1 class
1 value
[ { "context": " input_user_name : UserName\n , input_password : Password\n , m_player : Maybe Player\n , players : Pla", "end": 943, "score": 0.9981837273, "start": 935, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Password" }, { "context": "ntId events\n , organizer_user_name = p.user_name\n , millis = pe.millis\n ", "end": 4985, "score": 0.5600952506, "start": 4981, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "user" }, { "context": "events\n , organizer_user_name = p.user_name\n , millis = pe.millis\n , ti", "end": 4990, "score": 0.5139844418, "start": 4986, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "name" }, { "context": "\nstartingPlayers =\n Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"Charlie\", newPlayer \"Charlie\" )\n , ( \"Jim\", newPla", "end": 5347, "score": 0.9991986752, "start": 5340, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charlie" }, { "context": " Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"Charlie\", newPlayer \"Charlie\" )\n , ( \"Jim\", newPlayer \"Jim\" )\n ,", "end": 5368, "score": 0.9993900657, "start": 5361, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charlie" }, { "context": "[ ( \"Charlie\", newPlayer \"Charlie\" )\n , ( \"Jim\", newPlayer \"Jim\" )\n , ( \"Bones\", newPlaye", "end": 5388, "score": 0.999807775, "start": 5385, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": "wPlayer \"Charlie\" )\n , ( \"Jim\", newPlayer \"Jim\" )\n , ( \"Bones\", newPlayer \"Bones\" )\n ", "end": 5405, "score": 0.9997023344, "start": 5402, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": " , { id = 1\n , organizer_user_name = \"Charlie\"\n , millis = 1595999011722\n ", "end": 5682, "score": 0.99949646, "start": 5675, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charlie" }, { "context": " Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"Jim\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jim\"\n", "end": 6052, "score": 0.9997738004, "start": 6049, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": " \"Jim\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jim\"\n , status = Pending\n ", "end": 6100, "score": 0.9996606708, "start": 6097, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": "Bones\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Bones\"\n , status = Accepted\n ", "end": 6275, "score": 0.9872348309, "start": 6270, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bones" }, { "context": " , { id = 2\n , organizer_user_name = \"Solo\"\n , millis = 1595999011722\n ", "end": 6495, "score": 0.983229816, "start": 6491, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Solo" }, { "context": " Dict.fromList\n [ ( \"Jade\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jade\"", "end": 6842, "score": 0.9940958023, "start": 6838, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jade" }, { "context": "\"Jade\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jade\"\n , status = Declined\n ", "end": 6891, "score": 0.9972299933, "start": 6887, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jade" }, { "context": "\n )\n , ( \"Badger\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Badge", "end": 7018, "score": 0.9928580523, "start": 7012, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Badger" }, { "context": "adger\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Badger\"\n , status = Pending\n ", "end": 7069, "score": 0.9868289232, "start": 7063, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Badger" }, { "context": "\n )\n , ( \"Jim\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jim\"\n", "end": 7192, "score": 0.9987056851, "start": 7189, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": " \"Jim\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jim\"\n , status = Accepted\n ", "end": 7240, "score": 0.9990624785, "start": 7237, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": " , { id = 3\n , organizer_user_name = \"Jim\"\n , millis = 1599999011722\n ", "end": 7459, "score": 0.9982076883, "start": 7456, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jim" }, { "context": "\"Solo\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Solo\"\n , status = Pending\n ", "end": 7878, "score": 0.9456086755, "start": 7874, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Solo" }, { "context": " )\n , ( \"Bones\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Bones", "end": 8003, "score": 0.838085413, "start": 7999, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ones" }, { "context": "Bones\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Bones\"\n , status = Accepted\n ", "end": 8053, "score": 0.9308869839, "start": 8048, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bones" }, { "context": "\n )\n , ( \"Badger\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Badge", "end": 8180, "score": 0.9109756947, "start": 8174, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Badger" }, { "context": "adger\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Badger\"\n , status = Pending\n ", "end": 8231, "score": 0.9255554676, "start": 8225, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Badger" }, { "context": "\n )\n , ( \"Jade\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jade\"", "end": 8355, "score": 0.9962049723, "start": 8351, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jade" }, { "context": "\"Jade\"\n , { for_user_name = \"Jade\"\n , status = Declined\n ", "end": 8404, "score": 0.9984767437, "start": 8400, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jade" } ]
module DataModel exposing (Event, EventId, EventStatus(..), Events, Invite, InviteStatus(..), Invites, LoginField(..), Model, Password, Player, PlayerPosition, Players, PossibleEvent, PossibleEventSetter(..), UserName, amITheOrganizer, clearPossibleEventInfo, defaultMillisForPossibleEvent, defaultModel, emptyPlayerPosition, eventsByPlayer, eventsForPlayer, isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement, isThisMe, maybeEventFromPossibleEvent, newInvite, newPlayer, newPossibleEvent, nextEventId, nextInviteStatusForInvite, nextInviteStatusForStatus, playerEvents, primePossibleEventWithMillis, saveAndClearPossibleEvent, startingEvents, startingPlayers, toggleEventStatus, toggleEventStatusById, toggleInviteStatusByEventId) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Dict exposing (Dict) import Draggable as D import List.Extra as LE import Math.Vector2 as M -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { input_user_name : UserName , input_password : Password , m_player : Maybe Player , players : Players , events : Events , m_possible_event : Maybe PossibleEvent , m_poss_event_elem_info : Maybe Dom.Element , login_offset : Float , login_field_with_tab_index : LoginField , dragged_player_position : PlayerPosition , drag : D.State UserName } -- Player type alias UserName = String type alias Password = String type alias PlayerPosition = ( Maybe UserName, Maybe M.Vec2 ) type alias Player = { user_name : UserName , member_since : Int } type alias Players = Dict UserName Player -- Event type alias EventId = Int type EventStatus = Canceled | Scheduled type alias Event = { id : EventId , organizer_user_name : UserName , millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , status : EventStatus , invites : Invites } type alias Events = Dict Int Event -- Invite type InviteStatus = Pending | Accepted | Declined type alias Invite = { for_user_name : UserName , status : InviteStatus } type alias Invites = Dict UserName Invite -- Possible Event type alias PossibleEvent = { millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , invites : Invites } {-| How do you update a single record property via Msg? We could have a separate Msg variant for each property, but that would not be a good separation of concerns between the Msg type and specific record details. We could have single Msg where we pass a setter function along with the value, but that makes the Msg and update handling more opaque during debugging. I believe the most idiomatic approach is to create a type with variants for each set operation driven by Msg, then have a single Msg that takes this type and a value and then pattern match in a case statement on the setter type. It's not much more verbose than passing a setter function, and keeps the Msg and update handling completely transparent. -} type PossibleEventSetter = MillisUp | MillisDown | Title | Description | Venue -- Login Field type LoginField = UserNameField | PasswordField | NoField -- -- Default Data - should go away once the DB is hooked up -- defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { input_user_name = "" , input_password = "" , m_player = Nothing , players = startingPlayers , events = startingEvents , m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , login_offset = 0.0 , login_field_with_tab_index = UserNameField , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } emptyPlayerPosition : PlayerPosition emptyPlayerPosition = ( Nothing, Nothing ) newPlayer : UserName -> Player newPlayer user_name = Player user_name 0 newInvite : UserName -> Invite newInvite user_name = Invite user_name Pending defaultMillisForPossibleEvent : Int defaultMillisForPossibleEvent = 0 newPossibleEvent : Int -> PossibleEvent newPossibleEvent millis = { millis = millis , title = "" , description = "" , venue = "" , invites = Dict.empty } primePossibleEventWithMillis : Int -> PossibleEvent -> PossibleEvent primePossibleEventWithMillis millis poss_event = if defaultMillisForPossibleEvent == poss_event.millis then { poss_event | millis = millis } else poss_event clearPossibleEventInfo : Model -> Model clearPossibleEventInfo model = { model | m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } maybeEventFromPossibleEvent : Maybe Player -> Events -> Maybe PossibleEvent -> Maybe Event maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event = Maybe.map2 (\p pe -> { id = nextEventId events , organizer_user_name = p.user_name , millis = pe.millis , title = pe.title , description = pe.description , status = Scheduled , venue = pe.venue , invites = pe.invites } ) m_player m_possible_event startingPlayers : Players startingPlayers = Dict.fromList [ ( "Charlie", newPlayer "Charlie" ) , ( "Jim", newPlayer "Jim" ) , ( "Bones", newPlayer "Bones" ) , ( "Solo", newPlayer "Solo" ) , ( "Badger", newPlayer "Badger" ) ] startingEvents : Events startingEvents = Dict.fromList [ ( 1 , { id = 1 , organizer_user_name = "Charlie" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Sierra Game Club Meeting #220" , description = "On the schedule for this evening is Axis and Allies. If you bring a hat, you get free food." , venue = "Charlie's House" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "Jim" , { for_user_name = "Jim" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Bones" , { for_user_name = "Bones" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 2 , { id = 2 , organizer_user_name = "Solo" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Kepler Family Game Night" , description = "Lets play 'Draw for your Life' over Zoom!" , venue = "Online. Here are the details: <link goes here>" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "Jade" , { for_user_name = "Jade" , status = Declined } ) , ( "Badger" , { for_user_name = "Badger" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Jim" , { for_user_name = "Jim" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 3 , { id = 3 , organizer_user_name = "Jim" , millis = 1599999011722 , title = "South Pacific Game Convention" , description = "Come join me at the convention so we can meet new people and play some new games!" , venue = "Anaheim Convention Center" , status = Canceled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "Solo" , { for_user_name = "Solo" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Bones" , { for_user_name = "Bones" , status = Accepted } ) , ( "Badger" , { for_user_name = "Badger" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Jade" , { for_user_name = "Jade" , status = Declined } ) ] } ) ] -- -- Model Logic -- nextEventId : Events -> EventId nextEventId events = Dict.keys events |> LE.last |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> (+) 1 isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement : Maybe M.Vec2 -> Maybe Dom.Element -> Bool isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement m_vec2 m_elem_info = case Maybe.map2 (\vec2 elem_info -> ( vec2, elem_info )) m_vec2 m_elem_info of Just ( v2, ei ) -> let threshold = 20 x = M.getX v2 y = M.getY v2 el = ei.element in x > 0 - threshold && x < el.width - threshold && y > 0 - threshold && y < el.height - threshold Nothing -> False isThisMe : Player -> Player -> Bool isThisMe player me = player.user_name == me.user_name amITheOrganizer : Event -> Player -> Bool amITheOrganizer event me = event.organizer_user_name == me.user_name saveAndClearPossibleEvent : Model -> Model saveAndClearPossibleEvent ({ m_player, events, m_possible_event } as model) = case maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event of Just event -> { model | events = Dict.insert event.id event model.events , m_possible_event = Nothing } Nothing -> { model | m_possible_event = Nothing } playerEvents : Events -> Player -> List Event playerEvents events player = let event_list = Dict.toList events in eventsByPlayer event_list player ++ eventsForPlayer event_list player eventsByPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsByPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if amITheOrganizer e player then Just e else Nothing ) event_list eventsForPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsForPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if List.any (\( _, i ) -> i.for_user_name == player.user_name) (Dict.toList e.invites) then Just e else Nothing ) event_list toggleEventStatusById : EventId -> Events -> Events toggleEventStatusById event_id events = let m_event = Dict.get event_id events in case m_event of Just event -> Dict.insert event_id (toggleEventStatus event) events Nothing -> events toggleEventStatus : Event -> Event toggleEventStatus event = case event.status of Canceled -> { event | status = Scheduled } Scheduled -> { event | status = Canceled } toggleInviteStatusByEventId : UserName -> EventId -> Events -> Events toggleInviteStatusByEventId for_user_name event_id events = case Dict.get event_id events of Just event -> case Dict.get for_user_name event.invites of Just invite -> let new_invite = { invite | status = nextInviteStatusForInvite invite } new_event = { event | invites = Dict.insert for_user_name new_invite event.invites } in Dict.insert event_id new_event events Nothing -> events Nothing -> events nextInviteStatusForInvite : Invite -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForInvite invite = nextInviteStatusForStatus invite.status nextInviteStatusForStatus : InviteStatus -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForStatus status = case status of Pending -> Accepted Accepted -> Declined Declined -> Pending
module DataModel exposing (Event, EventId, EventStatus(..), Events, Invite, InviteStatus(..), Invites, LoginField(..), Model, Password, Player, PlayerPosition, Players, PossibleEvent, PossibleEventSetter(..), UserName, amITheOrganizer, clearPossibleEventInfo, defaultMillisForPossibleEvent, defaultModel, emptyPlayerPosition, eventsByPlayer, eventsForPlayer, isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement, isThisMe, maybeEventFromPossibleEvent, newInvite, newPlayer, newPossibleEvent, nextEventId, nextInviteStatusForInvite, nextInviteStatusForStatus, playerEvents, primePossibleEventWithMillis, saveAndClearPossibleEvent, startingEvents, startingPlayers, toggleEventStatus, toggleEventStatusById, toggleInviteStatusByEventId) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Dict exposing (Dict) import Draggable as D import List.Extra as LE import Math.Vector2 as M -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { input_user_name : UserName , input_password : <PASSWORD> , m_player : Maybe Player , players : Players , events : Events , m_possible_event : Maybe PossibleEvent , m_poss_event_elem_info : Maybe Dom.Element , login_offset : Float , login_field_with_tab_index : LoginField , dragged_player_position : PlayerPosition , drag : D.State UserName } -- Player type alias UserName = String type alias Password = String type alias PlayerPosition = ( Maybe UserName, Maybe M.Vec2 ) type alias Player = { user_name : UserName , member_since : Int } type alias Players = Dict UserName Player -- Event type alias EventId = Int type EventStatus = Canceled | Scheduled type alias Event = { id : EventId , organizer_user_name : UserName , millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , status : EventStatus , invites : Invites } type alias Events = Dict Int Event -- Invite type InviteStatus = Pending | Accepted | Declined type alias Invite = { for_user_name : UserName , status : InviteStatus } type alias Invites = Dict UserName Invite -- Possible Event type alias PossibleEvent = { millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , invites : Invites } {-| How do you update a single record property via Msg? We could have a separate Msg variant for each property, but that would not be a good separation of concerns between the Msg type and specific record details. We could have single Msg where we pass a setter function along with the value, but that makes the Msg and update handling more opaque during debugging. I believe the most idiomatic approach is to create a type with variants for each set operation driven by Msg, then have a single Msg that takes this type and a value and then pattern match in a case statement on the setter type. It's not much more verbose than passing a setter function, and keeps the Msg and update handling completely transparent. -} type PossibleEventSetter = MillisUp | MillisDown | Title | Description | Venue -- Login Field type LoginField = UserNameField | PasswordField | NoField -- -- Default Data - should go away once the DB is hooked up -- defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { input_user_name = "" , input_password = "" , m_player = Nothing , players = startingPlayers , events = startingEvents , m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , login_offset = 0.0 , login_field_with_tab_index = UserNameField , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } emptyPlayerPosition : PlayerPosition emptyPlayerPosition = ( Nothing, Nothing ) newPlayer : UserName -> Player newPlayer user_name = Player user_name 0 newInvite : UserName -> Invite newInvite user_name = Invite user_name Pending defaultMillisForPossibleEvent : Int defaultMillisForPossibleEvent = 0 newPossibleEvent : Int -> PossibleEvent newPossibleEvent millis = { millis = millis , title = "" , description = "" , venue = "" , invites = Dict.empty } primePossibleEventWithMillis : Int -> PossibleEvent -> PossibleEvent primePossibleEventWithMillis millis poss_event = if defaultMillisForPossibleEvent == poss_event.millis then { poss_event | millis = millis } else poss_event clearPossibleEventInfo : Model -> Model clearPossibleEventInfo model = { model | m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } maybeEventFromPossibleEvent : Maybe Player -> Events -> Maybe PossibleEvent -> Maybe Event maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event = Maybe.map2 (\p pe -> { id = nextEventId events , organizer_user_name = p.user_name , millis = pe.millis , title = pe.title , description = pe.description , status = Scheduled , venue = pe.venue , invites = pe.invites } ) m_player m_possible_event startingPlayers : Players startingPlayers = Dict.fromList [ ( "<NAME>", newPlayer "<NAME>" ) , ( "<NAME>", newPlayer "<NAME>" ) , ( "Bones", newPlayer "Bones" ) , ( "Solo", newPlayer "Solo" ) , ( "Badger", newPlayer "Badger" ) ] startingEvents : Events startingEvents = Dict.fromList [ ( 1 , { id = 1 , organizer_user_name = "<NAME>" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Sierra Game Club Meeting #220" , description = "On the schedule for this evening is Axis and Allies. If you bring a hat, you get free food." , venue = "Charlie's House" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Bones" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 2 , { id = 2 , organizer_user_name = "Solo" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Kepler Family Game Night" , description = "Lets play 'Draw for your Life' over Zoom!" , venue = "Online. Here are the details: <link goes here>" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Declined } ) , ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Pending } ) , ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 3 , { id = 3 , organizer_user_name = "<NAME>" , millis = 1599999011722 , title = "South Pacific Game Convention" , description = "Come join me at the convention so we can meet new people and play some new games!" , venue = "Anaheim Convention Center" , status = Canceled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "Solo" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Pending } ) , ( "B<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Accepted } ) , ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Pending } ) , ( "<NAME>" , { for_user_name = "<NAME>" , status = Declined } ) ] } ) ] -- -- Model Logic -- nextEventId : Events -> EventId nextEventId events = Dict.keys events |> LE.last |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> (+) 1 isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement : Maybe M.Vec2 -> Maybe Dom.Element -> Bool isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement m_vec2 m_elem_info = case Maybe.map2 (\vec2 elem_info -> ( vec2, elem_info )) m_vec2 m_elem_info of Just ( v2, ei ) -> let threshold = 20 x = M.getX v2 y = M.getY v2 el = ei.element in x > 0 - threshold && x < el.width - threshold && y > 0 - threshold && y < el.height - threshold Nothing -> False isThisMe : Player -> Player -> Bool isThisMe player me = player.user_name == me.user_name amITheOrganizer : Event -> Player -> Bool amITheOrganizer event me = event.organizer_user_name == me.user_name saveAndClearPossibleEvent : Model -> Model saveAndClearPossibleEvent ({ m_player, events, m_possible_event } as model) = case maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event of Just event -> { model | events = Dict.insert event.id event model.events , m_possible_event = Nothing } Nothing -> { model | m_possible_event = Nothing } playerEvents : Events -> Player -> List Event playerEvents events player = let event_list = Dict.toList events in eventsByPlayer event_list player ++ eventsForPlayer event_list player eventsByPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsByPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if amITheOrganizer e player then Just e else Nothing ) event_list eventsForPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsForPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if List.any (\( _, i ) -> i.for_user_name == player.user_name) (Dict.toList e.invites) then Just e else Nothing ) event_list toggleEventStatusById : EventId -> Events -> Events toggleEventStatusById event_id events = let m_event = Dict.get event_id events in case m_event of Just event -> Dict.insert event_id (toggleEventStatus event) events Nothing -> events toggleEventStatus : Event -> Event toggleEventStatus event = case event.status of Canceled -> { event | status = Scheduled } Scheduled -> { event | status = Canceled } toggleInviteStatusByEventId : UserName -> EventId -> Events -> Events toggleInviteStatusByEventId for_user_name event_id events = case Dict.get event_id events of Just event -> case Dict.get for_user_name event.invites of Just invite -> let new_invite = { invite | status = nextInviteStatusForInvite invite } new_event = { event | invites = Dict.insert for_user_name new_invite event.invites } in Dict.insert event_id new_event events Nothing -> events Nothing -> events nextInviteStatusForInvite : Invite -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForInvite invite = nextInviteStatusForStatus invite.status nextInviteStatusForStatus : InviteStatus -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForStatus status = case status of Pending -> Accepted Accepted -> Declined Declined -> Pending
module DataModel exposing (Event, EventId, EventStatus(..), Events, Invite, InviteStatus(..), Invites, LoginField(..), Model, Password, Player, PlayerPosition, Players, PossibleEvent, PossibleEventSetter(..), UserName, amITheOrganizer, clearPossibleEventInfo, defaultMillisForPossibleEvent, defaultModel, emptyPlayerPosition, eventsByPlayer, eventsForPlayer, isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement, isThisMe, maybeEventFromPossibleEvent, newInvite, newPlayer, newPossibleEvent, nextEventId, nextInviteStatusForInvite, nextInviteStatusForStatus, playerEvents, primePossibleEventWithMillis, saveAndClearPossibleEvent, startingEvents, startingPlayers, toggleEventStatus, toggleEventStatusById, toggleInviteStatusByEventId) import Browser.Dom as Dom import Dict exposing (Dict) import Draggable as D import List.Extra as LE import Math.Vector2 as M -- -- Model -- type alias Model = { input_user_name : UserName , input_password : PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI , m_player : Maybe Player , players : Players , events : Events , m_possible_event : Maybe PossibleEvent , m_poss_event_elem_info : Maybe Dom.Element , login_offset : Float , login_field_with_tab_index : LoginField , dragged_player_position : PlayerPosition , drag : D.State UserName } -- Player type alias UserName = String type alias Password = String type alias PlayerPosition = ( Maybe UserName, Maybe M.Vec2 ) type alias Player = { user_name : UserName , member_since : Int } type alias Players = Dict UserName Player -- Event type alias EventId = Int type EventStatus = Canceled | Scheduled type alias Event = { id : EventId , organizer_user_name : UserName , millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , status : EventStatus , invites : Invites } type alias Events = Dict Int Event -- Invite type InviteStatus = Pending | Accepted | Declined type alias Invite = { for_user_name : UserName , status : InviteStatus } type alias Invites = Dict UserName Invite -- Possible Event type alias PossibleEvent = { millis : Int , title : String , description : String , venue : String , invites : Invites } {-| How do you update a single record property via Msg? We could have a separate Msg variant for each property, but that would not be a good separation of concerns between the Msg type and specific record details. We could have single Msg where we pass a setter function along with the value, but that makes the Msg and update handling more opaque during debugging. I believe the most idiomatic approach is to create a type with variants for each set operation driven by Msg, then have a single Msg that takes this type and a value and then pattern match in a case statement on the setter type. It's not much more verbose than passing a setter function, and keeps the Msg and update handling completely transparent. -} type PossibleEventSetter = MillisUp | MillisDown | Title | Description | Venue -- Login Field type LoginField = UserNameField | PasswordField | NoField -- -- Default Data - should go away once the DB is hooked up -- defaultModel : Model defaultModel = { input_user_name = "" , input_password = "" , m_player = Nothing , players = startingPlayers , events = startingEvents , m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , login_offset = 0.0 , login_field_with_tab_index = UserNameField , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } emptyPlayerPosition : PlayerPosition emptyPlayerPosition = ( Nothing, Nothing ) newPlayer : UserName -> Player newPlayer user_name = Player user_name 0 newInvite : UserName -> Invite newInvite user_name = Invite user_name Pending defaultMillisForPossibleEvent : Int defaultMillisForPossibleEvent = 0 newPossibleEvent : Int -> PossibleEvent newPossibleEvent millis = { millis = millis , title = "" , description = "" , venue = "" , invites = Dict.empty } primePossibleEventWithMillis : Int -> PossibleEvent -> PossibleEvent primePossibleEventWithMillis millis poss_event = if defaultMillisForPossibleEvent == poss_event.millis then { poss_event | millis = millis } else poss_event clearPossibleEventInfo : Model -> Model clearPossibleEventInfo model = { model | m_possible_event = Nothing , m_poss_event_elem_info = Nothing , dragged_player_position = emptyPlayerPosition , drag = D.init } maybeEventFromPossibleEvent : Maybe Player -> Events -> Maybe PossibleEvent -> Maybe Event maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event = Maybe.map2 (\p pe -> { id = nextEventId events , organizer_user_name = p.user_name , millis = pe.millis , title = pe.title , description = pe.description , status = Scheduled , venue = pe.venue , invites = pe.invites } ) m_player m_possible_event startingPlayers : Players startingPlayers = Dict.fromList [ ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", newPlayer "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", newPlayer "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "Bones", newPlayer "Bones" ) , ( "Solo", newPlayer "Solo" ) , ( "Badger", newPlayer "Badger" ) ] startingEvents : Events startingEvents = Dict.fromList [ ( 1 , { id = 1 , organizer_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Sierra Game Club Meeting #220" , description = "On the schedule for this evening is Axis and Allies. If you bring a hat, you get free food." , venue = "Charlie's House" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Pending } ) , ( "Bones" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 2 , { id = 2 , organizer_user_name = "Solo" , millis = 1595999011722 , title = "Kepler Family Game Night" , description = "Lets play 'Draw for your Life' over Zoom!" , venue = "Online. Here are the details: <link goes here>" , status = Scheduled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Declined } ) , ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Pending } ) , ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Accepted } ) ] } ) , ( 3 , { id = 3 , organizer_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , millis = 1599999011722 , title = "South Pacific Game Convention" , description = "Come join me at the convention so we can meet new people and play some new games!" , venue = "Anaheim Convention Center" , status = Canceled , invites = Dict.fromList [ ( "Solo" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Pending } ) , ( "BPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Accepted } ) , ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Pending } ) , ( "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , { for_user_name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , status = Declined } ) ] } ) ] -- -- Model Logic -- nextEventId : Events -> EventId nextEventId events = Dict.keys events |> LE.last |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> (+) 1 isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement : Maybe M.Vec2 -> Maybe Dom.Element -> Bool isMaybeVec2WithinMaybeDomElement m_vec2 m_elem_info = case Maybe.map2 (\vec2 elem_info -> ( vec2, elem_info )) m_vec2 m_elem_info of Just ( v2, ei ) -> let threshold = 20 x = M.getX v2 y = M.getY v2 el = ei.element in x > 0 - threshold && x < el.width - threshold && y > 0 - threshold && y < el.height - threshold Nothing -> False isThisMe : Player -> Player -> Bool isThisMe player me = player.user_name == me.user_name amITheOrganizer : Event -> Player -> Bool amITheOrganizer event me = event.organizer_user_name == me.user_name saveAndClearPossibleEvent : Model -> Model saveAndClearPossibleEvent ({ m_player, events, m_possible_event } as model) = case maybeEventFromPossibleEvent m_player events m_possible_event of Just event -> { model | events = Dict.insert event.id event model.events , m_possible_event = Nothing } Nothing -> { model | m_possible_event = Nothing } playerEvents : Events -> Player -> List Event playerEvents events player = let event_list = Dict.toList events in eventsByPlayer event_list player ++ eventsForPlayer event_list player eventsByPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsByPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if amITheOrganizer e player then Just e else Nothing ) event_list eventsForPlayer : List ( Int, Event ) -> Player -> List Event eventsForPlayer event_list player = List.filterMap (\( _, e ) -> if List.any (\( _, i ) -> i.for_user_name == player.user_name) (Dict.toList e.invites) then Just e else Nothing ) event_list toggleEventStatusById : EventId -> Events -> Events toggleEventStatusById event_id events = let m_event = Dict.get event_id events in case m_event of Just event -> Dict.insert event_id (toggleEventStatus event) events Nothing -> events toggleEventStatus : Event -> Event toggleEventStatus event = case event.status of Canceled -> { event | status = Scheduled } Scheduled -> { event | status = Canceled } toggleInviteStatusByEventId : UserName -> EventId -> Events -> Events toggleInviteStatusByEventId for_user_name event_id events = case Dict.get event_id events of Just event -> case Dict.get for_user_name event.invites of Just invite -> let new_invite = { invite | status = nextInviteStatusForInvite invite } new_event = { event | invites = Dict.insert for_user_name new_invite event.invites } in Dict.insert event_id new_event events Nothing -> events Nothing -> events nextInviteStatusForInvite : Invite -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForInvite invite = nextInviteStatusForStatus invite.status nextInviteStatusForStatus : InviteStatus -> InviteStatus nextInviteStatusForStatus status = case status of Pending -> Accepted Accepted -> Declined Declined -> Pending
[ { "context": "s\" ]\n << position YOffset [ pName \"jitter\", pQuant ]\n in\n toVegaLite [ heightStep 50,", "end": 3257, "score": 0.9531624317, "start": 3251, "tag": "NAME", "value": "jitter" } ]
port module PositionTests exposing (elmToJS) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Encode import VegaLite exposing (..) path : String path = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-datasets@2.2/data/" emptyData : List DataColumn -> Data emptyData = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "empty" (nums [ 0 ]) data : List DataColumn -> Data data = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "cat" (nums [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]) << dataColumn "val" (nums [ 10, 20, 30, 20, 10 ]) position1 : Spec position1 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], circle [ maX 150, maY 150, maSize 200 ] ] position2 : Spec position2 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150 ] ] position3 : Spec position3 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200 ] ] position4 : Spec position4 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maY2 200 ] ] position5 : Spec position5 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200, maY2 200 ] ] position6 : Spec position6 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maWidth 20 ] ] position7 : Spec position7 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "val", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] in toVegaLite [ height 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maHeight 20 ] ] barAlign : Float -> Spec barAlign x = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat" , pOrdinal , pScale [ scAlign x, scPaddingInner 0.5 ] ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 400, data [], enc [], bar [] ] position8 : Spec position8 = barAlign 0 position9 : Spec position9 = barAlign 0.3 position10 : Spec position10 = barAlign 0.5 position11 : Spec position11 = barAlign 0.7 position12 : Spec position12 = barAlign 1 position13 : Spec position13 = let data2 = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "category" (strs [ "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C" ]) << dataColumn "group" (strs [ "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z" ]) << dataColumn "value" (nums [ 0.1, 0.6, 0.9, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2 ]) enc = encoding << position X [ pName "category" ] << position Y [ pName "value", pQuant ] << position XOffset [ pName "group" ] << color [ mName "group" ] in toVegaLite [ data2 [], enc [], bar [] ] position14 : Spec position14 = let data2 = dataFromUrl (path ++ "cars.json") [] trans = transform << calculateAs "random()" "jitter" enc = encoding << position X [ pName "Horsepower", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "Cylinders" ] << position YOffset [ pName "jitter", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ heightStep 50, data2, trans [], enc [], point [] ] {- Ids and specifications to be provided to the Vega-Lite runtime. -} specs : List ( String, Spec ) specs = [ ( "position1", position1 ) , ( "position2", position2 ) , ( "position3", position3 ) , ( "position4", position4 ) , ( "position5", position5 ) , ( "position6", position6 ) , ( "position7", position7 ) , ( "position8", position8 ) , ( "position9", position9 ) , ( "position10", position10 ) , ( "position11", position11 ) , ( "position12", position12 ) , ( "position13", position13 ) , ( "position14", position14 ) ] {- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOILERPLATE: NO NEED TO EDIT The code below creates an Elm module that opens an outgoing port to Javascript and sends both the specs and DOM node to it. It allows the source code of any of the generated specs to be selected from a drop-down list. Useful for viewing specs that might generate invalid Vega-Lite. -} type Msg = NewSource String main : Program () Spec Msg main = Browser.element { init = always ( Json.Encode.null, specs |> combineSpecs |> elmToJS ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } view : Spec -> Html Msg view spec = Html.div [] [ Html.select [ Html.Events.onInput NewSource ] (( "Select source", Json.Encode.null ) :: specs |> List.map (\( s, _ ) -> Html.option [ Html.Attributes.value s ] [ Html.text s ]) ) , Html.div [ Html.Attributes.id "specSource" ] [] , if spec == Json.Encode.null then Html.div [] [] else Html.pre [] [ Html.text (Json.Encode.encode 2 spec) ] ] update : Msg -> Spec -> ( Spec, Cmd Msg ) update msg _ = case msg of NewSource srcName -> ( specs |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get srcName |> Maybe.withDefault Json.Encode.null, Cmd.none ) port elmToJS : Spec -> Cmd msg
port module PositionTests exposing (elmToJS) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Encode import VegaLite exposing (..) path : String path = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-datasets@2.2/data/" emptyData : List DataColumn -> Data emptyData = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "empty" (nums [ 0 ]) data : List DataColumn -> Data data = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "cat" (nums [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]) << dataColumn "val" (nums [ 10, 20, 30, 20, 10 ]) position1 : Spec position1 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], circle [ maX 150, maY 150, maSize 200 ] ] position2 : Spec position2 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150 ] ] position3 : Spec position3 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200 ] ] position4 : Spec position4 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maY2 200 ] ] position5 : Spec position5 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200, maY2 200 ] ] position6 : Spec position6 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maWidth 20 ] ] position7 : Spec position7 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "val", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] in toVegaLite [ height 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maHeight 20 ] ] barAlign : Float -> Spec barAlign x = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat" , pOrdinal , pScale [ scAlign x, scPaddingInner 0.5 ] ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 400, data [], enc [], bar [] ] position8 : Spec position8 = barAlign 0 position9 : Spec position9 = barAlign 0.3 position10 : Spec position10 = barAlign 0.5 position11 : Spec position11 = barAlign 0.7 position12 : Spec position12 = barAlign 1 position13 : Spec position13 = let data2 = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "category" (strs [ "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C" ]) << dataColumn "group" (strs [ "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z" ]) << dataColumn "value" (nums [ 0.1, 0.6, 0.9, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2 ]) enc = encoding << position X [ pName "category" ] << position Y [ pName "value", pQuant ] << position XOffset [ pName "group" ] << color [ mName "group" ] in toVegaLite [ data2 [], enc [], bar [] ] position14 : Spec position14 = let data2 = dataFromUrl (path ++ "cars.json") [] trans = transform << calculateAs "random()" "jitter" enc = encoding << position X [ pName "Horsepower", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "Cylinders" ] << position YOffset [ pName "<NAME>", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ heightStep 50, data2, trans [], enc [], point [] ] {- Ids and specifications to be provided to the Vega-Lite runtime. -} specs : List ( String, Spec ) specs = [ ( "position1", position1 ) , ( "position2", position2 ) , ( "position3", position3 ) , ( "position4", position4 ) , ( "position5", position5 ) , ( "position6", position6 ) , ( "position7", position7 ) , ( "position8", position8 ) , ( "position9", position9 ) , ( "position10", position10 ) , ( "position11", position11 ) , ( "position12", position12 ) , ( "position13", position13 ) , ( "position14", position14 ) ] {- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOILERPLATE: NO NEED TO EDIT The code below creates an Elm module that opens an outgoing port to Javascript and sends both the specs and DOM node to it. It allows the source code of any of the generated specs to be selected from a drop-down list. Useful for viewing specs that might generate invalid Vega-Lite. -} type Msg = NewSource String main : Program () Spec Msg main = Browser.element { init = always ( Json.Encode.null, specs |> combineSpecs |> elmToJS ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } view : Spec -> Html Msg view spec = Html.div [] [ Html.select [ Html.Events.onInput NewSource ] (( "Select source", Json.Encode.null ) :: specs |> List.map (\( s, _ ) -> Html.option [ Html.Attributes.value s ] [ Html.text s ]) ) , Html.div [ Html.Attributes.id "specSource" ] [] , if spec == Json.Encode.null then Html.div [] [] else Html.pre [] [ Html.text (Json.Encode.encode 2 spec) ] ] update : Msg -> Spec -> ( Spec, Cmd Msg ) update msg _ = case msg of NewSource srcName -> ( specs |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get srcName |> Maybe.withDefault Json.Encode.null, Cmd.none ) port elmToJS : Spec -> Cmd msg
port module PositionTests exposing (elmToJS) import Browser import Dict import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Encode import VegaLite exposing (..) path : String path = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-datasets@2.2/data/" emptyData : List DataColumn -> Data emptyData = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "empty" (nums [ 0 ]) data : List DataColumn -> Data data = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "cat" (nums [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]) << dataColumn "val" (nums [ 10, 20, 30, 20, 10 ]) position1 : Spec position1 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], circle [ maX 150, maY 150, maSize 200 ] ] position2 : Spec position2 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150 ] ] position3 : Spec position3 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200 ] ] position4 : Spec position4 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maY2 200 ] ] position5 : Spec position5 = toVegaLite [ emptyData [], bar [ maX 150, maY 150, maX2 200, maY2 200 ] ] position6 : Spec position6 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maWidth 20 ] ] position7 : Spec position7 = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "val", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "cat", pOrdinal ] in toVegaLite [ height 300, data [], enc [], bar [ maHeight 20 ] ] barAlign : Float -> Spec barAlign x = let enc = encoding << position X [ pName "cat" , pOrdinal , pScale [ scAlign x, scPaddingInner 0.5 ] ] << position Y [ pName "val", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ width 400, data [], enc [], bar [] ] position8 : Spec position8 = barAlign 0 position9 : Spec position9 = barAlign 0.3 position10 : Spec position10 = barAlign 0.5 position11 : Spec position11 = barAlign 0.7 position12 : Spec position12 = barAlign 1 position13 : Spec position13 = let data2 = dataFromColumns [] << dataColumn "category" (strs [ "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C" ]) << dataColumn "group" (strs [ "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z", "x", "y", "z" ]) << dataColumn "value" (nums [ 0.1, 0.6, 0.9, 0.7, 0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2 ]) enc = encoding << position X [ pName "category" ] << position Y [ pName "value", pQuant ] << position XOffset [ pName "group" ] << color [ mName "group" ] in toVegaLite [ data2 [], enc [], bar [] ] position14 : Spec position14 = let data2 = dataFromUrl (path ++ "cars.json") [] trans = transform << calculateAs "random()" "jitter" enc = encoding << position X [ pName "Horsepower", pQuant ] << position Y [ pName "Cylinders" ] << position YOffset [ pName "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", pQuant ] in toVegaLite [ heightStep 50, data2, trans [], enc [], point [] ] {- Ids and specifications to be provided to the Vega-Lite runtime. -} specs : List ( String, Spec ) specs = [ ( "position1", position1 ) , ( "position2", position2 ) , ( "position3", position3 ) , ( "position4", position4 ) , ( "position5", position5 ) , ( "position6", position6 ) , ( "position7", position7 ) , ( "position8", position8 ) , ( "position9", position9 ) , ( "position10", position10 ) , ( "position11", position11 ) , ( "position12", position12 ) , ( "position13", position13 ) , ( "position14", position14 ) ] {- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOILERPLATE: NO NEED TO EDIT The code below creates an Elm module that opens an outgoing port to Javascript and sends both the specs and DOM node to it. It allows the source code of any of the generated specs to be selected from a drop-down list. Useful for viewing specs that might generate invalid Vega-Lite. -} type Msg = NewSource String main : Program () Spec Msg main = Browser.element { init = always ( Json.Encode.null, specs |> combineSpecs |> elmToJS ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } view : Spec -> Html Msg view spec = Html.div [] [ Html.select [ Html.Events.onInput NewSource ] (( "Select source", Json.Encode.null ) :: specs |> List.map (\( s, _ ) -> Html.option [ Html.Attributes.value s ] [ Html.text s ]) ) , Html.div [ Html.Attributes.id "specSource" ] [] , if spec == Json.Encode.null then Html.div [] [] else Html.pre [] [ Html.text (Json.Encode.encode 2 spec) ] ] update : Msg -> Spec -> ( Spec, Cmd Msg ) update msg _ = case msg of NewSource srcName -> ( specs |> Dict.fromList |> Dict.get srcName |> Maybe.withDefault Json.Encode.null, Cmd.none ) port elmToJS : Spec -> Cmd msg
[ { "context": "{-\n Swaggy Jenkins\n Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / O", "end": 20, "score": 0.999019742, "start": 6, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Swaggy Jenkins" }, { "context": "cation\n\n OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1\n Contact: blah@cliffano.com\n\n NOTE: This file is auto generated by the open", "end": 153, "score": 0.9999149442, "start": 136, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "blah@cliffano.com" }, { "context": "d by the openapi-generator.\n https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git\n Do not edit this file ma", "end": 252, "score": 0.9996570349, "start": 240, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "openapitools" } ]
{- Swaggy Jenkins Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: blah@cliffano.com NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.GithubFile exposing (GithubFile, githubFileDecoder, githubFileEncoder) import Data.GithubContent exposing (GithubContent, githubContentDecoder, githubContentEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias GithubFile = { content : Maybe GithubContent , class : Maybe String } githubFileDecoder : Decoder GithubFile githubFileDecoder = decode GithubFile |> optional "content" (Decode.nullable githubContentDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing githubFileEncoder : GithubFile -> Encode.Value githubFileEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "content", withDefault Encode.null (map githubContentEncoder model.content) ) , ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) ]
{- <NAME> Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: <EMAIL> NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.GithubFile exposing (GithubFile, githubFileDecoder, githubFileEncoder) import Data.GithubContent exposing (GithubContent, githubContentDecoder, githubContentEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias GithubFile = { content : Maybe GithubContent , class : Maybe String } githubFileDecoder : Decoder GithubFile githubFileDecoder = decode GithubFile |> optional "content" (Decode.nullable githubContentDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing githubFileEncoder : GithubFile -> Encode.Value githubFileEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "content", withDefault Encode.null (map githubContentEncoder model.content) ) , ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) ]
{- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Jenkins API clients generated from Swagger / Open API specification OpenAPI spec version: 1.1.1 Contact: PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.GithubFile exposing (GithubFile, githubFileDecoder, githubFileEncoder) import Data.GithubContent exposing (GithubContent, githubContentDecoder, githubContentEncoder) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode import Maybe exposing (map, withDefault) type alias GithubFile = { content : Maybe GithubContent , class : Maybe String } githubFileDecoder : Decoder GithubFile githubFileDecoder = decode GithubFile |> optional "content" (Decode.nullable githubContentDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_class" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing githubFileEncoder : GithubFile -> Encode.Value githubFileEncoder model = Encode.object [ ( "content", withDefault Encode.null (map githubContentEncoder model.content) ) , ( "_class", withDefault Encode.null (map Encode.string model.class) ) ]
[ { "context": "8c0-.902-.292-1.726-.918-2.352zM29.07\n 23.365c. 0 .15-.06.295-.167.4l-1.534\n 1.54c-.11", "end": 5022, "score": 0.9966050982, "start": 5008, "tag": "IP_ADDRESS", "value": "" } ]
module Ui.Icons exposing (..) {-| This module contains icons for the components. # Icons @docs icon, close, checkmark, chevronRight, chevronLeft, plus, search @docs starFull, starEmpty, backspace, calendar -} import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, width, height, viewBox) import Svg exposing (svg, path) import Html {-| Calendar icon. -} calendar : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg calendar = icon """ M9 0C7.578 0 6.428 1.15 6.428 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C11.572 1.15 10.422 0 9 0zm18 0c-1.422 0-2.572 1.15-2.572 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C29.572 1.15 28.422 0 27 0zM.643 2.572c-.354 0-.643.29-.643.643v32.142c0 .354.29.643.643.643h34.714c.354 0 .643-.29.643-.643V3.215c0-.354-.29-.643-.643-.643h-4.5v3.27C30.857 7.65 28.993 9 27.064 9c-1.928 0-3.92-1.35-3.92-3.158v-3.27H12.856v3.27C12.857 7.65 10.93 9 9 9 7.07 9 5.143 7.65 5.143 5.842v-3.27h-4.5zm3.214 9h28.286v20.57H3.857v-20.57z """ {-| Empty star icon. -} starEmpty : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starEmpty = icon """ M36 13.937l-12.945-1.11L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.513-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937zm-16.527 12.02L18 25.066l-1.473.89-5.345 3.224 1.415-6.085.39-1.674-1.3-1.125L6.965 16.2l6.223-.533 1.71-.147.67-1.582L18 8.2l2.43 5.738.67 1.582 1.712.147 6.223.534-4.722 4.095-1.3 1.126.39 1.675 1.415 6.086-5.345-3.224z """ {-| Full star icon. -} starFull : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starFull = icon """ M23.055 12.826L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.514-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937 """ {-| Search icon. -} search : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg search = icon """ M35.72 30.245l-7.95-8.05c1.293-2.26 1.968-4.77 1.968-7.302C29.738 6.683 23.063 0 14.868 0 6.676 0 0 6.683 0 14.893s6.675 14.893 14.87 14.893c2.614 0 5.202-.722 7.508-2.1l7.913 8.023c.18.178.432.29.685.29.253 0 .506-.103.684-.29l4.06-4.106c.374-.384.374-.984 0-1.36zM14.87 5.802c5.005 0 9.074 4.077 9.074 9.09 0 5.015-4.07 9.092-9.075 9.092-5.008 0-9.076-4.077-9.076-9.09 0-5.015 4.068-9.092 9.075-9.092z """ {-| Plus icon. -} plus : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg plus = icon "M0 21h15v15h6V21h15v-6H21V0h-6v15H0" {-| Close icon. -} close : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg close = icon """ M35.592 30.256l-12.3-12.34L35.62 5.736c.507-.507.507-1.332 0-1.838L32.114.375C31.87.13 31.542 0 31.194 0c-.346 0-.674.14-.917.375L18.005 12.518 5.715.384C5.47.14 5.14.01 4.794.01c-.347 0-.675.14-.918.374L.38 3.907c-.507.506-.507 1.33 0 1.837l12.328 12.18L.418 30.257c-.245.244-.385.572-.385.918 0 .347.13.675.384.92l3.506 3.522c.254.253.582.384.92.384.327 0 .665-.122.918-.384l12.245-12.294 12.253 12.284c. 0 .664-.12.917-.384l3.507-3.523c.243-.243.384-.57.384-.918-.01-.337-.15-.665-.394-.91z """ {-| Right chevron icon. -} chevronRight : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronRight = icon """ M21.403 17.996L7.963 4c-.34-.345-.33-.916.015-1.27L10.382.27c.345-.353.908-.36 1.246-.016l16.415 17.1c. 35.747c-.338.345-.9.337-1.246-.016l-2.404-2.46c-.346-.354-.354-.925-.016-1.27l13.44-14.004z """ {-| Left chevron icon. -} chevronLeft : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronLeft = icon """ M14.597 17.996L28.037 4c.34-.345.33-.916-.015-1.27L25.618.27c-.345-.353-.908-.36-1.246-.016L7.957 17.344c-.177.178-.257.42-.24.652-. 17.1c.338.345.9.337 1.246-.016l2.404-2.46c.346-.354.354-.925.016-1.27l-13.44-14.004z """ {-| Checkmark icon. -} checkmark : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg checkmark = icon """ M35.792 5.332L31.04 1.584c-.147-.12-.33-.208-.537-.208-.207 0-.398.087-.545.217l-17.286 22.21S5.877 17.27 5.687 17.08c-.19-.19-.442-.51-.822-.51-.38 0-.554.268-.753.467-.148.156-2.57 2.7-3.766 3.964-.07.077-.112.12-.173.18-.104.148-.173.313-.173.494 0 .19.07.347.173.494l.242.225s12.058 11.582 12.257 11.78c.2.2.442.45.797.45.345 0 .63-.37.795-.536l21.562-27.7c.104-.146.173-.31.173-.5 0-.217-.087-.4-.208-.555z """ {-| Base for all icons. -} icon : String -> List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg icon iconPath attributes = svg ([ width "36", height "36", viewBox "0 0 36 36" ] ++ attributes) [ path [ d iconPath ] [] ] {-| Backspace icon. -} backspace : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg backspace = icon """ M35.082 6.578c-.626-.626-1.424-.953-2.325-.953H11.813c-1.71 0-3.074.66-4.058 2L0 17.995 7.763 28.3l. 1.014 1.105 1.617 1.437.712.392 1.522.608 2.407.608h20.954c1.84 0 3.234-1.565 3.234-3.445v-18c0-.902-.292-1.726-.918-2.352zM29.07 23.365c. 0 .15-.06.295-.167.4l-1.534 1.54c-.11.113-.255.168-.4.168-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-5.36-5.376-5.36 5.376c-.11.112-.256.167-.4.167-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-1.536-1.54c-.107-.106-.167-.25-.167-.4 0-.152.06-.296.167-.403L19.062 18l-5.396-5.365c-.22-.22-.22-.58 0-.803l1.533-1.54c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 5.312 5.375-5.31c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 1.542c. 0 .803L23.69 18l5.38 5.365z """
module Ui.Icons exposing (..) {-| This module contains icons for the components. # Icons @docs icon, close, checkmark, chevronRight, chevronLeft, plus, search @docs starFull, starEmpty, backspace, calendar -} import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, width, height, viewBox) import Svg exposing (svg, path) import Html {-| Calendar icon. -} calendar : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg calendar = icon """ M9 0C7.578 0 6.428 1.15 6.428 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C11.572 1.15 10.422 0 9 0zm18 0c-1.422 0-2.572 1.15-2.572 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C29.572 1.15 28.422 0 27 0zM.643 2.572c-.354 0-.643.29-.643.643v32.142c0 .354.29.643.643.643h34.714c.354 0 .643-.29.643-.643V3.215c0-.354-.29-.643-.643-.643h-4.5v3.27C30.857 7.65 28.993 9 27.064 9c-1.928 0-3.92-1.35-3.92-3.158v-3.27H12.856v3.27C12.857 7.65 10.93 9 9 9 7.07 9 5.143 7.65 5.143 5.842v-3.27h-4.5zm3.214 9h28.286v20.57H3.857v-20.57z """ {-| Empty star icon. -} starEmpty : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starEmpty = icon """ M36 13.937l-12.945-1.11L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.513-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937zm-16.527 12.02L18 25.066l-1.473.89-5.345 3.224 1.415-6.085.39-1.674-1.3-1.125L6.965 16.2l6.223-.533 1.71-.147.67-1.582L18 8.2l2.43 5.738.67 1.582 1.712.147 6.223.534-4.722 4.095-1.3 1.126.39 1.675 1.415 6.086-5.345-3.224z """ {-| Full star icon. -} starFull : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starFull = icon """ M23.055 12.826L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.514-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937 """ {-| Search icon. -} search : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg search = icon """ M35.72 30.245l-7.95-8.05c1.293-2.26 1.968-4.77 1.968-7.302C29.738 6.683 23.063 0 14.868 0 6.676 0 0 6.683 0 14.893s6.675 14.893 14.87 14.893c2.614 0 5.202-.722 7.508-2.1l7.913 8.023c.18.178.432.29.685.29.253 0 .506-.103.684-.29l4.06-4.106c.374-.384.374-.984 0-1.36zM14.87 5.802c5.005 0 9.074 4.077 9.074 9.09 0 5.015-4.07 9.092-9.075 9.092-5.008 0-9.076-4.077-9.076-9.09 0-5.015 4.068-9.092 9.075-9.092z """ {-| Plus icon. -} plus : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg plus = icon "M0 21h15v15h6V21h15v-6H21V0h-6v15H0" {-| Close icon. -} close : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg close = icon """ M35.592 30.256l-12.3-12.34L35.62 5.736c.507-.507.507-1.332 0-1.838L32.114.375C31.87.13 31.542 0 31.194 0c-.346 0-.674.14-.917.375L18.005 12.518 5.715.384C5.47.14 5.14.01 4.794.01c-.347 0-.675.14-.918.374L.38 3.907c-.507.506-.507 1.33 0 1.837l12.328 12.18L.418 30.257c-.245.244-.385.572-.385.918 0 .347.13.675.384.92l3.506 3.522c.254.253.582.384.92.384.327 0 .665-.122.918-.384l12.245-12.294 12.253 12.284c. 0 .664-.12.917-.384l3.507-3.523c.243-.243.384-.57.384-.918-.01-.337-.15-.665-.394-.91z """ {-| Right chevron icon. -} chevronRight : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronRight = icon """ M21.403 17.996L7.963 4c-.34-.345-.33-.916.015-1.27L10.382.27c.345-.353.908-.36 1.246-.016l16.415 17.1c. 35.747c-.338.345-.9.337-1.246-.016l-2.404-2.46c-.346-.354-.354-.925-.016-1.27l13.44-14.004z """ {-| Left chevron icon. -} chevronLeft : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronLeft = icon """ M14.597 17.996L28.037 4c.34-.345.33-.916-.015-1.27L25.618.27c-.345-.353-.908-.36-1.246-.016L7.957 17.344c-.177.178-.257.42-.24.652-. 17.1c.338.345.9.337 1.246-.016l2.404-2.46c.346-.354.354-.925.016-1.27l-13.44-14.004z """ {-| Checkmark icon. -} checkmark : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg checkmark = icon """ M35.792 5.332L31.04 1.584c-.147-.12-.33-.208-.537-.208-.207 0-.398.087-.545.217l-17.286 22.21S5.877 17.27 5.687 17.08c-.19-.19-.442-.51-.822-.51-.38 0-.554.268-.753.467-.148.156-2.57 2.7-3.766 3.964-.07.077-.112.12-.173.18-.104.148-.173.313-.173.494 0 .19.07.347.173.494l.242.225s12.058 11.582 12.257 11.78c.2.2.442.45.797.45.345 0 .63-.37.795-.536l21.562-27.7c.104-.146.173-.31.173-.5 0-.217-.087-.4-.208-.555z """ {-| Base for all icons. -} icon : String -> List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg icon iconPath attributes = svg ([ width "36", height "36", viewBox "0 0 36 36" ] ++ attributes) [ path [ d iconPath ] [] ] {-| Backspace icon. -} backspace : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg backspace = icon """ M35.082 6.578c-.626-.626-1.424-.953-2.325-.953H11.813c-1.71 0-3.074.66-4.058 2L0 17.995 7.763 28.3l. 1.014 1.105 1.617 1.437.712.392 1.522.608 2.407.608h20.954c1.84 0 3.234-1.565 3.234-3.445v-18c0-.902-.292-1.726-.918-2.352zM29.07 23.365c. 0 .15-.06.295-.167.4l-1.534 1.54c-.11.113-.255.168-.4.168-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-5.36-5.376-5.36 5.376c-.11.112-.256.167-.4.167-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-1.536-1.54c-.107-.106-.167-.25-.167-.4 0-.152.06-.296.167-.403L19.062 18l-5.396-5.365c-.22-.22-.22-.58 0-.803l1.533-1.54c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 5.312 5.375-5.31c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 1.542c. 0 .803L23.69 18l5.38 5.365z """
module Ui.Icons exposing (..) {-| This module contains icons for the components. # Icons @docs icon, close, checkmark, chevronRight, chevronLeft, plus, search @docs starFull, starEmpty, backspace, calendar -} import Svg.Attributes exposing (d, width, height, viewBox) import Svg exposing (svg, path) import Html {-| Calendar icon. -} calendar : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg calendar = icon """ M9 0C7.578 0 6.428 1.15 6.428 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C11.572 1.15 10.422 0 9 0zm18 0c-1.422 0-2.572 1.15-2.572 2.572v2.57c0 1.423 1.15 2.573 2.572 2.573 1.422 0 2.572-1.15 2.572-2.572v-2.57C29.572 1.15 28.422 0 27 0zM.643 2.572c-.354 0-.643.29-.643.643v32.142c0 .354.29.643.643.643h34.714c.354 0 .643-.29.643-.643V3.215c0-.354-.29-.643-.643-.643h-4.5v3.27C30.857 7.65 28.993 9 27.064 9c-1.928 0-3.92-1.35-3.92-3.158v-3.27H12.856v3.27C12.857 7.65 10.93 9 9 9 7.07 9 5.143 7.65 5.143 5.842v-3.27h-4.5zm3.214 9h28.286v20.57H3.857v-20.57z """ {-| Empty star icon. -} starEmpty : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starEmpty = icon """ M36 13.937l-12.945-1.11L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.513-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937zm-16.527 12.02L18 25.066l-1.473.89-5.345 3.224 1.415-6.085.39-1.674-1.3-1.125L6.965 16.2l6.223-.533 1.71-.147.67-1.582L18 8.2l2.43 5.738.67 1.582 1.712.147 6.223.534-4.722 4.095-1.3 1.126.39 1.675 1.415 6.086-5.345-3.224z """ {-| Full star icon. -} starFull : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg starFull = icon """ M23.055 12.826L18 .89l-5.056 11.936L0 13.936l9.82 8.514-2.944 12.66L18 28.397l11.123 6.71L26.18 22.45 36 13.937 """ {-| Search icon. -} search : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg search = icon """ M35.72 30.245l-7.95-8.05c1.293-2.26 1.968-4.77 1.968-7.302C29.738 6.683 23.063 0 14.868 0 6.676 0 0 6.683 0 14.893s6.675 14.893 14.87 14.893c2.614 0 5.202-.722 7.508-2.1l7.913 8.023c.18.178.432.29.685.29.253 0 .506-.103.684-.29l4.06-4.106c.374-.384.374-.984 0-1.36zM14.87 5.802c5.005 0 9.074 4.077 9.074 9.09 0 5.015-4.07 9.092-9.075 9.092-5.008 0-9.076-4.077-9.076-9.09 0-5.015 4.068-9.092 9.075-9.092z """ {-| Plus icon. -} plus : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg plus = icon "M0 21h15v15h6V21h15v-6H21V0h-6v15H0" {-| Close icon. -} close : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg close = icon """ M35.592 30.256l-12.3-12.34L35.62 5.736c.507-.507.507-1.332 0-1.838L32.114.375C31.87.13 31.542 0 31.194 0c-.346 0-.674.14-.917.375L18.005 12.518 5.715.384C5.47.14 5.14.01 4.794.01c-.347 0-.675.14-.918.374L.38 3.907c-.507.506-.507 1.33 0 1.837l12.328 12.18L.418 30.257c-.245.244-.385.572-.385.918 0 .347.13.675.384.92l3.506 3.522c.254.253.582.384.92.384.327 0 .665-.122.918-.384l12.245-12.294 12.253 12.284c. 0 .664-.12.917-.384l3.507-3.523c.243-.243.384-.57.384-.918-.01-.337-.15-.665-.394-.91z """ {-| Right chevron icon. -} chevronRight : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronRight = icon """ M21.403 17.996L7.963 4c-.34-.345-.33-.916.015-1.27L10.382.27c.345-.353.908-.36 1.246-.016l16.415 17.1c. 35.747c-.338.345-.9.337-1.246-.016l-2.404-2.46c-.346-.354-.354-.925-.016-1.27l13.44-14.004z """ {-| Left chevron icon. -} chevronLeft : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg chevronLeft = icon """ M14.597 17.996L28.037 4c.34-.345.33-.916-.015-1.27L25.618.27c-.345-.353-.908-.36-1.246-.016L7.957 17.344c-.177.178-.257.42-.24.652-. 17.1c.338.345.9.337 1.246-.016l2.404-2.46c.346-.354.354-.925.016-1.27l-13.44-14.004z """ {-| Checkmark icon. -} checkmark : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg checkmark = icon """ M35.792 5.332L31.04 1.584c-.147-.12-.33-.208-.537-.208-.207 0-.398.087-.545.217l-17.286 22.21S5.877 17.27 5.687 17.08c-.19-.19-.442-.51-.822-.51-.38 0-.554.268-.753.467-.148.156-2.57 2.7-3.766 3.964-.07.077-.112.12-.173.18-.104.148-.173.313-.173.494 0 .19.07.347.173.494l.242.225s12.058 11.582 12.257 11.78c.2.2.442.45.797.45.345 0 .63-.37.795-.536l21.562-27.7c.104-.146.173-.31.173-.5 0-.217-.087-.4-.208-.555z """ {-| Base for all icons. -} icon : String -> List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg icon iconPath attributes = svg ([ width "36", height "36", viewBox "0 0 36 36" ] ++ attributes) [ path [ d iconPath ] [] ] {-| Backspace icon. -} backspace : List (Html.Attribute msg) -> Html.Html msg backspace = icon """ M35.082 6.578c-.626-.626-1.424-.953-2.325-.953H11.813c-1.71 0-3.074.66-4.058 2L0 17.995 7.763 28.3l. 1.014 1.105 1.617 1.437.712.392 1.522.608 2.407.608h20.954c1.84 0 3.234-1.565 3.234-3.445v-18c0-.902-.292-1.726-.918-2.352zM29.07 23.365c.PI:IP_ADDRESS: 0 .15-.06.295-.167.4l-1.534 1.54c-.11.113-.255.168-.4.168-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-5.36-5.376-5.36 5.376c-.11.112-.256.167-.4.167-.146 0-.29-.055-.4-.167l-1.536-1.54c-.107-.106-.167-.25-.167-.4 0-.152.06-.296.167-.403L19.062 18l-5.396-5.365c-.22-.22-.22-.58 0-.803l1.533-1.54c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 5.312 5.375-5.31c.106-.108.25-.167.4-.167.15 0 . 1.542c. 0 .803L23.69 18l5.38 5.365z """
[ { "context": "{--\n\nCopyright (c) 2016, William Whitacre\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in s", "end": 41, "score": 0.9998443723, "start": 25, "tag": "NAME", "value": "William Whitacre" } ]
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, William Whitacre All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Pylon.Resource ( Resource(..) , def, pending, undecided, unknown, void , maybeOr, resultOr , maybeKnown , assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown , otherwise , therefore , decideBy , isUnknown, isNotUnknown , isPending, isNotPending , isUndecided, isNotUndecided , isVoid, isNotVoid , isKnown, isNotKnown , isAny, isAll ) where {-| Resource types and reductions. Heavily pruned from Scaffold predecessor to give only what has been tested, used in practice, and proven useful. # Resource Type This type represents a single remote resource in such a way that it's state can be easily reduced to a more abstract representation, either for another part of the system, or the user's view itself. We export the tags as well so as to allow the user easy case destructuring. @docs Resource # Resource Constructors @docs def, pending, undecided, void, unknown # Predicate Composition @docs isAll, isAny # Predicates @docs isKnown, isNotKnown, isPending, isNotPending, isNotUndecided, isNotUnknown, isNotVoid, isUndecided, isUnknown, isVoid # Reduction @docs therefore, otherwise, decideBy, assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown # Interop with Result and Maybe @docs maybeKnown, maybeOr, resultOr -} import Debug {-| A resource item. -} type Resource errortype v = Unknown | Pending | Void | Undecided (errortype) | Known v {-| True if the resource is unknown. -} isUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUnknown res = case res of Unknown -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is unknown. -} isNotUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUnknown = isUnknown >> not {-| True if the resource is pending. -} isPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isPending res = case res of Pending -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is pending. -} isNotPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotPending = isPending >> not {-| True if the resource is void. -} isVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isVoid res = case res of Void -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is void. -} isNotVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotVoid = isVoid >> not {-| True if the resource is undecided. -} isUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUndecided res = case res of Undecided _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is undecided. -} isNotUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUndecided = isUndecided >> not {-| True if the resource is known. -} isKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isKnown res = case res of Known _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is known. -} isNotKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotKnown = isKnown >> not {-| True if _any_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAny : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAny predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAny with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if f res then True else isAny fs' res {-| True if _all_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAll : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAll predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAllOf with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if not (f res) then False else isAll fs' res {-| Given a resource of value type v, create a resource of value type v' by transforming the known value or group using some function (v -> v'). NOTE that this will create an entirely new resouce structure, and thus any pending changes will be integrated immediately. If you wish to preserve deltas for the purpose of mirroring and efficient data flow, then one should be using deltaTo in order to transform just the changes. -} therefore : (v -> v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' therefore xdcr = deriveKnown (xdcr >> Known) {-| If the resource is an undecided resource, then the given -} decideBy : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v decideBy decider res = case res of Undecided err' -> decider err' _ -> res {-| If the given predicate is satisfied, the result will be known to the the given value, otherwise the given resource will be given unchanged. -} assumeIf : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIf satisfies assume res = if satisfies res then Known assume else res {-| Negation of assumeIf. -} assumeIfNot : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIfNot satisfies assume res = assumeIf (satisfies >> not) assume res {-| In the case that the provided function returns `Just x`, the resource shall be known as that value, otherwise the Resource shall remain unchanged. -} assumeInCase : (Resource errortype v -> Maybe v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeInCase possibleAssumption res = Maybe.map Known (possibleAssumption res) |> Maybe.withDefault res {-| If the predicate is true, apply the given transformation to get a new resource. -} deriveIf : (Resource errortype v' -> Bool) -> (Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v' deriveIf satisfies f res = if satisfies res then f res else res {-| If the resource is known, then use the given function to create an entirely new replacement resource, otherwise carry the state to the new resource. This always transforms the type because no other states carry the value type. -} deriveKnown : (v -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' deriveKnown xdcr res = case res of Unknown -> Unknown Pending -> Pending Void -> Void Undecided err' -> Undecided err' Known x' -> xdcr x' {-| If a resource is known, then give Just it's value, otherwise Nothing. -} maybeKnown : Resource errortype v' -> Maybe v' maybeKnown res' = case res' of Known x' -> Just x' _ -> Nothing {-| In the event that the given resource is not a simple `def`, we replace it with a different simple resource. -} otherwise : v' -> Resource errortype v' -> v' otherwise assumption res' = case res' of Known x' -> x' _ -> assumption {-| -} unknown : Resource errortype v unknown = Unknown {-| -} pending : Resource errortype v pending = Pending {-| -} void : Resource errortype v void = Void {-| -} undecided : errortype -> Resource errortype v undecided = Undecided {-| -} def : v -> Resource errortype v def = Known {-| -} resultOr : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Result (errortype) v -> Resource errortype v resultOr errorResource result = case result of Result.Ok data -> def data Result.Err err' -> errorResource err' {-| -} maybeOr : Resource errortype v -> Maybe v -> Resource errortype v maybeOr nothingResource maybeValue = Maybe.map Known maybeValue |> Maybe.withDefault nothingResource
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, <NAME> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Pylon.Resource ( Resource(..) , def, pending, undecided, unknown, void , maybeOr, resultOr , maybeKnown , assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown , otherwise , therefore , decideBy , isUnknown, isNotUnknown , isPending, isNotPending , isUndecided, isNotUndecided , isVoid, isNotVoid , isKnown, isNotKnown , isAny, isAll ) where {-| Resource types and reductions. Heavily pruned from Scaffold predecessor to give only what has been tested, used in practice, and proven useful. # Resource Type This type represents a single remote resource in such a way that it's state can be easily reduced to a more abstract representation, either for another part of the system, or the user's view itself. We export the tags as well so as to allow the user easy case destructuring. @docs Resource # Resource Constructors @docs def, pending, undecided, void, unknown # Predicate Composition @docs isAll, isAny # Predicates @docs isKnown, isNotKnown, isPending, isNotPending, isNotUndecided, isNotUnknown, isNotVoid, isUndecided, isUnknown, isVoid # Reduction @docs therefore, otherwise, decideBy, assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown # Interop with Result and Maybe @docs maybeKnown, maybeOr, resultOr -} import Debug {-| A resource item. -} type Resource errortype v = Unknown | Pending | Void | Undecided (errortype) | Known v {-| True if the resource is unknown. -} isUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUnknown res = case res of Unknown -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is unknown. -} isNotUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUnknown = isUnknown >> not {-| True if the resource is pending. -} isPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isPending res = case res of Pending -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is pending. -} isNotPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotPending = isPending >> not {-| True if the resource is void. -} isVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isVoid res = case res of Void -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is void. -} isNotVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotVoid = isVoid >> not {-| True if the resource is undecided. -} isUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUndecided res = case res of Undecided _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is undecided. -} isNotUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUndecided = isUndecided >> not {-| True if the resource is known. -} isKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isKnown res = case res of Known _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is known. -} isNotKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotKnown = isKnown >> not {-| True if _any_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAny : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAny predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAny with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if f res then True else isAny fs' res {-| True if _all_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAll : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAll predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAllOf with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if not (f res) then False else isAll fs' res {-| Given a resource of value type v, create a resource of value type v' by transforming the known value or group using some function (v -> v'). NOTE that this will create an entirely new resouce structure, and thus any pending changes will be integrated immediately. If you wish to preserve deltas for the purpose of mirroring and efficient data flow, then one should be using deltaTo in order to transform just the changes. -} therefore : (v -> v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' therefore xdcr = deriveKnown (xdcr >> Known) {-| If the resource is an undecided resource, then the given -} decideBy : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v decideBy decider res = case res of Undecided err' -> decider err' _ -> res {-| If the given predicate is satisfied, the result will be known to the the given value, otherwise the given resource will be given unchanged. -} assumeIf : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIf satisfies assume res = if satisfies res then Known assume else res {-| Negation of assumeIf. -} assumeIfNot : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIfNot satisfies assume res = assumeIf (satisfies >> not) assume res {-| In the case that the provided function returns `Just x`, the resource shall be known as that value, otherwise the Resource shall remain unchanged. -} assumeInCase : (Resource errortype v -> Maybe v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeInCase possibleAssumption res = Maybe.map Known (possibleAssumption res) |> Maybe.withDefault res {-| If the predicate is true, apply the given transformation to get a new resource. -} deriveIf : (Resource errortype v' -> Bool) -> (Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v' deriveIf satisfies f res = if satisfies res then f res else res {-| If the resource is known, then use the given function to create an entirely new replacement resource, otherwise carry the state to the new resource. This always transforms the type because no other states carry the value type. -} deriveKnown : (v -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' deriveKnown xdcr res = case res of Unknown -> Unknown Pending -> Pending Void -> Void Undecided err' -> Undecided err' Known x' -> xdcr x' {-| If a resource is known, then give Just it's value, otherwise Nothing. -} maybeKnown : Resource errortype v' -> Maybe v' maybeKnown res' = case res' of Known x' -> Just x' _ -> Nothing {-| In the event that the given resource is not a simple `def`, we replace it with a different simple resource. -} otherwise : v' -> Resource errortype v' -> v' otherwise assumption res' = case res' of Known x' -> x' _ -> assumption {-| -} unknown : Resource errortype v unknown = Unknown {-| -} pending : Resource errortype v pending = Pending {-| -} void : Resource errortype v void = Void {-| -} undecided : errortype -> Resource errortype v undecided = Undecided {-| -} def : v -> Resource errortype v def = Known {-| -} resultOr : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Result (errortype) v -> Resource errortype v resultOr errorResource result = case result of Result.Ok data -> def data Result.Err err' -> errorResource err' {-| -} maybeOr : Resource errortype v -> Maybe v -> Resource errortype v maybeOr nothingResource maybeValue = Maybe.map Known maybeValue |> Maybe.withDefault nothingResource
{-- Copyright (c) 2016, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --} module Pylon.Resource ( Resource(..) , def, pending, undecided, unknown, void , maybeOr, resultOr , maybeKnown , assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown , otherwise , therefore , decideBy , isUnknown, isNotUnknown , isPending, isNotPending , isUndecided, isNotUndecided , isVoid, isNotVoid , isKnown, isNotKnown , isAny, isAll ) where {-| Resource types and reductions. Heavily pruned from Scaffold predecessor to give only what has been tested, used in practice, and proven useful. # Resource Type This type represents a single remote resource in such a way that it's state can be easily reduced to a more abstract representation, either for another part of the system, or the user's view itself. We export the tags as well so as to allow the user easy case destructuring. @docs Resource # Resource Constructors @docs def, pending, undecided, void, unknown # Predicate Composition @docs isAll, isAny # Predicates @docs isKnown, isNotKnown, isPending, isNotPending, isNotUndecided, isNotUnknown, isNotVoid, isUndecided, isUnknown, isVoid # Reduction @docs therefore, otherwise, decideBy, assumeIf, assumeIfNot, assumeInCase, deriveIf, deriveKnown # Interop with Result and Maybe @docs maybeKnown, maybeOr, resultOr -} import Debug {-| A resource item. -} type Resource errortype v = Unknown | Pending | Void | Undecided (errortype) | Known v {-| True if the resource is unknown. -} isUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUnknown res = case res of Unknown -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is unknown. -} isNotUnknown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUnknown = isUnknown >> not {-| True if the resource is pending. -} isPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isPending res = case res of Pending -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is pending. -} isNotPending : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotPending = isPending >> not {-| True if the resource is void. -} isVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isVoid res = case res of Void -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is void. -} isNotVoid : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotVoid = isVoid >> not {-| True if the resource is undecided. -} isUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isUndecided res = case res of Undecided _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is undecided. -} isNotUndecided : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotUndecided = isUndecided >> not {-| True if the resource is known. -} isKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isKnown res = case res of Known _ -> True _ -> False {-| False if the resource is known. -} isNotKnown : Resource errortype v -> Bool isNotKnown = isKnown >> not {-| True if _any_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAny : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAny predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAny with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if f res then True else isAny fs' res {-| True if _all_ of the given predicates is True, otherwise False. -} isAll : List (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> Resource errortype v -> Bool isAll predicates res = case predicates of [] -> Debug.crash "Called Resource.isAllOf with an empty list!" f :: [] -> f res f :: fs' -> if not (f res) then False else isAll fs' res {-| Given a resource of value type v, create a resource of value type v' by transforming the known value or group using some function (v -> v'). NOTE that this will create an entirely new resouce structure, and thus any pending changes will be integrated immediately. If you wish to preserve deltas for the purpose of mirroring and efficient data flow, then one should be using deltaTo in order to transform just the changes. -} therefore : (v -> v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' therefore xdcr = deriveKnown (xdcr >> Known) {-| If the resource is an undecided resource, then the given -} decideBy : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v decideBy decider res = case res of Undecided err' -> decider err' _ -> res {-| If the given predicate is satisfied, the result will be known to the the given value, otherwise the given resource will be given unchanged. -} assumeIf : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIf satisfies assume res = if satisfies res then Known assume else res {-| Negation of assumeIf. -} assumeIfNot : (Resource errortype v -> Bool) -> v -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeIfNot satisfies assume res = assumeIf (satisfies >> not) assume res {-| In the case that the provided function returns `Just x`, the resource shall be known as that value, otherwise the Resource shall remain unchanged. -} assumeInCase : (Resource errortype v -> Maybe v) -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v assumeInCase possibleAssumption res = Maybe.map Known (possibleAssumption res) |> Maybe.withDefault res {-| If the predicate is true, apply the given transformation to get a new resource. -} deriveIf : (Resource errortype v' -> Bool) -> (Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v' -> Resource errortype v' deriveIf satisfies f res = if satisfies res then f res else res {-| If the resource is known, then use the given function to create an entirely new replacement resource, otherwise carry the state to the new resource. This always transforms the type because no other states carry the value type. -} deriveKnown : (v -> Resource errortype v') -> Resource errortype v -> Resource errortype v' deriveKnown xdcr res = case res of Unknown -> Unknown Pending -> Pending Void -> Void Undecided err' -> Undecided err' Known x' -> xdcr x' {-| If a resource is known, then give Just it's value, otherwise Nothing. -} maybeKnown : Resource errortype v' -> Maybe v' maybeKnown res' = case res' of Known x' -> Just x' _ -> Nothing {-| In the event that the given resource is not a simple `def`, we replace it with a different simple resource. -} otherwise : v' -> Resource errortype v' -> v' otherwise assumption res' = case res' of Known x' -> x' _ -> assumption {-| -} unknown : Resource errortype v unknown = Unknown {-| -} pending : Resource errortype v pending = Pending {-| -} void : Resource errortype v void = Void {-| -} undecided : errortype -> Resource errortype v undecided = Undecided {-| -} def : v -> Resource errortype v def = Known {-| -} resultOr : (errortype -> Resource errortype v) -> Result (errortype) v -> Resource errortype v resultOr errorResource result = case result of Result.Ok data -> def data Result.Err err' -> errorResource err' {-| -} maybeOr : Resource errortype v -> Maybe v -> Resource errortype v maybeOr nothingResource maybeValue = Maybe.map Known maybeValue |> Maybe.withDefault nothingResource
[ { "context": "D 3-Clause)\n -- Copyright (c) 2017-present, Evan Czaplicki\n -- All rights reserved.\n let\n c", "end": 3421, "score": 0.9997671247, "start": 3407, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Evan Czaplicki" } ]
module EnumParser exposing (parse) import Enum exposing (Enum) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Set exposing (Set) import Util {- Parser that takes input of the form: enum Name1 = [ Value1_1 , Value1_2 , ... , Value1_X ] enum Name2 = [ Value2_1 , Value2_2 , ... , Value2_Y ] ... enum NameN = [ ValueM_1 , ValueM_2 , ... , ValueM_Z ] and produces valid Elm custom types and accompanying JSON encoders/decoders in an Enums module, thus: module Enums exposing ( Name1 , Name2 , Name... , NameN , encodeName1 , encodeName2 , encodeName... , encodeNameN , decodeName1 , decodeName2 , decodeName... , decodeNameN ) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode type Name1 = Value1_1 | Value1_2 | ... | Value1_X encodeName1 : Name1 -> Json.Encode.Value encodeName1 = ... decodeName1 : Json.Decode.Decoder Name1 decodeName1 = ... type Name2 = ... ... The following constraints are checked to ensure valid Elm results: * All Names and Values must be unique. * All Names and Values must begin with an uppercase character. * Names and Values cannot be the same as the module or type names of any default imports. In addition: * Elm-style comments are tolerated in the input. * All indentation, carriage returns and whitespace are ignored in the input; but the resulting generated code will conform to the style mandated by elm-format. -} parse : String -> Result String String parse input = case Parser.run parseFile input of Ok listEnums -> Enum.compileToElm listEnums Err error -> Err (Util.deadEndsToString error) parseFile : Parser (List Enum) parseFile = Parser.succeed identity |. spacesOrComment |= enumSequence |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.end enumSequence : Parser (List Enum) enumSequence = let helper entries = Parser.oneOf [ Parser.succeed (\entry -> Parser.Loop (entry :: entries)) |= enum |. spacesOrComment , Parser.succeed () |> Parser.map (\_ -> Parser.Done entries) ] in Parser.loop [] helper enum : Parser Enum enum = Parser.succeed Enum.fromList |. Parser.keyword "enum" |. spacesOrComment |= nameOrValue |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.symbol "=" |. spacesOrComment |= Parser.sequence { start = "[" , separator = "," , end = "]" , spaces = spacesOrComment , item = nameOrValue , trailing = Parser.Forbidden } spacesOrComment : Parser () spacesOrComment = -- Taken from example in elm/parser (published under BSD 3-Clause) -- Copyright (c) 2017-present, Evan Czaplicki -- All rights reserved. let checkOffset oldOffset newOffset = if oldOffset == newOffset then Parser.Done () else Parser.Loop newOffset ifProgress parser offset = Parser.succeed identity |. parser |= Parser.getOffset |> Parser.map (checkOffset offset) in Parser.loop 0 <| ifProgress <| Parser.oneOf [ Parser.lineComment "--" , Parser.multiComment "{-" "-}" Parser.Nestable , Parser.spaces ] nameOrValue : Parser String nameOrValue = Parser.variable { start = startTest , inner = innerTest , reserved = defaultImports } startTest : Char -> Bool startTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive Char.isUpper innerTest : Char -> Bool innerTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' defaultImports : Set String defaultImports = Set.fromList [ "Basics" , "Int" , "Float" , "Order" , "Bool" , "Never" , "List" , "Maybe" , "Just" , "Nothing" , "Result" , "Err" , "Ok" , "String" , "Char" , "Tuple" , "Debug" , "Platform" , "Program" , "Cmd" , "Sub" ]
module EnumParser exposing (parse) import Enum exposing (Enum) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Set exposing (Set) import Util {- Parser that takes input of the form: enum Name1 = [ Value1_1 , Value1_2 , ... , Value1_X ] enum Name2 = [ Value2_1 , Value2_2 , ... , Value2_Y ] ... enum NameN = [ ValueM_1 , ValueM_2 , ... , ValueM_Z ] and produces valid Elm custom types and accompanying JSON encoders/decoders in an Enums module, thus: module Enums exposing ( Name1 , Name2 , Name... , NameN , encodeName1 , encodeName2 , encodeName... , encodeNameN , decodeName1 , decodeName2 , decodeName... , decodeNameN ) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode type Name1 = Value1_1 | Value1_2 | ... | Value1_X encodeName1 : Name1 -> Json.Encode.Value encodeName1 = ... decodeName1 : Json.Decode.Decoder Name1 decodeName1 = ... type Name2 = ... ... The following constraints are checked to ensure valid Elm results: * All Names and Values must be unique. * All Names and Values must begin with an uppercase character. * Names and Values cannot be the same as the module or type names of any default imports. In addition: * Elm-style comments are tolerated in the input. * All indentation, carriage returns and whitespace are ignored in the input; but the resulting generated code will conform to the style mandated by elm-format. -} parse : String -> Result String String parse input = case Parser.run parseFile input of Ok listEnums -> Enum.compileToElm listEnums Err error -> Err (Util.deadEndsToString error) parseFile : Parser (List Enum) parseFile = Parser.succeed identity |. spacesOrComment |= enumSequence |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.end enumSequence : Parser (List Enum) enumSequence = let helper entries = Parser.oneOf [ Parser.succeed (\entry -> Parser.Loop (entry :: entries)) |= enum |. spacesOrComment , Parser.succeed () |> Parser.map (\_ -> Parser.Done entries) ] in Parser.loop [] helper enum : Parser Enum enum = Parser.succeed Enum.fromList |. Parser.keyword "enum" |. spacesOrComment |= nameOrValue |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.symbol "=" |. spacesOrComment |= Parser.sequence { start = "[" , separator = "," , end = "]" , spaces = spacesOrComment , item = nameOrValue , trailing = Parser.Forbidden } spacesOrComment : Parser () spacesOrComment = -- Taken from example in elm/parser (published under BSD 3-Clause) -- Copyright (c) 2017-present, <NAME> -- All rights reserved. let checkOffset oldOffset newOffset = if oldOffset == newOffset then Parser.Done () else Parser.Loop newOffset ifProgress parser offset = Parser.succeed identity |. parser |= Parser.getOffset |> Parser.map (checkOffset offset) in Parser.loop 0 <| ifProgress <| Parser.oneOf [ Parser.lineComment "--" , Parser.multiComment "{-" "-}" Parser.Nestable , Parser.spaces ] nameOrValue : Parser String nameOrValue = Parser.variable { start = startTest , inner = innerTest , reserved = defaultImports } startTest : Char -> Bool startTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive Char.isUpper innerTest : Char -> Bool innerTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' defaultImports : Set String defaultImports = Set.fromList [ "Basics" , "Int" , "Float" , "Order" , "Bool" , "Never" , "List" , "Maybe" , "Just" , "Nothing" , "Result" , "Err" , "Ok" , "String" , "Char" , "Tuple" , "Debug" , "Platform" , "Program" , "Cmd" , "Sub" ]
module EnumParser exposing (parse) import Enum exposing (Enum) import Parser exposing ((|.), (|=), Parser) import Set exposing (Set) import Util {- Parser that takes input of the form: enum Name1 = [ Value1_1 , Value1_2 , ... , Value1_X ] enum Name2 = [ Value2_1 , Value2_2 , ... , Value2_Y ] ... enum NameN = [ ValueM_1 , ValueM_2 , ... , ValueM_Z ] and produces valid Elm custom types and accompanying JSON encoders/decoders in an Enums module, thus: module Enums exposing ( Name1 , Name2 , Name... , NameN , encodeName1 , encodeName2 , encodeName... , encodeNameN , decodeName1 , decodeName2 , decodeName... , decodeNameN ) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode type Name1 = Value1_1 | Value1_2 | ... | Value1_X encodeName1 : Name1 -> Json.Encode.Value encodeName1 = ... decodeName1 : Json.Decode.Decoder Name1 decodeName1 = ... type Name2 = ... ... The following constraints are checked to ensure valid Elm results: * All Names and Values must be unique. * All Names and Values must begin with an uppercase character. * Names and Values cannot be the same as the module or type names of any default imports. In addition: * Elm-style comments are tolerated in the input. * All indentation, carriage returns and whitespace are ignored in the input; but the resulting generated code will conform to the style mandated by elm-format. -} parse : String -> Result String String parse input = case Parser.run parseFile input of Ok listEnums -> Enum.compileToElm listEnums Err error -> Err (Util.deadEndsToString error) parseFile : Parser (List Enum) parseFile = Parser.succeed identity |. spacesOrComment |= enumSequence |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.end enumSequence : Parser (List Enum) enumSequence = let helper entries = Parser.oneOf [ Parser.succeed (\entry -> Parser.Loop (entry :: entries)) |= enum |. spacesOrComment , Parser.succeed () |> Parser.map (\_ -> Parser.Done entries) ] in Parser.loop [] helper enum : Parser Enum enum = Parser.succeed Enum.fromList |. Parser.keyword "enum" |. spacesOrComment |= nameOrValue |. spacesOrComment |. Parser.symbol "=" |. spacesOrComment |= Parser.sequence { start = "[" , separator = "," , end = "]" , spaces = spacesOrComment , item = nameOrValue , trailing = Parser.Forbidden } spacesOrComment : Parser () spacesOrComment = -- Taken from example in elm/parser (published under BSD 3-Clause) -- Copyright (c) 2017-present, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -- All rights reserved. let checkOffset oldOffset newOffset = if oldOffset == newOffset then Parser.Done () else Parser.Loop newOffset ifProgress parser offset = Parser.succeed identity |. parser |= Parser.getOffset |> Parser.map (checkOffset offset) in Parser.loop 0 <| ifProgress <| Parser.oneOf [ Parser.lineComment "--" , Parser.multiComment "{-" "-}" Parser.Nestable , Parser.spaces ] nameOrValue : Parser String nameOrValue = Parser.variable { start = startTest , inner = innerTest , reserved = defaultImports } startTest : Char -> Bool startTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive Char.isUpper innerTest : Char -> Bool innerTest = -- FIXME: too restrictive \c -> Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '_' defaultImports : Set String defaultImports = Set.fromList [ "Basics" , "Int" , "Float" , "Order" , "Bool" , "Never" , "List" , "Maybe" , "Just" , "Nothing" , "Result" , "Err" , "Ok" , "String" , "Char" , "Tuple" , "Debug" , "Platform" , "Program" , "Cmd" , "Sub" ]
[ { "context": "riders : List Servant\nriders =\n [ { name = \"Medusa\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 23\n ", "end": 922, "score": 0.9692669511, "start": 916, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Medusa" }, { "context": "inus, riding APlus]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Bellerophon\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 2302, "score": 0.9998331666, "start": 2291, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bellerophon" }, { "context": "), (PhoenixFeather, 13)]\n }\n , { name = \"Georgios\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 24\n ", "end": 3728, "score": 0.9998752475, "start": 3720, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Georgios" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Guardian Knight\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 4147, "score": 0.9965364337, "start": 4132, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Guardian Knight" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Martyr's Soul\"\n , rank = BPlus\n ", "end": 4495, "score": 0.9998175502, "start": 4482, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Martyr's Soul" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Battle Continuation\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 4855, "score": 0.9817183614, "start": 4836, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Battle Continuation" }, { "context": "stance A, riding B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Ascalon\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 5175, "score": 0.9997437596, "start": 5168, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ascalon" }, { "context": ", (MeteorHorseshoe, 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Edward Teach\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 25\n ", "end": 6704, "score": 0.9996567965, "start": 6692, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Edward Teach" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Voyager of the Storm\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 7131, "score": 0.995800972, "start": 7111, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Voyager of the Storm" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Pirate's Glory\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 7479, "score": 0.999471426, "start": 7465, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Pirate's Glory" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Gentlemanly Love\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 7904, "score": 0.999614656, "start": 7888, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gentlemanly Love" }, { "context": "[magicResistance E]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Queen Anne's Revenge\"\n , rank = CPlusPlus\n ", "end": 8405, "score": 0.999794662, "start": 8385, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Queen Anne's Revenge" }, { "context": " 9), (GhostLantern, 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Boudica\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 26\n ", "end": 9920, "score": 0.9998325706, "start": 9913, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Boudica" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Vow to the Goddess\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 10344, "score": 0.9624657035, "start": 10326, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Vow to the Goddess" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Andraste's Protection\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 10897, "score": 0.999563992, "start": 10876, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Andraste's Protection" }, { "context": "stance D, riding A]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Chariot of Boudica\"\n , rank = BPlusPlus\n ", "end": 11224, "score": 0.9995381236, "start": 11206, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chariot of Boudica" }, { "context": "l, 10), (VoidsDust, 32)]\n }\n , { name = \"Ushiwakamaru\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 27\n ", "end": 12753, "score": 0.9997395873, "start": 12741, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ushiwakamaru" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Tengu's Strategy\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 13173, "score": 0.9949151874, "start": 13157, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tengu's Strategy" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Charisma\"\n , rank = CPlus\n ", "end": 13417, "score": 0.9841777086, "start": 13409, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charisma" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Art of the Swallow\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 13679, "score": 0.9937294126, "start": 13661, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Art of the Swallow" }, { "context": "ce C, riding APlus]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Dan-No-Ura Eight-Boat Leap\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 14111, "score": 0.9930797815, "start": 14085, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dan-No-Ura Eight-Boat Leap" }, { "context": " (OctupletCrystals, 16)]\n }\n , { name = \"Alexander\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 28\n ", "end": 15554, "score": 0.9993835688, "start": 15545, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alexander" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Charisma\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 15966, "score": 0.9967733026, "start": 15958, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charisma" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Fair Youth\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 16214, "score": 0.9993814826, "start": 16204, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Fair Youth" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Omen of the Conqueror\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 16492, "score": 0.9984437823, "start": 16471, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Omen of the Conqueror" }, { "context": "ty E, riding APlus]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Bucephalus\"\n , rank = BPlusPlus\n ", "end": 16829, "score": 0.999724865, "start": 16819, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bucephalus" }, { "context": ", 8), (ProofOfHero, 48)]\n }\n , { name = \"Marie Antoinette\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 29\n ", "end": 18299, "score": 0.9998557568, "start": 18283, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Marie Antoinette" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Siren Song\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 18716, "score": 0.9995138645, "start": 18706, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Siren Song" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Beautiful Princess\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 18987, "score": 0.9992144704, "start": 18969, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Beautiful Princess" }, { "context": "ce C, riding APlus]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Guillotine Breaker\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 19774, "score": 0.9998555183, "start": 19756, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Guillotine Breaker" }, { "context": "eartOfTheForeignGod, 6)]\n }\n , { name = \"Martha\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 30\n ", "end": 21366, "score": 0.9992995262, "start": 21360, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Martha" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Miracle\"\n , rank = DPlus\n ", "end": 22139, "score": 0.9958244562, "start": 22132, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Miracle" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Oath of the Holy Maiden\"\n , rank", "end": 22467, "score": 0.8727304339, "start": 22466, "tag": "NAME", "value": "O" }, { "context": "usPlus, divinity C]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Tarasque\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 22919, "score": 0.9713723063, "start": 22911, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tarasque" }, { "context": "DragonsReverseScale, 8)]\n }\n , { name = \"Francis Drake\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 65\n ", "end": 24448, "score": 0.9998049736, "start": 24435, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Francis Drake" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Voyager of the Storm\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 24877, "score": 0.9814218879, "start": 24857, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Voyager of the Storm" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Golden Rule\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 25230, "score": 0.9924805164, "start": 25219, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Golden Rule" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Pioneer of the Stars\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 25485, "score": 0.9851716161, "start": 25465, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Pioneer of the Stars" }, { "context": "stance D, riding B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Golden Wild Hunt\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 25956, "score": 0.9983468056, "start": 25940, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Golden Wild Hunt" }, { "context": "artOfTheForeignGod, 10)]\n }\n , { name = \"Anne Bonny & Mary Read\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id ", "end": 27381, "score": 0.9998611212, "start": 27371, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anne Bonny" }, { "context": "ignGod, 10)]\n }\n , { name = \"Anne Bonny & Mary Read\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 66\n ", "end": 27393, "score": 0.9998661876, "start": 27384, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mary Read" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Marksmanship\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 28059, "score": 0.9315622449, "start": 28047, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Marksmanship" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Combination\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 28313, "score": 0.9984955788, "start": 28302, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Combination" }, { "context": "[magicResistance D]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Caribbean Free Bird\"\n , rank = CPlusPlus\n ", "end": 28728, "score": 0.9986682534, "start": 28709, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Caribbean Free Bird" }, { "context": " 30), (ClawOfChaos, 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id", "end": 30170, "score": 0.9998912215, "start": 30154, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Altria Pendragon" }, { "context": ", 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 73\n", "end": 30183, "score": 0.9997688532, "start": 30172, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Santa Alter" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Saint's Gift\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 30606, "score": 0.9996964335, "start": 30594, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Saint's Gift" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Intuition\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 30941, "score": 0.9997496605, "start": 30932, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Intuition" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Mana Burst\"\n , rank = AMinus\n ", "end": 31182, "score": 0.999876976, "start": 31172, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mana Burst" }, { "context": "stance A, riding A]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Excalibur Morgan\"\n , rank = APlusPlus\n ", "end": 31515, "score": 0.9998224378, "start": 31499, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Excalibur Morgan" }, { "context": "eartOfTheForeignGod, 8)]\n }\n , { name = \"Astolfo\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 94\n ", "end": 32754, "score": 0.9997799993, "start": 32747, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Astolfo" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Trap of Argalia\"\n , rank = D\n ", "end": 33439, "score": 0.9628996253, "start": 33424, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Trap of Argalia" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Evaporation of Reason\"\n , rank ", "end": 33682, "score": 0.7962089777, "start": 33680, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ev" }, { "context": "ndependentAction B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Hippogriff\"\n , rank = BPlusPlus\n ", "end": 34319, "score": 0.9997717142, "start": 34309, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hippogriff" }, { "context": ", (SeedOfYggdrasil, 24)]\n }\n , { name = \"Queen Medb\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 99\n ", "end": 35877, "score": 0.999700129, "start": 35867, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Queen Medb" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Queen's Discipline\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 36732, "score": 0.710324049, "start": 36714, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Queen's Discipline" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Siren Song\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 37160, "score": 0.9998775125, "start": 37150, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Siren Song" }, { "context": "stance B, riding A]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Chariot My Love\"\n , rank = BPlus\n ", "end": 37494, "score": 0.9998312593, "start": 37479, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chariot My Love" }, { "context": "artOfTheForeignGod, 10)]\n }\n , { name = \"Iskandar\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 108\n", "end": 39067, "score": 0.9998676181, "start": 39059, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Iskandar" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Charisma\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 39486, "score": 0.9968833327, "start": 39478, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charisma" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Tactics\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 39732, "score": 0.9964885116, "start": 39725, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tactics" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Lightning Conqueror\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 39984, "score": 0.9997453094, "start": 39965, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lightning Conqueror" }, { "context": " APlus, divinity C]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Ionioi Hetairoi\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 40423, "score": 0.9998804927, "start": 40408, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ionioi Hetairoi" }, { "context": "d = Buster\n , kind = \"Anti-Army\"\n , hits = 8\n ", "end": 40532, "score": 0.9950349331, "start": 40530, "tag": "NAME", "value": "my" }, { "context": "), (PhoenixFeather, 20)]\n }\n , { name = \"Sakata Kintoki (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id ", "end": 42026, "score": 0.9998163581, "start": 42012, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sakata Kintoki" }, { "context": "er, 20)]\n }\n , { name = \"Sakata Kintoki (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 115", "end": 42033, "score": 0.6870476007, "start": 42028, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rider" }, { "context": "ves = [divinity C]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Golden Drive, Good Night\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 43482, "score": 0.9666001797, "start": 43458, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Golden Drive, Good Night" }, { "context": " (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Ozymandias\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 118\n", "end": 44703, "score": 0.999774158, "start": 44693, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ozymandias" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Protection of the Sun God\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 45828, "score": 0.9880673289, "start": 45803, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Protection of the Sun God" }, { "context": " APlus, divinity B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Ramesseum Tentyris\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 46255, "score": 0.9997822046, "start": 46237, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ramesseum Tentyris" }, { "context": "(LampOfEvilSealing, 15)]\n }\n , { name = \"Mordred (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id ", "end": 47813, "score": 0.9991958737, "start": 47806, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mordred" }, { "context": "lSealing, 15)]\n }\n , { name = \"Mordred (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 132", "end": 47820, "score": 0.8056626916, "start": 47816, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ider" }, { "context": " }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Cerulean Ride\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 48244, "score": 0.9246578813, "start": 48231, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Cerulean Ride" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Rodeo Flip\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 48496, "score": 0.9907128215, "start": 48486, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rodeo Flip" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Endless Summer\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 48838, "score": 0.9630735517, "start": 48824, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Endless Summer" }, { "context": "tance B, surfing A]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Prydwen Tube Riding\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 49253, "score": 0.9949410558, "start": 49241, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Prydwen Tube" }, { "context": " (TearstoneOfBlood, 12)]\n }\n , { name = \"Quetzalcoatl\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 144\n", "end": 50748, "score": 0.9996525049, "start": 50736, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Quetzalcoatl" }, { "context": "ter = 3, ex = 5 }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Charisma\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 51445, "score": 0.9640022516, "start": 51437, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Charisma" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Wisdom of the Benevolent God\"\n , r", "end": 51693, "score": 0.9895569086, "start": 51690, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Wis" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Lucha Libre\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 52082, "score": 0.9998445511, "start": 52071, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lucha Libre" }, { "context": ", coreOfGoddess EX]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Xiuhcoatl\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 52579, "score": 0.999707818, "start": 52570, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Xiuhcoatl" }, { "context": "rsedBeastGallstone, 10)]\n }\n , { name = \"Christopher Columbus\"\n , spoiler = Just \"Resistance\"\n , id ", "end": 53858, "score": 0.9998292923, "start": 53838, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christopher Columbus" }, { "context": "ter = 4, ex = 5 }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Voyager of the Storm\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 54556, "score": 0.9604691863, "start": 54536, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Voyager of the Storm" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Unyielding Will\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 54905, "score": 0.9909967184, "start": 54890, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Unyielding Will" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Conquistador\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 55250, "score": 0.9991874695, "start": 55238, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Conquistador" }, { "context": "stance D, riding B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Santa María・Drop Anchor\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 55671, "score": 0.9972631335, "start": 55660, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Santa María" }, { "context": "ding B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Santa María・Drop Anchor\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 55683, "score": 0.7433303595, "start": 55672, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Drop Anchor" }, { "context": "ursedBeastGallstone, 7)]\n }\n , { name = \"Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id", "end": 56896, "score": 0.9998916388, "start": 56880, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Altria Pendragon" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Coaching\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 57989, "score": 0.9326233864, "start": 57981, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Coaching" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Reloaded\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 58402, "score": 0.9808930159, "start": 58394, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Reloaded" }, { "context": "dependentAction EX]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Secace Morgan\"\n , rank = C\n ", "end": 58758, "score": 0.9997887611, "start": 58745, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Secace Morgan" }, { "context": ", (MeteorHorseshoe, 24)]\n }\n , { name = \"Ishtar (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id ", "end": 60050, "score": 0.9994677901, "start": 60044, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ishtar" }, { "context": "rHorseshoe, 24)]\n }\n , { name = \"Ishtar (Rider)\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 182", "end": 60057, "score": 0.933591783, "start": 60052, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Rider" }, { "context": "ter = 5, ex = 3 }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Shining Water Robe\"\n , rank = A", "end": 60743, "score": 0.7954167724, "start": 60741, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sh" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Accel Turn\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 61197, "score": 0.9843797684, "start": 61187, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Accel Turn" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Summer Breaker!\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 61546, "score": 0.9996352196, "start": 61532, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Summer Breaker" }, { "context": "A, coreOfGoddess B]\n , phantasm = { name = \"An Gal Tā Seven Colors\"\n , rank = EX\n ", "end": 62272, "score": 0.9992762804, "start": 62250, "tag": "NAME", "value": "An Gal Tā Seven Colors" }, { "context": "ysteriousDivineWine, 8)]\n }\n , { name = \"Ivan the Terrible\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 205\n", "end": 63229, "score": 0.9998631477, "start": 63212, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ivan the Terrible" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Emergency Prerogative\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 64661, "score": 0.78713727, "start": 64640, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Emergency Prerogative" }, { "context": "tance D, riding EX]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Zveri Krestnyi Khod\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 65147, "score": 0.9998776317, "start": 65128, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Zveri Krestnyi Khod" }, { "context": ", 44), (EternalIce, 24)]\n }\n , { name = \"Achilles\"\n , spoiler = Nothing\n , id = 206\n", "end": 66432, "score": 0.9997467995, "start": 66424, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Achilles" }, { "context": "ter = 2, ex = 4 }\n , skills = [ { name = \"Drómos Komḗtēs\"\n , rank = APlus\n ", "end": 67161, "score": 0.9997761846, "start": 67147, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Drómos Komḗtēs" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Andreíos Amárantos\"\n , rank = B\n ", "end": 67526, "score": 0.9998826981, "start": 67508, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Andreíos Amárantos" }, { "context": " }\n , { name = \"Diatrekhо̄n Astēr Lonkhē\"\n , rank = BPlus\n ", "end": 67895, "score": 0.9998684525, "start": 67871, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Diatrekhо̄n Astēr Lonkhē" }, { "context": " APlus, divinity C]\n , phantasm = { name = \"Troias Tragо̄idia\"\n , rank = A\n ", "end": 68403, "score": 0.9998514652, "start": 68386, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Troias Tragо̄idia" } ]
module Database.Servant.Rider exposing (riders) import Model.Attribute exposing (Attribute(..)) import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.Deck exposing (Deck(..)) import Model.Material exposing (Material(..)) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Database.Passives exposing (..) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant, Ascension(..), Reinforcement(..)) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Rank exposing (Rank(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Model.Icon as Icon riders : List Servant riders = [ { name = "Medusa" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 23 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1337, hp = 1608 } , max = { atk = 7200, hp = 8937 } , grail = { atk = 9744, hp = 12117 } } , skills = [ { name = "Mystic Eyes" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chances 50 100 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 2 AttackUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "Blood Fort Andromeda" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, independentAction C, divinity EMinus, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "Bellerophon" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Party 3 StarUp <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 194, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (VoidsDust, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 3)] [(SerpentJewel, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 13)] } , { name = "Georgios" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 24 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 2 , stats = { base = { atk = 929, hp = 1731 } , max = { atk = 5236, hp = 9200 } , grail = { atk = 7587, hp = 13278 } } , skills = [ { name = "Guardian Knight" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "Martyr's Soul" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 750 2000 ] } , { name = "Battle Continuation" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "Ascalon" , rank = B , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy (ApplyTrait Dragon) <| Flat 3 , To Enemy Damage <| Range 900 1500 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 8)] [(ProofOfHero, 15), (EternalGear, 3)] [(EternalGear, 9), (MeteorHorseshoe, 12)] } , { name = "Edward Teach" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 25 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 12 , stats = { base = { atk = 1097, hp = 1488 } , max = { atk = 6188, hp = 7907 } , grail = { atk = 8967, hp = 11411 } } , skills = [ { name = "Voyager of the Storm" , rank = A , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8 16 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "Pirate's Glory" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 27 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Debuff Self 3 DebuffVuln <| Flat 50 ] } , { name = "Gentlemanly Love" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Female) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Nonbinary) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance E] , phantasm = { name = "Queen Anne's Revenge" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , To Party GainStars <| Flat 5 ] , over = [ Chances 30 70 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.56, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (GhostLantern, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (OctupletCrystals, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 8)] [(EvilBone, 15), (HomunculusBaby, 3)] [(HomunculusBaby, 9), (GhostLantern, 12)] } , { name = "Boudica" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 26 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1168, hp = 1823 } , max = { atk = 6289, hp = 10130 } , grail = { atk = 8511, hp = 13735 } } , skills = [ { name = "Vow to the Goddess" , rank = B , icon = Icon.DamageUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Roman) <| Range 40 60 ] } , { name = "Battle Continuation" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "Andraste's Protection" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "Chariot of Boudica" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 0 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] , over = [ Grant Party 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 , Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 45 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (VoidsDust, 16)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (EvilBone, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 3)] [(PhoenixFeather, 6), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 10), (VoidsDust, 32)] } , { name = "Ushiwakamaru" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 27 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 8 , stats = { base = { atk = 1314, hp = 1625 } , max = { atk = 7076, hp = 9028 } , grail = { atk = 9576, hp = 12240 } } , skills = [ { name = "Tengu's Strategy" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "Charisma" , rank = CPlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "Art of the Swallow" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 50 100 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "Dan-No-Ura Eight-Boat Leap" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 50 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (GhostLantern, 7), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 10)] [(ProofOfHero, 20), (EternalGear, 4)] [(EternalGear, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 16)] } , { name = "Alexander" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 28 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1366, hp = 1979 } , max = { atk = 7356, hp = 8640 } , grail = { atk = 9955, hp = 11714 } } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = C , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "Fair Youth" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Humanoid) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "Omen of the Conqueror" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, divinity E, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "Bucephalus" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 15 35 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish, GreekMythMale, King] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 6), (ProofOfHero, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ClawOfChaos, 3), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(ClawOfChaos, 8), (ProofOfHero, 48)] } , { name = "Marie Antoinette" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1382, hp = 1975 } , max = { atk = 8293, hp = 12348 } , grail = { atk = 10041, hp = 14972 } } , skills = [ { name = "Siren Song" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "Beautiful Princess" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 5 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 600 ] } , { name = "God's Grace" , rank = B , icon = Icon.StaffUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalSuccess <| Range 10 30 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "Guillotine Breaker" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , Grant Party 3 CritUp <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 201, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (EternalGear, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(PhoenixFeather, 7), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(EternalGear, 20), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 6)] } , { name = "Martha" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Arts Buster , curve = 4 , stats = { base = { atk = 1335, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 8014, hp = 13068 } , grail = { atk = 9703, hp = 15845 } } , skills = [ { name = "Protection of the Faith" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "Miracle" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "Oath of the Holy Maiden" , rank = C , icon = Icon.ShieldDown , cd = 7 , effect = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , To Enemy RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlusPlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "Tarasque" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Flat 20 , To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 30 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (ClawOfChaos, 3), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(PhoenixFeather, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(PhoenixFeather, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 8)] } , { name = "Francis Drake" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 65 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Star , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1750, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11326, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 12398, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "Voyager of the Storm" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8.5 17 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "Golden Rule" , rank = B , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 18 45 ] } , { name = "Pioneer of the Stars" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 3 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Party GainStars <| Flat 10 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "Golden Wild Hunt" , rank = APlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.42, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 6, arts = 4, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 2), (DragonFang, 24)] [( Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonFang, 24)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(GhostLantern, 6), (EvilBone, 29)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "Anne Bonny & Mary Read" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1504, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9029, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 10932, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "Voyage" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Marksmanship" , rank = B , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 50 100 ] } , { name = "Combination" , rank = C , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D] , phantasm = { name = "Caribbean Free Bird" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ To Enemy LastStand <| Range 1200 2000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.84, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 1 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil, Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8), (EvilBone, 12)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (EvilBone, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 4)] [(VoidsDust, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 8)] [(VoidsDust, 30), (ClawOfChaos, 12)] } , { name = "Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1543, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9258, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 11209, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "Saint's Gift" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Ally Heal <| Range 1500 3500 , Grant Ally 3 StarUp <| Flat 30 ] } , { name = "Intuition" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Star , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } , { name = "Mana Burst" , rank = AMinus , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 45 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "Excalibur Morgan" , rank = APlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 3 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 650 ] , over = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Bucket of Chicken" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(DragonsReverseScale, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 8)] } , { name = "Astolfo" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 94 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Quick Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1489, hp = 1787 } , max = { atk = 8937, hp = 11172 } , grail = { atk = 10821, hp = 13546 } } , skills = [ { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = CMinus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 28 ] } , { name = "Trap of Argalia" , rank = D , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chances 60 90 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "Evaporation of Reason" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 40 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlus, independentAction B] , phantasm = { name = "Hippogriff" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies DamageThruDef <| Range 800 1200 , Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 1 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Nonbinary , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(ForbiddenPage, 15), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 24)] } , { name = "Queen Medb" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 99 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1591, hp = 2048 } , max = { atk = 10296, hp = 13968 } , grail = { atk = 11270, hp = 15303 } } , skills = [ { name = "Golden Rule (Body)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HealTurn , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 3 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 1000 , Grant Self 3 GaugePerTurn <| Flat 10 ] } , { name = "Queen's Discipline" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , Grant (AlliesType Male) 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , To Self Heal <| Range 1100 2000 ] } , { name = "Siren Song" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "Chariot My Love" , rank = BPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Enemy (SpecialDamage <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 150 200 , Debuff Enemy 3 MentalVuln <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 7 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 8), (GhostLantern, 6)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "Iskandar" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 108 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1786, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11560, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 12654, hp = 14482 } } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "Tactics" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "Lightning Conqueror" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Flat 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "Ionioi Hetairoi" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 8 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 10 50 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 6 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, GreekMythMale, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 8)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 22), (PhoenixFeather, 20)] } , { name = "Sakata Kintoki (Rider)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 115 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Buster Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1636, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 9819, hp = 10800 } , grail = { atk = 11889, hp = 13095 } } , skills = [ { name = "Long-Distance Dash" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Animal Communication" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Natural Body" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 OffensiveResist <| Range 60 120 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] } ] , passives = [divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "Golden Drive, Good Night" , rank = B , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.15, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Bear Lighter" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 15), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 12)] } , { name = "Ozymandias" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 118 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Sky , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1850, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11971, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 13104, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "Imperial Privilege" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "Protection of the Sun God" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Party 1 BuffUp <| Range 20 40 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding APlus, divinity B] , phantasm = { name = "Ramesseum Tentyris" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Fortress" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 5, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 30 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 4), (ScarabOfWisdom, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(FoolsChain, 29), (ForbiddenPage, 6)] [(ForbiddenPage, 18), (LampOfEvilSealing, 15)] } , { name = "Mordred (Rider)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 132 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1535, hp = 1824 } , max = { atk = 9212, hp = 11400 } , grail = { atk = 11154, hp = 13822 } } , skills = [ { name = "Cerulean Ride" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "Rodeo Flip" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 9 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Endless Summer" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, surfing A] , phantasm = { name = "Prydwen Tube Riding" , rank = A , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Wave" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 750 ] , over = [ Chances 50 90 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.2, npAtk = 0.71, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Dragon, Saberface, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16), (DragonFang, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 20), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GreatKnightMedal, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(ShellOfReminiscence, 8), (HomunculusBaby, 5)] [(HomunculusBaby, 15), (TearstoneOfBlood, 12)] } , { name = "Quetzalcoatl" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 144 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1854, hp = 1900 } , max = { atk = 12001, hp = 12960 } , grail = { atk = 13137, hp = 14198 } } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.9, npDef = 3 } , death = 25 , curve = 5 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 3, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10.5 21 ] } , { name = "Wisdom of the Benevolent God" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Ally 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , Grant Ally 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "Lucha Libre" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding EX, coreOfGoddess EX] , phantasm = { name = "Xiuhcoatl" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 5 Burn <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 18)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(DragonFang, 24), (FoolsChain, 18)] [(FoolsChain, 54), (CursedBeastGallstone, 10)] } , { name = "Christopher Columbus" , spoiler = Just "Resistance" , id = 172 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1216, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 6552, hp = 9600 } , grail = { atk = 8867, hp = 13016 } } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.55, npDef = 3 } , death = 50 , curve = 13 , attr = Human , align = [Neutral, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 4, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "Voyager of the Storm" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 7 14 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 7 14 ] } , { name = "Unyielding Will" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "Conquistador" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "Santa María・Drop Anchor" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 16), (GhostLantern, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MysteriousDivineWine, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 10)] [(FoolsChain, 20), (MysticSpinalFluid, 12)] [(MysticSpinalFluid, 36), (CursedBeastGallstone, 7)] } , { name = "Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1665, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 10776, hp = 14256 } , grail = { atk = 11796, hp = 15618 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , death = 30 , curve = 5 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "Summer Sweeper!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "Coaching" , rank = A , icon = Icon.MagicLight , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Ally ReduceCooldowns <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , To Ally DemeritHealth <| Flat 1000 ] } , { name = "Reloaded" , rank = C , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 5 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding B, independentAction EX] , phantasm = { name = "Secace Morgan" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 10 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 CritChance <| Range 30 70 ] , first = False } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (ShellOfReminiscence, 10), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 10)] [(GreatKnightMedal, 20), (DragonFang, 15)] [(DragonFang, 44), (MeteorHorseshoe, 24)] } , { name = "Ishtar (Rider)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1600, hp = 1710 } , max = { atk = 9603, hp = 10692 } , grail = { atk = 11627, hp = 12964 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.68, npDef = 3 } , death = 35 , curve = 9 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 5, ex = 3 } , skills = [ { name = "Shining Water Robe" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "Accel Turn" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 6 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full ] } , { name = "Summer Breaker!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 HealingReceived <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 DebuffResist <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , After 1 <| Debuff Self 1 Stun Full ] } ] , passives = [riding EX, independentAction A, coreOfGoddess B] , phantasm = { name = "An Gal Tā Seven Colors" , rank = EX , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Reed" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(PrimordialLanugo, 5), (ScarabOfWisdom, 2)] [(ScarabOfWisdom, 6), (MysteriousDivineWine, 8)] } , { name = "Ivan the Terrible" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 205 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1795, hp = 1948 } , max = { atk = 11619, hp = 13284 } , grail = { atk = 12719, hp = 14553 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.62, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, WildBeast, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "Mental Schism" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , To Self RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "Innocent Monster (Foreign)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "Emergency Prerogative" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Debuff Enemies 3 AttackDown <| Range 10 20 , To Enemies RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding EX] , phantasm = { name = "Zveri Krestnyi Khod" , rank = B , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , Debuff Enemies 3 (CardVuln Buster) <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 NPUp <| Range 30 70 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (PrimordialLanugo, 6), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(EvilBone, 29), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 15)] [(DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 44), (EternalIce, 24)] } , { name = "Achilles" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 206 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1836, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11883, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 13008, hp = 14482 } } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.57, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Earth , align = [Lawful, Balanced] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, LovedOne, GreekMythMale, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "Drómos Komḗtēs" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "Andreíos Amárantos" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 7 , effect = [ Times 2 <| Grant Self 5 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "Diatrekhо̄n Astēr Lonkhē" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chance 500 <| Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 20 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "Troias Tragо̄idia" , rank = A , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (EternalGear, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(ProofOfHero, 29), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } ]
module Database.Servant.Rider exposing (riders) import Model.Attribute exposing (Attribute(..)) import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.Deck exposing (Deck(..)) import Model.Material exposing (Material(..)) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Database.Passives exposing (..) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant, Ascension(..), Reinforcement(..)) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Rank exposing (Rank(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Model.Icon as Icon riders : List Servant riders = [ { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 23 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1337, hp = 1608 } , max = { atk = 7200, hp = 8937 } , grail = { atk = 9744, hp = 12117 } } , skills = [ { name = "Mystic Eyes" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chances 50 100 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 2 AttackUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "Blood Fort Andromeda" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, independentAction C, divinity EMinus, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Party 3 StarUp <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 194, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (VoidsDust, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 3)] [(SerpentJewel, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 13)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 24 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 2 , stats = { base = { atk = 929, hp = 1731 } , max = { atk = 5236, hp = 9200 } , grail = { atk = 7587, hp = 13278 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 750 2000 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy (ApplyTrait Dragon) <| Flat 3 , To Enemy Damage <| Range 900 1500 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 8)] [(ProofOfHero, 15), (EternalGear, 3)] [(EternalGear, 9), (MeteorHorseshoe, 12)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 25 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 12 , stats = { base = { atk = 1097, hp = 1488 } , max = { atk = 6188, hp = 7907 } , grail = { atk = 8967, hp = 11411 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8 16 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 27 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Debuff Self 3 DebuffVuln <| Flat 50 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Female) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Nonbinary) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance E] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , To Party GainStars <| Flat 5 ] , over = [ Chances 30 70 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.56, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (GhostLantern, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (OctupletCrystals, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 8)] [(EvilBone, 15), (HomunculusBaby, 3)] [(HomunculusBaby, 9), (GhostLantern, 12)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 26 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1168, hp = 1823 } , max = { atk = 6289, hp = 10130 } , grail = { atk = 8511, hp = 13735 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.DamageUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Roman) <| Range 40 60 ] } , { name = "Battle Continuation" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 0 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] , over = [ Grant Party 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 , Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 45 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (VoidsDust, 16)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (EvilBone, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 3)] [(PhoenixFeather, 6), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 10), (VoidsDust, 32)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 27 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 8 , stats = { base = { atk = 1314, hp = 1625 } , max = { atk = 7076, hp = 9028 } , grail = { atk = 9576, hp = 12240 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = CPlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 50 100 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 50 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (GhostLantern, 7), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 10)] [(ProofOfHero, 20), (EternalGear, 4)] [(EternalGear, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 16)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 28 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1366, hp = 1979 } , max = { atk = 7356, hp = 8640 } , grail = { atk = 9955, hp = 11714 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Humanoid) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, divinity E, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 15 35 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish, GreekMythMale, King] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 6), (ProofOfHero, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ClawOfChaos, 3), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(ClawOfChaos, 8), (ProofOfHero, 48)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1382, hp = 1975 } , max = { atk = 8293, hp = 12348 } , grail = { atk = 10041, hp = 14972 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 5 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 600 ] } , { name = "God's Grace" , rank = B , icon = Icon.StaffUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalSuccess <| Range 10 30 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , Grant Party 3 CritUp <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 201, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (EternalGear, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(PhoenixFeather, 7), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(EternalGear, 20), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 6)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Arts Buster , curve = 4 , stats = { base = { atk = 1335, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 8014, hp = 13068 } , grail = { atk = 9703, hp = 15845 } } , skills = [ { name = "Protection of the Faith" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "<NAME>ath of the Holy Maiden" , rank = C , icon = Icon.ShieldDown , cd = 7 , effect = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , To Enemy RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlusPlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Flat 20 , To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 30 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (ClawOfChaos, 3), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(PhoenixFeather, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(PhoenixFeather, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 8)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 65 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Star , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1750, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11326, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 12398, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8.5 17 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 18 45 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 3 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Party GainStars <| Flat 10 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.42, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 6, arts = 4, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 2), (DragonFang, 24)] [( Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonFang, 24)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(GhostLantern, 6), (EvilBone, 29)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "<NAME> & <NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1504, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9029, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 10932, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "Voyage" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 50 100 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ To Enemy LastStand <| Range 1200 2000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.84, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 1 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil, Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8), (EvilBone, 12)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (EvilBone, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 4)] [(VoidsDust, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 8)] [(VoidsDust, 30), (ClawOfChaos, 12)] } , { name = "<NAME> (<NAME>)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1543, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9258, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 11209, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Ally Heal <| Range 1500 3500 , Grant Ally 3 StarUp <| Flat 30 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Star , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = AMinus , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 45 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 3 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 650 ] , over = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Bucket of Chicken" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(DragonsReverseScale, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 8)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 94 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Quick Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1489, hp = 1787 } , max = { atk = 8937, hp = 11172 } , grail = { atk = 10821, hp = 13546 } } , skills = [ { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = CMinus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 28 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = D , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chances 60 90 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "<NAME>aporation of Reason" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 40 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlus, independentAction B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies DamageThruDef <| Range 800 1200 , Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 1 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Nonbinary , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(ForbiddenPage, 15), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 24)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 99 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1591, hp = 2048 } , max = { atk = 10296, hp = 13968 } , grail = { atk = 11270, hp = 15303 } } , skills = [ { name = "Golden Rule (Body)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HealTurn , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 3 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 1000 , Grant Self 3 GaugePerTurn <| Flat 10 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , Grant (AlliesType Male) 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , To Self Heal <| Range 1100 2000 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Enemy (SpecialDamage <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 150 200 , Debuff Enemy 3 MentalVuln <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 7 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 8), (GhostLantern, 6)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 108 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1786, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11560, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 12654, hp = 14482 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Flat 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Ar<NAME>" , hits = 8 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 10 50 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 6 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, GreekMythMale, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 8)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 22), (PhoenixFeather, 20)] } , { name = "<NAME> (<NAME>)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 115 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Buster Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1636, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 9819, hp = 10800 } , grail = { atk = 11889, hp = 13095 } } , skills = [ { name = "Long-Distance Dash" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Animal Communication" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Natural Body" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 OffensiveResist <| Range 60 120 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] } ] , passives = [divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.15, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Bear Lighter" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 15), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 12)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 118 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Sky , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1850, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11971, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 13104, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "Imperial Privilege" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Party 1 BuffUp <| Range 20 40 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding APlus, divinity B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Fortress" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 5, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 30 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 4), (ScarabOfWisdom, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(FoolsChain, 29), (ForbiddenPage, 6)] [(ForbiddenPage, 18), (LampOfEvilSealing, 15)] } , { name = "<NAME> (R<NAME>)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 132 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1535, hp = 1824 } , max = { atk = 9212, hp = 11400 } , grail = { atk = 11154, hp = 13822 } } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 9 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, surfing A] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME> Riding" , rank = A , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Wave" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 750 ] , over = [ Chances 50 90 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.2, npAtk = 0.71, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Dragon, Saberface, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16), (DragonFang, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 20), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GreatKnightMedal, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(ShellOfReminiscence, 8), (HomunculusBaby, 5)] [(HomunculusBaby, 15), (TearstoneOfBlood, 12)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 144 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1854, hp = 1900 } , max = { atk = 12001, hp = 12960 } , grail = { atk = 13137, hp = 14198 } } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.9, npDef = 3 } , death = 25 , curve = 5 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 3, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10.5 21 ] } , { name = "<NAME>dom of the Benevolent God" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Ally 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , Grant Ally 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding EX, coreOfGoddess EX] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 5 Burn <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 18)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(DragonFang, 24), (FoolsChain, 18)] [(FoolsChain, 54), (CursedBeastGallstone, 10)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Just "Resistance" , id = 172 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1216, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 6552, hp = 9600 } , grail = { atk = 8867, hp = 13016 } } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.55, npDef = 3 } , death = 50 , curve = 13 , attr = Human , align = [Neutral, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 4, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 7 14 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 7 14 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>・<NAME>" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 16), (GhostLantern, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MysteriousDivineWine, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 10)] [(FoolsChain, 20), (MysticSpinalFluid, 12)] [(MysticSpinalFluid, 36), (CursedBeastGallstone, 7)] } , { name = "<NAME> (Rider Alter)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1665, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 10776, hp = 14256 } , grail = { atk = 11796, hp = 15618 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , death = 30 , curve = 5 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "Summer Sweeper!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.MagicLight , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Ally ReduceCooldowns <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , To Ally DemeritHealth <| Flat 1000 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 5 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding B, independentAction EX] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 10 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 CritChance <| Range 30 70 ] , first = False } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (ShellOfReminiscence, 10), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 10)] [(GreatKnightMedal, 20), (DragonFang, 15)] [(DragonFang, 44), (MeteorHorseshoe, 24)] } , { name = "<NAME> (<NAME>)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1600, hp = 1710 } , max = { atk = 9603, hp = 10692 } , grail = { atk = 11627, hp = 12964 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.68, npDef = 3 } , death = 35 , curve = 9 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 5, ex = 3 } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>ining Water Robe" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 6 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full ] } , { name = "<NAME>!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 HealingReceived <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 DebuffResist <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , After 1 <| Debuff Self 1 Stun Full ] } ] , passives = [riding EX, independentAction A, coreOfGoddess B] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = EX , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Reed" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(PrimordialLanugo, 5), (ScarabOfWisdom, 2)] [(ScarabOfWisdom, 6), (MysteriousDivineWine, 8)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 205 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1795, hp = 1948 } , max = { atk = 11619, hp = 13284 } , grail = { atk = 12719, hp = 14553 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.62, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, WildBeast, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "Mental Schism" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , To Self RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "Innocent Monster (Foreign)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Debuff Enemies 3 AttackDown <| Range 10 20 , To Enemies RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding EX] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , Debuff Enemies 3 (CardVuln Buster) <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 NPUp <| Range 30 70 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (PrimordialLanugo, 6), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(EvilBone, 29), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 15)] [(DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 44), (EternalIce, 24)] } , { name = "<NAME>" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 206 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1836, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11883, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 13008, hp = 14482 } } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.57, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Earth , align = [Lawful, Balanced] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, LovedOne, GreekMythMale, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "<NAME>" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 7 , effect = [ Times 2 <| Grant Self 5 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "<NAME>" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chance 500 <| Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 20 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "<NAME>" , rank = A , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (EternalGear, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(ProofOfHero, 29), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } ]
module Database.Servant.Rider exposing (riders) import Model.Attribute exposing (Attribute(..)) import Model.Card exposing (Card(..)) import Model.Class exposing (Class(..)) import Model.Deck exposing (Deck(..)) import Model.Material exposing (Material(..)) import Model.Trait exposing (Trait(..)) import Database.Passives exposing (..) import Model.Servant exposing (Servant, Ascension(..), Reinforcement(..)) import Model.Skill.Amount exposing (Amount(..)) import Model.Skill.BuffEffect exposing (BuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.DebuffEffect exposing (DebuffEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.InstantEffect exposing (InstantEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Rank exposing (Rank(..)) import Model.Skill.SkillEffect exposing (SkillEffect(..)) import Model.Skill.Special exposing (Special(..)) import Model.Skill.Target exposing (Target(..)) import Model.Icon as Icon riders : List Servant riders = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 23 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1337, hp = 1608 } , max = { atk = 7200, hp = 8937 } , grail = { atk = 9744, hp = 12117 } } , skills = [ { name = "Mystic Eyes" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chances 50 100 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 2 AttackUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "Blood Fort Andromeda" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, independentAction C, divinity EMinus, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Party 3 StarUp <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 194, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (VoidsDust, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (VoidsDust, 13)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (SerpentJewel, 3)] [(SerpentJewel, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 13)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 24 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 2 , stats = { base = { atk = 929, hp = 1731 } , max = { atk = 5236, hp = 9200 } , grail = { atk = 7587, hp = 13278 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 Taunt Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 750 2000 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy (ApplyTrait Dragon) <| Flat 3 , To Enemy Damage <| Range 900 1500 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (ProofOfHero, 8)] [(ProofOfHero, 15), (EternalGear, 3)] [(EternalGear, 9), (MeteorHorseshoe, 12)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 25 , rarity = 2 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 12 , stats = { base = { atk = 1097, hp = 1488 } , max = { atk = 6188, hp = 7907 } , grail = { atk = 8967, hp = 11411 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8 16 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 27 , Times 1 << Grant Self 0 Guts <| Flat 1 , Debuff Self 3 DebuffVuln <| Flat 50 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Female) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To (AlliesType Nonbinary) Heal <| Range 1000 2000 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance E] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , To Party GainStars <| Flat 5 ] , over = [ Chances 30 70 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.56, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 45 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 3)] [(Piece Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 11)] [(Monument Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5), (ForbiddenPage, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 6), (ForbiddenPage, 5), (GhostLantern, 6)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 3)] [(GemOf Rider, 6)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 3)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 6), (OctupletCrystals, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 6), (EvilBone, 8)] [(EvilBone, 15), (HomunculusBaby, 3)] [(HomunculusBaby, 9), (GhostLantern, 12)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 26 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1168, hp = 1823 } , max = { atk = 6289, hp = 10130 } , grail = { atk = 8511, hp = 13735 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.DamageUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (Special AttackUp <| VsTrait Roman) <| Range 40 60 ] } , { name = "Battle Continuation" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 5 Guts <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 0 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] , over = [ Grant Party 1 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 , Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.85, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 45 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (VoidsDust, 16)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (EvilBone, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (EvilBone, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 3)] [(PhoenixFeather, 6), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 10), (VoidsDust, 32)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 27 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 8 , stats = { base = { atk = 1314, hp = 1625 } , max = { atk = 7076, hp = 9028 } , grail = { atk = 9576, hp = 12240 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = CPlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 50 100 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 50 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, LovedOne, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (GhostLantern, 7), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (ProofOfHero, 10)] [(ProofOfHero, 20), (EternalGear, 4)] [(EternalGear, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 16)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 28 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 3 , stats = { base = { atk = 1366, hp = 1979 } , max = { atk = 7356, hp = 8640 } , grail = { atk = 9955, hp = 11714 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 8 16 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Humanoid) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, divinity E, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 15 35 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish, GreekMythMale, King] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = False , free = True , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 3), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 6), (ProofOfHero, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ClawOfChaos, 3), (MeteorHorseshoe, 7)] [(ClawOfChaos, 8), (ProofOfHero, 48)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 29 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1382, hp = 1975 } , max = { atk = 8293, hp = 12348 } , grail = { atk = 10041, hp = 14972 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 5 HealPerTurn <| Range 200 600 ] } , { name = "God's Grace" , rank = B , icon = Icon.StaffUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 MentalSuccess <| Range 10 30 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 800 1200 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full , Grant Party 3 CritUp <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 201, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (EternalGear, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SerpentJewel, 7)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(PhoenixFeather, 7), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2)] [(EternalGear, 20), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 6)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 30 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Arts Buster , curve = 4 , stats = { base = { atk = 1335, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 8014, hp = 13068 } , grail = { atk = 9703, hp = 15845 } } , skills = [ { name = "Protection of the Faith" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist <| Range 50 100 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 2500 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party Heal <| Range 1000 2000 , To Party RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIath of the Holy Maiden" , rank = C , icon = Icon.ShieldDown , cd = 7 , effect = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , To Enemy RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlusPlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Flat 20 , To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.58, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 1, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 30 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (ClawOfChaos, 3), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(PhoenixFeather, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(PhoenixFeather, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 8)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 65 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Star , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1750, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11326, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 12398, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 8.5 17 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 8.5 17 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 18 45 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 3 IgnoreInvinc Full , To Party GainStars <| Flat 10 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 20 40 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.42, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 6, arts = 4, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 2), (DragonFang, 24)] [( Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonFang, 24)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(GhostLantern, 6), (EvilBone, 29)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI & PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 66 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1504, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9029, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 10932, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "Voyage" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarHaloUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.ExclamationUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 50 100 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = CPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1600 2400 ] , over = [ To Enemy LastStand <| Range 1200 2000 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.84, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 1 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , death = 50 , align = [Chaotic, Evil, Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8), (EvilBone, 12)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (EvilBone, 24)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GhostLantern, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GhostLantern, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 4)] [(VoidsDust, 10), (HomunculusBaby, 8)] [(VoidsDust, 30), (ClawOfChaos, 12)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 73 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 29 , stats = { base = { atk = 1543, hp = 1805 } , max = { atk = 9258, hp = 11286 } , grail = { atk = 11209, hp = 13684 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Ally Heal <| Range 1500 3500 , Grant Ally 3 StarUp <| Flat 30 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Star , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = AMinus , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 25 45 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlusPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 3 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 650 ] , over = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.87, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 3 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , death = 35 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Bucket of Chicken" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (DragonFang, 20)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(DragonsReverseScale, 6), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 8)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 94 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Quick Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1489, hp = 1787 } , max = { atk = 8937, hp = 11172 } , grail = { atk = 10821, hp = 13546 } } , skills = [ { name = "Monstrous Strength" , rank = CMinus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 AttackUp <| Range 8 28 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = D , icon = Icon.Stun , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chances 60 90 <| Debuff Enemy 1 Stun Full ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIaporation of Reason" , rank = DPlus , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 10 , effect = [ Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , Chance 65 << Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 40 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding APlus, independentAction B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlusPlus , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemies DamageThruDef <| Range 800 1200 , Times 3 <| Grant Self 0 Evasion Full ] , over = [ To Party GainStars <| Range 10 30 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 1 } , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Nonbinary , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (ClawOfChaos, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 7)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 4)] [(ForbiddenPage, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(ForbiddenPage, 15), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 24)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 99 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1591, hp = 2048 } , max = { atk = 10296, hp = 13968 } , grail = { atk = 11270, hp = 15303 } } , skills = [ { name = "Golden Rule (Body)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HealTurn , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 DebuffResist Full , Grant Self 3 HealPerTurn <| Range 500 1000 , Grant Self 3 GaugePerTurn <| Flat 10 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , Grant (AlliesType Male) 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 , To Self Heal <| Range 1100 2000 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Heart , cd = 9 , effect = [ Chances 50 80 <| Debuff (EnemyType Male) 1 Charm Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding A] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlus , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 800 1200 ] , over = [ To Enemy (SpecialDamage <| VsTrait Male) <| Range 150 200 , Debuff Enemy 3 MentalVuln <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.86, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 7 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 40 , align = [Chaotic, Evil] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (PhoenixFeather, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (PhoenixFeather, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SerpentJewel, 8), (GhostLantern, 6)] [(GhostLantern, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 108 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Human , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 10 , stats = { base = { atk = 1786, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11560, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 12654, hp = 14482 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Flat 50 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-ArPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , hits = 8 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 400 600 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 DefenseDown <| Range 10 30 , Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 10 50 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 8.8, npAtk = 0.66, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 6 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, GreekMythMale, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Neutral, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29), (OctupletCrystals, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (OctupletCrystals, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (ProofOfHero, 29)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 8)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 22), (PhoenixFeather, 20)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 115 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Buster Buster , curve = 9 , stats = { base = { atk = 1636, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 9819, hp = 10800 } , grail = { atk = 11889, hp = 13095 } } , skills = [ { name = "Long-Distance Dash" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Animal Communication" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Self GaugeUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "Natural Body" , rank = A , icon = Icon.HoodUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 OffensiveResist <| Range 60 120 , To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 ] } ] , passives = [divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 90 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 198, starRate = 9, npAtk = 1.15, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, EnumaElish] , death = 40 , align = [Lawful, Good] , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Bear Lighter" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (OctupletCrystals, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (OctupletCrystals, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (SeedOfYggdrasil, 5)] [(SeedOfYggdrasil, 10), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 15), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 12)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 118 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , attr = Sky , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , curve = 5 , stats = { base = { atk = 1850, hp = 1881 } , max = { atk = 11971, hp = 12830 } , grail = { atk = 13104, hp = 14056 } } , skills = [ { name = "Charisma" , rank = B , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 9 18 ] } , { name = "Imperial Privilege" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Heal , cd = 7 , effect = [ To Self Heal <| Range 1000 3000 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 40 , Chance 60 << Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Noble , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Party GaugeUp <| Flat 20 , Grant Party 1 BuffUp <| Range 20 40 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding APlus, divinity B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Fortress" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 DefenseDown <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 5, arts = 3, buster = 1, ex = 5 } , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, LovedOne, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , death = 30 , align = [Chaotic, Balanced] , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 2), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 4), (ScarabOfWisdom, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(FoolsChain, 29), (ForbiddenPage, 6)] [(ForbiddenPage, 18), (LampOfEvilSealing, 15)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (RPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 132 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , attr = Earth , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , curve = 24 , stats = { base = { atk = 1535, hp = 1824 } , max = { atk = 9212, hp = 11400 } , grail = { atk = 11154, hp = 13822 } } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.ArtsUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Arts) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 9 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Evasion Full , Grant Self 1 StarUp <| Range 30 50 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, surfing A] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Riding" , rank = A , card = Arts , kind = "Anti-Wave" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 450 750 ] , over = [ Chances 50 90 << To Enemies GaugeDown <| Flat 1 ] , first = False } , gen = { starWeight = 204, starRate = 9.2, npAtk = 0.71, npDef = 3 } , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 1, ex = 4 } , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Dragon, Saberface, EnumaElish] , death = 35 , align = [Chaotic, Good] , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 6)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16), (DragonFang, 10)] [(Monument Rider, 10), (DragonFang, 20), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (GreatKnightMedal, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (GreatKnightMedal, 16)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(ShellOfReminiscence, 8), (HomunculusBaby, 5)] [(HomunculusBaby, 15), (TearstoneOfBlood, 12)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 144 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1854, hp = 1900 } , max = { atk = 12001, hp = 12960 } , grail = { atk = 13137, hp = 14198 } } , gen = { starWeight = 205, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.9, npDef = 3 } , death = 25 , curve = 5 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 2, buster = 3, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 AttackUp <| Range 10.5 21 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIdom of the Benevolent God" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Ally 3 Guts <| Flat 1000 , Grant Ally 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.StarUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 GatherUp <| Range 300 600 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance A, riding EX, coreOfGoddess EX] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army/Anti-Fortress" , hits = 1 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 600 1000 , Debuff Enemy 1 SealNP Full ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 5 Burn <| Range 1000 3000 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 18)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (SerpentJewel, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (SerpentJewel, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonFang, 12)] [(DragonFang, 24), (FoolsChain, 18)] [(FoolsChain, 54), (CursedBeastGallstone, 10)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Just "Resistance" , id = 172 , rarity = 3 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1216, hp = 1728 } , max = { atk = 6552, hp = 9600 } , grail = { atk = 8867, hp = 13016 } } , gen = { starWeight = 208, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.55, npDef = 3 } , death = 50 , curve = 13 , attr = Human , align = [Neutral, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 4, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.BeamUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 1 NPUp <| Range 7 14 , Grant Party 1 AttackUp <| Range 7 14 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.Kneel , cd = 9 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 Guts <| Flat 1 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 10 30 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , icon = Icon.BusterUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , To Party GainStars <| Range 5 15 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI・PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemies 3 CritChance <| Range 20 60 ] , first = False } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 4)] [(Piece Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 8)] [(Monument Rider, 8), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 16), (GhostLantern, 8)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 8)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 8), (MysteriousDivineWine, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (MysteriousDivineWine, 3)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 8), (FoolsChain, 10)] [(FoolsChain, 20), (MysticSpinalFluid, 12)] [(MysticSpinalFluid, 36), (CursedBeastGallstone, 7)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (Rider Alter)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 179 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1665, hp = 2090 } , max = { atk = 10776, hp = 14256 } , grail = { atk = 11796, hp = 15618 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.59, npDef = 3 } , death = 30 , curve = 5 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Arthur, Dragon, Riding, Saberface, EnumaElish, King] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 3, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 5 } , skills = [ { name = "Summer Sweeper!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.SwordUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 AttackUp <| Range 20 30 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.MagicLight , cd = 8 , effect = [ To Ally ReduceCooldowns <| Flat 1 , Grant Self 3 StarUp <| Range 30 50 , To Ally DemeritHealth <| Flat 1000 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 5 , effect = [ Times 1 << Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance B, riding B, independentAction EX] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = C , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 6 , effect = [ To Enemy Damage <| Range 1200 2000 , To Self GaugeUp <| Flat 10 ] , over = [ Debuff Enemy 3 CritChance <| Range 30 70 ] , first = False } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 15)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 5)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (ShellOfReminiscence, 10), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (DragonsReverseScale, 2)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (DragonsReverseScale, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (GreatKnightMedal, 10)] [(GreatKnightMedal, 20), (DragonFang, 15)] [(DragonFang, 44), (MeteorHorseshoe, 24)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 182 , rarity = 4 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1600, hp = 1710 } , max = { atk = 9603, hp = 10692 } , grail = { atk = 11627, hp = 12964 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 9, npAtk = 0.68, npDef = 3 } , death = 35 , curve = 9 , attr = Sky , align = [Lawful, Good] , gender = Female , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 2, arts = 3, buster = 5, ex = 3 } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIining Water Robe" , rank = A , icon = Icon.QuickBusterUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Party 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 10 20 , Grant Party 3 NPGen <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Dodge , cd = 6 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Times 1 <| Grant Self 1 Evasion Full ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 CritUp <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 HealingReceived <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 DebuffResist <| Range 30 50 , Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , After 1 <| Debuff Self 1 Stun Full ] } ] , passives = [riding EX, independentAction A, coreOfGoddess B] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = EX , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 4 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = True , ascendUp = Welfare "Golden Reed" , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 4)] [(GemOf Rider, 10)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 4)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 10), (ShellOfReminiscence, 4)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 4), (ShellOfReminiscence, 8)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(PrimordialLanugo, 5), (ScarabOfWisdom, 2)] [(ScarabOfWisdom, 6), (MysteriousDivineWine, 8)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 205 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1795, hp = 1948 } , max = { atk = 11619, hp = 13284 } , grail = { atk = 12719, hp = 14553 } } , gen = { starWeight = 200, starRate = 8.9, npAtk = 0.62, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Human , align = [Lawful, Evil] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, WildBeast, King, Riding, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Arts Arts Buster Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "Mental Schism" , rank = A , icon = Icon.NobleUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 NPGen <| Range 30 50 , To Self RemoveDebuffs Full ] } , { name = "Innocent Monster (Foreign)" , rank = A , icon = Icon.StarTurn , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 StarsPerTurn <| Range 5 10 , Grant Self 3 (CardUp Buster) <| Range 20 40 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 8 , effect = [ Grant Self 1 Invincibility Full , Debuff Enemies 3 AttackDown <| Range 10 20 , To Enemies RemoveBuffs Full ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance D, riding EX] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , card = Buster , kind = "Anti-Personnel" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 300 500 , Debuff Enemies 3 (CardVuln Buster) <| Flat 20 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 NPUp <| Range 30 70 ] , first = True } , limited = True , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10), (PrimordialLanugo, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (PrimordialLanugo, 6), (CursedBeastGallstone, 5)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (MeteorHorseshoe, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (EvilBone, 15)] [(EvilBone, 29), (DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 15)] [(DeadlyPoisonousNeedle, 44), (EternalIce, 24)] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , spoiler = Nothing , id = 206 , rarity = 5 , class = Rider , stats = { base = { atk = 1836, hp = 1938 } , max = { atk = 11883, hp = 13219 } , grail = { atk = 13008, hp = 14482 } } , gen = { starWeight = 196, starRate = 9.1, npAtk = 0.57, npDef = 3 } , death = 40 , curve = 10 , attr = Earth , align = [Lawful, Balanced] , gender = Male , traits = [Humanoid, Divine, Riding, LovedOne, GreekMythMale, EnumaElish] , deck = Deck Quick Quick Arts Arts Buster , hits = { quick = 4, arts = 3, buster = 2, ex = 4 } , skills = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = APlus , icon = Icon.QuickUp , cd = 7 , effect = [ Grant Self 3 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 30 , Grant Self 3 CritUp <| Range 20 30 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = B , icon = Icon.Shield , cd = 7 , effect = [ Times 2 <| Grant Self 5 Invincibility Full , Grant Self 3 DefenseUp <| Range 10 20 ] } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = BPlus , icon = Icon.CrosshairUp , cd = 8 , effect = [ Chance 500 <| Grant Self 1 Taunt Full , Grant Self 1 NPGen <| Range 20 30 , To Self GaugeUp <| Range 20 30 ] } ] , passives = [magicResistance C, riding APlus, divinity C] , phantasm = { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , rank = A , card = Quick , kind = "Anti-Army" , hits = 5 , effect = [ To Enemies Damage <| Range 600 1000 ] , over = [ Grant Self 1 (CardUp Quick) <| Range 20 60 ] , first = True } , limited = False , free = False , ascendUp = Ascension [(Piece Rider, 5)] [(Piece Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 22)] [(Monument Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 3)] [(Monument Rider, 12), (WarhorsesYoungHorn, 6), (PhoenixFeather, 10)] , skillUp = Reinforcement [(GemOf Rider, 5)] [(GemOf Rider, 12)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 5)] [(MagicGemOf Rider, 12), (EternalGear, 5)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 5), (EternalGear, 10)] [(SecretGemOf Rider, 12), (ProofOfHero, 15)] [(ProofOfHero, 29), (MeteorHorseshoe, 6)] [(MeteorHorseshoe, 18), (HeartOfTheForeignGod, 10)] } ]
[ { "context": "s Model =\n { username : String\n , password : String\n , showPassword : Bool\n , document : D.Valu", "end": 971, "score": 0.9864051342, "start": 965, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "String" }, { "context": "initCmd =\n Cmd.none\n\n\n\n-- View\n-- I'll be using mdgriffith/elm-ui because its awesome!!\n\n\nview : Model -> Ht", "end": 1583, "score": 0.977634728, "start": 1573, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "mdgriffith" }, { "context": "el = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text \"User name\"\n }\n\n\npwdInput : Model -> Element Msg\npwdI", "end": 2620, "score": 0.8987704515, "start": 2611, "tag": "NAME", "value": "User name" }, { "context": "gin username password =\n E.object\n [ ( \"username\", E.string username )\n , ( \"password\", E.s", "end": 7262, "score": 0.9974144101, "start": 7254, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "rd =\n E.object\n [ ( \"username\", E.string username )\n , ( \"password\", E.string password )\n ", "end": 7282, "score": 0.642419219, "start": 7274, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "string username )\n , ( \"password\", E.string password )\n ]\n\n\ntoken : String -> D.Value -> Maybe ", "end": 7326, "score": 0.5003009439, "start": 7318, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module App exposing (..) {- An app showcasing XSRF authentication using Servant-Auth -} import Browser import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input as Input import Html as Html import Http as Http import Http.XSRF as XSRF import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as E -- main parametrised to D.Value to receive the document object main : Program D.Value Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- Initialize the elm runtime with the document object init : D.Value -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init cookies = -- initModel sets a value of Model containing document object ( initModel cookies , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- Types type alias Model = { username : String , password : String , showPassword : Bool , document : D.Value , output : String } type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | ShowPassword Bool | Login String String | LoginResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | GetName | GetEmail | ReceivedName (Result Http.Error String) | ReceivedEmail (Result Http.Error String) initModel : D.Value -> Model initModel document = { username = "" , password = "" , showPassword = False , document = document , output = "" } initCmd : Cmd Msg initCmd = Cmd.none -- View -- I'll be using mdgriffith/elm-ui because its awesome!! view : Model -> Html.Html Msg view model = layout [ width fill , height fill ] <| viewEl model viewEl : Model -> Element Msg viewEl model = column [ centerX , width <| px 500 , spacing 20 , paddingXY 0 20 ] [ usernameInput model , pwdInput model , showPassword model , loginButton model , cookieNotigfication model , nameButton , emailButton , showOutput model ] -- Common attrributes for all my buttons buttonAttributes : List (Attribute Msg) buttonAttributes = [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 200 200 200 , Font.center ] usernameInput : Model -> Element Msg usernameInput model = Input.text [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangeUsername , text = model.username , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "User name" } pwdInput : Model -> Element Msg pwdInput model = Input.newPassword [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangePassword , text = model.password , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "Password" , show = model.showPassword } showPassword : Model -> Element Msg showPassword model = Input.checkbox [] { onChange = ShowPassword , icon = Input.defaultCheckbox , checked = model.showPassword , label = Input.labelRight [] <| text "Show password" } loginButton : Model -> Element Msg loginButton model = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| Login model.username model.password , label = text "Login" } cookieNotigfication : Model -> Element Msg cookieNotigfication model = -- In a real app, you'd have a way to keep track if the user is -- authenticated or not case token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document of Just _ -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 116 205 128 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Authenticated" Nothing -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 255 65 65 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Not Authenticated" nameButton : Element Msg nameButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetName , label = text "Get Name" } emailButton : Element Msg emailButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetEmail , label = text "Get Email" } showOutput : Model -> Element Msg showOutput model = el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 252 153 131 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text model.output -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername str -> ( { model | username = str } , Cmd.none ) ChangePassword str -> ( { model | password = str } , Cmd.none ) ShowPassword flag -> ( { model | showPassword = flag } , Cmd.none ) Login username password -> ( model , login username password ) LoginResponse _ -> ( { model | username = "" , password = "" } , Cmd.none ) GetName -> ( model , getNameRequest model ) GetEmail -> ( model , getEmailRequest model ) ReceivedName rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok name -> ( { model | output = name }, Cmd.none ) ReceivedEmail rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok email -> ( { model | output = email }, Cmd.none ) -- Requests -- Unprotected login request -- Notice the use of Http.post for unprotected requests login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg login username password = Http.post { url = "http://localhost:4000/login" , body = Http.jsonBody <| encodeLogin username password , expect = Http.expectWhatever LoginResponse } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's name -- Notice the use of XSRF.get for protected requests getNameRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getNameRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/name" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedName D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's email getEmailRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getEmailRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/email" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedEmail D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- JSON encodeLogin : String -> String -> E.Value encodeLogin username password = E.object [ ( "username", E.string username ) , ( "password", E.string password ) ] token : String -> D.Value -> Maybe String token name value = let decodeCookie = D.field "cookie" D.string str = D.decodeValue decodeCookie value split a = String.split ";" a filtered a = List.filter (String.startsWith name) [ a ] head a = List.head <| filtered a trimmed a = Maybe.map (String.dropLeft (String.length name)) <| head a in case str of Err err -> Nothing Ok cookie -> trimmed cookie
module App exposing (..) {- An app showcasing XSRF authentication using Servant-Auth -} import Browser import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input as Input import Html as Html import Http as Http import Http.XSRF as XSRF import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as E -- main parametrised to D.Value to receive the document object main : Program D.Value Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- Initialize the elm runtime with the document object init : D.Value -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init cookies = -- initModel sets a value of Model containing document object ( initModel cookies , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- Types type alias Model = { username : String , password : <PASSWORD> , showPassword : Bool , document : D.Value , output : String } type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | ShowPassword Bool | Login String String | LoginResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | GetName | GetEmail | ReceivedName (Result Http.Error String) | ReceivedEmail (Result Http.Error String) initModel : D.Value -> Model initModel document = { username = "" , password = "" , showPassword = False , document = document , output = "" } initCmd : Cmd Msg initCmd = Cmd.none -- View -- I'll be using mdgriffith/elm-ui because its awesome!! view : Model -> Html.Html Msg view model = layout [ width fill , height fill ] <| viewEl model viewEl : Model -> Element Msg viewEl model = column [ centerX , width <| px 500 , spacing 20 , paddingXY 0 20 ] [ usernameInput model , pwdInput model , showPassword model , loginButton model , cookieNotigfication model , nameButton , emailButton , showOutput model ] -- Common attrributes for all my buttons buttonAttributes : List (Attribute Msg) buttonAttributes = [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 200 200 200 , Font.center ] usernameInput : Model -> Element Msg usernameInput model = Input.text [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangeUsername , text = model.username , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "<NAME>" } pwdInput : Model -> Element Msg pwdInput model = Input.newPassword [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangePassword , text = model.password , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "Password" , show = model.showPassword } showPassword : Model -> Element Msg showPassword model = Input.checkbox [] { onChange = ShowPassword , icon = Input.defaultCheckbox , checked = model.showPassword , label = Input.labelRight [] <| text "Show password" } loginButton : Model -> Element Msg loginButton model = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| Login model.username model.password , label = text "Login" } cookieNotigfication : Model -> Element Msg cookieNotigfication model = -- In a real app, you'd have a way to keep track if the user is -- authenticated or not case token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document of Just _ -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 116 205 128 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Authenticated" Nothing -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 255 65 65 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Not Authenticated" nameButton : Element Msg nameButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetName , label = text "Get Name" } emailButton : Element Msg emailButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetEmail , label = text "Get Email" } showOutput : Model -> Element Msg showOutput model = el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 252 153 131 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text model.output -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername str -> ( { model | username = str } , Cmd.none ) ChangePassword str -> ( { model | password = str } , Cmd.none ) ShowPassword flag -> ( { model | showPassword = flag } , Cmd.none ) Login username password -> ( model , login username password ) LoginResponse _ -> ( { model | username = "" , password = "" } , Cmd.none ) GetName -> ( model , getNameRequest model ) GetEmail -> ( model , getEmailRequest model ) ReceivedName rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok name -> ( { model | output = name }, Cmd.none ) ReceivedEmail rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok email -> ( { model | output = email }, Cmd.none ) -- Requests -- Unprotected login request -- Notice the use of Http.post for unprotected requests login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg login username password = Http.post { url = "http://localhost:4000/login" , body = Http.jsonBody <| encodeLogin username password , expect = Http.expectWhatever LoginResponse } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's name -- Notice the use of XSRF.get for protected requests getNameRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getNameRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/name" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedName D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's email getEmailRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getEmailRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/email" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedEmail D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- JSON encodeLogin : String -> String -> E.Value encodeLogin username password = E.object [ ( "username", E.string username ) , ( "password", E.string <PASSWORD> ) ] token : String -> D.Value -> Maybe String token name value = let decodeCookie = D.field "cookie" D.string str = D.decodeValue decodeCookie value split a = String.split ";" a filtered a = List.filter (String.startsWith name) [ a ] head a = List.head <| filtered a trimmed a = Maybe.map (String.dropLeft (String.length name)) <| head a in case str of Err err -> Nothing Ok cookie -> trimmed cookie
module App exposing (..) {- An app showcasing XSRF authentication using Servant-Auth -} import Browser import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input as Input import Html as Html import Http as Http import Http.XSRF as XSRF import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as E -- main parametrised to D.Value to receive the document object main : Program D.Value Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } -- Initialize the elm runtime with the document object init : D.Value -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init cookies = -- initModel sets a value of Model containing document object ( initModel cookies , Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- Types type alias Model = { username : String , password : PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI , showPassword : Bool , document : D.Value , output : String } type Msg = ChangeUsername String | ChangePassword String | ShowPassword Bool | Login String String | LoginResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | GetName | GetEmail | ReceivedName (Result Http.Error String) | ReceivedEmail (Result Http.Error String) initModel : D.Value -> Model initModel document = { username = "" , password = "" , showPassword = False , document = document , output = "" } initCmd : Cmd Msg initCmd = Cmd.none -- View -- I'll be using mdgriffith/elm-ui because its awesome!! view : Model -> Html.Html Msg view model = layout [ width fill , height fill ] <| viewEl model viewEl : Model -> Element Msg viewEl model = column [ centerX , width <| px 500 , spacing 20 , paddingXY 0 20 ] [ usernameInput model , pwdInput model , showPassword model , loginButton model , cookieNotigfication model , nameButton , emailButton , showOutput model ] -- Common attrributes for all my buttons buttonAttributes : List (Attribute Msg) buttonAttributes = [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 200 200 200 , Font.center ] usernameInput : Model -> Element Msg usernameInput model = Input.text [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangeUsername , text = model.username , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } pwdInput : Model -> Element Msg pwdInput model = Input.newPassword [ width fill ] { onChange = ChangePassword , text = model.password , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.labelLeft [ width <| px 120 ] <| text "Password" , show = model.showPassword } showPassword : Model -> Element Msg showPassword model = Input.checkbox [] { onChange = ShowPassword , icon = Input.defaultCheckbox , checked = model.showPassword , label = Input.labelRight [] <| text "Show password" } loginButton : Model -> Element Msg loginButton model = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| Login model.username model.password , label = text "Login" } cookieNotigfication : Model -> Element Msg cookieNotigfication model = -- In a real app, you'd have a way to keep track if the user is -- authenticated or not case token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document of Just _ -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 116 205 128 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Authenticated" Nothing -> el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 255 65 65 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text "Not Authenticated" nameButton : Element Msg nameButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetName , label = text "Get Name" } emailButton : Element Msg emailButton = Input.button buttonAttributes { onPress = Just <| GetEmail , label = text "Get Email" } showOutput : Model -> Element Msg showOutput model = el [ width fill , height <| px 50 , Background.color <| rgb255 252 153 131 ] <| el [ centerY, centerX ] <| text model.output -- Update update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ChangeUsername str -> ( { model | username = str } , Cmd.none ) ChangePassword str -> ( { model | password = str } , Cmd.none ) ShowPassword flag -> ( { model | showPassword = flag } , Cmd.none ) Login username password -> ( model , login username password ) LoginResponse _ -> ( { model | username = "" , password = "" } , Cmd.none ) GetName -> ( model , getNameRequest model ) GetEmail -> ( model , getEmailRequest model ) ReceivedName rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok name -> ( { model | output = name }, Cmd.none ) ReceivedEmail rlt -> case rlt of Err err -> ( model, Cmd.none ) Ok email -> ( { model | output = email }, Cmd.none ) -- Requests -- Unprotected login request -- Notice the use of Http.post for unprotected requests login : String -> String -> Cmd Msg login username password = Http.post { url = "http://localhost:4000/login" , body = Http.jsonBody <| encodeLogin username password , expect = Http.expectWhatever LoginResponse } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's name -- Notice the use of XSRF.get for protected requests getNameRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getNameRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/name" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedName D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- Protected request for the authenticated user's email getEmailRequest : Model -> Cmd Msg getEmailRequest model = XSRF.get { url = "http://localhost:4000/email" , expect = Http.expectJson ReceivedEmail D.string , xsrfHeaderName = "X-XSRF-TOKEN" , xsrfToken = token "XSRF-TOKEN=" model.document } -- JSON encodeLogin : String -> String -> E.Value encodeLogin username password = E.object [ ( "username", E.string username ) , ( "password", E.string PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI ) ] token : String -> D.Value -> Maybe String token name value = let decodeCookie = D.field "cookie" D.string str = D.decodeValue decodeCookie value split a = String.split ";" a filtered a = List.filter (String.startsWith name) [ a ] head a = List.head <| filtered a trimmed a = Maybe.map (String.dropLeft (String.length name)) <| head a in case str of Err err -> Nothing Ok cookie -> trimmed cookie
[ { "context": " , wide =\n { jan = \"urtarrilak\"\n , feb = \"otsailak\"\n ", "end": 4167, "score": 0.7238361239, "start": 4160, "tag": "NAME", "value": "arrilak" }, { "context": " , feb = \"otsailak\"\n , mar = \"martxoak\"\n , apr = \"apirilak\"\n ", "end": 4245, "score": 0.803881824, "start": 4237, "tag": "NAME", "value": "martxoak" }, { "context": " , wide =\n { jan = \"urtarrila\"\n , feb = \"otsaila\"\n ", "end": 5640, "score": 0.7637029886, "start": 5634, "tag": "NAME", "value": "arrila" }, { "context": " , feb = \"otsaila\"\n , mar = \"martxoa\"\n , apr = \"apirila\"\n ", "end": 5716, "score": 0.7527247071, "start": 5709, "tag": "NAME", "value": "martxoa" }, { "context": "\", ad = \"K.o.\" }\n , wide = { bc = \"K.a.\", ad = \"Kristo ondoren\" }\n , narr", "end": 8540, "score": 0.7935140729, "start": 8537, "tag": "NAME", "value": "K.a" }, { "context": " }\n , wide = { bc = \"K.a.\", ad = \"Kristo ondoren\" }\n , narrow = { bc = \"a\",", "end": 8556, "score": 0.7183010578, "start": 8551, "tag": "NAME", "value": "risto" }, { "context": " , wide = { bc = \"K.a.\", ad = \"Kristo ondoren\" }\n , narrow = { bc = \"a\", ad = \"o", "end": 8564, "score": 0.6361588836, "start": 8560, "tag": "NAME", "value": "oren" } ]
module Generated.Eu exposing (eu) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Internal.DayPeriodRule import Internal.Locale exposing (DateTimeToken(..), LanguageId(..)) import Internal.Parse import Tagged exposing (Tagged(..)) dayPeriods : Dict String (List Internal.DayPeriodRule.DayPeriodRule) dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "eu" , [ Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 12, 0 ) ( 14, 0 ) "afternoon1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 14, 0 ) ( 19, 0 ) "afternoon2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 19, 0 ) ( 21, 0 ) "evening1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.At ( 0, 0 ) "midnight" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 0, 0 ) ( 6, 0 ) "morning1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 6, 0 ) ( 12, 0 ) "morning2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 21, 0 ) ( 24, 0 ) "night1" ] ) ] {-| Date format strings: - Short : yy/M/d - Medium : y('e')'ko' MMM d('a') - Long : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a') - Full : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE Time format strings: - Short : HH:mm - Medium : HH:mm:ss - Long : HH:mm:ss (z) - Full : HH:mm:ss (zzzz) -} eu : Internal.Locale.Locale eu = Maybe.withDefault Internal.Locale.empty (Internal.Parse.parse dayPeriods { language = "eu" , script = Nothing , territory = Nothing , variant = Nothing , periodNames = { abbreviated = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , wide = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerdiko" ) , ( "afternoon2", "arratsaldeko" ) , ( "evening1", "iluntzeko" ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizaldeko" ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , narrow = { am = "g" , pm = "a" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } } , datePatterns = { short = "yy/M/d" , medium = "y('e')'ko' MMM d('a')" , long = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a')" , full = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE" } , monthFormatNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urtarrilak" , feb = "otsailak" , mar = "martxoak" , apr = "apirilak" , may = "maiatzak" , jun = "ekainak" , jul = "uztailak" , aug = "abuztuak" , sep = "irailak" , oct = "urriak" , nov = "azaroak" , dec = "abenduak" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , monthStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urtarrila" , feb = "otsaila" , mar = "martxoa" , apr = "apirila" , may = "maiatza" , jun = "ekaina" , jul = "uztaila" , aug = "abuztua" , sep = "iraila" , oct = "urria" , nov = "azaroa" , dec = "abendua" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , weekdayFormatNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , weekdayStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , eraNames = { abbreviated = { bc = "K.a.", ad = "K.o." } , wide = { bc = "K.a.", ad = "Kristo ondoren" } , narrow = { bc = "a", ad = "o" } } , timePatterns = { short = "HH:mm" , medium = "HH:mm:ss" , long = "HH:mm:ss (z)" , full = "HH:mm:ss (zzzz)" } , dateTimePatterns = { short = "{1} {0}" , medium = "{1} {0}" , long = "{1} {0}" , full = "{1} {0}" } , availableFormats = [ ( "Bh", "B h" ) , ( "Bhm", "B h:mm" ) , ( "Bhms", "B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "d", "d" ) , ( "E", "ccc" ) , ( "EBhm", "E B h:mm" ) , ( "EBhms", "E B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "Ed", "d, E" ) , ( "Ehm", "E h:mm a" ) , ( "EHm", "E HH:mm" ) , ( "Ehms", "E h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "EHms", "E HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "Gy", "G y" ) , ( "GyMd", "GGGGG y-MM-dd" ) , ( "GyMMM", "G y. 'urteko' MMM" ) , ( "GyMMMd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d" ) , ( "GyMMMEd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d, E" ) , ( "h", "h a" ) , ( "H", "HH" ) , ( "hm", "h:mm a" ) , ( "Hm", "HH:mm" ) , ( "hms", "h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "Hms", "HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "hmsv", "h:mm:ss a v" ) , ( "Hmsv", "HH:mm:ss v" ) , ( "hmv", "h:mm a v" ) , ( "Hmv", "HH:mm v" ) , ( "M", "L" ) , ( "Md", "M/d" ) , ( "MEd", "M/d, E" ) , ( "MMM", "LLL" ) , ( "MMMd", "MMM d" ) , ( "MMMEd", "MMM d, E" ) , ( "MMMMd", "MMMM d" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-one", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-other", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "ms", "mm:ss" ) , ( "y", "y" ) , ( "yM", "y/M" ) , ( "yMd", "y/M/d" ) , ( "yMEd", "y/M/d, E" ) , ( "yMMM", "y MMM" ) , ( "yMMMd", "y MMM d" ) , ( "yMMMEd", "y MMM d, E" ) , ( "yMMMM", "y('e')'ko' MMMM" ) , ( "yMMMMd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d" ) , ( "yMMMMEd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'k' d, E" ) , ( "yQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQ" ) , ( "yQQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQQ" ) , ( "yw-count-one", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) , ( "yw-count-other", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) ] , timeSkeletons = { short = "HHmm" , medium = "HHmmss" , long = "HHmmssz" , full = "HHmmsszzzz" } } )
module Generated.Eu exposing (eu) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Internal.DayPeriodRule import Internal.Locale exposing (DateTimeToken(..), LanguageId(..)) import Internal.Parse import Tagged exposing (Tagged(..)) dayPeriods : Dict String (List Internal.DayPeriodRule.DayPeriodRule) dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "eu" , [ Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 12, 0 ) ( 14, 0 ) "afternoon1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 14, 0 ) ( 19, 0 ) "afternoon2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 19, 0 ) ( 21, 0 ) "evening1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.At ( 0, 0 ) "midnight" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 0, 0 ) ( 6, 0 ) "morning1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 6, 0 ) ( 12, 0 ) "morning2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 21, 0 ) ( 24, 0 ) "night1" ] ) ] {-| Date format strings: - Short : yy/M/d - Medium : y('e')'ko' MMM d('a') - Long : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a') - Full : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE Time format strings: - Short : HH:mm - Medium : HH:mm:ss - Long : HH:mm:ss (z) - Full : HH:mm:ss (zzzz) -} eu : Internal.Locale.Locale eu = Maybe.withDefault Internal.Locale.empty (Internal.Parse.parse dayPeriods { language = "eu" , script = Nothing , territory = Nothing , variant = Nothing , periodNames = { abbreviated = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , wide = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerdiko" ) , ( "afternoon2", "arratsaldeko" ) , ( "evening1", "iluntzeko" ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizaldeko" ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , narrow = { am = "g" , pm = "a" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } } , datePatterns = { short = "yy/M/d" , medium = "y('e')'ko' MMM d('a')" , long = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a')" , full = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE" } , monthFormatNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urt<NAME>" , feb = "otsailak" , mar = "<NAME>" , apr = "apirilak" , may = "maiatzak" , jun = "ekainak" , jul = "uztailak" , aug = "abuztuak" , sep = "irailak" , oct = "urriak" , nov = "azaroak" , dec = "abenduak" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , monthStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urt<NAME>" , feb = "otsaila" , mar = "<NAME>" , apr = "apirila" , may = "maiatza" , jun = "ekaina" , jul = "uztaila" , aug = "abuztua" , sep = "iraila" , oct = "urria" , nov = "azaroa" , dec = "abendua" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , weekdayFormatNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , weekdayStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , eraNames = { abbreviated = { bc = "K.a.", ad = "K.o." } , wide = { bc = "<NAME>.", ad = "K<NAME> ond<NAME>" } , narrow = { bc = "a", ad = "o" } } , timePatterns = { short = "HH:mm" , medium = "HH:mm:ss" , long = "HH:mm:ss (z)" , full = "HH:mm:ss (zzzz)" } , dateTimePatterns = { short = "{1} {0}" , medium = "{1} {0}" , long = "{1} {0}" , full = "{1} {0}" } , availableFormats = [ ( "Bh", "B h" ) , ( "Bhm", "B h:mm" ) , ( "Bhms", "B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "d", "d" ) , ( "E", "ccc" ) , ( "EBhm", "E B h:mm" ) , ( "EBhms", "E B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "Ed", "d, E" ) , ( "Ehm", "E h:mm a" ) , ( "EHm", "E HH:mm" ) , ( "Ehms", "E h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "EHms", "E HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "Gy", "G y" ) , ( "GyMd", "GGGGG y-MM-dd" ) , ( "GyMMM", "G y. 'urteko' MMM" ) , ( "GyMMMd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d" ) , ( "GyMMMEd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d, E" ) , ( "h", "h a" ) , ( "H", "HH" ) , ( "hm", "h:mm a" ) , ( "Hm", "HH:mm" ) , ( "hms", "h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "Hms", "HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "hmsv", "h:mm:ss a v" ) , ( "Hmsv", "HH:mm:ss v" ) , ( "hmv", "h:mm a v" ) , ( "Hmv", "HH:mm v" ) , ( "M", "L" ) , ( "Md", "M/d" ) , ( "MEd", "M/d, E" ) , ( "MMM", "LLL" ) , ( "MMMd", "MMM d" ) , ( "MMMEd", "MMM d, E" ) , ( "MMMMd", "MMMM d" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-one", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-other", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "ms", "mm:ss" ) , ( "y", "y" ) , ( "yM", "y/M" ) , ( "yMd", "y/M/d" ) , ( "yMEd", "y/M/d, E" ) , ( "yMMM", "y MMM" ) , ( "yMMMd", "y MMM d" ) , ( "yMMMEd", "y MMM d, E" ) , ( "yMMMM", "y('e')'ko' MMMM" ) , ( "yMMMMd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d" ) , ( "yMMMMEd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'k' d, E" ) , ( "yQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQ" ) , ( "yQQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQQ" ) , ( "yw-count-one", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) , ( "yw-count-other", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) ] , timeSkeletons = { short = "HHmm" , medium = "HHmmss" , long = "HHmmssz" , full = "HHmmsszzzz" } } )
module Generated.Eu exposing (eu) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Internal.DayPeriodRule import Internal.Locale exposing (DateTimeToken(..), LanguageId(..)) import Internal.Parse import Tagged exposing (Tagged(..)) dayPeriods : Dict String (List Internal.DayPeriodRule.DayPeriodRule) dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "eu" , [ Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 12, 0 ) ( 14, 0 ) "afternoon1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 14, 0 ) ( 19, 0 ) "afternoon2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 19, 0 ) ( 21, 0 ) "evening1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.At ( 0, 0 ) "midnight" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 0, 0 ) ( 6, 0 ) "morning1" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 6, 0 ) ( 12, 0 ) "morning2" , Internal.DayPeriodRule.FromBefore ( 21, 0 ) ( 24, 0 ) "night1" ] ) ] {-| Date format strings: - Short : yy/M/d - Medium : y('e')'ko' MMM d('a') - Long : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a') - Full : y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE Time format strings: - Short : HH:mm - Medium : HH:mm:ss - Long : HH:mm:ss (z) - Full : HH:mm:ss (zzzz) -} eu : Internal.Locale.Locale eu = Maybe.withDefault Internal.Locale.empty (Internal.Parse.parse dayPeriods { language = "eu" , script = Nothing , territory = Nothing , variant = Nothing , periodNames = { abbreviated = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , wide = { am = "AM" , pm = "PM" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerdiko" ) , ( "afternoon2", "arratsaldeko" ) , ( "evening1", "iluntzeko" ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizaldeko" ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } , narrow = { am = "g" , pm = "a" , dayPeriods = Dict.fromList [ ( "afternoon1", "eguerd." ) , ( "afternoon2", "arrats." ) , ( "evening1", "iluntz." ) , ( "midnight", "gauerdia" ) , ( "morning1", "goizald." ) , ( "morning2", "goizeko" ) , ( "night1", "gaueko" ) ] } } , datePatterns = { short = "yy/M/d" , medium = "y('e')'ko' MMM d('a')" , long = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a')" , full = "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d('a'), EEEE" } , monthFormatNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urtPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , feb = "otsailak" , mar = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , apr = "apirilak" , may = "maiatzak" , jun = "ekainak" , jul = "uztailak" , aug = "abuztuak" , sep = "irailak" , oct = "urriak" , nov = "azaroak" , dec = "abenduak" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , monthStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { jan = "urt." , feb = "ots." , mar = "mar." , apr = "api." , may = "mai." , jun = "eka." , jul = "uzt." , aug = "abu." , sep = "ira." , oct = "urr." , nov = "aza." , dec = "abe." } , wide = { jan = "urtPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , feb = "otsaila" , mar = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , apr = "apirila" , may = "maiatza" , jun = "ekaina" , jul = "uztaila" , aug = "abuztua" , sep = "iraila" , oct = "urria" , nov = "azaroa" , dec = "abendua" } , narrow = { jan = "U" , feb = "O" , mar = "M" , apr = "A" , may = "M" , jun = "E" , jul = "U" , aug = "A" , sep = "I" , oct = "U" , nov = "A" , dec = "A" } } , weekdayFormatNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , weekdayStandaloneNames = { abbreviated = { sun = "ig." , mon = "al." , tue = "ar." , wed = "az." , thu = "og." , fri = "or." , sat = "lr." } , wide = { sun = "igandea" , mon = "astelehena" , tue = "asteartea" , wed = "asteazkena" , thu = "osteguna" , fri = "ostirala" , sat = "larunbata" } , narrow = { sun = "I" , mon = "A" , tue = "A" , wed = "A" , thu = "O" , fri = "O" , sat = "L" } } , eraNames = { abbreviated = { bc = "K.a.", ad = "K.o." } , wide = { bc = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI.", ad = "KPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI ondPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } , narrow = { bc = "a", ad = "o" } } , timePatterns = { short = "HH:mm" , medium = "HH:mm:ss" , long = "HH:mm:ss (z)" , full = "HH:mm:ss (zzzz)" } , dateTimePatterns = { short = "{1} {0}" , medium = "{1} {0}" , long = "{1} {0}" , full = "{1} {0}" } , availableFormats = [ ( "Bh", "B h" ) , ( "Bhm", "B h:mm" ) , ( "Bhms", "B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "d", "d" ) , ( "E", "ccc" ) , ( "EBhm", "E B h:mm" ) , ( "EBhms", "E B h:mm:ss" ) , ( "Ed", "d, E" ) , ( "Ehm", "E h:mm a" ) , ( "EHm", "E HH:mm" ) , ( "Ehms", "E h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "EHms", "E HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "Gy", "G y" ) , ( "GyMd", "GGGGG y-MM-dd" ) , ( "GyMMM", "G y. 'urteko' MMM" ) , ( "GyMMMd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d" ) , ( "GyMMMEd", "G y. 'urteko' MMM d, E" ) , ( "h", "h a" ) , ( "H", "HH" ) , ( "hm", "h:mm a" ) , ( "Hm", "HH:mm" ) , ( "hms", "h:mm:ss a" ) , ( "Hms", "HH:mm:ss" ) , ( "hmsv", "h:mm:ss a v" ) , ( "Hmsv", "HH:mm:ss v" ) , ( "hmv", "h:mm a v" ) , ( "Hmv", "HH:mm v" ) , ( "M", "L" ) , ( "Md", "M/d" ) , ( "MEd", "M/d, E" ) , ( "MMM", "LLL" ) , ( "MMMd", "MMM d" ) , ( "MMMEd", "MMM d, E" ) , ( "MMMMd", "MMMM d" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-one", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "MMMMW-count-other", "MMMM W. 'astea'" ) , ( "ms", "mm:ss" ) , ( "y", "y" ) , ( "yM", "y/M" ) , ( "yMd", "y/M/d" ) , ( "yMEd", "y/M/d, E" ) , ( "yMMM", "y MMM" ) , ( "yMMMd", "y MMM d" ) , ( "yMMMEd", "y MMM d, E" ) , ( "yMMMM", "y('e')'ko' MMMM" ) , ( "yMMMMd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'ren' d" ) , ( "yMMMMEd", "y('e')'ko' MMMM'k' d, E" ) , ( "yQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQ" ) , ( "yQQQQ", "y('e')'ko' QQQQ" ) , ( "yw-count-one", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) , ( "yw-count-other", "Y. 'urteko' w. 'astea'" ) ] , timeSkeletons = { short = "HHmm" , medium = "HHmmss" , long = "HHmmssz" , full = "HHmmsszzzz" } } )
[ { "context": " Traversal.some Traversal.list (\\p -> p.name == \"Jeff\")\n\n jeffsAges : Traversal (List Person) Int\n ", "end": 556, "score": 0.999673605, "start": 552, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeff" }, { "context": "e Traversal.list (\\person -> person.firstName == 'Paul' )\n\n paulsHairColor : Traversal (List Person) ", "end": 2347, "score": 0.9997560978, "start": 2343, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": " pauls\n\n lightenPauls [\n { firstName = \"Paul\"\n , hairColor = \"brown\"\n },\n ", "end": 2727, "score": 0.9997370243, "start": 2723, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "Color = \"brown\"\n },\n { firstName = \"Jake\"\n , hairColor = \"blond\"\n }\n ] ==", "end": 2797, "score": 0.9997581244, "start": 2793, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jake" }, { "context": "lond\"\n }\n ] == [\n { firstName = \"Paul\"\n , hairColor = \"light brown\"\n },\n ", "end": 2877, "score": 0.9997481108, "start": 2873, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Paul" }, { "context": "= \"light brown\"\n },\n { firstName = \"Jake\"\n , hairColor = \"blond\"\n }\n ]\n\n-", "end": 2953, "score": 0.9997517467, "start": 2949, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jake" } ]
