[ "looking to leave now", "more money advance his career" ]
[ "when is he going to leave", "why is he wanting to leave" ]
RealGM @RealGMCarmelo Anthony Will Consider Leaving If Knicks Prefer Trade: , 6:54:34 PM
question: when is he going to leave, answer: looking to leave now | question: why is he wanting to leave, answer: more money advance his career
[ "senator luther strange", "senator luther strange" ]
[ "who did a great job?", "who has donald trump's endorsement?" ]
Senator Luther Strange has done a great job representing the people of the Great State of Alabama. He has my complete and total endorsement!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017
question: who did a great job?, answer: senator luther strange | question: who has donald trump's endorsement?, answer: senator luther strange
[ "5", "saudi/us" ]
[ "how many people were killed?", "who led the air strike?" ]
5 ppl were killed inccludin a mother&her 3 children when Saudi/US led air strike targeted a market in Sadda N #Yemen yeme #YemenUnderAttack— Hussain Albukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) April 15, 2015
question: how many people were killed?, answer: 5 | question: who led the air strike?, answer: saudi/us
[ "lauren landry.", "creepy naked guy." ]
[ "who couldn't not include selfies with the statue?", "how is wellesley's statue described?" ]
I couldn't not include selfies with Wellesley's 'creepy' naked guy statue (via @mycws) — Lauren Landry (@laurlandry) February 5, 2014
question: who couldn't not include selfies with the statue?, answer: lauren landry. | question: how is wellesley's statue described?, answer: creepy naked guy.
[ "he's stunned it didn't happen.", "eric garner's killer found innocent." ]
[ "how is john legend feeling about the indictment?", "what is john legend upset by?" ]
I am stunned by the failure to indict Eric Garner's killer.— John Legend (@johnlegend) December 3, 2014
question: how is john legend feeling about the indictment?, answer: he's stunned it didn't happen. | question: what is john legend upset by?, answer: eric garner's killer found innocent.
[ "auschwitz", "he died" ]
[ "princessbmm was supposed to go where with her dad?", "he did what before they go to auschwitz?" ]
.@PrincessBMM was supposed to go to Auschwitz w/ her dad. He died before they could. She still made it. She smiled. Leave her alone.— Mouthy Black Girl (@blowticious) July 20, 2014
question: princessbmm was supposed to go where with her dad?, answer: auschwitz | question: he did what before they go to auschwitz?, answer: he died
[ "amy poehler.", "parks and rec." ]
[ "who was nominated for an emmy?", "what show was amy's nomination for?" ]
Congrats Amy Poehler on your #EmmysNoms! Can you get this to our mutual friend at @parksandrecnbc? Madeleine Albright (@madeleine) July 10, 2014
question: who was nominated for an emmy?, answer: amy poehler. | question: what show was amy's nomination for?, answer: parks and rec.
[ "tweets about himself", "serving meals in a shelter" ]
[ "what was trump doing while obama serves meals in a shelter", "what is obama doing while trump is tweeting about himself?" ]
Trump tweets about himself while Obama serves meals in a shelter in Houston. # Butterfly Rebellion (@Butterfly_Reb) August 28, 2017
question: what was trump doing while obama serves meals in a shelter, answer: tweets about himself | question: what is obama doing while trump is tweeting about himself?, answer: serving meals in a shelter
[ "he wished his teacher new knew something.", "kids" ]
[ "what does steve mefford wish for?", "who are the students?" ]
Remember they aren't just students...They are KIDS who deal with a lot as they grow up. #iwishmyteacherknew Steve Mefford (@Meffscience) April 12, 2015
question: what does steve mefford wish for?, answer: he wished his teacher new knew something. | question: who are the students?, answer: kids
[ "alaska5000" ]
[ "what tv show is coming?" ]
If you thought not watching #CelebrityApprentice was a strike against @realDonaldTrump think again. So now watch us. @Alaska5000 is coming! Boy George (@BoyGeorge) January 6, 2017
question: what tv show is coming?, answer: alaska5000
[ "mock them for their ignorance", "memories of pizza", "#memoriespizza", "#memoriespizza", "because of their ignorance" ]
[ "what does she say to do instead?", "what do you not threaten?", "who does amanda say not to threaten?", "who should be mocked for their ignorance?", "why do you mock them?" ]
Don't threaten #MemoriesPizza Just mock them for their ignorance.— Aღanda (@GrnEyedMandy) April 1, 2015
question: what does she say to do instead?, answer: mock them for their ignorance | question: what do you not threaten?, answer: memories of pizza | question: who does amanda say not to threaten?, answer: #memoriespizza | question: who should be mocked for their ignorance?, answer: #memoriespizza | question: why do you mock them?, answer: because of their ignorance
[ "future", "best friend" ]
