2 classes
2 classes
Answer: who the hell knows but it’s a shame. I survived in college off of .99¢ eggs from the local gas station
2023-01-28 05:53:25
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: in addition to an apparent bird flu supply lines and food production is still severely affected from back ups due to coronavirus shit downs and limited grain exports from Ukraine and Russia. Chickens eat grain, less food = less bird. Now add on top a disease
2023-01-28 15:56:55
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: government allowed few companies to get a monopoly on most grocery store items and those companies chose to raise prices claiming bird flu.
2023-01-28 21:58:43
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: The US has considered Russia to be it's primary adversary since the end of WWII, so every weapon system purchased by the US has been designed to counter the known capabilities of the Russian military.
2023-01-28 01:31:18
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: most of America's arsenal was designed with a possible war against russia on european soil in mind. In fact every European military had the core focus of countering Russia. Bradley was designed to counter russian tanks. Russias greatest strength is long range missiles so patriot and other systems were made to counter it. Its worth pointing out that Abrams has a complicated logistics tail. It uses 3 gallons of gas where leopards use 1 gallon per kile. So most army generals wanted Germany to send their leopard tanks. Since its easier and cheaper to maintain and fix. Also germany is near by. I say this because the Abrams may have been a political play to get Germany to send its own tanks. I doubt Abrams will be seen much on offence.
2023-01-28 03:08:31
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: On paper, prior to the start of the invasion, Russia had modern equipment close to, if not on par with the American military. The invasion itself has revealed that the Russian military has a lot less of this modern equipment then what was reported. Some units had just 30% of the working equipment they had on paper. This reason for this discrepancy is two fold. Firstly that corruption is a major (and mostly accepted issue) in the Russian military. Money for repairing and maintaining equipment often goes into the pockets of officers, whilst the units ordered by the government vs the amount actually ordered vs what gets shipped are often different with each step in the process skimming money. Secondly, Putin and high level Russian officials are know for rewarding those that deliver good news/ punishing those with bad news. Unsurprisingly this lead to a lot of lying and Putin not having an accurate idea of the readiness of his forces. This was all made worse by the absolute mess that was the initial invasion. poor intelligence, lack of supplies, bad communication and even worse command decisions resulted in a significant amount of what modern equipment Russia did have being destroyed or captured. This has forced Russia to start using Soviet era equipment it has in storage (older, lower tech equipment has less that can break meaning they store better, and are quicker to bring back into service) . The the 3 biggest things that differ between this older equipment and modern stuff is mobility, armour and electronics. In terms of mobility, modern equipment tends to be faster and lighter. Armour has improved with strong steal composites (deleted uranium) and more reliable explosive reactive armour having been developed. Electronics would be the biggest one though. More advance sensors, targeting systems, electronic counter measures, GPS guidance and communication systems. HIMAR rocket launches that Ukraine has been given can hit a target with roughly 1m accuracy. Russian systems are closer to 15m. Despite the quality of the equipment Ukraine is getting, Russia isn't out of the war yet. The US might be sending Ukraine 30 m1 Abram tanks but Russia has thousands of T72 and T60 tanks in storage.
2023-01-28 03:29:06
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: Varies by weapon. Patriot is probably the least significant. The US answer to aerial threats it total air domination so ground based AA hasn't been a major priority. Main use is that the missiles are fairly plentiful so Ukraine unlikely to run out of ammo. Bradley packs significantly more punch than its Russian equivalents and these days is reasonably RPG-7 resistant requiring more serious anti-tank weapons to kill it. It also has a better sensor system than its russian equiverlent. That means it can be either be used as a effective IFV or as a fire support vehicle that can kill anything the Russians can field. Its not magic and it can and will be destroyed but stopping an advance by they would generaly result in significant russian loses of high value units. Abrams has better armour than anything russia can field making it hard to kill. It also has better sensors increasing its chances of spotting anything that can kill it before it has the chance to do so. It is however heavier and more resource intensive than other tanks meaning it effectively ends up in the heavy tank role by default. So either as a hard to kill breakthrough tank or as a reserve unit that can be used to stop any rapid Russian advance.
2023-01-28 03:45:04
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: a lot of the information you're seeking is very numbers specific, and is illegal to post on unclassified forums. The long and short of it is that it's just better. For example, many older tanks struggle to hit fast moving targets while on the move. The Abrams, due to some really well designed hardware and software, is pretty good at this. Patriot missiles have proven themselves time and again capable of tracking, engaging, and neutralizing supersonic threats (such as missiles). Bradley's are a fantastic design for countering pre-modern Era Russian tanks, with a combination of size, speed, and firepower that is tough to match. Firepower specifically designed with the armor of those pre modern Era Russian tanks in mind. Bottom line, when the US spends 14 million on a piece of military tech, we get what we pay for. The US Military Industry is a world leader in developing tech that wins battles (and a lot that helps the civilian sector, such as GPS). This isn't to say Russia is helpless; it is a world power with a massive (if poorly maintained) arsenal. But in conventional war, the US has the best demonstrated warfighting capabilities in the world. This isn't to say another country couldn't have comparable technology, but the US has actually demonstrated it.
2023-01-28 03:47:32
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: gotta keep the stock price up.
2023-01-28 08:14:19
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: lots of great answers here, but I’ll add one thing. Russian weapons, in particular BMPs and T-72s, are designed to be cheap and easy to produce and inexpensive to maintain. It’s a “quantity over quality” approach. There’s a saying, I can’t remember where from but it goes something like “the Russian army is not strong. The Russian army is long.” One on one, a leopard 2 beats a T-72. A leopard 2 beats several T-72s. But Germany has 312 Leopard 2 and I think all of Europe has 2,000. Compare that to the 3,000 tanks Russia had before the war.
2023-01-28 17:15:03
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: It depends on the system but honestly most of the time it is because it is newer. I think something to consider as well is the Russian doctrine to my knowledge has always been overwhelming force and most NATO countries have designed around that for example Russia is known to use a large mass of artillery to saturate an area, so NATO has made artillery and rocket batteries lighter so as to be able to shoot and scoot with precision thus meaning the Russian artillery is getting harassed while not being able to return fire effectively. This can be seen in the design of a lot of NATO weapon systems. if they want to send overwhelming force don't be there when it arrives but damage it the whole time.
2023-01-28 17:33:50
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: America is determined to make this invasion a modern Vietnam for Russia because it keeps Russia’s attention away from America and it’s less expensive than dealing with the conflicts we were having with Russia beforehand: particularly hacking, which costs us a lot of money to deal with.
2023-01-28 19:33:49
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: These weapons were designed specifically to kill Russians in Eastern Europe. As far as why they're superior, a lot of it comes down to design. Tanks are at a point where pretty much anything other tanks fire can kill them. Firepower is a bit beyond armor at this point. So, the real trick is making sure you're the one firing first vs the other guy and that means optics. Western tank's thermal optics can identify a target at over 5km and start engaging at close to 3km. The T-72 can maybe start engaging at 2km. Eastern Ukraine is a tanker's paradise in many areas and long distance fights like this won't be unheard of. Granted, things change in a city fight, but you shouldn't be bringing tanks into a city unless heavily supported by infantry. Bradleys are showing their age, but are still a viable system. Again, the optics are really good especially when they're in their recon configuration. TOW missiles to punch at tanks and the autocannon doesn't fuck around. The US found out in the Gulf War that a Bradley can punch out a T-72 by engaging near max range where the rounds will be coming down from above. They hit the top armor and cause the turret to launch into orbit. Also, another big thing that western tanks built in that the Soviets did not is crew survivability. The Soviets had a great idea for an autoloader for their new tank. This would reduce crew size to 3 and potentially increase reload times. However, now they have to store ammo in areas that can easily get punched which is why you see so many turrets getting tossed. The Abrams kept a dedicated loader and a crew of 4. This allows the tank to store the ammo behind blow out panels. If the ammo goes up, the explosion is funneled out of the tank, so the crew survives. A new M1A2 SEP V3 has a catastrophic detonation of ammo during a training exercise recently and the crew was mostly unharmed.\_another-m1a2-abrams-was-burned-during-the-exercise.html
2023-01-28 21:56:19
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: The US creates very effective gear and utilizes combined arms tactics masterfully. Our gear is literally designed to fight russian gear. Our core theory is "quality over quantity" *Russia* has always made worse gear than the US. Their core theory is "quantity over quality". In addition, the levels of institutional corruption in russia is astronomical. People steal everything not nailed down. They're fielding tanks with parts looted years ago and tank crews with piss poor 3 week trainings against tanks that have absolutely wrecked theirs in every conflict where they've faced off, and were specifically designed to so. In the *beginning* of the war, we were seeing russian tanks with cardboard and pieces of wood in their ERA bags. It's been a year and now literally every tank they sent in the first few months are scrap. What they field now is all shit out of long term storage, which for russia is a big field with everything exposed to the elements for decades.
2023-01-29 13:52:01
What’s the deal with all the weapons the U.S. is sending to Ukraine? I keep seeing how powerful and effective the weapons we are sending to Ukraine are (Bradley’s, Abrams, Patriot). Why and how would these be effective specifically against Russia?
I’ve recently seen that our weapons and military technology are reportedly much superior to the Russian military technology but I would like to really understand why rather than just saying our technology is “new” compared to theirs just being “old”.