module Monocle.Traversal exposing ( Traversal , list, array, some, modify ) {-| A Traversal is like an Optional that may modify multiple sub-elements, keeping the overlaying structure as is. # Definition @docs Traversal # Example personsAge : Lens Person Int personsAge = let get a = a.age set b a = { a | age = b } in Lens get set jeffs : Traversal (List Person) Person jeffs = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\p -> p.name == "Jeff") jeffsAges : Traversal (List Person) Int jeffsAges = jeffs |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsAge # Derived methods @docs list, array, some, modify -} import Array exposing (Array) {-| To create a Traversal, you just need to provide a function that applies a transformation function to some or all elements in the parent structure. -} type alias Traversal a b = (b -> b) -> a -> a {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in a list -} list : Traversal (List a) a list = List.map {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in an array -} array : Traversal (Array a) a array = Array.map {-| A traversal that, given another traversal as base, only affects those traversed elements that satisfy a condition. numbers : Traversal (List number) number numbers = Traversal.list oddNumbers : Traversal (List number) number oddNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 1) evenNumbers : Traversal (List number) number evenNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 0) -} some : Traversal a b -> (b -> Bool) -> Traversal a b some traversal condition transformation = let conditionedTransformation value = if condition value then transformation value else value in traversal conditionedTransformation {-| Modifies all elements traversed by `Traversal a b` using function `(b -> b)` in structure `a` personsHairColor : Lens Person String personsHairColor = Lens .hairColor (\b a-> { a | hairColor = b }) pauls : Traversal (List Person) Person pauls = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\person -> person.firstName == 'Paul' ) paulsHairColor : Traversal (List Person) String paulsHairColor = pauls |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsHairColor lighten : String -> String lighten hairColor = "light " ++ hairColor lightenPauls : List Person -> List Person lightenPauls = Traversal.modify pauls lightenPauls [ { firstName = "Paul" , hairColor = "brown" }, { firstName = "Jake" , hairColor = "blond" } ] == [ { firstName = "Paul" , hairColor = "light brown" }, { firstName = "Jake" , hairColor = "blond" } ] -} modify : Traversal a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a modify traversal = traversal
module Monocle.Traversal exposing ( Traversal , list, array, some, modify ) {-| A Traversal is like an Optional that may modify multiple sub-elements, keeping the overlaying structure as is. # Definition @docs Traversal # Example personsAge : Lens Person Int personsAge = let get a = a.age set b a = { a | age = b } in Lens get set jeffs : Traversal (List Person) Person jeffs = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\p -> p.name == "<NAME>") jeffsAges : Traversal (List Person) Int jeffsAges = jeffs |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsAge # Derived methods @docs list, array, some, modify -} import Array exposing (Array) {-| To create a Traversal, you just need to provide a function that applies a transformation function to some or all elements in the parent structure. -} type alias Traversal a b = (b -> b) -> a -> a {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in a list -} list : Traversal (List a) a list = List.map {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in an array -} array : Traversal (Array a) a array = Array.map {-| A traversal that, given another traversal as base, only affects those traversed elements that satisfy a condition. numbers : Traversal (List number) number numbers = Traversal.list oddNumbers : Traversal (List number) number oddNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 1) evenNumbers : Traversal (List number) number evenNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 0) -} some : Traversal a b -> (b -> Bool) -> Traversal a b some traversal condition transformation = let conditionedTransformation value = if condition value then transformation value else value in traversal conditionedTransformation {-| Modifies all elements traversed by `Traversal a b` using function `(b -> b)` in structure `a` personsHairColor : Lens Person String personsHairColor = Lens .hairColor (\b a-> { a | hairColor = b }) pauls : Traversal (List Person) Person pauls = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\person -> person.firstName == '<NAME>' ) paulsHairColor : Traversal (List Person) String paulsHairColor = pauls |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsHairColor lighten : String -> String lighten hairColor = "light " ++ hairColor lightenPauls : List Person -> List Person lightenPauls = Traversal.modify pauls lightenPauls [ { firstName = "<NAME>" , hairColor = "brown" }, { firstName = "<NAME>" , hairColor = "blond" } ] == [ { firstName = "<NAME>" , hairColor = "light brown" }, { firstName = "<NAME>" , hairColor = "blond" } ] -} modify : Traversal a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a modify traversal = traversal
module Monocle.Traversal exposing ( Traversal , list, array, some, modify ) {-| A Traversal is like an Optional that may modify multiple sub-elements, keeping the overlaying structure as is. # Definition @docs Traversal # Example personsAge : Lens Person Int personsAge = let get a = a.age set b a = { a | age = b } in Lens get set jeffs : Traversal (List Person) Person jeffs = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\p -> p.name == "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") jeffsAges : Traversal (List Person) Int jeffsAges = jeffs |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsAge # Derived methods @docs list, array, some, modify -} import Array exposing (Array) {-| To create a Traversal, you just need to provide a function that applies a transformation function to some or all elements in the parent structure. -} type alias Traversal a b = (b -> b) -> a -> a {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in a list -} list : Traversal (List a) a list = List.map {-| A basic traversal that affects all elements in an array -} array : Traversal (Array a) a array = Array.map {-| A traversal that, given another traversal as base, only affects those traversed elements that satisfy a condition. numbers : Traversal (List number) number numbers = Traversal.list oddNumbers : Traversal (List number) number oddNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 1) evenNumbers : Traversal (List number) number evenNumbers = Traversal.some numbers (\number -> remainderBy 2 number == 0) -} some : Traversal a b -> (b -> Bool) -> Traversal a b some traversal condition transformation = let conditionedTransformation value = if condition value then transformation value else value in traversal conditionedTransformation {-| Modifies all elements traversed by `Traversal a b` using function `(b -> b)` in structure `a` personsHairColor : Lens Person String personsHairColor = Lens .hairColor (\b a-> { a | hairColor = b }) pauls : Traversal (List Person) Person pauls = Traversal.some Traversal.list (\person -> person.firstName == 'PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI' ) paulsHairColor : Traversal (List Person) String paulsHairColor = pauls |> Compose.traversalWithLens personsHairColor lighten : String -> String lighten hairColor = "light " ++ hairColor lightenPauls : List Person -> List Person lightenPauls = Traversal.modify pauls lightenPauls [ { firstName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , hairColor = "brown" }, { firstName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , hairColor = "blond" } ] == [ { firstName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , hairColor = "light brown" }, { firstName = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , hairColor = "blond" } ] -} modify : Traversal a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a modify traversal = traversal
[ { "context": "lename}} {{lastname}}!\"}\"\"\"\n \"Hello Joe Bob Bloggs!\"\n (\\translations -> Translations.", "end": 782, "score": 0.9996370077, "start": 768, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Joe Bob Bloggs" }, { "context": "ons -> Translations.helloWithParams translations \"Joe\" \"Bob\" \"Bloggs\")\n , test \"Handles message ", "end": 865, "score": 0.999814868, "start": 862, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Joe" }, { "context": " Translations.helloWithParams translations \"Joe\" \"Bob\" \"Bloggs\")\n , test \"Handles message with p", "end": 871, "score": 0.9977278113, "start": 868, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bob" }, { "context": "lations.helloWithParams translations \"Joe\" \"Bob\" \"Bloggs\")\n , test \"Handles message with placeholde", "end": 880, "score": 0.9721936584, "start": 874, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bloggs" }, { "context": "greetName\": \"Hi {{name}}\"}}\"\"\"\n \"Hi Peter\"\n (\\translations -> Translations.G", "end": 1049, "score": 0.9996964335, "start": 1044, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Peter" }, { "context": "-> Translations.Greetings.greetName translations \"Peter\")\n ]\n\n\nrunTest : String -> String -> (I18N", "end": 1137, "score": 0.9991886616, "start": 1132, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Peter" } ]
module TestTranslations exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import I18Next import Json.Decode as JD import Test exposing (..) import Translations import Translations.Greetings suite : Test suite = describe "Translations" [ test "Handles message with no placeholder in top-level module" <| runTest """{"hello": "Hello"}""" "Hello" Translations.hello , test "Handles message with no placeholder in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"goodDay": "Good day."}}""" "Good day." Translations.Greetings.goodDay , test "Handles message with placeholders in top-level module" <| runTest """{"helloWithParams": "Hello {{firstname}} {{middlename}} {{lastname}}!"}""" "Hello Joe Bob Bloggs!" (\translations -> Translations.helloWithParams translations "Joe" "Bob" "Bloggs") , test "Handles message with placeholders in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"greetName": "Hi {{name}}"}}""" "Hi Peter" (\translations -> Translations.Greetings.greetName translations "Peter") ] runTest : String -> String -> (I18Next.Translations -> String) -> (() -> Expectation) runTest json expected translationFn = \_ -> Expect.equal expected (translationFn (jsonToTranslations json)) jsonToTranslations : String -> I18Next.Translations jsonToTranslations json = JD.decodeString I18Next.translationsDecoder json |> Result.withDefault I18Next.initialTranslations
module TestTranslations exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import I18Next import Json.Decode as JD import Test exposing (..) import Translations import Translations.Greetings suite : Test suite = describe "Translations" [ test "Handles message with no placeholder in top-level module" <| runTest """{"hello": "Hello"}""" "Hello" Translations.hello , test "Handles message with no placeholder in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"goodDay": "Good day."}}""" "Good day." Translations.Greetings.goodDay , test "Handles message with placeholders in top-level module" <| runTest """{"helloWithParams": "Hello {{firstname}} {{middlename}} {{lastname}}!"}""" "Hello <NAME>!" (\translations -> Translations.helloWithParams translations "<NAME>" "<NAME>" "<NAME>") , test "Handles message with placeholders in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"greetName": "Hi {{name}}"}}""" "Hi <NAME>" (\translations -> Translations.Greetings.greetName translations "<NAME>") ] runTest : String -> String -> (I18Next.Translations -> String) -> (() -> Expectation) runTest json expected translationFn = \_ -> Expect.equal expected (translationFn (jsonToTranslations json)) jsonToTranslations : String -> I18Next.Translations jsonToTranslations json = JD.decodeString I18Next.translationsDecoder json |> Result.withDefault I18Next.initialTranslations
module TestTranslations exposing (..) import Expect exposing (Expectation) import I18Next import Json.Decode as JD import Test exposing (..) import Translations import Translations.Greetings suite : Test suite = describe "Translations" [ test "Handles message with no placeholder in top-level module" <| runTest """{"hello": "Hello"}""" "Hello" Translations.hello , test "Handles message with no placeholder in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"goodDay": "Good day."}}""" "Good day." Translations.Greetings.goodDay , test "Handles message with placeholders in top-level module" <| runTest """{"helloWithParams": "Hello {{firstname}} {{middlename}} {{lastname}}!"}""" "Hello PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI!" (\translations -> Translations.helloWithParams translations "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") , test "Handles message with placeholders in nested module" <| runTest """{"greetings": {"greetName": "Hi {{name}}"}}""" "Hi PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" (\translations -> Translations.Greetings.greetName translations "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] runTest : String -> String -> (I18Next.Translations -> String) -> (() -> Expectation) runTest json expected translationFn = \_ -> Expect.equal expected (translationFn (jsonToTranslations json)) jsonToTranslations : String -> I18Next.Translations jsonToTranslations json = JD.decodeString I18Next.translationsDecoder json |> Result.withDefault I18Next.initialTranslations
[ { "context": "auto-generated by Graphqelm\n-- https://github.com/dillonkearns/graphqelm\n\n\nmodule Api.Enum.UserOrderByInput expo", "end": 104, "score": 0.9995831847, "start": 92, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dillonkearns" }, { "context": "email_DESC\"\n\n Password_ASC ->\n \"password_ASC\"\n\n Password_DESC ->\n \"password_", "end": 3558, "score": 0.6825945377, "start": 3546, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password_ASC" }, { "context": "sword_ASC\"\n\n Password_DESC ->\n \"password_DESC\"\n\n ResetToken_ASC ->\n \"resetTok", "end": 3612, "score": 0.7006413341, "start": 3599, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password_DESC" } ]
-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by Graphqelm -- https://github.com/dillonkearns/graphqelm module Api.Enum.UserOrderByInput exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) {-| - Id_ASC - - Id_DESC - - CreatedAt_ASC - - CreatedAt_DESC - - UpdatedAt_ASC - - UpdatedAt_DESC - - Name_ASC - - Name_DESC - - Email_ASC - - Email_DESC - - Password_ASC - - Password_DESC - - ResetToken_ASC - - ResetToken_DESC - - ResetExpires_ASC - - ResetExpires_DESC - - Role_ASC - - Role_DESC - -} type UserOrderByInput = Id_ASC | Id_DESC | CreatedAt_ASC | CreatedAt_DESC | UpdatedAt_ASC | UpdatedAt_DESC | Name_ASC | Name_DESC | Email_ASC | Email_DESC | Password_ASC | Password_DESC | ResetToken_ASC | ResetToken_DESC | ResetExpires_ASC | ResetExpires_DESC | Role_ASC | Role_DESC decoder : Decoder UserOrderByInput decoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\string -> case string of "id_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Id_ASC "id_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Id_DESC "createdAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_ASC "createdAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_DESC "updatedAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_ASC "updatedAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_DESC "name_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Name_ASC "name_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Name_DESC "email_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Email_ASC "email_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Email_DESC "password_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Password_ASC "password_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Password_DESC "resetToken_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_ASC "resetToken_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_DESC "resetExpires_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_ASC "resetExpires_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_DESC "role_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Role_ASC "role_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Role_DESC _ -> Decode.fail ("Invalid UserOrderByInput type, " ++ string ++ " try re-running the graphqelm CLI ") ) {-| Convert from the union type representating the Enum to a string that the GraphQL server will recognize. -} toString : UserOrderByInput -> String toString enum = case enum of Id_ASC -> "id_ASC" Id_DESC -> "id_DESC" CreatedAt_ASC -> "createdAt_ASC" CreatedAt_DESC -> "createdAt_DESC" UpdatedAt_ASC -> "updatedAt_ASC" UpdatedAt_DESC -> "updatedAt_DESC" Name_ASC -> "name_ASC" Name_DESC -> "name_DESC" Email_ASC -> "email_ASC" Email_DESC -> "email_DESC" Password_ASC -> "password_ASC" Password_DESC -> "password_DESC" ResetToken_ASC -> "resetToken_ASC" ResetToken_DESC -> "resetToken_DESC" ResetExpires_ASC -> "resetExpires_ASC" ResetExpires_DESC -> "resetExpires_DESC" Role_ASC -> "role_ASC" Role_DESC -> "role_DESC"
-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by Graphqelm -- https://github.com/dillonkearns/graphqelm module Api.Enum.UserOrderByInput exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) {-| - Id_ASC - - Id_DESC - - CreatedAt_ASC - - CreatedAt_DESC - - UpdatedAt_ASC - - UpdatedAt_DESC - - Name_ASC - - Name_DESC - - Email_ASC - - Email_DESC - - Password_ASC - - Password_DESC - - ResetToken_ASC - - ResetToken_DESC - - ResetExpires_ASC - - ResetExpires_DESC - - Role_ASC - - Role_DESC - -} type UserOrderByInput = Id_ASC | Id_DESC | CreatedAt_ASC | CreatedAt_DESC | UpdatedAt_ASC | UpdatedAt_DESC | Name_ASC | Name_DESC | Email_ASC | Email_DESC | Password_ASC | Password_DESC | ResetToken_ASC | ResetToken_DESC | ResetExpires_ASC | ResetExpires_DESC | Role_ASC | Role_DESC decoder : Decoder UserOrderByInput decoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\string -> case string of "id_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Id_ASC "id_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Id_DESC "createdAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_ASC "createdAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_DESC "updatedAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_ASC "updatedAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_DESC "name_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Name_ASC "name_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Name_DESC "email_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Email_ASC "email_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Email_DESC "password_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Password_ASC "password_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Password_DESC "resetToken_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_ASC "resetToken_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_DESC "resetExpires_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_ASC "resetExpires_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_DESC "role_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Role_ASC "role_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Role_DESC _ -> Decode.fail ("Invalid UserOrderByInput type, " ++ string ++ " try re-running the graphqelm CLI ") ) {-| Convert from the union type representating the Enum to a string that the GraphQL server will recognize. -} toString : UserOrderByInput -> String toString enum = case enum of Id_ASC -> "id_ASC" Id_DESC -> "id_DESC" CreatedAt_ASC -> "createdAt_ASC" CreatedAt_DESC -> "createdAt_DESC" UpdatedAt_ASC -> "updatedAt_ASC" UpdatedAt_DESC -> "updatedAt_DESC" Name_ASC -> "name_ASC" Name_DESC -> "name_DESC" Email_ASC -> "email_ASC" Email_DESC -> "email_DESC" Password_ASC -> "<PASSWORD>" Password_DESC -> "<PASSWORD>" ResetToken_ASC -> "resetToken_ASC" ResetToken_DESC -> "resetToken_DESC" ResetExpires_ASC -> "resetExpires_ASC" ResetExpires_DESC -> "resetExpires_DESC" Role_ASC -> "role_ASC" Role_DESC -> "role_DESC"
-- Do not manually edit this file, it was auto-generated by Graphqelm -- https://github.com/dillonkearns/graphqelm module Api.Enum.UserOrderByInput exposing (..) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) {-| - Id_ASC - - Id_DESC - - CreatedAt_ASC - - CreatedAt_DESC - - UpdatedAt_ASC - - UpdatedAt_DESC - - Name_ASC - - Name_DESC - - Email_ASC - - Email_DESC - - Password_ASC - - Password_DESC - - ResetToken_ASC - - ResetToken_DESC - - ResetExpires_ASC - - ResetExpires_DESC - - Role_ASC - - Role_DESC - -} type UserOrderByInput = Id_ASC | Id_DESC | CreatedAt_ASC | CreatedAt_DESC | UpdatedAt_ASC | UpdatedAt_DESC | Name_ASC | Name_DESC | Email_ASC | Email_DESC | Password_ASC | Password_DESC | ResetToken_ASC | ResetToken_DESC | ResetExpires_ASC | ResetExpires_DESC | Role_ASC | Role_DESC decoder : Decoder UserOrderByInput decoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\string -> case string of "id_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Id_ASC "id_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Id_DESC "createdAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_ASC "createdAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed CreatedAt_DESC "updatedAt_ASC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_ASC "updatedAt_DESC" -> Decode.succeed UpdatedAt_DESC "name_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Name_ASC "name_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Name_DESC "email_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Email_ASC "email_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Email_DESC "password_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Password_ASC "password_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Password_DESC "resetToken_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_ASC "resetToken_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetToken_DESC "resetExpires_ASC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_ASC "resetExpires_DESC" -> Decode.succeed ResetExpires_DESC "role_ASC" -> Decode.succeed Role_ASC "role_DESC" -> Decode.succeed Role_DESC _ -> Decode.fail ("Invalid UserOrderByInput type, " ++ string ++ " try re-running the graphqelm CLI ") ) {-| Convert from the union type representating the Enum to a string that the GraphQL server will recognize. -} toString : UserOrderByInput -> String toString enum = case enum of Id_ASC -> "id_ASC" Id_DESC -> "id_DESC" CreatedAt_ASC -> "createdAt_ASC" CreatedAt_DESC -> "createdAt_DESC" UpdatedAt_ASC -> "updatedAt_ASC" UpdatedAt_DESC -> "updatedAt_DESC" Name_ASC -> "name_ASC" Name_DESC -> "name_DESC" Email_ASC -> "email_ASC" Email_DESC -> "email_DESC" Password_ASC -> "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" Password_DESC -> "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" ResetToken_ASC -> "resetToken_ASC" ResetToken_DESC -> "resetToken_DESC" ResetExpires_ASC -> "resetExpires_ASC" ResetExpires_DESC -> "resetExpires_DESC" Role_ASC -> "role_ASC" Role_DESC -> "role_DESC"
[ { "context": "using DevRandom module.\n-- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n", "end": 192, "score": 0.9998609424, "start": 178, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bill St. Clair" }, { "context": "odule.\n-- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n-- Distributed under th", "end": 215, "score": 0.9999276996, "start": 194, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "billstclair@gmail.com" }, { "context": "ode: \"\n , a [ href \"https://github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random\" ]\n [ text \"github.", "end": 30765, "score": 0.9975352287, "start": 30754, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "billstclair" }, { "context": "-dev-random\" ]\n [ text \"github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random\" ]\n , br\n , ", "end": 30830, "score": 0.9988017082, "start": 30819, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "billstclair" }, { "context": " , br\n , text \"Copyright 2017-2018 Bill St. Clair\"\n ]\n ]\n\n\nnumberSelector : Int -", "end": 30920, "score": 0.9996038675, "start": 30906, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bill St. Clair" } ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Main.elm -- User interface for Diceware example of using DevRandom module. -- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- port module Main exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , init , update , view ) import Array exposing (Array) import Browser import Char import Cmd.Extra exposing (addCmd, addCmds, withCmd, withCmds, withNoCmd) import Debug exposing (log) import DicewareStrings import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Attribute , Html , a , button , div , h2 , h3 , img , input , label , li , option , p , select , span , text , ul ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( alt , checked , href , maxlength , readonly , selected , size , src , style , title , type_ , value ) import Html.Events exposing (keyCode, on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as JD import Json.Encode as JE exposing (Value) import List.Extra as LE import NewDicewareStrings import PortFunnel exposing (FunnelSpec, GenericMessage, ModuleDesc, StateAccessors) import PortFunnel.DevRandom as DevRandom import ShortDicewareStrings import Time port cmdPort : Value -> Cmd msg port subPort : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ subPort Process , if model.startup then Time.every 250 Init else Sub.none ] simulatedCmdPort : Value -> Cmd Msg simulatedCmdPort = DevRandom.makeSimulatedCmdPort Process getCmdPort : Model -> (Value -> Cmd Msg) getCmdPort model = if model.useSimulator then simulatedCmdPort else cmdPort type DicewareTable = OldTable | NewTable | ShortTable type alias Modifications = { spaces : Bool , showTotalLength : Bool , totalLength : Int , uppercase : Int , numbers : Int , specialChars : Int } defaultModifications : Modifications defaultModifications = { spaces = True , showTotalLength = False , totalLength = 30 , uppercase = 0 , numbers = 0 , specialChars = 0 } type RandomReason = RandomPassphrase | RandomNumber type alias FunnelState = { random : DevRandom.State } type alias Model = { startup : Bool , funnelState : FunnelState , useSimulator : Bool , randomReason : RandomReason , countString : String , count : Int , strings : List String , isSecure : Bool , whichTable : DicewareTable , diceString : String , enableModifications : Bool , modifications : Modifications , randomMaxString : String , randomMax : Int , randomNumber : Int , error : Maybe String } makeInitialModel : Int -> Model makeInitialModel count = let model = { startup = True , funnelState = { random = DevRandom.initialState 0 } , useSimulator = True , randomReason = RandomPassphrase , countString = String.fromInt count , count = count , strings = [] , isSecure = True , whichTable = ShortTable , diceString = "" , enableModifications = False , modifications = defaultModifications , randomMaxString = "100" , randomMax = 0 , randomNumber = 10 , error = Nothing } in model main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = let count = 6 model = makeInitialModel count in model |> withNoCmd generatePassphrase : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generatePassphrase model = { model | randomReason = RandomPassphrase } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt (getCount model) |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) generateNumber : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generateNumber model = { model | randomReason = RandomNumber } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt model.randomMax |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) getDiceCount : Model -> Int getDiceCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> 5 OldTable -> 5 ShortTable -> 4 getCount : Model -> Int getCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.count OldTable -> DicewareStrings.count ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.count getArray : Model -> Array String getArray model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.array OldTable -> DicewareStrings.array ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.array entropyPerDie : DicewareTable -> Float entropyPerDie table = case table of NewTable -> 12.9 OldTable -> 12.9 ShortTable -> 10.3 getEntropy : Model -> Float getEntropy model = (toFloat <| List.length model.strings) * entropyPerDie model.whichTable randomAccessors : StateAccessors FunnelState DevRandom.State randomAccessors = StateAccessors .random (\substate state -> { state | random = substate }) type alias AppFunnel substate message response = FunnelSpec FunnelState substate message response Model Msg type Funnel = RandomFunnel (AppFunnel DevRandom.State DevRandom.Message DevRandom.Response) emptyCommander : (GenericMessage -> Cmd msg) -> response -> Cmd msg emptyCommander _ _ = Cmd.none funnels : Dict String Funnel funnels = Dict.fromList [ ( DevRandom.moduleName , RandomFunnel <| FunnelSpec randomAccessors DevRandom.moduleDesc emptyCommander randomHandler ) ] doIsLoaded : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) doIsLoaded model = if model.useSimulator && DevRandom.isLoaded model.funnelState.random then { model | useSimulator = False , strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase else model |> withNoCmd randomHandler : DevRandom.Response -> FunnelState -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) randomHandler response state mdl = let ( model, cmd ) = doIsLoaded { mdl | funnelState = state } in case response of DevRandom.RandomIntResponse { isSecure, int } -> case model.randomReason of RandomNumber -> { model | isSecure = isSecure , randomNumber = int + 1 } |> withCmd cmd RandomPassphrase -> let string = case Array.get int <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just s -> s strings = string :: model.strings in { model | strings = strings , isSecure = isSecure } |> (if List.length strings >= model.count then withCmd cmd else generatePassphrase ) _ -> model |> withCmd cmd type Msg = Init Time.Posix | UpdateCount String | UpdateDice String | DiceKeydown Int | Generate | Clear | Process Value | LookupDice | ChangeTable String | ToggleModifications | ToggleSpaces | ToggleShowTotalLength | UpdateTotalLength String | UpdateUpperCase String | UpdateNumbers String | UpdateSpecialChars String | RandomMaxDown Int | UpdateRandomMaxString String | GenerateRandomNumber stringToInt : String -> Result String Int stringToInt string = case String.toInt string of Just int -> Ok int Nothing -> Err "invalid integer string" update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg modl = let model = { modl | error = Nothing } modifications = model.modifications in case msg of Init _ -> { model | startup = False } |> (if model.useSimulator then generatePassphrase else withNoCmd ) UpdateCount countString -> ( { model | countString = countString , count = case stringToInt countString of Ok count -> max 0 (min count 20) Err _ -> 0 } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDice string -> ( { model | diceString = string } , Cmd.none ) DiceKeydown keycode -> ( if keycode == 13 then lookupDice model else model , Cmd.none ) Generate -> case model.count of 0 -> ( { model | strings = [] } , Cmd.none ) _ -> { model | strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase Clear -> ( { model | strings = [] , isSecure = True } , Cmd.none ) Process value -> case PortFunnel.processValue funnels appTrampoline value model.funnelState model of Err error -> { model | error = Just error } |> withNoCmd Ok res -> res LookupDice -> ( lookupDice model , Cmd.none ) ChangeTable table -> let oldTable = model.whichTable newTable = stringToTable table count = newRollCount newTable model mdl = { model | whichTable = stringToTable table , count = count , countString = String.fromInt count , strings = [] , diceString = "" , randomReason = RandomPassphrase } in generatePassphrase mdl ToggleModifications -> ( { model | enableModifications = not model.enableModifications } , Cmd.none ) ToggleSpaces -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | spaces = not modifications.spaces } } , Cmd.none ) ToggleShowTotalLength -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | showTotalLength = not modifications.showTotalLength } } , Cmd.none ) UpdateTotalLength string -> updateModificationsInt (if string == "" then "0" else string ) (\int -> { modifications | totalLength = int }) model UpdateUpperCase string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | uppercase = int }) model UpdateNumbers string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | numbers = int }) model UpdateSpecialChars string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | specialChars = int }) model -- TODO RandomMaxDown keycode -> if keycode == 13 then update GenerateRandomNumber model else model |> withNoCmd UpdateRandomMaxString string -> { model | randomMaxString = string } |> withNoCmd GenerateRandomNumber -> let mdl = { model | randomNumber = 0 } in case String.toInt model.randomMaxString of Nothing -> mdl |> withNoCmd Just max -> if max <= 0 then mdl |> withNoCmd else { mdl | randomMax = max , randomNumber = 0 } |> generateNumber appTrampoline : GenericMessage -> Funnel -> FunnelState -> Model -> Result String ( Model, Cmd Msg ) appTrampoline genericMessage funnel state model = let theCmdPort = getCmdPort model in case funnel of RandomFunnel randomFunnel -> PortFunnel.appProcess theCmdPort genericMessage randomFunnel state model updateModificationsInt : String -> (Int -> Modifications) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateModificationsInt string setter model = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> model |> withNoCmd Ok int -> { model | modifications = setter int } |> withNoCmd newRollCount : DicewareTable -> Model -> Int newRollCount newTable model = let count = toFloat model.count perDie = entropyPerDie model.whichTable oldEntropy = count * perDie newPerDie = entropyPerDie newTable in round <| (oldEntropy / newPerDie) stringToTable : String -> DicewareTable stringToTable table = case table of "old" -> OldTable "new" -> NewTable _ -> ShortTable dieNum : String -> Int dieNum string = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> 0 Ok n -> if n < 0 || n > 6 then 0 else n computeUserDice : Model -> Maybe (List Int) computeUserDice model = let diceNumber = getDiceCount model digits = List.map String.fromChar <| String.toList model.diceString in if diceNumber /= List.length digits then Nothing else Just <| List.map dieNum digits lookupDice : Model -> Model lookupDice model = case computeUserDice model of Nothing -> model Just dice -> case LE.find (\x -> x == 0) dice of Just _ -> model Nothing -> let count = model.count strings = model.strings stringsTail = List.drop (List.length strings - count + 1) strings idx = List.foldl (\x y -> (6 * y) + x - 1) 0 dice string = case Array.get idx <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just x -> x in { model | strings = List.append stringsTail [ string ] , isSecure = True , diceString = "" } nbsp : String nbsp = String.fromList [ Char.fromCode 160 ] br : Html Msg br = Html.br [] [] onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (JD.map tagger keyCode) checkbox : Bool -> msg -> String -> Html msg checkbox isChecked msg name = label [] [ input [ type_ "checkbox" , checked isChecked , onClick msg ] [] , text name ] {-| [Oracle list of special characters](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11223_01/doc.910/e11197/app_special_char.htm#MCMAD416) -} specialChars : String specialChars = "!@#$%" numbers : String numbers = "1234567890" modifyStrings : Model -> String modifyStrings model = if not model.enableModifications then String.join " " model.strings else let mods = model.modifications count = List.length model.strings spaces = count - 1 changes1 = String.left mods.numbers numbers ++ String.left mods.specialChars specialChars added = String.length changes1 length = List.foldl (\s sum -> sum + String.length s) 0 model.strings trim = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 <| length + added - mods.totalLength else 0 strings1 = trimStrings trim model.strings strings = addUppercase mods.uppercase strings1 newlen = length + added - trim addspaces1 = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 (min (spaces - added) (mods.totalLength - newlen)) else max 0 (spaces - added) addspaces = if addspaces1 < spaces - added then 0 else addspaces1 changes = changes1 ++ String.repeat addspaces " " res = distributeChanges changes strings in if not mods.spaces then String.filter ((/=) ' ') res else res trim1 : List String -> ( List String, Bool ) trim1 strings = let maxlen = List.foldl (\s res -> max res (String.length s)) 0 strings in if maxlen <= 1 then ( strings, False ) else let loop ss res = case ss of [] -> -- can't happen ( List.reverse res, False ) s :: tail -> if String.length s == maxlen then ( List.concat [ List.reverse res , [ String.dropRight 1 s ] , tail ] , True ) else loop tail (s :: res) in loop strings [] trimStrings : Int -> List String -> List String trimStrings trim strings = if trim <= 0 then strings else let loop len ss = if len <= 0 then ss else let ( ss2, changed ) = trim1 ss in if changed then loop (len - 1) ss2 else ss2 in loop trim strings upcase1 : String -> ( String, Bool ) upcase1 string = let loop chars res = case chars of [] -> ( res, False ) c :: tail -> if Char.isLower c then ( res ++ (String.fromChar <| Char.toUpper c) ++ String.fromList tail , True ) else loop tail <| res ++ String.fromChar c in loop (String.toList string) "" addUppercase : Int -> List String -> List String addUppercase count strings = let loop cnt stringsTail changed res = if cnt <= 0 then List.concat [ List.reverse res, stringsTail ] else case stringsTail of [] -> if changed then loop cnt (List.reverse res) False [] else List.reverse res s :: tail -> let ( s2, ch ) = upcase1 s cnt2 = if ch then cnt - 1 else cnt in loop cnt2 tail (changed || ch) (s2 :: res) in loop count strings False [] distributeChanges : String -> List String -> String distributeChanges changes strings = let loop ch ss res = if ch == "" then res ++ String.concat ss else case ss of [] -> res ++ ch s :: tail -> loop (String.dropLeft 1 ch) tail (res ++ s ++ String.left 1 ch) in loop changes strings "" view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let string = modifyStrings model in div [ style "width" "40em" , style "margin-left" "2em" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Diceware Passphrase Generator" ] , p [] [ text "This page generates passphrases using JavaScript running in your web browser, using the browser's cryptographically secure random number generator. See below for instructions." , case model.error of Just s -> span [ style "color" "red" ] [ br, text s ] Nothing -> text "" ] , p [] [ select [ onInput ChangeTable ] [ option [ value "short" , selected <| model.whichTable == ShortTable ] [ text "EFF Short List" ] , option [ value "new" , selected <| model.whichTable == NewTable ] [ text "EFF Long List" ] , option [ value "old" , selected <| model.whichTable == OldTable ] [ text "Traditional List" ] ] , text " Words: " , input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateCount , value model.countString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick Generate ] [ text "Generate" ] , text " " , button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] , text <| " Entropy: " ++ (String.fromInt <| round <| getEntropy model) ++ " bits" ] , div [] [ input [ size <| String.length string + 2 , value string , style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [] ] , h3 [] [ text "Roll Your Own Dice" ] , p [] [ input (let count = getDiceCount model in [ size count , maxlength count , onKeyDown DiceKeydown , onInput <| UpdateDice , value model.diceString ] ) [] , text " " , button [ onClick LookupDice ] [ text "Lookup" ] ] , p [] [ checkbox model.enableModifications ToggleModifications "modifications" , if model.enableModifications then renderModifications (String.length string) model else text "" ] , h3 [] [ text "Generate a Random Number" ] , p [] [ Html.b [] [ text "N: " ] , input [ size 8 , maxlength 8 , onKeyDown RandomMaxDown , onInput UpdateRandomMaxString , value model.randomMaxString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick GenerateRandomNumber ] [ text "Random from 1 to N" ] ] , p [] (if model.randomMax <= 0 then [] else [ p [] [ Html.b [] [ text ("Random number from 1 to " ++ String.fromInt model.randomMax ++ ": " ) ] ] , p [ style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.randomNumber ] ] ) , p [] [ text "To generate a passphrase, choose which of the three lists to use from the selector (initially \"EFF Short List\"), fill in \"Words\" with the number of words to generate, and click the \"Generate\" button. To clear the word string, click \"Clear\"." ] , p [] [ text "If the passphrase is black, then cryptographically-secure random number generation was used. If it is red, then the random number generation was NOT cryptographically secure, because " , text <| if model.useSimulator then "you are running the pure Elm version of the code." else "your browser does not support it." ] , p [] [ text "If you prefer rolling your own dice to using your computer's random number generator, you can type into the box to the left of the \"Lookup\" button four or five numbers (from 1-6) from four or five six-sided dice rolls, then click that button (four dice rolls for the \"EFF Short List\" or five for the other two). It will add one word to the end of the list." ] , p [] [ text "If you check the \"modifications\" box, you can choose whether to put spaces between the words, the maximum password length, and how many upper case, numeric, and special characters to put in the result. This allows you to easily satisfy the most common password requirements from people who don't understand that length is the only password property that really matters for security." ] , p [] [ text "If you enter \"N\" and click \"Random from 1 to N\", a random number between 1 and N will be printed below that line." ] , p [] [ text "The three lists are as follows:" , ul [] [ li [] [ text "EFF Short List" , br , text "The first short list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "EFF Long List" , br , text "The long list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "Traditional List" , br , text "The original Diceware word list." ] ] ] , p [] [ text "For more information about Diceware, see " , a [ href "http://diceware.com/" ] [ text "Diceware.com" ] , text ". " , text "The classic XKCD cartoon about Diceware is at " , a [ href "https://xkcd.com/936/" ] [ text "xkcd.com/936" ] , text "." ] , p [] [ text "A five-word Diceware passphrase (from one of the long lists) has 6^5^5 possibilities, over 64 bits. A ten-word Diceware passphrase (again, from one of the long lists) has 6^5^10 possibilities, over 129 bits." ] , p [] [ text "Source code: " , a [ href "https://github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] [ text "github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] , br , text "Copyright 2017-2018 Bill St. Clair" ] ] numberSelector : Int -> Int -> (String -> Msg) -> Html Msg numberSelector current max wrapper = let intOption i = option [ value <| String.fromInt i , selected (i == current) ] [ text <| if i == 0 then "none" else String.fromInt i ] in select [ onInput wrapper ] <| List.map intOption <| List.range 0 max renderModifications : Int -> Model -> Html Msg renderModifications length model = let modifications = model.modifications in div [ style "margin-left" "1em" ] [ checkbox modifications.spaces ToggleSpaces "spaces" , br , checkbox modifications.showTotalLength ToggleShowTotalLength (if modifications.showTotalLength then "limit length: " else "limit length" ) , if not modifications.showTotalLength then text "" else span [] [ input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateTotalLength , value <| String.fromInt modifications.totalLength ] [] , if length > modifications.totalLength then span [ style "color" "red" ] [ text " too short" ] else text "" ] , br , text "uppercase letters: " , numberSelector modifications.uppercase 5 UpdateUpperCase , br , text "numbers: " , numberSelector modifications.numbers 5 UpdateNumbers , br , text "special chars: " , numberSelector modifications.specialChars 5 UpdateSpecialChars ] effListLink : Html msg effListLink = span [] [ text "EFF's July 2016 \"" , a [ href "https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/07/new-wordlists-random-passphrases" ] [ text "New Wordlists for Random Passphrases" ] , text "\"" ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Main.elm -- User interface for Diceware example of using DevRandom module. -- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- port module Main exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , init , update , view ) import Array exposing (Array) import Browser import Char import Cmd.Extra exposing (addCmd, addCmds, withCmd, withCmds, withNoCmd) import Debug exposing (log) import DicewareStrings import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Attribute , Html , a , button , div , h2 , h3 , img , input , label , li , option , p , select , span , text , ul ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( alt , checked , href , maxlength , readonly , selected , size , src , style , title , type_ , value ) import Html.Events exposing (keyCode, on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as JD import Json.Encode as JE exposing (Value) import List.Extra as LE import NewDicewareStrings import PortFunnel exposing (FunnelSpec, GenericMessage, ModuleDesc, StateAccessors) import PortFunnel.DevRandom as DevRandom import ShortDicewareStrings import Time port cmdPort : Value -> Cmd msg port subPort : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ subPort Process , if model.startup then Time.every 250 Init else Sub.none ] simulatedCmdPort : Value -> Cmd Msg simulatedCmdPort = DevRandom.makeSimulatedCmdPort Process getCmdPort : Model -> (Value -> Cmd Msg) getCmdPort model = if model.useSimulator then simulatedCmdPort else cmdPort type DicewareTable = OldTable | NewTable | ShortTable type alias Modifications = { spaces : Bool , showTotalLength : Bool , totalLength : Int , uppercase : Int , numbers : Int , specialChars : Int } defaultModifications : Modifications defaultModifications = { spaces = True , showTotalLength = False , totalLength = 30 , uppercase = 0 , numbers = 0 , specialChars = 0 } type RandomReason = RandomPassphrase | RandomNumber type alias FunnelState = { random : DevRandom.State } type alias Model = { startup : Bool , funnelState : FunnelState , useSimulator : Bool , randomReason : RandomReason , countString : String , count : Int , strings : List String , isSecure : Bool , whichTable : DicewareTable , diceString : String , enableModifications : Bool , modifications : Modifications , randomMaxString : String , randomMax : Int , randomNumber : Int , error : Maybe String } makeInitialModel : Int -> Model makeInitialModel count = let model = { startup = True , funnelState = { random = DevRandom.initialState 0 } , useSimulator = True , randomReason = RandomPassphrase , countString = String.fromInt count , count = count , strings = [] , isSecure = True , whichTable = ShortTable , diceString = "" , enableModifications = False , modifications = defaultModifications , randomMaxString = "100" , randomMax = 0 , randomNumber = 10 , error = Nothing } in model main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = let count = 6 model = makeInitialModel count in model |> withNoCmd generatePassphrase : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generatePassphrase model = { model | randomReason = RandomPassphrase } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt (getCount model) |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) generateNumber : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generateNumber model = { model | randomReason = RandomNumber } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt model.randomMax |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) getDiceCount : Model -> Int getDiceCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> 5 OldTable -> 5 ShortTable -> 4 getCount : Model -> Int getCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.count OldTable -> DicewareStrings.count ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.count getArray : Model -> Array String getArray model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.array OldTable -> DicewareStrings.array ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.array entropyPerDie : DicewareTable -> Float entropyPerDie table = case table of NewTable -> 12.9 OldTable -> 12.9 ShortTable -> 10.3 getEntropy : Model -> Float getEntropy model = (toFloat <| List.length model.strings) * entropyPerDie model.whichTable randomAccessors : StateAccessors FunnelState DevRandom.State randomAccessors = StateAccessors .random (\substate state -> { state | random = substate }) type alias AppFunnel substate message response = FunnelSpec FunnelState substate message response Model Msg type Funnel = RandomFunnel (AppFunnel DevRandom.State DevRandom.Message DevRandom.Response) emptyCommander : (GenericMessage -> Cmd msg) -> response -> Cmd msg emptyCommander _ _ = Cmd.none funnels : Dict String Funnel funnels = Dict.fromList [ ( DevRandom.moduleName , RandomFunnel <| FunnelSpec randomAccessors DevRandom.moduleDesc emptyCommander randomHandler ) ] doIsLoaded : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) doIsLoaded model = if model.useSimulator && DevRandom.isLoaded model.funnelState.random then { model | useSimulator = False , strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase else model |> withNoCmd randomHandler : DevRandom.Response -> FunnelState -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) randomHandler response state mdl = let ( model, cmd ) = doIsLoaded { mdl | funnelState = state } in case response of DevRandom.RandomIntResponse { isSecure, int } -> case model.randomReason of RandomNumber -> { model | isSecure = isSecure , randomNumber = int + 1 } |> withCmd cmd RandomPassphrase -> let string = case Array.get int <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just s -> s strings = string :: model.strings in { model | strings = strings , isSecure = isSecure } |> (if List.length strings >= model.count then withCmd cmd else generatePassphrase ) _ -> model |> withCmd cmd type Msg = Init Time.Posix | UpdateCount String | UpdateDice String | DiceKeydown Int | Generate | Clear | Process Value | LookupDice | ChangeTable String | ToggleModifications | ToggleSpaces | ToggleShowTotalLength | UpdateTotalLength String | UpdateUpperCase String | UpdateNumbers String | UpdateSpecialChars String | RandomMaxDown Int | UpdateRandomMaxString String | GenerateRandomNumber stringToInt : String -> Result String Int stringToInt string = case String.toInt string of Just int -> Ok int Nothing -> Err "invalid integer string" update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg modl = let model = { modl | error = Nothing } modifications = model.modifications in case msg of Init _ -> { model | startup = False } |> (if model.useSimulator then generatePassphrase else withNoCmd ) UpdateCount countString -> ( { model | countString = countString , count = case stringToInt countString of Ok count -> max 0 (min count 20) Err _ -> 0 } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDice string -> ( { model | diceString = string } , Cmd.none ) DiceKeydown keycode -> ( if keycode == 13 then lookupDice model else model , Cmd.none ) Generate -> case model.count of 0 -> ( { model | strings = [] } , Cmd.none ) _ -> { model | strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase Clear -> ( { model | strings = [] , isSecure = True } , Cmd.none ) Process value -> case PortFunnel.processValue funnels appTrampoline value model.funnelState model of Err error -> { model | error = Just error } |> withNoCmd Ok res -> res LookupDice -> ( lookupDice model , Cmd.none ) ChangeTable table -> let oldTable = model.whichTable newTable = stringToTable table count = newRollCount newTable model mdl = { model | whichTable = stringToTable table , count = count , countString = String.fromInt count , strings = [] , diceString = "" , randomReason = RandomPassphrase } in generatePassphrase mdl ToggleModifications -> ( { model | enableModifications = not model.enableModifications } , Cmd.none ) ToggleSpaces -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | spaces = not modifications.spaces } } , Cmd.none ) ToggleShowTotalLength -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | showTotalLength = not modifications.showTotalLength } } , Cmd.none ) UpdateTotalLength string -> updateModificationsInt (if string == "" then "0" else string ) (\int -> { modifications | totalLength = int }) model UpdateUpperCase string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | uppercase = int }) model UpdateNumbers string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | numbers = int }) model UpdateSpecialChars string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | specialChars = int }) model -- TODO RandomMaxDown keycode -> if keycode == 13 then update GenerateRandomNumber model else model |> withNoCmd UpdateRandomMaxString string -> { model | randomMaxString = string } |> withNoCmd GenerateRandomNumber -> let mdl = { model | randomNumber = 0 } in case String.toInt model.randomMaxString of Nothing -> mdl |> withNoCmd Just max -> if max <= 0 then mdl |> withNoCmd else { mdl | randomMax = max , randomNumber = 0 } |> generateNumber appTrampoline : GenericMessage -> Funnel -> FunnelState -> Model -> Result String ( Model, Cmd Msg ) appTrampoline genericMessage funnel state model = let theCmdPort = getCmdPort model in case funnel of RandomFunnel randomFunnel -> PortFunnel.appProcess theCmdPort genericMessage randomFunnel state model updateModificationsInt : String -> (Int -> Modifications) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateModificationsInt string setter model = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> model |> withNoCmd Ok int -> { model | modifications = setter int } |> withNoCmd newRollCount : DicewareTable -> Model -> Int newRollCount newTable model = let count = toFloat model.count perDie = entropyPerDie model.whichTable oldEntropy = count * perDie newPerDie = entropyPerDie newTable in round <| (oldEntropy / newPerDie) stringToTable : String -> DicewareTable stringToTable table = case table of "old" -> OldTable "new" -> NewTable _ -> ShortTable dieNum : String -> Int dieNum string = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> 0 Ok n -> if n < 0 || n > 6 then 0 else n computeUserDice : Model -> Maybe (List Int) computeUserDice model = let diceNumber = getDiceCount model digits = List.map String.fromChar <| String.toList model.diceString in if diceNumber /= List.length digits then Nothing else Just <| List.map dieNum digits lookupDice : Model -> Model lookupDice model = case computeUserDice model of Nothing -> model Just dice -> case LE.find (\x -> x == 0) dice of Just _ -> model Nothing -> let count = model.count strings = model.strings stringsTail = List.drop (List.length strings - count + 1) strings idx = List.foldl (\x y -> (6 * y) + x - 1) 0 dice string = case Array.get idx <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just x -> x in { model | strings = List.append stringsTail [ string ] , isSecure = True , diceString = "" } nbsp : String nbsp = String.fromList [ Char.fromCode 160 ] br : Html Msg br = Html.br [] [] onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (JD.map tagger keyCode) checkbox : Bool -> msg -> String -> Html msg checkbox isChecked msg name = label [] [ input [ type_ "checkbox" , checked isChecked , onClick msg ] [] , text name ] {-| [Oracle list of special characters](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11223_01/doc.910/e11197/app_special_char.htm#MCMAD416) -} specialChars : String specialChars = "!@#$%" numbers : String numbers = "1234567890" modifyStrings : Model -> String modifyStrings model = if not model.enableModifications then String.join " " model.strings else let mods = model.modifications count = List.length model.strings spaces = count - 1 changes1 = String.left mods.numbers numbers ++ String.left mods.specialChars specialChars added = String.length changes1 length = List.foldl (\s sum -> sum + String.length s) 0 model.strings trim = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 <| length + added - mods.totalLength else 0 strings1 = trimStrings trim model.strings strings = addUppercase mods.uppercase strings1 newlen = length + added - trim addspaces1 = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 (min (spaces - added) (mods.totalLength - newlen)) else max 0 (spaces - added) addspaces = if addspaces1 < spaces - added then 0 else addspaces1 changes = changes1 ++ String.repeat addspaces " " res = distributeChanges changes strings in if not mods.spaces then String.filter ((/=) ' ') res else res trim1 : List String -> ( List String, Bool ) trim1 strings = let maxlen = List.foldl (\s res -> max res (String.length s)) 0 strings in if maxlen <= 1 then ( strings, False ) else let loop ss res = case ss of [] -> -- can't happen ( List.reverse res, False ) s :: tail -> if String.length s == maxlen then ( List.concat [ List.reverse res , [ String.dropRight 1 s ] , tail ] , True ) else loop tail (s :: res) in loop strings [] trimStrings : Int -> List String -> List String trimStrings trim strings = if trim <= 0 then strings else let loop len ss = if len <= 0 then ss else let ( ss2, changed ) = trim1 ss in if changed then loop (len - 1) ss2 else ss2 in loop trim strings upcase1 : String -> ( String, Bool ) upcase1 string = let loop chars res = case chars of [] -> ( res, False ) c :: tail -> if Char.isLower c then ( res ++ (String.fromChar <| Char.toUpper c) ++ String.fromList tail , True ) else loop tail <| res ++ String.fromChar c in loop (String.toList string) "" addUppercase : Int -> List String -> List String addUppercase count strings = let loop cnt stringsTail changed res = if cnt <= 0 then List.concat [ List.reverse res, stringsTail ] else case stringsTail of [] -> if changed then loop cnt (List.reverse res) False [] else List.reverse res s :: tail -> let ( s2, ch ) = upcase1 s cnt2 = if ch then cnt - 1 else cnt in loop cnt2 tail (changed || ch) (s2 :: res) in loop count strings False [] distributeChanges : String -> List String -> String distributeChanges changes strings = let loop ch ss res = if ch == "" then res ++ String.concat ss else case ss of [] -> res ++ ch s :: tail -> loop (String.dropLeft 1 ch) tail (res ++ s ++ String.left 1 ch) in loop changes strings "" view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let string = modifyStrings model in div [ style "width" "40em" , style "margin-left" "2em" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Diceware Passphrase Generator" ] , p [] [ text "This page generates passphrases using JavaScript running in your web browser, using the browser's cryptographically secure random number generator. See below for instructions." , case model.error of Just s -> span [ style "color" "red" ] [ br, text s ] Nothing -> text "" ] , p [] [ select [ onInput ChangeTable ] [ option [ value "short" , selected <| model.whichTable == ShortTable ] [ text "EFF Short List" ] , option [ value "new" , selected <| model.whichTable == NewTable ] [ text "EFF Long List" ] , option [ value "old" , selected <| model.whichTable == OldTable ] [ text "Traditional List" ] ] , text " Words: " , input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateCount , value model.countString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick Generate ] [ text "Generate" ] , text " " , button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] , text <| " Entropy: " ++ (String.fromInt <| round <| getEntropy model) ++ " bits" ] , div [] [ input [ size <| String.length string + 2 , value string , style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [] ] , h3 [] [ text "Roll Your Own Dice" ] , p [] [ input (let count = getDiceCount model in [ size count , maxlength count , onKeyDown DiceKeydown , onInput <| UpdateDice , value model.diceString ] ) [] , text " " , button [ onClick LookupDice ] [ text "Lookup" ] ] , p [] [ checkbox model.enableModifications ToggleModifications "modifications" , if model.enableModifications then renderModifications (String.length string) model else text "" ] , h3 [] [ text "Generate a Random Number" ] , p [] [ Html.b [] [ text "N: " ] , input [ size 8 , maxlength 8 , onKeyDown RandomMaxDown , onInput UpdateRandomMaxString , value model.randomMaxString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick GenerateRandomNumber ] [ text "Random from 1 to N" ] ] , p [] (if model.randomMax <= 0 then [] else [ p [] [ Html.b [] [ text ("Random number from 1 to " ++ String.fromInt model.randomMax ++ ": " ) ] ] , p [ style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.randomNumber ] ] ) , p [] [ text "To generate a passphrase, choose which of the three lists to use from the selector (initially \"EFF Short List\"), fill in \"Words\" with the number of words to generate, and click the \"Generate\" button. To clear the word string, click \"Clear\"." ] , p [] [ text "If the passphrase is black, then cryptographically-secure random number generation was used. If it is red, then the random number generation was NOT cryptographically secure, because " , text <| if model.useSimulator then "you are running the pure Elm version of the code." else "your browser does not support it." ] , p [] [ text "If you prefer rolling your own dice to using your computer's random number generator, you can type into the box to the left of the \"Lookup\" button four or five numbers (from 1-6) from four or five six-sided dice rolls, then click that button (four dice rolls for the \"EFF Short List\" or five for the other two). It will add one word to the end of the list." ] , p [] [ text "If you check the \"modifications\" box, you can choose whether to put spaces between the words, the maximum password length, and how many upper case, numeric, and special characters to put in the result. This allows you to easily satisfy the most common password requirements from people who don't understand that length is the only password property that really matters for security." ] , p [] [ text "If you enter \"N\" and click \"Random from 1 to N\", a random number between 1 and N will be printed below that line." ] , p [] [ text "The three lists are as follows:" , ul [] [ li [] [ text "EFF Short List" , br , text "The first short list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "EFF Long List" , br , text "The long list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "Traditional List" , br , text "The original Diceware word list." ] ] ] , p [] [ text "For more information about Diceware, see " , a [ href "http://diceware.com/" ] [ text "Diceware.com" ] , text ". " , text "The classic XKCD cartoon about Diceware is at " , a [ href "https://xkcd.com/936/" ] [ text "xkcd.com/936" ] , text "." ] , p [] [ text "A five-word Diceware passphrase (from one of the long lists) has 6^5^5 possibilities, over 64 bits. A ten-word Diceware passphrase (again, from one of the long lists) has 6^5^10 possibilities, over 129 bits." ] , p [] [ text "Source code: " , a [ href "https://github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] [ text "github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] , br , text "Copyright 2017-2018 <NAME>" ] ] numberSelector : Int -> Int -> (String -> Msg) -> Html Msg numberSelector current max wrapper = let intOption i = option [ value <| String.fromInt i , selected (i == current) ] [ text <| if i == 0 then "none" else String.fromInt i ] in select [ onInput wrapper ] <| List.map intOption <| List.range 0 max renderModifications : Int -> Model -> Html Msg renderModifications length model = let modifications = model.modifications in div [ style "margin-left" "1em" ] [ checkbox modifications.spaces ToggleSpaces "spaces" , br , checkbox modifications.showTotalLength ToggleShowTotalLength (if modifications.showTotalLength then "limit length: " else "limit length" ) , if not modifications.showTotalLength then text "" else span [] [ input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateTotalLength , value <| String.fromInt modifications.totalLength ] [] , if length > modifications.totalLength then span [ style "color" "red" ] [ text " too short" ] else text "" ] , br , text "uppercase letters: " , numberSelector modifications.uppercase 5 UpdateUpperCase , br , text "numbers: " , numberSelector modifications.numbers 5 UpdateNumbers , br , text "special chars: " , numberSelector modifications.specialChars 5 UpdateSpecialChars ] effListLink : Html msg effListLink = span [] [ text "EFF's July 2016 \"" , a [ href "https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/07/new-wordlists-random-passphrases" ] [ text "New Wordlists for Random Passphrases" ] , text "\"" ]
--------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Main.elm -- User interface for Diceware example of using DevRandom module. -- Copyright (c) 2017-2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI <PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- port module Main exposing ( Model , Msg(..) , init , update , view ) import Array exposing (Array) import Browser import Char import Cmd.Extra exposing (addCmd, addCmds, withCmd, withCmds, withNoCmd) import Debug exposing (log) import DicewareStrings import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Attribute , Html , a , button , div , h2 , h3 , img , input , label , li , option , p , select , span , text , ul ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( alt , checked , href , maxlength , readonly , selected , size , src , style , title , type_ , value ) import Html.Events exposing (keyCode, on, onClick, onInput) import Json.Decode as JD import Json.Encode as JE exposing (Value) import List.Extra as LE import NewDicewareStrings import PortFunnel exposing (FunnelSpec, GenericMessage, ModuleDesc, StateAccessors) import PortFunnel.DevRandom as DevRandom import ShortDicewareStrings import Time port cmdPort : Value -> Cmd msg port subPort : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.batch [ subPort Process , if model.startup then Time.every 250 Init else Sub.none ] simulatedCmdPort : Value -> Cmd Msg simulatedCmdPort = DevRandom.makeSimulatedCmdPort Process getCmdPort : Model -> (Value -> Cmd Msg) getCmdPort model = if model.useSimulator then simulatedCmdPort else cmdPort type DicewareTable = OldTable | NewTable | ShortTable type alias Modifications = { spaces : Bool , showTotalLength : Bool , totalLength : Int , uppercase : Int , numbers : Int , specialChars : Int } defaultModifications : Modifications defaultModifications = { spaces = True , showTotalLength = False , totalLength = 30 , uppercase = 0 , numbers = 0 , specialChars = 0 } type RandomReason = RandomPassphrase | RandomNumber type alias FunnelState = { random : DevRandom.State } type alias Model = { startup : Bool , funnelState : FunnelState , useSimulator : Bool , randomReason : RandomReason , countString : String , count : Int , strings : List String , isSecure : Bool , whichTable : DicewareTable , diceString : String , enableModifications : Bool , modifications : Modifications , randomMaxString : String , randomMax : Int , randomNumber : Int , error : Maybe String } makeInitialModel : Int -> Model makeInitialModel count = let model = { startup = True , funnelState = { random = DevRandom.initialState 0 } , useSimulator = True , randomReason = RandomPassphrase , countString = String.fromInt count , count = count , strings = [] , isSecure = True , whichTable = ShortTable , diceString = "" , enableModifications = False , modifications = defaultModifications , randomMaxString = "100" , randomMax = 0 , randomNumber = 10 , error = Nothing } in model main = Browser.element { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = let count = 6 model = makeInitialModel count in model |> withNoCmd generatePassphrase : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generatePassphrase model = { model | randomReason = RandomPassphrase } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt (getCount model) |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) generateNumber : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) generateNumber model = { model | randomReason = RandomNumber } |> withCmd (DevRandom.GenerateInt model.randomMax |> DevRandom.send (getCmdPort model) ) getDiceCount : Model -> Int getDiceCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> 5 OldTable -> 5 ShortTable -> 4 getCount : Model -> Int getCount model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.count OldTable -> DicewareStrings.count ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.count getArray : Model -> Array String getArray model = case model.whichTable of NewTable -> NewDicewareStrings.array OldTable -> DicewareStrings.array ShortTable -> ShortDicewareStrings.array entropyPerDie : DicewareTable -> Float entropyPerDie table = case table of NewTable -> 12.9 OldTable -> 12.9 ShortTable -> 10.3 getEntropy : Model -> Float getEntropy model = (toFloat <| List.length model.strings) * entropyPerDie model.whichTable randomAccessors : StateAccessors FunnelState DevRandom.State randomAccessors = StateAccessors .random (\substate state -> { state | random = substate }) type alias AppFunnel substate message response = FunnelSpec FunnelState substate message response Model Msg type Funnel = RandomFunnel (AppFunnel DevRandom.State DevRandom.Message DevRandom.Response) emptyCommander : (GenericMessage -> Cmd msg) -> response -> Cmd msg emptyCommander _ _ = Cmd.none funnels : Dict String Funnel funnels = Dict.fromList [ ( DevRandom.moduleName , RandomFunnel <| FunnelSpec randomAccessors DevRandom.moduleDesc emptyCommander randomHandler ) ] doIsLoaded : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) doIsLoaded model = if model.useSimulator && DevRandom.isLoaded model.funnelState.random then { model | useSimulator = False , strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase else model |> withNoCmd randomHandler : DevRandom.Response -> FunnelState -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) randomHandler response state mdl = let ( model, cmd ) = doIsLoaded { mdl | funnelState = state } in case response of DevRandom.RandomIntResponse { isSecure, int } -> case model.randomReason of RandomNumber -> { model | isSecure = isSecure , randomNumber = int + 1 } |> withCmd cmd RandomPassphrase -> let string = case Array.get int <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just s -> s strings = string :: model.strings in { model | strings = strings , isSecure = isSecure } |> (if List.length strings >= model.count then withCmd cmd else generatePassphrase ) _ -> model |> withCmd cmd type Msg = Init Time.Posix | UpdateCount String | UpdateDice String | DiceKeydown Int | Generate | Clear | Process Value | LookupDice | ChangeTable String | ToggleModifications | ToggleSpaces | ToggleShowTotalLength | UpdateTotalLength String | UpdateUpperCase String | UpdateNumbers String | UpdateSpecialChars String | RandomMaxDown Int | UpdateRandomMaxString String | GenerateRandomNumber stringToInt : String -> Result String Int stringToInt string = case String.toInt string of Just int -> Ok int Nothing -> Err "invalid integer string" update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg modl = let model = { modl | error = Nothing } modifications = model.modifications in case msg of Init _ -> { model | startup = False } |> (if model.useSimulator then generatePassphrase else withNoCmd ) UpdateCount countString -> ( { model | countString = countString , count = case stringToInt countString of Ok count -> max 0 (min count 20) Err _ -> 0 } , Cmd.none ) UpdateDice string -> ( { model | diceString = string } , Cmd.none ) DiceKeydown keycode -> ( if keycode == 13 then lookupDice model else model , Cmd.none ) Generate -> case model.count of 0 -> ( { model | strings = [] } , Cmd.none ) _ -> { model | strings = [] } |> generatePassphrase Clear -> ( { model | strings = [] , isSecure = True } , Cmd.none ) Process value -> case PortFunnel.processValue funnels appTrampoline value model.funnelState model of Err error -> { model | error = Just error } |> withNoCmd Ok res -> res LookupDice -> ( lookupDice model , Cmd.none ) ChangeTable table -> let oldTable = model.whichTable newTable = stringToTable table count = newRollCount newTable model mdl = { model | whichTable = stringToTable table , count = count , countString = String.fromInt count , strings = [] , diceString = "" , randomReason = RandomPassphrase } in generatePassphrase mdl ToggleModifications -> ( { model | enableModifications = not model.enableModifications } , Cmd.none ) ToggleSpaces -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | spaces = not modifications.spaces } } , Cmd.none ) ToggleShowTotalLength -> ( { model | modifications = { modifications | showTotalLength = not modifications.showTotalLength } } , Cmd.none ) UpdateTotalLength string -> updateModificationsInt (if string == "" then "0" else string ) (\int -> { modifications | totalLength = int }) model UpdateUpperCase string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | uppercase = int }) model UpdateNumbers string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | numbers = int }) model UpdateSpecialChars string -> updateModificationsInt string (\int -> { modifications | specialChars = int }) model -- TODO RandomMaxDown keycode -> if keycode == 13 then update GenerateRandomNumber model else model |> withNoCmd UpdateRandomMaxString string -> { model | randomMaxString = string } |> withNoCmd GenerateRandomNumber -> let mdl = { model | randomNumber = 0 } in case String.toInt model.randomMaxString of Nothing -> mdl |> withNoCmd Just max -> if max <= 0 then mdl |> withNoCmd else { mdl | randomMax = max , randomNumber = 0 } |> generateNumber appTrampoline : GenericMessage -> Funnel -> FunnelState -> Model -> Result String ( Model, Cmd Msg ) appTrampoline genericMessage funnel state model = let theCmdPort = getCmdPort model in case funnel of RandomFunnel randomFunnel -> PortFunnel.appProcess theCmdPort genericMessage randomFunnel state model updateModificationsInt : String -> (Int -> Modifications) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) updateModificationsInt string setter model = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> model |> withNoCmd Ok int -> { model | modifications = setter int } |> withNoCmd newRollCount : DicewareTable -> Model -> Int newRollCount newTable model = let count = toFloat model.count perDie = entropyPerDie model.whichTable oldEntropy = count * perDie newPerDie = entropyPerDie newTable in round <| (oldEntropy / newPerDie) stringToTable : String -> DicewareTable stringToTable table = case table of "old" -> OldTable "new" -> NewTable _ -> ShortTable dieNum : String -> Int dieNum string = case stringToInt string of Err _ -> 0 Ok n -> if n < 0 || n > 6 then 0 else n computeUserDice : Model -> Maybe (List Int) computeUserDice model = let diceNumber = getDiceCount model digits = List.map String.fromChar <| String.toList model.diceString in if diceNumber /= List.length digits then Nothing else Just <| List.map dieNum digits lookupDice : Model -> Model lookupDice model = case computeUserDice model of Nothing -> model Just dice -> case LE.find (\x -> x == 0) dice of Just _ -> model Nothing -> let count = model.count strings = model.strings stringsTail = List.drop (List.length strings - count + 1) strings idx = List.foldl (\x y -> (6 * y) + x - 1) 0 dice string = case Array.get idx <| getArray model of Nothing -> "a" Just x -> x in { model | strings = List.append stringsTail [ string ] , isSecure = True , diceString = "" } nbsp : String nbsp = String.fromList [ Char.fromCode 160 ] br : Html Msg br = Html.br [] [] onKeyDown : (Int -> msg) -> Attribute msg onKeyDown tagger = on "keydown" (JD.map tagger keyCode) checkbox : Bool -> msg -> String -> Html msg checkbox isChecked msg name = label [] [ input [ type_ "checkbox" , checked isChecked , onClick msg ] [] , text name ] {-| [Oracle list of special characters](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11223_01/doc.910/e11197/app_special_char.htm#MCMAD416) -} specialChars : String specialChars = "!@#$%" numbers : String numbers = "1234567890" modifyStrings : Model -> String modifyStrings model = if not model.enableModifications then String.join " " model.strings else let mods = model.modifications count = List.length model.strings spaces = count - 1 changes1 = String.left mods.numbers numbers ++ String.left mods.specialChars specialChars added = String.length changes1 length = List.foldl (\s sum -> sum + String.length s) 0 model.strings trim = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 <| length + added - mods.totalLength else 0 strings1 = trimStrings trim model.strings strings = addUppercase mods.uppercase strings1 newlen = length + added - trim addspaces1 = if mods.showTotalLength then max 0 (min (spaces - added) (mods.totalLength - newlen)) else max 0 (spaces - added) addspaces = if addspaces1 < spaces - added then 0 else addspaces1 changes = changes1 ++ String.repeat addspaces " " res = distributeChanges changes strings in if not mods.spaces then String.filter ((/=) ' ') res else res trim1 : List String -> ( List String, Bool ) trim1 strings = let maxlen = List.foldl (\s res -> max res (String.length s)) 0 strings in if maxlen <= 1 then ( strings, False ) else let loop ss res = case ss of [] -> -- can't happen ( List.reverse res, False ) s :: tail -> if String.length s == maxlen then ( List.concat [ List.reverse res , [ String.dropRight 1 s ] , tail ] , True ) else loop tail (s :: res) in loop strings [] trimStrings : Int -> List String -> List String trimStrings trim strings = if trim <= 0 then strings else let loop len ss = if len <= 0 then ss else let ( ss2, changed ) = trim1 ss in if changed then loop (len - 1) ss2 else ss2 in loop trim strings upcase1 : String -> ( String, Bool ) upcase1 string = let loop chars res = case chars of [] -> ( res, False ) c :: tail -> if Char.isLower c then ( res ++ (String.fromChar <| Char.toUpper c) ++ String.fromList tail , True ) else loop tail <| res ++ String.fromChar c in loop (String.toList string) "" addUppercase : Int -> List String -> List String addUppercase count strings = let loop cnt stringsTail changed res = if cnt <= 0 then List.concat [ List.reverse res, stringsTail ] else case stringsTail of [] -> if changed then loop cnt (List.reverse res) False [] else List.reverse res s :: tail -> let ( s2, ch ) = upcase1 s cnt2 = if ch then cnt - 1 else cnt in loop cnt2 tail (changed || ch) (s2 :: res) in loop count strings False [] distributeChanges : String -> List String -> String distributeChanges changes strings = let loop ch ss res = if ch == "" then res ++ String.concat ss else case ss of [] -> res ++ ch s :: tail -> loop (String.dropLeft 1 ch) tail (res ++ s ++ String.left 1 ch) in loop changes strings "" view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let string = modifyStrings model in div [ style "width" "40em" , style "margin-left" "2em" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Diceware Passphrase Generator" ] , p [] [ text "This page generates passphrases using JavaScript running in your web browser, using the browser's cryptographically secure random number generator. See below for instructions." , case model.error of Just s -> span [ style "color" "red" ] [ br, text s ] Nothing -> text "" ] , p [] [ select [ onInput ChangeTable ] [ option [ value "short" , selected <| model.whichTable == ShortTable ] [ text "EFF Short List" ] , option [ value "new" , selected <| model.whichTable == NewTable ] [ text "EFF Long List" ] , option [ value "old" , selected <| model.whichTable == OldTable ] [ text "Traditional List" ] ] , text " Words: " , input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateCount , value model.countString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick Generate ] [ text "Generate" ] , text " " , button [ onClick Clear ] [ text "Clear" ] , text <| " Entropy: " ++ (String.fromInt <| round <| getEntropy model) ++ " bits" ] , div [] [ input [ size <| String.length string + 2 , value string , style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [] ] , h3 [] [ text "Roll Your Own Dice" ] , p [] [ input (let count = getDiceCount model in [ size count , maxlength count , onKeyDown DiceKeydown , onInput <| UpdateDice , value model.diceString ] ) [] , text " " , button [ onClick LookupDice ] [ text "Lookup" ] ] , p [] [ checkbox model.enableModifications ToggleModifications "modifications" , if model.enableModifications then renderModifications (String.length string) model else text "" ] , h3 [] [ text "Generate a Random Number" ] , p [] [ Html.b [] [ text "N: " ] , input [ size 8 , maxlength 8 , onKeyDown RandomMaxDown , onInput UpdateRandomMaxString , value model.randomMaxString ] [] , text " " , button [ onClick GenerateRandomNumber ] [ text "Random from 1 to N" ] ] , p [] (if model.randomMax <= 0 then [] else [ p [] [ Html.b [] [ text ("Random number from 1 to " ++ String.fromInt model.randomMax ++ ": " ) ] ] , p [ style "margin-left" "1em" , style "font-size" "150%" , style "padding-left" "0.5em" , style "color" (if model.isSecure then "black" else "red" ) ] [ text <| String.fromInt model.randomNumber ] ] ) , p [] [ text "To generate a passphrase, choose which of the three lists to use from the selector (initially \"EFF Short List\"), fill in \"Words\" with the number of words to generate, and click the \"Generate\" button. To clear the word string, click \"Clear\"." ] , p [] [ text "If the passphrase is black, then cryptographically-secure random number generation was used. If it is red, then the random number generation was NOT cryptographically secure, because " , text <| if model.useSimulator then "you are running the pure Elm version of the code." else "your browser does not support it." ] , p [] [ text "If you prefer rolling your own dice to using your computer's random number generator, you can type into the box to the left of the \"Lookup\" button four or five numbers (from 1-6) from four or five six-sided dice rolls, then click that button (four dice rolls for the \"EFF Short List\" or five for the other two). It will add one word to the end of the list." ] , p [] [ text "If you check the \"modifications\" box, you can choose whether to put spaces between the words, the maximum password length, and how many upper case, numeric, and special characters to put in the result. This allows you to easily satisfy the most common password requirements from people who don't understand that length is the only password property that really matters for security." ] , p [] [ text "If you enter \"N\" and click \"Random from 1 to N\", a random number between 1 and N will be printed below that line." ] , p [] [ text "The three lists are as follows:" , ul [] [ li [] [ text "EFF Short List" , br , text "The first short list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "EFF Long List" , br , text "The long list from the " , effListLink , text "." ] , li [] [ text "Traditional List" , br , text "The original Diceware word list." ] ] ] , p [] [ text "For more information about Diceware, see " , a [ href "http://diceware.com/" ] [ text "Diceware.com" ] , text ". " , text "The classic XKCD cartoon about Diceware is at " , a [ href "https://xkcd.com/936/" ] [ text "xkcd.com/936" ] , text "." ] , p [] [ text "A five-word Diceware passphrase (from one of the long lists) has 6^5^5 possibilities, over 64 bits. A ten-word Diceware passphrase (again, from one of the long lists) has 6^5^10 possibilities, over 129 bits." ] , p [] [ text "Source code: " , a [ href "https://github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] [ text "github.com/billstclair/elm-dev-random" ] , br , text "Copyright 2017-2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ] numberSelector : Int -> Int -> (String -> Msg) -> Html Msg numberSelector current max wrapper = let intOption i = option [ value <| String.fromInt i , selected (i == current) ] [ text <| if i == 0 then "none" else String.fromInt i ] in select [ onInput wrapper ] <| List.map intOption <| List.range 0 max renderModifications : Int -> Model -> Html Msg renderModifications length model = let modifications = model.modifications in div [ style "margin-left" "1em" ] [ checkbox modifications.spaces ToggleSpaces "spaces" , br , checkbox modifications.showTotalLength ToggleShowTotalLength (if modifications.showTotalLength then "limit length: " else "limit length" ) , if not modifications.showTotalLength then text "" else span [] [ input [ size 3 , onInput UpdateTotalLength , value <| String.fromInt modifications.totalLength ] [] , if length > modifications.totalLength then span [ style "color" "red" ] [ text " too short" ] else text "" ] , br , text "uppercase letters: " , numberSelector modifications.uppercase 5 UpdateUpperCase , br , text "numbers: " , numberSelector modifications.numbers 5 UpdateNumbers , br , text "special chars: " , numberSelector modifications.specialChars 5 UpdateSpecialChars ] effListLink : Html msg effListLink = span [] [ text "EFF's July 2016 \"" , a [ href "https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/07/new-wordlists-random-passphrases" ] [ text "New Wordlists for Random Passphrases" ] , text "\"" ]
[ { "context": "accent ]\n [ Attributes.href <| \"mailto:ellie@tba.sh\" ]\n [ Html.text \"ellie@tba.sh\" ]\n ", "end": 3544, "score": 0.9999291301, "start": 3532, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "ellie@tba.sh" }, { "context": " \"mailto:ellie@tba.sh\" ]\n [ Html.text \"ellie@tba.sh\" ]\n , Html.text \". See our \"\n , Htm", "end": 3585, "score": 0.9999265075, "start": 3573, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "ellie@tba.sh" } ]
module Pages.Editor.Views.Setup exposing ( Stage(..) , view ) import Css exposing (..) import Ellie.Ui.Button as Button import Ellie.Ui.Icon as Icon import Ellie.Ui.Logo as Logo import Ellie.Ui.Theme as Theme import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css) type Stage msg = Authenticating | Attaching | AcceptingTerms { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } | Loading | Failure | Opening view : Stage msg -> Html msg view loadingStage = Html.div [ css [ displayFlex , alignItems center , justifyContent center , flexDirection column , height (pct 100) , position relative ] ] <| case loadingStage of AcceptingTerms state -> terms state Failure -> failure _ -> [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative ] [] [ Logo.animated ] ] failure : List (Html msg) failure = [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative , color Theme.secondaryForeground , marginBottom (px 24) ] [] [ Logo.flat ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) ] [] [ Html.text "Something went wrong while setting up Ellie! Things may work if you reload and try again, but in case they don't this issue has been reported to the maintainers automatically." ] ] terms : { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } -> List (Html msg) terms state = [ Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) , textAlign center ] [] [ Html.text "Please accept Ellie's " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Terms of Service" ] , Html.text " to continue." ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) , position relative , padding (px 16) ] [] [ Html.styled Html.iframe [ border zero , backgroundColor (hex "#fff") , width (pct 100) , position relative , height (px 400) ] [ Attributes.src <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ] [] ] , Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 18) , textAlign center , width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) ] [] [ Html.text "Ellie does not collect any personal information. All code posted to Ellie is public, licensed MIT. " , Html.text "Do not post proprietary or personally identifiable information on Ellie. " , Html.text "Report abuse or request removal of personal information at " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "mailto:ellie@tba.sh" ] [ Html.text "ellie@tba.sh" ] , Html.text ". See our " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ++ "#privacy" , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Privacy Policy" ] , Html.text " for more details." ] , Html.div [] [ Button.view { icon = Just Icon.Success , label = "Accept Terms" , action = Button.click state.onAccept } ] ]
module Pages.Editor.Views.Setup exposing ( Stage(..) , view ) import Css exposing (..) import Ellie.Ui.Button as Button import Ellie.Ui.Icon as Icon import Ellie.Ui.Logo as Logo import Ellie.Ui.Theme as Theme import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css) type Stage msg = Authenticating | Attaching | AcceptingTerms { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } | Loading | Failure | Opening view : Stage msg -> Html msg view loadingStage = Html.div [ css [ displayFlex , alignItems center , justifyContent center , flexDirection column , height (pct 100) , position relative ] ] <| case loadingStage of AcceptingTerms state -> terms state Failure -> failure _ -> [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative ] [] [ Logo.animated ] ] failure : List (Html msg) failure = [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative , color Theme.secondaryForeground , marginBottom (px 24) ] [] [ Logo.flat ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) ] [] [ Html.text "Something went wrong while setting up Ellie! Things may work if you reload and try again, but in case they don't this issue has been reported to the maintainers automatically." ] ] terms : { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } -> List (Html msg) terms state = [ Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) , textAlign center ] [] [ Html.text "Please accept Ellie's " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Terms of Service" ] , Html.text " to continue." ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) , position relative , padding (px 16) ] [] [ Html.styled Html.iframe [ border zero , backgroundColor (hex "#fff") , width (pct 100) , position relative , height (px 400) ] [ Attributes.src <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ] [] ] , Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 18) , textAlign center , width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) ] [] [ Html.text "Ellie does not collect any personal information. All code posted to Ellie is public, licensed MIT. " , Html.text "Do not post proprietary or personally identifiable information on Ellie. " , Html.text "Report abuse or request removal of personal information at " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "mailto:<EMAIL>" ] [ Html.text "<EMAIL>" ] , Html.text ". See our " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ++ "#privacy" , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Privacy Policy" ] , Html.text " for more details." ] , Html.div [] [ Button.view { icon = Just Icon.Success , label = "Accept Terms" , action = Button.click state.onAccept } ] ]
module Pages.Editor.Views.Setup exposing ( Stage(..) , view ) import Css exposing (..) import Ellie.Ui.Button as Button import Ellie.Ui.Icon as Icon import Ellie.Ui.Logo as Logo import Ellie.Ui.Theme as Theme import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html) import Html.Styled.Attributes as Attributes exposing (css) type Stage msg = Authenticating | Attaching | AcceptingTerms { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } | Loading | Failure | Opening view : Stage msg -> Html msg view loadingStage = Html.div [ css [ displayFlex , alignItems center , justifyContent center , flexDirection column , height (pct 100) , position relative ] ] <| case loadingStage of AcceptingTerms state -> terms state Failure -> failure _ -> [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative ] [] [ Logo.animated ] ] failure : List (Html msg) failure = [ Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , position relative , color Theme.secondaryForeground , marginBottom (px 24) ] [] [ Logo.flat ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (pct 80) , maxWidth (px 500) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) ] [] [ Html.text "Something went wrong while setting up Ellie! Things may work if you reload and try again, but in case they don't this issue has been reported to the maintainers automatically." ] ] terms : { termsVersion : Int, onAccept : msg } -> List (Html msg) terms state = [ Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 24) , textAlign center ] [] [ Html.text "Please accept Ellie's " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Terms of Service" ] , Html.text " to continue." ] , Html.styled Html.div [ width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) , position relative , padding (px 16) ] [] [ Html.styled Html.iframe [ border zero , backgroundColor (hex "#fff") , width (pct 100) , position relative , height (px 400) ] [ Attributes.src <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ] [] ] , Html.styled Html.div [ padding (px 16) , color Theme.primaryForeground , fontSize (px 18) , textAlign center , width (px 700) , maxWidth (pct 100) ] [] [ Html.text "Ellie does not collect any personal information. All code posted to Ellie is public, licensed MIT. " , Html.text "Do not post proprietary or personally identifiable information on Ellie. " , Html.text "Report abuse or request removal of personal information at " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "mailto:PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] [ Html.text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] , Html.text ". See our " , Html.styled Html.a [ color Theme.accent ] [ Attributes.href <| "/a/terms/" ++ String.fromInt state.termsVersion ++ "#privacy" , Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ Html.text "Privacy Policy" ] , Html.text " for more details." ] , Html.div [] [ Button.view { icon = Just Icon.Success , label = "Accept Terms" , action = Button.click state.onAccept } ] ]
[ { "context": "e int =\n case int of\n 0 ->\n \"Lance\"\n 1 ->\n \"Gorman\"\n 2 ->\n ", "end": 6071, "score": 0.9995137453, "start": 6066, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lance" }, { "context": " ->\n \"Lance\"\n 1 ->\n \"Gorman\"\n 2 ->\n \"Doherty\"\n 3 ->\n", "end": 6105, "score": 0.9997665286, "start": 6099, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gorman" }, { "context": "->\n \"Gorman\"\n 2 ->\n \"Doherty\"\n 3 ->\n \"Blair\"\n _ ->\n ", "end": 6140, "score": 0.9997901917, "start": 6133, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doherty" }, { "context": ">\n \"Doherty\"\n 3 ->\n \"Blair\"\n _ ->\n \"Dummy\"\n\n\nchooseCmdMsgF", "end": 6173, "score": 0.9997637272, "start": 6168, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Blair" }, { "context": " ]\n [ text \"Lance\" ],\n button [ onClick (StartGameMe", "end": 15664, "score": 0.9993481636, "start": 15659, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lance" }, { "context": " ]\n [ text \"Gorman\" ],\n button [ onClick (StartGameMe", "end": 16184, "score": 0.9996795058, "start": 16178, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gorman" }, { "context": " ]\n [ text \"Doherty\" ],\n button [ onClick (StartGameMe", "end": 16705, "score": 0.9995689988, "start": 16698, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doherty" }, { "context": " ]\n [ text \"Blair\" ]\n ]\n }\n in\n ", "end": 17224, "score": 0.999630332, "start": 17219, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Blair" } ]
module Update exposing (..) import Browser.Dom exposing (getViewport) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Model exposing (initPerspective) import Random import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..)) import List.Extra exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Map exposing (..) import Round import Style exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) import Definition exposing (..) import Phase.Prepare exposing (..) import Phase.Move exposing (..) import Animation exposing (..) import Phase.Implementation exposing (..) import Phase.End exposing (..) import Task --Update--------------------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case model.state of Play -> play msg model Win -> win msg model Lose -> lose msg model Over100 -> over100 msg model over100: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) over100 _ model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) lose: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) lose msg model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = "The enemy's power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) win: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) win msg model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) name: Int -> String name int = case int of 0 -> "Lance" 1 -> "Gorman" 2 -> "Doherty" 3 -> "Blair" _ -> "Dummy" chooseCmdMsgForImp: SubRoundPhase -> Cmd Msg chooseCmdMsgForImp subRoundPhase = if subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 0) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 1) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 2) then Cmd.batch [ Random.generate SpecialMoveNewFace (Random.int 1 6) , Delay.after 3 Second SpecialMoveStopRoll ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] randomNumber: Cmd Msg randomNumber = Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] chooseMsgForInit: SubRoundPhase -> ClickState -> Cmd Msg chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState = if subPhase == LetUsStart && (clickState == Click3 || clickState == Click4 ||clickState == Click5 || clickState == Click6) then Cmd.batch [ Task.perform GetSize getViewport, Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] play: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) play msg model = let movedModel = checkMap model in case msg of StartGameMessage phase subPhase clickState-> case phase of PreparationPhase -> (preparePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState) MovePhase -> (movePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100),Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 10000 (Random.int 1 6))]) ImplementationPhase -> (implementPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseCmdMsgForImp subPhase) EndPhase -> (endPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 100 (Random.int 1 6))]) Roll -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingDice }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFace (Random.int 1 6), Delay.after 3 Second StopRoll ]) NewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace, players = playerDice movedModel }, randomNumber) StopRoll -> ({ movedModel | moveSE = True, players = changeDice (updatePlayer movedModel) movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage MovePhase Move NotClick)) RollAction -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingMoreDice, showActionDiceRespectively = [True, True, True] }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFaceAction (Random.int 1 216) , Delay.after 3 Second StopRollAction ]) NewFaceAction newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) StopRollAction -> let newModel = handleDiceForAction movedModel in ({ newModel | isMoving = True, showDice = FinalMoreDice, showActionDice = True, showEndButton = True, canClickEndAction = True }, Cmd.none) Side -> if movedModel.sideState == NoSide || movedModel.sideState == HideSide then ({ movedModel | sideState = ShowSide }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | sideState = HideSide }, randomNumber) Top -> if movedModel.topState == NoTop || movedModel.topState == HideTop then ({ movedModel | topState = ShowTop }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | topState = HideTop }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveNewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveStopRoll -> ({ movedModel | players = updatePlayer movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice NoActionDice 10) Click6)) AddKey value -> ({ movedModel | control = [value] }, randomNumber) RemoveKey _ -> ({ movedModel | control = [] }, randomNumber) SelectTile tileIndex buttonNumber-> ( selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber, randomNumber) ReselectTile tileIndex buttonNumber indicator-> ( reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator, randomNumber) RandomNumber number -> ({model | randomNumber = number}, Cmd.none) GetSize viewport -> let gotSizeModel = { movedModel | windowSize = (round viewport.viewport.width, round viewport.viewport.height) } x = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.first y = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.second in ({ gotSizeModel | mapMoveX = x, mapMoveY = y }, Cmd.none) UpdateSize w h -> ({ movedModel | windowSize = (w, h) }, Cmd.none) ViewDetailedTile index-> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = True, detailTileIndex = index }, Cmd.none) NoDetail -> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = False }, Cmd.none) EndAction -> ({model | showActionDiceRespectively = [False, False, False], viewPopUp = endPopUp model, showPopUp = True, showEndButton = False},randomNumber) AiRandomNumber list -> ({model | aiRandomNumber = list}, Cmd.none) Restart -> (restart model, Cmd.none) OnJailCount -> (onJailCount movedModel, randomNumber) LoadNextRound -> ({ movedModel | viewPopUp = loading, showEndButton = False }, Cmd.batch [Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) ]) _ -> (movedModel, Cmd.none) changeDice: List Player -> Model -> List Player changeDice players model = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players loading = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Loading" , descriptionText = "Load next round." , buttons = [] } playerDice: Model -> List Player playerDice model = let players = model.players newPlayers = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players in newPlayers onJailCount: Model -> Model onJailCount model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: familyCost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True } endPopUp: Model -> ViewPopUp endPopUp model= { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: Family cost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick LoadNextRound , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } restart: Model -> Model restart model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Restart" , descriptionText = "Which family do you want to choose?" , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click3) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "4%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "Lance" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "28%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "Gorman" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "52%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "Doherty" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click6) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "76%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "Blair" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True} reselectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> String -> Model reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator= let addOrFight = if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then "fight" else "add" title = case addOrFight of "fight" -> "Can't launch a battle here." "add" -> "Can't send members here." _ -> " " description = case indicator of "policeStation" -> "You can't select police station to add member or fight." "jail" -> "You can't select jail to add member pr fight." "noOthers" -> "No one can fight with you here!" "noMember" -> "You have no member here." _ -> " " viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = title , descriptionText = description ++ " Click to give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} selectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> Model selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber= let playerIndex = model.currentPlayer tile = get tileIndex model.map preTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex - 1)) model.map nextTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex + 1)) model.map viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Do you want to select this tile?" , descriptionText = "Click to confirm or give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click4) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "30%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Yes" ], button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "50%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "No" ] ] } viewPopUpCanNotAdd = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Can't send members here" , descriptionText = "You can't send family to this tile since we don't have enough influence around there." , buttons = [ button [onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Oh..." ] ] } judgeCanAdd = ((get playerIndex preTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex nextTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex tile.familyMember)) /= 0 in if ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == AddDice && judgeCanAdd ) || ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice) then {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} else {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUpCanNotAdd, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} updatePlayer : Model -> List Player updatePlayer model = let currentPlayer = getCurrentPlayer model modList = let fun : Int -> Int fun num = modBy (List.length model.map) num in List.map fun (List.range currentPlayer.currentIndex (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice)) frameList = convertToFrame (modList) model.map newIndex = modBy (List.length model.map) (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice) newPos = Maybe.withDefault (0, 0) (getAt newIndex (List.map (\this -> this.position) model.map)) updated = { currentPlayer | currentIndex = newIndex, frameList = frameList, currentPos = newPos } in (List.take model.currentPlayer model.players) ++ [updated] ++ (List.drop (model.currentPlayer + 1) model.players)
module Update exposing (..) import Browser.Dom exposing (getViewport) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Model exposing (initPerspective) import Random import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..)) import List.Extra exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Map exposing (..) import Round import Style exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) import Definition exposing (..) import Phase.Prepare exposing (..) import Phase.Move exposing (..) import Animation exposing (..) import Phase.Implementation exposing (..) import Phase.End exposing (..) import Task --Update--------------------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case model.state of Play -> play msg model Win -> win msg model Lose -> lose msg model Over100 -> over100 msg model over100: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) over100 _ model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) lose: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) lose msg model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = "The enemy's power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) win: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) win msg model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) name: Int -> String name int = case int of 0 -> "<NAME>" 1 -> "<NAME>" 2 -> "<NAME>" 3 -> "<NAME>" _ -> "Dummy" chooseCmdMsgForImp: SubRoundPhase -> Cmd Msg chooseCmdMsgForImp subRoundPhase = if subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 0) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 1) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 2) then Cmd.batch [ Random.generate SpecialMoveNewFace (Random.int 1 6) , Delay.after 3 Second SpecialMoveStopRoll ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] randomNumber: Cmd Msg randomNumber = Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] chooseMsgForInit: SubRoundPhase -> ClickState -> Cmd Msg chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState = if subPhase == LetUsStart && (clickState == Click3 || clickState == Click4 ||clickState == Click5 || clickState == Click6) then Cmd.batch [ Task.perform GetSize getViewport, Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] play: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) play msg model = let movedModel = checkMap model in case msg of StartGameMessage phase subPhase clickState-> case phase of PreparationPhase -> (preparePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState) MovePhase -> (movePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100),Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 10000 (Random.int 1 6))]) ImplementationPhase -> (implementPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseCmdMsgForImp subPhase) EndPhase -> (endPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 100 (Random.int 1 6))]) Roll -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingDice }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFace (Random.int 1 6), Delay.after 3 Second StopRoll ]) NewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace, players = playerDice movedModel }, randomNumber) StopRoll -> ({ movedModel | moveSE = True, players = changeDice (updatePlayer movedModel) movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage MovePhase Move NotClick)) RollAction -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingMoreDice, showActionDiceRespectively = [True, True, True] }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFaceAction (Random.int 1 216) , Delay.after 3 Second StopRollAction ]) NewFaceAction newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) StopRollAction -> let newModel = handleDiceForAction movedModel in ({ newModel | isMoving = True, showDice = FinalMoreDice, showActionDice = True, showEndButton = True, canClickEndAction = True }, Cmd.none) Side -> if movedModel.sideState == NoSide || movedModel.sideState == HideSide then ({ movedModel | sideState = ShowSide }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | sideState = HideSide }, randomNumber) Top -> if movedModel.topState == NoTop || movedModel.topState == HideTop then ({ movedModel | topState = ShowTop }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | topState = HideTop }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveNewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveStopRoll -> ({ movedModel | players = updatePlayer movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice NoActionDice 10) Click6)) AddKey value -> ({ movedModel | control = [value] }, randomNumber) RemoveKey _ -> ({ movedModel | control = [] }, randomNumber) SelectTile tileIndex buttonNumber-> ( selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber, randomNumber) ReselectTile tileIndex buttonNumber indicator-> ( reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator, randomNumber) RandomNumber number -> ({model | randomNumber = number}, Cmd.none) GetSize viewport -> let gotSizeModel = { movedModel | windowSize = (round viewport.viewport.width, round viewport.viewport.height) } x = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.first y = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.second in ({ gotSizeModel | mapMoveX = x, mapMoveY = y }, Cmd.none) UpdateSize w h -> ({ movedModel | windowSize = (w, h) }, Cmd.none) ViewDetailedTile index-> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = True, detailTileIndex = index }, Cmd.none) NoDetail -> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = False }, Cmd.none) EndAction -> ({model | showActionDiceRespectively = [False, False, False], viewPopUp = endPopUp model, showPopUp = True, showEndButton = False},randomNumber) AiRandomNumber list -> ({model | aiRandomNumber = list}, Cmd.none) Restart -> (restart model, Cmd.none) OnJailCount -> (onJailCount movedModel, randomNumber) LoadNextRound -> ({ movedModel | viewPopUp = loading, showEndButton = False }, Cmd.batch [Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) ]) _ -> (movedModel, Cmd.none) changeDice: List Player -> Model -> List Player changeDice players model = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players loading = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Loading" , descriptionText = "Load next round." , buttons = [] } playerDice: Model -> List Player playerDice model = let players = model.players newPlayers = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players in newPlayers onJailCount: Model -> Model onJailCount model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: familyCost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True } endPopUp: Model -> ViewPopUp endPopUp model= { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: Family cost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick LoadNextRound , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } restart: Model -> Model restart model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Restart" , descriptionText = "Which family do you want to choose?" , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click3) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "4%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "<NAME>" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "28%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "<NAME>" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "52%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "<NAME>" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click6) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "76%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "<NAME>" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True} reselectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> String -> Model reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator= let addOrFight = if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then "fight" else "add" title = case addOrFight of "fight" -> "Can't launch a battle here." "add" -> "Can't send members here." _ -> " " description = case indicator of "policeStation" -> "You can't select police station to add member or fight." "jail" -> "You can't select jail to add member pr fight." "noOthers" -> "No one can fight with you here!" "noMember" -> "You have no member here." _ -> " " viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = title , descriptionText = description ++ " Click to give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} selectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> Model selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber= let playerIndex = model.currentPlayer tile = get tileIndex model.map preTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex - 1)) model.map nextTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex + 1)) model.map viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Do you want to select this tile?" , descriptionText = "Click to confirm or give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click4) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "30%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Yes" ], button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "50%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "No" ] ] } viewPopUpCanNotAdd = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Can't send members here" , descriptionText = "You can't send family to this tile since we don't have enough influence around there." , buttons = [ button [onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Oh..." ] ] } judgeCanAdd = ((get playerIndex preTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex nextTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex tile.familyMember)) /= 0 in if ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == AddDice && judgeCanAdd ) || ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice) then {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} else {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUpCanNotAdd, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} updatePlayer : Model -> List Player updatePlayer model = let currentPlayer = getCurrentPlayer model modList = let fun : Int -> Int fun num = modBy (List.length model.map) num in List.map fun (List.range currentPlayer.currentIndex (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice)) frameList = convertToFrame (modList) model.map newIndex = modBy (List.length model.map) (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice) newPos = Maybe.withDefault (0, 0) (getAt newIndex (List.map (\this -> this.position) model.map)) updated = { currentPlayer | currentIndex = newIndex, frameList = frameList, currentPos = newPos } in (List.take model.currentPlayer model.players) ++ [updated] ++ (List.drop (model.currentPlayer + 1) model.players)
module Update exposing (..) import Browser.Dom exposing (getViewport) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Model exposing (initPerspective) import Random import Delay exposing (TimeUnit(..)) import List.Extra exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (style) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick) import List.Extra exposing (getAt) import Map exposing (..) import Round import Style exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) import Definition exposing (..) import Phase.Prepare exposing (..) import Phase.Move exposing (..) import Animation exposing (..) import Phase.Implementation exposing (..) import Phase.End exposing (..) import Task --Update--------------------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case model.state of Play -> play msg model Win -> win msg model Lose -> lose msg model Over100 -> over100 msg model over100: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) over100 _ model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) lose: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) lose msg model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = "The enemy's power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) win: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) win msg model = let winner = get model.winnerIndex model.players viewPopUp1 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Win!" , descriptionText = "Under your wise leadership and hard work, we have defeated all the enemies and regained the leadership of the town. A new road is ahead!" , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "God bless us!" ] ] } viewPopUp2 = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Lose" , descriptionText = (name model.winnerIndex) ++ "'s power in the town obviously overthrew us. We had to choose to retreat. The car to the East is ready." , buttons = [ button [ onClick Restart , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "I'll be back one day!" ] ] } in if winner.isHuman then ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp1, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) else ({model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp2, showPopUp = True, state = Play }, Cmd.none) name: Int -> String name int = case int of 0 -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" 1 -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" 2 -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" 3 -> "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" _ -> "Dummy" chooseCmdMsgForImp: SubRoundPhase -> Cmd Msg chooseCmdMsgForImp subRoundPhase = if subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 0) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 1) || subRoundPhase == (UseActionDice MoveDice 2) then Cmd.batch [ Random.generate SpecialMoveNewFace (Random.int 1 6) , Delay.after 3 Second SpecialMoveStopRoll ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] randomNumber: Cmd Msg randomNumber = Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100)] chooseMsgForInit: SubRoundPhase -> ClickState -> Cmd Msg chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState = if subPhase == LetUsStart && (clickState == Click3 || clickState == Click4 ||clickState == Click5 || clickState == Click6) then Cmd.batch [ Task.perform GetSize getViewport, Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] else Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100) ] play: Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) play msg model = let movedModel = checkMap model in case msg of StartGameMessage phase subPhase clickState-> case phase of PreparationPhase -> (preparePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseMsgForInit subPhase clickState) MovePhase -> (movePhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate RandomNumber (Random.int 1 100),Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 10000 (Random.int 1 6))]) ImplementationPhase -> (implementPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, chooseCmdMsgForImp subPhase) EndPhase -> (endPhase movedModel subPhase clickState, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate AiRandomNumber (Random.list 100 (Random.int 1 6))]) Roll -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingDice }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFace (Random.int 1 6), Delay.after 3 Second StopRoll ]) NewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace, players = playerDice movedModel }, randomNumber) StopRoll -> ({ movedModel | moveSE = True, players = changeDice (updatePlayer movedModel) movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage MovePhase Move NotClick)) RollAction -> ({ movedModel | canClick = False, showDice = RollingMoreDice, showActionDiceRespectively = [True, True, True] }, Cmd.batch [ Random.generate NewFaceAction (Random.int 1 216) , Delay.after 3 Second StopRollAction ]) NewFaceAction newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) StopRollAction -> let newModel = handleDiceForAction movedModel in ({ newModel | isMoving = True, showDice = FinalMoreDice, showActionDice = True, showEndButton = True, canClickEndAction = True }, Cmd.none) Side -> if movedModel.sideState == NoSide || movedModel.sideState == HideSide then ({ movedModel | sideState = ShowSide }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | sideState = HideSide }, randomNumber) Top -> if movedModel.topState == NoTop || movedModel.topState == HideTop then ({ movedModel | topState = ShowTop }, randomNumber) else ({ movedModel | topState = HideTop }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveNewFace newFace -> ({ movedModel | dice = newFace }, randomNumber) SpecialMoveStopRoll -> ({ movedModel | players = updatePlayer movedModel, isMoving = True, showDice = FinalDice }, Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice NoActionDice 10) Click6)) AddKey value -> ({ movedModel | control = [value] }, randomNumber) RemoveKey _ -> ({ movedModel | control = [] }, randomNumber) SelectTile tileIndex buttonNumber-> ( selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber, randomNumber) ReselectTile tileIndex buttonNumber indicator-> ( reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator, randomNumber) RandomNumber number -> ({model | randomNumber = number}, Cmd.none) GetSize viewport -> let gotSizeModel = { movedModel | windowSize = (round viewport.viewport.width, round viewport.viewport.height) } x = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.first y = gotSizeModel |> initPerspective |> Tuple.second in ({ gotSizeModel | mapMoveX = x, mapMoveY = y }, Cmd.none) UpdateSize w h -> ({ movedModel | windowSize = (w, h) }, Cmd.none) ViewDetailedTile index-> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = True, detailTileIndex = index }, Cmd.none) NoDetail -> ({ movedModel | viewDetailed = False }, Cmd.none) EndAction -> ({model | showActionDiceRespectively = [False, False, False], viewPopUp = endPopUp model, showPopUp = True, showEndButton = False},randomNumber) AiRandomNumber list -> ({model | aiRandomNumber = list}, Cmd.none) Restart -> (restart model, Cmd.none) OnJailCount -> (onJailCount movedModel, randomNumber) LoadNextRound -> ({ movedModel | viewPopUp = loading, showEndButton = False }, Cmd.batch [Delay.after 2 Second (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) ]) _ -> (movedModel, Cmd.none) changeDice: List Player -> Model -> List Player changeDice players model = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players loading = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Loading" , descriptionText = "Load next round." , buttons = [] } playerDice: Model -> List Player playerDice model = let players = model.players newPlayers = List.map (\player -> {player | dice = model.dice}) players in newPlayers onJailCount: Model -> Model onJailCount model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: familyCost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage EndPhase CountWealth Click1) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True } endPopUp: Model -> ViewPopUp endPopUp model= { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Count Wealth" , descriptionText = "Income: \n Protection fee: " ++ Round.round 0 (Phase.Implementation.calculatePF model) ++ " \n Expenditure: Family cost: -" ++ Round.round 0 ((familyCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) / 3) ++ " \n Bribe: -" ++ toString (policeReduceCost (get model.currentPlayer model.players)) ++ " " ++ Phase.Implementation.prestigeCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.popularWillCount model ++ Phase.Implementation.policeAttentionBribe model , buttons = [ button [ onClick LoadNextRound , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "OK" ] ] } restart: Model -> Model restart model = let viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Restart" , descriptionText = "Which family do you want to choose?" , buttons = [ button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click3) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "4%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "28%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "52%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ], button [ onClick (StartGameMessage PreparationPhase LetUsStart Click6) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "76%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, showPopUp = True} reselectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> String -> Model reselectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber indicator= let addOrFight = if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then "fight" else "add" title = case addOrFight of "fight" -> "Can't launch a battle here." "add" -> "Can't send members here." _ -> " " description = case indicator of "policeStation" -> "You can't select police station to add member or fight." "jail" -> "You can't select jail to add member pr fight." "noOthers" -> "No one can fight with you here!" "noMember" -> "You have no member here." _ -> " " viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = title , descriptionText = description ++ " Click to give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "OK" ] ] } in {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} selectTile: Model -> Int -> Int -> Model selectTile model tileIndex buttonNumber= let playerIndex = model.currentPlayer tile = get tileIndex model.map preTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex - 1)) model.map nextTile = get (modBy (List.length model.map) (tileIndex + 1)) model.map viewPopUp = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Do you want to select this tile?" , descriptionText = "Click to confirm or give up." , buttons = [ button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click4) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click4) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "30%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Yes" ], button [ if (get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice then onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice FightDice buttonNumber) Click5) else onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "50%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonNo ] [ text "No" ] ] } viewPopUpCanNotAdd = { backgroundImage = "url(./src/image/event.jpg)" , title = "Can't send members here" , descriptionText = "You can't send family to this tile since we don't have enough influence around there." , buttons = [ button [onClick (StartGameMessage ImplementationPhase (UseActionDice AddDice buttonNumber) Click5) , style "width" "20%" , style "height" "10%" , style "left" "40%" , style "top" "80%" , style "position" "absolute" , style "font-size" "1vw" , style "font-weight" "bold" , buttonYes ] [ text "Oh..." ] ] } judgeCanAdd = ((get playerIndex preTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex nextTile.familyMember) + (get playerIndex tile.familyMember)) /= 0 in if ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == AddDice && judgeCanAdd ) || ((get buttonNumber model.actionDice) == FightDice) then {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUp, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} else {model | viewPopUp = viewPopUpCanNotAdd, canSelectTile = False, showPopUp = True, selectedTileIndex = tileIndex} updatePlayer : Model -> List Player updatePlayer model = let currentPlayer = getCurrentPlayer model modList = let fun : Int -> Int fun num = modBy (List.length model.map) num in List.map fun (List.range currentPlayer.currentIndex (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice)) frameList = convertToFrame (modList) model.map newIndex = modBy (List.length model.map) (currentPlayer.currentIndex + model.dice) newPos = Maybe.withDefault (0, 0) (getAt newIndex (List.map (\this -> this.position) model.map)) updated = { currentPlayer | currentIndex = newIndex, frameList = frameList, currentPos = newPos } in (List.take model.currentPlayer model.players) ++ [updated] ++ (List.drop (model.currentPlayer + 1) model.players)
[ { "context": "put UpdateFormName\n , placeholder \"Name\"\n , type_ \"text\"\n ,", "end": 6980, "score": 0.9905667901, "start": 6976, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Name" } ]
module Page.Configs exposing (Model, Msg, init, initBase, update, view) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Html , div , h1 , input , label , option , section , select , span , strong , table , tbody , td , text , th , thead , tr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked , class , classList , colspan , id , for , placeholder , value , type_ ) import Html.Events exposing (on, onCheck, onClick, onInput, targetValue) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import String import Task exposing (Task) import Time exposing (Time) import Api.Client import Api.Config as Api import Data.Client exposing (Client) import Data.Config exposing (Config) import Data.Parameter exposing (Parameter(..)) import Page.Errored exposing (PageLoadError, pageLoadError) import Route import View.Date import View.Error import View.Parameter -- MODEL type alias Model = { clients : List Client , config : Maybe Config , configs : List Config , error : Maybe Http.Error , formClientId : String , formName : String , newParameter : Parameter , now : Time , showAddConfig : Bool , showAddParameter : Bool } initModel : Time -> List Client -> Maybe Config -> List Config -> Model initModel now clients config configs = Model clients config configs Nothing "" "" (BoolParameter "" False) now False False init : Time -> Task PageLoadError Model init now = let model clients configs = initModel now clients Nothing configs in Api.listBase |> Http.toTask |> Task.map2 model (Api.Client.list |> Http.toTask) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initBase : Time -> String -> Task PageLoadError Model initBase now id = Api.getBase id |> Http.toTask |> Task.map (\config -> initModel now [] (Just config) []) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initParameter : String -> String -> Parameter initParameter name typeName = case typeName of "bool" -> BoolParameter name False "number" -> NumberParameter name 0 "numbers" -> NumbersParameter name [] "string" -> StringParameter name "" "strings" -> StringsParameter name [] _ -> BoolParameter name False -- UPDATE type Msg = ConfigLoaded (Result Http.Error Config) | FormSubmit | FormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | ParameterFormSubmit Config | ParameterFormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | SelectConfig String | ToggleAddConfig | ToggleAddParameter | UpdateFormClientId String | UpdateFormName String | UpdateParameterName String | UpdateParameterType String | UpdateValueBool Bool | UpdateValueNumber Int | UpdateValueNumbers (List Int) | UpdateValueString String | UpdateValueStrings (List String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let name = View.Parameter.name model.newParameter in case (Debug.log "CONFIG MSG" msg) of ConfigLoaded (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ConfigLoaded (Ok config) -> ( { model | config = Just config, error = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmit -> ( { model | error = Nothing } , Api.createBase model.formClientId model.formName |> Http.send FormSubmitted ) FormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients Nothing (List.append model.configs [ config ]), Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmit config -> ( model , Api.addParameter config.id (List.append config.parameters [ model.newParameter ]) |> Http.send ParameterFormSubmitted ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients (Just config) [], Cmd.none ) SelectConfig id -> ( model, Route.navigate (Route.ConfigBase id) ) ToggleAddConfig -> let clientId = case (List.head model.clients) of Just client -> client.id Nothing -> "" in ( { model | formClientId = clientId, showAddConfig = not model.showAddConfig }, Cmd.none ) ToggleAddParameter -> ( { model | showAddParameter = not model.showAddParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormName formName -> ( { model | formName = formName }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormClientId id -> ( { model | formClientId = id }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterName name -> ( { model | newParameter = paramUpdateName name model.newParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterType selectedType -> ( { model | newParameter = (initParameter name selectedType) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueBool val -> ( { model | newParameter = (BoolParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumber val -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumberParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumbers vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumbersParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueString val -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueStrings vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringsParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.config of Just config -> viewConfig model.now config model.showAddParameter model.newParameter model.error Nothing -> viewList model viewAdd : Int -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg viewAdd tdSpan labelText msg = tr [ class "add", onClick msg ] [ td [ class "type", colspan tdSpan ] [ text labelText ] ] viewAddConfigForm : String -> List Client -> List (Html Msg) viewAddConfigForm name clients = [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateFormName , placeholder "Name" , type_ "text" , value name ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateFormClientId targetValue) ] (List.map (\c -> viewOption c.name c.id) clients) ] , td [] [] , td [] [] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick FormSubmit ] [ td [ class "type", colspan 4 ] [ text "save config" ] ] ] viewCard : ( String, String ) -> Html Msg viewCard ( key, value ) = div [ class "card" ] [ span [] [ text key ] , strong [] [ text value ] ] viewConfig : Time -> Config -> Bool -> Parameter -> Maybe Http.Error -> Html Msg viewConfig now config showAdd parameter error = let action = if showAdd then viewParameterForm config parameter else [ viewAdd 3 "add parameter" ToggleAddParameter ] in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/Base/" , strong [ class "highlight" ] [ text config.name ] ] , View.Error.view error , viewMeta config now , View.Parameter.viewTable action config.parameters ] viewItem : Dict String Client -> Config -> Html Msg viewItem clients config = let client = case (Dict.get config.clientId clients) of Just client -> client.name Nothing -> config.clientId in tr [ class "action" , (Route.href (Route.ConfigBase config.id)) , onClick (SelectConfig config.id) ] [ td [] [ text config.name ] , td [] [ text client ] , td [] [ text config.id ] , td [] [ text (toString (List.length config.parameters)) ] ] viewList : Model -> Html Msg viewList model = let action = if model.showAddConfig then viewAddConfigForm model.formName model.clients else [ viewAdd 4 "add config" ToggleAddConfig ] clients = Dict.fromList (List.map (\c -> ( c.id, c )) model.clients) in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/" , strong [] [ text "Base" ] ] , View.Error.view model.error , table [] [ thead [] [ tr [] [ th [ class "name" ] [ text "name" ] , th [ class "client" ] [ text "client" ] , th [ class "id" ] [ text "id" ] , th [] [ text "parameters" ] ] ] , tbody [] (List.append (List.map (viewItem clients) model.configs) action) ] ] viewMeta : Config -> Time -> Html Msg viewMeta config now = let cards = [ ( "id", config.id ) , ( "client", config.clientId ) , ( "created", (View.Date.short config.createdAt) ) , ( "updated", (View.Date.pretty now config.updatedAt) ) ] in section [ class "meta" ] (List.map viewCard cards) viewOption : String -> String -> Html Msg viewOption name val = option [ value val ] [ text name ] viewParameterForm : Config -> Parameter -> List (Html Msg) viewParameterForm config parameter = let options = [ "bool" , "number" , "string" -- "numbers" -- "strings" ] in [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateParameterName , placeholder "Name" , type_ "text" , value (View.Parameter.name parameter) ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateParameterType targetValue) ] (List.map (\o -> viewOption o o) options) ] , td [ class "value" ] [ viewParameterFormValue parameter ] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick (ParameterFormSubmit config) ] [ td [ classList [ ( "type", True ) ], colspan 3 ] [ text "save parameter" ] ] ] viewParameterFormValue : Parameter -> Html Msg viewParameterFormValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ v -> div [] [ input [ checked v , id "new-bool" , onCheck UpdateValueBool , type_ "checkbox" ] [] , label [ for "new-bool" ] [] ] NumberParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumber targetNumber) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] NumbersParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumbers targetNumbers) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] StringParameter _ v -> input [ onInput UpdateValueString , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value v ] [] StringsParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueStrings targetStrings) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] -- HELPER paramUpdateName : String -> Parameter -> Parameter paramUpdateName name parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ value -> BoolParameter name value NumberParameter _ value -> NumberParameter name value NumbersParameter _ value -> NumbersParameter name value StringParameter _ value -> StringParameter name value StringsParameter _ value -> StringsParameter name value paramValue : Parameter -> String paramValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ val -> case val of True -> "True" False -> "False" NumberParameter _ val -> toString val NumbersParameter _ vals -> String.join " " (List.map (\v -> toString v) vals) StringParameter _ val -> val StringsParameter _ vals -> String.join " " vals toInt : String -> Int toInt input = case (String.toInt input) of Err err -> 0 Ok v -> v targetNumber : Json.Decoder Int targetNumber = Json.map toInt (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetNumbers : Json.Decoder (List Int) targetNumbers = let toInts input = List.map (\v -> toInt v) (String.split " " input) in Json.map toInts (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetStrings : Json.Decoder (List String) targetStrings = let toStrings input = String.split " " input in Json.map toStrings (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string)
module Page.Configs exposing (Model, Msg, init, initBase, update, view) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Html , div , h1 , input , label , option , section , select , span , strong , table , tbody , td , text , th , thead , tr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked , class , classList , colspan , id , for , placeholder , value , type_ ) import Html.Events exposing (on, onCheck, onClick, onInput, targetValue) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import String import Task exposing (Task) import Time exposing (Time) import Api.Client import Api.Config as Api import Data.Client exposing (Client) import Data.Config exposing (Config) import Data.Parameter exposing (Parameter(..)) import Page.Errored exposing (PageLoadError, pageLoadError) import Route import View.Date import View.Error import View.Parameter -- MODEL type alias Model = { clients : List Client , config : Maybe Config , configs : List Config , error : Maybe Http.Error , formClientId : String , formName : String , newParameter : Parameter , now : Time , showAddConfig : Bool , showAddParameter : Bool } initModel : Time -> List Client -> Maybe Config -> List Config -> Model initModel now clients config configs = Model clients config configs Nothing "" "" (BoolParameter "" False) now False False init : Time -> Task PageLoadError Model init now = let model clients configs = initModel now clients Nothing configs in Api.listBase |> Http.toTask |> Task.map2 model (Api.Client.list |> Http.toTask) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initBase : Time -> String -> Task PageLoadError Model initBase now id = Api.getBase id |> Http.toTask |> Task.map (\config -> initModel now [] (Just config) []) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initParameter : String -> String -> Parameter initParameter name typeName = case typeName of "bool" -> BoolParameter name False "number" -> NumberParameter name 0 "numbers" -> NumbersParameter name [] "string" -> StringParameter name "" "strings" -> StringsParameter name [] _ -> BoolParameter name False -- UPDATE type Msg = ConfigLoaded (Result Http.Error Config) | FormSubmit | FormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | ParameterFormSubmit Config | ParameterFormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | SelectConfig String | ToggleAddConfig | ToggleAddParameter | UpdateFormClientId String | UpdateFormName String | UpdateParameterName String | UpdateParameterType String | UpdateValueBool Bool | UpdateValueNumber Int | UpdateValueNumbers (List Int) | UpdateValueString String | UpdateValueStrings (List String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let name = View.Parameter.name model.newParameter in case (Debug.log "CONFIG MSG" msg) of ConfigLoaded (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ConfigLoaded (Ok config) -> ( { model | config = Just config, error = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmit -> ( { model | error = Nothing } , Api.createBase model.formClientId model.formName |> Http.send FormSubmitted ) FormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients Nothing (List.append model.configs [ config ]), Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmit config -> ( model , Api.addParameter config.id (List.append config.parameters [ model.newParameter ]) |> Http.send ParameterFormSubmitted ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients (Just config) [], Cmd.none ) SelectConfig id -> ( model, Route.navigate (Route.ConfigBase id) ) ToggleAddConfig -> let clientId = case (List.head model.clients) of Just client -> client.id Nothing -> "" in ( { model | formClientId = clientId, showAddConfig = not model.showAddConfig }, Cmd.none ) ToggleAddParameter -> ( { model | showAddParameter = not model.showAddParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormName formName -> ( { model | formName = formName }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormClientId id -> ( { model | formClientId = id }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterName name -> ( { model | newParameter = paramUpdateName name model.newParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterType selectedType -> ( { model | newParameter = (initParameter name selectedType) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueBool val -> ( { model | newParameter = (BoolParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumber val -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumberParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumbers vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumbersParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueString val -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueStrings vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringsParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.config of Just config -> viewConfig model.now config model.showAddParameter model.newParameter model.error Nothing -> viewList model viewAdd : Int -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg viewAdd tdSpan labelText msg = tr [ class "add", onClick msg ] [ td [ class "type", colspan tdSpan ] [ text labelText ] ] viewAddConfigForm : String -> List Client -> List (Html Msg) viewAddConfigForm name clients = [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateFormName , placeholder "<NAME>" , type_ "text" , value name ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateFormClientId targetValue) ] (List.map (\c -> viewOption c.name c.id) clients) ] , td [] [] , td [] [] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick FormSubmit ] [ td [ class "type", colspan 4 ] [ text "save config" ] ] ] viewCard : ( String, String ) -> Html Msg viewCard ( key, value ) = div [ class "card" ] [ span [] [ text key ] , strong [] [ text value ] ] viewConfig : Time -> Config -> Bool -> Parameter -> Maybe Http.Error -> Html Msg viewConfig now config showAdd parameter error = let action = if showAdd then viewParameterForm config parameter else [ viewAdd 3 "add parameter" ToggleAddParameter ] in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/Base/" , strong [ class "highlight" ] [ text config.name ] ] , View.Error.view error , viewMeta config now , View.Parameter.viewTable action config.parameters ] viewItem : Dict String Client -> Config -> Html Msg viewItem clients config = let client = case (Dict.get config.clientId clients) of Just client -> client.name Nothing -> config.clientId in tr [ class "action" , (Route.href (Route.ConfigBase config.id)) , onClick (SelectConfig config.id) ] [ td [] [ text config.name ] , td [] [ text client ] , td [] [ text config.id ] , td [] [ text (toString (List.length config.parameters)) ] ] viewList : Model -> Html Msg viewList model = let action = if model.showAddConfig then viewAddConfigForm model.formName model.clients else [ viewAdd 4 "add config" ToggleAddConfig ] clients = Dict.fromList (List.map (\c -> ( c.id, c )) model.clients) in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/" , strong [] [ text "Base" ] ] , View.Error.view model.error , table [] [ thead [] [ tr [] [ th [ class "name" ] [ text "name" ] , th [ class "client" ] [ text "client" ] , th [ class "id" ] [ text "id" ] , th [] [ text "parameters" ] ] ] , tbody [] (List.append (List.map (viewItem clients) model.configs) action) ] ] viewMeta : Config -> Time -> Html Msg viewMeta config now = let cards = [ ( "id", config.id ) , ( "client", config.clientId ) , ( "created", (View.Date.short config.createdAt) ) , ( "updated", (View.Date.pretty now config.updatedAt) ) ] in section [ class "meta" ] (List.map viewCard cards) viewOption : String -> String -> Html Msg viewOption name val = option [ value val ] [ text name ] viewParameterForm : Config -> Parameter -> List (Html Msg) viewParameterForm config parameter = let options = [ "bool" , "number" , "string" -- "numbers" -- "strings" ] in [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateParameterName , placeholder "Name" , type_ "text" , value (View.Parameter.name parameter) ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateParameterType targetValue) ] (List.map (\o -> viewOption o o) options) ] , td [ class "value" ] [ viewParameterFormValue parameter ] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick (ParameterFormSubmit config) ] [ td [ classList [ ( "type", True ) ], colspan 3 ] [ text "save parameter" ] ] ] viewParameterFormValue : Parameter -> Html Msg viewParameterFormValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ v -> div [] [ input [ checked v , id "new-bool" , onCheck UpdateValueBool , type_ "checkbox" ] [] , label [ for "new-bool" ] [] ] NumberParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumber targetNumber) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] NumbersParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumbers targetNumbers) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] StringParameter _ v -> input [ onInput UpdateValueString , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value v ] [] StringsParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueStrings targetStrings) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] -- HELPER paramUpdateName : String -> Parameter -> Parameter paramUpdateName name parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ value -> BoolParameter name value NumberParameter _ value -> NumberParameter name value NumbersParameter _ value -> NumbersParameter name value StringParameter _ value -> StringParameter name value StringsParameter _ value -> StringsParameter name value paramValue : Parameter -> String paramValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ val -> case val of True -> "True" False -> "False" NumberParameter _ val -> toString val NumbersParameter _ vals -> String.join " " (List.map (\v -> toString v) vals) StringParameter _ val -> val StringsParameter _ vals -> String.join " " vals toInt : String -> Int toInt input = case (String.toInt input) of Err err -> 0 Ok v -> v targetNumber : Json.Decoder Int targetNumber = Json.map toInt (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetNumbers : Json.Decoder (List Int) targetNumbers = let toInts input = List.map (\v -> toInt v) (String.split " " input) in Json.map toInts (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetStrings : Json.Decoder (List String) targetStrings = let toStrings input = String.split " " input in Json.map toStrings (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string)
module Page.Configs exposing (Model, Msg, init, initBase, update, view) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Html exposing ( Html , div , h1 , input , label , option , section , select , span , strong , table , tbody , td , text , th , thead , tr ) import Html.Attributes exposing ( checked , class , classList , colspan , id , for , placeholder , value , type_ ) import Html.Events exposing (on, onCheck, onClick, onInput, targetValue) import Http import Json.Decode as Json import String import Task exposing (Task) import Time exposing (Time) import Api.Client import Api.Config as Api import Data.Client exposing (Client) import Data.Config exposing (Config) import Data.Parameter exposing (Parameter(..)) import Page.Errored exposing (PageLoadError, pageLoadError) import Route import View.Date import View.Error import View.Parameter -- MODEL type alias Model = { clients : List Client , config : Maybe Config , configs : List Config , error : Maybe Http.Error , formClientId : String , formName : String , newParameter : Parameter , now : Time , showAddConfig : Bool , showAddParameter : Bool } initModel : Time -> List Client -> Maybe Config -> List Config -> Model initModel now clients config configs = Model clients config configs Nothing "" "" (BoolParameter "" False) now False False init : Time -> Task PageLoadError Model init now = let model clients configs = initModel now clients Nothing configs in Api.listBase |> Http.toTask |> Task.map2 model (Api.Client.list |> Http.toTask) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initBase : Time -> String -> Task PageLoadError Model initBase now id = Api.getBase id |> Http.toTask |> Task.map (\config -> initModel now [] (Just config) []) |> Task.mapError (\err -> pageLoadError "Configs" err) initParameter : String -> String -> Parameter initParameter name typeName = case typeName of "bool" -> BoolParameter name False "number" -> NumberParameter name 0 "numbers" -> NumbersParameter name [] "string" -> StringParameter name "" "strings" -> StringsParameter name [] _ -> BoolParameter name False -- UPDATE type Msg = ConfigLoaded (Result Http.Error Config) | FormSubmit | FormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | ParameterFormSubmit Config | ParameterFormSubmitted (Result Http.Error Config) | SelectConfig String | ToggleAddConfig | ToggleAddParameter | UpdateFormClientId String | UpdateFormName String | UpdateParameterName String | UpdateParameterType String | UpdateValueBool Bool | UpdateValueNumber Int | UpdateValueNumbers (List Int) | UpdateValueString String | UpdateValueStrings (List String) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let name = View.Parameter.name model.newParameter in case (Debug.log "CONFIG MSG" msg) of ConfigLoaded (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ConfigLoaded (Ok config) -> ( { model | config = Just config, error = Nothing }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmit -> ( { model | error = Nothing } , Api.createBase model.formClientId model.formName |> Http.send FormSubmitted ) FormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) FormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients Nothing (List.append model.configs [ config ]), Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmit config -> ( model , Api.addParameter config.id (List.append config.parameters [ model.newParameter ]) |> Http.send ParameterFormSubmitted ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Err error) -> ( { model | error = Just error }, Cmd.none ) ParameterFormSubmitted (Ok config) -> ( initModel model.now model.clients (Just config) [], Cmd.none ) SelectConfig id -> ( model, Route.navigate (Route.ConfigBase id) ) ToggleAddConfig -> let clientId = case (List.head model.clients) of Just client -> client.id Nothing -> "" in ( { model | formClientId = clientId, showAddConfig = not model.showAddConfig }, Cmd.none ) ToggleAddParameter -> ( { model | showAddParameter = not model.showAddParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormName formName -> ( { model | formName = formName }, Cmd.none ) UpdateFormClientId id -> ( { model | formClientId = id }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterName name -> ( { model | newParameter = paramUpdateName name model.newParameter }, Cmd.none ) UpdateParameterType selectedType -> ( { model | newParameter = (initParameter name selectedType) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueBool val -> ( { model | newParameter = (BoolParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumber val -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumberParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueNumbers vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (NumbersParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueString val -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringParameter name val) }, Cmd.none ) UpdateValueStrings vals -> ( { model | newParameter = (StringsParameter name vals) }, Cmd.none ) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.config of Just config -> viewConfig model.now config model.showAddParameter model.newParameter model.error Nothing -> viewList model viewAdd : Int -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg viewAdd tdSpan labelText msg = tr [ class "add", onClick msg ] [ td [ class "type", colspan tdSpan ] [ text labelText ] ] viewAddConfigForm : String -> List Client -> List (Html Msg) viewAddConfigForm name clients = [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateFormName , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , type_ "text" , value name ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateFormClientId targetValue) ] (List.map (\c -> viewOption c.name c.id) clients) ] , td [] [] , td [] [] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick FormSubmit ] [ td [ class "type", colspan 4 ] [ text "save config" ] ] ] viewCard : ( String, String ) -> Html Msg viewCard ( key, value ) = div [ class "card" ] [ span [] [ text key ] , strong [] [ text value ] ] viewConfig : Time -> Config -> Bool -> Parameter -> Maybe Http.Error -> Html Msg viewConfig now config showAdd parameter error = let action = if showAdd then viewParameterForm config parameter else [ viewAdd 3 "add parameter" ToggleAddParameter ] in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/Base/" , strong [ class "highlight" ] [ text config.name ] ] , View.Error.view error , viewMeta config now , View.Parameter.viewTable action config.parameters ] viewItem : Dict String Client -> Config -> Html Msg viewItem clients config = let client = case (Dict.get config.clientId clients) of Just client -> client.name Nothing -> config.clientId in tr [ class "action" , (Route.href (Route.ConfigBase config.id)) , onClick (SelectConfig config.id) ] [ td [] [ text config.name ] , td [] [ text client ] , td [] [ text config.id ] , td [] [ text (toString (List.length config.parameters)) ] ] viewList : Model -> Html Msg viewList model = let action = if model.showAddConfig then viewAddConfigForm model.formName model.clients else [ viewAdd 4 "add config" ToggleAddConfig ] clients = Dict.fromList (List.map (\c -> ( c.id, c )) model.clients) in div [] [ h1 [] [ text "Configs/" , strong [] [ text "Base" ] ] , View.Error.view model.error , table [] [ thead [] [ tr [] [ th [ class "name" ] [ text "name" ] , th [ class "client" ] [ text "client" ] , th [ class "id" ] [ text "id" ] , th [] [ text "parameters" ] ] ] , tbody [] (List.append (List.map (viewItem clients) model.configs) action) ] ] viewMeta : Config -> Time -> Html Msg viewMeta config now = let cards = [ ( "id", config.id ) , ( "client", config.clientId ) , ( "created", (View.Date.short config.createdAt) ) , ( "updated", (View.Date.pretty now config.updatedAt) ) ] in section [ class "meta" ] (List.map viewCard cards) viewOption : String -> String -> Html Msg viewOption name val = option [ value val ] [ text name ] viewParameterForm : Config -> Parameter -> List (Html Msg) viewParameterForm config parameter = let options = [ "bool" , "number" , "string" -- "numbers" -- "strings" ] in [ tr [ class "form" ] [ td [ class "name" ] [ input [ onInput UpdateParameterName , placeholder "Name" , type_ "text" , value (View.Parameter.name parameter) ] [] ] , td [] [ select [ on "change" (Json.map UpdateParameterType targetValue) ] (List.map (\o -> viewOption o o) options) ] , td [ class "value" ] [ viewParameterFormValue parameter ] ] , tr [ class "save", onClick (ParameterFormSubmit config) ] [ td [ classList [ ( "type", True ) ], colspan 3 ] [ text "save parameter" ] ] ] viewParameterFormValue : Parameter -> Html Msg viewParameterFormValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ v -> div [] [ input [ checked v , id "new-bool" , onCheck UpdateValueBool , type_ "checkbox" ] [] , label [ for "new-bool" ] [] ] NumberParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumber targetNumber) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] NumbersParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueNumbers targetNumbers) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] StringParameter _ v -> input [ onInput UpdateValueString , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value v ] [] StringsParameter _ v -> input [ on "input" (Json.map UpdateValueStrings targetStrings) , placeholder "Value" , type_ "text" , value (paramValue parameter) ] [] -- HELPER paramUpdateName : String -> Parameter -> Parameter paramUpdateName name parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ value -> BoolParameter name value NumberParameter _ value -> NumberParameter name value NumbersParameter _ value -> NumbersParameter name value StringParameter _ value -> StringParameter name value StringsParameter _ value -> StringsParameter name value paramValue : Parameter -> String paramValue parameter = case parameter of BoolParameter _ val -> case val of True -> "True" False -> "False" NumberParameter _ val -> toString val NumbersParameter _ vals -> String.join " " (List.map (\v -> toString v) vals) StringParameter _ val -> val StringsParameter _ vals -> String.join " " vals toInt : String -> Int toInt input = case (String.toInt input) of Err err -> 0 Ok v -> v targetNumber : Json.Decoder Int targetNumber = Json.map toInt (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetNumbers : Json.Decoder (List Int) targetNumbers = let toInts input = List.map (\v -> toInt v) (String.split " " input) in Json.map toInts (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string) targetStrings : Json.Decoder (List String) targetStrings = let toStrings input = String.split " " input in Json.map toStrings (Json.at [ "target", "value" ] Json.string)
[ { "context": "\n ],\n text \"Alexander Sadovnikov\"\n ],\n p [] [\n ", "end": 667, "score": 0.999832809, "start": 647, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alexander Sadovnikov" }, { "context": " [\n a [href \"http://github.com/sad0vnikov/radish\"] [\n i [class \"fa f", "end": 768, "score": 0.998770237, "start": 758, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "sad0vnikov" } ]
module View.AboutModal exposing (view) import Model.Model exposing (Model, availableKeyTypes, keyTypeName, keyTypeAlias, KeyType) import Update.Msg exposing (Msg(..)) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Dialog view : Model -> Maybe (Dialog.Config Msg) view model = Just { closeMessage = Just AboutWindowClose, containerClass = Nothing, header = Just (text <| "Radish " ++ model.appInfo.version), body = Just ( div [] [ p [] [ strong [] [ text "Author: " ], text "Alexander Sadovnikov" ], p [] [ a [href "http://github.com/sad0vnikov/radish"] [ i [class "fa fa-2x fa-github"] [] ] ] ] ), footer = Nothing }
module View.AboutModal exposing (view) import Model.Model exposing (Model, availableKeyTypes, keyTypeName, keyTypeAlias, KeyType) import Update.Msg exposing (Msg(..)) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Dialog view : Model -> Maybe (Dialog.Config Msg) view model = Just { closeMessage = Just AboutWindowClose, containerClass = Nothing, header = Just (text <| "Radish " ++ model.appInfo.version), body = Just ( div [] [ p [] [ strong [] [ text "Author: " ], text "<NAME>" ], p [] [ a [href "http://github.com/sad0vnikov/radish"] [ i [class "fa fa-2x fa-github"] [] ] ] ] ), footer = Nothing }
module View.AboutModal exposing (view) import Model.Model exposing (Model, availableKeyTypes, keyTypeName, keyTypeAlias, KeyType) import Update.Msg exposing (Msg(..)) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Dialog view : Model -> Maybe (Dialog.Config Msg) view model = Just { closeMessage = Just AboutWindowClose, containerClass = Nothing, header = Just (text <| "Radish " ++ model.appInfo.version), body = Just ( div [] [ p [] [ strong [] [ text "Author: " ], text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ], p [] [ a [href "http://github.com/sad0vnikov/radish"] [ i [class "fa fa-2x fa-github"] [] ] ] ] ), footer = Nothing }
[ { "context": " \n [ { key = (White, Just Red) ", "end": 2358, "score": 0.5787440538, "start": 2355, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Red" }, { "context": " \n [ { key = (White, Just Red) ", "end": 6057, "score": 0.7550233006, "start": 6054, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Red" }, { "context": " \n [ { key = (White, Just Red) ", "end": 9836, "score": 0.5787352324, "start": 9833, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Red" } ]
module GameBase.Data.LevelsData.TasksBlock1Data exposing (basketsNumb1_1, machine1_1, input1_1, transTable1_1, expectedResult1_1, expectedPos1_1, usedCats1_1, usedBalls1_1, basketsNumb1_2, machine1_2, input1_2, transTable1_2, expectedResult1_2, expectedPos1_2, usedCats1_2, usedBalls1_2, basketsNumb1_3, machine1_3, input1_3, transTable1_3, expectedResult1_3, expectedPos1_3, usedCats1_3, usedBalls1_3) import TuringMachine.TuringTypes exposing ( Direction(..), Machine, UserTransTable, Cell(..)) import TuringMachine.RunTuring exposing (transFunc) import GameBase.Data.GameTypes exposing (BallOfWool(..), Kitten(..)) import GameBase.UI.MainObjects.Basket exposing (nineBaskets) --(fourBaskets, sevenBaskets) import Array exposing (Array, fromList) -- BLOCK 1 : Head movement and addition balls at the end of input word--------- -- 1_1 - Put blue ball at the right end of word basketsNumb1_1 : Int basketsNumb1_1 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_1 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_1 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 4 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 0 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_1 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_1 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just Red) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_1 = [Just Red] expectedResult1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_1 = [Just Red, Just Blue] expectedPos1_1 : Int expectedPos1_1 = 4 --1 usedCats1_1 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_1 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_1 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_1 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_2 - Put blue ball at the left end of word basketsNumb1_2 : Int basketsNumb1_2 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_2 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_2 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 3 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_2 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_2 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just Red) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_2 = [Nothing, Just Red] expectedResult1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_2 = [Just Blue, Just Red] expectedPos1_2 : Int expectedPos1_2 = 4 --2 usedCats1_2 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_2 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_2 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_2 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_3 - Put blue balls at the both ends of word basketsNumb1_3 : Int basketsNumb1_3 = nineBaskets --sevenBaskets machine1_3 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_3 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 2 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_3 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_3 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just Red) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Red) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_3 = [Nothing, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green] expectedResult1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_3 = [Just Blue, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green, Just Blue] expectedPos1_3 : Int expectedPos1_3 = 3 --2 usedCats1_3 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_3 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_3 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_3 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module GameBase.Data.LevelsData.TasksBlock1Data exposing (basketsNumb1_1, machine1_1, input1_1, transTable1_1, expectedResult1_1, expectedPos1_1, usedCats1_1, usedBalls1_1, basketsNumb1_2, machine1_2, input1_2, transTable1_2, expectedResult1_2, expectedPos1_2, usedCats1_2, usedBalls1_2, basketsNumb1_3, machine1_3, input1_3, transTable1_3, expectedResult1_3, expectedPos1_3, usedCats1_3, usedBalls1_3) import TuringMachine.TuringTypes exposing ( Direction(..), Machine, UserTransTable, Cell(..)) import TuringMachine.RunTuring exposing (transFunc) import GameBase.Data.GameTypes exposing (BallOfWool(..), Kitten(..)) import GameBase.UI.MainObjects.Basket exposing (nineBaskets) --(fourBaskets, sevenBaskets) import Array exposing (Array, fromList) -- BLOCK 1 : Head movement and addition balls at the end of input word--------- -- 1_1 - Put blue ball at the right end of word basketsNumb1_1 : Int basketsNumb1_1 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_1 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_1 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 4 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 0 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_1 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_1 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just <NAME>) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_1 = [Just Red] expectedResult1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_1 = [Just Red, Just Blue] expectedPos1_1 : Int expectedPos1_1 = 4 --1 usedCats1_1 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_1 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_1 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_1 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_2 - Put blue ball at the left end of word basketsNumb1_2 : Int basketsNumb1_2 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_2 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_2 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 3 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_2 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_2 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just <NAME>) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_2 = [Nothing, Just Red] expectedResult1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_2 = [Just Blue, Just Red] expectedPos1_2 : Int expectedPos1_2 = 4 --2 usedCats1_2 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_2 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_2 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_2 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_3 - Put blue balls at the both ends of word basketsNumb1_3 : Int basketsNumb1_3 = nineBaskets --sevenBaskets machine1_3 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_3 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 2 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_3 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_3 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just <NAME>) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Red) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_3 = [Nothing, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green] expectedResult1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_3 = [Just Blue, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green, Just Blue] expectedPos1_3 : Int expectedPos1_3 = 3 --2 usedCats1_3 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_3 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_3 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_3 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module GameBase.Data.LevelsData.TasksBlock1Data exposing (basketsNumb1_1, machine1_1, input1_1, transTable1_1, expectedResult1_1, expectedPos1_1, usedCats1_1, usedBalls1_1, basketsNumb1_2, machine1_2, input1_2, transTable1_2, expectedResult1_2, expectedPos1_2, usedCats1_2, usedBalls1_2, basketsNumb1_3, machine1_3, input1_3, transTable1_3, expectedResult1_3, expectedPos1_3, usedCats1_3, usedBalls1_3) import TuringMachine.TuringTypes exposing ( Direction(..), Machine, UserTransTable, Cell(..)) import TuringMachine.RunTuring exposing (transFunc) import GameBase.Data.GameTypes exposing (BallOfWool(..), Kitten(..)) import GameBase.UI.MainObjects.Basket exposing (nineBaskets) --(fourBaskets, sevenBaskets) import Array exposing (Array, fromList) -- BLOCK 1 : Head movement and addition balls at the end of input word--------- -- 1_1 - Put blue ball at the right end of word basketsNumb1_1 : Int basketsNumb1_1 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_1 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_1 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 4 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 0 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_1 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_1 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_1 = [Just Red] expectedResult1_1 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_1 = [Just Red, Just Blue] expectedPos1_1 : Int expectedPos1_1 = 4 --1 usedCats1_1 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_1 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_1 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_1 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_2 - Put blue ball at the left end of word basketsNumb1_2 : Int basketsNumb1_2 = nineBaskets --fourBaskets machine1_2 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_2 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 3 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_2 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_2 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = EmptyCell , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_2 = [Nothing, Just Red] expectedResult1_2 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_2 = [Just Blue, Just Red] expectedPos1_2 : Int expectedPos1_2 = 4 --2 usedCats1_2 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_2 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_2 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_2 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -- 1_3 - Put blue balls at the both ends of word basketsNumb1_3 : Int basketsNumb1_3 = nineBaskets --sevenBaskets machine1_3 : Machine BallOfWool Kitten machine1_3 = { transition = (transFunc (fromList []) (Violet, Nothing, MoveLeft)) , initHeadPosForDraw = 2 --1 , initHeadPosForMach = 1 , startState = White , acceptState = Orange , rejectState = Violet } transTable1_3 : UserTransTable BallOfWool Kitten transTable1_3 = fromList [ { key = (White, Just PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (White) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (White, Nothing) , value = { state = EmptyCell , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = EmptyCell } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Red) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Red) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Yellow) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Yellow) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Just Green) , value = { state = StableCell (LightGrey) , symb = StableCell (Just Green) , dir = StableCell (MoveLeft) } , clickNum = 0 } , { key = (LightGrey, Nothing) , value = { state = StableCell (Orange) , symb = StableCell (Just Blue) , dir = StableCell (MoveRight) } , clickNum = 0 } ] input1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) input1_3 = [Nothing, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green] expectedResult1_3 : List (Maybe BallOfWool) expectedResult1_3 = [Just Blue, Just Red, Just Yellow, Just Green, Just Blue] expectedPos1_3 : Int expectedPos1_3 = 3 --2 usedCats1_3 : Array (Cell Kitten) usedCats1_3 = fromList [UserCell White, UserCell LightGrey, UserCell Grey, UserCell Brown, UserCell DarkBrown] usedBalls1_3 : Array (Cell (Maybe BallOfWool)) usedBalls1_3 = fromList [UserCell (Just Red), UserCell (Just Yellow), UserCell (Just Green), UserCell (Just Blue), UserCell Nothing] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ { "context": " Just user ->\n { username = user.username\n , bio = user.bio |> Maybe.withDefault", "end": 1316, "score": 0.9787785411, "start": 1308, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "rams =\n { username = model.username\n , email = model.email\n ", "end": 2811, "score": 0.90129143, "start": 2803, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "username" }, { "context": "odel.email\n , oldPassword = model.oldPassword\n , newPassword = model.new", "end": 2915, "score": 0.9471037388, "start": 2898, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "model.oldPassword" }, { "context": "ldPassword\n , newPassword = model.newPassword\n , bio = model.bio\n ", "end": 2973, "score": 0.8799481392, "start": 2956, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "model.newPassword" }, { "context": " text = model.username\n , label = \"Your Username\"\n , onChange = Updated Us", "end": 3825, "score": 0.8336205482, "start": 3821, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Your" }, { "context": "t = model.username\n , label = \"Your Username\"\n , onChange = Updated Username\n ", "end": 3834, "score": 0.6632144451, "start": 3826, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Username" } ]
module Pages.Settings exposing (Model, Msg(..), page) import Bridge exposing (..) import Config.View import Data.Response exposing (Response) import Data.User exposing (User) import Effect exposing (Effect) import Element import Element.Border as Border import Element.Input as Input import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value) import Page import Request exposing (Request) import Shared import Utils.Maybe import View exposing (View) import View.Color as Color import View.ErrorList import View.Input import Widget import Widget.Customize as Customize import Widget.Material as Material import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography page : Shared.Model -> Request -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init shared , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view user } ) -- INIT type alias Model = { username : String , bio : String , email : String , oldPassword : Maybe String , newPassword : Maybe String , message : Maybe String , errors : List String } init : Shared.Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init shared = ( case shared.user of Just user -> { username = user.username , bio = user.bio |> Maybe.withDefault "" , email = user.email , oldPassword = Nothing , newPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } Nothing -> { username = "" , bio = "" , email = "" , newPassword = Nothing , oldPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } , Effect.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Updated Field String | SubmittedForm User | GotUser (Response User) type Field = Username | Bio | Email | NewPassword | OldPassword update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Updated Username value -> ( { model | username = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Bio value -> ( { model | bio = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Email value -> ( { model | email = value }, Effect.none ) Updated OldPassword value -> ( { model | oldPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) Updated NewPassword value -> ( { model | newPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) SubmittedForm _ -> ( { model | message = Nothing, errors = [] } , (Effect.fromCmd << sendToBackend) <| UserUpdate_Settings { params = { username = model.username , email = model.email , oldPassword = model.oldPassword , newPassword = model.newPassword , bio = model.bio } } ) GotUser (Data.Response.Success user) -> ( { model | message = Just "User updated!" } , Effect.fromShared (Shared.SignedInUser user) ) GotUser (Data.Response.Failure reasons) -> ( { model | errors = reasons } , Effect.none ) GotUser _ -> ( model, Effect.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- VIEW view : User -> Model -> View Msg view user model = { title = "Settings" , body = [ Element.text "Your Settings" |> Element.el (Typography.h2 ++ [ Element.centerX ]) , [ View.Input.textInput { text = model.username , label = "Your Username" , onChange = Updated Username } |> View.Input.withLabel "Your Username" , View.Input.multiLineInput { text = model.bio , label = "Short bio about you" , onChange = Updated Bio } |> View.Input.withLabel "Short bio about you" , View.Input.textInput { text = model.email , label = "Email" , onChange = Updated Email } |> View.Input.withLabel "Email" , [ Widget.currentPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.oldPassword , placeholder = "Old Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "Old Password" , onChange = Updated OldPassword , show = False } , Widget.newPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.newPassword , placeholder = "New Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "New Password" , onChange = Updated NewPassword , show = False } ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] |> View.Input.withLabel "Change Password" , View.ErrorList.view model.errors |> Element.html , (\message -> p [ class "text-success" ] [ text message ] ) |> Utils.Maybe.view model.message |> Element.html , Widget.textButton (Material.containedButton Color.palette) { text = "Update Settings" , onPress = Just <| SubmittedForm user } |> Element.el [ Element.alignRight ] ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] ] |> Element.column (Material.cardAttributes Color.palette ++ [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Border.rounded Config.View.rounded , Element.padding Config.View.padding , Element.width Element.shrink , Element.centerX , Element.centerY , Element.width <| Element.maximum 1024 <| Element.fill ] ) }
module Pages.Settings exposing (Model, Msg(..), page) import Bridge exposing (..) import Config.View import Data.Response exposing (Response) import Data.User exposing (User) import Effect exposing (Effect) import Element import Element.Border as Border import Element.Input as Input import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value) import Page import Request exposing (Request) import Shared import Utils.Maybe import View exposing (View) import View.Color as Color import View.ErrorList import View.Input import Widget import Widget.Customize as Customize import Widget.Material as Material import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography page : Shared.Model -> Request -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init shared , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view user } ) -- INIT type alias Model = { username : String , bio : String , email : String , oldPassword : Maybe String , newPassword : Maybe String , message : Maybe String , errors : List String } init : Shared.Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init shared = ( case shared.user of Just user -> { username = user.username , bio = user.bio |> Maybe.withDefault "" , email = user.email , oldPassword = Nothing , newPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } Nothing -> { username = "" , bio = "" , email = "" , newPassword = Nothing , oldPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } , Effect.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Updated Field String | SubmittedForm User | GotUser (Response User) type Field = Username | Bio | Email | NewPassword | OldPassword update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Updated Username value -> ( { model | username = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Bio value -> ( { model | bio = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Email value -> ( { model | email = value }, Effect.none ) Updated OldPassword value -> ( { model | oldPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) Updated NewPassword value -> ( { model | newPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) SubmittedForm _ -> ( { model | message = Nothing, errors = [] } , (Effect.fromCmd << sendToBackend) <| UserUpdate_Settings { params = { username = model.username , email = model.email , oldPassword = <PASSWORD> , newPassword = <PASSWORD> , bio = model.bio } } ) GotUser (Data.Response.Success user) -> ( { model | message = Just "User updated!" } , Effect.fromShared (Shared.SignedInUser user) ) GotUser (Data.Response.Failure reasons) -> ( { model | errors = reasons } , Effect.none ) GotUser _ -> ( model, Effect.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- VIEW view : User -> Model -> View Msg view user model = { title = "Settings" , body = [ Element.text "Your Settings" |> Element.el (Typography.h2 ++ [ Element.centerX ]) , [ View.Input.textInput { text = model.username , label = "<NAME> <NAME>" , onChange = Updated Username } |> View.Input.withLabel "Your Username" , View.Input.multiLineInput { text = model.bio , label = "Short bio about you" , onChange = Updated Bio } |> View.Input.withLabel "Short bio about you" , View.Input.textInput { text = model.email , label = "Email" , onChange = Updated Email } |> View.Input.withLabel "Email" , [ Widget.currentPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.oldPassword , placeholder = "Old Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "Old Password" , onChange = Updated OldPassword , show = False } , Widget.newPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.newPassword , placeholder = "New Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "New Password" , onChange = Updated NewPassword , show = False } ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] |> View.Input.withLabel "Change Password" , View.ErrorList.view model.errors |> Element.html , (\message -> p [ class "text-success" ] [ text message ] ) |> Utils.Maybe.view model.message |> Element.html , Widget.textButton (Material.containedButton Color.palette) { text = "Update Settings" , onPress = Just <| SubmittedForm user } |> Element.el [ Element.alignRight ] ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] ] |> Element.column (Material.cardAttributes Color.palette ++ [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Border.rounded Config.View.rounded , Element.padding Config.View.padding , Element.width Element.shrink , Element.centerX , Element.centerY , Element.width <| Element.maximum 1024 <| Element.fill ] ) }
module Pages.Settings exposing (Model, Msg(..), page) import Bridge exposing (..) import Config.View import Data.Response exposing (Response) import Data.User exposing (User) import Effect exposing (Effect) import Element import Element.Border as Border import Element.Input as Input import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, value) import Page import Request exposing (Request) import Shared import Utils.Maybe import View exposing (View) import View.Color as Color import View.ErrorList import View.Input import Widget import Widget.Customize as Customize import Widget.Material as Material import Widget.Material.Typography as Typography page : Shared.Model -> Request -> Page.With Model Msg page shared _ = Page.protected.advanced (\user -> { init = init shared , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view user } ) -- INIT type alias Model = { username : String , bio : String , email : String , oldPassword : Maybe String , newPassword : Maybe String , message : Maybe String , errors : List String } init : Shared.Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) init shared = ( case shared.user of Just user -> { username = user.username , bio = user.bio |> Maybe.withDefault "" , email = user.email , oldPassword = Nothing , newPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } Nothing -> { username = "" , bio = "" , email = "" , newPassword = Nothing , oldPassword = Nothing , message = Nothing , errors = [] } , Effect.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Updated Field String | SubmittedForm User | GotUser (Response User) type Field = Username | Bio | Email | NewPassword | OldPassword update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Updated Username value -> ( { model | username = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Bio value -> ( { model | bio = value }, Effect.none ) Updated Email value -> ( { model | email = value }, Effect.none ) Updated OldPassword value -> ( { model | oldPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) Updated NewPassword value -> ( { model | newPassword = Just value }, Effect.none ) SubmittedForm _ -> ( { model | message = Nothing, errors = [] } , (Effect.fromCmd << sendToBackend) <| UserUpdate_Settings { params = { username = model.username , email = model.email , oldPassword = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI , newPassword = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI , bio = model.bio } } ) GotUser (Data.Response.Success user) -> ( { model | message = Just "User updated!" } , Effect.fromShared (Shared.SignedInUser user) ) GotUser (Data.Response.Failure reasons) -> ( { model | errors = reasons } , Effect.none ) GotUser _ -> ( model, Effect.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- VIEW view : User -> Model -> View Msg view user model = { title = "Settings" , body = [ Element.text "Your Settings" |> Element.el (Typography.h2 ++ [ Element.centerX ]) , [ View.Input.textInput { text = model.username , label = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , onChange = Updated Username } |> View.Input.withLabel "Your Username" , View.Input.multiLineInput { text = model.bio , label = "Short bio about you" , onChange = Updated Bio } |> View.Input.withLabel "Short bio about you" , View.Input.textInput { text = model.email , label = "Email" , onChange = Updated Email } |> View.Input.withLabel "Email" , [ Widget.currentPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.oldPassword , placeholder = "Old Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "Old Password" , onChange = Updated OldPassword , show = False } , Widget.newPasswordInputV2 (Material.passwordInput Color.palette |> Customize.elementRow [ Element.width Element.fill ] ) { text = Maybe.withDefault "" model.newPassword , placeholder = "New Password" |> Element.text |> Input.placeholder [] |> Just , label = "New Password" , onChange = Updated NewPassword , show = False } ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] |> View.Input.withLabel "Change Password" , View.ErrorList.view model.errors |> Element.html , (\message -> p [ class "text-success" ] [ text message ] ) |> Utils.Maybe.view model.message |> Element.html , Widget.textButton (Material.containedButton Color.palette) { text = "Update Settings" , onPress = Just <| SubmittedForm user } |> Element.el [ Element.alignRight ] ] |> Element.column [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Element.width Element.fill ] ] |> Element.column (Material.cardAttributes Color.palette ++ [ Element.spacing Config.View.spacing , Border.rounded Config.View.rounded , Element.padding Config.View.padding , Element.width Element.shrink , Element.centerX , Element.centerY , Element.width <| Element.maximum 1024 <| Element.fill ] ) }
[ { "context": "g username )\n , ( \"password\", JE.string password )\n ]\n )\n\n\n\n-- CMD response DECO", "end": 1543, "score": 0.796184063, "start": 1535, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module Commands exposing (authRequest, getPostList) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Decode as JD exposing (at) import Json.Encode as JE import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required, optional) import Messages exposing (..) import Types exposing (AuthResponse, PostList, PostMetaInfo) import Helpers exposing (tokenHeader) import Maybe authRequest : Maybe String -> String -> String -> String -> Cmd Msg authRequest token api_url username password = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = authRequestUrl api_url , body = authBody username password , expect = authResponseExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnAuthCmdResponse authRequestUrl : String -> String authRequestUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/auth" getPostList : Maybe String -> String -> Cmd Msg getPostList token api_url = Http.request { method = "GET" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = getPostListUrl api_url , body = emptyBody , expect = postlistExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnPostListResponse getPostListUrl : String -> String getPostListUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/posts" -- CMD encoder authBody : String -> String -> Body authBody username password = jsonBody (JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string username ) , ( "password", JE.string password ) ] ) -- CMD response DECODERS authResponseExpect : Expect AuthResponse authResponseExpect = expectJson collectionDecoder collectionDecoder : JD.Decoder AuthResponse collectionDecoder = decode AuthResponse |> required "code" JD.string |> required "token" JD.string postlistExpect : Expect PostList postlistExpect = expectJson postlistDecoder postlistDecoder : JD.Decoder PostList postlistDecoder = JD.list postMetaInfoDecoder postMetaInfoDecoder : JD.Decoder PostMetaInfo postMetaInfoDecoder = decode PostMetaInfo |> required "slug" JD.string |> required "author" JD.string |> required "title" JD.string |> required "description" JD.string |> required "date" JD.string |> required "tags" (JD.list JD.string) |> required "headerimg" JD.string |> required "pinned" JD.bool |> required "published" JD.bool
module Commands exposing (authRequest, getPostList) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Decode as JD exposing (at) import Json.Encode as JE import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required, optional) import Messages exposing (..) import Types exposing (AuthResponse, PostList, PostMetaInfo) import Helpers exposing (tokenHeader) import Maybe authRequest : Maybe String -> String -> String -> String -> Cmd Msg authRequest token api_url username password = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = authRequestUrl api_url , body = authBody username password , expect = authResponseExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnAuthCmdResponse authRequestUrl : String -> String authRequestUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/auth" getPostList : Maybe String -> String -> Cmd Msg getPostList token api_url = Http.request { method = "GET" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = getPostListUrl api_url , body = emptyBody , expect = postlistExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnPostListResponse getPostListUrl : String -> String getPostListUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/posts" -- CMD encoder authBody : String -> String -> Body authBody username password = jsonBody (JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string username ) , ( "password", JE.string <PASSWORD> ) ] ) -- CMD response DECODERS authResponseExpect : Expect AuthResponse authResponseExpect = expectJson collectionDecoder collectionDecoder : JD.Decoder AuthResponse collectionDecoder = decode AuthResponse |> required "code" JD.string |> required "token" JD.string postlistExpect : Expect PostList postlistExpect = expectJson postlistDecoder postlistDecoder : JD.Decoder PostList postlistDecoder = JD.list postMetaInfoDecoder postMetaInfoDecoder : JD.Decoder PostMetaInfo postMetaInfoDecoder = decode PostMetaInfo |> required "slug" JD.string |> required "author" JD.string |> required "title" JD.string |> required "description" JD.string |> required "date" JD.string |> required "tags" (JD.list JD.string) |> required "headerimg" JD.string |> required "pinned" JD.bool |> required "published" JD.bool
module Commands exposing (authRequest, getPostList) import Http exposing (..) import Json.Decode as JD exposing (at) import Json.Encode as JE import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required, optional) import Messages exposing (..) import Types exposing (AuthResponse, PostList, PostMetaInfo) import Helpers exposing (tokenHeader) import Maybe authRequest : Maybe String -> String -> String -> String -> Cmd Msg authRequest token api_url username password = Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = authRequestUrl api_url , body = authBody username password , expect = authResponseExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnAuthCmdResponse authRequestUrl : String -> String authRequestUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/auth" getPostList : Maybe String -> String -> Cmd Msg getPostList token api_url = Http.request { method = "GET" , headers = [ (tokenHeader token) ] , url = getPostListUrl api_url , body = emptyBody , expect = postlistExpect , timeout = Nothing , withCredentials = False } |> Http.send OnPostListResponse getPostListUrl : String -> String getPostListUrl api_url = api_url ++ "/posts" -- CMD encoder authBody : String -> String -> Body authBody username password = jsonBody (JE.object [ ( "username", JE.string username ) , ( "password", JE.string PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI ) ] ) -- CMD response DECODERS authResponseExpect : Expect AuthResponse authResponseExpect = expectJson collectionDecoder collectionDecoder : JD.Decoder AuthResponse collectionDecoder = decode AuthResponse |> required "code" JD.string |> required "token" JD.string postlistExpect : Expect PostList postlistExpect = expectJson postlistDecoder postlistDecoder : JD.Decoder PostList postlistDecoder = JD.list postMetaInfoDecoder postMetaInfoDecoder : JD.Decoder PostMetaInfo postMetaInfoDecoder = decode PostMetaInfo |> required "slug" JD.string |> required "author" JD.string |> required "title" JD.string |> required "description" JD.string |> required "date" JD.string |> required "tags" (JD.list JD.string) |> required "headerimg" JD.string |> required "pinned" JD.bool |> required "published" JD.bool
[ { "context": "t _ =\n ( { templates =\n [ { name = \"Trousers\"\n , color = \"darkkhaki\"\n ", "end": 1703, "score": 0.9182984829, "start": 1695, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Trousers" }, { "context": "arkkhaki\"\n }\n , { name = \"Stuff\"\n , color = \"darkgoldenrod\"\n ", "end": 1786, "score": 0.8909261227, "start": 1781, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Stuff" }, { "context": "oldenrod\"\n }\n , { name = \"Thing\"\n , color = \"darkgray\"\n ", "end": 1873, "score": 0.9507609606, "start": 1868, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Thing" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Color import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = layout [ text "Hello, World!" ] [] [ templateList model.templates ] layout : List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg layout head content menu = div [ style "font-family" "arial" , style "height" "600px" ] [ div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "background-color" Color.primary , style "padding" "1rem" ] head , div [ style "width" "200px" , style "background-color" Color.tertiary , style "height" "100%" , style "float" "left" ] menu , div [ style "margin-left" "200px" , style "height" "100%" ] content ] templateList : List Template -> Html Msg templateList templates = div [] (List.map templateView templates) templateView : Template -> Html Msg templateView template = div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "padding" "0.5rem" , style "margin" "0.5rem" , style "background-color" template.color , style "cursor" "grab" ] [ text template.name ] -- MODEL type alias Template = { name : String , color : String } type alias Node = { name : String , template : Template } type alias Model = { templates : List Template , nodes : List Node } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { templates = [ { name = "Trousers" , color = "darkkhaki" } , { name = "Stuff" , color = "darkgoldenrod" } , { name = "Thing" , color = "darkgray" } ] , nodes = [] } , Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type alias Msg = Int update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view }
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Color import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = layout [ text "Hello, World!" ] [] [ templateList model.templates ] layout : List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg layout head content menu = div [ style "font-family" "arial" , style "height" "600px" ] [ div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "background-color" Color.primary , style "padding" "1rem" ] head , div [ style "width" "200px" , style "background-color" Color.tertiary , style "height" "100%" , style "float" "left" ] menu , div [ style "margin-left" "200px" , style "height" "100%" ] content ] templateList : List Template -> Html Msg templateList templates = div [] (List.map templateView templates) templateView : Template -> Html Msg templateView template = div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "padding" "0.5rem" , style "margin" "0.5rem" , style "background-color" template.color , style "cursor" "grab" ] [ text template.name ] -- MODEL type alias Template = { name : String , color : String } type alias Node = { name : String , template : Template } type alias Model = { templates : List Template , nodes : List Node } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { templates = [ { name = "<NAME>" , color = "darkkhaki" } , { name = "<NAME>" , color = "darkgoldenrod" } , { name = "<NAME>" , color = "darkgray" } ] , nodes = [] } , Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type alias Msg = Int update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view }
module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Color import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = layout [ text "Hello, World!" ] [] [ templateList model.templates ] layout : List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg layout head content menu = div [ style "font-family" "arial" , style "height" "600px" ] [ div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "background-color" Color.primary , style "padding" "1rem" ] head , div [ style "width" "200px" , style "background-color" Color.tertiary , style "height" "100%" , style "float" "left" ] menu , div [ style "margin-left" "200px" , style "height" "100%" ] content ] templateList : List Template -> Html Msg templateList templates = div [] (List.map templateView templates) templateView : Template -> Html Msg templateView template = div [ style "color" Color.secondary , style "padding" "0.5rem" , style "margin" "0.5rem" , style "background-color" template.color , style "cursor" "grab" ] [ text template.name ] -- MODEL type alias Template = { name : String , color : String } type alias Node = { name : String , template : Template } type alias Model = { templates : List Template , nodes : List Node } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { templates = [ { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , color = "darkkhaki" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , color = "darkgoldenrod" } , { name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , color = "darkgray" } ] , nodes = [] } , Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type alias Msg = Int update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view }
[ { "context": " , a\n [ href \"https://github.com/woolfson-group/isambard\" ]\n [ img\n ", "end": 3136, "score": 0.9993374348, "start": 3122, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "woolfson-group" }, { "context": "/github.\"\n ++ \"com/woolfson-group/isambard).\"\n )\n ", "end": 7304, "score": 0.9984092116, "start": 7290, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "woolfson-group" }, { "context": "/github.\"\n ++ \"com/woolfson-group/isambard).\"\n )\n ", "end": 8019, "score": 0.997587204, "start": 8005, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "woolfson-group" }, { "context": "please\neither create an issue on GitHub or contact chris.wood@bris.ac.uk.\n\n### Citation\n\n[Wood CW and Woolfson DN (2017) C", "end": 21314, "score": 0.9999170303, "start": 21293, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "chris.wood@bris.ac.uk" } ]
module Views exposing (..) import BuilderCss exposing (CssClasses(..), cssNamespace, panelStyling) import BuildPanel import Css import Css.Colors import Dict import ExamplesPanel import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.CssHelpers import Model exposing (..) import Markdown import Types exposing ( Msg(..) , ParameterRecord , HistoryID , HistoryEntry , ParametersDict , Parameter(..) , HelixType(..) , BuildMode(..) , OptStatus(..) , Panel(..) , Representation , RepOption(..) , InfoBoxID(..) , optStatusToString , emptyParameterRecord ) { class, classList, id } = Html.CssHelpers.withNamespace cssNamespace styles : List Css.Mixin -> Attribute msg styles = Css.asPairs >> Html.Attributes.style view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "viewer", styles viewerStyling ] [ overlayPanels model ] viewerStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerStyling = [ Css.position Css.fixed , Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.right (Css.px 0) ] overlayPanels : Model -> Html Msg overlayPanels model = let panelDivs = [ siteHeader , topLeftToggles , topRightToggles , bottomRightToggles , BuildPanel.buildPanel model.helixType model.buildMode model.parameters model.currentInput model.building model.panelVisibility.buildPanel , optimisePanel model , ExamplesPanel.examplesPanel model.building model.panelVisibility.examplesPanel , buildingStatusPanel model.building , buildHistoryPanel model.modelHistory model.building model.panelVisibility.buildHistoryPanel , viewerPanel model.panelVisibility.viewerPanel , modelInfoGroup model , aboutPanel model.panelVisibility.aboutPanel ] ++ (List.length model.optJobs |> List.range 1 |> List.map2 optJobStatus model.optJobs ) in div [] panelDivs siteHeader : Html msg siteHeader = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , id [ AppHeaderPanel ] , styles <| headerStyling ++ panelStyling ] [ header [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) ] ] [ h1 [] [ text "CCBuilder 2.0" ] ] , div [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) , Css.textAlign Css.right , Css.paddingRight (Css.px 10) ] ] [ h3 [ styles [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.right (Css.px 50) ] ] [ text "Powered by" ] , a [ href "https://github.com/woolfson-group/isambard" ] [ img [ styles [ Css.height (Css.pct 80) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.top (Css.pct 10) , Css.right (Css.px 3) , Css.borderRadius (Css.px 3) ] , src "static/images/logo_small.png" ] [] ] ] ] headerStyling : List Css.Mixin headerStyling = [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.lineHeight (Css.px 50) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] topLeftToggles : Html Msg topLeftToggles = div [ styles topLeftTogglesStyling ] [ BuildPanel.toggleBuildPanel , ExamplesPanel.toggleExamplesPanel , toggleOptimisePanel ] topLeftTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topLeftTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute ] topRightToggles : Html Msg topRightToggles = div [ styles topRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleBuildHistoryPanel , toggleViewerPanel ] topRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] bottomRightToggles : Html Msg bottomRightToggles = div [ styles bottomRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleAboutPanel ] bottomRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin bottomRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] -- Optimise Panel optimisePanel : Model -> Html Msg optimisePanel model = let visible = model.panelVisibility.optimisePanel advancedBuild = case model.buildMode of Basic -> False Advanced -> True optimising = if List.length model.optJobs > 0 then True else False totalResidueCount = Dict.values model.parameters |> List.map .sequence |> List.map (Maybe.withDefault "") |> List.map String.length |> List.sum aboveResLimit = if totalResidueCount > 240 then True else False disabledOpt = advancedBuild || optimising || aboveResLimit in div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ optimisePanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] ([ h3 [] [ text "Optimise Parameters" ] , hr [] [] {- Removing until fix , text "Heat" , br [] [] , input [ type_ "range" , Html.Attributes.min "0" , Html.Attributes.max "2000" , value (toString model.heat) , onInput SetHeat ] [] , br [] [] -} ] ++ [ button [ onClick Optimise, disabled disabledOpt ] [ text "Optimise Model" ] ] ++ (if advancedBuild then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Optimisation cannot be performed in advanced mode" ++ ". If you'd like to run larger more complex" ++ " optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else if aboveResLimit then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Due to available compute, only models with 240 " ++ "or less residues can be optimised. If you'd" ++ " like to run larger optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else [] ) ) optimisePanelStyling : List Css.Mixin optimisePanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 30) ] toggleOptimisePanel : Html Msg toggleOptimisePanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, LeftPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel OptimisePanel) ] [ text "Optimise" ] -- Model Info modelInfoGroup : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoGroup model = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , styles <| modelInfoGroupPanelStyling ++ panelStyling ] ([ modelInfoPanel model ] ++ (if List.member MIBudeEnergy model.activeInfoBoxes then [ budeEnergyInfo ] else if List.member MIRPT model.activeInfoBoxes then [ rptInfo ] else if List.member MIHLKnobs model.activeInfoBoxes then [ highlightKIHInfo ] else [] ) ) modelInfoPanel : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoPanel model = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) ] ] [ h3 [] [ text "Model Information" ] , hr [] [] , infoText MIBudeEnergy "BUDE Energy �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 1) model.score |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , infoText MIRPT "Residues per Turn �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 2) model.residuesPerTurn |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , styles [ Css.float Css.left ] , onClick HighlightKnobs ] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , infoText MIHLKnobs "�" , hr [] [] , downloadStructureButton model.pdbFile ] budeEnergyInfo : Html msg budeEnergyInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "BUDE Energy" ] , text mIBudeEnergyText ] mIBudeEnergyText : String mIBudeEnergyText = """The interaction energy between helices as calculated by the BUDE force field implemented in the BUFF module of ISAMBARD.""" rptInfo : Html msg rptInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Residues Per Turn" ] , text mIRPTText ] mIRPTText : String mIRPTText = """Residues per turn of the alpha helix, can be used as a proxy for backbone strain.""" highlightKIHInfo : Html msg highlightKIHInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , text highlightKIHText ] highlightKIHText : String highlightKIHText = """Highlights knob residues red, all other residues are coloured blue.""" modelInfoGroupPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin modelInfoGroupPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) ] infoBoxStyling : List Css.Mixin infoBoxStyling = [ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) , Css.maxHeight (Css.em 8) , Css.lineHeight (Css.em 1) ] roundToXDecPlaces : Int -> Float -> Float roundToXDecPlaces precision num = let scaling = 10 ^ precision |> toFloat in round (num * scaling) |> toFloat |> flip (/) scaling downloadStructureButton : Maybe String -> Html Msg downloadStructureButton pdbFile = let deactivated = if pdbFile == Nothing then True else False in button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick DownloadPdb , disabled deactivated ] [ text "Download PDB" ] -- Build History buildHistoryPanel : Dict.Dict Int HistoryEntry -> Bool -> Bool -> Html Msg buildHistoryPanel modelHistory building visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildHistoryPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ buildHistoryPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Build History" ] , hr [] [] , table [] [ modelDetailTableHeader , List.map2 modelParametersAsRow (Dict.toList modelHistory |> List.reverse) (List.repeat (List.length <| Dict.toList modelHistory) building) |> List.concat |> tbody [] ] ] modelDetailTableHeader : Html msg modelDetailTableHeader = thead [] [ tr [] [ th [] [] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Radius" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Pitch" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Interface Angle" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Super-Helical Rotation" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Z-Shift" ] , th [] [ text "Sequence" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Register" ] , th [] [ text "BUDE Score" ] , th [] [] ] ] modelParametersAsRow : ( HistoryID, HistoryEntry ) -> Bool -> List (Html Msg) modelParametersAsRow ( hID, ( parameters, visible, score, helixType, buildMode, _ ) ) building = let foldedRows = Dict.values parameters |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] |> List.map (modelFoldedRow score) in if not visible then [ modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode ] else (modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode) :: foldedRows modelHistoryTopRow : HistoryID -> ParametersDict -> Bool -> Bool -> Float -> HelixType -> BuildMode -> Html Msg modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode = let topRowParameters = Dict.values parameters |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault emptyParameterRecord in tr [] ([ div [ onClick (ExpandHistory hID) ] [ if (not visible) then text "▶" else text "▼" ] ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow topRowParameters score) ++ [ button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (SetParametersAndBuild parameters helixType buildMode) , disabled building ] [ text "Rebuild" ] ] ) modelFoldedRow : Float -> ParameterRecord -> Html Msg modelFoldedRow score parameters = tr [] ([ text " ┋" ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow parameters score) ) parametersToRow : ParameterRecord -> Float -> List String parametersToRow parameters score = [ parameters.radius |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.pitch |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> round |> toString , parameters.phiCA |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.superHelRot |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.zShift |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.sequence |> Maybe.withDefault "" , parameters.register , toString <| roundToXDecPlaces 2 score ] makeParameterTh : String -> Html Msg makeParameterTh pString = text pString |> List.singleton |> th [] buildHistoryPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin buildHistoryPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleBuildHistoryPanel : Html Msg toggleBuildHistoryPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel BuildHistoryPanel) ] [ text "Build History" ] -- Viewer Panel viewerPanel : Bool -> Html Msg viewerPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ ViewerPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ viewerPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Viewer Options" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Representation" ] , hr [] [] , text "Backbone" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Cartoon) ] [ text "Cartoon" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Trace) ] [ text "Trace" ] , br [] [] , text "All Atoms" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation BallsAndSticks) ] [ text "Balls and Sticks" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Spheres) ] [ text "Spheres" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Points) ] [ text "Dots" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Other Options" ] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick ShowAxes ] [ text "Axes" ] , text " (xyz = rgb)" ] viewerPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleViewerPanel : Html Msg toggleViewerPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel ViewerPanel) ] [ text "Viewer" ] -- Info Box infoText : InfoBoxID -> String -> Html Msg infoText infoBoxID contentText = div [ onMouseEnter (ShowInfo infoBoxID) , onMouseLeave (CloseInfo infoBoxID) ] [ text contentText ] -- Building Status buildingStatusPanel : Bool -> Html msg buildingStatusPanel building = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildingStatusPanel ] , styles <| buildingStatusStyling ++ panelStyling , hidden (not building) ] [ text "Building" , img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] buildingStatusStyling : List Css.Mixin buildingStatusStyling = [ Css.top (Css.pct 50) , Css.left (Css.pct 50) , Css.width (Css.px 80) , Css.height (Css.px 80) ] -- Optimisation Job optJobStatus : ( String, OptStatus ) -> Int -> Html Msg optJobStatus ( optID, status ) position = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| optJobStatusStyling position ++ panelStyling ] ([ text "Optimising" , br [] [] , text ("(" ++ (toString status) ++ ")") ] ++ (case status of Complete -> [ button [ onClick (RetrieveOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Retrieve" ] ] Failed -> [ button [ onClick (ClearOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] _ -> [ img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] ) ) optJobStatusStyling : Int -> List Css.Mixin optJobStatusStyling position = [ Css.textAlign Css.center , Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.width (Css.px 90) ] -- About Panel aboutPanel : Bool -> Html Msg aboutPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ aboutPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "About (Ver 2.0.4)" ] , hr [] [] , Markdown.toHtml [] aboutText ] aboutText : String aboutText = """CCBuilder is developed and maintained by the [Woolfson Group, University of Bristol](http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/org/woolfson/). The project is open source with code available on [GitHub](https://github.com/woolfson-group/ccbuilder2). If you encounter any bugs or have ideas for enhancements to CCBuilder 2.0, please either create an issue on GitHub or contact chris.wood@bris.ac.uk. ### Citation [Wood CW and Woolfson DN (2017) CCBuilder 2.0: Powerful and accessible coiled-coil modelling, _Protein Science_. doi: 10.1002/pro.3279](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pro.3279) ### Useful References [Wood CW _et al_ (2017) ISAMBARD: an open-source computational environment for biomolecular analysis, modelling and design, Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352]( https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352) """ aboutPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin aboutPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) ] toggleAboutPanel : Html Msg toggleAboutPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel AboutPanel) ] [ text "About" ]
module Views exposing (..) import BuilderCss exposing (CssClasses(..), cssNamespace, panelStyling) import BuildPanel import Css import Css.Colors import Dict import ExamplesPanel import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.CssHelpers import Model exposing (..) import Markdown import Types exposing ( Msg(..) , ParameterRecord , HistoryID , HistoryEntry , ParametersDict , Parameter(..) , HelixType(..) , BuildMode(..) , OptStatus(..) , Panel(..) , Representation , RepOption(..) , InfoBoxID(..) , optStatusToString , emptyParameterRecord ) { class, classList, id } = Html.CssHelpers.withNamespace cssNamespace styles : List Css.Mixin -> Attribute msg styles = Css.asPairs >> Html.Attributes.style view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "viewer", styles viewerStyling ] [ overlayPanels model ] viewerStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerStyling = [ Css.position Css.fixed , Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.right (Css.px 0) ] overlayPanels : Model -> Html Msg overlayPanels model = let panelDivs = [ siteHeader , topLeftToggles , topRightToggles , bottomRightToggles , BuildPanel.buildPanel model.helixType model.buildMode model.parameters model.currentInput model.building model.panelVisibility.buildPanel , optimisePanel model , ExamplesPanel.examplesPanel model.building model.panelVisibility.examplesPanel , buildingStatusPanel model.building , buildHistoryPanel model.modelHistory model.building model.panelVisibility.buildHistoryPanel , viewerPanel model.panelVisibility.viewerPanel , modelInfoGroup model , aboutPanel model.panelVisibility.aboutPanel ] ++ (List.length model.optJobs |> List.range 1 |> List.map2 optJobStatus model.optJobs ) in div [] panelDivs siteHeader : Html msg siteHeader = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , id [ AppHeaderPanel ] , styles <| headerStyling ++ panelStyling ] [ header [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) ] ] [ h1 [] [ text "CCBuilder 2.0" ] ] , div [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) , Css.textAlign Css.right , Css.paddingRight (Css.px 10) ] ] [ h3 [ styles [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.right (Css.px 50) ] ] [ text "Powered by" ] , a [ href "https://github.com/woolfson-group/isambard" ] [ img [ styles [ Css.height (Css.pct 80) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.top (Css.pct 10) , Css.right (Css.px 3) , Css.borderRadius (Css.px 3) ] , src "static/images/logo_small.png" ] [] ] ] ] headerStyling : List Css.Mixin headerStyling = [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.lineHeight (Css.px 50) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] topLeftToggles : Html Msg topLeftToggles = div [ styles topLeftTogglesStyling ] [ BuildPanel.toggleBuildPanel , ExamplesPanel.toggleExamplesPanel , toggleOptimisePanel ] topLeftTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topLeftTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute ] topRightToggles : Html Msg topRightToggles = div [ styles topRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleBuildHistoryPanel , toggleViewerPanel ] topRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] bottomRightToggles : Html Msg bottomRightToggles = div [ styles bottomRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleAboutPanel ] bottomRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin bottomRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] -- Optimise Panel optimisePanel : Model -> Html Msg optimisePanel model = let visible = model.panelVisibility.optimisePanel advancedBuild = case model.buildMode of Basic -> False Advanced -> True optimising = if List.length model.optJobs > 0 then True else False totalResidueCount = Dict.values model.parameters |> List.map .sequence |> List.map (Maybe.withDefault "") |> List.map String.length |> List.sum aboveResLimit = if totalResidueCount > 240 then True else False disabledOpt = advancedBuild || optimising || aboveResLimit in div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ optimisePanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] ([ h3 [] [ text "Optimise Parameters" ] , hr [] [] {- Removing until fix , text "Heat" , br [] [] , input [ type_ "range" , Html.Attributes.min "0" , Html.Attributes.max "2000" , value (toString model.heat) , onInput SetHeat ] [] , br [] [] -} ] ++ [ button [ onClick Optimise, disabled disabledOpt ] [ text "Optimise Model" ] ] ++ (if advancedBuild then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Optimisation cannot be performed in advanced mode" ++ ". If you'd like to run larger more complex" ++ " optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else if aboveResLimit then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Due to available compute, only models with 240 " ++ "or less residues can be optimised. If you'd" ++ " like to run larger optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else [] ) ) optimisePanelStyling : List Css.Mixin optimisePanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 30) ] toggleOptimisePanel : Html Msg toggleOptimisePanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, LeftPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel OptimisePanel) ] [ text "Optimise" ] -- Model Info modelInfoGroup : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoGroup model = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , styles <| modelInfoGroupPanelStyling ++ panelStyling ] ([ modelInfoPanel model ] ++ (if List.member MIBudeEnergy model.activeInfoBoxes then [ budeEnergyInfo ] else if List.member MIRPT model.activeInfoBoxes then [ rptInfo ] else if List.member MIHLKnobs model.activeInfoBoxes then [ highlightKIHInfo ] else [] ) ) modelInfoPanel : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoPanel model = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) ] ] [ h3 [] [ text "Model Information" ] , hr [] [] , infoText MIBudeEnergy "BUDE Energy �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 1) model.score |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , infoText MIRPT "Residues per Turn �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 2) model.residuesPerTurn |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , styles [ Css.float Css.left ] , onClick HighlightKnobs ] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , infoText MIHLKnobs "�" , hr [] [] , downloadStructureButton model.pdbFile ] budeEnergyInfo : Html msg budeEnergyInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "BUDE Energy" ] , text mIBudeEnergyText ] mIBudeEnergyText : String mIBudeEnergyText = """The interaction energy between helices as calculated by the BUDE force field implemented in the BUFF module of ISAMBARD.""" rptInfo : Html msg rptInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Residues Per Turn" ] , text mIRPTText ] mIRPTText : String mIRPTText = """Residues per turn of the alpha helix, can be used as a proxy for backbone strain.""" highlightKIHInfo : Html msg highlightKIHInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , text highlightKIHText ] highlightKIHText : String highlightKIHText = """Highlights knob residues red, all other residues are coloured blue.""" modelInfoGroupPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin modelInfoGroupPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) ] infoBoxStyling : List Css.Mixin infoBoxStyling = [ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) , Css.maxHeight (Css.em 8) , Css.lineHeight (Css.em 1) ] roundToXDecPlaces : Int -> Float -> Float roundToXDecPlaces precision num = let scaling = 10 ^ precision |> toFloat in round (num * scaling) |> toFloat |> flip (/) scaling downloadStructureButton : Maybe String -> Html Msg downloadStructureButton pdbFile = let deactivated = if pdbFile == Nothing then True else False in button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick DownloadPdb , disabled deactivated ] [ text "Download PDB" ] -- Build History buildHistoryPanel : Dict.Dict Int HistoryEntry -> Bool -> Bool -> Html Msg buildHistoryPanel modelHistory building visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildHistoryPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ buildHistoryPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Build History" ] , hr [] [] , table [] [ modelDetailTableHeader , List.map2 modelParametersAsRow (Dict.toList modelHistory |> List.reverse) (List.repeat (List.length <| Dict.toList modelHistory) building) |> List.concat |> tbody [] ] ] modelDetailTableHeader : Html msg modelDetailTableHeader = thead [] [ tr [] [ th [] [] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Radius" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Pitch" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Interface Angle" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Super-Helical Rotation" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Z-Shift" ] , th [] [ text "Sequence" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Register" ] , th [] [ text "BUDE Score" ] , th [] [] ] ] modelParametersAsRow : ( HistoryID, HistoryEntry ) -> Bool -> List (Html Msg) modelParametersAsRow ( hID, ( parameters, visible, score, helixType, buildMode, _ ) ) building = let foldedRows = Dict.values parameters |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] |> List.map (modelFoldedRow score) in if not visible then [ modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode ] else (modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode) :: foldedRows modelHistoryTopRow : HistoryID -> ParametersDict -> Bool -> Bool -> Float -> HelixType -> BuildMode -> Html Msg modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode = let topRowParameters = Dict.values parameters |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault emptyParameterRecord in tr [] ([ div [ onClick (ExpandHistory hID) ] [ if (not visible) then text "▶" else text "▼" ] ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow topRowParameters score) ++ [ button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (SetParametersAndBuild parameters helixType buildMode) , disabled building ] [ text "Rebuild" ] ] ) modelFoldedRow : Float -> ParameterRecord -> Html Msg modelFoldedRow score parameters = tr [] ([ text " ┋" ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow parameters score) ) parametersToRow : ParameterRecord -> Float -> List String parametersToRow parameters score = [ parameters.radius |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.pitch |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> round |> toString , parameters.phiCA |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.superHelRot |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.zShift |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.sequence |> Maybe.withDefault "" , parameters.register , toString <| roundToXDecPlaces 2 score ] makeParameterTh : String -> Html Msg makeParameterTh pString = text pString |> List.singleton |> th [] buildHistoryPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin buildHistoryPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleBuildHistoryPanel : Html Msg toggleBuildHistoryPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel BuildHistoryPanel) ] [ text "Build History" ] -- Viewer Panel viewerPanel : Bool -> Html Msg viewerPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ ViewerPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ viewerPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Viewer Options" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Representation" ] , hr [] [] , text "Backbone" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Cartoon) ] [ text "Cartoon" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Trace) ] [ text "Trace" ] , br [] [] , text "All Atoms" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation BallsAndSticks) ] [ text "Balls and Sticks" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Spheres) ] [ text "Spheres" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Points) ] [ text "Dots" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Other Options" ] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick ShowAxes ] [ text "Axes" ] , text " (xyz = rgb)" ] viewerPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleViewerPanel : Html Msg toggleViewerPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel ViewerPanel) ] [ text "Viewer" ] -- Info Box infoText : InfoBoxID -> String -> Html Msg infoText infoBoxID contentText = div [ onMouseEnter (ShowInfo infoBoxID) , onMouseLeave (CloseInfo infoBoxID) ] [ text contentText ] -- Building Status buildingStatusPanel : Bool -> Html msg buildingStatusPanel building = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildingStatusPanel ] , styles <| buildingStatusStyling ++ panelStyling , hidden (not building) ] [ text "Building" , img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] buildingStatusStyling : List Css.Mixin buildingStatusStyling = [ Css.top (Css.pct 50) , Css.left (Css.pct 50) , Css.width (Css.px 80) , Css.height (Css.px 80) ] -- Optimisation Job optJobStatus : ( String, OptStatus ) -> Int -> Html Msg optJobStatus ( optID, status ) position = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| optJobStatusStyling position ++ panelStyling ] ([ text "Optimising" , br [] [] , text ("(" ++ (toString status) ++ ")") ] ++ (case status of Complete -> [ button [ onClick (RetrieveOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Retrieve" ] ] Failed -> [ button [ onClick (ClearOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] _ -> [ img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] ) ) optJobStatusStyling : Int -> List Css.Mixin optJobStatusStyling position = [ Css.textAlign Css.center , Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.width (Css.px 90) ] -- About Panel aboutPanel : Bool -> Html Msg aboutPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ aboutPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "About (Ver 2.0.4)" ] , hr [] [] , Markdown.toHtml [] aboutText ] aboutText : String aboutText = """CCBuilder is developed and maintained by the [Woolfson Group, University of Bristol](http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/org/woolfson/). The project is open source with code available on [GitHub](https://github.com/woolfson-group/ccbuilder2). If you encounter any bugs or have ideas for enhancements to CCBuilder 2.0, please either create an issue on GitHub or contact <EMAIL>. ### Citation [Wood CW and Woolfson DN (2017) CCBuilder 2.0: Powerful and accessible coiled-coil modelling, _Protein Science_. doi: 10.1002/pro.3279](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pro.3279) ### Useful References [Wood CW _et al_ (2017) ISAMBARD: an open-source computational environment for biomolecular analysis, modelling and design, Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352]( https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352) """ aboutPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin aboutPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) ] toggleAboutPanel : Html Msg toggleAboutPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel AboutPanel) ] [ text "About" ]