[ "who brought on young thug?", "what is young thug performing?" ]
Future brought on Young Thug to perform Best Friend #SummerSixteen 🐍🐍🐍 Young Thug Direct (@YoungThugDirect) August 5, 2016
question: who brought on young thug?, answer: future | question: what is young thug performing?, answer: best friend
[ "2015 wc", "test cricket" ]
[ "what is the next goal for the cricketer?", "what has he made his career playing?" ]
well done on a wonderful career in test cricket @msdhoni. Always enjoyed playing together. Next target 2015 WC my friend!!— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) December 30, 2014
question: what is the next goal for the cricketer?, answer: 2015 wc | question: what has he made his career playing?, answer: test cricket
[ "2 hours", "bettercallsaul" ]
[ "how many hours has it been", "who blew bryan johnsons mind away" ]
It's already been 2 hours, but #BetterCallSaul still blew my mind away!!!!— Bryan Johnson (@Bryan_L_Johnson) February 9, 2015
question: how many hours has it been, answer: 2 hours | question: who blew bryan johnsons mind away, answer: bettercallsaul
[ "sacramento" ]
[ "what city is mentioned" ]
#SixCalifornias will be submitting signatures in Sacramento tomorrow for placement on the November 2016 ballot. Stay tuned for coverage!— Six Californias (@SixCalifornias) July 14, 2014
question: what city is mentioned, answer: sacramento
[ "east and meade co.", "varsity" ]
[ "which teams are playing each other", "what does behs chargers soccer give an update on?" ]
Varsity Update:Center pulls coaches, remaining AR. Meeting of minds now. East – 0, Meade Co – 1, Half#BECsoccer — BEHS Chargers Soccer (@behschargers) August 24, 2016
question: which teams are playing each other, answer: east and meade co. | question: what does behs chargers soccer give an update on?, answer: varsity
[ "position on hyde", "a promise" ]
[ "what has no affect on clinton's agenda?", "what did he make for clinton's agenda?" ]
But he has also promised to carry out Hillary Clinton's agenda, regardless of his personal position on Hyde. Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) July 29, 2016
question: what has no affect on clinton's agenda?, answer: position on hyde | question: what did he make for clinton's agenda?, answer: a promise
[ "he doesn't know", "gatsby", "he doesn't know" ]
[ "does he think gatsby is great?", "who will brian make great again?", "does brian think gatsby was great?" ]
Gatsby? He says he was great. I don't know. People are saying maybe not so great. I'll make Gatsby great again. #trumpbookreport— Brian Francis (@briandfrancis) October 20, 2016
question: does he think gatsby is great?, answer: he doesn't know | question: who will brian make great again?, answer: gatsby | question: does brian think gatsby was great?, answer: he doesn't know
[ "a parking lot of the seed house", "badger" ]
[ "where was badger splashing?", "what is the name of the dog?" ]
Badger is a curious dog, splashing around in what was a parking lot of the Seed House #Flood2016 #iawx Connor Morgan - KGAN (@CMorganCBS2) September 25, 2016
question: where was badger splashing?, answer: a parking lot of the seed house | question: what is the name of the dog?, answer: badger
[ "his sis", "sexy" ]
[ "who is he buying a car for?", "what does he want to make it look like?" ]
If I gotta buy a car for ma sis ima make it look sexy— JANUARY 13 (@MortalMan__) June 3, 2017
question: who is he buying a car for?, answer: his sis | question: what does he want to make it look like?, answer: sexy
[ "american sniper", "american sniper baby" ]
[ "who is the question directed to?", "who is asking the question?" ]
This Twitter account pretty much confirms I'm real. Right, @AmericanSniper?— American Sniper Baby (@FakeSniperBaby) January 20, 2015
question: who is the question directed to?, answer: american sniper | question: who is asking the question?, answer: american sniper baby
[ "diversity" ]
[ "what is the author trying to promote in this post?" ]
America is strongest when we unite & celebrate our diversity. When we promote those values abroad & live them here at home. #loveislove— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) June 12, 2016
question: what is the author trying to promote in this post?, answer: diversity
[ "billy crystal", "princess bride" ]
[ "who may have gotten it wrong?", "in what did he get it wrong?" ]
Inconceivable! “@reevehamilton: You guys, I think @BillyCrystal may have gotten it wrong in The Princess Bride: Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 15, 2014
question: who may have gotten it wrong?, answer: billy crystal | question: in what did he get it wrong?, answer: princess bride
[ "assault." ]
[ "what kind of crime led to the arrest?" ]
Items seized from 1 man after #MayDaySea assault arrest: hammer, heavy wood poles, battery, rocks, knife & wrench Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) May 2, 2015
question: what kind of crime led to the arrest?, answer: assault.
