2 classes
2 classes
Answer: pan fucking tera has always been trash content made by gross slobbering drunks.
2023-01-26 12:29:49
What's the deal with Pantera getting flack, outcry for cancellation, and dropped from lineups?
What exactly happened and is currently going on here? I just saw an article that they were dropped from a a couple shows in Germany, being replaced by the Foo Fighters ( link: [\_fighters\_replace\_pantera\_at\_rock\_am\_ring\_and/]( ), folks are calling them nazis or nazi sympathizers apparently, people are worried about Metallica's association with them, etc. I grew up listening to them and I know most of the original band is dead or retired at this point so is it new members that are acting up? is the whole band associated with political nonsense? Is the legacy completely tainted? Do I need to be worried about listening to some old school Dimebag Darrell riffs with the audio slightly to high in social settings?
2023-01-25 21:17:10
Answer: Phil Anselmo is a racist, the concerts were in Germany and people didnt want to tolerate his rhetoric
2023-01-26 13:16:12
What's the deal with Pantera getting flack, outcry for cancellation, and dropped from lineups?
What exactly happened and is currently going on here? I just saw an article that they were dropped from a a couple shows in Germany, being replaced by the Foo Fighters ( link: [\_fighters\_replace\_pantera\_at\_rock\_am\_ring\_and/]( ), folks are calling them nazis or nazi sympathizers apparently, people are worried about Metallica's association with them, etc. I grew up listening to them and I know most of the original band is dead or retired at this point so is it new members that are acting up? is the whole band associated with political nonsense? Is the legacy completely tainted? Do I need to be worried about listening to some old school Dimebag Darrell riffs with the audio slightly to high in social settings?
2023-01-25 21:17:10
Answer: Phil is an open and known racist, a fascist retiric spitting piece of garbage and a white supremacist and sympathizer. Majority of people don't like those kind of people and for good reason. This post reads as "I know the answer, I just want someone else to say it." >Is the legacy completely tainted? Do I need to be worried about listening to some old school Dimebag Darrell riffs with the audio slightly to high in social settings? This whole part just translates to "I don't think they did anything wrong and don't wanna hold them accountable, and I don't wanna be held accountable for supporting shitty people."
2023-01-26 14:15:40
What's the deal with Pantera getting flack, outcry for cancellation, and dropped from lineups?
What exactly happened and is currently going on here? I just saw an article that they were dropped from a a couple shows in Germany, being replaced by the Foo Fighters ( link: [\_fighters\_replace\_pantera\_at\_rock\_am\_ring\_and/]( ), folks are calling them nazis or nazi sympathizers apparently, people are worried about Metallica's association with them, etc. I grew up listening to them and I know most of the original band is dead or retired at this point so is it new members that are acting up? is the whole band associated with political nonsense? Is the legacy completely tainted? Do I need to be worried about listening to some old school Dimebag Darrell riffs with the audio slightly to high in social settings?
2023-01-25 21:17:10
Answer: A loud mouthed group of weak minded babies who get offended and outraged over everything including stuff that has nothing to do with them gotta act like bitches and ruin the world for everyone else.
2023-01-26 16:31:32
What's the deal with Pantera getting flack, outcry for cancellation, and dropped from lineups?
What exactly happened and is currently going on here? I just saw an article that they were dropped from a a couple shows in Germany, being replaced by the Foo Fighters ( link: [\_fighters\_replace\_pantera\_at\_rock\_am\_ring\_and/]( ), folks are calling them nazis or nazi sympathizers apparently, people are worried about Metallica's association with them, etc. I grew up listening to them and I know most of the original band is dead or retired at this point so is it new members that are acting up? is the whole band associated with political nonsense? Is the legacy completely tainted? Do I need to be worried about listening to some old school Dimebag Darrell riffs with the audio slightly to high in social settings?
2023-01-25 21:17:10
Answer: From urbandictionary >**peng** >yeah so it’s like some really attractive person. usually used in London with roadmen. like for example if someone had some nice makeup and you liked them you would call them peng or just nice in general. >- _dayum, hannah is peng! look at that ass move. I wanna slap that ass!_ >- _mmm, these are proper peng wings! where did you buy them from?_
2023-01-25 23:07:07
What is going on with this article that suggests "Peng" means something outside the context of dead-space?
A rock paper shotgun article about the game deadspace says "Peng" has a different meaning now, then when the game came out. Urban dictionary has nothing, know your meme has nothing, google isn't any help. Any idea what the author is on about? Linke to article [](
2023-01-25 22:36:12
Answer: [He's been indicted on RICO charges]( Prosecutors say that YSL is just a front for a street gang that has committed drug trafficking and murder.
2023-01-26 01:06:57
What’s going on with rapper Young Thug? Looks like he is in court. What for? What happened?
2023-01-26 01:00:35
Answer: this is a fashion show and she wore an item from the collection to the show it was being presented in. I don’t think it’s particularly common for someone to do that.
2023-01-26 03:27:06
What is the deal with Kylie Jenner and Irina Shayk wear the same lion dress to the same event? I know almost nothing about fashion, but isn’t it really bad to show up with the same dress to a big event?!
I mean…. A lion head attached to your dress is so unique, I’m shocked that two people had it at the same time. How is that possible and why isn’t that seem like a big deal? Link:
2023-01-25 20:15:09
Answer: Here are the issues I've seen people bring up about Redfall. * The game uses Denuvo, an anti-cheating/anti-tampering and digital rights management (DRM) system. Denuvo is unpopular due to the impact it has on game performance when it is poorly implemented, so games that use Denuvo tend to receive complaints due to this. * The game is made by Arkane Studios, best known for making the *Dishonored* series and *Prey (2017)*. Those games are relevant here because some people simply want Arkane to make more games like those ones, and do not like that Redfall is a first-person shooter with none of the Immersive Sim mechanics that were present in *Prey* or *Dishonored* (Immersive Sim being the genre that those games get put into by some people). * The game is being published by Bethesda Softworks. Bethesda Softworks is also publishing *Starfield*, and some people would rather have *Starfield* than this game. * The game is coming out on the Xbox Series X, Series S and PC. Unfortunately, the Console Wars have not yet ended, and some Playstation players may be unhappy about this game not being released on their console of choice. * Some people just plain don't think the graphics are very good in the preview footage. This is a subjective one and there's not really much I can say here, either you'll agree or you won't. * Some people just plain don't think the gameplay is very good in the preview footage. This is another subjective one and there's still not really much I can say here, either you'll agree or you won't. That's everything I've been able to find from a brief search, but I doubt that that's everything.
2023-01-26 09:24:21
What's the deal with the like-to-dislike ratio on the game Redfall's "deep dive" trailer?
[At present it's 3K vs 2K and the video is only 10 hours old. Is there some controversy I'm unaware of?]( I saw lots of videos on YouTube listing it as a highly anticipated game, and the video looks pretty solid. It looks like a good game in the Left 4 Dead tradition. Why are 2000 people already disliking the video against 3000 who like it? This is \*a lot\* of dislikes for a video that is - at the time of this post - only 10 hours old, especially when considering its ratio to likes. So surely there is a reason for it that I am not aware of- any clues?
2023-01-26 08:08:38
Answer: Patrick Reed is arguably the most despised professional golfer in the world at the moment for varying reasons, and he has somewhat held this title for a few years, among both other players as well as fans. He has long been known to bend the rules in the his favor, sometimes arguably downright cheating, and has what has been said a awful personality. You could go on about him. Anyways, no Reed is not suing anyone personally, he’s suing some media outlets for defamation for defecting to LIV Golf, a Saudi Government backed “super league” which has been said is nothing more than a blatant attempt to “sportswash” their nations image and hide human rights abuses. All in the name of sports, which has attracted literally the biggest names in golf and are paying them enormous salaries, way more than they would ever make on the PGA tour because the government can afford it with oil money. Rory is being sued in a somewhat related manner, a lot of LIV Golf members want to retain rights to play in certain PGA events, particularly Major events and have filed suit, Rory is very outspoken against LIV golf and has stated adamantly he will not go. He was named in the suit along with other players who refuse to leave and served papers on Christmas Eve.
2023-01-26 13:11:14
What’s going on with golfer Patrick Reed and suing other players? I know a bit about Reed and how he isn’t liked on the tour, but don’t know anything at all as far as him having legal issues with other players. Apparently his legal team was sending subpoenas to other golfers? What was it for? Is it involved with LIV at all?
