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⌀ | cantonese
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Look at your family | 望下你身邊嘅屋企人 |
Afternoon | 下晝 |
no matter | 不論 |
He was always loud on the phone and was annoying. | 佢成日大聲講電話,好乞人憎。 |
Stretcher | 擔帶 |
This washing machine can dry the wardrobe. | 呢部洗衣機可以乾衣𠻹㗎。 |
Hey, you don't have to be side-to-face here! | 喂,你唔好喺度挨身挨勢喎! |
What kind of bus do I need to take to Tong Chun Street, Tseung Kwan O? | 請問我想去將軍澳唐俊街要搭乜嘢車先去到 |
Winner | 贏家 |
Sounds good | 聽上去好好 |
Rotation | 轉變態度 |
This time, Mr. did not release water, so most of the class failed. | 今次考試先生冇放水,所以大半班都唔合格。 |
Come here | 嚟呢度 |
You have to be careful that the person who speaks, he is always deceiving gods and deceiving ghosts. | 你要小心嗰個人講說話,佢時時都呃神騙鬼噉。 |
The fraudsters fictitiously established a non-existent and non-registered "Sowen University of Hong Kong", claiming to be an authorized institution in Chinese mainland and a registered educational institution in Hong Kong, founded in 1989, with affiliated primary and secondary schools, and claiming that the office address is 23/F, Lockhart Road, Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island (verified to be the address of a secretarial company). At the same time, the fraudsters also set up a website to display photos of the school building, but in fact it was the Hong Kong International Finance Centre, Harbour City, MTR Railway Station, the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, accompanied by a group photo of the then President of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Joseph Sung, and students, and a vintage photo of the former Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang when he attended an educational event, and a certificate of appreciation issued by the Education and Manpower Bureau. In the incident, the fraudsters were revealed to be selling "Distance Correspondence Degree of Distance Correspondence Degree of Sulwen University of Hong Kong" on Taobao, including associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, masters, etc., with prices ranging from 100 to 1,000 yuan. | 騙徒虛構一間根本唔存在,亦都無喺香港教育局註冊嘅「香港蘇文大學」,聲稱係中國大陸授權機構同埋香港註冊教育機構,喺1989年創校,設有附屬小學同中學,報稱辦公室地址係香港島灣仔區灣仔駱克道駱基中心23樓(經求證係一間祕書公司地址)。與此同時,騙徒仲整埋個網站展示校舍照片,但其實係香港國際金融中心、海港城、港鐵鐵路站、香港大學及香港中文大學等地方,又配以時任香港中文大學校長沈祖堯同學生嘅合照,同埋前香港行政長官曾蔭權出席教育活動時嘅陳年照片,又有教育統籌局發出嘅感謝狀等等。喺事件入面,騙徒被揭發喺淘寶販賣「香港蘇文大學遠程函授學位」畢業證書 ,包括副學士、學士、碩士等,價錢由100至1,000人民幣不等。 |
There will be air crashes all day long in this area. | 呢一帶成日都會有空難。 |
Pig iron pot | 生鐵鑊 |
Stray cats looking for something to eat in a garbage can on Fuk Shun Street, Yuen Long | 流浪貓喺元朗福順街嘅垃圾桶搵野食 |
Player | 花心 |
A trolley | 一部手推車 |
There is a turn of naughty also. | 有轉過𡃉都。 |
Continue to practice | 繼續執業 |
They were fined by Mr. for taking the exam. | 佢哋因為考試通水俾先生罰。 |
Fence | 圍帎 |
The broad back stopped before my eyes | 那寬厚的背在我眼前停下來 |
Surgery | 開刀 |
Honest businessman | 殷實商人 |
Beef neck noodles | 牛頸珍味麵 |
Which chirp do you prefer? | 你鍾意邊個唧? |
People along the way, | 一路上的人, |
Send to | 送往 |
sisters | 姊妹 |
Salmon head | 鹽燒三文魚頭 |
If you have anything to say, let's go straight in. | 有咩講就單刀直入啦。 |
Drinking and eating is not good for your health. | 大飲大食對身體唔好㗎。 |
That girl is terrible, give me lemons to eat. | 嗰個女仔好衰,畀檸檬我食。 |
Promote enhanced economic, trade and I&T co-operation between the two places | 推動兩地加強經貿和創科合作 |
Cheating on exams | 考試作弊 |
Brother! | 兄弟!做嘢!開片劈友! |
That's the first thing, isn't it! | 係咁先,唔係咩呀! |
Do you smell something unusual? | 你聞唔聞到啲異味啊? |
The developer sent people to the old area to take over the flats, and the residents who had evicted them said they wanted to cry without tears. | 發展商派人去舊區收樓,畀佢哋趕走嘅住户表示欲哭無淚。 |
It's as if I'm saying it's just a five-billion-dollar industry | 好似我話齋 呢個係一個價值五十億美元嘅行業 |
seaside | 海傍 |
I'll be fine after a little rest | 我唞一陣就冇事啦 |