[ "budgets", "small business" ]
[ "what should reflect priorities?", "what growth can budgets spark?" ]
Budgets reflect our priorities. They should help families get ahead, educate our kids, and spark small business growth. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 18, 2015
question: what should reflect priorities?, answer: budgets | question: what growth can budgets spark?, answer: small business
[ "pink", "nibali 's win" ]
[ "what is the usual color of the la gazzetta?", "whose win was being celebrated, by changing the color of the la gazzetta to yellow?" ]
Chapeau to @lagazzetta changing its pink traditional colour to yellow in honour to Nibali's victory. #GazzettaGialla Alberto Contador (@albertocontador) July 28, 2014
question: what is the usual color of the la gazzetta?, answer: pink | question: whose win was being celebrated, by changing the color of the la gazzetta to yellow?, answer: nibali 's win
[ "chews him out", "at the end of the game" ]
[ "draymond green does what to kd afterwards?", "draymond green reacts to kd shooting when?" ]
Draymond Green reacts furiously to KD shooting at end of game, chews him out afterwards. 👀 NBA Central (@TheNBACentral) January 7, 2017
question: draymond green does what to kd afterwards?, answer: chews him out | question: draymond green reacts to kd shooting when?, answer: at the end of the game
[ "11 guys", "tim howard and jesus" ]
[ "how many guys can jesus supposedly put his faith in?", "who does patrick osgood jokingly compare?" ]
Difference between Tim Howard and Jesus - Jesus had 11 guys he could trust— Patrick Osgood (@PatrickOsgood) July 1, 2014
question: how many guys can jesus supposedly put his faith in?, answer: 11 guys | question: who does patrick osgood jokingly compare?, answer: tim howard and jesus
[ "the voice of aleppo, alabedbana", "the hospital" ]
[ "who visited abdulbasit in the hospital?", "where did alabedbana go to visit abdulbasit?" ]
The voice of Aleppo @AlabedBana has visited Abdulbasit today in the hospital where he is under treatment in Hatay. Humanitarian Relief (@IHHen) February 18, 2017
question: who visited abdulbasit in the hospital?, answer: the voice of aleppo, alabedbana | question: where did alabedbana go to visit abdulbasit?, answer: the hospital
[ "bobatl", "1.5" ]
[ "who doesn't neil think ever looked up?", "by how many degrees is polaris gone?" ]
@bobatl Polaris is gone by 1.5 deg S. Latitude. You’ve never been south of Earth’s Equator, or if so, you've never looked up.— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) January 25, 2016
question: who doesn't neil think ever looked up?, answer: bobatl | question: by how many degrees is polaris gone?, answer: 1.5
[ "oriental", "chrissy teigen" ]
[ "what did chrissy teigen prefer her salad dressing not called?", "who did not want her salad dressing called oriental?" ]
Just a heads up that this all began from me preferring my salad dressing not being called "oriental"— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 13, 2016
question: what did chrissy teigen prefer her salad dressing not called?, answer: oriental | question: who did not want her salad dressing called oriental?, answer: chrissy teigen
[ "messy", "a challenge", "bernie sanders", "messy and long" ]
[ "what is it not according to berni's hair?", "what was it to a broken status quo?", "who is the twitter handle @bernies_hair about", "what kind of hair did bernie have?" ]
The handwriting and the hair: It's not messy, it's a challenge to a broken status quo. #feelthebern #longhairdontcare Bernie's Hair (@Bernies_Hair) June 14, 2015
question: what is it not according to berni's hair?, answer: messy | question: what was it to a broken status quo?, answer: a challenge | question: who is the twitter handle @bernies_hair about, answer: bernie sanders | question: what kind of hair did bernie have?, answer: messy and long
[ "kim kardashian", "failed as a country" ]
[ "who should never be compared to jackie kennedy?", "what did the tweeter say happened to our country when kim kardashian is compared to jackie kennedy?" ]
When we start comparing Kim Kardashian to Jackie Kennedy we have officially failed as a country— Samantha Schneider (@sammschneider) August 28, 2017
question: who should never be compared to jackie kennedy?, answer: kim kardashian | question: what did the tweeter say happened to our country when kim kardashian is compared to jackie kennedy?, answer: failed as a country
[ "coach maurice", "meeting with team doctors" ]
[ "who announced kane missed practice today?", "where was kane today?" ]
Coach Maurice announces Kane missed today’s practice because he was meeting with team doctors. — Winnipeg Jets (@NHLJets) February 5, 2015
question: who announced kane missed practice today?, answer: coach maurice | question: where was kane today?, answer: meeting with team doctors
[ "36 hours", "tim hume" ]
[ "how many hours was the lucky woman stuck in the 5th floor building?", "which reporter spoke to the lucky woman who survived the rubble in the 5th floor building" ]
Spoke to one lucky woman today who survived 36 hours in the rubble of this 5 floor building. Tim Hume (@tim_hume) April 28, 2015
question: how many hours was the lucky woman stuck in the 5th floor building?, answer: 36 hours | question: which reporter spoke to the lucky woman who survived the rubble in the 5th floor building, answer: tim hume
[ "a joey essex!" ]
[ "what kind of haircut is it?" ]
The Joey Essex haircut goes drastically wrong as it reaches North Korea Adam Taylor (@mradamtaylor) February 19, 2015
question: what kind of haircut is it?, answer: a joey essex!
