b) -- This could be: add1 : Int -> Int add1 val = val + 1 -- In this case we use the same type. It doesn't have to be 2 different types -- but we can do that positiveMessage : Int -> String positiveMessage val = if val > 0 then "I'm a positive message!" else "I'm not so postivie :(" -- Now we can "map" that function over our Maybe ... wut! map add1 (Just 10) -- Just 11 map add1 Nothing -- Nothing map positiveMessage (Just 10) -- Just "I'm a positive message!" map positiveMessage (Just -23) -- Just "I'm not so positive :(" map positiveMessage Nothing -- Nothing -- LISTS simpleList : List Int simpleList = [1, 2, 3, 4] insertIntoSimpleList : Int -> List Int insertIntoSimpleList num = num :: [1, 2, 3, 4] -- LOOPS? -- Elm doesn't have them -- We use functions. It is functional programming after all -- FOLDS -- We start with a fold -- This is a fold left of Ints -- The left means we reduce (or traverse) from the left foldlInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int foldlInt func aggVal list = case list of [] -> aggVal x :: xs -> foldl func (func x aggVal) xs -- It takes a function of two values that returns one -- It then takes some value to accumulate into. Something that can accumulate like a list, a string, a number -- It also takes a starting value -- So this takes a function of prepend (insert into the 0 index of a list) -- as well as an empty list to accumlate into -- and of course our starting list -- Thus starting from the left we prepend 1 we have [1] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 1] -- And then we finish by prepending the 3: [3,2,1] foldlInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [3,2,1] -- We also can fold from the right foldrInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int -- Using the same arugments as before we end up with the same list we started -- Since we started from the right we prepend 3 we have [3] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 3] -- And then we finish by prepending the 1: [1,2,3] foldrInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [1,2,3] -- We of course can pass in different types of functions -- What if we use the max function foldlInt max 0 [1,2,3] == 3 -- We give it the builtin max function that is a more generic version of: max : Int -> Int max x y = if x > y then x else y -- We can then make this a nice function. maximumInt : List Int -> Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) [x] -> x [] -> 0 -- But this kinda sucks. If we give an empty list we get back a 0. -- Which might be ok but isn't obvious. maximumInt [1,2] == 2 maximumInt [1] == 1 maximumInt [] == 0 -- Blech! -- How about using a Maybe? -- Why Maybe? maximumInt : List Int -> Maybe Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) _ -> Nothing maximumInt [1,2] == Just 2 maximumInt [1] == Just 1 maximumInt [] == Nothing -- Now if we want to get a 0 value when the list is empty we just use what we already have: withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1,2]) == 2 withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1]) == 1 withDefault 0 (maximumInt []) == 0 -- While we're here, we do this function chaining quite a bit. -- And we're not a lisp so we'd like to avoid all of the parentheses. -- Thankfully elm gives us some nice symbols to use withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1,2] == 2 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1] == 1 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [] == 0 -- This allows us to do nice chaining when we have many functions withDefault 0 <| maximumInt <| range 0 10 == 10 -- or [1,2,3] |> maximumInt |> withDefault 0 == 3 -- Also while we're here let's make the fold more generic: foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b foldl func acc list = case list of [] -> acc x :: xs -> foldl func (func x acc) xs -- Now our fold function can work on many different data types. -- With generic fold functions what can we do? -- It turns out, quite a lot. map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b map f xs = foldr (\x acc -> f x :: acc) [] xs map (\x -> x + 1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] add1 : Int -> Int add1 x = x + 1 map add1 [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] -- There are all kinds of functions for working with lists in the List.elm module in the standard library -- Just like Python, Javascript and Ruby -- isEmpty, length, reverse, member, head, tail, filter, take, drop, sum, all, etc -- Elm has documentation to help you transition -- http://elm-lang.org/docs/from-javascript -- IMMUTABILITY -- One last thing before we get to the real fun -- Purescript is functional and immutable ... so can we store state? -- Yes -- It's no different than const in js but you must do it within a let expression. forty : Int forty = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 sixteen = 4 ^ 2 in twentyFour + sixteen -- You just can't reassign the same variable bad : Int bad = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 twentyFour = 20 + 4 in twentyFour -- This will not compile. good : Int good = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 newTwentyFour = 20 + 4 in newTwentyFour -- This will compile. -- 2 other notes -- You can assign functions -- And you can provide type annotations letFunctions : Int letFunctions = let hypotenuse a b = sqrt (a^2 + b^2) name : String name = "<NAME>" increment : Int -> Int increment n = n + 1 in increment 10
-- The last type is the return type. -- A single type means it takes 0 arguments thing : Int thing = 0 -- You can alias a type type alias Model = Int -- This allows us to make more readable types. model : Model model = 0 -- This is a sum type (specifially a boolean type). -- You may also see: tagged or disjoint unions or variant types type Msg = Increment | Decrement -- Why boolean and sum? -- Because there are 2 possible options type Bool = False | True -- Sum Types can have as many options as you'd like type Cars = Mustang | Camero | Taurus | Fit | Focus -- Why called Sum Type? -- You can find the total number of possible values by adding them -- Bool has 2 possible options (False + True) -- Cars has 5 possible options (Mustang + Camero + Taurus + Fit + Focus) -- Note this is not the "space". To get that you need to use the max possible space of Int -- FUNCTION TYPES AND ARROWS -- PARTIALLY APPLIED FUNCTIONS AND CURRYING -- This takes 2 integers and returns and Int add1 : Int -> Int -> Int add1 x y = x + y -- But it doesn't have to. You can pass only one argument add1 1 -- What happens. Well you can read that like add1 : Int -> (Int -> Int) -- This means when you don't pass all of the arguments in you will get back a function. -- So: add1 1 -- Returns a function -- Let's set that to a variable let add2 = add1 -- Now add2 is a function that takes a single argument. It looks like add2 : Int -> Int add2 x = add1 1 -- or add2 x = 1 + x -- So if we call it add2 2 -- 3 -- Btw this can be done in Javascript, Python, etc -- Javascript: > var myCurriableFunction = function (x, y, z){ return function (y, z){ x + y + z; } } > myCurriableFunction(2); function (y, z){ x + y + z; } -- Back to our code -- This takes 2 arguments, a Msg and a Model and returns a Model update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Increment -> model + 1 Decrement -> model - 1 -- This takes a single type of Model and returns a single type of Html Msg view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ] , div [] [ text (toString model) ] , button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ] ] -- TYPE ALIASES -- Html is another type alias for: type alias Html msg = VirtualDom.Node msg -- This type as a "generic" type. -- The msg could be anything: type alias Html a = VirtualDom.Node a -- RECORDS -- What if we want to store multiple values? -- Record Types! type alias Record = { value : Int , count : Int } -- Records are often called Product Types or Tuples -- Why? -- It's a compound type that is formed by a sequence of types and is commonly denoted: -- (T1, T2, ..., Tn) or T1 x T2 x ... x Tn -- They correspond to cartesian products thus products types -- By allowing you to be named they become records -- Or potentially in other languages ... structs, classes, etc -- So you find the total number of options by multiplying the maximum value of each option. -- https://www.stephanboyer.com/post/18/algebraic-data-types record : Record record = { value = 0 , count = 0 } -- Accessing properties getValue : Record -> Int getValue record = record.value -- Updating Properties updateValue : Int -> Record -> Record updateValue newValue existingRecord = { existingRecord | value = newValue } -- Shorthand accessors getValueShort : Record -> Int getValueShort record = .value record -- We can do neat stuff type alias Record2 = { value : Int , count : Int , foo : String } type alias Record3 = { value : Int , count : Int , bar : String } type alias Record4 = { value : Int , foobar : String } type alias ValueRecord a = { a | value : Int } getValue2 : ValueRecord a -> Int getValue2 valRec = valRec.value -- COMPILES: getValue2 record2 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record3 -- COMPILES: getValue2 record4 updateRecord : Int -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } -> { a | value : Int, count : Int } updateRecord rec newValue = { rec | value = newValue , count = count + 1 } -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record2 -- COMPILES: updateRecord 1 record3 -- DOESN'T COMPILE: updateRecord 1 record4 -- NULLS -- DON'T EXIST!!!! -- If we can't have a null we need something to help us -- What does a NULL mean? -- It meas we either have something or we don'to -- So what about something called either type Either a b = Left a | Right b -- But really it's not THAT generic. How about? type Result error value = Ok value | Err error -- Well this makes a ton of since for an error but this isn't an error. -- It's expected and it means Nothing, so what about maybe ... type Maybe a = Just a | Nothing -- Now we have something. Maybe we Just have a value (of type a) or we have Nothing giveMeIfGreatherThan0 : Int -> Maybe Int giveMeIfGreatherThan0 val = if val > 0 then Just val else Nothing -- But now there is this structure that w ehave to deal with. -- Thankfully there are many functions in the maybe package to help us out withDefault : a -> Maybe a -> a withDefault default maybe = case maybe of Just value -> value Nothing -> default withDefault 10 (Just 15) -- 15 withDefault "foo" (Just "bar") -- "bar" withDefault 10 (Nothing) -- Nothing withDefault "foo" (Nothing) -- Nothing -- Map map : (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b map f maybe = case maybe of Just value -> Just (f value) Nothing -> Nothing -- Hmm so we take in a function a maybe and return a slightly modified maybe -- Let's create a function from (a -> b) -- This could be: add1 : Int -> Int add1 val = val + 1 -- In this case we use the same type. It doesn't have to be 2 different types -- but we can do that positiveMessage : Int -> String positiveMessage val = if val > 0 then "I'm a positive message!" else "I'm not so postivie :(" -- Now we can "map" that function over our Maybe ... wut! map add1 (Just 10) -- Just 11 map add1 Nothing -- Nothing map positiveMessage (Just 10) -- Just "I'm a positive message!" map positiveMessage (Just -23) -- Just "I'm not so positive :(" map positiveMessage Nothing -- Nothing -- LISTS simpleList : List Int simpleList = [1, 2, 3, 4] insertIntoSimpleList : Int -> List Int insertIntoSimpleList num = num :: [1, 2, 3, 4] -- LOOPS? -- Elm doesn't have them -- We use functions. It is functional programming after all -- FOLDS -- We start with a fold -- This is a fold left of Ints -- The left means we reduce (or traverse) from the left foldlInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int foldlInt func aggVal list = case list of [] -> aggVal x :: xs -> foldl func (func x aggVal) xs -- It takes a function of two values that returns one -- It then takes some value to accumulate into. Something that can accumulate like a list, a string, a number -- It also takes a starting value -- So this takes a function of prepend (insert into the 0 index of a list) -- as well as an empty list to accumlate into -- and of course our starting list -- Thus starting from the left we prepend 1 we have [1] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 1] -- And then we finish by prepending the 3: [3,2,1] foldlInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [3,2,1] -- We also can fold from the right foldrInt : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int -> List Int -> Int -- Using the same arugments as before we end up with the same list we started -- Since we started from the right we prepend 3 we have [3] -- And the inserting 2 into the 0 index we have [2, 3] -- And then we finish by prepending the 1: [1,2,3] foldrInt (::) [] [1,2,3] == [1,2,3] -- We of course can pass in different types of functions -- What if we use the max function foldlInt max 0 [1,2,3] == 3 -- We give it the builtin max function that is a more generic version of: max : Int -> Int max x y = if x > y then x else y -- We can then make this a nice function. maximumInt : List Int -> Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) [x] -> x [] -> 0 -- But this kinda sucks. If we give an empty list we get back a 0. -- Which might be ok but isn't obvious. maximumInt [1,2] == 2 maximumInt [1] == 1 maximumInt [] == 0 -- Blech! -- How about using a Maybe? -- Why Maybe? maximumInt : List Int -> Maybe Int maximumInt list = case list of x :: xs -> Just (foldl max x xs) _ -> Nothing maximumInt [1,2] == Just 2 maximumInt [1] == Just 1 maximumInt [] == Nothing -- Now if we want to get a 0 value when the list is empty we just use what we already have: withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1,2]) == 2 withDefault 0 (maximumInt [1]) == 1 withDefault 0 (maximumInt []) == 0 -- While we're here, we do this function chaining quite a bit. -- And we're not a lisp so we'd like to avoid all of the parentheses. -- Thankfully elm gives us some nice symbols to use withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1,2] == 2 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [1] == 1 withDefault 0 <| maximumInt [] == 0 -- This allows us to do nice chaining when we have many functions withDefault 0 <| maximumInt <| range 0 10 == 10 -- or [1,2,3] |> maximumInt |> withDefault 0 == 3 -- Also while we're here let's make the fold more generic: foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b foldl func acc list = case list of [] -> acc x :: xs -> foldl func (func x acc) xs -- Now our fold function can work on many different data types. -- With generic fold functions what can we do? -- It turns out, quite a lot. map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b map f xs = foldr (\x acc -> f x :: acc) [] xs map (\x -> x + 1) [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] add1 : Int -> Int add1 x = x + 1 map add1 [1,2,3] == [2,3,4] -- There are all kinds of functions for working with lists in the List.elm module in the standard library -- Just like Python, Javascript and Ruby -- isEmpty, length, reverse, member, head, tail, filter, take, drop, sum, all, etc -- Elm has documentation to help you transition -- http://elm-lang.org/docs/from-javascript -- IMMUTABILITY -- One last thing before we get to the real fun -- Purescript is functional and immutable ... so can we store state? -- Yes -- It's no different than const in js but you must do it within a let expression. forty : Int forty = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 sixteen = 4 ^ 2 in twentyFour + sixteen -- You just can't reassign the same variable bad : Int bad = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 twentyFour = 20 + 4 in twentyFour -- This will not compile. good : Int good = let twentyFour = 3 * 8 newTwentyFour = 20 + 4 in newTwentyFour -- This will compile. -- 2 other notes -- You can assign functions -- And you can provide type annotations letFunctions : Int letFunctions = let hypotenuse a b = sqrt (a^2 + b^2) name : String name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" increment : Int -> Int increment n = n + 1 in increment 10
[ { "context": "ute properties\n-}\npropKey : String\npropKey =\n \"a2\"\n\n\n{-| Internal key for style\n-}\nstyleKey : Strin", "end": 395, "score": 0.9084502459, "start": 393, "tag": "KEY", "value": "a2" }, { "context": "ey for style\n-}\nstyleKey : String\nstyleKey =\n \"a1\"\n\n\n{-| Internal key for style\n-}\neventKey : Strin", "end": 465, "score": 0.9388908744, "start": 463, "tag": "KEY", "value": "a1" }, { "context": "ey for style\n-}\neventKey : String\neventKey =\n \"a0\"\n\n\n{-| Internal key for style\n-}\nattributeKey : S", "end": 535, "score": 0.9569196701, "start": 533, "tag": "KEY", "value": "a0" }, { "context": "tyle\n-}\nattributeKey : String\nattributeKey =\n \"a3\"\n\n\n{-| Internal key for style\n-}\nattributeNamespa", "end": 613, "score": 0.9615436792, "start": 611, "tag": "KEY", "value": "a3" }, { "context": "mespaceKey : String\nattributeNamespaceKey =\n \"a4\"\n\n\n{-| Keys that we are aware of and should pay a", "end": 709, "score": 0.9607892632, "start": 708, "tag": "KEY", "value": "4" } ]
module Test.Html.Internal.ElmHtml.Constants exposing ( propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey , knownKeys ) {-| Constants for representing internal keys for Elm's vdom implementation @docs propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey @docs knownKeys -} {-| Internal key for attribute properties -} propKey : String propKey = "a2" {-| Internal key for style -} styleKey : String styleKey = "a1" {-| Internal key for style -} eventKey : String eventKey = "a0" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeKey : String attributeKey = "a3" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeNamespaceKey : String attributeNamespaceKey = "a4" {-| Keys that we are aware of and should pay attention to -} knownKeys : List String knownKeys = [ styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey ]
module Test.Html.Internal.ElmHtml.Constants exposing ( propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey , knownKeys ) {-| Constants for representing internal keys for Elm's vdom implementation @docs propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey @docs knownKeys -} {-| Internal key for attribute properties -} propKey : String propKey = "<KEY>" {-| Internal key for style -} styleKey : String styleKey = "<KEY>" {-| Internal key for style -} eventKey : String eventKey = "<KEY>" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeKey : String attributeKey = "<KEY>" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeNamespaceKey : String attributeNamespaceKey = "a<KEY>" {-| Keys that we are aware of and should pay attention to -} knownKeys : List String knownKeys = [ styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey ]
module Test.Html.Internal.ElmHtml.Constants exposing ( propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey , knownKeys ) {-| Constants for representing internal keys for Elm's vdom implementation @docs propKey, styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey @docs knownKeys -} {-| Internal key for attribute properties -} propKey : String propKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| Internal key for style -} styleKey : String styleKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| Internal key for style -} eventKey : String eventKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeKey : String attributeKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| Internal key for style -} attributeNamespaceKey : String attributeNamespaceKey = "aPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| Keys that we are aware of and should pay attention to -} knownKeys : List String knownKeys = [ styleKey, eventKey, attributeKey, attributeNamespaceKey ]
[ { "context": "{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell.\n All rights reserved.\n This program is distr", "end": 39, "score": 0.9998607635, "start": 22, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark D. Blackwell" }, { "context": "sg2Cmd msg =\n --See:\n -- http://github.com/billstclair/elm-dynamodb/blob/7ac30d60b98fbe7ea253be13f5f9df4", "end": 1453, "score": 0.9994635582, "start": 1442, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "billstclair" } ]
{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Utilities exposing ( attributeIdFromMaybe , attributesEmpty , cmdMsg2Cmd , field2String , goldenRatio , htmlNodeNull , idMorphString , idRefreshString , innerHtmlEmpty , matchingIndexes , pred , succ ) import ElmCycle import Html import Html.Attributes import Json.Decode import Task import ViewType exposing ( Id , IdMaybe ) field2String : String -> Json.Decode.Decoder String field2String text = Json.Decode.string |> Json.Decode.field text matchingIndexes : List a -> a -> List Int matchingIndexes listOfThings thing = let matchWithIndexMaybe : Int -> a -> Maybe Int matchWithIndexMaybe index variable = if thing /= variable then Nothing else Just index in listOfThings |> List.indexedMap matchWithIndexMaybe |> List.filterMap identity pred : Int -> Int pred x = --Predecessor x - 1 succ : Int -> Int succ x = --Successor x + 1 -- UPDATE cmdMsg2Cmd : ElmCycle.Msg -> Cmd ElmCycle.Msg cmdMsg2Cmd msg = --See: -- http://github.com/billstclair/elm-dynamodb/blob/7ac30d60b98fbe7ea253be13f5f9df4d9c661b92/src/DynamoBackend.elm --For wrapping a message as a Cmd: msg |> Task.succeed |> Task.perform identity -- VIEW attributeIdFromMaybe : IdMaybe -> List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributeIdFromMaybe attributeIdMaybe = case attributeIdMaybe of Nothing -> attributesEmpty Just x -> [ Html.Attributes.id x ] attributesEmpty : List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributesEmpty = [] goldenRatio : Float goldenRatio = --See: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Golden_ratio&oldid=790709344 0.6180339887498949 htmlNodeNull : Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg htmlNodeNull = Html.text "" idMorphString : Id idMorphString = "morph" idRefreshString : Id idRefreshString = "refresh" innerHtmlEmpty : List (Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg) innerHtmlEmpty = []
{- Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Utilities exposing ( attributeIdFromMaybe , attributesEmpty , cmdMsg2Cmd , field2String , goldenRatio , htmlNodeNull , idMorphString , idRefreshString , innerHtmlEmpty , matchingIndexes , pred , succ ) import ElmCycle import Html import Html.Attributes import Json.Decode import Task import ViewType exposing ( Id , IdMaybe ) field2String : String -> Json.Decode.Decoder String field2String text = Json.Decode.string |> Json.Decode.field text matchingIndexes : List a -> a -> List Int matchingIndexes listOfThings thing = let matchWithIndexMaybe : Int -> a -> Maybe Int matchWithIndexMaybe index variable = if thing /= variable then Nothing else Just index in listOfThings |> List.indexedMap matchWithIndexMaybe |> List.filterMap identity pred : Int -> Int pred x = --Predecessor x - 1 succ : Int -> Int succ x = --Successor x + 1 -- UPDATE cmdMsg2Cmd : ElmCycle.Msg -> Cmd ElmCycle.Msg cmdMsg2Cmd msg = --See: -- http://github.com/billstclair/elm-dynamodb/blob/7ac30d60b98fbe7ea253be13f5f9df4d9c661b92/src/DynamoBackend.elm --For wrapping a message as a Cmd: msg |> Task.succeed |> Task.perform identity -- VIEW attributeIdFromMaybe : IdMaybe -> List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributeIdFromMaybe attributeIdMaybe = case attributeIdMaybe of Nothing -> attributesEmpty Just x -> [ Html.Attributes.id x ] attributesEmpty : List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributesEmpty = [] goldenRatio : Float goldenRatio = --See: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Golden_ratio&oldid=790709344 0.6180339887498949 htmlNodeNull : Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg htmlNodeNull = Html.text "" idMorphString : Id idMorphString = "morph" idRefreshString : Id idRefreshString = "refresh" innerHtmlEmpty : List (Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg) innerHtmlEmpty = []
{- Copyright (C) 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Utilities exposing ( attributeIdFromMaybe , attributesEmpty , cmdMsg2Cmd , field2String , goldenRatio , htmlNodeNull , idMorphString , idRefreshString , innerHtmlEmpty , matchingIndexes , pred , succ ) import ElmCycle import Html import Html.Attributes import Json.Decode import Task import ViewType exposing ( Id , IdMaybe ) field2String : String -> Json.Decode.Decoder String field2String text = Json.Decode.string |> Json.Decode.field text matchingIndexes : List a -> a -> List Int matchingIndexes listOfThings thing = let matchWithIndexMaybe : Int -> a -> Maybe Int matchWithIndexMaybe index variable = if thing /= variable then Nothing else Just index in listOfThings |> List.indexedMap matchWithIndexMaybe |> List.filterMap identity pred : Int -> Int pred x = --Predecessor x - 1 succ : Int -> Int succ x = --Successor x + 1 -- UPDATE cmdMsg2Cmd : ElmCycle.Msg -> Cmd ElmCycle.Msg cmdMsg2Cmd msg = --See: -- http://github.com/billstclair/elm-dynamodb/blob/7ac30d60b98fbe7ea253be13f5f9df4d9c661b92/src/DynamoBackend.elm --For wrapping a message as a Cmd: msg |> Task.succeed |> Task.perform identity -- VIEW attributeIdFromMaybe : IdMaybe -> List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributeIdFromMaybe attributeIdMaybe = case attributeIdMaybe of Nothing -> attributesEmpty Just x -> [ Html.Attributes.id x ] attributesEmpty : List (Html.Attribute ElmCycle.Msg) attributesEmpty = [] goldenRatio : Float goldenRatio = --See: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Golden_ratio&oldid=790709344 0.6180339887498949 htmlNodeNull : Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg htmlNodeNull = Html.text "" idMorphString : Id idMorphString = "morph" idRefreshString : Id idRefreshString = "refresh" innerHtmlEmpty : List (Html.Html ElmCycle.Msg) innerHtmlEmpty = []
[ { "context": "{-\n Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley\n\n Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.", "end": 35, "score": 0.9998221993, "start": 21, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Morgan Stanley" } ]
{- Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.SDK.LocalDate exposing (..) import Dict import Morphir.IR.Documented exposing (Documented) import Morphir.IR.Module as Module exposing (ModuleName) import Morphir.IR.Name as Name import Morphir.IR.Path as Path exposing (Path) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Basics exposing (intType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Common exposing (toFQName, vSpec) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Maybe exposing (maybeType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.String exposing (stringType) import Morphir.IR.Type as Type exposing (Specification(..), Type(..)) import Morphir.IR.Value as Value moduleName : ModuleName moduleName = Path.fromString "LocalDate" moduleSpec : Module.Specification () moduleSpec = { types = Dict.fromList [ ( Name.fromString "LocalDate", OpaqueTypeSpecification [] |> Documented "Type that represents a date concept." ) ] , values = Dict.fromList [ vSpec "fromISO" [ ( "iso", stringType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "fromParts" [ ( "year", intType () ), ( "month", intType () ), ( "day", intType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "diffInDays" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInWeeks" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInMonths" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInYears" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "addDays" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addWeeks" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addMonths" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addYears" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) ] } localDateType : a -> Type a localDateType attributes = Reference attributes (toFQName moduleName "LocalDate") []
{- Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.SDK.LocalDate exposing (..) import Dict import Morphir.IR.Documented exposing (Documented) import Morphir.IR.Module as Module exposing (ModuleName) import Morphir.IR.Name as Name import Morphir.IR.Path as Path exposing (Path) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Basics exposing (intType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Common exposing (toFQName, vSpec) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Maybe exposing (maybeType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.String exposing (stringType) import Morphir.IR.Type as Type exposing (Specification(..), Type(..)) import Morphir.IR.Value as Value moduleName : ModuleName moduleName = Path.fromString "LocalDate" moduleSpec : Module.Specification () moduleSpec = { types = Dict.fromList [ ( Name.fromString "LocalDate", OpaqueTypeSpecification [] |> Documented "Type that represents a date concept." ) ] , values = Dict.fromList [ vSpec "fromISO" [ ( "iso", stringType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "fromParts" [ ( "year", intType () ), ( "month", intType () ), ( "day", intType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "diffInDays" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInWeeks" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInMonths" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInYears" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "addDays" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addWeeks" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addMonths" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addYears" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) ] } localDateType : a -> Type a localDateType attributes = Reference attributes (toFQName moduleName "LocalDate") []
{- Copyright 2020 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.SDK.LocalDate exposing (..) import Dict import Morphir.IR.Documented exposing (Documented) import Morphir.IR.Module as Module exposing (ModuleName) import Morphir.IR.Name as Name import Morphir.IR.Path as Path exposing (Path) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Basics exposing (intType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Common exposing (toFQName, vSpec) import Morphir.IR.SDK.Maybe exposing (maybeType) import Morphir.IR.SDK.String exposing (stringType) import Morphir.IR.Type as Type exposing (Specification(..), Type(..)) import Morphir.IR.Value as Value moduleName : ModuleName moduleName = Path.fromString "LocalDate" moduleSpec : Module.Specification () moduleSpec = { types = Dict.fromList [ ( Name.fromString "LocalDate", OpaqueTypeSpecification [] |> Documented "Type that represents a date concept." ) ] , values = Dict.fromList [ vSpec "fromISO" [ ( "iso", stringType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "fromParts" [ ( "year", intType () ), ( "month", intType () ), ( "day", intType () ) ] (maybeType () (localDateType ())) , vSpec "diffInDays" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInWeeks" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInMonths" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "diffInYears" [ ( "date1", localDateType () ), ( "date2", localDateType () ) ] (intType ()) , vSpec "addDays" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addWeeks" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addMonths" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) , vSpec "addYears" [ ( "offset", intType () ), ( "startDate", localDateType () ) ] (localDateType ()) ] } localDateType : a -> Type a localDateType attributes = Reference attributes (toFQName moduleName "LocalDate") []
[ { "context": "ord password ->\n ( { model | password = password }, Cmd.none )\n\n InputMessage message ->\n ", "end": 2198, "score": 0.998927772, "start": 2190, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module Example1 exposing (main) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html, button, div, form, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (checked, style, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onInput, onSubmit) import Validator.Bool import Validator.Named exposing (Validated, checkOnly, noCheck, validate, validateMany) import Validator.String type Msg = InputName String | InputEmail String | InputAge String | InputPassword String | InputMessage String | ToggleApproved Bool | Submitted type alias Model = { name : String , email : String , age : String , password : String , message : String , approved : Bool , validated : Validated String ValidForm } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { name = "" , email = "" , age = "" , password = "" , message = "" , approved = False , validated = Err Dict.empty } , Cmd.none ) type alias ValidForm = { name : String , email : String , age : Int , password : String , message : String } validateForm : Model -> Validated String ValidForm validateForm model = Ok ValidForm |> validate "name" (Validator.String.notEmpty "name is required") model.name |> validate "email" (Validator.String.isEmail "email is invalid") model.email |> validate "age" (Validator.String.isInt "age is not a number") model.age |> validateMany "password" [ Validator.String.hasLetter "password needs to contain letters" , Validator.String.hasNumber "password needs to contain numbers" ] model.password |> noCheck model.message |> checkOnly "approved" (Validator.Bool.isTrue "please approve") model.approved update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputName name -> ( { model | name = name }, Cmd.none ) InputEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) InputAge age -> ( { model | age = age }, Cmd.none ) InputPassword password -> ( { model | password = password }, Cmd.none ) InputMessage message -> ( { model | message = message }, Cmd.none ) ToggleApproved approved -> ( { model | approved = approved }, Cmd.none ) Submitted -> let validated = validateForm model in -- We save the validation result, so we can display errors in the view function ( { model | validated = validated } , case validated of Err _ -> Cmd.none Ok validForm -> postForm validForm ) postForm : ValidForm -> Cmd Msg postForm validForm = -- postForm only accepts validated forms Debug.log "form submitted" validForm |> (\_ -> Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = form [ onSubmit Submitted ] [ div [] [ label [] [ div [] [ text "Name" ] , input [ onInput InputName, value model.name ] [] , viewErrors "name" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Email" ] , input [ onInput InputEmail, value model.email ] [] , viewErrors "email" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Age" ] , input [ onInput InputAge, value model.age ] [] , viewErrors "age" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Password" ] , input [ onInput InputPassword, value model.password ] [] , viewErrors "password" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Message" ] , input [ onInput InputMessage, value model.message ] [] , viewErrors "message" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Approve stuff" ] , input [ type_ "checkbox", onCheck ToggleApproved, checked model.approved ] [] , viewErrors "approved" model.validated ] ] , button [] [ text "Submit" ] ] viewErrors : String -> Validated String ValidForm -> Html Msg viewErrors fieldName validated = case Validator.Named.getErrors fieldName validated of Nothing -> text "" Just errors -> div [] (List.map (\error -> div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ] ) errors ) main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \_ -> init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
module Example1 exposing (main) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html, button, div, form, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (checked, style, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onInput, onSubmit) import Validator.Bool import Validator.Named exposing (Validated, checkOnly, noCheck, validate, validateMany) import Validator.String type Msg = InputName String | InputEmail String | InputAge String | InputPassword String | InputMessage String | ToggleApproved Bool | Submitted type alias Model = { name : String , email : String , age : String , password : String , message : String , approved : Bool , validated : Validated String ValidForm } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { name = "" , email = "" , age = "" , password = "" , message = "" , approved = False , validated = Err Dict.empty } , Cmd.none ) type alias ValidForm = { name : String , email : String , age : Int , password : String , message : String } validateForm : Model -> Validated String ValidForm validateForm model = Ok ValidForm |> validate "name" (Validator.String.notEmpty "name is required") model.name |> validate "email" (Validator.String.isEmail "email is invalid") model.email |> validate "age" (Validator.String.isInt "age is not a number") model.age |> validateMany "password" [ Validator.String.hasLetter "password needs to contain letters" , Validator.String.hasNumber "password needs to contain numbers" ] model.password |> noCheck model.message |> checkOnly "approved" (Validator.Bool.isTrue "please approve") model.approved update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputName name -> ( { model | name = name }, Cmd.none ) InputEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) InputAge age -> ( { model | age = age }, Cmd.none ) InputPassword password -> ( { model | password = <PASSWORD> }, Cmd.none ) InputMessage message -> ( { model | message = message }, Cmd.none ) ToggleApproved approved -> ( { model | approved = approved }, Cmd.none ) Submitted -> let validated = validateForm model in -- We save the validation result, so we can display errors in the view function ( { model | validated = validated } , case validated of Err _ -> Cmd.none Ok validForm -> postForm validForm ) postForm : ValidForm -> Cmd Msg postForm validForm = -- postForm only accepts validated forms Debug.log "form submitted" validForm |> (\_ -> Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = form [ onSubmit Submitted ] [ div [] [ label [] [ div [] [ text "Name" ] , input [ onInput InputName, value model.name ] [] , viewErrors "name" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Email" ] , input [ onInput InputEmail, value model.email ] [] , viewErrors "email" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Age" ] , input [ onInput InputAge, value model.age ] [] , viewErrors "age" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Password" ] , input [ onInput InputPassword, value model.password ] [] , viewErrors "password" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Message" ] , input [ onInput InputMessage, value model.message ] [] , viewErrors "message" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Approve stuff" ] , input [ type_ "checkbox", onCheck ToggleApproved, checked model.approved ] [] , viewErrors "approved" model.validated ] ] , button [] [ text "Submit" ] ] viewErrors : String -> Validated String ValidForm -> Html Msg viewErrors fieldName validated = case Validator.Named.getErrors fieldName validated of Nothing -> text "" Just errors -> div [] (List.map (\error -> div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ] ) errors ) main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \_ -> init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
module Example1 exposing (main) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html, button, div, form, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (checked, style, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onCheck, onInput, onSubmit) import Validator.Bool import Validator.Named exposing (Validated, checkOnly, noCheck, validate, validateMany) import Validator.String type Msg = InputName String | InputEmail String | InputAge String | InputPassword String | InputMessage String | ToggleApproved Bool | Submitted type alias Model = { name : String , email : String , age : String , password : String , message : String , approved : Bool , validated : Validated String ValidForm } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { name = "" , email = "" , age = "" , password = "" , message = "" , approved = False , validated = Err Dict.empty } , Cmd.none ) type alias ValidForm = { name : String , email : String , age : Int , password : String , message : String } validateForm : Model -> Validated String ValidForm validateForm model = Ok ValidForm |> validate "name" (Validator.String.notEmpty "name is required") model.name |> validate "email" (Validator.String.isEmail "email is invalid") model.email |> validate "age" (Validator.String.isInt "age is not a number") model.age |> validateMany "password" [ Validator.String.hasLetter "password needs to contain letters" , Validator.String.hasNumber "password needs to contain numbers" ] model.password |> noCheck model.message |> checkOnly "approved" (Validator.Bool.isTrue "please approve") model.approved update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputName name -> ( { model | name = name }, Cmd.none ) InputEmail email -> ( { model | email = email }, Cmd.none ) InputAge age -> ( { model | age = age }, Cmd.none ) InputPassword password -> ( { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI }, Cmd.none ) InputMessage message -> ( { model | message = message }, Cmd.none ) ToggleApproved approved -> ( { model | approved = approved }, Cmd.none ) Submitted -> let validated = validateForm model in -- We save the validation result, so we can display errors in the view function ( { model | validated = validated } , case validated of Err _ -> Cmd.none Ok validForm -> postForm validForm ) postForm : ValidForm -> Cmd Msg postForm validForm = -- postForm only accepts validated forms Debug.log "form submitted" validForm |> (\_ -> Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = form [ onSubmit Submitted ] [ div [] [ label [] [ div [] [ text "Name" ] , input [ onInput InputName, value model.name ] [] , viewErrors "name" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Email" ] , input [ onInput InputEmail, value model.email ] [] , viewErrors "email" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Age" ] , input [ onInput InputAge, value model.age ] [] , viewErrors "age" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Password" ] , input [ onInput InputPassword, value model.password ] [] , viewErrors "password" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Message" ] , input [ onInput InputMessage, value model.message ] [] , viewErrors "message" model.validated ] ] , div [] [ label [ style "width" "200px" ] [ div [] [ text "Approve stuff" ] , input [ type_ "checkbox", onCheck ToggleApproved, checked model.approved ] [] , viewErrors "approved" model.validated ] ] , button [] [ text "Submit" ] ] viewErrors : String -> Validated String ValidForm -> Html Msg viewErrors fieldName validated = case Validator.Named.getErrors fieldName validated of Nothing -> text "" Just errors -> div [] (List.map (\error -> div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ] ) errors ) main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \_ -> init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
[ { "context": "\ntodos : List Todo\ntodos =\n [ Todo 0 \"Dinner at John's\" False\n , Todo 1 \"Mom's birthday soon\" False\n ", "end": 816, "score": 0.9542362094, "start": 810, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John's" }, { "context": " [ Todo 0 \"Dinner at John's\" False\n , Todo 1 \"Mom's birthday soon\" False\n , Todo 2 \"Call Jerry a", "end": 841, "score": 0.6994559169, "start": 838, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mom" }, { "context": "o 1 \"Mom's birthday soon\" False\n , Todo 2 \"Call Jerry asap!\" False\n , Todo 3 \"Meeting at Dublin on S", "end": 889, "score": 0.9698264003, "start": 884, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jerry" }, { "context": " \"Call Jerry asap!\" False\n , Todo 3 \"Meeting at Dublin on Saturday\" True\n , Todo 4 \"Feed the dog\" Fal", "end": 934, "score": 0.8080727458, "start": 928, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dublin" } ]
-- Tutorial todo for blog you can find at module Main exposing (..) import Browser exposing (sandbox) import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, header, div, ul, li, h1, h3, text, input) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, id, value, placeholder) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick, onDoubleClick, on, keyCode) import Json.Decode as Json main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox {init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL -- Consider the Model as all the states of our app, any update be made to it. type alias Model = {todos: List Todo , field: String } type alias Todo = {id : Int , text : String , isDone: Bool } -- Prepopulate list with initial values todos : List Todo todos = [ Todo 0 "Dinner at John's" False , Todo 1 "Mom's birthday soon" False , Todo 2 "Call Jerry asap!" False , Todo 3 "Meeting at Dublin on Saturday" True , Todo 4 "Feed the dog" False , Todo 5 "" False , Todo 6 "www.littlescrawl.com" False , Todo 7 "Thank you" False , Todo 8 "" False ] init : Model init = {todos = todos , field = "" } -- END MODEL -- UPDATE type Msg = AddTodo | AddText String | RemoveTodo Int | KeyDown Int | ToggleTodo Int onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (Json.map tagger keyCode) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of AddText text -> {model | field = text} AddTodo -> {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } KeyDown key -> if key == 13 then {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } else model RemoveTodo id -> {model | todos = List.filter (\x->x.id /= id ) model.todos} ToggleTodo id -> {model | todos = List.map (\x -> if (x.id == id) then {x | isDone = not (x.isDone) } else x ) model.todos} -- END UPDATE -- VIEWS appHeader : Html Msg appHeader = header [] [h1 [] [ text "TO:DO" ] , h3 [] [ text "Do it with Elm!" ] ] appInput : Model -> Html Msg appInput model = input [ placeholder "Enter todo", value model.field, onInput AddText, onKeyDown KeyDown] [] todoList : Model -> Html Msg todoList model = ul [ class "todos-container" ] (List.map (\l -> li [ class (if l.isDone then "is-done" else ""), onClick (ToggleTodo l.id), onDoubleClick (RemoveTodo l.id) ] [ text l.text ]) model.todos) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "app" ] [appHeader , appInput model , todoList model ] -- END VIEW
-- Tutorial todo for blog you can find at module Main exposing (..) import Browser exposing (sandbox) import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, header, div, ul, li, h1, h3, text, input) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, id, value, placeholder) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick, onDoubleClick, on, keyCode) import Json.Decode as Json main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox {init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL -- Consider the Model as all the states of our app, any update be made to it. type alias Model = {todos: List Todo , field: String } type alias Todo = {id : Int , text : String , isDone: Bool } -- Prepopulate list with initial values todos : List Todo todos = [ Todo 0 "Dinner at <NAME>" False , Todo 1 "<NAME>'s birthday soon" False , Todo 2 "Call <NAME> asap!" False , Todo 3 "Meeting at <NAME> on Saturday" True , Todo 4 "Feed the dog" False , Todo 5 "" False , Todo 6 "www.littlescrawl.com" False , Todo 7 "Thank you" False , Todo 8 "" False ] init : Model init = {todos = todos , field = "" } -- END MODEL -- UPDATE type Msg = AddTodo | AddText String | RemoveTodo Int | KeyDown Int | ToggleTodo Int onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (Json.map tagger keyCode) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of AddText text -> {model | field = text} AddTodo -> {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } KeyDown key -> if key == 13 then {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } else model RemoveTodo id -> {model | todos = List.filter (\x->x.id /= id ) model.todos} ToggleTodo id -> {model | todos = List.map (\x -> if (x.id == id) then {x | isDone = not (x.isDone) } else x ) model.todos} -- END UPDATE -- VIEWS appHeader : Html Msg appHeader = header [] [h1 [] [ text "TO:DO" ] , h3 [] [ text "Do it with Elm!" ] ] appInput : Model -> Html Msg appInput model = input [ placeholder "Enter todo", value model.field, onInput AddText, onKeyDown KeyDown] [] todoList : Model -> Html Msg todoList model = ul [ class "todos-container" ] (List.map (\l -> li [ class (if l.isDone then "is-done" else ""), onClick (ToggleTodo l.id), onDoubleClick (RemoveTodo l.id) ] [ text l.text ]) model.todos) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "app" ] [appHeader , appInput model , todoList model ] -- END VIEW
-- Tutorial todo for blog you can find at module Main exposing (..) import Browser exposing (sandbox) import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, header, div, ul, li, h1, h3, text, input) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, id, value, placeholder) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick, onDoubleClick, on, keyCode) import Json.Decode as Json main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox {init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL -- Consider the Model as all the states of our app, any update be made to it. type alias Model = {todos: List Todo , field: String } type alias Todo = {id : Int , text : String , isDone: Bool } -- Prepopulate list with initial values todos : List Todo todos = [ Todo 0 "Dinner at PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" False , Todo 1 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's birthday soon" False , Todo 2 "Call PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI asap!" False , Todo 3 "Meeting at PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI on Saturday" True , Todo 4 "Feed the dog" False , Todo 5 "" False , Todo 6 "www.littlescrawl.com" False , Todo 7 "Thank you" False , Todo 8 "" False ] init : Model init = {todos = todos , field = "" } -- END MODEL -- UPDATE type Msg = AddTodo | AddText String | RemoveTodo Int | KeyDown Int | ToggleTodo Int onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (Json.map tagger keyCode) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of AddText text -> {model | field = text} AddTodo -> {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } KeyDown key -> if key == 13 then {model | todos = model.todos ++ [Todo (List.length model.todos) model.field False], field = "" } else model RemoveTodo id -> {model | todos = List.filter (\x->x.id /= id ) model.todos} ToggleTodo id -> {model | todos = List.map (\x -> if (x.id == id) then {x | isDone = not (x.isDone) } else x ) model.todos} -- END UPDATE -- VIEWS appHeader : Html Msg appHeader = header [] [h1 [] [ text "TO:DO" ] , h3 [] [ text "Do it with Elm!" ] ] appInput : Model -> Html Msg appInput model = input [ placeholder "Enter todo", value model.field, onInput AddText, onKeyDown KeyDown] [] todoList : Model -> Html Msg todoList model = ul [ class "todos-container" ] (List.map (\l -> li [ class (if l.isDone then "is-done" else ""), onClick (ToggleTodo l.id), onDoubleClick (RemoveTodo l.id) ] [ text l.text ]) model.todos) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "app" ] [appHeader , appInput model , todoList model ] -- END VIEW
[ { "context": "nputEmail\n , viewInput \"password\" \"Password\" model.form.password InputPassword\n ", "end": 4701, "score": 0.9941838384, "start": 4693, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Browser exposing (Document) import Bytes exposing (Bytes) import File.Download as DL import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Key exposing (Key) import VitePluginHelper as V main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Flags = { apiUrl : Maybe String } type alias Model = { form : Key , status : Status , apiUrl : String } type Status = Ready | Failure Error | Loading | Success type Error = ServerError String | EnvError type Msg = InputCompanyName String | InputTaxId String | InputEmail String | InputPassword String | SubmitForm | ClearForm | GotBytes Bytes | ChangeStatus Status init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = let ( apiUrl, status ) = case flags.apiUrl of Nothing -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just "" -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just s -> ( s, Ready ) in ( { form = Key.empty , status = status , apiUrl = apiUrl } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputCompanyName companyName -> updateForm (\form -> { form | companyName = companyName }) model InputTaxId taxId -> updateForm (\form -> { form | taxId = taxId |> String.replace "." "" |> String.replace "-" "" }) model InputEmail email -> updateForm (\form -> { form | email = email }) model InputPassword password -> updateForm (\form -> { form | password = password }) model SubmitForm -> submitForm model ClearForm -> clearForm model GotBytes bytes -> downloadFile bytes model ChangeStatus status -> ( changeStatus status model, Cmd.none ) changeStatus : Status -> Model -> Model changeStatus status model = { model | status = status } downloadFile : Bytes -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) downloadFile bytes model = ( changeStatus Success model, DL.bytes (model.form.taxId ++ ".p12") "application/x-pkcs12" bytes ) updateForm : (Key -> Key) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) updateForm transform model = ( { model | form = transform model.form }, Cmd.none ) submitForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) submitForm model = let toMsg result = case result of Ok b -> GotBytes b Err e -> ChangeStatus <| Failure e toResult response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (ServerError <| "You did not provide a valid URL: (" ++ s ++ ").") Http.Timeout_ -> Err (ServerError "It took too long to get a response.") Http.NetworkError_ -> Err (ServerError "Cannot reach the server.") Http.BadStatus_ data _ -> Err (ServerError <| "Error " ++ String.fromInt data.statusCode ++ ": " ++ data.statusText ++ ".") Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> Ok body in ( changeStatus Loading model , Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = model.apiUrl ++ "/pkcs12" , body = Http.jsonBody <| Key.encode model.form , expect = Http.expectBytesResponse toMsg toResult , timeout = Just 30000 , tracker = Nothing } ) clearForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) clearForm model = ( { model | form = Key.empty }, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Document Msg view model = Document "Genkey Impact" [ div [ class "h-full flex flex-col justify-start items-center gap-4 p-4 text-sm md:text-lg" ] [ h1 [ class "my-4 font-serif text-3xl font-bold text-sky-700" ] [ text "Genkey Impact" ] , Html.form [ novalidate True, onSubmit SubmitForm, class "w-full sm:max-w-screen-sm flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch gap-4 p-2 md:p-8" ] [ viewInput "text" "Company Name" model.form.companyName InputCompanyName , viewInput "text" "NPWP" model.form.taxId InputTaxId , viewInput "email" "Email" model.form.email InputEmail , viewInput "password" "Password" model.form.password InputPassword , button [ type_ "submit" , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-300 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-500 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-500 font-semibold text-blue-800 disabled:bg-gray-300 disabled:border-gray-300 disabled:text-gray-700" , disabled (model.status == Loading || model.status == Failure EnvError) ] [ text "Submit" ] , button [ type_ "button" , onClick ClearForm , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-100 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-200 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-200 font-semibold text-blue-800" , disabled (model.status == Loading) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] , viewMessage model.status ] ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ class "px-4 py-2 rounded bg-white border-2 border-sky-400 hover:border-indigo-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 placeholder:text-sky-300" , type_ t , placeholder p , value v , onInput toMsg ] [] viewMessage : Status -> Html msg viewMessage status = let ( icon, primary, secondary ) = case status of Failure _ -> ( V.asset "/assets/error.svg", "border-red-500 bg-rose-50", "text-red-800" ) Success -> ( V.asset "/assets/success.svg", "border-emerald-600 bg-emerald-50", "text-green-800" ) Ready -> ( V.asset "/assets/info.svg", "border-blue-400 bg-sky-50", "text-blue-800" ) Loading -> ( V.asset "/assets/loading.svg", "border-cyan-300 bg-cyan-50", "text-cyan-700" ) message = case status of Ready -> "Please input your digital certificate information." Loading -> "Loading ..." Failure e -> case e of EnvError -> "The API URL is empty. You can't send information to the server." ServerError s -> s Success -> "Your digital certificate has been created. Please check your downloads." in div [ class primary, class "max-w-xl flex justify-center items-center gap-4 p-4 rounded-lg border-4" ] [ img [ src icon, width 48, height 48 ] [] , p [ class secondary, class "text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" ] [ text message ] ]
module Main exposing (main) import Browser exposing (Document) import Bytes exposing (Bytes) import File.Download as DL import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Key exposing (Key) import VitePluginHelper as V main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Flags = { apiUrl : Maybe String } type alias Model = { form : Key , status : Status , apiUrl : String } type Status = Ready | Failure Error | Loading | Success type Error = ServerError String | EnvError type Msg = InputCompanyName String | InputTaxId String | InputEmail String | InputPassword String | SubmitForm | ClearForm | GotBytes Bytes | ChangeStatus Status init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = let ( apiUrl, status ) = case flags.apiUrl of Nothing -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just "" -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just s -> ( s, Ready ) in ( { form = Key.empty , status = status , apiUrl = apiUrl } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputCompanyName companyName -> updateForm (\form -> { form | companyName = companyName }) model InputTaxId taxId -> updateForm (\form -> { form | taxId = taxId |> String.replace "." "" |> String.replace "-" "" }) model InputEmail email -> updateForm (\form -> { form | email = email }) model InputPassword password -> updateForm (\form -> { form | password = password }) model SubmitForm -> submitForm model ClearForm -> clearForm model GotBytes bytes -> downloadFile bytes model ChangeStatus status -> ( changeStatus status model, Cmd.none ) changeStatus : Status -> Model -> Model changeStatus status model = { model | status = status } downloadFile : Bytes -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) downloadFile bytes model = ( changeStatus Success model, DL.bytes (model.form.taxId ++ ".p12") "application/x-pkcs12" bytes ) updateForm : (Key -> Key) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) updateForm transform model = ( { model | form = transform model.form }, Cmd.none ) submitForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) submitForm model = let toMsg result = case result of Ok b -> GotBytes b Err e -> ChangeStatus <| Failure e toResult response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (ServerError <| "You did not provide a valid URL: (" ++ s ++ ").") Http.Timeout_ -> Err (ServerError "It took too long to get a response.") Http.NetworkError_ -> Err (ServerError "Cannot reach the server.") Http.BadStatus_ data _ -> Err (ServerError <| "Error " ++ String.fromInt data.statusCode ++ ": " ++ data.statusText ++ ".") Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> Ok body in ( changeStatus Loading model , Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = model.apiUrl ++ "/pkcs12" , body = Http.jsonBody <| Key.encode model.form , expect = Http.expectBytesResponse toMsg toResult , timeout = Just 30000 , tracker = Nothing } ) clearForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) clearForm model = ( { model | form = Key.empty }, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Document Msg view model = Document "Genkey Impact" [ div [ class "h-full flex flex-col justify-start items-center gap-4 p-4 text-sm md:text-lg" ] [ h1 [ class "my-4 font-serif text-3xl font-bold text-sky-700" ] [ text "Genkey Impact" ] , Html.form [ novalidate True, onSubmit SubmitForm, class "w-full sm:max-w-screen-sm flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch gap-4 p-2 md:p-8" ] [ viewInput "text" "Company Name" model.form.companyName InputCompanyName , viewInput "text" "NPWP" model.form.taxId InputTaxId , viewInput "email" "Email" model.form.email InputEmail , viewInput "password" "<PASSWORD>" model.form.password InputPassword , button [ type_ "submit" , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-300 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-500 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-500 font-semibold text-blue-800 disabled:bg-gray-300 disabled:border-gray-300 disabled:text-gray-700" , disabled (model.status == Loading || model.status == Failure EnvError) ] [ text "Submit" ] , button [ type_ "button" , onClick ClearForm , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-100 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-200 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-200 font-semibold text-blue-800" , disabled (model.status == Loading) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] , viewMessage model.status ] ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ class "px-4 py-2 rounded bg-white border-2 border-sky-400 hover:border-indigo-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 placeholder:text-sky-300" , type_ t , placeholder p , value v , onInput toMsg ] [] viewMessage : Status -> Html msg viewMessage status = let ( icon, primary, secondary ) = case status of Failure _ -> ( V.asset "/assets/error.svg", "border-red-500 bg-rose-50", "text-red-800" ) Success -> ( V.asset "/assets/success.svg", "border-emerald-600 bg-emerald-50", "text-green-800" ) Ready -> ( V.asset "/assets/info.svg", "border-blue-400 bg-sky-50", "text-blue-800" ) Loading -> ( V.asset "/assets/loading.svg", "border-cyan-300 bg-cyan-50", "text-cyan-700" ) message = case status of Ready -> "Please input your digital certificate information." Loading -> "Loading ..." Failure e -> case e of EnvError -> "The API URL is empty. You can't send information to the server." ServerError s -> s Success -> "Your digital certificate has been created. Please check your downloads." in div [ class primary, class "max-w-xl flex justify-center items-center gap-4 p-4 rounded-lg border-4" ] [ img [ src icon, width 48, height 48 ] [] , p [ class secondary, class "text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" ] [ text message ] ]
module Main exposing (main) import Browser exposing (Document) import Bytes exposing (Bytes) import File.Download as DL import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Key exposing (Key) import VitePluginHelper as V main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Flags = { apiUrl : Maybe String } type alias Model = { form : Key , status : Status , apiUrl : String } type Status = Ready | Failure Error | Loading | Success type Error = ServerError String | EnvError type Msg = InputCompanyName String | InputTaxId String | InputEmail String | InputPassword String | SubmitForm | ClearForm | GotBytes Bytes | ChangeStatus Status init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = let ( apiUrl, status ) = case flags.apiUrl of Nothing -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just "" -> ( "", Failure EnvError ) Just s -> ( s, Ready ) in ( { form = Key.empty , status = status , apiUrl = apiUrl } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of InputCompanyName companyName -> updateForm (\form -> { form | companyName = companyName }) model InputTaxId taxId -> updateForm (\form -> { form | taxId = taxId |> String.replace "." "" |> String.replace "-" "" }) model InputEmail email -> updateForm (\form -> { form | email = email }) model InputPassword password -> updateForm (\form -> { form | password = password }) model SubmitForm -> submitForm model ClearForm -> clearForm model GotBytes bytes -> downloadFile bytes model ChangeStatus status -> ( changeStatus status model, Cmd.none ) changeStatus : Status -> Model -> Model changeStatus status model = { model | status = status } downloadFile : Bytes -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) downloadFile bytes model = ( changeStatus Success model, DL.bytes (model.form.taxId ++ ".p12") "application/x-pkcs12" bytes ) updateForm : (Key -> Key) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) updateForm transform model = ( { model | form = transform model.form }, Cmd.none ) submitForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) submitForm model = let toMsg result = case result of Ok b -> GotBytes b Err e -> ChangeStatus <| Failure e toResult response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (ServerError <| "You did not provide a valid URL: (" ++ s ++ ").") Http.Timeout_ -> Err (ServerError "It took too long to get a response.") Http.NetworkError_ -> Err (ServerError "Cannot reach the server.") Http.BadStatus_ data _ -> Err (ServerError <| "Error " ++ String.fromInt data.statusCode ++ ": " ++ data.statusText ++ ".") Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> Ok body in ( changeStatus Loading model , Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = model.apiUrl ++ "/pkcs12" , body = Http.jsonBody <| Key.encode model.form , expect = Http.expectBytesResponse toMsg toResult , timeout = Just 30000 , tracker = Nothing } ) clearForm : Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) clearForm model = ( { model | form = Key.empty }, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Document Msg view model = Document "Genkey Impact" [ div [ class "h-full flex flex-col justify-start items-center gap-4 p-4 text-sm md:text-lg" ] [ h1 [ class "my-4 font-serif text-3xl font-bold text-sky-700" ] [ text "Genkey Impact" ] , Html.form [ novalidate True, onSubmit SubmitForm, class "w-full sm:max-w-screen-sm flex flex-col justify-start items-stretch gap-4 p-2 md:p-8" ] [ viewInput "text" "Company Name" model.form.companyName InputCompanyName , viewInput "text" "NPWP" model.form.taxId InputTaxId , viewInput "email" "Email" model.form.email InputEmail , viewInput "password" "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" model.form.password InputPassword , button [ type_ "submit" , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-300 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-500 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-500 font-semibold text-blue-800 disabled:bg-gray-300 disabled:border-gray-300 disabled:text-gray-700" , disabled (model.status == Loading || model.status == Failure EnvError) ] [ text "Submit" ] , button [ type_ "button" , onClick ClearForm , class "px-4 py-2 rounded border-2 border-sky-400 bg-sky-100 focus:outline-none hover:bg-sky-200 active:border-indigo-600 focus:bg-sky-200 font-semibold text-blue-800" , disabled (model.status == Loading) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] , viewMessage model.status ] ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ class "px-4 py-2 rounded bg-white border-2 border-sky-400 hover:border-indigo-500 focus:outline-none focus:border-blue-500 placeholder:text-sky-300" , type_ t , placeholder p , value v , onInput toMsg ] [] viewMessage : Status -> Html msg viewMessage status = let ( icon, primary, secondary ) = case status of Failure _ -> ( V.asset "/assets/error.svg", "border-red-500 bg-rose-50", "text-red-800" ) Success -> ( V.asset "/assets/success.svg", "border-emerald-600 bg-emerald-50", "text-green-800" ) Ready -> ( V.asset "/assets/info.svg", "border-blue-400 bg-sky-50", "text-blue-800" ) Loading -> ( V.asset "/assets/loading.svg", "border-cyan-300 bg-cyan-50", "text-cyan-700" ) message = case status of Ready -> "Please input your digital certificate information." Loading -> "Loading ..." Failure e -> case e of EnvError -> "The API URL is empty. You can't send information to the server." ServerError s -> s Success -> "Your digital certificate has been created. Please check your downloads." in div [ class primary, class "max-w-xl flex justify-center items-center gap-4 p-4 rounded-lg border-4" ] [ img [ src icon, width 48, height 48 ] [] , p [ class secondary, class "text-ellipsis overflow-hidden" ] [ text message ] ]
[ { "context": "s : List Quiz.Question\nquestions =\n [ ( True, \"Aero\" )\n , ( False, \"Mars Bar\" )\n , ( True, \"All", "end": 418, "score": 0.9977430105, "start": 414, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Aero" }, { "context": "uestions =\n [ ( True, \"Aero\" )\n , ( False, \"Mars Bar\" )\n , ( True, \"Allens\" )\n , ( False, \"Cadbu", "end": 446, "score": 0.9996714592, "start": 438, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mars Bar" }, { "context": "ero\" )\n , ( False, \"Mars Bar\" )\n , ( True, \"Allens\" )\n , ( False, \"Cadbury\" )\n , ( True, \"Uncl", "end": 471, "score": 0.9995825291, "start": 465, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Allens" }, { "context": "s Bar\" )\n , ( True, \"Allens\" )\n , ( False, \"Cadbury\" )\n , ( True, \"Uncle Tobys\" )\n , ( False, \"", "end": 498, "score": 0.998931706, "start": 491, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Cadbury" }, { "context": "lens\" )\n , ( False, \"Cadbury\" )\n , ( True, \"Uncle Tobys\" )\n , ( False, \"Weet-Bix\" )\n , ( True, \"Che", "end": 528, "score": 0.9994571805, "start": 517, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Uncle Tobys" }, { "context": "\" )\n , ( True, \"Uncle Tobys\" )\n , ( False, \"Weet-Bix\" )\n , ( True, \"Cheerios\" )\n , ( False, \"Kel", "end": 556, "score": 0.991546154, "start": 548, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Weet-Bix" }, { "context": "bys\" )\n , ( False, \"Weet-Bix\" )\n , ( True, \"Cheerios\" )\n , ( False, \"Kellogg's Corn Flakes\" )\n ,", "end": 583, "score": 0.9995430112, "start": 575, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Cheerios" }, { "context": "Bix\" )\n , ( True, \"Cheerios\" )\n , ( False, \"Kellogg's Corn Flakes\" )\n , ( True, \"Quick-eze\" )\n , ( False, \"Re", "end": 624, "score": 0.9939541221, "start": 603, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kellogg's Corn Flakes" }, { "context": "( False, \"Kellogg's Corn Flakes\" )\n , ( True, \"Quick-eze\" )\n , ( False, \"Rennie\" )\n , ( True, \"Butte", "end": 652, "score": 0.8546785116, "start": 643, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Quick-eze" }, { "context": "es\" )\n , ( True, \"Quick-eze\" )\n , ( False, \"Rennie\" )\n , ( True, \"Butter Menthols\" )\n , ( Fals", "end": 678, "score": 0.9996576905, "start": 672, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rennie" }, { "context": "k-eze\" )\n , ( False, \"Rennie\" )\n , ( True, \"Butter Menthols\" )\n , ( False, \"Fisherman's Friend\" )\n , ( ", "end": 712, "score": 0.9996768236, "start": 697, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Butter Menthols" }, { "context": " , ( True, \"Butter Menthols\" )\n , ( False, \"Fisherman's Friend\" )\n , ( True, \"Crunch\" )\n , ( False, \"Krack", "end": 750, "score": 0.9814406633, "start": 732, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Fisherman's Friend" }, { "context": " , ( False, \"Fisherman's Friend\" )\n , ( True, \"Crunch\" )\n , ( False, \"Krackel\" )\n , ( True, \"Fanc", "end": 775, "score": 0.9994556308, "start": 769, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Crunch" }, { "context": "riend\" )\n , ( True, \"Crunch\" )\n , ( False, \"Krackel\" )\n , ( True, \"Fancy Feast\" )\n , ( True, \"F", "end": 802, "score": 0.9994707704, "start": 795, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Krackel" }, { "context": "unch\" )\n , ( False, \"Krackel\" )\n , ( True, \"Fancy Feast\" )\n , ( True, \"Friskies\" )\n , ( False, \"Whi", "end": 832, "score": 0.9987371564, "start": 821, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Fancy Feast" }, { "context": "l\" )\n , ( True, \"Fancy Feast\" )\n , ( True, \"Friskies\" )\n , ( False, \"Whiskas\" )\n , ( False, \"Pur", "end": 859, "score": 0.9992542863, "start": 851, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Friskies" }, { "context": "ast\" )\n , ( True, \"Friskies\" )\n , ( False, \"Whiskas\" )\n , ( False, \"Purina\" )\n , ( True, \"Gerbe", "end": 886, "score": 0.9979540706, "start": 879, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Whiskas" }, { "context": "ies\" )\n , ( False, \"Whiskas\" )\n , ( False, \"Purina\" )\n , ( True, \"Gerber (Baby Formula)\" )\n , ", "end": 912, "score": 0.9992548227, "start": 906, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Purina" }, { "context": "iskas\" )\n , ( False, \"Purina\" )\n , ( True, \"Gerber (Baby Formula)\" )\n , ( False, \"Enfamil (Baby F", "end": 937, "score": 0.9965955019, "start": 931, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gerber" }, { "context": "( True, \"Gerber (Baby Formula)\" )\n , ( False, \"Enfamil (Baby Formula)\" )\n , ( True, \"Häagen-Dazs\" )\n ", "end": 979, "score": 0.9761007428, "start": 972, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Enfamil" }, { "context": " False, \"Enfamil (Baby Formula)\" )\n , ( True, \"Häagen-Dazs\" )\n , ( False, \"Ben and Jerry\" )\n , ( True,", "end": 1024, "score": 0.9993828535, "start": 1013, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Häagen-Dazs" }, { "context": "\" )\n , ( True, \"Häagen-Dazs\" )\n , ( False, \"Ben and Jerry\" )\n , ( True, \"Kit Kat\" )\n , ( False, \"Snic", "end": 1057, "score": 0.9989228249, "start": 1044, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ben and Jerry" }, { "context": ")\n , ( False, \"Ben and Jerry\" )\n , ( True, \"Kit Kat\" )\n , ( False, \"Snickers\" )\n , ( True, \"Lea", "end": 1083, "score": 0.9996514916, "start": 1076, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kit Kat" }, { "context": "erry\" )\n , ( True, \"Kit Kat\" )\n , ( False, \"Snickers\" )\n , ( True, \"Lean Cuisine\" )\n , ( False, ", "end": 1111, "score": 0.9994246364, "start": 1103, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Snickers" }, { "context": "Kat\" )\n , ( False, \"Snickers\" )\n , ( True, \"Lean Cuisine\" )\n , ( False, \"Weight Watchers\" )\n , ( Tru", "end": 1142, "score": 0.9997301102, "start": 1130, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lean Cuisine" }, { "context": " )\n , ( True, \"Lean Cuisine\" )\n , ( False, \"Weight Watchers\" )\n , ( True, \"Maggi\" )\n , ( False, \"Top Ra", "end": 1177, "score": 0.8856537938, "start": 1162, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Weight Watchers" }, { "context": " , ( False, \"Weight Watchers\" )\n , ( True, \"Maggi\" )\n , ( False, \"Top Ramen\" )\n , ( True, \"Mi", "end": 1201, "score": 0.9995113611, "start": 1196, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Maggi" }, { "context": "tchers\" )\n , ( True, \"Maggi\" )\n , ( False, \"Top Ramen\" )\n , ( True, \"Milo\" )\n , ( False, \"Moove\" ", "end": 1230, "score": 0.9092059731, "start": 1221, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Top Ramen" }, { "context": "gi\" )\n , ( False, \"Top Ramen\" )\n , ( True, \"Milo\" )\n , ( False, \"Moove\" )\n , ( True, \"Mövenp", "end": 1253, "score": 0.9993562698, "start": 1249, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Milo" }, { "context": "p Ramen\" )\n , ( True, \"Milo\" )\n , ( False, \"Moove\" )\n , ( True, \"Mövenpick\" )\n , ( False, \"Ba", "end": 1278, "score": 0.9994788766, "start": 1273, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Moove" }, { "context": " \"Milo\" )\n , ( False, \"Moove\" )\n , ( True, \"Mövenpick\" )\n , ( False, \"Baskin Robbins\" )\n , ( True", "end": 1306, "score": 0.9997440577, "start": 1297, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mövenpick" }, { "context": "ve\" )\n , ( True, \"Mövenpick\" )\n , ( False, \"Baskin Robbins\" )\n , ( True, \"Nescafé\" )\n , ( False, \"Star", "end": 1340, "score": 0.9997816086, "start": 1326, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Baskin Robbins" }, { "context": "\n , ( False, \"Baskin Robbins\" )\n , ( True, \"Nescafé\" )\n , ( False, \"Starbucks\" )\n , ( True, \"Ne", "end": 1366, "score": 0.999729991, "start": 1359, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nescafé" }, { "context": "bins\" )\n , ( True, \"Nescafé\" )\n , ( False, \"Starbucks\" )\n , ( True, \"Nespresso\" )\n , ( False, \"Il", "end": 1395, "score": 0.7881798148, "start": 1386, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Starbucks" }, { "context": "fé\" )\n , ( False, \"Starbucks\" )\n , ( True, \"Nespresso\" )\n , ( False, \"Illy\" )\n , ( True, ", "end": 1415, "score": 0.9696807265, "start": 1414, "tag": "NAME", "value": "N" }, { "context": "é\" )\n , ( False, \"Starbucks\" )\n , ( True, \"Nespresso\" )\n , ( False, \"Illy\" )\n , ( True, \"Nesquic", "end": 1423, "score": 0.9849293828, "start": 1415, "tag": "NAME", "value": "espresso" }, { "context": "ks\" )\n , ( True, \"Nespresso\" )\n , ( False, \"Illy\" )\n , ( True, \"Nesquick\" )\n , ( False, \"Ova", "end": 1447, "score": 0.9935471416, "start": 1443, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Illy" }, { "context": "spresso\" )\n , ( False, \"Illy\" )\n , ( True, \"Nesquick\" )\n , ( False, \"Ovaltine\" )\n , ( True, \"Per", "end": 1474, "score": 0.9862937927, "start": 1466, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nesquick" }, { "context": "lly\" )\n , ( True, \"Nesquick\" )\n , ( False, \"Ovaltine\" )\n , ( True, \"Perrier\" )\n , ( False, \"Evia", "end": 1502, "score": 0.9900281429, "start": 1494, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ovaltine" }, { "context": "ick\" )\n , ( False, \"Ovaltine\" )\n , ( True, \"Perrier\" )\n , ( False, \"Evian\" )\n , ( True, \"San Pe", "end": 1528, "score": 0.9964630008, "start": 1521, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Perrier" }, { "context": "tine\" )\n , ( True, \"Perrier\" )\n , ( False, \"Evian\" )\n , ( True, \"San Pellegrino\" )\n , ( False", "end": 1553, "score": 0.9954420328, "start": 1548, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Evian" }, { "context": "errier\" )\n , ( False, \"Evian\" )\n , ( True, \"San Pellegrino\" )\n , ( False, \"Cool Ridge\" )\n , ( True, \"S", "end": 1586, "score": 0.9990539551, "start": 1572, "tag": "NAME", "value": "San Pellegrino" }, { "context": "\n , ( True, \"San Pellegrino\" )\n , ( False, \"Cool Ridge\" )\n , ( True, \"Smarties\" )\n , ( False, \"M&M", "end": 1616, "score": 0.9641652703, "start": 1606, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Cool Ridge" }, { "context": "o\" )\n , ( False, \"Cool Ridge\" )\n , ( True, \"Smarties\" )\n , ( False, \"M&Ms\" )\n , ( True, \"Nerds\" ", "end": 1643, "score": 0.9856632948, "start": 1635, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Smarties" }, { "context": "dge\" )\n , ( True, \"Smarties\" )\n , ( False, \"M&Ms\" )\n , ( True, \"Nerds\" )\n , ( False, \"Skittl", "end": 1667, "score": 0.6429620385, "start": 1663, "tag": "NAME", "value": "M&Ms" }, { "context": "marties\" )\n , ( False, \"M&Ms\" )\n , ( True, \"Nerds\" )\n , ( False, \"Skittles\" )\n , ( True, \"Won", "end": 1691, "score": 0.9711052775, "start": 1686, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nerds" }, { "context": " \"M&Ms\" )\n , ( True, \"Nerds\" )\n , ( False, \"Skittles\" )\n , ( True, \"Wonka\" )\n , ( False, \"Hershe", "end": 1719, "score": 0.9690733552, "start": 1711, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Skittles" }, { "context": "rds\" )\n , ( False, \"Skittles\" )\n , ( True, \"Wonka\" )\n , ( False, \"Hersheys\" )\n ]\n\n\nshuffleLis", "end": 1743, "score": 0.9876864552, "start": 1738, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Wonka" }, { "context": "ittles\" )\n , ( True, \"Wonka\" )\n , ( False, \"Hersheys\" )\n ]\n\n\nshuffleListToArray : List ( Bool, Stri", "end": 1771, "score": 0.9839018583, "start": 1763, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hersheys" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Quiz exposing (update, view, Question, Model, Msg) import Array import Html exposing (Html, beginnerProgram) import Markdown import Random import Random.Array -- True is Nestle, False is Other. -- I haven’t vetted the practices of all other examples yet, -- but just list the main competitor to each Nestle product. questions : List Quiz.Question questions = [ ( True, "Aero" ) , ( False, "Mars Bar" ) , ( True, "Allens" ) , ( False, "Cadbury" ) , ( True, "Uncle Tobys" ) , ( False, "Weet-Bix" ) , ( True, "Cheerios" ) , ( False, "Kellogg's Corn Flakes" ) , ( True, "Quick-eze" ) , ( False, "Rennie" ) , ( True, "Butter Menthols" ) , ( False, "Fisherman's Friend" ) , ( True, "Crunch" ) , ( False, "Krackel" ) , ( True, "Fancy Feast" ) , ( True, "Friskies" ) , ( False, "Whiskas" ) , ( False, "Purina" ) , ( True, "Gerber (Baby Formula)" ) , ( False, "Enfamil (Baby Formula)" ) , ( True, "Häagen-Dazs" ) , ( False, "Ben and Jerry" ) , ( True, "Kit Kat" ) , ( False, "Snickers" ) , ( True, "Lean Cuisine" ) , ( False, "Weight Watchers" ) , ( True, "Maggi" ) , ( False, "Top Ramen" ) , ( True, "Milo" ) , ( False, "Moove" ) , ( True, "Mövenpick" ) , ( False, "Baskin Robbins" ) , ( True, "Nescafé" ) , ( False, "Starbucks" ) , ( True, "Nespresso" ) , ( False, "Illy" ) , ( True, "Nesquick" ) , ( False, "Ovaltine" ) , ( True, "Perrier" ) , ( False, "Evian" ) , ( True, "San Pellegrino" ) , ( False, "Cool Ridge" ) , ( True, "Smarties" ) , ( False, "M&Ms" ) , ( True, "Nerds" ) , ( False, "Skittles" ) , ( True, "Wonka" ) , ( False, "Hersheys" ) ] shuffleListToArray : List ( Bool, String ) -> Array.Array Quiz.Question shuffleListToArray list = Tuple.first (Random.step (Random.Array.shuffle (Array.fromList list)) (Random.initialSeed 204862737)) instructionsComponent : Html a instructionsComponent = Markdown.toHtml [] """ # Nestle or Not ## Reasons I wanted to learn what products Nestle makes - [Alleged child slavery](https://www.rt.com/usa/328682-child-slavery-scotus-nestle/) - [Alleged water crisis profiteering](https://www.salon.com/2015/04/07/nestles_despicable_water_crisis_profiteering_how_its_making_a_killing_%E2%80%94%C2%A0while_california_is_dying_of_thirst/) - [Discouraging breast feeding](http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards) ## How to Play - A product name will appear. - Click *Nestle* if you think they made it. - Click *Other* if you think they didn't. """ model : Quiz.Model model = { questionId = -1 -- Show Instructions , questions = shuffleListToArray questions , correctAnswers = Array.empty , wrongAnswers = Array.empty , buttonTrue = ( "Nestle", "#005a97" ) , buttonFalse = ( "Other", "#00975a" ) , instructionsComponent = instructionsComponent } main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
module Main exposing (main) import Quiz exposing (update, view, Question, Model, Msg) import Array import Html exposing (Html, beginnerProgram) import Markdown import Random import Random.Array -- True is Nestle, False is Other. -- I haven’t vetted the practices of all other examples yet, -- but just list the main competitor to each Nestle product. questions : List Quiz.Question questions = [ ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME> (Baby Formula)" ) , ( False, "<NAME> (Baby Formula)" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME> <NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) , ( True, "<NAME>" ) , ( False, "<NAME>" ) ] shuffleListToArray : List ( Bool, String ) -> Array.Array Quiz.Question shuffleListToArray list = Tuple.first (Random.step (Random.Array.shuffle (Array.fromList list)) (Random.initialSeed 204862737)) instructionsComponent : Html a instructionsComponent = Markdown.toHtml [] """ # Nestle or Not ## Reasons I wanted to learn what products Nestle makes - [Alleged child slavery](https://www.rt.com/usa/328682-child-slavery-scotus-nestle/) - [Alleged water crisis profiteering](https://www.salon.com/2015/04/07/nestles_despicable_water_crisis_profiteering_how_its_making_a_killing_%E2%80%94%C2%A0while_california_is_dying_of_thirst/) - [Discouraging breast feeding](http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards) ## How to Play - A product name will appear. - Click *Nestle* if you think they made it. - Click *Other* if you think they didn't. """ model : Quiz.Model model = { questionId = -1 -- Show Instructions , questions = shuffleListToArray questions , correctAnswers = Array.empty , wrongAnswers = Array.empty , buttonTrue = ( "Nestle", "#005a97" ) , buttonFalse = ( "Other", "#00975a" ) , instructionsComponent = instructionsComponent } main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
module Main exposing (main) import Quiz exposing (update, view, Question, Model, Msg) import Array import Html exposing (Html, beginnerProgram) import Markdown import Random import Random.Array -- True is Nestle, False is Other. -- I haven’t vetted the practices of all other examples yet, -- but just list the main competitor to each Nestle product. questions : List Quiz.Question questions = [ ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Baby Formula)" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Baby Formula)" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( True, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( False, "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) ] shuffleListToArray : List ( Bool, String ) -> Array.Array Quiz.Question shuffleListToArray list = Tuple.first (Random.step (Random.Array.shuffle (Array.fromList list)) (Random.initialSeed 204862737)) instructionsComponent : Html a instructionsComponent = Markdown.toHtml [] """ # Nestle or Not ## Reasons I wanted to learn what products Nestle makes - [Alleged child slavery](https://www.rt.com/usa/328682-child-slavery-scotus-nestle/) - [Alleged water crisis profiteering](https://www.salon.com/2015/04/07/nestles_despicable_water_crisis_profiteering_how_its_making_a_killing_%E2%80%94%C2%A0while_california_is_dying_of_thirst/) - [Discouraging breast feeding](http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/nestle-baby-milk-scandal-food-industry-standards) ## How to Play - A product name will appear. - Click *Nestle* if you think they made it. - Click *Other* if you think they didn't. """ model : Quiz.Model model = { questionId = -1 -- Show Instructions , questions = shuffleListToArray questions , correctAnswers = Array.empty , wrongAnswers = Array.empty , buttonTrue = ( "Nestle", "#005a97" ) , buttonFalse = ( "Other", "#00975a" ) , instructionsComponent = instructionsComponent } main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = model, view = view, update = update }
[ { "context": "y javascript to work-around\n-- https://github.com/elm-explorations/markdown/issues/1\n-- See https://github.com/dmy/e", "end": 1101, "score": 0.9043254852, "start": 1085, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "elm-explorations" }, { "context": "tions/markdown/issues/1\n-- See https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview/issues/1\n--\n-- Local documentatio", "end": 1149, "score": 0.9996647835, "start": 1146, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dmy" }, { "context": "-link\"\n , href \"https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview\"\n ]\n ", "end": 18826, "score": 0.9987286329, "start": 18823, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dmy" }, { "context": "ext \" \"\n , span [] [ text \"Copyright © 2019 Rémi Lefèvre.\" ]\n ]\n\n\n\n-- Files handling\n\n\nselectFiles ", "end": 18990, "score": 0.9998754263, "start": 18978, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rémi Lefèvre" } ]
port module Main exposing (main) import Block import Browser exposing (UrlRequest(..)) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Docs as Docs import Elm.Error as Error import Elm.Type as Type import Errors exposing (viewError) import File exposing (File) import File.Select as Select import Html exposing (Html, a, div, h1, input, li, span, text, ul) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, id, placeholder, style, title, value) import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, preventDefaultOn) import Html.Extra as Html exposing (viewIf) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Markdown import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Online import Regex import Svg exposing (svg) import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, fill, height, viewBox, width) import Task import Url exposing (Url) import Url.Builder import Url.Parser exposing (Parser) import Url.Parser.Query as Query import Utils.Markdown as Markdown -- PORTS -- -- Urls changes are intercepted by javascript to work-around -- https://github.com/elm-explorations/markdown/issues/1 -- See https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview/issues/1 -- -- Local documentation is stored in local storage to improve -- navigation (mainly when going back from external links). port locationHrefRequested : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port nameUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port compilationUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port readmeUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port docsUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port depsUpdated : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg port storeReadme : String -> Cmd msg port storeDocs : String -> Cmd msg port clearStorage : () -> Cmd msg -- TYPES type Msg = Ignored String | NameUpdated String | CompilationCompleted String | DepsUpdated Decode.Value | OpenFilesClicked | GotFiles File (List File) | ClosePreviewClicked | DocsLoaded String | DocsRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | ReadmeLoaded String | ReadmeRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | FilterChanged String | OwnerChanged Owner | LocationHrefRequested String | UrlRequested UrlRequest | UrlChanged Url type alias Model = { name : Maybe String , readme : Maybe String , modules : List Docs.Module , deps : Dict String Dep , navKey : Nav.Key , url : Url , page : Page , source : Source , online : Bool , error : Maybe Error.Error , filter : String } type alias Dep = { version : String , readme : String , modules : List Docs.Module } type Page = Readme Owner | Module Owner String type Owner = Main | Package String type Source = Local | Remote LoadingState Repo type LoadingState = Loading | LoadingReadme | LoadingDocs | Loaded type alias Repo = { name : String , version : String } type alias Flags = { readme : Maybe String , docs : Maybe String , online : Bool } -- INIT init : Flags -> Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navKey = let source = urlToSource url ( readme, modules ) = initDoc source flags in ( { name = Nothing , readme = readme , modules = modules , deps = Dict.empty , navKey = navKey , url = url , page = urlToPage url Main , source = source , online = flags.online , error = Nothing , filter = "" } , Cmd.batch [ focusOpenFilesLink , getDoc source , scrollToFragment url ] ) initDoc : Source -> Flags -> ( Maybe String, List Docs.Module ) initDoc source flags = case source of Remote _ _ -> ( Nothing, [] ) Local -> ( flags.readme , flags.docs |> Maybe.map decodeDocs |> Maybe.withDefault [] ) focusOpenFilesLink : Cmd Msg focusOpenFilesLink = Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "focus") (Dom.focus "open-link") urlToSource : Url -> Source urlToSource url = Url.Parser.parse repoParser { url | path = "" } |> Maybe.join |> Maybe.map (Remote Loading) |> Maybe.withDefault Local repoParser : Parser (Maybe Repo -> Maybe Repo) (Maybe Repo) repoParser = Url.Parser.query <| Query.map2 repoParserHelper (Query.string "repo") (Query.string "version") repoParserHelper : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe Repo repoParserHelper maybeRepo maybeVersion = case ( maybeRepo, maybeVersion ) of ( Just repo, Just version ) -> Just (Repo repo version) ( Just repo, Nothing ) -> Just (Repo repo "master") _ -> Nothing getDoc : Source -> Cmd Msg getDoc source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Cmd.batch [ Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "docs.json" , expect = Http.expectString DocsRequestCompleted } , Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "README.md" , expect = Http.expectString ReadmeRequestCompleted } , clearStorage () ] Local -> Cmd.none githubFileUrl : Repo -> String -> String githubFileUrl repo file = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://raw.githubusercontent.com" [ repo.name , repo.version , file ] [] sourceQuery : Source -> String sourceQuery source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Url.Builder.toQuery [ Url.Builder.string "repo" repo.name , Url.Builder.string "version" repo.version ] Local -> "" -- VIEW view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = "Elm Doc Preview" , body = [ div [ style "min-width" "100%" , style "min-height" "100%" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , stopDragOver , preventDefaultOn "drop" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault dropDecoder) ] [ viewMain model , footer ] ] } viewMain : Model -> Html Msg viewMain model = div [ class "center" , style "flex" "1" , style "flex-wrap" "wrap-reverse" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "flex-end" ] [ case ( model.error, isLoading model ) of ( Just error, _ ) -> compilationError error ( Nothing, True ) -> spinner _ -> page model , navigation (pageOwner model.page) model ] dropDecoder : Decoder Msg dropDecoder = Decode.at [ "dataTransfer", "files" ] (Decode.oneOrMore GotFiles File.decoder) stopDragOver : Html.Attribute Msg stopDragOver = preventDefaultOn "dragover" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault (Decode.succeed <| Ignored "dragover")) alwaysPreventDefault : msg -> ( msg, Bool ) alwaysPreventDefault msg = ( msg, True ) isLoading : Model -> Bool isLoading model = -- Offline, waiting for websocket update if not model.online && model.readme == Nothing then True else case model.source of Remote Loading _ -> True Remote LoadingReadme _ -> True Remote LoadingDocs _ -> True _ -> False page : Model -> Html Msg page model = div [ class "block-list" ] <| case model.page of Readme owner -> [ Markdown.block (pageReadme owner model) ] Module owner name -> filteredModule model.filter (pageModules owner model) model.source name pageReadme : Owner -> Model -> String pageReadme owner model = case ( owner, model.readme, model.online ) of ( Main, Nothing, True ) -> case model.modules of [] -> Online.readme _ -> Online.readmeWithModules ( Main, Just readme, _ ) -> readme ( Package pkg, _, _ ) -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.readme Nothing -> "" _ -> "" pageModules : Owner -> Model -> List Docs.Module pageModules owner model = case owner of Main -> model.modules Package pkg -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.modules Nothing -> [] filteredModule : String -> List Docs.Module -> Source -> String -> List (Html Msg) filteredModule filter modules source name = case List.filter (\m -> m.name == name) modules of currentModule :: _ -> doc filter modules currentModule (sourceQuery source) _ -> [ h1 [] [ text "Error" ] , text ("Module \"" ++ name ++ "\" not found.") ] spinner : Html msg spinner = div [ class "block-list" ] <| [ div [ class "spinner" ] [ div [ class "bounce1" ] [] , div [ class "bounce2" ] [] , div [ class "bounce3" ] [] ] ] compilationError : Error.Error -> Html msg compilationError error = div [ class "block-list" , style "margin-top" "24px" ] [ viewError error ] doc : String -> List Docs.Module -> Docs.Module -> String -> List (Html msg) doc filter modules currentModule query = let info = Block.makeInfo currentModule.name modules query in h1 [ class "block-list-title" ] [ text currentModule.name ] :: List.map (Block.view filter info) (Docs.toBlocks currentModule) -- Side navigation bar navigation : Owner -> Model -> Html Msg navigation owner model = div [ class "pkg-nav" ] [ logo , viewIf (model.online && not (isLoading model)) <| openLink , viewIf model.online <| closeLink model , filterBox model.filter model.modules , viewIf (model.readme /= Nothing) <| navLinks model.source model.page [ Readme owner ] , browseSourceLink model.source , if String.isEmpty model.filter then pageModules owner model |> List.map (\m -> Module owner m.name) |> navLinks model.source model.page else search model.source model.page model.filter (pageModules owner model) , packages owner model.name model.filter model.deps ] logo : Html msg logo = div [ style "display" "flex" , style "transform" "translateX(-8px)" ] [ svg [ width "50px", height "70px", viewBox "0 0 210 297" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M61.8 132v92.7l46.3-46.3-46.3-46.3z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M83 59.9L62.9 80.2 83 100.5z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M109 184.1l-65.4 65.5H109v-65.5z", fill "#5a6378" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M145 217.6l-32.1 32H143l32-32z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M59.4 83.5l-22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7-22.7z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M35.8 59.9v40.6L56 80.2z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M57 132l-31 31.2 31 31v-62.1z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] ] , div [ style "color" "#5a6378ff" , style "line-height" "16px" , style "padding-top" "12px" , style "transform" "translateX(-20px)" ] [ div [] [ text "elm doc" ] , div [] [ text "preview" ] ] ] openLink : Html Msg openLink = div [] [ a [ id "open-link" , style "cursor" "pointer" , href "" , onEnterOrSpace OpenFilesClicked , onClick OpenFilesClicked ] [ text "Open Files" ] ] closeLink : Model -> Html Msg closeLink model = if model.readme == Nothing && model.modules == [] then Html.nothing else div [ style "margin-bottom" "10px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href "/" , onClick ClosePreviewClicked ] [ text "Close Preview" ] ] browseSourceLink : Source -> Html Msg browseSourceLink source = case source of Local -> Html.nothing Remote _ repo -> div [ style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href (githubSource repo) ] [ text "Browse Source" ] ] filterBox : String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg filterBox filter modules = input [ placeholder "Filter with regex" , value filter , onInput FilterChanged ] [] search : Source -> Page -> String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg search source currentPage filter modules = ul [] (List.filterMap (searchModule source currentPage filter) modules) searchModule : Source -> Page -> String -> Docs.Module -> Maybe (Html Msg) searchModule source currentPage filter m = let results = List.concat [ searchFrom m.binops filter , searchFrom m.unions filter , searchFrom m.aliases filter , searchFrom m.values filter ] in if List.isEmpty results then Nothing else Just <| li [ class "pkg-nav-search-chunk" ] [ pageLink source currentPage (Module (pageOwner currentPage) m.name) , ul [] (List.map (searchResult source m.name) results) ] searchFrom : List { r | name : String } -> String -> List String searchFrom records filter = List.filterMap (\r -> if contains filter r.name then Just r.name else Nothing ) records contains : String -> String -> Bool contains pattern str = pattern |> Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True, multiline = False } |> Maybe.map (\regex -> Regex.contains regex str) |> Maybe.withDefault False searchResult : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg searchResult source module_ symbol = resultLink source module_ symbol githubSource : Repo -> String githubSource repo = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://github.com" [ repo.name , "tree" , repo.version ] [] onEnterOrSpace : msg -> Html.Attribute msg onEnterOrSpace msg = on "keyup" (Decode.field "key" Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" || key == " " then Decode.succeed msg else Decode.fail "" ) ) navLinks : Source -> Page -> List Page -> Html msg navLinks source currentPage pages = ul [] (List.map (pageLink source currentPage) pages) pageLink : Source -> Page -> Page -> Html msg pageLink source currentPage targetPage = li [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> style "" "" _ -> style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , href (pagePath targetPage ++ sourceQuery source) , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> text "README" Module _ name -> text name ] ] resultLink : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg resultLink source module_ symbol = li [] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , (href << String.concat) <| [ modulePath module_ , sourceQuery source , "#" , symbol ] ] [ text symbol ] ] packages : Owner -> Maybe String -> String -> Dict String Dep -> Html Msg packages owner maybeDefault filter deps = let default = Maybe.map (mainPackage owner) maybeDefault |> Maybe.withDefault Html.nothing dependencies = Dict.toList deps |> List.filter (\( name, _ ) -> contains filter name) |> List.sortBy (String.toLower << Tuple.first) in ul [ style "margin-top" "20px" ] <| (default :: List.map (dependency owner) dependencies) dependency : Owner -> ( String, Dep ) -> Html Msg dependency owner ( name, { version, modules } ) = package owner name version mainPackage : Owner -> String -> Html Msg mainPackage owner name = li [ styleIf (owner == Main) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (owner == Main) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged Main) ] [ text name ] ] package : Owner -> String -> String -> Html Msg package owner name version = li [ styleIf (Package name == owner) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (Package name == owner) "text-decoration" "underline" , style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged <| Package name) ] [ text (" " ++ name ++ " " ++ version) ] ] pagePath : Page -> String pagePath page_ = case page_ of Module _ name -> "/" ++ modulePath name Readme _ -> "/" modulePath : String -> String modulePath name = slugify name styleIf : Bool -> String -> String -> Html.Attribute msg styleIf cond property value = if cond then style property value else style "" "" slugify : String -> String slugify str = String.replace "." "-" str unslugify : String -> String unslugify str = String.replace "-" "." str -- Footer footer : Html msg footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ span [] [ text "elm-doc-preview is " , a [ class "grey-link" , href "https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview" ] [ text "open source." ] ] , text " " , span [] [ text "Copyright © 2019 Rémi Lefèvre." ] ] -- Files handling selectFiles : Cmd Msg selectFiles = Select.files -- Browsers do not agree on mime types :/ [ "text/plain", "text/markdown", "application/json", ".md" ] GotFiles readFiles : List File -> Cmd Msg readFiles files = Cmd.batch (List.map readFile files) readFile : File -> Cmd Msg readFile file = case ( File.name file, File.mime file ) of ( "README.md", _ ) -> Task.perform ReadmeLoaded (File.toString file) ( "docs.json", "application/json" ) -> Task.perform DocsLoaded (File.toString file) _ -> Cmd.none decodeDocs : String -> List Docs.Module decodeDocs docs = case Decode.decodeString (Decode.list Docs.decoder) docs of Ok modules -> modules Err _ -> [] decodeDeps : Decode.Value -> Dict String Dep decodeDeps value = case Decode.decodeValue (Decode.dict depDecoder) value of Ok deps -> deps Err err -> Dict.empty depDecoder : Decoder Dep depDecoder = Decode.map3 Dep (Decode.field "version" Decode.string) (Decode.field "readme" Decode.string) (Decode.field "docs" <| Decode.map decodeDocs Decode.string) -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Ignored _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) NameUpdated name -> ( { model | name = Just name }, Cmd.none ) CompilationCompleted error -> ( setError error model, Cmd.none ) DepsUpdated deps -> ( { model | deps = decodeDeps deps }, Cmd.none ) OpenFilesClicked -> ( model, selectFiles ) GotFiles file files -> ( { model | source = Local }, readFiles (file :: files) ) ClosePreviewClicked -> ( closePreview model, clearStorage () ) DocsLoaded docs -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeDocs docs ] ) DocsRequestCompleted (Ok docs) -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) DocsRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setModules [] model, Cmd.none ) ReadmeLoaded readme -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeReadme readme ] ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Ok readme) -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setReadme Nothing model, Cmd.none ) FilterChanged filterValue -> ( { model | filter = filterValue }, Cmd.none ) OwnerChanged owner -> ( { model | page = Readme owner, filter = "" }, Cmd.none ) LocationHrefRequested href -> ( model, requestLocationHref model.navKey href ) UrlRequested request -> -- Url requests are intercepted by javascript -- and handled by LocationHrefRequested to work-around -- unhandled links in markdown blocks. ( model, Cmd.none ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | page = urlToPage url (pageOwner model.page) , url = url } , addUrlQuery model url ) addUrlQuery : Model -> Url -> Cmd Msg addUrlQuery model url = case ( url /= model.url, sourceQuery model.source ) of ( False, _ ) -> Cmd.none ( True, "" ) -> scrollToFragment url ( True, query ) -> Nav.replaceUrl model.navKey <| Url.toString <| { url | query = Just (String.dropLeft 1 query) } setError : String -> Model -> Model setError errorJsonString model = case Decode.decodeString Error.decoder errorJsonString of Ok error -> { model | error = Just error } Err _ -> { model | error = Nothing } setReadme : Maybe String -> Model -> Model setReadme readme model = { model | readme = readme , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingDocs repo Remote LoadingReadme repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } setModules : List Docs.Module -> Model -> Model setModules modules model = { model | modules = modules , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingReadme repo Remote LoadingDocs repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } scrollToFragment : Url -> Cmd Msg scrollToFragment url = case url.fragment of Just id -> Dom.getElement id |> Task.andThen (\e -> Dom.setViewport 0 e.element.y) |> Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "scroll") Nothing -> Cmd.none closePreview : Model -> Model closePreview model = { model | readme = Nothing , modules = [] , page = Readme Main , source = Local , error = Nothing , filter = "" } requestLocationHref : Nav.Key -> String -> Cmd Msg requestLocationHref navKey href = case Url.fromString href of Just url -> -- Complete URL are expected to be external Nav.load href Nothing -> Nav.pushUrl navKey href urlToPage : Url -> Owner -> Page urlToPage url owner = case url.path of "/" -> Readme owner _ -> Module owner (unslugify <| String.dropLeft 1 <| url.path) pageOwner : Page -> Owner pageOwner page_ = case page_ of Readme readmeOwner -> readmeOwner Module moduleOwner _ -> moduleOwner -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ locationHrefRequested LocationHrefRequested , nameUpdated NameUpdated , compilationUpdated CompilationCompleted , readmeUpdated ReadmeLoaded , docsUpdated DocsLoaded , depsUpdated DepsUpdated ] -- MAIN main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = UrlRequested , onUrlChange = UrlChanged }
port module Main exposing (main) import Block import Browser exposing (UrlRequest(..)) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Docs as Docs import Elm.Error as Error import Elm.Type as Type import Errors exposing (viewError) import File exposing (File) import File.Select as Select import Html exposing (Html, a, div, h1, input, li, span, text, ul) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, id, placeholder, style, title, value) import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, preventDefaultOn) import Html.Extra as Html exposing (viewIf) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Markdown import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Online import Regex import Svg exposing (svg) import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, fill, height, viewBox, width) import Task import Url exposing (Url) import Url.Builder import Url.Parser exposing (Parser) import Url.Parser.Query as Query import Utils.Markdown as Markdown -- PORTS -- -- Urls changes are intercepted by javascript to work-around -- https://github.com/elm-explorations/markdown/issues/1 -- See https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview/issues/1 -- -- Local documentation is stored in local storage to improve -- navigation (mainly when going back from external links). port locationHrefRequested : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port nameUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port compilationUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port readmeUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port docsUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port depsUpdated : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg port storeReadme : String -> Cmd msg port storeDocs : String -> Cmd msg port clearStorage : () -> Cmd msg -- TYPES type Msg = Ignored String | NameUpdated String | CompilationCompleted String | DepsUpdated Decode.Value | OpenFilesClicked | GotFiles File (List File) | ClosePreviewClicked | DocsLoaded String | DocsRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | ReadmeLoaded String | ReadmeRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | FilterChanged String | OwnerChanged Owner | LocationHrefRequested String | UrlRequested UrlRequest | UrlChanged Url type alias Model = { name : Maybe String , readme : Maybe String , modules : List Docs.Module , deps : Dict String Dep , navKey : Nav.Key , url : Url , page : Page , source : Source , online : Bool , error : Maybe Error.Error , filter : String } type alias Dep = { version : String , readme : String , modules : List Docs.Module } type Page = Readme Owner | Module Owner String type Owner = Main | Package String type Source = Local | Remote LoadingState Repo type LoadingState = Loading | LoadingReadme | LoadingDocs | Loaded type alias Repo = { name : String , version : String } type alias Flags = { readme : Maybe String , docs : Maybe String , online : Bool } -- INIT init : Flags -> Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navKey = let source = urlToSource url ( readme, modules ) = initDoc source flags in ( { name = Nothing , readme = readme , modules = modules , deps = Dict.empty , navKey = navKey , url = url , page = urlToPage url Main , source = source , online = flags.online , error = Nothing , filter = "" } , Cmd.batch [ focusOpenFilesLink , getDoc source , scrollToFragment url ] ) initDoc : Source -> Flags -> ( Maybe String, List Docs.Module ) initDoc source flags = case source of Remote _ _ -> ( Nothing, [] ) Local -> ( flags.readme , flags.docs |> Maybe.map decodeDocs |> Maybe.withDefault [] ) focusOpenFilesLink : Cmd Msg focusOpenFilesLink = Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "focus") (Dom.focus "open-link") urlToSource : Url -> Source urlToSource url = Url.Parser.parse repoParser { url | path = "" } |> Maybe.join |> Maybe.map (Remote Loading) |> Maybe.withDefault Local repoParser : Parser (Maybe Repo -> Maybe Repo) (Maybe Repo) repoParser = Url.Parser.query <| Query.map2 repoParserHelper (Query.string "repo") (Query.string "version") repoParserHelper : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe Repo repoParserHelper maybeRepo maybeVersion = case ( maybeRepo, maybeVersion ) of ( Just repo, Just version ) -> Just (Repo repo version) ( Just repo, Nothing ) -> Just (Repo repo "master") _ -> Nothing getDoc : Source -> Cmd Msg getDoc source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Cmd.batch [ Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "docs.json" , expect = Http.expectString DocsRequestCompleted } , Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "README.md" , expect = Http.expectString ReadmeRequestCompleted } , clearStorage () ] Local -> Cmd.none githubFileUrl : Repo -> String -> String githubFileUrl repo file = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://raw.githubusercontent.com" [ repo.name , repo.version , file ] [] sourceQuery : Source -> String sourceQuery source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Url.Builder.toQuery [ Url.Builder.string "repo" repo.name , Url.Builder.string "version" repo.version ] Local -> "" -- VIEW view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = "Elm Doc Preview" , body = [ div [ style "min-width" "100%" , style "min-height" "100%" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , stopDragOver , preventDefaultOn "drop" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault dropDecoder) ] [ viewMain model , footer ] ] } viewMain : Model -> Html Msg viewMain model = div [ class "center" , style "flex" "1" , style "flex-wrap" "wrap-reverse" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "flex-end" ] [ case ( model.error, isLoading model ) of ( Just error, _ ) -> compilationError error ( Nothing, True ) -> spinner _ -> page model , navigation (pageOwner model.page) model ] dropDecoder : Decoder Msg dropDecoder = Decode.at [ "dataTransfer", "files" ] (Decode.oneOrMore GotFiles File.decoder) stopDragOver : Html.Attribute Msg stopDragOver = preventDefaultOn "dragover" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault (Decode.succeed <| Ignored "dragover")) alwaysPreventDefault : msg -> ( msg, Bool ) alwaysPreventDefault msg = ( msg, True ) isLoading : Model -> Bool isLoading model = -- Offline, waiting for websocket update if not model.online && model.readme == Nothing then True else case model.source of Remote Loading _ -> True Remote LoadingReadme _ -> True Remote LoadingDocs _ -> True _ -> False page : Model -> Html Msg page model = div [ class "block-list" ] <| case model.page of Readme owner -> [ Markdown.block (pageReadme owner model) ] Module owner name -> filteredModule model.filter (pageModules owner model) model.source name pageReadme : Owner -> Model -> String pageReadme owner model = case ( owner, model.readme, model.online ) of ( Main, Nothing, True ) -> case model.modules of [] -> Online.readme _ -> Online.readmeWithModules ( Main, Just readme, _ ) -> readme ( Package pkg, _, _ ) -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.readme Nothing -> "" _ -> "" pageModules : Owner -> Model -> List Docs.Module pageModules owner model = case owner of Main -> model.modules Package pkg -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.modules Nothing -> [] filteredModule : String -> List Docs.Module -> Source -> String -> List (Html Msg) filteredModule filter modules source name = case List.filter (\m -> m.name == name) modules of currentModule :: _ -> doc filter modules currentModule (sourceQuery source) _ -> [ h1 [] [ text "Error" ] , text ("Module \"" ++ name ++ "\" not found.") ] spinner : Html msg spinner = div [ class "block-list" ] <| [ div [ class "spinner" ] [ div [ class "bounce1" ] [] , div [ class "bounce2" ] [] , div [ class "bounce3" ] [] ] ] compilationError : Error.Error -> Html msg compilationError error = div [ class "block-list" , style "margin-top" "24px" ] [ viewError error ] doc : String -> List Docs.Module -> Docs.Module -> String -> List (Html msg) doc filter modules currentModule query = let info = Block.makeInfo currentModule.name modules query in h1 [ class "block-list-title" ] [ text currentModule.name ] :: List.map (Block.view filter info) (Docs.toBlocks currentModule) -- Side navigation bar navigation : Owner -> Model -> Html Msg navigation owner model = div [ class "pkg-nav" ] [ logo , viewIf (model.online && not (isLoading model)) <| openLink , viewIf model.online <| closeLink model , filterBox model.filter model.modules , viewIf (model.readme /= Nothing) <| navLinks model.source model.page [ Readme owner ] , browseSourceLink model.source , if String.isEmpty model.filter then pageModules owner model |> List.map (\m -> Module owner m.name) |> navLinks model.source model.page else search model.source model.page model.filter (pageModules owner model) , packages owner model.name model.filter model.deps ] logo : Html msg logo = div [ style "display" "flex" , style "transform" "translateX(-8px)" ] [ svg [ width "50px", height "70px", viewBox "0 0 210 297" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M61.8 132v92.7l46.3-46.3-46.3-46.3z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M83 59.9L62.9 80.2 83 100.5z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M109 184.1l-65.4 65.5H109v-65.5z", fill "#5a6378" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M145 217.6l-32.1 32H143l32-32z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M59.4 83.5l-22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7-22.7z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M35.8 59.9v40.6L56 80.2z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M57 132l-31 31.2 31 31v-62.1z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] ] , div [ style "color" "#5a6378ff" , style "line-height" "16px" , style "padding-top" "12px" , style "transform" "translateX(-20px)" ] [ div [] [ text "elm doc" ] , div [] [ text "preview" ] ] ] openLink : Html Msg openLink = div [] [ a [ id "open-link" , style "cursor" "pointer" , href "" , onEnterOrSpace OpenFilesClicked , onClick OpenFilesClicked ] [ text "Open Files" ] ] closeLink : Model -> Html Msg closeLink model = if model.readme == Nothing && model.modules == [] then Html.nothing else div [ style "margin-bottom" "10px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href "/" , onClick ClosePreviewClicked ] [ text "Close Preview" ] ] browseSourceLink : Source -> Html Msg browseSourceLink source = case source of Local -> Html.nothing Remote _ repo -> div [ style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href (githubSource repo) ] [ text "Browse Source" ] ] filterBox : String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg filterBox filter modules = input [ placeholder "Filter with regex" , value filter , onInput FilterChanged ] [] search : Source -> Page -> String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg search source currentPage filter modules = ul [] (List.filterMap (searchModule source currentPage filter) modules) searchModule : Source -> Page -> String -> Docs.Module -> Maybe (Html Msg) searchModule source currentPage filter m = let results = List.concat [ searchFrom m.binops filter , searchFrom m.unions filter , searchFrom m.aliases filter , searchFrom m.values filter ] in if List.isEmpty results then Nothing else Just <| li [ class "pkg-nav-search-chunk" ] [ pageLink source currentPage (Module (pageOwner currentPage) m.name) , ul [] (List.map (searchResult source m.name) results) ] searchFrom : List { r | name : String } -> String -> List String searchFrom records filter = List.filterMap (\r -> if contains filter r.name then Just r.name else Nothing ) records contains : String -> String -> Bool contains pattern str = pattern |> Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True, multiline = False } |> Maybe.map (\regex -> Regex.contains regex str) |> Maybe.withDefault False searchResult : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg searchResult source module_ symbol = resultLink source module_ symbol githubSource : Repo -> String githubSource repo = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://github.com" [ repo.name , "tree" , repo.version ] [] onEnterOrSpace : msg -> Html.Attribute msg onEnterOrSpace msg = on "keyup" (Decode.field "key" Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" || key == " " then Decode.succeed msg else Decode.fail "" ) ) navLinks : Source -> Page -> List Page -> Html msg navLinks source currentPage pages = ul [] (List.map (pageLink source currentPage) pages) pageLink : Source -> Page -> Page -> Html msg pageLink source currentPage targetPage = li [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> style "" "" _ -> style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , href (pagePath targetPage ++ sourceQuery source) , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> text "README" Module _ name -> text name ] ] resultLink : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg resultLink source module_ symbol = li [] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , (href << String.concat) <| [ modulePath module_ , sourceQuery source , "#" , symbol ] ] [ text symbol ] ] packages : Owner -> Maybe String -> String -> Dict String Dep -> Html Msg packages owner maybeDefault filter deps = let default = Maybe.map (mainPackage owner) maybeDefault |> Maybe.withDefault Html.nothing dependencies = Dict.toList deps |> List.filter (\( name, _ ) -> contains filter name) |> List.sortBy (String.toLower << Tuple.first) in ul [ style "margin-top" "20px" ] <| (default :: List.map (dependency owner) dependencies) dependency : Owner -> ( String, Dep ) -> Html Msg dependency owner ( name, { version, modules } ) = package owner name version mainPackage : Owner -> String -> Html Msg mainPackage owner name = li [ styleIf (owner == Main) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (owner == Main) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged Main) ] [ text name ] ] package : Owner -> String -> String -> Html Msg package owner name version = li [ styleIf (Package name == owner) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (Package name == owner) "text-decoration" "underline" , style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged <| Package name) ] [ text (" " ++ name ++ " " ++ version) ] ] pagePath : Page -> String pagePath page_ = case page_ of Module _ name -> "/" ++ modulePath name Readme _ -> "/" modulePath : String -> String modulePath name = slugify name styleIf : Bool -> String -> String -> Html.Attribute msg styleIf cond property value = if cond then style property value else style "" "" slugify : String -> String slugify str = String.replace "." "-" str unslugify : String -> String unslugify str = String.replace "-" "." str -- Footer footer : Html msg footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ span [] [ text "elm-doc-preview is " , a [ class "grey-link" , href "https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview" ] [ text "open source." ] ] , text " " , span [] [ text "Copyright © 2019 <NAME>." ] ] -- Files handling selectFiles : Cmd Msg selectFiles = Select.files -- Browsers do not agree on mime types :/ [ "text/plain", "text/markdown", "application/json", ".md" ] GotFiles readFiles : List File -> Cmd Msg readFiles files = Cmd.batch (List.map readFile files) readFile : File -> Cmd Msg readFile file = case ( File.name file, File.mime file ) of ( "README.md", _ ) -> Task.perform ReadmeLoaded (File.toString file) ( "docs.json", "application/json" ) -> Task.perform DocsLoaded (File.toString file) _ -> Cmd.none decodeDocs : String -> List Docs.Module decodeDocs docs = case Decode.decodeString (Decode.list Docs.decoder) docs of Ok modules -> modules Err _ -> [] decodeDeps : Decode.Value -> Dict String Dep decodeDeps value = case Decode.decodeValue (Decode.dict depDecoder) value of Ok deps -> deps Err err -> Dict.empty depDecoder : Decoder Dep depDecoder = Decode.map3 Dep (Decode.field "version" Decode.string) (Decode.field "readme" Decode.string) (Decode.field "docs" <| Decode.map decodeDocs Decode.string) -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Ignored _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) NameUpdated name -> ( { model | name = Just name }, Cmd.none ) CompilationCompleted error -> ( setError error model, Cmd.none ) DepsUpdated deps -> ( { model | deps = decodeDeps deps }, Cmd.none ) OpenFilesClicked -> ( model, selectFiles ) GotFiles file files -> ( { model | source = Local }, readFiles (file :: files) ) ClosePreviewClicked -> ( closePreview model, clearStorage () ) DocsLoaded docs -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeDocs docs ] ) DocsRequestCompleted (Ok docs) -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) DocsRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setModules [] model, Cmd.none ) ReadmeLoaded readme -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeReadme readme ] ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Ok readme) -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setReadme Nothing model, Cmd.none ) FilterChanged filterValue -> ( { model | filter = filterValue }, Cmd.none ) OwnerChanged owner -> ( { model | page = Readme owner, filter = "" }, Cmd.none ) LocationHrefRequested href -> ( model, requestLocationHref model.navKey href ) UrlRequested request -> -- Url requests are intercepted by javascript -- and handled by LocationHrefRequested to work-around -- unhandled links in markdown blocks. ( model, Cmd.none ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | page = urlToPage url (pageOwner model.page) , url = url } , addUrlQuery model url ) addUrlQuery : Model -> Url -> Cmd Msg addUrlQuery model url = case ( url /= model.url, sourceQuery model.source ) of ( False, _ ) -> Cmd.none ( True, "" ) -> scrollToFragment url ( True, query ) -> Nav.replaceUrl model.navKey <| Url.toString <| { url | query = Just (String.dropLeft 1 query) } setError : String -> Model -> Model setError errorJsonString model = case Decode.decodeString Error.decoder errorJsonString of Ok error -> { model | error = Just error } Err _ -> { model | error = Nothing } setReadme : Maybe String -> Model -> Model setReadme readme model = { model | readme = readme , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingDocs repo Remote LoadingReadme repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } setModules : List Docs.Module -> Model -> Model setModules modules model = { model | modules = modules , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingReadme repo Remote LoadingDocs repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } scrollToFragment : Url -> Cmd Msg scrollToFragment url = case url.fragment of Just id -> Dom.getElement id |> Task.andThen (\e -> Dom.setViewport 0 e.element.y) |> Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "scroll") Nothing -> Cmd.none closePreview : Model -> Model closePreview model = { model | readme = Nothing , modules = [] , page = Readme Main , source = Local , error = Nothing , filter = "" } requestLocationHref : Nav.Key -> String -> Cmd Msg requestLocationHref navKey href = case Url.fromString href of Just url -> -- Complete URL are expected to be external Nav.load href Nothing -> Nav.pushUrl navKey href urlToPage : Url -> Owner -> Page urlToPage url owner = case url.path of "/" -> Readme owner _ -> Module owner (unslugify <| String.dropLeft 1 <| url.path) pageOwner : Page -> Owner pageOwner page_ = case page_ of Readme readmeOwner -> readmeOwner Module moduleOwner _ -> moduleOwner -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ locationHrefRequested LocationHrefRequested , nameUpdated NameUpdated , compilationUpdated CompilationCompleted , readmeUpdated ReadmeLoaded , docsUpdated DocsLoaded , depsUpdated DepsUpdated ] -- MAIN main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = UrlRequested , onUrlChange = UrlChanged }
port module Main exposing (main) import Block import Browser exposing (UrlRequest(..)) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Dict exposing (Dict) import Elm.Docs as Docs import Elm.Error as Error import Elm.Type as Type import Errors exposing (viewError) import File exposing (File) import File.Select as Select import Html exposing (Html, a, div, h1, input, li, span, text, ul) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, href, id, placeholder, style, title, value) import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick, onInput, preventDefaultOn) import Html.Extra as Html exposing (viewIf) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Markdown import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Online import Regex import Svg exposing (svg) import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, fill, height, viewBox, width) import Task import Url exposing (Url) import Url.Builder import Url.Parser exposing (Parser) import Url.Parser.Query as Query import Utils.Markdown as Markdown -- PORTS -- -- Urls changes are intercepted by javascript to work-around -- https://github.com/elm-explorations/markdown/issues/1 -- See https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview/issues/1 -- -- Local documentation is stored in local storage to improve -- navigation (mainly when going back from external links). port locationHrefRequested : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port nameUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port compilationUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port readmeUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port docsUpdated : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg port depsUpdated : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg port storeReadme : String -> Cmd msg port storeDocs : String -> Cmd msg port clearStorage : () -> Cmd msg -- TYPES type Msg = Ignored String | NameUpdated String | CompilationCompleted String | DepsUpdated Decode.Value | OpenFilesClicked | GotFiles File (List File) | ClosePreviewClicked | DocsLoaded String | DocsRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | ReadmeLoaded String | ReadmeRequestCompleted (Result Http.Error String) | FilterChanged String | OwnerChanged Owner | LocationHrefRequested String | UrlRequested UrlRequest | UrlChanged Url type alias Model = { name : Maybe String , readme : Maybe String , modules : List Docs.Module , deps : Dict String Dep , navKey : Nav.Key , url : Url , page : Page , source : Source , online : Bool , error : Maybe Error.Error , filter : String } type alias Dep = { version : String , readme : String , modules : List Docs.Module } type Page = Readme Owner | Module Owner String type Owner = Main | Package String type Source = Local | Remote LoadingState Repo type LoadingState = Loading | LoadingReadme | LoadingDocs | Loaded type alias Repo = { name : String , version : String } type alias Flags = { readme : Maybe String , docs : Maybe String , online : Bool } -- INIT init : Flags -> Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url navKey = let source = urlToSource url ( readme, modules ) = initDoc source flags in ( { name = Nothing , readme = readme , modules = modules , deps = Dict.empty , navKey = navKey , url = url , page = urlToPage url Main , source = source , online = flags.online , error = Nothing , filter = "" } , Cmd.batch [ focusOpenFilesLink , getDoc source , scrollToFragment url ] ) initDoc : Source -> Flags -> ( Maybe String, List Docs.Module ) initDoc source flags = case source of Remote _ _ -> ( Nothing, [] ) Local -> ( flags.readme , flags.docs |> Maybe.map decodeDocs |> Maybe.withDefault [] ) focusOpenFilesLink : Cmd Msg focusOpenFilesLink = Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "focus") (Dom.focus "open-link") urlToSource : Url -> Source urlToSource url = Url.Parser.parse repoParser { url | path = "" } |> Maybe.join |> Maybe.map (Remote Loading) |> Maybe.withDefault Local repoParser : Parser (Maybe Repo -> Maybe Repo) (Maybe Repo) repoParser = Url.Parser.query <| Query.map2 repoParserHelper (Query.string "repo") (Query.string "version") repoParserHelper : Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe Repo repoParserHelper maybeRepo maybeVersion = case ( maybeRepo, maybeVersion ) of ( Just repo, Just version ) -> Just (Repo repo version) ( Just repo, Nothing ) -> Just (Repo repo "master") _ -> Nothing getDoc : Source -> Cmd Msg getDoc source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Cmd.batch [ Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "docs.json" , expect = Http.expectString DocsRequestCompleted } , Http.get { url = githubFileUrl repo "README.md" , expect = Http.expectString ReadmeRequestCompleted } , clearStorage () ] Local -> Cmd.none githubFileUrl : Repo -> String -> String githubFileUrl repo file = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://raw.githubusercontent.com" [ repo.name , repo.version , file ] [] sourceQuery : Source -> String sourceQuery source = case source of Remote _ repo -> Url.Builder.toQuery [ Url.Builder.string "repo" repo.name , Url.Builder.string "version" repo.version ] Local -> "" -- VIEW view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = { title = "Elm Doc Preview" , body = [ div [ style "min-width" "100%" , style "min-height" "100%" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , stopDragOver , preventDefaultOn "drop" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault dropDecoder) ] [ viewMain model , footer ] ] } viewMain : Model -> Html Msg viewMain model = div [ class "center" , style "flex" "1" , style "flex-wrap" "wrap-reverse" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "flex-end" ] [ case ( model.error, isLoading model ) of ( Just error, _ ) -> compilationError error ( Nothing, True ) -> spinner _ -> page model , navigation (pageOwner model.page) model ] dropDecoder : Decoder Msg dropDecoder = Decode.at [ "dataTransfer", "files" ] (Decode.oneOrMore GotFiles File.decoder) stopDragOver : Html.Attribute Msg stopDragOver = preventDefaultOn "dragover" (Decode.map alwaysPreventDefault (Decode.succeed <| Ignored "dragover")) alwaysPreventDefault : msg -> ( msg, Bool ) alwaysPreventDefault msg = ( msg, True ) isLoading : Model -> Bool isLoading model = -- Offline, waiting for websocket update if not model.online && model.readme == Nothing then True else case model.source of Remote Loading _ -> True Remote LoadingReadme _ -> True Remote LoadingDocs _ -> True _ -> False page : Model -> Html Msg page model = div [ class "block-list" ] <| case model.page of Readme owner -> [ Markdown.block (pageReadme owner model) ] Module owner name -> filteredModule model.filter (pageModules owner model) model.source name pageReadme : Owner -> Model -> String pageReadme owner model = case ( owner, model.readme, model.online ) of ( Main, Nothing, True ) -> case model.modules of [] -> Online.readme _ -> Online.readmeWithModules ( Main, Just readme, _ ) -> readme ( Package pkg, _, _ ) -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.readme Nothing -> "" _ -> "" pageModules : Owner -> Model -> List Docs.Module pageModules owner model = case owner of Main -> model.modules Package pkg -> case Dict.get pkg model.deps of Just dep -> dep.modules Nothing -> [] filteredModule : String -> List Docs.Module -> Source -> String -> List (Html Msg) filteredModule filter modules source name = case List.filter (\m -> m.name == name) modules of currentModule :: _ -> doc filter modules currentModule (sourceQuery source) _ -> [ h1 [] [ text "Error" ] , text ("Module \"" ++ name ++ "\" not found.") ] spinner : Html msg spinner = div [ class "block-list" ] <| [ div [ class "spinner" ] [ div [ class "bounce1" ] [] , div [ class "bounce2" ] [] , div [ class "bounce3" ] [] ] ] compilationError : Error.Error -> Html msg compilationError error = div [ class "block-list" , style "margin-top" "24px" ] [ viewError error ] doc : String -> List Docs.Module -> Docs.Module -> String -> List (Html msg) doc filter modules currentModule query = let info = Block.makeInfo currentModule.name modules query in h1 [ class "block-list-title" ] [ text currentModule.name ] :: List.map (Block.view filter info) (Docs.toBlocks currentModule) -- Side navigation bar navigation : Owner -> Model -> Html Msg navigation owner model = div [ class "pkg-nav" ] [ logo , viewIf (model.online && not (isLoading model)) <| openLink , viewIf model.online <| closeLink model , filterBox model.filter model.modules , viewIf (model.readme /= Nothing) <| navLinks model.source model.page [ Readme owner ] , browseSourceLink model.source , if String.isEmpty model.filter then pageModules owner model |> List.map (\m -> Module owner m.name) |> navLinks model.source model.page else search model.source model.page model.filter (pageModules owner model) , packages owner model.name model.filter model.deps ] logo : Html msg logo = div [ style "display" "flex" , style "transform" "translateX(-8px)" ] [ svg [ width "50px", height "70px", viewBox "0 0 210 297" ] [ Svg.path [ d "M61.8 132v92.7l46.3-46.3-46.3-46.3z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M83 59.9L62.9 80.2 83 100.5z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M109 184.1l-65.4 65.5H109v-65.5z", fill "#5a6378" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M145 217.6l-32.1 32H143l32-32z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M59.4 83.5l-22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7-22.7z", fill "#7fd13b" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M35.8 59.9v40.6L56 80.2z", fill "#f0ad00" ] [] , Svg.path [ d "M57 132l-31 31.2 31 31v-62.1z", fill "#60b5cc" ] [] ] , div [ style "color" "#5a6378ff" , style "line-height" "16px" , style "padding-top" "12px" , style "transform" "translateX(-20px)" ] [ div [] [ text "elm doc" ] , div [] [ text "preview" ] ] ] openLink : Html Msg openLink = div [] [ a [ id "open-link" , style "cursor" "pointer" , href "" , onEnterOrSpace OpenFilesClicked , onClick OpenFilesClicked ] [ text "Open Files" ] ] closeLink : Model -> Html Msg closeLink model = if model.readme == Nothing && model.modules == [] then Html.nothing else div [ style "margin-bottom" "10px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href "/" , onClick ClosePreviewClicked ] [ text "Close Preview" ] ] browseSourceLink : Source -> Html Msg browseSourceLink source = case source of Local -> Html.nothing Remote _ repo -> div [ style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [ a [ style "cursor" "pointer" , href (githubSource repo) ] [ text "Browse Source" ] ] filterBox : String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg filterBox filter modules = input [ placeholder "Filter with regex" , value filter , onInput FilterChanged ] [] search : Source -> Page -> String -> List Docs.Module -> Html Msg search source currentPage filter modules = ul [] (List.filterMap (searchModule source currentPage filter) modules) searchModule : Source -> Page -> String -> Docs.Module -> Maybe (Html Msg) searchModule source currentPage filter m = let results = List.concat [ searchFrom m.binops filter , searchFrom m.unions filter , searchFrom m.aliases filter , searchFrom m.values filter ] in if List.isEmpty results then Nothing else Just <| li [ class "pkg-nav-search-chunk" ] [ pageLink source currentPage (Module (pageOwner currentPage) m.name) , ul [] (List.map (searchResult source m.name) results) ] searchFrom : List { r | name : String } -> String -> List String searchFrom records filter = List.filterMap (\r -> if contains filter r.name then Just r.name else Nothing ) records contains : String -> String -> Bool contains pattern str = pattern |> Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True, multiline = False } |> Maybe.map (\regex -> Regex.contains regex str) |> Maybe.withDefault False searchResult : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg searchResult source module_ symbol = resultLink source module_ symbol githubSource : Repo -> String githubSource repo = Url.Builder.crossOrigin "https://github.com" [ repo.name , "tree" , repo.version ] [] onEnterOrSpace : msg -> Html.Attribute msg onEnterOrSpace msg = on "keyup" (Decode.field "key" Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\key -> if key == "Enter" || key == " " then Decode.succeed msg else Decode.fail "" ) ) navLinks : Source -> Page -> List Page -> Html msg navLinks source currentPage pages = ul [] (List.map (pageLink source currentPage) pages) pageLink : Source -> Page -> Page -> Html msg pageLink source currentPage targetPage = li [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> style "" "" _ -> style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , href (pagePath targetPage ++ sourceQuery source) , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (currentPage == targetPage) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ case targetPage of Readme _ -> text "README" Module _ name -> text name ] ] resultLink : Source -> String -> String -> Html Msg resultLink source module_ symbol = li [] [ a [ class "pkg-nav-module" , (href << String.concat) <| [ modulePath module_ , sourceQuery source , "#" , symbol ] ] [ text symbol ] ] packages : Owner -> Maybe String -> String -> Dict String Dep -> Html Msg packages owner maybeDefault filter deps = let default = Maybe.map (mainPackage owner) maybeDefault |> Maybe.withDefault Html.nothing dependencies = Dict.toList deps |> List.filter (\( name, _ ) -> contains filter name) |> List.sortBy (String.toLower << Tuple.first) in ul [ style "margin-top" "20px" ] <| (default :: List.map (dependency owner) dependencies) dependency : Owner -> ( String, Dep ) -> Html Msg dependency owner ( name, { version, modules } ) = package owner name version mainPackage : Owner -> String -> Html Msg mainPackage owner name = li [ styleIf (owner == Main) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (owner == Main) "text-decoration" "underline" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged Main) ] [ text name ] ] package : Owner -> String -> String -> Html Msg package owner name version = li [ styleIf (Package name == owner) "font-weight" "bold" , styleIf (Package name == owner) "text-decoration" "underline" , style "margin-left" "10px" ] [ a [ onClick (OwnerChanged <| Package name) ] [ text (" " ++ name ++ " " ++ version) ] ] pagePath : Page -> String pagePath page_ = case page_ of Module _ name -> "/" ++ modulePath name Readme _ -> "/" modulePath : String -> String modulePath name = slugify name styleIf : Bool -> String -> String -> Html.Attribute msg styleIf cond property value = if cond then style property value else style "" "" slugify : String -> String slugify str = String.replace "." "-" str unslugify : String -> String unslugify str = String.replace "-" "." str -- Footer footer : Html msg footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ span [] [ text "elm-doc-preview is " , a [ class "grey-link" , href "https://github.com/dmy/elm-doc-preview" ] [ text "open source." ] ] , text " " , span [] [ text "Copyright © 2019 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI." ] ] -- Files handling selectFiles : Cmd Msg selectFiles = Select.files -- Browsers do not agree on mime types :/ [ "text/plain", "text/markdown", "application/json", ".md" ] GotFiles readFiles : List File -> Cmd Msg readFiles files = Cmd.batch (List.map readFile files) readFile : File -> Cmd Msg readFile file = case ( File.name file, File.mime file ) of ( "README.md", _ ) -> Task.perform ReadmeLoaded (File.toString file) ( "docs.json", "application/json" ) -> Task.perform DocsLoaded (File.toString file) _ -> Cmd.none decodeDocs : String -> List Docs.Module decodeDocs docs = case Decode.decodeString (Decode.list Docs.decoder) docs of Ok modules -> modules Err _ -> [] decodeDeps : Decode.Value -> Dict String Dep decodeDeps value = case Decode.decodeValue (Decode.dict depDecoder) value of Ok deps -> deps Err err -> Dict.empty depDecoder : Decoder Dep depDecoder = Decode.map3 Dep (Decode.field "version" Decode.string) (Decode.field "readme" Decode.string) (Decode.field "docs" <| Decode.map decodeDocs Decode.string) -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Ignored _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) NameUpdated name -> ( { model | name = Just name }, Cmd.none ) CompilationCompleted error -> ( setError error model, Cmd.none ) DepsUpdated deps -> ( { model | deps = decodeDeps deps }, Cmd.none ) OpenFilesClicked -> ( model, selectFiles ) GotFiles file files -> ( { model | source = Local }, readFiles (file :: files) ) ClosePreviewClicked -> ( closePreview model, clearStorage () ) DocsLoaded docs -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeDocs docs ] ) DocsRequestCompleted (Ok docs) -> ( setModules (decodeDocs docs) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) DocsRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setModules [] model, Cmd.none ) ReadmeLoaded readme -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model , Cmd.batch [ scrollToFragment model.url , storeReadme readme ] ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Ok readme) -> ( setReadme (Just readme) model, scrollToFragment model.url ) ReadmeRequestCompleted (Err error) -> ( setReadme Nothing model, Cmd.none ) FilterChanged filterValue -> ( { model | filter = filterValue }, Cmd.none ) OwnerChanged owner -> ( { model | page = Readme owner, filter = "" }, Cmd.none ) LocationHrefRequested href -> ( model, requestLocationHref model.navKey href ) UrlRequested request -> -- Url requests are intercepted by javascript -- and handled by LocationHrefRequested to work-around -- unhandled links in markdown blocks. ( model, Cmd.none ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | page = urlToPage url (pageOwner model.page) , url = url } , addUrlQuery model url ) addUrlQuery : Model -> Url -> Cmd Msg addUrlQuery model url = case ( url /= model.url, sourceQuery model.source ) of ( False, _ ) -> Cmd.none ( True, "" ) -> scrollToFragment url ( True, query ) -> Nav.replaceUrl model.navKey <| Url.toString <| { url | query = Just (String.dropLeft 1 query) } setError : String -> Model -> Model setError errorJsonString model = case Decode.decodeString Error.decoder errorJsonString of Ok error -> { model | error = Just error } Err _ -> { model | error = Nothing } setReadme : Maybe String -> Model -> Model setReadme readme model = { model | readme = readme , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingDocs repo Remote LoadingReadme repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } setModules : List Docs.Module -> Model -> Model setModules modules model = { model | modules = modules , source = case model.source of Remote Loading repo -> Remote LoadingReadme repo Remote LoadingDocs repo -> Remote Loaded repo _ -> model.source } scrollToFragment : Url -> Cmd Msg scrollToFragment url = case url.fragment of Just id -> Dom.getElement id |> Task.andThen (\e -> Dom.setViewport 0 e.element.y) |> Task.attempt (\_ -> Ignored "scroll") Nothing -> Cmd.none closePreview : Model -> Model closePreview model = { model | readme = Nothing , modules = [] , page = Readme Main , source = Local , error = Nothing , filter = "" } requestLocationHref : Nav.Key -> String -> Cmd Msg requestLocationHref navKey href = case Url.fromString href of Just url -> -- Complete URL are expected to be external Nav.load href Nothing -> Nav.pushUrl navKey href urlToPage : Url -> Owner -> Page urlToPage url owner = case url.path of "/" -> Readme owner _ -> Module owner (unslugify <| String.dropLeft 1 <| url.path) pageOwner : Page -> Owner pageOwner page_ = case page_ of Readme readmeOwner -> readmeOwner Module moduleOwner _ -> moduleOwner -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ locationHrefRequested LocationHrefRequested , nameUpdated NameUpdated , compilationUpdated CompilationCompleted , readmeUpdated ReadmeLoaded , docsUpdated DocsLoaded , depsUpdated DepsUpdated ] -- MAIN main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = UrlRequested , onUrlChange = UrlChanged }
[ { "context": " \\_ ->\n Scores.register \"Paul\"\n |> Expect.all\n ", "end": 1323, "score": 0.9986045957, "start": 1319, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "\n |> Expect.equal \"Paul\"\n , \\score ->\n ", "end": 1529, "score": 0.9988070726, "start": 1525, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " \\_ ->\n Scores.register \"Paul\"\n |> Scores.incrementScore 10\n", "end": 1816, "score": 0.9979066253, "start": 1812, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " \\_ ->\n Scores.register \"Paul\"\n |> Scores.decrementScore 10\n", "end": 2032, "score": 0.9985734224, "start": 2028, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " Scores.scoreChange\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.regist", "end": 2371, "score": 0.9985517859, "start": 2367, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " Scores.scoreChange\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.regist", "end": 2785, "score": 0.9982489347, "start": 2781, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.regist", "end": 3273, "score": 0.9985471368, "start": 3269, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.regist", "end": 3676, "score": 0.9991022348, "start": 3672, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 4102, "score": 0.998703599, "start": 4098, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " Expect.equal\n [ { name = \"Paul\", points = 10 }\n , { name ", "end": 4354, "score": 0.99720186, "start": 4350, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 5028, "score": 0.998508513, "start": 5024, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 5408, "score": 0.9987900257, "start": 5404, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.gameOver\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 5784, "score": 0.9981335998, "start": 5780, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " Expect.equal\n [ { name = \"Paul\", points = 10 }\n , { name ", "end": 6405, "score": 0.9980289936, "start": 6401, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> Scores.scoreChange\n (\"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 7090, "score": 0.9993824959, "start": 7086, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "test \"name\" <|\n \\_ ->\n \"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 7372, "score": 0.9992309809, "start": 7368, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " Scores.name\n |> Expect.equal \"Paul\"\n , test \"points\" <|\n \\_ ->\n ", "end": 7489, "score": 0.9980287552, "start": 7485, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "st \"points\" <|\n \\_ ->\n \"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 7557, "score": 0.999002099, "start": 7553, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "updateName\" <|\n \\_ ->\n \"Paul\"\n |> Scores.register\n ", "end": 7932, "score": 0.9994374514, "start": 7928, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "egister\n |> Scores.updateName \"Steve\"\n |> Scores.name\n ", "end": 8020, "score": 0.9993528128, "start": 8015, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": " Scores.name\n |> Expect.equal \"Steve\"\n ]\n", "end": 8099, "score": 0.9994241595, "start": 8094, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" } ]
module Shared.ScoresTests exposing (suite) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (intRange) import Shared.Scores as Scores exposing (Score, Scores) import Test exposing (Test, describe, fuzz, fuzz2, test) init : Scores init = Scores.init 10 [] suite : Test suite = describe "The Scores Module" [ describe "init" [ fuzz (intRange 0 100) "with no highscores" <| \total -> Scores.init total [] |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total , fuzz2 (intRange 1 10) (intRange 10 100) "with too many highscores" <| \total range -> Scores.init total (range |> List.range 10 |> List.map (\index -> { name = "" , points = 0 } ) ) |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total ] , test "register" <| \_ -> Scores.register "Paul" |> Expect.all [ \score -> score |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "Paul" , \score -> score |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , test "incrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "Paul" |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "decrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "Paul" |> Scores.decrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal -10 , describe "scoreChange" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "does not update the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , describe "gameOver" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "updates the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 ] , test "prepareForSave" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.prepareForSave |> Expect.equal [ { name = "Paul", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "lowest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.lowest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 , test "list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.list |> List.map (\score -> { name = score |> Scores.name , points = score |> Scores.points } ) |> Expect.equal [ { name = "Paul", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highestToString" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "name" <| \_ -> "Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "Paul" , test "points" <| \_ -> "Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "total" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal 10 , test "updateName" <| \_ -> "Paul" |> Scores.register |> Scores.updateName "Steve" |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "Steve" ]
module Shared.ScoresTests exposing (suite) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (intRange) import Shared.Scores as Scores exposing (Score, Scores) import Test exposing (Test, describe, fuzz, fuzz2, test) init : Scores init = Scores.init 10 [] suite : Test suite = describe "The Scores Module" [ describe "init" [ fuzz (intRange 0 100) "with no highscores" <| \total -> Scores.init total [] |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total , fuzz2 (intRange 1 10) (intRange 10 100) "with too many highscores" <| \total range -> Scores.init total (range |> List.range 10 |> List.map (\index -> { name = "" , points = 0 } ) ) |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total ] , test "register" <| \_ -> Scores.register "<NAME>" |> Expect.all [ \score -> score |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "<NAME>" , \score -> score |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , test "incrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "<NAME>" |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "decrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "<NAME>" |> Scores.decrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal -10 , describe "scoreChange" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "does not update the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , describe "gameOver" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "updates the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 ] , test "prepareForSave" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.prepareForSave |> Expect.equal [ { name = "<NAME>", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "lowest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.lowest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 , test "list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.list |> List.map (\score -> { name = score |> Scores.name , points = score |> Scores.points } ) |> Expect.equal [ { name = "<NAME>", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highestToString" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "name" <| \_ -> "<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "<NAME>" , test "points" <| \_ -> "<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "total" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal 10 , test "updateName" <| \_ -> "<NAME>" |> Scores.register |> Scores.updateName "<NAME>" |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "<NAME>" ]
module Shared.ScoresTests exposing (suite) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (intRange) import Shared.Scores as Scores exposing (Score, Scores) import Test exposing (Test, describe, fuzz, fuzz2, test) init : Scores init = Scores.init 10 [] suite : Test suite = describe "The Scores Module" [ describe "init" [ fuzz (intRange 0 100) "with no highscores" <| \total -> Scores.init total [] |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total , fuzz2 (intRange 1 10) (intRange 10 100) "with too many highscores" <| \total range -> Scores.init total (range |> List.range 10 |> List.map (\index -> { name = "" , points = 0 } ) ) |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal total ] , test "register" <| \_ -> Scores.register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Expect.all [ \score -> score |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , \score -> score |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , test "incrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "decrementScore" <| \_ -> Scores.register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.decrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal -10 , describe "scoreChange" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "does not update the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 ] , describe "gameOver" [ test "updates the current highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "updates the list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 ] , test "prepareForSave" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.prepareForSave |> Expect.equal [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "lowest" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.lowest |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 0 , test "list" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.gameOver ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.list |> List.map (\score -> { name = score |> Scores.name , points = score |> Scores.points } ) |> Expect.equal [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", points = 10 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } , { name = "---", points = 0 } ] , test "highestToString" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.scoreChange ("PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 ) |> Scores.highestToString |> Expect.equal "10" , test "name" <| \_ -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , test "points" <| \_ -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.incrementScore 10 |> Scores.points |> Expect.equal 10 , test "total" <| \_ -> init |> Scores.total |> Expect.equal 10 , test "updateName" <| \_ -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.register |> Scores.updateName "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Scores.name |> Expect.equal "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ]
[ { "context": "opLevelDomains =\n [ \"cosmic\" ]\n\n\ninput1 =\n \"test@ohomail.co\"\n\n\nmailcheckResult1 =\n suggestWith domains sec", "end": 365, "score": 0.9999092817, "start": 350, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@ohomail.co" }, { "context": "ilcheckResult1 == Just ( \"test\", \"yohomail.com\", \"test@yohomail.com\" )\n\n\ninput2 =\n \"test@fakedomain.comic\"\n\n\nmailc", "end": 541, "score": 0.9999040961, "start": 524, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@yohomail.com" }, { "context": "omail.com\", \"test@yohomail.com\" )\n\n\ninput2 =\n \"test@fakedomain.comic\"\n\n\nmailcheckResult2 =\n suggestWith domains sec", "end": 582, "score": 0.9997785091, "start": 561, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@fakedomain.comic" }, { "context": "ckResult2 == Just ( \"test\", \"fakedomain.cosmic\", \"test@fakedomain.cosmic\" )\n\n\ninput3 =\n \"test@supermail.tld\"\n\n\nmailchec", "end": 768, "score": 0.999625802, "start": 746, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@fakedomain.cosmic" }, { "context": "smic\", \"test@fakedomain.cosmic\" )\n\n\ninput3 =\n \"test@supermail.tld\"\n\n\nmailcheckResult3 =\n suggestWith domains sec", "end": 806, "score": 0.9998890758, "start": 788, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@supermail.tld" }, { "context": "ilcheckResult3 == Just ( \"test\", \"supamail.tld\", \"test@supamail.tld\" )\n\n\nd1 =\n Debug.log \"mailcheckResult1\" ( inpu", "end": 982, "score": 0.9998857379, "start": 965, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@supamail.tld" } ]
module Main exposing (domains, input1, input2, input3, mailcheckResult1, mailcheckResult2, mailcheckResult3, secondLevelDomains, test1Pass, test2Pass, test3Pass, topLevelDomains) import Mailcheck exposing (suggestWith) domains = [ "yohomail.com" ] secondLevelDomains = [ "supamail" ] topLevelDomains = [ "cosmic" ] input1 = "test@ohomail.co" mailcheckResult1 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input1 test1Pass = mailcheckResult1 == Just ( "test", "yohomail.com", "test@yohomail.com" ) input2 = "test@fakedomain.comic" mailcheckResult2 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input2 test2Pass = mailcheckResult2 == Just ( "test", "fakedomain.cosmic", "test@fakedomain.cosmic" ) input3 = "test@supermail.tld" mailcheckResult3 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input3 test3Pass = mailcheckResult3 == Just ( "test", "supamail.tld", "test@supamail.tld" ) d1 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult1" ( input1, mailcheckResult1, test1Pass ) d2 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult2" ( input2, mailcheckResult2, test2Pass ) d3 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult3" ( input3, mailcheckResult3, test3Pass )
module Main exposing (domains, input1, input2, input3, mailcheckResult1, mailcheckResult2, mailcheckResult3, secondLevelDomains, test1Pass, test2Pass, test3Pass, topLevelDomains) import Mailcheck exposing (suggestWith) domains = [ "yohomail.com" ] secondLevelDomains = [ "supamail" ] topLevelDomains = [ "cosmic" ] input1 = "<EMAIL>" mailcheckResult1 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input1 test1Pass = mailcheckResult1 == Just ( "test", "yohomail.com", "<EMAIL>" ) input2 = "<EMAIL>" mailcheckResult2 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input2 test2Pass = mailcheckResult2 == Just ( "test", "fakedomain.cosmic", "<EMAIL>" ) input3 = "<EMAIL>" mailcheckResult3 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input3 test3Pass = mailcheckResult3 == Just ( "test", "supamail.tld", "<EMAIL>" ) d1 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult1" ( input1, mailcheckResult1, test1Pass ) d2 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult2" ( input2, mailcheckResult2, test2Pass ) d3 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult3" ( input3, mailcheckResult3, test3Pass )
module Main exposing (domains, input1, input2, input3, mailcheckResult1, mailcheckResult2, mailcheckResult3, secondLevelDomains, test1Pass, test2Pass, test3Pass, topLevelDomains) import Mailcheck exposing (suggestWith) domains = [ "yohomail.com" ] secondLevelDomains = [ "supamail" ] topLevelDomains = [ "cosmic" ] input1 = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" mailcheckResult1 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input1 test1Pass = mailcheckResult1 == Just ( "test", "yohomail.com", "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ) input2 = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" mailcheckResult2 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input2 test2Pass = mailcheckResult2 == Just ( "test", "fakedomain.cosmic", "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ) input3 = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" mailcheckResult3 = suggestWith domains secondLevelDomains topLevelDomains input3 test3Pass = mailcheckResult3 == Just ( "test", "supamail.tld", "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ) d1 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult1" ( input1, mailcheckResult1, test1Pass ) d2 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult2" ( input2, mailcheckResult2, test2Pass ) d3 = Debug.log "mailcheckResult3" ( input3, mailcheckResult3, test3Pass )
[ { "context": "ed = True\n }\n in\n [ { name = \"Tenacity\"\n , id = 1\n , rarity = 1\n , ", "end": 2883, "score": 0.9981548786, "start": 2875, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tenacity" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Meditation\"\n , id = 2\n , rarity = 1\n , ", "end": 3220, "score": 0.9980675578, "start": 3210, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Meditation" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Technique\"\n , id = 3\n , rarity = 1\n , ", "end": 3558, "score": 0.9687386155, "start": 3549, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Technique" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Concentration\"\n , id = 9\n , rarity = 2\n , ", "end": 5591, "score": 0.9991087914, "start": 5578, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Concentration" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Divine Oracle\"\n , id = 10\n , rarity = 2\n ,", "end": 5931, "score": 0.9993363023, "start": 5918, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Divine Oracle" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = 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,", "end": 9400, "score": 0.9992050529, "start": 9391, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dragonkin" }, { "context": "ted = False\n }\n , { name = \"Iron-Willed Training\"\n , id = 21\n , rarity = 4\n ,", "end": 9745, "score": 0.6116060615, "start": 9737, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Training" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Primeval Curse\"\n , id = 22\n , rarity = 4\n ,", "end": 10090, "score": 0.9998624325, "start": 10076, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Primeval Curse" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Projection\"\n , id = 23\n , rarity = 4\n ,", "end": 10432, "score": 0.9997013211, "start": 10422, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Projection" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Gandr\"\n , id = 24\n , rarity = 4\n ,", "end": 10770, "score": 0.9998520017, "start": 10765, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gandr" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Verdant Sound of Destruction\"\n , id = 25\n , rarity = 4\n ,", "end": 11133, "score": 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"NAME", "value": "Starlight Fest" }, { "context": "Code Units <| Flat 50]\n , bond 641 \"Frontier\" \"Paul Bunyan\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 15]\n , bon", "end": 116679, "score": 0.9998931885, "start": 116668, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul Bunyan" }, { "context": "rty_ Buster 15]\n , bond 642 \"The Vaunted One\" \"Sherlock Holmes\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party CritU", "end": 116769, "score": 0.9998885989, "start": 116754, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sherlock Holmes" }, { "context": "ty_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15]\n , { name = \"Summer Little\"\n , id = 643\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 116857, "score": 0.9998881817, "start": 116844, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Summer Little" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"White Cruising\"\n , id = 644\n , rarity = 4\n ", "end": 117329, "score": 0.9998333454, "start": 117315, "tag": "NAME", "value": "White Cruising" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"Sugar Vacation\"\n , id = 645\n , rarity = 3\n ", "end": 117819, "score": 0.9985767603, "start": 117805, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sugar Vacation" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"Seaside Luxury\"\n , id = 646\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 118241, "score": 0.9995967746, "start": 118227, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Seaside Luxury" }, { "context": "ng\n , limited = True\n }\n , bond 647 \"Domus Aurea de Curcubeu Mare\" \"Nero Claudius (Caster)\" Icon.BusterUp\n [pa", "end": 118674, "score": 0.9998776913, "start": 118646, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Domus Aurea de Curcubeu Mare" }, { "context": " }\n , bond 647 \"Domus Aurea de Curcubeu Mare\" \"Nero Claudius (Caster)\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 10, ", "end": 118690, "score": 0.9998558164, "start": 118677, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nero Claudius" }, { "context": " party NPGen 10]\n , bond 648 \"Handy-Bandages\" \"Frankenstein (Saber)\" Icon.QuickUp\n [self (CardUp Quick) ", "end": 118801, "score": 0.9579603076, "start": 118789, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Frankenstein" }, { "context": " party NPGen 10]\n , bond 649 \"A Gift From Ra\" \"Nitocris (Assassin)\" Icon.ArtsUp\n [party_ Arts", "end": 118905, "score": 0.8890740871, "start": 118904, "tag": "NAME", "value": "N" }, { "context": " [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10]\n , bond 650 \"Tenka Fubu -2017 Summer.ver-\" \"Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)", "end": 118997, "score": 0.9886097908, "start": 118992, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tenka" }, { "context": "0]\n , bond 650 \"Tenka Fubu -2017 Summer.ver-\" \"Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 1", "end": 119035, "score": 0.9945600033, "start": 119023, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Oda Nobunaga" }, { "context": "]\n , bond 651 \"Champion's Cup of the Goddess\" \"Ishtar (Rider)\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, par", "end": 119186, "score": 0.8934326172, "start": 119180, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ishtar" }, { "context": "party NPUp 10]\n , bond 656 \"Mop of Selection\" \"Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)\" Icon.SwordUp\n [party AttackUp", "end": 119299, "score": 0.9911071062, "start": 119283, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Altria Pendragon" }, { "context": "meritAll DefenseDown 15]\n , bond 657 \"NYARF!\" \"Helena Blavatsky (Archer)\" Icon.ArtsQuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10", "end": 119422, "score": 0.99915272, "start": 119406, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Helena Blavatsky" }, { "context": "[party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10]\n , bond 658 \"Kyougoku\" \"Minamoto-no-Raikou (Lancer)\" Icon.QuickBusterUp", "end": 119514, "score": 0.9297592044, "start": 119506, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kyougoku" }, { "context": "ck 10, party_ Arts 10]\n , bond 658 \"Kyougoku\" \"Minamoto-no-Raikou (Lancer)\" Icon.QuickBusterUp\n [party_ Quick ", "end": 119535, "score": 0.8007105589, "start": 119517, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Minamoto-no-Raikou" }, { "context": "y_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10]\n , { name = \"Battle Olympia\"\n , id = 660\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 119640, "score": 0.9686875343, "start": 119626, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Battle Olympia" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"At Wish's End\"\n , id = 666\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 120545, "score": 0.7305570841, "start": 120536, "tag": "NAME", "value": "At Wish's" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"Comrades\"\n , id = 667\n , rarity = 4\n ", "end": 120975, "score": 0.9996747375, "start": 120967, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Comrades" }, { "context": "ng\n , limited = True\n }\n , bond 669 \"Urvara Nandi\" \"Parvati\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, p", "end": 121456, "score": 0.9998043776, "start": 121444, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Urvara Nandi" }, { "context": "ted = True\n }\n , bond 669 \"Urvara Nandi\" \"Parvati\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen", "end": 121466, "score": 0.9996368289, "start": 121459, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Parvati" }, { "context": " Units <| Flat 50]\n , gift 671 \"Heroic Costume: Leonardo da Vinci\" Icon.Road\n [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat ", "end": 121662, "score": 0.9997797608, "start": 121645, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Leonardo da Vinci" }, { "context": " Units <| Flat 50]\n , gift 672 \"Heroic Costume: Jeanne d'Arc\" Icon.Road\n [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat ", "end": 121760, "score": 0.9918051958, "start": 121748, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeanne d'Arc" }, { "context": " Units <| Flat 50]\n , gift 673 \"Heroic Costume: Nero Claudius\" Icon.Road\n [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat ", "end": 121859, "score": 0.9995845556, "start": 121846, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nero Claudius" }, { "context": "]\n , bond 675 \"A Wish Spanning 3 Generations\" \"Tomoe Gozen\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 10, party NPU", "end": 121972, "score": 0.998192668, "start": 121961, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tomoe Gozen" }, { "context": "[party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 676 \"Getsurin Kuyou\" \"Mochizuki Chiyome\" Icon.ArtsQuickUp\n [part", "end": 122058, "score": 0.9998025298, "start": 122044, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Getsurin Kuyou" }, { "context": ", party NPUp 10]\n , bond 676 \"Getsurin Kuyou\" \"Mochizuki Chiyome\" Icon.ArtsQuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party_ ", "end": 122078, "score": 0.9998044372, "start": 122061, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mochizuki Chiyome" }, { "context": "[party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10]\n , bond 677 \"Jumonji Yari\" \"Houzouin Inshun\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Qui", "end": 122165, "score": 0.9997265935, "start": 122153, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jumonji Yari" }, { "context": "0, party_ Arts 10]\n , bond 677 \"Jumonji Yari\" \"Houzouin Inshun\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party CritU", "end": 122183, "score": 0.9997092485, "start": 122168, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Houzouin Inshun" }, { "context": "10, party CritUp 15]\n , bond 678 \"Double-Tiered Kasa\" \"Yagyu Munenori\" Icon.ArtsUp\n [party_ Ar", "end": 122270, "score": 0.950686872, "start": 122269, "tag": "NAME", "value": "K" }, { "context": "y CritUp 15]\n , bond 678 \"Double-Tiered Kasa\" \"Yagyu Munenori\" Icon.ArtsUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10", "end": 122290, "score": 0.9996801019, "start": 122276, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Yagyu Munenori" }, { "context": " [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 679 \"Danzou's Ox\" \"Katou Danzo\" Icon.QuickBusterUp\n [party_ Q", "end": 122369, "score": 0.9869157672, "start": 122358, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Danzou's Ox" }, { "context": " 10, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 679 \"Danzou's Ox\" \"Katou Danzo\" Icon.QuickBusterUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party", "end": 122383, "score": 0.9996002913, "start": 122372, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Katou Danzo" }, { "context": "arty_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10]\n , bond 686 \"Princess' Origami\" \"Osakabehime\" Icon.NobleUp\n [party NPGen 15", "end": 122479, "score": 0.9986360073, "start": 122462, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Princess' Origami" }, { "context": "y_ Buster 10]\n , bond 686 \"Princess' Origami\" \"Osakabehime\" Icon.NobleUp\n [party NPGen 15]\n , bond 6", "end": 122493, "score": 0.998919487, "start": 122482, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Osakabehime" }, { "context": "ter 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20]\n , bond 688 \"Guardian Gigantic\" \"Mecha Eli-chan MkII\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party", "end": 122685, "score": 0.954140842, "start": 122668, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Guardian Gigantic" }, { "context": " [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50]\n , { name = \"Soul Eater\"\n , id = 691\n , rarity = 3\n ", "end": 122901, "score": 0.9997155666, "start": 122891, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Soul Eater" }, { "context": " , limited = False\n }\n , { name = \"Divine Construct\"\n , id = 674\n , rarity = 3\n ", "end": 123262, "score": 0.9988815188, "start": 123246, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Divine Construct" }, { "context": " [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50 ]\n , bond 692 \"Falcon Witch's Banquet\" \"Circe\" Icon.NobleUp\n [party NPGen 10, part", "end": 123711, "score": 0.9880262613, "start": 123689, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Falcon Witch's Banquet" }, { "context": "lat 50 ]\n , bond 692 \"Falcon Witch's Banquet\" \"Circe\" Icon.NobleUp\n [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 1", "end": 123719, "score": 0.972001493, "start": 123714, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Circe" }, { "context": "0, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 693 \"Universe Ring\" \"Nezha\" Icon.QuickUp\n [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp ", "end": 123809, "score": 0.9834394455, "start": 123804, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nezha" }, { "context": "0, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 694 \"Tributes to King Solomon\" \"Queen of Sheba\" Icon.BusterArtsUp\n [party_", "end": 123903, "score": 0.9362462163, "start": 123896, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Solomon" }, { "context": "Up 10]\n , bond 694 \"Tributes to King Solomon\" \"Queen of Sheba\" Icon.BusterArtsUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party_ ", "end": 123920, "score": 0.6603270173, "start": 123906, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Queen of Sheba" }, { "context": "party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10]\n , bond 695 \"Rosarium de Clavis Argenteus\" \"Abigail Williams\" Icon.BeamUp\n [Times 3 <|", "end": 124025, "score": 0.9977783561, "start": 123997, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rosarium de Clavis Argenteus" }, { "context": "0]\n , bond 695 \"Rosarium de Clavis Argenteus\" \"Abigail Williams\" Icon.BeamUp\n [Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Death", "end": 124044, "score": 0.999551475, "start": 124028, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Abigail Williams" }, { "context": "t Full]\n , bond 700 \"Blooming Flowers in Kur\" \"Ereshkigal\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 10, party NPU", "end": 124159, "score": 0.9433829188, "start": 124149, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ereshkigal" }, { "context": "ty_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15]\n , { name = \"New Beginning\"\n , id = 704\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 124379, "score": 0.9986560941, "start": 124366, "tag": "NAME", "value": "New Beginning" }, { "context": "9 \"Painting of a Dragon Passing Over Mount Fuji\" \"Katsushika Hokusai\" Icon.Kneel\n [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPe", "end": 124904, "score": 0.9969841242, "start": 124886, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Katsushika Hokusai" }, { "context": "nt <| Flat 20]\n , bond 717 \"Mysterious Glass\" \"Semiramis\" Icon.BusterUp\n [party_ Buster 10, party NPU", "end": 125016, "score": 0.780795157, "start": 125007, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Semiramis" }, { "context": " 10, party NPUp 10]\n , bond 762 \"Summer Rain\" \"Asagami Fujino\" Icon.BusterArtsUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party_ ", "end": 125116, "score": 0.9991397858, "start": 125102, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Asagami Fujino" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"The Dantes Files: Undercover in a Foreign Land\"\n ", "end": 126123, "score": 0.5687887669, "start": 126120, "tag": "NAME", "value": "The" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , bond 787 \"OTMA\" \"Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova\" Icon.ArtsUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10", "end": 126680, "score": 0.9998788238, "start": 126651, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova" }, { "context": "arty_ Buster 10]\n , bond 790 \"Wildfire Blade\" \"Antonio Salieri\" Icon.ArtsUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 1", "end": 127016, "score": 0.9998520613, "start": 127001, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Antonio Salieri" }, { "context": "rty_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10]\n , { name = \"Distant Pilgrimage\"\n , id = 792\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 127226, "score": 0.9998056293, "start": 127208, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Distant Pilgrimage" }, { "context": " , limited = True\n }\n , { name = \"At Trifas\"\n , id = 796\n , rarity = 5\n ", "end": 129099, "score": 0.9995108247, "start": 129090, "tag": "NAME", "value": "At Trifas" }, { "context": " bond 799 \"The Purpose of Learning and Teaching\" \"Chiron\" Icon.ArtsQuickUp\n [party_ Arts 10, party_ Q", "end": 129742, "score": 0.6862896681, "start": 129736, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chiron" }, { "context": "party_ Quick 10]\n , bond 800 \"Nameless Death\" \"Sieg\" Icon.NobleUp\n [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 1", "end": 129838, "score": 0.8016216755, "start": 129834, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sieg" } ]