module Views exposing (..) import BuilderCss exposing (CssClasses(..), cssNamespace, panelStyling) import BuildPanel import Css import Css.Colors import Dict import ExamplesPanel import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.CssHelpers import Model exposing (..) import Markdown import Types exposing ( Msg(..) , ParameterRecord , HistoryID , HistoryEntry , ParametersDict , Parameter(..) , HelixType(..) , BuildMode(..) , OptStatus(..) , Panel(..) , Representation , RepOption(..) , InfoBoxID(..) , optStatusToString , emptyParameterRecord ) { class, classList, id } = Html.CssHelpers.withNamespace cssNamespace styles : List Css.Mixin -> Attribute msg styles = Css.asPairs >> Html.Attributes.style view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ id "viewer", styles viewerStyling ] [ overlayPanels model ] viewerStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerStyling = [ Css.position Css.fixed , Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.right (Css.px 0) ] overlayPanels : Model -> Html Msg overlayPanels model = let panelDivs = [ siteHeader , topLeftToggles , topRightToggles , bottomRightToggles , BuildPanel.buildPanel model.helixType model.buildMode model.parameters model.currentInput model.building model.panelVisibility.buildPanel , optimisePanel model , ExamplesPanel.examplesPanel model.building model.panelVisibility.examplesPanel , buildingStatusPanel model.building , buildHistoryPanel model.modelHistory model.building model.panelVisibility.buildHistoryPanel , viewerPanel model.panelVisibility.viewerPanel , modelInfoGroup model , aboutPanel model.panelVisibility.aboutPanel ] ++ (List.length model.optJobs |> List.range 1 |> List.map2 optJobStatus model.optJobs ) in div [] panelDivs siteHeader : Html msg siteHeader = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , id [ AppHeaderPanel ] , styles <| headerStyling ++ panelStyling ] [ header [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) ] ] [ h1 [] [ text "CCBuilder 2.0" ] ] , div [ styles [ Css.width (Css.pct 50) , Css.textAlign Css.right , Css.paddingRight (Css.px 10) ] ] [ h3 [ styles [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.right (Css.px 50) ] ] [ text "Powered by" ] , a [ href "https://github.com/woolfson-group/isambard" ] [ img [ styles [ Css.height (Css.pct 80) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.top (Css.pct 10) , Css.right (Css.px 3) , Css.borderRadius (Css.px 3) ] , src "static/images/logo_small.png" ] [] ] ] ] headerStyling : List Css.Mixin headerStyling = [ Css.position Css.absolute , Css.lineHeight (Css.px 50) , Css.top (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.width (Css.pct 100) ] topLeftToggles : Html Msg topLeftToggles = div [ styles topLeftTogglesStyling ] [ BuildPanel.toggleBuildPanel , ExamplesPanel.toggleExamplesPanel , toggleOptimisePanel ] topLeftTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topLeftTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute ] topRightToggles : Html Msg topRightToggles = div [ styles topRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleBuildHistoryPanel , toggleViewerPanel ] topRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin topRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] bottomRightToggles : Html Msg bottomRightToggles = div [ styles bottomRightTogglesStyling ] [ toggleAboutPanel ] bottomRightTogglesStyling : List Css.Mixin bottomRightTogglesStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 0) , Css.zIndex (Css.int 2) , Css.position Css.absolute , Css.width (Css.px 30) ] -- Optimise Panel optimisePanel : Model -> Html Msg optimisePanel model = let visible = model.panelVisibility.optimisePanel advancedBuild = case model.buildMode of Basic -> False Advanced -> True optimising = if List.length model.optJobs > 0 then True else False totalResidueCount = Dict.values model.parameters |> List.map .sequence |> List.map (Maybe.withDefault "") |> List.map String.length |> List.sum aboveResLimit = if totalResidueCount > 240 then True else False disabledOpt = advancedBuild || optimising || aboveResLimit in div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ optimisePanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] ([ h3 [] [ text "Optimise Parameters" ] , hr [] [] {- Removing until fix , text "Heat" , br [] [] , input [ type_ "range" , Html.Attributes.min "0" , Html.Attributes.max "2000" , value (toString model.heat) , onInput SetHeat ] [] , br [] [] -} ] ++ [ button [ onClick Optimise, disabled disabledOpt ] [ text "Optimise Model" ] ] ++ (if advancedBuild then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Optimisation cannot be performed in advanced mode" ++ ". If you'd like to run larger more complex" ++ " optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else if aboveResLimit then [ hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Warning" ] , Markdown.toHtml [ styles [ Css.color (Css.Colors.red) ] ] ("Due to available compute, only models with 240 " ++ "or less residues can be optimised. If you'd" ++ " like to run larger optimisations, please " ++ "consider using [ISAMBARD](https://github." ++ "com/woolfson-group/isambard)." ) ] else [] ) ) optimisePanelStyling : List Css.Mixin optimisePanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.left (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 30) ] toggleOptimisePanel : Html Msg toggleOptimisePanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, LeftPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel OptimisePanel) ] [ text "Optimise" ] -- Model Info modelInfoGroup : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoGroup model = div [ class [ FlexContainerCss ] , styles <| modelInfoGroupPanelStyling ++ panelStyling ] ([ modelInfoPanel model ] ++ (if List.member MIBudeEnergy model.activeInfoBoxes then [ budeEnergyInfo ] else if List.member MIRPT model.activeInfoBoxes then [ rptInfo ] else if List.member MIHLKnobs model.activeInfoBoxes then [ highlightKIHInfo ] else [] ) ) modelInfoPanel : Model -> Html Msg modelInfoPanel model = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) ] ] [ h3 [] [ text "Model Information" ] , hr [] [] , infoText MIBudeEnergy "BUDE Energy �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 1) model.score |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , infoText MIRPT "Residues per Turn �" , Maybe.map (roundToXDecPlaces 2) model.residuesPerTurn |> Maybe.map toString |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> \val -> input [ value val, readonly True ] [] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , styles [ Css.float Css.left ] , onClick HighlightKnobs ] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , infoText MIHLKnobs "�" , hr [] [] , downloadStructureButton model.pdbFile ] budeEnergyInfo : Html msg budeEnergyInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "BUDE Energy" ] , text mIBudeEnergyText ] mIBudeEnergyText : String mIBudeEnergyText = """The interaction energy between helices as calculated by the BUDE force field implemented in the BUFF module of ISAMBARD.""" rptInfo : Html msg rptInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Residues Per Turn" ] , text mIRPTText ] mIRPTText : String mIRPTText = """Residues per turn of the alpha helix, can be used as a proxy for backbone strain.""" highlightKIHInfo : Html msg highlightKIHInfo = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, FlexItemCss ] , styles infoBoxStyling ] [ h3 [] [ text "Highlight Knobs" ] , text highlightKIHText ] highlightKIHText : String highlightKIHText = """Highlights knob residues red, all other residues are coloured blue.""" modelInfoGroupPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin modelInfoGroupPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 0) , Css.left (Css.px 0) ] infoBoxStyling : List Css.Mixin infoBoxStyling = [ Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) , Css.maxHeight (Css.em 8) , Css.lineHeight (Css.em 1) ] roundToXDecPlaces : Int -> Float -> Float roundToXDecPlaces precision num = let scaling = 10 ^ precision |> toFloat in round (num * scaling) |> toFloat |> flip (/) scaling downloadStructureButton : Maybe String -> Html Msg downloadStructureButton pdbFile = let deactivated = if pdbFile == Nothing then True else False in button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick DownloadPdb , disabled deactivated ] [ text "Download PDB" ] -- Build History buildHistoryPanel : Dict.Dict Int HistoryEntry -> Bool -> Bool -> Html Msg buildHistoryPanel modelHistory building visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildHistoryPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ buildHistoryPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Build History" ] , hr [] [] , table [] [ modelDetailTableHeader , List.map2 modelParametersAsRow (Dict.toList modelHistory |> List.reverse) (List.repeat (List.length <| Dict.toList modelHistory) building) |> List.concat |> tbody [] ] ] modelDetailTableHeader : Html msg modelDetailTableHeader = thead [] [ tr [] [ th [] [] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Radius" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Pitch" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Interface Angle" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Super-Helical Rotation" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Z-Shift" ] , th [] [ text "Sequence" ] , th [ styles [ Css.width (Css.em 6) ] ] [ text "Register" ] , th [] [ text "BUDE Score" ] , th [] [] ] ] modelParametersAsRow : ( HistoryID, HistoryEntry ) -> Bool -> List (Html Msg) modelParametersAsRow ( hID, ( parameters, visible, score, helixType, buildMode, _ ) ) building = let foldedRows = Dict.values parameters |> List.tail |> Maybe.withDefault [] |> List.map (modelFoldedRow score) in if not visible then [ modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode ] else (modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode) :: foldedRows modelHistoryTopRow : HistoryID -> ParametersDict -> Bool -> Bool -> Float -> HelixType -> BuildMode -> Html Msg modelHistoryTopRow hID parameters building visible score helixType buildMode = let topRowParameters = Dict.values parameters |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault emptyParameterRecord in tr [] ([ div [ onClick (ExpandHistory hID) ] [ if (not visible) then text "▶" else text "▼" ] ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow topRowParameters score) ++ [ button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (SetParametersAndBuild parameters helixType buildMode) , disabled building ] [ text "Rebuild" ] ] ) modelFoldedRow : Float -> ParameterRecord -> Html Msg modelFoldedRow score parameters = tr [] ([ text " ┋" ] ++ List.map makeParameterTh (parametersToRow parameters score) ) parametersToRow : ParameterRecord -> Float -> List String parametersToRow parameters score = [ parameters.radius |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.pitch |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> round |> toString , parameters.phiCA |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.superHelRot |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.zShift |> Maybe.withDefault 0 |> roundToXDecPlaces 1 |> toString , parameters.sequence |> Maybe.withDefault "" , parameters.register , toString <| roundToXDecPlaces 2 score ] makeParameterTh : String -> Html Msg makeParameterTh pString = text pString |> List.singleton |> th [] buildHistoryPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin buildHistoryPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleBuildHistoryPanel : Html Msg toggleBuildHistoryPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel BuildHistoryPanel) ] [ text "Build History" ] -- Viewer Panel viewerPanel : Bool -> Html Msg viewerPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ ViewerPanel ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ viewerPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "Viewer Options" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Representation" ] , hr [] [] , text "Backbone" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Cartoon) ] [ text "Cartoon" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Trace) ] [ text "Trace" ] , br [] [] , text "All Atoms" , br [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation BallsAndSticks) ] [ text "Balls and Sticks" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Spheres) ] [ text "Spheres" ] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick (EditRepresentation Points) ] [ text "Dots" ] , hr [] [] , h3 [] [ text "Other Options" ] , hr [] [] , button [ class [ CCBButtonCss ] , onClick ShowAxes ] [ text "Axes" ] , text " (xyz = rgb)" ] viewerPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin viewerPanelStyling = [ Css.top (Css.px 60) , Css.right (Css.px 35) ] toggleViewerPanel : Html Msg toggleViewerPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel ViewerPanel) ] [ text "Viewer" ] -- Info Box infoText : InfoBoxID -> String -> Html Msg infoText infoBoxID contentText = div [ onMouseEnter (ShowInfo infoBoxID) , onMouseLeave (CloseInfo infoBoxID) ] [ text contentText ] -- Building Status buildingStatusPanel : Bool -> Html msg buildingStatusPanel building = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , id [ BuildingStatusPanel ] , styles <| buildingStatusStyling ++ panelStyling , hidden (not building) ] [ text "Building" , img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] buildingStatusStyling : List Css.Mixin buildingStatusStyling = [ Css.top (Css.pct 50) , Css.left (Css.pct 50) , Css.width (Css.px 80) , Css.height (Css.px 80) ] -- Optimisation Job optJobStatus : ( String, OptStatus ) -> Int -> Html Msg optJobStatus ( optID, status ) position = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| optJobStatusStyling position ++ panelStyling ] ([ text "Optimising" , br [] [] , text ("(" ++ (toString status) ++ ")") ] ++ (case status of Complete -> [ button [ onClick (RetrieveOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Retrieve" ] ] Failed -> [ button [ onClick (ClearOptimisation optID) ] [ text "Clear" ] ] _ -> [ img [ src "static/css/infinity.gif", width 80, height 80 ] [] ] ) ) optJobStatusStyling : Int -> List Css.Mixin optJobStatusStyling position = [ Css.textAlign Css.center , Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.width (Css.px 90) ] -- About Panel aboutPanel : Bool -> Html Msg aboutPanel visible = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss ] , styles <| panelStyling ++ aboutPanelStyling , hidden <| not visible ] [ h2 [] [ text "About (Ver 2.0.4)" ] , hr [] [] , Markdown.toHtml [] aboutText ] aboutText : String aboutText = """CCBuilder is developed and maintained by the [Woolfson Group, University of Bristol](http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/org/woolfson/). The project is open source with code available on [GitHub](https://github.com/woolfson-group/ccbuilder2). If you encounter any bugs or have ideas for enhancements to CCBuilder 2.0, please either create an issue on GitHub or contact PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI. ### Citation [Wood CW and Woolfson DN (2017) CCBuilder 2.0: Powerful and accessible coiled-coil modelling, _Protein Science_. doi: 10.1002/pro.3279](http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pro.3279) ### Useful References [Wood CW _et al_ (2017) ISAMBARD: an open-source computational environment for biomolecular analysis, modelling and design, Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352]( https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx352) """ aboutPanelStyling : List Css.Mixin aboutPanelStyling = [ Css.bottom (Css.px 20) , Css.right (Css.px 35) , Css.maxWidth (Css.pct 40) ] toggleAboutPanel : Html Msg toggleAboutPanel = div [ class [ OverlayPanelCss, RightPanelToggleCss ] , onClick (TogglePanel AboutPanel) ] [ text "About" ]
[ { "context": "\n\n-- PROPERTIES\n-- 📟\n\n\ndefaults =\n { appKey = \"kwsydtrzban41zr\"\n , name = \"Music from Dropbox\"\n }\n\n\n{-| Th", "end": 706, "score": 0.9996817112, "start": 691, "tag": "KEY", "value": "kwsydtrzban41zr" }, { "context": "nal)\"\n , placeholder = \"/\"\n , password = False\n }\n , { key = \"appKey\"\n , label = \"A", "end": 1042, "score": 0.9977588058, "start": 1037, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "False" }, { "context": ", placeholder = defaults.appKey\n , password = False\n }\n ]\n\n\n{-| Initial data set.\n-}\ninitialD", "end": 1162, "score": 0.9975713491, "start": 1157, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "False" } ]
module Sources.Services.Dropbox exposing (authorizationSourceData, authorizationUrl, defaults, getProperDirectoryPath, initialData, makeTrackUrl, makeTree, parseErrorResponse, parsePreparationResponse, parseTreeResponse, postProcessTree, prepare, properties) {-| Dropbox Service. -} import Base64 import Common import Dict import Dict.Ext as Dict import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Regex import Sources exposing (Property, SourceData) import Sources.Pick import Sources.Processing exposing (..) import Sources.Services.Common exposing (cleanPath, noPrep) import Sources.Services.Dropbox.Parser as Parser import Time -- PROPERTIES -- 📟 defaults = { appKey = "kwsydtrzban41zr" , name = "Music from Dropbox" } {-| The list of properties we need from the user. Tuple: (property, label, placeholder, isPassword) Will be used for the forms. -} properties : List Property properties = [ { key = "directoryPath" , label = "Directory (Optional)" , placeholder = "/" , password = False } , { key = "appKey" , label = "App key" , placeholder = defaults.appKey , password = False } ] {-| Initial data set. -} initialData : SourceData initialData = Dict.fromList [ ( "appKey", defaults.appKey ) , ( "directoryPath", "" ) , ( "name", defaults.name ) ] -- AUTHORIZATION {-| Authorization url. -} authorizationUrl : SourceData -> String -> String authorizationUrl sourceData origin = let encodeData data = data |> Dict.toList |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Json.Encode.string) |> Json.Encode.object state = sourceData |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 |> Base64.encode in [ ( "response_type", "token" ) , ( "client_id", Dict.fetch "appKey" "unknown" sourceData ) , ( "redirect_uri", origin ++ "?path=sources/new/dropbox" ) , ( "state", state ) ] |> Common.queryString |> String.append "https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize" {-| Authorization source data. -} authorizationSourceData : { codeOrToken : Maybe String, state : Maybe String } -> SourceData authorizationSourceData args = args.state |> Maybe.andThen (Base64.decode >> Result.toMaybe) |> Maybe.withDefault "{}" |> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.dict Json.Decode.string) |> Result.withDefault Dict.empty |> Dict.unionFlipped initialData |> Dict.update "accessToken" (\_ -> args.codeOrToken) -- PREPARATION prepare : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Maybe (Cmd msg) prepare _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- TREE {-| Create a directory tree. List all the tracks in the bucket. Or a specific directory in the bucket. -} makeTree : SourceData -> Marker -> Time.Posix -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Cmd msg makeTree srcData marker currentTime resultMsg = let accessToken = Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData body = (case marker of TheBeginning -> [ ( "limit", Json.Encode.int 2000 ) , ( "path", Json.Encode.string (getProperDirectoryPath srcData) ) , ( "recursive", Json.Encode.bool True ) ] InProgress cursor -> [ ( "cursor", Json.Encode.string cursor ) ] TheEnd -> [] ) |> Json.Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody url = case marker of TheBeginning -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder" InProgress _ -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder/continue" TheEnd -> "" in Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ accessToken) ] , url = url , body = body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse resultMsg Common.translateHttpResponse , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } getProperDirectoryPath : SourceData -> String getProperDirectoryPath srcData = let path = srcData |> Dict.get "directoryPath" |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> cleanPath in if path == "" then "" else "/" ++ path {-| Re-export parser functions. -} parsePreparationResponse : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> PrepationAnswer Marker parsePreparationResponse = noPrep parseTreeResponse : String -> Marker -> TreeAnswer Marker parseTreeResponse = Parser.parseTreeResponse parseErrorResponse : String -> Maybe String parseErrorResponse = Parser.parseErrorResponse -- POST {-| Post process the tree results. !!! Make sure we only use music files that we can use. -} postProcessTree : List String -> List String postProcessTree = Sources.Pick.selectMusicFiles -- TRACK URL {-| Create a public url for a file. We need this to play the track. -} makeTrackUrl : Time.Posix -> SourceData -> HttpMethod -> String -> String makeTrackUrl currentTime srcData method pathToFile = "dropbox://" ++ Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData ++ "@" ++ pathToFile
module Sources.Services.Dropbox exposing (authorizationSourceData, authorizationUrl, defaults, getProperDirectoryPath, initialData, makeTrackUrl, makeTree, parseErrorResponse, parsePreparationResponse, parseTreeResponse, postProcessTree, prepare, properties) {-| Dropbox Service. -} import Base64 import Common import Dict import Dict.Ext as Dict import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Regex import Sources exposing (Property, SourceData) import Sources.Pick import Sources.Processing exposing (..) import Sources.Services.Common exposing (cleanPath, noPrep) import Sources.Services.Dropbox.Parser as Parser import Time -- PROPERTIES -- 📟 defaults = { appKey = "<KEY>" , name = "Music from Dropbox" } {-| The list of properties we need from the user. Tuple: (property, label, placeholder, isPassword) Will be used for the forms. -} properties : List Property properties = [ { key = "directoryPath" , label = "Directory (Optional)" , placeholder = "/" , password = <PASSWORD> } , { key = "appKey" , label = "App key" , placeholder = defaults.appKey , password = <PASSWORD> } ] {-| Initial data set. -} initialData : SourceData initialData = Dict.fromList [ ( "appKey", defaults.appKey ) , ( "directoryPath", "" ) , ( "name", defaults.name ) ] -- AUTHORIZATION {-| Authorization url. -} authorizationUrl : SourceData -> String -> String authorizationUrl sourceData origin = let encodeData data = data |> Dict.toList |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Json.Encode.string) |> Json.Encode.object state = sourceData |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 |> Base64.encode in [ ( "response_type", "token" ) , ( "client_id", Dict.fetch "appKey" "unknown" sourceData ) , ( "redirect_uri", origin ++ "?path=sources/new/dropbox" ) , ( "state", state ) ] |> Common.queryString |> String.append "https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize" {-| Authorization source data. -} authorizationSourceData : { codeOrToken : Maybe String, state : Maybe String } -> SourceData authorizationSourceData args = args.state |> Maybe.andThen (Base64.decode >> Result.toMaybe) |> Maybe.withDefault "{}" |> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.dict Json.Decode.string) |> Result.withDefault Dict.empty |> Dict.unionFlipped initialData |> Dict.update "accessToken" (\_ -> args.codeOrToken) -- PREPARATION prepare : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Maybe (Cmd msg) prepare _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- TREE {-| Create a directory tree. List all the tracks in the bucket. Or a specific directory in the bucket. -} makeTree : SourceData -> Marker -> Time.Posix -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Cmd msg makeTree srcData marker currentTime resultMsg = let accessToken = Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData body = (case marker of TheBeginning -> [ ( "limit", Json.Encode.int 2000 ) , ( "path", Json.Encode.string (getProperDirectoryPath srcData) ) , ( "recursive", Json.Encode.bool True ) ] InProgress cursor -> [ ( "cursor", Json.Encode.string cursor ) ] TheEnd -> [] ) |> Json.Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody url = case marker of TheBeginning -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder" InProgress _ -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder/continue" TheEnd -> "" in Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ accessToken) ] , url = url , body = body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse resultMsg Common.translateHttpResponse , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } getProperDirectoryPath : SourceData -> String getProperDirectoryPath srcData = let path = srcData |> Dict.get "directoryPath" |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> cleanPath in if path == "" then "" else "/" ++ path {-| Re-export parser functions. -} parsePreparationResponse : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> PrepationAnswer Marker parsePreparationResponse = noPrep parseTreeResponse : String -> Marker -> TreeAnswer Marker parseTreeResponse = Parser.parseTreeResponse parseErrorResponse : String -> Maybe String parseErrorResponse = Parser.parseErrorResponse -- POST {-| Post process the tree results. !!! Make sure we only use music files that we can use. -} postProcessTree : List String -> List String postProcessTree = Sources.Pick.selectMusicFiles -- TRACK URL {-| Create a public url for a file. We need this to play the track. -} makeTrackUrl : Time.Posix -> SourceData -> HttpMethod -> String -> String makeTrackUrl currentTime srcData method pathToFile = "dropbox://" ++ Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData ++ "@" ++ pathToFile
module Sources.Services.Dropbox exposing (authorizationSourceData, authorizationUrl, defaults, getProperDirectoryPath, initialData, makeTrackUrl, makeTree, parseErrorResponse, parsePreparationResponse, parseTreeResponse, postProcessTree, prepare, properties) {-| Dropbox Service. -} import Base64 import Common import Dict import Dict.Ext as Dict import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Regex import Sources exposing (Property, SourceData) import Sources.Pick import Sources.Processing exposing (..) import Sources.Services.Common exposing (cleanPath, noPrep) import Sources.Services.Dropbox.Parser as Parser import Time -- PROPERTIES -- 📟 defaults = { appKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , name = "Music from Dropbox" } {-| The list of properties we need from the user. Tuple: (property, label, placeholder, isPassword) Will be used for the forms. -} properties : List Property properties = [ { key = "directoryPath" , label = "Directory (Optional)" , placeholder = "/" , password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } , { key = "appKey" , label = "App key" , placeholder = defaults.appKey , password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } ] {-| Initial data set. -} initialData : SourceData initialData = Dict.fromList [ ( "appKey", defaults.appKey ) , ( "directoryPath", "" ) , ( "name", defaults.name ) ] -- AUTHORIZATION {-| Authorization url. -} authorizationUrl : SourceData -> String -> String authorizationUrl sourceData origin = let encodeData data = data |> Dict.toList |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Json.Encode.string) |> Json.Encode.object state = sourceData |> encodeData |> Json.Encode.encode 0 |> Base64.encode in [ ( "response_type", "token" ) , ( "client_id", Dict.fetch "appKey" "unknown" sourceData ) , ( "redirect_uri", origin ++ "?path=sources/new/dropbox" ) , ( "state", state ) ] |> Common.queryString |> String.append "https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize" {-| Authorization source data. -} authorizationSourceData : { codeOrToken : Maybe String, state : Maybe String } -> SourceData authorizationSourceData args = args.state |> Maybe.andThen (Base64.decode >> Result.toMaybe) |> Maybe.withDefault "{}" |> Json.Decode.decodeString (Json.Decode.dict Json.Decode.string) |> Result.withDefault Dict.empty |> Dict.unionFlipped initialData |> Dict.update "accessToken" (\_ -> args.codeOrToken) -- PREPARATION prepare : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Maybe (Cmd msg) prepare _ _ _ _ = Nothing -- TREE {-| Create a directory tree. List all the tracks in the bucket. Or a specific directory in the bucket. -} makeTree : SourceData -> Marker -> Time.Posix -> (Result Http.Error String -> msg) -> Cmd msg makeTree srcData marker currentTime resultMsg = let accessToken = Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData body = (case marker of TheBeginning -> [ ( "limit", Json.Encode.int 2000 ) , ( "path", Json.Encode.string (getProperDirectoryPath srcData) ) , ( "recursive", Json.Encode.bool True ) ] InProgress cursor -> [ ( "cursor", Json.Encode.string cursor ) ] TheEnd -> [] ) |> Json.Encode.object |> Http.jsonBody url = case marker of TheBeginning -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder" InProgress _ -> "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder/continue" TheEnd -> "" in Http.request { method = "POST" , headers = [ Http.header "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ accessToken) ] , url = url , body = body , expect = Http.expectStringResponse resultMsg Common.translateHttpResponse , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } getProperDirectoryPath : SourceData -> String getProperDirectoryPath srcData = let path = srcData |> Dict.get "directoryPath" |> Maybe.withDefault "" |> cleanPath in if path == "" then "" else "/" ++ path {-| Re-export parser functions. -} parsePreparationResponse : String -> SourceData -> Marker -> PrepationAnswer Marker parsePreparationResponse = noPrep parseTreeResponse : String -> Marker -> TreeAnswer Marker parseTreeResponse = Parser.parseTreeResponse parseErrorResponse : String -> Maybe String parseErrorResponse = Parser.parseErrorResponse -- POST {-| Post process the tree results. !!! Make sure we only use music files that we can use. -} postProcessTree : List String -> List String postProcessTree = Sources.Pick.selectMusicFiles -- TRACK URL {-| Create a public url for a file. We need this to play the track. -} makeTrackUrl : Time.Posix -> SourceData -> HttpMethod -> String -> String makeTrackUrl currentTime srcData method pathToFile = "dropbox://" ++ Dict.fetch "accessToken" "" srcData ++ "@" ++ pathToFile
[ { "context": "div [ class \"container\" ] [ text \"© 2017 Copyright simplegtd.com\" ] ]\n ]\n\n\nlearnMoreLinks =\n let\n ", "end": 3597, "score": 0.8523012996, "start": 3584, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "simplegtd.com" } ]
module Views.Landing exposing (..) import AppUrl import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Mat import Toolkit.Operators exposing (..) view = div [ id "landing" ] [ navHeader , banner , overview , footerView ] navHeader = div [ class "navbar-fixed" ] [ nav [] [ div [ class "nav-wrapper container" ] [ a [ class "brand-logo", href AppUrl.landing ] [ div [ class "logo-font-icon" ] [ div [ class "logo-content" ] [ text "SG" ] ] , div [ class "app-name" ] [ span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "S" ] , text "imple" , span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "GTD" ] ] ] , div [ class "right hide-on-med-and-down" ] [ a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started" ] ] ] ] ] banner = div [ class "banner" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12 m6" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Simply Get To Done" ] , h5 [] [ text "Achieve more, with mind like water" ] , a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started - It's Free" ] , p [ class "" ] [ text "No sign up required!" ] ] ] ] ] bannerMock = img [ src "https://d3ptyyxy2at9ui.cloudfront.net/bc51cd8ccfb3787ee54ad263924a1a0a.jpg", class "responsive-img" ] [] overview = div [ class "container overview center" ] [ primaryFeatures ] primaryFeatures = let descriptionLine desc = p [] [ text desc ] feature ( iconName, heading, desc ) = div [ class "feature col s12 m4 center-align" ] [ div [ class "section" ] [ Mat.icon iconName , h5 [] [ text heading ] , div [] (desc .|> descriptionLine) ] ] seamlessly = "" list = [ ( "palette" , "Minimalistic Design" , [ "Focus on doing with our simple & beautiful interface" , "Less is more, that's our philosophy" ] ) , ( "sync" , "Work seamlessly" , [ "We will sync automatically when you get online" , "Additionally you never have to worry about upgrading, it just happens automatically" ] ) , ( "nature_people" , "Free and Open Source" , [ "And we are proud of it" , "You can contribute, tinker, learn, host yourself, sky is the limit" , "No more worries about propriety software" ] ) ] in div [ class "row features primary" ] (list .|> feature) footerView = footer [ class "page-footer" ] [ div [ class "container footer" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12" ] [ learnMoreLinks ] ] ] , div [ class "footer-copyright" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ text "© 2017 Copyright simplegtd.com" ] ] ] learnMoreLinks = let linkV ( hrefV, textV ) = li [] [ a [ class "white-text", href hrefV, target "_blank" ] [ text textV ] ] in ul [ class "layout horizontal center-center wrap" ] [ linkV ( AppUrl.github, "Github" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.forumsURL, "Forums" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.newIssueURL, "Report Issue" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.changeLogURL, "Change Log" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.contact, "Contact us" ) ]
module Views.Landing exposing (..) import AppUrl import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Mat import Toolkit.Operators exposing (..) view = div [ id "landing" ] [ navHeader , banner , overview , footerView ] navHeader = div [ class "navbar-fixed" ] [ nav [] [ div [ class "nav-wrapper container" ] [ a [ class "brand-logo", href AppUrl.landing ] [ div [ class "logo-font-icon" ] [ div [ class "logo-content" ] [ text "SG" ] ] , div [ class "app-name" ] [ span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "S" ] , text "imple" , span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "GTD" ] ] ] , div [ class "right hide-on-med-and-down" ] [ a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started" ] ] ] ] ] banner = div [ class "banner" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12 m6" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Simply Get To Done" ] , h5 [] [ text "Achieve more, with mind like water" ] , a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started - It's Free" ] , p [ class "" ] [ text "No sign up required!" ] ] ] ] ] bannerMock = img [ src "https://d3ptyyxy2at9ui.cloudfront.net/bc51cd8ccfb3787ee54ad263924a1a0a.jpg", class "responsive-img" ] [] overview = div [ class "container overview center" ] [ primaryFeatures ] primaryFeatures = let descriptionLine desc = p [] [ text desc ] feature ( iconName, heading, desc ) = div [ class "feature col s12 m4 center-align" ] [ div [ class "section" ] [ Mat.icon iconName , h5 [] [ text heading ] , div [] (desc .|> descriptionLine) ] ] seamlessly = "" list = [ ( "palette" , "Minimalistic Design" , [ "Focus on doing with our simple & beautiful interface" , "Less is more, that's our philosophy" ] ) , ( "sync" , "Work seamlessly" , [ "We will sync automatically when you get online" , "Additionally you never have to worry about upgrading, it just happens automatically" ] ) , ( "nature_people" , "Free and Open Source" , [ "And we are proud of it" , "You can contribute, tinker, learn, host yourself, sky is the limit" , "No more worries about propriety software" ] ) ] in div [ class "row features primary" ] (list .|> feature) footerView = footer [ class "page-footer" ] [ div [ class "container footer" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12" ] [ learnMoreLinks ] ] ] , div [ class "footer-copyright" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ text "© 2017 Copyright <EMAIL>" ] ] ] learnMoreLinks = let linkV ( hrefV, textV ) = li [] [ a [ class "white-text", href hrefV, target "_blank" ] [ text textV ] ] in ul [ class "layout horizontal center-center wrap" ] [ linkV ( AppUrl.github, "Github" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.forumsURL, "Forums" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.newIssueURL, "Report Issue" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.changeLogURL, "Change Log" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.contact, "Contact us" ) ]
module Views.Landing exposing (..) import AppUrl import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Mat import Toolkit.Operators exposing (..) view = div [ id "landing" ] [ navHeader , banner , overview , footerView ] navHeader = div [ class "navbar-fixed" ] [ nav [] [ div [ class "nav-wrapper container" ] [ a [ class "brand-logo", href AppUrl.landing ] [ div [ class "logo-font-icon" ] [ div [ class "logo-content" ] [ text "SG" ] ] , div [ class "app-name" ] [ span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "S" ] , text "imple" , span [ class "brand-name-font" ] [ text "GTD" ] ] ] , div [ class "right hide-on-med-and-down" ] [ a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started" ] ] ] ] ] banner = div [ class "banner" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12 m6" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Simply Get To Done" ] , h5 [] [ text "Achieve more, with mind like water" ] , a [ class "btn primary-action", href AppUrl.getStarted ] [ text "Get Started - It's Free" ] , p [ class "" ] [ text "No sign up required!" ] ] ] ] ] bannerMock = img [ src "https://d3ptyyxy2at9ui.cloudfront.net/bc51cd8ccfb3787ee54ad263924a1a0a.jpg", class "responsive-img" ] [] overview = div [ class "container overview center" ] [ primaryFeatures ] primaryFeatures = let descriptionLine desc = p [] [ text desc ] feature ( iconName, heading, desc ) = div [ class "feature col s12 m4 center-align" ] [ div [ class "section" ] [ Mat.icon iconName , h5 [] [ text heading ] , div [] (desc .|> descriptionLine) ] ] seamlessly = "" list = [ ( "palette" , "Minimalistic Design" , [ "Focus on doing with our simple & beautiful interface" , "Less is more, that's our philosophy" ] ) , ( "sync" , "Work seamlessly" , [ "We will sync automatically when you get online" , "Additionally you never have to worry about upgrading, it just happens automatically" ] ) , ( "nature_people" , "Free and Open Source" , [ "And we are proud of it" , "You can contribute, tinker, learn, host yourself, sky is the limit" , "No more worries about propriety software" ] ) ] in div [ class "row features primary" ] (list .|> feature) footerView = footer [ class "page-footer" ] [ div [ class "container footer" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col s12" ] [ learnMoreLinks ] ] ] , div [ class "footer-copyright" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ text "© 2017 Copyright PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] ] ] learnMoreLinks = let linkV ( hrefV, textV ) = li [] [ a [ class "white-text", href hrefV, target "_blank" ] [ text textV ] ] in ul [ class "layout horizontal center-center wrap" ] [ linkV ( AppUrl.github, "Github" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.forumsURL, "Forums" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.newIssueURL, "Report Issue" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.changeLogURL, "Change Log" ) , linkV ( AppUrl.contact, "Contact us" ) ]
[ { "context": "string encryption functions.\n-- Copyright (c) 2017 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n", "end": 171, "score": 0.9998723865, "start": 157, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bill St. Clair" }, { "context": " functions.\n-- Copyright (c) 2017 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n-- Distributed under th", "end": 194, "score": 0.9999339581, "start": 173, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "billstclair@gmail.com" } ]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Crypt.elm -- General purpose string encryption functions. -- Copyright (c) 2017 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module Crypto.Strings.Crypt exposing ( DefaultKey , expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator , listToBlocks, blocksToList , padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes ) {-| Block chaining and string encryption for use with any block cipher. # Types @docs DefaultKey # Functions @docs expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator # Low-level functions @docs listToBlocks, blocksToList @docs padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes -} import Array exposing (Array) import Crypto.Strings.BlockAes as Aes import Crypto.Strings.Chaining as Chaining import Crypto.Strings.Encoding as Encoding import Crypto.Strings.Types exposing ( Block , BlockSize , Ciphertext , Config , Decryptor , Encoding , Encryptor , Key(..) , KeyEncoding , KeyExpander , Passphrase , Plaintext , RandomGenerator ) import List.Extra as LE import Random processKey : Config key state randomState -> String -> Result String key processKey config string = let expander = config.encryption.keyExpander keyEncoder = config.keyEncoding.encoder in keyEncoder expander.keySize string |> expander.expander defaultEncoding = Encoding.base64Encoding 60 {-| Default key type. -} type alias DefaultKey = Key Aes.Key {-| Default configuration. -} defaultConfig : Config Aes.Key Chaining.CtrState randomState defaultConfig = { keyEncoding = Encoding.foldedSha256KeyEncoding , encryption = Aes.encryption , chaining = Chaining.ctrChaining , encoding = defaultEncoding } {-| Expand a key preparing it for use with `encrypt` or `decrypt`. -} expandKeyString : Config key state randomState -> Passphrase -> Result String (Key key) expandKeyString config passphrase = case processKey config passphrase of Err msg -> Err msg Ok key -> Ok <| Key key {-| A random generator that takes and returns a standard Elm Seed. -} seedGenerator : Random.Seed -> RandomGenerator Random.Seed seedGenerator seed blockSize = let gen = Random.list blockSize <| Random.int 0 255 ( list, sd ) = Random.step gen seed in ( Array.fromList list, sd ) {-| Encrypt a list of blocks. -} encryptList : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> ( List Int, randomState ) encryptList config generator (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.encryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( state, randomState ) = chaining.initializer generator encryption.blockSize step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, outState ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, outState ) ( cipherBlocks, finalState ) = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize list |> List.foldl step ( [], state ) in ( List.reverse cipherBlocks |> blocksToList |> chaining.adjoiner finalState , randomState ) {-| Encrypt a string. -} encrypt : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> Plaintext -> ( Ciphertext, randomState ) encrypt config generator key plaintext = Encoding.plainTextEncoder plaintext |> encryptList config generator key |> (\( cipherList, randomState ) -> ( config.encoding.encoder cipherList , randomState ) ) extendArray : Int -> a -> Array a -> Array a extendArray size fill array = let count = size - Array.length array in if count <= 0 then array else Array.append array <| Array.repeat count fill marker : Int marker = 0x80 padLastBlockLoop : Int -> List Block -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlockLoop blockSize = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| Array.get (len - 1) block ( b, bs, ln ) = if len == blockSize && (last == 0 || last == marker) then ( Array.fromList [ marker ] , [ block ] , 1 ) else if len < blockSize then ( Array.push marker block , [] , len + 1 ) else ( block , [] , len ) b2 = if ln < blockSize then Array.append b <| Array.repeat (blockSize - ln) 0 else b in (b2 :: List.append bs res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> padLastBlockLoop blockSize tail <| head :: res {-| Put a 0x80 at the end of the last block, and pad with zeroes. No padding is done if the last block is of the blockSize, and does NOT already end with 0 or 0x80. -} padLastBlock : Int -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlock blockSize blocks = padLastBlockLoop blockSize blocks [] unpadLastBlockLoop : List Block -> List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlockLoop = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 1 <| Array.get (len - 1) block b = if last == marker then Array.slice 0 -1 block else block in (b :: res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> unpadLastBlockLoop tail (head :: res) {-| Remove the padding added by `padLastBlock` from the last block in a list. -} unpadLastBlock : List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlock blocks = unpadLastBlockLoop blocks [] stripTrailingZeroesLoop : Block -> Int -> Block stripTrailingZeroesLoop block = \idx -> if idx < 0 then block else case Array.get idx block of Nothing -> --can't happen block Just x -> if x /= 0 then Array.slice 0 (1 + idx) block else stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (idx - 1) {-| Strip the trailing zeroes from a block. -} stripTrailingZeroes : Block -> Block stripTrailingZeroes block = let len = Array.length block in stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (len - 1) {-| Convert a list of integers into a list of blocks. The end of the last block will always be #x80 plus zeroes. If all the blocks are full, and the last byte is NOT zero or #x80, then no padding is added. -} listToBlocks : Int -> List Int -> List Block listToBlocks blockSize list = LE.greedyGroupsOf blockSize list |> List.map (extendArray blockSize 0 << Array.fromList) |> padLastBlock blockSize {-| Convert a list of blocks into a list of integers. -} blocksToList : List Block -> List Int blocksToList blocks = unpadLastBlock blocks |> List.map Array.toList |> List.concat {-| Decrypt a list of integers. -} decryptList : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> List Int decryptList config (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.decryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( cipherList, state ) = chaining.separator encryption.blockSize list cipherBlocks = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize cipherList step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, state2 ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, state2 ) ( plainBlocks, _ ) = List.foldl step ( [], state ) cipherBlocks in List.reverse plainBlocks |> blocksToList {-| Decrypt a string created with `encrypt`. -} decrypt : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> Ciphertext -> Result Plaintext String decrypt config key string = --This will use the blockchain algorithm and block encoder case config.encoding.decoder string of Err msg -> Err msg Ok list -> decryptList config key list |> Encoding.plainTextDecoder |> Ok
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Crypt.elm -- General purpose string encryption functions. -- Copyright (c) 2017 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module Crypto.Strings.Crypt exposing ( DefaultKey , expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator , listToBlocks, blocksToList , padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes ) {-| Block chaining and string encryption for use with any block cipher. # Types @docs DefaultKey # Functions @docs expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator # Low-level functions @docs listToBlocks, blocksToList @docs padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes -} import Array exposing (Array) import Crypto.Strings.BlockAes as Aes import Crypto.Strings.Chaining as Chaining import Crypto.Strings.Encoding as Encoding import Crypto.Strings.Types exposing ( Block , BlockSize , Ciphertext , Config , Decryptor , Encoding , Encryptor , Key(..) , KeyEncoding , KeyExpander , Passphrase , Plaintext , RandomGenerator ) import List.Extra as LE import Random processKey : Config key state randomState -> String -> Result String key processKey config string = let expander = config.encryption.keyExpander keyEncoder = config.keyEncoding.encoder in keyEncoder expander.keySize string |> expander.expander defaultEncoding = Encoding.base64Encoding 60 {-| Default key type. -} type alias DefaultKey = Key Aes.Key {-| Default configuration. -} defaultConfig : Config Aes.Key Chaining.CtrState randomState defaultConfig = { keyEncoding = Encoding.foldedSha256KeyEncoding , encryption = Aes.encryption , chaining = Chaining.ctrChaining , encoding = defaultEncoding } {-| Expand a key preparing it for use with `encrypt` or `decrypt`. -} expandKeyString : Config key state randomState -> Passphrase -> Result String (Key key) expandKeyString config passphrase = case processKey config passphrase of Err msg -> Err msg Ok key -> Ok <| Key key {-| A random generator that takes and returns a standard Elm Seed. -} seedGenerator : Random.Seed -> RandomGenerator Random.Seed seedGenerator seed blockSize = let gen = Random.list blockSize <| Random.int 0 255 ( list, sd ) = Random.step gen seed in ( Array.fromList list, sd ) {-| Encrypt a list of blocks. -} encryptList : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> ( List Int, randomState ) encryptList config generator (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.encryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( state, randomState ) = chaining.initializer generator encryption.blockSize step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, outState ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, outState ) ( cipherBlocks, finalState ) = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize list |> List.foldl step ( [], state ) in ( List.reverse cipherBlocks |> blocksToList |> chaining.adjoiner finalState , randomState ) {-| Encrypt a string. -} encrypt : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> Plaintext -> ( Ciphertext, randomState ) encrypt config generator key plaintext = Encoding.plainTextEncoder plaintext |> encryptList config generator key |> (\( cipherList, randomState ) -> ( config.encoding.encoder cipherList , randomState ) ) extendArray : Int -> a -> Array a -> Array a extendArray size fill array = let count = size - Array.length array in if count <= 0 then array else Array.append array <| Array.repeat count fill marker : Int marker = 0x80 padLastBlockLoop : Int -> List Block -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlockLoop blockSize = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| Array.get (len - 1) block ( b, bs, ln ) = if len == blockSize && (last == 0 || last == marker) then ( Array.fromList [ marker ] , [ block ] , 1 ) else if len < blockSize then ( Array.push marker block , [] , len + 1 ) else ( block , [] , len ) b2 = if ln < blockSize then Array.append b <| Array.repeat (blockSize - ln) 0 else b in (b2 :: List.append bs res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> padLastBlockLoop blockSize tail <| head :: res {-| Put a 0x80 at the end of the last block, and pad with zeroes. No padding is done if the last block is of the blockSize, and does NOT already end with 0 or 0x80. -} padLastBlock : Int -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlock blockSize blocks = padLastBlockLoop blockSize blocks [] unpadLastBlockLoop : List Block -> List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlockLoop = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 1 <| Array.get (len - 1) block b = if last == marker then Array.slice 0 -1 block else block in (b :: res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> unpadLastBlockLoop tail (head :: res) {-| Remove the padding added by `padLastBlock` from the last block in a list. -} unpadLastBlock : List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlock blocks = unpadLastBlockLoop blocks [] stripTrailingZeroesLoop : Block -> Int -> Block stripTrailingZeroesLoop block = \idx -> if idx < 0 then block else case Array.get idx block of Nothing -> --can't happen block Just x -> if x /= 0 then Array.slice 0 (1 + idx) block else stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (idx - 1) {-| Strip the trailing zeroes from a block. -} stripTrailingZeroes : Block -> Block stripTrailingZeroes block = let len = Array.length block in stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (len - 1) {-| Convert a list of integers into a list of blocks. The end of the last block will always be #x80 plus zeroes. If all the blocks are full, and the last byte is NOT zero or #x80, then no padding is added. -} listToBlocks : Int -> List Int -> List Block listToBlocks blockSize list = LE.greedyGroupsOf blockSize list |> List.map (extendArray blockSize 0 << Array.fromList) |> padLastBlock blockSize {-| Convert a list of blocks into a list of integers. -} blocksToList : List Block -> List Int blocksToList blocks = unpadLastBlock blocks |> List.map Array.toList |> List.concat {-| Decrypt a list of integers. -} decryptList : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> List Int decryptList config (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.decryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( cipherList, state ) = chaining.separator encryption.blockSize list cipherBlocks = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize cipherList step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, state2 ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, state2 ) ( plainBlocks, _ ) = List.foldl step ( [], state ) cipherBlocks in List.reverse plainBlocks |> blocksToList {-| Decrypt a string created with `encrypt`. -} decrypt : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> Ciphertext -> Result Plaintext String decrypt config key string = --This will use the blockchain algorithm and block encoder case config.encoding.decoder string of Err msg -> Err msg Ok list -> decryptList config key list |> Encoding.plainTextDecoder |> Ok
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Crypt.elm -- General purpose string encryption functions. -- Copyright (c) 2017 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI <PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module Crypto.Strings.Crypt exposing ( DefaultKey , expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator , listToBlocks, blocksToList , padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes ) {-| Block chaining and string encryption for use with any block cipher. # Types @docs DefaultKey # Functions @docs expandKeyString, defaultConfig, encrypt, decrypt, seedGenerator # Low-level functions @docs listToBlocks, blocksToList @docs padLastBlock, unpadLastBlock, stripTrailingZeroes -} import Array exposing (Array) import Crypto.Strings.BlockAes as Aes import Crypto.Strings.Chaining as Chaining import Crypto.Strings.Encoding as Encoding import Crypto.Strings.Types exposing ( Block , BlockSize , Ciphertext , Config , Decryptor , Encoding , Encryptor , Key(..) , KeyEncoding , KeyExpander , Passphrase , Plaintext , RandomGenerator ) import List.Extra as LE import Random processKey : Config key state randomState -> String -> Result String key processKey config string = let expander = config.encryption.keyExpander keyEncoder = config.keyEncoding.encoder in keyEncoder expander.keySize string |> expander.expander defaultEncoding = Encoding.base64Encoding 60 {-| Default key type. -} type alias DefaultKey = Key Aes.Key {-| Default configuration. -} defaultConfig : Config Aes.Key Chaining.CtrState randomState defaultConfig = { keyEncoding = Encoding.foldedSha256KeyEncoding , encryption = Aes.encryption , chaining = Chaining.ctrChaining , encoding = defaultEncoding } {-| Expand a key preparing it for use with `encrypt` or `decrypt`. -} expandKeyString : Config key state randomState -> Passphrase -> Result String (Key key) expandKeyString config passphrase = case processKey config passphrase of Err msg -> Err msg Ok key -> Ok <| Key key {-| A random generator that takes and returns a standard Elm Seed. -} seedGenerator : Random.Seed -> RandomGenerator Random.Seed seedGenerator seed blockSize = let gen = Random.list blockSize <| Random.int 0 255 ( list, sd ) = Random.step gen seed in ( Array.fromList list, sd ) {-| Encrypt a list of blocks. -} encryptList : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> ( List Int, randomState ) encryptList config generator (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.encryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( state, randomState ) = chaining.initializer generator encryption.blockSize step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, outState ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, outState ) ( cipherBlocks, finalState ) = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize list |> List.foldl step ( [], state ) in ( List.reverse cipherBlocks |> blocksToList |> chaining.adjoiner finalState , randomState ) {-| Encrypt a string. -} encrypt : Config key state randomState -> RandomGenerator randomState -> Key key -> Plaintext -> ( Ciphertext, randomState ) encrypt config generator key plaintext = Encoding.plainTextEncoder plaintext |> encryptList config generator key |> (\( cipherList, randomState ) -> ( config.encoding.encoder cipherList , randomState ) ) extendArray : Int -> a -> Array a -> Array a extendArray size fill array = let count = size - Array.length array in if count <= 0 then array else Array.append array <| Array.repeat count fill marker : Int marker = 0x80 padLastBlockLoop : Int -> List Block -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlockLoop blockSize = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| Array.get (len - 1) block ( b, bs, ln ) = if len == blockSize && (last == 0 || last == marker) then ( Array.fromList [ marker ] , [ block ] , 1 ) else if len < blockSize then ( Array.push marker block , [] , len + 1 ) else ( block , [] , len ) b2 = if ln < blockSize then Array.append b <| Array.repeat (blockSize - ln) 0 else b in (b2 :: List.append bs res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> padLastBlockLoop blockSize tail <| head :: res {-| Put a 0x80 at the end of the last block, and pad with zeroes. No padding is done if the last block is of the blockSize, and does NOT already end with 0 or 0x80. -} padLastBlock : Int -> List Block -> List Block padLastBlock blockSize blocks = padLastBlockLoop blockSize blocks [] unpadLastBlockLoop : List Block -> List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlockLoop = \blocks res -> case blocks of [] -> [] [ blk ] -> let block = stripTrailingZeroes blk len = Array.length block last = Maybe.withDefault 1 <| Array.get (len - 1) block b = if last == marker then Array.slice 0 -1 block else block in (b :: res) |> List.reverse head :: tail -> unpadLastBlockLoop tail (head :: res) {-| Remove the padding added by `padLastBlock` from the last block in a list. -} unpadLastBlock : List Block -> List Block unpadLastBlock blocks = unpadLastBlockLoop blocks [] stripTrailingZeroesLoop : Block -> Int -> Block stripTrailingZeroesLoop block = \idx -> if idx < 0 then block else case Array.get idx block of Nothing -> --can't happen block Just x -> if x /= 0 then Array.slice 0 (1 + idx) block else stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (idx - 1) {-| Strip the trailing zeroes from a block. -} stripTrailingZeroes : Block -> Block stripTrailingZeroes block = let len = Array.length block in stripTrailingZeroesLoop block (len - 1) {-| Convert a list of integers into a list of blocks. The end of the last block will always be #x80 plus zeroes. If all the blocks are full, and the last byte is NOT zero or #x80, then no padding is added. -} listToBlocks : Int -> List Int -> List Block listToBlocks blockSize list = LE.greedyGroupsOf blockSize list |> List.map (extendArray blockSize 0 << Array.fromList) |> padLastBlock blockSize {-| Convert a list of blocks into a list of integers. -} blocksToList : List Block -> List Int blocksToList blocks = unpadLastBlock blocks |> List.map Array.toList |> List.concat {-| Decrypt a list of integers. -} decryptList : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> List Int -> List Int decryptList config (Key key) list = let chaining = config.chaining encryption = config.encryption chainer = chaining.decryptor pair = ( encryption.encryptor, encryption.decryptor ) ( cipherList, state ) = chaining.separator encryption.blockSize list cipherBlocks = listToBlocks encryption.blockSize cipherList step : Block -> ( List Block, state ) -> ( List Block, state ) step = \block ( blocks, state_ ) -> let ( outBlock, state2 ) = chainer state_ pair key block in ( outBlock :: blocks, state2 ) ( plainBlocks, _ ) = List.foldl step ( [], state ) cipherBlocks in List.reverse plainBlocks |> blocksToList {-| Decrypt a string created with `encrypt`. -} decrypt : Config key state randomState -> Key key -> Ciphertext -> Result Plaintext String decrypt config key string = --This will use the blockchain algorithm and block encoder case config.encoding.decoder string of Err msg -> Err msg Ok list -> decryptList config key list |> Encoding.plainTextDecoder |> Ok
[ { "context": "!\n\n@docs Msg, createSVG\n\n-}\n\n{- Library created by Chris Schankula and Dr. Christopher Anand\n for the McMaster Uni", "end": 4362, "score": 0.9998512864, "start": 4347, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chris Schankula" }, { "context": "\n-}\n\n{- Library created by Chris Schankula and Dr. Christopher Anand\n for the McMaster University Computing and Soft", "end": 4388, "score": 0.9998820424, "start": 4371, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christopher Anand" }, { "context": "\n AlphaMask shape shape\n\n\n\n{-\n Contributed by Jack You.\n-}\n\n\nconvert : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Floa", "end": 99723, "score": 0.9994658232, "start": 99715, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jack You" } ]
module GraphicSVG exposing ( Stencil, Shape, Collage(..), GraphicSVG , collage, mapCollage , App, app , EllieApp, ellieApp , line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge , filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla , group , html , curve, Pull(..), curveHelper , LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom , text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont , move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY , clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost , notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt , makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow , graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map , gradient, radialGradient, stop, transparentStop, rotateGradient , Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow , Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform , Msg(..), createSVG ) {-| A library for creating SVG graphics in a way that is compatible with Elm's old Graphics library. Also includes built-in functions for creating games and other applications including keyboard presses and mouse movements. # Basic Types @docs Stencil, Shape, Collage, GraphicSVG # Rendering To Screen @docs collage, mapCollage # App @docs App, app # EllieApp @docs EllieApp, ellieApp # Stencils @docs line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge # Creating Shapes from Stencils @docs filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla # Grouping Shapes @docs group # Rendering HTML This feature is still very much experimental. Cross-platform support is not guaranteed and weird things can happen. @docs html # Curves @docs curve, Pull, curveHelper # Line Styles @docs LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom # Text @docs text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont # Transformations @docs move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY # Group Operations @docs clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost # Notifications @docs notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt # Miscellaneous @docs makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow # Helpers @docs graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map # Let there be colours! @docs Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow # Let there be gradients! @docs stop, transparentStop, gradient, radialGradient, rotateGradient # Advanced Transformations _Advanced section warning!_ These functions provide a way to interface on a lower level to the transformations normally handled in the background by GraphicSVG. Most users should be happy to use the regular functions applied directly to shapes, which are provided in the section above this one. @docs Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform # More Advanced Things Don't worry about these unless you *_really_* know what you're doing! @docs Msg, createSVG -} {- Library created by Chris Schankula and Dr. Christopher Anand for the McMaster University Computing and Software Outreach Program and CompSci 1JC3, with input and testing from the rest of the Outreach team. Last updated: January 25th, 2019 -} import Array import Browser exposing (UrlRequest) import Browser.Dom exposing (Viewport, getViewportOf) import Browser.Events exposing (onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onResize) import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key) import Char import Dict import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode as D exposing (..) import String exposing (..) import Svg exposing (Attribute) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Task import Time exposing (..) import Tuple import Url exposing (Url) import Color {-| A primitive template representing the shape you wish to draw. This must be turned into a `Shape` before being drawn to the screen with `collage` (see below). -} type Stencil = Circle Float | Rect Float Float | RoundRect Float Float Float | Oval Float Float | BezierPath ( Float, Float ) (List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) )) | Polygon (List ( Float, Float )) | Path (List ( Float, Float )) | Text Face String {-| A filled, outlined, or filled and outlined object that can be drawn to the screen using `collage`. -} type Shape userMsg = Inked (Maybe Color) (Maybe ( LineType, Color )) Stencil | ForeignObject Float Float (Html.Html userMsg) | Move ( Float, Float ) (Shape userMsg) | Rotate Float (Shape userMsg) | Scale Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Skew Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Transformed Transform (Shape userMsg) | Group (List (Shape userMsg)) | GroupOutline (Shape userMsg) | AlphaMask (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Clip (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Everything | Notathing | Link String (Shape userMsg) | Tap userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TapAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | EnterShape userMsg (Shape userMsg) | EnterAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Exit userMsg (Shape userMsg) | ExitAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseDown userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseDownAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseUp userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseUpAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MoveOverAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchStart userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchEnd userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchStartAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchEndAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchMoveAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | GraphPaper Float Float Color type FontAlign = AlignLeft | AlignCentred | AlignRight {-| To compose multiple pages or components which each have a Msg/view/update, we need to map messages. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} map : (a -> b) -> Shape a -> Shape b map f sh = case sh of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> Inked fillClr lt stencil ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h (Html.map f htm) Move v shape -> Move v (map f shape) Rotate deg shape -> Rotate deg (map f shape) Scale sx sy shape -> Scale sx sy (map f shape) Skew skx sky shape -> Skew skx sky (map f shape) Transformed tm shape -> Transformed tm (map f shape) Link href shape -> Link href (map f shape) AlphaMask sh1 sh2 -> AlphaMask (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Clip sh1 sh2 -> Clip (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap msg shape -> Tap (f msg) (map f shape) TapAt msg shape -> TapAt (f << msg) (map f shape) EnterShape msg shape -> EnterShape (f msg) (map f shape) EnterAt msg shape -> EnterAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Exit msg shape -> Exit (f msg) (map f shape) ExitAt msg shape -> ExitAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseDown msg shape -> MouseDown (f msg) (map f shape) MouseDownAt msg shape -> MouseDownAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseUp msg shape -> MouseUp (f msg) (map f shape) MouseUpAt msg shape -> MouseUpAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MoveOverAt msg shape -> MoveOverAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchStart msg shape -> TouchStart (f msg) (map f shape) TouchEnd msg shape -> TouchEnd (f msg) (map f shape) TouchStartAt msg shape -> TouchStartAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchEndAt msg shape -> TouchEndAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchMoveAt msg shape -> TouchMoveAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (map f) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (map f cmbndshp) GraphPaper s th c -> GraphPaper s th c {-| To apply the function over all the shapes in the given `Collage` using the `map` function. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} mapCollage : (a -> b) -> Collage a -> Collage b mapCollage f (Collage w h shapes) = Collage w h (List.map (map f) shapes) {-| The `GraphicSVG` type alias represents the drawable surface of the window. This type is only used to define a type signature for a user defined `view` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG userMsg for use with `graphicsApp` and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG MyMsg for use with `notificationsApp`, `gameApp` and `App`. These assume that `Model` is the name of the user model type alias and `MyMsg` is the name of the user message type. Simply substitute the names actually used for these labels. THIS IS DEPRECIATED AND ONLY KEPT FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PREVIOUS VERSION; Use "Collage userMsg" instead of "GraphicSVG userMsg", as they are identical except in name. -} type alias GraphicSVG userMsg = Collage userMsg {-| The `Color` type is used for filling or outlining a `Stencil`. -} type Color = Solid Color.Color | Gradient Gradient type Gradient = RadialGradient (List Stop) | LinearGradient Float {- rotation -} (List Stop) {-| Create a radial gradient from a list of colour stops. -} radialGradient : List Stop -> Color radialGradient stops = Gradient <| RadialGradient stops {-| Create a linear gradient from a list of colour stops. -} gradient : List Stop -> Color gradient stops = Gradient <| LinearGradient 0 stops {-| Rotate a linear gradient by a certain angle in radians. -} rotateGradient : Float -> Color -> Color rotateGradient r grad = case grad of Gradient (LinearGradient rot stops) -> Gradient (LinearGradient (rot + r) stops) radialGrad -> radialGrad type Stop = Stop Float {- stop position -} Float {- transparency -} Color.Color {- colour -} {-| A colour stop in a gradient. This takes a colour and a position. -} stop : Color -> Float -> Stop stop col pos = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos 1 colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 0) {-| A colour stop with transparency. -} transparentStop : Color -> Float -> Float -> Stop transparentStop col pos alpha = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos alpha colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 alpha) createGradientSVG : String -> (Float, Float) -> Gradient -> Svg.Svg userMsg createGradientSVG id (wid, hei) grad = let isRadial = case grad of RadialGradient _ -> True _ -> False squareSize = if wid > hei then 2*wid else 2*hei w = case grad of RadialGradient stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 LinearGradient _ stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 createStop : Stop -> Svg.Svg userMsg createStop (Stop pos trans colour) = let start = if isRadial then 0 else (1 - w/squareSize)/2 * 100 percent = if isRadial then pos / w * 100 else start + pos/squareSize * 100 percentTxt = String.fromFloat percent ++ "%" colourTxt = "stop-color:" ++ mkRGB colour ++ ";" opacityTxt = "stop-opacity:" ++ String.fromFloat trans ++ ";" in Svg.stop [Svg.Attributes.offset percentTxt, Svg.Attributes.style (colourTxt ++ opacityTxt)] [] defs = Svg.defs [] [ case grad of LinearGradient _ stops -> Svg.linearGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)" --, Svg.Attributes.x1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.y1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.x2 "100%" --, Svg.Attributes.y2 "0%" , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform ("rotate("++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)") ] (List.map createStop stops) RadialGradient stops -> Svg.radialGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.cx "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.cy "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat w) , Svg.Attributes.gradientUnits "userSpaceOnUse" ] (List.map createStop stops) ] rotation = case grad of LinearGradient rot stops -> rot * 180 / pi _ -> 0 in Svg.g [mask ("url(#" ++ id ++ "mask)")] [ defs , Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat squareSize , height <| String.fromFloat squareSize , fill ("url(#" ++ id ++ "gradient)") , Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "grad") , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++")" ] ) [] ] {-| The `LineType` type is used to define the appearance of an outline for a `Stencil`. `LineType` also defines the appearence of `line` and `curve`. -} type LineType = NoLine | Unbroken Float | Broken (List ( Float, Float )) Float {-| The `Face` type describes the appearance of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Face = Face Float -- size Bool -- bold Bool -- italic Bool -- underline Bool -- strikethrough Bool -- selectable Font -- font alignment FontAlign {-| The `Font` type describes the font of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Font = Serif | Sansserif | FixedWidth | Custom String {-| To make it easier to read the code defining a `curve`, and to make sure we always use the right number of curve points and pull points (which is one more curve point than pull points), we define a special `Pull` type, whose first point is the point we pull towards, and second point is the end point for this curve segments. -} type Pull = Pull ( Float, Float ) ( Float, Float ) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `app` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest = \urlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange = \url -> userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.application`. -} app : { init : flags -> Url -> Key -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest : UrlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange : Url -> userMsg } -> App flags userModel userMsg app input = Browser.application { init = \flags url key -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags url key userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags url key in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions , onUrlRequest = Graphics << input.onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = Graphics << input.onUrlChange } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `app`: main : App Flags Model Msg main = app Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = onUrlChange } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias App flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) subs : (userModel -> Sub userMsg) -> ( userModel, gModel ) -> Sub (Msg userMsg) subs userSubs ( userModel, _ ) = Sub.batch ([ onResize (\_ _ -> WindowResize Nothing) ] ++ [ Sub.map Graphics (userSubs userModel) ] ) hiddenAppUpdate : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> (userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg )) -> Msg userMsg -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> ( ( userModel, HiddenModel ), Cmd (Msg userMsg) ) hiddenAppUpdate userView userUpdate msg ( userModel, gModel ) = let mapUserCmd cmd = Cmd.map Graphics cmd (Collage cw ch _) = (userView userModel).body in case msg of Graphics message -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate message userModel in ( ( newModel, { gModel | cw = cw, ch = ch } ) , mapUserCmd userCmds ) WindowResize mWH -> case mWH of Just ( w, h ) -> ( ( userModel , { gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat w , sh = Basics.toFloat h } ) , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( (userModel, gModel) , getViewportSize ) ReturnPosition message ( x, y ) -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate (message (convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel)) userModel in ( ( newModel, gModel ), mapUserCmd userCmds ) NoOp -> (( userModel, gModel ), Cmd.none) hiddenAppView : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> { title : String, body : List (Html.Html (Msg userMsg)) } hiddenAppView userView ( userModel, _ ) = let userViewEval = userView userModel title = userViewEval.title (Collage w h shapes) = userViewEval.body in { title = title, body = [ createCollage w h shapes ] } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `ellieApp`: main : EllieApp Flags Model Msg main = ellieApp Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias EllieApp flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `ellieApp` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.document`. It is called ellieApp because this version is compatible with the online Elm IDE Ellie. -} ellieApp : { init : flags -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg } -> EllieApp flags userModel userMsg ellieApp input = Browser.document { init = \flags -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions } convertCoords : ( Float, Float ) -> HiddenModel -> ( Float, Float ) convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel = let sw = gModel.sw sh = gModel.sh cw = gModel.cw ch = gModel.ch aspectout = if not (sh == 0) then sw / sh else 4 / 3 aspectin = if not (ch == 0) then cw / ch else 4 / 3 scaledInX = aspectout < aspectin scaledInY = aspectout > aspectin cscale = if scaledInX then sw / cw else if scaledInY then sh / ch else 1 in ( (x - sw / 2) / cscale , (y + sh / 2) / cscale ) initialCmd : Cmd (Msg userMsg) -> Cmd (Msg userMsg) initialCmd userCmd = Cmd.batch [ getViewportSize , userCmd ] getViewportSize : Cmd (Msg userMsg) getViewportSize = Task.attempt (\rvp -> case rvp of Ok vp -> WindowResize <| Just ( round vp.viewport.width, round vp.viewport.height ) Err _ -> NoOp ) (getViewportOf "render") {-| The `Msg` type encapsulates all GraphicSVG internal messages. This type is only used to define type signature fors user defined `view` and `main` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `gameApp`. It is also used to define the type signature for a user supplied `main` as follows: main : Program Never (GraphicsModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: main : Program Never (GamesModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use when `main` calls `gameApp` These assume that `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type. -} type Msg userMsg = Graphics userMsg | WindowResize (Maybe ( Int, Int )) | ReturnPosition (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) ( Float, Float ) | NoOp {-| The `HiddenModel` type alias encapsulates the GraphicSVG internal model which is not exposed to user code. -} type alias HiddenModel = { cw : Float , ch : Float , sw : Float , sh : Float } initHiddenModel : HiddenModel initHiddenModel = { cw = 0 , ch = 0 , sw = 0 , sh = 0 } {-| Create a line from a point to a point. Use `outlined` to convert to a viewable `Shape`. -} line : ( Float, Float ) -> ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil line p1 p2 = Path [ p1, p2 ] {-| Create a closed shape given a list of points. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} polygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil polygon ptList = Polygon ptList {-| Create an open shape given a list of points. Unlike with polygon, the first and last points will not join up automatically. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} openPolygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil openPolygon ptList = Path ptList {-| Create a regular polygon with a given number of sides and radius. Examples: ngon 3 50 -- triangle ngon 5 50 -- pentagon ngon 8 50 -- octogon -} ngon : Int -> Float -> Stencil ngon n r = Polygon <| List.map (ptOnCircle r (Basics.toFloat n) << Basics.toFloat) (List.range 0 n) {-| Synonym for `ngon 3`. Creates a triangle with a given size. -} triangle : Float -> Stencil triangle r = ngon 3 r {-| Creates a right-angled triangle with a given base and height. -} rightTriangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rightTriangle base height = polygon [ ( 0, 0 ), ( base, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates an isosceles triangle with a given base and height. -} isosceles : Float -> Float -> Stencil isosceles base height = polygon [ ( -base / 2, 0 ), ( base / 2, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates a triangle given two side lengths and the angle between them. For example, `sideAngleSide 30 (degrees 45) 50` creates a triangle with side lengths 30 and 50 with an angle of 45 degrees between them. -} sideAngleSide : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil sideAngleSide sideOne angle sideTwo = polygon [ sideTwoPoint angle sideOne, ( 0, 0 ), ( sideTwo, 0 ) ] sideTwoPoint : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) sideTwoPoint angle sideOne = ( cos angle * sideOne, sin angle * sideOne ) {-| Creates a square with a given side length. (Synonym for `rect s s`) -} square : Float -> Stencil square r = Rect r r {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width and height. -} rect : Float -> Float -> Stencil rect w h = Rect w h {-| Synonym for `rect`. -} rectangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rectangle w h = Rect w h {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width, height, and circular rounded corners with the given radius. -} roundedRect : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil roundedRect w h r = RoundRect w h r {-| Creates a circle with a given radius. -} circle : Float -> Stencil circle r = Circle r {-| Creates an oval with a given width and height. -} oval : Float -> Float -> Stencil oval w h = Oval w h {-| Creates a graph paper with squares of a given size. -} graphPaper : Float -> Shape userMsg graphPaper s = GraphPaper s 1 (Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = 135, green = 206, blue = 250, alpha = 1}) {-| Creates graph paper with squares of a given size, with a user-defined thickness and colour. -} graphPaperCustom : Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg graphPaperCustom s th c = GraphPaper s th c createGraph : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg createGraph ( w, h ) s th c = let sxi = ceiling (w / (s * 2)) syi = ceiling (h / (s * 2)) xlisti = List.range -sxi sxi ylisti = List.range -syi syi in group (List.map (createGraphX h s th c << Basics.toFloat) xlisti ++ List.map (createGraphY w s th c << Basics.toFloat) ylisti ) createGraphX : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphX h s th c x = filled c (rect th h) |> move ( x * s, 0 ) createGraphY : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphY w s th c y = filled c (rect w th) |> move ( 0, y * s ) {-| Creates a wedge with a given radius, and a given fraction of a circle. wedge 50 0.5 -- semi-circle wedge 50 0.25 -- quarter-circle wedge 50 0.75 -- three-quarter circle -} wedge : Float -> Float -> Stencil wedge r frac = let n = frac * 360 / 10 + 5 ni = round n dlta = frac / Basics.toFloat ni in Polygon <| if frac > 0 then [ ( 0, 0 ), wedgeHelper r -frac ] ++ List.map (wedgeHelper r << (*) dlta << Basics.toFloat ) (List.range -ni ni) ++ [ wedgeHelper r frac, ( 0, 0 ) ] else [] wedgeHelper : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) wedgeHelper r cn = let angle = turns (0.5 * cn) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) ptOnCircle : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) ptOnCircle r n cn = let angle = turns (cn / n) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) {-| Creates a curve starting at a point, pulled towards a point, ending at a third point. For example, curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] gives a curve starting at (0,0), pulled towards (0,10) and ending at (0,20). Think about curves as what you get when you take a bunch of bendy sticks with their ends glued down to a board, and then pulling each stick towards another point. You always need an initial point and at least one `Pull`, but you can add as many `Pull`s as you want to add additional curve segments, but each curve segment can only bend one way, since it is pulled in one direction. -} curve : ( Float, Float ) -> List Pull -> Stencil curve ( a, b ) list = BezierPath ( a, b ) (List.map curveListHelper list) curveListHelper : Pull -> ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) curveListHelper (Pull ( a, b ) ( c, d )) = ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) {-| Add a hyperlink to any `Shape`: circle 10 |> filled red |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" -} addHyperlink : String -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addHyperlink link shape = Link link shape {-| Creates a text `Stencil`. You can change this `Stencil` using the text helper functions. Note that `|> filled ...` or `|> outlined ...` must go at the _end_ of the text helper functions (ie note that all these functions have type `Stencil -> Stencil`). For example, text "Hello World" |> fixedwidth |> bold |> size 14 |> filled black -} text : String -> Stencil text str = Text (Face 12 False False False False False Serif AlignLeft) str {-| Apply to a curve or group of curves in order to view their start points, end points and `Pull` points. Helpful while perfecting curves. curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] |> curveHelper -} curveHelper : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg curveHelper shape = case shape of Inked _ _ (BezierPath ( a, b ) list) -> group [ shape, generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list ] Move s sh -> Move s (curveHelper sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (curveHelper sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (curveHelper sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (curveHelper sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (curveHelper sh) Group list -> Group (List.map curveHelper list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (curveHelper cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (curveHelper sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (curveHelper sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (curveHelper sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (curveHelper sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (curveHelper sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) -- no changes for the rest... Inked clr ln sh -> Inked clr ln sh ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr generateCurveHelper : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> Shape userMsg generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list = let l1Array = Array.fromList ([ ( a, b ) ] ++ List.concat (List.map createTopLevelList list) ) in group [ generateCHLines l1Array, generateCHCircles l1Array ] generateCHLines : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHLines ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHLine ar) (List.range 0 (len - 2))) generateCHLine : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHLine ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) p2 = case Array.get (int + 1) ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) in outlined (dashed 0.5) black (line p1 p2) generateCHCircles : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircles ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHCircle ar) (List.range 0 (len - 1))) generateCHCircle : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircle ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) ptStr = pairToString p1 in group [ filled red (circle 2) , text ("(" ++ ptStr ++ ")") |> filled black |> move ( 5, 5 ) ] |> move p1 createTopLevelList : ( ( a, b ), ( a, b ) ) -> List ( a, b ) createTopLevelList ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = [ ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ] matrixMult : Transform -> Transform -> Transform matrixMult ( ( a, c, e ), ( b, d, f ) ) ( ( a1, c1, e1 ), ( b1, d1, f1 ) ) = ( ( a * a1 + c * b1, a * c1 + c * d1, e + a * e1 + c * f1 ) , ( b * a1 + d * b1, b * c1 + d * d1, f + b * e1 + d * f1 ) ) {-| The identity or "starting" matrix. Applying this matrix to a shape is the equivalent of doing no transformations at all. The matrix itself looks like ``` ident = ( ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ``` or, ``` 1 0 0 0 1 0 ``` -} ident : Transform ident = ( ( 1, 0, 0 ) , ( 0, 1, 0 ) ) {-| A matrix representing an SVG transformation matrix of the form: ``` ( ( a , c , e ) , ( b , d , f ) ) ``` or ``` a c e b d f ``` The a, c, b and d control transformations such as skew, rotate and scale; e and f control translation. These matrices are best built up by starting with the identity matrix and applying any number of `*T` functions (see below); for example, ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) ``` -} type alias Transform = ( ( Float, Float, Float ), ( Float, Float, Float ) ) {-| Apply a move (translation) transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) ``` -} moveT : ( Float, Float ) -> Transform -> Transform moveT ( u, v ) ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a, c, tx + a * u + c * v ) , ( b, d, ty + b * u + d * v ) ) {-| Apply a rotation transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) ``` -} rotateT : Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateT rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a scale transformation to a transformation matrix. The first argument scales in x and the second argument scales in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 ``` -} scaleT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform scaleT sx sy ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a * sx, c * sy, tx ) , ( b * sx, d * sy, ty ) ) {-| Apply a skew transformation to a matrix. The first argument skews in x and the second argument skews in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 |> skewT 0.5 1.3 ``` -} skewT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform skewT skx sky ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let tanX = tan -skx tanY = tan -sky in ( ( a + c * tanY, c + a * tanX, tx ) , ( b + d * tanY, d + b * tanX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a rotation about a given point to a `Transform` matrix. For example, the following transform will rotate a `Shape` 30 degrees about the point (0,50): ``` rotateAbout050 = ident |> rotateAboutT (0, 50) (degrees 30) ``` -} rotateAboutT : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateAboutT ( u, v ) rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx + a * u + c * v - v * (c * cosX - a * sinX) - u * (a * cosX + c * sinX) ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty + b * u + d * v - v * (d * cosX - b * sinX) - u * (b * cosX + d * sinX) ) ) {-| Manually transform a shape using a `Transform` matrix. Matrix multiplication will be used to apply the given matrix to any transformations of the current shape. This is designed to be used in the usual way in a pipe: ``` circle 10 |> filled red |> transform moveLeft50 moveLeft50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) ``` NOTE: Transformations generated using pipes this way are applied backwards compared to the "regular" `Shape userMsg` transformation functions. For example, `rect0` and `rect1` below are equivalent: ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) rect0 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform myTransform rect1 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> move (0, 50) |> rotate (degrees 30) |> scale 2 ``` On the other hand, single transformations produce a result consistent with the `Shape userMsg` transformations. `rect2` is also equivalent to the two above: ``` moveRight50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) scale2 = ident |> scaleT 2 2 rotate30 = ident |> rotateT (degrees 30) rect2 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform moveRight50 |> transform scale2 |> transform rotate30 ``` However, chaining together transformations in this way is discouraged because it is less efficient than the regular `Shape userMsg` transformations in the "Transformations" section. -} transform : Transform -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg transform tm sh = Transformed tm sh {-| The Collage type represents the drawable surface of the window which contains a (x, y) pair of horizontal and vertical dimensions (arbitrary units, not necessarily in pixels) to which the drawing surface will be scaled, and the \`List' of Shapes to be drawn on the drawing surface. -} type Collage userMsg = Collage Float Float (List (Shape userMsg)) {-| Creates a blank canvas on which you can draw. Takes a width, height and a list of `Shape`s. Use this in your `view` functions in the three types of Apps above: collage 500 500 [ circle 10 |> filled red ] -} collage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Collage userMsg collage w h shapes = Collage w h shapes createCollage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Html.Html (Msg userMsg) createCollage w h shapes = Svg.svg [ width "100%" , height "100%" , style "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" , viewBox (String.fromFloat (-w / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat (-h / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat w ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat h ) , id "render" ] (cPath w h :: [ Svg.g [ clipPath "url(#cPath)" ] (List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (String.fromInt n) w h ident Graphics ReturnPosition) shapes ) ] ) cPath : Float -> Float -> Svg.Svg (Msg userMsg) cPath w h = Svg.defs [] [ Svg.clipPath [ Svg.Attributes.id "cPath" ] [ Svg.rect [ width (String.fromFloat w) , height (String.fromFloat h) , x (String.fromFloat (-w / 2)) , y (String.fromFloat (-h / 2)) ] [] ] ] {-| Take a `Collage` width and height as well as a list of tuples of depth and `Shape`. to produce a list of `Shape`'s suitable for display as a group in a `Collage` with `Shape`'s with lesser depth larger and in front of `Shape`'s with greater depth. -} puppetShow : Float -> Float -> List ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> List (Shape userMsg) puppetShow w h listShapes = List.map (extractShape (Basics.max w h)) (List.sortWith flippedComparison listShapes) extractShape : Float -> ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> Shape userMsg extractShape fl ( z, shape ) = let s = fl / (fl + z) in shape |> scale s flippedComparison : ( comparable, a ) -> ( comparable, b ) -> Order flippedComparison ( f, _ ) ( s, _ ) = compare s f --Notification functions {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when a `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTap : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTap msg shape = Tap msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse or finger when the `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTapAt msg shape = TapAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnter : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnter msg shape = EnterShape msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnterAt msg shape = EnterAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeave : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeave msg shape = Exit msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeaveAt msg shape = ExitAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse is moved across a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseMoveAt msg shape = MoveOverAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDown : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDown msg shape = MouseDown msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDownAt msg shape = MouseDownAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUp : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUp msg shape = MouseUp msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUpAt msg shape = MouseUpAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStart : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStart msg shape = TouchStart msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStartAt msg shape = TouchStartAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEnd : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEnd msg shape = TouchEnd msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEndAt msg shape = TouchEndAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user moves their finger over a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchMoveAt msg shape = TouchMoveAt msg shape touchToPair : TouchPos -> ( Float, Float ) touchToPair tp = case tp of TouchPos x y -> ( x, -y ) mousePosDecoder = D.map2 (\x y -> ( x, -y )) (D.field "offsetX" D.float) (D.field "offsetY" D.float) onTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTapAt msg = Html.Events.on "click" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onEnterAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseover" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onLeaveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseleave" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMoveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousemove" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseDownAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousedown" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseUpAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseup" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onTouchStart : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStart msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.succeed msg) onTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStartAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEndAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEnd : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEnd msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.succeed msg) onTouchMove : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchMove msg = Html.Events.preventDefaultOn "touchmove" (D.map (\a -> ( (msg << touchToPair) a, True )) touchDecoder) type TouchPos = TouchPos Float Float touchDecoder : Decoder TouchPos touchDecoder = D.oneOf [ D.at [ "touches", "0" ] (D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ) , D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ] {-| Create Svg from a Shape. This is considered an advanced function and is usually not used. Instead, use collage as part of a regular GraphicSVG app or create a widget with GraphicSVG.Widget. -} createSVG : String -> Float -> Float -> Transform -> (a -> b) -> (((Float,Float) -> a) -> (Float,Float) -> b) -> Shape a -> Svg.Svg b createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper shape = case shape of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans attrs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient _) -> clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs _ -> transAttrs ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs transAttrs = [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, c, -d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] nonexistBody = case fillClr of Nothing -> True _ -> False clrAttrs = case fillClr of Nothing -> [ fill "none"] Just (Solid bodyClr) -> [ fill (mkRGB bodyClr) , fillOpacity (mkAlpha bodyClr) ] Just (Gradient _) -> [ Svg.Attributes.id id , fill (mkRGB <| Color.rgb 255 255 255) ] strokeAttrs = case lt of Nothing -> [] Just ( Unbroken th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] Just ( Broken dashes th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 || List.all (\( on, _ ) -> on == 0) dashes in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] ++ [ strokeDasharray <| String.concat (List.intersperse "," <| List.map pairToString dashes ) ] Just ( _, _ ) -> [] basicShape = case stencil of Circle r -> Svg.circle ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat r) ] ++ attrs ) [] Rect rw rh -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] RoundRect rw rh r -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , rx <| String.fromFloat r , ry <| String.fromFloat r , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] Oval ow oh -> Svg.ellipse ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , rx <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * ow , ry <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * oh ] ++ attrs ) [] Polygon vertices -> Svg.polygon ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] Path vertices -> Svg.polyline ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] BezierPath start pts -> Svg.path ([ Svg.Attributes.d <| createBezierString start pts ] ++ attrs ) [] Text (Face si bo i u s sel f align) str -> let bol = if bo then "font-weight: bold;" else "" it = if i then "font-style: italic;" else "" txtDec = if u && s then "text-decoration: underline line-through;" else if u then "text-decoration: underline;" else if s then "text-decoration: line-through;" else "" select = if not sel then "-webkit-touch-callout: none;\n-webkit-user-select: none;\n-khtml-user-select: none;\n-moz-user-select: none;\n-ms-user-select: none;\nuser-select: none;cursor: default;" else "" anchor = case align of AlignCentred -> "middle" AlignLeft -> "start" AlignRight -> "end" font = case f of Sansserif -> "sans-serif;" Serif -> "serif;" FixedWidth -> "monospace;" Custom fStr -> fStr ++ ";" sty = bol ++ it ++ txtDec ++ "font-family: " ++ font ++ select in Svg.text_ ([ x "0" , y "0" , Svg.Attributes.style sty , Svg.Attributes.fontSize (String.fromFloat si) , Svg.Attributes.textAnchor anchor , Html.Attributes.contenteditable True ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.xmlSpace "preserve" ] ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs ) [ Svg.text str ] gradientDefs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient gr) -> Just (createGradientSVG id (w, h) gr) _ -> Nothing in if nonexistBody && List.isEmpty strokeAttrs then Svg.g [] [] else case gradientDefs of Just gDefs -> Svg.g transAttrs [ Svg.mask [Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "mask")] [ basicShape ] , gDefs ] Nothing -> basicShape ForeignObject fw fh htm -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans in Svg.foreignObject [ width <| String.fromFloat fw , height <| String.fromFloat fh , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ]) ++ ")" ] [ Html.map msgWrapper htm ] Move v sh -> createSVG id w h (moveT v trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Everything -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled white) Notathing -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled black) Rotate deg sh -> createSVG id w h (rotateT deg trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Scale sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (scaleT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Skew sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (skewT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Transformed tm sh -> createSVG id w h (matrixMult trans tm) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Link href sh -> Svg.a [ xlinkHref href, target "_blank" ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] AlphaMask region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("m" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "m") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Everything, region |> repaint black ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#m" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "mm") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Clip region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("c" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "c") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Notathing, region |> repaint white ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#c" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "cc") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Tap msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onClick (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TapAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTapAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterShape msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseEnter (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onEnterAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Exit msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseLeave (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ExitAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onLeaveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDown msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseDown (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDownAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseDownAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUp msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseUp (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUpAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseUpAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MoveOverAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMoveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStart msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStart (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEnd msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchEnd (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStartAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEndAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchMoveAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchMove (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Group shapes -> Svg.g [] <| List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (id ++ "g" ++ String.fromInt n) w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper ) shapes GroupOutline cmbndshp -> createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper cmbndshp GraphPaper s th c -> if th <= 0 || s < 2 * th then Svg.g [] [] else createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper <| createGraph ( w, h ) s th c {-| Display HTML inside an SVG foreignObject. -} html : Float -> Float -> Html.Html userMsg -> Shape userMsg html w h htm = ForeignObject w h htm --Filling / outlining functions {-| Fill a `Stencil` with a `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that any `Stencil` converted to a `Shape` this way can be made transparent (for instance by using the `blank` `Color`) but will not be "click-through", meaning that the body will catch any attached notifications and not let them through to any visible `Shape`(s) revealed beneath them. circle 10 |> filled red -} filled : Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg filled color stencil = Inked (Just color) Nothing stencil {-| Make a `Shape` into a ghost. Mostly to be used inside of the clip operations. Note that although the `blank` `Color` is transparent, it will still catch notifications enabled on the `Shape` or block them if not enabled on the `Shape`. -} ghost : Stencil -> Shape userMsg ghost stencil = Inked (Just blank) Nothing stencil {-| Repaint an already-`filled` `Shape`. This is helpful for repainting every `Shape` inside a `group` as well. Repaints the outline the same color as the body of the shape including the outline, if used; Note that this can repaint with a transparent `Color` (for instance, the `blank` `Color`) but will never have the ability to be "click-through" so that it will always block (or catch) notifications to covered `Shape`(s) revealed beneath. group [ circle 10 |> filled orange , rect 10 40 |> filled blue ] |> repaint green -} repaint : Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg repaint color shape = case shape of Inked _ Nothing st -> Inked (Just color) Nothing st Inked _ (Just ( lt, _ )) st -> Inked (Just color) (Just ( lt, color )) st Move s sh -> Move s (repaint color sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (repaint color sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (repaint color sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (repaint color sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (repaint color sh) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (repaint color) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (repaint color cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (repaint color sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (repaint color sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (repaint color sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (repaint color sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (repaint color sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (repaint color sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (repaint color sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th _ -> GraphPaper s th color {-| Outline a Stencil with a `LineType` and `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that this is the only way to convert a `Stencil` into a `Shape` that is "click-through" as if the body is not just transparent but doesn't exist at all. It works for all `Stencil`'s except for `Text` which can never be made "click-through" due to a permanent transparent background area that cannot be disabled. circle 10 |> outlined (solid 5) red -} outlined : LineType -> Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg outlined style outlineClr stencil = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in Inked Nothing lineStyle stencil {-| Add an outline to an already-filled `Shape`. When applied to `Group`'s including `Shape`'s that have had `union` applied to them, the outline will have half the expected stroke width only outside the `Shape`'s and for `Shape`'s with `clip` or `subtract` applied to them, the half width stroke will be interior to the composite shapes displayed. The limitation is that when displaying "clip's" or "subtract's" containing "Group's", the outline for the "Group's" won't be visibile at all (less common), nor will the outline's for "clip's" or "subtract's" inside "Group's" be visible (more common); also, the outline for the clipping or subtraction pattern may not be as expected when the pattern is a "Group" as it won't appear at all in a "clip". In these cases the workaround is just as before this was made available, to build up the outlines desired using combinations of other shapes such as curves, clipped or subtracted shapes, convential pre-applied outlines, etc. Note that when applied to `Group`(s), `Clip`(s), and `AlphaMask`(s) (from subtracts), the body colour may still be transparent so that `Shape`(s) can be revealed beneath, but the bodies are not "click-through" so that notifications can be passed through to them, and the transparent bodies can still capture notifications enabled on the resulting `Shape`(s). circle 10 |> filled red |> addOutline (solid 5) white -} addOutline : LineType -> Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addOutline style outlineClr shape = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in case shape of Inked clr _ st -> Inked clr lineStyle st Move s sh -> Move s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Group list -> let innerlist = List.filterMap (\shp -> case shp of -- remove old outline shape GroupOutline _ -> Nothing _ -> Just <| addOutline NoLine black shp ) list in case innerlist of [] -> {- should never happen -} Group [] hd :: [] -> addOutline style outlineClr hd _ -> if lineStyle == Nothing then Group innerlist else let outlnshp = GroupOutline <| subtract (Group innerlist) (Group (List.map (addOutline style outlineClr) innerlist ) ) in Group <| innerlist ++ [ outlnshp ] -- don't add an outline to one that's already been added but it should -- never get here as GroupOutline should always be inside a Group which -- will already have processed it, whether to change or remove it... GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline cmbndshp AlphaMask reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then AlphaMask ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr reg newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in AlphaMask ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Clip reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then Clip ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr (reg |> repaint blank) newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in Clip ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Link s sh -> Link s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr multAlpha : Color.Color -> Float -> Color.Color multAlpha color n = let colRec = Color.toRgba color in Color.fromRgba { colRec | alpha = colRec.alpha * n } {-| Make a `Shape` transparent by the fraction given. Multiplies on top of other transparencies: circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.5 (half vislible) circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.25 (a quarter visible) -} makeTransparent : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg makeTransparent alpha shape = case shape of Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid colour )) st -> Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid (multAlpha colour alpha))) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) (Just ( lineType, Solid sColour )) st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) (Just ( lineType, Solid <| multAlpha sColour alpha)) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) Nothing st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) Nothing st Inked a b c -> Inked a b c ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Move s sh -> Move s (makeTransparent alpha sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (makeTransparent alpha sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (makeTransparent alpha sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (makeTransparent alpha sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (makeTransparent alpha sh) Group list -> Group (List.map (makeTransparent alpha) list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (makeTransparent alpha cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (makeTransparent alpha sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) GraphPaper s th (Solid colour) -> GraphPaper s th (Solid <| multAlpha colour alpha) GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) -> GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) --Line styles {-| Define a`LineType` that doesn't exist, doesn't appear. -} noline : () -> LineType noline () = NoLine {-| Define a solid `LineType` with the given width. -} solid : Float -> LineType solid th = Unbroken th {-| Define a dotted `LineType` with the given width. -} dotted : Float -> LineType dotted th = Broken [ ( th, th ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width. Dashes are short line segments, versus dots which are theoretically points, but may be drawn with very short line segments. -} dashed : Float -> LineType dashed th = Broken [ ( th * 5, th * 2.5 ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width, where the dashes are longer than normal. -} longdash : Float -> LineType longdash th = Broken [ ( th * 12, th * 6 ) ] th {-| Define a `LineType` with the given width, including alternating dots and dashes. -} dotdash : Float -> LineType dotdash th = Broken [ ( th, th ), ( th * 5, th ) ] th {-| A custom line defined by a list of (on,off): custom [ ( 10, 5 ) ] 5 -- a line with dashes 10 long and spaces 5 long custom [ ( 10, 5 ), ( 20, 5 ) ] -- on for 10, off 5, on 20, off 5 -} custom : List ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> LineType custom list th = Broken list th makePair : a -> ( a, a ) makePair n = ( n, n ) --Text functions {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to change the font size of the text. The size has a unit called "points", which depends on the size and type of screen used, but try 12 to start. -} size : Float -> Stencil -> Stencil size sze stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face sze bo i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text bold. -} bold : Stencil -> Stencil bold stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si True i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text italicized (slanted). -} italic : Stencil -> Stencil italic stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo True u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to underline the text. -} underline : Stencil -> Stencil underline stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i True s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to put a line through the centre of the text. -} strikethrough : Stencil -> Stencil strikethrough stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u True sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text selectable (so users can copy your text and paste it elsewhere). -} selectable : Stencil -> Stencil selectable stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s True f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to right-align the text. -} alignRight : Stencil -> Stencil alignRight stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignRight) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to centre the text. -} centered : Stencil -> Stencil centered stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignCentred) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to left-align the text. -} alignLeft : Stencil -> Stencil alignLeft stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignLeft) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Sans Serif font (ie one without thinner and thicker bits). -} sansserif : Stencil -> Stencil sansserif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Sansserif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Serif font (ie one with thinner and thicker bits). -} serif : Stencil -> Stencil serif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Serif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a text `Stencil` to render the text `Stencil` with a font in which every character has the same width. This will mean that the letters line up from line to line which is important in programming languages like Elm. -} fixedwidth : Stencil -> Stencil fixedwidth stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel FixedWidth c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a font of your choosing by specifying its name in a `String`. _Use this sparingly as support for each font will vary across browsers and devices._ -} customFont : String -> Stencil -> Stencil customFont fStr stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel (Custom fStr) c) str a -> a --Transformation functions {-| Rotate a `Shape` by the specified amount (in radians). Use the `degrees` function to convert from degrees into radians: [ rect 30 60 |> filled blue |> rotate(degrees 30) ] -} rotate : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg rotate theta shape = Rotate theta shape {-| Move a `Shape` by a number of units along the x-axis and y-axis. -} move : ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg move disp shape = Move disp shape {-| Scale a `Shape` by a given factor. -} scale : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scale s shape = Scale s s shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the x-axis by a given factor. -} scaleX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleX s shape = Scale s 1 shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the y-axis by a given factor. -} scaleY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleY s shape = Scale 1 s shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} mirrorX : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorX shape = Scale -1 1 shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} mirrorY : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorY shape = Scale 1 -1 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} skewX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewX skx shape = Skew skx 0 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} skewY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewY sky shape = Skew 0 sky shape {-| Combine any number of `Shape` types into one `Shape` that can be transformed (moved, rotated, scaled, etc) as one `Shape`. -} group : List (Shape userMsg) -> Shape userMsg group shapes = Group shapes {-| Define a colour given its red, green and blue components. -} rgb : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgb r g b = rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its red, green, blue and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} rgba : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgba r g b a = Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = ssc r, green = ssc g, blue = ssc b, alpha = ssa a } ssc : number -> number ssc n = clamp 0 255 n ssa : Float -> Float ssa n = clamp 0 1 n pairToString : ( Float, Float ) -> String pairToString ( x, y ) = String.fromFloat x ++ "," ++ String.fromFloat y createBezierString : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String createBezierString first list = "M " ++ pairToString first ++ String.concat (List.map bezierStringHelper list) bezierStringHelper : ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String bezierStringHelper ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = " Q " ++ pairToString ( a, b ) ++ " " ++ pairToString ( c, d ) getAlpha : Color.Color -> Float getAlpha colour = (Color.toRgba colour).alpha mkAlpha : Color.Color -> String mkAlpha = String.fromFloat << getAlpha mkRGB : Color.Color -> String mkRGB colour = let col = Color.toRgba colour in "rgba(" ++ (String.fromFloat col.red) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.green) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.blue) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.alpha) ++ ")" {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation and light components. -} hsl : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsl h s l = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation, light and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} hsla : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsla h s l a = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b a -- Clip path functionality {-| Clipping to a shape Cut out the `Shape` on the right using the `Shape` on the left. -} clip : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg clip shape1 shape2 = Clip shape1 shape2 {-| Shape union Combine two `Shape`s together into one to use with clip. -} union : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg union shape1 shape2 = Group [ shape1, shape2 ] {-| Shape subtraction Subtract the `Shape` on the left from the `Shape` on the right. -} subtract : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg subtract shape1 shape2 = AlphaMask shape1 shape2 {-| The whole region outside the given `Shape`. -} outside : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg outside shape = AlphaMask shape shape {- Contributed by Jack You. -} convert : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) convert hue sat lit = let hue_ = modFloat hue (2 * pi) rgb_ = toRGB_ hue_ sat lit chroma = findChroma lit sat m = findM lit chroma in mapTriple (\x -> x * 255) (mapTriple (\x -> x + m) rgb_) findChroma : Float -> Float -> Float findChroma lit sat = (1 - abs (2 * lit - 1)) * sat findHue_ : Float -> Float findHue_ hue = hue / degrees 60 findX : Float -> Float -> Float findX chroma hue = chroma * (1 - abs (modFloat (findHue_ hue) 2 - 1)) findM : Float -> Float -> Float findM lit chroma = lit - 0.5 * chroma toRGB_ : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) toRGB_ hue sat lit = let chroma = findChroma lit sat hue_ = findHue_ hue x = findX chroma hue in if hue_ >= 0 && hue_ < 1 then ( chroma, x, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 1 && hue_ < 2 then ( x, chroma, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 2 && hue_ < 3 then ( 0, chroma, x ) else if hue_ >= 3 && hue_ < 4 then ( 0, x, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 4 && hue_ < 5 then ( x, 0, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 5 && hue_ < 6 then ( chroma, 0, x ) else ( 0, 0, 0 ) {- Helper Functions -} modFloat : Float -> Float -> Float modFloat x m = x - m * Basics.toFloat (floor (x / m)) mapTriple : (a -> b) -> ( a, a, a ) -> ( b, b, b ) mapTriple f ( a1, a2, a3 ) = ( f a1, f a2, f a3 ) -- Colours {-| -} pink : Color pink = rgba 255 105 180 1 {-| -} hotPink : Color hotPink = rgba 255 0 66 1 {-| -} lightRed : Color lightRed = rgba 239 41 41 1 {-| -} red : Color red = rgba 204 0 0 1 {-| -} darkRed : Color darkRed = rgba 164 0 0 1 {-| -} lightOrange : Color lightOrange = rgba 252 175 62 1 {-| -} orange : Color orange = rgba 245 121 0 1 {-| -} darkOrange : Color darkOrange = rgba 206 92 0 1 {-| -} lightYellow : Color lightYellow = rgba 255 233 79 1 {-| -} yellow : Color yellow = rgba 237 212 0 1 {-| -} darkYellow : Color darkYellow = rgba 196 160 0 1 {-| -} lightGreen : Color lightGreen = rgba 138 226 52 1 {-| -} green : Color green = rgba 115 210 22 1 {-| -} darkGreen : Color darkGreen = rgba 78 154 6 1 {-| -} lightBlue : Color lightBlue = rgba 114 159 207 1 {-| -} blue : Color blue = rgba 52 101 164 1 {-| -} darkBlue : Color darkBlue = rgba 32 74 135 1 {-| -} lightPurple : Color lightPurple = rgba 173 127 168 1 {-| -} purple : Color purple = rgba 117 80 123 1 {-| -} darkPurple : Color darkPurple = rgba 92 53 102 1 {-| -} lightBrown : Color lightBrown = rgba 233 185 110 1 {-| -} brown : Color brown = rgba 193 125 17 1 {-| -} darkBrown : Color darkBrown = rgba 143 89 2 1 {-| -} black : Color black = rgba 0 0 0 1 {-| -} white : Color white = rgba 255 255 255 1 {-| -} lightGrey : Color lightGrey = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} grey : Color grey = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGrey : Color darkGrey = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightGray : Color lightGray = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} gray : Color gray = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGray : Color darkGray = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightCharcoal : Color lightCharcoal = rgba 136 138 133 1 {-| -} charcoal : Color charcoal = rgba 85 87 83 1 {-| -} darkCharcoal : Color darkCharcoal = rgba 46 52 54 1 {-| -} blank : Color blank = rgba 0 0 0 0
module GraphicSVG exposing ( Stencil, Shape, Collage(..), GraphicSVG , collage, mapCollage , App, app , EllieApp, ellieApp , line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge , filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla , group , html , curve, Pull(..), curveHelper , LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom , text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont , move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY , clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost , notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt , makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow , graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map , gradient, radialGradient, stop, transparentStop, rotateGradient , Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow , Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform , Msg(..), createSVG ) {-| A library for creating SVG graphics in a way that is compatible with Elm's old Graphics library. Also includes built-in functions for creating games and other applications including keyboard presses and mouse movements. # Basic Types @docs Stencil, Shape, Collage, GraphicSVG # Rendering To Screen @docs collage, mapCollage # App @docs App, app # EllieApp @docs EllieApp, ellieApp # Stencils @docs line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge # Creating Shapes from Stencils @docs filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla # Grouping Shapes @docs group # Rendering HTML This feature is still very much experimental. Cross-platform support is not guaranteed and weird things can happen. @docs html # Curves @docs curve, Pull, curveHelper # Line Styles @docs LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom # Text @docs text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont # Transformations @docs move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY # Group Operations @docs clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost # Notifications @docs notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt # Miscellaneous @docs makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow # Helpers @docs graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map # Let there be colours! @docs Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow # Let there be gradients! @docs stop, transparentStop, gradient, radialGradient, rotateGradient # Advanced Transformations _Advanced section warning!_ These functions provide a way to interface on a lower level to the transformations normally handled in the background by GraphicSVG. Most users should be happy to use the regular functions applied directly to shapes, which are provided in the section above this one. @docs Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform # More Advanced Things Don't worry about these unless you *_really_* know what you're doing! @docs Msg, createSVG -} {- Library created by <NAME> and Dr. <NAME> for the McMaster University Computing and Software Outreach Program and CompSci 1JC3, with input and testing from the rest of the Outreach team. Last updated: January 25th, 2019 -} import Array import Browser exposing (UrlRequest) import Browser.Dom exposing (Viewport, getViewportOf) import Browser.Events exposing (onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onResize) import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key) import Char import Dict import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode as D exposing (..) import String exposing (..) import Svg exposing (Attribute) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Task import Time exposing (..) import Tuple import Url exposing (Url) import Color {-| A primitive template representing the shape you wish to draw. This must be turned into a `Shape` before being drawn to the screen with `collage` (see below). -} type Stencil = Circle Float | Rect Float Float | RoundRect Float Float Float | Oval Float Float | BezierPath ( Float, Float ) (List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) )) | Polygon (List ( Float, Float )) | Path (List ( Float, Float )) | Text Face String {-| A filled, outlined, or filled and outlined object that can be drawn to the screen using `collage`. -} type Shape userMsg = Inked (Maybe Color) (Maybe ( LineType, Color )) Stencil | ForeignObject Float Float (Html.Html userMsg) | Move ( Float, Float ) (Shape userMsg) | Rotate Float (Shape userMsg) | Scale Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Skew Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Transformed Transform (Shape userMsg) | Group (List (Shape userMsg)) | GroupOutline (Shape userMsg) | AlphaMask (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Clip (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Everything | Notathing | Link String (Shape userMsg) | Tap userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TapAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | EnterShape userMsg (Shape userMsg) | EnterAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Exit userMsg (Shape userMsg) | ExitAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseDown userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseDownAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseUp userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseUpAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MoveOverAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchStart userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchEnd userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchStartAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchEndAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchMoveAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | GraphPaper Float Float Color type FontAlign = AlignLeft | AlignCentred | AlignRight {-| To compose multiple pages or components which each have a Msg/view/update, we need to map messages. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} map : (a -> b) -> Shape a -> Shape b map f sh = case sh of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> Inked fillClr lt stencil ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h (Html.map f htm) Move v shape -> Move v (map f shape) Rotate deg shape -> Rotate deg (map f shape) Scale sx sy shape -> Scale sx sy (map f shape) Skew skx sky shape -> Skew skx sky (map f shape) Transformed tm shape -> Transformed tm (map f shape) Link href shape -> Link href (map f shape) AlphaMask sh1 sh2 -> AlphaMask (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Clip sh1 sh2 -> Clip (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap msg shape -> Tap (f msg) (map f shape) TapAt msg shape -> TapAt (f << msg) (map f shape) EnterShape msg shape -> EnterShape (f msg) (map f shape) EnterAt msg shape -> EnterAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Exit msg shape -> Exit (f msg) (map f shape) ExitAt msg shape -> ExitAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseDown msg shape -> MouseDown (f msg) (map f shape) MouseDownAt msg shape -> MouseDownAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseUp msg shape -> MouseUp (f msg) (map f shape) MouseUpAt msg shape -> MouseUpAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MoveOverAt msg shape -> MoveOverAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchStart msg shape -> TouchStart (f msg) (map f shape) TouchEnd msg shape -> TouchEnd (f msg) (map f shape) TouchStartAt msg shape -> TouchStartAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchEndAt msg shape -> TouchEndAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchMoveAt msg shape -> TouchMoveAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (map f) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (map f cmbndshp) GraphPaper s th c -> GraphPaper s th c {-| To apply the function over all the shapes in the given `Collage` using the `map` function. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} mapCollage : (a -> b) -> Collage a -> Collage b mapCollage f (Collage w h shapes) = Collage w h (List.map (map f) shapes) {-| The `GraphicSVG` type alias represents the drawable surface of the window. This type is only used to define a type signature for a user defined `view` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG userMsg for use with `graphicsApp` and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG MyMsg for use with `notificationsApp`, `gameApp` and `App`. These assume that `Model` is the name of the user model type alias and `MyMsg` is the name of the user message type. Simply substitute the names actually used for these labels. THIS IS DEPRECIATED AND ONLY KEPT FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PREVIOUS VERSION; Use "Collage userMsg" instead of "GraphicSVG userMsg", as they are identical except in name. -} type alias GraphicSVG userMsg = Collage userMsg {-| The `Color` type is used for filling or outlining a `Stencil`. -} type Color = Solid Color.Color | Gradient Gradient type Gradient = RadialGradient (List Stop) | LinearGradient Float {- rotation -} (List Stop) {-| Create a radial gradient from a list of colour stops. -} radialGradient : List Stop -> Color radialGradient stops = Gradient <| RadialGradient stops {-| Create a linear gradient from a list of colour stops. -} gradient : List Stop -> Color gradient stops = Gradient <| LinearGradient 0 stops {-| Rotate a linear gradient by a certain angle in radians. -} rotateGradient : Float -> Color -> Color rotateGradient r grad = case grad of Gradient (LinearGradient rot stops) -> Gradient (LinearGradient (rot + r) stops) radialGrad -> radialGrad type Stop = Stop Float {- stop position -} Float {- transparency -} Color.Color {- colour -} {-| A colour stop in a gradient. This takes a colour and a position. -} stop : Color -> Float -> Stop stop col pos = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos 1 colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 0) {-| A colour stop with transparency. -} transparentStop : Color -> Float -> Float -> Stop transparentStop col pos alpha = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos alpha colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 alpha) createGradientSVG : String -> (Float, Float) -> Gradient -> Svg.Svg userMsg createGradientSVG id (wid, hei) grad = let isRadial = case grad of RadialGradient _ -> True _ -> False squareSize = if wid > hei then 2*wid else 2*hei w = case grad of RadialGradient stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 LinearGradient _ stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 createStop : Stop -> Svg.Svg userMsg createStop (Stop pos trans colour) = let start = if isRadial then 0 else (1 - w/squareSize)/2 * 100 percent = if isRadial then pos / w * 100 else start + pos/squareSize * 100 percentTxt = String.fromFloat percent ++ "%" colourTxt = "stop-color:" ++ mkRGB colour ++ ";" opacityTxt = "stop-opacity:" ++ String.fromFloat trans ++ ";" in Svg.stop [Svg.Attributes.offset percentTxt, Svg.Attributes.style (colourTxt ++ opacityTxt)] [] defs = Svg.defs [] [ case grad of LinearGradient _ stops -> Svg.linearGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)" --, Svg.Attributes.x1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.y1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.x2 "100%" --, Svg.Attributes.y2 "0%" , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform ("rotate("++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)") ] (List.map createStop stops) RadialGradient stops -> Svg.radialGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.cx "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.cy "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat w) , Svg.Attributes.gradientUnits "userSpaceOnUse" ] (List.map createStop stops) ] rotation = case grad of LinearGradient rot stops -> rot * 180 / pi _ -> 0 in Svg.g [mask ("url(#" ++ id ++ "mask)")] [ defs , Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat squareSize , height <| String.fromFloat squareSize , fill ("url(#" ++ id ++ "gradient)") , Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "grad") , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++")" ] ) [] ] {-| The `LineType` type is used to define the appearance of an outline for a `Stencil`. `LineType` also defines the appearence of `line` and `curve`. -} type LineType = NoLine | Unbroken Float | Broken (List ( Float, Float )) Float {-| The `Face` type describes the appearance of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Face = Face Float -- size Bool -- bold Bool -- italic Bool -- underline Bool -- strikethrough Bool -- selectable Font -- font alignment FontAlign {-| The `Font` type describes the font of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Font = Serif | Sansserif | FixedWidth | Custom String {-| To make it easier to read the code defining a `curve`, and to make sure we always use the right number of curve points and pull points (which is one more curve point than pull points), we define a special `Pull` type, whose first point is the point we pull towards, and second point is the end point for this curve segments. -} type Pull = Pull ( Float, Float ) ( Float, Float ) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `app` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest = \urlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange = \url -> userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.application`. -} app : { init : flags -> Url -> Key -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest : UrlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange : Url -> userMsg } -> App flags userModel userMsg app input = Browser.application { init = \flags url key -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags url key userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags url key in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions , onUrlRequest = Graphics << input.onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = Graphics << input.onUrlChange } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `app`: main : App Flags Model Msg main = app Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = onUrlChange } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias App flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) subs : (userModel -> Sub userMsg) -> ( userModel, gModel ) -> Sub (Msg userMsg) subs userSubs ( userModel, _ ) = Sub.batch ([ onResize (\_ _ -> WindowResize Nothing) ] ++ [ Sub.map Graphics (userSubs userModel) ] ) hiddenAppUpdate : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> (userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg )) -> Msg userMsg -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> ( ( userModel, HiddenModel ), Cmd (Msg userMsg) ) hiddenAppUpdate userView userUpdate msg ( userModel, gModel ) = let mapUserCmd cmd = Cmd.map Graphics cmd (Collage cw ch _) = (userView userModel).body in case msg of Graphics message -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate message userModel in ( ( newModel, { gModel | cw = cw, ch = ch } ) , mapUserCmd userCmds ) WindowResize mWH -> case mWH of Just ( w, h ) -> ( ( userModel , { gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat w , sh = Basics.toFloat h } ) , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( (userModel, gModel) , getViewportSize ) ReturnPosition message ( x, y ) -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate (message (convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel)) userModel in ( ( newModel, gModel ), mapUserCmd userCmds ) NoOp -> (( userModel, gModel ), Cmd.none) hiddenAppView : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> { title : String, body : List (Html.Html (Msg userMsg)) } hiddenAppView userView ( userModel, _ ) = let userViewEval = userView userModel title = userViewEval.title (Collage w h shapes) = userViewEval.body in { title = title, body = [ createCollage w h shapes ] } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `ellieApp`: main : EllieApp Flags Model Msg main = ellieApp Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias EllieApp flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `ellieApp` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.document`. It is called ellieApp because this version is compatible with the online Elm IDE Ellie. -} ellieApp : { init : flags -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg } -> EllieApp flags userModel userMsg ellieApp input = Browser.document { init = \flags -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions } convertCoords : ( Float, Float ) -> HiddenModel -> ( Float, Float ) convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel = let sw = gModel.sw sh = gModel.sh cw = gModel.cw ch = gModel.ch aspectout = if not (sh == 0) then sw / sh else 4 / 3 aspectin = if not (ch == 0) then cw / ch else 4 / 3 scaledInX = aspectout < aspectin scaledInY = aspectout > aspectin cscale = if scaledInX then sw / cw else if scaledInY then sh / ch else 1 in ( (x - sw / 2) / cscale , (y + sh / 2) / cscale ) initialCmd : Cmd (Msg userMsg) -> Cmd (Msg userMsg) initialCmd userCmd = Cmd.batch [ getViewportSize , userCmd ] getViewportSize : Cmd (Msg userMsg) getViewportSize = Task.attempt (\rvp -> case rvp of Ok vp -> WindowResize <| Just ( round vp.viewport.width, round vp.viewport.height ) Err _ -> NoOp ) (getViewportOf "render") {-| The `Msg` type encapsulates all GraphicSVG internal messages. This type is only used to define type signature fors user defined `view` and `main` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `gameApp`. It is also used to define the type signature for a user supplied `main` as follows: main : Program Never (GraphicsModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: main : Program Never (GamesModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use when `main` calls `gameApp` These assume that `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type. -} type Msg userMsg = Graphics userMsg | WindowResize (Maybe ( Int, Int )) | ReturnPosition (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) ( Float, Float ) | NoOp {-| The `HiddenModel` type alias encapsulates the GraphicSVG internal model which is not exposed to user code. -} type alias HiddenModel = { cw : Float , ch : Float , sw : Float , sh : Float } initHiddenModel : HiddenModel initHiddenModel = { cw = 0 , ch = 0 , sw = 0 , sh = 0 } {-| Create a line from a point to a point. Use `outlined` to convert to a viewable `Shape`. -} line : ( Float, Float ) -> ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil line p1 p2 = Path [ p1, p2 ] {-| Create a closed shape given a list of points. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} polygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil polygon ptList = Polygon ptList {-| Create an open shape given a list of points. Unlike with polygon, the first and last points will not join up automatically. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} openPolygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil openPolygon ptList = Path ptList {-| Create a regular polygon with a given number of sides and radius. Examples: ngon 3 50 -- triangle ngon 5 50 -- pentagon ngon 8 50 -- octogon -} ngon : Int -> Float -> Stencil ngon n r = Polygon <| List.map (ptOnCircle r (Basics.toFloat n) << Basics.toFloat) (List.range 0 n) {-| Synonym for `ngon 3`. Creates a triangle with a given size. -} triangle : Float -> Stencil triangle r = ngon 3 r {-| Creates a right-angled triangle with a given base and height. -} rightTriangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rightTriangle base height = polygon [ ( 0, 0 ), ( base, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates an isosceles triangle with a given base and height. -} isosceles : Float -> Float -> Stencil isosceles base height = polygon [ ( -base / 2, 0 ), ( base / 2, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates a triangle given two side lengths and the angle between them. For example, `sideAngleSide 30 (degrees 45) 50` creates a triangle with side lengths 30 and 50 with an angle of 45 degrees between them. -} sideAngleSide : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil sideAngleSide sideOne angle sideTwo = polygon [ sideTwoPoint angle sideOne, ( 0, 0 ), ( sideTwo, 0 ) ] sideTwoPoint : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) sideTwoPoint angle sideOne = ( cos angle * sideOne, sin angle * sideOne ) {-| Creates a square with a given side length. (Synonym for `rect s s`) -} square : Float -> Stencil square r = Rect r r {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width and height. -} rect : Float -> Float -> Stencil rect w h = Rect w h {-| Synonym for `rect`. -} rectangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rectangle w h = Rect w h {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width, height, and circular rounded corners with the given radius. -} roundedRect : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil roundedRect w h r = RoundRect w h r {-| Creates a circle with a given radius. -} circle : Float -> Stencil circle r = Circle r {-| Creates an oval with a given width and height. -} oval : Float -> Float -> Stencil oval w h = Oval w h {-| Creates a graph paper with squares of a given size. -} graphPaper : Float -> Shape userMsg graphPaper s = GraphPaper s 1 (Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = 135, green = 206, blue = 250, alpha = 1}) {-| Creates graph paper with squares of a given size, with a user-defined thickness and colour. -} graphPaperCustom : Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg graphPaperCustom s th c = GraphPaper s th c createGraph : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg createGraph ( w, h ) s th c = let sxi = ceiling (w / (s * 2)) syi = ceiling (h / (s * 2)) xlisti = List.range -sxi sxi ylisti = List.range -syi syi in group (List.map (createGraphX h s th c << Basics.toFloat) xlisti ++ List.map (createGraphY w s th c << Basics.toFloat) ylisti ) createGraphX : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphX h s th c x = filled c (rect th h) |> move ( x * s, 0 ) createGraphY : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphY w s th c y = filled c (rect w th) |> move ( 0, y * s ) {-| Creates a wedge with a given radius, and a given fraction of a circle. wedge 50 0.5 -- semi-circle wedge 50 0.25 -- quarter-circle wedge 50 0.75 -- three-quarter circle -} wedge : Float -> Float -> Stencil wedge r frac = let n = frac * 360 / 10 + 5 ni = round n dlta = frac / Basics.toFloat ni in Polygon <| if frac > 0 then [ ( 0, 0 ), wedgeHelper r -frac ] ++ List.map (wedgeHelper r << (*) dlta << Basics.toFloat ) (List.range -ni ni) ++ [ wedgeHelper r frac, ( 0, 0 ) ] else [] wedgeHelper : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) wedgeHelper r cn = let angle = turns (0.5 * cn) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) ptOnCircle : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) ptOnCircle r n cn = let angle = turns (cn / n) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) {-| Creates a curve starting at a point, pulled towards a point, ending at a third point. For example, curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] gives a curve starting at (0,0), pulled towards (0,10) and ending at (0,20). Think about curves as what you get when you take a bunch of bendy sticks with their ends glued down to a board, and then pulling each stick towards another point. You always need an initial point and at least one `Pull`, but you can add as many `Pull`s as you want to add additional curve segments, but each curve segment can only bend one way, since it is pulled in one direction. -} curve : ( Float, Float ) -> List Pull -> Stencil curve ( a, b ) list = BezierPath ( a, b ) (List.map curveListHelper list) curveListHelper : Pull -> ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) curveListHelper (Pull ( a, b ) ( c, d )) = ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) {-| Add a hyperlink to any `Shape`: circle 10 |> filled red |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" -} addHyperlink : String -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addHyperlink link shape = Link link shape {-| Creates a text `Stencil`. You can change this `Stencil` using the text helper functions. Note that `|> filled ...` or `|> outlined ...` must go at the _end_ of the text helper functions (ie note that all these functions have type `Stencil -> Stencil`). For example, text "Hello World" |> fixedwidth |> bold |> size 14 |> filled black -} text : String -> Stencil text str = Text (Face 12 False False False False False Serif AlignLeft) str {-| Apply to a curve or group of curves in order to view their start points, end points and `Pull` points. Helpful while perfecting curves. curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] |> curveHelper -} curveHelper : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg curveHelper shape = case shape of Inked _ _ (BezierPath ( a, b ) list) -> group [ shape, generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list ] Move s sh -> Move s (curveHelper sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (curveHelper sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (curveHelper sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (curveHelper sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (curveHelper sh) Group list -> Group (List.map curveHelper list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (curveHelper cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (curveHelper sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (curveHelper sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (curveHelper sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (curveHelper sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (curveHelper sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) -- no changes for the rest... Inked clr ln sh -> Inked clr ln sh ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr generateCurveHelper : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> Shape userMsg generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list = let l1Array = Array.fromList ([ ( a, b ) ] ++ List.concat (List.map createTopLevelList list) ) in group [ generateCHLines l1Array, generateCHCircles l1Array ] generateCHLines : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHLines ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHLine ar) (List.range 0 (len - 2))) generateCHLine : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHLine ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) p2 = case Array.get (int + 1) ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) in outlined (dashed 0.5) black (line p1 p2) generateCHCircles : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircles ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHCircle ar) (List.range 0 (len - 1))) generateCHCircle : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircle ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) ptStr = pairToString p1 in group [ filled red (circle 2) , text ("(" ++ ptStr ++ ")") |> filled black |> move ( 5, 5 ) ] |> move p1 createTopLevelList : ( ( a, b ), ( a, b ) ) -> List ( a, b ) createTopLevelList ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = [ ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ] matrixMult : Transform -> Transform -> Transform matrixMult ( ( a, c, e ), ( b, d, f ) ) ( ( a1, c1, e1 ), ( b1, d1, f1 ) ) = ( ( a * a1 + c * b1, a * c1 + c * d1, e + a * e1 + c * f1 ) , ( b * a1 + d * b1, b * c1 + d * d1, f + b * e1 + d * f1 ) ) {-| The identity or "starting" matrix. Applying this matrix to a shape is the equivalent of doing no transformations at all. The matrix itself looks like ``` ident = ( ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ``` or, ``` 1 0 0 0 1 0 ``` -} ident : Transform ident = ( ( 1, 0, 0 ) , ( 0, 1, 0 ) ) {-| A matrix representing an SVG transformation matrix of the form: ``` ( ( a , c , e ) , ( b , d , f ) ) ``` or ``` a c e b d f ``` The a, c, b and d control transformations such as skew, rotate and scale; e and f control translation. These matrices are best built up by starting with the identity matrix and applying any number of `*T` functions (see below); for example, ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) ``` -} type alias Transform = ( ( Float, Float, Float ), ( Float, Float, Float ) ) {-| Apply a move (translation) transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) ``` -} moveT : ( Float, Float ) -> Transform -> Transform moveT ( u, v ) ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a, c, tx + a * u + c * v ) , ( b, d, ty + b * u + d * v ) ) {-| Apply a rotation transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) ``` -} rotateT : Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateT rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a scale transformation to a transformation matrix. The first argument scales in x and the second argument scales in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 ``` -} scaleT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform scaleT sx sy ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a * sx, c * sy, tx ) , ( b * sx, d * sy, ty ) ) {-| Apply a skew transformation to a matrix. The first argument skews in x and the second argument skews in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 |> skewT 0.5 1.3 ``` -} skewT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform skewT skx sky ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let tanX = tan -skx tanY = tan -sky in ( ( a + c * tanY, c + a * tanX, tx ) , ( b + d * tanY, d + b * tanX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a rotation about a given point to a `Transform` matrix. For example, the following transform will rotate a `Shape` 30 degrees about the point (0,50): ``` rotateAbout050 = ident |> rotateAboutT (0, 50) (degrees 30) ``` -} rotateAboutT : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateAboutT ( u, v ) rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx + a * u + c * v - v * (c * cosX - a * sinX) - u * (a * cosX + c * sinX) ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty + b * u + d * v - v * (d * cosX - b * sinX) - u * (b * cosX + d * sinX) ) ) {-| Manually transform a shape using a `Transform` matrix. Matrix multiplication will be used to apply the given matrix to any transformations of the current shape. This is designed to be used in the usual way in a pipe: ``` circle 10 |> filled red |> transform moveLeft50 moveLeft50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) ``` NOTE: Transformations generated using pipes this way are applied backwards compared to the "regular" `Shape userMsg` transformation functions. For example, `rect0` and `rect1` below are equivalent: ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) rect0 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform myTransform rect1 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> move (0, 50) |> rotate (degrees 30) |> scale 2 ``` On the other hand, single transformations produce a result consistent with the `Shape userMsg` transformations. `rect2` is also equivalent to the two above: ``` moveRight50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) scale2 = ident |> scaleT 2 2 rotate30 = ident |> rotateT (degrees 30) rect2 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform moveRight50 |> transform scale2 |> transform rotate30 ``` However, chaining together transformations in this way is discouraged because it is less efficient than the regular `Shape userMsg` transformations in the "Transformations" section. -} transform : Transform -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg transform tm sh = Transformed tm sh {-| The Collage type represents the drawable surface of the window which contains a (x, y) pair of horizontal and vertical dimensions (arbitrary units, not necessarily in pixels) to which the drawing surface will be scaled, and the \`List' of Shapes to be drawn on the drawing surface. -} type Collage userMsg = Collage Float Float (List (Shape userMsg)) {-| Creates a blank canvas on which you can draw. Takes a width, height and a list of `Shape`s. Use this in your `view` functions in the three types of Apps above: collage 500 500 [ circle 10 |> filled red ] -} collage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Collage userMsg collage w h shapes = Collage w h shapes createCollage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Html.Html (Msg userMsg) createCollage w h shapes = Svg.svg [ width "100%" , height "100%" , style "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" , viewBox (String.fromFloat (-w / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat (-h / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat w ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat h ) , id "render" ] (cPath w h :: [ Svg.g [ clipPath "url(#cPath)" ] (List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (String.fromInt n) w h ident Graphics ReturnPosition) shapes ) ] ) cPath : Float -> Float -> Svg.Svg (Msg userMsg) cPath w h = Svg.defs [] [ Svg.clipPath [ Svg.Attributes.id "cPath" ] [ Svg.rect [ width (String.fromFloat w) , height (String.fromFloat h) , x (String.fromFloat (-w / 2)) , y (String.fromFloat (-h / 2)) ] [] ] ] {-| Take a `Collage` width and height as well as a list of tuples of depth and `Shape`. to produce a list of `Shape`'s suitable for display as a group in a `Collage` with `Shape`'s with lesser depth larger and in front of `Shape`'s with greater depth. -} puppetShow : Float -> Float -> List ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> List (Shape userMsg) puppetShow w h listShapes = List.map (extractShape (Basics.max w h)) (List.sortWith flippedComparison listShapes) extractShape : Float -> ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> Shape userMsg extractShape fl ( z, shape ) = let s = fl / (fl + z) in shape |> scale s flippedComparison : ( comparable, a ) -> ( comparable, b ) -> Order flippedComparison ( f, _ ) ( s, _ ) = compare s f --Notification functions {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when a `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTap : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTap msg shape = Tap msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse or finger when the `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTapAt msg shape = TapAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnter : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnter msg shape = EnterShape msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnterAt msg shape = EnterAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeave : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeave msg shape = Exit msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeaveAt msg shape = ExitAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse is moved across a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseMoveAt msg shape = MoveOverAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDown : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDown msg shape = MouseDown msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDownAt msg shape = MouseDownAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUp : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUp msg shape = MouseUp msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUpAt msg shape = MouseUpAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStart : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStart msg shape = TouchStart msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStartAt msg shape = TouchStartAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEnd : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEnd msg shape = TouchEnd msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEndAt msg shape = TouchEndAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user moves their finger over a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchMoveAt msg shape = TouchMoveAt msg shape touchToPair : TouchPos -> ( Float, Float ) touchToPair tp = case tp of TouchPos x y -> ( x, -y ) mousePosDecoder = D.map2 (\x y -> ( x, -y )) (D.field "offsetX" D.float) (D.field "offsetY" D.float) onTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTapAt msg = Html.Events.on "click" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onEnterAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseover" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onLeaveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseleave" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMoveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousemove" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseDownAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousedown" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseUpAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseup" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onTouchStart : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStart msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.succeed msg) onTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStartAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEndAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEnd : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEnd msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.succeed msg) onTouchMove : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchMove msg = Html.Events.preventDefaultOn "touchmove" (D.map (\a -> ( (msg << touchToPair) a, True )) touchDecoder) type TouchPos = TouchPos Float Float touchDecoder : Decoder TouchPos touchDecoder = D.oneOf [ D.at [ "touches", "0" ] (D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ) , D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ] {-| Create Svg from a Shape. This is considered an advanced function and is usually not used. Instead, use collage as part of a regular GraphicSVG app or create a widget with GraphicSVG.Widget. -} createSVG : String -> Float -> Float -> Transform -> (a -> b) -> (((Float,Float) -> a) -> (Float,Float) -> b) -> Shape a -> Svg.Svg b createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper shape = case shape of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans attrs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient _) -> clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs _ -> transAttrs ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs transAttrs = [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, c, -d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] nonexistBody = case fillClr of Nothing -> True _ -> False clrAttrs = case fillClr of Nothing -> [ fill "none"] Just (Solid bodyClr) -> [ fill (mkRGB bodyClr) , fillOpacity (mkAlpha bodyClr) ] Just (Gradient _) -> [ Svg.Attributes.id id , fill (mkRGB <| Color.rgb 255 255 255) ] strokeAttrs = case lt of Nothing -> [] Just ( Unbroken th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] Just ( Broken dashes th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 || List.all (\( on, _ ) -> on == 0) dashes in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] ++ [ strokeDasharray <| String.concat (List.intersperse "," <| List.map pairToString dashes ) ] Just ( _, _ ) -> [] basicShape = case stencil of Circle r -> Svg.circle ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat r) ] ++ attrs ) [] Rect rw rh -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] RoundRect rw rh r -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , rx <| String.fromFloat r , ry <| String.fromFloat r , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] Oval ow oh -> Svg.ellipse ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , rx <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * ow , ry <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * oh ] ++ attrs ) [] Polygon vertices -> Svg.polygon ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] Path vertices -> Svg.polyline ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] BezierPath start pts -> Svg.path ([ Svg.Attributes.d <| createBezierString start pts ] ++ attrs ) [] Text (Face si bo i u s sel f align) str -> let bol = if bo then "font-weight: bold;" else "" it = if i then "font-style: italic;" else "" txtDec = if u && s then "text-decoration: underline line-through;" else if u then "text-decoration: underline;" else if s then "text-decoration: line-through;" else "" select = if not sel then "-webkit-touch-callout: none;\n-webkit-user-select: none;\n-khtml-user-select: none;\n-moz-user-select: none;\n-ms-user-select: none;\nuser-select: none;cursor: default;" else "" anchor = case align of AlignCentred -> "middle" AlignLeft -> "start" AlignRight -> "end" font = case f of Sansserif -> "sans-serif;" Serif -> "serif;" FixedWidth -> "monospace;" Custom fStr -> fStr ++ ";" sty = bol ++ it ++ txtDec ++ "font-family: " ++ font ++ select in Svg.text_ ([ x "0" , y "0" , Svg.Attributes.style sty , Svg.Attributes.fontSize (String.fromFloat si) , Svg.Attributes.textAnchor anchor , Html.Attributes.contenteditable True ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.xmlSpace "preserve" ] ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs ) [ Svg.text str ] gradientDefs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient gr) -> Just (createGradientSVG id (w, h) gr) _ -> Nothing in if nonexistBody && List.isEmpty strokeAttrs then Svg.g [] [] else case gradientDefs of Just gDefs -> Svg.g transAttrs [ Svg.mask [Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "mask")] [ basicShape ] , gDefs ] Nothing -> basicShape ForeignObject fw fh htm -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans in Svg.foreignObject [ width <| String.fromFloat fw , height <| String.fromFloat fh , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ]) ++ ")" ] [ Html.map msgWrapper htm ] Move v sh -> createSVG id w h (moveT v trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Everything -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled white) Notathing -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled black) Rotate deg sh -> createSVG id w h (rotateT deg trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Scale sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (scaleT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Skew sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (skewT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Transformed tm sh -> createSVG id w h (matrixMult trans tm) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Link href sh -> Svg.a [ xlinkHref href, target "_blank" ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] AlphaMask region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("m" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "m") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Everything, region |> repaint black ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#m" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "mm") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Clip region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("c" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "c") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Notathing, region |> repaint white ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#c" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "cc") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Tap msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onClick (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TapAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTapAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterShape msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseEnter (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onEnterAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Exit msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseLeave (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ExitAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onLeaveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDown msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseDown (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDownAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseDownAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUp msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseUp (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUpAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseUpAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MoveOverAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMoveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStart msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStart (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEnd msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchEnd (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStartAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEndAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchMoveAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchMove (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Group shapes -> Svg.g [] <| List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (id ++ "g" ++ String.fromInt n) w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper ) shapes GroupOutline cmbndshp -> createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper cmbndshp GraphPaper s th c -> if th <= 0 || s < 2 * th then Svg.g [] [] else createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper <| createGraph ( w, h ) s th c {-| Display HTML inside an SVG foreignObject. -} html : Float -> Float -> Html.Html userMsg -> Shape userMsg html w h htm = ForeignObject w h htm --Filling / outlining functions {-| Fill a `Stencil` with a `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that any `Stencil` converted to a `Shape` this way can be made transparent (for instance by using the `blank` `Color`) but will not be "click-through", meaning that the body will catch any attached notifications and not let them through to any visible `Shape`(s) revealed beneath them. circle 10 |> filled red -} filled : Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg filled color stencil = Inked (Just color) Nothing stencil {-| Make a `Shape` into a ghost. Mostly to be used inside of the clip operations. Note that although the `blank` `Color` is transparent, it will still catch notifications enabled on the `Shape` or block them if not enabled on the `Shape`. -} ghost : Stencil -> Shape userMsg ghost stencil = Inked (Just blank) Nothing stencil {-| Repaint an already-`filled` `Shape`. This is helpful for repainting every `Shape` inside a `group` as well. Repaints the outline the same color as the body of the shape including the outline, if used; Note that this can repaint with a transparent `Color` (for instance, the `blank` `Color`) but will never have the ability to be "click-through" so that it will always block (or catch) notifications to covered `Shape`(s) revealed beneath. group [ circle 10 |> filled orange , rect 10 40 |> filled blue ] |> repaint green -} repaint : Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg repaint color shape = case shape of Inked _ Nothing st -> Inked (Just color) Nothing st Inked _ (Just ( lt, _ )) st -> Inked (Just color) (Just ( lt, color )) st Move s sh -> Move s (repaint color sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (repaint color sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (repaint color sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (repaint color sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (repaint color sh) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (repaint color) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (repaint color cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (repaint color sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (repaint color sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (repaint color sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (repaint color sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (repaint color sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (repaint color sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (repaint color sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th _ -> GraphPaper s th color {-| Outline a Stencil with a `LineType` and `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that this is the only way to convert a `Stencil` into a `Shape` that is "click-through" as if the body is not just transparent but doesn't exist at all. It works for all `Stencil`'s except for `Text` which can never be made "click-through" due to a permanent transparent background area that cannot be disabled. circle 10 |> outlined (solid 5) red -} outlined : LineType -> Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg outlined style outlineClr stencil = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in Inked Nothing lineStyle stencil {-| Add an outline to an already-filled `Shape`. When applied to `Group`'s including `Shape`'s that have had `union` applied to them, the outline will have half the expected stroke width only outside the `Shape`'s and for `Shape`'s with `clip` or `subtract` applied to them, the half width stroke will be interior to the composite shapes displayed. The limitation is that when displaying "clip's" or "subtract's" containing "Group's", the outline for the "Group's" won't be visibile at all (less common), nor will the outline's for "clip's" or "subtract's" inside "Group's" be visible (more common); also, the outline for the clipping or subtraction pattern may not be as expected when the pattern is a "Group" as it won't appear at all in a "clip". In these cases the workaround is just as before this was made available, to build up the outlines desired using combinations of other shapes such as curves, clipped or subtracted shapes, convential pre-applied outlines, etc. Note that when applied to `Group`(s), `Clip`(s), and `AlphaMask`(s) (from subtracts), the body colour may still be transparent so that `Shape`(s) can be revealed beneath, but the bodies are not "click-through" so that notifications can be passed through to them, and the transparent bodies can still capture notifications enabled on the resulting `Shape`(s). circle 10 |> filled red |> addOutline (solid 5) white -} addOutline : LineType -> Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addOutline style outlineClr shape = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in case shape of Inked clr _ st -> Inked clr lineStyle st Move s sh -> Move s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Group list -> let innerlist = List.filterMap (\shp -> case shp of -- remove old outline shape GroupOutline _ -> Nothing _ -> Just <| addOutline NoLine black shp ) list in case innerlist of [] -> {- should never happen -} Group [] hd :: [] -> addOutline style outlineClr hd _ -> if lineStyle == Nothing then Group innerlist else let outlnshp = GroupOutline <| subtract (Group innerlist) (Group (List.map (addOutline style outlineClr) innerlist ) ) in Group <| innerlist ++ [ outlnshp ] -- don't add an outline to one that's already been added but it should -- never get here as GroupOutline should always be inside a Group which -- will already have processed it, whether to change or remove it... GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline cmbndshp AlphaMask reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then AlphaMask ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr reg newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in AlphaMask ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Clip reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then Clip ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr (reg |> repaint blank) newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in Clip ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Link s sh -> Link s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr multAlpha : Color.Color -> Float -> Color.Color multAlpha color n = let colRec = Color.toRgba color in Color.fromRgba { colRec | alpha = colRec.alpha * n } {-| Make a `Shape` transparent by the fraction given. Multiplies on top of other transparencies: circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.5 (half vislible) circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.25 (a quarter visible) -} makeTransparent : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg makeTransparent alpha shape = case shape of Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid colour )) st -> Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid (multAlpha colour alpha))) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) (Just ( lineType, Solid sColour )) st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) (Just ( lineType, Solid <| multAlpha sColour alpha)) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) Nothing st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) Nothing st Inked a b c -> Inked a b c ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Move s sh -> Move s (makeTransparent alpha sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (makeTransparent alpha sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (makeTransparent alpha sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (makeTransparent alpha sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (makeTransparent alpha sh) Group list -> Group (List.map (makeTransparent alpha) list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (makeTransparent alpha cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (makeTransparent alpha sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) GraphPaper s th (Solid colour) -> GraphPaper s th (Solid <| multAlpha colour alpha) GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) -> GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) --Line styles {-| Define a`LineType` that doesn't exist, doesn't appear. -} noline : () -> LineType noline () = NoLine {-| Define a solid `LineType` with the given width. -} solid : Float -> LineType solid th = Unbroken th {-| Define a dotted `LineType` with the given width. -} dotted : Float -> LineType dotted th = Broken [ ( th, th ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width. Dashes are short line segments, versus dots which are theoretically points, but may be drawn with very short line segments. -} dashed : Float -> LineType dashed th = Broken [ ( th * 5, th * 2.5 ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width, where the dashes are longer than normal. -} longdash : Float -> LineType longdash th = Broken [ ( th * 12, th * 6 ) ] th {-| Define a `LineType` with the given width, including alternating dots and dashes. -} dotdash : Float -> LineType dotdash th = Broken [ ( th, th ), ( th * 5, th ) ] th {-| A custom line defined by a list of (on,off): custom [ ( 10, 5 ) ] 5 -- a line with dashes 10 long and spaces 5 long custom [ ( 10, 5 ), ( 20, 5 ) ] -- on for 10, off 5, on 20, off 5 -} custom : List ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> LineType custom list th = Broken list th makePair : a -> ( a, a ) makePair n = ( n, n ) --Text functions {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to change the font size of the text. The size has a unit called "points", which depends on the size and type of screen used, but try 12 to start. -} size : Float -> Stencil -> Stencil size sze stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face sze bo i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text bold. -} bold : Stencil -> Stencil bold stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si True i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text italicized (slanted). -} italic : Stencil -> Stencil italic stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo True u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to underline the text. -} underline : Stencil -> Stencil underline stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i True s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to put a line through the centre of the text. -} strikethrough : Stencil -> Stencil strikethrough stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u True sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text selectable (so users can copy your text and paste it elsewhere). -} selectable : Stencil -> Stencil selectable stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s True f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to right-align the text. -} alignRight : Stencil -> Stencil alignRight stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignRight) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to centre the text. -} centered : Stencil -> Stencil centered stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignCentred) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to left-align the text. -} alignLeft : Stencil -> Stencil alignLeft stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignLeft) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Sans Serif font (ie one without thinner and thicker bits). -} sansserif : Stencil -> Stencil sansserif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Sansserif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Serif font (ie one with thinner and thicker bits). -} serif : Stencil -> Stencil serif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Serif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a text `Stencil` to render the text `Stencil` with a font in which every character has the same width. This will mean that the letters line up from line to line which is important in programming languages like Elm. -} fixedwidth : Stencil -> Stencil fixedwidth stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel FixedWidth c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a font of your choosing by specifying its name in a `String`. _Use this sparingly as support for each font will vary across browsers and devices._ -} customFont : String -> Stencil -> Stencil customFont fStr stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel (Custom fStr) c) str a -> a --Transformation functions {-| Rotate a `Shape` by the specified amount (in radians). Use the `degrees` function to convert from degrees into radians: [ rect 30 60 |> filled blue |> rotate(degrees 30) ] -} rotate : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg rotate theta shape = Rotate theta shape {-| Move a `Shape` by a number of units along the x-axis and y-axis. -} move : ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg move disp shape = Move disp shape {-| Scale a `Shape` by a given factor. -} scale : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scale s shape = Scale s s shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the x-axis by a given factor. -} scaleX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleX s shape = Scale s 1 shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the y-axis by a given factor. -} scaleY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleY s shape = Scale 1 s shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} mirrorX : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorX shape = Scale -1 1 shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} mirrorY : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorY shape = Scale 1 -1 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} skewX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewX skx shape = Skew skx 0 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} skewY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewY sky shape = Skew 0 sky shape {-| Combine any number of `Shape` types into one `Shape` that can be transformed (moved, rotated, scaled, etc) as one `Shape`. -} group : List (Shape userMsg) -> Shape userMsg group shapes = Group shapes {-| Define a colour given its red, green and blue components. -} rgb : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgb r g b = rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its red, green, blue and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} rgba : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgba r g b a = Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = ssc r, green = ssc g, blue = ssc b, alpha = ssa a } ssc : number -> number ssc n = clamp 0 255 n ssa : Float -> Float ssa n = clamp 0 1 n pairToString : ( Float, Float ) -> String pairToString ( x, y ) = String.fromFloat x ++ "," ++ String.fromFloat y createBezierString : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String createBezierString first list = "M " ++ pairToString first ++ String.concat (List.map bezierStringHelper list) bezierStringHelper : ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String bezierStringHelper ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = " Q " ++ pairToString ( a, b ) ++ " " ++ pairToString ( c, d ) getAlpha : Color.Color -> Float getAlpha colour = (Color.toRgba colour).alpha mkAlpha : Color.Color -> String mkAlpha = String.fromFloat << getAlpha mkRGB : Color.Color -> String mkRGB colour = let col = Color.toRgba colour in "rgba(" ++ (String.fromFloat col.red) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.green) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.blue) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.alpha) ++ ")" {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation and light components. -} hsl : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsl h s l = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation, light and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} hsla : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsla h s l a = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b a -- Clip path functionality {-| Clipping to a shape Cut out the `Shape` on the right using the `Shape` on the left. -} clip : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg clip shape1 shape2 = Clip shape1 shape2 {-| Shape union Combine two `Shape`s together into one to use with clip. -} union : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg union shape1 shape2 = Group [ shape1, shape2 ] {-| Shape subtraction Subtract the `Shape` on the left from the `Shape` on the right. -} subtract : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg subtract shape1 shape2 = AlphaMask shape1 shape2 {-| The whole region outside the given `Shape`. -} outside : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg outside shape = AlphaMask shape shape {- Contributed by <NAME>. -} convert : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) convert hue sat lit = let hue_ = modFloat hue (2 * pi) rgb_ = toRGB_ hue_ sat lit chroma = findChroma lit sat m = findM lit chroma in mapTriple (\x -> x * 255) (mapTriple (\x -> x + m) rgb_) findChroma : Float -> Float -> Float findChroma lit sat = (1 - abs (2 * lit - 1)) * sat findHue_ : Float -> Float findHue_ hue = hue / degrees 60 findX : Float -> Float -> Float findX chroma hue = chroma * (1 - abs (modFloat (findHue_ hue) 2 - 1)) findM : Float -> Float -> Float findM lit chroma = lit - 0.5 * chroma toRGB_ : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) toRGB_ hue sat lit = let chroma = findChroma lit sat hue_ = findHue_ hue x = findX chroma hue in if hue_ >= 0 && hue_ < 1 then ( chroma, x, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 1 && hue_ < 2 then ( x, chroma, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 2 && hue_ < 3 then ( 0, chroma, x ) else if hue_ >= 3 && hue_ < 4 then ( 0, x, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 4 && hue_ < 5 then ( x, 0, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 5 && hue_ < 6 then ( chroma, 0, x ) else ( 0, 0, 0 ) {- Helper Functions -} modFloat : Float -> Float -> Float modFloat x m = x - m * Basics.toFloat (floor (x / m)) mapTriple : (a -> b) -> ( a, a, a ) -> ( b, b, b ) mapTriple f ( a1, a2, a3 ) = ( f a1, f a2, f a3 ) -- Colours {-| -} pink : Color pink = rgba 255 105 180 1 {-| -} hotPink : Color hotPink = rgba 255 0 66 1 {-| -} lightRed : Color lightRed = rgba 239 41 41 1 {-| -} red : Color red = rgba 204 0 0 1 {-| -} darkRed : Color darkRed = rgba 164 0 0 1 {-| -} lightOrange : Color lightOrange = rgba 252 175 62 1 {-| -} orange : Color orange = rgba 245 121 0 1 {-| -} darkOrange : Color darkOrange = rgba 206 92 0 1 {-| -} lightYellow : Color lightYellow = rgba 255 233 79 1 {-| -} yellow : Color yellow = rgba 237 212 0 1 {-| -} darkYellow : Color darkYellow = rgba 196 160 0 1 {-| -} lightGreen : Color lightGreen = rgba 138 226 52 1 {-| -} green : Color green = rgba 115 210 22 1 {-| -} darkGreen : Color darkGreen = rgba 78 154 6 1 {-| -} lightBlue : Color lightBlue = rgba 114 159 207 1 {-| -} blue : Color blue = rgba 52 101 164 1 {-| -} darkBlue : Color darkBlue = rgba 32 74 135 1 {-| -} lightPurple : Color lightPurple = rgba 173 127 168 1 {-| -} purple : Color purple = rgba 117 80 123 1 {-| -} darkPurple : Color darkPurple = rgba 92 53 102 1 {-| -} lightBrown : Color lightBrown = rgba 233 185 110 1 {-| -} brown : Color brown = rgba 193 125 17 1 {-| -} darkBrown : Color darkBrown = rgba 143 89 2 1 {-| -} black : Color black = rgba 0 0 0 1 {-| -} white : Color white = rgba 255 255 255 1 {-| -} lightGrey : Color lightGrey = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} grey : Color grey = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGrey : Color darkGrey = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightGray : Color lightGray = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} gray : Color gray = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGray : Color darkGray = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightCharcoal : Color lightCharcoal = rgba 136 138 133 1 {-| -} charcoal : Color charcoal = rgba 85 87 83 1 {-| -} darkCharcoal : Color darkCharcoal = rgba 46 52 54 1 {-| -} blank : Color blank = rgba 0 0 0 0
module GraphicSVG exposing ( Stencil, Shape, Collage(..), GraphicSVG , collage, mapCollage , App, app , EllieApp, ellieApp , line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge , filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla , group , html , curve, Pull(..), curveHelper , LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom , text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont , move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY , clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost , notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt , makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow , graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map , gradient, radialGradient, stop, transparentStop, rotateGradient , Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow , Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform , Msg(..), createSVG ) {-| A library for creating SVG graphics in a way that is compatible with Elm's old Graphics library. Also includes built-in functions for creating games and other applications including keyboard presses and mouse movements. # Basic Types @docs Stencil, Shape, Collage, GraphicSVG # Rendering To Screen @docs collage, mapCollage # App @docs App, app # EllieApp @docs EllieApp, ellieApp # Stencils @docs line, polygon, openPolygon, ngon, triangle, rightTriangle, isosceles, sideAngleSide, square, rect, rectangle, roundedRect, circle, oval, wedge # Creating Shapes from Stencils @docs filled, outlined, repaint, addOutline, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla # Grouping Shapes @docs group # Rendering HTML This feature is still very much experimental. Cross-platform support is not guaranteed and weird things can happen. @docs html # Curves @docs curve, Pull, curveHelper # Line Styles @docs LineType, noline, solid, dotted, dashed, longdash, dotdash, custom # Text @docs text, size, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, centered, alignLeft, alignRight, selectable, sansserif, serif, fixedwidth, customFont # Transformations @docs move, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, mirrorX, mirrorY, skewX, skewY # Group Operations @docs clip, union, subtract, outside, ghost # Notifications @docs notifyTap, notifyTapAt, notifyEnter, notifyEnterAt, notifyLeave, notifyLeaveAt, notifyMouseMoveAt, notifyMouseDown, notifyMouseDownAt, notifyMouseUp, notifyMouseUpAt, notifyTouchStart, notifyTouchStartAt, notifyTouchEnd, notifyTouchEndAt, notifyTouchMoveAt # Miscellaneous @docs makeTransparent, addHyperlink, puppetShow # Helpers @docs graphPaper, graphPaperCustom, map # Let there be colours! @docs Color, black, blank, blue, brown, charcoal, darkBlue, darkBrown, darkCharcoal, darkGray, darkGreen, darkGrey, darkOrange, darkPurple, darkRed, darkYellow, gray, green, grey, hotPink, lightBlue, lightBrown, lightCharcoal, lightGray, lightGreen, lightGrey, lightOrange, lightPurple, lightRed, lightYellow, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow # Let there be gradients! @docs stop, transparentStop, gradient, radialGradient, rotateGradient # Advanced Transformations _Advanced section warning!_ These functions provide a way to interface on a lower level to the transformations normally handled in the background by GraphicSVG. Most users should be happy to use the regular functions applied directly to shapes, which are provided in the section above this one. @docs Transform, ident, moveT, rotateT, scaleT, skewT, rotateAboutT, transform # More Advanced Things Don't worry about these unless you *_really_* know what you're doing! @docs Msg, createSVG -} {- Library created by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and Dr. PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI for the McMaster University Computing and Software Outreach Program and CompSci 1JC3, with input and testing from the rest of the Outreach team. Last updated: January 25th, 2019 -} import Array import Browser exposing (UrlRequest) import Browser.Dom exposing (Viewport, getViewportOf) import Browser.Events exposing (onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onResize) import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key) import Char import Dict import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Json.Decode as D exposing (..) import String exposing (..) import Svg exposing (Attribute) import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Task import Time exposing (..) import Tuple import Url exposing (Url) import Color {-| A primitive template representing the shape you wish to draw. This must be turned into a `Shape` before being drawn to the screen with `collage` (see below). -} type Stencil = Circle Float | Rect Float Float | RoundRect Float Float Float | Oval Float Float | BezierPath ( Float, Float ) (List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) )) | Polygon (List ( Float, Float )) | Path (List ( Float, Float )) | Text Face String {-| A filled, outlined, or filled and outlined object that can be drawn to the screen using `collage`. -} type Shape userMsg = Inked (Maybe Color) (Maybe ( LineType, Color )) Stencil | ForeignObject Float Float (Html.Html userMsg) | Move ( Float, Float ) (Shape userMsg) | Rotate Float (Shape userMsg) | Scale Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Skew Float Float (Shape userMsg) | Transformed Transform (Shape userMsg) | Group (List (Shape userMsg)) | GroupOutline (Shape userMsg) | AlphaMask (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Clip (Shape userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Everything | Notathing | Link String (Shape userMsg) | Tap userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TapAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | EnterShape userMsg (Shape userMsg) | EnterAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | Exit userMsg (Shape userMsg) | ExitAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseDown userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseDownAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MouseUp userMsg (Shape userMsg) | MouseUpAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | MoveOverAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchStart userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchEnd userMsg (Shape userMsg) | TouchStartAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchEndAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | TouchMoveAt (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) (Shape userMsg) | GraphPaper Float Float Color type FontAlign = AlignLeft | AlignCentred | AlignRight {-| To compose multiple pages or components which each have a Msg/view/update, we need to map messages. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} map : (a -> b) -> Shape a -> Shape b map f sh = case sh of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> Inked fillClr lt stencil ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h (Html.map f htm) Move v shape -> Move v (map f shape) Rotate deg shape -> Rotate deg (map f shape) Scale sx sy shape -> Scale sx sy (map f shape) Skew skx sky shape -> Skew skx sky (map f shape) Transformed tm shape -> Transformed tm (map f shape) Link href shape -> Link href (map f shape) AlphaMask sh1 sh2 -> AlphaMask (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Clip sh1 sh2 -> Clip (map f sh1) (map f sh2) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap msg shape -> Tap (f msg) (map f shape) TapAt msg shape -> TapAt (f << msg) (map f shape) EnterShape msg shape -> EnterShape (f msg) (map f shape) EnterAt msg shape -> EnterAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Exit msg shape -> Exit (f msg) (map f shape) ExitAt msg shape -> ExitAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseDown msg shape -> MouseDown (f msg) (map f shape) MouseDownAt msg shape -> MouseDownAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MouseUp msg shape -> MouseUp (f msg) (map f shape) MouseUpAt msg shape -> MouseUpAt (f << msg) (map f shape) MoveOverAt msg shape -> MoveOverAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchStart msg shape -> TouchStart (f msg) (map f shape) TouchEnd msg shape -> TouchEnd (f msg) (map f shape) TouchStartAt msg shape -> TouchStartAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchEndAt msg shape -> TouchEndAt (f << msg) (map f shape) TouchMoveAt msg shape -> TouchMoveAt (f << msg) (map f shape) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (map f) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (map f cmbndshp) GraphPaper s th c -> GraphPaper s th c {-| To apply the function over all the shapes in the given `Collage` using the `map` function. (Ask if you don't know what this means.) -} mapCollage : (a -> b) -> Collage a -> Collage b mapCollage f (Collage w h shapes) = Collage w h (List.map (map f) shapes) {-| The `GraphicSVG` type alias represents the drawable surface of the window. This type is only used to define a type signature for a user defined `view` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG userMsg for use with `graphicsApp` and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.GraphicSVG MyMsg for use with `notificationsApp`, `gameApp` and `App`. These assume that `Model` is the name of the user model type alias and `MyMsg` is the name of the user message type. Simply substitute the names actually used for these labels. THIS IS DEPRECIATED AND ONLY KEPT FOR COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PREVIOUS VERSION; Use "Collage userMsg" instead of "GraphicSVG userMsg", as they are identical except in name. -} type alias GraphicSVG userMsg = Collage userMsg {-| The `Color` type is used for filling or outlining a `Stencil`. -} type Color = Solid Color.Color | Gradient Gradient type Gradient = RadialGradient (List Stop) | LinearGradient Float {- rotation -} (List Stop) {-| Create a radial gradient from a list of colour stops. -} radialGradient : List Stop -> Color radialGradient stops = Gradient <| RadialGradient stops {-| Create a linear gradient from a list of colour stops. -} gradient : List Stop -> Color gradient stops = Gradient <| LinearGradient 0 stops {-| Rotate a linear gradient by a certain angle in radians. -} rotateGradient : Float -> Color -> Color rotateGradient r grad = case grad of Gradient (LinearGradient rot stops) -> Gradient (LinearGradient (rot + r) stops) radialGrad -> radialGrad type Stop = Stop Float {- stop position -} Float {- transparency -} Color.Color {- colour -} {-| A colour stop in a gradient. This takes a colour and a position. -} stop : Color -> Float -> Stop stop col pos = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos 1 colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 0) {-| A colour stop with transparency. -} transparentStop : Color -> Float -> Float -> Stop transparentStop col pos alpha = case col of Solid colour -> Stop pos alpha colour _ -> Stop pos 1 (Color.rgba 0 0 0 alpha) createGradientSVG : String -> (Float, Float) -> Gradient -> Svg.Svg userMsg createGradientSVG id (wid, hei) grad = let isRadial = case grad of RadialGradient _ -> True _ -> False squareSize = if wid > hei then 2*wid else 2*hei w = case grad of RadialGradient stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 LinearGradient _ stops -> case List.head <| List.reverse stops of Just (Stop pos _ _) -> pos Nothing -> 0 createStop : Stop -> Svg.Svg userMsg createStop (Stop pos trans colour) = let start = if isRadial then 0 else (1 - w/squareSize)/2 * 100 percent = if isRadial then pos / w * 100 else start + pos/squareSize * 100 percentTxt = String.fromFloat percent ++ "%" colourTxt = "stop-color:" ++ mkRGB colour ++ ";" opacityTxt = "stop-opacity:" ++ String.fromFloat trans ++ ";" in Svg.stop [Svg.Attributes.offset percentTxt, Svg.Attributes.style (colourTxt ++ opacityTxt)] [] defs = Svg.defs [] [ case grad of LinearGradient _ stops -> Svg.linearGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)" --, Svg.Attributes.x1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.y1 "0%" --, Svg.Attributes.x2 "100%" --, Svg.Attributes.y2 "0%" , Svg.Attributes.gradientTransform ("rotate("++ String.fromFloat rotation ++ "rad)") ] (List.map createStop stops) RadialGradient stops -> Svg.radialGradient [ Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "gradient") , Svg.Attributes.cx "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.cy "0"--(String.fromFloat (squareSize/2)) , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat w) , Svg.Attributes.gradientUnits "userSpaceOnUse" ] (List.map createStop stops) ] rotation = case grad of LinearGradient rot stops -> rot * 180 / pi _ -> 0 in Svg.g [mask ("url(#" ++ id ++ "mask)")] [ defs , Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -squareSize / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat squareSize , height <| String.fromFloat squareSize , fill ("url(#" ++ id ++ "gradient)") , Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "grad") , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "rotate(" ++ String.fromFloat rotation ++")" ] ) [] ] {-| The `LineType` type is used to define the appearance of an outline for a `Stencil`. `LineType` also defines the appearence of `line` and `curve`. -} type LineType = NoLine | Unbroken Float | Broken (List ( Float, Float )) Float {-| The `Face` type describes the appearance of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Face = Face Float -- size Bool -- bold Bool -- italic Bool -- underline Bool -- strikethrough Bool -- selectable Font -- font alignment FontAlign {-| The `Font` type describes the font of a text `Stencil`. THIS IS NOT EXPOSED BY ANY TYPE AND IS NOW NOT EXPOSED BY THE LIBARY. -} type Font = Serif | Sansserif | FixedWidth | Custom String {-| To make it easier to read the code defining a `curve`, and to make sure we always use the right number of curve points and pull points (which is one more curve point than pull points), we define a special `Pull` type, whose first point is the point we pull towards, and second point is the end point for this curve segments. -} type Pull = Pull ( Float, Float ) ( Float, Float ) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `app` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest = \urlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange = \url -> userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.application`. -} app : { init : flags -> Url -> Key -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg , onUrlRequest : UrlRequest -> userMsg , onUrlChange : Url -> userMsg } -> App flags userModel userMsg app input = Browser.application { init = \flags url key -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags url key userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags url key in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions , onUrlRequest = Graphics << input.onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = Graphics << input.onUrlChange } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `app`: main : App Flags Model Msg main = app Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlRequest = onUrlRequest , onUrlChange = onUrlChange } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias App flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) subs : (userModel -> Sub userMsg) -> ( userModel, gModel ) -> Sub (Msg userMsg) subs userSubs ( userModel, _ ) = Sub.batch ([ onResize (\_ _ -> WindowResize Nothing) ] ++ [ Sub.map Graphics (userSubs userModel) ] ) hiddenAppUpdate : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> (userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg )) -> Msg userMsg -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> ( ( userModel, HiddenModel ), Cmd (Msg userMsg) ) hiddenAppUpdate userView userUpdate msg ( userModel, gModel ) = let mapUserCmd cmd = Cmd.map Graphics cmd (Collage cw ch _) = (userView userModel).body in case msg of Graphics message -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate message userModel in ( ( newModel, { gModel | cw = cw, ch = ch } ) , mapUserCmd userCmds ) WindowResize mWH -> case mWH of Just ( w, h ) -> ( ( userModel , { gModel | sw = Basics.toFloat w , sh = Basics.toFloat h } ) , Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( (userModel, gModel) , getViewportSize ) ReturnPosition message ( x, y ) -> let ( newModel, userCmds ) = userUpdate (message (convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel)) userModel in ( ( newModel, gModel ), mapUserCmd userCmds ) NoOp -> (( userModel, gModel ), Cmd.none) hiddenAppView : (userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg }) -> ( userModel, HiddenModel ) -> { title : String, body : List (Html.Html (Msg userMsg)) } hiddenAppView userView ( userModel, _ ) = let userViewEval = userView userModel title = userViewEval.title (Collage w h shapes) = userViewEval.body in { title = title, body = [ createCollage w h shapes ] } {-| This type alias is only used as a target for a user `main` type signature to make the type signature more clear and concise when `main` calls `ellieApp`: main : EllieApp Flags Model Msg main = ellieApp Tick { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = subscriptions } where `Tick` is a message handler called once per browser window update, `Flags` is the type alias (or type) of the flags input from JavaScript `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type; if other names are used, they can just be substituted for these names. Note that "type alias" could also be an ordinary "type" in all case, just that the syntax for producing a new type is not as clean as using a type alias for a record. -} type alias EllieApp flags userModel userMsg = Program flags ( userModel, HiddenModel ) (Msg userMsg) {-| _Advanced Function Warning!_ `ellieApp` takes one parameter of its own type of the form: { init = \flags url key -> (model, cmd) , view = \model -> { title = "Your Title goes here", , body = view model } , update = \userMsg userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , subscriptions = \userModel -> Sub userMsg } This matches the Elm architecture and is analogous to `Browser.document`. It is called ellieApp because this version is compatible with the online Elm IDE Ellie. -} ellieApp : { init : flags -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , update : userMsg -> userModel -> ( userModel, Cmd userMsg ) , view : userModel -> { title : String, body : Collage userMsg } , subscriptions : userModel -> Sub userMsg } -> EllieApp flags userModel userMsg ellieApp input = Browser.document { init = \flags -> let userInit = Tuple.first <| input.init flags userView = (input.view userInit).body (Collage initW initH _) = userView userInitCmd = Tuple.second <| input.init flags in ( ( userInit, { initHiddenModel | cw = initW, ch = initH } ), initialCmd <| Cmd.map Graphics userInitCmd ) , update = hiddenAppUpdate input.view input.update , view = hiddenAppView input.view , subscriptions = subs <| input.subscriptions } convertCoords : ( Float, Float ) -> HiddenModel -> ( Float, Float ) convertCoords ( x, y ) gModel = let sw = gModel.sw sh = gModel.sh cw = gModel.cw ch = gModel.ch aspectout = if not (sh == 0) then sw / sh else 4 / 3 aspectin = if not (ch == 0) then cw / ch else 4 / 3 scaledInX = aspectout < aspectin scaledInY = aspectout > aspectin cscale = if scaledInX then sw / cw else if scaledInY then sh / ch else 1 in ( (x - sw / 2) / cscale , (y + sh / 2) / cscale ) initialCmd : Cmd (Msg userMsg) -> Cmd (Msg userMsg) initialCmd userCmd = Cmd.batch [ getViewportSize , userCmd ] getViewportSize : Cmd (Msg userMsg) getViewportSize = Task.attempt (\rvp -> case rvp of Ok vp -> WindowResize <| Just ( round vp.viewport.width, round vp.viewport.height ) Err _ -> NoOp ) (getViewportOf "render") {-| The `Msg` type encapsulates all GraphicSVG internal messages. This type is only used to define type signature fors user defined `view` and `main` as follows: view : GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: view : Model -> GraphicSVG.Collage (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `gameApp`. It is also used to define the type signature for a user supplied `main` as follows: main : Program Never (GraphicsModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use with `graphicsApp` and `notificationsApp`, and as follows: main : Program Never (GamesModel Model Msg) (GraphicSVG.Msg Msg) for use when `main` calls `gameApp` These assume that `Model` is the type alias of the user persistent model, and `Msg` is the name of the user message type. -} type Msg userMsg = Graphics userMsg | WindowResize (Maybe ( Int, Int )) | ReturnPosition (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) ( Float, Float ) | NoOp {-| The `HiddenModel` type alias encapsulates the GraphicSVG internal model which is not exposed to user code. -} type alias HiddenModel = { cw : Float , ch : Float , sw : Float , sh : Float } initHiddenModel : HiddenModel initHiddenModel = { cw = 0 , ch = 0 , sw = 0 , sh = 0 } {-| Create a line from a point to a point. Use `outlined` to convert to a viewable `Shape`. -} line : ( Float, Float ) -> ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil line p1 p2 = Path [ p1, p2 ] {-| Create a closed shape given a list of points. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} polygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil polygon ptList = Polygon ptList {-| Create an open shape given a list of points. Unlike with polygon, the first and last points will not join up automatically. Can use `outlined` or `filled` to convert to a `Shape`. -} openPolygon : List ( Float, Float ) -> Stencil openPolygon ptList = Path ptList {-| Create a regular polygon with a given number of sides and radius. Examples: ngon 3 50 -- triangle ngon 5 50 -- pentagon ngon 8 50 -- octogon -} ngon : Int -> Float -> Stencil ngon n r = Polygon <| List.map (ptOnCircle r (Basics.toFloat n) << Basics.toFloat) (List.range 0 n) {-| Synonym for `ngon 3`. Creates a triangle with a given size. -} triangle : Float -> Stencil triangle r = ngon 3 r {-| Creates a right-angled triangle with a given base and height. -} rightTriangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rightTriangle base height = polygon [ ( 0, 0 ), ( base, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates an isosceles triangle with a given base and height. -} isosceles : Float -> Float -> Stencil isosceles base height = polygon [ ( -base / 2, 0 ), ( base / 2, 0 ), ( 0, height ) ] {-| Creates a triangle given two side lengths and the angle between them. For example, `sideAngleSide 30 (degrees 45) 50` creates a triangle with side lengths 30 and 50 with an angle of 45 degrees between them. -} sideAngleSide : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil sideAngleSide sideOne angle sideTwo = polygon [ sideTwoPoint angle sideOne, ( 0, 0 ), ( sideTwo, 0 ) ] sideTwoPoint : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) sideTwoPoint angle sideOne = ( cos angle * sideOne, sin angle * sideOne ) {-| Creates a square with a given side length. (Synonym for `rect s s`) -} square : Float -> Stencil square r = Rect r r {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width and height. -} rect : Float -> Float -> Stencil rect w h = Rect w h {-| Synonym for `rect`. -} rectangle : Float -> Float -> Stencil rectangle w h = Rect w h {-| Creates a rectangle with a given width, height, and circular rounded corners with the given radius. -} roundedRect : Float -> Float -> Float -> Stencil roundedRect w h r = RoundRect w h r {-| Creates a circle with a given radius. -} circle : Float -> Stencil circle r = Circle r {-| Creates an oval with a given width and height. -} oval : Float -> Float -> Stencil oval w h = Oval w h {-| Creates a graph paper with squares of a given size. -} graphPaper : Float -> Shape userMsg graphPaper s = GraphPaper s 1 (Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = 135, green = 206, blue = 250, alpha = 1}) {-| Creates graph paper with squares of a given size, with a user-defined thickness and colour. -} graphPaperCustom : Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg graphPaperCustom s th c = GraphPaper s th c createGraph : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Shape userMsg createGraph ( w, h ) s th c = let sxi = ceiling (w / (s * 2)) syi = ceiling (h / (s * 2)) xlisti = List.range -sxi sxi ylisti = List.range -syi syi in group (List.map (createGraphX h s th c << Basics.toFloat) xlisti ++ List.map (createGraphY w s th c << Basics.toFloat) ylisti ) createGraphX : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphX h s th c x = filled c (rect th h) |> move ( x * s, 0 ) createGraphY : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color -> Float -> Shape userMsg createGraphY w s th c y = filled c (rect w th) |> move ( 0, y * s ) {-| Creates a wedge with a given radius, and a given fraction of a circle. wedge 50 0.5 -- semi-circle wedge 50 0.25 -- quarter-circle wedge 50 0.75 -- three-quarter circle -} wedge : Float -> Float -> Stencil wedge r frac = let n = frac * 360 / 10 + 5 ni = round n dlta = frac / Basics.toFloat ni in Polygon <| if frac > 0 then [ ( 0, 0 ), wedgeHelper r -frac ] ++ List.map (wedgeHelper r << (*) dlta << Basics.toFloat ) (List.range -ni ni) ++ [ wedgeHelper r frac, ( 0, 0 ) ] else [] wedgeHelper : Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) wedgeHelper r cn = let angle = turns (0.5 * cn) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) ptOnCircle : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float ) ptOnCircle r n cn = let angle = turns (cn / n) in ( r * cos angle, r * sin angle ) {-| Creates a curve starting at a point, pulled towards a point, ending at a third point. For example, curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] gives a curve starting at (0,0), pulled towards (0,10) and ending at (0,20). Think about curves as what you get when you take a bunch of bendy sticks with their ends glued down to a board, and then pulling each stick towards another point. You always need an initial point and at least one `Pull`, but you can add as many `Pull`s as you want to add additional curve segments, but each curve segment can only bend one way, since it is pulled in one direction. -} curve : ( Float, Float ) -> List Pull -> Stencil curve ( a, b ) list = BezierPath ( a, b ) (List.map curveListHelper list) curveListHelper : Pull -> ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) curveListHelper (Pull ( a, b ) ( c, d )) = ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) {-| Add a hyperlink to any `Shape`: circle 10 |> filled red |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" -} addHyperlink : String -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addHyperlink link shape = Link link shape {-| Creates a text `Stencil`. You can change this `Stencil` using the text helper functions. Note that `|> filled ...` or `|> outlined ...` must go at the _end_ of the text helper functions (ie note that all these functions have type `Stencil -> Stencil`). For example, text "Hello World" |> fixedwidth |> bold |> size 14 |> filled black -} text : String -> Stencil text str = Text (Face 12 False False False False False Serif AlignLeft) str {-| Apply to a curve or group of curves in order to view their start points, end points and `Pull` points. Helpful while perfecting curves. curve (0,0) [Pull (0,10) (0,20)] |> curveHelper -} curveHelper : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg curveHelper shape = case shape of Inked _ _ (BezierPath ( a, b ) list) -> group [ shape, generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list ] Move s sh -> Move s (curveHelper sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (curveHelper sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (curveHelper sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (curveHelper sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (curveHelper sh) Group list -> Group (List.map curveHelper list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (curveHelper cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (curveHelper sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (curveHelper sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (curveHelper sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (curveHelper sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (curveHelper sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (curveHelper sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (curveHelper sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (curveHelper sh) -- no changes for the rest... Inked clr ln sh -> Inked clr ln sh ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr generateCurveHelper : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> Shape userMsg generateCurveHelper ( a, b ) list = let l1Array = Array.fromList ([ ( a, b ) ] ++ List.concat (List.map createTopLevelList list) ) in group [ generateCHLines l1Array, generateCHCircles l1Array ] generateCHLines : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHLines ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHLine ar) (List.range 0 (len - 2))) generateCHLine : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHLine ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) p2 = case Array.get (int + 1) ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) in outlined (dashed 0.5) black (line p1 p2) generateCHCircles : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircles ar = let len = Array.length ar in group (List.map (generateCHCircle ar) (List.range 0 (len - 1))) generateCHCircle : Array.Array ( Float, Float ) -> Int -> Shape userMsg generateCHCircle ar int = let p1 = case Array.get int ar of Just p -> p Nothing -> ( 0, 0 ) ptStr = pairToString p1 in group [ filled red (circle 2) , text ("(" ++ ptStr ++ ")") |> filled black |> move ( 5, 5 ) ] |> move p1 createTopLevelList : ( ( a, b ), ( a, b ) ) -> List ( a, b ) createTopLevelList ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = [ ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ] matrixMult : Transform -> Transform -> Transform matrixMult ( ( a, c, e ), ( b, d, f ) ) ( ( a1, c1, e1 ), ( b1, d1, f1 ) ) = ( ( a * a1 + c * b1, a * c1 + c * d1, e + a * e1 + c * f1 ) , ( b * a1 + d * b1, b * c1 + d * d1, f + b * e1 + d * f1 ) ) {-| The identity or "starting" matrix. Applying this matrix to a shape is the equivalent of doing no transformations at all. The matrix itself looks like ``` ident = ( ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ``` or, ``` 1 0 0 0 1 0 ``` -} ident : Transform ident = ( ( 1, 0, 0 ) , ( 0, 1, 0 ) ) {-| A matrix representing an SVG transformation matrix of the form: ``` ( ( a , c , e ) , ( b , d , f ) ) ``` or ``` a c e b d f ``` The a, c, b and d control transformations such as skew, rotate and scale; e and f control translation. These matrices are best built up by starting with the identity matrix and applying any number of `*T` functions (see below); for example, ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) ``` -} type alias Transform = ( ( Float, Float, Float ), ( Float, Float, Float ) ) {-| Apply a move (translation) transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) ``` -} moveT : ( Float, Float ) -> Transform -> Transform moveT ( u, v ) ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a, c, tx + a * u + c * v ) , ( b, d, ty + b * u + d * v ) ) {-| Apply a rotation transformation to a transformation matrix. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) ``` -} rotateT : Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateT rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a scale transformation to a transformation matrix. The first argument scales in x and the second argument scales in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 ``` -} scaleT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform scaleT sx sy ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = ( ( a * sx, c * sy, tx ) , ( b * sx, d * sy, ty ) ) {-| Apply a skew transformation to a matrix. The first argument skews in x and the second argument skews in y. This is designed to be used as part of a pipe: ``` ident |> moveT (15,-30.5) |> rotateT (degrees -30) |> scaleT 4 0.4 |> skewT 0.5 1.3 ``` -} skewT : Float -> Float -> Transform -> Transform skewT skx sky ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let tanX = tan -skx tanY = tan -sky in ( ( a + c * tanY, c + a * tanX, tx ) , ( b + d * tanY, d + b * tanX, ty ) ) {-| Apply a rotation about a given point to a `Transform` matrix. For example, the following transform will rotate a `Shape` 30 degrees about the point (0,50): ``` rotateAbout050 = ident |> rotateAboutT (0, 50) (degrees 30) ``` -} rotateAboutT : ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> Transform -> Transform rotateAboutT ( u, v ) rad ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = let sinX = sin rad cosX = cos rad in ( ( a * cosX + c * sinX, c * cosX - a * sinX, tx + a * u + c * v - v * (c * cosX - a * sinX) - u * (a * cosX + c * sinX) ) , ( b * cosX + d * sinX, d * cosX - b * sinX, ty + b * u + d * v - v * (d * cosX - b * sinX) - u * (b * cosX + d * sinX) ) ) {-| Manually transform a shape using a `Transform` matrix. Matrix multiplication will be used to apply the given matrix to any transformations of the current shape. This is designed to be used in the usual way in a pipe: ``` circle 10 |> filled red |> transform moveLeft50 moveLeft50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) ``` NOTE: Transformations generated using pipes this way are applied backwards compared to the "regular" `Shape userMsg` transformation functions. For example, `rect0` and `rect1` below are equivalent: ``` myTransform = ident |> scaleT 2 2 |> rotateT (degrees 30) |> moveT (0, 50) rect0 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform myTransform rect1 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> move (0, 50) |> rotate (degrees 30) |> scale 2 ``` On the other hand, single transformations produce a result consistent with the `Shape userMsg` transformations. `rect2` is also equivalent to the two above: ``` moveRight50 = ident |> moveT (50,0) scale2 = ident |> scaleT 2 2 rotate30 = ident |> rotateT (degrees 30) rect2 = rect 20 10 |> filled red |> transform moveRight50 |> transform scale2 |> transform rotate30 ``` However, chaining together transformations in this way is discouraged because it is less efficient than the regular `Shape userMsg` transformations in the "Transformations" section. -} transform : Transform -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg transform tm sh = Transformed tm sh {-| The Collage type represents the drawable surface of the window which contains a (x, y) pair of horizontal and vertical dimensions (arbitrary units, not necessarily in pixels) to which the drawing surface will be scaled, and the \`List' of Shapes to be drawn on the drawing surface. -} type Collage userMsg = Collage Float Float (List (Shape userMsg)) {-| Creates a blank canvas on which you can draw. Takes a width, height and a list of `Shape`s. Use this in your `view` functions in the three types of Apps above: collage 500 500 [ circle 10 |> filled red ] -} collage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Collage userMsg collage w h shapes = Collage w h shapes createCollage : Float -> Float -> List (Shape userMsg) -> Html.Html (Msg userMsg) createCollage w h shapes = Svg.svg [ width "100%" , height "100%" , style "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;" , viewBox (String.fromFloat (-w / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat (-h / 2) ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat w ++ " " ++ String.fromFloat h ) , id "render" ] (cPath w h :: [ Svg.g [ clipPath "url(#cPath)" ] (List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (String.fromInt n) w h ident Graphics ReturnPosition) shapes ) ] ) cPath : Float -> Float -> Svg.Svg (Msg userMsg) cPath w h = Svg.defs [] [ Svg.clipPath [ Svg.Attributes.id "cPath" ] [ Svg.rect [ width (String.fromFloat w) , height (String.fromFloat h) , x (String.fromFloat (-w / 2)) , y (String.fromFloat (-h / 2)) ] [] ] ] {-| Take a `Collage` width and height as well as a list of tuples of depth and `Shape`. to produce a list of `Shape`'s suitable for display as a group in a `Collage` with `Shape`'s with lesser depth larger and in front of `Shape`'s with greater depth. -} puppetShow : Float -> Float -> List ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> List (Shape userMsg) puppetShow w h listShapes = List.map (extractShape (Basics.max w h)) (List.sortWith flippedComparison listShapes) extractShape : Float -> ( Float, Shape userMsg ) -> Shape userMsg extractShape fl ( z, shape ) = let s = fl / (fl + z) in shape |> scale s flippedComparison : ( comparable, a ) -> ( comparable, b ) -> Order flippedComparison ( f, _ ) ( s, _ ) = compare s f --Notification functions {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when a `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTap : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTap msg shape = Tap msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse or finger when the `Shape` is clicked or tapped. -} notifyTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTapAt msg shape = TapAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnter : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnter msg shape = EnterShape msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse enters a `Shape`. -} notifyEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyEnterAt msg shape = EnterAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeave : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeave msg shape = Exit msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse leaves a `Shape`. -} notifyLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyLeaveAt msg shape = ExitAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse is moved across a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseMoveAt msg shape = MoveOverAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDown : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDown msg shape = MouseDown msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is pressed while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseDownAt msg shape = MouseDownAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUp : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUp msg shape = MouseUp msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the mouse when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over a `Shape`. -} notifyMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyMouseUpAt msg shape = MouseUpAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStart : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStart msg shape = TouchStart msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user begins touching a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchStartAt msg shape = TouchStartAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEnd : userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEnd msg shape = TouchEnd msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user lifts their finger off a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchEndAt msg shape = TouchEndAt msg shape {-| Receive a message (`userMsg`) with the x and y position of the user's finger when the user moves their finger over a `Shape`. -} notifyTouchMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg notifyTouchMoveAt msg shape = TouchMoveAt msg shape touchToPair : TouchPos -> ( Float, Float ) touchToPair tp = case tp of TouchPos x y -> ( x, -y ) mousePosDecoder = D.map2 (\x y -> ( x, -y )) (D.field "offsetX" D.float) (D.field "offsetY" D.float) onTapAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTapAt msg = Html.Events.on "click" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onEnterAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onEnterAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseover" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onLeaveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onLeaveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseleave" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMoveAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMoveAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousemove" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseDownAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseDownAt msg = Html.Events.on "mousedown" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onMouseUpAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onMouseUpAt msg = Html.Events.on "mouseup" (D.map msg mousePosDecoder) onTouchStart : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStart msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.succeed msg) onTouchStartAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchStartAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchstart" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEndAt : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEndAt msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.map (msg << touchToPair) touchDecoder) onTouchEnd : userMsg -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchEnd msg = Html.Events.on "touchend" (D.succeed msg) onTouchMove : (( Float, Float ) -> userMsg) -> Html.Attribute userMsg onTouchMove msg = Html.Events.preventDefaultOn "touchmove" (D.map (\a -> ( (msg << touchToPair) a, True )) touchDecoder) type TouchPos = TouchPos Float Float touchDecoder : Decoder TouchPos touchDecoder = D.oneOf [ D.at [ "touches", "0" ] (D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ) , D.map2 TouchPos (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float) ] {-| Create Svg from a Shape. This is considered an advanced function and is usually not used. Instead, use collage as part of a regular GraphicSVG app or create a widget with GraphicSVG.Widget. -} createSVG : String -> Float -> Float -> Transform -> (a -> b) -> (((Float,Float) -> a) -> (Float,Float) -> b) -> Shape a -> Svg.Svg b createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper shape = case shape of Inked fillClr lt stencil -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans attrs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient _) -> clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs _ -> transAttrs ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs transAttrs = [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, c, -d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] nonexistBody = case fillClr of Nothing -> True _ -> False clrAttrs = case fillClr of Nothing -> [ fill "none"] Just (Solid bodyClr) -> [ fill (mkRGB bodyClr) , fillOpacity (mkAlpha bodyClr) ] Just (Gradient _) -> [ Svg.Attributes.id id , fill (mkRGB <| Color.rgb 255 255 255) ] strokeAttrs = case lt of Nothing -> [] Just ( Unbroken th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] Just ( Broken dashes th, Solid strokeClr ) -> let nonStroke = let opcty = getAlpha strokeClr in th <= 0 || opcty <= 0 || List.all (\( on, _ ) -> on == 0) dashes in if nonStroke then [] else [ strokeWidth (String.fromFloat th) , stroke (mkRGB strokeClr) , strokeOpacity (mkAlpha strokeClr) ] ++ [ strokeDasharray <| String.concat (List.intersperse "," <| List.map pairToString dashes ) ] Just ( _, _ ) -> [] basicShape = case stencil of Circle r -> Svg.circle ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , Svg.Attributes.r (String.fromFloat r) ] ++ attrs ) [] Rect rw rh -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] RoundRect rw rh r -> Svg.rect ([ x <| String.fromFloat <| -rw / 2 , y <| String.fromFloat <| -rh / 2 , rx <| String.fromFloat r , ry <| String.fromFloat r , width <| String.fromFloat rw , height <| String.fromFloat rh ] ++ attrs ) [] Oval ow oh -> Svg.ellipse ([ cx "0" , cy "0" , rx <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * ow , ry <| String.fromFloat <| 0.5 * oh ] ++ attrs ) [] Polygon vertices -> Svg.polygon ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] Path vertices -> Svg.polyline ([ points <| String.concat <| List.intersperse " " <| List.map pairToString vertices ] ++ attrs ) [] BezierPath start pts -> Svg.path ([ Svg.Attributes.d <| createBezierString start pts ] ++ attrs ) [] Text (Face si bo i u s sel f align) str -> let bol = if bo then "font-weight: bold;" else "" it = if i then "font-style: italic;" else "" txtDec = if u && s then "text-decoration: underline line-through;" else if u then "text-decoration: underline;" else if s then "text-decoration: line-through;" else "" select = if not sel then "-webkit-touch-callout: none;\n-webkit-user-select: none;\n-khtml-user-select: none;\n-moz-user-select: none;\n-ms-user-select: none;\nuser-select: none;cursor: default;" else "" anchor = case align of AlignCentred -> "middle" AlignLeft -> "start" AlignRight -> "end" font = case f of Sansserif -> "sans-serif;" Serif -> "serif;" FixedWidth -> "monospace;" Custom fStr -> fStr ++ ";" sty = bol ++ it ++ txtDec ++ "font-family: " ++ font ++ select in Svg.text_ ([ x "0" , y "0" , Svg.Attributes.style sty , Svg.Attributes.fontSize (String.fromFloat si) , Svg.Attributes.textAnchor anchor , Html.Attributes.contenteditable True ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ] ) ++ ")" ] ++ [ Svg.Attributes.xmlSpace "preserve" ] ++ clrAttrs ++ strokeAttrs ) [ Svg.text str ] gradientDefs = case fillClr of Just (Gradient gr) -> Just (createGradientSVG id (w, h) gr) _ -> Nothing in if nonexistBody && List.isEmpty strokeAttrs then Svg.g [] [] else case gradientDefs of Just gDefs -> Svg.g transAttrs [ Svg.mask [Svg.Attributes.id (id ++ "mask")] [ basicShape ] , gDefs ] Nothing -> basicShape ForeignObject fw fh htm -> let ( ( a, c, tx ), ( b, d, ty ) ) = trans in Svg.foreignObject [ width <| String.fromFloat fw , height <| String.fromFloat fh , Svg.Attributes.transform <| "matrix(" ++ (String.concat <| List.intersperse "," <| List.map String.fromFloat [ a, -b, -c, d, tx, -ty ]) ++ ")" ] [ Html.map msgWrapper htm ] Move v sh -> createSVG id w h (moveT v trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Everything -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled white) Notathing -> createSVG id w h ident msgWrapper positionWrapper (rect w h |> filled black) Rotate deg sh -> createSVG id w h (rotateT deg trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Scale sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (scaleT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Skew sx sy sh -> createSVG id w h (skewT sx sy trans) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Transformed tm sh -> createSVG id w h (matrixMult trans tm) msgWrapper positionWrapper sh Link href sh -> Svg.a [ xlinkHref href, target "_blank" ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] AlphaMask region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("m" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "m") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Everything, region |> repaint black ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#m" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "mm") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Clip region sh -> Svg.g [] [ Svg.defs [] [ Svg.mask [ Svg.Attributes.id ("c" ++ id) ] [ createSVG (id ++ "c") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper (Group [ Notathing, region |> repaint white ]) ] ] , Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.mask ("url(#c" ++ id ++ ")") ] [ createSVG (id ++ "cc") w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ] Tap msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onClick (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TapAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTapAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterShape msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseEnter (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] EnterAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onEnterAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Exit msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseLeave (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] ExitAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onLeaveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDown msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseDown (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseDownAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseDownAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUp msg sh -> Svg.g [ Html.Events.onMouseUp (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MouseUpAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMouseUpAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] MoveOverAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onMoveAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStart msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStart (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEnd msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchEnd (msgWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchStartAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchEndAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchStartAt (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] TouchMoveAt msg sh -> Svg.g [ onTouchMove (positionWrapper msg) ] [ createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper sh ] Group shapes -> Svg.g [] <| List.indexedMap (\n -> createSVG (id ++ "g" ++ String.fromInt n) w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper ) shapes GroupOutline cmbndshp -> createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper cmbndshp GraphPaper s th c -> if th <= 0 || s < 2 * th then Svg.g [] [] else createSVG id w h trans msgWrapper positionWrapper <| createGraph ( w, h ) s th c {-| Display HTML inside an SVG foreignObject. -} html : Float -> Float -> Html.Html userMsg -> Shape userMsg html w h htm = ForeignObject w h htm --Filling / outlining functions {-| Fill a `Stencil` with a `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that any `Stencil` converted to a `Shape` this way can be made transparent (for instance by using the `blank` `Color`) but will not be "click-through", meaning that the body will catch any attached notifications and not let them through to any visible `Shape`(s) revealed beneath them. circle 10 |> filled red -} filled : Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg filled color stencil = Inked (Just color) Nothing stencil {-| Make a `Shape` into a ghost. Mostly to be used inside of the clip operations. Note that although the `blank` `Color` is transparent, it will still catch notifications enabled on the `Shape` or block them if not enabled on the `Shape`. -} ghost : Stencil -> Shape userMsg ghost stencil = Inked (Just blank) Nothing stencil {-| Repaint an already-`filled` `Shape`. This is helpful for repainting every `Shape` inside a `group` as well. Repaints the outline the same color as the body of the shape including the outline, if used; Note that this can repaint with a transparent `Color` (for instance, the `blank` `Color`) but will never have the ability to be "click-through" so that it will always block (or catch) notifications to covered `Shape`(s) revealed beneath. group [ circle 10 |> filled orange , rect 10 40 |> filled blue ] |> repaint green -} repaint : Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg repaint color shape = case shape of Inked _ Nothing st -> Inked (Just color) Nothing st Inked _ (Just ( lt, _ )) st -> Inked (Just color) (Just ( lt, color )) st Move s sh -> Move s (repaint color sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (repaint color sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (repaint color sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (repaint color sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (repaint color sh) Group shapes -> Group (List.map (repaint color) shapes) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (repaint color cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (repaint color sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (repaint color sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (repaint color sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (repaint color sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (repaint color sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (repaint color sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (repaint color sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (repaint color sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (repaint color sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (repaint color sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (repaint color sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th _ -> GraphPaper s th color {-| Outline a Stencil with a `LineType` and `Color`, creating a `Shape`; Note that this is the only way to convert a `Stencil` into a `Shape` that is "click-through" as if the body is not just transparent but doesn't exist at all. It works for all `Stencil`'s except for `Text` which can never be made "click-through" due to a permanent transparent background area that cannot be disabled. circle 10 |> outlined (solid 5) red -} outlined : LineType -> Color -> Stencil -> Shape userMsg outlined style outlineClr stencil = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in Inked Nothing lineStyle stencil {-| Add an outline to an already-filled `Shape`. When applied to `Group`'s including `Shape`'s that have had `union` applied to them, the outline will have half the expected stroke width only outside the `Shape`'s and for `Shape`'s with `clip` or `subtract` applied to them, the half width stroke will be interior to the composite shapes displayed. The limitation is that when displaying "clip's" or "subtract's" containing "Group's", the outline for the "Group's" won't be visibile at all (less common), nor will the outline's for "clip's" or "subtract's" inside "Group's" be visible (more common); also, the outline for the clipping or subtraction pattern may not be as expected when the pattern is a "Group" as it won't appear at all in a "clip". In these cases the workaround is just as before this was made available, to build up the outlines desired using combinations of other shapes such as curves, clipped or subtracted shapes, convential pre-applied outlines, etc. Note that when applied to `Group`(s), `Clip`(s), and `AlphaMask`(s) (from subtracts), the body colour may still be transparent so that `Shape`(s) can be revealed beneath, but the bodies are not "click-through" so that notifications can be passed through to them, and the transparent bodies can still capture notifications enabled on the resulting `Shape`(s). circle 10 |> filled red |> addOutline (solid 5) white -} addOutline : LineType -> Color -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg addOutline style outlineClr shape = let lineStyle = case style of NoLine -> Nothing _ -> Just ( style, outlineClr ) in case shape of Inked clr _ st -> Inked clr lineStyle st Move s sh -> Move s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Group list -> let innerlist = List.filterMap (\shp -> case shp of -- remove old outline shape GroupOutline _ -> Nothing _ -> Just <| addOutline NoLine black shp ) list in case innerlist of [] -> {- should never happen -} Group [] hd :: [] -> addOutline style outlineClr hd _ -> if lineStyle == Nothing then Group innerlist else let outlnshp = GroupOutline <| subtract (Group innerlist) (Group (List.map (addOutline style outlineClr) innerlist ) ) in Group <| innerlist ++ [ outlnshp ] -- don't add an outline to one that's already been added but it should -- never get here as GroupOutline should always be inside a Group which -- will already have processed it, whether to change or remove it... GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline cmbndshp AlphaMask reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then AlphaMask ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr reg newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in AlphaMask ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Clip reg sh -> let ptrn = addOutline NoLine black reg inside = addOutline NoLine black sh in if lineStyle == Nothing then Clip ptrn inside else let ptrnlnd = addOutline style outlineClr (reg |> repaint blank) newshp = addOutline style outlineClr sh ptrnoutln = Clip inside ptrnlnd shpoutln = Clip inside newshp in Clip ptrn <| Group [ inside , GroupOutline <| Group [ shpoutln, ptrnoutln ] ] Link s sh -> Link s (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (addOutline style outlineClr sh) -- no changes for the rest... ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing GraphPaper s th clr -> GraphPaper s th clr multAlpha : Color.Color -> Float -> Color.Color multAlpha color n = let colRec = Color.toRgba color in Color.fromRgba { colRec | alpha = colRec.alpha * n } {-| Make a `Shape` transparent by the fraction given. Multiplies on top of other transparencies: circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.5 (half vislible) circle 10 |> filled red |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> makeTransparent 0.5 --results in a transparency of 0.25 (a quarter visible) -} makeTransparent : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg makeTransparent alpha shape = case shape of Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid colour )) st -> Inked Nothing (Just ( lineType, Solid (multAlpha colour alpha))) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) (Just ( lineType, Solid sColour )) st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) (Just ( lineType, Solid <| multAlpha sColour alpha)) st Inked (Just (Solid colour)) Nothing st -> Inked (Just <| Solid (multAlpha colour alpha)) Nothing st Inked a b c -> Inked a b c ForeignObject w h htm -> ForeignObject w h htm Move s sh -> Move s (makeTransparent alpha sh) Rotate r sh -> Rotate r (makeTransparent alpha sh) Scale sx sy sh -> Scale sx sy (makeTransparent alpha sh) Skew skx sky sh -> Skew skx sky (makeTransparent alpha sh) Transformed tm sh -> Transformed tm (makeTransparent alpha sh) Group list -> Group (List.map (makeTransparent alpha) list) GroupOutline cmbndshp -> GroupOutline (makeTransparent alpha cmbndshp) Link s sh -> Link s (makeTransparent alpha sh) AlphaMask reg sh -> AlphaMask reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Clip reg sh -> Clip reg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Everything -> Everything Notathing -> Notathing Tap userMsg sh -> Tap userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TapAt userMsg sh -> TapAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterShape userMsg sh -> EnterShape userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) EnterAt userMsg sh -> EnterAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) Exit userMsg sh -> Exit userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) ExitAt userMsg sh -> ExitAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDown userMsg sh -> MouseDown userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseDownAt userMsg sh -> MouseDownAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUp userMsg sh -> MouseUp userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MouseUpAt userMsg sh -> MouseUpAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) MoveOverAt userMsg sh -> MoveOverAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStart userMsg sh -> TouchStart userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEnd userMsg sh -> TouchEnd userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchStartAt userMsg sh -> TouchStartAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchEndAt userMsg sh -> TouchEndAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) TouchMoveAt userMsg sh -> TouchMoveAt userMsg (makeTransparent alpha sh) GraphPaper s th (Solid colour) -> GraphPaper s th (Solid <| multAlpha colour alpha) GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) -> GraphPaper s th (Gradient gr) --Line styles {-| Define a`LineType` that doesn't exist, doesn't appear. -} noline : () -> LineType noline () = NoLine {-| Define a solid `LineType` with the given width. -} solid : Float -> LineType solid th = Unbroken th {-| Define a dotted `LineType` with the given width. -} dotted : Float -> LineType dotted th = Broken [ ( th, th ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width. Dashes are short line segments, versus dots which are theoretically points, but may be drawn with very short line segments. -} dashed : Float -> LineType dashed th = Broken [ ( th * 5, th * 2.5 ) ] th {-| Define a dashed `LineType` with the given width, where the dashes are longer than normal. -} longdash : Float -> LineType longdash th = Broken [ ( th * 12, th * 6 ) ] th {-| Define a `LineType` with the given width, including alternating dots and dashes. -} dotdash : Float -> LineType dotdash th = Broken [ ( th, th ), ( th * 5, th ) ] th {-| A custom line defined by a list of (on,off): custom [ ( 10, 5 ) ] 5 -- a line with dashes 10 long and spaces 5 long custom [ ( 10, 5 ), ( 20, 5 ) ] -- on for 10, off 5, on 20, off 5 -} custom : List ( Float, Float ) -> Float -> LineType custom list th = Broken list th makePair : a -> ( a, a ) makePair n = ( n, n ) --Text functions {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to change the font size of the text. The size has a unit called "points", which depends on the size and type of screen used, but try 12 to start. -} size : Float -> Stencil -> Stencil size sze stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face sze bo i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text bold. -} bold : Stencil -> Stencil bold stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si True i u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text italicized (slanted). -} italic : Stencil -> Stencil italic stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo True u s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to underline the text. -} underline : Stencil -> Stencil underline stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i True s sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to put a line through the centre of the text. -} strikethrough : Stencil -> Stencil strikethrough stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u True sel f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to make the text selectable (so users can copy your text and paste it elsewhere). -} selectable : Stencil -> Stencil selectable stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s True f c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to right-align the text. -} alignRight : Stencil -> Stencil alignRight stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignRight) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to centre the text. -} centered : Stencil -> Stencil centered stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignCentred) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to left-align the text. -} alignLeft : Stencil -> Stencil alignLeft stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel f AlignLeft) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Sans Serif font (ie one without thinner and thicker bits). -} sansserif : Stencil -> Stencil sansserif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Sansserif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a Serif font (ie one with thinner and thicker bits). -} serif : Stencil -> Stencil serif stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel Serif c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a text `Stencil` to render the text `Stencil` with a font in which every character has the same width. This will mean that the letters line up from line to line which is important in programming languages like Elm. -} fixedwidth : Stencil -> Stencil fixedwidth stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel FixedWidth c) str a -> a {-| Apply to a `text` `Stencil` to render the text with a font of your choosing by specifying its name in a `String`. _Use this sparingly as support for each font will vary across browsers and devices._ -} customFont : String -> Stencil -> Stencil customFont fStr stencil = case stencil of Text (Face si bo i u s sel f c) str -> Text (Face si bo i u s sel (Custom fStr) c) str a -> a --Transformation functions {-| Rotate a `Shape` by the specified amount (in radians). Use the `degrees` function to convert from degrees into radians: [ rect 30 60 |> filled blue |> rotate(degrees 30) ] -} rotate : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg rotate theta shape = Rotate theta shape {-| Move a `Shape` by a number of units along the x-axis and y-axis. -} move : ( Float, Float ) -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg move disp shape = Move disp shape {-| Scale a `Shape` by a given factor. -} scale : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scale s shape = Scale s s shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the x-axis by a given factor. -} scaleX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleX s shape = Scale s 1 shape {-| Scale a `Shape` in the y-axis by a given factor. -} scaleY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg scaleY s shape = Scale 1 s shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} mirrorX : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorX shape = Scale -1 1 shape {-| Flip a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} mirrorY : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg mirrorY shape = Scale 1 -1 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the x-axis. -} skewX : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewX skx shape = Skew skx 0 shape {-| Skew a `Shape` along the y-axis. -} skewY : Float -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg skewY sky shape = Skew 0 sky shape {-| Combine any number of `Shape` types into one `Shape` that can be transformed (moved, rotated, scaled, etc) as one `Shape`. -} group : List (Shape userMsg) -> Shape userMsg group shapes = Group shapes {-| Define a colour given its red, green and blue components. -} rgb : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgb r g b = rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its red, green, blue and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} rgba : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color rgba r g b a = Solid <| Color.fromRgba { red = ssc r, green = ssc g, blue = ssc b, alpha = ssa a } ssc : number -> number ssc n = clamp 0 255 n ssa : Float -> Float ssa n = clamp 0 1 n pairToString : ( Float, Float ) -> String pairToString ( x, y ) = String.fromFloat x ++ "," ++ String.fromFloat y createBezierString : ( Float, Float ) -> List ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String createBezierString first list = "M " ++ pairToString first ++ String.concat (List.map bezierStringHelper list) bezierStringHelper : ( ( Float, Float ), ( Float, Float ) ) -> String bezierStringHelper ( ( a, b ), ( c, d ) ) = " Q " ++ pairToString ( a, b ) ++ " " ++ pairToString ( c, d ) getAlpha : Color.Color -> Float getAlpha colour = (Color.toRgba colour).alpha mkAlpha : Color.Color -> String mkAlpha = String.fromFloat << getAlpha mkRGB : Color.Color -> String mkRGB colour = let col = Color.toRgba colour in "rgba(" ++ (String.fromFloat col.red) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.green) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.blue) ++ "," ++ (String.fromFloat col.alpha) ++ ")" {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation and light components. -} hsl : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsl h s l = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b 1 {-| Define a colour given its hue, saturation, light and alpha components. Alpha is a decimal number (`Float`) from 0 to 1 representing the level of transparency. -} hsla : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsla h s l a = case convert h s l of ( r, g, b ) -> rgba r g b a -- Clip path functionality {-| Clipping to a shape Cut out the `Shape` on the right using the `Shape` on the left. -} clip : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg clip shape1 shape2 = Clip shape1 shape2 {-| Shape union Combine two `Shape`s together into one to use with clip. -} union : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg union shape1 shape2 = Group [ shape1, shape2 ] {-| Shape subtraction Subtract the `Shape` on the left from the `Shape` on the right. -} subtract : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg subtract shape1 shape2 = AlphaMask shape1 shape2 {-| The whole region outside the given `Shape`. -} outside : Shape userMsg -> Shape userMsg outside shape = AlphaMask shape shape {- Contributed by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. -} convert : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) convert hue sat lit = let hue_ = modFloat hue (2 * pi) rgb_ = toRGB_ hue_ sat lit chroma = findChroma lit sat m = findM lit chroma in mapTriple (\x -> x * 255) (mapTriple (\x -> x + m) rgb_) findChroma : Float -> Float -> Float findChroma lit sat = (1 - abs (2 * lit - 1)) * sat findHue_ : Float -> Float findHue_ hue = hue / degrees 60 findX : Float -> Float -> Float findX chroma hue = chroma * (1 - abs (modFloat (findHue_ hue) 2 - 1)) findM : Float -> Float -> Float findM lit chroma = lit - 0.5 * chroma toRGB_ : Float -> Float -> Float -> ( Float, Float, Float ) toRGB_ hue sat lit = let chroma = findChroma lit sat hue_ = findHue_ hue x = findX chroma hue in if hue_ >= 0 && hue_ < 1 then ( chroma, x, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 1 && hue_ < 2 then ( x, chroma, 0 ) else if hue_ >= 2 && hue_ < 3 then ( 0, chroma, x ) else if hue_ >= 3 && hue_ < 4 then ( 0, x, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 4 && hue_ < 5 then ( x, 0, chroma ) else if hue_ >= 5 && hue_ < 6 then ( chroma, 0, x ) else ( 0, 0, 0 ) {- Helper Functions -} modFloat : Float -> Float -> Float modFloat x m = x - m * Basics.toFloat (floor (x / m)) mapTriple : (a -> b) -> ( a, a, a ) -> ( b, b, b ) mapTriple f ( a1, a2, a3 ) = ( f a1, f a2, f a3 ) -- Colours {-| -} pink : Color pink = rgba 255 105 180 1 {-| -} hotPink : Color hotPink = rgba 255 0 66 1 {-| -} lightRed : Color lightRed = rgba 239 41 41 1 {-| -} red : Color red = rgba 204 0 0 1 {-| -} darkRed : Color darkRed = rgba 164 0 0 1 {-| -} lightOrange : Color lightOrange = rgba 252 175 62 1 {-| -} orange : Color orange = rgba 245 121 0 1 {-| -} darkOrange : Color darkOrange = rgba 206 92 0 1 {-| -} lightYellow : Color lightYellow = rgba 255 233 79 1 {-| -} yellow : Color yellow = rgba 237 212 0 1 {-| -} darkYellow : Color darkYellow = rgba 196 160 0 1 {-| -} lightGreen : Color lightGreen = rgba 138 226 52 1 {-| -} green : Color green = rgba 115 210 22 1 {-| -} darkGreen : Color darkGreen = rgba 78 154 6 1 {-| -} lightBlue : Color lightBlue = rgba 114 159 207 1 {-| -} blue : Color blue = rgba 52 101 164 1 {-| -} darkBlue : Color darkBlue = rgba 32 74 135 1 {-| -} lightPurple : Color lightPurple = rgba 173 127 168 1 {-| -} purple : Color purple = rgba 117 80 123 1 {-| -} darkPurple : Color darkPurple = rgba 92 53 102 1 {-| -} lightBrown : Color lightBrown = rgba 233 185 110 1 {-| -} brown : Color brown = rgba 193 125 17 1 {-| -} darkBrown : Color darkBrown = rgba 143 89 2 1 {-| -} black : Color black = rgba 0 0 0 1 {-| -} white : Color white = rgba 255 255 255 1 {-| -} lightGrey : Color lightGrey = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} grey : Color grey = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGrey : Color darkGrey = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightGray : Color lightGray = rgba 238 238 236 1 {-| -} gray : Color gray = rgba 211 215 207 1 {-| -} darkGray : Color darkGray = rgba 186 189 182 1 {-| -} lightCharcoal : Color lightCharcoal = rgba 136 138 133 1 {-| -} charcoal : Color charcoal = rgba 85 87 83 1 {-| -} darkCharcoal : Color darkCharcoal = rgba 46 52 54 1 {-| -} blank : Color blank = rgba 0 0 0 0
