[ "she's attractive and not overweight", "she has a pretty face" ]
[ "what did the man say to roxanne?", "what did the man on street say to roxane?" ]
Man on the street just told me I have a pretty face and I shouldn't let anyone tell me I'm fat. Ummmm.— roxane gay (@rgay) February 5, 2015
question: what did the man say to roxanne?, answer: she's attractive and not overweight | question: what did the man on street say to roxane?, answer: she has a pretty face
[ "for post win", "jimmy walker" ]
[ "why did erin walker want to give kisses?", "who did erin walker want to give kisses to?" ]
Btw @JimmyWalkerPGA -- we need to work on our post win kisses. 😘💋👄 Get it @RickieFowlerPGA! #yowza!— Erin Walker (@tourwifetravels) May 10, 2015
question: why did erin walker want to give kisses?, answer: for post win | question: who did erin walker want to give kisses to?, answer: jimmy walker
[ "crazy talented", "love yourelf" ]
[ "how was the performance of love yourself ?", "what perfomance cant neyla stop listening ?" ]
I cant stop listening to his performance of love yourself crazy talented # sorry ☁️ (@DREWRAUHLAVON) November 18, 2015
question: how was the performance of love yourself ?, answer: crazy talented | question: what perfomance cant neyla stop listening ?, answer: love yourelf
[ "kelsey grammer", "dad", "fun" ]
[ "who is william shatner talking to", "who did william shatner say showed up", "what cannot occur now?" ]
Uh oh! Dad showed up. No more fun anymore. ;-) @KelseyGrammer @twitter— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) July 1, 2014
question: who is william shatner talking to, answer: kelsey grammer | question: who did william shatner say showed up, answer: dad | question: what cannot occur now?, answer: fun
[ "twitter", "a result" ]
[ "who are censoring the links?", "what does wikileaks want people to post?" ]
Many people say @Twitter is censoring links to #DNCLeak emails. Please search select a result and try posting.— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 23, 2016
question: who are censoring the links?, answer: twitter | question: what does wikileaks want people to post?, answer: a result
[ "vw", "jar jar binks" ]
[ "which car company is everyone upset with?", "who is being made fun of" ]
Why is everybody so upset with VW for making fun of a Jar Jar Binks accent?— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) February 4, 2013
question: which car company is everyone upset with?, answer: vw | question: who is being made fun of, answer: jar jar binks
[ "our work to help kids and families.", "osama damo." ]
[ "what is the update about?", "who is the update from?" ]
Update from @OsamaDamo about our work to help kids & families in #Gaza and #Israel: Save the Children (@SavetheChildren) July 18, 2014
question: what is the update about?, answer: our work to help kids and families. | question: who is the update from?, answer: osama damo.
[ "they have space and an attractive situation", "space and attractive situation", "league source" ]
[ "how do the cavs feel if lebron says no?", "what do the cavs have?", "who says cav's trade is not lebron-or-bust?" ]
League source says Cavs' cap-clearing trade today is not LeBron-or-bust. Cavs have space and attractive situation even if LeBron says no.— Ken Berger (@KBergCBS) July 9, 2014
question: how do the cavs feel if lebron says no?, answer: they have space and an attractive situation | question: what do the cavs have?, answer: space and attractive situation | question: who says cav's trade is not lebron-or-bust?, answer: league source
[ "the march for life", "those of you who are marching" ]
[ "what is going on that is so important", "who has all of my full support" ]
The #MarchForLife is so important. To all of you marching --- you have my full support!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 27, 2017
question: what is going on that is so important, answer: the march for life | question: who has all of my full support, answer: those of you who are marching
[ "there is nothing weak", "veterans asking for help concerning ptsd" ]
[ "what did obama say?", "what is there nothing weak about?" ]
Obama: "There is nothing weak" about veterans asking for help concerning PTSD #ObamaTownHall CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) September 29, 2016
question: what did obama say?, answer: there is nothing weak | question: what is there nothing weak about?, answer: veterans asking for help concerning ptsd
[ "in a bucket" ]
[ "where were the thank you notes dropped?" ]
North's senior prank had a twist. They gave principal Sherman Padgett a bucket and dropped thank you notes into it. WichitaPublicSchools (@WichitaUSD259) March 2, 2015
question: where were the thank you notes dropped?, answer: in a bucket
[ "to get taylor swift a booty", "taylor swift" ]
[ "what kickstarter does dip want?", "who does dip think should get a booty?" ]
Someone should make a kickstarter to get taylor swift a booty— BABY DADDY (@diplo) November 12, 2014
question: what kickstarter does dip want?, answer: to get taylor swift a booty | question: who does dip think should get a booty?, answer: taylor swift
[ "saturday night - sunday", "saturday evening" ]
[ "when were the dangerous conditions expected to start?", "when was it recommended that travel should be completed?" ]
[Fri PM] Plan to have travel completed by Sat eve. Dangerous/life-threatening conditions Sat night-Sun. Stay inside! NWS Boston (@NWSBoston) February 13, 2015
question: when were the dangerous conditions expected to start?, answer: saturday night - sunday | question: when was it recommended that travel should be completed?, answer: saturday evening
[ "his wife & two daughters", "he died" ]
[ "who is the ultimate warrior survived by?", "what happened to the ultimate warrior?" ]
Sad to pass along the news that the Ultimate Warrior has died. Condolences to his wife & two, young daughters. RIP Warrior— Jim Ross (@JRsBBQ) April 9, 2014
question: who is the ultimate warrior survived by?, answer: his wife & two daughters | question: what happened to the ultimate warrior?, answer: he died
[ "he would campaign differently.", "it might not be possible." ]
[ "how would trump have done better if the winner had been based on a popular vote?", "why might trump not have done even better in a popular vote?" ]
I would have done even better in the election, if that is possible, if the winner was based on popular vote - but would campaign differently— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2016
question: how would trump have done better if the winner had been based on a popular vote?, answer: he would campaign differently. | question: why might trump not have done even better in a popular vote?, answer: it might not be possible.