2023-01-26 08:37:59
Answer: it seems like a lot of conjecture based on laws in Malawi and her book from 20 years ago called Sex. There is a foundation in Malawi that wants Madonna and her nonprofit in the country investigated for child trafficking There does seem to be some uncertainty around terms of her adoptions. The parents allege that Madonna agreed to adopt the children until they were of school age, at which point they'd come back to Malawi. That apparently hasn't happened
2023-01-26 13:30:34
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: Candace Owens is freaking out about content in Madonna's Sex Book. The limited edition book came out when Candace was literally a toddler, so I'm guessing that she, and her followers, just became aware of the book's existence... 31 years after it's release.
2023-01-26 13:32:54
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: people finally watched the Weird Al documentary and found out what a bad influence she was in his life.
2023-01-26 16:02:53
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: she probably needs to take a break from the camera to work on her mental health.
2023-01-26 17:38:34
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: It's not about her book. It's about a country in Africa that's accused her of some child trafficking and exploitation. Current and easily to find. Quote from 2023 article: One of the charitable organizations made accusations, the activists demanded to check the work of the foundation, which the performer founded in 2006. Famous singer Madonna was suspected of trafficking in African children. One of the charitable organizations made accusations, the activists demanded to check the work of the foundation, which the performer founded in 2006. This is the Education Malawi Foundation, which was established in 2006 and helps orphans from an African country. The organization, in particular, helped build schools in Malawi, as well as adopt boys and girls from Africa to residents of Europe, the United States and other developed countries. This is what caused the questions of activists. The Ethiopian World Federation charitable organization has reached out to Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera. The activists asked for an investigation into Madonna, but for now, just in case, to limit access to African children for Madonna and her associates. Scandal in Malawi: Madonna was suspected of trafficking in African children Photo: social networks of the singer The organization said this is necessary until “a thorough investigation into child trafficking, sexual exploitation, sexual slavery, threats of coercion, fraud, deception and abuse of power or vulnerability of children is carried out.” In particular, the activists suspected the singer because of her statements that allegedly offend the values ​​of traditional communities. So, she stated that her son David, adopted from Malawi, “looks better in her women’s clothes than she does.” It is noted that the singer is known for publishing candid and even pornographic photographs, pictures with scenes of same-sex sex. She also insulted religious symbols. The Ethiopian World Federation claims that Madonna created the Raising Malawi Foundation to help orphaned children to conduct experiments on vulnerable young Africans. Moreover, fame and money helped her to create this organization. Scandal in Malawi: Madonna was suspected of trafficking in African children Photo: social networks of the singer Activists also drew attention to the fact that the Malawian government did not conduct a “full social background check” on Madonna during the adoption process and suggested that she may be using her children “as a social experiment” in response to the so-called “strong LGBTQ community pressure for sodomy”. in America”.
2023-01-26 23:33:01
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: This month, the Ethiopian World Federation petitioned the Malawian president to investigate Madonna and her charity for “child trafficking, sex exploitation, sexual slavery, adoption reversal, threat of coercion, fraud, deception, and abuse of power or vulnerability." Most of their concerns are centered upon LGBTQ+ issues. They claim Madonna is using her charity for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children. They say she is also personally pushing LGBTQ+ and sodomy, which are illegal in Malawi, on children and conducting “social experiments” on vulnerable children. The petition cites pictures of David, wearing dresses, makeup, and jewelry and her book, Sex, as proof of her influence. The petition says that Madonna should have disclosed same-sex acts when she applied to adopt and her desire to spread various sexual perversions was her motivation to begin her charity. The petition says that Madonna bullies officials to get her way and uses the charity as a way to get them to submit to her demands. Her adoptions were also cited. The points made by the petition had been made during the adoptions but the courts ruled against those claims. While the father of David, grandmother and uncle of Mercy, and the father of the twins initially supported the adoptions, they later have said they were told that Madonna would raise the children then return the children to them. The courts, including higher courts and the supreme court, looked into various allegations during the adoption. While there was a man who claimed to be Mercy’s biological father, her maternal family said he wasn’t the father. He said that he had been told the baby had died during childbirth. The Supreme Court ruled that the residency requirement of 18 months could be waived because Madonna had made substantial investments in Malawi and had interests there and decided against the petition for paternity. Her charity has built 14 primary schools, gave funding to a hospital to support pediatric surgery education and build a unit there, and helped fund a HIV/AIDS prevention and testing program. (In 2013, there was a statement from the Malawian government that accused Madonna of using her fame and charitable donations to demand that the government of Malawi to give her VIP treatment and criticizing the charity for overstating its progress on building schools, but this statement was criticized because the president had made his sister, who had been fired from Madonna’s charity, secretary of education and it turned out that the president hadn’t approved of the statement before it was released.) During the later adoptions, the courts investigated whether Madonna had paid the families and officials to gain influence but found no support. However, corruption has been a problem in the government and it could be that it extends to the the courts.
2023-01-26 23:38:27
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: People read stupid things online and watch programs designed to outrage the audience. Also, “cancelled” doesn’t exist. It’s just something regressives like to whine about
2023-01-27 00:26:40
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: Madonna is being accused of human trafficking and sexually exploiting children by a charity organization called the Ethiopian World Federation. Basically they are saying that she used her Malawian adopted son, David Banda, “for sexual exploitation and social experiments.” The petition cites the photos of David wearing women’s clothes, makeup, and jewelry. They also claim that Madonna made false statements that David’s dad was absent when she applied for adoption. David was the first child she adopted from Malawi, but I believe she adopted 3 more. It’s a ridiculous and baseless claim. For me she’s cancelled because she’s weird and uncomfortable to look at (check her insta at risk to your own eyeballs)
2023-01-27 01:39:01
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: “Yellowstone” is having a moment and this is *neat* payback from Kevin Costner stans after how Madonna treated him in “Truth Or Dare”.
2023-01-27 04:40:44
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: The Ethiopian World Federation (an organization based in America) apparently just discovered her 1992 Sex book and took issue with all the lesbianism depicted and alluded to in it. They have called for an investigation, but no one is really taking it seriously. Meanwhile, her tour is selling out in record time, so I wouldn't even say she's being "canceled" at all.
2023-01-27 09:31:41
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: Sounds like the Q folks are at it again.
2023-01-27 13:56:38
What’s up with Madonna being newly canceled?
I have seen posts of people burning Madonna music and merch, referencing child trafficking, and saying she’s canceled. What is she being accused of? [image for reference!](
2023-01-26 13:11:14
Answer: Hans Asperger associated with Nazis. >Named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906–1980), Asperger syndrome is a relatively new diagnosis in the field of autism,[138] though a syndrome like it was described as early as 1925 by Soviet child psychiatrist Grunya Sukhareva (1891–1981),[139] leading some of those diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome to instead refer to their condition as 'Sukhareva's Syndrome', in opposition to Hans Asperger's association with Nazism.[1] [Link](
2023-01-26 15:19:42
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: No you're not supposed to be offended by the term Aspie. Come on over to r/aspiememes where we celebrate our differences, laugh with one another, and offer each other lots of support. Our mascot is Ashbie the Aspie. I bet 99 percent of us never even heard of Hans the Nazi. I'm 48 years old and this is the first I've heard of him. The hosts of that podcast sound like the kind of people who call Latinos Latinxs. In other words, clueless folks looking to be outraged on our behalf by something we don't worry about at all.
2023-01-26 15:35:00
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: There is the thing where Hans Asperger who worked with the nazis on autistic people and sent the ones he considered not useful to capitalism to concentration camps and called them low functioning. There is the problem of some still today class some autistic people as less worth than others such as the low functioning and high functioning (which i got diagnosed as) but also that some say are worth more than others and part of some master race bullshit for having being diagnosed with aspergers (Which is called asperger surpremacy)
2023-01-26 15:57:09
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: scientific language gets refined all the time. You rarely hear of hysteria in the old-timely sense, multiple personalities disorder has been renamed to more accurately capture current thought. It happens and helps improve understanding. In this case, it’s a combination of things. The association with nazis is definitely part of it. Also, what he described isn’t really what is meant when the words are used today. So, it is also part of a larger attempt to move away from loaded language to more scientifically useful terms. This [transcript]( goes into some of the details on both and gives some launching points for deeper consideration.
2023-01-26 16:09:50
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: You aren't really out of the loop, you acknowledge in your post why some people are upset by the term. Asperger's isn't diagnosed anymore in the US. It's all ASD. Outrage is subjective. Some people are bothered by the use of the term. Some people aren't. It's best to ask someone, and respect if they answer in a way that is different from how you feel. The term does not personally bother me; my husband was diagnosed with Asperger's 6 years ago, and I was diagnosed with ASD 2 weeks ago at the same level he was. I understand if it bothers someone else though, because that's how that kind of thing works. Some women are not bothered by rape jokes. I am. I would expect someone to respect that when they're around me.