[ { "context": " authorsColour =\n black\n\n -- Chris Schankula avatar\n char1 =\n group\n ", "end": 13748, "score": 0.9997289777, "start": 13733, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chris Schankula" }, { "context": "thors =\n group\n [ text \"Christopher W. Schankula\"\n |> size 4\n ", "end": 16889, "score": 0.9998865724, "start": 16865, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christopher W. Schankula" }, { "context": " |> move ( -35, -26 )\n , text \", Lucas Dutton,\"\n |> size 4\n ", "end": 17150, "score": 0.9998744726, "start": 17138, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lucas Dutton" }, { "context": " |> move ( 4.5, -26 )\n , text \" Nhan Q. D. Thai\"\n |> size 4\n ", "end": 17414, "score": 0.9998904467, "start": 17399, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nhan Q. D. Thai" }, { "context": " |> move ( 35, -26 )\n , text \"Yumna Irfan, Padma Pasupathi,\"\n |> size 4\n", "end": 17671, "score": 0.9998865128, "start": 17660, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Yumna Irfan" }, { "context": "e ( 35, -26 )\n , text \"Yumna Irfan, Padma Pasupathi,\"\n |> size 4\n ", "end": 17688, "score": 0.9998798966, "start": 17673, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Padma Pasupathi" }, { "context": " |> move ( 5, -32 )\n , text \"Chinmay Sheth, Christopher Kumar Anand\"\n |> ", "end": 17947, "score": 0.999876976, "start": 17934, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chinmay Sheth" }, { "context": " ( 5, -32 )\n , text \"Chinmay Sheth, Christopher Kumar Anand\"\n |> size 4\n ", "end": 17972, "score": 0.9998841286, "start": 17949, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Christopher Kumar Anand" }, { "context": " outreachLogo ]\n , audio = Nothing \n }\n\n\n\n--Chris\n\n\nchar1R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 2", "end": 34429, "score": 0.9606359005, "start": 34424, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chris" }, { "context": "selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n-- Dr Anand\n\n\nchar2R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 1", "end": 34754, "score": 0.9955780506, "start": 34749, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anand" }, { "context": " , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n-- Yumna\n\n\nchar3R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = R", "end": 35069, "score": 0.6052894592, "start": 35068, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Y" }, { "context": " , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n--Ankit\n\n\nchar4R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 3", "end": 35393, "score": 0.881706357, "start": 35388, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ankit" }, { "context": " , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n-- Tanya\n\n\nchar5R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 4", "end": 35707, "score": 0.8607802391, "start": 35702, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tanya" }, { "context": " , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n-- Pedram\n\n\nchar6R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 1", "end": 36025, "score": 0.9853034616, "start": 36019, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Pedram" }, { "context": " , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone\n }\n\n\n\n-- Chitwan\n\n\nchar7R =\n { time = 0\n , eyeColour = RGB 1", "end": 36343, "score": 0.9151449203, "start": 36336, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Chitwan" } ]
port module TEAStateDiagrams exposing (main, slides) import Array import AvatarCreator import Browser.Events as BEvents import ColourPalette exposing (RGB(..), drawRGB) import ElmArchitecture import GraphicSVG exposing (..) import GraphicSVG.App exposing (..) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Json.Decode as Decode import RedPurpleBlue import WebFramework exposing (webFrameworkSlides) import DoubleDiamond exposing (..) import Url as Url import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key(..)) import Json.Encode as E port play : E.Value -> Cmd msg port getAudioDuration : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg people = [] type Message = GameTick Float GetKeyState --The tick needs to have Float and GetKeyState which handles key presses. | NextSlide | LastSlide | RPBMsg RedPurpleBlue.Msg -- (1) include message from included module | AvatarMsg AvatarCreator.Msg | NoOp | MakeRequest Browser.UrlRequest | UrlChange Url.Url | GetNewAudioDuration (Maybe Float) | DDiamondMsg DoubleDiamond.Msg -- this is the main function, and for simple animations, you would only replace the view function, or edit it below main : AppWithTick () Model Message main = appWithTick GameTick { init = \_ _ _ -> ( init, playSlideSound <| slide1 init) , view = \model -> { title = "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams", body = view model } , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.batch [BEvents.onKeyUp controlSlide, subAudioDuration] , onUrlChange = \_ -> NoOp , onUrlRequest = \_ -> NoOp } subAudioDuration : Sub Message subAudioDuration = let durationDecoder val = case Decode.decodeValue Decode.float val of Ok duration -> GetNewAudioDuration <| Just duration Err _ -> GetNewAudioDuration Nothing in getAudioDuration durationDecoder controlSlide : Decode.Decoder Message controlSlide = Decode.map (\key -> if key == "PageUp" then LastSlide else if key == "PageDown" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowRight" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowLeft" then LastSlide else NoOp ) keyDecoder keyDecoder : Decode.Decoder String keyDecoder = Decode.field "key" Decode.string -- MODEL type alias Model = { t : Float , idx : Int , p : Bool , -- Pause r : Float , -- Rewind a : Float -- Acceleration , rpb : RedPurpleBlue.Model , audioDuration : Maybe Float , time : Float , slideStartTime : Float , ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model } init : Model init = { t = 0 , idx = 0 , p = False , -- Pause r = 1 , -- Rewind a = 1 -- Acceleration , rpb = RedPurpleBlue.init , audioDuration = Nothing , time = 0 , slideStartTime = 0 , ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.init } -- VIEW view model = let t = model.t slide m = ((Maybe.withDefault default (Array.get model.idx slides)) m).shapes in collage 1000 500 (slide model ++ [audioBar model] ++ borders ++ navigators) audioBar model = case model.audioDuration of Just dur -> let percentage = (model.time - model.slideStartTime)/dur in group [ roundedRect 1000 10 5 |> filled gray , roundedRect (1000 * percentage) 10 5 |> filled green |> makeTransparent 0.3 ] |> move(0,-245) Nothing -> group [] -- UPDATE playSlideSound : Slide Message -> Cmd Message playSlideSound slide = case slide.audio of Just s -> play (E.string s) _ -> Cmd.none update : Message -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Message ) update message model = let _ = case message of GameTick _ _ -> message otherwise -> Debug.log "message" message in case message of NextSlide -> let newSlideId = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing }, Debug.log "next slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) LastSlide -> let newSlideId = max (model.idx - 1) 0 newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing } , Debug.log "last slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) otherwise -> ( case message of GameTick tick ( getKeyState, changeP1, changeP2 ) -> { model | t = max (model.t + 2.5 * model.a * model.r) 0 , time = tick } NextSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) } LastSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = max (model.idx - 1) 0 } RPBMsg msg -> { model | rpb = RedPurpleBlue.update msg model.rpb } DDiamondMsg msg -> { model | ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.update msg model.ddiamond } AvatarMsg msg -> model NoOp -> model MakeRequest _ -> model UrlChange _ -> model GetNewAudioDuration mDur -> { model | audioDuration = mDur } , Cmd.none ) --- MISCELLANEOUS heritageMaroon = rgb 122 0 60 heritageGold = rgb 253 191 87 heritageGrey = rgb 94 106 113 default _ = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } borders = [ rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( -3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, 2750 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, -2750 ) ] navigators = [ group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> move ( 450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap NextSlide , group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> rotate (degrees 180) |> move ( -450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap LastSlide ] renderAvatar : AvatarCreator.Model -> Shape Message renderAvatar avatarModel = GraphicSVG.map AvatarMsg <| AvatarCreator.theFace avatarModel makeBullets : Float -> List ( Int, String ) -> Float -> List (Shape msg) makeBullets t l start = case l of ( indt, x ) :: xs -> (group [ text x |> size 20 |> customFont "Helvetica" |> filled black |> move ( -200, start ) |> fadeIn t 100 , circle 5 |> filled black |> move ( -220, start + 5 ) |> fadeIn t 100 ] |> move ( 30 * toFloat indt, 0 ) ) :: makeBullets (t - 100) xs (start - 35) _ -> [] -- FUNCTIONS --<< So why do I see (t - 100) or whatever value so often? >> -- Whenever I do that, I'm basically delaying what I want to happen -- by that value. Is it measure in seconds, frames or what? What's the unit here? -- To be honest, I don't know. It has a lot to do with the UPDATE function, and -- what value for 'x' you are using for " t = model.t + x ". disappear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 0 else makeTransparent 1 -- Makes things vanish off the screen! loop t n = let y = toFloat (floor (t / n)) -- This function is how I make things loop! in t - y * n appear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 1 else makeTransparent 0 -- Makes things suddenly appear on the screen! fadeIn t n = makeTransparent (tranSin (t - n) 1) fadeOut t n = makeTransparent (1 - tranSin (t - n) 1) trans t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) LINEAR. then 0 else Basics.min t y tranSin t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) Uses sin. then 0 else if t / 100 > pi / 2 then y else sin (t / 100) * y drawLine t ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) = line ( x1, y1 ) ( x1 + tranSin t (x2 - x1), y1 + tranSin t (y2 - y1) ) -- Down here is where you will find the slides! -- To add more slides, simply add them to the list below. fm : { a | t : Float } -> Float fm m = m.t scaleTEA : Slide msg -> Slide msg scaleTEA rec = {rec | shapes = [ move ( 0, -50 ) <| scale 3 <| group rec.shapes, outreachLogo, title "The Elm Architecture" ] } type alias Slide msg = { shapes : List (Shape msg) , audio : Maybe String } --slides : Array.Array ({ a | t : Float } -> Slide Message) slides = Array.fromList <| [ slide1 , slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide1 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide3 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide4 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide5 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide6 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide7 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide8 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide9 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide10 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide11 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide12 << fm , slidePC0 , slidePC1 , slidePC2 , slidePC3 , slidePC4 , slidePC5 , slidePC0 , slidePC6 , slidePC6a , slidePC6b , slideSolid , slideLiquid , slideGas ] title t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> move ( 0, 200 ) --<< EVERYTHING FOR FIRST PAGE >>- outreachLogo = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> move ( -500, 250 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , text "I4CS 2020" |> size 12 |> customFont "Arial" |> filled black |> move ( -485, 170 ) ] insertPicture url = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src url ] []) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" ] subtitle t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled green slide0 model = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } arm shirtCol skinCol = group [ roundedRect 2 5 1 -- left arm |> filled skinCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -8, -4 ) , roundedRect 3 5 1 -- left sleeve |> filled shirtCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -5, -2 ) ] body shirtCol skinCol t = group [ roundedRect 3 8 1 -- left leg |> filled blue |> move ( -2, -11 ) , roundedRect 3 8 1 -- right leg |> filled blue |> move ( 2, -11 ) , roundedRect 2 5 1 -- neck |> filled skinCol , roundedRect 8 10 2 --body |> filled shirtCol |> move ( 0, -4 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , GraphicSVG.html 28 42 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Shirt.png" ] []) |> scale 0.2 |> move ( -3, 0 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- right shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( 2, -15 ) , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- left shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( -2, -15 ) ] slide1 model = let authorsColour = black -- Chris Schankula avatar char1 = group [ arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char1R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Nhan avatar char2 = group [ arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char2R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Yumna Irfan avatar char3 = group [ arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (degrees -70) , arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) model.t |> mirrorX , renderAvatar char3R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Tanya avatar char4 = group [ arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) --left arm |> rotate (degrees -68) |> move ( 0, -2 ) , arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char5R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] |> move(6,0) heading = group [ text "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams" |> size 6.5 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon ] authors = group [ text "Christopher W. Schankula" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( -35, -26 ) , text ", Lucas Dutton," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 4.5, -26 ) , text " Nhan Q. D. Thai" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 35, -26 ) , text "Yumna Irfan, Padma Pasupathi," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -32 ) , text "Chinmay Sheth, Christopher Kumar Anand" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -38 ) ] in { shapes = [ group [ group [ GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> scale 0.6 |> move ( -12, 2 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , group [ text "Software:" |> size 7 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -25 ) , text "Tool For Change" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageGold |> addOutline (solid 0.125) heritageGrey |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -30 ) ] |> scale 0.85 ] |> move ( -31, -20 ) , GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/MacEng.jpg" ] []) |> move ( 20, -22 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "https://www.eng.mcmaster.ca/" , group [ group [ char1 |> move ( -10, 0 ), char2 |> move ( 10, 0 ) ] |> move ( if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp 0 80 (model.t - 400) , if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp -30 0 (-1 * model.t + 400) ) , rect 100 40 |> filled white |> fadeOut model.t 20 , heading |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 0 (-210 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 8 ) , authors |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -6 400 (210 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 16 ) , char4 |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 90 (-128 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 4 ) , char3 |> mirrorX |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -90 120 (150 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , -21 ) ] |> move ( 0, 25 ) ] |> scale 5 ] , audio = Nothing } decoratingPartPC6a = let customRed = rgb 255 0 0 customBlue = rgb 0 0 255 customPurple = rgb 255 0 255 in group [ circle 32 |> filled customRed |> move ( -240, 80 ) , rect 40 20 |> filled customRed |> move ( 150, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customPurple |> move ( -360, -80 ) , rect 64 20 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 221, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customBlue |> move ( -120, -80 ) , rect 42 20 |> filled customBlue |> move ( 298, 105 ) , rectangle 340 45 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 0, 157 ) ] slideDesignThinking: { a | ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model , t : Float } -> Slide Message slideDesignThinking model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map DDiamondMsg) [ title "Design Thinking" , group (DoubleDiamond.myShapes model.ddiamond) |> scale 3.7 ] , audio = Nothing} slidePC0 model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled red, text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC1 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC2 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 200 0 200), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC3 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC4 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 0 0 255), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC5 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6a = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", decoratingPartPC6a, pcUnder "states → constructors" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6b = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", rectangle 420 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 0, 157 ), pcUnder "transitions → update functions", rectangle 340 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 214, -72 ), rectangle 125 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 174, 67 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -120, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -360, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -240, -117 ) ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } pcUnder txt = text txt |> size 30 |> italic |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 150 ) user1State t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) user1State1 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) user1State2 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) codeMarkdown codeString co = let code c ( txt, ln ) = text txt |> size 8 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> fixedwidth |> filled c |> move ( 0, -9 * ln ) lns = String.lines codeString positions : List String -> Float -> List ( String, Float ) positions lines i = case lines of l :: ls -> ( l, i ) :: positions ls (i + 1) [] -> [] in group (List.map (code co) (positions lns 0)) rpbTxt model = [ group [ codeMarkdown """ Model = Red Purple Blue Msg = ChangeColour view Model Html Msg update Msg Model Model Cmd Msg update msg model msg ChangeColour updateColour model Cmd.none updateColour Model Model updateColour model = model Red Purple Purple Blue Blue Red """ black |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) , codeMarkdown """type | | type : -> : -> -> ( , ) = case of -> ( , ) : -> case of -> -> -> """ pink |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) ] ] slide2 model = {shapes = [ title "The Elm Language" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model [ ( 0, "Functional language" ) , ( 0, "Compact syntax" ) , ( 0, "Pure functions" ) , ( 0, "Composable functions" ) , ( 0, "Strongly typed" ) , ( 1, "Detailed compiler errors for refactoring" ) , ( 0, "Compiles into JavaScript" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -80, 115 ) , outreachLogo , html 200 200 (H.img [ HA.src "images/Elm.png", HA.style "width" "100%" ] []) |> move ( 170, 70 ) ] , audio = Nothing } slideModelDrivenDevelopment model = {shapes = [ title "Model Driven Development" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "Software development approach" ) , ( 0, "For large-scale software development projects" ) , ( 0, "Higher level of abstraction" ) , ( 1, "Accelerates development" ) , ( 1, "Increases software quality" ) , ( 0, "Low code" ) , ( 1, "because code is automatically (re)generated" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -140, 90 ) , insertPicture "images/FoodGameStateDiagram.png" |> scale 4.2 |> move (60,120) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePALDraw model = {shapes = [ title "PALDraw" |> scale 0.9 |> move ( -310, -175 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "PALDraw is a visual specification tool" ) ] 0 ) |> scale 0.75 |> move ( -280, -20 ) , insertPicture "images/Combined.png" |> scale 6 |> move (-180,200) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } solidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 0.2, 0.7 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.1 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.01 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.01 * model.t)) ) , text "Solid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] liquidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( pi, 2 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.015 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.015 * model.t)) ) , text "Liquid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] gasState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 57, 64 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.019 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.019 * model.t)) ) , text "Gaseous State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] slideSolid model = {shapes = [ group (solidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideLiquid model = {shapes = [ group (liquidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideGas model = {shapes = [ group (gasState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } --Chris char1R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 211 255 255 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 7 , hairColour = RGB 255 153 51 , highlightColour = RGB 204 102 0 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Dr Anand char2R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 129 73 31 , skinColour = RGB 217 144 105 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 16 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Yumna char3R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 13 , hairColour = RGB 250 240 190 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } --Ankit char4R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 5 , hairColour = RGB 0 0 0 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Tanya char5R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 47 75 75 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 9 , hairColour = RGB 130 72 24 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Pedram char6R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 147 0 73 , skinColour = RGB 255 204 204 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 0 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Chitwan char7R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 198 120 86 , skinColour = RGB 229 184 143 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 3 , hairColour = RGB 62 43 19 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } {- To use slides with sound: elm make <moduleName>.elm --output=soundslides.js - use elm reactor and go to soundslides.html -}
port module TEAStateDiagrams exposing (main, slides) import Array import AvatarCreator import Browser.Events as BEvents import ColourPalette exposing (RGB(..), drawRGB) import ElmArchitecture import GraphicSVG exposing (..) import GraphicSVG.App exposing (..) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Json.Decode as Decode import RedPurpleBlue import WebFramework exposing (webFrameworkSlides) import DoubleDiamond exposing (..) import Url as Url import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key(..)) import Json.Encode as E port play : E.Value -> Cmd msg port getAudioDuration : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg people = [] type Message = GameTick Float GetKeyState --The tick needs to have Float and GetKeyState which handles key presses. | NextSlide | LastSlide | RPBMsg RedPurpleBlue.Msg -- (1) include message from included module | AvatarMsg AvatarCreator.Msg | NoOp | MakeRequest Browser.UrlRequest | UrlChange Url.Url | GetNewAudioDuration (Maybe Float) | DDiamondMsg DoubleDiamond.Msg -- this is the main function, and for simple animations, you would only replace the view function, or edit it below main : AppWithTick () Model Message main = appWithTick GameTick { init = \_ _ _ -> ( init, playSlideSound <| slide1 init) , view = \model -> { title = "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams", body = view model } , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.batch [BEvents.onKeyUp controlSlide, subAudioDuration] , onUrlChange = \_ -> NoOp , onUrlRequest = \_ -> NoOp } subAudioDuration : Sub Message subAudioDuration = let durationDecoder val = case Decode.decodeValue Decode.float val of Ok duration -> GetNewAudioDuration <| Just duration Err _ -> GetNewAudioDuration Nothing in getAudioDuration durationDecoder controlSlide : Decode.Decoder Message controlSlide = Decode.map (\key -> if key == "PageUp" then LastSlide else if key == "PageDown" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowRight" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowLeft" then LastSlide else NoOp ) keyDecoder keyDecoder : Decode.Decoder String keyDecoder = Decode.field "key" Decode.string -- MODEL type alias Model = { t : Float , idx : Int , p : Bool , -- Pause r : Float , -- Rewind a : Float -- Acceleration , rpb : RedPurpleBlue.Model , audioDuration : Maybe Float , time : Float , slideStartTime : Float , ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model } init : Model init = { t = 0 , idx = 0 , p = False , -- Pause r = 1 , -- Rewind a = 1 -- Acceleration , rpb = RedPurpleBlue.init , audioDuration = Nothing , time = 0 , slideStartTime = 0 , ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.init } -- VIEW view model = let t = model.t slide m = ((Maybe.withDefault default (Array.get model.idx slides)) m).shapes in collage 1000 500 (slide model ++ [audioBar model] ++ borders ++ navigators) audioBar model = case model.audioDuration of Just dur -> let percentage = (model.time - model.slideStartTime)/dur in group [ roundedRect 1000 10 5 |> filled gray , roundedRect (1000 * percentage) 10 5 |> filled green |> makeTransparent 0.3 ] |> move(0,-245) Nothing -> group [] -- UPDATE playSlideSound : Slide Message -> Cmd Message playSlideSound slide = case slide.audio of Just s -> play (E.string s) _ -> Cmd.none update : Message -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Message ) update message model = let _ = case message of GameTick _ _ -> message otherwise -> Debug.log "message" message in case message of NextSlide -> let newSlideId = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing }, Debug.log "next slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) LastSlide -> let newSlideId = max (model.idx - 1) 0 newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing } , Debug.log "last slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) otherwise -> ( case message of GameTick tick ( getKeyState, changeP1, changeP2 ) -> { model | t = max (model.t + 2.5 * model.a * model.r) 0 , time = tick } NextSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) } LastSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = max (model.idx - 1) 0 } RPBMsg msg -> { model | rpb = RedPurpleBlue.update msg model.rpb } DDiamondMsg msg -> { model | ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.update msg model.ddiamond } AvatarMsg msg -> model NoOp -> model MakeRequest _ -> model UrlChange _ -> model GetNewAudioDuration mDur -> { model | audioDuration = mDur } , Cmd.none ) --- MISCELLANEOUS heritageMaroon = rgb 122 0 60 heritageGold = rgb 253 191 87 heritageGrey = rgb 94 106 113 default _ = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } borders = [ rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( -3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, 2750 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, -2750 ) ] navigators = [ group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> move ( 450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap NextSlide , group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> rotate (degrees 180) |> move ( -450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap LastSlide ] renderAvatar : AvatarCreator.Model -> Shape Message renderAvatar avatarModel = GraphicSVG.map AvatarMsg <| AvatarCreator.theFace avatarModel makeBullets : Float -> List ( Int, String ) -> Float -> List (Shape msg) makeBullets t l start = case l of ( indt, x ) :: xs -> (group [ text x |> size 20 |> customFont "Helvetica" |> filled black |> move ( -200, start ) |> fadeIn t 100 , circle 5 |> filled black |> move ( -220, start + 5 ) |> fadeIn t 100 ] |> move ( 30 * toFloat indt, 0 ) ) :: makeBullets (t - 100) xs (start - 35) _ -> [] -- FUNCTIONS --<< So why do I see (t - 100) or whatever value so often? >> -- Whenever I do that, I'm basically delaying what I want to happen -- by that value. Is it measure in seconds, frames or what? What's the unit here? -- To be honest, I don't know. It has a lot to do with the UPDATE function, and -- what value for 'x' you are using for " t = model.t + x ". disappear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 0 else makeTransparent 1 -- Makes things vanish off the screen! loop t n = let y = toFloat (floor (t / n)) -- This function is how I make things loop! in t - y * n appear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 1 else makeTransparent 0 -- Makes things suddenly appear on the screen! fadeIn t n = makeTransparent (tranSin (t - n) 1) fadeOut t n = makeTransparent (1 - tranSin (t - n) 1) trans t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) LINEAR. then 0 else Basics.min t y tranSin t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) Uses sin. then 0 else if t / 100 > pi / 2 then y else sin (t / 100) * y drawLine t ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) = line ( x1, y1 ) ( x1 + tranSin t (x2 - x1), y1 + tranSin t (y2 - y1) ) -- Down here is where you will find the slides! -- To add more slides, simply add them to the list below. fm : { a | t : Float } -> Float fm m = m.t scaleTEA : Slide msg -> Slide msg scaleTEA rec = {rec | shapes = [ move ( 0, -50 ) <| scale 3 <| group rec.shapes, outreachLogo, title "The Elm Architecture" ] } type alias Slide msg = { shapes : List (Shape msg) , audio : Maybe String } --slides : Array.Array ({ a | t : Float } -> Slide Message) slides = Array.fromList <| [ slide1 , slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide1 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide3 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide4 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide5 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide6 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide7 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide8 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide9 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide10 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide11 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide12 << fm , slidePC0 , slidePC1 , slidePC2 , slidePC3 , slidePC4 , slidePC5 , slidePC0 , slidePC6 , slidePC6a , slidePC6b , slideSolid , slideLiquid , slideGas ] title t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> move ( 0, 200 ) --<< EVERYTHING FOR FIRST PAGE >>- outreachLogo = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> move ( -500, 250 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , text "I4CS 2020" |> size 12 |> customFont "Arial" |> filled black |> move ( -485, 170 ) ] insertPicture url = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src url ] []) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" ] subtitle t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled green slide0 model = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } arm shirtCol skinCol = group [ roundedRect 2 5 1 -- left arm |> filled skinCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -8, -4 ) , roundedRect 3 5 1 -- left sleeve |> filled shirtCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -5, -2 ) ] body shirtCol skinCol t = group [ roundedRect 3 8 1 -- left leg |> filled blue |> move ( -2, -11 ) , roundedRect 3 8 1 -- right leg |> filled blue |> move ( 2, -11 ) , roundedRect 2 5 1 -- neck |> filled skinCol , roundedRect 8 10 2 --body |> filled shirtCol |> move ( 0, -4 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , GraphicSVG.html 28 42 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Shirt.png" ] []) |> scale 0.2 |> move ( -3, 0 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- right shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( 2, -15 ) , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- left shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( -2, -15 ) ] slide1 model = let authorsColour = black -- <NAME> avatar char1 = group [ arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char1R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Nhan avatar char2 = group [ arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char2R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Yumna Irfan avatar char3 = group [ arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (degrees -70) , arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) model.t |> mirrorX , renderAvatar char3R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Tanya avatar char4 = group [ arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) --left arm |> rotate (degrees -68) |> move ( 0, -2 ) , arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char5R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] |> move(6,0) heading = group [ text "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams" |> size 6.5 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon ] authors = group [ text "<NAME>" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( -35, -26 ) , text ", <NAME>," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 4.5, -26 ) , text " <NAME>" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 35, -26 ) , text "<NAME>, <NAME>," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -32 ) , text "<NAME>, <NAME>" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -38 ) ] in { shapes = [ group [ group [ GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> scale 0.6 |> move ( -12, 2 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , group [ text "Software:" |> size 7 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -25 ) , text "Tool For Change" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageGold |> addOutline (solid 0.125) heritageGrey |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -30 ) ] |> scale 0.85 ] |> move ( -31, -20 ) , GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/MacEng.jpg" ] []) |> move ( 20, -22 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "https://www.eng.mcmaster.ca/" , group [ group [ char1 |> move ( -10, 0 ), char2 |> move ( 10, 0 ) ] |> move ( if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp 0 80 (model.t - 400) , if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp -30 0 (-1 * model.t + 400) ) , rect 100 40 |> filled white |> fadeOut model.t 20 , heading |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 0 (-210 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 8 ) , authors |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -6 400 (210 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 16 ) , char4 |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 90 (-128 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 4 ) , char3 |> mirrorX |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -90 120 (150 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , -21 ) ] |> move ( 0, 25 ) ] |> scale 5 ] , audio = Nothing } decoratingPartPC6a = let customRed = rgb 255 0 0 customBlue = rgb 0 0 255 customPurple = rgb 255 0 255 in group [ circle 32 |> filled customRed |> move ( -240, 80 ) , rect 40 20 |> filled customRed |> move ( 150, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customPurple |> move ( -360, -80 ) , rect 64 20 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 221, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customBlue |> move ( -120, -80 ) , rect 42 20 |> filled customBlue |> move ( 298, 105 ) , rectangle 340 45 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 0, 157 ) ] slideDesignThinking: { a | ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model , t : Float } -> Slide Message slideDesignThinking model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map DDiamondMsg) [ title "Design Thinking" , group (DoubleDiamond.myShapes model.ddiamond) |> scale 3.7 ] , audio = Nothing} slidePC0 model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled red, text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC1 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC2 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 200 0 200), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC3 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC4 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 0 0 255), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC5 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6a = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", decoratingPartPC6a, pcUnder "states → constructors" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6b = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", rectangle 420 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 0, 157 ), pcUnder "transitions → update functions", rectangle 340 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 214, -72 ), rectangle 125 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 174, 67 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -120, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -360, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -240, -117 ) ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } pcUnder txt = text txt |> size 30 |> italic |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 150 ) user1State t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) user1State1 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) user1State2 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) codeMarkdown codeString co = let code c ( txt, ln ) = text txt |> size 8 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> fixedwidth |> filled c |> move ( 0, -9 * ln ) lns = String.lines codeString positions : List String -> Float -> List ( String, Float ) positions lines i = case lines of l :: ls -> ( l, i ) :: positions ls (i + 1) [] -> [] in group (List.map (code co) (positions lns 0)) rpbTxt model = [ group [ codeMarkdown """ Model = Red Purple Blue Msg = ChangeColour view Model Html Msg update Msg Model Model Cmd Msg update msg model msg ChangeColour updateColour model Cmd.none updateColour Model Model updateColour model = model Red Purple Purple Blue Blue Red """ black |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) , codeMarkdown """type | | type : -> : -> -> ( , ) = case of -> ( , ) : -> case of -> -> -> """ pink |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) ] ] slide2 model = {shapes = [ title "The Elm Language" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model [ ( 0, "Functional language" ) , ( 0, "Compact syntax" ) , ( 0, "Pure functions" ) , ( 0, "Composable functions" ) , ( 0, "Strongly typed" ) , ( 1, "Detailed compiler errors for refactoring" ) , ( 0, "Compiles into JavaScript" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -80, 115 ) , outreachLogo , html 200 200 (H.img [ HA.src "images/Elm.png", HA.style "width" "100%" ] []) |> move ( 170, 70 ) ] , audio = Nothing } slideModelDrivenDevelopment model = {shapes = [ title "Model Driven Development" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "Software development approach" ) , ( 0, "For large-scale software development projects" ) , ( 0, "Higher level of abstraction" ) , ( 1, "Accelerates development" ) , ( 1, "Increases software quality" ) , ( 0, "Low code" ) , ( 1, "because code is automatically (re)generated" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -140, 90 ) , insertPicture "images/FoodGameStateDiagram.png" |> scale 4.2 |> move (60,120) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePALDraw model = {shapes = [ title "PALDraw" |> scale 0.9 |> move ( -310, -175 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "PALDraw is a visual specification tool" ) ] 0 ) |> scale 0.75 |> move ( -280, -20 ) , insertPicture "images/Combined.png" |> scale 6 |> move (-180,200) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } solidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 0.2, 0.7 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.1 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.01 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.01 * model.t)) ) , text "Solid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] liquidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( pi, 2 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.015 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.015 * model.t)) ) , text "Liquid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] gasState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 57, 64 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.019 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.019 * model.t)) ) , text "Gaseous State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] slideSolid model = {shapes = [ group (solidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideLiquid model = {shapes = [ group (liquidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideGas model = {shapes = [ group (gasState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } --<NAME> char1R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 211 255 255 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 7 , hairColour = RGB 255 153 51 , highlightColour = RGB 204 102 0 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Dr <NAME> char2R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 129 73 31 , skinColour = RGB 217 144 105 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 16 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- <NAME>umna char3R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 13 , hairColour = RGB 250 240 190 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } --<NAME> char4R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 5 , hairColour = RGB 0 0 0 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- <NAME> char5R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 47 75 75 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 9 , hairColour = RGB 130 72 24 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- <NAME> char6R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 147 0 73 , skinColour = RGB 255 204 204 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 0 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- <NAME> char7R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 198 120 86 , skinColour = RGB 229 184 143 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 3 , hairColour = RGB 62 43 19 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } {- To use slides with sound: elm make <moduleName>.elm --output=soundslides.js - use elm reactor and go to soundslides.html -}
port module TEAStateDiagrams exposing (main, slides) import Array import AvatarCreator import Browser.Events as BEvents import ColourPalette exposing (RGB(..), drawRGB) import ElmArchitecture import GraphicSVG exposing (..) import GraphicSVG.App exposing (..) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA import Json.Decode as Decode import RedPurpleBlue import WebFramework exposing (webFrameworkSlides) import DoubleDiamond exposing (..) import Url as Url import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (Key(..)) import Json.Encode as E port play : E.Value -> Cmd msg port getAudioDuration : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg people = [] type Message = GameTick Float GetKeyState --The tick needs to have Float and GetKeyState which handles key presses. | NextSlide | LastSlide | RPBMsg RedPurpleBlue.Msg -- (1) include message from included module | AvatarMsg AvatarCreator.Msg | NoOp | MakeRequest Browser.UrlRequest | UrlChange Url.Url | GetNewAudioDuration (Maybe Float) | DDiamondMsg DoubleDiamond.Msg -- this is the main function, and for simple animations, you would only replace the view function, or edit it below main : AppWithTick () Model Message main = appWithTick GameTick { init = \_ _ _ -> ( init, playSlideSound <| slide1 init) , view = \model -> { title = "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams", body = view model } , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.batch [BEvents.onKeyUp controlSlide, subAudioDuration] , onUrlChange = \_ -> NoOp , onUrlRequest = \_ -> NoOp } subAudioDuration : Sub Message subAudioDuration = let durationDecoder val = case Decode.decodeValue Decode.float val of Ok duration -> GetNewAudioDuration <| Just duration Err _ -> GetNewAudioDuration Nothing in getAudioDuration durationDecoder controlSlide : Decode.Decoder Message controlSlide = Decode.map (\key -> if key == "PageUp" then LastSlide else if key == "PageDown" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowRight" then NextSlide else if key == "ArrowLeft" then LastSlide else NoOp ) keyDecoder keyDecoder : Decode.Decoder String keyDecoder = Decode.field "key" Decode.string -- MODEL type alias Model = { t : Float , idx : Int , p : Bool , -- Pause r : Float , -- Rewind a : Float -- Acceleration , rpb : RedPurpleBlue.Model , audioDuration : Maybe Float , time : Float , slideStartTime : Float , ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model } init : Model init = { t = 0 , idx = 0 , p = False , -- Pause r = 1 , -- Rewind a = 1 -- Acceleration , rpb = RedPurpleBlue.init , audioDuration = Nothing , time = 0 , slideStartTime = 0 , ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.init } -- VIEW view model = let t = model.t slide m = ((Maybe.withDefault default (Array.get model.idx slides)) m).shapes in collage 1000 500 (slide model ++ [audioBar model] ++ borders ++ navigators) audioBar model = case model.audioDuration of Just dur -> let percentage = (model.time - model.slideStartTime)/dur in group [ roundedRect 1000 10 5 |> filled gray , roundedRect (1000 * percentage) 10 5 |> filled green |> makeTransparent 0.3 ] |> move(0,-245) Nothing -> group [] -- UPDATE playSlideSound : Slide Message -> Cmd Message playSlideSound slide = case slide.audio of Just s -> play (E.string s) _ -> Cmd.none update : Message -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Message ) update message model = let _ = case message of GameTick _ _ -> message otherwise -> Debug.log "message" message in case message of NextSlide -> let newSlideId = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing }, Debug.log "next slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) LastSlide -> let newSlideId = max (model.idx - 1) 0 newSlide = case Array.get newSlideId slides of Just slide -> slide model _ -> default model in ({ model | t = 0 , idx = newSlideId , slideStartTime = model.time , audioDuration = Nothing } , Debug.log "last slide cmd" playSlideSound newSlide ) otherwise -> ( case message of GameTick tick ( getKeyState, changeP1, changeP2 ) -> { model | t = max (model.t + 2.5 * model.a * model.r) 0 , time = tick } NextSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = min (model.idx + 1) (Array.length slides - 1) } LastSlide -> { model | t = 0 , idx = max (model.idx - 1) 0 } RPBMsg msg -> { model | rpb = RedPurpleBlue.update msg model.rpb } DDiamondMsg msg -> { model | ddiamond = DoubleDiamond.update msg model.ddiamond } AvatarMsg msg -> model NoOp -> model MakeRequest _ -> model UrlChange _ -> model GetNewAudioDuration mDur -> { model | audioDuration = mDur } , Cmd.none ) --- MISCELLANEOUS heritageMaroon = rgb 122 0 60 heritageGold = rgb 253 191 87 heritageGrey = rgb 94 106 113 default _ = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } borders = [ rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( -3000, 0 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, 2750 ) , rect 5000 5000 |> filled white |> move ( 0, -2750 ) ] navigators = [ group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> move ( 450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap NextSlide , group [ circle 40 |> filled gray , triangle 30 |> filled white ] |> rotate (degrees 180) |> move ( -450, -200 ) |> makeTransparent 0.5 |> notifyTap LastSlide ] renderAvatar : AvatarCreator.Model -> Shape Message renderAvatar avatarModel = GraphicSVG.map AvatarMsg <| AvatarCreator.theFace avatarModel makeBullets : Float -> List ( Int, String ) -> Float -> List (Shape msg) makeBullets t l start = case l of ( indt, x ) :: xs -> (group [ text x |> size 20 |> customFont "Helvetica" |> filled black |> move ( -200, start ) |> fadeIn t 100 , circle 5 |> filled black |> move ( -220, start + 5 ) |> fadeIn t 100 ] |> move ( 30 * toFloat indt, 0 ) ) :: makeBullets (t - 100) xs (start - 35) _ -> [] -- FUNCTIONS --<< So why do I see (t - 100) or whatever value so often? >> -- Whenever I do that, I'm basically delaying what I want to happen -- by that value. Is it measure in seconds, frames or what? What's the unit here? -- To be honest, I don't know. It has a lot to do with the UPDATE function, and -- what value for 'x' you are using for " t = model.t + x ". disappear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 0 else makeTransparent 1 -- Makes things vanish off the screen! loop t n = let y = toFloat (floor (t / n)) -- This function is how I make things loop! in t - y * n appear x n = if x > n then makeTransparent 1 else makeTransparent 0 -- Makes things suddenly appear on the screen! fadeIn t n = makeTransparent (tranSin (t - n) 1) fadeOut t n = makeTransparent (1 - tranSin (t - n) 1) trans t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) LINEAR. then 0 else Basics.min t y tranSin t y = if t < 0 -- Used for all permanent transitions (fading out, color change, etc.) Uses sin. then 0 else if t / 100 > pi / 2 then y else sin (t / 100) * y drawLine t ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) = line ( x1, y1 ) ( x1 + tranSin t (x2 - x1), y1 + tranSin t (y2 - y1) ) -- Down here is where you will find the slides! -- To add more slides, simply add them to the list below. fm : { a | t : Float } -> Float fm m = m.t scaleTEA : Slide msg -> Slide msg scaleTEA rec = {rec | shapes = [ move ( 0, -50 ) <| scale 3 <| group rec.shapes, outreachLogo, title "The Elm Architecture" ] } type alias Slide msg = { shapes : List (Shape msg) , audio : Maybe String } --slides : Array.Array ({ a | t : Float } -> Slide Message) slides = Array.fromList <| [ slide1 , slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide1 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide2 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide3 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide4 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide5 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide6 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide7 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide8 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide9 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide10 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide11 << fm , scaleTEA << ElmArchitecture.slide12 << fm , slidePC0 , slidePC1 , slidePC2 , slidePC3 , slidePC4 , slidePC5 , slidePC0 , slidePC6 , slidePC6a , slidePC6b , slideSolid , slideLiquid , slideGas ] title t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> move ( 0, 200 ) --<< EVERYTHING FOR FIRST PAGE >>- outreachLogo = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> move ( -500, 250 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , text "I4CS 2020" |> size 12 |> customFont "Arial" |> filled black |> move ( -485, 170 ) ] insertPicture url = group [ GraphicSVG.html 100 100 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src url ] []) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" ] subtitle t = text t |> size 40 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled green slide0 model = { shapes = [], audio = Nothing } arm shirtCol skinCol = group [ roundedRect 2 5 1 -- left arm |> filled skinCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -8, -4 ) , roundedRect 3 5 1 -- left sleeve |> filled shirtCol |> rotate (degrees 120) |> move ( -5, -2 ) ] body shirtCol skinCol t = group [ roundedRect 3 8 1 -- left leg |> filled blue |> move ( -2, -11 ) , roundedRect 3 8 1 -- right leg |> filled blue |> move ( 2, -11 ) , roundedRect 2 5 1 -- neck |> filled skinCol , roundedRect 8 10 2 --body |> filled shirtCol |> move ( 0, -4 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , GraphicSVG.html 28 42 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Shirt.png" ] []) |> scale 0.2 |> move ( -3, 0 ) |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- right shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( 2, -15 ) , wedge 1.5 0.5 -- left shoe |> filled lightBrown |> rotate (degrees 90) |> move ( -2, -15 ) ] slide1 model = let authorsColour = black -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI avatar char1 = group [ arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body (rgb 255 0 0) (drawRGB char1R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char1R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Nhan avatar char2 = group [ arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (if model.t < 320 then degrees (20 * sin (model.t * 0.1) - 20) else degrees 20 - 0.5 ) |> move ( 0, -1 ) , arm yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body yellow (drawRGB char2R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char2R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Yumna Irfan avatar char3 = group [ arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- left arm |> rotate (degrees -70) , arm green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body green (drawRGB char3R.skinColour) model.t |> mirrorX , renderAvatar char3R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] -- Tanya avatar char4 = group [ arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) --left arm |> rotate (degrees -68) |> move ( 0, -2 ) , arm orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) -- right arm |> mirrorX |> rotate (degrees -20) |> move ( 0, 2 ) , body orange (drawRGB char5R.skinColour) model.t , renderAvatar char5R |> scale 0.2 |> move ( 0, 6 ) ] |> move(6,0) heading = group [ text "The Elm Architecture and State Diagrams" |> size 6.5 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon ] authors = group [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( -35, -26 ) , text ", PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 4.5, -26 ) , text " PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 35, -26 ) , text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI," |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -32 ) , text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled authorsColour |> move ( 5, -38 ) ] in { shapes = [ group [ group [ GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/Logo.png" ] []) |> scale 0.6 |> move ( -12, 2 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" , group [ text "Software:" |> size 7 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageMaroon |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -25 ) , text "Tool For Change" |> size 4 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled heritageGold |> addOutline (solid 0.125) heritageGrey |> addHyperlink "http://outreach.mcmaster.ca" |> move ( 0, -30 ) ] |> scale 0.85 ] |> move ( -31, -20 ) , GraphicSVG.html 40 40 (H.img [ HA.style "width" "100%", HA.src "images/MacEng.jpg" ] []) |> move ( 20, -22 ) |> fadeIn model.t 150 |> addHyperlink "https://www.eng.mcmaster.ca/" , group [ group [ char1 |> move ( -10, 0 ), char2 |> move ( 10, 0 ) ] |> move ( if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp 0 80 (model.t - 400) , if model.t < 400 then 0 else clamp -30 0 (-1 * model.t + 400) ) , rect 100 40 |> filled white |> fadeOut model.t 20 , heading |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 0 (-210 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 8 ) , authors |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -6 400 (210 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 16 ) , char4 |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then -400 else clamp -400 90 (-128 + (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , 4 ) , char3 |> mirrorX |> scale 0.7 |> move ( if model.t < 200 then 400 else clamp -90 120 (150 - (model.t - 200) * 0.3) , -21 ) ] |> move ( 0, 25 ) ] |> scale 5 ] , audio = Nothing } decoratingPartPC6a = let customRed = rgb 255 0 0 customBlue = rgb 0 0 255 customPurple = rgb 255 0 255 in group [ circle 32 |> filled customRed |> move ( -240, 80 ) , rect 40 20 |> filled customRed |> move ( 150, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customPurple |> move ( -360, -80 ) , rect 64 20 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 221, 105 ) , circle 32 |> filled customBlue |> move ( -120, -80 ) , rect 42 20 |> filled customBlue |> move ( 298, 105 ) , rectangle 340 45 |> filled customPurple |> move ( 0, 157 ) ] slideDesignThinking: { a | ddiamond : DoubleDiamond.Model , t : Float } -> Slide Message slideDesignThinking model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map DDiamondMsg) [ title "Design Thinking" , group (DoubleDiamond.myShapes model.ddiamond) |> scale 3.7 ] , audio = Nothing} slidePC0 model = {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled red, text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC1 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC2 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 200 0 200), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC3 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC4 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model", group [ roundedRect 100 20 5 |> filled (rgb 0 0 255), text "Click Me!" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, -5 ) ] |> move ( 0, -220 ) ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC5 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "Reasoning About the Model" ] ++ RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6 = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6a = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", decoratingPartPC6a, pcUnder "states → constructors" ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePC6b = \model -> {shapes = List.map (GraphicSVG.map RPBMsg) <| [ title "State Diagram → Elm", rectangle 420 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 0, 157 ), pcUnder "transitions → update functions", rectangle 340 45 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 214, -72 ), rectangle 125 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( 174, 67 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -120, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -360, 43 ), rectangle 100 25 |> filled heritageGold |> move ( -240, -117 ) ] ++ [ scale 0.8 <| move ( -300, 0 ) <| group <| RedPurpleBlue.diagram "" Nothing Nothing, group (rpbTxt model) |> move ( 225, 50 ) ] ++ [ outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } pcUnder txt = text txt |> size 30 |> italic |> customFont "Helvetica" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 150 ) user1State t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) user1State1 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) user1State2 t f = let frac = 0.002 * t - toFloat (floor (0.002 * t)) in if 6 * frac < 1 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Purple) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 2 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Purple, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 3 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Blue) Nothing else if 6 * frac < 4 then f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Blue, "ChangeColour" )) else if 6 * frac < 5 then f (Just RedPurpleBlue.Red) Nothing else f Nothing (Just ( RedPurpleBlue.Red, "ChangeColour" )) codeMarkdown codeString co = let code c ( txt, ln ) = text txt |> size 8 |> bold |> customFont "Helvetica" |> fixedwidth |> filled c |> move ( 0, -9 * ln ) lns = String.lines codeString positions : List String -> Float -> List ( String, Float ) positions lines i = case lines of l :: ls -> ( l, i ) :: positions ls (i + 1) [] -> [] in group (List.map (code co) (positions lns 0)) rpbTxt model = [ group [ codeMarkdown """ Model = Red Purple Blue Msg = ChangeColour view Model Html Msg update Msg Model Model Cmd Msg update msg model msg ChangeColour updateColour model Cmd.none updateColour Model Model updateColour model = model Red Purple Purple Blue Blue Red """ black |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) , codeMarkdown """type | | type : -> : -> -> ( , ) = case of -> ( , ) : -> case of -> -> -> """ pink |> scale 2 |> move ( -215, 50 ) ] ] slide2 model = {shapes = [ title "The Elm Language" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model [ ( 0, "Functional language" ) , ( 0, "Compact syntax" ) , ( 0, "Pure functions" ) , ( 0, "Composable functions" ) , ( 0, "Strongly typed" ) , ( 1, "Detailed compiler errors for refactoring" ) , ( 0, "Compiles into JavaScript" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -80, 115 ) , outreachLogo , html 200 200 (H.img [ HA.src "images/Elm.png", HA.style "width" "100%" ] []) |> move ( 170, 70 ) ] , audio = Nothing } slideModelDrivenDevelopment model = {shapes = [ title "Model Driven Development" |> move ( -5, -30 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "Software development approach" ) , ( 0, "For large-scale software development projects" ) , ( 0, "Higher level of abstraction" ) , ( 1, "Accelerates development" ) , ( 1, "Increases software quality" ) , ( 0, "Low code" ) , ( 1, "because code is automatically (re)generated" ) ] 0 ) |> move ( -140, 90 ) , insertPicture "images/FoodGameStateDiagram.png" |> scale 4.2 |> move (60,120) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slidePALDraw model = {shapes = [ title "PALDraw" |> scale 0.9 |> move ( -310, -175 ) , group (makeBullets model.t [ ( 0, "PALDraw is a visual specification tool" ) ] 0 ) |> scale 0.75 |> move ( -280, -20 ) , insertPicture "images/Combined.png" |> scale 6 |> move (-180,200) , outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } solidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 0.2, 0.7 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.1 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.01 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.01 * model.t)) ) , text "Solid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] liquidState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( pi, 2 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.015 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.015 * model.t)) ) , text "Liquid State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] gasState model = let ( vx, vy ) = ( 57, 64 ) headBack = group [ rect 80 15 |> filled lightBlue |> makeTransparent 0.3 , rect 80 15 |> outlined (solid 1) black ] molecule = group [ circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 8, 0 ) , circle 7 |> filled (rgb 0 0 250) , circle 2 |> filled (rgb 0 200 0) |> move ( 0, 8 ) ] in [ molecule |> rotate (vx * (0.02 * model.t)) |> move ( 60 * sin (vx * (0.019 * model.t)) , 40 * sin (vy * (0.019 * model.t)) ) , text "Gaseous State" |> centered |> filled black |> move ( 0, 55 ) , headBack |> move ( 0, 58 ) ] slideSolid model = {shapes = [ group (solidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideLiquid model = {shapes = [ group (liquidState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } slideGas model = {shapes = [ group (gasState model) |> scale 4 |> move ( 0, -50 ), outreachLogo ] , audio = Nothing } --PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char1R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 211 255 255 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 7 , hairColour = RGB 255 153 51 , highlightColour = RGB 204 102 0 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- Dr PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char2R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 129 73 31 , skinColour = RGB 217 144 105 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 16 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIumna char3R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 13 , hairColour = RGB 250 240 190 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } --PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char4R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 32 32 32 , skinColour = RGB 219 144 101 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 5 , hairColour = RGB 0 0 0 , highlightColour = RGB 102 0 204 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char5R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 47 75 75 , skinColour = RGB 255 223 196 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 9 , hairColour = RGB 130 72 24 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 3 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char6R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 147 0 73 , skinColour = RGB 255 204 204 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 0 , hairColour = RGB 32 32 32 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI char7R = { time = 0 , eyeColour = RGB 198 120 86 , skinColour = RGB 229 184 143 , headcoverColour = RGB 204 255 204 , hairFront = 3 , hairColour = RGB 62 43 19 , highlightColour = RGB 32 32 32 , eyeShape = 0 , extra = 0 , selected = AvatarCreator.SelectNone } {- To use slides with sound: elm make <moduleName>.elm --output=soundslides.js - use elm reactor and go to soundslides.html -}
[ { "context": "ge/svg+xml\">\n -- <img src=\"logo.png\" alt=\"Company Name\">\n -- </object>\n -- </figure>\n\n+ _", "end": 2251, "score": 0.6190447211, "start": 2244, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Company" } ]
module Ui.Media exposing ( image, svg, video, audio, withCaption ) {-| # Content Element: Media This module contains helpers to insert images and other media content into your page layout, with built-in features for web accessibility. The image constructor applies the *.image* Bulma element class, which is helpful for positioning and images and provides a set of fixed and responsive size modifiers. Other media content types that are not supported by Bulma are assigned class names for custom styling. ## Media Elements @docs image, svg, video, audio ## Adding a Caption @docs withCaption -} -- Framework import Ui import Dom.Element import Dom.Node import Dom.Property import Dom.Attribute -- Core import Char {-| Construct image content (typically from a JPEG or PNG source), with alt text for screen readers { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.image* + __Available modifiers__: size ([fixed](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#fixed-square-images), [responsive](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#responsive-images-with-ratios)) + __Bulma CSS reference__: http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/ -} image : { path : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg image args = [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "image" ] {-| Construct SVG content, with a raster image fallback for older browsers and alt text for screen readers { path = "logo.svg" , fallback = "logo.png" , altText = "Company Logo" } |> Ui.Media.svg |> Ui.render --> <figure class="svg-object"> -- <object data="logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> -- <img src="logo.png" alt="Company Name"> -- </object> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<object>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.svg-object* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.svg-object* is not a Bulma element class) -} svg : { path : String, fallback : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg svg args = [ [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.fallback , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Node.container "object" [ "data" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string "image/svg+xml" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "svg-object" ] {-| Construct video content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the video is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The `hasControls` argument indicates whether controls should be displayed in the video frame. { sourceList = [ ("movie.mp4", "video/mp4") , ("movie.ogg", "video/ogg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.video |> Ui.render --> <figure class="video"> -- <video controls role="application"> -- <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> -- <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> -- <p>Video file 'movie.mp4' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/mp4' files.</p> -- <p>Video file 'movie.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/ogg' files.</p> -- </video> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<video>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.video* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.video* is not a Bulma element class) -} video : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg video args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Video file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "video" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "video" ] {-| Construct audio content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the audio is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The boolean argument indicates whether controls should be displayed. { sourceList = [ ("horse.ogg", "audio/ogg") , ("horse.mp3", "audio/mpeg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.audio |> Ui.render --> <figure> -- <audio controls role="application"> -- <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> -- <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/ogg' files.</p> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.mp3' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/mpeg' files.</p> -- </audio> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<audio>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.audio* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.audio* is not a Bulma element class) -} audio : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg audio args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Audio file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "audio" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "audio" ] {-| Add a figure caption to a media element. The `id` argument is a unique integer that is used to generate an *id* attribute for the caption so that it can be identified for screen readers as labelling the media element. { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.Media.withCaption { id = 1 , text = "This image is 128 px by 128 px." } |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128" aria-labelledby="caption-1"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- <figcaption id="caption-1">This image is 128 px x 128 px.</figcaption> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<figcaption>` + __ARIA attribute__: *aria-labelledby* (caption is identified as the visible label for the figure element) -} withCaption : { id : Int, text : String } -> Ui.Element msg -> Ui.Element msg withCaption args figureElement = figureElement |> Dom.Element.appendChild ( args.text |> Dom.Element.textWrapper "figcaption" |> Dom.Element.withAttributes [ "id" |> Dom.Property.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) ] ) |> Dom.Element.addAttribute ( "aria-labelledby" |> Dom.Attribute.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) )
module Ui.Media exposing ( image, svg, video, audio, withCaption ) {-| # Content Element: Media This module contains helpers to insert images and other media content into your page layout, with built-in features for web accessibility. The image constructor applies the *.image* Bulma element class, which is helpful for positioning and images and provides a set of fixed and responsive size modifiers. Other media content types that are not supported by Bulma are assigned class names for custom styling. ## Media Elements @docs image, svg, video, audio ## Adding a Caption @docs withCaption -} -- Framework import Ui import Dom.Element import Dom.Node import Dom.Property import Dom.Attribute -- Core import Char {-| Construct image content (typically from a JPEG or PNG source), with alt text for screen readers { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.image* + __Available modifiers__: size ([fixed](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#fixed-square-images), [responsive](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#responsive-images-with-ratios)) + __Bulma CSS reference__: http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/ -} image : { path : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg image args = [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "image" ] {-| Construct SVG content, with a raster image fallback for older browsers and alt text for screen readers { path = "logo.svg" , fallback = "logo.png" , altText = "Company Logo" } |> Ui.Media.svg |> Ui.render --> <figure class="svg-object"> -- <object data="logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> -- <img src="logo.png" alt="<NAME> Name"> -- </object> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<object>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.svg-object* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.svg-object* is not a Bulma element class) -} svg : { path : String, fallback : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg svg args = [ [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.fallback , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Node.container "object" [ "data" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string "image/svg+xml" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "svg-object" ] {-| Construct video content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the video is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The `hasControls` argument indicates whether controls should be displayed in the video frame. { sourceList = [ ("movie.mp4", "video/mp4") , ("movie.ogg", "video/ogg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.video |> Ui.render --> <figure class="video"> -- <video controls role="application"> -- <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> -- <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> -- <p>Video file 'movie.mp4' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/mp4' files.</p> -- <p>Video file 'movie.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/ogg' files.</p> -- </video> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<video>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.video* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.video* is not a Bulma element class) -} video : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg video args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Video file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "video" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "video" ] {-| Construct audio content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the audio is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The boolean argument indicates whether controls should be displayed. { sourceList = [ ("horse.ogg", "audio/ogg") , ("horse.mp3", "audio/mpeg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.audio |> Ui.render --> <figure> -- <audio controls role="application"> -- <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> -- <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/ogg' files.</p> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.mp3' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/mpeg' files.</p> -- </audio> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<audio>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.audio* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.audio* is not a Bulma element class) -} audio : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg audio args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Audio file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "audio" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "audio" ] {-| Add a figure caption to a media element. The `id` argument is a unique integer that is used to generate an *id* attribute for the caption so that it can be identified for screen readers as labelling the media element. { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.Media.withCaption { id = 1 , text = "This image is 128 px by 128 px." } |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128" aria-labelledby="caption-1"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- <figcaption id="caption-1">This image is 128 px x 128 px.</figcaption> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<figcaption>` + __ARIA attribute__: *aria-labelledby* (caption is identified as the visible label for the figure element) -} withCaption : { id : Int, text : String } -> Ui.Element msg -> Ui.Element msg withCaption args figureElement = figureElement |> Dom.Element.appendChild ( args.text |> Dom.Element.textWrapper "figcaption" |> Dom.Element.withAttributes [ "id" |> Dom.Property.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) ] ) |> Dom.Element.addAttribute ( "aria-labelledby" |> Dom.Attribute.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) )
module Ui.Media exposing ( image, svg, video, audio, withCaption ) {-| # Content Element: Media This module contains helpers to insert images and other media content into your page layout, with built-in features for web accessibility. The image constructor applies the *.image* Bulma element class, which is helpful for positioning and images and provides a set of fixed and responsive size modifiers. Other media content types that are not supported by Bulma are assigned class names for custom styling. ## Media Elements @docs image, svg, video, audio ## Adding a Caption @docs withCaption -} -- Framework import Ui import Dom.Element import Dom.Node import Dom.Property import Dom.Attribute -- Core import Char {-| Construct image content (typically from a JPEG or PNG source), with alt text for screen readers { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.image* + __Available modifiers__: size ([fixed](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#fixed-square-images), [responsive](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/#responsive-images-with-ratios)) + __Bulma CSS reference__: http://bulma.io/documentation/elements/image/ -} image : { path : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg image args = [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "image" ] {-| Construct SVG content, with a raster image fallback for older browsers and alt text for screen readers { path = "logo.svg" , fallback = "logo.png" , altText = "Company Logo" } |> Ui.Media.svg |> Ui.render --> <figure class="svg-object"> -- <object data="logo.svg" type="image/svg+xml"> -- <img src="logo.png" alt="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Name"> -- </object> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<object>` > `<img>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* > *img* (defaults) + __Element class__: *.svg-object* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.svg-object* is not a Bulma element class) -} svg : { path : String, fallback : String, altText : String } -> Ui.Element msg svg args = [ [ Dom.Node.leaf "img" [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string args.fallback , "alt" |> Dom.Property.string args.altText ] ] |> Dom.Node.container "object" [ "data" |> Dom.Property.string args.path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string "image/svg+xml" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "svg-object" ] {-| Construct video content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the video is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The `hasControls` argument indicates whether controls should be displayed in the video frame. { sourceList = [ ("movie.mp4", "video/mp4") , ("movie.ogg", "video/ogg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.video |> Ui.render --> <figure class="video"> -- <video controls role="application"> -- <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> -- <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> -- <p>Video file 'movie.mp4' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/mp4' files.</p> -- <p>Video file 'movie.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'video/ogg' files.</p> -- </video> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<video>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.video* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.video* is not a Bulma element class) -} video : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg video args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Video file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "video" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "video" ] {-| Construct audio content, with an automatically generated error message as a fallback. Several source files may be listed to ensure that the audio is playable in all modern browsers. The second string in each tuple gives the [media type code](https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml) of the file. The boolean argument indicates whether controls should be displayed. { sourceList = [ ("horse.ogg", "audio/ogg") , ("horse.mp3", "audio/mpeg") ] , hasControls = True } |> Ui.Media.audio |> Ui.render --> <figure> -- <audio controls role="application"> -- <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> -- <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.ogg' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/ogg' files.</p> -- <p>Audio file 'horse.mp3' cannot be loaded. Verify that your browser -- is up to date and can play 'audio/mpeg' files.</p> -- </audio> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<audio>` > `<source>` + __ARIA roles__: *figure* (default) > *application* + __Element class__: *.audio* + __Available modifiers__: none + __Bulma CSS reference__: none (*.audio* is not a Bulma element class) -} audio : { sourceList : List (String, String), hasControls : Bool } -> Ui.Element msg audio args = let toSourceNode (path, filetype) = [ "src" |> Dom.Property.string path , "type" |> Dom.Property.string filetype ] |> Dom.Node.leaf "source" toErrorMessage (path, filetype) = [ "Audio file '" , path , "' cannot be loaded. " , "Verify that your browser is up to date and can play '" , filetype , "' files." ] |> String.concat |> Dom.Node.textWrapper "p" [] in [ [ args.sourceList |> List.map toSourceNode , args.sourceList |> List.map toErrorMessage ] |> List.concat |> Dom.Node.container "audio" [ "controls" |> Dom.Property.bool args.hasControls , "role" |> Dom.Attribute.string "application" ] ] |> Dom.Element.wrapNodes "figure" |> Dom.Element.withClasses [ "audio" ] {-| Add a figure caption to a media element. The `id` argument is a unique integer that is used to generate an *id* attribute for the caption so that it can be identified for screen readers as labelling the media element. { path = "http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" , altText = "This is a placeholder" } |> Ui.Media.image |> Ui.Modifier.add "is-128x128" |> Ui.Media.withCaption { id = 1 , text = "This image is 128 px by 128 px." } |> Ui.render --> <figure class="image is-128x128" aria-labelledby="caption-1"> -- <img src="http://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png" alt="This is a placeholder"> -- <figcaption id="caption-1">This image is 128 px x 128 px.</figcaption> -- </figure> + __HTML tags__: `<figure>` > `<figcaption>` + __ARIA attribute__: *aria-labelledby* (caption is identified as the visible label for the figure element) -} withCaption : { id : Int, text : String } -> Ui.Element msg -> Ui.Element msg withCaption args figureElement = figureElement |> Dom.Element.appendChild ( args.text |> Dom.Element.textWrapper "figcaption" |> Dom.Element.withAttributes [ "id" |> Dom.Property.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) ] ) |> Dom.Element.addAttribute ( "aria-labelledby" |> Dom.Attribute.string ( args.id |> Basics.toString |> String.append "caption-" ) )
[ { "context": "Info =\n E.object\n [ ( \"name\", E.string \"Tom\" )\n , ( \"age\", E.int 42 )\n ]\n\n\nupda", "end": 1119, "score": 0.9937701821, "start": 1116, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Tom" } ]
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, pre, text) import Http import Json.Decode as JD exposing (Decoder, field, int, map2, string) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } decoder : JD.Decoder Flag decoder = map2 Flag (field "i" int) (field "flag_s" string) -- MODEL type Mode = Failure | Loading | Success String type alias Model = { mode : Mode , flag_i : Int , flag_s : String } type alias Flag = { i : Int , s : String } port hello : E.Value -> Cmd msg init : Flag -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flag = ( { mode = Loading , flag_i = flag.i , flag_s = flag.s } , Http.get { url = "https://elm-lang.org/assets/public-opinion.txt" , expect = Http.expectString GotText } ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) myInfo : E.Value myInfo = E.object [ ( "name", E.string "Tom" ) , ( "age", E.int 42 ) ] update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> ( { model | mode = Success fullText }, hello myInfo ) Err _ -> ( { model | mode = Failure }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.mode of Failure -> text "I was unable to load your book." Loading -> text ("Loading..." ++ model.flag_s ++ String.fromInt model.flag_i) Success fullText -> pre [] [ text fullText ]
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, pre, text) import Http import Json.Decode as JD exposing (Decoder, field, int, map2, string) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } decoder : JD.Decoder Flag decoder = map2 Flag (field "i" int) (field "flag_s" string) -- MODEL type Mode = Failure | Loading | Success String type alias Model = { mode : Mode , flag_i : Int , flag_s : String } type alias Flag = { i : Int , s : String } port hello : E.Value -> Cmd msg init : Flag -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flag = ( { mode = Loading , flag_i = flag.i , flag_s = flag.s } , Http.get { url = "https://elm-lang.org/assets/public-opinion.txt" , expect = Http.expectString GotText } ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) myInfo : E.Value myInfo = E.object [ ( "name", E.string "<NAME>" ) , ( "age", E.int 42 ) ] update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> ( { model | mode = Success fullText }, hello myInfo ) Err _ -> ( { model | mode = Failure }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.mode of Failure -> text "I was unable to load your book." Loading -> text ("Loading..." ++ model.flag_s ++ String.fromInt model.flag_i) Success fullText -> pre [] [ text fullText ]
port module Main exposing (main) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, pre, text) import Http import Json.Decode as JD exposing (Decoder, field, int, map2, string) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } decoder : JD.Decoder Flag decoder = map2 Flag (field "i" int) (field "flag_s" string) -- MODEL type Mode = Failure | Loading | Success String type alias Model = { mode : Mode , flag_i : Int , flag_s : String } type alias Flag = { i : Int , s : String } port hello : E.Value -> Cmd msg init : Flag -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flag = ( { mode = Loading , flag_i = flag.i , flag_s = flag.s } , Http.get { url = "https://elm-lang.org/assets/public-opinion.txt" , expect = Http.expectString GotText } ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GotText (Result Http.Error String) myInfo : E.Value myInfo = E.object [ ( "name", E.string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "age", E.int 42 ) ] update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of GotText result -> case result of Ok fullText -> ( { model | mode = Success fullText }, hello myInfo ) Err _ -> ( { model | mode = Failure }, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.mode of Failure -> text "I was unable to load your book." Loading -> text ("Loading..." ++ model.flag_s ++ String.fromInt model.flag_i) Success fullText -> pre [] [ text fullText ]
[ { "context": "elm\n-- A demonstration of the Graphing library\n\n-- C. Moresco (moresco.cm@gmail.com)\n\nmodule ImpulseDemo where\n", "end": 76, "score": 0.9998283386, "start": 66, "tag": "NAME", "value": "C. Moresco" }, { "context": "nstration of the Graphing library\n\n-- C. Moresco (moresco.cm@gmail.com)\n\nmodule ImpulseDemo where\n\nimport Graphing expos", "end": 98, "score": 0.9999331236, "start": 78, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "moresco.cm@gmail.com" } ]
-- ImpulseDemo.elm -- A demonstration of the Graphing library -- C. Moresco (moresco.cm@gmail.com) module ImpulseDemo where import Graphing exposing (graph, defaultGraph, defaultPlot, PlotAttributes) import Svg import Signal import Time import Mouse import Json.Decode as Json --import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Events as Events data : Signal Graphing.ToPlot data = Signal.map Graphing.wrapData mouseCoordData function : Signal Graphing.ToPlot function = Signal.map Graphing.wrapFunc <| let sinFromFreqSpace (x, y) = (\z -> y * sin (x * pi * z)) in Signal.map (List.foldr (addFunc) (\_ -> 0 )) <| Signal.map (List.map sinFromFreqSpace) mouseCoordData dataList : List (Float, Float) dataList = List.concat <| List.map2 (\x y -> [x, y]) (List.map (\ x-> (x, abs <| (4/pi)/x)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x - 1) [1..10]) (List.map (\x -> (x, 0)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x) [1..10]) mouseCoordData : Signal (List (Float, Float)) mouseCoordData = Signal.foldp (updateData graphStyle) dataList <| Signal.filterMap filterNothing (-1, -1) maybeMouse filterNothing : (Bool, (Float, Float)) -> Maybe (Float, Float) filterNothing (a, coord) = case a of True -> Just coord False -> Nothing maybeMouse : Signal (Bool, (Float, Float)) maybeMouse = Signal.map2 (,) Mouse.isDown <| Signal.map (\(x, y) -> (toFloat x, toFloat y)) Mouse.position getSector : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Int getSector (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat (ga.width - 2 * ga.margin) height = toFloat ga.height _ = Debug.log "" x in if x < margin then Nothing else if x > width + margin + 15then Nothing else if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else let sectorSize = (width/(toFloat <| List.length dataList)) in Just <| (floor <| (x - margin - 15)/sectorSize - 0.5) getYValue : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Float getYValue (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat ga.width height = toFloat ga.height (ymin, ymax) = ga.yInterval in if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else Just (lerp (height + margin) y margin ymin ymax) updateData : Graphing.GraphAttributes -> (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) updateData ga mousePos data = let foo (sector, yval) data = case data of [] -> [] x::xs -> if sector == 0 then (fst x, yval) :: xs else x :: (foo (sector - 1, yval) xs) in case (getSector mousePos ga, getYValue mousePos ga) of (Nothing, _) -> data (_, Nothing ) -> data (Just sector, Just yval) -> foo (sector, yval) data graphStyle : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyle = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(0, (4/pi)*1.5), xInterval=(0, 20), margin=25, axisColor="#000", xTicksEvery=1} graphStyleSin : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyleSin = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(-10, 10), xInterval=(0, 4), margin=25, axisColor="#000", yTicksEvery=10} main : Signal Html main = Signal.map (Html.div []) <| combine [ freq , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , sinusoid ] freq : Signal Html freq = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Frequency Domain Representation"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#999", dotColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyle) <| data] sinusoid : Signal Html sinusoid = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] ,Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Sinusoidal Signal"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyleSin) <| function ] lerp : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float lerp x0 x x1 y0 y1 = y0 + (y1 - y0)*((x - x0)/(x1 - x0)) addFunc : (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) addFunc x y = (\z -> x z + y z) {-| This was originally part of the signal library, then it wasn't...then it was added again? Not sure. I got this from https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/CVRhrF4Wn7k. -} combine : List (Signal a) -> Signal (List a) combine l = List.foldr (Signal.map2 (\x y -> [x] ++ y)) (Signal.constant []) l
-- ImpulseDemo.elm -- A demonstration of the Graphing library -- <NAME> (<EMAIL>) module ImpulseDemo where import Graphing exposing (graph, defaultGraph, defaultPlot, PlotAttributes) import Svg import Signal import Time import Mouse import Json.Decode as Json --import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Events as Events data : Signal Graphing.ToPlot data = Signal.map Graphing.wrapData mouseCoordData function : Signal Graphing.ToPlot function = Signal.map Graphing.wrapFunc <| let sinFromFreqSpace (x, y) = (\z -> y * sin (x * pi * z)) in Signal.map (List.foldr (addFunc) (\_ -> 0 )) <| Signal.map (List.map sinFromFreqSpace) mouseCoordData dataList : List (Float, Float) dataList = List.concat <| List.map2 (\x y -> [x, y]) (List.map (\ x-> (x, abs <| (4/pi)/x)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x - 1) [1..10]) (List.map (\x -> (x, 0)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x) [1..10]) mouseCoordData : Signal (List (Float, Float)) mouseCoordData = Signal.foldp (updateData graphStyle) dataList <| Signal.filterMap filterNothing (-1, -1) maybeMouse filterNothing : (Bool, (Float, Float)) -> Maybe (Float, Float) filterNothing (a, coord) = case a of True -> Just coord False -> Nothing maybeMouse : Signal (Bool, (Float, Float)) maybeMouse = Signal.map2 (,) Mouse.isDown <| Signal.map (\(x, y) -> (toFloat x, toFloat y)) Mouse.position getSector : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Int getSector (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat (ga.width - 2 * ga.margin) height = toFloat ga.height _ = Debug.log "" x in if x < margin then Nothing else if x > width + margin + 15then Nothing else if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else let sectorSize = (width/(toFloat <| List.length dataList)) in Just <| (floor <| (x - margin - 15)/sectorSize - 0.5) getYValue : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Float getYValue (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat ga.width height = toFloat ga.height (ymin, ymax) = ga.yInterval in if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else Just (lerp (height + margin) y margin ymin ymax) updateData : Graphing.GraphAttributes -> (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) updateData ga mousePos data = let foo (sector, yval) data = case data of [] -> [] x::xs -> if sector == 0 then (fst x, yval) :: xs else x :: (foo (sector - 1, yval) xs) in case (getSector mousePos ga, getYValue mousePos ga) of (Nothing, _) -> data (_, Nothing ) -> data (Just sector, Just yval) -> foo (sector, yval) data graphStyle : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyle = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(0, (4/pi)*1.5), xInterval=(0, 20), margin=25, axisColor="#000", xTicksEvery=1} graphStyleSin : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyleSin = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(-10, 10), xInterval=(0, 4), margin=25, axisColor="#000", yTicksEvery=10} main : Signal Html main = Signal.map (Html.div []) <| combine [ freq , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , sinusoid ] freq : Signal Html freq = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Frequency Domain Representation"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#999", dotColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyle) <| data] sinusoid : Signal Html sinusoid = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] ,Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Sinusoidal Signal"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyleSin) <| function ] lerp : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float lerp x0 x x1 y0 y1 = y0 + (y1 - y0)*((x - x0)/(x1 - x0)) addFunc : (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) addFunc x y = (\z -> x z + y z) {-| This was originally part of the signal library, then it wasn't...then it was added again? Not sure. I got this from https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/CVRhrF4Wn7k. -} combine : List (Signal a) -> Signal (List a) combine l = List.foldr (Signal.map2 (\x y -> [x] ++ y)) (Signal.constant []) l
-- ImpulseDemo.elm -- A demonstration of the Graphing library -- PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI) module ImpulseDemo where import Graphing exposing (graph, defaultGraph, defaultPlot, PlotAttributes) import Svg import Signal import Time import Mouse import Json.Decode as Json --import Svg.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Events as Events data : Signal Graphing.ToPlot data = Signal.map Graphing.wrapData mouseCoordData function : Signal Graphing.ToPlot function = Signal.map Graphing.wrapFunc <| let sinFromFreqSpace (x, y) = (\z -> y * sin (x * pi * z)) in Signal.map (List.foldr (addFunc) (\_ -> 0 )) <| Signal.map (List.map sinFromFreqSpace) mouseCoordData dataList : List (Float, Float) dataList = List.concat <| List.map2 (\x y -> [x, y]) (List.map (\ x-> (x, abs <| (4/pi)/x)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x - 1) [1..10]) (List.map (\x -> (x, 0)) <| List.map (\x -> 2*x) [1..10]) mouseCoordData : Signal (List (Float, Float)) mouseCoordData = Signal.foldp (updateData graphStyle) dataList <| Signal.filterMap filterNothing (-1, -1) maybeMouse filterNothing : (Bool, (Float, Float)) -> Maybe (Float, Float) filterNothing (a, coord) = case a of True -> Just coord False -> Nothing maybeMouse : Signal (Bool, (Float, Float)) maybeMouse = Signal.map2 (,) Mouse.isDown <| Signal.map (\(x, y) -> (toFloat x, toFloat y)) Mouse.position getSector : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Int getSector (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat (ga.width - 2 * ga.margin) height = toFloat ga.height _ = Debug.log "" x in if x < margin then Nothing else if x > width + margin + 15then Nothing else if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else let sectorSize = (width/(toFloat <| List.length dataList)) in Just <| (floor <| (x - margin - 15)/sectorSize - 0.5) getYValue : (Float, Float) -> Graphing.GraphAttributes -> Maybe Float getYValue (x, y) ga = let margin = toFloat ga.margin width = toFloat ga.width height = toFloat ga.height (ymin, ymax) = ga.yInterval in if y < margin then Nothing else if y > height + margin then Nothing else Just (lerp (height + margin) y margin ymin ymax) updateData : Graphing.GraphAttributes -> (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) -> List (Float, Float) updateData ga mousePos data = let foo (sector, yval) data = case data of [] -> [] x::xs -> if sector == 0 then (fst x, yval) :: xs else x :: (foo (sector - 1, yval) xs) in case (getSector mousePos ga, getYValue mousePos ga) of (Nothing, _) -> data (_, Nothing ) -> data (Just sector, Just yval) -> foo (sector, yval) data graphStyle : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyle = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(0, (4/pi)*1.5), xInterval=(0, 20), margin=25, axisColor="#000", xTicksEvery=1} graphStyleSin : Graphing.GraphAttributes graphStyleSin = { defaultGraph | width=800, height=200, yInterval=(-10, 10), xInterval=(0, 4), margin=25, axisColor="#000", yTicksEvery=10} main : Signal Html main = Signal.map (Html.div []) <| combine [ freq , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , sinusoid ] freq : Signal Html freq = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] , Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Frequency Domain Representation"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#999", dotColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyle) <| data] sinusoid : Signal Html sinusoid = Signal.map (Html.div [class "white shadow"] ) <| combine [Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "spacer"] [] ,Signal.constant <| Html.div [class "centered header-font"] [Html.text "Sinusoidal Signal"] , Signal.map (\x -> graph [(x, {defaultPlot | strokeColor="#ee2560"})] graphStyleSin) <| function ] lerp : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Float lerp x0 x x1 y0 y1 = y0 + (y1 - y0)*((x - x0)/(x1 - x0)) addFunc : (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) -> (Float->Float) addFunc x y = (\z -> x z + y z) {-| This was originally part of the signal library, then it wasn't...then it was added again? Not sure. I got this from https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/elm-discuss/CVRhrF4Wn7k. -} combine : List (Signal a) -> Signal (List a) combine l = List.foldr (Signal.map2 (\x y -> [x] ++ y)) (Signal.constant []) l
[ { "context": " monthShort\r\n@docs monthName\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten\r\n-}\r\n\r\n\r\nimport Date exposing (Day (..), Month (.", "end": 180, "score": 0.9998556376, "start": 168, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Robin Luiten" } ]
module Date.I18n.I_en_us where {-| English values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName Copyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten -} import Date exposing (Day (..), Month (..)) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "Mon" Tue -> "Tue" Wed -> "Wed" Thu -> "Thu" Fri -> "Fri" Sat -> "Sat" Sun -> "Sun" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "Monday" Tue -> "Tuesday" Wed -> "Wednesday" Thu -> "Thursday" Fri -> "Friday" Sat -> "Saturday" Sun -> "Sunday" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "Jan" Feb -> "Feb" Mar -> "Mar" Apr -> "Apr" May -> "May" Jun -> "Jun" Jul -> "Jul" Aug -> "Aug" Sep -> "Sep" Oct -> "Oct" Nov -> "Nov" Dec -> "Dec" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "January" Feb -> "February" Mar -> "March" Apr -> "April" May -> "May" Jun -> "June" Jul -> "July" Aug -> "August" Sep -> "September" Oct -> "October" Nov -> "November" Dec -> "December"
module Date.I18n.I_en_us where {-| English values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName Copyright (c) 2016 <NAME> -} import Date exposing (Day (..), Month (..)) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "Mon" Tue -> "Tue" Wed -> "Wed" Thu -> "Thu" Fri -> "Fri" Sat -> "Sat" Sun -> "Sun" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "Monday" Tue -> "Tuesday" Wed -> "Wednesday" Thu -> "Thursday" Fri -> "Friday" Sat -> "Saturday" Sun -> "Sunday" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "Jan" Feb -> "Feb" Mar -> "Mar" Apr -> "Apr" May -> "May" Jun -> "Jun" Jul -> "Jul" Aug -> "Aug" Sep -> "Sep" Oct -> "Oct" Nov -> "Nov" Dec -> "Dec" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "January" Feb -> "February" Mar -> "March" Apr -> "April" May -> "May" Jun -> "June" Jul -> "July" Aug -> "August" Sep -> "September" Oct -> "October" Nov -> "November" Dec -> "December"
module Date.I18n.I_en_us where {-| English values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName Copyright (c) 2016 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -} import Date exposing (Day (..), Month (..)) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "Mon" Tue -> "Tue" Wed -> "Wed" Thu -> "Thu" Fri -> "Fri" Sat -> "Sat" Sun -> "Sun" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "Monday" Tue -> "Tuesday" Wed -> "Wednesday" Thu -> "Thursday" Fri -> "Friday" Sat -> "Saturday" Sun -> "Sunday" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "Jan" Feb -> "Feb" Mar -> "Mar" Apr -> "Apr" May -> "May" Jun -> "Jun" Jul -> "Jul" Aug -> "Aug" Sep -> "Sep" Oct -> "Oct" Nov -> "Nov" Dec -> "Dec" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "January" Feb -> "February" Mar -> "March" Apr -> "April" May -> "May" Jun -> "June" Jul -> "July" Aug -> "August" Sep -> "September" Oct -> "October" Nov -> "November" Dec -> "December"
[ { "context": "\n\n OpenAPI spec version: 3.2.0-pre.0\n Contact: opensource@shinesolutions.com\n\n NOTE: This file is auto generated by the open", "end": 202, "score": 0.9999239445, "start": 173, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "opensource@shinesolutions.com" }, { "context": "d by the openapi-generator.\n https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git\n Do not edit this file ma", "end": 301, "score": 0.9996269345, "start": 289, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "openapitools" } ]
{- Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API Swagger AEM is an OpenAPI specification for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API OpenAPI spec version: 3.2.0-pre.0 Contact: opensource@shinesolutions.com NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Request.Sling exposing (deleteAgent, deleteNode, getAgent, getAgents, getAuthorizableKeystore, getKeystore, getNode, getPackage, getPackageFilter, getQuery, getTruststore, getTruststoreInfo, postAgent, postAuthorizableKeystore, postAuthorizables, postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler, postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService, postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration, postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet, postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet, postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter, postNode, postNodeRw, postPath, postQuery, postTreeActivation, postTruststore, postTruststorePKCS12) import Data.KeystoreInfo exposing (KeystoreInfo, keystoreInfoDecoder) import Data.TruststoreInfo exposing (TruststoreInfo, truststoreInfoDecoder) import Dict import Http import Json.Decode as Decode basePath : String basePath = "http://localhost" deleteAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteAgent runmode name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request deleteNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteNode path name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () getAgent runmode name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgents : String -> Http.Request String getAgents runmode = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ ".-1.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo getAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request String getKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ "/keystore/store.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () getNode path name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackage : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackage group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackageFilter : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackageFilter group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip/jcr:content/vlt:definition/filter.tidy.2.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getQuery : Http.Request String getQuery = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststore : Http.Request String getTruststore = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore/truststore.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststoreInfo : Http.Request TruststoreInfo getTruststoreInfo = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/truststore.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson truststoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () postAgent runmode name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo postAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizables : Http.Request String postAuthorizables = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler : Http.Request () postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService : Http.Request () postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.felix.http" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration : Http.Request () postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.http.proxyconfigurator.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.jcr.davex.impl.servlets.SlingDavExServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.security.impl.ReferrerFilter" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNode path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNodeRw : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNodeRw path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name ++ ".rw.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postPath : String -> Http.Request () postPath path = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postQuery : Http.Request String postQuery = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTreeActivation : Http.Request () postTreeActivation = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/treeactivation.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststore : Http.Request String postTruststore = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststorePKCS12 : Http.Request String postTruststorePKCS12 = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request
{- Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API Swagger AEM is an OpenAPI specification for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API OpenAPI spec version: 3.2.0-pre.0 Contact: <EMAIL> NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Request.Sling exposing (deleteAgent, deleteNode, getAgent, getAgents, getAuthorizableKeystore, getKeystore, getNode, getPackage, getPackageFilter, getQuery, getTruststore, getTruststoreInfo, postAgent, postAuthorizableKeystore, postAuthorizables, postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler, postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService, postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration, postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet, postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet, postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter, postNode, postNodeRw, postPath, postQuery, postTreeActivation, postTruststore, postTruststorePKCS12) import Data.KeystoreInfo exposing (KeystoreInfo, keystoreInfoDecoder) import Data.TruststoreInfo exposing (TruststoreInfo, truststoreInfoDecoder) import Dict import Http import Json.Decode as Decode basePath : String basePath = "http://localhost" deleteAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteAgent runmode name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request deleteNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteNode path name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () getAgent runmode name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgents : String -> Http.Request String getAgents runmode = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ ".-1.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo getAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request String getKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ "/keystore/store.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () getNode path name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackage : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackage group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackageFilter : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackageFilter group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip/jcr:content/vlt:definition/filter.tidy.2.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getQuery : Http.Request String getQuery = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststore : Http.Request String getTruststore = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore/truststore.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststoreInfo : Http.Request TruststoreInfo getTruststoreInfo = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/truststore.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson truststoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () postAgent runmode name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo postAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizables : Http.Request String postAuthorizables = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler : Http.Request () postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService : Http.Request () postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.felix.http" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration : Http.Request () postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.http.proxyconfigurator.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.jcr.davex.impl.servlets.SlingDavExServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.security.impl.ReferrerFilter" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNode path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNodeRw : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNodeRw path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name ++ ".rw.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postPath : String -> Http.Request () postPath path = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postQuery : Http.Request String postQuery = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTreeActivation : Http.Request () postTreeActivation = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/treeactivation.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststore : Http.Request String postTruststore = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststorePKCS12 : Http.Request String postTruststorePKCS12 = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request
{- Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API Swagger AEM is an OpenAPI specification for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) API OpenAPI spec version: 3.2.0-pre.0 Contact: PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Request.Sling exposing (deleteAgent, deleteNode, getAgent, getAgents, getAuthorizableKeystore, getKeystore, getNode, getPackage, getPackageFilter, getQuery, getTruststore, getTruststoreInfo, postAgent, postAuthorizableKeystore, postAuthorizables, postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler, postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService, postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration, postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet, postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet, postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter, postNode, postNodeRw, postPath, postQuery, postTreeActivation, postTruststore, postTruststorePKCS12) import Data.KeystoreInfo exposing (KeystoreInfo, keystoreInfoDecoder) import Data.TruststoreInfo exposing (TruststoreInfo, truststoreInfoDecoder) import Dict import Http import Json.Decode as Decode basePath : String basePath = "http://localhost" deleteAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteAgent runmode name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request deleteNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () deleteNode path name = { method = "DELETE" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () getAgent runmode name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAgents : String -> Http.Request String getAgents runmode = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ ".-1.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo getAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request String getKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ "/keystore/store.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () getNode path name = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackage : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackage group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getPackageFilter : String -> String -> String -> Http.Request String getPackageFilter group name version = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/packages/" ++ group ++ "/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ version ++ ".zip/jcr:content/vlt:definition/filter.tidy.2.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getQuery : Http.Request String getQuery = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststore : Http.Request String getTruststore = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore/truststore.p12" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request getTruststoreInfo : Http.Request TruststoreInfo getTruststoreInfo = { method = "GET" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/truststore.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson truststoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAgent : String -> String -> Http.Request () postAgent runmode name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/agents." ++ runmode ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizableKeystore : String -> String -> Http.Request KeystoreInfo postAuthorizableKeystore intermediatePath authorizableId = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ intermediatePath ++ "/" ++ authorizableId ++ ".ks.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson keystoreInfoDecoder , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postAuthorizables : Http.Request String postAuthorizables = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/authorizables" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler : Http.Request () postConfigAdobeGraniteSamlAuthenticationHandler = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/com.adobe.granite.auth.saml.SamlAuthenticationHandler.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService : Http.Request () postConfigApacheFelixJettyBasedHttpService = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.felix.http" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration : Http.Request () postConfigApacheHttpComponentsProxyConfiguration = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.http.proxyconfigurator.config" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingDavExServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.jcr.davex.impl.servlets.SlingDavExServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingGetServlet = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter : Http.Request () postConfigApacheSlingReferrerFilter = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/apps/system/config/org.apache.sling.security.impl.ReferrerFilter" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNode : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNode path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postNodeRw : String -> String -> Http.Request () postNodeRw path name = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" ++ name ++ ".rw.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postPath : String -> Http.Request () postPath path = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/" ++ path ++ "/" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postQuery : Http.Request String postQuery = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/bin/querybuilder.json" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTreeActivation : Http.Request () postTreeActivation = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/replication/treeactivation.html" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (\_ -> Ok ()) , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststore : Http.Request String postTruststore = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/libs/granite/security/post/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request postTruststorePKCS12 : Http.Request String postTruststorePKCS12 = { method = "POST" , url = basePath ++ "/etc/truststore" , headers = [] , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson Decode.string , timeout = Just 30000 , withCredentials = False } |> Http.request
[ { "context": "H \"Sfânta Elena\"\nSI \"Slovenia\"\nSJ \"Svalbard și Jan Mayen\"\nSK \"Slovacia\"\nSL \"Sierra Leone\"\nSM \"San Marino", "end": 3447, "score": 0.6208795309, "start": 3444, "tag": "NAME", "value": "May" }, { "context": "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)\"\n MG -> \"Madagascar\"\n MH -> \"Insulele Marshall\"\n MK -> ", "end": 8276, "score": 0.9955229163, "start": 8269, "tag": "NAME", "value": "agascar" }, { "context": "a Elena\"\n SI -> \"Slovenia\"\n SJ -> \"Svalbard și Jan Mayen\"\n SK -> \"Slovacia\"\n ", "end": 9836, "score": 0.5759358406, "start": 9833, "tag": "NAME", "value": "val" }, { "context": " SI -> \"Slovenia\"\n SJ -> \"Svalbard și Jan Mayen\"\n SK -> \"Slovacia\"\n SL -> \"Sierra L", "end": 9853, "score": 0.8999307156, "start": 9844, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jan Mayen" } ]
module Iso3166.Romanian exposing (toName) -- Generated by 'generate/Main.hs' do not edit by hand {-| @docs toName -} import Iso3166 exposing (..) {-| Name for `CountryCode` in Romanian. ``` AD "Andorra" AE "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF "Afganistan" AG "Antigua și Barbuda" AI "Anguilla" AL "Albania" AM "Armenia" AO "Angola" AQ "Antarctica" AR "Argentina" AS "Samoa americană" AT "Austria" AU "Australia" AW "Aruba" AX "Insulele Åland" AZ "Azerbaidjan" BA "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB "Barbados" BD "Bangladesh" BE "Belgia" BF "Burkina Faso" BG "Bulgaria" BH "Bahrain" BI "Burundi" BJ "Benin" BL "Saint Barthélemy" BM "Bermude" BN "Brunei" BO "Bolivia" BQ "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR "Brazilia" BS "Bahamas" BT "Bhutan" BV "Insula Bouvet" BW "Botswana" BY "Belarus" BZ "Belize" CA "Canada" CC "Insulele Cocos" CD "Republica Democrată Congo" CF "Republica Centrafricană" CG "Congo" CH "Elveția" CI "Coasta de Fildeș" CK "Insulele Cook" CL "Chile" CM "Camerun" CN "Republica Populară Chineză" CO "Columbia" CR "Costa Rica" CU "Cuba" CV "Republica Capului Verde" CW "Curaçao" CX "Insula Crăciunului" CY "Cipru" CZ "Cehia" DE "Germania" DJ "Djibouti" DK "Danemarca" DM "Dominica" DO "Republica Dominicană" DZ "Algeria" EC "Ecuador" EE "Estonia" EG "Egipt" EH "Sahara Occidentală" ER "Eritreea" ES "Spania" ET "Etiopia" FI "Finlanda" FJ "Fiji" FK "Insulele Falkland" FM "Micronezia" FO "Insulele Feroe" FR "Franța" GA "Gabon" GB "Regatul Unit" GD "Grenada" GE "Georgia" GF "Guiana Franceză" GG "Guernsey" GH "Ghana" GI "Gibraltar" GL "Groenlanda" GM "Gambia" GN "Guineea" GP "Guadelupa" GQ "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR "Grecia" GS "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ "Guatemala" GU "Guam" GW "Guineea-Bissau" GY "Guyana" HK "Hong Kong" HM "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN "Honduras" HR "Croația" HT "Haiti" HU "Ungaria" ID "Indonezia" IE "Republica Irlanda" IL "Israel" IM "Insula Man" IN "India" IO "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ "Irak" IR "Iran" IS "Islanda" IT "Italia" JE "Insula Jersey" JM "Jamaica" JO "Iordania" JP "Japonia" KE "Kenya" KG "Kârgâzstan" KH "Cambodgia" KI "Kiribati" KM "Comore" KN "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP "Coreea de Nord" KR "Coreea de Sud" KW "Kuweit" KY "Insulele Cayman" KZ "Kazahstan" LA "Laos" LB "Liban" LC "Sfânta Lucia" LI "Liechtenstein" LK "Sri Lanka" LR "Liberia" LS "Lesotho" LT_ "Lituania" LU "Luxemburg" LV "Letonia" LY "Libia" MA "Maroc" MC "Monaco" MD "Republica Moldova" ME "Muntenegru" MF "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG "Madagascar" MH "Insulele Marshall" MK "Republica Macedonia" ML "Mali" MM "Myanmar" MN "Mongolia" MO "Macao" MP "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ "Martinica" MR "Mauritania" MS "Montserrat" MT "Malta" MU "Mauritius" MV "Maldive" MW "Malawi" MX "Mexic" MY "Malaezia" MZ "Mozambic" NA "Namibia" NC "Noua Caledonie" NE "Niger" NF "Insula Norfolk" NG "Nigeria" NI "Nicaragua" NL "Țările de Jos" NO "Norvegia" NP "Nepal" NR "Nauru" NU "Niue" NZ "Noua Zeelandă" OM "Oman" PA "Panama" PE "Peru" PF "Polinezia franceză" PG "Papua Noua Guinee" PH "Filipine" PK "Pakistan" PL "Polonia" PM "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN "Pitcairn" PR "Puerto Rico" PS "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT "Portugalia" PW "Palau" PY "Paraguay" QA "Qatar" RE "Réunion" RO "România" RS "Serbia" RU "Rusia" RW "Rwanda" SA "Arabia Saudită" SB "Insulele Solomon" SC "Seychelles" SD "Sudan" SE "Suedia" SG "Singapore" SH "Sfânta Elena" SI "Slovenia" SJ "Svalbard și Jan Mayen" SK "Slovacia" SL "Sierra Leone" SM "San Marino" SN "Senegal" SO "Somalia" SR "Surinam" SS "Sudanul de Sud" ST "Sao Tome și Principe" SV "El Salvador" SX "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY "Siria" SZ "Swaziland" TC "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD "Ciad" TF "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG "Togo" TH "Thailanda" TJ "Tadjikistan" TK "Tokelau" TL "Timorul de Est" TM "Turkmenistan" TN "Tunisia" TO "Tonga" TR "Turcia" TT "Trinidad și Tobago" TV "Tuvalu" TW "Taiwan" TZ "Tanzania" UA "Ucraina" UG "Uganda" UM "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY "Uruguay" UZ "Uzbekistan" VA "Vatican" VC "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE "Venezuela" VG "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN "Vietnam" VU "Vanuatu" WF "Wallis și Futuna" WS "Samoa" YE "Yemen" YT "Mayotte" ZA "Africa de Sud" ZM "Zambia" ZW "Zimbabwe" ``` -} toName : CountryCode -> String toName c = case c of AD -> "Andorra" AE -> "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF -> "Afganistan" AG -> "Antigua și Barbuda" AI -> "Anguilla" AL -> "Albania" AM -> "Armenia" AO -> "Angola" AQ -> "Antarctica" AR -> "Argentina" AS -> "Samoa americană" AT -> "Austria" AU -> "Australia" AW -> "Aruba" AX -> "Insulele Åland" AZ -> "Azerbaidjan" BA -> "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB -> "Barbados" BD -> "Bangladesh" BE -> "Belgia" BF -> "Burkina Faso" BG -> "Bulgaria" BH -> "Bahrain" BI -> "Burundi" BJ -> "Benin" BL -> "Saint Barthélemy" BM -> "Bermude" BN -> "Brunei" BO -> "Bolivia" BQ -> "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR -> "Brazilia" BS -> "Bahamas" BT -> "Bhutan" BV -> "Insula Bouvet" BW -> "Botswana" BY -> "Belarus" BZ -> "Belize" CA -> "Canada" CC -> "Insulele Cocos" CD -> "Republica Democrată Congo" CF -> "Republica Centrafricană" CG -> "Congo" CH -> "Elveția" CI -> "Coasta de Fildeș" CK -> "Insulele Cook" CL -> "Chile" CM -> "Camerun" CN -> "Republica Populară Chineză" CO -> "Columbia" CR -> "Costa Rica" CU -> "Cuba" CV -> "Republica Capului Verde" CW -> "Curaçao" CX -> "Insula Crăciunului" CY -> "Cipru" CZ -> "Cehia" DE -> "Germania" DJ -> "Djibouti" DK -> "Danemarca" DM -> "Dominica" DO -> "Republica Dominicană" DZ -> "Algeria" EC -> "Ecuador" EE -> "Estonia" EG -> "Egipt" EH -> "Sahara Occidentală" ER -> "Eritreea" ES -> "Spania" ET -> "Etiopia" FI -> "Finlanda" FJ -> "Fiji" FK -> "Insulele Falkland" FM -> "Micronezia" FO -> "Insulele Feroe" FR -> "Franța" GA -> "Gabon" GB -> "Regatul Unit" GD -> "Grenada" GE -> "Georgia" GF -> "Guiana Franceză" GG -> "Guernsey" GH -> "Ghana" GI -> "Gibraltar" GL -> "Groenlanda" GM -> "Gambia" GN -> "Guineea" GP -> "Guadelupa" GQ -> "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR -> "Grecia" GS -> "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ -> "Guatemala" GU -> "Guam" GW -> "Guineea-Bissau" GY -> "Guyana" HK -> "Hong Kong" HM -> "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN -> "Honduras" HR -> "Croația" HT -> "Haiti" HU -> "Ungaria" ID -> "Indonezia" IE -> "Republica Irlanda" IL -> "Israel" IM -> "Insula Man" IN -> "India" IO -> "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ -> "Irak" IR -> "Iran" IS -> "Islanda" IT -> "Italia" JE -> "Insula Jersey" JM -> "Jamaica" JO -> "Iordania" JP -> "Japonia" KE -> "Kenya" KG -> "Kârgâzstan" KH -> "Cambodgia" KI -> "Kiribati" KM -> "Comore" KN -> "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP -> "Coreea de Nord" KR -> "Coreea de Sud" KW -> "Kuweit" KY -> "Insulele Cayman" KZ -> "Kazahstan" LA -> "Laos" LB -> "Liban" LC -> "Sfânta Lucia" LI -> "Liechtenstein" LK -> "Sri Lanka" LR -> "Liberia" LS -> "Lesotho" LT_ -> "Lituania" LU -> "Luxemburg" LV -> "Letonia" LY -> "Libia" MA -> "Maroc" MC -> "Monaco" MD -> "Republica Moldova" ME -> "Muntenegru" MF -> "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG -> "Madagascar" MH -> "Insulele Marshall" MK -> "Republica Macedonia" ML -> "Mali" MM -> "Myanmar" MN -> "Mongolia" MO -> "Macao" MP -> "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ -> "Martinica" MR -> "Mauritania" MS -> "Montserrat" MT -> "Malta" MU -> "Mauritius" MV -> "Maldive" MW -> "Malawi" MX -> "Mexic" MY -> "Malaezia" MZ -> "Mozambic" NA -> "Namibia" NC -> "Noua Caledonie" NE -> "Niger" NF -> "Insula Norfolk" NG -> "Nigeria" NI -> "Nicaragua" NL -> "Țările de Jos" NO -> "Norvegia" NP -> "Nepal" NR -> "Nauru" NU -> "Niue" NZ -> "Noua Zeelandă" OM -> "Oman" PA -> "Panama" PE -> "Peru" PF -> "Polinezia franceză" PG -> "Papua Noua Guinee" PH -> "Filipine" PK -> "Pakistan" PL -> "Polonia" PM -> "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN -> "Pitcairn" PR -> "Puerto Rico" PS -> "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT -> "Portugalia" PW -> "Palau" PY -> "Paraguay" QA -> "Qatar" RE -> "Réunion" RO -> "România" RS -> "Serbia" RU -> "Rusia" RW -> "Rwanda" SA -> "Arabia Saudită" SB -> "Insulele Solomon" SC -> "Seychelles" SD -> "Sudan" SE -> "Suedia" SG -> "Singapore" SH -> "Sfânta Elena" SI -> "Slovenia" SJ -> "Svalbard și Jan Mayen" SK -> "Slovacia" SL -> "Sierra Leone" SM -> "San Marino" SN -> "Senegal" SO -> "Somalia" SR -> "Surinam" SS -> "Sudanul de Sud" ST -> "Sao Tome și Principe" SV -> "El Salvador" SX -> "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY -> "Siria" SZ -> "Swaziland" TC -> "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD -> "Ciad" TF -> "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG -> "Togo" TH -> "Thailanda" TJ -> "Tadjikistan" TK -> "Tokelau" TL -> "Timorul de Est" TM -> "Turkmenistan" TN -> "Tunisia" TO -> "Tonga" TR -> "Turcia" TT -> "Trinidad și Tobago" TV -> "Tuvalu" TW -> "Taiwan" TZ -> "Tanzania" UA -> "Ucraina" UG -> "Uganda" UM -> "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US -> "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY -> "Uruguay" UZ -> "Uzbekistan" VA -> "Vatican" VC -> "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE -> "Venezuela" VG -> "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI -> "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN -> "Vietnam" VU -> "Vanuatu" WF -> "Wallis și Futuna" WS -> "Samoa" YE -> "Yemen" YT -> "Mayotte" ZA -> "Africa de Sud" ZM -> "Zambia" ZW -> "Zimbabwe"
module Iso3166.Romanian exposing (toName) -- Generated by 'generate/Main.hs' do not edit by hand {-| @docs toName -} import Iso3166 exposing (..) {-| Name for `CountryCode` in Romanian. ``` AD "Andorra" AE "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF "Afganistan" AG "Antigua și Barbuda" AI "Anguilla" AL "Albania" AM "Armenia" AO "Angola" AQ "Antarctica" AR "Argentina" AS "Samoa americană" AT "Austria" AU "Australia" AW "Aruba" AX "Insulele Åland" AZ "Azerbaidjan" BA "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB "Barbados" BD "Bangladesh" BE "Belgia" BF "Burkina Faso" BG "Bulgaria" BH "Bahrain" BI "Burundi" BJ "Benin" BL "Saint Barthélemy" BM "Bermude" BN "Brunei" BO "Bolivia" BQ "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR "Brazilia" BS "Bahamas" BT "Bhutan" BV "Insula Bouvet" BW "Botswana" BY "Belarus" BZ "Belize" CA "Canada" CC "Insulele Cocos" CD "Republica Democrată Congo" CF "Republica Centrafricană" CG "Congo" CH "Elveția" CI "Coasta de Fildeș" CK "Insulele Cook" CL "Chile" CM "Camerun" CN "Republica Populară Chineză" CO "Columbia" CR "Costa Rica" CU "Cuba" CV "Republica Capului Verde" CW "Curaçao" CX "Insula Crăciunului" CY "Cipru" CZ "Cehia" DE "Germania" DJ "Djibouti" DK "Danemarca" DM "Dominica" DO "Republica Dominicană" DZ "Algeria" EC "Ecuador" EE "Estonia" EG "Egipt" EH "Sahara Occidentală" ER "Eritreea" ES "Spania" ET "Etiopia" FI "Finlanda" FJ "Fiji" FK "Insulele Falkland" FM "Micronezia" FO "Insulele Feroe" FR "Franța" GA "Gabon" GB "Regatul Unit" GD "Grenada" GE "Georgia" GF "Guiana Franceză" GG "Guernsey" GH "Ghana" GI "Gibraltar" GL "Groenlanda" GM "Gambia" GN "Guineea" GP "Guadelupa" GQ "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR "Grecia" GS "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ "Guatemala" GU "Guam" GW "Guineea-Bissau" GY "Guyana" HK "Hong Kong" HM "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN "Honduras" HR "Croația" HT "Haiti" HU "Ungaria" ID "Indonezia" IE "Republica Irlanda" IL "Israel" IM "Insula Man" IN "India" IO "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ "Irak" IR "Iran" IS "Islanda" IT "Italia" JE "Insula Jersey" JM "Jamaica" JO "Iordania" JP "Japonia" KE "Kenya" KG "Kârgâzstan" KH "Cambodgia" KI "Kiribati" KM "Comore" KN "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP "Coreea de Nord" KR "Coreea de Sud" KW "Kuweit" KY "Insulele Cayman" KZ "Kazahstan" LA "Laos" LB "Liban" LC "Sfânta Lucia" LI "Liechtenstein" LK "Sri Lanka" LR "Liberia" LS "Lesotho" LT_ "Lituania" LU "Luxemburg" LV "Letonia" LY "Libia" MA "Maroc" MC "Monaco" MD "Republica Moldova" ME "Muntenegru" MF "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG "Madagascar" MH "Insulele Marshall" MK "Republica Macedonia" ML "Mali" MM "Myanmar" MN "Mongolia" MO "Macao" MP "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ "Martinica" MR "Mauritania" MS "Montserrat" MT "Malta" MU "Mauritius" MV "Maldive" MW "Malawi" MX "Mexic" MY "Malaezia" MZ "Mozambic" NA "Namibia" NC "Noua Caledonie" NE "Niger" NF "Insula Norfolk" NG "Nigeria" NI "Nicaragua" NL "Țările de Jos" NO "Norvegia" NP "Nepal" NR "Nauru" NU "Niue" NZ "Noua Zeelandă" OM "Oman" PA "Panama" PE "Peru" PF "Polinezia franceză" PG "Papua Noua Guinee" PH "Filipine" PK "Pakistan" PL "Polonia" PM "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN "Pitcairn" PR "Puerto Rico" PS "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT "Portugalia" PW "Palau" PY "Paraguay" QA "Qatar" RE "Réunion" RO "România" RS "Serbia" RU "Rusia" RW "Rwanda" SA "Arabia Saudită" SB "Insulele Solomon" SC "Seychelles" SD "Sudan" SE "Suedia" SG "Singapore" SH "Sfânta Elena" SI "Slovenia" SJ "Svalbard și Jan <NAME>en" SK "Slovacia" SL "Sierra Leone" SM "San Marino" SN "Senegal" SO "Somalia" SR "Surinam" SS "Sudanul de Sud" ST "Sao Tome și Principe" SV "El Salvador" SX "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY "Siria" SZ "Swaziland" TC "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD "Ciad" TF "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG "Togo" TH "Thailanda" TJ "Tadjikistan" TK "Tokelau" TL "Timorul de Est" TM "Turkmenistan" TN "Tunisia" TO "Tonga" TR "Turcia" TT "Trinidad și Tobago" TV "Tuvalu" TW "Taiwan" TZ "Tanzania" UA "Ucraina" UG "Uganda" UM "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY "Uruguay" UZ "Uzbekistan" VA "Vatican" VC "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE "Venezuela" VG "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN "Vietnam" VU "Vanuatu" WF "Wallis și Futuna" WS "Samoa" YE "Yemen" YT "Mayotte" ZA "Africa de Sud" ZM "Zambia" ZW "Zimbabwe" ``` -} toName : CountryCode -> String toName c = case c of AD -> "Andorra" AE -> "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF -> "Afganistan" AG -> "Antigua și Barbuda" AI -> "Anguilla" AL -> "Albania" AM -> "Armenia" AO -> "Angola" AQ -> "Antarctica" AR -> "Argentina" AS -> "Samoa americană" AT -> "Austria" AU -> "Australia" AW -> "Aruba" AX -> "Insulele Åland" AZ -> "Azerbaidjan" BA -> "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB -> "Barbados" BD -> "Bangladesh" BE -> "Belgia" BF -> "Burkina Faso" BG -> "Bulgaria" BH -> "Bahrain" BI -> "Burundi" BJ -> "Benin" BL -> "Saint Barthélemy" BM -> "Bermude" BN -> "Brunei" BO -> "Bolivia" BQ -> "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR -> "Brazilia" BS -> "Bahamas" BT -> "Bhutan" BV -> "Insula Bouvet" BW -> "Botswana" BY -> "Belarus" BZ -> "Belize" CA -> "Canada" CC -> "Insulele Cocos" CD -> "Republica Democrată Congo" CF -> "Republica Centrafricană" CG -> "Congo" CH -> "Elveția" CI -> "Coasta de Fildeș" CK -> "Insulele Cook" CL -> "Chile" CM -> "Camerun" CN -> "Republica Populară Chineză" CO -> "Columbia" CR -> "Costa Rica" CU -> "Cuba" CV -> "Republica Capului Verde" CW -> "Curaçao" CX -> "Insula Crăciunului" CY -> "Cipru" CZ -> "Cehia" DE -> "Germania" DJ -> "Djibouti" DK -> "Danemarca" DM -> "Dominica" DO -> "Republica Dominicană" DZ -> "Algeria" EC -> "Ecuador" EE -> "Estonia" EG -> "Egipt" EH -> "Sahara Occidentală" ER -> "Eritreea" ES -> "Spania" ET -> "Etiopia" FI -> "Finlanda" FJ -> "Fiji" FK -> "Insulele Falkland" FM -> "Micronezia" FO -> "Insulele Feroe" FR -> "Franța" GA -> "Gabon" GB -> "Regatul Unit" GD -> "Grenada" GE -> "Georgia" GF -> "Guiana Franceză" GG -> "Guernsey" GH -> "Ghana" GI -> "Gibraltar" GL -> "Groenlanda" GM -> "Gambia" GN -> "Guineea" GP -> "Guadelupa" GQ -> "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR -> "Grecia" GS -> "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ -> "Guatemala" GU -> "Guam" GW -> "Guineea-Bissau" GY -> "Guyana" HK -> "Hong Kong" HM -> "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN -> "Honduras" HR -> "Croația" HT -> "Haiti" HU -> "Ungaria" ID -> "Indonezia" IE -> "Republica Irlanda" IL -> "Israel" IM -> "Insula Man" IN -> "India" IO -> "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ -> "Irak" IR -> "Iran" IS -> "Islanda" IT -> "Italia" JE -> "Insula Jersey" JM -> "Jamaica" JO -> "Iordania" JP -> "Japonia" KE -> "Kenya" KG -> "Kârgâzstan" KH -> "Cambodgia" KI -> "Kiribati" KM -> "Comore" KN -> "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP -> "Coreea de Nord" KR -> "Coreea de Sud" KW -> "Kuweit" KY -> "Insulele Cayman" KZ -> "Kazahstan" LA -> "Laos" LB -> "Liban" LC -> "Sfânta Lucia" LI -> "Liechtenstein" LK -> "Sri Lanka" LR -> "Liberia" LS -> "Lesotho" LT_ -> "Lituania" LU -> "Luxemburg" LV -> "Letonia" LY -> "Libia" MA -> "Maroc" MC -> "Monaco" MD -> "Republica Moldova" ME -> "Muntenegru" MF -> "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG -> "Mad<NAME>" MH -> "Insulele Marshall" MK -> "Republica Macedonia" ML -> "Mali" MM -> "Myanmar" MN -> "Mongolia" MO -> "Macao" MP -> "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ -> "Martinica" MR -> "Mauritania" MS -> "Montserrat" MT -> "Malta" MU -> "Mauritius" MV -> "Maldive" MW -> "Malawi" MX -> "Mexic" MY -> "Malaezia" MZ -> "Mozambic" NA -> "Namibia" NC -> "Noua Caledonie" NE -> "Niger" NF -> "Insula Norfolk" NG -> "Nigeria" NI -> "Nicaragua" NL -> "Țările de Jos" NO -> "Norvegia" NP -> "Nepal" NR -> "Nauru" NU -> "Niue" NZ -> "Noua Zeelandă" OM -> "Oman" PA -> "Panama" PE -> "Peru" PF -> "Polinezia franceză" PG -> "Papua Noua Guinee" PH -> "Filipine" PK -> "Pakistan" PL -> "Polonia" PM -> "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN -> "Pitcairn" PR -> "Puerto Rico" PS -> "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT -> "Portugalia" PW -> "Palau" PY -> "Paraguay" QA -> "Qatar" RE -> "Réunion" RO -> "România" RS -> "Serbia" RU -> "Rusia" RW -> "Rwanda" SA -> "Arabia Saudită" SB -> "Insulele Solomon" SC -> "Seychelles" SD -> "Sudan" SE -> "Suedia" SG -> "Singapore" SH -> "Sfânta Elena" SI -> "Slovenia" SJ -> "S<NAME>bard și <NAME>" SK -> "Slovacia" SL -> "Sierra Leone" SM -> "San Marino" SN -> "Senegal" SO -> "Somalia" SR -> "Surinam" SS -> "Sudanul de Sud" ST -> "Sao Tome și Principe" SV -> "El Salvador" SX -> "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY -> "Siria" SZ -> "Swaziland" TC -> "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD -> "Ciad" TF -> "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG -> "Togo" TH -> "Thailanda" TJ -> "Tadjikistan" TK -> "Tokelau" TL -> "Timorul de Est" TM -> "Turkmenistan" TN -> "Tunisia" TO -> "Tonga" TR -> "Turcia" TT -> "Trinidad și Tobago" TV -> "Tuvalu" TW -> "Taiwan" TZ -> "Tanzania" UA -> "Ucraina" UG -> "Uganda" UM -> "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US -> "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY -> "Uruguay" UZ -> "Uzbekistan" VA -> "Vatican" VC -> "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE -> "Venezuela" VG -> "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI -> "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN -> "Vietnam" VU -> "Vanuatu" WF -> "Wallis și Futuna" WS -> "Samoa" YE -> "Yemen" YT -> "Mayotte" ZA -> "Africa de Sud" ZM -> "Zambia" ZW -> "Zimbabwe"
module Iso3166.Romanian exposing (toName) -- Generated by 'generate/Main.hs' do not edit by hand {-| @docs toName -} import Iso3166 exposing (..) {-| Name for `CountryCode` in Romanian. ``` AD "Andorra" AE "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF "Afganistan" AG "Antigua și Barbuda" AI "Anguilla" AL "Albania" AM "Armenia" AO "Angola" AQ "Antarctica" AR "Argentina" AS "Samoa americană" AT "Austria" AU "Australia" AW "Aruba" AX "Insulele Åland" AZ "Azerbaidjan" BA "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB "Barbados" BD "Bangladesh" BE "Belgia" BF "Burkina Faso" BG "Bulgaria" BH "Bahrain" BI "Burundi" BJ "Benin" BL "Saint Barthélemy" BM "Bermude" BN "Brunei" BO "Bolivia" BQ "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR "Brazilia" BS "Bahamas" BT "Bhutan" BV "Insula Bouvet" BW "Botswana" BY "Belarus" BZ "Belize" CA "Canada" CC "Insulele Cocos" CD "Republica Democrată Congo" CF "Republica Centrafricană" CG "Congo" CH "Elveția" CI "Coasta de Fildeș" CK "Insulele Cook" CL "Chile" CM "Camerun" CN "Republica Populară Chineză" CO "Columbia" CR "Costa Rica" CU "Cuba" CV "Republica Capului Verde" CW "Curaçao" CX "Insula Crăciunului" CY "Cipru" CZ "Cehia" DE "Germania" DJ "Djibouti" DK "Danemarca" DM "Dominica" DO "Republica Dominicană" DZ "Algeria" EC "Ecuador" EE "Estonia" EG "Egipt" EH "Sahara Occidentală" ER "Eritreea" ES "Spania" ET "Etiopia" FI "Finlanda" FJ "Fiji" FK "Insulele Falkland" FM "Micronezia" FO "Insulele Feroe" FR "Franța" GA "Gabon" GB "Regatul Unit" GD "Grenada" GE "Georgia" GF "Guiana Franceză" GG "Guernsey" GH "Ghana" GI "Gibraltar" GL "Groenlanda" GM "Gambia" GN "Guineea" GP "Guadelupa" GQ "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR "Grecia" GS "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ "Guatemala" GU "Guam" GW "Guineea-Bissau" GY "Guyana" HK "Hong Kong" HM "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN "Honduras" HR "Croația" HT "Haiti" HU "Ungaria" ID "Indonezia" IE "Republica Irlanda" IL "Israel" IM "Insula Man" IN "India" IO "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ "Irak" IR "Iran" IS "Islanda" IT "Italia" JE "Insula Jersey" JM "Jamaica" JO "Iordania" JP "Japonia" KE "Kenya" KG "Kârgâzstan" KH "Cambodgia" KI "Kiribati" KM "Comore" KN "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP "Coreea de Nord" KR "Coreea de Sud" KW "Kuweit" KY "Insulele Cayman" KZ "Kazahstan" LA "Laos" LB "Liban" LC "Sfânta Lucia" LI "Liechtenstein" LK "Sri Lanka" LR "Liberia" LS "Lesotho" LT_ "Lituania" LU "Luxemburg" LV "Letonia" LY "Libia" MA "Maroc" MC "Monaco" MD "Republica Moldova" ME "Muntenegru" MF "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG "Madagascar" MH "Insulele Marshall" MK "Republica Macedonia" ML "Mali" MM "Myanmar" MN "Mongolia" MO "Macao" MP "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ "Martinica" MR "Mauritania" MS "Montserrat" MT "Malta" MU "Mauritius" MV "Maldive" MW "Malawi" MX "Mexic" MY "Malaezia" MZ "Mozambic" NA "Namibia" NC "Noua Caledonie" NE "Niger" NF "Insula Norfolk" NG "Nigeria" NI "Nicaragua" NL "Țările de Jos" NO "Norvegia" NP "Nepal" NR "Nauru" NU "Niue" NZ "Noua Zeelandă" OM "Oman" PA "Panama" PE "Peru" PF "Polinezia franceză" PG "Papua Noua Guinee" PH "Filipine" PK "Pakistan" PL "Polonia" PM "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN "Pitcairn" PR "Puerto Rico" PS "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT "Portugalia" PW "Palau" PY "Paraguay" QA "Qatar" RE "Réunion" RO "România" RS "Serbia" RU "Rusia" RW "Rwanda" SA "Arabia Saudită" SB "Insulele Solomon" SC "Seychelles" SD "Sudan" SE "Suedia" SG "Singapore" SH "Sfânta Elena" SI "Slovenia" SJ "Svalbard și Jan PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIen" SK "Slovacia" SL "Sierra Leone" SM "San Marino" SN "Senegal" SO "Somalia" SR "Surinam" SS "Sudanul de Sud" ST "Sao Tome și Principe" SV "El Salvador" SX "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY "Siria" SZ "Swaziland" TC "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD "Ciad" TF "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG "Togo" TH "Thailanda" TJ "Tadjikistan" TK "Tokelau" TL "Timorul de Est" TM "Turkmenistan" TN "Tunisia" TO "Tonga" TR "Turcia" TT "Trinidad și Tobago" TV "Tuvalu" TW "Taiwan" TZ "Tanzania" UA "Ucraina" UG "Uganda" UM "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY "Uruguay" UZ "Uzbekistan" VA "Vatican" VC "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE "Venezuela" VG "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN "Vietnam" VU "Vanuatu" WF "Wallis și Futuna" WS "Samoa" YE "Yemen" YT "Mayotte" ZA "Africa de Sud" ZM "Zambia" ZW "Zimbabwe" ``` -} toName : CountryCode -> String toName c = case c of AD -> "Andorra" AE -> "Emiratele Arabe Unite" AF -> "Afganistan" AG -> "Antigua și Barbuda" AI -> "Anguilla" AL -> "Albania" AM -> "Armenia" AO -> "Angola" AQ -> "Antarctica" AR -> "Argentina" AS -> "Samoa americană" AT -> "Austria" AU -> "Australia" AW -> "Aruba" AX -> "Insulele Åland" AZ -> "Azerbaidjan" BA -> "Bosnia și Herțegovina" BB -> "Barbados" BD -> "Bangladesh" BE -> "Belgia" BF -> "Burkina Faso" BG -> "Bulgaria" BH -> "Bahrain" BI -> "Burundi" BJ -> "Benin" BL -> "Saint Barthélemy" BM -> "Bermude" BN -> "Brunei" BO -> "Bolivia" BQ -> "Insulele Bonaire, Sint Eustatius și Saba" BR -> "Brazilia" BS -> "Bahamas" BT -> "Bhutan" BV -> "Insula Bouvet" BW -> "Botswana" BY -> "Belarus" BZ -> "Belize" CA -> "Canada" CC -> "Insulele Cocos" CD -> "Republica Democrată Congo" CF -> "Republica Centrafricană" CG -> "Congo" CH -> "Elveția" CI -> "Coasta de Fildeș" CK -> "Insulele Cook" CL -> "Chile" CM -> "Camerun" CN -> "Republica Populară Chineză" CO -> "Columbia" CR -> "Costa Rica" CU -> "Cuba" CV -> "Republica Capului Verde" CW -> "Curaçao" CX -> "Insula Crăciunului" CY -> "Cipru" CZ -> "Cehia" DE -> "Germania" DJ -> "Djibouti" DK -> "Danemarca" DM -> "Dominica" DO -> "Republica Dominicană" DZ -> "Algeria" EC -> "Ecuador" EE -> "Estonia" EG -> "Egipt" EH -> "Sahara Occidentală" ER -> "Eritreea" ES -> "Spania" ET -> "Etiopia" FI -> "Finlanda" FJ -> "Fiji" FK -> "Insulele Falkland" FM -> "Micronezia" FO -> "Insulele Feroe" FR -> "Franța" GA -> "Gabon" GB -> "Regatul Unit" GD -> "Grenada" GE -> "Georgia" GF -> "Guiana Franceză" GG -> "Guernsey" GH -> "Ghana" GI -> "Gibraltar" GL -> "Groenlanda" GM -> "Gambia" GN -> "Guineea" GP -> "Guadelupa" GQ -> "Guineea Ecuatorială" GR -> "Grecia" GS -> "Georgia de Sud și Insulele Sandwich de Sud" GT_ -> "Guatemala" GU -> "Guam" GW -> "Guineea-Bissau" GY -> "Guyana" HK -> "Hong Kong" HM -> "Insula Heard și Insulele McDonald" HN -> "Honduras" HR -> "Croația" HT -> "Haiti" HU -> "Ungaria" ID -> "Indonezia" IE -> "Republica Irlanda" IL -> "Israel" IM -> "Insula Man" IN -> "India" IO -> "Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian" IQ -> "Irak" IR -> "Iran" IS -> "Islanda" IT -> "Italia" JE -> "Insula Jersey" JM -> "Jamaica" JO -> "Iordania" JP -> "Japonia" KE -> "Kenya" KG -> "Kârgâzstan" KH -> "Cambodgia" KI -> "Kiribati" KM -> "Comore" KN -> "Sfântul Kitts și Nevis" KP -> "Coreea de Nord" KR -> "Coreea de Sud" KW -> "Kuweit" KY -> "Insulele Cayman" KZ -> "Kazahstan" LA -> "Laos" LB -> "Liban" LC -> "Sfânta Lucia" LI -> "Liechtenstein" LK -> "Sri Lanka" LR -> "Liberia" LS -> "Lesotho" LT_ -> "Lituania" LU -> "Luxemburg" LV -> "Letonia" LY -> "Libia" MA -> "Maroc" MC -> "Monaco" MD -> "Republica Moldova" ME -> "Muntenegru" MF -> "Sint Maarten (partea franceză)" MG -> "MadPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" MH -> "Insulele Marshall" MK -> "Republica Macedonia" ML -> "Mali" MM -> "Myanmar" MN -> "Mongolia" MO -> "Macao" MP -> "Insulele Mariane de Nord" MQ -> "Martinica" MR -> "Mauritania" MS -> "Montserrat" MT -> "Malta" MU -> "Mauritius" MV -> "Maldive" MW -> "Malawi" MX -> "Mexic" MY -> "Malaezia" MZ -> "Mozambic" NA -> "Namibia" NC -> "Noua Caledonie" NE -> "Niger" NF -> "Insula Norfolk" NG -> "Nigeria" NI -> "Nicaragua" NL -> "Țările de Jos" NO -> "Norvegia" NP -> "Nepal" NR -> "Nauru" NU -> "Niue" NZ -> "Noua Zeelandă" OM -> "Oman" PA -> "Panama" PE -> "Peru" PF -> "Polinezia franceză" PG -> "Papua Noua Guinee" PH -> "Filipine" PK -> "Pakistan" PL -> "Polonia" PM -> "Sfântul Pierre și Miquelon" PN -> "Pitcairn" PR -> "Puerto Rico" PS -> "Teritoriile Palestiniene Ocupate" PT -> "Portugalia" PW -> "Palau" PY -> "Paraguay" QA -> "Qatar" RE -> "Réunion" RO -> "România" RS -> "Serbia" RU -> "Rusia" RW -> "Rwanda" SA -> "Arabia Saudită" SB -> "Insulele Solomon" SC -> "Seychelles" SD -> "Sudan" SE -> "Suedia" SG -> "Singapore" SH -> "Sfânta Elena" SI -> "Slovenia" SJ -> "SPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIbard și PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" SK -> "Slovacia" SL -> "Sierra Leone" SM -> "San Marino" SN -> "Senegal" SO -> "Somalia" SR -> "Surinam" SS -> "Sudanul de Sud" ST -> "Sao Tome și Principe" SV -> "El Salvador" SX -> "Sint Maarten (partea olandeză)" SY -> "Siria" SZ -> "Swaziland" TC -> "Insulele Turks și Caicos" TD -> "Ciad" TF -> "Teritoriile australe și antarctice franceze" TG -> "Togo" TH -> "Thailanda" TJ -> "Tadjikistan" TK -> "Tokelau" TL -> "Timorul de Est" TM -> "Turkmenistan" TN -> "Tunisia" TO -> "Tonga" TR -> "Turcia" TT -> "Trinidad și Tobago" TV -> "Tuvalu" TW -> "Taiwan" TZ -> "Tanzania" UA -> "Ucraina" UG -> "Uganda" UM -> "United States Minor Outlying Islands" US -> "Statele Unite ale Americii" UY -> "Uruguay" UZ -> "Uzbekistan" VA -> "Vatican" VC -> "Sfântul Vincent și Grenadine" VE -> "Venezuela" VG -> "Insulele Virgine Britanice" VI -> "Insulele Virgine Americane" VN -> "Vietnam" VU -> "Vanuatu" WF -> "Wallis și Futuna" WS -> "Samoa" YE -> "Yemen" YT -> "Mayotte" ZA -> "Africa de Sud" ZM -> "Zambia" ZW -> "Zimbabwe"
[ { "context": "pPermissions =\n { creator = \"Fission\", name = \"Contacts\" }\n\n\nfsPermissions : Webnative.FileSystemPermissi", "end": 915, "score": 0.5219017863, "start": 907, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Contacts" } ]
module Radix exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import CAIP exposing (ChainIdCollection) import ChainID exposing (ChainID) import Contact exposing (Contact) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Page exposing (Page) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..)) import Time import UUID import Url exposing (Url) import Webnative import Webnative.Path as Path exposing (File, Path) -- ⛩ type alias Flags = { seeds : List Int } -- 🌳 type alias Model = { navKey : Nav.Key , page : Page , seeds : UUID.Seeds , url : Url , userData : UserData } -- 🌳 ~ USER DATA type alias UserData = { blockchainIds : RemoteData String ChainIdCollection , contacts : RemoteData String (List Contact) , name : Maybe String } -- 🌳 ~ PERMISSIONS appPermissions : Webnative.AppPermissions appPermissions = { creator = "Fission", name = "Contacts" } fsPermissions : Webnative.FileSystemPermissions fsPermissions = { public = { directories = [] , files = [] } , private = { directories = [ Path.directory [ "Documents", "Contacts" ] ] , files = [] } } permissions : Webnative.Permissions permissions = { app = Just appPermissions , fs = Just fsPermissions } contactsPath : Path File contactsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Library.json" ] blockchainsPath : Path File blockchainsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Blockchain Networks.json" ] -- 📣 type Msg = Bypassed ----------------------------------------- -- 🐚 ----------------------------------------- | CopyToClipboard { notification : Maybe String, text : String } | GetCurrentTimeFor (Time.Posix -> Msg) | GotWebnativeResponse Webnative.Response | SignIn | SignOut ----------------------------------------- -- Contacts ----------------------------------------- | AddNewContact Page.NewContext Time.Posix | GotUpdatedEditContext Page.EditContext | GotUpdatedIndexContext Page.IndexContext | GotUpdatedNewContext Page.NewContext | RemoveContact { index : Int } | UpdateContact Contact Page.EditContext Time.Posix ----------------------------------------- -- Routing ----------------------------------------- | UrlChanged Url | UrlRequested Browser.UrlRequest type alias Manager = Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
module Radix exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import CAIP exposing (ChainIdCollection) import ChainID exposing (ChainID) import Contact exposing (Contact) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Page exposing (Page) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..)) import Time import UUID import Url exposing (Url) import Webnative import Webnative.Path as Path exposing (File, Path) -- ⛩ type alias Flags = { seeds : List Int } -- 🌳 type alias Model = { navKey : Nav.Key , page : Page , seeds : UUID.Seeds , url : Url , userData : UserData } -- 🌳 ~ USER DATA type alias UserData = { blockchainIds : RemoteData String ChainIdCollection , contacts : RemoteData String (List Contact) , name : Maybe String } -- 🌳 ~ PERMISSIONS appPermissions : Webnative.AppPermissions appPermissions = { creator = "Fission", name = "<NAME>" } fsPermissions : Webnative.FileSystemPermissions fsPermissions = { public = { directories = [] , files = [] } , private = { directories = [ Path.directory [ "Documents", "Contacts" ] ] , files = [] } } permissions : Webnative.Permissions permissions = { app = Just appPermissions , fs = Just fsPermissions } contactsPath : Path File contactsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Library.json" ] blockchainsPath : Path File blockchainsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Blockchain Networks.json" ] -- 📣 type Msg = Bypassed ----------------------------------------- -- 🐚 ----------------------------------------- | CopyToClipboard { notification : Maybe String, text : String } | GetCurrentTimeFor (Time.Posix -> Msg) | GotWebnativeResponse Webnative.Response | SignIn | SignOut ----------------------------------------- -- Contacts ----------------------------------------- | AddNewContact Page.NewContext Time.Posix | GotUpdatedEditContext Page.EditContext | GotUpdatedIndexContext Page.IndexContext | GotUpdatedNewContext Page.NewContext | RemoveContact { index : Int } | UpdateContact Contact Page.EditContext Time.Posix ----------------------------------------- -- Routing ----------------------------------------- | UrlChanged Url | UrlRequested Browser.UrlRequest type alias Manager = Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
module Radix exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import CAIP exposing (ChainIdCollection) import ChainID exposing (ChainID) import Contact exposing (Contact) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Page exposing (Page) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..)) import Time import UUID import Url exposing (Url) import Webnative import Webnative.Path as Path exposing (File, Path) -- ⛩ type alias Flags = { seeds : List Int } -- 🌳 type alias Model = { navKey : Nav.Key , page : Page , seeds : UUID.Seeds , url : Url , userData : UserData } -- 🌳 ~ USER DATA type alias UserData = { blockchainIds : RemoteData String ChainIdCollection , contacts : RemoteData String (List Contact) , name : Maybe String } -- 🌳 ~ PERMISSIONS appPermissions : Webnative.AppPermissions appPermissions = { creator = "Fission", name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } fsPermissions : Webnative.FileSystemPermissions fsPermissions = { public = { directories = [] , files = [] } , private = { directories = [ Path.directory [ "Documents", "Contacts" ] ] , files = [] } } permissions : Webnative.Permissions permissions = { app = Just appPermissions , fs = Just fsPermissions } contactsPath : Path File contactsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Library.json" ] blockchainsPath : Path File blockchainsPath = Path.file [ "Documents", "Contacts", "Blockchain Networks.json" ] -- 📣 type Msg = Bypassed ----------------------------------------- -- 🐚 ----------------------------------------- | CopyToClipboard { notification : Maybe String, text : String } | GetCurrentTimeFor (Time.Posix -> Msg) | GotWebnativeResponse Webnative.Response | SignIn | SignOut ----------------------------------------- -- Contacts ----------------------------------------- | AddNewContact Page.NewContext Time.Posix | GotUpdatedEditContext Page.EditContext | GotUpdatedIndexContext Page.IndexContext | GotUpdatedNewContext Page.NewContext | RemoveContact { index : Int } | UpdateContact Contact Page.EditContext Time.Posix ----------------------------------------- -- Routing ----------------------------------------- | UrlChanged Url | UrlRequested Browser.UrlRequest type alias Manager = Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
[ { "context": " \\() ->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Anna 21\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (21", "end": 288, "score": 0.9996957779, "start": 284, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": " [ \"Anna 21\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (21)\" ]\n , test \"adds brackets to goal tim", "end": 334, "score": 0.999576807, "start": 330, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": " \\() ->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Anna 13\", \"Lisa 17\" ]\n |> Expect.equal ", "end": 477, "score": 0.9997105598, "start": 473, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Anna 13\", \"Lisa 17\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (13", "end": 488, "score": 0.9986118078, "start": 484, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lisa" }, { "context": "\", \"Lisa 17\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (13)\", \"Lisa (17)\" ] \n , test \"adds comma", "end": 534, "score": 0.9995595813, "start": 530, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (13)\", \"Lisa (17)\" ] \n , test \"adds comma separated go", "end": 547, "score": 0.8970066905, "start": 544, "tag": "NAME", "value": "isa" }, { "context": " \\() ->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Anna 28\", \"Anna 32\" ]\n |> Expect.equal ", "end": 691, "score": 0.999750793, "start": 687, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Anna 28\", \"Anna 32\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (28", "end": 702, "score": 0.9995992184, "start": 698, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "\", \"Anna 32\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (28, 32)\" ] \n , test \"o", "end": 748, "score": 0.9995878935, "start": 744, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": " \\() ->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Lisa 43\", \"Anna 47\" ]\n |> Expect.equal ", "end": 882, "score": 0.9992212057, "start": 878, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lisa" }, { "context": "->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Lisa 43\", \"Anna 47\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (47", "end": 893, "score": 0.9995766878, "start": 889, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "\", \"Anna 47\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (47)\", \"Lisa (43)\" ] \n , test \"adds comma", "end": 939, "score": 0.999563992, "start": 935, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (47)\", \"Lisa (43)\" ] \n , test \"adds comma separated go", "end": 952, "score": 0.9629492164, "start": 948, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lisa" }, { "context": " \\() ->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Lisa 76\", \"Anna 78\", \"Anna 82\" ]\n |> Ex", "end": 1117, "score": 0.9994036555, "start": 1113, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lisa" }, { "context": "->\n aggregateScorers [ \"Lisa 76\", \"Anna 78\", \"Anna 82\" ]\n |> Expect.equal ", "end": 1128, "score": 0.9997127056, "start": 1124, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": " aggregateScorers [ \"Lisa 76\", \"Anna 78\", \"Anna 82\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (78", "end": 1139, "score": 0.9994179606, "start": 1135, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "\", \"Anna 82\" ]\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (78, 82)\", \"Lisa (76)\" ] \n ", "end": 1185, "score": 0.9995859861, "start": 1181, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": " |> Expect.equal [ \"Anna (78, 82)\", \"Lisa (76)\" ] \n ]\n", "end": 1202, "score": 0.9817227721, "start": 1198, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Lisa" } ]
module Tests exposing (tests) import Expect import AggregateScorers exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) tests : Test tests = describe "AggregateScorers" [ test "adds brackets to goal time for single scorer" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "Anna 21" ] |> Expect.equal [ "Anna (21)" ] , test "adds brackets to goal time for multiple unique scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "Anna 13", "Lisa 17" ] |> Expect.equal [ "Anna (13)", "Lisa (17)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicate scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "Anna 28", "Anna 32" ] |> Expect.equal [ "Anna (28, 32)" ] , test "orders alphabetically" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "Lisa 43", "Anna 47" ] |> Expect.equal [ "Anna (47)", "Lisa (43)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicates and maintain single scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "Lisa 76", "Anna 78", "Anna 82" ] |> Expect.equal [ "Anna (78, 82)", "Lisa (76)" ] ]
module Tests exposing (tests) import Expect import AggregateScorers exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) tests : Test tests = describe "AggregateScorers" [ test "adds brackets to goal time for single scorer" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "<NAME> 21" ] |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME> (21)" ] , test "adds brackets to goal time for multiple unique scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "<NAME> 13", "<NAME> 17" ] |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME> (13)", "L<NAME> (17)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicate scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "<NAME> 28", "<NAME> 32" ] |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME> (28, 32)" ] , test "orders alphabetically" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "<NAME> 43", "<NAME> 47" ] |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME> (47)", "<NAME> (43)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicates and maintain single scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "<NAME> 76", "<NAME> 78", "<NAME> 82" ] |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME> (78, 82)", "<NAME> (76)" ] ]
module Tests exposing (tests) import Expect import AggregateScorers exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) tests : Test tests = describe "AggregateScorers" [ test "adds brackets to goal time for single scorer" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 21" ] |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (21)" ] , test "adds brackets to goal time for multiple unique scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 13", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 17" ] |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (13)", "LPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (17)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicate scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 28", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 32" ] |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (28, 32)" ] , test "orders alphabetically" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 43", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 47" ] |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (47)", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (43)" ] , test "adds comma separated goal times for duplicates and maintain single scorers" <| \() -> aggregateScorers [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 76", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 78", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI 82" ] |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (78, 82)", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (76)" ] ]
[ { "context": " , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor\n , Animator.wait (Animator.sec", "end": 1022, "score": 0.7936178446, "start": 1012, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Griffyndor" }, { "context": " , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin\n , Animator.wait (Animator.sec", "end": 1147, "score": 0.7740617394, "start": 1138, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Slytherin" }, { "context": " , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw\n , Animator.wait (Animator.sec", "end": 1272, "score": 0.6151719689, "start": 1263, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ravenclaw" }, { "context": "Griffyndor ->\n Animator.at 400\n\n Slytherin ->\n Animator.at 700\n\n Ravenclaw", "end": 11693, "score": 0.9597212076, "start": 11684, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Slytherin" }, { "context": " Slytherin ->\n Animator.at 700\n\n Ravenclaw ->\n Animator.at 1000\n\n\nbaseSpline =\n ", "end": 11743, "score": 0.9626668692, "start": 11734, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ravenclaw" } ]
module Benchmarks exposing (suite) import Animator import Animator.Css import Animator.Css2 import Array import Benchmark exposing (..) import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Internal.Bezier as Bezier import Internal.Css as Css import Internal.Css.Props import Internal.Interpolate as Interpolate import Internal.Spring as Spring import Internal.Time as Time import Internal.Timeline as Timeline import Pixels import Random import Time suite = Benchmark.describe "Animator benchmarks" [ -- springs -- , randomness -- , basicInterpolation -- , floatComparison -- , interpolationComponents -- foldp -- equalityCompare cssGeneration -- stringifying ] foldp = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "foldp" [ benchmark "new foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldp identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "new all foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpAll identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "old foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpOld identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "Visit" <| \_ -> Interpolate.visit identity (Timeline.Occurring (Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault 20) (Time.millis 100) (Time.millis 900)) (Time.millis 500) Nothing { position = Pixels.pixels 0 , velocity = Pixels.pixelsPerSecond 0 } ] springs : Benchmark springs = let steps = List.repeat 0 20 in describe "Springs" [ benchmark "stepwise - 100 steps" <| \_ -> Spring.stepOver (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "Analytical measure" <| \_ -> Spring.analytical { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "presolved differential equation" <| \_ -> let t = 0.5 in -- if you provide f(0) = 0; f'(0) = 0; f''(t) = -180(f(t) - 1) - 12f'(t) as input -- this is the differential equation from wolfram alpha -- f(t) = -1/2 e^(-6 t) (-2 e^(6 t) + sin(12 t) + 2 cos(12 t)) (-1 / 2 * e ^ (-6 * t)) * ((-2 * e ^ (6 * t)) + sin (12 * t) + 2 * cos (12 * t)) ] fract x = x - toFloat (floor x) {-| -} randomness : Benchmark randomness = describe "Random number generator" [ benchmark "elm/random - random float" <| \_ -> Random.initialSeed 8675309 |> Random.step (Random.float 0 1) |> Tuple.first , benchmark "scaled sine method" <| -- learned this approach from https://thebookofshaders.com/10/ -- super cool! -- and turns out 32x faster than elm/random -- though elm/random has a much nicer distribution \_ -> let seed = 8675309 in (fract (sin seed * 100000.0) + 1.5707) / 3.1415 ] beforeMinus : Float -> Float -> Bool beforeMinus one two = (one - two) < 0 before : Float -> Float -> Bool before one two = one < two timeOne = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 0) timeTwo = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 500) stringifying : Benchmark stringifying = let point = { x = 893213.3 , y = 84923.3 } x = 84923 bez = Bezier.Spline point point point point in describe "Stringifying numbers" [ benchmark "Bezier, convert each number to string" <| \_ -> Bezier.hash bez , benchmark "Bezier, convert only one" <| \_ -> String.fromInt x ] batman = "batman" superman = "superman" eightySeven = 87 twentythree = 23 equalityCompare : Benchmark equalityCompare = describe "Comparing equality checks for primitives" [ benchmark "Strings equal" <| \_ -> batman == superman , benchmark "Ints" <| \_ -> eightySeven == twentythree , benchmark "Ints w/0 trick" <| \_ -> eightySeven - twentythree == 0 ] floatComparison : Benchmark floatComparison = describe "Comparing Floats" [ benchmark "Standard" <| \_ -> before 5 20 , benchmark "(one - two) < 0 form" <| \_ -> beforeMinus 5 20 ] {-| -} basicInterpolation : Benchmark basicInterpolation = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Interpolate to a point on a 4 event timeline" [ benchmark "interpolate to position" <| \_ -> Interpolate.details timeline (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) , benchmark "capture frames(60fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames(15fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline ] cssGeneration = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Css generation:4 event timeline" [ benchmark "capture frames, 60fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames, 15fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "bezier-generation (new)" <| \_ -> Css.cssFromProps timeline toProps ] toProps event = -- let -- base = toFloat state * 100 -- in -- -- Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault (toFloat (state * 100)) -- [ Css.Prop Internal.Css.Props.ids.opacity -- (wave (Timeline.Repeat 5 (Animator.millis 200)) base (base + 100)) -- ] case event of Hufflepuff -> [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 100) ] Griffyndor -> -- pos 400 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 400) ] Slytherin -> -- pos 700 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 700) ] Ravenclaw -> -- pos 1000 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 1000) ] pos state = Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault state type House = Hufflepuff | Griffyndor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw toPos event = case event of Hufflepuff -> Animator.at 100 Griffyndor -> Animator.at 400 Slytherin -> Animator.at 700 Ravenclaw -> Animator.at 1000 baseSpline = Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } interpolationComponents = describe "Interpolation" [ benchmark "Create spline" <| \_ -> Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } , benchmark "Find x on spline" <| \_ -> Bezier.atX baseSpline 625 ]
module Benchmarks exposing (suite) import Animator import Animator.Css import Animator.Css2 import Array import Benchmark exposing (..) import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Internal.Bezier as Bezier import Internal.Css as Css import Internal.Css.Props import Internal.Interpolate as Interpolate import Internal.Spring as Spring import Internal.Time as Time import Internal.Timeline as Timeline import Pixels import Random import Time suite = Benchmark.describe "Animator benchmarks" [ -- springs -- , randomness -- , basicInterpolation -- , floatComparison -- , interpolationComponents -- foldp -- equalityCompare cssGeneration -- stringifying ] foldp = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) <NAME> , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) <NAME> , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) <NAME> , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "foldp" [ benchmark "new foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldp identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "new all foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpAll identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "old foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpOld identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "Visit" <| \_ -> Interpolate.visit identity (Timeline.Occurring (Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault 20) (Time.millis 100) (Time.millis 900)) (Time.millis 500) Nothing { position = Pixels.pixels 0 , velocity = Pixels.pixelsPerSecond 0 } ] springs : Benchmark springs = let steps = List.repeat 0 20 in describe "Springs" [ benchmark "stepwise - 100 steps" <| \_ -> Spring.stepOver (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "Analytical measure" <| \_ -> Spring.analytical { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "presolved differential equation" <| \_ -> let t = 0.5 in -- if you provide f(0) = 0; f'(0) = 0; f''(t) = -180(f(t) - 1) - 12f'(t) as input -- this is the differential equation from wolfram alpha -- f(t) = -1/2 e^(-6 t) (-2 e^(6 t) + sin(12 t) + 2 cos(12 t)) (-1 / 2 * e ^ (-6 * t)) * ((-2 * e ^ (6 * t)) + sin (12 * t) + 2 * cos (12 * t)) ] fract x = x - toFloat (floor x) {-| -} randomness : Benchmark randomness = describe "Random number generator" [ benchmark "elm/random - random float" <| \_ -> Random.initialSeed 8675309 |> Random.step (Random.float 0 1) |> Tuple.first , benchmark "scaled sine method" <| -- learned this approach from https://thebookofshaders.com/10/ -- super cool! -- and turns out 32x faster than elm/random -- though elm/random has a much nicer distribution \_ -> let seed = 8675309 in (fract (sin seed * 100000.0) + 1.5707) / 3.1415 ] beforeMinus : Float -> Float -> Bool beforeMinus one two = (one - two) < 0 before : Float -> Float -> Bool before one two = one < two timeOne = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 0) timeTwo = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 500) stringifying : Benchmark stringifying = let point = { x = 893213.3 , y = 84923.3 } x = 84923 bez = Bezier.Spline point point point point in describe "Stringifying numbers" [ benchmark "Bezier, convert each number to string" <| \_ -> Bezier.hash bez , benchmark "Bezier, convert only one" <| \_ -> String.fromInt x ] batman = "batman" superman = "superman" eightySeven = 87 twentythree = 23 equalityCompare : Benchmark equalityCompare = describe "Comparing equality checks for primitives" [ benchmark "Strings equal" <| \_ -> batman == superman , benchmark "Ints" <| \_ -> eightySeven == twentythree , benchmark "Ints w/0 trick" <| \_ -> eightySeven - twentythree == 0 ] floatComparison : Benchmark floatComparison = describe "Comparing Floats" [ benchmark "Standard" <| \_ -> before 5 20 , benchmark "(one - two) < 0 form" <| \_ -> beforeMinus 5 20 ] {-| -} basicInterpolation : Benchmark basicInterpolation = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Interpolate to a point on a 4 event timeline" [ benchmark "interpolate to position" <| \_ -> Interpolate.details timeline (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) , benchmark "capture frames(60fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames(15fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline ] cssGeneration = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Css generation:4 event timeline" [ benchmark "capture frames, 60fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames, 15fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "bezier-generation (new)" <| \_ -> Css.cssFromProps timeline toProps ] toProps event = -- let -- base = toFloat state * 100 -- in -- -- Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault (toFloat (state * 100)) -- [ Css.Prop Internal.Css.Props.ids.opacity -- (wave (Timeline.Repeat 5 (Animator.millis 200)) base (base + 100)) -- ] case event of Hufflepuff -> [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 100) ] Griffyndor -> -- pos 400 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 400) ] Slytherin -> -- pos 700 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 700) ] Ravenclaw -> -- pos 1000 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 1000) ] pos state = Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault state type House = Hufflepuff | Griffyndor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw toPos event = case event of Hufflepuff -> Animator.at 100 Griffyndor -> Animator.at 400 <NAME> -> Animator.at 700 <NAME> -> Animator.at 1000 baseSpline = Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } interpolationComponents = describe "Interpolation" [ benchmark "Create spline" <| \_ -> Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } , benchmark "Find x on spline" <| \_ -> Bezier.atX baseSpline 625 ]
module Benchmarks exposing (suite) import Animator import Animator.Css import Animator.Css2 import Array import Benchmark exposing (..) import Benchmark.Runner exposing (BenchmarkProgram, program) import Internal.Bezier as Bezier import Internal.Css as Css import Internal.Css.Props import Internal.Interpolate as Interpolate import Internal.Spring as Spring import Internal.Time as Time import Internal.Timeline as Timeline import Pixels import Random import Time suite = Benchmark.describe "Animator benchmarks" [ -- springs -- , randomness -- , basicInterpolation -- , floatComparison -- , interpolationComponents -- foldp -- equalityCompare cssGeneration -- stringifying ] foldp = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "foldp" [ benchmark "new foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldp identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "new all foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpAll identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "old foldp" <| \_ -> Timeline.foldpOld identity { start = \_ -> Hufflepuff , dwellPeriod = \_ -> Nothing , adjustor = \_ -> Timeline.linearDefault , visit = \lookup target targetTime maybeLookAhead state -> Timeline.getEvent target , lerp = \_ maybePrevious target _ _ _ state -> target } timeline , benchmark "Visit" <| \_ -> Interpolate.visit identity (Timeline.Occurring (Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault 20) (Time.millis 100) (Time.millis 900)) (Time.millis 500) Nothing { position = Pixels.pixels 0 , velocity = Pixels.pixelsPerSecond 0 } ] springs : Benchmark springs = let steps = List.repeat 0 20 in describe "Springs" [ benchmark "stepwise - 100 steps" <| \_ -> Spring.stepOver (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "Analytical measure" <| \_ -> Spring.analytical { stiffness = 180 , damping = 12 , mass = 1 } (Animator.millis (16 * 20)) 300 { velocity = 0 , position = 0 } , benchmark "presolved differential equation" <| \_ -> let t = 0.5 in -- if you provide f(0) = 0; f'(0) = 0; f''(t) = -180(f(t) - 1) - 12f'(t) as input -- this is the differential equation from wolfram alpha -- f(t) = -1/2 e^(-6 t) (-2 e^(6 t) + sin(12 t) + 2 cos(12 t)) (-1 / 2 * e ^ (-6 * t)) * ((-2 * e ^ (6 * t)) + sin (12 * t) + 2 * cos (12 * t)) ] fract x = x - toFloat (floor x) {-| -} randomness : Benchmark randomness = describe "Random number generator" [ benchmark "elm/random - random float" <| \_ -> Random.initialSeed 8675309 |> Random.step (Random.float 0 1) |> Tuple.first , benchmark "scaled sine method" <| -- learned this approach from https://thebookofshaders.com/10/ -- super cool! -- and turns out 32x faster than elm/random -- though elm/random has a much nicer distribution \_ -> let seed = 8675309 in (fract (sin seed * 100000.0) + 1.5707) / 3.1415 ] beforeMinus : Float -> Float -> Bool beforeMinus one two = (one - two) < 0 before : Float -> Float -> Bool before one two = one < two timeOne = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 0) timeTwo = Time.absolute (Time.millisToPosix 500) stringifying : Benchmark stringifying = let point = { x = 893213.3 , y = 84923.3 } x = 84923 bez = Bezier.Spline point point point point in describe "Stringifying numbers" [ benchmark "Bezier, convert each number to string" <| \_ -> Bezier.hash bez , benchmark "Bezier, convert only one" <| \_ -> String.fromInt x ] batman = "batman" superman = "superman" eightySeven = 87 twentythree = 23 equalityCompare : Benchmark equalityCompare = describe "Comparing equality checks for primitives" [ benchmark "Strings equal" <| \_ -> batman == superman , benchmark "Ints" <| \_ -> eightySeven == twentythree , benchmark "Ints w/0 trick" <| \_ -> eightySeven - twentythree == 0 ] floatComparison : Benchmark floatComparison = describe "Comparing Floats" [ benchmark "Standard" <| \_ -> before 5 20 , benchmark "(one - two) < 0 form" <| \_ -> beforeMinus 5 20 ] {-| -} basicInterpolation : Benchmark basicInterpolation = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Interpolate to a point on a 4 event timeline" [ benchmark "interpolate to position" <| \_ -> Interpolate.details timeline (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) , benchmark "capture frames(60fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames(15fps)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline ] cssGeneration = let timeline = Animator.init Hufflepuff |> Animator.queue [ Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Griffyndor , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Slytherin , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) , Animator.event (Animator.seconds 1) Ravenclaw , Animator.wait (Animator.seconds 1) ] |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 0) |> Timeline.update (Time.millisToPosix 1400) in describe "Css generation:4 event timeline" [ benchmark "capture frames, 60fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 60 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "capture frames, 15fps, (old)" <| \_ -> Timeline.capture 15 (Interpolate.withStandardDefault << toPos) Interpolate.moving timeline , benchmark "bezier-generation (new)" <| \_ -> Css.cssFromProps timeline toProps ] toProps event = -- let -- base = toFloat state * 100 -- in -- -- Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault (toFloat (state * 100)) -- [ Css.Prop Internal.Css.Props.ids.opacity -- (wave (Timeline.Repeat 5 (Animator.millis 200)) base (base + 100)) -- ] case event of Hufflepuff -> [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 100) ] Griffyndor -> -- pos 400 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 400) ] Slytherin -> -- pos 700 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 700) ] Ravenclaw -> -- pos 1000 [ Animator.Css2.opacity (Animator.at 1000) ] pos state = Interpolate.Pos Interpolate.standardDefault state type House = Hufflepuff | Griffyndor | Slytherin | Ravenclaw toPos event = case event of Hufflepuff -> Animator.at 100 Griffyndor -> Animator.at 400 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -> Animator.at 700 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -> Animator.at 1000 baseSpline = Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } interpolationComponents = describe "Interpolation" [ benchmark "Create spline" <| \_ -> Interpolate.createSpline { start = { x = 0 , y = 2 } , startVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 250 } , departure = Interpolate.standardDefault , end = { x = 1000 , y = 1000 } , endVelocity = { x = 1000 , y = 0 } , arrival = Interpolate.standardDefault } , benchmark "Find x on spline" <| \_ -> Bezier.atX baseSpline 625 ]
[ { "context": "iate/Form.elm)\n * [Todo List](https://github.com/evancz/TodoFRP)\n\nI suspect a lot of this code could be s", "end": 7346, "score": 0.9944345355, "start": 7340, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "evancz" }, { "context": "rd entry, etc.\n\n## Thank you!\n\nHuge thank you to [Spiros Eliopoulos](https://github.com/seliopou) whose work\non [elm-", "end": 7657, "score": 0.9998759031, "start": 7640, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spiros Eliopoulos" }, { "context": "ank you to [Spiros Eliopoulos](https://github.com/seliopou) whose work\non [elm-d3](https://github.com/seliop", "end": 7686, "score": 0.9995679259, "start": 7678, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "seliopou" }, { "context": ") whose work\non [elm-d3](https://github.com/seliopou/elm-d3) led inspired the `signal` field\nof an `In", "end": 7738, "score": 0.5303145647, "start": 7736, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "ou" }, { "context": "` field\nof an `Input`. Another huge thank you to [Jeff Smitts](https://github.com/Apanatshka)\nfor talking throu", "end": 7832, "score": 0.9998782873, "start": 7821, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jeff Smitts" }, { "context": "https://github.com/Apanatshka)\nfor talking through Spiros's idea with me and inspiring the `handle` field o", "end": 7891, "score": 0.6324294209, "start": 7885, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spiros" } ]
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Interactive UI Elements" main = lift2 (skeleton "Learn") (everything <~ check.signal) Window.dimensions check : Input Bool check = input False everything : Bool -> Int -> Element everything isChecked wid = let w = min 600 wid box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow down [ width w intro , container w 30 middle <| flow right [ box, box, box ] , width w rest ] intro = [markdown| <h1><div style="text-align:center">Interactive UI Elements <div style="padding-top:4px;font-size:0.5em;font-weight:normal">Using text fields, drop downs, buttons, etc.</div></div> </h1> Many UI elements are interactive. You can click on them, hover above them, type into them. In Elm you handle all of these interactions with the [`Graphics.Input`][gi] library. At the core of this library is the concept of an `Input`. An `Input` is like a [port](/learn/Ports.elm) that receives all of its events from the UI. When the user clicks a button, the event goes to an `Input`. When the user types into a field, the event goes to an `Input`. I think the best way to really understand this approach is to see it in action! In this post we will start with an example and then dive into how it works. [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input ## A Minimal Example We are going to make three synced checkboxes. Changing one of them will change the two others: |] rest = [markdown| Here is the code we need to make that happen. Don't worry about the details too much yet. This is more to get a feel for the API so we know what we are working towards when we dive into the details: ```haskell import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) check : Input Bool check = input False displayBoxes : Bool -> Element displayBoxes isChecked = let box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow right [ box, box, box ] main : Signal Element main = displayBoxes <~ check.signal ``` The key things to notice before we go into the API itself is the `Input` named `check`. All UI events are going to flow through `check`. It is used twice in the rest of the code: 1. In `displayBoxes` we create a `box` that we display three times. The definition of `box` refers to `check.handle` which means that all `checkbox` events are going to be sent to the `check` input. 2. In `main` we pipe all of the events from the `check` input to our display. As the user toggles between true and false, these events will guide what we actually display on screen. This is a very high level view of how things work, but it illustrates the typical structure of interactive UI elements in Elm. Let's look at the API in more detail. ## Inputs The first thing we do when making an interactive UI element is to create an input: ```haskell type Input a = { signal : Signal a, handle : Handle a } ``` An `Input` has two distinct parts. One is a `signal` of events coming from UI elements. In our synced checkbox example, these are boolean values indicating whether the box should be checked or not. The more subtle part of an `Input` is the `handle`. All interactive UI elements will latch on to a handle and report their events to the corresponding `Input`. The handle lets us get events from the UI back into our program without any messy callbacks or event-listeners. You create an `Input` with the `input` function, like this: ```haskell input : a -> Input a check : Input Bool check = input False ``` The argument to `input` serves as the default value of the input&rsquo;s `signal`. So when we create the `check` input we get: 1. A signal called `check.signal` with the initial value `False`. 2. A handle called `check.handle`. Any UI element can refer to `check.handle` which would send events to `check.signal`. Now that we have a way to manage UI events, we need to actually create the interactive UI elements. ## Interactive UI Elements There are a bunch of interactive UI elements available in [`Graphics.Input`][gi] and [`Graphics.Input.Field`][gif] from traditional buttons and drop downs to functions that can make any `Element` clickable or hoverable. We will focus on [the `checkbox` function][box] which does a great job illustrating the general pattern used by interactive UI elements in Elm: [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input [gif]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input-Field [box]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input#checkbox ```haskell checkbox : Handle a -> (Bool -> a) -> Bool -> Element checkbox handle processingFunction checked = ... ``` The three arguments work like this: 1. Clicking on a checkbox generates an event, and the handle specifies which `Input` these events should be sent to. The generated event is a boolean value that represents what the user *wants* the checkbox to be. Clicking an unchecked box generates a `True` event, and clicking a checked box generates a `False` event. 2. A way to process each event before sending it along to the `Input` specified by the handle. This processing function lets us add extra information to the event. A common thing to add is an ID to indicate which checkbox has been clicked, so when there are four check boxes reporting to the same `Input` we can send events like `(True, 1)` to indicate that the first box wants to be checked. Adding extra information is not always necessary, as in our synced checkbox example, so a common processing function is `id` which passes the boolean value to the specified `Input` unmodified. 3. The third argument is the actual state of the checkbox: whether it is checked or not. This means `checkbox` is a [pure function][pure]! Whether it is checked or not is an argument, so that information must live in the model, not in the view! [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function Breaking the concept of a checkbox into an `Input`, a `Handle`, and a `checkbox` makes the flow of events very explicit. This same pattern is used by all interactive UI elements, so you will see this again and again as you look at more examples. ## Tons of Examples Synced checkboxes are nice for an introductory example, but it is simple because it really only has an input and a display section. There is not a lot to model or update. I have created a bunch of examples to illustrate some more complex situations. Start with the simple examples: * [Text Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/TextField.elm) * [Passwords](/edit/examples/Reactive/Password.elm) * [Checkboxes](/edit/examples/Reactive/CheckBox.elm) * [Drop Downs](/edit/examples/Reactive/DropDown.elm) * [Fields + HTTP](/edit/examples/Reactive/ZipCodes.elm) * [Filtered Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/KeepIf.elm) And then take a look at some more complex examples: * [Field Reversal](/edit/examples/Intermediate/TextReverse.elm) * [Calculator](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Calculator.elm) * [Sign-up Form](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Form.elm) * [Todo List](https://github.com/evancz/TodoFRP) I suspect a lot of this code could be shortened, and I hope to see some libraries spring up in the [Elm Public Library](http://library.elm-lang.org) to factor out common patterns like form-validation, password verification, credit-card entry, etc. ## Thank you! Huge thank you to [Spiros Eliopoulos](https://github.com/seliopou) whose work on [elm-d3](https://github.com/seliopou/elm-d3) led inspired the `signal` field of an `Input`. Another huge thank you to [Jeff Smitts](https://github.com/Apanatshka) for talking through Spiros's idea with me and inspiring the `handle` field of an `Input`. Finally thanks to everyone on [the mailing list][list] for discussing and reviewing APIs, docs, and examples as the new UI elements library came together! [list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/elm-discuss |]
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Interactive UI Elements" main = lift2 (skeleton "Learn") (everything <~ check.signal) Window.dimensions check : Input Bool check = input False everything : Bool -> Int -> Element everything isChecked wid = let w = min 600 wid box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow down [ width w intro , container w 30 middle <| flow right [ box, box, box ] , width w rest ] intro = [markdown| <h1><div style="text-align:center">Interactive UI Elements <div style="padding-top:4px;font-size:0.5em;font-weight:normal">Using text fields, drop downs, buttons, etc.</div></div> </h1> Many UI elements are interactive. You can click on them, hover above them, type into them. In Elm you handle all of these interactions with the [`Graphics.Input`][gi] library. At the core of this library is the concept of an `Input`. An `Input` is like a [port](/learn/Ports.elm) that receives all of its events from the UI. When the user clicks a button, the event goes to an `Input`. When the user types into a field, the event goes to an `Input`. I think the best way to really understand this approach is to see it in action! In this post we will start with an example and then dive into how it works. [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input ## A Minimal Example We are going to make three synced checkboxes. Changing one of them will change the two others: |] rest = [markdown| Here is the code we need to make that happen. Don't worry about the details too much yet. This is more to get a feel for the API so we know what we are working towards when we dive into the details: ```haskell import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) check : Input Bool check = input False displayBoxes : Bool -> Element displayBoxes isChecked = let box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow right [ box, box, box ] main : Signal Element main = displayBoxes <~ check.signal ``` The key things to notice before we go into the API itself is the `Input` named `check`. All UI events are going to flow through `check`. It is used twice in the rest of the code: 1. In `displayBoxes` we create a `box` that we display three times. The definition of `box` refers to `check.handle` which means that all `checkbox` events are going to be sent to the `check` input. 2. In `main` we pipe all of the events from the `check` input to our display. As the user toggles between true and false, these events will guide what we actually display on screen. This is a very high level view of how things work, but it illustrates the typical structure of interactive UI elements in Elm. Let's look at the API in more detail. ## Inputs The first thing we do when making an interactive UI element is to create an input: ```haskell type Input a = { signal : Signal a, handle : Handle a } ``` An `Input` has two distinct parts. One is a `signal` of events coming from UI elements. In our synced checkbox example, these are boolean values indicating whether the box should be checked or not. The more subtle part of an `Input` is the `handle`. All interactive UI elements will latch on to a handle and report their events to the corresponding `Input`. The handle lets us get events from the UI back into our program without any messy callbacks or event-listeners. You create an `Input` with the `input` function, like this: ```haskell input : a -> Input a check : Input Bool check = input False ``` The argument to `input` serves as the default value of the input&rsquo;s `signal`. So when we create the `check` input we get: 1. A signal called `check.signal` with the initial value `False`. 2. A handle called `check.handle`. Any UI element can refer to `check.handle` which would send events to `check.signal`. Now that we have a way to manage UI events, we need to actually create the interactive UI elements. ## Interactive UI Elements There are a bunch of interactive UI elements available in [`Graphics.Input`][gi] and [`Graphics.Input.Field`][gif] from traditional buttons and drop downs to functions that can make any `Element` clickable or hoverable. We will focus on [the `checkbox` function][box] which does a great job illustrating the general pattern used by interactive UI elements in Elm: [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input [gif]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input-Field [box]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input#checkbox ```haskell checkbox : Handle a -> (Bool -> a) -> Bool -> Element checkbox handle processingFunction checked = ... ``` The three arguments work like this: 1. Clicking on a checkbox generates an event, and the handle specifies which `Input` these events should be sent to. The generated event is a boolean value that represents what the user *wants* the checkbox to be. Clicking an unchecked box generates a `True` event, and clicking a checked box generates a `False` event. 2. A way to process each event before sending it along to the `Input` specified by the handle. This processing function lets us add extra information to the event. A common thing to add is an ID to indicate which checkbox has been clicked, so when there are four check boxes reporting to the same `Input` we can send events like `(True, 1)` to indicate that the first box wants to be checked. Adding extra information is not always necessary, as in our synced checkbox example, so a common processing function is `id` which passes the boolean value to the specified `Input` unmodified. 3. The third argument is the actual state of the checkbox: whether it is checked or not. This means `checkbox` is a [pure function][pure]! Whether it is checked or not is an argument, so that information must live in the model, not in the view! [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function Breaking the concept of a checkbox into an `Input`, a `Handle`, and a `checkbox` makes the flow of events very explicit. This same pattern is used by all interactive UI elements, so you will see this again and again as you look at more examples. ## Tons of Examples Synced checkboxes are nice for an introductory example, but it is simple because it really only has an input and a display section. There is not a lot to model or update. I have created a bunch of examples to illustrate some more complex situations. Start with the simple examples: * [Text Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/TextField.elm) * [Passwords](/edit/examples/Reactive/Password.elm) * [Checkboxes](/edit/examples/Reactive/CheckBox.elm) * [Drop Downs](/edit/examples/Reactive/DropDown.elm) * [Fields + HTTP](/edit/examples/Reactive/ZipCodes.elm) * [Filtered Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/KeepIf.elm) And then take a look at some more complex examples: * [Field Reversal](/edit/examples/Intermediate/TextReverse.elm) * [Calculator](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Calculator.elm) * [Sign-up Form](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Form.elm) * [Todo List](https://github.com/evancz/TodoFRP) I suspect a lot of this code could be shortened, and I hope to see some libraries spring up in the [Elm Public Library](http://library.elm-lang.org) to factor out common patterns like form-validation, password verification, credit-card entry, etc. ## Thank you! Huge thank you to [<NAME>](https://github.com/seliopou) whose work on [elm-d3](https://github.com/seliopou/elm-d3) led inspired the `signal` field of an `Input`. Another huge thank you to [<NAME>](https://github.com/Apanatshka) for talking through <NAME>'s idea with me and inspiring the `handle` field of an `Input`. Finally thanks to everyone on [the mailing list][list] for discussing and reviewing APIs, docs, and examples as the new UI elements library came together! [list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/elm-discuss |]
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) import Website.Skeleton (skeleton) import Window port title : String port title = "Interactive UI Elements" main = lift2 (skeleton "Learn") (everything <~ check.signal) Window.dimensions check : Input Bool check = input False everything : Bool -> Int -> Element everything isChecked wid = let w = min 600 wid box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow down [ width w intro , container w 30 middle <| flow right [ box, box, box ] , width w rest ] intro = [markdown| <h1><div style="text-align:center">Interactive UI Elements <div style="padding-top:4px;font-size:0.5em;font-weight:normal">Using text fields, drop downs, buttons, etc.</div></div> </h1> Many UI elements are interactive. You can click on them, hover above them, type into them. In Elm you handle all of these interactions with the [`Graphics.Input`][gi] library. At the core of this library is the concept of an `Input`. An `Input` is like a [port](/learn/Ports.elm) that receives all of its events from the UI. When the user clicks a button, the event goes to an `Input`. When the user types into a field, the event goes to an `Input`. I think the best way to really understand this approach is to see it in action! In this post we will start with an example and then dive into how it works. [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input ## A Minimal Example We are going to make three synced checkboxes. Changing one of them will change the two others: |] rest = [markdown| Here is the code we need to make that happen. Don't worry about the details too much yet. This is more to get a feel for the API so we know what we are working towards when we dive into the details: ```haskell import Graphics.Input (Input, input, checkbox) check : Input Bool check = input False displayBoxes : Bool -> Element displayBoxes isChecked = let box = checkbox check.handle identity isChecked in flow right [ box, box, box ] main : Signal Element main = displayBoxes <~ check.signal ``` The key things to notice before we go into the API itself is the `Input` named `check`. All UI events are going to flow through `check`. It is used twice in the rest of the code: 1. In `displayBoxes` we create a `box` that we display three times. The definition of `box` refers to `check.handle` which means that all `checkbox` events are going to be sent to the `check` input. 2. In `main` we pipe all of the events from the `check` input to our display. As the user toggles between true and false, these events will guide what we actually display on screen. This is a very high level view of how things work, but it illustrates the typical structure of interactive UI elements in Elm. Let's look at the API in more detail. ## Inputs The first thing we do when making an interactive UI element is to create an input: ```haskell type Input a = { signal : Signal a, handle : Handle a } ``` An `Input` has two distinct parts. One is a `signal` of events coming from UI elements. In our synced checkbox example, these are boolean values indicating whether the box should be checked or not. The more subtle part of an `Input` is the `handle`. All interactive UI elements will latch on to a handle and report their events to the corresponding `Input`. The handle lets us get events from the UI back into our program without any messy callbacks or event-listeners. You create an `Input` with the `input` function, like this: ```haskell input : a -> Input a check : Input Bool check = input False ``` The argument to `input` serves as the default value of the input&rsquo;s `signal`. So when we create the `check` input we get: 1. A signal called `check.signal` with the initial value `False`. 2. A handle called `check.handle`. Any UI element can refer to `check.handle` which would send events to `check.signal`. Now that we have a way to manage UI events, we need to actually create the interactive UI elements. ## Interactive UI Elements There are a bunch of interactive UI elements available in [`Graphics.Input`][gi] and [`Graphics.Input.Field`][gif] from traditional buttons and drop downs to functions that can make any `Element` clickable or hoverable. We will focus on [the `checkbox` function][box] which does a great job illustrating the general pattern used by interactive UI elements in Elm: [gi]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input [gif]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input-Field [box]: http://library.elm-lang.org/catalog/elm-lang-Elm/latest/Graphics-Input#checkbox ```haskell checkbox : Handle a -> (Bool -> a) -> Bool -> Element checkbox handle processingFunction checked = ... ``` The three arguments work like this: 1. Clicking on a checkbox generates an event, and the handle specifies which `Input` these events should be sent to. The generated event is a boolean value that represents what the user *wants* the checkbox to be. Clicking an unchecked box generates a `True` event, and clicking a checked box generates a `False` event. 2. A way to process each event before sending it along to the `Input` specified by the handle. This processing function lets us add extra information to the event. A common thing to add is an ID to indicate which checkbox has been clicked, so when there are four check boxes reporting to the same `Input` we can send events like `(True, 1)` to indicate that the first box wants to be checked. Adding extra information is not always necessary, as in our synced checkbox example, so a common processing function is `id` which passes the boolean value to the specified `Input` unmodified. 3. The third argument is the actual state of the checkbox: whether it is checked or not. This means `checkbox` is a [pure function][pure]! Whether it is checked or not is an argument, so that information must live in the model, not in the view! [pure]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function Breaking the concept of a checkbox into an `Input`, a `Handle`, and a `checkbox` makes the flow of events very explicit. This same pattern is used by all interactive UI elements, so you will see this again and again as you look at more examples. ## Tons of Examples Synced checkboxes are nice for an introductory example, but it is simple because it really only has an input and a display section. There is not a lot to model or update. I have created a bunch of examples to illustrate some more complex situations. Start with the simple examples: * [Text Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/TextField.elm) * [Passwords](/edit/examples/Reactive/Password.elm) * [Checkboxes](/edit/examples/Reactive/CheckBox.elm) * [Drop Downs](/edit/examples/Reactive/DropDown.elm) * [Fields + HTTP](/edit/examples/Reactive/ZipCodes.elm) * [Filtered Fields](/edit/examples/Reactive/KeepIf.elm) And then take a look at some more complex examples: * [Field Reversal](/edit/examples/Intermediate/TextReverse.elm) * [Calculator](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Calculator.elm) * [Sign-up Form](/edit/examples/Intermediate/Form.elm) * [Todo List](https://github.com/evancz/TodoFRP) I suspect a lot of this code could be shortened, and I hope to see some libraries spring up in the [Elm Public Library](http://library.elm-lang.org) to factor out common patterns like form-validation, password verification, credit-card entry, etc. ## Thank you! Huge thank you to [PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI](https://github.com/seliopou) whose work on [elm-d3](https://github.com/seliopou/elm-d3) led inspired the `signal` field of an `Input`. Another huge thank you to [PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI](https://github.com/Apanatshka) for talking through PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's idea with me and inspiring the `handle` field of an `Input`. Finally thanks to everyone on [the mailing list][list] for discussing and reviewing APIs, docs, and examples as the new UI elements library came together! [list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/elm-discuss |]
[ { "context": "co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=CERN&apikey=7SSFN5A63GVQREZT\", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (map2 Stoc", "end": 1983, "score": 0.9985244274, "start": 1967, "tag": "KEY", "value": "7SSFN5A63GVQREZT" } ]
-- A Web-App which refreshes every 60s reading data from a REST API and rendering stock details -- cerner_2tothe5th_2021 module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (map2, field, string) import Time main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions, view = view } -- MODEL type Model = Failure | Loading | Success Stock init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = (Loading, getData) -- UPDATE type Msg = FetchAnother | GotResponse (Result Http.Error Stock) | Tick Time.Posix type alias Stock = { price: String, volume: String } update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg _ = case msg of FetchAnother -> (Loading, getData) GotResponse result -> case result of Ok url -> (Success url, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (Failure, Cmd.none) Tick _ -> (Loading, getData) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Time.every 60000 Tick -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Current Stock" ] , viewGif model ] viewGif : Model -> Html Msg viewGif model = case model of Failure -> div [] [ text "Sorry! Failure", button [ onClick FetchAnother ] [ text "Try Again!" ] ] Loading -> text "Loading..." Success url -> div [] [ button [ onClick FetchAnother, style "display" "block" ] [ text "Refresh" ], text ("Price: " ++ url.price), text ( " Volume: " ++ url.volume) ] -- HTTP getData : Cmd Msg -- getData = Http.get { url = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY&count=2", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (index 0 ( field "url" string )) } getData = Http.get { url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=CERN&apikey=7SSFN5A63GVQREZT", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (map2 Stock ( field "Global Quote" ( field "05. price" string )) ( field "Global Quote" ( field "06. volume" string )))}
-- A Web-App which refreshes every 60s reading data from a REST API and rendering stock details -- cerner_2tothe5th_2021 module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (map2, field, string) import Time main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions, view = view } -- MODEL type Model = Failure | Loading | Success Stock init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = (Loading, getData) -- UPDATE type Msg = FetchAnother | GotResponse (Result Http.Error Stock) | Tick Time.Posix type alias Stock = { price: String, volume: String } update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg _ = case msg of FetchAnother -> (Loading, getData) GotResponse result -> case result of Ok url -> (Success url, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (Failure, Cmd.none) Tick _ -> (Loading, getData) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Time.every 60000 Tick -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Current Stock" ] , viewGif model ] viewGif : Model -> Html Msg viewGif model = case model of Failure -> div [] [ text "Sorry! Failure", button [ onClick FetchAnother ] [ text "Try Again!" ] ] Loading -> text "Loading..." Success url -> div [] [ button [ onClick FetchAnother, style "display" "block" ] [ text "Refresh" ], text ("Price: " ++ url.price), text ( " Volume: " ++ url.volume) ] -- HTTP getData : Cmd Msg -- getData = Http.get { url = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY&count=2", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (index 0 ( field "url" string )) } getData = Http.get { url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=CERN&apikey=<KEY>", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (map2 Stock ( field "Global Quote" ( field "05. price" string )) ( field "Global Quote" ( field "06. volume" string )))}
-- A Web-App which refreshes every 60s reading data from a REST API and rendering stock details -- cerner_2tothe5th_2021 module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (map2, field, string) import Time main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions, view = view } -- MODEL type Model = Failure | Loading | Success Stock init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init _ = (Loading, getData) -- UPDATE type Msg = FetchAnother | GotResponse (Result Http.Error Stock) | Tick Time.Posix type alias Stock = { price: String, volume: String } update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg _ = case msg of FetchAnother -> (Loading, getData) GotResponse result -> case result of Ok url -> (Success url, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (Failure, Cmd.none) Tick _ -> (Loading, getData) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Time.every 60000 Tick -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ h2 [] [ text "Current Stock" ] , viewGif model ] viewGif : Model -> Html Msg viewGif model = case model of Failure -> div [] [ text "Sorry! Failure", button [ onClick FetchAnother ] [ text "Try Again!" ] ] Loading -> text "Loading..." Success url -> div [] [ button [ onClick FetchAnother, style "display" "block" ] [ text "Refresh" ], text ("Price: " ++ url.price), text ( " Volume: " ++ url.volume) ] -- HTTP getData : Cmd Msg -- getData = Http.get { url = "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY&count=2", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (index 0 ( field "url" string )) } getData = Http.get { url = "https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=CERN&apikey=PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI", expect = Http.expectJson GotResponse (map2 Stock ( field "Global Quote" ( field "05. price" string )) ( field "Global Quote" ( field "06. volume" string )))}
[ { "context": "Id -> Floor\ninit id =\n { id = id\n , name = \"New Floor\"\n , ord = 0\n , objects = Dict.empty\n ", "end": 831, "score": 0.5456976295, "start": 828, "tag": "NAME", "value": "New" } ]