module Database.CraftEssences exposing ( db , getBond , getAll ) {-| All Craft Essences. -} -- Unlike Servants, which are divided into multiple subfiles, -- Craft Essences are all included in this one file -- along with their data model definition. import Dict exposing (Dict) import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Class.Has exposing (Has) import Model.Icon as Icon import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class as Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.CraftEssence exposing (CraftEssence) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BonusEffect exposing (BonusEffect(..), BonusType(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Database getAll : Has CraftEssence a -> List a getAll = Database.genericGetAll db {-| All Craft Essences available in EN. -} -- Note: Names _must_ be true to their EN localization. -- GrandOrder.Wiki is only trustworthy for CEs that have been in the game -- for a while. Craft Essences introduced during events and the like should be -- checked against the official announcement. db : List CraftEssence db = let gutsPercent = Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent << Flat self buff = Grant Self 0 buff << Flat party buff = Grant Party 0 buff << Flat party_ card = party (CardUp card) demeritAll debuff = Debuff Party 0 debuff << Flat demeritOthers debuff = Debuff Others 0 debuff << Flat atkChance chance = When "attacking" << Chance chance bond id name servant icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Just servant , limited = False } gift id name icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Nothing , limited = True } in [ { name = "Tenacity" , id = 1 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Meditation" , id = 2 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 450 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Technique" , id = 3 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Preemption" , id = 4 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Destruction" , id = 5 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Flash" , id = 6 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Opportunity" , id = 7 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Fruitful" , id = 8 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Concentration" , id = 9 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Divine Oracle" , id = 10 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Azoth Blade" , id = 11 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 200 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "False Attendant's Writings" , id = 12 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Azure Black Keys" , id = 13 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Verdant Black Keys" , id = 14 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Crimson Black Keys" , id = 15 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Rin's Pendant" , id = 16 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Spell Tome" , id = 17 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Dragon's Meridian" , id = 18 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Sorcery Ore" , id = 19 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Dragonkin" , id = 20 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Iron-Willed Training" , id = 21 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Primeval Curse" , id = 22 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Projection" , id = 23 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Gandr" , id = 24 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Verdant Sound of Destruction" , id = 25 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Gem Magecraft: Antumbra" , id = 26 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Be Elegant" , id = 27 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Imaginary Element" , id = 28 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Divine Banquet" , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Angel's Song" , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Formal Craft" , id = 31 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Imaginary Around" , id = 32 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Limited/Zero Over" , id = 33 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Kaleidoscope" , id = 34 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heaven's Feel" , id = 35 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Beginning of the Journey" , id = 36 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } , max = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } } , effect = [ Bonus FriendPoints Units <| Flat 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Parted Sea" , id = 37 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Seal Designation Enforcer" , id = 38 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 600 800 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Holy Shroud of Magdalene" , id = 39 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 35 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Prisma Cosmos" , id = 40 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Nightless Rose" , id = 41 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mooncell Automaton" , id = 42 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Moony Jewel" , id = 43 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Charm) <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moon Goddess' Bath" , id = 44 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 750 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moonlight Fest" , id = 45 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Runestone" , id = 46 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "With One Strike" , id = 47 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Black Grail" , id = 48 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 60 80 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Jack-o'-lantern" , id = 49 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Trick or Treat" , id = 50 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Halloween Arrangement" , id = 51 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Halloween Princess" , id = 52 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Little Halloween Devil" , id = 53 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Maid in Halloween" , id = 54 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Anchors Aweigh" , id = 55 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Code Cast" , id = 56 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.SwordShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Victor of the Moon" , id = 57 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Another Ending" , id = 58 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Fate GUDAGUDA Order" , id = 59 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 1 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "After-Party Order!" , id = 60 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Guda-o" , id = 61 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "GUDAGUDA Poster Girl" , id = 62 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Demon Boar" , id = 65 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Knight's Dignity" , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 40 50 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "A Fragment of 2030" , id = 67 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Lightning Reindeer" , id = 68 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "March of the Saint" , id = 69 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Present For My Master" , id = 70 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Holy Night Sign" , id = 71 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Clock Tower" , id = 72 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Necromancy" , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2400 } } , effect = [ Chance 50 << Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Awakened Will" , id = 74 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Chance 60 << Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 12 15 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "500-Year Obsession" , id = 75 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Circuits , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated by an enemy" <| Debuff Target 2 SealNP Full , When "defeated by an enemy" << Debuff Target 10 Curse <| Range 1000 2000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Peacefulness of 2018" , id = 76 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Debuff Self 0 AttackDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic New Year" , id = 77 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Law of the Jungle" , id = 78 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Range 2017 2018 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Grand New Year" , id = 79 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mona Lisa" , id = 80 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPDrop Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Happy x3 Order" , id = 81 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 0 1 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Purely Bloom" , id = 82 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 40 50) << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Flat 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Star of Altria" , id = 83 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Trueshot" , id = 84 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mikotto! Bride Training" , id = 85 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 750 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Crimson Land of Shadows" , id = 86 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 1000 1200) << Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Ryudoji Temple" , id = 89 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Mana Gauge" , id = 90 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Elixir of Love" , id = 91 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heart , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Storch Ritter" , id = 92 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Berserker << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Hermitage" , id = 93 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Motored Cuirassier" , id = 94 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Rider) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Stuffed Lion" , id = 95 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heal , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party Heal <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Lugh's Halo" , id = 96 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Stun) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Vessel of the Saint" , id = 97 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Golden Millennium Tree" , id = 98 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Flat 3000) << Grant Self 0 HPUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Mash Kyrielight" , id = 99 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Altria Pendragon" , id = 100 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Jeanne d'Arc" , id = 101 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Altera" , id = 102 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Arjuna" , id = 103 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Scathach" , id = 104 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Ushiwakamaru" , id = 105 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Henry Jekyll & Hyde" , id = 106 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Mephistopheles" , id = 107 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: Darius III" , id = 108 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Valentine Dojo of Tears" , id = 109 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 5 , Debuff Self 0 CharmVuln <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Kitchen ☆ Patissiere" , id = 110 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Street Choco-Maid" , id = 111 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Melty Sweetheart" , id = 112 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Flat 100 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Decapitating Bunny 2018" , id = 154 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mature Gentleman" , id = 155 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.FireUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathResist <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Grand Puppeteer" , id = 156 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Threefold Barrier" , id = 157 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Vivid Dance of Fists" , id = 158 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mystic Eyes of Distortion" , id = 159 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 25 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Summer's Precognition" , id = 160 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Chorus" , id = 161 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Sprinter" , id = 162 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Repeat Magic" , id = 163 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Kiss Your Hand" , id = 165 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Teacher and I" , id = 166 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 5 60 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Versus" , id = 167 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 80 100 , Grant Self 3 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Beasts Under the Moon" , id = 168 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Glass Full Sweet Time" , id = 169 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Salon de Marie" , id = 170 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Prince of Slayer" , id = 171 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Noisy Obsession" , id = 172 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 174 "[Heaven's Feel]" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 40] , { name = "Ideal Holy King" , id = 175 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 0 HPUp <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Record Holder" , id = 176 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Beast of Billows" , id = 177 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Lancer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Personal Training" , id = 178 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus EXP Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Scholars of Chaldea" , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Maiden Leading Chaldea" , id = 180 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Merciless One" , id = 181 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Art of the Poisonous Snake" , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 30 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Art of Death" , id = 183 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Humanoid) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Gentle Affection" , id = 184 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Volumen Hydrargyrum" , id = 185 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 200 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Innocent Maiden" , id = 186 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Self Geas Scroll" , id = 187 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Stun) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Before Awakening" , id = 188 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "His Rightful Place" , id = 189 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 191 "Crown of the Star" "Altria Pendragon" Icon.DamageUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 192 "Relic of the King" "Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 193 "Triumph of the Lord Impaler" "Vlad III" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 194 "Revelation from Heaven" "Jeanne d'Arc" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 195 "Memories of the Dragon" "Altria Pendragon (Alter)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 DefenseDown <| Flat 5] , bond 196 "Hunter of the Red Plains" "EMIYA" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Party GainStars <| Flat 5] , bond 197 "Castle of Snow" "Heracles" Icon.Kneel [Times 3 <| self Guts 500] , bond 198 "Yggdrasil Tree" "Cu Chulainn (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self Heal <| Flat 500] , bond 199 "Scorching Embrace" "Kiyohime" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 5 Burn <| Flat 500] , bond 200 "Worthless Jewel" "Mata Hari" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 201 "Eternal Solitude" "Altera" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 202 "Queen's Present" "Chevalier d'Eon" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 203 "Elixir" "Elisabeth Bathory" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 204 "My Necklace" "Marie Antoinette" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 205 "Staff He Gave Me" "Martha" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 206 "Iron Maiden" "Carmilla" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 10 <| Debuff Target 1 SealNP Full] , bond 207 "Cat Apron" "Tamamo Cat" Icon.Heal [party HPUp 2000] , bond 208 "Thirst for Victory" "Boudica" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 209 "To My Dear Friend" "Hans Christian Andersen" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 210 "Sacred Devotion" "Arash" Icon.Heal [ When "defeated" <| To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , When "defeated" <| To Party Heal <| Flat 5000 ] , { name = "The Wandering Tales of Shana-oh" , id = 211 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , When "defeated" << Grant Party 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Golden Captures the Carp" , id = 212 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , To Party GainStars <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Fox Night's Dream" , id = 213 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Burning Tale of Love" , id = 214 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reciting the Subscription List" , id = 215 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 216 "Key of the King's Law" "Gilgamesh" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 217 "Golden Glass" "Sakata Kintoki" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 218 "Thunderous Applause" "Nero Claudius" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 219 "Das Rheingold" "Siegfried" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 220 "Radiance of the Goddess" "Stheno" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 221 "Voyage of the Flowers" "Altria Pendragon (Lily)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party StarUp 10] , bond 222 "Ark of the Covenant" "David" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, When "attacking" << To Enemy Death <| Flat 10] , bond 223 "Door to Babylon" "Darius III" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 224 "Blood-Thirsting Axe" "Eric Bloodaxe" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 225 "Insurrection" "Spartacus" Icon.Kneel [gutsPercent 50] , { name = "Go West!!" , id = 226 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Classic Three Great Heroes" , id = 227 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "True Samadhi Fire" , id = 228 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "All Three Together" , id = 229 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 230 "Tristar Belt" "Orion" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 231 "Golden Helm" "Francis Drake" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 232 "Black Knight's Helmet" "Lancelot" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 CritChance <| Flat 30] , bond 233 "Golden Apple" "Atalante" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 234 "Holy Pumpkin Grail" "Elisabeth Bathory (Halloween)" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 235 "Rotary Matchlock" "Oda Nobunaga" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 236 "Llamrei Unit II" "Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 237 "Things to Calm the Heart" "Henry Jekyll & Hyde" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 238 "Glory of the Past Days" "Edward Teach" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 239 "Heaven Among the Mountains" "Sasaki Kojirou" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "Divine Princess of the Storm" , id = 240 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Ox-Demon King" , id = 241 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Personal Lesson" , id = 242 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus MysticCode Percent <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Bronze-Link Manipulator" , id = 243 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Ath nGabla" , id = 244 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Bygone Dream" , id = 245 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Assassin << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu" , id = 246 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Jeweled Sword Zelretch" , id = 247 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 248 "Tamamo's Club" "Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 249 "Headband of Resolve" "Okita Souji" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 250 "Calico Jack" "Anne Bonny & Mary Read" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 251 "Gazing Upon Dun Scaith" "Scathach" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 252 "Star of Prophecy" "Cu Chulainn" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 253 "Hekate's Staff" "Medea" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 254 "Formless Island" "Medusa" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 255 "Cask of the Wise" "Alexander" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 256 "Shaytan's Arm" "Hassan of the Cursed Arm" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 20] , bond 257 "Ariadne's Thread" "Asterios" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "Dumplings Over Flowers" , id = 258 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Faithful Companions" , id = 259 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hidden Sword: Pheasant Reversal" , id = 260 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament" , id = 261 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 AttackUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hot Spring Under the Moon" , id = 262 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Origin Bullet" , id = 263 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 35 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Covering Fire" , id = 264 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Battle of Camlann" , id = 265 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 266 "Who Am I?" "Mordred" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 267 "The Misty Night of London" "Jack the Ripper" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 268 "Wonderland" "Nursery Rhyme" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 15, party HealingReceived 10] , bond 269 "Faceless King" "Robin Hood" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 270 "Usumidori" "Ushiwakamaru" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 271 "Etiquette of Nine Guests" "Jing Ke" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 DeathUp <| Flat 30] , bond 272 "Heaven Scorcher Halberd" "Lu Bu Fengxian" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 273 "What can be Left Behind" "Georgios" Icon.Shield [ When "defeated" << Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Invincibility Full , When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DamageCut <| Flat 1000 ] , bond 274 "Thermopylae" "Leonidas I" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 275 "Haydn Quartets" "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , gift 276 "Anniversary Heroines" Icon.SwordUp [self AttackUp 10, self StarsPerTurn 3] , { name = "Leisure Stroll" , id = 277 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Partake with the King" , id = 278 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Goldfish Scooping" , id = 279 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Fire Flower" , id = 280 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 281 "Arm of Raiden" "Nikola Tesla" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 282 "Endowed Hero" "Arjuna" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, self GatherUp 1000] , bond 283 "Light of the Deprived" "Karna" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 284 "Procedure to Humanity" "Frankenstein" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 285 "Black Helmet" "Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 286 "Legend of the Gallic War" "Gaius Julius Caesar" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 287 "Rome" "Romulus" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 288 "Encounter at Gojou Bridge" "Musashibou Benkei" Icon.NobleRedUp [party NPFromDamage 20] , bond 289 "Impure Death Mask" "Phantom of the Opera" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 290 "Really Convenient" "William Shakespeare" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , { name = "Pirates Party!" , id = 291 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Summertime Mistress" , id = 292 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Twilight Memory" , id = 293 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Shiny Goddess" , id = 294 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Knights of Marines" , id = 295 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Chaldea Lifesavers" , id = 296 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Meat Wars" , id = 297 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Shaved Ice (Void's Dust Flavor)" , id = 298 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 299 "Annihilation List" "Mysterious Heroine X" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 300 "Imperishable Flames" "Brynhild" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 301 "Ring of Bay Laurel" "Nero Claudius (Bride)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 302 "Final Battle" "Beowulf" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) 20] , bond 303 "Bratan of Wisdom" "Fionn mac Cumhaill" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 304 "Prelati's Spellbook" "Gilles de Rais" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 305 "Parasitic Bomb" "Mephistopheles" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 306 "Seethe of a Warrior" "Fergus mac Roich" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 307 "My Loathsome Life" "Charles-Henri Sanson" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 308 "There is No Love Here" "Caligula" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "Magical Girl of Sapphire" , id = 309 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Kill on Sight" , id = 310 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Zunga Zunga!" , id = 311 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Kaleid Ruby" , id = 312 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Kaleid Sapphire" , id = 313 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 315 "Mugashiki—Shinkuu Myou" "Ryougi Shiki (Saber)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 316 "Frontliner's Flag" "Amakusa Shirou" Icon.DamageUp [ party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Undead) 20 , party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Demonic) 20 ] , bond 317 "Chateau d'If" "Edmond Dantes" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 318 "Unlimited Pancakes" "Medea (Lily)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 319 "Red Leather Jacket" "Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 30] , bond 320 "Otherworldly Mystical Horse" "Astolfo" Icon.Dodge [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Evasion Full] , bond 321 "Letter From a Friend" "Gilles de Rais (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll StarDown 20] , bond 322 "Hound of Culann" "Cu Chulainn (Prototype)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait WildBeast) 20] , bond 323 "Radiance of the Goddess (Euryale)" "Euryale" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 324 "Hero's Armament" "Hektor" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , { name = "Glory Is With Me" , id = 325 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Original Legion" , id = 326 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Howl at the Moon" , id = 327 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DebuffVuln <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Princess of the White Rose" , id = 328 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Joint Recital" , id = 329 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Chaldea Lunchtime" , id = 330 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Fragarach" , id = 331 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Inverted Moon of the Heavens" , id = 332 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Hydra Dagger" , id = 333 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ReaperUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 334 "Indefatigable" "Florence Nightingale" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party HealingReceived 20] , bond 335 "One-Man War" "Cu Chulainn (Alter)" Icon.Kneel [self NPUp 30, gutsPercent 20] , bond 336 "Sacred Spring" "Queen Medb" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 337 "Indestructible Blade" "Rama" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 338 "Concealed Goddess" "Helena Blavatsky" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Assassin) 20] , bond 339 "Lights of Civilization" "Thomas Edison" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 340 "Reaching the Zenith of My Skill" "Li Shuwen" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 341 "Knight's Oath" "Diarmuid Ua Duibhne" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 342 "Elemental" "Paracelsus von Hohenheim" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 343 "NEO Difference Engine" "Charles Babbage" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "Dangerous Beast" , id = 344 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Witch Under the Moonlight" , id = 345 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Count Romani Archaman's Hospitality" , id = 346 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hero Elly's Adventure" , id = 347 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Wizard & Priest" , id = 348 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Mata Hari's Tavern" , id = 349 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 350 "Hell of Blazing Punishment" "Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 351 "Gordian Knot" "Iskandar" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 352 "White Dragon" "Xuanzang Sanzang" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 353 "The Sun Shines Here" "Emiya (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 354 "Dress of Heaven" "Irisviel (Holy Grail)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 355 "Manifestation of the Golden Rule" "Gilgamesh (Child)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 356 "Spirit of the Vast Land" "Geronimo" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 357 "Extolling the Revolver" "Billy the Kid" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 358 "Library of Hundred Men" "Hassan of the Hundred Personas" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 359 "Final Fragment" "Angra Mainyu" Icon.DamageUp [ gutsPercent 20 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast1) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast2) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3L) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3R) 200 ] , gift 360 "Fate/EXTELLA" Icon.ExclamationUp [self CritUp 15, self StarsPerTurn 3] , gift 361 "Spiritron Portrait: Nero Claudius" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 362 "Spiritron Portrait: Nameless" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 363 "Spiritron Portrait: Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 364 "Spiritron Portrait: Karna" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 365 "Spiritron Portrait: Altera" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 366 "Spiritron Portrait: Gilgamesh" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , bond 367 "Divine Wine—Shinpen Kidoku" "Shuten-Douji" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 368 "Doujigiri Yasutsuna" "Minamoto-no-Raikou" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 369 "Ramesseum" "Ozymandias" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 370 "Bone Sword (Nameless)" "Ibaraki-Douji" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 371 "Unit Golden Bear" "Sakata Kintoki (Rider)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 372 "Gringolet" "Gawain" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 373 "But I Lied Once" "Tristan" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 374 "Exercising the Royal Authority" "Nitocris" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 375 "Mask of a Demon" "Fuuma \"Evil-wind\" Kotarou" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 376 "Cook Despite of Exhaustion" "Tawara Touta" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 377 "King's Horse" "Altria Pendragon (Lancer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 378 "All-Encompassing Wisdom" "Leonardo da Vinci" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 379 "Sunset Beach" "Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 380 "Lady of the Lake" "Lancelot (Saber)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party CritUp 10] , bond 381 "Reminiscence of the Summer" "Marie Antoinette (Caster)" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 382 "Currently in the Middle of a Shower" "Anne Bonny & Mary Read (Archer)" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Buster 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 383 "Prydwen" "Mordred (Rider)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 384 "Beach Love Letter (Terror)" "Kiyohime (Lancer)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 385 "Lost Right Arm" "Bedivere" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 386 "Proof of Existence" "Hassan of the Serenity" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "A Moment of Tranquility" , id = 387 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reading on the Holy Night" , id = 388 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Saint's Invitation" , id = 389 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Holy Night Supper" , id = 390 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 391 "Champion Cup" "Altria Pendragon (Archer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 392 "Phantasmal Summoning (Install)" "Illyasviel von Einzbern" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 393 "Serpent of Fate" "Cleopatra" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 394 "Holy Knuckle" "Martha (Ruler)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 395 "Minimal Prudence" "Scathach (Assassin)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 396 "Sharing of Pain" "Chloe von Einzbern" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 30, demeritAll HealthLoss 200] , bond 397 "Creed at the Bottom of the Earth" "Vlad III (EXTRA)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 398 "Invitation to Halloween" "Elisabeth Bathory (Brave)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , gift 399 "First Order" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "Devilish Bodhisattva" , id = 400 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SunUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Overcharge <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Room Guard" , id = 401 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" , id = 414 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Flat 2019 , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 0 19 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Cheers to 2019" , id = 415 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reality Marble" , id = 418 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ equipped Archer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Potion of Youth" , id = 419 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist AttackDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Collection of Mysterious Masks" , id = 420 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Cute Orangette" , id = 421 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Chocolatier" , id = 422 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Bitter Black" , id = 424 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Blissful Time" , id = 425 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Arrogance of a Victor" , id = 426 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Sweet Crystal" , id = 427 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Fondant au Chocolat" , id = 428 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 403 "Seven-Headed Warhammer Sita" "Ishtar" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 404 "Flower of Humbaba" "Enkidu" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 405 "Piedra del Sol" "Quetzalcoatl" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 406 "Door to the Ocean" "Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 407 "Dup Shimati" "Gilgamesh (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 408 "Chrysaor" "Gorgon" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 409 "Uncertainty About the Future" "Medusa (Lancer)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 410 "Primeval Flame" "Jaguar Warrior" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 411 "The Furthest Tower" "Merlin" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 416 "Buddhism of Emptiness" "Miyamoto Musashi" Icon.HoodUp [self NPUp 30, Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full] , bond 417 "The Rift of the Valley" "\"First Hassan\"" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 429 "Dark Knight-Kun" "Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 546 "The Dynamics of an Asteroid" "James Moriarty" Icon.BeamUp [Grant (AlliesType Evil) 0 NPUp <| Flat 25] , bond 547 "Kanshou & Bakuya (Revolvers)" "EMIYA (Alter)" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 548 "Jenseits der Wildnis" "Hessian Lobo" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 549 "108 Stars of Destiny" "Yan Qing" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "Conversation on the Hot Sands" , id = 550 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Dantes Files: The Case of the Spring Jaunt" , id = 551 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Cafe Camelot" , id = 553 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Outrage" , id = 554 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Operation Fianna" , id = 555 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Star , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Quatre Feuilles" , id = 556 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 MentalResist <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Neverland" , id = 557 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 4 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 559 "Garden" "Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , { name = "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven" , id = 560 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Fortress of the Sun" , id = 561 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Wolves of Mibu" , id = 562 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Stroll in the Spring Breeze" , id = 563 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Flower of High Society" , id = 564 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 4 6 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 4 6 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 567 "Haori of the Oath" "Hijikata Toshizo" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1, self CritUp 30] , bond 568 "Adzuki Beanbag" "Chacha" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "Conquering the Great Sea of Stars" , id = 569 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "One Summer" , id = 570 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Premonition of Beginnings" , id = 572 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 575 "The Radiant One" "Meltryllis" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 20, self CritUp 30, demeritOthers CritDown 10] , bond 576 "Don't Avert Your Eyes Away From Me" "Passionlip" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 577 "A Passerby's Dream" "BB" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 578 "Tenma's Spring Training" "Suzuka Gozen" Icon.BusterUp [self (CardUp Buster) 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 579 "Dream from the Cradle" "Sessyoin Kiara" Icon.ArtsUp [self (CardUp Arts) 20, self HPUp 3000, demeritOthers HPDown 1000] , { name = "Marugoshi Shinji" , id = 581 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist DefenseDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Ruined Church" , id = 580 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 583 "Fate/Apocrypha" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 586 "King Shahryay's Bedchamber" "Scheherazade" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 587 "The Palace of Luoyang" "Wu Zetian" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 588 "Military Sash of the War God" "Penthesilea" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 589 "Nina" "Christopher Columbus" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , { name = "Chaldea Anniversary" , id = 590 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Afternoon Party" , id = 591 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Starlight Fest" , id = 592 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 593 "Learning With Manga! FGO" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 607 "Formal Portrait: Atalante" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 641 "Frontier" "Paul Bunyan" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 642 "The Vaunted One" "Sherlock Holmes" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "Summer Little" , id = 643 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "White Cruising" , id = 644 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Sugar Vacation" , id = 645 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Seaside Luxury" , id = 646 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 647 "Domus Aurea de Curcubeu Mare" "Nero Claudius (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 648 "Handy-Bandages" "Frankenstein (Saber)" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 649 "A Gift From Ra" "Nitocris (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 650 "Tenka Fubu -2017 Summer.ver-" "Oda Nobunaga (Berserker)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15, party CritUp 15, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 651 "Champion's Cup of the Goddess" "Ishtar (Rider)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 656 "Mop of Selection" "Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 15] , bond 657 "NYARF!" "Helena Blavatsky (Archer)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 658 "Kyougoku" "Minamoto-no-Raikou (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "Battle Olympia" , id = 660 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Divine Three-Legged Race" , id = 661 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "At Wish's End" , id = 666 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Comrades" , id = 667 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 669 "Urvara Nandi" "Parvati" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , gift 670 "Heroic Costume: Medusa" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 671 "Heroic Costume: Leonardo da Vinci" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 672 "Heroic Costume: Jeanne d'Arc" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 673 "Heroic Costume: Nero Claudius" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 675 "A Wish Spanning 3 Generations" "Tomoe Gozen" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 676 "Getsurin Kuyou" "Mochizuki Chiyome" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 677 "Jumonji Yari" "Houzouin Inshun" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 678 "Double-Tiered Kasa" "Yagyu Munenori" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 679 "Danzou's Ox" "Katou Danzo" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 686 "Princess' Origami" "Osakabehime" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 687 "Electrologica Diagram" "Mecha Eli-chan" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 688 "Guardian Gigantic" "Mecha Eli-chan MkII" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , gift 689 "Pray Upon the Sword, Wish Upon Life" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "Soul Eater" , id = 691 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Caster << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Divine Construct" , id = 674 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Saber << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 690 "FGO VR Mash Kyrielight" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond 692 "Falcon Witch's Banquet" "Circe" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 693 "Universe Ring" "Nezha" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 694 "Tributes to King Solomon" "Queen of Sheba" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 695 "Rosarium de Clavis Argenteus" "Abigail Williams" Icon.BeamUp [Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DeathResist Full] , bond 700 "Blooming Flowers in Kur" "Ereshkigal" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 701 "The Rainbow Soaring Under the Night Sky" "Attila the San(ta)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "New Beginning" , id = 704 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 709 "Painting of a Dragon Passing Over Mount Fuji" "Katsushika Hokusai" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent <| Flat 20] , bond 717 "Mysterious Glass" "Semiramis" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 762 "Summer Rain" "Asagami Fujino" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "Chaldea Special Investigation Unit" , id = 768 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 5 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Star of Camelot" , id = 764 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Dantes Files: Undercover in a Foreign Land" , id = 765 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 787 "OTMA" "Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 788 "Calydon's Hide" "Atalante (Alter)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15, party CritUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 789 "Truth and Death" "Avicebron" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 790 "Wildfire Blade" "Antonio Salieri" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 791 "Library of Ivan the Terrible" "Ivan the Terrible" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , { name = "Distant Pilgrimage" , id = 792 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moment of Bliss" , id = 793 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Away We Go!" , id = 794 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "An Afternoon at the Fortress" , id = 795 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "At Trifas" , id = 796 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 798 "The Object That Can Hold a Universe" "Achilles" Icon.Shield [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 3 Invincibility Full] , bond 799 "The Purpose of Learning and Teaching" "Chiron" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Quick 10] , bond 800 "Nameless Death" "Sieg" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] ] equipped : Class -> SkillEffect -> SkillEffect equipped = When << (++) "equipped by a " << Class.show {-| Retrieves the corresponding Bond CE. Memoized for performance. -} getBond : Servant -> Maybe CraftEssence getBond s = Dict.get s.name bondMap {-| Memoization table for `getBond`. -} bondMap : Dict String CraftEssence bondMap = let go ce = Maybe.map (\bond -> (bond, ce)) ce.bond in db |> List.map go >> Maybe.values >> Dict.fromList
module Database.CraftEssences exposing ( db , getBond , getAll ) {-| All Craft Essences. -} -- Unlike Servants, which are divided into multiple subfiles, -- Craft Essences are all included in this one file -- along with their data model definition. import Dict exposing (Dict) import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Class.Has exposing (Has) import Model.Icon as Icon import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class as Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.CraftEssence exposing (CraftEssence) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BonusEffect exposing (BonusEffect(..), BonusType(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Database getAll : Has CraftEssence a -> List a getAll = Database.genericGetAll db {-| All Craft Essences available in EN. -} -- Note: Names _must_ be true to their EN localization. -- GrandOrder.Wiki is only trustworthy for CEs that have been in the game -- for a while. Craft Essences introduced during events and the like should be -- checked against the official announcement. db : List CraftEssence db = let gutsPercent = Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent << Flat self buff = Grant Self 0 buff << Flat party buff = Grant Party 0 buff << Flat party_ card = party (CardUp card) demeritAll debuff = Debuff Party 0 debuff << Flat demeritOthers debuff = Debuff Others 0 debuff << Flat atkChance chance = When "attacking" << Chance chance bond id name servant icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Just servant , limited = False } gift id name icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Nothing , limited = True } in [ { name = "<NAME>" , id = 1 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 2 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 450 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 3 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Preemption" , id = 4 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Destruction" , id = 5 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Flash" , id = 6 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Opportunity" , id = 7 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Fruitful" , id = 8 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 9 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 10 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 11 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 200 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "False Attendant's <NAME>" , id = 12 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Azure Black Keys" , id = 13 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Verdant Black Keys" , id = 14 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Crimson Black Keys" , id = 15 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME> Pendant" , id = 16 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Spell Tome" , id = 17 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 18 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 19 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 20 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Iron-Willed <NAME>" , id = 21 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 22 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 23 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 24 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 25 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Gem Magecraft: Antumbra" , id = 26 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Be Elegant" , id = 27 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Imaginary Element" , id = 28 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Formal Craft" , id = 31 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Imaginary Around" , id = 32 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Limited/Zero Over" , id = 33 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Kaleidoscope" , id = 34 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heaven's Feel" , id = 35 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Beginning of the Journey" , id = 36 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } , max = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } } , effect = [ Bonus FriendPoints Units <| Flat 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 37 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Seal Designation Enforcer" , id = 38 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 600 800 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 39 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 35 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 40 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 41 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 42 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 43 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Charm) <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moon Goddess' Bath" , id = 44 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 750 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>light Fest" , id = 45 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>estone" , id = 46 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "With One Strike" , id = 47 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The <NAME>" , id = 48 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 60 80 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 49 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Trick or Treat" , id = 50 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 51 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 52 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 53 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 54 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 55 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 56 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.SwordShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 57 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 58 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 59 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 1 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "After-Party Order!" , id = 60 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>-o" , id = 61 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 62 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 65 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 40 50 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME> 20<NAME>0" , id = 67 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 68 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 69 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 70 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 71 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 72 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2400 } } , effect = [ Chance 50 << Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 74 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Chance 60 << Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 12 15 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "500-Year Obsession" , id = 75 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Circuits , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated by an enemy" <| Debuff Target 2 SealNP Full , When "defeated by an enemy" << Debuff Target 10 Curse <| Range 1000 2000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Peacefulness of 2018" , id = 76 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Debuff Self 0 AttackDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic New Year" , id = 77 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Law of the Jungle" , id = 78 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Range 2017 2018 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 79 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 80 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPDrop Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 81 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 0 1 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 82 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 40 50) << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Flat 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 83 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 84 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>! <NAME>" , id = 85 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 750 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Crimson Land of Shadows" , id = 86 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 1000 1200) << Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 89 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 90 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 91 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heart , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 92 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Berserker << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 93 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 94 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Rider) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 95 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heal , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party Heal <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 96 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Stun) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 97 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 98 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Flat 3000) << Grant Self 0 HPUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 99 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 100 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 101 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 102 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 103 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 104 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 105 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME> & <NAME>" , id = 106 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 107 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: <NAME>" , id = 108 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>entine Dojo of T<NAME>" , id = 109 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 5 , Debuff Self 0 CharmVuln <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> ☆ <NAME>" , id = 110 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 111 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 112 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Flat 100 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 154 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 155 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.FireUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathResist <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 156 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 157 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 158 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>yes of Distortion" , id = 159 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 25 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 160 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 161 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 162 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Repeat Magic" , id = 163 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>iss Your Hand" , id = 165 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 166 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 5 60 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 167 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 80 100 , Grant Self 3 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Beasts Under the Moon" , id = 168 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Glass Full Sweet Time" , id = 169 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 170 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 171 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 172 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 174 "[Heaven's Feel]" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 40] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 175 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 0 HPUp <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 176 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 177 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Lancer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 178 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus EXP Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 180 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 181 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Art of the Poisonous Snake" , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 30 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME> of Death" , id = 183 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Humanoid) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 184 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 185 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 200 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 186 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Self Geas Scroll" , id = 187 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Stun) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Before Awakening" , id = 188 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "His Rightful Place" , id = 189 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 191 "Crown of the Star" "<NAME>" Icon.DamageUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 192 "Relic of the King" "<NAME> (Lord El-Melloi II)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 193 "Triumph of the Lord Impaler" "<NAME>lad III" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 194 "Revelation from Heaven" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 195 "Memories of the Dragon" "<NAME> (Alter)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 DefenseDown <| Flat 5] , bond 196 "Hunter of the Red Plains" "EMIYA" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Party GainStars <| Flat 5] , bond 197 "Castle of Snow" "Heracles" Icon.Kneel [Times 3 <| self Guts 500] , bond 198 "Yggdrasil Tree" "Cu Chulainn (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self Heal <| Flat 500] , bond 199 "Scorching Embrace" "Kiyohime" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 5 Burn <| Flat 500] , bond 200 "Worthless Jewel" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 201 "Eternal Solitude" "<NAME>" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 202 "Queen's Present" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 203 "Elixir" "<NAME>" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 204 "My Necklace" "<NAME>" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 205 "Staff He Gave Me" "<NAME>" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 206 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 10 <| Debuff Target 1 SealNP Full] , bond 207 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.Heal [party HPUp 2000] , bond 208 "<NAME>irst for Victory" "<NAME>" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 209 "To My Dear Friend" "<NAME>" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 210 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.Heal [ When "defeated" <| To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , When "defeated" <| To Party Heal <| Flat 5000 ] , { name = "<NAME> <NAME>" , id = 211 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , When "defeated" << Grant Party 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>en Captures the Carp" , id = 212 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , To Party GainStars <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Fox Night's Dream" , id = 213 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Burning Tale of Love" , id = 214 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reciting the Subscription List" , id = 215 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 216 "Key of the King's Law" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 217 "Golden Glass" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 218 "Thunderous Applause" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 219 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 220 "Radiance of the Goddess" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 221 "Voyage of the Flowers" "<NAME> (<NAME>)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party StarUp 10] , bond 222 "Ark of the Covenant" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, When "attacking" << To Enemy Death <| Flat 10] , bond 223 "Door to Babylon" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 224 "Blood-Thirsting Axe" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 225 "Insurrection" "<NAME>" Icon.Kneel [gutsPercent 50] , { name = "<NAME>!!" , id = 226 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Classic Three Great Heroes" , id = 227 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 228 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "All Three Together" , id = 229 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 230 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 231 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 232 "Black Knight's Helmet" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 CritChance <| Flat 30] , bond 233 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 234 "Holy Pumpkin Grail" "<NAME> (Halloween)" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 235 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 236 "<NAME> II" "<NAME> (Santa Alter)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 237 "Things to Calm the Heart" "Henry Jekyll & Hyde" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 238 "Glory of the Past Days" "Edward Teach" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 239 "Heaven Among the Mountains" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 240 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 241 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 242 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus MysticCode Percent <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 243 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 244 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 245 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Assassin << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 246 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 247 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 248 "Tamamo's Club" "Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 249 "Headband of Resolve" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 250 "<NAME>" "<NAME> & <NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 251 "Gazing Upon <NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 252 "Star of Prophecy" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 253 "<NAME>kate's Staff" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 254 "Formless Island" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 255 "Cask of the Wise" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 256 "<NAME>'s Arm" "Hassan of the Cursed Arm" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 20] , bond 257 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 258 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 259 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hidden Sword: Pheasant Reversal" , id = 260 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament" , id = 261 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 AttackUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hot Spring Under the Moon" , id = 262 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Origin Bullet" , id = 263 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 35 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 264 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 265 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 266 "Who Am I?" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 267 "The Misty Night of London" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 268 "Wonderland" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 15, party HealingReceived 10] , bond 269 "<NAME> King" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 270 "<NAME>ori" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 271 "Etiquette of Nine Guests" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 DeathUp <| Flat 30] , bond 272 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 273 "What can be Left Behind" "<NAME>" Icon.Shield [ When "defeated" << Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Invincibility Full , When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DamageCut <| Flat 1000 ] , bond 274 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 275 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , gift 276 "<NAME>" Icon.SwordUp [self AttackUp 10, self StarsPerTurn 3] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 277 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 278 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 279 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 280 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 281 "Arm of Raiden" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 282 "Endowed Hero" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, self GatherUp 1000] , bond 283 "Light of the Deprived" "<NAME>" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 284 "Procedure to Humanity" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 285 "Black Helmet" "<NAME> (Lancer Alter)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 286 "Legend of the Gallic War" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 287 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 288 "Encounter at Gojou Bridge" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleRedUp [party NPFromDamage 20] , bond 289 "Impure Death Mask" "Phantom of the Opera" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 290 "Really Convenient" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , { name = "<NAME>!" , id = 291 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 292 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 293 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 294 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 295 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 296 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> W<NAME>" , id = 297 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> (Void's Dust Flavor)" , id = 298 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 299 "Annihilation List" "Mysterious Heroine X" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 300 "Imperishable Flames" "Brynhild" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 301 "Ring of Bay Laurel" "<NAME> (Bride)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 302 "Final Battle" "Beowulf" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) 20] , bond 303 "Bratan of Wisdom" "<NAME>ionn mac Cumhaill" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 304 "Prelati's Spellbook" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 305 "Parasitic Bomb" "<NAME>phistop<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 306 "Seethe of a Warrior" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 307 "My Loathsome Life" "<NAME>" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 308 "There is No Love Here" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 309 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> on Sight" , id = 310 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>!" , id = 311 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 312 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 313 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 315 "Mugashiki—Shinkuu Myou" "<NAME> (Saber)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 316 "Frontliner's Flag" "<NAME>" Icon.DamageUp [ party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Undead) 20 , party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Demonic) 20 ] , bond 317 "Chateau d'If" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 318 "Unlimited Pancakes" "Medea (Lily)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 319 "Red Leather Jacket" "<NAME> (Assassin)" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 30] , bond 320 "Otherworldly Mystical Horse" "<NAME>" Icon.Dodge [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Evasion Full] , bond 321 "Letter From a Friend" "<NAME> (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll StarDown 20] , bond 322 "Hound of Culann" "Cu <NAME>ul<NAME> (Prototype)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait WildBeast) 20] , bond 323 "Radiance of the Goddess (Euryale)" "Euryale" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 324 "Hero's Armament" "Hektor" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 325 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 326 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 327 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DebuffVuln <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 328 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 329 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 330 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 331 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>verted Mo<NAME> the <NAME>" , id = 332 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 333 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ReaperUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 334 "Indefatigable" "Florence Nightingale" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party HealingReceived 20] , bond 335 "One-Man War" "Cu Chulainn (Alter)" Icon.Kneel [self NPUp 30, gutsPercent 20] , bond 336 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 337 "Indestructible Blade" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 338 "Concealed Goddess" "<NAME>" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Assassin) 20] , bond 339 "Lights of Civilization" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 340 "Reaching the Zenith of My Skill" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 341 "K<NAME>'s Oath" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 342 "Elemental" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 343 "NEO Difference Engine" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 344 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 345 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>'s Hospitality" , id = 346 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 347 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 348 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 349 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 350 "Hell of Blazing Punishment" "<NAME> (Alter)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 351 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 352 "White Dragon" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 353 "The Sun Shines Here" "Emiya (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 354 "Dress of Heaven" "<NAME> (Holy Grail)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 355 "Manifestation of the Golden Rule" "Gilgamesh (Child)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 356 "Spirit of the Vast Land" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 357 "Extolling the Revolver" "Billy the Kid" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 358 "Library of Hundred Men" "Hassan of the Hundred Personas" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 359 "Final Fragment" "<NAME>" Icon.DamageUp [ gutsPercent 20 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast1) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast2) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3L) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3R) 200 ] , gift 360 "Fate/EXTELLA" Icon.ExclamationUp [self CritUp 15, self StarsPerTurn 3] , gift 361 "Spiritron Portrait: <NAME>" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 362 "Spiritron Portrait: Nameless" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 363 "Spiritron Portrait: Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 364 "Spiritron Portrait: Karna" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 365 "Spiritron Portrait: Altera" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 366 "Spiritron Portrait: Gilgamesh" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , bond 367 "Divine Wine—<NAME>" "<NAME>-<NAME>" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 368 "<NAME>" "<NAME>-<NAME>-<NAME>ik<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 369 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 370 "Bone Sword (Nameless)" "<NAME>aki-D<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 371 "Unit Golden Bear" "Sakata Kintoki (Rider)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 372 "Gringolet" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 373 "But I Lied Once" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 374 "Exercising the Royal Authority" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 375 "Mask of a Demon" "Fuuma \"Evil-wind\" Kotarou" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 376 "Cook Despite of Exhaustion" "<NAME>" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 377 "King's Horse" "<NAME> (Lancer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 378 "All-Encompassing Wisdom" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 379 "Sunset Beach" "Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 380 "Lady of the Lake" "Lancelot (Saber)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party CritUp 10] , bond 381 "Reminisc<NAME> of the Summer" "<NAME> (Caster)" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 382 "Currently in the Middle of a Shower" "<NAME> & <NAME> (Archer)" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Buster 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 383 "<NAME>" "<NAME> (Rider)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 384 "Beach Love Letter (Terror)" "<NAME> (Lancer)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 385 "Lost Right Arm" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 386 "Proof of Existence" "Hassan of the Serenity" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "<NAME>ility" , id = 387 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reading on the Holy Night" , id = 388 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 389 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 390 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 391 "Champion Cup" "<NAME> (Archer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 392 "Phantasmal Summoning (Install)" "<NAME>" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 393 "Serpent of Fate" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 394 "Holy Knuckle" "<NAME> (Ruler)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 395 "Minimal Prudence" "<NAME> (Assassin)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 396 "Sharing of Pain" "<NAME>" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 30, demeritAll HealthLoss 200] , bond 397 "Creed at the Bottom of the Earth" "<NAME> (EXTRA)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 398 "Invitation to Halloween" "<NAME> (Brave)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , gift 399 "First Order" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 400 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SunUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Overcharge <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 401 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" , id = 414 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Flat 2019 , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 0 19 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 415 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 418 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ equipped Archer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME> Y<NAME>" , id = 419 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist AttackDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Collection of Mysterious Masks" , id = 420 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 421 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 422 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 424 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 425 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>ance of a V<NAME>" , id = 426 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 427 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 428 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 403 "Seven-Headed Warhammer Sita" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 404 "Flower of Humbaba" "Enkidu" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 405 "Piedra del Sol" "Quetzalcoatl" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 406 "Door to the Ocean" "Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 407 "<NAME>" "<NAME> (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 408 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 409 "Uncertainty About the Future" "Medusa (Lancer)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 410 "Primeval Flame" "Jaguar Warrior" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 411 "The Furthest Tower" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 416 "Buddhism of Emptiness" "<NAME>" Icon.HoodUp [self NPUp 30, Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full] , bond 417 "The Rift of the Valley" "\"First Hassan\"" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 429 "Dark Knight-Kun" "Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 546 "The Dynamics of an Asteroid" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [Grant (AlliesType Evil) 0 NPUp <| Flat 25] , bond 547 "Kanshou & Bakuya (Revolvers)" "EMIYA (Alter)" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 548 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 549 "108 Stars of Destiny" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "Conversation on the Hot Sands" , id = 550 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Dantes Files: The Case of the Spring Jaunt" , id = 551 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 553 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 554 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 555 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Star , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 556 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 MentalResist <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 557 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 4 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 559 "Garden" "<NAME> (Prototype)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , { name = "<NAME> the Six<NAME> Heaven" , id = 560 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>ress of the Sun" , id = 561 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Wolves of Mi<NAME>" , id = 562 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Stroll in the Spring Breeze" , id = 563 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Flower of High Society" , id = 564 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 4 6 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 4 6 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 567 "Haori of the Oath" "Hijikata T<NAME>" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1, self CritUp 30] , bond 568 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "<NAME>quering the Great Sea of Stars" , id = 569 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 570 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>monition of Beginnings" , id = 572 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 575 "The Radiant One" "Meltryllis" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 20, self CritUp 30, demeritOthers CritDown 10] , bond 576 "Don't Avert Your Eyes Away From Me" "Passionlip" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 577 "A Passerby's Dream" "BB" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 578 "Tenma's Spring Training" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [self (CardUp Buster) 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 579 "Dream from the Cradle" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [self (CardUp Arts) 20, self HPUp 3000, demeritOthers HPDown 1000] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 581 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist DefenseDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Ruined Church" , id = 580 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 583 "Fate/Apocrypha" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 586 "King Shahryay's Bedchamber" "<NAME>" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 587 "The Palace of Luoyang" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 588 "Military Sash of the War God" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 589 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 590 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 591 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 592 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 593 "Learning With Manga! FGO" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 607 "Formal Portrait: Atalante" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 641 "Frontier" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 642 "The Vaunted One" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 643 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 644 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 645 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 646 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 647 "<NAME>" "<NAME> (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 648 "Handy-Bandages" "<NAME> (Saber)" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 649 "A Gift From Ra" "<NAME>itocris (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 650 "<NAME> Fubu -2017 Summer.ver-" "<NAME> (Berserker)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15, party CritUp 15, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 651 "Champion's Cup of the Goddess" "<NAME> (Rider)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 656 "Mop of Selection" "<NAME> (Rider Alter)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 15] , bond 657 "NYARF!" "<NAME> (Archer)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 658 "<NAME>" "<NAME> (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 660 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Divine Three-Legged Race" , id = 661 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> End" , id = 666 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 667 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 669 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , gift 670 "Heroic Costume: Medusa" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 671 "Heroic Costume: <NAME>" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 672 "Heroic Costume: <NAME>" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 673 "Heroic Costume: <NAME>" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 675 "A Wish Spanning 3 Generations" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 676 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 677 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 678 "Double-Tiered <NAME>asa" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 679 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 686 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 687 "Electrologica Diagram" "Mecha Eli-chan" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 688 "<NAME>" "Mecha Eli-chan MkII" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , gift 689 "Pray Upon the Sword, Wish Upon Life" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 691 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Caster << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 674 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Saber << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 690 "FGO VR Mash Kyrielight" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond 692 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 693 "Universe Ring" "<NAME>" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 694 "Tributes to King <NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 695 "<NAME>" "<NAME>" Icon.BeamUp [Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DeathResist Full] , bond 700 "Blooming Flowers in Kur" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 701 "The Rainbow Soaring Under the Night Sky" "Attila the San(ta)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 704 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 709 "Painting of a Dragon Passing Over Mount Fuji" "<NAME>" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent <| Flat 20] , bond 717 "Mysterious Glass" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 762 "Summer Rain" "<NAME>" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "Chaldea Special Investigation Unit" , id = 768 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 5 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Star of Camelot" , id = 764 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME> Dantes Files: Undercover in a Foreign Land" , id = 765 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 787 "OTMA" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 788 "Calydon's Hide" "Atalante (Alter)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15, party CritUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 789 "Truth and Death" "Avicebron" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 790 "Wildfire Blade" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 791 "Library of Ivan the Terrible" "Ivan the Terrible" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 792 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moment of Bliss" , id = 793 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Away We Go!" , id = 794 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "An Afternoon at the Fortress" , id = 795 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "<NAME>" , id = 796 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 798 "The Object That Can Hold a Universe" "Achilles" Icon.Shield [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 3 Invincibility Full] , bond 799 "The Purpose of Learning and Teaching" "<NAME>" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Quick 10] , bond 800 "Nameless Death" "<NAME>" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] ] equipped : Class -> SkillEffect -> SkillEffect equipped = When << (++) "equipped by a " << Class.show {-| Retrieves the corresponding Bond CE. Memoized for performance. -} getBond : Servant -> Maybe CraftEssence getBond s = Dict.get s.name bondMap {-| Memoization table for `getBond`. -} bondMap : Dict String CraftEssence bondMap = let go ce = Maybe.map (\bond -> (bond, ce)) ce.bond in db |> List.map go >> Maybe.values >> Dict.fromList
module Database.CraftEssences exposing ( db , getBond , getAll ) {-| All Craft Essences. -} -- Unlike Servants, which are divided into multiple subfiles, -- Craft Essences are all included in this one file -- along with their data model definition. import Dict exposing (Dict) import Maybe.Extra as Maybe import Class.Has exposing (Has) import Model.Icon as Icon import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class as Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.CraftEssence exposing (CraftEssence) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BonusEffect exposing (BonusEffect(..), BonusType(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Database getAll : Has CraftEssence a -> List a getAll = Database.genericGetAll db {-| All Craft Essences available in EN. -} -- Note: Names _must_ be true to their EN localization. -- GrandOrder.Wiki is only trustworthy for CEs that have been in the game -- for a while. Craft Essences introduced during events and the like should be -- checked against the official announcement. db : List CraftEssence db = let gutsPercent = Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent << Flat self buff = Grant Self 0 buff << Flat party buff = Grant Party 0 buff << Flat party_ card = party (CardUp card) demeritAll debuff = Debuff Party 0 debuff << Flat demeritOthers debuff = Debuff Others 0 debuff << Flat atkChance chance = When "attacking" << Chance chance bond id name servant icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Just servant , limited = False } gift id name icon effect = { name = name , id = id , rarity = 4 , icon = icon , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 100, hp = 100 } } , effect = effect , bond = Nothing , limited = True } in [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 1 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 100 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 2 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 450 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 3 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Preemption" , id = 4 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Destruction" , id = 5 , rarity = 1 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Flash" , id = 6 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Opportunity" , id = 7 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Fruitful" , id = 8 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 9 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 75, hp = 112 } , max = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 10 , rarity = 2 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 150, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 11 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 200 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "False Attendant's PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 12 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Azure Black Keys" , id = 13 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Verdant Black Keys" , id = 14 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Crimson Black Keys" , id = 15 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Pendant" , id = 16 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Spell Tome" , id = 17 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 18 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 19 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 20 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Iron-Willed PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 21 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 22 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 23 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 24 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 25 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Gem Magecraft: Antumbra" , id = 26 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Be Elegant" , id = 27 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The Imaginary Element" , id = 28 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Formal Craft" , id = 31 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Imaginary Around" , id = 32 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Limited/Zero Over" , id = 33 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Kaleidoscope" , id = 34 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heaven's Feel" , id = 35 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Beginning of the Journey" , id = 36 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } , max = { atk = 50, hp = 50 } } , effect = [ Bonus FriendPoints Units <| Flat 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 37 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Seal Designation Enforcer" , id = 38 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 600 800 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 39 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 35 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 40 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 41 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 42 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 43 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Charm) <| Range 80 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moon Goddess' Bath" , id = 44 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 750 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIlight Fest" , id = 45 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIestone" , id = 46 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "With One Strike" , id = 47 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "The PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 48 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 60 80 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 49 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Trick or Treat" , id = 50 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 51 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 52 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 53 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 54 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 60 75 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 55 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 300, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 56 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.SwordShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 57 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 58 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 59 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 150 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 750 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 1 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "After-Party Order!" , id = 60 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI-o" , id = 61 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 62 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 65 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 40 50 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 20PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI0" , id = 67 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 68 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 69 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 70 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 71 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 375 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 72 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2400 } } , effect = [ Chance 50 << Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Range 500 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 74 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1125 } } , effect = [ Chance 60 << Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 12 15 , Debuff Self 0 HealthLoss <| Flat 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "500-Year Obsession" , id = 75 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Circuits , stats = { base = { atk = 600, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2400, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated by an enemy" <| Debuff Target 2 SealNP Full , When "defeated by an enemy" << Debuff Target 10 Curse <| Range 1000 2000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Peacefulness of 2018" , id = 76 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Debuff Self 0 AttackDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic New Year" , id = 77 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Law of the Jungle" , id = 78 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Range 2017 2018 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 79 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 80 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPDrop Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 81 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2018 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 0 1 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 82 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 40 50) << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Flat 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 83 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 84 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI! PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 85 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 750 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Crimson Land of Shadows" , id = 86 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Range 1000 1200) << Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 89 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 90 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 91 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heart , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 92 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Berserker << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 93 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 94 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Rider) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 95 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Heal , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party Heal <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 96 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist Stun) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 97 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 98 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ ToMax (Flat 3000) << Grant Self 0 HPUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 99 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 100 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 101 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 102 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 103 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 104 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 105 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI & PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 106 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 107 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Heroic Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 108 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 500 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIentine Dojo of TPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 109 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 3 5 , Debuff Self 0 CharmVuln <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI ☆ PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 110 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 111 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 112 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Flat 100 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 154 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 155 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.FireUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathResist <| Range 60 80 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 156 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 157 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 << Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 158 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 800 1000 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIyes of Distortion" , id = 159 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 25 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 160 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 161 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 162 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Repeat Magic" , id = 163 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIiss Your Hand" , id = 165 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 12 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 166 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 5 60 , Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 167 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 80 100 , Grant Self 3 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Beasts Under the Moon" , id = 168 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 12 15 , Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Glass Full Sweet Time" , id = 169 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 170 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Dodge , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 171 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 172 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (Success Charm) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 174 "[Heaven's Feel]" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 40] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 175 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.HPUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 0 HPUp <| Range 1000 1200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 176 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 177 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Lancer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 178 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus EXP Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 180 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 181 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Art of the Poisonous Snake" , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 30 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI of Death" , id = 183 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Humanoid) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 184 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 185 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Shield , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 200 500 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 186 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Self Geas Scroll" , id = 187 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StaffUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Success Stun) <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Before Awakening" , id = 188 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "His Rightful Place" , id = 189 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 191 "Crown of the Star" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.DamageUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 192 "Relic of the King" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Lord El-Melloi II)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 193 "Triumph of the Lord Impaler" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIlad III" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 194 "Revelation from Heaven" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 195 "Memories of the Dragon" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Alter)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 DefenseDown <| Flat 5] , bond 196 "Hunter of the Red Plains" "EMIYA" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Party GainStars <| Flat 5] , bond 197 "Castle of Snow" "Heracles" Icon.Kneel [Times 3 <| self Guts 500] , bond 198 "Yggdrasil Tree" "Cu Chulainn (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self Heal <| Flat 500] , bond 199 "Scorching Embrace" "Kiyohime" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 5 Burn <| Flat 500] , bond 200 "Worthless Jewel" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 201 "Eternal Solitude" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 202 "Queen's Present" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 203 "Elixir" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 204 "My Necklace" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 205 "Staff He Gave Me" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 206 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 10 <| Debuff Target 1 SealNP Full] , bond 207 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Heal [party HPUp 2000] , bond 208 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIirst for Victory" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 209 "To My Dear Friend" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 210 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Heal [ When "defeated" <| To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , When "defeated" <| To Party Heal <| Flat 5000 ] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 211 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , When "defeated" << Grant Party 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIen Captures the Carp" , id = 212 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , To Party GainStars <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Fox Night's Dream" , id = 213 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Burning Tale of Love" , id = 214 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 DebuffUp <| Range 12 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reciting the Subscription List" , id = 215 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 216 "Key of the King's Law" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 217 "Golden Glass" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 5] , bond 218 "Thunderous Applause" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 219 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 220 "Radiance of the Goddess" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 221 "Voyage of the Flowers" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party StarUp 10] , bond 222 "Ark of the Covenant" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, When "attacking" << To Enemy Death <| Flat 10] , bond 223 "Door to Babylon" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 224 "Blood-Thirsting Axe" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 225 "Insurrection" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Kneel [gutsPercent 50] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!!" , id = 226 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Classic Three Great Heroes" , id = 227 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 228 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "All Three Together" , id = 229 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 230 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 231 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 232 "Black Knight's Helmet" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Debuff Target 3 CritChance <| Flat 30] , bond 233 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 234 "Holy Pumpkin Grail" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Halloween)" Icon.HoodUp [party DebuffResist 30] , bond 235 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 236 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI II" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Santa Alter)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 237 "Things to Calm the Heart" "Henry Jekyll & Hyde" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 238 "Glory of the Past Days" "Edward Teach" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 239 "Heaven Among the Mountains" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 240 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 241 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 242 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Road , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus MysticCode Percent <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 243 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 244 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DefenseDown <| Flat 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 245 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Assassin << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 246 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 247 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 248 "Tamamo's Club" "Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 249 "Headband of Resolve" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 250 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI & PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 251 "Gazing Upon PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 252 "Star of Prophecy" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Flat 10] , bond 253 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIkate's Staff" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 254 "Formless Island" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 255 "Cask of the Wise" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 256 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's Arm" "Hassan of the Cursed Arm" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 20] , bond 257 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 258 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 259 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hidden Sword: Pheasant Reversal" , id = 260 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Golden Sumo: Boulder Tournament" , id = 261 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SwordUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 AttackUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Hot Spring Under the Moon" , id = 262 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Origin Bullet" , id = 263 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Caster) <| Range 35 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 264 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 265 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ When "defeated" << To Party GaugeUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 266 "Who Am I?" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 267 "The Misty Night of London" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 268 "Wonderland" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 15, party HealingReceived 10] , bond 269 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI King" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 270 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIori" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 271 "Etiquette of Nine Guests" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, atkChance 30 << Grant Self 3 DeathUp <| Flat 30] , bond 272 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 273 "What can be Left Behind" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Shield [ When "defeated" << Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Invincibility Full , When "defeated" << Grant Party 3 DamageCut <| Flat 1000 ] , bond 274 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 275 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , gift 276 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.SwordUp [self AttackUp 10, self StarsPerTurn 3] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 277 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 278 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 279 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 280 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 281 "Arm of Raiden" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 282 "Endowed Hero" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [self NPUp 30, self GatherUp 1000] , bond 283 "Light of the Deprived" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 284 "Procedure to Humanity" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 285 "Black Helmet" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Lancer Alter)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 286 "Legend of the Gallic War" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 287 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 288 "Encounter at Gojou Bridge" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleRedUp [party NPFromDamage 20] , bond 289 "Impure Death Mask" "Phantom of the Opera" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 290 "Really Convenient" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!" , id = 291 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 292 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 293 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 294 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 295 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 296 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI WPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 297 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 300 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Void's Dust Flavor)" , id = 298 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 299 "Annihilation List" "Mysterious Heroine X" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 300 "Imperishable Flames" "Brynhild" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 301 "Ring of Bay Laurel" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Bride)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 302 "Final Battle" "Beowulf" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Dragon) 20] , bond 303 "Bratan of Wisdom" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIionn mac Cumhaill" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 304 "Prelati's Spellbook" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 305 "Parasitic Bomb" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIphistopPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 306 "Seethe of a Warrior" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 307 "My Loathsome Life" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 308 "There is No Love Here" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 309 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI on Sight" , id = 310 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!" , id = 311 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 312 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 313 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 315 "Mugashiki—Shinkuu Myou" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Saber)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 316 "Frontliner's Flag" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.DamageUp [ party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Undead) 20 , party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Demonic) 20 ] , bond 317 "Chateau d'If" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 318 "Unlimited Pancakes" "Medea (Lily)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 319 "Red Leather Jacket" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Assassin)" Icon.ReaperUp [party DeathUp 30] , bond 320 "Otherworldly Mystical Horse" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Dodge [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 0 Evasion Full] , bond 321 "Letter From a Friend" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll StarDown 20] , bond 322 "Hound of Culann" "Cu PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIulPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Prototype)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait WildBeast) 20] , bond 323 "Radiance of the Goddess (Euryale)" "Euryale" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 324 "Hero's Armament" "Hektor" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 325 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 326 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 327 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Debuff Self 0 DebuffVuln <| Flat 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 328 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 329 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 330 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Rainbow , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Bonus Bond Percent <| Range 2 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 331 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 200 300 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIverted MoPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI the PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 332 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 1 2 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 333 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ReaperUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DeathUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , bond 334 "Indefatigable" "Florence Nightingale" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party HealingReceived 20] , bond 335 "One-Man War" "Cu Chulainn (Alter)" Icon.Kneel [self NPUp 30, gutsPercent 20] , bond 336 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 337 "Indestructible Blade" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 338 "Concealed Goddess" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Assassin) 20] , bond 339 "Lights of Civilization" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 340 "Reaching the Zenith of My Skill" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 15] , bond 341 "KPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's Oath" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 342 "Elemental" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 343 "NEO Difference Engine" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 344 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 345 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's Hospitality" , id = 346 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 347 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 348 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 10 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 349 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 350 "Hell of Blazing Punishment" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Alter)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 351 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 352 "White Dragon" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 353 "The Sun Shines Here" "Emiya (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 354 "Dress of Heaven" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Holy Grail)" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 355 "Manifestation of the Golden Rule" "Gilgamesh (Child)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 356 "Spirit of the Vast Land" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 357 "Extolling the Revolver" "Billy the Kid" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 358 "Library of Hundred Men" "Hassan of the Hundred Personas" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 359 "Final Fragment" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.DamageUp [ gutsPercent 20 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast1) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast2) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3L) 200 , self (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Beast3R) 200 ] , gift 360 "Fate/EXTELLA" Icon.ExclamationUp [self CritUp 15, self StarsPerTurn 3] , gift 361 "Spiritron Portrait: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 362 "Spiritron Portrait: Nameless" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 363 "Spiritron Portrait: Tamamo-no-Mae" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 364 "Spiritron Portrait: Karna" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 365 "Spiritron Portrait: Altera" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 366 "Spiritron Portrait: Gilgamesh" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , bond 367 "Divine Wine—PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI-PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 368 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI-PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI-PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIikPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 369 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 370 "Bone Sword (Nameless)" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIaki-DPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 371 "Unit Golden Bear" "Sakata Kintoki (Rider)" Icon.StarHaloUp [party StarUp 20] , bond 372 "Gringolet" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 373 "But I Lied Once" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 374 "Exercising the Royal Authority" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 375 "Mask of a Demon" "Fuuma \"Evil-wind\" Kotarou" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 376 "Cook Despite of Exhaustion" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 377 "King's Horse" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Lancer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 378 "All-Encompassing Wisdom" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 379 "Sunset Beach" "Tamamo-no-Mae (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 380 "Lady of the Lake" "Lancelot (Saber)" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party CritUp 10] , bond 381 "ReminiscPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI of the Summer" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Caster)" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 25] , bond 382 "Currently in the Middle of a Shower" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI & PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Archer)" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Buster 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 383 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Rider)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 384 "Beach Love Letter (Terror)" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Lancer)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 385 "Lost Right Arm" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 386 "Proof of Existence" "Hassan of the Serenity" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIility" , id = 387 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Reading on the Holy Night" , id = 388 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 389 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 390 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Noble , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 391 "Champion Cup" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Archer)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , bond 392 "Phantasmal Summoning (Install)" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.AllUp [party_ Buster 8, party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8] , bond 393 "Serpent of Fate" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 394 "Holy Knuckle" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Ruler)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 395 "Minimal Prudence" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Assassin)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15] , bond 396 "Sharing of Pain" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ExclamationUp [party CritUp 30, demeritAll HealthLoss 200] , bond 397 "Creed at the Bottom of the Earth" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (EXTRA)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 398 "Invitation to Halloween" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Brave)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , gift 399 "First Order" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 400 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.SunUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Overcharge <| Flat 2 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 401 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 300 400 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Over the Cuckoo's Nest" , id = 414 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.Crystal , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Bonus QPQuest Units <| Flat 2019 , Grant Self 0 DamageUp <| Range 0 19 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 415 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2019 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealPerTurn <| Flat 100 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 418 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ equipped Archer << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI YPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 419 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist AttackDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Collection of Mysterious Masks" , id = 420 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 421 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 422 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 424 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 425 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIance of a VPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 426 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 427 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 428 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.DamageUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Divine) <| Range 25 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 403 "Seven-Headed Warhammer Sita" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 404 "Flower of Humbaba" "Enkidu" Icon.HealTurn [party HealPerTurn 500] , bond 405 "Piedra del Sol" "Quetzalcoatl" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 406 "Door to the Ocean" "Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily" Icon.HealUp [party HealingReceived 30] , bond 407 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Caster)" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 20] , bond 408 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 409 "Uncertainty About the Future" "Medusa (Lancer)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 410 "Primeval Flame" "Jaguar Warrior" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 411 "The Furthest Tower" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 416 "Buddhism of Emptiness" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HoodUp [self NPUp 30, Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DebuffResist Full] , bond 417 "The Rift of the Valley" "\"First Hassan\"" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 429 "Dark Knight-Kun" "Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)" Icon.DamageUp [party (Special AttackUp <| VsClass Saber) 20] , bond 546 "The Dynamics of an Asteroid" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [Grant (AlliesType Evil) 0 NPUp <| Flat 25] , bond 547 "Kanshou & Bakuya (Revolvers)" "EMIYA (Alter)" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 548 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 549 "108 Stars of Destiny" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "Conversation on the Hot Sands" , id = 550 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 20 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Dantes Files: The Case of the Spring Jaunt" , id = 551 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ShieldBreak , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 IgnoreInvinc Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 553 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.HealUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 HealingReceived <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DebuffResist <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 554 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 555 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Star , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 20 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 556 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.AllUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 MentalResist <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 557 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 4 8 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 4 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 559 "Garden" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Prototype)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI the SixPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Heaven" , id = 560 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIress of the Sun" , id = 561 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 15 20 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 25 40 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Wolves of MiPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 562 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "A Stroll in the Spring Breeze" , id = 563 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 DamageCut <| Range 300 400 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Flower of High Society" , id = 564 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 4 6 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 4 6 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 567 "Haori of the Oath" "Hijikata TPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1, self CritUp 30] , bond 568 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [party NPUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIquering the Great Sea of Stars" , id = 569 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 15 20 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 570 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PImonition of Beginnings" , id = 572 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.StarTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 2 3 , Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 575 "The Radiant One" "Meltryllis" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 20, self CritUp 30, demeritOthers CritDown 10] , bond 576 "Don't Avert Your Eyes Away From Me" "Passionlip" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 577 "A Passerby's Dream" "BB" Icon.AllUp [party_ Quick 8, party_ Arts 8, party_ Buster 8] , bond 578 "Tenma's Spring Training" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [self (CardUp Buster) 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 579 "Dream from the Cradle" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [self (CardUp Arts) 20, self HPUp 3000, demeritOthers HPDown 1000] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 581 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.HoodUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Resist DefenseDown) <| Range 25 30 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "Ruined Church" , id = 580 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (Special DefenseUp <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 583 "Fate/Apocrypha" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 586 "King Shahryay's Bedchamber" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.HoodUp [self DebuffResist 100] , bond 587 "The Palace of Luoyang" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 588 "Military Sash of the War God" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 589 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 590 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsQuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 591 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.NobleTurn , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GaugePerTurn <| Range 4 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 12 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 592 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 100 200 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 2 3 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , gift 593 "Learning With Manga! FGO" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , gift 607 "Formal Portrait: Atalante" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 641 "Frontier" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15] , bond 642 "The Vaunted One" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 643 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 25 30 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 644 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 8 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 645 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.ShieldUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 300 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 1500 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 646 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 StarUp <| Range 20 25 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 647 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Caster)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 648 "Handy-Bandages" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Saber)" Icon.QuickUp [self (CardUp Quick) 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 649 "A Gift From Ra" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIitocris (Assassin)" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 650 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Fubu -2017 Summer.ver-" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Berserker)" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 15, party CritUp 15, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 651 "Champion's Cup of the Goddess" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Rider)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 656 "Mop of Selection" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Rider Alter)" Icon.SwordUp [party AttackUp 20, demeritAll DefenseDown 15] , bond 657 "NYARF!" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Archer)" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 658 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Lancer)" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 660 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 50 60 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Divine Three-Legged Race" , id = 661 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.Kneel , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 20 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI End" , id = 666 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 667 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 400, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1500, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 669 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPGen 10] , gift 670 "Heroic Costume: Medusa" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 671 "Heroic Costume: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 672 "Heroic Costume: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , gift 673 "Heroic Costume: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Road [Bonus MysticCode Units <| Flat 50] , bond 675 "A Wish Spanning 3 Generations" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 676 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Arts 10] , bond 677 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , bond 678 "Double-Tiered PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIasa" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 679 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickBusterUp [party_ Quick 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 686 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 15] , bond 687 "Electrologica Diagram" "Mecha Eli-chan" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , bond 688 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Mecha Eli-chan MkII" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 20, demeritAll DebuffVuln 20] , gift 689 "Pray Upon the Sword, Wish Upon Life" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 691 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Caster << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 674 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.BeamUp , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ equipped Saber << Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 15 25 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = False } , gift 690 "FGO VR Mash Kyrielight" Icon.Road [Bonus EXP Units <| Flat 50 ] , bond 692 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 693 "Universe Ring" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 694 "Tributes to King PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 695 "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BeamUp [Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 DeathResist Full] , bond 700 "Blooming Flowers in Kur" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 701 "The Rainbow Soaring Under the Night Sky" "Attila the San(ta)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 10, party CritUp 15] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 704 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 709 "Painting of a Dragon Passing Over Mount Fuji" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.Kneel [Times 1 << Grant Self 0 GutsPercent <| Flat 20] , bond 717 "Mysterious Glass" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 762 "Summer Rain" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , { name = "Chaldea Special Investigation Unit" , id = 768 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.Bullseye , stats = { base = { atk = 200, hp = 320 } , max = { atk = 750, hp = 1200 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 SureHit Full , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 5 8 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 5 8 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "The Star of Camelot" , id = 764 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.StarUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 GatherUp <| Range 400 600 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Dantes Files: Undercover in a Foreign Land" , id = 765 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 787 "OTMA" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPUp 10] , bond 788 "Calydon's Hide" "Atalante (Alter)" Icon.QuickUp [party_ Quick 15, party CritUp 25, demeritAll DefenseDown 10] , bond 789 "Truth and Death" "Avicebron" Icon.BusterArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Buster 10] , bond 790 "Wildfire Blade" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsUp [party_ Arts 10, party NPGen 10] , bond 791 "Library of Ivan the Terrible" "Ivan the Terrible" Icon.BusterUp [party_ Buster 10, party NPUp 10] , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 792 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 250, hp = 400 } , max = { atk = 1000, hp = 1600 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 40 50 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Moment of Bliss" , id = 793 , rarity = 4 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 600 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 2250 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 8 10 , Grant Self 0 DefenseUp <| Range 3 5 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "Away We Go!" , id = 794 , rarity = 3 , icon = Icon.QuickUp , stats = { base = { atk = 100, hp = 160 } , max = { atk = 500, hp = 800 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 3 5 , Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 5 10 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "An Afternoon at the Fortress" , id = 795 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.BusterArtsUp , stats = { base = { atk = 0, hp = 750 } , max = { atk = 0, hp = 3000 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 NPUp <| Range 10 15 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , id = 796 , rarity = 5 , icon = Icon.NobleUp , stats = { base = { atk = 500, hp = 0 } , max = { atk = 2000, hp = 0 } } , effect = [ Grant Self 0 NPGen <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 CritUp <| Range 10 15 , Grant Self 0 StarsPerTurn <| Range 3 4 ] , bond = Nothing , limited = True } , bond 798 "The Object That Can Hold a Universe" "Achilles" Icon.Shield [self NPUp 30, Times 1 <| Grant Party 3 Invincibility Full] , bond 799 "The Purpose of Learning and Teaching" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.ArtsQuickUp [party_ Arts 10, party_ Quick 10] , bond 800 "Nameless Death" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" Icon.NobleUp [party NPGen 10, party NPUp 10] ] equipped : Class -> SkillEffect -> SkillEffect equipped = When << (++) "equipped by a " << Class.show {-| Retrieves the corresponding Bond CE. Memoized for performance. -} getBond : Servant -> Maybe CraftEssence getBond s = Dict.get s.name bondMap {-| Memoization table for `getBond`. -} bondMap : Dict String CraftEssence bondMap = let go ce = Maybe.map (\bond -> (bond, ce)) ce.bond in db |> List.map go >> Maybe.values >> Dict.fromList
[ { "context": "{-\nCopyright 2020 Morgan Stanley\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (", "end": 32, "score": 0.9998161793, "start": 18, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Morgan Stanley" } ]
{- Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.Sample.Apps.Upstream.Market.App exposing (..) {-| This is a stub for an external Market app. Normally this would live in an external library but it's included for simplicity. The application's API is exposed here and in the external library the implementation would be included as well. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Morphir.SDK.App exposing (StatefulApp, statefulApp, cmdNone) import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Market as Market import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Product as Product import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Price exposing(Price) type alias Market = { benchmarkRate : Float , gcRate : Float } type alias State = Dict Market.ID Market -- Types type alias App = StatefulApp API RemoteState LocalState Event type alias API = {} type alias RemoteState = () type alias LocalState = Dict Market.ID Market type Event = Event
{- Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.Sample.Apps.Upstream.Market.App exposing (..) {-| This is a stub for an external Market app. Normally this would live in an external library but it's included for simplicity. The application's API is exposed here and in the external library the implementation would be included as well. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Morphir.SDK.App exposing (StatefulApp, statefulApp, cmdNone) import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Market as Market import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Product as Product import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Price exposing(Price) type alias Market = { benchmarkRate : Float , gcRate : Float } type alias State = Dict Market.ID Market -- Types type alias App = StatefulApp API RemoteState LocalState Event type alias API = {} type alias RemoteState = () type alias LocalState = Dict Market.ID Market type Event = Event
{- Copyright 2020 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.Sample.Apps.Upstream.Market.App exposing (..) {-| This is a stub for an external Market app. Normally this would live in an external library but it's included for simplicity. The application's API is exposed here and in the external library the implementation would be included as well. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Morphir.SDK.App exposing (StatefulApp, statefulApp, cmdNone) import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Market as Market import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Product as Product import Morphir.Sample.Apps.Shared.Price exposing(Price) type alias Market = { benchmarkRate : Float , gcRate : Float } type alias State = Dict Market.ID Market -- Types type alias App = StatefulApp API RemoteState LocalState Event type alias API = {} type alias RemoteState = () type alias LocalState = Dict Market.ID Market type Event = Event
[ { "context": "then\n [ commitButton\n { name = \"Mark as new\"\n , class = \"mark-as-new\"\n ", "end": 4699, "score": 0.6573029757, "start": 4695, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark" } ]
module CommitList.View exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import String import VirtualDom exposing (Node, Property) import Shared.Formatting exposing (formattedTime, authorName) import Shared.Types exposing (..) import Settings.Types exposing (..) import Shared.Change exposing (changeMsg) import Shared.Avatar exposing (avatarUrl) import Shared.Helpers exposing (onClickWithPreventDefault) import CommitList.Header.View view : Model -> Node Msg view model = let commits = commitsToShow model toggleButtonText = (if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then "Hide most reviewed commits" else "Show more reviewed commits" ) in div [] [ CommitList.Header.View.view model , ul [ class "commits-list" ] (List.map (renderCommit model) commits) , ul [ class "commits-list" ] [ li [ class "centered-button-commit-row" ] [ button [ onClick (ChangeSettings ToggleShowAllReviewedCommits) ] [ text toggleButtonText ] ] ] ] commitsToShow : Model -> List Commit commitsToShow model = let list = model.commits |> List.take (model.commitsToShowCount) in if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then list else limitShownReviewedCommits list limitShownReviewedCommits : List Commit -> List Commit limitShownReviewedCommits list = let oldestUnreviewedCommit = list |> List.filter (\commit -> not commit.isReviewed) |> List.sortBy .timestamp |> List.head minReviewedCommitsToShowCount = 5 in case oldestUnreviewedCommit of Just commit -> Tuple.first (list |> List.partition (\c -> c.id + minReviewedCommitsToShowCount >= commit.id)) Nothing -> list |> List.take (minReviewedCommitsToShowCount) renderCommit : Model -> Commit -> Node Msg renderCommit model commit = li [ id (commitId commit), (commitClassList model commit) ] [ a [ class "block-link", href (commitUrl model commit) ] [ div [ class "commit-wrapper", onClick (ShowCommit commit.id) ] [ div [ class "commit-controls" ] (renderButtons model commit) , img [ class "commit-avatar", src (avatarUrl commit.authorGravatarHash) ] [] , div [ class "commit-summary-and-details" ] [ div [ class "commit-summary test-summary" ] [ text commit.summary ] , renderCommitDetails commit ] ] ] ] renderCommitDetails : Commit -> Node a renderCommitDetails commit = div [ class "commit-details" ] [ text " in " , strong [] [ text commit.repository ] , span [ class "by-author" ] [ text " by " , strong [] [ text (authorName commit.authorName) ] , text " on " , span [ class "test-timestamp" ] [ text (formattedTime commit.timestamp) ] ] ] -- don't link to github in tests since that makes testing difficult commitUrl : Model -> Commit -> String commitUrl model commit = if model.environment == "test" || model.environment == "dev" then "#" else commit.url renderButtons : Model -> Commit -> List (Node Msg) renderButtons model commit = if commit.isNew then [ commitButton { name = "Start review" , class = "start-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye" , msg = (changeMsg StartReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = (model.lastClickedCommitId /= commit.id) } ] else if commit.isBeingReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "Abandon review" , class = "abandon-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg AbandonReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , commitButton { name = "Mark as reviewed" , class = "mark-as-reviewed" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsReviewed model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.pendingReviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.pendingReviewerEmail) ] [] ] else if commit.isReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "Mark as new" , class = "mark-as-new" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsNew model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.reviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.reviewerEmail) ] [] ] else -- This should never happen [] reviewerDataAttribute : Maybe String -> Attribute a reviewerDataAttribute email = attribute "data-test-reviewer-email" (Maybe.withDefault "" email) commitButton : CommitButton -> Node Msg commitButton commitButton = button [ class ("small test-button" ++ " " ++ commitButton.class) , onClickWithPreventDefault (not commitButton.openCommitOnGithub) commitButton.msg ] [ i [ class ("fa" ++ " " ++ commitButton.iconClass) ] [] , text " " , text commitButton.name ] commitClassList : Model -> Commit -> Property a commitClassList model commit = classList [ ( "commit", True ) , ( "your-last-clicked", model.lastClickedCommitId == commit.id ) , ( "authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) , ( "is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-is-new", commit.isNew ) , ( "test-is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "test-is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-commit", True ) , ( "test-authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) ] authoredByYou : Model -> Commit -> Bool authoredByYou model commit = String.contains model.settings.name (authorName commit.authorName) commitId : Commit -> String commitId commit = "commit-" ++ toString commit.id
module CommitList.View exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import String import VirtualDom exposing (Node, Property) import Shared.Formatting exposing (formattedTime, authorName) import Shared.Types exposing (..) import Settings.Types exposing (..) import Shared.Change exposing (changeMsg) import Shared.Avatar exposing (avatarUrl) import Shared.Helpers exposing (onClickWithPreventDefault) import CommitList.Header.View view : Model -> Node Msg view model = let commits = commitsToShow model toggleButtonText = (if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then "Hide most reviewed commits" else "Show more reviewed commits" ) in div [] [ CommitList.Header.View.view model , ul [ class "commits-list" ] (List.map (renderCommit model) commits) , ul [ class "commits-list" ] [ li [ class "centered-button-commit-row" ] [ button [ onClick (ChangeSettings ToggleShowAllReviewedCommits) ] [ text toggleButtonText ] ] ] ] commitsToShow : Model -> List Commit commitsToShow model = let list = model.commits |> List.take (model.commitsToShowCount) in if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then list else limitShownReviewedCommits list limitShownReviewedCommits : List Commit -> List Commit limitShownReviewedCommits list = let oldestUnreviewedCommit = list |> List.filter (\commit -> not commit.isReviewed) |> List.sortBy .timestamp |> List.head minReviewedCommitsToShowCount = 5 in case oldestUnreviewedCommit of Just commit -> Tuple.first (list |> List.partition (\c -> c.id + minReviewedCommitsToShowCount >= commit.id)) Nothing -> list |> List.take (minReviewedCommitsToShowCount) renderCommit : Model -> Commit -> Node Msg renderCommit model commit = li [ id (commitId commit), (commitClassList model commit) ] [ a [ class "block-link", href (commitUrl model commit) ] [ div [ class "commit-wrapper", onClick (ShowCommit commit.id) ] [ div [ class "commit-controls" ] (renderButtons model commit) , img [ class "commit-avatar", src (avatarUrl commit.authorGravatarHash) ] [] , div [ class "commit-summary-and-details" ] [ div [ class "commit-summary test-summary" ] [ text commit.summary ] , renderCommitDetails commit ] ] ] ] renderCommitDetails : Commit -> Node a renderCommitDetails commit = div [ class "commit-details" ] [ text " in " , strong [] [ text commit.repository ] , span [ class "by-author" ] [ text " by " , strong [] [ text (authorName commit.authorName) ] , text " on " , span [ class "test-timestamp" ] [ text (formattedTime commit.timestamp) ] ] ] -- don't link to github in tests since that makes testing difficult commitUrl : Model -> Commit -> String commitUrl model commit = if model.environment == "test" || model.environment == "dev" then "#" else commit.url renderButtons : Model -> Commit -> List (Node Msg) renderButtons model commit = if commit.isNew then [ commitButton { name = "Start review" , class = "start-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye" , msg = (changeMsg StartReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = (model.lastClickedCommitId /= commit.id) } ] else if commit.isBeingReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "Abandon review" , class = "abandon-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg AbandonReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , commitButton { name = "Mark as reviewed" , class = "mark-as-reviewed" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsReviewed model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.pendingReviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.pendingReviewerEmail) ] [] ] else if commit.isReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "<NAME> as new" , class = "mark-as-new" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsNew model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.reviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.reviewerEmail) ] [] ] else -- This should never happen [] reviewerDataAttribute : Maybe String -> Attribute a reviewerDataAttribute email = attribute "data-test-reviewer-email" (Maybe.withDefault "" email) commitButton : CommitButton -> Node Msg commitButton commitButton = button [ class ("small test-button" ++ " " ++ commitButton.class) , onClickWithPreventDefault (not commitButton.openCommitOnGithub) commitButton.msg ] [ i [ class ("fa" ++ " " ++ commitButton.iconClass) ] [] , text " " , text commitButton.name ] commitClassList : Model -> Commit -> Property a commitClassList model commit = classList [ ( "commit", True ) , ( "your-last-clicked", model.lastClickedCommitId == commit.id ) , ( "authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) , ( "is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-is-new", commit.isNew ) , ( "test-is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "test-is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-commit", True ) , ( "test-authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) ] authoredByYou : Model -> Commit -> Bool authoredByYou model commit = String.contains model.settings.name (authorName commit.authorName) commitId : Commit -> String commitId commit = "commit-" ++ toString commit.id
module CommitList.View exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import String import VirtualDom exposing (Node, Property) import Shared.Formatting exposing (formattedTime, authorName) import Shared.Types exposing (..) import Settings.Types exposing (..) import Shared.Change exposing (changeMsg) import Shared.Avatar exposing (avatarUrl) import Shared.Helpers exposing (onClickWithPreventDefault) import CommitList.Header.View view : Model -> Node Msg view model = let commits = commitsToShow model toggleButtonText = (if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then "Hide most reviewed commits" else "Show more reviewed commits" ) in div [] [ CommitList.Header.View.view model , ul [ class "commits-list" ] (List.map (renderCommit model) commits) , ul [ class "commits-list" ] [ li [ class "centered-button-commit-row" ] [ button [ onClick (ChangeSettings ToggleShowAllReviewedCommits) ] [ text toggleButtonText ] ] ] ] commitsToShow : Model -> List Commit commitsToShow model = let list = model.commits |> List.take (model.commitsToShowCount) in if model.settings.showAllReviewedCommits then list else limitShownReviewedCommits list limitShownReviewedCommits : List Commit -> List Commit limitShownReviewedCommits list = let oldestUnreviewedCommit = list |> List.filter (\commit -> not commit.isReviewed) |> List.sortBy .timestamp |> List.head minReviewedCommitsToShowCount = 5 in case oldestUnreviewedCommit of Just commit -> Tuple.first (list |> List.partition (\c -> c.id + minReviewedCommitsToShowCount >= commit.id)) Nothing -> list |> List.take (minReviewedCommitsToShowCount) renderCommit : Model -> Commit -> Node Msg renderCommit model commit = li [ id (commitId commit), (commitClassList model commit) ] [ a [ class "block-link", href (commitUrl model commit) ] [ div [ class "commit-wrapper", onClick (ShowCommit commit.id) ] [ div [ class "commit-controls" ] (renderButtons model commit) , img [ class "commit-avatar", src (avatarUrl commit.authorGravatarHash) ] [] , div [ class "commit-summary-and-details" ] [ div [ class "commit-summary test-summary" ] [ text commit.summary ] , renderCommitDetails commit ] ] ] ] renderCommitDetails : Commit -> Node a renderCommitDetails commit = div [ class "commit-details" ] [ text " in " , strong [] [ text commit.repository ] , span [ class "by-author" ] [ text " by " , strong [] [ text (authorName commit.authorName) ] , text " on " , span [ class "test-timestamp" ] [ text (formattedTime commit.timestamp) ] ] ] -- don't link to github in tests since that makes testing difficult commitUrl : Model -> Commit -> String commitUrl model commit = if model.environment == "test" || model.environment == "dev" then "#" else commit.url renderButtons : Model -> Commit -> List (Node Msg) renderButtons model commit = if commit.isNew then [ commitButton { name = "Start review" , class = "start-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye" , msg = (changeMsg StartReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = (model.lastClickedCommitId /= commit.id) } ] else if commit.isBeingReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "Abandon review" , class = "abandon-review" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg AbandonReview model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , commitButton { name = "Mark as reviewed" , class = "mark-as-reviewed" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsReviewed model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.pendingReviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.pendingReviewerEmail) ] [] ] else if commit.isReviewed then [ commitButton { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI as new" , class = "mark-as-new" , iconClass = "fa-eye-slash" , msg = (changeMsg MarkAsNew model commit) , openCommitOnGithub = False } , img [ class "commit-reviewer-avatar test-reviewer", src (avatarUrl commit.reviewerGravatarHash), reviewerDataAttribute (commit.reviewerEmail) ] [] ] else -- This should never happen [] reviewerDataAttribute : Maybe String -> Attribute a reviewerDataAttribute email = attribute "data-test-reviewer-email" (Maybe.withDefault "" email) commitButton : CommitButton -> Node Msg commitButton commitButton = button [ class ("small test-button" ++ " " ++ commitButton.class) , onClickWithPreventDefault (not commitButton.openCommitOnGithub) commitButton.msg ] [ i [ class ("fa" ++ " " ++ commitButton.iconClass) ] [] , text " " , text commitButton.name ] commitClassList : Model -> Commit -> Property a commitClassList model commit = classList [ ( "commit", True ) , ( "your-last-clicked", model.lastClickedCommitId == commit.id ) , ( "authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) , ( "is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-is-new", commit.isNew ) , ( "test-is-being-reviewed", commit.isBeingReviewed ) , ( "test-is-reviewed", commit.isReviewed ) , ( "test-commit", True ) , ( "test-authored-by-you", authoredByYou model commit ) ] authoredByYou : Model -> Commit -> Bool authoredByYou model commit = String.contains model.settings.name (authorName commit.authorName) commitId : Commit -> String commitId commit = "commit-" ++ toString commit.id
[ { "context": "ncoder for Trie\n\n@docs encoder\n\nCopyright (c) 2015 Robin Luiten\n\n-}\n\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\nimport Json.Enco", "end": 118, "score": 0.9998416901, "start": 106, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Robin Luiten" } ]
module Trie.Json.Encoder exposing (encoder) {-| Json Encoder for Trie @docs encoder Copyright (c) 2015 Robin Luiten -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set import String import TrieModel exposing (Trie(..)) {-| Encoder for Trie. -} encoder : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Trie f -> Encode.Value encoder valEnc trie = case trie of EmptyTrie -> Encode.null ValNode refValues -> encoderValDict valEnc refValues TrieNode trieDict -> encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict ValTrieNode ( refValues, trieDict ) -> let encodedValues = encoderValDict valEnc refValues encodedDict = encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict in Encode.list identity [ encodedValues, encodedDict ] {-| Encode the Dict of Value references. -} encoderValDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String f -> Encode.Value encoderValDict valEnc refValues = Dict.toList refValues |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, valEnc val )) |> Encode.object {-| Encode the core Trie structure Dict. -} encoderTrieDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String (Trie f) -> Encode.Value encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict = Dict.toList trieDict |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, encoder valEnc val )) |> Encode.object
module Trie.Json.Encoder exposing (encoder) {-| Json Encoder for Trie @docs encoder Copyright (c) 2015 <NAME> -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set import String import TrieModel exposing (Trie(..)) {-| Encoder for Trie. -} encoder : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Trie f -> Encode.Value encoder valEnc trie = case trie of EmptyTrie -> Encode.null ValNode refValues -> encoderValDict valEnc refValues TrieNode trieDict -> encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict ValTrieNode ( refValues, trieDict ) -> let encodedValues = encoderValDict valEnc refValues encodedDict = encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict in Encode.list identity [ encodedValues, encodedDict ] {-| Encode the Dict of Value references. -} encoderValDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String f -> Encode.Value encoderValDict valEnc refValues = Dict.toList refValues |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, valEnc val )) |> Encode.object {-| Encode the core Trie structure Dict. -} encoderTrieDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String (Trie f) -> Encode.Value encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict = Dict.toList trieDict |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, encoder valEnc val )) |> Encode.object
module Trie.Json.Encoder exposing (encoder) {-| Json Encoder for Trie @docs encoder Copyright (c) 2015 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set import String import TrieModel exposing (Trie(..)) {-| Encoder for Trie. -} encoder : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Trie f -> Encode.Value encoder valEnc trie = case trie of EmptyTrie -> Encode.null ValNode refValues -> encoderValDict valEnc refValues TrieNode trieDict -> encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict ValTrieNode ( refValues, trieDict ) -> let encodedValues = encoderValDict valEnc refValues encodedDict = encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict in Encode.list identity [ encodedValues, encodedDict ] {-| Encode the Dict of Value references. -} encoderValDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String f -> Encode.Value encoderValDict valEnc refValues = Dict.toList refValues |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, valEnc val )) |> Encode.object {-| Encode the core Trie structure Dict. -} encoderTrieDict : (f -> Encode.Value) -> Dict String (Trie f) -> Encode.Value encoderTrieDict valEnc trieDict = Dict.toList trieDict |> List.map (\( key, val ) -> ( key, encoder valEnc val )) |> Encode.object
[ { "context": "\n { check = scan\n , info =\n { key = \"DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate\"\n , name = \"Duplicate Record Field Update\"", "end": 631, "score": 0.9731521606, "start": 605, "tag": "KEY", "value": "DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate" } ]
module Analyser.Checks.DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate exposing (checker) import ASTUtil.Inspector as Inspector exposing (Order(Post), defaultConfig) import Analyser.Checks.Base exposing (Checker) import Analyser.Configuration exposing (Configuration) import Analyser.FileContext exposing (FileContext) import Analyser.Messages.Data as Data exposing (MessageData) import Analyser.Messages.Schema as Schema import Dict import Dict.Extra as Dict import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (RecordUpdate) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range checker : Checker checker = { check = scan , info = { key = "DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate" , name = "Duplicate Record Field Update" , description = "You only want to update a field once in the record update syntax. Doing twice may only cause bugs." , schema = Schema.schema |> Schema.rangeListProp "ranges" |> Schema.varProp "fieldName" } } type alias Context = List MessageData scan : FileContext -> Configuration -> List MessageData scan fileContext _ = Inspector.inspect { defaultConfig | onRecordUpdate = Post onRecordUpdate } fileContext.ast [] onRecordUpdate : RecordUpdate -> Context -> Context onRecordUpdate { updates } context = updates |> Dict.groupBy Tuple.first |> Dict.filter (\_ v -> List.length v > 1) |> Dict.map (\_ v -> List.map (Tuple.second >> Tuple.first) v) |> Dict.toList |> List.map buildMessageData |> (++) context buildMessageData : ( String, List Range.Range ) -> MessageData buildMessageData ( fieldName, ranges ) = Data.init (String.concat [ "The '" , fieldName , "' field for a record is updated multiple times in one expression." ] ) |> Data.addVarName "fieldName" fieldName |> Data.addRanges "ranges" ranges
module Analyser.Checks.DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate exposing (checker) import ASTUtil.Inspector as Inspector exposing (Order(Post), defaultConfig) import Analyser.Checks.Base exposing (Checker) import Analyser.Configuration exposing (Configuration) import Analyser.FileContext exposing (FileContext) import Analyser.Messages.Data as Data exposing (MessageData) import Analyser.Messages.Schema as Schema import Dict import Dict.Extra as Dict import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (RecordUpdate) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range checker : Checker checker = { check = scan , info = { key = "<KEY>" , name = "Duplicate Record Field Update" , description = "You only want to update a field once in the record update syntax. Doing twice may only cause bugs." , schema = Schema.schema |> Schema.rangeListProp "ranges" |> Schema.varProp "fieldName" } } type alias Context = List MessageData scan : FileContext -> Configuration -> List MessageData scan fileContext _ = Inspector.inspect { defaultConfig | onRecordUpdate = Post onRecordUpdate } fileContext.ast [] onRecordUpdate : RecordUpdate -> Context -> Context onRecordUpdate { updates } context = updates |> Dict.groupBy Tuple.first |> Dict.filter (\_ v -> List.length v > 1) |> Dict.map (\_ v -> List.map (Tuple.second >> Tuple.first) v) |> Dict.toList |> List.map buildMessageData |> (++) context buildMessageData : ( String, List Range.Range ) -> MessageData buildMessageData ( fieldName, ranges ) = Data.init (String.concat [ "The '" , fieldName , "' field for a record is updated multiple times in one expression." ] ) |> Data.addVarName "fieldName" fieldName |> Data.addRanges "ranges" ranges
module Analyser.Checks.DuplicateRecordFieldUpdate exposing (checker) import ASTUtil.Inspector as Inspector exposing (Order(Post), defaultConfig) import Analyser.Checks.Base exposing (Checker) import Analyser.Configuration exposing (Configuration) import Analyser.FileContext exposing (FileContext) import Analyser.Messages.Data as Data exposing (MessageData) import Analyser.Messages.Schema as Schema import Dict import Dict.Extra as Dict import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (RecordUpdate) import Elm.Syntax.Range as Range checker : Checker checker = { check = scan , info = { key = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , name = "Duplicate Record Field Update" , description = "You only want to update a field once in the record update syntax. Doing twice may only cause bugs." , schema = Schema.schema |> Schema.rangeListProp "ranges" |> Schema.varProp "fieldName" } } type alias Context = List MessageData scan : FileContext -> Configuration -> List MessageData scan fileContext _ = Inspector.inspect { defaultConfig | onRecordUpdate = Post onRecordUpdate } fileContext.ast [] onRecordUpdate : RecordUpdate -> Context -> Context onRecordUpdate { updates } context = updates |> Dict.groupBy Tuple.first |> Dict.filter (\_ v -> List.length v > 1) |> Dict.map (\_ v -> List.map (Tuple.second >> Tuple.first) v) |> Dict.toList |> List.map buildMessageData |> (++) context buildMessageData : ( String, List Range.Range ) -> MessageData buildMessageData ( fieldName, ranges ) = Data.init (String.concat [ "The '" , fieldName , "' field for a record is updated multiple times in one expression." ] ) |> Data.addVarName "fieldName" fieldName |> Data.addRanges "ranges" ranges
[ { "context": "Username\"\n , input ChangeUsername \"username\" \"text\" model.username\n , username", "end": 1805, "score": 0.9941349626, "start": 1797, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "ing }\nvalidate model =\n { username = required \"Username\" model.username\n , password = required \"Passwo", "end": 2771, "score": 0.9958642721, "start": 2763, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Username" }, { "context": "odel =\n { username = required \"Username\" model.username\n , password = required \"Password\" model.passwo", "end": 2787, "score": 0.9789571166, "start": 2779, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "ername\" model.username\n , password = required \"Password\" model.password\n }\n\n\nrequired : String -> Stri", "end": 2823, "score": 0.9549464583, "start": 2815, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
module Components.LoginForm exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, form, text, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type') import Html.Events exposing (onSubmit, onClick) import Components.UI.Form exposing (input, label, group, error) import Components.UI.Alert as Alert import String -- Model type alias Model = { username : String , password : String } type alias SubmitModel = Model type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Clear | Submit init : Model init = Model "" "" -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Maybe SubmitModel ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> ( { model | username = name }, Nothing ) ChangePassword pass -> ( { model | password = pass }, Nothing ) Clear -> ( init, Nothing ) Submit -> let { username, password } = validate model in case ( username, password ) of ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> ( model, Just model ) _ -> ( model, Nothing ) -- View view : Maybe String -> Model -> Html Msg view errorMessage model = let validations = validate model usernameMsg = validationMessage validations.username passwordMsg = validationMessage validations.password in form [ onSubmit Submit ] [ case errorMessage of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> Alert.view "error" [ text msg ] , group [ label "Username" , input ChangeUsername "username" "text" model.username , usernameMsg ] , group [ label "Password" , input ChangePassword "password" "password" model.password , passwordMsg ] , group [ button [ class "btn btn-primary mr1" , type' "submit" ] [ text "Login" ] , button [ class "btn btn-primary bg-red" , onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] validationMessage : Maybe String -> Html msg validationMessage validation = case validation of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> error [ text msg ] validate : Model -> { username : Maybe String, password : Maybe String } validate model = { username = required "Username" model.username , password = required "Password" model.password } required : String -> String -> Maybe String required label str = if String.length str > 0 then Nothing else Just (label ++ " is required.")
module Components.LoginForm exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, form, text, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type') import Html.Events exposing (onSubmit, onClick) import Components.UI.Form exposing (input, label, group, error) import Components.UI.Alert as Alert import String -- Model type alias Model = { username : String , password : String } type alias SubmitModel = Model type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Clear | Submit init : Model init = Model "" "" -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Maybe SubmitModel ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> ( { model | username = name }, Nothing ) ChangePassword pass -> ( { model | password = pass }, Nothing ) Clear -> ( init, Nothing ) Submit -> let { username, password } = validate model in case ( username, password ) of ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> ( model, Just model ) _ -> ( model, Nothing ) -- View view : Maybe String -> Model -> Html Msg view errorMessage model = let validations = validate model usernameMsg = validationMessage validations.username passwordMsg = validationMessage validations.password in form [ onSubmit Submit ] [ case errorMessage of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> Alert.view "error" [ text msg ] , group [ label "Username" , input ChangeUsername "username" "text" model.username , usernameMsg ] , group [ label "Password" , input ChangePassword "password" "password" model.password , passwordMsg ] , group [ button [ class "btn btn-primary mr1" , type' "submit" ] [ text "Login" ] , button [ class "btn btn-primary bg-red" , onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] validationMessage : Maybe String -> Html msg validationMessage validation = case validation of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> error [ text msg ] validate : Model -> { username : Maybe String, password : Maybe String } validate model = { username = required "Username" model.username , password = required "<PASSWORD>" model.password } required : String -> String -> Maybe String required label str = if String.length str > 0 then Nothing else Just (label ++ " is required.")
module Components.LoginForm exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, form, text, button) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, type') import Html.Events exposing (onSubmit, onClick) import Components.UI.Form exposing (input, label, group, error) import Components.UI.Alert as Alert import String -- Model type alias Model = { username : String , password : String } type alias SubmitModel = Model type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | Clear | Submit init : Model init = Model "" "" -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Maybe SubmitModel ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername name -> ( { model | username = name }, Nothing ) ChangePassword pass -> ( { model | password = pass }, Nothing ) Clear -> ( init, Nothing ) Submit -> let { username, password } = validate model in case ( username, password ) of ( Nothing, Nothing ) -> ( model, Just model ) _ -> ( model, Nothing ) -- View view : Maybe String -> Model -> Html Msg view errorMessage model = let validations = validate model usernameMsg = validationMessage validations.username passwordMsg = validationMessage validations.password in form [ onSubmit Submit ] [ case errorMessage of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> Alert.view "error" [ text msg ] , group [ label "Username" , input ChangeUsername "username" "text" model.username , usernameMsg ] , group [ label "Password" , input ChangePassword "password" "password" model.password , passwordMsg ] , group [ button [ class "btn btn-primary mr1" , type' "submit" ] [ text "Login" ] , button [ class "btn btn-primary bg-red" , onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] ] ] validationMessage : Maybe String -> Html msg validationMessage validation = case validation of Nothing -> text "" Just msg -> error [ text msg ] validate : Model -> { username : Maybe String, password : Maybe String } validate model = { username = required "Username" model.username , password = required "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" model.password } required : String -> String -> Maybe String required label str = if String.length str > 0 then Nothing else Just (label ++ " is required.")