2023-01-26 16:37:46
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: One thing that I'm not seeing mentioned is that the "Asperger's" diagnosis has occasionally been used as a way to "rank" (for lack of a better term) people on the autism spectrum. Asperger's can be loosely equated to what people call "high-functioning autism," which is also going out of common usage for the same reason. Essentially, some people would proudly claim that they "only have Asperger's, not like those other autistic people." It subconsciously started making an association that they are better than other autistic folk, creating a divide within an already marginalized community. It is more common now for people to use the language of the Autism Spectrum to describe how different all autistic people are while trying to avoid that bias that some are "better" than others. ETA: I am not on the autism spectrum myself, nor am I an expert in this field by any means. I have a younger brother who is on the autism spectrum, and I am a teacher who has worked with plenty of students on the spectrum. I've attended a few workshops/classes to broaden my understanding of the topic and have a number of friends who are disability activists that have educated me on the topic. All of this is to say, take my opinion with a grain of salt. Lots of these replies are getting into the debate of whether or not differentiation is good or helpful. Personally, I stand in the camp of avoiding the labels with baggage (Asperger's/high-functioning) unless I am talking about a specific person in the context of discussing their care. Parents, teachers, doctors and caretakers need that information (probably more professions that I'm forgetting as well). But if I don't need to know the specifics, I will not go out of my way to ask someone about their diagnosis, especially if it might cause them emotional/mental harm. Yes labels are helpful in certain contexts, but they are just as hurtful in others. The offense comes when we use those labels in contexts that don't require them.
2023-01-26 16:40:44
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: For reference I am the father of an adult child with ASD. The story I learned was that Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger studied different groups of children in the forties and came to fairly different conclusions. Prior to 2013, the main criteria that differentiated the two was that “Aspergers” was for children with ‘average intelligence’ and no delay in ‘acquiring language.’ My son was initially diagnosed with “Pervasive Developmental Disorder” or PDD - which subsequent professionals referred to as ‘Physician Didn’t Decide.’ With the release of the DSM-5 in 2013, these three categories were all combined into Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. I am not #actuallyautistic but I believe the reason for not liking the term Asperger is that it creates/reinforces an artificial split in the community along so called high- and low-functioning persons.
2023-01-26 17:27:43
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: I think the comments on this post are doing a decent job of answering, but I’ll just add one thing because I think it’s part of the story: Lots of people have good intentions with the words they use, and don’t want to use outdated or offensive language, but also don’t have a well-tuned sense of why some particular phrase has gone out of fashion. In these scenarios - and especially if the person has a public profile - they might tend to over-apologize, acting as if some term that is merely a bit regressive is equivalent to a hateful slur word. They’re probably hedging their bets, I.e. deciding to over-apologize rather than risk seeming like they don’t care. I think this tendency sometimes contributes to ideas like “Jeez, you can’t say anything anymore…” or “The woke left think you’re a bigot if you don’t use this week’s PC phrase…” Ultimately, though, I think the tendency I’m talking about comes from good intentions and an understandable reticence to say the wrong thing.
2023-01-26 18:00:32
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Hans Asperger first diagosised aspergers. He was a nazi and called people with pyschopaths he has been tied to the murder of children with aspergers.
2023-01-26 19:06:45
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: the guy was a Nazi.
2023-01-26 20:03:22
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: These are all extremely lengthy and overeducated responses. And I think we all believe we’re too mature to give the real answer. It’s a disease called Asperger’s and everyone below the age of 16 pronounces as “Assburgers” Can you really not think of ANY reason why they would change it?
2023-01-26 20:34:08
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Asperger Syndrome has not been considered a valid medical diagnosis by the American Psychiatric Association since 2013. [It explicitly falls under autism spectrum disorder] ( (ASD). From *the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition* ("DSM-5"): >Specific criteria have been streamlined, consolidated, or clarified to be consistent with clinical practice (including the consolidation of autism disorder, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder into autism spectrum disorder).
2023-01-26 20:37:56
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: When the DSMIV was updated to the DSM5 in 2013, one of the things that happened was diagnoses on the Autism spectrum, like Asperger's, were all consolidated to Autism Spectrum Disorder. So if you had been diagnosed after 2013, you would not have been diagnosed with Asperger's. You would have been diagnosed with ASD. Combined with this, Asperger was a Nazi who was responsible for the idea that some autistic people are useful while others are disposable. So there's a movement within the Autistic community to leave the term in the past. But of course, not everyone wants to do this.
2023-01-26 20:52:01
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: think its largely due to the association with the person. You mention that the namesake, Hans Asperger, was a ‘cock muffin’. I cant speak to this, but if hes anything of a quack as Quetelet (phrenology and the BMI scale), he will have earned my ire as well. Image if Lou Gerrig was a raging shit stain,… not unlike philandering drunkard Mickey Mantel. Would people with Lou Gerrigs disease want to be associated with that? Not likely. ALS would have ALWAYS been the name and how it was referenced even in common parlance. LG was over all a great guy so association was always accepted. That said, if a non-medical person did come at you and started talking about, correct them nicely,.. and most people will accept it and move on. If they insist on using the old words,… well,… be less kind to them ;-)
2023-01-26 21:00:03
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Hans Asperger was a Nazi who coined the term to differentiate between the autistic people who could still be of use to him and the autistic people who were killed. This is a an extreme oversimplification of it, but that's the main thing that ASD people bring up when asked about it. If you're comfy referring to yourself as an aspie, then by all means go for it, but do be aware of the Nazi and ableist ties the term has. (Double comment bc I didn't put "answer:", I guess I misunderstood the rule about it, my bad mods!!)
2023-01-26 21:44:47
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: It's up to you. We change words for mental illness and disabilities when undesirable people start using the terms. It’s never about the term. It’s about who is using it. That’s why we will forever be caught in a never ending cycle of changing language for those with disabilities and mental illness. These days we’re starting to run out of single words to describe people so we’re now seeing multiple words where one used to be sufficient. i.e. ‘Disabled’ versus ‘differently abled’ and I believe even the latter term is now frowned upon. There's even a term to describe this phenomenon but I can't recall what it is.
2023-01-26 23:20:55
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: My MIL is a retired clinical psychologist. We were talking about the increasing amount of autism cases, and she pointed out that a large part of this increase beyond the increased testing is that there is lots of funding for patients diagnosed with Autism, but not so much for Aspergers, even though it’s a spectrum. She said in many cases, they would adjust the diagnosis to be autism rather than Asperger’s so the patients can get the financial help they need.
2023-01-27 00:03:14
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Ass burgers episode of South Park
2023-01-27 00:04:03
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: The way you phrase it as “should I be offended by this” makes me think that this is bait but I’ll play along. I am autistic as well and would fall under the “Asperger’s” diagnosis if I was diagnosed 20 years ago. From my understanding Asperger’s isn’t used as a diagnosis any more. Asperger’s was first used by Nazis to distinguish the “high functioning” autistic people from the “low functioning” autistic people. It has an air of superiority and is often used by people so that they can say “well at least my child is not THAT kind of autistic because she’s the good form of autistic.” Personally, I’m totally fine saying that I’m autistic. I feel uncomfortable using the Asperger’s diagnosis because of it’s history and because it’s a total fluke on what part of the spectrum you’re on. I’m not superior to anyone and I don’t want to be perceived as such.
2023-01-27 00:55:40
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: my guess is that aspergers, or tier one as I call it, is alot different from non-verbal and everything in-between.
2023-01-27 00:56:56
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: If you have to ask other people if you should be offended by something, then you’re probably looking for an answer to different question. It’s up to you and you alone if something offends you. There’s a lot going on in the world where people think they should be offended by certain things even if it doesn’t make sense. I’ve met people that are offended by nothing, and I’ve met people that are offended by everything. That’s not what matters. What matters is the response to those things, and how we communicate to understand one another.
2023-01-27 02:30:42
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Every few years they publish a new DSM. They rename/reclassify things to sell more DSMs. Just my opinion. I preferred when it was Autism, PDD/NOS, and Asperger’s.
2023-01-27 02:50:12
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Asperger's syndrome is named after one Austrian scientist by the name of 'Hans Asperger.' You can probably see where this is going... He was a Nazi doctor that conducted experiments on autistic children and came to the conclusion that they were fit to breed the "Master Race" given their different way of thinking. He worked on the Aktion T4 eugenics programme and sought to create a race of "Aryan, high-functioning autistic Übermenschen." Nowadays, though he was once lauded as a "champion of neurodiversity" by activists, autistics in present times—upon leaning about his active participation and aid in the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people—understandably wanted to distance themselves as much as possible. I learned about him when doing research into the history of autism activism in highschool. I now understand why autistics hate being called "aspies."