2023-01-28 01:18:11
Answer: TLDR: He was banned for ban evasion. He was banned on his alt account for saying cracker and other "racst" things and if you are banned on one account you cannot be on Twitch on any other accounts or even on other peoples streams. Long version: There was some drama that happened years back with a streamer named Mizkif who used the N word a few times in leaked discord chats. Cut to a few years later and Mizkif was embroiled in another major scandal and a bunch of pressure was put on the Org that Mizkif and Bruce are in together OTK. There was some recent situation where Mizkif was banned (3 day ban) for watching a video of a former twitch streamer who was banned (GrossGore) and Mizkif didn't understand why he got banned for it when other streamers had watched it as well and they didn't get banned. Mizkif talked about it on stream and said he was told by Twitch that those other streamers didn't get reported so they didn't get banned for it. Mizkif named Kai as one of the people who watched it and didn't get banned. So this is where it gets a bit convoluted... There are several factions/communities on Twitch with their own names. There is the W community who's followers spam W and L in the chat for winning an losing and there are the OmegaLUL viewers who spam that in chat. Kai, Bruce and some others are in the W community and Mizkif's viewers are omegalul. So the W fans think Miz snitched on Kai and the two communities have started a ton of drama. There was also a stream right before this all happened with Bruce and Miz together on Mizkif's stream where they made a ton of jokes about Miz using the N word and about the drama and all seemed to be fine and good. Then two days later Bruce went back to Atlanta, did a stream on his own channel and caught a TON of shit from his community for being on Mizkifs stream. Bruce got angry, ended stream abruptly and then the next day he left OTK with almost no notice. So people think there is major drama between Bruce and Miz. The actual reason Bruce was banned is because he was reported for ban evasion. He went on some "racist" rants on his alt stream calling people crackers and other stuff and any racist slurs are banned on Twitch. So his alt account was banned. But the next day he went live on his main channel and apparently a bunch of stuff was said directed at Miz and how Bruce felt he had to deal with being the "token" black guy in OTK (even though another member is black who is a founder) and he went on a bunch of rants and blocked Miz on his phone for some reason. Lots of people on LSF (LiveStreamFails the Reddit sub) are saying that Mizkifs community mass reported Bruce and even blamed Kai's recent ban also on the communities of Mizkif and Destiny (a former Twitch streamer who streams on YouTube now and has had beef with Kai and others from the W community. So it is really a fuck ton of high school drama mixed in with some SERIOUS situations like a girl getting r*ped at a party Kai threw, Miz having his own drama over some SA stuff that people said he tried to cover is all a huge mess and the LSF drama frogs (people who love the streamer drama) are having a blast with it and making hate threads and twitter fights.
2023-01-28 05:57:52
What’s going on with Bruce and why was he banned from Twitch? Articles say he left a streaming(?) group known as OTK, this thread says he was banned for banned evasion, what was he first banned for?
2023-01-27 22:51:37
Answer: some popular girls on Twitter were exposed to having a really degrading group chat. you can find the leaked DMs [here](
2023-01-28 06:18:02
What is going on with the "e girl group chat" that people keep mentioning on my twitter feed?
What is the e-girl group chat that everyone on my twitter feed is talking about? I've seen many references to it but can't seem to find any actual context. Who are these girls? What was in their chat? Examples:
2023-01-28 03:36:11
Answer: What we know is that Srdjan Djokovic posed for pictures with fans who holds a Russian flag with a picture of Vladimir Putin on it and signs with the letter 'Z'. Some say he is a supporter of Russia, Novak Djokovic says he is not. Perhaps this gets compounded by the fact the Serbia is generally pro-Russia. What is really going on is a cat and mouse game between the Australian Open and visitors who openly display Russian flags or the letter 'Z' in support of the Russian war effort in Ukraine. The tournament organizer banned the display of Russian flags (amongst others) and any visitor caught with such an item will be refused or removed from the stadium. Their security isn't exactly airtight since there have been quite a number of incidents already with visitors flying the Russian flag from the audience or holding up signs with the letter 'Z'. The incident with Srdjan Djokovic is just the most high profile one to date, but hardly the only one.
2023-01-28 09:36:16
What's going on with Novak Djokovic's dad? I've read that he's been outed as a Putin supporter, the above article, and that it's a smear campaign of some sort.
2023-01-28 04:58:34
Answer: Unlike most, Serbia has a generally cordial relationships with Russia whilst having a bad one with NATO due to the bombings in '99 and the entire Kosovo issue. After the war in Ukraine broke out, this was seen as a battle of influence between Russia and the west. Serbia as a country has maintained a position of neutrality - condemned the attacks, supported Ukraine in their sovereignty but hasn't sanctioned Russia. Population is a bit more divided. Majority don't concern themselves with the war because current state of Serbia is abysmal, but there is a portion of ultra-nationalists that has organized protests in support of Russia in Belgrade. It was often the case that they would appear on sports events to have their voices heard there as well, as Balkan hooligans are in general more extreme than most. It's worth noting that there were also protests in support of Ukraine in parallel. To provide some context of the kind of people they are, take a look at this [news article]( On the flag in picture you can see a writing " родјена с' вуковима", but that writing is full of grammar mistakes. Serbian language doesn't have dj/дј in either of our scripts and it's a mistake nobody makes except those illiterate. This is where the article you've linked comes into play, as these are the people that Srđan Đoković was seen with after the match. That man has been an problem for a long while now to Novak Đoković and when there was a controversy surrounding Novak, he would often have some irrelevant but vocal role in it. This is one of those instances. In his defense, however how thin it may be - he did walk away when they started chanting "Long live Russia". Ever since stepping on the world stage, Novak was sort of a black sheep of tennis. He interfered in the rivalry between Nadal and Federer and was always disliked for it. All the more so when he actually became the best tennis player. That is why the public opinion of him is always either very positive, or very negative. In this decade he has seen his share of hate, some of which was much deserved. Now that he's been dominating AO after last year's controversy, Srđan doing this slingshot's Novak's reputation in the other direction.
2023-01-28 15:42:23
What's going on with Novak Djokovic's dad? I've read that he's been outed as a Putin supporter, the above article, and that it's a smear campaign of some sort.
2023-01-28 04:58:34
Answer: a famous beauty tiktoker was sponsored to do an ad for mascara. She puts it on, and then puts falsies on, and acts like it just the mascara when it's also false lashes. It brings into question the trustworthiness of influencers and false advertising. Also, a lot of people don't like that particular Mua.
2023-01-28 15:00:23
What is going on with the MUA world and “mascaragate?”
I don’t watch beauty gurus but something is apparently going in the MUA online world because of mascara. I’ve seen a ton now about this mascaragate and like Jeffrey star got involved and a person named Mikayla and mascara… wtf is going on? [](
2023-01-27 21:37:37
Answer: there's actually two mascara-gates happening RN. 1. The first is the one with Mikayla and the false lashes that everyone answered to. 2. The second is that men on TikTok are using the word "mascara" as a euphemism for penis to avoid censorship. One man posted "when I gave my mascara to one girl, and she decided to get me drunk and let her friends use it as well" with a hashtag #SexualAssaultAwareness. Unfortunately, the model Julia Fox didn't get the euphemism or the hashtag and commented "I don't feel bad for you at all lol"
2023-01-29 02:12:22
What is going on with the MUA world and “mascaragate?”
I don’t watch beauty gurus but something is apparently going in the MUA online world because of mascara. I’ve seen a ton now about this mascaragate and like Jeffrey star got involved and a person named Mikayla and mascara… wtf is going on? [](
2023-01-27 21:37:37
Answer: according to comments in the post that you literally linked, it’s just that nintendos eshop for Wii U and other platforms close on that day. Took like 20 seconds to find
2023-01-28 16:32:56
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: It's genuinely just a meme. We don't know what will happen then, but since last few years have been... interesting, to say the least, we are at this point expecting bad things to happen. Nothing has been planned for march. We are getting ready for doomsday just in case. At this point in time, you can't really know.
2023-01-28 16:57:14
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: We are going to explode. This is my attempt to answer the question. I am not biased. I hope the rules are happy.
2023-01-29 02:40:20
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: NCAA playoffs?
2023-01-29 07:21:24
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: I may be wrong, but this just sounds like the old "doomsayer" type of memes, like 11/11/2011 and 12/12/2012; literally just dates that people pick to claim it's when the end of the world is supposed to occur (although, I don't remember details well, I think there was some actual ancient prediction with one of those two older dates I mentioned, like some ancient calendar or something like that from hundreds of years ago, but I can't remember). Just my thoughts, anyway.
2023-01-29 09:50:31
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: Three possible scenarios have been predicted. Alien invasion, nuclear war, or magnetic shift. Here is an article explaining them:
2023-01-29 10:00:40
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: nothing, the internet is seeing a date with matching numbers and inventing a silly conspiracy.
2023-01-29 10:01:29
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: The source of it related to conspiracy about the Global Economic Forum allegedly planned to wipe 90% of humanity starting from 2023-2040. People expanded on it and because 333 is a nice number - the meme was born.
2023-01-29 12:36:01
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: Nothing. Funni dates always have weird conspiracy theories about them. Y2K, 6/6/06, 11/11/11, the whole 2012 bullshit as well, all of them were the same way, and it never amounts to anything.
2023-01-29 13:28:28
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 3 release is on match 3rd
2023-01-29 13:52:43
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: March 3, 2023 at 2:02:02 will be the 3rd second of the 3rd minute of the 3rd hour of the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of the 3rd decade of the 3rd millennium
2023-01-29 20:53:37
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: the end times has come they say, but it never happened i say
2023-01-30 01:01:10
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: The Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii shops are permanently shutting down March 2023. It’s literally just a meme. The people with Nintendo products (myself included) knew about this about a year or so ago to prep and get games that might not be compatible with other consoles.
2023-01-30 11:32:41
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: John Wick 4 opens in March 2023. 3/3/23 is the date to set your timer. Or sharpen your pencils.
2023-01-30 21:05:43
What’s up with all the doom surrounding 3/3/23? What is going to happen in March 2023?
I’ve seen a bunch of [memes]( warning of March 2023. Specifically 3/3/2023. The comments vaguely imply something bad is coming? Covid or something worse similar? Is there a source for this? Or did everyone just jump on this doom train?
2023-01-28 12:51:37
Answer: funnymemes is a subreddit with a large and engaged subscriber base and people are airing their grievances with Islam in a place where it will reach the biggest number of people. The moderators of that subreddit also seem to be slow to lock the posts, which probably wouldn’t happen on more strictly moderated subreddits meaning people can also engage with the posts before they’re locked. I don’t think there’s much else to it beyond that.
2023-01-28 17:25:22
What is going on with r/funnymemes and posts about Islam?