[ { "context": "\"Authors\" ]\n , p [] [ text \"Proudly made by Neil Ashford, Simon Gordon, Callum Hays and Damian Van Kranend", "end": 256, "score": 0.9998730421, "start": 244, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Neil Ashford" }, { "context": " , p [] [ text \"Proudly made by Neil Ashford, Simon Gordon, Callum Hays and Damian Van Kranendonk.\" ]\n ", "end": 270, "score": 0.9998776913, "start": 258, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Simon Gordon" }, { "context": " text \"Proudly made by Neil Ashford, Simon Gordon, Callum Hays and Damian Van Kranendonk.\" ]\n , h3 [] [ t", "end": 283, "score": 0.9998666048, "start": 272, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Callum Hays" }, { "context": "ade by Neil Ashford, Simon Gordon, Callum Hays and Damian Van Kranendonk.\" ]\n , h3 [] [ text \"About this applicatio", "end": 309, "score": 0.9998692274, "start": 288, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Damian Van Kranendonk" }, { "context": " a\n [ href \"https://github.com/ashfordneil/state-machina/\"\n , target \"_bl", "end": 1630, "score": 0.8316724896, "start": 1619, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "ashfordneil" } ]
module Errata exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, target) stateMachines = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Information" ] , h3 [] [ text "Authors" ] , p [] [ text "Proudly made by Neil Ashford, Simon Gordon, Callum Hays and Damian Van Kranendonk." ] , h3 [] [ text "About this application" ] , div [] [ p [] [ text "State Machina is an automated tool to assist in the design of finite state machines." ] , p [] [ text ("The green state is the starting state of your machine. It cannot be deleted. " ++ "Red states are the valid accepting / final states of your machine. " ++ "The blue states are the other (non-accepting) states. " ) ] , p [] [ text ("Transitions between states are represented by arrows. The label \"input 1/input 2\" on " ++ "a transition means that that transition can take place on input 1 or input 2." ) ] ] , h3 [] [ text "Resources" ] , ul [] [ li [] [ a [ href "http://blog.markshead.com/869/state-machines-computer-science/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "State Machines - Basics of Computer Science" ] ] , li [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/ashfordneil/state-machina/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code of this application" ] ] ] ]
module Errata exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, target) stateMachines = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Information" ] , h3 [] [ text "Authors" ] , p [] [ text "Proudly made by <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME> and <NAME>." ] , h3 [] [ text "About this application" ] , div [] [ p [] [ text "State Machina is an automated tool to assist in the design of finite state machines." ] , p [] [ text ("The green state is the starting state of your machine. It cannot be deleted. " ++ "Red states are the valid accepting / final states of your machine. " ++ "The blue states are the other (non-accepting) states. " ) ] , p [] [ text ("Transitions between states are represented by arrows. The label \"input 1/input 2\" on " ++ "a transition means that that transition can take place on input 1 or input 2." ) ] ] , h3 [] [ text "Resources" ] , ul [] [ li [] [ a [ href "http://blog.markshead.com/869/state-machines-computer-science/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "State Machines - Basics of Computer Science" ] ] , li [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/ashfordneil/state-machina/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code of this application" ] ] ] ]
module Errata exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, target) stateMachines = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Information" ] , h3 [] [ text "Authors" ] , p [] [ text "Proudly made by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI." ] , h3 [] [ text "About this application" ] , div [] [ p [] [ text "State Machina is an automated tool to assist in the design of finite state machines." ] , p [] [ text ("The green state is the starting state of your machine. It cannot be deleted. " ++ "Red states are the valid accepting / final states of your machine. " ++ "The blue states are the other (non-accepting) states. " ) ] , p [] [ text ("Transitions between states are represented by arrows. The label \"input 1/input 2\" on " ++ "a transition means that that transition can take place on input 1 or input 2." ) ] ] , h3 [] [ text "Resources" ] , ul [] [ li [] [ a [ href "http://blog.markshead.com/869/state-machines-computer-science/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "State Machines - Basics of Computer Science" ] ] , li [] [ a [ href "https://github.com/ashfordneil/state-machina/" , target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code of this application" ] ] ] ]
[ { "context": "38891\"\n , placeholder \"测试2\"\n , style \"display\" \"b", "end": 30893, "score": 0.6773758531, "start": 30890, "tag": "NAME", "value": "测试2" }, { "context": "38891\"\n , placeholder \"验证2\"\n , style \"display\" \"b", "end": 31975, "score": 0.692085743, "start": 31972, "tag": "NAME", "value": "验证2" }, { "context": "38891\"\n , placeholder \"测试3\"\n , style \"display\" \"b", "end": 33308, "score": 0.6846853495, "start": 33305, "tag": "NAME", "value": "测试3" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Array exposing (..) import Browser import Debug exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Encode as Encode main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Title = String type alias Statement = String type alias InputDescription = String type alias OutputDescription = String type alias Constraints = String type alias TestCases_Test = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases_Validater = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases = { testName : String , validator : String , test : TestCases_Test , validater : TestCases_Validater } type alias Model = { title : Title --标题 , statement : Statement --声明 , inputDescription : InputDescription --输入说明 , outputDescription : OutputDescription --输出说明 , constraints : Constraints --限制条件 , testCases1 : TestCases --测试用例 , testCases2 : TestCases , testCases3 : TestCases , testCases4 : TestCases , testCases5 : TestCases , radioValue : String --用于构建单选框 , dataJave : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython : String , dataHaskell : String , dataJave_ : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython_ : String , dataHaskell_ : String , selectJava : String , selectPython : String , selectHaskell : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { title = "" , statement = "" , inputDescription = "" , outputDescription = "" , constraints = "" , testCases1 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases2 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases3 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases4 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases5 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , radioValue = "Easy" , dataJave = "" , dataPython = "" , dataHaskell = "" , dataJave_ = "" , dataPython_ = "" , dataHaskell_ = "" , selectJava = "Java" , selectPython = "Python" , selectHaskell = "Haskell" } , Cmd.none ) type Msg = Display (Result Http.Error String) | PushDate | ChangeTitle String | ChangeStatemen String | ChangeInputDescription String | ChangeOutputDescription String | ChangeConstraints String | ChangeTestCasesTestName1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 String | ChangeTestCases TestCases | TranRadio String | StorageInputJ String --储存解决方案 | StorageInputJ_ String | StorageInputP String | StorageInputP_ String | StorageInputH String | StorageInputH_ String update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Display result -> case result of Ok fullt -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) PushDate -> Debug.log "ceshi" ( model , Http.post { url = "/code" , body = Http.multipartBody [ stringPart "test" (Encode.encode 1 (Encode.object [ ( "title", Encode.string model.title ) , ( "statement", Encode.string model.statement ) , ( "inputDescription", Encode.string model.inputDescription ) , ( "outputDescription", Encode.string model.outputDescription ) , ( "constraints", Encode.string model.constraints ) , ( "game_difficulty", Encode.string model.radioValue) , ( "testCases1" , Encode.object [ ( "testName1", Encode.string model.testCases1.testName ) , ( "validator1", Encode.string model.testCases1.validator ) , ( "test1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases2" , Encode.object [ ( "testName2", Encode.string model.testCases2.testName ) , ( "validator2", Encode.string model.testCases2.validator ) , ( "test2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases3" , Encode.object [ ( "testName3", Encode.string model.testCases3.testName ) , ( "validator3", Encode.string model.testCases3.validator ) , ( "test3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases4" , Encode.object [ ( "testName4", Encode.string model.testCases4.testName ) , ( "validator4", Encode.string model.testCases4.validator ) , ( "test4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases5" , Encode.object [ ( "testName5", Encode.string model.testCases5.testName ) , ( "validator5", Encode.string model.testCases5.validator ) , ( "test5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "Solution_language_Java",Encode.string model.selectJava) , ( "Solution_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave) , ( "Unresolved_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave_) , ( "Solution_language_Python",Encode.string model.selectPython) , ( "Solution_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython) , ( "Unresolved_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython_) , ( "Solution_language_Haskell",Encode.string model.selectHaskell) , ( "Solution_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell) , ( "Unresolved_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell_) ] ) ) ] , expect = Http.expectString Display } ) ChangeTitle newTitle -> ( { model | title = newTitle }, Cmd.none ) ChangeStatemen newStatement -> ( { model | statement = newStatement }, Cmd.none ) ChangeInputDescription newInputDescription -> ( { model | inputDescription = newInputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeOutputDescription newOutputDescription -> ( { model | outputDescription = newOutputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeConstraints newConstraints -> ( { model | constraints = newConstraints }, Cmd.none ) ChangeTestCasesTestName1 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator1 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName2 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator2 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName3 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator3 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName4 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator4 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName5 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator5 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCases newTestCases -> ( model, Cmd.none ) TranRadio value -> ( { model | radioValue = value }, Cmd.none ) StorageInputJ inputData -> ({model | dataJave = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputJ_ inputData -> ({model | dataJave_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP inputData -> ({model | dataPython = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP_ inputData -> ({model | dataPython_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH_ inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell_ = inputData},Cmd.none) updateTestName1 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName1 transform model = ( { model | testCases1 = transform model.testCases1 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName2 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName2 transform model = ( { model | testCases2 = transform model.testCases2 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName3 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName3 transform model = ( { model | testCases3 = transform model.testCases3 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName4 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName4 transform model = ( { model | testCases4 = transform model.testCases4 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName5 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName5 transform model = ( { model | testCases5 = transform model.testCases5 }, Cmd.none ) --像json中低层级的key中添加值的一组方法 updateTestCasesTestInput1 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | test = transdate model.testCases1.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | test = transdate model.testCases2.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | test = transdate model.testCases3.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | test = transdate model.testCases4.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | test = transdate model.testCases5.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater1 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | validater = transdate model.testCases1.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater2 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | validater = transdate model.testCases2.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater3 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | validater = transdate model.testCases3.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater4 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | validater = transdate model.testCases4.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater5 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | validater = transdate model.testCases5.validater } }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style "background-color" "#454c55" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "4500px" ] [ div [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "50%" , style "left" "50%" , style "height" "4300px" , style "width" "50%" , style "margin" "-15% 0 0 -25%" , style "border" "1px solid #aaaaaa" , style "background-color" "#ffffff" ] [ Html.form [ style "margin" "50px" , style "display" "block" , style "width" "90%" , style "height" "90%" ] [ p [] [ text "在这个页面上你可以设计自己的拼图!点击" , a [ href "#" ] [ text "这里" ] , text "获取更多有关信息" ] , p [] [ text "标题" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "40px" , value model.title , onInput ChangeTitle ] [] , p [] [ text "声明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.statement , onInput ChangeStatemen ] [] , p [] [ text "输入说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.inputDescription , onInput ChangeInputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "输出说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.outputDescription , onInput ChangeOutputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "限制条件" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.constraints , onInput ChangeConstraints ] [] , div --Game modes 已转变成游戏难度 [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "120px" ] [ p [] [ text "游戏难度" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Easy", checked (model.radioValue == "Easy"), onClick (TranRadio "Easy") ] [], text "简单" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Medium", checked (model.radioValue == "Medium"), onClick (TranRadio "Medium") ] [], text "中等" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Difficult", checked (model.radioValue == "Difficult"), onClick (TranRadio "Difficult") ] [], text "困难" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Expert", checked (model.radioValue == "Expert"), onClick (TranRadio "Expert") ] [], text "专家" ] ] , div --Test cases [ style "width" "100%" ] [ text "测试用例" , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证2 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试2" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证2" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证3 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试3" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证3" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证4 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证5 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 ] [] , div [ style "width" "150px" , style "height" "30px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.15)" ] [ text "添加一个测试用例" ] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Java"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave , onInput StorageInputJ ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave_ , onInput StorageInputJ_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Python"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython , onInput StorageInputP ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython_ , onInput StorageInputP_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Haskell"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell , onInput StorageInputH ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell_ , onInput StorageInputH_ ] [] ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [text "提交方案"] , div [] [ div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , onClick PushDate ] [ text "保存" ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.1)" ] [ text "测试在IDE" ] ] ] ] ] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none
module Main exposing (main) import Array exposing (..) import Browser import Debug exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Encode as Encode main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Title = String type alias Statement = String type alias InputDescription = String type alias OutputDescription = String type alias Constraints = String type alias TestCases_Test = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases_Validater = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases = { testName : String , validator : String , test : TestCases_Test , validater : TestCases_Validater } type alias Model = { title : Title --标题 , statement : Statement --声明 , inputDescription : InputDescription --输入说明 , outputDescription : OutputDescription --输出说明 , constraints : Constraints --限制条件 , testCases1 : TestCases --测试用例 , testCases2 : TestCases , testCases3 : TestCases , testCases4 : TestCases , testCases5 : TestCases , radioValue : String --用于构建单选框 , dataJave : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython : String , dataHaskell : String , dataJave_ : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython_ : String , dataHaskell_ : String , selectJava : String , selectPython : String , selectHaskell : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { title = "" , statement = "" , inputDescription = "" , outputDescription = "" , constraints = "" , testCases1 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases2 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases3 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases4 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases5 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , radioValue = "Easy" , dataJave = "" , dataPython = "" , dataHaskell = "" , dataJave_ = "" , dataPython_ = "" , dataHaskell_ = "" , selectJava = "Java" , selectPython = "Python" , selectHaskell = "Haskell" } , Cmd.none ) type Msg = Display (Result Http.Error String) | PushDate | ChangeTitle String | ChangeStatemen String | ChangeInputDescription String | ChangeOutputDescription String | ChangeConstraints String | ChangeTestCasesTestName1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 String | ChangeTestCases TestCases | TranRadio String | StorageInputJ String --储存解决方案 | StorageInputJ_ String | StorageInputP String | StorageInputP_ String | StorageInputH String | StorageInputH_ String update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Display result -> case result of Ok fullt -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) PushDate -> Debug.log "ceshi" ( model , Http.post { url = "/code" , body = Http.multipartBody [ stringPart "test" (Encode.encode 1 (Encode.object [ ( "title", Encode.string model.title ) , ( "statement", Encode.string model.statement ) , ( "inputDescription", Encode.string model.inputDescription ) , ( "outputDescription", Encode.string model.outputDescription ) , ( "constraints", Encode.string model.constraints ) , ( "game_difficulty", Encode.string model.radioValue) , ( "testCases1" , Encode.object [ ( "testName1", Encode.string model.testCases1.testName ) , ( "validator1", Encode.string model.testCases1.validator ) , ( "test1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases2" , Encode.object [ ( "testName2", Encode.string model.testCases2.testName ) , ( "validator2", Encode.string model.testCases2.validator ) , ( "test2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases3" , Encode.object [ ( "testName3", Encode.string model.testCases3.testName ) , ( "validator3", Encode.string model.testCases3.validator ) , ( "test3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases4" , Encode.object [ ( "testName4", Encode.string model.testCases4.testName ) , ( "validator4", Encode.string model.testCases4.validator ) , ( "test4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases5" , Encode.object [ ( "testName5", Encode.string model.testCases5.testName ) , ( "validator5", Encode.string model.testCases5.validator ) , ( "test5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "Solution_language_Java",Encode.string model.selectJava) , ( "Solution_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave) , ( "Unresolved_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave_) , ( "Solution_language_Python",Encode.string model.selectPython) , ( "Solution_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython) , ( "Unresolved_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython_) , ( "Solution_language_Haskell",Encode.string model.selectHaskell) , ( "Solution_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell) , ( "Unresolved_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell_) ] ) ) ] , expect = Http.expectString Display } ) ChangeTitle newTitle -> ( { model | title = newTitle }, Cmd.none ) ChangeStatemen newStatement -> ( { model | statement = newStatement }, Cmd.none ) ChangeInputDescription newInputDescription -> ( { model | inputDescription = newInputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeOutputDescription newOutputDescription -> ( { model | outputDescription = newOutputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeConstraints newConstraints -> ( { model | constraints = newConstraints }, Cmd.none ) ChangeTestCasesTestName1 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator1 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName2 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator2 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName3 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator3 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName4 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator4 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName5 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator5 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCases newTestCases -> ( model, Cmd.none ) TranRadio value -> ( { model | radioValue = value }, Cmd.none ) StorageInputJ inputData -> ({model | dataJave = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputJ_ inputData -> ({model | dataJave_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP inputData -> ({model | dataPython = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP_ inputData -> ({model | dataPython_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH_ inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell_ = inputData},Cmd.none) updateTestName1 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName1 transform model = ( { model | testCases1 = transform model.testCases1 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName2 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName2 transform model = ( { model | testCases2 = transform model.testCases2 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName3 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName3 transform model = ( { model | testCases3 = transform model.testCases3 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName4 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName4 transform model = ( { model | testCases4 = transform model.testCases4 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName5 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName5 transform model = ( { model | testCases5 = transform model.testCases5 }, Cmd.none ) --像json中低层级的key中添加值的一组方法 updateTestCasesTestInput1 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | test = transdate model.testCases1.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | test = transdate model.testCases2.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | test = transdate model.testCases3.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | test = transdate model.testCases4.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | test = transdate model.testCases5.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater1 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | validater = transdate model.testCases1.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater2 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | validater = transdate model.testCases2.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater3 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | validater = transdate model.testCases3.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater4 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | validater = transdate model.testCases4.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater5 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | validater = transdate model.testCases5.validater } }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style "background-color" "#454c55" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "4500px" ] [ div [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "50%" , style "left" "50%" , style "height" "4300px" , style "width" "50%" , style "margin" "-15% 0 0 -25%" , style "border" "1px solid #aaaaaa" , style "background-color" "#ffffff" ] [ Html.form [ style "margin" "50px" , style "display" "block" , style "width" "90%" , style "height" "90%" ] [ p [] [ text "在这个页面上你可以设计自己的拼图!点击" , a [ href "#" ] [ text "这里" ] , text "获取更多有关信息" ] , p [] [ text "标题" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "40px" , value model.title , onInput ChangeTitle ] [] , p [] [ text "声明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.statement , onInput ChangeStatemen ] [] , p [] [ text "输入说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.inputDescription , onInput ChangeInputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "输出说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.outputDescription , onInput ChangeOutputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "限制条件" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.constraints , onInput ChangeConstraints ] [] , div --Game modes 已转变成游戏难度 [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "120px" ] [ p [] [ text "游戏难度" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Easy", checked (model.radioValue == "Easy"), onClick (TranRadio "Easy") ] [], text "简单" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Medium", checked (model.radioValue == "Medium"), onClick (TranRadio "Medium") ] [], text "中等" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Difficult", checked (model.radioValue == "Difficult"), onClick (TranRadio "Difficult") ] [], text "困难" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Expert", checked (model.radioValue == "Expert"), onClick (TranRadio "Expert") ] [], text "专家" ] ] , div --Test cases [ style "width" "100%" ] [ text "测试用例" , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证2 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "<NAME>" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "<NAME>" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证3 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "<NAME>" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证3" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证4 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证5 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 ] [] , div [ style "width" "150px" , style "height" "30px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.15)" ] [ text "添加一个测试用例" ] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Java"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave , onInput StorageInputJ ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave_ , onInput StorageInputJ_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Python"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython , onInput StorageInputP ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython_ , onInput StorageInputP_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Haskell"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell , onInput StorageInputH ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell_ , onInput StorageInputH_ ] [] ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [text "提交方案"] , div [] [ div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , onClick PushDate ] [ text "保存" ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.1)" ] [ text "测试在IDE" ] ] ] ] ] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none
module Main exposing (main) import Array exposing (..) import Browser import Debug exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Encode as Encode main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } type alias Title = String type alias Statement = String type alias InputDescription = String type alias OutputDescription = String type alias Constraints = String type alias TestCases_Test = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases_Validater = { input : String, output : String } type alias TestCases = { testName : String , validator : String , test : TestCases_Test , validater : TestCases_Validater } type alias Model = { title : Title --标题 , statement : Statement --声明 , inputDescription : InputDescription --输入说明 , outputDescription : OutputDescription --输出说明 , constraints : Constraints --限制条件 , testCases1 : TestCases --测试用例 , testCases2 : TestCases , testCases3 : TestCases , testCases4 : TestCases , testCases5 : TestCases , radioValue : String --用于构建单选框 , dataJave : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython : String , dataHaskell : String , dataJave_ : String --用于更改选框中的语言的时候储存文本框中的String , dataPython_ : String , dataHaskell_ : String , selectJava : String , selectPython : String , selectHaskell : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { title = "" , statement = "" , inputDescription = "" , outputDescription = "" , constraints = "" , testCases1 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases2 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases3 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases4 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , testCases5 = { testName = "" , validator = "" , test = { input = "" , output = "" } , validater = { input = "" , output = "" } } , radioValue = "Easy" , dataJave = "" , dataPython = "" , dataHaskell = "" , dataJave_ = "" , dataPython_ = "" , dataHaskell_ = "" , selectJava = "Java" , selectPython = "Python" , selectHaskell = "Haskell" } , Cmd.none ) type Msg = Display (Result Http.Error String) | PushDate | ChangeTitle String | ChangeStatemen String | ChangeInputDescription String | ChangeOutputDescription String | ChangeConstraints String | ChangeTestCasesTestName1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestName5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidator5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 String | ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 String | ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 String | ChangeTestCases TestCases | TranRadio String | StorageInputJ String --储存解决方案 | StorageInputJ_ String | StorageInputP String | StorageInputP_ String | StorageInputH String | StorageInputH_ String update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Display result -> case result of Ok fullt -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) PushDate -> Debug.log "ceshi" ( model , Http.post { url = "/code" , body = Http.multipartBody [ stringPart "test" (Encode.encode 1 (Encode.object [ ( "title", Encode.string model.title ) , ( "statement", Encode.string model.statement ) , ( "inputDescription", Encode.string model.inputDescription ) , ( "outputDescription", Encode.string model.outputDescription ) , ( "constraints", Encode.string model.constraints ) , ( "game_difficulty", Encode.string model.radioValue) , ( "testCases1" , Encode.object [ ( "testName1", Encode.string model.testCases1.testName ) , ( "validator1", Encode.string model.testCases1.validator ) , ( "test1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater1" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases1.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases2" , Encode.object [ ( "testName2", Encode.string model.testCases2.testName ) , ( "validator2", Encode.string model.testCases2.validator ) , ( "test2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater2" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases2.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases3" , Encode.object [ ( "testName3", Encode.string model.testCases3.testName ) , ( "validator3", Encode.string model.testCases3.validator ) , ( "test3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater3" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases3.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases4" , Encode.object [ ( "testName4", Encode.string model.testCases4.testName ) , ( "validator4", Encode.string model.testCases4.validator ) , ( "test4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater4" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases4.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "testCases5" , Encode.object [ ( "testName5", Encode.string model.testCases5.testName ) , ( "validator5", Encode.string model.testCases5.validator ) , ( "test5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.test.output ) ] ) , ( "validater5" , Encode.object [ ( "input", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.input ) , ( "output", Encode.string model.testCases5.validater.output ) ] ) ] ) , ( "Solution_language_Java",Encode.string model.selectJava) , ( "Solution_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave) , ( "Unresolved_Java",Encode.string model.dataJave_) , ( "Solution_language_Python",Encode.string model.selectPython) , ( "Solution_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython) , ( "Unresolved_Python",Encode.string model.dataPython_) , ( "Solution_language_Haskell",Encode.string model.selectHaskell) , ( "Solution_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell) , ( "Unresolved_Haskell",Encode.string model.dataHaskell_) ] ) ) ] , expect = Http.expectString Display } ) ChangeTitle newTitle -> ( { model | title = newTitle }, Cmd.none ) ChangeStatemen newStatement -> ( { model | statement = newStatement }, Cmd.none ) ChangeInputDescription newInputDescription -> ( { model | inputDescription = newInputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeOutputDescription newOutputDescription -> ( { model | outputDescription = newOutputDescription }, Cmd.none ) ChangeConstraints newConstraints -> ( { model | constraints = newConstraints }, Cmd.none ) ChangeTestCasesTestName1 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator1 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName1 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName2 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator2 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName2 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName3 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator3 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName3 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName4 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator4 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName4 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestName5 newTestCasesTestName -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | testName = newTestCasesTestName }) model ChangeTestCasesValidator5 newTestCasesValidator -> updateTestName5 (\testCases -> { testCases | validator = newTestCasesValidator }) model ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput1 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater1 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases1 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput2 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater2 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases2 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput3 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater3 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases3 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput4 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater4 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases4 model ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 newTestCasesTestInput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | input = newTestCasesTestInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 newTestCasesTestOutput -> updateTestCasesTestInput5 (\test -> { test | output = newTestCasesTestOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 newTestCasesValidaterInput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | input = newTestCasesValidaterInput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 newTestCasesValidaterOutput -> updateTestCasesValidater5 (\validater -> { validater | output = newTestCasesValidaterOutput }) model.testCases5 model ChangeTestCases newTestCases -> ( model, Cmd.none ) TranRadio value -> ( { model | radioValue = value }, Cmd.none ) StorageInputJ inputData -> ({model | dataJave = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputJ_ inputData -> ({model | dataJave_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP inputData -> ({model | dataPython = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputP_ inputData -> ({model | dataPython_ = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell = inputData},Cmd.none) StorageInputH_ inputData -> ({model | dataHaskell_ = inputData},Cmd.none) updateTestName1 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName1 transform model = ( { model | testCases1 = transform model.testCases1 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName2 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName2 transform model = ( { model | testCases2 = transform model.testCases2 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName3 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName3 transform model = ( { model | testCases3 = transform model.testCases3 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName4 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName4 transform model = ( { model | testCases4 = transform model.testCases4 }, Cmd.none ) updateTestName5 : (TestCases -> TestCases) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestName5 transform model = ( { model | testCases5 = transform model.testCases5 }, Cmd.none ) --像json中低层级的key中添加值的一组方法 updateTestCasesTestInput1 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | test = transdate model.testCases1.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | test = transdate model.testCases2.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | test = transdate model.testCases3.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | test = transdate model.testCases4.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 : (TestCases_Test -> TestCases_Test) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesTestInput5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | test = transdate model.testCases5.test } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater1 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater1 transdate testCases1 model = ( { model | testCases1 = { testCases1 | validater = transdate model.testCases1.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater2 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater2 transdate testCases2 model = ( { model | testCases2 = { testCases2 | validater = transdate model.testCases2.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater3 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater3 transdate testCases3 model = ( { model | testCases3 = { testCases3 | validater = transdate model.testCases3.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater4 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater4 transdate testCases4 model = ( { model | testCases4 = { testCases4 | validater = transdate model.testCases4.validater } }, Cmd.none ) updateTestCasesValidater5 : (TestCases_Validater -> TestCases_Validater) -> TestCases -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateTestCasesValidater5 transdate testCases5 model = ( { model | testCases5 = { testCases5 | validater = transdate model.testCases5.validater } }, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style "background-color" "#454c55" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "4500px" ] [ div [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "50%" , style "left" "50%" , style "height" "4300px" , style "width" "50%" , style "margin" "-15% 0 0 -25%" , style "border" "1px solid #aaaaaa" , style "background-color" "#ffffff" ] [ Html.form [ style "margin" "50px" , style "display" "block" , style "width" "90%" , style "height" "90%" ] [ p [] [ text "在这个页面上你可以设计自己的拼图!点击" , a [ href "#" ] [ text "这里" ] , text "获取更多有关信息" ] , p [] [ text "标题" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "40px" , value model.title , onInput ChangeTitle ] [] , p [] [ text "声明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.statement , onInput ChangeStatemen ] [] , p [] [ text "输入说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.inputDescription , onInput ChangeInputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "输出说明" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.outputDescription , onInput ChangeOutputDescription ] [] , p [] [ text "限制条件" ] , input [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.constraints , onInput ChangeConstraints ] [] , div --Game modes 已转变成游戏难度 [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "120px" ] [ p [] [ text "游戏难度" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Easy", checked (model.radioValue == "Easy"), onClick (TranRadio "Easy") ] [], text "简单" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Medium", checked (model.radioValue == "Medium"), onClick (TranRadio "Medium") ] [], text "中等" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Difficult", checked (model.radioValue == "Difficult"), onClick (TranRadio "Difficult") ] [], text "困难" ] , label [] [ input [ type_ "radio", value "Expert", checked (model.radioValue == "Expert"), onClick (TranRadio "Expert") ] [], text "专家" ] ] , div --Test cases [ style "width" "100%" ] [ text "测试用例" , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput1 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证1" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases1.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases1.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput1 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases1.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput1 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证2 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput2 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases2.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases2.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput2 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases2.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput2 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证3 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput3 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证3" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases3.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases3.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput3 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases3.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput3 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证4 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.test.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.test.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput4 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证4" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases4.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases4.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput4 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases4.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput4 ] [] , div --分割线 测试和验证5 [ style "border" "1px solid #bbbbbb" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "测试5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.testName , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestName5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesTestOutput5 ] [] , input [ style "color" "#838891" , placeholder "验证5" , style "display" "block" , style "margin-bottom" "10px" , value model.testCases5.validator , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidator5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输入" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , value model.testCases5.validater.input , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterInput5 ] [] , textarea [ placeholder "输出" , style "width" "45%" , style "height" "80px" , style "margin-left" "20px" , value model.testCases5.validater.output , onInput ChangeTestCasesValidaterOutput5 ] [] , div [ style "width" "150px" , style "height" "30px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.15)" ] [ text "添加一个测试用例" ] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Java"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave , onInput StorageInputJ ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataJave_ , onInput StorageInputJ_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Python"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython , onInput StorageInputP ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataPython_ , onInput StorageInputP_ ] [] ] , div [ style "width" "100%" , style "margin-top" "20px" ] [ p [] [ text "解决语言" ] , p [] [text "Haskell"] ] , div [] -- [ p [] [ text "解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell , onInput StorageInputH ] [] ] , div [] --Stub generator input [ p [] [ text "未解决方案" ] , textarea [ style "width" "100%" , style "height" "200px" , value model.dataHaskell_ , onInput StorageInputH_ ] [] ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "100%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , style "margin-bottom" "20px" ] [text "提交方案"] , div [] [ div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(242,187,19,0.7)" , onClick PushDate ] [ text "保存" ] , div [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "width" "50%" , style "height" "50px" , style "background-color" "rgba(69,76,85,0.1)" ] [ text "测试在IDE" ] ] ] ] ] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none
[ { "context": "splayNameInput\n , placeholder \"My Cool Nickname\"\n , value <| Maybe.withDefault", "end": 2680, "score": 0.9937714338, "start": 2664, "tag": "NAME", "value": "My Cool Nickname" }, { "context": "splayNameInput\n , placeholder \"My Cool Nickname\"\n , value data.newDisplayName\n", "end": 3000, "score": 0.991112411, "start": 2984, "tag": "NAME", "value": "My Cool Nickname" } ]
module Pages.Profile exposing (Model, Msg, page) import API.User import Auth import Effect exposing (Effect) import Gen.Params.Profile exposing (Params) import Html exposing (Html, button, form, h1, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, placeholder, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onSubmit) import Page import Request import Shared import UI.Layout.Template import View exposing (View) page : Shared.Model -> Request.With Params -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init user , update = update user , view = view shared , subscriptions = always Sub.none } ) -- INIT type Model = Loading | Loaded { displayName : Maybe String } | Editing { previousDisplayName : Maybe String, newDisplayName : String } init : Auth.User -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init user = ( Loading, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.read FetchedUser user.id ) -- UPDATE type Msg = FromShared Shared.Msg | DisplayNameInput String | DisplayNameSave | FetchedUser API.User.ResultRead | SavedDisplayName API.User.ResultSaveDisplayName update : Auth.User -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update user msg model = case ( model, msg ) of ( _, FromShared subMsg ) -> ( model, Effect.fromShared subMsg ) ( _, FetchedUser (Ok { displayName }) ) -> ( Loaded { displayName = displayName }, Effect.none ) ( _, FetchedUser (Err _) ) -> ( Loading, Effect.none ) ( Loading, _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( Loaded data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { previousDisplayName = data.displayName, newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { data | newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing { newDisplayName }, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.saveDisplayName SavedDisplayName user.token user.id newDisplayName ) ( _, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( _, SavedDisplayName _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) -- VIEW view : Shared.Model -> Model -> View Msg view shared model = UI.Layout.Template.view FromShared shared (case model of Loading -> [ text "Loading..." ] Loaded data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "My Cool Nickname" , value <| Maybe.withDefault "" data.displayName ] False ] Editing data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "My Cool Nickname" , value data.newDisplayName ] True ] ) viewHeader : Html msg viewHeader = h1 [] [ text "My Profile" ] viewForm : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> Bool -> Html Msg viewForm inputAttrs canSave = form [ onSubmit DisplayNameSave ] [ label [] [ text "Display Name" ] , input inputAttrs [] , button [ type_ "submit", disabled (not canSave) ] [ text "save" ] ]
module Pages.Profile exposing (Model, Msg, page) import API.User import Auth import Effect exposing (Effect) import Gen.Params.Profile exposing (Params) import Html exposing (Html, button, form, h1, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, placeholder, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onSubmit) import Page import Request import Shared import UI.Layout.Template import View exposing (View) page : Shared.Model -> Request.With Params -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init user , update = update user , view = view shared , subscriptions = always Sub.none } ) -- INIT type Model = Loading | Loaded { displayName : Maybe String } | Editing { previousDisplayName : Maybe String, newDisplayName : String } init : Auth.User -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init user = ( Loading, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.read FetchedUser user.id ) -- UPDATE type Msg = FromShared Shared.Msg | DisplayNameInput String | DisplayNameSave | FetchedUser API.User.ResultRead | SavedDisplayName API.User.ResultSaveDisplayName update : Auth.User -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update user msg model = case ( model, msg ) of ( _, FromShared subMsg ) -> ( model, Effect.fromShared subMsg ) ( _, FetchedUser (Ok { displayName }) ) -> ( Loaded { displayName = displayName }, Effect.none ) ( _, FetchedUser (Err _) ) -> ( Loading, Effect.none ) ( Loading, _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( Loaded data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { previousDisplayName = data.displayName, newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { data | newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing { newDisplayName }, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.saveDisplayName SavedDisplayName user.token user.id newDisplayName ) ( _, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( _, SavedDisplayName _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) -- VIEW view : Shared.Model -> Model -> View Msg view shared model = UI.Layout.Template.view FromShared shared (case model of Loading -> [ text "Loading..." ] Loaded data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "<NAME>" , value <| Maybe.withDefault "" data.displayName ] False ] Editing data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "<NAME>" , value data.newDisplayName ] True ] ) viewHeader : Html msg viewHeader = h1 [] [ text "My Profile" ] viewForm : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> Bool -> Html Msg viewForm inputAttrs canSave = form [ onSubmit DisplayNameSave ] [ label [] [ text "Display Name" ] , input inputAttrs [] , button [ type_ "submit", disabled (not canSave) ] [ text "save" ] ]
module Pages.Profile exposing (Model, Msg, page) import API.User import Auth import Effect exposing (Effect) import Gen.Params.Profile exposing (Params) import Html exposing (Html, button, form, h1, input, label, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (disabled, placeholder, type_, value) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onSubmit) import Page import Request import Shared import UI.Layout.Template import View exposing (View) page : Shared.Model -> Request.With Params -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init user , update = update user , view = view shared , subscriptions = always Sub.none } ) -- INIT type Model = Loading | Loaded { displayName : Maybe String } | Editing { previousDisplayName : Maybe String, newDisplayName : String } init : Auth.User -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init user = ( Loading, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.read FetchedUser user.id ) -- UPDATE type Msg = FromShared Shared.Msg | DisplayNameInput String | DisplayNameSave | FetchedUser API.User.ResultRead | SavedDisplayName API.User.ResultSaveDisplayName update : Auth.User -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update user msg model = case ( model, msg ) of ( _, FromShared subMsg ) -> ( model, Effect.fromShared subMsg ) ( _, FetchedUser (Ok { displayName }) ) -> ( Loaded { displayName = displayName }, Effect.none ) ( _, FetchedUser (Err _) ) -> ( Loading, Effect.none ) ( Loading, _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( Loaded data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { previousDisplayName = data.displayName, newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing data, DisplayNameInput text ) -> ( Editing { data | newDisplayName = String.trim text }, Effect.none ) ( Editing { newDisplayName }, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.fromCmd <| API.User.saveDisplayName SavedDisplayName user.token user.id newDisplayName ) ( _, DisplayNameSave ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) ( _, SavedDisplayName _ ) -> ( model, Effect.none ) -- VIEW view : Shared.Model -> Model -> View Msg view shared model = UI.Layout.Template.view FromShared shared (case model of Loading -> [ text "Loading..." ] Loaded data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , value <| Maybe.withDefault "" data.displayName ] False ] Editing data -> [ viewHeader , viewForm [ onInput DisplayNameInput , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , value data.newDisplayName ] True ] ) viewHeader : Html msg viewHeader = h1 [] [ text "My Profile" ] viewForm : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> Bool -> Html Msg viewForm inputAttrs canSave = form [ onSubmit DisplayNameSave ] [ label [] [ text "Display Name" ] , input inputAttrs [] , button [ type_ "submit", disabled (not canSave) ] [ text "save" ] ]
[ { "context": "akeExample \"Triangles\" equiTri\n , makeExample \"Frank Lloyd Wright\" flw1\n , makeExample \"Frank Lloyd Wright B\" fl", "end": 13229, "score": 0.9993174672, "start": 13211, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Frank Lloyd Wright" }, { "context": "mple \"Frank Lloyd Wright\" flw1\n , makeExample \"Frank Lloyd Wright B\" flw2\n , makeExample \"Bezier Curves\" bezier\n ", "end": 13275, "score": 0.994125247, "start": 13255, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Frank Lloyd Wright B" } ]
module ExamplesGenerated exposing ( list, templateCategories , blankSvgTemplate, blankHtmlTemplate, initTemplate , badPreludeTemplate , fromleo_markdown , fromleo_markdown_optimized , fromleo_markdown_optimized_lensless , fromleo_recipe2 , fromleo_conference_budgetting , fromleo_modelviewcontroller , fromleo_latexeditor , repl , tableOfStatesA , tableOfStatesB , tableOfStatesC , fromleo_linkedtexteditor , fromleo_translatabledoc , fromleo_dixit , christmas_song_3_after_translation , mapMaybeLens , listAppendLens , Example ) import Lang exposing (Exp, Val, Widget, Env) import FastParser import LeoParser import Eval import Utils import PreludeGenerated as Prelude import DefaultIconTheme import Syntax import EvalUpdate import Parser import ParserUtils type alias Example = { e: Exp, v: Val, ws: List Widget, env: Env} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initTemplate = blankHtmlTemplate getStartedTemplate = "Get Started" blankSvgTemplate = "Blank Svg Document" blankHtmlTemplate = "Blank Html Document" badPreludeTemplate = "Bad Prelude" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- makeExample = makeExample_ FastParser.parseE Syntax.Little makeLeoExample = makeExample_ LeoParser.parse Syntax.Leo makeExample_: (String -> Result Parser.Error Exp) -> Syntax.Syntax -> String -> String -> (String, (String, () -> Result String Example)) makeExample_ parser syntax name s = let thunk () = -- TODO tolerate parse errors, change Select Example parser s |> Result.mapError (\pmsg -> "Error parsing example " ++ name ++"\n" ++ ParserUtils.showError pmsg) |> Result.map (\e -> ----------------------------------------------------- -- if name == "*Prelude*" then -- {e=e, v=LangSvg.dummySvgVal, ws=[], ati=ati} -- else ----------------------------------------------------- let ((v,ws), env) = Utils.fromOk ("Error executing example " ++ name) <| EvalUpdate.runWithEnv syntax e in {e=e, v=v, ws=ws, env=env} ) in (name, (s, thunk)) LITTLE_TO_ELM threeBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxesH2 LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveOfBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveGrid -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxesTokens -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes3 LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM groupOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesA -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesB LITTLE_TO_ELM basicSlides LITTLE_TO_ELM logo LITTLE_TO_ELM logo2 -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? -- LITTLE_TO_ELM logoSizes LITTLE_TO_ELM elmLogo -- LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans2 LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic LITTLE_TO_ELM rings LITTLE_TO_ELM polygons LITTLE_TO_ELM stars LITTLE_TO_ELM sliders LITTLE_TO_ELM buttons LITTLE_TO_ELM widgets LITTLE_TO_ELM xySlider LITTLE_TO_ELM offsets LITTLE_TO_ELM rgba -- LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGrid LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGridTokenFilter LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag13 LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag50 LITTLE_TO_ELM chicago -- LITTLE_TO_ELM chicagoColors LITTLE_TO_ELM frenchSudan LITTLE_TO_ELM flw1 LITTLE_TO_ELM flw2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2target LITTLE_TO_ELM ferrisWheelSlideshow LITTLE_TO_ELM pieChart1 LITTLE_TO_ELM solarSystem LITTLE_TO_ELM fractalTree LITTLE_TO_ELM hilbertCurveAnimation LITTLE_TO_ELM stickFigures -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? --LITTLE_TO_ELM cultOfLambda LITTLE_TO_ELM clique LITTLE_TO_ELM miscShapes LITTLE_TO_ELM paths1 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths2 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths3 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths4 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths5 LITTLE_TO_ELM sailBoat LITTLE_TO_ELM eyeIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM wikimedia LITTLE_TO_ELM haskell LITTLE_TO_ELM matrices LITTLE_TO_ELM rotTest LITTLE_TO_ELM interfaceButtons LITTLE_TO_ELM barGraph LITTLE_TO_ELM thawFreeze LITTLE_TO_ELM dictionaries -- LITTLE_TO_ELM deleteBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM cover LITTLE_TO_ELM poppl LITTLE_TO_ELM bezier -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriBubbles -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist2 LITTLE_TO_ELM equiTri LITTLE_TO_ELM gridTile LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2target LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellationTarget LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation2 LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo2 LITTLE_TO_ELM zones LITTLE_TO_ELM roundedRect LITTLE_TO_ELM spiralSpiralGraph -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateCircles0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateLines0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints2 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints3 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints4 LITTLE_TO_ELM blank LITTLE_TO_ELM horrorFilms0 LITTLE_TO_ELM cyclingAssociation0 LITTLE_TO_ELM snsLogoWheel LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_revisited_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM rectangleTrisection LITTLE_TO_ELM battery LITTLE_TO_ELM batteryDynamic LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrianArch LITTLE_TO_ELM ladder LITTLE_TO_ELM rails LITTLE_TO_ELM target LITTLE_TO_ELM xs LITTLE_TO_ELM conifer LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris3 LITTLE_TO_ELM gear LITTLE_TO_ELM kochSnowflake LITTLE_TO_ELM replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations LITTLE_TO_ELM balanceScale LITTLE_TO_ELM pencilTip LITTLE_TO_ELM calendarIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM target_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM battery_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrian_arch_deuce LEO_TO_ELM cat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deuce User Study Files -- these .little files are generated from somewhere else; -- don't change them manually LITTLE_TO_ELM study_start LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_1 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_2 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_end LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_01 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_02 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_03 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_04 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_05 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_06 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_07 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_08 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_09 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_10 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_11 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_12 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_13 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_14 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_15 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_16 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_17 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_18 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_19 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_20 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_21 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_22 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_23 LITTLE_TO_ELM task_one_rectangle LITTLE_TO_ELM task_two_circles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_three_rectangles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_target LITTLE_TO_ELM task_four_squares LITTLE_TO_ELM task_lambda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEO_TO_ELM badPrelude LEO_TO_ELM blankSvg LEO_TO_ELM blankDoc LEO_TO_ELM welcome1 LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesA LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesB LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesC LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesE LEO_TO_ELM simpleBudget LEO_TO_ELM mapMaybeLens LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_1 LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_2 LEO_TO_ELM listAppendLens LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized_lensless LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/conference_budgetting LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe2 LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/modelviewcontroller LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/linkedtexteditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/translatabledoc LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/latexeditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/dixit LEO_TO_ELM christmas_song_3_after_translation LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/pizzas_doodle LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/universal_number LEO_TO_ELM repl LEO_TO_ELM slides LEO_TO_ELM docs LEO_TO_ELM sync LEO_TO_ELM foldl_reversible_join LEO_TO_ELM references_in_text LEO_TO_ELM tutorialStudentGrades -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- welcomeCategory = ( "Welcome" , [ makeLeoExample blankSvgTemplate blankSvg , makeLeoExample blankHtmlTemplate blankDoc , makeLeoExample getStartedTemplate welcome1 -- , makeLeoExample "Tutorial" blankDoc ] ) docsCategory = ( "Examples (OOPSLA 2018 Submission)" , [ makeLeoExample "1a: Table of States" tableOfStatesA , makeLeoExample "1b: Table of States" tableOfStatesC , makeLeoExample "1c: Table of States" tableOfStatesE ] ++ ( List.indexedMap (\i (caption, program) -> makeLeoExample (toString (2+i) ++ ": " ++ caption) program ) [ ("ICFP tutorial", tutorialStudentGrades) , ("Conference Budget", fromleo_conference_budgetting) , ("Model View Controller", fromleo_modelviewcontroller) , ("Scalable Recipe Editor", fromleo_recipe2) , ("Cloning Editor", fromleo_linkedtexteditor) , ("Translation Editor", fromleo_translatabledoc) , ("Markdown Editor", fromleo_markdown) , ("Dixit Scoresheet", fromleo_dixit) , ("Doodle", fromleo_pizzas_doodle) , ("Universal numbers", fromleo_universal_number) , ("LaTeX Editor", fromleo_latexeditor) , ("REPL with SVG", repl) , ("Slides", slides) , ("Docs", docs) -- TODO maybe Conference? , ("Html regex replace: references", references_in_text) , ("String join, concatMap", foldl_reversible_join) , ("Lens: Maybe Map", mapMaybeLens) , ("Lens: List Map 1", mapListLens_1) , ("Lens: List Map 2", mapListLens_2) , ("Lens: List Append", listAppendLens) ] ) ) defaultIconCategory = ( "Default Icons" , [ makeExample "Icon: Cursor" DefaultIconTheme.cursor , makeExample "Icon: Point Or Offset" DefaultIconTheme.pointOrOffset , makeExample "Icon: Text" DefaultIconTheme.text , makeExample "Icon: Line" DefaultIconTheme.line , makeExample "Icon: Rect" DefaultIconTheme.rect , makeExample "Icon: Ellipse" DefaultIconTheme.ellipse , makeExample "Icon: Polygon" DefaultIconTheme.polygon , makeExample "Icon: Path" DefaultIconTheme.path ] ) deuceCategory = ( "Deuce Examples" , [ makeExample "Sketch-n-Sketch Logo" sns_deuce , makeExample "Target" target_deuce , makeExample "Battery" battery_deuce , makeExample "Coffee Mug" coffee_deuce , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrian_arch_deuce ] ) logoCategory = ( "Logos" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "SnS Logo (UIST)" sns_UIST , makeExample "SnS Logo Revisited (UIST)" sns_revisited_UIST , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo (UIST)" botanic_UIST , makeExample "Logo" logo , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo" botanic , makeExample "Active Trans Logo" activeTrans2 , makeExample "SnS Logo Wheel" snsLogoWheel , makeExample "Haskell.org Logo" haskell , makeExample "Cover Logo" cover , makeExample "POP-PL Logo" poppl , makeExample "Floral Logo 1" floralLogo , makeExample "Floral Logo 2" floralLogo2 , makeExample "Elm Logo" elmLogo , makeExample "Logo 2" logo2 -- , makeExample "Logo Sizes" logoSizes ] ) flagCategory = ( "Flags" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "Chicago Flag" chicago , makeExample "US-13 Flag" usFlag13 , makeExample "US-50 Flag" usFlag50 , makeExample "French Sudan Flag" frenchSudan ] ) otherCategory = ( "Other" , [ makeExample "Coffee Mugs (UIST)" coffee_UIST , makeExample "Wave Boxes" sineWaveOfBoxes , makeExample "Wave Boxes Grid" sineWaveGrid , makeExample "Basic Slides" basicSlides , makeExample "Sailboat" sailBoat , makeExample "Sliders" sliders , makeExample "Buttons" buttons , makeExample "Widgets" widgets , makeExample "xySlider" xySlider , makeExample "Offsets" offsets , makeExample "Tile Pattern" boxGridTokenFilter , makeExample "Color Picker" rgba , makeExample "Ferris Wheel" ferris , makeExample "Ferris Task Before" ferris2 , makeExample "Ferris Task After" ferris2target , makeExample "Ferris Wheel Slideshow" ferrisWheelSlideshow , makeExample "Survey Results" surveyResultsTriHist2 , makeExample "Hilbert Curve Animation" hilbertCurveAnimation , makeExample "Bar Graph" barGraph , makeExample "Pie Chart" pieChart1 , makeExample "Solar System" solarSystem , makeExample "Clique" clique , makeExample "Eye Icon" eyeIcon , makeExample "Horror Films" horrorFilms0 , makeExample "Cycling Association" cyclingAssociation0 , makeExample "Lillicon P" lilliconP , makeExample "Lillicon P, v2" lilliconP2 , makeExample "Keyboard" keyboard , makeExample "Keyboard Task Before" keyboard2 , makeExample "Keyboard Task After" keyboard2target , makeExample "Tessellation Task Before" tessellation , makeExample "Tessellation Task After" tessellationTarget , makeExample "Tessellation 2" tessellation2 , makeExample "Spiral Spiral-Graph" spiralSpiralGraph , makeExample "Rounded Rect" roundedRect , makeExample "Thaw/Freeze" thawFreeze , makeExample "Dictionaries" dictionaries , makeExample "3 Boxes" threeBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes Sli" nBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes" groupOfBoxes , makeExample "Rings" rings , makeExample "Polygons" polygons , makeExample "Stars" stars , makeExample "Triangles" equiTri , makeExample "Frank Lloyd Wright" flw1 , makeExample "Frank Lloyd Wright B" flw2 , makeExample "Bezier Curves" bezier , makeExample "Fractal Tree" fractalTree , makeExample "Stick Figures" stickFigures -- , makeExample "Cult of Lambda" cultOfLambda , makeExample "Matrix Transformations" matrices , makeExample "Misc Shapes" miscShapes , makeExample "Interface Buttons" interfaceButtons , makeExample "Paths 1" paths1 , makeExample "Paths 2" paths2 , makeExample "Paths 3" paths3 , makeExample "Paths 4" paths4 , makeExample "Paths 5" paths5 , makeExample "Sample Rotations" rotTest , makeExample "Grid Tile" gridTile , makeExample "Zones" zones , makeExample "Rectangle Trisection" rectangleTrisection , makeExample "Battery" battery , makeExample "Battery (Dynamic)" batteryDynamic , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrianArch , makeExample "Ladder" ladder , makeExample "Rails" rails , makeExample "Target" target , makeExample "Xs" xs , makeExample "Conifer" conifer , makeExample "Ferris Wheel 3" ferris3 , makeExample "Gear" gear , makeExample "Koch Snowflake" kochSnowflake , makeExample "Replace Terminals With Workstations" replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations , makeExample "Balance Scale" balanceScale , makeExample "Pencil Tip" pencilTip , makeExample "Calendar Icon" calendarIcon , makeLeoExample "SVG Cat" cat ] ) deuceUserStudyCategory = ( "Deuce User Study" , [ makeExample "Deuce Study Start" study_start , makeExample "Step 01" tutorial_step_01 , makeExample "Step 02" tutorial_step_02 , makeExample "Step 03" tutorial_step_03 , makeExample "Step 04" tutorial_step_04 , makeExample "Step 05" tutorial_step_05 , makeExample "Step 06" tutorial_step_06 , makeExample "Step 07" tutorial_step_07 , makeExample "Step 08" tutorial_step_08 , makeExample "Step 09" tutorial_step_09 , makeExample "Step 10" tutorial_step_10 , makeExample "Step 11" tutorial_step_11 , makeExample "Step 12" tutorial_step_12 , makeExample "Step 13" tutorial_step_13 , makeExample "Step 14" tutorial_step_14 , makeExample "Step 15" tutorial_step_15 , makeExample "Step 16" tutorial_step_16 , makeExample "Step 17" tutorial_step_17 , makeExample "Step 18" tutorial_step_18 , makeExample "Step 19" tutorial_step_19 , makeExample "Step 20" tutorial_step_20 , makeExample "Step 21" tutorial_step_21 , makeExample "Step 22" tutorial_step_22 , makeExample "Step 23" tutorial_step_23 , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 1" study_transition_1 , makeExample "One Rectangle" task_one_rectangle , makeExample "Two Circles" task_two_circles , makeExample "Three Rectangles" task_three_rectangles , makeExample "Target Icon" task_target , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 2" study_transition_2 , makeExample "Four Squares" task_four_squares , makeExample "Lambda Icon" task_lambda , makeExample "Deuce Study End" study_end ] ) internalCategory = ( "(Internal Things...)" , [ makeLeoExample "Standard Prelude" Prelude.preludeLeo , makeLeoExample badPreludeTemplate badPrelude ] ) templateCategories = [ welcomeCategory , docsCategory , deuceCategory , defaultIconCategory , logoCategory , flagCategory , otherCategory , deuceUserStudyCategory , internalCategory ] list = templateCategories |> List.map Tuple.second |> List.concat
module ExamplesGenerated exposing ( list, templateCategories , blankSvgTemplate, blankHtmlTemplate, initTemplate , badPreludeTemplate , fromleo_markdown , fromleo_markdown_optimized , fromleo_markdown_optimized_lensless , fromleo_recipe2 , fromleo_conference_budgetting , fromleo_modelviewcontroller , fromleo_latexeditor , repl , tableOfStatesA , tableOfStatesB , tableOfStatesC , fromleo_linkedtexteditor , fromleo_translatabledoc , fromleo_dixit , christmas_song_3_after_translation , mapMaybeLens , listAppendLens , Example ) import Lang exposing (Exp, Val, Widget, Env) import FastParser import LeoParser import Eval import Utils import PreludeGenerated as Prelude import DefaultIconTheme import Syntax import EvalUpdate import Parser import ParserUtils type alias Example = { e: Exp, v: Val, ws: List Widget, env: Env} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initTemplate = blankHtmlTemplate getStartedTemplate = "Get Started" blankSvgTemplate = "Blank Svg Document" blankHtmlTemplate = "Blank Html Document" badPreludeTemplate = "Bad Prelude" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- makeExample = makeExample_ FastParser.parseE Syntax.Little makeLeoExample = makeExample_ LeoParser.parse Syntax.Leo makeExample_: (String -> Result Parser.Error Exp) -> Syntax.Syntax -> String -> String -> (String, (String, () -> Result String Example)) makeExample_ parser syntax name s = let thunk () = -- TODO tolerate parse errors, change Select Example parser s |> Result.mapError (\pmsg -> "Error parsing example " ++ name ++"\n" ++ ParserUtils.showError pmsg) |> Result.map (\e -> ----------------------------------------------------- -- if name == "*Prelude*" then -- {e=e, v=LangSvg.dummySvgVal, ws=[], ati=ati} -- else ----------------------------------------------------- let ((v,ws), env) = Utils.fromOk ("Error executing example " ++ name) <| EvalUpdate.runWithEnv syntax e in {e=e, v=v, ws=ws, env=env} ) in (name, (s, thunk)) LITTLE_TO_ELM threeBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxesH2 LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveOfBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveGrid -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxesTokens -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes3 LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM groupOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesA -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesB LITTLE_TO_ELM basicSlides LITTLE_TO_ELM logo LITTLE_TO_ELM logo2 -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? -- LITTLE_TO_ELM logoSizes LITTLE_TO_ELM elmLogo -- LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans2 LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic LITTLE_TO_ELM rings LITTLE_TO_ELM polygons LITTLE_TO_ELM stars LITTLE_TO_ELM sliders LITTLE_TO_ELM buttons LITTLE_TO_ELM widgets LITTLE_TO_ELM xySlider LITTLE_TO_ELM offsets LITTLE_TO_ELM rgba -- LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGrid LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGridTokenFilter LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag13 LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag50 LITTLE_TO_ELM chicago -- LITTLE_TO_ELM chicagoColors LITTLE_TO_ELM frenchSudan LITTLE_TO_ELM flw1 LITTLE_TO_ELM flw2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2target LITTLE_TO_ELM ferrisWheelSlideshow LITTLE_TO_ELM pieChart1 LITTLE_TO_ELM solarSystem LITTLE_TO_ELM fractalTree LITTLE_TO_ELM hilbertCurveAnimation LITTLE_TO_ELM stickFigures -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? --LITTLE_TO_ELM cultOfLambda LITTLE_TO_ELM clique LITTLE_TO_ELM miscShapes LITTLE_TO_ELM paths1 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths2 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths3 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths4 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths5 LITTLE_TO_ELM sailBoat LITTLE_TO_ELM eyeIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM wikimedia LITTLE_TO_ELM haskell LITTLE_TO_ELM matrices LITTLE_TO_ELM rotTest LITTLE_TO_ELM interfaceButtons LITTLE_TO_ELM barGraph LITTLE_TO_ELM thawFreeze LITTLE_TO_ELM dictionaries -- LITTLE_TO_ELM deleteBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM cover LITTLE_TO_ELM poppl LITTLE_TO_ELM bezier -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriBubbles -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist2 LITTLE_TO_ELM equiTri LITTLE_TO_ELM gridTile LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2target LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellationTarget LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation2 LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo2 LITTLE_TO_ELM zones LITTLE_TO_ELM roundedRect LITTLE_TO_ELM spiralSpiralGraph -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateCircles0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateLines0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints2 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints3 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints4 LITTLE_TO_ELM blank LITTLE_TO_ELM horrorFilms0 LITTLE_TO_ELM cyclingAssociation0 LITTLE_TO_ELM snsLogoWheel LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_revisited_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM rectangleTrisection LITTLE_TO_ELM battery LITTLE_TO_ELM batteryDynamic LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrianArch LITTLE_TO_ELM ladder LITTLE_TO_ELM rails LITTLE_TO_ELM target LITTLE_TO_ELM xs LITTLE_TO_ELM conifer LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris3 LITTLE_TO_ELM gear LITTLE_TO_ELM kochSnowflake LITTLE_TO_ELM replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations LITTLE_TO_ELM balanceScale LITTLE_TO_ELM pencilTip LITTLE_TO_ELM calendarIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM target_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM battery_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrian_arch_deuce LEO_TO_ELM cat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deuce User Study Files -- these .little files are generated from somewhere else; -- don't change them manually LITTLE_TO_ELM study_start LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_1 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_2 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_end LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_01 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_02 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_03 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_04 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_05 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_06 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_07 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_08 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_09 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_10 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_11 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_12 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_13 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_14 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_15 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_16 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_17 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_18 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_19 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_20 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_21 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_22 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_23 LITTLE_TO_ELM task_one_rectangle LITTLE_TO_ELM task_two_circles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_three_rectangles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_target LITTLE_TO_ELM task_four_squares LITTLE_TO_ELM task_lambda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEO_TO_ELM badPrelude LEO_TO_ELM blankSvg LEO_TO_ELM blankDoc LEO_TO_ELM welcome1 LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesA LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesB LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesC LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesE LEO_TO_ELM simpleBudget LEO_TO_ELM mapMaybeLens LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_1 LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_2 LEO_TO_ELM listAppendLens LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized_lensless LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/conference_budgetting LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe2 LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/modelviewcontroller LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/linkedtexteditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/translatabledoc LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/latexeditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/dixit LEO_TO_ELM christmas_song_3_after_translation LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/pizzas_doodle LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/universal_number LEO_TO_ELM repl LEO_TO_ELM slides LEO_TO_ELM docs LEO_TO_ELM sync LEO_TO_ELM foldl_reversible_join LEO_TO_ELM references_in_text LEO_TO_ELM tutorialStudentGrades -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- welcomeCategory = ( "Welcome" , [ makeLeoExample blankSvgTemplate blankSvg , makeLeoExample blankHtmlTemplate blankDoc , makeLeoExample getStartedTemplate welcome1 -- , makeLeoExample "Tutorial" blankDoc ] ) docsCategory = ( "Examples (OOPSLA 2018 Submission)" , [ makeLeoExample "1a: Table of States" tableOfStatesA , makeLeoExample "1b: Table of States" tableOfStatesC , makeLeoExample "1c: Table of States" tableOfStatesE ] ++ ( List.indexedMap (\i (caption, program) -> makeLeoExample (toString (2+i) ++ ": " ++ caption) program ) [ ("ICFP tutorial", tutorialStudentGrades) , ("Conference Budget", fromleo_conference_budgetting) , ("Model View Controller", fromleo_modelviewcontroller) , ("Scalable Recipe Editor", fromleo_recipe2) , ("Cloning Editor", fromleo_linkedtexteditor) , ("Translation Editor", fromleo_translatabledoc) , ("Markdown Editor", fromleo_markdown) , ("Dixit Scoresheet", fromleo_dixit) , ("Doodle", fromleo_pizzas_doodle) , ("Universal numbers", fromleo_universal_number) , ("LaTeX Editor", fromleo_latexeditor) , ("REPL with SVG", repl) , ("Slides", slides) , ("Docs", docs) -- TODO maybe Conference? , ("Html regex replace: references", references_in_text) , ("String join, concatMap", foldl_reversible_join) , ("Lens: Maybe Map", mapMaybeLens) , ("Lens: List Map 1", mapListLens_1) , ("Lens: List Map 2", mapListLens_2) , ("Lens: List Append", listAppendLens) ] ) ) defaultIconCategory = ( "Default Icons" , [ makeExample "Icon: Cursor" DefaultIconTheme.cursor , makeExample "Icon: Point Or Offset" DefaultIconTheme.pointOrOffset , makeExample "Icon: Text" DefaultIconTheme.text , makeExample "Icon: Line" DefaultIconTheme.line , makeExample "Icon: Rect" DefaultIconTheme.rect , makeExample "Icon: Ellipse" DefaultIconTheme.ellipse , makeExample "Icon: Polygon" DefaultIconTheme.polygon , makeExample "Icon: Path" DefaultIconTheme.path ] ) deuceCategory = ( "Deuce Examples" , [ makeExample "Sketch-n-Sketch Logo" sns_deuce , makeExample "Target" target_deuce , makeExample "Battery" battery_deuce , makeExample "Coffee Mug" coffee_deuce , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrian_arch_deuce ] ) logoCategory = ( "Logos" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "SnS Logo (UIST)" sns_UIST , makeExample "SnS Logo Revisited (UIST)" sns_revisited_UIST , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo (UIST)" botanic_UIST , makeExample "Logo" logo , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo" botanic , makeExample "Active Trans Logo" activeTrans2 , makeExample "SnS Logo Wheel" snsLogoWheel , makeExample "Haskell.org Logo" haskell , makeExample "Cover Logo" cover , makeExample "POP-PL Logo" poppl , makeExample "Floral Logo 1" floralLogo , makeExample "Floral Logo 2" floralLogo2 , makeExample "Elm Logo" elmLogo , makeExample "Logo 2" logo2 -- , makeExample "Logo Sizes" logoSizes ] ) flagCategory = ( "Flags" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "Chicago Flag" chicago , makeExample "US-13 Flag" usFlag13 , makeExample "US-50 Flag" usFlag50 , makeExample "French Sudan Flag" frenchSudan ] ) otherCategory = ( "Other" , [ makeExample "Coffee Mugs (UIST)" coffee_UIST , makeExample "Wave Boxes" sineWaveOfBoxes , makeExample "Wave Boxes Grid" sineWaveGrid , makeExample "Basic Slides" basicSlides , makeExample "Sailboat" sailBoat , makeExample "Sliders" sliders , makeExample "Buttons" buttons , makeExample "Widgets" widgets , makeExample "xySlider" xySlider , makeExample "Offsets" offsets , makeExample "Tile Pattern" boxGridTokenFilter , makeExample "Color Picker" rgba , makeExample "Ferris Wheel" ferris , makeExample "Ferris Task Before" ferris2 , makeExample "Ferris Task After" ferris2target , makeExample "Ferris Wheel Slideshow" ferrisWheelSlideshow , makeExample "Survey Results" surveyResultsTriHist2 , makeExample "Hilbert Curve Animation" hilbertCurveAnimation , makeExample "Bar Graph" barGraph , makeExample "Pie Chart" pieChart1 , makeExample "Solar System" solarSystem , makeExample "Clique" clique , makeExample "Eye Icon" eyeIcon , makeExample "Horror Films" horrorFilms0 , makeExample "Cycling Association" cyclingAssociation0 , makeExample "Lillicon P" lilliconP , makeExample "Lillicon P, v2" lilliconP2 , makeExample "Keyboard" keyboard , makeExample "Keyboard Task Before" keyboard2 , makeExample "Keyboard Task After" keyboard2target , makeExample "Tessellation Task Before" tessellation , makeExample "Tessellation Task After" tessellationTarget , makeExample "Tessellation 2" tessellation2 , makeExample "Spiral Spiral-Graph" spiralSpiralGraph , makeExample "Rounded Rect" roundedRect , makeExample "Thaw/Freeze" thawFreeze , makeExample "Dictionaries" dictionaries , makeExample "3 Boxes" threeBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes Sli" nBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes" groupOfBoxes , makeExample "Rings" rings , makeExample "Polygons" polygons , makeExample "Stars" stars , makeExample "Triangles" equiTri , makeExample "<NAME>" flw1 , makeExample "<NAME>" flw2 , makeExample "Bezier Curves" bezier , makeExample "Fractal Tree" fractalTree , makeExample "Stick Figures" stickFigures -- , makeExample "Cult of Lambda" cultOfLambda , makeExample "Matrix Transformations" matrices , makeExample "Misc Shapes" miscShapes , makeExample "Interface Buttons" interfaceButtons , makeExample "Paths 1" paths1 , makeExample "Paths 2" paths2 , makeExample "Paths 3" paths3 , makeExample "Paths 4" paths4 , makeExample "Paths 5" paths5 , makeExample "Sample Rotations" rotTest , makeExample "Grid Tile" gridTile , makeExample "Zones" zones , makeExample "Rectangle Trisection" rectangleTrisection , makeExample "Battery" battery , makeExample "Battery (Dynamic)" batteryDynamic , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrianArch , makeExample "Ladder" ladder , makeExample "Rails" rails , makeExample "Target" target , makeExample "Xs" xs , makeExample "Conifer" conifer , makeExample "Ferris Wheel 3" ferris3 , makeExample "Gear" gear , makeExample "Koch Snowflake" kochSnowflake , makeExample "Replace Terminals With Workstations" replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations , makeExample "Balance Scale" balanceScale , makeExample "Pencil Tip" pencilTip , makeExample "Calendar Icon" calendarIcon , makeLeoExample "SVG Cat" cat ] ) deuceUserStudyCategory = ( "Deuce User Study" , [ makeExample "Deuce Study Start" study_start , makeExample "Step 01" tutorial_step_01 , makeExample "Step 02" tutorial_step_02 , makeExample "Step 03" tutorial_step_03 , makeExample "Step 04" tutorial_step_04 , makeExample "Step 05" tutorial_step_05 , makeExample "Step 06" tutorial_step_06 , makeExample "Step 07" tutorial_step_07 , makeExample "Step 08" tutorial_step_08 , makeExample "Step 09" tutorial_step_09 , makeExample "Step 10" tutorial_step_10 , makeExample "Step 11" tutorial_step_11 , makeExample "Step 12" tutorial_step_12 , makeExample "Step 13" tutorial_step_13 , makeExample "Step 14" tutorial_step_14 , makeExample "Step 15" tutorial_step_15 , makeExample "Step 16" tutorial_step_16 , makeExample "Step 17" tutorial_step_17 , makeExample "Step 18" tutorial_step_18 , makeExample "Step 19" tutorial_step_19 , makeExample "Step 20" tutorial_step_20 , makeExample "Step 21" tutorial_step_21 , makeExample "Step 22" tutorial_step_22 , makeExample "Step 23" tutorial_step_23 , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 1" study_transition_1 , makeExample "One Rectangle" task_one_rectangle , makeExample "Two Circles" task_two_circles , makeExample "Three Rectangles" task_three_rectangles , makeExample "Target Icon" task_target , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 2" study_transition_2 , makeExample "Four Squares" task_four_squares , makeExample "Lambda Icon" task_lambda , makeExample "Deuce Study End" study_end ] ) internalCategory = ( "(Internal Things...)" , [ makeLeoExample "Standard Prelude" Prelude.preludeLeo , makeLeoExample badPreludeTemplate badPrelude ] ) templateCategories = [ welcomeCategory , docsCategory , deuceCategory , defaultIconCategory , logoCategory , flagCategory , otherCategory , deuceUserStudyCategory , internalCategory ] list = templateCategories |> List.map Tuple.second |> List.concat
module ExamplesGenerated exposing ( list, templateCategories , blankSvgTemplate, blankHtmlTemplate, initTemplate , badPreludeTemplate , fromleo_markdown , fromleo_markdown_optimized , fromleo_markdown_optimized_lensless , fromleo_recipe2 , fromleo_conference_budgetting , fromleo_modelviewcontroller , fromleo_latexeditor , repl , tableOfStatesA , tableOfStatesB , tableOfStatesC , fromleo_linkedtexteditor , fromleo_translatabledoc , fromleo_dixit , christmas_song_3_after_translation , mapMaybeLens , listAppendLens , Example ) import Lang exposing (Exp, Val, Widget, Env) import FastParser import LeoParser import Eval import Utils import PreludeGenerated as Prelude import DefaultIconTheme import Syntax import EvalUpdate import Parser import ParserUtils type alias Example = { e: Exp, v: Val, ws: List Widget, env: Env} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initTemplate = blankHtmlTemplate getStartedTemplate = "Get Started" blankSvgTemplate = "Blank Svg Document" blankHtmlTemplate = "Blank Html Document" badPreludeTemplate = "Bad Prelude" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- makeExample = makeExample_ FastParser.parseE Syntax.Little makeLeoExample = makeExample_ LeoParser.parse Syntax.Leo makeExample_: (String -> Result Parser.Error Exp) -> Syntax.Syntax -> String -> String -> (String, (String, () -> Result String Example)) makeExample_ parser syntax name s = let thunk () = -- TODO tolerate parse errors, change Select Example parser s |> Result.mapError (\pmsg -> "Error parsing example " ++ name ++"\n" ++ ParserUtils.showError pmsg) |> Result.map (\e -> ----------------------------------------------------- -- if name == "*Prelude*" then -- {e=e, v=LangSvg.dummySvgVal, ws=[], ati=ati} -- else ----------------------------------------------------- let ((v,ws), env) = Utils.fromOk ("Error executing example " ++ name) <| EvalUpdate.runWithEnv syntax e in {e=e, v=v, ws=ws, env=env} ) in (name, (s, thunk)) LITTLE_TO_ELM threeBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxesH2 LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveOfBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM sineWaveGrid -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxesTokens -- LITTLE_TO_ELM waveOfBoxes3 LITTLE_TO_ELM nBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM groupOfBoxes -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesA -- LITTLE_TO_ELM sixBoxesB LITTLE_TO_ELM basicSlides LITTLE_TO_ELM logo LITTLE_TO_ELM logo2 -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? -- LITTLE_TO_ELM logoSizes LITTLE_TO_ELM elmLogo -- LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans LITTLE_TO_ELM activeTrans2 LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic LITTLE_TO_ELM rings LITTLE_TO_ELM polygons LITTLE_TO_ELM stars LITTLE_TO_ELM sliders LITTLE_TO_ELM buttons LITTLE_TO_ELM widgets LITTLE_TO_ELM xySlider LITTLE_TO_ELM offsets LITTLE_TO_ELM rgba -- LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGrid LITTLE_TO_ELM boxGridTokenFilter LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag13 LITTLE_TO_ELM usFlag50 LITTLE_TO_ELM chicago -- LITTLE_TO_ELM chicagoColors LITTLE_TO_ELM frenchSudan LITTLE_TO_ELM flw1 LITTLE_TO_ELM flw2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2 LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris2target LITTLE_TO_ELM ferrisWheelSlideshow LITTLE_TO_ELM pieChart1 LITTLE_TO_ELM solarSystem LITTLE_TO_ELM fractalTree LITTLE_TO_ELM hilbertCurveAnimation LITTLE_TO_ELM stickFigures -- TODO stack overflow for some reason? --LITTLE_TO_ELM cultOfLambda LITTLE_TO_ELM clique LITTLE_TO_ELM miscShapes LITTLE_TO_ELM paths1 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths2 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths3 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths4 LITTLE_TO_ELM paths5 LITTLE_TO_ELM sailBoat LITTLE_TO_ELM eyeIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM wikimedia LITTLE_TO_ELM haskell LITTLE_TO_ELM matrices LITTLE_TO_ELM rotTest LITTLE_TO_ELM interfaceButtons LITTLE_TO_ELM barGraph LITTLE_TO_ELM thawFreeze LITTLE_TO_ELM dictionaries -- LITTLE_TO_ELM deleteBoxes LITTLE_TO_ELM cover LITTLE_TO_ELM poppl LITTLE_TO_ELM bezier -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriBubbles -- LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist LITTLE_TO_ELM surveyResultsTriHist2 LITTLE_TO_ELM equiTri LITTLE_TO_ELM gridTile LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP LITTLE_TO_ELM lilliconP2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2 LITTLE_TO_ELM keyboard2target LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellationTarget LITTLE_TO_ELM tessellation2 LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo LITTLE_TO_ELM floralLogo2 LITTLE_TO_ELM zones LITTLE_TO_ELM roundedRect LITTLE_TO_ELM spiralSpiralGraph -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateRects1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateCircles0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relateLines0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints0 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints1 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints2 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints3 -- LITTLE_TO_ELM relatePoints4 LITTLE_TO_ELM blank LITTLE_TO_ELM horrorFilms0 LITTLE_TO_ELM cyclingAssociation0 LITTLE_TO_ELM snsLogoWheel LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_revisited_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM botanic_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_UIST LITTLE_TO_ELM rectangleTrisection LITTLE_TO_ELM battery LITTLE_TO_ELM batteryDynamic LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrianArch LITTLE_TO_ELM ladder LITTLE_TO_ELM rails LITTLE_TO_ELM target LITTLE_TO_ELM xs LITTLE_TO_ELM conifer LITTLE_TO_ELM ferris3 LITTLE_TO_ELM gear LITTLE_TO_ELM kochSnowflake LITTLE_TO_ELM replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations LITTLE_TO_ELM balanceScale LITTLE_TO_ELM pencilTip LITTLE_TO_ELM calendarIcon LITTLE_TO_ELM sns_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM target_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM battery_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM coffee_deuce LITTLE_TO_ELM mondrian_arch_deuce LEO_TO_ELM cat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deuce User Study Files -- these .little files are generated from somewhere else; -- don't change them manually LITTLE_TO_ELM study_start LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_1 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_transition_2 LITTLE_TO_ELM study_end LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_01 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_02 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_03 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_04 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_05 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_06 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_07 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_08 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_09 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_10 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_11 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_12 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_13 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_14 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_15 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_16 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_17 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_18 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_19 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_20 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_21 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_22 LITTLE_TO_ELM tutorial_step_23 LITTLE_TO_ELM task_one_rectangle LITTLE_TO_ELM task_two_circles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_three_rectangles LITTLE_TO_ELM task_target LITTLE_TO_ELM task_four_squares LITTLE_TO_ELM task_lambda -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEO_TO_ELM badPrelude LEO_TO_ELM blankSvg LEO_TO_ELM blankDoc LEO_TO_ELM welcome1 LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesA LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesB LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesC LEO_TO_ELM tableOfStatesE LEO_TO_ELM simpleBudget LEO_TO_ELM mapMaybeLens LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_1 LEO_TO_ELM mapListLens_2 LEO_TO_ELM listAppendLens LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/markdown_optimized_lensless LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/conference_budgetting LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/recipe2 LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/modelviewcontroller LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/linkedtexteditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/translatabledoc LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/latexeditor LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/dixit LEO_TO_ELM christmas_song_3_after_translation LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/pizzas_doodle LEO_TO_ELM fromleo/universal_number LEO_TO_ELM repl LEO_TO_ELM slides LEO_TO_ELM docs LEO_TO_ELM sync LEO_TO_ELM foldl_reversible_join LEO_TO_ELM references_in_text LEO_TO_ELM tutorialStudentGrades -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- welcomeCategory = ( "Welcome" , [ makeLeoExample blankSvgTemplate blankSvg , makeLeoExample blankHtmlTemplate blankDoc , makeLeoExample getStartedTemplate welcome1 -- , makeLeoExample "Tutorial" blankDoc ] ) docsCategory = ( "Examples (OOPSLA 2018 Submission)" , [ makeLeoExample "1a: Table of States" tableOfStatesA , makeLeoExample "1b: Table of States" tableOfStatesC , makeLeoExample "1c: Table of States" tableOfStatesE ] ++ ( List.indexedMap (\i (caption, program) -> makeLeoExample (toString (2+i) ++ ": " ++ caption) program ) [ ("ICFP tutorial", tutorialStudentGrades) , ("Conference Budget", fromleo_conference_budgetting) , ("Model View Controller", fromleo_modelviewcontroller) , ("Scalable Recipe Editor", fromleo_recipe2) , ("Cloning Editor", fromleo_linkedtexteditor) , ("Translation Editor", fromleo_translatabledoc) , ("Markdown Editor", fromleo_markdown) , ("Dixit Scoresheet", fromleo_dixit) , ("Doodle", fromleo_pizzas_doodle) , ("Universal numbers", fromleo_universal_number) , ("LaTeX Editor", fromleo_latexeditor) , ("REPL with SVG", repl) , ("Slides", slides) , ("Docs", docs) -- TODO maybe Conference? , ("Html regex replace: references", references_in_text) , ("String join, concatMap", foldl_reversible_join) , ("Lens: Maybe Map", mapMaybeLens) , ("Lens: List Map 1", mapListLens_1) , ("Lens: List Map 2", mapListLens_2) , ("Lens: List Append", listAppendLens) ] ) ) defaultIconCategory = ( "Default Icons" , [ makeExample "Icon: Cursor" DefaultIconTheme.cursor , makeExample "Icon: Point Or Offset" DefaultIconTheme.pointOrOffset , makeExample "Icon: Text" DefaultIconTheme.text , makeExample "Icon: Line" DefaultIconTheme.line , makeExample "Icon: Rect" DefaultIconTheme.rect , makeExample "Icon: Ellipse" DefaultIconTheme.ellipse , makeExample "Icon: Polygon" DefaultIconTheme.polygon , makeExample "Icon: Path" DefaultIconTheme.path ] ) deuceCategory = ( "Deuce Examples" , [ makeExample "Sketch-n-Sketch Logo" sns_deuce , makeExample "Target" target_deuce , makeExample "Battery" battery_deuce , makeExample "Coffee Mug" coffee_deuce , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrian_arch_deuce ] ) logoCategory = ( "Logos" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "SnS Logo (UIST)" sns_UIST , makeExample "SnS Logo Revisited (UIST)" sns_revisited_UIST , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo (UIST)" botanic_UIST , makeExample "Logo" logo , makeExample "Botanic Garden Logo" botanic , makeExample "Active Trans Logo" activeTrans2 , makeExample "SnS Logo Wheel" snsLogoWheel , makeExample "Haskell.org Logo" haskell , makeExample "Cover Logo" cover , makeExample "POP-PL Logo" poppl , makeExample "Floral Logo 1" floralLogo , makeExample "Floral Logo 2" floralLogo2 , makeExample "Elm Logo" elmLogo , makeExample "Logo 2" logo2 -- , makeExample "Logo Sizes" logoSizes ] ) flagCategory = ( "Flags" , List.sortBy Tuple.first [ makeExample "Chicago Flag" chicago , makeExample "US-13 Flag" usFlag13 , makeExample "US-50 Flag" usFlag50 , makeExample "French Sudan Flag" frenchSudan ] ) otherCategory = ( "Other" , [ makeExample "Coffee Mugs (UIST)" coffee_UIST , makeExample "Wave Boxes" sineWaveOfBoxes , makeExample "Wave Boxes Grid" sineWaveGrid , makeExample "Basic Slides" basicSlides , makeExample "Sailboat" sailBoat , makeExample "Sliders" sliders , makeExample "Buttons" buttons , makeExample "Widgets" widgets , makeExample "xySlider" xySlider , makeExample "Offsets" offsets , makeExample "Tile Pattern" boxGridTokenFilter , makeExample "Color Picker" rgba , makeExample "Ferris Wheel" ferris , makeExample "Ferris Task Before" ferris2 , makeExample "Ferris Task After" ferris2target , makeExample "Ferris Wheel Slideshow" ferrisWheelSlideshow , makeExample "Survey Results" surveyResultsTriHist2 , makeExample "Hilbert Curve Animation" hilbertCurveAnimation , makeExample "Bar Graph" barGraph , makeExample "Pie Chart" pieChart1 , makeExample "Solar System" solarSystem , makeExample "Clique" clique , makeExample "Eye Icon" eyeIcon , makeExample "Horror Films" horrorFilms0 , makeExample "Cycling Association" cyclingAssociation0 , makeExample "Lillicon P" lilliconP , makeExample "Lillicon P, v2" lilliconP2 , makeExample "Keyboard" keyboard , makeExample "Keyboard Task Before" keyboard2 , makeExample "Keyboard Task After" keyboard2target , makeExample "Tessellation Task Before" tessellation , makeExample "Tessellation Task After" tessellationTarget , makeExample "Tessellation 2" tessellation2 , makeExample "Spiral Spiral-Graph" spiralSpiralGraph , makeExample "Rounded Rect" roundedRect , makeExample "Thaw/Freeze" thawFreeze , makeExample "Dictionaries" dictionaries , makeExample "3 Boxes" threeBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes Sli" nBoxes , makeExample "N Boxes" groupOfBoxes , makeExample "Rings" rings , makeExample "Polygons" polygons , makeExample "Stars" stars , makeExample "Triangles" equiTri , makeExample "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" flw1 , makeExample "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" flw2 , makeExample "Bezier Curves" bezier , makeExample "Fractal Tree" fractalTree , makeExample "Stick Figures" stickFigures -- , makeExample "Cult of Lambda" cultOfLambda , makeExample "Matrix Transformations" matrices , makeExample "Misc Shapes" miscShapes , makeExample "Interface Buttons" interfaceButtons , makeExample "Paths 1" paths1 , makeExample "Paths 2" paths2 , makeExample "Paths 3" paths3 , makeExample "Paths 4" paths4 , makeExample "Paths 5" paths5 , makeExample "Sample Rotations" rotTest , makeExample "Grid Tile" gridTile , makeExample "Zones" zones , makeExample "Rectangle Trisection" rectangleTrisection , makeExample "Battery" battery , makeExample "Battery (Dynamic)" batteryDynamic , makeExample "Mondrian Arch" mondrianArch , makeExample "Ladder" ladder , makeExample "Rails" rails , makeExample "Target" target , makeExample "Xs" xs , makeExample "Conifer" conifer , makeExample "Ferris Wheel 3" ferris3 , makeExample "Gear" gear , makeExample "Koch Snowflake" kochSnowflake , makeExample "Replace Terminals With Workstations" replaceTerminalsWithWorkstations , makeExample "Balance Scale" balanceScale , makeExample "Pencil Tip" pencilTip , makeExample "Calendar Icon" calendarIcon , makeLeoExample "SVG Cat" cat ] ) deuceUserStudyCategory = ( "Deuce User Study" , [ makeExample "Deuce Study Start" study_start , makeExample "Step 01" tutorial_step_01 , makeExample "Step 02" tutorial_step_02 , makeExample "Step 03" tutorial_step_03 , makeExample "Step 04" tutorial_step_04 , makeExample "Step 05" tutorial_step_05 , makeExample "Step 06" tutorial_step_06 , makeExample "Step 07" tutorial_step_07 , makeExample "Step 08" tutorial_step_08 , makeExample "Step 09" tutorial_step_09 , makeExample "Step 10" tutorial_step_10 , makeExample "Step 11" tutorial_step_11 , makeExample "Step 12" tutorial_step_12 , makeExample "Step 13" tutorial_step_13 , makeExample "Step 14" tutorial_step_14 , makeExample "Step 15" tutorial_step_15 , makeExample "Step 16" tutorial_step_16 , makeExample "Step 17" tutorial_step_17 , makeExample "Step 18" tutorial_step_18 , makeExample "Step 19" tutorial_step_19 , makeExample "Step 20" tutorial_step_20 , makeExample "Step 21" tutorial_step_21 , makeExample "Step 22" tutorial_step_22 , makeExample "Step 23" tutorial_step_23 , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 1" study_transition_1 , makeExample "One Rectangle" task_one_rectangle , makeExample "Two Circles" task_two_circles , makeExample "Three Rectangles" task_three_rectangles , makeExample "Target Icon" task_target , makeExample "Deuce Study Transition 2" study_transition_2 , makeExample "Four Squares" task_four_squares , makeExample "Lambda Icon" task_lambda , makeExample "Deuce Study End" study_end ] ) internalCategory = ( "(Internal Things...)" , [ makeLeoExample "Standard Prelude" Prelude.preludeLeo , makeLeoExample badPreludeTemplate badPrelude ] ) templateCategories = [ welcomeCategory , docsCategory , deuceCategory , defaultIconCategory , logoCategory , flagCategory , otherCategory , deuceUserStudyCategory , internalCategory ] list = templateCategories |> List.map Tuple.second |> List.concat
[ { "context": " about images? ![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48", "end": 9631, "score": 0.7853796482, "start": 9630, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "p" }, { "context": "xampleTables =\n \"\"\"\nName | Year of birth\n--|-:\nTom Hanks | 1956\nPhilipp | 1997\nJesus | -4\nCaesar | -100\n\nA", "end": 10322, "score": 0.9996757507, "start": 10313, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom Hanks" }, { "context": " \"\"\"\nName | Year of birth\n--|-:\nTom Hanks | 1956\nPhilipp | 1997\nJesus | -4\nCaesar | -100\n\nAppliance | Cost", "end": 10337, "score": 0.9990881681, "start": 10330, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Philipp" }, { "context": "ar of birth\n--|-:\nTom Hanks | 1956\nPhilipp | 1997\nJesus | -4\nCaesar | -100\n\nAppliance | Cost | Own\n:-", "end": 10346, "score": 0.7644263506, "start": 10345, "tag": "NAME", "value": "J" } ]
module Tests exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Markdown.Block as Markdown import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser as Markdown import Markdown.PrettyTables as Tables import Markdown.Renderer as Markdown import Markdown.Scaffolded as Scaffolded import Test exposing (..) {- Unfortunately, there are few tests, right now. You're welcome to contribute tests! I personally test this project using the /examples and another semi-production app. If you want to contribute: There are good opportunities for creating property-based tests for this application. For that it would be neccessary to write a fuzzer: `Fuzzer children -> Fuzzer (Scaffolded.Block children)` and then identify the mathematical properties of functions like `map`, `foldFunction`, etc. and test them. -} suite : Test suite = describe "Markdown" [ describe "Formatting" [ test "round-trip" (testRoundTrip prettyprint exampleMarkdown) , test "idempotency" (testIdempotency prettyprint exampleMarkdown) ] , describe "PrettyTables" [ -- Examples test "basic example" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) { input = [ "Person | Age" , "--|-:" , "Someone I used to know | No idea" , "Me | 23" ] , expect = [ "| Person | Age |" , "|------------------------|--------:|" , "| Someone I used to know | No idea |" , "| Me | 23 |" ] } ) , test "no additional newlines (issue #4)" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) { input = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "" , "para after table" ] , expect = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "para after table" ] } ) -- Round-Trips , test "round-trip (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "round-trip (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) -- Idempotency , test "idempotency (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "idempotency (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) ] , describe "Scaffolded" [ test "foldIndexed" <| \_ -> let renderPath : List Int -> String renderPath path = "(" ++ String.join "," (List.map String.fromInt path) ++ ") " reduceWithIndices : Scaffolded.Block (List Int -> String) -> List Int -> String reduceWithIndices block path = case Scaffolded.foldIndexed block path of Scaffolded.Heading { level, rawText, children } -> Scaffolded.Heading { level = level , rawText = rawText , children = renderPath path :: children } |> Scaffolded.reducePretty other -> Scaffolded.reducePretty other input = String.join "\n" [ "# Everything has indices." , "" , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "" , "## Another heading." ] in parseMarkdown input |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = reduceWithIndices } ) ) |> Result.map (List.indexedMap (\index expectsPath -> expectsPath [ index ])) |> Result.map (Expect.equalLists [ "# (0) Everything has indices." , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "## (2) Another heading." ] ) |> expectOk ] ] testConcrete : (String -> Result String String) -> { input : List String, expect : List String } -> () -> Expectation testConcrete prettyprinter { input, expect } () = input |> String.join "\n" |> prettyprinter |> Result.map (Expect.equal (String.join "\n" expect)) |> expectOk testRoundTrip : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testRoundTrip prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\original prettyprinted -> Expect.equalLists original prettyprinted ) (markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in normal Markdown: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in pretty-printed Markdown: ") ) |> expectOk testIdempotency : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testIdempotency prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\prettyOnce prettyTwice -> Expect.equal prettyOnce prettyTwice ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting twice: ") ) |> expectOk expectOk : Result String Expectation -> Expectation expectOk result = case result of Ok e -> e Err error -> Expect.fail error parseMarkdown : String -> Result String (List Markdown.Block) parseMarkdown markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse |> Result.mapError (List.map Markdown.deadEndToString >> String.join "\n") prettyprint : String -> Result String String prettyprint markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Scaffolded.reducePretty } ) ) |> Result.map (String.join "\n\n") prettyprintTables : Tables.TableStyle -> String -> Result String String prettyprintTables style markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Tables.reducePrettyTable style } ) ) |> Result.map Tables.finishReduction -- Test data exampleMarkdown : String exampleMarkdown = """# Format _beautiful_ Markdown > Markdown is only fine > When *pretty printed* > It has to be **BEAUTIFUL** I SAID. ## Links Let's try [a `link`](https://example.com) What about images? ![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 1") ## Lists Markdown formatting is: * [ ] Stupid * [X] Okay-ish * [ ] Works 1. Don't use this project 1. What are you doing? 1. Ok. Please go now. - Let's not do checkboxes. --------- 0. Write library 1. Publish 2. ??? 3. Profit! ## Code blocks ```elm viewMarkdown : String -> List (Html Msg) viewMarkdown markdown = [ Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "Prettyprinted:" ] , Html.hr [] [] , Html.pre [ Attr.style "word-wrap" "pre-wrap" ] [ Html.text markdown ] ] ``` ``` Please use more beautiful Code blocks! ``` """ exampleTables : String exampleTables = """ Name | Year of birth --|-: Tom Hanks | 1956 Philipp | 1997 Jesus | -4 Caesar | -100 Appliance | Cost | Own :-:|-:|:- Dishwasher | 500€ | Yes Toaster | 40€ | No Refrigerator | 600€ | Yes Washing Machine | 1200€ | Yes This is some text to ensure the right amount of newlines Table | Without Rows --|-- More text to ensure we generate the right spacing between markdown blocks """ exampleTablesMarkdown : String exampleTablesMarkdown = """People | :bowtie: `:bowtie:` | :smile: `:smile:` | :laughing: `:laughing:` | |---|---|---| | :blush: `:blush:` | :smiley: `:smiley:` | :relaxed: `:relaxed:` | | :smirk: `:smirk:` | :heart_eyes: `:heart_eyes:` | :kissing_heart: `:kissing_heart:` | | :kissing_closed_eyes: `:kissing_closed_eyes:` | :flushed: `:flushed:` | :relieved: `:relieved:` | | :satisfied: `:satisfied:` | :grin: `:grin:` | :wink: `:wink:` | | :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: `:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:` | :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: `:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:` | :grinning: `:grinning:` | | :kissing: `:kissing:` | :kissing_smiling_eyes: `:kissing_smiling_eyes:` | :stuck_out_tongue: `:stuck_out_tongue:` | | :sleeping: `:sleeping:` | :worried: `:worried:` | :frowning: `:frowning:` | | :anguished: `:anguished:` | :open_mouth: `:open_mouth:` | :grimacing: `:grimacing:` | | :confused: `:confused:` | :hushed: `:hushed:` | :expressionless: `:expressionless:` | | :unamused: `:unamused:` | :sweat_smile: `:sweat_smile:` | :sweat: `:sweat:` | | :disappointed_relieved: `:disappointed_relieved:` | :weary: `:weary:` | :pensive: `:pensive:` | | :disappointed: `:disappointed:` | :confounded: `:confounded:` | :fearful: `:fearful:` | | :cold_sweat: `:cold_sweat:` | :persevere: `:persevere:` | :cry: `:cry:` | | :sob: `:sob:` | :joy: `:joy:` | :astonished: `:astonished:` | | :scream: `:scream:` | :neckbeard: `:neckbeard:` | :tired_face: `:tired_face:` | | :angry: `:angry:` | :rage: `:rage:` | :triumph: `:triumph:` | | :sleepy: `:sleepy:` | :yum: `:yum:` | :mask: `:mask:` | | :sunglasses: `:sunglasses:` | :dizzy_face: `:dizzy_face:` | :imp: `:imp:` | | :smiling_imp: `:smiling_imp:` | :neutral_face: `:neutral_face:` | :no_mouth: `:no_mouth:` | | :innocent: `:innocent:` | :alien: `:alien:` | :yellow_heart: `:yellow_heart:` | | :blue_heart: `:blue_heart:` | :purple_heart: `:purple_heart:` | :heart: `:heart:` | | :green_heart: `:green_heart:` | :broken_heart: `:broken_heart:` | :heartbeat: `:heartbeat:` | | :heartpulse: `:heartpulse:` | :two_hearts: `:two_hearts:` | :revolving_hearts: `:revolving_hearts:` | | :cupid: `:cupid:` | :sparkling_heart: `:sparkling_heart:` | :sparkles: `:sparkles:` | | :star: `:star:` | :star2: `:star2:` | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | | :boom: `:boom:` | :collision: `:collision:` | :anger: `:anger:` | | :exclamation: `:exclamation:` | :question: `:question:` | :grey_exclamation: `:grey_exclamation:` | | :grey_question: `:grey_question:` | :zzz: `:zzz:` | :dash: `:dash:` | | :sweat_drops: `:sweat_drops:` | :notes: `:notes:` | :musical_note: `:musical_note:` | | :fire: `:fire:` | :hankey: `:hankey:` | :poop: `:poop:` | | :shit: `:shit:` | :+1: `:+1:` | :thumbsup: `:thumbsup:` | | :-1: `:-1:` | :thumbsdown: `:thumbsdown:` | :ok_hand: `:ok_hand:` | | :punch: `:punch:` | :facepunch: `:facepunch:` | :fist: `:fist:` | | :v: `:v:` | :wave: `:wave:` | :hand: `:hand:` | | :raised_hand: `:raised_hand:` | :open_hands: `:open_hands:` | :point_up: `:point_up:` | | :point_down: `:point_down:` | :point_left: `:point_left:` | :point_right: `:point_right:` | | :raised_hands: `:raised_hands:` | :pray: `:pray:` | :point_up_2: `:point_up_2:` | | :clap: `:clap:` | :muscle: `:muscle:` | :metal: `:metal:` | | :fu: `:fu:` | :walking: `:walking:` | :runner: `:runner:` | | :running: `:running:` | :couple: `:couple:` | :family: `:family:` | | :two_men_holding_hands: `:two_men_holding_hands:` | :two_women_holding_hands: `:two_women_holding_hands:` | :dancer: `:dancer:` | | :dancers: `:dancers:` | :ok_woman: `:ok_woman:` | :no_good: `:no_good:` | | :information_desk_person: `:information_desk_person:` | :raising_hand: `:raising_hand:` | :bride_with_veil: `:bride_with_veil:` | | :person_with_pouting_face: `:person_with_pouting_face:` | :person_frowning: `:person_frowning:` | :bow: `:bow:` | | :couplekiss: `:couplekiss:` | :couple_with_heart: `:couple_with_heart:` | :massage: `:massage:` | | :haircut: `:haircut:` | :nail_care: `:nail_care:` | :boy: `:boy:` | | :girl: `:girl:` | :woman: `:woman:` | :man: `:man:` | | :baby: `:baby:` | :older_woman: `:older_woman:` | :older_man: `:older_man:` | | :person_with_blond_hair: `:person_with_blond_hair:` | :man_with_gua_pi_mao: `:man_with_gua_pi_mao:` | :man_with_turban: `:man_with_turban:` | | :construction_worker: `:construction_worker:` | :cop: `:cop:` | :angel: `:angel:` | | :princess: `:princess:` | :smiley_cat: `:smiley_cat:` | :smile_cat: `:smile_cat:` | | :heart_eyes_cat: `:heart_eyes_cat:` | :kissing_cat: `:kissing_cat:` | :smirk_cat: `:smirk_cat:` | | :scream_cat: `:scream_cat:` | :crying_cat_face: `:crying_cat_face:` | :joy_cat: `:joy_cat:` | | :pouting_cat: `:pouting_cat:` | :japanese_ogre: `:japanese_ogre:` | :japanese_goblin: `:japanese_goblin:` | | :see_no_evil: `:see_no_evil:` | :hear_no_evil: `:hear_no_evil:` | :speak_no_evil: `:speak_no_evil:` | | :guardsman: `:guardsman:` | :skull: `:skull:` | :feet: `:feet:` | | :lips: `:lips:` | :kiss: `:kiss:` | :droplet: `:droplet:` | | :ear: `:ear:` | :eyes: `:eyes:` | :nose: `:nose:` | | :tongue: `:tongue:` | :love_letter: `:love_letter:` | :bust_in_silhouette: `:bust_in_silhouette:` | | :busts_in_silhouette: `:busts_in_silhouette:` | :speech_balloon: `:speech_balloon:` | :thought_balloon: `:thought_balloon:` | | :feelsgood: `:feelsgood:` | :finnadie: `:finnadie:` | :goberserk: `:goberserk:` | | :godmode: `:godmode:` | :hurtrealbad: `:hurtrealbad:` | :rage1: `:rage1:` | | :rage2: `:rage2:` | :rage3: `:rage3:` | :rage4: `:rage4:` | | :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` | Nature | :sunny: `:sunny:` | :umbrella: `:umbrella:` | :cloud: `:cloud:` | |---|---|---| | :snowflake: `:snowflake:` | :snowman: `:snowman:` | :zap: `:zap:` | | :cyclone: `:cyclone:` | :foggy: `:foggy:` | :ocean: `:ocean:` | | :cat: `:cat:` | :dog: `:dog:` | :mouse: `:mouse:` | | :hamster: `:hamster:` | :rabbit: `:rabbit:` | :wolf: `:wolf:` | | :frog: `:frog:` | :tiger: `:tiger:` | :koala: `:koala:` | | :bear: `:bear:` | :pig: `:pig:` | :pig_nose: `:pig_nose:` | | :cow: `:cow:` | :boar: `:boar:` | :monkey_face: `:monkey_face:` | | :monkey: `:monkey:` | :horse: `:horse:` | :racehorse: `:racehorse:` | | :camel: `:camel:` | :sheep: `:sheep:` | :elephant: `:elephant:` | | :panda_face: `:panda_face:` | :snake: `:snake:` | :bird: `:bird:` | | :baby_chick: `:baby_chick:` | :hatched_chick: `:hatched_chick:` | :hatching_chick: `:hatching_chick:` | | :chicken: `:chicken:` | :penguin: `:penguin:` | :turtle: `:turtle:` | | :bug: `:bug:` | :honeybee: `:honeybee:` | :ant: `:ant:` | | :beetle: `:beetle:` | :snail: `:snail:` | :octopus: `:octopus:` | | :tropical_fish: `:tropical_fish:` | :fish: `:fish:` | :whale: `:whale:` | | :whale2: `:whale2:` | :dolphin: `:dolphin:` | :cow2: `:cow2:` | | :ram: `:ram:` | :rat: `:rat:` | :water_buffalo: `:water_buffalo:` | | :tiger2: `:tiger2:` | :rabbit2: `:rabbit2:` | :dragon: `:dragon:` | | :goat: `:goat:` | :rooster: `:rooster:` | :dog2: `:dog2:` | | :pig2: `:pig2:` | :mouse2: `:mouse2:` | :ox: `:ox:` | | :dragon_face: `:dragon_face:` | :blowfish: `:blowfish:` | :crocodile: `:crocodile:` | | :dromedary_camel: `:dromedary_camel:` | :leopard: `:leopard:` | :cat2: `:cat2:` | | :poodle: `:poodle:` | :paw_prints: `:paw_prints:` | :bouquet: `:bouquet:` | | :cherry_blossom: `:cherry_blossom:` | :tulip: `:tulip:` | :four_leaf_clover: `:four_leaf_clover:` | | :rose: `:rose:` | :sunflower: `:sunflower:` | :hibiscus: `:hibiscus:` | | :maple_leaf: `:maple_leaf:` | :leaves: `:leaves:` | :fallen_leaf: `:fallen_leaf:` | | :herb: `:herb:` | :mushroom: `:mushroom:` | :cactus: `:cactus:` | | :palm_tree: `:palm_tree:` | :evergreen_tree: `:evergreen_tree:` | :deciduous_tree: `:deciduous_tree:` | | :chestnut: `:chestnut:` | :seedling: `:seedling:` | :blossom: `:blossom:` | | :ear_of_rice: `:ear_of_rice:` | :shell: `:shell:` | :globe_with_meridians: `:globe_with_meridians:` | | :sun_with_face: `:sun_with_face:` | :full_moon_with_face: `:full_moon_with_face:` | :new_moon_with_face: `:new_moon_with_face:` | | :new_moon: `:new_moon:` | :waxing_crescent_moon: `:waxing_crescent_moon:` | :first_quarter_moon: `:first_quarter_moon:` | | :waxing_gibbous_moon: `:waxing_gibbous_moon:` | :full_moon: `:full_moon:` | :waning_gibbous_moon: `:waning_gibbous_moon:` | | :last_quarter_moon: `:last_quarter_moon:` | :waning_crescent_moon: `:waning_crescent_moon:` | :last_quarter_moon_with_face: `:last_quarter_moon_with_face:` | | :first_quarter_moon_with_face: `:first_quarter_moon_with_face:` | :moon: `:moon:` | :earth_africa: `:earth_africa:` | | :earth_americas: `:earth_americas:` | :earth_asia: `:earth_asia:` | :volcano: `:volcano:` | | :milky_way: `:milky_way:` | :partly_sunny: `:partly_sunny:` | :octocat: `:octocat:` | | :squirrel: `:squirrel:` | Objects | :bamboo: `:bamboo:` | :gift_heart: `:gift_heart:` | :dolls: `:dolls:` | |---|---|---| | :school_satchel: `:school_satchel:` | :mortar_board: `:mortar_board:` | :flags: `:flags:` | | :fireworks: `:fireworks:` | :sparkler: `:sparkler:` | :wind_chime: `:wind_chime:` | | :rice_scene: `:rice_scene:` | :jack_o_lantern: `:jack_o_lantern:` | :ghost: `:ghost:` | | :santa: `:santa:` | :christmas_tree: `:christmas_tree:` | :gift: `:gift:` | | :bell: `:bell:` | :no_bell: `:no_bell:` | :tanabata_tree: `:tanabata_tree:` | | :tada: `:tada:` | :confetti_ball: `:confetti_ball:` | :balloon: `:balloon:` | | :crystal_ball: `:crystal_ball:` | :cd: `:cd:` | :dvd: `:dvd:` | | :floppy_disk: `:floppy_disk:` | :camera: `:camera:` | :video_camera: `:video_camera:` | | :movie_camera: `:movie_camera:` | :computer: `:computer:` | :tv: `:tv:` | | :iphone: `:iphone:` | :phone: `:phone:` | :telephone: `:telephone:` | | :telephone_receiver: `:telephone_receiver:` | :pager: `:pager:` | :fax: `:fax:` | | :minidisc: `:minidisc:` | :vhs: `:vhs:` | :sound: `:sound:` | | :speaker: `:speaker:` | :mute: `:mute:` | :loudspeaker: `:loudspeaker:` | | :mega: `:mega:` | :hourglass: `:hourglass:` | :hourglass_flowing_sand: `:hourglass_flowing_sand:` | | :alarm_clock: `:alarm_clock:` | :watch: `:watch:` | :radio: `:radio:` | | :satellite: `:satellite:` | :loop: `:loop:` | :mag: `:mag:` | | :mag_right: `:mag_right:` | :unlock: `:unlock:` | :lock: `:lock:` | | :lock_with_ink_pen: `:lock_with_ink_pen:` | :closed_lock_with_key: `:closed_lock_with_key:` | :key: `:key:` | | :bulb: `:bulb:` | :flashlight: `:flashlight:` | :high_brightness: `:high_brightness:` | | :low_brightness: `:low_brightness:` | :electric_plug: `:electric_plug:` | :battery: `:battery:` | | :calling: `:calling:` | :email: `:email:` | :mailbox: `:mailbox:` | | :postbox: `:postbox:` | :bath: `:bath:` | :bathtub: `:bathtub:` | | :shower: `:shower:` | :toilet: `:toilet:` | :wrench: `:wrench:` | | :nut_and_bolt: `:nut_and_bolt:` | :hammer: `:hammer:` | :seat: `:seat:` | | :moneybag: `:moneybag:` | :yen: `:yen:` | :dollar: `:dollar:` | | :pound: `:pound:` | :euro: `:euro:` | :credit_card: `:credit_card:` | | :money_with_wings: `:money_with_wings:` | :e-mail: `:e-mail:` | :inbox_tray: `:inbox_tray:` | | :outbox_tray: `:outbox_tray:` | :envelope: `:envelope:` | :incoming_envelope: `:incoming_envelope:` | | :postal_horn: `:postal_horn:` | :mailbox_closed: `:mailbox_closed:` | :mailbox_with_mail: `:mailbox_with_mail:` | | :mailbox_with_no_mail: `:mailbox_with_no_mail:` | :door: `:door:` | :smoking: `:smoking:` | | :bomb: `:bomb:` | :gun: `:gun:` | :hocho: `:hocho:` | | :pill: `:pill:` | :syringe: `:syringe:` | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | | :page_with_curl: `:page_with_curl:` | :bookmark_tabs: `:bookmark_tabs:` | :bar_chart: `:bar_chart:` | | :chart_with_upwards_trend: `:chart_with_upwards_trend:` | :chart_with_downwards_trend: `:chart_with_downwards_trend:` | :scroll: `:scroll:` | | :clipboard: `:clipboard:` | :calendar: `:calendar:` | :date: `:date:` | | :card_index: `:card_index:` | :file_folder: `:file_folder:` | :open_file_folder: `:open_file_folder:` | | :scissors: `:scissors:` | :pushpin: `:pushpin:` | :paperclip: `:paperclip:` | | :black_nib: `:black_nib:` | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | :straight_ruler: `:straight_ruler:` | | :triangular_ruler: `:triangular_ruler:` | :closed_book: `:closed_book:` | :green_book: `:green_book:` | | :blue_book: `:blue_book:` | :orange_book: `:orange_book:` | :notebook: `:notebook:` | | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: `:notebook_with_decorative_cover:` | :ledger: `:ledger:` | :books: `:books:` | | :bookmark: `:bookmark:` | :name_badge: `:name_badge:` | :microscope: `:microscope:` | | :telescope: `:telescope:` | :newspaper: `:newspaper:` | :football: `:football:` | | :basketball: `:basketball:` | :soccer: `:soccer:` | :baseball: `:baseball:` | | :tennis: `:tennis:` | :8ball: `:8ball:` | :rugby_football: `:rugby_football:` | | :bowling: `:bowling:` | :golf: `:golf:` | :mountain_bicyclist: `:mountain_bicyclist:` | | :bicyclist: `:bicyclist:` | :horse_racing: `:horse_racing:` | :snowboarder: `:snowboarder:` | | :swimmer: `:swimmer:` | :surfer: `:surfer:` | :ski: `:ski:` | | :spades: `:spades:` | :hearts: `:hearts:` | :clubs: `:clubs:` | | :diamonds: `:diamonds:` | :gem: `:gem:` | :ring: `:ring:` | | :trophy: `:trophy:` | :musical_score: `:musical_score:` | :musical_keyboard: `:musical_keyboard:` | | :violin: `:violin:` | :space_invader: `:space_invader:` | :video_game: `:video_game:` | | :black_joker: `:black_joker:` | :flower_playing_cards: `:flower_playing_cards:` | :game_die: `:game_die:` | | :dart: `:dart:` | :mahjong: `:mahjong:` | :clapper: `:clapper:` | | :memo: `:memo:` | :pencil: `:pencil:` | :book: `:book:` | | :art: `:art:` | :microphone: `:microphone:` | :headphones: `:headphones:` | | :trumpet: `:trumpet:` | :saxophone: `:saxophone:` | :guitar: `:guitar:` | | :shoe: `:shoe:` | :sandal: `:sandal:` | :high_heel: `:high_heel:` | | :lipstick: `:lipstick:` | :boot: `:boot:` | :shirt: `:shirt:` | | :tshirt: `:tshirt:` | :necktie: `:necktie:` | :womans_clothes: `:womans_clothes:` | | :dress: `:dress:` | :running_shirt_with_sash: `:running_shirt_with_sash:` | :jeans: `:jeans:` | | :kimono: `:kimono:` | :bikini: `:bikini:` | :ribbon: `:ribbon:` | | :tophat: `:tophat:` | :crown: `:crown:` | :womans_hat: `:womans_hat:` | | :mans_shoe: `:mans_shoe:` | :closed_umbrella: `:closed_umbrella:` | :briefcase: `:briefcase:` | | :handbag: `:handbag:` | :pouch: `:pouch:` | :purse: `:purse:` | | :eyeglasses: `:eyeglasses:` | :fishing_pole_and_fish: `:fishing_pole_and_fish:` | :coffee: `:coffee:` | | :tea: `:tea:` | :sake: `:sake:` | :baby_bottle: `:baby_bottle:` | | :beer: `:beer:` | :beers: `:beers:` | :cocktail: `:cocktail:` | | :tropical_drink: `:tropical_drink:` | :wine_glass: `:wine_glass:` | :fork_and_knife: `:fork_and_knife:` | | :pizza: `:pizza:` | :hamburger: `:hamburger:` | :fries: `:fries:` | | :poultry_leg: `:poultry_leg:` | :meat_on_bone: `:meat_on_bone:` | :spaghetti: `:spaghetti:` | | :curry: `:curry:` | :fried_shrimp: `:fried_shrimp:` | :bento: `:bento:` | | :sushi: `:sushi:` | :fish_cake: `:fish_cake:` | :rice_ball: `:rice_ball:` | | :rice_cracker: `:rice_cracker:` | :rice: `:rice:` | :ramen: `:ramen:` | | :stew: `:stew:` | :oden: `:oden:` | :dango: `:dango:` | | :egg: `:egg:` | :bread: `:bread:` | :doughnut: `:doughnut:` | | :custard: `:custard:` | :icecream: `:icecream:` | :ice_cream: `:ice_cream:` | | :shaved_ice: `:shaved_ice:` | :birthday: `:birthday:` | :cake: `:cake:` | | :cookie: `:cookie:` | :chocolate_bar: `:chocolate_bar:` | :candy: `:candy:` | | :lollipop: `:lollipop:` | :honey_pot: `:honey_pot:` | :apple: `:apple:` | | :green_apple: `:green_apple:` | :tangerine: `:tangerine:` | :lemon: `:lemon:` | | :cherries: `:cherries:` | :grapes: `:grapes:` | :watermelon: `:watermelon:` | | :strawberry: `:strawberry:` | :peach: `:peach:` | :melon: `:melon:` | | :banana: `:banana:` | :pear: `:pear:` | :pineapple: `:pineapple:` | | :sweet_potato: `:sweet_potato:` | :eggplant: `:eggplant:` | :tomato: `:tomato:` | | :corn: `:corn:` | Places | :house: `:house:` | :house_with_garden: `:house_with_garden:` | :school: `:school:` | |---|---|---| | :office: `:office:` | :post_office: `:post_office:` | :hospital: `:hospital:` | | :bank: `:bank:` | :convenience_store: `:convenience_store:` | :love_hotel: `:love_hotel:` | | :hotel: `:hotel:` | :wedding: `:wedding:` | :church: `:church:` | | :department_store: `:department_store:` | :european_post_office: `:european_post_office:` | :city_sunrise: `:city_sunrise:` | | :city_sunset: `:city_sunset:` | :japanese_castle: `:japanese_castle:` | :european_castle: `:european_castle:` | | :tent: `:tent:` | :factory: `:factory:` | :tokyo_tower: `:tokyo_tower:` | | :japan: `:japan:` | :mount_fuji: `:mount_fuji:` | :sunrise_over_mountains: `:sunrise_over_mountains:` | | :sunrise: `:sunrise:` | :stars: `:stars:` | :statue_of_liberty: `:statue_of_liberty:` | | :bridge_at_night: `:bridge_at_night:` | :carousel_horse: `:carousel_horse:` | :rainbow: `:rainbow:` | | :ferris_wheel: `:ferris_wheel:` | :fountain: `:fountain:` | :roller_coaster: `:roller_coaster:` | | :ship: `:ship:` | :speedboat: `:speedboat:` | :boat: `:boat:` | | :sailboat: `:sailboat:` | :rowboat: `:rowboat:` | :anchor: `:anchor:` | | :rocket: `:rocket:` | :airplane: `:airplane:` | :helicopter: `:helicopter:` | | :steam_locomotive: `:steam_locomotive:` | :tram: `:tram:` | :mountain_railway: `:mountain_railway:` | | :bike: `:bike:` | :aerial_tramway: `:aerial_tramway:` | :suspension_railway: `:suspension_railway:` | | :mountain_cableway: `:mountain_cableway:` | :tractor: `:tractor:` | :blue_car: `:blue_car:` | | :oncoming_automobile: `:oncoming_automobile:` | :car: `:car:` | :red_car: `:red_car:` | | :taxi: `:taxi:` | :oncoming_taxi: `:oncoming_taxi:` | :articulated_lorry: `:articulated_lorry:` | | :bus: `:bus:` | :oncoming_bus: `:oncoming_bus:` | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | | :police_car: `:police_car:` | :oncoming_police_car: `:oncoming_police_car:` | :fire_engine: `:fire_engine:` | | :ambulance: `:ambulance:` | :minibus: `:minibus:` | :truck: `:truck:` | | :train: `:train:` | :station: `:station:` | :train2: `:train2:` | | :bullettrain_front: `:bullettrain_front:` | :bullettrain_side: `:bullettrain_side:` | :light_rail: `:light_rail:` | | :monorail: `:monorail:` | :railway_car: `:railway_car:` | :trolleybus: `:trolleybus:` | | :ticket: `:ticket:` | :fuelpump: `:fuelpump:` | :vertical_traffic_light: `:vertical_traffic_light:` | | :traffic_light: `:traffic_light:` | :warning: `:warning:` | :construction: `:construction:` | | :beginner: `:beginner:` | :atm: `:atm:` | :slot_machine: `:slot_machine:` | | :busstop: `:busstop:` | :barber: `:barber:` | :hotsprings: `:hotsprings:` | | :checkered_flag: `:checkered_flag:` | :crossed_flags: `:crossed_flags:` | :izakaya_lantern: `:izakaya_lantern:` | | :moyai: `:moyai:` | :circus_tent: `:circus_tent:` | :performing_arts: `:performing_arts:` | | :round_pushpin: `:round_pushpin:` | :triangular_flag_on_post: `:triangular_flag_on_post:` | :jp: `:jp:` | | :kr: `:kr:` | :cn: `:cn:` | :us: `:us:` | | :fr: `:fr:` | :es: `:es:` | :it: `:it:` | | :ru: `:ru:` | :gb: `:gb:` | :uk: `:uk:` | | :de: `:de:` | Symbols | :one: `:one:` | :two: `:two:` | :three: `:three:` | |---|---|---| | :four: `:four:` | :five: `:five:` | :six: `:six:` | | :seven: `:seven:` | :eight: `:eight:` | :nine: `:nine:` | | :keycap_ten: `:keycap_ten:` | :1234: `:1234:` | :zero: `:zero:` | | :hash: `:hash:` | :symbols: `:symbols:` | :arrow_backward: `:arrow_backward:` | | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | :arrow_forward: `:arrow_forward:` | :arrow_left: `:arrow_left:` | | :capital_abcd: `:capital_abcd:` | :abcd: `:abcd:` | :abc: `:abc:` | | :arrow_lower_left: `:arrow_lower_left:` | :arrow_lower_right: `:arrow_lower_right:` | :arrow_right: `:arrow_right:` | | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | :arrow_upper_left: `:arrow_upper_left:` | :arrow_upper_right: `:arrow_upper_right:` | | :arrow_double_down: `:arrow_double_down:` | :arrow_double_up: `:arrow_double_up:` | :arrow_down_small: `:arrow_down_small:` | | :arrow_heading_down: `:arrow_heading_down:` | :arrow_heading_up: `:arrow_heading_up:` | :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: `:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:` | | :arrow_right_hook: `:arrow_right_hook:` | :left_right_arrow: `:left_right_arrow:` | :arrow_up_down: `:arrow_up_down:` | | :arrow_up_small: `:arrow_up_small:` | :arrows_clockwise: `:arrows_clockwise:` | :arrows_counterclockwise: `:arrows_counterclockwise:` | | :rewind: `:rewind:` | :fast_forward: `:fast_forward:` | :information_source: `:information_source:` | | :ok: `:ok:` | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | :repeat: `:repeat:` | | :repeat_one: `:repeat_one:` | :new: `:new:` | :top: `:top:` | | :up: `:up:` | :cool: `:cool:` | :free: `:free:` | | :ng: `:ng:` | :cinema: `:cinema:` | :koko: `:koko:` | | :signal_strength: `:signal_strength:` | :u5272: `:u5272:` | :u5408: `:u5408:` | | :u55b6: `:u55b6:` | :u6307: `:u6307:` | :u6708: `:u6708:` | | :u6709: `:u6709:` | :u6e80: `:u6e80:` | :u7121: `:u7121:` | | :u7533: `:u7533:` | :u7a7a: `:u7a7a:` | :u7981: `:u7981:` | | :sa: `:sa:` | :restroom: `:restroom:` | :mens: `:mens:` | | :womens: `:womens:` | :baby_symbol: `:baby_symbol:` | :no_smoking: `:no_smoking:` | | :parking: `:parking:` | :wheelchair: `:wheelchair:` | :metro: `:metro:` | | :baggage_claim: `:baggage_claim:` | :accept: `:accept:` | :wc: `:wc:` | | :potable_water: `:potable_water:` | :put_litter_in_its_place: `:put_litter_in_its_place:` | :secret: `:secret:` | | :congratulations: `:congratulations:` | :m: `:m:` | :passport_control: `:passport_control:` | | :left_luggage: `:left_luggage:` | :customs: `:customs:` | :ideograph_advantage: `:ideograph_advantage:` | | :cl: `:cl:` | :sos: `:sos:` | :id: `:id:` | | :no_entry_sign: `:no_entry_sign:` | :underage: `:underage:` | :no_mobile_phones: `:no_mobile_phones:` | | :do_not_litter: `:do_not_litter:` | :non-potable_water: `:non-potable_water:` | :no_bicycles: `:no_bicycles:` | | :no_pedestrians: `:no_pedestrians:` | :children_crossing: `:children_crossing:` | :no_entry: `:no_entry:` | | :eight_spoked_asterisk: `:eight_spoked_asterisk:` | :eight_pointed_black_star: `:eight_pointed_black_star:` | :heart_decoration: `:heart_decoration:` | | :vs: `:vs:` | :vibration_mode: `:vibration_mode:` | :mobile_phone_off: `:mobile_phone_off:` | | :chart: `:chart:` | :currency_exchange: `:currency_exchange:` | :aries: `:aries:` | | :taurus: `:taurus:` | :gemini: `:gemini:` | :cancer: `:cancer:` | | :leo: `:leo:` | :virgo: `:virgo:` | :libra: `:libra:` | | :scorpius: `:scorpius:` | :sagittarius: `:sagittarius:` | :capricorn: `:capricorn:` | | :aquarius: `:aquarius:` | :pisces: `:pisces:` | :ophiuchus: `:ophiuchus:` | | :six_pointed_star: `:six_pointed_star:` | :negative_squared_cross_mark: `:negative_squared_cross_mark:` | :a: `:a:` | | :b: `:b:` | :ab: `:ab:` | :o2: `:o2:` | | :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: `:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:` | :recycle: `:recycle:` | :end: `:end:` | | :on: `:on:` | :soon: `:soon:` | :clock1: `:clock1:` | | :clock130: `:clock130:` | :clock10: `:clock10:` | :clock1030: `:clock1030:` | | :clock11: `:clock11:` | :clock1130: `:clock1130:` | :clock12: `:clock12:` | | :clock1230: `:clock1230:` | :clock2: `:clock2:` | :clock230: `:clock230:` | | :clock3: `:clock3:` | :clock330: `:clock330:` | :clock4: `:clock4:` | | :clock430: `:clock430:` | :clock5: `:clock5:` | :clock530: `:clock530:` | | :clock6: `:clock6:` | :clock630: `:clock630:` | :clock7: `:clock7:` | | :clock730: `:clock730:` | :clock8: `:clock8:` | :clock830: `:clock830:` | | :clock9: `:clock9:` | :clock930: `:clock930:` | :heavy_dollar_sign: `:heavy_dollar_sign:` | | :copyright: `:copyright:` | :registered: `:registered:` | :tm: `:tm:` | | :x: `:x:` | :heavy_exclamation_mark: `:heavy_exclamation_mark:` | :bangbang: `:bangbang:` | | :interrobang: `:interrobang:` | :o: `:o:` | :heavy_multiplication_x: `:heavy_multiplication_x:` | | :heavy_plus_sign: `:heavy_plus_sign:` | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | :heavy_division_sign: `:heavy_division_sign:` | | :white_flower: `:white_flower:` | :100: `:100:` | :heavy_check_mark: `:heavy_check_mark:` | | :ballot_box_with_check: `:ballot_box_with_check:` | :radio_button: `:radio_button:` | :link: `:link:` | | :curly_loop: `:curly_loop:` | :wavy_dash: `:wavy_dash:` | :part_alternation_mark: `:part_alternation_mark:` | | :trident: `:trident:` | :black_square: `:black_square:` | :white_square: `:white_square:` | | :white_check_mark: `:white_check_mark:` | :black_square_button: `:black_square_button:` | :white_square_button: `:white_square_button:` | | :black_circle: `:black_circle:` | :white_circle: `:white_circle:` | :red_circle: `:red_circle:` | | :large_blue_circle: `:large_blue_circle:` | :large_blue_diamond: `:large_blue_diamond:` | :large_orange_diamond: `:large_orange_diamond:` | | :small_blue_diamond: `:small_blue_diamond:` | :small_orange_diamond: `:small_orange_diamond:` | :small_red_triangle: `:small_red_triangle:` | | :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` | """
module Tests exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Markdown.Block as Markdown import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser as Markdown import Markdown.PrettyTables as Tables import Markdown.Renderer as Markdown import Markdown.Scaffolded as Scaffolded import Test exposing (..) {- Unfortunately, there are few tests, right now. You're welcome to contribute tests! I personally test this project using the /examples and another semi-production app. If you want to contribute: There are good opportunities for creating property-based tests for this application. For that it would be neccessary to write a fuzzer: `Fuzzer children -> Fuzzer (Scaffolded.Block children)` and then identify the mathematical properties of functions like `map`, `foldFunction`, etc. and test them. -} suite : Test suite = describe "Markdown" [ describe "Formatting" [ test "round-trip" (testRoundTrip prettyprint exampleMarkdown) , test "idempotency" (testIdempotency prettyprint exampleMarkdown) ] , describe "PrettyTables" [ -- Examples test "basic example" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) { input = [ "Person | Age" , "--|-:" , "Someone I used to know | No idea" , "Me | 23" ] , expect = [ "| Person | Age |" , "|------------------------|--------:|" , "| Someone I used to know | No idea |" , "| Me | 23 |" ] } ) , test "no additional newlines (issue #4)" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) { input = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "" , "para after table" ] , expect = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "para after table" ] } ) -- Round-Trips , test "round-trip (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "round-trip (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) -- Idempotency , test "idempotency (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "idempotency (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) ] , describe "Scaffolded" [ test "foldIndexed" <| \_ -> let renderPath : List Int -> String renderPath path = "(" ++ String.join "," (List.map String.fromInt path) ++ ") " reduceWithIndices : Scaffolded.Block (List Int -> String) -> List Int -> String reduceWithIndices block path = case Scaffolded.foldIndexed block path of Scaffolded.Heading { level, rawText, children } -> Scaffolded.Heading { level = level , rawText = rawText , children = renderPath path :: children } |> Scaffolded.reducePretty other -> Scaffolded.reducePretty other input = String.join "\n" [ "# Everything has indices." , "" , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "" , "## Another heading." ] in parseMarkdown input |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = reduceWithIndices } ) ) |> Result.map (List.indexedMap (\index expectsPath -> expectsPath [ index ])) |> Result.map (Expect.equalLists [ "# (0) Everything has indices." , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "## (2) Another heading." ] ) |> expectOk ] ] testConcrete : (String -> Result String String) -> { input : List String, expect : List String } -> () -> Expectation testConcrete prettyprinter { input, expect } () = input |> String.join "\n" |> prettyprinter |> Result.map (Expect.equal (String.join "\n" expect)) |> expectOk testRoundTrip : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testRoundTrip prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\original prettyprinted -> Expect.equalLists original prettyprinted ) (markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in normal Markdown: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in pretty-printed Markdown: ") ) |> expectOk testIdempotency : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testIdempotency prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\prettyOnce prettyTwice -> Expect.equal prettyOnce prettyTwice ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting twice: ") ) |> expectOk expectOk : Result String Expectation -> Expectation expectOk result = case result of Ok e -> e Err error -> Expect.fail error parseMarkdown : String -> Result String (List Markdown.Block) parseMarkdown markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse |> Result.mapError (List.map Markdown.deadEndToString >> String.join "\n") prettyprint : String -> Result String String prettyprint markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Scaffolded.reducePretty } ) ) |> Result.map (String.join "\n\n") prettyprintTables : Tables.TableStyle -> String -> Result String String prettyprintTables style markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Tables.reducePrettyTable style } ) ) |> Result.map Tables.finishReduction -- Test data exampleMarkdown : String exampleMarkdown = """# Format _beautiful_ Markdown > Markdown is only fine > When *pretty printed* > It has to be **BEAUTIFUL** I SAID. ## Links Let's try [a `link`](https://example.com) What about images? ![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 1") ## Lists Markdown formatting is: * [ ] Stupid * [X] Okay-ish * [ ] Works 1. Don't use this project 1. What are you doing? 1. Ok. Please go now. - Let's not do checkboxes. --------- 0. Write library 1. Publish 2. ??? 3. Profit! ## Code blocks ```elm viewMarkdown : String -> List (Html Msg) viewMarkdown markdown = [ Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "Prettyprinted:" ] , Html.hr [] [] , Html.pre [ Attr.style "word-wrap" "pre-wrap" ] [ Html.text markdown ] ] ``` ``` Please use more beautiful Code blocks! ``` """ exampleTables : String exampleTables = """ Name | Year of birth --|-: <NAME> | 1956 <NAME> | 1997 <NAME>esus | -4 Caesar | -100 Appliance | Cost | Own :-:|-:|:- Dishwasher | 500€ | Yes Toaster | 40€ | No Refrigerator | 600€ | Yes Washing Machine | 1200€ | Yes This is some text to ensure the right amount of newlines Table | Without Rows --|-- More text to ensure we generate the right spacing between markdown blocks """ exampleTablesMarkdown : String exampleTablesMarkdown = """People | :bowtie: `:bowtie:` | :smile: `:smile:` | :laughing: `:laughing:` | |---|---|---| | :blush: `:blush:` | :smiley: `:smiley:` | :relaxed: `:relaxed:` | | :smirk: `:smirk:` | :heart_eyes: `:heart_eyes:` | :kissing_heart: `:kissing_heart:` | | :kissing_closed_eyes: `:kissing_closed_eyes:` | :flushed: `:flushed:` | :relieved: `:relieved:` | | :satisfied: `:satisfied:` | :grin: `:grin:` | :wink: `:wink:` | | :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: `:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:` | :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: `:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:` | :grinning: `:grinning:` | | :kissing: `:kissing:` | :kissing_smiling_eyes: `:kissing_smiling_eyes:` | :stuck_out_tongue: `:stuck_out_tongue:` | | :sleeping: `:sleeping:` | :worried: `:worried:` | :frowning: `:frowning:` | | :anguished: `:anguished:` | :open_mouth: `:open_mouth:` | :grimacing: `:grimacing:` | | :confused: `:confused:` | :hushed: `:hushed:` | :expressionless: `:expressionless:` | | :unamused: `:unamused:` | :sweat_smile: `:sweat_smile:` | :sweat: `:sweat:` | | :disappointed_relieved: `:disappointed_relieved:` | :weary: `:weary:` | :pensive: `:pensive:` | | :disappointed: `:disappointed:` | :confounded: `:confounded:` | :fearful: `:fearful:` | | :cold_sweat: `:cold_sweat:` | :persevere: `:persevere:` | :cry: `:cry:` | | :sob: `:sob:` | :joy: `:joy:` | :astonished: `:astonished:` | | :scream: `:scream:` | :neckbeard: `:neckbeard:` | :tired_face: `:tired_face:` | | :angry: `:angry:` | :rage: `:rage:` | :triumph: `:triumph:` | | :sleepy: `:sleepy:` | :yum: `:yum:` | :mask: `:mask:` | | :sunglasses: `:sunglasses:` | :dizzy_face: `:dizzy_face:` | :imp: `:imp:` | | :smiling_imp: `:smiling_imp:` | :neutral_face: `:neutral_face:` | :no_mouth: `:no_mouth:` | | :innocent: `:innocent:` | :alien: `:alien:` | :yellow_heart: `:yellow_heart:` | | :blue_heart: `:blue_heart:` | :purple_heart: `:purple_heart:` | :heart: `:heart:` | | :green_heart: `:green_heart:` | :broken_heart: `:broken_heart:` | :heartbeat: `:heartbeat:` | | :heartpulse: `:heartpulse:` | :two_hearts: `:two_hearts:` | :revolving_hearts: `:revolving_hearts:` | | :cupid: `:cupid:` | :sparkling_heart: `:sparkling_heart:` | :sparkles: `:sparkles:` | | :star: `:star:` | :star2: `:star2:` | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | | :boom: `:boom:` | :collision: `:collision:` | :anger: `:anger:` | | :exclamation: `:exclamation:` | :question: `:question:` | :grey_exclamation: `:grey_exclamation:` | | :grey_question: `:grey_question:` | :zzz: `:zzz:` | :dash: `:dash:` | | :sweat_drops: `:sweat_drops:` | :notes: `:notes:` | :musical_note: `:musical_note:` | | :fire: `:fire:` | :hankey: `:hankey:` | :poop: `:poop:` | | :shit: `:shit:` | :+1: `:+1:` | :thumbsup: `:thumbsup:` | | :-1: `:-1:` | :thumbsdown: `:thumbsdown:` | :ok_hand: `:ok_hand:` | | :punch: `:punch:` | :facepunch: `:facepunch:` | :fist: `:fist:` | | :v: `:v:` | :wave: `:wave:` | :hand: `:hand:` | | :raised_hand: `:raised_hand:` | :open_hands: `:open_hands:` | :point_up: `:point_up:` | | :point_down: `:point_down:` | :point_left: `:point_left:` | :point_right: `:point_right:` | | :raised_hands: `:raised_hands:` | :pray: `:pray:` | :point_up_2: `:point_up_2:` | | :clap: `:clap:` | :muscle: `:muscle:` | :metal: `:metal:` | | :fu: `:fu:` | :walking: `:walking:` | :runner: `:runner:` | | :running: `:running:` | :couple: `:couple:` | :family: `:family:` | | :two_men_holding_hands: `:two_men_holding_hands:` | :two_women_holding_hands: `:two_women_holding_hands:` | :dancer: `:dancer:` | | :dancers: `:dancers:` | :ok_woman: `:ok_woman:` | :no_good: `:no_good:` | | :information_desk_person: `:information_desk_person:` | :raising_hand: `:raising_hand:` | :bride_with_veil: `:bride_with_veil:` | | :person_with_pouting_face: `:person_with_pouting_face:` | :person_frowning: `:person_frowning:` | :bow: `:bow:` | | :couplekiss: `:couplekiss:` | :couple_with_heart: `:couple_with_heart:` | :massage: `:massage:` | | :haircut: `:haircut:` | :nail_care: `:nail_care:` | :boy: `:boy:` | | :girl: `:girl:` | :woman: `:woman:` | :man: `:man:` | | :baby: `:baby:` | :older_woman: `:older_woman:` | :older_man: `:older_man:` | | :person_with_blond_hair: `:person_with_blond_hair:` | :man_with_gua_pi_mao: `:man_with_gua_pi_mao:` | :man_with_turban: `:man_with_turban:` | | :construction_worker: `:construction_worker:` | :cop: `:cop:` | :angel: `:angel:` | | :princess: `:princess:` | :smiley_cat: `:smiley_cat:` | :smile_cat: `:smile_cat:` | | :heart_eyes_cat: `:heart_eyes_cat:` | :kissing_cat: `:kissing_cat:` | :smirk_cat: `:smirk_cat:` | | :scream_cat: `:scream_cat:` | :crying_cat_face: `:crying_cat_face:` | :joy_cat: `:joy_cat:` | | :pouting_cat: `:pouting_cat:` | :japanese_ogre: `:japanese_ogre:` | :japanese_goblin: `:japanese_goblin:` | | :see_no_evil: `:see_no_evil:` | :hear_no_evil: `:hear_no_evil:` | :speak_no_evil: `:speak_no_evil:` | | :guardsman: `:guardsman:` | :skull: `:skull:` | :feet: `:feet:` | | :lips: `:lips:` | :kiss: `:kiss:` | :droplet: `:droplet:` | | :ear: `:ear:` | :eyes: `:eyes:` | :nose: `:nose:` | | :tongue: `:tongue:` | :love_letter: `:love_letter:` | :bust_in_silhouette: `:bust_in_silhouette:` | | :busts_in_silhouette: `:busts_in_silhouette:` | :speech_balloon: `:speech_balloon:` | :thought_balloon: `:thought_balloon:` | | :feelsgood: `:feelsgood:` | :finnadie: `:finnadie:` | :goberserk: `:goberserk:` | | :godmode: `:godmode:` | :hurtrealbad: `:hurtrealbad:` | :rage1: `:rage1:` | | :rage2: `:rage2:` | :rage3: `:rage3:` | :rage4: `:rage4:` | | :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` | Nature | :sunny: `:sunny:` | :umbrella: `:umbrella:` | :cloud: `:cloud:` | |---|---|---| | :snowflake: `:snowflake:` | :snowman: `:snowman:` | :zap: `:zap:` | | :cyclone: `:cyclone:` | :foggy: `:foggy:` | :ocean: `:ocean:` | | :cat: `:cat:` | :dog: `:dog:` | :mouse: `:mouse:` | | :hamster: `:hamster:` | :rabbit: `:rabbit:` | :wolf: `:wolf:` | | :frog: `:frog:` | :tiger: `:tiger:` | :koala: `:koala:` | | :bear: `:bear:` | :pig: `:pig:` | :pig_nose: `:pig_nose:` | | :cow: `:cow:` | :boar: `:boar:` | :monkey_face: `:monkey_face:` | | :monkey: `:monkey:` | :horse: `:horse:` | :racehorse: `:racehorse:` | | :camel: `:camel:` | :sheep: `:sheep:` | :elephant: `:elephant:` | | :panda_face: `:panda_face:` | :snake: `:snake:` | :bird: `:bird:` | | :baby_chick: `:baby_chick:` | :hatched_chick: `:hatched_chick:` | :hatching_chick: `:hatching_chick:` | | :chicken: `:chicken:` | :penguin: `:penguin:` | :turtle: `:turtle:` | | :bug: `:bug:` | :honeybee: `:honeybee:` | :ant: `:ant:` | | :beetle: `:beetle:` | :snail: `:snail:` | :octopus: `:octopus:` | | :tropical_fish: `:tropical_fish:` | :fish: `:fish:` | :whale: `:whale:` | | :whale2: `:whale2:` | :dolphin: `:dolphin:` | :cow2: `:cow2:` | | :ram: `:ram:` | :rat: `:rat:` | :water_buffalo: `:water_buffalo:` | | :tiger2: `:tiger2:` | :rabbit2: `:rabbit2:` | :dragon: `:dragon:` | | :goat: `:goat:` | :rooster: `:rooster:` | :dog2: `:dog2:` | | :pig2: `:pig2:` | :mouse2: `:mouse2:` | :ox: `:ox:` | | :dragon_face: `:dragon_face:` | :blowfish: `:blowfish:` | :crocodile: `:crocodile:` | | :dromedary_camel: `:dromedary_camel:` | :leopard: `:leopard:` | :cat2: `:cat2:` | | :poodle: `:poodle:` | :paw_prints: `:paw_prints:` | :bouquet: `:bouquet:` | | :cherry_blossom: `:cherry_blossom:` | :tulip: `:tulip:` | :four_leaf_clover: `:four_leaf_clover:` | | :rose: `:rose:` | :sunflower: `:sunflower:` | :hibiscus: `:hibiscus:` | | :maple_leaf: `:maple_leaf:` | :leaves: `:leaves:` | :fallen_leaf: `:fallen_leaf:` | | :herb: `:herb:` | :mushroom: `:mushroom:` | :cactus: `:cactus:` | | :palm_tree: `:palm_tree:` | :evergreen_tree: `:evergreen_tree:` | :deciduous_tree: `:deciduous_tree:` | | :chestnut: `:chestnut:` | :seedling: `:seedling:` | :blossom: `:blossom:` | | :ear_of_rice: `:ear_of_rice:` | :shell: `:shell:` | :globe_with_meridians: `:globe_with_meridians:` | | :sun_with_face: `:sun_with_face:` | :full_moon_with_face: `:full_moon_with_face:` | :new_moon_with_face: `:new_moon_with_face:` | | :new_moon: `:new_moon:` | :waxing_crescent_moon: `:waxing_crescent_moon:` | :first_quarter_moon: `:first_quarter_moon:` | | :waxing_gibbous_moon: `:waxing_gibbous_moon:` | :full_moon: `:full_moon:` | :waning_gibbous_moon: `:waning_gibbous_moon:` | | :last_quarter_moon: `:last_quarter_moon:` | :waning_crescent_moon: `:waning_crescent_moon:` | :last_quarter_moon_with_face: `:last_quarter_moon_with_face:` | | :first_quarter_moon_with_face: `:first_quarter_moon_with_face:` | :moon: `:moon:` | :earth_africa: `:earth_africa:` | | :earth_americas: `:earth_americas:` | :earth_asia: `:earth_asia:` | :volcano: `:volcano:` | | :milky_way: `:milky_way:` | :partly_sunny: `:partly_sunny:` | :octocat: `:octocat:` | | :squirrel: `:squirrel:` | Objects | :bamboo: `:bamboo:` | :gift_heart: `:gift_heart:` | :dolls: `:dolls:` | |---|---|---| | :school_satchel: `:school_satchel:` | :mortar_board: `:mortar_board:` | :flags: `:flags:` | | :fireworks: `:fireworks:` | :sparkler: `:sparkler:` | :wind_chime: `:wind_chime:` | | :rice_scene: `:rice_scene:` | :jack_o_lantern: `:jack_o_lantern:` | :ghost: `:ghost:` | | :santa: `:santa:` | :christmas_tree: `:christmas_tree:` | :gift: `:gift:` | | :bell: `:bell:` | :no_bell: `:no_bell:` | :tanabata_tree: `:tanabata_tree:` | | :tada: `:tada:` | :confetti_ball: `:confetti_ball:` | :balloon: `:balloon:` | | :crystal_ball: `:crystal_ball:` | :cd: `:cd:` | :dvd: `:dvd:` | | :floppy_disk: `:floppy_disk:` | :camera: `:camera:` | :video_camera: `:video_camera:` | | :movie_camera: `:movie_camera:` | :computer: `:computer:` | :tv: `:tv:` | | :iphone: `:iphone:` | :phone: `:phone:` | :telephone: `:telephone:` | | :telephone_receiver: `:telephone_receiver:` | :pager: `:pager:` | :fax: `:fax:` | | :minidisc: `:minidisc:` | :vhs: `:vhs:` | :sound: `:sound:` | | :speaker: `:speaker:` | :mute: `:mute:` | :loudspeaker: `:loudspeaker:` | | :mega: `:mega:` | :hourglass: `:hourglass:` | :hourglass_flowing_sand: `:hourglass_flowing_sand:` | | :alarm_clock: `:alarm_clock:` | :watch: `:watch:` | :radio: `:radio:` | | :satellite: `:satellite:` | :loop: `:loop:` | :mag: `:mag:` | | :mag_right: `:mag_right:` | :unlock: `:unlock:` | :lock: `:lock:` | | :lock_with_ink_pen: `:lock_with_ink_pen:` | :closed_lock_with_key: `:closed_lock_with_key:` | :key: `:key:` | | :bulb: `:bulb:` | :flashlight: `:flashlight:` | :high_brightness: `:high_brightness:` | | :low_brightness: `:low_brightness:` | :electric_plug: `:electric_plug:` | :battery: `:battery:` | | :calling: `:calling:` | :email: `:email:` | :mailbox: `:mailbox:` | | :postbox: `:postbox:` | :bath: `:bath:` | :bathtub: `:bathtub:` | | :shower: `:shower:` | :toilet: `:toilet:` | :wrench: `:wrench:` | | :nut_and_bolt: `:nut_and_bolt:` | :hammer: `:hammer:` | :seat: `:seat:` | | :moneybag: `:moneybag:` | :yen: `:yen:` | :dollar: `:dollar:` | | :pound: `:pound:` | :euro: `:euro:` | :credit_card: `:credit_card:` | | :money_with_wings: `:money_with_wings:` | :e-mail: `:e-mail:` | :inbox_tray: `:inbox_tray:` | | :outbox_tray: `:outbox_tray:` | :envelope: `:envelope:` | :incoming_envelope: `:incoming_envelope:` | | :postal_horn: `:postal_horn:` | :mailbox_closed: `:mailbox_closed:` | :mailbox_with_mail: `:mailbox_with_mail:` | | :mailbox_with_no_mail: `:mailbox_with_no_mail:` | :door: `:door:` | :smoking: `:smoking:` | | :bomb: `:bomb:` | :gun: `:gun:` | :hocho: `:hocho:` | | :pill: `:pill:` | :syringe: `:syringe:` | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | | :page_with_curl: `:page_with_curl:` | :bookmark_tabs: `:bookmark_tabs:` | :bar_chart: `:bar_chart:` | | :chart_with_upwards_trend: `:chart_with_upwards_trend:` | :chart_with_downwards_trend: `:chart_with_downwards_trend:` | :scroll: `:scroll:` | | :clipboard: `:clipboard:` | :calendar: `:calendar:` | :date: `:date:` | | :card_index: `:card_index:` | :file_folder: `:file_folder:` | :open_file_folder: `:open_file_folder:` | | :scissors: `:scissors:` | :pushpin: `:pushpin:` | :paperclip: `:paperclip:` | | :black_nib: `:black_nib:` | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | :straight_ruler: `:straight_ruler:` | | :triangular_ruler: `:triangular_ruler:` | :closed_book: `:closed_book:` | :green_book: `:green_book:` | | :blue_book: `:blue_book:` | :orange_book: `:orange_book:` | :notebook: `:notebook:` | | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: `:notebook_with_decorative_cover:` | :ledger: `:ledger:` | :books: `:books:` | | :bookmark: `:bookmark:` | :name_badge: `:name_badge:` | :microscope: `:microscope:` | | :telescope: `:telescope:` | :newspaper: `:newspaper:` | :football: `:football:` | | :basketball: `:basketball:` | :soccer: `:soccer:` | :baseball: `:baseball:` | | :tennis: `:tennis:` | :8ball: `:8ball:` | :rugby_football: `:rugby_football:` | | :bowling: `:bowling:` | :golf: `:golf:` | :mountain_bicyclist: `:mountain_bicyclist:` | | :bicyclist: `:bicyclist:` | :horse_racing: `:horse_racing:` | :snowboarder: `:snowboarder:` | | :swimmer: `:swimmer:` | :surfer: `:surfer:` | :ski: `:ski:` | | :spades: `:spades:` | :hearts: `:hearts:` | :clubs: `:clubs:` | | :diamonds: `:diamonds:` | :gem: `:gem:` | :ring: `:ring:` | | :trophy: `:trophy:` | :musical_score: `:musical_score:` | :musical_keyboard: `:musical_keyboard:` | | :violin: `:violin:` | :space_invader: `:space_invader:` | :video_game: `:video_game:` | | :black_joker: `:black_joker:` | :flower_playing_cards: `:flower_playing_cards:` | :game_die: `:game_die:` | | :dart: `:dart:` | :mahjong: `:mahjong:` | :clapper: `:clapper:` | | :memo: `:memo:` | :pencil: `:pencil:` | :book: `:book:` | | :art: `:art:` | :microphone: `:microphone:` | :headphones: `:headphones:` | | :trumpet: `:trumpet:` | :saxophone: `:saxophone:` | :guitar: `:guitar:` | | :shoe: `:shoe:` | :sandal: `:sandal:` | :high_heel: `:high_heel:` | | :lipstick: `:lipstick:` | :boot: `:boot:` | :shirt: `:shirt:` | | :tshirt: `:tshirt:` | :necktie: `:necktie:` | :womans_clothes: `:womans_clothes:` | | :dress: `:dress:` | :running_shirt_with_sash: `:running_shirt_with_sash:` | :jeans: `:jeans:` | | :kimono: `:kimono:` | :bikini: `:bikini:` | :ribbon: `:ribbon:` | | :tophat: `:tophat:` | :crown: `:crown:` | :womans_hat: `:womans_hat:` | | :mans_shoe: `:mans_shoe:` | :closed_umbrella: `:closed_umbrella:` | :briefcase: `:briefcase:` | | :handbag: `:handbag:` | :pouch: `:pouch:` | :purse: `:purse:` | | :eyeglasses: `:eyeglasses:` | :fishing_pole_and_fish: `:fishing_pole_and_fish:` | :coffee: `:coffee:` | | :tea: `:tea:` | :sake: `:sake:` | :baby_bottle: `:baby_bottle:` | | :beer: `:beer:` | :beers: `:beers:` | :cocktail: `:cocktail:` | | :tropical_drink: `:tropical_drink:` | :wine_glass: `:wine_glass:` | :fork_and_knife: `:fork_and_knife:` | | :pizza: `:pizza:` | :hamburger: `:hamburger:` | :fries: `:fries:` | | :poultry_leg: `:poultry_leg:` | :meat_on_bone: `:meat_on_bone:` | :spaghetti: `:spaghetti:` | | :curry: `:curry:` | :fried_shrimp: `:fried_shrimp:` | :bento: `:bento:` | | :sushi: `:sushi:` | :fish_cake: `:fish_cake:` | :rice_ball: `:rice_ball:` | | :rice_cracker: `:rice_cracker:` | :rice: `:rice:` | :ramen: `:ramen:` | | :stew: `:stew:` | :oden: `:oden:` | :dango: `:dango:` | | :egg: `:egg:` | :bread: `:bread:` | :doughnut: `:doughnut:` | | :custard: `:custard:` | :icecream: `:icecream:` | :ice_cream: `:ice_cream:` | | :shaved_ice: `:shaved_ice:` | :birthday: `:birthday:` | :cake: `:cake:` | | :cookie: `:cookie:` | :chocolate_bar: `:chocolate_bar:` | :candy: `:candy:` | | :lollipop: `:lollipop:` | :honey_pot: `:honey_pot:` | :apple: `:apple:` | | :green_apple: `:green_apple:` | :tangerine: `:tangerine:` | :lemon: `:lemon:` | | :cherries: `:cherries:` | :grapes: `:grapes:` | :watermelon: `:watermelon:` | | :strawberry: `:strawberry:` | :peach: `:peach:` | :melon: `:melon:` | | :banana: `:banana:` | :pear: `:pear:` | :pineapple: `:pineapple:` | | :sweet_potato: `:sweet_potato:` | :eggplant: `:eggplant:` | :tomato: `:tomato:` | | :corn: `:corn:` | Places | :house: `:house:` | :house_with_garden: `:house_with_garden:` | :school: `:school:` | |---|---|---| | :office: `:office:` | :post_office: `:post_office:` | :hospital: `:hospital:` | | :bank: `:bank:` | :convenience_store: `:convenience_store:` | :love_hotel: `:love_hotel:` | | :hotel: `:hotel:` | :wedding: `:wedding:` | :church: `:church:` | | :department_store: `:department_store:` | :european_post_office: `:european_post_office:` | :city_sunrise: `:city_sunrise:` | | :city_sunset: `:city_sunset:` | :japanese_castle: `:japanese_castle:` | :european_castle: `:european_castle:` | | :tent: `:tent:` | :factory: `:factory:` | :tokyo_tower: `:tokyo_tower:` | | :japan: `:japan:` | :mount_fuji: `:mount_fuji:` | :sunrise_over_mountains: `:sunrise_over_mountains:` | | :sunrise: `:sunrise:` | :stars: `:stars:` | :statue_of_liberty: `:statue_of_liberty:` | | :bridge_at_night: `:bridge_at_night:` | :carousel_horse: `:carousel_horse:` | :rainbow: `:rainbow:` | | :ferris_wheel: `:ferris_wheel:` | :fountain: `:fountain:` | :roller_coaster: `:roller_coaster:` | | :ship: `:ship:` | :speedboat: `:speedboat:` | :boat: `:boat:` | | :sailboat: `:sailboat:` | :rowboat: `:rowboat:` | :anchor: `:anchor:` | | :rocket: `:rocket:` | :airplane: `:airplane:` | :helicopter: `:helicopter:` | | :steam_locomotive: `:steam_locomotive:` | :tram: `:tram:` | :mountain_railway: `:mountain_railway:` | | :bike: `:bike:` | :aerial_tramway: `:aerial_tramway:` | :suspension_railway: `:suspension_railway:` | | :mountain_cableway: `:mountain_cableway:` | :tractor: `:tractor:` | :blue_car: `:blue_car:` | | :oncoming_automobile: `:oncoming_automobile:` | :car: `:car:` | :red_car: `:red_car:` | | :taxi: `:taxi:` | :oncoming_taxi: `:oncoming_taxi:` | :articulated_lorry: `:articulated_lorry:` | | :bus: `:bus:` | :oncoming_bus: `:oncoming_bus:` | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | | :police_car: `:police_car:` | :oncoming_police_car: `:oncoming_police_car:` | :fire_engine: `:fire_engine:` | | :ambulance: `:ambulance:` | :minibus: `:minibus:` | :truck: `:truck:` | | :train: `:train:` | :station: `:station:` | :train2: `:train2:` | | :bullettrain_front: `:bullettrain_front:` | :bullettrain_side: `:bullettrain_side:` | :light_rail: `:light_rail:` | | :monorail: `:monorail:` | :railway_car: `:railway_car:` | :trolleybus: `:trolleybus:` | | :ticket: `:ticket:` | :fuelpump: `:fuelpump:` | :vertical_traffic_light: `:vertical_traffic_light:` | | :traffic_light: `:traffic_light:` | :warning: `:warning:` | :construction: `:construction:` | | :beginner: `:beginner:` | :atm: `:atm:` | :slot_machine: `:slot_machine:` | | :busstop: `:busstop:` | :barber: `:barber:` | :hotsprings: `:hotsprings:` | | :checkered_flag: `:checkered_flag:` | :crossed_flags: `:crossed_flags:` | :izakaya_lantern: `:izakaya_lantern:` | | :moyai: `:moyai:` | :circus_tent: `:circus_tent:` | :performing_arts: `:performing_arts:` | | :round_pushpin: `:round_pushpin:` | :triangular_flag_on_post: `:triangular_flag_on_post:` | :jp: `:jp:` | | :kr: `:kr:` | :cn: `:cn:` | :us: `:us:` | | :fr: `:fr:` | :es: `:es:` | :it: `:it:` | | :ru: `:ru:` | :gb: `:gb:` | :uk: `:uk:` | | :de: `:de:` | Symbols | :one: `:one:` | :two: `:two:` | :three: `:three:` | |---|---|---| | :four: `:four:` | :five: `:five:` | :six: `:six:` | | :seven: `:seven:` | :eight: `:eight:` | :nine: `:nine:` | | :keycap_ten: `:keycap_ten:` | :1234: `:1234:` | :zero: `:zero:` | | :hash: `:hash:` | :symbols: `:symbols:` | :arrow_backward: `:arrow_backward:` | | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | :arrow_forward: `:arrow_forward:` | :arrow_left: `:arrow_left:` | | :capital_abcd: `:capital_abcd:` | :abcd: `:abcd:` | :abc: `:abc:` | | :arrow_lower_left: `:arrow_lower_left:` | :arrow_lower_right: `:arrow_lower_right:` | :arrow_right: `:arrow_right:` | | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | :arrow_upper_left: `:arrow_upper_left:` | :arrow_upper_right: `:arrow_upper_right:` | | :arrow_double_down: `:arrow_double_down:` | :arrow_double_up: `:arrow_double_up:` | :arrow_down_small: `:arrow_down_small:` | | :arrow_heading_down: `:arrow_heading_down:` | :arrow_heading_up: `:arrow_heading_up:` | :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: `:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:` | | :arrow_right_hook: `:arrow_right_hook:` | :left_right_arrow: `:left_right_arrow:` | :arrow_up_down: `:arrow_up_down:` | | :arrow_up_small: `:arrow_up_small:` | :arrows_clockwise: `:arrows_clockwise:` | :arrows_counterclockwise: `:arrows_counterclockwise:` | | :rewind: `:rewind:` | :fast_forward: `:fast_forward:` | :information_source: `:information_source:` | | :ok: `:ok:` | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | :repeat: `:repeat:` | | :repeat_one: `:repeat_one:` | :new: `:new:` | :top: `:top:` | | :up: `:up:` | :cool: `:cool:` | :free: `:free:` | | :ng: `:ng:` | :cinema: `:cinema:` | :koko: `:koko:` | | :signal_strength: `:signal_strength:` | :u5272: `:u5272:` | :u5408: `:u5408:` | | :u55b6: `:u55b6:` | :u6307: `:u6307:` | :u6708: `:u6708:` | | :u6709: `:u6709:` | :u6e80: `:u6e80:` | :u7121: `:u7121:` | | :u7533: `:u7533:` | :u7a7a: `:u7a7a:` | :u7981: `:u7981:` | | :sa: `:sa:` | :restroom: `:restroom:` | :mens: `:mens:` | | :womens: `:womens:` | :baby_symbol: `:baby_symbol:` | :no_smoking: `:no_smoking:` | | :parking: `:parking:` | :wheelchair: `:wheelchair:` | :metro: `:metro:` | | :baggage_claim: `:baggage_claim:` | :accept: `:accept:` | :wc: `:wc:` | | :potable_water: `:potable_water:` | :put_litter_in_its_place: `:put_litter_in_its_place:` | :secret: `:secret:` | | :congratulations: `:congratulations:` | :m: `:m:` | :passport_control: `:passport_control:` | | :left_luggage: `:left_luggage:` | :customs: `:customs:` | :ideograph_advantage: `:ideograph_advantage:` | | :cl: `:cl:` | :sos: `:sos:` | :id: `:id:` | | :no_entry_sign: `:no_entry_sign:` | :underage: `:underage:` | :no_mobile_phones: `:no_mobile_phones:` | | :do_not_litter: `:do_not_litter:` | :non-potable_water: `:non-potable_water:` | :no_bicycles: `:no_bicycles:` | | :no_pedestrians: `:no_pedestrians:` | :children_crossing: `:children_crossing:` | :no_entry: `:no_entry:` | | :eight_spoked_asterisk: `:eight_spoked_asterisk:` | :eight_pointed_black_star: `:eight_pointed_black_star:` | :heart_decoration: `:heart_decoration:` | | :vs: `:vs:` | :vibration_mode: `:vibration_mode:` | :mobile_phone_off: `:mobile_phone_off:` | | :chart: `:chart:` | :currency_exchange: `:currency_exchange:` | :aries: `:aries:` | | :taurus: `:taurus:` | :gemini: `:gemini:` | :cancer: `:cancer:` | | :leo: `:leo:` | :virgo: `:virgo:` | :libra: `:libra:` | | :scorpius: `:scorpius:` | :sagittarius: `:sagittarius:` | :capricorn: `:capricorn:` | | :aquarius: `:aquarius:` | :pisces: `:pisces:` | :ophiuchus: `:ophiuchus:` | | :six_pointed_star: `:six_pointed_star:` | :negative_squared_cross_mark: `:negative_squared_cross_mark:` | :a: `:a:` | | :b: `:b:` | :ab: `:ab:` | :o2: `:o2:` | | :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: `:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:` | :recycle: `:recycle:` | :end: `:end:` | | :on: `:on:` | :soon: `:soon:` | :clock1: `:clock1:` | | :clock130: `:clock130:` | :clock10: `:clock10:` | :clock1030: `:clock1030:` | | :clock11: `:clock11:` | :clock1130: `:clock1130:` | :clock12: `:clock12:` | | :clock1230: `:clock1230:` | :clock2: `:clock2:` | :clock230: `:clock230:` | | :clock3: `:clock3:` | :clock330: `:clock330:` | :clock4: `:clock4:` | | :clock430: `:clock430:` | :clock5: `:clock5:` | :clock530: `:clock530:` | | :clock6: `:clock6:` | :clock630: `:clock630:` | :clock7: `:clock7:` | | :clock730: `:clock730:` | :clock8: `:clock8:` | :clock830: `:clock830:` | | :clock9: `:clock9:` | :clock930: `:clock930:` | :heavy_dollar_sign: `:heavy_dollar_sign:` | | :copyright: `:copyright:` | :registered: `:registered:` | :tm: `:tm:` | | :x: `:x:` | :heavy_exclamation_mark: `:heavy_exclamation_mark:` | :bangbang: `:bangbang:` | | :interrobang: `:interrobang:` | :o: `:o:` | :heavy_multiplication_x: `:heavy_multiplication_x:` | | :heavy_plus_sign: `:heavy_plus_sign:` | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | :heavy_division_sign: `:heavy_division_sign:` | | :white_flower: `:white_flower:` | :100: `:100:` | :heavy_check_mark: `:heavy_check_mark:` | | :ballot_box_with_check: `:ballot_box_with_check:` | :radio_button: `:radio_button:` | :link: `:link:` | | :curly_loop: `:curly_loop:` | :wavy_dash: `:wavy_dash:` | :part_alternation_mark: `:part_alternation_mark:` | | :trident: `:trident:` | :black_square: `:black_square:` | :white_square: `:white_square:` | | :white_check_mark: `:white_check_mark:` | :black_square_button: `:black_square_button:` | :white_square_button: `:white_square_button:` | | :black_circle: `:black_circle:` | :white_circle: `:white_circle:` | :red_circle: `:red_circle:` | | :large_blue_circle: `:large_blue_circle:` | :large_blue_diamond: `:large_blue_diamond:` | :large_orange_diamond: `:large_orange_diamond:` | | :small_blue_diamond: `:small_blue_diamond:` | :small_orange_diamond: `:small_orange_diamond:` | :small_red_triangle: `:small_red_triangle:` | | :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` | """
module Tests exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Markdown.Block as Markdown import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser as Markdown import Markdown.PrettyTables as Tables import Markdown.Renderer as Markdown import Markdown.Scaffolded as Scaffolded import Test exposing (..) {- Unfortunately, there are few tests, right now. You're welcome to contribute tests! I personally test this project using the /examples and another semi-production app. If you want to contribute: There are good opportunities for creating property-based tests for this application. For that it would be neccessary to write a fuzzer: `Fuzzer children -> Fuzzer (Scaffolded.Block children)` and then identify the mathematical properties of functions like `map`, `foldFunction`, etc. and test them. -} suite : Test suite = describe "Markdown" [ describe "Formatting" [ test "round-trip" (testRoundTrip prettyprint exampleMarkdown) , test "idempotency" (testIdempotency prettyprint exampleMarkdown) ] , describe "PrettyTables" [ -- Examples test "basic example" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) { input = [ "Person | Age" , "--|-:" , "Someone I used to know | No idea" , "Me | 23" ] , expect = [ "| Person | Age |" , "|------------------------|--------:|" , "| Someone I used to know | No idea |" , "| Me | 23 |" ] } ) , test "no additional newlines (issue #4)" (testConcrete (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) { input = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "" , "para after table" ] , expect = [ "one | two" , "--- | ---" , "" , "para after table" ] } ) -- Round-Trips , test "round-trip (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "round-trip (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "round-trip (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) -- Idempotency , test "idempotency (small, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, compact)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.compactStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) , test "idempotency (small, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTables ) , test "idempotency (big, default)" (testRoundTrip (prettyprintTables Tables.defaultStyle) exampleTablesMarkdown ) ] , describe "Scaffolded" [ test "foldIndexed" <| \_ -> let renderPath : List Int -> String renderPath path = "(" ++ String.join "," (List.map String.fromInt path) ++ ") " reduceWithIndices : Scaffolded.Block (List Int -> String) -> List Int -> String reduceWithIndices block path = case Scaffolded.foldIndexed block path of Scaffolded.Heading { level, rawText, children } -> Scaffolded.Heading { level = level , rawText = rawText , children = renderPath path :: children } |> Scaffolded.reducePretty other -> Scaffolded.reducePretty other input = String.join "\n" [ "# Everything has indices." , "" , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "" , "## Another heading." ] in parseMarkdown input |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = reduceWithIndices } ) ) |> Result.map (List.indexedMap (\index expectsPath -> expectsPath [ index ])) |> Result.map (Expect.equalLists [ "# (0) Everything has indices." , "If you write some text in between, you'll see that following headings' indices change." , "## (2) Another heading." ] ) |> expectOk ] ] testConcrete : (String -> Result String String) -> { input : List String, expect : List String } -> () -> Expectation testConcrete prettyprinter { input, expect } () = input |> String.join "\n" |> prettyprinter |> Result.map (Expect.equal (String.join "\n" expect)) |> expectOk testRoundTrip : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testRoundTrip prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\original prettyprinted -> Expect.equalLists original prettyprinted ) (markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in normal Markdown: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen parseMarkdown |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error in pretty-printed Markdown: ") ) |> expectOk testIdempotency : (String -> Result String String) -> String -> () -> Expectation testIdempotency prettyprinter markdown () = Result.map2 (\prettyOnce prettyTwice -> Expect.equal prettyOnce prettyTwice ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting: ") ) (markdown |> prettyprinter |> Result.andThen prettyprinter |> Result.mapError ((++) "Error after prettyprinting twice: ") ) |> expectOk expectOk : Result String Expectation -> Expectation expectOk result = case result of Ok e -> e Err error -> Expect.fail error parseMarkdown : String -> Result String (List Markdown.Block) parseMarkdown markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse |> Result.mapError (List.map Markdown.deadEndToString >> String.join "\n") prettyprint : String -> Result String String prettyprint markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Scaffolded.reducePretty } ) ) |> Result.map (String.join "\n\n") prettyprintTables : Tables.TableStyle -> String -> Result String String prettyprintTables style markdown = markdown |> parseMarkdown |> Result.andThen (Markdown.render (Scaffolded.toRenderer { renderHtml = Markdown.Html.oneOf [] , renderMarkdown = Tables.reducePrettyTable style } ) ) |> Result.map Tables.finishReduction -- Test data exampleMarkdown : String exampleMarkdown = """# Format _beautiful_ Markdown > Markdown is only fine > When *pretty printed* > It has to be **BEAUTIFUL** I SAID. ## Links Let's try [a `link`](https://example.com) What about images? ![alt text](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png "Logo Title Text 1") ## Lists Markdown formatting is: * [ ] Stupid * [X] Okay-ish * [ ] Works 1. Don't use this project 1. What are you doing? 1. Ok. Please go now. - Let's not do checkboxes. --------- 0. Write library 1. Publish 2. ??? 3. Profit! ## Code blocks ```elm viewMarkdown : String -> List (Html Msg) viewMarkdown markdown = [ Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "Prettyprinted:" ] , Html.hr [] [] , Html.pre [ Attr.style "word-wrap" "pre-wrap" ] [ Html.text markdown ] ] ``` ``` Please use more beautiful Code blocks! ``` """ exampleTables : String exampleTables = """ Name | Year of birth --|-: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI | 1956 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI | 1997 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIesus | -4 Caesar | -100 Appliance | Cost | Own :-:|-:|:- Dishwasher | 500€ | Yes Toaster | 40€ | No Refrigerator | 600€ | Yes Washing Machine | 1200€ | Yes This is some text to ensure the right amount of newlines Table | Without Rows --|-- More text to ensure we generate the right spacing between markdown blocks """ exampleTablesMarkdown : String exampleTablesMarkdown = """People | :bowtie: `:bowtie:` | :smile: `:smile:` | :laughing: `:laughing:` | |---|---|---| | :blush: `:blush:` | :smiley: `:smiley:` | :relaxed: `:relaxed:` | | :smirk: `:smirk:` | :heart_eyes: `:heart_eyes:` | :kissing_heart: `:kissing_heart:` | | :kissing_closed_eyes: `:kissing_closed_eyes:` | :flushed: `:flushed:` | :relieved: `:relieved:` | | :satisfied: `:satisfied:` | :grin: `:grin:` | :wink: `:wink:` | | :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: `:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:` | :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: `:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:` | :grinning: `:grinning:` | | :kissing: `:kissing:` | :kissing_smiling_eyes: `:kissing_smiling_eyes:` | :stuck_out_tongue: `:stuck_out_tongue:` | | :sleeping: `:sleeping:` | :worried: `:worried:` | :frowning: `:frowning:` | | :anguished: `:anguished:` | :open_mouth: `:open_mouth:` | :grimacing: `:grimacing:` | | :confused: `:confused:` | :hushed: `:hushed:` | :expressionless: `:expressionless:` | | :unamused: `:unamused:` | :sweat_smile: `:sweat_smile:` | :sweat: `:sweat:` | | :disappointed_relieved: `:disappointed_relieved:` | :weary: `:weary:` | :pensive: `:pensive:` | | :disappointed: `:disappointed:` | :confounded: `:confounded:` | :fearful: `:fearful:` | | :cold_sweat: `:cold_sweat:` | :persevere: `:persevere:` | :cry: `:cry:` | | :sob: `:sob:` | :joy: `:joy:` | :astonished: `:astonished:` | | :scream: `:scream:` | :neckbeard: `:neckbeard:` | :tired_face: `:tired_face:` | | :angry: `:angry:` | :rage: `:rage:` | :triumph: `:triumph:` | | :sleepy: `:sleepy:` | :yum: `:yum:` | :mask: `:mask:` | | :sunglasses: `:sunglasses:` | :dizzy_face: `:dizzy_face:` | :imp: `:imp:` | | :smiling_imp: `:smiling_imp:` | :neutral_face: `:neutral_face:` | :no_mouth: `:no_mouth:` | | :innocent: `:innocent:` | :alien: `:alien:` | :yellow_heart: `:yellow_heart:` | | :blue_heart: `:blue_heart:` | :purple_heart: `:purple_heart:` | :heart: `:heart:` | | :green_heart: `:green_heart:` | :broken_heart: `:broken_heart:` | :heartbeat: `:heartbeat:` | | :heartpulse: `:heartpulse:` | :two_hearts: `:two_hearts:` | :revolving_hearts: `:revolving_hearts:` | | :cupid: `:cupid:` | :sparkling_heart: `:sparkling_heart:` | :sparkles: `:sparkles:` | | :star: `:star:` | :star2: `:star2:` | :dizzy: `:dizzy:` | | :boom: `:boom:` | :collision: `:collision:` | :anger: `:anger:` | | :exclamation: `:exclamation:` | :question: `:question:` | :grey_exclamation: `:grey_exclamation:` | | :grey_question: `:grey_question:` | :zzz: `:zzz:` | :dash: `:dash:` | | :sweat_drops: `:sweat_drops:` | :notes: `:notes:` | :musical_note: `:musical_note:` | | :fire: `:fire:` | :hankey: `:hankey:` | :poop: `:poop:` | | :shit: `:shit:` | :+1: `:+1:` | :thumbsup: `:thumbsup:` | | :-1: `:-1:` | :thumbsdown: `:thumbsdown:` | :ok_hand: `:ok_hand:` | | :punch: `:punch:` | :facepunch: `:facepunch:` | :fist: `:fist:` | | :v: `:v:` | :wave: `:wave:` | :hand: `:hand:` | | :raised_hand: `:raised_hand:` | :open_hands: `:open_hands:` | :point_up: `:point_up:` | | :point_down: `:point_down:` | :point_left: `:point_left:` | :point_right: `:point_right:` | | :raised_hands: `:raised_hands:` | :pray: `:pray:` | :point_up_2: `:point_up_2:` | | :clap: `:clap:` | :muscle: `:muscle:` | :metal: `:metal:` | | :fu: `:fu:` | :walking: `:walking:` | :runner: `:runner:` | | :running: `:running:` | :couple: `:couple:` | :family: `:family:` | | :two_men_holding_hands: `:two_men_holding_hands:` | :two_women_holding_hands: `:two_women_holding_hands:` | :dancer: `:dancer:` | | :dancers: `:dancers:` | :ok_woman: `:ok_woman:` | :no_good: `:no_good:` | | :information_desk_person: `:information_desk_person:` | :raising_hand: `:raising_hand:` | :bride_with_veil: `:bride_with_veil:` | | :person_with_pouting_face: `:person_with_pouting_face:` | :person_frowning: `:person_frowning:` | :bow: `:bow:` | | :couplekiss: `:couplekiss:` | :couple_with_heart: `:couple_with_heart:` | :massage: `:massage:` | | :haircut: `:haircut:` | :nail_care: `:nail_care:` | :boy: `:boy:` | | :girl: `:girl:` | :woman: `:woman:` | :man: `:man:` | | :baby: `:baby:` | :older_woman: `:older_woman:` | :older_man: `:older_man:` | | :person_with_blond_hair: `:person_with_blond_hair:` | :man_with_gua_pi_mao: `:man_with_gua_pi_mao:` | :man_with_turban: `:man_with_turban:` | | :construction_worker: `:construction_worker:` | :cop: `:cop:` | :angel: `:angel:` | | :princess: `:princess:` | :smiley_cat: `:smiley_cat:` | :smile_cat: `:smile_cat:` | | :heart_eyes_cat: `:heart_eyes_cat:` | :kissing_cat: `:kissing_cat:` | :smirk_cat: `:smirk_cat:` | | :scream_cat: `:scream_cat:` | :crying_cat_face: `:crying_cat_face:` | :joy_cat: `:joy_cat:` | | :pouting_cat: `:pouting_cat:` | :japanese_ogre: `:japanese_ogre:` | :japanese_goblin: `:japanese_goblin:` | | :see_no_evil: `:see_no_evil:` | :hear_no_evil: `:hear_no_evil:` | :speak_no_evil: `:speak_no_evil:` | | :guardsman: `:guardsman:` | :skull: `:skull:` | :feet: `:feet:` | | :lips: `:lips:` | :kiss: `:kiss:` | :droplet: `:droplet:` | | :ear: `:ear:` | :eyes: `:eyes:` | :nose: `:nose:` | | :tongue: `:tongue:` | :love_letter: `:love_letter:` | :bust_in_silhouette: `:bust_in_silhouette:` | | :busts_in_silhouette: `:busts_in_silhouette:` | :speech_balloon: `:speech_balloon:` | :thought_balloon: `:thought_balloon:` | | :feelsgood: `:feelsgood:` | :finnadie: `:finnadie:` | :goberserk: `:goberserk:` | | :godmode: `:godmode:` | :hurtrealbad: `:hurtrealbad:` | :rage1: `:rage1:` | | :rage2: `:rage2:` | :rage3: `:rage3:` | :rage4: `:rage4:` | | :suspect: `:suspect:` | :trollface: `:trollface:` | Nature | :sunny: `:sunny:` | :umbrella: `:umbrella:` | :cloud: `:cloud:` | |---|---|---| | :snowflake: `:snowflake:` | :snowman: `:snowman:` | :zap: `:zap:` | | :cyclone: `:cyclone:` | :foggy: `:foggy:` | :ocean: `:ocean:` | | :cat: `:cat:` | :dog: `:dog:` | :mouse: `:mouse:` | | :hamster: `:hamster:` | :rabbit: `:rabbit:` | :wolf: `:wolf:` | | :frog: `:frog:` | :tiger: `:tiger:` | :koala: `:koala:` | | :bear: `:bear:` | :pig: `:pig:` | :pig_nose: `:pig_nose:` | | :cow: `:cow:` | :boar: `:boar:` | :monkey_face: `:monkey_face:` | | :monkey: `:monkey:` | :horse: `:horse:` | :racehorse: `:racehorse:` | | :camel: `:camel:` | :sheep: `:sheep:` | :elephant: `:elephant:` | | :panda_face: `:panda_face:` | :snake: `:snake:` | :bird: `:bird:` | | :baby_chick: `:baby_chick:` | :hatched_chick: `:hatched_chick:` | :hatching_chick: `:hatching_chick:` | | :chicken: `:chicken:` | :penguin: `:penguin:` | :turtle: `:turtle:` | | :bug: `:bug:` | :honeybee: `:honeybee:` | :ant: `:ant:` | | :beetle: `:beetle:` | :snail: `:snail:` | :octopus: `:octopus:` | | :tropical_fish: `:tropical_fish:` | :fish: `:fish:` | :whale: `:whale:` | | :whale2: `:whale2:` | :dolphin: `:dolphin:` | :cow2: `:cow2:` | | :ram: `:ram:` | :rat: `:rat:` | :water_buffalo: `:water_buffalo:` | | :tiger2: `:tiger2:` | :rabbit2: `:rabbit2:` | :dragon: `:dragon:` | | :goat: `:goat:` | :rooster: `:rooster:` | :dog2: `:dog2:` | | :pig2: `:pig2:` | :mouse2: `:mouse2:` | :ox: `:ox:` | | :dragon_face: `:dragon_face:` | :blowfish: `:blowfish:` | :crocodile: `:crocodile:` | | :dromedary_camel: `:dromedary_camel:` | :leopard: `:leopard:` | :cat2: `:cat2:` | | :poodle: `:poodle:` | :paw_prints: `:paw_prints:` | :bouquet: `:bouquet:` | | :cherry_blossom: `:cherry_blossom:` | :tulip: `:tulip:` | :four_leaf_clover: `:four_leaf_clover:` | | :rose: `:rose:` | :sunflower: `:sunflower:` | :hibiscus: `:hibiscus:` | | :maple_leaf: `:maple_leaf:` | :leaves: `:leaves:` | :fallen_leaf: `:fallen_leaf:` | | :herb: `:herb:` | :mushroom: `:mushroom:` | :cactus: `:cactus:` | | :palm_tree: `:palm_tree:` | :evergreen_tree: `:evergreen_tree:` | :deciduous_tree: `:deciduous_tree:` | | :chestnut: `:chestnut:` | :seedling: `:seedling:` | :blossom: `:blossom:` | | :ear_of_rice: `:ear_of_rice:` | :shell: `:shell:` | :globe_with_meridians: `:globe_with_meridians:` | | :sun_with_face: `:sun_with_face:` | :full_moon_with_face: `:full_moon_with_face:` | :new_moon_with_face: `:new_moon_with_face:` | | :new_moon: `:new_moon:` | :waxing_crescent_moon: `:waxing_crescent_moon:` | :first_quarter_moon: `:first_quarter_moon:` | | :waxing_gibbous_moon: `:waxing_gibbous_moon:` | :full_moon: `:full_moon:` | :waning_gibbous_moon: `:waning_gibbous_moon:` | | :last_quarter_moon: `:last_quarter_moon:` | :waning_crescent_moon: `:waning_crescent_moon:` | :last_quarter_moon_with_face: `:last_quarter_moon_with_face:` | | :first_quarter_moon_with_face: `:first_quarter_moon_with_face:` | :moon: `:moon:` | :earth_africa: `:earth_africa:` | | :earth_americas: `:earth_americas:` | :earth_asia: `:earth_asia:` | :volcano: `:volcano:` | | :milky_way: `:milky_way:` | :partly_sunny: `:partly_sunny:` | :octocat: `:octocat:` | | :squirrel: `:squirrel:` | Objects | :bamboo: `:bamboo:` | :gift_heart: `:gift_heart:` | :dolls: `:dolls:` | |---|---|---| | :school_satchel: `:school_satchel:` | :mortar_board: `:mortar_board:` | :flags: `:flags:` | | :fireworks: `:fireworks:` | :sparkler: `:sparkler:` | :wind_chime: `:wind_chime:` | | :rice_scene: `:rice_scene:` | :jack_o_lantern: `:jack_o_lantern:` | :ghost: `:ghost:` | | :santa: `:santa:` | :christmas_tree: `:christmas_tree:` | :gift: `:gift:` | | :bell: `:bell:` | :no_bell: `:no_bell:` | :tanabata_tree: `:tanabata_tree:` | | :tada: `:tada:` | :confetti_ball: `:confetti_ball:` | :balloon: `:balloon:` | | :crystal_ball: `:crystal_ball:` | :cd: `:cd:` | :dvd: `:dvd:` | | :floppy_disk: `:floppy_disk:` | :camera: `:camera:` | :video_camera: `:video_camera:` | | :movie_camera: `:movie_camera:` | :computer: `:computer:` | :tv: `:tv:` | | :iphone: `:iphone:` | :phone: `:phone:` | :telephone: `:telephone:` | | :telephone_receiver: `:telephone_receiver:` | :pager: `:pager:` | :fax: `:fax:` | | :minidisc: `:minidisc:` | :vhs: `:vhs:` | :sound: `:sound:` | | :speaker: `:speaker:` | :mute: `:mute:` | :loudspeaker: `:loudspeaker:` | | :mega: `:mega:` | :hourglass: `:hourglass:` | :hourglass_flowing_sand: `:hourglass_flowing_sand:` | | :alarm_clock: `:alarm_clock:` | :watch: `:watch:` | :radio: `:radio:` | | :satellite: `:satellite:` | :loop: `:loop:` | :mag: `:mag:` | | :mag_right: `:mag_right:` | :unlock: `:unlock:` | :lock: `:lock:` | | :lock_with_ink_pen: `:lock_with_ink_pen:` | :closed_lock_with_key: `:closed_lock_with_key:` | :key: `:key:` | | :bulb: `:bulb:` | :flashlight: `:flashlight:` | :high_brightness: `:high_brightness:` | | :low_brightness: `:low_brightness:` | :electric_plug: `:electric_plug:` | :battery: `:battery:` | | :calling: `:calling:` | :email: `:email:` | :mailbox: `:mailbox:` | | :postbox: `:postbox:` | :bath: `:bath:` | :bathtub: `:bathtub:` | | :shower: `:shower:` | :toilet: `:toilet:` | :wrench: `:wrench:` | | :nut_and_bolt: `:nut_and_bolt:` | :hammer: `:hammer:` | :seat: `:seat:` | | :moneybag: `:moneybag:` | :yen: `:yen:` | :dollar: `:dollar:` | | :pound: `:pound:` | :euro: `:euro:` | :credit_card: `:credit_card:` | | :money_with_wings: `:money_with_wings:` | :e-mail: `:e-mail:` | :inbox_tray: `:inbox_tray:` | | :outbox_tray: `:outbox_tray:` | :envelope: `:envelope:` | :incoming_envelope: `:incoming_envelope:` | | :postal_horn: `:postal_horn:` | :mailbox_closed: `:mailbox_closed:` | :mailbox_with_mail: `:mailbox_with_mail:` | | :mailbox_with_no_mail: `:mailbox_with_no_mail:` | :door: `:door:` | :smoking: `:smoking:` | | :bomb: `:bomb:` | :gun: `:gun:` | :hocho: `:hocho:` | | :pill: `:pill:` | :syringe: `:syringe:` | :page_facing_up: `:page_facing_up:` | | :page_with_curl: `:page_with_curl:` | :bookmark_tabs: `:bookmark_tabs:` | :bar_chart: `:bar_chart:` | | :chart_with_upwards_trend: `:chart_with_upwards_trend:` | :chart_with_downwards_trend: `:chart_with_downwards_trend:` | :scroll: `:scroll:` | | :clipboard: `:clipboard:` | :calendar: `:calendar:` | :date: `:date:` | | :card_index: `:card_index:` | :file_folder: `:file_folder:` | :open_file_folder: `:open_file_folder:` | | :scissors: `:scissors:` | :pushpin: `:pushpin:` | :paperclip: `:paperclip:` | | :black_nib: `:black_nib:` | :pencil2: `:pencil2:` | :straight_ruler: `:straight_ruler:` | | :triangular_ruler: `:triangular_ruler:` | :closed_book: `:closed_book:` | :green_book: `:green_book:` | | :blue_book: `:blue_book:` | :orange_book: `:orange_book:` | :notebook: `:notebook:` | | :notebook_with_decorative_cover: `:notebook_with_decorative_cover:` | :ledger: `:ledger:` | :books: `:books:` | | :bookmark: `:bookmark:` | :name_badge: `:name_badge:` | :microscope: `:microscope:` | | :telescope: `:telescope:` | :newspaper: `:newspaper:` | :football: `:football:` | | :basketball: `:basketball:` | :soccer: `:soccer:` | :baseball: `:baseball:` | | :tennis: `:tennis:` | :8ball: `:8ball:` | :rugby_football: `:rugby_football:` | | :bowling: `:bowling:` | :golf: `:golf:` | :mountain_bicyclist: `:mountain_bicyclist:` | | :bicyclist: `:bicyclist:` | :horse_racing: `:horse_racing:` | :snowboarder: `:snowboarder:` | | :swimmer: `:swimmer:` | :surfer: `:surfer:` | :ski: `:ski:` | | :spades: `:spades:` | :hearts: `:hearts:` | :clubs: `:clubs:` | | :diamonds: `:diamonds:` | :gem: `:gem:` | :ring: `:ring:` | | :trophy: `:trophy:` | :musical_score: `:musical_score:` | :musical_keyboard: `:musical_keyboard:` | | :violin: `:violin:` | :space_invader: `:space_invader:` | :video_game: `:video_game:` | | :black_joker: `:black_joker:` | :flower_playing_cards: `:flower_playing_cards:` | :game_die: `:game_die:` | | :dart: `:dart:` | :mahjong: `:mahjong:` | :clapper: `:clapper:` | | :memo: `:memo:` | :pencil: `:pencil:` | :book: `:book:` | | :art: `:art:` | :microphone: `:microphone:` | :headphones: `:headphones:` | | :trumpet: `:trumpet:` | :saxophone: `:saxophone:` | :guitar: `:guitar:` | | :shoe: `:shoe:` | :sandal: `:sandal:` | :high_heel: `:high_heel:` | | :lipstick: `:lipstick:` | :boot: `:boot:` | :shirt: `:shirt:` | | :tshirt: `:tshirt:` | :necktie: `:necktie:` | :womans_clothes: `:womans_clothes:` | | :dress: `:dress:` | :running_shirt_with_sash: `:running_shirt_with_sash:` | :jeans: `:jeans:` | | :kimono: `:kimono:` | :bikini: `:bikini:` | :ribbon: `:ribbon:` | | :tophat: `:tophat:` | :crown: `:crown:` | :womans_hat: `:womans_hat:` | | :mans_shoe: `:mans_shoe:` | :closed_umbrella: `:closed_umbrella:` | :briefcase: `:briefcase:` | | :handbag: `:handbag:` | :pouch: `:pouch:` | :purse: `:purse:` | | :eyeglasses: `:eyeglasses:` | :fishing_pole_and_fish: `:fishing_pole_and_fish:` | :coffee: `:coffee:` | | :tea: `:tea:` | :sake: `:sake:` | :baby_bottle: `:baby_bottle:` | | :beer: `:beer:` | :beers: `:beers:` | :cocktail: `:cocktail:` | | :tropical_drink: `:tropical_drink:` | :wine_glass: `:wine_glass:` | :fork_and_knife: `:fork_and_knife:` | | :pizza: `:pizza:` | :hamburger: `:hamburger:` | :fries: `:fries:` | | :poultry_leg: `:poultry_leg:` | :meat_on_bone: `:meat_on_bone:` | :spaghetti: `:spaghetti:` | | :curry: `:curry:` | :fried_shrimp: `:fried_shrimp:` | :bento: `:bento:` | | :sushi: `:sushi:` | :fish_cake: `:fish_cake:` | :rice_ball: `:rice_ball:` | | :rice_cracker: `:rice_cracker:` | :rice: `:rice:` | :ramen: `:ramen:` | | :stew: `:stew:` | :oden: `:oden:` | :dango: `:dango:` | | :egg: `:egg:` | :bread: `:bread:` | :doughnut: `:doughnut:` | | :custard: `:custard:` | :icecream: `:icecream:` | :ice_cream: `:ice_cream:` | | :shaved_ice: `:shaved_ice:` | :birthday: `:birthday:` | :cake: `:cake:` | | :cookie: `:cookie:` | :chocolate_bar: `:chocolate_bar:` | :candy: `:candy:` | | :lollipop: `:lollipop:` | :honey_pot: `:honey_pot:` | :apple: `:apple:` | | :green_apple: `:green_apple:` | :tangerine: `:tangerine:` | :lemon: `:lemon:` | | :cherries: `:cherries:` | :grapes: `:grapes:` | :watermelon: `:watermelon:` | | :strawberry: `:strawberry:` | :peach: `:peach:` | :melon: `:melon:` | | :banana: `:banana:` | :pear: `:pear:` | :pineapple: `:pineapple:` | | :sweet_potato: `:sweet_potato:` | :eggplant: `:eggplant:` | :tomato: `:tomato:` | | :corn: `:corn:` | Places | :house: `:house:` | :house_with_garden: `:house_with_garden:` | :school: `:school:` | |---|---|---| | :office: `:office:` | :post_office: `:post_office:` | :hospital: `:hospital:` | | :bank: `:bank:` | :convenience_store: `:convenience_store:` | :love_hotel: `:love_hotel:` | | :hotel: `:hotel:` | :wedding: `:wedding:` | :church: `:church:` | | :department_store: `:department_store:` | :european_post_office: `:european_post_office:` | :city_sunrise: `:city_sunrise:` | | :city_sunset: `:city_sunset:` | :japanese_castle: `:japanese_castle:` | :european_castle: `:european_castle:` | | :tent: `:tent:` | :factory: `:factory:` | :tokyo_tower: `:tokyo_tower:` | | :japan: `:japan:` | :mount_fuji: `:mount_fuji:` | :sunrise_over_mountains: `:sunrise_over_mountains:` | | :sunrise: `:sunrise:` | :stars: `:stars:` | :statue_of_liberty: `:statue_of_liberty:` | | :bridge_at_night: `:bridge_at_night:` | :carousel_horse: `:carousel_horse:` | :rainbow: `:rainbow:` | | :ferris_wheel: `:ferris_wheel:` | :fountain: `:fountain:` | :roller_coaster: `:roller_coaster:` | | :ship: `:ship:` | :speedboat: `:speedboat:` | :boat: `:boat:` | | :sailboat: `:sailboat:` | :rowboat: `:rowboat:` | :anchor: `:anchor:` | | :rocket: `:rocket:` | :airplane: `:airplane:` | :helicopter: `:helicopter:` | | :steam_locomotive: `:steam_locomotive:` | :tram: `:tram:` | :mountain_railway: `:mountain_railway:` | | :bike: `:bike:` | :aerial_tramway: `:aerial_tramway:` | :suspension_railway: `:suspension_railway:` | | :mountain_cableway: `:mountain_cableway:` | :tractor: `:tractor:` | :blue_car: `:blue_car:` | | :oncoming_automobile: `:oncoming_automobile:` | :car: `:car:` | :red_car: `:red_car:` | | :taxi: `:taxi:` | :oncoming_taxi: `:oncoming_taxi:` | :articulated_lorry: `:articulated_lorry:` | | :bus: `:bus:` | :oncoming_bus: `:oncoming_bus:` | :rotating_light: `:rotating_light:` | | :police_car: `:police_car:` | :oncoming_police_car: `:oncoming_police_car:` | :fire_engine: `:fire_engine:` | | :ambulance: `:ambulance:` | :minibus: `:minibus:` | :truck: `:truck:` | | :train: `:train:` | :station: `:station:` | :train2: `:train2:` | | :bullettrain_front: `:bullettrain_front:` | :bullettrain_side: `:bullettrain_side:` | :light_rail: `:light_rail:` | | :monorail: `:monorail:` | :railway_car: `:railway_car:` | :trolleybus: `:trolleybus:` | | :ticket: `:ticket:` | :fuelpump: `:fuelpump:` | :vertical_traffic_light: `:vertical_traffic_light:` | | :traffic_light: `:traffic_light:` | :warning: `:warning:` | :construction: `:construction:` | | :beginner: `:beginner:` | :atm: `:atm:` | :slot_machine: `:slot_machine:` | | :busstop: `:busstop:` | :barber: `:barber:` | :hotsprings: `:hotsprings:` | | :checkered_flag: `:checkered_flag:` | :crossed_flags: `:crossed_flags:` | :izakaya_lantern: `:izakaya_lantern:` | | :moyai: `:moyai:` | :circus_tent: `:circus_tent:` | :performing_arts: `:performing_arts:` | | :round_pushpin: `:round_pushpin:` | :triangular_flag_on_post: `:triangular_flag_on_post:` | :jp: `:jp:` | | :kr: `:kr:` | :cn: `:cn:` | :us: `:us:` | | :fr: `:fr:` | :es: `:es:` | :it: `:it:` | | :ru: `:ru:` | :gb: `:gb:` | :uk: `:uk:` | | :de: `:de:` | Symbols | :one: `:one:` | :two: `:two:` | :three: `:three:` | |---|---|---| | :four: `:four:` | :five: `:five:` | :six: `:six:` | | :seven: `:seven:` | :eight: `:eight:` | :nine: `:nine:` | | :keycap_ten: `:keycap_ten:` | :1234: `:1234:` | :zero: `:zero:` | | :hash: `:hash:` | :symbols: `:symbols:` | :arrow_backward: `:arrow_backward:` | | :arrow_down: `:arrow_down:` | :arrow_forward: `:arrow_forward:` | :arrow_left: `:arrow_left:` | | :capital_abcd: `:capital_abcd:` | :abcd: `:abcd:` | :abc: `:abc:` | | :arrow_lower_left: `:arrow_lower_left:` | :arrow_lower_right: `:arrow_lower_right:` | :arrow_right: `:arrow_right:` | | :arrow_up: `:arrow_up:` | :arrow_upper_left: `:arrow_upper_left:` | :arrow_upper_right: `:arrow_upper_right:` | | :arrow_double_down: `:arrow_double_down:` | :arrow_double_up: `:arrow_double_up:` | :arrow_down_small: `:arrow_down_small:` | | :arrow_heading_down: `:arrow_heading_down:` | :arrow_heading_up: `:arrow_heading_up:` | :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: `:leftwards_arrow_with_hook:` | | :arrow_right_hook: `:arrow_right_hook:` | :left_right_arrow: `:left_right_arrow:` | :arrow_up_down: `:arrow_up_down:` | | :arrow_up_small: `:arrow_up_small:` | :arrows_clockwise: `:arrows_clockwise:` | :arrows_counterclockwise: `:arrows_counterclockwise:` | | :rewind: `:rewind:` | :fast_forward: `:fast_forward:` | :information_source: `:information_source:` | | :ok: `:ok:` | :twisted_rightwards_arrows: `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` | :repeat: `:repeat:` | | :repeat_one: `:repeat_one:` | :new: `:new:` | :top: `:top:` | | :up: `:up:` | :cool: `:cool:` | :free: `:free:` | | :ng: `:ng:` | :cinema: `:cinema:` | :koko: `:koko:` | | :signal_strength: `:signal_strength:` | :u5272: `:u5272:` | :u5408: `:u5408:` | | :u55b6: `:u55b6:` | :u6307: `:u6307:` | :u6708: `:u6708:` | | :u6709: `:u6709:` | :u6e80: `:u6e80:` | :u7121: `:u7121:` | | :u7533: `:u7533:` | :u7a7a: `:u7a7a:` | :u7981: `:u7981:` | | :sa: `:sa:` | :restroom: `:restroom:` | :mens: `:mens:` | | :womens: `:womens:` | :baby_symbol: `:baby_symbol:` | :no_smoking: `:no_smoking:` | | :parking: `:parking:` | :wheelchair: `:wheelchair:` | :metro: `:metro:` | | :baggage_claim: `:baggage_claim:` | :accept: `:accept:` | :wc: `:wc:` | | :potable_water: `:potable_water:` | :put_litter_in_its_place: `:put_litter_in_its_place:` | :secret: `:secret:` | | :congratulations: `:congratulations:` | :m: `:m:` | :passport_control: `:passport_control:` | | :left_luggage: `:left_luggage:` | :customs: `:customs:` | :ideograph_advantage: `:ideograph_advantage:` | | :cl: `:cl:` | :sos: `:sos:` | :id: `:id:` | | :no_entry_sign: `:no_entry_sign:` | :underage: `:underage:` | :no_mobile_phones: `:no_mobile_phones:` | | :do_not_litter: `:do_not_litter:` | :non-potable_water: `:non-potable_water:` | :no_bicycles: `:no_bicycles:` | | :no_pedestrians: `:no_pedestrians:` | :children_crossing: `:children_crossing:` | :no_entry: `:no_entry:` | | :eight_spoked_asterisk: `:eight_spoked_asterisk:` | :eight_pointed_black_star: `:eight_pointed_black_star:` | :heart_decoration: `:heart_decoration:` | | :vs: `:vs:` | :vibration_mode: `:vibration_mode:` | :mobile_phone_off: `:mobile_phone_off:` | | :chart: `:chart:` | :currency_exchange: `:currency_exchange:` | :aries: `:aries:` | | :taurus: `:taurus:` | :gemini: `:gemini:` | :cancer: `:cancer:` | | :leo: `:leo:` | :virgo: `:virgo:` | :libra: `:libra:` | | :scorpius: `:scorpius:` | :sagittarius: `:sagittarius:` | :capricorn: `:capricorn:` | | :aquarius: `:aquarius:` | :pisces: `:pisces:` | :ophiuchus: `:ophiuchus:` | | :six_pointed_star: `:six_pointed_star:` | :negative_squared_cross_mark: `:negative_squared_cross_mark:` | :a: `:a:` | | :b: `:b:` | :ab: `:ab:` | :o2: `:o2:` | | :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: `:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:` | :recycle: `:recycle:` | :end: `:end:` | | :on: `:on:` | :soon: `:soon:` | :clock1: `:clock1:` | | :clock130: `:clock130:` | :clock10: `:clock10:` | :clock1030: `:clock1030:` | | :clock11: `:clock11:` | :clock1130: `:clock1130:` | :clock12: `:clock12:` | | :clock1230: `:clock1230:` | :clock2: `:clock2:` | :clock230: `:clock230:` | | :clock3: `:clock3:` | :clock330: `:clock330:` | :clock4: `:clock4:` | | :clock430: `:clock430:` | :clock5: `:clock5:` | :clock530: `:clock530:` | | :clock6: `:clock6:` | :clock630: `:clock630:` | :clock7: `:clock7:` | | :clock730: `:clock730:` | :clock8: `:clock8:` | :clock830: `:clock830:` | | :clock9: `:clock9:` | :clock930: `:clock930:` | :heavy_dollar_sign: `:heavy_dollar_sign:` | | :copyright: `:copyright:` | :registered: `:registered:` | :tm: `:tm:` | | :x: `:x:` | :heavy_exclamation_mark: `:heavy_exclamation_mark:` | :bangbang: `:bangbang:` | | :interrobang: `:interrobang:` | :o: `:o:` | :heavy_multiplication_x: `:heavy_multiplication_x:` | | :heavy_plus_sign: `:heavy_plus_sign:` | :heavy_minus_sign: `:heavy_minus_sign:` | :heavy_division_sign: `:heavy_division_sign:` | | :white_flower: `:white_flower:` | :100: `:100:` | :heavy_check_mark: `:heavy_check_mark:` | | :ballot_box_with_check: `:ballot_box_with_check:` | :radio_button: `:radio_button:` | :link: `:link:` | | :curly_loop: `:curly_loop:` | :wavy_dash: `:wavy_dash:` | :part_alternation_mark: `:part_alternation_mark:` | | :trident: `:trident:` | :black_square: `:black_square:` | :white_square: `:white_square:` | | :white_check_mark: `:white_check_mark:` | :black_square_button: `:black_square_button:` | :white_square_button: `:white_square_button:` | | :black_circle: `:black_circle:` | :white_circle: `:white_circle:` | :red_circle: `:red_circle:` | | :large_blue_circle: `:large_blue_circle:` | :large_blue_diamond: `:large_blue_diamond:` | :large_orange_diamond: `:large_orange_diamond:` | | :small_blue_diamond: `:small_blue_diamond:` | :small_orange_diamond: `:small_orange_diamond:` | :small_red_triangle: `:small_red_triangle:` | | :small_red_triangle_down: `:small_red_triangle_down:` | :shipit: `:shipit:` | """