[ "cindy crawford", "marie claire" ]
[ "who insisted on untouched photos?", "which magazine published these photographs?" ]
Could not love Cindy Crawford more for insisting that Marie Claire publish untouched, REAL photos of her #beautiful Jools Cockayne (@LouboutinJools) February 12, 2015
question: who insisted on untouched photos?, answer: cindy crawford | question: which magazine published these photographs?, answer: marie claire
[ "net neutrality", "22.6 likes" ]
[ "what did he google?", "we gotta keep that" ]
Just googled “net neutrality”...yeah, we gotta keep that.— DRAM (@BIGBABYDRAM) December 8, 2017
question: what did he google?, answer: net neutrality | question: we gotta keep that, answer: 22.6 likes
[ "driving", "cops" ]
[ "what wasn't @chrisrock doing when stopped?", "who was it that stopped @chrisrock?" ]
I'm not even driving stop by the cops again Chris Rock (@chrisrock) February 28, 2015
question: what wasn't @chrisrock doing when stopped?, answer: driving | question: who was it that stopped @chrisrock?, answer: cops
[ "best results are no more than 3xs.", "they are now bitter." ]
[ "how many times can the grounds be recycled?", "is there still flavor to the grounds?" ]
Why should you recycle coffee grounds? Watch, Share, Get in touch! #poweredbycoffee this #WorldEnvironmentDay ! bio-bean® (@Bio_Bean_UK) 5 June 2016
question: how many times can the grounds be recycled?, answer: best results are no more than 3xs. | question: is there still flavor to the grounds?, answer: they are now bitter.
[ "it was comical.", "pulled out his guns." ]
[ "before the guns came out, what did @mchammer think of the encounter?", "what did the guy do before blowing his whistle and calling for help?" ]
It was comical to me until he pulled out his guns, blew his whistle and yelled for help (MallCop) !!!But make no mistake he's dangerous ..— MC HAMMER (@MCHammer) February 23, 2013
question: before the guns came out, what did @mchammer think of the encounter?, answer: it was comical. | question: what did the guy do before blowing his whistle and calling for help?, answer: pulled out his guns.
[ "a vigil for students killed in kenya", "the university of kenya, south africa" ]
[ "what did students at university of cape town attend?", "where were the students that attended the vigil from?" ]
Students at the University of Cape Town, South Africa attend a vigil for students killed in Kenya. #GarissaAttack Mr. B (@Benogola) April 7, 2015
question: what did students at university of cape town attend?, answer: a vigil for students killed in kenya | question: where were the students that attended the vigil from?, answer: the university of kenya, south africa
[ "tuesday", "8-10 min" ]
[ "when will service be impacted", "how often for trains" ]
Green Line: Service may be impacted Tuesday AM. Trains every 8-10 min with POSSIBLE shuttle bus replacement btwn Navy Yard & Gallery Place.— Metrorail Info (@Metrorailinfo) January 13, 2015
question: when will service be impacted, answer: tuesday | question: how often for trains, answer: 8-10 min
[ "for being cool", "sasha" ]
[ "what did victoria thank sasha for?", "who was given congratulations in the tweet?" ]
"@serenawilliams: @bigsascha @vika7 don't have too much fun without me congrats Sasha😘😘😜😜" all love and respect! Thx for being cool 😘☺️👏— victoria azarenka (@vika7) March 4, 2015
question: what did victoria thank sasha for?, answer: for being cool | question: who was given congratulations in the tweet?, answer: sasha
[ "@selenagomez", "an ignorant one" ]
[ "who does stephanie wonder how she feels about it?", "what kind of analogy was made?" ]
I wonder how @selenagomez feels about this. What an incredibly ignorant analogy to make @lorde. Stephanie Marie (@stefinitely85) June 19, 2017
question: who does stephanie wonder how she feels about it?, answer: @selenagomez | question: what kind of analogy was made?, answer: an ignorant one
[ "paris", "dec 10, 2015" ]
[ "what city does this tweet mention?", "what is the date of this tweet?" ]
Past midnight in Paris for #COP21. Everyone working hard. A critical moment, an opportunity we can't afford to miss. John Kerry (@JohnKerry) December 11, 2015
question: what city does this tweet mention?, answer: paris | question: what is the date of this tweet?, answer: dec 10, 2015
[ "lost their bags.", "the nba dunk contest." ]
[ "what did delta airlines do to chris kirkpatrick?", "what was kirkpatrick too late for?" ]
Still going! Made it to NYC!🗽 but now @Delta left our bags with tux for tomorrows event🃏 and got in too late for nba dunk contest🏀— Chris Kirkpatrick (@IamCKirkpatrick) February 15, 2015
question: what did delta airlines do to chris kirkpatrick?, answer: lost their bags. | question: what was kirkpatrick too late for?, answer: the nba dunk contest.