I am a lurker, but I saw the subreddit coming up on the Front Page about Islam posts for several weeks. I know the current political context of these posts, but I am confused as to why this sub about funny memes upvotes such content. Did the sub change or what is going on? Post in question: [\_they\_get\_power/](
2023-01-28 15:35:01
Answer: because they’re funny memes
2023-01-28 22:11:52
What is going on with r/funnymemes and posts about Islam?
I am a lurker, but I saw the subreddit coming up on the Front Page about Islam posts for several weeks. I know the current political context of these posts, but I am confused as to why this sub about funny memes upvotes such content. Did the sub change or what is going on? Post in question: [\_they\_get\_power/](
2023-01-28 15:35:01
Answer: Like the headline says, Shauna Rae has pituitary dwarfism, which gives her the physical appearance of a roughly 8 year old child, even though she is actually 23. Some people are concerned that he (26) is attracted to her *because* she looks like a child, and she has had problems with guys like that in the past. Separate from this, her boyfriend did seem to show a number of "red flag" behaviors of being controlling and potentially abusive. These include coming on pretty strong, as well as trying to get her to leave the country with him on a trip to Malaysia very early in their relationship. That said, it's gotta be super difficult to woo someone while on TV, and his current lifestyle as a travel blogger makes spending significant time together difficult if they don't go on a trip together.
2023-01-28 18:47:44
What’s the deal with Shauna’s boyfriend/relationship?
I keep seeing people referring to this, but I haven’t seen a whole lot of context.
2023-01-28 17:45:49
Answer: A post was made on /r/NBA that analyzed the scorekeeping of the Memphis Grizzlies, specifically their Center Jaren Jackson Jr (JJJ) and how he is given better stays then he actually deserves. The contention is that JJJ's stats (blocked shots and steals) are inflated when he's playing at home, and this is increasing his chances of winning the NBA 's defensive player of the year award. The post included links to replays of suspicious plays that were recorded as a block or steal for JJJ The media and even officials from the NBA itself have responded to the post, varying from saying it's a big conspiracy, to saying it's a non-story tin foil hat story. Some redditors are saying this is a big story due to sports gambling implications (betting on DPOY was removed at at least on sportsbook), while others are cautioning that the post isn't enough to assume any improper action was done. Also worth noting, the /r/NBA thread focused on throwing vitriol on the Grizzlies scorekeeper - the NBA itself reviews statistics like blocked shots and steals before they are on the record book. Edit: the original post:
2023-01-28 21:23:19
What's going on with the NBA and a Reddit post being impactful?
This post says there's something going on with a defensive player or something and a post by someone has massive impact on something?
2023-01-28 21:00:05
Answer: [This]( post earlier (which is linked in the comments of the post you linked) involves a reddit user claiming that someone (they specifically accuse the scorekeeper at Memphis Grizzlies games) is recording official stats for Jaren Jackson Jr, a leading candidate for DPOY (Defensive Player of the Year) in the NBA, incorrectly, in Mr. Jackson Jr.'s favor, even removing stats from his own teammates. The OG post with the accusations list several instances in which many questionable steals and or blocks are attributed to Mr. Jackson Jr. But only in home games, never away games. Given Mr. Jackson Jr. missed several games at the beginning of the year due to an injury his odds were very low for this award, but have now shot up massively, meaning someone could be working to win money based on a bet that they can play a role in the awarding off. Further people in the comments have added video of the specific instances that the OP listed as questionable. The Tweet is about a Vegas Sports Betting major player removing the category altogether (probably while these accusations are being investigated).
2023-01-28 21:26:33
What's going on with the NBA and a Reddit post being impactful?
This post says there's something going on with a defensive player or something and a post by someone has massive impact on something?
2023-01-28 21:00:05
Answer: A Redditor looked at a player's Block totals, in this case it's Jaren Jackson Jr., and found that the player was getting credited for WAY more blocks at home than on the road. They then posted some videos of a couple of blocks that were certainly not blocks, and the rest is history. What's wild to me is it actually affected betting markets. You can bet on Defensive Player Of The Year for the NBA, and he was the favorite (due to so many blocked shots) but for a chunk of time sportsbooks took it off the board. I have not checked myself if it's back taking action and if so if the odds have adjusted.
2023-01-28 22:31:56
What's going on with the NBA and a Reddit post being impactful?
This post says there's something going on with a defensive player or something and a post by someone has massive impact on something?
2023-01-28 21:00:05
Answer: This one is kind of a doozy, so stick with me here. It also doesn't help that i only really have passing knowledge of Basketball and not 100% invested in the sport, so take this as you will, and hopefully someone can either help fill in gaps or asks questions I might not be able to answer. #The beginning: All of this drama revolves around a specific player, Jaren Jackson Jr. Jackson is a defensive player for the Memphis Grizzlies, who has (up until this point) been having an unusually successful season. Initially, he missed the first 16 games of the season, recovering from an off-season injury, but once he returned he began putting on a stellar defensive performance. To the point where over the course of the season, he was put into the running of Defensive Player of the Year. Pundits and Personalities have been highlighting his performance, cross referencing his stats and highlights over the season, and talking about him, which has been drawing a lot of attention to him. Enter [this reddit post]( Initially posted to r/nba, the OP noticed some major discrepencies in Jackson's performance over the season, compared to what the numbers are showing. Specifically pointing out his percentage of successful Blocks and Steals. The post pulls the numbers from official record, that shows Jackson performing ***significantly*** better in home games than playing on the road. About 120% better at home (if the math is to be believed). OP has been pulling their numbers from official NBA sources, which is essentially the end-all-be-all of score keeping and statistics reporting, which makes the whole situation a lot more suspect in the grand scheme of things, but more on this later on. This post also points out another interesting tidbit, in that a majority of sports betting authorities have put big odds on Jackson winning DPOY this season. His official stats, paired with all the recognition he's been getting, has a lot of people sure that he is going to win the award, especially with his season starting off pretty rocky. The OP noticed the issue with the numbers, and began to do their own research into what's happening. They took the stats provided by the NBA and compared it to the game footage, and noticed that the numbers seemed way off. From their own analysis, they came to the conclusion that while there was *some* level of home field advantage, on average, Jackson only played about 15%-20% worse on the road than he did at home. Not even close to doubling his output like the numbers point to. It's worth noting here that while OP has a lot of insight, there's still the fact that they are a random redditor without any experience as an officiator for the NBA, so their analysis could possibly have some level of error in what the footage shows. Not to discredit them, but definitely a caveat worth mentioning given what else is happening as a result of this post. With their post, they also started noticing some patterns about how Jackson's stats are tracked compared to what happens during the game, and for simplicity sake i'll just quote it, because it seems relatively self-explanatory: >I decided to watch just a few of the Grizzlies' recent games and immediately started noticing a pattern: Plays at FedEx arena in Memphis constantly being scored wrongly to gift Jackson extra steals and blocks which never occurred. Simply put, if a shot does not hit the rim or it otherwise looks bad somehow, and Jaren Jackson is either contesting the shot or close to the action, he is credited with FRAUDULENT blocks repeatedly. Sometimes this is achieved by taking away the stat from his teammates. Other times, an opposing player simply loses the ball or shoots a contested shot way off target, but Jackson nevertheless is credited with steals & blocks that never occurred in both instances. Also, when he deflects a ball and it goes to a teammate he is credited with the steal. When his teammate deflects the ball and it goes to him he is STILL credited with the steal IN MEMPHIS. When he tips or deflects a ball, but never gains possession nor do the Grizzlies, he is still awarded a steal. #Gaining Traction: Almost immediately after the post was submitted to r/nba, it began blowing up. Hours later, it managed to get 20k+ upvotes, sitting on the front page of r/all, and receiving thousands of comments. As it continued to grow on reddit, the post also starts making it's way around other social media. Twitter picks up on the story, and sports outlets begin writing on it. Sports commentators and journalists begin looking into this story and sharing it around, as it continues to grow. At the point of writing this summary, the post is approximately 12 hours old. The story itself is still developing, so there is a lot of information still forthcoming, and official responses have yet to be given. But due to the widespread traction this story is getting, important and well-acknowledged people are picking it up, commenting on it, and providing some level of insight. I don't want to call it unprecedented, as Reddit has a few different examples over the years of posts getting this crazy this fast, but it's definitely not the norm. The last thing i can recall getting this much traction this fast was Hans Niemann cheating scandal (namely the infamous vibrating butt plug accusation), and before that, the Gamestop stock debacle a few years ago. So for a story to spread this fast, there is something worth reporting on here, and we've yet to see the official end to it. But the whole point of this section is to mostly highlight just how fast this is spreading, and how many people of note are picking this story up and digging deeper into it. #Responses and Insights: Like i mentioned in the previous section, this is a story still developing. I don't believe it's even reached the point of official investigation yet, just a lot of speculating and a lot of armchair analysis from people across the internet. So here i'll highlight some that seem the most crucial to the story as it continues to develop, that show just how widespread the story is becoming. * [Tim Frank, Senior VP of League Operations and Communications with the NBA, releases a statement]( This is the most official source i could find about this particular statement. Most articles quote a tweet by Darren Rovell, which clips the relevant quote without attribution or fuller context of the article (also worth noting that Darren Rovell is a journalist for Action Network, a news outlet focused on reporting Sports Betting), but most official articles go back to NBC Sports as the source for the quote. * [Kevin O'Connor, a sports analysist and journalist for The Ringer, posts a twitter thread analyzing footage of Jackson from this season]( In his thread, he claims that out of stats analyzed, 3 out of the 66 calls were reported incorrectly, the rest were reported correctly. This is much more in line with margin of error than what the OP of the reddit post claims. There's a lot more analysis out there, from people with varying level of experience on the matter, but it's not worth highlighting every single one since they all seem to have varying results swinging either way. O'Connor's results are currently on the front page of the subreddit, and seem to come up most commonly when diving deeper into the issue, so it's the one i chose to highlight. * [Fred Katz, sports journalist for The Athletic, provides some clarification on the process of tracking stats]( [Second Tweet]( Essentially, Katz reveals that there are separate people who handle official scoring, and tracking relevant stats like the ones in question for Jackson. These callers report the stats directly to the NBA. Basically implying that the stats are the responsibility of the NBA directly and not on the team itself. * [Sam Quinn, sports journalist for CBS Sports, reveals that Jackson has since been removed from the board of Caesar's Sports Betting]( Caesar's is one of the largest sports betting authorities around right now, so having Jackson completely removed is a big deal. Other Sports Betting Authorities are either updating their odds in real-time in response to the story breaking, or removing him outright as well. And i'm sure more responses, comments, and statements are coming soon in regards to the situation. These examples seem the most relevant in what's happening with the situation, and how it continues to evolve. People are posting opinions, doing their own analysis, bringing up other players with similar statistics (Nikola Jokic is one of the most common players mentioned here, putting up similar numbers and is regarded as one of the best players in the league right now), and just otherwise involving themselves with the story in any way they can. The Grizzlies themselves have yet to release a statement (at least that i'm aware of), and outside of Frank's response, the NBA hasn't addressed it further. #Where We Are Now: And that's where we are. As far as anyone is concerned, this story is still in it's development stages. Jaren Jackson Jr. is having a good season this year. Until someone on Reddit calls that into question. The story is juicy enough and *just* believable enough to make people question the circumstances, and it spreads like wildfire. Everyone is chiming in, and giving their piece on the scoop, and it's still going. This is what we know so far, and we'll probably see more as it continues to develop.