module Model.Floor exposing (..) import CoreType exposing (..) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Model.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Model.ObjectsChange as ObjectsChange exposing (ObjectModification, ObjectsChange) import Model.ObjectsOperation as ObjectsOperation import Regex exposing (Regex) type alias FloorBase = { id : FloorId , temporary : Bool , name : String , ord : Int , update : Maybe { by : PersonId, at : Date } } type alias Detailed a = { a | width : Int , height : Int , realSize : Maybe ( Int, Int ) , image : Maybe String , flipImage : Bool , objects : Dict ObjectId Object } type alias Floor = Detailed FloorBase init : FloorId -> Floor init id = { id = id , name = "New Floor" , ord = 0 , objects = Dict.empty , width = 7200 , height = 4560 , realSize = Just ( 10, 7 ) , temporary = False , image = Nothing , flipImage = False , update = Nothing } empty : Floor empty = init "" baseOf : Floor -> FloorBase baseOf { id, temporary, name, ord, update } = FloorBase id temporary name ord update initWithOrder : FloorId -> Int -> Floor initWithOrder id ord = let floor = init id in { floor | ord = ord } changeName : String -> Floor -> Floor changeName name floor = { floor | name = name } changeOrd : Int -> Floor -> Floor changeOrd ord floor = { floor | ord = ord } setImage : String -> Int -> Int -> Floor -> Floor setImage url width height floor = { floor | width = width , height = height , image = Just url } changeRealSize : ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor changeRealSize ( width, height ) floor = { floor | realSize = Just ( width, height ) } {- 10cm -> 8px -} realToPixel : Int -> Int realToPixel real = Basics.floor (toFloat real * 80) pixelToReal : Int -> Int pixelToReal pixel = Basics.floor (toFloat pixel / 80) size : Floor -> Size size floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> Size (realToPixel w) (realToPixel h) Nothing -> Size floor.width floor.height name : Floor -> String name floor = floor.name width : Floor -> Int width floor = size floor |> .width height : Floor -> Int height floor = size floor |> .height -- TODO confusing... realSize : Floor -> ( Int, Int ) realSize floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> ( w, h ) Nothing -> ( pixelToReal floor.width, pixelToReal floor.height ) src : String -> Floor -> Maybe String src imageRoot floor = case floor.image of Just src -> Just (imageRoot ++ "/floors/" ++ src) Nothing -> Nothing changeId : FloorId -> Floor -> Floor changeId id floor = { floor | id = id } copy : FloorId -> Bool -> Floor -> Floor copy id temporary floor = { floor | id = id , name = if temporary then "Temporary from " ++ floor.name else "Copy of " ++ floor.name , update = Nothing , objects = Dict.empty , temporary = temporary } flip : Floor -> Floor flip floor = { floor | flipImage = not floor.flipImage } |> fullyChangeObjects (ObjectsOperation.flipObject <| size floor) -- OBJECT OPERATIONS move : List ObjectId -> Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor move ids gridSize ( dx, dy ) floor = partiallyChangeObjects (moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy )) ids floor moveObjects : Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Object -> Object moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy ) object = let pos = Object.positionOf object new = ObjectsOperation.fitPositionToGrid gridSize (Position (pos.x + dx) (pos.y + dy)) in Object.changePosition new object paste : List ( Object, ObjectId ) -> Position -> Floor -> Floor paste copiedWithNewIds base floor = addObjects (ObjectsOperation.pasteObjects floor.id base copiedWithNewIds) floor rotateObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor rotateObjects ids floor = partiallyChangeObjects Object.rotate ids floor changeObjectColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeColor color) ids floor changeObjectBackgroundColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectBackgroundColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeBackgroundColor color) ids floor changeObjectShape : List ObjectId -> Object.Shape -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectShape ids shape floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeShape shape) ids floor changeObjectName : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectName ids name floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeName name) ids floor changeObjectFontSize : List ObjectId -> Float -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectFontSize ids fontSize floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeFontSize fontSize) ids floor changeObjectUrl : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectUrl ids url floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeUrl url) ids floor changeObjectsByChanges : ObjectsChange -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectsByChanges change floor = let separated = ObjectsChange.separate change in floor |> addObjects separated.added |> modifyObjects separated.modified |> removeObjects (List.map Object.idOf separated.deleted) toFirstNameOnly : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor toFirstNameOnly ids floor = let change name = case String.words name of [] -> "" x :: _ -> x f object = Object.changeName (change (Object.nameOf object)) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor fullyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> Floor -> Floor fullyChangeObjects f floor = { floor | objects = Dict.map (\_ object -> f object) floor.objects } partiallyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor = { floor | objects = ids |> List.foldl (\objectId dict -> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map f) dict) floor.objects } removeSpaces : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeSpaces ids floor = let change name = Regex.replace Regex.All whiteSpaces (\_ -> "") name f object = Object.changeName (change <| Object.nameOf object) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor whiteSpaces : Regex whiteSpaces = Regex.regex "[ \x0D\n\x3000]" resizeObject : ObjectId -> Size -> Floor -> Floor resizeObject id size floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeSize size) [ id ] floor setPerson : ObjectId -> PersonId -> Floor -> Floor setPerson objectId personId floor = setPeople [ ( objectId, personId ) ] floor unsetPerson : ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor unsetPerson objectId floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.setPerson Nothing) [ objectId ] floor setPeople : List ( ObjectId, PersonId ) -> Floor -> Floor setPeople pairs floor = let f ( objectId, personId ) dict = dict |> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map (Object.setPerson (Just personId))) newObjects = List.foldl f floor.objects pairs in { floor | objects = newObjects } objects : Floor -> List Object objects floor = Dict.values floor.objects getObject : ObjectId -> Floor -> Maybe Object getObject objectId floor = Dict.get objectId floor.objects getObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> List Object getObjects ids floor = ids |> List.filterMap (\id -> getObject id floor) setObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor setObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objectsDictFromList floor.id objects } {-| bad name!! -} addObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor addObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floor.id |> List.foldl (\object -> Dict.insert (Object.idOf object) object) floor.objects } modifyObjects : List ObjectModification -> Floor -> Floor modifyObjects list floor = { floor | objects = list |> List.foldl (\mod dict -> Dict.update (Object.idOf mod.new) (Maybe.map (Object.modifyAll mod.changes)) dict ) floor.objects } removeObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeObjects objectIds floor = { floor | objects = List.foldl Dict.remove floor.objects objectIds } objectsDictFromList : FloorId -> List Object -> Dict ObjectId Object objectsDictFromList floorId objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floorId |> List.map (\object -> ( Object.idOf object, object )) |> Dict.fromList filterObjectsInFloor : FloorId -> List Object -> List Object filterObjectsInFloor floorId objects = objects |> List.filter (\object -> Object.floorIdOf object == floorId)
module Model.Floor exposing (..) import CoreType exposing (..) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Model.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Model.ObjectsChange as ObjectsChange exposing (ObjectModification, ObjectsChange) import Model.ObjectsOperation as ObjectsOperation import Regex exposing (Regex) type alias FloorBase = { id : FloorId , temporary : Bool , name : String , ord : Int , update : Maybe { by : PersonId, at : Date } } type alias Detailed a = { a | width : Int , height : Int , realSize : Maybe ( Int, Int ) , image : Maybe String , flipImage : Bool , objects : Dict ObjectId Object } type alias Floor = Detailed FloorBase init : FloorId -> Floor init id = { id = id , name = "<NAME> Floor" , ord = 0 , objects = Dict.empty , width = 7200 , height = 4560 , realSize = Just ( 10, 7 ) , temporary = False , image = Nothing , flipImage = False , update = Nothing } empty : Floor empty = init "" baseOf : Floor -> FloorBase baseOf { id, temporary, name, ord, update } = FloorBase id temporary name ord update initWithOrder : FloorId -> Int -> Floor initWithOrder id ord = let floor = init id in { floor | ord = ord } changeName : String -> Floor -> Floor changeName name floor = { floor | name = name } changeOrd : Int -> Floor -> Floor changeOrd ord floor = { floor | ord = ord } setImage : String -> Int -> Int -> Floor -> Floor setImage url width height floor = { floor | width = width , height = height , image = Just url } changeRealSize : ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor changeRealSize ( width, height ) floor = { floor | realSize = Just ( width, height ) } {- 10cm -> 8px -} realToPixel : Int -> Int realToPixel real = Basics.floor (toFloat real * 80) pixelToReal : Int -> Int pixelToReal pixel = Basics.floor (toFloat pixel / 80) size : Floor -> Size size floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> Size (realToPixel w) (realToPixel h) Nothing -> Size floor.width floor.height name : Floor -> String name floor = floor.name width : Floor -> Int width floor = size floor |> .width height : Floor -> Int height floor = size floor |> .height -- TODO confusing... realSize : Floor -> ( Int, Int ) realSize floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> ( w, h ) Nothing -> ( pixelToReal floor.width, pixelToReal floor.height ) src : String -> Floor -> Maybe String src imageRoot floor = case floor.image of Just src -> Just (imageRoot ++ "/floors/" ++ src) Nothing -> Nothing changeId : FloorId -> Floor -> Floor changeId id floor = { floor | id = id } copy : FloorId -> Bool -> Floor -> Floor copy id temporary floor = { floor | id = id , name = if temporary then "Temporary from " ++ floor.name else "Copy of " ++ floor.name , update = Nothing , objects = Dict.empty , temporary = temporary } flip : Floor -> Floor flip floor = { floor | flipImage = not floor.flipImage } |> fullyChangeObjects (ObjectsOperation.flipObject <| size floor) -- OBJECT OPERATIONS move : List ObjectId -> Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor move ids gridSize ( dx, dy ) floor = partiallyChangeObjects (moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy )) ids floor moveObjects : Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Object -> Object moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy ) object = let pos = Object.positionOf object new = ObjectsOperation.fitPositionToGrid gridSize (Position (pos.x + dx) (pos.y + dy)) in Object.changePosition new object paste : List ( Object, ObjectId ) -> Position -> Floor -> Floor paste copiedWithNewIds base floor = addObjects (ObjectsOperation.pasteObjects floor.id base copiedWithNewIds) floor rotateObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor rotateObjects ids floor = partiallyChangeObjects Object.rotate ids floor changeObjectColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeColor color) ids floor changeObjectBackgroundColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectBackgroundColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeBackgroundColor color) ids floor changeObjectShape : List ObjectId -> Object.Shape -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectShape ids shape floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeShape shape) ids floor changeObjectName : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectName ids name floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeName name) ids floor changeObjectFontSize : List ObjectId -> Float -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectFontSize ids fontSize floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeFontSize fontSize) ids floor changeObjectUrl : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectUrl ids url floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeUrl url) ids floor changeObjectsByChanges : ObjectsChange -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectsByChanges change floor = let separated = ObjectsChange.separate change in floor |> addObjects separated.added |> modifyObjects separated.modified |> removeObjects (List.map Object.idOf separated.deleted) toFirstNameOnly : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor toFirstNameOnly ids floor = let change name = case String.words name of [] -> "" x :: _ -> x f object = Object.changeName (change (Object.nameOf object)) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor fullyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> Floor -> Floor fullyChangeObjects f floor = { floor | objects = Dict.map (\_ object -> f object) floor.objects } partiallyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor = { floor | objects = ids |> List.foldl (\objectId dict -> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map f) dict) floor.objects } removeSpaces : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeSpaces ids floor = let change name = Regex.replace Regex.All whiteSpaces (\_ -> "") name f object = Object.changeName (change <| Object.nameOf object) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor whiteSpaces : Regex whiteSpaces = Regex.regex "[ \x0D\n\x3000]" resizeObject : ObjectId -> Size -> Floor -> Floor resizeObject id size floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeSize size) [ id ] floor setPerson : ObjectId -> PersonId -> Floor -> Floor setPerson objectId personId floor = setPeople [ ( objectId, personId ) ] floor unsetPerson : ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor unsetPerson objectId floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.setPerson Nothing) [ objectId ] floor setPeople : List ( ObjectId, PersonId ) -> Floor -> Floor setPeople pairs floor = let f ( objectId, personId ) dict = dict |> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map (Object.setPerson (Just personId))) newObjects = List.foldl f floor.objects pairs in { floor | objects = newObjects } objects : Floor -> List Object objects floor = Dict.values floor.objects getObject : ObjectId -> Floor -> Maybe Object getObject objectId floor = Dict.get objectId floor.objects getObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> List Object getObjects ids floor = ids |> List.filterMap (\id -> getObject id floor) setObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor setObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objectsDictFromList floor.id objects } {-| bad name!! -} addObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor addObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floor.id |> List.foldl (\object -> Dict.insert (Object.idOf object) object) floor.objects } modifyObjects : List ObjectModification -> Floor -> Floor modifyObjects list floor = { floor | objects = list |> List.foldl (\mod dict -> Dict.update (Object.idOf mod.new) (Maybe.map (Object.modifyAll mod.changes)) dict ) floor.objects } removeObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeObjects objectIds floor = { floor | objects = List.foldl Dict.remove floor.objects objectIds } objectsDictFromList : FloorId -> List Object -> Dict ObjectId Object objectsDictFromList floorId objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floorId |> List.map (\object -> ( Object.idOf object, object )) |> Dict.fromList filterObjectsInFloor : FloorId -> List Object -> List Object filterObjectsInFloor floorId objects = objects |> List.filter (\object -> Object.floorIdOf object == floorId)
module Model.Floor exposing (..) import CoreType exposing (..) import Date exposing (Date) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Model.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Model.ObjectsChange as ObjectsChange exposing (ObjectModification, ObjectsChange) import Model.ObjectsOperation as ObjectsOperation import Regex exposing (Regex) type alias FloorBase = { id : FloorId , temporary : Bool , name : String , ord : Int , update : Maybe { by : PersonId, at : Date } } type alias Detailed a = { a | width : Int , height : Int , realSize : Maybe ( Int, Int ) , image : Maybe String , flipImage : Bool , objects : Dict ObjectId Object } type alias Floor = Detailed FloorBase init : FloorId -> Floor init id = { id = id , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Floor" , ord = 0 , objects = Dict.empty , width = 7200 , height = 4560 , realSize = Just ( 10, 7 ) , temporary = False , image = Nothing , flipImage = False , update = Nothing } empty : Floor empty = init "" baseOf : Floor -> FloorBase baseOf { id, temporary, name, ord, update } = FloorBase id temporary name ord update initWithOrder : FloorId -> Int -> Floor initWithOrder id ord = let floor = init id in { floor | ord = ord } changeName : String -> Floor -> Floor changeName name floor = { floor | name = name } changeOrd : Int -> Floor -> Floor changeOrd ord floor = { floor | ord = ord } setImage : String -> Int -> Int -> Floor -> Floor setImage url width height floor = { floor | width = width , height = height , image = Just url } changeRealSize : ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor changeRealSize ( width, height ) floor = { floor | realSize = Just ( width, height ) } {- 10cm -> 8px -} realToPixel : Int -> Int realToPixel real = Basics.floor (toFloat real * 80) pixelToReal : Int -> Int pixelToReal pixel = Basics.floor (toFloat pixel / 80) size : Floor -> Size size floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> Size (realToPixel w) (realToPixel h) Nothing -> Size floor.width floor.height name : Floor -> String name floor = floor.name width : Floor -> Int width floor = size floor |> .width height : Floor -> Int height floor = size floor |> .height -- TODO confusing... realSize : Floor -> ( Int, Int ) realSize floor = case floor.realSize of Just ( w, h ) -> ( w, h ) Nothing -> ( pixelToReal floor.width, pixelToReal floor.height ) src : String -> Floor -> Maybe String src imageRoot floor = case floor.image of Just src -> Just (imageRoot ++ "/floors/" ++ src) Nothing -> Nothing changeId : FloorId -> Floor -> Floor changeId id floor = { floor | id = id } copy : FloorId -> Bool -> Floor -> Floor copy id temporary floor = { floor | id = id , name = if temporary then "Temporary from " ++ floor.name else "Copy of " ++ floor.name , update = Nothing , objects = Dict.empty , temporary = temporary } flip : Floor -> Floor flip floor = { floor | flipImage = not floor.flipImage } |> fullyChangeObjects (ObjectsOperation.flipObject <| size floor) -- OBJECT OPERATIONS move : List ObjectId -> Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Floor -> Floor move ids gridSize ( dx, dy ) floor = partiallyChangeObjects (moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy )) ids floor moveObjects : Int -> ( Int, Int ) -> Object -> Object moveObjects gridSize ( dx, dy ) object = let pos = Object.positionOf object new = ObjectsOperation.fitPositionToGrid gridSize (Position (pos.x + dx) (pos.y + dy)) in Object.changePosition new object paste : List ( Object, ObjectId ) -> Position -> Floor -> Floor paste copiedWithNewIds base floor = addObjects (ObjectsOperation.pasteObjects floor.id base copiedWithNewIds) floor rotateObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor rotateObjects ids floor = partiallyChangeObjects Object.rotate ids floor changeObjectColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeColor color) ids floor changeObjectBackgroundColor : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectBackgroundColor ids color floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeBackgroundColor color) ids floor changeObjectShape : List ObjectId -> Object.Shape -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectShape ids shape floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeShape shape) ids floor changeObjectName : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectName ids name floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeName name) ids floor changeObjectFontSize : List ObjectId -> Float -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectFontSize ids fontSize floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeFontSize fontSize) ids floor changeObjectUrl : List ObjectId -> String -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectUrl ids url floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeUrl url) ids floor changeObjectsByChanges : ObjectsChange -> Floor -> Floor changeObjectsByChanges change floor = let separated = ObjectsChange.separate change in floor |> addObjects separated.added |> modifyObjects separated.modified |> removeObjects (List.map Object.idOf separated.deleted) toFirstNameOnly : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor toFirstNameOnly ids floor = let change name = case String.words name of [] -> "" x :: _ -> x f object = Object.changeName (change (Object.nameOf object)) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor fullyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> Floor -> Floor fullyChangeObjects f floor = { floor | objects = Dict.map (\_ object -> f object) floor.objects } partiallyChangeObjects : (Object -> Object) -> List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor = { floor | objects = ids |> List.foldl (\objectId dict -> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map f) dict) floor.objects } removeSpaces : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeSpaces ids floor = let change name = Regex.replace Regex.All whiteSpaces (\_ -> "") name f object = Object.changeName (change <| Object.nameOf object) object in partiallyChangeObjects f ids floor whiteSpaces : Regex whiteSpaces = Regex.regex "[ \x0D\n\x3000]" resizeObject : ObjectId -> Size -> Floor -> Floor resizeObject id size floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.changeSize size) [ id ] floor setPerson : ObjectId -> PersonId -> Floor -> Floor setPerson objectId personId floor = setPeople [ ( objectId, personId ) ] floor unsetPerson : ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor unsetPerson objectId floor = partiallyChangeObjects (Object.setPerson Nothing) [ objectId ] floor setPeople : List ( ObjectId, PersonId ) -> Floor -> Floor setPeople pairs floor = let f ( objectId, personId ) dict = dict |> Dict.update objectId (Maybe.map (Object.setPerson (Just personId))) newObjects = List.foldl f floor.objects pairs in { floor | objects = newObjects } objects : Floor -> List Object objects floor = Dict.values floor.objects getObject : ObjectId -> Floor -> Maybe Object getObject objectId floor = Dict.get objectId floor.objects getObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> List Object getObjects ids floor = ids |> List.filterMap (\id -> getObject id floor) setObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor setObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objectsDictFromList floor.id objects } {-| bad name!! -} addObjects : List Object -> Floor -> Floor addObjects objects floor = { floor | objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floor.id |> List.foldl (\object -> Dict.insert (Object.idOf object) object) floor.objects } modifyObjects : List ObjectModification -> Floor -> Floor modifyObjects list floor = { floor | objects = list |> List.foldl (\mod dict -> Dict.update (Object.idOf mod.new) (Maybe.map (Object.modifyAll mod.changes)) dict ) floor.objects } removeObjects : List ObjectId -> Floor -> Floor removeObjects objectIds floor = { floor | objects = List.foldl Dict.remove floor.objects objectIds } objectsDictFromList : FloorId -> List Object -> Dict ObjectId Object objectsDictFromList floorId objects = objects |> filterObjectsInFloor floorId |> List.map (\object -> ( Object.idOf object, object )) |> Dict.fromList filterObjectsInFloor : FloorId -> List Object -> List Object filterObjectsInFloor floorId objects = objects |> List.filter (\object -> Object.floorIdOf object == floorId)
[ { "context": "g\n awsConfig =\n { awsSecretAccessKey = \"wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY\"\n , awsRegion = \"us-east-1\"\n , acce", "end": 2087, "score": 0.9997582436, "start": 2047, "tag": "KEY", "value": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" }, { "context": "gn\"\n --> \"equal%3Dsign\"\n\n awsPercentEncode \"bob@example.com\"\n --> \"bob%40example.com\"\n\n-}\nawsPercentEncode", "end": 7044, "score": 0.9999235868, "start": 7029, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "bob@example.com" } ]
module AWS.Internal exposing (..) import AWS.Types exposing (..) import Base16 import Crypto.HMAC import Crypto.Hash import DateFormat import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url import Url.Builder import Word.Bytes endpoint : Config -> Service -> Url.Url endpoint { awsRegion } service = let urlWithoutRegion = { protocol = Url.Https , host = serviceName service ++ ".amazonaws.com" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } in case service of ServiceIam -> urlWithoutRegion ServiceDynamoDB -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSES -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSQS url -> url serviceName : Service -> String serviceName service = case service of ServiceIam -> "iam" ServiceDynamoDB -> "dynamodb" ServiceSES -> "email" ServiceSQS _ -> "sqs" algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" authorizationHeader : Config -> Signature -> String authorizationHeader config signature = String.join "" [ algorithm , " Credential=" , config.accessKeyId , "/" , signature.credentialScope , ", SignedHeaders=" , signature.signedHeaders , ", Signature=" , signature.text ] {-| Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4 <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4_signing.html> import Time import AWS.Types exposing (..) nowMillisecond : Int nowMillisecond = 1440938160000 requestDateTime : Time.Posix requestDateTime = Time.millisToPosix nowMillisecond awsConfig : Config awsConfig = { awsSecretAccessKey = "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" , awsRegion = "us-east-1" , accessKeyId = "" , timeout = Just 1234 } sign awsConfig ServiceIam requestDateTime { method = "GET" , query = [ ( "Action", "ListUsers" ) , ( "Version", "2010-05-08" ) ] , headers = [ ( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" ) ] , payload = "" } |> Result.map .text --> Ok "5d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c82c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7" NOTE: this function is only exposed to allow testing -} sign : Config -> Service -> Time.Posix -> { method : String , query : List ( String, String ) , headers : List ( String, String ) , payload : String } -> Result String Signature sign config service now request = let url = endpoint config service yyyymmddThhmmssz = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "T" , DateFormat.hourMilitaryFixed , DateFormat.minuteFixed , DateFormat.secondFixed , DateFormat.text "Z" ] Time.utc now yyyymmdd = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed ] Time.utc now headers = request.headers |> List.append [ ( "X-Amz-Date", yyyymmddThhmmssz ) , ( "Host", url.host ) ] credentialScope = String.join "/" [ yyyymmdd, config.awsRegion, serviceName service, "aws4_request" ] signedHeaders = canonicalHeaderKeys headers canonicalRequest = String.join "\n" [ request.method , url.path , canonicalQuery request.query , canonicalHeaders headers , signedHeaders , Crypto.Hash.sha256 request.payload ] stringToSign = String.join "\n" [ algorithm , yyyymmddThhmmssz , credentialScope , Crypto.Hash.sha256 canonicalRequest ] signingKey = Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 ("AWS4" ++ config.awsSecretAccessKey) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 yyyymmdd)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 config.awsRegion)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 (serviceName service))) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 "aws4_request")) result = case List.head (List.filter (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k == "host") request.headers) of Nothing -> -- ok, we can proceed to sign Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 signingKey (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 stringToSign) |> Base16.encode Just s -> -- since the sign function is already a Result, let's fail explicitly Err "Manually specifying `Host` header is not allowed by xhr2" in case result of Err err -> Err err Ok text -> Ok { text = String.toLower text , credentialScope = credentialScope , headers = headers , signedHeaders = signedHeaders , algorithm = algorithm } canonicalQuery : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalQuery keyValues = List.sortBy (\( k, v ) -> k ++ v) keyValues |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> awsPercentEncode k ++ "=" ++ awsPercentEncode v) |> String.join "&" canonicalHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaders keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( String.toLower k, String.trim v )) keyValues |> List.sortBy Tuple.first |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> k ++ ":" ++ v ++ "\n") |> String.join "" canonicalHeaderKeys : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaderKeys keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k) keyValues |> List.sort |> String.join ";" {-| awsPercentEncode "Az09-_.~!*'()" --> "Az09-_.~%21%2A%27%28%29" awsPercentEncode "space " --> "space%20" awsPercentEncode "🙂" --> "%F0%9F%99%82" awsPercentEncode "equal=sign" --> "equal%3Dsign" awsPercentEncode "bob@example.com" --> "bob%40example.com" -} awsPercentEncode : String -> String awsPercentEncode string = Url.percentEncode string |> String.replace "!" "%21" |> String.replace "*" "%2A" |> String.replace "'" "%27" |> String.replace "(" "%28" |> String.replace ")" "%29" {-| If http response body does not contain expected String, return as Http.BadBody error -} stringMatchHttpResponse : String -> Http.Response String -> Result Http.Error () stringMatchHttpResponse needle resp = let matchResult haystack = if String.contains needle haystack then Ok () else Err (Http.BadBody ("[" ++ needle ++ "] not found: " ++ haystack)) in case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> matchResult s Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> Err (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode) {-| applies a decoder to response of `Http.task` To do JSON decoding: Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Json.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) Json.Decode.errorToString) , ... } To do XML decoding Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Xml.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) identity) , ... } -} decodeHttpResponse : (b -> Result e a) -> (e -> String) -> Http.Response b -> Result Http.Error a decodeHttpResponse decode errorToString resp = case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> decode s |> Result.mapError (errorToString >> Http.BadBody) Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> decode s -- best effort attempt to decode the response body, but fallback to `Http.BadStatus` |> Result.mapError (always (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode))
module AWS.Internal exposing (..) import AWS.Types exposing (..) import Base16 import Crypto.HMAC import Crypto.Hash import DateFormat import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url import Url.Builder import Word.Bytes endpoint : Config -> Service -> Url.Url endpoint { awsRegion } service = let urlWithoutRegion = { protocol = Url.Https , host = serviceName service ++ ".amazonaws.com" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } in case service of ServiceIam -> urlWithoutRegion ServiceDynamoDB -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSES -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSQS url -> url serviceName : Service -> String serviceName service = case service of ServiceIam -> "iam" ServiceDynamoDB -> "dynamodb" ServiceSES -> "email" ServiceSQS _ -> "sqs" algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" authorizationHeader : Config -> Signature -> String authorizationHeader config signature = String.join "" [ algorithm , " Credential=" , config.accessKeyId , "/" , signature.credentialScope , ", SignedHeaders=" , signature.signedHeaders , ", Signature=" , signature.text ] {-| Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4 <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4_signing.html> import Time import AWS.Types exposing (..) nowMillisecond : Int nowMillisecond = 1440938160000 requestDateTime : Time.Posix requestDateTime = Time.millisToPosix nowMillisecond awsConfig : Config awsConfig = { awsSecretAccessKey = "<KEY>" , awsRegion = "us-east-1" , accessKeyId = "" , timeout = Just 1234 } sign awsConfig ServiceIam requestDateTime { method = "GET" , query = [ ( "Action", "ListUsers" ) , ( "Version", "2010-05-08" ) ] , headers = [ ( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" ) ] , payload = "" } |> Result.map .text --> Ok "5d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c82c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7" NOTE: this function is only exposed to allow testing -} sign : Config -> Service -> Time.Posix -> { method : String , query : List ( String, String ) , headers : List ( String, String ) , payload : String } -> Result String Signature sign config service now request = let url = endpoint config service yyyymmddThhmmssz = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "T" , DateFormat.hourMilitaryFixed , DateFormat.minuteFixed , DateFormat.secondFixed , DateFormat.text "Z" ] Time.utc now yyyymmdd = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed ] Time.utc now headers = request.headers |> List.append [ ( "X-Amz-Date", yyyymmddThhmmssz ) , ( "Host", url.host ) ] credentialScope = String.join "/" [ yyyymmdd, config.awsRegion, serviceName service, "aws4_request" ] signedHeaders = canonicalHeaderKeys headers canonicalRequest = String.join "\n" [ request.method , url.path , canonicalQuery request.query , canonicalHeaders headers , signedHeaders , Crypto.Hash.sha256 request.payload ] stringToSign = String.join "\n" [ algorithm , yyyymmddThhmmssz , credentialScope , Crypto.Hash.sha256 canonicalRequest ] signingKey = Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 ("AWS4" ++ config.awsSecretAccessKey) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 yyyymmdd)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 config.awsRegion)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 (serviceName service))) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 "aws4_request")) result = case List.head (List.filter (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k == "host") request.headers) of Nothing -> -- ok, we can proceed to sign Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 signingKey (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 stringToSign) |> Base16.encode Just s -> -- since the sign function is already a Result, let's fail explicitly Err "Manually specifying `Host` header is not allowed by xhr2" in case result of Err err -> Err err Ok text -> Ok { text = String.toLower text , credentialScope = credentialScope , headers = headers , signedHeaders = signedHeaders , algorithm = algorithm } canonicalQuery : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalQuery keyValues = List.sortBy (\( k, v ) -> k ++ v) keyValues |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> awsPercentEncode k ++ "=" ++ awsPercentEncode v) |> String.join "&" canonicalHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaders keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( String.toLower k, String.trim v )) keyValues |> List.sortBy Tuple.first |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> k ++ ":" ++ v ++ "\n") |> String.join "" canonicalHeaderKeys : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaderKeys keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k) keyValues |> List.sort |> String.join ";" {-| awsPercentEncode "Az09-_.~!*'()" --> "Az09-_.~%21%2A%27%28%29" awsPercentEncode "space " --> "space%20" awsPercentEncode "🙂" --> "%F0%9F%99%82" awsPercentEncode "equal=sign" --> "equal%3Dsign" awsPercentEncode "<EMAIL>" --> "bob%40example.com" -} awsPercentEncode : String -> String awsPercentEncode string = Url.percentEncode string |> String.replace "!" "%21" |> String.replace "*" "%2A" |> String.replace "'" "%27" |> String.replace "(" "%28" |> String.replace ")" "%29" {-| If http response body does not contain expected String, return as Http.BadBody error -} stringMatchHttpResponse : String -> Http.Response String -> Result Http.Error () stringMatchHttpResponse needle resp = let matchResult haystack = if String.contains needle haystack then Ok () else Err (Http.BadBody ("[" ++ needle ++ "] not found: " ++ haystack)) in case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> matchResult s Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> Err (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode) {-| applies a decoder to response of `Http.task` To do JSON decoding: Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Json.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) Json.Decode.errorToString) , ... } To do XML decoding Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Xml.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) identity) , ... } -} decodeHttpResponse : (b -> Result e a) -> (e -> String) -> Http.Response b -> Result Http.Error a decodeHttpResponse decode errorToString resp = case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> decode s |> Result.mapError (errorToString >> Http.BadBody) Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> decode s -- best effort attempt to decode the response body, but fallback to `Http.BadStatus` |> Result.mapError (always (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode))
module AWS.Internal exposing (..) import AWS.Types exposing (..) import Base16 import Crypto.HMAC import Crypto.Hash import DateFormat import Http import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Task exposing (Task) import Time import Url import Url.Builder import Word.Bytes endpoint : Config -> Service -> Url.Url endpoint { awsRegion } service = let urlWithoutRegion = { protocol = Url.Https , host = serviceName service ++ ".amazonaws.com" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } in case service of ServiceIam -> urlWithoutRegion ServiceDynamoDB -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSES -> { urlWithoutRegion | host = serviceName service ++ "." ++ awsRegion ++ ".amazonaws.com" } ServiceSQS url -> url serviceName : Service -> String serviceName service = case service of ServiceIam -> "iam" ServiceDynamoDB -> "dynamodb" ServiceSES -> "email" ServiceSQS _ -> "sqs" algorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" authorizationHeader : Config -> Signature -> String authorizationHeader config signature = String.join "" [ algorithm , " Credential=" , config.accessKeyId , "/" , signature.credentialScope , ", SignedHeaders=" , signature.signedHeaders , ", Signature=" , signature.text ] {-| Signing AWS requests with Signature Version 4 <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4_signing.html> import Time import AWS.Types exposing (..) nowMillisecond : Int nowMillisecond = 1440938160000 requestDateTime : Time.Posix requestDateTime = Time.millisToPosix nowMillisecond awsConfig : Config awsConfig = { awsSecretAccessKey = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , awsRegion = "us-east-1" , accessKeyId = "" , timeout = Just 1234 } sign awsConfig ServiceIam requestDateTime { method = "GET" , query = [ ( "Action", "ListUsers" ) , ( "Version", "2010-05-08" ) ] , headers = [ ( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" ) ] , payload = "" } |> Result.map .text --> Ok "5d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c82c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7" NOTE: this function is only exposed to allow testing -} sign : Config -> Service -> Time.Posix -> { method : String , query : List ( String, String ) , headers : List ( String, String ) , payload : String } -> Result String Signature sign config service now request = let url = endpoint config service yyyymmddThhmmssz = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed , DateFormat.text "T" , DateFormat.hourMilitaryFixed , DateFormat.minuteFixed , DateFormat.secondFixed , DateFormat.text "Z" ] Time.utc now yyyymmdd = DateFormat.format [ DateFormat.yearNumber , DateFormat.monthFixed , DateFormat.dayOfMonthFixed ] Time.utc now headers = request.headers |> List.append [ ( "X-Amz-Date", yyyymmddThhmmssz ) , ( "Host", url.host ) ] credentialScope = String.join "/" [ yyyymmdd, config.awsRegion, serviceName service, "aws4_request" ] signedHeaders = canonicalHeaderKeys headers canonicalRequest = String.join "\n" [ request.method , url.path , canonicalQuery request.query , canonicalHeaders headers , signedHeaders , Crypto.Hash.sha256 request.payload ] stringToSign = String.join "\n" [ algorithm , yyyymmddThhmmssz , credentialScope , Crypto.Hash.sha256 canonicalRequest ] signingKey = Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 ("AWS4" ++ config.awsSecretAccessKey) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 yyyymmdd)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 config.awsRegion)) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 (serviceName service))) |> (\k -> Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 k (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 "aws4_request")) result = case List.head (List.filter (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k == "host") request.headers) of Nothing -> -- ok, we can proceed to sign Crypto.HMAC.digestBytes Crypto.HMAC.sha256 signingKey (Word.Bytes.fromUTF8 stringToSign) |> Base16.encode Just s -> -- since the sign function is already a Result, let's fail explicitly Err "Manually specifying `Host` header is not allowed by xhr2" in case result of Err err -> Err err Ok text -> Ok { text = String.toLower text , credentialScope = credentialScope , headers = headers , signedHeaders = signedHeaders , algorithm = algorithm } canonicalQuery : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalQuery keyValues = List.sortBy (\( k, v ) -> k ++ v) keyValues |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> awsPercentEncode k ++ "=" ++ awsPercentEncode v) |> String.join "&" canonicalHeaders : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaders keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> ( String.toLower k, String.trim v )) keyValues |> List.sortBy Tuple.first |> List.map (\( k, v ) -> k ++ ":" ++ v ++ "\n") |> String.join "" canonicalHeaderKeys : List ( String, String ) -> String canonicalHeaderKeys keyValues = List.map (\( k, v ) -> String.toLower k) keyValues |> List.sort |> String.join ";" {-| awsPercentEncode "Az09-_.~!*'()" --> "Az09-_.~%21%2A%27%28%29" awsPercentEncode "space " --> "space%20" awsPercentEncode "🙂" --> "%F0%9F%99%82" awsPercentEncode "equal=sign" --> "equal%3Dsign" awsPercentEncode "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" --> "bob%40example.com" -} awsPercentEncode : String -> String awsPercentEncode string = Url.percentEncode string |> String.replace "!" "%21" |> String.replace "*" "%2A" |> String.replace "'" "%27" |> String.replace "(" "%28" |> String.replace ")" "%29" {-| If http response body does not contain expected String, return as Http.BadBody error -} stringMatchHttpResponse : String -> Http.Response String -> Result Http.Error () stringMatchHttpResponse needle resp = let matchResult haystack = if String.contains needle haystack then Ok () else Err (Http.BadBody ("[" ++ needle ++ "] not found: " ++ haystack)) in case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> matchResult s Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> Err (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode) {-| applies a decoder to response of `Http.task` To do JSON decoding: Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Json.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) Json.Decode.errorToString) , ... } To do XML decoding Http.task { resolver = Http.stringResolver (decodeHttpResponse (Xml.Decode.decodeString thingDecoder) identity) , ... } -} decodeHttpResponse : (b -> Result e a) -> (e -> String) -> Http.Response b -> Result Http.Error a decodeHttpResponse decode errorToString resp = case resp of Http.GoodStatus_ m s -> decode s |> Result.mapError (errorToString >> Http.BadBody) Http.BadUrl_ s -> Err (Http.BadUrl s) Http.Timeout_ -> Err Http.Timeout Http.NetworkError_ -> Err Http.NetworkError Http.BadStatus_ m s -> decode s -- best effort attempt to decode the response body, but fallback to `Http.BadStatus` |> Result.mapError (always (Http.BadStatus m.statusCode))
[ { "context": " , textField (FormField \"text\" \"name\" \"Smith, Co.\" model.name NameChanged True) model.errors\n ", "end": 8705, "score": 0.8216220737, "start": 8696, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Smith, Co" }, { "context": " , name \"slug\"\n , placeholder \"smith-co\"\n , value slug\n ", "end": 10439, "score": 0.9923008084, "start": 10431, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "smith-co" } ]
module Page.NewSpace exposing (Model, Msg(..), consumeEvent, init, setup, slugify, subscriptions, teardown, title, update, view) import Avatar import Beacon import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Connection exposing (Connection) import Device exposing (Device) import Event exposing (Event) import Globals exposing (Globals) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onClick, onInput) import Id exposing (Id) import Layout.UserDesktop import Layout.UserMobile import Mutation.CreateSpace as CreateSpace import PageError exposing (PageError) import Query.Viewer as Viewer import Regex exposing (Regex) import Repo exposing (Repo) import Route import Route.WelcomeTutorial import Scroll import Session exposing (Session) import Space exposing (Space) import Task exposing (Task) import User exposing (User) import ValidationError exposing (ValidationError, errorView, isInvalid) import Vendor.Keys as Keys exposing (Modifier(..), enter, onKeydown, preventDefault) -- MODEL type alias Model = { viewerId : Id , name : String , slug : String , errors : List ValidationError , formState : FormState -- MOBILE , showNav : Bool , showSidebar : Bool } type FormState = Idle | Submitting type alias Data = { viewer : User } resolveData : Repo -> Model -> Maybe Data resolveData repo model = Maybe.map Data (Repo.getUser model.viewerId repo) -- PAGE PROPERTIES title : String title = "Create a team" -- LIFECYCLE init : Globals -> Task PageError ( Globals, Model ) init globals = case Session.getUserId globals.session of Just viewerId -> let model = Model viewerId "" "" [] Idle False False in Task.succeed ( globals, model ) _ -> Task.fail PageError.NotFound setup : Model -> Cmd Msg setup model = Cmd.batch [ Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp , Beacon.init ] teardown : Model -> Cmd Msg teardown model = Beacon.destroy -- UPDATE type Msg = NameChanged String | SlugChanged String | Submit | Submitted (Result Session.Error ( Session, CreateSpace.Response )) | NoOp | ToggleKeyboardCommands | ToggleNotifications | InternalLinkClicked String -- MOBILE | NavToggled | SidebarToggled | ScrollTopClicked update : Msg -> Globals -> Nav.Key -> Model -> ( ( Model, Cmd Msg ), Globals ) update msg globals navKey model = case msg of NameChanged val -> ( ( { model | name = val, slug = slugify val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SlugChanged val -> ( ( { model | slug = val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) Submit -> let cmd = globals.session |> CreateSpace.request model.name model.slug |> Task.attempt Submitted in ( ( { model | formState = Submitting }, cmd ), globals ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Success space )) -> let tutorialParams = Route.WelcomeTutorial.init (Space.slug space) 1 in ( ( model, Route.pushUrl navKey (Route.WelcomeTutorial tutorialParams) ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Invalid errors )) -> ( ( { model | errors = errors, formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Err _) -> ( ( { model | formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ), globals ) NoOp -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), globals ) ToggleKeyboardCommands -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showKeyboardCommands = not globals.showKeyboardCommands } ) ToggleNotifications -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showNotifications = not globals.showNotifications } ) InternalLinkClicked pathname -> ( ( model, Nav.pushUrl globals.navKey pathname ), globals ) NavToggled -> ( ( { model | showNav = not model.showNav }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SidebarToggled -> ( ( { model | showSidebar = not model.showSidebar }, Cmd.none ), globals ) ScrollTopClicked -> ( ( model, Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp ), globals ) specialCharRegex : Regex specialCharRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "[^a-z0-9]+" paddedDashRegex : Regex paddedDashRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "(^-|-$)" slugify : String -> String slugify name = name |> String.toLower |> Regex.replace specialCharRegex (\_ -> "-") |> Regex.replace paddedDashRegex (\_ -> "") |> String.slice 0 20 -- EVENTS consumeEvent : Event -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) consumeEvent event model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.none -- VIEW type alias FormField = { type_ : String , name : String , placeholder : String , value : String , onInput : String -> Msg , autofocus : Bool } view : Globals -> Model -> Html Msg view globals model = case resolveData globals.repo model of Just data -> resolvedView globals model data Nothing -> text "Something went wrong." resolvedView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedView globals model data = case globals.device of Device.Desktop -> resolvedDesktopView globals model data Device.Mobile -> resolvedMobileView globals model data resolvedDesktopView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedDesktopView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , onNoOp = NoOp , onToggleKeyboardCommands = ToggleKeyboardCommands , onPageClicked = NoOp } in Layout.UserDesktop.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "mx-auto max-w-xs leading-normal py-24", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ h1 [ class "pb-4 font-bold tracking-semi-tight text-3xl" ] [ text "Create a team" ] , p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model , button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create my team" ] ] ] resolvedMobileView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedMobileView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , title = "New Team" , showNav = model.showNav , onNavToggled = NavToggled , onSidebarToggled = SidebarToggled , onScrollTopClicked = ScrollTopClicked , onNoOp = NoOp , leftControl = Layout.UserMobile.Back Route.Spaces , rightControl = Layout.UserMobile.Custom <| button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue btn-md" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create" ] } in Layout.UserMobile.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "p-5", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model ] ] -- SHARED formFields : Model -> Html Msg formFields model = div [] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "name", class "input-label" ] [ text "Name your team" ] , textField (FormField "text" "name" "Smith, Co." model.name NameChanged True) model.errors ] , div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "slug", class "input-label" ] [ text "Pick your URL" ] , slugField model.slug model.errors ] ] textField : FormField -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg textField field errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field w-full", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid field.name errors ) ] in div [] [ input [ id field.name , type_ field.type_ , classList classes , name field.name , placeholder field.placeholder , value field.value , onInput field.onInput , autofocus field.autofocus , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] , errorView field.name errors ] slugField : String -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg slugField slug errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field inline-flex leading-none items-baseline", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid "slug" errors ) ] in div [] [ div [ classList classes ] [ label [ for "slug" , class "flex-none text-dusty-blue-darker select-none" ] [ text "levelteams.com/" ] , div [ class "flex-1" ] [ input [ id "slug" , type_ "text" , class "placeholder-blue w-full p-0 no-outline text-dusty-blue-darker" , name "slug" , placeholder "smith-co" , value slug , onInput SlugChanged , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] ] ] , errorView "slug" errors ]
module Page.NewSpace exposing (Model, Msg(..), consumeEvent, init, setup, slugify, subscriptions, teardown, title, update, view) import Avatar import Beacon import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Connection exposing (Connection) import Device exposing (Device) import Event exposing (Event) import Globals exposing (Globals) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onClick, onInput) import Id exposing (Id) import Layout.UserDesktop import Layout.UserMobile import Mutation.CreateSpace as CreateSpace import PageError exposing (PageError) import Query.Viewer as Viewer import Regex exposing (Regex) import Repo exposing (Repo) import Route import Route.WelcomeTutorial import Scroll import Session exposing (Session) import Space exposing (Space) import Task exposing (Task) import User exposing (User) import ValidationError exposing (ValidationError, errorView, isInvalid) import Vendor.Keys as Keys exposing (Modifier(..), enter, onKeydown, preventDefault) -- MODEL type alias Model = { viewerId : Id , name : String , slug : String , errors : List ValidationError , formState : FormState -- MOBILE , showNav : Bool , showSidebar : Bool } type FormState = Idle | Submitting type alias Data = { viewer : User } resolveData : Repo -> Model -> Maybe Data resolveData repo model = Maybe.map Data (Repo.getUser model.viewerId repo) -- PAGE PROPERTIES title : String title = "Create a team" -- LIFECYCLE init : Globals -> Task PageError ( Globals, Model ) init globals = case Session.getUserId globals.session of Just viewerId -> let model = Model viewerId "" "" [] Idle False False in Task.succeed ( globals, model ) _ -> Task.fail PageError.NotFound setup : Model -> Cmd Msg setup model = Cmd.batch [ Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp , Beacon.init ] teardown : Model -> Cmd Msg teardown model = Beacon.destroy -- UPDATE type Msg = NameChanged String | SlugChanged String | Submit | Submitted (Result Session.Error ( Session, CreateSpace.Response )) | NoOp | ToggleKeyboardCommands | ToggleNotifications | InternalLinkClicked String -- MOBILE | NavToggled | SidebarToggled | ScrollTopClicked update : Msg -> Globals -> Nav.Key -> Model -> ( ( Model, Cmd Msg ), Globals ) update msg globals navKey model = case msg of NameChanged val -> ( ( { model | name = val, slug = slugify val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SlugChanged val -> ( ( { model | slug = val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) Submit -> let cmd = globals.session |> CreateSpace.request model.name model.slug |> Task.attempt Submitted in ( ( { model | formState = Submitting }, cmd ), globals ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Success space )) -> let tutorialParams = Route.WelcomeTutorial.init (Space.slug space) 1 in ( ( model, Route.pushUrl navKey (Route.WelcomeTutorial tutorialParams) ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Invalid errors )) -> ( ( { model | errors = errors, formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Err _) -> ( ( { model | formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ), globals ) NoOp -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), globals ) ToggleKeyboardCommands -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showKeyboardCommands = not globals.showKeyboardCommands } ) ToggleNotifications -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showNotifications = not globals.showNotifications } ) InternalLinkClicked pathname -> ( ( model, Nav.pushUrl globals.navKey pathname ), globals ) NavToggled -> ( ( { model | showNav = not model.showNav }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SidebarToggled -> ( ( { model | showSidebar = not model.showSidebar }, Cmd.none ), globals ) ScrollTopClicked -> ( ( model, Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp ), globals ) specialCharRegex : Regex specialCharRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "[^a-z0-9]+" paddedDashRegex : Regex paddedDashRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "(^-|-$)" slugify : String -> String slugify name = name |> String.toLower |> Regex.replace specialCharRegex (\_ -> "-") |> Regex.replace paddedDashRegex (\_ -> "") |> String.slice 0 20 -- EVENTS consumeEvent : Event -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) consumeEvent event model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.none -- VIEW type alias FormField = { type_ : String , name : String , placeholder : String , value : String , onInput : String -> Msg , autofocus : Bool } view : Globals -> Model -> Html Msg view globals model = case resolveData globals.repo model of Just data -> resolvedView globals model data Nothing -> text "Something went wrong." resolvedView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedView globals model data = case globals.device of Device.Desktop -> resolvedDesktopView globals model data Device.Mobile -> resolvedMobileView globals model data resolvedDesktopView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedDesktopView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , onNoOp = NoOp , onToggleKeyboardCommands = ToggleKeyboardCommands , onPageClicked = NoOp } in Layout.UserDesktop.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "mx-auto max-w-xs leading-normal py-24", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ h1 [ class "pb-4 font-bold tracking-semi-tight text-3xl" ] [ text "Create a team" ] , p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model , button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create my team" ] ] ] resolvedMobileView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedMobileView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , title = "New Team" , showNav = model.showNav , onNavToggled = NavToggled , onSidebarToggled = SidebarToggled , onScrollTopClicked = ScrollTopClicked , onNoOp = NoOp , leftControl = Layout.UserMobile.Back Route.Spaces , rightControl = Layout.UserMobile.Custom <| button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue btn-md" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create" ] } in Layout.UserMobile.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "p-5", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model ] ] -- SHARED formFields : Model -> Html Msg formFields model = div [] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "name", class "input-label" ] [ text "Name your team" ] , textField (FormField "text" "name" "<NAME>." model.name NameChanged True) model.errors ] , div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "slug", class "input-label" ] [ text "Pick your URL" ] , slugField model.slug model.errors ] ] textField : FormField -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg textField field errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field w-full", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid field.name errors ) ] in div [] [ input [ id field.name , type_ field.type_ , classList classes , name field.name , placeholder field.placeholder , value field.value , onInput field.onInput , autofocus field.autofocus , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] , errorView field.name errors ] slugField : String -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg slugField slug errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field inline-flex leading-none items-baseline", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid "slug" errors ) ] in div [] [ div [ classList classes ] [ label [ for "slug" , class "flex-none text-dusty-blue-darker select-none" ] [ text "levelteams.com/" ] , div [ class "flex-1" ] [ input [ id "slug" , type_ "text" , class "placeholder-blue w-full p-0 no-outline text-dusty-blue-darker" , name "slug" , placeholder "smith-co" , value slug , onInput SlugChanged , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] ] ] , errorView "slug" errors ]
module Page.NewSpace exposing (Model, Msg(..), consumeEvent, init, setup, slugify, subscriptions, teardown, title, update, view) import Avatar import Beacon import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Connection exposing (Connection) import Device exposing (Device) import Event exposing (Event) import Globals exposing (Globals) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onBlur, onClick, onInput) import Id exposing (Id) import Layout.UserDesktop import Layout.UserMobile import Mutation.CreateSpace as CreateSpace import PageError exposing (PageError) import Query.Viewer as Viewer import Regex exposing (Regex) import Repo exposing (Repo) import Route import Route.WelcomeTutorial import Scroll import Session exposing (Session) import Space exposing (Space) import Task exposing (Task) import User exposing (User) import ValidationError exposing (ValidationError, errorView, isInvalid) import Vendor.Keys as Keys exposing (Modifier(..), enter, onKeydown, preventDefault) -- MODEL type alias Model = { viewerId : Id , name : String , slug : String , errors : List ValidationError , formState : FormState -- MOBILE , showNav : Bool , showSidebar : Bool } type FormState = Idle | Submitting type alias Data = { viewer : User } resolveData : Repo -> Model -> Maybe Data resolveData repo model = Maybe.map Data (Repo.getUser model.viewerId repo) -- PAGE PROPERTIES title : String title = "Create a team" -- LIFECYCLE init : Globals -> Task PageError ( Globals, Model ) init globals = case Session.getUserId globals.session of Just viewerId -> let model = Model viewerId "" "" [] Idle False False in Task.succeed ( globals, model ) _ -> Task.fail PageError.NotFound setup : Model -> Cmd Msg setup model = Cmd.batch [ Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp , Beacon.init ] teardown : Model -> Cmd Msg teardown model = Beacon.destroy -- UPDATE type Msg = NameChanged String | SlugChanged String | Submit | Submitted (Result Session.Error ( Session, CreateSpace.Response )) | NoOp | ToggleKeyboardCommands | ToggleNotifications | InternalLinkClicked String -- MOBILE | NavToggled | SidebarToggled | ScrollTopClicked update : Msg -> Globals -> Nav.Key -> Model -> ( ( Model, Cmd Msg ), Globals ) update msg globals navKey model = case msg of NameChanged val -> ( ( { model | name = val, slug = slugify val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SlugChanged val -> ( ( { model | slug = val }, Cmd.none ), globals ) Submit -> let cmd = globals.session |> CreateSpace.request model.name model.slug |> Task.attempt Submitted in ( ( { model | formState = Submitting }, cmd ), globals ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Success space )) -> let tutorialParams = Route.WelcomeTutorial.init (Space.slug space) 1 in ( ( model, Route.pushUrl navKey (Route.WelcomeTutorial tutorialParams) ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Ok ( newSession, CreateSpace.Invalid errors )) -> ( ( { model | errors = errors, formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ) , { globals | session = newSession } ) Submitted (Err _) -> ( ( { model | formState = Idle }, Cmd.none ), globals ) NoOp -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), globals ) ToggleKeyboardCommands -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showKeyboardCommands = not globals.showKeyboardCommands } ) ToggleNotifications -> ( ( model, Cmd.none ), { globals | showNotifications = not globals.showNotifications } ) InternalLinkClicked pathname -> ( ( model, Nav.pushUrl globals.navKey pathname ), globals ) NavToggled -> ( ( { model | showNav = not model.showNav }, Cmd.none ), globals ) SidebarToggled -> ( ( { model | showSidebar = not model.showSidebar }, Cmd.none ), globals ) ScrollTopClicked -> ( ( model, Scroll.toDocumentTop NoOp ), globals ) specialCharRegex : Regex specialCharRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "[^a-z0-9]+" paddedDashRegex : Regex paddedDashRegex = Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString "(^-|-$)" slugify : String -> String slugify name = name |> String.toLower |> Regex.replace specialCharRegex (\_ -> "-") |> Regex.replace paddedDashRegex (\_ -> "") |> String.slice 0 20 -- EVENTS consumeEvent : Event -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) consumeEvent event model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Sub Msg subscriptions = Sub.none -- VIEW type alias FormField = { type_ : String , name : String , placeholder : String , value : String , onInput : String -> Msg , autofocus : Bool } view : Globals -> Model -> Html Msg view globals model = case resolveData globals.repo model of Just data -> resolvedView globals model data Nothing -> text "Something went wrong." resolvedView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedView globals model data = case globals.device of Device.Desktop -> resolvedDesktopView globals model data Device.Mobile -> resolvedMobileView globals model data resolvedDesktopView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedDesktopView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , onNoOp = NoOp , onToggleKeyboardCommands = ToggleKeyboardCommands , onPageClicked = NoOp } in Layout.UserDesktop.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "mx-auto max-w-xs leading-normal py-24", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ h1 [ class "pb-4 font-bold tracking-semi-tight text-3xl" ] [ text "Create a team" ] , p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model , button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create my team" ] ] ] resolvedMobileView : Globals -> Model -> Data -> Html Msg resolvedMobileView globals model data = let config = { globals = globals , viewer = data.viewer , title = "New Team" , showNav = model.showNav , onNavToggled = NavToggled , onSidebarToggled = SidebarToggled , onScrollTopClicked = ScrollTopClicked , onNoOp = NoOp , leftControl = Layout.UserMobile.Back Route.Spaces , rightControl = Layout.UserMobile.Custom <| button [ type_ "submit" , class "btn btn-blue btn-md" , onClick Submit , disabled (model.formState == Submitting) ] [ text "Create" ] } in Layout.UserMobile.layout config [ div [ classList [ ( "p-5", True ) , ( "shake", not (List.isEmpty model.errors) ) ] ] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ p [] [ text "Try Level free for 30 days. Once you create your team, you can invite your teammates to join you!" ] ] , formFields model ] ] -- SHARED formFields : Model -> Html Msg formFields model = div [] [ div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "name", class "input-label" ] [ text "Name your team" ] , textField (FormField "text" "name" "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI." model.name NameChanged True) model.errors ] , div [ class "pb-6" ] [ label [ for "slug", class "input-label" ] [ text "Pick your URL" ] , slugField model.slug model.errors ] ] textField : FormField -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg textField field errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field w-full", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid field.name errors ) ] in div [] [ input [ id field.name , type_ field.type_ , classList classes , name field.name , placeholder field.placeholder , value field.value , onInput field.onInput , autofocus field.autofocus , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] , errorView field.name errors ] slugField : String -> List ValidationError -> Html Msg slugField slug errors = let classes = [ ( "input-field inline-flex leading-none items-baseline", True ) , ( "input-field-error", isInvalid "slug" errors ) ] in div [] [ div [ classList classes ] [ label [ for "slug" , class "flex-none text-dusty-blue-darker select-none" ] [ text "levelteams.com/" ] , div [ class "flex-1" ] [ input [ id "slug" , type_ "text" , class "placeholder-blue w-full p-0 no-outline text-dusty-blue-darker" , name "slug" , placeholder "smith-co" , value slug , onInput SlugChanged , onKeydown preventDefault [ ( [], enter, \event -> Submit ) ] ] [] ] ] , errorView "slug" errors ]
[ { "context": "docs codecIndexRecordEncoder\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten\r\n-}\r\n\r\nimport Dict exposing (Dict)\r\nimport Json.E", "end": 185, "score": 0.9998289347, "start": 173, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Robin Luiten" } ]
module Lunrelm.Json.Encoder (encoder, codecIndexRecordEncoder) where {-| Encoder for Lunrelm Index. @docs encoder @docs codecIndexRecordEncoder Copyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Trie exposing (Trie) import Trie.Json.Encoder as TrieEncoder import Index import IndexModel exposing (..) {-| Encoder for Index a. Only encoding fields required to recreate a working index. The following fields are not saved as they are restored via the provided Config on fromString. * ref * fields * transformFactories * filterFactories The following fields are not saved because they are an acceleration model, decoder needs to set it on fromString. * corpusTokensIndex The following fields are not saved because they are caches and are cached as operationg requires * transforms * filters * idfCache Do not need an (a -> Encode.Value) because a is a document type and that is never encoded from an Index. -} encoder : (Index doc) -> Encode.Value encoder (Index irec) = codecIndexRecordEncoder { indexVersion = irec.indexVersion , indexType = irec.indexType , documentStore = irec.documentStore , corpusTokens = irec.corpusTokens , tokenStore = irec.tokenStore } {-| Encode CodecIndexRecord. -} codecIndexRecordEncoder : CodecIndexRecord -> Encode.Value codecIndexRecordEncoder rec = Encode.object [ ("indexVersion", Encode.string rec.indexVersion) , ("indexType", Encode.string rec.indexType) , ("documentStore", documentStoreEncoder rec.documentStore) , ("corpusTokens", corpusTokensEncoder rec.corpusTokens) , ("tokenStore", tokenStore rec.tokenStore) ] documentStoreEncoder : (Dict String (Set String)) -> Encode.Value documentStoreEncoder dict = Encode.object <| List.map (\(key, val) -> ( key , Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList val)) ) ) (Dict.toList dict) corpusTokensEncoder : Set String -> Encode.Value corpusTokensEncoder setVal = Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList setVal)) tokenStore : Trie Float -> Encode.Value tokenStore = TrieEncoder.encoder Encode.float
module Lunrelm.Json.Encoder (encoder, codecIndexRecordEncoder) where {-| Encoder for Lunrelm Index. @docs encoder @docs codecIndexRecordEncoder Copyright (c) 2016 <NAME> -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Trie exposing (Trie) import Trie.Json.Encoder as TrieEncoder import Index import IndexModel exposing (..) {-| Encoder for Index a. Only encoding fields required to recreate a working index. The following fields are not saved as they are restored via the provided Config on fromString. * ref * fields * transformFactories * filterFactories The following fields are not saved because they are an acceleration model, decoder needs to set it on fromString. * corpusTokensIndex The following fields are not saved because they are caches and are cached as operationg requires * transforms * filters * idfCache Do not need an (a -> Encode.Value) because a is a document type and that is never encoded from an Index. -} encoder : (Index doc) -> Encode.Value encoder (Index irec) = codecIndexRecordEncoder { indexVersion = irec.indexVersion , indexType = irec.indexType , documentStore = irec.documentStore , corpusTokens = irec.corpusTokens , tokenStore = irec.tokenStore } {-| Encode CodecIndexRecord. -} codecIndexRecordEncoder : CodecIndexRecord -> Encode.Value codecIndexRecordEncoder rec = Encode.object [ ("indexVersion", Encode.string rec.indexVersion) , ("indexType", Encode.string rec.indexType) , ("documentStore", documentStoreEncoder rec.documentStore) , ("corpusTokens", corpusTokensEncoder rec.corpusTokens) , ("tokenStore", tokenStore rec.tokenStore) ] documentStoreEncoder : (Dict String (Set String)) -> Encode.Value documentStoreEncoder dict = Encode.object <| List.map (\(key, val) -> ( key , Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList val)) ) ) (Dict.toList dict) corpusTokensEncoder : Set String -> Encode.Value corpusTokensEncoder setVal = Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList setVal)) tokenStore : Trie Float -> Encode.Value tokenStore = TrieEncoder.encoder Encode.float
module Lunrelm.Json.Encoder (encoder, codecIndexRecordEncoder) where {-| Encoder for Lunrelm Index. @docs encoder @docs codecIndexRecordEncoder Copyright (c) 2016 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Trie exposing (Trie) import Trie.Json.Encoder as TrieEncoder import Index import IndexModel exposing (..) {-| Encoder for Index a. Only encoding fields required to recreate a working index. The following fields are not saved as they are restored via the provided Config on fromString. * ref * fields * transformFactories * filterFactories The following fields are not saved because they are an acceleration model, decoder needs to set it on fromString. * corpusTokensIndex The following fields are not saved because they are caches and are cached as operationg requires * transforms * filters * idfCache Do not need an (a -> Encode.Value) because a is a document type and that is never encoded from an Index. -} encoder : (Index doc) -> Encode.Value encoder (Index irec) = codecIndexRecordEncoder { indexVersion = irec.indexVersion , indexType = irec.indexType , documentStore = irec.documentStore , corpusTokens = irec.corpusTokens , tokenStore = irec.tokenStore } {-| Encode CodecIndexRecord. -} codecIndexRecordEncoder : CodecIndexRecord -> Encode.Value codecIndexRecordEncoder rec = Encode.object [ ("indexVersion", Encode.string rec.indexVersion) , ("indexType", Encode.string rec.indexType) , ("documentStore", documentStoreEncoder rec.documentStore) , ("corpusTokens", corpusTokensEncoder rec.corpusTokens) , ("tokenStore", tokenStore rec.tokenStore) ] documentStoreEncoder : (Dict String (Set String)) -> Encode.Value documentStoreEncoder dict = Encode.object <| List.map (\(key, val) -> ( key , Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList val)) ) ) (Dict.toList dict) corpusTokensEncoder : Set String -> Encode.Value corpusTokensEncoder setVal = Encode.list (List.map Encode.string (Set.toList setVal)) tokenStore : Trie Float -> Encode.Value tokenStore = TrieEncoder.encoder Encode.float
[ { "context": "text\" ]\n [ h1 [ id \"image-title\" ] [ text \"McKay & Greg\" ]\n , h3 [ id \"image-date\" ] [ text \"", "end": 8546, "score": 0.9980083704, "start": 8541, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McKay" }, { "context": "\n [ h1 [ id \"image-title\" ] [ text \"McKay & Greg\" ]\n , h3 [ id \"image-date\" ] [ text \"Septe", "end": 8553, "score": 0.9785836935, "start": 8549, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Greg" } ]
import Browser import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, h1, h2, h3, h5, img, input, p, span, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, disabled, href, id, placeholder, src, target, type_) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, list, string) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Task import Time exposing (Posix, millisToPosix, posixToMillis) main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } -- MODEL type alias GuestId = String type GuestStatus = Unregistered | Attending | NotAttending type alias Guest = { id: GuestId , name: String , status: GuestStatus , isSelected: Bool , isVisible: Bool } type alias PlusOnePair = (String, String) type alias GuestResponseModel = { id: GuestId , name: String } type alias PlusOneResponseModel = { partnerAName: String , partnerBName: String } type alias GetGuestListReponse = { guests: List GuestResponseModel , plusOnes: List PlusOneResponseModel } type RsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted | WaitingForResponse | Submitted type alias Countdown = { days: Int , hours: Int , minutes: Int , seconds: Int } -- 5:00 PM CDT September 21, 2019 weddingDate : Posix weddingDate = millisToPosix 1569103200000 millisecondsPerSecond : Int millisecondsPerSecond = 1000 millisecondsPerMinute : Int millisecondsPerMinute = millisecondsPerSecond * 60 millisecondsPerHour : Int millisecondsPerHour = millisecondsPerMinute * 60 millisecondsPerDay : Int millisecondsPerDay = millisecondsPerHour * 24 type alias Model = { guests: List Guest , plusOnes: List PlusOnePair , searchString: String , rsvpSubmissionStatus: RsvpSubmissionStatus , countdown: Countdown } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( { guests = [] , plusOnes = [] , searchString = "" , rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted , countdown = { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } } , initialCommand ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GuestListLoaded (Result Http.Error GetGuestListReponse) | SelectGuest GuestId | NewSearch String | AttendingSubmitted | NotAttendingSubmitted | RsvpSubmissionResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | AddAnotherRsvp | Tick Posix update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of GuestListLoaded result -> case result of Ok response -> (onGuestListLoaded response model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SelectGuest guestId -> (onGuestSelected guestId model, Cmd.none) NewSearch searchString -> (onNewSearch searchString model, Cmd.none) AttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted True model NotAttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted False model RsvpSubmissionResponse result -> case result of Ok _ -> (onRsvpSubmissionResponse model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) AddAnotherRsvp -> (onAddAnotherRsvp model, Cmd.none) Tick currentTime -> (onTick currentTime model , Cmd.none) onGuestListLoaded : GetGuestListReponse -> Model -> Model onGuestListLoaded response model = let guests = response.guests |> List.map guestResponseModelToGuest |> List.sortWith orderByName plusOnes = response.plusOnes |> List.map plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair in { model | guests = guests, plusOnes = plusOnes } orderByName : Guest -> Guest -> Order orderByName a b = let (aFirst, aLast) = getFirstAndLastName a (bFirst, bLast) = getFirstAndLastName b in if aLast == bLast then compare aFirst bFirst else compare aLast bLast getFirstAndLastName : Guest -> (String, String) getFirstAndLastName guest = let names = String.split " " guest.name firstName = names |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name lastName = names |> List.drop 1 |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name in (firstName, lastName) guestResponseModelToGuest : GuestResponseModel -> Guest guestResponseModelToGuest model = { id = model.id, name = model.name, status = Unregistered, isSelected = False, isVisible = True } plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair : PlusOneResponseModel -> PlusOnePair plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair model = (model.partnerAName, model.partnerBName) onGuestSelected : GuestId -> Model -> Model onGuestSelected guestId model = let newGuestList = model.guests |> List.map (selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId) in { model | guests = newGuestList } selectGuestIfIdMatches : GuestId -> Guest -> Guest selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId guest = if guestId == guest.id then { guest | isSelected = not guest.isSelected } else guest onNewSearch : String -> Model -> Model onNewSearch searchString model = let cleanSearchString = searchString |> String.trim |> String.toLower matchingPlusOneNames = getMatchingPlusOneNames cleanSearchString model.plusOnes newGuestList = filterGuestsOnSearchString cleanSearchString matchingPlusOneNames model.guests in { model | searchString = cleanSearchString, guests = newGuestList } getMatchingPlusOneNames : String -> List PlusOnePair -> Set String getMatchingPlusOneNames searchString plusOnes = plusOnes |> List.filterMap (getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString) |> Set.fromList getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString : String -> PlusOnePair -> Maybe String getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString (partnerA, partnerB) = if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerA then Just partnerB else if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerB then Just partnerA else Nothing doesGuestNameMatchSearchString : String -> String -> Bool doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guestName = guestName |> String.toLower |> String.contains searchString filterGuestsOnSearchString : String -> Set String -> List Guest -> List Guest filterGuestsOnSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guestList = guestList |> List.map (\guest -> { guest | isVisible = doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest }) doesGuestMatchSearchString : String -> Set String -> Guest -> Bool doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest = String.isEmpty searchString || doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guest.name || Set.member guest.name matchingPlusOneNames onRsvpSubmitted : Bool -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) onRsvpSubmitted isAttending model = ({ model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = WaitingForResponse }, postRsvpRequest isAttending model.guests) onRsvpSubmissionResponse : Model -> Model onRsvpSubmissionResponse model = { model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = Submitted } onAddAnotherRsvp : Model -> Model onAddAnotherRsvp model = let newGuests = model.guests |> List.map (\guest -> {guest | isVisible = True, isSelected = False}) in { model | searchString = "", rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted, guests = newGuests } onTick : Posix -> Model -> Model onTick currentTime model = { model | countdown = countdownFromTime weddingDate currentTime } countdownFromTime : Posix -> Posix -> Countdown countdownFromTime endTime currentTime = let currentTimeMs = posixToMillis currentTime endTimeMs = posixToMillis endTime timeDiffMs = endTimeMs - currentTimeMs in if timeDiffMs < 0 then { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } else { days = timeDiffMs // millisecondsPerDay , hours = (modBy millisecondsPerDay timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerHour , minutes = (modBy millisecondsPerHour timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerMinute , seconds = (modBy millisecondsPerMinute timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerSecond } -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Time.every 1000 Tick initialCommand : Cmd Msg initialCommand = Cmd.batch [ getGuestList, Task.perform Tick Time.now ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container-fluid main-container" ] [ heroImageView , receptionDetailsView model , registryDetailsView , rsvpView model ] heroImageView : Html Msg heroImageView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ id "hero-image-col", class "col-12" ] [ img [ id "hero-image", src "images/Hero.jpg" ] [] , div [ id "image-text" ] [ h1 [ id "image-title" ] [ text "McKay & Greg" ] , h3 [ id "image-date" ] [ text "September 21, 2019" ] , h3 [ id "image-location" ] [ text "Lincoln, NE" ] ] ] ] receptionDetailsView : Model -> Html Msg receptionDetailsView model = div [ class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ id "reception-details", class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Wedding Reception" ] , h5 [] [ text "5 PM | September 21, 2019" ] , h5 [] [ text "Capital Vew Winery" ] , p [] [ a [ target "_blank", href "https://goo.gl/maps/KPN95RXtjDjqaGK59" ] [ text "2361 Wittstruck Rd | Roca, NE | 68430" ] ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The reception will be held at " , a [ target "_blank", href "https://capitolviewwinery.com/" ] [ text "Capital View Winery" ] , text ". Join us for food, wine, and yard games to celebrate our marriage." ] , countdownView model.countdown , br [] [] , a [ href "/#rsvp", id "rsvp-button", class "btn btn-lg" ] [ text "RSVP" ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [ ] ] countdownView : Countdown -> Html Msg countdownView countdown = div [ id "countdown-container" ] [ countdownComponentView countdown.days "days" , countdownComponentView countdown.hours "hours" , countdownComponentView countdown.minutes "minutes" , countdownComponentView countdown.seconds "seconds" ] countdownComponentView : Int -> String -> Html Msg countdownComponentView value unit = div [ class "countdown-component" ] [ span [ class "countdown-value" ] [ text (String.fromInt value) ] , br [] [] , span [ class "countdown-unit" ] [ text unit ] ] registryDetailsView : Html Msg registryDetailsView = div [ id "registry-row", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Registry" ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The presence of your company is the only gift we could ever ask for. We will not be registering as we have everything we need to start the next chapter of our lives together." ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] rsvpView : Model -> Html Msg rsvpView model = let formView = if model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == Submitted then completedFormView else if String.isEmpty model.searchString then noSearchStringView else incompleteFormView model in div [ id "rsvp", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ formView ] ] ] noSearchStringView : Html Msg noSearchStringView = div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView False ] incompleteFormView : Model -> Html Msg incompleteFormView model = let inputDisabled = model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == WaitingForResponse in div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView inputDisabled , guestListView model.guests inputDisabled , submitButtonView model.guests inputDisabled ] completedFormView : Html Msg completedFormView = div [ class "container-fluid"] [ titleView , thankYouView , addAnotherRsvpView ] titleView : Html Msg titleView = div [ class "row", id "title-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12"] [ h1 [] [ text "RSVP" ] , p [] [ text "Please search for your name and let us know if you can attend by September 1st" ] ] ] searchBarView : Bool -> Html Msg searchBarView inputDisabled = div [ class "row", id "search-bar-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ input [ class "form-control", placeholder "Search by your name", onInput NewSearch, disabled inputDisabled ] [] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] guestListView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg guestListView guests inputDisabled = let guestViews = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isVisible) |> List.map (guestView inputDisabled) in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-8", id "guest-list-container" ] guestViews , div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] ] guestView : Bool -> Guest -> Html Msg guestView inputDisabled guest = let buttonOutline = if guest.isSelected then "selected-guest" else "unselected-guest" buttonClass = "btn " ++ buttonOutline in div [ class "guest-name" ] [ button [ class buttonClass, type_ "button", onClick (SelectGuest guest.id), disabled inputDisabled ] [ text guest.name ] ] submitButtonView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg submitButtonView guestList inputDisabled = let anySelectedGuests = guestList |> List.any (\guest -> guest.isVisible && guest.isSelected) buttonsDisabled = inputDisabled || (not anySelectedGuests) in div [ class "submit-button-row row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4", id "submit-button-container" ] [ button [ id "attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick AttendingSubmitted ] [ text "Attending" ] , button [ id "not-attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick NotAttendingSubmitted ] [ span [ class "spinner-border spinner-border-sm" ] [], text "Not Attending" ] ] , div [ class "col-4" ] [] ] thankYouView : Html Msg thankYouView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Thank you for your response!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] ] addAnotherRsvpView : Html Msg addAnotherRsvpView = div [ class "row add-another-rsvp-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ button [ id "add-rsvp-btn", class "btn", type_ "button", onClick AddAnotherRsvp ] [ text "Add Another RSVP" ] ] ] -- HTTP getGuestList : Cmd Msg getGuestList = Http.get { url = "/Rsvp/Guests" , expect = Http.expectJson GuestListLoaded getGuestListResponseDecoder } getGuestListResponseDecoder : Decoder GetGuestListReponse getGuestListResponseDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GetGuestListReponse (field "guests" (list guestResponseModelDecoder)) (field "plusOnes" (list plusOneResponseModelDecoder)) guestResponseModelDecoder : Decoder GuestResponseModel guestResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GuestResponseModel (field "id" string) (field "name" string) plusOneResponseModelDecoder : Decoder PlusOneResponseModel plusOneResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 PlusOneResponseModel (field "partnerAName" string) (field "partnerBName" string) postRsvpRequest : Bool -> List Guest -> Cmd Msg postRsvpRequest isAttending guests = let selectedGuestIds = getSelectedGuestIds guests jsonRequest = Encode.object [ ( "GuestIds", Encode.list Encode.string selectedGuestIds ) , ( "IsAttending", Encode.bool isAttending ) ] in Http.post { url = "/Rsvp/Attendance" , body = Http.jsonBody jsonRequest , expect = Http.expectWhatever RsvpSubmissionResponse } getSelectedGuestIds : List Guest -> List GuestId getSelectedGuestIds guests = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isSelected && guest.isVisible) |> List.map (\guest -> guest.id)
import Browser import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, h1, h2, h3, h5, img, input, p, span, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, disabled, href, id, placeholder, src, target, type_) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, list, string) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Task import Time exposing (Posix, millisToPosix, posixToMillis) main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } -- MODEL type alias GuestId = String type GuestStatus = Unregistered | Attending | NotAttending type alias Guest = { id: GuestId , name: String , status: GuestStatus , isSelected: Bool , isVisible: Bool } type alias PlusOnePair = (String, String) type alias GuestResponseModel = { id: GuestId , name: String } type alias PlusOneResponseModel = { partnerAName: String , partnerBName: String } type alias GetGuestListReponse = { guests: List GuestResponseModel , plusOnes: List PlusOneResponseModel } type RsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted | WaitingForResponse | Submitted type alias Countdown = { days: Int , hours: Int , minutes: Int , seconds: Int } -- 5:00 PM CDT September 21, 2019 weddingDate : Posix weddingDate = millisToPosix 1569103200000 millisecondsPerSecond : Int millisecondsPerSecond = 1000 millisecondsPerMinute : Int millisecondsPerMinute = millisecondsPerSecond * 60 millisecondsPerHour : Int millisecondsPerHour = millisecondsPerMinute * 60 millisecondsPerDay : Int millisecondsPerDay = millisecondsPerHour * 24 type alias Model = { guests: List Guest , plusOnes: List PlusOnePair , searchString: String , rsvpSubmissionStatus: RsvpSubmissionStatus , countdown: Countdown } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( { guests = [] , plusOnes = [] , searchString = "" , rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted , countdown = { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } } , initialCommand ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GuestListLoaded (Result Http.Error GetGuestListReponse) | SelectGuest GuestId | NewSearch String | AttendingSubmitted | NotAttendingSubmitted | RsvpSubmissionResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | AddAnotherRsvp | Tick Posix update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of GuestListLoaded result -> case result of Ok response -> (onGuestListLoaded response model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SelectGuest guestId -> (onGuestSelected guestId model, Cmd.none) NewSearch searchString -> (onNewSearch searchString model, Cmd.none) AttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted True model NotAttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted False model RsvpSubmissionResponse result -> case result of Ok _ -> (onRsvpSubmissionResponse model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) AddAnotherRsvp -> (onAddAnotherRsvp model, Cmd.none) Tick currentTime -> (onTick currentTime model , Cmd.none) onGuestListLoaded : GetGuestListReponse -> Model -> Model onGuestListLoaded response model = let guests = response.guests |> List.map guestResponseModelToGuest |> List.sortWith orderByName plusOnes = response.plusOnes |> List.map plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair in { model | guests = guests, plusOnes = plusOnes } orderByName : Guest -> Guest -> Order orderByName a b = let (aFirst, aLast) = getFirstAndLastName a (bFirst, bLast) = getFirstAndLastName b in if aLast == bLast then compare aFirst bFirst else compare aLast bLast getFirstAndLastName : Guest -> (String, String) getFirstAndLastName guest = let names = String.split " " guest.name firstName = names |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name lastName = names |> List.drop 1 |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name in (firstName, lastName) guestResponseModelToGuest : GuestResponseModel -> Guest guestResponseModelToGuest model = { id = model.id, name = model.name, status = Unregistered, isSelected = False, isVisible = True } plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair : PlusOneResponseModel -> PlusOnePair plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair model = (model.partnerAName, model.partnerBName) onGuestSelected : GuestId -> Model -> Model onGuestSelected guestId model = let newGuestList = model.guests |> List.map (selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId) in { model | guests = newGuestList } selectGuestIfIdMatches : GuestId -> Guest -> Guest selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId guest = if guestId == guest.id then { guest | isSelected = not guest.isSelected } else guest onNewSearch : String -> Model -> Model onNewSearch searchString model = let cleanSearchString = searchString |> String.trim |> String.toLower matchingPlusOneNames = getMatchingPlusOneNames cleanSearchString model.plusOnes newGuestList = filterGuestsOnSearchString cleanSearchString matchingPlusOneNames model.guests in { model | searchString = cleanSearchString, guests = newGuestList } getMatchingPlusOneNames : String -> List PlusOnePair -> Set String getMatchingPlusOneNames searchString plusOnes = plusOnes |> List.filterMap (getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString) |> Set.fromList getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString : String -> PlusOnePair -> Maybe String getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString (partnerA, partnerB) = if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerA then Just partnerB else if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerB then Just partnerA else Nothing doesGuestNameMatchSearchString : String -> String -> Bool doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guestName = guestName |> String.toLower |> String.contains searchString filterGuestsOnSearchString : String -> Set String -> List Guest -> List Guest filterGuestsOnSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guestList = guestList |> List.map (\guest -> { guest | isVisible = doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest }) doesGuestMatchSearchString : String -> Set String -> Guest -> Bool doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest = String.isEmpty searchString || doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guest.name || Set.member guest.name matchingPlusOneNames onRsvpSubmitted : Bool -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) onRsvpSubmitted isAttending model = ({ model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = WaitingForResponse }, postRsvpRequest isAttending model.guests) onRsvpSubmissionResponse : Model -> Model onRsvpSubmissionResponse model = { model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = Submitted } onAddAnotherRsvp : Model -> Model onAddAnotherRsvp model = let newGuests = model.guests |> List.map (\guest -> {guest | isVisible = True, isSelected = False}) in { model | searchString = "", rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted, guests = newGuests } onTick : Posix -> Model -> Model onTick currentTime model = { model | countdown = countdownFromTime weddingDate currentTime } countdownFromTime : Posix -> Posix -> Countdown countdownFromTime endTime currentTime = let currentTimeMs = posixToMillis currentTime endTimeMs = posixToMillis endTime timeDiffMs = endTimeMs - currentTimeMs in if timeDiffMs < 0 then { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } else { days = timeDiffMs // millisecondsPerDay , hours = (modBy millisecondsPerDay timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerHour , minutes = (modBy millisecondsPerHour timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerMinute , seconds = (modBy millisecondsPerMinute timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerSecond } -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Time.every 1000 Tick initialCommand : Cmd Msg initialCommand = Cmd.batch [ getGuestList, Task.perform Tick Time.now ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container-fluid main-container" ] [ heroImageView , receptionDetailsView model , registryDetailsView , rsvpView model ] heroImageView : Html Msg heroImageView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ id "hero-image-col", class "col-12" ] [ img [ id "hero-image", src "images/Hero.jpg" ] [] , div [ id "image-text" ] [ h1 [ id "image-title" ] [ text "<NAME> & <NAME>" ] , h3 [ id "image-date" ] [ text "September 21, 2019" ] , h3 [ id "image-location" ] [ text "Lincoln, NE" ] ] ] ] receptionDetailsView : Model -> Html Msg receptionDetailsView model = div [ class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ id "reception-details", class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Wedding Reception" ] , h5 [] [ text "5 PM | September 21, 2019" ] , h5 [] [ text "Capital Vew Winery" ] , p [] [ a [ target "_blank", href "https://goo.gl/maps/KPN95RXtjDjqaGK59" ] [ text "2361 Wittstruck Rd | Roca, NE | 68430" ] ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The reception will be held at " , a [ target "_blank", href "https://capitolviewwinery.com/" ] [ text "Capital View Winery" ] , text ". Join us for food, wine, and yard games to celebrate our marriage." ] , countdownView model.countdown , br [] [] , a [ href "/#rsvp", id "rsvp-button", class "btn btn-lg" ] [ text "RSVP" ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [ ] ] countdownView : Countdown -> Html Msg countdownView countdown = div [ id "countdown-container" ] [ countdownComponentView countdown.days "days" , countdownComponentView countdown.hours "hours" , countdownComponentView countdown.minutes "minutes" , countdownComponentView countdown.seconds "seconds" ] countdownComponentView : Int -> String -> Html Msg countdownComponentView value unit = div [ class "countdown-component" ] [ span [ class "countdown-value" ] [ text (String.fromInt value) ] , br [] [] , span [ class "countdown-unit" ] [ text unit ] ] registryDetailsView : Html Msg registryDetailsView = div [ id "registry-row", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Registry" ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The presence of your company is the only gift we could ever ask for. We will not be registering as we have everything we need to start the next chapter of our lives together." ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] rsvpView : Model -> Html Msg rsvpView model = let formView = if model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == Submitted then completedFormView else if String.isEmpty model.searchString then noSearchStringView else incompleteFormView model in div [ id "rsvp", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ formView ] ] ] noSearchStringView : Html Msg noSearchStringView = div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView False ] incompleteFormView : Model -> Html Msg incompleteFormView model = let inputDisabled = model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == WaitingForResponse in div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView inputDisabled , guestListView model.guests inputDisabled , submitButtonView model.guests inputDisabled ] completedFormView : Html Msg completedFormView = div [ class "container-fluid"] [ titleView , thankYouView , addAnotherRsvpView ] titleView : Html Msg titleView = div [ class "row", id "title-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12"] [ h1 [] [ text "RSVP" ] , p [] [ text "Please search for your name and let us know if you can attend by September 1st" ] ] ] searchBarView : Bool -> Html Msg searchBarView inputDisabled = div [ class "row", id "search-bar-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ input [ class "form-control", placeholder "Search by your name", onInput NewSearch, disabled inputDisabled ] [] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] guestListView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg guestListView guests inputDisabled = let guestViews = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isVisible) |> List.map (guestView inputDisabled) in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-8", id "guest-list-container" ] guestViews , div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] ] guestView : Bool -> Guest -> Html Msg guestView inputDisabled guest = let buttonOutline = if guest.isSelected then "selected-guest" else "unselected-guest" buttonClass = "btn " ++ buttonOutline in div [ class "guest-name" ] [ button [ class buttonClass, type_ "button", onClick (SelectGuest guest.id), disabled inputDisabled ] [ text guest.name ] ] submitButtonView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg submitButtonView guestList inputDisabled = let anySelectedGuests = guestList |> List.any (\guest -> guest.isVisible && guest.isSelected) buttonsDisabled = inputDisabled || (not anySelectedGuests) in div [ class "submit-button-row row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4", id "submit-button-container" ] [ button [ id "attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick AttendingSubmitted ] [ text "Attending" ] , button [ id "not-attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick NotAttendingSubmitted ] [ span [ class "spinner-border spinner-border-sm" ] [], text "Not Attending" ] ] , div [ class "col-4" ] [] ] thankYouView : Html Msg thankYouView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Thank you for your response!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] ] addAnotherRsvpView : Html Msg addAnotherRsvpView = div [ class "row add-another-rsvp-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ button [ id "add-rsvp-btn", class "btn", type_ "button", onClick AddAnotherRsvp ] [ text "Add Another RSVP" ] ] ] -- HTTP getGuestList : Cmd Msg getGuestList = Http.get { url = "/Rsvp/Guests" , expect = Http.expectJson GuestListLoaded getGuestListResponseDecoder } getGuestListResponseDecoder : Decoder GetGuestListReponse getGuestListResponseDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GetGuestListReponse (field "guests" (list guestResponseModelDecoder)) (field "plusOnes" (list plusOneResponseModelDecoder)) guestResponseModelDecoder : Decoder GuestResponseModel guestResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GuestResponseModel (field "id" string) (field "name" string) plusOneResponseModelDecoder : Decoder PlusOneResponseModel plusOneResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 PlusOneResponseModel (field "partnerAName" string) (field "partnerBName" string) postRsvpRequest : Bool -> List Guest -> Cmd Msg postRsvpRequest isAttending guests = let selectedGuestIds = getSelectedGuestIds guests jsonRequest = Encode.object [ ( "GuestIds", Encode.list Encode.string selectedGuestIds ) , ( "IsAttending", Encode.bool isAttending ) ] in Http.post { url = "/Rsvp/Attendance" , body = Http.jsonBody jsonRequest , expect = Http.expectWhatever RsvpSubmissionResponse } getSelectedGuestIds : List Guest -> List GuestId getSelectedGuestIds guests = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isSelected && guest.isVisible) |> List.map (\guest -> guest.id)
import Browser import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, h1, h2, h3, h5, img, input, p, span, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, disabled, href, id, placeholder, src, target, type_) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Http import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, field, list, string) import Json.Encode as Encode import Set exposing (Set) import Task import Time exposing (Posix, millisToPosix, posixToMillis) main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } -- MODEL type alias GuestId = String type GuestStatus = Unregistered | Attending | NotAttending type alias Guest = { id: GuestId , name: String , status: GuestStatus , isSelected: Bool , isVisible: Bool } type alias PlusOnePair = (String, String) type alias GuestResponseModel = { id: GuestId , name: String } type alias PlusOneResponseModel = { partnerAName: String , partnerBName: String } type alias GetGuestListReponse = { guests: List GuestResponseModel , plusOnes: List PlusOneResponseModel } type RsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted | WaitingForResponse | Submitted type alias Countdown = { days: Int , hours: Int , minutes: Int , seconds: Int } -- 5:00 PM CDT September 21, 2019 weddingDate : Posix weddingDate = millisToPosix 1569103200000 millisecondsPerSecond : Int millisecondsPerSecond = 1000 millisecondsPerMinute : Int millisecondsPerMinute = millisecondsPerSecond * 60 millisecondsPerHour : Int millisecondsPerHour = millisecondsPerMinute * 60 millisecondsPerDay : Int millisecondsPerDay = millisecondsPerHour * 24 type alias Model = { guests: List Guest , plusOnes: List PlusOnePair , searchString: String , rsvpSubmissionStatus: RsvpSubmissionStatus , countdown: Countdown } init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init () = ( { guests = [] , plusOnes = [] , searchString = "" , rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted , countdown = { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } } , initialCommand ) -- UPDATE type Msg = GuestListLoaded (Result Http.Error GetGuestListReponse) | SelectGuest GuestId | NewSearch String | AttendingSubmitted | NotAttendingSubmitted | RsvpSubmissionResponse (Result Http.Error ()) | AddAnotherRsvp | Tick Posix update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of GuestListLoaded result -> case result of Ok response -> (onGuestListLoaded response model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) SelectGuest guestId -> (onGuestSelected guestId model, Cmd.none) NewSearch searchString -> (onNewSearch searchString model, Cmd.none) AttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted True model NotAttendingSubmitted -> onRsvpSubmitted False model RsvpSubmissionResponse result -> case result of Ok _ -> (onRsvpSubmissionResponse model, Cmd.none) Err _ -> (model, Cmd.none) AddAnotherRsvp -> (onAddAnotherRsvp model, Cmd.none) Tick currentTime -> (onTick currentTime model , Cmd.none) onGuestListLoaded : GetGuestListReponse -> Model -> Model onGuestListLoaded response model = let guests = response.guests |> List.map guestResponseModelToGuest |> List.sortWith orderByName plusOnes = response.plusOnes |> List.map plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair in { model | guests = guests, plusOnes = plusOnes } orderByName : Guest -> Guest -> Order orderByName a b = let (aFirst, aLast) = getFirstAndLastName a (bFirst, bLast) = getFirstAndLastName b in if aLast == bLast then compare aFirst bFirst else compare aLast bLast getFirstAndLastName : Guest -> (String, String) getFirstAndLastName guest = let names = String.split " " guest.name firstName = names |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name lastName = names |> List.drop 1 |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault guest.name in (firstName, lastName) guestResponseModelToGuest : GuestResponseModel -> Guest guestResponseModelToGuest model = { id = model.id, name = model.name, status = Unregistered, isSelected = False, isVisible = True } plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair : PlusOneResponseModel -> PlusOnePair plusOneResponseModelToPlusOnePair model = (model.partnerAName, model.partnerBName) onGuestSelected : GuestId -> Model -> Model onGuestSelected guestId model = let newGuestList = model.guests |> List.map (selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId) in { model | guests = newGuestList } selectGuestIfIdMatches : GuestId -> Guest -> Guest selectGuestIfIdMatches guestId guest = if guestId == guest.id then { guest | isSelected = not guest.isSelected } else guest onNewSearch : String -> Model -> Model onNewSearch searchString model = let cleanSearchString = searchString |> String.trim |> String.toLower matchingPlusOneNames = getMatchingPlusOneNames cleanSearchString model.plusOnes newGuestList = filterGuestsOnSearchString cleanSearchString matchingPlusOneNames model.guests in { model | searchString = cleanSearchString, guests = newGuestList } getMatchingPlusOneNames : String -> List PlusOnePair -> Set String getMatchingPlusOneNames searchString plusOnes = plusOnes |> List.filterMap (getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString) |> Set.fromList getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString : String -> PlusOnePair -> Maybe String getPlusOneNameIfMatchesSearchString searchString (partnerA, partnerB) = if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerA then Just partnerB else if doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString partnerB then Just partnerA else Nothing doesGuestNameMatchSearchString : String -> String -> Bool doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guestName = guestName |> String.toLower |> String.contains searchString filterGuestsOnSearchString : String -> Set String -> List Guest -> List Guest filterGuestsOnSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guestList = guestList |> List.map (\guest -> { guest | isVisible = doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest }) doesGuestMatchSearchString : String -> Set String -> Guest -> Bool doesGuestMatchSearchString searchString matchingPlusOneNames guest = String.isEmpty searchString || doesGuestNameMatchSearchString searchString guest.name || Set.member guest.name matchingPlusOneNames onRsvpSubmitted : Bool -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) onRsvpSubmitted isAttending model = ({ model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = WaitingForResponse }, postRsvpRequest isAttending model.guests) onRsvpSubmissionResponse : Model -> Model onRsvpSubmissionResponse model = { model | rsvpSubmissionStatus = Submitted } onAddAnotherRsvp : Model -> Model onAddAnotherRsvp model = let newGuests = model.guests |> List.map (\guest -> {guest | isVisible = True, isSelected = False}) in { model | searchString = "", rsvpSubmissionStatus = NotSubmitted, guests = newGuests } onTick : Posix -> Model -> Model onTick currentTime model = { model | countdown = countdownFromTime weddingDate currentTime } countdownFromTime : Posix -> Posix -> Countdown countdownFromTime endTime currentTime = let currentTimeMs = posixToMillis currentTime endTimeMs = posixToMillis endTime timeDiffMs = endTimeMs - currentTimeMs in if timeDiffMs < 0 then { days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0, seconds = 0 } else { days = timeDiffMs // millisecondsPerDay , hours = (modBy millisecondsPerDay timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerHour , minutes = (modBy millisecondsPerHour timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerMinute , seconds = (modBy millisecondsPerMinute timeDiffMs) // millisecondsPerSecond } -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Time.every 1000 Tick initialCommand : Cmd Msg initialCommand = Cmd.batch [ getGuestList, Task.perform Tick Time.now ] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container-fluid main-container" ] [ heroImageView , receptionDetailsView model , registryDetailsView , rsvpView model ] heroImageView : Html Msg heroImageView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ id "hero-image-col", class "col-12" ] [ img [ id "hero-image", src "images/Hero.jpg" ] [] , div [ id "image-text" ] [ h1 [ id "image-title" ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI & PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , h3 [ id "image-date" ] [ text "September 21, 2019" ] , h3 [ id "image-location" ] [ text "Lincoln, NE" ] ] ] ] receptionDetailsView : Model -> Html Msg receptionDetailsView model = div [ class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ id "reception-details", class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Wedding Reception" ] , h5 [] [ text "5 PM | September 21, 2019" ] , h5 [] [ text "Capital Vew Winery" ] , p [] [ a [ target "_blank", href "https://goo.gl/maps/KPN95RXtjDjqaGK59" ] [ text "2361 Wittstruck Rd | Roca, NE | 68430" ] ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The reception will be held at " , a [ target "_blank", href "https://capitolviewwinery.com/" ] [ text "Capital View Winery" ] , text ". Join us for food, wine, and yard games to celebrate our marriage." ] , countdownView model.countdown , br [] [] , a [ href "/#rsvp", id "rsvp-button", class "btn btn-lg" ] [ text "RSVP" ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [ ] ] countdownView : Countdown -> Html Msg countdownView countdown = div [ id "countdown-container" ] [ countdownComponentView countdown.days "days" , countdownComponentView countdown.hours "hours" , countdownComponentView countdown.minutes "minutes" , countdownComponentView countdown.seconds "seconds" ] countdownComponentView : Int -> String -> Html Msg countdownComponentView value unit = div [ class "countdown-component" ] [ span [ class "countdown-value" ] [ text (String.fromInt value) ] , br [] [] , span [ class "countdown-unit" ] [ text unit ] ] registryDetailsView : Html Msg registryDetailsView = div [ id "registry-row", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Registry" ] , p [ class "details-paragraph" ] [ text "The presence of your company is the only gift we could ever ask for. We will not be registering as we have everything we need to start the next chapter of our lives together." ] ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] rsvpView : Model -> Html Msg rsvpView model = let formView = if model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == Submitted then completedFormView else if String.isEmpty model.searchString then noSearchStringView else incompleteFormView model in div [ id "rsvp", class "row details-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ div [ class "details-container" ] [ formView ] ] ] noSearchStringView : Html Msg noSearchStringView = div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView False ] incompleteFormView : Model -> Html Msg incompleteFormView model = let inputDisabled = model.rsvpSubmissionStatus == WaitingForResponse in div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ titleView , searchBarView inputDisabled , guestListView model.guests inputDisabled , submitButtonView model.guests inputDisabled ] completedFormView : Html Msg completedFormView = div [ class "container-fluid"] [ titleView , thankYouView , addAnotherRsvpView ] titleView : Html Msg titleView = div [ class "row", id "title-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12"] [ h1 [] [ text "RSVP" ] , p [] [ text "Please search for your name and let us know if you can attend by September 1st" ] ] ] searchBarView : Bool -> Html Msg searchBarView inputDisabled = div [ class "row", id "search-bar-row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-6" ] [ input [ class "form-control", placeholder "Search by your name", onInput NewSearch, disabled inputDisabled ] [] ] , div [ class "col-sm-3" ] [] ] guestListView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg guestListView guests inputDisabled = let guestViews = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isVisible) |> List.map (guestView inputDisabled) in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-8", id "guest-list-container" ] guestViews , div [ class "col-sm-2" ] [] ] guestView : Bool -> Guest -> Html Msg guestView inputDisabled guest = let buttonOutline = if guest.isSelected then "selected-guest" else "unselected-guest" buttonClass = "btn " ++ buttonOutline in div [ class "guest-name" ] [ button [ class buttonClass, type_ "button", onClick (SelectGuest guest.id), disabled inputDisabled ] [ text guest.name ] ] submitButtonView : List Guest -> Bool -> Html Msg submitButtonView guestList inputDisabled = let anySelectedGuests = guestList |> List.any (\guest -> guest.isVisible && guest.isSelected) buttonsDisabled = inputDisabled || (not anySelectedGuests) in div [ class "submit-button-row row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4", id "submit-button-container" ] [ button [ id "attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick AttendingSubmitted ] [ text "Attending" ] , button [ id "not-attending-button", class "submit-button btn", type_ "button", disabled buttonsDisabled, onClick NotAttendingSubmitted ] [ span [ class "spinner-border spinner-border-sm" ] [], text "Not Attending" ] ] , div [ class "col-4" ] [] ] thankYouView : Html Msg thankYouView = div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Thank you for your response!" ] ] , div [ class "col-sm-4" ] [] ] addAnotherRsvpView : Html Msg addAnotherRsvpView = div [ class "row add-another-rsvp-row" ] [ div [ class "col-12" ] [ button [ id "add-rsvp-btn", class "btn", type_ "button", onClick AddAnotherRsvp ] [ text "Add Another RSVP" ] ] ] -- HTTP getGuestList : Cmd Msg getGuestList = Http.get { url = "/Rsvp/Guests" , expect = Http.expectJson GuestListLoaded getGuestListResponseDecoder } getGuestListResponseDecoder : Decoder GetGuestListReponse getGuestListResponseDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GetGuestListReponse (field "guests" (list guestResponseModelDecoder)) (field "plusOnes" (list plusOneResponseModelDecoder)) guestResponseModelDecoder : Decoder GuestResponseModel guestResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 GuestResponseModel (field "id" string) (field "name" string) plusOneResponseModelDecoder : Decoder PlusOneResponseModel plusOneResponseModelDecoder = Json.Decode.map2 PlusOneResponseModel (field "partnerAName" string) (field "partnerBName" string) postRsvpRequest : Bool -> List Guest -> Cmd Msg postRsvpRequest isAttending guests = let selectedGuestIds = getSelectedGuestIds guests jsonRequest = Encode.object [ ( "GuestIds", Encode.list Encode.string selectedGuestIds ) , ( "IsAttending", Encode.bool isAttending ) ] in Http.post { url = "/Rsvp/Attendance" , body = Http.jsonBody jsonRequest , expect = Http.expectWhatever RsvpSubmissionResponse } getSelectedGuestIds : List Guest -> List GuestId getSelectedGuestIds guests = guests |> List.filter (\guest -> guest.isSelected && guest.isVisible) |> List.map (\guest -> guest.id)
[ { "context": "------------------------\n\n Author : Nasy https://nasy.moe <Nasy>\n Date : ", "end": 933, "score": 0.7173410654, "start": 929, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nasy" }, { "context": "\n\n Author : Nasy https://nasy.moe <Nasy>\n Date : Mar 10, 2018\n Email ", "end": 956, "score": 0.6908664703, "start": 952, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "Nasy" } ]
{- Excited without bugs, have fun ("▔□▔)/hi~♡ Nasy. ----------------------------------------------- | | * * | . . | . | * , | . | | * | |\___/| | ) -( . ' | =\ - /= | )===( * | / - \ | |- | | / - \ 0.|.0 | NASY___\__( (__/_____(\=/)__+1s____________ | ______|____) )______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______( (____|______|______|______|____ | ______|____\_|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ | ______|______|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ ----------------------------------------------- Author : Nasy https://nasy.moe <Nasy> Date : Mar 10, 2018 Email : echo bmFzeXh4QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo= | base64 -D Filename : Msgs.elm Last modified by : Nasy Last modified time : Mar 10, 2018 License : MIT ----------------------------------------------- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt. From "Hamlet" -} module Msgs exposing (..) import Models exposing (BlogModel, BlogsModel) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) type Msg = OnFetchBlog (WebData BlogModel) | OnFetchBlogs (WebData BlogsModel) | SetUrl String | OnLocationChange | ChangeNavF | ChangeNavN | Up2Top | InitComment
{- Excited without bugs, have fun ("▔□▔)/hi~♡ Nasy. ----------------------------------------------- | | * * | . . | . | * , | . | | * | |\___/| | ) -( . ' | =\ - /= | )===( * | / - \ | |- | | / - \ 0.|.0 | NASY___\__( (__/_____(\=/)__+1s____________ | ______|____) )______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______( (____|______|______|______|____ | ______|____\_|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ | ______|______|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ ----------------------------------------------- Author : <NAME> https://nasy.moe <Nasy> Date : Mar 10, 2018 Email : echo bmFzeXh4QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo= | base64 -D Filename : Msgs.elm Last modified by : Nasy Last modified time : Mar 10, 2018 License : MIT ----------------------------------------------- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt. From "Hamlet" -} module Msgs exposing (..) import Models exposing (BlogModel, BlogsModel) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) type Msg = OnFetchBlog (WebData BlogModel) | OnFetchBlogs (WebData BlogsModel) | SetUrl String | OnLocationChange | ChangeNavF | ChangeNavN | Up2Top | InitComment
{- Excited without bugs, have fun ("▔□▔)/hi~♡ Nasy. ----------------------------------------------- | | * * | . . | . | * , | . | | * | |\___/| | ) -( . ' | =\ - /= | )===( * | / - \ | |- | | / - \ 0.|.0 | NASY___\__( (__/_____(\=/)__+1s____________ | ______|____) )______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______( (____|______|______|______|____ | ______|____\_|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ | ______|______|______|______|______|______|_ | ___|______|______|______|______|______|____ ----------------------------------------------- Author : PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI https://nasy.moe <Nasy> Date : Mar 10, 2018 Email : echo bmFzeXh4QGdtYWlsLmNvbQo= | base64 -D Filename : Msgs.elm Last modified by : Nasy Last modified time : Mar 10, 2018 License : MIT ----------------------------------------------- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt. From "Hamlet" -} module Msgs exposing (..) import Models exposing (BlogModel, BlogsModel) import RemoteData exposing (WebData) type Msg = OnFetchBlog (WebData BlogModel) | OnFetchBlogs (WebData BlogsModel) | SetUrl String | OnLocationChange | ChangeNavF | ChangeNavN | Up2Top | InitComment
[ { "context": " { src = \"profile.jpg\", caption = \"Richard Feldman\" }\n , row MenuControls\n ", "end": 5635, "score": 0.9992316365, "start": 5620, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Richard Feldman" }, { "context": " [ spacing 12 ]\n [ text \"rtfeldman\"\n , viewCaret menu\n ", "end": 5746, "score": 0.8274566531, "start": 5737, "tag": "NAME", "value": "rtfeldman" } ]
module Home exposing (..) import Color exposing (rgba) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Events exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Json.Decode import Style exposing (..) import Style.Color as Color import Style.Font as Font import Window type Styles = None | Search | Title | ProfileBadge | Menu | Elm | Navbar | Main | Backdrop | MenuContents | MenuControls | MenuItem | Caret | GreenEmphasis colors = { reactiveGreen = Color.rgb 85 175 106 , navbarBackground = Color.darkCharcoal , mainBackground = Color.black } stylesheet : StyleSheet Styles variation stylesheet = Style.styleSheet [ style None [] , style Main [ Color.background colors.mainBackground ] , style ProfileBadge [ Color.text Color.white ] , style Title [ Font.weight 400, Font.size 32 ] , style GreenEmphasis [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] , style MenuContents [ Color.background colors.navbarBackground ] , style MenuControls [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] , style MenuItem [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.background colors.reactiveGreen , Color.text Color.white ] ] , style Elm [ Font.typeface [ Font.font "Corsiva", Font.font "Georgia", Font.font "serif" ] , Color.text Color.gray , Font.italic ] , style Navbar [ Color.text Color.white , Color.background colors.navbarBackground , Font.typeface [ Font.font "helvetica" ] , Font.size 24 ] , style Caret [ Font.size 12 ] , style Menu [ cursor "pointer" , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] ] main : Program { height : Int, width : Int } Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Window.resizes Resize init : { width : Int, height : Int } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { menu = Closed, viewport = flags }, Cmd.none ) type alias Model = { menu : MenuState , viewport : Window.Size } type MenuState = Open | Closed type Msg = ToggleMenu | CloseMenu | Resize Window.Size update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) update msg model = case msg of CloseMenu -> ( { model | menu = Closed }, Cmd.none ) ToggleMenu -> ( { model | menu = case model.menu of Open -> Closed Closed -> Open } , Cmd.none ) Resize viewport -> ( { model | viewport = viewport }, Cmd.none ) onClickPreventDefault : msg -> Element.Attribute variation msg onClickPreventDefault msg = onWithOptions "click" { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True } (Json.Decode.succeed msg) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Element.viewport stylesheet <| column Main [ onClick CloseMenu, height fill ] [ viewNavbar model.viewport.width model.menu , row None [ height fill, padding 20 ] [ backgroundImage ] |> within [ reactiveConfLogo [] ] ] reactiveConfLogo : List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element Styles variation msg reactiveConfLogo attrs = image None attrs { src = "reactive-logo.png", caption = "ReactiveConf" } backgroundImage : Element Styles variation msg backgroundImage = image None [ width (percent 100) ] { src = "bratislava.jpg", caption = "Bratislava" } pageLogo : Element Styles variation msg pageLogo = row Title [ alignLeft , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ text "CSS" , el GreenEmphasis [] (text " as bytecode") ] builtWithElm : Element Styles variation msg builtWithElm = row Elm [ width (fillPortion 1) , center ] [ text "Built with Elm!" ] viewNavbar : Int -> MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewNavbar viewportWidth menu = let menuControls alignment = [ row None [ alignment , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ viewMenu menu ] ] contents = if viewportWidth < 640 then menuControls center else if viewportWidth < 1024 then List.append [ pageLogo ] (menuControls alignRight) else List.append [ pageLogo, builtWithElm ] (menuControls alignRight) in row Navbar [ width fill , paddingLeft 24 , paddingRight 24 , paddingTop 16 , paddingBottom 16 , verticalCenter ] contents viewMenu : MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewMenu menu = let menuControls = row Menu [ spacing 16, onClickPreventDefault ToggleMenu ] [ image ProfileBadge [ width (px 32), height (px 32) ] { src = "profile.jpg", caption = "Richard Feldman" } , row MenuControls [ spacing 12 ] [ text "rtfeldman" , viewCaret menu ] ] in case menu of Closed -> menuControls Open -> menuControls |> below [ menuContents ] menuContents : Element Styles variation msg menuContents = column MenuContents [ alignRight ] (List.map viewMenuItem [ "Account", "Messages", "Sign Out" ]) viewMenuItem : String -> Element Styles variation msg viewMenuItem caption = el MenuItem [ padding 16 ] (text caption) viewCaret : MenuState -> Element Styles variation msg viewCaret menu = let caretText = case menu of Closed -> "▼" Open -> "▲" in el Caret [ center, verticalCenter ] (text caretText)
module Home exposing (..) import Color exposing (rgba) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Events exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Json.Decode import Style exposing (..) import Style.Color as Color import Style.Font as Font import Window type Styles = None | Search | Title | ProfileBadge | Menu | Elm | Navbar | Main | Backdrop | MenuContents | MenuControls | MenuItem | Caret | GreenEmphasis colors = { reactiveGreen = Color.rgb 85 175 106 , navbarBackground = Color.darkCharcoal , mainBackground = Color.black } stylesheet : StyleSheet Styles variation stylesheet = Style.styleSheet [ style None [] , style Main [ Color.background colors.mainBackground ] , style ProfileBadge [ Color.text Color.white ] , style Title [ Font.weight 400, Font.size 32 ] , style GreenEmphasis [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] , style MenuContents [ Color.background colors.navbarBackground ] , style MenuControls [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] , style MenuItem [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.background colors.reactiveGreen , Color.text Color.white ] ] , style Elm [ Font.typeface [ Font.font "Corsiva", Font.font "Georgia", Font.font "serif" ] , Color.text Color.gray , Font.italic ] , style Navbar [ Color.text Color.white , Color.background colors.navbarBackground , Font.typeface [ Font.font "helvetica" ] , Font.size 24 ] , style Caret [ Font.size 12 ] , style Menu [ cursor "pointer" , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] ] main : Program { height : Int, width : Int } Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Window.resizes Resize init : { width : Int, height : Int } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { menu = Closed, viewport = flags }, Cmd.none ) type alias Model = { menu : MenuState , viewport : Window.Size } type MenuState = Open | Closed type Msg = ToggleMenu | CloseMenu | Resize Window.Size update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) update msg model = case msg of CloseMenu -> ( { model | menu = Closed }, Cmd.none ) ToggleMenu -> ( { model | menu = case model.menu of Open -> Closed Closed -> Open } , Cmd.none ) Resize viewport -> ( { model | viewport = viewport }, Cmd.none ) onClickPreventDefault : msg -> Element.Attribute variation msg onClickPreventDefault msg = onWithOptions "click" { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True } (Json.Decode.succeed msg) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Element.viewport stylesheet <| column Main [ onClick CloseMenu, height fill ] [ viewNavbar model.viewport.width model.menu , row None [ height fill, padding 20 ] [ backgroundImage ] |> within [ reactiveConfLogo [] ] ] reactiveConfLogo : List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element Styles variation msg reactiveConfLogo attrs = image None attrs { src = "reactive-logo.png", caption = "ReactiveConf" } backgroundImage : Element Styles variation msg backgroundImage = image None [ width (percent 100) ] { src = "bratislava.jpg", caption = "Bratislava" } pageLogo : Element Styles variation msg pageLogo = row Title [ alignLeft , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ text "CSS" , el GreenEmphasis [] (text " as bytecode") ] builtWithElm : Element Styles variation msg builtWithElm = row Elm [ width (fillPortion 1) , center ] [ text "Built with Elm!" ] viewNavbar : Int -> MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewNavbar viewportWidth menu = let menuControls alignment = [ row None [ alignment , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ viewMenu menu ] ] contents = if viewportWidth < 640 then menuControls center else if viewportWidth < 1024 then List.append [ pageLogo ] (menuControls alignRight) else List.append [ pageLogo, builtWithElm ] (menuControls alignRight) in row Navbar [ width fill , paddingLeft 24 , paddingRight 24 , paddingTop 16 , paddingBottom 16 , verticalCenter ] contents viewMenu : MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewMenu menu = let menuControls = row Menu [ spacing 16, onClickPreventDefault ToggleMenu ] [ image ProfileBadge [ width (px 32), height (px 32) ] { src = "profile.jpg", caption = "<NAME>" } , row MenuControls [ spacing 12 ] [ text "<NAME>" , viewCaret menu ] ] in case menu of Closed -> menuControls Open -> menuControls |> below [ menuContents ] menuContents : Element Styles variation msg menuContents = column MenuContents [ alignRight ] (List.map viewMenuItem [ "Account", "Messages", "Sign Out" ]) viewMenuItem : String -> Element Styles variation msg viewMenuItem caption = el MenuItem [ padding 16 ] (text caption) viewCaret : MenuState -> Element Styles variation msg viewCaret menu = let caretText = case menu of Closed -> "▼" Open -> "▲" in el Caret [ center, verticalCenter ] (text caretText)
module Home exposing (..) import Color exposing (rgba) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Events exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html) import Json.Decode import Style exposing (..) import Style.Color as Color import Style.Font as Font import Window type Styles = None | Search | Title | ProfileBadge | Menu | Elm | Navbar | Main | Backdrop | MenuContents | MenuControls | MenuItem | Caret | GreenEmphasis colors = { reactiveGreen = Color.rgb 85 175 106 , navbarBackground = Color.darkCharcoal , mainBackground = Color.black } stylesheet : StyleSheet Styles variation stylesheet = Style.styleSheet [ style None [] , style Main [ Color.background colors.mainBackground ] , style ProfileBadge [ Color.text Color.white ] , style Title [ Font.weight 400, Font.size 32 ] , style GreenEmphasis [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] , style MenuContents [ Color.background colors.navbarBackground ] , style MenuControls [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] , style MenuItem [ cursor "pointer" , Color.text Color.white , hover [ Color.background colors.reactiveGreen , Color.text Color.white ] ] , style Elm [ Font.typeface [ Font.font "Corsiva", Font.font "Georgia", Font.font "serif" ] , Color.text Color.gray , Font.italic ] , style Navbar [ Color.text Color.white , Color.background colors.navbarBackground , Font.typeface [ Font.font "helvetica" ] , Font.size 24 ] , style Caret [ Font.size 12 ] , style Menu [ cursor "pointer" , hover [ Color.text colors.reactiveGreen ] ] ] main : Program { height : Int, width : Int } Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Window.resizes Resize init : { width : Int, height : Int } -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { menu = Closed, viewport = flags }, Cmd.none ) type alias Model = { menu : MenuState , viewport : Window.Size } type MenuState = Open | Closed type Msg = ToggleMenu | CloseMenu | Resize Window.Size update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) update msg model = case msg of CloseMenu -> ( { model | menu = Closed }, Cmd.none ) ToggleMenu -> ( { model | menu = case model.menu of Open -> Closed Closed -> Open } , Cmd.none ) Resize viewport -> ( { model | viewport = viewport }, Cmd.none ) onClickPreventDefault : msg -> Element.Attribute variation msg onClickPreventDefault msg = onWithOptions "click" { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True } (Json.Decode.succeed msg) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Element.viewport stylesheet <| column Main [ onClick CloseMenu, height fill ] [ viewNavbar model.viewport.width model.menu , row None [ height fill, padding 20 ] [ backgroundImage ] |> within [ reactiveConfLogo [] ] ] reactiveConfLogo : List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element Styles variation msg reactiveConfLogo attrs = image None attrs { src = "reactive-logo.png", caption = "ReactiveConf" } backgroundImage : Element Styles variation msg backgroundImage = image None [ width (percent 100) ] { src = "bratislava.jpg", caption = "Bratislava" } pageLogo : Element Styles variation msg pageLogo = row Title [ alignLeft , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ text "CSS" , el GreenEmphasis [] (text " as bytecode") ] builtWithElm : Element Styles variation msg builtWithElm = row Elm [ width (fillPortion 1) , center ] [ text "Built with Elm!" ] viewNavbar : Int -> MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewNavbar viewportWidth menu = let menuControls alignment = [ row None [ alignment , width (fillPortion 1) ] [ viewMenu menu ] ] contents = if viewportWidth < 640 then menuControls center else if viewportWidth < 1024 then List.append [ pageLogo ] (menuControls alignRight) else List.append [ pageLogo, builtWithElm ] (menuControls alignRight) in row Navbar [ width fill , paddingLeft 24 , paddingRight 24 , paddingTop 16 , paddingBottom 16 , verticalCenter ] contents viewMenu : MenuState -> Element Styles variation Msg viewMenu menu = let menuControls = row Menu [ spacing 16, onClickPreventDefault ToggleMenu ] [ image ProfileBadge [ width (px 32), height (px 32) ] { src = "profile.jpg", caption = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" } , row MenuControls [ spacing 12 ] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , viewCaret menu ] ] in case menu of Closed -> menuControls Open -> menuControls |> below [ menuContents ] menuContents : Element Styles variation msg menuContents = column MenuContents [ alignRight ] (List.map viewMenuItem [ "Account", "Messages", "Sign Out" ]) viewMenuItem : String -> Element Styles variation msg viewMenuItem caption = el MenuItem [ padding 16 ] (text caption) viewCaret : MenuState -> Element Styles variation msg viewCaret menu = let caretText = case menu of Closed -> "▼" Open -> "▲" in el Caret [ center, verticalCenter ] (text caretText)
[ { "context": "ntact \"\n , Html.a [ A.href \"mailto:help@stcsfc.org?Subect=Psalm%20Slides\" ] [ Html.text \"help@stcsfc", "end": 4851, "score": 0.9999260306, "start": 4836, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "help@stcsfc.org" }, { "context": "@stcsfc.org?Subect=Psalm%20Slides\" ] [ Html.text \"help@stcsfc.org\" ]\n , Html.text \".\"\n ", "end": 4905, "score": 0.9999324679, "start": 4890, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "help@stcsfc.org" }, { "context": "mail: \"\n , Html.a [ A.href \"mailto:psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org\" ] [ Html.text \"psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org\"", "end": 5527, "score": 0.9999317527, "start": 5495, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org" }, { "context": ":psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org\" ] [ Html.text \"psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org\" ]\n , Html.text \".\"\n ", "end": 5576, "score": 0.9999308586, "start": 5544, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, program) import Html.Attributes as A import Html.Events as E -- Model type alias Model = { step : Step , fileFormat : FileFormat , colour : Maybe Colour , underlined : Maybe Underlined , ratioOrResolution : Maybe RatioOrResolution } initialModel : Model initialModel = { step = Intro , fileFormat = None , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } type Step = Intro | ChooseFileFormat | ChooseOptions FileFormat type FileFormat = None | PlainText | PDF | PowerPoint | ProPresenter type Colour = BlackOnWhite | WhiteOnBlack type RatioOrResolution = Ratio Ratio | Resolution Resolution type Ratio = Four_Three | Sixteen_Nine type Resolution = R_1080_1920 | R_720_1280 | R_768_1024 type alias Underlined = Bool -- Update type Msg = GetStartedClicked | FormatClicked FileFormat | ColourClicked Colour | UnderlinedClicked Underlined | RatioClicked Ratio | ResolutionClicked Resolution update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let model_ = case msg of GetStartedClicked -> { model | step = ChooseFileFormat } FormatClicked format -> if model.fileFormat == format then model else { model | step = ChooseOptions format , fileFormat = format , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } ColourClicked colour -> { model | colour = Just colour } UnderlinedClicked u -> { model | underlined = Just u } RatioClicked ratio -> case model.fileFormat of ProPresenter -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Ratio ratio } ResolutionClicked resolution -> case model.fileFormat of PowerPoint -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Resolution resolution } in model_ ! [] -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ A.class "w-screen h-screen flex flex-wrap p-8" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/2 md:ml-auto" ] [ Html.h1 [ A.class "my-8" ] [ Html.text "Psalms for Screens" ] , viewHelp model ] , Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/3 md:mr-auto" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-64" ] [] , finalLink model , Html.div [ A.class "h-8" ] [] ] ] viewHelp : Model -> Html Msg viewHelp model = case model.step of Intro -> Html.div [] [ introView True ] ChooseFileFormat -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat model.fileFormat ] ChooseOptions format -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat format , case format of PlainText -> Html.text "" _ -> chooseOptions model format ] introView : Bool -> Html Msg introView showButton = Html.div [ A.class "" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "text-left" ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text "You can find both Sing Psalms and Scottish Psalter slides for your screens here. As an increasing number of churches use screens for their worship instead of printed psalters, these resources are here to make it easier for you to display the psalm words quickly and easily." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "The psalms are available in a full range of formats, so you can choose the precise version which best suits your needs. Just click the button below to begin." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "If you find a problem, need help or want to request an additional format, please contact " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:help@stcsfc.org?Subect=Psalm%20Slides" ] [ Html.text "help@stcsfc.org" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "\"Sing Psalms\" words are copyright of the Free Church of Scotland and are reproduced here at the request of, and with permission from, the Psalmody and Praise Committee. These files are distributed, solely, for non-commercial use. Copyright queries should be directed to the Clerk to the Psalmody and Praise Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 2LP, or by email: " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org" ] [ Html.text "psalmodyandpraise@freechurch.org" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "For more information about our psalm singing tradition, and for full copyright permissions, please click " , Html.a [ A.href "https://freechurch.org/resources/praise/sing-psalms" ] [ Html.text "here" ] , Html.text "." ] , spacer ] , if showButton then Html.div [ A.class "text-center py-8" ] [ button [ E.onClick GetStartedClicked , A.class "bg-dark" , A.id "get-started" ] [ Html.text "Get Started" ] ] else Html.text "" ] spacer : Html Msg spacer = Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-24" ] [] button : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg button attrs nodes = Html.button (attrs ++ [ A.class buttonClasses ] ) nodes buttonClasses : String buttonClasses = "text-white text-lg font-bold py-4 px-6 rounded shadow max-w-md mx-1" selectedButton : Bool -> List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg selectedButton bool attrs nodes = if bool then button ([ A.class "bg-dark text-stcs-red" ] ++ attrs) nodes else button ([ A.class "bg-dark" ] ++ attrs) nodes optionListClasses : String optionListClasses = "pt-4" chooseFormat : FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseFormat format = Html.div [] [ Html.h3 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Pick a Format" ] , selectedButton (format == PlainText) [ A.id "plain-text", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PlainText ] [ Html.text "Plain Text" ] , selectedButton (format == PDF) [ A.id "pdf", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PDF ] [ Html.text "PDF" ] , selectedButton (format == PowerPoint) [ A.id "powerpoint", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PowerPoint ] [ Html.text "PowerPoint" ] , selectedButton (format == ProPresenter) [ A.id "propresenter", E.onClick <| FormatClicked ProPresenter ] [ Html.text "ProPresenter" ] ] chooseOptions : Model -> FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseOptions model format = Html.div [] [ Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Colour" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour BlackOnWhite) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked BlackOnWhite ] [ Html.text "Black on White" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour WhiteOnBlack) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked WhiteOnBlack ] [ Html.text "White on Black" ] ] , Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Underlined" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined True) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked True ] [ Html.text "With underlining" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined False) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked False ] [ Html.text "Without underlining" ] , Html.p [ A.class "pt-2" ] [ Html.text "(The underlined version has the text as printed in the Sing Psalms volumes - underlining indicates where syllables are run together.)" ] ] , resolutionOrRatioList format model.ratioOrResolution ] maybeBool : Maybe a -> a -> Bool maybeBool maybeX1 x2 = case maybeX1 of Nothing -> False Just x1 -> x1 == x2 resolutionOrRatioList : FileFormat -> Maybe RatioOrResolution -> Html Msg resolutionOrRatioList format ratioOrResolution = case ( format, ratioOrResolution ) of ( None, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PlainText, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( PowerPoint, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PowerPoint, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( ProPresenter, Just ror ) -> case ror of Resolution r -> resolutionsList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( ProPresenter, Nothing ) -> resolutionsList Nothing ratiosList : Maybe Ratio -> Html Msg ratiosList ratio = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Aspect Ratio" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Four_Three) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Four_Three ] [ Html.text "4x3" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Sixteen_Nine) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Sixteen_Nine ] [ Html.text "16x9 (widescreen)" ] ] resolutionsList : Maybe Resolution -> Html Msg resolutionsList res = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Screen Resolution" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_1080_1920) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_1080_1920 ] [ Html.text "1080x1920" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_720_1280) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_720_1280 ] [ Html.text "720x1280" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_768_1024) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_768_1024 ] [ Html.text "768x1024" ] ] finalLink : Model -> Html Msg finalLink model = let link = makeLink model in case link of Nothing -> Html.text "" Just l -> Html.a [ A.class ("w-full bg-dark " ++ buttonClasses) , A.href l , A.id "click-to-download" ] [ Html.text "Click to download your Psalms" ] type Link = Link FileFormat Colour Underlined RatioOrResolution makeLink : Model -> Maybe String makeLink model = case model.fileFormat of None -> Nothing PlainText -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) (Just BlackOnWhite) (Just True) (Just <| Ratio Four_Three) |> Maybe.map link2String _ -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) model.colour model.underlined model.ratioOrResolution |> Maybe.map link2String link2String : Link -> String link2String (Link format colour underlined ratioOrResolution) = case format of PlainText -> "/output/PlainText.zip" _ -> "/output/" ++ formatString format ++ "/" ++ ratioOrResolutionString ratioOrResolution ++ "_" ++ colourString colour ++ underlinedString underlined ++ ".zip" underlinedString : Bool -> String underlinedString u = if u then "_underlined" else "" colourString : Colour -> String colourString c = case c of BlackOnWhite -> "b_w" WhiteOnBlack -> "w_b" formatString : FileFormat -> String formatString format = case format of None -> "" PlainText -> "PlainText" PowerPoint -> "PowerPoint" PDF -> "PDF" ProPresenter -> "ProPresenter5" ratioOrResolutionString : RatioOrResolution -> String ratioOrResolutionString r = case r of Ratio Four_Three -> "4x3" Ratio Sixteen_Nine -> "16x9" Resolution R_1080_1920 -> "1080x1920" Resolution R_720_1280 -> "720x1280" Resolution R_768_1024 -> "768x1024" -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none )
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, program) import Html.Attributes as A import Html.Events as E -- Model type alias Model = { step : Step , fileFormat : FileFormat , colour : Maybe Colour , underlined : Maybe Underlined , ratioOrResolution : Maybe RatioOrResolution } initialModel : Model initialModel = { step = Intro , fileFormat = None , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } type Step = Intro | ChooseFileFormat | ChooseOptions FileFormat type FileFormat = None | PlainText | PDF | PowerPoint | ProPresenter type Colour = BlackOnWhite | WhiteOnBlack type RatioOrResolution = Ratio Ratio | Resolution Resolution type Ratio = Four_Three | Sixteen_Nine type Resolution = R_1080_1920 | R_720_1280 | R_768_1024 type alias Underlined = Bool -- Update type Msg = GetStartedClicked | FormatClicked FileFormat | ColourClicked Colour | UnderlinedClicked Underlined | RatioClicked Ratio | ResolutionClicked Resolution update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let model_ = case msg of GetStartedClicked -> { model | step = ChooseFileFormat } FormatClicked format -> if model.fileFormat == format then model else { model | step = ChooseOptions format , fileFormat = format , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } ColourClicked colour -> { model | colour = Just colour } UnderlinedClicked u -> { model | underlined = Just u } RatioClicked ratio -> case model.fileFormat of ProPresenter -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Ratio ratio } ResolutionClicked resolution -> case model.fileFormat of PowerPoint -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Resolution resolution } in model_ ! [] -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ A.class "w-screen h-screen flex flex-wrap p-8" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/2 md:ml-auto" ] [ Html.h1 [ A.class "my-8" ] [ Html.text "Psalms for Screens" ] , viewHelp model ] , Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/3 md:mr-auto" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-64" ] [] , finalLink model , Html.div [ A.class "h-8" ] [] ] ] viewHelp : Model -> Html Msg viewHelp model = case model.step of Intro -> Html.div [] [ introView True ] ChooseFileFormat -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat model.fileFormat ] ChooseOptions format -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat format , case format of PlainText -> Html.text "" _ -> chooseOptions model format ] introView : Bool -> Html Msg introView showButton = Html.div [ A.class "" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "text-left" ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text "You can find both Sing Psalms and Scottish Psalter slides for your screens here. As an increasing number of churches use screens for their worship instead of printed psalters, these resources are here to make it easier for you to display the psalm words quickly and easily." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "The psalms are available in a full range of formats, so you can choose the precise version which best suits your needs. Just click the button below to begin." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "If you find a problem, need help or want to request an additional format, please contact " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:<EMAIL>?Subect=Psalm%20Slides" ] [ Html.text "<EMAIL>" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "\"Sing Psalms\" words are copyright of the Free Church of Scotland and are reproduced here at the request of, and with permission from, the Psalmody and Praise Committee. These files are distributed, solely, for non-commercial use. Copyright queries should be directed to the Clerk to the Psalmody and Praise Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 2LP, or by email: " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:<EMAIL>" ] [ Html.text "<EMAIL>" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "For more information about our psalm singing tradition, and for full copyright permissions, please click " , Html.a [ A.href "https://freechurch.org/resources/praise/sing-psalms" ] [ Html.text "here" ] , Html.text "." ] , spacer ] , if showButton then Html.div [ A.class "text-center py-8" ] [ button [ E.onClick GetStartedClicked , A.class "bg-dark" , A.id "get-started" ] [ Html.text "Get Started" ] ] else Html.text "" ] spacer : Html Msg spacer = Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-24" ] [] button : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg button attrs nodes = Html.button (attrs ++ [ A.class buttonClasses ] ) nodes buttonClasses : String buttonClasses = "text-white text-lg font-bold py-4 px-6 rounded shadow max-w-md mx-1" selectedButton : Bool -> List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg selectedButton bool attrs nodes = if bool then button ([ A.class "bg-dark text-stcs-red" ] ++ attrs) nodes else button ([ A.class "bg-dark" ] ++ attrs) nodes optionListClasses : String optionListClasses = "pt-4" chooseFormat : FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseFormat format = Html.div [] [ Html.h3 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Pick a Format" ] , selectedButton (format == PlainText) [ A.id "plain-text", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PlainText ] [ Html.text "Plain Text" ] , selectedButton (format == PDF) [ A.id "pdf", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PDF ] [ Html.text "PDF" ] , selectedButton (format == PowerPoint) [ A.id "powerpoint", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PowerPoint ] [ Html.text "PowerPoint" ] , selectedButton (format == ProPresenter) [ A.id "propresenter", E.onClick <| FormatClicked ProPresenter ] [ Html.text "ProPresenter" ] ] chooseOptions : Model -> FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseOptions model format = Html.div [] [ Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Colour" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour BlackOnWhite) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked BlackOnWhite ] [ Html.text "Black on White" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour WhiteOnBlack) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked WhiteOnBlack ] [ Html.text "White on Black" ] ] , Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Underlined" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined True) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked True ] [ Html.text "With underlining" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined False) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked False ] [ Html.text "Without underlining" ] , Html.p [ A.class "pt-2" ] [ Html.text "(The underlined version has the text as printed in the Sing Psalms volumes - underlining indicates where syllables are run together.)" ] ] , resolutionOrRatioList format model.ratioOrResolution ] maybeBool : Maybe a -> a -> Bool maybeBool maybeX1 x2 = case maybeX1 of Nothing -> False Just x1 -> x1 == x2 resolutionOrRatioList : FileFormat -> Maybe RatioOrResolution -> Html Msg resolutionOrRatioList format ratioOrResolution = case ( format, ratioOrResolution ) of ( None, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PlainText, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( PowerPoint, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PowerPoint, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( ProPresenter, Just ror ) -> case ror of Resolution r -> resolutionsList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( ProPresenter, Nothing ) -> resolutionsList Nothing ratiosList : Maybe Ratio -> Html Msg ratiosList ratio = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Aspect Ratio" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Four_Three) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Four_Three ] [ Html.text "4x3" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Sixteen_Nine) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Sixteen_Nine ] [ Html.text "16x9 (widescreen)" ] ] resolutionsList : Maybe Resolution -> Html Msg resolutionsList res = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Screen Resolution" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_1080_1920) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_1080_1920 ] [ Html.text "1080x1920" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_720_1280) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_720_1280 ] [ Html.text "720x1280" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_768_1024) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_768_1024 ] [ Html.text "768x1024" ] ] finalLink : Model -> Html Msg finalLink model = let link = makeLink model in case link of Nothing -> Html.text "" Just l -> Html.a [ A.class ("w-full bg-dark " ++ buttonClasses) , A.href l , A.id "click-to-download" ] [ Html.text "Click to download your Psalms" ] type Link = Link FileFormat Colour Underlined RatioOrResolution makeLink : Model -> Maybe String makeLink model = case model.fileFormat of None -> Nothing PlainText -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) (Just BlackOnWhite) (Just True) (Just <| Ratio Four_Three) |> Maybe.map link2String _ -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) model.colour model.underlined model.ratioOrResolution |> Maybe.map link2String link2String : Link -> String link2String (Link format colour underlined ratioOrResolution) = case format of PlainText -> "/output/PlainText.zip" _ -> "/output/" ++ formatString format ++ "/" ++ ratioOrResolutionString ratioOrResolution ++ "_" ++ colourString colour ++ underlinedString underlined ++ ".zip" underlinedString : Bool -> String underlinedString u = if u then "_underlined" else "" colourString : Colour -> String colourString c = case c of BlackOnWhite -> "b_w" WhiteOnBlack -> "w_b" formatString : FileFormat -> String formatString format = case format of None -> "" PlainText -> "PlainText" PowerPoint -> "PowerPoint" PDF -> "PDF" ProPresenter -> "ProPresenter5" ratioOrResolutionString : RatioOrResolution -> String ratioOrResolutionString r = case r of Ratio Four_Three -> "4x3" Ratio Sixteen_Nine -> "16x9" Resolution R_1080_1920 -> "1080x1920" Resolution R_720_1280 -> "720x1280" Resolution R_768_1024 -> "768x1024" -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none )
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, program) import Html.Attributes as A import Html.Events as E -- Model type alias Model = { step : Step , fileFormat : FileFormat , colour : Maybe Colour , underlined : Maybe Underlined , ratioOrResolution : Maybe RatioOrResolution } initialModel : Model initialModel = { step = Intro , fileFormat = None , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } type Step = Intro | ChooseFileFormat | ChooseOptions FileFormat type FileFormat = None | PlainText | PDF | PowerPoint | ProPresenter type Colour = BlackOnWhite | WhiteOnBlack type RatioOrResolution = Ratio Ratio | Resolution Resolution type Ratio = Four_Three | Sixteen_Nine type Resolution = R_1080_1920 | R_720_1280 | R_768_1024 type alias Underlined = Bool -- Update type Msg = GetStartedClicked | FormatClicked FileFormat | ColourClicked Colour | UnderlinedClicked Underlined | RatioClicked Ratio | ResolutionClicked Resolution update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = let model_ = case msg of GetStartedClicked -> { model | step = ChooseFileFormat } FormatClicked format -> if model.fileFormat == format then model else { model | step = ChooseOptions format , fileFormat = format , colour = Nothing , underlined = Just True , ratioOrResolution = Nothing } ColourClicked colour -> { model | colour = Just colour } UnderlinedClicked u -> { model | underlined = Just u } RatioClicked ratio -> case model.fileFormat of ProPresenter -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Ratio ratio } ResolutionClicked resolution -> case model.fileFormat of PowerPoint -> { model | fileFormat = None } PlainText -> { model | fileFormat = None } _ -> { model | ratioOrResolution = Just <| Resolution resolution } in model_ ! [] -- View view : Model -> Html Msg view model = Html.div [ A.class "w-screen h-screen flex flex-wrap p-8" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/2 md:ml-auto" ] [ Html.h1 [ A.class "my-8" ] [ Html.text "Psalms for Screens" ] , viewHelp model ] , Html.div [ A.class "md:w-1/3 md:mr-auto" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-64" ] [] , finalLink model , Html.div [ A.class "h-8" ] [] ] ] viewHelp : Model -> Html Msg viewHelp model = case model.step of Intro -> Html.div [] [ introView True ] ChooseFileFormat -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat model.fileFormat ] ChooseOptions format -> Html.div [ A.class "pb-8" ] [ introView False , chooseFormat format , case format of PlainText -> Html.text "" _ -> chooseOptions model format ] introView : Bool -> Html Msg introView showButton = Html.div [ A.class "" ] [ Html.div [ A.class "text-left" ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text "You can find both Sing Psalms and Scottish Psalter slides for your screens here. As an increasing number of churches use screens for their worship instead of printed psalters, these resources are here to make it easier for you to display the psalm words quickly and easily." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "The psalms are available in a full range of formats, so you can choose the precise version which best suits your needs. Just click the button below to begin." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "If you find a problem, need help or want to request an additional format, please contact " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI?Subect=Psalm%20Slides" ] [ Html.text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "\"Sing Psalms\" words are copyright of the Free Church of Scotland and are reproduced here at the request of, and with permission from, the Psalmody and Praise Committee. These files are distributed, solely, for non-commercial use. Copyright queries should be directed to the Clerk to the Psalmody and Praise Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 2LP, or by email: " , Html.a [ A.href "mailto:PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] [ Html.text "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" ] , Html.text "." ] , Html.br [] [] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "For more information about our psalm singing tradition, and for full copyright permissions, please click " , Html.a [ A.href "https://freechurch.org/resources/praise/sing-psalms" ] [ Html.text "here" ] , Html.text "." ] , spacer ] , if showButton then Html.div [ A.class "text-center py-8" ] [ button [ E.onClick GetStartedClicked , A.class "bg-dark" , A.id "get-started" ] [ Html.text "Get Started" ] ] else Html.text "" ] spacer : Html Msg spacer = Html.div [ A.class "sm:h-8 md:h-24" ] [] button : List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg button attrs nodes = Html.button (attrs ++ [ A.class buttonClasses ] ) nodes buttonClasses : String buttonClasses = "text-white text-lg font-bold py-4 px-6 rounded shadow max-w-md mx-1" selectedButton : Bool -> List (Html.Attribute Msg) -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg selectedButton bool attrs nodes = if bool then button ([ A.class "bg-dark text-stcs-red" ] ++ attrs) nodes else button ([ A.class "bg-dark" ] ++ attrs) nodes optionListClasses : String optionListClasses = "pt-4" chooseFormat : FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseFormat format = Html.div [] [ Html.h3 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Pick a Format" ] , selectedButton (format == PlainText) [ A.id "plain-text", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PlainText ] [ Html.text "Plain Text" ] , selectedButton (format == PDF) [ A.id "pdf", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PDF ] [ Html.text "PDF" ] , selectedButton (format == PowerPoint) [ A.id "powerpoint", E.onClick <| FormatClicked PowerPoint ] [ Html.text "PowerPoint" ] , selectedButton (format == ProPresenter) [ A.id "propresenter", E.onClick <| FormatClicked ProPresenter ] [ Html.text "ProPresenter" ] ] chooseOptions : Model -> FileFormat -> Html Msg chooseOptions model format = Html.div [] [ Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Colour" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour BlackOnWhite) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked BlackOnWhite ] [ Html.text "Black on White" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.colour WhiteOnBlack) [ E.onClick <| ColourClicked WhiteOnBlack ] [ Html.text "White on Black" ] ] , Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Underlined" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined True) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked True ] [ Html.text "With underlining" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool model.underlined False) [ E.onClick <| UnderlinedClicked False ] [ Html.text "Without underlining" ] , Html.p [ A.class "pt-2" ] [ Html.text "(The underlined version has the text as printed in the Sing Psalms volumes - underlining indicates where syllables are run together.)" ] ] , resolutionOrRatioList format model.ratioOrResolution ] maybeBool : Maybe a -> a -> Bool maybeBool maybeX1 x2 = case maybeX1 of Nothing -> False Just x1 -> x1 == x2 resolutionOrRatioList : FileFormat -> Maybe RatioOrResolution -> Html Msg resolutionOrRatioList format ratioOrResolution = case ( format, ratioOrResolution ) of ( None, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PlainText, _ ) -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PDF, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( PowerPoint, Just ror ) -> case ror of Ratio r -> ratiosList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( PowerPoint, Nothing ) -> ratiosList Nothing ( ProPresenter, Just ror ) -> case ror of Resolution r -> resolutionsList <| Just r _ -> Html.text "" ( ProPresenter, Nothing ) -> resolutionsList Nothing ratiosList : Maybe Ratio -> Html Msg ratiosList ratio = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Aspect Ratio" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Four_Three) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Four_Three ] [ Html.text "4x3" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool ratio Sixteen_Nine) [ E.onClick <| RatioClicked Sixteen_Nine ] [ Html.text "16x9 (widescreen)" ] ] resolutionsList : Maybe Resolution -> Html Msg resolutionsList res = Html.div [ A.class optionListClasses ] [ Html.h4 [ A.class "my-2" ] [ Html.text "Screen Resolution" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.text "" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_1080_1920) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_1080_1920 ] [ Html.text "1080x1920" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_720_1280) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_720_1280 ] [ Html.text "720x1280" ] , selectedButton (maybeBool res R_768_1024) [ E.onClick <| ResolutionClicked R_768_1024 ] [ Html.text "768x1024" ] ] finalLink : Model -> Html Msg finalLink model = let link = makeLink model in case link of Nothing -> Html.text "" Just l -> Html.a [ A.class ("w-full bg-dark " ++ buttonClasses) , A.href l , A.id "click-to-download" ] [ Html.text "Click to download your Psalms" ] type Link = Link FileFormat Colour Underlined RatioOrResolution makeLink : Model -> Maybe String makeLink model = case model.fileFormat of None -> Nothing PlainText -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) (Just BlackOnWhite) (Just True) (Just <| Ratio Four_Three) |> Maybe.map link2String _ -> Maybe.map3 (Link model.fileFormat) model.colour model.underlined model.ratioOrResolution |> Maybe.map link2String link2String : Link -> String link2String (Link format colour underlined ratioOrResolution) = case format of PlainText -> "/output/PlainText.zip" _ -> "/output/" ++ formatString format ++ "/" ++ ratioOrResolutionString ratioOrResolution ++ "_" ++ colourString colour ++ underlinedString underlined ++ ".zip" underlinedString : Bool -> String underlinedString u = if u then "_underlined" else "" colourString : Colour -> String colourString c = case c of BlackOnWhite -> "b_w" WhiteOnBlack -> "w_b" formatString : FileFormat -> String formatString format = case format of None -> "" PlainText -> "PlainText" PowerPoint -> "PowerPoint" PDF -> "PDF" ProPresenter -> "ProPresenter5" ratioOrResolutionString : RatioOrResolution -> String ratioOrResolutionString r = case r of Ratio Four_Three -> "4x3" Ratio Sixteen_Nine -> "16x9" Resolution R_1080_1920 -> "1080x1920" Resolution R_720_1280 -> "720x1280" Resolution R_768_1024 -> "768x1024" -- Main main : Program Never Model Msg main = program { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none )
[ { "context": "{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell.\n All rights reserved.\n This program is distr", "end": 39, "score": 0.9998586774, "start": 22, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark D. Blackwell" } ]
{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongInitialize exposing ( likeOrCommentCountInit , songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit , songLikingNowMaybeInit , songLikingOrCommentingInit , songsRecentInit ) import SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongsRecent , Time , Timestamp , Title ) likeOrCommentCountInit : LikeOrCommentCount likeOrCommentCountInit = 0 -- MODEL artistInit : Artist artistInit = "" songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songLikingNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingOrCommentingInit : SongRemembered songLikingOrCommentingInit = SongRemembered artistInit likeOrCommentCountInit timeInit timestampInit titleInit songsRecentInit : SongsRecent songsRecentInit = [] timeInit : Time timeInit = "" timestampInit : Timestamp timestampInit = "" titleInit : Title titleInit = ""
{- Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongInitialize exposing ( likeOrCommentCountInit , songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit , songLikingNowMaybeInit , songLikingOrCommentingInit , songsRecentInit ) import SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongsRecent , Time , Timestamp , Title ) likeOrCommentCountInit : LikeOrCommentCount likeOrCommentCountInit = 0 -- MODEL artistInit : Artist artistInit = "" songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songLikingNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingOrCommentingInit : SongRemembered songLikingOrCommentingInit = SongRemembered artistInit likeOrCommentCountInit timeInit timestampInit titleInit songsRecentInit : SongsRecent songsRecentInit = [] timeInit : Time timeInit = "" timestampInit : Timestamp timestampInit = "" titleInit : Title titleInit = ""
{- Copyright (C) 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongInitialize exposing ( likeOrCommentCountInit , songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit , songLikingNowMaybeInit , songLikingOrCommentingInit , songsRecentInit ) import SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongsRecent , Time , Timestamp , Title ) likeOrCommentCountInit : LikeOrCommentCount likeOrCommentCountInit = 0 -- MODEL artistInit : Artist artistInit = "" songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songCommentingOnNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingNowMaybeInit : SongRememberedMaybe songLikingNowMaybeInit = Nothing songLikingOrCommentingInit : SongRemembered songLikingOrCommentingInit = SongRemembered artistInit likeOrCommentCountInit timeInit timestampInit titleInit songsRecentInit : SongsRecent songsRecentInit = [] timeInit : Time timeInit = "" timestampInit : Timestamp timestampInit = "" titleInit : Title titleInit = ""
[ { "context": "fig\n@docs getIndexSimpleConfig\n\nCopyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten\n\n-}\n\nimport Index.Model as Model\n exposing\n ", "end": 846, "score": 0.9998511076, "start": 834, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Robin Luiten" } ]
module Index.Defaults exposing ( indexVersion , elmTextSearchIndexType , defaultTransformFactories , defaultFilterFactories , defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator , defaultStemmerFuncCreator , defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator , defaultInitialTransformFactories , getDefaultIndexConfig , getIndexSimpleConfig ) {-| Defaults for indexes and configurations. ## Index Storage Engine Version and Type @docs indexVersion @docs elmTextSearchIndexType ## Built in Transforms and Filters @docs defaultTransformFactories @docs defaultFilterFactories @docs defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStemmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator @docs defaultInitialTransformFactories ## Config type adapters @docs getDefaultIndexConfig @docs getIndexSimpleConfig Copyright (c) 2016 Robin Luiten -} import Index.Model as Model exposing ( FilterFactory , IndexSimpleConfig , TransformFactory ) import Index.Utils import Stemmer import StopWordFilter import TokenProcessors {-| The version of index, for loading a saved index. This is not the same as package version. This needs to change if the encoded format changes. Be careful of updates to Trie package, if Trie encoding format changes this version needs to change as well. -} indexVersion : String indexVersion = "1.1.0" {-| The type of index defaults to using. It defines the default token transforms and filters. -} elmTextSearchIndexType : String elmTextSearchIndexType = "-= ElmTextSearch Index Type 1 =-" {-| Index default transform factories. -} defaultTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultTransformFactories = [ defaultStemmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default transform factories that apply before filters. -} defaultInitialTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultInitialTransformFactories = [ defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default filter factories. -} defaultFilterFactories : List (FilterFactory doc) defaultFilterFactories = [ defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator ] {-| The default token trimmer transform function creator. Normally applied first in transform functions. -} defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator TokenProcessors.trimmer {-| The default token stemmer transform function creator. -} defaultStemmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultStemmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator Stemmer.stem {-| The default stop word filter function creator. -} defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator : FilterFactory doc defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator = StopWordFilter.createDefaultFilterFunc {-| Convert Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig to Index.Model.Config Filling in default values for fields not in SimpleConfig This is the definition of the default index configuration. -} getDefaultIndexConfig : Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc -> Model.Config doc getDefaultIndexConfig { indexType, ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = indexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields , initialTransformFactories = defaultInitialTransformFactories , transformFactories = defaultTransformFactories , filterFactories = defaultFilterFactories } {-| convert ElmTextSearch.IndexSimpleConfig to Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig -} getIndexSimpleConfig : IndexSimpleConfig doc -> Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc getIndexSimpleConfig { ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = elmTextSearchIndexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields }
module Index.Defaults exposing ( indexVersion , elmTextSearchIndexType , defaultTransformFactories , defaultFilterFactories , defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator , defaultStemmerFuncCreator , defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator , defaultInitialTransformFactories , getDefaultIndexConfig , getIndexSimpleConfig ) {-| Defaults for indexes and configurations. ## Index Storage Engine Version and Type @docs indexVersion @docs elmTextSearchIndexType ## Built in Transforms and Filters @docs defaultTransformFactories @docs defaultFilterFactories @docs defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStemmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator @docs defaultInitialTransformFactories ## Config type adapters @docs getDefaultIndexConfig @docs getIndexSimpleConfig Copyright (c) 2016 <NAME> -} import Index.Model as Model exposing ( FilterFactory , IndexSimpleConfig , TransformFactory ) import Index.Utils import Stemmer import StopWordFilter import TokenProcessors {-| The version of index, for loading a saved index. This is not the same as package version. This needs to change if the encoded format changes. Be careful of updates to Trie package, if Trie encoding format changes this version needs to change as well. -} indexVersion : String indexVersion = "1.1.0" {-| The type of index defaults to using. It defines the default token transforms and filters. -} elmTextSearchIndexType : String elmTextSearchIndexType = "-= ElmTextSearch Index Type 1 =-" {-| Index default transform factories. -} defaultTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultTransformFactories = [ defaultStemmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default transform factories that apply before filters. -} defaultInitialTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultInitialTransformFactories = [ defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default filter factories. -} defaultFilterFactories : List (FilterFactory doc) defaultFilterFactories = [ defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator ] {-| The default token trimmer transform function creator. Normally applied first in transform functions. -} defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator TokenProcessors.trimmer {-| The default token stemmer transform function creator. -} defaultStemmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultStemmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator Stemmer.stem {-| The default stop word filter function creator. -} defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator : FilterFactory doc defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator = StopWordFilter.createDefaultFilterFunc {-| Convert Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig to Index.Model.Config Filling in default values for fields not in SimpleConfig This is the definition of the default index configuration. -} getDefaultIndexConfig : Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc -> Model.Config doc getDefaultIndexConfig { indexType, ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = indexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields , initialTransformFactories = defaultInitialTransformFactories , transformFactories = defaultTransformFactories , filterFactories = defaultFilterFactories } {-| convert ElmTextSearch.IndexSimpleConfig to Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig -} getIndexSimpleConfig : IndexSimpleConfig doc -> Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc getIndexSimpleConfig { ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = elmTextSearchIndexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields }
module Index.Defaults exposing ( indexVersion , elmTextSearchIndexType , defaultTransformFactories , defaultFilterFactories , defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator , defaultStemmerFuncCreator , defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator , defaultInitialTransformFactories , getDefaultIndexConfig , getIndexSimpleConfig ) {-| Defaults for indexes and configurations. ## Index Storage Engine Version and Type @docs indexVersion @docs elmTextSearchIndexType ## Built in Transforms and Filters @docs defaultTransformFactories @docs defaultFilterFactories @docs defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStemmerFuncCreator @docs defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator @docs defaultInitialTransformFactories ## Config type adapters @docs getDefaultIndexConfig @docs getIndexSimpleConfig Copyright (c) 2016 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -} import Index.Model as Model exposing ( FilterFactory , IndexSimpleConfig , TransformFactory ) import Index.Utils import Stemmer import StopWordFilter import TokenProcessors {-| The version of index, for loading a saved index. This is not the same as package version. This needs to change if the encoded format changes. Be careful of updates to Trie package, if Trie encoding format changes this version needs to change as well. -} indexVersion : String indexVersion = "1.1.0" {-| The type of index defaults to using. It defines the default token transforms and filters. -} elmTextSearchIndexType : String elmTextSearchIndexType = "-= ElmTextSearch Index Type 1 =-" {-| Index default transform factories. -} defaultTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultTransformFactories = [ defaultStemmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default transform factories that apply before filters. -} defaultInitialTransformFactories : List (TransformFactory doc) defaultInitialTransformFactories = [ defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator ] {-| Index default filter factories. -} defaultFilterFactories : List (FilterFactory doc) defaultFilterFactories = [ defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator ] {-| The default token trimmer transform function creator. Normally applied first in transform functions. -} defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultTokenTrimmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator TokenProcessors.trimmer {-| The default token stemmer transform function creator. -} defaultStemmerFuncCreator : TransformFactory doc defaultStemmerFuncCreator = Index.Utils.createFuncCreator Stemmer.stem {-| The default stop word filter function creator. -} defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator : FilterFactory doc defaultStopWordFilterFuncCreator = StopWordFilter.createDefaultFilterFunc {-| Convert Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig to Index.Model.Config Filling in default values for fields not in SimpleConfig This is the definition of the default index configuration. -} getDefaultIndexConfig : Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc -> Model.Config doc getDefaultIndexConfig { indexType, ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = indexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields , initialTransformFactories = defaultInitialTransformFactories , transformFactories = defaultTransformFactories , filterFactories = defaultFilterFactories } {-| convert ElmTextSearch.IndexSimpleConfig to Index.Model.ModelSimpleConfig -} getIndexSimpleConfig : IndexSimpleConfig doc -> Model.ModelSimpleConfig doc getIndexSimpleConfig { ref, fields, listFields } = { indexType = elmTextSearchIndexType , ref = ref , fields = fields , listFields = listFields }
[ { "context": "{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell.\n All rights reserved.\n This program is distr", "end": 39, "score": 0.9998537302, "start": 22, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark D. Blackwell" } ]
{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongFieldString , SongGroup(..) , SongGroupLength , SongRecent , SongRecentBase , SongRecentMaybe , SongRecentOrRemembered , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongTimeBase , SongTimeExceptBase , SongTimeless , SongTimelessBase , SongsRecent , SongsRecentIndex , SongsRecentOrRemembered , SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex , SongsRemembered , SongsRememberedIndex , SongsRememberedIndexList , SongsRememberedIndexMaybe , SongsRememberedMaybe , SongsTimeless , Time , Timestamp , Title ) -- MODEL type alias Artist = SongFieldString type alias LikeOrCommentCount = Int type alias SongFieldString = String type alias SongRecent = --Keep order (for JSON decoding): { artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentBase a = { a | artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentMaybe = Maybe SongRecent type alias SongRecentOrRemembered = SongRemembered type alias SongRemembered = { artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongRemembered type alias SongTimeBase a = { a | time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp } type alias SongTimeExceptBase a = { a | artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , title : Title } type alias SongTimeless = { artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongTimelessBase a = { a | artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongsRecent = List SongRecent type alias SongsRecentIndex = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRemembered = SongsRemembered type alias SongsRemembered = List SongRemembered type alias SongsRememberedIndex = Int type alias SongsRememberedIndexList = List SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedIndexMaybe = Maybe SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongsRemembered type alias SongsTimeless = List SongTimeless type alias SongsTimelessIndex = Int type alias Time = SongFieldString type alias Timestamp = SongFieldString type alias Title = SongFieldString -- VIEW type SongGroup = Recent | Remembered type alias SongGroupLength = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex = Int
{- Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongFieldString , SongGroup(..) , SongGroupLength , SongRecent , SongRecentBase , SongRecentMaybe , SongRecentOrRemembered , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongTimeBase , SongTimeExceptBase , SongTimeless , SongTimelessBase , SongsRecent , SongsRecentIndex , SongsRecentOrRemembered , SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex , SongsRemembered , SongsRememberedIndex , SongsRememberedIndexList , SongsRememberedIndexMaybe , SongsRememberedMaybe , SongsTimeless , Time , Timestamp , Title ) -- MODEL type alias Artist = SongFieldString type alias LikeOrCommentCount = Int type alias SongFieldString = String type alias SongRecent = --Keep order (for JSON decoding): { artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentBase a = { a | artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentMaybe = Maybe SongRecent type alias SongRecentOrRemembered = SongRemembered type alias SongRemembered = { artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongRemembered type alias SongTimeBase a = { a | time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp } type alias SongTimeExceptBase a = { a | artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , title : Title } type alias SongTimeless = { artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongTimelessBase a = { a | artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongsRecent = List SongRecent type alias SongsRecentIndex = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRemembered = SongsRemembered type alias SongsRemembered = List SongRemembered type alias SongsRememberedIndex = Int type alias SongsRememberedIndexList = List SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedIndexMaybe = Maybe SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongsRemembered type alias SongsTimeless = List SongTimeless type alias SongsTimelessIndex = Int type alias Time = SongFieldString type alias Timestamp = SongFieldString type alias Title = SongFieldString -- VIEW type SongGroup = Recent | Remembered type alias SongGroupLength = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex = Int
{- Copyright (C) 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module SongType exposing ( Artist , LikeOrCommentCount , SongFieldString , SongGroup(..) , SongGroupLength , SongRecent , SongRecentBase , SongRecentMaybe , SongRecentOrRemembered , SongRemembered , SongRememberedMaybe , SongTimeBase , SongTimeExceptBase , SongTimeless , SongTimelessBase , SongsRecent , SongsRecentIndex , SongsRecentOrRemembered , SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex , SongsRemembered , SongsRememberedIndex , SongsRememberedIndexList , SongsRememberedIndexMaybe , SongsRememberedMaybe , SongsTimeless , Time , Timestamp , Title ) -- MODEL type alias Artist = SongFieldString type alias LikeOrCommentCount = Int type alias SongFieldString = String type alias SongRecent = --Keep order (for JSON decoding): { artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentBase a = { a | artist : Artist , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRecentMaybe = Maybe SongRecent type alias SongRecentOrRemembered = SongRemembered type alias SongRemembered = { artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp , title : Title } type alias SongRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongRemembered type alias SongTimeBase a = { a | time : Time , timestamp : Timestamp } type alias SongTimeExceptBase a = { a | artist : Artist , likeOrCommentCount : LikeOrCommentCount , title : Title } type alias SongTimeless = { artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongTimelessBase a = { a | artist : Artist , title : Title } type alias SongsRecent = List SongRecent type alias SongsRecentIndex = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRemembered = SongsRemembered type alias SongsRemembered = List SongRemembered type alias SongsRememberedIndex = Int type alias SongsRememberedIndexList = List SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedIndexMaybe = Maybe SongsRememberedIndex type alias SongsRememberedMaybe = Maybe SongsRemembered type alias SongsTimeless = List SongTimeless type alias SongsTimelessIndex = Int type alias Time = SongFieldString type alias Timestamp = SongFieldString type alias Title = SongFieldString -- VIEW type SongGroup = Recent | Remembered type alias SongGroupLength = Int type alias SongsRecentOrRememberedIndex = Int
[ { "context": "idBlocks =\n Chart.Blocks.series Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n { title = \"Total Population\"\n ", "end": 5700, "score": 0.9943365455, "start": 5695, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": "ks =\n Chart.Blocks.series Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n { title = \"Total Population\"\n , st", "end": 5707, "score": 0.946244359, "start": 5702, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" }, { "context": "examples._\n\n - **junk**: Gets its name from\n [Edward Tufte's concept of \"chart junk\"](https://en.wikipedia.o", "end": 9818, "score": 0.9932510257, "start": 9806, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Edward Tufte" } ]
module BarChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, SeriesConfig, series , Style, solid, bordered, alternate , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, grid, etc.).</br> # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing blocks @docs view, Series, SeriesConfig, series @docs Style, solid, bordered, alternate # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Svg import Svg.Attributes import Color import Chart.Axis.Unit import Chart.Axis.Dependent import Chart.Axis.Independent import Chart.Block import Chart.Colors import Chart.Container import Chart.Element import Chart.Events import Chart.Grid import Chart.Junk import Chart.Legends import Chart.Orientation import Chart.Pattern import Internal.Axis import Internal.Axis.Dependent import Internal.Axis.Independent import Internal.Axis.Intersection import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Block import Internal.Chart import Internal.Container import Internal.Element import Internal.Junk import Internal.Pattern import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Internal.Svg as Svg -- VIEW {-| ** Show a blocks chart ** type alias Facts = { country : String, population : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population [ Facts "Denmark" 5748769 , Facts "Sweden" 10142686 , Facts "Norway" 5295619 ] -} view1 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toInd toDep = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with two series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 ] -} view2 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toInd toDep1 toDep2 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with three series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float , children : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women .children [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 0.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 2.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 0.8 ] -} view3 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toInd toDep1 toDep2 toDep3 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 3" , style = solid Chart.Colors.cyanLight , variable = toDep3 , pattern = False } ] -- VIEW / ANY AMOUNT {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view .label [ denmark, norway, sweden, iceland ] data denmark : Chart.Blocks.Series Data denmark = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Denmark" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.pinkLight Colors.pink , variable = .denmark , pattern = False } norway : Chart.Blocks.Series Data norway = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Norway" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.blueLight Colors.blue , variable = .norway , pattern = False } sweden : Chart.Blocks.Series Data sweden = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Sweden" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.cyanLight Colors.cyan , variable = .sweden , pattern = False } iceland : Chart.Blocks.Series Data iceland = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Iceland" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.goldLight Colors.gold , variable = .iceland , pattern = False } -} view : (data -> String) -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view toInd = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) {-| This type represents the configuration of a series of blocks. -} type alias Series data = Internal.Block.Series data {-| -} type alias SeriesConfig data = { title : String , style : Style data , variable : data -> Float , pattern : Bool } {-| This is the configuration of visual properties of a series of blocks. ** Examples of customizations ** solidBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human solidBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series Dots.cross "Alice" alice { title = "Total Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .population , pattern = False } stripedBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human stripedBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Expected Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .expectedPopulation , pattern = True -- This makes it striped! } -} series : SeriesConfig data -> Series data series = Internal.Block.series -- STYLE {-| The style of a block. -} type alias Style data = Internal.Block.Style data {-| A solid block. Pass the color. -} solid : Color.Color -> Style data solid = Internal.Block.solid {-| A block with a border. Pass the main color and the border color respectively. -} bordered : Color.Color -> Color.Color -> Style data bordered = Internal.Block.bordered {-| Change the style of the block based on the index and data. blockStyle : Chart.Blocks.Style Data blockStyle = Chart.Blocks.alternate isNumberThree (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pinkLight) -- shown when condition is false (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pink) -- shown when condition is true isNumberThree : Int -> Data -> Bool isNumberThree index _ = index == 3 isHovered : Model -> Int -> Data -> Bool isHovered model index datum = datum == model.hovered This is nice to use with `Chart.Events.isSeries`, `Chart.Events.isDatum`, and `Chart.Events.isExactly` when working with events. See `Chart.Events` for more information and examples. See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} alternate : (Int -> data -> Bool) -> Style data -> Style data -> Style data alternate = Internal.Block.alternate -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| -} type alias Config data msg = { independentAxis : Chart.Axis.Independent.Config data msg , dependentAxis : Chart.Axis.Dependent.Config msg , container : Chart.Container.Config msg , orientation : Chart.Orientation.Config , legends : Chart.Legends.Config msg , events : Chart.Events.Config Chart.Element.Block data msg , grid : Chart.Grid.Config , block : Chart.Block.Config , junk : Chart.Junk.Config Chart.Element.Block msg , pattern : Chart.Pattern.Config } {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your independent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Independent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Independent) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your dependent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Dependent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Dependent) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **block**: Customizes your block width and corner radius.</br> _See [`Chart.Block`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Block) for more information and examples._ - **pattern**: Customizes your blocks pattern.</br> _See [`Chart.Pattern`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Pattern) for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [Edward Tufte's concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "Country" .country , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "GDP" Chart.Axis.Unit.dollars , container = Chart.Container.default "blocks-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default } -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg viewCustom config block data = let -- Data / System seriesProps = List.map Internal.Block.seriesProps block countOfSeries = toFloat (List.length block) countOfData = toFloat (List.length data) width = Utils.apply4 system config.block countOfSeries countOfData <| Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthY Coordinate.scaleDataY , vertical = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthX Coordinate.scaleDataX } system = toSystem config horizontalAxis verticalAxis countOfData block data dataPoints = toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width block data dataPointsAll = List.concat dataPoints -- Axes ( horizontalAxis, verticalAxis ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data ) , vertical = ( Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data ) } -- View viewSeries data_ = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__group" ] <| List.map2 (Internal.Block.viewSeries system config.orientation config.block width) block data_ viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 10, offsetY = 0 } , legends = \width_ -> let legend bar = { sample = Svg.square bar.pattern width_ (Internal.Block.borderRadius config.block) (Internal.Block.fill bar.style) (Internal.Block.border bar.style) , label = bar.title } in List.map legend seriesProps } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = Internal.Pattern.toDefs config.pattern , grid = config.grid , series = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__groups" ] (List.map viewSeries dataPoints) , intersection = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero .min , vertical = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom .min Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero } , horizontalAxis = horizontalAxis , verticalAxis = verticalAxis , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = config.orientation , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.title config.independentAxis , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.title config.dependentAxis , offsetOne = width / 2 , offsetMany = width * toFloat (List.length block) / 2 } system config.junk , orientation = config.orientation } dataPointsAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> Coordinate.System -> Float -> Float -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> List (List (Point.Point Internal.Element.Block data)) toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width seriesAll data = let coordinates = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Coordinate.horizontalPoint , vertical = Coordinate.verticalPoint } eachBar dataIndex datum seriesIndex series_ = let offset = toFloat seriesIndex - countOfSeries / 2 + 0.5 independent = toFloat dataIndex + 1 + offset * width dependent = Internal.Block.variable series_ datum color = Internal.Block.color series_ label = Internal.Block.label series_ coordinates_ = coordinates independent dependent in { coordinates = coordinates_ , element = { element = Internal.Element.block , seriesIndex = seriesIndex , label = label , color = color , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.label config.independentAxis datum , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.unit config.dependentAxis dependent } , source = datum } eachSeries dataIndex datum = List.indexedMap (eachBar dataIndex datum) seriesAll in List.indexedMap eachSeries data toSystem : Config data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Coordinate.System toSystem config xAxis yAxis countOfData seriesAll data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height value data_ = List.map (\a -> Internal.Block.variable a data_) seriesAll values = List.concatMap value data dependentRange = { min = Coordinate.minimumOrZero identity values , max = Coordinate.maximumOrZero identity values } independentRange = { min = 0.5 , max = countOfData + 0.5 } ( xRange, yRange ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( dependentRange, independentRange ) , vertical = ( independentRange, dependentRange ) } system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range xAxis) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range yAxis) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> String) -> Config data msg defaultConfig label = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "" label , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "" Chart.Axis.Unit.none , container = Chart.Container.default "bar-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default }
module BarChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, SeriesConfig, series , Style, solid, bordered, alternate , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, grid, etc.).</br> # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing blocks @docs view, Series, SeriesConfig, series @docs Style, solid, bordered, alternate # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Svg import Svg.Attributes import Color import Chart.Axis.Unit import Chart.Axis.Dependent import Chart.Axis.Independent import Chart.Block import Chart.Colors import Chart.Container import Chart.Element import Chart.Events import Chart.Grid import Chart.Junk import Chart.Legends import Chart.Orientation import Chart.Pattern import Internal.Axis import Internal.Axis.Dependent import Internal.Axis.Independent import Internal.Axis.Intersection import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Block import Internal.Chart import Internal.Container import Internal.Element import Internal.Junk import Internal.Pattern import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Internal.Svg as Svg -- VIEW {-| ** Show a blocks chart ** type alias Facts = { country : String, population : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population [ Facts "Denmark" 5748769 , Facts "Sweden" 10142686 , Facts "Norway" 5295619 ] -} view1 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toInd toDep = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with two series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 ] -} view2 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toInd toDep1 toDep2 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with three series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float , children : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women .children [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 0.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 2.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 0.8 ] -} view3 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toInd toDep1 toDep2 toDep3 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 3" , style = solid Chart.Colors.cyanLight , variable = toDep3 , pattern = False } ] -- VIEW / ANY AMOUNT {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view .label [ denmark, norway, sweden, iceland ] data denmark : Chart.Blocks.Series Data denmark = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Denmark" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.pinkLight Colors.pink , variable = .denmark , pattern = False } norway : Chart.Blocks.Series Data norway = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Norway" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.blueLight Colors.blue , variable = .norway , pattern = False } sweden : Chart.Blocks.Series Data sweden = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Sweden" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.cyanLight Colors.cyan , variable = .sweden , pattern = False } iceland : Chart.Blocks.Series Data iceland = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Iceland" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.goldLight Colors.gold , variable = .iceland , pattern = False } -} view : (data -> String) -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view toInd = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) {-| This type represents the configuration of a series of blocks. -} type alias Series data = Internal.Block.Series data {-| -} type alias SeriesConfig data = { title : String , style : Style data , variable : data -> Float , pattern : Bool } {-| This is the configuration of visual properties of a series of blocks. ** Examples of customizations ** solidBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human solidBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series Dots.cross "<NAME>" <NAME> { title = "Total Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .population , pattern = False } stripedBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human stripedBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Expected Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .expectedPopulation , pattern = True -- This makes it striped! } -} series : SeriesConfig data -> Series data series = Internal.Block.series -- STYLE {-| The style of a block. -} type alias Style data = Internal.Block.Style data {-| A solid block. Pass the color. -} solid : Color.Color -> Style data solid = Internal.Block.solid {-| A block with a border. Pass the main color and the border color respectively. -} bordered : Color.Color -> Color.Color -> Style data bordered = Internal.Block.bordered {-| Change the style of the block based on the index and data. blockStyle : Chart.Blocks.Style Data blockStyle = Chart.Blocks.alternate isNumberThree (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pinkLight) -- shown when condition is false (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pink) -- shown when condition is true isNumberThree : Int -> Data -> Bool isNumberThree index _ = index == 3 isHovered : Model -> Int -> Data -> Bool isHovered model index datum = datum == model.hovered This is nice to use with `Chart.Events.isSeries`, `Chart.Events.isDatum`, and `Chart.Events.isExactly` when working with events. See `Chart.Events` for more information and examples. See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} alternate : (Int -> data -> Bool) -> Style data -> Style data -> Style data alternate = Internal.Block.alternate -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| -} type alias Config data msg = { independentAxis : Chart.Axis.Independent.Config data msg , dependentAxis : Chart.Axis.Dependent.Config msg , container : Chart.Container.Config msg , orientation : Chart.Orientation.Config , legends : Chart.Legends.Config msg , events : Chart.Events.Config Chart.Element.Block data msg , grid : Chart.Grid.Config , block : Chart.Block.Config , junk : Chart.Junk.Config Chart.Element.Block msg , pattern : Chart.Pattern.Config } {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your independent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Independent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Independent) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your dependent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Dependent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Dependent) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **block**: Customizes your block width and corner radius.</br> _See [`Chart.Block`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Block) for more information and examples._ - **pattern**: Customizes your blocks pattern.</br> _See [`Chart.Pattern`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Pattern) for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [<NAME>'s concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "Country" .country , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "GDP" Chart.Axis.Unit.dollars , container = Chart.Container.default "blocks-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default } -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg viewCustom config block data = let -- Data / System seriesProps = List.map Internal.Block.seriesProps block countOfSeries = toFloat (List.length block) countOfData = toFloat (List.length data) width = Utils.apply4 system config.block countOfSeries countOfData <| Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthY Coordinate.scaleDataY , vertical = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthX Coordinate.scaleDataX } system = toSystem config horizontalAxis verticalAxis countOfData block data dataPoints = toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width block data dataPointsAll = List.concat dataPoints -- Axes ( horizontalAxis, verticalAxis ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data ) , vertical = ( Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data ) } -- View viewSeries data_ = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__group" ] <| List.map2 (Internal.Block.viewSeries system config.orientation config.block width) block data_ viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 10, offsetY = 0 } , legends = \width_ -> let legend bar = { sample = Svg.square bar.pattern width_ (Internal.Block.borderRadius config.block) (Internal.Block.fill bar.style) (Internal.Block.border bar.style) , label = bar.title } in List.map legend seriesProps } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = Internal.Pattern.toDefs config.pattern , grid = config.grid , series = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__groups" ] (List.map viewSeries dataPoints) , intersection = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero .min , vertical = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom .min Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero } , horizontalAxis = horizontalAxis , verticalAxis = verticalAxis , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = config.orientation , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.title config.independentAxis , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.title config.dependentAxis , offsetOne = width / 2 , offsetMany = width * toFloat (List.length block) / 2 } system config.junk , orientation = config.orientation } dataPointsAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> Coordinate.System -> Float -> Float -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> List (List (Point.Point Internal.Element.Block data)) toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width seriesAll data = let coordinates = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Coordinate.horizontalPoint , vertical = Coordinate.verticalPoint } eachBar dataIndex datum seriesIndex series_ = let offset = toFloat seriesIndex - countOfSeries / 2 + 0.5 independent = toFloat dataIndex + 1 + offset * width dependent = Internal.Block.variable series_ datum color = Internal.Block.color series_ label = Internal.Block.label series_ coordinates_ = coordinates independent dependent in { coordinates = coordinates_ , element = { element = Internal.Element.block , seriesIndex = seriesIndex , label = label , color = color , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.label config.independentAxis datum , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.unit config.dependentAxis dependent } , source = datum } eachSeries dataIndex datum = List.indexedMap (eachBar dataIndex datum) seriesAll in List.indexedMap eachSeries data toSystem : Config data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Coordinate.System toSystem config xAxis yAxis countOfData seriesAll data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height value data_ = List.map (\a -> Internal.Block.variable a data_) seriesAll values = List.concatMap value data dependentRange = { min = Coordinate.minimumOrZero identity values , max = Coordinate.maximumOrZero identity values } independentRange = { min = 0.5 , max = countOfData + 0.5 } ( xRange, yRange ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( dependentRange, independentRange ) , vertical = ( independentRange, dependentRange ) } system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range xAxis) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range yAxis) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> String) -> Config data msg defaultConfig label = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "" label , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "" Chart.Axis.Unit.none , container = Chart.Container.default "bar-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default }
module BarChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, SeriesConfig, series , Style, solid, bordered, alternate , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, grid, etc.).</br> # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing blocks @docs view, Series, SeriesConfig, series @docs Style, solid, bordered, alternate # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Svg import Svg.Attributes import Color import Chart.Axis.Unit import Chart.Axis.Dependent import Chart.Axis.Independent import Chart.Block import Chart.Colors import Chart.Container import Chart.Element import Chart.Events import Chart.Grid import Chart.Junk import Chart.Legends import Chart.Orientation import Chart.Pattern import Internal.Axis import Internal.Axis.Dependent import Internal.Axis.Independent import Internal.Axis.Intersection import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Block import Internal.Chart import Internal.Container import Internal.Element import Internal.Junk import Internal.Pattern import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Internal.Svg as Svg -- VIEW {-| ** Show a blocks chart ** type alias Facts = { country : String, population : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population [ Facts "Denmark" 5748769 , Facts "Sweden" 10142686 , Facts "Norway" 5295619 ] -} view1 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toInd toDep = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with two series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 ] -} view2 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toInd toDep1 toDep2 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } ] {-| ** Show a blocks chart with three series ** type alias Facts = { country : String , population : Float , women : Float , children : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view1 .country .population .women .children [ Facts "Denmark" 5.7 2.9 0.9 , Facts "Sweden" 10.1 5.0 2.0 , Facts "Norway" 5.2 2.6 0.8 ] -} view3 : (data -> String) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toInd toDep1 toDep2 toDep3 = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) [ series { title = "Serie 1" , style = solid Chart.Colors.blue , variable = toDep1 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 2" , style = solid Chart.Colors.pink , variable = toDep2 , pattern = False } , series { title = "Serie 3" , style = solid Chart.Colors.cyanLight , variable = toDep3 , pattern = False } ] -- VIEW / ANY AMOUNT {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Blocks.view .label [ denmark, norway, sweden, iceland ] data denmark : Chart.Blocks.Series Data denmark = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Denmark" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.pinkLight Colors.pink , variable = .denmark , pattern = False } norway : Chart.Blocks.Series Data norway = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Norway" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.blueLight Colors.blue , variable = .norway , pattern = False } sweden : Chart.Blocks.Series Data sweden = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Sweden" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.cyanLight Colors.cyan , variable = .sweden , pattern = False } iceland : Chart.Blocks.Series Data iceland = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Iceland" , style = Chart.Blocks.bordered Colors.goldLight Colors.gold , variable = .iceland , pattern = False } -} view : (data -> String) -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view toInd = viewCustom (defaultConfig toInd) {-| This type represents the configuration of a series of blocks. -} type alias Series data = Internal.Block.Series data {-| -} type alias SeriesConfig data = { title : String , style : Style data , variable : data -> Float , pattern : Bool } {-| This is the configuration of visual properties of a series of blocks. ** Examples of customizations ** solidBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human solidBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series Dots.cross "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI { title = "Total Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .population , pattern = False } stripedBlocks : Chart.Blocks.Series Human stripedBlocks = Chart.Blocks.series { title = "Expected Population" , style = Chart.Blocks.solid Colors.purple , variable = .expectedPopulation , pattern = True -- This makes it striped! } -} series : SeriesConfig data -> Series data series = Internal.Block.series -- STYLE {-| The style of a block. -} type alias Style data = Internal.Block.Style data {-| A solid block. Pass the color. -} solid : Color.Color -> Style data solid = Internal.Block.solid {-| A block with a border. Pass the main color and the border color respectively. -} bordered : Color.Color -> Color.Color -> Style data bordered = Internal.Block.bordered {-| Change the style of the block based on the index and data. blockStyle : Chart.Blocks.Style Data blockStyle = Chart.Blocks.alternate isNumberThree (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pinkLight) -- shown when condition is false (Chart.Blocks.solid Chart.Colors.pink) -- shown when condition is true isNumberThree : Int -> Data -> Bool isNumberThree index _ = index == 3 isHovered : Model -> Int -> Data -> Bool isHovered model index datum = datum == model.hovered This is nice to use with `Chart.Events.isSeries`, `Chart.Events.isDatum`, and `Chart.Events.isExactly` when working with events. See `Chart.Events` for more information and examples. See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} alternate : (Int -> data -> Bool) -> Style data -> Style data -> Style data alternate = Internal.Block.alternate -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| -} type alias Config data msg = { independentAxis : Chart.Axis.Independent.Config data msg , dependentAxis : Chart.Axis.Dependent.Config msg , container : Chart.Container.Config msg , orientation : Chart.Orientation.Config , legends : Chart.Legends.Config msg , events : Chart.Events.Config Chart.Element.Block data msg , grid : Chart.Grid.Config , block : Chart.Block.Config , junk : Chart.Junk.Config Chart.Element.Block msg , pattern : Chart.Pattern.Config } {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your independent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Independent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Independent) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your dependent axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Dependent`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Axis-Dependent) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **block**: Customizes your block width and corner radius.</br> _See [`Chart.Block`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Block) for more information and examples._ - **pattern**: Customizes your blocks pattern.</br> _See [`Chart.Pattern`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Pattern) for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/Chart-Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "Country" .country , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "GDP" Chart.Axis.Unit.dollars , container = Chart.Container.default "blocks-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default } -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg viewCustom config block data = let -- Data / System seriesProps = List.map Internal.Block.seriesProps block countOfSeries = toFloat (List.length block) countOfData = toFloat (List.length data) width = Utils.apply4 system config.block countOfSeries countOfData <| Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthY Coordinate.scaleDataY , vertical = Internal.Block.width Coordinate.lengthX Coordinate.scaleDataX } system = toSystem config horizontalAxis verticalAxis countOfData block data dataPoints = toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width block data dataPointsAll = List.concat dataPoints -- Axes ( horizontalAxis, verticalAxis ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data ) , vertical = ( Internal.Axis.Independent.toNormal config.independentAxis data , Internal.Axis.Dependent.toNormal config.dependentAxis data ) } -- View viewSeries data_ = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__group" ] <| List.map2 (Internal.Block.viewSeries system config.orientation config.block width) block data_ viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 10, offsetY = 0 } , legends = \width_ -> let legend bar = { sample = Svg.square bar.pattern width_ (Internal.Block.borderRadius config.block) (Internal.Block.fill bar.style) (Internal.Block.border bar.style) , label = bar.title } in List.map legend seriesProps } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = Internal.Pattern.toDefs config.pattern , grid = config.grid , series = Svg.g [ Svg.Attributes.class "chart__groups" ] (List.map viewSeries dataPoints) , intersection = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero .min , vertical = Internal.Axis.Intersection.custom .min Internal.Axis.Intersection.towardsZero } , horizontalAxis = horizontalAxis , verticalAxis = verticalAxis , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = config.orientation , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.title config.independentAxis , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.title config.dependentAxis , offsetOne = width / 2 , offsetMany = width * toFloat (List.length block) / 2 } system config.junk , orientation = config.orientation } dataPointsAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> Coordinate.System -> Float -> Float -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> List (List (Point.Point Internal.Element.Block data)) toDataPoints config system countOfSeries countOfData width seriesAll data = let coordinates = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = Coordinate.horizontalPoint , vertical = Coordinate.verticalPoint } eachBar dataIndex datum seriesIndex series_ = let offset = toFloat seriesIndex - countOfSeries / 2 + 0.5 independent = toFloat dataIndex + 1 + offset * width dependent = Internal.Block.variable series_ datum color = Internal.Block.color series_ label = Internal.Block.label series_ coordinates_ = coordinates independent dependent in { coordinates = coordinates_ , element = { element = Internal.Element.block , seriesIndex = seriesIndex , label = label , color = color , independent = Internal.Axis.Independent.label config.independentAxis datum , dependent = Internal.Axis.Dependent.unit config.dependentAxis dependent } , source = datum } eachSeries dataIndex datum = List.indexedMap (eachBar dataIndex datum) seriesAll in List.indexedMap eachSeries data toSystem : Config data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Internal.Axis.Config Float data msg -> Float -> List (Series data) -> List data -> Coordinate.System toSystem config xAxis yAxis countOfData seriesAll data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height value data_ = List.map (\a -> Internal.Block.variable a data_) seriesAll values = List.concatMap value data dependentRange = { min = Coordinate.minimumOrZero identity values , max = Coordinate.maximumOrZero identity values } independentRange = { min = 0.5 , max = countOfData + 0.5 } ( xRange, yRange ) = Internal.Orientation.chooses config.orientation { horizontal = ( dependentRange, independentRange ) , vertical = ( independentRange, dependentRange ) } system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range xAxis) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range yAxis) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> String) -> Config data msg defaultConfig label = { independentAxis = Chart.Axis.Independent.default "" label , dependentAxis = Chart.Axis.Dependent.default "" Chart.Axis.Unit.none , container = Chart.Container.default "bar-chart" 700 400 , orientation = Chart.Orientation.default , legends = Chart.Legends.default , events = Chart.Events.default , grid = Chart.Grid.default , block = Chart.Block.default , junk = Chart.Junk.default , pattern = Chart.Pattern.default }
[ { "context": "> Person\naverage id =\n { id = id\n , name = \"Joe\"\n , age = 35\n , job = Just (Job.train Carpe", "end": 1067, "score": 0.9997065663, "start": 1064, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Joe" }, { "context": " : Generator String\ngenName =\n Random.uniform \"Alexandria\" [ \"Bernard\", \"Marquita\", \"Noam\", \"Karl\" ]\n\n\ngenA", "end": 4102, "score": 0.9585234523, "start": 4092, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alexandria" }, { "context": "ring\ngenName =\n Random.uniform \"Alexandria\" [ \"Bernard\", \"Marquita\", \"Noam\", \"Karl\" ]\n\n\ngenAge : Generat", "end": 4114, "score": 0.9996845126, "start": 4107, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bernard" }, { "context": "e =\n Random.uniform \"Alexandria\" [ \"Bernard\", \"Marquita\", \"Noam\", \"Karl\" ]\n\n\ngenAge : Generator Int\ngenAg", "end": 4126, "score": 0.9992558956, "start": 4118, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Marquita" }, { "context": "om.uniform \"Alexandria\" [ \"Bernard\", \"Marquita\", \"Noam\", \"Karl\" ]\n\n\ngenAge : Generator Int\ngenAge =\n ", "end": 4134, "score": 0.9997467995, "start": 4130, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Noam" }, { "context": "rm \"Alexandria\" [ \"Bernard\", \"Marquita\", \"Noam\", \"Karl\" ]\n\n\ngenAge : Generator Int\ngenAge =\n Random.i", "end": 4142, "score": 0.9997212291, "start": 4138, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Karl" } ]
module Person exposing (Interest, Person, average, canGoToCollege, generate, housingScore, isQualified, wantsTertiaryEducation) import Housing exposing (Housing, Location(..)) import Job exposing (Job, Title(..)) import Random exposing (Generator) import Random.Extra as Random exposing (andMap) type Interest = Medical | Engineering | SocialWork | Teaching | Trade | Unknown type TertiaryQualification = TradeDegree | EngineeringDegree | SocialWorkDegree | MedicalDegree | TeachingDegree type alias Person = { id : Int , name : String , age : Int , job : Maybe Job , hasPrimaryEducation : Bool , hasSecondaryEducation : Bool , tertiaryQualifications : List TertiaryQualification -- wants , interest : Interest , wantsLivingRoom : Bool , wantsFlexRoom : Bool -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded : Int , surgeriesNeeded : Int , needsHospitalization : Bool , house : Maybe Housing } average : Int -> Person average id = { id = id , name = "Joe" , age = 35 , job = Just (Job.train Carpenter) , hasPrimaryEducation = True , hasSecondaryEducation = True , tertiaryQualifications = [ TradeDegree ] -- wants , interest = Trade , wantsLivingRoom = True , wantsFlexRoom = False -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded = 1 , surgeriesNeeded = 0 , needsHospitalization = False , house = Nothing } -- QUERY housingScore : Person -> Float housingScore person = case person.house of Just house -> Housing.score house Nothing -> 0 wantsTertiaryEducation : Person -> Bool wantsTertiaryEducation person = not <| case person.interest of Medical -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Engineering -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWork -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teaching -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Trade -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Unknown -> True canGoToCollege : Person -> Bool canGoToCollege person = person.job == Nothing && person.hasPrimaryEducation && person.hasSecondaryEducation && wantsTertiaryEducation person isQualified : Job.Title -> Person -> Bool isQualified title person = case title of Farmer -> person.hasSecondaryEducation Doctor -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Nurse -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications CivilEngineer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Programmer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWorker -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teacher -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Professor -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Carpenter -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Electrician -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications generate : Generator Person generate = Random.map Person genId |> andMap genName |> andMap genAge |> andMap genJob |> andMap genPrimaryEducation |> andMap genSecondaryEducation |> andMap genTertiaryEducation |> andMap genInterest |> andMap genWantsLivingRoom |> andMap genWantsFlexRoom |> andMap genPrescriptionsNeeded |> andMap genSurgeriesNeeded |> andMap genNeedsHospitalization |> andMap genHousing genId : Generator Int genId = Random.int Random.minInt Random.maxInt genName : Generator String genName = Random.uniform "Alexandria" [ "Bernard", "Marquita", "Noam", "Karl" ] genAge : Generator Int genAge = Random.int 0 100 genJob : Generator (Maybe Job) genJob = Random.map2 (\n job -> if n < 10 then Nothing else Just job ) (Random.int 1 100) Job.generate genPrimaryEducation : Generator Bool genPrimaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 90) (Random.int 1 100) genSecondaryEducation : Generator Bool genSecondaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 75) (Random.int 1 100) generateQualification : Generator TertiaryQualification generateQualification = Random.uniform TradeDegree [ EngineeringDegree , SocialWorkDegree , MedicalDegree , TeachingDegree ] genTertiaryEducation : Generator (List TertiaryQualification) genTertiaryEducation = Random.int 1 3 |> Random.andThen (\len -> Random.list len generateQualification) genInterest : Generator Interest genInterest = Random.uniform Trade [ Medical , Engineering , SocialWork , Teaching , Unknown ] genWantsLivingRoom : Generator Bool genWantsLivingRoom = Random.bool genWantsFlexRoom : Generator Bool genWantsFlexRoom = Random.bool genPrescriptionsNeeded : Generator Int genPrescriptionsNeeded = Random.int 0 5 genSurgeriesNeeded : Generator Int genSurgeriesNeeded = Random.int 0 2 genNeedsHospitalization : Generator Bool genNeedsHospitalization = Random.map (\n -> n < 5) (Random.int 1 100) genHousing : Generator (Maybe Housing) genHousing = Random.constant (Just (Housing.buildHouse Urban))
module Person exposing (Interest, Person, average, canGoToCollege, generate, housingScore, isQualified, wantsTertiaryEducation) import Housing exposing (Housing, Location(..)) import Job exposing (Job, Title(..)) import Random exposing (Generator) import Random.Extra as Random exposing (andMap) type Interest = Medical | Engineering | SocialWork | Teaching | Trade | Unknown type TertiaryQualification = TradeDegree | EngineeringDegree | SocialWorkDegree | MedicalDegree | TeachingDegree type alias Person = { id : Int , name : String , age : Int , job : Maybe Job , hasPrimaryEducation : Bool , hasSecondaryEducation : Bool , tertiaryQualifications : List TertiaryQualification -- wants , interest : Interest , wantsLivingRoom : Bool , wantsFlexRoom : Bool -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded : Int , surgeriesNeeded : Int , needsHospitalization : Bool , house : Maybe Housing } average : Int -> Person average id = { id = id , name = "<NAME>" , age = 35 , job = Just (Job.train Carpenter) , hasPrimaryEducation = True , hasSecondaryEducation = True , tertiaryQualifications = [ TradeDegree ] -- wants , interest = Trade , wantsLivingRoom = True , wantsFlexRoom = False -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded = 1 , surgeriesNeeded = 0 , needsHospitalization = False , house = Nothing } -- QUERY housingScore : Person -> Float housingScore person = case person.house of Just house -> Housing.score house Nothing -> 0 wantsTertiaryEducation : Person -> Bool wantsTertiaryEducation person = not <| case person.interest of Medical -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Engineering -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWork -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teaching -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Trade -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Unknown -> True canGoToCollege : Person -> Bool canGoToCollege person = person.job == Nothing && person.hasPrimaryEducation && person.hasSecondaryEducation && wantsTertiaryEducation person isQualified : Job.Title -> Person -> Bool isQualified title person = case title of Farmer -> person.hasSecondaryEducation Doctor -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Nurse -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications CivilEngineer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Programmer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWorker -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teacher -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Professor -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Carpenter -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Electrician -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications generate : Generator Person generate = Random.map Person genId |> andMap genName |> andMap genAge |> andMap genJob |> andMap genPrimaryEducation |> andMap genSecondaryEducation |> andMap genTertiaryEducation |> andMap genInterest |> andMap genWantsLivingRoom |> andMap genWantsFlexRoom |> andMap genPrescriptionsNeeded |> andMap genSurgeriesNeeded |> andMap genNeedsHospitalization |> andMap genHousing genId : Generator Int genId = Random.int Random.minInt Random.maxInt genName : Generator String genName = Random.uniform "<NAME>" [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] genAge : Generator Int genAge = Random.int 0 100 genJob : Generator (Maybe Job) genJob = Random.map2 (\n job -> if n < 10 then Nothing else Just job ) (Random.int 1 100) Job.generate genPrimaryEducation : Generator Bool genPrimaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 90) (Random.int 1 100) genSecondaryEducation : Generator Bool genSecondaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 75) (Random.int 1 100) generateQualification : Generator TertiaryQualification generateQualification = Random.uniform TradeDegree [ EngineeringDegree , SocialWorkDegree , MedicalDegree , TeachingDegree ] genTertiaryEducation : Generator (List TertiaryQualification) genTertiaryEducation = Random.int 1 3 |> Random.andThen (\len -> Random.list len generateQualification) genInterest : Generator Interest genInterest = Random.uniform Trade [ Medical , Engineering , SocialWork , Teaching , Unknown ] genWantsLivingRoom : Generator Bool genWantsLivingRoom = Random.bool genWantsFlexRoom : Generator Bool genWantsFlexRoom = Random.bool genPrescriptionsNeeded : Generator Int genPrescriptionsNeeded = Random.int 0 5 genSurgeriesNeeded : Generator Int genSurgeriesNeeded = Random.int 0 2 genNeedsHospitalization : Generator Bool genNeedsHospitalization = Random.map (\n -> n < 5) (Random.int 1 100) genHousing : Generator (Maybe Housing) genHousing = Random.constant (Just (Housing.buildHouse Urban))