[ "the cavaliers", "the cavaliers", "atlanta" ]
[ "who was atlanta tied with at 9-2?", "who was tied with atlanta?", "who beat the bucks on nov 16?" ]
Marc Stein @ESPNSteinLineAfter beating the Bucks on Nov. 16, Atlanta was 9-2 and tied with the Cavaliers atop the East while sporting a scoring margin of +9.6 PPG.12/5/2016, 3:07:44 AM
question: who was atlanta tied with at 9-2?, answer: the cavaliers | question: who was tied with atlanta?, answer: the cavaliers | question: who beat the bucks on nov 16?, answer: atlanta
[ "virtually every muslim and reasonably educated person.", "isil" ]
[ "who else says it's not islamic?", "what does barack obama say is not islamic?" ]
ISIL is not Islamic, says prime time @BarackObama (and virtually every Muslim and reasonably educated person on the face of our planet).— Mohammed Ansar (@MoAnsar) September 11, 2014
question: who else says it's not islamic?, answer: virtually every muslim and reasonably educated person. | question: what does barack obama say is not islamic?, answer: isil
[ "wigdan.", "yemen." ]
[ "what is the name of the 6 year old girl?", "from what country does this tweet hail?" ]
"Thank God they didn't kill us this time" Wigdan, 6, woke up to bullets & shrapnel near her bed. #Yemen @UNICEF_Yemen UNICEF (@UNICEF) April 21, 2015
question: what is the name of the 6 year old girl?, answer: wigdan. | question: from what country does this tweet hail?, answer: yemen.
[ "10-9 central", "kesha" ]
[ "what time did nashville air?", "who had a cameo on nashville?" ]
tonight at 10/9c ** tune into @ABCNetwork to watch my cameo on @Nashville_ABC ! 🌟 🎤 🌟 🎬 🌟 kesha (@KeshaRose) May 11, 2016
question: what time did nashville air?, answer: 10-9 central | question: who had a cameo on nashville?, answer: kesha
[ "random passengers", "united airlines" ]
[ "who has forced to get off the plane?", "which company is overbooked in the picture?" ]
@United overbook #flight3411 and decided to force random passengers off the plane. Here's how they did it: Jayse D. Anspach (@JayseDavid) April 10, 2017
question: who has forced to get off the plane?, answer: random passengers | question: which company is overbooked in the picture?, answer: united airlines
[ "marvel" ]
[ "what is this post supporting?" ]
@Marvel #CapForStrat For one of the most wonderful people I've ever known and our shared love for Marvel. — Jessi Watson (@bowiscute145) May 14, 2014
question: what is this post supporting?, answer: marvel
[ "tight", "look at me man" ]
[ "what did shane west say the film is gonna be?", "what superhero film was mentioned?" ]
Working on a new superhero film called Look At Me Man. Gonna be tight, yo. 👍😈😎💪— Shane West (@shanewest_1) May 13, 2014
question: what did shane west say the film is gonna be?, answer: tight | question: what superhero film was mentioned?, answer: look at me man
[ "cutting", "talking" ]
[ "after talking over, vmas the acted by what to commercial?", "thanks for what over then cutting to commercial?" ]
Wow @vmas thanks for talking over then cutting to commercial half way through #juliamichaels performance. #votejuliamichaels— Behati Prinsloo (@BeePrinsloo) August 28, 2017
question: after talking over, vmas the acted by what to commercial?, answer: cutting | question: thanks for what over then cutting to commercial?, answer: talking
[ "nikemiddleeast" ]
[ "who is this a reply to?" ]
@NikeMiddleEast ياسلام سلم بدال ماتسوق لمنتجاتها بطريقه محترفه استبدلوها اش يقولو عنك اتركي حجابك وسترك وروحي هرولي بالشارع 😂— MACHETE (@Machete511) February 18, 2017
question: who is this a reply to?, answer: nikemiddleeast
[ "oriental", "the term oriental" ]
[ "what is a term used to describe rugs?", "what is jessica henwick's issue?" ]
Oriental is a term used to describe rugs, not people.— Jessica Henwick 🐒 (@JHenwick) March 21, 2017
question: what is a term used to describe rugs?, answer: oriental | question: what is jessica henwick's issue?, answer: the term oriental
[ "usda", "kanye" ]
[ "what is kanye a sleeper candidate for?", "who is a sleeper candidate for usda?" ]
I always had Kanye as a sleeper candidate for USDA— Christopher Hayes (@chrislhayes) December 13, 2016
question: what is kanye a sleeper candidate for?, answer: usda | question: who is a sleeper candidate for usda?, answer: kanye
[ "epic", "empire" ]
[ "what word did hilary rosen use to describe the empire finale?", "what popular tv series had their finale tonight?" ]
#EmpireFinale was epic tonight. A full length feature all by itself.— Hilary Rosen (@hilaryr) March 19, 2015
question: what word did hilary rosen use to describe the empire finale?, answer: epic | question: what popular tv series had their finale tonight?, answer: empire