2023-01-27 03:22:58
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Mental health clinician (psychologist) here. The term isn’t usually offensive, I think it’s just out of date in the clinical world. In fact, I’ve more readily heard people previously diagnosed with Asperger’s being annoyed at the change and having a preference toward Asperger’s or “Aspie” given their comfort with the older term, use throughout the community, and function of specifying themselves as distinct in the broader group. Having said all of this, I’m not on the spectrum myself - I’ve just worked professionally with several who are. Edit: phrasing/spelling/grammar
2023-01-27 04:35:00
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Asperger’s was starting to become a way to belittle those diagnosed with Autism and with Aspergers. It turned into “oh he just has asperger’s” or “at least he just has aspergers”. That language makes people feel inferior to others. Using language like “high support needs” and “low support needs” just makes things more positive in my opinion.
2023-01-27 04:43:49
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: (forgot that and can’t find my original comment, argh) I’m bipolar and don’t mind when someone says “manic depressive” out of not being aware. What I DO mind is this new social media trend of armchair-diagnosing people they don’t like as “bipolar,” “narcissistic personality disorder” or “borderline personality disorder,” as if that were an explanation for every disagreeable behavior. You’d think that half the population had one, two, or all of these diagnoses! I even heard an ad on the radio the other day for a group for “victims” of said supposed disorders. It belittles those of us, like me, who are being treated and are functioning just fine. I’ve had a highly technical job for almost 15 years and am up for a promotion again. Medication and psychotherapy have taken away my mania and given me back my confidence. Supposedly we’re becoming a more “progressive” society … BS. The majority of mental health conditions are treatable, just like the majority of physical health conditions are. Yet many insist on armchair-diagnosing and blaming others’ behavior on presumed mental illnesses rather than just saying the person’s being an asshole!
2023-01-27 05:01:19
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Part of the answer is that this has changed in the US, but not everywhere else in the world.
2023-01-27 07:51:28
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Asperger is the name of the man who said, “ok, you aren’t too [whatever word he used in German, translation is tricky] to work” to Jews (and others) with some types of autism, while sending others off to be killed. Many people appear to not know this, given how many people have asked me about it IRL lately. Biased: I avoid using the term “offensive”, but here, it’s necessary. Grossly offensive. I won’t describe my own, Jewish kid’s neurology by that word.
2023-01-27 08:18:34
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: so the reason isn't now classified as an Autism Spectrum Disorder now is because DSM-5 is more minimalistic than DSM-IV. it's still Aspergers, since it's not full on Autism. We are generally above average intelligence and are aware that our ideas of social interactions are not those of society. The social rules we know are those that we learned from previous studies. Essentially we're living perpetual culture shock. The thing that makes us not having full on Autism is that we can function in neurotypical society. Full blown Autistic people usually can't speak well, if at all. They generally aren't very aware of the world around them. They also need special schools. We don't because outside of social difficulties, we're smart. Aspergers isn't an incorrect term it's a more specific term for what we have. It's actually a badge of honor because we're generally above average intelligence. It's probably why I have a degree and two certificates. It's probably also why I don't have a job though.
2023-01-27 13:46:46
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: The podcast host was just buying some cancellation insurance. No one cares. They just act like they’re offended.
2023-01-27 14:58:23
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: Asperger was a Nazi. He was determining which autistic people were able to work and which ones would be immediately put to death. That's why many autistic people, including myself, dislike or are uncomfortable with the term.
2023-01-27 15:22:50
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: I'm on the spectrum too. I've always thought "Asperger's" sounded funny (ass-burgers, lol) but my current psychiatrist refuses to use that name because Dr. Asperger was in league with Hitler and the kids he worked with were basically part of medical experiments conducted by the Nazis. Or something like that. And I don't think the term "Aspie" sounds very nice.
2023-01-27 16:48:15
What’s going on with the term Asperger’s?
When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with what is today Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) but at the time was Asperger’s Syndrome. My understanding is that the reason for the change was the improved understanding of autism and the conclusion that the two aren’t really different conditions. That and of course the fact that Hans Asperger was a cock muffin. I was listening to a podcast where they review documentaries and the documentary in this episode was 10-ish years old. In the documentary, they kept talking about how the subject had Asperger’s. The hosts of the podcast went on a multi-minute rant about how they were so sorry the documentary kept using that term and that they know it’s antiquated and how it’s hurtful/offensive to many people and they would never use it in real life. [The podcast episode is here]( and the rant is around the 44 minute mark. Am I supposed to be offended by the term Aspie? Unless the person is a medical professional and should know better, I genuinely don’t care when people use the old name. I don’t really have friends on the spectrum, so maybe I missed something, but I don’t understand why Asperger’s would be more offensive than, say, manic depressive (as this condition is now called bipolar disorder).
2023-01-26 15:12:54
Answer: It boils down to what you'd expect - money. Crowder went on his show - Louder with Crowder - to rant about some of the terms of his proposed contract with the Daily Wire. Specifically, what he viewed as a major conservative media outlet kowtowing to Big Tech. The contract said that if YouTube was to demonetize his channel, his payments from DW would be cut until the channel was monetized again. He was angry that "Big Tech" was dictating terms to conservative media, and that conservative media was kowtowing to those terms. The Daily Wire argued Crowder misunderstood the terms of the deal. The terms weren't the company's underhanded way to enforce Big Tech rules, they are a way of dealing with the realities of making money. If Crowder, who retains full editorial control over his shows productions, breaks YouTube policy and his show gets demonetized, then The Daily Wire can't make money from YouTube ads on Crowder's show. Naturally, they don't want to pay Crowder if they can't make money off him. Crowder then clapped back by releasing audio recordings of meetings he had had with people working for the Daily Wire. This brought other folks - like Owens - into the fray to defend the DW. Really, it is just people arguing over money.
2023-01-26 16:08:21
What's going on with Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire?
I've been seeing all over Twitter and YouTube that Steven Crowder has some kind of beef between the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro, and now Candice Owens is chiming in too? What's going on here? [](
2023-01-26 15:14:02
Answer: it's actually pretty nuanced. Crowder's contract with his previous platform, The Blaze, has ended. The Daily Wire offered him $50 Million to come to their platform for four years, but there are some very harsh restrictions in cases where he is banned or demonetized. The Daily Wire seems very focused on the money aspect of it, and they're calling Crowder greedy, but Crowder has 25-30 employees and produces his own show, pays a lot in legal fees when fighting for monetization, etc. Crowder says his issue is with the penalties for demonetization. If someone who's brand new gets the same deal, then they have to just shut up every time big tech tries to censor them, meaning that the Daily Wire is basically censoring creators for Youtube, creating sanitized content. I have watched all the related videos from Crowder, The Daily Wire, and Timcast. If you genuinely want a balanced perspective on the issue, I highly recommend [this]( segment from The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters.
2023-01-26 17:46:32
What's going on with Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire?
I've been seeing all over Twitter and YouTube that Steven Crowder has some kind of beef between the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro, and now Candice Owens is chiming in too? What's going on here? [](
2023-01-26 15:14:02
Answer: All imma say rn is that Candace should’ve stayed out of it and she outted herself so fast it wasn’t even funny.
2023-01-27 13:14:19
What's going on with Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire?
I've been seeing all over Twitter and YouTube that Steven Crowder has some kind of beef between the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro, and now Candice Owens is chiming in too? What's going on here? [](
2023-01-26 15:14:02
Answer: The daily wire has become what they claim to hate. I hope this is a wake-up call. Set some time aside and watch these. And this one for Ben's "reply" you would think the "facts don't care about your feelings" guy would have made a fact based response, not an emotional rant. Again. I highly recommend you watch at least the first. Think of it as a podcast if need be. We all are used to watching hour plus long videos, it's not asking much.
2023-01-27 15:07:28
What's going on with Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire?
I've been seeing all over Twitter and YouTube that Steven Crowder has some kind of beef between the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro, and now Candice Owens is chiming in too? What's going on here? [](
2023-01-26 15:14:02
Answer: It really boils down to money vs cause. Daily Wire's contract basically had penalties if you got on tech's bad list. But the fight on the right is against these tech oligarchs and their arbitrary rules around freedom of speech and questioning authority. Daily Wire makes their money via the reach and monetization of youtube type platforms, and Crowder believes that in order to get the conservative/freedom message out, you can not build your business on platforms that have rules that will silence your message.