2023-01-28 22:49:26
What's going on with the NBA and a Reddit post being impactful?
This post says there's something going on with a defensive player or something and a post by someone has massive impact on something?
2023-01-28 21:00:05
Answer: it’s a medication meant for people with type 2 diabetes that apparently has the side effect of weight loss, so doctors (especially doctors whose patients have money and good insurance, as it’s fairly expensive) have been prescribing it solely for weight loss. This has caused supplies to run low and people who actually need it for diabetes may have been unable to get it. A lot of celebrities have recently lost some weight thanks to this drug and others like it, and now that there are shortages and people in need can’t get it, it’s become a point of shame to admit that you have been taking it. This is why you may have seen articles regarding whether or not a celebrity did or didn’t take it.
2023-01-28 21:52:53
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: Ozempic is a diabetes medication that works by increasing incretin levels. Although it was intended for people with type 2 diabetes, there may be some weight loss benefits as well. In December of 2021 (So just over a year ago) Ozempic came under patent challenge (which would have allowed generics) and in the middle of 2022 a rival pharmaceutical company released an alternate incretin inhibitor that is rumored to have more significant weight loss potential. Ozempic seems to have increased their advertising in response to these threats. Edit: fixed a typo
2023-01-28 23:20:39
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: Ozempic has a different name, Wegovy, where it is a slightly higher dosage and has been approved for weightloss by the FDA. It is the same drug and initial dosages are similar plus ozempic is heavily advertised so there is a shortage of both world wide. Wegovy patients have averaged 53 pounds of weight loss in the first year and it has basically no side effects compared to other FDA approved weight loss drugs.
2023-01-29 00:13:22
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: many regular insurance companies recently started covering it (starting in 2023 but announced on their websites sep-nov 2022) while previously it was much more expensive (hence celebrities only). Blue cross for example lists it as $30-70 a month while it was $1400 or more a month in 2021.
2023-01-29 09:27:10
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: capitalism and american healthcare system
2023-01-29 17:01:13
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: There is a lot of misinformation here so as a doctor who actually prescribes this medication allow me to elaborate. This is a GLP-1 agonist medication called semaglutide for which an alternative formulation (Liraglutide) has been around for a number of years since. Semaglutide as ozempic has been approved for diabetes since 2017. We always knew they were good for weight loss but it was a helpful side effect rather than the intended purpose. However in 2021 there were a few pivotal trials called the STEP trials which demonstrates that it was the most effective weight loss medical we have ever had. Then in summer of 2021 the semaglutide in a higher dose was fda approved for weight loss as wegovy. These two drugs are essentially the same but wegovy can go up to 2.4mg but ozempic is released as a maximum 2mg. Clearly because demand for nova nordisk (the pharma company that produces these) was so high there was a shortage of wegovy. This led to doctors such as myself and other prescribing the ozempic formulation for people for whom it was indicated BMI >30 or >27 with comorbidities. This led to a shortage for those that actually needed it for diabetes so we scaled back (the shortage got resolved). Since then a bunch of rich people have been able to get their hands on these meds off label for non obese weight loss and that’s truly wrong. The problem is unless it’s indicated insurance wont cover and you could pay hundreds a month or more (which is a big issue for normal people but not as big for rich people). In the background of those Eli Lily releases another drug called Mounjaro which is even more effective. As far as how I feel about it, I love it. When those studies came out I immediately knew these drugs would change everything. Especially as a doctor that deals with obesity and fatty liver disease, this finally gives me tools outside of surgery to help people with this chronic illness that one could argue is nearly as effective.
2023-01-29 18:10:56
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: The main side effect is extreme nausea, which causes weight loss. It's now being considered the next miracle cure for obesity (which is always a myth). Unfortunately it's main usage is to help type 2 diabetics control their sugar. With so many taking it for the side effect - it's now shortages so folks who actually need it for T2D are suffering (like how rn there's Adderall shortages months out)
2023-01-29 19:51:59
Why have people been talking about the medicine Ozempic?
I’ve seen people all over TikTok raving about the medicine Ozempic. From my understanding it’s a diabetes medication but is commonly prescribed off-label for weight loss. This medication has been around for years, though, why is everyone talking about it now?Did a celebrity take it to lose weight or something? [](
2023-01-28 21:37:14
Answer: a tiny, highly radioactive device went missing in Australia.
2023-01-28 22:33:17
What's going on with the radioactive Australia memes?
I suddenly see those everywhere. There's something going on with pills or drugs. Here's one of the pics: Please let me know!
2023-01-28 22:20:49
Answer: A small capsule containing a radioactive substance called Caesium-137 was lost during transportation in Western Australia. It’s a substance used in mining and was last transported from a mine on January 12th. It arrived in Perth in a package that was stored away somewhere on January 16th. When people came back to check the package again, they found it was open and screws were loose and the capsule was not there. Authorities have been retracing the path of transport and searching the roads. They are advising people not to touch it if they see it because it can give people radioactive burns and radioactive sickness:
2023-01-28 22:39:44
What's going on with the radioactive Australia memes?
I suddenly see those everywhere. There's something going on with pills or drugs. Here's one of the pics: Please let me know!
2023-01-28 22:20:49
Answer: The light-skinned stare is just a sexy look that some people can make. It's called "light-skinned stare" because it's usually attributed to light-skinned black people (honestly I hadn't heard it attributed to white men prior to some off the cuts in that video which included the hero from Megamind and Chris Griffin). It's just a sexy sideways glance or stare that is allegedly something all "light-skinned" black persons can do. You can, of course, read about it on [Know Your Meme]( where they describe it as "the seductive stare given by light-skin Black men to any subject" and it has a detailed history of how the meme developed.
2023-01-28 22:56:02
What's up with this light-skinned stare meme?
As a light-skinned person myself I have no clue what's going on. [](
2023-01-28 21:59:08
Answer: the link you posted shows a bunch of people responding to one tweet. The one tweet is of someone replacing syllables in the names of popular and historic figures with “HER”:
2023-01-28 22:56:16
What's going on with the "Herack Obama" trend?
"Herack Obama" is tending on Twitter. When I look at the trending tweets it's just a bunch of nonsense. Why is this tending? What's it a reference to?
2023-01-28 21:55:28
Answer: You will sometimes see people talking about women in history and they will playfully change the word “history” to “herstory”. So these people are engaging in a shitpost/circle-jerk meme mocking feminism by adding “her” to random other things. Changing Obama’s name to “Herack Obama” is just one of those that blew up more than the others.
2023-01-28 23:09:46
What's going on with the "Herack Obama" trend?
"Herack Obama" is tending on Twitter. When I look at the trending tweets it's just a bunch of nonsense. Why is this tending? What's it a reference to?
2023-01-28 21:55:28
Answer: March of 2020 saw COVID. People are scared, for no real reason, that March of 2023 will be deadly in some way as well.
2023-01-29 02:04:51
What is going on with March 2023?
Been seeing a lot of memes about March 2023 lately. What is happening in March? [meme](
2023-01-29 00:43:47
Answer: remember when the world ended in Y2K? Remember when the world ended in 2012? Yeah… me neither. This is the same as that, but even more stupid than those things.
2023-01-29 02:52:08
What is going on with March 2023?
Been seeing a lot of memes about March 2023 lately. What is happening in March? [meme](
2023-01-29 00:43:47
Answer: 5 year anniversary of Billy Herrington’s death. RIP Aniki.
2023-01-29 18:48:52
What is going on with March 2023?
Been seeing a lot of memes about March 2023 lately. What is happening in March? [meme](
2023-01-29 00:43:47
Answer: I think it's mainly that people are expecting a trend of bad news to continue. The only explicit thing I've heard in March '23 is that Netflix is going to implement their "password sharing restrictions'. We'll have to see what's that going to look like.
2023-01-29 18:50:18
What is going on with March 2023?
Been seeing a lot of memes about March 2023 lately. What is happening in March? [meme](
2023-01-29 00:43:47
Answer: march 2023 is when the financial documents from major corporations get released in a way. This is when they announce the q4 2022 numbers from Christmas sales basically. A further downturn here could send us into a recession if we are not careful. As bad as a year 2022 was for the financials of very large companies.
2023-01-30 00:36:38
What is going on with March 2023?
Been seeing a lot of memes about March 2023 lately. What is happening in March? [meme](
2023-01-29 00:43:47
Answer: Well, there isn't a UK police force, there are lots of different ones. And some of them are realising that some of their officers are rapists.
2023-01-29 03:34:38
What is going on with the UK Police force?
I saw [an article](,-Exclusive%3A%20Figure%20of&text=More%20than%20150%20police%20officers,of%20sexual%20misconduct%20or%20racism) about a rather large number of UK police officers being investigated for crimes [and another]( about a particular one who's committed a heinous number of rapes. What exactly is going on? Why is it being exposed now? Was the police force keeping it a secret for so long?