[ { "context": "{-\nCopyright 2020 Morgan Stanley\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (", "end": 32, "score": 0.9998053312, "start": 18, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Morgan Stanley" } ]
{- Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Source exposing (..) {-| Utilities related to generating source code. -} empty : String empty = "" space : String space = " " newLine : String newLine = "\n" semi : String semi = ";" dot : String dot = "." {-| Indent the specified string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indent : Int -> String -> String indent depth string = string |> String.lines |> indentLines depth {-| Indent the specified list of string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indentLines : Int -> List String -> String indentLines depth lines = lines |> List.concatMap String.lines |> List.map (\line -> (String.repeat depth space) ++ line ) |> String.join newLine dotSep : List String -> String dotSep parts = parts |> String.join dot parens : String -> String parens string = "(" ++ string ++ ")"
{- Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Source exposing (..) {-| Utilities related to generating source code. -} empty : String empty = "" space : String space = " " newLine : String newLine = "\n" semi : String semi = ";" dot : String dot = "." {-| Indent the specified string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indent : Int -> String -> String indent depth string = string |> String.lines |> indentLines depth {-| Indent the specified list of string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indentLines : Int -> List String -> String indentLines depth lines = lines |> List.concatMap String.lines |> List.map (\line -> (String.repeat depth space) ++ line ) |> String.join newLine dotSep : List String -> String dotSep parts = parts |> String.join dot parens : String -> String parens string = "(" ++ string ++ ")"
{- Copyright 2020 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Source exposing (..) {-| Utilities related to generating source code. -} empty : String empty = "" space : String space = " " newLine : String newLine = "\n" semi : String semi = ";" dot : String dot = "." {-| Indent the specified string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indent : Int -> String -> String indent depth string = string |> String.lines |> indentLines depth {-| Indent the specified list of string. If the string contains multiple lines they will all be indented. -} indentLines : Int -> List String -> String indentLines depth lines = lines |> List.concatMap String.lines |> List.map (\line -> (String.repeat depth space) ++ line ) |> String.join newLine dotSep : List String -> String dotSep parts = parts |> String.join dot parens : String -> String parens string = "(" ++ string ++ ")"
[ { "context": "\npopular entries:\n\n[elm-html]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-html\n[todo]: http://evancz.github.io/elm-todo", "end": 1254, "score": 0.9994258285, "start": 1248, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "evancz" }, { "context": "github.io/elm-todomvc/\n[code]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-todomvc/blob/master/Todo.elm\n[bench]: https:/", "end": 1342, "score": 0.999466002, "start": 1336, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "evancz" }, { "context": "great numbers.\n\n[virtual-dom]: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom\n\nPerformance is a good hook, but the ", "end": 2163, "score": 0.9657669067, "start": 2154, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Matt-Esch" }, { "context": " new ways to make views more modular and pleasant. Paul Chiusano\nexplains this aspiration very nicely in his [prov", "end": 9812, "score": 0.9997596741, "start": 9799, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul Chiusano" }, { "context": "izing these techniques.\nThank you in particular to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake\nVerbaten who he", "end": 10758, "score": 0.9999054074, "start": 10740, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sebastian Markbage" }, { "context": "es.\nThank you in particular to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake\nVerbaten who helped me *unde", "end": 10771, "score": 0.9998955131, "start": 10760, "tag": "NAME", "value": "David Nolen" }, { "context": " in particular to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake\nVerbaten who helped me *understand* the", "end": 10782, "score": 0.9998925924, "start": 10773, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Matt Esch" }, { "context": "to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake\nVerbaten who helped me *understand* them.\n\nHuge thanks to ", "end": 10801, "score": 0.9837720394, "start": 10788, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jake\nVerbaten" }, { "context": "n who helped me *understand* them.\n\nHuge thanks to Matt Esch and Jake Verbaten who created [virtual-dom][] and", "end": 10860, "score": 0.9998706579, "start": 10851, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Matt Esch" }, { "context": "e *understand* them.\n\nHuge thanks to Matt Esch and Jake Verbaten who created [virtual-dom][] and\n[mercury][], whic", "end": 10878, "score": 0.999153018, "start": 10865, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jake Verbaten" } ]
import Graphics.Element (..) import Markdown import Signal (Signal, (<~)) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Blazing Fast HTML" main : Signal Element main = skeleton "Blog" everything <~ Window.dimensions everything wid = let w = truncate (toFloat wid * 0.8) w' = min 600 w section txt = let words = width w' txt in container w (heightOf words) middle words in flow down [ width w pageTitle , section intro ] pageTitle = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> <div style="font-family: futura, 'century gothic', 'twentieth century', calibri, verdana, helvetica, arial; text-align: center;"> <div style="font-size: 4em;">Blazing Fast HTML</div> <div style="font-size: 1.5em;">Virtual DOM in Elm</div> </div> """ intro = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> The new [elm-html][] library lets you use HTML and CSS directly in Elm. Want to use flexbox? Want to keep using existing style sheets? Elm now makes all of this pleasant and *fast*. For example, when recreating the [TodoMVC][todo] app, the [code][code] is quite simple and our [preliminary benchmarks][bench] show that it is extremely fast compared to other popular entries: [elm-html]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-html [todo]: http://evancz.github.io/elm-todomvc/ [code]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-todomvc/blob/master/Todo.elm [bench]: https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison <a href="https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison"> <img src="/diagrams/sampleResults.png" alt="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" title="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" style="width:500px; height:380px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display:block;"></a> Both [elm-html][] and Mercury are based on the [virtual-dom][] project, which is responsible for the great performance. The first half of this post will explore what &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo; means and how **purity** and **immutability** make it extremely fast. This will explain why Om, Mercury, and Elm all get such great numbers. [virtual-dom]: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom Performance is a good hook, but the real benefit is that this approach leads to code that is easier to understand and maintain. In short, it becomes very simple to create reusable HTML widgets and abstract out common patterns. *This* is why people with larger code bases should be interested in virtual DOM approaches. This library is also great news for people who have been thinking about using Elm. It means you can use Elm *and* keep using the same CSS and designer/developer workflow that you are comfortable with. It is simpler than ever to get the benefits of Elm in your project. Let&rsquo;s see how it works. [FRP]: /learn/What-is-FRP.elm [std]: package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/ ## Virtual DOM This library is based on the idea of a &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo;. Rather than touching the DOM directly, we build an abstract version of it on each frame. We use the `node` function to create a cheap representation of what we want: ```haskell node : String -> List Attribute -> List Html -> Html ``` This lets us specify a tag, a list of HTML attributes, and a list of children. For HTML5 tags, there are helper functions such as `(div = node "div")` to make things look a lot cleaner. For example, here is how you can build a simple `profile` widget that shows a user&rsquo;s picture and name: ```haskell profile : User -> Html profile user = div [ class "profile" ] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], span [] [ text user.name ] ] ``` Notice that we set a class so the whole thing can be styled from CSS. Paired with Elm&rsquo;s module system, this makes it easy to abstract out common patterns and reuse code. You can check out the full API and documentation [here](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-html/latest/) and we will explore more example uses soon in the section on [reusable widgets](#reusable-widgets). ## Making Virtual DOM Fast Virtual DOM sounds pretty slow, right? Create a whole new scene on every frame? This technique is actually [widely used in the game industry][scene] and performs shockingly well for DOM updates when you use two relatively simple techniques: diffing and laziness. [scene]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scene_graph React popularized the idea of &ldquo;diffing&rdquo; to figure out how the DOM needs to be modified. **Diffing means taking the *current* virtual DOM and the *new* virtual DOM and looking for changes.** It sounds kind of fancy at first, but it is a very simple process. We first make a big list of all the differences, like if someone has changed the color of a particular `<div>` or added an entirely new one. After all of the differences are found, we use them as instructions for modifying the DOM in one big batch using [`requestAnimationFrame`][raf]. This means we do the dirty work of modifying the DOM and making sure everything is fast. You can focus on writing code that is easy to understand and maintain. [raf]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/window.requestAnimationFrame This approach created a clear path to fully supporting HTML and CSS in a way that is perfect for Elm! Even better, Elm already has great facilities for purity and immutability, which are vital for optimizations that make diffing *way* faster. As pioneered by React and Om, being *lazy* about diffing can lead to great performance improvements, especially if you have immutable data. For example, let&rsquo;s say we are rendering a list of tasks: ```haskell todoList : List Task -> Html todoList tasks = div [] (map todoItem tasks) ``` But we may know that on many updates, none of the tasks are changing. And if no task changes, the view must not be changing either. This is a perfect time to be `lazy`: ```haskell lazy : (a -> Html) -> a -> Html todoWidget : State -> Html todoWidget state = lazy todoList state.tasks ``` Instead of calling the `todoList` function on every frame, we check to see if `state.tasks` has changed since last frame. If not, we can skip everything. No need to call the function, do any diffing, or touch the DOM at all! This optimization is safe in Elm because functions are [pure][] and data is [immutable][]. * **Purity** means that the `todoList` function will *always* have the same output given the same input. So if we know `state.tasks` is the same, we can skip `todoList` entirely. * **Immutability** makes it cheap to figure out when things are &ldquo;the same&rdquo;. Immutability guarantees that if two things are referentially equal, they *must* be structurally equal. So we just check to see if `todoList` and `state.tasks` are the same as last frame by comparing the old and new values by *reference*. This is super cheap, and if they are the same, the `lazy` function can often avoid a ton of work. This is a pretty simple trick that can speed things up significantly. [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function [immutable]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immutable_object If you have been following Elm, you may begin to see a pattern: purity and immutability are kind of a big deal. Read about [hot-swapping in Elm](/blog/Interactive-Programming.elm) and the [time traveling debugger](http://debug.elm-lang.org/) to learn more about this. <h2 id="reusable-widgets">Reusable Widgets</h2> This approach makes it incredibly simple to create reusable widgets. For example, a list of user profiles can be nicely abstracted with something like this: ```haskell import Html (..) profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [] (map profile users) profile : User -> Html profile user = div [] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], text user.name ] ``` We now have a `profiles` widget that takes a list of users and gives us back some HTML. It is easy to reuse anywhere, and unlike templating languages, we can use any part of Elm to help create widgets like this. We can even begin to create community libraries for common widgets or patterns. If you want to create complex styles, those can be abstracted out and reused too! In the following example, we define a `font` and `background` that can be mixed and matched on any node. ```haskell -- small reusable CSS properties font : List CssProperty font = [ prop "font-family" "futura, sans-serif", prop "color" "rgb(42, 42, 42)", prop "font-size" "2em" ] background : List CssProperty background = [ prop "background-color" "rgb(245, 245, 245)" ] -- combine them to make individual nodes profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [ style (font ++ background) ] (map profile users) ``` So creating reusable widgets and abstracting out common patterns is extremely simple now, but we can do much more than this! ## Freedom of Abstraction When I started working on the project that would become Elm, HTML was about 20 years old and people still had to read three blog posts and five Stack Overflow questions to figure out how to vertically center things. My initial goal with Elm was to rethink GUIs from scratch. **What would web programming look like if we could restart?** [elm-html][] has two very important strengths in pursuing that goal. First, it gives you access to HTML and CSS, so you can always take full advantage of the latest features. Second, it makes it possible to create *new* abstractions. This means **HTML and CSS become the basic building blocks for *nicer* abstractions.** For example, it may be possible to recreate Elm&rsquo;s `Element` abstraction using this library. But most importantly, *anyone* can experiment with new ways to make views more modular and pleasant. Paul Chiusano explains this aspiration very nicely in his [provocative post on CSS][css]. [css]: http://pchiusano.github.io/2014-07-02/css-is-unnecessary.html My goal with Elm is still to rethink web programming, and in a weird and twisted way, fully supporting HTML and CSS is a big step in that direction. I am excited to see what we can do with [elm-html][]! ## Notes on Architecture As with any new approach, one of the first questions people ask is &ldquo;what does it look like for a large project?&rdquo; The general approach is in the same ballpark as architecting large applications with Om or Facebook’s Flux. I have informally outlined [how this works in Elm][architecture] and plan to create more formal documentation and examples soon. [architecture]: https://gist.github.com/evancz/2b2ba366cae1887fe621 ## Thank you Thank you to React and Om for discovering and popularizing these techniques. Thank you in particular to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake Verbaten who helped me *understand* them. Huge thanks to Matt Esch and Jake Verbaten who created [virtual-dom][] and [mercury][], which this library is based on. They are fully responsible for the great performance! [mercury]: https://github.com/Raynos/mercury """
import Graphics.Element (..) import Markdown import Signal (Signal, (<~)) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Blazing Fast HTML" main : Signal Element main = skeleton "Blog" everything <~ Window.dimensions everything wid = let w = truncate (toFloat wid * 0.8) w' = min 600 w section txt = let words = width w' txt in container w (heightOf words) middle words in flow down [ width w pageTitle , section intro ] pageTitle = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> <div style="font-family: futura, 'century gothic', 'twentieth century', calibri, verdana, helvetica, arial; text-align: center;"> <div style="font-size: 4em;">Blazing Fast HTML</div> <div style="font-size: 1.5em;">Virtual DOM in Elm</div> </div> """ intro = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> The new [elm-html][] library lets you use HTML and CSS directly in Elm. Want to use flexbox? Want to keep using existing style sheets? Elm now makes all of this pleasant and *fast*. For example, when recreating the [TodoMVC][todo] app, the [code][code] is quite simple and our [preliminary benchmarks][bench] show that it is extremely fast compared to other popular entries: [elm-html]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-html [todo]: http://evancz.github.io/elm-todomvc/ [code]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-todomvc/blob/master/Todo.elm [bench]: https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison <a href="https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison"> <img src="/diagrams/sampleResults.png" alt="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" title="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" style="width:500px; height:380px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display:block;"></a> Both [elm-html][] and Mercury are based on the [virtual-dom][] project, which is responsible for the great performance. The first half of this post will explore what &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo; means and how **purity** and **immutability** make it extremely fast. This will explain why Om, Mercury, and Elm all get such great numbers. [virtual-dom]: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom Performance is a good hook, but the real benefit is that this approach leads to code that is easier to understand and maintain. In short, it becomes very simple to create reusable HTML widgets and abstract out common patterns. *This* is why people with larger code bases should be interested in virtual DOM approaches. This library is also great news for people who have been thinking about using Elm. It means you can use Elm *and* keep using the same CSS and designer/developer workflow that you are comfortable with. It is simpler than ever to get the benefits of Elm in your project. Let&rsquo;s see how it works. [FRP]: /learn/What-is-FRP.elm [std]: package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/ ## Virtual DOM This library is based on the idea of a &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo;. Rather than touching the DOM directly, we build an abstract version of it on each frame. We use the `node` function to create a cheap representation of what we want: ```haskell node : String -> List Attribute -> List Html -> Html ``` This lets us specify a tag, a list of HTML attributes, and a list of children. For HTML5 tags, there are helper functions such as `(div = node "div")` to make things look a lot cleaner. For example, here is how you can build a simple `profile` widget that shows a user&rsquo;s picture and name: ```haskell profile : User -> Html profile user = div [ class "profile" ] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], span [] [ text user.name ] ] ``` Notice that we set a class so the whole thing can be styled from CSS. Paired with Elm&rsquo;s module system, this makes it easy to abstract out common patterns and reuse code. You can check out the full API and documentation [here](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-html/latest/) and we will explore more example uses soon in the section on [reusable widgets](#reusable-widgets). ## Making Virtual DOM Fast Virtual DOM sounds pretty slow, right? Create a whole new scene on every frame? This technique is actually [widely used in the game industry][scene] and performs shockingly well for DOM updates when you use two relatively simple techniques: diffing and laziness. [scene]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scene_graph React popularized the idea of &ldquo;diffing&rdquo; to figure out how the DOM needs to be modified. **Diffing means taking the *current* virtual DOM and the *new* virtual DOM and looking for changes.** It sounds kind of fancy at first, but it is a very simple process. We first make a big list of all the differences, like if someone has changed the color of a particular `<div>` or added an entirely new one. After all of the differences are found, we use them as instructions for modifying the DOM in one big batch using [`requestAnimationFrame`][raf]. This means we do the dirty work of modifying the DOM and making sure everything is fast. You can focus on writing code that is easy to understand and maintain. [raf]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/window.requestAnimationFrame This approach created a clear path to fully supporting HTML and CSS in a way that is perfect for Elm! Even better, Elm already has great facilities for purity and immutability, which are vital for optimizations that make diffing *way* faster. As pioneered by React and Om, being *lazy* about diffing can lead to great performance improvements, especially if you have immutable data. For example, let&rsquo;s say we are rendering a list of tasks: ```haskell todoList : List Task -> Html todoList tasks = div [] (map todoItem tasks) ``` But we may know that on many updates, none of the tasks are changing. And if no task changes, the view must not be changing either. This is a perfect time to be `lazy`: ```haskell lazy : (a -> Html) -> a -> Html todoWidget : State -> Html todoWidget state = lazy todoList state.tasks ``` Instead of calling the `todoList` function on every frame, we check to see if `state.tasks` has changed since last frame. If not, we can skip everything. No need to call the function, do any diffing, or touch the DOM at all! This optimization is safe in Elm because functions are [pure][] and data is [immutable][]. * **Purity** means that the `todoList` function will *always* have the same output given the same input. So if we know `state.tasks` is the same, we can skip `todoList` entirely. * **Immutability** makes it cheap to figure out when things are &ldquo;the same&rdquo;. Immutability guarantees that if two things are referentially equal, they *must* be structurally equal. So we just check to see if `todoList` and `state.tasks` are the same as last frame by comparing the old and new values by *reference*. This is super cheap, and if they are the same, the `lazy` function can often avoid a ton of work. This is a pretty simple trick that can speed things up significantly. [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function [immutable]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immutable_object If you have been following Elm, you may begin to see a pattern: purity and immutability are kind of a big deal. Read about [hot-swapping in Elm](/blog/Interactive-Programming.elm) and the [time traveling debugger](http://debug.elm-lang.org/) to learn more about this. <h2 id="reusable-widgets">Reusable Widgets</h2> This approach makes it incredibly simple to create reusable widgets. For example, a list of user profiles can be nicely abstracted with something like this: ```haskell import Html (..) profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [] (map profile users) profile : User -> Html profile user = div [] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], text user.name ] ``` We now have a `profiles` widget that takes a list of users and gives us back some HTML. It is easy to reuse anywhere, and unlike templating languages, we can use any part of Elm to help create widgets like this. We can even begin to create community libraries for common widgets or patterns. If you want to create complex styles, those can be abstracted out and reused too! In the following example, we define a `font` and `background` that can be mixed and matched on any node. ```haskell -- small reusable CSS properties font : List CssProperty font = [ prop "font-family" "futura, sans-serif", prop "color" "rgb(42, 42, 42)", prop "font-size" "2em" ] background : List CssProperty background = [ prop "background-color" "rgb(245, 245, 245)" ] -- combine them to make individual nodes profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [ style (font ++ background) ] (map profile users) ``` So creating reusable widgets and abstracting out common patterns is extremely simple now, but we can do much more than this! ## Freedom of Abstraction When I started working on the project that would become Elm, HTML was about 20 years old and people still had to read three blog posts and five Stack Overflow questions to figure out how to vertically center things. My initial goal with Elm was to rethink GUIs from scratch. **What would web programming look like if we could restart?** [elm-html][] has two very important strengths in pursuing that goal. First, it gives you access to HTML and CSS, so you can always take full advantage of the latest features. Second, it makes it possible to create *new* abstractions. This means **HTML and CSS become the basic building blocks for *nicer* abstractions.** For example, it may be possible to recreate Elm&rsquo;s `Element` abstraction using this library. But most importantly, *anyone* can experiment with new ways to make views more modular and pleasant. <NAME> explains this aspiration very nicely in his [provocative post on CSS][css]. [css]: http://pchiusano.github.io/2014-07-02/css-is-unnecessary.html My goal with Elm is still to rethink web programming, and in a weird and twisted way, fully supporting HTML and CSS is a big step in that direction. I am excited to see what we can do with [elm-html][]! ## Notes on Architecture As with any new approach, one of the first questions people ask is &ldquo;what does it look like for a large project?&rdquo; The general approach is in the same ballpark as architecting large applications with Om or Facebook’s Flux. I have informally outlined [how this works in Elm][architecture] and plan to create more formal documentation and examples soon. [architecture]: https://gist.github.com/evancz/2b2ba366cae1887fe621 ## Thank you Thank you to React and Om for discovering and popularizing these techniques. Thank you in particular to <NAME>, <NAME>, <NAME>, and <NAME> who helped me *understand* them. Huge thanks to <NAME> and <NAME> who created [virtual-dom][] and [mercury][], which this library is based on. They are fully responsible for the great performance! [mercury]: https://github.com/Raynos/mercury """
import Graphics.Element (..) import Markdown import Signal (Signal, (<~)) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Blazing Fast HTML" main : Signal Element main = skeleton "Blog" everything <~ Window.dimensions everything wid = let w = truncate (toFloat wid * 0.8) w' = min 600 w section txt = let words = width w' txt in container w (heightOf words) middle words in flow down [ width w pageTitle , section intro ] pageTitle = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> <div style="font-family: futura, 'century gothic', 'twentieth century', calibri, verdana, helvetica, arial; text-align: center;"> <div style="font-size: 4em;">Blazing Fast HTML</div> <div style="font-size: 1.5em;">Virtual DOM in Elm</div> </div> """ intro = Markdown.toElement """ <br/> The new [elm-html][] library lets you use HTML and CSS directly in Elm. Want to use flexbox? Want to keep using existing style sheets? Elm now makes all of this pleasant and *fast*. For example, when recreating the [TodoMVC][todo] app, the [code][code] is quite simple and our [preliminary benchmarks][bench] show that it is extremely fast compared to other popular entries: [elm-html]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-html [todo]: http://evancz.github.io/elm-todomvc/ [code]: https://github.com/evancz/elm-todomvc/blob/master/Todo.elm [bench]: https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison <a href="https://evancz.github.io/todomvc-perf-comparison"> <img src="/diagrams/sampleResults.png" alt="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" title="sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4" style="width:500px; height:380px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display:block;"></a> Both [elm-html][] and Mercury are based on the [virtual-dom][] project, which is responsible for the great performance. The first half of this post will explore what &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo; means and how **purity** and **immutability** make it extremely fast. This will explain why Om, Mercury, and Elm all get such great numbers. [virtual-dom]: https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom Performance is a good hook, but the real benefit is that this approach leads to code that is easier to understand and maintain. In short, it becomes very simple to create reusable HTML widgets and abstract out common patterns. *This* is why people with larger code bases should be interested in virtual DOM approaches. This library is also great news for people who have been thinking about using Elm. It means you can use Elm *and* keep using the same CSS and designer/developer workflow that you are comfortable with. It is simpler than ever to get the benefits of Elm in your project. Let&rsquo;s see how it works. [FRP]: /learn/What-is-FRP.elm [std]: package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/ ## Virtual DOM This library is based on the idea of a &ldquo;virtual DOM&rdquo;. Rather than touching the DOM directly, we build an abstract version of it on each frame. We use the `node` function to create a cheap representation of what we want: ```haskell node : String -> List Attribute -> List Html -> Html ``` This lets us specify a tag, a list of HTML attributes, and a list of children. For HTML5 tags, there are helper functions such as `(div = node "div")` to make things look a lot cleaner. For example, here is how you can build a simple `profile` widget that shows a user&rsquo;s picture and name: ```haskell profile : User -> Html profile user = div [ class "profile" ] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], span [] [ text user.name ] ] ``` Notice that we set a class so the whole thing can be styled from CSS. Paired with Elm&rsquo;s module system, this makes it easy to abstract out common patterns and reuse code. You can check out the full API and documentation [here](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-html/latest/) and we will explore more example uses soon in the section on [reusable widgets](#reusable-widgets). ## Making Virtual DOM Fast Virtual DOM sounds pretty slow, right? Create a whole new scene on every frame? This technique is actually [widely used in the game industry][scene] and performs shockingly well for DOM updates when you use two relatively simple techniques: diffing and laziness. [scene]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scene_graph React popularized the idea of &ldquo;diffing&rdquo; to figure out how the DOM needs to be modified. **Diffing means taking the *current* virtual DOM and the *new* virtual DOM and looking for changes.** It sounds kind of fancy at first, but it is a very simple process. We first make a big list of all the differences, like if someone has changed the color of a particular `<div>` or added an entirely new one. After all of the differences are found, we use them as instructions for modifying the DOM in one big batch using [`requestAnimationFrame`][raf]. This means we do the dirty work of modifying the DOM and making sure everything is fast. You can focus on writing code that is easy to understand and maintain. [raf]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/window.requestAnimationFrame This approach created a clear path to fully supporting HTML and CSS in a way that is perfect for Elm! Even better, Elm already has great facilities for purity and immutability, which are vital for optimizations that make diffing *way* faster. As pioneered by React and Om, being *lazy* about diffing can lead to great performance improvements, especially if you have immutable data. For example, let&rsquo;s say we are rendering a list of tasks: ```haskell todoList : List Task -> Html todoList tasks = div [] (map todoItem tasks) ``` But we may know that on many updates, none of the tasks are changing. And if no task changes, the view must not be changing either. This is a perfect time to be `lazy`: ```haskell lazy : (a -> Html) -> a -> Html todoWidget : State -> Html todoWidget state = lazy todoList state.tasks ``` Instead of calling the `todoList` function on every frame, we check to see if `state.tasks` has changed since last frame. If not, we can skip everything. No need to call the function, do any diffing, or touch the DOM at all! This optimization is safe in Elm because functions are [pure][] and data is [immutable][]. * **Purity** means that the `todoList` function will *always* have the same output given the same input. So if we know `state.tasks` is the same, we can skip `todoList` entirely. * **Immutability** makes it cheap to figure out when things are &ldquo;the same&rdquo;. Immutability guarantees that if two things are referentially equal, they *must* be structurally equal. So we just check to see if `todoList` and `state.tasks` are the same as last frame by comparing the old and new values by *reference*. This is super cheap, and if they are the same, the `lazy` function can often avoid a ton of work. This is a pretty simple trick that can speed things up significantly. [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function [immutable]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immutable_object If you have been following Elm, you may begin to see a pattern: purity and immutability are kind of a big deal. Read about [hot-swapping in Elm](/blog/Interactive-Programming.elm) and the [time traveling debugger](http://debug.elm-lang.org/) to learn more about this. <h2 id="reusable-widgets">Reusable Widgets</h2> This approach makes it incredibly simple to create reusable widgets. For example, a list of user profiles can be nicely abstracted with something like this: ```haskell import Html (..) profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [] (map profile users) profile : User -> Html profile user = div [] [ img [ src user.picture ] [], text user.name ] ``` We now have a `profiles` widget that takes a list of users and gives us back some HTML. It is easy to reuse anywhere, and unlike templating languages, we can use any part of Elm to help create widgets like this. We can even begin to create community libraries for common widgets or patterns. If you want to create complex styles, those can be abstracted out and reused too! In the following example, we define a `font` and `background` that can be mixed and matched on any node. ```haskell -- small reusable CSS properties font : List CssProperty font = [ prop "font-family" "futura, sans-serif", prop "color" "rgb(42, 42, 42)", prop "font-size" "2em" ] background : List CssProperty background = [ prop "background-color" "rgb(245, 245, 245)" ] -- combine them to make individual nodes profiles : List User -> Html profiles users = div [ style (font ++ background) ] (map profile users) ``` So creating reusable widgets and abstracting out common patterns is extremely simple now, but we can do much more than this! ## Freedom of Abstraction When I started working on the project that would become Elm, HTML was about 20 years old and people still had to read three blog posts and five Stack Overflow questions to figure out how to vertically center things. My initial goal with Elm was to rethink GUIs from scratch. **What would web programming look like if we could restart?** [elm-html][] has two very important strengths in pursuing that goal. First, it gives you access to HTML and CSS, so you can always take full advantage of the latest features. Second, it makes it possible to create *new* abstractions. This means **HTML and CSS become the basic building blocks for *nicer* abstractions.** For example, it may be possible to recreate Elm&rsquo;s `Element` abstraction using this library. But most importantly, *anyone* can experiment with new ways to make views more modular and pleasant. PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI explains this aspiration very nicely in his [provocative post on CSS][css]. [css]: http://pchiusano.github.io/2014-07-02/css-is-unnecessary.html My goal with Elm is still to rethink web programming, and in a weird and twisted way, fully supporting HTML and CSS is a big step in that direction. I am excited to see what we can do with [elm-html][]! ## Notes on Architecture As with any new approach, one of the first questions people ask is &ldquo;what does it look like for a large project?&rdquo; The general approach is in the same ballpark as architecting large applications with Om or Facebook’s Flux. I have informally outlined [how this works in Elm][architecture] and plan to create more formal documentation and examples soon. [architecture]: https://gist.github.com/evancz/2b2ba366cae1887fe621 ## Thank you Thank you to React and Om for discovering and popularizing these techniques. Thank you in particular to PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI who helped me *understand* them. Huge thanks to PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI who created [virtual-dom][] and [mercury][], which this library is based on. They are fully responsible for the great performance! [mercury]: https://github.com/Raynos/mercury """
[ { "context": " [ ( \"firstName\", GraphQL.Argument.string \"Tom\" )\n ]\n (GraphQL.Selector.su", "end": 2252, "score": 0.9996955395, "start": 2249, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "ation RenameUser {\n updateMe(\"firstName\": \"Tom\") {\n id\n firstName\n ", "end": 2706, "score": 0.9995902181, "start": 2703, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" }, { "context": "/example.com/graphql\"\n |> withBearerToken \"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhIjoiYSJ9.MvhYYpYBuN1rUaV0GGnQGvr889zY0xSc20Lnt8nMTfE\"\n\n-}\nwithBearerToken : String -> Request a -> Req", "end": 8193, "score": 0.9997226596, "start": 8100, "tag": "KEY", "value": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhIjoiYSJ9.MvhYYpYBuN1rUaV0GGnQGvr889zY0xSc20Lnt8nMTfE" } ]
module GraphQL exposing ( GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder , Request, get, post , withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken , withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath , Error(..), send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster ) {-| Building and sending GraphQL. Building of HTTP request has been based on [`elm-http-builder`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lukewestby/elm-http-builder/latest). # Build a GraphQL @docs GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder # Build a Request @docs Request, get, post @docs withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken @docs withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath # Make a Request @docs Error, send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster -} import GraphQL.Selector as Selector exposing (Selector) import Http import Internal import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, decodeString, errorToString) import Json.Encode as Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url {-| -} type GraphQL a = GraphQL String String (Selector a) {-| Build a GraphQL named query. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> query "Me" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ query Me { me { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "me" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} query : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a query = GraphQL "query" {-| Build a GraphQL named mutation. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "updateMe" [ ( "firstName", GraphQL.Argument.string "Tom" ) ] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> mutation "RenameUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ mutation RenameUser { updateMe("firstName": "Tom") { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "updateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} mutation : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a mutation = GraphQL "mutation" {-| Build a GraphQL named subscription. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "onUpdateMe" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> subscription "OnUpdateUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ subscription OnUpdateUser { onUpdateMe { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "onUpdateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} subscription : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a subscription = GraphQL "subscription" {-| Render GraphQL string representation from a GraphQL. -} render : GraphQL a -> String render (GraphQL operation name selector) = (operation ++ " " ++ name) ++ Internal.wrap "{" "}" (Selector.render selector) {-| Build a Decoder from a GraphQL. -} toDecoder : GraphQL a -> Decoder a toDecoder (GraphQL _ _ selector) = Selector.toDecoder selector {-| A type for chaining request configuration. -} type Request a = Request { method : String , url : String , headers : List Http.Header , body : Http.Body , decoder : Decoder a , dataPath : List String , timeout : Maybe Float , withCredentials : Bool , queryParams : List ( String, String ) } initRequest : Bool -> String -> GraphQL a -> Request a initRequest isGetMethod url graphql = let ( method, queryParams, body ) = if isGetMethod then ( "GET" , [ ( "query", render graphql ) ] , Http.emptyBody ) else ( "POST" , [] , [ ( "query", Encode.string (render graphql) ) ] |> Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody ) in Request { method = method , url = url , headers = [] , body = body , decoder = toDecoder graphql , dataPath = [ "data" ] , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False , queryParams = queryParams } {-| Start building a GET request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" -} get : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a get = initRequest True {-| Start building a POST request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> post "https://example.com/graphql" -} post : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a post = initRequest False {-| Add a single header to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> withHeader "Accept" "application/json" -} withHeader : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withHeader key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | headers = Http.header key value :: builder.headers } {-| Add many headers to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeaders [ ( "Content-Type", "application/json" ) , ( "Accept", "application/json" ) ] -} withHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withHeaders headerPairs (Request builder) = case List.map (\( key, value ) -> Http.header key value) headerPairs of [] -> Request builder newHeaders -> Request { builder | headers = builder.headers ++ newHeaders } {-| Add a bearer token to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withBearerToken "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhIjoiYSJ9.MvhYYpYBuN1rUaV0GGnQGvr889zY0xSc20Lnt8nMTfE" -} withBearerToken : String -> Request a -> Request a withBearerToken value request = withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ value) request {-| Add a query param to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams "hello" "world" |> withQueryParams "baz" "qux" -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&baz=qux -} withQueryParam : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParam key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ [ ( key, value ) ] } {-| Add some query params to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams [ ( "hello", "world" ), ( "foo", "bar" ) ] |> withQueryParams [ ( "baz", "qux" ) ] -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&foo=bar&baz=qux -} withQueryParams : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParams queryParams (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ queryParams } {-| Set the `timeout` setting on the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withTimeout (10 * Time.second) -} withTimeout : Float -> Request a -> Request a withTimeout timeout (Request builder) = Request { builder | timeout = Just timeout } {-| Set the `withCredentials` flag on the request to True. Works via [`XMLHttpRequest#withCredentials`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials). GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withCredentials True -} withCredentials : Bool -> Request a -> Request a withCredentials with (Request builder) = Request { builder | withCredentials = with } {-| Set a path of graphql data. Default value is `[ "data" ]`. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withDataPath [ "my", "custom", "data", "path" ] -} withDataPath : List String -> Request a -> Request a withDataPath dataPath (Request builder) = Request { builder | dataPath = dataPath } {-| A Request can fail in a couple ways: - BadUrl means you did not provide a valid URL. - Timeout means it took too long to get a response. - NetworkError means the user turned off their wifi, went in a cave, etc. - BadStatus means you got a response back, but the status code indicates failure. - BadPayload means you got a response back with a nice status code, but the body of the response was something unexpected. The String in this case is a debugging message that explains what went wrong with your JSON decoder or whatever. -} type Error = BadUrl String | Timeout | NetworkError | BadStatus Int | BadBody String responseHandler : Decoder a -> Http.Response String -> Result Error a responseHandler decoder response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ url -> Err (BadUrl url) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ meta _ -> Err (BadStatus meta.statusCode) Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> case decodeString decoder body of Ok value -> Ok value Err err -> Err (BadBody (errorToString err)) sendHttpRequest : Maybe String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendHttpRequest tracker tagger (Request builder) = let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse tagger (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout , tracker = tracker } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyRequest config else Http.request config {-| Send the Http request. -} send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg send = sendHttpRequest Nothing {-| Send the cancelable Http request. -} sendCancelable : String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendCancelable = sendHttpRequest << Just {-| Try to cancel an ongoing cancelable Http request. -} cancel : String -> Cmd msg cancel = Http.cancel toHttpTask : Maybe String -> Request a -> Task Error a toHttpTask cacheBuster request = Task.andThen (\(Request builder) -> let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , resolver = Http.stringResolver (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyTask config else Http.task config ) (case cacheBuster of Nothing -> Task.succeed request Just buster -> Task.map ((|>) request << withQueryParam buster << String.fromInt << Time.posixToMillis) Time.now ) {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with all options applied. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTask -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql -} toTask : Request a -> Task Error a toTask = toHttpTask Nothing {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with a Time based cache buster added to the URL. You provide a key for an extra query param, and when the request is sent that query param will be given a value with the current timestamp. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTaskWithCacheBuster "cache_buster" -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql?cache_buster=1481633217383 -} toTaskWithCacheBuster : String -> Request a -> Task Error a toTaskWithCacheBuster = toHttpTask << Just buildFullUrl : String -> List ( String, String ) -> String buildFullUrl url queryParams = if List.isEmpty queryParams then url else url ++ "?" ++ joinUrlEncoded queryParams joinUrlEncoded : List ( String, String ) -> String joinUrlEncoded args = String.join "&" (List.map queryPair args) queryPair : ( String, String ) -> String queryPair ( key, value ) = queryEscape key ++ "=" ++ queryEscape value queryEscape : String -> String queryEscape = Url.percentEncode >> replace "%20" "+" replace : String -> String -> String -> String replace old new = String.split old >> String.join new
module GraphQL exposing ( GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder , Request, get, post , withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken , withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath , Error(..), send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster ) {-| Building and sending GraphQL. Building of HTTP request has been based on [`elm-http-builder`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lukewestby/elm-http-builder/latest). # Build a GraphQL @docs GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder # Build a Request @docs Request, get, post @docs withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken @docs withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath # Make a Request @docs Error, send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster -} import GraphQL.Selector as Selector exposing (Selector) import Http import Internal import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, decodeString, errorToString) import Json.Encode as Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url {-| -} type GraphQL a = GraphQL String String (Selector a) {-| Build a GraphQL named query. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> query "Me" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ query Me { me { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "me" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} query : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a query = GraphQL "query" {-| Build a GraphQL named mutation. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "updateMe" [ ( "firstName", GraphQL.Argument.string "<NAME>" ) ] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> mutation "RenameUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ mutation RenameUser { updateMe("firstName": "<NAME>") { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "updateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} mutation : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a mutation = GraphQL "mutation" {-| Build a GraphQL named subscription. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "onUpdateMe" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> subscription "OnUpdateUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ subscription OnUpdateUser { onUpdateMe { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "onUpdateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} subscription : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a subscription = GraphQL "subscription" {-| Render GraphQL string representation from a GraphQL. -} render : GraphQL a -> String render (GraphQL operation name selector) = (operation ++ " " ++ name) ++ Internal.wrap "{" "}" (Selector.render selector) {-| Build a Decoder from a GraphQL. -} toDecoder : GraphQL a -> Decoder a toDecoder (GraphQL _ _ selector) = Selector.toDecoder selector {-| A type for chaining request configuration. -} type Request a = Request { method : String , url : String , headers : List Http.Header , body : Http.Body , decoder : Decoder a , dataPath : List String , timeout : Maybe Float , withCredentials : Bool , queryParams : List ( String, String ) } initRequest : Bool -> String -> GraphQL a -> Request a initRequest isGetMethod url graphql = let ( method, queryParams, body ) = if isGetMethod then ( "GET" , [ ( "query", render graphql ) ] , Http.emptyBody ) else ( "POST" , [] , [ ( "query", Encode.string (render graphql) ) ] |> Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody ) in Request { method = method , url = url , headers = [] , body = body , decoder = toDecoder graphql , dataPath = [ "data" ] , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False , queryParams = queryParams } {-| Start building a GET request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" -} get : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a get = initRequest True {-| Start building a POST request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> post "https://example.com/graphql" -} post : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a post = initRequest False {-| Add a single header to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> withHeader "Accept" "application/json" -} withHeader : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withHeader key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | headers = Http.header key value :: builder.headers } {-| Add many headers to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeaders [ ( "Content-Type", "application/json" ) , ( "Accept", "application/json" ) ] -} withHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withHeaders headerPairs (Request builder) = case List.map (\( key, value ) -> Http.header key value) headerPairs of [] -> Request builder newHeaders -> Request { builder | headers = builder.headers ++ newHeaders } {-| Add a bearer token to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withBearerToken "<KEY>" -} withBearerToken : String -> Request a -> Request a withBearerToken value request = withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ value) request {-| Add a query param to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams "hello" "world" |> withQueryParams "baz" "qux" -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&baz=qux -} withQueryParam : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParam key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ [ ( key, value ) ] } {-| Add some query params to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams [ ( "hello", "world" ), ( "foo", "bar" ) ] |> withQueryParams [ ( "baz", "qux" ) ] -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&foo=bar&baz=qux -} withQueryParams : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParams queryParams (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ queryParams } {-| Set the `timeout` setting on the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withTimeout (10 * Time.second) -} withTimeout : Float -> Request a -> Request a withTimeout timeout (Request builder) = Request { builder | timeout = Just timeout } {-| Set the `withCredentials` flag on the request to True. Works via [`XMLHttpRequest#withCredentials`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials). GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withCredentials True -} withCredentials : Bool -> Request a -> Request a withCredentials with (Request builder) = Request { builder | withCredentials = with } {-| Set a path of graphql data. Default value is `[ "data" ]`. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withDataPath [ "my", "custom", "data", "path" ] -} withDataPath : List String -> Request a -> Request a withDataPath dataPath (Request builder) = Request { builder | dataPath = dataPath } {-| A Request can fail in a couple ways: - BadUrl means you did not provide a valid URL. - Timeout means it took too long to get a response. - NetworkError means the user turned off their wifi, went in a cave, etc. - BadStatus means you got a response back, but the status code indicates failure. - BadPayload means you got a response back with a nice status code, but the body of the response was something unexpected. The String in this case is a debugging message that explains what went wrong with your JSON decoder or whatever. -} type Error = BadUrl String | Timeout | NetworkError | BadStatus Int | BadBody String responseHandler : Decoder a -> Http.Response String -> Result Error a responseHandler decoder response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ url -> Err (BadUrl url) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ meta _ -> Err (BadStatus meta.statusCode) Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> case decodeString decoder body of Ok value -> Ok value Err err -> Err (BadBody (errorToString err)) sendHttpRequest : Maybe String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendHttpRequest tracker tagger (Request builder) = let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse tagger (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout , tracker = tracker } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyRequest config else Http.request config {-| Send the Http request. -} send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg send = sendHttpRequest Nothing {-| Send the cancelable Http request. -} sendCancelable : String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendCancelable = sendHttpRequest << Just {-| Try to cancel an ongoing cancelable Http request. -} cancel : String -> Cmd msg cancel = Http.cancel toHttpTask : Maybe String -> Request a -> Task Error a toHttpTask cacheBuster request = Task.andThen (\(Request builder) -> let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , resolver = Http.stringResolver (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyTask config else Http.task config ) (case cacheBuster of Nothing -> Task.succeed request Just buster -> Task.map ((|>) request << withQueryParam buster << String.fromInt << Time.posixToMillis) Time.now ) {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with all options applied. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTask -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql -} toTask : Request a -> Task Error a toTask = toHttpTask Nothing {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with a Time based cache buster added to the URL. You provide a key for an extra query param, and when the request is sent that query param will be given a value with the current timestamp. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTaskWithCacheBuster "cache_buster" -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql?cache_buster=1481633217383 -} toTaskWithCacheBuster : String -> Request a -> Task Error a toTaskWithCacheBuster = toHttpTask << Just buildFullUrl : String -> List ( String, String ) -> String buildFullUrl url queryParams = if List.isEmpty queryParams then url else url ++ "?" ++ joinUrlEncoded queryParams joinUrlEncoded : List ( String, String ) -> String joinUrlEncoded args = String.join "&" (List.map queryPair args) queryPair : ( String, String ) -> String queryPair ( key, value ) = queryEscape key ++ "=" ++ queryEscape value queryEscape : String -> String queryEscape = Url.percentEncode >> replace "%20" "+" replace : String -> String -> String -> String replace old new = String.split old >> String.join new
module GraphQL exposing ( GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder , Request, get, post , withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken , withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath , Error(..), send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster ) {-| Building and sending GraphQL. Building of HTTP request has been based on [`elm-http-builder`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lukewestby/elm-http-builder/latest). # Build a GraphQL @docs GraphQL, query, mutation, subscription, render, toDecoder # Build a Request @docs Request, get, post @docs withHeader, withHeaders, withBearerToken @docs withQueryParam, withQueryParams, withTimeout, withCredentials, withDataPath # Make a Request @docs Error, send, sendCancelable, cancel, toTask, toTaskWithCacheBuster -} import GraphQL.Selector as Selector exposing (Selector) import Http import Internal import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, decodeString, errorToString) import Json.Encode as Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url {-| -} type GraphQL a = GraphQL String String (Selector a) {-| Build a GraphQL named query. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> query "Me" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ query Me { me { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "me" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} query : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a query = GraphQL "query" {-| Build a GraphQL named mutation. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "updateMe" [ ( "firstName", GraphQL.Argument.string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) ] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> mutation "RenameUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ mutation RenameUser { updateMe("firstName": "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "updateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} mutation : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a mutation = GraphQL "mutation" {-| Build a GraphQL named subscription. GraphQL.Selector.succeed identity |> GraphQL.Selector.field "onUpdateMe" [] (GraphQL.Selector.succeed User |> GraphQL.Selector.field "id" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "firstName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string |> GraphQL.Selector.field "lastName" [] GraphQL.Selector.string ) |> subscription "OnUpdateUser" It collects a GraphQL which is equal to: """ subscription OnUpdateUser { onUpdateMe { id firstName lastName } } """ and decoder is equal to: Decode.field "onUpdateMe" (Decode.map3 (Decode.field "id" Decode.string) (Decode.field "firstName" Decode.string) (Decode.field "lastName" Decode.string) ) -} subscription : String -> Selector a -> GraphQL a subscription = GraphQL "subscription" {-| Render GraphQL string representation from a GraphQL. -} render : GraphQL a -> String render (GraphQL operation name selector) = (operation ++ " " ++ name) ++ Internal.wrap "{" "}" (Selector.render selector) {-| Build a Decoder from a GraphQL. -} toDecoder : GraphQL a -> Decoder a toDecoder (GraphQL _ _ selector) = Selector.toDecoder selector {-| A type for chaining request configuration. -} type Request a = Request { method : String , url : String , headers : List Http.Header , body : Http.Body , decoder : Decoder a , dataPath : List String , timeout : Maybe Float , withCredentials : Bool , queryParams : List ( String, String ) } initRequest : Bool -> String -> GraphQL a -> Request a initRequest isGetMethod url graphql = let ( method, queryParams, body ) = if isGetMethod then ( "GET" , [ ( "query", render graphql ) ] , Http.emptyBody ) else ( "POST" , [] , [ ( "query", Encode.string (render graphql) ) ] |> Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody ) in Request { method = method , url = url , headers = [] , body = body , decoder = toDecoder graphql , dataPath = [ "data" ] , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False , queryParams = queryParams } {-| Start building a GET request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" -} get : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a get = initRequest True {-| Start building a POST request with a given URL. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> post "https://example.com/graphql" -} post : String -> GraphQL a -> Request a post = initRequest False {-| Add a single header to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" |> withHeader "Accept" "application/json" -} withHeader : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withHeader key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | headers = Http.header key value :: builder.headers } {-| Add many headers to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withHeaders [ ( "Content-Type", "application/json" ) , ( "Accept", "application/json" ) ] -} withHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withHeaders headerPairs (Request builder) = case List.map (\( key, value ) -> Http.header key value) headerPairs of [] -> Request builder newHeaders -> Request { builder | headers = builder.headers ++ newHeaders } {-| Add a bearer token to a request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withBearerToken "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" -} withBearerToken : String -> Request a -> Request a withBearerToken value request = withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ value) request {-| Add a query param to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams "hello" "world" |> withQueryParams "baz" "qux" -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&baz=qux -} withQueryParam : String -> String -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParam key value (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ [ ( key, value ) ] } {-| Add some query params to the url for the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withQueryParams [ ( "hello", "world" ), ( "foo", "bar" ) ] |> withQueryParams [ ( "baz", "qux" ) ] -- sends a request to https://example.com/graphql?hello=world&foo=bar&baz=qux -} withQueryParams : List ( String, String ) -> Request a -> Request a withQueryParams queryParams (Request builder) = Request { builder | queryParams = builder.queryParams ++ queryParams } {-| Set the `timeout` setting on the request. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withTimeout (10 * Time.second) -} withTimeout : Float -> Request a -> Request a withTimeout timeout (Request builder) = Request { builder | timeout = Just timeout } {-| Set the `withCredentials` flag on the request to True. Works via [`XMLHttpRequest#withCredentials`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials). GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withCredentials True -} withCredentials : Bool -> Request a -> Request a withCredentials with (Request builder) = Request { builder | withCredentials = with } {-| Set a path of graphql data. Default value is `[ "data" ]`. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> withDataPath [ "my", "custom", "data", "path" ] -} withDataPath : List String -> Request a -> Request a withDataPath dataPath (Request builder) = Request { builder | dataPath = dataPath } {-| A Request can fail in a couple ways: - BadUrl means you did not provide a valid URL. - Timeout means it took too long to get a response. - NetworkError means the user turned off their wifi, went in a cave, etc. - BadStatus means you got a response back, but the status code indicates failure. - BadPayload means you got a response back with a nice status code, but the body of the response was something unexpected. The String in this case is a debugging message that explains what went wrong with your JSON decoder or whatever. -} type Error = BadUrl String | Timeout | NetworkError | BadStatus Int | BadBody String responseHandler : Decoder a -> Http.Response String -> Result Error a responseHandler decoder response = case response of Http.BadUrl_ url -> Err (BadUrl url) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ meta _ -> Err (BadStatus meta.statusCode) Http.GoodStatus_ _ body -> case decodeString decoder body of Ok value -> Ok value Err err -> Err (BadBody (errorToString err)) sendHttpRequest : Maybe String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendHttpRequest tracker tagger (Request builder) = let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse tagger (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout , tracker = tracker } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyRequest config else Http.request config {-| Send the Http request. -} send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg send = sendHttpRequest Nothing {-| Send the cancelable Http request. -} sendCancelable : String -> (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg sendCancelable = sendHttpRequest << Just {-| Try to cancel an ongoing cancelable Http request. -} cancel : String -> Cmd msg cancel = Http.cancel toHttpTask : Maybe String -> Request a -> Task Error a toHttpTask cacheBuster request = Task.andThen (\(Request builder) -> let config = { method = builder.method , headers = builder.headers , url = buildFullUrl builder.url builder.queryParams , body = builder.body , resolver = Http.stringResolver (responseHandler (Decode.at builder.dataPath builder.decoder)) , timeout = builder.timeout } in if builder.withCredentials then Http.riskyTask config else Http.task config ) (case cacheBuster of Nothing -> Task.succeed request Just buster -> Task.map ((|>) request << withQueryParam buster << String.fromInt << Time.posixToMillis) Time.now ) {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with all options applied. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTask -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql -} toTask : Request a -> Task Error a toTask = toHttpTask Nothing {-| Convert the `Request` to a `Task` with a Time based cache buster added to the URL. You provide a key for an extra query param, and when the request is sent that query param will be given a value with the current timestamp. GraphQL.Selector.succeed Tuple.pair |> GraphQL.Selector.field "me" [] userSelector |> GraphQL.Selector.field "articles" [] (GraphQL.Selector.list articleSelector) |> query "InitialData" |> get "https://example.com/graphql" |> toTaskWithCacheBuster "cache_buster" -- makes a task of request to https://example.com/graphql?cache_buster=1481633217383 -} toTaskWithCacheBuster : String -> Request a -> Task Error a toTaskWithCacheBuster = toHttpTask << Just buildFullUrl : String -> List ( String, String ) -> String buildFullUrl url queryParams = if List.isEmpty queryParams then url else url ++ "?" ++ joinUrlEncoded queryParams joinUrlEncoded : List ( String, String ) -> String joinUrlEncoded args = String.join "&" (List.map queryPair args) queryPair : ( String, String ) -> String queryPair ( key, value ) = queryEscape key ++ "=" ++ queryEscape value queryEscape : String -> String queryEscape = Url.percentEncode >> replace "%20" "+" replace : String -> String -> String -> String replace old new = String.split old >> String.join new
[ { "context": " \"\"\"This is *italicized inline HTML <bio name=\"Dillon Kearns\" photo=\"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/", "end": 21291, "score": 0.9998727441, "start": 21278, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dillon Kearns" }, { "context": " , { name = \"name\", value = \"Dillon Kearns\" }\n ]\n", "end": 22109, "score": 0.9998202324, "start": 22096, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dillon Kearns" }, { "context": "\" <|\n \\() ->\n \"<foo@bar.example.com>\\n\"\n |> expectOk\n ", "end": 30299, "score": 0.9999085665, "start": 30280, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "foo@bar.example.com" }, { "context": "ph\n [ Link \"mailto:foo@bar.example.com\" Nothing [ Text \"foo@bar.example.com\" ]\n ", "end": 30446, "score": 0.9999068379, "start": 30427, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "foo@bar.example.com" }, { "context": "Link \"mailto:foo@bar.example.com\" Nothing [ Text \"foo@bar.example.com\" ]\n ]\n ", "end": 30483, "score": 0.9998999834, "start": 30464, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "foo@bar.example.com" } ]
module Tests exposing (suite) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Markdown.Block as Block exposing (..) import Markdown.Parser as Markdown exposing (..) import Parser import Parser.Advanced as Advanced exposing ((|.), (|=)) import Test exposing (..) type alias Parser a = Advanced.Parser String Parser.Problem a parse : String -> Result (List (Advanced.DeadEnd String Parser.Problem)) (List Block) parse markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse suite : Test suite = describe "parsing" [ describe "headings" [ test "Heading 1" <| \() -> "# Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "heading can end with trailing #'s'" <| \() -> "# Hello! ###" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Heading 2" <| \() -> "## Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Emphasis line is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "*This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis*\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (emphasisText "This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis") ]) , test "Line starting with a decimal is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "3.5 is a number - is not a list\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "3.5 is a number - is not a list") ]) , test "Heading 7 is parsed using fallback parsing" <| \() -> "####### Hello!" |> expectOk [ Block.Paragraph [ Text "####### Hello!" ] ] ] , test "plain text" <| \() -> "This is just some text" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ]) , test "parse heading then plain text" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "doesn't need to end in newline" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "long example" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text. ## Subheading Body of the subheading. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text.") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Subheading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body of the subheading.") ] ) , test "embedded HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> Hello! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Hello!") ] ) ] ) , test "heading within HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> # Heading in a div! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading in a div!") ] ) ] ) , test "simple list" <| \() -> """- One - Two - Three """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "One" , plainListItem "Two" , plainListItem "Three" ] -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "sibling unordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """- Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 + Item 4 + Item 5 + Item 6 * Item 7 * Item 8 * Item 9 """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 1" , plainListItem "Item 2" , plainListItem "Item 3" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 4" , plainListItem "Item 5" , plainListItem "Item 6" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 7" , plainListItem "Item 8" , plainListItem "Item 9" ] ] ) , test "sibling ordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """1. foo 2. bar 3) baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "foo" , unstyledText "bar" ] , Block.OrderedList 3 [ unstyledText "baz" ] ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that is NOT 1 in the text before a blank line" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 14. The number of doors is 6.""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is\n14. The number of doors is 6.") ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that IS 1 in the text" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 1. The number of doors is 6. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is") , Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "The number of doors is 6." ] ] ) , test "thematic break" <| \() -> """---""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "simple table" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [] ] ) , test "simple table with data" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| | foo | bar | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with alignment" <| \() -> """| abc | def | ghi | jkl |:---|:------:|--:|---| | foo | bar | baz | boo | | bar | baz | boo | foo | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Just AlignLeft } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Just AlignCenter } , { label = [ Text "ghi" ], alignment = Just AlignRight } , { label = [ Text "jkl" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ], [ Text "foo" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with a cell that looks like a heading but isn't" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ####### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] , [ [ Text "####### asdf" ], [] ] ] ] ) , test "table ended by a heading" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ###### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Heading Block.H6 [ Text "asdf" ] ] ) , test "tables separated by a blank line should be separate" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | | abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "multiple thematic breaks" <| \() -> """*** --- ___""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "thematic break followed by newline" <| \() -> """--- """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "blank lines are ignored" <| \() -> " \n \n \n\t\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) , test "mixed content with list" <| \() -> """# Title - This is an item - And so is this Text after """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Title") , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "This is an item" , plainListItem "And so is this" ] , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Text after") -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "code fence with paragraph and heading below" <| \() -> """```shell . ├── content/ ├── elm.json ├── images/ ├── static/ ├── index.js ├── package.json └── src/ └── Main.elm ``` This is more stuff ## h2 qwer """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = ".\n├── content/\n├── elm.json\n├── images/\n├── static/\n├── index.js\n├── package.json\n└── src/\n └── Main.elm" , language = Just "shell" } , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is more stuff") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "h2") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "qwer") ] ) , test "indented code block" <| \() -> """ foo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "indented code block with tab" <| \() -> """\tfoo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "image" <| \() -> """![This is an image](/my/image.jpg)""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Image "/my/image.jpg" Nothing [ Block.Text "This is an image" ] --{ string = "This is an image" -- , style = -- { isBold = False -- , isCode = False -- , isItalic = False -- , link = Just { destination = Block.Image "/my/image.jpg", title = Nothing } -- } -- -- } ] ] ) --, skip <| -- test "autolink" <| -- \() -> -- "<http://foo.bar.baz>\n" -- |> parse -- |> Expect.equal -- (Ok -- [ Block.Paragraph -- [ Block.Link "http://foo.bar.baz" Nothing [ Block.Text "http://foo.bar.baz" ] ] -- ] -- ) , describe "blank line" [ test "even though paragraphs can start with blank lines, it is not a paragraph if there are only blanks" <| \() -> " \n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) ] , describe "block quotes" [ test "Simple block quote" <| \() -> ">This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "block quote with a space after" <| \() -> "> This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "consecutive block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading > Body """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body") ] ] ) , test "plain lines immediately after block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading I'm part of the block quote """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "I'm part of the block quote") ] ] ) ] , test "indented code" <| \() -> """ sum a b = a + b """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "sum a b =\n a + b" , language = Nothing } ] ) , test "block quotes eat the first space and allow paragraphs to start with 3 spaces" <| \() -> """> code > not code """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "code" , language = Nothing } ] , Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "not code") ] ] ) , test "inline HTML" <| \() -> """This is *italicized inline HTML <bio name="Dillon Kearns" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" />*""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "This is " , Block.Emphasis [ Block.Text "italicized inline HTML " , Block.HtmlInline (Block.HtmlElement "bio" -- NOTE: attribute names are in reverse alphabetical order [ { name = "photo", value = "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" } , { name = "name", value = "Dillon Kearns" } ] [] ) ] ] ] ) , test "blank lines separate paragraphs within block quote" <| \() -> """> foo > > bar """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar") ] ] ) , test "hard line break with two spaces" <| \() -> "foo \nbaz" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo" , HardLineBreak , Text "baz" ] ] ) , test "indented code blocks cannot interrupt paragraphs" <| \() -> """aaa bbb ccc""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text """aaa bbb ccc""" ] ] ) , test "keeps items grouped in a paragraph within block quotes when there are no blank lines separating them" <| \() -> """> # Foo > bar > baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar\nbaz") ] ] ) , test "backslash line break" <| \() -> "Before\\\nAfter" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "Before" , Block.HardLineBreak , Block.Text "After" ] ] ) , describe "html" [ test "html comment" <| \() -> "<!-- hello! -->" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlComment " hello! ") ] ) , test "nested html comment" <| \() -> """<Resources> <Book title="Crime and Punishment"> <!-- this is the book review --> This is my review... </Book> </Resources> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "book" [ { name = "title", value = "Crime and Punishment" } ] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlComment " this is the book review ") , Paragraph [ Text "This is my review..." ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , test "HTML declaration" <| \() -> """<!DOCTYPE html>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlDeclaration "DOCTYPE" "html") ] ) , describe "inline html" [ test "cdata sections" <| \() -> "foo <![CDATA[>&<]]>" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (Cdata ">&<") ] ] ) , test "nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" /></Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) ] ) ] ] ) , test "nested markdown within nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" />9/10 interesting read!</Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) , Paragraph [ Text "9/10 interesting read!" ] ] ) ] ] ) ] , describe "beginning with autolink" [ test "simple autolink" <| \() -> "<https://elm-lang.org>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "https://elm-lang.org" Nothing [ Text "https://elm-lang.org" ] ] ] , test "email autolink" <| \() -> "<foo@bar.example.com>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "mailto:foo@bar.example.com" Nothing [ Text "foo@bar.example.com" ] ] ] ] , describe "link reference definitions" [ test "basic example" <| \() -> """[foo]: /url "title" [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Link "/url" (Just "title") [ Text "foo" ] ] ]) , test "invalid reference uses fallback paragraph parsing" <| \() -> """[foo]: [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "[foo]:" ] , Paragraph [ Text "[foo]" ] ] ) ] ] expectOk : List Block -> String -> Expectation expectOk expected input = case input |> parse of Ok actual -> actual |> Expect.equal expected Err error -> Expect.fail (Debug.toString error) plainListItem : String -> Block.ListItem Block.Inline plainListItem body = Block.ListItem Block.NoTask [ Block.Text body ] unstyledText : String -> List Inline unstyledText body = [ Block.Text body ] emphasisText : String -> List Inline emphasisText body = [ Block.Emphasis <| [ Block.Text body ] ] parserError : String -> Expect.Expectation parserError markdown = case parse markdown of Ok _ -> Expect.fail "Expected a parser failure!" Err _ -> Expect.pass
module Tests exposing (suite) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Markdown.Block as Block exposing (..) import Markdown.Parser as Markdown exposing (..) import Parser import Parser.Advanced as Advanced exposing ((|.), (|=)) import Test exposing (..) type alias Parser a = Advanced.Parser String Parser.Problem a parse : String -> Result (List (Advanced.DeadEnd String Parser.Problem)) (List Block) parse markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse suite : Test suite = describe "parsing" [ describe "headings" [ test "Heading 1" <| \() -> "# Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "heading can end with trailing #'s'" <| \() -> "# Hello! ###" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Heading 2" <| \() -> "## Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Emphasis line is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "*This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis*\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (emphasisText "This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis") ]) , test "Line starting with a decimal is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "3.5 is a number - is not a list\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "3.5 is a number - is not a list") ]) , test "Heading 7 is parsed using fallback parsing" <| \() -> "####### Hello!" |> expectOk [ Block.Paragraph [ Text "####### Hello!" ] ] ] , test "plain text" <| \() -> "This is just some text" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ]) , test "parse heading then plain text" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "doesn't need to end in newline" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "long example" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text. ## Subheading Body of the subheading. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text.") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Subheading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body of the subheading.") ] ) , test "embedded HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> Hello! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Hello!") ] ) ] ) , test "heading within HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> # Heading in a div! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading in a div!") ] ) ] ) , test "simple list" <| \() -> """- One - Two - Three """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "One" , plainListItem "Two" , plainListItem "Three" ] -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "sibling unordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """- Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 + Item 4 + Item 5 + Item 6 * Item 7 * Item 8 * Item 9 """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 1" , plainListItem "Item 2" , plainListItem "Item 3" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 4" , plainListItem "Item 5" , plainListItem "Item 6" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 7" , plainListItem "Item 8" , plainListItem "Item 9" ] ] ) , test "sibling ordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """1. foo 2. bar 3) baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "foo" , unstyledText "bar" ] , Block.OrderedList 3 [ unstyledText "baz" ] ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that is NOT 1 in the text before a blank line" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 14. The number of doors is 6.""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is\n14. The number of doors is 6.") ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that IS 1 in the text" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 1. The number of doors is 6. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is") , Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "The number of doors is 6." ] ] ) , test "thematic break" <| \() -> """---""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "simple table" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [] ] ) , test "simple table with data" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| | foo | bar | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with alignment" <| \() -> """| abc | def | ghi | jkl |:---|:------:|--:|---| | foo | bar | baz | boo | | bar | baz | boo | foo | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Just AlignLeft } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Just AlignCenter } , { label = [ Text "ghi" ], alignment = Just AlignRight } , { label = [ Text "jkl" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ], [ Text "foo" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with a cell that looks like a heading but isn't" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ####### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] , [ [ Text "####### asdf" ], [] ] ] ] ) , test "table ended by a heading" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ###### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Heading Block.H6 [ Text "asdf" ] ] ) , test "tables separated by a blank line should be separate" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | | abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "multiple thematic breaks" <| \() -> """*** --- ___""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "thematic break followed by newline" <| \() -> """--- """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "blank lines are ignored" <| \() -> " \n \n \n\t\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) , test "mixed content with list" <| \() -> """# Title - This is an item - And so is this Text after """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Title") , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "This is an item" , plainListItem "And so is this" ] , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Text after") -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "code fence with paragraph and heading below" <| \() -> """```shell . ├── content/ ├── elm.json ├── images/ ├── static/ ├── index.js ├── package.json └── src/ └── Main.elm ``` This is more stuff ## h2 qwer """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = ".\n├── content/\n├── elm.json\n├── images/\n├── static/\n├── index.js\n├── package.json\n└── src/\n └── Main.elm" , language = Just "shell" } , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is more stuff") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "h2") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "qwer") ] ) , test "indented code block" <| \() -> """ foo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "indented code block with tab" <| \() -> """\tfoo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "image" <| \() -> """![This is an image](/my/image.jpg)""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Image "/my/image.jpg" Nothing [ Block.Text "This is an image" ] --{ string = "This is an image" -- , style = -- { isBold = False -- , isCode = False -- , isItalic = False -- , link = Just { destination = Block.Image "/my/image.jpg", title = Nothing } -- } -- -- } ] ] ) --, skip <| -- test "autolink" <| -- \() -> -- "<http://foo.bar.baz>\n" -- |> parse -- |> Expect.equal -- (Ok -- [ Block.Paragraph -- [ Block.Link "http://foo.bar.baz" Nothing [ Block.Text "http://foo.bar.baz" ] ] -- ] -- ) , describe "blank line" [ test "even though paragraphs can start with blank lines, it is not a paragraph if there are only blanks" <| \() -> " \n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) ] , describe "block quotes" [ test "Simple block quote" <| \() -> ">This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "block quote with a space after" <| \() -> "> This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "consecutive block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading > Body """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body") ] ] ) , test "plain lines immediately after block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading I'm part of the block quote """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "I'm part of the block quote") ] ] ) ] , test "indented code" <| \() -> """ sum a b = a + b """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "sum a b =\n a + b" , language = Nothing } ] ) , test "block quotes eat the first space and allow paragraphs to start with 3 spaces" <| \() -> """> code > not code """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "code" , language = Nothing } ] , Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "not code") ] ] ) , test "inline HTML" <| \() -> """This is *italicized inline HTML <bio name="<NAME>" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" />*""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "This is " , Block.Emphasis [ Block.Text "italicized inline HTML " , Block.HtmlInline (Block.HtmlElement "bio" -- NOTE: attribute names are in reverse alphabetical order [ { name = "photo", value = "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" } , { name = "name", value = "<NAME>" } ] [] ) ] ] ] ) , test "blank lines separate paragraphs within block quote" <| \() -> """> foo > > bar """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar") ] ] ) , test "hard line break with two spaces" <| \() -> "foo \nbaz" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo" , HardLineBreak , Text "baz" ] ] ) , test "indented code blocks cannot interrupt paragraphs" <| \() -> """aaa bbb ccc""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text """aaa bbb ccc""" ] ] ) , test "keeps items grouped in a paragraph within block quotes when there are no blank lines separating them" <| \() -> """> # Foo > bar > baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar\nbaz") ] ] ) , test "backslash line break" <| \() -> "Before\\\nAfter" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "Before" , Block.HardLineBreak , Block.Text "After" ] ] ) , describe "html" [ test "html comment" <| \() -> "<!-- hello! -->" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlComment " hello! ") ] ) , test "nested html comment" <| \() -> """<Resources> <Book title="Crime and Punishment"> <!-- this is the book review --> This is my review... </Book> </Resources> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "book" [ { name = "title", value = "Crime and Punishment" } ] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlComment " this is the book review ") , Paragraph [ Text "This is my review..." ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , test "HTML declaration" <| \() -> """<!DOCTYPE html>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlDeclaration "DOCTYPE" "html") ] ) , describe "inline html" [ test "cdata sections" <| \() -> "foo <![CDATA[>&<]]>" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (Cdata ">&<") ] ] ) , test "nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" /></Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) ] ) ] ] ) , test "nested markdown within nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" />9/10 interesting read!</Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) , Paragraph [ Text "9/10 interesting read!" ] ] ) ] ] ) ] , describe "beginning with autolink" [ test "simple autolink" <| \() -> "<https://elm-lang.org>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "https://elm-lang.org" Nothing [ Text "https://elm-lang.org" ] ] ] , test "email autolink" <| \() -> "<<EMAIL>>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "mailto:<EMAIL>" Nothing [ Text "<EMAIL>" ] ] ] ] , describe "link reference definitions" [ test "basic example" <| \() -> """[foo]: /url "title" [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Link "/url" (Just "title") [ Text "foo" ] ] ]) , test "invalid reference uses fallback paragraph parsing" <| \() -> """[foo]: [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "[foo]:" ] , Paragraph [ Text "[foo]" ] ] ) ] ] expectOk : List Block -> String -> Expectation expectOk expected input = case input |> parse of Ok actual -> actual |> Expect.equal expected Err error -> Expect.fail (Debug.toString error) plainListItem : String -> Block.ListItem Block.Inline plainListItem body = Block.ListItem Block.NoTask [ Block.Text body ] unstyledText : String -> List Inline unstyledText body = [ Block.Text body ] emphasisText : String -> List Inline emphasisText body = [ Block.Emphasis <| [ Block.Text body ] ] parserError : String -> Expect.Expectation parserError markdown = case parse markdown of Ok _ -> Expect.fail "Expected a parser failure!" Err _ -> Expect.pass
module Tests exposing (suite) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Markdown.Block as Block exposing (..) import Markdown.Parser as Markdown exposing (..) import Parser import Parser.Advanced as Advanced exposing ((|.), (|=)) import Test exposing (..) type alias Parser a = Advanced.Parser String Parser.Problem a parse : String -> Result (List (Advanced.DeadEnd String Parser.Problem)) (List Block) parse markdown = markdown |> Markdown.parse suite : Test suite = describe "parsing" [ describe "headings" [ test "Heading 1" <| \() -> "# Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "heading can end with trailing #'s'" <| \() -> "# Hello! ###" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Heading 2" <| \() -> "## Hello!" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Hello!") ]) , test "Emphasis line is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "*This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis*\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (emphasisText "This is not a list, it's a paragraph with emphasis") ]) , test "Line starting with a decimal is not interpreted as a list" <| \() -> "3.5 is a number - is not a list\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "3.5 is a number - is not a list") ]) , test "Heading 7 is parsed using fallback parsing" <| \() -> "####### Hello!" |> expectOk [ Block.Paragraph [ Text "####### Hello!" ] ] ] , test "plain text" <| \() -> "This is just some text" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ]) , test "parse heading then plain text" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "doesn't need to end in newline" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text") ] ) , test "long example" <| \() -> """# Heading This is just some text. ## Subheading Body of the subheading. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is just some text.") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "Subheading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body of the subheading.") ] ) , test "embedded HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> Hello! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Hello!") ] ) ] ) , test "heading within HTML" <| \() -> """# Heading <div> # Heading in a div! </div> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlElement "div" [] [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading in a div!") ] ) ] ) , test "simple list" <| \() -> """- One - Two - Three """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "One" , plainListItem "Two" , plainListItem "Three" ] -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "sibling unordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """- Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 + Item 4 + Item 5 + Item 6 * Item 7 * Item 8 * Item 9 """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 1" , plainListItem "Item 2" , plainListItem "Item 3" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 4" , plainListItem "Item 5" , plainListItem "Item 6" ] , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "Item 7" , plainListItem "Item 8" , plainListItem "Item 9" ] ] ) , test "sibling ordered lists with different markers" <| \() -> """1. foo 2. bar 3) baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "foo" , unstyledText "bar" ] , Block.OrderedList 3 [ unstyledText "baz" ] ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that is NOT 1 in the text before a blank line" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 14. The number of doors is 6.""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is\n14. The number of doors is 6.") ] ) , test "A paragraph with a numeral that IS 1 in the text" <| \() -> """The number of windows in my house is 1. The number of doors is 6. """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "The number of windows in my house is") , Block.OrderedList 1 [ unstyledText "The number of doors is 6." ] ] ) , test "thematic break" <| \() -> """---""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "simple table" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [] ] ) , test "simple table with data" <| \() -> """| abc | def | |---|---| | foo | bar | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with alignment" <| \() -> """| abc | def | ghi | jkl |:---|:------:|--:|---| | foo | bar | baz | boo | | bar | baz | boo | foo | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Just AlignLeft } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Just AlignCenter } , { label = [ Text "ghi" ], alignment = Just AlignRight } , { label = [ Text "jkl" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "foo" ], [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ] ] , [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ], [ Text "boo" ], [ Text "foo" ] ] ] ] ) , test "table with a cell that looks like a heading but isn't" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ####### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] , [ [ Text "####### asdf" ], [] ] ] ] ) , test "table ended by a heading" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | ###### asdf """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Heading Block.H6 [ Text "asdf" ] ] ) , test "tables separated by a blank line should be separate" <| \() -> """| abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | | abc | def | | --- | --- | | bar | baz | """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] , Block.Table [ { label = [ Text "abc" ], alignment = Nothing } , { label = [ Text "def" ], alignment = Nothing } ] [ [ [ Text "bar" ], [ Text "baz" ] ] ] ] ) , test "multiple thematic breaks" <| \() -> """*** --- ___""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak , Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "thematic break followed by newline" <| \() -> """--- """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.ThematicBreak ] ) , test "blank lines are ignored" <| \() -> " \n \n \n\t\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) , test "mixed content with list" <| \() -> """# Title - This is an item - And so is this Text after """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Title") , Block.UnorderedList [ plainListItem "This is an item" , plainListItem "And so is this" ] , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Text after") -- TODO why is this extra block here? Fix -- , ListBlock [] ] ) , test "code fence with paragraph and heading below" <| \() -> """```shell . ├── content/ ├── elm.json ├── images/ ├── static/ ├── index.js ├── package.json └── src/ └── Main.elm ``` This is more stuff ## h2 qwer """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = ".\n├── content/\n├── elm.json\n├── images/\n├── static/\n├── index.js\n├── package.json\n└── src/\n └── Main.elm" , language = Just "shell" } , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is more stuff") , Block.Heading Block.H2 (unstyledText "h2") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "qwer") ] ) , test "indented code block" <| \() -> """ foo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "indented code block with tab" <| \() -> """\tfoo = 123""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "foo = 123", language = Nothing } ]) , test "image" <| \() -> """![This is an image](/my/image.jpg)""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Image "/my/image.jpg" Nothing [ Block.Text "This is an image" ] --{ string = "This is an image" -- , style = -- { isBold = False -- , isCode = False -- , isItalic = False -- , link = Just { destination = Block.Image "/my/image.jpg", title = Nothing } -- } -- -- } ] ] ) --, skip <| -- test "autolink" <| -- \() -> -- "<http://foo.bar.baz>\n" -- |> parse -- |> Expect.equal -- (Ok -- [ Block.Paragraph -- [ Block.Link "http://foo.bar.baz" Nothing [ Block.Text "http://foo.bar.baz" ] ] -- ] -- ) , describe "blank line" [ test "even though paragraphs can start with blank lines, it is not a paragraph if there are only blanks" <| \() -> " \n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok []) ] , describe "block quotes" [ test "Simple block quote" <| \() -> ">This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "block quote with a space after" <| \() -> "> This is a quote\n" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "This is a quote") ] ]) , test "consecutive block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading > Body """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "Body") ] ] ) , test "plain lines immediately after block quote lines are combined" <| \() -> """> # Heading I'm part of the block quote """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Heading") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "I'm part of the block quote") ] ] ) ] , test "indented code" <| \() -> """ sum a b = a + b """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "sum a b =\n a + b" , language = Nothing } ] ) , test "block quotes eat the first space and allow paragraphs to start with 3 spaces" <| \() -> """> code > not code """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.CodeBlock { body = "code" , language = Nothing } ] , Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "not code") ] ] ) , test "inline HTML" <| \() -> """This is *italicized inline HTML <bio name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" />*""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "This is " , Block.Emphasis [ Block.Text "italicized inline HTML " , Block.HtmlInline (Block.HtmlElement "bio" -- NOTE: attribute names are in reverse alphabetical order [ { name = "photo", value = "https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" } , { name = "name", value = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } ] [] ) ] ] ] ) , test "blank lines separate paragraphs within block quote" <| \() -> """> foo > > bar """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar") ] ] ) , test "hard line break with two spaces" <| \() -> "foo \nbaz" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo" , HardLineBreak , Text "baz" ] ] ) , test "indented code blocks cannot interrupt paragraphs" <| \() -> """aaa bbb ccc""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text """aaa bbb ccc""" ] ] ) , test "keeps items grouped in a paragraph within block quotes when there are no blank lines separating them" <| \() -> """> # Foo > bar > baz """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.BlockQuote [ Block.Heading Block.H1 (unstyledText "Foo") , Block.Paragraph (unstyledText "bar\nbaz") ] ] ) , test "backslash line break" <| \() -> "Before\\\nAfter" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.Paragraph [ Block.Text "Before" , Block.HardLineBreak , Block.Text "After" ] ] ) , describe "html" [ test "html comment" <| \() -> "<!-- hello! -->" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Block.HtmlBlock (Block.HtmlComment " hello! ") ] ) , test "nested html comment" <| \() -> """<Resources> <Book title="Crime and Punishment"> <!-- this is the book review --> This is my review... </Book> </Resources> """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "book" [ { name = "title", value = "Crime and Punishment" } ] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlComment " this is the book review ") , Paragraph [ Text "This is my review..." ] ] ) ] ) ] ) ] , test "HTML declaration" <| \() -> """<!DOCTYPE html>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ HtmlBlock (HtmlDeclaration "DOCTYPE" "html") ] ) , describe "inline html" [ test "cdata sections" <| \() -> "foo <![CDATA[>&<]]>" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (Cdata ">&<") ] ] ) , test "nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" /></Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) ] ) ] ] ) , test "nested markdown within nested HTML" <| \() -> """foo <Resources><Resource type="book" title="Notes From Underground" />9/10 interesting read!</Resources>""" |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "foo " , HtmlInline (HtmlElement "resources" [] [ HtmlBlock (HtmlElement "resource" [ { name = "type", value = "book" } , { name = "title", value = "Notes From Underground" } ] [] ) , Paragraph [ Text "9/10 interesting read!" ] ] ) ] ] ) ] , describe "beginning with autolink" [ test "simple autolink" <| \() -> "<https://elm-lang.org>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "https://elm-lang.org" Nothing [ Text "https://elm-lang.org" ] ] ] , test "email autolink" <| \() -> "<PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI>\n" |> expectOk [ Paragraph [ Link "mailto:PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" Nothing [ Text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] ] ] ] , describe "link reference definitions" [ test "basic example" <| \() -> """[foo]: /url "title" [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Link "/url" (Just "title") [ Text "foo" ] ] ]) , test "invalid reference uses fallback paragraph parsing" <| \() -> """[foo]: [foo] """ |> parse |> Expect.equal (Ok [ Paragraph [ Text "[foo]:" ] , Paragraph [ Text "[foo]" ] ] ) ] ] expectOk : List Block -> String -> Expectation expectOk expected input = case input |> parse of Ok actual -> actual |> Expect.equal expected Err error -> Expect.fail (Debug.toString error) plainListItem : String -> Block.ListItem Block.Inline plainListItem body = Block.ListItem Block.NoTask [ Block.Text body ] unstyledText : String -> List Inline unstyledText body = [ Block.Text body ] emphasisText : String -> List Inline emphasisText body = [ Block.Emphasis <| [ Block.Text body ] ] parserError : String -> Expect.Expectation parserError markdown = case parse markdown of Ok _ -> Expect.fail "Expected a parser failure!" Err _ -> Expect.pass
[ { "context": "ers at the start\" <|\n \\() -> root \"Aaron\" |> equal \"aaron\"\n , test \"with some p", "end": 2942, "score": 0.9819784164, "start": 2937, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Aaron" }, { "context": " <|\n \\() -> root \"Aaron\" |> equal \"aaron\"\n , test \"with some punctuation and sp", "end": 2959, "score": 0.9474295378, "start": 2954, "tag": "NAME", "value": "aaron" } ]
module Tests exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation, equal) import Simple.Fuzzy exposing (match, root, filter) matchTests : Test matchTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.match" [ Test.describe "should match" [ test "when no needle" <| \() -> match "" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter starts haystack" <| \() -> match "w" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter is in haystack" <| \() -> match "o" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters start haystack" <| \() -> match "wo" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters are in haystack" <| \() -> match "or" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters spread throughout word" <| \() -> match "od" "word" |> equal True , test "when needle exactly matches haystack" <| \() -> match "word" "word" |> equal True , test "even when cases do not" <| \() -> match "wOrD" "woRd" |> equal True , test "even when punctuation does not" <| \() -> match "wOr,D" "w,ord" |> equal True , test "even when spaces do not" <| \() -> match "lst" "its a list" |> equal True , test "numbers are matched" <| \() -> match "1" "number 1" |> equal True ] , Test.describe "should not match" [ test "when needle letters are not in right order" <| \() -> match "ro" "word" |> equal False , test "when needle letters are duplicated" <| \() -> match "rr" "word" |> equal False ] ] filterTests : Test filterTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.filter" [ test "filters for all the matching strings" <| \() -> Simple.Fuzzy.filter .name "el" dummyList |> equal expectedList ] type alias Language = { name : String } dummyList : List Language dummyList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Javascript" , Language "Ruby" , Language "Elixir" , Language "Ruby" ] expectedList : List Language expectedList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Elixir" ] rootTests : Test rootTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.root" [ Test.describe "should break a word down to its canonical self" [ test "with an empty string" <| \() -> root "" |> equal "" , test "with a single letter" <| \() -> root "a" |> equal "a" , test "with many letters" <| \() -> root "abc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters in the middle" <| \() -> root "aBc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters at the start" <| \() -> root "Aaron" |> equal "aaron" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters" <| \() -> root "abc!! f" |> equal "abcf" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters and numbers" <| \() -> root "abc!! 123" |> equal "abc123" ] ]
module Tests exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation, equal) import Simple.Fuzzy exposing (match, root, filter) matchTests : Test matchTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.match" [ Test.describe "should match" [ test "when no needle" <| \() -> match "" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter starts haystack" <| \() -> match "w" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter is in haystack" <| \() -> match "o" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters start haystack" <| \() -> match "wo" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters are in haystack" <| \() -> match "or" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters spread throughout word" <| \() -> match "od" "word" |> equal True , test "when needle exactly matches haystack" <| \() -> match "word" "word" |> equal True , test "even when cases do not" <| \() -> match "wOrD" "woRd" |> equal True , test "even when punctuation does not" <| \() -> match "wOr,D" "w,ord" |> equal True , test "even when spaces do not" <| \() -> match "lst" "its a list" |> equal True , test "numbers are matched" <| \() -> match "1" "number 1" |> equal True ] , Test.describe "should not match" [ test "when needle letters are not in right order" <| \() -> match "ro" "word" |> equal False , test "when needle letters are duplicated" <| \() -> match "rr" "word" |> equal False ] ] filterTests : Test filterTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.filter" [ test "filters for all the matching strings" <| \() -> Simple.Fuzzy.filter .name "el" dummyList |> equal expectedList ] type alias Language = { name : String } dummyList : List Language dummyList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Javascript" , Language "Ruby" , Language "Elixir" , Language "Ruby" ] expectedList : List Language expectedList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Elixir" ] rootTests : Test rootTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.root" [ Test.describe "should break a word down to its canonical self" [ test "with an empty string" <| \() -> root "" |> equal "" , test "with a single letter" <| \() -> root "a" |> equal "a" , test "with many letters" <| \() -> root "abc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters in the middle" <| \() -> root "aBc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters at the start" <| \() -> root "<NAME>" |> equal "<NAME>" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters" <| \() -> root "abc!! f" |> equal "abcf" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters and numbers" <| \() -> root "abc!! 123" |> equal "abc123" ] ]
module Tests exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation, equal) import Simple.Fuzzy exposing (match, root, filter) matchTests : Test matchTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.match" [ Test.describe "should match" [ test "when no needle" <| \() -> match "" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter starts haystack" <| \() -> match "w" "word" |> equal True , test "when single letter is in haystack" <| \() -> match "o" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters start haystack" <| \() -> match "wo" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters are in haystack" <| \() -> match "or" "word" |> equal True , test "when multiple letters spread throughout word" <| \() -> match "od" "word" |> equal True , test "when needle exactly matches haystack" <| \() -> match "word" "word" |> equal True , test "even when cases do not" <| \() -> match "wOrD" "woRd" |> equal True , test "even when punctuation does not" <| \() -> match "wOr,D" "w,ord" |> equal True , test "even when spaces do not" <| \() -> match "lst" "its a list" |> equal True , test "numbers are matched" <| \() -> match "1" "number 1" |> equal True ] , Test.describe "should not match" [ test "when needle letters are not in right order" <| \() -> match "ro" "word" |> equal False , test "when needle letters are duplicated" <| \() -> match "rr" "word" |> equal False ] ] filterTests : Test filterTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.filter" [ test "filters for all the matching strings" <| \() -> Simple.Fuzzy.filter .name "el" dummyList |> equal expectedList ] type alias Language = { name : String } dummyList : List Language dummyList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Javascript" , Language "Ruby" , Language "Elixir" , Language "Ruby" ] expectedList : List Language expectedList = [ Language "Elm" , Language "Elixir" ] rootTests : Test rootTests = Test.describe "Simple.Fuzzy.root" [ Test.describe "should break a word down to its canonical self" [ test "with an empty string" <| \() -> root "" |> equal "" , test "with a single letter" <| \() -> root "a" |> equal "a" , test "with many letters" <| \() -> root "abc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters in the middle" <| \() -> root "aBc" |> equal "abc" , test "with capital letters at the start" <| \() -> root "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> equal "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters" <| \() -> root "abc!! f" |> equal "abcf" , test "with some punctuation and spaces letters and numbers" <| \() -> root "abc!! 123" |> equal "abc123" ] ]
[ { "context": "généraux: \"\n , a [href (\"mailto:\"++\"mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr\")]\n [text \"mairie.murol@wanadoo", "end": 2102, "score": 0.9999265671, "start": 2079, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr" }, { "context": "rie.murol@wanadoo.fr\")]\n [text \"mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr\"]\n ]\n , br [] []\n , s", "end": 2155, "score": 0.9999284744, "start": 2132, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr" }, { "context": "nimation: \"\n , a [href (\"mailto:\"++\"murolanimation@orange.fr\")]\n [text \"murolanimation@orang", "end": 2331, "score": 0.9999219179, "start": 2307, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "murolanimation@orange.fr" }, { "context": "lanimation@orange.fr\")]\n [text \"murolanimation@orange.fr\"]\n ]\n , h5 [] [text \"Horaire", "end": 2385, "score": 0.9999235868, "start": 2361, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "murolanimation@orange.fr" } ]
module HorairesContact where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import StartApp.Simple as StartApp import List exposing (..) import String exposing (words, join, cons, uncons) import Char import Dict exposing (..) import Utils exposing (mainMenu, renderMainMenu, pageFooter, capitalize, renderListImg, logos, Action (..), renderSubMenu, mail, site, link) -- Model subMenu = [] initialModel = { mainMenu = mainMenu , subMenu = subMenu , mainContent = initialContent } -- View view address model = div [ id "container"] [ renderMainMenu ["Mairie", "Horaires et contact"] (.mainMenu model) , div [ id "subContainer"] [ .mainContent model ] , pageFooter ] -- Update contentMap = fromList [] update action model = case action of NoOp -> model Entry s -> changeMain model s changeMain model s = let newContent = get s contentMap in case newContent of Nothing -> model Just c -> { model | mainContent = c } --Main main = StartApp.start { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update } initialContent = div [ class "subContainerData noSubmenu", id "horairesEtContact"] [ h2 [] [text "Contacter la mairie"] , div [] [ figure [] [img [src "/images/Mairie.jpg"] []] , h5 [] [text "Par courrier:"] , p [] [text "Mairie de Murol - Place de l'hôtel de ville - 63790 Murol"] , h5 [] [text "Par téléphone :"] , p [] [text "04 73 88 60 67 / Fax : 04 73 88 65 03 "] , h5 [] [text "Par mail:"] , span [class "email"] [ text "Services généraux: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr")] [text "mairie.murol@wanadoo.fr"] ] , br [] [] , span [class "email"] [ text "Service animation: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"murolanimation@orange.fr")] [text "murolanimation@orange.fr"] ] , h5 [] [text "Horaires d'ouverture:"] , p [] [text "du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 12h30 / 13h30 à 17h"] --, p [] [text "Permanence maire/adjoints samedi matin"] , p [] [text "Rendez-vous possibles avec le maire ou les adjoints le samedi matin"] --, h5 [] [text "Location de salles des fêtes municipales"] --, p [] [text "La commune dispose de 3 salles polyvalentes. -- 2 situés sur le bourg de Murol et la 3ème sur le bourg de Beaune le froid."] --, p [] [text "Ces salles sont mises à la location au tarif de 150€ la journée pour vos évènements"] --, p [] [text "Elles restent à disposition à titre gracieux pour les murolais."] ] ] -- Data
module HorairesContact where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import StartApp.Simple as StartApp import List exposing (..) import String exposing (words, join, cons, uncons) import Char import Dict exposing (..) import Utils exposing (mainMenu, renderMainMenu, pageFooter, capitalize, renderListImg, logos, Action (..), renderSubMenu, mail, site, link) -- Model subMenu = [] initialModel = { mainMenu = mainMenu , subMenu = subMenu , mainContent = initialContent } -- View view address model = div [ id "container"] [ renderMainMenu ["Mairie", "Horaires et contact"] (.mainMenu model) , div [ id "subContainer"] [ .mainContent model ] , pageFooter ] -- Update contentMap = fromList [] update action model = case action of NoOp -> model Entry s -> changeMain model s changeMain model s = let newContent = get s contentMap in case newContent of Nothing -> model Just c -> { model | mainContent = c } --Main main = StartApp.start { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update } initialContent = div [ class "subContainerData noSubmenu", id "horairesEtContact"] [ h2 [] [text "Contacter la mairie"] , div [] [ figure [] [img [src "/images/Mairie.jpg"] []] , h5 [] [text "Par courrier:"] , p [] [text "Mairie de Murol - Place de l'hôtel de ville - 63790 Murol"] , h5 [] [text "Par téléphone :"] , p [] [text "04 73 88 60 67 / Fax : 04 73 88 65 03 "] , h5 [] [text "Par mail:"] , span [class "email"] [ text "Services généraux: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"<EMAIL>")] [text "<EMAIL>"] ] , br [] [] , span [class "email"] [ text "Service animation: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"<EMAIL>")] [text "<EMAIL>"] ] , h5 [] [text "Horaires d'ouverture:"] , p [] [text "du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 12h30 / 13h30 à 17h"] --, p [] [text "Permanence maire/adjoints samedi matin"] , p [] [text "Rendez-vous possibles avec le maire ou les adjoints le samedi matin"] --, h5 [] [text "Location de salles des fêtes municipales"] --, p [] [text "La commune dispose de 3 salles polyvalentes. -- 2 situés sur le bourg de Murol et la 3ème sur le bourg de Beaune le froid."] --, p [] [text "Ces salles sont mises à la location au tarif de 150€ la journée pour vos évènements"] --, p [] [text "Elles restent à disposition à titre gracieux pour les murolais."] ] ] -- Data
module HorairesContact where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import StartApp.Simple as StartApp import List exposing (..) import String exposing (words, join, cons, uncons) import Char import Dict exposing (..) import Utils exposing (mainMenu, renderMainMenu, pageFooter, capitalize, renderListImg, logos, Action (..), renderSubMenu, mail, site, link) -- Model subMenu = [] initialModel = { mainMenu = mainMenu , subMenu = subMenu , mainContent = initialContent } -- View view address model = div [ id "container"] [ renderMainMenu ["Mairie", "Horaires et contact"] (.mainMenu model) , div [ id "subContainer"] [ .mainContent model ] , pageFooter ] -- Update contentMap = fromList [] update action model = case action of NoOp -> model Entry s -> changeMain model s changeMain model s = let newContent = get s contentMap in case newContent of Nothing -> model Just c -> { model | mainContent = c } --Main main = StartApp.start { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update } initialContent = div [ class "subContainerData noSubmenu", id "horairesEtContact"] [ h2 [] [text "Contacter la mairie"] , div [] [ figure [] [img [src "/images/Mairie.jpg"] []] , h5 [] [text "Par courrier:"] , p [] [text "Mairie de Murol - Place de l'hôtel de ville - 63790 Murol"] , h5 [] [text "Par téléphone :"] , p [] [text "04 73 88 60 67 / Fax : 04 73 88 65 03 "] , h5 [] [text "Par mail:"] , span [class "email"] [ text "Services généraux: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI")] [text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI"] ] , br [] [] , span [class "email"] [ text "Service animation: " , a [href ("mailto:"++"PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI")] [text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI"] ] , h5 [] [text "Horaires d'ouverture:"] , p [] [text "du lundi au vendredi : 9h à 12h30 / 13h30 à 17h"] --, p [] [text "Permanence maire/adjoints samedi matin"] , p [] [text "Rendez-vous possibles avec le maire ou les adjoints le samedi matin"] --, h5 [] [text "Location de salles des fêtes municipales"] --, p [] [text "La commune dispose de 3 salles polyvalentes. -- 2 situés sur le bourg de Murol et la 3ème sur le bourg de Beaune le froid."] --, p [] [text "Ces salles sont mises à la location au tarif de 150€ la journée pour vos évènements"] --, p [] [text "Elles restent à disposition à titre gracieux pour les murolais."] ] ] -- Data
[ { "context": "{-\nCopyright 2020 Morgan Stanley\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (", "end": 32, "score": 0.9998083115, "start": 18, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Morgan Stanley" } ]
{- Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.Type.Codec exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Morphir.IR.AccessControlled.Codec exposing (decodeAccessControlled, encodeAccessControlled) import Morphir.IR.FQName.Codec exposing (decodeFQName, encodeFQName) import Morphir.IR.Name.Codec exposing (decodeName, encodeName) import Morphir.IR.Type exposing (Constructor(..), Constructors, Definition(..), Field, Specification(..), Type(..)) {-| Encode a type into JSON. -} encodeType : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Type a -> Encode.Value encodeType encodeAttributes tpe = case tpe of Variable a name -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "variable" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName name ] Reference a typeName typeParameters -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "reference" , encodeAttributes a , encodeFQName typeName , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) typeParameters ] Tuple a elementTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "tuple" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) elementTypes ] Record a fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "record" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] ExtensibleRecord a variableName fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "extensible_record" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName variableName , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] Function a argumentType returnType -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "function" , encodeAttributes a , encodeType encodeAttributes argumentType , encodeType encodeAttributes returnType ] Unit a -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "unit" , encodeAttributes a ] {-| Decode a type from JSON. -} decodeType : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Type a) decodeType decodeAttributes = let lazyDecodeType = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes ) lazyDecodeField = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeField decodeAttributes ) in Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "variable" -> Decode.map2 Variable (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) "reference" -> Decode.map3 Reference (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeFQName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list (Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes)))) "tuple" -> Decode.map2 Tuple (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeType)) "record" -> Decode.map2 Record (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "extensible_record" -> Decode.map3 ExtensibleRecord (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "function" -> Decode.map3 Function (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 lazyDecodeType) (Decode.index 3 lazyDecodeType) "unit" -> Decode.map Unit (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeField : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Field a -> Encode.Value encodeField encodeAttributes field = Encode.list identity [ encodeName field.name , encodeType encodeAttributes field.tpe ] decodeField : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Field a) decodeField decodeAttributes = Decode.map2 Field (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) {-| -} encodeSpecification : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Specification a -> Encode.Value encodeSpecification encodeAttributes spec = case spec of TypeAliasSpecification params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] OpaqueTypeSpecification params -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "opaque_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params ] CustomTypeSpecification params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors ] {-| -} encodeDefinition : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Definition a -> Encode.Value encodeDefinition encodeAttributes def = case def of TypeAliasDefinition params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] CustomTypeDefinition params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeAccessControlled (encodeConstructors encodeAttributes) ctors ] decodeDefinition : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Definition a) decodeDefinition decodeAttributes = Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "type_alias_definition" -> Decode.map2 TypeAliasDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) "custom_type_definition" -> Decode.map2 CustomTypeDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeAccessControlled (decodeConstructors decodeAttributes))) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeConstructors : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Constructors a -> Encode.Value encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors = ctors |> Encode.list (\(Constructor ctorName ctorArgs) -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "constructor" , encodeName ctorName , ctorArgs |> Encode.list (\( argName, argType ) -> Encode.list identity [ encodeName argName , encodeType encodeAttributes argType ] ) ] ) decodeConstructors : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Constructors a) decodeConstructors decodeAttributes = Decode.list (Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "constructor" -> Decode.map2 Constructor (Decode.index 1 decodeName) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) ) ) ) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) )
{- Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.Type.Codec exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Morphir.IR.AccessControlled.Codec exposing (decodeAccessControlled, encodeAccessControlled) import Morphir.IR.FQName.Codec exposing (decodeFQName, encodeFQName) import Morphir.IR.Name.Codec exposing (decodeName, encodeName) import Morphir.IR.Type exposing (Constructor(..), Constructors, Definition(..), Field, Specification(..), Type(..)) {-| Encode a type into JSON. -} encodeType : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Type a -> Encode.Value encodeType encodeAttributes tpe = case tpe of Variable a name -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "variable" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName name ] Reference a typeName typeParameters -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "reference" , encodeAttributes a , encodeFQName typeName , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) typeParameters ] Tuple a elementTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "tuple" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) elementTypes ] Record a fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "record" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] ExtensibleRecord a variableName fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "extensible_record" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName variableName , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] Function a argumentType returnType -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "function" , encodeAttributes a , encodeType encodeAttributes argumentType , encodeType encodeAttributes returnType ] Unit a -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "unit" , encodeAttributes a ] {-| Decode a type from JSON. -} decodeType : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Type a) decodeType decodeAttributes = let lazyDecodeType = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes ) lazyDecodeField = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeField decodeAttributes ) in Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "variable" -> Decode.map2 Variable (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) "reference" -> Decode.map3 Reference (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeFQName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list (Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes)))) "tuple" -> Decode.map2 Tuple (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeType)) "record" -> Decode.map2 Record (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "extensible_record" -> Decode.map3 ExtensibleRecord (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "function" -> Decode.map3 Function (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 lazyDecodeType) (Decode.index 3 lazyDecodeType) "unit" -> Decode.map Unit (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeField : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Field a -> Encode.Value encodeField encodeAttributes field = Encode.list identity [ encodeName field.name , encodeType encodeAttributes field.tpe ] decodeField : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Field a) decodeField decodeAttributes = Decode.map2 Field (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) {-| -} encodeSpecification : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Specification a -> Encode.Value encodeSpecification encodeAttributes spec = case spec of TypeAliasSpecification params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] OpaqueTypeSpecification params -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "opaque_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params ] CustomTypeSpecification params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors ] {-| -} encodeDefinition : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Definition a -> Encode.Value encodeDefinition encodeAttributes def = case def of TypeAliasDefinition params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] CustomTypeDefinition params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeAccessControlled (encodeConstructors encodeAttributes) ctors ] decodeDefinition : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Definition a) decodeDefinition decodeAttributes = Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "type_alias_definition" -> Decode.map2 TypeAliasDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) "custom_type_definition" -> Decode.map2 CustomTypeDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeAccessControlled (decodeConstructors decodeAttributes))) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeConstructors : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Constructors a -> Encode.Value encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors = ctors |> Encode.list (\(Constructor ctorName ctorArgs) -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "constructor" , encodeName ctorName , ctorArgs |> Encode.list (\( argName, argType ) -> Encode.list identity [ encodeName argName , encodeType encodeAttributes argType ] ) ] ) decodeConstructors : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Constructors a) decodeConstructors decodeAttributes = Decode.list (Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "constructor" -> Decode.map2 Constructor (Decode.index 1 decodeName) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) ) ) ) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) )
{- Copyright 2020 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Morphir.IR.Type.Codec exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Morphir.IR.AccessControlled.Codec exposing (decodeAccessControlled, encodeAccessControlled) import Morphir.IR.FQName.Codec exposing (decodeFQName, encodeFQName) import Morphir.IR.Name.Codec exposing (decodeName, encodeName) import Morphir.IR.Type exposing (Constructor(..), Constructors, Definition(..), Field, Specification(..), Type(..)) {-| Encode a type into JSON. -} encodeType : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Type a -> Encode.Value encodeType encodeAttributes tpe = case tpe of Variable a name -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "variable" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName name ] Reference a typeName typeParameters -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "reference" , encodeAttributes a , encodeFQName typeName , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) typeParameters ] Tuple a elementTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "tuple" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeType encodeAttributes) elementTypes ] Record a fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "record" , encodeAttributes a , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] ExtensibleRecord a variableName fieldTypes -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "extensible_record" , encodeAttributes a , encodeName variableName , Encode.list (encodeField encodeAttributes) fieldTypes ] Function a argumentType returnType -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "function" , encodeAttributes a , encodeType encodeAttributes argumentType , encodeType encodeAttributes returnType ] Unit a -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "unit" , encodeAttributes a ] {-| Decode a type from JSON. -} decodeType : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Type a) decodeType decodeAttributes = let lazyDecodeType = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes ) lazyDecodeField = Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeField decodeAttributes ) in Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "variable" -> Decode.map2 Variable (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) "reference" -> Decode.map3 Reference (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeFQName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list (Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeType decodeAttributes)))) "tuple" -> Decode.map2 Tuple (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeType)) "record" -> Decode.map2 Record (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "extensible_record" -> Decode.map3 ExtensibleRecord (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 decodeName) (Decode.index 3 (Decode.list lazyDecodeField)) "function" -> Decode.map3 Function (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) (Decode.index 2 lazyDecodeType) (Decode.index 3 lazyDecodeType) "unit" -> Decode.map Unit (Decode.index 1 decodeAttributes) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeField : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Field a -> Encode.Value encodeField encodeAttributes field = Encode.list identity [ encodeName field.name , encodeType encodeAttributes field.tpe ] decodeField : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Field a) decodeField decodeAttributes = Decode.map2 Field (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) {-| -} encodeSpecification : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Specification a -> Encode.Value encodeSpecification encodeAttributes spec = case spec of TypeAliasSpecification params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] OpaqueTypeSpecification params -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "opaque_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params ] CustomTypeSpecification params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_specification" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors ] {-| -} encodeDefinition : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Definition a -> Encode.Value encodeDefinition encodeAttributes def = case def of TypeAliasDefinition params exp -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "type_alias_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeType encodeAttributes exp ] CustomTypeDefinition params ctors -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "custom_type_definition" , Encode.list encodeName params , encodeAccessControlled (encodeConstructors encodeAttributes) ctors ] decodeDefinition : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Definition a) decodeDefinition decodeAttributes = Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "type_alias_definition" -> Decode.map2 TypeAliasDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) "custom_type_definition" -> Decode.map2 CustomTypeDefinition (Decode.index 1 (Decode.list decodeName)) (Decode.index 2 (decodeAccessControlled (decodeConstructors decodeAttributes))) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) encodeConstructors : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Constructors a -> Encode.Value encodeConstructors encodeAttributes ctors = ctors |> Encode.list (\(Constructor ctorName ctorArgs) -> Encode.list identity [ Encode.string "constructor" , encodeName ctorName , ctorArgs |> Encode.list (\( argName, argType ) -> Encode.list identity [ encodeName argName , encodeType encodeAttributes argType ] ) ] ) decodeConstructors : Decode.Decoder a -> Decode.Decoder (Constructors a) decodeConstructors decodeAttributes = Decode.list (Decode.index 0 Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\kind -> case kind of "constructor" -> Decode.map2 Constructor (Decode.index 1 decodeName) (Decode.index 2 (Decode.list (Decode.map2 Tuple.pair (Decode.index 0 decodeName) (Decode.index 1 (decodeType decodeAttributes)) ) ) ) _ -> Decode.fail ("Unknown kind: " ++ kind) ) )
[ { "context": "odel : Model\ninitialModel =\n { characters = [ \"Luke\", \"Leia\", \"Han\" ]\n , selectedCharacter = \"\"\n ", "end": 294, "score": 0.9996899366, "start": 290, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Luke" }, { "context": "odel\ninitialModel =\n { characters = [ \"Luke\", \"Leia\", \"Han\" ]\n , selectedCharacter = \"\"\n }\n\n\nup", "end": 302, "score": 0.999628067, "start": 298, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Leia" }, { "context": "tialModel =\n { characters = [ \"Luke\", \"Leia\", \"Han\" ]\n , selectedCharacter = \"\"\n }\n\n\nupdate : ", "end": 309, "score": 0.9995620847, "start": 306, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Han" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) type alias Model = { characters : List String , selectedCharacter : String } type Msg = Select String | Unselect initialModel : Model initialModel = { characters = [ "Luke", "Leia", "Han" ] , selectedCharacter = "" } update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Select name -> { model | selectedCharacter = name } Unselect -> { model | selectedCharacter = "" } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let unselectButton = if model.selectedCharacter == "" then p [] [ text "Select a character" ] else button [ onClick Unselect ] [ text "unselect character" ] in div [] [ ul [] <| List.map viewItem model.characters , p [] [ text model.selectedCharacter ] , unselectButton ] viewItem : String -> Html Msg viewItem name = li [ onClick <| Select name ] [ text name ] main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update }
module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) type alias Model = { characters : List String , selectedCharacter : String } type Msg = Select String | Unselect initialModel : Model initialModel = { characters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] , selectedCharacter = "" } update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Select name -> { model | selectedCharacter = name } Unselect -> { model | selectedCharacter = "" } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let unselectButton = if model.selectedCharacter == "" then p [] [ text "Select a character" ] else button [ onClick Unselect ] [ text "unselect character" ] in div [] [ ul [] <| List.map viewItem model.characters , p [] [ text model.selectedCharacter ] , unselectButton ] viewItem : String -> Html Msg viewItem name = li [ onClick <| Select name ] [ text name ] main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update }
module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) type alias Model = { characters : List String , selectedCharacter : String } type Msg = Select String | Unselect initialModel : Model initialModel = { characters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , selectedCharacter = "" } update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Select name -> { model | selectedCharacter = name } Unselect -> { model | selectedCharacter = "" } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let unselectButton = if model.selectedCharacter == "" then p [] [ text "Select a character" ] else button [ onClick Unselect ] [ text "unselect character" ] in div [] [ ul [] <| List.map viewItem model.characters , p [] [ text model.selectedCharacter ] , unselectButton ] viewItem : String -> Html Msg viewItem name = li [ onClick <| Select name ] [ text name ] main = Html.beginnerProgram { model = initialModel , view = view , update = update }
[ { "context": "g was inspired by ruby-i18n\n-- https://github.com/ruby-i18n/i18n\n\n\ntrimComments : String -> String\ntrimCommen", "end": 11521, "score": 0.999397099, "start": 11512, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "ruby-i18n" }, { "context": "uage.Translations\n lastName =\n { key = \"fieldLastName\"\n , en_us = \"Last name[[R]]\"\n , zh_", "end": 12098, "score": 0.9231692553, "start": 12085, "tag": "KEY", "value": "fieldLastName" } ]
module R10.I18n exposing (t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode(..), paragraphFromString) {-| Internationalization stuff @docs t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode, paragraphFromString -} import Dict import Element.WithContext exposing (..) import Element.WithContext.Border as Border import Element.WithContext.Font as Font import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode import List.Extra import R10.Color.AttrsBackground import R10.Color.AttrsFont import R10.Color.Svg import R10.Context exposing (..) import R10.Language import R10.Paragraph import R10.SimpleMarkdown import R10.Svg.Others import R10.Transition import Regex import Url -- There are two types of substitutions: -- -- * Tag subsitituton, that use culry brackets: {tag} -- * Link substitution, similar to markdown: [label](tag) -- -- Rulses -- -- * "tag" can be a pre-defined value, such as "notifyText", -- "company_name", "cookie", etc. or a numeric value, such as "1", "2", etc. -- Pre-defined value are replaced with fix values coming from flags, -- numeric values are replaced by elements contained in a list. -- -- * Links are created composing the "label", that contain the text of the -- link already translated in the proper language, and the tag, that -- is the url of the link. -- -- * If the url start with "http" then is considered an external link and -- and icon is attached. -- -- * There are special cases where link cannot be clicked, in this case -- we show in clear what the content of the link is -- {-| -} paragraph : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , translation : R10.Language.Translations } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraph attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, translation } = withContext <| \c -> paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode = renderingMode , tagReplacer = tagReplacer , string = t c.contextR10.language translation , msgNoOp = Nothing } {-| -} paragraphFromString : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , string : String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, string, msgNoOp } = withContext <| \c -> case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Paragraph.normal attrs (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) Error -> R10.Paragraph.small ([ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.id "ie-flex-fix-320" , R10.Color.AttrsFont.error ] ++ attrs ) (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) applySubstitutions : { a | context : R10.Context.ContextInternal z , renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) applySubstitutions { tagReplacer, context, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = translationAsString |> tagReplacer context |> specialMarkdown { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } {-| -} type RenderingMode = Normal | Error replaceStartOver : (a -> String) -> a -> String -> String replaceStartOver tagReplacer c string = string |> String.replace "{start_over}" (tagReplacer c) specialMarkdown : { a | renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) specialMarkdown { tagReplacer, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = let boldGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg boldGenerator string_ = el [ Font.bold ] <| Element.WithContext.text string_ textGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg textGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ elementLabelGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg elementLabelGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ linkGenerator : String -> String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg linkGenerator label tag = withContext <| \c -> let newTag : String newTag = ("{" ++ tag ++ "}") |> tagReplacer c |> (\tag_ -> -- If the tag has not been replace, we put back the original tag if tag_ == "{" ++ tag ++ "}" then tag else tag_ ) focusedOrOver : List (Decoration (R10.Context.ContextInternal z)) focusedOrOver = case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.linkOver ] Error -> [] isInternal = isInternalLink c.contextR10.currentUrl newTag in if tag == "fake_link" then case renderingMode of Normal -> el [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] <| Element.WithContext.text label Error -> el [ Font.underline ] <| Element.WithContext.text label else row ([ spacing 5 ] ++ (case msgNoOp of Just msg -> [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Events.stopPropagationOn "click" <| Json.Decode.map (\a -> ( a, True )) (Json.Decode.succeed msg) ] Nothing -> [] ) ) ([ (if isInternal then link else newTabLink ) -- -- There was a tabindex 0 before, not sure why this -- was needed. Removing it now. -- -- [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 ] -- ([] ++ (case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] Error -> [ Font.underline ] ) ++ [ focused focusedOrOver , mouseOver focusedOrOver , R10.Transition.transition "all 0.15s" ] ) { url = newTag, label = elementLabelGenerator label } -- , el [ Font.color <| rgb 0 0.6 0 ] <| Element.WithContext.text <| "<TEMP : " ++ newTag ++ ">" ] ++ (if isInternal then [] else [ R10.Svg.Others.externalLink [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.style "vertical-align" "middle" , paddingEach { top = 0, right = 3, bottom = 0, left = 0 } ] ((case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Color.Svg.link Error -> R10.Color.Svg.error ) c.contextR10.theme ) 16 ] ) ) in translationAsString |> R10.SimpleMarkdown.markdown boldGenerator textGenerator linkGenerator isInternalLink : Url.Url -> String -> Bool isInternalLink current target = if String.startsWith "#" target then -- Only fragment, so it is internal link True else target |> Url.fromString |> Maybe.map (\target_ -> -- Check if the url is all the same, except the fragment target_.host == current.host && target_.port_ == current.port_ && target_.path == current.path && target_.protocol == current.protocol && target_.query == current.query ) -- In case we cannot compare, we assume it is internal |> Maybe.withDefault False dictUrls : Dict.Dict String String dictUrls = Dict.fromList [ ( "cookie", "https://example.com/cookies" ) ] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- OLD STUFF -- -- Naming was inspired by ruby-i18n -- https://github.com/ruby-i18n/i18n trimComments : String -> String trimComments = -- Removing all pairs of square brackets that just contain comments Regex.replace (Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True , multiline = True } "\\[\\[[^]]*\\]\\]" ) (\_ -> "") {- Util to find translation based on given locale and trim unnecessary comments on translation. @example lastName : R10.Language.Translations lastName = { key = "fieldLastName" , en_us = "Last name[[R]]" , zh_tw = "姓氏" , ja_jp = "姓" , fr_fr = "" , de_de = "" ... , da_dk = "" , sv_se = "" } R10.I18n.t R10.Language.EN_US lastName #=> "Last name" -} {-| Translate some text -} t : R10.Language.Language -> R10.Language.Translations -> String t language translation = R10.Language.select language translation |> trimComments {-| Shorthand to transform a translation into an `Element.text` -} text : R10.Language.Translations -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg text translation = withContext <| \c -> Element.WithContext.text <| t c.contextR10.language translation {-| Utility for variable replacement in translation. raw : String raw = "Hello my name is '{firstName}, {lastName}'" result = raw |> R10.I18n.replace [ ( "{firstName}", "foo" ), ( "{lastName}", "bar" ) ] -- result == "Hello my name is 'foo, bar'" -} replace : List ( String, String ) -> String -> String replace variableList translation = let replacement = \( pattern, value ) acc -> String.join value <| String.split pattern acc in List.foldl replacement translation variableList
module R10.I18n exposing (t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode(..), paragraphFromString) {-| Internationalization stuff @docs t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode, paragraphFromString -} import Dict import Element.WithContext exposing (..) import Element.WithContext.Border as Border import Element.WithContext.Font as Font import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode import List.Extra import R10.Color.AttrsBackground import R10.Color.AttrsFont import R10.Color.Svg import R10.Context exposing (..) import R10.Language import R10.Paragraph import R10.SimpleMarkdown import R10.Svg.Others import R10.Transition import Regex import Url -- There are two types of substitutions: -- -- * Tag subsitituton, that use culry brackets: {tag} -- * Link substitution, similar to markdown: [label](tag) -- -- Rulses -- -- * "tag" can be a pre-defined value, such as "notifyText", -- "company_name", "cookie", etc. or a numeric value, such as "1", "2", etc. -- Pre-defined value are replaced with fix values coming from flags, -- numeric values are replaced by elements contained in a list. -- -- * Links are created composing the "label", that contain the text of the -- link already translated in the proper language, and the tag, that -- is the url of the link. -- -- * If the url start with "http" then is considered an external link and -- and icon is attached. -- -- * There are special cases where link cannot be clicked, in this case -- we show in clear what the content of the link is -- {-| -} paragraph : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , translation : R10.Language.Translations } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraph attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, translation } = withContext <| \c -> paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode = renderingMode , tagReplacer = tagReplacer , string = t c.contextR10.language translation , msgNoOp = Nothing } {-| -} paragraphFromString : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , string : String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, string, msgNoOp } = withContext <| \c -> case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Paragraph.normal attrs (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) Error -> R10.Paragraph.small ([ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.id "ie-flex-fix-320" , R10.Color.AttrsFont.error ] ++ attrs ) (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) applySubstitutions : { a | context : R10.Context.ContextInternal z , renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) applySubstitutions { tagReplacer, context, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = translationAsString |> tagReplacer context |> specialMarkdown { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } {-| -} type RenderingMode = Normal | Error replaceStartOver : (a -> String) -> a -> String -> String replaceStartOver tagReplacer c string = string |> String.replace "{start_over}" (tagReplacer c) specialMarkdown : { a | renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) specialMarkdown { tagReplacer, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = let boldGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg boldGenerator string_ = el [ Font.bold ] <| Element.WithContext.text string_ textGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg textGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ elementLabelGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg elementLabelGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ linkGenerator : String -> String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg linkGenerator label tag = withContext <| \c -> let newTag : String newTag = ("{" ++ tag ++ "}") |> tagReplacer c |> (\tag_ -> -- If the tag has not been replace, we put back the original tag if tag_ == "{" ++ tag ++ "}" then tag else tag_ ) focusedOrOver : List (Decoration (R10.Context.ContextInternal z)) focusedOrOver = case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.linkOver ] Error -> [] isInternal = isInternalLink c.contextR10.currentUrl newTag in if tag == "fake_link" then case renderingMode of Normal -> el [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] <| Element.WithContext.text label Error -> el [ Font.underline ] <| Element.WithContext.text label else row ([ spacing 5 ] ++ (case msgNoOp of Just msg -> [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Events.stopPropagationOn "click" <| Json.Decode.map (\a -> ( a, True )) (Json.Decode.succeed msg) ] Nothing -> [] ) ) ([ (if isInternal then link else newTabLink ) -- -- There was a tabindex 0 before, not sure why this -- was needed. Removing it now. -- -- [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 ] -- ([] ++ (case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] Error -> [ Font.underline ] ) ++ [ focused focusedOrOver , mouseOver focusedOrOver , R10.Transition.transition "all 0.15s" ] ) { url = newTag, label = elementLabelGenerator label } -- , el [ Font.color <| rgb 0 0.6 0 ] <| Element.WithContext.text <| "<TEMP : " ++ newTag ++ ">" ] ++ (if isInternal then [] else [ R10.Svg.Others.externalLink [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.style "vertical-align" "middle" , paddingEach { top = 0, right = 3, bottom = 0, left = 0 } ] ((case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Color.Svg.link Error -> R10.Color.Svg.error ) c.contextR10.theme ) 16 ] ) ) in translationAsString |> R10.SimpleMarkdown.markdown boldGenerator textGenerator linkGenerator isInternalLink : Url.Url -> String -> Bool isInternalLink current target = if String.startsWith "#" target then -- Only fragment, so it is internal link True else target |> Url.fromString |> Maybe.map (\target_ -> -- Check if the url is all the same, except the fragment target_.host == current.host && target_.port_ == current.port_ && target_.path == current.path && target_.protocol == current.protocol && target_.query == current.query ) -- In case we cannot compare, we assume it is internal |> Maybe.withDefault False dictUrls : Dict.Dict String String dictUrls = Dict.fromList [ ( "cookie", "https://example.com/cookies" ) ] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- OLD STUFF -- -- Naming was inspired by ruby-i18n -- https://github.com/ruby-i18n/i18n trimComments : String -> String trimComments = -- Removing all pairs of square brackets that just contain comments Regex.replace (Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True , multiline = True } "\\[\\[[^]]*\\]\\]" ) (\_ -> "") {- Util to find translation based on given locale and trim unnecessary comments on translation. @example lastName : R10.Language.Translations lastName = { key = "<KEY>" , en_us = "Last name[[R]]" , zh_tw = "姓氏" , ja_jp = "姓" , fr_fr = "" , de_de = "" ... , da_dk = "" , sv_se = "" } R10.I18n.t R10.Language.EN_US lastName #=> "Last name" -} {-| Translate some text -} t : R10.Language.Language -> R10.Language.Translations -> String t language translation = R10.Language.select language translation |> trimComments {-| Shorthand to transform a translation into an `Element.text` -} text : R10.Language.Translations -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg text translation = withContext <| \c -> Element.WithContext.text <| t c.contextR10.language translation {-| Utility for variable replacement in translation. raw : String raw = "Hello my name is '{firstName}, {lastName}'" result = raw |> R10.I18n.replace [ ( "{firstName}", "foo" ), ( "{lastName}", "bar" ) ] -- result == "Hello my name is 'foo, bar'" -} replace : List ( String, String ) -> String -> String replace variableList translation = let replacement = \( pattern, value ) acc -> String.join value <| String.split pattern acc in List.foldl replacement translation variableList
module R10.I18n exposing (t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode(..), paragraphFromString) {-| Internationalization stuff @docs t, replace, text, paragraph, RenderingMode, paragraphFromString -} import Dict import Element.WithContext exposing (..) import Element.WithContext.Border as Border import Element.WithContext.Font as Font import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode import List.Extra import R10.Color.AttrsBackground import R10.Color.AttrsFont import R10.Color.Svg import R10.Context exposing (..) import R10.Language import R10.Paragraph import R10.SimpleMarkdown import R10.Svg.Others import R10.Transition import Regex import Url -- There are two types of substitutions: -- -- * Tag subsitituton, that use culry brackets: {tag} -- * Link substitution, similar to markdown: [label](tag) -- -- Rulses -- -- * "tag" can be a pre-defined value, such as "notifyText", -- "company_name", "cookie", etc. or a numeric value, such as "1", "2", etc. -- Pre-defined value are replaced with fix values coming from flags, -- numeric values are replaced by elements contained in a list. -- -- * Links are created composing the "label", that contain the text of the -- link already translated in the proper language, and the tag, that -- is the url of the link. -- -- * If the url start with "http" then is considered an external link and -- and icon is attached. -- -- * There are special cases where link cannot be clicked, in this case -- we show in clear what the content of the link is -- {-| -} paragraph : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , translation : R10.Language.Translations } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraph attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, translation } = withContext <| \c -> paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode = renderingMode , tagReplacer = tagReplacer , string = t c.contextR10.language translation , msgNoOp = Nothing } {-| -} paragraphFromString : List (Attribute (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) -> { renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , string : String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg paragraphFromString attrs { renderingMode, tagReplacer, string, msgNoOp } = withContext <| \c -> case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Paragraph.normal attrs (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) Error -> R10.Paragraph.small ([ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.id "ie-flex-fix-320" , R10.Color.AttrsFont.error ] ++ attrs ) (string |> applySubstitutions { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , context = c , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } ) applySubstitutions : { a | context : R10.Context.ContextInternal z , renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) applySubstitutions { tagReplacer, context, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = translationAsString |> tagReplacer context |> specialMarkdown { tagReplacer = tagReplacer , renderingMode = renderingMode , msgNoOp = msgNoOp } {-| -} type RenderingMode = Normal | Error replaceStartOver : (a -> String) -> a -> String -> String replaceStartOver tagReplacer c string = string |> String.replace "{start_over}" (tagReplacer c) specialMarkdown : { a | renderingMode : RenderingMode , tagReplacer : R10.Context.ContextInternal z -> String -> String , msgNoOp : Maybe msg } -> String -> List (Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg) specialMarkdown { tagReplacer, renderingMode, msgNoOp } translationAsString = let boldGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg boldGenerator string_ = el [ Font.bold ] <| Element.WithContext.text string_ textGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg textGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ elementLabelGenerator : String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg elementLabelGenerator string_ = Element.WithContext.text string_ linkGenerator : String -> String -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg linkGenerator label tag = withContext <| \c -> let newTag : String newTag = ("{" ++ tag ++ "}") |> tagReplacer c |> (\tag_ -> -- If the tag has not been replace, we put back the original tag if tag_ == "{" ++ tag ++ "}" then tag else tag_ ) focusedOrOver : List (Decoration (R10.Context.ContextInternal z)) focusedOrOver = case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.linkOver ] Error -> [] isInternal = isInternalLink c.contextR10.currentUrl newTag in if tag == "fake_link" then case renderingMode of Normal -> el [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] <| Element.WithContext.text label Error -> el [ Font.underline ] <| Element.WithContext.text label else row ([ spacing 5 ] ++ (case msgNoOp of Just msg -> [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Events.stopPropagationOn "click" <| Json.Decode.map (\a -> ( a, True )) (Json.Decode.succeed msg) ] Nothing -> [] ) ) ([ (if isInternal then link else newTabLink ) -- -- There was a tabindex 0 before, not sure why this -- was needed. Removing it now. -- -- [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.tabindex 0 ] -- ([] ++ (case renderingMode of Normal -> [ R10.Color.AttrsFont.link ] Error -> [ Font.underline ] ) ++ [ focused focusedOrOver , mouseOver focusedOrOver , R10.Transition.transition "all 0.15s" ] ) { url = newTag, label = elementLabelGenerator label } -- , el [ Font.color <| rgb 0 0.6 0 ] <| Element.WithContext.text <| "<TEMP : " ++ newTag ++ ">" ] ++ (if isInternal then [] else [ R10.Svg.Others.externalLink [ htmlAttribute <| Html.Attributes.style "vertical-align" "middle" , paddingEach { top = 0, right = 3, bottom = 0, left = 0 } ] ((case renderingMode of Normal -> R10.Color.Svg.link Error -> R10.Color.Svg.error ) c.contextR10.theme ) 16 ] ) ) in translationAsString |> R10.SimpleMarkdown.markdown boldGenerator textGenerator linkGenerator isInternalLink : Url.Url -> String -> Bool isInternalLink current target = if String.startsWith "#" target then -- Only fragment, so it is internal link True else target |> Url.fromString |> Maybe.map (\target_ -> -- Check if the url is all the same, except the fragment target_.host == current.host && target_.port_ == current.port_ && target_.path == current.path && target_.protocol == current.protocol && target_.query == current.query ) -- In case we cannot compare, we assume it is internal |> Maybe.withDefault False dictUrls : Dict.Dict String String dictUrls = Dict.fromList [ ( "cookie", "https://example.com/cookies" ) ] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- OLD STUFF -- -- Naming was inspired by ruby-i18n -- https://github.com/ruby-i18n/i18n trimComments : String -> String trimComments = -- Removing all pairs of square brackets that just contain comments Regex.replace (Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromStringWith { caseInsensitive = True , multiline = True } "\\[\\[[^]]*\\]\\]" ) (\_ -> "") {- Util to find translation based on given locale and trim unnecessary comments on translation. @example lastName : R10.Language.Translations lastName = { key = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , en_us = "Last name[[R]]" , zh_tw = "姓氏" , ja_jp = "姓" , fr_fr = "" , de_de = "" ... , da_dk = "" , sv_se = "" } R10.I18n.t R10.Language.EN_US lastName #=> "Last name" -} {-| Translate some text -} t : R10.Language.Language -> R10.Language.Translations -> String t language translation = R10.Language.select language translation |> trimComments {-| Shorthand to transform a translation into an `Element.text` -} text : R10.Language.Translations -> Element (R10.Context.ContextInternal z) msg text translation = withContext <| \c -> Element.WithContext.text <| t c.contextR10.language translation {-| Utility for variable replacement in translation. raw : String raw = "Hello my name is '{firstName}, {lastName}'" result = raw |> R10.I18n.replace [ ( "{firstName}", "foo" ), ( "{lastName}", "bar" ) ] -- result == "Hello my name is 'foo, bar'" -} replace : List ( String, String ) -> String -> String replace variableList translation = let replacement = \( pattern, value ) acc -> String.join value <| String.split pattern acc in List.foldl replacement translation variableList
[ { "context": "on\"\n\n\ntypeFirstName : String\ntypeFirstName =\n \"firstName\"\n\n\ntypeLastName : String\ntypeLastName =\n \"last", "end": 4234, "score": 0.9376443624, "start": 4225, "tag": "NAME", "value": "firstName" }, { "context": "Name\"\n\n\ntypeLastName : String\ntypeLastName =\n \"lastName\"\n\n\ntypeEmail : String\ntypeEmail =\n \"email\"\n\n\nt", "end": 4288, "score": 0.9719708562, "start": 4280, "tag": "NAME", "value": "lastName" } ]
module Api.Point exposing ( Point , blankMajicValue , clearText , decode , empty , encode , encodeList , filterSpecialPoints , get , getBestDesc , getBool , getLatest , getText , getValue , newText , newValue , renderPoint , typeActionType , typeActive , typeAddress , typeAppVersion , typeAuthToken , typeBaud , typeBucket , typeChannel , typeClientServer , typeCmdPending , typeConditionType , typeDataFormat , typeDebug , typeDescription , typeDevice , typeEmail , typeEnd , typeErrorCount , typeErrorCountCRC , typeErrorCountCRCReset , typeErrorCountEOF , typeErrorCountEOFReset , typeErrorCountReset , typeFilePath , typeFirstName , typeFrom , typeHwVersion , typeID , typeLastName , typeMinActive , typeModbusIOType , typeNodeType , typeOSVersion , typeOffset , typeOperator , typeOrg , typePass , typePhone , typePointID , typePointIndex , typePointType , typePollPeriod , typePort , typeProtocol , typeReadOnly , typeSID , typeScale , typeService , typeStart , typeStartApp , typeStartSystem , typeSwUpdateError , typeSwUpdatePercComplete , typeSwUpdateRunning , typeSwUpdateState , typeSysState , typeTombstone , typeURI , typeUnits , typeUpdateApp , typeUpdateOS , typeValue , typeValueSet , typeValueType , typeVariableType , typeWeekday , updatePoint , updatePoints , valueActionNotify , valueActionPlayAudio , valueActionSetValue , valueActionSetValueBool , valueActionSetValueText , valueClient , valueContains , valueEqual , valueFLOAT32 , valueGreaterThan , valueINT16 , valueINT32 , valueLessThan , valueModbusCoil , valueModbusDiscreteInput , valueModbusHoldingRegister , valueModbusInputRegister , valueNotEqual , valueNumber , valueOff , valueOn , valueOnOff , valuePointValue , valueRTU , valueSMTP , valueSchedule , valueServer , valueSysStateOffline , valueSysStateOnline , valueSysStatePowerOff , valueSysStateUnknown , valueTCP , valueText , valueTwilio , valueUINT16 , valueUINT32 ) import Iso8601 import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Extra import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional) import Json.Encode import List.Extra import Round import Time typeChannel : String typeChannel = "channel" typeDevice : String typeDevice = "device" typeDescription : String typeDescription = "description" typeFilePath : String typeFilePath = "filePath" typeScale : String typeScale = "scale" typeOffset : String typeOffset = "offset" typeUnits : String typeUnits = "units" typeValue : String typeValue = "value" typeValueSet : String typeValueSet = "valueSet" typeReadOnly : String typeReadOnly = "readOnly" typeCmdPending : String typeCmdPending = "cmdPending" typeSwUpdateState : String typeSwUpdateState = "swUpdateState" typeStartApp : String typeStartApp = "startApp" typeStartSystem : String typeStartSystem = "startSystem" typeUpdateOS : String typeUpdateOS = "updateOS" typeUpdateApp : String typeUpdateApp = "updateApp" typeSysState : String typeSysState = "sysState" valueSysStateUnknown : String valueSysStateUnknown = "unknown" valueSysStatePowerOff : String valueSysStatePowerOff = "powerOff" valueSysStateOffline : String valueSysStateOffline = "offline" valueSysStateOnline : String valueSysStateOnline = "online" typeSwUpdateRunning : String typeSwUpdateRunning = "swUpdateRunning" typeSwUpdateError : String typeSwUpdateError = "swUpdateError" typeSwUpdatePercComplete : String typeSwUpdatePercComplete = "swUpdatePercComplete" typeOSVersion : String typeOSVersion = "osVersion" typeAppVersion : String typeAppVersion = "appVersion" typeHwVersion : String typeHwVersion = "hwVersion" typeFirstName : String typeFirstName = "firstName" typeLastName : String typeLastName = "lastName" typeEmail : String typeEmail = "email" typePhone : String typePhone = "phone" typePass : String typePass = "pass" typePort : String typePort = "port" typeBaud : String typeBaud = "baud" typeID : String typeID = "id" typeAddress : String typeAddress = "address" typeErrorCount : String typeErrorCount = "errorCount" typeErrorCountEOF : String typeErrorCountEOF = "errorCountEOF" typeErrorCountCRC : String typeErrorCountCRC = "errorCountCRC" typeErrorCountReset : String typeErrorCountReset = "errorCountReset" typeErrorCountEOFReset : String typeErrorCountEOFReset = "errorCountEOFReset" typeErrorCountCRCReset : String typeErrorCountCRCReset = "errorCountCRCReset" typeProtocol : String typeProtocol = "protocol" valueRTU : String valueRTU = "RTU" valueTCP : String valueTCP = "TCP" typeModbusIOType : String typeModbusIOType = "modbusIoType" valueModbusDiscreteInput : String valueModbusDiscreteInput = "modbusDiscreteInput" valueModbusCoil : String valueModbusCoil = "modbusCoil" valueModbusInputRegister : String valueModbusInputRegister = "modbusInputRegister" valueModbusHoldingRegister : String valueModbusHoldingRegister = "modbusHoldingRegister" typeDataFormat : String typeDataFormat = "dataFormat" typeDebug : String typeDebug = "debug" typePollPeriod : String typePollPeriod = "pollPeriod" valueUINT16 : String valueUINT16 = "uint16" valueINT16 : String valueINT16 = "int16" valueUINT32 : String valueUINT32 = "uint32" valueINT32 : String valueINT32 = "int32" valueFLOAT32 : String valueFLOAT32 = "float32" typeClientServer : String typeClientServer = "clientServer" valueClient : String valueClient = "client" valueServer : String valueServer = "server" typeURI : String typeURI = "uri" typeConditionType : String typeConditionType = "conditionType" valuePointValue : String valuePointValue = "pointValue" valueSchedule : String valueSchedule = "schedule" typeValueType : String typeValueType = "valueType" typeStart : String typeStart = "start" typeEnd : String typeEnd = "end" typeWeekday : String typeWeekday = "weekday" typePointID : String typePointID = "pointID" typePointType : String typePointType = "pointType" typePointIndex : String typePointIndex = "pointIndex" typeOperator : String typeOperator = "operator" valueGreaterThan : String valueGreaterThan = ">" valueLessThan : String valueLessThan = "<" valueEqual : String valueEqual = "=" valueNotEqual : String valueNotEqual = "!=" valueOn : String valueOn = "on" valueOff : String valueOff = "off" valueContains : String valueContains = "contains" typeMinActive : String typeMinActive = "minActive" typeActionType : String typeActionType = "actionType" valueActionNotify : String valueActionNotify = "notify" valueActionSetValue : String valueActionSetValue = "setValue" valueActionPlayAudio : String valueActionPlayAudio = "playAudio" valueActionSetValueBool : String valueActionSetValueBool = "setValueBool" valueActionSetValueText : String valueActionSetValueText = "setValueText" typeService : String typeService = "service" valueTwilio : String valueTwilio = "twilio" valueSMTP : String valueSMTP = "smtp" typeSID : String typeSID = "sid" typeAuthToken : String typeAuthToken = "authToken" typeFrom : String typeFrom = "from" typeVariableType : String typeVariableType = "variableType" typeNodeType : String typeNodeType = "nodeType" typeTombstone : String typeTombstone = "tombstone" valueOnOff : String valueOnOff = "onOff" valueNumber : String valueNumber = "number" valueText : String valueText = "text" typeActive : String typeActive = "active" typeBucket : String typeBucket = "bucket" typeOrg : String typeOrg = "org" -- Point should match data/Point.go type alias Point = { id : String , index : Int , typ : String , time : Time.Posix , value : Float , text : String , min : Float , max : Float } empty : Point empty = Point "" 0 "" (Time.millisToPosix 0) 0 "" 0 0 newValue : String -> String -> Float -> Point newValue id typ value = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = value , text = "" , min = 0 , max = 0 } newText : String -> String -> String -> Point newText id typ text = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = 0 , text = text , min = 0 , max = 0 } specialPoints : List String specialPoints = [ typeDescription , typeHwVersion , typeOSVersion , typeAppVersion ] filterSpecialPoints : List Point -> List Point filterSpecialPoints points = List.filter (\p -> not <| List.member p.typ specialPoints) points encode : Point -> Json.Encode.Value encode s = Json.Encode.object [ ( "id", Json.Encode.string <| s.id ) , ( "index", Json.Encode.int <| s.index ) , ( "type", Json.Encode.string <| s.typ ) , ( "time", Iso8601.encode <| s.time ) , ( "value", Json.Encode.float <| s.value ) , ( "text", Json.Encode.string <| s.text ) , ( "min", Json.Encode.float <| s.min ) , ( "max", Json.Encode.float <| s.max ) ] encodeList : List Point -> Json.Encode.Value encodeList p = Json.Encode.list encode p decode : Decode.Decoder Point decode = Decode.succeed Point |> optional "id" Decode.string "" |> optional "index" Decode.int 0 |> optional "type" Decode.string "" |> optional "time" Json.Decode.Extra.datetime (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> optional "value" Decode.float 0 |> optional "text" Decode.string "" |> optional "min" Decode.float 0 |> optional "max" Decode.float 0 renderPoint : Point -> String renderPoint s = let id = if s.id == "" then "" else s.id ++ ": " value = if s.text /= "" then s.text else Round.round 2 s.value in id ++ value ++ " (" ++ s.typ ++ ")" updatePoint : List Point -> Point -> List Point updatePoint points point = case List.Extra.findIndex (\p -> point.id == p.id && point.typ == p.typ && point.index == p.index ) points of Just index -> List.Extra.setAt index point points Nothing -> point :: points updatePoints : List Point -> List Point -> List Point updatePoints points newPoints = List.foldr (\newPoint updatedPoints -> updatePoint updatedPoints newPoint) points newPoints get : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Maybe Point get points id index typ = List.Extra.find (\p -> id == p.id && typ == p.typ && index == p.index ) points getText : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> String getText points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.text Nothing -> "" getBestDesc : List Point -> String getBestDesc points = let firstName = getText points "" 0 typeFirstName desc = getText points "" 0 typeDescription in if firstName /= "" then firstName ++ " " ++ getText points "" 0 typeLastName else if desc /= "" then desc else "no description" getValue : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Float getValue points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.value Nothing -> 0 getBool : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Bool getBool points id index typ = getValue points id index typ == 1 getLatest : List Point -> Maybe Point getLatest points = List.foldl (\p result -> case result of Just point -> if Time.posixToMillis p.time > Time.posixToMillis point.time then Just p else Just point Nothing -> Just p ) Nothing points -- clearText is used to sanitize points that have number values before saving. -- the text value is used by the form when editting things like decimal points blankMajicValue : String blankMajicValue = "123BLANK123" clearText : List Point -> List Point clearText points = List.map (\p -> if p.value /= 0 || p.text == blankMajicValue then { p | text = "" } else p ) points