[ "june 19th, 2016" ]
[ "when did he pass away?" ]
RIP Anton Yelchin (3.11.89 - 6.19.2016) Ms. Marya E. Gates (@oldfilmsflicker) June 19, 2016
question: when did he pass away?, answer: june 19th, 2016
[ "he will not divide us", "new york" ]
[ "what exhibit is at museum of moving image?", "where is the museum of moving image?" ]
LIVE Museum of the Moving Image, New York Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) January 20, 2017
question: what exhibit is at museum of moving image?, answer: he will not divide us | question: where is the museum of moving image?, answer: new york
[ "m/s", "txf" ]
[ "what is the show really about?", "what was the recent hubhub about?" ]
Regarding the recent hubbub about TXF, per usual, I know as much or as little as any of you. The show really is about M/S. We'll see.— Mitch Pileggi (@MitchPileggi1) January 18, 2015
question: what is the show really about?, answer: m/s | question: what was the recent hubhub about?, answer: txf
[ "caitlyn jenner", "stunning", "caitlyn jenner", "stunning" ]
[ "what is bruce jenner’s new name?", "how does keltie describe caitlyn?", "what is bruce jenner's new name?", "how does keltie describe her" ]
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner and she's STUNNING. #CallMeCaitlyn keltieknight (@KeltieKnight) June 1, 2015
question: what is bruce jenner’s new name?, answer: caitlyn jenner | question: how does keltie describe caitlyn?, answer: stunning | question: what is bruce jenner's new name?, answer: caitlyn jenner | question: how does keltie describe her, answer: stunning
[ "the davis cup final", "clay" ]
[ "what are they looking forward to?", "what is a good surface?" ]
So Ghent on the Clay for the davis cup final...very pumped! Think clay is a good surface for us👍 looking forward to it🏆— Andy Murray (@andy_murray) September 23, 2015
question: what are they looking forward to?, answer: the davis cup final | question: what is a good surface?, answer: clay
[ "spicer", "will the president ever release his tax returns" ]
[ "who was asked a question in the tweet?", "what was spicer asked?" ]
Spicer: "We'll have to get back to you on that" when asked if the President will ever release his tax returns CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) April 17, 2017
question: who was asked a question in the tweet?, answer: spicer | question: what was spicer asked?, answer: will the president ever release his tax returns
[ "new year", "a happy & healthy new year", "everyone", "everyone" ]
[ "what does he wish is happy & healthy for everyone?", "what do you wish?", "who is governor christie speaking to?", "who do you wish for?" ]
Wishing everyone a happy & healthy New Year!— Governor Christie (@GovChristie) January 1, 2016
question: what does he wish is happy & healthy for everyone?, answer: new year | question: what do you wish?, answer: a happy & healthy new year | question: who is governor christie speaking to?, answer: everyone | question: who do you wish for?, answer: everyone
[ "brother.", "phil hughes." ]
[ "what friendly moniker does harry styles call phil hughes?", "who did harry styles hear the news about?" ]
Heard the news about Phil Hughes. Thinking of you brother. All the love— Harry Styles. (@Harry_Styles) November 26, 2014
question: what friendly moniker does harry styles call phil hughes?, answer: brother. | question: who did harry styles hear the news about?, answer: phil hughes.
[ "new england patriots", "tom brady" ]
[ "what team does tom brady play for?", "who is the quarterback being declared the greatest of them all?" ]
ProFootballTalk @ProFootballTalkMany great players are declaring Tom Brady the greatest of them all , 9:20:18 PM
question: what team does tom brady play for?, answer: new england patriots | question: who is the quarterback being declared the greatest of them all?, answer: tom brady
[ "pocahontas", "she has done nothing in the senate" ]
[ "who wanted a vp slot in trumps opinion?", "why wasn't pocahontas chosen?" ]
Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done nothing in the Senate. Also, Crooked Hillary hates her!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2016
question: who wanted a vp slot in trumps opinion?, answer: pocahontas | question: why wasn't pocahontas chosen?, answer: she has done nothing in the senate
[ "1248", "the paris agreement" ]
[ "how many people are talking about t his moment?", "this is the moment in which what was adopted?" ]
Watch the moment when the new, universal #ParisAgreement was adopted at #COP21 UN Climate Action (@UNFCCC) December 12, 2015
question: how many people are talking about t his moment?, answer: 1248 | question: this is the moment in which what was adopted?, answer: the paris agreement
[ "103", "nws houston" ]
[ "how many people are talking about this", "who is the tweet from" ]
Stay off the roads. Don't risk your life...or lives of others! #houwxhttps:// NWSHouston (@NWSHouston) April 18, 2016
question: how many people are talking about this, answer: 103 | question: who is the tweet from, answer: nws houston
[ "fast7" ]
[ "what movie is being suggested" ]
Have to go see #Fast7, but my heart is torn into pieces. Because Paul Walker. My teenage dream.— Rebecca (@BeautyGala) April 2, 2015
question: what movie is being suggested, answer: fast7
[ "in a penalty shoot out.", "the afcon final." ]
[ "how did the afcon final game in 2015 end?", "what was fun to watch?" ]
Penalty shoot out is sooooo much fun when you are a neutral. Fun to watch. #AfconFinal2015— Ameera Dikko #MUFC (@AmiDikko_MRS) February 8, 2015
question: how did the afcon final game in 2015 end?, answer: in a penalty shoot out. | question: what was fun to watch?, answer: the afcon final.