[ "beyonce", "the @usopen" ]
[ "who did genie dream had won the us open?", "what tournament did genie dream beyonce had won?" ]
Had a dream that Beyoncé won the @usopen. I think we'd all be happy with that, right?— Eugenie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) August 20, 2014
question: who did genie dream had won the us open?, answer: beyonce | question: what tournament did genie dream beyonce had won?, answer: the @usopen
[ "jan brewer", "rainfall and flooding" ]
[ "who declared the statewide emergency?", "what is the cause of the statewide emergency?" ]
I am declaring a statewide emergency for areas impacted by today's severe rainfall and flooding. #TurnAroundDontDrown #azwx— Jan Brewer (@GovBrewer) September 8, 2014
question: who declared the statewide emergency?, answer: jan brewer | question: what is the cause of the statewide emergency?, answer: rainfall and flooding
[ "unauthorized access to his accounts" ]
[ "how could this have happened?" ]
A tweet just went out from my account that was unauthorized. I do not condone the tweet and I have taken it down.— Rick Perry (@GovernorPerry) September 1, 2014
question: how could this have happened?, answer: unauthorized access to his accounts
[ "by looking at his home, yes.", "sigmaalphaepsilon frat member", "texas", "two dozen", "two dozen protesters" ]
[ "is the frat member privileged?", "whose dallas home is this?", "what is the state in which this protest took place?", "how many people outside dallas home?", "who are outside of dallas home?" ]
VIDEO: Two dozen protesters outside Dallas home of #OU #SigmaAlphaEpsilon frat member. Jason Whitely (@JasonWhitely) March 11, 2015
question: is the frat member privileged?, answer: by looking at his home, yes. | question: whose dallas home is this?, answer: sigmaalphaepsilon frat member | question: what is the state in which this protest took place?, answer: texas | question: how many people outside dallas home?, answer: two dozen | question: who are outside of dallas home?, answer: two dozen protesters
[ "his father", "stan freberg" ]
[ "who passed away in sean daniels family?", "who called sean daniels a day later?" ]
After my father passed I wrote to @stanfreberg to thank him. A day later he called me. #StanFreberg @HunterFreberg— Sean Daniels (@seandaniels) April 7, 2015
question: who passed away in sean daniels family?, answer: his father | question: who called sean daniels a day later?, answer: stan freberg
[ "katy perry's halftime show" ]
[ "what is this twitter page currently discussing" ]
Katy Perry's Halftime in a nutshell Travis Lattner (@TLatt7) February 2, 2015
question: what is this twitter page currently discussing, answer: katy perry's halftime show
[ "right", "it has been found", "the tail section was found", "right part of tail section" ]
[ "what part of the tail section results in a black box being there?", "what is tony led to belive about the tail section?", "what happened to the airplane?", "where is the black box?" ]
I am led to believe the tail section has been found. If right part of tail section then the black box should be there.— Tony Fernandes (@tonyfernandes) January 7, 2015
question: what part of the tail section results in a black box being there?, answer: right | question: what is tony led to belive about the tail section?, answer: it has been found | question: what happened to the airplane?, answer: the tail section was found | question: where is the black box?, answer: right part of tail section
[ "britt mchenry", "insults" ]
[ "who was emotional and said insults?", "what did britt mchenry say during an intense and stressful moment?" ]
In an intense and stressful moment, I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and said some insulting and (cont) Britt McHenry (@BrittMcHenry) April 16, 2015
question: who was emotional and said insults?, answer: britt mchenry | question: what did britt mchenry say during an intense and stressful moment?, answer: insults
[ "he was talking about holland", "it happened in 2014" ]
[ "what country was elko talking about?", "what year did the run take place?" ]
It's been said many times before, but Holland have Louis van Gaal to thank for their WC2014 run. He got a weak squad to over perform.— Elko Born (@Elko_B) October 13, 2015
question: what country was elko talking about?, answer: he was talking about holland | question: what year did the run take place?, answer: it happened in 2014
[ "eric's dad was a drug dealer", "rachel had no response" ]
[ "what did eric's dad do for a living?", "what did rachel say when eric told her about his dad?" ]