2023-01-29 02:23:54
Answer: Keep in mind, police of any country, no matter how upstanding they could potentially be, have a lot of power. Both legal and direct power (such as if they give you a ticket for an infraction or not), indirect power (such as indicating you are an officer to your fellow police and using the shared brotherhood to dodge penalties when breaking rules), and immoral power (access to evidence, the ability to plant drugs or weapons on a suspect, the ability to intimidate people with the legal powers they hold). Absolute power corrupts absolutely, yeah? No matter what, there will always be a bastard cop in any setting where cops can be bastards and still be shielded from the law. And if those aren't nipped in the bud (which is tough because of the indirect power), they tend to get worse and corrupt others. This goes on until it gets bad enough that it comes to light, and then either the hammer comes down, or things get worse. What you're seeing is what happens when the hammer is never used. Whenever someone arrives who can and *will* deal with it, the problems tend to be huge and horrifying.
2023-01-29 04:24:55
What is going on with the UK Police force?
I saw [an article](,-Exclusive%3A%20Figure%20of&text=More%20than%20150%20police%20officers,of%20sexual%20misconduct%20or%20racism) about a rather large number of UK police officers being investigated for crimes [and another]( about a particular one who's committed a heinous number of rapes. What exactly is going on? Why is it being exposed now? Was the police force keeping it a secret for so long?
2023-01-29 02:23:54
Answer: they’re two opposing terrorist groups. It makes sense that they would come to blows since they’re in direct competition.
2023-01-29 06:04:16
What's going on with Al Qaeda & Isis?
[AQ & ISIS were blowing each other up in Yemen](, and [ISIS launches terrorist attacks on Taliban (staunch Al qaeda allies) ruled Afghanistan]( What's the disagreement over?
2023-01-29 05:01:46
Answer: In short, religious warfare that will never stop because both sides believe they are the “correct” religion and practice the religion in the “true” manner.
2023-01-29 06:55:39
What's going on with Al Qaeda & Isis?
[AQ & ISIS were blowing each other up in Yemen](, and [ISIS launches terrorist attacks on Taliban (staunch Al qaeda allies) ruled Afghanistan]( What's the disagreement over?
2023-01-29 05:01:46
Answer: TL;DR: both organizations are similar but have some important theological differences but at the local level really it’s just about local commanders seizing power. So you sort of have to get deep into the weeds on Islamic fundamentalist theology to understand the difference between Al-Qaeda and ISIS and also understand that a lot of the rank and file members of both of these organizations aren’t really all that concerned with these differences and in many circumstances have at various points been members of both groups. It’s also important to remember that nobody really doubts the sincerity of the beliefs of the senior leadership of both organizations but at the local level in places like Yemen and Afghanistan theology is often just a convenient excuse for local strongmen to consolidate power or oppose power structures they’ve been left out of. For instance ISIS in Afghanistan is largely composed of former Taliban members who were unhappy with Taliban leadership for various reasons and broke away to start their own movement. First it’s useful to know their similarities. Both are Sunni Salafi terrorist organizations, both oppose the west and the various Arab monarchies, both want to enforce strict version of Islamic Sharia law on the areas which they control, and both use terrorism as a tool to further their goals. Both organizations also envision a unified caliphate in the Muslim world sometime in the future, though they probably disagree on what that actually looks like. ISIS as it exists today traces its roots back to the early days of the war in Iraq when it was an Al-Qaeda affiliate/franchise called Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and was led by a guy called Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, a Jordanian who fought with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and later spent time in Jordanian prison. It’s been pretty well documented that Zarqawi and Osama Bin Laden never really got along going all the way back to the days when they were doing their Jihad thing in Afghanistan but nonetheless cooperated. Since Bin-Laden was deep in hiding Zarqawi took the lead on Al-Qaeda operations in Iraq where a lot of the tactics Zarqawi was using caused major strain between AQI and its parent organization, specifically AQI was deliberately targeting Shiite Muslims with bombings, kidnappings and murders involving some pretty medieval torture they filmed for the internet. The reason Zarqawi had them doing this was twofold: 1. ⁠He essentially incited a near full scale civil war in Iraq between Sunnis and Shiites which created a massive power vacuum and undermined any American aims of securing the country and holding elections or really accomplishing anything. 2. ⁠He genuinely believed that Shiites (and all other sects of Islam outside his narrow Salafi ideology) were essentially heretics and apostates (turning your back on the religion) and therefore should be murdered indiscriminately. It’s that second point that’s probably the most major theological rift between the two organizations. Sunni Islam in almost all of its forms both radical and mainstream has a strong taboo against declaring other Muslims to be apostates. There’s a long held tradition in Islam of various teachings and schools of thought that have colorful disagreements about everything from politics to what’s permissible to eat. Even within Sunni Islam there’s 4 major schools of ‘Fiqh’ (schools of thought that govern various legal principles.) For obvious reasons, even if you’re a radical fundamentalist and member of a terrorist organization, it’s massively self defeating to run around accusing everyone you have theological disagreements with as apostates, as apostasy is one of the gravest sins in Islam. Falsely accusing someone of heresy is itself a grave sin. I’m not here to recount the entire war in Iraq but it got so out of hand that Zarqawi was actually rebuked directly by Bin-Laden not long before Zarqawi was killed in an American air strike in 2006. I’m not going to go over the entire history of ISIS rising from the chaos in Syria either but with a combination of a slick online media presence and early major military success ISIS managed to essentially become the dominant Sunni terrorist organization in the Middle East that has garnered many affiliates worldwide. Instead of the narrow(er) near term political objectives that Al-Qaeda had (expelling western troops from the Middle East, destruction of Israel as a state, overthrow of the various Arab regimes in favor of a pan Islamic state), ISIS has these objectives and also seek to purify the religion by essentially murdering everyone who disagrees with them Muslim or not and to continue spreading their completely inflexible religion worldwide through violence. Because of their early success, as well as their robust marketing campaign many former Al Qaeda affiliates have turned over to ISIS. Sensing a change in the winds and the potential for recruiting new talent many insurgent leaders in localized conflicts all around the world in places like West Africa and even Asia have declared allegiance to ISIS in order to boost their credentials. Al-Qaeda for their part is still a dangerous terrorist organization but true to their ideals still opposes ISIS on theological grounds, the inevitable result is that these groups fight each other pretty much anywhere they coexist. Edit:spelling
2023-01-29 17:32:53
What's going on with Al Qaeda & Isis?
[AQ & ISIS were blowing each other up in Yemen](, and [ISIS launches terrorist attacks on Taliban (staunch Al qaeda allies) ruled Afghanistan]( What's the disagreement over?
2023-01-29 05:01:46
Answer: Al Qaeda and ISIS originally split because Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, proclaimed himself caliph without getting the OK of the leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Some members of Al Qaeda also regarded ISIS' violence against other Muslims as too extreme, because it was alienating other members of the Iraqi insurgency. Al-Zawahari was also annoyed that Al-Baghdadi refused to give command to a Syrian during the beginning of the Syrian insurgency and then focusing more on Syria than Iraq, so Al-Baghdadi's proclamation of himself as caliph was just one in a series of breaches and disagreements. Al-Baghdadi and al-Zawahiri are both dead now, but hostility between the two groups remains. Currently, a man named Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi is the self-proclaimed caliph of ISIS, but Al Qaeda don't recognize him, either, and resent that ISIS' leaders dare to claim such authority when ISIS is the younger of the two groups. The Taliban and ISIS, meanwhile, are hostile to each other because the Taliban refuses to recognize ISIS' leaders' claims of being the new caliph with dominion over the Islamic world. The Taliban also belongs to the Hanafi school of Islamic law, which ISIS regards as insufficiently pure and strict, and is disinterested in Salafism, which ISIS swears by. ISIS is also annoyed at the Taliban has been courting the support of Shia Muslims, rather than annihilating them as ISIS wants.
2023-01-29 18:13:09
What's going on with Al Qaeda & Isis?
[AQ & ISIS were blowing each other up in Yemen](, and [ISIS launches terrorist attacks on Taliban (staunch Al qaeda allies) ruled Afghanistan]( What's the disagreement over?
2023-01-29 05:01:46
Answer: This past week, a far-right politician in Sweden burnt a copy of the Koran, the Muslim holy book, as a form of “protest”. Muslims take this *very seriously* and these have ignited protests over it. Sweden made the announcement on the off-chance any Turkish people try to take “revenge” on any Swedes. In turn of these events, Turkey has warned their people to be on the lookout for anything in the US or EU as they could have retaliations over such things, basically reactionary Islamophobia.
2023-01-29 07:01:18
What is going on with Sweden and Turkey?
[\_tells\_citizens\_to\_avoid\_crowds\_in\_turkey/]( Sweden tells it's citizens Turkey is not safe then Turkey tells it's citizens Sweden, EU, and America are not safe? What has been going on in international politics between Sweden and Turkey? and what does the EU and U.S have to do with it?
2023-01-29 06:39:46
Answer: Sweden is applying for NATO membership. Turkey is a NATO member with considerable leverage, despite, for instance, having threatened another NATO member country (Greece) with war. Turkey's leader has decided to use this situation to his favour, by demanding Turkish-born Kurds who have sought and gotten asylum in Sweden, to be returned to Turkey, otherwise Turkey will veto Sweden's membership. Turkey calls these people terrorists, while from the Nordic point of view most of these people are an eye-sore to Turkey because of simply having critizised Turkish government, and the criminals who have managed to get through, are a tiny minority. Some are simply journalists. Nordic countries have returned some Kurds who have been proven to actually have been involved in terrorist organizations. Recently, provocations have taken place in Sweden. In a demonstration opposing Turkey, a Turkish-borne Kurd hung a mannequine dressed as Turkey's president (upside down, if it matters), another guy (a dual citizen of Denmark and Sweden, not a Kurd) burned yet another holy book of muslims, he has a history of doing this as he seems to be a semi-professional provocateur. These provocations are the reason people are being recommended to stay away from Turkey, and for Turkey to do the same, vice versa, as flag or holy book burning is something Turks are very sensitive to, whereas Nordics primarily shrug that kind of stuff off. (Edit) to add: with the provocation and demonstration, what Nordic people consider important is freedom of speech and that people are safe (that's why the police was there), while for Turkish people the main thing about these was the provocation they see should simply not be allowed.