[ "sharon osborn" ]
[ "who is it that posted this tweet?" ]
Guys nothing is for free, how much you making? PS, btw you are just a bunch of middle age political groupies....— Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne) September 15, 2014
question: who is it that posted this tweet?, answer: sharon osborn
[ "an nfl scout." ]
[ "who did travonte valentine run into?" ]
Bruce Feldman @BruceFeldmanCFBRE: Travonte Valentine>in late Aug I ran into a longtime NFL scout who had plenty of intel on him. "It's not gonna work. He doesn't get it."1/19/2017, 4:00:59 PM
question: who did travonte valentine run into?, answer: an nfl scout.
[ "the knicks", "assistant coach being on court." ]
[ "who were the wizards playing when the coach was on court?", "what should the wizards gotten a technical for?" ]
Kurt Helin @basketballtalkNBA report: Wizards should have gotten technical for assistant coach being on court vs. Knicks , 11:26:11 PM
question: who were the wizards playing when the coach was on court?, answer: the knicks | question: what should the wizards gotten a technical for?, answer: assistant coach being on court.
[ "texas tech", "oklahoma state" ]
[ "who was thier opponent?", "what team just got their 1st big 12 win?" ]
AP Top 25 @AP_Top25Oklahoma State gets 1st Big 12 win, tops Texas Tech 83-64 , 11:24:01 PM
question: who was thier opponent?, answer: texas tech | question: what team just got their 1st big 12 win?, answer: oklahoma state
[ "at the games", "gold medal" ]
[ "where did mcfadden win her gold medal?", "what medal did mcfadden win?" ]
Won my FIRST gold medal ever at the games!! have no words to describe this feeling. Thanks for all the wonderful support!!!!!!— Tatyana McFadden (@TatyanaMcFadden) Sep 3, 2012
question: where did mcfadden win her gold medal?, answer: at the games | question: what medal did mcfadden win?, answer: gold medal
[ "lions", "retweet" ]
[ "what type of animal was sent to rwanda?", "what action are people asked to take in welcome to the lions?" ]
The lions have arrived! Retweet to say a big welcome and murakaza neza to #Rwanda's newest citizens. #IntareZagarutse Travel Rwanda (@TravelRwanda) June 30, 2015
question: what type of animal was sent to rwanda?, answer: lions | question: what action are people asked to take in welcome to the lions?, answer: retweet
[ "worthless", "zero" ]
[ "how does the tweeter describe the value of the recent buy-back?", "what value is described?" ]
@agabakrie7 thanks for buying back a worthless pile of turd. I look forward to watching bumi Tbk trading to zero like bnbr, btel, etc— Nat Rothschild (@NatRothschild1) March 25, 2014
question: how does the tweeter describe the value of the recent buy-back?, answer: worthless | question: what value is described?, answer: zero
[ "ryan mcginley", "brad pitt" ]
[ "who photographed brad pitt", "who is on the cover of summer 2017 gq?" ]
Brad Pitt covers @GQStyle's Summer 2017 issue, photographed by Ryan McGinley GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) May 3, 2017
question: who photographed brad pitt, answer: ryan mcginley | question: who is on the cover of summer 2017 gq?, answer: brad pitt
[ "@fortmactoday", "#hijab", "@fortmactoday", "a hijab?" ]
[ "where is @m_allenberg from?", "what does @m_allenberg try on?", "what does @m_allenberg represent?", "what did @m_allenberg try on?" ]
@M_Allenberg of @FortMacToday tries on the #hijab #YMM WorldHijabDayYMM (@WHDYMM) February 1, 2015
question: where is @m_allenberg from?, answer: @fortmactoday | question: what does @m_allenberg try on?, answer: #hijab | question: what does @m_allenberg represent?, answer: @fortmactoday | question: what did @m_allenberg try on?, answer: a hijab?