Eric: "My dad was a drug dealer" Rachel: *no response* Eric: "I've never brought a girl home" Rachel: # Edina H. (@edina_xoxo) July 11, 2017
question: what did eric's dad do for a living?, answer: eric's dad was a drug dealer | question: what did rachel say when eric told her about his dad?, answer: rachel had no response
[ "to report", "men" ]
[ "what is the job of journalism?", "was the report about men or women?" ]
Journalism doesn't glorify criminals. Its job is to report, in this case report on the sickness that infects so many men #NirbhayaInsulted— Avinash Gavai (@Rantaramic) March 4, 2015
question: what is the job of journalism?, answer: to report | question: was the report about men or women?, answer: men
[ "i got you, pop", "miloventimiglia" ]
[ "what did sterling reply to miloventimiglia?", "who did sterling reply to?" ]
...And I got you pop, @MiloVentimiglia! #ThisIsUs... Sterling K Brown (@SterlingKBrown) November 30, 2016
question: what did sterling reply to miloventimiglia?, answer: i got you, pop | question: who did sterling reply to?, answer: miloventimiglia
[ "pau gasol.", "san antonio spurs." ]
[ "who underwent hand surgery here?", "what team does gasol represent?" ] NBA @InsideHoopsSan Antonio Spurs center Pau Gasol had surgery today to repair a left hand fracture. The team hasn't issued an estimated return date yet.1/21/2017, 1:28:25 AM
question: who underwent hand surgery here?, answer: pau gasol. | question: what team does gasol represent?, answer: san antonio spurs.
[ "missy elliott", "mary traina" ]
[ "who should be brought back out?", "who wants missy elliott to come back out?" ]
Now it's just football?? Bring Missy Elliott back out! LOL. But no, seriously, she should come back out.— Mary Traina (@marytraina) February 2, 2015
question: who should be brought back out?, answer: missy elliott | question: who wants missy elliott to come back out?, answer: mary traina
[ "jane died from cancer" ]
[ "what did she die from?" ]
Heaven got some Eagles today. #PrayForEagleNation Only At Southern (@OnlyAtSouthern) April 23, 2015
question: what did she die from?, answer: jane died from cancer
[ "prof irwin horwitz", "gimme gimme" ]
[ "who is he giving kudos to?", "what are kids these days?" ]
Kudos to Prof.Irwin Horwitz! I deal w/this everyday!!! Kids these days are Gimme Gimme, but they don't want to do anything for it!— Melinda Fort Nall (@MelindaFortNall) April 29, 2015
question: who is he giving kudos to?, answer: prof irwin horwitz | question: what are kids these days?, answer: gimme gimme
[ "1m+", "muslims" ]
[ "how many muslims died in clinton wars?", "trump speaks distaste of whom?" ]
What we fear from Trump we've gotten from Clinton. Trump talks hate for Muslims, but Clinton's wars killed 1M+ Muslims. Both unfit to serve.— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) July 28, 2016
question: how many muslims died in clinton wars?, answer: 1m+ | question: trump speaks distaste of whom?, answer: muslims
[ "a park bench", "the cedar river" ]
[ "what object is flooded?", "what is the name of the river?" ]
A park bench is rendered useless as the Cedar River continues its rise #Flood2016 #iawx Connor Morgan - KGAN (@CMorganCBS2) September 25, 2016
question: what object is flooded?, answer: a park bench | question: what is the name of the river?, answer: the cedar river
[ "sewage spill from ibwc", "143 million gallons", "143" ]
[ "what is the report for?", "how much was spilled into the river?", "how many gallons of sewage spill?" ]
Sewage spill report from #IBWC--143 million gallons spilled into TJ Rver starting on 2/6/17. This is why @WILDCOAST @SurfriderSD are needed. Serge Dedina (@sergededina) February 25, 2017
question: what is the report for?, answer: sewage spill from ibwc | question: how much was spilled into the river?, answer: 143 million gallons | question: how many gallons of sewage spill?, answer: 143
[ "a heart transplant", "a new heart.", "a little boy having a heart transplant", "a heart transplant." ]
[ "what is the little boy receiving?", "what will the boy receive?", "who was melania visiting", "what was the little boy waiting?" ]
A little boy who I visited today & had been waiting for a heart transplant will be receiving one! #Blessings #Faith Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) May 24, 2017
question: what is the little boy receiving?, answer: a heart transplant | question: what will the boy receive?, answer: a new heart. | question: who was melania visiting, answer: a little boy having a heart transplant | question: what was the little boy waiting?, answer: a heart transplant.