module Api.Point exposing ( Point , blankMajicValue , clearText , decode , empty , encode , encodeList , filterSpecialPoints , get , getBestDesc , getBool , getLatest , getText , getValue , newText , newValue , renderPoint , typeActionType , typeActive , typeAddress , typeAppVersion , typeAuthToken , typeBaud , typeBucket , typeChannel , typeClientServer , typeCmdPending , typeConditionType , typeDataFormat , typeDebug , typeDescription , typeDevice , typeEmail , typeEnd , typeErrorCount , typeErrorCountCRC , typeErrorCountCRCReset , typeErrorCountEOF , typeErrorCountEOFReset , typeErrorCountReset , typeFilePath , typeFirstName , typeFrom , typeHwVersion , typeID , typeLastName , typeMinActive , typeModbusIOType , typeNodeType , typeOSVersion , typeOffset , typeOperator , typeOrg , typePass , typePhone , typePointID , typePointIndex , typePointType , typePollPeriod , typePort , typeProtocol , typeReadOnly , typeSID , typeScale , typeService , typeStart , typeStartApp , typeStartSystem , typeSwUpdateError , typeSwUpdatePercComplete , typeSwUpdateRunning , typeSwUpdateState , typeSysState , typeTombstone , typeURI , typeUnits , typeUpdateApp , typeUpdateOS , typeValue , typeValueSet , typeValueType , typeVariableType , typeWeekday , updatePoint , updatePoints , valueActionNotify , valueActionPlayAudio , valueActionSetValue , valueActionSetValueBool , valueActionSetValueText , valueClient , valueContains , valueEqual , valueFLOAT32 , valueGreaterThan , valueINT16 , valueINT32 , valueLessThan , valueModbusCoil , valueModbusDiscreteInput , valueModbusHoldingRegister , valueModbusInputRegister , valueNotEqual , valueNumber , valueOff , valueOn , valueOnOff , valuePointValue , valueRTU , valueSMTP , valueSchedule , valueServer , valueSysStateOffline , valueSysStateOnline , valueSysStatePowerOff , valueSysStateUnknown , valueTCP , valueText , valueTwilio , valueUINT16 , valueUINT32 ) import Iso8601 import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Extra import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional) import Json.Encode import List.Extra import Round import Time typeChannel : String typeChannel = "channel" typeDevice : String typeDevice = "device" typeDescription : String typeDescription = "description" typeFilePath : String typeFilePath = "filePath" typeScale : String typeScale = "scale" typeOffset : String typeOffset = "offset" typeUnits : String typeUnits = "units" typeValue : String typeValue = "value" typeValueSet : String typeValueSet = "valueSet" typeReadOnly : String typeReadOnly = "readOnly" typeCmdPending : String typeCmdPending = "cmdPending" typeSwUpdateState : String typeSwUpdateState = "swUpdateState" typeStartApp : String typeStartApp = "startApp" typeStartSystem : String typeStartSystem = "startSystem" typeUpdateOS : String typeUpdateOS = "updateOS" typeUpdateApp : String typeUpdateApp = "updateApp" typeSysState : String typeSysState = "sysState" valueSysStateUnknown : String valueSysStateUnknown = "unknown" valueSysStatePowerOff : String valueSysStatePowerOff = "powerOff" valueSysStateOffline : String valueSysStateOffline = "offline" valueSysStateOnline : String valueSysStateOnline = "online" typeSwUpdateRunning : String typeSwUpdateRunning = "swUpdateRunning" typeSwUpdateError : String typeSwUpdateError = "swUpdateError" typeSwUpdatePercComplete : String typeSwUpdatePercComplete = "swUpdatePercComplete" typeOSVersion : String typeOSVersion = "osVersion" typeAppVersion : String typeAppVersion = "appVersion" typeHwVersion : String typeHwVersion = "hwVersion" typeFirstName : String typeFirstName = "<NAME>" typeLastName : String typeLastName = "<NAME>" typeEmail : String typeEmail = "email" typePhone : String typePhone = "phone" typePass : String typePass = "pass" typePort : String typePort = "port" typeBaud : String typeBaud = "baud" typeID : String typeID = "id" typeAddress : String typeAddress = "address" typeErrorCount : String typeErrorCount = "errorCount" typeErrorCountEOF : String typeErrorCountEOF = "errorCountEOF" typeErrorCountCRC : String typeErrorCountCRC = "errorCountCRC" typeErrorCountReset : String typeErrorCountReset = "errorCountReset" typeErrorCountEOFReset : String typeErrorCountEOFReset = "errorCountEOFReset" typeErrorCountCRCReset : String typeErrorCountCRCReset = "errorCountCRCReset" typeProtocol : String typeProtocol = "protocol" valueRTU : String valueRTU = "RTU" valueTCP : String valueTCP = "TCP" typeModbusIOType : String typeModbusIOType = "modbusIoType" valueModbusDiscreteInput : String valueModbusDiscreteInput = "modbusDiscreteInput" valueModbusCoil : String valueModbusCoil = "modbusCoil" valueModbusInputRegister : String valueModbusInputRegister = "modbusInputRegister" valueModbusHoldingRegister : String valueModbusHoldingRegister = "modbusHoldingRegister" typeDataFormat : String typeDataFormat = "dataFormat" typeDebug : String typeDebug = "debug" typePollPeriod : String typePollPeriod = "pollPeriod" valueUINT16 : String valueUINT16 = "uint16" valueINT16 : String valueINT16 = "int16" valueUINT32 : String valueUINT32 = "uint32" valueINT32 : String valueINT32 = "int32" valueFLOAT32 : String valueFLOAT32 = "float32" typeClientServer : String typeClientServer = "clientServer" valueClient : String valueClient = "client" valueServer : String valueServer = "server" typeURI : String typeURI = "uri" typeConditionType : String typeConditionType = "conditionType" valuePointValue : String valuePointValue = "pointValue" valueSchedule : String valueSchedule = "schedule" typeValueType : String typeValueType = "valueType" typeStart : String typeStart = "start" typeEnd : String typeEnd = "end" typeWeekday : String typeWeekday = "weekday" typePointID : String typePointID = "pointID" typePointType : String typePointType = "pointType" typePointIndex : String typePointIndex = "pointIndex" typeOperator : String typeOperator = "operator" valueGreaterThan : String valueGreaterThan = ">" valueLessThan : String valueLessThan = "<" valueEqual : String valueEqual = "=" valueNotEqual : String valueNotEqual = "!=" valueOn : String valueOn = "on" valueOff : String valueOff = "off" valueContains : String valueContains = "contains" typeMinActive : String typeMinActive = "minActive" typeActionType : String typeActionType = "actionType" valueActionNotify : String valueActionNotify = "notify" valueActionSetValue : String valueActionSetValue = "setValue" valueActionPlayAudio : String valueActionPlayAudio = "playAudio" valueActionSetValueBool : String valueActionSetValueBool = "setValueBool" valueActionSetValueText : String valueActionSetValueText = "setValueText" typeService : String typeService = "service" valueTwilio : String valueTwilio = "twilio" valueSMTP : String valueSMTP = "smtp" typeSID : String typeSID = "sid" typeAuthToken : String typeAuthToken = "authToken" typeFrom : String typeFrom = "from" typeVariableType : String typeVariableType = "variableType" typeNodeType : String typeNodeType = "nodeType" typeTombstone : String typeTombstone = "tombstone" valueOnOff : String valueOnOff = "onOff" valueNumber : String valueNumber = "number" valueText : String valueText = "text" typeActive : String typeActive = "active" typeBucket : String typeBucket = "bucket" typeOrg : String typeOrg = "org" -- Point should match data/Point.go type alias Point = { id : String , index : Int , typ : String , time : Time.Posix , value : Float , text : String , min : Float , max : Float } empty : Point empty = Point "" 0 "" (Time.millisToPosix 0) 0 "" 0 0 newValue : String -> String -> Float -> Point newValue id typ value = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = value , text = "" , min = 0 , max = 0 } newText : String -> String -> String -> Point newText id typ text = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = 0 , text = text , min = 0 , max = 0 } specialPoints : List String specialPoints = [ typeDescription , typeHwVersion , typeOSVersion , typeAppVersion ] filterSpecialPoints : List Point -> List Point filterSpecialPoints points = List.filter (\p -> not <| List.member p.typ specialPoints) points encode : Point -> Json.Encode.Value encode s = Json.Encode.object [ ( "id", Json.Encode.string <| s.id ) , ( "index", Json.Encode.int <| s.index ) , ( "type", Json.Encode.string <| s.typ ) , ( "time", Iso8601.encode <| s.time ) , ( "value", Json.Encode.float <| s.value ) , ( "text", Json.Encode.string <| s.text ) , ( "min", Json.Encode.float <| s.min ) , ( "max", Json.Encode.float <| s.max ) ] encodeList : List Point -> Json.Encode.Value encodeList p = Json.Encode.list encode p decode : Decode.Decoder Point decode = Decode.succeed Point |> optional "id" Decode.string "" |> optional "index" Decode.int 0 |> optional "type" Decode.string "" |> optional "time" Json.Decode.Extra.datetime (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> optional "value" Decode.float 0 |> optional "text" Decode.string "" |> optional "min" Decode.float 0 |> optional "max" Decode.float 0 renderPoint : Point -> String renderPoint s = let id = if s.id == "" then "" else s.id ++ ": " value = if s.text /= "" then s.text else Round.round 2 s.value in id ++ value ++ " (" ++ s.typ ++ ")" updatePoint : List Point -> Point -> List Point updatePoint points point = case List.Extra.findIndex (\p -> point.id == p.id && point.typ == p.typ && point.index == p.index ) points of Just index -> List.Extra.setAt index point points Nothing -> point :: points updatePoints : List Point -> List Point -> List Point updatePoints points newPoints = List.foldr (\newPoint updatedPoints -> updatePoint updatedPoints newPoint) points newPoints get : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Maybe Point get points id index typ = List.Extra.find (\p -> id == p.id && typ == p.typ && index == p.index ) points getText : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> String getText points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.text Nothing -> "" getBestDesc : List Point -> String getBestDesc points = let firstName = getText points "" 0 typeFirstName desc = getText points "" 0 typeDescription in if firstName /= "" then firstName ++ " " ++ getText points "" 0 typeLastName else if desc /= "" then desc else "no description" getValue : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Float getValue points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.value Nothing -> 0 getBool : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Bool getBool points id index typ = getValue points id index typ == 1 getLatest : List Point -> Maybe Point getLatest points = List.foldl (\p result -> case result of Just point -> if Time.posixToMillis p.time > Time.posixToMillis point.time then Just p else Just point Nothing -> Just p ) Nothing points -- clearText is used to sanitize points that have number values before saving. -- the text value is used by the form when editting things like decimal points blankMajicValue : String blankMajicValue = "123BLANK123" clearText : List Point -> List Point clearText points = List.map (\p -> if p.value /= 0 || p.text == blankMajicValue then { p | text = "" } else p ) points
module Api.Point exposing ( Point , blankMajicValue , clearText , decode , empty , encode , encodeList , filterSpecialPoints , get , getBestDesc , getBool , getLatest , getText , getValue , newText , newValue , renderPoint , typeActionType , typeActive , typeAddress , typeAppVersion , typeAuthToken , typeBaud , typeBucket , typeChannel , typeClientServer , typeCmdPending , typeConditionType , typeDataFormat , typeDebug , typeDescription , typeDevice , typeEmail , typeEnd , typeErrorCount , typeErrorCountCRC , typeErrorCountCRCReset , typeErrorCountEOF , typeErrorCountEOFReset , typeErrorCountReset , typeFilePath , typeFirstName , typeFrom , typeHwVersion , typeID , typeLastName , typeMinActive , typeModbusIOType , typeNodeType , typeOSVersion , typeOffset , typeOperator , typeOrg , typePass , typePhone , typePointID , typePointIndex , typePointType , typePollPeriod , typePort , typeProtocol , typeReadOnly , typeSID , typeScale , typeService , typeStart , typeStartApp , typeStartSystem , typeSwUpdateError , typeSwUpdatePercComplete , typeSwUpdateRunning , typeSwUpdateState , typeSysState , typeTombstone , typeURI , typeUnits , typeUpdateApp , typeUpdateOS , typeValue , typeValueSet , typeValueType , typeVariableType , typeWeekday , updatePoint , updatePoints , valueActionNotify , valueActionPlayAudio , valueActionSetValue , valueActionSetValueBool , valueActionSetValueText , valueClient , valueContains , valueEqual , valueFLOAT32 , valueGreaterThan , valueINT16 , valueINT32 , valueLessThan , valueModbusCoil , valueModbusDiscreteInput , valueModbusHoldingRegister , valueModbusInputRegister , valueNotEqual , valueNumber , valueOff , valueOn , valueOnOff , valuePointValue , valueRTU , valueSMTP , valueSchedule , valueServer , valueSysStateOffline , valueSysStateOnline , valueSysStatePowerOff , valueSysStateUnknown , valueTCP , valueText , valueTwilio , valueUINT16 , valueUINT32 ) import Iso8601 import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Extra import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional) import Json.Encode import List.Extra import Round import Time typeChannel : String typeChannel = "channel" typeDevice : String typeDevice = "device" typeDescription : String typeDescription = "description" typeFilePath : String typeFilePath = "filePath" typeScale : String typeScale = "scale" typeOffset : String typeOffset = "offset" typeUnits : String typeUnits = "units" typeValue : String typeValue = "value" typeValueSet : String typeValueSet = "valueSet" typeReadOnly : String typeReadOnly = "readOnly" typeCmdPending : String typeCmdPending = "cmdPending" typeSwUpdateState : String typeSwUpdateState = "swUpdateState" typeStartApp : String typeStartApp = "startApp" typeStartSystem : String typeStartSystem = "startSystem" typeUpdateOS : String typeUpdateOS = "updateOS" typeUpdateApp : String typeUpdateApp = "updateApp" typeSysState : String typeSysState = "sysState" valueSysStateUnknown : String valueSysStateUnknown = "unknown" valueSysStatePowerOff : String valueSysStatePowerOff = "powerOff" valueSysStateOffline : String valueSysStateOffline = "offline" valueSysStateOnline : String valueSysStateOnline = "online" typeSwUpdateRunning : String typeSwUpdateRunning = "swUpdateRunning" typeSwUpdateError : String typeSwUpdateError = "swUpdateError" typeSwUpdatePercComplete : String typeSwUpdatePercComplete = "swUpdatePercComplete" typeOSVersion : String typeOSVersion = "osVersion" typeAppVersion : String typeAppVersion = "appVersion" typeHwVersion : String typeHwVersion = "hwVersion" typeFirstName : String typeFirstName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" typeLastName : String typeLastName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" typeEmail : String typeEmail = "email" typePhone : String typePhone = "phone" typePass : String typePass = "pass" typePort : String typePort = "port" typeBaud : String typeBaud = "baud" typeID : String typeID = "id" typeAddress : String typeAddress = "address" typeErrorCount : String typeErrorCount = "errorCount" typeErrorCountEOF : String typeErrorCountEOF = "errorCountEOF" typeErrorCountCRC : String typeErrorCountCRC = "errorCountCRC" typeErrorCountReset : String typeErrorCountReset = "errorCountReset" typeErrorCountEOFReset : String typeErrorCountEOFReset = "errorCountEOFReset" typeErrorCountCRCReset : String typeErrorCountCRCReset = "errorCountCRCReset" typeProtocol : String typeProtocol = "protocol" valueRTU : String valueRTU = "RTU" valueTCP : String valueTCP = "TCP" typeModbusIOType : String typeModbusIOType = "modbusIoType" valueModbusDiscreteInput : String valueModbusDiscreteInput = "modbusDiscreteInput" valueModbusCoil : String valueModbusCoil = "modbusCoil" valueModbusInputRegister : String valueModbusInputRegister = "modbusInputRegister" valueModbusHoldingRegister : String valueModbusHoldingRegister = "modbusHoldingRegister" typeDataFormat : String typeDataFormat = "dataFormat" typeDebug : String typeDebug = "debug" typePollPeriod : String typePollPeriod = "pollPeriod" valueUINT16 : String valueUINT16 = "uint16" valueINT16 : String valueINT16 = "int16" valueUINT32 : String valueUINT32 = "uint32" valueINT32 : String valueINT32 = "int32" valueFLOAT32 : String valueFLOAT32 = "float32" typeClientServer : String typeClientServer = "clientServer" valueClient : String valueClient = "client" valueServer : String valueServer = "server" typeURI : String typeURI = "uri" typeConditionType : String typeConditionType = "conditionType" valuePointValue : String valuePointValue = "pointValue" valueSchedule : String valueSchedule = "schedule" typeValueType : String typeValueType = "valueType" typeStart : String typeStart = "start" typeEnd : String typeEnd = "end" typeWeekday : String typeWeekday = "weekday" typePointID : String typePointID = "pointID" typePointType : String typePointType = "pointType" typePointIndex : String typePointIndex = "pointIndex" typeOperator : String typeOperator = "operator" valueGreaterThan : String valueGreaterThan = ">" valueLessThan : String valueLessThan = "<" valueEqual : String valueEqual = "=" valueNotEqual : String valueNotEqual = "!=" valueOn : String valueOn = "on" valueOff : String valueOff = "off" valueContains : String valueContains = "contains" typeMinActive : String typeMinActive = "minActive" typeActionType : String typeActionType = "actionType" valueActionNotify : String valueActionNotify = "notify" valueActionSetValue : String valueActionSetValue = "setValue" valueActionPlayAudio : String valueActionPlayAudio = "playAudio" valueActionSetValueBool : String valueActionSetValueBool = "setValueBool" valueActionSetValueText : String valueActionSetValueText = "setValueText" typeService : String typeService = "service" valueTwilio : String valueTwilio = "twilio" valueSMTP : String valueSMTP = "smtp" typeSID : String typeSID = "sid" typeAuthToken : String typeAuthToken = "authToken" typeFrom : String typeFrom = "from" typeVariableType : String typeVariableType = "variableType" typeNodeType : String typeNodeType = "nodeType" typeTombstone : String typeTombstone = "tombstone" valueOnOff : String valueOnOff = "onOff" valueNumber : String valueNumber = "number" valueText : String valueText = "text" typeActive : String typeActive = "active" typeBucket : String typeBucket = "bucket" typeOrg : String typeOrg = "org" -- Point should match data/Point.go type alias Point = { id : String , index : Int , typ : String , time : Time.Posix , value : Float , text : String , min : Float , max : Float } empty : Point empty = Point "" 0 "" (Time.millisToPosix 0) 0 "" 0 0 newValue : String -> String -> Float -> Point newValue id typ value = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = value , text = "" , min = 0 , max = 0 } newText : String -> String -> String -> Point newText id typ text = { id = id , typ = typ , index = 0 , time = Time.millisToPosix 0 , value = 0 , text = text , min = 0 , max = 0 } specialPoints : List String specialPoints = [ typeDescription , typeHwVersion , typeOSVersion , typeAppVersion ] filterSpecialPoints : List Point -> List Point filterSpecialPoints points = List.filter (\p -> not <| List.member p.typ specialPoints) points encode : Point -> Json.Encode.Value encode s = Json.Encode.object [ ( "id", Json.Encode.string <| s.id ) , ( "index", Json.Encode.int <| s.index ) , ( "type", Json.Encode.string <| s.typ ) , ( "time", Iso8601.encode <| s.time ) , ( "value", Json.Encode.float <| s.value ) , ( "text", Json.Encode.string <| s.text ) , ( "min", Json.Encode.float <| s.min ) , ( "max", Json.Encode.float <| s.max ) ] encodeList : List Point -> Json.Encode.Value encodeList p = Json.Encode.list encode p decode : Decode.Decoder Point decode = Decode.succeed Point |> optional "id" Decode.string "" |> optional "index" Decode.int 0 |> optional "type" Decode.string "" |> optional "time" Json.Decode.Extra.datetime (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> optional "value" Decode.float 0 |> optional "text" Decode.string "" |> optional "min" Decode.float 0 |> optional "max" Decode.float 0 renderPoint : Point -> String renderPoint s = let id = if s.id == "" then "" else s.id ++ ": " value = if s.text /= "" then s.text else Round.round 2 s.value in id ++ value ++ " (" ++ s.typ ++ ")" updatePoint : List Point -> Point -> List Point updatePoint points point = case List.Extra.findIndex (\p -> point.id == p.id && point.typ == p.typ && point.index == p.index ) points of Just index -> List.Extra.setAt index point points Nothing -> point :: points updatePoints : List Point -> List Point -> List Point updatePoints points newPoints = List.foldr (\newPoint updatedPoints -> updatePoint updatedPoints newPoint) points newPoints get : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Maybe Point get points id index typ = List.Extra.find (\p -> id == p.id && typ == p.typ && index == p.index ) points getText : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> String getText points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.text Nothing -> "" getBestDesc : List Point -> String getBestDesc points = let firstName = getText points "" 0 typeFirstName desc = getText points "" 0 typeDescription in if firstName /= "" then firstName ++ " " ++ getText points "" 0 typeLastName else if desc /= "" then desc else "no description" getValue : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Float getValue points id index typ = case get points id index typ of Just found -> found.value Nothing -> 0 getBool : List Point -> String -> Int -> String -> Bool getBool points id index typ = getValue points id index typ == 1 getLatest : List Point -> Maybe Point getLatest points = List.foldl (\p result -> case result of Just point -> if Time.posixToMillis p.time > Time.posixToMillis point.time then Just p else Just point Nothing -> Just p ) Nothing points -- clearText is used to sanitize points that have number values before saving. -- the text value is used by the form when editting things like decimal points blankMajicValue : String blankMajicValue = "123BLANK123" clearText : List Point -> List Point clearText points = List.map (\p -> if p.value /= 0 || p.text == blankMajicValue then { p | text = "" } else p ) points
[ { "context": " String, String, Int )\ntuplaMultiple = ( \"Name\", \"Last name\", 1 )\n\n{-\nRecords\n-}\n\n-- Record sin tipo\ncuentaSi", "end": 455, "score": 0.9624155164, "start": 446, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Last name" }, { "context": "-- Record sin tipo\ncuentaSinTipo = \n { nombre = \"Name\",\n apellido = \"lastName\",\n id = 1\n }\n\n-- Reco", "end": 532, "score": 0.999715507, "start": 528, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Name" }, { "context": "ntaSinTipo = \n { nombre = \"Name\",\n apellido = \"lastName\",\n id = 1\n }\n\n-- Record con tipo\ntype alias Nom", "end": 558, "score": 0.999104023, "start": 550, "tag": "NAME", "value": "lastName" } ]
module Colecciones exposing (..) {- Listas -} -- Números listaNumero : List number listaNumero = [1, 2, 3] -- Lista deben tener el mismo tipo. listaNumeroError : List number listaNumeroError = [1, "2", 3] -- Texto listaString : List String listaString = ["Hola", "Elm", "lista"] {- Tuplas -} -- Mismo tipo tuplaTipo : ( Int, Int ) tuplaTipo = ( 2, 5 ) -- Diferentes tipos tuplaMultiple : ( String, String, Int ) tuplaMultiple = ( "Name", "Last name", 1 ) {- Records -} -- Record sin tipo cuentaSinTipo = { nombre = "Name", apellido = "lastName", id = 1 } -- Record con tipo type alias Nombre = String type alias Cuenta = { nombre : Nombre , apellido : String , id : Int } cuentaConTipo : Cuenta cuentaConTipo = Cuenta "Nombre" "Apellido" 2 -- Obtener valor nombreActual : Cuenta -> Nombre nombreActual cuenta = cuenta.nombre -- Sólo se tiene acceso a campos existentes. cedulaActual : Cuenta -> Int cedulaActual cuenta = cuenta.cedula -- Actualizar valor actualizarNombre : Cuenta -> Nombre -> Cuenta actualizarNombre cuenta nuevoNombre = { cuenta | nombre = nuevoNombre }
module Colecciones exposing (..) {- Listas -} -- Números listaNumero : List number listaNumero = [1, 2, 3] -- Lista deben tener el mismo tipo. listaNumeroError : List number listaNumeroError = [1, "2", 3] -- Texto listaString : List String listaString = ["Hola", "Elm", "lista"] {- Tuplas -} -- Mismo tipo tuplaTipo : ( Int, Int ) tuplaTipo = ( 2, 5 ) -- Diferentes tipos tuplaMultiple : ( String, String, Int ) tuplaMultiple = ( "Name", "<NAME>", 1 ) {- Records -} -- Record sin tipo cuentaSinTipo = { nombre = "<NAME>", apellido = "<NAME>", id = 1 } -- Record con tipo type alias Nombre = String type alias Cuenta = { nombre : Nombre , apellido : String , id : Int } cuentaConTipo : Cuenta cuentaConTipo = Cuenta "Nombre" "Apellido" 2 -- Obtener valor nombreActual : Cuenta -> Nombre nombreActual cuenta = cuenta.nombre -- Sólo se tiene acceso a campos existentes. cedulaActual : Cuenta -> Int cedulaActual cuenta = cuenta.cedula -- Actualizar valor actualizarNombre : Cuenta -> Nombre -> Cuenta actualizarNombre cuenta nuevoNombre = { cuenta | nombre = nuevoNombre }
module Colecciones exposing (..) {- Listas -} -- Números listaNumero : List number listaNumero = [1, 2, 3] -- Lista deben tener el mismo tipo. listaNumeroError : List number listaNumeroError = [1, "2", 3] -- Texto listaString : List String listaString = ["Hola", "Elm", "lista"] {- Tuplas -} -- Mismo tipo tuplaTipo : ( Int, Int ) tuplaTipo = ( 2, 5 ) -- Diferentes tipos tuplaMultiple : ( String, String, Int ) tuplaMultiple = ( "Name", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", 1 ) {- Records -} -- Record sin tipo cuentaSinTipo = { nombre = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", apellido = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", id = 1 } -- Record con tipo type alias Nombre = String type alias Cuenta = { nombre : Nombre , apellido : String , id : Int } cuentaConTipo : Cuenta cuentaConTipo = Cuenta "Nombre" "Apellido" 2 -- Obtener valor nombreActual : Cuenta -> Nombre nombreActual cuenta = cuenta.nombre -- Sólo se tiene acceso a campos existentes. cedulaActual : Cuenta -> Int cedulaActual cuenta = cuenta.cedula -- Actualizar valor actualizarNombre : Cuenta -> Nombre -> Cuenta actualizarNombre cuenta nuevoNombre = { cuenta | nombre = nuevoNombre }
[ { "context": "ia JUG\"]\n[Date \"1992.11.04\"]\n[Round \"29\"]\n[White \"Fischer, Robert J.\"]\n[Black \"Spassky, Boris V.\"]\n[Result \"1/2-1/2\"]", "end": 12930, "score": 0.9992333651, "start": 12913, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Fischer, Robert J" }, { "context": "[Round \"29\"]\n[White \"Fischer, Robert J.\"]\n[Black \"Spassky, Boris V.\"]\n[Result \"1/2-1/2\"]\n\n1. e4 e5 (1... c5 2. Nf3 d", "end": 12958, "score": 0.9920225143, "start": 12942, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spassky, Boris V" } ]
module Internal.AnnotatedGame exposing ( Game , addMove , addSanMove , addSanMoveSequence , back , buildMoveText , children , continuations , empty , examplePgn , forward , fromPgn , fromPgnString , goToMove , isAtBeginning , isAtBeginningOfVariation , isAtEnd , moves , nextMove , position , previousMove , tagValue , toBeginning , toBeginningOfVariation , toEnd , toEndOfVariation , toPgn ) import Array exposing (Array) import Internal.AnnotatedPgn as Pgn exposing ( GameResult(..) , MoveText , MoveTextItem(..) , PgnGame , TagPair ) import Internal.Move as Move exposing (Move, Variation) import Internal.Notation exposing (fromSan, toSan) import Internal.PieceColor as PieceColor exposing (PieceColor) import Internal.Position as Position exposing (Position) import Internal.Util exposing (failableFoldl) import Parser import Tree exposing (Tree) import Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper) type alias GameNode = { position : Position , comment : Maybe String , precomment : Maybe String , nag : Maybe Int , id : Int , ply : Int } type alias Game = { result : GameResult , tags : List TagPair , tree : Tree GameNode , focus : Zipper GameNode , nodeCount : Int } empty : Game empty = let tree = Tree.singleton { position = Position.initial , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = 0 , ply = 0 } in { result = UnknownResult , tags = [] , tree = tree , focus = Zipper.fromTree tree , nodeCount = 1 } {-| Get the value of a game tag. -} tagValue : String -> Game -> Maybe String tagValue tagName game = game.tags |> List.filter (\t -> Tuple.first t == tagName) |> List.head |> Maybe.map Tuple.second lastMove : GameNode -> Move lastMove node = Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove node.position) {-| The current node in the game tree -} currentNode : Game -> GameNode currentNode game = Zipper.label game.focus {-| Children of the current node in the game tree -} children : Game -> List GameNode children game = List.map Tree.label (Zipper.children game.focus) {-| Continuations from the current node in the game tree -} continuations : Game -> List Move continuations game = List.map (\n -> Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove n.position) ) (children game) {-| The position at the current move of the game. -} position : Game -> Position position game = (currentNode game).position {-| List of all moves in the game. -} moves : Game -> List Move moves game = let zipper = Zipper.fromTree game.tree movesInternal z = case Zipper.firstChild z of Nothing -> [] Just zz -> case Position.lastMove (Zipper.label zz).position of Nothing -> [] Just m -> m :: movesInternal zz in movesInternal (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) {-| The previous move in the game, i.e. the move that resulted in the current game position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the beginning of the game. -} previousMove : Game -> Maybe Move previousMove game = Position.lastMove (position game) {-| The next move in the game from the current position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the end of the game. -} nextMove : Game -> Maybe Move nextMove game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus |> Maybe.andThen (\z -> Position.lastMove (Zipper.label z).position) {-| Jump to the given game ply number. -} goToMove : Int -> Game -> Game goToMove moveIndex game = if moveIndex <= 0 then { game | focus = Zipper.fromTree game.tree } else let descendant zipper generations = if generations == 0 then zipper else case Zipper.firstChild zipper of Nothing -> zipper Just z -> descendant z (generations - 1) in { game | focus = descendant (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) moveIndex } {-| Jump to the node with the given node ID, if it exists. If not, return the game unchanged. Perhaps this one should return a `Maybe Game` instead? -} goToNode : Int -> Game -> Game goToNode nodeId game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus <| Zipper.findFromRoot (\n -> n.id == nodeId) game.focus } {-| Are we at the beginning of the game? -} isAtBeginning : Game -> Bool isAtBeginning game = Zipper.label game.focus == Tree.label game.tree {-| Are we at the end of the game? -} isAtEnd : Game -> Bool isAtEnd game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus == Nothing {-| Step one move forward, unless we are already at the end of the game. If we are already at the end, do nothing. -} forward : Game -> Game forward game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.firstChild game.focus) } {-| Step one move backward, unless we are already at the beginning of the game. If we are already at the beginning, do nothing. -} back : Game -> Game back game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.parent game.focus) } {-| Go to the beginning of the game. -} toBeginning : Game -> Game toBeginning game = { game | focus = Zipper.root game.focus } {-| Go to the end of the game. -} toEnd : Game -> Game toEnd game = toEndOfVariation <| toBeginning game isAtBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Bool isAtBeginningOfVariation game = case Zipper.parent game.focus of Nothing -> True Just parent -> Zipper.firstChild parent /= Just game.focus {-| Go to the beginning of the current variation. -} toBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Game toBeginningOfVariation game = if isAtBeginningOfVariation game then game else toBeginningOfVariation (back game) {-| Go to the end of the current variation. -} toEndOfVariation : Game -> Game toEndOfVariation game = { game | focus = Zipper.lastDescendant game.focus } {-| Add a move to the game at the current location. If we're not at a leaf node, the move is added as an alternative variation. -} addMove : Move -> Game -> Game addMove move game = let pos = Position.doMove move (position game) node = { position = pos , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = game.nodeCount , ply = (Zipper.label game.focus).ply + 1 } z = let forest = Zipper.children game.focus in Zipper.replaceTree (Tree.tree (Zipper.label game.focus) (forest ++ [ Tree.singleton node ]) ) game.focus in { game | tree = Zipper.toTree z , focus = Maybe.withDefault z <| Zipper.lastChild z , nodeCount = game.nodeCount + 1 } {-| Tries to add a move in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If the input string is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation from the current game position, returns Nothing. -} addSanMove : String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMove sanMove game = Maybe.map (\m -> addMove m game) <| fromSan sanMove (position game) {-| Tries to add a sequence of moves in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If one of the strings in the input list is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation, returns `Nothing`. -} addSanMoveSequence : List String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMoveSequence sanMoves game = failableFoldl addSanMove game sanMoves fromPgn : PgnGame -> Game fromPgn pgnGame = Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( { empty | tags = pgnGame.headers }, Nothing ) pgnGame.moveText fromPgnString : String -> Maybe Game fromPgnString pgnString = Maybe.map fromPgn (Pgn.fromString pgnString) toPgn : Game -> PgnGame toPgn game = { headers = game.tags , moveText = (if Position.sideToMove (position <| toBeginning game) == PieceColor.black then [ MoveNumber "1." ] else [] ) ++ (buildMoveText <| Zipper.fromTree <| game.tree ) ++ [ Termination game.result ] } addMoveTextItem : MoveTextItem -> ( Game, Maybe String ) -> ( Game, Maybe String ) addMoveTextItem mti ( game, preCmt ) = case mti of Move move -> case preCmt of Nothing -> ( Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game), Nothing ) Just pc -> ( addPreComment pc (Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game) ) , Nothing ) MoveNumber _ -> ( game, preCmt ) Variation var -> ( addVariation var game, Nothing ) Comment cmt -> if isAtBeginning game || not (isAtEnd game) then ( game, Just cmt ) else ( addComment cmt game, Nothing ) Nag nag -> ( addNag nag game, Nothing ) Termination t -> ( { game | result = t }, Nothing ) addPreComment : String -> Game -> Game addPreComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | precomment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addComment : String -> Game -> Game addComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | comment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addNag : Int -> Game -> Game addNag nag game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | nag = Just nag }) game.focus } addVariation : MoveText -> Game -> Game addVariation variation game = game |> back |> (\g -> Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( g, Nothing ) variation) |> toBeginningOfVariation |> back |> forward buildMoveText : Zipper GameNode -> MoveText buildMoveText zip = case Zipper.firstChild zip of Nothing -> [] Just ch -> let pos = (Zipper.label zip).position in moveToMoveText pos (Zipper.label ch) (Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white) ++ -- Alternative variations List.map (\t -> Variation <| moveToMoveText pos (Tree.label t) True ++ buildMoveText (Zipper.fromTree t) ) (Zipper.siblingsAfterFocus ch) ++ -- Game continuation buildMoveText ch moveToMoveText : Position -> GameNode -> Bool -> MoveText moveToMoveText pos node moveNum = let move = lastMove node in -- Pre-comment (case node.precomment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) -- Move number ++ (if moveNum then [ MoveNumber (if Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white then String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "." else String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "..." ) ] else [] ) -- Move ++ [ Move <| toSan move pos ] -- Numeric Annotation Glyph ++ (case node.nag of Nothing -> [] Just nag -> [ Nag nag ] ) -- Comment ++ (case node.comment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) examplePgn = """[Event "F/S Return Match"] [Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] [Date "1992.11.04"] [Round "29"] [White "Fischer, Robert J."] [Black "Spassky, Boris V."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1. e4 e5 (1... c5 2. Nf3 d6) 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} 4. Ba4 ({If } 4. Bxc6 dxc6 { visible? } 5. O-O (5. Nxe5 Qd4) f6 {End of var}) Nf6 {After var} 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 { boring } 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2"""
module Internal.AnnotatedGame exposing ( Game , addMove , addSanMove , addSanMoveSequence , back , buildMoveText , children , continuations , empty , examplePgn , forward , fromPgn , fromPgnString , goToMove , isAtBeginning , isAtBeginningOfVariation , isAtEnd , moves , nextMove , position , previousMove , tagValue , toBeginning , toBeginningOfVariation , toEnd , toEndOfVariation , toPgn ) import Array exposing (Array) import Internal.AnnotatedPgn as Pgn exposing ( GameResult(..) , MoveText , MoveTextItem(..) , PgnGame , TagPair ) import Internal.Move as Move exposing (Move, Variation) import Internal.Notation exposing (fromSan, toSan) import Internal.PieceColor as PieceColor exposing (PieceColor) import Internal.Position as Position exposing (Position) import Internal.Util exposing (failableFoldl) import Parser import Tree exposing (Tree) import Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper) type alias GameNode = { position : Position , comment : Maybe String , precomment : Maybe String , nag : Maybe Int , id : Int , ply : Int } type alias Game = { result : GameResult , tags : List TagPair , tree : Tree GameNode , focus : Zipper GameNode , nodeCount : Int } empty : Game empty = let tree = Tree.singleton { position = Position.initial , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = 0 , ply = 0 } in { result = UnknownResult , tags = [] , tree = tree , focus = Zipper.fromTree tree , nodeCount = 1 } {-| Get the value of a game tag. -} tagValue : String -> Game -> Maybe String tagValue tagName game = game.tags |> List.filter (\t -> Tuple.first t == tagName) |> List.head |> Maybe.map Tuple.second lastMove : GameNode -> Move lastMove node = Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove node.position) {-| The current node in the game tree -} currentNode : Game -> GameNode currentNode game = Zipper.label game.focus {-| Children of the current node in the game tree -} children : Game -> List GameNode children game = List.map Tree.label (Zipper.children game.focus) {-| Continuations from the current node in the game tree -} continuations : Game -> List Move continuations game = List.map (\n -> Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove n.position) ) (children game) {-| The position at the current move of the game. -} position : Game -> Position position game = (currentNode game).position {-| List of all moves in the game. -} moves : Game -> List Move moves game = let zipper = Zipper.fromTree game.tree movesInternal z = case Zipper.firstChild z of Nothing -> [] Just zz -> case Position.lastMove (Zipper.label zz).position of Nothing -> [] Just m -> m :: movesInternal zz in movesInternal (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) {-| The previous move in the game, i.e. the move that resulted in the current game position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the beginning of the game. -} previousMove : Game -> Maybe Move previousMove game = Position.lastMove (position game) {-| The next move in the game from the current position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the end of the game. -} nextMove : Game -> Maybe Move nextMove game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus |> Maybe.andThen (\z -> Position.lastMove (Zipper.label z).position) {-| Jump to the given game ply number. -} goToMove : Int -> Game -> Game goToMove moveIndex game = if moveIndex <= 0 then { game | focus = Zipper.fromTree game.tree } else let descendant zipper generations = if generations == 0 then zipper else case Zipper.firstChild zipper of Nothing -> zipper Just z -> descendant z (generations - 1) in { game | focus = descendant (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) moveIndex } {-| Jump to the node with the given node ID, if it exists. If not, return the game unchanged. Perhaps this one should return a `Maybe Game` instead? -} goToNode : Int -> Game -> Game goToNode nodeId game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus <| Zipper.findFromRoot (\n -> n.id == nodeId) game.focus } {-| Are we at the beginning of the game? -} isAtBeginning : Game -> Bool isAtBeginning game = Zipper.label game.focus == Tree.label game.tree {-| Are we at the end of the game? -} isAtEnd : Game -> Bool isAtEnd game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus == Nothing {-| Step one move forward, unless we are already at the end of the game. If we are already at the end, do nothing. -} forward : Game -> Game forward game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.firstChild game.focus) } {-| Step one move backward, unless we are already at the beginning of the game. If we are already at the beginning, do nothing. -} back : Game -> Game back game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.parent game.focus) } {-| Go to the beginning of the game. -} toBeginning : Game -> Game toBeginning game = { game | focus = Zipper.root game.focus } {-| Go to the end of the game. -} toEnd : Game -> Game toEnd game = toEndOfVariation <| toBeginning game isAtBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Bool isAtBeginningOfVariation game = case Zipper.parent game.focus of Nothing -> True Just parent -> Zipper.firstChild parent /= Just game.focus {-| Go to the beginning of the current variation. -} toBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Game toBeginningOfVariation game = if isAtBeginningOfVariation game then game else toBeginningOfVariation (back game) {-| Go to the end of the current variation. -} toEndOfVariation : Game -> Game toEndOfVariation game = { game | focus = Zipper.lastDescendant game.focus } {-| Add a move to the game at the current location. If we're not at a leaf node, the move is added as an alternative variation. -} addMove : Move -> Game -> Game addMove move game = let pos = Position.doMove move (position game) node = { position = pos , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = game.nodeCount , ply = (Zipper.label game.focus).ply + 1 } z = let forest = Zipper.children game.focus in Zipper.replaceTree (Tree.tree (Zipper.label game.focus) (forest ++ [ Tree.singleton node ]) ) game.focus in { game | tree = Zipper.toTree z , focus = Maybe.withDefault z <| Zipper.lastChild z , nodeCount = game.nodeCount + 1 } {-| Tries to add a move in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If the input string is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation from the current game position, returns Nothing. -} addSanMove : String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMove sanMove game = Maybe.map (\m -> addMove m game) <| fromSan sanMove (position game) {-| Tries to add a sequence of moves in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If one of the strings in the input list is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation, returns `Nothing`. -} addSanMoveSequence : List String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMoveSequence sanMoves game = failableFoldl addSanMove game sanMoves fromPgn : PgnGame -> Game fromPgn pgnGame = Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( { empty | tags = pgnGame.headers }, Nothing ) pgnGame.moveText fromPgnString : String -> Maybe Game fromPgnString pgnString = Maybe.map fromPgn (Pgn.fromString pgnString) toPgn : Game -> PgnGame toPgn game = { headers = game.tags , moveText = (if Position.sideToMove (position <| toBeginning game) == PieceColor.black then [ MoveNumber "1." ] else [] ) ++ (buildMoveText <| Zipper.fromTree <| game.tree ) ++ [ Termination game.result ] } addMoveTextItem : MoveTextItem -> ( Game, Maybe String ) -> ( Game, Maybe String ) addMoveTextItem mti ( game, preCmt ) = case mti of Move move -> case preCmt of Nothing -> ( Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game), Nothing ) Just pc -> ( addPreComment pc (Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game) ) , Nothing ) MoveNumber _ -> ( game, preCmt ) Variation var -> ( addVariation var game, Nothing ) Comment cmt -> if isAtBeginning game || not (isAtEnd game) then ( game, Just cmt ) else ( addComment cmt game, Nothing ) Nag nag -> ( addNag nag game, Nothing ) Termination t -> ( { game | result = t }, Nothing ) addPreComment : String -> Game -> Game addPreComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | precomment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addComment : String -> Game -> Game addComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | comment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addNag : Int -> Game -> Game addNag nag game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | nag = Just nag }) game.focus } addVariation : MoveText -> Game -> Game addVariation variation game = game |> back |> (\g -> Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( g, Nothing ) variation) |> toBeginningOfVariation |> back |> forward buildMoveText : Zipper GameNode -> MoveText buildMoveText zip = case Zipper.firstChild zip of Nothing -> [] Just ch -> let pos = (Zipper.label zip).position in moveToMoveText pos (Zipper.label ch) (Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white) ++ -- Alternative variations List.map (\t -> Variation <| moveToMoveText pos (Tree.label t) True ++ buildMoveText (Zipper.fromTree t) ) (Zipper.siblingsAfterFocus ch) ++ -- Game continuation buildMoveText ch moveToMoveText : Position -> GameNode -> Bool -> MoveText moveToMoveText pos node moveNum = let move = lastMove node in -- Pre-comment (case node.precomment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) -- Move number ++ (if moveNum then [ MoveNumber (if Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white then String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "." else String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "..." ) ] else [] ) -- Move ++ [ Move <| toSan move pos ] -- Numeric Annotation Glyph ++ (case node.nag of Nothing -> [] Just nag -> [ Nag nag ] ) -- Comment ++ (case node.comment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) examplePgn = """[Event "F/S Return Match"] [Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] [Date "1992.11.04"] [Round "29"] [White "<NAME>."] [Black "<NAME>."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1. e4 e5 (1... c5 2. Nf3 d6) 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} 4. Ba4 ({If } 4. Bxc6 dxc6 { visible? } 5. O-O (5. Nxe5 Qd4) f6 {End of var}) Nf6 {After var} 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 { boring } 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2"""
module Internal.AnnotatedGame exposing ( Game , addMove , addSanMove , addSanMoveSequence , back , buildMoveText , children , continuations , empty , examplePgn , forward , fromPgn , fromPgnString , goToMove , isAtBeginning , isAtBeginningOfVariation , isAtEnd , moves , nextMove , position , previousMove , tagValue , toBeginning , toBeginningOfVariation , toEnd , toEndOfVariation , toPgn ) import Array exposing (Array) import Internal.AnnotatedPgn as Pgn exposing ( GameResult(..) , MoveText , MoveTextItem(..) , PgnGame , TagPair ) import Internal.Move as Move exposing (Move, Variation) import Internal.Notation exposing (fromSan, toSan) import Internal.PieceColor as PieceColor exposing (PieceColor) import Internal.Position as Position exposing (Position) import Internal.Util exposing (failableFoldl) import Parser import Tree exposing (Tree) import Tree.Zipper as Zipper exposing (Zipper) type alias GameNode = { position : Position , comment : Maybe String , precomment : Maybe String , nag : Maybe Int , id : Int , ply : Int } type alias Game = { result : GameResult , tags : List TagPair , tree : Tree GameNode , focus : Zipper GameNode , nodeCount : Int } empty : Game empty = let tree = Tree.singleton { position = Position.initial , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = 0 , ply = 0 } in { result = UnknownResult , tags = [] , tree = tree , focus = Zipper.fromTree tree , nodeCount = 1 } {-| Get the value of a game tag. -} tagValue : String -> Game -> Maybe String tagValue tagName game = game.tags |> List.filter (\t -> Tuple.first t == tagName) |> List.head |> Maybe.map Tuple.second lastMove : GameNode -> Move lastMove node = Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove node.position) {-| The current node in the game tree -} currentNode : Game -> GameNode currentNode game = Zipper.label game.focus {-| Children of the current node in the game tree -} children : Game -> List GameNode children game = List.map Tree.label (Zipper.children game.focus) {-| Continuations from the current node in the game tree -} continuations : Game -> List Move continuations game = List.map (\n -> Maybe.withDefault (Move.Move 0) (Position.lastMove n.position) ) (children game) {-| The position at the current move of the game. -} position : Game -> Position position game = (currentNode game).position {-| List of all moves in the game. -} moves : Game -> List Move moves game = let zipper = Zipper.fromTree game.tree movesInternal z = case Zipper.firstChild z of Nothing -> [] Just zz -> case Position.lastMove (Zipper.label zz).position of Nothing -> [] Just m -> m :: movesInternal zz in movesInternal (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) {-| The previous move in the game, i.e. the move that resulted in the current game position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the beginning of the game. -} previousMove : Game -> Maybe Move previousMove game = Position.lastMove (position game) {-| The next move in the game from the current position. Returns `Nothing` if we're at the end of the game. -} nextMove : Game -> Maybe Move nextMove game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus |> Maybe.andThen (\z -> Position.lastMove (Zipper.label z).position) {-| Jump to the given game ply number. -} goToMove : Int -> Game -> Game goToMove moveIndex game = if moveIndex <= 0 then { game | focus = Zipper.fromTree game.tree } else let descendant zipper generations = if generations == 0 then zipper else case Zipper.firstChild zipper of Nothing -> zipper Just z -> descendant z (generations - 1) in { game | focus = descendant (Zipper.fromTree game.tree) moveIndex } {-| Jump to the node with the given node ID, if it exists. If not, return the game unchanged. Perhaps this one should return a `Maybe Game` instead? -} goToNode : Int -> Game -> Game goToNode nodeId game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus <| Zipper.findFromRoot (\n -> n.id == nodeId) game.focus } {-| Are we at the beginning of the game? -} isAtBeginning : Game -> Bool isAtBeginning game = Zipper.label game.focus == Tree.label game.tree {-| Are we at the end of the game? -} isAtEnd : Game -> Bool isAtEnd game = Zipper.firstChild game.focus == Nothing {-| Step one move forward, unless we are already at the end of the game. If we are already at the end, do nothing. -} forward : Game -> Game forward game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.firstChild game.focus) } {-| Step one move backward, unless we are already at the beginning of the game. If we are already at the beginning, do nothing. -} back : Game -> Game back game = { game | focus = Maybe.withDefault game.focus (Zipper.parent game.focus) } {-| Go to the beginning of the game. -} toBeginning : Game -> Game toBeginning game = { game | focus = Zipper.root game.focus } {-| Go to the end of the game. -} toEnd : Game -> Game toEnd game = toEndOfVariation <| toBeginning game isAtBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Bool isAtBeginningOfVariation game = case Zipper.parent game.focus of Nothing -> True Just parent -> Zipper.firstChild parent /= Just game.focus {-| Go to the beginning of the current variation. -} toBeginningOfVariation : Game -> Game toBeginningOfVariation game = if isAtBeginningOfVariation game then game else toBeginningOfVariation (back game) {-| Go to the end of the current variation. -} toEndOfVariation : Game -> Game toEndOfVariation game = { game | focus = Zipper.lastDescendant game.focus } {-| Add a move to the game at the current location. If we're not at a leaf node, the move is added as an alternative variation. -} addMove : Move -> Game -> Game addMove move game = let pos = Position.doMove move (position game) node = { position = pos , comment = Nothing , precomment = Nothing , nag = Nothing , id = game.nodeCount , ply = (Zipper.label game.focus).ply + 1 } z = let forest = Zipper.children game.focus in Zipper.replaceTree (Tree.tree (Zipper.label game.focus) (forest ++ [ Tree.singleton node ]) ) game.focus in { game | tree = Zipper.toTree z , focus = Maybe.withDefault z <| Zipper.lastChild z , nodeCount = game.nodeCount + 1 } {-| Tries to add a move in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If the input string is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation from the current game position, returns Nothing. -} addSanMove : String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMove sanMove game = Maybe.map (\m -> addMove m game) <| fromSan sanMove (position game) {-| Tries to add a sequence of moves in short algebraic notation at the current move index. If one of the strings in the input list is not a legal, unambiguous move in short algebraic notation, returns `Nothing`. -} addSanMoveSequence : List String -> Game -> Maybe Game addSanMoveSequence sanMoves game = failableFoldl addSanMove game sanMoves fromPgn : PgnGame -> Game fromPgn pgnGame = Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( { empty | tags = pgnGame.headers }, Nothing ) pgnGame.moveText fromPgnString : String -> Maybe Game fromPgnString pgnString = Maybe.map fromPgn (Pgn.fromString pgnString) toPgn : Game -> PgnGame toPgn game = { headers = game.tags , moveText = (if Position.sideToMove (position <| toBeginning game) == PieceColor.black then [ MoveNumber "1." ] else [] ) ++ (buildMoveText <| Zipper.fromTree <| game.tree ) ++ [ Termination game.result ] } addMoveTextItem : MoveTextItem -> ( Game, Maybe String ) -> ( Game, Maybe String ) addMoveTextItem mti ( game, preCmt ) = case mti of Move move -> case preCmt of Nothing -> ( Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game), Nothing ) Just pc -> ( addPreComment pc (Maybe.withDefault game (addSanMove move game) ) , Nothing ) MoveNumber _ -> ( game, preCmt ) Variation var -> ( addVariation var game, Nothing ) Comment cmt -> if isAtBeginning game || not (isAtEnd game) then ( game, Just cmt ) else ( addComment cmt game, Nothing ) Nag nag -> ( addNag nag game, Nothing ) Termination t -> ( { game | result = t }, Nothing ) addPreComment : String -> Game -> Game addPreComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | precomment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addComment : String -> Game -> Game addComment cmt game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | comment = Just cmt }) game.focus } addNag : Int -> Game -> Game addNag nag game = { game | focus = Zipper.mapLabel (\n -> { n | nag = Just nag }) game.focus } addVariation : MoveText -> Game -> Game addVariation variation game = game |> back |> (\g -> Tuple.first <| List.foldl addMoveTextItem ( g, Nothing ) variation) |> toBeginningOfVariation |> back |> forward buildMoveText : Zipper GameNode -> MoveText buildMoveText zip = case Zipper.firstChild zip of Nothing -> [] Just ch -> let pos = (Zipper.label zip).position in moveToMoveText pos (Zipper.label ch) (Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white) ++ -- Alternative variations List.map (\t -> Variation <| moveToMoveText pos (Tree.label t) True ++ buildMoveText (Zipper.fromTree t) ) (Zipper.siblingsAfterFocus ch) ++ -- Game continuation buildMoveText ch moveToMoveText : Position -> GameNode -> Bool -> MoveText moveToMoveText pos node moveNum = let move = lastMove node in -- Pre-comment (case node.precomment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) -- Move number ++ (if moveNum then [ MoveNumber (if Position.sideToMove pos == PieceColor.white then String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "." else String.fromInt (node.ply // 2 + 1) ++ "..." ) ] else [] ) -- Move ++ [ Move <| toSan move pos ] -- Numeric Annotation Glyph ++ (case node.nag of Nothing -> [] Just nag -> [ Nag nag ] ) -- Comment ++ (case node.comment of Nothing -> [] Just cmt -> [ Comment cmt ] ) examplePgn = """[Event "F/S Return Match"] [Site "Belgrade, Serbia JUG"] [Date "1992.11.04"] [Round "29"] [White "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI."] [Black "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1. e4 e5 (1... c5 2. Nf3 d6) 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 {This opening is called the Ruy Lopez.} 4. Ba4 ({If } 4. Bxc6 dxc6 { visible? } 5. O-O (5. Nxe5 Qd4) f6 {End of var}) Nf6 {After var} 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Nb8 10. d4 Nbd7 11. c4 c6 12. cxb5 axb5 13. Nc3 Bb7 14. Bg5 b4 { boring } 15. Nb1 h6 16. Bh4 c5 17. dxe5 Nxe4 18. Bxe7 Qxe7 19. exd6 Qf6 20. Nbd2 Nxd6 21. Nc4 Nxc4 22. Bxc4 Nb6 23. Ne5 Rae8 24. Bxf7+ Rxf7 25. Nxf7 Rxe1+ 26. Qxe1 Kxf7 27. Qe3 Qg5 28. Qxg5 hxg5 29. b3 Ke6 30. a3 Kd6 31. axb4 cxb4 32. Ra5 Nd5 33. f3 Bc8 34. Kf2 Bf5 35. Ra7 g6 36. Ra6+ Kc5 37. Ke1 Nf4 38. g3 Nxh3 39. Kd2 Kb5 40. Rd6 Kc5 41. Ra6 Nf2 42. g4 Bd3 43. Re6 1/2-1/2"""
[ { "context": ", LatLng )\n | NoResults String\n\n\napiKey =\n \"AIzaSyCkOFxL5NF1feuebbB6PW8fP3SDg1aa6tM\"\n\n\nmain =\n program\n { init = init\n ", "end": 556, "score": 0.9997757077, "start": 517, "tag": "KEY", "value": "AIzaSyCkOFxL5NF1feuebbB6PW8fP3SDg1aa6tM" } ]
module Markers exposing (Msg(..), apiKey, geocode, getFirstLocation, init, main, subscriptions, update, view) import Geocoding import Html.Styled as Html exposing (program) import Html.Styled.Events as E exposing (onInput) import Http import Maps exposing (Msg) import Maps.Geo exposing (Bounds, LatLng) import Maps.Map as Map import Maps.Marker as Marker exposing (Marker) type Msg = MapMsg (Maps.Msg ()) | GeoCode String | GoToGeoCode String ( Bounds, LatLng ) | NoResults String apiKey = "AIzaSyCkOFxL5NF1feuebbB6PW8fP3SDg1aa6tM" main = program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init = ( { map = Maps.defaultModel |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setHeight 600) |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setWidth 1000) , place = "" } , Cmd.none ) update msg model = case msg of MapMsg mapMsg -> Maps.update mapMsg model.map |> Tuple.mapFirst (\map -> { model | map = map }) |> Tuple.mapSecond (Cmd.map MapMsg) GeoCode place -> ( { model | place = place }, geocode place ) GoToGeoCode place ( bounds, latLng ) -> if place == model.place then model.map |> Maps.updateMap (Map.viewBounds bounds) |> Maps.updateMarkers (\_ -> [ Marker.create latLng ]) |> (\map -> ( { model | map = map }, Cmd.none )) else ( model, Cmd.none ) NoResults place -> ( model, Cmd.none ) geocode : String -> Cmd Msg geocode place = Geocoding.requestForAddress apiKey place |> Geocoding.send (Maybe.withDefault (NoResults place) << Maybe.map (GoToGeoCode place) << getFirstLocation) getFirstLocation : Result Http.Error Geocoding.Response -> Maybe ( Bounds, LatLng ) getFirstLocation result = result |> Result.toMaybe |> Maybe.map .results |> Maybe.andThen List.head |> Maybe.map .geometry |> Maybe.map (\geometry -> let bounds = Maps.Geo.bounds { northEast = { lat = geometry.viewport.northeast.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.northeast.longitude } , southWest = { lat = geometry.viewport.southwest.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.southwest.longitude } } latLng = { lat = geometry.location.latitude , lng = geometry.location.longitude } in ( bounds, latLng ) ) subscriptions model = Sub.map MapMsg <| Maps.subscriptions model.map view model = Html.div [] [ Html.map MapMsg <| Maps.view model.map , Html.input [ onInput GeoCode ] [] ]
module Markers exposing (Msg(..), apiKey, geocode, getFirstLocation, init, main, subscriptions, update, view) import Geocoding import Html.Styled as Html exposing (program) import Html.Styled.Events as E exposing (onInput) import Http import Maps exposing (Msg) import Maps.Geo exposing (Bounds, LatLng) import Maps.Map as Map import Maps.Marker as Marker exposing (Marker) type Msg = MapMsg (Maps.Msg ()) | GeoCode String | GoToGeoCode String ( Bounds, LatLng ) | NoResults String apiKey = "<KEY>" main = program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init = ( { map = Maps.defaultModel |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setHeight 600) |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setWidth 1000) , place = "" } , Cmd.none ) update msg model = case msg of MapMsg mapMsg -> Maps.update mapMsg model.map |> Tuple.mapFirst (\map -> { model | map = map }) |> Tuple.mapSecond (Cmd.map MapMsg) GeoCode place -> ( { model | place = place }, geocode place ) GoToGeoCode place ( bounds, latLng ) -> if place == model.place then model.map |> Maps.updateMap (Map.viewBounds bounds) |> Maps.updateMarkers (\_ -> [ Marker.create latLng ]) |> (\map -> ( { model | map = map }, Cmd.none )) else ( model, Cmd.none ) NoResults place -> ( model, Cmd.none ) geocode : String -> Cmd Msg geocode place = Geocoding.requestForAddress apiKey place |> Geocoding.send (Maybe.withDefault (NoResults place) << Maybe.map (GoToGeoCode place) << getFirstLocation) getFirstLocation : Result Http.Error Geocoding.Response -> Maybe ( Bounds, LatLng ) getFirstLocation result = result |> Result.toMaybe |> Maybe.map .results |> Maybe.andThen List.head |> Maybe.map .geometry |> Maybe.map (\geometry -> let bounds = Maps.Geo.bounds { northEast = { lat = geometry.viewport.northeast.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.northeast.longitude } , southWest = { lat = geometry.viewport.southwest.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.southwest.longitude } } latLng = { lat = geometry.location.latitude , lng = geometry.location.longitude } in ( bounds, latLng ) ) subscriptions model = Sub.map MapMsg <| Maps.subscriptions model.map view model = Html.div [] [ Html.map MapMsg <| Maps.view model.map , Html.input [ onInput GeoCode ] [] ]
module Markers exposing (Msg(..), apiKey, geocode, getFirstLocation, init, main, subscriptions, update, view) import Geocoding import Html.Styled as Html exposing (program) import Html.Styled.Events as E exposing (onInput) import Http import Maps exposing (Msg) import Maps.Geo exposing (Bounds, LatLng) import Maps.Map as Map import Maps.Marker as Marker exposing (Marker) type Msg = MapMsg (Maps.Msg ()) | GeoCode String | GoToGeoCode String ( Bounds, LatLng ) | NoResults String apiKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" main = program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init = ( { map = Maps.defaultModel |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setHeight 600) |> Maps.updateMap (Map.setWidth 1000) , place = "" } , Cmd.none ) update msg model = case msg of MapMsg mapMsg -> Maps.update mapMsg model.map |> Tuple.mapFirst (\map -> { model | map = map }) |> Tuple.mapSecond (Cmd.map MapMsg) GeoCode place -> ( { model | place = place }, geocode place ) GoToGeoCode place ( bounds, latLng ) -> if place == model.place then model.map |> Maps.updateMap (Map.viewBounds bounds) |> Maps.updateMarkers (\_ -> [ Marker.create latLng ]) |> (\map -> ( { model | map = map }, Cmd.none )) else ( model, Cmd.none ) NoResults place -> ( model, Cmd.none ) geocode : String -> Cmd Msg geocode place = Geocoding.requestForAddress apiKey place |> Geocoding.send (Maybe.withDefault (NoResults place) << Maybe.map (GoToGeoCode place) << getFirstLocation) getFirstLocation : Result Http.Error Geocoding.Response -> Maybe ( Bounds, LatLng ) getFirstLocation result = result |> Result.toMaybe |> Maybe.map .results |> Maybe.andThen List.head |> Maybe.map .geometry |> Maybe.map (\geometry -> let bounds = Maps.Geo.bounds { northEast = { lat = geometry.viewport.northeast.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.northeast.longitude } , southWest = { lat = geometry.viewport.southwest.latitude, lng = geometry.viewport.southwest.longitude } } latLng = { lat = geometry.location.latitude , lng = geometry.location.longitude } in ( bounds, latLng ) ) subscriptions model = Sub.map MapMsg <| Maps.subscriptions model.map view model = Html.div [] [ Html.map MapMsg <| Maps.view model.map , Html.input [ onInput GeoCode ] [] ]
[ { "context": " Just { userUi | displayName = newDisplayName }\n\n Nothing ->\n", "end": 3234, "score": 0.9037141204, "start": 3231, "tag": "NAME", "value": "new" }, { "context": " Just { userUi | password = newPassword }\n\n Nothing ->\n ", "end": 3743, "score": 0.9972233772, "start": 3732, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "newPassword" } ]
module UserManagementApp.Update exposing (..) import Http import Core.Routes exposing (Route(..)) import Common.Models exposing (errorBanner, bannerForHttpError) import UserManagementApp.Api import UserManagementApp.Messages exposing (..) import UserManagementApp.Models exposing (..) urlUpdate : Route -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) urlUpdate route model = case route of UserManagementPage -> ( { model | banner = Nothing , users = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Err error) -> case error of Http.BadBody parserError -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error parsing fetched users: " ++ parserError } , Cmd.none ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users: " ++ (String.fromInt status) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Ok resp) -> ( { model | users = Just resp.users } , Cmd.none ) SelectUser userId -> case model.users of Just users -> let selectedUser = List.head <| List.filter (\u -> u.id == userId) users displayName = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.displayName Nothing -> "" isUserAdmin = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.role == "admin" Nothing -> False in ( { model | userUi = Just { userId = userId , displayName = displayName , password = "" , isAdmin = isUserAdmin } , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UnselectUser -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDisplayName newDisplayName -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | displayName = newDisplayName } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdatePassword newPassword -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | password = newPassword } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateIsAdmin isAdmin -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | isAdmin = isAdmin } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( model, UserManagementApp.Api.saveUser userUi ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error updating user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error updating user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUserDialog -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = True } , Cmd.none ) CancelDeleteUser -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , UserManagementApp.Api.deleteUser userUi.userId ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error deleting user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error deleting user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserEmail newEmail -> ( { model | newUserEmail = newEmail, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserDisplayName newDisplayName -> ( { model | newUserDisplayName = newDisplayName, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserIsAdmin newIsAdmin -> ( { model | newUserIsAdmin = newIsAdmin, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUser -> ( model , UserManagementApp.Api.saveNewUser model.newUserEmail model.newUserDisplayName model.newUserIsAdmin ) SaveNewUserResult (Err err) -> ( { model | banner = bannerForHttpError err } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUserResult (Ok user) -> let updatedUsers = case model.users of Just users -> Just (List.append users [ user ]) Nothing -> Just [ user ] in ( { model | users = updatedUsers , newUserEmail = "" , newUserDisplayName = "" , newUserIsAdmin = False } , Cmd.none )
module UserManagementApp.Update exposing (..) import Http import Core.Routes exposing (Route(..)) import Common.Models exposing (errorBanner, bannerForHttpError) import UserManagementApp.Api import UserManagementApp.Messages exposing (..) import UserManagementApp.Models exposing (..) urlUpdate : Route -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) urlUpdate route model = case route of UserManagementPage -> ( { model | banner = Nothing , users = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Err error) -> case error of Http.BadBody parserError -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error parsing fetched users: " ++ parserError } , Cmd.none ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users: " ++ (String.fromInt status) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Ok resp) -> ( { model | users = Just resp.users } , Cmd.none ) SelectUser userId -> case model.users of Just users -> let selectedUser = List.head <| List.filter (\u -> u.id == userId) users displayName = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.displayName Nothing -> "" isUserAdmin = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.role == "admin" Nothing -> False in ( { model | userUi = Just { userId = userId , displayName = displayName , password = "" , isAdmin = isUserAdmin } , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UnselectUser -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDisplayName newDisplayName -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | displayName = <NAME>DisplayName } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdatePassword newPassword -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | password = <PASSWORD> } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateIsAdmin isAdmin -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | isAdmin = isAdmin } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( model, UserManagementApp.Api.saveUser userUi ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error updating user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error updating user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUserDialog -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = True } , Cmd.none ) CancelDeleteUser -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , UserManagementApp.Api.deleteUser userUi.userId ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error deleting user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error deleting user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserEmail newEmail -> ( { model | newUserEmail = newEmail, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserDisplayName newDisplayName -> ( { model | newUserDisplayName = newDisplayName, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserIsAdmin newIsAdmin -> ( { model | newUserIsAdmin = newIsAdmin, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUser -> ( model , UserManagementApp.Api.saveNewUser model.newUserEmail model.newUserDisplayName model.newUserIsAdmin ) SaveNewUserResult (Err err) -> ( { model | banner = bannerForHttpError err } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUserResult (Ok user) -> let updatedUsers = case model.users of Just users -> Just (List.append users [ user ]) Nothing -> Just [ user ] in ( { model | users = updatedUsers , newUserEmail = "" , newUserDisplayName = "" , newUserIsAdmin = False } , Cmd.none )
module UserManagementApp.Update exposing (..) import Http import Core.Routes exposing (Route(..)) import Common.Models exposing (errorBanner, bannerForHttpError) import UserManagementApp.Api import UserManagementApp.Messages exposing (..) import UserManagementApp.Models exposing (..) urlUpdate : Route -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) urlUpdate route model = case route of UserManagementPage -> ( { model | banner = Nothing , users = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Err error) -> case error of Http.BadBody parserError -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error parsing fetched users: " ++ parserError } , Cmd.none ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users: " ++ (String.fromInt status) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error fetching users, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UsersFetchResult (Ok resp) -> ( { model | users = Just resp.users } , Cmd.none ) SelectUser userId -> case model.users of Just users -> let selectedUser = List.head <| List.filter (\u -> u.id == userId) users displayName = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.displayName Nothing -> "" isUserAdmin = case selectedUser of Just user -> user.role == "admin" Nothing -> False in ( { model | userUi = Just { userId = userId , displayName = displayName , password = "" , isAdmin = isUserAdmin } , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) UnselectUser -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDisplayName newDisplayName -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | displayName = PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIDisplayName } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdatePassword newPassword -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateIsAdmin isAdmin -> let updatedUserUi = case model.userUi of Just userUi -> Just { userUi | isAdmin = isAdmin } Nothing -> Nothing in ( { model | userUi = updatedUserUi , banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( model, UserManagementApp.Api.saveUser userUi ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) SaveUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error updating user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error updating user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUserDialog -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = True } , Cmd.none ) CancelDeleteUser -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , Cmd.none ) DeleteUser -> case model.userUi of Just userUi -> ( { model | showDeleteUserDialog = False } , UserManagementApp.Api.deleteUser userUi.userId ) Nothing -> ( model, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Err err) -> let errorString = case err of Http.BadBody parserError -> "Bad payload: " ++ parserError Http.BadStatus status -> "Got status " ++ (String.fromInt status) _ -> "Cannot connect to server" in ( { model | banner = errorBanner errorString }, Cmd.none ) DeleteUserResult (Ok resp) -> case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ _ _ -> ( { model | userUi = Nothing } , UserManagementApp.Api.fetchUsers ) Http.BadStatus_ metadata _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner <| "Error deleting user, status code " ++ (String.fromInt metadata.statusCode) } , Cmd.none ) _ -> ( { model | banner = errorBanner "Error deleting user, network error" } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserEmail newEmail -> ( { model | newUserEmail = newEmail, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserDisplayName newDisplayName -> ( { model | newUserDisplayName = newDisplayName, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) UpdateNewUserIsAdmin newIsAdmin -> ( { model | newUserIsAdmin = newIsAdmin, banner = Nothing } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUser -> ( model , UserManagementApp.Api.saveNewUser model.newUserEmail model.newUserDisplayName model.newUserIsAdmin ) SaveNewUserResult (Err err) -> ( { model | banner = bannerForHttpError err } , Cmd.none ) SaveNewUserResult (Ok user) -> let updatedUsers = case model.users of Just users -> Just (List.append users [ user ]) Nothing -> Just [ user ] in ( { model | users = updatedUsers , newUserEmail = "" , newUserDisplayName = "" , newUserIsAdmin = False } , Cmd.none )
[ { "context": "giphy.com/v1/gifs/random\"\n [ \"api_key\" => \"dc6zaTOxFJmzC\"\n , \"tag\" => topic\n ]\n\n\ndecodeUrl :", "end": 1878, "score": 0.9995625019, "start": 1865, "tag": "KEY", "value": "dc6zaTOxFJmzC" } ]
module RandomGif where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import Task exposing (Task) -- Model type alias Model = { topic : String , gifUrl : String , shouldRequest : Bool } init : String -> Model init topic = { topic = topic , gifUrl = "assets/waiting.gif" , shouldRequest = True } -- Action type Action = RequestMore | NewGif (Maybe String) -- Update update : Action -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of RequestMore -> { model | shouldRequest = True } NewGif maybeGifUrl -> Model model.topic (Maybe.withDefault model.gifUrl maybeGifUrl) False -- View (=>) = (,) view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = div [ style [ "width" => "200px" ] ] [ h2 [headerStyle] [text model.topic] , div [imgStyle model.gifUrl] [] , button [ onClick address RequestMore ] [ text "More Please!" ] ] headerStyle : Attribute headerStyle = style [ "width" => "200px" , "text-align" => "center" ] imgStyle : String -> Attribute imgStyle url = style [ "display" => "inline-block" , "width" => "200px" , "height" => "200px" , "background-position" => "center center" , "background-size" => "cover" , "background-image" => ("url('" ++ url ++ "')") ] -- Effects getRandomGif : Signal.Address Action -> String -> Task () () getRandomGif address topic = Http.get decodeUrl (randomUrl topic) |> Task.toMaybe |> Task.map NewGif |> flip Task.andThen (Signal.send address) randomUrl : String -> String randomUrl topic = Http.url "http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random" [ "api_key" => "dc6zaTOxFJmzC" , "tag" => topic ] decodeUrl : Json.Decoder String decodeUrl = Json.at ["data", "image_url"] Json.string request : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Task () () request address model = if model.shouldRequest then getRandomGif address model.topic else Task.succeed () -- Step type alias Output = { html: Html , http: Task () () } stepOutput : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Output stepOutput address model = { html = view address model , http = request address model }
module RandomGif where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import Task exposing (Task) -- Model type alias Model = { topic : String , gifUrl : String , shouldRequest : Bool } init : String -> Model init topic = { topic = topic , gifUrl = "assets/waiting.gif" , shouldRequest = True } -- Action type Action = RequestMore | NewGif (Maybe String) -- Update update : Action -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of RequestMore -> { model | shouldRequest = True } NewGif maybeGifUrl -> Model model.topic (Maybe.withDefault model.gifUrl maybeGifUrl) False -- View (=>) = (,) view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = div [ style [ "width" => "200px" ] ] [ h2 [headerStyle] [text model.topic] , div [imgStyle model.gifUrl] [] , button [ onClick address RequestMore ] [ text "More Please!" ] ] headerStyle : Attribute headerStyle = style [ "width" => "200px" , "text-align" => "center" ] imgStyle : String -> Attribute imgStyle url = style [ "display" => "inline-block" , "width" => "200px" , "height" => "200px" , "background-position" => "center center" , "background-size" => "cover" , "background-image" => ("url('" ++ url ++ "')") ] -- Effects getRandomGif : Signal.Address Action -> String -> Task () () getRandomGif address topic = Http.get decodeUrl (randomUrl topic) |> Task.toMaybe |> Task.map NewGif |> flip Task.andThen (Signal.send address) randomUrl : String -> String randomUrl topic = Http.url "http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random" [ "api_key" => "<KEY>" , "tag" => topic ] decodeUrl : Json.Decoder String decodeUrl = Json.at ["data", "image_url"] Json.string request : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Task () () request address model = if model.shouldRequest then getRandomGif address model.topic else Task.succeed () -- Step type alias Output = { html: Html , http: Task () () } stepOutput : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Output stepOutput address model = { html = view address model , http = request address model }
module RandomGif where import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import Task exposing (Task) -- Model type alias Model = { topic : String , gifUrl : String , shouldRequest : Bool } init : String -> Model init topic = { topic = topic , gifUrl = "assets/waiting.gif" , shouldRequest = True } -- Action type Action = RequestMore | NewGif (Maybe String) -- Update update : Action -> Model -> Model update action model = case action of RequestMore -> { model | shouldRequest = True } NewGif maybeGifUrl -> Model model.topic (Maybe.withDefault model.gifUrl maybeGifUrl) False -- View (=>) = (,) view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = div [ style [ "width" => "200px" ] ] [ h2 [headerStyle] [text model.topic] , div [imgStyle model.gifUrl] [] , button [ onClick address RequestMore ] [ text "More Please!" ] ] headerStyle : Attribute headerStyle = style [ "width" => "200px" , "text-align" => "center" ] imgStyle : String -> Attribute imgStyle url = style [ "display" => "inline-block" , "width" => "200px" , "height" => "200px" , "background-position" => "center center" , "background-size" => "cover" , "background-image" => ("url('" ++ url ++ "')") ] -- Effects getRandomGif : Signal.Address Action -> String -> Task () () getRandomGif address topic = Http.get decodeUrl (randomUrl topic) |> Task.toMaybe |> Task.map NewGif |> flip Task.andThen (Signal.send address) randomUrl : String -> String randomUrl topic = Http.url "http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random" [ "api_key" => "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , "tag" => topic ] decodeUrl : Json.Decoder String decodeUrl = Json.at ["data", "image_url"] Json.string request : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Task () () request address model = if model.shouldRequest then getRandomGif address model.topic else Task.succeed () -- Step type alias Output = { html: Html , http: Task () () } stepOutput : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Output stepOutput address model = { html = view address model , http = request address model }
[ { "context": " ]\n\n\nshowDebtor : Debtor -> Html msg\nshowDebtor { firstName, lastName, birthDate, birthPlace, cnp, debts } =\n", "end": 3837, "score": 0.998971343, "start": 3828, "tag": "NAME", "value": "firstName" }, { "context": "ebtor : Debtor -> Html msg\nshowDebtor { firstName, lastName, birthDate, birthPlace, cnp, debts } =\n let\n ", "end": 3847, "score": 0.9993692636, "start": 3839, "tag": "NAME", "value": "lastName" }, { "context": " in\n H.tr []\n [ H.td [] [ H.text firstName ]\n , H.td [] [ H.text lastName ]\n ", "end": 4040, "score": 0.9993641376, "start": 4031, "tag": "NAME", "value": "firstName" }, { "context": " H.text firstName ]\n , H.td [] [ H.text lastName ]\n , H.td [] [ H.text birthDate ]\n ", "end": 4082, "score": 0.9994674325, "start": 4074, "tag": "NAME", "value": "lastName" } ]
module Views.Watcher exposing (..) import Html as H exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as A import Watcher.Model as Watcher exposing (..) view : Watcher.State -> Html msg view state = H.div [] [ addDebtor , showDebtors state ] addDebtor : Html msg addDebtor = H.section [ A.class "add-debtor form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debtor" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "First Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Last Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "date", A.placeholder "Birth Date" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "CNP" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debtor" ] ] showDebtors : Watcher.State -> Html msg showDebtors { debtors } = H.section [ A.class "debtors-table" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtors" ] , H.table [] [ H.thead [] [ H.tr [] [ H.th [] [ H.text "First Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Last Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Birth Date" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "CNP" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Total Debt" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "" ] ] ] , H.tbody [] (debtors |> List.map showDebtor) ] ] debtorDetails = H.section [ A.class "debtor-view" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtor: Sile" ] , H.article [ A.class "debtor-info" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Personal Details" ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "First Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<fname>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Last Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<L name>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Birth Date: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<birth date>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "CNP: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<cnp>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Total Debt: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<total debt>>" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Personal Details" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "add-debt form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debt for Sile" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Amount" ] [] , H.textarea [ A.placeholder "Reason" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debt" ] ] ] debtsList = H.section [ A.class "debts-list" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Incurred Debts" ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit / Update" ] ] ] showDebtor : Debtor -> Html msg showDebtor { firstName, lastName, birthDate, birthPlace, cnp, debts } = let totalDebt = debts |> List.map .amount |> List.sum |> toString in H.tr [] [ H.td [] [ H.text firstName ] , H.td [] [ H.text lastName ] , H.td [] [ H.text birthDate ] , H.td [] [ H.text cnp ] , H.td [] [ H.text <| totalDebt ++ " RON" ] , H.td [] [ H.button [] [ H.text "Edit" ] ] ]
module Views.Watcher exposing (..) import Html as H exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as A import Watcher.Model as Watcher exposing (..) view : Watcher.State -> Html msg view state = H.div [] [ addDebtor , showDebtors state ] addDebtor : Html msg addDebtor = H.section [ A.class "add-debtor form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debtor" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "First Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Last Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "date", A.placeholder "Birth Date" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "CNP" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debtor" ] ] showDebtors : Watcher.State -> Html msg showDebtors { debtors } = H.section [ A.class "debtors-table" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtors" ] , H.table [] [ H.thead [] [ H.tr [] [ H.th [] [ H.text "First Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Last Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Birth Date" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "CNP" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Total Debt" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "" ] ] ] , H.tbody [] (debtors |> List.map showDebtor) ] ] debtorDetails = H.section [ A.class "debtor-view" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtor: Sile" ] , H.article [ A.class "debtor-info" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Personal Details" ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "First Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<fname>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Last Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<L name>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Birth Date: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<birth date>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "CNP: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<cnp>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Total Debt: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<total debt>>" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Personal Details" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "add-debt form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debt for Sile" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Amount" ] [] , H.textarea [ A.placeholder "Reason" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debt" ] ] ] debtsList = H.section [ A.class "debts-list" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Incurred Debts" ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit / Update" ] ] ] showDebtor : Debtor -> Html msg showDebtor { <NAME>, <NAME>, birthDate, birthPlace, cnp, debts } = let totalDebt = debts |> List.map .amount |> List.sum |> toString in H.tr [] [ H.td [] [ H.text <NAME> ] , H.td [] [ H.text <NAME> ] , H.td [] [ H.text birthDate ] , H.td [] [ H.text cnp ] , H.td [] [ H.text <| totalDebt ++ " RON" ] , H.td [] [ H.button [] [ H.text "Edit" ] ] ]
module Views.Watcher exposing (..) import Html as H exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes as A import Watcher.Model as Watcher exposing (..) view : Watcher.State -> Html msg view state = H.div [] [ addDebtor , showDebtors state ] addDebtor : Html msg addDebtor = H.section [ A.class "add-debtor form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debtor" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "First Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Last Name" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "date", A.placeholder "Birth Date" ] [] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "CNP" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debtor" ] ] showDebtors : Watcher.State -> Html msg showDebtors { debtors } = H.section [ A.class "debtors-table" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtors" ] , H.table [] [ H.thead [] [ H.tr [] [ H.th [] [ H.text "First Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Last Name" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Birth Date" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "CNP" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "Total Debt" ] , H.th [] [ H.text "" ] ] ] , H.tbody [] (debtors |> List.map showDebtor) ] ] debtorDetails = H.section [ A.class "debtor-view" ] [ H.h2 [] [ H.text "Debtor: Sile" ] , H.article [ A.class "debtor-info" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Personal Details" ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "First Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<fname>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Last Name: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<L name>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Birth Date: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<birth date>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "CNP: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<cnp>>" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Total Debt: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "<<total debt>>" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Personal Details" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "add-debt form-s" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Add New Debt for Sile" ] , H.input [ A.type' "text", A.placeholder "Amount" ] [] , H.textarea [ A.placeholder "Reason" ] [] , H.button [ A.class "submit" ] [ H.text "Add Debt" ] ] ] debtsList = H.section [ A.class "debts-list" ] [ H.h3 [] [ H.text "Incurred Debts" ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit Debt" ] ] , H.article [ A.class "debts" ] [ H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Amount: " ], H.span [] [ H.text "514851 lei" ] ] , H.p [] [ H.label [] [ H.text "Reason " ], H.span [] [ H.text "Lorem ipsum dummy text" ] ] , H.button [] [ H.text "Edit / Update" ] ] ] showDebtor : Debtor -> Html msg showDebtor { PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, birthDate, birthPlace, cnp, debts } = let totalDebt = debts |> List.map .amount |> List.sum |> toString in H.tr [] [ H.td [] [ H.text PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI ] , H.td [] [ H.text PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI ] , H.td [] [ H.text birthDate ] , H.td [] [ H.text cnp ] , H.td [] [ H.text <| totalDebt ++ " RON" ] , H.td [] [ H.button [] [ H.text "Edit" ] ] ]
[ { "context": "le = \"Le corbeau et le renard\"\n , content = \"Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché,\\nTenait en son bec un froma", "end": 8106, "score": 0.998688519, "start": 8092, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Maître Corbeau" }, { "context": " un arbre perché,\\nTenait en son bec un fromage.\\nMaître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\\nLui tint à peu près ce lan", "end": 8174, "score": 0.9366439581, "start": 8161, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Maître Renard" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import BodyBuilder exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Attributes as Attributes exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Events as Events import BodyBuilder.Router as Router exposing ( History , Page , StandardHistoryMsg(..) , Transition , handleStandardHistory , historyView , initHistoryAndData , maybeTransitionSubscription , pageWithDefaultTransition , push ) import BodyBuilder.Style as Style import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Color import Elegant exposing (SizeUnit, percent, pt, px, vh) import Elegant.Border as Border import Elegant.Box as Box import Elegant.Constants as Constants import Elegant.Corner as Corner import Elegant.Cursor as Cursor import Elegant.Dimensions as Dimensions import Elegant.Display as Display import Elegant.Outline as Outline import Elegant.Padding as Padding import Elegant.Typography as Typography import Modifiers exposing (..) import Time import Url find_by : (a -> b) -> b -> List a -> Maybe a find_by insideDataFun data = List.filter (\e -> insideDataFun e == data) >> List.head type Route = BlogpostsIndex | BlogpostsShow Int type alias Data = { blogposts : List Blogpost , key : Nav.Key , url : Url.Url } type alias MyHistory = History Route Msg type alias Model = { history : MyHistory , data : Data } type HistoryMsg = BlogpostShow Int type Msg = HistoryMsgWrapper HistoryMsg | StandardHistoryWrapper StandardHistoryMsg | UrlChanged Url.Url | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest type alias MarkdownString = String type alias Blogpost = { id : Int , title : String , content : MarkdownString , publishedAt : Maybe Time.Posix , image : String } handleHistory : HistoryMsg -> MyHistory -> MyHistory handleHistory route history = case route of BlogpostShow id -> history |> push (Router.pageWithDefaultTransition (BlogpostsShow id)) gray : Color.Color gray = Color.grayscale 0.9 titleView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg titleView blogpost = button [ Events.onClick <| HistoryMsgWrapper <| BlogpostShow blogpost.id , standardCellStyle ] [ text blogpost.title ] showView : { b | maybeBlogpost : Maybe Blogpost } -> NodeWithStyle Msg showView data = case data.maybeBlogpost of Nothing -> node [] [ text "Error" ] Just blogPost -> Router.pageWithHeader (Router.headerElement { left = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "← BACK" , center = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "Blog" , right = node [] [] } ) (blogpostView blogPost) blogpostView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle msg blogpostView blogpost = node [] [ img "" blogpost.image [ style [ Style.block [ Display.fullWidth ] ] ] , node [ style [ Style.block [] , Style.box [ Box.padding [ Padding.horizontal Constants.medium ] ] ] ] (textToHtml blogpost.content) ] textToHtml : String -> List (NodeWithStyle msg) textToHtml = (>>) (String.split "\n") (List.foldr (\e accu -> [ text e, br ] ++ accu) []) standardCellStyle : Modifiers.Modifier (Attributes.BoxContainer (Attributes.MaybeBlockContainer a)) standardCellStyle = style [ Style.block [ Display.alignment Display.left , Display.fullWidth ] , Style.box [ Box.cursor Cursor.pointer , Box.border [ Border.all [ Border.none ] , Border.bottom [ Border.solid, Elegant.color gray ] ] , Box.outline [ Outline.none ] , Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilyInherit , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] , Box.corner [ Corner.circular Corner.all (px 0) ] , Box.padding [ Padding.all Constants.large ] , Box.background [ Elegant.color Color.white ] ] ] blogpostsIndex : List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsIndex blogposts = node [ style [ Style.block [ Display.dimensions [ Dimensions.height (vh 100) ] ] , Style.box [ Box.background [ Elegant.color gray ] ] ] ] (blogposts |> List.map titleView) blogpostsShow : Int -> List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsShow id blogposts = node [] [ showView { maybeBlogpost = blogposts |> find_by .id id } ] pageView : Data -> Page Route Msg -> Maybe (Transition Route Msg) -> NodeWithStyle Msg pageView { blogposts } { route } transition = case route of BlogpostsIndex -> blogpostsIndex blogposts BlogpostsShow id -> blogpostsShow id blogposts chooseView : Model -> Document Msg chooseView model = case model.data.url.path of "/admin" -> adminView model _ -> homeView model homeView : Model -> Document Msg homeView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ historyView (pageView data) history ] } adminView : Model -> Document Msg adminView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "Admin ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ text "ADMIN is going to be here :)" ] } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let data = model.data in case msg of HistoryMsgWrapper historyMsg -> ( { model | history = handleHistory historyMsg model.history }, Cmd.none ) StandardHistoryWrapper historyMsg -> model |> handleStandardHistory historyMsg LinkClicked urlRequest -> case urlRequest of Browser.Internal url -> ( model, Nav.pushUrl data.key (Url.toString url) ) Browser.External href -> ( model, Nav.load href ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | data = { data | url = url } } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = maybeTransitionSubscription model.history initBlogposts : List Blogpost initBlogposts = [ { id = 1 , title = "La cigale et la fourmi" , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , content = "La Cigale, ayant chanté\nTout l'Été,\nSe trouva fort dépourvue\nQuand la bise fut venue.\nPas un seul petit morceau\nDe mouche ou de vermisseau.\nElle alla crier famine\nChez la Fourmi sa voisine,\nLa priant de lui prêter\nQuelque grain pour subsister\nJusqu'à la saison nouvelle.\nJe vous paierai, lui dit-elle,\nAvant l'Oût, foi d'animal,\nIntérêt et principal.\nLa Fourmi n'est pas prêteuse ;\nC'est là son moindre défaut.\n« Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?\nDit-elle à cette emprunteuse.\n— Nuit et jour à tout venant\nJe chantais, ne vous déplaise.\n— Vous chantiez ? j'en suis fort aise.\nEh bien !dansez maintenant. »\n" , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg/1024px-Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg" } , { id = 2 , title = "Le corbeau et le renard" , content = "Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché,\nTenait en son bec un fromage.\nMaître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,\nLui tint à peu près ce langage :\nEt bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.\nQue vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !\nSans mentir, si votre ramage\nSe rapporte à votre plumage,\nVous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois.\nÀ ces mots, le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ;\nEt pour montrer sa belle voix,\nIl ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.\nLe Renard s'en saisit, et dit : Mon bon Monsieur,\nApprenez que tout flatteur\nVit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute.\nCette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.\nLe Corbeau honteux et confus\nJura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus." , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Karga_9107.svg" } ] initData : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> Data initData flags url key = { blogposts = initBlogposts , key = key , url = url } init : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> { data : Data, history : MyHistory } init flags url key = initHistoryAndData BlogpostsIndex (initData flags url key) StandardHistoryWrapper main : Program () Model Msg main = application { init = \flags -> \url -> \key -> ( init flags url key, Cmd.none ) , onUrlChange = UrlChanged , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = chooseView }
module Main exposing (main) import BodyBuilder exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Attributes as Attributes exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Events as Events import BodyBuilder.Router as Router exposing ( History , Page , StandardHistoryMsg(..) , Transition , handleStandardHistory , historyView , initHistoryAndData , maybeTransitionSubscription , pageWithDefaultTransition , push ) import BodyBuilder.Style as Style import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Color import Elegant exposing (SizeUnit, percent, pt, px, vh) import Elegant.Border as Border import Elegant.Box as Box import Elegant.Constants as Constants import Elegant.Corner as Corner import Elegant.Cursor as Cursor import Elegant.Dimensions as Dimensions import Elegant.Display as Display import Elegant.Outline as Outline import Elegant.Padding as Padding import Elegant.Typography as Typography import Modifiers exposing (..) import Time import Url find_by : (a -> b) -> b -> List a -> Maybe a find_by insideDataFun data = List.filter (\e -> insideDataFun e == data) >> List.head type Route = BlogpostsIndex | BlogpostsShow Int type alias Data = { blogposts : List Blogpost , key : Nav.Key , url : Url.Url } type alias MyHistory = History Route Msg type alias Model = { history : MyHistory , data : Data } type HistoryMsg = BlogpostShow Int type Msg = HistoryMsgWrapper HistoryMsg | StandardHistoryWrapper StandardHistoryMsg | UrlChanged Url.Url | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest type alias MarkdownString = String type alias Blogpost = { id : Int , title : String , content : MarkdownString , publishedAt : Maybe Time.Posix , image : String } handleHistory : HistoryMsg -> MyHistory -> MyHistory handleHistory route history = case route of BlogpostShow id -> history |> push (Router.pageWithDefaultTransition (BlogpostsShow id)) gray : Color.Color gray = Color.grayscale 0.9 titleView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg titleView blogpost = button [ Events.onClick <| HistoryMsgWrapper <| BlogpostShow blogpost.id , standardCellStyle ] [ text blogpost.title ] showView : { b | maybeBlogpost : Maybe Blogpost } -> NodeWithStyle Msg showView data = case data.maybeBlogpost of Nothing -> node [] [ text "Error" ] Just blogPost -> Router.pageWithHeader (Router.headerElement { left = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "← BACK" , center = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "Blog" , right = node [] [] } ) (blogpostView blogPost) blogpostView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle msg blogpostView blogpost = node [] [ img "" blogpost.image [ style [ Style.block [ Display.fullWidth ] ] ] , node [ style [ Style.block [] , Style.box [ Box.padding [ Padding.horizontal Constants.medium ] ] ] ] (textToHtml blogpost.content) ] textToHtml : String -> List (NodeWithStyle msg) textToHtml = (>>) (String.split "\n") (List.foldr (\e accu -> [ text e, br ] ++ accu) []) standardCellStyle : Modifiers.Modifier (Attributes.BoxContainer (Attributes.MaybeBlockContainer a)) standardCellStyle = style [ Style.block [ Display.alignment Display.left , Display.fullWidth ] , Style.box [ Box.cursor Cursor.pointer , Box.border [ Border.all [ Border.none ] , Border.bottom [ Border.solid, Elegant.color gray ] ] , Box.outline [ Outline.none ] , Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilyInherit , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] , Box.corner [ Corner.circular Corner.all (px 0) ] , Box.padding [ Padding.all Constants.large ] , Box.background [ Elegant.color Color.white ] ] ] blogpostsIndex : List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsIndex blogposts = node [ style [ Style.block [ Display.dimensions [ Dimensions.height (vh 100) ] ] , Style.box [ Box.background [ Elegant.color gray ] ] ] ] (blogposts |> List.map titleView) blogpostsShow : Int -> List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsShow id blogposts = node [] [ showView { maybeBlogpost = blogposts |> find_by .id id } ] pageView : Data -> Page Route Msg -> Maybe (Transition Route Msg) -> NodeWithStyle Msg pageView { blogposts } { route } transition = case route of BlogpostsIndex -> blogpostsIndex blogposts BlogpostsShow id -> blogpostsShow id blogposts chooseView : Model -> Document Msg chooseView model = case model.data.url.path of "/admin" -> adminView model _ -> homeView model homeView : Model -> Document Msg homeView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ historyView (pageView data) history ] } adminView : Model -> Document Msg adminView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "Admin ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ text "ADMIN is going to be here :)" ] } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let data = model.data in case msg of HistoryMsgWrapper historyMsg -> ( { model | history = handleHistory historyMsg model.history }, Cmd.none ) StandardHistoryWrapper historyMsg -> model |> handleStandardHistory historyMsg LinkClicked urlRequest -> case urlRequest of Browser.Internal url -> ( model, Nav.pushUrl data.key (Url.toString url) ) Browser.External href -> ( model, Nav.load href ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | data = { data | url = url } } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = maybeTransitionSubscription model.history initBlogposts : List Blogpost initBlogposts = [ { id = 1 , title = "La cigale et la fourmi" , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , content = "La Cigale, ayant chanté\nTout l'Été,\nSe trouva fort dépourvue\nQuand la bise fut venue.\nPas un seul petit morceau\nDe mouche ou de vermisseau.\nElle alla crier famine\nChez la Fourmi sa voisine,\nLa priant de lui prêter\nQuelque grain pour subsister\nJusqu'à la saison nouvelle.\nJe vous paierai, lui dit-elle,\nAvant l'Oût, foi d'animal,\nIntérêt et principal.\nLa Fourmi n'est pas prêteuse ;\nC'est là son moindre défaut.\n« Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?\nDit-elle à cette emprunteuse.\n— Nuit et jour à tout venant\nJe chantais, ne vous déplaise.\n— Vous chantiez ? j'en suis fort aise.\nEh bien !dansez maintenant. »\n" , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg/1024px-Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg" } , { id = 2 , title = "Le corbeau et le renard" , content = "<NAME>, sur un arbre perché,\nTenait en son bec un fromage.\n<NAME>, par l'odeur alléché,\nLui tint à peu près ce langage :\nEt bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.\nQue vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !\nSans mentir, si votre ramage\nSe rapporte à votre plumage,\nVous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois.\nÀ ces mots, le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ;\nEt pour montrer sa belle voix,\nIl ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.\nLe Renard s'en saisit, et dit : Mon bon Monsieur,\nApprenez que tout flatteur\nVit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute.\nCette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.\nLe Corbeau honteux et confus\nJura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus." , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Karga_9107.svg" } ] initData : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> Data initData flags url key = { blogposts = initBlogposts , key = key , url = url } init : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> { data : Data, history : MyHistory } init flags url key = initHistoryAndData BlogpostsIndex (initData flags url key) StandardHistoryWrapper main : Program () Model Msg main = application { init = \flags -> \url -> \key -> ( init flags url key, Cmd.none ) , onUrlChange = UrlChanged , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = chooseView }
module Main exposing (main) import BodyBuilder exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Attributes as Attributes exposing (..) import BodyBuilder.Events as Events import BodyBuilder.Router as Router exposing ( History , Page , StandardHistoryMsg(..) , Transition , handleStandardHistory , historyView , initHistoryAndData , maybeTransitionSubscription , pageWithDefaultTransition , push ) import BodyBuilder.Style as Style import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Color import Elegant exposing (SizeUnit, percent, pt, px, vh) import Elegant.Border as Border import Elegant.Box as Box import Elegant.Constants as Constants import Elegant.Corner as Corner import Elegant.Cursor as Cursor import Elegant.Dimensions as Dimensions import Elegant.Display as Display import Elegant.Outline as Outline import Elegant.Padding as Padding import Elegant.Typography as Typography import Modifiers exposing (..) import Time import Url find_by : (a -> b) -> b -> List a -> Maybe a find_by insideDataFun data = List.filter (\e -> insideDataFun e == data) >> List.head type Route = BlogpostsIndex | BlogpostsShow Int type alias Data = { blogposts : List Blogpost , key : Nav.Key , url : Url.Url } type alias MyHistory = History Route Msg type alias Model = { history : MyHistory , data : Data } type HistoryMsg = BlogpostShow Int type Msg = HistoryMsgWrapper HistoryMsg | StandardHistoryWrapper StandardHistoryMsg | UrlChanged Url.Url | LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest type alias MarkdownString = String type alias Blogpost = { id : Int , title : String , content : MarkdownString , publishedAt : Maybe Time.Posix , image : String } handleHistory : HistoryMsg -> MyHistory -> MyHistory handleHistory route history = case route of BlogpostShow id -> history |> push (Router.pageWithDefaultTransition (BlogpostsShow id)) gray : Color.Color gray = Color.grayscale 0.9 titleView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg titleView blogpost = button [ Events.onClick <| HistoryMsgWrapper <| BlogpostShow blogpost.id , standardCellStyle ] [ text blogpost.title ] showView : { b | maybeBlogpost : Maybe Blogpost } -> NodeWithStyle Msg showView data = case data.maybeBlogpost of Nothing -> node [] [ text "Error" ] Just blogPost -> Router.pageWithHeader (Router.headerElement { left = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "← BACK" , center = Router.headerButton (StandardHistoryWrapper Router.Back) "Blog" , right = node [] [] } ) (blogpostView blogPost) blogpostView : Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle msg blogpostView blogpost = node [] [ img "" blogpost.image [ style [ Style.block [ Display.fullWidth ] ] ] , node [ style [ Style.block [] , Style.box [ Box.padding [ Padding.horizontal Constants.medium ] ] ] ] (textToHtml blogpost.content) ] textToHtml : String -> List (NodeWithStyle msg) textToHtml = (>>) (String.split "\n") (List.foldr (\e accu -> [ text e, br ] ++ accu) []) standardCellStyle : Modifiers.Modifier (Attributes.BoxContainer (Attributes.MaybeBlockContainer a)) standardCellStyle = style [ Style.block [ Display.alignment Display.left , Display.fullWidth ] , Style.box [ Box.cursor Cursor.pointer , Box.border [ Border.all [ Border.none ] , Border.bottom [ Border.solid, Elegant.color gray ] ] , Box.outline [ Outline.none ] , Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilyInherit , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] , Box.corner [ Corner.circular Corner.all (px 0) ] , Box.padding [ Padding.all Constants.large ] , Box.background [ Elegant.color Color.white ] ] ] blogpostsIndex : List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsIndex blogposts = node [ style [ Style.block [ Display.dimensions [ Dimensions.height (vh 100) ] ] , Style.box [ Box.background [ Elegant.color gray ] ] ] ] (blogposts |> List.map titleView) blogpostsShow : Int -> List Blogpost -> NodeWithStyle Msg blogpostsShow id blogposts = node [] [ showView { maybeBlogpost = blogposts |> find_by .id id } ] pageView : Data -> Page Route Msg -> Maybe (Transition Route Msg) -> NodeWithStyle Msg pageView { blogposts } { route } transition = case route of BlogpostsIndex -> blogpostsIndex blogposts BlogpostsShow id -> blogpostsShow id blogposts chooseView : Model -> Document Msg chooseView model = case model.data.url.path of "/admin" -> adminView model _ -> homeView model homeView : Model -> Document Msg homeView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ historyView (pageView data) history ] } adminView : Model -> Document Msg adminView ({ history, data } as model) = { title = "Admin ProjectTest" , body = div [ style [ Style.box [ Box.typography [ Typography.fontFamilySansSerif , Typography.size Constants.zeta ] ] ] ] [ text "ADMIN is going to be here :)" ] } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let data = model.data in case msg of HistoryMsgWrapper historyMsg -> ( { model | history = handleHistory historyMsg model.history }, Cmd.none ) StandardHistoryWrapper historyMsg -> model |> handleStandardHistory historyMsg LinkClicked urlRequest -> case urlRequest of Browser.Internal url -> ( model, Nav.pushUrl data.key (Url.toString url) ) Browser.External href -> ( model, Nav.load href ) UrlChanged url -> ( { model | data = { data | url = url } } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = maybeTransitionSubscription model.history initBlogposts : List Blogpost initBlogposts = [ { id = 1 , title = "La cigale et la fourmi" , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , content = "La Cigale, ayant chanté\nTout l'Été,\nSe trouva fort dépourvue\nQuand la bise fut venue.\nPas un seul petit morceau\nDe mouche ou de vermisseau.\nElle alla crier famine\nChez la Fourmi sa voisine,\nLa priant de lui prêter\nQuelque grain pour subsister\nJusqu'à la saison nouvelle.\nJe vous paierai, lui dit-elle,\nAvant l'Oût, foi d'animal,\nIntérêt et principal.\nLa Fourmi n'est pas prêteuse ;\nC'est là son moindre défaut.\n« Que faisiez-vous au temps chaud ?\nDit-elle à cette emprunteuse.\n— Nuit et jour à tout venant\nJe chantais, ne vous déplaise.\n— Vous chantiez ? j'en suis fort aise.\nEh bien !dansez maintenant. »\n" , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg/1024px-Snodgrass_Magicicada_septendecim.jpg" } , { id = 2 , title = "Le corbeau et le renard" , content = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, sur un arbre perché,\nTenait en son bec un fromage.\nPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, par l'odeur alléché,\nLui tint à peu près ce langage :\nEt bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.\nQue vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !\nSans mentir, si votre ramage\nSe rapporte à votre plumage,\nVous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois.\nÀ ces mots, le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ;\nEt pour montrer sa belle voix,\nIl ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.\nLe Renard s'en saisit, et dit : Mon bon Monsieur,\nApprenez que tout flatteur\nVit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute.\nCette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.\nLe Corbeau honteux et confus\nJura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus." , publishedAt = Just <| Time.millisToPosix 1502323200 , image = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Karga_9107.svg" } ] initData : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> Data initData flags url key = { blogposts = initBlogposts , key = key , url = url } init : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> { data : Data, history : MyHistory } init flags url key = initHistoryAndData BlogpostsIndex (initData flags url key) StandardHistoryWrapper main : Program () Model Msg main = application { init = \flags -> \url -> \key -> ( init flags url key, Cmd.none ) , onUrlChange = UrlChanged , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = chooseView }
[ { "context": "ck\n (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser)\n >> Tuple.first\n ", "end": 6767, "score": 0.9945634604, "start": 6757, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sampleUser" }, { "context": "ck\n (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser)\n >> Tuple.first\n ", "end": 21184, "score": 0.6443737745, "start": 21174, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sampleUser" }, { "context": "ck\n (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser)\n >> Tuple.first\n ", "end": 21663, "score": 0.5007032156, "start": 21653, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sampleUser" }, { "context": "ck\n (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser)\n >> Tuple.first\n ", "end": 23136, "score": 0.9962351918, "start": 23126, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sampleUser" }, { "context": "st\"\n , userName = \"test\"\n , name = \"test\"\n", "end": 36589, "score": 0.9991148114, "start": 36585, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "test" }, { "context": " \"test\"\n , name = \"test\"\n , email = \"test\"", "end": 36637, "score": 0.9457865953, "start": 36633, "tag": "NAME", "value": "test" }, { "context": " , displayUserId = \"displayUserIdTest\"\n }\n ", "end": 36964, "score": 0.994348228, "start": 36947, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "displayUserIdTest" }, { "context": "st\"\n , userName = \"test\"\n , name = \"test\"\n", "end": 37329, "score": 0.9986261129, "start": 37325, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "test" }, { "context": " \"test\"\n , name = \"test\"\n , email = \"test\"", "end": 37377, "score": 0.9990324974, "start": 37373, "tag": "NAME", "value": "test" }, { "context": " , displayUserId = \"displayUserIdTest\"\n }\n ", "end": 37704, "score": 0.998174727, "start": 37687, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "displayUserIdTest" }, { "context": "rse.User\nsampleUser =\n { id = \"1\", userName = \"test\", name = \"Bob\", isAdmin = False, email = \"bob@bob", "end": 47144, "score": 0.9991191626, "start": 47140, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "test" }, { "context": "User =\n { id = \"1\", userName = \"test\", name = \"Bob\", isAdmin = False, email = \"bob@bob.com\", teams =", "end": 47158, "score": 0.9993768334, "start": 47155, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": "= \"test\", name = \"Bob\", isAdmin = False, email = \"bob@bob.com\", teams = Dict.empty , displayUserId = \"displayUs", "end": 47198, "score": 0.9999130368, "start": 47187, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "bob@bob.com" }, { "context": "b@bob.com\", teams = Dict.empty , displayUserId = \"displayUserIdTest\" }\n\n\npipelineBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.S", "end": 47256, "score": 0.9986240864, "start": 47239, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "displayUserIdTest" } ]
module TopBarTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Assets import Char import ColorValues import Common exposing (defineHoverBehaviour, hoverOver, queryView) import Concourse exposing (JsonValue(..)) import Dashboard.SearchBar as SearchBar import DashboardTests exposing (iconSelector) import Data import Dict import Expect exposing (..) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Http import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Message.Callback as Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects as Effects import Message.Message as Msgs import Message.Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as ApplicationMsgs import Routes import Set import Test exposing (..) import Test.Html.Event as Event import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector as Selector exposing ( attribute , class , containing , id , style , tag , text ) import Time import Url import Views.Styles rspecStyleDescribe : String -> subject -> List (subject -> Test) -> Test rspecStyleDescribe description beforeEach subTests = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) beforeEach)) context : String -> (setup -> subject) -> List (subject -> Test) -> (setup -> Test) context description beforeEach subTests setup = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) (beforeEach setup))) it : String -> (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Test it desc expectationFunc subject = Test.test desc <| \_ -> expectationFunc subject update : Msgs.Message -> Login.Model {} -> ( Login.Model {}, List Effects.Effect ) update msg = (\a -> ( a, [] )) >> Login.update msg lineHeight : String lineHeight = "54px" borderGrey : String borderGrey = "#3d3c3c" backgroundGrey : String backgroundGrey = "#1e1d1d" pausedBlue : String pausedBlue = "#3498db" topBarHeight : String topBarHeight = "54px" searchBarBorder : String -> String searchBarBorder color = "1px solid " ++ color searchBarHeight : String searchBarHeight = "30px" searchBarWidth : String searchBarWidth = "251px" searchBarPadding : String searchBarPadding = "0 42px" flags : Application.Flags flags = { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "" , csrfToken = "" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } instanceVars : Concourse.InstanceVars instanceVars = Dict.fromList [ ( "var1", JsonString "v1" ), ( "var2", JsonString "v2" ) ] pipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline pipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars instanceVars archivedPipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline archivedPipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars (Dict.fromList [ ( "foo", JsonString "bar" ) ]) |> Data.withArchived True all : Test all = describe "TopBar" [ rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first ) [ context "when login state unknown" queryView [ it "shows concourse logo" <| Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.ConcourseLogoWhite , style "background-position" "50% 50%" , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" , style "background-size" "42px 42px" , style "width" topBarHeight , style "height" topBarHeight ] , it "does not shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.hasNot [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "shows pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders pipeline name second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] ] , it "has dark grey background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , it "lays out contents horizontally" <| Query.has [ style "display" "flex" ] , it "maximizes spacing between the left and right navs" <| Query.has [ style "justify-content" "space-between" ] , it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] ] , context "when logged out" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Data.httpUnauthorized) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] ] , context "when logged in" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "renders login component with a maximum width" <| Query.find [ id "login-component" ] >> Query.has [ style "max-width" "20%" ] , it "renders login container with relative position" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" ] , it "lays out login container contents vertically" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" ] , it "draws lighter grey line to the left of login container" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] , it "renders login container tall enough" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] , Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ style "overflow" "hidden" , style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ] ] , it "shows the logged in displayUserId when the user is logged in" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.has [ text "displayUserIdTest" ] , it "Click UserMenu message is received when login menu is clicked" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) , it "does not render the logout button" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.hasNot [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders pause pipeline button" <| Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] >> Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.PauseIcon ] ] , it "clicking a pinned resource navigates to the pinned resource page" <| Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.GoToRoute (Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) ) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.NavigateTo <| Routes.toString <| Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ] , context "when pipeline is paused" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "has blue background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] , context "when pipeline is archived" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True |> Data.withArchived True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "does not render pause toggle" <| Query.hasNot [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , it "draws uses the normal border colour for the login container" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] ] , context "when hovering over the pinned icon" (hoverOver Msgs.TopBarPinIcon >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPinnedVersion version tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (Callback.ResourcesFetched <| Ok [ Data.resource version ] ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when there's resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion (Just "v1") "view pinned resources" , it "shows correct text when there's no resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion Nothing "no pinned resources" ] , context "when hovering over the favorited icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarFavoritedIcon 0) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithFavoritedPipelines ids tooltipText = Application.handleDelivery (FavoritedPipelinesReceived <| Ok ids ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p") ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines Set.empty "favorite pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines (Set.singleton 0) "unfavorite pipeline" ] , context "when hovering over the pause toggle icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle Data.shortPipelineId) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPaused paused tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused paused ) ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not paused" <| testWithPaused False "pause pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is paused" <| testWithPaused True "unpause pipeline" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , archivedPipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "instance group breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ]) [ it "displays badge containing number of pipelines in group" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has [ text "2" ] , it "contains the name of the instance group" <| Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "is a link to the instance group view" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref <| Routes.Dashboard { searchType = Routes.Normal "team:\"team\" group:\"pipeline\"" , dashboardView = Routes.ViewNonArchivedPipelines } ] ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline with no instance vars" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders the empty set" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "{}" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering user menus on clicks" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline") [ it "shows user menu when ToggleUserMenu msg is received" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders user menu content when click UserMenu msg is received and logged in" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ text "logout" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "55px" , style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 , style "height" topBarHeight , style "width" "100%" , style "border-top" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , it "when logout is clicked, a Click LogoutButton msg is sent" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LogoutButton) , it "shows 'login' when LoggedOut TopLevelMessage is successful" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut <| Ok ()) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ text "login" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "login component when user is logged out" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] , it "has the login container styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when triggering a log in message" (Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) ) [ it "redirects to login page when you click login" <| Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LoginButton) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on build page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job/builds/1" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing build details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , context "job breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-job" ]) [ it "is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "has job icon rendered first" <| Query.has jobBreadcrumbSelector , it "has build name after job icon" <| Query.has [ text "job" ] , it "does not appear clickable" <| Query.hasNot [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on build page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Build { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" , buildName = "1" } , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on resource page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/resources/resource" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing resource details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and resource in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "/" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] ] , it "resource breadcrumb is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "top bar has resource breadcrumb with resource icon rendered first" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has resourceBreadcrumbSelector , it "top bar has resource name after resource icon" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "resource" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on resource page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Resource { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , resourceName = "resource" } , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on job page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing job details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and job in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-job" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on job page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Job { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" } , page = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , describe "pause toggle" <| let givenPipelinePaused = Common.init "/teams/t/pipelines/p" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) |> Tuple.first givenUserAuthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "test" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "t", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first givenUserUnauthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "test" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "s", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first pipelineIdentifier = Data.shortPipelineId toggleMsg = ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click <| Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier in [ defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when authorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserAuthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthenticated" , setup = givenPipelinePaused , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.2" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "default" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with tooltip below" , selector = [ containing ([ style "cursor" "default" , style "opacity" "0.2" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } ) , containing [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "100%" ] , style "position" "relative" , style "margin" "17px" ] } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , test "clicking play button sends TogglePipelinePaused msg" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.expect toggleMsg , test "play button unclickable for non-members" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.toResult |> Expect.err , test "play button click msg sends api call" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.SendTogglePipelineRequest pipelineIdentifier True ] , test "play button click msg turns icon into spinner" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.has [ style "animation" "container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite" , style "height" "20px" , style "width" "20px" ] , test "successful PipelineToggled callback turns topbar dark" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , test "successful callback turns spinner into pause button" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Query.has (iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PauseIcon } ) , test "Unauthorized PipelineToggled callback redirects to login" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpUnauthorized ) |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] , test "erroring PipelineToggled callback leaves topbar blue" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpInternalServerError ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] ] eachHasStyle : String -> String -> Query.Multiple msg -> Expectation eachHasStyle property value = Query.each <| Query.has [ style property value ] sampleUser : Concourse.User sampleUser = { id = "1", userName = "test", name = "Bob", isAdmin = False, email = "bob@bob.com", teams = Dict.empty , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } pipelineBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector pipelineBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.PipelineComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] jobBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector jobBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.JobComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] resourceBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector resourceBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.ResourceComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ]
module TopBarTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Assets import Char import ColorValues import Common exposing (defineHoverBehaviour, hoverOver, queryView) import Concourse exposing (JsonValue(..)) import Dashboard.SearchBar as SearchBar import DashboardTests exposing (iconSelector) import Data import Dict import Expect exposing (..) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Http import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Message.Callback as Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects as Effects import Message.Message as Msgs import Message.Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as ApplicationMsgs import Routes import Set import Test exposing (..) import Test.Html.Event as Event import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector as Selector exposing ( attribute , class , containing , id , style , tag , text ) import Time import Url import Views.Styles rspecStyleDescribe : String -> subject -> List (subject -> Test) -> Test rspecStyleDescribe description beforeEach subTests = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) beforeEach)) context : String -> (setup -> subject) -> List (subject -> Test) -> (setup -> Test) context description beforeEach subTests setup = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) (beforeEach setup))) it : String -> (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Test it desc expectationFunc subject = Test.test desc <| \_ -> expectationFunc subject update : Msgs.Message -> Login.Model {} -> ( Login.Model {}, List Effects.Effect ) update msg = (\a -> ( a, [] )) >> Login.update msg lineHeight : String lineHeight = "54px" borderGrey : String borderGrey = "#3d3c3c" backgroundGrey : String backgroundGrey = "#1e1d1d" pausedBlue : String pausedBlue = "#3498db" topBarHeight : String topBarHeight = "54px" searchBarBorder : String -> String searchBarBorder color = "1px solid " ++ color searchBarHeight : String searchBarHeight = "30px" searchBarWidth : String searchBarWidth = "251px" searchBarPadding : String searchBarPadding = "0 42px" flags : Application.Flags flags = { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "" , csrfToken = "" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } instanceVars : Concourse.InstanceVars instanceVars = Dict.fromList [ ( "var1", JsonString "v1" ), ( "var2", JsonString "v2" ) ] pipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline pipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars instanceVars archivedPipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline archivedPipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars (Dict.fromList [ ( "foo", JsonString "bar" ) ]) |> Data.withArchived True all : Test all = describe "TopBar" [ rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first ) [ context "when login state unknown" queryView [ it "shows concourse logo" <| Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.ConcourseLogoWhite , style "background-position" "50% 50%" , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" , style "background-size" "42px 42px" , style "width" topBarHeight , style "height" topBarHeight ] , it "does not shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.hasNot [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "shows pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders pipeline name second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] ] , it "has dark grey background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , it "lays out contents horizontally" <| Query.has [ style "display" "flex" ] , it "maximizes spacing between the left and right navs" <| Query.has [ style "justify-content" "space-between" ] , it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] ] , context "when logged out" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Data.httpUnauthorized) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] ] , context "when logged in" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "renders login component with a maximum width" <| Query.find [ id "login-component" ] >> Query.has [ style "max-width" "20%" ] , it "renders login container with relative position" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" ] , it "lays out login container contents vertically" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" ] , it "draws lighter grey line to the left of login container" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] , it "renders login container tall enough" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] , Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ style "overflow" "hidden" , style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ] ] , it "shows the logged in displayUserId when the user is logged in" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.has [ text "displayUserIdTest" ] , it "Click UserMenu message is received when login menu is clicked" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) , it "does not render the logout button" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.hasNot [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders pause pipeline button" <| Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] >> Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.PauseIcon ] ] , it "clicking a pinned resource navigates to the pinned resource page" <| Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.GoToRoute (Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) ) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.NavigateTo <| Routes.toString <| Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ] , context "when pipeline is paused" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "has blue background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] , context "when pipeline is archived" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True |> Data.withArchived True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "does not render pause toggle" <| Query.hasNot [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , it "draws uses the normal border colour for the login container" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] ] , context "when hovering over the pinned icon" (hoverOver Msgs.TopBarPinIcon >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPinnedVersion version tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (Callback.ResourcesFetched <| Ok [ Data.resource version ] ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when there's resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion (Just "v1") "view pinned resources" , it "shows correct text when there's no resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion Nothing "no pinned resources" ] , context "when hovering over the favorited icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarFavoritedIcon 0) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithFavoritedPipelines ids tooltipText = Application.handleDelivery (FavoritedPipelinesReceived <| Ok ids ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p") ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines Set.empty "favorite pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines (Set.singleton 0) "unfavorite pipeline" ] , context "when hovering over the pause toggle icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle Data.shortPipelineId) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPaused paused tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused paused ) ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not paused" <| testWithPaused False "pause pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is paused" <| testWithPaused True "unpause pipeline" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , archivedPipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "instance group breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ]) [ it "displays badge containing number of pipelines in group" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has [ text "2" ] , it "contains the name of the instance group" <| Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "is a link to the instance group view" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref <| Routes.Dashboard { searchType = Routes.Normal "team:\"team\" group:\"pipeline\"" , dashboardView = Routes.ViewNonArchivedPipelines } ] ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline with no instance vars" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders the empty set" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "{}" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering user menus on clicks" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline") [ it "shows user menu when ToggleUserMenu msg is received" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders user menu content when click UserMenu msg is received and logged in" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ text "logout" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "55px" , style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 , style "height" topBarHeight , style "width" "100%" , style "border-top" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , it "when logout is clicked, a Click LogoutButton msg is sent" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LogoutButton) , it "shows 'login' when LoggedOut TopLevelMessage is successful" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut <| Ok ()) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ text "login" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "login component when user is logged out" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] , it "has the login container styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when triggering a log in message" (Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) ) [ it "redirects to login page when you click login" <| Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LoginButton) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on build page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job/builds/1" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing build details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , context "job breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-job" ]) [ it "is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "has job icon rendered first" <| Query.has jobBreadcrumbSelector , it "has build name after job icon" <| Query.has [ text "job" ] , it "does not appear clickable" <| Query.hasNot [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on build page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Build { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" , buildName = "1" } , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on resource page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/resources/resource" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing resource details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and resource in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "/" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] ] , it "resource breadcrumb is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "top bar has resource breadcrumb with resource icon rendered first" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has resourceBreadcrumbSelector , it "top bar has resource name after resource icon" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "resource" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on resource page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Resource { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , resourceName = "resource" } , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on job page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing job details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and job in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-job" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on job page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Job { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" } , page = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , describe "pause toggle" <| let givenPipelinePaused = Common.init "/teams/t/pipelines/p" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) |> Tuple.first givenUserAuthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "<NAME>" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "t", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first givenUserUnauthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "<NAME>" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "s", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first pipelineIdentifier = Data.shortPipelineId toggleMsg = ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click <| Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier in [ defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when authorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserAuthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthenticated" , setup = givenPipelinePaused , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.2" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "default" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with tooltip below" , selector = [ containing ([ style "cursor" "default" , style "opacity" "0.2" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } ) , containing [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "100%" ] , style "position" "relative" , style "margin" "17px" ] } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , test "clicking play button sends TogglePipelinePaused msg" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.expect toggleMsg , test "play button unclickable for non-members" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.toResult |> Expect.err , test "play button click msg sends api call" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.SendTogglePipelineRequest pipelineIdentifier True ] , test "play button click msg turns icon into spinner" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.has [ style "animation" "container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite" , style "height" "20px" , style "width" "20px" ] , test "successful PipelineToggled callback turns topbar dark" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , test "successful callback turns spinner into pause button" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Query.has (iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PauseIcon } ) , test "Unauthorized PipelineToggled callback redirects to login" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpUnauthorized ) |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] , test "erroring PipelineToggled callback leaves topbar blue" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpInternalServerError ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] ] eachHasStyle : String -> String -> Query.Multiple msg -> Expectation eachHasStyle property value = Query.each <| Query.has [ style property value ] sampleUser : Concourse.User sampleUser = { id = "1", userName = "test", name = "<NAME>", isAdmin = False, email = "<EMAIL>", teams = Dict.empty , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } pipelineBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector pipelineBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.PipelineComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] jobBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector jobBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.JobComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] resourceBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector resourceBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.ResourceComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ]
module TopBarTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Assets import Char import ColorValues import Common exposing (defineHoverBehaviour, hoverOver, queryView) import Concourse exposing (JsonValue(..)) import Dashboard.SearchBar as SearchBar import DashboardTests exposing (iconSelector) import Data import Dict import Expect exposing (..) import Html.Attributes as Attr import Http import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Message.Callback as Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects as Effects import Message.Message as Msgs import Message.Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as ApplicationMsgs import Routes import Set import Test exposing (..) import Test.Html.Event as Event import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector as Selector exposing ( attribute , class , containing , id , style , tag , text ) import Time import Url import Views.Styles rspecStyleDescribe : String -> subject -> List (subject -> Test) -> Test rspecStyleDescribe description beforeEach subTests = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) beforeEach)) context : String -> (setup -> subject) -> List (subject -> Test) -> (setup -> Test) context description beforeEach subTests setup = Test.describe description (subTests |> List.map ((|>) (beforeEach setup))) it : String -> (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Test it desc expectationFunc subject = Test.test desc <| \_ -> expectationFunc subject update : Msgs.Message -> Login.Model {} -> ( Login.Model {}, List Effects.Effect ) update msg = (\a -> ( a, [] )) >> Login.update msg lineHeight : String lineHeight = "54px" borderGrey : String borderGrey = "#3d3c3c" backgroundGrey : String backgroundGrey = "#1e1d1d" pausedBlue : String pausedBlue = "#3498db" topBarHeight : String topBarHeight = "54px" searchBarBorder : String -> String searchBarBorder color = "1px solid " ++ color searchBarHeight : String searchBarHeight = "30px" searchBarWidth : String searchBarWidth = "251px" searchBarPadding : String searchBarPadding = "0 42px" flags : Application.Flags flags = { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "" , csrfToken = "" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } instanceVars : Concourse.InstanceVars instanceVars = Dict.fromList [ ( "var1", JsonString "v1" ), ( "var2", JsonString "v2" ) ] pipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline pipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars instanceVars archivedPipelineInstance : Concourse.Pipeline archivedPipelineInstance = Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" |> Data.withInstanceVars (Dict.fromList [ ( "foo", JsonString "bar" ) ]) |> Data.withArchived True all : Test all = describe "TopBar" [ rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first ) [ context "when login state unknown" queryView [ it "shows concourse logo" <| Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.ConcourseLogoWhite , style "background-position" "50% 50%" , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" , style "background-size" "42px 42px" , style "width" topBarHeight , style "height" topBarHeight ] , it "does not shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.hasNot [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "shows pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders pipeline name second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] ] , it "has dark grey background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , it "lays out contents horizontally" <| Query.has [ style "display" "flex" ] , it "maximizes spacing between the left and right navs" <| Query.has [ style "justify-content" "space-between" ] , it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] ] , context "when logged out" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Data.httpUnauthorized) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] ] , context "when logged in" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "renders the login component last" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.has [ id "login-component" ] , it "renders login component with a maximum width" <| Query.find [ id "login-component" ] >> Query.has [ style "max-width" "20%" ] , it "renders login container with relative position" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" ] , it "lays out login container contents vertically" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" ] , it "draws lighter grey line to the left of login container" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] , it "renders login container tall enough" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] , Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ style "overflow" "hidden" , style "text-overflow" "ellipsis" ] ] , it "shows the logged in displayUserId when the user is logged in" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.has [ text "displayUserIdTest" ] , it "Click UserMenu message is received when login menu is clicked" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) , it "does not render the logout button" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "user-id" ] >> Query.hasNot [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders pause pipeline button" <| Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] >> Query.has [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just Assets.PauseIcon ] ] , it "clicking a pinned resource navigates to the pinned resource page" <| Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.GoToRoute (Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) ) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.NavigateTo <| Routes.toString <| Routes.Resource { id = Data.shortResourceId , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ] , context "when pipeline is paused" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "has blue background" <| Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] , context "when pipeline is archived" (Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True |> Data.withArchived True ) ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> queryView ) [ it "does not render pause toggle" <| Query.hasNot [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , it "draws uses the normal border colour for the login container" <| Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey ] ] , context "when hovering over the pinned icon" (hoverOver Msgs.TopBarPinIcon >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPinnedVersion version tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (Callback.ResourcesFetched <| Ok [ Data.resource version ] ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when there's resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion (Just "v1") "view pinned resources" , it "shows correct text when there's no resources pinned" <| testWithPinnedVersion Nothing "no pinned resources" ] , context "when hovering over the favorited icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarFavoritedIcon 0) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithFavoritedPipelines ids tooltipText = Application.handleDelivery (FavoritedPipelinesReceived <| Ok ids ) >> Tuple.first >> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok <| (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p") ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines Set.empty "favorite pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is favorited" <| testWithFavoritedPipelines (Set.singleton 0) "unfavorite pipeline" ] , context "when hovering over the pause toggle icon" (hoverOver (Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle Data.shortPipelineId) >> Tuple.first) <| let testWithPaused paused tooltipText = Application.handleCallback (PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused paused ) ) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "tooltips" ] >> Query.has [ text tooltipText ] in [ it "shows correct text when the pipeline is not paused" <| testWithPaused False "pause pipeline" , it "shows correct text when the pipeline is paused" <| testWithPaused True "unpause pipeline" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , archivedPipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "instance group breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ]) [ it "displays badge containing number of pipelines in group" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has [ text "2" ] , it "contains the name of the instance group" <| Query.has [ text "pipeline" ] , it "is a link to the instance group view" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref <| Routes.Dashboard { searchType = Routes.Normal "team:\"team\" group:\"pipeline\"" , dashboardView = Routes.ViewNonArchivedPipelines } ] ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders icon first" <| Query.children [] >> Query.first >> Query.has pipelineBreadcrumbSelector , it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] , it "has pointer cursor" <| Query.has [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] , it "is a link to the relevant pipeline page" <| Query.has [ tag "a" , Common.routeHref (Routes.Pipeline { id = Concourse.toPipelineId pipelineInstance, groups = [] }) ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on pipeline page for an instanced pipeline with no instance vars" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance , Data.pipeline "team" 2 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders the empty set" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "{}" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering user menus on clicks" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline") [ it "shows user menu when ToggleUserMenu msg is received" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , it "renders user menu content when click UserMenu msg is received and logged in" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Expect.all [ Query.has [ id "logout-button" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ text "logout" ] , Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "55px" , style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 , style "height" topBarHeight , style "width" "100%" , style "border-top" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , it "when logout is clicked, a Click LogoutButton msg is sent" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok sampleUser) >> Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.UserMenu) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "logout-button" ] >> Event.simulate Event.click >> Event.expect (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LogoutButton) , it "shows 'login' when LoggedOut TopLevelMessage is successful" <| Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut <| Ok ()) >> Tuple.first >> queryView >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ text "login" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "login component when user is logged out" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "has a link to login" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a", attribute <| Attr.href "/sky/login" ] , it "has the login container styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-container" ] >> Query.has [ style "position" "relative" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "border-left" <| "1px solid " ++ borderGrey , style "line-height" lineHeight ] , it "has the login username styles" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index -1 >> Query.find [ id "login-item" ] >> Query.has [ style "padding" "0 30px" , style "cursor" "pointer" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" , style "justify-content" "center" , style "flex-grow" "1" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when triggering a log in message" (Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.LoggedOut (Ok ())) ) [ it "redirects to login page when you click login" <| Tuple.first >> Application.update (ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click Msgs.LoginButton) >> Tuple.second >> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on build page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job/builds/1" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing build details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , context "job breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-job" ]) [ it "is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "has job icon rendered first" <| Query.has jobBreadcrumbSelector , it "has build name after job icon" <| Query.has [ text "job" ] , it "does not appear clickable" <| Query.hasNot [ style "cursor" "pointer" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on build page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Build { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" , buildName = "1" } , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on resource page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/resources/resource" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing resource details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and resource in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "/" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] ] , it "resource breadcrumb is laid out horizontally with appropriate spacing" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.has [ style "display" "inline-block" , style "padding" "0 10px" ] , it "top bar has resource breadcrumb with resource icon rendered first" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 0 >> Query.has resourceBreadcrumbSelector , it "top bar has resource name after resource icon" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-resource" ] >> Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "resource" ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on resource page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Resource { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , resourceName = "resource" } , page = Nothing , version = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "rendering top bar on job page" (Common.init "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline/jobs/job" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ Data.pipeline "team" 1 |> Data.withName "pipeline" ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "should pad the breadcrumbs to max size so they can be left-aligned" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.has [ style "flex-grow" "1" ] , it "pipeline breadcrumb should have a link to the pipeline page when viewing job details" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] >> Query.has [ tag "a" , attribute <| Attr.href "/teams/team/pipelines/pipeline" ] , it "there is a / between pipeline and job in breadcrumb" <| Query.find [ id "breadcrumbs" ] >> Query.children [] >> Expect.all [ Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ class "breadcrumb-separator" ] , Query.index 0 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , Query.index 2 >> Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-job" ] ] ] , rspecStyleDescribe "when on job page for an instanced pipeline" (Common.initRoute (Routes.Job { id = { teamName = "team" , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = instanceVars , jobName = "job" } , page = Nothing } ) |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok [ pipelineInstance ] ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView ) [ it "shows instance group breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-instance-group" ] , it "has a pipeline breadcrumb" <| Query.has [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ] , context "pipeline breadcrumb" (Query.find [ id "breadcrumb-pipeline" ]) [ it "renders instance vars in hyphen notation second" <| Query.children [] >> Query.index 1 >> Query.has [ text "v1-v2" ] ] ] , describe "pause toggle" <| let givenPipelinePaused = Common.init "/teams/t/pipelines/p" |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineFetched <| Ok (Data.pipeline "t" 0 |> Data.withName "p" |> Data.withPaused True ) ) |> Tuple.first givenUserAuthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "t", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first givenUserUnauthorized = Application.handleCallback (Callback.UserFetched <| Ok { id = "test" , userName = "test" , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , email = "test" , isAdmin = False , teams = Dict.fromList [ ( "s", [ "member" ] ) ] , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } ) >> Tuple.first pipelineIdentifier = Data.shortPipelineId toggleMsg = ApplicationMsgs.Update <| Msgs.Click <| Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier in [ defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when authorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserAuthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthenticated" , setup = givenPipelinePaused , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.5" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "white play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "1" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "pointer" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , defineHoverBehaviour { name = "play pipeline icon when unauthorized" , setup = givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized , query = queryView >> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] , unhoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with light border" , selector = [ style "opacity" "0.2" , style "margin" "17px" , style "cursor" "default" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } } , hoveredSelector = { description = "faded play button with tooltip below" , selector = [ containing ([ style "cursor" "default" , style "opacity" "0.2" ] ++ iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PlayIcon } ) , containing [ style "position" "absolute" , style "top" "100%" ] , style "position" "relative" , style "margin" "17px" ] } , hoverable = Msgs.TopBarPauseToggle pipelineIdentifier } , test "clicking play button sends TogglePipelinePaused msg" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.expect toggleMsg , test "play button unclickable for non-members" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> givenUserUnauthorized |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Event.simulate Event.click |> Event.toResult |> Expect.err , test "play button click msg sends api call" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.SendTogglePipelineRequest pipelineIdentifier True ] , test "play button click msg turns icon into spinner" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.has [ style "animation" "container-rotate 1568ms linear infinite" , style "height" "20px" , style "width" "20px" ] , test "successful PipelineToggled callback turns topbar dark" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" ColorValues.grey100 ] , test "successful callback turns spinner into pause button" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.update toggleMsg |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-pause-toggle" ] |> Query.has (iconSelector { size = "20px" , image = Assets.PauseIcon } ) , test "Unauthorized PipelineToggled callback redirects to login" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpUnauthorized ) |> Tuple.second |> Expect.equal [ Effects.RedirectToLogin ] , test "erroring PipelineToggled callback leaves topbar blue" <| \_ -> givenPipelinePaused |> Application.handleCallback (Callback.PipelineToggled pipelineIdentifier <| Data.httpInternalServerError ) |> Tuple.first |> queryView |> Query.find [ id "top-bar-app" ] |> Query.has [ style "background-color" pausedBlue ] ] ] eachHasStyle : String -> String -> Query.Multiple msg -> Expectation eachHasStyle property value = Query.each <| Query.has [ style property value ] sampleUser : Concourse.User sampleUser = { id = "1", userName = "test", name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", isAdmin = False, email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI", teams = Dict.empty , displayUserId = "displayUserIdTest" } pipelineBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector pipelineBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.PipelineComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] jobBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector jobBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.JobComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ] resourceBreadcrumbSelector : List Selector.Selector resourceBreadcrumbSelector = [ style "background-image" <| Assets.backgroundImage <| Just (Assets.BreadcrumbIcon Assets.ResourceComponent) , style "background-repeat" "no-repeat" ]
[ { "context": "oken = \"\" })\n { placeholder = \"example@5apps.com\"\n , question = \"\"\"\n ", "end": 9061, "score": 0.9999098182, "start": 9044, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "example@5apps.com" }, { "context": "false\"\n\n --\n , placeholder \"anQLS9Usw24gxUi11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVA", "end": 13301, "score": 0.643327117, "start": 13291, "tag": "KEY", "value": "anQLS9Usw2" }, { "context": " --\n , placeholder \"anQLS9Usw24gxUi11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVAMGritbgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt1", "end": 13333, "score": 0.6152857542, "start": 13306, "tag": "KEY", "value": "11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1Cl" }, { "context": "lder \"anQLS9Usw24gxUi11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVAMGritbgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt186KyEccfUNyA", "end": 13345, "score": 0.6482318044, "start": 13335, "tag": "KEY", "value": "BHLRlaiA0C" }, { "context": "Usw24gxUi11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVAMGritbgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt186KyEccfUNyAq97\"\n\n ", "end": 13353, "score": 0.6446177363, "start": 13347, "tag": "KEY", "value": "ONVAMG" }, { "context": "11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVAMGritbgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt186KyEccfUNyAq97\"\n\n --\n , style \"-webkit-tex", "end": 13398, "score": 0.7062501907, "start": 13356, "tag": "KEY", "value": "bgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt186KyEccfUNyAq97" } ]
module UI.Authentication.View exposing (view) import Chunky exposing (..) import Conditional exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, a, button, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, href, placeholder, src, style, target, title, value, width) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onSubmit) import Html.Events.Extra exposing (onClickStopPropagation) import Html.Events.Extra.Mouse as Mouse import Html.Extra as Html import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Markdown import Material.Icons as Icons import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..)) import Svg exposing (Svg) import UI.Authentication.Types as Authentication exposing (..) import UI.Kit import UI.Svg.Elements import UI.Types as UI exposing (..) import User.Layer exposing (..) -- 🗺 view : Model -> Html UI.Msg view = Html.map AuthenticationMsg << Lazy.lazy view_ << .authentication view_ : State -> Html Authentication.Msg view_ state = chunk [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "h-full" , "items-center" ] [ brick [ style "height" "42%" ] [ "flex" , "items-center" , "pb-8" -- , "md:pb-0" ] [ -- Logo ------- chunk [ "py-5", "relative" ] [ slab Html.img [ onClick CancelFlow , src "images/diffuse-light.svg" , width 190 -- , case state of Welcome -> title "Diffuse" _ -> title "Go back" ] [ case state of Welcome -> "cursor-default" _ -> "cursor-pointer" ] [] -- Speech bubble ---------------- , case state of Authenticating -> speechBubble negotiating InputScreen _ { question } -> question |> String.lines |> List.map String.trimLeft |> String.join "\n" |> Markdown.toHtmlWith { githubFlavored = Nothing , defaultHighlighting = Nothing , sanitize = False , smartypants = True } [] |> speechBubble NewEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a new passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble Welcome -> [ text "Diffuse plays music" , inline [ "not-italic", "font-normal", "mr-px" ] [ text " ♫ " ] , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "from your Dropbox," , lineBreak , text "IPFS node, Amazon S3 bucket, or any other" , lineBreak , text "cloud/distributed storage service you use." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble _ -> [ text "Where would you like to keep your personal data?" , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "That's things like your favourites, your playlists, etc." , lineBreak , text "After this you'll be able add some music ♫" ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Content ----------------------------------------- , case state of InputScreen _ opts -> inputScreen opts NewEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = SignInWithPassphrase method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = SignIn method } UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = UpdateEncryptionKey method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = RemoveEncryptionKey method } Unauthenticated -> choicesScreen Authenticated _ -> choicesScreen Authenticating -> Html.nothing Welcome -> welcomeScreen ----------------------------------------- -- Link to about page ----------------------------------------- , chunk [ "antialiased" , "font-semibold" , "flex" , "flex-grow" , "items-end" , "leading-snug" , "pb-8" , "pt-3" , "text-sm" ] [ slab a [ href "about/" ] [ "border-b" , "border-white-60" , "italic" , "no-underline" , "text-white-60" ] [ text "More info" ] ] ] -- WELCOME welcomeScreen : Html Authentication.Msg welcomeScreen = chunk [ "mt-3" , "relative" , "z-10" ] [ UI.Kit.buttonWithColor UI.Kit.Blank UI.Kit.Filled GetStarted (slab Html.span [ style "letter-spacing" "0.25em" ] [ "align-middle" , "inline-block" , "text-nearly-sm" ] [ text "SIGN IN" ] ) ] -- LOADING negotiating : Html Authentication.Msg negotiating = chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" ] [ chunk [ "transform", "-translate-y-px" ] [ Html.map never (UI.Svg.Elements.loadingWithSize 14) ] , chunk [ "italic" , "ml-2" , "text-opacity-80" , "text-sm" , "text-white" ] [ Html.text "Negotiating with service" ] ] -- CHOICES choicesScreen : Html Authentication.Msg choicesScreen = chunk [ "bg-white" , "rounded" , "px-4" , "py-2" , "relative" , "z-10" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" ] [ choiceButton { action = ShowNewEncryptionKeyScreen Local , icon = Icons.web , infoLink = Nothing , label = "My Browser" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Fission { initialised = False }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.fissionLogo , infoLink = Just "https://fission.codes/" , label = "Fission" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Dropbox { accessToken = "", expiresAt = 0, refreshToken = "" }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.dropboxLogo , infoLink = Just "https://dropbox.com/" , label = "Dropbox" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = AskForInput (RemoteStorage { userAddress = "", token = "" }) { placeholder = "example@5apps.com" , question = """ What's your user address? <span class="font-normal text-white-60"> <br />The format's <span class="font-semibold">username@server.domain</span> </span> """ , value = "" } , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.remoteStorageLogo , infoLink = Just "https://remotestorage.io/" , label = "RemoteStorage" , outOfOrder = False } -- More options --------------- , chunk [ "pb-px", "pt-4", "text-center" ] [ slab Html.span [ title "More options" , Mouse.onClick ShowMoreOptions ] [ "inline-block", "px-1", "cursor-pointer", "leading-none" ] [ chunk [ "pointer-events-none" ] [ Icons.more_horiz 22 Inherit ] ] ] ] choiceButton : { action : msg , icon : Int -> Coloring -> Svg msg , infoLink : Maybe String , label : String , outOfOrder : Bool } -> Html msg choiceButton { action, icon, infoLink, label, outOfOrder } = chunk [ "border-b" , "border-gray-300" , "relative" -- , "last:border-b-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-base01" ] [ ----------------------------------------- -- Button ----------------------------------------- slab button [ onClick action ] [ "bg-transparent" , "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "leading-none" , "min-w-tiny" , "outline-none" , "px-2" , "py-4" , "text-left" , "text-sm" ] [ chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" -- , ifThenElse outOfOrder "opacity-20" "opacity-100" ] [ inline [ "inline-flex", "mr-4" ] [ icon 16 Inherit ] , text label ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Info icon ----------------------------------------- , case infoLink of Just link -> slab Html.a [ style "left" "100%" , style "top" "50%" , style "transform" "translateY(-50%)" -- , href link , target "_blank" , title ("Learn more about " ++ label) ] [ "absolute" , "cursor-pointer" , "duration-100" , "leading-none" , "ml-4" , "opacity-40" , "pl-4" , "text-white" , "transition-opacity" , "transform" , "-translate-y-1/2" -- , "hocus:opacity-100" ] [ Icons.help 17 Inherit ] Nothing -> nothing ] -- ENCRYPTION KEY encryptionKeyScreen : { withEncryption : Authentication.Msg, withoutEncryption : Authentication.Msg } -> Html Authentication.Msg encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption, withoutEncryption } = slab Html.form [ onSubmit withEncryption ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textArea [ attribute "autocapitalize" "none" , attribute "autocomplete" "off" , attribute "autocorrect" "off" , attribute "rows" "4" , attribute "spellcheck" "false" -- , placeholder "anQLS9Usw24gxUi11IgVBg76z8SCWZgLKkoWIeJ1ClVmBHLRlaiA0CtvONVAMGritbgd3U45cPTxrhFU0WXaOAa8pVt186KyEccfUNyAq97" -- , style "-webkit-text-security" "disc" -- , Html.Events.onInput KeepPassphraseInMemory ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") , brick [ onClickStopPropagation withoutEncryption ] [ "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "justify-center" , "leading-snug" , "mt-3" , "opacity-50" , "text-white" , "text-xs" ] [ inline [ "inline-block", "leading-none", "mr-2" ] [ Icons.warning 13 Inherit ] , text "Continue without encryption" ] ] -- INPUT SCREEN inputScreen : Question -> Html Authentication.Msg inputScreen question = slab Html.form [ onSubmit ConfirmInput ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textFieldAlt [ attribute "autocapitalize" "off" , placeholder question.placeholder , Html.Events.onInput Input , value question.value ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") ] -- SPEECH BUBBLE speechBubble : Html msg -> Html msg speechBubble contents = chunk [ "absolute" , "antialiased" , "bg-background" , "border-b" , "border-transparent" , "font-semibold" , "italic" , "leading-snug" , "left-1/2" , "max-w-screen" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "px-4" , "py-1" , "rounded" , "text-center" , "text-sm" , "text-white" , "top-full" , "transform" , "whitespace-nowrap" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" , "dark:text-gray-600" ] [ chunk [ "mb-px", "pb-px", "pt-1" ] [ contents ] -- , brick speechBubbleArrowStyles [ "absolute" , "border-background" , "h-0" , "left-1/2" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "-translate-y-full" , "top-0" , "transform" , "w-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-darkest-hour" ] [] ] -- 🖼 speechBubbleArrowStyles : List (Html.Attribute msg) speechBubbleArrowStyles = [ style "border-top-color" "transparent" , style "border-left-color" "transparent" , style "border-right-color" "transparent" , style "border-width" "0 6px 5px 6px" ]
module UI.Authentication.View exposing (view) import Chunky exposing (..) import Conditional exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, a, button, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, href, placeholder, src, style, target, title, value, width) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onSubmit) import Html.Events.Extra exposing (onClickStopPropagation) import Html.Events.Extra.Mouse as Mouse import Html.Extra as Html import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Markdown import Material.Icons as Icons import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..)) import Svg exposing (Svg) import UI.Authentication.Types as Authentication exposing (..) import UI.Kit import UI.Svg.Elements import UI.Types as UI exposing (..) import User.Layer exposing (..) -- 🗺 view : Model -> Html UI.Msg view = Html.map AuthenticationMsg << Lazy.lazy view_ << .authentication view_ : State -> Html Authentication.Msg view_ state = chunk [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "h-full" , "items-center" ] [ brick [ style "height" "42%" ] [ "flex" , "items-center" , "pb-8" -- , "md:pb-0" ] [ -- Logo ------- chunk [ "py-5", "relative" ] [ slab Html.img [ onClick CancelFlow , src "images/diffuse-light.svg" , width 190 -- , case state of Welcome -> title "Diffuse" _ -> title "Go back" ] [ case state of Welcome -> "cursor-default" _ -> "cursor-pointer" ] [] -- Speech bubble ---------------- , case state of Authenticating -> speechBubble negotiating InputScreen _ { question } -> question |> String.lines |> List.map String.trimLeft |> String.join "\n" |> Markdown.toHtmlWith { githubFlavored = Nothing , defaultHighlighting = Nothing , sanitize = False , smartypants = True } [] |> speechBubble NewEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a new passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble Welcome -> [ text "Diffuse plays music" , inline [ "not-italic", "font-normal", "mr-px" ] [ text " ♫ " ] , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "from your Dropbox," , lineBreak , text "IPFS node, Amazon S3 bucket, or any other" , lineBreak , text "cloud/distributed storage service you use." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble _ -> [ text "Where would you like to keep your personal data?" , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "That's things like your favourites, your playlists, etc." , lineBreak , text "After this you'll be able add some music ♫" ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Content ----------------------------------------- , case state of InputScreen _ opts -> inputScreen opts NewEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = SignInWithPassphrase method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = SignIn method } UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = UpdateEncryptionKey method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = RemoveEncryptionKey method } Unauthenticated -> choicesScreen Authenticated _ -> choicesScreen Authenticating -> Html.nothing Welcome -> welcomeScreen ----------------------------------------- -- Link to about page ----------------------------------------- , chunk [ "antialiased" , "font-semibold" , "flex" , "flex-grow" , "items-end" , "leading-snug" , "pb-8" , "pt-3" , "text-sm" ] [ slab a [ href "about/" ] [ "border-b" , "border-white-60" , "italic" , "no-underline" , "text-white-60" ] [ text "More info" ] ] ] -- WELCOME welcomeScreen : Html Authentication.Msg welcomeScreen = chunk [ "mt-3" , "relative" , "z-10" ] [ UI.Kit.buttonWithColor UI.Kit.Blank UI.Kit.Filled GetStarted (slab Html.span [ style "letter-spacing" "0.25em" ] [ "align-middle" , "inline-block" , "text-nearly-sm" ] [ text "SIGN IN" ] ) ] -- LOADING negotiating : Html Authentication.Msg negotiating = chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" ] [ chunk [ "transform", "-translate-y-px" ] [ Html.map never (UI.Svg.Elements.loadingWithSize 14) ] , chunk [ "italic" , "ml-2" , "text-opacity-80" , "text-sm" , "text-white" ] [ Html.text "Negotiating with service" ] ] -- CHOICES choicesScreen : Html Authentication.Msg choicesScreen = chunk [ "bg-white" , "rounded" , "px-4" , "py-2" , "relative" , "z-10" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" ] [ choiceButton { action = ShowNewEncryptionKeyScreen Local , icon = Icons.web , infoLink = Nothing , label = "My Browser" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Fission { initialised = False }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.fissionLogo , infoLink = Just "https://fission.codes/" , label = "Fission" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Dropbox { accessToken = "", expiresAt = 0, refreshToken = "" }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.dropboxLogo , infoLink = Just "https://dropbox.com/" , label = "Dropbox" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = AskForInput (RemoteStorage { userAddress = "", token = "" }) { placeholder = "<EMAIL>" , question = """ What's your user address? <span class="font-normal text-white-60"> <br />The format's <span class="font-semibold">username@server.domain</span> </span> """ , value = "" } , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.remoteStorageLogo , infoLink = Just "https://remotestorage.io/" , label = "RemoteStorage" , outOfOrder = False } -- More options --------------- , chunk [ "pb-px", "pt-4", "text-center" ] [ slab Html.span [ title "More options" , Mouse.onClick ShowMoreOptions ] [ "inline-block", "px-1", "cursor-pointer", "leading-none" ] [ chunk [ "pointer-events-none" ] [ Icons.more_horiz 22 Inherit ] ] ] ] choiceButton : { action : msg , icon : Int -> Coloring -> Svg msg , infoLink : Maybe String , label : String , outOfOrder : Bool } -> Html msg choiceButton { action, icon, infoLink, label, outOfOrder } = chunk [ "border-b" , "border-gray-300" , "relative" -- , "last:border-b-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-base01" ] [ ----------------------------------------- -- Button ----------------------------------------- slab button [ onClick action ] [ "bg-transparent" , "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "leading-none" , "min-w-tiny" , "outline-none" , "px-2" , "py-4" , "text-left" , "text-sm" ] [ chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" -- , ifThenElse outOfOrder "opacity-20" "opacity-100" ] [ inline [ "inline-flex", "mr-4" ] [ icon 16 Inherit ] , text label ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Info icon ----------------------------------------- , case infoLink of Just link -> slab Html.a [ style "left" "100%" , style "top" "50%" , style "transform" "translateY(-50%)" -- , href link , target "_blank" , title ("Learn more about " ++ label) ] [ "absolute" , "cursor-pointer" , "duration-100" , "leading-none" , "ml-4" , "opacity-40" , "pl-4" , "text-white" , "transition-opacity" , "transform" , "-translate-y-1/2" -- , "hocus:opacity-100" ] [ Icons.help 17 Inherit ] Nothing -> nothing ] -- ENCRYPTION KEY encryptionKeyScreen : { withEncryption : Authentication.Msg, withoutEncryption : Authentication.Msg } -> Html Authentication.Msg encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption, withoutEncryption } = slab Html.form [ onSubmit withEncryption ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textArea [ attribute "autocapitalize" "none" , attribute "autocomplete" "off" , attribute "autocorrect" "off" , attribute "rows" "4" , attribute "spellcheck" "false" -- , placeholder "<KEY>4gxUi<KEY>Vm<KEY>tv<KEY>rit<KEY>" -- , style "-webkit-text-security" "disc" -- , Html.Events.onInput KeepPassphraseInMemory ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") , brick [ onClickStopPropagation withoutEncryption ] [ "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "justify-center" , "leading-snug" , "mt-3" , "opacity-50" , "text-white" , "text-xs" ] [ inline [ "inline-block", "leading-none", "mr-2" ] [ Icons.warning 13 Inherit ] , text "Continue without encryption" ] ] -- INPUT SCREEN inputScreen : Question -> Html Authentication.Msg inputScreen question = slab Html.form [ onSubmit ConfirmInput ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textFieldAlt [ attribute "autocapitalize" "off" , placeholder question.placeholder , Html.Events.onInput Input , value question.value ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") ] -- SPEECH BUBBLE speechBubble : Html msg -> Html msg speechBubble contents = chunk [ "absolute" , "antialiased" , "bg-background" , "border-b" , "border-transparent" , "font-semibold" , "italic" , "leading-snug" , "left-1/2" , "max-w-screen" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "px-4" , "py-1" , "rounded" , "text-center" , "text-sm" , "text-white" , "top-full" , "transform" , "whitespace-nowrap" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" , "dark:text-gray-600" ] [ chunk [ "mb-px", "pb-px", "pt-1" ] [ contents ] -- , brick speechBubbleArrowStyles [ "absolute" , "border-background" , "h-0" , "left-1/2" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "-translate-y-full" , "top-0" , "transform" , "w-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-darkest-hour" ] [] ] -- 🖼 speechBubbleArrowStyles : List (Html.Attribute msg) speechBubbleArrowStyles = [ style "border-top-color" "transparent" , style "border-left-color" "transparent" , style "border-right-color" "transparent" , style "border-width" "0 6px 5px 6px" ]
module UI.Authentication.View exposing (view) import Chunky exposing (..) import Conditional exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, a, button, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, href, placeholder, src, style, target, title, value, width) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onSubmit) import Html.Events.Extra exposing (onClickStopPropagation) import Html.Events.Extra.Mouse as Mouse import Html.Extra as Html import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Markdown import Material.Icons as Icons import Material.Icons.Types exposing (Coloring(..)) import Svg exposing (Svg) import UI.Authentication.Types as Authentication exposing (..) import UI.Kit import UI.Svg.Elements import UI.Types as UI exposing (..) import User.Layer exposing (..) -- 🗺 view : Model -> Html UI.Msg view = Html.map AuthenticationMsg << Lazy.lazy view_ << .authentication view_ : State -> Html Authentication.Msg view_ state = chunk [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "h-full" , "items-center" ] [ brick [ style "height" "42%" ] [ "flex" , "items-center" , "pb-8" -- , "md:pb-0" ] [ -- Logo ------- chunk [ "py-5", "relative" ] [ slab Html.img [ onClick CancelFlow , src "images/diffuse-light.svg" , width 190 -- , case state of Welcome -> title "Diffuse" _ -> title "Go back" ] [ case state of Welcome -> "cursor-default" _ -> "cursor-pointer" ] [] -- Speech bubble ---------------- , case state of Authenticating -> speechBubble negotiating InputScreen _ { question } -> question |> String.lines |> List.map String.trimLeft |> String.join "\n" |> Markdown.toHtmlWith { githubFlavored = Nothing , defaultHighlighting = Nothing , sanitize = False , smartypants = True } [] |> speechBubble NewEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen _ _ -> [ text "I need a new passphrase to encrypt your personal data." , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "This'll prevent other people from reading your data." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble Welcome -> [ text "Diffuse plays music" , inline [ "not-italic", "font-normal", "mr-px" ] [ text " ♫ " ] , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "from your Dropbox," , lineBreak , text "IPFS node, Amazon S3 bucket, or any other" , lineBreak , text "cloud/distributed storage service you use." ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble _ -> [ text "Where would you like to keep your personal data?" , lineBreak , inline [ "font-normal", "text-white-60" ] [ text "That's things like your favourites, your playlists, etc." , lineBreak , text "After this you'll be able add some music ♫" ] ] |> chunk [] |> speechBubble ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Content ----------------------------------------- , case state of InputScreen _ opts -> inputScreen opts NewEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = SignInWithPassphrase method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = SignIn method } UpdateEncryptionKeyScreen method pass -> encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption = UpdateEncryptionKey method (Maybe.withDefault "" pass) , withoutEncryption = RemoveEncryptionKey method } Unauthenticated -> choicesScreen Authenticated _ -> choicesScreen Authenticating -> Html.nothing Welcome -> welcomeScreen ----------------------------------------- -- Link to about page ----------------------------------------- , chunk [ "antialiased" , "font-semibold" , "flex" , "flex-grow" , "items-end" , "leading-snug" , "pb-8" , "pt-3" , "text-sm" ] [ slab a [ href "about/" ] [ "border-b" , "border-white-60" , "italic" , "no-underline" , "text-white-60" ] [ text "More info" ] ] ] -- WELCOME welcomeScreen : Html Authentication.Msg welcomeScreen = chunk [ "mt-3" , "relative" , "z-10" ] [ UI.Kit.buttonWithColor UI.Kit.Blank UI.Kit.Filled GetStarted (slab Html.span [ style "letter-spacing" "0.25em" ] [ "align-middle" , "inline-block" , "text-nearly-sm" ] [ text "SIGN IN" ] ) ] -- LOADING negotiating : Html Authentication.Msg negotiating = chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" ] [ chunk [ "transform", "-translate-y-px" ] [ Html.map never (UI.Svg.Elements.loadingWithSize 14) ] , chunk [ "italic" , "ml-2" , "text-opacity-80" , "text-sm" , "text-white" ] [ Html.text "Negotiating with service" ] ] -- CHOICES choicesScreen : Html Authentication.Msg choicesScreen = chunk [ "bg-white" , "rounded" , "px-4" , "py-2" , "relative" , "z-10" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" ] [ choiceButton { action = ShowNewEncryptionKeyScreen Local , icon = Icons.web , infoLink = Nothing , label = "My Browser" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Fission { initialised = False }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.fissionLogo , infoLink = Just "https://fission.codes/" , label = "Fission" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = TriggerExternalAuth (Dropbox { accessToken = "", expiresAt = 0, refreshToken = "" }) "" , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.dropboxLogo , infoLink = Just "https://dropbox.com/" , label = "Dropbox" , outOfOrder = False } , choiceButton { action = AskForInput (RemoteStorage { userAddress = "", token = "" }) { placeholder = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" , question = """ What's your user address? <span class="font-normal text-white-60"> <br />The format's <span class="font-semibold">username@server.domain</span> </span> """ , value = "" } , icon = \_ _ -> Svg.map never UI.Svg.Elements.remoteStorageLogo , infoLink = Just "https://remotestorage.io/" , label = "RemoteStorage" , outOfOrder = False } -- More options --------------- , chunk [ "pb-px", "pt-4", "text-center" ] [ slab Html.span [ title "More options" , Mouse.onClick ShowMoreOptions ] [ "inline-block", "px-1", "cursor-pointer", "leading-none" ] [ chunk [ "pointer-events-none" ] [ Icons.more_horiz 22 Inherit ] ] ] ] choiceButton : { action : msg , icon : Int -> Coloring -> Svg msg , infoLink : Maybe String , label : String , outOfOrder : Bool } -> Html msg choiceButton { action, icon, infoLink, label, outOfOrder } = chunk [ "border-b" , "border-gray-300" , "relative" -- , "last:border-b-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-base01" ] [ ----------------------------------------- -- Button ----------------------------------------- slab button [ onClick action ] [ "bg-transparent" , "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "leading-none" , "min-w-tiny" , "outline-none" , "px-2" , "py-4" , "text-left" , "text-sm" ] [ chunk [ "flex" , "items-center" -- , ifThenElse outOfOrder "opacity-20" "opacity-100" ] [ inline [ "inline-flex", "mr-4" ] [ icon 16 Inherit ] , text label ] ] ----------------------------------------- -- Info icon ----------------------------------------- , case infoLink of Just link -> slab Html.a [ style "left" "100%" , style "top" "50%" , style "transform" "translateY(-50%)" -- , href link , target "_blank" , title ("Learn more about " ++ label) ] [ "absolute" , "cursor-pointer" , "duration-100" , "leading-none" , "ml-4" , "opacity-40" , "pl-4" , "text-white" , "transition-opacity" , "transform" , "-translate-y-1/2" -- , "hocus:opacity-100" ] [ Icons.help 17 Inherit ] Nothing -> nothing ] -- ENCRYPTION KEY encryptionKeyScreen : { withEncryption : Authentication.Msg, withoutEncryption : Authentication.Msg } -> Html Authentication.Msg encryptionKeyScreen { withEncryption, withoutEncryption } = slab Html.form [ onSubmit withEncryption ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textArea [ attribute "autocapitalize" "none" , attribute "autocomplete" "off" , attribute "autocorrect" "off" , attribute "rows" "4" , attribute "spellcheck" "false" -- , placeholder "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI4gxUiPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIVmPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PItvPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIritPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" -- , style "-webkit-text-security" "disc" -- , Html.Events.onInput KeepPassphraseInMemory ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") , brick [ onClickStopPropagation withoutEncryption ] [ "cursor-pointer" , "flex" , "items-center" , "justify-center" , "leading-snug" , "mt-3" , "opacity-50" , "text-white" , "text-xs" ] [ inline [ "inline-block", "leading-none", "mr-2" ] [ Icons.warning 13 Inherit ] , text "Continue without encryption" ] ] -- INPUT SCREEN inputScreen : Question -> Html Authentication.Msg inputScreen question = slab Html.form [ onSubmit ConfirmInput ] [ "flex" , "flex-col" , "max-w-xs" , "px-3" , "w-screen" -- , "sm:px-0" ] [ UI.Kit.textFieldAlt [ attribute "autocapitalize" "off" , placeholder question.placeholder , Html.Events.onInput Input , value question.value ] , UI.Kit.button UI.Kit.Filled Authentication.Bypass (text "Continue") ] -- SPEECH BUBBLE speechBubble : Html msg -> Html msg speechBubble contents = chunk [ "absolute" , "antialiased" , "bg-background" , "border-b" , "border-transparent" , "font-semibold" , "italic" , "leading-snug" , "left-1/2" , "max-w-screen" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "px-4" , "py-1" , "rounded" , "text-center" , "text-sm" , "text-white" , "top-full" , "transform" , "whitespace-nowrap" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:bg-darkest-hour" , "dark:text-gray-600" ] [ chunk [ "mb-px", "pb-px", "pt-1" ] [ contents ] -- , brick speechBubbleArrowStyles [ "absolute" , "border-background" , "h-0" , "left-1/2" , "-translate-x-1/2" , "-translate-y-full" , "top-0" , "transform" , "w-0" -- Dark mode ------------ , "dark:border-darkest-hour" ] [] ] -- 🖼 speechBubbleArrowStyles : List (Html.Attribute msg) speechBubbleArrowStyles = [ style "border-top-color" "transparent" , style "border-left-color" "transparent" , style "border-right-color" "transparent" , style "border-width" "0 6px 5px 6px" ]