[ "homoeroticism", "week one", "debating the homoeroticism of bananas" ]
[ "what were two men debating over?", "when was this man lost?", "what happened in week two?" ]
Gentle reminder: We lost this man week one, but two men debating the homoeroticism of a banana made it to week two. # Justin Kirkland (@justinkirkland4) June 6, 2017
question: what were two men debating over?, answer: homoeroticism | question: when was this man lost?, answer: week one | question: what happened in week two?, answer: debating the homoeroticism of bananas
[ "iron fist", "oriental" ]
[ "what movie isn't oriental?", "what is not the right word?" ]
"- that Iron Fist isn't Oriental, or whatever word? I know Oriental isn't the right word now, either."But of course you said it anyway. MistyKnightsTwistOut (@Steph_I_Will) March 21, 2017
question: what movie isn't oriental?, answer: iron fist | question: what is not the right word?, answer: oriental
[ "trumps bizarre typo", "his spell check" ]
[ "what can't he get his iphone to repeat?", "what must trump overridden?" ]
I can't force my iPhone to repeat Trump's bizarre typo. He must have overridden the spell check. Insisting as always on his mistakes. John Aravosis (@aravosis) December 17, 2016
question: what can't he get his iphone to repeat?, answer: trumps bizarre typo | question: what must trump overridden?, answer: his spell check
[ "smile", "reince" ]
[ "what do the people think hrc needs to do more", "who said hrc needs to smile more" ]
People. Reince actually said HRC needed to smile more. This is real. Jennifer Palmieri (@jmpalmieri) September 8, 2016
question: what do the people think hrc needs to do more, answer: smile | question: who said hrc needs to smile more, answer: reince
[ "touched", "he is feeling very touched.", "his reinstatement", "we shall all learn next week." ]
[ "how does jeremy clarkson feel about his support?", "how jeremy clarkson is feeling about his reinstatement?", "what have people called for in regards to jeremy clarkson?", "when all can learn about reinstatement?" ]
Many many thanks to all of the people who have called for my reinstatement. I'm very touched. We shall all learn next week what will happen.— Jeremy Clarkson (@JeremyClarkson) March 20, 2015
question: how does jeremy clarkson feel about his support?, answer: touched | question: how jeremy clarkson is feeling about his reinstatement?, answer: he is feeling very touched. | question: what have people called for in regards to jeremy clarkson?, answer: his reinstatement | question: when all can learn about reinstatement?, answer: we shall all learn next week.
[ "nick offerman", "canoe paddles" ]
[ "who salvaged the wood?", "what did nick make with the salvaged wood?" ]
Nick Offerman salvaged the wood from the Parks and Rec set and made us all canoe paddles with it. World champion. Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) March 21, 2016
question: who salvaged the wood?, answer: nick offerman | question: what did nick make with the salvaged wood?, answer: canoe paddles
[ "name each of them.", "young africans." ]
[ "what does mwangi want to do with the young africans.", "who are chasing dreams according to mwangi?" ]
We will name them. One by one. They are these "young Africans" we speak of all the time. Chasing dreams. #147notjustanumber— Ory Okolloh Mwangi (@kenyanpundit) April 4, 2015
question: what does mwangi want to do with the young africans., answer: name each of them. | question: who are chasing dreams according to mwangi?, answer: young africans.
[ "an ugly cry", "daniel" ]
[ "what did jordan peele fail to disguise the sound of?", "who did jordan peele just speak to?" ]
I just spoke to Daniel. You know when you’re on the phone trying to disguise the sound of an ugly cry? I failed at that.— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) January 23, 2018
question: what did jordan peele fail to disguise the sound of?, answer: an ugly cry | question: who did jordan peele just speak to?, answer: daniel
[ "robin and his wonderful spirit", "robin" ]
[ "what will be missed by her?", "who was it that was a good guy?" ]
Robin genuinely made me laugh and was one of the "good guys." I’ll miss him and his wonderful spirit. (Photo @brugli) — Joan Rivers (@Joan_Rivers) August 12, 2014
question: what will be missed by her?, answer: robin and his wonderful spirit | question: who was it that was a good guy?, answer: robin
[ "carrow road", "jonny howson" ]
[ "where was the high scoring victory?", "who slammed home an incredible volley?" ]
Football On 5 @FootballOn5Have it! 💥 Jonny Howson slams home an incredible volley in @NorwichCityFC's high scoring victory at Carrow Road. , 5:19:33 PM
question: where was the high scoring victory?, answer: carrow road | question: who slammed home an incredible volley?, answer: jonny howson
[ "angela lansbury", "murder she wrote", "if angela lansbury were to blame the victim" ]
[ "who did not blame the victim each episode on murder she wrote?", "what tv show is being discussed?", "how does the tweeter propose changing the show's plotline?" ]
Murder She Wrote would have been quite a different show if in each episode Angela Lansbury blamed the victim.— StanHengen (@StanHengen) November 28, 2017
question: who did not blame the victim each episode on murder she wrote?, answer: angela lansbury | question: what tv show is being discussed?, answer: murder she wrote | question: how does the tweeter propose changing the show's plotline?, answer: if angela lansbury were to blame the victim
[ "donating money to help victims in houston.", "dj khaled's son" ]
[ "what is the challenge?", "who is that kid?" ]
HOUSTON TEXAS my prayers are wit you! I just sent 25k your way to help all the families in need 🙏🏽 @kevinhart4real I accepted your challenge DJ KHALED (@djkhaled) August 29, 2017
question: what is the challenge?, answer: donating money to help victims in houston. | question: who is that kid?, answer: dj khaled's son
[ "to take selfies", "her husband" ]
[ "why do you stop at the state line?", "who is heath to alyssa?" ]
Every time we pass a state line, I squeal and point and make Heath pull over so we can take selfies. #honeymooners Alyssa Padgett (@alyssapadge) September 19, 2014
question: why do you stop at the state line?, answer: to take selfies | question: who is heath to alyssa?, answer: her husband
[ "a white male, 5'10\", 200 pounds.", "james boulware." ]
[ "what is the description of james boulware?", "what name did the suspect give?" ]
The suspect gave a name to identify himself as James Boulware, a White male, 5'10", 200 pounds.— Dallas Police Depart (@DallasPD) June 13, 2015
question: what is the description of james boulware?, answer: a white male, 5'10", 200 pounds. | question: what name did the suspect give?, answer: james boulware.