[ "joseph fiennes playing michael jackson", "angela bassett?", "angela bassett", "joeseph fiennes" ]
[ "what is he on board with?", "who does orlando jones want to play elizabeth taylor in the michael jackson movie?", "whob does he want to play elizabeth taylor?", "who is playing michael jackson in a movie?" ]
I'm TOTALLY on board with Joseph Fiennes playing Michael Jackson IF AND ONLY IF Angela Bassett is cast as Elizabeth Taylor— Orlando Jones (@TheOrlandoJones) January 27, 2016
question: what is he on board with?, answer: joseph fiennes playing michael jackson | question: who does orlando jones want to play elizabeth taylor in the michael jackson movie?, answer: angela bassett? | question: whob does he want to play elizabeth taylor?, answer: angela bassett | question: who is playing michael jackson in a movie?, answer: joeseph fiennes
[ "@j9weber15", "stx hockey" ]
[ "who is receiving the box?", "who is sending the boxed up items?" ]
@j9weber15 all boxed up and headed your way! #PlayHuge 2 — STXHockey (@stxhockey) March 10, 2015
question: who is receiving the box?, answer: @j9weber15 | question: who is sending the boxed up items?, answer: stx hockey
[ "july", "dr. seuss book set" ]
[ "when is the dr. seuss book set to be released?", "what item has been newly discovered?" ]
Mark your calendars! Newly Discovered Dr. Seuss Book Set for July Release BookBub (@BookBub) February 18, 2015
question: when is the dr. seuss book set to be released?, answer: july | question: what item has been newly discovered?, answer: dr. seuss book set
[ "sheriff joe arpaio", "he kept arizona safe." ]
[ "who did donald j. trump pardoned?", "what did sheriif joe arpaio do?" ]
I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2017
question: who did donald j. trump pardoned?, answer: sheriff joe arpaio | question: what did sheriif joe arpaio do?, answer: he kept arizona safe.
[ "rain", "tibet" ]
[ "what triggered the floods", "where were the floods?" ]
Floods triggered by torrential rain wash away a building and a truck in the autonomous region of Tibet CNN Weather Center (@CNNweather) July 10, 2017
question: what triggered the floods, answer: rain | question: where were the floods?, answer: tibet
[ "he has been fined $5,000.", "they were fined $15,000 by the nba" ]
[ "what did nba do to wizards' assistant coach?", "what did nba do to the wizards?" ] NBA @InsideHoopsWizards assistant coach Sidney Lowe has been fined $5,000, and the Wizards were fined $15,000 by the NBA: , 12:12:57 AM
question: what did nba do to wizards' assistant coach?, answer: he has been fined $5,000. | question: what did nba do to the wizards?, answer: they were fined $15,000 by the nba
[ "do you want to shake hands" ]
[ "what did angela merkel ask trump?" ]
German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Trump: “Do you want to have a handshake?”Trump’s response: *crickets* Michael Schwab (@michaelschwab13) March 17, 2017
question: what did angela merkel ask trump?, answer: do you want to shake hands
[ "trump's", "higher prices, fewer jobs and a weaker economy" ]
[ "under whose plans would we see higher prices?", "what would we see under trump's plan." ]
Under Trump's trade plans, we would see higher prices, fewer jobs, and a weaker economy U.S. Chamber (@USChamber) June 28, 2016
question: under whose plans would we see higher prices?, answer: trump's | question: what would we see under trump's plan., answer: higher prices, fewer jobs and a weaker economy
[ "bosnia and serbia" ]
[ "which countries are mentioned?" ]
Edin Džeko (@EdDzeko) May 21, 2014
question: which countries are mentioned?, answer: bosnia and serbia
[ "mantle", "brave" ]
[ "what did nigel hand donald?", "what type of campaign does nigel think donald fought?" ]
I hand over the mantle to @RealDonaldTrump! Many congratulations. You have fought a brave campaign. Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) November 9, 2016
question: what did nigel hand donald?, answer: mantle | question: what type of campaign does nigel think donald fought?, answer: brave
[ "jumping", "the super bowl" ]
[ "what are the violinists doing?", "what is jack watchig on tv?" ]
Made it to a tv in time for jumping violinists at #Halftime #SuperBowl— Jack Falahee (@RestingPlatypus) February 8, 2016
question: what are the violinists doing?, answer: jumping | question: what is jack watchig on tv?, answer: the super bowl
[ "netanyahu", "money" ]
[ "who is the israeli pm?", "what won't ted give the un?" ]
Spoke w/ Israeli PM @netanyahu tonight to wish him Happy Chanukah & assure him of strong support in Congress. No US $ for UN until reversed.— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 24, 2016
question: who is the israeli pm?, answer: netanyahu | question: what won't ted give the un?, answer: money
[ "betty white.", "hoaxes never last." ]
[ "who is the hoax about?", "why is it dumb?" ]
Why on earth would people ever make a hoax about Betty white dying? People are so dumb...— Brandi Diem (@brandidiem) September 4, 2014
question: who is the hoax about?, answer: betty white. | question: why is it dumb?, answer: hoaxes never last.