[ { "context": "onEmailKey : String\r\nconfirmationEmailKey =\r\n \"abc\"\r\n\r\n\r\nstartPointX : String\r\nstartPointX =\r\n \"1", "end": 3269, "score": 0.853167057, "start": 3266, "tag": "KEY", "value": "abc" } ]
module Env exposing (Mode(..), adminEmail, adminEmail_, adminUserId, adminUserId_, confirmationEmailKey, domain, hyperlinkWhitelist, isProduction, isProduction_, mapDrawAt, mapDrawAtX, mapDrawAtY, mode, notifyAdminWaitInHours, sendGridKey, sendGridKey_, startPointAt, startPointX, startPointY, statisticsBounds, statisticsDrawAt, statisticsDrawAtX, statisticsDrawAtY, statisticsX0, statisticsX1, statisticsY0, statisticsY1) -- The Env.elm file is for per-environment configuration. -- See https://dashboard.lamdera.app/docs/environment for more info. import Bounds exposing (Bounds) import EmailAddress exposing (EmailAddress) import Helper exposing (Coord) import SendGrid import Units exposing (AsciiUnit) import User exposing (UserId) adminUserId_ : String adminUserId_ = "0" adminUserId : Maybe UserId adminUserId = String.toInt adminUserId_ |> Maybe.map User.userId isProduction_ : String isProduction_ = "False" isProduction : Bool isProduction = case String.toLower isProduction_ |> String.trim of "true" -> True "false" -> False _ -> False adminEmail_ : String adminEmail_ = "" adminEmail : Maybe EmailAddress adminEmail = EmailAddress.fromString adminEmail_ sendGridKey_ : String sendGridKey_ = "" sendGridKey : SendGrid.ApiKey sendGridKey = SendGrid.apiKey sendGridKey_ domain : String domain = "localhost:8000" statisticsX0 : String statisticsX0 = "-258" statisticsY0 : String statisticsY0 = "-78" statisticsX1 : String statisticsX1 = "1136" statisticsY1 : String statisticsY1 = "209" statisticsBounds : Bounds AsciiUnit statisticsBounds = Maybe.map4 (\x0 y0 x1 y1 -> Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x0, y0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x1, y1 ))) (String.toInt statisticsX0) (String.toInt statisticsY0) (String.toInt statisticsX1) (String.toInt statisticsY1) |> Maybe.withDefault (Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))) statisticsDrawAtX : String statisticsDrawAtX = "32" statisticsDrawAtY : String statisticsDrawAtY = "0" statisticsDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit statisticsDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtX) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 0 )) mapDrawAtX : String mapDrawAtX = "759" mapDrawAtY : String mapDrawAtY = "-71" mapDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit mapDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt mapDrawAtX) (String.toInt mapDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 100 )) notifyAdminWaitInHours : String notifyAdminWaitInHours = "0.05" hyperlinkWhitelist : String hyperlinkWhitelist = "www.patorjk.com/software/taag, ro-box.netlify.app, the-best-color.lamdera.app, agirg.com, yourworldoftext.com, www.yourworldoftext.com, meetdown.app, ellie-app.com" confirmationEmailKey : String confirmationEmailKey = "abc" startPointX : String startPointX = "123" startPointY : String startPointY = "44" startPointAt : Coord AsciiUnit startPointAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt startPointX) (String.toInt startPointY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))
module Env exposing (Mode(..), adminEmail, adminEmail_, adminUserId, adminUserId_, confirmationEmailKey, domain, hyperlinkWhitelist, isProduction, isProduction_, mapDrawAt, mapDrawAtX, mapDrawAtY, mode, notifyAdminWaitInHours, sendGridKey, sendGridKey_, startPointAt, startPointX, startPointY, statisticsBounds, statisticsDrawAt, statisticsDrawAtX, statisticsDrawAtY, statisticsX0, statisticsX1, statisticsY0, statisticsY1) -- The Env.elm file is for per-environment configuration. -- See https://dashboard.lamdera.app/docs/environment for more info. import Bounds exposing (Bounds) import EmailAddress exposing (EmailAddress) import Helper exposing (Coord) import SendGrid import Units exposing (AsciiUnit) import User exposing (UserId) adminUserId_ : String adminUserId_ = "0" adminUserId : Maybe UserId adminUserId = String.toInt adminUserId_ |> Maybe.map User.userId isProduction_ : String isProduction_ = "False" isProduction : Bool isProduction = case String.toLower isProduction_ |> String.trim of "true" -> True "false" -> False _ -> False adminEmail_ : String adminEmail_ = "" adminEmail : Maybe EmailAddress adminEmail = EmailAddress.fromString adminEmail_ sendGridKey_ : String sendGridKey_ = "" sendGridKey : SendGrid.ApiKey sendGridKey = SendGrid.apiKey sendGridKey_ domain : String domain = "localhost:8000" statisticsX0 : String statisticsX0 = "-258" statisticsY0 : String statisticsY0 = "-78" statisticsX1 : String statisticsX1 = "1136" statisticsY1 : String statisticsY1 = "209" statisticsBounds : Bounds AsciiUnit statisticsBounds = Maybe.map4 (\x0 y0 x1 y1 -> Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x0, y0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x1, y1 ))) (String.toInt statisticsX0) (String.toInt statisticsY0) (String.toInt statisticsX1) (String.toInt statisticsY1) |> Maybe.withDefault (Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))) statisticsDrawAtX : String statisticsDrawAtX = "32" statisticsDrawAtY : String statisticsDrawAtY = "0" statisticsDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit statisticsDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtX) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 0 )) mapDrawAtX : String mapDrawAtX = "759" mapDrawAtY : String mapDrawAtY = "-71" mapDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit mapDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt mapDrawAtX) (String.toInt mapDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 100 )) notifyAdminWaitInHours : String notifyAdminWaitInHours = "0.05" hyperlinkWhitelist : String hyperlinkWhitelist = "www.patorjk.com/software/taag, ro-box.netlify.app, the-best-color.lamdera.app, agirg.com, yourworldoftext.com, www.yourworldoftext.com, meetdown.app, ellie-app.com" confirmationEmailKey : String confirmationEmailKey = "<KEY>" startPointX : String startPointX = "123" startPointY : String startPointY = "44" startPointAt : Coord AsciiUnit startPointAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt startPointX) (String.toInt startPointY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))
module Env exposing (Mode(..), adminEmail, adminEmail_, adminUserId, adminUserId_, confirmationEmailKey, domain, hyperlinkWhitelist, isProduction, isProduction_, mapDrawAt, mapDrawAtX, mapDrawAtY, mode, notifyAdminWaitInHours, sendGridKey, sendGridKey_, startPointAt, startPointX, startPointY, statisticsBounds, statisticsDrawAt, statisticsDrawAtX, statisticsDrawAtY, statisticsX0, statisticsX1, statisticsY0, statisticsY1) -- The Env.elm file is for per-environment configuration. -- See https://dashboard.lamdera.app/docs/environment for more info. import Bounds exposing (Bounds) import EmailAddress exposing (EmailAddress) import Helper exposing (Coord) import SendGrid import Units exposing (AsciiUnit) import User exposing (UserId) adminUserId_ : String adminUserId_ = "0" adminUserId : Maybe UserId adminUserId = String.toInt adminUserId_ |> Maybe.map User.userId isProduction_ : String isProduction_ = "False" isProduction : Bool isProduction = case String.toLower isProduction_ |> String.trim of "true" -> True "false" -> False _ -> False adminEmail_ : String adminEmail_ = "" adminEmail : Maybe EmailAddress adminEmail = EmailAddress.fromString adminEmail_ sendGridKey_ : String sendGridKey_ = "" sendGridKey : SendGrid.ApiKey sendGridKey = SendGrid.apiKey sendGridKey_ domain : String domain = "localhost:8000" statisticsX0 : String statisticsX0 = "-258" statisticsY0 : String statisticsY0 = "-78" statisticsX1 : String statisticsX1 = "1136" statisticsY1 : String statisticsY1 = "209" statisticsBounds : Bounds AsciiUnit statisticsBounds = Maybe.map4 (\x0 y0 x1 y1 -> Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x0, y0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( x1, y1 ))) (String.toInt statisticsX0) (String.toInt statisticsY0) (String.toInt statisticsX1) (String.toInt statisticsY1) |> Maybe.withDefault (Bounds.bounds (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 )) (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))) statisticsDrawAtX : String statisticsDrawAtX = "32" statisticsDrawAtY : String statisticsDrawAtY = "0" statisticsDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit statisticsDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtX) (String.toInt statisticsDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 0 )) mapDrawAtX : String mapDrawAtX = "759" mapDrawAtY : String mapDrawAtY = "-71" mapDrawAt : Coord AsciiUnit mapDrawAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt mapDrawAtX) (String.toInt mapDrawAtY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 32, 100 )) notifyAdminWaitInHours : String notifyAdminWaitInHours = "0.05" hyperlinkWhitelist : String hyperlinkWhitelist = "www.patorjk.com/software/taag, ro-box.netlify.app, the-best-color.lamdera.app, agirg.com, yourworldoftext.com, www.yourworldoftext.com, meetdown.app, ellie-app.com" confirmationEmailKey : String confirmationEmailKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" startPointX : String startPointX = "123" startPointY : String startPointY = "44" startPointAt : Coord AsciiUnit startPointAt = Maybe.map2 (\x y -> Helper.fromRawCoord ( x, y )) (String.toInt startPointX) (String.toInt startPointY) |> Maybe.withDefault (Helper.fromRawCoord ( 0, 0 ))
[ { "context": "報\" ]\n , div [ class \"label-kana\" ] [ text \"フリガナ\" ]\n , div [ class \"kana\" ] [ text char.kan", "end": 5083, "score": 0.9899145365, "start": 5079, "tag": "NAME", "value": "フリガナ" } ]
port module Page.MyPages.CharacterCreate exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Models.Card as Card import Models.Character exposing (..) import Models.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (..) import Page.MyPages.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (editArea) import Page.MyPages.CharacterView exposing (cardsView) import Session import Skeleton exposing (viewLink, viewMain) import Url import Url.Builder import Utils.ModalWindow as Modal import Utils.NavigationMenu exposing (NaviState(..), NavigationMenu, closeNavigationButton, getNavigationPageClass, openNavigationButton, toggleNavigationState, viewNav) port saveNewCharacter : String -> Cmd msg port createdCharacter : (Bool -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.batch [ createdCharacter CreatedCharacter ] type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , naviState : NaviState , character : Character , editorModel : EditorModel CharacterEditor.Msg } init : Session.Data -> String -> String -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session apiKey storeUserId = let cards = case Session.getCards session of Just sheet -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson sheet of Ok list -> list Err _ -> [] Nothing -> [] cardsCmd = if cards == [] then Session.fetchCards GotCards apiKey else Cmd.none initChar = initCharacter storeUserId char = if cards == [] then initChar else Models.Character.initBaseCards initChar cards editor = initEditor in ( Model session Close char { editor | cards = cards } , Cmd.batch [ cardsCmd ] ) type Msg = ToggleNavigation | EditorMsg CharacterEditor.Msg | Save | CreatedCharacter Bool | GotCards (Result Http.Error String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleNavigation -> ( { model | naviState = toggleNavigationState model.naviState }, Cmd.none ) -- キャラクターデータの更新 EditorMsg emsg -> let ( ( char, editor ), s ) = CharacterEditor.update emsg model.character model.editorModel in ( { model | character = char, editorModel = editor }, Cmd.map EditorMsg s ) Save -> ( model, model.character |> encodeCharacter |> saveNewCharacter ) CreatedCharacter _ -> ( model, Navigation.load (Url.Builder.absolute [ "mypage" ] []) ) GotCards (Ok json) -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson json of Ok cards -> let oldEditorModel = model.editorModel newEditorModel = { oldEditorModel | cards = cards } newCharacter = Models.Character.initBaseCards model.character cards in ( { model | editorModel = newEditorModel , character = newCharacter , session = Session.addCards model.session json } , Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) GotCards (Err _) -> ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Skeleton.Details Msg view model = let -- ナビゲーションの状態によってページに持たせるクラスを変える naviClass = getNavigationPageClass model.naviState in { title = "新規作成" , attrs = [ class naviClass, class "character-sheet" ] , kids = [ viewMain <| viewHelper model ] } viewHelper : Model -> Html Msg viewHelper model = div [ class "" ] [ h1 [] [ text "新規作成" ] , div [ class "edit-karte" ] [ edit model , cardsView model.character -- , karte model ] ] edit : Model -> Html Msg edit model = div [ class "edit-area" ] [ Html.map EditorMsg (editArea model.character model.editorModel) , button [ onClick Save, class "btn waves-effect waves-light", type_ "button", name "save" ] [ text "保存" , i [ class "material-icons right" ] [ text "send" ] ] ] karte : Model -> Html Msg karte model = let char = model.character in div [ class "karte" ] [ div [ class "label-personal" ] [ text "個体識別用情報" ] , div [ class "label-kana" ] [ text "フリガナ" ] , div [ class "kana" ] [ text char.kana ] , div [ class "label-name" ] [ text "名前" ] , div [ class "name" ] [ text char.name ] , div [ class "outer-line" ] [] ]
port module Page.MyPages.CharacterCreate exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Models.Card as Card import Models.Character exposing (..) import Models.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (..) import Page.MyPages.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (editArea) import Page.MyPages.CharacterView exposing (cardsView) import Session import Skeleton exposing (viewLink, viewMain) import Url import Url.Builder import Utils.ModalWindow as Modal import Utils.NavigationMenu exposing (NaviState(..), NavigationMenu, closeNavigationButton, getNavigationPageClass, openNavigationButton, toggleNavigationState, viewNav) port saveNewCharacter : String -> Cmd msg port createdCharacter : (Bool -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.batch [ createdCharacter CreatedCharacter ] type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , naviState : NaviState , character : Character , editorModel : EditorModel CharacterEditor.Msg } init : Session.Data -> String -> String -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session apiKey storeUserId = let cards = case Session.getCards session of Just sheet -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson sheet of Ok list -> list Err _ -> [] Nothing -> [] cardsCmd = if cards == [] then Session.fetchCards GotCards apiKey else Cmd.none initChar = initCharacter storeUserId char = if cards == [] then initChar else Models.Character.initBaseCards initChar cards editor = initEditor in ( Model session Close char { editor | cards = cards } , Cmd.batch [ cardsCmd ] ) type Msg = ToggleNavigation | EditorMsg CharacterEditor.Msg | Save | CreatedCharacter Bool | GotCards (Result Http.Error String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleNavigation -> ( { model | naviState = toggleNavigationState model.naviState }, Cmd.none ) -- キャラクターデータの更新 EditorMsg emsg -> let ( ( char, editor ), s ) = CharacterEditor.update emsg model.character model.editorModel in ( { model | character = char, editorModel = editor }, Cmd.map EditorMsg s ) Save -> ( model, model.character |> encodeCharacter |> saveNewCharacter ) CreatedCharacter _ -> ( model, Navigation.load (Url.Builder.absolute [ "mypage" ] []) ) GotCards (Ok json) -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson json of Ok cards -> let oldEditorModel = model.editorModel newEditorModel = { oldEditorModel | cards = cards } newCharacter = Models.Character.initBaseCards model.character cards in ( { model | editorModel = newEditorModel , character = newCharacter , session = Session.addCards model.session json } , Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) GotCards (Err _) -> ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Skeleton.Details Msg view model = let -- ナビゲーションの状態によってページに持たせるクラスを変える naviClass = getNavigationPageClass model.naviState in { title = "新規作成" , attrs = [ class naviClass, class "character-sheet" ] , kids = [ viewMain <| viewHelper model ] } viewHelper : Model -> Html Msg viewHelper model = div [ class "" ] [ h1 [] [ text "新規作成" ] , div [ class "edit-karte" ] [ edit model , cardsView model.character -- , karte model ] ] edit : Model -> Html Msg edit model = div [ class "edit-area" ] [ Html.map EditorMsg (editArea model.character model.editorModel) , button [ onClick Save, class "btn waves-effect waves-light", type_ "button", name "save" ] [ text "保存" , i [ class "material-icons right" ] [ text "send" ] ] ] karte : Model -> Html Msg karte model = let char = model.character in div [ class "karte" ] [ div [ class "label-personal" ] [ text "個体識別用情報" ] , div [ class "label-kana" ] [ text "<NAME>" ] , div [ class "kana" ] [ text char.kana ] , div [ class "label-name" ] [ text "名前" ] , div [ class "name" ] [ text char.name ] , div [ class "outer-line" ] [] ]
port module Page.MyPages.CharacterCreate exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser.Navigation as Navigation import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Models.Card as Card import Models.Character exposing (..) import Models.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (..) import Page.MyPages.CharacterEditor as CharacterEditor exposing (editArea) import Page.MyPages.CharacterView exposing (cardsView) import Session import Skeleton exposing (viewLink, viewMain) import Url import Url.Builder import Utils.ModalWindow as Modal import Utils.NavigationMenu exposing (NaviState(..), NavigationMenu, closeNavigationButton, getNavigationPageClass, openNavigationButton, toggleNavigationState, viewNav) port saveNewCharacter : String -> Cmd msg port createdCharacter : (Bool -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.batch [ createdCharacter CreatedCharacter ] type alias Model = { session : Session.Data , naviState : NaviState , character : Character , editorModel : EditorModel CharacterEditor.Msg } init : Session.Data -> String -> String -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session apiKey storeUserId = let cards = case Session.getCards session of Just sheet -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson sheet of Ok list -> list Err _ -> [] Nothing -> [] cardsCmd = if cards == [] then Session.fetchCards GotCards apiKey else Cmd.none initChar = initCharacter storeUserId char = if cards == [] then initChar else Models.Character.initBaseCards initChar cards editor = initEditor in ( Model session Close char { editor | cards = cards } , Cmd.batch [ cardsCmd ] ) type Msg = ToggleNavigation | EditorMsg CharacterEditor.Msg | Save | CreatedCharacter Bool | GotCards (Result Http.Error String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ToggleNavigation -> ( { model | naviState = toggleNavigationState model.naviState }, Cmd.none ) -- キャラクターデータの更新 EditorMsg emsg -> let ( ( char, editor ), s ) = CharacterEditor.update emsg model.character model.editorModel in ( { model | character = char, editorModel = editor }, Cmd.map EditorMsg s ) Save -> ( model, model.character |> encodeCharacter |> saveNewCharacter ) CreatedCharacter _ -> ( model, Navigation.load (Url.Builder.absolute [ "mypage" ] []) ) GotCards (Ok json) -> case Card.cardDataListDecodeFromJson json of Ok cards -> let oldEditorModel = model.editorModel newEditorModel = { oldEditorModel | cards = cards } newCharacter = Models.Character.initBaseCards model.character cards in ( { model | editorModel = newEditorModel , character = newCharacter , session = Session.addCards model.session json } , Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) GotCards (Err _) -> ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Skeleton.Details Msg view model = let -- ナビゲーションの状態によってページに持たせるクラスを変える naviClass = getNavigationPageClass model.naviState in { title = "新規作成" , attrs = [ class naviClass, class "character-sheet" ] , kids = [ viewMain <| viewHelper model ] } viewHelper : Model -> Html Msg viewHelper model = div [ class "" ] [ h1 [] [ text "新規作成" ] , div [ class "edit-karte" ] [ edit model , cardsView model.character -- , karte model ] ] edit : Model -> Html Msg edit model = div [ class "edit-area" ] [ Html.map EditorMsg (editArea model.character model.editorModel) , button [ onClick Save, class "btn waves-effect waves-light", type_ "button", name "save" ] [ text "保存" , i [ class "material-icons right" ] [ text "send" ] ] ] karte : Model -> Html Msg karte model = let char = model.character in div [ class "karte" ] [ div [ class "label-personal" ] [ text "個体識別用情報" ] , div [ class "label-kana" ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , div [ class "kana" ] [ text char.kana ] , div [ class "label-name" ] [ text "名前" ] , div [ class "name" ] [ text char.name ] , div [ class "outer-line" ] [] ]
[ { "context": "ak h)\n , \"Bessie says moooo\" == (let c = cow(\"Bessie\") in speak c)\n , \"Little Lamb says baaaa\" ==", "end": 587, "score": 0.6193509698, "start": 584, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ess" } ]
import SimpleAssert exposing (assertAll) type Kind = Cow | Horse | Sheep type alias Animal = { name : String, kind : Kind } speak : Animal -> String speak a = a.name ++ " says " ++ sound a sound : Animal -> String sound a = case a.kind of Cow -> "moooo" Horse -> "neigh" Sheep -> "baaaa" horse n = { name = n, kind = Horse } cow n = { name = n, kind = Cow } sheep n = { name = n, kind = Sheep } main = assertAll [ "CJ says neigh" == (let h = horse("CJ") in speak h) , "Bessie says moooo" == (let c = cow("Bessie") in speak c) , "Little Lamb says baaaa" == speak (sheep "Little Lamb") ]
import SimpleAssert exposing (assertAll) type Kind = Cow | Horse | Sheep type alias Animal = { name : String, kind : Kind } speak : Animal -> String speak a = a.name ++ " says " ++ sound a sound : Animal -> String sound a = case a.kind of Cow -> "moooo" Horse -> "neigh" Sheep -> "baaaa" horse n = { name = n, kind = Horse } cow n = { name = n, kind = Cow } sheep n = { name = n, kind = Sheep } main = assertAll [ "CJ says neigh" == (let h = horse("CJ") in speak h) , "Bessie says moooo" == (let c = cow("B<NAME>ie") in speak c) , "Little Lamb says baaaa" == speak (sheep "Little Lamb") ]
import SimpleAssert exposing (assertAll) type Kind = Cow | Horse | Sheep type alias Animal = { name : String, kind : Kind } speak : Animal -> String speak a = a.name ++ " says " ++ sound a sound : Animal -> String sound a = case a.kind of Cow -> "moooo" Horse -> "neigh" Sheep -> "baaaa" horse n = { name = n, kind = Horse } cow n = { name = n, kind = Cow } sheep n = { name = n, kind = Sheep } main = assertAll [ "CJ says neigh" == (let h = horse("CJ") in speak h) , "Bessie says moooo" == (let c = cow("BPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIie") in speak c) , "Little Lamb says baaaa" == speak (sheep "Little Lamb") ]
[ { "context": "d\" <|\n \\_ ->\n let\n calculated = [ \"Dawn\"\n , \"Brian\"\n ", "end": 874, "score": 0.9981392622, "start": 870, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dawn" }, { "context": " calculated = [ \"Dawn\"\n , \"Brian\"\n , \"Paul\"\n ", "end": 905, "score": 0.9995783567, "start": 900, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Brian" }, { "context": " , \"Brian\"\n , \"Paul\"\n , \"Sophie\"\n ", "end": 935, "score": 0.999612689, "start": 931, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , \"Paul\"\n , \"Sophie\"\n ]\n in\n calculat", "end": 967, "score": 0.9996678233, "start": 961, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sophie" }, { "context": " |> Expect.all\n [ List.member \"Dawn\" >> Expect.true \"has Dawn\"\n , List.me", "end": 1076, "score": 0.5524948835, "start": 1073, "tag": "NAME", "value": "awn" }, { "context": "xpect.true \"has Dawn\"\n , List.member \"Brian\" >> Expect.true \"has Brian\"\n ]\n ", "end": 1137, "score": 0.9995447397, "start": 1132, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Brian" }, { "context": " , List.member \"Brian\" >> Expect.true \"has Brian\"\n ]\n \n", "end": 1164, "score": 0.9990590811, "start": 1159, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Brian" } ]
module ToInt.TestExamples exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Result.Extra as Result suite : Test suite = describe "arithmetic" [ test "+" <| \_ -> 1 + 1 |> Expect.equal 2 , test "-" <| \_ -> 1 - 1 |> Expect.equal 0 ] errTest : Test errTest = test "an empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> Result.isErr |> Expect.true "" isErr : Result a b -> Expectation isErr result = case result of Ok _ -> Expect.fail ("Actual: " ++ toString result) Err _ -> Expect.pass anotherErrTest : Test anotherErrTest = test "another empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> isErr doubleCheck : Test doubleCheck = test "parents are included" <| \_ -> let calculated = [ "Dawn" , "Brian" , "Paul" , "Sophie" ] in calculated |> Expect.all [ List.member "Dawn" >> Expect.true "has Dawn" , List.member "Brian" >> Expect.true "has Brian" ]
module ToInt.TestExamples exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Result.Extra as Result suite : Test suite = describe "arithmetic" [ test "+" <| \_ -> 1 + 1 |> Expect.equal 2 , test "-" <| \_ -> 1 - 1 |> Expect.equal 0 ] errTest : Test errTest = test "an empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> Result.isErr |> Expect.true "" isErr : Result a b -> Expectation isErr result = case result of Ok _ -> Expect.fail ("Actual: " ++ toString result) Err _ -> Expect.pass anotherErrTest : Test anotherErrTest = test "another empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> isErr doubleCheck : Test doubleCheck = test "parents are included" <| \_ -> let calculated = [ "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" ] in calculated |> Expect.all [ List.member "D<NAME>" >> Expect.true "has Dawn" , List.member "<NAME>" >> Expect.true "has <NAME>" ]
module ToInt.TestExamples exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import Result.Extra as Result suite : Test suite = describe "arithmetic" [ test "+" <| \_ -> 1 + 1 |> Expect.equal 2 , test "-" <| \_ -> 1 - 1 |> Expect.equal 0 ] errTest : Test errTest = test "an empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> Result.isErr |> Expect.true "" isErr : Result a b -> Expectation isErr result = case result of Ok _ -> Expect.fail ("Actual: " ++ toString result) Err _ -> Expect.pass anotherErrTest : Test anotherErrTest = test "another empty string is rejected" <| \_ -> String.toInt "" |> isErr doubleCheck : Test doubleCheck = test "parents are included" <| \_ -> let calculated = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] in calculated |> Expect.all [ List.member "DPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" >> Expect.true "has Dawn" , List.member "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" >> Expect.true "has PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ]
[ { "context": " [ id \"txtPwd\", placeholder \"Password\" ]\n []\n ", "end": 5436, "score": 0.9917362928, "start": 5428, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" }, { "context": " [ id \"txtPwd\", placeholder \"Password\" ,onInput (CheckPwd pwd)]\n ", "end": 7087, "score": 0.9823015928, "start": 7079, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" } ]
module Main exposing (main, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { loadState : StateModel , login : Login , singup : Singup , emailState : Int , pwdState : Int } -- 0未填写 默认 -- 1 填写正确 -- 2 填写错误 type alias Login = { email : String , password : String } type alias Singup = { email : String , password : String } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = ({loadState = StateModel , login = { email = "" , password = "" } , singup = { email = "" , password = "" } ,emailState=0 ,pwdState=0 } , Cmd.none -- Http.post -- { url = "/login" -- , expect = Http.expectString GotText -- } ) type StateModel = Fail | Loading | Success type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) | LoginSubmit --登录提交 | SingupSubmit Singup --注册提交 | CheckEmail String --验证邮箱 | CheckPwd String --验证密码 loginUser : String -> String -> Cmd Msg loginUser email pwd = Http.post { url="/loginUser", body= multipleBody [ stringPart "" email, stringPart "" pwd ] , expect = Http.f } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> Err _ -> (Fail,Cmd.none) LoginSubmit -> if Bool.not (String.isEmpty email) && Bool.not (String.isEmpty pwd) then -- email && pwd both not empty --check correct if (checkEmail model.email) && (checkPwd model.pwd) then -- can post req ({model|emailState=1,pwdState=1},) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) else -- check one is empty if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) CheckEmail email-> if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) CheckPwd pwd-> if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) checkEmail : String -> Bool checkEmail email=email==/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/ checkPwd : String -> Bool checkPwd pwd=pwd==/(a-zA-Z0-9){7,}/ view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.loadState of Loading -> div [ class "all" ] [ div [ class "logo" ] [ button [ id "btn2" ] [ text "SING UP" ] , button [ id "btn1" ] [ text "LOG IN" ] , div [ class "word1" ] [ a [ href "#" ] [ text "COMPNIES" ] ] , div [ class "icon" ] [ img [ src "/static/images/icon.png" ] [] ] ] , div [ id "LoginBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign in to an existing CodinGame account" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtName", placeholder "Email" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "Password" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn2" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a [ href "#", id "loginbtn", onClick LoginSubmit ] [ text "LOG IN" ] ] ] , div [ id "SingupBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign up and start playing, for free" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn1" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check email [ id "txtName1", placeholder "Email",onInput (CheckEmail email) ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn3" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check password [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "Password" ,onInput (CheckPwd pwd)] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn4" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a -- TODO check both email and pwd then post [ href "#", id "singupbtn", onClick SingupSubmit ] [ text "SING UP" ] ] ] , div [ class "banner" ] [] , div [ class "bottom" ] [] ]
module Main exposing (main, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { loadState : StateModel , login : Login , singup : Singup , emailState : Int , pwdState : Int } -- 0未填写 默认 -- 1 填写正确 -- 2 填写错误 type alias Login = { email : String , password : String } type alias Singup = { email : String , password : String } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = ({loadState = StateModel , login = { email = "" , password = "" } , singup = { email = "" , password = "" } ,emailState=0 ,pwdState=0 } , Cmd.none -- Http.post -- { url = "/login" -- , expect = Http.expectString GotText -- } ) type StateModel = Fail | Loading | Success type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) | LoginSubmit --登录提交 | SingupSubmit Singup --注册提交 | CheckEmail String --验证邮箱 | CheckPwd String --验证密码 loginUser : String -> String -> Cmd Msg loginUser email pwd = Http.post { url="/loginUser", body= multipleBody [ stringPart "" email, stringPart "" pwd ] , expect = Http.f } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> Err _ -> (Fail,Cmd.none) LoginSubmit -> if Bool.not (String.isEmpty email) && Bool.not (String.isEmpty pwd) then -- email && pwd both not empty --check correct if (checkEmail model.email) && (checkPwd model.pwd) then -- can post req ({model|emailState=1,pwdState=1},) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) else -- check one is empty if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) CheckEmail email-> if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) CheckPwd pwd-> if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) checkEmail : String -> Bool checkEmail email=email==/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/ checkPwd : String -> Bool checkPwd pwd=pwd==/(a-zA-Z0-9){7,}/ view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.loadState of Loading -> div [ class "all" ] [ div [ class "logo" ] [ button [ id "btn2" ] [ text "SING UP" ] , button [ id "btn1" ] [ text "LOG IN" ] , div [ class "word1" ] [ a [ href "#" ] [ text "COMPNIES" ] ] , div [ class "icon" ] [ img [ src "/static/images/icon.png" ] [] ] ] , div [ id "LoginBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign in to an existing CodinGame account" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtName", placeholder "Email" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "<PASSWORD>" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn2" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a [ href "#", id "loginbtn", onClick LoginSubmit ] [ text "LOG IN" ] ] ] , div [ id "SingupBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign up and start playing, for free" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn1" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check email [ id "txtName1", placeholder "Email",onInput (CheckEmail email) ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn3" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check password [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "<PASSWORD>" ,onInput (CheckPwd pwd)] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn4" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a -- TODO check both email and pwd then post [ href "#", id "singupbtn", onClick SingupSubmit ] [ text "SING UP" ] ] ] , div [ class "banner" ] [] , div [ class "bottom" ] [] ]
module Main exposing (main, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Http main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { loadState : StateModel , login : Login , singup : Singup , emailState : Int , pwdState : Int } -- 0未填写 默认 -- 1 填写正确 -- 2 填写错误 type alias Login = { email : String , password : String } type alias Singup = { email : String , password : String } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = ({loadState = StateModel , login = { email = "" , password = "" } , singup = { email = "" , password = "" } ,emailState=0 ,pwdState=0 } , Cmd.none -- Http.post -- { url = "/login" -- , expect = Http.expectString GotText -- } ) type StateModel = Fail | Loading | Success type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) | LoginSubmit --登录提交 | SingupSubmit Singup --注册提交 | CheckEmail String --验证邮箱 | CheckPwd String --验证密码 loginUser : String -> String -> Cmd Msg loginUser email pwd = Http.post { url="/loginUser", body= multipleBody [ stringPart "" email, stringPart "" pwd ] , expect = Http.f } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> Err _ -> (Fail,Cmd.none) LoginSubmit -> if Bool.not (String.isEmpty email) && Bool.not (String.isEmpty pwd) then -- email && pwd both not empty --check correct if (checkEmail model.email) && (checkPwd model.pwd) then -- can post req ({model|emailState=1,pwdState=1},) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) else -- check one is empty if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else (model,Cmd.none) CheckEmail email-> if String.isEmpty email then ({model|emailState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkEmail email then ({model|emailState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|emailState=2},Cmd.none) CheckPwd pwd-> if String.isEmpty pwd then ({model|pwdState=0},Cmd.none) else if checkPwd pwd then ({model|pwdState=1},Cmd.none) else ({model|pwdState=2},Cmd.none) checkEmail : String -> Bool checkEmail email=email==/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/ checkPwd : String -> Bool checkPwd pwd=pwd==/(a-zA-Z0-9){7,}/ view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.loadState of Loading -> div [ class "all" ] [ div [ class "logo" ] [ button [ id "btn2" ] [ text "SING UP" ] , button [ id "btn1" ] [ text "LOG IN" ] , div [ class "word1" ] [ a [ href "#" ] [ text "COMPNIES" ] ] , div [ class "icon" ] [ img [ src "/static/images/icon.png" ] [] ] ] , div [ id "LoginBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign in to an existing CodinGame account" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtName", placeholder "Email" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn2" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a [ href "#", id "loginbtn", onClick LoginSubmit ] [ text "LOG IN" ] ] ] , div [ id "SingupBox" ] [ div [ class "row1" ] [ span [] [ text "Sign up and start playing, for free" ] , a [ href "#", title "关闭窗口", class "close_btn", id "closeBtn1" ] [ text "×" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Email:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check email [ id "txtName1", placeholder "Email",onInput (CheckEmail email) ] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn3" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ span [] [ text "Password:" ] , span [ class "inputBox" ] [ input -- TODO check password [ id "txtPwd", placeholder "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" ,onInput (CheckPwd pwd)] [] ] , a [ href "#", title "提示", class "warning", id "warn4" ] [ text "*" ] ] , div [ class "row" ] [ a -- TODO check both email and pwd then post [ href "#", id "singupbtn", onClick SingupSubmit ] [ text "SING UP" ] ] ] , div [ class "banner" ] [] , div [ class "bottom" ] [] ]
[ { "context": "value\n , name = name\n , id = parent", "end": 24435, "score": 0.9891989827, "start": 24431, "tag": "NAME", "value": "name" }, { "context": "Block\n { name = name\n , id = parent", "end": 24665, "score": 0.9847564101, "start": 24661, "tag": "NAME", "value": "name" } ]
module Mark exposing ( Document, document, documentWith , Block, block , string, int, float, bool , Styles, text, textWith , Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced , annotation, verbatim , Record, record, field, toBlock , oneOf, manyOf , tree, Enumerated(..), Item(..), Icon(..) , Outcome(..), Partial , metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render , map, verify, onError , withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId , lookup ) {-| # Building Documents @docs Document, document, documentWith @docs Block, block # Primitives @docs string, int, float, bool # Text @docs Styles, text, textWith # Text Replacements @docs Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced # Text Annotations Along with basic [`styling`](#text) and [`replacements`](#replacement), we also have a few ways to annotate text. @docs annotation, verbatim # Records @docs Record, record, field, toBlock # Higher Level @docs oneOf, manyOf # Trees @docs tree, Enumerated, Item, Icon # Rendering @docs Outcome, Partial @docs metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render # Constraining and Recovering Blocks @docs map, verify, onError @docs withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId @docs lookup -} import Mark.Edit import Mark.Error import Mark.Internal.Description as Desc exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Error as Error exposing (AstError(..), Context(..), Problem(..)) import Mark.Internal.Id as Id exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Index as Index import Mark.Internal.Outcome as Outcome import Mark.Internal.Parser as Parse import Mark.New exposing (block) import Parser.Advanced as Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) {-| -} type alias Parsed = Desc.Parsed {- INTERFACE -} {-| -} toString : Parsed -> String toString = Desc.toString {-| -} parse : Document metadata data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed parse doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> moveParsedToResult {-| -} metadata : Document metadata document -> String -> Result Mark.Error.Error metadata metadata (Desc.Document doc) source = case Parser.run doc.metadata source of Ok parsed -> parsed |> Result.mapError (Error.render source) Err irrecoverableParsingErrors -> Err (Error.renderParsingErrors source irrecoverableParsingErrors) moveParsedToResult : Result (Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) ( Parsed , Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed moveParsedToResult result = case result of Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Success success ) -> Success parsed Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Almost almost ) -> Almost { errors = almost.errors , result = parsed } Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Failure errors ) -> Failure errors Err (Outcome.Success success) -> Failure [] Err (Outcome.Almost almost) -> Failure almost.errors Err (Outcome.Failure fail) -> Failure fail {-| -} render : Document meta data -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) render doc ((Parsed parsedDetails) as parsed) = Desc.render doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| -} compile : Document meta data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) compile doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> flattenErrors |> rewrapOutcome flattenErrors result = case result of Ok ( parsed, outcome ) -> outcome Err outcome -> outcome rewrapOutcome : Outcome.Outcome x y z -> Outcome x y z rewrapOutcome outcome = case outcome of Outcome.Success s -> Success s Outcome.Almost x -> Almost x Outcome.Failure f -> Failure f {-| -} type alias Partial data = { errors : List Mark.Error.Error , result : data } {-| -} startDocRange : Range startDocRange = { start = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } , end = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } } {-| -} type alias Document meta data = Desc.Document meta data {-| -} type Outcome failure almost success = Success success | Almost almost | Failure failure {-| -} type alias Block data = Desc.Block data getUnexpecteds : Description -> List Error.UnexpectedDetails getUnexpecteds description = case description of DescribeBlock details -> getUnexpecteds details.found Record details -> List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> getUnexpecteds) details.found Group many -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds many.children StartsWith details -> getUnexpecteds details.first ++ getUnexpecteds details.second DescribeItem details -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.content ++ List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.children -- Primitives DescribeBoolean details -> [] DescribeInteger details -> [] DescribeFloat details -> [] DescribeText details -> [] DescribeString _ str -> [] DescribeUnexpected _ details -> [ details ] {-| -} type alias Position = { offset : Int , line : Int , column : Int } {-| -} type alias Range = { start : Position , end : Position } {- BLOCKS -} {-| Create a markup `Document`. You're first goal is to describe a document in terms of the blocks you're expecting. Here's an overly simple document that captures one block, a Title, and wraps it in some `Html` document : Mark.Document (Html msg) document = Mark.document (\title -> Html.main [] [ title ]) (Mark.block "Title" (Html.h1 []) Mark.string ) will parse the following markup: ```markup |> Title Here is my title! ``` and ultimately render it as ```html <main> <h1>Here is my title!</h1> </main> ``` -} document : List (Block block) -> Document () block document blocks = createDocument (\_ -> "none") (Parser.succeed (Ok ())) (map (Tuple.pair ()) (manyOf blocks)) createDocument : (meta -> String) -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem (Result Error.UnexpectedDetails meta) -> Block ( meta, List data ) -> Document meta data createDocument toDocumentId meta child = Document { expect = getBlockExpectation child , metadata = meta , converter = \(Parsed parsed) -> Desc.renderBlock child parsed.found , parser = Parser.getSource |> Parser.andThen (\src -> let docId : String docId = case Parser.run meta src of Ok (Ok m) -> toDocumentId m _ -> -- This should return an error! -- it means the metadata is invalid "" seed : Seed seed = Id.initialSeed docId ( currentSeed, blockParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock seed child in Parser.succeed (\source ( range, value ) -> Parsed { errors = List.map (Error.render source) (getUnexpecteds value) , found = value , expected = getBlockExpectation child , initialSeed = seed , currentSeed = currentSeed , attributes = [] } ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |= Parser.getSource |= Parse.withRange (Parser.withIndent 0 blockParser) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\n') |. Parser.end End ) } {-| Capture some metadata at the start of your document, followed by the body. import Mark Mark.documentWith { id = \metadata -> metadata.id , metadata = Mark.record (\id author publishedAt -> { author = author , publishedAt = publishedAt } ) |> Mark.field "id" Mark.string |> Mark.field "author" Mark.string |> Mark.field "publishedAt" Mark.string , blocks = [ ] } **Note** - You can also specify an `id`, which is a document identifier and is included in `Mark.Edit.Id`. This is really only necessary if you're building an editor that can edit multiple documents at once. Otherwise, feel free to simple put `id = \_ -> "doc"` -} documentWith : { id : metadata -> String , metadata : Record metadata , blocks : List (Block block) } -> Document metadata block documentWith config = let metadataBlock = toBlock config.metadata in createDocument config.id (getMetadataParser metadataBlock) (startWith Tuple.pair metadataBlock (manyOf config.blocks) ) getMetadataParser metadataBlock = let ( _, metadataParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock (Id.initialSeed "") metadataBlock in Parser.andThen (\description -> case renderBlock metadataBlock description of Outcome.Success meta -> Parser.succeed (Ok meta.data) Outcome.Failure astError -> Parser.succeed (Err { problem = Error.DocumentMismatch , range = Desc.emptyRange } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds )) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) Outcome.Almost (Recovered ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds ) renderedChild) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) ) (Parser.withIndent 0 metadataParser) {-| Change the result of a block by applying a function to it. -} map : (a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b map fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = mapSuccessAndRecovered fn << details.converter , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| -} type alias CustomError = { title : String , message : List String } {-| `Mark.verify` lets you put constraints on a block. Let's say you don't just want a `Mark.string`, you actually want a date. So, you install the [`ISO8601`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings/latest/) and you write something that looks like: import Iso8601 import Mark import Mark.Error import Time date : Mark.Block Time.Posix date = Mark.verify (\str -> str |> Iso8601.toTime |> Result.mapError (\_ -> illformatedDateMessage) ) Mark.string illformatedDateMessage = Mark.Error.custom { title = "Bad Date" , message = [ "I was trying to parse a date, but this format looks off.\n\n" , "Dates should be in ISO 8601 format:\n\n" , "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ] } Now you can use `date` whever you actually want dates and the error message will be shown if something goes wrong. More importantly, you now know if a document parses successfully, that all your dates are correctly formatted. `Mark.verify` is a very nice way to extend your markup however you'd like. You could use it to - add units to numbers - parse a custom format, like [Latex mathematical equations](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics#Operators) - ensure that numbers are between a range or are always positive. How exciting! Seriously, I think this is pretty cool. -} verify : (a -> Result Mark.Error.Custom b) -> Block a -> Block b verify fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = \ctxt seed -> details.parser ctxt seed |> Tuple.mapSecond (\parser -> parser |> Parse.withRange |> Parser.andThen (\( range, desc ) -> -- we only care about reporting if applying `fn` was a problem -- not other errors, which will shake out normally case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Parser.succeed desc Outcome.Failure f -> Parser.succeed desc ) ) , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Success { data = new, attrs = a.attrs } Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr -- TODO: Does this mean we need to thread source snippets everywhere to get them here? , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err { data = new, attrs = a.attrs }) Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| -} documentId : Mark.Edit.Id -> String documentId (Id.Id str _) = str {-| Look up a specific block in your document by id. -} lookup : Mark.Edit.Id -> Document meta block -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial block) block lookup id doc parsed = Desc.lookup id doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.withId (\id str -> Html.span [ onClick (Mark.Edit.delete id) ] [ Html.text str ] ) Mark.string -} withId : (Mark.Edit.Id -> a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b withId fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in Desc.mapSuccessAndRecovered (fn id) (details.converter desc) , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.string |> Mark.withAttr (\str -> ("link", str)) -} withAttr : (a -> ( String, String )) -> Block a -> Block a withAttr fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success deets -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Success { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs deets) -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } ) Outcome.Failure errs -> Outcome.Failure errs , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| It may be necessary to convert an `Id` to a `String` and back in order attach it as an `Html.Attributes.id` and read it back. See the editor example for more details. **Note** be aware that the actual string format of an `Id` is an implementation detail and may change even on patch releases of a library. -} idToString : Mark.Edit.Id -> String idToString = Id.toString {-| -} stringToId : String -> Maybe Mark.Edit.Id stringToId = Id.fromString {-| Parsing any given `Block` can fail. However sometimes we don't want the _whole document_ to be unable to render just because there was a small error somewhere. So, we need some way to say "Hey, if you run into an issue, here's a placeholder value to use." And that's what `Mark.onError` does. Mark.int |> Mark.onError 5 This means if we fail to parse an integer (let's say we added a decimal), that this block would still be renderable with a default value of `5`. **Note** If there _is_ an error that is fixed using `onError`, we'll get a [`Partial`](#Partial) when we render the document. This will let us see the _full rendered document_, but also see the _error_ that actually occurred. -} onError : a -> Block a -> Block a onError newValue (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = details.parser , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> Outcome.Success a Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered x { data = newValue, attrs = [] }) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| A named block. Mark.block "MyBlock" Html.text Mark.string Will parse the following and render it using `Html.text` |> MyBlock Here is an unformatted string! **Note** block names should be capitalized. In the future this may be enforced. -} block : String -> (child -> result) -> Block child -> Block result block name view child = Block { kind = Named name , expect = ExpectBlock name (getBlockExpectation child) , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBlock details -> if details.name == name then renderBlock child details.found |> mapSuccessAndRecovered view else -- This is not the block that was expected. Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newSeed, childParser ) = getParser context (Id.indent seed) child ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( errorId, finalSeed ) = Id.step parentSeed in ( finalSeed , Parser.map (\result -> case result of Ok details -> DescribeBlock { found = details.value , name = name , id = parentId } Err details -> DescribeBlock { name = name , id = parentId , found = DescribeUnexpected errorId { range = details.range , problem = details.error } } ) <| Parse.withRangeResult (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.keyword (Parser.Token name (ExpectingBlockName name) ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |. Parse.skipBlankLineWith () |= Parser.oneOf [ (Parser.succeed identity |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation (indentation + 4)) ) ) |> Parser.andThen (\start -> Parser.oneOf -- ALERT: This first parser will fail because `Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove` -- expects indentation for the first line. [ Parser.succeed (\end -> Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4)) ) |. Parser.chompIf (\c -> c == ' ') Space |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) , Parser.map Ok <| Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InBlock name) childParser) ] ) -- If we're here, it's because the indentation failed. -- If the child parser failed in some way, it would -- take care of that itself by returning Unexpected , Parser.succeed (Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4))) |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) ] ) ) ) } {-| -} startWith : (start -> rest -> result) -> Block start -> Block rest -> Block result startWith fn startBlock endBlock = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectStartsWith (getBlockExpectation startBlock) (getBlockExpectation endBlock) , converter = \desc -> case desc of StartsWith details -> Desc.mergeWithAttrs fn (Desc.renderBlock startBlock details.first) (Desc.renderBlock endBlock details.second) _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed ( startSeed, startParser ) = getParser ParseBlock newSeed startBlock ( remainSeed, endParser ) = getParser ParseBlock startSeed endBlock in ( remainSeed , Parser.succeed (\( range, ( begin, end ) ) -> StartsWith { id = parentId , first = begin , second = end } ) |= Parse.withRange (Parser.succeed Tuple.pair |= startParser |. Parser.loop 0 manyBlankLines |= endParser ) ) } {-| Skip all blank lines. -} manyBlankLines lineCount = Parser.oneOf [ Parse.skipBlankLineWith (Parser.Loop (lineCount + 1)) , Parser.succeed (Parser.Done ()) ] {-| -} oneOf : List (Block a) -> Block a oneOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectOneOf expectations , converter = \desc -> Desc.findMatch desc blocks , parser = Parse.oneOf blocks expectations } {-| Many blocks that are all at the same indentation level. -} manyOf : List (Block a) -> Block (List a) manyOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectManyOf expectations , converter = \desc -> let getRendered id existingResult children = case children of [] -> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse existingResult top :: remain -> getRendered id (Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Desc.findMatch top blocks) existingResult ) remain in case desc of Group many -> getRendered many.id (Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] }) many.children _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parser.succeed (\children -> Group { id = parentId , children = children } ) |= Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop { parsedSomething = False , found = [] , seed = indentedSeed } (Parse.manyOf indentation blocks) ) ) } {-| -} type Icon = Bullet | Number {-| -} type Enumerated item = Enumerated { icon : Icon , items : List (Item item) } {-| **Note** `index` is our position within the nested list. The first `Int` in the tuple is our current position in the current sub list. The `List Int` that follows are the indices for the parent list. For example, given this list ```markup |> List 1. First element -- Second Element 1. Element #2.1 -- Element #2.1.1 -- Element #2.2 -- Third Element ``` here are the indices: ```markup 1. (1, []) -- (2, []) 1. (1, [2]) -- (1, [1,2]) -- (2, [2]) -- (3, []) ``` -} type Item item = Item { index : ( Int, List Int ) , content : List item , children : Enumerated item } {-| Would you believe that a markdown list is actually a tree? Here's an example of a nested list in `elm-markup`: ```markup |> List 1. This is definitely the first thing. With some additional content. --- Another thing. And some more content 1. A sublist With it's content And some other content --- Second item ``` **Note** As before, the indentation is always a multiple of 4. In `elm-markup` you can make a nested section either `Bulleted` or `Numbered` by having the first element of the section start with `-` or `1.`. The rest of the icons at that level are ignored. So this: |> List 1. First -- Second -- Third Is a numbered list. And this: |> List -- First 1. sublist one -- sublist two -- sublist three -- Second -- Third is a bulleted list with a numbered list inside of it. **Note** You can use as many dashes(`-`) as you want to start an item. This can be useful to make the indentation match up. Similarly, you can also use spaces after the dash or number. Here's how to render the above list: import Mark myTree = Mark.tree "List" renderList text -- Note: we have to define this as a separate function because -- `Items` and `Node` are a pair of mutually recursive data structures. -- It's easiest to render them using two separate functions: -- renderList and renderItem renderList (Mark.Enumerated list) = let group = case list.icon of Mark.Bullet -> Html.ul Mark.Number -> Html.ol in group [] (List.map renderItem list.items) renderItem (Mark.Item item) = Html.li [] [ Html.div [] item.content , renderList item.children ] -} tree : (Enumerated item -> result) -> Block item -> Block result tree view contentBlock = let blockExpectation = getBlockExpectation contentBlock expectation : Expectation expectation = ExpectTree blockExpectation in Block { kind = Value , expect = expectation , converter = \description -> case description of Group details -> details.children |> reduceRender Index.zero getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) |> (\( _, icon, outcome ) -> case outcome of Outcome.Success nodes -> Outcome.Success { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs nodes) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f ) _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parse.withIndent (\baseIndent -> let ( secondSeed, itemParser ) = getParser context indentedSeed contentBlock in Parser.map (\( pos, builtTree ) -> Group { id = newId , children = builtTree } ) (Parse.withRange (parseTree baseIndent secondSeed contentBlock itemParser) ) ) ) } parseTree baseIndent seed contentBlock itemParser = (Parser.succeed (\start icon item end -> { start = start , end = end , item = item , icon = icon } ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parse.iconParser |= itemParser |= Parse.getPosition ) |> Parser.andThen (\details -> let ( startId, startSeed ) = Id.step seed in Parser.loop ( { base = baseIndent , prev = baseIndent , seed = startSeed } , { previouslyAdded = Parse.AddedItem , captured = [] , stack = [ { start = details.start , description = DescribeItem { id = startId , icon = details.icon , content = [ details.item ] , children = [] } } ] } ) (Parse.fullTree ParseInTree contentBlock ) ) getItemIcon desc = case desc of DescribeItem item -> item.icon _ -> Desc.Bullet {-| -} renderTreeNodeSmall : Block item -> Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> Description -> Desc.BlockOutcome (Item item) renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock icon index found = case found of DescribeItem item -> let ( newIndex, childrenIcon, renderedChildren ) = reduceRender (Index.indent index) getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) item.children ( contentIndex, _, renderedContent ) = reduceRender (Index.dedent newIndex) (always Desc.Bullet) (\icon_ i foundItem -> renderBlock contentBlock foundItem ) item.content in Desc.mergeListWithAttrs (\content children -> Item { index = Index.toList index , content = content , children = Enumerated { icon = case childrenIcon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = children } } ) renderedContent renderedChildren _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch reduceRender : Index.Index -> (thing -> Desc.Icon) -> (Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> thing -> Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain other) other) -> List thing -> ( Index.Index, Desc.Icon, Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain (List other)) (List other) ) reduceRender index getIcon fn list = list |> List.foldl (\item ( i, existingIcon, gathered ) -> let icon = if Index.top i == 0 then getIcon item else existingIcon newItem = case gathered of Outcome.Success remain -> case fn icon i item of Outcome.Success newThing -> Outcome.Success (newThing :: remain) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err data) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err (data :: remain) ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f almostOrfailure -> almostOrfailure in ( Index.increment i , icon , newItem ) ) ( index, Desc.Bullet, Outcome.Success [] ) |> (\( i, ic, outcome ) -> ( i, ic, Outcome.mapSuccess List.reverse outcome ) ) {-| -} type alias Index = List Int {- TEXT BLOCKS -} {-| -} type alias Styles = { bold : Bool , italic : Bool , strike : Bool } {-| One of the first things that's interesting about a markup language is how to handle _styled text_. In `elm-markup` there are only a limited number of special characters for formatting text. - `/italic/` results in _italics_ - `*bold*` results in **bold** - and `~strike~` results in ~~strike~~ Here's an example of how to convert markup text into `Html` using `Mark.text`: Mark.text (\styles string -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.classList [ ( "bold", styles.bold ) , ( "italic", styles.italic ) , ( "strike", styles.strike ) ] ] [ Html.text string ] ) Though you might be thinking that `bold`, `italic`, and `strike` are not nearly enough! And you're right, this is just to get you started. Your next stop is [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith), which is more involved to use but can represent everything you're used to having in a markup language. **Note:** Text blocks stop when two consecutive newline characters are encountered. -} text : (Styles -> String -> text) -> Block (List text) text view = textWith { view = view , inlines = [] , replacements = commonReplacements } {-| -} type alias Selection = { anchor : Offset , focus : Offset } {-| -} type alias Offset = Int {-| Handling formatted text is a little more involved than may be initially apparent, but have no fear! `textWith` is where a lot of things come together. Let's check out what these fields actually mean. - `view` is the function to render an individual fragment of text. - This is mostly what [`Mark.text`](#text) does, so it should seem familiar. - `replacements` will replace characters before rendering. - For example, we can replace `...` with the real ellipses unicode character, `…`. - `inlines` are custom inline blocks. You can use these to render things like links or emojis :D. -} textWith : { view : Styles -> String -> rendered , replacements : List Replacement , inlines : List (Record rendered) } -> Block (List rendered) textWith options = let inlineRecords = List.map recordToInlineBlock options.inlines inlineExpectations = List.map (\(ProtoRecord rec) -> ExpectInlineBlock { name = rec.name , kind = blockKindToSelection rec.blockKind , fields = rec.expectations } ) options.inlines in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectTextBlock inlineExpectations , converter = renderText { view = always options.view , inlines = inlineRecords } , parser = \context seed -> let -- Note #1 - seed for styled text is advanced here -- instead of within the styledText parser ( _, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.getPosition |> Parser.andThen (\pos -> Parse.styledText { inlines = List.map (\x -> x Desc.EmptyAnnotation) inlineRecords , replacements = options.replacements } context seed pos emptyStyles ) ) } recordToInlineBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) annotationType = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc annotationType of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseInline :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( finalSeed , Parse.record Parse.InlineRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } type alias Cursor data = { outcome : BlockOutcome data , lastOffset : Int } type alias TextOutcome data = Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain data) data renderText : { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> Description -> BlockOutcome (List rendered) renderText options description = case description of DescribeText details -> let outcome = details.text |> List.foldl (convertTextDescription details.id options) { outcome = Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] } , lastOffset = 0 } |> .outcome in outcome |> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch convertTextDescription : Id -> { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> TextDescription -> Cursor (List rendered) -> Cursor (List rendered) convertTextDescription id options comp cursor = let blockLength : Int blockLength = length comp in case comp of Styled (Desc.Text styling str) -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Outcome.Success { data = options.view { id = id , selection = { anchor = cursor.lastOffset , focus = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } } styling str , attrs = [] } ) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } InlineBlock details -> case details.record of DescribeUnexpected unexpId unexpDetails -> { outcome = Desc.uncertain unexpDetails , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } _ -> let recordName = Desc.recordName details.record |> Maybe.withDefault "" matchInlineName name almostInlineBlock maybeFound = case maybeFound of Nothing -> let (Block inlineDetails) = almostInlineBlock details.kind in if matchKinds details inlineDetails.kind then Just inlineDetails else Nothing _ -> maybeFound maybeMatched = List.foldl (matchInlineName recordName) Nothing options.inlines in case maybeMatched of Nothing -> { outcome = Outcome.Failure NoMatch , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } Just matched -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (matched.converter details.record) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } matchKinds inline blockKind = let recordName = case inline.record of Record rec -> Just rec.name _ -> Nothing in case ( recordName, inline.kind, blockKind ) of ( Just inlineName, SelectString str, VerbatimNamed vertName ) -> inlineName == vertName ( Just inlineName, SelectText _, AnnotationNamed annName ) -> inlineName == annName ( Just inlineName, EmptyAnnotation, Named name ) -> inlineName == name _ -> False {-| -} type alias Replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| An annotation is some _styled text_, a _name_, and zero or more _attributes_. So, we can make a `link` that looks like this in markup: ```markup Here is my [*cool* sentence]{link| url = website.com }. ``` and rendered in elm-land via: link = Mark.annotation "link" (\id styles url -> Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href url ] (List.map renderStyles styles) ) |> Mark.field "url" Mark.string -} annotation : String -> (Id -> List ( Styles, String ) -> result) -> Record result annotation name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.AnnotationNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found , view (getId desc) (selectedText selected) ) , attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } selectedText sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> [] SelectText txts -> List.map textToTuple txts SelectString _ -> [] textToTuple (Desc.Text style str) = ( style, str ) selectedString sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> "" SelectText txts -> "" SelectString str -> str {-| A `verbatim` annotation is denoted by backticks(\`) and allows you to capture a literal string. Just like `annotation`, a `verbatim` can have a name and attributes attached to it. Let's say we wanted to embed an inline piece of elm code. We could write inlineElm = Mark.verbatim "elm" (\id str -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.class "elm-code" ] [ Html.text str ] ) Which would capture the following Here's an inline function: `\you -> Awesome`{elm}. **Note** A verbatim can be written without a name or attributes and will capture the contents as a literal string, ignoring any special characters. Let's take a look at `http://elm-lang.com`. -} verbatim : String -> (Id -> String -> result) -> Record result verbatim name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.VerbatimNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { attrs = [] , data = ( details.found, view (getId desc) (selectedString selected) ) } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {- PRIMITIVE BLOCKS -} {-| This will capture a multiline string. For example: Mark.block "Poem" (\str -> str) Mark.string will capture ```markup |> Poem Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. ``` Where `str` in the above function will be """Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.""" **Note** If you're looking for styled text, you probably want [`Mark.text`](#text) or [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith). -} string : Block String string = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectString "REPLACE" , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeString id str -> Outcome.Success { data = String.trim str, attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , case context of ParseInline -> Parser.succeed (\start str end -> DescribeString id (String.trim str) ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c /= '\n' && c /= ',' && c /= '}') ) |= Parse.getPosition ParseBlock -> Parser.map (\( pos, str ) -> DescribeString id str ) (Parse.withRange (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) ParseInTree -> Parser.map (DescribeString id) (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) } {-| Capture either `True` or `False`. `elm-markup` doesn't infer truthiness in other values, so it needs to be exactly `True` or `False`. -} bool : Block Bool bool = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectBoolean False , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBoolean details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parser.map (\boolResult -> case boolResult of Err err -> DescribeUnexpected id { range = err.range , problem = Error.BadBool } Ok details -> DescribeBoolean { id = id , found = details.value } ) (Parse.withRangeResult (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.token (Parser.Token "True" (Expecting "True")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok True)) , Parser.token (Parser.Token "False" (Expecting "False")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok False)) , Parser.map Err Parse.word ] ) ) ) } {-| -} int : Block Int int = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeInteger details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectInteger 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.int id ) } {-| -} float : Block Float float = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeFloat details -> Outcome.Success { data = Tuple.second details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectFloat 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.float id ) } {- Parser Heleprs -} {-| This is a set of common character replacements with some typographical niceties. - `...` is converted to the ellipses unicode character(`…`). - `"` Straight double quotes are [replaced with curly quotes](https://practicaltypography.com/straight-and-curly-quotes.html) (`“`, `”`) - `'` Single Quotes are replaced with apostrophes(`’`). - `--` is replaced with an [en-dash(`–`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `---` is replaced with an [em-dash(`—`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `<>` also known as "glue", will create a non-breaking space (`&nbsp;`). This is not for manually increasing space (sequential `<>` tokens will only render as one `&nbsp;`), but to signify that the space between two words shouldn't break when wrapping. Like glueing two words together! **Note** this is included by default in `Mark.text` -} commonReplacements : List Replacement commonReplacements = [ Parse.Replacement "..." "…" , Parse.Replacement "<>" "\u{00A0}" , Parse.Replacement "---" "—" , Parse.Replacement "--" "–" , Parse.Replacement "'" "’" , Parse.Balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } ] {-| Replace a string with another string. This can be useful to have shortcuts to unicode characters. For example, we could use this to replace `...` with the unicode ellipses character: `…`. -} replacement : String -> String -> Replacement replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| A balanced replacement. This is used for replacing parentheses or to do auto-curly quotes. Mark.balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } -} balanced : { start : ( String, String ) , end : ( String, String ) } -> Replacement balanced = Parse.Balanced {- RECORDS -} {-| -} type alias Record a = Desc.Record a {-| Parse a record with any number of fields. Mark.record "Image" (\src description -> Html.img [ Html.Attributes.src src , Html.Attributes.alt description ] [] ) |> Mark.field "src" Mark.string |> Mark.field "description" Mark.string |> Mark.toBlock would parse the following markup: ```markup |> Image src = http://placekitten/200/500 description = What a cutie. ``` Fields can be in any order in the markup. Also, by convention field names should be `camelCase`. This might be enforced in the future. -} record : String -> data -> Record data record name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.Named name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name && ann == Desc.EmptyAnnotation then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found, view ), attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {-| -} field : String -> Block value -> Record (value -> result) -> Record result field name value (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let newField = Field name value in Desc.ProtoRecord { name = details.name , blockKind = details.blockKind , expectations = fieldExpectation newField :: details.expectations , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case details.fieldConverter desc ann of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) , fields = fieldParser newField :: details.fields } fieldName (Field name _) = name {-| TODO: convert to recursion -} getField : Field value -> List ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) getField (Field name fieldBlock) fields = List.foldl (matchField name fieldBlock) Nothing fields matchField : String -> Block value -> ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) matchField targetName targetBlock ( name, description ) existing = case existing of Just _ -> existing Nothing -> if name == targetName then Just (Desc.renderBlock targetBlock description) else existing {-| Convert a `Record` to a `Block`. -} toBlock : Record a -> Block a toBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc Desc.EmptyAnnotation of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered, attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseBlock :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( parentSeed , Parse.record Parse.BlockRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } {-| -} type Field value = Field String (Block value) fieldParser : Field value -> Desc.ParseContext -> Id.Seed -> ( Id.Seed, ( String, Parser Context Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) ) ) fieldParser (Field name myBlock) context seed = let ( newSeed, blockParser ) = Desc.getParser context seed myBlock in ( newSeed , ( name , fieldContentParser name blockParser ) ) fieldExpectation (Field name fieldBlock) = ( name, Desc.getBlockExpectation fieldBlock ) fieldContentParser : String -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem Desc.Description -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) fieldContentParser name parser = Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.map (\( pos, description ) -> ( name, description ) ) (Parse.withRange (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) , Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation indentation)) |= Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) ] ) ) )
module Mark exposing ( Document, document, documentWith , Block, block , string, int, float, bool , Styles, text, textWith , Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced , annotation, verbatim , Record, record, field, toBlock , oneOf, manyOf , tree, Enumerated(..), Item(..), Icon(..) , Outcome(..), Partial , metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render , map, verify, onError , withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId , lookup ) {-| # Building Documents @docs Document, document, documentWith @docs Block, block # Primitives @docs string, int, float, bool # Text @docs Styles, text, textWith # Text Replacements @docs Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced # Text Annotations Along with basic [`styling`](#text) and [`replacements`](#replacement), we also have a few ways to annotate text. @docs annotation, verbatim # Records @docs Record, record, field, toBlock # Higher Level @docs oneOf, manyOf # Trees @docs tree, Enumerated, Item, Icon # Rendering @docs Outcome, Partial @docs metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render # Constraining and Recovering Blocks @docs map, verify, onError @docs withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId @docs lookup -} import Mark.Edit import Mark.Error import Mark.Internal.Description as Desc exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Error as Error exposing (AstError(..), Context(..), Problem(..)) import Mark.Internal.Id as Id exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Index as Index import Mark.Internal.Outcome as Outcome import Mark.Internal.Parser as Parse import Mark.New exposing (block) import Parser.Advanced as Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) {-| -} type alias Parsed = Desc.Parsed {- INTERFACE -} {-| -} toString : Parsed -> String toString = Desc.toString {-| -} parse : Document metadata data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed parse doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> moveParsedToResult {-| -} metadata : Document metadata document -> String -> Result Mark.Error.Error metadata metadata (Desc.Document doc) source = case Parser.run doc.metadata source of Ok parsed -> parsed |> Result.mapError (Error.render source) Err irrecoverableParsingErrors -> Err (Error.renderParsingErrors source irrecoverableParsingErrors) moveParsedToResult : Result (Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) ( Parsed , Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed moveParsedToResult result = case result of Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Success success ) -> Success parsed Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Almost almost ) -> Almost { errors = almost.errors , result = parsed } Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Failure errors ) -> Failure errors Err (Outcome.Success success) -> Failure [] Err (Outcome.Almost almost) -> Failure almost.errors Err (Outcome.Failure fail) -> Failure fail {-| -} render : Document meta data -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) render doc ((Parsed parsedDetails) as parsed) = Desc.render doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| -} compile : Document meta data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) compile doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> flattenErrors |> rewrapOutcome flattenErrors result = case result of Ok ( parsed, outcome ) -> outcome Err outcome -> outcome rewrapOutcome : Outcome.Outcome x y z -> Outcome x y z rewrapOutcome outcome = case outcome of Outcome.Success s -> Success s Outcome.Almost x -> Almost x Outcome.Failure f -> Failure f {-| -} type alias Partial data = { errors : List Mark.Error.Error , result : data } {-| -} startDocRange : Range startDocRange = { start = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } , end = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } } {-| -} type alias Document meta data = Desc.Document meta data {-| -} type Outcome failure almost success = Success success | Almost almost | Failure failure {-| -} type alias Block data = Desc.Block data getUnexpecteds : Description -> List Error.UnexpectedDetails getUnexpecteds description = case description of DescribeBlock details -> getUnexpecteds details.found Record details -> List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> getUnexpecteds) details.found Group many -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds many.children StartsWith details -> getUnexpecteds details.first ++ getUnexpecteds details.second DescribeItem details -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.content ++ List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.children -- Primitives DescribeBoolean details -> [] DescribeInteger details -> [] DescribeFloat details -> [] DescribeText details -> [] DescribeString _ str -> [] DescribeUnexpected _ details -> [ details ] {-| -} type alias Position = { offset : Int , line : Int , column : Int } {-| -} type alias Range = { start : Position , end : Position } {- BLOCKS -} {-| Create a markup `Document`. You're first goal is to describe a document in terms of the blocks you're expecting. Here's an overly simple document that captures one block, a Title, and wraps it in some `Html` document : Mark.Document (Html msg) document = Mark.document (\title -> Html.main [] [ title ]) (Mark.block "Title" (Html.h1 []) Mark.string ) will parse the following markup: ```markup |> Title Here is my title! ``` and ultimately render it as ```html <main> <h1>Here is my title!</h1> </main> ``` -} document : List (Block block) -> Document () block document blocks = createDocument (\_ -> "none") (Parser.succeed (Ok ())) (map (Tuple.pair ()) (manyOf blocks)) createDocument : (meta -> String) -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem (Result Error.UnexpectedDetails meta) -> Block ( meta, List data ) -> Document meta data createDocument toDocumentId meta child = Document { expect = getBlockExpectation child , metadata = meta , converter = \(Parsed parsed) -> Desc.renderBlock child parsed.found , parser = Parser.getSource |> Parser.andThen (\src -> let docId : String docId = case Parser.run meta src of Ok (Ok m) -> toDocumentId m _ -> -- This should return an error! -- it means the metadata is invalid "" seed : Seed seed = Id.initialSeed docId ( currentSeed, blockParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock seed child in Parser.succeed (\source ( range, value ) -> Parsed { errors = List.map (Error.render source) (getUnexpecteds value) , found = value , expected = getBlockExpectation child , initialSeed = seed , currentSeed = currentSeed , attributes = [] } ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |= Parser.getSource |= Parse.withRange (Parser.withIndent 0 blockParser) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\n') |. Parser.end End ) } {-| Capture some metadata at the start of your document, followed by the body. import Mark Mark.documentWith { id = \metadata -> metadata.id , metadata = Mark.record (\id author publishedAt -> { author = author , publishedAt = publishedAt } ) |> Mark.field "id" Mark.string |> Mark.field "author" Mark.string |> Mark.field "publishedAt" Mark.string , blocks = [ ] } **Note** - You can also specify an `id`, which is a document identifier and is included in `Mark.Edit.Id`. This is really only necessary if you're building an editor that can edit multiple documents at once. Otherwise, feel free to simple put `id = \_ -> "doc"` -} documentWith : { id : metadata -> String , metadata : Record metadata , blocks : List (Block block) } -> Document metadata block documentWith config = let metadataBlock = toBlock config.metadata in createDocument config.id (getMetadataParser metadataBlock) (startWith Tuple.pair metadataBlock (manyOf config.blocks) ) getMetadataParser metadataBlock = let ( _, metadataParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock (Id.initialSeed "") metadataBlock in Parser.andThen (\description -> case renderBlock metadataBlock description of Outcome.Success meta -> Parser.succeed (Ok meta.data) Outcome.Failure astError -> Parser.succeed (Err { problem = Error.DocumentMismatch , range = Desc.emptyRange } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds )) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) Outcome.Almost (Recovered ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds ) renderedChild) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) ) (Parser.withIndent 0 metadataParser) {-| Change the result of a block by applying a function to it. -} map : (a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b map fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = mapSuccessAndRecovered fn << details.converter , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| -} type alias CustomError = { title : String , message : List String } {-| `Mark.verify` lets you put constraints on a block. Let's say you don't just want a `Mark.string`, you actually want a date. So, you install the [`ISO8601`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings/latest/) and you write something that looks like: import Iso8601 import Mark import Mark.Error import Time date : Mark.Block Time.Posix date = Mark.verify (\str -> str |> Iso8601.toTime |> Result.mapError (\_ -> illformatedDateMessage) ) Mark.string illformatedDateMessage = Mark.Error.custom { title = "Bad Date" , message = [ "I was trying to parse a date, but this format looks off.\n\n" , "Dates should be in ISO 8601 format:\n\n" , "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ] } Now you can use `date` whever you actually want dates and the error message will be shown if something goes wrong. More importantly, you now know if a document parses successfully, that all your dates are correctly formatted. `Mark.verify` is a very nice way to extend your markup however you'd like. You could use it to - add units to numbers - parse a custom format, like [Latex mathematical equations](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics#Operators) - ensure that numbers are between a range or are always positive. How exciting! Seriously, I think this is pretty cool. -} verify : (a -> Result Mark.Error.Custom b) -> Block a -> Block b verify fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = \ctxt seed -> details.parser ctxt seed |> Tuple.mapSecond (\parser -> parser |> Parse.withRange |> Parser.andThen (\( range, desc ) -> -- we only care about reporting if applying `fn` was a problem -- not other errors, which will shake out normally case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Parser.succeed desc Outcome.Failure f -> Parser.succeed desc ) ) , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Success { data = new, attrs = a.attrs } Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr -- TODO: Does this mean we need to thread source snippets everywhere to get them here? , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err { data = new, attrs = a.attrs }) Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| -} documentId : Mark.Edit.Id -> String documentId (Id.Id str _) = str {-| Look up a specific block in your document by id. -} lookup : Mark.Edit.Id -> Document meta block -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial block) block lookup id doc parsed = Desc.lookup id doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.withId (\id str -> Html.span [ onClick (Mark.Edit.delete id) ] [ Html.text str ] ) Mark.string -} withId : (Mark.Edit.Id -> a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b withId fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in Desc.mapSuccessAndRecovered (fn id) (details.converter desc) , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.string |> Mark.withAttr (\str -> ("link", str)) -} withAttr : (a -> ( String, String )) -> Block a -> Block a withAttr fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success deets -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Success { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs deets) -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } ) Outcome.Failure errs -> Outcome.Failure errs , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| It may be necessary to convert an `Id` to a `String` and back in order attach it as an `Html.Attributes.id` and read it back. See the editor example for more details. **Note** be aware that the actual string format of an `Id` is an implementation detail and may change even on patch releases of a library. -} idToString : Mark.Edit.Id -> String idToString = Id.toString {-| -} stringToId : String -> Maybe Mark.Edit.Id stringToId = Id.fromString {-| Parsing any given `Block` can fail. However sometimes we don't want the _whole document_ to be unable to render just because there was a small error somewhere. So, we need some way to say "Hey, if you run into an issue, here's a placeholder value to use." And that's what `Mark.onError` does. Mark.int |> Mark.onError 5 This means if we fail to parse an integer (let's say we added a decimal), that this block would still be renderable with a default value of `5`. **Note** If there _is_ an error that is fixed using `onError`, we'll get a [`Partial`](#Partial) when we render the document. This will let us see the _full rendered document_, but also see the _error_ that actually occurred. -} onError : a -> Block a -> Block a onError newValue (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = details.parser , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> Outcome.Success a Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered x { data = newValue, attrs = [] }) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| A named block. Mark.block "MyBlock" Html.text Mark.string Will parse the following and render it using `Html.text` |> MyBlock Here is an unformatted string! **Note** block names should be capitalized. In the future this may be enforced. -} block : String -> (child -> result) -> Block child -> Block result block name view child = Block { kind = Named name , expect = ExpectBlock name (getBlockExpectation child) , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBlock details -> if details.name == name then renderBlock child details.found |> mapSuccessAndRecovered view else -- This is not the block that was expected. Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newSeed, childParser ) = getParser context (Id.indent seed) child ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( errorId, finalSeed ) = Id.step parentSeed in ( finalSeed , Parser.map (\result -> case result of Ok details -> DescribeBlock { found = details.value , name = <NAME> , id = parentId } Err details -> DescribeBlock { name = <NAME> , id = parentId , found = DescribeUnexpected errorId { range = details.range , problem = details.error } } ) <| Parse.withRangeResult (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.keyword (Parser.Token name (ExpectingBlockName name) ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |. Parse.skipBlankLineWith () |= Parser.oneOf [ (Parser.succeed identity |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation (indentation + 4)) ) ) |> Parser.andThen (\start -> Parser.oneOf -- ALERT: This first parser will fail because `Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove` -- expects indentation for the first line. [ Parser.succeed (\end -> Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4)) ) |. Parser.chompIf (\c -> c == ' ') Space |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) , Parser.map Ok <| Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InBlock name) childParser) ] ) -- If we're here, it's because the indentation failed. -- If the child parser failed in some way, it would -- take care of that itself by returning Unexpected , Parser.succeed (Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4))) |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) ] ) ) ) } {-| -} startWith : (start -> rest -> result) -> Block start -> Block rest -> Block result startWith fn startBlock endBlock = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectStartsWith (getBlockExpectation startBlock) (getBlockExpectation endBlock) , converter = \desc -> case desc of StartsWith details -> Desc.mergeWithAttrs fn (Desc.renderBlock startBlock details.first) (Desc.renderBlock endBlock details.second) _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed ( startSeed, startParser ) = getParser ParseBlock newSeed startBlock ( remainSeed, endParser ) = getParser ParseBlock startSeed endBlock in ( remainSeed , Parser.succeed (\( range, ( begin, end ) ) -> StartsWith { id = parentId , first = begin , second = end } ) |= Parse.withRange (Parser.succeed Tuple.pair |= startParser |. Parser.loop 0 manyBlankLines |= endParser ) ) } {-| Skip all blank lines. -} manyBlankLines lineCount = Parser.oneOf [ Parse.skipBlankLineWith (Parser.Loop (lineCount + 1)) , Parser.succeed (Parser.Done ()) ] {-| -} oneOf : List (Block a) -> Block a oneOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectOneOf expectations , converter = \desc -> Desc.findMatch desc blocks , parser = Parse.oneOf blocks expectations } {-| Many blocks that are all at the same indentation level. -} manyOf : List (Block a) -> Block (List a) manyOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectManyOf expectations , converter = \desc -> let getRendered id existingResult children = case children of [] -> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse existingResult top :: remain -> getRendered id (Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Desc.findMatch top blocks) existingResult ) remain in case desc of Group many -> getRendered many.id (Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] }) many.children _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parser.succeed (\children -> Group { id = parentId , children = children } ) |= Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop { parsedSomething = False , found = [] , seed = indentedSeed } (Parse.manyOf indentation blocks) ) ) } {-| -} type Icon = Bullet | Number {-| -} type Enumerated item = Enumerated { icon : Icon , items : List (Item item) } {-| **Note** `index` is our position within the nested list. The first `Int` in the tuple is our current position in the current sub list. The `List Int` that follows are the indices for the parent list. For example, given this list ```markup |> List 1. First element -- Second Element 1. Element #2.1 -- Element #2.1.1 -- Element #2.2 -- Third Element ``` here are the indices: ```markup 1. (1, []) -- (2, []) 1. (1, [2]) -- (1, [1,2]) -- (2, [2]) -- (3, []) ``` -} type Item item = Item { index : ( Int, List Int ) , content : List item , children : Enumerated item } {-| Would you believe that a markdown list is actually a tree? Here's an example of a nested list in `elm-markup`: ```markup |> List 1. This is definitely the first thing. With some additional content. --- Another thing. And some more content 1. A sublist With it's content And some other content --- Second item ``` **Note** As before, the indentation is always a multiple of 4. In `elm-markup` you can make a nested section either `Bulleted` or `Numbered` by having the first element of the section start with `-` or `1.`. The rest of the icons at that level are ignored. So this: |> List 1. First -- Second -- Third Is a numbered list. And this: |> List -- First 1. sublist one -- sublist two -- sublist three -- Second -- Third is a bulleted list with a numbered list inside of it. **Note** You can use as many dashes(`-`) as you want to start an item. This can be useful to make the indentation match up. Similarly, you can also use spaces after the dash or number. Here's how to render the above list: import Mark myTree = Mark.tree "List" renderList text -- Note: we have to define this as a separate function because -- `Items` and `Node` are a pair of mutually recursive data structures. -- It's easiest to render them using two separate functions: -- renderList and renderItem renderList (Mark.Enumerated list) = let group = case list.icon of Mark.Bullet -> Html.ul Mark.Number -> Html.ol in group [] (List.map renderItem list.items) renderItem (Mark.Item item) = Html.li [] [ Html.div [] item.content , renderList item.children ] -} tree : (Enumerated item -> result) -> Block item -> Block result tree view contentBlock = let blockExpectation = getBlockExpectation contentBlock expectation : Expectation expectation = ExpectTree blockExpectation in Block { kind = Value , expect = expectation , converter = \description -> case description of Group details -> details.children |> reduceRender Index.zero getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) |> (\( _, icon, outcome ) -> case outcome of Outcome.Success nodes -> Outcome.Success { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs nodes) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f ) _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parse.withIndent (\baseIndent -> let ( secondSeed, itemParser ) = getParser context indentedSeed contentBlock in Parser.map (\( pos, builtTree ) -> Group { id = newId , children = builtTree } ) (Parse.withRange (parseTree baseIndent secondSeed contentBlock itemParser) ) ) ) } parseTree baseIndent seed contentBlock itemParser = (Parser.succeed (\start icon item end -> { start = start , end = end , item = item , icon = icon } ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parse.iconParser |= itemParser |= Parse.getPosition ) |> Parser.andThen (\details -> let ( startId, startSeed ) = Id.step seed in Parser.loop ( { base = baseIndent , prev = baseIndent , seed = startSeed } , { previouslyAdded = Parse.AddedItem , captured = [] , stack = [ { start = details.start , description = DescribeItem { id = startId , icon = details.icon , content = [ details.item ] , children = [] } } ] } ) (Parse.fullTree ParseInTree contentBlock ) ) getItemIcon desc = case desc of DescribeItem item -> item.icon _ -> Desc.Bullet {-| -} renderTreeNodeSmall : Block item -> Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> Description -> Desc.BlockOutcome (Item item) renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock icon index found = case found of DescribeItem item -> let ( newIndex, childrenIcon, renderedChildren ) = reduceRender (Index.indent index) getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) item.children ( contentIndex, _, renderedContent ) = reduceRender (Index.dedent newIndex) (always Desc.Bullet) (\icon_ i foundItem -> renderBlock contentBlock foundItem ) item.content in Desc.mergeListWithAttrs (\content children -> Item { index = Index.toList index , content = content , children = Enumerated { icon = case childrenIcon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = children } } ) renderedContent renderedChildren _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch reduceRender : Index.Index -> (thing -> Desc.Icon) -> (Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> thing -> Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain other) other) -> List thing -> ( Index.Index, Desc.Icon, Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain (List other)) (List other) ) reduceRender index getIcon fn list = list |> List.foldl (\item ( i, existingIcon, gathered ) -> let icon = if Index.top i == 0 then getIcon item else existingIcon newItem = case gathered of Outcome.Success remain -> case fn icon i item of Outcome.Success newThing -> Outcome.Success (newThing :: remain) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err data) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err (data :: remain) ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f almostOrfailure -> almostOrfailure in ( Index.increment i , icon , newItem ) ) ( index, Desc.Bullet, Outcome.Success [] ) |> (\( i, ic, outcome ) -> ( i, ic, Outcome.mapSuccess List.reverse outcome ) ) {-| -} type alias Index = List Int {- TEXT BLOCKS -} {-| -} type alias Styles = { bold : Bool , italic : Bool , strike : Bool } {-| One of the first things that's interesting about a markup language is how to handle _styled text_. In `elm-markup` there are only a limited number of special characters for formatting text. - `/italic/` results in _italics_ - `*bold*` results in **bold** - and `~strike~` results in ~~strike~~ Here's an example of how to convert markup text into `Html` using `Mark.text`: Mark.text (\styles string -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.classList [ ( "bold", styles.bold ) , ( "italic", styles.italic ) , ( "strike", styles.strike ) ] ] [ Html.text string ] ) Though you might be thinking that `bold`, `italic`, and `strike` are not nearly enough! And you're right, this is just to get you started. Your next stop is [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith), which is more involved to use but can represent everything you're used to having in a markup language. **Note:** Text blocks stop when two consecutive newline characters are encountered. -} text : (Styles -> String -> text) -> Block (List text) text view = textWith { view = view , inlines = [] , replacements = commonReplacements } {-| -} type alias Selection = { anchor : Offset , focus : Offset } {-| -} type alias Offset = Int {-| Handling formatted text is a little more involved than may be initially apparent, but have no fear! `textWith` is where a lot of things come together. Let's check out what these fields actually mean. - `view` is the function to render an individual fragment of text. - This is mostly what [`Mark.text`](#text) does, so it should seem familiar. - `replacements` will replace characters before rendering. - For example, we can replace `...` with the real ellipses unicode character, `…`. - `inlines` are custom inline blocks. You can use these to render things like links or emojis :D. -} textWith : { view : Styles -> String -> rendered , replacements : List Replacement , inlines : List (Record rendered) } -> Block (List rendered) textWith options = let inlineRecords = List.map recordToInlineBlock options.inlines inlineExpectations = List.map (\(ProtoRecord rec) -> ExpectInlineBlock { name = rec.name , kind = blockKindToSelection rec.blockKind , fields = rec.expectations } ) options.inlines in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectTextBlock inlineExpectations , converter = renderText { view = always options.view , inlines = inlineRecords } , parser = \context seed -> let -- Note #1 - seed for styled text is advanced here -- instead of within the styledText parser ( _, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.getPosition |> Parser.andThen (\pos -> Parse.styledText { inlines = List.map (\x -> x Desc.EmptyAnnotation) inlineRecords , replacements = options.replacements } context seed pos emptyStyles ) ) } recordToInlineBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) annotationType = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc annotationType of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseInline :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( finalSeed , Parse.record Parse.InlineRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } type alias Cursor data = { outcome : BlockOutcome data , lastOffset : Int } type alias TextOutcome data = Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain data) data renderText : { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> Description -> BlockOutcome (List rendered) renderText options description = case description of DescribeText details -> let outcome = details.text |> List.foldl (convertTextDescription details.id options) { outcome = Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] } , lastOffset = 0 } |> .outcome in outcome |> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch convertTextDescription : Id -> { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> TextDescription -> Cursor (List rendered) -> Cursor (List rendered) convertTextDescription id options comp cursor = let blockLength : Int blockLength = length comp in case comp of Styled (Desc.Text styling str) -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Outcome.Success { data = options.view { id = id , selection = { anchor = cursor.lastOffset , focus = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } } styling str , attrs = [] } ) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } InlineBlock details -> case details.record of DescribeUnexpected unexpId unexpDetails -> { outcome = Desc.uncertain unexpDetails , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } _ -> let recordName = Desc.recordName details.record |> Maybe.withDefault "" matchInlineName name almostInlineBlock maybeFound = case maybeFound of Nothing -> let (Block inlineDetails) = almostInlineBlock details.kind in if matchKinds details inlineDetails.kind then Just inlineDetails else Nothing _ -> maybeFound maybeMatched = List.foldl (matchInlineName recordName) Nothing options.inlines in case maybeMatched of Nothing -> { outcome = Outcome.Failure NoMatch , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } Just matched -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (matched.converter details.record) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } matchKinds inline blockKind = let recordName = case inline.record of Record rec -> Just rec.name _ -> Nothing in case ( recordName, inline.kind, blockKind ) of ( Just inlineName, SelectString str, VerbatimNamed vertName ) -> inlineName == vertName ( Just inlineName, SelectText _, AnnotationNamed annName ) -> inlineName == annName ( Just inlineName, EmptyAnnotation, Named name ) -> inlineName == name _ -> False {-| -} type alias Replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| An annotation is some _styled text_, a _name_, and zero or more _attributes_. So, we can make a `link` that looks like this in markup: ```markup Here is my [*cool* sentence]{link| url = website.com }. ``` and rendered in elm-land via: link = Mark.annotation "link" (\id styles url -> Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href url ] (List.map renderStyles styles) ) |> Mark.field "url" Mark.string -} annotation : String -> (Id -> List ( Styles, String ) -> result) -> Record result annotation name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.AnnotationNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found , view (getId desc) (selectedText selected) ) , attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } selectedText sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> [] SelectText txts -> List.map textToTuple txts SelectString _ -> [] textToTuple (Desc.Text style str) = ( style, str ) selectedString sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> "" SelectText txts -> "" SelectString str -> str {-| A `verbatim` annotation is denoted by backticks(\`) and allows you to capture a literal string. Just like `annotation`, a `verbatim` can have a name and attributes attached to it. Let's say we wanted to embed an inline piece of elm code. We could write inlineElm = Mark.verbatim "elm" (\id str -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.class "elm-code" ] [ Html.text str ] ) Which would capture the following Here's an inline function: `\you -> Awesome`{elm}. **Note** A verbatim can be written without a name or attributes and will capture the contents as a literal string, ignoring any special characters. Let's take a look at `http://elm-lang.com`. -} verbatim : String -> (Id -> String -> result) -> Record result verbatim name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.VerbatimNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { attrs = [] , data = ( details.found, view (getId desc) (selectedString selected) ) } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {- PRIMITIVE BLOCKS -} {-| This will capture a multiline string. For example: Mark.block "Poem" (\str -> str) Mark.string will capture ```markup |> Poem Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. ``` Where `str` in the above function will be """Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.""" **Note** If you're looking for styled text, you probably want [`Mark.text`](#text) or [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith). -} string : Block String string = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectString "REPLACE" , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeString id str -> Outcome.Success { data = String.trim str, attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , case context of ParseInline -> Parser.succeed (\start str end -> DescribeString id (String.trim str) ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c /= '\n' && c /= ',' && c /= '}') ) |= Parse.getPosition ParseBlock -> Parser.map (\( pos, str ) -> DescribeString id str ) (Parse.withRange (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) ParseInTree -> Parser.map (DescribeString id) (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) } {-| Capture either `True` or `False`. `elm-markup` doesn't infer truthiness in other values, so it needs to be exactly `True` or `False`. -} bool : Block Bool bool = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectBoolean False , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBoolean details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parser.map (\boolResult -> case boolResult of Err err -> DescribeUnexpected id { range = err.range , problem = Error.BadBool } Ok details -> DescribeBoolean { id = id , found = details.value } ) (Parse.withRangeResult (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.token (Parser.Token "True" (Expecting "True")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok True)) , Parser.token (Parser.Token "False" (Expecting "False")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok False)) , Parser.map Err Parse.word ] ) ) ) } {-| -} int : Block Int int = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeInteger details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectInteger 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.int id ) } {-| -} float : Block Float float = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeFloat details -> Outcome.Success { data = Tuple.second details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectFloat 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.float id ) } {- Parser Heleprs -} {-| This is a set of common character replacements with some typographical niceties. - `...` is converted to the ellipses unicode character(`…`). - `"` Straight double quotes are [replaced with curly quotes](https://practicaltypography.com/straight-and-curly-quotes.html) (`“`, `”`) - `'` Single Quotes are replaced with apostrophes(`’`). - `--` is replaced with an [en-dash(`–`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `---` is replaced with an [em-dash(`—`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `<>` also known as "glue", will create a non-breaking space (`&nbsp;`). This is not for manually increasing space (sequential `<>` tokens will only render as one `&nbsp;`), but to signify that the space between two words shouldn't break when wrapping. Like glueing two words together! **Note** this is included by default in `Mark.text` -} commonReplacements : List Replacement commonReplacements = [ Parse.Replacement "..." "…" , Parse.Replacement "<>" "\u{00A0}" , Parse.Replacement "---" "—" , Parse.Replacement "--" "–" , Parse.Replacement "'" "’" , Parse.Balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } ] {-| Replace a string with another string. This can be useful to have shortcuts to unicode characters. For example, we could use this to replace `...` with the unicode ellipses character: `…`. -} replacement : String -> String -> Replacement replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| A balanced replacement. This is used for replacing parentheses or to do auto-curly quotes. Mark.balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } -} balanced : { start : ( String, String ) , end : ( String, String ) } -> Replacement balanced = Parse.Balanced {- RECORDS -} {-| -} type alias Record a = Desc.Record a {-| Parse a record with any number of fields. Mark.record "Image" (\src description -> Html.img [ Html.Attributes.src src , Html.Attributes.alt description ] [] ) |> Mark.field "src" Mark.string |> Mark.field "description" Mark.string |> Mark.toBlock would parse the following markup: ```markup |> Image src = http://placekitten/200/500 description = What a cutie. ``` Fields can be in any order in the markup. Also, by convention field names should be `camelCase`. This might be enforced in the future. -} record : String -> data -> Record data record name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.Named name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name && ann == Desc.EmptyAnnotation then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found, view ), attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {-| -} field : String -> Block value -> Record (value -> result) -> Record result field name value (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let newField = Field name value in Desc.ProtoRecord { name = details.name , blockKind = details.blockKind , expectations = fieldExpectation newField :: details.expectations , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case details.fieldConverter desc ann of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) , fields = fieldParser newField :: details.fields } fieldName (Field name _) = name {-| TODO: convert to recursion -} getField : Field value -> List ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) getField (Field name fieldBlock) fields = List.foldl (matchField name fieldBlock) Nothing fields matchField : String -> Block value -> ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) matchField targetName targetBlock ( name, description ) existing = case existing of Just _ -> existing Nothing -> if name == targetName then Just (Desc.renderBlock targetBlock description) else existing {-| Convert a `Record` to a `Block`. -} toBlock : Record a -> Block a toBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc Desc.EmptyAnnotation of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered, attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseBlock :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( parentSeed , Parse.record Parse.BlockRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } {-| -} type Field value = Field String (Block value) fieldParser : Field value -> Desc.ParseContext -> Id.Seed -> ( Id.Seed, ( String, Parser Context Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) ) ) fieldParser (Field name myBlock) context seed = let ( newSeed, blockParser ) = Desc.getParser context seed myBlock in ( newSeed , ( name , fieldContentParser name blockParser ) ) fieldExpectation (Field name fieldBlock) = ( name, Desc.getBlockExpectation fieldBlock ) fieldContentParser : String -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem Desc.Description -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) fieldContentParser name parser = Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.map (\( pos, description ) -> ( name, description ) ) (Parse.withRange (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) , Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation indentation)) |= Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) ] ) ) )
module Mark exposing ( Document, document, documentWith , Block, block , string, int, float, bool , Styles, text, textWith , Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced , annotation, verbatim , Record, record, field, toBlock , oneOf, manyOf , tree, Enumerated(..), Item(..), Icon(..) , Outcome(..), Partial , metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render , map, verify, onError , withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId , lookup ) {-| # Building Documents @docs Document, document, documentWith @docs Block, block # Primitives @docs string, int, float, bool # Text @docs Styles, text, textWith # Text Replacements @docs Replacement, commonReplacements, replacement, balanced # Text Annotations Along with basic [`styling`](#text) and [`replacements`](#replacement), we also have a few ways to annotate text. @docs annotation, verbatim # Records @docs Record, record, field, toBlock # Higher Level @docs oneOf, manyOf # Trees @docs tree, Enumerated, Item, Icon # Rendering @docs Outcome, Partial @docs metadata, compile, parse, Parsed, toString, render # Constraining and Recovering Blocks @docs map, verify, onError @docs withId, withAttr, documentId, idToString, stringToId @docs lookup -} import Mark.Edit import Mark.Error import Mark.Internal.Description as Desc exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Error as Error exposing (AstError(..), Context(..), Problem(..)) import Mark.Internal.Id as Id exposing (..) import Mark.Internal.Index as Index import Mark.Internal.Outcome as Outcome import Mark.Internal.Parser as Parse import Mark.New exposing (block) import Parser.Advanced as Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) {-| -} type alias Parsed = Desc.Parsed {- INTERFACE -} {-| -} toString : Parsed -> String toString = Desc.toString {-| -} parse : Document metadata data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed parse doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> moveParsedToResult {-| -} metadata : Document metadata document -> String -> Result Mark.Error.Error metadata metadata (Desc.Document doc) source = case Parser.run doc.metadata source of Ok parsed -> parsed |> Result.mapError (Error.render source) Err irrecoverableParsingErrors -> Err (Error.renderParsingErrors source irrecoverableParsingErrors) moveParsedToResult : Result (Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) ( Parsed , Outcome.Outcome (List Error.Rendered) { errors : List Error.Rendered , result : data } data ) -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial Parsed) Parsed moveParsedToResult result = case result of Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Success success ) -> Success parsed Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Almost almost ) -> Almost { errors = almost.errors , result = parsed } Ok ( parsed, Outcome.Failure errors ) -> Failure errors Err (Outcome.Success success) -> Failure [] Err (Outcome.Almost almost) -> Failure almost.errors Err (Outcome.Failure fail) -> Failure fail {-| -} render : Document meta data -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) render doc ((Parsed parsedDetails) as parsed) = Desc.render doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| -} compile : Document meta data -> String -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial ( meta, List data )) ( meta, List data ) compile doc source = Desc.compile doc source |> flattenErrors |> rewrapOutcome flattenErrors result = case result of Ok ( parsed, outcome ) -> outcome Err outcome -> outcome rewrapOutcome : Outcome.Outcome x y z -> Outcome x y z rewrapOutcome outcome = case outcome of Outcome.Success s -> Success s Outcome.Almost x -> Almost x Outcome.Failure f -> Failure f {-| -} type alias Partial data = { errors : List Mark.Error.Error , result : data } {-| -} startDocRange : Range startDocRange = { start = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } , end = { offset = 0 , line = 1 , column = 1 } } {-| -} type alias Document meta data = Desc.Document meta data {-| -} type Outcome failure almost success = Success success | Almost almost | Failure failure {-| -} type alias Block data = Desc.Block data getUnexpecteds : Description -> List Error.UnexpectedDetails getUnexpecteds description = case description of DescribeBlock details -> getUnexpecteds details.found Record details -> List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> getUnexpecteds) details.found Group many -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds many.children StartsWith details -> getUnexpecteds details.first ++ getUnexpecteds details.second DescribeItem details -> List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.content ++ List.concatMap getUnexpecteds details.children -- Primitives DescribeBoolean details -> [] DescribeInteger details -> [] DescribeFloat details -> [] DescribeText details -> [] DescribeString _ str -> [] DescribeUnexpected _ details -> [ details ] {-| -} type alias Position = { offset : Int , line : Int , column : Int } {-| -} type alias Range = { start : Position , end : Position } {- BLOCKS -} {-| Create a markup `Document`. You're first goal is to describe a document in terms of the blocks you're expecting. Here's an overly simple document that captures one block, a Title, and wraps it in some `Html` document : Mark.Document (Html msg) document = Mark.document (\title -> Html.main [] [ title ]) (Mark.block "Title" (Html.h1 []) Mark.string ) will parse the following markup: ```markup |> Title Here is my title! ``` and ultimately render it as ```html <main> <h1>Here is my title!</h1> </main> ``` -} document : List (Block block) -> Document () block document blocks = createDocument (\_ -> "none") (Parser.succeed (Ok ())) (map (Tuple.pair ()) (manyOf blocks)) createDocument : (meta -> String) -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem (Result Error.UnexpectedDetails meta) -> Block ( meta, List data ) -> Document meta data createDocument toDocumentId meta child = Document { expect = getBlockExpectation child , metadata = meta , converter = \(Parsed parsed) -> Desc.renderBlock child parsed.found , parser = Parser.getSource |> Parser.andThen (\src -> let docId : String docId = case Parser.run meta src of Ok (Ok m) -> toDocumentId m _ -> -- This should return an error! -- it means the metadata is invalid "" seed : Seed seed = Id.initialSeed docId ( currentSeed, blockParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock seed child in Parser.succeed (\source ( range, value ) -> Parsed { errors = List.map (Error.render source) (getUnexpecteds value) , found = value , expected = getBlockExpectation child , initialSeed = seed , currentSeed = currentSeed , attributes = [] } ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |= Parser.getSource |= Parse.withRange (Parser.withIndent 0 blockParser) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\n') |. Parser.end End ) } {-| Capture some metadata at the start of your document, followed by the body. import Mark Mark.documentWith { id = \metadata -> metadata.id , metadata = Mark.record (\id author publishedAt -> { author = author , publishedAt = publishedAt } ) |> Mark.field "id" Mark.string |> Mark.field "author" Mark.string |> Mark.field "publishedAt" Mark.string , blocks = [ ] } **Note** - You can also specify an `id`, which is a document identifier and is included in `Mark.Edit.Id`. This is really only necessary if you're building an editor that can edit multiple documents at once. Otherwise, feel free to simple put `id = \_ -> "doc"` -} documentWith : { id : metadata -> String , metadata : Record metadata , blocks : List (Block block) } -> Document metadata block documentWith config = let metadataBlock = toBlock config.metadata in createDocument config.id (getMetadataParser metadataBlock) (startWith Tuple.pair metadataBlock (manyOf config.blocks) ) getMetadataParser metadataBlock = let ( _, metadataParser ) = Parse.getFailableBlock Desc.ParseBlock (Id.initialSeed "") metadataBlock in Parser.andThen (\description -> case renderBlock metadataBlock description of Outcome.Success meta -> Parser.succeed (Ok meta.data) Outcome.Failure astError -> Parser.succeed (Err { problem = Error.DocumentMismatch , range = Desc.emptyRange } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds )) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) Outcome.Almost (Recovered ( unexpected, otherUnexpecteds ) renderedChild) -> Parser.succeed (Err unexpected) ) (Parser.withIndent 0 metadataParser) {-| Change the result of a block by applying a function to it. -} map : (a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b map fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = mapSuccessAndRecovered fn << details.converter , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| -} type alias CustomError = { title : String , message : List String } {-| `Mark.verify` lets you put constraints on a block. Let's say you don't just want a `Mark.string`, you actually want a date. So, you install the [`ISO8601`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings/latest/) and you write something that looks like: import Iso8601 import Mark import Mark.Error import Time date : Mark.Block Time.Posix date = Mark.verify (\str -> str |> Iso8601.toTime |> Result.mapError (\_ -> illformatedDateMessage) ) Mark.string illformatedDateMessage = Mark.Error.custom { title = "Bad Date" , message = [ "I was trying to parse a date, but this format looks off.\n\n" , "Dates should be in ISO 8601 format:\n\n" , "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ] } Now you can use `date` whever you actually want dates and the error message will be shown if something goes wrong. More importantly, you now know if a document parses successfully, that all your dates are correctly formatted. `Mark.verify` is a very nice way to extend your markup however you'd like. You could use it to - add units to numbers - parse a custom format, like [Latex mathematical equations](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics#Operators) - ensure that numbers are between a range or are always positive. How exciting! Seriously, I think this is pretty cool. -} verify : (a -> Result Mark.Error.Custom b) -> Block a -> Block b verify fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = \ctxt seed -> details.parser ctxt seed |> Tuple.mapSecond (\parser -> parser |> Parse.withRange |> Parser.andThen (\( range, desc ) -> -- we only care about reporting if applying `fn` was a problem -- not other errors, which will shake out normally case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Parser.succeed desc Err newErr -> Parser.succeed (DescribeUnexpected (getId desc) { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = range } ) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Parser.succeed desc Outcome.Failure f -> Parser.succeed desc ) ) , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Success { data = new, attrs = a.attrs } Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr -- TODO: Does this mean we need to thread source snippets everywhere to get them here? , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> case fn a.data of Ok new -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err { data = new, attrs = a.attrs }) Err newErr -> uncertain { problem = Error.Custom newErr , range = startDocRange } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| -} documentId : Mark.Edit.Id -> String documentId (Id.Id str _) = str {-| Look up a specific block in your document by id. -} lookup : Mark.Edit.Id -> Document meta block -> Parsed -> Outcome (List Mark.Error.Error) (Partial block) block lookup id doc parsed = Desc.lookup id doc parsed |> rewrapOutcome {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.withId (\id str -> Html.span [ onClick (Mark.Edit.delete id) ] [ Html.text str ] ) Mark.string -} withId : (Mark.Edit.Id -> a -> b) -> Block a -> Block b withId fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in Desc.mapSuccessAndRecovered (fn id) (details.converter desc) , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| Get an `Id` associated with a `Block`, which can be used to make updates through `Mark.Edit`. Mark.string |> Mark.withAttr (\str -> ("link", str)) -} withAttr : (a -> ( String, String )) -> Block a -> Block a withAttr fn (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , converter = \desc -> let id : Id id = Desc.getId desc in case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success deets -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Success { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs deets) -> let new = case fn deets.data of ( key, value ) -> { name = key , value = value , block = id } in Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = deets.data , attrs = new :: deets.attrs } ) Outcome.Failure errs -> Outcome.Failure errs , parser = details.parser , expect = details.expect } {-| It may be necessary to convert an `Id` to a `String` and back in order attach it as an `Html.Attributes.id` and read it back. See the editor example for more details. **Note** be aware that the actual string format of an `Id` is an implementation detail and may change even on patch releases of a library. -} idToString : Mark.Edit.Id -> String idToString = Id.toString {-| -} stringToId : String -> Maybe Mark.Edit.Id stringToId = Id.fromString {-| Parsing any given `Block` can fail. However sometimes we don't want the _whole document_ to be unable to render just because there was a small error somewhere. So, we need some way to say "Hey, if you run into an issue, here's a placeholder value to use." And that's what `Mark.onError` does. Mark.int |> Mark.onError 5 This means if we fail to parse an integer (let's say we added a decimal), that this block would still be renderable with a default value of `5`. **Note** If there _is_ an error that is fixed using `onError`, we'll get a [`Partial`](#Partial) when we render the document. This will let us see the _full rendered document_, but also see the _error_ that actually occurred. -} onError : a -> Block a -> Block a onError newValue (Block details) = Block { kind = details.kind , expect = details.expect , parser = details.parser , converter = \desc -> case details.converter desc of Outcome.Success a -> Outcome.Success a Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err a) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain x) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered x { data = newValue, attrs = [] }) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f } {-| A named block. Mark.block "MyBlock" Html.text Mark.string Will parse the following and render it using `Html.text` |> MyBlock Here is an unformatted string! **Note** block names should be capitalized. In the future this may be enforced. -} block : String -> (child -> result) -> Block child -> Block result block name view child = Block { kind = Named name , expect = ExpectBlock name (getBlockExpectation child) , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBlock details -> if details.name == name then renderBlock child details.found |> mapSuccessAndRecovered view else -- This is not the block that was expected. Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newSeed, childParser ) = getParser context (Id.indent seed) child ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( errorId, finalSeed ) = Id.step parentSeed in ( finalSeed , Parser.map (\result -> case result of Ok details -> DescribeBlock { found = details.value , name = PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , id = parentId } Err details -> DescribeBlock { name = PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , id = parentId , found = DescribeUnexpected errorId { range = details.range , problem = details.error } } ) <| Parse.withRangeResult (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.keyword (Parser.Token name (ExpectingBlockName name) ) |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |. Parse.skipBlankLineWith () |= Parser.oneOf [ (Parser.succeed identity |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation (indentation + 4)) ) ) |> Parser.andThen (\start -> Parser.oneOf -- ALERT: This first parser will fail because `Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove` -- expects indentation for the first line. [ Parser.succeed (\end -> Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4)) ) |. Parser.chompIf (\c -> c == ' ') Space |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == ' ') |= Parse.getPosition |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) , Parser.map Ok <| Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InBlock name) childParser) ] ) -- If we're here, it's because the indentation failed. -- If the child parser failed in some way, it would -- take care of that itself by returning Unexpected , Parser.succeed (Err (Error.ExpectingIndent (indentation + 4))) |. Parser.loop "" (Parse.raggedIndentedStringAbove indentation) ] ) ) ) } {-| -} startWith : (start -> rest -> result) -> Block start -> Block rest -> Block result startWith fn startBlock endBlock = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectStartsWith (getBlockExpectation startBlock) (getBlockExpectation endBlock) , converter = \desc -> case desc of StartsWith details -> Desc.mergeWithAttrs fn (Desc.renderBlock startBlock details.first) (Desc.renderBlock endBlock details.second) _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed ( startSeed, startParser ) = getParser ParseBlock newSeed startBlock ( remainSeed, endParser ) = getParser ParseBlock startSeed endBlock in ( remainSeed , Parser.succeed (\( range, ( begin, end ) ) -> StartsWith { id = parentId , first = begin , second = end } ) |= Parse.withRange (Parser.succeed Tuple.pair |= startParser |. Parser.loop 0 manyBlankLines |= endParser ) ) } {-| Skip all blank lines. -} manyBlankLines lineCount = Parser.oneOf [ Parse.skipBlankLineWith (Parser.Loop (lineCount + 1)) , Parser.succeed (Parser.Done ()) ] {-| -} oneOf : List (Block a) -> Block a oneOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectOneOf expectations , converter = \desc -> Desc.findMatch desc blocks , parser = Parse.oneOf blocks expectations } {-| Many blocks that are all at the same indentation level. -} manyOf : List (Block a) -> Block (List a) manyOf blocks = let expectations = List.map getBlockExpectation blocks in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectManyOf expectations , converter = \desc -> let getRendered id existingResult children = case children of [] -> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse existingResult top :: remain -> getRendered id (Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Desc.findMatch top blocks) existingResult ) remain in case desc of Group many -> getRendered many.id (Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] }) many.children _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parser.succeed (\children -> Group { id = parentId , children = children } ) |= Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop { parsedSomething = False , found = [] , seed = indentedSeed } (Parse.manyOf indentation blocks) ) ) } {-| -} type Icon = Bullet | Number {-| -} type Enumerated item = Enumerated { icon : Icon , items : List (Item item) } {-| **Note** `index` is our position within the nested list. The first `Int` in the tuple is our current position in the current sub list. The `List Int` that follows are the indices for the parent list. For example, given this list ```markup |> List 1. First element -- Second Element 1. Element #2.1 -- Element #2.1.1 -- Element #2.2 -- Third Element ``` here are the indices: ```markup 1. (1, []) -- (2, []) 1. (1, [2]) -- (1, [1,2]) -- (2, [2]) -- (3, []) ``` -} type Item item = Item { index : ( Int, List Int ) , content : List item , children : Enumerated item } {-| Would you believe that a markdown list is actually a tree? Here's an example of a nested list in `elm-markup`: ```markup |> List 1. This is definitely the first thing. With some additional content. --- Another thing. And some more content 1. A sublist With it's content And some other content --- Second item ``` **Note** As before, the indentation is always a multiple of 4. In `elm-markup` you can make a nested section either `Bulleted` or `Numbered` by having the first element of the section start with `-` or `1.`. The rest of the icons at that level are ignored. So this: |> List 1. First -- Second -- Third Is a numbered list. And this: |> List -- First 1. sublist one -- sublist two -- sublist three -- Second -- Third is a bulleted list with a numbered list inside of it. **Note** You can use as many dashes(`-`) as you want to start an item. This can be useful to make the indentation match up. Similarly, you can also use spaces after the dash or number. Here's how to render the above list: import Mark myTree = Mark.tree "List" renderList text -- Note: we have to define this as a separate function because -- `Items` and `Node` are a pair of mutually recursive data structures. -- It's easiest to render them using two separate functions: -- renderList and renderItem renderList (Mark.Enumerated list) = let group = case list.icon of Mark.Bullet -> Html.ul Mark.Number -> Html.ol in group [] (List.map renderItem list.items) renderItem (Mark.Item item) = Html.li [] [ Html.div [] item.content , renderList item.children ] -} tree : (Enumerated item -> result) -> Block item -> Block result tree view contentBlock = let blockExpectation = getBlockExpectation contentBlock expectation : Expectation expectation = ExpectTree blockExpectation in Block { kind = Value , expect = expectation , converter = \description -> case description of Group details -> details.children |> reduceRender Index.zero getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) |> (\( _, icon, outcome ) -> case outcome of Outcome.Success nodes -> Outcome.Success { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain u) Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs nodes) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered errs { data = view (Enumerated { icon = case icon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = List.map .data nodes } ) , attrs = List.concatMap .attrs nodes } ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f ) _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( newId, newSeed ) = Id.step seed indentedSeed : Seed indentedSeed = Id.indent seed in ( newSeed , Parse.withIndent (\baseIndent -> let ( secondSeed, itemParser ) = getParser context indentedSeed contentBlock in Parser.map (\( pos, builtTree ) -> Group { id = newId , children = builtTree } ) (Parse.withRange (parseTree baseIndent secondSeed contentBlock itemParser) ) ) ) } parseTree baseIndent seed contentBlock itemParser = (Parser.succeed (\start icon item end -> { start = start , end = end , item = item , icon = icon } ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parse.iconParser |= itemParser |= Parse.getPosition ) |> Parser.andThen (\details -> let ( startId, startSeed ) = Id.step seed in Parser.loop ( { base = baseIndent , prev = baseIndent , seed = startSeed } , { previouslyAdded = Parse.AddedItem , captured = [] , stack = [ { start = details.start , description = DescribeItem { id = startId , icon = details.icon , content = [ details.item ] , children = [] } } ] } ) (Parse.fullTree ParseInTree contentBlock ) ) getItemIcon desc = case desc of DescribeItem item -> item.icon _ -> Desc.Bullet {-| -} renderTreeNodeSmall : Block item -> Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> Description -> Desc.BlockOutcome (Item item) renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock icon index found = case found of DescribeItem item -> let ( newIndex, childrenIcon, renderedChildren ) = reduceRender (Index.indent index) getItemIcon (renderTreeNodeSmall contentBlock) item.children ( contentIndex, _, renderedContent ) = reduceRender (Index.dedent newIndex) (always Desc.Bullet) (\icon_ i foundItem -> renderBlock contentBlock foundItem ) item.content in Desc.mergeListWithAttrs (\content children -> Item { index = Index.toList index , content = content , children = Enumerated { icon = case childrenIcon of Desc.Bullet -> Bullet Desc.AutoNumber _ -> Number , items = children } } ) renderedContent renderedChildren _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch reduceRender : Index.Index -> (thing -> Desc.Icon) -> (Desc.Icon -> Index.Index -> thing -> Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain other) other) -> List thing -> ( Index.Index, Desc.Icon, Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain (List other)) (List other) ) reduceRender index getIcon fn list = list |> List.foldl (\item ( i, existingIcon, gathered ) -> let icon = if Index.top i == 0 then getIcon item else existingIcon newItem = case gathered of Outcome.Success remain -> case fn icon i item of Outcome.Success newThing -> Outcome.Success (newThing :: remain) Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) -> Outcome.Almost (Uncertain err) Outcome.Almost (Recovered err data) -> Outcome.Almost (Recovered err (data :: remain) ) Outcome.Failure f -> Outcome.Failure f almostOrfailure -> almostOrfailure in ( Index.increment i , icon , newItem ) ) ( index, Desc.Bullet, Outcome.Success [] ) |> (\( i, ic, outcome ) -> ( i, ic, Outcome.mapSuccess List.reverse outcome ) ) {-| -} type alias Index = List Int {- TEXT BLOCKS -} {-| -} type alias Styles = { bold : Bool , italic : Bool , strike : Bool } {-| One of the first things that's interesting about a markup language is how to handle _styled text_. In `elm-markup` there are only a limited number of special characters for formatting text. - `/italic/` results in _italics_ - `*bold*` results in **bold** - and `~strike~` results in ~~strike~~ Here's an example of how to convert markup text into `Html` using `Mark.text`: Mark.text (\styles string -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.classList [ ( "bold", styles.bold ) , ( "italic", styles.italic ) , ( "strike", styles.strike ) ] ] [ Html.text string ] ) Though you might be thinking that `bold`, `italic`, and `strike` are not nearly enough! And you're right, this is just to get you started. Your next stop is [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith), which is more involved to use but can represent everything you're used to having in a markup language. **Note:** Text blocks stop when two consecutive newline characters are encountered. -} text : (Styles -> String -> text) -> Block (List text) text view = textWith { view = view , inlines = [] , replacements = commonReplacements } {-| -} type alias Selection = { anchor : Offset , focus : Offset } {-| -} type alias Offset = Int {-| Handling formatted text is a little more involved than may be initially apparent, but have no fear! `textWith` is where a lot of things come together. Let's check out what these fields actually mean. - `view` is the function to render an individual fragment of text. - This is mostly what [`Mark.text`](#text) does, so it should seem familiar. - `replacements` will replace characters before rendering. - For example, we can replace `...` with the real ellipses unicode character, `…`. - `inlines` are custom inline blocks. You can use these to render things like links or emojis :D. -} textWith : { view : Styles -> String -> rendered , replacements : List Replacement , inlines : List (Record rendered) } -> Block (List rendered) textWith options = let inlineRecords = List.map recordToInlineBlock options.inlines inlineExpectations = List.map (\(ProtoRecord rec) -> ExpectInlineBlock { name = rec.name , kind = blockKindToSelection rec.blockKind , fields = rec.expectations } ) options.inlines in Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectTextBlock inlineExpectations , converter = renderText { view = always options.view , inlines = inlineRecords } , parser = \context seed -> let -- Note #1 - seed for styled text is advanced here -- instead of within the styledText parser ( _, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.getPosition |> Parser.andThen (\pos -> Parse.styledText { inlines = List.map (\x -> x Desc.EmptyAnnotation) inlineRecords , replacements = options.replacements } context seed pos emptyStyles ) ) } recordToInlineBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) annotationType = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc annotationType of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseInline :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( finalSeed , Parse.record Parse.InlineRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } type alias Cursor data = { outcome : BlockOutcome data , lastOffset : Int } type alias TextOutcome data = Outcome.Outcome Error.AstError (Uncertain data) data renderText : { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> Description -> BlockOutcome (List rendered) renderText options description = case description of DescribeText details -> let outcome = details.text |> List.foldl (convertTextDescription details.id options) { outcome = Outcome.Success { data = [], attrs = [] } , lastOffset = 0 } |> .outcome in outcome |> mapSuccessAndRecovered List.reverse _ -> Outcome.Failure Error.NoMatch convertTextDescription : Id -> { view : { id : Id , selection : Selection } -> Styles -> String -> rendered , inlines : List (InlineSelection -> Block rendered) } -> TextDescription -> Cursor (List rendered) -> Cursor (List rendered) convertTextDescription id options comp cursor = let blockLength : Int blockLength = length comp in case comp of Styled (Desc.Text styling str) -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (Outcome.Success { data = options.view { id = id , selection = { anchor = cursor.lastOffset , focus = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } } styling str , attrs = [] } ) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } InlineBlock details -> case details.record of DescribeUnexpected unexpId unexpDetails -> { outcome = Desc.uncertain unexpDetails , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } _ -> let recordName = Desc.recordName details.record |> Maybe.withDefault "" matchInlineName name almostInlineBlock maybeFound = case maybeFound of Nothing -> let (Block inlineDetails) = almostInlineBlock details.kind in if matchKinds details inlineDetails.kind then Just inlineDetails else Nothing _ -> maybeFound maybeMatched = List.foldl (matchInlineName recordName) Nothing options.inlines in case maybeMatched of Nothing -> { outcome = Outcome.Failure NoMatch , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } Just matched -> { outcome = Desc.mergeWithAttrs (::) (matched.converter details.record) cursor.outcome , lastOffset = cursor.lastOffset + blockLength } matchKinds inline blockKind = let recordName = case inline.record of Record rec -> Just rec.name _ -> Nothing in case ( recordName, inline.kind, blockKind ) of ( Just inlineName, SelectString str, VerbatimNamed vertName ) -> inlineName == vertName ( Just inlineName, SelectText _, AnnotationNamed annName ) -> inlineName == annName ( Just inlineName, EmptyAnnotation, Named name ) -> inlineName == name _ -> False {-| -} type alias Replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| An annotation is some _styled text_, a _name_, and zero or more _attributes_. So, we can make a `link` that looks like this in markup: ```markup Here is my [*cool* sentence]{link| url = website.com }. ``` and rendered in elm-land via: link = Mark.annotation "link" (\id styles url -> Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href url ] (List.map renderStyles styles) ) |> Mark.field "url" Mark.string -} annotation : String -> (Id -> List ( Styles, String ) -> result) -> Record result annotation name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.AnnotationNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found , view (getId desc) (selectedText selected) ) , attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } selectedText sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> [] SelectText txts -> List.map textToTuple txts SelectString _ -> [] textToTuple (Desc.Text style str) = ( style, str ) selectedString sel = case sel of EmptyAnnotation -> "" SelectText txts -> "" SelectString str -> str {-| A `verbatim` annotation is denoted by backticks(\`) and allows you to capture a literal string. Just like `annotation`, a `verbatim` can have a name and attributes attached to it. Let's say we wanted to embed an inline piece of elm code. We could write inlineElm = Mark.verbatim "elm" (\id str -> Html.span [ Html.Attributes.class "elm-code" ] [ Html.text str ] ) Which would capture the following Here's an inline function: `\you -> Awesome`{elm}. **Note** A verbatim can be written without a name or attributes and will capture the contents as a literal string, ignoring any special characters. Let's take a look at `http://elm-lang.com`. -} verbatim : String -> (Id -> String -> result) -> Record result verbatim name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.VerbatimNamed name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc selected -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name then Outcome.Success { attrs = [] , data = ( details.found, view (getId desc) (selectedString selected) ) } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {- PRIMITIVE BLOCKS -} {-| This will capture a multiline string. For example: Mark.block "Poem" (\str -> str) Mark.string will capture ```markup |> Poem Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. ``` Where `str` in the above function will be """Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.""" **Note** If you're looking for styled text, you probably want [`Mark.text`](#text) or [`Mark.textWith`](#textWith). -} string : Block String string = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectString "REPLACE" , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeString id str -> Outcome.Success { data = String.trim str, attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , case context of ParseInline -> Parser.succeed (\start str end -> DescribeString id (String.trim str) ) |= Parse.getPosition |= Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c /= '\n' && c /= ',' && c /= '}') ) |= Parse.getPosition ParseBlock -> Parser.map (\( pos, str ) -> DescribeString id str ) (Parse.withRange (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) ParseInTree -> Parser.map (DescribeString id) (Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.loop "" (Parse.indentedString indentation) ) ) ) } {-| Capture either `True` or `False`. `elm-markup` doesn't infer truthiness in other values, so it needs to be exactly `True` or `False`. -} bool : Block Bool bool = Block { kind = Value , expect = ExpectBoolean False , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeBoolean details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parser.map (\boolResult -> case boolResult of Err err -> DescribeUnexpected id { range = err.range , problem = Error.BadBool } Ok details -> DescribeBoolean { id = id , found = details.value } ) (Parse.withRangeResult (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.token (Parser.Token "True" (Expecting "True")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok True)) , Parser.token (Parser.Token "False" (Expecting "False")) |> Parser.map (always (Ok False)) , Parser.map Err Parse.word ] ) ) ) } {-| -} int : Block Int int = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeInteger details -> Outcome.Success { data = details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectInteger 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.int id ) } {-| -} float : Block Float float = Block { kind = Value , converter = \desc -> case desc of DescribeFloat details -> Outcome.Success { data = Tuple.second details.found , attrs = [] } _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , expect = ExpectFloat 0 , parser = \context seed -> let ( id, newSeed ) = Id.step seed in ( newSeed , Parse.float id ) } {- Parser Heleprs -} {-| This is a set of common character replacements with some typographical niceties. - `...` is converted to the ellipses unicode character(`…`). - `"` Straight double quotes are [replaced with curly quotes](https://practicaltypography.com/straight-and-curly-quotes.html) (`“`, `”`) - `'` Single Quotes are replaced with apostrophes(`’`). - `--` is replaced with an [en-dash(`–`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `---` is replaced with an [em-dash(`—`)](https://practicaltypography.com/hyphens-and-dashes.html). - `<>` also known as "glue", will create a non-breaking space (`&nbsp;`). This is not for manually increasing space (sequential `<>` tokens will only render as one `&nbsp;`), but to signify that the space between two words shouldn't break when wrapping. Like glueing two words together! **Note** this is included by default in `Mark.text` -} commonReplacements : List Replacement commonReplacements = [ Parse.Replacement "..." "…" , Parse.Replacement "<>" "\u{00A0}" , Parse.Replacement "---" "—" , Parse.Replacement "--" "–" , Parse.Replacement "'" "’" , Parse.Balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } ] {-| Replace a string with another string. This can be useful to have shortcuts to unicode characters. For example, we could use this to replace `...` with the unicode ellipses character: `…`. -} replacement : String -> String -> Replacement replacement = Parse.Replacement {-| A balanced replacement. This is used for replacing parentheses or to do auto-curly quotes. Mark.balanced { start = ( "\"", "“" ) , end = ( "\"", "”" ) } -} balanced : { start : ( String, String ) , end : ( String, String ) } -> Replacement balanced = Parse.Balanced {- RECORDS -} {-| -} type alias Record a = Desc.Record a {-| Parse a record with any number of fields. Mark.record "Image" (\src description -> Html.img [ Html.Attributes.src src , Html.Attributes.alt description ] [] ) |> Mark.field "src" Mark.string |> Mark.field "description" Mark.string |> Mark.toBlock would parse the following markup: ```markup |> Image src = http://placekitten/200/500 description = What a cutie. ``` Fields can be in any order in the markup. Also, by convention field names should be `camelCase`. This might be enforced in the future. -} record : String -> data -> Record data record name view = Desc.ProtoRecord { name = name , blockKind = Desc.Named name , expectations = [] , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case desc of Desc.Record details -> if details.name == name && ann == Desc.EmptyAnnotation then Outcome.Success { data = ( details.found, view ), attrs = [] } else Outcome.Failure NoMatch _ -> Outcome.Failure NoMatch , fields = [] } {-| -} field : String -> Block value -> Record (value -> result) -> Record result field name value (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let newField = Field name value in Desc.ProtoRecord { name = details.name , blockKind = details.blockKind , expectations = fieldExpectation newField :: details.expectations , fieldConverter = \desc ann -> case details.fieldConverter desc ann of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> case getField newField fieldDescriptions of Just outcome -> mapSuccessAndRecovered (\myField -> ( fieldDescriptions , rendered myField ) ) outcome Nothing -> Desc.uncertain { problem = Error.MissingFields [ fieldName newField ] , range = Desc.emptyRange } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) , fields = fieldParser newField :: details.fields } fieldName (Field name _) = name {-| TODO: convert to recursion -} getField : Field value -> List ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) getField (Field name fieldBlock) fields = List.foldl (matchField name fieldBlock) Nothing fields matchField : String -> Block value -> ( String, Desc.Description ) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) -> Maybe (Desc.BlockOutcome value) matchField targetName targetBlock ( name, description ) existing = case existing of Just _ -> existing Nothing -> if name == targetName then Just (Desc.renderBlock targetBlock description) else existing {-| Convert a `Record` to a `Block`. -} toBlock : Record a -> Block a toBlock (Desc.ProtoRecord details) = let expectations : Expectation expectations = Desc.ExpectRecord details.name details.expectations in Desc.Block { kind = details.blockKind , expect = expectations , converter = \desc -> case details.fieldConverter desc Desc.EmptyAnnotation of Outcome.Success fields -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Success { data = rendered, attrs = fields.attrs } Outcome.Failure fail -> Outcome.Failure fail Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Uncertain e) Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e fields) -> case fields.data of ( fieldDescriptions, rendered ) -> Outcome.Almost (Desc.Recovered e { data = rendered , attrs = fields.attrs } ) , parser = \context seed -> let ( parentId, parentSeed ) = Id.step seed ( newSeed, fields ) = Id.thread (Id.indent seed) (List.foldl (\f ls -> f ParseBlock :: ls) [] details.fields) ( failureId, finalSeed ) = Id.step newSeed in ( parentSeed , Parse.record Parse.BlockRecord parentId failureId details.name expectations fields ) } {-| -} type Field value = Field String (Block value) fieldParser : Field value -> Desc.ParseContext -> Id.Seed -> ( Id.Seed, ( String, Parser Context Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) ) ) fieldParser (Field name myBlock) context seed = let ( newSeed, blockParser ) = Desc.getParser context seed myBlock in ( newSeed , ( name , fieldContentParser name blockParser ) ) fieldExpectation (Field name fieldBlock) = ( name, Desc.getBlockExpectation fieldBlock ) fieldContentParser : String -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem Desc.Description -> Parser Error.Context Error.Problem ( String, Desc.Description ) fieldContentParser name parser = Parse.withIndent (\indentation -> Parser.map (\( pos, description ) -> ( name, description ) ) (Parse.withRange (Parser.oneOf [ Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) , Parser.succeed identity |. Parser.chompWhile (\c -> c == '\n') |. Parser.token (Parser.Token (String.repeat (indentation + 4) " ") (ExpectingIndentation indentation)) |= Parser.withIndent (indentation + 4) (Parser.inContext (InRecordField name) parser) ] ) ) )
[ { "context": " decoding implementation in pure Elm.\n\nThanks to [Ning Sun](https://github.com/sunng87) for the [JavaScript ", "end": 170, "score": 0.9882705808, "start": 162, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ning Sun" }, { "context": "ure Elm.\n\nThanks to [Ning Sun](https://github.com/sunng87) for the [JavaScript implementation](https://gith", "end": 198, "score": 0.9996545315, "start": 191, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sunng87" }, { "context": "he [JavaScript implementation](https://github.com/sunng87/node-geohash).\n\n\n# Functions\n\n@docs encode, decod", "end": 262, "score": 0.9995199442, "start": 255, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sunng87" } ]
module Geohash exposing (encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox) {-| This module is a Geohash encoding and decoding implementation in pure Elm. Thanks to [Ning Sun](https://github.com/sunng87) for the [JavaScript implementation](https://github.com/sunng87/node-geohash). # Functions @docs encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox -} import GeohashDecode import GeohashEncode {-| Encodes coordinate (latitude, longitude, precision) to geohash. encode 57.648 10.41 6 == "u4pruy" -} encode : Float -> Float -> Int -> String encode = GeohashEncode.encode {-| Decodes geohash and returns center coordinate. decodeCoordinate "u281zk" == { lat = 48.14483642578125 , lon = 11.5740966796875 , latError = 0.00274658203125 , lonError = 0.0054931640625 } -} decodeCoordinate : String -> { lat : Float, lon : Float, latError : Float, lonError : Float } decodeCoordinate = GeohashDecode.decode {-| Decodes a geohash and returns the bounding box. decodeBoundingBox "u281zk" = { minLat = 48.14208984375 , minLon = 11.568603515625 , maxLat = 48.1475830078125 , maxLon = 11.57958984375 } -} decodeBoundingBox : String -> { minLat : Float, minLon : Float, maxLat : Float, maxLon : Float } decodeBoundingBox = GeohashDecode.decodeBoundingBox
module Geohash exposing (encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox) {-| This module is a Geohash encoding and decoding implementation in pure Elm. Thanks to [<NAME>](https://github.com/sunng87) for the [JavaScript implementation](https://github.com/sunng87/node-geohash). # Functions @docs encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox -} import GeohashDecode import GeohashEncode {-| Encodes coordinate (latitude, longitude, precision) to geohash. encode 57.648 10.41 6 == "u4pruy" -} encode : Float -> Float -> Int -> String encode = GeohashEncode.encode {-| Decodes geohash and returns center coordinate. decodeCoordinate "u281zk" == { lat = 48.14483642578125 , lon = 11.5740966796875 , latError = 0.00274658203125 , lonError = 0.0054931640625 } -} decodeCoordinate : String -> { lat : Float, lon : Float, latError : Float, lonError : Float } decodeCoordinate = GeohashDecode.decode {-| Decodes a geohash and returns the bounding box. decodeBoundingBox "u281zk" = { minLat = 48.14208984375 , minLon = 11.568603515625 , maxLat = 48.1475830078125 , maxLon = 11.57958984375 } -} decodeBoundingBox : String -> { minLat : Float, minLon : Float, maxLat : Float, maxLon : Float } decodeBoundingBox = GeohashDecode.decodeBoundingBox
module Geohash exposing (encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox) {-| This module is a Geohash encoding and decoding implementation in pure Elm. Thanks to [PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI](https://github.com/sunng87) for the [JavaScript implementation](https://github.com/sunng87/node-geohash). # Functions @docs encode, decodeCoordinate, decodeBoundingBox -} import GeohashDecode import GeohashEncode {-| Encodes coordinate (latitude, longitude, precision) to geohash. encode 57.648 10.41 6 == "u4pruy" -} encode : Float -> Float -> Int -> String encode = GeohashEncode.encode {-| Decodes geohash and returns center coordinate. decodeCoordinate "u281zk" == { lat = 48.14483642578125 , lon = 11.5740966796875 , latError = 0.00274658203125 , lonError = 0.0054931640625 } -} decodeCoordinate : String -> { lat : Float, lon : Float, latError : Float, lonError : Float } decodeCoordinate = GeohashDecode.decode {-| Decodes a geohash and returns the bounding box. decodeBoundingBox "u281zk" = { minLat = 48.14208984375 , minLon = 11.568603515625 , maxLat = 48.1475830078125 , maxLon = 11.57958984375 } -} decodeBoundingBox : String -> { minLat : Float, minLon : Float, maxLat : Float, maxLon : Float } decodeBoundingBox = GeohashDecode.decodeBoundingBox
[ { "context": " , name = \"0\"\n , teamName = \"team\"\n , job = Nothing\n ", "end": 22798, "score": 0.7292987108, "start": 22794, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "team" }, { "context": "ge = OneOffBuildPage 0\n , id = 0\n , name = \"0\"\n , now = Nothing\n , job = Nothing\n , di", "end": 24020, "score": 0.8631783128, "start": 24019, "tag": "NAME", "value": "0" } ]
module Benchmarks exposing (main) import Ansi.Log import Application.Models exposing (Session) import Array import Assets import Benchmark import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Build.Build as Build import Build.Header.Models exposing (BuildPageType(..), CommentBarVisibility(..), CurrentOutput(..)) import Build.Models import Build.Output.Models import Build.Output.Output import Build.StepTree.Models as STModels import Build.Styles import Concourse import Concourse.BuildStatus import Concourse.Pagination exposing (Page) import Dashboard.DashboardPreview as DP import DateFormat import Dict exposing (Dict) import HoverState import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing ( attribute , class , classList , href , id , style , tabindex , title ) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onFocus, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave) import Html.Lazy import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Maybe.Extra import Message.Message exposing (DomID(..), Message(..), PipelinesSection(..)) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) import Routes exposing (Highlight) import ScreenSize import Set import SideBar.SideBar as SideBar import StrictEvents exposing (onLeftClick, onScroll, onWheel) import Time import UserState import Views.BuildDuration as BuildDuration import Views.Icon as Icon import Views.LoadingIndicator as LoadingIndicator import Views.NotAuthorized as NotAuthorized import Views.Spinner as Spinner import Views.Styles import Views.TopBar as TopBar type alias Model = Login.Model { page : BuildPageType , now : Maybe Time.Posix , disableManualTrigger : Bool , history : List Concourse.Build , nextPage : Maybe Page , currentBuild : WebData CurrentBuild , autoScroll : Bool , previousKeyPress : Maybe Keyboard.KeyEvent , shiftDown : Bool , isTriggerBuildKeyDown : Bool , showHelp : Bool , highlight : Highlight , hoveredCounter : Int , fetchingHistory : Bool , scrolledToCurrentBuild : Bool , authorized : Bool } type alias CurrentBuild = { build : Concourse.Build , prep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep , output : CurrentOutput } main : BenchmarkProgram main = program <| Benchmark.describe "benchmark suite" [ Benchmark.compare "DashboardPreview.view" "current" (\_ -> DP.view AllPipelinesSection HoverState.NoHover (DP.groupByRank sampleJobs)) "old" (\_ -> dashboardPreviewView sampleJobs) , Benchmark.compare "Build.view" "current" (\_ -> Build.view sampleSession sampleModel) "old" (\_ -> buildView sampleSession sampleOldModel) ] bodyId : String bodyId = "build-body" historyId : String historyId = "builds" buildView : Session -> Model -> Html Message buildView session model = let route = case model.page of OneOffBuildPage buildId -> Routes.OneOffBuild { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } JobBuildPage buildId -> Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } in Html.div (id "page-including-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageIncludingTopBar) [ Html.div (id "top-bar-app" :: Views.Styles.topBar False) [ SideBar.sideBarIcon session , TopBar.concourseLogo , breadcrumbs session model , Login.view session.userState model ] , Html.div (id "page-below-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageBelowTopBar route) [ SideBar.view session (currentJob model |> Maybe.map (\j -> { pipelineName = j.pipelineName , pipelineInstanceVars = j.pipelineInstanceVars , teamName = j.teamName } ) ) , viewBuildPage session model ] ] viewBuildPage : Session -> Model -> Html Message viewBuildPage session model = case model.currentBuild |> RemoteData.toMaybe of Just currentBuild -> Html.div [ class "with-fixed-header" , attribute "data-build-name" currentBuild.build.name , style "flex-grow" "1" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "overflow" "hidden" ] [ viewBuildHeader session model currentBuild.build , body session { currentBuild = currentBuild , authorized = model.authorized , showHelp = model.showHelp } ] _ -> LoadingIndicator.view currentJob : Model -> Maybe Concourse.JobIdentifier currentJob = .currentBuild >> RemoteData.toMaybe >> Maybe.map .build >> Maybe.andThen .job breadcrumbs : Session -> Model -> Html Message breadcrumbs session model = case ( currentJob model, model.page ) of ( Just jobId, _ ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Job { id = jobId , page = Nothing } ( _, JobBuildPage buildId ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } _ -> Html.text "" body : Session -> { currentBuild : CurrentBuild , authorized : Bool , showHelp : Bool } -> Html Message body session { currentBuild, authorized, showHelp } = Html.div ([ class "scrollable-body build-body" , id bodyId , tabindex 0 , onScroll Scrolled ] ++ Build.Styles.body ) <| if authorized then [ viewBuildPrep currentBuild.prep , Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewBuildOutput session currentBuild.output , keyboardHelp showHelp ] ++ tombstone session.timeZone currentBuild else [ NotAuthorized.view ] viewBuildHeader : Session -> Model -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewBuildHeader session model build = let triggerButton = case currentJob model of Just _ -> let buttonDisabled = model.disableManualTrigger buttonHovered = HoverState.isHovered TriggerBuildButton session.hovered in Html.button ([ attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Trigger Build" , attribute "title" "Trigger Build" , onLeftClick <| Click TriggerBuildButton , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.triggerButton buttonDisabled buttonHovered build.status ) <| Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AddCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] :: (if buttonDisabled && buttonHovered then [ Html.div [] [ Html.text <| "manual triggering disabled " ++ "in job config" ] ] else [] ) Nothing -> Html.text "" abortHovered = HoverState.isHovered AbortBuildButton session.hovered abortButton = if Concourse.BuildStatus.isRunning build.status then Html.button ([ onLeftClick (Click <| AbortBuildButton) , attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Abort Build" , attribute "title" "Abort Build" , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.abortButton abortHovered ) [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AbortCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] ] else Html.text "" buildTitle = case build.job of Just jobId -> let jobRoute = Routes.Job { id = jobId, page = Nothing } in Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString jobRoute ] [ Html.span [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text jobId.jobName ] , Html.text (" #" ++ build.name) ] _ -> Html.text ("build #" ++ String.fromInt build.id) in Html.div [ class "fixed-header" ] [ Html.div ([ id "build-header" , class "build-header" ] ++ Build.Styles.header build.status ) [ Html.div [] [ Html.h1 [] [ buildTitle ] , case model.now of Just n -> BuildDuration.view session.timeZone build.duration n Nothing -> Html.text "" ] , Html.div [ style "display" "flex" ] [ abortButton, triggerButton ] ] , Html.div [ onWheel ScrollBuilds ] [ lazyViewHistory build model.history ] ] tombstone : Time.Zone -> CurrentBuild -> List (Html Message) tombstone timeZone currentBuild = let build = currentBuild.build maybeBirthDate = Maybe.Extra.or build.duration.startedAt build.duration.finishedAt in case ( maybeBirthDate, build.reapTime ) of ( Just birthDate, Just reapTime ) -> [ Html.div [ class "tombstone" ] [ Html.div [ class "heading" ] [ Html.text "RIP" ] , Html.div [ class "job-name" ] [ Html.text <| Maybe.withDefault "one-off build" <| Maybe.map .jobName build.job ] , Html.div [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text <| "build #" ++ (case build.job of Nothing -> String.fromInt build.id Just _ -> build.name ) ] , Html.div [ class "date" ] [ Html.text <| mmDDYY timeZone birthDate ++ "-" ++ mmDDYY timeZone reapTime ] , Html.div [ class "epitaph" ] [ Html.text <| case build.status of Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusSucceeded -> "It passed, and now it has passed on." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusFailed -> "It failed, and now has been forgotten." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusErrored -> "It errored, but has found forgiveness." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusAborted -> "It was never given a chance." _ -> "I'm not dead yet." ] ] , Html.div [ class "explanation" ] [ Html.text "This log has been " , Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "https://concourse-ci.org/jobs.html#job-build-log-retention" ] [ Html.text "reaped." ] ] ] _ -> [] keyboardHelp : Bool -> Html Message keyboardHelp showHelp = Html.div [ classList [ ( "keyboard-help", True ) , ( "hidden", not showHelp ) ] ] [ Html.div [ class "help-title" ] [ Html.text "keyboard shortcuts" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "h" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "l" ] ] , Html.text "previous/next build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "j" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "k" ] ] , Html.text "scroll down/up" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "T" ] ] , Html.text "trigger a new build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "A" ] ] , Html.text "abort build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "gg" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the top" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "G" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the bottom" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "?" ] ] , Html.text "hide/show help" ] ] viewBuildOutput : Session -> CurrentOutput -> Html Message viewBuildOutput session output = case output of Output o -> Build.Output.Output.view { timeZone = session.timeZone, hovered = session.hovered } o Cancelled -> Html.div Build.Styles.errorLog [ Html.text "build cancelled" ] Empty -> Html.div [] [] viewBuildPrep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep -> Html Message viewBuildPrep buildPrep = case buildPrep of Just prep -> Html.div [ class "build-step" ] [ Html.div [ class "header" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" ] [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 15, image = Assets.CogsIcon } [ style "margin" "6.5px" , style "margin-right" "0.5px" , style "background-size" "contain" ] , Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "preparing build" ] ] , Html.div [] [ Html.ul [ class "prep-status-list" ] ([ viewBuildPrepLi "checking pipeline is not paused" prep.pausedPipeline Dict.empty , viewBuildPrepLi "checking job is not paused" prep.pausedJob Dict.empty ] ++ viewBuildPrepInputs prep.inputs ++ [ viewBuildPrepLi "waiting for a suitable set of input versions" prep.inputsSatisfied prep.missingInputReasons , viewBuildPrepLi "checking max-in-flight is not reached" prep.maxRunningBuilds Dict.empty ] ) ] ] Nothing -> Html.div [] [] lazyViewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message lazyViewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewHistory currentBuild builds viewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.ul [ id historyId ] (List.map (viewHistoryItem currentBuild) builds) viewHistoryItem : Concourse.Build -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistoryItem currentBuild build = Html.li ([ classList [ ( "current", build.id == currentBuild.id ) ] , id <| String.fromInt build.id ] ++ Build.Styles.historyItem currentBuild.status (build.id == currentBuild.id) build.status ) [ Html.a [ onLeftClick <| Click <| BuildTab build.id build.name , href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text build.name ] ] mmDDYY : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> String mmDDYY = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.yearNumberLastTwo ] viewBuildPrepLi : String -> Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepLi text status details = Html.li [ classList [ ( "prep-status", True ) , ( "inactive", status == Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown ) ] ] [ Html.div [ style "align-items" "center" , style "display" "flex" ] [ viewBuildPrepStatus status , Html.span [] [ Html.text text ] ] , viewBuildPrepDetails details ] viewBuildPrepInputs : Dict String Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> List (Html Message) viewBuildPrepInputs inputs = List.map viewBuildPrepInput (Dict.toList inputs) viewBuildPrepInput : ( String, Concourse.BuildPrepStatus ) -> Html Message viewBuildPrepInput ( name, status ) = viewBuildPrepLi ("discovering any new versions of " ++ name) status Dict.empty viewBuildPrepDetails : Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepDetails details = Html.ul [ class "details" ] (List.map viewDetailItem (Dict.toList details)) viewBuildPrepStatus : Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Html Message viewBuildPrepStatus status = case status of Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown -> Html.div [ title "thinking..." ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusBlocking -> Html.div [ title "blocking" ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusNotBlocking -> Icon.icon { sizePx = 12 , image = Assets.NotBlockingCheckIcon } [ style "margin-right" "5px" , style "background-size" "contain" , title "not blocking" ] viewDetailItem : ( String, String ) -> Html Message viewDetailItem ( name, status ) = Html.li [] [ Html.text (name ++ " - " ++ status) ] sampleSession : Session sampleSession = { authToken = "" , csrfToken = "" , expandedTeamsInAllPipelines = Set.empty , collapsedTeamsInFavorites = Set.empty , favoritedPipelines = Set.empty , favoritedInstanceGroups = Set.empty , hovered = HoverState.NoHover , sideBarState = { isOpen = False , width = 275 } , draggingSideBar = False , notFoundImgSrc = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" , pipelines = RemoteData.NotAsked , screenSize = ScreenSize.Desktop , timeZone = Time.utc , turbulenceImgSrc = "" , userState = UserState.UserStateLoggedOut , clusterName = "" , version = "" , featureFlags = Concourse.defaultFeatureFlags , route = Routes.OneOffBuild { id = 1 , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } } sampleOldModel : Model sampleOldModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , now = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , currentBuild = RemoteData.Success { build = { id = 0 , name = "0" , teamName = "team" , job = Nothing , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , duration = { startedAt = Nothing , finishedAt = Nothing } , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = "" } , prep = Nothing , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } } , autoScroll = True , previousKeyPress = Nothing , shiftDown = False , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , hoveredCounter = 0 , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = True , authorized = True , isUserMenuExpanded = False } sampleModel : Build.Models.Model sampleModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , id = 0 , name = "0" , now = Nothing , job = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , prep = Nothing , duration = { startedAt = Nothing, finishedAt = Nothing } , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } , autoScroll = True , isScrollToIdInProgress = False , previousKeyPress = Nothing , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , authorized = True , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = False , shiftDown = False , isUserMenuExpanded = False , hasLoadedYet = True , notFound = False , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = Hidden "" } ansiLogStyle : Ansi.Log.Style ansiLogStyle = { foreground = Nothing , background = Nothing , bold = False , faint = False , italic = False , underline = False , blink = False , inverted = False , fraktur = False , framed = False } position : Ansi.Log.CursorPosition position = { row = 0 , column = 0 } log : Ansi.Log.Model log = { lineDiscipline = Ansi.Log.Cooked , lines = Array.empty , position = position , savedPosition = Nothing , style = ansiLogStyle , remainder = "" } tree : STModels.StepTree tree = STModels.Task "stepid" steps : Dict Routes.StepID STModels.Step steps = Dict.singleton "stepid" { id = "stepid" , buildStep = Concourse.BuildStepTask "task_step" , state = STModels.StepStateRunning , log = log , error = Nothing , expanded = True , version = Nothing , metadata = [] , changed = False , timestamps = Dict.empty , initialize = Nothing , start = Nothing , finish = Nothing , tabFocus = STModels.Auto , expandedHeaders = Dict.empty , initializationExpanded = False , imageCheck = Nothing , imageGet = Nothing } stepsModel : Maybe STModels.StepTreeModel stepsModel = Just { tree = tree , steps = steps , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , resources = { inputs = [], outputs = [] } , buildId = Nothing } sampleJob : String -> List String -> Concourse.Job sampleJob name passed = { name = name , pipelineId = 1 , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "team" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [ { name = "input" , resource = "resource" , passed = passed , trigger = True } ] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } sampleJobs : List Concourse.Job sampleJobs = [ sampleJob "job1" [] , sampleJob "job2a" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job2b" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job3" [ "job2a" ] , sampleJob "job4" [ "job3" ] ] dashboardPreviewView : List Concourse.Job -> Html msg dashboardPreviewView jobs = let groups = jobGroups jobs width = Dict.size groups height = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum (List.map List.length (Dict.values groups)) in Html.div [ classList [ ( "pipeline-grid", True ) , ( "pipeline-grid-wide", width > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-tall", height > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-wide", width > 24 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-tall", height > 24 ) ] ] <| List.map (\js -> List.map viewJob js |> Html.div [ class "parallel-grid" ] ) (Dict.values groups) viewJob : Concourse.Job -> Html msg viewJob job = let jobStatus = case job.finishedBuild of Just fb -> Concourse.BuildStatus.show fb.status Nothing -> "no-builds" isJobRunning = job.nextBuild /= Nothing latestBuild = if job.nextBuild == Nothing then job.finishedBuild else job.nextBuild in Html.div [ classList [ ( "node " ++ jobStatus, True ) , ( "running", isJobRunning ) , ( "paused", job.paused ) ] , attribute "data-tooltip" job.name ] <| case latestBuild of Nothing -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.jobRoute job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] Just build -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] jobGroups : List Concourse.Job -> Dict Int (List Concourse.Job) jobGroups jobs = let jobLookup = jobByName <| List.foldl (\job byName -> Dict.insert job.name job byName) Dict.empty jobs in Dict.foldl (\jobName depth byDepth -> Dict.update depth (\jobsA -> Just (jobLookup jobName :: Maybe.withDefault [] jobsA) ) byDepth ) Dict.empty (jobDepths jobs Dict.empty) jobByName : Dict String Concourse.Job -> String -> Concourse.Job jobByName jobs job = case Dict.get job jobs of Just a -> a Nothing -> { name = "" , pipelineId = 0 , pipelineName = "" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } jobDepths : List Concourse.Job -> Dict String Int -> Dict String Int jobDepths jobs dict = case jobs of [] -> dict job :: otherJobs -> let passedJobs = List.concatMap .passed job.inputs in case List.length passedJobs of 0 -> jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name 0 dict _ -> let passedJobDepths = List.map (\passedJob -> Dict.get passedJob dict) passedJobs in if List.member Nothing passedJobDepths then jobDepths (List.append otherJobs [ job ]) dict else let depths = List.map (\depth -> Maybe.withDefault 0 depth) passedJobDepths maxPassedJobDepth = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum depths in jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name (maxPassedJobDepth + 1) dict
module Benchmarks exposing (main) import Ansi.Log import Application.Models exposing (Session) import Array import Assets import Benchmark import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Build.Build as Build import Build.Header.Models exposing (BuildPageType(..), CommentBarVisibility(..), CurrentOutput(..)) import Build.Models import Build.Output.Models import Build.Output.Output import Build.StepTree.Models as STModels import Build.Styles import Concourse import Concourse.BuildStatus import Concourse.Pagination exposing (Page) import Dashboard.DashboardPreview as DP import DateFormat import Dict exposing (Dict) import HoverState import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing ( attribute , class , classList , href , id , style , tabindex , title ) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onFocus, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave) import Html.Lazy import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Maybe.Extra import Message.Message exposing (DomID(..), Message(..), PipelinesSection(..)) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) import Routes exposing (Highlight) import ScreenSize import Set import SideBar.SideBar as SideBar import StrictEvents exposing (onLeftClick, onScroll, onWheel) import Time import UserState import Views.BuildDuration as BuildDuration import Views.Icon as Icon import Views.LoadingIndicator as LoadingIndicator import Views.NotAuthorized as NotAuthorized import Views.Spinner as Spinner import Views.Styles import Views.TopBar as TopBar type alias Model = Login.Model { page : BuildPageType , now : Maybe Time.Posix , disableManualTrigger : Bool , history : List Concourse.Build , nextPage : Maybe Page , currentBuild : WebData CurrentBuild , autoScroll : Bool , previousKeyPress : Maybe Keyboard.KeyEvent , shiftDown : Bool , isTriggerBuildKeyDown : Bool , showHelp : Bool , highlight : Highlight , hoveredCounter : Int , fetchingHistory : Bool , scrolledToCurrentBuild : Bool , authorized : Bool } type alias CurrentBuild = { build : Concourse.Build , prep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep , output : CurrentOutput } main : BenchmarkProgram main = program <| Benchmark.describe "benchmark suite" [ Benchmark.compare "DashboardPreview.view" "current" (\_ -> DP.view AllPipelinesSection HoverState.NoHover (DP.groupByRank sampleJobs)) "old" (\_ -> dashboardPreviewView sampleJobs) , Benchmark.compare "Build.view" "current" (\_ -> Build.view sampleSession sampleModel) "old" (\_ -> buildView sampleSession sampleOldModel) ] bodyId : String bodyId = "build-body" historyId : String historyId = "builds" buildView : Session -> Model -> Html Message buildView session model = let route = case model.page of OneOffBuildPage buildId -> Routes.OneOffBuild { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } JobBuildPage buildId -> Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } in Html.div (id "page-including-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageIncludingTopBar) [ Html.div (id "top-bar-app" :: Views.Styles.topBar False) [ SideBar.sideBarIcon session , TopBar.concourseLogo , breadcrumbs session model , Login.view session.userState model ] , Html.div (id "page-below-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageBelowTopBar route) [ SideBar.view session (currentJob model |> Maybe.map (\j -> { pipelineName = j.pipelineName , pipelineInstanceVars = j.pipelineInstanceVars , teamName = j.teamName } ) ) , viewBuildPage session model ] ] viewBuildPage : Session -> Model -> Html Message viewBuildPage session model = case model.currentBuild |> RemoteData.toMaybe of Just currentBuild -> Html.div [ class "with-fixed-header" , attribute "data-build-name" currentBuild.build.name , style "flex-grow" "1" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "overflow" "hidden" ] [ viewBuildHeader session model currentBuild.build , body session { currentBuild = currentBuild , authorized = model.authorized , showHelp = model.showHelp } ] _ -> LoadingIndicator.view currentJob : Model -> Maybe Concourse.JobIdentifier currentJob = .currentBuild >> RemoteData.toMaybe >> Maybe.map .build >> Maybe.andThen .job breadcrumbs : Session -> Model -> Html Message breadcrumbs session model = case ( currentJob model, model.page ) of ( Just jobId, _ ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Job { id = jobId , page = Nothing } ( _, JobBuildPage buildId ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } _ -> Html.text "" body : Session -> { currentBuild : CurrentBuild , authorized : Bool , showHelp : Bool } -> Html Message body session { currentBuild, authorized, showHelp } = Html.div ([ class "scrollable-body build-body" , id bodyId , tabindex 0 , onScroll Scrolled ] ++ Build.Styles.body ) <| if authorized then [ viewBuildPrep currentBuild.prep , Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewBuildOutput session currentBuild.output , keyboardHelp showHelp ] ++ tombstone session.timeZone currentBuild else [ NotAuthorized.view ] viewBuildHeader : Session -> Model -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewBuildHeader session model build = let triggerButton = case currentJob model of Just _ -> let buttonDisabled = model.disableManualTrigger buttonHovered = HoverState.isHovered TriggerBuildButton session.hovered in Html.button ([ attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Trigger Build" , attribute "title" "Trigger Build" , onLeftClick <| Click TriggerBuildButton , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.triggerButton buttonDisabled buttonHovered build.status ) <| Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AddCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] :: (if buttonDisabled && buttonHovered then [ Html.div [] [ Html.text <| "manual triggering disabled " ++ "in job config" ] ] else [] ) Nothing -> Html.text "" abortHovered = HoverState.isHovered AbortBuildButton session.hovered abortButton = if Concourse.BuildStatus.isRunning build.status then Html.button ([ onLeftClick (Click <| AbortBuildButton) , attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Abort Build" , attribute "title" "Abort Build" , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.abortButton abortHovered ) [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AbortCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] ] else Html.text "" buildTitle = case build.job of Just jobId -> let jobRoute = Routes.Job { id = jobId, page = Nothing } in Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString jobRoute ] [ Html.span [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text jobId.jobName ] , Html.text (" #" ++ build.name) ] _ -> Html.text ("build #" ++ String.fromInt build.id) in Html.div [ class "fixed-header" ] [ Html.div ([ id "build-header" , class "build-header" ] ++ Build.Styles.header build.status ) [ Html.div [] [ Html.h1 [] [ buildTitle ] , case model.now of Just n -> BuildDuration.view session.timeZone build.duration n Nothing -> Html.text "" ] , Html.div [ style "display" "flex" ] [ abortButton, triggerButton ] ] , Html.div [ onWheel ScrollBuilds ] [ lazyViewHistory build model.history ] ] tombstone : Time.Zone -> CurrentBuild -> List (Html Message) tombstone timeZone currentBuild = let build = currentBuild.build maybeBirthDate = Maybe.Extra.or build.duration.startedAt build.duration.finishedAt in case ( maybeBirthDate, build.reapTime ) of ( Just birthDate, Just reapTime ) -> [ Html.div [ class "tombstone" ] [ Html.div [ class "heading" ] [ Html.text "RIP" ] , Html.div [ class "job-name" ] [ Html.text <| Maybe.withDefault "one-off build" <| Maybe.map .jobName build.job ] , Html.div [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text <| "build #" ++ (case build.job of Nothing -> String.fromInt build.id Just _ -> build.name ) ] , Html.div [ class "date" ] [ Html.text <| mmDDYY timeZone birthDate ++ "-" ++ mmDDYY timeZone reapTime ] , Html.div [ class "epitaph" ] [ Html.text <| case build.status of Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusSucceeded -> "It passed, and now it has passed on." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusFailed -> "It failed, and now has been forgotten." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusErrored -> "It errored, but has found forgiveness." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusAborted -> "It was never given a chance." _ -> "I'm not dead yet." ] ] , Html.div [ class "explanation" ] [ Html.text "This log has been " , Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "https://concourse-ci.org/jobs.html#job-build-log-retention" ] [ Html.text "reaped." ] ] ] _ -> [] keyboardHelp : Bool -> Html Message keyboardHelp showHelp = Html.div [ classList [ ( "keyboard-help", True ) , ( "hidden", not showHelp ) ] ] [ Html.div [ class "help-title" ] [ Html.text "keyboard shortcuts" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "h" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "l" ] ] , Html.text "previous/next build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "j" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "k" ] ] , Html.text "scroll down/up" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "T" ] ] , Html.text "trigger a new build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "A" ] ] , Html.text "abort build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "gg" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the top" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "G" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the bottom" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "?" ] ] , Html.text "hide/show help" ] ] viewBuildOutput : Session -> CurrentOutput -> Html Message viewBuildOutput session output = case output of Output o -> Build.Output.Output.view { timeZone = session.timeZone, hovered = session.hovered } o Cancelled -> Html.div Build.Styles.errorLog [ Html.text "build cancelled" ] Empty -> Html.div [] [] viewBuildPrep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep -> Html Message viewBuildPrep buildPrep = case buildPrep of Just prep -> Html.div [ class "build-step" ] [ Html.div [ class "header" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" ] [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 15, image = Assets.CogsIcon } [ style "margin" "6.5px" , style "margin-right" "0.5px" , style "background-size" "contain" ] , Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "preparing build" ] ] , Html.div [] [ Html.ul [ class "prep-status-list" ] ([ viewBuildPrepLi "checking pipeline is not paused" prep.pausedPipeline Dict.empty , viewBuildPrepLi "checking job is not paused" prep.pausedJob Dict.empty ] ++ viewBuildPrepInputs prep.inputs ++ [ viewBuildPrepLi "waiting for a suitable set of input versions" prep.inputsSatisfied prep.missingInputReasons , viewBuildPrepLi "checking max-in-flight is not reached" prep.maxRunningBuilds Dict.empty ] ) ] ] Nothing -> Html.div [] [] lazyViewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message lazyViewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewHistory currentBuild builds viewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.ul [ id historyId ] (List.map (viewHistoryItem currentBuild) builds) viewHistoryItem : Concourse.Build -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistoryItem currentBuild build = Html.li ([ classList [ ( "current", build.id == currentBuild.id ) ] , id <| String.fromInt build.id ] ++ Build.Styles.historyItem currentBuild.status (build.id == currentBuild.id) build.status ) [ Html.a [ onLeftClick <| Click <| BuildTab build.id build.name , href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text build.name ] ] mmDDYY : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> String mmDDYY = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.yearNumberLastTwo ] viewBuildPrepLi : String -> Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepLi text status details = Html.li [ classList [ ( "prep-status", True ) , ( "inactive", status == Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown ) ] ] [ Html.div [ style "align-items" "center" , style "display" "flex" ] [ viewBuildPrepStatus status , Html.span [] [ Html.text text ] ] , viewBuildPrepDetails details ] viewBuildPrepInputs : Dict String Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> List (Html Message) viewBuildPrepInputs inputs = List.map viewBuildPrepInput (Dict.toList inputs) viewBuildPrepInput : ( String, Concourse.BuildPrepStatus ) -> Html Message viewBuildPrepInput ( name, status ) = viewBuildPrepLi ("discovering any new versions of " ++ name) status Dict.empty viewBuildPrepDetails : Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepDetails details = Html.ul [ class "details" ] (List.map viewDetailItem (Dict.toList details)) viewBuildPrepStatus : Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Html Message viewBuildPrepStatus status = case status of Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown -> Html.div [ title "thinking..." ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusBlocking -> Html.div [ title "blocking" ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusNotBlocking -> Icon.icon { sizePx = 12 , image = Assets.NotBlockingCheckIcon } [ style "margin-right" "5px" , style "background-size" "contain" , title "not blocking" ] viewDetailItem : ( String, String ) -> Html Message viewDetailItem ( name, status ) = Html.li [] [ Html.text (name ++ " - " ++ status) ] sampleSession : Session sampleSession = { authToken = "" , csrfToken = "" , expandedTeamsInAllPipelines = Set.empty , collapsedTeamsInFavorites = Set.empty , favoritedPipelines = Set.empty , favoritedInstanceGroups = Set.empty , hovered = HoverState.NoHover , sideBarState = { isOpen = False , width = 275 } , draggingSideBar = False , notFoundImgSrc = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" , pipelines = RemoteData.NotAsked , screenSize = ScreenSize.Desktop , timeZone = Time.utc , turbulenceImgSrc = "" , userState = UserState.UserStateLoggedOut , clusterName = "" , version = "" , featureFlags = Concourse.defaultFeatureFlags , route = Routes.OneOffBuild { id = 1 , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } } sampleOldModel : Model sampleOldModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , now = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , currentBuild = RemoteData.Success { build = { id = 0 , name = "0" , teamName = "team" , job = Nothing , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , duration = { startedAt = Nothing , finishedAt = Nothing } , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = "" } , prep = Nothing , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } } , autoScroll = True , previousKeyPress = Nothing , shiftDown = False , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , hoveredCounter = 0 , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = True , authorized = True , isUserMenuExpanded = False } sampleModel : Build.Models.Model sampleModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , id = 0 , name = "<NAME>" , now = Nothing , job = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , prep = Nothing , duration = { startedAt = Nothing, finishedAt = Nothing } , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } , autoScroll = True , isScrollToIdInProgress = False , previousKeyPress = Nothing , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , authorized = True , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = False , shiftDown = False , isUserMenuExpanded = False , hasLoadedYet = True , notFound = False , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = Hidden "" } ansiLogStyle : Ansi.Log.Style ansiLogStyle = { foreground = Nothing , background = Nothing , bold = False , faint = False , italic = False , underline = False , blink = False , inverted = False , fraktur = False , framed = False } position : Ansi.Log.CursorPosition position = { row = 0 , column = 0 } log : Ansi.Log.Model log = { lineDiscipline = Ansi.Log.Cooked , lines = Array.empty , position = position , savedPosition = Nothing , style = ansiLogStyle , remainder = "" } tree : STModels.StepTree tree = STModels.Task "stepid" steps : Dict Routes.StepID STModels.Step steps = Dict.singleton "stepid" { id = "stepid" , buildStep = Concourse.BuildStepTask "task_step" , state = STModels.StepStateRunning , log = log , error = Nothing , expanded = True , version = Nothing , metadata = [] , changed = False , timestamps = Dict.empty , initialize = Nothing , start = Nothing , finish = Nothing , tabFocus = STModels.Auto , expandedHeaders = Dict.empty , initializationExpanded = False , imageCheck = Nothing , imageGet = Nothing } stepsModel : Maybe STModels.StepTreeModel stepsModel = Just { tree = tree , steps = steps , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , resources = { inputs = [], outputs = [] } , buildId = Nothing } sampleJob : String -> List String -> Concourse.Job sampleJob name passed = { name = name , pipelineId = 1 , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "team" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [ { name = "input" , resource = "resource" , passed = passed , trigger = True } ] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } sampleJobs : List Concourse.Job sampleJobs = [ sampleJob "job1" [] , sampleJob "job2a" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job2b" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job3" [ "job2a" ] , sampleJob "job4" [ "job3" ] ] dashboardPreviewView : List Concourse.Job -> Html msg dashboardPreviewView jobs = let groups = jobGroups jobs width = Dict.size groups height = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum (List.map List.length (Dict.values groups)) in Html.div [ classList [ ( "pipeline-grid", True ) , ( "pipeline-grid-wide", width > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-tall", height > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-wide", width > 24 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-tall", height > 24 ) ] ] <| List.map (\js -> List.map viewJob js |> Html.div [ class "parallel-grid" ] ) (Dict.values groups) viewJob : Concourse.Job -> Html msg viewJob job = let jobStatus = case job.finishedBuild of Just fb -> Concourse.BuildStatus.show fb.status Nothing -> "no-builds" isJobRunning = job.nextBuild /= Nothing latestBuild = if job.nextBuild == Nothing then job.finishedBuild else job.nextBuild in Html.div [ classList [ ( "node " ++ jobStatus, True ) , ( "running", isJobRunning ) , ( "paused", job.paused ) ] , attribute "data-tooltip" job.name ] <| case latestBuild of Nothing -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.jobRoute job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] Just build -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] jobGroups : List Concourse.Job -> Dict Int (List Concourse.Job) jobGroups jobs = let jobLookup = jobByName <| List.foldl (\job byName -> Dict.insert job.name job byName) Dict.empty jobs in Dict.foldl (\jobName depth byDepth -> Dict.update depth (\jobsA -> Just (jobLookup jobName :: Maybe.withDefault [] jobsA) ) byDepth ) Dict.empty (jobDepths jobs Dict.empty) jobByName : Dict String Concourse.Job -> String -> Concourse.Job jobByName jobs job = case Dict.get job jobs of Just a -> a Nothing -> { name = "" , pipelineId = 0 , pipelineName = "" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } jobDepths : List Concourse.Job -> Dict String Int -> Dict String Int jobDepths jobs dict = case jobs of [] -> dict job :: otherJobs -> let passedJobs = List.concatMap .passed job.inputs in case List.length passedJobs of 0 -> jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name 0 dict _ -> let passedJobDepths = List.map (\passedJob -> Dict.get passedJob dict) passedJobs in if List.member Nothing passedJobDepths then jobDepths (List.append otherJobs [ job ]) dict else let depths = List.map (\depth -> Maybe.withDefault 0 depth) passedJobDepths maxPassedJobDepth = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum depths in jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name (maxPassedJobDepth + 1) dict