[ "terry did.", "a black desert." ]
[ "who took death's arm and went through the door?", "what is the night similar to?" ]
Terry took Death's arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.— Terry Pratchett (@terryandrob) March 12, 2015
question: who took death's arm and went through the door?, answer: terry did. | question: what is the night similar to?, answer: a black desert.
[ "four", "one year" ]
[ "how many boys were strong and stayed?", "how long has it been without zayn?" ]
It's been one year since these four boys decided to be strong and stay for us # One Direction (@1DsUniverse) March 25, 2016
question: how many boys were strong and stayed?, answer: four | question: how long has it been without zayn?, answer: one year
[ "given his opinion", "russian meddling in our election" ]
[ "what has trump done already?", "what was denied by putin?" ]
I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I've already given my opinion.....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 9, 2017
question: what has trump done already?, answer: given his opinion | question: what was denied by putin?, answer: russian meddling in our election
[ "lahm", "his retirement" ]
[ "who was the winning captain?", "what announcement did lahm announce?" ]
Thanks, Philipp! World Cup winning captain #Lahm announces his retirement from international football after 10 years. Germany (@DFB_Team_EN) July 18, 2014
question: who was the winning captain?, answer: lahm | question: what announcement did lahm announce?, answer: his retirement
[ "macy's" ]
[ "what store is this?" ]
More protests inside #macys on 34th st. #cnn #EricGarner #NYC Carolyn Sung (@CarolynSungCNN) December 6, 2014
question: what store is this?, answer: macy's
[ "donald trump", "columba bush", "cnn", "jeb bush", "@columbabush" ]
[ "who won’t apologize to columba bush?", "who did donald trump decline to say sorry to?", "what channel did the debate air on?", "who is columba bush married to?", "who is @jebbushs' wife?" ]
.@realDonaldTrump refuses to apologize to @ColumbaBush, @JebBush's wife #CNNDebate CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) September 17, 2015
question: who won’t apologize to columba bush?, answer: donald trump | question: who did donald trump decline to say sorry to?, answer: columba bush | question: what channel did the debate air on?, answer: cnn | question: who is columba bush married to?, answer: jeb bush | question: who is @jebbushs' wife?, answer: @columbabush
[ "the suspect", "a road rage shooting incident", "february 12th", "lvmpd" ]
[ "who was it that the lvmpd arrest?", "what kind of incident happened on february 12th, 2015?", "what day did lvmpd make the arrest?", "who arrested the road rage shooting incident in february 19, 2015?" ]
LVMPD Homicide detectives have arrested the suspect in the February 12th road rage shooting incident. LVMPD (@LVMPD) February 19, 2015
question: who was it that the lvmpd arrest?, answer: the suspect | question: what kind of incident happened on february 12th, 2015?, answer: a road rage shooting incident | question: what day did lvmpd make the arrest?, answer: february 12th | question: who arrested the road rage shooting incident in february 19, 2015?, answer: lvmpd
[ "freedom", "hong kong" ]
[ "what are we fighting for?", "where do we need to stay?" ]
"We need to stay a long time," says Brian Lam. "We need to fight for our freedom." #OccupyHongKong Jethro Mullen (@jethromullen) October 2, 2014
question: what are we fighting for?, answer: freedom | question: where do we need to stay?, answer: hong kong
[ "that there was tension", "at the placedelarepublique" ]
[ "how did sophie perez feel about the placedelarepublique?", "where was sophie perez in november of 2015?" ]
Tension #placedelarepublique Sophie Perez (@sophie_perez10) November 29, 2015
question: how did sophie perez feel about the placedelarepublique?, answer: that there was tension | question: where was sophie perez in november of 2015?, answer: at the placedelarepublique
[ "a big bloke", "to jog on" ]
[ "who told him to job on?", "what did the big bloke tell him?" ]
That's as good as it gets, some big bloke told me to jog on so thought it was time I moved. andy turner (@andyturner110h) July 24, 2014
question: who told him to job on?, answer: a big bloke | question: what did the big bloke tell him?, answer: to jog on
[ "sailor", "more than 60" ]
[ "what is the occupation of louis jordan?", "how many days was louis jordan missing?" ]
Missing, now rescued, sailor Louis Jordan walks into Sentara Norfolk. Missing more than 60 days off coast. @WAVY_News Liz Palka (@lizpalka) April 2, 2015
question: what is the occupation of louis jordan?, answer: sailor | question: how many days was louis jordan missing?, answer: more than 60
[ "because of a court order.", "because unhappy couples make unhappy kids." ]
[ "why are people standing in your way?", "why are there so many single parents?" ]
All I'm trying to do is raise my son #BeingDadIsNotAnOption— Darius Mccrary (@DariusMccrary) March 26, 2015
question: why are people standing in your way?, answer: because of a court order. | question: why are there so many single parents?, answer: because unhappy couples make unhappy kids.