2023-01-29 17:32:25
What is going on with Sweden and Turkey?
[\_tells\_citizens\_to\_avoid\_crowds\_in\_turkey/]( Sweden tells it's citizens Turkey is not safe then Turkey tells it's citizens Sweden, EU, and America are not safe? What has been going on in international politics between Sweden and Turkey? and what does the EU and U.S have to do with it?
2023-01-29 06:39:46
Answer: Sweden would like to be a NATO member. Adding a new member requires unanimous approval by all current NATO members. Turkey is a recent addition to NATO. It therefore has the power to veto Sweden's accession to NATO membership. Turkey has gripes with Sweden. These largely stem from Turkish politics and culture having Islamist influence, while Sweden is a secular state. Sweden has accepted refugees from Turkey that are part of an ethnicity, the Kurds, some of which seek independence from Turkey and have violently rebelled. In short, thanks to NATO rules, Turkey can throw a wrench into Sweden's and the rest of NATO's policy goals. Despite the threat posed by Russia, Turkey is choosing to exercise that leverage for its own individual purposes.
2023-01-30 05:48:26
What is going on with Sweden and Turkey?
[\_tells\_citizens\_to\_avoid\_crowds\_in\_turkey/]( Sweden tells it's citizens Turkey is not safe then Turkey tells it's citizens Sweden, EU, and America are not safe? What has been going on in international politics between Sweden and Turkey? and what does the EU and U.S have to do with it?
2023-01-29 06:39:46
Answer: No, there is no risk of war with Turkey. The article you link also explains the why: The American, German, French and Italian embassies in Ankara issued an advisory to their citizens in Turkey alerting them to possible terror attacks on places of worship in Turkey. In retaliation the Turkish ministery of foreign affairs issues a similar warning to Turkish citizens in the EU and US. This is a diplomatic tit-for-tat between Turkey and the US and EU as part of a bigger disagreement over Swedish NATO membership and how Turkey is playing all sides when it comes to the war in Ukraine.
2023-01-29 11:39:52
What is up with Turkey and the rest of the world?
For reference: I understand hatred of Islamic religions comes into play here but I never realized Turkey hated everyone and everyone hated Turkey? All of a sudden now they are in the news and a "thing". Are we at risk of war with the Turks now?
2023-01-29 10:47:02
Answer: Since Erdogan, Turkey has moved away from laiklik (secularity - separation of state and religion). A pity for the only majority muslim country to attempt it - rather successfully too. It started with a lot of oppression of his own people, in stupid ways, for ex. he believes it is anti-islamic to raise interest rates, and has fired several central bankers who knew this is a great tool to tamper inflation, with predictable consequences. He is very beligerant to quite a few groups, famously against the Kurds, the political party of whom he calls terrorrists. Some of those members are in exile in Sweden. As Sweden and Finland finally decided their neutral position towards Russia was no longer tenable since Putin's invasion, and desire to join NATO, which requires unanimous consent of all NATO members, of which Turkey is one. He has decided to use this leverage to coerce Sweden into extraditing its Kurdish refugees. Now with his holy book recently burned in front of an embassy with Swedish approval for the protest (not specifically the burning), has announced will never agree to it. Europe pays Turkey to filter immigrants and protect its borders, but Turkey used that too as leverage, even going so far as pushing migrants into the EU borders by force (one might call Europe hypocritical, but Turkey has been positively violent to them). In general, the actions of Erdogan hurt Europe, the Turks, the Kurds, and possibly NATO in general. He is also surprisingly silent about China's treatment of the Turkic Uighurs to which the Turks are kin, and has resisted putting any sanctions on Russia for its latest invasion. Another little lovely detail about him: he loves to imprison journalists and political opponents. edit: Much better formatting thanks to the friend below:
2023-01-29 12:04:41
What is up with Turkey and the rest of the world?
For reference: I understand hatred of Islamic religions comes into play here but I never realized Turkey hated everyone and everyone hated Turkey? All of a sudden now they are in the news and a "thing". Are we at risk of war with the Turks now?
2023-01-29 10:47:02
Answer: the main issue was the then 15 year old Kamila Valieva being allowed to compete for the Russian Olympic team despite having tested positive for a drug that increases heart stamina. She was allowed to compete because persons under 16 are listed as "protected persons" under the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) rules. She claimed sharing a glass of water with her grandfather after he took his heart pills is what caused the positive test. She ultimately ended up not reaching the podium. Her teammates took Gold and Silver, a Japanese skater took bronze.
2023-01-29 14:38:25
What is the deal with the 2022 Winter Olympic games?
I meant on what were happening or the scandals in the Winter Olympic games in more better detail? I know some stuff that happened but not in detail and i know this was considered one of the worst Olympics games ever held including with the Tokyo Olympics also. Just asking about the Winter Olympics in particular just due to so much controversy. would be much appreciated!
2023-01-29 12:59:59
Answer: the favorite to win the ladies' event, Russia's Kamila Valieva, had a positive result revealed from a drug test taken 1.5 months beforehand, during the Russian nationals event (basically the Russian Olympic qualifying event) which was in December 2021. This result came halfway through the Olympic team figure skating event, and there was still the ladies single event still to come a week or so later. There were emergency WADA meetings at the Olympics and it was ruled that she was allowed to still compete, BUT with the caveat that any event for the rest of the Olympics in which she medalled, the medals would be distributed later after the outcome of the case was finalized. Everyone was extremely unhappy about this decision since it was unclear why she was allowed to still compete, since there are many examples of skaters having to sit out for a season or two until a suspected doping charge is played out in court. Even if they were later deemed innocent, it was "well too bad, you still had to miss all of those competition opportunities. So the rest of the Olympic figure skating events were colored by this attitude of "why is she still here? this isn't fair to all of the clean athletes." So the case is still not finalized and the figure skating team event competitors still don't have their medals (if she is deemed innocent and the results hold, the team event medalists will be Russia-gold, USA-silver, and Japan-bronze. It is still unclear how they will rescore team event if Valieva is disqualified). However, all of the pressure and media circus surrounding this situation for the next week and a half at the Olympics was incredibly overwhelming, and Valieva essentially bombed the ladies' singles event, wound up getting 4th, and thus the medals of the ladies event were distributed. That ladies' singles event is regarded as one of the worst and most horrifying Olympic events to watch because Kamila and her 2 Russian ladies teammates (Anna Scherbakova who got gold, and Alexandra Trusova who got silver) all had different levels of televised breakdowns at the end of the event but before the medal ceremony. Backstory: The coach and team she trains with in Moscow called Sambo-70 (Eteri Tuterberidze, jump technician Sergei Dudakov, and choreographer Daniil Gleikhengauz) have already been infamous for several years regarding highly (suspiciously high) successful results in their ladies skaters (typically from ages 12-17) yet very shady training practices. It is assumed that Valieva, a 15 year old girl, probably wasn't doping on her own, due to the fact that Russia is known for it's state-sponsored Olympic doping programs (see the Netflix documentary Icarus or read about Grigory Rodchenkov). In figure skating in Russia, kids are picked for their talent at a very young age and trained in highly rigid environments, often separated from their parents. The girls at this training camp are essentially the only girls in the world who can consistently jump quads (4 rotations in the air, common with male figure skaters but fairly unattainable for women as of yet. Even Japanese skaters, known for their boundary pushing technical elements and solid technique, haven't been able to produce women who can consistently jump quads. Only from this one camp in Russia). Also none of Eteri's skaters have successfully lasted beyond the age of approximately 16 and are known for having drastic injuries (think broken hips in 15 year old girls from relatively minor falls, due to likely low bone density). It has been known that this training camp has encouraged their skaters to have little to no food intake (several girls trained from that rink have reported only swishing and spitting rather than swallowing water and only eating powdered food, stating that they are afraid of gaining any grams of weight. This obsession with the tiniest amount of weight gain, in addition to contributing to their ability to jump quads, has also been suspected to do with the coaching staff needing to track the precise amounts/dosages of drugs as to remain undetectable in a urine sample. The coaching team has also been suspected to have their girls on puberty blockers, since the only successful quad jumping by women seems to come at the ages of 12-15 and comes from quick rotational ability (that is more easily achieved with a prepubescent body) rather than proper take-off technique with the legs. Another note about the types of performance enhancing drugs used in figure skating. Typically things that help with endurance in training (being able to drill quads over and over and over in one session, and many sessions a day/week) are the most helpful - so cardiac medications, etc. Steroids don't help because you don't necessarily need to have more muscle. So the drug found in Valieva's situation is very believable to be related to performance enhancing in skating. Also to note, the Russian figure skating national team doctor is an. anesthesiologist who has lots of published research about performance enhancing drugs, xenon gas techniques, and was also a doctor previously temporarily let go from the national team due to involvement in the Russian rowing team being disqualified from the 2008 Olympics due to doping. (For context, most national sports team doctors are in the field of orthopedics or sports medicine, trained in muscle and bone injuries,not specializing in a field related to injections and dosages like anesthesiology is...) During Russian nationals in 2020, it was shown on TV that Anna Scherbakova (who ended up winning the 2022 Olympic singles ladies event and is Valieva's training mate), was shown struggling to breathe after the short program, extremely winded, and was given inhalation of some sort of "smelling salts" after looking to almost pass out. The next day she looked better trained than ever and jumped multiple quads in the long program. Many people were concerned and questioning what was going on and why she looked so different within 24hours. When she won at the ladies' single event Olympics in 2022, Scherbakova was all alone hugging a stuffed animal looking shell-shocked, her coaches were ignoring her, while they were comforting Valieva who was crying about bombing and getting 4th place, and silver medalist Trusova was SCREAMING at them for a full 3-5 minutes something along the lines of "You knew everything and I hate all of you! I refuse to go up there!" in Russian. So all in all, it was a tough watch, no one was happy. This is my opinion/biased, but it honestly felt like the whole world was watching these 3 teenager's girls trauma responses to many years of likely abusive situations coming to a boiling point on international TV. Very uncomfortable. And the bronze medalist, Japanese Kaori Sakamoto, was over the moon happy and crying and seeming to represent all of the ladies figure skaters who had been pushed out of winning medals for years due to this training camp and their likely doping advantages. If you’re wanting to inform yourself of all the details of the backstory of the Russian training camp that Valieva hails from, how this came to be, and keep up with how this WADA case is playing out currently, two sources would be the reporter Gabby Paluch, who has been writingarticles for The Business Insider and the New York Times on this, as well as the series “As the Blade Turns” (take this with a grain of salt, Dave Lease is a polarizing figure in the figure skating fandom world, but is probably the one who has talked about this most over the years) on YouTube at “The Skating Lesson” [](
2023-01-30 00:28:44
What is the deal with the 2022 Winter Olympic games?