2023-01-27 19:14:27
What's going on with Steven Crowder and the Daily Wire?
I've been seeing all over Twitter and YouTube that Steven Crowder has some kind of beef between the Daily Wire and Ben Shapiro, and now Candice Owens is chiming in too? What's going on here? [](
2023-01-26 15:14:02
Answer: [Here is one of many studies that links the use of acetaminophen to potential Austism spectrum disorders and ADHD]( This one in particular is a meta-analysis, which is a grouping of several studies to determine an effect within a larger pool of studies. **Does Tylenol use in pregnancy cause autism?** We don't know. Note that the results are *correlated*, and correlation is not causation. This may result in further studies where we hopefully can find the answer to how autism spectrum disorders develop. **Does the study above have any merit?** Perhaps, but it's important to note limitations of any kind of retrospective study. The dose of Tylenol was not assessed, so we don't know if these parents who remembered taking Tylenol were taking large amounts or just a single occasional pill. Additionally, there are issues with each study using different criteria for determining ADHD or autism (though they note the results were similar across all studies). **Will this change guidelines for Tylenol use in pregnancy?** Probably not. It's currently the safest option for mild pain in pregnant women, and the use of other drugs often carries a higher risk of birth defects.
2023-01-26 20:41:51
What's going on with Tylenol and autism?
I'm seeing stuff lately about a settlement where allegedly taking Tylenol/acetaminophen during pregnancy causes autism. I've seen this movie before, is this the new antivaxx, or is there actually something here?,to%20show%20signs%20of%20ADHD. EDIT: To everyone downvoting: I'm not asking if tylenol causes autism, I'm asking why I'm suddenly seeing so many of these things popping up online recently. I don't believe it, I'm asking why it suddenly seems to be a topic of conversation
2023-01-26 19:17:50
Answer: (to OP's edit) Not sure why you are seeing so many 'of these things popping up online recently'. I haven't, no one else seems to have. Seeing as ads are so tailored to our specific viewing habits you may very well have stumbled into some conspiracy theory site at some point that has caused this.
2023-01-27 11:10:43
What's going on with Tylenol and autism?
I'm seeing stuff lately about a settlement where allegedly taking Tylenol/acetaminophen during pregnancy causes autism. I've seen this movie before, is this the new antivaxx, or is there actually something here?,to%20show%20signs%20of%20ADHD. EDIT: To everyone downvoting: I'm not asking if tylenol causes autism, I'm asking why I'm suddenly seeing so many of these things popping up online recently. I don't believe it, I'm asking why it suddenly seems to be a topic of conversation
2023-01-26 19:17:50
Answer: Colleen Hoover's books have been criticized for women characters who are portrayed as passive objects, deriving their sense of self worth from their male partners, romanticizing toxic masculinity, codependency, abuse, and other toxic relationships. Many of Hoover's readers are young women, and the books are seen by many to be setting bad examples. Some examples of the criticism:
2023-01-27 02:05:40
What’s the deal with people being upset about Blake Lively taking a roll in the new Colleen Hoover movie adaptation of It Ends With Us?
I know people love Blake Lively, but I’ve never really heard of Colleen Hoover or her books before. Currently, Blake Lively is trending on twitter for what seems to be people upset with her choosing to be in the movie adaptation: Am I missing something? Is Colleen Hoover an awful person, is the book bad, or are people just making stuff up to be upset about? Or is it a weird combo of all three?
2023-01-27 01:44:38
Answer: While Blake Lively is certainly a talented actress and matches the character in It Ends with Us honestly perfectly…the source material leaves a lot to be desired. I read the book only having heard good press and then was fairly horrified by it’s glorification of domestic abuse, portrayal of women and an ending that encourages frankly dangerous behavior. I am being vague on purpose, but I think the idea of the book getting more press, accolades and more people having exposure to these themes is potentially harmful. I would assume that people are unhappy about agreeing to preform with such problematic source material.
2023-01-27 17:12:43
What’s the deal with people being upset about Blake Lively taking a roll in the new Colleen Hoover movie adaptation of It Ends With Us?
I know people love Blake Lively, but I’ve never really heard of Colleen Hoover or her books before. Currently, Blake Lively is trending on twitter for what seems to be people upset with her choosing to be in the movie adaptation: Am I missing something? Is Colleen Hoover an awful person, is the book bad, or are people just making stuff up to be upset about? Or is it a weird combo of all three?
2023-01-27 01:44:38
Answer: It’s a combination of all three. Like the other commenters mentioned, the books are quite controversial and many people disagree with the misogyny and abuse portrayed in the book. The other reason is that people hate her for getting z-library taken down. It was a website that allowed you to get a lot of free pdfs of books. It was illegal but flew mostly under the radar until Colleen Hoover books were on and she and her fans complained about it and brought enough attention to the site and it gotten taken down. Even though it was illegal, it was extremely helpful for people in need. Specifically broke college students who couldn’t afford text books. As a result a lot of people dislike her and anything to do with her.
2023-01-27 18:19:13
What’s the deal with people being upset about Blake Lively taking a roll in the new Colleen Hoover movie adaptation of It Ends With Us?
I know people love Blake Lively, but I’ve never really heard of Colleen Hoover or her books before. Currently, Blake Lively is trending on twitter for what seems to be people upset with her choosing to be in the movie adaptation: Am I missing something? Is Colleen Hoover an awful person, is the book bad, or are people just making stuff up to be upset about? Or is it a weird combo of all three?
2023-01-27 01:44:38
Answer: The sub was at one point dedicated to memes that (at least appeared to be) in support of scummy landlording practices. Over time, most of the mod team went inactive, and one of the highest ranking remaining mods, a hardline communist, started banning anyone who they perceived as right-wing or sympathizing with landlords. The sub's userbase from before the takeover has largely not been very happy about it, and so the change remains controversial.
2023-01-27 02:43:05
What's going on with the loveforlandlords sub?
Just discovered this sub today, every single post is nsfw even though none of them actually are, there's an automod bot that removes like 20 comments in every comment section and gets downvoted to hell, most posts are sitting at 0 and a few have like thousands of upvotes, and the comments in the comment section seem to be randomly either mass downvoted or mass upvoted, regardless of what they say, and many people are talking about a supposed subreddit takeover and using all kinds of terms i dont understand Subreddit link:
2023-01-27 01:58:20
Answer: Earlier this month, charges against Justin Roiland made by a Jane Doe in 2020 were made public. The charges included domestic battery and false imprisonment of an ex-girlfriend of Roiland's. With this news being made public, all kinds of women have been coming out of woodwork, accusing Roiland of all kinds of... sexual misconduct, to put it one way. Many of these allegations were made by women who were underage at the time. Reading the screenshots that these women have posted about their text conversations with Roiland very clearly paint him as a pedophile. So he's been fired from pretty much everything, including the uber-popular show *Rick and Morty.* No idea about *Inside Job,* I'm afraid.
2023-01-27 03:07:56
What's up with Netflix shows, and specifically Justin Roiland?
I've seen memes about him on other subs and have heard about Rick and Morty (and Inside Job, but that's besides the point) being canceled/removed from Netflix and it being a big deal because something happened with [Justin Roiland]( What happened, what is the problem with Rick and Morty and his creator (and, parallel question, why is Inside Job being canceled)?
2023-01-27 02:42:56
Answer: Inside Job had a season 2 renewal ordered, but then was later cancelled. It didn't have to do with any outside forces. Must've been an inside job. Justin Roiland was charged with domestic battery and false imprisonment. That information got revealed recently. The details of the case are sealed so nobody really knows what happened, but Roiland faces court later this year for the charges with a possible maximum sentence of up to 7 years. On top of that, a number of people came out and shared their DMs that they've had with Justin. Apparently he was having conversations with minors that contained sexually explicit conversations. The DMs were exceptionally damning and it seems that Justin was using his celebrity status to engage in some horrid behavior. It prompted Adult Swim, Hulu, and his games company to immediately sever ties with him and issue public statements saying so. His three shows (Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites, and Koala Man) will continue with out him. The idea is that hundreds of artists shouldn't lose their jobs because of his private behavior. Justin didn't have ties with Netflix as far as I know. Rick And Morty still has several seasons that they contractually have to make, so they'll probably recast Justin's characters. My guess is the people behind working at Solar Opposites and Koala Man are probably going to be looking for jobs after their seasons are over.
2023-01-27 03:32:53
What's up with Netflix shows, and specifically Justin Roiland?