There is another group of people who sound very depressed, but they are living well between episodes | 另一邊有批人聽起上嚟 有好嚴重嘅抑鬱 但佢哋卻係兩次病發之間生活得好好 |
Eat cereal seeds | 食穀種 |
The highlight of that experience was that we were rejected by hotels, motels and restaurants in both Idahua and Pennsylvania | 嗰次經歷嘅重點係 我哋無論喺愛達華州定係賓夕法尼亞州 都俾人酒店 、 汽車旅館同酒樓拒絕 |
You don't have to keep picking up photos to cheat likes. | 你唔好成日執相去呃like啦。 |
Sunken eye sockets | 眼眶下陷 |
There are about 500 people living in this dormitory. | 呢間宿舍大約住咗五百人。 |
album | 大碟 |
Konjac | 噍 |
smoke | 燂 |
These CDs aren't mine! | 啲CD又唔係我嘅! |
He naturally knew each other when he was very young. | 噉佢大大下就自然識𡃉喇。 |
Let's play table tennis together tomorrow? | 我哋聽日一齊打乒乓波吖? |
㜺 | 㜺 |
Group gathering | 群組聚集 |
After several negotiations | 幾經交涉 |
These - the quality of some sales has declined, will it be like with the HA ... | 啲-啲sales嘅質素下降,會唔會好似同醫管局嗰啲… |
If you make any more noise, I'll blow you up! | 你再嘈我就打爆你! |
Ginger wine | 薑酒 |
The weather is dry in winter, so your skin will burst easily. | 冬天天氣好乾,所以你啲皮膚會好容易爆拆。 |
The company's profit in the second half of the year increased by three percent compared to the first half of the year. | 下半年公司嘅利潤比上半年上升百分之三。 |
M: That's what I've always wanted | 男 : 哩個就係我一直想要嘅 |
His bad is your brother, and you must always take care of him. | 佢衰衰哋都係你細佬,你始終要關照佢啩。 |
I don't know if it's fake or real | 唔知流定堅 |
When it rains, the beans are immediately marked | 落咗場雨,啲豆就即刻標芽 |
He may have been overly frightened, so he kept silent here. | 佢可能受驚過度,所以戙咗喺度唔出聲。 |
My M is not very accurate, sometimes twice a month, sometimes only once every few months. | 我啲M唔係好準,有時一個月兩次,有時幾個月先一次。 |
My cousin went to the Central Tram Trail Park after school to swing | 表姐放學去左中環纜車徑公園打韆鞦 |
This page is crossed over? | 呢頁打晒交叉嘅? |
I usually eat lunch at one o'clock. | 我平時一點食午餐。 |
He opened his bow from side to side, and put in two grains. | 佢左右開弓,連入兩粒。 |
wrap | 纏 |
quietly | 靜雞雞 |
Grotesque | 奇形怪狀 |
But he asked me very seriously. | 但佢好認真噉問我𡃉。 |
Pelagic fish | 遠洋魚類 |
There are more than innovations and improvements in the use of words | 用字行文有創新改良之餘 |
Let's double shop tonight | 今晚我哋兩個孖鋪啦 |
The report was extremely harshly worded | 份報告用詞粗暴到極 |
It's really inhuman! | 真係一啲人性都冇! |
vigorously | 大力 |
The moment generated by the two forces has to balance the object so that it does not rotate. | 兩股力產生嘅力矩要平衡個物體先唔會轉動。 |
Based on a true story | 根據真人真事改編 |
The facts are in front of you | 事實擺在眼前 |
I fired my exam. | 我考試炒咗。 |
The company has recently launched an employee incentive program. | 公司最近推出僱員獎勵計劃。 |
Your waist is wonderful | 你條腰吖真妙嘅 |
You're eighteen years old, and you're going to claim an adult ID card. | 你十八歲喇喎,要去認領成人身份證。 |
You don't want to play with me! | 你唔好玩我啦!我唔掂㗎 |
It's two sure Q caught a thief. | 係兩個實Q捉到個賊㗎。 |
Printing grid | 印字格 |
Why are you so troubled to marry? | 點解你咁麻煩嫁啫 |
The players in this team are so strong, and there are no injured soldiers in the team, they will definitely succumb to the mobile phone in this game. | 呢隊球員實力強咁多,隊中又冇傷兵,呢場比賽佢哋絕對會屈對手機。 |
If you do a good job with this plan, the boss will consider you for a promotion. | 你呢個計劃搞得好好睇睇嘅話,上頭會考慮升你職。 |
For example, I would like to talk about that aspect of your female life. That is, you said that you went to work and left work all day. I don't have much time. But hey, I'm not winning from the outside. It's just that as a media, it's the middle level. Middle-to-high-level chat. and feminine. All day, wow, life is a lot of color. Let's go to the next ball, charity dinner and dance. Are there any of those naughty ones actually? | 即係譬如頭先講到呢,我想探討下你女性生活嗰方面呢。就係話呢,即係你講過成日返工放工。都冇乜時間。但係喂,我喺出邊睇唔係𡃉喎。即係作為一個傳媒嘅即係中層啊。中高層嚹。同埋女性𠻹。成日,嘩,生活好多姿彩𡃉喎。又去下ball啊,慈善餐舞會。有冇嗰啲𡃉其實係? |
This master of rock climbing climbed this high-rise building with his bare hands without any safety belts, which is really a master of art. | 呢個攀石高手唔用任何安全帶就徒手爬上座高樓大廈,真係藝高人膽大。 |