I meant on what were happening or the scandals in the Winter Olympic games in more better detail? I know some stuff that happened but not in detail and i know this was considered one of the worst Olympics games ever held including with the Tokyo Olympics also. Just asking about the Winter Olympics in particular just due to so much controversy. would be much appreciated!
2023-01-29 12:59:59
Answer: That's Robert Downey Jr, who plays Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The meme is meant to be unfunny, it's typically used in subs like [r/comedyhomicide]( and [r/comedynecrophilia]( to mock 'everyone liked that' and 'destruction 100' meme images that add nothing to the original.
2023-01-29 15:38:38
What is the deal with the monochrome guy in glasses that shows up in a lot of memes?
I've seen several memes that have this guy in glasses at the bottom that's in black and white for some reason. In every single one the guy just parrots the meme above, saying it again like we haven't already seen the meme, just like the narrator from Peppa Pig. I find this extremely obnoxious and annoying. I don't understand how this is supposed to be funny. Who is he anyway? He's monochrome so is he from old silent movies? Or is he some famous criminal or comedian I don't know about? Or by chance is he actually the narrator from Peppa Pig? Here's one notable meme he is pointlessly in:
2023-01-29 15:30:07
Answer: That guy is Robert Downey Jr. (aka Iron Man), the picture started to mock the "everyone liked that" or bottom panels that try to continue the joke, but fail miserably as they add nothing to the meme or ruin it completely. It started on a post where this picture of RDJr. appeared with a text saying "This post is about stuff", since then, the picture is called Mr. Stuff. He is used ironically on subs that make intentionally awful memes, like r/ComedyNecrophilia. TLDR: So basically he is a shitpost character, used to make ironic memes, the irony being the meme being completely ruined by excessive additional jokes, like red circles and "destruction 100".
2023-01-29 18:25:02
What is the deal with the monochrome guy in glasses that shows up in a lot of memes?
I've seen several memes that have this guy in glasses at the bottom that's in black and white for some reason. In every single one the guy just parrots the meme above, saying it again like we haven't already seen the meme, just like the narrator from Peppa Pig. I find this extremely obnoxious and annoying. I don't understand how this is supposed to be funny. Who is he anyway? He's monochrome so is he from old silent movies? Or is he some famous criminal or comedian I don't know about? Or by chance is he actually the narrator from Peppa Pig? Here's one notable meme he is pointlessly in:
2023-01-29 15:30:07
Answer: The DOJ [release]( says *In 2020, the Justice Department filed a civil antitrust suit against Google for monopolizing search and search advertising, which are different markets from the digital advertising technology markets at issue in the lawsuit filed today.* They probably think they have a better case. Current anti-trust case law often depends on showing a harm to someone (usually the consumer). With search by itself, it's hard to show any 'harm' even if it was monopolistic. You can actually very plausibly argue the opposite- by being monopolistic, google has better data to give better results. It's much easier to do so with ads (monopoly means Google has leverage for higher ad prices). You can see this thinking in the release: *To redress Google’s anticompetitive conduct, the Department seeks both equitable relief on behalf of the American public as well as treble damages for losses sustained by federal government agencies that overpaid for web display advertising.* There was also the swap from Trump's DOJ, to Biden. There is likely some difference in thinking between the two. In particular, Biden's nominees have been much more interested in antitrust/monopoly laws than past DOJs (including Dem ones). They've been much more aggressive. >because they survived the last one? The 2020 case hasn't actually been litigated yet, it's set for 2023. *The Google search litigation is scheduled for trial in September 2023.*
2023-01-29 17:12:58
What’s up with DOJ suing Google … again?
It seems they do this every couple of years. We’re they not successful before? Is it tweaked on a slight technicality because they survived the last one? Why does this keep happening? (NB: I don’t mean why are they suing them, I know what for. I mean why do they keep suing them over and over again)
2023-01-29 14:53:06
Answer: Google controls over 70% of all search results & damn near 100% of all online advertising. Google is the Platform, Distributer, Merchant, AND Agent for online advertising, plus over 80% of all online marketing/advertising **tools** are controlled by Google. Google is a Monopoly and the DOJ is *finally* conducting an Anti-Trust action.
2023-01-30 14:56:37
What’s up with DOJ suing Google … again?
It seems they do this every couple of years. We’re they not successful before? Is it tweaked on a slight technicality because they survived the last one? Why does this keep happening? (NB: I don’t mean why are they suing them, I know what for. I mean why do they keep suing them over and over again)
2023-01-29 14:53:06
Answer: right now it appears like it's a series of accusations against him before he was the star of a big show. They include allegedly throwing parties, calling women names online, and spreading nudes. No, there is no significant evidence he did this, at least not significant enough for Netflix to pull him from press junkets for Wednesday. Also, the website you're using is known as a clickbait site, like the kind you get when you open Chrome on mobile and it has to give you suggested "articles" before you start searching.
2023-01-29 17:44:22
What's going on with Percy Hynes White?
Everyone is talking about this actor and how he is a sexual predator, what are the allegations against him? Is there any proof? Did something happen on the Wednesday set or was it something before?
2023-01-29 17:08:55
Answer: The article you posted explains who he is, why he’s relevant and has a link to all of the allegations made against him.
2023-01-29 19:45:20
What's going on with Percy Hynes White?
Everyone is talking about this actor and how he is a sexual predator, what are the allegations against him? Is there any proof? Did something happen on the Wednesday set or was it something before?
2023-01-29 17:08:55
Answer: A lot of weird stuff is happening in Ohio lately. It’s kinda like Florida man, but no person is involved. So if something weird is happening that isn’t caused by people, then it’s “Ohio”
2023-01-29 19:10:06
What’s up with people saying “Ohio”? I remember there’s a song with a line that goes “down in ohio” is it related?
2023-01-29 17:36:00
Answer: Ohio has been an Internet punching bag for years, often appearing in memes where it's taken off the map, renamed, destroyed, becomes all of the U.S., and similar. The joke takes on many forms past just that, including popular comments like "average Ohio citizen" and "most sane __ in Ohio". You may be only just noticing but it's been a thing.
2023-01-29 21:00:57
What’s up with people saying “Ohio”? I remember there’s a song with a line that goes “down in ohio” is it related?
2023-01-29 17:36:00
Answer: Iran confirmed that there [was a drone attack against an Iranian workshop factory]( which they claim was "unsuccessful" resulting only in "minor damage to the roof of a workshop building". A separate incident involving a fire at an oil refinery was also noted but there seems to be no connection between the two as of yet. While no one has immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, there are [indications]( that Israel carried it out. It's probably helpful to note that Iran withdrew its recognition of Israel as a legitimate state after 1979's Iranian Revolution. Israel did aid Iran during the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s for a brief bit of "strange bedfellows" history, but the posture between the two became much more aggressive in the following years. In a very generalized nutshell, since the Revolution, Iran has waged a proxy war against Israel across the Middle East for decades by supplying arms and funding to various groups (such as Hezbollah) to attack Israeli interests. In return, Israel has adopted a more aggressive posture towards Iran by targeting Iranian targets across the Middle East [(such as in Syria)]( ranging from military officials and facilities to nuclear scientists. With that said, and if Israel really did authorize the attack, it wouldn't be very surprising in the context of the history between the two over the past few decades especially given the relatively [recent tensions]( created by Iran's nuclear program and their escalating drone capabilities [(and aggressive use of)]( EDIT: Fixed a link
2023-01-29 19:29:40
What’s going on with drone strikes in Iran?
The [rumor mill]( on Twitter is saying that Israel attacked Iran facilities. [Another link.]( But now other folks are saying [these videos are fake](, and there was only one attack? Do we know what really happened? Wouldn’t Israel attacking multiple military facilities in Iran basically be the cause of all out war?
2023-01-29 17:12:50
Answer: 2 weeks left in january transfer window and he wants to be traded. Gives fake excuse not to play etc. Owners told him that he has 18 months left to sit in the stands.
2023-01-29 21:21:10
What's up with Zaniolo being hated by Mourinho and the Roma Ultras?
Like this statement: > "Unfortunately, Zaniolo seems to be staying, I say that because he told all of us that he doesn't want to play or train for Roma. We're focused on tomorrow with players who want to do well for this club... Also, I don't want to be misinterpreted but congratulations to Napoli on Scudetto." Roma ultras with a banner calling him a traitor:
2023-01-29 17:12:08
Answer: Ten days ago, the story came out that he asked not to get picked for the team because he wanted to leave AS Roma. Zaniolo's agent had also done quite a lot of talking in the media, while bringing very few offers to the table. Here's a list of rumored offers, in the order they became public: * Tottenham Hotspur (one of the bigger clubs in England) tried to get him in on a loan with an option to buy him. Rumor goes that the offer was rejected, as AS Roma wanted a more certain deal. * AC Milan (current champions of Italy and one of the historically biggest clubs in Europe) had been talking to his agent. AS Roma allegedly demanded €35M, and AC Milan delayed making an offer. * Bournemouth (one of the smaller clubs in the English Premier League) bid €30M for Zaniolo, a bid that Milan weren't willing to match. Roma accepted their offer, Zaniolo didn't. Afterwards, Roma's management got angry with Zaniolo, as he's been making the kind of moves that burns a lot of bridges (refusing to play or train, going to the media), and he's been told to either accept Bournemouth's offer or not play for the remainder of the season. Opinion: I'm fairly certain that if Roma were to get a similar offer from a different club, they'd accept and allow him to leave, but that's not likely.