I've seen memes about him on other subs and have heard about Rick and Morty (and Inside Job, but that's besides the point) being canceled/removed from Netflix and it being a big deal because something happened with [Justin Roiland]( What happened, what is the problem with Rick and Morty and his creator (and, parallel question, why is Inside Job being canceled)?
2023-01-27 02:42:56
Answer: this and more
2023-01-27 15:52:06
What's up with Netflix shows, and specifically Justin Roiland?
I've seen memes about him on other subs and have heard about Rick and Morty (and Inside Job, but that's besides the point) being canceled/removed from Netflix and it being a big deal because something happened with [Justin Roiland]( What happened, what is the problem with Rick and Morty and his creator (and, parallel question, why is Inside Job being canceled)?
2023-01-27 02:42:56
Answer: Schiff played a significant role in the impeachments and on the January 6th Committee.McCarthy promised revenge on Democrats over their vote to remove 2 GOP Representatives (Greene & Gosar) from their Committees two years ago. This is part of that revenge - removing a prominent Democrat from a top committee. Made all the more contentious now that Schiff is running for Senate. (Edit: I received a private death threat for posting this. Seriously. Apparently I've really made it on Reddit now)
2023-01-27 04:05:01
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: the key "lie" to which McCarthy refers relates to "Hunter Biden's laptop." Schiff, being on the Intelligence Committee, had access to high-level intelligence briefings. The intelligence agencies got wind of Guiliani working with a known Russian agent, Andrii Derkach, to get dirt on the Bidens. They warned the White House, and essentially raised the alarm that some Russian disinformation would be coming soon. For what it's worth, Guiliani made no secret of working with the Russian agent, and it was Trump's own Treasury Department that enforced sanctions against the Russian agents. And then, weeks later, the "Hunter Biden laptop" appeared, purportedly left in a Delaware computer shop. But, among the intelligence community, it's widely believed that the contents of the hard drive were hacked and passed along to Guiliani, who helped craft the Delaware computer shop story to maintain "clean hands." This is where Schiff's supposed "lie" comes to play. Schiff has indicated that he agrees with the intelligence agencies, that the "laptop" was a Russian hack. The zeitgeist among conservatives, Red Hats, Q folk, what have you -- is that Russia had absolutely zero to do with it, and that the Delaware computer shop story is 100% true. Was the "laptop" a Russian campaign? The intelligence agencies certainly think so, and frankly, I trust them a whole lot more than I trust Rudy Guiliani. But to those who believe Guiliani's version of events, the only conclusion is that Adam Schiff must be lying. EDIT: Saw several replies asking me to source the above. How Russia Used an Overt Agent to Attack Joe Biden In The Election []( White House was warned Giuliani was target of Russian intelligence operation to feed misinformation to Trump: [\_story.html]( Treasury Department says Ukrainian linked to Rudy Giuliani is 'Russian agent': []( Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say: (I can't cite active IC sources, for reasons people can understand.) Now to be clear, "Russian disinformation" does not mean "the contents were entirely fabricated." Hunter Biden was indeed hacked, and much of the contents have been confirmed by experts to be genuine Biden emails. It's the "Delaware computer shop" cover story that is almost certainly utter nonsense. The issue is chain of custody. Many different versions of the archive have been passed around the various superstars of Trump World -- Bannon, Stone, etc. and there's chatter that these were being passed around prior to the laptop being "sent down to Delaware" as one insider put it. There's also chatter of Bannon and notions of placing illegal pornography in the archive. This is all chatter.
2023-01-27 04:28:00
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Speaker McCarthy made it clear in his address outlining his lies and political partisan corruption of his position to push an investigation that had no evidence which was made apparent when the house intelligence committed released 57 transcripts of [testimony on the Russian Probe investigation.]( “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election,” -former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the committee in 2017. “I am not in possession of anything—I am not in possession and didn’t read or absorb information that came from out of the intelligence community.” -Former US ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power “I don’t recall intelligence that I would consider evidence to that effect that I saw prior…to my departure,” -Former national security adviser Susan Rice
2023-01-27 04:53:02
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: The republicans (at least a critical mass of them) are saying that Schiff lied to the general public about trump’s ties to Russia therefore shouldn’t be able to serve on a committee that has access to classified materials. Schiff and the democrats are saying it is political retribution. McCarthy, the Republican house leader, swore to get revenge on the democrats for impeaching trump and Schiff was in the center of that. McCarthy is also trying to prevent Eric Swawell from being on the committee as well. There is a bit of a better case for that as Swawell has associations with and received campaign funding from a known Chinese spy which was confirmed and made public a few years ago. It appears at least that the republicans are lumping him together with Schiff so that they are able to take them both down as revenge on Schiff.
2023-01-27 05:20:43
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: what is being said can be applied to either side of the isle. Pelosi removed Republicans from committees, the FBI found Hilary was involved in Russia, Hunter is a liability and Schiff is a blowhard
2023-01-27 05:28:03
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: This us partly political, you see it every time the house changes parties. The other part is that Schiff was literally sleeping with a spy for the CCP. EDIT: I'm an idiot and confused him with Eric Swallwell. I don't believe in deleting comments, but know that my second sentence is wrong and I've been corrected by u/politics_marvel and u/jcalcerano below.
2023-01-27 05:35:37
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: the two things aren't related. The accusations part is well-answered, but not the point about the Senate seat. CA Sen. Feinstein has poorly hidden her age-related memory problems, but won't step down. Schiff has been "quietly," read unofficially preparing to run for her seat for a while. His gear up for the upcoming election long predates the revenge games going on in House.
2023-01-27 08:50:08
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: there's gold in them thar rubes. McCarthy is attacking Schiff for investigating Dump's January 6th coup attempt. Republicans can get their voters in a lather by demonizing the attempt by Dems (and a handful of Republicans like Cheney and Kinzinger, now excommunicated from their party) to protect democracy by bringing Dump and his cronies to justice. McCarthy himself called out the coup attempt in the days after 1/6, only to turn around and kiss Dump's ring when he saw which way the wind was blowing. He's a cynical political hack who will do anything for power, as we saw when he embarrassed himself during the 15 Speaker votes. So this is just a way of squeezing more poutrage and money from Republican voters, who at this point are driven solely by fury and fear.
2023-01-27 08:58:18
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: It's a little hard to find a source that's not full of right wing whining and bullshit, but Representative Schiff repeatedly made damning claims about clear evidence of Russian collusion and related matters during the investigations of that. However, when the transcripts and evidence were made public, it turned out that this evidence was not in them. There was a bunch of suspicious conduct and contact, but not the clear evidence that Schiff kept saying they had. Ultimately, we did find out that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but that was from the Senate investigation and found after Schiff's statements. It seems like he did lie about this and I was honestly very disappointed in him for doing so.
2023-01-27 11:47:56
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Schiff lied about Russia for several years and now he cant be trusted. pretty simple.
2023-01-27 15:22:54
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Kevin McCarthy is the biggest liar in congress, he doesn't like Adam Schiff, that's why he removed him. Adam Schiff running for senate has nothing to do with that.
2023-01-27 15:37:20
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Schiff was involved in a Trump impeachment, the Jan 6 committee, and the Intel committee. All of which have been a thorn in the side of Donald Trump because, well, Trump keeps doing things that require these actions. Schiff being a prominent face in those efforts, he has become a popular target of right wing attacks. If Schiff is bad, it must mean all the things we know about Trump are not true. So they hang on to that weak thread with everything they’ve got. In order for McCarthy to become speaker, he had to give a lot of concessions to the conspiracy and sedition caucus in the GOP. One of those things is a measure of control over committee assignments, and getting rid of Schiff was one of those. As for Schiff and the senate, it’s a reasonable career move. It’s (long past) time for Feinstein to retire, and Schiff will do great in the senate. The fact that this campaign takes a lot of the wind out of the sails of the house action is just a bonus.
2023-01-27 16:22:11
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: His removal is retribution by the Republicans for when Democrats removed people like MTG and Gosar for their outrageous statements and, in Gosar's case, an outright death threat against a fellow Congresswoman. No, there is nothing to these allegations. It's more political theater from the GOP. There will be LOTS of "investigations" over the next couple them no mind. They have no proof, or substance to their allegations. It's all for their idiot base.
2023-01-27 16:29:49
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: He was caught sleeping with a Chinese spy. Wish I was kidding
2023-01-27 17:18:27
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: you can blame republicans for that.
2023-01-27 17:48:30
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: it’s just retaliation. GOP is in control of the committee now so this is just them being nasty. They can now punish those who don’t go along with their alternative facts narrative. Also a few Republicans were removed from the committee when the Democrats were in charge for actual real reasons spreading the great lie etc. so this is just petty pay back.