module Person exposing (Interest, Person, average, canGoToCollege, generate, housingScore, isQualified, wantsTertiaryEducation) import Housing exposing (Housing, Location(..)) import Job exposing (Job, Title(..)) import Random exposing (Generator) import Random.Extra as Random exposing (andMap) type Interest = Medical | Engineering | SocialWork | Teaching | Trade | Unknown type TertiaryQualification = TradeDegree | EngineeringDegree | SocialWorkDegree | MedicalDegree | TeachingDegree type alias Person = { id : Int , name : String , age : Int , job : Maybe Job , hasPrimaryEducation : Bool , hasSecondaryEducation : Bool , tertiaryQualifications : List TertiaryQualification -- wants , interest : Interest , wantsLivingRoom : Bool , wantsFlexRoom : Bool -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded : Int , surgeriesNeeded : Int , needsHospitalization : Bool , house : Maybe Housing } average : Int -> Person average id = { id = id , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , age = 35 , job = Just (Job.train Carpenter) , hasPrimaryEducation = True , hasSecondaryEducation = True , tertiaryQualifications = [ TradeDegree ] -- wants , interest = Trade , wantsLivingRoom = True , wantsFlexRoom = False -- needs , prescriptionsNeeded = 1 , surgeriesNeeded = 0 , needsHospitalization = False , house = Nothing } -- QUERY housingScore : Person -> Float housingScore person = case person.house of Just house -> Housing.score house Nothing -> 0 wantsTertiaryEducation : Person -> Bool wantsTertiaryEducation person = not <| case person.interest of Medical -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Engineering -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWork -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teaching -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Trade -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Unknown -> True canGoToCollege : Person -> Bool canGoToCollege person = person.job == Nothing && person.hasPrimaryEducation && person.hasSecondaryEducation && wantsTertiaryEducation person isQualified : Job.Title -> Person -> Bool isQualified title person = case title of Farmer -> person.hasSecondaryEducation Doctor -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Nurse -> List.member MedicalDegree person.tertiaryQualifications CivilEngineer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Programmer -> List.member EngineeringDegree person.tertiaryQualifications SocialWorker -> List.member SocialWorkDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Teacher -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Professor -> List.member TeachingDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Carpenter -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications Electrician -> List.member TradeDegree person.tertiaryQualifications generate : Generator Person generate = Random.map Person genId |> andMap genName |> andMap genAge |> andMap genJob |> andMap genPrimaryEducation |> andMap genSecondaryEducation |> andMap genTertiaryEducation |> andMap genInterest |> andMap genWantsLivingRoom |> andMap genWantsFlexRoom |> andMap genPrescriptionsNeeded |> andMap genSurgeriesNeeded |> andMap genNeedsHospitalization |> andMap genHousing genId : Generator Int genId = Random.int Random.minInt Random.maxInt genName : Generator String genName = Random.uniform "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] genAge : Generator Int genAge = Random.int 0 100 genJob : Generator (Maybe Job) genJob = Random.map2 (\n job -> if n < 10 then Nothing else Just job ) (Random.int 1 100) Job.generate genPrimaryEducation : Generator Bool genPrimaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 90) (Random.int 1 100) genSecondaryEducation : Generator Bool genSecondaryEducation = Random.map (\n -> n < 75) (Random.int 1 100) generateQualification : Generator TertiaryQualification generateQualification = Random.uniform TradeDegree [ EngineeringDegree , SocialWorkDegree , MedicalDegree , TeachingDegree ] genTertiaryEducation : Generator (List TertiaryQualification) genTertiaryEducation = Random.int 1 3 |> Random.andThen (\len -> Random.list len generateQualification) genInterest : Generator Interest genInterest = Random.uniform Trade [ Medical , Engineering , SocialWork , Teaching , Unknown ] genWantsLivingRoom : Generator Bool genWantsLivingRoom = Random.bool genWantsFlexRoom : Generator Bool genWantsFlexRoom = Random.bool genPrescriptionsNeeded : Generator Int genPrescriptionsNeeded = Random.int 0 5 genSurgeriesNeeded : Generator Int genSurgeriesNeeded = Random.int 0 2 genNeedsHospitalization : Generator Bool genNeedsHospitalization = Random.map (\n -> n < 5) (Random.int 1 100) genHousing : Generator (Maybe Housing) genHousing = Random.constant (Just (Housing.buildHouse Urban))
[ { "context": " , HA.alt \"Photo de Malika Alouani et Nicolas Leyri\"\n ", "end": 1353, "score": 0.9998631477, "start": 1339, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Malika Alouani" }, { "context": " , HA.alt \"Photo de Malika Alouani et Nicolas Leyri\"\n ]\n ", "end": 1370, "score": 0.9998509288, "start": 1357, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nicolas Leyri" }, { "context": "s voudraient empêcher de mourir définitivement » (Célestin Freinet).\" ]\n , H.p [] [ H.tex", "end": 1879, "score": 0.998667419, "start": 1863, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Célestin Freinet" }, { "context": " ]\n , H.p [] [ H.text \"Malika : enseignante formatrice, conseillère au numériqu", "end": 1938, "score": 0.9992877841, "start": 1932, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Malika" }, { "context": " ]\n , H.p [] [ H.text \"Nicolas : coordonnateur REP à Fontenay-sous-Bois, je suis", "end": 2245, "score": 0.9990282655, "start": 2238, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nicolas" }, { "context": " ce monde qu’une idée dont l’heure est arrivée » (Victor Hugo).\" ]\n ]\n ", "end": 2548, "score": 0.9996377826, "start": 2537, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Victor Hugo" }, { "context": " , HA.alt \"Photo de Nicolas Leyri en train de se filmer sur son smartphone\"\n ", "end": 4399, "score": 0.9989479184, "start": 4386, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nicolas Leyri" } ]
module Page.About exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA type alias Model = {} type Msg = NoOp init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( {}, Cmd.none ) update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Session -> Model -> ( String, List (H.Html Msg) ) view _ model = ( "Classe à 12 ?" , [ H.div [ HA.class "hero" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "hero__container" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "/logo_ca12.png" , HA.class "hero__logo" ] [] , H.h1 [] [ H.text "Classe à 12 ?" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Prêt ? Filmez ! Partagez !" ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "main" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "section article article__full" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__content" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/aaa54f1f-f314-4d46-9fa5-f3b48835db45_htkbm2.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de Malika Alouani et Nicolas Leyri" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Qui sommes-nous ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Ne vous laissez pas arrêter par ceux qui, devant l’imperfection de ce que vous réalisez, ne manqueront pas de prôner les méthodes du passé qu’ils voudraient empêcher de mourir définitivement » (Célestin Freinet)." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Malika : enseignante formatrice, conseillère au numérique à la Direction du numérique éducatif et à la délégation académique au numérique de Versailles, j’ai accepté de quitter la classe pour accompagner les nouveaux usages pédagogiques avec le numérique." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Nicolas : coordonnateur REP à Fontenay-sous-Bois, je suis passionné par les problématiques de l’éducation prioritaire, l’innovation, les nouvelles technologies et la vidéo." ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Rien n’est plus fort en ce monde qu’une idée dont l’heure est arrivée » (Victor Hugo)." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/IMG_5702_nv6pjl.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'élèves dans une classe" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Un nouveau service, pour quoi faire ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Partager pour apprendre et progresser en équipe" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Ce projet en cours de développement, co-construit avec les enseignants des classes dédoublées (CP et CE1), a pour objectif de valoriser les retours d’expérience et les échanges de pratiques personnalisées, via un produit numérique de type réseau social." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Que vous soyez novice ou expérimenté, nous vous proposons une plateforme vidéo permettant de partager vos expériences pédagogiques auprès de vos collègues, facilement et dans le respect des pratiques de chacun." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/2eaa8893-502a-439f-90ba-e0842eb72284_h4p2cg.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de Nicolas Leyri en train de se filmer sur son smartphone" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Comment participer ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Venez comme vous êtes, avec votre envie et vos idées !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Vous avez envie d'échanger et de partager des outils, des pratiques, des gestes professionnels avec vos collègues ? Rien de plus simple avec Classe à 12 ! Postez une courte vidéo de 1 à 2 mn en format paysage et c'est parti !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "N'oubliez pas de remplir et de nous envoyer un formulaire de droit à l'image pour vos élèves, les parents ou vous-mêmes, selon la situation, que vous pouvez " , H.a [ HA.href "http://eduscol.education.fr/internet-responsable/ressources/boite-a-outils.html" ] [ H.text "trouver ici." ] ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/9ba429e2-d343-4e7e-a6de-fc0918beff54_rskzrf.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'un casier de rangements de feutres de couleur" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Quel sujet traiter dans ma vidéo ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Toute contribution est précieuse, mutualisons nos expériences et nos intelligences !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Avec ou sans élève, racontez votre classe, décrivez son aménagement, partagez votre organisation avec vos collègues, montrez une séance pédagogique, parlez d'un jeu ou d'un livre qui vous a plu... tout est permis ! Regardez les exemples déjà proposés sur le site ! Et... si le sujet a déjà été traité, n'hésitez pas à donner votre propre point de vue ! Nous nous enrichirons mutuellement." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] )
module Page.About exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA type alias Model = {} type Msg = NoOp init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( {}, Cmd.none ) update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Session -> Model -> ( String, List (H.Html Msg) ) view _ model = ( "Classe à 12 ?" , [ H.div [ HA.class "hero" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "hero__container" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "/logo_ca12.png" , HA.class "hero__logo" ] [] , H.h1 [] [ H.text "Classe à 12 ?" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Prêt ? Filmez ! Partagez !" ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "main" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "section article article__full" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__content" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/aaa54f1f-f314-4d46-9fa5-f3b48835db45_htkbm2.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de <NAME> et <NAME>" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Qui sommes-nous ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Ne vous laissez pas arrêter par ceux qui, devant l’imperfection de ce que vous réalisez, ne manqueront pas de prôner les méthodes du passé qu’ils voudraient empêcher de mourir définitivement » (<NAME>)." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "<NAME> : enseignante formatrice, conseillère au numérique à la Direction du numérique éducatif et à la délégation académique au numérique de Versailles, j’ai accepté de quitter la classe pour accompagner les nouveaux usages pédagogiques avec le numérique." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "<NAME> : coordonnateur REP à Fontenay-sous-Bois, je suis passionné par les problématiques de l’éducation prioritaire, l’innovation, les nouvelles technologies et la vidéo." ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Rien n’est plus fort en ce monde qu’une idée dont l’heure est arrivée » (<NAME>)." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/IMG_5702_nv6pjl.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'élèves dans une classe" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Un nouveau service, pour quoi faire ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Partager pour apprendre et progresser en équipe" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Ce projet en cours de développement, co-construit avec les enseignants des classes dédoublées (CP et CE1), a pour objectif de valoriser les retours d’expérience et les échanges de pratiques personnalisées, via un produit numérique de type réseau social." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Que vous soyez novice ou expérimenté, nous vous proposons une plateforme vidéo permettant de partager vos expériences pédagogiques auprès de vos collègues, facilement et dans le respect des pratiques de chacun." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/2eaa8893-502a-439f-90ba-e0842eb72284_h4p2cg.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de <NAME> en train de se filmer sur son smartphone" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Comment participer ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Venez comme vous êtes, avec votre envie et vos idées !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Vous avez envie d'échanger et de partager des outils, des pratiques, des gestes professionnels avec vos collègues ? Rien de plus simple avec Classe à 12 ! Postez une courte vidéo de 1 à 2 mn en format paysage et c'est parti !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "N'oubliez pas de remplir et de nous envoyer un formulaire de droit à l'image pour vos élèves, les parents ou vous-mêmes, selon la situation, que vous pouvez " , H.a [ HA.href "http://eduscol.education.fr/internet-responsable/ressources/boite-a-outils.html" ] [ H.text "trouver ici." ] ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/9ba429e2-d343-4e7e-a6de-fc0918beff54_rskzrf.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'un casier de rangements de feutres de couleur" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Quel sujet traiter dans ma vidéo ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Toute contribution est précieuse, mutualisons nos expériences et nos intelligences !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Avec ou sans élève, racontez votre classe, décrivez son aménagement, partagez votre organisation avec vos collègues, montrez une séance pédagogique, parlez d'un jeu ou d'un livre qui vous a plu... tout est permis ! Regardez les exemples déjà proposés sur le site ! Et... si le sujet a déjà été traité, n'hésitez pas à donner votre propre point de vue ! Nous nous enrichirons mutuellement." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] )
module Page.About exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view) import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Html as H import Html.Attributes as HA type alias Model = {} type Msg = NoOp init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( {}, Cmd.none ) update : Session -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update _ msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) view : Session -> Model -> ( String, List (H.Html Msg) ) view _ model = ( "Classe à 12 ?" , [ H.div [ HA.class "hero" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "hero__container" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "/logo_ca12.png" , HA.class "hero__logo" ] [] , H.h1 [] [ H.text "Classe à 12 ?" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Prêt ? Filmez ! Partagez !" ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "main" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "section article article__full" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__content" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/aaa54f1f-f314-4d46-9fa5-f3b48835db45_htkbm2.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI et PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Qui sommes-nous ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Ne vous laissez pas arrêter par ceux qui, devant l’imperfection de ce que vous réalisez, ne manqueront pas de prôner les méthodes du passé qu’ils voudraient empêcher de mourir définitivement » (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI : enseignante formatrice, conseillère au numérique à la Direction du numérique éducatif et à la délégation académique au numérique de Versailles, j’ai accepté de quitter la classe pour accompagner les nouveaux usages pédagogiques avec le numérique." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI : coordonnateur REP à Fontenay-sous-Bois, je suis passionné par les problématiques de l’éducation prioritaire, l’innovation, les nouvelles technologies et la vidéo." ] , H.em [] [ H.text "« Rien n’est plus fort en ce monde qu’une idée dont l’heure est arrivée » (PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI)." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/IMG_5702_nv6pjl.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'élèves dans une classe" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Un nouveau service, pour quoi faire ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Partager pour apprendre et progresser en équipe" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Ce projet en cours de développement, co-construit avec les enseignants des classes dédoublées (CP et CE1), a pour objectif de valoriser les retours d’expérience et les échanges de pratiques personnalisées, via un produit numérique de type réseau social." ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Que vous soyez novice ou expérimenté, nous vous proposons une plateforme vidéo permettant de partager vos expériences pédagogiques auprès de vos collègues, facilement et dans le respect des pratiques de chacun." ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/2eaa8893-502a-439f-90ba-e0842eb72284_h4p2cg.jpg" , HA.alt "Photo de PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI en train de se filmer sur son smartphone" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Comment participer ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Venez comme vous êtes, avec votre envie et vos idées !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Vous avez envie d'échanger et de partager des outils, des pratiques, des gestes professionnels avec vos collègues ? Rien de plus simple avec Classe à 12 ! Postez une courte vidéo de 1 à 2 mn en format paysage et c'est parti !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "N'oubliez pas de remplir et de nous envoyer un formulaire de droit à l'image pour vos élèves, les parents ou vous-mêmes, selon la situation, que vous pouvez " , H.a [ HA.href "http://eduscol.education.fr/internet-responsable/ressources/boite-a-outils.html" ] [ H.text "trouver ici." ] ] ] ] , H.div [ HA.class "container" ] [ H.div [ HA.class "article__image" ] [ H.img [ HA.src "http://res.cloudinary.com/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_1440,w_720,f_auto,q_auto/v1/1436014/9ba429e2-d343-4e7e-a6de-fc0918beff54_rskzrf.png" , HA.alt "Photo d'un casier de rangements de feutres de couleur" ] [] ] , H.div [ HA.class "richtext" ] [ H.h3 [ HA.class "title is-3" ] [ H.text "Quel sujet traiter dans ma vidéo ?" ] , H.em [] [ H.text "Toute contribution est précieuse, mutualisons nos expériences et nos intelligences !" ] , H.p [] [ H.text "Avec ou sans élève, racontez votre classe, décrivez son aménagement, partagez votre organisation avec vos collègues, montrez une séance pédagogique, parlez d'un jeu ou d'un livre qui vous a plu... tout est permis ! Regardez les exemples déjà proposés sur le site ! Et... si le sujet a déjà été traité, n'hésitez pas à donner votre propre point de vue ! Nous nous enrichirons mutuellement." ] ] ] ] ] ] ] )
[ { "context": "bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css\" integrity=\"sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\n </head>\n <bo", "end": 2912, "score": 0.9995874763, "start": 2841, "tag": "KEY", "value": "sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" }, { "context": "IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\">\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>Hello, w", "end": 2936, "score": 0.9614527822, "start": 2927, "tag": "KEY", "value": "anonymous" } ]
module Page.GettingStarted exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Util view : (String -> msg) -> List (Html msg) view pageMsg = [ Util.simplePageHeader "Getting started" """A brief overview of Elm Bootstrap, how to use it and some examples.""" , Util.pageContent (quickStart ++ embedding ++ conventions ++ example ) ] quickStart : List (Html msg) quickStart = [ h2 [] [ text "Quick start"] , p [] [ text """The easiest way to get started is to use the Bootstrap.CDN module to inline the Bootstrap CSS. This way you can quickly get up and running using elm-reactor."""] , h4 [] [ text "Start a new project" ] , Util.code setupCode , h4 [] [ text "Module code" ] , p [] [ text "Create a Main.elm file with the following content"] , Util.code quickStartCode , h4 [] [ text "Running the example" ] , Util.code runQuickStartCode , p [] [ text "Navigate to http://localhost:8000/Main.elm"] , Util.calloutWarning [ p [] [ text """Don't use this method when you want to deploy your app for real life usage. It's not very efficient, the payload for your page will be pretty big and you want get the benefits of caching the CSS.""" ] ] ] setupCode : Html msg setupCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash mkdir bootstrap-example cd bootstrap-example elm-package install --yes rundis/elm-bootstrap ``` """ quickStartCode : Html msg quickStartCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid main = Grid.container [] [ CDN.stylesheet -- creates an inline style node with the Bootstrap CSS , Grid.row [] [ Grid.col [] [ text "Some content for my view here..."] ] ] """ runQuickStartCode : Html msg runQuickStartCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash elm-reactor ``` """ embedding : List (Html msg) embedding = [ h2 [] [ text "Embedding" ] , p [] [ text """For any serious web application you will be embedding your Elm application in an Html page. When you do, just remember to add the CSS, either as a server asset or just use a CDN.""" ] , Util.code embeddingCode ] embeddingCode : Html msg embeddingCode = Util.toMarkdown """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" crossorigin="anonymous"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <!-- Your Elm application --> <script src="elm.js"></script> </body> </html> """ conventions : List (Html msg) conventions = [ h2 [] [ text "Conventions" ] , p [] [ text """Just a small note of conventions promoted when using Elm Bootstrap and a quick overview of common conventions used by Elm Bootstrap itself.""" ] , h3 [] [ text "Alias imports" ] , Util.code aliasCode , Util.calloutInfo [ text """By aliasing your Bootstrap related imports, it will usually be easier to read your code and understand where different functions are coming from. You also reduce the chance of naming conflicts with other libraries. The API for Elm Bootstrap has been designed with aliasing in mind and you will see aliases used throughout in all the examples. """ ] , h3 [] [ text "Options and attributes" ] , p [] [ text """Most Html element creating functions in Elm bootstrap take two list arguments. The first is a list of options, the second is a list of child items or a list of child elements. It's probably easier to illustrate with an annotated Code example first to explain further.""" ] , Util.code optionsCode , Util.calloutInfo [ ul [] [ textLi "You create/specify options, by calling functions on the relevant module." , textLi "<module>.attrs is an escape hatch offered to allow you to provide further customizations when the exposed options are not sufficient for your use case." , textLi "Options are passed in as list, if you specify the same option more than once, the last one will be the one that is applied." , li [] [ text "When you specify options that address the same area, the same logic applies" , ul [] [ textLi "If you specify an option that says that for the smallest screensize you should center vertically." , textLi "Then you add another option saying that for the smallest screensize you should center content top, the last one of these will be the one applied." ] ] , textLi "Many elements have default options, which you can override by specifying options in the options list argument." ] ] ] aliasCode : Html msg aliasCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid import Bootstrap.Grid.Row as Row import Bootstrap.Grid.Col as Col myViewFn = Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] [ Grid.col [ Col.xs2 ] [ text "Col 1" ] , Grid.col [ Col.xs4 ] [ text "Col 2" ] ] """ optionsCode : Html msg optionsCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] -- Row.centerXs creates a Row.Option -- The second argument to row is a list of Grid.Column items [ Col.col [ Col.xs12 , Col.attrs [ class "custom-class" ] -- <module>.attrs function, creates an option to specify a list of custom Elm Html attributes. ] [ text "Some full width column."] ] """ example : List (Html msg) example = [ h2 [] [ text "Example page" ] , p [] [ text """In the example below we've made a super simple single page application. It contains basic navigation and a couple of example pages. """ ] , iframe [ src "https://ellie-app.com/embed/53W4KNyCZa1/0" , style [ ("width","100%") , ("height","600px") , ("border", "0") , ("border-radius","3px") , ("overflow","hidden") ] , attribute "sandbox" "allow-modals allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" ] [] ] textLi : String -> Html msg textLi str = li [] [ text str]
module Page.GettingStarted exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Util view : (String -> msg) -> List (Html msg) view pageMsg = [ Util.simplePageHeader "Getting started" """A brief overview of Elm Bootstrap, how to use it and some examples.""" , Util.pageContent (quickStart ++ embedding ++ conventions ++ example ) ] quickStart : List (Html msg) quickStart = [ h2 [] [ text "Quick start"] , p [] [ text """The easiest way to get started is to use the Bootstrap.CDN module to inline the Bootstrap CSS. This way you can quickly get up and running using elm-reactor."""] , h4 [] [ text "Start a new project" ] , Util.code setupCode , h4 [] [ text "Module code" ] , p [] [ text "Create a Main.elm file with the following content"] , Util.code quickStartCode , h4 [] [ text "Running the example" ] , Util.code runQuickStartCode , p [] [ text "Navigate to http://localhost:8000/Main.elm"] , Util.calloutWarning [ p [] [ text """Don't use this method when you want to deploy your app for real life usage. It's not very efficient, the payload for your page will be pretty big and you want get the benefits of caching the CSS.""" ] ] ] setupCode : Html msg setupCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash mkdir bootstrap-example cd bootstrap-example elm-package install --yes rundis/elm-bootstrap ``` """ quickStartCode : Html msg quickStartCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid main = Grid.container [] [ CDN.stylesheet -- creates an inline style node with the Bootstrap CSS , Grid.row [] [ Grid.col [] [ text "Some content for my view here..."] ] ] """ runQuickStartCode : Html msg runQuickStartCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash elm-reactor ``` """ embedding : List (Html msg) embedding = [ h2 [] [ text "Embedding" ] , p [] [ text """For any serious web application you will be embedding your Elm application in an Html page. When you do, just remember to add the CSS, either as a server asset or just use a CDN.""" ] , Util.code embeddingCode ] embeddingCode : Html msg embeddingCode = Util.toMarkdown """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="<KEY>" crossorigin="<KEY>"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <!-- Your Elm application --> <script src="elm.js"></script> </body> </html> """ conventions : List (Html msg) conventions = [ h2 [] [ text "Conventions" ] , p [] [ text """Just a small note of conventions promoted when using Elm Bootstrap and a quick overview of common conventions used by Elm Bootstrap itself.""" ] , h3 [] [ text "Alias imports" ] , Util.code aliasCode , Util.calloutInfo [ text """By aliasing your Bootstrap related imports, it will usually be easier to read your code and understand where different functions are coming from. You also reduce the chance of naming conflicts with other libraries. The API for Elm Bootstrap has been designed with aliasing in mind and you will see aliases used throughout in all the examples. """ ] , h3 [] [ text "Options and attributes" ] , p [] [ text """Most Html element creating functions in Elm bootstrap take two list arguments. The first is a list of options, the second is a list of child items or a list of child elements. It's probably easier to illustrate with an annotated Code example first to explain further.""" ] , Util.code optionsCode , Util.calloutInfo [ ul [] [ textLi "You create/specify options, by calling functions on the relevant module." , textLi "<module>.attrs is an escape hatch offered to allow you to provide further customizations when the exposed options are not sufficient for your use case." , textLi "Options are passed in as list, if you specify the same option more than once, the last one will be the one that is applied." , li [] [ text "When you specify options that address the same area, the same logic applies" , ul [] [ textLi "If you specify an option that says that for the smallest screensize you should center vertically." , textLi "Then you add another option saying that for the smallest screensize you should center content top, the last one of these will be the one applied." ] ] , textLi "Many elements have default options, which you can override by specifying options in the options list argument." ] ] ] aliasCode : Html msg aliasCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid import Bootstrap.Grid.Row as Row import Bootstrap.Grid.Col as Col myViewFn = Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] [ Grid.col [ Col.xs2 ] [ text "Col 1" ] , Grid.col [ Col.xs4 ] [ text "Col 2" ] ] """ optionsCode : Html msg optionsCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] -- Row.centerXs creates a Row.Option -- The second argument to row is a list of Grid.Column items [ Col.col [ Col.xs12 , Col.attrs [ class "custom-class" ] -- <module>.attrs function, creates an option to specify a list of custom Elm Html attributes. ] [ text "Some full width column."] ] """ example : List (Html msg) example = [ h2 [] [ text "Example page" ] , p [] [ text """In the example below we've made a super simple single page application. It contains basic navigation and a couple of example pages. """ ] , iframe [ src "https://ellie-app.com/embed/53W4KNyCZa1/0" , style [ ("width","100%") , ("height","600px") , ("border", "0") , ("border-radius","3px") , ("overflow","hidden") ] , attribute "sandbox" "allow-modals allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" ] [] ] textLi : String -> Html msg textLi str = li [] [ text str]
module Page.GettingStarted exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Util view : (String -> msg) -> List (Html msg) view pageMsg = [ Util.simplePageHeader "Getting started" """A brief overview of Elm Bootstrap, how to use it and some examples.""" , Util.pageContent (quickStart ++ embedding ++ conventions ++ example ) ] quickStart : List (Html msg) quickStart = [ h2 [] [ text "Quick start"] , p [] [ text """The easiest way to get started is to use the Bootstrap.CDN module to inline the Bootstrap CSS. This way you can quickly get up and running using elm-reactor."""] , h4 [] [ text "Start a new project" ] , Util.code setupCode , h4 [] [ text "Module code" ] , p [] [ text "Create a Main.elm file with the following content"] , Util.code quickStartCode , h4 [] [ text "Running the example" ] , Util.code runQuickStartCode , p [] [ text "Navigate to http://localhost:8000/Main.elm"] , Util.calloutWarning [ p [] [ text """Don't use this method when you want to deploy your app for real life usage. It's not very efficient, the payload for your page will be pretty big and you want get the benefits of caching the CSS.""" ] ] ] setupCode : Html msg setupCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash mkdir bootstrap-example cd bootstrap-example elm-package install --yes rundis/elm-bootstrap ``` """ quickStartCode : Html msg quickStartCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ module Main exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Bootstrap.CDN as CDN import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid main = Grid.container [] [ CDN.stylesheet -- creates an inline style node with the Bootstrap CSS , Grid.row [] [ Grid.col [] [ text "Some content for my view here..."] ] ] """ runQuickStartCode : Html msg runQuickStartCode = Util.toMarkdown """ ```bash elm-reactor ``` """ embedding : List (Html msg) embedding = [ h2 [] [ text "Embedding" ] , p [] [ text """For any serious web application you will be embedding your Elm application in an Html page. When you do, just remember to add the CSS, either as a server asset or just use a CDN.""" ] , Util.code embeddingCode ] embeddingCode : Html msg embeddingCode = Util.toMarkdown """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags --> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" crossorigin="PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <!-- Your Elm application --> <script src="elm.js"></script> </body> </html> """ conventions : List (Html msg) conventions = [ h2 [] [ text "Conventions" ] , p [] [ text """Just a small note of conventions promoted when using Elm Bootstrap and a quick overview of common conventions used by Elm Bootstrap itself.""" ] , h3 [] [ text "Alias imports" ] , Util.code aliasCode , Util.calloutInfo [ text """By aliasing your Bootstrap related imports, it will usually be easier to read your code and understand where different functions are coming from. You also reduce the chance of naming conflicts with other libraries. The API for Elm Bootstrap has been designed with aliasing in mind and you will see aliases used throughout in all the examples. """ ] , h3 [] [ text "Options and attributes" ] , p [] [ text """Most Html element creating functions in Elm bootstrap take two list arguments. The first is a list of options, the second is a list of child items or a list of child elements. It's probably easier to illustrate with an annotated Code example first to explain further.""" ] , Util.code optionsCode , Util.calloutInfo [ ul [] [ textLi "You create/specify options, by calling functions on the relevant module." , textLi "<module>.attrs is an escape hatch offered to allow you to provide further customizations when the exposed options are not sufficient for your use case." , textLi "Options are passed in as list, if you specify the same option more than once, the last one will be the one that is applied." , li [] [ text "When you specify options that address the same area, the same logic applies" , ul [] [ textLi "If you specify an option that says that for the smallest screensize you should center vertically." , textLi "Then you add another option saying that for the smallest screensize you should center content top, the last one of these will be the one applied." ] ] , textLi "Many elements have default options, which you can override by specifying options in the options list argument." ] ] ] aliasCode : Html msg aliasCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ import Bootstrap.Grid as Grid import Bootstrap.Grid.Row as Row import Bootstrap.Grid.Col as Col myViewFn = Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] [ Grid.col [ Col.xs2 ] [ text "Col 1" ] , Grid.col [ Col.xs4 ] [ text "Col 2" ] ] """ optionsCode : Html msg optionsCode = Util.toMarkdownElm """ Grid.row [ Row.centerXs ] -- Row.centerXs creates a Row.Option -- The second argument to row is a list of Grid.Column items [ Col.col [ Col.xs12 , Col.attrs [ class "custom-class" ] -- <module>.attrs function, creates an option to specify a list of custom Elm Html attributes. ] [ text "Some full width column."] ] """ example : List (Html msg) example = [ h2 [] [ text "Example page" ] , p [] [ text """In the example below we've made a super simple single page application. It contains basic navigation and a couple of example pages. """ ] , iframe [ src "https://ellie-app.com/embed/53W4KNyCZa1/0" , style [ ("width","100%") , ("height","600px") , ("border", "0") , ("border-radius","3px") , ("overflow","hidden") ] , attribute "sandbox" "allow-modals allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" ] [] ] textLi : String -> Html msg textLi str = li [] [ text str]
[ { "context": " ->\n { name = CamelCaseName.build \"droid\"\n , description = Nothing\n ", "end": 3261, "score": 0.8900327682, "start": 3260, "tag": "NAME", "value": "d" }, { "context": "->\n { name = CamelCaseName.build \"droid\"\n , description = Nothing\n ", "end": 3265, "score": 0.373606354, "start": 3261, "tag": "NAME", "value": "roid" }, { "context": " ->\n { name = CamelCaseName.build \"droid\"\n , description = Nothing\n ", "end": 3898, "score": 0.8249057531, "start": 3897, "tag": "NAME", "value": "d" }, { "context": "->\n { name = CamelCaseName.build \"droid\"\n , description = Nothing\n ", "end": 3902, "score": 0.3747890294, "start": 3898, "tag": "NAME", "value": "roid" } ]
module Generator.FieldTests exposing (all) import Dict import Expect import Graphql.Generator.Context as Context exposing (Context, stub) import Graphql.Generator.Field as Field import Graphql.Parser.CamelCaseName as CamelCaseName import Graphql.Parser.ClassCaseName as ClassCaseName exposing (ClassCaseName) import Graphql.Parser.Scalar as Scalar exposing (Scalar) import Graphql.Parser.Type as Type exposing (TypeDefinition, TypeReference) import Test exposing (..) contextWith maybeInterfaceLookup = -- Context.stub { stub | query = "RootQueryObject" |> ClassCaseName.build , apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ] , interfaces = maybeInterfaceLookup |> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty } -- Context.context { query = "RootQueryObject", mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing, apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ], interfaces = Dict.empty } all : Test all = describe "field generator" [ test "simple scalar converts for query" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String RootQuery me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "converts for object" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String Api.Object.Foo me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "simple object with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "droid" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple interface with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "hero" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.InterfaceRef "Character") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith (Just (Dict.fromList [ ( "Character", [ ClassCaseName.build "Human", ClassCaseName.build "Droid" ] ) ])) ) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """hero : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Interface.Character -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery hero object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "hero" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple object with no args for object" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "droid" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "list of objects with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "droid" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "with required args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "human" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Human") Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "id" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias HumanRequiredArguments = { id : String } human : HumanRequiredArguments -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Human -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery human requiredArgs object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "human" [ Argument.required "id" requiredArgs.id (Encode.string) ] (object_) (identity) """ , test "with optional args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "menuItems" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "MenuItem") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "contains" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.Nullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias MenuItemsOptionalArguments = { contains : OptionalArgument String } menuItems : (MenuItemsOptionalArguments -> MenuItemsOptionalArguments) -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.MenuItem -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) RootQuery menuItems fillInOptionals object_ = let filledInOptionals = fillInOptionals { contains = Absent } optionalArgs = [ Argument.optional "contains" filledInOptionals.contains (Encode.string) ] |> List.filterMap identity in Object.selectionForCompositeField "menuItems" optionalArgs (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "normalizes reserved names" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "type" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "TreeEntry") |> Expect.equal """type_ : SelectionSet String Api.Object.TreeEntry type_ = Object.selectionForField "String" "type" [] (Decode.string) """ ] meField : Type.Field meField = { name = CamelCaseName.build "me" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] }
module Generator.FieldTests exposing (all) import Dict import Expect import Graphql.Generator.Context as Context exposing (Context, stub) import Graphql.Generator.Field as Field import Graphql.Parser.CamelCaseName as CamelCaseName import Graphql.Parser.ClassCaseName as ClassCaseName exposing (ClassCaseName) import Graphql.Parser.Scalar as Scalar exposing (Scalar) import Graphql.Parser.Type as Type exposing (TypeDefinition, TypeReference) import Test exposing (..) contextWith maybeInterfaceLookup = -- Context.stub { stub | query = "RootQueryObject" |> ClassCaseName.build , apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ] , interfaces = maybeInterfaceLookup |> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty } -- Context.context { query = "RootQueryObject", mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing, apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ], interfaces = Dict.empty } all : Test all = describe "field generator" [ test "simple scalar converts for query" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String RootQuery me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "converts for object" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String Api.Object.Foo me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "simple object with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "droid" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple interface with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "hero" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.InterfaceRef "Character") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith (Just (Dict.fromList [ ( "Character", [ ClassCaseName.build "Human", ClassCaseName.build "Droid" ] ) ])) ) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """hero : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Interface.Character -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery hero object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "hero" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple object with no args for object" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "<NAME> <NAME>" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "list of objects with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "<NAME> <NAME>" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "with required args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "human" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Human") Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "id" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias HumanRequiredArguments = { id : String } human : HumanRequiredArguments -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Human -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery human requiredArgs object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "human" [ Argument.required "id" requiredArgs.id (Encode.string) ] (object_) (identity) """ , test "with optional args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "menuItems" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "MenuItem") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "contains" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.Nullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias MenuItemsOptionalArguments = { contains : OptionalArgument String } menuItems : (MenuItemsOptionalArguments -> MenuItemsOptionalArguments) -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.MenuItem -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) RootQuery menuItems fillInOptionals object_ = let filledInOptionals = fillInOptionals { contains = Absent } optionalArgs = [ Argument.optional "contains" filledInOptionals.contains (Encode.string) ] |> List.filterMap identity in Object.selectionForCompositeField "menuItems" optionalArgs (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "normalizes reserved names" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "type" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "TreeEntry") |> Expect.equal """type_ : SelectionSet String Api.Object.TreeEntry type_ = Object.selectionForField "String" "type" [] (Decode.string) """ ] meField : Type.Field meField = { name = CamelCaseName.build "me" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] }
module Generator.FieldTests exposing (all) import Dict import Expect import Graphql.Generator.Context as Context exposing (Context, stub) import Graphql.Generator.Field as Field import Graphql.Parser.CamelCaseName as CamelCaseName import Graphql.Parser.ClassCaseName as ClassCaseName exposing (ClassCaseName) import Graphql.Parser.Scalar as Scalar exposing (Scalar) import Graphql.Parser.Type as Type exposing (TypeDefinition, TypeReference) import Test exposing (..) contextWith maybeInterfaceLookup = -- Context.stub { stub | query = "RootQueryObject" |> ClassCaseName.build , apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ] , interfaces = maybeInterfaceLookup |> Maybe.withDefault Dict.empty } -- Context.context { query = "RootQueryObject", mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing, apiSubmodule = [ "Api" ], interfaces = Dict.empty } all : Test all = describe "field generator" [ test "simple scalar converts for query" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String RootQuery me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "converts for object" <| \() -> meField |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """me : SelectionSet String Api.Object.Foo me = Object.selectionForField "String" "me" [] (Decode.string) """ , test "simple object with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "droid" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple interface with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "hero" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.InterfaceRef "Character") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith (Just (Dict.fromList [ ( "Character", [ ClassCaseName.build "Human", ClassCaseName.build "Droid" ] ) ])) ) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """hero : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Interface.Character -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery hero object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "hero" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "simple object with no args for object" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity) """ , test "list of objects with no args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Droid") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "Foo") |> Expect.equal """droid : SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Droid -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) Api.Object.Foo droid object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "droid" [] (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "with required args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "human" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "Human") Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "id" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias HumanRequiredArguments = { id : String } human : HumanRequiredArguments -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.Human -> SelectionSet decodesTo RootQuery human requiredArgs object_ = Object.selectionForCompositeField "human" [ Argument.required "id" requiredArgs.id (Encode.string) ] (object_) (identity) """ , test "with optional args" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "menuItems" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.List (Type.TypeReference (Type.ObjectRef "MenuItem") Type.NonNullable)) Type.NonNullable , args = [ { name = CamelCaseName.build "contains" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.Nullable } ] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "RootQueryObject") |> Expect.equal """type alias MenuItemsOptionalArguments = { contains : OptionalArgument String } menuItems : (MenuItemsOptionalArguments -> MenuItemsOptionalArguments) -> SelectionSet decodesTo Api.Object.MenuItem -> SelectionSet (List decodesTo) RootQuery menuItems fillInOptionals object_ = let filledInOptionals = fillInOptionals { contains = Absent } optionalArgs = [ Argument.optional "contains" filledInOptionals.contains (Encode.string) ] |> List.filterMap identity in Object.selectionForCompositeField "menuItems" optionalArgs (object_) (identity >> Decode.list) """ , test "normalizes reserved names" <| \() -> { name = CamelCaseName.build "type" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] } |> Field.generateForObject (contextWith Nothing) (ClassCaseName.build "TreeEntry") |> Expect.equal """type_ : SelectionSet String Api.Object.TreeEntry type_ = Object.selectionForField "String" "type" [] (Decode.string) """ ] meField : Type.Field meField = { name = CamelCaseName.build "me" , description = Nothing , typeRef = Type.TypeReference (Type.Scalar Scalar.String) Type.NonNullable , args = [] }
[ { "context": "s\n\nYou just render it like this\n\n```\n<bio\n name=\"Dillon Kearns\"\n photo=\"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/", "end": 7998, "score": 0.9999026656, "start": 7985, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dillon Kearns" }, { "context": "tars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166\"\n twitter=\"dillontkearns\"\n github=\"dillonkearns\"\n>\nDillon really likes bu", "end": 8083, "score": 0.9996483922, "start": 8070, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dillontkearns" }, { "context": "om/u/1384166\"\n twitter=\"dillontkearns\"\n github=\"dillonkearns\"\n>\nDillon really likes building things with Elm! ", "end": 8107, "score": 0.9996473193, "start": 8095, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dillonkearns" }, { "context": "nd you get a custom view like this!\n\n<bio\n name=\"Dillon Kearns\"\n photo=\"https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/", "end": 8304, "score": 0.9998987317, "start": 8291, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Dillon Kearns" }, { "context": "tars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166\"\n twitter=\"dillontkearns\"\n github=\"dillonkearns\"\n>\nDillon really likes bu", "end": 8389, "score": 0.9996654987, "start": 8376, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dillontkearns" }, { "context": "om/u/1384166\"\n twitter=\"dillontkearns\"\n github=\"dillonkearns\"\n>\nDillon really likes building things with Elm! ", "end": 8413, "score": 0.999671936, "start": 8401, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "dillonkearns" } ]
module CustomHtmlBlockSignupForm exposing (main) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Background import Element.Border import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input import Element.Region import Html exposing (Attribute, Html) import Html.Attributes import Markdown.Block exposing (Block, Inline, InlineStyle) import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser view : Model -> { title : String, body : List (Html Msg) } view model = { title = "dillonkearns/elm-markdown demo" , body = [ Element.layout [ Element.width Element.fill ] (Element.row [ Element.width Element.fill ] [ Element.Input.multiline [ Element.width (Element.px 400) ] { onChange = OnMarkdownInput , text = model , placeholder = Nothing , label = Element.Input.labelHidden "Markdown input" , spellcheck = False } , case markdownView model of Ok rendered -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 30 , Element.padding 80 , Element.width (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 1000) , Element.centerX ] rendered Err errors -> Element.text errors ] ) ] } markdownView : String -> Result String (List (Element Msg)) markdownView markdown = markdown |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\error -> error |> List.map Markdown.Parser.deadEndToString |> String.join "\n") |> Result.andThen (Markdown.Parser.render renderer) renderer : Markdown.Parser.Renderer (Element Msg) renderer = { heading = heading , raw = Element.paragraph [ Element.spacing 15 ] , thematicBreak = Element.none , plain = Element.text , bold = \content -> Element.row [ Font.bold ] [ Element.text content ] , italic = \content -> Element.row [ Font.italic ] [ Element.text content ] , code = code , link = \{ title, destination } body -> Element.newTabLink [ Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "display" "inline-flex") ] { url = destination , label = Element.paragraph [ Font.color (Element.rgb255 0 0 255) ] body } |> Ok , image = \image body -> Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = image.src, description = body } |> Ok , list = \items -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 15 ] (items |> List.map (\itemBlocks -> Element.row [ Element.spacing 5 ] [ Element.el [ Element.alignTop ] (Element.text "•") , itemBlocks ] ) ) , codeBlock = codeBlock , html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "bio" (\name photoUrl twitter github dribbble renderedChildren -> bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "name" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "photo" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "twitter" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "github" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "dribbble" ] } bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble = Element.column [ Element.Border.shadow { offset = ( 0.3, 0.3 ) , size = 2 , blur = 0.5 , color = Element.rgba255 0 0 0 0.22 } , Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX , Font.center ] (Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ avatarView photoUrl , Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text name) , icons twitter github dribbble ] :: renderedChildren ) icons twitter github dribbble = Element.row [] ([ twitter |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://twitter.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/tXSoThF.png", description = "Twitter Logo" } } ) , github |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://github.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/0o48UoR.png", description = "Github Logo" } } ) , dribbble |> Maybe.map (\dribbbleHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://dribbble.com/" ++ dribbbleHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/1AGmwO3.png", description = "Dribbble Logo" } } ) ] |> List.filterMap identity ) avatarView avatarUrl = Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = avatarUrl, description = "Avatar image" } |> Element.el [ Element.width (Element.px 80) ] rawTextToId rawText = rawText |> String.toLower |> String.replace " " "" heading : { level : Int, rawText : String, children : List (Element msg) } -> Element msg heading { level, rawText, children } = Element.paragraph [ Font.size (case level of 1 -> 36 2 -> 24 _ -> 20 ) , Font.bold , Font.family [ Font.typeface "Montserrat" ] , Element.Region.heading level , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.attribute "name" (rawTextToId rawText)) , Font.center , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.id (rawTextToId rawText)) ] children code : String -> Element msg code snippet = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.04) , Element.Border.rounded 2 , Element.paddingXY 5 3 , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text snippet) codeBlock : { body : String, language : Maybe String } -> Element msg codeBlock details = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.03) , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "white-space" "pre") , Element.padding 20 , Element.width Element.fill , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text details.body) markdownBody = """# Custom HTML Renderers You just render it like this ``` <bio name="Dillon Kearns" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> ``` And you get a custom view like this! <bio name="Dillon Kearns" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> Note that these attributes are all optional. Try removing them and see what happens! Or you can add `dribbble="something"` and see that icon show up if it's provided. """ type Msg = OnMarkdownInput String type alias Flags = () type alias Model = String main : Platform.Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = \flags -> ( markdownBody, Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } update msg model = case msg of OnMarkdownInput newMarkdown -> ( newMarkdown, Cmd.none )
module CustomHtmlBlockSignupForm exposing (main) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Background import Element.Border import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input import Element.Region import Html exposing (Attribute, Html) import Html.Attributes import Markdown.Block exposing (Block, Inline, InlineStyle) import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser view : Model -> { title : String, body : List (Html Msg) } view model = { title = "dillonkearns/elm-markdown demo" , body = [ Element.layout [ Element.width Element.fill ] (Element.row [ Element.width Element.fill ] [ Element.Input.multiline [ Element.width (Element.px 400) ] { onChange = OnMarkdownInput , text = model , placeholder = Nothing , label = Element.Input.labelHidden "Markdown input" , spellcheck = False } , case markdownView model of Ok rendered -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 30 , Element.padding 80 , Element.width (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 1000) , Element.centerX ] rendered Err errors -> Element.text errors ] ) ] } markdownView : String -> Result String (List (Element Msg)) markdownView markdown = markdown |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\error -> error |> List.map Markdown.Parser.deadEndToString |> String.join "\n") |> Result.andThen (Markdown.Parser.render renderer) renderer : Markdown.Parser.Renderer (Element Msg) renderer = { heading = heading , raw = Element.paragraph [ Element.spacing 15 ] , thematicBreak = Element.none , plain = Element.text , bold = \content -> Element.row [ Font.bold ] [ Element.text content ] , italic = \content -> Element.row [ Font.italic ] [ Element.text content ] , code = code , link = \{ title, destination } body -> Element.newTabLink [ Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "display" "inline-flex") ] { url = destination , label = Element.paragraph [ Font.color (Element.rgb255 0 0 255) ] body } |> Ok , image = \image body -> Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = image.src, description = body } |> Ok , list = \items -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 15 ] (items |> List.map (\itemBlocks -> Element.row [ Element.spacing 5 ] [ Element.el [ Element.alignTop ] (Element.text "•") , itemBlocks ] ) ) , codeBlock = codeBlock , html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "bio" (\name photoUrl twitter github dribbble renderedChildren -> bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "name" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "photo" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "twitter" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "github" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "dribbble" ] } bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble = Element.column [ Element.Border.shadow { offset = ( 0.3, 0.3 ) , size = 2 , blur = 0.5 , color = Element.rgba255 0 0 0 0.22 } , Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX , Font.center ] (Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ avatarView photoUrl , Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text name) , icons twitter github dribbble ] :: renderedChildren ) icons twitter github dribbble = Element.row [] ([ twitter |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://twitter.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/tXSoThF.png", description = "Twitter Logo" } } ) , github |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://github.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/0o48UoR.png", description = "Github Logo" } } ) , dribbble |> Maybe.map (\dribbbleHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://dribbble.com/" ++ dribbbleHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/1AGmwO3.png", description = "Dribbble Logo" } } ) ] |> List.filterMap identity ) avatarView avatarUrl = Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = avatarUrl, description = "Avatar image" } |> Element.el [ Element.width (Element.px 80) ] rawTextToId rawText = rawText |> String.toLower |> String.replace " " "" heading : { level : Int, rawText : String, children : List (Element msg) } -> Element msg heading { level, rawText, children } = Element.paragraph [ Font.size (case level of 1 -> 36 2 -> 24 _ -> 20 ) , Font.bold , Font.family [ Font.typeface "Montserrat" ] , Element.Region.heading level , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.attribute "name" (rawTextToId rawText)) , Font.center , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.id (rawTextToId rawText)) ] children code : String -> Element msg code snippet = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.04) , Element.Border.rounded 2 , Element.paddingXY 5 3 , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text snippet) codeBlock : { body : String, language : Maybe String } -> Element msg codeBlock details = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.03) , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "white-space" "pre") , Element.padding 20 , Element.width Element.fill , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text details.body) markdownBody = """# Custom HTML Renderers You just render it like this ``` <bio name="<NAME>" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> ``` And you get a custom view like this! <bio name="<NAME>" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> Note that these attributes are all optional. Try removing them and see what happens! Or you can add `dribbble="something"` and see that icon show up if it's provided. """ type Msg = OnMarkdownInput String type alias Flags = () type alias Model = String main : Platform.Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = \flags -> ( markdownBody, Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } update msg model = case msg of OnMarkdownInput newMarkdown -> ( newMarkdown, Cmd.none )
module CustomHtmlBlockSignupForm exposing (main) import Browser import Element exposing (Element) import Element.Background import Element.Border import Element.Font as Font import Element.Input import Element.Region import Html exposing (Attribute, Html) import Html.Attributes import Markdown.Block exposing (Block, Inline, InlineStyle) import Markdown.Html import Markdown.Parser view : Model -> { title : String, body : List (Html Msg) } view model = { title = "dillonkearns/elm-markdown demo" , body = [ Element.layout [ Element.width Element.fill ] (Element.row [ Element.width Element.fill ] [ Element.Input.multiline [ Element.width (Element.px 400) ] { onChange = OnMarkdownInput , text = model , placeholder = Nothing , label = Element.Input.labelHidden "Markdown input" , spellcheck = False } , case markdownView model of Ok rendered -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 30 , Element.padding 80 , Element.width (Element.fill |> Element.maximum 1000) , Element.centerX ] rendered Err errors -> Element.text errors ] ) ] } markdownView : String -> Result String (List (Element Msg)) markdownView markdown = markdown |> Markdown.Parser.parse |> Result.mapError (\error -> error |> List.map Markdown.Parser.deadEndToString |> String.join "\n") |> Result.andThen (Markdown.Parser.render renderer) renderer : Markdown.Parser.Renderer (Element Msg) renderer = { heading = heading , raw = Element.paragraph [ Element.spacing 15 ] , thematicBreak = Element.none , plain = Element.text , bold = \content -> Element.row [ Font.bold ] [ Element.text content ] , italic = \content -> Element.row [ Font.italic ] [ Element.text content ] , code = code , link = \{ title, destination } body -> Element.newTabLink [ Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "display" "inline-flex") ] { url = destination , label = Element.paragraph [ Font.color (Element.rgb255 0 0 255) ] body } |> Ok , image = \image body -> Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = image.src, description = body } |> Ok , list = \items -> Element.column [ Element.spacing 15 ] (items |> List.map (\itemBlocks -> Element.row [ Element.spacing 5 ] [ Element.el [ Element.alignTop ] (Element.text "•") , itemBlocks ] ) ) , codeBlock = codeBlock , html = Markdown.Html.oneOf [ Markdown.Html.tag "bio" (\name photoUrl twitter github dribbble renderedChildren -> bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble ) |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "name" |> Markdown.Html.withAttribute "photo" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "twitter" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "github" |> Markdown.Html.withOptionalAttribute "dribbble" ] } bioView renderedChildren name photoUrl twitter github dribbble = Element.column [ Element.Border.shadow { offset = ( 0.3, 0.3 ) , size = 2 , blur = 0.5 , color = Element.rgba255 0 0 0 0.22 } , Element.padding 20 , Element.spacing 30 , Element.centerX , Font.center ] (Element.row [ Element.spacing 20 ] [ avatarView photoUrl , Element.el [ Font.bold , Font.size 30 ] (Element.text name) , icons twitter github dribbble ] :: renderedChildren ) icons twitter github dribbble = Element.row [] ([ twitter |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://twitter.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/tXSoThF.png", description = "Twitter Logo" } } ) , github |> Maybe.map (\twitterHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://github.com/" ++ twitterHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/0o48UoR.png", description = "Github Logo" } } ) , dribbble |> Maybe.map (\dribbbleHandle -> Element.link [] { url = "https://dribbble.com/" ++ dribbbleHandle , label = Element.image [] { src = "https://i.imgur.com/1AGmwO3.png", description = "Dribbble Logo" } } ) ] |> List.filterMap identity ) avatarView avatarUrl = Element.image [ Element.width Element.fill ] { src = avatarUrl, description = "Avatar image" } |> Element.el [ Element.width (Element.px 80) ] rawTextToId rawText = rawText |> String.toLower |> String.replace " " "" heading : { level : Int, rawText : String, children : List (Element msg) } -> Element msg heading { level, rawText, children } = Element.paragraph [ Font.size (case level of 1 -> 36 2 -> 24 _ -> 20 ) , Font.bold , Font.family [ Font.typeface "Montserrat" ] , Element.Region.heading level , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.attribute "name" (rawTextToId rawText)) , Font.center , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.id (rawTextToId rawText)) ] children code : String -> Element msg code snippet = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.04) , Element.Border.rounded 2 , Element.paddingXY 5 3 , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text snippet) codeBlock : { body : String, language : Maybe String } -> Element msg codeBlock details = Element.el [ Element.Background.color (Element.rgba 0 0 0 0.03) , Element.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.style "white-space" "pre") , Element.padding 20 , Element.width Element.fill , Font.family [ Font.external { url = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro" , name = "Source Code Pro" } ] ] (Element.text details.body) markdownBody = """# Custom HTML Renderers You just render it like this ``` <bio name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> ``` And you get a custom view like this! <bio name="PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" photo="https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/1384166" twitter="dillontkearns" github="dillonkearns" > Dillon really likes building things with Elm! Here are some links - [Articles](https://incrementalelm.com/articles) </bio> Note that these attributes are all optional. Try removing them and see what happens! Or you can add `dribbble="something"` and see that icon show up if it's provided. """ type Msg = OnMarkdownInput String type alias Flags = () type alias Model = String main : Platform.Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.document { init = \flags -> ( markdownBody, Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } update msg model = case msg of OnMarkdownInput newMarkdown -> ( newMarkdown, Cmd.none )
[ { "context": " ++ firstname\n in\n \"Olla, Anna\"\n |> Expect.equal (directoryNa", "end": 3185, "score": 0.9706062078, "start": 3175, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Olla, Anna" }, { "context": " |> Expect.equal (directoryName { firstname = \"Anna\", surname = \"Olla\" })\n , test \"more comple", "end": 3257, "score": 0.9995682836, "start": 3253, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anna" }, { "context": "l (directoryName { firstname = \"Anna\", surname = \"Olla\" })\n , test \"more complex structures can a", "end": 3275, "score": 0.9990380406, "start": 3271, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Olla" }, { "context": " in\n \"Car: ABC-123 to Doe, John\"\n |> Expect.equal (sales", "end": 3864, "score": 0.9981396794, "start": 3861, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" }, { "context": " in\n \"Car: ABC-123 to Doe, John\"\n |> Expect.equal (salesRecord", "end": 3870, "score": 0.9811830521, "start": 3866, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": "ut <| SoldToPerson (Car \"ABC-123\") { firstname = \"John\", surname = \"Doe\" })\n ]\n", "end": 3980, "score": 0.9983936548, "start": 3976, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": " (Car \"ABC-123\") { firstname = \"John\", surname = \"Doe\" })\n ]\n", "end": 3997, "score": 0.9985556006, "start": 3994, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" } ]
module Koans21AboutPatternMatching exposing (testSuite) import Expect import Utils.Blank exposing (..) import Utils.Test exposing (describe, test) type Vehicle = Car String -- license plate | Motorbike String -- license plate | Bycicle type alias Person = { firstname : String , surname : String } type alias Company = { name : String , taxId : String } type SalesRecord = SoldToPerson Vehicle Person | SoldToCompany Vehicle Company testSuite = describe "About PatternMatching" [ test "variables we do not care about are marked with wildcard notation '_'" <| \() -> let realAnswerTo : a -> Int realAnswerTo _ = 42 in 42 |> Expect.equal (realAnswerTo [ "life", "universe", "everything" ]) , test "integers can be matched (floats are not recommended)" <| \() -> let isZero : Int -> Bool isZero i = case i of 0 -> True _ -> False in False |> Expect.equal (isZero -1) , test "strings can be matched" <| \() -> let isCool : String -> Bool isCool s = case s of "cool" -> True _ -> False in True |> Expect.equal (isCool "cool") , test "list head can be matched separately from the rest" <| \() -> let sizeOfList : List a -> Int sizeOfList list = case list of _ :: rest -> 1 + sizeOfList rest [] -> 0 in 2 |> Expect.equal (sizeOfList [ 1, 2 ]) , test "Union types can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let licensePlate : Vehicle -> Maybe String licensePlate vehicle = case vehicle of Car lp -> Just lp Motorbike lp -> Just lp Bycicle -> Nothing in Just "MZ/X" |> Expect.equal (licensePlate (Motorbike "MZ/X")) , test "Records can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let directoryName : Person -> String directoryName { firstname, surname } = surname ++ ", " ++ firstname in "Olla, Anna" |> Expect.equal (directoryName { firstname = "Anna", surname = "Olla" }) , test "more complex structures can also be matched" <| \() -> let salesRecordPrintout : SalesRecord -> String salesRecordPrintout salesRecord = case salesRecord of SoldToPerson (Car licensePlate) { firstname, surname } -> "Car: " ++ licensePlate ++ " to " ++ surname ++ ", " ++ firstname _ -> "do not care" in "Car: ABC-123 to Doe, John" |> Expect.equal (salesRecordPrintout <| SoldToPerson (Car "ABC-123") { firstname = "John", surname = "Doe" }) ]
module Koans21AboutPatternMatching exposing (testSuite) import Expect import Utils.Blank exposing (..) import Utils.Test exposing (describe, test) type Vehicle = Car String -- license plate | Motorbike String -- license plate | Bycicle type alias Person = { firstname : String , surname : String } type alias Company = { name : String , taxId : String } type SalesRecord = SoldToPerson Vehicle Person | SoldToCompany Vehicle Company testSuite = describe "About PatternMatching" [ test "variables we do not care about are marked with wildcard notation '_'" <| \() -> let realAnswerTo : a -> Int realAnswerTo _ = 42 in 42 |> Expect.equal (realAnswerTo [ "life", "universe", "everything" ]) , test "integers can be matched (floats are not recommended)" <| \() -> let isZero : Int -> Bool isZero i = case i of 0 -> True _ -> False in False |> Expect.equal (isZero -1) , test "strings can be matched" <| \() -> let isCool : String -> Bool isCool s = case s of "cool" -> True _ -> False in True |> Expect.equal (isCool "cool") , test "list head can be matched separately from the rest" <| \() -> let sizeOfList : List a -> Int sizeOfList list = case list of _ :: rest -> 1 + sizeOfList rest [] -> 0 in 2 |> Expect.equal (sizeOfList [ 1, 2 ]) , test "Union types can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let licensePlate : Vehicle -> Maybe String licensePlate vehicle = case vehicle of Car lp -> Just lp Motorbike lp -> Just lp Bycicle -> Nothing in Just "MZ/X" |> Expect.equal (licensePlate (Motorbike "MZ/X")) , test "Records can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let directoryName : Person -> String directoryName { firstname, surname } = surname ++ ", " ++ firstname in "<NAME>" |> Expect.equal (directoryName { firstname = "<NAME>", surname = "<NAME>" }) , test "more complex structures can also be matched" <| \() -> let salesRecordPrintout : SalesRecord -> String salesRecordPrintout salesRecord = case salesRecord of SoldToPerson (Car licensePlate) { firstname, surname } -> "Car: " ++ licensePlate ++ " to " ++ surname ++ ", " ++ firstname _ -> "do not care" in "Car: ABC-123 to <NAME>, <NAME>" |> Expect.equal (salesRecordPrintout <| SoldToPerson (Car "ABC-123") { firstname = "<NAME>", surname = "<NAME>" }) ]
module Koans21AboutPatternMatching exposing (testSuite) import Expect import Utils.Blank exposing (..) import Utils.Test exposing (describe, test) type Vehicle = Car String -- license plate | Motorbike String -- license plate | Bycicle type alias Person = { firstname : String , surname : String } type alias Company = { name : String , taxId : String } type SalesRecord = SoldToPerson Vehicle Person | SoldToCompany Vehicle Company testSuite = describe "About PatternMatching" [ test "variables we do not care about are marked with wildcard notation '_'" <| \() -> let realAnswerTo : a -> Int realAnswerTo _ = 42 in 42 |> Expect.equal (realAnswerTo [ "life", "universe", "everything" ]) , test "integers can be matched (floats are not recommended)" <| \() -> let isZero : Int -> Bool isZero i = case i of 0 -> True _ -> False in False |> Expect.equal (isZero -1) , test "strings can be matched" <| \() -> let isCool : String -> Bool isCool s = case s of "cool" -> True _ -> False in True |> Expect.equal (isCool "cool") , test "list head can be matched separately from the rest" <| \() -> let sizeOfList : List a -> Int sizeOfList list = case list of _ :: rest -> 1 + sizeOfList rest [] -> 0 in 2 |> Expect.equal (sizeOfList [ 1, 2 ]) , test "Union types can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let licensePlate : Vehicle -> Maybe String licensePlate vehicle = case vehicle of Car lp -> Just lp Motorbike lp -> Just lp Bycicle -> Nothing in Just "MZ/X" |> Expect.equal (licensePlate (Motorbike "MZ/X")) , test "Records can be pattern matched" <| \() -> let directoryName : Person -> String directoryName { firstname, surname } = surname ++ ", " ++ firstname in "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Expect.equal (directoryName { firstname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", surname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" }) , test "more complex structures can also be matched" <| \() -> let salesRecordPrintout : SalesRecord -> String salesRecordPrintout salesRecord = case salesRecord of SoldToPerson (Car licensePlate) { firstname, surname } -> "Car: " ++ licensePlate ++ " to " ++ surname ++ ", " ++ firstname _ -> "do not care" in "Car: ABC-123 to PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" |> Expect.equal (salesRecordPrintout <| SoldToPerson (Car "ABC-123") { firstname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", surname = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" }) ]
[ { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 1979, "score": 0.9997286797, "start": 1972, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart1.png?raw", "end": 2604, "score": 0.9995921254, "start": 2597, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 2724, "score": 0.9997053742, "start": 2717, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart2.png?raw", "end": 3721, "score": 0.9996814132, "start": 3714, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 3841, "score": 0.9996829033, "start": 3834, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "g\n chart =\n Chart.Lines.view3 .age .weight alice bob chuck\n\n\n<img alt=\"Chart Result\" width=\"540\" s", "end": 4248, "score": 0.815962553, "start": 4243, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" }, { "context": "chart =\n Chart.Lines.view3 .age .weight alice bob chuck\n\n\n<img alt=\"Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"", "end": 4252, "score": 0.6037599444, "start": 4249, "tag": "NAME", "value": "bob" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart3.png?raw", "end": 4328, "score": 0.9990300536, "start": 4321, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 4448, "score": 0.9996866584, "start": 4441, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": " [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dot", "end": 5094, "score": 0.7347643971, "start": 5089, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": " Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.squar", "end": 5101, "score": 0.522089839, "start": 5096, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" }, { "context": " , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.square \"Bobby\" bobby\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.cyan Dot", "end": 5159, "score": 0.8616448641, "start": 5154, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bobby" }, { "context": ", Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.square \"Bobby\" bobby\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.cyan Dots.circl", "end": 5166, "score": 0.7515918016, "start": 5161, "tag": "NAME", "value": "bobby" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart4.png?raw", "end": 5311, "score": 0.9996740222, "start": 5304, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 5431, "score": 0.9996548295, "start": 5424, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n\n\n dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Huma", "end": 6082, "score": 0.9958518744, "start": 6077, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": " Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross \"Alice\" alice\n\n\n dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human\n d", "end": 6089, "score": 0.9838433862, "start": 6084, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" }, { "context": " [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLigh", "end": 6542, "score": 0.9939135909, "start": 6537, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": "hart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.", "end": 6549, "score": 0.8797275424, "start": 6544, "tag": "NAME", "value": "alice" }, { "context": ", Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond \"Bobby\" bobby\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLigh", "end": 6613, "score": 0.9698876143, "start": 6608, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bobby" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart7.png?raw", "end": 6769, "score": 0.9995161891, "start": 6762, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 6889, "score": 0.9116525054, "start": 6882, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": " [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLigh", "end": 7858, "score": 0.7468160987, "start": 7853, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": ", Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond \"Bobby\" bobby\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLigh", "end": 7929, "score": 0.651093781, "start": 7924, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bobby" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart5.png?raw", "end": 8406, "score": 0.9974554181, "start": 8399, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 8526, "score": 0.9970749021, "start": 8519, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "examples._\n\n - **junk**: Gets its name from\n [Edward Tufte's concept of \"chart junk\"](https://en.wikipedia.o", "end": 11221, "score": 0.9952233434, "start": 11209, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Edward Tufte" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 12231, "score": 0.9957055449, "start": 12224, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": " , Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus \"Alice\" alice\n , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLigh", "end": 13215, "score": 0.9509583712, "start": 13210, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Alice" }, { "context": ", Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond \"Bobby\" bobby\n ]\n\n chartConfig : Config Info m", "end": 13286, "score": 0.9923607707, "start": 13281, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bobby" }, { "context": "Chart Result\" width=\"540\" src=\"https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart6.png?raw", "end": 13902, "score": 0.9995973706, "start": 13895, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" }, { "context": "\n\n_See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/E", "end": 14022, "score": 0.9994090199, "start": 14015, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "terezka" } ]
module LineChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, line, plain, dashed , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. ### Customizing lines - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. - [line](#line) for configuring color, dot etc. of a line representing a data series. - [dash](#dash) for configuring color, dot etc. of a *dashed* line representing a data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, area, etc.). # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing lines @docs view, Series, line, plain, dashed # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Html import Svg import Chart.Junk as Junk import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Colors as Colors import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Element as Element import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Internal.Chart import Internal.Area import Internal.Axis import Internal.Junk import Internal.Line import Internal.Element import Internal.Events import Internal.Container import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Svg as Svg import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Color -- VIEW / SIMPLE {-| ** Show a line chart ** type alias Point = { x : Float, y : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .x .y [ Point 0 2, Point 5 5, Point 10 10 ] _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example1.elm)._ ** Choosing your variables ** Notice that we provide `.x` and `.y` to specify which data we want to show. So if we had more complex data structures, like a human with an `age`, `weight`, `height`, and `income`, we can easily pick which two properties we want to plot: chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .age .weight [ Human 4 24 0.94 0 , Human 25 75 1.73 25000 , Human 43 83 1.75 40000 ] -- Try changing .weight to .height <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart1.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example2.elm)._ ** Use any function to determine inputs ** Rather than using data like `.weight` directly, you can make a function like `bmi human = human.weight / human.height ^ 2` and create a chart of `.age` vs `bmi`. This allows you to keep your data set nice and minimal! ** The whole chart is just a function ** `view1` is just a function, so it will update as your data changes. If you get more data points or some data points are changed, the chart refreshes automatically! -} view1 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toX toY dataset = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset ] {-| ** Show a line chart with two lines ** Say you have two humans and you would like to see how their weight relates to their age. Here's how you could plot it. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view2 .age .weight alice chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart2.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example3.elm)._ -} view2 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2 ] {-| ** Show a line chart with three lines ** It works just like `view1` and `view2`. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view3 .age .weight alice bob chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart3.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example4.elm)._ But what if you have more people? What if you have _four_ people?! In that case, check out `view`. -} view3 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 dataset3 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2, dataset3 ] -- VIEW {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** If you want to change the color, the dot, or the title of a line, then see the `line` function. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "Alice" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.square "Bobby" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.cyan Dots.circle "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart4.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example5.elm)._ See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} view : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List (Series data) -> Svg.Svg msg view toX toY = viewCustom (defaultConfig toX toY) {-| This type represents the visual configuration of a _series_ of data. Definition of _series_: > a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another. ** Examples of customizations ** See the `line` and `dash` functions for more information! solidLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human solidLine = Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "Alice" alice dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dash Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -} type alias Series data = Internal.Line.Series data {-| ** Customize a solid line ** Try changing the color or explore all the available dot shapes from `Chart.Lines.Dot`! chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .weight [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "Alice" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "Bobby" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart7.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example6.elm)._ ** Regarding the title ** The string title will show up in the legends. If you are interested in customizing your legends, dot size or line width, check out `viewCustom`. -} line : Color.Color -> Dots.Shape -> String -> List data -> Series data line = Internal.Line.line {-| -} plain : Color.Color -> String -> List data -> Series data plain = Internal.Line.plain {-| ** Customize a dashed line ** Works just like `line`, except it takes another argument which is an array of floats describing your dashing pattern. I recommend typing in random numbers and seeing what happens, but you alternativelly you can see the SVG `stroke-dasharray` [documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray) for examples of patterns. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "Alice" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "Bobby" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , dashedLine ] dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dashed Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -- ^^^^^^^^ -- (Scroll to the left to see the pattern!) -- Try passing different numbers! <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart5.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example7.elm)._ ** When should I use a dashed line? ** Dashed lines are especially good for visualizing processed data like averages or predicted values. -} dashed : Color.Color -> String -> List Float -> List data -> Series data dashed = Internal.Line.dashed -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your horizontal axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your vertical axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **intersection**: Determines where your axes meet.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Intersection`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis-Intersection) for more information and examples._ - **interpolation**: Customizes the curve of your Chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Interpolation`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Interpolation) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **area**: Customizes the area under your line.</br> _See [`Chart.Area`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Area) for more information and examples._ - **line**: Customizes your lines' width and color.</br> _See [`Chart.Line`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Line) for more information and examples._ - **dots**: Customizes your dots' size and style.</br> _See `Chart.Dot` for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [Edward Tufte's concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart.Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example8.elm)._ -} type alias Config data msg = { x : Axis.Config Float data msg , y : Axis.Config (Maybe Float) data msg , container : Container.Config msg , intersection : Intersection.Config , interpolation : Interpolation.Config , legends : Legends.Config msg , events : Events.Config Element.LineDot data msg , area : Area.Config , grid : Grid.Config , line : Line.Config data , dots : Dots.Config data , junk : Junk.Config Element.LineDot msg } {-| ** Customize everything ** See the `Config` type for information about the available customizations. Or copy and play with the example below. No one will tell. ** Example customiztion ** The example below makes the line chart an area chart. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.viewCustom chartConfig [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "Alice" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "Bobby" bobby ] chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.stacked 0.5 -- Changed from the default! , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart6.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example9.elm)._ ** Speaking of area charts ** Remember that area charts are for data where the area under the curve _matters_. Typically, this would be when you have a quantity accumulating over time. Think profit over time or velocity over time! In the case of profit over time, the area under the curve shows the total amount of money earned in that time frame.<br/> If the that total amount is not important for the relationship you're trying to visualize, it's best to leave it out! -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> Html.Html msg viewCustom config series = let -- Data / System data = toDataPoints config series dataSafe = List.map (List.filter (Internal.Element.isReal << .element)) data dataAll = List.concat data dataAllSafe = List.concat dataSafe system = toSystem config dataAllSafe -- View viewLines = Internal.Line.view { system = system , interpolation = config.interpolation , dotsConfig = config.dots , lineConfig = config.line , area = config.area } viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 30, offsetY = 10 } , legends = \width -> let legend serie data_ = { sample = Internal.Line.viewSample config.dots config.line config.area system serie data_ width , label = Internal.Line.label serie } in List.map2 legend series dataSafe } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = [] , grid = config.grid , series = viewLines series data , intersection = config.intersection , horizontalAxis = config.x , verticalAxis = config.y , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical , independent = Internal.Axis.title config.x , dependent = Internal.Axis.title config.y , offsetOne = 15 , offsetMany = 15 } system config.junk , orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical } dataAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) toDataPoints config series = let data = List.indexedMap eachSerie series eachSerie seriesIndex serie = List.map (eachDatum seriesIndex serie) (Internal.Line.data serie) eachDatum seriesIndex serie datum = case ( Internal.Axis.variable config.x datum, Internal.Axis.variable config.y datum ) of ( x, Just y ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x y , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot True , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = Internal.Axis.unit config.y y , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } ( x, Nothing ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x 0 , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot False , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = "-" , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } in case config.area of Internal.Area.None -> data Internal.Area.Normal _ -> data Internal.Area.Stacked _ -> stack data Internal.Area.Percentage _ -> data -- TODO Not used stack : List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) stack dataset = let stackBelows dataset_ result = case dataset_ of data :: belows -> stackBelows belows <| List.foldl addBelows data belows :: result [] -> result in List.reverse (stackBelows dataset []) addBelows : List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) addBelows alldata dataBelowAll = let iterate datum0 dataTop dataBelowTop result = case ( dataTop, dataBelowTop ) of ( datum1 :: data, datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum1.coordinates.x > datumBelow.coordinates.x then if Internal.Element.isReal datumBelow.element then iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) else iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum1 data (datumBelow :: dataBelow) result ( [], datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum0.coordinates.x <= datumBelow.coordinates.x then iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (datumBelow :: result) ( datum1 :: data, [] ) -> result ( [], [] ) -> result add below datum = setY below (below.coordinates.y + datum.coordinates.y) in List.reverse <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| Utils.withFirst alldata <| \first rest -> iterate first rest dataBelowAll [] setY : Point.Point Element.LineDot data -> Float -> Point.Point Element.LineDot data setY datum y = { datum | coordinates = Coordinate.Point datum.coordinates.x y } toSystem : Config data msg -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> Coordinate.System toSystem config data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container hasArea = Internal.Area.hasArea config.area frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height xRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .x) data yRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .y) data system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = adjustDomainRange yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } adjustDomainRange domain = if hasArea then Coordinate.ground domain else domain in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range config.x) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range config.y) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> Config data msg defaultConfig toX toY = { x = Axis.default "" Unit.none toX , y = Axis.default "" Unit.none (Just << toY) , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" 700 400 , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } defaultLines : List (List data) -> List (Series data) defaultLines = List.map4 Internal.Line.line defaultColors defaultShapes defaultLabel defaultColors : List Color.Color defaultColors = [ Colors.pink , Colors.blue , Colors.gold ] defaultShapes : List Dots.Shape defaultShapes = [ Dots.circle , Dots.triangle , Dots.cross ] defaultLabel : List String defaultLabel = [ "First" , "Second" , "Third" ]
module LineChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, line, plain, dashed , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. ### Customizing lines - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. - [line](#line) for configuring color, dot etc. of a line representing a data series. - [dash](#dash) for configuring color, dot etc. of a *dashed* line representing a data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, area, etc.). # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing lines @docs view, Series, line, plain, dashed # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Html import Svg import Chart.Junk as Junk import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Colors as Colors import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Element as Element import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Internal.Chart import Internal.Area import Internal.Axis import Internal.Junk import Internal.Line import Internal.Element import Internal.Events import Internal.Container import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Svg as Svg import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Color -- VIEW / SIMPLE {-| ** Show a line chart ** type alias Point = { x : Float, y : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .x .y [ Point 0 2, Point 5 5, Point 10 10 ] _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example1.elm)._ ** Choosing your variables ** Notice that we provide `.x` and `.y` to specify which data we want to show. So if we had more complex data structures, like a human with an `age`, `weight`, `height`, and `income`, we can easily pick which two properties we want to plot: chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .age .weight [ Human 4 24 0.94 0 , Human 25 75 1.73 25000 , Human 43 83 1.75 40000 ] -- Try changing .weight to .height <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart1.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example2.elm)._ ** Use any function to determine inputs ** Rather than using data like `.weight` directly, you can make a function like `bmi human = human.weight / human.height ^ 2` and create a chart of `.age` vs `bmi`. This allows you to keep your data set nice and minimal! ** The whole chart is just a function ** `view1` is just a function, so it will update as your data changes. If you get more data points or some data points are changed, the chart refreshes automatically! -} view1 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toX toY dataset = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset ] {-| ** Show a line chart with two lines ** Say you have two humans and you would like to see how their weight relates to their age. Here's how you could plot it. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view2 .age .weight alice chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart2.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example3.elm)._ -} view2 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2 ] {-| ** Show a line chart with three lines ** It works just like `view1` and `view2`. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view3 .age .weight <NAME> <NAME> chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart3.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example4.elm)._ But what if you have more people? What if you have _four_ people?! In that case, check out `view`. -} view3 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 dataset3 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2, dataset3 ] -- VIEW {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** If you want to change the color, the dot, or the title of a line, then see the `line` function. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "<NAME>" <NAME> , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.square "<NAME>" <NAME> , Chart.Lines.line Colors.cyan Dots.circle "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart4.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example5.elm)._ See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} view : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List (Series data) -> Svg.Svg msg view toX toY = viewCustom (defaultConfig toX toY) {-| This type represents the visual configuration of a _series_ of data. Definition of _series_: > a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another. ** Examples of customizations ** See the `line` and `dash` functions for more information! solidLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human solidLine = Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "<NAME>" <NAME> dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dash Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -} type alias Series data = Internal.Line.Series data {-| ** Customize a solid line ** Try changing the color or explore all the available dot shapes from `Chart.Lines.Dot`! chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .weight [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "<NAME>" <NAME> , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "<NAME>" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart7.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example6.elm)._ ** Regarding the title ** The string title will show up in the legends. If you are interested in customizing your legends, dot size or line width, check out `viewCustom`. -} line : Color.Color -> Dots.Shape -> String -> List data -> Series data line = Internal.Line.line {-| -} plain : Color.Color -> String -> List data -> Series data plain = Internal.Line.plain {-| ** Customize a dashed line ** Works just like `line`, except it takes another argument which is an array of floats describing your dashing pattern. I recommend typing in random numbers and seeing what happens, but you alternativelly you can see the SVG `stroke-dasharray` [documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray) for examples of patterns. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "<NAME>" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "<NAME>" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , dashedLine ] dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dashed Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -- ^^^^^^^^ -- (Scroll to the left to see the pattern!) -- Try passing different numbers! <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart5.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example7.elm)._ ** When should I use a dashed line? ** Dashed lines are especially good for visualizing processed data like averages or predicted values. -} dashed : Color.Color -> String -> List Float -> List data -> Series data dashed = Internal.Line.dashed -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your horizontal axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your vertical axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **intersection**: Determines where your axes meet.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Intersection`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis-Intersection) for more information and examples._ - **interpolation**: Customizes the curve of your Chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Interpolation`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Interpolation) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **area**: Customizes the area under your line.</br> _See [`Chart.Area`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Area) for more information and examples._ - **line**: Customizes your lines' width and color.</br> _See [`Chart.Line`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Line) for more information and examples._ - **dots**: Customizes your dots' size and style.</br> _See `Chart.Dot` for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [<NAME>'s concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart.Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example8.elm)._ -} type alias Config data msg = { x : Axis.Config Float data msg , y : Axis.Config (Maybe Float) data msg , container : Container.Config msg , intersection : Intersection.Config , interpolation : Interpolation.Config , legends : Legends.Config msg , events : Events.Config Element.LineDot data msg , area : Area.Config , grid : Grid.Config , line : Line.Config data , dots : Dots.Config data , junk : Junk.Config Element.LineDot msg } {-| ** Customize everything ** See the `Config` type for information about the available customizations. Or copy and play with the example below. No one will tell. ** Example customiztion ** The example below makes the line chart an area chart. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.viewCustom chartConfig [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "<NAME>" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "<NAME>" bobby ] chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.stacked 0.5 -- Changed from the default! , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart6.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example9.elm)._ ** Speaking of area charts ** Remember that area charts are for data where the area under the curve _matters_. Typically, this would be when you have a quantity accumulating over time. Think profit over time or velocity over time! In the case of profit over time, the area under the curve shows the total amount of money earned in that time frame.<br/> If the that total amount is not important for the relationship you're trying to visualize, it's best to leave it out! -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> Html.Html msg viewCustom config series = let -- Data / System data = toDataPoints config series dataSafe = List.map (List.filter (Internal.Element.isReal << .element)) data dataAll = List.concat data dataAllSafe = List.concat dataSafe system = toSystem config dataAllSafe -- View viewLines = Internal.Line.view { system = system , interpolation = config.interpolation , dotsConfig = config.dots , lineConfig = config.line , area = config.area } viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 30, offsetY = 10 } , legends = \width -> let legend serie data_ = { sample = Internal.Line.viewSample config.dots config.line config.area system serie data_ width , label = Internal.Line.label serie } in List.map2 legend series dataSafe } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = [] , grid = config.grid , series = viewLines series data , intersection = config.intersection , horizontalAxis = config.x , verticalAxis = config.y , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical , independent = Internal.Axis.title config.x , dependent = Internal.Axis.title config.y , offsetOne = 15 , offsetMany = 15 } system config.junk , orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical } dataAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) toDataPoints config series = let data = List.indexedMap eachSerie series eachSerie seriesIndex serie = List.map (eachDatum seriesIndex serie) (Internal.Line.data serie) eachDatum seriesIndex serie datum = case ( Internal.Axis.variable config.x datum, Internal.Axis.variable config.y datum ) of ( x, Just y ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x y , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot True , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = Internal.Axis.unit config.y y , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } ( x, Nothing ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x 0 , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot False , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = "-" , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } in case config.area of Internal.Area.None -> data Internal.Area.Normal _ -> data Internal.Area.Stacked _ -> stack data Internal.Area.Percentage _ -> data -- TODO Not used stack : List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) stack dataset = let stackBelows dataset_ result = case dataset_ of data :: belows -> stackBelows belows <| List.foldl addBelows data belows :: result [] -> result in List.reverse (stackBelows dataset []) addBelows : List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) addBelows alldata dataBelowAll = let iterate datum0 dataTop dataBelowTop result = case ( dataTop, dataBelowTop ) of ( datum1 :: data, datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum1.coordinates.x > datumBelow.coordinates.x then if Internal.Element.isReal datumBelow.element then iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) else iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum1 data (datumBelow :: dataBelow) result ( [], datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum0.coordinates.x <= datumBelow.coordinates.x then iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (datumBelow :: result) ( datum1 :: data, [] ) -> result ( [], [] ) -> result add below datum = setY below (below.coordinates.y + datum.coordinates.y) in List.reverse <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| Utils.withFirst alldata <| \first rest -> iterate first rest dataBelowAll [] setY : Point.Point Element.LineDot data -> Float -> Point.Point Element.LineDot data setY datum y = { datum | coordinates = Coordinate.Point datum.coordinates.x y } toSystem : Config data msg -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> Coordinate.System toSystem config data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container hasArea = Internal.Area.hasArea config.area frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height xRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .x) data yRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .y) data system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = adjustDomainRange yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } adjustDomainRange domain = if hasArea then Coordinate.ground domain else domain in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range config.x) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range config.y) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> Config data msg defaultConfig toX toY = { x = Axis.default "" Unit.none toX , y = Axis.default "" Unit.none (Just << toY) , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" 700 400 , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } defaultLines : List (List data) -> List (Series data) defaultLines = List.map4 Internal.Line.line defaultColors defaultShapes defaultLabel defaultColors : List Color.Color defaultColors = [ Colors.pink , Colors.blue , Colors.gold ] defaultShapes : List Dots.Shape defaultShapes = [ Dots.circle , Dots.triangle , Dots.cross ] defaultLabel : List String defaultLabel = [ "First" , "Second" , "Third" ]
module LineChart exposing ( view1, view2, view3 , view, Series, line, plain, dashed , viewCustom, Config ) {-| ## Table of contents ### Quick start - [view1](#view1) for visualizing a single data series. - [view2](#view2) for visualizing two data series. - [view3](#view3) for visualizing three data series. ### Customizing lines - [view](#view) for visualizing *any* amount of data series. - [line](#line) for configuring color, dot etc. of a line representing a data series. - [dash](#dash) for configuring color, dot etc. of a *dashed* line representing a data series. ### Customizing everything - [viewCustom](#viewCustom) for configuring any other aspect of the chart (axis, area, etc.). # Quick start @docs view1, view2, view3 # Customizing lines @docs view, Series, line, plain, dashed # Customizing everything @docs viewCustom, Config -} import Html import Svg import Chart.Junk as Junk import Chart.Area as Area import Chart.Axis as Axis import Chart.Axis.Unit as Unit import Chart.Dot as Dots import Chart.Grid as Grid import Chart.Line as Line import Chart.Colors as Colors import Chart.Events as Events import Chart.Element as Element import Chart.Legends as Legends import Chart.Container as Container import Chart.Interpolation as Interpolation import Chart.Axis.Intersection as Intersection import Internal.Chart import Internal.Area import Internal.Axis import Internal.Junk import Internal.Line import Internal.Element import Internal.Events import Internal.Container import Internal.Axis.Range import Internal.Orientation import Internal.Svg as Svg import Internal.Point as Point import Internal.Utils as Utils import Internal.Coordinate as Coordinate import Color -- VIEW / SIMPLE {-| ** Show a line chart ** type alias Point = { x : Float, y : Float } chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .x .y [ Point 0 2, Point 5 5, Point 10 10 ] _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example1.elm)._ ** Choosing your variables ** Notice that we provide `.x` and `.y` to specify which data we want to show. So if we had more complex data structures, like a human with an `age`, `weight`, `height`, and `income`, we can easily pick which two properties we want to plot: chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view1 .age .weight [ Human 4 24 0.94 0 , Human 25 75 1.73 25000 , Human 43 83 1.75 40000 ] -- Try changing .weight to .height <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart1.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example2.elm)._ ** Use any function to determine inputs ** Rather than using data like `.weight` directly, you can make a function like `bmi human = human.weight / human.height ^ 2` and create a chart of `.age` vs `bmi`. This allows you to keep your data set nice and minimal! ** The whole chart is just a function ** `view1` is just a function, so it will update as your data changes. If you get more data points or some data points are changed, the chart refreshes automatically! -} view1 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view1 toX toY dataset = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset ] {-| ** Show a line chart with two lines ** Say you have two humans and you would like to see how their weight relates to their age. Here's how you could plot it. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view2 .age .weight alice chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart2.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example3.elm)._ -} view2 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view2 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2 ] {-| ** Show a line chart with three lines ** It works just like `view1` and `view2`. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view3 .age .weight PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI chuck <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart3.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example4.elm)._ But what if you have more people? What if you have _four_ people?! In that case, check out `view`. -} view3 : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List data -> List data -> List data -> Svg.Svg msg view3 toX toY dataset1 dataset2 dataset3 = view toX toY <| defaultLines [ dataset1, dataset2, dataset3 ] -- VIEW {-| ** Show any amount of lines ** If you want to change the color, the dot, or the title of a line, then see the `line` function. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blue Dots.square "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Chart.Lines.line Colors.cyan Dots.circle "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart4.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example5.elm)._ See `viewCustom` for all other customizations. -} view : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> List (Series data) -> Svg.Svg msg view toX toY = viewCustom (defaultConfig toX toY) {-| This type represents the visual configuration of a _series_ of data. Definition of _series_: > a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another. ** Examples of customizations ** See the `line` and `dash` functions for more information! solidLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human solidLine = Chart.Lines.line Colors.purple Dots.cross "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dash Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -} type alias Series data = Internal.Line.Series data {-| ** Customize a solid line ** Try changing the color or explore all the available dot shapes from `Chart.Lines.Dot`! chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .weight [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck ] <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart7.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example6.elm)._ ** Regarding the title ** The string title will show up in the legends. If you are interested in customizing your legends, dot size or line width, check out `viewCustom`. -} line : Color.Color -> Dots.Shape -> String -> List data -> Series data line = Internal.Line.line {-| -} plain : Color.Color -> String -> List data -> Series data plain = Internal.Line.plain {-| ** Customize a dashed line ** Works just like `line`, except it takes another argument which is an array of floats describing your dashing pattern. I recommend typing in random numbers and seeing what happens, but you alternativelly you can see the SVG `stroke-dasharray` [documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-dasharray) for examples of patterns. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.view .age .height [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" bobby , Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , dashedLine ] dashedLine : Chart.Lines.Series Human dashedLine = Chart.Lines.dashed Colors.purpleLight Dots.none "Average" [ 4, 2 ] average -- ^^^^^^^^ -- (Scroll to the left to see the pattern!) -- Try passing different numbers! <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart5.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example7.elm)._ ** When should I use a dashed line? ** Dashed lines are especially good for visualizing processed data like averages or predicted values. -} dashed : Color.Color -> String -> List Float -> List data -> Series data dashed = Internal.Line.dashed -- VIEW / CUSTOM {-| ** Available customizations ** Use with `viewCustom`. - **x**: Customizes your horizontal axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **y**: Customizes your vertical axis.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis) for more information and examples._ - **intersection**: Determines where your axes meet.</br> _See [`Chart.Axis.Intersection`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Axis-Intersection) for more information and examples._ - **interpolation**: Customizes the curve of your Chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Interpolation`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Interpolation) for more information and examples._ - **container**: Customizes the container of your chart.</br> _See [`Chart.Container`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Container) for more information and examples._ - **legends**: Customizes your chart's legends.</br> _See [`Chart.Legends`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Legends) for more information and examples._ - **events**: Customizes your chart's events, allowing you to easily make your chart interactive (adding tooltips, selection states etc.).</br> _See [`Chart.Events`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Events) for more information and examples._ - **grid**: Customizes the style of your grid.</br> _See [`Chart.Grid`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Grid) for more information and examples._ - **area**: Customizes the area under your line.</br> _See [`Chart.Area`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Area) for more information and examples._ - **line**: Customizes your lines' width and color.</br> _See [`Chart.Line`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart-Line) for more information and examples._ - **dots**: Customizes your dots' size and style.</br> _See `Chart.Dot` for more information and examples._ - **junk**: Gets its name from [PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI's concept of "chart junk"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartjunk). Here you are finally allowed set your creativity loose and add whatever SVG or HTML fun you can imagine.</br> _See [`Chart.Junk`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/terezka/line-charts/latest/LineChart.Junk) for more information and examples._ ** Example configuration ** A good start would be to copy it and play around with customizations available for each property. chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example8.elm)._ -} type alias Config data msg = { x : Axis.Config Float data msg , y : Axis.Config (Maybe Float) data msg , container : Container.Config msg , intersection : Intersection.Config , interpolation : Interpolation.Config , legends : Legends.Config msg , events : Events.Config Element.LineDot data msg , area : Area.Config , grid : Grid.Config , line : Line.Config data , dots : Dots.Config data , junk : Junk.Config Element.LineDot msg } {-| ** Customize everything ** See the `Config` type for information about the available customizations. Or copy and play with the example below. No one will tell. ** Example customiztion ** The example below makes the line chart an area chart. chart : Html msg chart = Chart.Lines.viewCustom chartConfig [ Chart.Lines.line Colors.blueLight Dots.square "Chuck" chuck , Chart.Lines.line Colors.pinkLight Dots.plus "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" alice , Chart.Lines.line Colors.goldLight Dots.diamond "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" bobby ] chartConfig : Config Info msg chartConfig = { y = Axis.default 400 "Age" .age , x = Axis.default 700 "Weight" .weight , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.stacked 0.5 -- Changed from the default! , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } <img alt="Chart Result" width="540" src="https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/images/linechart6.png?raw=true"></src> _See the full example [here](https://github.com/terezka/line-charts/blob/master/examples/Docs/LineChart/Example9.elm)._ ** Speaking of area charts ** Remember that area charts are for data where the area under the curve _matters_. Typically, this would be when you have a quantity accumulating over time. Think profit over time or velocity over time! In the case of profit over time, the area under the curve shows the total amount of money earned in that time frame.<br/> If the that total amount is not important for the relationship you're trying to visualize, it's best to leave it out! -} viewCustom : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> Html.Html msg viewCustom config series = let -- Data / System data = toDataPoints config series dataSafe = List.map (List.filter (Internal.Element.isReal << .element)) data dataAll = List.concat data dataAllSafe = List.concat dataSafe system = toSystem config dataAllSafe -- View viewLines = Internal.Line.view { system = system , interpolation = config.interpolation , dotsConfig = config.dots , lineConfig = config.line , area = config.area } viewLegends = { system = system , config = config.legends , defaults = { width = 30, offsetY = 10 } , legends = \width -> let legend serie data_ = { sample = Internal.Line.viewSample config.dots config.line config.area system serie data_ width , label = Internal.Line.label serie } in List.map2 legend series dataSafe } in Internal.Chart.view { container = config.container , events = config.events , defs = [] , grid = config.grid , series = viewLines series data , intersection = config.intersection , horizontalAxis = config.x , verticalAxis = config.y , legends = viewLegends , trends = Svg.text "" , junk = Internal.Junk.getLayers { orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical , independent = Internal.Axis.title config.x , dependent = Internal.Axis.title config.y , offsetOne = 15 , offsetMany = 15 } system config.junk , orientation = Internal.Orientation.Vertical } dataAll system -- INTERNAL toDataPoints : Config data msg -> List (Series data) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) toDataPoints config series = let data = List.indexedMap eachSerie series eachSerie seriesIndex serie = List.map (eachDatum seriesIndex serie) (Internal.Line.data serie) eachDatum seriesIndex serie datum = case ( Internal.Axis.variable config.x datum, Internal.Axis.variable config.y datum ) of ( x, Just y ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x y , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot True , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = Internal.Axis.unit config.y y , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } ( x, Nothing ) -> { source = datum , coordinates = Coordinate.Point x 0 , element = { element = Internal.Element.lineDot False , label = Internal.Line.label serie , color = Internal.Line.colorBase serie , independent = Internal.Axis.unit config.x x , dependent = "-" , seriesIndex = seriesIndex } } in case config.area of Internal.Area.None -> data Internal.Area.Normal _ -> data Internal.Area.Stacked _ -> stack data Internal.Area.Percentage _ -> data -- TODO Not used stack : List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) -> List (List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data)) stack dataset = let stackBelows dataset_ result = case dataset_ of data :: belows -> stackBelows belows <| List.foldl addBelows data belows :: result [] -> result in List.reverse (stackBelows dataset []) addBelows : List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) addBelows alldata dataBelowAll = let iterate datum0 dataTop dataBelowTop result = case ( dataTop, dataBelowTop ) of ( datum1 :: data, datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum1.coordinates.x > datumBelow.coordinates.x then if Internal.Element.isReal datumBelow.element then iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) else iterate datum0 (datum1 :: data) dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum1 data (datumBelow :: dataBelow) result ( [], datumBelow :: dataBelow ) -> -- if the data point is after the point below, add it if datum0.coordinates.x <= datumBelow.coordinates.x then iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (add datumBelow datum0 :: result) -- if not, try the next else iterate datum0 [] dataBelow (datumBelow :: result) ( datum1 :: data, [] ) -> result ( [], [] ) -> result add below datum = setY below (below.coordinates.y + datum.coordinates.y) in List.reverse <| Maybe.withDefault [] <| Utils.withFirst alldata <| \first rest -> iterate first rest dataBelowAll [] setY : Point.Point Element.LineDot data -> Float -> Point.Point Element.LineDot data setY datum y = { datum | coordinates = Coordinate.Point datum.coordinates.x y } toSystem : Config data msg -> List (Point.Point Element.LineDot data) -> Coordinate.System toSystem config data = let container = Internal.Container.properties identity config.container hasArea = Internal.Area.hasArea config.area frame = Coordinate.frame container.margin container.size.width container.size.height xRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .x) data yRange = Coordinate.range (.coordinates >> .y) data system = { frame = frame , x = xRange , y = adjustDomainRange yRange , xData = xRange , yData = yRange , id = container.id } adjustDomainRange domain = if hasArea then Coordinate.ground domain else domain in { system | x = Internal.Axis.Range.applyX (Internal.Axis.range config.x) system , y = Internal.Axis.Range.applyY (Internal.Axis.range config.y) system } -- INTERNAL / DEFAULTS defaultConfig : (data -> Float) -> (data -> Float) -> Config data msg defaultConfig toX toY = { x = Axis.default "" Unit.none toX , y = Axis.default "" Unit.none (Just << toY) , container = Container.default "line-chart-1" 700 400 , interpolation = Interpolation.default , intersection = Intersection.default , legends = Legends.default , events = Events.default , junk = Junk.default , grid = Grid.default , area = Area.default , line = Line.default , dots = Dots.default } defaultLines : List (List data) -> List (Series data) defaultLines = List.map4 Internal.Line.line defaultColors defaultShapes defaultLabel defaultColors : List Color.Color defaultColors = [ Colors.pink , Colors.blue , Colors.gold ] defaultShapes : List Dots.Shape defaultShapes = [ Dots.circle , Dots.triangle , Dots.cross ] defaultLabel : List String defaultLabel = [ "First" , "Second" , "Third" ]
[ { "context": " adapted from \"Game Physics Engine Development\" by Ian Millington.\n<https://www.amazon.it/Game-Physics-Engine-Devel", "end": 227, "score": 0.999725163, "start": 213, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ian Millington" }, { "context": "s are available on Github at:\n<https://github.com/idmillington/cyclone-physics>\n\nAbout stability \"Slops\":\n<http:", "end": 398, "score": 0.9911298752, "start": 386, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "idmillington" } ]
module Physics exposing ( Contact(..) , ContactData , PhysicsBody , Wall , addImpulse , step ) {-| Game physics. Most of the code is adapted from "Game Physics Engine Development" by Ian Millington. <https://www.amazon.it/Game-Physics-Engine-Development-Commercial-Grade/dp/0123819768> Original C++ sources are available on Github at: <https://github.com/idmillington/cyclone-physics> About stability "Slops": <http://allenchou.net/2014/01/game-physics-stability-slops/> -} import AltMath.Vector2 as Vec2 exposing (Vec2, vec2) import Bitwise as B import Dict exposing (Dict) import Vector2.Extra as Vec2 {-| Walls and ground in the game. They have a direction: if p2 > p1 the contact normal points "up". -} type alias Wall = { p1 : Vec2, p2 : Vec2, normal : Vec2 } {-| A "physics body" is the set of attributes of a game entity which contributes to physics simulation. -} type alias PhysicsBody a = { a | id : Int , p : Vec2 , v : Vec2 , a : Vec2 , cumulativeImpulse : Vec2 , cumulativeContact : Vec2 , radius : Float , restitution : Float , contactTestBitMask : Int , categoryBitMask : Int , affectedByGravity : Bool , affectedByContact : Bool } type alias ContactData = { normal : Vec2 , penetration : Float } type Contact a = BetweenBodies Int Int ContactData | WithWall Int ContactData step : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> List Wall -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> ( Dict Int (PhysicsBody a), List (Contact a) ) step config dt walls bodies = let newBodies = Dict.map (\_ body -> integrate config dt body) bodies contacts = Dict.foldl (\_ body accum -> accum |> computeContactWithWalls body walls |> computeContactWithEntities body newBodies ) [] newBodies in ( resolveContacts contacts newBodies, contacts ) integrate : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a integrate config dt body = let -- TODO integrate with dt a = body.a |> Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse |> (if body.affectedByGravity then Vec2.add config.g else Vec2.add Vec2.zero ) in { body | p = Vec2.add body.p body.v , v = Vec2.add body.v a -- Stokes' drag https://stackoverflow.com/a/667090 |> Vec2.add (Vec2.mul config.friction body.v) , cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.zero , cumulativeContact = Vec2.zero } -- iterate: List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -- iterate contacts entities = resolveContacts : List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) resolveContacts contacts bodies = List.foldl (\contact accum -> case contact of WithWall id contact_ -> case Dict.get id accum of Just body -> let newBody = if body.affectedByContact then resolveBodyVsWallContact contact_ body else body in accum |> Dict.insert id newBody _ -> accum BetweenBodies id1 id2 contact_ -> case ( Dict.get id1 accum, Dict.get id2 accum ) of ( Just body1, Just body2 ) -> let ( newBody1, newBody2 ) = if not body1.affectedByContact || not body2.affectedByContact then -- Do not resolve contact, let entity logic to handle it ( body1, body2 ) else resolveBodyVsBodyContact contact_ body1 body2 in accum |> Dict.insert newBody1.id newBody1 |> Dict.insert newBody2.id newBody2 ( _, _ ) -> accum ) bodies contacts computeContactWithWalls : PhysicsBody a -> List Wall -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithWalls body walls accum = List.foldl (\wall accumContact -> case contactWithWall body wall of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact ) accum walls computeContactWithEntities : PhysicsBody a -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithEntities body others accum = Dict.foldl (\id other accumContact -> -- Make sure to: -- * Skip certain entity-vs-entity combinations according to contactTestBitMask -- * Don't check with itself -- * Do not generate (M,N) (N,M) contact dupes if B.and body.categoryBitMask other.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && B.and other.categoryBitMask body.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && body.id < id then case contactWithBody body other of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact else accumContact ) accum others -- COLLISION RESOLUTION slop = 0.005 {-| Resolve contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} resolveBodyVsBodyContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> ( PhysicsBody a, PhysicsBody a ) resolveBodyVsBodyContact { normal, penetration } body1 body2 = let -- Bodies relative velocity along normal vel = Vec2.dot (Vec2.sub body2.v body1.v) normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if bodies are separating ( body1, body2 ) else let -- Halve velocity to distribute it equally between both bodies impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel / 2) normal in ( { body1 | v = Vec2.sub body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.sub body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } , { body2 | v = Vec2.add body2.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body2.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body2.cumulativeContact impulse } ) {-| Resolve contact between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). -} resolveBodyVsWallContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a resolveBodyVsWallContact { normal, penetration } body1 = let -- Wall has zero velocity, ignore vel = Vec2.dot body1.v normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if body is separating from wall body1 else let impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel) normal in { body1 | v = Vec2.add body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } -- COLLISION DETECTION {-| Calculate intersection between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). See: <https://stackoverflow.com/a/1079478> -} contactWithWall : PhysicsBody a -> Wall -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithWall body wall = -- Check if body is coming from behind/below the wall if Vec2.dot body.v wall.normal > 0 then Nothing else let -- Vector to start of wall to body center dir = Vec2.sub body.p wall.p1 -- Distance from body position along normal distanceSq = Vec2.projection dir wall.normal |> Vec2.lengthSquared in if distanceSq <= body.radius ^ 2 then let w = Vec2.sub wall.p2 wall.p1 edgeDistance = Vec2.dot dir (Vec2.normalize w) in -- On p1 edge or past p2 edge? if edgeDistance < 0 || edgeDistance > Vec2.length w then -- Let fall Nothing else -- Not on edges, body is touching wall Just (WithWall body.id { normal = wall.normal , penetration = body.radius - sqrt distanceSq } ) else -- Body not touching wall Nothing {-| Calculate contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} contactWithBody : PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithBody body1 body2 = let v = Vec2.sub body2.p body1.p in if Vec2.lengthSquared v > (body1.radius + body2.radius) ^ 2 then Nothing else let d = Vec2.length v in if d /= 0 then -- Touching Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = Vec2.normalize v , penetration = (body1.radius + body2.radius) - d } ) else -- Bodies perfectly overlap, arbitrary pick one Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = vec2 1 0 , penetration = body1.radius } ) {-| Apply accelaration to a physics body. -} addImpulse : Vec2 -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a addImpulse value body = { body | cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse value }
module Physics exposing ( Contact(..) , ContactData , PhysicsBody , Wall , addImpulse , step ) {-| Game physics. Most of the code is adapted from "Game Physics Engine Development" by <NAME>. <https://www.amazon.it/Game-Physics-Engine-Development-Commercial-Grade/dp/0123819768> Original C++ sources are available on Github at: <https://github.com/idmillington/cyclone-physics> About stability "Slops": <http://allenchou.net/2014/01/game-physics-stability-slops/> -} import AltMath.Vector2 as Vec2 exposing (Vec2, vec2) import Bitwise as B import Dict exposing (Dict) import Vector2.Extra as Vec2 {-| Walls and ground in the game. They have a direction: if p2 > p1 the contact normal points "up". -} type alias Wall = { p1 : Vec2, p2 : Vec2, normal : Vec2 } {-| A "physics body" is the set of attributes of a game entity which contributes to physics simulation. -} type alias PhysicsBody a = { a | id : Int , p : Vec2 , v : Vec2 , a : Vec2 , cumulativeImpulse : Vec2 , cumulativeContact : Vec2 , radius : Float , restitution : Float , contactTestBitMask : Int , categoryBitMask : Int , affectedByGravity : Bool , affectedByContact : Bool } type alias ContactData = { normal : Vec2 , penetration : Float } type Contact a = BetweenBodies Int Int ContactData | WithWall Int ContactData step : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> List Wall -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> ( Dict Int (PhysicsBody a), List (Contact a) ) step config dt walls bodies = let newBodies = Dict.map (\_ body -> integrate config dt body) bodies contacts = Dict.foldl (\_ body accum -> accum |> computeContactWithWalls body walls |> computeContactWithEntities body newBodies ) [] newBodies in ( resolveContacts contacts newBodies, contacts ) integrate : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a integrate config dt body = let -- TODO integrate with dt a = body.a |> Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse |> (if body.affectedByGravity then Vec2.add config.g else Vec2.add Vec2.zero ) in { body | p = Vec2.add body.p body.v , v = Vec2.add body.v a -- Stokes' drag https://stackoverflow.com/a/667090 |> Vec2.add (Vec2.mul config.friction body.v) , cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.zero , cumulativeContact = Vec2.zero } -- iterate: List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -- iterate contacts entities = resolveContacts : List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) resolveContacts contacts bodies = List.foldl (\contact accum -> case contact of WithWall id contact_ -> case Dict.get id accum of Just body -> let newBody = if body.affectedByContact then resolveBodyVsWallContact contact_ body else body in accum |> Dict.insert id newBody _ -> accum BetweenBodies id1 id2 contact_ -> case ( Dict.get id1 accum, Dict.get id2 accum ) of ( Just body1, Just body2 ) -> let ( newBody1, newBody2 ) = if not body1.affectedByContact || not body2.affectedByContact then -- Do not resolve contact, let entity logic to handle it ( body1, body2 ) else resolveBodyVsBodyContact contact_ body1 body2 in accum |> Dict.insert newBody1.id newBody1 |> Dict.insert newBody2.id newBody2 ( _, _ ) -> accum ) bodies contacts computeContactWithWalls : PhysicsBody a -> List Wall -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithWalls body walls accum = List.foldl (\wall accumContact -> case contactWithWall body wall of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact ) accum walls computeContactWithEntities : PhysicsBody a -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithEntities body others accum = Dict.foldl (\id other accumContact -> -- Make sure to: -- * Skip certain entity-vs-entity combinations according to contactTestBitMask -- * Don't check with itself -- * Do not generate (M,N) (N,M) contact dupes if B.and body.categoryBitMask other.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && B.and other.categoryBitMask body.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && body.id < id then case contactWithBody body other of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact else accumContact ) accum others -- COLLISION RESOLUTION slop = 0.005 {-| Resolve contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} resolveBodyVsBodyContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> ( PhysicsBody a, PhysicsBody a ) resolveBodyVsBodyContact { normal, penetration } body1 body2 = let -- Bodies relative velocity along normal vel = Vec2.dot (Vec2.sub body2.v body1.v) normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if bodies are separating ( body1, body2 ) else let -- Halve velocity to distribute it equally between both bodies impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel / 2) normal in ( { body1 | v = Vec2.sub body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.sub body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } , { body2 | v = Vec2.add body2.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body2.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body2.cumulativeContact impulse } ) {-| Resolve contact between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). -} resolveBodyVsWallContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a resolveBodyVsWallContact { normal, penetration } body1 = let -- Wall has zero velocity, ignore vel = Vec2.dot body1.v normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if body is separating from wall body1 else let impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel) normal in { body1 | v = Vec2.add body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } -- COLLISION DETECTION {-| Calculate intersection between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). See: <https://stackoverflow.com/a/1079478> -} contactWithWall : PhysicsBody a -> Wall -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithWall body wall = -- Check if body is coming from behind/below the wall if Vec2.dot body.v wall.normal > 0 then Nothing else let -- Vector to start of wall to body center dir = Vec2.sub body.p wall.p1 -- Distance from body position along normal distanceSq = Vec2.projection dir wall.normal |> Vec2.lengthSquared in if distanceSq <= body.radius ^ 2 then let w = Vec2.sub wall.p2 wall.p1 edgeDistance = Vec2.dot dir (Vec2.normalize w) in -- On p1 edge or past p2 edge? if edgeDistance < 0 || edgeDistance > Vec2.length w then -- Let fall Nothing else -- Not on edges, body is touching wall Just (WithWall body.id { normal = wall.normal , penetration = body.radius - sqrt distanceSq } ) else -- Body not touching wall Nothing {-| Calculate contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} contactWithBody : PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithBody body1 body2 = let v = Vec2.sub body2.p body1.p in if Vec2.lengthSquared v > (body1.radius + body2.radius) ^ 2 then Nothing else let d = Vec2.length v in if d /= 0 then -- Touching Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = Vec2.normalize v , penetration = (body1.radius + body2.radius) - d } ) else -- Bodies perfectly overlap, arbitrary pick one Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = vec2 1 0 , penetration = body1.radius } ) {-| Apply accelaration to a physics body. -} addImpulse : Vec2 -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a addImpulse value body = { body | cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse value }
module Physics exposing ( Contact(..) , ContactData , PhysicsBody , Wall , addImpulse , step ) {-| Game physics. Most of the code is adapted from "Game Physics Engine Development" by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. <https://www.amazon.it/Game-Physics-Engine-Development-Commercial-Grade/dp/0123819768> Original C++ sources are available on Github at: <https://github.com/idmillington/cyclone-physics> About stability "Slops": <http://allenchou.net/2014/01/game-physics-stability-slops/> -} import AltMath.Vector2 as Vec2 exposing (Vec2, vec2) import Bitwise as B import Dict exposing (Dict) import Vector2.Extra as Vec2 {-| Walls and ground in the game. They have a direction: if p2 > p1 the contact normal points "up". -} type alias Wall = { p1 : Vec2, p2 : Vec2, normal : Vec2 } {-| A "physics body" is the set of attributes of a game entity which contributes to physics simulation. -} type alias PhysicsBody a = { a | id : Int , p : Vec2 , v : Vec2 , a : Vec2 , cumulativeImpulse : Vec2 , cumulativeContact : Vec2 , radius : Float , restitution : Float , contactTestBitMask : Int , categoryBitMask : Int , affectedByGravity : Bool , affectedByContact : Bool } type alias ContactData = { normal : Vec2 , penetration : Float } type Contact a = BetweenBodies Int Int ContactData | WithWall Int ContactData step : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> List Wall -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> ( Dict Int (PhysicsBody a), List (Contact a) ) step config dt walls bodies = let newBodies = Dict.map (\_ body -> integrate config dt body) bodies contacts = Dict.foldl (\_ body accum -> accum |> computeContactWithWalls body walls |> computeContactWithEntities body newBodies ) [] newBodies in ( resolveContacts contacts newBodies, contacts ) integrate : { b | friction : Vec2, g : Vec2 } -> Float -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a integrate config dt body = let -- TODO integrate with dt a = body.a |> Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse |> (if body.affectedByGravity then Vec2.add config.g else Vec2.add Vec2.zero ) in { body | p = Vec2.add body.p body.v , v = Vec2.add body.v a -- Stokes' drag https://stackoverflow.com/a/667090 |> Vec2.add (Vec2.mul config.friction body.v) , cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.zero , cumulativeContact = Vec2.zero } -- iterate: List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -- iterate contacts entities = resolveContacts : List (Contact a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) resolveContacts contacts bodies = List.foldl (\contact accum -> case contact of WithWall id contact_ -> case Dict.get id accum of Just body -> let newBody = if body.affectedByContact then resolveBodyVsWallContact contact_ body else body in accum |> Dict.insert id newBody _ -> accum BetweenBodies id1 id2 contact_ -> case ( Dict.get id1 accum, Dict.get id2 accum ) of ( Just body1, Just body2 ) -> let ( newBody1, newBody2 ) = if not body1.affectedByContact || not body2.affectedByContact then -- Do not resolve contact, let entity logic to handle it ( body1, body2 ) else resolveBodyVsBodyContact contact_ body1 body2 in accum |> Dict.insert newBody1.id newBody1 |> Dict.insert newBody2.id newBody2 ( _, _ ) -> accum ) bodies contacts computeContactWithWalls : PhysicsBody a -> List Wall -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithWalls body walls accum = List.foldl (\wall accumContact -> case contactWithWall body wall of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact ) accum walls computeContactWithEntities : PhysicsBody a -> Dict Int (PhysicsBody a) -> List (Contact a) -> List (Contact a) computeContactWithEntities body others accum = Dict.foldl (\id other accumContact -> -- Make sure to: -- * Skip certain entity-vs-entity combinations according to contactTestBitMask -- * Don't check with itself -- * Do not generate (M,N) (N,M) contact dupes if B.and body.categoryBitMask other.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && B.and other.categoryBitMask body.contactTestBitMask /= 0 && body.id < id then case contactWithBody body other of Just contact -> contact :: accumContact Nothing -> accumContact else accumContact ) accum others -- COLLISION RESOLUTION slop = 0.005 {-| Resolve contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} resolveBodyVsBodyContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> ( PhysicsBody a, PhysicsBody a ) resolveBodyVsBodyContact { normal, penetration } body1 body2 = let -- Bodies relative velocity along normal vel = Vec2.dot (Vec2.sub body2.v body1.v) normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if bodies are separating ( body1, body2 ) else let -- Halve velocity to distribute it equally between both bodies impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel / 2) normal in ( { body1 | v = Vec2.sub body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.sub body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } , { body2 | v = Vec2.add body2.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body2.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration / 2 - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body2.cumulativeContact impulse } ) {-| Resolve contact between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). -} resolveBodyVsWallContact : ContactData -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a resolveBodyVsWallContact { normal, penetration } body1 = let -- Wall has zero velocity, ignore vel = Vec2.dot body1.v normal in if vel > 0 then -- Do not resolve if body is separating from wall body1 else let impulse = Vec2.scale (-1 * vel) normal in { body1 | v = Vec2.add body1.v impulse , p = Vec2.add body1.p (Vec2.scale (max (penetration - slop) 0.0) normal) , cumulativeContact = Vec2.add body1.cumulativeContact impulse } -- COLLISION DETECTION {-| Calculate intersection between physics body (circle) and wall (segment). See: <https://stackoverflow.com/a/1079478> -} contactWithWall : PhysicsBody a -> Wall -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithWall body wall = -- Check if body is coming from behind/below the wall if Vec2.dot body.v wall.normal > 0 then Nothing else let -- Vector to start of wall to body center dir = Vec2.sub body.p wall.p1 -- Distance from body position along normal distanceSq = Vec2.projection dir wall.normal |> Vec2.lengthSquared in if distanceSq <= body.radius ^ 2 then let w = Vec2.sub wall.p2 wall.p1 edgeDistance = Vec2.dot dir (Vec2.normalize w) in -- On p1 edge or past p2 edge? if edgeDistance < 0 || edgeDistance > Vec2.length w then -- Let fall Nothing else -- Not on edges, body is touching wall Just (WithWall body.id { normal = wall.normal , penetration = body.radius - sqrt distanceSq } ) else -- Body not touching wall Nothing {-| Calculate contact between two physics bodies (circles). -} contactWithBody : PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a -> Maybe (Contact a) contactWithBody body1 body2 = let v = Vec2.sub body2.p body1.p in if Vec2.lengthSquared v > (body1.radius + body2.radius) ^ 2 then Nothing else let d = Vec2.length v in if d /= 0 then -- Touching Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = Vec2.normalize v , penetration = (body1.radius + body2.radius) - d } ) else -- Bodies perfectly overlap, arbitrary pick one Just (BetweenBodies body1.id body2.id { normal = vec2 1 0 , penetration = body1.radius } ) {-| Apply accelaration to a physics body. -} addImpulse : Vec2 -> PhysicsBody a -> PhysicsBody a addImpulse value body = { body | cumulativeImpulse = Vec2.add body.cumulativeImpulse value }
[ { "context": "\"5\" ]\n\n [ Result \"1-0\" ]\n\n [ White \"Judit Polgar\" ]\n\n [ Black \"Garry Kasparov\"]\n\n [ ", "end": 1937, "score": 0.9998602271, "start": 1925, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Judit Polgar" }, { "context": " [ White \"Judit Polgar\" ]\n\n [ Black \"Garry Kasparov\"]\n\n [ ECO \"C67\" ]\n\n [ WhiteElo \"268", "end": 1973, "score": 0.9998633265, "start": 1959, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Garry Kasparov" } ]
module Pgn exposing ( Pgn, TagPair, Move , parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs , parseErrorToString ) {-| This is a library for parsing "Portable Game Notation" (PGN) for standard chess. PGN is a plain text standard for recording chess games. For more information check out [the Wikipedia entry on PGN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation) or [the PGN spec itself](https://ia802908.us.archive.org/26/items/pgn-standard-1994-03-12/PGN_standard_1994-03-12.txt). # Data Structures @docs Pgn, TagPair, Move # The Parsers @docs parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs # Errors @docs parseErrorToString -} import List.Extra import Parser exposing ( (|.) , (|=) , DeadEnd , Nestable(..) , Parser , Problem(..) , Step(..) , andThen , backtrackable , chompWhile , getChompedString , lineComment , loop , map , multiComment , oneOf , spaces , succeed , symbol , variable ) import Pgn.Reference as Ref import Set {- Public Data Structures -} {-| The `Pgn` object represents a complete PGN. The tag pairs (or roster) typically contain archival or supplemental information for the game itself. And then there are the moves of the game itself. -} type alias Pgn = { tagPairs : List TagPair , moves : List Move } {-| The `TagPair` strcuture should minimally contain what is also known as the "Seven Tag Roster" (STR). The tag pairs can extend beyond the standard seven however. A good example of a the tag pairs describing a game looks like this: [ Event "Russia - The Rest of the World" ] [ Site "Moscow RUS" ] [ Date "2002.09.09" ] [ EventDate "2002.09.08" ] [ Round "5" ] [ Result "1-0" ] [ White "Judit Polgar" ] [ Black "Garry Kasparov"] [ ECO "C67" ] [ WhiteElo "2681" ] [ BlackElo "2838" ] [ PlyCount "84" ] Each statement (starting with `[` and ending with `]`) is a tag pair. So the tag pair `[Result "1-0"]` would be represented in the data structure as `{ title: "Result", value: "1-0"}` It's **important** to note that tag pairs are treated something like key, value pairs and the value must be in quotes! -} type alias TagPair = { title : String , value : String } {-| The `Move` data structure contains the move number and the move of each player. A move in PGN like `42. Rxg7 Kc8` would be represented in this data structure as `{ number: "42", white: "Rxg7", black: "Kc8"}` -} type alias Move = { number : String , white : String , black : String } {- Parsers -} {-| The `parse` function expects a complete PGN as a string and returns either a PGN or a [`DeadEnd`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/parser/latest/Parser#DeadEnd) error. For more information from any errors you see, check out the `parseErrorToString` function. -} parse : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Pgn parse pgn = Parser.run game pgn {-| The `parseMove` function accepts input in the shape of a single line of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5` parseMove "1. e4 e5" == Ok { number = "1", white = "e4", black = "e5" } -} parseMove : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Move parseMove t = Parser.run move t {-| The `parseMoves` function accepts string input in the shape of a multiple lines of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6` parseMoves "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6" == Ok [ { number = "1" , white = "e4" , black = "e5" } , { number = "2", white = "Nf3", black = "Nc6" } , { number = "3", white = "Bb5", black = "Nf6" } ] -} parseMoves : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List Move) parseMoves t = Parser.run moves t {-| The `parseTagPair` function accepts string input in the shape of a single tag pair, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"]` parseTagPair "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"]" == Ok { title = "EventDate", value = "2002.09.08" } -} parseTagPair : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) TagPair parseTagPair r = Parser.run tagPair r {-| The `parseTagPairs` function accepts string input in the shape of a series of tag pairs, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"] [Round "5"]` parseTagPairs "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"] [Round \"5\"]" == Ok [ { title = "EventDate" , value = "2002.09.08" } , { title = "Round", value = "5" } ] -} parseTagPairs : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List TagPair) parseTagPairs r = Parser.run tagPairs r {- Errors -} {-| The `parseErrorToString` is to help pinpoint what's causing issues with a parse. It simply produces a string for human consumption that describes what the parser thinks went wrong, followed by the line of the error then a `^` below where it thinks the problem is. For example, attempting to parse this invalid tag pair: [EventTitle After the title, everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] would result in this output: error on row: 1, col: 13. Problem: Expecting: \" > [EventTitle After the title everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] ^ -} parseErrorToString : String -> List DeadEnd -> String parseErrorToString source deadEnds = let rows = String.split "\n" source in deadEnds |> List.map (\de -> let row = rows |> List.Extra.getAt (de.row - 1) |> Maybe.withDefault "" update a _ = ( a ++ " ", [] ) {- start with spaces to cover the lenght of the row's leading characters "> " -} inital = " " -- ( spacesToProblem, _ ) = List.Extra.mapAccuml update inital <| List.range 1 (de.col - 1) in "\n\nerror on row: " ++ String.fromInt de.row ++ ", col: " ++ String.fromInt de.col ++ ". Problem: " ++ problemToString de.problem ++ "\n" ++ "> " ++ row ++ "\n" ++ spacesToProblem ++ "^" ) |> String.join "" {- Internal -} charIsWhitespace : Char -> Bool charIsWhitespace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\u{000D}' tagPair : Parser TagPair tagPair = succeed TagPair |. spaces |. symbol "[" |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile (\c -> not <| charIsWhitespace c)) |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "\"" "\"" Nestable) |. spaces |. symbol "]" |. spaces |> andThen (\p -> succeed <| { p | value = String.filter (\c -> c /= '"') p.value }) tagPairs : Parser (List TagPair) tagPairs = let pairs items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= tagPair , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] pairs maybeCommentBlock : Parser (Maybe String) maybeCommentBlock = oneOf [ succeed Just |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "{" "}" Nestable) , succeed Nothing ] {-| Exlude all the gotcha variations of the EOF result string I've seen that confuse the parser: [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0" ] -} movetext : Parser String movetext = variable { start = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , inner = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , reserved = Set.fromList <| [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0", "1-", "0-" ] } moveNumber : Parser String moveNumber = variable { start = \c -> Char.isDigit c , inner = \c -> Char.isDigit c || c == '.' , reserved = Set.fromList [ "1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2" ] } |> andThen (\v -> succeed <| String.filter Char.isDigit v ) move : Parser Move move = let optional : Parser a -> Parser () optional parser = oneOf [ succeed () |. parser , succeed () ] enforcedWhitespace = oneOf [ symbol " " , symbol "\t" , symbol "\n" , symbol "\u{000D}" ] in succeed Move |. spaces |= backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= movetext |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. optional (backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace)) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| optional <| movetext) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. (optional <| lineComment ";") |. spaces moves : Parser (List Move) moves = let turnsHelp items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= backtrackable move , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] turnsHelp result : Parser String result = let -- this is silly condition c = c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '0' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' in succeed identity |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile <| condition) game : Parser Pgn game = succeed Pgn |= tagPairs |= moves |. result problemToString : Problem -> String problemToString problem = case problem of Expecting s -> "Expecting: " ++ s ExpectingInt -> "ExpectingInt" ExpectingHex -> "ExpectingHex" ExpectingOctal -> "ExpectingOctal" ExpectingBinary -> "ExpectingBinary" ExpectingFloat -> "ExpectingFloat" ExpectingNumber -> "ExpectingNumber" ExpectingVariable -> "ExpectingVariable" ExpectingSymbol s -> "ExpectingSymbol: " ++ s ExpectingKeyword s -> "ExpectingKeyword: " ++ s ExpectingEnd -> "ExpectingEnd" UnexpectedChar -> "UnexpectedChar" Problem s -> "Problem: " ++ s BadRepeat -> "BadRepeat"
module Pgn exposing ( Pgn, TagPair, Move , parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs , parseErrorToString ) {-| This is a library for parsing "Portable Game Notation" (PGN) for standard chess. PGN is a plain text standard for recording chess games. For more information check out [the Wikipedia entry on PGN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation) or [the PGN spec itself](https://ia802908.us.archive.org/26/items/pgn-standard-1994-03-12/PGN_standard_1994-03-12.txt). # Data Structures @docs Pgn, TagPair, Move # The Parsers @docs parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs # Errors @docs parseErrorToString -} import List.Extra import Parser exposing ( (|.) , (|=) , DeadEnd , Nestable(..) , Parser , Problem(..) , Step(..) , andThen , backtrackable , chompWhile , getChompedString , lineComment , loop , map , multiComment , oneOf , spaces , succeed , symbol , variable ) import Pgn.Reference as Ref import Set {- Public Data Structures -} {-| The `Pgn` object represents a complete PGN. The tag pairs (or roster) typically contain archival or supplemental information for the game itself. And then there are the moves of the game itself. -} type alias Pgn = { tagPairs : List TagPair , moves : List Move } {-| The `TagPair` strcuture should minimally contain what is also known as the "Seven Tag Roster" (STR). The tag pairs can extend beyond the standard seven however. A good example of a the tag pairs describing a game looks like this: [ Event "Russia - The Rest of the World" ] [ Site "Moscow RUS" ] [ Date "2002.09.09" ] [ EventDate "2002.09.08" ] [ Round "5" ] [ Result "1-0" ] [ White "<NAME>" ] [ Black "<NAME>"] [ ECO "C67" ] [ WhiteElo "2681" ] [ BlackElo "2838" ] [ PlyCount "84" ] Each statement (starting with `[` and ending with `]`) is a tag pair. So the tag pair `[Result "1-0"]` would be represented in the data structure as `{ title: "Result", value: "1-0"}` It's **important** to note that tag pairs are treated something like key, value pairs and the value must be in quotes! -} type alias TagPair = { title : String , value : String } {-| The `Move` data structure contains the move number and the move of each player. A move in PGN like `42. Rxg7 Kc8` would be represented in this data structure as `{ number: "42", white: "Rxg7", black: "Kc8"}` -} type alias Move = { number : String , white : String , black : String } {- Parsers -} {-| The `parse` function expects a complete PGN as a string and returns either a PGN or a [`DeadEnd`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/parser/latest/Parser#DeadEnd) error. For more information from any errors you see, check out the `parseErrorToString` function. -} parse : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Pgn parse pgn = Parser.run game pgn {-| The `parseMove` function accepts input in the shape of a single line of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5` parseMove "1. e4 e5" == Ok { number = "1", white = "e4", black = "e5" } -} parseMove : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Move parseMove t = Parser.run move t {-| The `parseMoves` function accepts string input in the shape of a multiple lines of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6` parseMoves "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6" == Ok [ { number = "1" , white = "e4" , black = "e5" } , { number = "2", white = "Nf3", black = "Nc6" } , { number = "3", white = "Bb5", black = "Nf6" } ] -} parseMoves : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List Move) parseMoves t = Parser.run moves t {-| The `parseTagPair` function accepts string input in the shape of a single tag pair, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"]` parseTagPair "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"]" == Ok { title = "EventDate", value = "2002.09.08" } -} parseTagPair : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) TagPair parseTagPair r = Parser.run tagPair r {-| The `parseTagPairs` function accepts string input in the shape of a series of tag pairs, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"] [Round "5"]` parseTagPairs "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"] [Round \"5\"]" == Ok [ { title = "EventDate" , value = "2002.09.08" } , { title = "Round", value = "5" } ] -} parseTagPairs : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List TagPair) parseTagPairs r = Parser.run tagPairs r {- Errors -} {-| The `parseErrorToString` is to help pinpoint what's causing issues with a parse. It simply produces a string for human consumption that describes what the parser thinks went wrong, followed by the line of the error then a `^` below where it thinks the problem is. For example, attempting to parse this invalid tag pair: [EventTitle After the title, everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] would result in this output: error on row: 1, col: 13. Problem: Expecting: \" > [EventTitle After the title everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] ^ -} parseErrorToString : String -> List DeadEnd -> String parseErrorToString source deadEnds = let rows = String.split "\n" source in deadEnds |> List.map (\de -> let row = rows |> List.Extra.getAt (de.row - 1) |> Maybe.withDefault "" update a _ = ( a ++ " ", [] ) {- start with spaces to cover the lenght of the row's leading characters "> " -} inital = " " -- ( spacesToProblem, _ ) = List.Extra.mapAccuml update inital <| List.range 1 (de.col - 1) in "\n\nerror on row: " ++ String.fromInt de.row ++ ", col: " ++ String.fromInt de.col ++ ". Problem: " ++ problemToString de.problem ++ "\n" ++ "> " ++ row ++ "\n" ++ spacesToProblem ++ "^" ) |> String.join "" {- Internal -} charIsWhitespace : Char -> Bool charIsWhitespace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\u{000D}' tagPair : Parser TagPair tagPair = succeed TagPair |. spaces |. symbol "[" |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile (\c -> not <| charIsWhitespace c)) |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "\"" "\"" Nestable) |. spaces |. symbol "]" |. spaces |> andThen (\p -> succeed <| { p | value = String.filter (\c -> c /= '"') p.value }) tagPairs : Parser (List TagPair) tagPairs = let pairs items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= tagPair , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] pairs maybeCommentBlock : Parser (Maybe String) maybeCommentBlock = oneOf [ succeed Just |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "{" "}" Nestable) , succeed Nothing ] {-| Exlude all the gotcha variations of the EOF result string I've seen that confuse the parser: [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0" ] -} movetext : Parser String movetext = variable { start = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , inner = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , reserved = Set.fromList <| [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0", "1-", "0-" ] } moveNumber : Parser String moveNumber = variable { start = \c -> Char.isDigit c , inner = \c -> Char.isDigit c || c == '.' , reserved = Set.fromList [ "1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2" ] } |> andThen (\v -> succeed <| String.filter Char.isDigit v ) move : Parser Move move = let optional : Parser a -> Parser () optional parser = oneOf [ succeed () |. parser , succeed () ] enforcedWhitespace = oneOf [ symbol " " , symbol "\t" , symbol "\n" , symbol "\u{000D}" ] in succeed Move |. spaces |= backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= movetext |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. optional (backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace)) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| optional <| movetext) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. (optional <| lineComment ";") |. spaces moves : Parser (List Move) moves = let turnsHelp items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= backtrackable move , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] turnsHelp result : Parser String result = let -- this is silly condition c = c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '0' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' in succeed identity |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile <| condition) game : Parser Pgn game = succeed Pgn |= tagPairs |= moves |. result problemToString : Problem -> String problemToString problem = case problem of Expecting s -> "Expecting: " ++ s ExpectingInt -> "ExpectingInt" ExpectingHex -> "ExpectingHex" ExpectingOctal -> "ExpectingOctal" ExpectingBinary -> "ExpectingBinary" ExpectingFloat -> "ExpectingFloat" ExpectingNumber -> "ExpectingNumber" ExpectingVariable -> "ExpectingVariable" ExpectingSymbol s -> "ExpectingSymbol: " ++ s ExpectingKeyword s -> "ExpectingKeyword: " ++ s ExpectingEnd -> "ExpectingEnd" UnexpectedChar -> "UnexpectedChar" Problem s -> "Problem: " ++ s BadRepeat -> "BadRepeat"
module Pgn exposing ( Pgn, TagPair, Move , parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs , parseErrorToString ) {-| This is a library for parsing "Portable Game Notation" (PGN) for standard chess. PGN is a plain text standard for recording chess games. For more information check out [the Wikipedia entry on PGN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation) or [the PGN spec itself](https://ia802908.us.archive.org/26/items/pgn-standard-1994-03-12/PGN_standard_1994-03-12.txt). # Data Structures @docs Pgn, TagPair, Move # The Parsers @docs parse, parseMove, parseMoves, parseTagPair, parseTagPairs # Errors @docs parseErrorToString -} import List.Extra import Parser exposing ( (|.) , (|=) , DeadEnd , Nestable(..) , Parser , Problem(..) , Step(..) , andThen , backtrackable , chompWhile , getChompedString , lineComment , loop , map , multiComment , oneOf , spaces , succeed , symbol , variable ) import Pgn.Reference as Ref import Set {- Public Data Structures -} {-| The `Pgn` object represents a complete PGN. The tag pairs (or roster) typically contain archival or supplemental information for the game itself. And then there are the moves of the game itself. -} type alias Pgn = { tagPairs : List TagPair , moves : List Move } {-| The `TagPair` strcuture should minimally contain what is also known as the "Seven Tag Roster" (STR). The tag pairs can extend beyond the standard seven however. A good example of a the tag pairs describing a game looks like this: [ Event "Russia - The Rest of the World" ] [ Site "Moscow RUS" ] [ Date "2002.09.09" ] [ EventDate "2002.09.08" ] [ Round "5" ] [ Result "1-0" ] [ White "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] [ Black "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"] [ ECO "C67" ] [ WhiteElo "2681" ] [ BlackElo "2838" ] [ PlyCount "84" ] Each statement (starting with `[` and ending with `]`) is a tag pair. So the tag pair `[Result "1-0"]` would be represented in the data structure as `{ title: "Result", value: "1-0"}` It's **important** to note that tag pairs are treated something like key, value pairs and the value must be in quotes! -} type alias TagPair = { title : String , value : String } {-| The `Move` data structure contains the move number and the move of each player. A move in PGN like `42. Rxg7 Kc8` would be represented in this data structure as `{ number: "42", white: "Rxg7", black: "Kc8"}` -} type alias Move = { number : String , white : String , black : String } {- Parsers -} {-| The `parse` function expects a complete PGN as a string and returns either a PGN or a [`DeadEnd`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/parser/latest/Parser#DeadEnd) error. For more information from any errors you see, check out the `parseErrorToString` function. -} parse : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Pgn parse pgn = Parser.run game pgn {-| The `parseMove` function accepts input in the shape of a single line of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5` parseMove "1. e4 e5" == Ok { number = "1", white = "e4", black = "e5" } -} parseMove : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) Move parseMove t = Parser.run move t {-| The `parseMoves` function accepts string input in the shape of a multiple lines of [Movetext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Game_Notation#Movetext), i.e. `1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6` parseMoves "1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6" == Ok [ { number = "1" , white = "e4" , black = "e5" } , { number = "2", white = "Nf3", black = "Nc6" } , { number = "3", white = "Bb5", black = "Nf6" } ] -} parseMoves : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List Move) parseMoves t = Parser.run moves t {-| The `parseTagPair` function accepts string input in the shape of a single tag pair, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"]` parseTagPair "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"]" == Ok { title = "EventDate", value = "2002.09.08" } -} parseTagPair : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) TagPair parseTagPair r = Parser.run tagPair r {-| The `parseTagPairs` function accepts string input in the shape of a series of tag pairs, i.e. `[EventDate "2002.09.08"] [Round "5"]` parseTagPairs "[EventDate \"2002.09.08\"] [Round \"5\"]" == Ok [ { title = "EventDate" , value = "2002.09.08" } , { title = "Round", value = "5" } ] -} parseTagPairs : String -> Result (List DeadEnd) (List TagPair) parseTagPairs r = Parser.run tagPairs r {- Errors -} {-| The `parseErrorToString` is to help pinpoint what's causing issues with a parse. It simply produces a string for human consumption that describes what the parser thinks went wrong, followed by the line of the error then a `^` below where it thinks the problem is. For example, attempting to parse this invalid tag pair: [EventTitle After the title, everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] would result in this output: error on row: 1, col: 13. Problem: Expecting: \" > [EventTitle After the title everything else in the tag pair needs to be in quotes!] ^ -} parseErrorToString : String -> List DeadEnd -> String parseErrorToString source deadEnds = let rows = String.split "\n" source in deadEnds |> List.map (\de -> let row = rows |> List.Extra.getAt (de.row - 1) |> Maybe.withDefault "" update a _ = ( a ++ " ", [] ) {- start with spaces to cover the lenght of the row's leading characters "> " -} inital = " " -- ( spacesToProblem, _ ) = List.Extra.mapAccuml update inital <| List.range 1 (de.col - 1) in "\n\nerror on row: " ++ String.fromInt de.row ++ ", col: " ++ String.fromInt de.col ++ ". Problem: " ++ problemToString de.problem ++ "\n" ++ "> " ++ row ++ "\n" ++ spacesToProblem ++ "^" ) |> String.join "" {- Internal -} charIsWhitespace : Char -> Bool charIsWhitespace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\u{000D}' tagPair : Parser TagPair tagPair = succeed TagPair |. spaces |. symbol "[" |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile (\c -> not <| charIsWhitespace c)) |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "\"" "\"" Nestable) |. spaces |. symbol "]" |. spaces |> andThen (\p -> succeed <| { p | value = String.filter (\c -> c /= '"') p.value }) tagPairs : Parser (List TagPair) tagPairs = let pairs items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= tagPair , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] pairs maybeCommentBlock : Parser (Maybe String) maybeCommentBlock = oneOf [ succeed Just |= (getChompedString <| multiComment "{" "}" Nestable) , succeed Nothing ] {-| Exlude all the gotcha variations of the EOF result string I've seen that confuse the parser: [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0" ] -} movetext : Parser String movetext = variable { start = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , inner = \c -> List.member c <| String.toList Ref.movetextChars , reserved = Set.fromList <| [ "1/2-1/2", "0-1", "1-0", "1", "0", "-", "/", "2", "-1", "-0", "1-", "0-" ] } moveNumber : Parser String moveNumber = variable { start = \c -> Char.isDigit c , inner = \c -> Char.isDigit c || c == '.' , reserved = Set.fromList [ "1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2" ] } |> andThen (\v -> succeed <| String.filter Char.isDigit v ) move : Parser Move move = let optional : Parser a -> Parser () optional parser = oneOf [ succeed () |. parser , succeed () ] enforcedWhitespace = oneOf [ symbol " " , symbol "\t" , symbol "\n" , symbol "\u{000D}" ] in succeed Move |. spaces |= backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= movetext |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. optional (backtrackable (moveNumber |. enforcedWhitespace)) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |= (getChompedString <| optional <| movetext) |. spaces |. maybeCommentBlock |. spaces |. (optional <| lineComment ";") |. spaces moves : Parser (List Move) moves = let turnsHelp items = oneOf [ succeed (\item -> Loop (item :: items)) |= backtrackable move , succeed () |> map (\_ -> Done <| List.reverse items) ] in loop [] turnsHelp result : Parser String result = let -- this is silly condition c = c == '1' || c == '2' || c == '0' || c == '/' || c == '-' || c == ' ' || c == '\t' in succeed identity |= (getChompedString <| chompWhile <| condition) game : Parser Pgn game = succeed Pgn |= tagPairs |= moves |. result problemToString : Problem -> String problemToString problem = case problem of Expecting s -> "Expecting: " ++ s ExpectingInt -> "ExpectingInt" ExpectingHex -> "ExpectingHex" ExpectingOctal -> "ExpectingOctal" ExpectingBinary -> "ExpectingBinary" ExpectingFloat -> "ExpectingFloat" ExpectingNumber -> "ExpectingNumber" ExpectingVariable -> "ExpectingVariable" ExpectingSymbol s -> "ExpectingSymbol: " ++ s ExpectingKeyword s -> "ExpectingKeyword: " ++ s ExpectingEnd -> "ExpectingEnd" UnexpectedChar -> "UnexpectedChar" Problem s -> "Problem: " ++ s BadRepeat -> "BadRepeat"
[ { "context": "sien\"* is a brand created by two French nationals, Joseph (the CEO) and Yannick, (the co-founder), for a Ke", "end": 343, "score": 0.9996049404, "start": 337, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Joseph" }, { "context": "ated by two French nationals, Joseph (the CEO) and Yannick, (the co-founder), for a Kebab restaurant in Mont", "end": 365, "score": 0.9997860789, "start": 358, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Yannick" } ]
module Docs exposing (about, principles, toMarkdown) import Html import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Markdown toMarkdown : String -> Html.Html msg toMarkdown text = Markdown.toHtml [ class "content" ] text about : String about = """ # About Tasty *"Le grec parisien"* is a brand created by two French nationals, Joseph (the CEO) and Yannick, (the co-founder), for a Kebab restaurant in Montreal. **Tasty** is the name of the Design System for digital products and experiences around the restaurant. The system is composed of guidelines, components and code examples. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/logo-duo.jpg) """ principles : String principles = """ # Design Principles - #### Classy; - #### Premium; - #### Quality; - #### Professional; - #### Simple. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/stylescape.jpg) """
module Docs exposing (about, principles, toMarkdown) import Html import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Markdown toMarkdown : String -> Html.Html msg toMarkdown text = Markdown.toHtml [ class "content" ] text about : String about = """ # About Tasty *"Le grec parisien"* is a brand created by two French nationals, <NAME> (the CEO) and <NAME>, (the co-founder), for a Kebab restaurant in Montreal. **Tasty** is the name of the Design System for digital products and experiences around the restaurant. The system is composed of guidelines, components and code examples. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/logo-duo.jpg) """ principles : String principles = """ # Design Principles - #### Classy; - #### Premium; - #### Quality; - #### Professional; - #### Simple. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/stylescape.jpg) """
module Docs exposing (about, principles, toMarkdown) import Html import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Markdown toMarkdown : String -> Html.Html msg toMarkdown text = Markdown.toHtml [ class "content" ] text about : String about = """ # About Tasty *"Le grec parisien"* is a brand created by two French nationals, PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI (the CEO) and PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, (the co-founder), for a Kebab restaurant in Montreal. **Tasty** is the name of the Design System for digital products and experiences around the restaurant. The system is composed of guidelines, components and code examples. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/logo-duo.jpg) """ principles : String principles = """ # Design Principles - #### Classy; - #### Premium; - #### Quality; - #### Professional; - #### Simple. ![Preview](https://www.jerome-kalumbu.com/sites/default/files/stylescape.jpg) """
[ { "context": "= 1\n , url = \"http://localhost:1337/{\\\"id\\\":1,\\\"method\\\":\\\"info\\\",\\", "end": 425, "score": 0.999243021, "start": 416, "tag": "IP_ADDRESS", "value": "210.50.24" }, { "context": ":[]}&nocache=1521910258052\"\n , name = \"pengane\"\n , uptime = -1\n , cards = ", "end": 541, "score": 0.9846858978, "start": 534, "tag": "NAME", "value": "pengane" }, { "context": " }\n\n banken =\n Banken \"1JhrSWPuHgV71vzPZdNiQyamVYotuyKD4H\" 0.0 0.0\n in\n { pengane = pengane\n ", "end": 680, "score": 0.9252880812, "start": 646, "tag": "KEY", "value": "1JhrSWPuHgV71vzPZdNiQyamVYotuyKD4H" } ]
module Model exposing (..) import Node exposing (..) import Messages exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import Time exposing (..) import Api exposing (..) import Banken exposing (..) type alias Model = { pengane : Node , knutminer : Maybe Node , banken : Banken } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = let pengane = { id = 1 , url = "http://localhost:1337/{\"id\":1,\"method\":\"info\",\"params\":[]}&nocache=1521910258052" , name = "pengane" , uptime = -1 , cards = [] } banken = Banken "1JhrSWPuHgV71vzPZdNiQyamVYotuyKD4H" 0.0 0.0 in { pengane = pengane , knutminer = Nothing , banken = banken } ! [ (fetch pengane), (fetchCards pengane), (fetchWalletBalance banken) ]
module Model exposing (..) import Node exposing (..) import Messages exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import Time exposing (..) import Api exposing (..) import Banken exposing (..) type alias Model = { pengane : Node , knutminer : Maybe Node , banken : Banken } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = let pengane = { id = 1 , url = "http://localhost:1337/{\"id\":1,\"method\":\"info\",\"params\":[]}&nocache=1521910258052" , name = "<NAME>" , uptime = -1 , cards = [] } banken = Banken "<KEY>" 0.0 0.0 in { pengane = pengane , knutminer = Nothing , banken = banken } ! [ (fetch pengane), (fetchCards pengane), (fetchWalletBalance banken) ]
module Model exposing (..) import Node exposing (..) import Messages exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import Time exposing (..) import Api exposing (..) import Banken exposing (..) type alias Model = { pengane : Node , knutminer : Maybe Node , banken : Banken } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = let pengane = { id = 1 , url = "http://localhost:1337/{\"id\":1,\"method\":\"info\",\"params\":[]}&nocache=1521910258052" , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , uptime = -1 , cards = [] } banken = Banken "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" 0.0 0.0 in { pengane = pengane , knutminer = Nothing , banken = banken } ! [ (fetch pengane), (fetchCards pengane), (fetchWalletBalance banken) ]
[ { "context": "t below the Cliff House, also owned by\n Adolph Sutro at the time. Shortly after closing, a fire in 196", "end": 2038, "score": 0.9998720288, "start": 2026, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Adolph Sutro" }, { "context": "pg\"\n , title = title\n , author = \"A story by Nancy Drew\"\n , lead = lead\n , copyLead = \"Before it bu", "end": 2634, "score": 0.9998846054, "start": 2624, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Nancy Drew" } ]
module Article.PhotoEssay.Article exposing ( Article , Photo , example , image009 , image010 , image011 , image012 , image013 ) type alias Article = { backgroundImageUrl : String , title : String , author : String , lead : String , copyLead : String , copy : String } type alias Photo = { url : String , caption : String } image009 : Photo image009 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/009.jpg" , caption = "" } image010 : Photo image010 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/010.jpg" , caption = "Photo of a dusk skyline above a grassy rockface covered in trees." } image011 : Photo image011 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea and sky on the horizon with the foundations of a demolished house. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/011.jpg" , caption = caption } image012 : Photo image012 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea with mist covering the rocky formations near the shore. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/012.jpg" , caption = caption } image013 : Photo image013 = let caption = """ Photo of the foundations of a building on a cliff overlooking a lighthouse. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/013.jpg" , caption = caption } example : Article example = let title = """ A Night Taking Photos at San Francisco’s Spooky Ruins of the Sutro Baths """ lead = """ On March 14, 1896, the Sutro Baths were opened to the public as the world's largest indoor swimming pool establishment. """ copy = """ filled a small beach inlet below the Cliff House, also owned by Adolph Sutro at the time. Shortly after closing, a fire in 1966 destroyed the building while it was in the process of being demolished. All that remains of the site are concrete walls, blocked off stairs and passageways, and a tunnel with a deep crevice in the middle. The cause of the fire was arson. Shortly afterwards, the developer left San Francisco and claimed insurance money. """ in { backgroundImageUrl = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/display.jpg" , title = title , author = "A story by Nancy Drew" , lead = lead , copyLead = "Before it burned to the ground, the structure " , copy = copy }
module Article.PhotoEssay.Article exposing ( Article , Photo , example , image009 , image010 , image011 , image012 , image013 ) type alias Article = { backgroundImageUrl : String , title : String , author : String , lead : String , copyLead : String , copy : String } type alias Photo = { url : String , caption : String } image009 : Photo image009 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/009.jpg" , caption = "" } image010 : Photo image010 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/010.jpg" , caption = "Photo of a dusk skyline above a grassy rockface covered in trees." } image011 : Photo image011 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea and sky on the horizon with the foundations of a demolished house. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/011.jpg" , caption = caption } image012 : Photo image012 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea with mist covering the rocky formations near the shore. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/012.jpg" , caption = caption } image013 : Photo image013 = let caption = """ Photo of the foundations of a building on a cliff overlooking a lighthouse. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/013.jpg" , caption = caption } example : Article example = let title = """ A Night Taking Photos at San Francisco’s Spooky Ruins of the Sutro Baths """ lead = """ On March 14, 1896, the Sutro Baths were opened to the public as the world's largest indoor swimming pool establishment. """ copy = """ filled a small beach inlet below the Cliff House, also owned by <NAME> at the time. Shortly after closing, a fire in 1966 destroyed the building while it was in the process of being demolished. All that remains of the site are concrete walls, blocked off stairs and passageways, and a tunnel with a deep crevice in the middle. The cause of the fire was arson. Shortly afterwards, the developer left San Francisco and claimed insurance money. """ in { backgroundImageUrl = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/display.jpg" , title = title , author = "A story by <NAME>" , lead = lead , copyLead = "Before it burned to the ground, the structure " , copy = copy }
module Article.PhotoEssay.Article exposing ( Article , Photo , example , image009 , image010 , image011 , image012 , image013 ) type alias Article = { backgroundImageUrl : String , title : String , author : String , lead : String , copyLead : String , copy : String } type alias Photo = { url : String , caption : String } image009 : Photo image009 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/009.jpg" , caption = "" } image010 : Photo image010 = { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/010.jpg" , caption = "Photo of a dusk skyline above a grassy rockface covered in trees." } image011 : Photo image011 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea and sky on the horizon with the foundations of a demolished house. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/011.jpg" , caption = caption } image012 : Photo image012 = let caption = """ Photo of the sea with mist covering the rocky formations near the shore. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/012.jpg" , caption = caption } image013 : Photo image013 = let caption = """ Photo of the foundations of a building on a cliff overlooking a lighthouse. """ in { url = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/013.jpg" , caption = caption } example : Article example = let title = """ A Night Taking Photos at San Francisco’s Spooky Ruins of the Sutro Baths """ lead = """ On March 14, 1896, the Sutro Baths were opened to the public as the world's largest indoor swimming pool establishment. """ copy = """ filled a small beach inlet below the Cliff House, also owned by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI at the time. Shortly after closing, a fire in 1966 destroyed the building while it was in the process of being demolished. All that remains of the site are concrete walls, blocked off stairs and passageways, and a tunnel with a deep crevice in the middle. The cause of the fire was arson. Shortly afterwards, the developer left San Francisco and claimed insurance money. """ in { backgroundImageUrl = "https://mrmrs.github.io/photos/display.jpg" , title = title , author = "A story by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , lead = lead , copyLead = "Before it burned to the ground, the structure " , copy = copy }
[ { "context": "hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth = Nothing\n , user = { firstName = \"\", lastName = \"\", previousBalance = 0 }\n , ", "end": 5184, "score": 0.9955840707, "start": 5175, "tag": "NAME", "value": "firstName" }, { "context": "rentMonth = Nothing\n , user = { firstName = \"\", lastName = \"\", previousBalance = 0 }\n , holidays = []\n ", "end": 5199, "score": 0.9980613589, "start": 5191, "tag": "NAME", "value": "lastName" } ]
module DateUtilsTest exposing (all) import Date exposing (Unit(..), fromCalendarDate, fromPosix) import Time exposing (millisToPosix, utc) import DateUtils exposing (..) import Expect import Material import Model exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Time exposing (Month(..)) all : Test all = describe "Date utils" [ test "only entries within current month are added up" <| \() -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Apr 1) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] ] } in hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth model |> Expect.equal 0 , test "day has only special task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.true "Expected the day to have only special task entries." , test "day has no task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have no special task entries." , test "day has special and normal task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 2.5 234, Entry 2 1000 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have also normal task entries." , describe "dateInCurrentMonth" [ test "start of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "First of March should be within March" , test "end of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "Last of March should be within March" , test "not in month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Jun 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.false "Last of June should not be within March" ] , describe "totalHoursForMonth" [ test "March should have 15 hours" <| \_ -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] ] } in totalHoursForMonth model |> Expect.equal 15 ] ] initialModel : Model initialModel = { httpError = Ok () , loading = True , today = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , currentDate = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , entries = [] , totalHours = Nothing , kikyHours = Nothing , hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth = Nothing , user = { firstName = "", lastName = "", previousBalance = 0 } , holidays = [] , specialTasks = { ignore = [] , kiky = [] } , previousBalanceString = "" , previousBalance = 0 , mdc = Material.defaultModel , showDialog = False }
module DateUtilsTest exposing (all) import Date exposing (Unit(..), fromCalendarDate, fromPosix) import Time exposing (millisToPosix, utc) import DateUtils exposing (..) import Expect import Material import Model exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Time exposing (Month(..)) all : Test all = describe "Date utils" [ test "only entries within current month are added up" <| \() -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Apr 1) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] ] } in hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth model |> Expect.equal 0 , test "day has only special task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.true "Expected the day to have only special task entries." , test "day has no task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have no special task entries." , test "day has special and normal task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 2.5 234, Entry 2 1000 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have also normal task entries." , describe "dateInCurrentMonth" [ test "start of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "First of March should be within March" , test "end of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "Last of March should be within March" , test "not in month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Jun 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.false "Last of June should not be within March" ] , describe "totalHoursForMonth" [ test "March should have 15 hours" <| \_ -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] ] } in totalHoursForMonth model |> Expect.equal 15 ] ] initialModel : Model initialModel = { httpError = Ok () , loading = True , today = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , currentDate = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , entries = [] , totalHours = Nothing , kikyHours = Nothing , hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth = Nothing , user = { <NAME> = "", <NAME> = "", previousBalance = 0 } , holidays = [] , specialTasks = { ignore = [] , kiky = [] } , previousBalanceString = "" , previousBalance = 0 , mdc = Material.defaultModel , showDialog = False }
module DateUtilsTest exposing (all) import Date exposing (Unit(..), fromCalendarDate, fromPosix) import Time exposing (millisToPosix, utc) import DateUtils exposing (..) import Expect import Material import Model exposing (..) import Test exposing (..) import Time exposing (Month(..)) all : Test all = describe "Date utils" [ test "only entries within current month are added up" <| \() -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Apr 1) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] ] } in hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth model |> Expect.equal 0 , test "day has only special task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 7 234 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.true "Expected the day to have only special task entries." , test "day has no task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have no special task entries." , test "day has special and normal task entries" <| \() -> let specialTasks = { kiky = [ { id = 123 } ] , ignore = [ { id = 234 } ] } dateEntries = DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Feb 28) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 2.5 234, Entry 2 1000 ] in dayHasOnlySpecialTasks dateEntries specialTasks |> Expect.false "Expected the day to have also normal task entries." , describe "dateInCurrentMonth" [ test "start of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "First of March should be within March" , test "end of month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.true "Last of March should be within March" , test "not in month" <| \_ -> dateInCurrentMonth (fromCalendarDate 2017 Jun 31) (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) |> Expect.false "Last of June should not be within March" ] , describe "totalHoursForMonth" [ test "March should have 15 hours" <| \_ -> let model = { initialModel | currentDate = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 5 , today = fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2 , entries = [ DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 1) [ Entry 5 123, Entry 2.5 234 ] , DateEntries (fromCalendarDate 2017 Mar 2) [ Entry 2.5 123, Entry 5 234 ] ] } in totalHoursForMonth model |> Expect.equal 15 ] ] initialModel : Model initialModel = { httpError = Ok () , loading = True , today = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , currentDate = fromPosix utc (millisToPosix 0) , entries = [] , totalHours = Nothing , kikyHours = Nothing , hourBalanceOfCurrentMonth = Nothing , user = { PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI = "", PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI = "", previousBalance = 0 } , holidays = [] , specialTasks = { ignore = [] , kiky = [] } , previousBalanceString = "" , previousBalance = 0 , mdc = Material.defaultModel , showDialog = False }
[ { "context": "\n-- ]\n-- (text \"My Name is Spartacus\")\n-- , row\n-- [ --Content.ver", "end": 2771, "score": 0.9985404015, "start": 2762, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spartacus" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import AnimationFrame import Color exposing (Color) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Color as Color import Element.Font as Font import Element.Shadow as Shadow import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Input as Input import Internal.Style as Internal import Mouse import Time exposing (Time) main = Html.program { init = ( Debug.log "init" { timeline = 0 , trackingMouse = False } , Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } type Msg = NoOp update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) {- Revised Alignment alignLeft, alignRight, center, verticalCenter, alignTop, alignBottom all apply to the element they are attached to. spread, spreadVertically, and spacing all apply to children. -} view model = layout [] <| column [] [ row [ height (px 100) , Color.background Color.green , Color.text Color.white , spaceEvenly ] [ el [ link "http://zombo.com" --height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!! BLABLABLABLABLABLBALA") ] , el [] (text "MAIN CONTENT") , Input.text [ center, width (px 800) ] { text = "Helloooooo!" , onChange = always NoOp , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.LabelOnRight empty } ] -- column [] -- [ row -- [ Color.background Color.white -- , height (px 80) -- , center -- -- , Content.verticalCenter -- ] -- [ el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignLeft -- moveDown 80 -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- ] -- (text "My Logo") -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.center -- Font.center -- -- , center -- ] -- (text "My Name is Spartacus") -- , row -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignRight -- Color.background Color.yellow -- ] -- [ text "hello!" -- , text "hello!" -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- below -- (el [ Color.background Color.blue ] (text "I am below, yup!")) -- ] -- (text "hello!") -- ] -- ] -- , el -- [ Font.family -- [ Font.typeface "Inconsolata" -- , Font.monospace -- ] -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- , paddingXY 30 50 -- , center -- , width (px 600) -- ] -- (text Internal.rules) -- , textPage -- [ spacing 10 -- , center -- , Color.background Color.lightGrey -- ] -- [ el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- ] -- , column [ spacing 20, padding 20, width (px 200), Color.background Color.grey ] -- [ el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width expand, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- ] -- ] -- view model = -- layoutWith [] -- { modal = el [] empty -- , content = -- column [] -- } -- view model = -- layoutWith -- { modal = el [] empty -- , attributes = [] -- } -- <| -- column [] []
module Main exposing (..) import AnimationFrame import Color exposing (Color) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Color as Color import Element.Font as Font import Element.Shadow as Shadow import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Input as Input import Internal.Style as Internal import Mouse import Time exposing (Time) main = Html.program { init = ( Debug.log "init" { timeline = 0 , trackingMouse = False } , Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } type Msg = NoOp update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) {- Revised Alignment alignLeft, alignRight, center, verticalCenter, alignTop, alignBottom all apply to the element they are attached to. spread, spreadVertically, and spacing all apply to children. -} view model = layout [] <| column [] [ row [ height (px 100) , Color.background Color.green , Color.text Color.white , spaceEvenly ] [ el [ link "http://zombo.com" --height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!! BLABLABLABLABLABLBALA") ] , el [] (text "MAIN CONTENT") , Input.text [ center, width (px 800) ] { text = "Helloooooo!" , onChange = always NoOp , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.LabelOnRight empty } ] -- column [] -- [ row -- [ Color.background Color.white -- , height (px 80) -- , center -- -- , Content.verticalCenter -- ] -- [ el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignLeft -- moveDown 80 -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- ] -- (text "My Logo") -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.center -- Font.center -- -- , center -- ] -- (text "My Name is <NAME>") -- , row -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignRight -- Color.background Color.yellow -- ] -- [ text "hello!" -- , text "hello!" -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- below -- (el [ Color.background Color.blue ] (text "I am below, yup!")) -- ] -- (text "hello!") -- ] -- ] -- , el -- [ Font.family -- [ Font.typeface "Inconsolata" -- , Font.monospace -- ] -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- , paddingXY 30 50 -- , center -- , width (px 600) -- ] -- (text Internal.rules) -- , textPage -- [ spacing 10 -- , center -- , Color.background Color.lightGrey -- ] -- [ el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- ] -- , column [ spacing 20, padding 20, width (px 200), Color.background Color.grey ] -- [ el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width expand, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- ] -- ] -- view model = -- layoutWith [] -- { modal = el [] empty -- , content = -- column [] -- } -- view model = -- layoutWith -- { modal = el [] empty -- , attributes = [] -- } -- <| -- column [] []
module Main exposing (..) import AnimationFrame import Color exposing (Color) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Attributes exposing (..) import Element.Color as Color import Element.Font as Font import Element.Shadow as Shadow import Html import Html.Attributes import Html.Events import Input as Input import Internal.Style as Internal import Mouse import Time exposing (Time) main = Html.program { init = ( Debug.log "init" { timeline = 0 , trackingMouse = False } , Cmd.none ) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \model -> Sub.none } type Msg = NoOp update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) {- Revised Alignment alignLeft, alignRight, center, verticalCenter, alignTop, alignBottom all apply to the element they are attached to. spread, spreadVertically, and spacing all apply to children. -} view model = layout [] <| column [] [ row [ height (px 100) , Color.background Color.green , Color.text Color.white , spaceEvenly ] [ el [ link "http://zombo.com" --height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!!") , el [--height (px 8000) -- alignTop ] (text "Hello World!! BLABLABLABLABLABLBALA") ] , el [] (text "MAIN CONTENT") , Input.text [ center, width (px 800) ] { text = "Helloooooo!" , onChange = always NoOp , placeholder = Nothing , label = Input.LabelOnRight empty } ] -- column [] -- [ row -- [ Color.background Color.white -- , height (px 80) -- , center -- -- , Content.verticalCenter -- ] -- [ el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignLeft -- moveDown 80 -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- ] -- (text "My Logo") -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.center -- Font.center -- -- , center -- ] -- (text "My Name is PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") -- , row -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- -- , Content.alignRight -- Color.background Color.yellow -- ] -- [ text "hello!" -- , text "hello!" -- , el -- [ --Content.verticalCenter -- below -- (el [ Color.background Color.blue ] (text "I am below, yup!")) -- ] -- (text "hello!") -- ] -- ] -- , el -- [ Font.family -- [ Font.typeface "Inconsolata" -- , Font.monospace -- ] -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , Color.text Color.white -- , paddingXY 30 50 -- , center -- , width (px 600) -- ] -- (text Internal.rules) -- , textPage -- [ spacing 10 -- , center -- , Color.background Color.lightGrey -- ] -- [ el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- , el -- [ width (px 50) -- , height (px 50) -- , Color.background Color.blue -- , alignLeft -- ] -- empty -- , paragraph [] -- [ text ipsum -- ] -- ] -- , column [ spacing 20, padding 20, width (px 200), Color.background Color.grey ] -- [ el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width expand, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- , el [ width fill, height (px 20), Color.background Color.blue ] empty -- ] -- ] -- view model = -- layoutWith [] -- { modal = el [] empty -- , content = -- column [] -- } -- view model = -- layoutWith -- { modal = el [] empty -- , attributes = [] -- } -- <| -- column [] []
[ { "context": "hor\n [ ( \"Development\", [ \"Simon Olander Sahlén\" ] )\n , ( \"Icons\", [ \"Simo", "end": 1550, "score": 0.999894619, "start": 1530, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Simon Olander Sahlén" }, { "context": "hlén\" ] )\n , ( \"Icons\", [ \"Simon Olander Sahlén\" ] )\n , ( \"UX counselling\"", "end": 1616, "score": 0.9998930693, "start": 1596, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Simon Olander Sahlén" }, { "context": "( \"UX counselling\"\n , [ \"Anita Chainiau\"\n , \"Anton Håkanson\"\n ", "end": 1712, "score": 0.9998874664, "start": 1698, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anita Chainiau" }, { "context": "[ \"Anita Chainiau\"\n , \"Anton Håkanson\"\n ]\n ", "end": 1759, "score": 0.9998868108, "start": 1745, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anton Håkanson" }, { "context": " { label = text \"https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge\"\n , url = \"https", "end": 2226, "score": 0.8056426048, "start": 2214, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "simonolander" }, { "context": " , url = \"https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge\"\n }\n ", "end": 2302, "score": 0.8627362251, "start": 2290, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "simonolander" }, { "context": " playTesters =\n [ \"Anita Chainiau\"\n , \"Anton Håkanson\"\n ", "end": 2459, "score": 0.9998552203, "start": 2445, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anita Chainiau" }, { "context": " [ \"Anita Chainiau\"\n , \"Anton Håkanson\"\n , \"Isac Olander Sahlén\"\n", "end": 2502, "score": 0.9998500943, "start": 2488, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anton Håkanson" }, { "context": " , \"Anton Håkanson\"\n , \"Isac Olander Sahlén\"\n , \"Adelie Fournier\"\n ", "end": 2550, "score": 0.9998614788, "start": 2531, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Isac Olander Sahlén" }, { "context": " \"Isac Olander Sahlén\"\n , \"Adelie Fournier\"\n , \"Benjamin Becquet\"\n ", "end": 2594, "score": 0.9998642206, "start": 2579, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Adelie Fournier" }, { "context": " , \"Adelie Fournier\"\n , \"Benjamin Becquet\"\n , \"Erik Bodin\"\n ", "end": 2639, "score": 0.999851346, "start": 2623, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Benjamin Becquet" }, { "context": " , \"Benjamin Becquet\"\n , \"Erik Bodin\"\n , \"Anton Pervorsek\"\n ", "end": 2678, "score": 0.999866128, "start": 2668, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Erik Bodin" }, { "context": " , \"Erik Bodin\"\n , \"Anton Pervorsek\"\n , \"Edvin Wallin\"\n ", "end": 2722, "score": 0.9998649955, "start": 2707, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Anton Pervorsek" }, { "context": " , \"Anton Pervorsek\"\n , \"Edvin Wallin\"\n , \"Carl-Henrik Klåvus\"\n ", "end": 2763, "score": 0.9998586178, "start": 2751, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Edvin Wallin" }, { "context": " , \"Edvin Wallin\"\n , \"Carl-Henrik Klåvus\"\n , \"Johan von Konow\"\n ", "end": 2810, "score": 0.9998458624, "start": 2792, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Carl-Henrik Klåvus" }, { "context": ", \"Carl-Henrik Klåvus\"\n , \"Johan von Konow\"\n , \"Harald Nicander\"\n ", "end": 2854, "score": 0.9998556972, "start": 2839, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Johan von Konow" }, { "context": " , \"Johan von Konow\"\n , \"Harald Nicander\"\n , \"Karin Aldheimer\"\n ", "end": 2898, "score": 0.9998502731, "start": 2883, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Harald Nicander" }, { "context": " , \"Harald Nicander\"\n , \"Karin Aldheimer\"\n , \"Malin Molin\"\n ", "end": 2942, "score": 0.9998582006, "start": 2927, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Karin Aldheimer" }, { "context": " , \"Karin Aldheimer\"\n , \"Malin Molin\"\n ]\n\n c", "end": 2982, "score": 0.9998557568, "start": 2971, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Malin Molin" } ]
module Page.Credits exposing (Model, Msg, init, load, subscriptions, update, view) import ApplicationName exposing (applicationName) import Basics.Extra exposing (flip, uncurry) import Browser exposing (Document) import Color import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font exposing (Font) import Html.Attributes import Json.Encode as Encode import View.Constant exposing (color, size) import View.Header import View.Layout import View.Scewn -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session } type alias Msg = () init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( { session = session }, Cmd.none ) load : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) load = flip Tuple.pair Cmd.none -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) localStorageResponseUpdate : ( String, Encode.Value ) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) localStorageResponseUpdate ( key, value ) model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Document Msg view model = let body = column [ width (maximum 1000 fill) , height fill , padding 60 , spacing 80 , centerX ] [ section "Credits" (taskAndAuthor [ ( "Development", [ "Simon Olander Sahlén" ] ) , ( "Icons", [ "Simon Olander Sahlén" ] ) , ( "UX counselling" , [ "Anita Chainiau" , "Anton Håkanson" ] ) , ( "Music", [] ) ] ) , section "Source" (link [ centerX , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] , Font.color color.font.link ] { label = text "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" , url = "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" } ) , let playTesters = [ "Anita Chainiau" , "Anton Håkanson" , "Isac Olander Sahlén" , "Adelie Fournier" , "Benjamin Becquet" , "Erik Bodin" , "Anton Pervorsek" , "Edvin Wallin" , "Carl-Henrik Klåvus" , "Johan von Konow" , "Harald Nicander" , "Karin Aldheimer" , "Malin Molin" ] color index = let t = toFloat index / toFloat (List.length playTesters) { red, green, blue, alpha } = Color.hsl t 1 0.75 |> Color.toRgba in Font.color (rgba red green blue alpha) in section "Play testing" (playTesters |> List.map (String.replace " " "\u{00A0}") |> List.sort |> List.map text |> List.indexedMap (\index -> el [ mouseOver [ color index ] , padding 10 ] ) |> List.intersperse (text " ") |> paragraph [ Font.center ] ) , section "Special thanks" ([ ( "Zachtronics" , [ text "For making " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "TIS-100" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/" } , text " and " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "Shenzhen I/O" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/shenzhen-io/" } , text ", games I enjoyed and that inspired this work." ] ) , ( "Befunge" , [ text "For inspiring the computer language of this game." ] ) ] |> List.map (Tuple.mapFirst (text >> el [ Font.size 24, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (paragraph [ Font.size 20, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (\( a, b ) -> [ a, b ]) |> List.map (column [ width fill, spacing 20 ]) |> column [ width fill, spacing 30 ] ) ] content = View.Layout.layout <| View.Scewn.view { north = Just <| View.Header.view model.session , center = Just body , south = Nothing , east = Nothing , west = Nothing , modal = Nothing } in { body = [ content ] , title = String.concat [ "Credits", " - ", applicationName ] } section : String -> Element msg -> Element msg section title element = column [ width fill , spacing 40 ] [ el [ Font.center , size.font.section.title , width fill ] (text title) , element ] taskAndAuthor : List ( String, List String ) -> Element msg taskAndAuthor tasks = let top task author = row [ width fill, htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.class "dotted") ] [ el [ alignLeft , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 0, top = 0, right = 11, bottom = 0 } ] (text task) , el [ mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] , alignRight , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 11, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 } ] (text author) ] in tasks |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond List.sort) |> List.map (\( task, authors ) -> case authors of [ author ] -> top task author [] -> top task "null" author :: tail -> tail |> List.map (text >> el [ width fill , Font.alignRight , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] ] ) |> (::) (top task author) |> column [ width fill ] ) |> column [ width fill, centerX, spacing 20 ]
module Page.Credits exposing (Model, Msg, init, load, subscriptions, update, view) import ApplicationName exposing (applicationName) import Basics.Extra exposing (flip, uncurry) import Browser exposing (Document) import Color import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font exposing (Font) import Html.Attributes import Json.Encode as Encode import View.Constant exposing (color, size) import View.Header import View.Layout import View.Scewn -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session } type alias Msg = () init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( { session = session }, Cmd.none ) load : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) load = flip Tuple.pair Cmd.none -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) localStorageResponseUpdate : ( String, Encode.Value ) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) localStorageResponseUpdate ( key, value ) model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Document Msg view model = let body = column [ width (maximum 1000 fill) , height fill , padding 60 , spacing 80 , centerX ] [ section "Credits" (taskAndAuthor [ ( "Development", [ "<NAME>" ] ) , ( "Icons", [ "<NAME>" ] ) , ( "UX counselling" , [ "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" ] ) , ( "Music", [] ) ] ) , section "Source" (link [ centerX , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] , Font.color color.font.link ] { label = text "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" , url = "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" } ) , let playTesters = [ "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" ] color index = let t = toFloat index / toFloat (List.length playTesters) { red, green, blue, alpha } = Color.hsl t 1 0.75 |> Color.toRgba in Font.color (rgba red green blue alpha) in section "Play testing" (playTesters |> List.map (String.replace " " "\u{00A0}") |> List.sort |> List.map text |> List.indexedMap (\index -> el [ mouseOver [ color index ] , padding 10 ] ) |> List.intersperse (text " ") |> paragraph [ Font.center ] ) , section "Special thanks" ([ ( "Zachtronics" , [ text "For making " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "TIS-100" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/" } , text " and " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "Shenzhen I/O" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/shenzhen-io/" } , text ", games I enjoyed and that inspired this work." ] ) , ( "Befunge" , [ text "For inspiring the computer language of this game." ] ) ] |> List.map (Tuple.mapFirst (text >> el [ Font.size 24, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (paragraph [ Font.size 20, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (\( a, b ) -> [ a, b ]) |> List.map (column [ width fill, spacing 20 ]) |> column [ width fill, spacing 30 ] ) ] content = View.Layout.layout <| View.Scewn.view { north = Just <| View.Header.view model.session , center = Just body , south = Nothing , east = Nothing , west = Nothing , modal = Nothing } in { body = [ content ] , title = String.concat [ "Credits", " - ", applicationName ] } section : String -> Element msg -> Element msg section title element = column [ width fill , spacing 40 ] [ el [ Font.center , size.font.section.title , width fill ] (text title) , element ] taskAndAuthor : List ( String, List String ) -> Element msg taskAndAuthor tasks = let top task author = row [ width fill, htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.class "dotted") ] [ el [ alignLeft , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 0, top = 0, right = 11, bottom = 0 } ] (text task) , el [ mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] , alignRight , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 11, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 } ] (text author) ] in tasks |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond List.sort) |> List.map (\( task, authors ) -> case authors of [ author ] -> top task author [] -> top task "null" author :: tail -> tail |> List.map (text >> el [ width fill , Font.alignRight , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] ] ) |> (::) (top task author) |> column [ width fill ] ) |> column [ width fill, centerX, spacing 20 ]
module Page.Credits exposing (Model, Msg, init, load, subscriptions, update, view) import ApplicationName exposing (applicationName) import Basics.Extra exposing (flip, uncurry) import Browser exposing (Document) import Color import Data.Session exposing (Session) import Element exposing (..) import Element.Background as Background import Element.Font as Font exposing (Font) import Html.Attributes import Json.Encode as Encode import View.Constant exposing (color, size) import View.Header import View.Layout import View.Scewn -- MODEL type alias Model = { session : Session } type alias Msg = () init : Session -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init session = ( { session = session }, Cmd.none ) load : Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) load = flip Tuple.pair Cmd.none -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = ( model, Cmd.none ) localStorageResponseUpdate : ( String, Encode.Value ) -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) localStorageResponseUpdate ( key, value ) model = ( model, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Document Msg view model = let body = column [ width (maximum 1000 fill) , height fill , padding 60 , spacing 80 , centerX ] [ section "Credits" (taskAndAuthor [ ( "Development", [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ) , ( "Icons", [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ) , ( "UX counselling" , [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ) , ( "Music", [] ) ] ) , section "Source" (link [ centerX , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] , Font.color color.font.link ] { label = text "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" , url = "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-funge" } ) , let playTesters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] color index = let t = toFloat index / toFloat (List.length playTesters) { red, green, blue, alpha } = Color.hsl t 1 0.75 |> Color.toRgba in Font.color (rgba red green blue alpha) in section "Play testing" (playTesters |> List.map (String.replace " " "\u{00A0}") |> List.sort |> List.map text |> List.indexedMap (\index -> el [ mouseOver [ color index ] , padding 10 ] ) |> List.intersperse (text " ") |> paragraph [ Font.center ] ) , section "Special thanks" ([ ( "Zachtronics" , [ text "For making " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "TIS-100" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/" } , text " and " , link [ Font.color color.font.link , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.linkHover ] ] { label = text "Shenzhen I/O" , url = "http://www.zachtronics.com/shenzhen-io/" } , text ", games I enjoyed and that inspired this work." ] ) , ( "Befunge" , [ text "For inspiring the computer language of this game." ] ) ] |> List.map (Tuple.mapFirst (text >> el [ Font.size 24, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond (paragraph [ Font.size 20, Font.center, width fill ])) |> List.map (\( a, b ) -> [ a, b ]) |> List.map (column [ width fill, spacing 20 ]) |> column [ width fill, spacing 30 ] ) ] content = View.Layout.layout <| View.Scewn.view { north = Just <| View.Header.view model.session , center = Just body , south = Nothing , east = Nothing , west = Nothing , modal = Nothing } in { body = [ content ] , title = String.concat [ "Credits", " - ", applicationName ] } section : String -> Element msg -> Element msg section title element = column [ width fill , spacing 40 ] [ el [ Font.center , size.font.section.title , width fill ] (text title) , element ] taskAndAuthor : List ( String, List String ) -> Element msg taskAndAuthor tasks = let top task author = row [ width fill, htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.class "dotted") ] [ el [ alignLeft , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 0, top = 0, right = 11, bottom = 0 } ] (text task) , el [ mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] , alignRight , Background.color (rgb 0 0 0) , paddingEach { left = 11, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0 } ] (text author) ] in tasks |> List.map (Tuple.mapSecond List.sort) |> List.map (\( task, authors ) -> case authors of [ author ] -> top task author [] -> top task "null" author :: tail -> tail |> List.map (text >> el [ width fill , Font.alignRight , mouseOver [ Font.color color.font.subtle ] ] ) |> (::) (top task author) |> column [ width fill ] ) |> column [ width fill, centerX, spacing 20 ]
[ { "context": "Mdl\n }\n\nmodel : Model\nmodel =\n { message = \"Hello World\"\n , appName = \"Sample\"\n , tabName = \"Tab1\"\n", "end": 587, "score": 0.6345540285, "start": 576, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Hello World" } ]
module LayoutExample exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Material import Material.Color as Color import Material.Icon as Icon import Material.Grid as Grid exposing (grid, size, cell, Device(..)) import Material.Layout as Layout import Material.Options as Options exposing (css) import Material.Scheme import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Mdl = Material.Model -- MODEL type alias Model = { message : String , appName : String , tabName : String , color : Color.Hue , mdl : Mdl } model : Model model = { message = "Hello World" , appName = "Sample" , tabName = "Tab1" , color = Color.Indigo , mdl = Material.model } -- UPDATE type Msg = Mdl (Material.Msg Msg) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Mdl msg_ -> Material.update Mdl msg_ model -- VIEW layout : Model -> Html Msg layout model = Material.Scheme.top <| Layout.render Mdl model.mdl [ Layout.fixedHeader ] { header = [ header model ] , drawer = drawer model , tabs = ( tabs model, [Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S400)]) , main = [ body model ] } body : Model -> Html Msg body model = let title : Grid.Cell Msg title = cell [ size Desktop 12, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [ Typography.left, Typography.display3 ] [ text model.tabName ] ] boxed : List (Options.Property a b) boxed = [ css "margin" "auto" , css "padding-left" "8%" , css "padding-right" "8%" ] body : String body = String.repeat 30 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at justo augue. " bodyCells : List (Grid.Cell Msg) bodyCells = cell [ size Desktop 6, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [] [ text body ] ] |> List.repeat 3 in grid boxed (title :: bodyCells) body2 : Model -> Html Msg body2 model = grid [ Options.css "max-width" "1080px" ] [ cell [ size All 8 ] [ div [] [ text model.message]] ] header : Model -> Html Msg header model = Layout.row [ Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S500)] [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.spacer , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [ ] [ Icon.i "photo" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ]] ] drawer : Model -> List (Html Msg) drawer model = [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [] [ text "link 1" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ] ] ] tabs : Model -> List (Html Msg) tabs model = [ text "Tab1" , text "Tab2" , text "Tab3" ] -- MAIN main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( model, Cmd.none ) , view = layout , subscriptions = always Sub.none , update = update }
module LayoutExample exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Material import Material.Color as Color import Material.Icon as Icon import Material.Grid as Grid exposing (grid, size, cell, Device(..)) import Material.Layout as Layout import Material.Options as Options exposing (css) import Material.Scheme import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Mdl = Material.Model -- MODEL type alias Model = { message : String , appName : String , tabName : String , color : Color.Hue , mdl : Mdl } model : Model model = { message = "<NAME>" , appName = "Sample" , tabName = "Tab1" , color = Color.Indigo , mdl = Material.model } -- UPDATE type Msg = Mdl (Material.Msg Msg) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Mdl msg_ -> Material.update Mdl msg_ model -- VIEW layout : Model -> Html Msg layout model = Material.Scheme.top <| Layout.render Mdl model.mdl [ Layout.fixedHeader ] { header = [ header model ] , drawer = drawer model , tabs = ( tabs model, [Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S400)]) , main = [ body model ] } body : Model -> Html Msg body model = let title : Grid.Cell Msg title = cell [ size Desktop 12, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [ Typography.left, Typography.display3 ] [ text model.tabName ] ] boxed : List (Options.Property a b) boxed = [ css "margin" "auto" , css "padding-left" "8%" , css "padding-right" "8%" ] body : String body = String.repeat 30 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at justo augue. " bodyCells : List (Grid.Cell Msg) bodyCells = cell [ size Desktop 6, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [] [ text body ] ] |> List.repeat 3 in grid boxed (title :: bodyCells) body2 : Model -> Html Msg body2 model = grid [ Options.css "max-width" "1080px" ] [ cell [ size All 8 ] [ div [] [ text model.message]] ] header : Model -> Html Msg header model = Layout.row [ Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S500)] [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.spacer , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [ ] [ Icon.i "photo" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ]] ] drawer : Model -> List (Html Msg) drawer model = [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [] [ text "link 1" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ] ] ] tabs : Model -> List (Html Msg) tabs model = [ text "Tab1" , text "Tab2" , text "Tab3" ] -- MAIN main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( model, Cmd.none ) , view = layout , subscriptions = always Sub.none , update = update }
module LayoutExample exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Material import Material.Color as Color import Material.Icon as Icon import Material.Grid as Grid exposing (grid, size, cell, Device(..)) import Material.Layout as Layout import Material.Options as Options exposing (css) import Material.Scheme import Material.Typography as Typography type alias Mdl = Material.Model -- MODEL type alias Model = { message : String , appName : String , tabName : String , color : Color.Hue , mdl : Mdl } model : Model model = { message = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , appName = "Sample" , tabName = "Tab1" , color = Color.Indigo , mdl = Material.model } -- UPDATE type Msg = Mdl (Material.Msg Msg) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of Mdl msg_ -> Material.update Mdl msg_ model -- VIEW layout : Model -> Html Msg layout model = Material.Scheme.top <| Layout.render Mdl model.mdl [ Layout.fixedHeader ] { header = [ header model ] , drawer = drawer model , tabs = ( tabs model, [Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S400)]) , main = [ body model ] } body : Model -> Html Msg body model = let title : Grid.Cell Msg title = cell [ size Desktop 12, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [ Typography.left, Typography.display3 ] [ text model.tabName ] ] boxed : List (Options.Property a b) boxed = [ css "margin" "auto" , css "padding-left" "8%" , css "padding-right" "8%" ] body : String body = String.repeat 30 "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse at justo augue. " bodyCells : List (Grid.Cell Msg) bodyCells = cell [ size Desktop 6, size Tablet 8, size Phone 4 ] [ Options.styled div [] [ text body ] ] |> List.repeat 3 in grid boxed (title :: bodyCells) body2 : Model -> Html Msg body2 model = grid [ Options.css "max-width" "1080px" ] [ cell [ size All 8 ] [ div [] [ text model.message]] ] header : Model -> Html Msg header model = Layout.row [ Color.background (Color.color model.color Color.S500)] [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.spacer , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [ ] [ Icon.i "photo" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ]] ] drawer : Model -> List (Html Msg) drawer model = [ Layout.title [] [ text model.appName ] , Layout.navigation [] [ Layout.link [] [ text "link 1" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 2" ] , Layout.link [] [ text "link 3" ] ] ] tabs : Model -> List (Html Msg) tabs model = [ text "Tab1" , text "Tab2" , text "Tab3" ] -- MAIN main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = ( model, Cmd.none ) , view = layout , subscriptions = always Sub.none , update = update }
[ { "context": "use the expected value didn't split the space in \"Betty Botter\"\n String.split \" \" \"Betty Botter bought some b", "end": 5135, "score": 0.9026089311, "start": 5123, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty Botter" }, { "context": "the space in \"Betty Botter\"\n String.split \" \" \"Betty Botter bought some butter\"\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Be", "end": 5171, "score": 0.9968928695, "start": 5159, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty Botter" }, { "context": "er bought some butter\"\n |> Expect.equal [ \"Betty Botter\", \"bought\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n\n {-\n\n [ \"Be", "end": 5231, "score": 0.9863089919, "start": 5219, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty Botter" }, { "context": "er\", \"bought\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n\n {-\n\n [ \"Betty\", \"Botter\", \"bought\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n ╷\n ", "end": 5284, "score": 0.9975224733, "start": 5279, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty" }, { "context": "ght\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n\n {-\n\n [ \"Betty\", \"Botter\", \"bought\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n ╷\n │ Expect", "end": 5294, "score": 0.9745397568, "start": 5288, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Botter" }, { "context": " \"butter\" ]\n ╷\n │ Expect.equal\n ╵\n [ \"Betty Botter\", \"bought\", \"some\", \"butter\" ]\n\n -}\n\nDo not eq", "end": 5376, "score": 0.9983232617, "start": 5364, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betty Botter" } ]