[ "david baker.", "david baker-hargrove" ]
[ "who is organizing orlando counseling?", "who is organizing orland counseling?" ]
David Baker-Hargrove, who's organizing #Orlando counseling: "Most of us in the community did not sleep last night." Eliott C. McLaughlin (@EliottCNN) June 13, 2016
question: who is organizing orlando counseling?, answer: david baker. | question: who is organizing orland counseling?, answer: david baker-hargrove
[ "spike", "spike", "something real", "wanted spike", "chicago" ]
[ "who did they want to make #chiraq the equivalent of \"do the right thing\"?", "what network will be airing chiraq?", "what is safe to assume the ppl of chicago expected?", "who did blade brown want to make equivelent of \"do the right thing\"?", "who were expecting something real?" ]
Safe to assume that the ppl of Chicago were expecting something real. Wanted Spike to make #Chiraq the equivalent of "Do The Right Thing"— Blade Brown™ (@Jus_Got_It) November 4, 2015
question: who did they want to make #chiraq the equivalent of "do the right thing"?, answer: spike | question: what network will be airing chiraq?, answer: spike | question: what is safe to assume the ppl of chicago expected?, answer: something real | question: who did blade brown want to make equivelent of "do the right thing"?, answer: wanted spike | question: who were expecting something real?, answer: chicago
[ "clubs.", "italy." ]
[ "who is still supporting tavecchio?", "who doesn't tavecchio represent?" ]
#Pallotta: "Tavecchio does not represent Italy or Roma: I am surprised that there are clubs who are still supporting him" #RomaUSA— AS Roma (@OfficialASRoma) July 29, 2014
question: who is still supporting tavecchio?, answer: clubs. | question: who doesn't tavecchio represent?, answer: italy.
[ "for her son to return", "madonna" ]
[ "what was madonna asking for?", "who is seen leaving court?" ]
Madonna is seen leaving Manhattan Civil Supreme Court,she's asking a judge to order her son return to NY from London News-of-Madonna (@newsofM) December 23, 2015
question: what was madonna asking for?, answer: for her son to return | question: who is seen leaving court?, answer: madonna
[ "four." ]
[ "how many lessons are there from cnnafrica?" ]
Lessons from #CNNAfrica chat. 1. U need a mentor. 2. Don't hesitate 2 sell out if d parameters are right. 3. Own ur technology from d get go— Ruth (@Olurounbi) January 14, 2015
question: how many lessons are there from cnnafrica?, answer: four.
[ "free", "tom petty" ]
[ "what do people feel when they are where they belong?", "whose songs got covered by a fan?" ]
I loved Tom Petty and I covered his songs because I wanted know what it felt like to fly. "you belong somewhere you feel free."💔— John Mayer (@JohnMayer) October 2, 2017
question: what do people feel when they are where they belong?, answer: free | question: whose songs got covered by a fan?, answer: tom petty
[ "the dead.", "the survivors." ]
[ "who is rob lowe mourning?", "who is rob lowe praying for?" ]
Mourning the dead in our little town tonight. Praying for the survivors and preparing for whatever may come. #Montecito— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) January 10, 2018
question: who is rob lowe mourning?, answer: the dead. | question: who is rob lowe praying for?, answer: the survivors.
[ "to get better soon", "kind wishes" ]
[ "what does he hope?", "what is roger federer getting?" ]
Really appreciate the kind wishes.. It means a lot. Hope to get better soon... 🍀— Roger Federer (@rogerfederer) November 17, 2014
question: what does he hope?, answer: to get better soon | question: what is roger federer getting?, answer: kind wishes
[ "jonathan winters", "robin williams" ]
[ "who is robin williams' idol?", "who did kathy griffin meet in 1991?" ]
I met this sweet, generous & brilliant man Robin Williams in 1991. Here we are with HIS idol Jonathan Winters. #RIP Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) August 11, 2014
question: who is robin williams' idol?, answer: jonathan winters | question: who did kathy griffin meet in 1991?, answer: robin williams
[ "they were in the police car.", "they were ambushed." ]
[ "where were the police officers?", "what happened to the police officers?" ]
In the distance you can see the police car both officers were sitting in when they were ambushed #nypd Shimon Prokupecz (@ShimonPro) December 20, 2014
question: where were the police officers?, answer: they were in the police car. | question: what happened to the police officers?, answer: they were ambushed.
[ "cheap cracker", "snl" ]
[ "what derogatory term did snl call the president?", "what tv show called the president a \"cheap cracker?" ]
This is a "moment?" Calling the president a "cheap cracker" is the best SNL can muster? thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) October 1, 2017
question: what derogatory term did snl call the president?, answer: cheap cracker | question: what tv show called the president a "cheap cracker?, answer: snl
[ "ghastly", "drake" ]
[ "how is it kissing madonna?", "who is madonna kissing ghastly?" ]
So @Drake proves that kissing @Madonna is about as ghastly as I always imagined it would be: Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 13, 2015
question: how is it kissing madonna?, answer: ghastly | question: who is madonna kissing ghastly?, answer: drake
[ "seinfield", "they are tearing up." ]
[ "what brings tears to aron's eyes?", "what is happening to aron's eyes?" ]
This brings tears to my eyes: #Seinfeld— Aron Phillips (@the_real_aron) December 1, 2015
question: what brings tears to aron's eyes?, answer: seinfield | question: what is happening to aron's eyes?, answer: they are tearing up.