2023-01-27 19:17:07
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: McCarthy is lying again. His moves against Schiff is partisan score settling, nothing more.
2023-01-27 21:33:12
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Schiff called the Hunter Biden Laptop "Russian Misinformation" which it was not. He lied to the American people.
2023-01-27 22:20:34
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Adam Schiff has a tell when he lies. The stupid party has finally figured it out, so he is off the committee. He's not a bad guy, he's just a one trick pony.
2023-01-29 03:11:22
What's going on with Adam Schiff?
Adam Schiff is a California congressman has recently been removed from the Intelligence Committee by the new speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy, saying he “severely undermined its primary national security and oversight missions — ultimately leaving our nation less safe." and he “openly lied to the American people.” []( But then Adam Schiff just announced he is running for the Senate. []( Is there any basis to the accusations?
2023-01-27 03:01:36
Answer: Brendan Schaub is barely a human being. Let alone comedian.
2023-01-27 07:54:47
what's up with Bobby Lee's past year?
Last I heard was that Brendan Shaub tried stealing Bobby Lee's girl: Now I hear rumors that Bobby is off his podcast with Andrew Santino and Bobby & Theo are no longer friends. How is this all tied together, and what else have I missed?
2023-01-27 03:46:05
Answer: Bobby Lee and Khalyla Khun, his girlfriend, of 10 years broke up. They are still doing their podcast, Tigerbelly, together, so nothing has changed there. Before they broke up there was drama with Brendan Shaub made inappropriate comments to Khalyla and flirting with her. They talked about the drama on their podcast and during a live podcast with H3H3. Brendan and his co-host made threats to Bobby and just being rude to him in comedy clubs for a little bit but I think that has blow over. Havent heard anything about Bobby leaving his podcast with Andrew Santino. The podcast has been successful, and they are doing a live podcast tour together soon. From what his friends have been saying to him during podcasts is that Bobby is on fire right now. Working harder on his career and being more sociable in his personal life. Traveling to do shows outside of California which he doesn't hardly ever do. Because he didn't want to travel. I would say he is having some post break up clarity. Trying to improve things about himself.
2023-01-27 08:59:38
what's up with Bobby Lee's past year?
Last I heard was that Brendan Shaub tried stealing Bobby Lee's girl: Now I hear rumors that Bobby is off his podcast with Andrew Santino and Bobby & Theo are no longer friends. How is this all tied together, and what else have I missed?
2023-01-27 03:46:05
Answer: The stuff with Schaub is old beef, which happened quite a while ago at this point and both parties have mostly resolved the issue. The other commenters have nice comments about this. In the comedy world, people don't really like Schaub as a comedian all that much. Bobby Lee is a global comedian icon, who basically everyone respects, even if they don't like him. Schaub is basically a glorified cringe podcaster at this point. IMO, there are far greater issues with his brain, the way he thinks, how conflicted he is with himself at times, etc. He struggled with sobriety last year. Went to rehab, had horror stories about some of it, now is medicated and a lot different. He's also looking at life a bit different now. IMO, the best thing he did was finally get out of the relationship with K. He is probably the best right now as he has ever been with his career. Branching out more, going on tour with people, opening for Tom Segura's arenas, etc. He finally likely feels free. Also, he and Santino are best friends, bad friends isn't going anywhere. They have a huge tour kicking off in March. Him and Theo have a TV show they are making right now (or soon?), so I doubt they aren't friends anymore. They have been friends for a long time. I'm a huge Bobby Lee fan, watch every episode of Tigerbelly, Bad Friends and appearances he makes on other podcasts. However, you need to take things he says with a big grain of salt sometimes. Usually he is performance first, even when he opens up about his life.
2023-01-27 13:12:25
what's up with Bobby Lee's past year?
Last I heard was that Brendan Shaub tried stealing Bobby Lee's girl: Now I hear rumors that Bobby is off his podcast with Andrew Santino and Bobby & Theo are no longer friends. How is this all tied together, and what else have I missed?
2023-01-27 03:46:05
Answer: The short answer is because blocking Swedish NATO membership is beneficial to Turkish president Erdogan. Erdogan can make himself look like a strong leader which will help him out in the next presidential elections on the 14th of may as well as extract concessions from Sweden and other NATO members. Sweden and Turkey have always had a somewhat difficult relationship. A number of people accused of being Kurdish terrorists or members of the Gülen movement had been given refuge in Sweden in the past. The Swedish parliament also blocked the sales of weapons to Turkey as well as passing other resolutions that needled the Turkish government. When Sweden and Finland wanted to join NATO this year they had to get approval from all existing NATO members, including Turkey. President Erdogan was quick to block Sweden, demanding they extradite a number of people and for them to end some policies that he deemed anti-Turkish. Erdogan knew he had Sweden over a barrel here and he has been milking it for all he can by constantly adding new demands to his already long list. Swedish protests against NATO membership and the Turkish demands it imposes on the country have already given Erdogan more reasons to keep blocking Sweden. This past week Swedish-Danish far-right activist Rasmus Paludan added more fuel to the fire by burning a Quran in front of the Turkish embassy, after which Turkey cancelled all appointments they had with Sweden and Erdogan said that Sweden will not become a member of NATO for some time to come. The Quran burning has been a real gift to Erdogan because not only does it inflame his own supporters, but the country as a whole. Even opposition parties which are normally very much against Erdogan are now supportive of his stance on the matter. Finland is just caught in the middle here. The Fins said they wanted to join together with Sweden, but having cast in their lot in such a way they are now stuck too. There has been talk of Finland joining without Sweden now that there is no solution in sight for Sweden. Whilst Turkey appears to be the main culprit, they are not alone. Hungary is also blocking NATO membership for Sweden and Finland, but is being much more quiet on the matter. Hungarian PM Orbán uses this to extort the EU Commission to relent on the matter of the "rule of law" they are using to keep from distributing funds of Hungary. This tactic has worked once before as Orbán blocked new financial support for Ukraine until the EU Commission bought him off by giving Hungary the covid recovery funds they'd been withholding.
2023-01-27 10:54:27
What's up with Turkey regarding the membership of Sweden/Finland in NATO? Why is Turkey against their membership?
2023-01-27 03:34:20
Answer: This requires a bit of a context about Turkey. See, the Turkish government has for decades been in state of conflict with Kurds, an ethnic minority that has no country to call its own. Historically, despite consituting about 20% of Turkish population, Kurds have been heavily persecuted in Turkey. Until 1940s, Kurdish culture (language, dress, even names) have been banned, and until 1980s, Turkish government officially referred to Kurds as "mountain Turks". In the present times, it is still illegal to use Kurdish language for teaching in schools, even in predominantly-Kurdish areas. Since late 1970s, Turkish government has been in armed conflict with Kurdish insurgents, chief among them the group known as Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). PKK is internationally-recognized as a terrorist organization, and with a good reason (over 40 thousand people have died in the Turkey-PKK conflict so far). However, many restrictions on what Kurds can do have been justified by the government by claims that people who support the Kurds and Kurdish culture are PKK sympathizers or outright PKK members. Some of them might be, some most likely aren't; I'm not going to make judgement calls on that. It's worth noting that Kurds are not present just in Turkey; they can also be found in Iran, Iraq, and Syria - which are, as you are probably aware, not exactly the most peaceful regions of the world at the present. In fact, PKK, and Kurdish fighters linked to PKK, have been heavily involved in the fight against ISIS. This has led to some level of rehabilitation of PKK's public image in the West, while Turkey's position on them remains unchanged. Now, to the actual point. While Sweden recognizes PKK as a terrorist group (in fact, has been one of the first European countries to do so), it has been accepting many Kurdish refugees into its borders, including activists and political dissidents; there is as many as 100 thousand Kurds living in Sweden at the present. This includes members of several political and militant (anti-ISIS) groups. Sweden claims that those groups are unrelated to PKK; Turkey claims that they are all branches of PKK. In essence, Turkey wants Sweden to promise to send Kurdish terrorists back to Turkey. Sweden refuses, and does not agree with labelling those people as terrorists, so Turkey is refusing to allow Sweden access to NATO until Sweden relents (or, more plausibly, until Turkish government can exact some sort of lesser concessions from them and other NATO members). Finland is sort of caught up in this by association; the two countries are close, and have declared that they would join NATO together.
2023-01-27 18:01:47
What's up with Turkey regarding the membership of Sweden/Finland in NATO? Why is Turkey against their membership?