module Benchmarks exposing (main) import Ansi.Log import Application.Models exposing (Session) import Array import Assets import Benchmark import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Build.Build as Build import Build.Header.Models exposing (BuildPageType(..), CommentBarVisibility(..), CurrentOutput(..)) import Build.Models import Build.Output.Models import Build.Output.Output import Build.StepTree.Models as STModels import Build.Styles import Concourse import Concourse.BuildStatus import Concourse.Pagination exposing (Page) import Dashboard.DashboardPreview as DP import DateFormat import Dict exposing (Dict) import HoverState import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing ( attribute , class , classList , href , id , style , tabindex , title ) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onFocus, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave) import Html.Lazy import Keyboard import Login.Login as Login import Maybe.Extra import Message.Message exposing (DomID(..), Message(..), PipelinesSection(..)) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) import Routes exposing (Highlight) import ScreenSize import Set import SideBar.SideBar as SideBar import StrictEvents exposing (onLeftClick, onScroll, onWheel) import Time import UserState import Views.BuildDuration as BuildDuration import Views.Icon as Icon import Views.LoadingIndicator as LoadingIndicator import Views.NotAuthorized as NotAuthorized import Views.Spinner as Spinner import Views.Styles import Views.TopBar as TopBar type alias Model = Login.Model { page : BuildPageType , now : Maybe Time.Posix , disableManualTrigger : Bool , history : List Concourse.Build , nextPage : Maybe Page , currentBuild : WebData CurrentBuild , autoScroll : Bool , previousKeyPress : Maybe Keyboard.KeyEvent , shiftDown : Bool , isTriggerBuildKeyDown : Bool , showHelp : Bool , highlight : Highlight , hoveredCounter : Int , fetchingHistory : Bool , scrolledToCurrentBuild : Bool , authorized : Bool } type alias CurrentBuild = { build : Concourse.Build , prep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep , output : CurrentOutput } main : BenchmarkProgram main = program <| Benchmark.describe "benchmark suite" [ Benchmark.compare "DashboardPreview.view" "current" (\_ -> DP.view AllPipelinesSection HoverState.NoHover (DP.groupByRank sampleJobs)) "old" (\_ -> dashboardPreviewView sampleJobs) , Benchmark.compare "Build.view" "current" (\_ -> Build.view sampleSession sampleModel) "old" (\_ -> buildView sampleSession sampleOldModel) ] bodyId : String bodyId = "build-body" historyId : String historyId = "builds" buildView : Session -> Model -> Html Message buildView session model = let route = case model.page of OneOffBuildPage buildId -> Routes.OneOffBuild { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } JobBuildPage buildId -> Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } in Html.div (id "page-including-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageIncludingTopBar) [ Html.div (id "top-bar-app" :: Views.Styles.topBar False) [ SideBar.sideBarIcon session , TopBar.concourseLogo , breadcrumbs session model , Login.view session.userState model ] , Html.div (id "page-below-top-bar" :: Views.Styles.pageBelowTopBar route) [ SideBar.view session (currentJob model |> Maybe.map (\j -> { pipelineName = j.pipelineName , pipelineInstanceVars = j.pipelineInstanceVars , teamName = j.teamName } ) ) , viewBuildPage session model ] ] viewBuildPage : Session -> Model -> Html Message viewBuildPage session model = case model.currentBuild |> RemoteData.toMaybe of Just currentBuild -> Html.div [ class "with-fixed-header" , attribute "data-build-name" currentBuild.build.name , style "flex-grow" "1" , style "display" "flex" , style "flex-direction" "column" , style "overflow" "hidden" ] [ viewBuildHeader session model currentBuild.build , body session { currentBuild = currentBuild , authorized = model.authorized , showHelp = model.showHelp } ] _ -> LoadingIndicator.view currentJob : Model -> Maybe Concourse.JobIdentifier currentJob = .currentBuild >> RemoteData.toMaybe >> Maybe.map .build >> Maybe.andThen .job breadcrumbs : Session -> Model -> Html Message breadcrumbs session model = case ( currentJob model, model.page ) of ( Just jobId, _ ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Job { id = jobId , page = Nothing } ( _, JobBuildPage buildId ) -> TopBar.breadcrumbs session <| Routes.Build { id = buildId , highlight = model.highlight } _ -> Html.text "" body : Session -> { currentBuild : CurrentBuild , authorized : Bool , showHelp : Bool } -> Html Message body session { currentBuild, authorized, showHelp } = Html.div ([ class "scrollable-body build-body" , id bodyId , tabindex 0 , onScroll Scrolled ] ++ Build.Styles.body ) <| if authorized then [ viewBuildPrep currentBuild.prep , Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewBuildOutput session currentBuild.output , keyboardHelp showHelp ] ++ tombstone session.timeZone currentBuild else [ NotAuthorized.view ] viewBuildHeader : Session -> Model -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewBuildHeader session model build = let triggerButton = case currentJob model of Just _ -> let buttonDisabled = model.disableManualTrigger buttonHovered = HoverState.isHovered TriggerBuildButton session.hovered in Html.button ([ attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Trigger Build" , attribute "title" "Trigger Build" , onLeftClick <| Click TriggerBuildButton , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just TriggerBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.triggerButton buttonDisabled buttonHovered build.status ) <| Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AddCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] :: (if buttonDisabled && buttonHovered then [ Html.div [] [ Html.text <| "manual triggering disabled " ++ "in job config" ] ] else [] ) Nothing -> Html.text "" abortHovered = HoverState.isHovered AbortBuildButton session.hovered abortButton = if Concourse.BuildStatus.isRunning build.status then Html.button ([ onLeftClick (Click <| AbortBuildButton) , attribute "role" "button" , attribute "tabindex" "0" , attribute "aria-label" "Abort Build" , attribute "title" "Abort Build" , onMouseEnter <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onFocus <| Hover <| Just AbortBuildButton , onMouseLeave <| Hover Nothing , onBlur <| Hover Nothing ] ++ Build.Styles.abortButton abortHovered ) [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 40 , image = Assets.AbortCircleIcon |> Assets.CircleOutlineIcon } [] ] else Html.text "" buildTitle = case build.job of Just jobId -> let jobRoute = Routes.Job { id = jobId, page = Nothing } in Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString jobRoute ] [ Html.span [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text jobId.jobName ] , Html.text (" #" ++ build.name) ] _ -> Html.text ("build #" ++ String.fromInt build.id) in Html.div [ class "fixed-header" ] [ Html.div ([ id "build-header" , class "build-header" ] ++ Build.Styles.header build.status ) [ Html.div [] [ Html.h1 [] [ buildTitle ] , case model.now of Just n -> BuildDuration.view session.timeZone build.duration n Nothing -> Html.text "" ] , Html.div [ style "display" "flex" ] [ abortButton, triggerButton ] ] , Html.div [ onWheel ScrollBuilds ] [ lazyViewHistory build model.history ] ] tombstone : Time.Zone -> CurrentBuild -> List (Html Message) tombstone timeZone currentBuild = let build = currentBuild.build maybeBirthDate = Maybe.Extra.or build.duration.startedAt build.duration.finishedAt in case ( maybeBirthDate, build.reapTime ) of ( Just birthDate, Just reapTime ) -> [ Html.div [ class "tombstone" ] [ Html.div [ class "heading" ] [ Html.text "RIP" ] , Html.div [ class "job-name" ] [ Html.text <| Maybe.withDefault "one-off build" <| Maybe.map .jobName build.job ] , Html.div [ class "build-name" ] [ Html.text <| "build #" ++ (case build.job of Nothing -> String.fromInt build.id Just _ -> build.name ) ] , Html.div [ class "date" ] [ Html.text <| mmDDYY timeZone birthDate ++ "-" ++ mmDDYY timeZone reapTime ] , Html.div [ class "epitaph" ] [ Html.text <| case build.status of Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusSucceeded -> "It passed, and now it has passed on." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusFailed -> "It failed, and now has been forgotten." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusErrored -> "It errored, but has found forgiveness." Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusAborted -> "It was never given a chance." _ -> "I'm not dead yet." ] ] , Html.div [ class "explanation" ] [ Html.text "This log has been " , Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "https://concourse-ci.org/jobs.html#job-build-log-retention" ] [ Html.text "reaped." ] ] ] _ -> [] keyboardHelp : Bool -> Html Message keyboardHelp showHelp = Html.div [ classList [ ( "keyboard-help", True ) , ( "hidden", not showHelp ) ] ] [ Html.div [ class "help-title" ] [ Html.text "keyboard shortcuts" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "h" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "l" ] ] , Html.text "previous/next build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "j" ] , Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "k" ] ] , Html.text "scroll down/up" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "T" ] ] , Html.text "trigger a new build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "A" ] ] , Html.text "abort build" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "gg" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the top" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "G" ] ] , Html.text "scroll to the bottom" ] , Html.div [ class "help-line" ] [ Html.div [ class "keys" ] [ Html.span [ class "key" ] [ Html.text "?" ] ] , Html.text "hide/show help" ] ] viewBuildOutput : Session -> CurrentOutput -> Html Message viewBuildOutput session output = case output of Output o -> Build.Output.Output.view { timeZone = session.timeZone, hovered = session.hovered } o Cancelled -> Html.div Build.Styles.errorLog [ Html.text "build cancelled" ] Empty -> Html.div [] [] viewBuildPrep : Maybe Concourse.BuildPrep -> Html Message viewBuildPrep buildPrep = case buildPrep of Just prep -> Html.div [ class "build-step" ] [ Html.div [ class "header" , style "display" "flex" , style "align-items" "center" ] [ Icon.icon { sizePx = 15, image = Assets.CogsIcon } [ style "margin" "6.5px" , style "margin-right" "0.5px" , style "background-size" "contain" ] , Html.h3 [] [ Html.text "preparing build" ] ] , Html.div [] [ Html.ul [ class "prep-status-list" ] ([ viewBuildPrepLi "checking pipeline is not paused" prep.pausedPipeline Dict.empty , viewBuildPrepLi "checking job is not paused" prep.pausedJob Dict.empty ] ++ viewBuildPrepInputs prep.inputs ++ [ viewBuildPrepLi "waiting for a suitable set of input versions" prep.inputsSatisfied prep.missingInputReasons , viewBuildPrepLi "checking max-in-flight is not reached" prep.maxRunningBuilds Dict.empty ] ) ] ] Nothing -> Html.div [] [] lazyViewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message lazyViewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.Lazy.lazy2 viewHistory currentBuild builds viewHistory : Concourse.Build -> List Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistory currentBuild builds = Html.ul [ id historyId ] (List.map (viewHistoryItem currentBuild) builds) viewHistoryItem : Concourse.Build -> Concourse.Build -> Html Message viewHistoryItem currentBuild build = Html.li ([ classList [ ( "current", build.id == currentBuild.id ) ] , id <| String.fromInt build.id ] ++ Build.Styles.historyItem currentBuild.status (build.id == currentBuild.id) build.status ) [ Html.a [ onLeftClick <| Click <| BuildTab build.id build.name , href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text build.name ] ] mmDDYY : Time.Zone -> Time.Posix -> String mmDDYY = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "/" , DateFormat.yearNumberLastTwo ] viewBuildPrepLi : String -> Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepLi text status details = Html.li [ classList [ ( "prep-status", True ) , ( "inactive", status == Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown ) ] ] [ Html.div [ style "align-items" "center" , style "display" "flex" ] [ viewBuildPrepStatus status , Html.span [] [ Html.text text ] ] , viewBuildPrepDetails details ] viewBuildPrepInputs : Dict String Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> List (Html Message) viewBuildPrepInputs inputs = List.map viewBuildPrepInput (Dict.toList inputs) viewBuildPrepInput : ( String, Concourse.BuildPrepStatus ) -> Html Message viewBuildPrepInput ( name, status ) = viewBuildPrepLi ("discovering any new versions of " ++ name) status Dict.empty viewBuildPrepDetails : Dict String String -> Html Message viewBuildPrepDetails details = Html.ul [ class "details" ] (List.map viewDetailItem (Dict.toList details)) viewBuildPrepStatus : Concourse.BuildPrepStatus -> Html Message viewBuildPrepStatus status = case status of Concourse.BuildPrepStatusUnknown -> Html.div [ title "thinking..." ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusBlocking -> Html.div [ title "blocking" ] [ Spinner.spinner { sizePx = 12 , margin = "0 5px 0 0" } ] Concourse.BuildPrepStatusNotBlocking -> Icon.icon { sizePx = 12 , image = Assets.NotBlockingCheckIcon } [ style "margin-right" "5px" , style "background-size" "contain" , title "not blocking" ] viewDetailItem : ( String, String ) -> Html Message viewDetailItem ( name, status ) = Html.li [] [ Html.text (name ++ " - " ++ status) ] sampleSession : Session sampleSession = { authToken = "" , csrfToken = "" , expandedTeamsInAllPipelines = Set.empty , collapsedTeamsInFavorites = Set.empty , favoritedPipelines = Set.empty , favoritedInstanceGroups = Set.empty , hovered = HoverState.NoHover , sideBarState = { isOpen = False , width = 275 } , draggingSideBar = False , notFoundImgSrc = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" , pipelines = RemoteData.NotAsked , screenSize = ScreenSize.Desktop , timeZone = Time.utc , turbulenceImgSrc = "" , userState = UserState.UserStateLoggedOut , clusterName = "" , version = "" , featureFlags = Concourse.defaultFeatureFlags , route = Routes.OneOffBuild { id = 1 , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing } } sampleOldModel : Model sampleOldModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , now = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , currentBuild = RemoteData.Success { build = { id = 0 , name = "0" , teamName = "team" , job = Nothing , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , duration = { startedAt = Nothing , finishedAt = Nothing } , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = "" } , prep = Nothing , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } } , autoScroll = True , previousKeyPress = Nothing , shiftDown = False , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , hoveredCounter = 0 , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = True , authorized = True , isUserMenuExpanded = False } sampleModel : Build.Models.Model sampleModel = { page = OneOffBuildPage 0 , id = 0 , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , now = Nothing , job = Nothing , disableManualTrigger = False , history = [] , nextPage = Nothing , prep = Nothing , duration = { startedAt = Nothing, finishedAt = Nothing } , status = Concourse.BuildStatus.BuildStatusStarted , output = Output { steps = stepsModel , state = Build.Output.Models.StepsLiveUpdating , eventSourceOpened = True , eventStreamUrlPath = Nothing , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , buildId = Nothing } , autoScroll = True , isScrollToIdInProgress = False , previousKeyPress = Nothing , isTriggerBuildKeyDown = False , showHelp = False , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , authorized = True , fetchingHistory = False , scrolledToCurrentBuild = False , shiftDown = False , isUserMenuExpanded = False , hasLoadedYet = True , notFound = False , reapTime = Nothing , createdBy = Nothing , comment = Hidden "" } ansiLogStyle : Ansi.Log.Style ansiLogStyle = { foreground = Nothing , background = Nothing , bold = False , faint = False , italic = False , underline = False , blink = False , inverted = False , fraktur = False , framed = False } position : Ansi.Log.CursorPosition position = { row = 0 , column = 0 } log : Ansi.Log.Model log = { lineDiscipline = Ansi.Log.Cooked , lines = Array.empty , position = position , savedPosition = Nothing , style = ansiLogStyle , remainder = "" } tree : STModels.StepTree tree = STModels.Task "stepid" steps : Dict Routes.StepID STModels.Step steps = Dict.singleton "stepid" { id = "stepid" , buildStep = Concourse.BuildStepTask "task_step" , state = STModels.StepStateRunning , log = log , error = Nothing , expanded = True , version = Nothing , metadata = [] , changed = False , timestamps = Dict.empty , initialize = Nothing , start = Nothing , finish = Nothing , tabFocus = STModels.Auto , expandedHeaders = Dict.empty , initializationExpanded = False , imageCheck = Nothing , imageGet = Nothing } stepsModel : Maybe STModels.StepTreeModel stepsModel = Just { tree = tree , steps = steps , highlight = Routes.HighlightNothing , resources = { inputs = [], outputs = [] } , buildId = Nothing } sampleJob : String -> List String -> Concourse.Job sampleJob name passed = { name = name , pipelineId = 1 , pipelineName = "pipeline" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "team" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [ { name = "input" , resource = "resource" , passed = passed , trigger = True } ] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } sampleJobs : List Concourse.Job sampleJobs = [ sampleJob "job1" [] , sampleJob "job2a" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job2b" [ "job1" ] , sampleJob "job3" [ "job2a" ] , sampleJob "job4" [ "job3" ] ] dashboardPreviewView : List Concourse.Job -> Html msg dashboardPreviewView jobs = let groups = jobGroups jobs width = Dict.size groups height = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum (List.map List.length (Dict.values groups)) in Html.div [ classList [ ( "pipeline-grid", True ) , ( "pipeline-grid-wide", width > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-tall", height > 12 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-wide", width > 24 ) , ( "pipeline-grid-super-tall", height > 24 ) ] ] <| List.map (\js -> List.map viewJob js |> Html.div [ class "parallel-grid" ] ) (Dict.values groups) viewJob : Concourse.Job -> Html msg viewJob job = let jobStatus = case job.finishedBuild of Just fb -> Concourse.BuildStatus.show fb.status Nothing -> "no-builds" isJobRunning = job.nextBuild /= Nothing latestBuild = if job.nextBuild == Nothing then job.finishedBuild else job.nextBuild in Html.div [ classList [ ( "node " ++ jobStatus, True ) , ( "running", isJobRunning ) , ( "paused", job.paused ) ] , attribute "data-tooltip" job.name ] <| case latestBuild of Nothing -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.jobRoute job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] Just build -> [ Html.a [ href <| Routes.toString <| Routes.buildRoute build.id build.name build.job ] [ Html.text "" ] ] jobGroups : List Concourse.Job -> Dict Int (List Concourse.Job) jobGroups jobs = let jobLookup = jobByName <| List.foldl (\job byName -> Dict.insert job.name job byName) Dict.empty jobs in Dict.foldl (\jobName depth byDepth -> Dict.update depth (\jobsA -> Just (jobLookup jobName :: Maybe.withDefault [] jobsA) ) byDepth ) Dict.empty (jobDepths jobs Dict.empty) jobByName : Dict String Concourse.Job -> String -> Concourse.Job jobByName jobs job = case Dict.get job jobs of Just a -> a Nothing -> { name = "" , pipelineId = 0 , pipelineName = "" , pipelineInstanceVars = Dict.empty , teamName = "" , nextBuild = Nothing , finishedBuild = Nothing , transitionBuild = Nothing , paused = False , disableManualTrigger = False , inputs = [] , outputs = [] , groups = [] } jobDepths : List Concourse.Job -> Dict String Int -> Dict String Int jobDepths jobs dict = case jobs of [] -> dict job :: otherJobs -> let passedJobs = List.concatMap .passed job.inputs in case List.length passedJobs of 0 -> jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name 0 dict _ -> let passedJobDepths = List.map (\passedJob -> Dict.get passedJob dict) passedJobs in if List.member Nothing passedJobDepths then jobDepths (List.append otherJobs [ job ]) dict else let depths = List.map (\depth -> Maybe.withDefault 0 depth) passedJobDepths maxPassedJobDepth = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| List.maximum depths in jobDepths otherJobs <| Dict.insert job.name (maxPassedJobDepth + 1) dict
[ { "context": "created.\n\n init\n 10\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 1789, "score": 0.9965245724, "start": 1785, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 1854, "score": 0.9995518327, "start": 1849, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": " dropped.\n\n init\n 2\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 2129, "score": 0.9994157553, "start": 2125, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n , {", "end": 2194, "score": 0.9995453954, "start": 2189, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": " , points = 900\n }\n , { name = \"Jeremy\"\n , points = 800\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 2259, "score": 0.9996340275, "start": 2253, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeremy" }, { "context": " --> 2\n\n init\n 2\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 2405, "score": 0.9995566607, "start": 2401, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n , {", "end": 2470, "score": 0.9995512962, "start": 2465, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": " , points = 900\n }\n , { name = \"Jeremy\"\n , points = 800\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 2535, "score": 0.9996703267, "start": 2529, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeremy" }, { "context": " ]\n |> lowest\n |> name\n --> \"Steve\"\n\n-}\ninit : Max -> List { name : String, points :", "end": 2636, "score": 0.9995753765, "start": 2631, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "ule this is taken care of\nfor you.\n\n register \"Paul\"\n |> name\n --> \"Paul\"\n\n register", "end": 3987, "score": 0.9994122386, "start": 3983, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "\n register \"Paul\"\n |> name\n --> \"Paul\"\n\n register \"Paul\"\n |> points\n -", "end": 4022, "score": 0.9996564388, "start": 4018, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " |> name\n --> \"Paul\"\n\n register \"Paul\"\n |> points\n --> 0\n\n-}\nregister : S", "end": 4043, "score": 0.9996355772, "start": 4039, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "ule this is taken care of\nfor you.\n\n register \"Paul\"\n |> incrementScore 10\n |> incremen", "end": 4367, "score": 0.999632597, "start": 4363, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "ule this is taken care of\nfor you.\n\n register \"Paul\"\n |> incrementScore 10\n |> decremen", "end": 4831, "score": 0.9996106625, "start": 4827, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "st score.\n\n init\n 2\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 5876, "score": 0.9994157553, "start": 5872, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 5941, "score": 0.998801887, "start": 5936, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "(#Score).\n\n init\n 2\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 6239, "score": 0.9990084171, "start": 6235, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 6304, "score": 0.9983931184, "start": 6299, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "database.\n\n init\n 3\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 8627, "score": 0.9991402626, "start": 8623, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 8692, "score": 0.9990785122, "start": 8687, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "\n |> prepareForSave\n --> [ {name = \"Paul\", points = 1000}, {name = \"Steve\", points = 900},", "end": 8794, "score": 0.9994046688, "start": 8790, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " --> [ {name = \"Paul\", points = 1000}, {name = \"Steve\", points = 900}, {name = \"---\", points = 0}]\n\n-}\n", "end": 8827, "score": 0.9994678497, "start": 8822, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "a `view`.\n\n init\n 3\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 9185, "score": 0.9992021918, "start": 9181, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 9250, "score": 0.9990916848, "start": 9245, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "(#Score).\n\n init\n 3\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 9799, "score": 0.9987932444, "start": 9795, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 9864, "score": 0.9991629124, "start": 9859, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "]\n |> highest\n |> name\n --> \"Paul\"\n\n-}\nname : Score -> String\nname (Score score) =\n", "end": 9965, "score": 0.9991266727, "start": 9961, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "(#Score).\n\n init\n 3\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 10126, "score": 0.9989617467, "start": 10122, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 10191, "score": 0.9991098642, "start": 10186, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" }, { "context": "#Score)s.\n\n init\n 3\n [ { name = \"Paul\"\n , points = 1000\n }\n , ", "end": 10448, "score": 0.9990347624, "start": 10444, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " , points = 1000\n }\n , { name = \"Steve\"\n , points = 900\n }\n ]\n ", "end": 10513, "score": 0.9986655116, "start": 10508, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Steve" } ]
module Shared.Scores exposing ( Scores, Score , Max, init , register , incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list , gameOver , prepareForSave , highestToString , name, points, total , updateName ) {-| A module for managing game [Score](#Score)s and highscores. This module is used by the [Players](Shared.Players) module to manage players scores, so if you're using that module, you probably won't need many of the functions in this module. @docs Scores, Score # CREATING @docs Max, init # REGISTERING @docs register # SCORING @docs incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list # GAME OVER @docs gameOver # SAVING @docs prepareForSave # CONVERTING @docs highestToString # QUERYING @docs name, points, total # UPDATING @docs updateName -} {-| A type representing a list of [Scores](#Scores). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Scores = Scores { currentHighest : Score , list : List Score , total : Int } {-| A type representing a [Player](Shared.Players#Player)'s [Score](#Score). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Score = Score { points : Int , name : String } -- CREATING {-| A type alias representing the maximum number of [Score](#Score)s to keep track of. -} type alias Max = Int {-| Initialize a list of [Scores](#Scores). **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. If you want to record a total of 10 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains only 2, then an additional 8 zero [Score](#score)s will be created. init 10 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 10 If you want to record a total of 2 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains 3, then the lowest [Score](#Score) will be dropped. init 2 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } , { name = "Jeremy" , points = 800 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 2 init 2 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } , { name = "Jeremy" , points = 800 } ] |> lowest |> name --> "Steve" -} init : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> Scores init max list_ = let newList = list_ |> initScores max in Scores { currentHighest = newList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore , list = newList , total = max } initScores : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> List Score initScores max scores_ = let list_ = scores_ |> List.map Score extras = max - (list_ |> List.length) in case extras < 0 of True -> list_ |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take max False -> list_ |> List.append (initScore |> List.repeat extras ) |> List.sortWith highToLow initScore : Score initScore = Score { name = "---" , points = 0 } -- REGISTERING {-| Register a new player. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "Paul" |> name --> "Paul" register "Paul" |> points --> 0 -} register : String -> Score register name_ = initScore |> updateName name_ -- SCORING {-| Increase a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "Paul" |> incrementScore 10 |> incrementScore 5 |> points --> 15 -} incrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score incrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints (score |> points |> (+) points_ ) {-| Decrease a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "Paul" |> incrementScore 10 |> decrementScore 3 |> points --> 7 -} decrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score decrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints ((score |> points) - points_) {-| A players score has changed, so check to see if it replaces the current `highest`. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. This does not affect the whole list, only the `highest` [Score](#Score). This is really intended for in-game use where you just want to compare the current score to the highest, and display accordingly. The whole list will be updated when [gameOver](#gameOver) is called. -} scoreChange : Score -> Scores -> Scores scoreChange score scores = case (score |> points) > (scores |> currentHighest |> points) of True -> scores |> updateHighest score False -> scores {-| Get the highest score. init 2 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} highest : Scores -> Score highest scores = scores |> list |> first highToLow {-| Get the lowest [Score](#Score). init 2 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> lowest |> points --> 900 -} lowest : Scores -> Score lowest scores = scores |> list |> first lowToHigh -- SORTING first : (Score -> Score -> Order) -> List Score -> Score first sorter list_ = list_ |> List.sortWith sorter |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore highToLow : Score -> Score -> Order highToLow a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> LT EQ -> EQ LT -> GT lowToHigh : Score -> Score -> Order lowToHigh a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> GT EQ -> EQ LT -> LT -- GAME OVER {-| A player has finished their game so let's see if they make the highscores list. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. -} gameOver : Score -> Scores -> Scores gameOver score scores = case scores |> list |> qualifies score of True -> let newList = scores |> list |> List.append [ score ] |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take (scores |> total ) in scores |> updateList newList |> updateHighest (newList |> first highToLow ) False -> scores qualifies : Score -> List Score -> Bool qualifies potential list_ = let filteredList = list_ |> List.filter (\score -> (score |> points) > (potential |> points) ) in (filteredList |> List.length) /= (list_ |> List.length) -- SAVING {-| Prepare the list of [Scores](#Scores) for saving, either to `localStorage` or a back end database. init 3 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> prepareForSave --> [ {name = "Paul", points = 1000}, {name = "Steve", points = 900}, {name = "---", points = 0}] -} prepareForSave : Scores -> List { name : String, points : Int } prepareForSave scores = scores |> list |> List.map (\(Score score) -> score) -- CONVERTING {-| Convert the highest score to a `String` for displaying in a `view`. init 3 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> highestToString --> "1000" -} highestToString : Scores -> String highestToString scores = scores |> currentHighest |> points |> String.fromInt -- QUERYING currentHighest : Scores -> Score currentHighest (Scores scores) = scores.currentHighest {-| The list of [Score](#Score)s. -} list : Scores -> List Score list (Scores scores) = scores.list {-| The name associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> name --> "Paul" -} name : Score -> String name (Score score) = score.name {-| The points associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} points : Score -> Int points (Score score) = score.points {-| The total number of [Score](#Score)s. init 3 [ { name = "Paul" , points = 1000 } , { name = "Steve" , points = 900 } ] |> total --> 3 -} total : Scores -> Int total (Scores scores) = scores.total -- UPDATING updateHighest : Score -> Scores -> Scores updateHighest score (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | currentHighest = score } updateList : List Score -> Scores -> Scores updateList list_ (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | list = list_ } {-| Update the name associated with a [Score](#Score). -} updateName : String -> Score -> Score updateName name_ (Score score) = Score { score | name = name_ } updatePoints : Int -> Score -> Score updatePoints points_ (Score score) = Score { score | points = points_ }
module Shared.Scores exposing ( Scores, Score , Max, init , register , incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list , gameOver , prepareForSave , highestToString , name, points, total , updateName ) {-| A module for managing game [Score](#Score)s and highscores. This module is used by the [Players](Shared.Players) module to manage players scores, so if you're using that module, you probably won't need many of the functions in this module. @docs Scores, Score # CREATING @docs Max, init # REGISTERING @docs register # SCORING @docs incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list # GAME OVER @docs gameOver # SAVING @docs prepareForSave # CONVERTING @docs highestToString # QUERYING @docs name, points, total # UPDATING @docs updateName -} {-| A type representing a list of [Scores](#Scores). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Scores = Scores { currentHighest : Score , list : List Score , total : Int } {-| A type representing a [Player](Shared.Players#Player)'s [Score](#Score). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Score = Score { points : Int , name : String } -- CREATING {-| A type alias representing the maximum number of [Score](#Score)s to keep track of. -} type alias Max = Int {-| Initialize a list of [Scores](#Scores). **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. If you want to record a total of 10 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains only 2, then an additional 8 zero [Score](#score)s will be created. init 10 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 10 If you want to record a total of 2 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains 3, then the lowest [Score](#Score) will be dropped. init 2 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 800 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 2 init 2 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 800 } ] |> lowest |> name --> "<NAME>" -} init : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> Scores init max list_ = let newList = list_ |> initScores max in Scores { currentHighest = newList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore , list = newList , total = max } initScores : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> List Score initScores max scores_ = let list_ = scores_ |> List.map Score extras = max - (list_ |> List.length) in case extras < 0 of True -> list_ |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take max False -> list_ |> List.append (initScore |> List.repeat extras ) |> List.sortWith highToLow initScore : Score initScore = Score { name = "---" , points = 0 } -- REGISTERING {-| Register a new player. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "<NAME>" |> name --> "<NAME>" register "<NAME>" |> points --> 0 -} register : String -> Score register name_ = initScore |> updateName name_ -- SCORING {-| Increase a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "<NAME>" |> incrementScore 10 |> incrementScore 5 |> points --> 15 -} incrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score incrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints (score |> points |> (+) points_ ) {-| Decrease a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "<NAME>" |> incrementScore 10 |> decrementScore 3 |> points --> 7 -} decrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score decrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints ((score |> points) - points_) {-| A players score has changed, so check to see if it replaces the current `highest`. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. This does not affect the whole list, only the `highest` [Score](#Score). This is really intended for in-game use where you just want to compare the current score to the highest, and display accordingly. The whole list will be updated when [gameOver](#gameOver) is called. -} scoreChange : Score -> Scores -> Scores scoreChange score scores = case (score |> points) > (scores |> currentHighest |> points) of True -> scores |> updateHighest score False -> scores {-| Get the highest score. init 2 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} highest : Scores -> Score highest scores = scores |> list |> first highToLow {-| Get the lowest [Score](#Score). init 2 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> lowest |> points --> 900 -} lowest : Scores -> Score lowest scores = scores |> list |> first lowToHigh -- SORTING first : (Score -> Score -> Order) -> List Score -> Score first sorter list_ = list_ |> List.sortWith sorter |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore highToLow : Score -> Score -> Order highToLow a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> LT EQ -> EQ LT -> GT lowToHigh : Score -> Score -> Order lowToHigh a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> GT EQ -> EQ LT -> LT -- GAME OVER {-| A player has finished their game so let's see if they make the highscores list. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. -} gameOver : Score -> Scores -> Scores gameOver score scores = case scores |> list |> qualifies score of True -> let newList = scores |> list |> List.append [ score ] |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take (scores |> total ) in scores |> updateList newList |> updateHighest (newList |> first highToLow ) False -> scores qualifies : Score -> List Score -> Bool qualifies potential list_ = let filteredList = list_ |> List.filter (\score -> (score |> points) > (potential |> points) ) in (filteredList |> List.length) /= (list_ |> List.length) -- SAVING {-| Prepare the list of [Scores](#Scores) for saving, either to `localStorage` or a back end database. init 3 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> prepareForSave --> [ {name = "<NAME>", points = 1000}, {name = "<NAME>", points = 900}, {name = "---", points = 0}] -} prepareForSave : Scores -> List { name : String, points : Int } prepareForSave scores = scores |> list |> List.map (\(Score score) -> score) -- CONVERTING {-| Convert the highest score to a `String` for displaying in a `view`. init 3 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> highestToString --> "1000" -} highestToString : Scores -> String highestToString scores = scores |> currentHighest |> points |> String.fromInt -- QUERYING currentHighest : Scores -> Score currentHighest (Scores scores) = scores.currentHighest {-| The list of [Score](#Score)s. -} list : Scores -> List Score list (Scores scores) = scores.list {-| The name associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> name --> "<NAME>" -} name : Score -> String name (Score score) = score.name {-| The points associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} points : Score -> Int points (Score score) = score.points {-| The total number of [Score](#Score)s. init 3 [ { name = "<NAME>" , points = 1000 } , { name = "<NAME>" , points = 900 } ] |> total --> 3 -} total : Scores -> Int total (Scores scores) = scores.total -- UPDATING updateHighest : Score -> Scores -> Scores updateHighest score (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | currentHighest = score } updateList : List Score -> Scores -> Scores updateList list_ (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | list = list_ } {-| Update the name associated with a [Score](#Score). -} updateName : String -> Score -> Score updateName name_ (Score score) = Score { score | name = name_ } updatePoints : Int -> Score -> Score updatePoints points_ (Score score) = Score { score | points = points_ }
module Shared.Scores exposing ( Scores, Score , Max, init , register , incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list , gameOver , prepareForSave , highestToString , name, points, total , updateName ) {-| A module for managing game [Score](#Score)s and highscores. This module is used by the [Players](Shared.Players) module to manage players scores, so if you're using that module, you probably won't need many of the functions in this module. @docs Scores, Score # CREATING @docs Max, init # REGISTERING @docs register # SCORING @docs incrementScore, decrementScore, scoreChange, highest, lowest, list # GAME OVER @docs gameOver # SAVING @docs prepareForSave # CONVERTING @docs highestToString # QUERYING @docs name, points, total # UPDATING @docs updateName -} {-| A type representing a list of [Scores](#Scores). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Scores = Scores { currentHighest : Score , list : List Score , total : Int } {-| A type representing a [Player](Shared.Players#Player)'s [Score](#Score). This is an opaque type, use the exposed API to interact with it. -} type Score = Score { points : Int , name : String } -- CREATING {-| A type alias representing the maximum number of [Score](#Score)s to keep track of. -} type alias Max = Int {-| Initialize a list of [Scores](#Scores). **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. If you want to record a total of 10 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains only 2, then an additional 8 zero [Score](#score)s will be created. init 10 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 10 If you want to record a total of 2 [Score](#Score)s, but the list contains 3, then the lowest [Score](#Score) will be dropped. init 2 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 800 } ] |> list |> List.length --> 2 init 2 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 800 } ] |> lowest |> name --> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" -} init : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> Scores init max list_ = let newList = list_ |> initScores max in Scores { currentHighest = newList |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore , list = newList , total = max } initScores : Max -> List { name : String, points : Int } -> List Score initScores max scores_ = let list_ = scores_ |> List.map Score extras = max - (list_ |> List.length) in case extras < 0 of True -> list_ |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take max False -> list_ |> List.append (initScore |> List.repeat extras ) |> List.sortWith highToLow initScore : Score initScore = Score { name = "---" , points = 0 } -- REGISTERING {-| Register a new player. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> name --> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> points --> 0 -} register : String -> Score register name_ = initScore |> updateName name_ -- SCORING {-| Increase a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> incrementScore 10 |> incrementScore 5 |> points --> 15 -} incrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score incrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints (score |> points |> (+) points_ ) {-| Decrease a [Score](#Score) by the specified amount. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. register "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> incrementScore 10 |> decrementScore 3 |> points --> 7 -} decrementScore : Int -> Score -> Score decrementScore points_ score = score |> updatePoints ((score |> points) - points_) {-| A players score has changed, so check to see if it replaces the current `highest`. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. This does not affect the whole list, only the `highest` [Score](#Score). This is really intended for in-game use where you just want to compare the current score to the highest, and display accordingly. The whole list will be updated when [gameOver](#gameOver) is called. -} scoreChange : Score -> Scores -> Scores scoreChange score scores = case (score |> points) > (scores |> currentHighest |> points) of True -> scores |> updateHighest score False -> scores {-| Get the highest score. init 2 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} highest : Scores -> Score highest scores = scores |> list |> first highToLow {-| Get the lowest [Score](#Score). init 2 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> lowest |> points --> 900 -} lowest : Scores -> Score lowest scores = scores |> list |> first lowToHigh -- SORTING first : (Score -> Score -> Order) -> List Score -> Score first sorter list_ = list_ |> List.sortWith sorter |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault initScore highToLow : Score -> Score -> Order highToLow a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> LT EQ -> EQ LT -> GT lowToHigh : Score -> Score -> Order lowToHigh a b = case compare (a |> points) (b |> points) of GT -> GT EQ -> EQ LT -> LT -- GAME OVER {-| A player has finished their game so let's see if they make the highscores list. **Note**, if you are using the [Players](Players#Players) module this is taken care of for you. -} gameOver : Score -> Scores -> Scores gameOver score scores = case scores |> list |> qualifies score of True -> let newList = scores |> list |> List.append [ score ] |> List.sortWith highToLow |> List.take (scores |> total ) in scores |> updateList newList |> updateHighest (newList |> first highToLow ) False -> scores qualifies : Score -> List Score -> Bool qualifies potential list_ = let filteredList = list_ |> List.filter (\score -> (score |> points) > (potential |> points) ) in (filteredList |> List.length) /= (list_ |> List.length) -- SAVING {-| Prepare the list of [Scores](#Scores) for saving, either to `localStorage` or a back end database. init 3 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> prepareForSave --> [ {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", points = 1000}, {name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", points = 900}, {name = "---", points = 0}] -} prepareForSave : Scores -> List { name : String, points : Int } prepareForSave scores = scores |> list |> List.map (\(Score score) -> score) -- CONVERTING {-| Convert the highest score to a `String` for displaying in a `view`. init 3 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> highestToString --> "1000" -} highestToString : Scores -> String highestToString scores = scores |> currentHighest |> points |> String.fromInt -- QUERYING currentHighest : Scores -> Score currentHighest (Scores scores) = scores.currentHighest {-| The list of [Score](#Score)s. -} list : Scores -> List Score list (Scores scores) = scores.list {-| The name associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> name --> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" -} name : Score -> String name (Score score) = score.name {-| The points associated with a [Score](#Score). init 3 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> highest |> points --> 1000 -} points : Score -> Int points (Score score) = score.points {-| The total number of [Score](#Score)s. init 3 [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 1000 } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , points = 900 } ] |> total --> 3 -} total : Scores -> Int total (Scores scores) = scores.total -- UPDATING updateHighest : Score -> Scores -> Scores updateHighest score (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | currentHighest = score } updateList : List Score -> Scores -> Scores updateList list_ (Scores scores) = Scores { scores | list = list_ } {-| Update the name associated with a [Score](#Score). -} updateName : String -> Score -> Score updateName name_ (Score score) = Score { score | name = name_ } updatePoints : Int -> Score -> Score updatePoints points_ (Score score) = Score { score | points = points_ }
[ { "context": "\n [ LineChart.line Color.orange Dots.triangle \"Chuck\" chuck\n , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.cir", "end": 2136, "score": 0.9987140298, "start": 2131, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chuck" }, { "context": "ck\n , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.circle \"Bobby\" bobby\n , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.dia", "end": 2196, "score": 0.9995911121, "start": 2191, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bobby" }, { "context": " , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.circle \"Bobby\" bobby\n , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond \"A", "end": 2203, "score": 0.8584318161, "start": 2198, "tag": "NAME", "value": "bobby" }, { "context": "y\n , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond \"Alice\" alice\n ]\n\n\ncustomLineConfig : Maybe Info -> L", "end": 2257, "score": 0.9997670054, "start": 2252, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": ", LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond \"Alice\" alice\n ]\n\n\ncustomLineConfig : Maybe Info -> Line.Con", "end": 2264, "score": 0.9674978852, "start": 2259, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" } ]
module Events1 exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, node, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Svg exposing (Attribute, Svg, g, text_, tspan) import LineChart as LineChart import Chart.Junk as Junk exposing (..) import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Element as Element import Color import Color.Manipulate main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL type alias Model = { hovering : Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info) } init : Model init = { hovering = Nothing } -- UPDATE type Msg = Hover (Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info)) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Hover hovering -> { model | hovering = hovering } -- VIEW view : Model -> Svg Msg view model = Html.div [ class "container" ] [ chart model ] chart : Model -> Html.Html Msg chart model = LineChart.viewCustom { y = Axis.default "Weight" Unit.kilograms (Just << .weight) , x = Axis.default "Age" Unit.none .age , container = Container.styled "line-chart-1" 700 450 [ ( "font-family", "monospace" ) ] , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.hoverDot Hover , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = -- Line.default Line.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customLineConfig model.hovering , dots = -- Dots.default Dots.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customDotsConfig model.hovering } [ LineChart.line Color.orange Dots.triangle "Chuck" chuck , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.circle "Bobby" bobby , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond "Alice" alice ] customLineConfig : Maybe Info -> Line.Config Info customLineConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Line.style 1 identity styleHovered = Line.style 2 identity styleNotHovered = Line.style 1 (Color.Manipulate.lighten 0.3) lineConfig data = -- `data` being all the data for a line case maybeHovered of Just hovered -> if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data -- This line is hovered then styleHovered -- Some line is hovered, but not this one else styleNotHovered Nothing -> -- No line is hovered styleDefault in Line.custom lineConfig customDotsConfig : Maybe Info -> Dots.Config Info customDotsConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Dots.empty 5 2 styleHover = Dots.full 8 styleLegend data = -- `data` being all the data for a line if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data then styleHover else styleDefault styleIndividual datum = -- `datum` being a single data point on a line if dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum then styleHover else styleDefault in Dots.customAny { legend = styleLegend , individual = styleIndividual } -- HELPERS dotIsHovered : Maybe Info -> Info -> Bool dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum = Just datum == maybeHovered -- DATA type alias Info = { age : Float , weight : Float , height : Float , income : Float } alice : List Info alice = [ Info 10 34 1.34 0 , Info 16 42 1.62 3000 , Info 25 75 1.73 25000 , Info 43 83 1.75 40000 ] bobby : List Info bobby = [ Info 10 38 1.32 0 , Info 17 69 1.75 2000 , Info 25 75 1.87 32000 , Info 43 77 1.87 52000 ] chuck : List Info chuck = [ Info 10 42 1.35 0 , Info 15 72 1.72 1800 , Info 25 89 1.83 85000 , Info 43 95 1.84 120000 ]
module Events1 exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, node, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Svg exposing (Attribute, Svg, g, text_, tspan) import LineChart as LineChart import Chart.Junk as Junk exposing (..) import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Element as Element import Color import Color.Manipulate main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL type alias Model = { hovering : Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info) } init : Model init = { hovering = Nothing } -- UPDATE type Msg = Hover (Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info)) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Hover hovering -> { model | hovering = hovering } -- VIEW view : Model -> Svg Msg view model = Html.div [ class "container" ] [ chart model ] chart : Model -> Html.Html Msg chart model = LineChart.viewCustom { y = Axis.default "Weight" Unit.kilograms (Just << .weight) , x = Axis.default "Age" Unit.none .age , container = Container.styled "line-chart-1" 700 450 [ ( "font-family", "monospace" ) ] , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.hoverDot Hover , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = -- Line.default Line.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customLineConfig model.hovering , dots = -- Dots.default Dots.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customDotsConfig model.hovering } [ LineChart.line Color.orange Dots.triangle "<NAME>" chuck , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.circle "<NAME>" <NAME> , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond "<NAME>" <NAME> ] customLineConfig : Maybe Info -> Line.Config Info customLineConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Line.style 1 identity styleHovered = Line.style 2 identity styleNotHovered = Line.style 1 (Color.Manipulate.lighten 0.3) lineConfig data = -- `data` being all the data for a line case maybeHovered of Just hovered -> if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data -- This line is hovered then styleHovered -- Some line is hovered, but not this one else styleNotHovered Nothing -> -- No line is hovered styleDefault in Line.custom lineConfig customDotsConfig : Maybe Info -> Dots.Config Info customDotsConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Dots.empty 5 2 styleHover = Dots.full 8 styleLegend data = -- `data` being all the data for a line if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data then styleHover else styleDefault styleIndividual datum = -- `datum` being a single data point on a line if dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum then styleHover else styleDefault in Dots.customAny { legend = styleLegend , individual = styleIndividual } -- HELPERS dotIsHovered : Maybe Info -> Info -> Bool dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum = Just datum == maybeHovered -- DATA type alias Info = { age : Float , weight : Float , height : Float , income : Float } alice : List Info alice = [ Info 10 34 1.34 0 , Info 16 42 1.62 3000 , Info 25 75 1.73 25000 , Info 43 83 1.75 40000 ] bobby : List Info bobby = [ Info 10 38 1.32 0 , Info 17 69 1.75 2000 , Info 25 75 1.87 32000 , Info 43 77 1.87 52000 ] chuck : List Info chuck = [ Info 10 42 1.35 0 , Info 15 72 1.72 1800 , Info 25 89 1.83 85000 , Info 43 95 1.84 120000 ]
module Events1 exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, div, h1, node, p, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Svg exposing (Attribute, Svg, g, text_, tspan) import LineChart as LineChart import Chart.Junk as Junk exposing (..) import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Element as Element import Color import Color.Manipulate main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.sandbox { init = init , update = update , view = view } -- MODEL type alias Model = { hovering : Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info) } init : Model init = { hovering = Nothing } -- UPDATE type Msg = Hover (Maybe (Events.Found Element.LineDot Info)) update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Hover hovering -> { model | hovering = hovering } -- VIEW view : Model -> Svg Msg view model = Html.div [ class "container" ] [ chart model ] chart : Model -> Html.Html Msg chart model = LineChart.viewCustom { y = Axis.default "Weight" Unit.kilograms (Just << .weight) , x = Axis.default "Age" Unit.none .age , container = Container.styled "line-chart-1" 700 450 [ ( "font-family", "monospace" ) ] , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.hoverDot Hover , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = -- Line.default Line.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customLineConfig model.hovering , dots = -- Dots.default Dots.hoverOne (Maybe.map Events.data model.hovering) -- customDotsConfig model.hovering } [ LineChart.line Color.orange Dots.triangle "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" chuck , LineChart.line Color.yellow Dots.circle "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , LineChart.line Color.purple Dots.diamond "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI ] customLineConfig : Maybe Info -> Line.Config Info customLineConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Line.style 1 identity styleHovered = Line.style 2 identity styleNotHovered = Line.style 1 (Color.Manipulate.lighten 0.3) lineConfig data = -- `data` being all the data for a line case maybeHovered of Just hovered -> if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data -- This line is hovered then styleHovered -- Some line is hovered, but not this one else styleNotHovered Nothing -> -- No line is hovered styleDefault in Line.custom lineConfig customDotsConfig : Maybe Info -> Dots.Config Info customDotsConfig maybeHovered = let styleDefault = Dots.empty 5 2 styleHover = Dots.full 8 styleLegend data = -- `data` being all the data for a line if List.any (dotIsHovered maybeHovered) data then styleHover else styleDefault styleIndividual datum = -- `datum` being a single data point on a line if dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum then styleHover else styleDefault in Dots.customAny { legend = styleLegend , individual = styleIndividual } -- HELPERS dotIsHovered : Maybe Info -> Info -> Bool dotIsHovered maybeHovered datum = Just datum == maybeHovered -- DATA type alias Info = { age : Float , weight : Float , height : Float , income : Float } alice : List Info alice = [ Info 10 34 1.34 0 , Info 16 42 1.62 3000 , Info 25 75 1.73 25000 , Info 43 83 1.75 40000 ] bobby : List Info bobby = [ Info 10 38 1.32 0 , Info 17 69 1.75 2000 , Info 25 75 1.87 32000 , Info 43 77 1.87 52000 ] chuck : List Info chuck = [ Info 10 42 1.35 0 , Info 15 72 1.72 1800 , Info 25 89 1.83 85000 , Info 43 95 1.84 120000 ]
[ { "context": "\nview model =\n div []\n [ h1 [] [ text \"Sinal\" ]\n , luz model green Verde\n , luz ", "end": 2070, "score": 0.5429047346, "start": 2066, "tag": "NAME", "value": "inal" } ]
module Exemplo exposing (main) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Colors exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) {- O tipo apresentado abaixo simboliza os possiveis estados do sinal. Note que é impossível mais que uma luz estar acesa ao mesmo tempo pois o tipo algebraico abaixo não permite esse tipo de representação. Ao construir bons tipos, você elimina toda uma série de bugs possíveis -} type Sinal = TudoApagado | Verde | Amarelo | Vermelho type alias Model = Sinal {- Quem tá vindo de React/Vue/Angular, essas são as actions possíveis. No caso só tem uma. -} type Msg = Acender Sinal initialModel : Model initialModel = TudoApagado {- É quem processa as ações de ligar ou desligar uma luz. Em React ou Vue seria quem lida com as actions. O update é a única função que pode alterar o model. -} update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Acender luz -> luz {- Constroi uma luzinha. Ele gera HTML no formado: tag [atributos] [filhos] No nosso caso, cada luz é só uma div com um CSS, ou seja: div [css] [] Além disso, como pode ser visto na descrição do tipo, nossas luzinhas geram Msg, ou seja, actions para o update. -} luz : Model -> Color -> Sinal -> Html Msg luz model cor tipo = let corzinha = if model == tipo then cor else silver in div [ css [ borderRadius (pct 50) , width (px 40) , height (px 40) , margin (px 10) , backgroundColor corzinha ] , onClick (Acender tipo) ] [] {- Essa é a view, ela gera HTML e Msg pro update. Note que ela não tem como alterar o model, somente o update pode alterar o model. -} view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Sinal" ] , luz model green Verde , luz model yellow Amarelo , luz model red Vermelho ] main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { view = view >> toUnstyled , update = update , model = initialModel }
module Exemplo exposing (main) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Colors exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) {- O tipo apresentado abaixo simboliza os possiveis estados do sinal. Note que é impossível mais que uma luz estar acesa ao mesmo tempo pois o tipo algebraico abaixo não permite esse tipo de representação. Ao construir bons tipos, você elimina toda uma série de bugs possíveis -} type Sinal = TudoApagado | Verde | Amarelo | Vermelho type alias Model = Sinal {- Quem tá vindo de React/Vue/Angular, essas são as actions possíveis. No caso só tem uma. -} type Msg = Acender Sinal initialModel : Model initialModel = TudoApagado {- É quem processa as ações de ligar ou desligar uma luz. Em React ou Vue seria quem lida com as actions. O update é a única função que pode alterar o model. -} update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Acender luz -> luz {- Constroi uma luzinha. Ele gera HTML no formado: tag [atributos] [filhos] No nosso caso, cada luz é só uma div com um CSS, ou seja: div [css] [] Além disso, como pode ser visto na descrição do tipo, nossas luzinhas geram Msg, ou seja, actions para o update. -} luz : Model -> Color -> Sinal -> Html Msg luz model cor tipo = let corzinha = if model == tipo then cor else silver in div [ css [ borderRadius (pct 50) , width (px 40) , height (px 40) , margin (px 10) , backgroundColor corzinha ] , onClick (Acender tipo) ] [] {- Essa é a view, ela gera HTML e Msg pro update. Note que ela não tem como alterar o model, somente o update pode alterar o model. -} view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "S<NAME>" ] , luz model green Verde , luz model yellow Amarelo , luz model red Vermelho ] main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { view = view >> toUnstyled , update = update , model = initialModel }
module Exemplo exposing (main) import Css exposing (..) import Css.Colors exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (css, href, src) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) {- O tipo apresentado abaixo simboliza os possiveis estados do sinal. Note que é impossível mais que uma luz estar acesa ao mesmo tempo pois o tipo algebraico abaixo não permite esse tipo de representação. Ao construir bons tipos, você elimina toda uma série de bugs possíveis -} type Sinal = TudoApagado | Verde | Amarelo | Vermelho type alias Model = Sinal {- Quem tá vindo de React/Vue/Angular, essas são as actions possíveis. No caso só tem uma. -} type Msg = Acender Sinal initialModel : Model initialModel = TudoApagado {- É quem processa as ações de ligar ou desligar uma luz. Em React ou Vue seria quem lida com as actions. O update é a única função que pode alterar o model. -} update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Acender luz -> luz {- Constroi uma luzinha. Ele gera HTML no formado: tag [atributos] [filhos] No nosso caso, cada luz é só uma div com um CSS, ou seja: div [css] [] Além disso, como pode ser visto na descrição do tipo, nossas luzinhas geram Msg, ou seja, actions para o update. -} luz : Model -> Color -> Sinal -> Html Msg luz model cor tipo = let corzinha = if model == tipo then cor else silver in div [ css [ borderRadius (pct 50) , width (px 40) , height (px 40) , margin (px 10) , backgroundColor corzinha ] , onClick (Acender tipo) ] [] {- Essa é a view, ela gera HTML e Msg pro update. Note que ela não tem como alterar o model, somente o update pode alterar o model. -} view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h1 [] [ text "SPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , luz model green Verde , luz model yellow Amarelo , luz model red Vermelho ] main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.beginnerProgram { view = view >> toUnstyled , update = update , model = initialModel }
[ { "context": "keShortName char =\n case char.name of\n \"Killer B\" -> \"B\"\n \"Shukaku Gaara\" -> \"Ga", "end": 3971, "score": 0.7954170704, "start": 3963, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Killer B" }, { "context": "ame of\n \"Killer B\" -> \"B\"\n \"Shukaku Gaara\" -> \"Gaara\"\n \"Sage Mode Kabuto\" -> \"Kab", "end": 4010, "score": 0.9219371676, "start": 3997, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Shukaku Gaara" } ]
module Import.Flags exposing ( Characters , Flags , characterName , decode , failure , printFailure ) import Dict as Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Helpers as D import List.Extra as List import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..)) import Set exposing (Set) import String.Extra as String import Game.Chakra as Chakra import Import.Model as Model exposing (Category(..), Chakras, Character, Failure(..), Skill, User) import Util exposing (groupBy, unaccent) type alias Flags = { url : String , bg : String , userTeam : List Character , userPractice : List Character , unlocked : Set String , user : Maybe User , avatars : List String , characters : Characters , visibles : Set String , red : Set String , blue : Set String , csrf : String , csrfParam : String } failure : Flags failure = { url = "" , bg = "" , userTeam = [] , userPractice = [] , unlocked = Set.empty , user = Nothing , avatars = [] , characters = makeCharacters [] , visibles = Set.empty , red = Set.empty , blue = Set.empty , csrf = "" , csrfParam = "" } decode : D.Decoder Flags decode = D.succeed Flags |> D.required "url" D.string >> D.required "bg" D.string >> D.required "userTeam" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "userPractice" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "unlocked" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "user" (D.maybe Model.jsonDecUser) >> D.required "avatars" (D.list D.string) >> D.required "characters" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter |> D.map makeCharacters) >> D.required "visibles" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "red" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "blue" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "csrf" D.string >> D.required "csrfParam" D.string type alias Characters = { list : List Character , dict : Dict String Character , groupList : List (Nonempty Character) , groupDict : Dict String (Nonempty Character) , costs : Dict String Chakras , shortName : Character -> String } makeCharacters : List Character -> Characters makeCharacters chars = let shortNames = chars |> List.map (\x -> ( characterName x, makeShortName x )) >> Dict.fromList shortName char = case Dict.get (characterName char) shortNames of Just name -> name Nothing -> makeShortName char groupList = groupBy (\x y -> shortName x == shortName y) chars in { list = chars , dict = Dict.fromList <| withKey characterName chars , groupList = groupList , groupDict = Dict.fromList <| withKey (Nonempty.head >> shortName) groupList , costs = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\char -> (shortName char, characterCosts char)) chars , shortName = shortName } withKey : (a -> b) -> List a -> List ( b, a ) withKey f = List.map <| \x -> ( f x, x ) clean : Char -> Char clean x = case x of ' ' -> '-' _ -> unaccent x characterName : Character -> String characterName char = String.map clean << String.toLower <| case char.category of Original -> char.name Shippuden -> char.name ++ " (S)" Reanimated -> char.name ++ " (R)" makeShortName : Character -> String makeShortName char = case char.name of "Killer B" -> "B" "Shukaku Gaara" -> "Gaara" "Sage Mode Kabuto" -> "Kabuto" "Tobi" -> "Obito" "Masked Man" -> "Obito" "Nagato" -> "Pain" _ -> char.skills |> List.getAt 3 >> Maybe.andThen List.head >> Maybe.andThen shortFromInvuln >> Maybe.withDefault char.name shortFromInvuln : Skill -> Maybe String shortFromInvuln x = case String.words x.desc of "The" :: name :: _ -> Just name name :: _ -> Just name [] -> Nothing characterCosts : Character -> Chakras characterCosts char = char.skills |> List.filterMap List.head >> List.map .cost >> Chakra.sum printFailure : Failure -> String printFailure x = case x of AlreadyQueued -> "Your account is already queued" Canceled -> "Queue canceled" Locked -> "Character not unlocked" InvalidTeam -> "Invalid team" NotFound -> "User not found"
module Import.Flags exposing ( Characters , Flags , characterName , decode , failure , printFailure ) import Dict as Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Helpers as D import List.Extra as List import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..)) import Set exposing (Set) import String.Extra as String import Game.Chakra as Chakra import Import.Model as Model exposing (Category(..), Chakras, Character, Failure(..), Skill, User) import Util exposing (groupBy, unaccent) type alias Flags = { url : String , bg : String , userTeam : List Character , userPractice : List Character , unlocked : Set String , user : Maybe User , avatars : List String , characters : Characters , visibles : Set String , red : Set String , blue : Set String , csrf : String , csrfParam : String } failure : Flags failure = { url = "" , bg = "" , userTeam = [] , userPractice = [] , unlocked = Set.empty , user = Nothing , avatars = [] , characters = makeCharacters [] , visibles = Set.empty , red = Set.empty , blue = Set.empty , csrf = "" , csrfParam = "" } decode : D.Decoder Flags decode = D.succeed Flags |> D.required "url" D.string >> D.required "bg" D.string >> D.required "userTeam" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "userPractice" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "unlocked" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "user" (D.maybe Model.jsonDecUser) >> D.required "avatars" (D.list D.string) >> D.required "characters" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter |> D.map makeCharacters) >> D.required "visibles" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "red" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "blue" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "csrf" D.string >> D.required "csrfParam" D.string type alias Characters = { list : List Character , dict : Dict String Character , groupList : List (Nonempty Character) , groupDict : Dict String (Nonempty Character) , costs : Dict String Chakras , shortName : Character -> String } makeCharacters : List Character -> Characters makeCharacters chars = let shortNames = chars |> List.map (\x -> ( characterName x, makeShortName x )) >> Dict.fromList shortName char = case Dict.get (characterName char) shortNames of Just name -> name Nothing -> makeShortName char groupList = groupBy (\x y -> shortName x == shortName y) chars in { list = chars , dict = Dict.fromList <| withKey characterName chars , groupList = groupList , groupDict = Dict.fromList <| withKey (Nonempty.head >> shortName) groupList , costs = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\char -> (shortName char, characterCosts char)) chars , shortName = shortName } withKey : (a -> b) -> List a -> List ( b, a ) withKey f = List.map <| \x -> ( f x, x ) clean : Char -> Char clean x = case x of ' ' -> '-' _ -> unaccent x characterName : Character -> String characterName char = String.map clean << String.toLower <| case char.category of Original -> char.name Shippuden -> char.name ++ " (S)" Reanimated -> char.name ++ " (R)" makeShortName : Character -> String makeShortName char = case char.name of "<NAME>" -> "B" "<NAME>" -> "Gaara" "Sage Mode Kabuto" -> "Kabuto" "Tobi" -> "Obito" "Masked Man" -> "Obito" "Nagato" -> "Pain" _ -> char.skills |> List.getAt 3 >> Maybe.andThen List.head >> Maybe.andThen shortFromInvuln >> Maybe.withDefault char.name shortFromInvuln : Skill -> Maybe String shortFromInvuln x = case String.words x.desc of "The" :: name :: _ -> Just name name :: _ -> Just name [] -> Nothing characterCosts : Character -> Chakras characterCosts char = char.skills |> List.filterMap List.head >> List.map .cost >> Chakra.sum printFailure : Failure -> String printFailure x = case x of AlreadyQueued -> "Your account is already queued" Canceled -> "Queue canceled" Locked -> "Character not unlocked" InvalidTeam -> "Invalid team" NotFound -> "User not found"
module Import.Flags exposing ( Characters , Flags , characterName , decode , failure , printFailure ) import Dict as Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Helpers as D import List.Extra as List import List.Nonempty as Nonempty exposing (Nonempty(..)) import Set exposing (Set) import String.Extra as String import Game.Chakra as Chakra import Import.Model as Model exposing (Category(..), Chakras, Character, Failure(..), Skill, User) import Util exposing (groupBy, unaccent) type alias Flags = { url : String , bg : String , userTeam : List Character , userPractice : List Character , unlocked : Set String , user : Maybe User , avatars : List String , characters : Characters , visibles : Set String , red : Set String , blue : Set String , csrf : String , csrfParam : String } failure : Flags failure = { url = "" , bg = "" , userTeam = [] , userPractice = [] , unlocked = Set.empty , user = Nothing , avatars = [] , characters = makeCharacters [] , visibles = Set.empty , red = Set.empty , blue = Set.empty , csrf = "" , csrfParam = "" } decode : D.Decoder Flags decode = D.succeed Flags |> D.required "url" D.string >> D.required "bg" D.string >> D.required "userTeam" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "userPractice" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter) >> D.required "unlocked" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "user" (D.maybe Model.jsonDecUser) >> D.required "avatars" (D.list D.string) >> D.required "characters" (D.list Model.jsonDecCharacter |> D.map makeCharacters) >> D.required "visibles" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "red" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "blue" (D.list D.string |> D.map Set.fromList) >> D.required "csrf" D.string >> D.required "csrfParam" D.string type alias Characters = { list : List Character , dict : Dict String Character , groupList : List (Nonempty Character) , groupDict : Dict String (Nonempty Character) , costs : Dict String Chakras , shortName : Character -> String } makeCharacters : List Character -> Characters makeCharacters chars = let shortNames = chars |> List.map (\x -> ( characterName x, makeShortName x )) >> Dict.fromList shortName char = case Dict.get (characterName char) shortNames of Just name -> name Nothing -> makeShortName char groupList = groupBy (\x y -> shortName x == shortName y) chars in { list = chars , dict = Dict.fromList <| withKey characterName chars , groupList = groupList , groupDict = Dict.fromList <| withKey (Nonempty.head >> shortName) groupList , costs = Dict.fromList <| List.map (\char -> (shortName char, characterCosts char)) chars , shortName = shortName } withKey : (a -> b) -> List a -> List ( b, a ) withKey f = List.map <| \x -> ( f x, x ) clean : Char -> Char clean x = case x of ' ' -> '-' _ -> unaccent x characterName : Character -> String characterName char = String.map clean << String.toLower <| case char.category of Original -> char.name Shippuden -> char.name ++ " (S)" Reanimated -> char.name ++ " (R)" makeShortName : Character -> String makeShortName char = case char.name of "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" -> "B" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" -> "Gaara" "Sage Mode Kabuto" -> "Kabuto" "Tobi" -> "Obito" "Masked Man" -> "Obito" "Nagato" -> "Pain" _ -> char.skills |> List.getAt 3 >> Maybe.andThen List.head >> Maybe.andThen shortFromInvuln >> Maybe.withDefault char.name shortFromInvuln : Skill -> Maybe String shortFromInvuln x = case String.words x.desc of "The" :: name :: _ -> Just name name :: _ -> Just name [] -> Nothing characterCosts : Character -> Chakras characterCosts char = char.skills |> List.filterMap List.head >> List.map .cost >> Chakra.sum printFailure : Failure -> String printFailure x = case x of AlreadyQueued -> "Your account is already queued" Canceled -> "Queue canceled" Locked -> "Character not unlocked" InvalidTeam -> "Invalid team" NotFound -> "User not found"
[ { "context": "init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )\ninit =\n ( { title = \"Name\", asc = True }\n , Cmd.none\n )\n\n\nupdate : Ms", "end": 571, "score": 0.9931279421, "start": 567, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Name" }, { "context": " { content =\n [ { id = 1, name = \"Antonio\", rating = 2.456, hash = Nothing }\n , ", "end": 1340, "score": 0.9648668766, "start": 1333, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Antonio" }, { "context": " hash = Nothing }\n , { id = 2, name = \"Ana\", rating = 1.34, hash = Just \"45jf\" }\n ", "end": 1411, "score": 0.9952363968, "start": 1408, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ana" }, { "context": "h = Just \"45jf\" }\n , { id = 3, name = \"Alfred\", rating = 4.22, hash = Just \"6fs1\" }\n ", "end": 1488, "score": 0.9990862012, "start": 1482, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alfred" }, { "context": "h = Just \"6fs1\" }\n , { id = 4, name = \"Thomas\", rating = 3, hash = Just \"k52f\" }\n ]\n", "end": 1565, "score": 0.9400947094, "start": 1559, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Thomas" } ]
module Example.SortTable exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Widget exposing (SortTableStyle) import Widget.Material as Material type alias Style style msg = { style | sortTable : SortTableStyle msg } materialStyle : Style {} msg materialStyle = { sortTable = Material.sortTable Material.defaultPalette } type alias Model = { title : String , asc : Bool } type Msg = ChangedSorting String init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { title = "Name", asc = True } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangedSorting string -> ( { title = string , asc = if model.title == string then not model.asc else True } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none {-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below. -} view : (Msg -> msg) -> Style style msg -> Model -> Element msg view msgMapper style model = Widget.sortTable style.sortTable { content = [ { id = 1, name = "Antonio", rating = 2.456, hash = Nothing } , { id = 2, name = "Ana", rating = 1.34, hash = Just "45jf" } , { id = 3, name = "Alfred", rating = 4.22, hash = Just "6fs1" } , { id = 4, name = "Thomas", rating = 3, hash = Just "k52f" } ] , columns = [ Widget.intColumn { title = "Id" , value = .id , toString = \int -> "#" ++ String.fromInt int , width = Element.fill } , Widget.stringColumn { title = "Name" , value = .name , toString = identity , width = Element.fill } , Widget.floatColumn { title = "Rating" , value = .rating , toString = String.fromFloat , width = Element.fill } , Widget.unsortableColumn { title = "Hash" , toString = .hash >> Maybe.withDefault "None" , width = Element.fill } ] , asc = model.asc , sortBy = model.title , onChange = ChangedSorting >> msgMapper } main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = always init , view = \model -> model |> view identity materialStyle |> Element.layout [] , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Example.SortTable exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Widget exposing (SortTableStyle) import Widget.Material as Material type alias Style style msg = { style | sortTable : SortTableStyle msg } materialStyle : Style {} msg materialStyle = { sortTable = Material.sortTable Material.defaultPalette } type alias Model = { title : String , asc : Bool } type Msg = ChangedSorting String init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { title = "<NAME>", asc = True } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangedSorting string -> ( { title = string , asc = if model.title == string then not model.asc else True } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none {-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below. -} view : (Msg -> msg) -> Style style msg -> Model -> Element msg view msgMapper style model = Widget.sortTable style.sortTable { content = [ { id = 1, name = "<NAME>", rating = 2.456, hash = Nothing } , { id = 2, name = "<NAME>", rating = 1.34, hash = Just "45jf" } , { id = 3, name = "<NAME>", rating = 4.22, hash = Just "6fs1" } , { id = 4, name = "<NAME>", rating = 3, hash = Just "k52f" } ] , columns = [ Widget.intColumn { title = "Id" , value = .id , toString = \int -> "#" ++ String.fromInt int , width = Element.fill } , Widget.stringColumn { title = "Name" , value = .name , toString = identity , width = Element.fill } , Widget.floatColumn { title = "Rating" , value = .rating , toString = String.fromFloat , width = Element.fill } , Widget.unsortableColumn { title = "Hash" , toString = .hash >> Maybe.withDefault "None" , width = Element.fill } ] , asc = model.asc , sortBy = model.title , onChange = ChangedSorting >> msgMapper } main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = always init , view = \model -> model |> view identity materialStyle |> Element.layout [] , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Example.SortTable exposing (Model, Msg, init, subscriptions, update, view) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Widget exposing (SortTableStyle) import Widget.Material as Material type alias Style style msg = { style | sortTable : SortTableStyle msg } materialStyle : Style {} msg materialStyle = { sortTable = Material.sortTable Material.defaultPalette } type alias Model = { title : String , asc : Bool } type Msg = ChangedSorting String init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { title = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", asc = True } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangedSorting string -> ( { title = string , asc = if model.title == string then not model.asc else True } , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none {-| You can remove the msgMapper. But by doing so, make sure to also change `msg` to `Msg` in the line below. -} view : (Msg -> msg) -> Style style msg -> Model -> Element msg view msgMapper style model = Widget.sortTable style.sortTable { content = [ { id = 1, name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", rating = 2.456, hash = Nothing } , { id = 2, name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", rating = 1.34, hash = Just "45jf" } , { id = 3, name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", rating = 4.22, hash = Just "6fs1" } , { id = 4, name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", rating = 3, hash = Just "k52f" } ] , columns = [ Widget.intColumn { title = "Id" , value = .id , toString = \int -> "#" ++ String.fromInt int , width = Element.fill } , Widget.stringColumn { title = "Name" , value = .name , toString = identity , width = Element.fill } , Widget.floatColumn { title = "Rating" , value = .rating , toString = String.fromFloat , width = Element.fill } , Widget.unsortableColumn { title = "Hash" , toString = .hash >> Maybe.withDefault "None" , width = Element.fill } ] , asc = model.asc , sortBy = model.title , onChange = ChangedSorting >> msgMapper } main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = always init , view = \model -> model |> view identity materialStyle |> Element.layout [] , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions }
[ { "context": " very quickly.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Sarah, Aldridge\" ]\n , img [ src model.session.images.t", "end": 958, "score": 0.9998698235, "start": 943, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sarah, Aldridge" }, { "context": "stimonials_01 ] []\n , div [] [ text \"\\\"Jane is very approachable and goes out of her way to m", "end": 1063, "score": 0.9983790517, "start": 1059, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane" }, { "context": "and enjoyable.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Dorothy, Brownhills\" ]\n , img [ src model.session.images.t", "end": 1214, "score": 0.9998639226, "start": 1195, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dorothy, Brownhills" }, { "context": "o our lessons.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- George, Cannock\" ]\n , br [] []\n , div [] [ ", "end": 1565, "score": 0.999848187, "start": 1550, "tag": "NAME", "value": "George, Cannock" }, { "context": "iving it a go!\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Linzi, Cannock\" ]\n , br [] []\n , div [] [ ", "end": 1847, "score": 0.9998373985, "start": 1833, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Linzi, Cannock" }, { "context": "ties on offer.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Brendan, Great Wyrley\" ]\n , br [] []\n , div [] [ ", "end": 2008, "score": 0.9828292727, "start": 1987, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Brendan, Great Wyrley" }, { "context": "ed each other.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Christine, Great Wyrley\" ]\n , img [ src model.session.images.t", "end": 2245, "score": 0.9584312439, "start": 2222, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christine, Great Wyrley" }, { "context": "nterest to us.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Neil, Chelsyn Hay\" ]\n , img [ src model.sess", "end": 2591, "score": 0.9947311878, "start": 2587, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Neil" }, { "context": "t to us.\\\"\" ]\n , div [] [ text \"- Neil, Chelsyn Hay\" ]\n , img [ src model.session.images.t", "end": 2604, "score": 0.9935538173, "start": 2593, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chelsyn Hay" } ]
module Page.TestimonialsPage exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Session import Viewer -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Session } -- INIT init : Session.Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( Model session, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Viewer.Details Msg view model = { title = toTitle , body = [ div [ class "content" ] [ div [ class "heading" ] [ text "Testimonials" ] , div [] [ text "\"It’s lively and I like the way we learn in complete sentences. The variety keeps your attention. It was fun. You learn quickly and the time passes very quickly.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Sarah, Aldridge" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_01 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"Jane is very approachable and goes out of her way to make our sessions lively\u{00A0}and enjoyable.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Dorothy, Brownhills" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_02 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"I have wanted to learn French for years but never managed to find the right class. Jane's method of teaching is one of mixing the learning with fun and empathy. I really look forward to our lessons.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- George, Cannock" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"Never any good with foreign languages at school or since but have found a new desire to learn French and Jane's lessons are encouraging me to be confident in giving it a go!\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Linzi, Cannock" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"I do love the variety of activities on offer.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Brendan, Great Wyrley" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"It is relaxed and at times there are funny moments when we got it wrong. All participants gelled and helped each other.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Christine, Great Wyrley" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_03 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"What I like about the lessons is that we are given information about how to learn and we are encouraged to look at things outside the lesson (a website or a radio programme) if they are of interest to us.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- Neil, Chelsyn Hay" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_04 ] [] ] ] } -- HELPERS toTitle : String toTitle = "Testimonials Page"
module Page.TestimonialsPage exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Session import Viewer -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Session } -- INIT init : Session.Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( Model session, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Viewer.Details Msg view model = { title = toTitle , body = [ div [ class "content" ] [ div [ class "heading" ] [ text "Testimonials" ] , div [] [ text "\"It’s lively and I like the way we learn in complete sentences. The variety keeps your attention. It was fun. You learn quickly and the time passes very quickly.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_01 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"<NAME> is very approachable and goes out of her way to make our sessions lively\u{00A0}and enjoyable.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_02 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"I have wanted to learn French for years but never managed to find the right class. Jane's method of teaching is one of mixing the learning with fun and empathy. I really look forward to our lessons.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"Never any good with foreign languages at school or since but have found a new desire to learn French and Jane's lessons are encouraging me to be confident in giving it a go!\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"I do love the variety of activities on offer.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"It is relaxed and at times there are funny moments when we got it wrong. All participants gelled and helped each other.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_03 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"What I like about the lessons is that we are given information about how to learn and we are encouraged to look at things outside the lesson (a website or a radio programme) if they are of interest to us.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- <NAME>, <NAME>" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_04 ] [] ] ] } -- HELPERS toTitle : String toTitle = "Testimonials Page"
module Page.TestimonialsPage exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Session import Viewer -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session.Session } -- INIT init : Session.Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( Model session, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Viewer.Details Msg view model = { title = toTitle , body = [ div [ class "content" ] [ div [ class "heading" ] [ text "Testimonials" ] , div [] [ text "\"It’s lively and I like the way we learn in complete sentences. The variety keeps your attention. It was fun. You learn quickly and the time passes very quickly.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_01 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI is very approachable and goes out of her way to make our sessions lively\u{00A0}and enjoyable.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_02 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"I have wanted to learn French for years but never managed to find the right class. Jane's method of teaching is one of mixing the learning with fun and empathy. I really look forward to our lessons.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"Never any good with foreign languages at school or since but have found a new desire to learn French and Jane's lessons are encouraging me to be confident in giving it a go!\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"I do love the variety of activities on offer.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , br [] [] , div [] [ text "\"It is relaxed and at times there are funny moments when we got it wrong. All participants gelled and helped each other.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_03 ] [] , div [] [ text "\"What I like about the lessons is that we are given information about how to learn and we are encouraged to look at things outside the lesson (a website or a radio programme) if they are of interest to us.\"" ] , div [] [ text "- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , img [ src model.session.images.testimonials_04 ] [] ] ] } -- HELPERS toTitle : String toTitle = "Testimonials Page"
[ { "context": " \"\\\"Hella world\\\"\"\n [] \"a = \\\"Hella \\\"\\na = a + \\\"world\\\"\\na\"\n --|> onlyBefore\n |> ", "end": 43859, "score": 0.7102831602, "start": 43854, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hella" } ]
module UpdateTests exposing (..) import Helpers.Matchers exposing (..) import Update exposing (..) import UpdateRegex exposing (..) import UpdateStack exposing (..) import UpdateUtils exposing (..) import Lang exposing (..) import GroupStartMap exposing (..) import Regex import Utils import Eval import Syntax import Lazy import Results exposing (Results) import LazyList import LangUtils exposing (..) import ParserUtils import HTMLValParser import Set import ImpureGoodies import EvalUpdate exposing (builtinEnv) import ExamplesGenerated import ElmParser type StateChanger = StateChanger (State -> State) type alias State = { numTests: Int, nthAssertion: Int, numSuccess: Int, numFailed: Int, currentName: String, errors: String, ignore: Bool, toLaunch: List StateChanger, onlyOnly: Bool } init_state = State 0 0 0 0 "" "" False [] False -- Metacommands to gather states without executing them delay: (() -> State -> State) -> State -> State delay thetest state = if state.ignore then state else thetest () state only: (State -> State) -> State -> State only stateChanger state = let newState = stateChanger { state | toLaunch = [], onlyOnly = False} in let newState2 =flush newState in {newState2 | onlyOnly = True, toLaunch = []} -- wipe out other tests not launched onlyLast: State -> State onlyLast state = case Utils.maybeLast state.toLaunch of Just (StateChanger stateChanger) -> only stateChanger state _ -> Debug.crash "No tests to only test before the use of 'onlyLast'. Add '|> onlyLast' after a test you want to run alone" onlyAfter = skipBefore skipBefore: State -> State skipBefore state = { state | toLaunch = [] } onlyBefore: State -> State onlyBefore = flush >> ignore True gather: (State -> State) -> State -> State gather stateChanger state = { state | toLaunch = state.toLaunch ++ [StateChanger stateChanger] } flush: State -> State flush state = let defaultState = {state | toLaunch = [] } in if state.onlyOnly then defaultState else List.foldl (\(StateChanger sc) s -> sc s) defaultState state.toLaunch summary: State -> String summary state_ = let state = flush state_ in Debug.log (state.errors ++ "\n-------------------\n "++toString state.numSuccess ++"/" ++ toString state.numTests++ " tests passed\n-------------------") "ok" test_: String -> State -> State test_ name state = let _ = Debug.log name " [Start]" in {state | nthAssertion = 1, currentName = name} -- Debug.log name "all tests passed" test s = gather <| test_ s ignore: Bool -> State -> State ignore b state = {state | ignore = b} success state = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numSuccess = state.numSuccess + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1 } fail state newError = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numFailed = state.numFailed + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1, errors = state.errors ++ "\n" ++ newError } log state msg = "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] " ++ msg nthEnv = [("nth", "letrec nth list index = case list of head::tail -> if index == 0 then head else nth tail (index - 1); [] -> null in nth")] genericAssertEqual: (a -> String) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> State -> State genericAssertEqual eToString isEqual obtained expected state = if state.ignore then state else if isEqual obtained expected then success state else fail state <| "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] Expected \n" ++ eToString expected ++ ", got\n" ++ eToString obtained assertEqual_: a -> a -> State -> State assertEqual_ = genericAssertEqual (toString) (==) assertEqual a b = gather <| assertEqual_ a b assertEqualVal_: Val -> Val -> State -> State assertEqualVal_ = genericAssertEqual valToString (\x y -> valToString x == valToString y) assertEqualVal v1 v2 = gather <| assertEqualVal_ v1 v2 updateAssert_: Bool -> Env -> Exp -> Val -> Val -> Env -> String -> State -> State updateAssert_ checkEnv env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else let expected = (if checkEnv then envToString expectedEnv else "") ++ " |- " ++ expectedExpStr in let problemdesc = ("\nFor problem:" ++ (if checkEnv then envToString env else "") ++ " |- " ++ unparse exp ++ " <-- " ++ valToString newOut ++ " (was " ++ valToString origOut ++ ")") in case UpdateUtils.defaultVDiffs origOut newOut of Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "This diff is not allowed:" ++ msg Ok (LazyList.Nil) -> fail state <| "Internal error: no diffs" Ok (LazyList.Cons Nothing _) -> fail state <| log state <| "There was no diff between the previous output and the new output" Ok ll-> --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| "Diffs observed: " ++ toString (LazyList.toList ll) in case Ok (LazyList.filterMap identity ll) |> Results.andThen (\diffs -> update LazyList.Nil LazyList.Nil (updateContext "initial" env exp [] origOut newOut diffs)) of Ok (LazyList.Cons (envX, expX) lazyTail as ll) -> let _ = LazyList.toList ll in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| toString expX.changes in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| eDiffsToString "" exp expX.val (expX.changes |> Maybe.withDefault (EConstDiffs EAnyDiffs)) in let obtained = (if checkEnv then envToString envX.val else if envX.changes == [] then "" else toString envX.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX.val in if obtained == expected then success state else case Lazy.force lazyTail of LazyList.Cons (envX2, expX2) lazyTail2 -> let obtained2 = ( if checkEnv then envToString envX2.val else if envX2.changes == [] then "" else toString envX2.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX2.val in if obtained2 == expected then success state else fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n and \n'" ++ obtained2 ++ problemdesc LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n" ++ problemdesc Ok LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got no solutions without error" ++ problemdesc Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got '" ++ msg ++ problemdesc updateAssert env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr = gather <| updateAssert_ True env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr evalElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr evalElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert2_ env expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert2 envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert2_ envStr expStr expectedResStr updateElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> List (String, String) -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr, parseEnv expectedEnvStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env, expectedEnv] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> let _ = Debug.log (toString exp) () in fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ " <- " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr updateElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ "," ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut env expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert2 env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr updateElmPrelude_: String -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> State -> State updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer state = if state.ignore then state else case parse expStr of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok exp -> case evalEnv EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ ": " ++ error Ok oldOut -> case oldOut |> valToString |> outReplacer |> parse |> Result.andThen eval of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok newOut -> let expectedExpStr = expectedExpReplacer expStr in updateAssert_ False EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp oldOut newOut EvalUpdate.preludeEnv expectedExpStr state updateElmPrelude expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer = gather <| updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer replaceStr before after = Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex before) (\_ -> after) parse = Syntax.parser Syntax.Elm >> Result.mapError (\p -> ParserUtils.showError p) unparse = Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm evalEnv env exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm env exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) eval exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm [] exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) parseEnv: List (String, String) -> Result String Env parseEnv envStr = envStr |> List.map (\(name, exp) -> parse exp |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) |> Result.andThen (\x -> evalEnv [] x |> Result.map (\x -> (name, x)))) |> Utils.projOk |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) dws = ws " " dws2 = ws " " dws1 = ws " " dws3 = ws " " dws4 = ws " " dws5 = ws " " dws6 = ws " " val x = Val x (Provenance [] (tConst (ws "") 0) []) (Parents []) tVal n = val <| (VConst Nothing (n, dummyTrace)) tVClosure maybeIndent pats body env = val <| VClosure maybeIndent pats body env tVList vals = val <| VList vals tVBool truth = val <| VBase (VBool truth) tVStr chars = val <| VBase (VString chars) tConst ws num = withDummyExpInfo <| EConst ws num dummyLoc noWidgetDecl tBool space truth = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EBool truth) tString space chars = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EString defaultQuoteChar chars) tVar space name =withDummyExpInfo <| EVar space name tFun sp0 pats body sp1 = (withDummyExpInfo <| EFun sp0 pats body sp1) tApp sp0 fun args sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EApp sp0 fun args SpaceApp sp1 tList sp0 exps sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EList sp0 (List.map (\e -> (ws "", e)) exps) (ws "") Nothing sp1 --tListCons sp0 exps sp1 tail sp2 = EList sp0 exps sp1 (Just tail) sp2 tPVar space name = withDummyPatInfo <| PVar space name noWidgetDecl tPAs sp0 name sp1 pat= withDummyPatInfo <| PAs sp0 name sp1 pat tPList sp0 listPat sp1= withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat (ws "") Nothing sp1 tPListCons sp0 listPat sp1 tailPat sp2 = withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat sp1 (Just tailPat) sp1 onlySpecific = False display_prelude_message = case ElmParser.preludeNotParsed of Nothing -> () Just msg -> Debug.log msg () all_tests = init_state |> ignore onlySpecific |> test "triCombineTest" |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))] [(1, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))], [(1, VConstDiffs)])) |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 1))] [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 2))] [(1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] [("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 3))] [(0, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 3))], [(0, VConstDiffs), (1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)])) |> test "Minus sign as binary or unary operator" |> evalElmAssert [] "1-1" "0" |> evalElmAssert [] "(\\x->x) -1" "-1" |> test "update mutual recursion" |> updateElmAssert [] "x =y\ny= 1\nx" "2" [] "x =y\ny= 2\nx" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 87\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 15)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> test "update const" |> updateElmAssert [] " 1" "2" [] " 2" |> test "update boolean and strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " True" "False" [] " False" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Hello'" "'World'" [] " 'World'" |> test "update var" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "x" "2" [("x", "2")] "x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x" "2" [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x" |> updateElmAssert [("y", "3"), ("x", "1")] " x" "2" [("y", "3"), ("x", "2")] " x" |> test "update fun" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\ x -> 1" "\\ x -> 2" [] "\\ x -> 2" |> test "update fun with 2 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> 1" "\\y x -> 2" [] "\\y x -> 2" |> test "update nested fun with 2 and 1 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> \\z -> 1" "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" [] "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" |> test "update app identity" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x -> x) 2" |> test "update app constant" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> 1) 3" "2" [] "(\\x -> 2) 3" |> test "update pattern 'as' (\\(x as y) -> x [or y]) 1" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x as y -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x as y -> x) 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 1" "2" [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 2" |> test "update pattern list (\\[x, y] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update pattern list with tail (\\[x | [y]] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update app (\\x y -> x) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> x) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> x) 3 2" |> test "update app (\\x y -> y) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 3" |> test "update if-then-else" |> updateElmAssert [] "if True then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if True then 3 else 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "if False then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if False then 1 else 3" |> test "String concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "'Hello' + 'world'" "'Hello world'" [] "'Hello ' + 'world'" |> test "update arithmetic operations" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "2"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "5"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" "1" [("x", "3"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x* y" "8" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x* y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "18"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" "7" [("x", "21"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "3"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" "16" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "1" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "27" [("x", "3"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "0")] "x ^ y" "-1" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1")] "x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "-8" [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" "3" [("x", "19"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "3.141592653589793" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1.2246467991473532e-16")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "-1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "-1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "sin x" "1" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "sin x" "-1" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arccos x" "0" [("x", "1")] "arccos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arcsin x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "1")] "arcsin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "floor x" "15" [("x", "15.5")] "floor x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "ceiling x" "15" [("x", "14.5")] "ceiling x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.75")] "round x" "15" [("x", "14.75")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.25")] "round x" "15" [("x", "15.25")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "16")] "sqrt x" "3" [("x", "9")] "sqrt x" |> test "case of calls" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[4, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 5" |> test "non-rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 5 in\nlet y =2 in [x, y]" "[6, 3]" [] "let x= 6 in\nlet y =3 in [x, y]" |> test "list constructor" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =3 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[3] in x :: x :: y" |> test "rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 2" "3" [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 5" |> test "Comments" |> updateElmAssert [] "--This is a comment\n 1" "2" [] "--This is a comment\n 2" |> test "Strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello world\"" [] " \"Hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " \"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello world\"" [] " 'Hello world'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " 'Hello\\' \" wo\\\\rld'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Welcome to this world'" "\"Welcome again to this world\"" [] " 'Welcome again to this world'" |> test "Strings concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\"Hello\" + \" \") + \"world\"" "\"Good morning world\"" [] "(\"Good morning\" + \" \") + \"world\"" |> test "Many solutions" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 1\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 1 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> test "Multiline string literals" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"small\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" "\"Hello very tiny world\"" [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"tiny\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello big\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Helloworld\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@(x)world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello big\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" big\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello tall world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" tall\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> test "Finding all regex matches" |> assertEqual (LazyList.toList <| allInterleavingsIn ["A", "BB", "C"] "xAyBBBzAoBBpCC") [ ["x","y","BzAoBBp","C"] , ["x","y","BzAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBp","C"] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "p","C"] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "pC",""] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "p","C"] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "pC",""] ] |> test "GroupStartMap" |> assertEqual (List.map (\{submatches} -> submatches) (GroupStartMap.find Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" "aabcdacdd")) [[{match = Just "bc", start = 2}, {match = Just "bc", start = 2}], [{match = Just "cd", start = 6}, {match = Nothing, start = -1}]] |> assertEqual (GroupStartMap.replace Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" ( \match -> String.concat <| List.map (\subm -> toString subm.start ++ Maybe.withDefault "null" subm.match) match.submatches ) "aabcdacdd") "a2bc2bc6cd-1null" |> test "replaceAllIn" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"l\" \"L\" \"Hello world\"" "\"HeLLo worLd\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" \"o$1\" \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is ocknowledgeoble\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" (\\{group = [t, c]} -> \"oa\" + (if c == \"b\" then \"c\" else \"b\")) \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is oabknowledgeoacle\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" "\"Seeee somee emexamplees from Filee...\"" "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eme\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eec\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some ecxamples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" See some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" "\"Sea ses\"" [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" Sea some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" |> evalElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"\"\"([\\w:_-]*)\"\"\" \"data-array=\\\"17\\\"\" |> case of Just [id] -> id; _ -> \"Nothing\" " "\"data-array\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](http://test)\"" "\"<a href='http://test'>Markdown</a>\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"#<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdoooown</a>\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdoooown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"5\" else \"7\") \"x,y\"" "\"6,8\"" "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"6\" else \"8\") \"x,y\"" --|> test "Record construction, extraction and pattern " -- |> |> test "Partial application" |> updateElmAssert [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'green') ['hello', 'world']" "[[ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'red']]]], [['TEXT', 'hello']]], [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'green']]]], [['TEXT', 'world']]]]" [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'red') ['hello', 'world']" --|> ignore False |> test "Multiple solutions" |> updateElmAssert [] "['A' + 'B', 'C' + 'D']" "['AGB', 'CGD']" [] "['AG' + 'B', 'CG' + 'D']" |> test "Records" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.b" "3" [] "{ a= 1, b= 3}.b" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.a" "3" [] "{ a= 3, b= 2}.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.a" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 3 }.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.b" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 3} in { x | a = 2 }.b" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list > 1 elements" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2, 3, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1,\n 5,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] " [ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] " [ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[1, 2]" [] "[1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1\n, 2\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[\n 1,\n 2]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2\n, 1\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[\n 2,\n 1]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list > 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[ 0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 0\n, 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of empty list" |> updateElmAssert [] "[]" "[1]" [] "[1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ ]" "[1]" [] "[1 ]" |> updateElmAssert [] " []" "[[1, 2]]" [] " [[1, 2]]" |> test "parsing HTML" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello world\"]" "parseHTML \"hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello<br>world\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello\", HTMLElement \"br\" [] \" \" RegularEndOpening [] VoidClosing, HTMLInner \"sworld\"]" "parseHTML \"hello<br >sworld\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<?help>\"" "[HTMLComment (Less_Greater \"Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and -->\")]" "parseHTML \"<!--Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and ~~>-->\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<h3>Hello world</h3>\"" "[HTMLElement \"h3\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Hello world\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demo\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \" demonstration\"]" "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demonstration\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"Hello world\"" "[HTMLInner \"Hello world\"]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<i><b>Hello</i></b>World\"" "[ HTMLElement \"i\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLElement \"b\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLInner \"Hello\"] ForgotClosing] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \"</b>World\"]" |> updateElmAssert [("color", "\"white\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" "[[\"padding\", \"3px\"], [ \"background-color\", \"lightgray\"]]" [("color", "\"lightgray\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" |> test "freeze" |> updateElmAssert [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 1" "2" [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 2" |> updateElmAssert [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 1 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" "2" [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 2 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" |> test "dictionary" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "Just 2" [("x", "2")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 1 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2), (\"b\", 3)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 2 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 3)])" |> test "recursive delayed" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 2 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 3" |> test "All diffs" |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "abcabcabc" "abxabcabc" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "c", DiffAdded "x", DiffEqual "abcabc"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "ab3ab" "abab" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "3", DiffEqual "ab"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "aa3aa" "aa" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "aa", DiffRemoved "3aa"], [DiffRemoved "aa3", DiffEqual "aa"]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "b", "3", "a", "b"] ["a", "b", "a", "b"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "b"], DiffRemoved ["3"], DiffEqual ["a", "b"]]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "a", "3", "a", "a"] ["a", "a"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "a"], DiffRemoved ["3", "a", "a"]], [DiffRemoved ["a", "a", "3"], DiffEqual ["a", "a"]]] |> test "Type parsing" |> evalElmAssert [] "type List a = Nil | Cons a\n2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a in 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let\n type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" --|> skipBefore |> test "updateReplace" -- newStart newEnd ... repStart repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2, StringUpdate 1 3 3, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- repStart repEnd ... newStart newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 5 5 1])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 4 3, StringUpdate 5 5 1, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- newStart repStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 4])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 5, StringUpdate 4 6 3])" -- newStart repStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 8 4, StringUpdate 11 13 3])" -- repStart newStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"abc\" \"abcd\" \"12abc567abc90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 9 1])" "(\"12abcd567abcd90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 10 4, StringUpdate 13 16 4])" -- repStart newStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 7 4, StringUpdate 9 11 3])" |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"\"\"(<(ul|ol)>(?:(?!</\\2>)[\\s\\S])*)</li>\\s*<li>\"\"\" \"$1</li>\\n</$2>\\n<$2>\\n\\t<li>\" \"<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 14 14 10])" "(\"<ul><li>a</li>\\n</ul>\\n<ul>\\n\\t<li>b</li></ul>\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 14 37])" -- Add the test <i>Hello <b>world</span></i> --> <i>Hello <b>world</b></i> (make sure to capture all closing tags) |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"printer\"" "\"$translation1\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"$translation1\"" |> test "imperative-like assignments" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = \"Hello \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" "\"Hella world\"" [] "a = \"Hella \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" --|> onlyBefore |> updateElmPrelude ( ExamplesGenerated.mapMaybeLens |> replaceStr "(\r?\n)+$" "" -- Remove newlines at the end |> replaceStr "showValues \\[maybeRowA, maybeRowB, maybeRow1, maybeRow2\\]" "showValues [maybeRow1, maybeRow2]" |> replaceStr "\r?\nmaybeRow(A|B).*" "" ) (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") |> summary
module UpdateTests exposing (..) import Helpers.Matchers exposing (..) import Update exposing (..) import UpdateRegex exposing (..) import UpdateStack exposing (..) import UpdateUtils exposing (..) import Lang exposing (..) import GroupStartMap exposing (..) import Regex import Utils import Eval import Syntax import Lazy import Results exposing (Results) import LazyList import LangUtils exposing (..) import ParserUtils import HTMLValParser import Set import ImpureGoodies import EvalUpdate exposing (builtinEnv) import ExamplesGenerated import ElmParser type StateChanger = StateChanger (State -> State) type alias State = { numTests: Int, nthAssertion: Int, numSuccess: Int, numFailed: Int, currentName: String, errors: String, ignore: Bool, toLaunch: List StateChanger, onlyOnly: Bool } init_state = State 0 0 0 0 "" "" False [] False -- Metacommands to gather states without executing them delay: (() -> State -> State) -> State -> State delay thetest state = if state.ignore then state else thetest () state only: (State -> State) -> State -> State only stateChanger state = let newState = stateChanger { state | toLaunch = [], onlyOnly = False} in let newState2 =flush newState in {newState2 | onlyOnly = True, toLaunch = []} -- wipe out other tests not launched onlyLast: State -> State onlyLast state = case Utils.maybeLast state.toLaunch of Just (StateChanger stateChanger) -> only stateChanger state _ -> Debug.crash "No tests to only test before the use of 'onlyLast'. Add '|> onlyLast' after a test you want to run alone" onlyAfter = skipBefore skipBefore: State -> State skipBefore state = { state | toLaunch = [] } onlyBefore: State -> State onlyBefore = flush >> ignore True gather: (State -> State) -> State -> State gather stateChanger state = { state | toLaunch = state.toLaunch ++ [StateChanger stateChanger] } flush: State -> State flush state = let defaultState = {state | toLaunch = [] } in if state.onlyOnly then defaultState else List.foldl (\(StateChanger sc) s -> sc s) defaultState state.toLaunch summary: State -> String summary state_ = let state = flush state_ in Debug.log (state.errors ++ "\n-------------------\n "++toString state.numSuccess ++"/" ++ toString state.numTests++ " tests passed\n-------------------") "ok" test_: String -> State -> State test_ name state = let _ = Debug.log name " [Start]" in {state | nthAssertion = 1, currentName = name} -- Debug.log name "all tests passed" test s = gather <| test_ s ignore: Bool -> State -> State ignore b state = {state | ignore = b} success state = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numSuccess = state.numSuccess + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1 } fail state newError = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numFailed = state.numFailed + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1, errors = state.errors ++ "\n" ++ newError } log state msg = "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] " ++ msg nthEnv = [("nth", "letrec nth list index = case list of head::tail -> if index == 0 then head else nth tail (index - 1); [] -> null in nth")] genericAssertEqual: (a -> String) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> State -> State genericAssertEqual eToString isEqual obtained expected state = if state.ignore then state else if isEqual obtained expected then success state else fail state <| "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] Expected \n" ++ eToString expected ++ ", got\n" ++ eToString obtained assertEqual_: a -> a -> State -> State assertEqual_ = genericAssertEqual (toString) (==) assertEqual a b = gather <| assertEqual_ a b assertEqualVal_: Val -> Val -> State -> State assertEqualVal_ = genericAssertEqual valToString (\x y -> valToString x == valToString y) assertEqualVal v1 v2 = gather <| assertEqualVal_ v1 v2 updateAssert_: Bool -> Env -> Exp -> Val -> Val -> Env -> String -> State -> State updateAssert_ checkEnv env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else let expected = (if checkEnv then envToString expectedEnv else "") ++ " |- " ++ expectedExpStr in let problemdesc = ("\nFor problem:" ++ (if checkEnv then envToString env else "") ++ " |- " ++ unparse exp ++ " <-- " ++ valToString newOut ++ " (was " ++ valToString origOut ++ ")") in case UpdateUtils.defaultVDiffs origOut newOut of Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "This diff is not allowed:" ++ msg Ok (LazyList.Nil) -> fail state <| "Internal error: no diffs" Ok (LazyList.Cons Nothing _) -> fail state <| log state <| "There was no diff between the previous output and the new output" Ok ll-> --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| "Diffs observed: " ++ toString (LazyList.toList ll) in case Ok (LazyList.filterMap identity ll) |> Results.andThen (\diffs -> update LazyList.Nil LazyList.Nil (updateContext "initial" env exp [] origOut newOut diffs)) of Ok (LazyList.Cons (envX, expX) lazyTail as ll) -> let _ = LazyList.toList ll in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| toString expX.changes in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| eDiffsToString "" exp expX.val (expX.changes |> Maybe.withDefault (EConstDiffs EAnyDiffs)) in let obtained = (if checkEnv then envToString envX.val else if envX.changes == [] then "" else toString envX.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX.val in if obtained == expected then success state else case Lazy.force lazyTail of LazyList.Cons (envX2, expX2) lazyTail2 -> let obtained2 = ( if checkEnv then envToString envX2.val else if envX2.changes == [] then "" else toString envX2.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX2.val in if obtained2 == expected then success state else fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n and \n'" ++ obtained2 ++ problemdesc LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n" ++ problemdesc Ok LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got no solutions without error" ++ problemdesc Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got '" ++ msg ++ problemdesc updateAssert env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr = gather <| updateAssert_ True env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr evalElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr evalElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert2_ env expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert2 envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert2_ envStr expStr expectedResStr updateElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> List (String, String) -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr, parseEnv expectedEnvStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env, expectedEnv] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> let _ = Debug.log (toString exp) () in fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ " <- " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr updateElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ "," ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut env expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert2 env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr updateElmPrelude_: String -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> State -> State updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer state = if state.ignore then state else case parse expStr of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok exp -> case evalEnv EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ ": " ++ error Ok oldOut -> case oldOut |> valToString |> outReplacer |> parse |> Result.andThen eval of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok newOut -> let expectedExpStr = expectedExpReplacer expStr in updateAssert_ False EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp oldOut newOut EvalUpdate.preludeEnv expectedExpStr state updateElmPrelude expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer = gather <| updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer replaceStr before after = Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex before) (\_ -> after) parse = Syntax.parser Syntax.Elm >> Result.mapError (\p -> ParserUtils.showError p) unparse = Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm evalEnv env exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm env exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) eval exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm [] exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) parseEnv: List (String, String) -> Result String Env parseEnv envStr = envStr |> List.map (\(name, exp) -> parse exp |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) |> Result.andThen (\x -> evalEnv [] x |> Result.map (\x -> (name, x)))) |> Utils.projOk |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) dws = ws " " dws2 = ws " " dws1 = ws " " dws3 = ws " " dws4 = ws " " dws5 = ws " " dws6 = ws " " val x = Val x (Provenance [] (tConst (ws "") 0) []) (Parents []) tVal n = val <| (VConst Nothing (n, dummyTrace)) tVClosure maybeIndent pats body env = val <| VClosure maybeIndent pats body env tVList vals = val <| VList vals tVBool truth = val <| VBase (VBool truth) tVStr chars = val <| VBase (VString chars) tConst ws num = withDummyExpInfo <| EConst ws num dummyLoc noWidgetDecl tBool space truth = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EBool truth) tString space chars = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EString defaultQuoteChar chars) tVar space name =withDummyExpInfo <| EVar space name tFun sp0 pats body sp1 = (withDummyExpInfo <| EFun sp0 pats body sp1) tApp sp0 fun args sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EApp sp0 fun args SpaceApp sp1 tList sp0 exps sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EList sp0 (List.map (\e -> (ws "", e)) exps) (ws "") Nothing sp1 --tListCons sp0 exps sp1 tail sp2 = EList sp0 exps sp1 (Just tail) sp2 tPVar space name = withDummyPatInfo <| PVar space name noWidgetDecl tPAs sp0 name sp1 pat= withDummyPatInfo <| PAs sp0 name sp1 pat tPList sp0 listPat sp1= withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat (ws "") Nothing sp1 tPListCons sp0 listPat sp1 tailPat sp2 = withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat sp1 (Just tailPat) sp1 onlySpecific = False display_prelude_message = case ElmParser.preludeNotParsed of Nothing -> () Just msg -> Debug.log msg () all_tests = init_state |> ignore onlySpecific |> test "triCombineTest" |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))] [(1, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))], [(1, VConstDiffs)])) |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 1))] [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 2))] [(1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] [("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 3))] [(0, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 3))], [(0, VConstDiffs), (1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)])) |> test "Minus sign as binary or unary operator" |> evalElmAssert [] "1-1" "0" |> evalElmAssert [] "(\\x->x) -1" "-1" |> test "update mutual recursion" |> updateElmAssert [] "x =y\ny= 1\nx" "2" [] "x =y\ny= 2\nx" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 87\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 15)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> test "update const" |> updateElmAssert [] " 1" "2" [] " 2" |> test "update boolean and strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " True" "False" [] " False" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Hello'" "'World'" [] " 'World'" |> test "update var" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "x" "2" [("x", "2")] "x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x" "2" [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x" |> updateElmAssert [("y", "3"), ("x", "1")] " x" "2" [("y", "3"), ("x", "2")] " x" |> test "update fun" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\ x -> 1" "\\ x -> 2" [] "\\ x -> 2" |> test "update fun with 2 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> 1" "\\y x -> 2" [] "\\y x -> 2" |> test "update nested fun with 2 and 1 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> \\z -> 1" "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" [] "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" |> test "update app identity" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x -> x) 2" |> test "update app constant" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> 1) 3" "2" [] "(\\x -> 2) 3" |> test "update pattern 'as' (\\(x as y) -> x [or y]) 1" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x as y -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x as y -> x) 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 1" "2" [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 2" |> test "update pattern list (\\[x, y] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update pattern list with tail (\\[x | [y]] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update app (\\x y -> x) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> x) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> x) 3 2" |> test "update app (\\x y -> y) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 3" |> test "update if-then-else" |> updateElmAssert [] "if True then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if True then 3 else 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "if False then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if False then 1 else 3" |> test "String concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "'Hello' + 'world'" "'Hello world'" [] "'Hello ' + 'world'" |> test "update arithmetic operations" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "2"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "5"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" "1" [("x", "3"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x* y" "8" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x* y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "18"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" "7" [("x", "21"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "3"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" "16" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "1" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "27" [("x", "3"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "0")] "x ^ y" "-1" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1")] "x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "-8" [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" "3" [("x", "19"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "3.141592653589793" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1.2246467991473532e-16")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "-1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "-1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "sin x" "1" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "sin x" "-1" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arccos x" "0" [("x", "1")] "arccos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arcsin x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "1")] "arcsin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "floor x" "15" [("x", "15.5")] "floor x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "ceiling x" "15" [("x", "14.5")] "ceiling x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.75")] "round x" "15" [("x", "14.75")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.25")] "round x" "15" [("x", "15.25")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "16")] "sqrt x" "3" [("x", "9")] "sqrt x" |> test "case of calls" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[4, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 5" |> test "non-rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 5 in\nlet y =2 in [x, y]" "[6, 3]" [] "let x= 6 in\nlet y =3 in [x, y]" |> test "list constructor" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =3 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[3] in x :: x :: y" |> test "rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 2" "3" [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 5" |> test "Comments" |> updateElmAssert [] "--This is a comment\n 1" "2" [] "--This is a comment\n 2" |> test "Strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello world\"" [] " \"Hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " \"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello world\"" [] " 'Hello world'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " 'Hello\\' \" wo\\\\rld'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Welcome to this world'" "\"Welcome again to this world\"" [] " 'Welcome again to this world'" |> test "Strings concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\"Hello\" + \" \") + \"world\"" "\"Good morning world\"" [] "(\"Good morning\" + \" \") + \"world\"" |> test "Many solutions" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 1\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 1 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> test "Multiline string literals" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"small\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" "\"Hello very tiny world\"" [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"tiny\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello big\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Helloworld\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@(x)world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello big\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" big\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello tall world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" tall\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> test "Finding all regex matches" |> assertEqual (LazyList.toList <| allInterleavingsIn ["A", "BB", "C"] "xAyBBBzAoBBpCC") [ ["x","y","BzAoBBp","C"] , ["x","y","BzAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBp","C"] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "p","C"] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "pC",""] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "p","C"] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "pC",""] ] |> test "GroupStartMap" |> assertEqual (List.map (\{submatches} -> submatches) (GroupStartMap.find Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" "aabcdacdd")) [[{match = Just "bc", start = 2}, {match = Just "bc", start = 2}], [{match = Just "cd", start = 6}, {match = Nothing, start = -1}]] |> assertEqual (GroupStartMap.replace Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" ( \match -> String.concat <| List.map (\subm -> toString subm.start ++ Maybe.withDefault "null" subm.match) match.submatches ) "aabcdacdd") "a2bc2bc6cd-1null" |> test "replaceAllIn" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"l\" \"L\" \"Hello world\"" "\"HeLLo worLd\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" \"o$1\" \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is ocknowledgeoble\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" (\\{group = [t, c]} -> \"oa\" + (if c == \"b\" then \"c\" else \"b\")) \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is oabknowledgeoacle\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" "\"Seeee somee emexamplees from Filee...\"" "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eme\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eec\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some ecxamples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" See some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" "\"Sea ses\"" [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" Sea some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" |> evalElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"\"\"([\\w:_-]*)\"\"\" \"data-array=\\\"17\\\"\" |> case of Just [id] -> id; _ -> \"Nothing\" " "\"data-array\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](http://test)\"" "\"<a href='http://test'>Markdown</a>\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"#<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdoooown</a>\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdoooown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"5\" else \"7\") \"x,y\"" "\"6,8\"" "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"6\" else \"8\") \"x,y\"" --|> test "Record construction, extraction and pattern " -- |> |> test "Partial application" |> updateElmAssert [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'green') ['hello', 'world']" "[[ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'red']]]], [['TEXT', 'hello']]], [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'green']]]], [['TEXT', 'world']]]]" [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'red') ['hello', 'world']" --|> ignore False |> test "Multiple solutions" |> updateElmAssert [] "['A' + 'B', 'C' + 'D']" "['AGB', 'CGD']" [] "['AG' + 'B', 'CG' + 'D']" |> test "Records" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.b" "3" [] "{ a= 1, b= 3}.b" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.a" "3" [] "{ a= 3, b= 2}.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.a" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 3 }.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.b" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 3} in { x | a = 2 }.b" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list > 1 elements" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2, 3, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1,\n 5,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] " [ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] " [ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[1, 2]" [] "[1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1\n, 2\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[\n 1,\n 2]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2\n, 1\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[\n 2,\n 1]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list > 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[ 0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 0\n, 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of empty list" |> updateElmAssert [] "[]" "[1]" [] "[1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ ]" "[1]" [] "[1 ]" |> updateElmAssert [] " []" "[[1, 2]]" [] " [[1, 2]]" |> test "parsing HTML" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello world\"]" "parseHTML \"hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello<br>world\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello\", HTMLElement \"br\" [] \" \" RegularEndOpening [] VoidClosing, HTMLInner \"sworld\"]" "parseHTML \"hello<br >sworld\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<?help>\"" "[HTMLComment (Less_Greater \"Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and -->\")]" "parseHTML \"<!--Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and ~~>-->\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<h3>Hello world</h3>\"" "[HTMLElement \"h3\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Hello world\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demo\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \" demonstration\"]" "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demonstration\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"Hello world\"" "[HTMLInner \"Hello world\"]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<i><b>Hello</i></b>World\"" "[ HTMLElement \"i\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLElement \"b\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLInner \"Hello\"] ForgotClosing] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \"</b>World\"]" |> updateElmAssert [("color", "\"white\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" "[[\"padding\", \"3px\"], [ \"background-color\", \"lightgray\"]]" [("color", "\"lightgray\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" |> test "freeze" |> updateElmAssert [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 1" "2" [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 2" |> updateElmAssert [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 1 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" "2" [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 2 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" |> test "dictionary" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "Just 2" [("x", "2")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 1 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2), (\"b\", 3)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 2 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 3)])" |> test "recursive delayed" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 2 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 3" |> test "All diffs" |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "abcabcabc" "abxabcabc" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "c", DiffAdded "x", DiffEqual "abcabc"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "ab3ab" "abab" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "3", DiffEqual "ab"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "aa3aa" "aa" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "aa", DiffRemoved "3aa"], [DiffRemoved "aa3", DiffEqual "aa"]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "b", "3", "a", "b"] ["a", "b", "a", "b"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "b"], DiffRemoved ["3"], DiffEqual ["a", "b"]]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "a", "3", "a", "a"] ["a", "a"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "a"], DiffRemoved ["3", "a", "a"]], [DiffRemoved ["a", "a", "3"], DiffEqual ["a", "a"]]] |> test "Type parsing" |> evalElmAssert [] "type List a = Nil | Cons a\n2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a in 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let\n type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" --|> skipBefore |> test "updateReplace" -- newStart newEnd ... repStart repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2, StringUpdate 1 3 3, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- repStart repEnd ... newStart newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 5 5 1])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 4 3, StringUpdate 5 5 1, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- newStart repStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 4])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 5, StringUpdate 4 6 3])" -- newStart repStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 8 4, StringUpdate 11 13 3])" -- repStart newStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"abc\" \"abcd\" \"12abc567abc90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 9 1])" "(\"12abcd567abcd90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 10 4, StringUpdate 13 16 4])" -- repStart newStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 7 4, StringUpdate 9 11 3])" |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"\"\"(<(ul|ol)>(?:(?!</\\2>)[\\s\\S])*)</li>\\s*<li>\"\"\" \"$1</li>\\n</$2>\\n<$2>\\n\\t<li>\" \"<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 14 14 10])" "(\"<ul><li>a</li>\\n</ul>\\n<ul>\\n\\t<li>b</li></ul>\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 14 37])" -- Add the test <i>Hello <b>world</span></i> --> <i>Hello <b>world</b></i> (make sure to capture all closing tags) |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"printer\"" "\"$translation1\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"$translation1\"" |> test "imperative-like assignments" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = \"Hello \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" "\"Hella world\"" [] "a = \"<NAME> \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" --|> onlyBefore |> updateElmPrelude ( ExamplesGenerated.mapMaybeLens |> replaceStr "(\r?\n)+$" "" -- Remove newlines at the end |> replaceStr "showValues \\[maybeRowA, maybeRowB, maybeRow1, maybeRow2\\]" "showValues [maybeRow1, maybeRow2]" |> replaceStr "\r?\nmaybeRow(A|B).*" "" ) (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") |> summary
module UpdateTests exposing (..) import Helpers.Matchers exposing (..) import Update exposing (..) import UpdateRegex exposing (..) import UpdateStack exposing (..) import UpdateUtils exposing (..) import Lang exposing (..) import GroupStartMap exposing (..) import Regex import Utils import Eval import Syntax import Lazy import Results exposing (Results) import LazyList import LangUtils exposing (..) import ParserUtils import HTMLValParser import Set import ImpureGoodies import EvalUpdate exposing (builtinEnv) import ExamplesGenerated import ElmParser type StateChanger = StateChanger (State -> State) type alias State = { numTests: Int, nthAssertion: Int, numSuccess: Int, numFailed: Int, currentName: String, errors: String, ignore: Bool, toLaunch: List StateChanger, onlyOnly: Bool } init_state = State 0 0 0 0 "" "" False [] False -- Metacommands to gather states without executing them delay: (() -> State -> State) -> State -> State delay thetest state = if state.ignore then state else thetest () state only: (State -> State) -> State -> State only stateChanger state = let newState = stateChanger { state | toLaunch = [], onlyOnly = False} in let newState2 =flush newState in {newState2 | onlyOnly = True, toLaunch = []} -- wipe out other tests not launched onlyLast: State -> State onlyLast state = case Utils.maybeLast state.toLaunch of Just (StateChanger stateChanger) -> only stateChanger state _ -> Debug.crash "No tests to only test before the use of 'onlyLast'. Add '|> onlyLast' after a test you want to run alone" onlyAfter = skipBefore skipBefore: State -> State skipBefore state = { state | toLaunch = [] } onlyBefore: State -> State onlyBefore = flush >> ignore True gather: (State -> State) -> State -> State gather stateChanger state = { state | toLaunch = state.toLaunch ++ [StateChanger stateChanger] } flush: State -> State flush state = let defaultState = {state | toLaunch = [] } in if state.onlyOnly then defaultState else List.foldl (\(StateChanger sc) s -> sc s) defaultState state.toLaunch summary: State -> String summary state_ = let state = flush state_ in Debug.log (state.errors ++ "\n-------------------\n "++toString state.numSuccess ++"/" ++ toString state.numTests++ " tests passed\n-------------------") "ok" test_: String -> State -> State test_ name state = let _ = Debug.log name " [Start]" in {state | nthAssertion = 1, currentName = name} -- Debug.log name "all tests passed" test s = gather <| test_ s ignore: Bool -> State -> State ignore b state = {state | ignore = b} success state = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numSuccess = state.numSuccess + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1 } fail state newError = { state | numTests = state.numTests + 1, numFailed = state.numFailed + 1, nthAssertion = state.nthAssertion + 1, errors = state.errors ++ "\n" ++ newError } log state msg = "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] " ++ msg nthEnv = [("nth", "letrec nth list index = case list of head::tail -> if index == 0 then head else nth tail (index - 1); [] -> null in nth")] genericAssertEqual: (a -> String) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> a -> State -> State genericAssertEqual eToString isEqual obtained expected state = if state.ignore then state else if isEqual obtained expected then success state else fail state <| "[" ++ state.currentName ++ ", assertion #" ++ toString state.nthAssertion ++ "] Expected \n" ++ eToString expected ++ ", got\n" ++ eToString obtained assertEqual_: a -> a -> State -> State assertEqual_ = genericAssertEqual (toString) (==) assertEqual a b = gather <| assertEqual_ a b assertEqualVal_: Val -> Val -> State -> State assertEqualVal_ = genericAssertEqual valToString (\x y -> valToString x == valToString y) assertEqualVal v1 v2 = gather <| assertEqualVal_ v1 v2 updateAssert_: Bool -> Env -> Exp -> Val -> Val -> Env -> String -> State -> State updateAssert_ checkEnv env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else let expected = (if checkEnv then envToString expectedEnv else "") ++ " |- " ++ expectedExpStr in let problemdesc = ("\nFor problem:" ++ (if checkEnv then envToString env else "") ++ " |- " ++ unparse exp ++ " <-- " ++ valToString newOut ++ " (was " ++ valToString origOut ++ ")") in case UpdateUtils.defaultVDiffs origOut newOut of Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "This diff is not allowed:" ++ msg Ok (LazyList.Nil) -> fail state <| "Internal error: no diffs" Ok (LazyList.Cons Nothing _) -> fail state <| log state <| "There was no diff between the previous output and the new output" Ok ll-> --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| "Diffs observed: " ++ toString (LazyList.toList ll) in case Ok (LazyList.filterMap identity ll) |> Results.andThen (\diffs -> update LazyList.Nil LazyList.Nil (updateContext "initial" env exp [] origOut newOut diffs)) of Ok (LazyList.Cons (envX, expX) lazyTail as ll) -> let _ = LazyList.toList ll in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| toString expX.changes in --let _ = ImpureGoodies.log <| eDiffsToString "" exp expX.val (expX.changes |> Maybe.withDefault (EConstDiffs EAnyDiffs)) in let obtained = (if checkEnv then envToString envX.val else if envX.changes == [] then "" else toString envX.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX.val in if obtained == expected then success state else case Lazy.force lazyTail of LazyList.Cons (envX2, expX2) lazyTail2 -> let obtained2 = ( if checkEnv then envToString envX2.val else if envX2.changes == [] then "" else toString envX2.changes) ++ " |- " ++ unparse expX2.val in if obtained2 == expected then success state else fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n and \n'" ++ obtained2 ++ problemdesc LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "'\n, got\n'" ++ obtained ++ "'\n" ++ problemdesc Ok LazyList.Nil -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got no solutions without error" ++ problemdesc Err msg -> fail state <| log state <| "Expected \n'" ++ expected ++ "', got '" ++ msg ++ problemdesc updateAssert env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr = gather <| updateAssert_ True env exp origOut newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr evalElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert_ envStr expStr expectedResStr evalElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> State -> State evalElmAssert2_ env expStr expectedResStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse expectedResStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, res] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval res] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the expected result: " ++ unparse exp ++ "," ++ unparse res ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, expectedOut] -> assertEqualVal_ out expectedOut state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" evalElmAssert2 envStr expStr expectedResStr = gather <| evalElmAssert2_ envStr expStr expectedResStr updateElmAssert_: List (String, String) -> String -> String -> List (String, String) -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parseEnv envStr, parseEnv expectedEnvStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing environments: " ++ error Ok [env, expectedEnv] -> case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> let _ = Debug.log (toString exp) () in fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ " <- " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut expectedEnv expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert_ envStr expStr newOutStr expectedEnvStr expectedExpStr updateElmAssert2_: Env -> String -> String -> String -> State -> State updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr state = if state.ignore then state else case Utils.projOk [parse expStr, parse newOutStr] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok [exp, newOut] -> --let _ = Debug.log (log state <| toString exp) () in case Utils.projOk [evalEnv env exp, eval newOut] of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression or the output: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ "," ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm newOut ++ ": " ++ error Ok [out, newOut] -> updateAssert_ True env exp out newOut env expectedExpStr state Ok _ -> fail state "???" Ok _ -> fail state "???" updateElmAssert2 env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr = gather <| updateElmAssert2_ env expStr newOutStr expectedExpStr updateElmPrelude_: String -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> State -> State updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer state = if state.ignore then state else case parse expStr of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok exp -> case evalEnv EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while evaluating the expression: " ++ Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm exp ++ ": " ++ error Ok oldOut -> case oldOut |> valToString |> outReplacer |> parse |> Result.andThen eval of Err error -> fail state <| log state <| "Error while parsing expressions or outputs: " ++ error Ok newOut -> let expectedExpStr = expectedExpReplacer expStr in updateAssert_ False EvalUpdate.preludeEnv exp oldOut newOut EvalUpdate.preludeEnv expectedExpStr state updateElmPrelude expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer = gather <| updateElmPrelude_ expStr outReplacer expectedExpReplacer replaceStr before after = Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex before) (\_ -> after) parse = Syntax.parser Syntax.Elm >> Result.mapError (\p -> ParserUtils.showError p) unparse = Syntax.unparser Syntax.Elm evalEnv env exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm env exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) eval exp = Eval.doEval Syntax.Elm [] exp |> Result.map (Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) parseEnv: List (String, String) -> Result String Env parseEnv envStr = envStr |> List.map (\(name, exp) -> parse exp |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) |> Result.andThen (\x -> evalEnv [] x |> Result.map (\x -> (name, x)))) |> Utils.projOk |> Result.mapError (\pError -> toString pError) dws = ws " " dws2 = ws " " dws1 = ws " " dws3 = ws " " dws4 = ws " " dws5 = ws " " dws6 = ws " " val x = Val x (Provenance [] (tConst (ws "") 0) []) (Parents []) tVal n = val <| (VConst Nothing (n, dummyTrace)) tVClosure maybeIndent pats body env = val <| VClosure maybeIndent pats body env tVList vals = val <| VList vals tVBool truth = val <| VBase (VBool truth) tVStr chars = val <| VBase (VString chars) tConst ws num = withDummyExpInfo <| EConst ws num dummyLoc noWidgetDecl tBool space truth = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EBool truth) tString space chars = withDummyExpInfo <| EBase space (EString defaultQuoteChar chars) tVar space name =withDummyExpInfo <| EVar space name tFun sp0 pats body sp1 = (withDummyExpInfo <| EFun sp0 pats body sp1) tApp sp0 fun args sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EApp sp0 fun args SpaceApp sp1 tList sp0 exps sp1 = withDummyExpInfo <| EList sp0 (List.map (\e -> (ws "", e)) exps) (ws "") Nothing sp1 --tListCons sp0 exps sp1 tail sp2 = EList sp0 exps sp1 (Just tail) sp2 tPVar space name = withDummyPatInfo <| PVar space name noWidgetDecl tPAs sp0 name sp1 pat= withDummyPatInfo <| PAs sp0 name sp1 pat tPList sp0 listPat sp1= withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat (ws "") Nothing sp1 tPListCons sp0 listPat sp1 tailPat sp2 = withDummyPatInfo <| PList sp0 listPat sp1 (Just tailPat) sp1 onlySpecific = False display_prelude_message = case ElmParser.preludeNotParsed of Nothing -> () Just msg -> Debug.log msg () all_tests = init_state |> ignore onlySpecific |> test "triCombineTest" |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 1))] [] [("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))] [(1, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("y", (tVal 2)), ("x", (tVal 3))], [(1, VConstDiffs)])) |> delay (\() -> assertEqual (mergeEnv [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 1))] [("x", (tVal 1)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 2))] [(1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] [("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 1)), ("z", (tVal 3))] [(0, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)] ) ([("x", (tVal 3)), ("y", (tVal 2)), ("z", (tVal 3))], [(0, VConstDiffs), (1, VConstDiffs), (2, VConstDiffs)])) |> test "Minus sign as binary or unary operator" |> evalElmAssert [] "1-1" "0" |> evalElmAssert [] "(\\x->x) -1" "-1" |> test "update mutual recursion" |> updateElmAssert [] "x =y\ny= 1\nx" "2" [] "x =y\ny= 2\nx" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 87\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 17)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" "2" [] "a = g 85\nf x = g (x - 15)\ng y = if y < 17 then y else f y\na" |> test "update const" |> updateElmAssert [] " 1" "2" [] " 2" |> test "update boolean and strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " True" "False" [] " False" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Hello'" "'World'" [] " 'World'" |> test "update var" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "x" "2" [("x", "2")] "x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x" "2" [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x" |> updateElmAssert [("y", "3"), ("x", "1")] " x" "2" [("y", "3"), ("x", "2")] " x" |> test "update fun" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\ x -> 1" "\\ x -> 2" [] "\\ x -> 2" |> test "update fun with 2 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> 1" "\\y x -> 2" [] "\\y x -> 2" |> test "update nested fun with 2 and 1 arguments" |> updateElmAssert [] "\\x y -> \\z -> 1" "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" [] "\\y z -> \\x -> 3" |> test "update app identity" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x -> x) 2" |> test "update app constant" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x -> 1) 3" "2" [] "(\\x -> 2) 3" |> test "update pattern 'as' (\\(x as y) -> x [or y]) 1" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x as y -> x) 1" "2" [] "(\\x as y -> x) 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 1" "2" [] "(\\(x as y) -> y) 2" |> test "update pattern list (\\[x, y] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\[x, y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update pattern list with tail (\\[x | [y]] -> x or y) [1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: y -> x) [3, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 2]" "3" [] "(\\x :: [y] -> y) [1, 3]" |> test "update app (\\x y -> x) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> x) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> x) 3 2" |> test "update app (\\x y -> y) 1 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 2" "3" [] "(\\x y -> y) 1 3" |> test "update if-then-else" |> updateElmAssert [] "if True then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if True then 3 else 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "if False then 1 else 2" "3" [] "if False then 1 else 3" |> test "String concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "'Hello' + 'world'" "'Hello world'" [] "'Hello ' + 'world'" |> test "update arithmetic operations" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "2"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "2")] " x+ y" "4" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x+ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "5"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" "1" [("x", "3"), ("y", "2")] " x- y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "2"), ("y", "3")] " x* y" "8" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x* y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "18"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" "7" [("x", "21"), ("y", "3")] " x/ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "3"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" "16" [("x", "2"), ("y", "4")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "1" [("x", "1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "27" [("x", "3"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "0")] "x ^ y" "-1" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1")] "x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-1"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" "-8" [("x", "-2"), ("y", "3")] " x ^ y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" "3" [("x", "19"), ("y", "8")] " mod x y" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "3.141592653589793" [("x", "-1"), ("y", "1.2246467991473532e-16")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1"), ("y", "0")] "arctan2 y x" "-1.5707963267948966" [("x", "6.123233995736766e-17"), ("y", "-1")] "arctan2 y x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "cos x" "0" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "cos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0.1")] "sin x" "1" [("x", "1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "-0.1")] "sin x" "-1" [("x", "-1.570796326794897")] "sin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arccos x" "0" [("x", "1")] "arccos x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "0")] "arcsin x" "1.5707963267948966" [("x", "1")] "arcsin x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "floor x" "15" [("x", "15.5")] "floor x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.5")] "ceiling x" "15" [("x", "14.5")] "ceiling x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.75")] "round x" "15" [("x", "14.75")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "17.25")] "round x" "15" [("x", "15.25")] "round x" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "16")] "sqrt x" "3" [("x", "9")] "sqrt x" |> test "case of calls" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[4, 1]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 0" "5" [("x", "[7]")] "case x of\n [a, b] -> a + b\n u -> 5" |> test "non-rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 5 in\nlet y =2 in [x, y]" "[6, 3]" [] "let x= 6 in\nlet y =3 in [x, y]" |> test "list constructor" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[3, 1, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =2 in [x, x, y]" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =3 in [x, x, y]" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 3, 2]" [] "let x= 3 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[2] in x :: x :: y" "[1, 1, 3]" [] "let x= 1 in\nlet y =[3] in x :: x :: y" |> test "rec let" |> updateElmAssert [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 2" "3" [] "let f x = if x == 0 then x else (f (x - 1)) in\n f 5" |> test "Comments" |> updateElmAssert [] "--This is a comment\n 1" "2" [] "--This is a comment\n 2" |> test "Strings" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello world\"" [] " \"Hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " \"This is a string\"" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " \"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello world\"" [] " 'Hello world'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'This is a string'" "\"Hello' \\\" wo\\\\rld\"" [] " 'Hello\\' \" wo\\\\rld'" |> updateElmAssert [] " 'Welcome to this world'" "\"Welcome again to this world\"" [] " 'Welcome again to this world'" |> test "Strings concatenation" |> updateElmAssert [] "(\"Hello\" + \" \") + \"world\"" "\"Good morning world\"" [] "(\"Good morning\" + \" \") + \"world\"" |> test "Many solutions" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 1\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> updateElmAssert [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 0 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" "['h3', [], [['TEXT', '1']]]" [("h3", "\\text -> ['h3', [], [['TEXT', text]]]")] "x = 1 + 0\n\nh3 (toString x)" |> test "Multiline string literals" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"small\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" "\"Hello very tiny world\"" [] "\"\"\"Hello @(if 1 == 2 then \"big\" else \"\"\"very @(\"tiny\")\"\"\") world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "let x = \"Hello big\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@x world\"\"\"" "\"Helloworld\"" [] "let x = \"Hello\" in \"\"\"@(x)world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello big\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello big world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = \"Hello\" in\n@x big world\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" big\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" "\"Hello tall world\"" [] "\"\"\"@let x = (\"Hello\" + \n \" tall\") in\n@x world\"\"\"" |> test "Finding all regex matches" |> assertEqual (LazyList.toList <| allInterleavingsIn ["A", "BB", "C"] "xAyBBBzAoBBpCC") [ ["x","y","BzAoBBp","C"] , ["x","y","BzAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBp","C"] , ["x", "yB", "zAoBBpC",""] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "p","C"] , ["x", "yBBBzAo", "pC",""] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "p","C"] , ["xAyBBBz", "o", "pC",""] ] |> test "GroupStartMap" |> assertEqual (List.map (\{submatches} -> submatches) (GroupStartMap.find Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" "aabcdacdd")) [[{match = Just "bc", start = 2}, {match = Just "bc", start = 2}], [{match = Just "cd", start = 6}, {match = Nothing, start = -1}]] |> assertEqual (GroupStartMap.replace Regex.All "a((bc)|cd)d" ( \match -> String.concat <| List.map (\subm -> toString subm.start ++ Maybe.withDefault "null" subm.match) match.submatches ) "aabcdacdd") "a2bc2bc6cd-1null" |> test "replaceAllIn" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"l\" \"L\" \"Hello world\"" "\"HeLLo worLd\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" \"o$1\" \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is ocknowledgeoble\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"a(b|c)\" (\\{group = [t, c]} -> \"oa\" + (if c == \"b\" then \"c\" else \"b\")) \"This is acknowledgeable\"" "\"This is oabknowledgeoacle\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" "\"Seeee somee emexamplees from Filee...\"" "replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eme\" \"\"\"See some examples from File...\"\"\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"eec\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some examples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', \"\"\"\n Seeee somee eecxamplees from Filee -> Neew From Teemplatee in\n thee meenu bar, or by preessing thee Preevious and Neext\n buttons in thee top-right corneer.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" "[ 'div'\n , []\n , [ ['h2', [], [['TEXT', 'Welcome to Sketch-n-Sketch Docs!']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', 'Type something here...']]]\n , ['br', [], []]\n , ['p', [], [['TEXT', replaceAllIn \"e\" \"ee\" \"\"\"\n See some ecxamples from File -> New From Template in\n the menu bar, or by pressing the Previous and Next\n buttons in the top-right corner.\n \"\"\"]]]\n ]\n ]" |> updateElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" See some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" "\"Sea ses\"" [] "extractFirstIn \"^\\\\s*(S(\\\\w)+ (\\\\w))\" \"\"\" Sea some examples\"\"\" |> case of Just [big, s1, s2] -> big + s1 + s2; e -> \"not the right shape\"" |> evalElmAssert [] "extractFirstIn \"\"\"([\\w:_-]*)\"\"\" \"data-array=\\\"17\\\"\" |> case of Just [id] -> id; _ -> \"Nothing\" " "\"data-array\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](http://test)\"" "\"<a href='http://test'>Markdown</a>\"" |> evalElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" "\"#<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdoooown</a>\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\[([^\\\\[]+)\\\\]\\\\(([^\\\\)]+)\\\\)\" \"<a href='$2'>$1</a>\" \"#[Markdoooown](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)\"" |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"5\" else \"7\") \"x,y\"" "\"6,8\"" "replaceAllIn \"x|y\" (\\{match} -> if match == \"x\" then \"6\" else \"8\") \"x,y\"" --|> test "Record construction, extraction and pattern " -- |> |> test "Partial application" |> updateElmAssert [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'green') ['hello', 'world']" "[[ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'red']]]], [['TEXT', 'hello']]], [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', 'green']]]], [['TEXT', 'world']]]]" [] "let map f l = case l of head::tail -> f head::map f tail; [] -> [] in let td color txt = [ 'td', [['style', ['border', 'padding', ['background-color', color]]]], [['TEXT', txt]]] in map (td 'red') ['hello', 'world']" --|> ignore False |> test "Multiple solutions" |> updateElmAssert [] "['A' + 'B', 'C' + 'D']" "['AGB', 'CGD']" [] "['AG' + 'B', 'CG' + 'D']" |> test "Records" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.b" "3" [] "{ a= 1, b= 3}.b" |> updateElmAssert [] "{ a= 1, b= 2}.a" "3" [] "{ a= 3, b= 2}.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.a" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 3 }.a" |> updateElmAssert [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 2} in { x | a = 2 }.b" "3" [] "let x = { a= 1, b= 3} in { x | a = 2 }.b" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list > 1 elements" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2, 3, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1,\n 5,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> updateElmAssert [] " [ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]" [] " [ 1\n, 5\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, second position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[1, 2]" [] "[1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[ 1\n, 2\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[ 1, 2]" [] "[\n 1,\n 2]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list with 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2, 1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n]" "[2, 1]" [] "[ 2\n, 1\n]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[\n 1]" "[2, 1]" [] "[\n 2,\n 1]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of list > 1 element" |> updateElmAssert [] "[1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1, 2]" "[0, 1, 2]" [] "[ 0, 1, 2]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]" [] "[ 0\n, 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4]" |> test "Indented lists, first position of empty list" |> updateElmAssert [] "[]" "[1]" [] "[1]" |> updateElmAssert [] "[ ]" "[1]" [] "[1 ]" |> updateElmAssert [] " []" "[[1, 2]]" [] " [[1, 2]]" |> test "parsing HTML" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello world\"]" "parseHTML \"hello world\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"hello<br>world\"" "[HTMLInner \"hello\", HTMLElement \"br\" [] \" \" RegularEndOpening [] VoidClosing, HTMLInner \"sworld\"]" "parseHTML \"hello<br >sworld\"" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<?help>\"" "[HTMLComment (Less_Greater \"Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and -->\")]" "parseHTML \"<!--Injection: adding more chars like >, <, and ~~>-->\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<h3>Hello world</h3>\"" "[HTMLElement \"h3\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Hello world\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a>\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\")]" |> updateElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demo\"" "[HTMLElement \"a\" [HTMLAttribute \" \" \"href\" (HTMLAttributeString \"\" \"\" \"'\" \"https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown\")] \"\" RegularEndOpening [HTMLInner \"Markdown\"] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \" demonstration\"]" "parseHTML \"<a href='https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown'>Markdown</a> demonstration\"" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"Hello world\"" "[HTMLInner \"Hello world\"]" |> evalElmAssert2 [("parseHTML", HTMLValParser.htmlValParser)] "parseHTML \"<i><b>Hello</i></b>World\"" "[ HTMLElement \"i\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLElement \"b\" [] \"\" RegularEndOpening [ HTMLInner \"Hello\"] ForgotClosing] (RegularClosing \"\"), HTMLInner \"</b>World\"]" |> updateElmAssert [("color", "\"white\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" "[[\"padding\", \"3px\"], [ \"background-color\", \"lightgray\"]]" [("color", "\"lightgray\""), ("padding", "[\"padding\", \"3px\"]")] "[padding, [\"background-color\", color]]" |> test "freeze" |> updateElmAssert [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 1" "2" [("freeze", "\\x -> x")] "freeze 0 + 2" |> updateElmAssert [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 1 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" "2" [("freezeExpression", "\\x -> x")] "let x = 2 in freezeExpression (0 + x)" |> test "dictionary" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "Just 2" [("x", "2")] "__DictGet__ \"a\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictRemove__ \"b\" (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x), (\"b\", 2)])" |> updateElmAssert [("x", "1")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [("x", "2")] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" x (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", x)])" |> updateElmAssert [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 1 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 2), (\"b\", 3)])" "__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 2)]" [] "__DictInsert__ \"b\" 2 (__DictFromList__ [(\"a\", 1), (\"b\", 3)])" |> test "recursive delayed" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 2 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" |> updateElmAssert [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 2" "4" [] "f =\n let x = 1 in\n \\y -> x + y\n\nf 3" |> test "All diffs" |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "abcabcabc" "abxabcabc" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "c", DiffAdded "x", DiffEqual "abcabc"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "ab3ab" "abab" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "ab", DiffRemoved "3", DiffEqual "ab"]] |> assertEqual (allStringDiffs "aa3aa" "aa" |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual "aa", DiffRemoved "3aa"], [DiffRemoved "aa3", DiffEqual "aa"]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "b", "3", "a", "b"] ["a", "b", "a", "b"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "b"], DiffRemoved ["3"], DiffEqual ["a", "b"]]] |> assertEqual (alldiffs identity ["a", "a", "3", "a", "a"] ["a", "a"] |> Results.toList) [[DiffEqual ["a", "a"], DiffRemoved ["3", "a", "a"]], [DiffRemoved ["a", "a", "3"], DiffEqual ["a", "a"]]] |> test "Type parsing" |> evalElmAssert [] "type List a = Nil | Cons a\n2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a in 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" |> evalElmAssert [] "let\n type List a = Nil | Cons a\nin 2" "2" --|> skipBefore |> test "updateReplace" -- newStart newEnd ... repStart repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 1 2, StringUpdate 1 3 3, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- repStart repEnd ... newStart newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 5 5 1])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 4 3, StringUpdate 5 5 1, StringUpdate 6 8 3])" -- newStart repStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 4])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 2 5, StringUpdate 4 6 3])" -- newStart repStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 1 8 4, StringUpdate 11 13 3])" -- repStart newStart newEnd ... repEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"abc\" \"abcd\" \"12abc567abc90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 9 1])" "(\"12abcd567abcd90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 10 4, StringUpdate 13 16 4])" -- repStart newStart repEnd ... newEnd |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"ab\" \"abc\" \"12ab567ab90\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 3 7 2])" "(\"12abc567abc90\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 2 7 4, StringUpdate 9 11 3])" |> evalElmAssert2 [("updateReplace", UpdateRegex.updateReplace EvalUpdate.eval EvalUpdate.update)] "updateReplace \"\"\"(<(ul|ol)>(?:(?!</\\2>)[\\s\\S])*)</li>\\s*<li>\"\"\" \"$1</li>\\n</$2>\\n<$2>\\n\\t<li>\" \"<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>\" (VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 14 14 10])" "(\"<ul><li>a</li>\\n</ul>\\n<ul>\\n\\t<li>b</li></ul>\", VStringDiffs [StringUpdate 0 14 37])" -- Add the test <i>Hello <b>world</span></i> --> <i>Hello <b>world</b></i> (make sure to capture all closing tags) |> updateElmAssert2 builtinEnv "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"printer\"" "\"$translation1\"" "replaceAllIn \"\\\\$(\\\\w+|\\\\$)\" (\\m -> m.match) \"$translation1\"" |> test "imperative-like assignments" |> updateElmAssert [] "a = \"Hello \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" "\"Hella world\"" [] "a = \"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI \"\na = a + \"world\"\na" --|> onlyBefore |> updateElmPrelude ( ExamplesGenerated.mapMaybeLens |> replaceStr "(\r?\n)+$" "" -- Remove newlines at the end |> replaceStr "showValues \\[maybeRowA, maybeRowB, maybeRow1, maybeRow2\\]" "showValues [maybeRow1, maybeRow2]" |> replaceStr "\r?\nmaybeRow(A|B).*" "" ) (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") (replaceStr "New Jersey" "New Jersay") |> summary
[ { "context": " exposing (Html, text)\r\n\r\nmain =\r\n text \"Hello, Elm!\"", "end": 3269, "score": 0.8838254213, "start": 3266, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Elm" } ]
-- the starting example import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 8 10 ) ) -- another way to write the above text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 10 ) ) ) ) -- piped syntax import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 2 10 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> toString |> text -- the starting example, re-written import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- helpful type system import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber: Int -> Int -> Int multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- Get started writing Elm code import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello, World!" -- With h1 function import Html exposing (..) main = h1 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- With h2 function h2 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a link main = a [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making an li main = li [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Nesting Html functions import Html exposing (..) main = div [] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Adding attributes import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Updating the style HTML tag in Ellie app .danger { background: red; } -- Adding type annotations import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main : Html msg main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Get started fast with create-elm-app npm install create-elm-app -g create-elm-app elm-fun elm-app start -- Main.elm import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Html exposing (..) main : Html msg main = div [ ] [ h1 [] [text "Elm is fun!" ] , p [] [text "Let's learn some more!" ] ] -- Get started with Elm on Windows 10 npm install -g elm npm install -g elm-oracle where.exe elm-oracle C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7 C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7\resources\app\apm\bin apm install atom-beautify apm install elm-format C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin where.exe elm C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin\elm-format.exe -- testing elm-format with a poorly formatted elm file -- command to run: -- elm-format .\poorly-formatted-file.elm module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, Elm!" apm install linter C:\Users\PC\.atom\packages elm-package install -y -- Add some code to Main.elm to make sure it works: module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, Elm!"