[ "dem convention", "hillary clinton" ]
[ "where did erika alexander say she would be next week?", "who was erika alexander going to support at dem convention?" ]
I'll be at the @demconvention next week to support @hillaryclinton. Text ERIKA to 47246 to find out more! Onward! Erika Alexander (@EAlexTheGreat) July 20, 2016
question: where did erika alexander say she would be next week?, answer: dem convention | question: who was erika alexander going to support at dem convention?, answer: hillary clinton
[ "sc state house", "charleston" ]
[ "where was rev. jesse jackson?", "where was the massacre?" ]
Rev Jesse Jackson at SC State House after Confederate flag vote: 'There's power in the blood of martyrs' re Charleston massacre #thestate— John Monk (@jmonkatthestate) July 9, 2015
question: where was rev. jesse jackson?, answer: sc state house | question: where was the massacre?, answer: charleston
[ "blue" ]
[ "what is the color of the balloons in the image posted?" ]
LOOK: PNP Chief Dela Rosa attends surprise bday party for SILG Mike Sueno. His bday gift: Meco Tan. @cnnphilippines Gerg Cahiles (@gergcahiles) July 22, 2016
question: what is the color of the balloons in the image posted?, answer: blue
[ "bleep inappropriate words as they are spoken", "frances mcdormand", "the golden globes" ]
[ "what's the role of a live bleeper?", "who did the censor bleep?", "where did frances mcdormand give his speech?" ]
Frances McDormand is giving the side-eye to the world right now. #TequilaOnMe #GoldenGlobes. Also, the live bleeper already knows...he's bleeped stuff that shouldn't be bleeped multiple times in this speech because Frances McDormand #AlwaysBeReady— Jess Carson (@JessVCarson) January 8, 2018
question: what's the role of a live bleeper?, answer: bleep inappropriate words as they are spoken | question: who did the censor bleep?, answer: frances mcdormand | question: where did frances mcdormand give his speech?, answer: the golden globes
[ "jerseys, including one for prince george", "king james (lebron james)" ]
[ "what gift did they receive?", "who did the royals meet?" ]
TRH meet @KingJames after the game at the @BarclaysCenter and receive jerseys, including one for Prince George! British Consulate NY (@UKinNewYork) December 9, 2014
question: what gift did they receive?, answer: jerseys, including one for prince george | question: who did the royals meet?, answer: king james (lebron james)
[ "missouri state fair", "sensitivity training" ]
[ "who is requiring sensitivity training for rodeo clowns", "what is missouri state fair requiring for rodeo clowns" ]
Missouri State Fair is requiring "sensitivity training" for rodeo clowns following Obama mockery incident. Thoughts?— Josh Levs (@joshlevscnn) August 15, 2013
question: who is requiring sensitivity training for rodeo clowns, answer: missouri state fair | question: what is missouri state fair requiring for rodeo clowns, answer: sensitivity training
[ "south africa", "nz" ]
[ "which country won the game of cricket?", "where is the game of cricket?" ]
What a game of cricket in NZ, please hold your heads high South Africa, you've done everyone proud as you gave it absolutely everything !! 👍— Shane Warne (@ShaneWarne) March 24, 2015
question: which country won the game of cricket?, answer: south africa | question: where is the game of cricket?, answer: nz
[ "i don't know." ]
[ "who is shannon arguing with?" ]
Hey - let me know if Malia colludes with Russia. Until then... Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 24, 2017
question: who is shannon arguing with?, answer: i don't know.
[ "ucla bruins" ]
[ "where did westbrook start his career?" ]
Kurt Helin @basketballtalkThree things we learned Sunday: Russell Westbrook has entered the Jordan zone , 1:02:38 PM
question: where did westbrook start his career?, answer: ucla bruins
[ "soap", "dubai ladies" ]
[ "laura davies says she didn't know paige spiranac from a bar of what?", "laura davies was asked about paige spiranac playing in what?" ]
Laura Davies when asked about Paige Spiranac playing in Dubai Ladies – “I don’t know her from a bar of soap,” Davies said. “I really don’t.” — John Rhodes (@rhodesygolf) December 8, 2015
question: laura davies says she didn't know paige spiranac from a bar of what?, answer: soap | question: laura davies was asked about paige spiranac playing in what?, answer: dubai ladies
[ "nawaz sharif ji & his mother", "got very emotional" ]
[ "who did the visuals touch?", "how did his mom react to the visuals?" ]
The visuals touched both Nawaz Sharif ji & his Mother. He told me that after seeing the visuals his Mother got very emotional.— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 26, 2014
question: who did the visuals touch?, answer: nawaz sharif ji & his mother | question: how did his mom react to the visuals?, answer: got very emotional
[ "louis", "sydney rain" ]
[ "who just named his baby boy?", "what did louis just name his baby boy?" ]
"Louis named his baby boy 'Sydney Rain'" Santa Claus (@1DAFSanta) January 24, 2016
question: who just named his baby boy?, answer: louis | question: what did louis just name his baby boy?, answer: sydney rain