2023-01-27 03:34:20
Answer: they're likely just referring to any number of Indian YouTubers who provide academic support on a variety of topics. Perhaps they're hinting at the widely popular (and maybe the true original academic support channel) Khan Academy
2023-01-27 11:48:40
Why are people talking about Indian YouTuber?
[I see memes]( [about]( [it]( [in every]( [social media](
2023-01-27 11:43:54
Answer: In 2021, in response to the BLM protests, then Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, in partnership with an organization called the Atlanta Police Foundation, announced that the City wanted to build a first responder training facility in the South River Forest, a large tract of land in Southeast Atlanta, surrounded primarily by Black residents, many of whom are lower-income or in poverty. The process for building the facility was expedited and controversial. The [plans]( would make it the single largest training campus in North America (285 acres, not including the lake), and would include a massive shooting range, a police car chase course, barns for horses, simulation buildings for fire fighters, lifesize replicas of city/urban buildings for training for militarized policing, and even a police merch store. 70% of residents in Atlanta disapproved of the facility, and several local neighborhoods protested the facility, dubbing the construction "Cop City." Nevertheless the City Council voted 10-4 to approve the facility. The facility would cost $90m, $30m would come from taxpayers and $60m was raised from Atlanta companies like Delta and Chick-fil-a. At first protests were mostly local. But land of the South Forest is a controversial location. It is the single largest tract of green space owned by the City. The Sierra Club has officially stated that installing the facility would devastate Atlanta's much needed tree canopy. Environmental issues aside, the land itself is controversial: it was a former planation, and a prison farm which employed chain gang labor (mostly Black people), and like most of Atlanta, before that it was Muscogee. Protestors from both within the city and from outside of the city started to camp in the forest, calling themselves forest defenders. The numbers have swelled to hundreds at times but as tension escalated, the police began to clear the forest more aggressively. At times forest protestors have used [fireworks or ad hoc explosives]( This came to a head a few weeks ago when police made a significant push on clearing the forest. A Georgia State Trooper shot and killed one of the protestors, who called themselves Tortuguita. The police claim that they shot Tortuguita in response to them shooting and wounding a Trooper, though this account is disputed by protestors, and there is no body cam footage (Troopers do not have body cams). The trooper underwent surgery and is stable. On Jan 21 100-200 people both from within Atlanta and outside of the city demonstrated in downtown Atlanta to protest the shooting and killing of Tortuguita and the training facility. Demonstrators broke 4 storefront windows of the Atlanta Police Foundation and the neighboring Wells Fargo bank (Wells Fargo is one of the sponsors of the training facility). They also threw consumer grade fireworks under a police car, which resulted in the car catching fire. Police arrested six people and charged them with domestic terrorism, setting bail at $350K. In response the governor, Brian Kemp, has declared a state of emergency, and has authorized and may deploy up to 1,000 National Guard for the next few weeks. Here are some reference articles:
2023-01-27 12:09:53
What's going on with the Atlanta protest, national guard activated? From the article it seems like people are angry that a guy who shot a cop got killed. Anyone know what's happening and why it's happening? Some background on the issues would be nice. Thanks in advance!
2023-01-27 08:45:35
Answer: Kemp is trying to spare the state losses of life and property by proactively activating the national guard. In a gun-saturated state like Georgia, things can get pretty out of control in a hurry. I wish for a peaceful weekend, though I fear that at some point, it's going to bust loose.
2023-01-28 01:04:41
What's going on with the Atlanta protest, national guard activated? From the article it seems like people are angry that a guy who shot a cop got killed. Anyone know what's happening and why it's happening? Some background on the issues would be nice. Thanks in advance!
2023-01-27 08:45:35
Answer: [Three Florida nursing schools sold thousands of fake nursing diplomas worth millions in a scheme that allowed aspiring nurses to bypass the required training to become licensed in the profession]( USA article linked. 7600 fraudulent diplomas sold, 25 defendants are being charged.
2023-01-27 12:44:53
What’s up with “fake Florida nursing degrees”?
I live in Florida (ugh) and see stuff about Florida nursing degrees being fake all over social media. Here’s an example: What did I miss?
2023-01-27 12:16:06
Answer: **All Time Low**: in 2021, allegations of misconduct came out against All Time Low. The first was from someone claiming a famous pop punk band invited her onto their tour bus when she was a minor, and behaved inappropriately to her, i.e trying to get her to take her bra off and giving her alcohol. The band wasn’t explicitly named, but people soon figured out it was All Time Low. Then a few weeks later, an anonymous twitter account posted another accusation, specifically against All Time Low’s guitarist Jack Barakat, claiming he sexually assaulted her on tour when she was 15, and continued to assault her for the next several years. She also stated another member of the band saw her being assaulted, yet did nothing to stop it. Since these came out, more people have come forward mentioning inappropriate behaviour or comments from the band. All Time Low denied the accusations, and are suing their accusers in court for defamation (which a lot of people also take issue with). A lot (but not all) of the backlash against them is on twitter, since it’s where most of the allegations and discussions of them being inappropriate were made. So, it’s been speculated the reason why they’re not using twitter to discuss their current shows or upcoming album is because as soon as they post something, people will bring up the allegations and begin calling them out. As for Games We Play and Set it Off (who are also mentioned in the tweet you linked about All Time Low), they’re both being called out for going on tour with All Time Low despite the allegations against them. **Waterparks**: A fan noticed Waterparks’ merch store is selling a CD at a more expensive price than the limited edition signed version of it. (Iirc, I think the unsigned version is $8 more expensive?). When they tweeted about it Awsten (the lead singer) responded on his private account saying “I peed on all the originals, there were only 30 clean CDs ur welcome for the opportunity egghead.” And then made another tweet saying “if you have ever whined, fuck you.”People then began accusing Awsten of being rude to the fan for no reason, whilst others said that those calling him out were just overreacting and that what he said wasn't that bad. But since then, Awsten has apologised to the fan, and explained that the stress he was under both personally and to do with the band caused him to snap. The fan has accepted his apology. ​ Edit: formatting
2023-01-28 00:11:30
What's going on with these pop punk bands right now?
I don't know if pop punk is the right term necessarily, but I keep seeing posts about All Time Low hiding their tour dates on Twitter for fear of back lash. What is that about? The only thing I could find about that was the 2019 sexual assault allegations, but I can't tell if they're related. I also see people complaining about Awsten Knight from Waterparks, but no one is saying why. And, Games We Play, which is someone I don't know, keeps coming up among both. Apparently, he is getting shit on as well during all this. Just wondering what is up with these situations as no one is really explaining, just talking about it. Thanks.
2023-01-24 21:49:17
Answer: Okay, first of all, E-girls. Popular women on social media that have gathered a following by posting more adult content, usually taking advantage of their physical attributes to attract mostly men to their accounts. They show off more suggestive cosplays and outfits, post on social media, and usually have more explicit pictures and videos on OnlyFans. What they usually show on social media is someone who is very kind and supportive of everyone, having cute captions with their pictures, things like that. And this is where the drama starts. Because of this facade they all put on on their accounts, most of their followers were [startled by all the negativity going on behind the scenes in group chats and DMs (and on private locked accounts too), like bullying, talks of doxxing, fatphobia/shaming, racism and more]( And now, well, the situation has gathered storm and most people are talking about it, making memes, making fun of them, et cetera...
2023-01-28 01:00:58
What is going on with the e-girl chat leaks?
It is [all over Twitter]( But who are the e-girls and what did they say?
2023-01-27 18:30:29
Answer: there is a bad avian flu going around. It's hard to treat and catch early and it spreads easily within birds, so if you end up with one bird with the flu, they all have the flu and you gotta kill them all. This has been hitting egg producer farms hard and reducing the supply of eggs, thus driving the price up.
2023-01-28 01:13:38
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: a bird flu. it's not under control or even well understood yet. the current recommended protocol is if even one bird is symptomatic, cull the entire hen house. naturally there are a lot less hens laying eggs atm. breeders are in lockdown mode.
2023-01-28 01:31:07
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: producers are hiking up prices and using bird flu as an excuse to pad their pockets. A few percentage points in inventory shouldn’t lead to the difference in prices we see today
2023-01-28 02:50:15
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24
Answer: bird flu and feed prices. Feed prices are related to wheat shortages.
2023-01-28 05:48:12
What’s the deal with eggs being so expensive recently?
I’ve been seeing a rise in posts about eggs being so expensive to the point people are literally buying hens to grow eggs in their backyard. I’ve also witnessed this anecdotally while I visit the grocery store. What changed recently that’s causing the egg prices to skyrocket and become unaffordable?
2023-01-28 00:02:24