-- the starting example import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 8 10 ) ) -- another way to write the above text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 10 ) ) ) ) -- piped syntax import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 2 10 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> toString |> text -- the starting example, re-written import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- helpful type system import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber: Int -> Int -> Int multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- Get started writing Elm code import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello, World!" -- With h1 function import Html exposing (..) main = h1 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- With h2 function h2 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a link main = a [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making an li main = li [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Nesting Html functions import Html exposing (..) main = div [] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Adding attributes import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Updating the style HTML tag in Ellie app .danger { background: red; } -- Adding type annotations import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main : Html msg main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Get started fast with create-elm-app npm install create-elm-app -g create-elm-app elm-fun elm-app start -- Main.elm import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Html exposing (..) main : Html msg main = div [ ] [ h1 [] [text "Elm is fun!" ] , p [] [text "Let's learn some more!" ] ] -- Get started with Elm on Windows 10 npm install -g elm npm install -g elm-oracle where.exe elm-oracle C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7 C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7\resources\app\apm\bin apm install atom-beautify apm install elm-format C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin where.exe elm C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin\elm-format.exe -- testing elm-format with a poorly formatted elm file -- command to run: -- elm-format .\poorly-formatted-file.elm module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, Elm!" apm install linter C:\Users\PC\.atom\packages elm-package install -y -- Add some code to Main.elm to make sure it works: module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, <NAME>!"
-- the starting example import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 8 10 ) ) -- another way to write the above text ( toString ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 ( multiplyNumber 2 10 ) ) ) ) -- piped syntax import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 2 10 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> multiplyNumber 2 |> toString |> text -- the starting example, re-written import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- helpful type system import Html exposing (text) multiplyNumber: Int -> Int -> Int multiplyNumber x y = x * y main = multiplyNumber 8 10 |> toString |> text -- Get started writing Elm code import Html exposing (text) main = text "Hello, World!" -- With h1 function import Html exposing (..) main = h1 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- With h2 function h2 [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a link main = a [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making an li main = li [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Nesting Html functions import Html exposing (..) main = div [] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Adding attributes import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Making a paragraph main = p [] [ text "Hello, Elm!" ] -- Updating the style HTML tag in Ellie app .danger { background: red; } -- Adding type annotations import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) main : Html msg main = div [ class "danger" ] [ p [] [text "1st paragraph" ] , p [] [text "2nd paragraph" ] ] -- Get started fast with create-elm-app npm install create-elm-app -g create-elm-app elm-fun elm-app start -- Main.elm import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Html exposing (..) main : Html msg main = div [ ] [ h1 [] [text "Elm is fun!" ] , p [] [text "Let's learn some more!" ] ] -- Get started with Elm on Windows 10 npm install -g elm npm install -g elm-oracle where.exe elm-oracle C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7 C:\User\PC\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.19.7\resources\app\apm\bin apm install atom-beautify apm install elm-format C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin where.exe elm C:\Program Files (x86)\Elm Platform\0.18\bin\elm-format.exe -- testing elm-format with a poorly formatted elm file -- command to run: -- elm-format .\poorly-formatted-file.elm module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, Elm!" apm install linter C:\Users\PC\.atom\packages elm-package install -y -- Add some code to Main.elm to make sure it works: module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, text) main = text "Hello, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!"
[ { "context": ")\n\n\ndevs : Array.Array Dev\ndevs =\n [ { name = \"Tomke\", color = \"Green\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , { ", "end": 669, "score": 0.9995081425, "start": 664, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tomke" }, { "context": " = \"Green\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , { name = \"Gregor\", color = \"Purple\", fontColor = \"White\" }\n , {", "end": 733, "score": 0.9995567799, "start": 727, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gregor" }, { "context": "= \"Purple\", fontColor = \"White\" }\n , { name = \"Jonas\", color = \"Red\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , { na", "end": 797, "score": 0.9995867014, "start": 792, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jonas" }, { "context": "or = \"Red\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , { name = \"Jens\", color = \"Black\", fontColor = \"White\" }\n , { ", "end": 857, "score": 0.999597013, "start": 853, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jens" }, { "context": " = \"Black\", fontColor = \"White\" }\n , { name = \"Tim\", color = \"Yellow\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , {", "end": 918, "score": 0.9998419881, "start": 915, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tim" }, { "context": "= \"Yellow\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n , { name = \"Daniel\", color = \"Orange\", fontColor = \"Black\" }\n ]\n ", "end": 983, "score": 0.999245286, "start": 977, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Daniel" } ]
module App exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import CSS import Time exposing (Time) import Date import Task import Array exposing (Array) msPerDay : Time msPerDay = 86400000 dayRange : Int dayRange = 15 main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Dev = { name : String, color : String, fontColor : String } type alias Model = { today : Time } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { today = 0 }, Task.perform Today Time.now ) devs : Array.Array Dev devs = [ { name = "Tomke", color = "Green", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "Gregor", color = "Purple", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "Jonas", color = "Red", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "Jens", color = "Black", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "Tim", color = "Yellow", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "Daniel", color = "Orange", fontColor = "Black" } ] |> Array.fromList -- UPDATE type Msg = Today Time update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Today today -> ( { model | today = today }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ CSS.body ] [ h1 [ CSS.header ] [ text "Daily Code Review" ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDevs ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDays ] ] todayToPrintedDays : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDays today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> withoutWeekends |> printDays todayToPrintedDevs : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDevs today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> accountForWeekends |> timeToDays |> daysToDevs |> printDevs accountForWeekends : List Time -> List Time accountForWeekends days = List.foldr skipWeekends days days skipWeekends : Time -> List Time -> List Time skipWeekends day days = if isWorkday day then days else days |> List.reverse |> List.drop 1 |> List.reverse withoutWeekends : List Time -> List Time withoutWeekends days = List.filter (\x -> x |> isWorkday) days isWorkday : Time -> Bool isWorkday time = let day = time |> Date.fromTime |> Date.dayOfWeek in day /= Date.Sun && day /= Date.Sat printDays : List Time -> Html Msg printDays days = div [] (List.map printDay days) printDay : Time -> Html Msg printDay time = div [] [ time |> Date.fromTime |> prettyDate |> text ] nextTwoWeeks : Time -> List Time nextTwoWeeks today = let fourteenDays = List.range 0 dayRange indexToDayFromToday = indexToDay today in List.map indexToDayFromToday fourteenDays indexToDay : Time -> Int -> Time indexToDay today i = today + ((toFloat i) * msPerDay) timeToDays : List Time -> List Int timeToDays = List.map (\x -> Time.inHours x |> flippedDevide 24 |> floor) daysToDevs : List Int -> List (Maybe Dev) daysToDevs = let devCount = Array.length devs indexToDev day = day |> flippedModulo devCount |> flippedGet devs in List.map indexToDev printDevs : List (Maybe Dev) -> Html Msg printDevs devs = div [] (List.map printDev devs) printDev : Maybe Dev -> Html Msg printDev dev = case dev of Just dev -> div [ CSS.backgroundColor dev.color dev.fontColor ] [ text dev.name, br [] [] ] Nothing -> div [] [ text "I don't know that guy" ] --Helper flippedModulo : Int -> Int -> Int flippedModulo = flip (%) flippedDevide : Float -> Float -> Float flippedDevide = flip (/) flippedGet : Array a -> Int -> Maybe a flippedGet = flip Array.get prettyDate : Date.Date -> String prettyDate date = if (date |> Date.day |> toString) == "NaN" then "That's no date!" else (toString (Date.day date)) ++ ". " ++ (toString (Date.month date)) ++ " " ++ (toString (Date.year date))
module App exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import CSS import Time exposing (Time) import Date import Task import Array exposing (Array) msPerDay : Time msPerDay = 86400000 dayRange : Int dayRange = 15 main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Dev = { name : String, color : String, fontColor : String } type alias Model = { today : Time } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { today = 0 }, Task.perform Today Time.now ) devs : Array.Array Dev devs = [ { name = "<NAME>", color = "Green", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "<NAME>", color = "Purple", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "<NAME>", color = "Red", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "<NAME>", color = "Black", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "<NAME>", color = "Yellow", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "<NAME>", color = "Orange", fontColor = "Black" } ] |> Array.fromList -- UPDATE type Msg = Today Time update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Today today -> ( { model | today = today }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ CSS.body ] [ h1 [ CSS.header ] [ text "Daily Code Review" ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDevs ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDays ] ] todayToPrintedDays : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDays today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> withoutWeekends |> printDays todayToPrintedDevs : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDevs today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> accountForWeekends |> timeToDays |> daysToDevs |> printDevs accountForWeekends : List Time -> List Time accountForWeekends days = List.foldr skipWeekends days days skipWeekends : Time -> List Time -> List Time skipWeekends day days = if isWorkday day then days else days |> List.reverse |> List.drop 1 |> List.reverse withoutWeekends : List Time -> List Time withoutWeekends days = List.filter (\x -> x |> isWorkday) days isWorkday : Time -> Bool isWorkday time = let day = time |> Date.fromTime |> Date.dayOfWeek in day /= Date.Sun && day /= Date.Sat printDays : List Time -> Html Msg printDays days = div [] (List.map printDay days) printDay : Time -> Html Msg printDay time = div [] [ time |> Date.fromTime |> prettyDate |> text ] nextTwoWeeks : Time -> List Time nextTwoWeeks today = let fourteenDays = List.range 0 dayRange indexToDayFromToday = indexToDay today in List.map indexToDayFromToday fourteenDays indexToDay : Time -> Int -> Time indexToDay today i = today + ((toFloat i) * msPerDay) timeToDays : List Time -> List Int timeToDays = List.map (\x -> Time.inHours x |> flippedDevide 24 |> floor) daysToDevs : List Int -> List (Maybe Dev) daysToDevs = let devCount = Array.length devs indexToDev day = day |> flippedModulo devCount |> flippedGet devs in List.map indexToDev printDevs : List (Maybe Dev) -> Html Msg printDevs devs = div [] (List.map printDev devs) printDev : Maybe Dev -> Html Msg printDev dev = case dev of Just dev -> div [ CSS.backgroundColor dev.color dev.fontColor ] [ text dev.name, br [] [] ] Nothing -> div [] [ text "I don't know that guy" ] --Helper flippedModulo : Int -> Int -> Int flippedModulo = flip (%) flippedDevide : Float -> Float -> Float flippedDevide = flip (/) flippedGet : Array a -> Int -> Maybe a flippedGet = flip Array.get prettyDate : Date.Date -> String prettyDate date = if (date |> Date.day |> toString) == "NaN" then "That's no date!" else (toString (Date.day date)) ++ ". " ++ (toString (Date.month date)) ++ " " ++ (toString (Date.year date))
module App exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import CSS import Time exposing (Time) import Date import Task import Array exposing (Array) msPerDay : Time msPerDay = 86400000 dayRange : Int dayRange = 15 main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- MODEL type alias Dev = { name : String, color : String, fontColor : String } type alias Model = { today : Time } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( { today = 0 }, Task.perform Today Time.now ) devs : Array.Array Dev devs = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Green", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Purple", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Red", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Black", fontColor = "White" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Yellow", fontColor = "Black" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", color = "Orange", fontColor = "Black" } ] |> Array.fromList -- UPDATE type Msg = Today Time update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Today today -> ( { model | today = today }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ CSS.body ] [ h1 [ CSS.header ] [ text "Daily Code Review" ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDevs ] , div [ CSS.column ] [ model.today |> todayToPrintedDays ] ] todayToPrintedDays : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDays today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> withoutWeekends |> printDays todayToPrintedDevs : Time -> Html Msg todayToPrintedDevs today = today |> nextTwoWeeks |> accountForWeekends |> timeToDays |> daysToDevs |> printDevs accountForWeekends : List Time -> List Time accountForWeekends days = List.foldr skipWeekends days days skipWeekends : Time -> List Time -> List Time skipWeekends day days = if isWorkday day then days else days |> List.reverse |> List.drop 1 |> List.reverse withoutWeekends : List Time -> List Time withoutWeekends days = List.filter (\x -> x |> isWorkday) days isWorkday : Time -> Bool isWorkday time = let day = time |> Date.fromTime |> Date.dayOfWeek in day /= Date.Sun && day /= Date.Sat printDays : List Time -> Html Msg printDays days = div [] (List.map printDay days) printDay : Time -> Html Msg printDay time = div [] [ time |> Date.fromTime |> prettyDate |> text ] nextTwoWeeks : Time -> List Time nextTwoWeeks today = let fourteenDays = List.range 0 dayRange indexToDayFromToday = indexToDay today in List.map indexToDayFromToday fourteenDays indexToDay : Time -> Int -> Time indexToDay today i = today + ((toFloat i) * msPerDay) timeToDays : List Time -> List Int timeToDays = List.map (\x -> Time.inHours x |> flippedDevide 24 |> floor) daysToDevs : List Int -> List (Maybe Dev) daysToDevs = let devCount = Array.length devs indexToDev day = day |> flippedModulo devCount |> flippedGet devs in List.map indexToDev printDevs : List (Maybe Dev) -> Html Msg printDevs devs = div [] (List.map printDev devs) printDev : Maybe Dev -> Html Msg printDev dev = case dev of Just dev -> div [ CSS.backgroundColor dev.color dev.fontColor ] [ text dev.name, br [] [] ] Nothing -> div [] [ text "I don't know that guy" ] --Helper flippedModulo : Int -> Int -> Int flippedModulo = flip (%) flippedDevide : Float -> Float -> Float flippedDevide = flip (/) flippedGet : Array a -> Int -> Maybe a flippedGet = flip Array.get prettyDate : Date.Date -> String prettyDate date = if (date |> Date.day |> toString) == "NaN" then "That's no date!" else (toString (Date.day date)) ++ ". " ++ (toString (Date.month date)) ++ " " ++ (toString (Date.year date))
[ { "context": "sword password ->\n { model | password = password }\n PasswordAgain password ->\n {", "end": 623, "score": 0.5893293619, "start": 615, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String } init : Model init = Model "" "" "" type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name } Password password -> { model | password = password } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ viewInput "text" "Name" model.name Name , viewInput "password" "Password" model.password Password , viewInput "password" "Re-enter Password" model.passwordAgain PasswordAgain , viewValidation model ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ type_ t, placeholder p, value v, onInput toMsg ] [] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = if String.length model.password < 8 then viewErrorMessage "Passwords must be, at least 8 characters long." else if not (isPasswordValid model.password) then viewErrorMessage "Password must contain uppper, lower and digit characters" else if model.password == model.passwordAgain then div [ style "color" "green" ] [ text "OK" ] else viewErrorMessage "Passwords do not match!" passwordValidationFuncs = [ Char.isDigit , Char.isUpper , Char.isLower ] isPasswordValid : String -> Bool isPasswordValid password = List.foldl (\test prev -> prev && (String.any test password)) True passwordValidationFuncs -- String.any Char.isDigit password && String.any Char.isUpper password && String.any Char.isLower password viewErrorMessage : String -> Html msg viewErrorMessage error = div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String } init : Model init = Model "" "" "" type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name } Password password -> { model | password = <PASSWORD> } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ viewInput "text" "Name" model.name Name , viewInput "password" "Password" model.password Password , viewInput "password" "Re-enter Password" model.passwordAgain PasswordAgain , viewValidation model ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ type_ t, placeholder p, value v, onInput toMsg ] [] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = if String.length model.password < 8 then viewErrorMessage "Passwords must be, at least 8 characters long." else if not (isPasswordValid model.password) then viewErrorMessage "Password must contain uppper, lower and digit characters" else if model.password == model.passwordAgain then div [ style "color" "green" ] [ text "OK" ] else viewErrorMessage "Passwords do not match!" passwordValidationFuncs = [ Char.isDigit , Char.isUpper , Char.isLower ] isPasswordValid : String -> Bool isPasswordValid password = List.foldl (\test prev -> prev && (String.any test password)) True passwordValidationFuncs -- String.any Char.isDigit password && String.any Char.isUpper password && String.any Char.isLower password viewErrorMessage : String -> Html msg viewErrorMessage error = div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onInput) main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view } type alias Model = { name : String , password : String , passwordAgain : String } init : Model init = Model "" "" "" type Msg = Name String | Password String | PasswordAgain String update : Msg -> Model -> Model update msg model = case msg of Name name -> { model | name = name } Password password -> { model | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } PasswordAgain password -> { model | passwordAgain = password } view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ viewInput "text" "Name" model.name Name , viewInput "password" "Password" model.password Password , viewInput "password" "Re-enter Password" model.passwordAgain PasswordAgain , viewValidation model ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ type_ t, placeholder p, value v, onInput toMsg ] [] viewValidation : Model -> Html msg viewValidation model = if String.length model.password < 8 then viewErrorMessage "Passwords must be, at least 8 characters long." else if not (isPasswordValid model.password) then viewErrorMessage "Password must contain uppper, lower and digit characters" else if model.password == model.passwordAgain then div [ style "color" "green" ] [ text "OK" ] else viewErrorMessage "Passwords do not match!" passwordValidationFuncs = [ Char.isDigit , Char.isUpper , Char.isLower ] isPasswordValid : String -> Bool isPasswordValid password = List.foldl (\test prev -> prev && (String.any test password)) True passwordValidationFuncs -- String.any Char.isDigit password && String.any Char.isUpper password && String.any Char.isLower password viewErrorMessage : String -> Html msg viewErrorMessage error = div [ style "color" "red" ] [ text error ]
[ { "context": "n that is hiring this role.\" \n \"Ex. SciRate\"\n m.job.organisationName\n ", "end": 9532, "score": 0.6376373768, "start": 9529, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sci" }, { "context": "at is hiring this role.\" \n \"Ex. SciRate\"\n m.job.organisationName\n ", "end": 9536, "score": 0.5626891255, "start": 9532, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Rate" } ]
port module SciRate.Views.SubmitOrEdit exposing (..) import Browser import Date exposing (Date, day, month, weekday, year) import DatePicker exposing (DatePicker, DateEvent(..), defaultSettings) import Html exposing ( Html, a, button, div, h2, h3 , input, label , li, p, span, text, ul , node, small, hr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked, class, disabled, for , href, id, placeholder, title, type_, value , name ) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import Json.Encode as Encode import Url exposing (Url) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, bool, string, list) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required) import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (object) import SciRate.Data exposing (Job, decodeOneJob, decodeAffectedRows , decodeJobId, InitData, emptyJob ) import SciRate.Misc exposing (queryStringItems) import SciRate.Querying exposing (runQuery) import SciRate.Views.Sidebar exposing (renderJob, fromJob) port openPaymentForm : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg port academicComplete : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg mapDefault : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b mapDefault a f m = Maybe.map f m |> Maybe.withDefault a main : Program InitData Model Msg main = Browser.element { view = view , init = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- | Returns a job. getQuery : String -> String getQuery token = """ query { jobs(where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}) { academic closingDate contactEmail contactName created jobTitle jobUrl location organisationName organisationUrl remote tags withdrawn approved } } """ -- | Adds a job. insertQuery : Job -> String insertQuery j = """ mutation { insert_jobs( objects: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , academic: """ ++ (fromBool j.academic) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , contactEmail: \"""" ++ j.contactEmail ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: false , approved: false } ) { returning { id } } } """ -- | Updates an existing job. updateQuery : String -> Job -> String updateQuery token j = """ mutation { update_jobs( where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}, _set: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: """ ++ (fromBool j.withdrawn) ++ """ , approved: """ ++ (fromBool j.approved) ++ """ }) { affected_rows } } """ fromBool : Bool -> String fromBool b = case b of True -> "true" False -> "false" type alias Model = { job : Job , note : Maybe String , dirty : Bool , closingDate : Maybe Date , datePicker : DatePicker , editMode : Bool , jobUuid : Maybe String , initData : InitData , error : Maybe String } emptyModel : InitData -> DatePicker -> Model emptyModel id d = { job = emptyJob , note = Nothing , dirty = False , closingDate = Nothing , datePicker = d , editMode = False , jobUuid = Nothing , initData = id , error = Nothing } init : InitData -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init d = let model = emptyModel d datePicker ( datePicker, datePickerFx ) = DatePicker.init jobUuid = Dict.get "i" (queryStringItems d.queryString) editMode = case jobUuid of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True baseCmds = [ Cmd.map ToDatePicker datePickerFx ] query = getQuery (Maybe.withDefault "" jobUuid) getJobByUuid = runQuery d.graphqlUrl d.jwtToken query SelectJobResponse decodeOneJob cmds = if editMode then getJobByUuid :: baseCmds else baseCmds in ( { model | jobUuid = jobUuid , editMode = editMode , initData = d } , Cmd.batch cmds ) requiredFieldsSatisfied : Model -> Bool requiredFieldsSatisfied m = List.all (not << String.isEmpty) <| List.map String.trim [ m.job.jobTitle , m.job.jobUrl , m.job.organisationName , m.job.organisationUrl , m.job.contactEmail , m.job.contactName , m.job.location , m.job.closingDate ] view : Model -> Html Msg view m = let elt = if m.job.withdrawn then div [] [ text "This job has been withdrawn." ] else div [ class "job-form" ] [ jobEntryFields m , jobPreview m ] in elt jobPreview : Model -> Html Msg jobPreview m = div [ class "preview-content"] [ div [ class "preview" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Preview" ] , renderJob (fromJob m.job) ] ] jobEntryFields : Model -> Html Msg jobEntryFields m = let maybeNote = case m.note of Just n -> if not m.dirty then [ p [ class "submit-note" ] [ text n ] ] else [] Nothing -> [] maybeError = case m.error of Just n -> [ p [ class "submit-error" ] [ text n ] ] Nothing -> [] paySection = [ h3 [] [ text "Payment" ] , paymentSection m ] editSection = [ h3 [] [ text "Update" ] , div [ class "payment-section" ] [ div [] [ button [ class "update" , onClick UpdateJob ] [ text "Update job details" ] , button [ class "withdraw" , onClick WithdrawJob ] [ text "Withdraw Posting" ] ] , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All job updates will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] ] finalSection = case m.editMode of True -> editSection _ -> paySection topSection = case m.editMode of True -> h2 [] [ text "Update job posting" ] _ -> h2 [] [ text "Post a new job" ] in div [] [ topSection , div [ class "job-content" ] ( [ h2 [] [ text "Details" ] , small [ class "req-note" ] [ text "Fields marked with a '*' are required." ] , h3 [] [ text "Position details" ] , positionDetails m , h3 [] [ text "Contact details" ] , contactDetails m ] ++ finalSection ++ maybeNote ++ maybeError ) ] contactDetails : Model -> Html Msg contactDetails m = let maybeEmail = if not m.editMode then [ textField "Contact email" "Your contact email. You will receive a link to edit to this address. This will not be shown to anyone." "" m.job.contactEmail UpdateContactEmail ] else [] in div [ class "job-form-fields" ] (maybeEmail ++ [ textField "Contact Name" "Your contact name. Used only if we need to get in touch we you." "" m.job.contactName UpdateContactName ]) positionDetails : Model -> Html Msg positionDetails m = let maybeAcademic = if not m.editMode then [ boolField "Academic or Industry role?" "Is this an academic position?" "Academic" "Industry" m.job.academic UpdateAcademic ] else [] in div [] [ div [ class "job-form-fields" ] <| [ textField "Organsation name" "The organisation that is hiring this role." "Ex. SciRate" m.job.organisationName UpdateOrganisationName , textField "Link to organisation website" "A link where people can learn more about your company." "Ex. https://scirate.com" m.job.organisationUrl UpdateOrganisationUrl , sep , textField "Job title" "The job title." "Ex. Senior Quantum Researcher" m.job.jobTitle UpdateJobTitle , textField "Link to job" "A link to a website with a job description and details on how to apply." "Ex. https://yourwebsite.com/jobs/?jobId=..." m.job.jobUrl UpdateJobUrl , closingDateField m , sep , boolField "Remote?" "Can this job be undertaken remotely?" "Yes/Maybe" "No" m.job.remote UpdateRemote , textField "Location" """ Primary location/time-zone where the job is based or 'Multiple' if there are options. """ "Ex. Melbourne, AU or Delft, NL or Multiple" m.job.location UpdateLocation ] ++ maybeAcademic ++ [ sep , textFieldR False "Tags" """ Tags seperated by commas. Useful to help people filter for jobs using these skills/technologies. """ "Ex. cirq, python, surface-code" m.job.tags UpdateTags ] ] paymentSection : Model -> Html Msg paymentSection m = let sat = requiredFieldsSatisfied m r = case sat of True -> div [ class "payment" ] [ payButton m ] False -> div [ class "payment" ] [ text "Please complete all required fields." ] in div [ class "payment-section" ] [ r , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All jobs will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] payButton : Model -> Html Msg payButton m = case m.job.academic of True -> div [] [ p [] [ text "Academic jobs are free, presently!" ] , button [ class "pay" , onClick SubmitAcademicJob ] [ text "Submit an academic job" ] ] False -> div [] [ button [ class "pay" , onClick StartStripePayment ] [ text "Pay with Stripe" ] ] sep : Html Msg sep = span [] [] -- | Potential actions. type Msg -- >> Model updates = UpdateContactEmail String | UpdateContactName String | UpdateOrganisationName String | UpdateOrganisationUrl String | UpdateJobTitle String | UpdateJobUrl String | UpdateLocation String | UpdateTags String | UpdateAcademic Bool | UpdateRemote Bool | StartStripePayment | SubmitAcademicJob -- | UpdateJob | InsertJobResponse String (Result Http.Error (Maybe Int)) | UpdateJobResponse String (Result Http.Error Int) | SelectJobResponse (Result Http.Error (Maybe Job)) | WithdrawJob -- | ToDatePicker DatePicker.Msg dateSettings : DatePicker.Settings dateSettings = { defaultSettings | inputId = Just "date-field" , inputName = Just "date" , inputClassList = [ ("form-control", True) ] } -- | Main model update. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let noop = ( model, Cmd.none ) in case msg of ToDatePicker m -> let ( newDatePicker, event ) = DatePicker.update dateSettings m model.datePicker newModel = { model | closingDate = case event of Picked date -> Just date _ -> model.closingDate , dirty = True , datePicker = newDatePicker } oldJob = model.job -- We want an error later on. mStrDate = newModel.closingDate |> Maybe.map (Date.format "yyyy-MM-dd") strDate = Maybe.withDefault "" mStrDate newJob = { oldJob | closingDate = strDate } in ( { newModel | job = newJob }, Cmd.none ) -- State update busywork UpdateContactEmail s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactEmail = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateContactName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobTitle s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobTitle = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateLocation s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | location = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateTags s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | tags = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateAcademic b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | academic = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateRemote b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | remote = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) -- Job things StartStripePayment -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Opening stripe ...") decodeJobId ) SubmitAcademicJob -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Job submitted!") decodeJobId ) WithdrawJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | withdrawn = True } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job withdrawn.") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | approved = False } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job updated!") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJobResponse s response -> let newModel = case response of Ok _ -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to update job." } in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) InsertJobResponse s response -> let newCmd = case response of -- We only open payment if it's an industry job. Ok (Just jobId) -> if model.job.academic then academicComplete (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) else openPaymentForm (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) _ -> Cmd.none newModel = case response of Ok (Just _) -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to submit job." } in ( newModel, newCmd ) SelectJobResponse response -> let newModel = case response of Ok (Just j) -> { model | job = j , closingDate = stringToDate j.closingDate } _ -> model in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) stringToDate : String -> Maybe Date stringToDate s = String.split "T" s |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << Date.fromIsoString) closingDateField : Model -> Html Msg closingDateField model = let name_ = "closing-date" txt = "Job closing date*" in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ DatePicker.view model.closingDate dateSettings model.datePicker |> Html.map ToDatePicker , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text "Closing date in yyyy-MM-dd " , a [ href "https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth" ] [ text "anywhere on earth" ] , text ". The furthest this can be is 3 months into the future." ] ] ] ] textField = textFieldR True -- | Make a text input field. textFieldR : Bool -- ^ Is it required? -> String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Placeholder value -> String -- ^ Current field value -> (String -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg textFieldR req label_ help placeholder_ val msg = let txt = if req then label_ ++ "*" else label_ name_ = label_ in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , id name_ , placeholder placeholder_ , onInput msg , value val ] [] , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ] -- | Make a boolean field with radio buttons. boolField : String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Label for 'true' radio button -> String -- ^ Label for 'false' radio button -> Bool -- ^ Present value -> (Bool -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg boolField label_ help labelTrue labelFalse val msg = let mkRadio txt v = [ input [ type_ "radio" , name label_ , id <| label_ ++ v , value v , onInput (msg << ((==) "yes")) , checked ((v == "yes" && val) || (v == "no" && not val)) ] [] , label [ for (label_ ++ v), class "radio" ] [ text txt ] ] in div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text label_ ] , div [ class "field-input" ] <| mkRadio labelTrue "yes" ++ mkRadio labelFalse "no" ++ [ div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ]
port module SciRate.Views.SubmitOrEdit exposing (..) import Browser import Date exposing (Date, day, month, weekday, year) import DatePicker exposing (DatePicker, DateEvent(..), defaultSettings) import Html exposing ( Html, a, button, div, h2, h3 , input, label , li, p, span, text, ul , node, small, hr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked, class, disabled, for , href, id, placeholder, title, type_, value , name ) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import Json.Encode as Encode import Url exposing (Url) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, bool, string, list) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required) import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (object) import SciRate.Data exposing (Job, decodeOneJob, decodeAffectedRows , decodeJobId, InitData, emptyJob ) import SciRate.Misc exposing (queryStringItems) import SciRate.Querying exposing (runQuery) import SciRate.Views.Sidebar exposing (renderJob, fromJob) port openPaymentForm : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg port academicComplete : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg mapDefault : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b mapDefault a f m = Maybe.map f m |> Maybe.withDefault a main : Program InitData Model Msg main = Browser.element { view = view , init = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- | Returns a job. getQuery : String -> String getQuery token = """ query { jobs(where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}) { academic closingDate contactEmail contactName created jobTitle jobUrl location organisationName organisationUrl remote tags withdrawn approved } } """ -- | Adds a job. insertQuery : Job -> String insertQuery j = """ mutation { insert_jobs( objects: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , academic: """ ++ (fromBool j.academic) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , contactEmail: \"""" ++ j.contactEmail ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: false , approved: false } ) { returning { id } } } """ -- | Updates an existing job. updateQuery : String -> Job -> String updateQuery token j = """ mutation { update_jobs( where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}, _set: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: """ ++ (fromBool j.withdrawn) ++ """ , approved: """ ++ (fromBool j.approved) ++ """ }) { affected_rows } } """ fromBool : Bool -> String fromBool b = case b of True -> "true" False -> "false" type alias Model = { job : Job , note : Maybe String , dirty : Bool , closingDate : Maybe Date , datePicker : DatePicker , editMode : Bool , jobUuid : Maybe String , initData : InitData , error : Maybe String } emptyModel : InitData -> DatePicker -> Model emptyModel id d = { job = emptyJob , note = Nothing , dirty = False , closingDate = Nothing , datePicker = d , editMode = False , jobUuid = Nothing , initData = id , error = Nothing } init : InitData -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init d = let model = emptyModel d datePicker ( datePicker, datePickerFx ) = DatePicker.init jobUuid = Dict.get "i" (queryStringItems d.queryString) editMode = case jobUuid of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True baseCmds = [ Cmd.map ToDatePicker datePickerFx ] query = getQuery (Maybe.withDefault "" jobUuid) getJobByUuid = runQuery d.graphqlUrl d.jwtToken query SelectJobResponse decodeOneJob cmds = if editMode then getJobByUuid :: baseCmds else baseCmds in ( { model | jobUuid = jobUuid , editMode = editMode , initData = d } , Cmd.batch cmds ) requiredFieldsSatisfied : Model -> Bool requiredFieldsSatisfied m = List.all (not << String.isEmpty) <| List.map String.trim [ m.job.jobTitle , m.job.jobUrl , m.job.organisationName , m.job.organisationUrl , m.job.contactEmail , m.job.contactName , m.job.location , m.job.closingDate ] view : Model -> Html Msg view m = let elt = if m.job.withdrawn then div [] [ text "This job has been withdrawn." ] else div [ class "job-form" ] [ jobEntryFields m , jobPreview m ] in elt jobPreview : Model -> Html Msg jobPreview m = div [ class "preview-content"] [ div [ class "preview" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Preview" ] , renderJob (fromJob m.job) ] ] jobEntryFields : Model -> Html Msg jobEntryFields m = let maybeNote = case m.note of Just n -> if not m.dirty then [ p [ class "submit-note" ] [ text n ] ] else [] Nothing -> [] maybeError = case m.error of Just n -> [ p [ class "submit-error" ] [ text n ] ] Nothing -> [] paySection = [ h3 [] [ text "Payment" ] , paymentSection m ] editSection = [ h3 [] [ text "Update" ] , div [ class "payment-section" ] [ div [] [ button [ class "update" , onClick UpdateJob ] [ text "Update job details" ] , button [ class "withdraw" , onClick WithdrawJob ] [ text "Withdraw Posting" ] ] , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All job updates will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] ] finalSection = case m.editMode of True -> editSection _ -> paySection topSection = case m.editMode of True -> h2 [] [ text "Update job posting" ] _ -> h2 [] [ text "Post a new job" ] in div [] [ topSection , div [ class "job-content" ] ( [ h2 [] [ text "Details" ] , small [ class "req-note" ] [ text "Fields marked with a '*' are required." ] , h3 [] [ text "Position details" ] , positionDetails m , h3 [] [ text "Contact details" ] , contactDetails m ] ++ finalSection ++ maybeNote ++ maybeError ) ] contactDetails : Model -> Html Msg contactDetails m = let maybeEmail = if not m.editMode then [ textField "Contact email" "Your contact email. You will receive a link to edit to this address. This will not be shown to anyone." "" m.job.contactEmail UpdateContactEmail ] else [] in div [ class "job-form-fields" ] (maybeEmail ++ [ textField "Contact Name" "Your contact name. Used only if we need to get in touch we you." "" m.job.contactName UpdateContactName ]) positionDetails : Model -> Html Msg positionDetails m = let maybeAcademic = if not m.editMode then [ boolField "Academic or Industry role?" "Is this an academic position?" "Academic" "Industry" m.job.academic UpdateAcademic ] else [] in div [] [ div [ class "job-form-fields" ] <| [ textField "Organsation name" "The organisation that is hiring this role." "Ex. <NAME>Rate" m.job.organisationName UpdateOrganisationName , textField "Link to organisation website" "A link where people can learn more about your company." "Ex. https://scirate.com" m.job.organisationUrl UpdateOrganisationUrl , sep , textField "Job title" "The job title." "Ex. Senior Quantum Researcher" m.job.jobTitle UpdateJobTitle , textField "Link to job" "A link to a website with a job description and details on how to apply." "Ex. https://yourwebsite.com/jobs/?jobId=..." m.job.jobUrl UpdateJobUrl , closingDateField m , sep , boolField "Remote?" "Can this job be undertaken remotely?" "Yes/Maybe" "No" m.job.remote UpdateRemote , textField "Location" """ Primary location/time-zone where the job is based or 'Multiple' if there are options. """ "Ex. Melbourne, AU or Delft, NL or Multiple" m.job.location UpdateLocation ] ++ maybeAcademic ++ [ sep , textFieldR False "Tags" """ Tags seperated by commas. Useful to help people filter for jobs using these skills/technologies. """ "Ex. cirq, python, surface-code" m.job.tags UpdateTags ] ] paymentSection : Model -> Html Msg paymentSection m = let sat = requiredFieldsSatisfied m r = case sat of True -> div [ class "payment" ] [ payButton m ] False -> div [ class "payment" ] [ text "Please complete all required fields." ] in div [ class "payment-section" ] [ r , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All jobs will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] payButton : Model -> Html Msg payButton m = case m.job.academic of True -> div [] [ p [] [ text "Academic jobs are free, presently!" ] , button [ class "pay" , onClick SubmitAcademicJob ] [ text "Submit an academic job" ] ] False -> div [] [ button [ class "pay" , onClick StartStripePayment ] [ text "Pay with Stripe" ] ] sep : Html Msg sep = span [] [] -- | Potential actions. type Msg -- >> Model updates = UpdateContactEmail String | UpdateContactName String | UpdateOrganisationName String | UpdateOrganisationUrl String | UpdateJobTitle String | UpdateJobUrl String | UpdateLocation String | UpdateTags String | UpdateAcademic Bool | UpdateRemote Bool | StartStripePayment | SubmitAcademicJob -- | UpdateJob | InsertJobResponse String (Result Http.Error (Maybe Int)) | UpdateJobResponse String (Result Http.Error Int) | SelectJobResponse (Result Http.Error (Maybe Job)) | WithdrawJob -- | ToDatePicker DatePicker.Msg dateSettings : DatePicker.Settings dateSettings = { defaultSettings | inputId = Just "date-field" , inputName = Just "date" , inputClassList = [ ("form-control", True) ] } -- | Main model update. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let noop = ( model, Cmd.none ) in case msg of ToDatePicker m -> let ( newDatePicker, event ) = DatePicker.update dateSettings m model.datePicker newModel = { model | closingDate = case event of Picked date -> Just date _ -> model.closingDate , dirty = True , datePicker = newDatePicker } oldJob = model.job -- We want an error later on. mStrDate = newModel.closingDate |> Maybe.map (Date.format "yyyy-MM-dd") strDate = Maybe.withDefault "" mStrDate newJob = { oldJob | closingDate = strDate } in ( { newModel | job = newJob }, Cmd.none ) -- State update busywork UpdateContactEmail s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactEmail = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateContactName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobTitle s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobTitle = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateLocation s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | location = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateTags s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | tags = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateAcademic b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | academic = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateRemote b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | remote = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) -- Job things StartStripePayment -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Opening stripe ...") decodeJobId ) SubmitAcademicJob -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Job submitted!") decodeJobId ) WithdrawJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | withdrawn = True } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job withdrawn.") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | approved = False } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job updated!") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJobResponse s response -> let newModel = case response of Ok _ -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to update job." } in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) InsertJobResponse s response -> let newCmd = case response of -- We only open payment if it's an industry job. Ok (Just jobId) -> if model.job.academic then academicComplete (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) else openPaymentForm (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) _ -> Cmd.none newModel = case response of Ok (Just _) -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to submit job." } in ( newModel, newCmd ) SelectJobResponse response -> let newModel = case response of Ok (Just j) -> { model | job = j , closingDate = stringToDate j.closingDate } _ -> model in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) stringToDate : String -> Maybe Date stringToDate s = String.split "T" s |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << Date.fromIsoString) closingDateField : Model -> Html Msg closingDateField model = let name_ = "closing-date" txt = "Job closing date*" in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ DatePicker.view model.closingDate dateSettings model.datePicker |> Html.map ToDatePicker , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text "Closing date in yyyy-MM-dd " , a [ href "https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth" ] [ text "anywhere on earth" ] , text ". The furthest this can be is 3 months into the future." ] ] ] ] textField = textFieldR True -- | Make a text input field. textFieldR : Bool -- ^ Is it required? -> String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Placeholder value -> String -- ^ Current field value -> (String -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg textFieldR req label_ help placeholder_ val msg = let txt = if req then label_ ++ "*" else label_ name_ = label_ in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , id name_ , placeholder placeholder_ , onInput msg , value val ] [] , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ] -- | Make a boolean field with radio buttons. boolField : String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Label for 'true' radio button -> String -- ^ Label for 'false' radio button -> Bool -- ^ Present value -> (Bool -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg boolField label_ help labelTrue labelFalse val msg = let mkRadio txt v = [ input [ type_ "radio" , name label_ , id <| label_ ++ v , value v , onInput (msg << ((==) "yes")) , checked ((v == "yes" && val) || (v == "no" && not val)) ] [] , label [ for (label_ ++ v), class "radio" ] [ text txt ] ] in div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text label_ ] , div [ class "field-input" ] <| mkRadio labelTrue "yes" ++ mkRadio labelFalse "no" ++ [ div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ]
port module SciRate.Views.SubmitOrEdit exposing (..) import Browser import Date exposing (Date, day, month, weekday, year) import DatePicker exposing (DatePicker, DateEvent(..), defaultSettings) import Html exposing ( Html, a, button, div, h2, h3 , input, label , li, p, span, text, ul , node, small, hr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked, class, disabled, for , href, id, placeholder, title, type_, value , name ) import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick) import Json.Encode as Encode import Url exposing (Url) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Http import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder, bool, string, list) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required) import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (object) import SciRate.Data exposing (Job, decodeOneJob, decodeAffectedRows , decodeJobId, InitData, emptyJob ) import SciRate.Misc exposing (queryStringItems) import SciRate.Querying exposing (runQuery) import SciRate.Views.Sidebar exposing (renderJob, fromJob) port openPaymentForm : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg port academicComplete : (String, Int) -> Cmd msg mapDefault : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b mapDefault a f m = Maybe.map f m |> Maybe.withDefault a main : Program InitData Model Msg main = Browser.element { view = view , init = init , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -- | Returns a job. getQuery : String -> String getQuery token = """ query { jobs(where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}) { academic closingDate contactEmail contactName created jobTitle jobUrl location organisationName organisationUrl remote tags withdrawn approved } } """ -- | Adds a job. insertQuery : Job -> String insertQuery j = """ mutation { insert_jobs( objects: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , academic: """ ++ (fromBool j.academic) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , contactEmail: \"""" ++ j.contactEmail ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: false , approved: false } ) { returning { id } } } """ -- | Updates an existing job. updateQuery : String -> Job -> String updateQuery token j = """ mutation { update_jobs( where: {token: {_eq: \"""" ++ token ++ """\"}}, _set: { organisationName: \"""" ++ j.organisationName ++ """\" , organisationUrl: \"""" ++ j.organisationUrl ++ """\" , jobTitle: \"""" ++ j.jobTitle ++ """\" , jobUrl: \"""" ++ j.jobUrl ++ """\" , remote: """ ++ (fromBool j.remote) ++ """ , contactName: \"""" ++ j.contactName ++ """\" , location: \"""" ++ j.location ++ """\" , tags: \"""" ++ j.tags ++ """\" , closingDate: \"""" ++ j.closingDate ++ """\" , withdrawn: """ ++ (fromBool j.withdrawn) ++ """ , approved: """ ++ (fromBool j.approved) ++ """ }) { affected_rows } } """ fromBool : Bool -> String fromBool b = case b of True -> "true" False -> "false" type alias Model = { job : Job , note : Maybe String , dirty : Bool , closingDate : Maybe Date , datePicker : DatePicker , editMode : Bool , jobUuid : Maybe String , initData : InitData , error : Maybe String } emptyModel : InitData -> DatePicker -> Model emptyModel id d = { job = emptyJob , note = Nothing , dirty = False , closingDate = Nothing , datePicker = d , editMode = False , jobUuid = Nothing , initData = id , error = Nothing } init : InitData -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init d = let model = emptyModel d datePicker ( datePicker, datePickerFx ) = DatePicker.init jobUuid = Dict.get "i" (queryStringItems d.queryString) editMode = case jobUuid of Nothing -> False Just _ -> True baseCmds = [ Cmd.map ToDatePicker datePickerFx ] query = getQuery (Maybe.withDefault "" jobUuid) getJobByUuid = runQuery d.graphqlUrl d.jwtToken query SelectJobResponse decodeOneJob cmds = if editMode then getJobByUuid :: baseCmds else baseCmds in ( { model | jobUuid = jobUuid , editMode = editMode , initData = d } , Cmd.batch cmds ) requiredFieldsSatisfied : Model -> Bool requiredFieldsSatisfied m = List.all (not << String.isEmpty) <| List.map String.trim [ m.job.jobTitle , m.job.jobUrl , m.job.organisationName , m.job.organisationUrl , m.job.contactEmail , m.job.contactName , m.job.location , m.job.closingDate ] view : Model -> Html Msg view m = let elt = if m.job.withdrawn then div [] [ text "This job has been withdrawn." ] else div [ class "job-form" ] [ jobEntryFields m , jobPreview m ] in elt jobPreview : Model -> Html Msg jobPreview m = div [ class "preview-content"] [ div [ class "preview" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Preview" ] , renderJob (fromJob m.job) ] ] jobEntryFields : Model -> Html Msg jobEntryFields m = let maybeNote = case m.note of Just n -> if not m.dirty then [ p [ class "submit-note" ] [ text n ] ] else [] Nothing -> [] maybeError = case m.error of Just n -> [ p [ class "submit-error" ] [ text n ] ] Nothing -> [] paySection = [ h3 [] [ text "Payment" ] , paymentSection m ] editSection = [ h3 [] [ text "Update" ] , div [ class "payment-section" ] [ div [] [ button [ class "update" , onClick UpdateJob ] [ text "Update job details" ] , button [ class "withdraw" , onClick WithdrawJob ] [ text "Withdraw Posting" ] ] , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All job updates will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] ] finalSection = case m.editMode of True -> editSection _ -> paySection topSection = case m.editMode of True -> h2 [] [ text "Update job posting" ] _ -> h2 [] [ text "Post a new job" ] in div [] [ topSection , div [ class "job-content" ] ( [ h2 [] [ text "Details" ] , small [ class "req-note" ] [ text "Fields marked with a '*' are required." ] , h3 [] [ text "Position details" ] , positionDetails m , h3 [] [ text "Contact details" ] , contactDetails m ] ++ finalSection ++ maybeNote ++ maybeError ) ] contactDetails : Model -> Html Msg contactDetails m = let maybeEmail = if not m.editMode then [ textField "Contact email" "Your contact email. You will receive a link to edit to this address. This will not be shown to anyone." "" m.job.contactEmail UpdateContactEmail ] else [] in div [ class "job-form-fields" ] (maybeEmail ++ [ textField "Contact Name" "Your contact name. Used only if we need to get in touch we you." "" m.job.contactName UpdateContactName ]) positionDetails : Model -> Html Msg positionDetails m = let maybeAcademic = if not m.editMode then [ boolField "Academic or Industry role?" "Is this an academic position?" "Academic" "Industry" m.job.academic UpdateAcademic ] else [] in div [] [ div [ class "job-form-fields" ] <| [ textField "Organsation name" "The organisation that is hiring this role." "Ex. PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIRate" m.job.organisationName UpdateOrganisationName , textField "Link to organisation website" "A link where people can learn more about your company." "Ex. https://scirate.com" m.job.organisationUrl UpdateOrganisationUrl , sep , textField "Job title" "The job title." "Ex. Senior Quantum Researcher" m.job.jobTitle UpdateJobTitle , textField "Link to job" "A link to a website with a job description and details on how to apply." "Ex. https://yourwebsite.com/jobs/?jobId=..." m.job.jobUrl UpdateJobUrl , closingDateField m , sep , boolField "Remote?" "Can this job be undertaken remotely?" "Yes/Maybe" "No" m.job.remote UpdateRemote , textField "Location" """ Primary location/time-zone where the job is based or 'Multiple' if there are options. """ "Ex. Melbourne, AU or Delft, NL or Multiple" m.job.location UpdateLocation ] ++ maybeAcademic ++ [ sep , textFieldR False "Tags" """ Tags seperated by commas. Useful to help people filter for jobs using these skills/technologies. """ "Ex. cirq, python, surface-code" m.job.tags UpdateTags ] ] paymentSection : Model -> Html Msg paymentSection m = let sat = requiredFieldsSatisfied m r = case sat of True -> div [ class "payment" ] [ payButton m ] False -> div [ class "payment" ] [ text "Please complete all required fields." ] in div [ class "payment-section" ] [ r , p [ class "note" ] [ text """ Note: All jobs will go through a moderation queue. Unless there is an issue (in which case you will be contacted), it will appear on the site promptly! """ ] ] payButton : Model -> Html Msg payButton m = case m.job.academic of True -> div [] [ p [] [ text "Academic jobs are free, presently!" ] , button [ class "pay" , onClick SubmitAcademicJob ] [ text "Submit an academic job" ] ] False -> div [] [ button [ class "pay" , onClick StartStripePayment ] [ text "Pay with Stripe" ] ] sep : Html Msg sep = span [] [] -- | Potential actions. type Msg -- >> Model updates = UpdateContactEmail String | UpdateContactName String | UpdateOrganisationName String | UpdateOrganisationUrl String | UpdateJobTitle String | UpdateJobUrl String | UpdateLocation String | UpdateTags String | UpdateAcademic Bool | UpdateRemote Bool | StartStripePayment | SubmitAcademicJob -- | UpdateJob | InsertJobResponse String (Result Http.Error (Maybe Int)) | UpdateJobResponse String (Result Http.Error Int) | SelectJobResponse (Result Http.Error (Maybe Job)) | WithdrawJob -- | ToDatePicker DatePicker.Msg dateSettings : DatePicker.Settings dateSettings = { defaultSettings | inputId = Just "date-field" , inputName = Just "date" , inputClassList = [ ("form-control", True) ] } -- | Main model update. update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let noop = ( model, Cmd.none ) in case msg of ToDatePicker m -> let ( newDatePicker, event ) = DatePicker.update dateSettings m model.datePicker newModel = { model | closingDate = case event of Picked date -> Just date _ -> model.closingDate , dirty = True , datePicker = newDatePicker } oldJob = model.job -- We want an error later on. mStrDate = newModel.closingDate |> Maybe.map (Date.format "yyyy-MM-dd") strDate = Maybe.withDefault "" mStrDate newJob = { oldJob | closingDate = strDate } in ( { newModel | job = newJob }, Cmd.none ) -- State update busywork UpdateContactEmail s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactEmail = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateContactName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | contactName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationName s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationName = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateOrganisationUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | organisationUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobTitle s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobTitle = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateJobUrl s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | jobUrl = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateLocation s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | location = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateTags s -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | tags = s } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateAcademic b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | academic = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) UpdateRemote b -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | remote = b } in ( { model | job = newJob, dirty = True }, Cmd.none ) -- Job things StartStripePayment -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Opening stripe ...") decodeJobId ) SubmitAcademicJob -> ( model , runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (insertQuery model.job) (InsertJobResponse "Job submitted!") decodeJobId ) WithdrawJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | withdrawn = True } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job withdrawn.") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJob -> let oldJob = model.job newJob = { oldJob | approved = False } query t = updateQuery t newJob f token = runQuery model.initData.graphqlUrl model.initData.jwtToken (query token) (UpdateJobResponse "Job updated!") decodeAffectedRows cmd = mapDefault Cmd.none f model.jobUuid in ( model, cmd ) UpdateJobResponse s response -> let newModel = case response of Ok _ -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to update job." } in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) InsertJobResponse s response -> let newCmd = case response of -- We only open payment if it's an industry job. Ok (Just jobId) -> if model.job.academic then academicComplete (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) else openPaymentForm (model.job.contactEmail, jobId) _ -> Cmd.none newModel = case response of Ok (Just _) -> { model | note = Just s, dirty = False } _ -> { model | error = Just "Unable to submit job." } in ( newModel, newCmd ) SelectJobResponse response -> let newModel = case response of Ok (Just j) -> { model | job = j , closingDate = stringToDate j.closingDate } _ -> model in ( newModel, Cmd.none ) stringToDate : String -> Maybe Date stringToDate s = String.split "T" s |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (Result.toMaybe << Date.fromIsoString) closingDateField : Model -> Html Msg closingDateField model = let name_ = "closing-date" txt = "Job closing date*" in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ DatePicker.view model.closingDate dateSettings model.datePicker |> Html.map ToDatePicker , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text "Closing date in yyyy-MM-dd " , a [ href "https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth" ] [ text "anywhere on earth" ] , text ". The furthest this can be is 3 months into the future." ] ] ] ] textField = textFieldR True -- | Make a text input field. textFieldR : Bool -- ^ Is it required? -> String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Placeholder value -> String -- ^ Current field value -> (String -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg textFieldR req label_ help placeholder_ val msg = let txt = if req then label_ ++ "*" else label_ name_ = label_ in div [ class "field" ] [ label [ for name_ ] [ text txt ] , div [ class "field-input" ] [ input [ type_ "text" , id name_ , placeholder placeholder_ , onInput msg , value val ] [] , div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ] -- | Make a boolean field with radio buttons. boolField : String -- ^ Name of the html field -> String -- ^ Help text -> String -- ^ Label for 'true' radio button -> String -- ^ Label for 'false' radio button -> Bool -- ^ Present value -> (Bool -> Msg) -- ^ Command to run -> Html Msg boolField label_ help labelTrue labelFalse val msg = let mkRadio txt v = [ input [ type_ "radio" , name label_ , id <| label_ ++ v , value v , onInput (msg << ((==) "yes")) , checked ((v == "yes" && val) || (v == "no" && not val)) ] [] , label [ for (label_ ++ v), class "radio" ] [ text txt ] ] in div [ class "field" ] [ label [] [ text label_ ] , div [ class "field-input" ] <| mkRadio labelTrue "yes" ++ mkRadio labelFalse "no" ++ [ div [ class "help" ] [ p [] [ text help ] ] ] ]
[ { "context": " |> Stateful.withItems\n [ Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan", "end": 1535, "score": 0.9997617602, "start": 1526, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "own\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"D", "end": 1591, "score": 0.9997771978, "start": 1582, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan", "end": 1649, "score": 0.9997388124, "start": 1640, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "own\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" ", "end": 1705, "score": 0.9997490048, "start": 1696, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": " \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Origin\" \"2017\"\n ]\n |> Statefu", "end": 1753, "score": 0.9997905493, "start": 1744, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "title\n |> localSingleTextFilter (Just \"Dan\") .author\n |> localSingleTextFilter No", "end": 2830, "score": 0.9996385574, "start": 2827, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan" }, { "context": "row in this table.\n\n withItems\n [ Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan Bro", "end": 7094, "score": 0.9996591806, "start": 7085, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n Brown\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"Dan B", "end": 7146, "score": 0.9996746778, "start": 7137, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "Brown\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan Bro", "end": 7200, "score": 0.9996232986, "start": 7191, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n Brown\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Ori", "end": 7252, "score": 0.9996017218, "start": 7243, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Origin\" \"2017\"\n ]\n someTable\n\n-}\n", "end": 7296, "score": 0.9995765686, "start": 7287, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n this table.\n\n stateWithItems\n [ Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan Bro", "end": 8942, "score": 0.9997377396, "start": 8933, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n Brown\" \"Angels & Demons\" \"2000\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"Dan B", "end": 8994, "score": 0.9996903539, "start": 8985, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "Brown\" \"The Da Vinci Code\" \"2003\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan Bro", "end": 9048, "score": 0.9996641874, "start": 9039, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "n Brown\" \"The Lost Symbol\" \"2009\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Ori", "end": 9100, "score": 0.9997011423, "start": 9091, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Inferno\" \"2013\"\n , Book \"Dan Brown\" \"Origin\" \"2017\"\n ]\n someTableState", "end": 9144, "score": 0.9996927977, "start": 9135, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan Brown" }, { "context": "title\n |> localSingleTextFilter (Just \"Dan\") .author\n |> localSingleTextFilter No", "end": 19211, "score": 0.9964719415, "start": 19208, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan" } ]
module UI.Tables.Stateful exposing ( StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems , Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden , State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems , Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters , localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter , localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter , localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter , localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter , periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter , localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter , Sorters, stateWithSorters , sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable , sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing , withWidth , stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected , renderElement ) {-| Tables are a matrixial data disposition with rows, columns, headers, and cells. `UI.Tables` are type-safe, which means that every row needs to have the same number of columns (including the headers). Otherwise, compilation fails. Stateful.table { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } |> Stateful.withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } |> Stateful.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 640) |> Stateful.withItems [ Book "Dan Brown" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "Dan Brown" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "Dan Brown" "Origin" "2017" ] |> Stateful.renderElement renderConfig Where `Book` is: type alias Book = { author : String, title : String, year : String } tableColumns = columnsEmpty |> column "Title" (columnWidthPixels 320) |> column "Author" (columnWidthPixels 240) |> column "Year" (columnWidthPixels 120) toTableRow = { toKey = .title, toTableRowView} toTableRowView { author, title, year } = rowEmpty |> rowCellText (Text.body1 title) |> rowCellText (Text.body2 author) |> rowCellText (Text.caption year) toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author", content = cellFromText <| Text.body2 author } |> detailHidden toTableCover { title, year } = { title = title, caption = Just year } someFilters = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "Dan") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year And on model: { -... , tableState : Stateful.Table Msg.Msg TypeNumbers.Three } { -... , tableState = Stateful.stateWithFilters Book.someFilters Stateful.init } # Stateful @docs StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems ## Mobile @docs Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden ## State @docs State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems # Filters @docs Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters ## Single Text @docs localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter ## Multi Text @docs localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter ## Single DateInput @docs localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter ## Range Dates @docs localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter ## Period Dates @docs periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter ## Select (Radio Buttons) @docs localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter # Sorting @docs Sorters, stateWithSorters @docs sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable @docs sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing # Width @docs withWidth # Selection ## Local @docs stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected ## Remote TODO: withRemoteSelection # Rendering @docs renderElement -} import Element exposing (Element, fill, px, shrink) import Element.Keyed as Keyed import Set exposing (Set) import Time import UI.Checkbox as Checkbox exposing (checkbox) import UI.Effects as Effects exposing (Effects) import UI.Internal.Basics exposing (ifThenElse, maybeThen, prependMaybe) import UI.Internal.DateInput as DateInput exposing (DateInput, PeriodDate, RangeDate) import UI.Internal.Filter.Model as Filter import UI.Internal.Filter.Sorter exposing (Sorter(..)) import UI.Internal.NArray as NArray exposing (NArray) import UI.Internal.RenderConfig exposing (localeTerms) import UI.Internal.Tables.Common exposing (..) import UI.Internal.Tables.Filters as Filters import UI.Internal.Tables.FiltersView as FiltersView import UI.Internal.Tables.ListView as ListView import UI.Internal.Tables.Sorters as Sorters exposing (Sorters) import UI.Internal.Tables.View exposing (..) import UI.RenderConfig as RenderConfig exposing (RenderConfig) import UI.Tables.Common as Common exposing (..) import UI.Utils.TypeNumbers as T {-| The `StatefulTable msg item columns` type is used for describing the component for later rendering. This is type that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type StatefulTable msg item columns = Table (StatefulConfig msg item columns) (Options msg item columns) {-| Record with parameters for the creation of a [`StatefulTable`](#table). This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } -} type alias StatefulConfig msg item columns = { columns : Columns columns , toRow : ToRow msg item columns , toExternalMsg : Msg item -> msg , state : State msg item columns } type alias Options msg item columns = { overwriteItems : Maybe (List item) , width : Element.Length , responsive : Maybe (Responsive msg item columns) } {-| Constructs a stateful table from its columns and rows. Also defines the handling function for messages, and the current table's state. table { columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , state = model.tableState } -} table : StatefulConfig msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns table config = Table config defaultOptions defaultOptions : Options msg item columns defaultOptions = { overwriteItems = Nothing , width = shrink , responsive = Nothing } {-| **DEPRECATED**: Use [stateWithItems](#stateWithItems) instead. Otherwise, by using this you'll be discarding sorting and fitlering. Each of these items will become a row in this table. withItems [ Book "Dan Brown" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "Dan Brown" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "Dan Brown" "Origin" "2017" ] someTable -} withItems : List item -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withItems items (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | overwriteItems = Just items } -- State {-| The `Stateful.Msg` handles stateful table's related messages. -} type Msg item = MobileToggle Int | ForFilters Filters.Msg | ForSorters Sorters.Msg | FilterDialogOpen Int | FilterDialogClose | SelectionToggleAll | SelectionSet item Bool {-| Keep this one in your Model, it holds the table's current state. -} type State msg item columns = State (StateModel msg item columns) type alias StateModel msg item columns = { filters : Maybe (Filters msg item columns) , mobileSelected : Maybe Int , filterDialog : Maybe Int , localSelection : Maybe (Selection item) , items : List item , visibleItems : List item , sorters : Maybe (Sorters item columns) } type Selections = Individual (Set String) | All | Except (Set String) type alias Selection item = { identifier : item -> String , checks : Selections } {-| The correct way of instantiating a [`Table.State`](#State). { -- ... , tableState = Stateful.init -- ... } -} init : State msg item columns init = State { filters = Nothing , mobileSelected = Nothing , filterDialog = Nothing , localSelection = Nothing , items = [] , visibleItems = [] , sorters = Nothing } {-| Each of these items will become a row in this table. stateWithItems [ Book "Dan Brown" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "Dan Brown" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "Dan Brown" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "Dan Brown" "Origin" "2017" ] someTableState -} stateWithItems : List item -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithItems items (State state) = State { state | items = items , visibleItems = items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| Given a message, apply an update to the [`Table.State`](#State). Do not ignore the returned `Cmd`, it may include remote filter's messages. ( newModel, newCmd ) = Table.update subMsg oldModel.tableState -} update : Msg item -> State msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) update msg (State state) = case msg of MobileToggle index -> updateMobileToggle state index ForFilters subMsg -> updateFilters state subMsg ForSorters subMsg -> updateSorters state subMsg FilterDialogOpen index -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Just index }, Effects.none ) FilterDialogClose -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Nothing }, Effects.none ) SelectionToggleAll -> updateSelectionToggleAll state SelectionSet item value -> updateSelectionSet state item value updateMobileToggle : StateModel msg item columns -> Int -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateMobileToggle state index = ( State { state | mobileSelected = if state.mobileSelected == Just index then Nothing else Just index } , Effects.none ) updateFilters : StateModel msg item columns -> Filters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateFilters state subMsg = let map ( newFilters, { effects, closeDialog } ) = ( applyFilters newFilters <| if closeDialog then { state | filterDialog = Nothing } else state , effects ) in case state.filters of Just filters -> filters |> Filters.update subMsg |> map Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applyFilters : Filters msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applyFilters newFilters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters newFilters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters , filters = Just newFilters } updateSorters : StateModel msg item columns -> Sorters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSorters state subMsg = case state.sorters of Just sorters -> sorters |> Sorters.update subMsg |> (\( newSorters, subCmd ) -> ( state |> applySorters newSorters , subCmd ) ) Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applySorters : Sorters item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applySorters newSorters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting newSorters , sorters = Just newSorters , filterDialog = Nothing } updateSelectionToggleAll : StateModel msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionToggleAll state = let invertAll old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual _ -> All All -> Individual Set.empty Except set -> if Set.isEmpty set then Individual Set.empty else All } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map invertAll state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) updateSelectionSet : StateModel msg item columns -> item -> Bool -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionSet state item value = let setItem old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual set -> selectIndividual old item value set All -> selectExcept old item value Set.empty Except set -> selectExcept old item value set } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map setItem state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) selectIndividual : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectIndividual { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.insert Set.remove (identifier item) |> Individual selectExcept : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectExcept { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.remove Set.insert (identifier item) |> Except -- Responsive {-| Required information for displaying the mobile's layout. This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } -} type alias Responsive msg item columns = { toDetails : item -> Details msg columns , toCover : item -> Cover } {-| What is displayed in a collapsed mobile's row. { title = "Foo Fighters - Everlong" , caption = Just "Morumbi - São Paulo 2015-01-23" } -} type alias Cover = { title : String, caption : Maybe String } {-| Used to render a cell in the mobile's layout. -} type alias Detail msg = { label : String, content : Common.Cell msg } {-| A set of [`Detail msg`](#Detail). Must have the same amount of elements as cells do in the table's row. -} type alias Details msg columns = NArray (Maybe (Detail msg)) columns {-| Allows a table to have a responsive layout when on mobile. withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } someTable -} withResponsive : Responsive msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withResponsive responsive (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | responsive = Just responsive } {-| An empty [`Details`](#Details) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author" , content = cellFromText (Text.body2 author) } |> detailHidden -} detailsEmpty : Details msg T.Zero detailsEmpty = NArray.empty {-| Defines that a cell will be shown in the mobile's layout. detailShown { label = "Edit" , content = cellFromButton editButton } detailsSet -} detailShown : Detail msg -> Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailShown detail accu = NArray.push (Just detail) accu {-| Defines that a cell will be hidden in the mobile's layout. detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailHidden |> detailHidden -} detailHidden : Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailHidden accu = NArray.push Nothing accu -- Selection {-| Apply selection defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSelection Book.getISBN init -} stateWithSelection : (item -> String) -> Bool -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSelection identifier default (State state) = State { state | localSelection = Just { checks = if default then All else Individual Set.empty , identifier = identifier } } {-| Resolves if one item's row is or not selected. isHungerGamesSelected = Table.stateIsSelected hungerGamesBook tableState -} stateIsSelected : item -> State msg item columns -> Bool stateIsSelected item (State state) = case state.localSelection of Just selection -> internalIsSelected selection item Nothing -> False -- Filters type alias PeriodComparison = DateInput.PeriodComparison {-| Array with all the columns' filters and their initial state. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Filters msg item columns = Filters.Filters msg item columns {-| Apply filters defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithFilters Book.filtersInit init -} stateWithFilters : Filters msg item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithFilters filters (State state) = State { state | filters = Just filters , visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| An empty [`Filters`](#Filters) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "Dan") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year -} filtersEmpty : Filters msg item T.Zero filtersEmpty = Filters.empty {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue mapItemToString -} localSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (Maybe String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localMultiTextFilter [] mapItemToString For having an initial filter applied: localMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] mapItemToString -} localMultiTextFilter : List String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localMultiTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When an empty list is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteMultiTextFilter : List String -> (List String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteMultiTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) mapItemToPosixEpoch -} localSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateLocal timeZone initValue getData) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleDateFilter maybeInitialPosix Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe DateInput -> msg) -> Filters.Filters msg item columns -> Filters.Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateRemote timeZone initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateLocal timeZone fromTime toTime getData) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remoteRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe RangeDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateRemote timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localPeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localPeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localPeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateLocal "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison getData) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remotePeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (Maybe PeriodDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateRemote "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) mapItemEachOptionToBool -} localSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (item -> Int -> Bool) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSelectFilter initList initSelection getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectLocal "table-select-filter" initList initSelection getData) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (Maybe Int -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSelectFilter initList initSelection applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectRemote "table-select-filter" initList initSelection applyMsg) accu -- Periods {-| When comparing if dates are the same. -} periodSingle : PeriodComparison periodSingle = DateInput.On {-| When comparing if some date is after another. -} pariodAfter : PeriodComparison pariodAfter = DateInput.After {-| When comparing if some date is before another. -} periodBefore : PeriodComparison periodBefore = DateInput.Before -- Width {-| Applies [`Element.width`](/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element#width) to the component. Table.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.minimum 220) someTable -} withWidth : Element.Length -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withWidth width (Table prop opt_) = Table prop { opt_ | width = width } -- Sorting {-| Array with all the columns' sorting definitions. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Sorters item columns = Sorters.Sorters item columns {-| Apply sortings defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSorters Book.sortersInit init -} stateWithSorters : Sorters item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSorters sorters (State state) = State { state | sorters = Just sorters , visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting sorters } {-| Allow sorting a column alphabetically. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortBy : (item -> String) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortBy fn = Sorters.sortWith (AlphabeticalSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Float value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByFloat .value |> sortByFloat .timestamp |> sortByFloat .average -} sortByFloat : (item -> Float) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByFloat fn = Sorters.sortWith (FloatSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using an Integer value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByInt .count |> sortByInt .areaCode |> sortByInt .hour -} sortByInt : (item -> Int) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByInt fn = Sorters.sortWith (IntegerSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Char value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByChar .firstLetter -} sortByChar : (item -> Char) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByChar fn = Sorters.sortWith (CharSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column with a custom function. Check [`List.sortWith`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/List#sortWith) sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortWith flippedComparison -} sortWith : (item -> item -> Order) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortWith fn = Sorters.sortWith (CustomSortable fn) {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as descreasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortDecreasing 1) init -} sortDecreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortDecreasing = Sorters.sortDescending {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as increasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortIncreasing 1) init -} sortIncreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortIncreasing = Sorters.sortAscending {-| An empty [`Sorters`](#Sorters) set. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortersEmpty : Sorters item T.Zero sortersEmpty = Sorters.sortersEmpty {-| Describes that some column is not sortable. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} unsortable : Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) unsortable = Sorters.unsortable -- Rendering {-| End of the builder's life. The result of this function is a ready-to-insert Elm UI's Element. -} renderElement : RenderConfig -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> Element msg renderElement renderConfig (Table prop opt) = case opt.responsive of Just responsive -> if RenderConfig.isMobile renderConfig then mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive else desktopView renderConfig prop opt Nothing -> desktopView renderConfig prop opt -- Mobile rendering mobileView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Responsive msg item columns -> Element msg mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive = let detailsTerms = renderConfig |> localeTerms >> .tables >> .details items = viewGetItems (unwrapState prop.state) opt |> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair in ListView.toggleableList { detailsShowLabel = detailsTerms.show , detailsCollapseLabel = detailsTerms.collapse , toKey = Tuple.second >> prop.toRow.toKey , toCover = Tuple.second >> responsive.toCover , toDetails = Tuple.second >> responsive.toDetails >> NArray.toList >> List.filterMap (Maybe.map (detailView renderConfig)) , selectMsg = Tuple.first >> MobileToggle >> prop.toExternalMsg } |> ListView.withItems items |> ListView.withSelected (Tuple.first >> isSelected prop.state) |> ListView.renderElement renderConfig isSelected : State msg item columns -> Int -> Bool isSelected (State { mobileSelected }) position = Just position == mobileSelected detailView : RenderConfig -> Detail msg -> ( String, Element msg ) detailView renderConfig { label, content } = ( label, cellContentRender renderConfig content ) -- Dekstop rendering desktopView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Element msg desktopView renderConfig prop opt = let columns = NArray.toList prop.columns state = unwrapState prop.state items = viewGetItems state opt rows = List.map (rowWithSelection renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state prop.toRow columns) items padding = { top = 20, left = 20, right = 20, bottom = 0 } selectionHeader = viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state prop.toExternalMsg headers = headersRender renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state.filterDialog state.filters state.sorters columns selectionHeader in Keyed.column [ Element.spacing 2 , Element.width opt.width , Element.paddingEach padding ] (headers :: rows) viewSelectionHeader : RenderConfig -> StateModel msg item columns -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe (Element msg) viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state toExternalMsg = Maybe.map (SelectionToggleAll |> toExternalMsg |> FiltersView.headerSelectToggle renderConfig |> always ) state.localSelection viewGetItems : StateModel msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> List item viewGetItems { visibleItems } opt = Maybe.withDefault visibleItems opt.overwriteItems unwrapState : State msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns unwrapState (State model) = model rowWithSelection : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> StateModel msg item columns -> ToRow msg item columns -> List Column -> item -> ( String, Element msg ) rowWithSelection renderConfig msgMap state toRow columns item = rowBox <| case state.localSelection of Just selection -> item |> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns |> Tuple.mapSecond ((::) (item |> selectionCell renderConfig selection |> Tuple.mapSecond (Element.map msgMap) ) ) Nothing -> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns item headersRender : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Filters.Filters msg item columns) -> Maybe (Sorters.Sorters item columns) -> List Column -> Maybe (Element msg) -> ( String, Element msg ) headersRender renderConfig toExternalMsg selected filters sorters columns selectionHeader = ( "@headers" , Element.row headersAttr <| case filters of Just filterArr -> filterArr |> NArray.toList |> List.map2 (filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected) columns |> List.indexedMap (\index val -> val (Maybe.andThen (Sorters.get index) sorters) index ) |> prependMaybe selectionHeader Nothing -> List.map (\(Column header { width }) -> header |> simpleHeaderRender renderConfig |> cellSpace width ) columns ) filterHeader : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Column -> Filter.Filter msg item -> Sorters.ColumnStatus item -> Int -> Element msg filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected (Column header { width }) filter sorter index = FiltersView.header renderConfig filter sorter { openMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogOpen index , discardMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogClose , fromFiltersMsg = ForFilters >> toExternalMsg , fromSortersMsg = ForSorters >> toExternalMsg , index = index , label = header , isOpen = selected == Just index } |> topCellSpace width -- Selection internalIsSelected : Selection item -> item -> Bool internalIsSelected { identifier, checks } item = case checks of Individual set -> Set.member (identifier item) set All -> True Except set -> set |> Set.member (identifier item) |> not selectionCell : RenderConfig -> Selection item -> item -> ( String, Element (Msg item) ) selectionCell renderConfig selection item = item |> internalIsSelected selection |> checkbox (localeTerms renderConfig |> .tables |> .selectRow) (SelectionSet item) |> Checkbox.withHiddenLabel |> Checkbox.renderElement renderConfig |> Element.el [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ] |> Element.el [ Element.width (px 32), Element.height fill ] |> Tuple.pair "@select"
module UI.Tables.Stateful exposing ( StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems , Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden , State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems , Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters , localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter , localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter , localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter , localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter , periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter , localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter , Sorters, stateWithSorters , sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable , sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing , withWidth , stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected , renderElement ) {-| Tables are a matrixial data disposition with rows, columns, headers, and cells. `UI.Tables` are type-safe, which means that every row needs to have the same number of columns (including the headers). Otherwise, compilation fails. Stateful.table { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } |> Stateful.withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } |> Stateful.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 640) |> Stateful.withItems [ Book "<NAME>" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "<NAME>" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "<NAME>" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "<NAME>" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "<NAME>" "Origin" "2017" ] |> Stateful.renderElement renderConfig Where `Book` is: type alias Book = { author : String, title : String, year : String } tableColumns = columnsEmpty |> column "Title" (columnWidthPixels 320) |> column "Author" (columnWidthPixels 240) |> column "Year" (columnWidthPixels 120) toTableRow = { toKey = .title, toTableRowView} toTableRowView { author, title, year } = rowEmpty |> rowCellText (Text.body1 title) |> rowCellText (Text.body2 author) |> rowCellText (Text.caption year) toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author", content = cellFromText <| Text.body2 author } |> detailHidden toTableCover { title, year } = { title = title, caption = Just year } someFilters = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "<NAME>") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year And on model: { -... , tableState : Stateful.Table Msg.Msg TypeNumbers.Three } { -... , tableState = Stateful.stateWithFilters Book.someFilters Stateful.init } # Stateful @docs StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems ## Mobile @docs Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden ## State @docs State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems # Filters @docs Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters ## Single Text @docs localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter ## Multi Text @docs localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter ## Single DateInput @docs localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter ## Range Dates @docs localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter ## Period Dates @docs periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter ## Select (Radio Buttons) @docs localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter # Sorting @docs Sorters, stateWithSorters @docs sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable @docs sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing # Width @docs withWidth # Selection ## Local @docs stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected ## Remote TODO: withRemoteSelection # Rendering @docs renderElement -} import Element exposing (Element, fill, px, shrink) import Element.Keyed as Keyed import Set exposing (Set) import Time import UI.Checkbox as Checkbox exposing (checkbox) import UI.Effects as Effects exposing (Effects) import UI.Internal.Basics exposing (ifThenElse, maybeThen, prependMaybe) import UI.Internal.DateInput as DateInput exposing (DateInput, PeriodDate, RangeDate) import UI.Internal.Filter.Model as Filter import UI.Internal.Filter.Sorter exposing (Sorter(..)) import UI.Internal.NArray as NArray exposing (NArray) import UI.Internal.RenderConfig exposing (localeTerms) import UI.Internal.Tables.Common exposing (..) import UI.Internal.Tables.Filters as Filters import UI.Internal.Tables.FiltersView as FiltersView import UI.Internal.Tables.ListView as ListView import UI.Internal.Tables.Sorters as Sorters exposing (Sorters) import UI.Internal.Tables.View exposing (..) import UI.RenderConfig as RenderConfig exposing (RenderConfig) import UI.Tables.Common as Common exposing (..) import UI.Utils.TypeNumbers as T {-| The `StatefulTable msg item columns` type is used for describing the component for later rendering. This is type that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type StatefulTable msg item columns = Table (StatefulConfig msg item columns) (Options msg item columns) {-| Record with parameters for the creation of a [`StatefulTable`](#table). This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } -} type alias StatefulConfig msg item columns = { columns : Columns columns , toRow : ToRow msg item columns , toExternalMsg : Msg item -> msg , state : State msg item columns } type alias Options msg item columns = { overwriteItems : Maybe (List item) , width : Element.Length , responsive : Maybe (Responsive msg item columns) } {-| Constructs a stateful table from its columns and rows. Also defines the handling function for messages, and the current table's state. table { columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , state = model.tableState } -} table : StatefulConfig msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns table config = Table config defaultOptions defaultOptions : Options msg item columns defaultOptions = { overwriteItems = Nothing , width = shrink , responsive = Nothing } {-| **DEPRECATED**: Use [stateWithItems](#stateWithItems) instead. Otherwise, by using this you'll be discarding sorting and fitlering. Each of these items will become a row in this table. withItems [ Book "<NAME>" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "<NAME>" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "<NAME>" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "<NAME>" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "<NAME>" "Origin" "2017" ] someTable -} withItems : List item -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withItems items (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | overwriteItems = Just items } -- State {-| The `Stateful.Msg` handles stateful table's related messages. -} type Msg item = MobileToggle Int | ForFilters Filters.Msg | ForSorters Sorters.Msg | FilterDialogOpen Int | FilterDialogClose | SelectionToggleAll | SelectionSet item Bool {-| Keep this one in your Model, it holds the table's current state. -} type State msg item columns = State (StateModel msg item columns) type alias StateModel msg item columns = { filters : Maybe (Filters msg item columns) , mobileSelected : Maybe Int , filterDialog : Maybe Int , localSelection : Maybe (Selection item) , items : List item , visibleItems : List item , sorters : Maybe (Sorters item columns) } type Selections = Individual (Set String) | All | Except (Set String) type alias Selection item = { identifier : item -> String , checks : Selections } {-| The correct way of instantiating a [`Table.State`](#State). { -- ... , tableState = Stateful.init -- ... } -} init : State msg item columns init = State { filters = Nothing , mobileSelected = Nothing , filterDialog = Nothing , localSelection = Nothing , items = [] , visibleItems = [] , sorters = Nothing } {-| Each of these items will become a row in this table. stateWithItems [ Book "<NAME>" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "<NAME>" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "<NAME>" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "<NAME>" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "<NAME>" "Origin" "2017" ] someTableState -} stateWithItems : List item -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithItems items (State state) = State { state | items = items , visibleItems = items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| Given a message, apply an update to the [`Table.State`](#State). Do not ignore the returned `Cmd`, it may include remote filter's messages. ( newModel, newCmd ) = Table.update subMsg oldModel.tableState -} update : Msg item -> State msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) update msg (State state) = case msg of MobileToggle index -> updateMobileToggle state index ForFilters subMsg -> updateFilters state subMsg ForSorters subMsg -> updateSorters state subMsg FilterDialogOpen index -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Just index }, Effects.none ) FilterDialogClose -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Nothing }, Effects.none ) SelectionToggleAll -> updateSelectionToggleAll state SelectionSet item value -> updateSelectionSet state item value updateMobileToggle : StateModel msg item columns -> Int -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateMobileToggle state index = ( State { state | mobileSelected = if state.mobileSelected == Just index then Nothing else Just index } , Effects.none ) updateFilters : StateModel msg item columns -> Filters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateFilters state subMsg = let map ( newFilters, { effects, closeDialog } ) = ( applyFilters newFilters <| if closeDialog then { state | filterDialog = Nothing } else state , effects ) in case state.filters of Just filters -> filters |> Filters.update subMsg |> map Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applyFilters : Filters msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applyFilters newFilters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters newFilters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters , filters = Just newFilters } updateSorters : StateModel msg item columns -> Sorters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSorters state subMsg = case state.sorters of Just sorters -> sorters |> Sorters.update subMsg |> (\( newSorters, subCmd ) -> ( state |> applySorters newSorters , subCmd ) ) Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applySorters : Sorters item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applySorters newSorters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting newSorters , sorters = Just newSorters , filterDialog = Nothing } updateSelectionToggleAll : StateModel msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionToggleAll state = let invertAll old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual _ -> All All -> Individual Set.empty Except set -> if Set.isEmpty set then Individual Set.empty else All } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map invertAll state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) updateSelectionSet : StateModel msg item columns -> item -> Bool -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionSet state item value = let setItem old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual set -> selectIndividual old item value set All -> selectExcept old item value Set.empty Except set -> selectExcept old item value set } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map setItem state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) selectIndividual : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectIndividual { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.insert Set.remove (identifier item) |> Individual selectExcept : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectExcept { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.remove Set.insert (identifier item) |> Except -- Responsive {-| Required information for displaying the mobile's layout. This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } -} type alias Responsive msg item columns = { toDetails : item -> Details msg columns , toCover : item -> Cover } {-| What is displayed in a collapsed mobile's row. { title = "Foo Fighters - Everlong" , caption = Just "Morumbi - São Paulo 2015-01-23" } -} type alias Cover = { title : String, caption : Maybe String } {-| Used to render a cell in the mobile's layout. -} type alias Detail msg = { label : String, content : Common.Cell msg } {-| A set of [`Detail msg`](#Detail). Must have the same amount of elements as cells do in the table's row. -} type alias Details msg columns = NArray (Maybe (Detail msg)) columns {-| Allows a table to have a responsive layout when on mobile. withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } someTable -} withResponsive : Responsive msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withResponsive responsive (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | responsive = Just responsive } {-| An empty [`Details`](#Details) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author" , content = cellFromText (Text.body2 author) } |> detailHidden -} detailsEmpty : Details msg T.Zero detailsEmpty = NArray.empty {-| Defines that a cell will be shown in the mobile's layout. detailShown { label = "Edit" , content = cellFromButton editButton } detailsSet -} detailShown : Detail msg -> Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailShown detail accu = NArray.push (Just detail) accu {-| Defines that a cell will be hidden in the mobile's layout. detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailHidden |> detailHidden -} detailHidden : Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailHidden accu = NArray.push Nothing accu -- Selection {-| Apply selection defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSelection Book.getISBN init -} stateWithSelection : (item -> String) -> Bool -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSelection identifier default (State state) = State { state | localSelection = Just { checks = if default then All else Individual Set.empty , identifier = identifier } } {-| Resolves if one item's row is or not selected. isHungerGamesSelected = Table.stateIsSelected hungerGamesBook tableState -} stateIsSelected : item -> State msg item columns -> Bool stateIsSelected item (State state) = case state.localSelection of Just selection -> internalIsSelected selection item Nothing -> False -- Filters type alias PeriodComparison = DateInput.PeriodComparison {-| Array with all the columns' filters and their initial state. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Filters msg item columns = Filters.Filters msg item columns {-| Apply filters defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithFilters Book.filtersInit init -} stateWithFilters : Filters msg item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithFilters filters (State state) = State { state | filters = Just filters , visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| An empty [`Filters`](#Filters) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "<NAME>") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year -} filtersEmpty : Filters msg item T.Zero filtersEmpty = Filters.empty {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue mapItemToString -} localSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (Maybe String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localMultiTextFilter [] mapItemToString For having an initial filter applied: localMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] mapItemToString -} localMultiTextFilter : List String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localMultiTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When an empty list is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteMultiTextFilter : List String -> (List String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteMultiTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) mapItemToPosixEpoch -} localSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateLocal timeZone initValue getData) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleDateFilter maybeInitialPosix Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe DateInput -> msg) -> Filters.Filters msg item columns -> Filters.Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateRemote timeZone initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateLocal timeZone fromTime toTime getData) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remoteRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe RangeDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateRemote timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localPeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localPeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localPeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateLocal "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison getData) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remotePeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (Maybe PeriodDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateRemote "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) mapItemEachOptionToBool -} localSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (item -> Int -> Bool) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSelectFilter initList initSelection getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectLocal "table-select-filter" initList initSelection getData) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (Maybe Int -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSelectFilter initList initSelection applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectRemote "table-select-filter" initList initSelection applyMsg) accu -- Periods {-| When comparing if dates are the same. -} periodSingle : PeriodComparison periodSingle = DateInput.On {-| When comparing if some date is after another. -} pariodAfter : PeriodComparison pariodAfter = DateInput.After {-| When comparing if some date is before another. -} periodBefore : PeriodComparison periodBefore = DateInput.Before -- Width {-| Applies [`Element.width`](/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element#width) to the component. Table.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.minimum 220) someTable -} withWidth : Element.Length -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withWidth width (Table prop opt_) = Table prop { opt_ | width = width } -- Sorting {-| Array with all the columns' sorting definitions. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Sorters item columns = Sorters.Sorters item columns {-| Apply sortings defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSorters Book.sortersInit init -} stateWithSorters : Sorters item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSorters sorters (State state) = State { state | sorters = Just sorters , visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting sorters } {-| Allow sorting a column alphabetically. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortBy : (item -> String) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortBy fn = Sorters.sortWith (AlphabeticalSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Float value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByFloat .value |> sortByFloat .timestamp |> sortByFloat .average -} sortByFloat : (item -> Float) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByFloat fn = Sorters.sortWith (FloatSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using an Integer value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByInt .count |> sortByInt .areaCode |> sortByInt .hour -} sortByInt : (item -> Int) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByInt fn = Sorters.sortWith (IntegerSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Char value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByChar .firstLetter -} sortByChar : (item -> Char) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByChar fn = Sorters.sortWith (CharSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column with a custom function. Check [`List.sortWith`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/List#sortWith) sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortWith flippedComparison -} sortWith : (item -> item -> Order) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortWith fn = Sorters.sortWith (CustomSortable fn) {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as descreasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortDecreasing 1) init -} sortDecreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortDecreasing = Sorters.sortDescending {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as increasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortIncreasing 1) init -} sortIncreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortIncreasing = Sorters.sortAscending {-| An empty [`Sorters`](#Sorters) set. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortersEmpty : Sorters item T.Zero sortersEmpty = Sorters.sortersEmpty {-| Describes that some column is not sortable. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} unsortable : Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) unsortable = Sorters.unsortable -- Rendering {-| End of the builder's life. The result of this function is a ready-to-insert Elm UI's Element. -} renderElement : RenderConfig -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> Element msg renderElement renderConfig (Table prop opt) = case opt.responsive of Just responsive -> if RenderConfig.isMobile renderConfig then mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive else desktopView renderConfig prop opt Nothing -> desktopView renderConfig prop opt -- Mobile rendering mobileView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Responsive msg item columns -> Element msg mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive = let detailsTerms = renderConfig |> localeTerms >> .tables >> .details items = viewGetItems (unwrapState prop.state) opt |> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair in ListView.toggleableList { detailsShowLabel = detailsTerms.show , detailsCollapseLabel = detailsTerms.collapse , toKey = Tuple.second >> prop.toRow.toKey , toCover = Tuple.second >> responsive.toCover , toDetails = Tuple.second >> responsive.toDetails >> NArray.toList >> List.filterMap (Maybe.map (detailView renderConfig)) , selectMsg = Tuple.first >> MobileToggle >> prop.toExternalMsg } |> ListView.withItems items |> ListView.withSelected (Tuple.first >> isSelected prop.state) |> ListView.renderElement renderConfig isSelected : State msg item columns -> Int -> Bool isSelected (State { mobileSelected }) position = Just position == mobileSelected detailView : RenderConfig -> Detail msg -> ( String, Element msg ) detailView renderConfig { label, content } = ( label, cellContentRender renderConfig content ) -- Dekstop rendering desktopView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Element msg desktopView renderConfig prop opt = let columns = NArray.toList prop.columns state = unwrapState prop.state items = viewGetItems state opt rows = List.map (rowWithSelection renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state prop.toRow columns) items padding = { top = 20, left = 20, right = 20, bottom = 0 } selectionHeader = viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state prop.toExternalMsg headers = headersRender renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state.filterDialog state.filters state.sorters columns selectionHeader in Keyed.column [ Element.spacing 2 , Element.width opt.width , Element.paddingEach padding ] (headers :: rows) viewSelectionHeader : RenderConfig -> StateModel msg item columns -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe (Element msg) viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state toExternalMsg = Maybe.map (SelectionToggleAll |> toExternalMsg |> FiltersView.headerSelectToggle renderConfig |> always ) state.localSelection viewGetItems : StateModel msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> List item viewGetItems { visibleItems } opt = Maybe.withDefault visibleItems opt.overwriteItems unwrapState : State msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns unwrapState (State model) = model rowWithSelection : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> StateModel msg item columns -> ToRow msg item columns -> List Column -> item -> ( String, Element msg ) rowWithSelection renderConfig msgMap state toRow columns item = rowBox <| case state.localSelection of Just selection -> item |> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns |> Tuple.mapSecond ((::) (item |> selectionCell renderConfig selection |> Tuple.mapSecond (Element.map msgMap) ) ) Nothing -> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns item headersRender : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Filters.Filters msg item columns) -> Maybe (Sorters.Sorters item columns) -> List Column -> Maybe (Element msg) -> ( String, Element msg ) headersRender renderConfig toExternalMsg selected filters sorters columns selectionHeader = ( "@headers" , Element.row headersAttr <| case filters of Just filterArr -> filterArr |> NArray.toList |> List.map2 (filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected) columns |> List.indexedMap (\index val -> val (Maybe.andThen (Sorters.get index) sorters) index ) |> prependMaybe selectionHeader Nothing -> List.map (\(Column header { width }) -> header |> simpleHeaderRender renderConfig |> cellSpace width ) columns ) filterHeader : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Column -> Filter.Filter msg item -> Sorters.ColumnStatus item -> Int -> Element msg filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected (Column header { width }) filter sorter index = FiltersView.header renderConfig filter sorter { openMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogOpen index , discardMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogClose , fromFiltersMsg = ForFilters >> toExternalMsg , fromSortersMsg = ForSorters >> toExternalMsg , index = index , label = header , isOpen = selected == Just index } |> topCellSpace width -- Selection internalIsSelected : Selection item -> item -> Bool internalIsSelected { identifier, checks } item = case checks of Individual set -> Set.member (identifier item) set All -> True Except set -> set |> Set.member (identifier item) |> not selectionCell : RenderConfig -> Selection item -> item -> ( String, Element (Msg item) ) selectionCell renderConfig selection item = item |> internalIsSelected selection |> checkbox (localeTerms renderConfig |> .tables |> .selectRow) (SelectionSet item) |> Checkbox.withHiddenLabel |> Checkbox.renderElement renderConfig |> Element.el [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ] |> Element.el [ Element.width (px 32), Element.height fill ] |> Tuple.pair "@select"
module UI.Tables.Stateful exposing ( StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems , Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden , State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems , Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters , localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter , localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter , localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter , localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter , periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter , localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter , Sorters, stateWithSorters , sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable , sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing , withWidth , stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected , renderElement ) {-| Tables are a matrixial data disposition with rows, columns, headers, and cells. `UI.Tables` are type-safe, which means that every row needs to have the same number of columns (including the headers). Otherwise, compilation fails. Stateful.table { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } |> Stateful.withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } |> Stateful.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 640) |> Stateful.withItems [ Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Origin" "2017" ] |> Stateful.renderElement renderConfig Where `Book` is: type alias Book = { author : String, title : String, year : String } tableColumns = columnsEmpty |> column "Title" (columnWidthPixels 320) |> column "Author" (columnWidthPixels 240) |> column "Year" (columnWidthPixels 120) toTableRow = { toKey = .title, toTableRowView} toTableRowView { author, title, year } = rowEmpty |> rowCellText (Text.body1 title) |> rowCellText (Text.body2 author) |> rowCellText (Text.caption year) toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author", content = cellFromText <| Text.body2 author } |> detailHidden toTableCover { title, year } = { title = title, caption = Just year } someFilters = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year And on model: { -... , tableState : Stateful.Table Msg.Msg TypeNumbers.Three } { -... , tableState = Stateful.stateWithFilters Book.someFilters Stateful.init } # Stateful @docs StatefulTable, StatefulConfig, table, withItems ## Mobile @docs Responsive, Cover, Details, Detail, withResponsive, detailsEmpty, detailShown, detailHidden ## State @docs State, Msg, init, update, stateWithItems # Filters @docs Filters, filtersEmpty, stateWithFilters ## Single Text @docs localSingleTextFilter, remoteSingleTextFilter ## Multi Text @docs localMultiTextFilter, remoteMultiTextFilter ## Single DateInput @docs localSingleDateFilter, remoteSingleDateFilter ## Range Dates @docs localRangeDateFilter, remoteRangeDateFilter ## Period Dates @docs periodSingle, pariodAfter, periodBefore, localPeriodDateFilter, remotePeriodDateFilter ## Select (Radio Buttons) @docs localSelectFilter, remoteSelectFilter # Sorting @docs Sorters, stateWithSorters @docs sortersEmpty, sortBy, sortByFloat, sortByInt, sortByChar, sortWith, unsortable @docs sortDecreasing, sortIncreasing # Width @docs withWidth # Selection ## Local @docs stateWithSelection, stateIsSelected ## Remote TODO: withRemoteSelection # Rendering @docs renderElement -} import Element exposing (Element, fill, px, shrink) import Element.Keyed as Keyed import Set exposing (Set) import Time import UI.Checkbox as Checkbox exposing (checkbox) import UI.Effects as Effects exposing (Effects) import UI.Internal.Basics exposing (ifThenElse, maybeThen, prependMaybe) import UI.Internal.DateInput as DateInput exposing (DateInput, PeriodDate, RangeDate) import UI.Internal.Filter.Model as Filter import UI.Internal.Filter.Sorter exposing (Sorter(..)) import UI.Internal.NArray as NArray exposing (NArray) import UI.Internal.RenderConfig exposing (localeTerms) import UI.Internal.Tables.Common exposing (..) import UI.Internal.Tables.Filters as Filters import UI.Internal.Tables.FiltersView as FiltersView import UI.Internal.Tables.ListView as ListView import UI.Internal.Tables.Sorters as Sorters exposing (Sorters) import UI.Internal.Tables.View exposing (..) import UI.RenderConfig as RenderConfig exposing (RenderConfig) import UI.Tables.Common as Common exposing (..) import UI.Utils.TypeNumbers as T {-| The `StatefulTable msg item columns` type is used for describing the component for later rendering. This is type that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type StatefulTable msg item columns = Table (StatefulConfig msg item columns) (Options msg item columns) {-| Record with parameters for the creation of a [`StatefulTable`](#table). This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , state = model.tableState } -} type alias StatefulConfig msg item columns = { columns : Columns columns , toRow : ToRow msg item columns , toExternalMsg : Msg item -> msg , state : State msg item columns } type alias Options msg item columns = { overwriteItems : Maybe (List item) , width : Element.Length , responsive : Maybe (Responsive msg item columns) } {-| Constructs a stateful table from its columns and rows. Also defines the handling function for messages, and the current table's state. table { columns = Book.tableColumns , toRow = Book.toTableRow , toExternalMsg = Msg.ForTable , state = model.tableState } -} table : StatefulConfig msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns table config = Table config defaultOptions defaultOptions : Options msg item columns defaultOptions = { overwriteItems = Nothing , width = shrink , responsive = Nothing } {-| **DEPRECATED**: Use [stateWithItems](#stateWithItems) instead. Otherwise, by using this you'll be discarding sorting and fitlering. Each of these items will become a row in this table. withItems [ Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Origin" "2017" ] someTable -} withItems : List item -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withItems items (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | overwriteItems = Just items } -- State {-| The `Stateful.Msg` handles stateful table's related messages. -} type Msg item = MobileToggle Int | ForFilters Filters.Msg | ForSorters Sorters.Msg | FilterDialogOpen Int | FilterDialogClose | SelectionToggleAll | SelectionSet item Bool {-| Keep this one in your Model, it holds the table's current state. -} type State msg item columns = State (StateModel msg item columns) type alias StateModel msg item columns = { filters : Maybe (Filters msg item columns) , mobileSelected : Maybe Int , filterDialog : Maybe Int , localSelection : Maybe (Selection item) , items : List item , visibleItems : List item , sorters : Maybe (Sorters item columns) } type Selections = Individual (Set String) | All | Except (Set String) type alias Selection item = { identifier : item -> String , checks : Selections } {-| The correct way of instantiating a [`Table.State`](#State). { -- ... , tableState = Stateful.init -- ... } -} init : State msg item columns init = State { filters = Nothing , mobileSelected = Nothing , filterDialog = Nothing , localSelection = Nothing , items = [] , visibleItems = [] , sorters = Nothing } {-| Each of these items will become a row in this table. stateWithItems [ Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Angels & Demons" "2000" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Da Vinci Code" "2003" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "The Lost Symbol" "2009" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Inferno" "2013" , Book "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "Origin" "2017" ] someTableState -} stateWithItems : List item -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithItems items (State state) = State { state | items = items , visibleItems = items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| Given a message, apply an update to the [`Table.State`](#State). Do not ignore the returned `Cmd`, it may include remote filter's messages. ( newModel, newCmd ) = Table.update subMsg oldModel.tableState -} update : Msg item -> State msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) update msg (State state) = case msg of MobileToggle index -> updateMobileToggle state index ForFilters subMsg -> updateFilters state subMsg ForSorters subMsg -> updateSorters state subMsg FilterDialogOpen index -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Just index }, Effects.none ) FilterDialogClose -> ( State { state | filterDialog = Nothing }, Effects.none ) SelectionToggleAll -> updateSelectionToggleAll state SelectionSet item value -> updateSelectionSet state item value updateMobileToggle : StateModel msg item columns -> Int -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateMobileToggle state index = ( State { state | mobileSelected = if state.mobileSelected == Just index then Nothing else Just index } , Effects.none ) updateFilters : StateModel msg item columns -> Filters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateFilters state subMsg = let map ( newFilters, { effects, closeDialog } ) = ( applyFilters newFilters <| if closeDialog then { state | filterDialog = Nothing } else state , effects ) in case state.filters of Just filters -> filters |> Filters.update subMsg |> map Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applyFilters : Filters msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applyFilters newFilters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters newFilters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters , filters = Just newFilters } updateSorters : StateModel msg item columns -> Sorters.Msg -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSorters state subMsg = case state.sorters of Just sorters -> sorters |> Sorters.update subMsg |> (\( newSorters, subCmd ) -> ( state |> applySorters newSorters , subCmd ) ) Nothing -> ( State state, Effects.none ) applySorters : Sorters item columns -> StateModel msg item columns -> State msg item columns applySorters newSorters state = State { state | visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting newSorters , sorters = Just newSorters , filterDialog = Nothing } updateSelectionToggleAll : StateModel msg item columns -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionToggleAll state = let invertAll old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual _ -> All All -> Individual Set.empty Except set -> if Set.isEmpty set then Individual Set.empty else All } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map invertAll state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) updateSelectionSet : StateModel msg item columns -> item -> Bool -> ( State msg item columns, Effects msg ) updateSelectionSet state item value = let setItem old = { old | checks = case old.checks of Individual set -> selectIndividual old item value set All -> selectExcept old item value Set.empty Except set -> selectExcept old item value set } in ( State { state | localSelection = Maybe.map setItem state.localSelection } , Effects.none ) selectIndividual : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectIndividual { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.insert Set.remove (identifier item) |> Individual selectExcept : Selection item -> item -> Bool -> Set String -> Selections selectExcept { identifier } item value set = set |> ifThenElse value Set.remove Set.insert (identifier item) |> Except -- Responsive {-| Required information for displaying the mobile's layout. This is record that constrains type-safe sized-arrays. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } -} type alias Responsive msg item columns = { toDetails : item -> Details msg columns , toCover : item -> Cover } {-| What is displayed in a collapsed mobile's row. { title = "Foo Fighters - Everlong" , caption = Just "Morumbi - São Paulo 2015-01-23" } -} type alias Cover = { title : String, caption : Maybe String } {-| Used to render a cell in the mobile's layout. -} type alias Detail msg = { label : String, content : Common.Cell msg } {-| A set of [`Detail msg`](#Detail). Must have the same amount of elements as cells do in the table's row. -} type alias Details msg columns = NArray (Maybe (Detail msg)) columns {-| Allows a table to have a responsive layout when on mobile. withResponsive { toDetails = Book.toTableDetails , toCover = Book.toTableCover } someTable -} withResponsive : Responsive msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withResponsive responsive (Table prop opt) = Table prop { opt | responsive = Just responsive } {-| An empty [`Details`](#Details) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailShown { label = "Author" , content = cellFromText (Text.body2 author) } |> detailHidden -} detailsEmpty : Details msg T.Zero detailsEmpty = NArray.empty {-| Defines that a cell will be shown in the mobile's layout. detailShown { label = "Edit" , content = cellFromButton editButton } detailsSet -} detailShown : Detail msg -> Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailShown detail accu = NArray.push (Just detail) accu {-| Defines that a cell will be hidden in the mobile's layout. detailsEmpty |> detailHidden |> detailHidden |> detailHidden -} detailHidden : Details msg columns -> Details msg (T.Increase columns) detailHidden accu = NArray.push Nothing accu -- Selection {-| Apply selection defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSelection Book.getISBN init -} stateWithSelection : (item -> String) -> Bool -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSelection identifier default (State state) = State { state | localSelection = Just { checks = if default then All else Individual Set.empty , identifier = identifier } } {-| Resolves if one item's row is or not selected. isHungerGamesSelected = Table.stateIsSelected hungerGamesBook tableState -} stateIsSelected : item -> State msg item columns -> Bool stateIsSelected item (State state) = case state.localSelection of Just selection -> internalIsSelected selection item Nothing -> False -- Filters type alias PeriodComparison = DateInput.PeriodComparison {-| Array with all the columns' filters and their initial state. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Filters msg item columns = Filters.Filters msg item columns {-| Apply filters defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithFilters Book.filtersInit init -} stateWithFilters : Filters msg item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithFilters filters (State state) = State { state | filters = Just filters , visibleItems = state.items |> Filters.itemsApplyFilters filters |> maybeThen Sorters.itemsApplySorting state.sorters } {-| An empty [`Filters`](#Filters) set. toTableDetails { author, title } = filtersEmpty |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .title |> localSingleTextFilter (Just "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") .author |> localSingleTextFilter Nothing .year -} filtersEmpty : Filters msg item T.Zero filtersEmpty = Filters.empty {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue mapItemToString -} localSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with one single text field. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleTextFilter maybeInitialValue Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleTextFilter : Maybe String -> (Maybe String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localMultiTextFilter [] mapItemToString For having an initial filter applied: localMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] mapItemToString -} localMultiTextFilter : List String -> (item -> String) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localMultiTextFilter initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextLocal initValue getData) accu {-| A filter with multiple text field. The content must match at least one of those fields otherwise it's filtered out. Only part of the content must match the filter's input. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When an empty list is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteMultiTextFilter [ "initial", "fields" ] Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteMultiTextFilter : List String -> (List String -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteMultiTextFilter initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.multiTextRemote initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSingleDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) mapItemToPosixEpoch -} localSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateLocal timeZone initValue getData) accu {-| A filter for dates with one single field. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSingleDateFilter maybeInitialPosix Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSingleDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe DateInput -> msg) -> Filters.Filters msg item columns -> Filters.Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSingleDateFilter timeZone initValue applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.singleDateRemote timeZone initValue applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateLocal timeZone fromTime toTime getData) accu {-| A filter for dates in an expected range. The range is defined using two date fields. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone (Just datesAfterThis) (Just datesBeforeThis) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remoteRangeDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe Time.Posix -> (Maybe RangeDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteRangeDateFilter timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.rangeDateRemote timeZone fromTime toTime applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localPeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) mapItemToPosixEpoch **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} localPeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (item -> Time.Posix) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localPeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateLocal "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison getData) accu {-| A filter for a single date, dates before specified date, or dates after specified date. The filter-case is defined using radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone (Just somePosixEpoch) (Just periodAfter) Msg.ApplyFilter **NOTE**: Hours, minutes and seconds are discarded from the range limits. -} remotePeriodDateFilter : Time.Zone -> Maybe Time.Posix -> Maybe PeriodComparison -> (Maybe PeriodDate -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remotePeriodDateFilter timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.periodDateRemote "table-date-period-filter" timeZone initValue initComparison applyMsg) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied internally by the component. localSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) mapItemEachOptionToBool -} localSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (item -> Int -> Bool) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) localSelectFilter initList initSelection getData accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectLocal "table-select-filter" initList initSelection getData) accu {-| A filter for custom radio buttons. Filtering logic is applied through an external message. When `Nothing` is applied to the message, it means to clear the current filter. remoteSelectFilter [ "Option 1" , "Option 2" ] (Just 1) Msg.ApplyFilter -} remoteSelectFilter : List String -> Maybe Int -> (Maybe Int -> msg) -> Filters msg item columns -> Filters msg item (T.Increase columns) remoteSelectFilter initList initSelection applyMsg accu = Filters.push (Filter.selectRemote "table-select-filter" initList initSelection applyMsg) accu -- Periods {-| When comparing if dates are the same. -} periodSingle : PeriodComparison periodSingle = DateInput.On {-| When comparing if some date is after another. -} pariodAfter : PeriodComparison pariodAfter = DateInput.After {-| When comparing if some date is before another. -} periodBefore : PeriodComparison periodBefore = DateInput.Before -- Width {-| Applies [`Element.width`](/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element#width) to the component. Table.withWidth (Element.fill |> Element.minimum 220) someTable -} withWidth : Element.Length -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> StatefulTable msg item columns withWidth width (Table prop opt_) = Table prop { opt_ | width = width } -- Sorting {-| Array with all the columns' sorting definitions. This is a type-safe sized-array. See [`TypeNumbers`](UI-Utils-TypeNumbers) for how to compose its phantom type. -} type alias Sorters item columns = Sorters.Sorters item columns {-| Apply sortings defintion to a table's [`State`](#State). model = stateWithSorters Book.sortersInit init -} stateWithSorters : Sorters item columns -> State msg item columns -> State msg item columns stateWithSorters sorters (State state) = State { state | sorters = Just sorters , visibleItems = state.items |> maybeThen Filters.itemsApplyFilters state.filters |> Sorters.itemsApplySorting sorters } {-| Allow sorting a column alphabetically. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortBy : (item -> String) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortBy fn = Sorters.sortWith (AlphabeticalSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Float value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByFloat .value |> sortByFloat .timestamp |> sortByFloat .average -} sortByFloat : (item -> Float) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByFloat fn = Sorters.sortWith (FloatSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using an Integer value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByInt .count |> sortByInt .areaCode |> sortByInt .hour -} sortByInt : (item -> Int) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByInt fn = Sorters.sortWith (IntegerSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column using a Char value. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortByChar .firstLetter -} sortByChar : (item -> Char) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortByChar fn = Sorters.sortWith (CharSortable fn) {-| Allow sorting a column with a custom function. Check [`List.sortWith`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/List#sortWith) sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> unsortable |> sortWith flippedComparison -} sortWith : (item -> item -> Order) -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) sortWith fn = Sorters.sortWith (CustomSortable fn) {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as descreasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortDecreasing 1) init -} sortDecreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortDecreasing = Sorters.sortDescending {-| Changes the initial sorting to some columns as increasing. model = stateWithSorters (Book.sortersInit |> sortIncreasing 1) init -} sortIncreasing : Int -> Sorters item columns -> Sorters item columns sortIncreasing = Sorters.sortAscending {-| An empty [`Sorters`](#Sorters) set. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} sortersEmpty : Sorters item T.Zero sortersEmpty = Sorters.sortersEmpty {-| Describes that some column is not sortable. sortersInit = sortersEmpty |> sortBy .title |> sortBy .author |> unsortable -} unsortable : Sorters item columns -> Sorters item (T.Increase columns) unsortable = Sorters.unsortable -- Rendering {-| End of the builder's life. The result of this function is a ready-to-insert Elm UI's Element. -} renderElement : RenderConfig -> StatefulTable msg item columns -> Element msg renderElement renderConfig (Table prop opt) = case opt.responsive of Just responsive -> if RenderConfig.isMobile renderConfig then mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive else desktopView renderConfig prop opt Nothing -> desktopView renderConfig prop opt -- Mobile rendering mobileView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Responsive msg item columns -> Element msg mobileView renderConfig prop opt responsive = let detailsTerms = renderConfig |> localeTerms >> .tables >> .details items = viewGetItems (unwrapState prop.state) opt |> List.indexedMap Tuple.pair in ListView.toggleableList { detailsShowLabel = detailsTerms.show , detailsCollapseLabel = detailsTerms.collapse , toKey = Tuple.second >> prop.toRow.toKey , toCover = Tuple.second >> responsive.toCover , toDetails = Tuple.second >> responsive.toDetails >> NArray.toList >> List.filterMap (Maybe.map (detailView renderConfig)) , selectMsg = Tuple.first >> MobileToggle >> prop.toExternalMsg } |> ListView.withItems items |> ListView.withSelected (Tuple.first >> isSelected prop.state) |> ListView.renderElement renderConfig isSelected : State msg item columns -> Int -> Bool isSelected (State { mobileSelected }) position = Just position == mobileSelected detailView : RenderConfig -> Detail msg -> ( String, Element msg ) detailView renderConfig { label, content } = ( label, cellContentRender renderConfig content ) -- Dekstop rendering desktopView : RenderConfig -> StatefulConfig msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> Element msg desktopView renderConfig prop opt = let columns = NArray.toList prop.columns state = unwrapState prop.state items = viewGetItems state opt rows = List.map (rowWithSelection renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state prop.toRow columns) items padding = { top = 20, left = 20, right = 20, bottom = 0 } selectionHeader = viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state prop.toExternalMsg headers = headersRender renderConfig prop.toExternalMsg state.filterDialog state.filters state.sorters columns selectionHeader in Keyed.column [ Element.spacing 2 , Element.width opt.width , Element.paddingEach padding ] (headers :: rows) viewSelectionHeader : RenderConfig -> StateModel msg item columns -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe (Element msg) viewSelectionHeader renderConfig state toExternalMsg = Maybe.map (SelectionToggleAll |> toExternalMsg |> FiltersView.headerSelectToggle renderConfig |> always ) state.localSelection viewGetItems : StateModel msg item columns -> Options msg item columns -> List item viewGetItems { visibleItems } opt = Maybe.withDefault visibleItems opt.overwriteItems unwrapState : State msg item columns -> StateModel msg item columns unwrapState (State model) = model rowWithSelection : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> StateModel msg item columns -> ToRow msg item columns -> List Column -> item -> ( String, Element msg ) rowWithSelection renderConfig msgMap state toRow columns item = rowBox <| case state.localSelection of Just selection -> item |> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns |> Tuple.mapSecond ((::) (item |> selectionCell renderConfig selection |> Tuple.mapSecond (Element.map msgMap) ) ) Nothing -> rowRender renderConfig toRow columns item headersRender : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Filters.Filters msg item columns) -> Maybe (Sorters.Sorters item columns) -> List Column -> Maybe (Element msg) -> ( String, Element msg ) headersRender renderConfig toExternalMsg selected filters sorters columns selectionHeader = ( "@headers" , Element.row headersAttr <| case filters of Just filterArr -> filterArr |> NArray.toList |> List.map2 (filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected) columns |> List.indexedMap (\index val -> val (Maybe.andThen (Sorters.get index) sorters) index ) |> prependMaybe selectionHeader Nothing -> List.map (\(Column header { width }) -> header |> simpleHeaderRender renderConfig |> cellSpace width ) columns ) filterHeader : RenderConfig -> (Msg item -> msg) -> Maybe Int -> Column -> Filter.Filter msg item -> Sorters.ColumnStatus item -> Int -> Element msg filterHeader renderConfig toExternalMsg selected (Column header { width }) filter sorter index = FiltersView.header renderConfig filter sorter { openMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogOpen index , discardMsg = toExternalMsg <| FilterDialogClose , fromFiltersMsg = ForFilters >> toExternalMsg , fromSortersMsg = ForSorters >> toExternalMsg , index = index , label = header , isOpen = selected == Just index } |> topCellSpace width -- Selection internalIsSelected : Selection item -> item -> Bool internalIsSelected { identifier, checks } item = case checks of Individual set -> Set.member (identifier item) set All -> True Except set -> set |> Set.member (identifier item) |> not selectionCell : RenderConfig -> Selection item -> item -> ( String, Element (Msg item) ) selectionCell renderConfig selection item = item |> internalIsSelected selection |> checkbox (localeTerms renderConfig |> .tables |> .selectRow) (SelectionSet item) |> Checkbox.withHiddenLabel |> Checkbox.renderElement renderConfig |> Element.el [ Element.centerX, Element.centerY ] |> Element.el [ Element.width (px 32), Element.height fill ] |> Tuple.pair "@select"