2023-01-30 11:44:00
What's up with Zaniolo being hated by Mourinho and the Roma Ultras?
Like this statement: > "Unfortunately, Zaniolo seems to be staying, I say that because he told all of us that he doesn't want to play or train for Roma. We're focused on tomorrow with players who want to do well for this club... Also, I don't want to be misinterpreted but congratulations to Napoli on Scudetto." Roma ultras with a banner calling him a traitor:
2023-01-29 17:12:08
Answer: It's just a running gag of Biden's. Sometimes when he's up high on a podium (or someone is above him looking down) he'll say something like "Hey, don't jump". For example, [here he saying it at a town hall]( and here's [him saying it to a heckler.]( If you edit them together and take them out of context it looks a little weird but like I said, it's just a gag he falls back on. Here's an example using another person, late night talkshow host [David Lettermen talking to drummers.](
2023-01-29 22:22:02
What's up with all these compilations of U.S. President Joe Biden shouting "Don't jump!" seemingly without context?
Today I had a weird feed on Instagram, with lots of reels about older, more harmless conspiracy theories. But then more and more Clips followed about Joe Biden and his, \*as it was presented in the short scenes\*, poor cognitive state. Of course, I considered that probably many of the videos were taken out of their proper context. Still, one clip \[Instagram Clip\]([\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link]( really confused me and I couldn't think of an explanation or an appropriate context for his strange behavior. The comments seemed politically motivated and rather uninformative. Is his behavior indeed weird, or was it actually taken out of context? Hope this isn't getting too political. Asking carefully from Europe :')
2023-01-29 21:19:44
Answer: it lets people know you’re not one of those Walmart folks.
2023-01-30 01:51:50
What is the deal with how having a Costco card is impressive, even if it’s ironic?
[For example…](
2023-01-30 01:50:25
Answer: In this example it's just amusing because the girl seems to be impressed by his Costco card, which most people would not find in any way impressive considering it only costs $60 to join. It would be like someone being impressed you're an Amazon Prime member. Any other examples of it being impressive?
2023-01-30 02:12:40
What is the deal with how having a Costco card is impressive, even if it’s ironic?
[For example…](
2023-01-30 01:50:25
Answer: Having a friend with a Costco card is kind of like having a friend with a yacht One may not want to pay for an annual Costco membership, especially if you come from a small household, and don’t like eating the same thing (bought in bulk) all the time. However, once in a while, having a friend with a Costco membership comes in very useful. Like when you’re hosting a huge bbq or party. Or when you need to buy value-for-money tires. Or when you need to stock up on some Kirkland (Costco house brand) item that you’ve fallen in love with, and can only get from Costco. Costco tends to pride themselves on choosing very good quality products under their house brand. Finally, when you’re in the mood for a $4.99 rotisserie chicken, which Costco actually sells at a loss (if you don’t count membership fees) to bring folks in For many people, it may not make sense to maintain their own Costco membership for these rare purchases. But every once in a while, a Costco friend comes in handy!
2023-01-30 15:21:19
What is the deal with how having a Costco card is impressive, even if it’s ironic?
[For example…](
2023-01-30 01:50:25
Answer: * I am not sure how "impressive" it really is or considered. However, you get a value for money on many items procured from Costco. Non-perishables, organic low fat milk, batteries etc. * Gas is cheaper on Costco pumps and you can save up on a lot, at this point, the difference between the Costco gas, and Exxon is about 20-30 cents a gallon and it adds up. You won't have to deal with random weirdos and crackheads over there, no fear of having your card cloned or some scam like that allowing you to fill up in peace, and that's a great reason to go there lol. * I think Costco pays its employees good money (compared to other retailers), as its evident by the fact that you will find familiar faces. These are my reasons to have a Costco Card.
2023-01-30 22:12:40
What is the deal with how having a Costco card is impressive, even if it’s ironic?
[For example…](
2023-01-30 01:50:25
Answer: it's certain groups latching on to their collaboration with Kim Petras as some sort of proof that the "gay agenda" is out to brainwash children
2023-01-30 03:56:58
What’s up with the Sam Smith discourse?
I’ve seen quite a few tweets about something “controversial” but I can’t seem to find what is being referred to. (Reminder that Sam uses they/them pronouns)
2023-01-30 03:51:12
Answer: Found the linked tweet, I suspect that's the root story. Likely a combo of an 'indelicate response' from the entourage, but also the incorrect belief by many fans that they are entitled to access a celebrity at any time and in any way the fan(s) please. But that's speculating...
2023-01-30 04:01:00
What’s up with the Sam Smith discourse?
I’ve seen quite a few tweets about something “controversial” but I can’t seem to find what is being referred to. (Reminder that Sam uses they/them pronouns)
2023-01-30 03:51:12
Answer: Sam Smith has been aggressively-advertised on social media lately (to non-fans like myself), so maybe there's just more talk lately.
2023-01-30 19:02:59
What’s up with the Sam Smith discourse?
I’ve seen quite a few tweets about something “controversial” but I can’t seem to find what is being referred to. (Reminder that Sam uses they/them pronouns)
2023-01-30 03:51:12
Answer: The last controversy I heard around them, was that they advocated for getting rid of gendered awards categories and then the 2023 BRIT Awards Best Artist nominees ended up being all men… they gave a non-apology about it.
2023-01-30 22:54:41
What’s up with the Sam Smith discourse?
I’ve seen quite a few tweets about something “controversial” but I can’t seem to find what is being referred to. (Reminder that Sam uses they/them pronouns)
2023-01-30 03:51:12
Answer: They released a music video for their song "I'm Not Here To Make Friends" 3 days ago. The video is fairly sexual. So you have the standard backlash from bigots which includes fat shaming (they're wearing "skimpy" outfits like thongs and corsets with nipple tassels etc. that show their body) and homophobia (ton of men on men sexual stuff). There's also backlash from certain people of the LGBTQ+ community who feel like Sam is giving substance to bigots' narrative equating homosexuality with vulgarity and perversion. They feel they're hurting the community. There's a specific scene that supposedly depicts a piss kink which is the main part that people are mad about. The video is being used as evidence that the entertainment industry turns people (the artists that is) vulgar by rewarding hypersexuality and depravity. Supporters and fans of Sam Smith are angry about backlash against the sexual nature of the video and Sam Smith's outfits, saying that it's homophobic, prudish and there wouldn't be this kinda backlash had Sam been thin. There's generally been an increasing amount of anger regarding Sam Smith ever since they've been presenting more feminine. Although there are also those who get offended if you call them feminine coz the outfits and videos are pretty out there. Just wanna add a disclaimer that these are not my personal views.
2023-01-31 00:08:27
What’s up with the Sam Smith discourse?
I’ve seen quite a few tweets about something “controversial” but I can’t seem to find what is being referred to. (Reminder that Sam uses they/them pronouns)
2023-01-30 03:51:12
Answer: This is just the way Twitter is. You could find tweets of people claiming the NFL is rigged about every single NFL game. Any time there is a remotely questionable call, social media goes ablaze with conspiracies. That's just social media.
2023-01-30 05:21:17
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: Because too many questionable calls or no-calls materially affect the outcome of too many important games. Consequently, people start to believe the NFL has an agenda, and that's not too hard to believe.
2023-01-30 05:49:35
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: Because the events during the game that occurred lead one to give credence to that idea. I'm not a Bengals fan or Chiefs fan. Sometimes the NFL has Really bad officiating games, that happen to help a team that will make them more money advance. Did you know technically the NFL isn't a competitive league? It's technically Entertainment. Best for Business was the Chiefs moving on. The last game I saw that was this egregiously poorly officiated was the game the Saints were involved in that horrendous no pass interference call at the end of the game, memory is it was a NFC championship game.
2023-01-30 13:46:41
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: in the age of Maga, losers claim everything is rigged.
2023-01-30 18:07:50
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: See the Saints conference championship game with the Rams. The Saints WR got absolutely molested by the Rams DB without looking back for the ball. That very obvious call would had won the game for the Saints. The call wasn’t even one of those that could go either way, it was straight up asssult/mugging of the WR. How that was a no call really changed my view of the nfl officiating.
2023-01-30 22:25:34
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: 1. Chiefs got a FIFTH down 2. Joe B got shoved well after he last had the ball - no call 3. The bogus roughing the kicker call 4. Chiefs egregious block in the back that wasn't called 5. Chris Jones had his hands on facemarks lots of downs the weren't called 6. The tricky tacky holding calls that only seemed to go one way 7. Burrow got hit out of bounds and it wasn't called but it was when Mahomes did 8. Many of the things happened at crucial moments too Those things off the top of my head And the bad thing is: none of it was even necessary - Chiefs would have likely won without it. And I LOVE the Chiefs and the Bengals (tho the Cowboys are my homer team) - but when it's bad enough that I (who have been watching football for over 50 years) feel like I can no longer enjoy football because I no longer feel like on any given Sunday anyone can win if they play the best, then it's pretty bad. I can't ever remember not watching the Super Bowl but I won't this year because I won't enjoy it.
2023-01-30 23:52:47
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: If anything it was inconsistent officiating. Burrow grounded more than he got called for. Chiefs got a TD called back on an PI A taunting penalty The grounding call and RTP was the right call The extra 3rd down was odd but the correct call. Overall the game came down to InT and Sacks
2023-01-31 00:32:56
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10
Answer: people are trolling or they are complete morons
2023-01-31 02:13:18
What is up with people saying that the Bengals vs Chiefs AFC Championship game is rigged?
I watched the entire game and went to Twitter to see people’s reactions. The first thing that I see is #NFLRigged trending. Posts like these: Some users also said that the ‘unnecessary roughness’ call at the last 30 seconds was bullshit. But it was pretty obvious that he was out of bounds when he was pushed to the ground. I was rooting for the Bangals, but I didn’t see anything shady happen during the game.
2023-01-30 04:20:10