module Expect exposing ( Expectation, equal, notEqual, all , lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast , FloatingPointTolerance(..), within, notWithin , true, false , ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets , pass, fail, onFail ) {-| A library to create `Expectation`s, which describe a claim to be tested. ## Quick Reference - [`equal`](#equal) `(arg2 == arg1)` - [`notEqual`](#notEqual) `(arg2 /= arg1)` - [`lessThan`](#lessThan) `(arg2 < arg1)` - [`atMost`](#atMost) `(arg2 <= arg1)` - [`greaterThan`](#greaterThan) `(arg2 > arg1)` - [`atLeast`](#atLeast) `(arg2 >= arg1)` - [`true`](#true) `(arg == True)` - [`false`](#false) `(arg == False)` - [Floating Point Comparisons](#floating-point-comparisons) ## Basic Expectations @docs Expectation, equal, notEqual, all ## Numeric Comparisons @docs lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast ## Floating Point Comparisons These functions allow you to compare `Float` values up to a specified rounding error, which may be relative, absolute, or both. For an in-depth look, see our [Guide to Floating Point Comparison](#guide-to-floating-point-comparison). @docs FloatingPointTolerance, within, notWithin ## Booleans @docs true, false ## Collections @docs ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets ## Customizing These functions will let you build your own expectations. @docs pass, fail, onFail ## Guide to Floating Point Comparison In general, if you are multiplying, you want relative tolerance, and if you're adding, you want absolute tolerance. If you are doing both, you want both kinds of tolerance, or to split the calculation into smaller parts for testing. ### Absolute Tolerance Let's say we want to figure out if our estimation of pi is precise enough. Is `3.14` within `0.01` of `pi`? Yes, because `3.13 < pi < 3.15`. test "3.14 approximates pi with absolute precision" <| \_ -> 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.01) pi ### Relative Tolerance What if we also want to know if our circle circumference estimation is close enough? Let's say our circle has a radius of `r` meters. The formula for circle circumference is `C=2*r*pi`. To make the calculations a bit easier ([ahem](https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto)), we'll look at half the circumference; `C/2=r*pi`. Is `r * 3.14` within `0.01` of `r * pi`? That depends, what does `r` equal? If `r` is `0.01`mm, or `0.00001` meters, we're comparing `0.00001 * 3.14 - 0.01 < r * pi < 0.00001 * 3.14 + 0.01` or `-0.0099686 < 0.0000314159 < 0.0100314`. That's a huge tolerance! A circumference that is _a thousand times longer_ than we expected would pass that test! On the other hand, if `r` is very large, we're going to need many more digits of pi. For an absolute tolerance of `0.01` and a pi estimation of `3.14`, this expectation only passes if `r < 2*pi`. If we use a relative tolerance of `0.01` instead, the circle area comparison becomes much better. Is `r * 3.14` within `1%` of `r * pi`? Yes! In fact, three digits of pi approximation is always good enough for a 0.1% relative tolerance, as long as `r` isn't [too close to zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal_number). fuzz (floatRange 0.000001 100000) "Circle half-circumference with relative tolerance" (\r -> r * 3.14 |> Expect.within (Relative 0.001) (r * pi)) ### Trouble with Numbers Near Zero If you are adding things near zero, you probably want absolute tolerance. If you're comparing values between `-1` and `1`, you should consider using absolute tolerance. For example: Is `1 + 2 - 3` within `1%` of `0`? Well, if `1`, `2` and `3` have any amount of rounding error, you might not get exactly zero. What is `1%` above and below `0`? Zero. We just lost all tolerance. Even if we hard-code the numbers, we might not get exactly zero; `0.1 + 0.2` rounds to a value just above `0.3`, since computers, counting in binary, cannot write down any of those three numbers using a finite number of digits, just like we cannot write `0.333...` exactly in base 10. Another example is comparing values that are on either side of zero. `0.0001` is more than `100%` away from `-0.0001`. In fact, `infinity` is closer to `0.0001` than `0.0001` is to `-0.0001`, if you are using a relative tolerance. Twice as close, actually. So even though both `0.0001` and `-0.0001` could be considered very close to zero, they are very far apart relative to each other. The same argument applies for any number of zeroes. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Set exposing (Set) import Test.Expectation import Test.Internal as Internal import Test.Runner.Failure exposing (InvalidReason(..), Reason(..)) {-| The result of a single test run: either a [`pass`](#pass) or a [`fail`](#fail). -} type alias Expectation = Test.Expectation.Expectation {-| Passes if the arguments are equal. Expect.equal 0 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 == 0) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because the expected value didn't split the space in "Betty Botter" String.split " " "Betty Botter bought some butter" |> Expect.equal [ "Betty Botter", "bought", "some", "butter" ] {- [ "Betty", "Botter", "bought", "some", "butter" ] ╷ │ Expect.equal ╵ [ "Betty Botter", "bought", "some", "butter" ] -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`within`](#within) instead. -} equal : a -> a -> Expectation equal = equateWith "Expect.equal" (==) {-| Passes if the arguments are not equal. -- Passes because (11 /= 100) is True 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 11 -- Fails because (100 /= 100) is False 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 100 {- 100 ╷ │ Expect.notEqual ╵ 100 -} -} notEqual : a -> a -> Expectation notEqual = equateWith "Expect.notEqual" (/=) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than the first. Expect.lessThan 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 < 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.lessThan -1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -1 -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`notWithin`](#notWithin) instead. -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation lessThan = compareWith "Expect.lessThan" (<) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than or equal to the first. Expect.atMost 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 <= 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 <= -3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atMost -3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atMost ╵ -3 -} -} atMost : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atMost = compareWith "Expect.atMost" (<=) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than the first. Expect.greaterThan -2 List.length [] -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 > 1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.greaterThan 1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.greaterThan ╵ 1 -} -} greaterThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation greaterThan = compareWith "Expect.greaterThan" (>) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than or equal to the first. Expect.atLeast -2 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 >= -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 >= 3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atLeast 3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atLeast ╵ 3 -} -} atLeast : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atLeast = compareWith "Expect.atLeast" (>=) {-| A type to describe how close a floating point number must be to the expected value for the test to pass. This may be specified as absolute or relative. `AbsoluteOrRelative` tolerance uses a logical OR between the absolute (specified first) and relative tolerance. If you want a logical AND, use [`Expect.all`](#all). -} type FloatingPointTolerance = Absolute Float | Relative Float | AbsoluteOrRelative Float Float {-| Passes if the second and third arguments are equal within a tolerance specified by the first argument. This is intended to avoid failing because of minor inaccuracies introduced by floating point arithmetic. -- Fails because 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004 (0.1 is non-terminating in base 2) 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.equal 0.3 -- So instead write this test, which passes 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.000000001) 0.3 Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because 3.14 is not close enough to pi 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.0001) pi {- 3.14 ╷ │ Expect.within Absolute 0.0001 ╵ 3.141592653589793 -} -} within : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation within tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "within" <| compareWith ("Expect.within " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (withinCompare tolerance) lower upper {-| Passes if (and only if) a call to `within` with the same arguments would have failed. -} notWithin : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation notWithin tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "notWithin" <| compareWith ("Expect.notWithin " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (\a b -> not <| withinCompare tolerance a b) lower upper {-| Passes if the argument is 'True', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." (List.isEmpty []) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty []) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because List.isEmpty returns False, but we expect True. List.isEmpty [ 42 ] |> Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." {- Expected the list to be empty. -} -} true : String -> Bool -> Expectation true message bool = if bool then pass else fail message {-| Passes if the argument is 'False', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) is False Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (List.isEmpty []) is True List.isEmpty [] |> Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." {- Expected the list not to be empty. -} -} false : String -> Bool -> Expectation false message bool = if bool then fail message else pass {-| Passes if the [`Result`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Ok` rather than `Err`. This is useful for tests where you expect not to see an error, but you don't care what the actual result is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.notEqual Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} ok : Result a b -> Expectation ok result = case result of Ok _ -> pass Err _ -> { description = "Expect.ok" , reason = Comparison "Ok _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the [`Result`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Err` rather than `Ok`. This is useful for tests where you expect to get an error but you don't care what the actual error is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.equal Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} err : Result a b -> Expectation err result = case result of Ok _ -> { description = "Expect.err" , reason = Comparison "Err _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail Err _ -> pass {-| Passes if the arguments are equal lists. -- Passes [ 1, 2, 3 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 3 ] Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which index the lists first differed at or which list was longer: -- Fails [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 5 ] {- [1,2,4,6] first diff at index index 2: +`4`, -`5` ╷ │ Expect.equalLists ╵ first diff at index index 2: +`5`, -`4` [1,2,5] -} -} equalLists : List a -> List a -> Expectation equalLists expected actual = if expected == actual then pass else { description = "Expect.equalLists" , reason = ListDiff (List.map Internal.toString expected) (List.map Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the arguments are equal dicts. -- Passes Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ] |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each dict: -- Fails (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "too" ) ]) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ), ( 3, "three" ) ]) {- Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"too")] diff: -[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] +[ (2,"too") ] ╷ │ Expect.equalDicts ╵ diff: +[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] -[ (2,"too") ] Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three")] -} -} equalDicts : Dict comparable a -> Dict comparable a -> Expectation equalDicts expected actual = if Dict.toList expected == Dict.toList actual then pass else let differ dict k v diffs = if Dict.get k dict == Just v then diffs else ( k, v ) :: diffs missingKeys = Dict.foldr (differ actual) [] expected extraKeys = Dict.foldr (differ expected) [] actual in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalDicts" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Passes if the arguments are equal sets. -- Passes Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ] |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each set: -- Fails (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ]) |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 5 ]) {- Set.fromList [1,2,4,6] diff: -[ 5 ] +[ 4, 6 ] ╷ │ Expect.equalSets ╵ diff: +[ 5 ] -[ 4, 6 ] Set.fromList [1,2,5] -} -} equalSets : Set comparable -> Set comparable -> Expectation equalSets expected actual = if Set.toList expected == Set.toList actual then pass else let missingKeys = Set.diff expected actual |> Set.toList extraKeys = Set.diff actual expected |> Set.toList in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalSets" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Always passes. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} pass : Expectation pass = Test.Expectation.Pass {-| Fails with the given message. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} fail : String -> Expectation fail str = Test.Expectation.fail { description = str, reason = Custom } {-| If the given expectation fails, replace its failure message with a custom one. "something" |> Expect.equal "something else" |> Expect.onFail "thought those two strings would be the same" -} onFail : String -> Expectation -> Expectation onFail str expectation = case expectation of Test.Expectation.Pass -> expectation Test.Expectation.Fail failure -> Test.Expectation.Fail { failure | description = str, reason = Custom } {-| Passes if each of the given functions passes when applied to the subject. Passing an empty list is assumed to be a mistake, so `Expect.all []` will always return a failed expectation no matter what else it is passed. Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan 5 ] (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True and (0 < 5) is also True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -10) is False List.length [] |> Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan -10 , Expect.equal 0 ] {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -10 -} -} all : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation all list query = if List.isEmpty list then Test.Expectation.fail { reason = Invalid EmptyList , description = "Expect.all was given an empty list. You must make at least one expectation to have a valid test!" } else allHelp list query allHelp : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation allHelp list query = case list of [] -> pass check :: rest -> case check query of Test.Expectation.Pass -> allHelp rest query outcome -> outcome {---- Private helper functions ----} reportFailure : String -> String -> String -> Expectation reportFailure comparison expected actual = { description = comparison -- We may need to wrap expected and actual in quotes to maintain 0.18 behavior , reason = Comparison expected actual } |> Test.Expectation.fail reportCollectionFailure : String -> a -> b -> List c -> List d -> Expectation reportCollectionFailure comparison expected actual missingKeys extraKeys = { description = comparison , reason = { expected = Internal.toString expected , actual = Internal.toString actual , extra = List.map Internal.toString extraKeys , missing = List.map Internal.toString missingKeys } |> CollectionDiff } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| String arg is label, e.g. "Expect.equal". -} equateWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation equateWith reason comparison b a = let isJust x = case x of Just _ -> True Nothing -> False isFloat x = isJust (String.toFloat x) && not (isJust (String.toInt x)) usesFloats = isFloat (Internal.toString a) || isFloat (Internal.toString b) floatError = if String.contains reason "not" then "Do not use Expect.notEqual with floats. Use Float.notWithin instead." else "Do not use Expect.equal with floats. Use Float.within instead." in if usesFloats then fail floatError else testWith Equality reason comparison b a compareWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation compareWith = testWith Comparison testWith : (String -> String -> Reason) -> String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation testWith makeReason label runTest expected actual = if runTest actual expected then pass else { description = label , reason = makeReason (Internal.toString expected) (Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {---- Private *floating point* helper functions ----} absolute : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float absolute tolerance = case tolerance of Absolute val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative val _ -> val _ -> 0 relative : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float relative tolerance = case tolerance of Relative val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative _ val -> val _ -> 0 nonNegativeToleranceError : FloatingPointTolerance -> String -> Expectation -> Expectation nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance name result = if absolute tolerance < 0 && relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given negative absolute and relative tolerances", reason = Custom } else if absolute tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative absolute tolerance", reason = Custom } else if relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative relative tolerance", reason = Custom } else result withinCompare : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Bool withinCompare tolerance a b = let withinAbsoluteTolerance = a - absolute tolerance <= b && b <= a + absolute tolerance withinRelativeTolerance = (a - abs (a * relative tolerance) <= b && b <= a + abs (a * relative tolerance)) || (b - abs (b * relative tolerance) <= a && a <= b + abs (b * relative tolerance)) in (a == b) || withinAbsoluteTolerance || withinRelativeTolerance
module Expect exposing ( Expectation, equal, notEqual, all , lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast , FloatingPointTolerance(..), within, notWithin , true, false , ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets , pass, fail, onFail ) {-| A library to create `Expectation`s, which describe a claim to be tested. ## Quick Reference - [`equal`](#equal) `(arg2 == arg1)` - [`notEqual`](#notEqual) `(arg2 /= arg1)` - [`lessThan`](#lessThan) `(arg2 < arg1)` - [`atMost`](#atMost) `(arg2 <= arg1)` - [`greaterThan`](#greaterThan) `(arg2 > arg1)` - [`atLeast`](#atLeast) `(arg2 >= arg1)` - [`true`](#true) `(arg == True)` - [`false`](#false) `(arg == False)` - [Floating Point Comparisons](#floating-point-comparisons) ## Basic Expectations @docs Expectation, equal, notEqual, all ## Numeric Comparisons @docs lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast ## Floating Point Comparisons These functions allow you to compare `Float` values up to a specified rounding error, which may be relative, absolute, or both. For an in-depth look, see our [Guide to Floating Point Comparison](#guide-to-floating-point-comparison). @docs FloatingPointTolerance, within, notWithin ## Booleans @docs true, false ## Collections @docs ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets ## Customizing These functions will let you build your own expectations. @docs pass, fail, onFail ## Guide to Floating Point Comparison In general, if you are multiplying, you want relative tolerance, and if you're adding, you want absolute tolerance. If you are doing both, you want both kinds of tolerance, or to split the calculation into smaller parts for testing. ### Absolute Tolerance Let's say we want to figure out if our estimation of pi is precise enough. Is `3.14` within `0.01` of `pi`? Yes, because `3.13 < pi < 3.15`. test "3.14 approximates pi with absolute precision" <| \_ -> 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.01) pi ### Relative Tolerance What if we also want to know if our circle circumference estimation is close enough? Let's say our circle has a radius of `r` meters. The formula for circle circumference is `C=2*r*pi`. To make the calculations a bit easier ([ahem](https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto)), we'll look at half the circumference; `C/2=r*pi`. Is `r * 3.14` within `0.01` of `r * pi`? That depends, what does `r` equal? If `r` is `0.01`mm, or `0.00001` meters, we're comparing `0.00001 * 3.14 - 0.01 < r * pi < 0.00001 * 3.14 + 0.01` or `-0.0099686 < 0.0000314159 < 0.0100314`. That's a huge tolerance! A circumference that is _a thousand times longer_ than we expected would pass that test! On the other hand, if `r` is very large, we're going to need many more digits of pi. For an absolute tolerance of `0.01` and a pi estimation of `3.14`, this expectation only passes if `r < 2*pi`. If we use a relative tolerance of `0.01` instead, the circle area comparison becomes much better. Is `r * 3.14` within `1%` of `r * pi`? Yes! In fact, three digits of pi approximation is always good enough for a 0.1% relative tolerance, as long as `r` isn't [too close to zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal_number). fuzz (floatRange 0.000001 100000) "Circle half-circumference with relative tolerance" (\r -> r * 3.14 |> Expect.within (Relative 0.001) (r * pi)) ### Trouble with Numbers Near Zero If you are adding things near zero, you probably want absolute tolerance. If you're comparing values between `-1` and `1`, you should consider using absolute tolerance. For example: Is `1 + 2 - 3` within `1%` of `0`? Well, if `1`, `2` and `3` have any amount of rounding error, you might not get exactly zero. What is `1%` above and below `0`? Zero. We just lost all tolerance. Even if we hard-code the numbers, we might not get exactly zero; `0.1 + 0.2` rounds to a value just above `0.3`, since computers, counting in binary, cannot write down any of those three numbers using a finite number of digits, just like we cannot write `0.333...` exactly in base 10. Another example is comparing values that are on either side of zero. `0.0001` is more than `100%` away from `-0.0001`. In fact, `infinity` is closer to `0.0001` than `0.0001` is to `-0.0001`, if you are using a relative tolerance. Twice as close, actually. So even though both `0.0001` and `-0.0001` could be considered very close to zero, they are very far apart relative to each other. The same argument applies for any number of zeroes. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Set exposing (Set) import Test.Expectation import Test.Internal as Internal import Test.Runner.Failure exposing (InvalidReason(..), Reason(..)) {-| The result of a single test run: either a [`pass`](#pass) or a [`fail`](#fail). -} type alias Expectation = Test.Expectation.Expectation {-| Passes if the arguments are equal. Expect.equal 0 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 == 0) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because the expected value didn't split the space in "<NAME>" String.split " " "<NAME> bought some butter" |> Expect.equal [ "<NAME>", "bought", "some", "butter" ] {- [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "bought", "some", "butter" ] ╷ │ Expect.equal ╵ [ "<NAME>", "bought", "some", "butter" ] -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`within`](#within) instead. -} equal : a -> a -> Expectation equal = equateWith "Expect.equal" (==) {-| Passes if the arguments are not equal. -- Passes because (11 /= 100) is True 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 11 -- Fails because (100 /= 100) is False 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 100 {- 100 ╷ │ Expect.notEqual ╵ 100 -} -} notEqual : a -> a -> Expectation notEqual = equateWith "Expect.notEqual" (/=) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than the first. Expect.lessThan 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 < 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.lessThan -1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -1 -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`notWithin`](#notWithin) instead. -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation lessThan = compareWith "Expect.lessThan" (<) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than or equal to the first. Expect.atMost 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 <= 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 <= -3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atMost -3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atMost ╵ -3 -} -} atMost : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atMost = compareWith "Expect.atMost" (<=) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than the first. Expect.greaterThan -2 List.length [] -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 > 1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.greaterThan 1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.greaterThan ╵ 1 -} -} greaterThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation greaterThan = compareWith "Expect.greaterThan" (>) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than or equal to the first. Expect.atLeast -2 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 >= -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 >= 3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atLeast 3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atLeast ╵ 3 -} -} atLeast : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atLeast = compareWith "Expect.atLeast" (>=) {-| A type to describe how close a floating point number must be to the expected value for the test to pass. This may be specified as absolute or relative. `AbsoluteOrRelative` tolerance uses a logical OR between the absolute (specified first) and relative tolerance. If you want a logical AND, use [`Expect.all`](#all). -} type FloatingPointTolerance = Absolute Float | Relative Float | AbsoluteOrRelative Float Float {-| Passes if the second and third arguments are equal within a tolerance specified by the first argument. This is intended to avoid failing because of minor inaccuracies introduced by floating point arithmetic. -- Fails because 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004 (0.1 is non-terminating in base 2) 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.equal 0.3 -- So instead write this test, which passes 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.000000001) 0.3 Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because 3.14 is not close enough to pi 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.0001) pi {- 3.14 ╷ │ Expect.within Absolute 0.0001 ╵ 3.141592653589793 -} -} within : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation within tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "within" <| compareWith ("Expect.within " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (withinCompare tolerance) lower upper {-| Passes if (and only if) a call to `within` with the same arguments would have failed. -} notWithin : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation notWithin tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "notWithin" <| compareWith ("Expect.notWithin " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (\a b -> not <| withinCompare tolerance a b) lower upper {-| Passes if the argument is 'True', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." (List.isEmpty []) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty []) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because List.isEmpty returns False, but we expect True. List.isEmpty [ 42 ] |> Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." {- Expected the list to be empty. -} -} true : String -> Bool -> Expectation true message bool = if bool then pass else fail message {-| Passes if the argument is 'False', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) is False Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (List.isEmpty []) is True List.isEmpty [] |> Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." {- Expected the list not to be empty. -} -} false : String -> Bool -> Expectation false message bool = if bool then fail message else pass {-| Passes if the [`Result`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Ok` rather than `Err`. This is useful for tests where you expect not to see an error, but you don't care what the actual result is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.notEqual Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} ok : Result a b -> Expectation ok result = case result of Ok _ -> pass Err _ -> { description = "Expect.ok" , reason = Comparison "Ok _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the [`Result`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Err` rather than `Ok`. This is useful for tests where you expect to get an error but you don't care what the actual error is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.equal Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} err : Result a b -> Expectation err result = case result of Ok _ -> { description = "Expect.err" , reason = Comparison "Err _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail Err _ -> pass {-| Passes if the arguments are equal lists. -- Passes [ 1, 2, 3 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 3 ] Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which index the lists first differed at or which list was longer: -- Fails [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 5 ] {- [1,2,4,6] first diff at index index 2: +`4`, -`5` ╷ │ Expect.equalLists ╵ first diff at index index 2: +`5`, -`4` [1,2,5] -} -} equalLists : List a -> List a -> Expectation equalLists expected actual = if expected == actual then pass else { description = "Expect.equalLists" , reason = ListDiff (List.map Internal.toString expected) (List.map Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the arguments are equal dicts. -- Passes Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ] |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each dict: -- Fails (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "too" ) ]) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ), ( 3, "three" ) ]) {- Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"too")] diff: -[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] +[ (2,"too") ] ╷ │ Expect.equalDicts ╵ diff: +[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] -[ (2,"too") ] Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three")] -} -} equalDicts : Dict comparable a -> Dict comparable a -> Expectation equalDicts expected actual = if Dict.toList expected == Dict.toList actual then pass else let differ dict k v diffs = if Dict.get k dict == Just v then diffs else ( k, v ) :: diffs missingKeys = Dict.foldr (differ actual) [] expected extraKeys = Dict.foldr (differ expected) [] actual in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalDicts" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Passes if the arguments are equal sets. -- Passes Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ] |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each set: -- Fails (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ]) |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 5 ]) {- Set.fromList [1,2,4,6] diff: -[ 5 ] +[ 4, 6 ] ╷ │ Expect.equalSets ╵ diff: +[ 5 ] -[ 4, 6 ] Set.fromList [1,2,5] -} -} equalSets : Set comparable -> Set comparable -> Expectation equalSets expected actual = if Set.toList expected == Set.toList actual then pass else let missingKeys = Set.diff expected actual |> Set.toList extraKeys = Set.diff actual expected |> Set.toList in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalSets" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Always passes. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} pass : Expectation pass = Test.Expectation.Pass {-| Fails with the given message. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} fail : String -> Expectation fail str = Test.Expectation.fail { description = str, reason = Custom } {-| If the given expectation fails, replace its failure message with a custom one. "something" |> Expect.equal "something else" |> Expect.onFail "thought those two strings would be the same" -} onFail : String -> Expectation -> Expectation onFail str expectation = case expectation of Test.Expectation.Pass -> expectation Test.Expectation.Fail failure -> Test.Expectation.Fail { failure | description = str, reason = Custom } {-| Passes if each of the given functions passes when applied to the subject. Passing an empty list is assumed to be a mistake, so `Expect.all []` will always return a failed expectation no matter what else it is passed. Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan 5 ] (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True and (0 < 5) is also True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -10) is False List.length [] |> Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan -10 , Expect.equal 0 ] {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -10 -} -} all : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation all list query = if List.isEmpty list then Test.Expectation.fail { reason = Invalid EmptyList , description = "Expect.all was given an empty list. You must make at least one expectation to have a valid test!" } else allHelp list query allHelp : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation allHelp list query = case list of [] -> pass check :: rest -> case check query of Test.Expectation.Pass -> allHelp rest query outcome -> outcome {---- Private helper functions ----} reportFailure : String -> String -> String -> Expectation reportFailure comparison expected actual = { description = comparison -- We may need to wrap expected and actual in quotes to maintain 0.18 behavior , reason = Comparison expected actual } |> Test.Expectation.fail reportCollectionFailure : String -> a -> b -> List c -> List d -> Expectation reportCollectionFailure comparison expected actual missingKeys extraKeys = { description = comparison , reason = { expected = Internal.toString expected , actual = Internal.toString actual , extra = List.map Internal.toString extraKeys , missing = List.map Internal.toString missingKeys } |> CollectionDiff } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| String arg is label, e.g. "Expect.equal". -} equateWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation equateWith reason comparison b a = let isJust x = case x of Just _ -> True Nothing -> False isFloat x = isJust (String.toFloat x) && not (isJust (String.toInt x)) usesFloats = isFloat (Internal.toString a) || isFloat (Internal.toString b) floatError = if String.contains reason "not" then "Do not use Expect.notEqual with floats. Use Float.notWithin instead." else "Do not use Expect.equal with floats. Use Float.within instead." in if usesFloats then fail floatError else testWith Equality reason comparison b a compareWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation compareWith = testWith Comparison testWith : (String -> String -> Reason) -> String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation testWith makeReason label runTest expected actual = if runTest actual expected then pass else { description = label , reason = makeReason (Internal.toString expected) (Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {---- Private *floating point* helper functions ----} absolute : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float absolute tolerance = case tolerance of Absolute val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative val _ -> val _ -> 0 relative : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float relative tolerance = case tolerance of Relative val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative _ val -> val _ -> 0 nonNegativeToleranceError : FloatingPointTolerance -> String -> Expectation -> Expectation nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance name result = if absolute tolerance < 0 && relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given negative absolute and relative tolerances", reason = Custom } else if absolute tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative absolute tolerance", reason = Custom } else if relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative relative tolerance", reason = Custom } else result withinCompare : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Bool withinCompare tolerance a b = let withinAbsoluteTolerance = a - absolute tolerance <= b && b <= a + absolute tolerance withinRelativeTolerance = (a - abs (a * relative tolerance) <= b && b <= a + abs (a * relative tolerance)) || (b - abs (b * relative tolerance) <= a && a <= b + abs (b * relative tolerance)) in (a == b) || withinAbsoluteTolerance || withinRelativeTolerance
module Expect exposing ( Expectation, equal, notEqual, all , lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast , FloatingPointTolerance(..), within, notWithin , true, false , ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets , pass, fail, onFail ) {-| A library to create `Expectation`s, which describe a claim to be tested. ## Quick Reference - [`equal`](#equal) `(arg2 == arg1)` - [`notEqual`](#notEqual) `(arg2 /= arg1)` - [`lessThan`](#lessThan) `(arg2 < arg1)` - [`atMost`](#atMost) `(arg2 <= arg1)` - [`greaterThan`](#greaterThan) `(arg2 > arg1)` - [`atLeast`](#atLeast) `(arg2 >= arg1)` - [`true`](#true) `(arg == True)` - [`false`](#false) `(arg == False)` - [Floating Point Comparisons](#floating-point-comparisons) ## Basic Expectations @docs Expectation, equal, notEqual, all ## Numeric Comparisons @docs lessThan, atMost, greaterThan, atLeast ## Floating Point Comparisons These functions allow you to compare `Float` values up to a specified rounding error, which may be relative, absolute, or both. For an in-depth look, see our [Guide to Floating Point Comparison](#guide-to-floating-point-comparison). @docs FloatingPointTolerance, within, notWithin ## Booleans @docs true, false ## Collections @docs ok, err, equalLists, equalDicts, equalSets ## Customizing These functions will let you build your own expectations. @docs pass, fail, onFail ## Guide to Floating Point Comparison In general, if you are multiplying, you want relative tolerance, and if you're adding, you want absolute tolerance. If you are doing both, you want both kinds of tolerance, or to split the calculation into smaller parts for testing. ### Absolute Tolerance Let's say we want to figure out if our estimation of pi is precise enough. Is `3.14` within `0.01` of `pi`? Yes, because `3.13 < pi < 3.15`. test "3.14 approximates pi with absolute precision" <| \_ -> 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.01) pi ### Relative Tolerance What if we also want to know if our circle circumference estimation is close enough? Let's say our circle has a radius of `r` meters. The formula for circle circumference is `C=2*r*pi`. To make the calculations a bit easier ([ahem](https://tauday.com/tau-manifesto)), we'll look at half the circumference; `C/2=r*pi`. Is `r * 3.14` within `0.01` of `r * pi`? That depends, what does `r` equal? If `r` is `0.01`mm, or `0.00001` meters, we're comparing `0.00001 * 3.14 - 0.01 < r * pi < 0.00001 * 3.14 + 0.01` or `-0.0099686 < 0.0000314159 < 0.0100314`. That's a huge tolerance! A circumference that is _a thousand times longer_ than we expected would pass that test! On the other hand, if `r` is very large, we're going to need many more digits of pi. For an absolute tolerance of `0.01` and a pi estimation of `3.14`, this expectation only passes if `r < 2*pi`. If we use a relative tolerance of `0.01` instead, the circle area comparison becomes much better. Is `r * 3.14` within `1%` of `r * pi`? Yes! In fact, three digits of pi approximation is always good enough for a 0.1% relative tolerance, as long as `r` isn't [too close to zero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormal_number). fuzz (floatRange 0.000001 100000) "Circle half-circumference with relative tolerance" (\r -> r * 3.14 |> Expect.within (Relative 0.001) (r * pi)) ### Trouble with Numbers Near Zero If you are adding things near zero, you probably want absolute tolerance. If you're comparing values between `-1` and `1`, you should consider using absolute tolerance. For example: Is `1 + 2 - 3` within `1%` of `0`? Well, if `1`, `2` and `3` have any amount of rounding error, you might not get exactly zero. What is `1%` above and below `0`? Zero. We just lost all tolerance. Even if we hard-code the numbers, we might not get exactly zero; `0.1 + 0.2` rounds to a value just above `0.3`, since computers, counting in binary, cannot write down any of those three numbers using a finite number of digits, just like we cannot write `0.333...` exactly in base 10. Another example is comparing values that are on either side of zero. `0.0001` is more than `100%` away from `-0.0001`. In fact, `infinity` is closer to `0.0001` than `0.0001` is to `-0.0001`, if you are using a relative tolerance. Twice as close, actually. So even though both `0.0001` and `-0.0001` could be considered very close to zero, they are very far apart relative to each other. The same argument applies for any number of zeroes. -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Set exposing (Set) import Test.Expectation import Test.Internal as Internal import Test.Runner.Failure exposing (InvalidReason(..), Reason(..)) {-| The result of a single test run: either a [`pass`](#pass) or a [`fail`](#fail). -} type alias Expectation = Test.Expectation.Expectation {-| Passes if the arguments are equal. Expect.equal 0 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 == 0) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because the expected value didn't split the space in "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" String.split " " "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI bought some butter" |> Expect.equal [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "bought", "some", "butter" ] {- [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "bought", "some", "butter" ] ╷ │ Expect.equal ╵ [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "bought", "some", "butter" ] -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`within`](#within) instead. -} equal : a -> a -> Expectation equal = equateWith "Expect.equal" (==) {-| Passes if the arguments are not equal. -- Passes because (11 /= 100) is True 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 11 -- Fails because (100 /= 100) is False 90 + 10 |> Expect.notEqual 100 {- 100 ╷ │ Expect.notEqual ╵ 100 -} -} notEqual : a -> a -> Expectation notEqual = equateWith "Expect.notEqual" (/=) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than the first. Expect.lessThan 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 < 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.lessThan -1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -1 -} Do not equate `Float` values; use [`notWithin`](#notWithin) instead. -} lessThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation lessThan = compareWith "Expect.lessThan" (<) {-| Passes if the second argument is less than or equal to the first. Expect.atMost 1 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 <= 1) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 <= -3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atMost -3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atMost ╵ -3 -} -} atMost : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atMost = compareWith "Expect.atMost" (<=) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than the first. Expect.greaterThan -2 List.length [] -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 > 1) is False List.length [] |> Expect.greaterThan 1 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.greaterThan ╵ 1 -} -} greaterThan : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation greaterThan = compareWith "Expect.greaterThan" (>) {-| Passes if the second argument is greater than or equal to the first. Expect.atLeast -2 (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 >= -2) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 >= 3) is False List.length [] |> Expect.atLeast 3 {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.atLeast ╵ 3 -} -} atLeast : comparable -> comparable -> Expectation atLeast = compareWith "Expect.atLeast" (>=) {-| A type to describe how close a floating point number must be to the expected value for the test to pass. This may be specified as absolute or relative. `AbsoluteOrRelative` tolerance uses a logical OR between the absolute (specified first) and relative tolerance. If you want a logical AND, use [`Expect.all`](#all). -} type FloatingPointTolerance = Absolute Float | Relative Float | AbsoluteOrRelative Float Float {-| Passes if the second and third arguments are equal within a tolerance specified by the first argument. This is intended to avoid failing because of minor inaccuracies introduced by floating point arithmetic. -- Fails because 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004 (0.1 is non-terminating in base 2) 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.equal 0.3 -- So instead write this test, which passes 0.1 + 0.2 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.000000001) 0.3 Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because 3.14 is not close enough to pi 3.14 |> Expect.within (Absolute 0.0001) pi {- 3.14 ╷ │ Expect.within Absolute 0.0001 ╵ 3.141592653589793 -} -} within : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation within tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "within" <| compareWith ("Expect.within " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (withinCompare tolerance) lower upper {-| Passes if (and only if) a call to `within` with the same arguments would have failed. -} notWithin : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Expectation notWithin tolerance lower upper = nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance "notWithin" <| compareWith ("Expect.notWithin " ++ Internal.toString tolerance) (\a b -> not <| withinCompare tolerance a b) lower upper {-| Passes if the argument is 'True', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." (List.isEmpty []) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty []) is True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because List.isEmpty returns False, but we expect True. List.isEmpty [ 42 ] |> Expect.true "Expected the list to be empty." {- Expected the list to be empty. -} -} true : String -> Bool -> Expectation true message bool = if bool then pass else fail message {-| Passes if the argument is 'False', and otherwise fails with the given message. Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) -- Passes because (List.isEmpty [ 42 ]) is False Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (List.isEmpty []) is True List.isEmpty [] |> Expect.false "Expected the list not to be empty." {- Expected the list not to be empty. -} -} false : String -> Bool -> Expectation false message bool = if bool then fail message else pass {-| Passes if the [`Result`](https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Ok` rather than `Err`. This is useful for tests where you expect not to see an error, but you don't care what the actual result is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.notEqual Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} ok : Result a b -> Expectation ok result = case result of Ok _ -> pass Err _ -> { description = "Expect.ok" , reason = Comparison "Ok _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the [`Result`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-lang/core/latest/Result) is an `Err` rather than `Ok`. This is useful for tests where you expect to get an error but you don't care what the actual error is. _(Tip: If your function returns a `Maybe` instead, consider `Expect.equal Nothing`.)_ -- Passes String.toInt "not an int" |> Expect.err Test failures will be printed with the unexpected `Ok` value contrasting with any `Err`. -- Fails String.toInt "20" |> Expect.err {- Ok 20 ╷ │ Expect.err ╵ Err _ -} -} err : Result a b -> Expectation err result = case result of Ok _ -> { description = "Expect.err" , reason = Comparison "Err _" (Internal.toString result) } |> Test.Expectation.fail Err _ -> pass {-| Passes if the arguments are equal lists. -- Passes [ 1, 2, 3 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 3 ] Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which index the lists first differed at or which list was longer: -- Fails [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ] |> Expect.equalLists [ 1, 2, 5 ] {- [1,2,4,6] first diff at index index 2: +`4`, -`5` ╷ │ Expect.equalLists ╵ first diff at index index 2: +`5`, -`4` [1,2,5] -} -} equalLists : List a -> List a -> Expectation equalLists expected actual = if expected == actual then pass else { description = "Expect.equalLists" , reason = ListDiff (List.map Internal.toString expected) (List.map Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| Passes if the arguments are equal dicts. -- Passes Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ] |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ) ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each dict: -- Fails (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "too" ) ]) |> Expect.equalDicts (Dict.fromList [ ( 1, "one" ), ( 2, "two" ), ( 3, "three" ) ]) {- Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"too")] diff: -[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] +[ (2,"too") ] ╷ │ Expect.equalDicts ╵ diff: +[ (2,"two"), (3,"three") ] -[ (2,"too") ] Dict.fromList [(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three")] -} -} equalDicts : Dict comparable a -> Dict comparable a -> Expectation equalDicts expected actual = if Dict.toList expected == Dict.toList actual then pass else let differ dict k v diffs = if Dict.get k dict == Just v then diffs else ( k, v ) :: diffs missingKeys = Dict.foldr (differ actual) [] expected extraKeys = Dict.foldr (differ expected) [] actual in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalDicts" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Passes if the arguments are equal sets. -- Passes Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ] |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2 ]) Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which, and reports which keys were missing from or added to each set: -- Fails (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 4, 6 ]) |> Expect.equalSets (Set.fromList [ 1, 2, 5 ]) {- Set.fromList [1,2,4,6] diff: -[ 5 ] +[ 4, 6 ] ╷ │ Expect.equalSets ╵ diff: +[ 5 ] -[ 4, 6 ] Set.fromList [1,2,5] -} -} equalSets : Set comparable -> Set comparable -> Expectation equalSets expected actual = if Set.toList expected == Set.toList actual then pass else let missingKeys = Set.diff expected actual |> Set.toList extraKeys = Set.diff actual expected |> Set.toList in reportCollectionFailure "Expect.equalSets" expected actual missingKeys extraKeys {-| Always passes. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} pass : Expectation pass = Test.Expectation.Pass {-| Fails with the given message. import Json.Decode exposing (decodeString, int) import Test exposing (test) import Expect test "Json.Decode.int can decode the number 42." <| \_ -> case decodeString int "42" of Ok _ -> Expect.pass Err err -> Expect.fail err -} fail : String -> Expectation fail str = Test.Expectation.fail { description = str, reason = Custom } {-| If the given expectation fails, replace its failure message with a custom one. "something" |> Expect.equal "something else" |> Expect.onFail "thought those two strings would be the same" -} onFail : String -> Expectation -> Expectation onFail str expectation = case expectation of Test.Expectation.Pass -> expectation Test.Expectation.Fail failure -> Test.Expectation.Fail { failure | description = str, reason = Custom } {-| Passes if each of the given functions passes when applied to the subject. Passing an empty list is assumed to be a mistake, so `Expect.all []` will always return a failed expectation no matter what else it is passed. Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan 5 ] (List.length []) -- Passes because (0 > -2) is True and (0 < 5) is also True Failures resemble code written in pipeline style, so you can tell which argument is which: -- Fails because (0 < -10) is False List.length [] |> Expect.all [ Expect.greaterThan -2 , Expect.lessThan -10 , Expect.equal 0 ] {- 0 ╷ │ Expect.lessThan ╵ -10 -} -} all : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation all list query = if List.isEmpty list then Test.Expectation.fail { reason = Invalid EmptyList , description = "Expect.all was given an empty list. You must make at least one expectation to have a valid test!" } else allHelp list query allHelp : List (subject -> Expectation) -> subject -> Expectation allHelp list query = case list of [] -> pass check :: rest -> case check query of Test.Expectation.Pass -> allHelp rest query outcome -> outcome {---- Private helper functions ----} reportFailure : String -> String -> String -> Expectation reportFailure comparison expected actual = { description = comparison -- We may need to wrap expected and actual in quotes to maintain 0.18 behavior , reason = Comparison expected actual } |> Test.Expectation.fail reportCollectionFailure : String -> a -> b -> List c -> List d -> Expectation reportCollectionFailure comparison expected actual missingKeys extraKeys = { description = comparison , reason = { expected = Internal.toString expected , actual = Internal.toString actual , extra = List.map Internal.toString extraKeys , missing = List.map Internal.toString missingKeys } |> CollectionDiff } |> Test.Expectation.fail {-| String arg is label, e.g. "Expect.equal". -} equateWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation equateWith reason comparison b a = let isJust x = case x of Just _ -> True Nothing -> False isFloat x = isJust (String.toFloat x) && not (isJust (String.toInt x)) usesFloats = isFloat (Internal.toString a) || isFloat (Internal.toString b) floatError = if String.contains reason "not" then "Do not use Expect.notEqual with floats. Use Float.notWithin instead." else "Do not use Expect.equal with floats. Use Float.within instead." in if usesFloats then fail floatError else testWith Equality reason comparison b a compareWith : String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation compareWith = testWith Comparison testWith : (String -> String -> Reason) -> String -> (a -> b -> Bool) -> b -> a -> Expectation testWith makeReason label runTest expected actual = if runTest actual expected then pass else { description = label , reason = makeReason (Internal.toString expected) (Internal.toString actual) } |> Test.Expectation.fail {---- Private *floating point* helper functions ----} absolute : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float absolute tolerance = case tolerance of Absolute val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative val _ -> val _ -> 0 relative : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float relative tolerance = case tolerance of Relative val -> val AbsoluteOrRelative _ val -> val _ -> 0 nonNegativeToleranceError : FloatingPointTolerance -> String -> Expectation -> Expectation nonNegativeToleranceError tolerance name result = if absolute tolerance < 0 && relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given negative absolute and relative tolerances", reason = Custom } else if absolute tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative absolute tolerance", reason = Custom } else if relative tolerance < 0 then Test.Expectation.fail { description = "Expect." ++ name ++ " was given a negative relative tolerance", reason = Custom } else result withinCompare : FloatingPointTolerance -> Float -> Float -> Bool withinCompare tolerance a b = let withinAbsoluteTolerance = a - absolute tolerance <= b && b <= a + absolute tolerance withinRelativeTolerance = (a - abs (a * relative tolerance) <= b && b <= a + abs (a * relative tolerance)) || (b - abs (b * relative tolerance) <= a && a <= b + abs (b * relative tolerance)) in (a == b) || withinAbsoluteTolerance || withinRelativeTolerance
[ { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 })\n |> log\n ", "end": 375, "score": 0.9997209311, "start": 371, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "pect.equalLists\n [ Sent \"Hi Mert, your next invoice for $42 is ready\"\n ", "end": 500, "score": 0.9993121624, "start": 496, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 }\n ]\n ", "end": 592, "score": 0.9997532368, "start": 588, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 })\n |> fire (Pre", "end": 869, "score": 0.9997096658, "start": 865, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 100 })\n |> log\n ", "end": 944, "score": 0.9997547269, "start": 940, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "pect.equalLists\n [ Sent \"Hi Mert, your next invoice for $100 is ready\"\n ", "end": 1070, "score": 0.9988152981, "start": 1066, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 100 }\n , Sent \"", "end": 1163, "score": 0.9996763468, "start": 1159, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "nt = 100 }\n , Sent \"Welcome Mert, your first invoice for $42 is ready\"\n ", "end": 1225, "score": 0.9997000098, "start": 1221, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 }\n ]\n ", "end": 1318, "score": 0.9997463822, "start": 1314, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 })\n |> fire (Pre", "end": 1583, "score": 0.9996588826, "start": 1579, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 100 })\n |> fire (Pr", "end": 1658, "score": 0.9997364283, "start": 1654, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Betül\", amount = 2 })\n |> fire (Prep", "end": 1735, "score": 0.999548912, "start": 1730, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betül" }, { "context": " |> fire (Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 66 })\n |> log\n ", "end": 1809, "score": 0.999684453, "start": 1805, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "pect.equalLists\n [ Sent \"Hi Mert, your next invoice for $66 is ready\"\n ", "end": 1934, "score": 0.9994610548, "start": 1930, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 66 }\n , Sent \"W", "end": 2026, "score": 0.9997648001, "start": 2022, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "unt = 66 }\n , Sent \"Welcome Betül, your first invoice for $2 is ready\"\n ", "end": 2088, "score": 0.9994800687, "start": 2083, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betül" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Betül\", amount = 2 }\n , Sent \"Hi", "end": 2181, "score": 0.9996013641, "start": 2176, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Betül" }, { "context": "\", amount = 2 }\n , Sent \"Hi Mert, your next invoice for $100 is ready\"\n ", "end": 2236, "score": 0.9991483688, "start": 2232, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 100 }\n , Sent \"", "end": 2329, "score": 0.9997055531, "start": 2325, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": "nt = 100 }\n , Sent \"Welcome Mert, your first invoice for $42 is ready\"\n ", "end": 2391, "score": 0.9997143745, "start": 2387, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" }, { "context": " , Prepared { recipient = \"Mert\", amount = 42 }\n ]\n ", "end": 2484, "score": 0.9983599186, "start": 2480, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mert" } ]
module InvoiceMailingTest exposing (suite) import Behavior exposing (..) import Expect import InvoiceMailing exposing (..) import Set import Test exposing (..) suite : Test suite = describe "Invoicing scenario" [ test "invoices get sent" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi Mert, your next invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 } ] , test "first invoices get sent with a different template" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 100 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi Mert, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome Mert, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 } ] , test "everybody gets their own first emails" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 100 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Betül", amount = 2 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 66 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi Mert, your next invoice for $66 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 66 } , Sent "Welcome Betül, your first invoice for $2 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Betül", amount = 2 } , Sent "Hi Mert, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome Mert, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "Mert", amount = 42 } ] ]
module InvoiceMailingTest exposing (suite) import Behavior exposing (..) import Expect import InvoiceMailing exposing (..) import Set import Test exposing (..) suite : Test suite = describe "Invoicing scenario" [ test "invoices get sent" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi <NAME>, your next invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 } ] , test "first invoices get sent with a different template" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 100 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi <NAME>, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome <NAME>, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 } ] , test "everybody gets their own first emails" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 100 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 2 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 66 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi <NAME>, your next invoice for $66 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 66 } , Sent "Welcome <NAME>, your first invoice for $2 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 2 } , Sent "Hi <NAME>, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome <NAME>, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "<NAME>", amount = 42 } ] ]
module InvoiceMailingTest exposing (suite) import Behavior exposing (..) import Expect import InvoiceMailing exposing (..) import Set import Test exposing (..) suite : Test suite = describe "Invoicing scenario" [ test "invoices get sent" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your next invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 } ] , test "first invoices get sent with a different template" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 100 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 } ] , test "everybody gets their own first emails" <| \_ -> initialize [ sendInvoices, firstInvoicesUseDifferentTemplate Set.empty ] |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 100 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 2 }) |> fire (Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 66 }) |> log |> Expect.equalLists [ Sent "Hi PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your next invoice for $66 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 66 } , Sent "Welcome PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your first invoice for $2 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 2 } , Sent "Hi PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your next invoice for $100 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 100 } , Sent "Welcome PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, your first invoice for $42 is ready" , Prepared { recipient = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", amount = 42 } ] ]
[ { "context": " model.name\n |> Expect.equal \"Awesome Person\"\n ]\n )\n\nNote: Bad things will happen if", "end": 2591, "score": 0.9974361062, "start": 2577, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Awesome Person" } ]
module Elmer.Spy.Matchers exposing ( Arg , Call , stringArg , intArg , floatArg , boolArg , typedArg , functionArg , anyArg , argThat , wasCalled , wasCalledWith , calls , hasArgs ) {-| Matchers for making expectations about Spies. # General Expectations @docs wasCalled, wasCalledWith # Expectations About Calls @docs Call, calls, hasArgs # Argument Matchers @docs Arg, argThat, anyArg, stringArg, intArg, floatArg, boolArg, typedArg, functionArg -} import Expect import Test.Runner import Elmer exposing (Matcher) import Elmer.Spy exposing (Calls) import Elmer.Spy.Arg as Arg import Elmer.Spy.Call as Call import Elmer.Message exposing (..) import Elmer.Message.Failure as Failure import Elmer.Value.Native as Native import Elmer.Errors as Errors exposing (failWith) {-| Represents an expected function argument. -} type alias Arg = Arg.Arg {-| Represents a particular call to a spy. -} type alias Call = List Arg {-| Expect that a spy was called some number of times. This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" (calls <| Elmer.hasLength 2 ) -} wasCalled : Int -> Matcher Calls wasCalled expectedCallCount = \spy -> let callCount = List.length spy.calls in if callCount == expectedCallCount then Expect.pass else failWith <| Errors.wrongNumberOfSpyCalls spy.name expectedCallCount callCount {-| Matches an argument with the given string. -} stringArg : String -> Arg stringArg = Arg.StringArg {-| Matches an argument with the given integer. -} intArg : Int -> Arg intArg = Arg.IntArg {-| Matches an argument with the given float value. -} floatArg : Float -> Arg floatArg = Arg.FloatArg {-| Matches an argument with the given boolean value. -} boolArg : Bool -> Arg boolArg = Arg.BoolArg {-| Matches an argument with the given typed value. Note: You may not match what you want if your typed value contains a function reference. -} typedArg : a -> Arg typedArg item = Native.cast item |> Arg.TypedArg {-| Matches an argument that is a function. -} functionArg : Arg functionArg = Arg.FunctionArg {-| Matches any argument. -} anyArg : Arg anyArg = Arg.AnyArg {-| Matches an argument whose value satisfies the given matcher. Suppose you want to expect that the second argument to a function is a record with a specific value for its name attribute. You could do something like this: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ anyArg , argThat <| \model -> model.name |> Expect.equal "Awesome Person" ] ) Note: Bad things will happen if you provide a matcher to `argThat` for a type that is different from that of the argument you are trying to match. -} argThat : Matcher a -> Arg argThat matcher = Native.cast matcher |> Arg.ArgThat {-| Make expectations about the calls recorded by this spy. Here's how you would expect that exactly 2 of the calls had a certain argument. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.exactly 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "some argument" ] ) -} calls : Matcher (List Call) -> Matcher Calls calls callMatcher = \spy -> case Test.Runner.getFailureReason <| callMatcher spy.calls of Just failure -> Expect.fail <| format [ note <| "Expectation for " ++ spy.name ++ " failed." , note <| Failure.format [ failure ] ] Nothing -> Expect.pass {-| Expect that a call has some arguments. Use `hasArgs` in conjunction with `calls` to make an expectation about the args of a specific call. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.atIndex 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} hasArgs : List Arg -> Matcher Call hasArgs args = \call -> evaluateCalls Nothing args [ call ] {-| Expect that a spy was called at least once with the given arguments. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.some <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} wasCalledWith : List Arg -> Matcher Calls wasCalledWith args = \spy -> evaluateCalls (Just spy.name) args spy.calls evaluateCalls : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Matcher (List (List Arg)) evaluateCalls maybeSpyName args = \callsArgList -> if List.isEmpty callsArgList then noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args else let failingCalls = callsArgList |> List.filter (\callArgs -> not <| Call.matches args callArgs ) in if List.length failingCalls < List.length callsArgList then Expect.pass else Expect.fail <| format <| List.append [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , fact "but it was called with" <| String.join "\n\n" (List.map Call.asString callsArgList) ] (argThatFailureMessages failingCalls args) noCallsFailure : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Expect.Expectation noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args = Expect.fail <| format [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , note "but it was not called" ] argThatFailureMessages : List (List Arg) -> List Arg -> List Message argThatFailureMessages callsArgList args = let failureMessages = callsArgList |> List.map (Call.argThatFailures args) |> List.concat |> List.map note in if List.isEmpty failureMessages then [] else note "An argThat matcher failed:" :: failureMessages calledWithMessage : Maybe String -> String calledWithMessage maybeSpyName = case maybeSpyName of Just spyName -> "Expected spy " ++ spyName ++ " to have been called with" Nothing -> "Expected spy to have been called with"
module Elmer.Spy.Matchers exposing ( Arg , Call , stringArg , intArg , floatArg , boolArg , typedArg , functionArg , anyArg , argThat , wasCalled , wasCalledWith , calls , hasArgs ) {-| Matchers for making expectations about Spies. # General Expectations @docs wasCalled, wasCalledWith # Expectations About Calls @docs Call, calls, hasArgs # Argument Matchers @docs Arg, argThat, anyArg, stringArg, intArg, floatArg, boolArg, typedArg, functionArg -} import Expect import Test.Runner import Elmer exposing (Matcher) import Elmer.Spy exposing (Calls) import Elmer.Spy.Arg as Arg import Elmer.Spy.Call as Call import Elmer.Message exposing (..) import Elmer.Message.Failure as Failure import Elmer.Value.Native as Native import Elmer.Errors as Errors exposing (failWith) {-| Represents an expected function argument. -} type alias Arg = Arg.Arg {-| Represents a particular call to a spy. -} type alias Call = List Arg {-| Expect that a spy was called some number of times. This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" (calls <| Elmer.hasLength 2 ) -} wasCalled : Int -> Matcher Calls wasCalled expectedCallCount = \spy -> let callCount = List.length spy.calls in if callCount == expectedCallCount then Expect.pass else failWith <| Errors.wrongNumberOfSpyCalls spy.name expectedCallCount callCount {-| Matches an argument with the given string. -} stringArg : String -> Arg stringArg = Arg.StringArg {-| Matches an argument with the given integer. -} intArg : Int -> Arg intArg = Arg.IntArg {-| Matches an argument with the given float value. -} floatArg : Float -> Arg floatArg = Arg.FloatArg {-| Matches an argument with the given boolean value. -} boolArg : Bool -> Arg boolArg = Arg.BoolArg {-| Matches an argument with the given typed value. Note: You may not match what you want if your typed value contains a function reference. -} typedArg : a -> Arg typedArg item = Native.cast item |> Arg.TypedArg {-| Matches an argument that is a function. -} functionArg : Arg functionArg = Arg.FunctionArg {-| Matches any argument. -} anyArg : Arg anyArg = Arg.AnyArg {-| Matches an argument whose value satisfies the given matcher. Suppose you want to expect that the second argument to a function is a record with a specific value for its name attribute. You could do something like this: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ anyArg , argThat <| \model -> model.name |> Expect.equal "<NAME>" ] ) Note: Bad things will happen if you provide a matcher to `argThat` for a type that is different from that of the argument you are trying to match. -} argThat : Matcher a -> Arg argThat matcher = Native.cast matcher |> Arg.ArgThat {-| Make expectations about the calls recorded by this spy. Here's how you would expect that exactly 2 of the calls had a certain argument. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.exactly 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "some argument" ] ) -} calls : Matcher (List Call) -> Matcher Calls calls callMatcher = \spy -> case Test.Runner.getFailureReason <| callMatcher spy.calls of Just failure -> Expect.fail <| format [ note <| "Expectation for " ++ spy.name ++ " failed." , note <| Failure.format [ failure ] ] Nothing -> Expect.pass {-| Expect that a call has some arguments. Use `hasArgs` in conjunction with `calls` to make an expectation about the args of a specific call. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.atIndex 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} hasArgs : List Arg -> Matcher Call hasArgs args = \call -> evaluateCalls Nothing args [ call ] {-| Expect that a spy was called at least once with the given arguments. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.some <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} wasCalledWith : List Arg -> Matcher Calls wasCalledWith args = \spy -> evaluateCalls (Just spy.name) args spy.calls evaluateCalls : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Matcher (List (List Arg)) evaluateCalls maybeSpyName args = \callsArgList -> if List.isEmpty callsArgList then noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args else let failingCalls = callsArgList |> List.filter (\callArgs -> not <| Call.matches args callArgs ) in if List.length failingCalls < List.length callsArgList then Expect.pass else Expect.fail <| format <| List.append [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , fact "but it was called with" <| String.join "\n\n" (List.map Call.asString callsArgList) ] (argThatFailureMessages failingCalls args) noCallsFailure : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Expect.Expectation noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args = Expect.fail <| format [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , note "but it was not called" ] argThatFailureMessages : List (List Arg) -> List Arg -> List Message argThatFailureMessages callsArgList args = let failureMessages = callsArgList |> List.map (Call.argThatFailures args) |> List.concat |> List.map note in if List.isEmpty failureMessages then [] else note "An argThat matcher failed:" :: failureMessages calledWithMessage : Maybe String -> String calledWithMessage maybeSpyName = case maybeSpyName of Just spyName -> "Expected spy " ++ spyName ++ " to have been called with" Nothing -> "Expected spy to have been called with"
module Elmer.Spy.Matchers exposing ( Arg , Call , stringArg , intArg , floatArg , boolArg , typedArg , functionArg , anyArg , argThat , wasCalled , wasCalledWith , calls , hasArgs ) {-| Matchers for making expectations about Spies. # General Expectations @docs wasCalled, wasCalledWith # Expectations About Calls @docs Call, calls, hasArgs # Argument Matchers @docs Arg, argThat, anyArg, stringArg, intArg, floatArg, boolArg, typedArg, functionArg -} import Expect import Test.Runner import Elmer exposing (Matcher) import Elmer.Spy exposing (Calls) import Elmer.Spy.Arg as Arg import Elmer.Spy.Call as Call import Elmer.Message exposing (..) import Elmer.Message.Failure as Failure import Elmer.Value.Native as Native import Elmer.Errors as Errors exposing (failWith) {-| Represents an expected function argument. -} type alias Arg = Arg.Arg {-| Represents a particular call to a spy. -} type alias Call = List Arg {-| Expect that a spy was called some number of times. This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" (calls <| Elmer.hasLength 2 ) -} wasCalled : Int -> Matcher Calls wasCalled expectedCallCount = \spy -> let callCount = List.length spy.calls in if callCount == expectedCallCount then Expect.pass else failWith <| Errors.wrongNumberOfSpyCalls spy.name expectedCallCount callCount {-| Matches an argument with the given string. -} stringArg : String -> Arg stringArg = Arg.StringArg {-| Matches an argument with the given integer. -} intArg : Int -> Arg intArg = Arg.IntArg {-| Matches an argument with the given float value. -} floatArg : Float -> Arg floatArg = Arg.FloatArg {-| Matches an argument with the given boolean value. -} boolArg : Bool -> Arg boolArg = Arg.BoolArg {-| Matches an argument with the given typed value. Note: You may not match what you want if your typed value contains a function reference. -} typedArg : a -> Arg typedArg item = Native.cast item |> Arg.TypedArg {-| Matches an argument that is a function. -} functionArg : Arg functionArg = Arg.FunctionArg {-| Matches any argument. -} anyArg : Arg anyArg = Arg.AnyArg {-| Matches an argument whose value satisfies the given matcher. Suppose you want to expect that the second argument to a function is a record with a specific value for its name attribute. You could do something like this: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ anyArg , argThat <| \model -> model.name |> Expect.equal "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] ) Note: Bad things will happen if you provide a matcher to `argThat` for a type that is different from that of the argument you are trying to match. -} argThat : Matcher a -> Arg argThat matcher = Native.cast matcher |> Arg.ArgThat {-| Make expectations about the calls recorded by this spy. Here's how you would expect that exactly 2 of the calls had a certain argument. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.exactly 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "some argument" ] ) -} calls : Matcher (List Call) -> Matcher Calls calls callMatcher = \spy -> case Test.Runner.getFailureReason <| callMatcher spy.calls of Just failure -> Expect.fail <| format [ note <| "Expectation for " ++ spy.name ++ " failed." , note <| Failure.format [ failure ] ] Nothing -> Expect.pass {-| Expect that a call has some arguments. Use `hasArgs` in conjunction with `calls` to make an expectation about the args of a specific call. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.atIndex 2 <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} hasArgs : List Arg -> Matcher Call hasArgs args = \call -> evaluateCalls Nothing args [ call ] {-| Expect that a spy was called at least once with the given arguments. Spy.expect "my-spy" ( wasCalledWith [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) This is shorthand for: Spy.expect "my-spy" ( calls <| Elmer.some <| hasArgs [ stringArg "Some String" , typedArg someTypedValue ] ) -} wasCalledWith : List Arg -> Matcher Calls wasCalledWith args = \spy -> evaluateCalls (Just spy.name) args spy.calls evaluateCalls : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Matcher (List (List Arg)) evaluateCalls maybeSpyName args = \callsArgList -> if List.isEmpty callsArgList then noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args else let failingCalls = callsArgList |> List.filter (\callArgs -> not <| Call.matches args callArgs ) in if List.length failingCalls < List.length callsArgList then Expect.pass else Expect.fail <| format <| List.append [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , fact "but it was called with" <| String.join "\n\n" (List.map Call.asString callsArgList) ] (argThatFailureMessages failingCalls args) noCallsFailure : Maybe String -> List Arg -> Expect.Expectation noCallsFailure maybeSpyName args = Expect.fail <| format [ fact (calledWithMessage maybeSpyName) <| Call.asString args , note "but it was not called" ] argThatFailureMessages : List (List Arg) -> List Arg -> List Message argThatFailureMessages callsArgList args = let failureMessages = callsArgList |> List.map (Call.argThatFailures args) |> List.concat |> List.map note in if List.isEmpty failureMessages then [] else note "An argThat matcher failed:" :: failureMessages calledWithMessage : Maybe String -> String calledWithMessage maybeSpyName = case maybeSpyName of Just spyName -> "Expected spy " ++ spyName ++ " to have been called with" Nothing -> "Expected spy to have been called with"
[ { "context": "----------\n elm review\n\ncd ~/.github; git clone git@github.com:jfmengels/elm-review-unused.git\nelm-review --conf", "end": 563, "score": 0.9981765747, "start": 549, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "git@github.com" }, { "context": "lm review\n\ncd ~/.github; git clone git@github.com:jfmengels/elm-review-unused.git\nelm-review --config ~/.gith", "end": 573, "score": 0.9994829893, "start": 564, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "jfmengels" }, { "context": "-- or --\n\nelm-review init\ncd review && elm install jfmengels/elm-review-unused\ncp ~/.github/elm-review-unused/", "end": 714, "score": 0.7296000719, "start": 705, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "jfmengels" } ]
module Whatever exposing (..) {-- ------------------------------------------------- divider ------------------------------------------------- --} add : Int -> Int -> Int add x y = x + y {-| subtract -} sub : Int -> Int -> Int sub x y = x - y {-- ------------------------------------------------- HTTP placeholder ------------------------------------------------- --} Process.sleep 2000 |> Task.perform (\_ -> Message (Ok value)) {-- ------------------------------------------------- elm review cd ~/.github; git clone git@github.com:jfmengels/elm-review-unused.git elm-review --config ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/ -- or -- elm-review init cd review && elm install jfmengels/elm-review-unused cp ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/src/ReviewConfig.elm src/ReviewConfig.elm ------------------------------------------------- --} -- ------------------------------------------------- import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) type Msg = NoOp type alias Model = { value : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { value = "nothing yet" }, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Html Msg view model = text model.value main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , subscriptions = subscriptions , update = update , view = view } {-- ------------------------------------------------- ports ------------------------------------------------- --} -- => in port portName : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- subscriptions _ = -- let -- decodeTo : (_ -> Msg) -> Decode.Value -> Msg -- decodeTo msg value = -- case Decode.decodeValue _ value of -- Ok _ -> -- msg _ -- -- Err error -> -- _ -- in -- Sub.batch -- [ ... -- , portName (decodeTo MessageName) -- , ... -- ]
module Whatever exposing (..) {-- ------------------------------------------------- divider ------------------------------------------------- --} add : Int -> Int -> Int add x y = x + y {-| subtract -} sub : Int -> Int -> Int sub x y = x - y {-- ------------------------------------------------- HTTP placeholder ------------------------------------------------- --} Process.sleep 2000 |> Task.perform (\_ -> Message (Ok value)) {-- ------------------------------------------------- elm review cd ~/.github; git clone <EMAIL>:jfmengels/elm-review-unused.git elm-review --config ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/ -- or -- elm-review init cd review && elm install jfmengels/elm-review-unused cp ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/src/ReviewConfig.elm src/ReviewConfig.elm ------------------------------------------------- --} -- ------------------------------------------------- import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) type Msg = NoOp type alias Model = { value : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { value = "nothing yet" }, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Html Msg view model = text model.value main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , subscriptions = subscriptions , update = update , view = view } {-- ------------------------------------------------- ports ------------------------------------------------- --} -- => in port portName : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- subscriptions _ = -- let -- decodeTo : (_ -> Msg) -> Decode.Value -> Msg -- decodeTo msg value = -- case Decode.decodeValue _ value of -- Ok _ -> -- msg _ -- -- Err error -> -- _ -- in -- Sub.batch -- [ ... -- , portName (decodeTo MessageName) -- , ... -- ]
module Whatever exposing (..) {-- ------------------------------------------------- divider ------------------------------------------------- --} add : Int -> Int -> Int add x y = x + y {-| subtract -} sub : Int -> Int -> Int sub x y = x - y {-- ------------------------------------------------- HTTP placeholder ------------------------------------------------- --} Process.sleep 2000 |> Task.perform (\_ -> Message (Ok value)) {-- ------------------------------------------------- elm review cd ~/.github; git clone PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI:jfmengels/elm-review-unused.git elm-review --config ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/ -- or -- elm-review init cd review && elm install jfmengels/elm-review-unused cp ~/.github/elm-review-unused/example/src/ReviewConfig.elm src/ReviewConfig.elm ------------------------------------------------- --} -- ------------------------------------------------- import Browser import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) type Msg = NoOp type alias Model = { value : String } init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init _ = ( { value = "nothing yet" }, Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> ( model, Cmd.none ) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none view : Model -> Html Msg view model = text model.value main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = init , subscriptions = subscriptions , update = update , view = view } {-- ------------------------------------------------- ports ------------------------------------------------- --} -- => in port portName : (Decode.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- subscriptions _ = -- let -- decodeTo : (_ -> Msg) -> Decode.Value -> Msg -- decodeTo msg value = -- case Decode.decodeValue _ value of -- Ok _ -> -- msg _ -- -- Err error -> -- _ -- in -- Sub.batch -- [ ... -- , portName (decodeTo MessageName) -- , ... -- ]
[ { "context": ": Tutor.Tutor\n tutor =\n { id = \"abcd1234\"\n , admin = Tutor.LvlTutor\n ", "end": 342, "score": 0.444170475, "start": 334, "tag": "KEY", "value": "abcd1234" }, { "context": " , admin = Tutor.LvlTutor\n , name = \"Test Name\"\n , dateOfBirth = Date.fromWeekDate 20", "end": 412, "score": 0.9881808162, "start": 403, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Test Name" }, { "context": "mWeekDate 2020 10 Time.Tue\n , email = \"test@email.com\"\n , gender = Utils.Male\n , ", "end": 583, "score": 0.9999268651, "start": 569, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "test@email.com" }, { "context": " , status = Tutor.Active\n , password = Nothing\n }\n in\n test \"Decode and encode ", "end": 724, "score": 0.9983021617, "start": 717, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "Nothing" } ]
module TestTutor exposing (..) import Date import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Http exposing (Expect) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Test exposing (..) import Time import Tutor import Utils suite : Test suite = let tutor : Tutor.Tutor tutor = { id = "abcd1234" , admin = Tutor.LvlTutor , name = "Test Name" , dateOfBirth = Date.fromWeekDate 2000 1 Time.Mon , dateOfRegistration = Date.fromWeekDate 2020 10 Time.Tue , email = "test@email.com" , gender = Utils.Male , school = "Test school" , status = Tutor.Active , password = Nothing } in test "Decode and encode tutor json" (\_ -> tutor |> Tutor.tutorEncoder |> Json.Encode.encode 2 |> Json.Decode.decodeString Tutor.tutorDecoder |> Expect.all [ Expect.ok , Result.toMaybe >> Maybe.withDefault Tutor.emptyTutor >> Expect.equal tutor ] )
module TestTutor exposing (..) import Date import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Http exposing (Expect) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Test exposing (..) import Time import Tutor import Utils suite : Test suite = let tutor : Tutor.Tutor tutor = { id = "<KEY>" , admin = Tutor.LvlTutor , name = "<NAME>" , dateOfBirth = Date.fromWeekDate 2000 1 Time.Mon , dateOfRegistration = Date.fromWeekDate 2020 10 Time.Tue , email = "<EMAIL>" , gender = Utils.Male , school = "Test school" , status = Tutor.Active , password = <PASSWORD> } in test "Decode and encode tutor json" (\_ -> tutor |> Tutor.tutorEncoder |> Json.Encode.encode 2 |> Json.Decode.decodeString Tutor.tutorDecoder |> Expect.all [ Expect.ok , Result.toMaybe >> Maybe.withDefault Tutor.emptyTutor >> Expect.equal tutor ] )
module TestTutor exposing (..) import Date import Expect import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer, int, list, string) import Http exposing (Expect) import Json.Decode import Json.Encode import Test exposing (..) import Time import Tutor import Utils suite : Test suite = let tutor : Tutor.Tutor tutor = { id = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , admin = Tutor.LvlTutor , name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , dateOfBirth = Date.fromWeekDate 2000 1 Time.Mon , dateOfRegistration = Date.fromWeekDate 2020 10 Time.Tue , email = "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" , gender = Utils.Male , school = "Test school" , status = Tutor.Active , password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI } in test "Decode and encode tutor json" (\_ -> tutor |> Tutor.tutorEncoder |> Json.Encode.encode 2 |> Json.Decode.decodeString Tutor.tutorDecoder |> Expect.all [ Expect.ok , Result.toMaybe >> Maybe.withDefault Tutor.emptyTutor >> Expect.equal tutor ] )
[ { "context": "-- Copyright (c) 2017 Daan Wendelen\n-- All rights reserved.\n-- \n-- Redistribution and", "end": 35, "score": 0.9998174906, "start": 22, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Daan Wendelen" } ]
-- Copyright (c) 2017 Daan Wendelen -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import Html exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Array exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) main = text <| toString <| solve input size = 256 -- solve: List Int -> String solve input = let initial = List.range 0 (size - 1) (list, index) = execute input 0 0 initial indexFirstElement = (size - index) % size indexSecondElement = (size - index + 1) % size array = Array.fromList list e1 = Array.get indexFirstElement array e2 = Array.get indexSecondElement array in Maybe.map2 (*) e1 e2 execute commands skipSize index list = case commands of [] -> (list, index) cmd::tail -> let toSwap = List.take cmd list rest = List.drop cmd list newList = List.append (List.reverse toSwap) rest offset = (cmd + skipSize) % size offsetList1 = List.drop offset newList offsetList2 = List.take offset newList offsetList = List.append offsetList1 offsetList2 newIndex = (index + offset) % size in execute tail (skipSize + 1) newIndex offsetList input2 = [3,4,1,5] input = [212,254,178,237,2,0,1,54,167,92,117,125,255,61,159,164] zip: List a -> List b -> List (a, b) zip list1 list2 = zip2 list1 list2 [] zip2: List a -> List b -> List(a, b) -> List(a, b) zip2 list1 list2 acc = case list1 of [] -> acc head1::tail1 -> case list2 of [] -> acc head2::tail2 -> zip2 tail1 tail2 (List.append acc [(head1, head2)]) toIntOrZero: String -> Int toIntOrZero char = case (String.toInt char) of Ok a -> a Err _ -> 0 outerProduct: List a -> List (a, a) outerProduct list = List.concatMap (\e -> List.map (\i -> (e, i)) list ) list histogram: List comparable -> Dict comparable Int histogram list = List.foldl histo_inc Dict.empty list histo_inc: comparable -> Dict comparable Int -> Dict comparable Int histo_inc dir dict = if Dict.member dir dict then Dict.update dir (Maybe.map ((+) 1)) dict else Dict.insert dir 1 dict
-- Copyright (c) 2017 <NAME> -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import Html exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Array exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) main = text <| toString <| solve input size = 256 -- solve: List Int -> String solve input = let initial = List.range 0 (size - 1) (list, index) = execute input 0 0 initial indexFirstElement = (size - index) % size indexSecondElement = (size - index + 1) % size array = Array.fromList list e1 = Array.get indexFirstElement array e2 = Array.get indexSecondElement array in Maybe.map2 (*) e1 e2 execute commands skipSize index list = case commands of [] -> (list, index) cmd::tail -> let toSwap = List.take cmd list rest = List.drop cmd list newList = List.append (List.reverse toSwap) rest offset = (cmd + skipSize) % size offsetList1 = List.drop offset newList offsetList2 = List.take offset newList offsetList = List.append offsetList1 offsetList2 newIndex = (index + offset) % size in execute tail (skipSize + 1) newIndex offsetList input2 = [3,4,1,5] input = [212,254,178,237,2,0,1,54,167,92,117,125,255,61,159,164] zip: List a -> List b -> List (a, b) zip list1 list2 = zip2 list1 list2 [] zip2: List a -> List b -> List(a, b) -> List(a, b) zip2 list1 list2 acc = case list1 of [] -> acc head1::tail1 -> case list2 of [] -> acc head2::tail2 -> zip2 tail1 tail2 (List.append acc [(head1, head2)]) toIntOrZero: String -> Int toIntOrZero char = case (String.toInt char) of Ok a -> a Err _ -> 0 outerProduct: List a -> List (a, a) outerProduct list = List.concatMap (\e -> List.map (\i -> (e, i)) list ) list histogram: List comparable -> Dict comparable Int histogram list = List.foldl histo_inc Dict.empty list histo_inc: comparable -> Dict comparable Int -> Dict comparable Int histo_inc dir dict = if Dict.member dir dict then Dict.update dir (Maybe.map ((+) 1)) dict else Dict.insert dir 1 dict
-- Copyright (c) 2017 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its -- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -- this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import Html exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Array exposing (..) import Debug exposing (..) main = text <| toString <| solve input size = 256 -- solve: List Int -> String solve input = let initial = List.range 0 (size - 1) (list, index) = execute input 0 0 initial indexFirstElement = (size - index) % size indexSecondElement = (size - index + 1) % size array = Array.fromList list e1 = Array.get indexFirstElement array e2 = Array.get indexSecondElement array in Maybe.map2 (*) e1 e2 execute commands skipSize index list = case commands of [] -> (list, index) cmd::tail -> let toSwap = List.take cmd list rest = List.drop cmd list newList = List.append (List.reverse toSwap) rest offset = (cmd + skipSize) % size offsetList1 = List.drop offset newList offsetList2 = List.take offset newList offsetList = List.append offsetList1 offsetList2 newIndex = (index + offset) % size in execute tail (skipSize + 1) newIndex offsetList input2 = [3,4,1,5] input = [212,254,178,237,2,0,1,54,167,92,117,125,255,61,159,164] zip: List a -> List b -> List (a, b) zip list1 list2 = zip2 list1 list2 [] zip2: List a -> List b -> List(a, b) -> List(a, b) zip2 list1 list2 acc = case list1 of [] -> acc head1::tail1 -> case list2 of [] -> acc head2::tail2 -> zip2 tail1 tail2 (List.append acc [(head1, head2)]) toIntOrZero: String -> Int toIntOrZero char = case (String.toInt char) of Ok a -> a Err _ -> 0 outerProduct: List a -> List (a, a) outerProduct list = List.concatMap (\e -> List.map (\i -> (e, i)) list ) list histogram: List comparable -> Dict comparable Int histogram list = List.foldl histo_inc Dict.empty list histo_inc: comparable -> Dict comparable Int -> Dict comparable Int histo_inc dir dict = if Dict.member dir dict then Dict.update dir (Maybe.map ((+) 1)) dict else Dict.insert dir 1 dict
[ { "context": "pty\n | mobsters = [ createMobster \"Sulu\", createMobster \"Kirk\", createMobster \"Spock\", cr", "end": 1537, "score": 0.9941132069, "start": 1533, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sulu" }, { "context": "mobsters = [ createMobster \"Sulu\", createMobster \"Kirk\", createMobster \"Spock\", createMobster \"McCoy\" ]\n", "end": 1559, "score": 0.9985202551, "start": 1555, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "ster \"Sulu\", createMobster \"Kirk\", createMobster \"Spock\", createMobster \"McCoy\" ]\n }\n ", "end": 1582, "score": 0.9976620674, "start": 1577, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "ter \"Kirk\", createMobster \"Spock\", createMobster \"McCoy\" ]\n }\n (CompleteGoal 0 Driv", "end": 1605, "score": 0.9326598644, "start": 1600, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "mobsters =\n [ Mobster.Mobster \"Sulu\" fakeExperience2\n , createMobs", "end": 1753, "score": 0.9835127592, "start": 1749, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sulu" }, { "context": "eExperience2\n , createMobster \"Kirk\"\n , createMobster \"Spock\"\n ", "end": 1812, "score": 0.9987291098, "start": 1808, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "bster \"Kirk\"\n , createMobster \"Spock\"\n , createMobster \"McCoy\"\n ", "end": 1856, "score": 0.9976406693, "start": 1851, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "ster \"Spock\"\n , createMobster \"McCoy\"\n ]\n }\n ]\n\n\n", "end": 1900, "score": 0.9379024506, "start": 1895, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "r is removed\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ", "end": 2116, "score": 0.998355031, "start": 2112, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "oved\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Bench 1)", "end": 2125, "score": 0.9817581177, "start": 2120, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Bench 1)\n ", "end": 2134, "score": 0.7914431691, "start": 2129, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": " (Bench 1)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"", "end": 2216, "score": 0.9968931079, "start": 2212, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "ch 1)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] ", "end": 2225, "score": 0.931067884, "start": 2220, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n , test", "end": 2271, "score": 0.9823069572, "start": 2266, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " end of list\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = ", "end": 2457, "score": 0.9980355501, "start": 2453, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "list\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 2 }\n ", "end": 2466, "score": 0.9853253961, "start": 2461, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 2 }\n (B", "end": 2475, "score": 0.9281176925, "start": 2470, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": " (Bench 2)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"", "end": 2573, "score": 0.9972889423, "start": 2569, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "ch 2)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ] ", "end": 2582, "score": 0.9751061797, "start": 2577, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n , t", "end": 2625, "score": 0.5218364596, "start": 2623, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mc" }, { "context": "Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n , test", "end": 2628, "score": 0.5901154876, "start": 2627, "tag": "NAME", "value": "y" }, { "context": " empty bench\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Bench 0)\n ", "end": 2772, "score": 0.9847346544, "start": 2767, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "ch 0)\n { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters }\n , testOperation \"moves", "end": 2863, "score": 0.9722076654, "start": 2858, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "orrect index\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Spock\", \"Sulu\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Bench 0)\n", "end": 2991, "score": 0.9718333483, "start": 2986, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "dex\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Spock\", \"Sulu\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Bench 0)\n ", "end": 2999, "score": 0.9234884381, "start": 2995, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sulu" }, { "context": " (Bench 0)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Sulu\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] ", "end": 3081, "score": 0.9245971441, "start": 3077, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Sulu" }, { "context": "= [ \"Sulu\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters }\n , testOperations \"puts", "end": 3127, "score": 0.929079175, "start": 3122, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "ey are added\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ", "end": 3261, "score": 0.9982583523, "start": 3257, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "dded\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n [ (Bench ", "end": 3270, "score": 0.9871942997, "start": 3265, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n [ (Bench 1), (Benc", "end": 3279, "score": 0.9058386683, "start": 3274, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": ", (Bench 1) ]\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\", \"", "end": 3376, "score": 0.9987370968, "start": 3372, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "= [ \"Kirk\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ]\n\n\nrotateInC", "end": 3422, "score": 0.9497141242, "start": 3417, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": "\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ]\n\n\nrotateInCases : Te", "end": 3431, "score": 0.7693558335, "start": 3426, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "tion\"\n { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ", "end": 3629, "score": 0.9955624342, "start": 3625, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (RotateIn", "end": 3638, "score": 0.9595658779, "start": 3633, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (RotateIn 2)\n ", "end": 3647, "score": 0.7847236991, "start": 3642, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "In 2)\n { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ]", "end": 3740, "score": 0.9945987463, "start": 3736, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ] |> toMob", "end": 3749, "score": 0.9795774221, "start": 3744, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n , testOperation \"ad", "end": 3784, "score": 0.5447314382, "start": 3782, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mc" }, { "context": " next driver\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobst", "end": 3926, "score": 0.9994407892, "start": 3922, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "iver\"\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"", "end": 3935, "score": 0.9953677654, "start": 3930, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Sulu\" ] |", "end": 3944, "score": 0.9354278445, "start": 3939, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": ", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ \"Sulu\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n (R", "end": 3989, "score": 0.5372248888, "start": 3986, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ulu" }, { "context": " (RotateIn 0)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"Sulu\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextD", "end": 4090, "score": 0.9996175766, "start": 4086, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "In 0)\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"Sulu\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1", "end": 4099, "score": 0.9982028008, "start": 4094, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"Sulu\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n ", "end": 4107, "score": 0.7091377974, "start": 4104, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ulu" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"Sulu\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n ]\n\n\nre", "end": 4116, "score": 0.7999194264, "start": 4111, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "ters\"\n { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ", "end": 4344, "score": 0.9993728399, "start": 4340, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Remove 1", "end": 4353, "score": 0.9955276251, "start": 4348, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n (Remove 1)\n ", "end": 4362, "score": 0.9245966077, "start": 4357, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "ve 1)\n { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ]\n\n\nrotateCas", "end": 4453, "score": 0.9976984859, "start": 4449, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": " { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters }\n ]\n\n\nrotateCase1 : Test", "end": 4462, "score": 0.9214841723, "start": 4457, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": " startList =\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n", "end": 4599, "score": 0.9998588562, "start": 4591, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane Doe" }, { "context": "=\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n in\n ", "end": 4613, "score": 0.9998533726, "start": 4603, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Smith" }, { "context": " startList =\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n", "end": 4890, "score": 0.9998717308, "start": 4882, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane Doe" }, { "context": "=\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n in\n ", "end": 4904, "score": 0.9998618364, "start": 4894, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Smith" }, { "context": " startList =\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = ", "end": 5174, "score": 0.9996376038, "start": 5170, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Kirk" }, { "context": "ist =\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n i", "end": 5183, "score": 0.9987616539, "start": 5178, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Spock" }, { "context": " { empty | mobsters = [ \"Kirk\", \"Spock\", \"McCoy\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 }\n in\n ", "end": 5192, "score": 0.9863844514, "start": 5187, "tag": "NAME", "value": "McCoy" }, { "context": "mpty\"\n Mobster.empty\n (Add \"John Doe\")\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"John Doe\" ]", "end": 7718, "score": 0.9998566508, "start": 7710, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Doe" }, { "context": "d \"John Doe\")\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"John Doe\" ] |> toMobsters }\n , testOperations \"add ", "end": 7765, "score": 0.9998703003, "start": 7757, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Doe" }, { "context": "gs\"\n Mobster.empty\n [ (Add \"Jane Doe\"), (Add \"John Smith\") ]\n { empty | mob", "end": 7881, "score": 0.9998762012, "start": 7873, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane Doe" }, { "context": "bster.empty\n [ (Add \"Jane Doe\"), (Add \"John Smith\") ]\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\"", "end": 7901, "score": 0.9998583198, "start": 7891, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Smith" }, { "context": "ohn Smith\") ]\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n", "end": 7950, "score": 0.9998691082, "start": 7942, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Jane Doe" }, { "context": "]\n { empty | mobsters = [ \"Jane Doe\", \"John Smith\" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 }\n ]\n\n\nte", "end": 7964, "score": 0.9998583794, "start": 7954, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John Smith" } ]
module MobsterOperationTests exposing (all) import Test exposing (..) import Expect import Roster.Data as Mobster exposing (RosterData, empty) import Roster.Operation exposing (MobsterOperation(..), updateMoblist) import TestHelpers exposing (toMobsters) import Roster.RpgRole exposing (..) fakeExperience = { driver = [ { complete = False, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } fakeExperience2 = { driver = [ { complete = True, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } createMobster : String -> Mobster.Mobster createMobster name = Mobster.Mobster name fakeExperience all : Test all = describe "mobster operation" [ benchCases, rotateInCases, removeCases, rotateCases, moveCases, addCases, completeGoalCases ] completeGoalCases : Test completeGoalCases = describe "complete goal" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ createMobster "Sulu", createMobster "Kirk", createMobster "Spock", createMobster "McCoy" ] } (CompleteGoal 0 Driver 0) { empty | mobsters = [ Mobster.Mobster "Sulu" fakeExperience2 , createMobster "Kirk" , createMobster "Spock" , createMobster "McCoy" ] } ] benchCases : Test benchCases = describe "bench" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "Spock" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "wraps around list for next driver when nextDriver is removed and was at end of list" { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 2 } (Bench 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "moves a single mobster to an empty bench" { empty | mobsters = [ "Spock" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "Spock" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "moves the mobster with the correct index" { empty | mobsters = [ "Spock", "Sulu" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "Sulu" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "Spock" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "puts mobsters on bench in order they are added" { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } [ (Bench 1), (Bench 1) ] { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateInCases : Test rotateInCases = describe "rotate in" [ testOperation "puts mobster back in rotation" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } (RotateIn 2) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "adds mobsters back in rotation below the next driver" { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "Sulu" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } (RotateIn 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "Sulu", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } ] removeCases : Test removeCases = describe "remove" [ testOperation "removes an item from bench with no active mobsters" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } (Remove 1) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "Kirk", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateCase1 : Test rotateCase1 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "Jane Doe", "John Smith" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } in testOperation "without wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 1 } rotateCase2 : Test rotateCase2 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "Jane Doe", "John Smith" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "with wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCase3 : Test rotateCase3 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "rewind" startList RewindTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCases : Test rotateCases = describe "rotate" [ rotateCase1, rotateCase2, rotateCase3 ] moveCases : Test moveCases = describe "move" [ testOperation "single item list" { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "index not in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 4 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "multiple items without wrapping" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "placing it below hovered slot when moving from higher to lower" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "a", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position one up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position two up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "d", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "down below the last item in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "c", "d", "a" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position several slots away" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 6 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "g", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] addCases : Test addCases = describe "add" [ testOperation "add to empty" Mobster.empty (Add "John Doe") { empty | mobsters = [ "John Doe" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "add two things" Mobster.empty [ (Add "Jane Doe"), (Add "John Smith") ] { empty | mobsters = [ "Jane Doe", "John Smith" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] testOperation : String -> RosterData -> MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperation description startList operation expectedResult = test description <| \() -> startList |> updateMoblist operation |> Expect.equal expectedResult testOperations : String -> RosterData -> List MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperations description startList operations expectedResult = test description <| \() -> List.foldl updateMoblist startList operations |> Expect.equal expectedResult
module MobsterOperationTests exposing (all) import Test exposing (..) import Expect import Roster.Data as Mobster exposing (RosterData, empty) import Roster.Operation exposing (MobsterOperation(..), updateMoblist) import TestHelpers exposing (toMobsters) import Roster.RpgRole exposing (..) fakeExperience = { driver = [ { complete = False, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } fakeExperience2 = { driver = [ { complete = True, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } createMobster : String -> Mobster.Mobster createMobster name = Mobster.Mobster name fakeExperience all : Test all = describe "mobster operation" [ benchCases, rotateInCases, removeCases, rotateCases, moveCases, addCases, completeGoalCases ] completeGoalCases : Test completeGoalCases = describe "complete goal" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ createMobster "<NAME>", createMobster "<NAME>", createMobster "<NAME>", createMobster "<NAME>" ] } (CompleteGoal 0 Driver 0) { empty | mobsters = [ Mobster.Mobster "<NAME>" fakeExperience2 , createMobster "<NAME>" , createMobster "<NAME>" , createMobster "<NAME>" ] } ] benchCases : Test benchCases = describe "bench" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "wraps around list for next driver when nextDriver is removed and was at end of list" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 2 } (Bench 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>Co<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "moves a single mobster to an empty bench" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "moves the mobster with the correct index" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "puts mobsters on bench in order they are added" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } [ (Bench 1), (Bench 1) ] { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateInCases : Test rotateInCases = describe "rotate in" [ testOperation "puts mobster back in rotation" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } (RotateIn 2) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ "<NAME>Coy" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "adds mobsters back in rotation below the next driver" { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "S<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } (RotateIn 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "S<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } ] removeCases : Test removeCases = describe "remove" [ testOperation "removes an item from bench with no active mobsters" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } (Remove 1) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateCase1 : Test rotateCase1 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } in testOperation "without wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 1 } rotateCase2 : Test rotateCase2 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "with wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCase3 : Test rotateCase3 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "rewind" startList RewindTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCases : Test rotateCases = describe "rotate" [ rotateCase1, rotateCase2, rotateCase3 ] moveCases : Test moveCases = describe "move" [ testOperation "single item list" { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "index not in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 4 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "multiple items without wrapping" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "placing it below hovered slot when moving from higher to lower" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "a", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position one up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position two up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "d", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "down below the last item in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "c", "d", "a" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position several slots away" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 6 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "g", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] addCases : Test addCases = describe "add" [ testOperation "add to empty" Mobster.empty (Add "<NAME>") { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "add two things" Mobster.empty [ (Add "<NAME>"), (Add "<NAME>") ] { empty | mobsters = [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] testOperation : String -> RosterData -> MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperation description startList operation expectedResult = test description <| \() -> startList |> updateMoblist operation |> Expect.equal expectedResult testOperations : String -> RosterData -> List MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperations description startList operations expectedResult = test description <| \() -> List.foldl updateMoblist startList operations |> Expect.equal expectedResult
module MobsterOperationTests exposing (all) import Test exposing (..) import Expect import Roster.Data as Mobster exposing (RosterData, empty) import Roster.Operation exposing (MobsterOperation(..), updateMoblist) import TestHelpers exposing (toMobsters) import Roster.RpgRole exposing (..) fakeExperience = { driver = [ { complete = False, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } fakeExperience2 = { driver = [ { complete = True, description = "driver goal" } ] , navigator = [ { complete = False, description = "navigator goal" } ] , mobber = [ { complete = False, description = "mobber goal" } ] , researcher = [ { complete = False, description = "researcher goal" } ] , sponsor = [ { complete = False, description = "sponsor goal" } ] } createMobster : String -> Mobster.Mobster createMobster name = Mobster.Mobster name fakeExperience all : Test all = describe "mobster operation" [ benchCases, rotateInCases, removeCases, rotateCases, moveCases, addCases, completeGoalCases ] completeGoalCases : Test completeGoalCases = describe "complete goal" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] } (CompleteGoal 0 Driver 0) { empty | mobsters = [ Mobster.Mobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" fakeExperience2 , createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , createMobster "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] } ] benchCases : Test benchCases = describe "bench" [ testOperation "driver doesn't change when navigator is removed" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "wraps around list for next driver when nextDriver is removed and was at end of list" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 2 } (Bench 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PICoPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "moves a single mobster to an empty bench" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "moves the mobster with the correct index" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } (Bench 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "puts mobsters on bench in order they are added" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } [ (Bench 1), (Bench 1) ] { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateInCases : Test rotateInCases = describe "rotate in" [ testOperation "puts mobster back in rotation" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } (RotateIn 2) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PICoy" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperation "adds mobsters back in rotation below the next driver" { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, inactiveMobsters = [ "SPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } (RotateIn 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "SPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } ] removeCases : Test removeCases = describe "remove" [ testOperation "removes an item from bench with no active mobsters" { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } (Remove 1) { empty | inactiveMobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } ] rotateCase1 : Test rotateCase1 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } in testOperation "without wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 1 } rotateCase2 : Test rotateCase2 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "with wrapping" startList NextTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCase3 : Test rotateCase3 = let startList = { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 1 } in testOperation "rewind" startList RewindTurn { startList | nextDriver = 0 } rotateCases : Test rotateCases = describe "rotate" [ rotateCase1, rotateCase2, rotateCase3 ] moveCases : Test moveCases = describe "move" [ testOperation "single item list" { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "only item" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "index not in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 4 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "multiple items without wrapping" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "placing it below hovered slot when moving from higher to lower" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "a", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position one up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 2) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "d", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position two up" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 3 1) { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "d", "b", "c" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "down below the last item in list" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 0 3) { empty | mobsters = [ "b", "c", "d", "a" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } , testOperation "to specific position several slots away" { empty | mobsters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } (Move 6 0) { empty | mobsters = [ "g", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] addCases : Test addCases = describe "add" [ testOperation "add to empty" Mobster.empty (Add "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters } , testOperations "add two things" Mobster.empty [ (Add "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"), (Add "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI") ] { empty | mobsters = [ "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] |> toMobsters, nextDriver = 0 } ] testOperation : String -> RosterData -> MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperation description startList operation expectedResult = test description <| \() -> startList |> updateMoblist operation |> Expect.equal expectedResult testOperations : String -> RosterData -> List MobsterOperation -> RosterData -> Test testOperations description startList operations expectedResult = test description <| \() -> List.foldl updateMoblist startList operations |> Expect.equal expectedResult
[ { "context": "ädteverzeichnis\\\"},{\\\"eintrag\\\":[{\\\"stichwort\\\":\\\"Genf\\\"},{\\\"eintragstext\\\":\\\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\\", "end": 1941, "score": 0.680801034, "start": 1937, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Genf" }, { "context": " Sitz von ...\\\"}]},{\\\"eintrag\\\":[{\\\"stichwort\\\":\\\"Köln\\\"},{\\\"eintragstext\\\":\\\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die .", "end": 2031, "score": 0.9563560486, "start": 2027, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Köln" }, { "context": "\\\":[{\\\"stichwort\\\":\\\"Köln\\\"},{\\\"eintragstext\\\":\\\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...\\\"}]}]}]\"\n\n-}\ndecode : S", "end": 2057, "score": 0.6777476668, "start": 2056, "tag": "NAME", "value": "ö" } ]
module Generic.Decoder exposing (decode) {-| @docs decode -} import Generic import Generic.Json as Json import Generic.Xml as Xml import Generic.Yaml as Yaml {-| Use this general type of decoder, it will try out at first to parse a JSON format, then XML, and finally YAML import Generic """ <verzeichnis> <titel>Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis</titel> <eintrag> <stichwort>Genf</stichwort> <eintragstext>Genf ist der Sitz von ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> <eintrag> <stichwort>Köln</stichwort> <eintragstext>Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> </verzeichnis> """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Genf\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Köln\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" """ [ { "verzeichnis": [ { "titel": "Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis" }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Genf" }, { "eintragstext": "Genf ist der Sitz von ..." } ] }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Köln" }, { "eintragstext": "Köln ist eine Stadt, die ..." } ] } ] } ] """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Genf\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Köln\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" -} decode : String -> Result String Generic.Value decode str = case Json.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Xml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Yaml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> Err "Unable to decode as JSON, XML, and YAML"
module Generic.Decoder exposing (decode) {-| @docs decode -} import Generic import Generic.Json as Json import Generic.Xml as Xml import Generic.Yaml as Yaml {-| Use this general type of decoder, it will try out at first to parse a JSON format, then XML, and finally YAML import Generic """ <verzeichnis> <titel>Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis</titel> <eintrag> <stichwort>Genf</stichwort> <eintragstext>Genf ist der Sitz von ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> <eintrag> <stichwort>Köln</stichwort> <eintragstext>Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> </verzeichnis> """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Genf\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Köln\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" """ [ { "verzeichnis": [ { "titel": "Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis" }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Genf" }, { "eintragstext": "Genf ist der Sitz von ..." } ] }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Köln" }, { "eintragstext": "Köln ist eine Stadt, die ..." } ] } ] } ] """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"<NAME>\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"<NAME>\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"K<NAME>ln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" -} decode : String -> Result String Generic.Value decode str = case Json.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Xml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Yaml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> Err "Unable to decode as JSON, XML, and YAML"
module Generic.Decoder exposing (decode) {-| @docs decode -} import Generic import Generic.Json as Json import Generic.Xml as Xml import Generic.Yaml as Yaml {-| Use this general type of decoder, it will try out at first to parse a JSON format, then XML, and finally YAML import Generic """ <verzeichnis> <titel>Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis</titel> <eintrag> <stichwort>Genf</stichwort> <eintragstext>Genf ist der Sitz von ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> <eintrag> <stichwort>Köln</stichwort> <eintragstext>Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...</eintragstext> </eintrag> </verzeichnis> """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Genf\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"Köln\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Köln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" """ [ { "verzeichnis": [ { "titel": "Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis" }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Genf" }, { "eintragstext": "Genf ist der Sitz von ..." } ] }, { "eintrag": [ { "stichwort": "Köln" }, { "eintragstext": "Köln ist eine Stadt, die ..." } ] } ] } ] """ |> decode |> Result.withDefault Generic.Null |> Generic.toString --> Just "[{\"verzeichnis\":[{\"titel\":\"Wikipedia Städteverzeichnis\"},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"Genf ist der Sitz von ...\"}]},{\"eintrag\":[{\"stichwort\":\"PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI\"},{\"eintragstext\":\"KPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIln ist eine Stadt, die ...\"}]}]}]" -} decode : String -> Result String Generic.Value decode str = case Json.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Xml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> case Yaml.decode str of Ok gen -> Ok gen Err _ -> Err "Unable to decode as JSON, XML, and YAML"
[ { "context": "docs dayOfMonthWithSuffix\n\nCopyright (c) 2016-2018 Robin Luiten\n\n-}\n\nimport Date exposing (Day(..), Month(..))\nim", "end": 218, "score": 0.9998647571, "start": 206, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Robin Luiten" } ]
module Date.Extra.I18n.I_et_ee exposing (..) {-| Estonian values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName @docs dayOfMonthWithSuffix Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Robin Luiten -} import Date exposing (Day(..), Month(..)) import String exposing (padLeft) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "E" Tue -> "T" Wed -> "K" Thu -> "N" Fri -> "R" Sat -> "L" Sun -> "P" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "esmaspäev" Tue -> "teisipäev" Wed -> "kolmapäev" Thu -> "neljapäev" Fri -> "reede" Sat -> "laupäev" Sun -> "pühapäev" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "jaan" Feb -> "veebr" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "apr" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "aug" Sep -> "sept" Oct -> "okt" Nov -> "nov" Dec -> "dets" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "jaanuar" Feb -> "veebruar" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "aprill" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "august" Sep -> "september" Oct -> "oktoober" Nov -> "november" Dec -> "detsember" {-| Nothing to do here for Estonian. -} dayOfMonthWithSuffix : Bool -> Int -> String dayOfMonthWithSuffix pad day = (toString day) ++ "."
module Date.Extra.I18n.I_et_ee exposing (..) {-| Estonian values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName @docs dayOfMonthWithSuffix Copyright (c) 2016-2018 <NAME> -} import Date exposing (Day(..), Month(..)) import String exposing (padLeft) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "E" Tue -> "T" Wed -> "K" Thu -> "N" Fri -> "R" Sat -> "L" Sun -> "P" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "esmaspäev" Tue -> "teisipäev" Wed -> "kolmapäev" Thu -> "neljapäev" Fri -> "reede" Sat -> "laupäev" Sun -> "pühapäev" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "jaan" Feb -> "veebr" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "apr" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "aug" Sep -> "sept" Oct -> "okt" Nov -> "nov" Dec -> "dets" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "jaanuar" Feb -> "veebruar" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "aprill" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "august" Sep -> "september" Oct -> "oktoober" Nov -> "november" Dec -> "detsember" {-| Nothing to do here for Estonian. -} dayOfMonthWithSuffix : Bool -> Int -> String dayOfMonthWithSuffix pad day = (toString day) ++ "."
module Date.Extra.I18n.I_et_ee exposing (..) {-| Estonian values for day and month names. @docs dayShort @docs dayName @docs monthShort @docs monthName @docs dayOfMonthWithSuffix Copyright (c) 2016-2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI -} import Date exposing (Day(..), Month(..)) import String exposing (padLeft) {-| Day short name. -} dayShort : Day -> String dayShort day = case day of Mon -> "E" Tue -> "T" Wed -> "K" Thu -> "N" Fri -> "R" Sat -> "L" Sun -> "P" {-| Day full name. -} dayName : Day -> String dayName day = case day of Mon -> "esmaspäev" Tue -> "teisipäev" Wed -> "kolmapäev" Thu -> "neljapäev" Fri -> "reede" Sat -> "laupäev" Sun -> "pühapäev" {-| Month short name. -} monthShort : Month -> String monthShort month = case month of Jan -> "jaan" Feb -> "veebr" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "apr" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "aug" Sep -> "sept" Oct -> "okt" Nov -> "nov" Dec -> "dets" {-| Month full name. -} monthName : Month -> String monthName month = case month of Jan -> "jaanuar" Feb -> "veebruar" Mar -> "märts" Apr -> "aprill" May -> "mai" Jun -> "juuni" Jul -> "juuli" Aug -> "august" Sep -> "september" Oct -> "oktoober" Nov -> "november" Dec -> "detsember" {-| Nothing to do here for Estonian. -} dayOfMonthWithSuffix : Bool -> Int -> String dayOfMonthWithSuffix pad day = (toString day) ++ "."
[ { "context": " span\n []\n [ text \"@ Simon Olander Sahlén\" ]\n , br [] []\n , a\n ", "end": 2358, "score": 0.9998801947, "start": 2338, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Simon Olander Sahlén" }, { "context": "l.Styled.Attributes.href \"https://github.com/simonolander/elm-nick\"\n , Html.Styled.Attribute", "end": 2479, "score": 0.5912438631, "start": 2472, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "olander" } ]
module Menu.View exposing (renderMenu) import Array import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (type_, value, selected, title) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Model exposing (..) import RemoteData exposing (..) import UI import Util exposing (gameModeToString) renderMenu : Settings -> Menu -> Html Msg renderMenu settings menu = case menu of MainMenu -> renderMainMenu SinglePlayerMenu -> renderSinglePlayerMenu settings MultiplayerMenu -> renderMultiplayerMenu settings SelectHighscoreMenu -> renderSelectHighscoresMenu HighscoreMenu gameMode webData -> renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData renderHighscoresMenu : GameMode -> WebData (List Score) -> Html Msg renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle (gameModeToString gameMode) , UI.scoreboard webData , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Back to Highscores" ] renderSelectHighscoresMenu : Html Msg renderSelectHighscoresMenu = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Highscores" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu SinglePlayerSurvival NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString SinglePlayerSurvival) , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu MultiplayerCooperation NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString MultiplayerCooperation) , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMainMenu : Html Msg renderMainMenu = UI.menu [ styled img [ width (pct 100) , height auto ] [ Html.Styled.Attributes.src "/assets/title.png" ] [] , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SinglePlayerMenu)] "Single Player" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MultiplayerMenu)] "Multiplayer" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Highscores" , UI.space , styled div [ width (pct 100) , textAlign right , fontFamily monospace , color (rgb 220 220 220) ] [] [ span [] [ text "@ Simon Olander Sahlén" ] , br [] [] , a [ Html.Styled.Attributes.href "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-nick" , Html.Styled.Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code" ] ] ] renderSinglePlayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderSinglePlayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Single Player" , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take 1 |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerSurvival)] "Survival" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMultiplayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderMultiplayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Multiplayer" , UI.label "Number of players" , styled div [ displayFlex , flexDirection row , justifyContent spaceBetween , flexShrink (int 0) , width (pct 100) ] [] [ styled select [ fontSize (px 18) , color (rgb 51 51 51) , border3 (px 1) solid (rgb 191 191 191) , borderRadius (px 8) , padding2 (px 5) (px 10) , height (px 48) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) , boxShadow6 inset (px 0) (px 3) (px 0) (px 0) (rgb 235 235 235) , marginBottom (px 4) , flex (int 1) ] [ onInput (\ intString -> UpdateNumberOfPlayers (Result.withDefault 2 (String.toInt intString))) , title "Number of players" ] ( [ (2, "Two Players") , (3, "Three Players") , (4, "Four Players") , (5, "Five Players") , (6, "Six Players") ] |> List.map (\(num, label) -> option [ value (toString num) , selected (num == settings.numberOfPlayers) ] [ text label ] ) ) ] , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take settings.numberOfPlayers |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerCooperation)] "Cooperation" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame LastManStanding)] "Last Man Standing" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ]
module Menu.View exposing (renderMenu) import Array import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (type_, value, selected, title) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Model exposing (..) import RemoteData exposing (..) import UI import Util exposing (gameModeToString) renderMenu : Settings -> Menu -> Html Msg renderMenu settings menu = case menu of MainMenu -> renderMainMenu SinglePlayerMenu -> renderSinglePlayerMenu settings MultiplayerMenu -> renderMultiplayerMenu settings SelectHighscoreMenu -> renderSelectHighscoresMenu HighscoreMenu gameMode webData -> renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData renderHighscoresMenu : GameMode -> WebData (List Score) -> Html Msg renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle (gameModeToString gameMode) , UI.scoreboard webData , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Back to Highscores" ] renderSelectHighscoresMenu : Html Msg renderSelectHighscoresMenu = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Highscores" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu SinglePlayerSurvival NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString SinglePlayerSurvival) , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu MultiplayerCooperation NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString MultiplayerCooperation) , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMainMenu : Html Msg renderMainMenu = UI.menu [ styled img [ width (pct 100) , height auto ] [ Html.Styled.Attributes.src "/assets/title.png" ] [] , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SinglePlayerMenu)] "Single Player" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MultiplayerMenu)] "Multiplayer" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Highscores" , UI.space , styled div [ width (pct 100) , textAlign right , fontFamily monospace , color (rgb 220 220 220) ] [] [ span [] [ text "@ <NAME>" ] , br [] [] , a [ Html.Styled.Attributes.href "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-nick" , Html.Styled.Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code" ] ] ] renderSinglePlayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderSinglePlayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Single Player" , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take 1 |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerSurvival)] "Survival" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMultiplayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderMultiplayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Multiplayer" , UI.label "Number of players" , styled div [ displayFlex , flexDirection row , justifyContent spaceBetween , flexShrink (int 0) , width (pct 100) ] [] [ styled select [ fontSize (px 18) , color (rgb 51 51 51) , border3 (px 1) solid (rgb 191 191 191) , borderRadius (px 8) , padding2 (px 5) (px 10) , height (px 48) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) , boxShadow6 inset (px 0) (px 3) (px 0) (px 0) (rgb 235 235 235) , marginBottom (px 4) , flex (int 1) ] [ onInput (\ intString -> UpdateNumberOfPlayers (Result.withDefault 2 (String.toInt intString))) , title "Number of players" ] ( [ (2, "Two Players") , (3, "Three Players") , (4, "Four Players") , (5, "Five Players") , (6, "Six Players") ] |> List.map (\(num, label) -> option [ value (toString num) , selected (num == settings.numberOfPlayers) ] [ text label ] ) ) ] , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take settings.numberOfPlayers |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerCooperation)] "Cooperation" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame LastManStanding)] "Last Man Standing" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ]
module Menu.View exposing (renderMenu) import Array import Css exposing (..) import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (type_, value, selected, title) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (onClick, onInput) import Model exposing (..) import RemoteData exposing (..) import UI import Util exposing (gameModeToString) renderMenu : Settings -> Menu -> Html Msg renderMenu settings menu = case menu of MainMenu -> renderMainMenu SinglePlayerMenu -> renderSinglePlayerMenu settings MultiplayerMenu -> renderMultiplayerMenu settings SelectHighscoreMenu -> renderSelectHighscoresMenu HighscoreMenu gameMode webData -> renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData renderHighscoresMenu : GameMode -> WebData (List Score) -> Html Msg renderHighscoresMenu gameMode webData = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle (gameModeToString gameMode) , UI.scoreboard webData , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Back to Highscores" ] renderSelectHighscoresMenu : Html Msg renderSelectHighscoresMenu = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Highscores" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu SinglePlayerSurvival NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString SinglePlayerSurvival) , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation (HighscoreMenu MultiplayerCooperation NotAsked)) ] (gameModeToString MultiplayerCooperation) , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMainMenu : Html Msg renderMainMenu = UI.menu [ styled img [ width (pct 100) , height auto ] [ Html.Styled.Attributes.src "/assets/title.png" ] [] , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SinglePlayerMenu)] "Single Player" , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MultiplayerMenu)] "Multiplayer" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation SelectHighscoreMenu)] "Highscores" , UI.space , styled div [ width (pct 100) , textAlign right , fontFamily monospace , color (rgb 220 220 220) ] [] [ span [] [ text "@ PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , br [] [] , a [ Html.Styled.Attributes.href "https://github.com/simonolander/elm-nick" , Html.Styled.Attributes.target "_blank" ] [ text "Source code" ] ] ] renderSinglePlayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderSinglePlayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Single Player" , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take 1 |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerSurvival)] "Survival" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame SinglePlayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ] renderMultiplayerMenu : Settings -> Html Msg renderMultiplayerMenu settings = UI.menu [ UI.menuTitle "Multiplayer" , UI.label "Number of players" , styled div [ displayFlex , flexDirection row , justifyContent spaceBetween , flexShrink (int 0) , width (pct 100) ] [] [ styled select [ fontSize (px 18) , color (rgb 51 51 51) , border3 (px 1) solid (rgb 191 191 191) , borderRadius (px 8) , padding2 (px 5) (px 10) , height (px 48) , backgroundColor (rgb 255 255 255) , boxShadow6 inset (px 0) (px 3) (px 0) (px 0) (rgb 235 235 235) , marginBottom (px 4) , flex (int 1) ] [ onInput (\ intString -> UpdateNumberOfPlayers (Result.withDefault 2 (String.toInt intString))) , title "Number of players" ] ( [ (2, "Two Players") , (3, "Three Players") , (4, "Four Players") , (5, "Five Players") , (6, "Six Players") ] |> List.map (\(num, label) -> option [ value (toString num) , selected (num == settings.numberOfPlayers) ] [ text label ] ) ) ] , UI.label "Left and right controls" , settings.characterSettings |> Array.toList |> List.take settings.numberOfPlayers |> UI.leftRightControls , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerCooperation)] "Cooperation" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame LastManStanding)] "Last Man Standing" , UI.btn [ onClick (InitializeGame MultiplayerFree)] "Free Mode" , UI.space , UI.btn [ onClick (MenuNavigation MainMenu)] "Back to Main Menu" ]
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module ImgIX.Stylize exposing ( Stylize , duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia , toQueryParameters ) {-| The stylize parameters allow you to apply basic artistic effects to your images. @docs Stylize # Stylize @docs duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia # Applying @docs toQueryParameters -} import ImgIX.Internals.Color as Color exposing (Alpha, Color) import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder exposing (QueryParameter, int, string) {-| The Stylize type -} type Stylize = Duotone Color.Color Color.Color Color.Alpha | GaussianBlur Int | Halftone Int | Monochrome Color.Color | Pixelate Int | Sepia Int {-| Applies a duotone effect—a gradient with two different colors as its endpoints—to the image. To achieve this effect, the image is first converted to greyscale. Two colors, usually contrasting, are then mapped to that gradient. ColorA is mapped to the darker parts of the image, and colorB to the lighter parts. If you were to set a light color as colorA and a dark color as colorB, you would create a duotone with a photo negative effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **duotone { colorA: #ff0000, colorB: #00ff00, alpha: 0.2 }** ![duotone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&duotone=ff0000,00ff00&duotone-alpha=20) -} duotone : { colorA : Color.Color, colorB : Color.Color, alpha : Float } -> Stylize duotone { colorA, colorB, alpha } = Duotone colorA colorB alpha {-| Applies a [Gaussian style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_blur) blur to your image, smoothing out image noise. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 2000. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **gaussianBlur 10** ![gaussianBlur](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&blur=10) -} gaussianBlur : Int -> Stylize gaussianBlur = GaussianBlur << betweenZeroAndTwoThousand {-| Same as gaussianBlur -} blur : Int -> Stylize blur = gaussianBlur {-| Applies a [half-toning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone) effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. The value represents the width of the halftone dots. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **halftone 10** ![halftone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&htn=10) -} halftone : Int -> Stylize halftone = Halftone << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies an overall monochromatic hue change. The higher the intensity defined by the alpha channel, the closer you will get to a duotone effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **monochrome #33ff0000** ![monochrome](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&mono=33ff0000) -} monochrome : Color.Color -> Stylize monochrome = Monochrome {-| Applies a square pixellation effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **pixelate 10** ![pixelate](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&px=10) -} pixelate : Int -> Stylize pixelate = Pixelate << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies a sepia-toning effect to the image. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **sepia 80** ![sepia](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vcHJvZHVjdC5pbWFnZXMuYmVsbHJveS5jb20vcHJvZHVjdF9pbWFnZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzAwMC8wMDMvODMzL29yaWdpbmFsLzc5ZmM2MGNkZmNkMjM5YWFjZGU3OWU4YTc2OTQ1NWZhOWJkN2MyODU3NGQ3Mzk0NDQxYTMyYmRmOGU4ZTdmOTUuanBnIl1d/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&sepia=80) -} sepia : Int -> Stylize sepia = Sepia << betweenZeroAndHundred -- Applying {-| -} toQueryParameters : List Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters = List.foldl (\stylize list -> toQueryParameters_ stylize ++ list) [] -- Helpers toQueryParameters_ : Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters_ stylize = case stylize of Duotone colorA colorB alpha -> [ String.join "," [ Color.toHex colorA , Color.toHex colorB ] |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone" , round (alpha * 100) |> String.fromInt |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone-alpha" ] GaussianBlur int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "blur" int ] Halftone int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "htn" int ] Monochrome color -> [ UrlBuilder.string "mono" <| Color.toHexAlpha color ] Pixelate int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "px" int ] Sepia int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "sepia" int ] betweenZeroAndHundred : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndHundred = between 0 100 betweenZeroAndTwoThousand : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndTwoThousand = between 0 2000 between : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int between a z value = if value < a then a else if value > z then z else value
module ImgIX.Stylize exposing ( Stylize , duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia , toQueryParameters ) {-| The stylize parameters allow you to apply basic artistic effects to your images. @docs Stylize # Stylize @docs duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia # Applying @docs toQueryParameters -} import ImgIX.Internals.Color as Color exposing (Alpha, Color) import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder exposing (QueryParameter, int, string) {-| The Stylize type -} type Stylize = Duotone Color.Color Color.Color Color.Alpha | GaussianBlur Int | Halftone Int | Monochrome Color.Color | Pixelate Int | Sepia Int {-| Applies a duotone effect—a gradient with two different colors as its endpoints—to the image. To achieve this effect, the image is first converted to greyscale. Two colors, usually contrasting, are then mapped to that gradient. ColorA is mapped to the darker parts of the image, and colorB to the lighter parts. If you were to set a light color as colorA and a dark color as colorB, you would create a duotone with a photo negative effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczov<KEY>Mz<KEY>/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **duotone { colorA: #ff0000, colorB: #00ff00, alpha: 0.2 }** ![duotone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-<KEY>/<KEY>/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&duotone=ff0000,00ff00&duotone-alpha=20) -} duotone : { colorA : Color.Color, colorB : Color.Color, alpha : Float } -> Stylize duotone { colorA, colorB, alpha } = Duotone colorA colorB alpha {-| Applies a [Gaussian style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_blur) blur to your image, smoothing out image noise. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 2000. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/<KEY> <KEY>.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **gaussianBlur 10** ![gaussianBlur](https://bellroy.imgix.net/<KEY> <KEY>9<KEY>.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&blur=10) -} gaussianBlur : Int -> Stylize gaussianBlur = GaussianBlur << betweenZeroAndTwoThousand {-| Same as gaussianBlur -} blur : Int -> Stylize blur = gaussianBlur {-| Applies a [half-toning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone) effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. The value represents the width of the halftone dots. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>/<KEY>0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **halftone 10** ![halftone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>/79fc6<KEY>cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&htn=10) -} halftone : Int -> Stylize halftone = Halftone << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies an overall monochromatic hue change. The higher the intensity defined by the alpha channel, the closer you will get to a duotone effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>/79fc<KEY>cdf<KEY>aacde79e<KEY>455fa<KEY>bd<KEY>2<KEY>574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **monochrome #33ff0000** ![monochrome](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>79fc<KEY>0cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&mono=33ff0000) -} monochrome : Color.Color -> Stylize monochrome = Monochrome {-| Applies a square pixellation effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>0f<KEY>07/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **pixelate 10** ![pixelate](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>ZnUi<KEY>wcz<KEY>/<KEY>/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&px=10) -} pixelate : Int -> Stylize pixelate = Pixelate << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies a sepia-toning effect to the image. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/<KEY>7<KEY>cdf<KEY>7<KEY>e<KEY>a769<KEY>5fa9bd7c2<KEY>7<KEY>d7<KEY>94441<KEY>32bdf8e<KEY>e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **sepia 80** ![sepia](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-<KEY>/<KEY>7<KEY>fc<KEY>cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c2<KEY>74d7<KEY>4<KEY>a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&sepia=80) -} sepia : Int -> Stylize sepia = Sepia << betweenZeroAndHundred -- Applying {-| -} toQueryParameters : List Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters = List.foldl (\stylize list -> toQueryParameters_ stylize ++ list) [] -- Helpers toQueryParameters_ : Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters_ stylize = case stylize of Duotone colorA colorB alpha -> [ String.join "," [ Color.toHex colorA , Color.toHex colorB ] |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone" , round (alpha * 100) |> String.fromInt |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone-alpha" ] GaussianBlur int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "blur" int ] Halftone int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "htn" int ] Monochrome color -> [ UrlBuilder.string "mono" <| Color.toHexAlpha color ] Pixelate int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "px" int ] Sepia int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "sepia" int ] betweenZeroAndHundred : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndHundred = between 0 100 betweenZeroAndTwoThousand : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndTwoThousand = between 0 2000 between : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int between a z value = if value < a then a else if value > z then z else value
module ImgIX.Stylize exposing ( Stylize , duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia , toQueryParameters ) {-| The stylize parameters allow you to apply basic artistic effects to your images. @docs Stylize # Stylize @docs duotone, gaussianBlur, blur, halftone, monochrome, pixelate, sepia # Applying @docs toQueryParameters -} import ImgIX.Internals.Color as Color exposing (Alpha, Color) import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder exposing (QueryParameter, int, string) {-| The Stylize type -} type Stylize = Duotone Color.Color Color.Color Color.Alpha | GaussianBlur Int | Halftone Int | Monochrome Color.Color | Pixelate Int | Sepia Int {-| Applies a duotone effect—a gradient with two different colors as its endpoints—to the image. To achieve this effect, the image is first converted to greyscale. Two colors, usually contrasting, are then mapped to that gradient. ColorA is mapped to the darker parts of the image, and colorB to the lighter parts. If you were to set a light color as colorA and a dark color as colorB, you would create a duotone with a photo negative effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/W1siZnUiLCJodHRwczovPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIMzPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/5460fe0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **duotone { colorA: #ff0000, colorB: #00ff00, alpha: 0.2 }** ![duotone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&duotone=ff0000,00ff00&duotone-alpha=20) -} duotone : { colorA : Color.Color, colorB : Color.Color, alpha : Float } -> Stylize duotone { colorA, colorB, alpha } = Duotone colorA colorB alpha {-| Applies a [Gaussian style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaussian_blur) blur to your image, smoothing out image noise. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 2000. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **gaussianBlur 10** ![gaussianBlur](https://bellroy.imgix.net/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI9PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&blur=10) -} gaussianBlur : Int -> Stylize gaussianBlur = GaussianBlur << betweenZeroAndTwoThousand {-| Same as gaussianBlur -} blur : Int -> Stylize blur = gaussianBlur {-| Applies a [half-toning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone) effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. The value represents the width of the halftone dots. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI0f4301a507/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **halftone 10** ![halftone](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/79fc6PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIcdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&htn=10) -} halftone : Int -> Stylize halftone = Halftone << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies an overall monochromatic hue change. The higher the intensity defined by the alpha channel, the closer you will get to a duotone effect. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/79fcPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIcdfPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIaacde79ePI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI455faPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIbdPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI2PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **monochrome #33ff0000** ![monochrome](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI79fcPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI0cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&mono=33ff0000) -} monochrome : Color.Color -> Stylize monochrome = Monochrome {-| Applies a square pixellation effect to the image. Valid values are in the range 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI0fPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI07/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **pixelate 10** ![pixelate](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIZnUiPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIwczPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/79fc60cdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c28574d7394441a32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&px=10) -} pixelate : Int -> Stylize pixelate = Pixelate << betweenZeroAndHundred {-| Applies a sepia-toning effect to the image. Valid values are in the range from 0 – 100. The default value is 0, which leaves the image unchanged. **original** ![original](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-assets/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIcdfPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIePI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIa769PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI5fa9bd7c2PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PId7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI94441PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI32bdf8ePI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIe7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150) **sepia 80** ![sepia](https://bellroy.imgix.net/dynamic-PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI/PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIfcPI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIcdfcd239aacde79e8a769455fa9bd7c2PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI74d7PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI4PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PIa32bdf8e8e7f95.jpg?fit=crop&w=150&h=150&sepia=80) -} sepia : Int -> Stylize sepia = Sepia << betweenZeroAndHundred -- Applying {-| -} toQueryParameters : List Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters = List.foldl (\stylize list -> toQueryParameters_ stylize ++ list) [] -- Helpers toQueryParameters_ : Stylize -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter toQueryParameters_ stylize = case stylize of Duotone colorA colorB alpha -> [ String.join "," [ Color.toHex colorA , Color.toHex colorB ] |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone" , round (alpha * 100) |> String.fromInt |> UrlBuilder.string "duotone-alpha" ] GaussianBlur int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "blur" int ] Halftone int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "htn" int ] Monochrome color -> [ UrlBuilder.string "mono" <| Color.toHexAlpha color ] Pixelate int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "px" int ] Sepia int -> [ UrlBuilder.int "sepia" int ] betweenZeroAndHundred : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndHundred = between 0 100 betweenZeroAndTwoThousand : Int -> Int betweenZeroAndTwoThousand = between 0 2000 between : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int between a z value = if value < a then a else if value > z then z else value
[ { "context": "ide column\"] [ span [ class \"pull-right\"] [ text \"Mark Stevens\"] ]\n ]\n ]\n\n ", "end": 3380, "score": 0.9971749783, "start": 3368, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark Stevens" } ]
{- /*! * Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Okta, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * The Okta software accompanied by this notice is provided pursuant to the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") * * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ -} port module Main exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import String import Navigation import Date import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DP main : Program ProgramOptions Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -------------------------------------------------- -- MODEL -------------------------------------------------- type alias ProgramOptions = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo } type alias Model = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo , usage : List Usage } type alias Usage = { solar : Int , pge : Int , net : Int , perc : Float } type alias AccessTokenResp = { accessToken : String , scopes : List String } type alias UserInfo = { sub : String , name : String } type Msg = LoginRedirect -------------------------------------------------- -- INIT -------------------------------------------------- init : ProgramOptions -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init opt = let us = case opt.userInfo of Just ui -> usage2 Nothing -> usage1 in ( Model opt.accessTokenResp opt.userInfo us, Cmd.none ) usage1 : List Usage usage1 = [ makeUsage 0 428 0.201 , makeUsage 0 432 0.205 , makeUsage 0 544 0.211 , makeUsage 0 368 0.200 ] usage2 : List Usage usage2 = [ makeUsage 105 428 0.201 , makeUsage 122 432 0.205 , makeUsage 145 544 0.211 , makeUsage 116 368 0.200 ] makeUsage : Int -> Int -> Float -> Usage makeUsage s p perc = Usage s p (p - s) perc -------------------------------------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of LoginRedirect -> ( model, loginRedirect () ) -------------------------------------------------- -- VIEW -------------------------------------------------- view : Model -> Html Msg view m = div [] [ div [ class "ui container"] [ div [ class "ui grid"] [ div [class "two wide column"] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/pge-spot-full-rgb-pos-lg.png"] [] ] , div [class "four wide column"] [ h2 [ class "ui huge header company-title"] [ text "Pacific Gas and Electric Company" ] ] , div [class "ten wide column"] [ span [ class "pull-right"] [ text "Mark Stevens"] ] ] ] , div [ class "ui container"] [ h1 [] [ text "Energy Production & Usage" ] , h5 [] [ text "123 Kent Ave, Kentfield, CA" ] , table [ class "ui celled striped table" ] [ thead [] [ tr [] (List.map (\t -> th [] [ text t] ) [ "", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"]) ] , tbody [] [ solarRow m , tr [] (td [] [text "Usage PG & E"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.pge]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "net"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.net]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "$/KwH"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.perc]) m.usage)) ] ] ] , additionalData m ] solarRow : Model -> Html Msg solarRow m = case m.userInfo of Nothing -> tr [] [ td [] [ text "Solar Production"] , td [colspan 4, class "link-solar-row"] [ button [ id "login" , class "ui icon button blue" , onClick LoginRedirect ] [ text "Link Solar Account" ] ] ] Just _ -> tr [] (td [] [ text "Solar Production (Vivint)"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.solar]) m.usage)) additionalData : Model -> Html Msg additionalData m = div [ class "ui container" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text "Additional Data" ], (case m.userInfo of Just ui -> displayUserInfo ui m.accessTokenResp Nothing -> p [] [ ] ) ] displayUserInfo : UserInfo -> Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayUserInfo ui aresp = div [ class "ui grid" ] [ div [ class "four wide column" ] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/vivint-solar.png" ] [] ] , div [ class "twelve wide column" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text ("Account Name: " ++ ui.name) ] , p [] [ text "This application can do following with Vivint Solar on your behalf: " ] , displayScopes aresp ] ] displayScopes : Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayScopes aresp = let scopes = case aresp of Just ar -> List.filter (\s -> s /= "openid" && s /= "profile") ar.scopes Nothing -> [] in ul [] (List.map (\s -> li [] [ text s ]) scopes) -------------------------------------------------- -- PORTs -------------------------------------------------- port loginRedirect : () -> Cmd msg
{- /*! * Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Okta, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * The Okta software accompanied by this notice is provided pursuant to the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") * * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ -} port module Main exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import String import Navigation import Date import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DP main : Program ProgramOptions Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -------------------------------------------------- -- MODEL -------------------------------------------------- type alias ProgramOptions = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo } type alias Model = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo , usage : List Usage } type alias Usage = { solar : Int , pge : Int , net : Int , perc : Float } type alias AccessTokenResp = { accessToken : String , scopes : List String } type alias UserInfo = { sub : String , name : String } type Msg = LoginRedirect -------------------------------------------------- -- INIT -------------------------------------------------- init : ProgramOptions -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init opt = let us = case opt.userInfo of Just ui -> usage2 Nothing -> usage1 in ( Model opt.accessTokenResp opt.userInfo us, Cmd.none ) usage1 : List Usage usage1 = [ makeUsage 0 428 0.201 , makeUsage 0 432 0.205 , makeUsage 0 544 0.211 , makeUsage 0 368 0.200 ] usage2 : List Usage usage2 = [ makeUsage 105 428 0.201 , makeUsage 122 432 0.205 , makeUsage 145 544 0.211 , makeUsage 116 368 0.200 ] makeUsage : Int -> Int -> Float -> Usage makeUsage s p perc = Usage s p (p - s) perc -------------------------------------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of LoginRedirect -> ( model, loginRedirect () ) -------------------------------------------------- -- VIEW -------------------------------------------------- view : Model -> Html Msg view m = div [] [ div [ class "ui container"] [ div [ class "ui grid"] [ div [class "two wide column"] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/pge-spot-full-rgb-pos-lg.png"] [] ] , div [class "four wide column"] [ h2 [ class "ui huge header company-title"] [ text "Pacific Gas and Electric Company" ] ] , div [class "ten wide column"] [ span [ class "pull-right"] [ text "<NAME>"] ] ] ] , div [ class "ui container"] [ h1 [] [ text "Energy Production & Usage" ] , h5 [] [ text "123 Kent Ave, Kentfield, CA" ] , table [ class "ui celled striped table" ] [ thead [] [ tr [] (List.map (\t -> th [] [ text t] ) [ "", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"]) ] , tbody [] [ solarRow m , tr [] (td [] [text "Usage PG & E"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.pge]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "net"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.net]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "$/KwH"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.perc]) m.usage)) ] ] ] , additionalData m ] solarRow : Model -> Html Msg solarRow m = case m.userInfo of Nothing -> tr [] [ td [] [ text "Solar Production"] , td [colspan 4, class "link-solar-row"] [ button [ id "login" , class "ui icon button blue" , onClick LoginRedirect ] [ text "Link Solar Account" ] ] ] Just _ -> tr [] (td [] [ text "Solar Production (Vivint)"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.solar]) m.usage)) additionalData : Model -> Html Msg additionalData m = div [ class "ui container" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text "Additional Data" ], (case m.userInfo of Just ui -> displayUserInfo ui m.accessTokenResp Nothing -> p [] [ ] ) ] displayUserInfo : UserInfo -> Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayUserInfo ui aresp = div [ class "ui grid" ] [ div [ class "four wide column" ] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/vivint-solar.png" ] [] ] , div [ class "twelve wide column" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text ("Account Name: " ++ ui.name) ] , p [] [ text "This application can do following with Vivint Solar on your behalf: " ] , displayScopes aresp ] ] displayScopes : Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayScopes aresp = let scopes = case aresp of Just ar -> List.filter (\s -> s /= "openid" && s /= "profile") ar.scopes Nothing -> [] in ul [] (List.map (\s -> li [] [ text s ]) scopes) -------------------------------------------------- -- PORTs -------------------------------------------------- port loginRedirect : () -> Cmd msg
{- /*! * Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Okta, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * The Okta software accompanied by this notice is provided pursuant to the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License.") * * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ -} port module Main exposing (..) import Dict exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html as Html import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Http import String import Navigation import Date import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as DP main : Program ProgramOptions Model Msg main = Html.programWithFlags { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none } -------------------------------------------------- -- MODEL -------------------------------------------------- type alias ProgramOptions = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo } type alias Model = { accessTokenResp : Maybe AccessTokenResp , userInfo : Maybe UserInfo , usage : List Usage } type alias Usage = { solar : Int , pge : Int , net : Int , perc : Float } type alias AccessTokenResp = { accessToken : String , scopes : List String } type alias UserInfo = { sub : String , name : String } type Msg = LoginRedirect -------------------------------------------------- -- INIT -------------------------------------------------- init : ProgramOptions -> (Model, Cmd Msg) init opt = let us = case opt.userInfo of Just ui -> usage2 Nothing -> usage1 in ( Model opt.accessTokenResp opt.userInfo us, Cmd.none ) usage1 : List Usage usage1 = [ makeUsage 0 428 0.201 , makeUsage 0 432 0.205 , makeUsage 0 544 0.211 , makeUsage 0 368 0.200 ] usage2 : List Usage usage2 = [ makeUsage 105 428 0.201 , makeUsage 122 432 0.205 , makeUsage 145 544 0.211 , makeUsage 116 368 0.200 ] makeUsage : Int -> Int -> Float -> Usage makeUsage s p perc = Usage s p (p - s) perc -------------------------------------------------- -- UPDATE -------------------------------------------------- update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of LoginRedirect -> ( model, loginRedirect () ) -------------------------------------------------- -- VIEW -------------------------------------------------- view : Model -> Html Msg view m = div [] [ div [ class "ui container"] [ div [ class "ui grid"] [ div [class "two wide column"] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/pge-spot-full-rgb-pos-lg.png"] [] ] , div [class "four wide column"] [ h2 [ class "ui huge header company-title"] [ text "Pacific Gas and Electric Company" ] ] , div [class "ten wide column"] [ span [ class "pull-right"] [ text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI"] ] ] ] , div [ class "ui container"] [ h1 [] [ text "Energy Production & Usage" ] , h5 [] [ text "123 Kent Ave, Kentfield, CA" ] , table [ class "ui celled striped table" ] [ thead [] [ tr [] (List.map (\t -> th [] [ text t] ) [ "", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"]) ] , tbody [] [ solarRow m , tr [] (td [] [text "Usage PG & E"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.pge]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "net"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.net]) m.usage)) , tr [] (td [] [text "$/KwH"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.perc]) m.usage)) ] ] ] , additionalData m ] solarRow : Model -> Html Msg solarRow m = case m.userInfo of Nothing -> tr [] [ td [] [ text "Solar Production"] , td [colspan 4, class "link-solar-row"] [ button [ id "login" , class "ui icon button blue" , onClick LoginRedirect ] [ text "Link Solar Account" ] ] ] Just _ -> tr [] (td [] [ text "Solar Production (Vivint)"] :: (List.map (\u -> td [] [text <| toString u.solar]) m.usage)) additionalData : Model -> Html Msg additionalData m = div [ class "ui container" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text "Additional Data" ], (case m.userInfo of Just ui -> displayUserInfo ui m.accessTokenResp Nothing -> p [] [ ] ) ] displayUserInfo : UserInfo -> Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayUserInfo ui aresp = div [ class "ui grid" ] [ div [ class "four wide column" ] [ img [ class "ui image", src "/assets/images/vivint-solar.png" ] [] ] , div [ class "twelve wide column" ] [ h5 [ class "ui header" ] [ text ("Account Name: " ++ ui.name) ] , p [] [ text "This application can do following with Vivint Solar on your behalf: " ] , displayScopes aresp ] ] displayScopes : Maybe AccessTokenResp -> Html Msg displayScopes aresp = let scopes = case aresp of Just ar -> List.filter (\s -> s /= "openid" && s /= "profile") ar.scopes Nothing -> [] in ul [] (List.map (\s -> li [] [ text s ]) scopes) -------------------------------------------------- -- PORTs -------------------------------------------------- port loginRedirect : () -> Cmd msg
[ { "context": "style}\n\\\\end{mathmacro}\n\n\\\\title{Test}\n% \\\\author{James Carlson}\n% \\\\email{jxxcarlson@gmail.com}\n% \\\\date{August ", "end": 1949, "score": 0.9998720288, "start": 1936, "tag": "NAME", "value": "James Carlson" }, { "context": "\\\\title{Test}\n% \\\\author{James Carlson}\n% \\\\email{jxxcarlson@gmail.com}\n% \\\\date{August 5, 2018}s\n\n\\\\maketitle\n\n% EXAMPL", "end": 1981, "score": 0.9999320507, "start": 1961, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "jxxcarlson@gmail.com" } ]
module TestData exposing (..) text: String text = """ \\begin{mathmacro} \\newcommand{\\A}[0]{\\mathbb{A}} \\newcommand{\\B}[0]{\\text{B}} \\newcommand{\\C}[0]{\\mathbb{C}} \\newcommand{\\Dcal}[0]{\\mathcal{D}} \\newcommand{\\Ecal}[0]{\\mathcal{E}} \\newcommand{\\Fcal}[0]{\\mathcal{F}} \\newcommand{\\G}[0]{\\mathbb{G}} \\newcommand{\\g}[0]{\\mathfrak{g}} \\newcommand{\\Hcal}[0]{\\mathcal{H}} \\newcommand{\\Ical}[0]{\\mathcal{I}} \\newcommand{\\K}[0]{\\mathbb{K}} \\newcommand{\\Kcal}[0]{\\mathcal{K}} \\newcommand{\\Lcal}[0]{\\mathcal{L}} \\newcommand{\\Mcal}[0]{\\mathcal{M}} \\newcommand{\\N}[0]{\\mathbb{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ncal}[0]{\\mathcal{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ocal}[0]{\\mathcal{O}} \\newcommand{\\Pro}[0]{\\mathbb{P}} \\newcommand{\\Pcal}[0]{\\mathcal{P}} \\newcommand{\\Q}[0]{\\mathbb{Q}} \\newcommand{\\Qcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Q}} \\newcommand{\\R}[0]{\\mathbb{R}} \\newcommand{\\Scal}[0]{\\mathcal{S}} \\newcommand{\\Tcal}[0]{\\mathcal{T}} \\newcommand{\\Ucal}[0]{\\mathcal{U}} \\newcommand{\\Xcal}[0]{\\mathcal{X}} \\newcommand{\\Ycal}[0]{\\mathcal{Y}} \\newcommand{\\Z}[0]{\\mathbb{Z}} \\newcommand{\\Zcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Z}} \\newcommand{\\cart}[0]{\\ar @{} [dr] |{\\Box}} \\newcommand{\\Hom}[0]{\\text{Hom}} \\newcommand{\\Isom}[0]{\\text{Isom}} \\newcommand{\\Pic}[0]{\\text{Pic}} \\newcommand{\\GL}[0]{\\text{GL}} \\newcommand{\\PGL}[0]{\\text{PGL}} \\newcommand{\\SL}[0]{\\text{SL}} \\newcommand{\\Sym}[0]{\\text{Sym}} \\newcommand{\\Spec}[0]{\\text{Spec}} \\newcommand{\\un}[0]{\\underline} \\newcommand{\\pr}[0]{\\text{pr}} \\newcommand{\\ov}[0]{\\overline} \\newcommand{\\im}[0]{\\text{Im}} \\newcommand{\\wh}[0]{\\widehat} \\newcommand{\\wt}[1]{\\widetilde} \\newcommand{\\ev}[0]{\\text{ev}} \\newcommand{\\Char}[0]{\\text{char}} \\newcommand{\\Bl}[0]{\\text{Bl}} \\newcommand{\\M}[0]{\\text{M}} \\newcommand{\\Sch}[0]{\\text{Sch}} \\newcommand{\\di}[1]{\\displaystyle} \\end{mathmacro} \\title{Test} % \\author{James Carlson} % \\email{jxxcarlson@gmail.com} % \\date{August 5, 2018}s \\maketitle % EXAMPLE 1 \\begin{comment} This multi-line comment should also not be visible in the rendered text. \\end{comment} \\section{Test A: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$} \\section{Test B: $\\Mcal$} """
module TestData exposing (..) text: String text = """ \\begin{mathmacro} \\newcommand{\\A}[0]{\\mathbb{A}} \\newcommand{\\B}[0]{\\text{B}} \\newcommand{\\C}[0]{\\mathbb{C}} \\newcommand{\\Dcal}[0]{\\mathcal{D}} \\newcommand{\\Ecal}[0]{\\mathcal{E}} \\newcommand{\\Fcal}[0]{\\mathcal{F}} \\newcommand{\\G}[0]{\\mathbb{G}} \\newcommand{\\g}[0]{\\mathfrak{g}} \\newcommand{\\Hcal}[0]{\\mathcal{H}} \\newcommand{\\Ical}[0]{\\mathcal{I}} \\newcommand{\\K}[0]{\\mathbb{K}} \\newcommand{\\Kcal}[0]{\\mathcal{K}} \\newcommand{\\Lcal}[0]{\\mathcal{L}} \\newcommand{\\Mcal}[0]{\\mathcal{M}} \\newcommand{\\N}[0]{\\mathbb{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ncal}[0]{\\mathcal{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ocal}[0]{\\mathcal{O}} \\newcommand{\\Pro}[0]{\\mathbb{P}} \\newcommand{\\Pcal}[0]{\\mathcal{P}} \\newcommand{\\Q}[0]{\\mathbb{Q}} \\newcommand{\\Qcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Q}} \\newcommand{\\R}[0]{\\mathbb{R}} \\newcommand{\\Scal}[0]{\\mathcal{S}} \\newcommand{\\Tcal}[0]{\\mathcal{T}} \\newcommand{\\Ucal}[0]{\\mathcal{U}} \\newcommand{\\Xcal}[0]{\\mathcal{X}} \\newcommand{\\Ycal}[0]{\\mathcal{Y}} \\newcommand{\\Z}[0]{\\mathbb{Z}} \\newcommand{\\Zcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Z}} \\newcommand{\\cart}[0]{\\ar @{} [dr] |{\\Box}} \\newcommand{\\Hom}[0]{\\text{Hom}} \\newcommand{\\Isom}[0]{\\text{Isom}} \\newcommand{\\Pic}[0]{\\text{Pic}} \\newcommand{\\GL}[0]{\\text{GL}} \\newcommand{\\PGL}[0]{\\text{PGL}} \\newcommand{\\SL}[0]{\\text{SL}} \\newcommand{\\Sym}[0]{\\text{Sym}} \\newcommand{\\Spec}[0]{\\text{Spec}} \\newcommand{\\un}[0]{\\underline} \\newcommand{\\pr}[0]{\\text{pr}} \\newcommand{\\ov}[0]{\\overline} \\newcommand{\\im}[0]{\\text{Im}} \\newcommand{\\wh}[0]{\\widehat} \\newcommand{\\wt}[1]{\\widetilde} \\newcommand{\\ev}[0]{\\text{ev}} \\newcommand{\\Char}[0]{\\text{char}} \\newcommand{\\Bl}[0]{\\text{Bl}} \\newcommand{\\M}[0]{\\text{M}} \\newcommand{\\Sch}[0]{\\text{Sch}} \\newcommand{\\di}[1]{\\displaystyle} \\end{mathmacro} \\title{Test} % \\author{<NAME>} % \\email{<EMAIL>} % \\date{August 5, 2018}s \\maketitle % EXAMPLE 1 \\begin{comment} This multi-line comment should also not be visible in the rendered text. \\end{comment} \\section{Test A: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$} \\section{Test B: $\\Mcal$} """
module TestData exposing (..) text: String text = """ \\begin{mathmacro} \\newcommand{\\A}[0]{\\mathbb{A}} \\newcommand{\\B}[0]{\\text{B}} \\newcommand{\\C}[0]{\\mathbb{C}} \\newcommand{\\Dcal}[0]{\\mathcal{D}} \\newcommand{\\Ecal}[0]{\\mathcal{E}} \\newcommand{\\Fcal}[0]{\\mathcal{F}} \\newcommand{\\G}[0]{\\mathbb{G}} \\newcommand{\\g}[0]{\\mathfrak{g}} \\newcommand{\\Hcal}[0]{\\mathcal{H}} \\newcommand{\\Ical}[0]{\\mathcal{I}} \\newcommand{\\K}[0]{\\mathbb{K}} \\newcommand{\\Kcal}[0]{\\mathcal{K}} \\newcommand{\\Lcal}[0]{\\mathcal{L}} \\newcommand{\\Mcal}[0]{\\mathcal{M}} \\newcommand{\\N}[0]{\\mathbb{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ncal}[0]{\\mathcal{N}} \\newcommand{\\Ocal}[0]{\\mathcal{O}} \\newcommand{\\Pro}[0]{\\mathbb{P}} \\newcommand{\\Pcal}[0]{\\mathcal{P}} \\newcommand{\\Q}[0]{\\mathbb{Q}} \\newcommand{\\Qcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Q}} \\newcommand{\\R}[0]{\\mathbb{R}} \\newcommand{\\Scal}[0]{\\mathcal{S}} \\newcommand{\\Tcal}[0]{\\mathcal{T}} \\newcommand{\\Ucal}[0]{\\mathcal{U}} \\newcommand{\\Xcal}[0]{\\mathcal{X}} \\newcommand{\\Ycal}[0]{\\mathcal{Y}} \\newcommand{\\Z}[0]{\\mathbb{Z}} \\newcommand{\\Zcal}[0]{\\mathcal{Z}} \\newcommand{\\cart}[0]{\\ar @{} [dr] |{\\Box}} \\newcommand{\\Hom}[0]{\\text{Hom}} \\newcommand{\\Isom}[0]{\\text{Isom}} \\newcommand{\\Pic}[0]{\\text{Pic}} \\newcommand{\\GL}[0]{\\text{GL}} \\newcommand{\\PGL}[0]{\\text{PGL}} \\newcommand{\\SL}[0]{\\text{SL}} \\newcommand{\\Sym}[0]{\\text{Sym}} \\newcommand{\\Spec}[0]{\\text{Spec}} \\newcommand{\\un}[0]{\\underline} \\newcommand{\\pr}[0]{\\text{pr}} \\newcommand{\\ov}[0]{\\overline} \\newcommand{\\im}[0]{\\text{Im}} \\newcommand{\\wh}[0]{\\widehat} \\newcommand{\\wt}[1]{\\widetilde} \\newcommand{\\ev}[0]{\\text{ev}} \\newcommand{\\Char}[0]{\\text{char}} \\newcommand{\\Bl}[0]{\\text{Bl}} \\newcommand{\\M}[0]{\\text{M}} \\newcommand{\\Sch}[0]{\\text{Sch}} \\newcommand{\\di}[1]{\\displaystyle} \\end{mathmacro} \\title{Test} % \\author{PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI} % \\email{PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI} % \\date{August 5, 2018}s \\maketitle % EXAMPLE 1 \\begin{comment} This multi-line comment should also not be visible in the rendered text. \\end{comment} \\section{Test A: $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$} \\section{Test B: $\\Mcal$} """
[ { "context": ": GoogleSignIn.ClientId\nid =\n GoogleSignIn.Id \"421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie\"\n\n\nport googleSignOut : E.Value -> Cmd msg\n\n\nport", "end": 436, "score": 0.969288826, "start": 391, "tag": "KEY", "value": "421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie" } ]
port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import GoogleSignIn import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } id : GoogleSignIn.ClientId id = GoogleSignIn.Id "421355382458-d5e1j581a9atnin2t9vfsbd62fkqkmie" port googleSignOut : E.Value -> Cmd msg port googleSignOutComplete : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = Maybe String init : () -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init () = ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SignIn GoogleSignIn.Profile | BeginSignOut | SignOutComplete update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SignIn profile -> ( Just profile.name, Cmd.none ) BeginSignOut -> ( model, googleSignOut <| GoogleSignIn.encodeId id ) SignOutComplete -> ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = googleSignOutComplete (\a -> SignOutComplete) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ case model of Just name -> div [] [ div [] [ text ("Welcome, " ++ name) ] , div [] [ button [ onClick BeginSignOut ] [ text "Sign Out" ] ] ] Nothing -> GoogleSignIn.view [ GoogleSignIn.onSignIn SignIn , GoogleSignIn.idAttr id ] ]
port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import GoogleSignIn import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } id : GoogleSignIn.ClientId id = GoogleSignIn.Id "<KEY>" port googleSignOut : E.Value -> Cmd msg port googleSignOutComplete : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = Maybe String init : () -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init () = ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SignIn GoogleSignIn.Profile | BeginSignOut | SignOutComplete update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SignIn profile -> ( Just profile.name, Cmd.none ) BeginSignOut -> ( model, googleSignOut <| GoogleSignIn.encodeId id ) SignOutComplete -> ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = googleSignOutComplete (\a -> SignOutComplete) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ case model of Just name -> div [] [ div [] [ text ("Welcome, " ++ name) ] , div [] [ button [ onClick BeginSignOut ] [ text "Sign Out" ] ] ] Nothing -> GoogleSignIn.view [ GoogleSignIn.onSignIn SignIn , GoogleSignIn.idAttr id ] ]
port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import GoogleSignIn import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Json.Encode as E -- MAIN main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } id : GoogleSignIn.ClientId id = GoogleSignIn.Id "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" port googleSignOut : E.Value -> Cmd msg port googleSignOutComplete : (E.Value -> msg) -> Sub msg -- MODEL type alias Model = Maybe String init : () -> ( Model, Cmd msg ) init () = ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SignIn GoogleSignIn.Profile | BeginSignOut | SignOutComplete update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SignIn profile -> ( Just profile.name, Cmd.none ) BeginSignOut -> ( model, googleSignOut <| GoogleSignIn.encodeId id ) SignOutComplete -> ( Nothing, Cmd.none ) -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = googleSignOutComplete (\a -> SignOutComplete) -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ case model of Just name -> div [] [ div [] [ text ("Welcome, " ++ name) ] , div [] [ button [ onClick BeginSignOut ] [ text "Sign Out" ] ] ] Nothing -> GoogleSignIn.view [ GoogleSignIn.onSignIn SignIn , GoogleSignIn.idAttr id ] ]
[ { "context": "]\n [ text \"Créé par Olivier Adam. Code source sur \"\n ", "end": 4558, "score": 0.9998810291, "start": 4546, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Olivier Adam" }, { "context": " , a [ href \"https://www.github.com/oadam/secret-wishlist\" ]\n ", "end": 4650, "score": 0.9996811748, "start": 4645, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "oadam" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Api exposing (Present, PresentId, Token, User, UserId) import Browser import Help import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, footer, h1, h3, header, main_, nav, p, span, text, u) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, classList, hidden, href) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Pages.Login as Login exposing (Msg) import Pages.WishList as WishList import Session exposing (Session) import String.Interpolate exposing (interpolate) type Page = Login Login.Model | WishList WishList.Model type alias Model = { page : Page, help : Bool } type Msg = ToggleHelp | LoginMsg Login.Msg | WishListMsg WishList.Msg | EditPresentMsg Present | Logout init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { page = Login <| Login.init , help = False } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update message model = case ( message, model.page ) of ( ToggleHelp, _ ) -> ( { model | help = not model.help }, Cmd.none ) ( LoginMsg msg, Login login ) -> let newSession = Login.isMsgStartSession msg ( loginModel, cmd ) = Login.update msg login in case newSession of Nothing -> ( { model | page = Login loginModel }, Cmd.map LoginMsg cmd ) Just session -> let ( wiModel, wiCmd ) = WishList.init session session.logged_user [] in ( { model | page = WishList wiModel } , Cmd.map WishListMsg wiCmd ) ( WishListMsg msg, WishList wishList ) -> let ( wishListModel, cmd ) = WishList.update msg wishList in ( { model | page = WishList wishListModel }, Cmd.map WishListMsg cmd ) ( Logout, _ ) -> init () _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) windowTitle : Page -> String windowTitle page = case page of _ -> "Secret Wishlist" viewMain : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewMain page = case page of Login login -> List.map (Html.map LoginMsg) (Login.view login) ++ [ p [ class "lead text-center" ] [ button [ class "btn btn-link", onClick ToggleHelp ] [ text "Comment ça marche ?" ] ] ] WishList wishList -> List.map (Html.map WishListMsg) (WishList.view wishList) viewLogout : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewLogout page = let session = getSession page in case session of Nothing -> [] Just s -> [ nav [ class "nav nav-masthead justify-content-center" ] [ span [] [ span [ class "text-muted" ] [ text "connecté en tant que " ], span [] [ text s.logged_user.name ] ] , button [ class "btn", onClick Logout ] [ text "Déconnexion" ] ] ] centerMain : Page -> Bool centerMain page = case page of Login _ -> True _ -> False getSession : Page -> Maybe Session getSession page = case page of Login _ -> Nothing WishList wishlist -> Just <| WishList.getSession wishlist view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view { page, help } = { title = windowTitle page , body = (if help then Help.modal ToggleHelp else [] ) ++ [ div [ class "cover-container d-flex w-100 h-100 p-3 mx-auto flex-column" ] [ header [ class "masthead", classList [ ( "mb-auto", centerMain page ) ] ] [ div [ class "inner" ] (h3 [ class "masthead-brand" ] [ text "Secret Wishlist" ] :: viewLogout page ) ] , main_ [ class "inner", classList [ ( "cover", centerMain page ) ], attribute "role" "main" ] (viewMain page) , footer [ class "mastfoot mt-auto" ] [ div [ class "inner" ] [ p [] [ text "Créé par Olivier Adam. Code source sur " , a [ href "https://www.github.com/oadam/secret-wishlist" ] [ text "Github" ] ] ] ] ] ] } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none main = Browser.document { init = init, update = update, view = view, subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Main exposing (main) import Api exposing (Present, PresentId, Token, User, UserId) import Browser import Help import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, footer, h1, h3, header, main_, nav, p, span, text, u) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, classList, hidden, href) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Pages.Login as Login exposing (Msg) import Pages.WishList as WishList import Session exposing (Session) import String.Interpolate exposing (interpolate) type Page = Login Login.Model | WishList WishList.Model type alias Model = { page : Page, help : Bool } type Msg = ToggleHelp | LoginMsg Login.Msg | WishListMsg WishList.Msg | EditPresentMsg Present | Logout init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { page = Login <| Login.init , help = False } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update message model = case ( message, model.page ) of ( ToggleHelp, _ ) -> ( { model | help = not model.help }, Cmd.none ) ( LoginMsg msg, Login login ) -> let newSession = Login.isMsgStartSession msg ( loginModel, cmd ) = Login.update msg login in case newSession of Nothing -> ( { model | page = Login loginModel }, Cmd.map LoginMsg cmd ) Just session -> let ( wiModel, wiCmd ) = WishList.init session session.logged_user [] in ( { model | page = WishList wiModel } , Cmd.map WishListMsg wiCmd ) ( WishListMsg msg, WishList wishList ) -> let ( wishListModel, cmd ) = WishList.update msg wishList in ( { model | page = WishList wishListModel }, Cmd.map WishListMsg cmd ) ( Logout, _ ) -> init () _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) windowTitle : Page -> String windowTitle page = case page of _ -> "Secret Wishlist" viewMain : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewMain page = case page of Login login -> List.map (Html.map LoginMsg) (Login.view login) ++ [ p [ class "lead text-center" ] [ button [ class "btn btn-link", onClick ToggleHelp ] [ text "Comment ça marche ?" ] ] ] WishList wishList -> List.map (Html.map WishListMsg) (WishList.view wishList) viewLogout : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewLogout page = let session = getSession page in case session of Nothing -> [] Just s -> [ nav [ class "nav nav-masthead justify-content-center" ] [ span [] [ span [ class "text-muted" ] [ text "connecté en tant que " ], span [] [ text s.logged_user.name ] ] , button [ class "btn", onClick Logout ] [ text "Déconnexion" ] ] ] centerMain : Page -> Bool centerMain page = case page of Login _ -> True _ -> False getSession : Page -> Maybe Session getSession page = case page of Login _ -> Nothing WishList wishlist -> Just <| WishList.getSession wishlist view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view { page, help } = { title = windowTitle page , body = (if help then Help.modal ToggleHelp else [] ) ++ [ div [ class "cover-container d-flex w-100 h-100 p-3 mx-auto flex-column" ] [ header [ class "masthead", classList [ ( "mb-auto", centerMain page ) ] ] [ div [ class "inner" ] (h3 [ class "masthead-brand" ] [ text "Secret Wishlist" ] :: viewLogout page ) ] , main_ [ class "inner", classList [ ( "cover", centerMain page ) ], attribute "role" "main" ] (viewMain page) , footer [ class "mastfoot mt-auto" ] [ div [ class "inner" ] [ p [] [ text "Créé par <NAME>. Code source sur " , a [ href "https://www.github.com/oadam/secret-wishlist" ] [ text "Github" ] ] ] ] ] ] } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none main = Browser.document { init = init, update = update, view = view, subscriptions = subscriptions }
module Main exposing (main) import Api exposing (Present, PresentId, Token, User, UserId) import Browser import Help import Html exposing (Html, a, br, button, div, footer, h1, h3, header, main_, nav, p, span, text, u) import Html.Attributes exposing (attribute, class, classList, hidden, href) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Pages.Login as Login exposing (Msg) import Pages.WishList as WishList import Session exposing (Session) import String.Interpolate exposing (interpolate) type Page = Login Login.Model | WishList WishList.Model type alias Model = { page : Page, help : Bool } type Msg = ToggleHelp | LoginMsg Login.Msg | WishListMsg WishList.Msg | EditPresentMsg Present | Logout init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = ( { page = Login <| Login.init , help = False } , Cmd.none ) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update message model = case ( message, model.page ) of ( ToggleHelp, _ ) -> ( { model | help = not model.help }, Cmd.none ) ( LoginMsg msg, Login login ) -> let newSession = Login.isMsgStartSession msg ( loginModel, cmd ) = Login.update msg login in case newSession of Nothing -> ( { model | page = Login loginModel }, Cmd.map LoginMsg cmd ) Just session -> let ( wiModel, wiCmd ) = WishList.init session session.logged_user [] in ( { model | page = WishList wiModel } , Cmd.map WishListMsg wiCmd ) ( WishListMsg msg, WishList wishList ) -> let ( wishListModel, cmd ) = WishList.update msg wishList in ( { model | page = WishList wishListModel }, Cmd.map WishListMsg cmd ) ( Logout, _ ) -> init () _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) windowTitle : Page -> String windowTitle page = case page of _ -> "Secret Wishlist" viewMain : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewMain page = case page of Login login -> List.map (Html.map LoginMsg) (Login.view login) ++ [ p [ class "lead text-center" ] [ button [ class "btn btn-link", onClick ToggleHelp ] [ text "Comment ça marche ?" ] ] ] WishList wishList -> List.map (Html.map WishListMsg) (WishList.view wishList) viewLogout : Page -> List (Html Msg) viewLogout page = let session = getSession page in case session of Nothing -> [] Just s -> [ nav [ class "nav nav-masthead justify-content-center" ] [ span [] [ span [ class "text-muted" ] [ text "connecté en tant que " ], span [] [ text s.logged_user.name ] ] , button [ class "btn", onClick Logout ] [ text "Déconnexion" ] ] ] centerMain : Page -> Bool centerMain page = case page of Login _ -> True _ -> False getSession : Page -> Maybe Session getSession page = case page of Login _ -> Nothing WishList wishlist -> Just <| WishList.getSession wishlist view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view { page, help } = { title = windowTitle page , body = (if help then Help.modal ToggleHelp else [] ) ++ [ div [ class "cover-container d-flex w-100 h-100 p-3 mx-auto flex-column" ] [ header [ class "masthead", classList [ ( "mb-auto", centerMain page ) ] ] [ div [ class "inner" ] (h3 [ class "masthead-brand" ] [ text "Secret Wishlist" ] :: viewLogout page ) ] , main_ [ class "inner", classList [ ( "cover", centerMain page ) ], attribute "role" "main" ] (viewMain page) , footer [ class "mastfoot mt-auto" ] [ div [ class "inner" ] [ p [] [ text "Créé par PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. Code source sur " , a [ href "https://www.github.com/oadam/secret-wishlist" ] [ text "Github" ] ] ] ] ] ] } subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Sub.none main = Browser.document { init = init, update = update, view = view, subscriptions = subscriptions }
[ { "context": ", a [ class \"grey-link\", href \"https://github.com/mhoare/elm-stack-demo\" ] [ text \"View the code!\" ]\n ", "end": 1486, "score": 0.9582905769, "start": 1480, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "mhoare" }, { "context": "text \"View the code!\" ]\n , text \"! — © 2017 Matthew Hoare\"\n ]\n\n\nstackOperationsPara =\n \"\"\"\n## Sta", "end": 1571, "score": 0.9998896122, "start": 1558, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Matthew Hoare" } ]
module ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Array import Types exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Markdown stackViewHelp : Int -> String -> Html Types.Msg stackViewHelp i l = div [ class "stackitem" ] [ span [ class "stackindex" ] [ i |> toString |> text ] , div [ class "stackdata" ] [ text l ] ] stackView : List String -> Html Types.Msg stackView data = let newlist = if List.length data < 10 then List.append data (Array.initialize (10 - List.length data) (always "") |> Array.toList) else data in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "stackview col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1" ] (List.reverse (List.indexedMap stackViewHelp newlist ) ) ] introView : Html Types.Msg introView = div [] [ div [ class "jumbotron" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Abstract Data Structures: Stacks" ], p [] [ text """ Stacks are great! They allow us to store data in a way where the last data item we add is the first item which is returned. """ ] ] ] ] footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ text "All code for this site is written in Elm and open-sourced on Github." , a [ class "grey-link", href "https://github.com/mhoare/elm-stack-demo" ] [ text "View the code!" ] , text "! — © 2017 Matthew Hoare" ] stackOperationsPara = """ ## Stack operations There are only two legal operations which can be carried out on a stack. 1. **Push** 1. **Pop** What does it mean to push and pop? Well, keep reading and you'll find out. ### Push When we talk about *pushing* onto the stack, what we really mean is adding a new item onto the top of the stack. Once we have *pushed* items onto the stack we can access the top element. Use the [interactive stack](#interactivestack) at the top of the page to see what I mean. ### Pop Okay, so we have worked out how to add items to the stack, but what happens when we want to access them? When we want to access items on the stack, we can only access and remove the top element. This is called *popping*, you will *pop* the top element off of the stack. You don't understand? Don't worry, lets give and example. You have pushed the calculation shown above onto the stack. The stack now looks like this: See, the top element is `1 + 2` and the second is `+ 3` and so on. Now we are going to *pop* `1 + 2` off of the stack and evaluate it. Now the stack looks like this: Did you notice that `1 + 2` is no longer on the top of the stack? It is now `+ 3`. So we *pop* that from the stack as well and evaluate that operation applied to our previous value. Our total is now 6. We will continue this process until the stack is empty. You may be thinking, "Why do you remove the item when popping it off?" The reason we do that is so that we can access the next item. Remember we can only access the top item in the stack. """ secondPara = """ ## Stacks... Why? You may be thinking - why would we want only want to access the last item we added? Well, think about what happens when you use brackets in this calculation: ```( ( ( 1 + 2 ) + 3 ) + 4 )``` You first evalute the deepest brackets and then use that value when evaluating the brackets in which it was nested in and so on. Here you need to know calculate a value and then use that value in the next calculation. **This is exactly where a stack would be used in computing.** Each operation would be pushed onto the stack, meaning that the `( 1 + 2 )` operation would be on the top of the stack. Then each item is popped off of the stack, evaluated and then the next item is popped off. Stacks are also used when *calling procedures in programs* and *when reversing array items*. """ substituteNothing l = case l of Just l -> l Nothing -> ""
module ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Array import Types exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Markdown stackViewHelp : Int -> String -> Html Types.Msg stackViewHelp i l = div [ class "stackitem" ] [ span [ class "stackindex" ] [ i |> toString |> text ] , div [ class "stackdata" ] [ text l ] ] stackView : List String -> Html Types.Msg stackView data = let newlist = if List.length data < 10 then List.append data (Array.initialize (10 - List.length data) (always "") |> Array.toList) else data in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "stackview col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1" ] (List.reverse (List.indexedMap stackViewHelp newlist ) ) ] introView : Html Types.Msg introView = div [] [ div [ class "jumbotron" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Abstract Data Structures: Stacks" ], p [] [ text """ Stacks are great! They allow us to store data in a way where the last data item we add is the first item which is returned. """ ] ] ] ] footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ text "All code for this site is written in Elm and open-sourced on Github." , a [ class "grey-link", href "https://github.com/mhoare/elm-stack-demo" ] [ text "View the code!" ] , text "! — © 2017 <NAME>" ] stackOperationsPara = """ ## Stack operations There are only two legal operations which can be carried out on a stack. 1. **Push** 1. **Pop** What does it mean to push and pop? Well, keep reading and you'll find out. ### Push When we talk about *pushing* onto the stack, what we really mean is adding a new item onto the top of the stack. Once we have *pushed* items onto the stack we can access the top element. Use the [interactive stack](#interactivestack) at the top of the page to see what I mean. ### Pop Okay, so we have worked out how to add items to the stack, but what happens when we want to access them? When we want to access items on the stack, we can only access and remove the top element. This is called *popping*, you will *pop* the top element off of the stack. You don't understand? Don't worry, lets give and example. You have pushed the calculation shown above onto the stack. The stack now looks like this: See, the top element is `1 + 2` and the second is `+ 3` and so on. Now we are going to *pop* `1 + 2` off of the stack and evaluate it. Now the stack looks like this: Did you notice that `1 + 2` is no longer on the top of the stack? It is now `+ 3`. So we *pop* that from the stack as well and evaluate that operation applied to our previous value. Our total is now 6. We will continue this process until the stack is empty. You may be thinking, "Why do you remove the item when popping it off?" The reason we do that is so that we can access the next item. Remember we can only access the top item in the stack. """ secondPara = """ ## Stacks... Why? You may be thinking - why would we want only want to access the last item we added? Well, think about what happens when you use brackets in this calculation: ```( ( ( 1 + 2 ) + 3 ) + 4 )``` You first evalute the deepest brackets and then use that value when evaluating the brackets in which it was nested in and so on. Here you need to know calculate a value and then use that value in the next calculation. **This is exactly where a stack would be used in computing.** Each operation would be pushed onto the stack, meaning that the `( 1 + 2 )` operation would be on the top of the stack. Then each item is popped off of the stack, evaluated and then the next item is popped off. Stacks are also used when *calling procedures in programs* and *when reversing array items*. """ substituteNothing l = case l of Just l -> l Nothing -> ""
module ViewHelpers exposing (..) import Array import Types exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Markdown stackViewHelp : Int -> String -> Html Types.Msg stackViewHelp i l = div [ class "stackitem" ] [ span [ class "stackindex" ] [ i |> toString |> text ] , div [ class "stackdata" ] [ text l ] ] stackView : List String -> Html Types.Msg stackView data = let newlist = if List.length data < 10 then List.append data (Array.initialize (10 - List.length data) (always "") |> Array.toList) else data in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "stackview col-sm-12 col-md-10 col-md-offset-1" ] (List.reverse (List.indexedMap stackViewHelp newlist ) ) ] introView : Html Types.Msg introView = div [] [ div [ class "jumbotron" ] [ div [ class "container" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Abstract Data Structures: Stacks" ], p [] [ text """ Stacks are great! They allow us to store data in a way where the last data item we add is the first item which is returned. """ ] ] ] ] footer = div [ class "footer" ] [ text "All code for this site is written in Elm and open-sourced on Github." , a [ class "grey-link", href "https://github.com/mhoare/elm-stack-demo" ] [ text "View the code!" ] , text "! — © 2017 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] stackOperationsPara = """ ## Stack operations There are only two legal operations which can be carried out on a stack. 1. **Push** 1. **Pop** What does it mean to push and pop? Well, keep reading and you'll find out. ### Push When we talk about *pushing* onto the stack, what we really mean is adding a new item onto the top of the stack. Once we have *pushed* items onto the stack we can access the top element. Use the [interactive stack](#interactivestack) at the top of the page to see what I mean. ### Pop Okay, so we have worked out how to add items to the stack, but what happens when we want to access them? When we want to access items on the stack, we can only access and remove the top element. This is called *popping*, you will *pop* the top element off of the stack. You don't understand? Don't worry, lets give and example. You have pushed the calculation shown above onto the stack. The stack now looks like this: See, the top element is `1 + 2` and the second is `+ 3` and so on. Now we are going to *pop* `1 + 2` off of the stack and evaluate it. Now the stack looks like this: Did you notice that `1 + 2` is no longer on the top of the stack? It is now `+ 3`. So we *pop* that from the stack as well and evaluate that operation applied to our previous value. Our total is now 6. We will continue this process until the stack is empty. You may be thinking, "Why do you remove the item when popping it off?" The reason we do that is so that we can access the next item. Remember we can only access the top item in the stack. """ secondPara = """ ## Stacks... Why? You may be thinking - why would we want only want to access the last item we added? Well, think about what happens when you use brackets in this calculation: ```( ( ( 1 + 2 ) + 3 ) + 4 )``` You first evalute the deepest brackets and then use that value when evaluating the brackets in which it was nested in and so on. Here you need to know calculate a value and then use that value in the next calculation. **This is exactly where a stack would be used in computing.** Each operation would be pushed onto the stack, meaning that the `( 1 + 2 )` operation would be on the top of the stack. Then each item is popped off of the stack, evaluated and then the next item is popped off. Stacks are also used when *calling procedures in programs* and *when reversing array items*. """ substituteNothing l = case l of Just l -> l Nothing -> ""
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"tapir" , "troll" , "unify" , "rebus" , "boost" , "truss" , "siege" , "tiger" , "banal" , "slump" , "crank" , "gorge" , "query" , "drink" , "favor" , "abbey" , "tangy" , "panic" , "solar" , "shire" , "proxy" , "point" , "robot" , "prick" , "wince" , "crimp" , "knoll" , "sugar" , "whack" , "mount" , "perky" , "could" , "wrung" , "light" , "those" , "moist" , "shard" , "pleat" , "aloft" , "skill" , "elder" , "frame" , "humor" , "pause" , "ulcer" , "ultra" , "robin" , "cynic" , "agora" , "aroma" , "caulk" , "shake" , "pupal" , "dodge" , "swill" , "tacit" , "other" , "thorn" , "trove" , "bloke" , "vivid" , "spill" , "chant" , "choke" , "rupee" , "nasty" , "mourn" , "ahead" , "brine" , "cloth" , "hoard" , "sweet" , "month" , "lapse" , "watch" , "today" , "focus" , "smelt" , "tease" , "cater" , "movie" , "lynch" , "saute" , "allow" , "renew" , "their" , "slosh" , "purge" , "chest" , "depot" , "epoxy" , "nymph" , "found" , "shall" , "harry" , "stove" , "lowly" , "snout" , "trope" , "fewer" , "shawl" , "natal" , "fibre" , "comma" , "foray" , "scare" , "stair" , "black" , "squad" , "royal" , "chunk" , "mince" , "slave" , "shame" , "cheek" , "ample" , "flair" , "foyer" , "cargo" , "oxide" , "plant" , "olive" , "inert" , "askew" , "heist" , "shown" , "zesty" , "hasty" , "trash" , "fella" , "larva" , "forgo" , "story" , "hairy" , "train" , "homer" , "badge" , "midst" , "canny" , "fetus" , "butch" , "farce" , "slung" , "tipsy" , "metal" , "yield" , "delve" , "being" , "scour" , "glass" , "gamer" , "scrap" , "money" , "hinge" , "album" , "vouch" , "asset" , "tiara" , "crept" , "bayou" , "atoll" , "manor" , "creak" , "showy" , "phase" , "froth" , "depth" , "gloom" , "flood" , "trait" , "girth" , "piety" , "payer" , "goose" , "float" , "donor" , "atone" , "primo" , "apron" , "blown" , "cacao" , "loser" , "input" , "gloat" , "awful" , "brink" , "smite" , "beady" , "rusty" , "retro" , "droll" , "gawky" , "hutch" , "pinto" , "gaily" , "egret" , "lilac" , "sever" , "field" , "fluff" , "hydro" , "flack" , "agape" , "wench" , "voice" , "stead" , "stalk" , "berth" , "madam" , "night" , "bland" , "liver" , "wedge" , "augur" , "roomy" , "wacky" , "flock" , "angry" , "bobby" , "trite" , "aphid" , "tryst" , "midge" , "power" , "elope" , "cinch" , "motto" , "stomp" , "upset" , "bluff" , "cramp" , "quart" , "coyly" , "youth" , "rhyme" , "buggy" , "alien" , "smear" , "unfit" , "patty" , "cling" , "glean" , "label" , "hunky" , "khaki" , "poker" , "gruel" , "twice" , "twang" , "shrug" , "treat" , "unlit" , "waste" , "merit" , "woven" , "octal" , "needy" , "clown" , "widow" , "irony" , "ruder" , "gauze" , "chief" , "onset" , "prize" , "fungi" , "charm" , "gully" , "inter" , "whoop" , "taunt" , "leery" , "class" , "theme" , "lofty" , "tibia" , "booze" , "alpha" , "thyme" , "eclat" , "doubt" , "parer" , "chute" , "stick" , "trice" , "alike" , "sooth" , "recap" , "saint" , "liege" , "glory" , "grate" , "admit" , "brisk" , "soggy" , "usurp" , "scald" , "scorn" , "leave" , "twine" , "sting" , "bough" , "marsh" , "sloth" , "dandy" , "vigor" , "howdy" , "enjoy" , "valid" , "ionic" , "equal" , "unset" , "floor" , "catch" , "spade" , "stein" , "exist" , "quirk" , "denim" , "grove" , "spiel" , "mummy" , "fault" , "foggy" , "flout" , "carry" , "sneak" , "libel" , "waltz" , "aptly" , "piney" , "inept" , "aloud" , "photo" , "dream" , "stale" , "vomit" , "ombre" , "fanny" , "unite" , "snarl" , "baker" , "there" , "glyph" , "pooch" , "hippy" , "spell" , "folly" , "louse" , "gulch" , "vault" , "godly" , "threw" , "fleet" , "grave" , "inane" , "shock" , "crave" , "spite" , "valve" , "skimp" , "claim" , "rainy" , "musty" , "pique" , "daddy" , "quasi" , "arise" , "aging" , "valet" , "opium" , "avert" , "stuck" , "recut" , "mulch" , "genre" , "plume" , "rifle" , "count" , "incur" , "total" , "wrest" , "mocha" , "deter" , "study" , "lover" , "safer" , "rivet" , "funny" , "smoke" , "mound" , "undue" , "sedan" , "pagan" , "swine" , "guile" , "gusty" , "equip" , "tough" , "canoe" , "chaos" , "covet" , "human" , "udder" , "lunch" , "blast" , "stray" , "manga" , "melee" , "lefty" , "quick" , "paste" , "given" , "octet" , "risen" , "groan" , "leaky" , "grind" , "carve" , "loose" , "sadly" , "spilt" , "apple" , "slack" , "honey" , "final" , "sheen" , "eerie" , "minty" , "slick" , "derby" , "wharf" , "spelt" , "coach" , "erupt" , "singe" , "price" , "spawn" , "fairy" , "jiffy" , "filmy" , "stack" , "chose" , "sleep" , "ardor" , "nanny" , "niece" , "woozy" , "handy" , "grace" , "ditto" , "stank" , "cream" , "usual" , "diode" , "valor" , "angle" , "ninja" , "muddy" , "chase" , "reply" , "prone" , "spoil" , "heart" , "shade" , "diner" , "arson" , "onion" , "sleet" , "dowel" , "couch" , "palsy" , "bowel" , "smile" , "evoke" , "creek" , "lance" , "eagle" , "idiot" , "siren" , "built" , "embed" , "award" , "dross" , "annul" , "goody" , "frown" , "patio" , "laden" , "humid" , "elite" , "lymph" , "edify" , "might" , "reset" , "visit" , "gusto" , "purse" , "vapor" , "crock" , "write" , "sunny" , "loath" , "chaff" , "slide" , "queer" , "venom" , "stamp" , "sorry" , "still" , "acorn" , "aping" , "pushy" , "tamer" , "hater" , "mania" , "awoke" , "brawn" , "swift" , "exile" , "birch" , "lucky" , "freer" , "risky" , "ghost" , "plier" , "lunar" , "winch" , "snare" , "nurse" , "house" , "borax" , "nicer" , "lurch" , "exalt" , "about" , "savvy" , "toxin" , "tunic" , "pried" , "inlay" , "chump" , "lanky" , "cress" , "eater" , "elude" , "cycle" , "kitty" , "boule" , "moron" , "tenet" , "place" , "lobby" , "plush" , "vigil" , "index" , "blink" , "clung" , "qualm" , "croup" , "clink" , "juicy" , "stage" , "decay" , "nerve" , "flier" , "shaft" , "crook" , "clean" , "china" , "ridge" , "vowel" , "gnome" , "snuck" , "icing" , "spiny" , "rigor" , "snail" , "flown" , "rabid" , "prose" , "thank" , "poppy" , "budge" , "fiber" , "moldy" , "dowdy" , "kneel" , "track" , "caddy" , "quell" , "dumpy" , "paler" , "swore" , "rebar" , "scuba" , "splat" , "flyer" , "horny" , "mason" , "doing" , "ozone" , "amply" , "molar" , "ovary" , "beset" , "queue" , "cliff" , "magic" , "truce" , "sport" , "fritz" , "edict" , "twirl" , "verse" , "llama" , "eaten" , "range" , "whisk" , "hovel" , "rehab" , "macaw" , "sigma" , "spout" , "verve" , "sushi" , "dying" , "fetid" , "brain" , "buddy" , "thump" , "scion" , "candy" , "chord" , "basin" , "march" , "crowd" , "arbor" , "gayly" , "musky" , "stain" , "dally" , "bless" , "bravo" , "stung" , "title" , "ruler" , "kiosk" , "blond" , "ennui" , "layer" , "fluid" , "tatty" , "score" , "cutie" , "zebra" , "barge" , "matey" , "bluer" , "aider" , "shook" , "river" , "privy" , "betel" , "frisk" , "bongo" , "begun" , "azure" , "weave" , "genie" , "sound" , "glove" , "braid" , "scope" , "wryly" , "rover" , "assay" , "ocean" , "bloom" , "irate" , "later" , "woken" , "silky" , "wreck" , "dwelt" , "slate" , "smack" , "solid" , "amaze" , "hazel" , "wrist" , "jolly" , "globe" , "flint" , "rouse" , "civil" , "vista" , "relax" , "cover" , "alive" , "beech" , "jetty" , "bliss" , "vocal" , "often" , "dolly" , "eight" , "joker" , "since" , "event" , "ensue" , "shunt" , "diver" , "poser" , "worst" , "sweep" , "alley" , "creed" , "anime" , "leafy" , "bosom" , "dunce" , "stare" , "pudgy" , "waive" , "choir" , "stood" , "spoke" , "outgo" , "delay" , "bilge" , "ideal" , "clasp" , "seize" , "hotly" , "laugh" , "sieve" , "block" , "meant" , "grape" , "noose" , "hardy" , "shied" , "drawl" , "daisy" , "putty" , "strut" , "burnt" , "tulip" , "crick" , "idyll" , "vixen" , "furor" , "geeky" , "cough" , "naive" , "shoal" , "stork" , "bathe" , "aunty" , "check" , "prime" , "brass" , "outer" , "furry" , "razor" , "elect" , "evict" , "imply" , "demur" , "quota" , "haven" , "cavil" , "swear" , "crump" , "dough" , "gavel" , "wagon" , "salon" , "nudge" , "harem" , "pitch" , "sworn" , "pupil" , "excel" , "stony" , "cabin" , "unzip" , "queen" , "trout" , "polyp" , "earth" , "storm" , "until" , "taper" , "enter" , "child" , "adopt" , "minor" , "fatty" , "husky" , "brave" , "filet" , "slime" , "glint" , "tread" , "steal" , "regal" , "guest" , "every" , "murky" , "share" , "spore" , "hoist" , "buxom" , "inner" , "otter" , "dimly" , "level" , "sumac" , "donut" , "stilt" , "arena" , "sheet" , "scrub" , "fancy" , "slimy" , "pearl" , "silly" , "porch" , "dingo" , "sepia" , "amble" , "shady" , "bread" , "friar" , "reign" , "dairy" , "quill" , "cross" , "brood" , "tuber" , "shear" , "posit" , "blank" , "villa" , "shank" , "piggy" , "freak" , "which" , "among" , "fecal" , "shell" , "would" , "algae" , "large" , "rabbi" , "agony" , "amuse" , "bushy" , "copse" , "swoon" , "knife" , "pouch" , "ascot" , "plane" , "crown" , "urban" , "snide" , "relay" , "abide" , "viola" , "rajah" , "straw" , "dilly" , "crash" , "amass" , "third" , "trick" , "tutor" , "woody" , "blurb" , "grief" , "disco" , "where" , "sassy" , "beach" , "sauna" , "comic" , "clued" , "creep" , "caste" , "graze" , "snuff" , "frock" , "gonad" , "drunk" , "prong" , "lurid" , "steel" , "halve" , "buyer" , "vinyl" , "utile" , "smell" , "adage" , "worry" , "tasty" , "local" , "trade" , "finch" , "ashen" , "modal" , "gaunt" , "clove" , "enact" , "adorn" , "roast" , "speck" , "sheik" , "missy" , "grunt" , "snoop" , "party" , "touch" , "mafia" , "emcee" , "array" , "south" , "vapid" , "jelly" , "skulk" , "angst" , "tubal" , "lower" , "crest" , "sweat" , "cyber" , "adore" , "tardy" , "swami" , "notch" , "groom" , "roach" , "hitch" , "young" , "align" , "ready" , "frond" , "strap" , "puree" , "realm" , "venue" , "swarm" , "offer" , "seven" , "dryer" , "diary" , "dryly" , "drank" , "acrid" , "heady" , "theta" , "junto" , "pixie" , "quoth" , "bonus" , "shalt" , "penne" , "amend" , "datum" , "build" , "piano" , "shelf" , "lodge" , "suing" , "rearm" , "coral" , "ramen" , "worth" , "psalm" , "infer" , "overt" , "mayor" , "ovoid" , "glide" , "usage" , "poise" , "randy" , "chuck" , "prank" , "fishy" , "tooth" , "ether" , "drove" , "idler" , "swath" , "stint" , "while" , "begat" , "apply" , "slang" , "tarot" , "radar" , "credo" , "aware" , "canon" , "shift" , "timer" , "bylaw" , "serum" , "three" , "steak" , "iliac" , "shirk" , "blunt" , "puppy" , "penal" , "joist" , "bunny" , "shape" , "beget" , "wheel" , "adept" , "stunt" , "stole" , "topaz" , "chore" , "fluke" , "afoot" , "bloat" , "bully" , "dense" , "caper" , "sneer" , "boxer" , "jumbo" , "lunge" , "space" , "avail" , "short" , "slurp" , "loyal" , "flirt" , "pizza" , "conch" , "tempo" , "droop" , "plate" , "bible" , "plunk" , "afoul" , "savoy" , "steep" , "agile" , "stake" , "dwell" , "knave" , "beard" , "arose" , "motif" , "smash" , "broil" , "glare" , "shove" , "baggy" , "mammy" , "swamp" , "along" , "rugby" , "wager" , "quack" , "squat" , "snaky" , "debit" , "mange" , "skate" , "ninth" , "joust" , "tramp" , "spurn" , "medal" , "micro" , "rebel" , "flank" , "learn" , "nadir" , "maple" , "comfy" , "remit" , "gruff" , "ester" , "least" , "mogul" , "fetch" , "cause" , "oaken" , "aglow" , "meaty" , "gaffe" , "shyly" , "racer" , "prowl" , "thief" , "stern" , "poesy" , "rocky" , "tweet" , "waist" , "spire" , "grope" , "havoc" , "patsy" , "truly" , "forty" , "deity" , "uncle" , "swish" , "giver" , "preen" , "bevel" , "lemur" , "draft" , "slope" , "annoy" , "lingo" , "bleak" , "ditty" , "curly" , "cedar" , "dirge" , "grown" , "horde" , "drool" , "shuck" , "crypt" , "cumin" , "stock" , "gravy" , "locus" , "wider" , "breed" , "quite" , "chafe" , "cache" , "blimp" , "deign" , "fiend" , "logic" , "cheap" , "elide" , "rigid" , "false" , "renal" , "pence" , "rowdy" , "shoot" , "blaze" , "envoy" , "posse" , "brief" , "never" , "abort" , "mouse" , "mucky" , "sulky" , "fiery" , "media" , "trunk" , "yeast" , "clear" , "skunk" , "scalp" , "bitty" , "cider" , "koala" , "duvet" , "segue" , "creme" , "super" , "grill" , "after" , "owner" , "ember" , "reach" , "nobly" , "empty" , "speed" , "gipsy" , "recur" , "smock" , "dread" , "merge" , "burst" , "kappa" , "amity" , "shaky" , "hover" , "carol" , "snort" , "synod" , "faint" , "haunt" , "flour" , "chair" , "detox" , "shrew" , "tense" , "plied" , "quark" , "burly" , "novel" , "waxen" , "stoic" , "jerky" , "blitz" , "beefy" , "lyric" , "hussy" , "towel" , "quilt" , "below" , "bingo" , "wispy" , "brash" , "scone" , "toast" , "easel" , "saucy" , "value" , "spice" , "honor" , "route" , "sharp" , "bawdy" , "radii" , "skull" , "phony" , "issue" , "lager" , "swell" , "urine" , "gassy" , "trial" , "flora" , "upper" , "latch" , "wight" , "brick" , "retry" , "holly" , "decal" , "grass" , "shack" , "dogma" , "mover" , "defer" , "sober" , "optic" , "crier" , "vying" , "nomad" , "flute" , "hippo" , "shark" , "drier" , "obese" , "bugle" , "tawny" , "chalk" , "feast" , "ruddy" , "pedal" , "scarf" , "cruel" , "bleat" , "tidal" , "slush" , "semen" , "windy" , "dusty" , "sally" , "igloo" , "nerdy" , "jewel" , "shone" , "whale" , "hymen" , "abuse" , "fugue" , "elbow" , "crumb" , "pansy" , "welsh" , "syrup" , "terse" , "suave" , "gamut" , "swung" , "drake" , "freed" , "afire" , "shirt" , "grout" , "oddly" , "tithe" , "plaid" , "dummy" , "broom" , "blind" , "torch" , "enemy" , "again" , "tying" , "pesky" , "alter" , "gazer" , "noble" , "ethos" , "bride" , "extol" , "decor" , "hobby" , "beast" , "idiom" , "utter" , "these" , "sixth" , "alarm" , "erase" , "elegy" , "spunk" , "piper" , "scaly" , "scold" , "hefty" , "chick" , "sooty" , "canal" , "whiny" , "slash" , "quake" , "joint" , "swept" , "prude" , "heavy" , "wield" , "femme" , "lasso" , "maize" , "shale" , "screw" , "spree" , "smoky" , "whiff" , "scent" , "glade" , "spent" , "prism" , "stoke" , "riper" , "orbit" , "cocoa" , "guilt" , "humus" , "shush" , "table" , "smirk" , "wrong" , "noisy" , "alert" , "shiny" , "elate" , "resin" , "whole" , "hunch" , "pixel" , "polar" , "hotel" , "sword" , "cleat" , "mango" , "rumba" , "puffy" , "filly" , "billy" , "leash" , "clout" , "dance" , "ovate" , "facet" , "chili" , "paint" , "liner" , "curio" , "salty" , "audio" , "snake" , "fable" , "cloak" , "navel" , "spurt" , "pesto" , "balmy" , "flash" , "unwed" , "early" , "churn" , "weedy" , "stump" , "lease" , "witty" , "wimpy" , "spoof" , "saner" , "blend" , "salsa" , "thick" , "warty" , "manic" , "blare" , "squib" , "spoon" , "probe" , "crepe" , "knack" , "force" , "debut" , "order" , "haste" , "teeth" , "agent" , "widen" , "icily" , "slice" , "ingot" , "clash" , "juror" , "blood" , "abode" , "throw" , "unity" , "pivot" , "slept" , "troop" , "spare" , "sewer" , "parse" , "morph" , "cacti" , "tacky" , "spool" , "demon" , "moody" , "annex" , "begin" , "fuzzy" , "patch" , "water" , "lumpy" , "admin" , "omega" , "limit" , "tabby" , "macho" , "aisle" , "skiff" , "basis" , "plank" , "verge" , "botch" , "crawl" , "lousy" , "slain" , "cubic" , "raise" , "wrack" , "guide" , "foist" , "cameo" , "under" , "actor" , "revue" , "fraud" , "harpy" , "scoop" , "climb" , "refer" , "olden" , "clerk" , "debar" , "tally" , "ethic" , "cairn" , "tulle" , "ghoul" , "hilly" , "crude" , "apart" , "scale" , "older" , "plain" , "sperm" , "briny" , "abbot" , "rerun" , "quest" , "crisp" , "bound" , "befit" , "drawn" , "suite" , "itchy" , "cheer" , "bagel" , "guess" , "broad" , "axiom" , "chard" , "caput" , "leant" , "harsh" , "curse" , "proud" , "swing" , "opine" , "taste" , "lupus" , "gumbo" , "miner" , "green" , "chasm" , "lipid" , "topic" , "armor" , "brush" , "crane" , "mural" , "abled" , "habit" , "bossy" , "maker" , "dusky" , "dizzy" , "lithe" , "brook" , "jazzy" , "fifty" , "sense" , "giant" , "surly" , "legal" , "fatal" , "flunk" , "began" , "prune" , "small" , "slant" , "scoff" , "torus" , "ninny" , "covey" , "viper" , "taken" , "moral" , "vogue" , "owing" , "token" , "entry" , "booth" , "voter" , "chide" , "elfin" , "ebony" , "neigh" , "minim" , "melon" , "kneed" , "decoy" , "voila" , "ankle" , "arrow" , "mushy" , "tribe" , "cease" , "eager" , "birth" , "graph" , "odder" , "terra" , "weird" , "tried" , "clack" , "color" , "rough" , "weigh" , "uncut" , "ladle" , "strip" , "craft" , "minus" , "dicey" , "titan" , "lucid" , "vicar" , "dress" , "ditch" , "gypsy" , "pasta" , "taffy" , "flame" , "swoop" , "aloof" , "sight" , "broke" , "teary" , "chart" , "sixty" , "wordy" , "sheer" , "leper" , "nosey" , "bulge" , "savor" , "clamp" , "funky" , "foamy" , "toxic" , "brand" , "plumb" , "dingy" , "butte" , "drill" , "tripe" , "bicep" , "tenor" , "krill" , "worse" , "drama" , "hyena" , "think" , "ratio" , "cobra" , "basil" , "scrum" , "bused" , "phone" , "court" , "camel" , "proof" , "heard" , "angel" , "petal" , "pouty" , "throb" , "maybe" , "fetal" , "sprig" , "spine" , "shout" , "cadet" , "macro" , "dodgy" , "satyr" , "rarer" , "binge" , "trend" , "nutty" , "leapt" , "amiss" , "split" , "myrrh" , "width" , "sonar" , "tower" , "baron" , "fever" , "waver" , "spark" , "belie" , "sloop" , "expel" , "smote" , "baler" , "above" , "north" , "wafer" , "scant" , "frill" , "awash" , "snack" , "scowl" , "frail" , "drift" , "limbo" , "fence" , "motel" , "ounce" , "wreak" , "revel" , "talon" , "prior" , "knelt" , "cello" , "flake" , "debug" , "anode" , "crime" , "salve" , "scout" , "imbue" , "pinky" , "stave" , "vague" , "chock" , "fight" , "video" , "stone" , "teach" , "cleft" , "frost" , "prawn" , "booty" , "twist" , "apnea" , "stiff" , "plaza" , "ledge" , "tweak" , "board" , "grant" , "medic" , "bacon" , "cable" , "brawl" , "slunk" , "raspy" , "forum" , "drone" , "women" , "mucus" , "boast" , "toddy" , "coven" , "tumor" , "truer" , "wrath" , "stall" , "steam" , "axial" , "purer" , "daily" , "trail" , "niche" , "mealy" , "juice" , "nylon" , "plump" , "merry" , "flail" , "papal" , "wheat" , "berry" , "cower" , "erect" , "brute" , "leggy" , "snipe" , "sinew" , "skier" , "penny" , "jumpy" , "rally" , "umbra" , "scary" , "modem" , "gross" , "avian" , "greed" , "satin" , "tonic" , "parka" , "sniff" , "livid" , "stark" , "trump" , "giddy" , "reuse" , "taboo" , "avoid" , "quote" , "devil" , "liken" , "gloss" , "gayer" , "beret" , "noise" , "gland" , "dealt" , "sling" , "rumor" , "opera" , "thigh" , "tonga" , "flare" , "wound" , "white" , "bulky" , "etude" , "horse" , "circa" , "paddy" , "inbox" , "fizzy" , "grain" , "exert" , "surge" , "gleam" , "belle" , "salvo" , "crush" , "fruit" , "sappy" , "taker" , "tract" , "ovine" , "spiky" , "frank" , "reedy" , "filth" , "spasm" , "heave" , "mambo" , "right" , "clank" , "trust" , "lumen" , "borne" , "spook" , "sauce" , "amber" , "lathe" , "carat" , "corer" , "dirty" , "slyly" , "affix" , "alloy" , "taint" , "sheep" , "kinky" , "wooly" , "mauve" , "flung" , "yacht" , "fried" , "quail" , "brunt" , "grimy" , "curvy" , "cagey" , "rinse" , "deuce" , "state" , "grasp" , "milky" , "bison" , "graft" , "sandy" , "baste" , "flask" , "hedge" , "girly" , "swash" , "boney" , "coupe" , "endow" , "abhor" , "welch" , "blade" , "tight" , "geese" , "miser" , "mirth" , "cloud" , "cabal" , "leech" , "close" , "tenth" , "pecan" , "droit" , "grail" , "clone" , "guise" , "ralph" , "tango" , "biddy" , "smith" , "mower" , "payee" , "serif" , "drape" , "fifth" , "spank" , "glaze" , "allot" , "truck" , "kayak" , "virus" , "testy" , "tepee" , "fully" , "zonal" , "metro" , "curry" , "grand" , "banjo" , "axion" , "bezel" , "occur" , "chain" , "nasal" , "gooey" , "filer" , "brace" , "allay" , "pubic" , "raven" , "plead" , "gnash" , "flaky" , "munch" , "dully" , "eking" , "thing" , "slink" , "hurry" , "theft" , "shorn" , "pygmy" , "ranch" , "wring" , "lemon" , "shore" , "mamma" , "froze" , "newer" , "style" , "moose" , "antic" , "drown" , "vegan" , "chess" , "guppy" , "union" , "lever" , "lorry" , "image" , "cabby" , "druid" , "exact" , "truth" , "dopey" , "spear" , "cried" , "chime" , "crony" , "stunk" , "timid" , "batch" , "gauge" , "rotor" , "crack" , "curve" , "latte" , "witch" , "bunch" , "repel" , "anvil" , "soapy" , "meter" , "broth" , "madly" , "dried" , "scene" , "known" , "magma" , "roost" , "woman" , "thong" , "punch" , "pasty" , "downy" , "knead" , "whirl" , "rapid" , "clang" , "anger" , "drive" , "goofy" , "email" , "music" , "stuff" , "bleep" , "rider" , "mecca" , "folio" , "setup" , "verso" , "quash" , "fauna" , "gummy" , "happy" , "newly" , "fussy" , "relic" , "guava" , "ratty" , "fudge" , "femur" , "chirp" , "forte" , "alibi" , "whine" , "petty" , "golly" , "plait" , "fleck" , "felon" , "gourd" , "brown" , "thrum" , "ficus" , "stash" , "decry" , "wiser" , "junta" , "visor" , "daunt" , "scree" , "impel" , "await" , "press" , "whose" , "turbo" , "stoop" , "speak" , "mangy" , "eying" , "inlet" , "crone" , "pulse" , "mossy" , "staid" , "hence" , "pinch" , "teddy" , "sully" , "snore" , "ripen" , "snowy" , "attic" , "going" , "leach" , "mouth" , "hound" , "clump" , "tonal" , "bigot" , "peril" , "piece" , "blame" , "haute" , "spied" , "undid" , "intro" , "basal" , "shine" , "gecko" , "rodeo" , "guard" , "steer" , "loamy" , "scamp" , "scram" , "manly" , "hello" , "vaunt" , "organ" , "feral" , "knock" , "extra" , "condo" , "adapt" , "willy" , "polka" , "rayon" , "skirt" , "faith" , "torso" , "match" , "mercy" , "tepid" , "sleek" , "riser" , "twixt" , "peace" , "flush" , "catty" , "login" , "eject" , "roger" , "rival" , "untie" , "refit" , "aorta" , "adult" , "judge" , "rower" , "artsy" , "rural" , "shave" ] length : Int length = List.length asList
module Words exposing (asList, length) asList : List String asList = [ "cigar" , "rebut" , "sissy" , "humph" , "awake" , "blush" , "focal" , "evade" , "naval" , "serve" , "heath" , "dwarf" , "model" , "karma" , "stink" , "grade" , "quiet" , "bench" , "abate" , "feign" , "major" , "death" , "fresh" , "crust" , "stool" , "colon" , "abase" , "marry" , "react" , "batty" , "pride" , "floss" , "helix" , "croak" , "staff" , "paper" , "unfed" , "whelp" , "trawl" , "outdo" , "adobe" , "crazy" , "sower" , "repay" , "digit" , "crate" , "cluck" , "spike" , "mimic" , "pound" , "maxim" , "linen" , "unmet" , "flesh" , "booby" , "forth" , "first" , "stand" , "belly" , "ivory" , "seedy" , "print" , "yearn" , "drain" , "bribe" , "stout" , "panel" , "crass" , "flume" , "offal" , "agree" , "error" , "swirl" , "argue" , "bleed" , "delta" , "flick" , "totem" , "wooer" , "front" , "shrub" , "parry" , "biome" , "lapel" , "start" , "greet" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>y" , "loopy" , "round" , "audit" , "lying" , "gamma" , "labor" , "islet" , "civic" , "forge" , "<NAME>" , "moult" , "basic" , "salad" , "agate" , "spicy" , "spray" , "essay" , "fjord" , "spend" , "kebab" , "guild" , "aback" , "motor" , "alone" , "hatch" , "hyper" , "thumb" , "dowry" , "ought" , "belch" , "dutch" , "pilot" , "tweed" , "comet" , "jaunt" , "enema" , "steed" , "abyss" , "growl" , "fling" , "dozen" , "boozy" , "erode" , "world" , "gouge" , "click" , "briar" , "great" , "altar" , "pulpy" , "blurt" , "coast" , "duchy" , "groin" , "fixer" , "group" , "rogue" , "badly" , "smart" , "pithy" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "radio" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "retch" , "wrote" , "clock" , "tilde" , "store" , "prove" , "bring" , "solve" , "cheat" , "grime" , "exult" , "usher" , "epoch" , "triad" , "break" , "rhino" , "viral" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sonic" , "vital" , "trace" , "using" , "peach" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "brake" , "pluck" , "craze" , "<NAME>" , "weary" , "picky" , "acute" , "<NAME>" , "aside" , "tapir" , "troll" , "unify" , "rebus" , "boost" , "truss" , "siege" , "tiger" , "banal" , "slump" , "crank" , "gorge" , "query" , "drink" , "favor" , "abbey" , "tangy" , "panic" , "solar" , "shire" , "proxy" , "point" , "robot" , "<NAME>ick" , "<NAME>ince" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sugar" , "whack" , "mount" , "perky" , "could" , "wrung" , "light" , "those" , "moist" , "shard" , "pleat" , "aloft" , "skill" , "elder" , "frame" , "humor" , "pause" , "ulcer" , "ultra" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "aroma" , "<NAME>" , "shake" , "pupal" , "dodge" , "swill" , "tacit" , "other" , "thorn" , "trove" , "bloke" , "vivid" , "spill" , "chant" , "choke" , "rupee" , "nasty" , "mourn" , "ahead" , "brine" , "cloth" , "hoard" , "sweet" , "month" , "lapse" , "watch" , "today" , "focus" , "smelt" , "tease" , "cater" , "movie" , "lynch" , "saute" , "allow" , "renew" , "their" , "slosh" , "purge" , "chest" , "depot" , "epoxy" , "nymph" , "found" , "shall" , "<NAME>arry" , "stove" , "lowly" , "snout" , "trope" , "fewer" , "shawl" , "natal" , "fibre" , "comma" , "foray" , "scare" , "stair" , "black" , "squad" , "royal" , "chunk" , "mince" , "slave" , "shame" , "cheek" , "ample" , "flair" , "<NAME>yer" , "cargo" , "oxide" , "plant" , "olive" , "inert" , "<NAME>ew" , "heist" , "shown" , "zesty" , "hasty" , "trash" , "fella" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "story" , "hairy" , "train" , "homer" , "badge" , "midst" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "butch" , "farce" , "slung" , "tipsy" , "metal" , "yield" , "delve" , "being" , "scour" , "glass" , "gamer" , "scrap" , "money" , "hinge" , "album" , "vouch" , "asset" , "tiara" , "crept" , "bayou" , "atoll" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "showy" , "phase" , "froth" , "depth" , "gloom" , "flood" , "trait" , "girth" , "piety" , "payer" , "goose" , "float" , "<NAME>" , "atone" , "primo" , "<NAME>" , "blown" , "cacao" , "loser" , "input" , "gloat" , "awful" , "brink" , "smite" , "beady" , "rusty" , "retro" , "d<NAME>" , "gaw<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "pinto" , "<NAME>aily" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "field" , "fluff" , "hydro" , "flack" , "<NAME>" , "wench" , "voice" , "stead" , "stalk" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "night" , "bland" , "liver" , "wedge" , "<NAME>" , "roomy" , "wacky" , "flock" , "angry" , "<NAME>" , "tr<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "tryst" , "midge" , "power" , "elope" , "cinch" , "motto" , "stomp" , "upset" , "bluff" , "cramp" , "quart" , "coyly" , "youth" , "rhyme" , "buggy" , "alien" , "smear" , "unfit" , "<NAME>ty" , "cling" , "glean" , "label" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "poker" , "<NAME>" , "twice" , "twang" , "shrug" , "treat" , "unlit" , "waste" , "merit" , "woven" , "octal" , "needy" , "clown" , "widow" , "irony" , "ruder" , "gauze" , "chief" , "onset" , "prize" , "fungi" , "charm" , "gully" , "inter" , "whoop" , "taunt" , "leery" , "class" , "theme" , "lofty" , "tibia" , "booze" , "alpha" , "thyme" , "eclat" , "doubt" , "parer" , "chute" , "stick" , "trice" , "alike" , "sooth" , "recap" , "saint" , "liege" , "glory" , "grate" , "admit" , "brisk" , "soggy" , "usurp" , "scald" , "scorn" , "leave" , "twine" , "sting" , "bough" , "marsh" , "sloth" , "dandy" , "vigor" , "howdy" , "enjoy" , "valid" , "ionic" , "equal" , "unset" , "floor" , "catch" , "spade" , "stein" , "exist" , "quirk" , "denim" , "grove" , "spiel" , "mummy" , "fault" , "foggy" , "flout" , "carry" , "sneak" , "libel" , "waltz" , "aptly" , "piney" , "inept" , "aloud" , "photo" , "dream" , "stale" , "vomit" , "ombre" , "fanny" , "unite" , "snarl" , "baker" , "there" , "glyph" , "pooch" , "hippy" , "spell" , "folly" , "louse" , "gulch" , "vault" , "godly" , "threw" , "fleet" , "grave" , "inane" , "shock" , "crave" , "spite" , "valve" , "skimp" , "claim" , "rainy" , "musty" , "pique" , "daddy" , "quasi" , "arise" , "aging" , "valet" , "opium" , "avert" , "stuck" , "recut" , "mulch" , "genre" , "plume" , "rifle" , "count" , "incur" , "total" , "wrest" , "mocha" , "deter" , "study" , "lover" , "safer" , "rivet" , "funny" , "smoke" , "mound" , "undue" , "sedan" , "pagan" , "swine" , "guile" , "gusty" , "equip" , "tough" , "canoe" , "chaos" , "covet" , "human" , "udder" , "lunch" , "blast" , "stray" , "manga" , "melee" , "lefty" , "quick" , "paste" , "given" , "octet" , "risen" , "groan" , "leaky" , "grind" , "carve" , "loose" , "sadly" , "spilt" , "apple" , "slack" , "<NAME>" , "final" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>arf" , "spelt" , "coach" , "erupt" , "<NAME>" , "price" , "spawn" , "fairy" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "stack" , "chose" , "sleep" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "niece" , "woozy" , "handy" , "grace" , "<NAME>to" , "stank" , "cream" , "usual" , "diode" , "valor" , "angle" , "ninja" , "<NAME>" , "chase" , "reply" , "prone" , "spoil" , "heart" , "shade" , "diner" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "dowel" , "couch" , "p<NAME>" , "bowel" , "smile" , "evoke" , "creek" , "lance" , "eagle" , "idiot" , "siren" , "built" , "embed" , "award" , "d<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "frown" , "patio" , "laden" , "humid" , "elite" , "lymph" , "edify" , "might" , "reset" , "visit" , "gusto" , "purse" , "vapor" , "crock" , "write" , "sunny" , "loath" , "chaff" , "slide" , "queer" , "venom" , "stamp" , "sorry" , "still" , "acorn" , "aping" , "pushy" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>ile" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "house" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "ex<NAME>" , "about" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "cycle" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "place" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "stage" , "decay" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "clean" , "china" , "ridge" , "vowel" , "gnome" , "sn<NAME>" , "icing" , "sp<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sn<NAME>" , "flow<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "track" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "doing" , "ozone" , "amply" , "molar" , "ovary" , "beset" , "queue" , "cliff" , "magic" , "truce" , "sport" , "<NAME>" , "edict" , "twirl" , "verse" , "llama" , "eaten" , "range" , "whisk" , "hovel" , "rehab" , "macaw" , "sigma" , "spout" , "verve" , "sushi" , "dying" , "fetid" , "brain" , "buddy" , "thump" , "scion" , "<NAME>andy" , "chord" , "basin" , "march" , "crowd" , "arbor" , "gayly" , "musky" , "stain" , "<NAME>" , "bless" , "<NAME>" , "stung" , "title" , "ruler" , "kiosk" , "blond" , "<NAME>ui" , "layer" , "fluid" , "tatty" , "score" , "cutie" , "zebra" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>y" , "<NAME>" , "aider" , "shook" , "river" , "privy" , "betel" , "<NAME>isk" , "bongo" , "begun" , "azure" , "weave" , "<NAME>ie" , "sound" , "glove" , "braid" , "scope" , "wryly" , "rover" , "assay" , "ocean" , "bloom" , "irate" , "later" , "woken" , "silky" , "wreck" , "dwelt" , "slate" , "smack" , "solid" , "amaze" , "hazel" , "wrist" , "jolly" , "globe" , "flint" , "rouse" , "civil" , "vista" , "relax" , "cover" , "alive" , "beech" , "jetty" , "bliss" , "vocal" , "often" , "dolly" , "eight" , "joker" , "since" , "event" , "ensue" , "shunt" , "diver" , "poser" , "worst" , "sweep" , "alley" , "creed" , "anime" , "leafy" , "bosom" , "dunce" , "stare" , "pudgy" , "waive" , "choir" , "stood" , "spoke" , "outgo" , "delay" , "bilge" , "ideal" , "clasp" , "seize" , "hotly" , "laugh" , "sieve" , "block" , "meant" , "grape" , "noose" , "hardy" , "shied" , "drawl" , "daisy" , "putty" , "strut" , "burnt" , "tulip" , "<NAME>ick" , "idyll" , "vixen" , "furor" , "geeky" , "cough" , "naive" , "shoal" , "stork" , "bathe" , "aunty" , "check" , "prime" , "brass" , "outer" , "furry" , "razor" , "elect" , "evict" , "imply" , "demur" , "quota" , "haven" , "cavil" , "swear" , "crump" , "dough" , "gavel" , "wagon" , "salon" , "nudge" , "h<NAME>" , "pitch" , "sworn" , "pupil" , "excel" , "stony" , "cabin" , "unzip" , "queen" , "trout" , "polyp" , "earth" , "storm" , "until" , "taper" , "enter" , "child" , "adopt" , "minor" , "fatty" , "husky" , "brave" , "filet" , "slime" , "glint" , "tread" , "steal" , "regal" , "guest" , "every" , "murky" , "share" , "spore" , "hoist" , "buxom" , "inner" , "otter" , "dimly" , "level" , "sumac" , "donut" , "stilt" , "arena" , "sheet" , "scrub" , "fancy" , "slimy" , "pearl" , "silly" , "porch" , "dingo" , "sepia" , "amble" , "shady" , "bread" , "friar" , "reign" , "dairy" , "quill" , "cross" , "brood" , "tuber" , "shear" , "posit" , "blank" , "villa" , "shank" , "piggy" , "freak" , "which" , "among" , "fecal" , "shell" , "would" , "algae" , "large" , "rabbi" , "agony" , "amuse" , "bushy" , "copse" , "swoon" , "knife" , "pouch" , "<NAME>" , "plane" , "crown" , "urban" , "snide" , "relay" , "abide" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "straw" , "<NAME>" , "crash" , "<NAME>ass" , "third" , "<NAME>ick" , "tutor" , "<NAME>" , "blurb" , "grief" , "disco" , "where" , "sassy" , "beach" , "sauna" , "comic" , "clued" , "creep" , "<NAME>" , "graze" , "snuff" , "frock" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "steel" , "halve" , "buyer" , "vinyl" , "utile" , "smell" , "adage" , "worry" , "tasty" , "local" , "trade" , "finch" , "<NAME>" , "modal" , "gaunt" , "clove" , "enact" , "adorn" , "roast" , "speck" , "sheik" , "missy" , "<NAME>" , "snoop" , "party" , "touch" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "array" , "south" , "vapid" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "angst" , "tubal" , "lower" , "crest" , "sweat" , "cyber" , "adore" , "tardy" , "swami" , "notch" , "groom" , "roach" , "hitch" , "young" , "align" , "ready" , "frond" , "strap" , "puree" , "realm" , "venue" , "swarm" , "offer" , "seven" , "dryer" , "<NAME>ary" , "dryly" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "heady" , "theta" , "<NAME>unto" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>oth" , "bonus" , "shalt" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "datum" , "build" , "piano" , "shelf" , "lodge" , "suing" , "rearm" , "coral" , "<NAME>" , "worth" , "psalm" , "infer" , "overt" , "mayor" , "ovoid" , "glide" , "usage" , "poise" , "<NAME>y" , "chuck" , "<NAME>" , "fishy" , "tooth" , "ether" , "drove" , "<NAME>ler" , "<NAME>ath" , "stint" , "while" , "begat" , "apply" , "slang" , "tarot" , "radar" , "<NAME>" , "aware" , "canon" , "shift" , "timer" , "bylaw" , "<NAME>um" , "three" , "steak" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "blunt" , "puppy" , "penal" , "joist" , "<NAME>" , "shape" , "beget" , "wheel" , "adept" , "stunt" , "stole" , "topaz" , "chore" , "fluke" , "afoot" , "bloat" , "bully" , "dense" , "caper" , "sneer" , "boxer" , "jumbo" , "lunge" , "space" , "avail" , "short" , "slurp" , "loyal" , "flirt" , "pizza" , "conch" , "tempo" , "droop" , "plate" , "bible" , "plunk" , "afoul" , "savoy" , "steep" , "agile" , "stake" , "dwell" , "knave" , "beard" , "arose" , "motif" , "smash" , "broil" , "glare" , "shove" , "baggy" , "mammy" , "swamp" , "along" , "rugby" , "wager" , "quack" , "squat" , "snaky" , "debit" , "mange" , "skate" , "ninth" , "joust" , "tramp" , "spurn" , "medal" , "micro" , "rebel" , "flank" , "learn" , "<NAME>" , "maple" , "comfy" , "remit" , "<NAME>uff" , "ester" , "least" , "mogul" , "fetch" , "cause" , "oaken" , "aglow" , "meaty" , "gaffe" , "shyly" , "<NAME>acer" , "prowl" , "thief" , "stern" , "poesy" , "rocky" , "tweet" , "waist" , "spire" , "grope" , "havoc" , "patsy" , "truly" , "forty" , "deity" , "uncle" , "swish" , "giver" , "preen" , "bevel" , "lemur" , "draft" , "slope" , "annoy" , "lingo" , "bleak" , "ditty" , "curly" , "cedar" , "dirge" , "grown" , "horde" , "drool" , "shuck" , "crypt" , "cumin" , "stock" , "gravy" , "locus" , "wider" , "breed" , "quite" , "chafe" , "cache" , "blimp" , "deign" , "fiend" , "logic" , "cheap" , "elide" , "rigid" , "false" , "renal" , "pence" , "rowdy" , "shoot" , "blaze" , "envoy" , "posse" , "brief" , "never" , "abort" , "mouse" , "mucky" , "sulky" , "fiery" , "media" , "trunk" , "yeast" , "clear" , "skunk" , "scalp" , "bitty" , "cider" , "koala" , "duvet" , "segue" , "creme" , "super" , "grill" , "after" , "owner" , "ember" , "reach" , "nobly" , "empty" , "speed" , "gipsy" , "recur" , "smock" , "dread" , "merge" , "burst" , "kappa" , "amity" , "shaky" , "hover" , "carol" , "snort" , "synod" , "faint" , "haunt" , "flour" , "chair" , "detox" , "shrew" , "tense" , "plied" , "quark" , "burly" , "novel" , "waxen" , "stoic" , "<NAME>ky" , "blitz" , "beefy" , "<NAME>" , "hussy" , "towel" , "quilt" , "below" , "bingo" , "wispy" , "brash" , "scone" , "toast" , "easel" , "saucy" , "value" , "spice" , "honor" , "route" , "sharp" , "bawdy" , "radii" , "skull" , "phony" , "issue" , "lager" , "swell" , "urine" , "gassy" , "trial" , "flora" , "upper" , "latch" , "wight" , "brick" , "retry" , "holly" , "decal" , "grass" , "shack" , "dogma" , "mover" , "defer" , "sober" , "optic" , "crier" , "vying" , "nomad" , "flute" , "hippo" , "shark" , "drier" , "obese" , "bugle" , "tawny" , "chalk" , "feast" , "ruddy" , "pedal" , "scarf" , "cruel" , "bleat" , "tidal" , "slush" , "semen" , "windy" , "dusty" , "sally" , "igloo" , "nerdy" , "jewel" , "shone" , "whale" , "hymen" , "abuse" , "fugue" , "elbow" , "crumb" , "pansy" , "welsh" , "syrup" , "terse" , "suave" , "gamut" , "swung" , "drake" , "freed" , "afire" , "shirt" , "grout" , "oddly" , "tithe" , "plaid" , "dummy" , "broom" , "blind" , "torch" , "enemy" , "again" , "tying" , "pesky" , "<NAME>" , "g<NAME>" , "noble" , "ethos" , "bride" , "extol" , "decor" , "hobby" , "beast" , "idiom" , "utter" , "these" , "sixth" , "alarm" , "erase" , "elegy" , "spunk" , "<NAME>" , "scaly" , "scold" , "hefty" , "chick" , "sooty" , "canal" , "whiny" , "slash" , "quake" , "joint" , "swept" , "prude" , "heavy" , "wield" , "femme" , "lasso" , "maize" , "shale" , "screw" , "spree" , "smoky" , "whiff" , "scent" , "glade" , "spent" , "prism" , "stoke" , "<NAME>" , "orbit" , "cocoa" , "guilt" , "humus" , "shush" , "table" , "smirk" , "wrong" , "noisy" , "alert" , "shiny" , "elate" , "resin" , "whole" , "hunch" , "pixel" , "polar" , "hotel" , "sword" , "cleat" , "mango" , "rumba" , "puffy" , "filly" , "billy" , "leash" , "clout" , "dance" , "ovate" , "facet" , "chili" , "paint" , "liner" , "curio" , "salty" , "audio" , "snake" , "fable" , "cloak" , "navel" , "spurt" , "pesto" , "balmy" , "flash" , "unwed" , "early" , "churn" , "weedy" , "stump" , "lease" , "witty" , "wimpy" , "spoof" , "saner" , "blend" , "salsa" , "thick" , "warty" , "manic" , "blare" , "squib" , "spoon" , "probe" , "crepe" , "knack" , "force" , "debut" , "order" , "haste" , "teeth" , "agent" , "widen" , "icily" , "slice" , "ingot" , "clash" , "juror" , "blood" , "abode" , "throw" , "unity" , "pivot" , "slept" , "troop" , "spare" , "sewer" , "parse" , "morph" , "cacti" , "tacky" , "spool" , "demon" , "moody" , "annex" , "begin" , "fuzzy" , "patch" , "water" , "lumpy" , "admin" , "omega" , "limit" , "tabby" , "macho" , "aisle" , "skiff" , "basis" , "plank" , "verge" , "botch" , "crawl" , "lousy" , "slain" , "cubic" , "raise" , "wrack" , "guide" , "foist" , "cameo" , "under" , "actor" , "revue" , "fraud" , "harpy" , "scoop" , "climb" , "refer" , "olden" , "clerk" , "debar" , "tally" , "ethic" , "cairn" , "tulle" , "ghoul" , "hilly" , "crude" , "apart" , "scale" , "older" , "plain" , "sperm" , "briny" , "abbot" , "rerun" , "quest" , "crisp" , "bound" , "befit" , "drawn" , "suite" , "itchy" , "cheer" , "bagel" , "guess" , "broad" , "axiom" , "chard" , "caput" , "leant" , "harsh" , "curse" , "proud" , "swing" , "opine" , "taste" , "lupus" , "gumbo" , "miner" , "green" , "chasm" , "lipid" , "topic" , "armor" , "brush" , "crane" , "mural" , "abled" , "habit" , "bossy" , "maker" , "dusky" , "dizzy" , "lithe" , "brook" , "jazzy" , "fifty" , "sense" , "giant" , "surly" , "legal" , "fatal" , "flunk" , "began" , "prune" , "small" , "slant" , "scoff" , "torus" , "ninny" , "<NAME>" , "viper" , "taken" , "moral" , "vogue" , "owing" , "token" , "entry" , "booth" , "voter" , "chide" , "<NAME>fin" , "ebony" , "neigh" , "minim" , "melon" , "kneed" , "decoy" , "voila" , "ankle" , "arrow" , "mushy" , "tribe" , "cease" , "eager" , "birth" , "graph" , "odder" , "terra" , "weird" , "tried" , "clack" , "color" , "rough" , "weigh" , "uncut" , "ladle" , "strip" , "craft" , "minus" , "dicey" , "titan" , "lucid" , "vicar" , "dress" , "ditch" , "gypsy" , "pasta" , "taffy" , "flame" , "swoop" , "aloof" , "sight" , "broke" , "teary" , "chart" , "sixty" , "wordy" , "sheer" , "leper" , "nosey" , "bulge" , "savor" , "clamp" , "funky" , "foamy" , "toxic" , "brand" , "plumb" , "dingy" , "butte" , "drill" , "tripe" , "bicep" , "tenor" , "krill" , "worse" , "drama" , "hyena" , "think" , "ratio" , "cobra" , "basil" , "scrum" , "bused" , "phone" , "court" , "camel" , "proof" , "heard" , "angel" , "petal" , "pouty" , "throb" , "maybe" , "fetal" , "sprig" , "spine" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "macro" , "dodgy" , "satyr" , "<NAME>arer" , "binge" , "trend" , "nutty" , "leapt" , "<NAME>" , "split" , "myrrh" , "width" , "sonar" , "tower" , "baron" , "fever" , "waver" , "spark" , "belie" , "sloop" , "expel" , "smote" , "baler" , "above" , "north" , "wafer" , "scant" , "<NAME>" , "awash" , "snack" , "scowl" , "frail" , "drift" , "limbo" , "fence" , "motel" , "ounce" , "wreak" , "revel" , "<NAME>" , "prior" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "flake" , "debug" , "anode" , "<NAME>me" , "salve" , "scout" , "imbue" , "pinky" , "stave" , "vague" , "chock" , "fight" , "video" , "stone" , "teach" , "cleft" , "frost" , "<NAME>awn" , "booty" , "twist" , "<NAME>nea" , "stiff" , "plaza" , "ledge" , "tweak" , "board" , "grant" , "medic" , "<NAME>acon" , "cable" , "brawl" , "slunk" , "raspy" , "forum" , "drone" , "women" , "<NAME>ucus" , "boast" , "<NAME>dy" , "<NAME>ven" , "tumor" , "<NAME>uer" , "wrath" , "stall" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "berry" , "co<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "br<NAME>" , "leg<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sc<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "avoid" , "quote" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "gloss" , "g<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "noise" , "gland" , "dealt" , "sling" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "tonga" , "<NAME>" , "wound" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "etude" , "horse" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "inbox" , "fizzy" , "<NAME>ain" , "<NAME>" , "surge" , "<NAME>" , "belle" , "<NAME>" , "crush" , "fruit" , "sappy" , "taker" , "tract" , "<NAME>ine" , "spiky" , "<NAME>" , "reedy" , "<NAME>th" , "spasm" , "<NAME>ave" , "<NAME>" , "right" , "<NAME>ank" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>acht" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "state" , "grasp" , "milky" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sandy" , "baste" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "blade" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "cloud" , "cabal" , "le<NAME>" , "close" , "tenth" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>ail" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>ee" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "f<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "fully" , "zonal" , "metro" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "occur" , "chain" , "nasal" , "gooey" , "filer" , "brace" , "allay" , "pubic" , "raven" , "plead" , "gnash" , "flaky" , "munch" , "dully" , "eking" , "thing" , "slink" , "hurry" , "theft" , "shorn" , "pygmy" , "ranch" , "wring" , "lemon" , "shore" , "mamma" , "froze" , "newer" , "style" , "moose" , "antic" , "drown" , "vegan" , "chess" , "guppy" , "union" , "lever" , "lorry" , "image" , "cabby" , "druid" , "exact" , "truth" , "dopey" , "spear" , "cried" , "chime" , "crony" , "stunk" , "timid" , "batch" , "gauge" , "rotor" , "crack" , "curve" , "latte" , "witch" , "bunch" , "repel" , "anvil" , "soapy" , "meter" , "broth" , "madly" , "dried" , "scene" , "known" , "magma" , "roost" , "woman" , "thong" , "punch" , "pasty" , "downy" , "knead" , "whirl" , "rapid" , "clang" , "anger" , "drive" , "goofy" , "email" , "music" , "stuff" , "bleep" , "rider" , "mecca" , "folio" , "setup" , "verso" , "quash" , "fauna" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "press" , "<NAME>ose" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "speak" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sn<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>y" , "<NAME>" , "going" , "leach" , "mouth" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "piece" , "bl<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "sp<NAME>" , "<NAME>id" , "intro" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "hello" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "extra" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "adult" , "judge" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" , "<NAME>" ] length : Int length = List.length asList
module Words exposing (asList, length) asList : List String asList = [ "cigar" , "rebut" , "sissy" , "humph" , "awake" , "blush" , "focal" , "evade" , "naval" , "serve" , "heath" , "dwarf" , "model" , "karma" , "stink" , "grade" , "quiet" , "bench" , "abate" , "feign" , "major" , "death" , "fresh" , "crust" , "stool" , "colon" , "abase" , "marry" , "react" , "batty" , "pride" , "floss" , "helix" , "croak" , "staff" , "paper" , "unfed" , "whelp" , "trawl" , "outdo" , "adobe" , "crazy" , "sower" , "repay" , "digit" , "crate" , "cluck" , "spike" , "mimic" , "pound" , "maxim" , "linen" , "unmet" , "flesh" , "booby" , "forth" , "first" , "stand" , "belly" , "ivory" , "seedy" , "print" , "yearn" , "drain" , "bribe" , "stout" , "panel" , "crass" , "flume" , "offal" , "agree" , "error" , "swirl" , "argue" , "bleed" , "delta" , "flick" , "totem" , "wooer" , "front" , "shrub" , "parry" , "biome" , "lapel" , "start" , "greet" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIy" , "loopy" , "round" , "audit" , "lying" , "gamma" , "labor" , "islet" , "civic" , "forge" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "moult" , "basic" , "salad" , "agate" , "spicy" , "spray" , "essay" , "fjord" , "spend" , "kebab" , "guild" , "aback" , "motor" , "alone" , "hatch" , "hyper" , "thumb" , "dowry" , "ought" , "belch" , "dutch" , "pilot" , "tweed" , "comet" , "jaunt" , "enema" , "steed" , "abyss" , "growl" , "fling" , "dozen" , "boozy" , "erode" , "world" , "gouge" , "click" , "briar" , "great" , "altar" , "pulpy" , "blurt" , "coast" , "duchy" , "groin" , "fixer" , "group" , "rogue" , "badly" , "smart" , "pithy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "radio" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "retch" , "wrote" , "clock" , "tilde" , "store" , "prove" , "bring" , "solve" , "cheat" , "grime" , "exult" , "usher" , "epoch" , "triad" , "break" , "rhino" , "viral" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "sonic" , "vital" , "trace" , "using" , "peach" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "brake" , "pluck" , "craze" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "weary" , "picky" , "acute" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "aside" , "tapir" , "troll" , "unify" , "rebus" , "boost" , "truss" , "siege" , "tiger" , "banal" , "slump" , "crank" , "gorge" , "query" , "drink" , "favor" , "abbey" , "tangy" , "panic" , "solar" , "shire" , "proxy" , "point" , "robot" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIick" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIince" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "sugar" , "whack" , "mount" , "perky" , "could" , "wrung" , "light" , "those" , "moist" , "shard" , "pleat" , "aloft" , "skill" , "elder" , "frame" , "humor" , "pause" , "ulcer" , "ultra" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "aroma" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "shake" , "pupal" , "dodge" , "swill" , "tacit" , "other" , "thorn" , "trove" , "bloke" , "vivid" , "spill" , "chant" , "choke" , "rupee" , "nasty" , "mourn" , "ahead" , "brine" , "cloth" , "hoard" , "sweet" , "month" , "lapse" , "watch" , "today" , "focus" , "smelt" , "tease" , "cater" , "movie" , "lynch" , "saute" , "allow" , "renew" , "their" , "slosh" , "purge" , "chest" , "depot" , "epoxy" , "nymph" , "found" , "shall" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIarry" , "stove" , "lowly" , "snout" , "trope" , "fewer" , "shawl" , "natal" , "fibre" , "comma" , "foray" , "scare" , "stair" , "black" , "squad" , "royal" , "chunk" , "mince" , "slave" , "shame" , "cheek" , "ample" , "flair" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIyer" , "cargo" , "oxide" , "plant" , "olive" , "inert" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIew" , "heist" , "shown" , "zesty" , "hasty" , "trash" , "fella" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "story" , "hairy" , "train" , "homer" , "badge" , "midst" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "butch" , "farce" , "slung" , "tipsy" , "metal" , "yield" , "delve" , "being" , "scour" , "glass" , "gamer" , "scrap" , "money" , "hinge" , "album" , "vouch" , "asset" , "tiara" , "crept" , "bayou" , "atoll" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "showy" , "phase" , "froth" , "depth" , "gloom" , "flood" , "trait" , "girth" , "piety" , "payer" , "goose" , "float" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "atone" , "primo" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "blown" , "cacao" , "loser" , "input" , "gloat" , "awful" , "brink" , "smite" , "beady" , "rusty" , "retro" , "dPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "gawPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "pinto" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIaily" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "field" , "fluff" , "hydro" , "flack" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "wench" , "voice" , "stead" , "stalk" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "night" , "bland" , "liver" , "wedge" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "roomy" , "wacky" , "flock" , "angry" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "trPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "tryst" , "midge" , "power" , "elope" , "cinch" , "motto" , "stomp" , "upset" , "bluff" , "cramp" , "quart" , "coyly" , "youth" , "rhyme" , "buggy" , "alien" , "smear" , "unfit" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIty" , "cling" , "glean" , "label" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "poker" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "twice" , "twang" , "shrug" , "treat" , "unlit" , "waste" , "merit" , "woven" , "octal" , "needy" , "clown" , "widow" , "irony" , "ruder" , "gauze" , "chief" , "onset" , "prize" , "fungi" , "charm" , "gully" , "inter" , "whoop" , "taunt" , "leery" , "class" , "theme" , "lofty" , "tibia" , "booze" , "alpha" , "thyme" , "eclat" , "doubt" , "parer" , "chute" , "stick" , "trice" , "alike" , "sooth" , "recap" , "saint" , "liege" , "glory" , "grate" , "admit" , "brisk" , "soggy" , "usurp" , "scald" , "scorn" , "leave" , "twine" , "sting" , "bough" , "marsh" , "sloth" , "dandy" , "vigor" , "howdy" , "enjoy" , "valid" , "ionic" , "equal" , "unset" , "floor" , "catch" , "spade" , "stein" , "exist" , "quirk" , "denim" , "grove" , "spiel" , "mummy" , "fault" , "foggy" , "flout" , "carry" , "sneak" , "libel" , "waltz" , "aptly" , "piney" , "inept" , "aloud" , "photo" , "dream" , "stale" , "vomit" , "ombre" , "fanny" , "unite" , "snarl" , "baker" , "there" , "glyph" , "pooch" , "hippy" , "spell" , "folly" , "louse" , "gulch" , "vault" , "godly" , "threw" , "fleet" , "grave" , "inane" , "shock" , "crave" , "spite" , "valve" , "skimp" , "claim" , "rainy" , "musty" , "pique" , "daddy" , "quasi" , "arise" , "aging" , "valet" , "opium" , "avert" , "stuck" , "recut" , "mulch" , "genre" , "plume" , "rifle" , "count" , "incur" , "total" , "wrest" , "mocha" , "deter" , "study" , "lover" , "safer" , "rivet" , "funny" , "smoke" , "mound" , "undue" , "sedan" , "pagan" , "swine" , "guile" , "gusty" , "equip" , "tough" , "canoe" , "chaos" , "covet" , "human" , "udder" , "lunch" , "blast" , "stray" , "manga" , "melee" , "lefty" , "quick" , "paste" , "given" , "octet" , "risen" , "groan" , "leaky" , "grind" , "carve" , "loose" , "sadly" , "spilt" , "apple" , "slack" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "final" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIarf" , "spelt" , "coach" , "erupt" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "price" , "spawn" , "fairy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "stack" , "chose" , "sleep" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "niece" , "woozy" , "handy" , "grace" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIto" , "stank" , "cream" , "usual" , "diode" , "valor" , "angle" , "ninja" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "chase" , "reply" , "prone" , "spoil" , "heart" , "shade" , "diner" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "dowel" , "couch" , "pPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "bowel" , "smile" , "evoke" , "creek" , "lance" , "eagle" , "idiot" , "siren" , "built" , "embed" , "award" , "dPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "frown" , "patio" , "laden" , "humid" , "elite" , "lymph" , "edify" , "might" , "reset" , "visit" , "gusto" , "purse" , "vapor" , "crock" , "write" , "sunny" , "loath" , "chaff" , "slide" , "queer" , "venom" , "stamp" , "sorry" , "still" , "acorn" , "aping" , "pushy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIile" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "house" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "exPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "about" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "cycle" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "place" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "stage" , "decay" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "clean" , "china" , "ridge" , "vowel" , "gnome" , "snPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "icing" , "spPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "snPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "flowPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "track" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "doing" , "ozone" , "amply" , "molar" , "ovary" , "beset" , "queue" , "cliff" , "magic" , "truce" , "sport" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "edict" , "twirl" , "verse" , "llama" , "eaten" , "range" , "whisk" , "hovel" , "rehab" , "macaw" , "sigma" , "spout" , "verve" , "sushi" , "dying" , "fetid" , "brain" , "buddy" , "thump" , "scion" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIandy" , "chord" , "basin" , "march" , "crowd" , "arbor" , "gayly" , "musky" , "stain" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "bless" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "stung" , "title" , "ruler" , "kiosk" , "blond" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIui" , "layer" , "fluid" , "tatty" , "score" , "cutie" , "zebra" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "aider" , "shook" , "river" , "privy" , "betel" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIisk" , "bongo" , "begun" , "azure" , "weave" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIie" , "sound" , "glove" , "braid" , "scope" , "wryly" , "rover" , "assay" , "ocean" , "bloom" , "irate" , "later" , "woken" , "silky" , "wreck" , "dwelt" , "slate" , "smack" , "solid" , "amaze" , "hazel" , "wrist" , "jolly" , "globe" , "flint" , "rouse" , "civil" , "vista" , "relax" , "cover" , "alive" , "beech" , "jetty" , "bliss" , "vocal" , "often" , "dolly" , "eight" , "joker" , "since" , "event" , "ensue" , "shunt" , "diver" , "poser" , "worst" , "sweep" , "alley" , "creed" , "anime" , "leafy" , "bosom" , "dunce" , "stare" , "pudgy" , "waive" , "choir" , "stood" , "spoke" , "outgo" , "delay" , "bilge" , "ideal" , "clasp" , "seize" , "hotly" , "laugh" , "sieve" , "block" , "meant" , "grape" , "noose" , "hardy" , "shied" , "drawl" , "daisy" , "putty" , "strut" , "burnt" , "tulip" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIick" , "idyll" , "vixen" , "furor" , "geeky" , "cough" , "naive" , "shoal" , "stork" , "bathe" , "aunty" , "check" , "prime" , "brass" , "outer" , "furry" , "razor" , "elect" , "evict" , "imply" , "demur" , "quota" , "haven" , "cavil" , "swear" , "crump" , "dough" , "gavel" , "wagon" , "salon" , "nudge" , "hPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "pitch" , "sworn" , "pupil" , "excel" , "stony" , "cabin" , "unzip" , "queen" , "trout" , "polyp" , "earth" , "storm" , "until" , "taper" , "enter" , "child" , "adopt" , "minor" , "fatty" , "husky" , "brave" , "filet" , "slime" , "glint" , "tread" , "steal" , "regal" , "guest" , "every" , "murky" , "share" , "spore" , "hoist" , "buxom" , "inner" , "otter" , "dimly" , "level" , "sumac" , "donut" , "stilt" , "arena" , "sheet" , "scrub" , "fancy" , "slimy" , "pearl" , "silly" , "porch" , "dingo" , "sepia" , "amble" , "shady" , "bread" , "friar" , "reign" , "dairy" , "quill" , "cross" , "brood" , "tuber" , "shear" , "posit" , "blank" , "villa" , "shank" , "piggy" , "freak" , "which" , "among" , "fecal" , "shell" , "would" , "algae" , "large" , "rabbi" , "agony" , "amuse" , "bushy" , "copse" , "swoon" , "knife" , "pouch" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "plane" , "crown" , "urban" , "snide" , "relay" , "abide" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "straw" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "crash" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIass" , "third" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIick" , "tutor" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "blurb" , "grief" , "disco" , "where" , "sassy" , "beach" , "sauna" , "comic" , "clued" , "creep" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "graze" , "snuff" , "frock" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "steel" , "halve" , "buyer" , "vinyl" , "utile" , "smell" , "adage" , "worry" , "tasty" , "local" , "trade" , "finch" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "modal" , "gaunt" , "clove" , "enact" , "adorn" , "roast" , "speck" , "sheik" , "missy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "snoop" , "party" , "touch" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "array" , "south" , "vapid" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "angst" , "tubal" , "lower" , "crest" , "sweat" , "cyber" , "adore" , "tardy" , "swami" , "notch" , "groom" , "roach" , "hitch" , "young" , "align" , "ready" , "frond" , "strap" , "puree" , "realm" , "venue" , "swarm" , "offer" , "seven" , "dryer" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIary" , "dryly" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "heady" , "theta" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIunto" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIoth" , "bonus" , "shalt" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "datum" , "build" , "piano" , "shelf" , "lodge" , "suing" , "rearm" , "coral" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "worth" , "psalm" , "infer" , "overt" , "mayor" , "ovoid" , "glide" , "usage" , "poise" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIy" , "chuck" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "fishy" , "tooth" , "ether" , "drove" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIler" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIath" , "stint" , "while" , "begat" , "apply" , "slang" , "tarot" , "radar" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "aware" , "canon" , "shift" , "timer" , "bylaw" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIum" , "three" , "steak" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "blunt" , "puppy" , "penal" , "joist" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "shape" , "beget" , "wheel" , "adept" , "stunt" , "stole" , "topaz" , "chore" , "fluke" , "afoot" , "bloat" , "bully" , "dense" , "caper" , "sneer" , "boxer" , "jumbo" , "lunge" , "space" , "avail" , "short" , "slurp" , "loyal" , "flirt" , "pizza" , "conch" , "tempo" , "droop" , "plate" , "bible" , "plunk" , "afoul" , "savoy" , "steep" , "agile" , "stake" , "dwell" , "knave" , "beard" , "arose" , "motif" , "smash" , "broil" , "glare" , "shove" , "baggy" , "mammy" , "swamp" , "along" , "rugby" , "wager" , "quack" , "squat" , "snaky" , "debit" , "mange" , "skate" , "ninth" , "joust" , "tramp" , "spurn" , "medal" , "micro" , "rebel" , "flank" , "learn" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "maple" , "comfy" , "remit" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIuff" , "ester" , "least" , "mogul" , "fetch" , "cause" , "oaken" , "aglow" , "meaty" , "gaffe" , "shyly" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIacer" , "prowl" , "thief" , "stern" , "poesy" , "rocky" , "tweet" , "waist" , "spire" , "grope" , "havoc" , "patsy" , "truly" , "forty" , "deity" , "uncle" , "swish" , "giver" , "preen" , "bevel" , "lemur" , "draft" , "slope" , "annoy" , "lingo" , "bleak" , "ditty" , "curly" , "cedar" , "dirge" , "grown" , "horde" , "drool" , "shuck" , "crypt" , "cumin" , "stock" , "gravy" , "locus" , "wider" , "breed" , "quite" , "chafe" , "cache" , "blimp" , "deign" , "fiend" , "logic" , "cheap" , "elide" , "rigid" , "false" , "renal" , "pence" , "rowdy" , "shoot" , "blaze" , "envoy" , "posse" , "brief" , "never" , "abort" , "mouse" , "mucky" , "sulky" , "fiery" , "media" , "trunk" , "yeast" , "clear" , "skunk" , "scalp" , "bitty" , "cider" , "koala" , "duvet" , "segue" , "creme" , "super" , "grill" , "after" , "owner" , "ember" , "reach" , "nobly" , "empty" , "speed" , "gipsy" , "recur" , "smock" , "dread" , "merge" , "burst" , "kappa" , "amity" , "shaky" , "hover" , "carol" , "snort" , "synod" , "faint" , "haunt" , "flour" , "chair" , "detox" , "shrew" , "tense" , "plied" , "quark" , "burly" , "novel" , "waxen" , "stoic" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIky" , "blitz" , "beefy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "hussy" , "towel" , "quilt" , "below" , "bingo" , "wispy" , "brash" , "scone" , "toast" , "easel" , "saucy" , "value" , "spice" , "honor" , "route" , "sharp" , "bawdy" , "radii" , "skull" , "phony" , "issue" , "lager" , "swell" , "urine" , "gassy" , "trial" , "flora" , "upper" , "latch" , "wight" , "brick" , "retry" , "holly" , "decal" , "grass" , "shack" , "dogma" , "mover" , "defer" , "sober" , "optic" , "crier" , "vying" , "nomad" , "flute" , "hippo" , "shark" , "drier" , "obese" , "bugle" , "tawny" , "chalk" , "feast" , "ruddy" , "pedal" , "scarf" , "cruel" , "bleat" , "tidal" , "slush" , "semen" , "windy" , "dusty" , "sally" , "igloo" , "nerdy" , "jewel" , "shone" , "whale" , "hymen" , "abuse" , "fugue" , "elbow" , "crumb" , "pansy" , "welsh" , "syrup" , "terse" , "suave" , "gamut" , "swung" , "drake" , "freed" , "afire" , "shirt" , "grout" , "oddly" , "tithe" , "plaid" , "dummy" , "broom" , "blind" , "torch" , "enemy" , "again" , "tying" , "pesky" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "gPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "noble" , "ethos" , "bride" , "extol" , "decor" , "hobby" , "beast" , "idiom" , "utter" , "these" , "sixth" , "alarm" , "erase" , "elegy" , "spunk" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "scaly" , "scold" , "hefty" , "chick" , "sooty" , "canal" , "whiny" , "slash" , "quake" , "joint" , "swept" , "prude" , "heavy" , "wield" , "femme" , "lasso" , "maize" , "shale" , "screw" , "spree" , "smoky" , "whiff" , "scent" , "glade" , "spent" , "prism" , "stoke" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "orbit" , "cocoa" , "guilt" , "humus" , "shush" , "table" , "smirk" , "wrong" , "noisy" , "alert" , "shiny" , "elate" , "resin" , "whole" , "hunch" , "pixel" , "polar" , "hotel" , "sword" , "cleat" , "mango" , "rumba" , "puffy" , "filly" , "billy" , "leash" , "clout" , "dance" , "ovate" , "facet" , "chili" , "paint" , "liner" , "curio" , "salty" , "audio" , "snake" , "fable" , "cloak" , "navel" , "spurt" , "pesto" , "balmy" , "flash" , "unwed" , "early" , "churn" , "weedy" , "stump" , "lease" , "witty" , "wimpy" , "spoof" , "saner" , "blend" , "salsa" , "thick" , "warty" , "manic" , "blare" , "squib" , "spoon" , "probe" , "crepe" , "knack" , "force" , "debut" , "order" , "haste" , "teeth" , "agent" , "widen" , "icily" , "slice" , "ingot" , "clash" , "juror" , "blood" , "abode" , "throw" , "unity" , "pivot" , "slept" , "troop" , "spare" , "sewer" , "parse" , "morph" , "cacti" , "tacky" , "spool" , "demon" , "moody" , "annex" , "begin" , "fuzzy" , "patch" , "water" , "lumpy" , "admin" , "omega" , "limit" , "tabby" , "macho" , "aisle" , "skiff" , "basis" , "plank" , "verge" , "botch" , "crawl" , "lousy" , "slain" , "cubic" , "raise" , "wrack" , "guide" , "foist" , "cameo" , "under" , "actor" , "revue" , "fraud" , "harpy" , "scoop" , "climb" , "refer" , "olden" , "clerk" , "debar" , "tally" , "ethic" , "cairn" , "tulle" , "ghoul" , "hilly" , "crude" , "apart" , "scale" , "older" , "plain" , "sperm" , "briny" , "abbot" , "rerun" , "quest" , "crisp" , "bound" , "befit" , "drawn" , "suite" , "itchy" , "cheer" , "bagel" , "guess" , "broad" , "axiom" , "chard" , "caput" , "leant" , "harsh" , "curse" , "proud" , "swing" , "opine" , "taste" , "lupus" , "gumbo" , "miner" , "green" , "chasm" , "lipid" , "topic" , "armor" , "brush" , "crane" , "mural" , "abled" , "habit" , "bossy" , "maker" , "dusky" , "dizzy" , "lithe" , "brook" , "jazzy" , "fifty" , "sense" , "giant" , "surly" , "legal" , "fatal" , "flunk" , "began" , "prune" , "small" , "slant" , "scoff" , "torus" , "ninny" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "viper" , "taken" , "moral" , "vogue" , "owing" , "token" , "entry" , "booth" , "voter" , "chide" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIfin" , "ebony" , "neigh" , "minim" , "melon" , "kneed" , "decoy" , "voila" , "ankle" , "arrow" , "mushy" , "tribe" , "cease" , "eager" , "birth" , "graph" , "odder" , "terra" , "weird" , "tried" , "clack" , "color" , "rough" , "weigh" , "uncut" , "ladle" , "strip" , "craft" , "minus" , "dicey" , "titan" , "lucid" , "vicar" , "dress" , "ditch" , "gypsy" , "pasta" , "taffy" , "flame" , "swoop" , "aloof" , "sight" , "broke" , "teary" , "chart" , "sixty" , "wordy" , "sheer" , "leper" , "nosey" , "bulge" , "savor" , "clamp" , "funky" , "foamy" , "toxic" , "brand" , "plumb" , "dingy" , "butte" , "drill" , "tripe" , "bicep" , "tenor" , "krill" , "worse" , "drama" , "hyena" , "think" , "ratio" , "cobra" , "basil" , "scrum" , "bused" , "phone" , "court" , "camel" , "proof" , "heard" , "angel" , "petal" , "pouty" , "throb" , "maybe" , "fetal" , "sprig" , "spine" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "macro" , "dodgy" , "satyr" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIarer" , "binge" , "trend" , "nutty" , "leapt" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "split" , "myrrh" , "width" , "sonar" , "tower" , "baron" , "fever" , "waver" , "spark" , "belie" , "sloop" , "expel" , "smote" , "baler" , "above" , "north" , "wafer" , "scant" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "awash" , "snack" , "scowl" , "frail" , "drift" , "limbo" , "fence" , "motel" , "ounce" , "wreak" , "revel" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "prior" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "flake" , "debug" , "anode" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIme" , "salve" , "scout" , "imbue" , "pinky" , "stave" , "vague" , "chock" , "fight" , "video" , "stone" , "teach" , "cleft" , "frost" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIawn" , "booty" , "twist" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PInea" , "stiff" , "plaza" , "ledge" , "tweak" , "board" , "grant" , "medic" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIacon" , "cable" , "brawl" , "slunk" , "raspy" , "forum" , "drone" , "women" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIucus" , "boast" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIdy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIven" , "tumor" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIuer" , "wrath" , "stall" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "berry" , "coPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "brPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "legPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "scPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "avoid" , "quote" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "gloss" , "gPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "noise" , "gland" , "dealt" , "sling" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "tonga" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "wound" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "etude" , "horse" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "inbox" , "fizzy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIain" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "surge" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "belle" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "crush" , "fruit" , "sappy" , "taker" , "tract" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIine" , "spiky" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "reedy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIth" , "spasm" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIave" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "right" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIank" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIacht" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "state" , "grasp" , "milky" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "sandy" , "baste" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "blade" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "cloud" , "cabal" , "lePI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "close" , "tenth" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIail" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIee" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "fPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "fully" , "zonal" , "metro" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "occur" , "chain" , "nasal" , "gooey" , "filer" , "brace" , "allay" , "pubic" , "raven" , "plead" , "gnash" , "flaky" , "munch" , "dully" , "eking" , "thing" , "slink" , "hurry" , "theft" , "shorn" , "pygmy" , "ranch" , "wring" , "lemon" , "shore" , "mamma" , "froze" , "newer" , "style" , "moose" , "antic" , "drown" , "vegan" , "chess" , "guppy" , "union" , "lever" , "lorry" , "image" , "cabby" , "druid" , "exact" , "truth" , "dopey" , "spear" , "cried" , "chime" , "crony" , "stunk" , "timid" , "batch" , "gauge" , "rotor" , "crack" , "curve" , "latte" , "witch" , "bunch" , "repel" , "anvil" , "soapy" , "meter" , "broth" , "madly" , "dried" , "scene" , "known" , "magma" , "roost" , "woman" , "thong" , "punch" , "pasty" , "downy" , "knead" , "whirl" , "rapid" , "clang" , "anger" , "drive" , "goofy" , "email" , "music" , "stuff" , "bleep" , "rider" , "mecca" , "folio" , "setup" , "verso" , "quash" , "fauna" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "press" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIose" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "speak" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "snPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIy" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "going" , "leach" , "mouth" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "piece" , "blPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "spPI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PIid" , "intro" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "hello" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "extra" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "adult" , "judge" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] length : Int length = List.length asList
[ { "context": "[ type' \"text\"\n , placeholder \"Github name\"\n , onInput SetLogin\n ", "end": 1160, "score": 0.9922652245, "start": 1149, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Github name" } ]
module Pages.Login.View exposing (view) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..), WebData) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import User.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Update exposing (..) view : WebData User -> Model -> Html Msg view user model = let spinner = i [ class "notched circle loading icon" ] [] ( isLoading, isError ) = case user of Loading -> ( True, False ) Failure _ -> ( False, True ) _ -> ( False, False ) inputClasses = classList [ ( "ui action input", True ) , ( "error", isError ) ] in Html.form [ onSubmit TryLogin , action "javascript:void(0);" , class "ui stacked segment" ] [ div [ inputClasses ] [ input [ type' "text" , placeholder "Github name" , onInput SetLogin , value model.login ] [] -- Submit button , button [ onClick TryLogin , disabled (isLoading || isError) , class "ui primary button" ] [ span [ hidden <| not isLoading ] [ spinner ] , span [ hidden isLoading ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] ]
module Pages.Login.View exposing (view) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..), WebData) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import User.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Update exposing (..) view : WebData User -> Model -> Html Msg view user model = let spinner = i [ class "notched circle loading icon" ] [] ( isLoading, isError ) = case user of Loading -> ( True, False ) Failure _ -> ( False, True ) _ -> ( False, False ) inputClasses = classList [ ( "ui action input", True ) , ( "error", isError ) ] in Html.form [ onSubmit TryLogin , action "javascript:void(0);" , class "ui stacked segment" ] [ div [ inputClasses ] [ input [ type' "text" , placeholder "<NAME>" , onInput SetLogin , value model.login ] [] -- Submit button , button [ onClick TryLogin , disabled (isLoading || isError) , class "ui primary button" ] [ span [ hidden <| not isLoading ] [ spinner ] , span [ hidden isLoading ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] ]
module Pages.Login.View exposing (view) import RemoteData exposing (RemoteData(..), WebData) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput, onSubmit) import User.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Model exposing (..) import Pages.Login.Update exposing (..) view : WebData User -> Model -> Html Msg view user model = let spinner = i [ class "notched circle loading icon" ] [] ( isLoading, isError ) = case user of Loading -> ( True, False ) Failure _ -> ( False, True ) _ -> ( False, False ) inputClasses = classList [ ( "ui action input", True ) , ( "error", isError ) ] in Html.form [ onSubmit TryLogin , action "javascript:void(0);" , class "ui stacked segment" ] [ div [ inputClasses ] [ input [ type' "text" , placeholder "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , onInput SetLogin , value model.login ] [] -- Submit button , button [ onClick TryLogin , disabled (isLoading || isError) , class "ui primary button" ] [ span [ hidden <| not isLoading ] [ spinner ] , span [ hidden isLoading ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] ]
[ { "context": "\" ) ]\n ]\n [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text \"Yinsh\" ]\n , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text \"on the Web!\"", "end": 2114, "score": 0.9987252355, "start": 2109, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Yinsh" }, { "context": "ml.p []\n [ Html.a [ href \"//github.com/jreut/elm-yinsh\" ]\n [ Html.text \"source ", "end": 2234, "score": 0.999522984, "start": 2229, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "jreut" } ]
module Main exposing (main) import Board exposing (Board) import Game import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, style) import Marker exposing (Marker) import Player exposing (Player) import Svg exposing (Svg) import View.Board as BoardView import View.Occupant as OccupantView import View.Score as ScoreView main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = { game = Game.init } ! [] --- MODEL type alias Model = { game : Game.State } --- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view { game } = let config = BoardView.config { toSvg = toSvg game , toMsg = toMsg game } boardView = BoardView.view config (game |> Game.board |> Board.positions) in Html.main_ [ style [ ( "backgroundColor", "lightblue" ) , ( "display", "flex" ) , ( "flex-direction", "row" ) , ( "width", "100%" ) , ( "width", "100vw" ) , ( "height", "100%" ) , ( "height", "100vh" ) ] ] [ Html.map (always NoOp) header , boardView , messagesView game ] toSvg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Svg Msg toSvg game position = let shouldHighlight = Game.movesForCoordinate position.coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> not << List.isEmpty in OccupantView.view shouldHighlight position toMsg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Msg toMsg game { coordinate } = Game.movesForCoordinate coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> List.head |> Maybe.map MakeMove |> Maybe.withDefault NoOp header : Html Never header = Html.header [ style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text "Yinsh" ] , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "on the Web!" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "//github.com/jreut/elm-yinsh" ] [ Html.text "source code" ] ] ] messagesView : Game.State -> Html Msg messagesView game = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text (Game.message game) ] , Html.p [] [ Html.em [] [ Html.text "Click on any highlighted position to move." ] ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "http://www.gipf.com/yinsh/" ] [ Html.text "Learn more" ] , Html.text " about the game." ] , ScoreView.view (Game.scores game) ] --- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions = always Sub.none --- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp | MakeMove Game.Move update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] MakeMove move -> { model | game = Game.update move model.game } ! []
module Main exposing (main) import Board exposing (Board) import Game import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, style) import Marker exposing (Marker) import Player exposing (Player) import Svg exposing (Svg) import View.Board as BoardView import View.Occupant as OccupantView import View.Score as ScoreView main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = { game = Game.init } ! [] --- MODEL type alias Model = { game : Game.State } --- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view { game } = let config = BoardView.config { toSvg = toSvg game , toMsg = toMsg game } boardView = BoardView.view config (game |> Game.board |> Board.positions) in Html.main_ [ style [ ( "backgroundColor", "lightblue" ) , ( "display", "flex" ) , ( "flex-direction", "row" ) , ( "width", "100%" ) , ( "width", "100vw" ) , ( "height", "100%" ) , ( "height", "100vh" ) ] ] [ Html.map (always NoOp) header , boardView , messagesView game ] toSvg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Svg Msg toSvg game position = let shouldHighlight = Game.movesForCoordinate position.coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> not << List.isEmpty in OccupantView.view shouldHighlight position toMsg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Msg toMsg game { coordinate } = Game.movesForCoordinate coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> List.head |> Maybe.map MakeMove |> Maybe.withDefault NoOp header : Html Never header = Html.header [ style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text "<NAME>" ] , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "on the Web!" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "//github.com/jreut/elm-yinsh" ] [ Html.text "source code" ] ] ] messagesView : Game.State -> Html Msg messagesView game = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text (Game.message game) ] , Html.p [] [ Html.em [] [ Html.text "Click on any highlighted position to move." ] ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "http://www.gipf.com/yinsh/" ] [ Html.text "Learn more" ] , Html.text " about the game." ] , ScoreView.view (Game.scores game) ] --- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions = always Sub.none --- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp | MakeMove Game.Move update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] MakeMove move -> { model | game = Game.update move model.game } ! []
module Main exposing (main) import Board exposing (Board) import Game import Html exposing (Html) import Html.Attributes exposing (href, style) import Marker exposing (Marker) import Player exposing (Player) import Svg exposing (Svg) import View.Board as BoardView import View.Occupant as OccupantView import View.Score as ScoreView main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { init = init , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , view = view } init : ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init = { game = Game.init } ! [] --- MODEL type alias Model = { game : Game.State } --- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view { game } = let config = BoardView.config { toSvg = toSvg game , toMsg = toMsg game } boardView = BoardView.view config (game |> Game.board |> Board.positions) in Html.main_ [ style [ ( "backgroundColor", "lightblue" ) , ( "display", "flex" ) , ( "flex-direction", "row" ) , ( "width", "100%" ) , ( "width", "100vw" ) , ( "height", "100%" ) , ( "height", "100vh" ) ] ] [ Html.map (always NoOp) header , boardView , messagesView game ] toSvg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Svg Msg toSvg game position = let shouldHighlight = Game.movesForCoordinate position.coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> not << List.isEmpty in OccupantView.view shouldHighlight position toMsg : Game.State -> Board.Position Player Marker -> Msg toMsg game { coordinate } = Game.movesForCoordinate coordinate (Game.availableMoves game) |> List.head |> Maybe.map MakeMove |> Maybe.withDefault NoOp header : Html Never header = Html.header [ style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.h1 [] [ Html.text "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ] , Html.h2 [] [ Html.text "on the Web!" ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "//github.com/jreut/elm-yinsh" ] [ Html.text "source code" ] ] ] messagesView : Game.State -> Html Msg messagesView game = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.style [ ( "flex-basis", "20%" ) ] ] [ Html.p [] [ Html.text (Game.message game) ] , Html.p [] [ Html.em [] [ Html.text "Click on any highlighted position to move." ] ] , Html.p [] [ Html.a [ href "http://www.gipf.com/yinsh/" ] [ Html.text "Learn more" ] , Html.text " about the game." ] , ScoreView.view (Game.scores game) ] --- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions = always Sub.none --- UPDATE type Msg = NoOp | MakeMove Game.Move update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] MakeMove move -> { model | game = Game.update move model.game } ! []
[ { "context": " [ span\n []\n [ text \"Made by Gabriel Grinberg, \" ]\n , em\n []\n [ te", "end": 2306, "score": 0.9998700619, "start": 2290, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Gabriel Grinberg" } ]
module EditorWrapper (..) where import Editor import Router import Signal import Effects exposing (Effects) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import WebAPI.Location exposing (location) import Maybe exposing (..) import String import Api import Time type State = Loading | Ready | NotFound type alias Model = { state : State , editor : Editor.Model } type Action = EditorAction Editor.Action | LoadCode String initModel : Model initModel = { state = Loading , editor = Editor.initModel } getPath : Task x String getPath = Task.map (\l -> l.pathname) location getIdFromUrl : Task x (Maybe String) getIdFromUrl = let getId = (\p -> if (String.length p == 1) then Nothing else (Just (String.dropLeft 6 p)) ) in getPath |> Task.map getId |> (flip Task.onError) (\v -> Task.succeed Nothing) getCodeFromIdInUrl : Effects Action getCodeFromIdInUrl = getIdFromUrl |> (flip Task.andThen) (\maybeId -> case maybeId of Just id -> Api.getCode id `Task.onError` (\str -> Task.succeed str) |> Task.map (\code -> LoadCode code) Nothing -> let im = Editor.initModel in Task.succeed im.code |> Task.map LoadCode ) |> Effects.task init : ( Model, Effects Action ) init = ( initModel -- , Effects.map EditorAction fx --, getCode "cim7osup20000xa083lxem4pu" , getCodeFromIdInUrl ) update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action ) update action model = case action of EditorAction act -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update act model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) LoadCode code -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update (Editor.UpdateCode code) model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor, state = Ready } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) appFooter : Html appFooter = footer [] [ div [] [ span [] [ text "Made by Gabriel Grinberg, " ] , em [] [ text "(almost) " ] , span [] [ text "entirely in Elm!" ] ] , img [ src "assets/github.png" ] [] ] appHeader : Html appHeader = header [] [ span [ id "logo" ] [ span [ class "elm" ] [ text "Elm" ] , span [ class "fiddle" ] [ text "Fiddle." ] , span [ class "i" ] [ text "i" ] , span [ class "o" ] [ text "o" ] ] , div [ id "snippet-container" ] [ input [ id "snippet-name" , value "" , placeholder "New Snippet" , maxlength 20 ] [] ] , div [ id "dummy" ] [] ] view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = case model.state of Ready -> div [ id "main" ] [ appHeader, Editor.view (Signal.forwardTo address EditorAction) model.editor, appFooter ] _ -> div [] [ text "Loading" ] everyHalfSecond = Time.every (Time.millisecond * 500) loadingTicker = Signal.map (\a -> EditorAction Editor.Tick) everyHalfSecond inputs = [loadingTicker]
module EditorWrapper (..) where import Editor import Router import Signal import Effects exposing (Effects) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import WebAPI.Location exposing (location) import Maybe exposing (..) import String import Api import Time type State = Loading | Ready | NotFound type alias Model = { state : State , editor : Editor.Model } type Action = EditorAction Editor.Action | LoadCode String initModel : Model initModel = { state = Loading , editor = Editor.initModel } getPath : Task x String getPath = Task.map (\l -> l.pathname) location getIdFromUrl : Task x (Maybe String) getIdFromUrl = let getId = (\p -> if (String.length p == 1) then Nothing else (Just (String.dropLeft 6 p)) ) in getPath |> Task.map getId |> (flip Task.onError) (\v -> Task.succeed Nothing) getCodeFromIdInUrl : Effects Action getCodeFromIdInUrl = getIdFromUrl |> (flip Task.andThen) (\maybeId -> case maybeId of Just id -> Api.getCode id `Task.onError` (\str -> Task.succeed str) |> Task.map (\code -> LoadCode code) Nothing -> let im = Editor.initModel in Task.succeed im.code |> Task.map LoadCode ) |> Effects.task init : ( Model, Effects Action ) init = ( initModel -- , Effects.map EditorAction fx --, getCode "cim7osup20000xa083lxem4pu" , getCodeFromIdInUrl ) update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action ) update action model = case action of EditorAction act -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update act model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) LoadCode code -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update (Editor.UpdateCode code) model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor, state = Ready } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) appFooter : Html appFooter = footer [] [ div [] [ span [] [ text "Made by <NAME>, " ] , em [] [ text "(almost) " ] , span [] [ text "entirely in Elm!" ] ] , img [ src "assets/github.png" ] [] ] appHeader : Html appHeader = header [] [ span [ id "logo" ] [ span [ class "elm" ] [ text "Elm" ] , span [ class "fiddle" ] [ text "Fiddle." ] , span [ class "i" ] [ text "i" ] , span [ class "o" ] [ text "o" ] ] , div [ id "snippet-container" ] [ input [ id "snippet-name" , value "" , placeholder "New Snippet" , maxlength 20 ] [] ] , div [ id "dummy" ] [] ] view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = case model.state of Ready -> div [ id "main" ] [ appHeader, Editor.view (Signal.forwardTo address EditorAction) model.editor, appFooter ] _ -> div [] [ text "Loading" ] everyHalfSecond = Time.every (Time.millisecond * 500) loadingTicker = Signal.map (\a -> EditorAction Editor.Tick) everyHalfSecond inputs = [loadingTicker]
module EditorWrapper (..) where import Editor import Router import Signal import Effects exposing (Effects) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Task exposing (..) import WebAPI.Location exposing (location) import Maybe exposing (..) import String import Api import Time type State = Loading | Ready | NotFound type alias Model = { state : State , editor : Editor.Model } type Action = EditorAction Editor.Action | LoadCode String initModel : Model initModel = { state = Loading , editor = Editor.initModel } getPath : Task x String getPath = Task.map (\l -> l.pathname) location getIdFromUrl : Task x (Maybe String) getIdFromUrl = let getId = (\p -> if (String.length p == 1) then Nothing else (Just (String.dropLeft 6 p)) ) in getPath |> Task.map getId |> (flip Task.onError) (\v -> Task.succeed Nothing) getCodeFromIdInUrl : Effects Action getCodeFromIdInUrl = getIdFromUrl |> (flip Task.andThen) (\maybeId -> case maybeId of Just id -> Api.getCode id `Task.onError` (\str -> Task.succeed str) |> Task.map (\code -> LoadCode code) Nothing -> let im = Editor.initModel in Task.succeed im.code |> Task.map LoadCode ) |> Effects.task init : ( Model, Effects Action ) init = ( initModel -- , Effects.map EditorAction fx --, getCode "cim7osup20000xa083lxem4pu" , getCodeFromIdInUrl ) update : Action -> Model -> ( Model, Effects Action ) update action model = case action of EditorAction act -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update act model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) LoadCode code -> let ( editor, fx ) = Editor.update (Editor.UpdateCode code) model.editor in ( { model | editor = editor, state = Ready } , Effects.map EditorAction fx ) appFooter : Html appFooter = footer [] [ div [] [ span [] [ text "Made by PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI, " ] , em [] [ text "(almost) " ] , span [] [ text "entirely in Elm!" ] ] , img [ src "assets/github.png" ] [] ] appHeader : Html appHeader = header [] [ span [ id "logo" ] [ span [ class "elm" ] [ text "Elm" ] , span [ class "fiddle" ] [ text "Fiddle." ] , span [ class "i" ] [ text "i" ] , span [ class "o" ] [ text "o" ] ] , div [ id "snippet-container" ] [ input [ id "snippet-name" , value "" , placeholder "New Snippet" , maxlength 20 ] [] ] , div [ id "dummy" ] [] ] view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html view address model = case model.state of Ready -> div [ id "main" ] [ appHeader, Editor.view (Signal.forwardTo address EditorAction) model.editor, appFooter ] _ -> div [] [ text "Loading" ] everyHalfSecond = Time.every (Time.millisecond * 500) loadingTicker = Signal.map (\a -> EditorAction Editor.Tick) everyHalfSecond inputs = [loadingTicker]
[ { "context": " \"attributes\": {\n \"firstname\": \"John\",\n \"lastname\": \"Doe\",\n ", "end": 1557, "score": 0.9997053742, "start": 1553, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": "\"firstname\": \"John\",\n \"lastname\": \"Doe\",\n \"gender\": \"male\"\n },", "end": 1592, "score": 0.9996110201, "start": 1589, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" }, { "context": "thAttributes\n [ ( \"firstname\", string \"John\" )\n , ( \"lastname\", string \"Doe\" )\n ", "end": 2092, "score": 0.9998102784, "start": 2088, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": "ring \"John\" )\n , ( \"lastname\", string \"Doe\" )\n , ( \"gender\", string \"male\" )\n ", "end": 2135, "score": 0.9997782707, "start": 2132, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" }, { "context": "tributes\n [ ( \"firstname\", string \"John\" )\n , ( \"lastname\", string \"Doe\" )", "end": 8843, "score": 0.9988124371, "start": 8839, "tag": "NAME", "value": "John" }, { "context": " \"John\" )\n , ( \"lastname\", string \"Doe\" )\n , ( \"gender\", string \"male\" )\n", "end": 8890, "score": 0.9959017038, "start": 8887, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Doe" } ]
module JsonApi.Resource exposing ( Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData(..), RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc , build, fromResource , id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc , withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship , relationship, relationships ) {-| JsonApi.Resource exposes the `Resource` type and functions to get and set information for your resources. # Type @docs Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData, RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc # New resource @docs build, fromResource # Getter functions @docs id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc # Setter functions @docs withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship # Relationships @docs relationship, relationships -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode exposing (Value, object) import JsonApi.Internal.ResourceInfo as Internal {-| The `Resource` represents a resource. It is passed to your resource decoders, but you can also use it to encode resources to json api, via a `Document`. It contains useful information for decoding and encoding your resource: resource `id`, `links`, `attributes`, `relationships`, ... \_Example of json api <resource:_> ```json { "data": [ { "type": "users", "id": "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad", "links": { "self": "http://link-to-user", "profile": "http://link-to-user-profile" }, "attributes": { "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "gender": "male" }, "relationships": {} } ] } ``` And how to build it with the `JsonApi.Resource` module: build "users" |> withId "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] ) |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "John" ) , ( "lastname", string "Doe" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} type alias Resource = Internal.ResourceInfo {-| This type is used to represent either one or many relationships in your `Resource` object. See `withRelationship` function for more information -} type alias OneOrManyRelationships = Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Relationship's data object. It's a variant type because in a relationship the `data` field can either: be null, have one relationship, have many relationships. _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type OneOrMoreRelationshipData = NoRelationship | One RelationshipData | Many (List RelationshipData) {-| Description of the `data` object in a `relationship` object. Contains the `id` of the relationship and it's `type` _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipData = { id : String , type_ : String } {-| The description of a relationship in the `relationships` field of the jsonapi object. For instance (in jsonapi): "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } } } This type contains the links defined in the relationship and the `data` object of the relationship _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipDesc = { data : OneOrMoreRelationshipData , links : Dict String String } {-| Returns the `id` of your resource. From the json example above, `id` will return `13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad` -} id : Resource -> String id (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.id |> Maybe.withDefault "" {-| Returns the `type` of your resource. From the json example above, `type_` will return `users` -} resType : Resource -> String resType (Internal.ResourceInfo { type_ }) = type_ {-| Returns the `links` of your resource. From the json example above, `links` will return a `Dict` with this value: [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] -} links : Resource -> Dict String String links (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.links {-| Returns the relationships description of your resource. **This is not a way to decode a relationship, only a quick way to get the relationship ids and types** type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , relationships : Dict String JsonApi.Resource.RelationshipDesc } decoder : Resource -> Decoder Post decoder resourceInfo = map5 Post (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.getRelationshipsDesc resourceInfo)) Say the relationships for this post are: "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } }, "comments": { "links": {}, "data": [ { "type": "comment", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" }, { "type": "comment", "id": "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" } ] } } Then you will get these information: Dict.get "creator" post.relationships Just { links = [ ( "related", "http://link-to-creator/1" ) ] , data = JsonApi.Resource.One { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" , type_ = "creators" } } Dict.get "comments" post.relationships Just { links = [] , data = JsonApi.Resource.Many [ { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" , type_ = "comment" } , { id = "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" , type_ = "comment" } ] } -} getRelationshipsDesc : Resource -> Dict String RelationshipDesc getRelationshipsDesc (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.relationships |> Dict.map (\k v -> { links = v.links , data = case v.data of Internal.NoRelationship -> NoRelationship Internal.One e -> One e Internal.Many e -> Many e } ) {-| Builds a new `Resource` with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} build : String -> Resource build type_ = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.build type_) {-| Builds a new `Resource` from the specified `Resource` and with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Resource -> Resource myResource resource = fromResource "posts" resource -} fromResource : String -> Resource -> Resource fromResource type_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | type_ = type_ } {-| Sets the id of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" -} withId : String -> Resource -> Resource withId id_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | id = Just id_ } {-| Sets the links of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} withLinks : Dict String String -> Resource -> Resource withLinks links_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | links = links_ } {-| Sets the attributes of the `Resource` object. This is the payload of your resource. myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "John" ) , ( "lastname", string "Doe" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} withAttributes : List ( String, Value ) -> Resource -> Resource withAttributes attrs (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | attributes = object attrs } {-| Adds a relationship in the `Resource` object. You have to pass it the name of the relationship and a description of the relationship resource (See `relationship` and `relationships`) myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} withRelationship : String -> OneOrManyRelationships -> Resource -> Resource withRelationship type_ (Internal.OneOrManyRelationships oneOrMoreRelationships) (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.addRelationship type_ oneOrMoreRelationships info) {-| Defines a relationship that can then be added to its parent `Resource`. It takes the `id` of the resource and the resource. creatorResource : Creator -> Resource creatorResource creator = build "creator" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string creator.firstname ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} relationship : String -> Resource -> OneOrManyRelationships relationship id_ = withId id_ >> Internal.OneRelationship >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Defines a list of relationships that can then be added to a parent `Resource`. It takes a `List` of `Tuple`s with the `id` of the resource and the resource. commentResource : Comment -> Resource commentResource comment = build "comment" |> withAttributes [ ( "content", string comment.content ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "comments" (relationships (List.map (\comment -> ( "comment", commentResource comment )) comments)) -} relationships : List ( String, Resource ) -> OneOrManyRelationships relationships = List.map (\( id_, info ) -> info |> withId id_) >> Internal.ManyRelationships >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships
module JsonApi.Resource exposing ( Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData(..), RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc , build, fromResource , id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc , withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship , relationship, relationships ) {-| JsonApi.Resource exposes the `Resource` type and functions to get and set information for your resources. # Type @docs Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData, RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc # New resource @docs build, fromResource # Getter functions @docs id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc # Setter functions @docs withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship # Relationships @docs relationship, relationships -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode exposing (Value, object) import JsonApi.Internal.ResourceInfo as Internal {-| The `Resource` represents a resource. It is passed to your resource decoders, but you can also use it to encode resources to json api, via a `Document`. It contains useful information for decoding and encoding your resource: resource `id`, `links`, `attributes`, `relationships`, ... \_Example of json api <resource:_> ```json { "data": [ { "type": "users", "id": "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad", "links": { "self": "http://link-to-user", "profile": "http://link-to-user-profile" }, "attributes": { "firstname": "<NAME>", "lastname": "<NAME>", "gender": "male" }, "relationships": {} } ] } ``` And how to build it with the `JsonApi.Resource` module: build "users" |> withId "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] ) |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "<NAME>" ) , ( "lastname", string "<NAME>" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} type alias Resource = Internal.ResourceInfo {-| This type is used to represent either one or many relationships in your `Resource` object. See `withRelationship` function for more information -} type alias OneOrManyRelationships = Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Relationship's data object. It's a variant type because in a relationship the `data` field can either: be null, have one relationship, have many relationships. _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type OneOrMoreRelationshipData = NoRelationship | One RelationshipData | Many (List RelationshipData) {-| Description of the `data` object in a `relationship` object. Contains the `id` of the relationship and it's `type` _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipData = { id : String , type_ : String } {-| The description of a relationship in the `relationships` field of the jsonapi object. For instance (in jsonapi): "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } } } This type contains the links defined in the relationship and the `data` object of the relationship _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipDesc = { data : OneOrMoreRelationshipData , links : Dict String String } {-| Returns the `id` of your resource. From the json example above, `id` will return `13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad` -} id : Resource -> String id (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.id |> Maybe.withDefault "" {-| Returns the `type` of your resource. From the json example above, `type_` will return `users` -} resType : Resource -> String resType (Internal.ResourceInfo { type_ }) = type_ {-| Returns the `links` of your resource. From the json example above, `links` will return a `Dict` with this value: [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] -} links : Resource -> Dict String String links (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.links {-| Returns the relationships description of your resource. **This is not a way to decode a relationship, only a quick way to get the relationship ids and types** type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , relationships : Dict String JsonApi.Resource.RelationshipDesc } decoder : Resource -> Decoder Post decoder resourceInfo = map5 Post (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.getRelationshipsDesc resourceInfo)) Say the relationships for this post are: "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } }, "comments": { "links": {}, "data": [ { "type": "comment", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" }, { "type": "comment", "id": "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" } ] } } Then you will get these information: Dict.get "creator" post.relationships Just { links = [ ( "related", "http://link-to-creator/1" ) ] , data = JsonApi.Resource.One { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" , type_ = "creators" } } Dict.get "comments" post.relationships Just { links = [] , data = JsonApi.Resource.Many [ { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" , type_ = "comment" } , { id = "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" , type_ = "comment" } ] } -} getRelationshipsDesc : Resource -> Dict String RelationshipDesc getRelationshipsDesc (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.relationships |> Dict.map (\k v -> { links = v.links , data = case v.data of Internal.NoRelationship -> NoRelationship Internal.One e -> One e Internal.Many e -> Many e } ) {-| Builds a new `Resource` with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} build : String -> Resource build type_ = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.build type_) {-| Builds a new `Resource` from the specified `Resource` and with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Resource -> Resource myResource resource = fromResource "posts" resource -} fromResource : String -> Resource -> Resource fromResource type_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | type_ = type_ } {-| Sets the id of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" -} withId : String -> Resource -> Resource withId id_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | id = Just id_ } {-| Sets the links of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} withLinks : Dict String String -> Resource -> Resource withLinks links_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | links = links_ } {-| Sets the attributes of the `Resource` object. This is the payload of your resource. myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "<NAME>" ) , ( "lastname", string "<NAME>" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} withAttributes : List ( String, Value ) -> Resource -> Resource withAttributes attrs (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | attributes = object attrs } {-| Adds a relationship in the `Resource` object. You have to pass it the name of the relationship and a description of the relationship resource (See `relationship` and `relationships`) myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} withRelationship : String -> OneOrManyRelationships -> Resource -> Resource withRelationship type_ (Internal.OneOrManyRelationships oneOrMoreRelationships) (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.addRelationship type_ oneOrMoreRelationships info) {-| Defines a relationship that can then be added to its parent `Resource`. It takes the `id` of the resource and the resource. creatorResource : Creator -> Resource creatorResource creator = build "creator" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string creator.firstname ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} relationship : String -> Resource -> OneOrManyRelationships relationship id_ = withId id_ >> Internal.OneRelationship >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Defines a list of relationships that can then be added to a parent `Resource`. It takes a `List` of `Tuple`s with the `id` of the resource and the resource. commentResource : Comment -> Resource commentResource comment = build "comment" |> withAttributes [ ( "content", string comment.content ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "comments" (relationships (List.map (\comment -> ( "comment", commentResource comment )) comments)) -} relationships : List ( String, Resource ) -> OneOrManyRelationships relationships = List.map (\( id_, info ) -> info |> withId id_) >> Internal.ManyRelationships >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships
module JsonApi.Resource exposing ( Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData(..), RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc , build, fromResource , id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc , withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship , relationship, relationships ) {-| JsonApi.Resource exposes the `Resource` type and functions to get and set information for your resources. # Type @docs Resource, OneOrManyRelationships, OneOrMoreRelationshipData, RelationshipData, RelationshipDesc # New resource @docs build, fromResource # Getter functions @docs id, links, resType, getRelationshipsDesc # Setter functions @docs withId, withLinks, withAttributes, withRelationship # Relationships @docs relationship, relationships -} import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Encode exposing (Value, object) import JsonApi.Internal.ResourceInfo as Internal {-| The `Resource` represents a resource. It is passed to your resource decoders, but you can also use it to encode resources to json api, via a `Document`. It contains useful information for decoding and encoding your resource: resource `id`, `links`, `attributes`, `relationships`, ... \_Example of json api <resource:_> ```json { "data": [ { "type": "users", "id": "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad", "links": { "self": "http://link-to-user", "profile": "http://link-to-user-profile" }, "attributes": { "firstname": "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "lastname": "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", "gender": "male" }, "relationships": {} } ] } ``` And how to build it with the `JsonApi.Resource` module: build "users" |> withId "13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] ) |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "lastname", string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} type alias Resource = Internal.ResourceInfo {-| This type is used to represent either one or many relationships in your `Resource` object. See `withRelationship` function for more information -} type alias OneOrManyRelationships = Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Relationship's data object. It's a variant type because in a relationship the `data` field can either: be null, have one relationship, have many relationships. _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type OneOrMoreRelationshipData = NoRelationship | One RelationshipData | Many (List RelationshipData) {-| Description of the `data` object in a `relationship` object. Contains the `id` of the relationship and it's `type` _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipData = { id : String , type_ : String } {-| The description of a relationship in the `relationships` field of the jsonapi object. For instance (in jsonapi): "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } } } This type contains the links defined in the relationship and the `data` object of the relationship _See `getRelationshipsDesc` for more information_ -} type alias RelationshipDesc = { data : OneOrMoreRelationshipData , links : Dict String String } {-| Returns the `id` of your resource. From the json example above, `id` will return `13608770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad` -} id : Resource -> String id (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.id |> Maybe.withDefault "" {-| Returns the `type` of your resource. From the json example above, `type_` will return `users` -} resType : Resource -> String resType (Internal.ResourceInfo { type_ }) = type_ {-| Returns the `links` of your resource. From the json example above, `links` will return a `Dict` with this value: [ ( "self", "http://link-to-user" ) , ( "profile", "http://link-to-user-profile" ) ] -} links : Resource -> Dict String String links (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.links {-| Returns the relationships description of your resource. **This is not a way to decode a relationship, only a quick way to get the relationship ids and types** type alias Post = { id : String , links : Dict String String , title : String , content : String , relationships : Dict String JsonApi.Resource.RelationshipDesc } decoder : Resource -> Decoder Post decoder resourceInfo = map5 Post (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.id resourceInfo)) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.links resourceInfo)) (field "title" string) (field "content" string) (succeed (JsonApi.Resource.getRelationshipsDesc resourceInfo)) Say the relationships for this post are: "relationships": { "creator": { "data": { "type": "creators", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" }, "links": { "related": "http://link-to-creator/1" } }, "comments": { "links": {}, "data": [ { "type": "comment", "id": "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" }, { "type": "comment", "id": "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" } ] } } Then you will get these information: Dict.get "creator" post.relationships Just { links = [ ( "related", "http://link-to-creator/1" ) ] , data = JsonApi.Resource.One { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ad" , type_ = "creators" } } Dict.get "comments" post.relationships Just { links = [] , data = JsonApi.Resource.Many [ { id = "22208770-76dd-47e5-a1c4-4d0d9c2483ab" , type_ = "comment" } , { id = "cb0759b0-03ab-4291-b067-84a9017fea6f" , type_ = "comment" } ] } -} getRelationshipsDesc : Resource -> Dict String RelationshipDesc getRelationshipsDesc (Internal.ResourceInfo res) = res.relationships |> Dict.map (\k v -> { links = v.links , data = case v.data of Internal.NoRelationship -> NoRelationship Internal.One e -> One e Internal.Many e -> Many e } ) {-| Builds a new `Resource` with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} build : String -> Resource build type_ = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.build type_) {-| Builds a new `Resource` from the specified `Resource` and with the specified type name You can build your resources like this: myResource : Resource -> Resource myResource resource = fromResource "posts" resource -} fromResource : String -> Resource -> Resource fromResource type_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | type_ = type_ } {-| Sets the id of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withId "post-1" -} withId : String -> Resource -> Resource withId id_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | id = Just id_ } {-| Sets the links of the `Resource` object myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withLinks (Dict.fromList [ ( "self", "http://url-to-post/1" ) ]) -} withLinks : Dict String String -> Resource -> Resource withLinks links_ (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | links = links_ } {-| Sets the attributes of the `Resource` object. This is the payload of your resource. myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "lastname", string "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" ) , ( "gender", string "male" ) ] -} withAttributes : List ( String, Value ) -> Resource -> Resource withAttributes attrs (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo { info | attributes = object attrs } {-| Adds a relationship in the `Resource` object. You have to pass it the name of the relationship and a description of the relationship resource (See `relationship` and `relationships`) myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} withRelationship : String -> OneOrManyRelationships -> Resource -> Resource withRelationship type_ (Internal.OneOrManyRelationships oneOrMoreRelationships) (Internal.ResourceInfo info) = Internal.ResourceInfo (Internal.addRelationship type_ oneOrMoreRelationships info) {-| Defines a relationship that can then be added to its parent `Resource`. It takes the `id` of the resource and the resource. creatorResource : Creator -> Resource creatorResource creator = build "creator" |> withAttributes [ ( "firstname", string creator.firstname ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "creators" (relationship creator.id (creatorResource creator)) -} relationship : String -> Resource -> OneOrManyRelationships relationship id_ = withId id_ >> Internal.OneRelationship >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships {-| Defines a list of relationships that can then be added to a parent `Resource`. It takes a `List` of `Tuple`s with the `id` of the resource and the resource. commentResource : Comment -> Resource commentResource comment = build "comment" |> withAttributes [ ( "content", string comment.content ) ] myResource : Post -> Resource myResource post = build "posts" |> withRelationship "comments" (relationships (List.map (\comment -> ( "comment", commentResource comment )) comments)) -} relationships : List ( String, Resource ) -> OneOrManyRelationships relationships = List.map (\( id_, info ) -> info |> withId id_) >> Internal.ManyRelationships >> Internal.OneOrManyRelationships
[ { "context": " let\n testCase =\n \"@forename is Maksym and @surname is either Ivanov or Petrov\"\n in\n ", "end": 284, "score": 0.9997041821, "start": 278, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Maksym" }, { "context": " \"@forename is Maksym and @surname is either Ivanov or Petrov\"\n in\n describe \"Tokenizer.run\"\n ", "end": 314, "score": 0.9982976913, "start": 308, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ivanov" }, { "context": "orename is Maksym and @surname is either Ivanov or Petrov\"\n in\n describe \"Tokenizer.run\"\n [ de", "end": 324, "score": 0.9993947744, "start": 318, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Petrov" }, { "context": "e = WordTerm\n , value = \"Maksym\"\n , index = 13\n ", "end": 1354, "score": 0.9958011508, "start": 1348, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Maksym" }, { "context": "e = WordTerm\n , value = \"Ivanov\"\n , index = 43\n ", "end": 2602, "score": 0.999209404, "start": 2596, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Ivanov" }, { "context": "e = WordTerm\n , value = \"Petrov\"\n , index = 53\n ", "end": 3222, "score": 0.9991548657, "start": 3216, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Petrov" } ]
module Tokenizer_1_4_3 exposing (..) import Expect import GlobalTypes exposing (TokenState(..)) import MockModel exposing (getDefaultModel) import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Tokenizer suite : Test suite = let testCase = "@forename is Maksym and @surname is either Ivanov or Petrov" in describe "Tokenizer.run" [ describe "and" [ test testCase <| \_ -> let ( tokens, remainingStates ) = Tokenizer.run testCase getDefaultModel in Expect.equal tokens [ { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@forename" , index = 0 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 9 } , { state = IsTerm , value = "is" , index = 10 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 12 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "Maksym" , index = 13 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 19 } , { state = AndTerm , value = "and" , index = 20 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 23 } , { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@surname" , index = 24 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 32 } , { state = IsEitherTerm , value = "is either" , index = 33 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 42 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "Ivanov" , index = 43 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 49 } , { state = EitherOrTerm , value = "or" , index = 50 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 52 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "Petrov" , index = 53 } ] ] ]
module Tokenizer_1_4_3 exposing (..) import Expect import GlobalTypes exposing (TokenState(..)) import MockModel exposing (getDefaultModel) import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Tokenizer suite : Test suite = let testCase = "@forename is <NAME> and @surname is either <NAME> or <NAME>" in describe "Tokenizer.run" [ describe "and" [ test testCase <| \_ -> let ( tokens, remainingStates ) = Tokenizer.run testCase getDefaultModel in Expect.equal tokens [ { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@forename" , index = 0 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 9 } , { state = IsTerm , value = "is" , index = 10 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 12 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "<NAME>" , index = 13 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 19 } , { state = AndTerm , value = "and" , index = 20 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 23 } , { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@surname" , index = 24 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 32 } , { state = IsEitherTerm , value = "is either" , index = 33 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 42 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "<NAME>" , index = 43 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 49 } , { state = EitherOrTerm , value = "or" , index = 50 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 52 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "<NAME>" , index = 53 } ] ] ]
module Tokenizer_1_4_3 exposing (..) import Expect import GlobalTypes exposing (TokenState(..)) import MockModel exposing (getDefaultModel) import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Tokenizer suite : Test suite = let testCase = "@forename is PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI and @surname is either PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI or PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" in describe "Tokenizer.run" [ describe "and" [ test testCase <| \_ -> let ( tokens, remainingStates ) = Tokenizer.run testCase getDefaultModel in Expect.equal tokens [ { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@forename" , index = 0 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 9 } , { state = IsTerm , value = "is" , index = 10 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 12 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , index = 13 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 19 } , { state = AndTerm , value = "and" , index = 20 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 23 } , { state = KeywordTerm , value = "@surname" , index = 24 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 32 } , { state = IsEitherTerm , value = "is either" , index = 33 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 42 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , index = 43 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 49 } , { state = EitherOrTerm , value = "or" , index = 50 } , { state = SpaceTerm , value = " " , index = 52 } , { state = WordTerm , value = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI" , index = 53 } ] ] ]
[ { "context": "\"notfound.svg\"\n , csrfToken = \"csrf_token\"\n , authToken = \"\"\n ", "end": 872, "score": 0.4142976701, "start": 862, "tag": "KEY", "value": "csrf_token" }, { "context": "\"notfound.svg\"\n , csrfToken = \"csrf_token\"\n , authToken = \"\"\n ", "end": 2279, "score": 0.4109534025, "start": 2275, "tag": "KEY", "value": "csrf" }, { "context": "ound.svg\"\n , csrfToken = \"csrf_token\"\n , authToken = \"\"\n ", "end": 2285, "score": 0.3967870176, "start": 2280, "tag": "KEY", "value": "token" } ]
module DashboardCacheTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Common import Concourse.BuildStatus exposing (BuildStatus(..)) import Data import Message.Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects exposing (Effect(..)) import Message.Message as Message import Message.Subscription as Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as TopLevelMessage import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector exposing (class, containing, text) import Url all : Test all = describe "dashboard cache tests" [ test "requests the cached jobs on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "csrf_token" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedJobs , test "requests the cached pipelines on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "csrf_token" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedPipelines , test "requests the cached teams on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "csrf_token" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedTeams , test "subscribes to receive cached jobs" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedJobsReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached pipelines" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedPipelinesReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached teams" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedTeamsReceived , test "renders pipelines when receive cached pipelines delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "renders jobs in pipelines when receive cached jobs delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "ignores the job cache after fetching successfully" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "saves jobs to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "removes build information from jobs when saving to cache" <| \_ -> let jobWithoutBuild = Data.job 0 jobWithBuild = { jobWithoutBuild | finishedBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , transitionBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , nextBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded } in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ jobWithBuild ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ jobWithoutBuild ]) , test "does not save jobs to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "bounds the number of cached jobs to 1000" <| \_ -> let firstNJobs n = List.range 0 (n - 1) |> List.map Data.job in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| firstNJobs 2000 ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs <| firstNJobs 1000) , test "saves pipelines to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "ignores cached pipelines if we've already fetched from network" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "does not save pipelines to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves pipelines to cache when re-ordered" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0, Data.pipeline "team" 1 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragStart "team" 0) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragOver "team" 2) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragEnd) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 1, Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves teams to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedTeams [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ]) , test "does not save teams to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedTeamsReceived <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "deletes cached pipelines on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedPipelines , test "deletes cached jobs on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedJobs , test "deletes cached teams on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedTeams ]
module DashboardCacheTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Common import Concourse.BuildStatus exposing (BuildStatus(..)) import Data import Message.Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects exposing (Effect(..)) import Message.Message as Message import Message.Subscription as Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as TopLevelMessage import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector exposing (class, containing, text) import Url all : Test all = describe "dashboard cache tests" [ test "requests the cached jobs on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "<KEY>" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedJobs , test "requests the cached pipelines on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "csrf_token" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedPipelines , test "requests the cached teams on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "<KEY>_<KEY>" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedTeams , test "subscribes to receive cached jobs" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedJobsReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached pipelines" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedPipelinesReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached teams" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedTeamsReceived , test "renders pipelines when receive cached pipelines delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "renders jobs in pipelines when receive cached jobs delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "ignores the job cache after fetching successfully" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "saves jobs to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "removes build information from jobs when saving to cache" <| \_ -> let jobWithoutBuild = Data.job 0 jobWithBuild = { jobWithoutBuild | finishedBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , transitionBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , nextBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded } in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ jobWithBuild ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ jobWithoutBuild ]) , test "does not save jobs to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "bounds the number of cached jobs to 1000" <| \_ -> let firstNJobs n = List.range 0 (n - 1) |> List.map Data.job in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| firstNJobs 2000 ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs <| firstNJobs 1000) , test "saves pipelines to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "ignores cached pipelines if we've already fetched from network" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "does not save pipelines to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves pipelines to cache when re-ordered" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0, Data.pipeline "team" 1 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragStart "team" 0) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragOver "team" 2) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragEnd) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 1, Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves teams to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedTeams [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ]) , test "does not save teams to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedTeamsReceived <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "deletes cached pipelines on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedPipelines , test "deletes cached jobs on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedJobs , test "deletes cached teams on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedTeams ]
module DashboardCacheTests exposing (all) import Application.Application as Application import Common import Concourse.BuildStatus exposing (BuildStatus(..)) import Data import Message.Callback exposing (Callback(..)) import Message.Effects exposing (Effect(..)) import Message.Message as Message import Message.Subscription as Subscription exposing (Delivery(..)) import Message.TopLevelMessage as TopLevelMessage import Test exposing (Test, describe, test) import Test.Html.Query as Query import Test.Html.Selector exposing (class, containing, text) import Url all : Test all = describe "dashboard cache tests" [ test "requests the cached jobs on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedJobs , test "requests the cached pipelines on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "csrf_token" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedPipelines , test "requests the cached teams on page load" <| \_ -> Application.init { turbulenceImgSrc = "" , notFoundImgSrc = "notfound.svg" , csrfToken = "PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI_PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" , authToken = "" , pipelineRunningKeyframes = "" } { protocol = Url.Http , host = "" , port_ = Nothing , path = "/" , query = Nothing , fragment = Nothing } |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains LoadCachedTeams , test "subscribes to receive cached jobs" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedJobsReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached pipelines" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedPipelinesReceived , test "subscribes to receive cached teams" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.subscriptions |> Common.contains Subscription.OnCachedTeamsReceived , test "renders pipelines when receive cached pipelines delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "renders jobs in pipelines when receive cached jobs delivery" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "ignores the job cache after fetching successfully" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.find [ class "pipeline-wrapper" ] |> Query.has [ class "parallel-grid" ] , test "saves jobs to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "removes build information from jobs when saving to cache" <| \_ -> let jobWithoutBuild = Data.job 0 jobWithBuild = { jobWithoutBuild | finishedBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , transitionBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded , nextBuild = Just <| Data.jobBuild BuildStatusSucceeded } in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ jobWithBuild ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs [ jobWithoutBuild ]) , test "does not save jobs to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedJobsReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.job 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedJobs [ Data.job 0 ]) , test "bounds the number of cached jobs to 1000" <| \_ -> let firstNJobs n = List.range 0 (n - 1) |> List.map Data.job in Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllJobsFetched <| Ok <| firstNJobs 2000 ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedJobs <| firstNJobs 1000) , test "saves pipelines to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "ignores cached pipelines if we've already fetched from network" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [] ) |> Tuple.first |> Common.queryView |> Query.has [ class "pipeline-wrapper", containing [ text "pipeline-0" ] ] , test "does not save pipelines to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedPipelinesReceived <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves pipelines to cache when re-ordered" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllPipelinesFetched <| Ok <| [ Data.pipeline "team" 0, Data.pipeline "team" 1 ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragStart "team" 0) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragOver "team" 2) |> Tuple.first |> Application.update (TopLevelMessage.Update <| Message.DragEnd) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 1, Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "saves teams to cache when fetched" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains (SaveCachedTeams [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ]) , test "does not save teams to cache when fetched with no change" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleDelivery (CachedTeamsReceived <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.first |> Application.handleCallback (AllTeamsFetched <| Ok <| [ { id = 0, name = "team-0" } ] ) |> Tuple.second |> Common.notContains (SaveCachedPipelines [ Data.pipeline "team" 0 ]) , test "deletes cached pipelines on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedPipelines , test "deletes cached jobs on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedJobs , test "deletes cached teams on logged out" <| \_ -> Common.init "/" |> Application.handleCallback (LoggedOut <| Ok ()) |> Tuple.second |> Common.contains DeleteCachedTeams ]
[ { "context": "-\n Operations/Conversion/Alphabet.elm\n Author: Henrique da Cunha Buss\n Creation: October/2020\n This file contains f", "end": 74, "score": 0.9998630285, "start": 52, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Henrique da Cunha Buss" } ]
{- Operations/Conversion/Alphabet.elm Author: Henrique da Cunha Buss Creation: October/2020 This file contains functions to convert Alphabets -} module Operations.Conversion.Alphabet exposing (nonDeterministicToDeterministic) import Models.Alphabet as Alphabet {- Convert a non deterministic alphabet to a deterministic alphabet -} nonDeterministicToDeterministic : Alphabet.NonDeterministicAlphabet -> Alphabet.DeterministicAlphabet nonDeterministicToDeterministic ndAlphabet = case ndAlphabet of Alphabet.NDA symbols epsilon -> symbols
{- Operations/Conversion/Alphabet.elm Author: <NAME> Creation: October/2020 This file contains functions to convert Alphabets -} module Operations.Conversion.Alphabet exposing (nonDeterministicToDeterministic) import Models.Alphabet as Alphabet {- Convert a non deterministic alphabet to a deterministic alphabet -} nonDeterministicToDeterministic : Alphabet.NonDeterministicAlphabet -> Alphabet.DeterministicAlphabet nonDeterministicToDeterministic ndAlphabet = case ndAlphabet of Alphabet.NDA symbols epsilon -> symbols
{- Operations/Conversion/Alphabet.elm Author: PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Creation: October/2020 This file contains functions to convert Alphabets -} module Operations.Conversion.Alphabet exposing (nonDeterministicToDeterministic) import Models.Alphabet as Alphabet {- Convert a non deterministic alphabet to a deterministic alphabet -} nonDeterministicToDeterministic : Alphabet.NonDeterministicAlphabet -> Alphabet.DeterministicAlphabet nonDeterministicToDeterministic ndAlphabet = case ndAlphabet of Alphabet.NDA symbols epsilon -> symbols
[ { "context": "{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell.\n All rights reserved.\n This program is distr", "end": 39, "score": 0.9998469353, "start": 22, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Mark D. Blackwell" } ]
{- Copyright (C) 2018 Mark D. Blackwell. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Alert exposing ( actionDescriptionRecent , messageTextErrorHttpLogging , messageTextErrorHttpScreen , messageTextInit , messageTextRequestLikeOrComment , messageTextSend , messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle ) import AlertType exposing ( ActionDescription , AlertMessageText , AlertMessageTextMaybe , DetailsText , LikeOrCommentName , PrefixSeparatorText ) import ElmCycle import FocusUpdate import Http import ModelType exposing ( Model ) -- MODEL messageTextInit : AlertMessageTextMaybe messageTextInit = Nothing -- UPDATE actionDescriptionRecent : AlertMessageText actionDescriptionRecent = "access the latest few songs" errorHttpText : Http.Error -> ( AlertMessageText, AlertMessageText ) errorHttpText httpError = let prefix : PrefixSeparatorText prefix = "HttpError" in case httpError of Http.BadBody debuggingText -> ( prefix ++ prefixSeparator ++ "BadBody" , debuggingText ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadStatus" , String.fromInt status ) Http.BadUrl urlText -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadUrl" , urlText ) Http.NetworkError -> ( prefix , "NetworkError" ) Http.Timeout -> ( prefix , "Timeout" ) messageTextErrorHttpLogging : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpLogging httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.first) messageTextErrorHttpScreen : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpScreen httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.second) messageTextRequestLikeOrComment : Http.Error -> LikeOrCommentName -> AlertMessageText messageTextRequestLikeOrComment httpError likeOrCommentName = let prefix : String prefix = httpError |> messageTextErrorHttpScreen in [ " (while attempting to send your " , likeOrCommentName , ")" ] |> String.concat |> String.append prefix messageTextSend : ActionDescription -> DetailsText -> AlertMessageText messageTextSend actionDescription detailsText = [ "Unexpected error while attempting to " , actionDescription , prefixSeparator , detailsText ] |> String.concat messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle : Model -> ElmCycle.ElmCycle messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle model = ( { model | alertMessageText = Just "Awaiting server" } , FocusUpdate.cmdFocusInputPossibly model ) prefixSeparator : PrefixSeparatorText prefixSeparator = ": "
{- Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Alert exposing ( actionDescriptionRecent , messageTextErrorHttpLogging , messageTextErrorHttpScreen , messageTextInit , messageTextRequestLikeOrComment , messageTextSend , messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle ) import AlertType exposing ( ActionDescription , AlertMessageText , AlertMessageTextMaybe , DetailsText , LikeOrCommentName , PrefixSeparatorText ) import ElmCycle import FocusUpdate import Http import ModelType exposing ( Model ) -- MODEL messageTextInit : AlertMessageTextMaybe messageTextInit = Nothing -- UPDATE actionDescriptionRecent : AlertMessageText actionDescriptionRecent = "access the latest few songs" errorHttpText : Http.Error -> ( AlertMessageText, AlertMessageText ) errorHttpText httpError = let prefix : PrefixSeparatorText prefix = "HttpError" in case httpError of Http.BadBody debuggingText -> ( prefix ++ prefixSeparator ++ "BadBody" , debuggingText ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadStatus" , String.fromInt status ) Http.BadUrl urlText -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadUrl" , urlText ) Http.NetworkError -> ( prefix , "NetworkError" ) Http.Timeout -> ( prefix , "Timeout" ) messageTextErrorHttpLogging : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpLogging httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.first) messageTextErrorHttpScreen : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpScreen httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.second) messageTextRequestLikeOrComment : Http.Error -> LikeOrCommentName -> AlertMessageText messageTextRequestLikeOrComment httpError likeOrCommentName = let prefix : String prefix = httpError |> messageTextErrorHttpScreen in [ " (while attempting to send your " , likeOrCommentName , ")" ] |> String.concat |> String.append prefix messageTextSend : ActionDescription -> DetailsText -> AlertMessageText messageTextSend actionDescription detailsText = [ "Unexpected error while attempting to " , actionDescription , prefixSeparator , detailsText ] |> String.concat messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle : Model -> ElmCycle.ElmCycle messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle model = ( { model | alertMessageText = Just "Awaiting server" } , FocusUpdate.cmdFocusInputPossibly model ) prefixSeparator : PrefixSeparatorText prefixSeparator = ": "
{- Copyright (C) 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI. All rights reserved. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -} module Alert exposing ( actionDescriptionRecent , messageTextErrorHttpLogging , messageTextErrorHttpScreen , messageTextInit , messageTextRequestLikeOrComment , messageTextSend , messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle ) import AlertType exposing ( ActionDescription , AlertMessageText , AlertMessageTextMaybe , DetailsText , LikeOrCommentName , PrefixSeparatorText ) import ElmCycle import FocusUpdate import Http import ModelType exposing ( Model ) -- MODEL messageTextInit : AlertMessageTextMaybe messageTextInit = Nothing -- UPDATE actionDescriptionRecent : AlertMessageText actionDescriptionRecent = "access the latest few songs" errorHttpText : Http.Error -> ( AlertMessageText, AlertMessageText ) errorHttpText httpError = let prefix : PrefixSeparatorText prefix = "HttpError" in case httpError of Http.BadBody debuggingText -> ( prefix ++ prefixSeparator ++ "BadBody" , debuggingText ) Http.BadStatus status -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadStatus" , String.fromInt status ) Http.BadUrl urlText -> ( prefixSeparator ++ "BadUrl" , urlText ) Http.NetworkError -> ( prefix , "NetworkError" ) Http.Timeout -> ( prefix , "Timeout" ) messageTextErrorHttpLogging : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpLogging httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.first) messageTextErrorHttpScreen : Http.Error -> AlertMessageText messageTextErrorHttpScreen httpError = httpError |> (errorHttpText >> Tuple.second) messageTextRequestLikeOrComment : Http.Error -> LikeOrCommentName -> AlertMessageText messageTextRequestLikeOrComment httpError likeOrCommentName = let prefix : String prefix = httpError |> messageTextErrorHttpScreen in [ " (while attempting to send your " , likeOrCommentName , ")" ] |> String.concat |> String.append prefix messageTextSend : ActionDescription -> DetailsText -> AlertMessageText messageTextSend actionDescription detailsText = [ "Unexpected error while attempting to " , actionDescription , prefixSeparator , detailsText ] |> String.concat messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle : Model -> ElmCycle.ElmCycle messageTextServerAwaitingElmCycle model = ( { model | alertMessageText = Just "Awaiting server" } , FocusUpdate.cmdFocusInputPossibly model ) prefixSeparator : PrefixSeparatorText prefixSeparator = ": "
[ { "context": "est =\n describe \"fuzzing whitespace (taken from rtfeldman/elm-validate, which crashed when this first ran)\"", "end": 9443, "score": 0.9985584617, "start": 9434, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "rtfeldman" }, { "context": " is valid\" <|\n \\() ->\n \"foo@bar.com\"\n |> Validate.isValidEmail\n ", "end": 10560, "score": 0.9998763204, "start": 10549, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "foo@bar.com" }, { "context": "Fail \"Validate.isValidEmail should have considered foo@bar.com a valid email address\"\n ]\n\n\nwhitespace : F", "end": 10742, "score": 0.9998750687, "start": 10731, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "foo@bar.com" } ]
module FuzzerTests exposing (fuzzerTests) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (..) import Helpers exposing (..) import Random import Test exposing (..) import Test.Runner import Validate die : Fuzzer Int die = Fuzz.intRange 1 6 fuzzerTests : Test fuzzerTests = describe "Fuzzer methods that use Debug.crash don't call it" [ describe "FuzzN (uses tupleN) testing string length properties" [ fuzz2 string string "fuzz2" <| \a b -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b ] , fuzz3 string string string "fuzz3" <| \a b c -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b, c ] ] , fuzz (intRange 1 6) "intRange" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (frequency [ ( 1, intRange 1 6 ), ( 1, intRange 1 20 ) ]) "Fuzz.frequency" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (result string int) "Fuzz.result" <| \r -> Expect.pass , describe "Whitebox testing using Fuzz.Internal" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "the same value is generated with and without shrinking" <| \seed -> let step gen = Random.step gen seed aFuzzer = tuple3 ( tuple ( list int, array float ) , tuple ( maybe bool , result unit char ) , tuple ( tuple3 ( percentage , map2 (+) int int , frequency [ ( 1, constant True ), ( 3, constant False ) ] ) , tuple3 ( intRange 0 100, floatRange -51 pi, map abs int ) ) ) |> Test.Runner.fuzz valNoShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (Random.map Tuple.first >> step >> Tuple.first) valWithShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (step >> Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) in Expect.equal valNoShrink valWithShrink , shrinkingTests , manualFuzzerTests ] ] shrinkingTests : Test shrinkingTests = let -- To test shrinking, we have to fail some tests so we can shrink their inputs. -- The best place we found for storing the expected last state(s) of the shrinking procedure is the description field, which is why we have this function here. -- Previously, we (ab)used Expect.true for this, but since that was removed, here we are. expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString label a = Expect.equal True a |> Expect.onFail label in testShrinking <| describe "tests that fail intentionally to test shrinking" [ fuzz2 int int "Every pair of ints has a zero" <| \i j -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1)" , fuzz3 int int int "Every triple of ints has a zero" <| \i j k -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) || (k == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1,1)" , fuzz (list int) "All lists are sorted" <| \aList -> let checkPair l = case l of a :: b :: more -> if a > b then False else checkPair (b :: more) _ -> True in checkPair aList |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "[1,0]|[0,-1]" ] type alias ShrinkResult a = Maybe ( a, Test.Runner.Shrinkable a ) initialShrinkResult : Fuzzer a -> Random.Seed -> ShrinkResult a initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed = case Test.Runner.fuzz fuzzer of Ok generator -> Random.step generator seed |> Tuple.first |> Just Err _ -> Nothing manualFuzzerTests : Test manualFuzzerTests = describe "Test.Runner.{fuzz, shrink}" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "Claim there are no even numbers" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce an even number fuzzer = Fuzz.intRange 2 10000 |> Fuzz.map (\n -> if failsTest n then n else n + 1 ) failsTest n = (n |> modBy 2) == 0 pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all elements were even" , List.head >> Maybe.map (Expect.all [ Expect.lessThan 5, Expect.atLeast 0 ]) >> Maybe.withDefault (Expect.fail "Did not cause failure") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "No strings contain the letter e" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce a string with the letter e fuzzer = map2 (\pre suf -> pre ++ "e" ++ suf) string string failsTest = String.contains "e" pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all contained the letter e" , List.head >> Expect.equal (Just "e") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "List shrinker finds the smallest counter example" <| \seed -> let fuzzer : Fuzzer (List Int) fuzzer = Fuzz.list Fuzz.int allEven : List Int -> Bool allEven xs = List.all (\x -> (x |> modBy 2) == 0) xs initialShrink : ShrinkResult (List Int) initialShrink = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed shrink : Maybe (List Int) -> ShrinkResult (List Int) -> Maybe (List Int) shrink shrunken lastShrink = case lastShrink of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> shrink (if allEven valN then shrunken else Just valN ) (Test.Runner.shrink (allEven valN) shrinkN) Nothing -> shrunken in case shrink Nothing initialShrink of Just shrunken -> Expect.equal [ 1 ] shrunken Nothing -> Expect.pass ] whitespaceTest : Test whitespaceTest = describe "fuzzing whitespace (taken from rtfeldman/elm-validate, which crashed when this first ran)" [ fuzz whitespace "whitespace characters are blank" <| \str -> str |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank should consider whitespace blank" , fuzz2 whitespace whitespace "non-whitespace characters mean it's not blank" <| \prefix suffix -> (prefix ++ "_" ++ suffix) |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank shouldn't consider strings containing non-whitespace characters blank" ] email : Test email = describe "email" [ test "empty string is not a valid email" <| \() -> "" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered empty string blank" , test "valid email is valid" <| \() -> "foo@bar.com" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered foo@bar.com a valid email address" ] whitespace : Fuzzer String whitespace = [ ' ', '\u{00A0}', '\t', '\n' ] |> List.map Fuzz.constant |> Fuzz.oneOf |> Fuzz.list |> Fuzz.map String.fromList
module FuzzerTests exposing (fuzzerTests) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (..) import Helpers exposing (..) import Random import Test exposing (..) import Test.Runner import Validate die : Fuzzer Int die = Fuzz.intRange 1 6 fuzzerTests : Test fuzzerTests = describe "Fuzzer methods that use Debug.crash don't call it" [ describe "FuzzN (uses tupleN) testing string length properties" [ fuzz2 string string "fuzz2" <| \a b -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b ] , fuzz3 string string string "fuzz3" <| \a b c -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b, c ] ] , fuzz (intRange 1 6) "intRange" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (frequency [ ( 1, intRange 1 6 ), ( 1, intRange 1 20 ) ]) "Fuzz.frequency" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (result string int) "Fuzz.result" <| \r -> Expect.pass , describe "Whitebox testing using Fuzz.Internal" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "the same value is generated with and without shrinking" <| \seed -> let step gen = Random.step gen seed aFuzzer = tuple3 ( tuple ( list int, array float ) , tuple ( maybe bool , result unit char ) , tuple ( tuple3 ( percentage , map2 (+) int int , frequency [ ( 1, constant True ), ( 3, constant False ) ] ) , tuple3 ( intRange 0 100, floatRange -51 pi, map abs int ) ) ) |> Test.Runner.fuzz valNoShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (Random.map Tuple.first >> step >> Tuple.first) valWithShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (step >> Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) in Expect.equal valNoShrink valWithShrink , shrinkingTests , manualFuzzerTests ] ] shrinkingTests : Test shrinkingTests = let -- To test shrinking, we have to fail some tests so we can shrink their inputs. -- The best place we found for storing the expected last state(s) of the shrinking procedure is the description field, which is why we have this function here. -- Previously, we (ab)used Expect.true for this, but since that was removed, here we are. expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString label a = Expect.equal True a |> Expect.onFail label in testShrinking <| describe "tests that fail intentionally to test shrinking" [ fuzz2 int int "Every pair of ints has a zero" <| \i j -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1)" , fuzz3 int int int "Every triple of ints has a zero" <| \i j k -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) || (k == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1,1)" , fuzz (list int) "All lists are sorted" <| \aList -> let checkPair l = case l of a :: b :: more -> if a > b then False else checkPair (b :: more) _ -> True in checkPair aList |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "[1,0]|[0,-1]" ] type alias ShrinkResult a = Maybe ( a, Test.Runner.Shrinkable a ) initialShrinkResult : Fuzzer a -> Random.Seed -> ShrinkResult a initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed = case Test.Runner.fuzz fuzzer of Ok generator -> Random.step generator seed |> Tuple.first |> Just Err _ -> Nothing manualFuzzerTests : Test manualFuzzerTests = describe "Test.Runner.{fuzz, shrink}" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "Claim there are no even numbers" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce an even number fuzzer = Fuzz.intRange 2 10000 |> Fuzz.map (\n -> if failsTest n then n else n + 1 ) failsTest n = (n |> modBy 2) == 0 pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all elements were even" , List.head >> Maybe.map (Expect.all [ Expect.lessThan 5, Expect.atLeast 0 ]) >> Maybe.withDefault (Expect.fail "Did not cause failure") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "No strings contain the letter e" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce a string with the letter e fuzzer = map2 (\pre suf -> pre ++ "e" ++ suf) string string failsTest = String.contains "e" pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all contained the letter e" , List.head >> Expect.equal (Just "e") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "List shrinker finds the smallest counter example" <| \seed -> let fuzzer : Fuzzer (List Int) fuzzer = Fuzz.list Fuzz.int allEven : List Int -> Bool allEven xs = List.all (\x -> (x |> modBy 2) == 0) xs initialShrink : ShrinkResult (List Int) initialShrink = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed shrink : Maybe (List Int) -> ShrinkResult (List Int) -> Maybe (List Int) shrink shrunken lastShrink = case lastShrink of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> shrink (if allEven valN then shrunken else Just valN ) (Test.Runner.shrink (allEven valN) shrinkN) Nothing -> shrunken in case shrink Nothing initialShrink of Just shrunken -> Expect.equal [ 1 ] shrunken Nothing -> Expect.pass ] whitespaceTest : Test whitespaceTest = describe "fuzzing whitespace (taken from rtfeldman/elm-validate, which crashed when this first ran)" [ fuzz whitespace "whitespace characters are blank" <| \str -> str |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank should consider whitespace blank" , fuzz2 whitespace whitespace "non-whitespace characters mean it's not blank" <| \prefix suffix -> (prefix ++ "_" ++ suffix) |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank shouldn't consider strings containing non-whitespace characters blank" ] email : Test email = describe "email" [ test "empty string is not a valid email" <| \() -> "" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered empty string blank" , test "valid email is valid" <| \() -> "<EMAIL>" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered <EMAIL> a valid email address" ] whitespace : Fuzzer String whitespace = [ ' ', '\u{00A0}', '\t', '\n' ] |> List.map Fuzz.constant |> Fuzz.oneOf |> Fuzz.list |> Fuzz.map String.fromList
module FuzzerTests exposing (fuzzerTests) import Expect import Fuzz exposing (..) import Helpers exposing (..) import Random import Test exposing (..) import Test.Runner import Validate die : Fuzzer Int die = Fuzz.intRange 1 6 fuzzerTests : Test fuzzerTests = describe "Fuzzer methods that use Debug.crash don't call it" [ describe "FuzzN (uses tupleN) testing string length properties" [ fuzz2 string string "fuzz2" <| \a b -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b ] , fuzz3 string string string "fuzz3" <| \a b c -> testStringLengthIsPreserved [ a, b, c ] ] , fuzz (intRange 1 6) "intRange" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (frequency [ ( 1, intRange 1 6 ), ( 1, intRange 1 20 ) ]) "Fuzz.frequency" (Expect.greaterThan 0) , fuzz (result string int) "Fuzz.result" <| \r -> Expect.pass , describe "Whitebox testing using Fuzz.Internal" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "the same value is generated with and without shrinking" <| \seed -> let step gen = Random.step gen seed aFuzzer = tuple3 ( tuple ( list int, array float ) , tuple ( maybe bool , result unit char ) , tuple ( tuple3 ( percentage , map2 (+) int int , frequency [ ( 1, constant True ), ( 3, constant False ) ] ) , tuple3 ( intRange 0 100, floatRange -51 pi, map abs int ) ) ) |> Test.Runner.fuzz valNoShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (Random.map Tuple.first >> step >> Tuple.first) valWithShrink = aFuzzer |> Result.map (step >> Tuple.first >> Tuple.first) in Expect.equal valNoShrink valWithShrink , shrinkingTests , manualFuzzerTests ] ] shrinkingTests : Test shrinkingTests = let -- To test shrinking, we have to fail some tests so we can shrink their inputs. -- The best place we found for storing the expected last state(s) of the shrinking procedure is the description field, which is why we have this function here. -- Previously, we (ab)used Expect.true for this, but since that was removed, here we are. expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString label a = Expect.equal True a |> Expect.onFail label in testShrinking <| describe "tests that fail intentionally to test shrinking" [ fuzz2 int int "Every pair of ints has a zero" <| \i j -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1)" , fuzz3 int int int "Every triple of ints has a zero" <| \i j k -> (i == 0) || (j == 0) || (k == 0) |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "(1,1,1)" , fuzz (list int) "All lists are sorted" <| \aList -> let checkPair l = case l of a :: b :: more -> if a > b then False else checkPair (b :: more) _ -> True in checkPair aList |> expectTrueAndExpectShrinkResultToEqualString "[1,0]|[0,-1]" ] type alias ShrinkResult a = Maybe ( a, Test.Runner.Shrinkable a ) initialShrinkResult : Fuzzer a -> Random.Seed -> ShrinkResult a initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed = case Test.Runner.fuzz fuzzer of Ok generator -> Random.step generator seed |> Tuple.first |> Just Err _ -> Nothing manualFuzzerTests : Test manualFuzzerTests = describe "Test.Runner.{fuzz, shrink}" [ fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "Claim there are no even numbers" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce an even number fuzzer = Fuzz.intRange 2 10000 |> Fuzz.map (\n -> if failsTest n then n else n + 1 ) failsTest n = (n |> modBy 2) == 0 pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all elements were even" , List.head >> Maybe.map (Expect.all [ Expect.lessThan 5, Expect.atLeast 0 ]) >> Maybe.withDefault (Expect.fail "Did not cause failure") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "No strings contain the letter e" <| \seed -> let -- fuzzer is guaranteed to produce a string with the letter e fuzzer = map2 (\pre suf -> pre ++ "e" ++ suf) string string failsTest = String.contains "e" pair = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed unfold acc maybePair = case maybePair of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> if failsTest valN then unfold (valN :: acc) (Test.Runner.shrink False shrinkN) else unfold acc (Test.Runner.shrink True shrinkN) Nothing -> acc in unfold [] pair |> Expect.all [ List.all failsTest >> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Not all contained the letter e" , List.head >> Expect.equal (Just "e") , List.reverse >> List.head >> Expect.equal (Maybe.map Tuple.first pair) ] , fuzz randomSeedFuzzer "List shrinker finds the smallest counter example" <| \seed -> let fuzzer : Fuzzer (List Int) fuzzer = Fuzz.list Fuzz.int allEven : List Int -> Bool allEven xs = List.all (\x -> (x |> modBy 2) == 0) xs initialShrink : ShrinkResult (List Int) initialShrink = initialShrinkResult fuzzer seed shrink : Maybe (List Int) -> ShrinkResult (List Int) -> Maybe (List Int) shrink shrunken lastShrink = case lastShrink of Just ( valN, shrinkN ) -> shrink (if allEven valN then shrunken else Just valN ) (Test.Runner.shrink (allEven valN) shrinkN) Nothing -> shrunken in case shrink Nothing initialShrink of Just shrunken -> Expect.equal [ 1 ] shrunken Nothing -> Expect.pass ] whitespaceTest : Test whitespaceTest = describe "fuzzing whitespace (taken from rtfeldman/elm-validate, which crashed when this first ran)" [ fuzz whitespace "whitespace characters are blank" <| \str -> str |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank should consider whitespace blank" , fuzz2 whitespace whitespace "non-whitespace characters mean it's not blank" <| \prefix suffix -> (prefix ++ "_" ++ suffix) |> Validate.isBlank |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isBlank shouldn't consider strings containing non-whitespace characters blank" ] email : Test email = describe "email" [ test "empty string is not a valid email" <| \() -> "" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal False >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered empty string blank" , test "valid email is valid" <| \() -> "PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI" |> Validate.isValidEmail |> Expect.equal True >> Expect.onFail "Validate.isValidEmail should have considered PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI a valid email address" ] whitespace : Fuzzer String whitespace = [ ' ', '\u{00A0}', '\t', '\n' ] |> List.map Fuzz.constant |> Fuzz.oneOf |> Fuzz.list |> Fuzz.map String.fromList
[ { "context": "l | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | password = pwd, loginErr = Nothing } } ! []\n\n LoggedIn (E", "end": 1510, "score": 0.9978044033, "start": 1507, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "pwd" } ]
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import View.LoginForm import Model exposing (Model) import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) import Ports import Api.LoginAction exposing (loginAction) import Api.UserInfoAction exposing (userInfoAction) -- APP main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { view = view , update = update , init = Model.init , subscriptions = sub } sub : Model -> Sub Msg sub model = Sub.batch [ Ports.fetchedToken Messages.StoredToken , Ports.loggedOut Messages.LoggedOut ] -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of LogIn -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> model ! [ loginAction formData.username formData.password ] UpdateUsername usr -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | username = usr, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] UpdatePassword pwd -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | password = pwd, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] LoggedIn (Err e) -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> { model | auth = (Model.LoggedOut (Model.LoginFormData "" "" Nothing)) } ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | loginErr = Just "login_failed" } } ! [] LoggedIn (Ok token) -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ Ports.login token, userInfoAction token ] LogOut -> model ! [ Ports.logout () ] LoggedOut () -> Model.initModel ! [] StoredToken mbyToken -> case mbyToken of Just token -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ userInfoAction token ] Nothing -> model ! [] UserInfo (Ok res) -> { model | userInfo = Just res } ! [] UserInfo (Err e) -> model ! [] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style [ ( "margin-top", "30px" ) , ( "text-align", "center" ) ] ] [ div [] [ div [] [ div [] [ View.LoginForm.view model , p [] [ text ("javaBin membership frontend") ] ] ] ] ] -- CSS STYLES styles : { img : List ( String, String ) } styles = { img = [ ( "width", "33%" ) , ( "border", "4px solid #337AB7" ) ] }
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import View.LoginForm import Model exposing (Model) import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) import Ports import Api.LoginAction exposing (loginAction) import Api.UserInfoAction exposing (userInfoAction) -- APP main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { view = view , update = update , init = Model.init , subscriptions = sub } sub : Model -> Sub Msg sub model = Sub.batch [ Ports.fetchedToken Messages.StoredToken , Ports.loggedOut Messages.LoggedOut ] -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of LogIn -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> model ! [ loginAction formData.username formData.password ] UpdateUsername usr -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | username = usr, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] UpdatePassword pwd -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | password = <PASSWORD>, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] LoggedIn (Err e) -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> { model | auth = (Model.LoggedOut (Model.LoginFormData "" "" Nothing)) } ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | loginErr = Just "login_failed" } } ! [] LoggedIn (Ok token) -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ Ports.login token, userInfoAction token ] LogOut -> model ! [ Ports.logout () ] LoggedOut () -> Model.initModel ! [] StoredToken mbyToken -> case mbyToken of Just token -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ userInfoAction token ] Nothing -> model ! [] UserInfo (Ok res) -> { model | userInfo = Just res } ! [] UserInfo (Err e) -> model ! [] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style [ ( "margin-top", "30px" ) , ( "text-align", "center" ) ] ] [ div [] [ div [] [ div [] [ View.LoginForm.view model , p [] [ text ("javaBin membership frontend") ] ] ] ] ] -- CSS STYLES styles : { img : List ( String, String ) } styles = { img = [ ( "width", "33%" ) , ( "border", "4px solid #337AB7" ) ] }
module Main exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import View.LoginForm import Model exposing (Model) import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) import Ports import Api.LoginAction exposing (loginAction) import Api.UserInfoAction exposing (userInfoAction) -- APP main : Program Never Model Msg main = Html.program { view = view , update = update , init = Model.init , subscriptions = sub } sub : Model -> Sub Msg sub model = Sub.batch [ Ports.fetchedToken Messages.StoredToken , Ports.loggedOut Messages.LoggedOut ] -- UPDATE update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of LogIn -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> model ! [ loginAction formData.username formData.password ] UpdateUsername usr -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | username = usr, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] UpdatePassword pwd -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> model ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | password = PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI, loginErr = Nothing } } ! [] LoggedIn (Err e) -> case model.auth of Model.LoggedIn token -> { model | auth = (Model.LoggedOut (Model.LoginFormData "" "" Nothing)) } ! [] Model.LoggedOut formData -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedOut { formData | loginErr = Just "login_failed" } } ! [] LoggedIn (Ok token) -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ Ports.login token, userInfoAction token ] LogOut -> model ! [ Ports.logout () ] LoggedOut () -> Model.initModel ! [] StoredToken mbyToken -> case mbyToken of Just token -> { model | auth = Model.LoggedIn token } ! [ userInfoAction token ] Nothing -> model ! [] UserInfo (Ok res) -> { model | userInfo = Just res } ! [] UserInfo (Err e) -> model ! [] -- VIEW view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ style [ ( "margin-top", "30px" ) , ( "text-align", "center" ) ] ] [ div [] [ div [] [ div [] [ View.LoginForm.view model , p [] [ text ("javaBin membership frontend") ] ] ] ] ] -- CSS STYLES styles : { img : List ( String, String ) } styles = { img = [ ( "width", "33%" ) , ( "border", "4px solid #337AB7" ) ] }
[ { "context": " \"602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7\"\n\n\n{-| AssetName\n\nproviding context to string\n\n-}", "end": 4211, "score": 0.9592301846, "start": 4192, "tag": "KEY", "value": "6b7b16cee7969282de7" } ]
module Neo exposing ( BinaryPrivateKey , HexPrivateKey , Wif , HexPublicKey , BinaryPublicKey , PublicKeyHash , ProgramHash , Address , Account , TransactionData , Asset , AssetName , CoinData , Transactions , Transaction , TransactionId , AssetId , SignatureData , ContractData , generateBinaryPrivateKey , generateHexPrivateKey , getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey , getWIFFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF , getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF , getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey , getAccountFromHexPrivateKey , getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey , getAccountFromHexPublicKey , neoAssetId , gasAssetId , getTransferData , getSignatureData , getContractData , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPublicKey , isValidHexPublicKey , isValidAddress , isValidHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPrivateKey , isValidWif , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey , encrypt , decrypt , encryptAsJson , decryptAsJson ) {-| Elm Neo provides tools for the neo wallet and crypto. @docs BinaryPrivateKey, HexPrivateKey, Wif, HexPublicKey, BinaryPublicKey, generateBinaryPrivateKey, generateHexPrivateKey, getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey, getWIFFromHexPrivateKey, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF, PublicKeyHash, ProgramHash, Address, Account, TransactionData, getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF, getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey, getAccountFromHexPrivateKey, getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey, getAccountFromHexPublicKey, Asset, AssetName, CoinData, Transactions, Transaction, TransactionId, neoAssetId, gasAssetId, AssetId, getTransferData, SignatureData, getSignatureData, ContractData, getContractData, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey,getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPublicKey, isValidHexPublicKey, isValidAddress, isValidHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPrivateKey, isValidWif, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey, getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey, getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey, encrypt, decrypt, encryptAsJson, decryptAsJson -} import Native.Neo import Task exposing (Task) {-| BinaryPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPrivateKey = List Int {-| HexPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias HexPrivateKey = String {-| Wif providing context to String -} type alias Wif = String {-| HexPublicKey providing context to String -} type alias HexPublicKey = String {-| BinaryPublicKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPublicKey = List Int {-| PublicKeyHash providing context to String -} type alias PublicKeyHash = String {-| ProgramHash providing context to String -} type alias ProgramHash = String {-| Address providing context to String -} type alias Address = String {-| TransactionData providing context to String -} type alias TransactionData = String {-| SignatureData providing context to String -} type alias SignatureData = String {-| ContractData providing context to String -} type alias ContractData = String {-| Asset providing context to asset -} type Asset = Neo AssetId | Gas AssetId {-| AssetId providing context to string -} type alias AssetId = String {-| neoAssetId special assetId for NEO -} neoAssetId : AssetId neoAssetId = "c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b" {-| gasAssetId special assetId for GAS -} gasAssetId : AssetId gasAssetId = "602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de6b7b16cee7969282de7" {-| AssetName providing context to string -} type alias AssetName = String {-| Transactions cointainer for transactions -} type alias Transactions = List Transaction {-| TransactionId providing context to string -} type alias TransactionId = String {-| Transaction cointainer for Transaction -} type alias Transaction = { index : Int , transactionId : TransactionId , value : Float } {-| CoinData cointainer for coin data -} type alias CoinData = { assetId : AssetId , unspent : Transactions , balance : Float , name : AssetName } {-| Account container for wallet info -} type alias Account = { binaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey , hexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey , wifPrivateKey : Wif , binaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey , hexPublicKey : HexPublicKey , publicKeyHash : PublicKeyHash , programHash : ProgramHash , address : Address } {-| generateBinaryPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateBinaryPrivateKey : Task x BinaryPrivateKey generateBinaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateBinaryPrivateKey {-| generateHexPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateHexPrivateKey : Task x HexPrivateKey generateHexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateHexPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a WIF from a binary private key -} getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromHexPrivateKey gets a WIF from a hex private key -} getWIFFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a binary private key from a WIF -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a hex private key from a WIF -} getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey gets wallet info from a binary public key -} getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| getAccountFromHexPublicKey gets wallet info from a hex public key -} getAccountFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getTransferData gets transaction transfer data -} getTransferData : CoinData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Address -> Float -> Result String TransactionData getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value = Native.Neo.getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value {-| getSignatureData gets signature data -} getSignatureData : TransactionData -> BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String SignatureData getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey {-| getContractData gets contract data -} getContractData : TransactionData -> SignatureData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Result String ContractData getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a hex private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a binary private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a binary private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a hex private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| isValidBinaryPublicKey checks if binary public key is valid -} isValidBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| isValidHexPublicKey checks if hex public key is valid -} isValidHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Bool isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| isValidAddress check if address is valid -} isValidAddress : Address -> Bool isValidAddress address = Native.Neo.isValidAddress address {-| isValidHexPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| isValidBinaryPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| isValidWif check if wif is valid -} isValidWif : Wif -> Bool isValidWif wif = Native.Neo.isValidWif wif {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey convert hex private key to binary private key -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey convert binary private key to hex private key -} getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey convert hex public key to binary public key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey convert binary public key to hex public key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| encrypt encrypt a string -} encrypt : String -> String -> Result String String encrypt value password = Native.Neo.encryptIt value password {-| decrypt decrypt a string -} decrypt : String -> String -> Result String String decrypt encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptIt encrypted password {-| encryptAsJson encryptAsJson a string -} encryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String encryptAsJson value password = Native.Neo.encryptAsJson value password {-| decryptAsJson decryptAsJson a string -} decryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String decryptAsJson encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptAsJson encrypted password
module Neo exposing ( BinaryPrivateKey , HexPrivateKey , Wif , HexPublicKey , BinaryPublicKey , PublicKeyHash , ProgramHash , Address , Account , TransactionData , Asset , AssetName , CoinData , Transactions , Transaction , TransactionId , AssetId , SignatureData , ContractData , generateBinaryPrivateKey , generateHexPrivateKey , getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey , getWIFFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF , getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF , getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey , getAccountFromHexPrivateKey , getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey , getAccountFromHexPublicKey , neoAssetId , gasAssetId , getTransferData , getSignatureData , getContractData , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPublicKey , isValidHexPublicKey , isValidAddress , isValidHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPrivateKey , isValidWif , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey , encrypt , decrypt , encryptAsJson , decryptAsJson ) {-| Elm Neo provides tools for the neo wallet and crypto. @docs BinaryPrivateKey, HexPrivateKey, Wif, HexPublicKey, BinaryPublicKey, generateBinaryPrivateKey, generateHexPrivateKey, getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey, getWIFFromHexPrivateKey, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF, PublicKeyHash, ProgramHash, Address, Account, TransactionData, getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF, getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey, getAccountFromHexPrivateKey, getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey, getAccountFromHexPublicKey, Asset, AssetName, CoinData, Transactions, Transaction, TransactionId, neoAssetId, gasAssetId, AssetId, getTransferData, SignatureData, getSignatureData, ContractData, getContractData, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey,getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPublicKey, isValidHexPublicKey, isValidAddress, isValidHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPrivateKey, isValidWif, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey, getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey, getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey, encrypt, decrypt, encryptAsJson, decryptAsJson -} import Native.Neo import Task exposing (Task) {-| BinaryPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPrivateKey = List Int {-| HexPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias HexPrivateKey = String {-| Wif providing context to String -} type alias Wif = String {-| HexPublicKey providing context to String -} type alias HexPublicKey = String {-| BinaryPublicKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPublicKey = List Int {-| PublicKeyHash providing context to String -} type alias PublicKeyHash = String {-| ProgramHash providing context to String -} type alias ProgramHash = String {-| Address providing context to String -} type alias Address = String {-| TransactionData providing context to String -} type alias TransactionData = String {-| SignatureData providing context to String -} type alias SignatureData = String {-| ContractData providing context to String -} type alias ContractData = String {-| Asset providing context to asset -} type Asset = Neo AssetId | Gas AssetId {-| AssetId providing context to string -} type alias AssetId = String {-| neoAssetId special assetId for NEO -} neoAssetId : AssetId neoAssetId = "c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b" {-| gasAssetId special assetId for GAS -} gasAssetId : AssetId gasAssetId = "602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5de<KEY>" {-| AssetName providing context to string -} type alias AssetName = String {-| Transactions cointainer for transactions -} type alias Transactions = List Transaction {-| TransactionId providing context to string -} type alias TransactionId = String {-| Transaction cointainer for Transaction -} type alias Transaction = { index : Int , transactionId : TransactionId , value : Float } {-| CoinData cointainer for coin data -} type alias CoinData = { assetId : AssetId , unspent : Transactions , balance : Float , name : AssetName } {-| Account container for wallet info -} type alias Account = { binaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey , hexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey , wifPrivateKey : Wif , binaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey , hexPublicKey : HexPublicKey , publicKeyHash : PublicKeyHash , programHash : ProgramHash , address : Address } {-| generateBinaryPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateBinaryPrivateKey : Task x BinaryPrivateKey generateBinaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateBinaryPrivateKey {-| generateHexPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateHexPrivateKey : Task x HexPrivateKey generateHexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateHexPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a WIF from a binary private key -} getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromHexPrivateKey gets a WIF from a hex private key -} getWIFFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a binary private key from a WIF -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a hex private key from a WIF -} getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey gets wallet info from a binary public key -} getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| getAccountFromHexPublicKey gets wallet info from a hex public key -} getAccountFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getTransferData gets transaction transfer data -} getTransferData : CoinData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Address -> Float -> Result String TransactionData getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value = Native.Neo.getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value {-| getSignatureData gets signature data -} getSignatureData : TransactionData -> BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String SignatureData getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey {-| getContractData gets contract data -} getContractData : TransactionData -> SignatureData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Result String ContractData getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a hex private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a binary private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a binary private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a hex private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| isValidBinaryPublicKey checks if binary public key is valid -} isValidBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| isValidHexPublicKey checks if hex public key is valid -} isValidHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Bool isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| isValidAddress check if address is valid -} isValidAddress : Address -> Bool isValidAddress address = Native.Neo.isValidAddress address {-| isValidHexPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| isValidBinaryPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| isValidWif check if wif is valid -} isValidWif : Wif -> Bool isValidWif wif = Native.Neo.isValidWif wif {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey convert hex private key to binary private key -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey convert binary private key to hex private key -} getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey convert hex public key to binary public key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey convert binary public key to hex public key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| encrypt encrypt a string -} encrypt : String -> String -> Result String String encrypt value password = Native.Neo.encryptIt value password {-| decrypt decrypt a string -} decrypt : String -> String -> Result String String decrypt encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptIt encrypted password {-| encryptAsJson encryptAsJson a string -} encryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String encryptAsJson value password = Native.Neo.encryptAsJson value password {-| decryptAsJson decryptAsJson a string -} decryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String decryptAsJson encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptAsJson encrypted password
module Neo exposing ( BinaryPrivateKey , HexPrivateKey , Wif , HexPublicKey , BinaryPublicKey , PublicKeyHash , ProgramHash , Address , Account , TransactionData , Asset , AssetName , CoinData , Transactions , Transaction , TransactionId , AssetId , SignatureData , ContractData , generateBinaryPrivateKey , generateHexPrivateKey , getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey , getWIFFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF , getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF , getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey , getAccountFromHexPrivateKey , getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey , getAccountFromHexPublicKey , neoAssetId , gasAssetId , getTransferData , getSignatureData , getContractData , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPublicKey , isValidHexPublicKey , isValidAddress , isValidHexPrivateKey , isValidBinaryPrivateKey , isValidWif , getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey , getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey , getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey , getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey , encrypt , decrypt , encryptAsJson , decryptAsJson ) {-| Elm Neo provides tools for the neo wallet and crypto. @docs BinaryPrivateKey, HexPrivateKey, Wif, HexPublicKey, BinaryPublicKey, generateBinaryPrivateKey, generateHexPrivateKey, getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey, getWIFFromHexPrivateKey, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF, PublicKeyHash, ProgramHash, Address, Account, TransactionData, getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF, getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey, getAccountFromHexPrivateKey, getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey, getAccountFromHexPublicKey, Asset, AssetName, CoinData, Transactions, Transaction, TransactionId, neoAssetId, gasAssetId, AssetId, getTransferData, SignatureData, getSignatureData, ContractData, getContractData, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey,getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey,getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPublicKey, isValidHexPublicKey, isValidAddress, isValidHexPrivateKey, isValidBinaryPrivateKey, isValidWif, getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey, getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey, getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey, getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey, encrypt, decrypt, encryptAsJson, decryptAsJson -} import Native.Neo import Task exposing (Task) {-| BinaryPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPrivateKey = List Int {-| HexPrivateKey providing context to List Int -} type alias HexPrivateKey = String {-| Wif providing context to String -} type alias Wif = String {-| HexPublicKey providing context to String -} type alias HexPublicKey = String {-| BinaryPublicKey providing context to List Int -} type alias BinaryPublicKey = List Int {-| PublicKeyHash providing context to String -} type alias PublicKeyHash = String {-| ProgramHash providing context to String -} type alias ProgramHash = String {-| Address providing context to String -} type alias Address = String {-| TransactionData providing context to String -} type alias TransactionData = String {-| SignatureData providing context to String -} type alias SignatureData = String {-| ContractData providing context to String -} type alias ContractData = String {-| Asset providing context to asset -} type Asset = Neo AssetId | Gas AssetId {-| AssetId providing context to string -} type alias AssetId = String {-| neoAssetId special assetId for NEO -} neoAssetId : AssetId neoAssetId = "c56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b" {-| gasAssetId special assetId for GAS -} gasAssetId : AssetId gasAssetId = "602c79718b16e442de58778e148d0b1084e3b2dffd5dePI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI" {-| AssetName providing context to string -} type alias AssetName = String {-| Transactions cointainer for transactions -} type alias Transactions = List Transaction {-| TransactionId providing context to string -} type alias TransactionId = String {-| Transaction cointainer for Transaction -} type alias Transaction = { index : Int , transactionId : TransactionId , value : Float } {-| CoinData cointainer for coin data -} type alias CoinData = { assetId : AssetId , unspent : Transactions , balance : Float , name : AssetName } {-| Account container for wallet info -} type alias Account = { binaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey , hexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey , wifPrivateKey : Wif , binaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey , hexPublicKey : HexPublicKey , publicKeyHash : PublicKeyHash , programHash : ProgramHash , address : Address } {-| generateBinaryPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateBinaryPrivateKey : Task x BinaryPrivateKey generateBinaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateBinaryPrivateKey {-| generateHexPrivateKey uses secure-random to generate a private key -} generateHexPrivateKey : Task x HexPrivateKey generateHexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.generateHexPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a WIF from a binary private key -} getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getWIFFromHexPrivateKey gets a WIF from a hex private key -} getWIFFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Wif getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getWIFFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a binary private key from a WIF -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF gets a hex private key from a WIF -} getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF : Wif -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromWIF wif {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPrivateKey gets wallet info from a binary private key -} getAccountFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey gets wallet info from a binary public key -} getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| getAccountFromHexPublicKey gets wallet info from a hex public key -} getAccountFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String Account getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getAccountFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getTransferData gets transaction transfer data -} getTransferData : CoinData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Address -> Float -> Result String TransactionData getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value = Native.Neo.getTransferData coinData binaryPublicKey toAddress value {-| getSignatureData gets signature data -} getSignatureData : TransactionData -> BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String SignatureData getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getSignatureData transactionData binaryPrivateKey {-| getContractData gets contract data -} getContractData : TransactionData -> SignatureData -> BinaryPublicKey -> Result String ContractData getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getContractData transactionData signatureData binaryPublicKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a hex private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a binary public key from a binary private key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a binary private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey gets a hex public key from a hex private key -} getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey shouldEncode {-| isValidBinaryPublicKey checks if binary public key is valid -} isValidBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| isValidHexPublicKey checks if hex public key is valid -} isValidHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Bool isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| isValidAddress check if address is valid -} isValidAddress : Address -> Bool isValidAddress address = Native.Neo.isValidAddress address {-| isValidHexPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Bool isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| isValidBinaryPrivateKey check if address is valid -} isValidBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Bool isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.isValidBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| isValidWif check if wif is valid -} isValidWif : Wif -> Bool isValidWif wif = Native.Neo.isValidWif wif {-| getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey convert hex private key to binary private key -} getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey : HexPrivateKey -> Result String BinaryPrivateKey getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPrivateKeyFromHexPrivateKey hexPrivateKey {-| getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey convert binary private key to hex private key -} getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey : BinaryPrivateKey -> Result String HexPrivateKey getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey = Native.Neo.getHexPrivateKeyFromBinaryPrivateKey binaryPrivateKey {-| getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey convert hex public key to binary public key -} getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey : HexPublicKey -> Result String BinaryPublicKey getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey = Native.Neo.getBinaryPublicKeyFromHexPublicKey hexPublicKey {-| getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey convert binary public key to hex public key -} getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey : BinaryPublicKey -> Result String HexPublicKey getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey = Native.Neo.getHexPublicKeyFromBinaryPublicKey binaryPublicKey {-| encrypt encrypt a string -} encrypt : String -> String -> Result String String encrypt value password = Native.Neo.encryptIt value password {-| decrypt decrypt a string -} decrypt : String -> String -> Result String String decrypt encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptIt encrypted password {-| encryptAsJson encryptAsJson a string -} encryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String encryptAsJson value password = Native.Neo.encryptAsJson value password {-| decryptAsJson decryptAsJson a string -} decryptAsJson : String -> String -> Result String String decryptAsJson encrypted password = Native.Neo.decryptAsJson encrypted password
[ { "context": "lm\n-- Types used everywhere.\n-- Copyright (c) 2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n", "end": 152, "score": 0.9998701215, "start": 138, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Bill St. Clair" }, { "context": "everywhere.\n-- Copyright (c) 2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com>\n-- Some rights reserved.\n-- Distributed under th", "end": 175, "score": 0.9999332428, "start": 154, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "billstclair@gmail.com" } ]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TwoDMath.elm -- Types used everywhere. -- Copyright (c) 2018 Bill St. Clair <billstclair@gmail.com> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module JSMaze.TwoDMath exposing ( Rectangle , Vector , combineVectors , distanceToRectangle , isVectorInRectangle , makeRectangle , makeSize , makeVector , positionToVector , rectangleCenter , rectangleCoordinates , rectangleFromVectors , sizeToVector , vectorCoordinates , vectorDifference , vectorDistance , vectorSum , zeroRectangle , zeroVector ) import Mouse exposing (Position) import Window exposing (Size) type alias Vector = { x : Float , y : Float } makeVector : Float -> Float -> Vector makeVector x y = { x = x, y = y } vectorCoordinates : Vector -> ( Float, Float ) vectorCoordinates vector = ( vector.x, vector.y ) sizeToVector : Size -> Vector sizeToVector size = makeVector (toFloat size.width) (toFloat size.height) positionToVector : Position -> Vector positionToVector pos = makeVector (toFloat pos.x) (toFloat pos.y) zeroVector : Vector zeroVector = makeVector 0 0 combineVectors : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Vector -> Vector -> Vector combineVectors f v1 v2 = makeVector (f v1.x v2.x) (f v1.y v2.y) vectorSum = combineVectors (+) vectorDifference = combineVectors (-) vectorDistance : Vector -> Vector -> Float vectorDistance v1 v2 = let diff = vectorDifference v1 v2 in sqrt (diff.x ^ 2 + diff.y ^ 2) type alias Rectangle = { pos : Vector --top-left corner , size : Vector } {-| Result is (left, top, right bottom) -} rectangleCoordinates : Rectangle -> ( Float, Float, Float, Float ) rectangleCoordinates rect = let pos = rect.pos size = rect.size left = pos.x top = pos.y right = left + size.x bottom = top + size.y in ( left, top, right, bottom ) makeRectangle : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Rectangle makeRectangle left top width height = rectangleFromVectors (makeVector left top) (makeVector width height) rectangleFromVectors : Vector -> Vector -> Rectangle rectangleFromVectors pos size = { pos = pos , size = size } zeroRectangle : Rectangle zeroRectangle = rectangleFromVectors zeroVector zeroVector rectangleCenter : Rectangle -> Vector rectangleCenter rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect in makeVector ((left + right) / 2) ((top + bottom) / 2) distanceToRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Float distanceToRectangle vect rect = let center = rectangleCenter rect in vectorDistance vect center isVectorInRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Bool isVectorInRectangle vect rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect ( x, y ) = vectorCoordinates vect in x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom makeSize : Int -> Int -> Size makeSize w h = { width = w, height = h }
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TwoDMath.elm -- Types used everywhere. -- Copyright (c) 2018 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module JSMaze.TwoDMath exposing ( Rectangle , Vector , combineVectors , distanceToRectangle , isVectorInRectangle , makeRectangle , makeSize , makeVector , positionToVector , rectangleCenter , rectangleCoordinates , rectangleFromVectors , sizeToVector , vectorCoordinates , vectorDifference , vectorDistance , vectorSum , zeroRectangle , zeroVector ) import Mouse exposing (Position) import Window exposing (Size) type alias Vector = { x : Float , y : Float } makeVector : Float -> Float -> Vector makeVector x y = { x = x, y = y } vectorCoordinates : Vector -> ( Float, Float ) vectorCoordinates vector = ( vector.x, vector.y ) sizeToVector : Size -> Vector sizeToVector size = makeVector (toFloat size.width) (toFloat size.height) positionToVector : Position -> Vector positionToVector pos = makeVector (toFloat pos.x) (toFloat pos.y) zeroVector : Vector zeroVector = makeVector 0 0 combineVectors : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Vector -> Vector -> Vector combineVectors f v1 v2 = makeVector (f v1.x v2.x) (f v1.y v2.y) vectorSum = combineVectors (+) vectorDifference = combineVectors (-) vectorDistance : Vector -> Vector -> Float vectorDistance v1 v2 = let diff = vectorDifference v1 v2 in sqrt (diff.x ^ 2 + diff.y ^ 2) type alias Rectangle = { pos : Vector --top-left corner , size : Vector } {-| Result is (left, top, right bottom) -} rectangleCoordinates : Rectangle -> ( Float, Float, Float, Float ) rectangleCoordinates rect = let pos = rect.pos size = rect.size left = pos.x top = pos.y right = left + size.x bottom = top + size.y in ( left, top, right, bottom ) makeRectangle : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Rectangle makeRectangle left top width height = rectangleFromVectors (makeVector left top) (makeVector width height) rectangleFromVectors : Vector -> Vector -> Rectangle rectangleFromVectors pos size = { pos = pos , size = size } zeroRectangle : Rectangle zeroRectangle = rectangleFromVectors zeroVector zeroVector rectangleCenter : Rectangle -> Vector rectangleCenter rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect in makeVector ((left + right) / 2) ((top + bottom) / 2) distanceToRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Float distanceToRectangle vect rect = let center = rectangleCenter rect in vectorDistance vect center isVectorInRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Bool isVectorInRectangle vect rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect ( x, y ) = vectorCoordinates vect in x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom makeSize : Int -> Int -> Size makeSize w h = { width = w, height = h }
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TwoDMath.elm -- Types used everywhere. -- Copyright (c) 2018 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI <PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI> -- Some rights reserved. -- Distributed under the MIT License -- See LICENSE.txt -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module JSMaze.TwoDMath exposing ( Rectangle , Vector , combineVectors , distanceToRectangle , isVectorInRectangle , makeRectangle , makeSize , makeVector , positionToVector , rectangleCenter , rectangleCoordinates , rectangleFromVectors , sizeToVector , vectorCoordinates , vectorDifference , vectorDistance , vectorSum , zeroRectangle , zeroVector ) import Mouse exposing (Position) import Window exposing (Size) type alias Vector = { x : Float , y : Float } makeVector : Float -> Float -> Vector makeVector x y = { x = x, y = y } vectorCoordinates : Vector -> ( Float, Float ) vectorCoordinates vector = ( vector.x, vector.y ) sizeToVector : Size -> Vector sizeToVector size = makeVector (toFloat size.width) (toFloat size.height) positionToVector : Position -> Vector positionToVector pos = makeVector (toFloat pos.x) (toFloat pos.y) zeroVector : Vector zeroVector = makeVector 0 0 combineVectors : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Vector -> Vector -> Vector combineVectors f v1 v2 = makeVector (f v1.x v2.x) (f v1.y v2.y) vectorSum = combineVectors (+) vectorDifference = combineVectors (-) vectorDistance : Vector -> Vector -> Float vectorDistance v1 v2 = let diff = vectorDifference v1 v2 in sqrt (diff.x ^ 2 + diff.y ^ 2) type alias Rectangle = { pos : Vector --top-left corner , size : Vector } {-| Result is (left, top, right bottom) -} rectangleCoordinates : Rectangle -> ( Float, Float, Float, Float ) rectangleCoordinates rect = let pos = rect.pos size = rect.size left = pos.x top = pos.y right = left + size.x bottom = top + size.y in ( left, top, right, bottom ) makeRectangle : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Rectangle makeRectangle left top width height = rectangleFromVectors (makeVector left top) (makeVector width height) rectangleFromVectors : Vector -> Vector -> Rectangle rectangleFromVectors pos size = { pos = pos , size = size } zeroRectangle : Rectangle zeroRectangle = rectangleFromVectors zeroVector zeroVector rectangleCenter : Rectangle -> Vector rectangleCenter rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect in makeVector ((left + right) / 2) ((top + bottom) / 2) distanceToRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Float distanceToRectangle vect rect = let center = rectangleCenter rect in vectorDistance vect center isVectorInRectangle : Vector -> Rectangle -> Bool isVectorInRectangle vect rect = let ( left, top, right, bottom ) = rectangleCoordinates rect ( x, y ) = vectorCoordinates vect in x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom makeSize : Int -> Int -> Size makeSize w h = { width = w, height = h }
[ { "context": "{-\nCopyright 2020 Morgan Stanley\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (", "end": 32, "score": 0.9997752905, "start": 18, "tag": "NAME", "value": "Morgan Stanley" } ]
{- Copyright 2020 Morgan Stanley Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Scala.AST exposing (..) type alias Name = String type alias Path = List Name type alias CompilationUnit = { dirPath : List String , fileName : String , packageDecl : PackageDecl , imports : List ImportDecl , typeDecls : List TypeDecl } type alias PackageDecl = List String type alias ImportDecl = { isAbsolute : Bool , packagePrefix : List String , importNames : List ImportName } type ImportName = ImportName String | ImportRename String String type Mod = Sealed | Final | Case | Val | Package | Implicit type TypeDecl = Trait { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } | Class { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , ctorArgs : List (List ArgDecl) , extends : List Type } | Object { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } type alias ArgDecl = { modifiers : List Mod , tpe : Type , name : Name , defaultValue : Maybe Value } type alias ArgValue = { name : Maybe Name , value : Value } type MemberDecl = TypeAlias { alias : Name , typeArgs : (List Type) , tpe : Type } | FunctionDecl { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , args : List (List ArgDecl) , returnType : Maybe Type , body : Maybe Value } | MemberTypeDecl TypeDecl type Type = TypeVar Name | TypeRef Path Name | TypeApply Type (List Type) | TupleType (List Type) | StructuralType (List MemberDecl) | FunctionType Type Type | CommentedType Type String type Value = Literal Lit | Var Name | Ref Path Name | Select Value Name | Wildcard | Apply Value (List ArgValue) | UnOp String Value | BinOp Value String Value | Lambda (List Name) Value | LetBlock (List ( Pattern, Value )) Value | MatchCases (List ( Pattern, Value )) | Match Value Value | IfElse Value Value Value | Tuple (List Value) | CommentedValue Value String type Pattern = WildcardMatch | AliasMatch Name | LiteralMatch Lit | UnapplyMatch Path Name (List Pattern) | TupleMatch (List Pattern) | ListItemsMatch (List Pattern) | HeadTailMatch Pattern Pattern | CommentedPattern Pattern String type Lit = BooleanLit Bool | CharacterLit Char | StringLit String | IntegerLit Int | FloatLit Float nameOfTypeDecl : TypeDecl -> Name nameOfTypeDecl typeDecl = case typeDecl of Trait data -> data.name Class data -> data.name Object data -> data.name
{- Copyright 2020 <NAME> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Scala.AST exposing (..) type alias Name = String type alias Path = List Name type alias CompilationUnit = { dirPath : List String , fileName : String , packageDecl : PackageDecl , imports : List ImportDecl , typeDecls : List TypeDecl } type alias PackageDecl = List String type alias ImportDecl = { isAbsolute : Bool , packagePrefix : List String , importNames : List ImportName } type ImportName = ImportName String | ImportRename String String type Mod = Sealed | Final | Case | Val | Package | Implicit type TypeDecl = Trait { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } | Class { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , ctorArgs : List (List ArgDecl) , extends : List Type } | Object { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } type alias ArgDecl = { modifiers : List Mod , tpe : Type , name : Name , defaultValue : Maybe Value } type alias ArgValue = { name : Maybe Name , value : Value } type MemberDecl = TypeAlias { alias : Name , typeArgs : (List Type) , tpe : Type } | FunctionDecl { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , args : List (List ArgDecl) , returnType : Maybe Type , body : Maybe Value } | MemberTypeDecl TypeDecl type Type = TypeVar Name | TypeRef Path Name | TypeApply Type (List Type) | TupleType (List Type) | StructuralType (List MemberDecl) | FunctionType Type Type | CommentedType Type String type Value = Literal Lit | Var Name | Ref Path Name | Select Value Name | Wildcard | Apply Value (List ArgValue) | UnOp String Value | BinOp Value String Value | Lambda (List Name) Value | LetBlock (List ( Pattern, Value )) Value | MatchCases (List ( Pattern, Value )) | Match Value Value | IfElse Value Value Value | Tuple (List Value) | CommentedValue Value String type Pattern = WildcardMatch | AliasMatch Name | LiteralMatch Lit | UnapplyMatch Path Name (List Pattern) | TupleMatch (List Pattern) | ListItemsMatch (List Pattern) | HeadTailMatch Pattern Pattern | CommentedPattern Pattern String type Lit = BooleanLit Bool | CharacterLit Char | StringLit String | IntegerLit Int | FloatLit Float nameOfTypeDecl : TypeDecl -> Name nameOfTypeDecl typeDecl = case typeDecl of Trait data -> data.name Class data -> data.name Object data -> data.name
{- Copyright 2020 PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module SlateX.DevBot.Scala.AST exposing (..) type alias Name = String type alias Path = List Name type alias CompilationUnit = { dirPath : List String , fileName : String , packageDecl : PackageDecl , imports : List ImportDecl , typeDecls : List TypeDecl } type alias PackageDecl = List String type alias ImportDecl = { isAbsolute : Bool , packagePrefix : List String , importNames : List ImportName } type ImportName = ImportName String | ImportRename String String type Mod = Sealed | Final | Case | Val | Package | Implicit type TypeDecl = Trait { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } | Class { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , ctorArgs : List (List ArgDecl) , extends : List Type } | Object { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , extends : List Type , members : List MemberDecl } type alias ArgDecl = { modifiers : List Mod , tpe : Type , name : Name , defaultValue : Maybe Value } type alias ArgValue = { name : Maybe Name , value : Value } type MemberDecl = TypeAlias { alias : Name , typeArgs : (List Type) , tpe : Type } | FunctionDecl { modifiers : List Mod , name : Name , typeArgs : List Type , args : List (List ArgDecl) , returnType : Maybe Type , body : Maybe Value } | MemberTypeDecl TypeDecl type Type = TypeVar Name | TypeRef Path Name | TypeApply Type (List Type) | TupleType (List Type) | StructuralType (List MemberDecl) | FunctionType Type Type | CommentedType Type String type Value = Literal Lit | Var Name | Ref Path Name | Select Value Name | Wildcard | Apply Value (List ArgValue) | UnOp String Value | BinOp Value String Value | Lambda (List Name) Value | LetBlock (List ( Pattern, Value )) Value | MatchCases (List ( Pattern, Value )) | Match Value Value | IfElse Value Value Value | Tuple (List Value) | CommentedValue Value String type Pattern = WildcardMatch | AliasMatch Name | LiteralMatch Lit | UnapplyMatch Path Name (List Pattern) | TupleMatch (List Pattern) | ListItemsMatch (List Pattern) | HeadTailMatch Pattern Pattern | CommentedPattern Pattern String type Lit = BooleanLit Bool | CharacterLit Char | StringLit String | IntegerLit Int | FloatLit Float nameOfTypeDecl : TypeDecl -> Name nameOfTypeDecl typeDecl = case typeDecl of Trait data -> data.name Class data -> data.name Object data -> data.name
[ { "context": " Routing.HomeRoute ->\n ( { token = token\n , projects = AllDict.empty .fullNam", "end": 793, "score": 0.5787274241, "start": 788, "tag": "KEY", "value": "token" }, { "context": "ng.DetailRoute fullName ->\n ( { token = token\n , projects = AllDict.empty .fullNam", "end": 1042, "score": 0.7119088769, "start": 1037, "tag": "KEY", "value": "token" } ]
module Model exposing ( Flags , Model , Msg ( GoToDetailPage , GoToListPage , Navigate , ProjectsRecieved , SetTab , UpdatedProjectRecieved ) , Page(ListPage, DetailPage) , addProjectToDetailPage , init , getProjects , setTabInDetailPage ) import AllDict exposing (AllDict) import Date import Http exposing (Error) import Navigation exposing (Location) import Project exposing (Project, Projects) import Routing exposing (Route) import Task exposing (Task) init : Flags -> Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init { token } location = case Routing.fromLocation location of Routing.HomeRoute -> ( { token = token , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = ListPage } , getProjects token ) Routing.DetailRoute fullName -> ( { token = token , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = DetailPage Nothing 0 } , getProject fullName token ) type alias Flags = { token : String } type alias Model = { token : String , projects : AllDict Project , projectList : Projects , page : Page } type Msg = ProjectsRecieved (Result Error Projects) | UpdatedProjectRecieved (Result Error Project) | Navigate Route | GoToListPage | GoToDetailPage String | SetTab Int type Page = ListPage | DetailPage (Maybe Project) Int getProjects : String -> Cmd Msg getProjects token = Date.now |> Task.andThen (Project.listProjectsTask token) |> Task.attempt ProjectsRecieved getProject : String -> String -> Cmd Msg getProject fullName token = Project.getProject fullName token |> Task.andThen (Project.updateProjectTask token) |> Task.attempt UpdatedProjectRecieved addProjectToDetailPage : Page -> Project -> Page addProjectToDetailPage page project = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage _ activeIndex -> DetailPage (Just project) activeIndex setTabInDetailPage : Page -> Int -> Page setTabInDetailPage page activeIndex = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage project _ -> DetailPage project activeIndex
module Model exposing ( Flags , Model , Msg ( GoToDetailPage , GoToListPage , Navigate , ProjectsRecieved , SetTab , UpdatedProjectRecieved ) , Page(ListPage, DetailPage) , addProjectToDetailPage , init , getProjects , setTabInDetailPage ) import AllDict exposing (AllDict) import Date import Http exposing (Error) import Navigation exposing (Location) import Project exposing (Project, Projects) import Routing exposing (Route) import Task exposing (Task) init : Flags -> Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init { token } location = case Routing.fromLocation location of Routing.HomeRoute -> ( { token = <KEY> , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = ListPage } , getProjects token ) Routing.DetailRoute fullName -> ( { token = <KEY> , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = DetailPage Nothing 0 } , getProject fullName token ) type alias Flags = { token : String } type alias Model = { token : String , projects : AllDict Project , projectList : Projects , page : Page } type Msg = ProjectsRecieved (Result Error Projects) | UpdatedProjectRecieved (Result Error Project) | Navigate Route | GoToListPage | GoToDetailPage String | SetTab Int type Page = ListPage | DetailPage (Maybe Project) Int getProjects : String -> Cmd Msg getProjects token = Date.now |> Task.andThen (Project.listProjectsTask token) |> Task.attempt ProjectsRecieved getProject : String -> String -> Cmd Msg getProject fullName token = Project.getProject fullName token |> Task.andThen (Project.updateProjectTask token) |> Task.attempt UpdatedProjectRecieved addProjectToDetailPage : Page -> Project -> Page addProjectToDetailPage page project = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage _ activeIndex -> DetailPage (Just project) activeIndex setTabInDetailPage : Page -> Int -> Page setTabInDetailPage page activeIndex = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage project _ -> DetailPage project activeIndex
module Model exposing ( Flags , Model , Msg ( GoToDetailPage , GoToListPage , Navigate , ProjectsRecieved , SetTab , UpdatedProjectRecieved ) , Page(ListPage, DetailPage) , addProjectToDetailPage , init , getProjects , setTabInDetailPage ) import AllDict exposing (AllDict) import Date import Http exposing (Error) import Navigation exposing (Location) import Project exposing (Project, Projects) import Routing exposing (Route) import Task exposing (Task) init : Flags -> Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init { token } location = case Routing.fromLocation location of Routing.HomeRoute -> ( { token = PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = ListPage } , getProjects token ) Routing.DetailRoute fullName -> ( { token = PI:KEY:<KEY>END_PI , projects = AllDict.empty .fullName , projectList = [] , page = DetailPage Nothing 0 } , getProject fullName token ) type alias Flags = { token : String } type alias Model = { token : String , projects : AllDict Project , projectList : Projects , page : Page } type Msg = ProjectsRecieved (Result Error Projects) | UpdatedProjectRecieved (Result Error Project) | Navigate Route | GoToListPage | GoToDetailPage String | SetTab Int type Page = ListPage | DetailPage (Maybe Project) Int getProjects : String -> Cmd Msg getProjects token = Date.now |> Task.andThen (Project.listProjectsTask token) |> Task.attempt ProjectsRecieved getProject : String -> String -> Cmd Msg getProject fullName token = Project.getProject fullName token |> Task.andThen (Project.updateProjectTask token) |> Task.attempt UpdatedProjectRecieved addProjectToDetailPage : Page -> Project -> Page addProjectToDetailPage page project = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage _ activeIndex -> DetailPage (Just project) activeIndex setTabInDetailPage : Page -> Int -> Page setTabInDetailPage page activeIndex = case page of ListPage -> ListPage DetailPage project _ -> DetailPage project activeIndex
[ { "context": "downloaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdobeDocs/cloudmanager-api-docs/master/swagger-specs/api.ya", "end": 506, "score": 0.9983427525, "start": 497, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "AdobeDocs" }, { "context": "version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0\n Contact: opensource@shinesolutions.com\n\n NOTE: This file is auto generated by the open", "end": 648, "score": 0.9999163151, "start": 619, "tag": "EMAIL", "value": "opensource@shinesolutions.com" }, { "context": "d by the openapi-generator.\n https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git\n Do not edit this file ma", "end": 747, "score": 0.9995167851, "start": 735, "tag": "USERNAME", "value": "openapitools" } ]
{- Cloud Manager API This API allows access to Cloud Manager programs, pipelines, and environments by an authorized technical account created through the Adobe I/O Console. The base url for this API is https://cloudmanager.adobe.io, e.g. to get the list of programs for an organization, you would make a GET request to https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/programs (with the correct set of headers as described below). This swagger file can be downloaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdobeDocs/cloudmanager-api-docs/master/swagger-specs/api.yaml. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Contact: opensource@shinesolutions.com NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.PipelineExecutionStepState exposing (PipelineExecutionStepState, Status(..), decoder, encode, encodeWithTag, toString) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import Data.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Data.PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks as PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks exposing (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Describes the status of a particular pipeline execution step for display purposes -} type alias PipelineExecutionStepState = { id : Maybe (String) , stepId : Maybe (String) , phaseId : Maybe (String) , action : Maybe (String) , repository : Maybe (String) , branch : Maybe (String) , environment : Maybe (String) , environmentType : Maybe (String) , startedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , finishedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , details : Maybe ((Dict String Object)) , status : Maybe (Status) , links : Maybe (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) } type Status = NOTSTARTED | RUNNING | FINISHED | ERROR | ROLLINGBACK | ROLLEDBACK | WAITING | CANCELLED | FAILED decoder : Decoder PipelineExecutionStepState decoder = Decode.succeed PipelineExecutionStepState |> optional "id" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "stepId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "phaseId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "action" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "repository" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "branch" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environment" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environmentType" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "startedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "finishedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "details" (Decode.nullable (Decode.dict Object.decoder)) Nothing |> optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_links" (Decode.nullable PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.decoder) Nothing encode : PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encode = Encode.object << encodePairs encodeWithTag : ( String, String ) -> PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encodeWithTag (tagField, tag) model = Encode.object <| encodePairs model ++ [ ( tagField, Encode.string tag ) ] encodePairs : PipelineExecutionStepState -> List (String, Encode.Value) encodePairs model = [ ( "id", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.id) ) , ( "stepId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.stepId) ) , ( "phaseId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.phaseId) ) , ( "action", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.action) ) , ( "repository", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.repository) ) , ( "branch", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.branch) ) , ( "environment", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environment) ) , ( "environmentType", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environmentType) ) , ( "startedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.startedAt) ) , ( "finishedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.finishedAt) ) , ( "details", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map (Encode.dict identity Object.encode) model.details) ) , ( "status", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map encodeStatus model.status) ) , ( "_links", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.encode model.links) ) ] toString : PipelineExecutionStepState -> String toString = Encode.encode 0 << encode statusDecoder : Decoder Status statusDecoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\str -> case str of "NOT_STARTED" -> Decode.succeed NOTSTARTED "RUNNING" -> Decode.succeed RUNNING "FINISHED" -> Decode.succeed FINISHED "ERROR" -> Decode.succeed ERROR "ROLLING_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLINGBACK "ROLLED_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLEDBACK "WAITING" -> Decode.succeed WAITING "CANCELLED" -> Decode.succeed CANCELLED "FAILED" -> Decode.succeed FAILED other -> Decode.fail <| "Unknown type: " ++ other ) encodeStatus : Status -> Encode.Value encodeStatus model = case model of NOTSTARTED -> Encode.string "NOT_STARTED" RUNNING -> Encode.string "RUNNING" FINISHED -> Encode.string "FINISHED" ERROR -> Encode.string "ERROR" ROLLINGBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLING_BACK" ROLLEDBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLED_BACK" WAITING -> Encode.string "WAITING" CANCELLED -> Encode.string "CANCELLED" FAILED -> Encode.string "FAILED"
{- Cloud Manager API This API allows access to Cloud Manager programs, pipelines, and environments by an authorized technical account created through the Adobe I/O Console. The base url for this API is https://cloudmanager.adobe.io, e.g. to get the list of programs for an organization, you would make a GET request to https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/programs (with the correct set of headers as described below). This swagger file can be downloaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdobeDocs/cloudmanager-api-docs/master/swagger-specs/api.yaml. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Contact: <EMAIL> NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.PipelineExecutionStepState exposing (PipelineExecutionStepState, Status(..), decoder, encode, encodeWithTag, toString) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import Data.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Data.PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks as PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks exposing (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Describes the status of a particular pipeline execution step for display purposes -} type alias PipelineExecutionStepState = { id : Maybe (String) , stepId : Maybe (String) , phaseId : Maybe (String) , action : Maybe (String) , repository : Maybe (String) , branch : Maybe (String) , environment : Maybe (String) , environmentType : Maybe (String) , startedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , finishedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , details : Maybe ((Dict String Object)) , status : Maybe (Status) , links : Maybe (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) } type Status = NOTSTARTED | RUNNING | FINISHED | ERROR | ROLLINGBACK | ROLLEDBACK | WAITING | CANCELLED | FAILED decoder : Decoder PipelineExecutionStepState decoder = Decode.succeed PipelineExecutionStepState |> optional "id" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "stepId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "phaseId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "action" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "repository" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "branch" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environment" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environmentType" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "startedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "finishedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "details" (Decode.nullable (Decode.dict Object.decoder)) Nothing |> optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_links" (Decode.nullable PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.decoder) Nothing encode : PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encode = Encode.object << encodePairs encodeWithTag : ( String, String ) -> PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encodeWithTag (tagField, tag) model = Encode.object <| encodePairs model ++ [ ( tagField, Encode.string tag ) ] encodePairs : PipelineExecutionStepState -> List (String, Encode.Value) encodePairs model = [ ( "id", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.id) ) , ( "stepId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.stepId) ) , ( "phaseId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.phaseId) ) , ( "action", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.action) ) , ( "repository", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.repository) ) , ( "branch", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.branch) ) , ( "environment", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environment) ) , ( "environmentType", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environmentType) ) , ( "startedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.startedAt) ) , ( "finishedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.finishedAt) ) , ( "details", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map (Encode.dict identity Object.encode) model.details) ) , ( "status", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map encodeStatus model.status) ) , ( "_links", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.encode model.links) ) ] toString : PipelineExecutionStepState -> String toString = Encode.encode 0 << encode statusDecoder : Decoder Status statusDecoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\str -> case str of "NOT_STARTED" -> Decode.succeed NOTSTARTED "RUNNING" -> Decode.succeed RUNNING "FINISHED" -> Decode.succeed FINISHED "ERROR" -> Decode.succeed ERROR "ROLLING_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLINGBACK "ROLLED_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLEDBACK "WAITING" -> Decode.succeed WAITING "CANCELLED" -> Decode.succeed CANCELLED "FAILED" -> Decode.succeed FAILED other -> Decode.fail <| "Unknown type: " ++ other ) encodeStatus : Status -> Encode.Value encodeStatus model = case model of NOTSTARTED -> Encode.string "NOT_STARTED" RUNNING -> Encode.string "RUNNING" FINISHED -> Encode.string "FINISHED" ERROR -> Encode.string "ERROR" ROLLINGBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLING_BACK" ROLLEDBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLED_BACK" WAITING -> Encode.string "WAITING" CANCELLED -> Encode.string "CANCELLED" FAILED -> Encode.string "FAILED"
{- Cloud Manager API This API allows access to Cloud Manager programs, pipelines, and environments by an authorized technical account created through the Adobe I/O Console. The base url for this API is https://cloudmanager.adobe.io, e.g. to get the list of programs for an organization, you would make a GET request to https://cloudmanager.adobe.io/api/programs (with the correct set of headers as described below). This swagger file can be downloaded from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdobeDocs/cloudmanager-api-docs/master/swagger-specs/api.yaml. The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 Contact: PI:EMAIL:<EMAIL>END_PI NOTE: This file is auto generated by the openapi-generator. https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git Do not edit this file manually. -} module Data.PipelineExecutionStepState exposing (PipelineExecutionStepState, Status(..), decoder, encode, encodeWithTag, toString) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import DateTime exposing (DateTime) import Data.Object as Object exposing (Object) import Data.PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks as PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks exposing (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Json.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (optional, required) import Json.Encode as Encode {-| Describes the status of a particular pipeline execution step for display purposes -} type alias PipelineExecutionStepState = { id : Maybe (String) , stepId : Maybe (String) , phaseId : Maybe (String) , action : Maybe (String) , repository : Maybe (String) , branch : Maybe (String) , environment : Maybe (String) , environmentType : Maybe (String) , startedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , finishedAt : Maybe (DateTime) , details : Maybe ((Dict String Object)) , status : Maybe (Status) , links : Maybe (PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks) } type Status = NOTSTARTED | RUNNING | FINISHED | ERROR | ROLLINGBACK | ROLLEDBACK | WAITING | CANCELLED | FAILED decoder : Decoder PipelineExecutionStepState decoder = Decode.succeed PipelineExecutionStepState |> optional "id" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "stepId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "phaseId" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "action" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "repository" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "branch" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environment" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "environmentType" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) Nothing |> optional "startedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "finishedAt" (Decode.nullable DateTime.decoder) Nothing |> optional "details" (Decode.nullable (Decode.dict Object.decoder)) Nothing |> optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing |> optional "_links" (Decode.nullable PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.decoder) Nothing encode : PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encode = Encode.object << encodePairs encodeWithTag : ( String, String ) -> PipelineExecutionStepState -> Encode.Value encodeWithTag (tagField, tag) model = Encode.object <| encodePairs model ++ [ ( tagField, Encode.string tag ) ] encodePairs : PipelineExecutionStepState -> List (String, Encode.Value) encodePairs model = [ ( "id", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.id) ) , ( "stepId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.stepId) ) , ( "phaseId", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.phaseId) ) , ( "action", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.action) ) , ( "repository", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.repository) ) , ( "branch", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.branch) ) , ( "environment", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environment) ) , ( "environmentType", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map Encode.string model.environmentType) ) , ( "startedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.startedAt) ) , ( "finishedAt", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map DateTime.encode model.finishedAt) ) , ( "details", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map (Encode.dict identity Object.encode) model.details) ) , ( "status", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map encodeStatus model.status) ) , ( "_links", Maybe.withDefault Encode.null (Maybe.map PipelineExecutionStepStateLinks.encode model.links) ) ] toString : PipelineExecutionStepState -> String toString = Encode.encode 0 << encode statusDecoder : Decoder Status statusDecoder = Decode.string |> Decode.andThen (\str -> case str of "NOT_STARTED" -> Decode.succeed NOTSTARTED "RUNNING" -> Decode.succeed RUNNING "FINISHED" -> Decode.succeed FINISHED "ERROR" -> Decode.succeed ERROR "ROLLING_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLINGBACK "ROLLED_BACK" -> Decode.succeed ROLLEDBACK "WAITING" -> Decode.succeed WAITING "CANCELLED" -> Decode.succeed CANCELLED "FAILED" -> Decode.succeed FAILED other -> Decode.fail <| "Unknown type: " ++ other ) encodeStatus : Status -> Encode.Value encodeStatus model = case model of NOTSTARTED -> Encode.string "NOT_STARTED" RUNNING -> Encode.string "RUNNING" FINISHED -> Encode.string "FINISHED" ERROR -> Encode.string "ERROR" ROLLINGBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLING_BACK" ROLLEDBACK -> Encode.string "ROLLED_BACK" WAITING -> Encode.string "WAITING" CANCELLED -> Encode.string "CANCELLED" FAILED -> Encode.string "FAILED"
[ { "context": "orization_code\"\n\n Password ->\n \"password\"\n\n ClientCredentials ->\n \"clien", "end": 6682, "score": 0.9994908571, "start": 6674, "tag": "PASSWORD", "value": "password" } ]
module OAuth exposing ( Token(..), useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString , ErrorCode(..), errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString , ResponseType(..), responseTypeToString, GrantType(..), grantTypeToString , TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken ) {-| Utility library to manage client-side OAuth 2.0 authentications The library contains a main OAuth module exposing types used accross other modules. In practice, you'll only need to use one of the additional modules: - OAuth.AuthorizationCode: The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens via a redirection-based flow and is optimized for confidential clients [4.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1). - OAuth.AuthorizationCode.PKCE: An extension of the original OAuth 2.0 specification to mitigate authorization code interception attacks through the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). - OAuth.Implicit: The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI [4.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2). - OAuth.Password: The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application [4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3) - OAuth.ClientCredentials: The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that have been previously arranged with the authorization server (the method of which is beyond the scope of this specification) [4.4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3). In practice, you most probably want to use the [`OAuth.AuthorizationCode`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/truqu/elm-oauth2/latest/OAuth-AuthorizationCode). If your authorization server supports it, you should look at the PKCE extension in a second-time! which is the most commonly used. ## Token @docs Token, useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString ## ErrorCode @docs ErrorCode, errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString ## Response & Grant types (Advanced) The following section can be ignored if you're dealing with a very generic OAuth2.0 implementation. If however, your authorization server does implement some extra features on top of the OAuth2.0 protocol (e.g. OpenID Connect), you will require to tweak response parsers and possibly, response type to cope with these discrepancies. In short, unless you're planning on using `makeTokenRequestWith` or `makeAuthorizationUrlWith`, you most probably won't need any of the functions below. @docs ResponseType, responseTypeToString, GrantType, grantTypeToString ## Decoders & Parsers Utils (advanced) @docs TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken -} import Extra.Maybe as Maybe import Http as Http -- -- Token -- {-| Describes the type of access token to use. - Bearer: Utilized by simply including the access token string in the request [rfc6750](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750) - Mac: Not supported. -} type Token = Bearer String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenType = String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenString = String {-| Use a token to authenticate a request. -} useToken : Token -> List Http.Header -> List Http.Header useToken token = (::) (Http.header "Authorization" (tokenToString token)) {-| Create a token from two string representing a token type and an actual token value. This is intended to be used in Json decoders or Query parsers. Returns `Nothing` when the token type is `Nothing` , different from `Just "Bearer"` or when there's no token at all. -} makeToken : Maybe TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe Token makeToken = Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken {-| See `makeToken`, with the subtle difference that a token value may or may not be there. Returns `Nothing` when the token type isn't `"Bearer"`. Returns `Just Nothing` or `Just (Just token)` otherwise, depending on whether a token is present or not. -} makeRefreshToken : TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe (Maybe Token) makeRefreshToken tokenType mToken = case ( mToken, Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken (Just tokenType) mToken ) of ( Nothing, _ ) -> Just Nothing ( _, Just token ) -> Just <| Just token _ -> Nothing {-| Internal, attempt to make a Bearer token from a type and a token string -} tryMakeToken : TokenType -> TokenString -> Maybe Token tryMakeToken tokenType token = case String.toLower tokenType of "bearer" -> Just (Bearer token) _ -> Nothing {-| Get the `String` representation of a `Token` to be used in an 'Authorization' header -} tokenToString : Token -> String tokenToString (Bearer t) = "Bearer " ++ t {-| Parse a token from an 'Authorization' header string. tokenFromString (tokenToString token) == Just token -} tokenFromString : String -> Maybe Token tokenFromString str = case ( String.left 6 str, String.dropLeft 7 str ) of ( "Bearer", t ) -> Just (Bearer t) _ -> Nothing -- -- ResponseType / GrandType -- {-| Describes the desired type of response to an authorization. Use `Code` to ask for an authorization code and continue with the according flow. Use `Token` to do an implicit authentication and directly retrieve a `Token` from the authorization. If need be, you may provide a custom response type should the server returns a non-standard response type. -} type ResponseType = Code | Token | CustomResponse String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `ResponseType`. -} responseTypeToString : ResponseType -> String responseTypeToString r = case r of Code -> "code" Token -> "token" CustomResponse str -> str {-| Describes the desired type of grant to an authentication. -} type GrantType = AuthorizationCode | Password | ClientCredentials | RefreshToken | CustomGrant String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `GrantType` -} grantTypeToString : GrantType -> String grantTypeToString g = case g of AuthorizationCode -> "authorization_code" Password -> "password" ClientCredentials -> "client_credentials" RefreshToken -> "refresh_token" CustomGrant str -> str -- -- Error -- {-| Describes an OAuth error response [](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section- - `InvalidRequest`: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. - `UnauthorizedClient`: The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method. - `AccessDenied`: The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - `UnsupportedResponseType`: The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method. - `InvalidScope`: The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. - `ServerError`: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. (This error code is needed because a 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `TemporarilyUnavailable`: The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. (This error code is needed because a 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `Custom`: Encountered a 'free-string' or custom code not specified by the official RFC but returned by the authorization server. -} type ErrorCode = InvalidRequest | UnauthorizedClient | AccessDenied | UnsupportedResponseType | InvalidScope | ServerError | TemporarilyUnavailable | Custom String {-| Get the `String` representation of an `ErrorCode`. -} errorCodeToString : ErrorCode -> String errorCodeToString err = case err of InvalidRequest -> "invalid_request" UnauthorizedClient -> "unauthorized_client" AccessDenied -> "access_denied" UnsupportedResponseType -> "unsupported_response_type" InvalidScope -> "invalid_scope" ServerError -> "server_error" TemporarilyUnavailable -> "temporarily_unavailable" Custom str -> str {-| Build a string back into an error code. Returns `Custom _` when the string isn't recognized from the ones specified in the RFC -} errorCodeFromString : String -> ErrorCode errorCodeFromString str = case str of "invalid_request" -> InvalidRequest "unauthorized_client" -> UnauthorizedClient "access_denied" -> AccessDenied "unsupported_response_type" -> UnsupportedResponseType "invalid_scope" -> InvalidScope "server_error" -> ServerError "temporarily_unavailable" -> TemporarilyUnavailable _ -> Custom str
module OAuth exposing ( Token(..), useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString , ErrorCode(..), errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString , ResponseType(..), responseTypeToString, GrantType(..), grantTypeToString , TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken ) {-| Utility library to manage client-side OAuth 2.0 authentications The library contains a main OAuth module exposing types used accross other modules. In practice, you'll only need to use one of the additional modules: - OAuth.AuthorizationCode: The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens via a redirection-based flow and is optimized for confidential clients [4.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1). - OAuth.AuthorizationCode.PKCE: An extension of the original OAuth 2.0 specification to mitigate authorization code interception attacks through the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). - OAuth.Implicit: The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI [4.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2). - OAuth.Password: The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application [4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3) - OAuth.ClientCredentials: The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that have been previously arranged with the authorization server (the method of which is beyond the scope of this specification) [4.4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3). In practice, you most probably want to use the [`OAuth.AuthorizationCode`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/truqu/elm-oauth2/latest/OAuth-AuthorizationCode). If your authorization server supports it, you should look at the PKCE extension in a second-time! which is the most commonly used. ## Token @docs Token, useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString ## ErrorCode @docs ErrorCode, errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString ## Response & Grant types (Advanced) The following section can be ignored if you're dealing with a very generic OAuth2.0 implementation. If however, your authorization server does implement some extra features on top of the OAuth2.0 protocol (e.g. OpenID Connect), you will require to tweak response parsers and possibly, response type to cope with these discrepancies. In short, unless you're planning on using `makeTokenRequestWith` or `makeAuthorizationUrlWith`, you most probably won't need any of the functions below. @docs ResponseType, responseTypeToString, GrantType, grantTypeToString ## Decoders & Parsers Utils (advanced) @docs TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken -} import Extra.Maybe as Maybe import Http as Http -- -- Token -- {-| Describes the type of access token to use. - Bearer: Utilized by simply including the access token string in the request [rfc6750](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750) - Mac: Not supported. -} type Token = Bearer String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenType = String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenString = String {-| Use a token to authenticate a request. -} useToken : Token -> List Http.Header -> List Http.Header useToken token = (::) (Http.header "Authorization" (tokenToString token)) {-| Create a token from two string representing a token type and an actual token value. This is intended to be used in Json decoders or Query parsers. Returns `Nothing` when the token type is `Nothing` , different from `Just "Bearer"` or when there's no token at all. -} makeToken : Maybe TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe Token makeToken = Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken {-| See `makeToken`, with the subtle difference that a token value may or may not be there. Returns `Nothing` when the token type isn't `"Bearer"`. Returns `Just Nothing` or `Just (Just token)` otherwise, depending on whether a token is present or not. -} makeRefreshToken : TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe (Maybe Token) makeRefreshToken tokenType mToken = case ( mToken, Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken (Just tokenType) mToken ) of ( Nothing, _ ) -> Just Nothing ( _, Just token ) -> Just <| Just token _ -> Nothing {-| Internal, attempt to make a Bearer token from a type and a token string -} tryMakeToken : TokenType -> TokenString -> Maybe Token tryMakeToken tokenType token = case String.toLower tokenType of "bearer" -> Just (Bearer token) _ -> Nothing {-| Get the `String` representation of a `Token` to be used in an 'Authorization' header -} tokenToString : Token -> String tokenToString (Bearer t) = "Bearer " ++ t {-| Parse a token from an 'Authorization' header string. tokenFromString (tokenToString token) == Just token -} tokenFromString : String -> Maybe Token tokenFromString str = case ( String.left 6 str, String.dropLeft 7 str ) of ( "Bearer", t ) -> Just (Bearer t) _ -> Nothing -- -- ResponseType / GrandType -- {-| Describes the desired type of response to an authorization. Use `Code` to ask for an authorization code and continue with the according flow. Use `Token` to do an implicit authentication and directly retrieve a `Token` from the authorization. If need be, you may provide a custom response type should the server returns a non-standard response type. -} type ResponseType = Code | Token | CustomResponse String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `ResponseType`. -} responseTypeToString : ResponseType -> String responseTypeToString r = case r of Code -> "code" Token -> "token" CustomResponse str -> str {-| Describes the desired type of grant to an authentication. -} type GrantType = AuthorizationCode | Password | ClientCredentials | RefreshToken | CustomGrant String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `GrantType` -} grantTypeToString : GrantType -> String grantTypeToString g = case g of AuthorizationCode -> "authorization_code" Password -> "<PASSWORD>" ClientCredentials -> "client_credentials" RefreshToken -> "refresh_token" CustomGrant str -> str -- -- Error -- {-| Describes an OAuth error response [](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section- - `InvalidRequest`: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. - `UnauthorizedClient`: The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method. - `AccessDenied`: The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - `UnsupportedResponseType`: The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method. - `InvalidScope`: The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. - `ServerError`: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. (This error code is needed because a 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `TemporarilyUnavailable`: The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. (This error code is needed because a 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `Custom`: Encountered a 'free-string' or custom code not specified by the official RFC but returned by the authorization server. -} type ErrorCode = InvalidRequest | UnauthorizedClient | AccessDenied | UnsupportedResponseType | InvalidScope | ServerError | TemporarilyUnavailable | Custom String {-| Get the `String` representation of an `ErrorCode`. -} errorCodeToString : ErrorCode -> String errorCodeToString err = case err of InvalidRequest -> "invalid_request" UnauthorizedClient -> "unauthorized_client" AccessDenied -> "access_denied" UnsupportedResponseType -> "unsupported_response_type" InvalidScope -> "invalid_scope" ServerError -> "server_error" TemporarilyUnavailable -> "temporarily_unavailable" Custom str -> str {-| Build a string back into an error code. Returns `Custom _` when the string isn't recognized from the ones specified in the RFC -} errorCodeFromString : String -> ErrorCode errorCodeFromString str = case str of "invalid_request" -> InvalidRequest "unauthorized_client" -> UnauthorizedClient "access_denied" -> AccessDenied "unsupported_response_type" -> UnsupportedResponseType "invalid_scope" -> InvalidScope "server_error" -> ServerError "temporarily_unavailable" -> TemporarilyUnavailable _ -> Custom str
module OAuth exposing ( Token(..), useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString , ErrorCode(..), errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString , ResponseType(..), responseTypeToString, GrantType(..), grantTypeToString , TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken ) {-| Utility library to manage client-side OAuth 2.0 authentications The library contains a main OAuth module exposing types used accross other modules. In practice, you'll only need to use one of the additional modules: - OAuth.AuthorizationCode: The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens via a redirection-based flow and is optimized for confidential clients [4.1](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1). - OAuth.AuthorizationCode.PKCE: An extension of the original OAuth 2.0 specification to mitigate authorization code interception attacks through the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). - OAuth.Implicit: The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI [4.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2). - OAuth.Password: The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application [4.3](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3) - OAuth.ClientCredentials: The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that have been previously arranged with the authorization server (the method of which is beyond the scope of this specification) [4.4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3). In practice, you most probably want to use the [`OAuth.AuthorizationCode`](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/truqu/elm-oauth2/latest/OAuth-AuthorizationCode). If your authorization server supports it, you should look at the PKCE extension in a second-time! which is the most commonly used. ## Token @docs Token, useToken, tokenToString, tokenFromString ## ErrorCode @docs ErrorCode, errorCodeToString, errorCodeFromString ## Response & Grant types (Advanced) The following section can be ignored if you're dealing with a very generic OAuth2.0 implementation. If however, your authorization server does implement some extra features on top of the OAuth2.0 protocol (e.g. OpenID Connect), you will require to tweak response parsers and possibly, response type to cope with these discrepancies. In short, unless you're planning on using `makeTokenRequestWith` or `makeAuthorizationUrlWith`, you most probably won't need any of the functions below. @docs ResponseType, responseTypeToString, GrantType, grantTypeToString ## Decoders & Parsers Utils (advanced) @docs TokenType, TokenString, makeToken, makeRefreshToken -} import Extra.Maybe as Maybe import Http as Http -- -- Token -- {-| Describes the type of access token to use. - Bearer: Utilized by simply including the access token string in the request [rfc6750](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750) - Mac: Not supported. -} type Token = Bearer String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenType = String {-| Alias for readability -} type alias TokenString = String {-| Use a token to authenticate a request. -} useToken : Token -> List Http.Header -> List Http.Header useToken token = (::) (Http.header "Authorization" (tokenToString token)) {-| Create a token from two string representing a token type and an actual token value. This is intended to be used in Json decoders or Query parsers. Returns `Nothing` when the token type is `Nothing` , different from `Just "Bearer"` or when there's no token at all. -} makeToken : Maybe TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe Token makeToken = Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken {-| See `makeToken`, with the subtle difference that a token value may or may not be there. Returns `Nothing` when the token type isn't `"Bearer"`. Returns `Just Nothing` or `Just (Just token)` otherwise, depending on whether a token is present or not. -} makeRefreshToken : TokenType -> Maybe TokenString -> Maybe (Maybe Token) makeRefreshToken tokenType mToken = case ( mToken, Maybe.andThen2 tryMakeToken (Just tokenType) mToken ) of ( Nothing, _ ) -> Just Nothing ( _, Just token ) -> Just <| Just token _ -> Nothing {-| Internal, attempt to make a Bearer token from a type and a token string -} tryMakeToken : TokenType -> TokenString -> Maybe Token tryMakeToken tokenType token = case String.toLower tokenType of "bearer" -> Just (Bearer token) _ -> Nothing {-| Get the `String` representation of a `Token` to be used in an 'Authorization' header -} tokenToString : Token -> String tokenToString (Bearer t) = "Bearer " ++ t {-| Parse a token from an 'Authorization' header string. tokenFromString (tokenToString token) == Just token -} tokenFromString : String -> Maybe Token tokenFromString str = case ( String.left 6 str, String.dropLeft 7 str ) of ( "Bearer", t ) -> Just (Bearer t) _ -> Nothing -- -- ResponseType / GrandType -- {-| Describes the desired type of response to an authorization. Use `Code` to ask for an authorization code and continue with the according flow. Use `Token` to do an implicit authentication and directly retrieve a `Token` from the authorization. If need be, you may provide a custom response type should the server returns a non-standard response type. -} type ResponseType = Code | Token | CustomResponse String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `ResponseType`. -} responseTypeToString : ResponseType -> String responseTypeToString r = case r of Code -> "code" Token -> "token" CustomResponse str -> str {-| Describes the desired type of grant to an authentication. -} type GrantType = AuthorizationCode | Password | ClientCredentials | RefreshToken | CustomGrant String {-| Gets the `String` representation of a `GrantType` -} grantTypeToString : GrantType -> String grantTypeToString g = case g of AuthorizationCode -> "authorization_code" Password -> "PI:PASSWORD:<PASSWORD>END_PI" ClientCredentials -> "client_credentials" RefreshToken -> "refresh_token" CustomGrant str -> str -- -- Error -- {-| Describes an OAuth error response [](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section- - `InvalidRequest`: The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. - `UnauthorizedClient`: The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method. - `AccessDenied`: The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. - `UnsupportedResponseType`: The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method. - `InvalidScope`: The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed. - `ServerError`: The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. (This error code is needed because a 500 Internal Server Error HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `TemporarilyUnavailable`: The authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. (This error code is needed because a 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status code cannot be returned to the client via an HTTP redirect.) - `Custom`: Encountered a 'free-string' or custom code not specified by the official RFC but returned by the authorization server. -} type ErrorCode = InvalidRequest | UnauthorizedClient | AccessDenied | UnsupportedResponseType | InvalidScope | ServerError | TemporarilyUnavailable | Custom String {-| Get the `String` representation of an `ErrorCode`. -} errorCodeToString : ErrorCode -> String errorCodeToString err = case err of InvalidRequest -> "invalid_request" UnauthorizedClient -> "unauthorized_client" AccessDenied -> "access_denied" UnsupportedResponseType -> "unsupported_response_type" InvalidScope -> "invalid_scope" ServerError -> "server_error" TemporarilyUnavailable -> "temporarily_unavailable" Custom str -> str {-| Build a string back into an error code. Returns `Custom _` when the string isn't recognized from the ones specified in the RFC -} errorCodeFromString : String -> ErrorCode errorCodeFromString str = case str of "invalid_request" -> InvalidRequest "unauthorized_client" -> UnauthorizedClient "access_denied" -> AccessDenied "unsupported_response_type" -> UnsupportedResponseType "invalid_scope" -> InvalidScope "server_error" -> ServerError "temporarily_unavailable" -> TemporarilyUnavailable _ -> Custom str
[ { "context": "or <| initialSeed 0\n in\n { id = id, name = \"New Player\", role = None, party = Villagers, markers = [], a", "end": 1274, "score": 0.9569165111, "start": 1264, "tag": "NAME", "value": "New Player" } ]
module Util.Player exposing ( hasId , hasMarker , hasParty , hasRole , initPlayer , isAlive , isInChurch , isNominated , playerById ) import List exposing (any, filter, head, member) import Random exposing (initialSeed) import Types exposing (Marker(..), Party(..), Player, Role(..)) import Util.Marker exposing (isNominatedMarker) import Uuid exposing (Uuid, uuidGenerator) hasId : Uuid -> Player -> Bool hasId id player = player.id == id hasRole : Role -> Player -> Bool hasRole role player = player.role == role hasParty : Party -> Player -> Bool hasParty party player = player.party == party hasMarker : Marker -> Player -> Bool hasMarker marker player = member marker player.markers isInChurch : Player -> Bool isInChurch player = member Converted player.markers || player.role == Pope || player.role == Monk || player.role == MonkInLove isAlive : Player -> Bool isAlive player = player.alive isNominated : Player -> Bool isNominated player = any isNominatedMarker player.markers initPlayer : Player initPlayer = let ( id, _ ) = Random.step uuidGenerator <| initialSeed 0 in { id = id, name = "New Player", role = None, party = Villagers, markers = [], alive = False } playerById : List Player -> Uuid -> Maybe Player playerById players id = filter (\p -> p.id == id) players |> head
module Util.Player exposing ( hasId , hasMarker , hasParty , hasRole , initPlayer , isAlive , isInChurch , isNominated , playerById ) import List exposing (any, filter, head, member) import Random exposing (initialSeed) import Types exposing (Marker(..), Party(..), Player, Role(..)) import Util.Marker exposing (isNominatedMarker) import Uuid exposing (Uuid, uuidGenerator) hasId : Uuid -> Player -> Bool hasId id player = player.id == id hasRole : Role -> Player -> Bool hasRole role player = player.role == role hasParty : Party -> Player -> Bool hasParty party player = player.party == party hasMarker : Marker -> Player -> Bool hasMarker marker player = member marker player.markers isInChurch : Player -> Bool isInChurch player = member Converted player.markers || player.role == Pope || player.role == Monk || player.role == MonkInLove isAlive : Player -> Bool isAlive player = player.alive isNominated : Player -> Bool isNominated player = any isNominatedMarker player.markers initPlayer : Player initPlayer = let ( id, _ ) = Random.step uuidGenerator <| initialSeed 0 in { id = id, name = "<NAME>", role = None, party = Villagers, markers = [], alive = False } playerById : List Player -> Uuid -> Maybe Player playerById players id = filter (\p -> p.id == id) players |> head
module Util.Player exposing ( hasId , hasMarker , hasParty , hasRole , initPlayer , isAlive , isInChurch , isNominated , playerById ) import List exposing (any, filter, head, member) import Random exposing (initialSeed) import Types exposing (Marker(..), Party(..), Player, Role(..)) import Util.Marker exposing (isNominatedMarker) import Uuid exposing (Uuid, uuidGenerator) hasId : Uuid -> Player -> Bool hasId id player = player.id == id hasRole : Role -> Player -> Bool hasRole role player = player.role == role hasParty : Party -> Player -> Bool hasParty party player = player.party == party hasMarker : Marker -> Player -> Bool hasMarker marker player = member marker player.markers isInChurch : Player -> Bool isInChurch player = member Converted player.markers || player.role == Pope || player.role == Monk || player.role == MonkInLove isAlive : Player -> Bool isAlive player = player.alive isNominated : Player -> Bool isNominated player = any isNominatedMarker player.markers initPlayer : Player initPlayer = let ( id, _ ) = Random.step uuidGenerator <| initialSeed 0 in { id = id, name = "PI:NAME:<NAME>END_PI", role = None, party = Villagers, markers = [], alive = False } playerById : List Player -> Uuid -> Maybe Player playerById players id = filter (\p -> p.id == id) players |> head