[ "rediamond jr", "dubai" ]
[ "who was ashish thakkar with?", "where was ashish thakkar hanging out?" ]
Great fun hanging in #Dubai with my partner @rediamondjr #Africa #AtlasMara Ashish J. Thakkar (@AshishJThakkar) March 15, 2015
question: who was ashish thakkar with?, answer: rediamond jr | question: where was ashish thakkar hanging out?, answer: dubai
[ "east aleppo", "she wants east aleppo people to be evacuated." ]
[ "where do people need to be evacuated?", "why is bana alabed not happy?" ]
I can't & we can't all be happy until all the remaining people who want to leave are evacuated from East Aleppo. - Fatemah— Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) December 20, 2016
question: where do people need to be evacuated?, answer: east aleppo | question: why is bana alabed not happy?, answer: she wants east aleppo people to be evacuated.
[ "they ain't done yet", "at the main event", "done", "2015" ]
[ "are the new kids on the block done?", "where were the new kids on the block?", "what is it that they arn't?", "what was the year of this event?" ]
And we ain't done yet.. #TheMainEvent #NKOTB2015 NKOTB (@NKOTB) January 20, 2015
question: are the new kids on the block done?, answer: they ain't done yet | question: where were the new kids on the block?, answer: at the main event | question: what is it that they arn't?, answer: done | question: what was the year of this event?, answer: 2015
[ "ed sheeran i", "it made her year" ]
[ "who is releasing new music ?", "what is the impact the release of the new album has on anika ?" ]
So Ed Sheeran is releasing new music and my year is already made.— ✖️ Anika ✖️ (@anikaelias) January 1, 2017
question: who is releasing new music ?, answer: ed sheeran i | question: what is the impact the release of the new album has on anika ?, answer: it made her year
[ "justin bieber", "ellen degeneres" ]
[ "who is it hard to hear about?", "who doesn't want him getting hurt?" ]
It's hard to hear all this news about @JustinBieber. I hope he makes his way to adulthood without him or anyone else getting hurt.— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) January 23, 2014
question: who is it hard to hear about?, answer: justin bieber | question: who doesn't want him getting hurt?, answer: ellen degeneres
[ "it doesn't want humans to gawk at animals", "peta", "families", "a facility that displays animals as sideshows" ]
[ "what does peta not what humans to do towards animals", "who urges families to stay away from animal displays as sideshows?", "who is it that peta urges ?", "what does peta urge families to stay away from" ]
4/4 This tragedy is exactly why PETA urges families to stay away from any facility that displays animals as sideshows for humans to gawk at.— PETA (@peta) May 29, 2016
question: what does peta not what humans to do towards animals, answer: it doesn't want humans to gawk at animals | question: who urges families to stay away from animal displays as sideshows?, answer: peta | question: who is it that peta urges ?, answer: families | question: what does peta urge families to stay away from, answer: a facility that displays animals as sideshows
[ "$24m", "$20.7m" ]
[ "how much cap space with the trade open for the cavs?", "what lebron's cap space the max amount of cap space" ]
3-team trade involving Cavs, Celtics & Nets could allow Cavs to open about $24M in cap space. LeBron max is $20.7M— Brian Windhorst (@WindhorstESPN) July 9, 2014
question: how much cap space with the trade open for the cavs?, answer: $24m | question: what lebron's cap space the max amount of cap space, answer: $20.7m
[ "airport staff" ]
[ "who is welcoming you to brussels airport?" ]
On behalf of all airport staff: thank you and a very warm welcome to #brusselsairport ! Brussels Airport (@BrusselsAirport) April 20, 2016
question: who is welcoming you to brussels airport?, answer: airport staff
[ "leonard nimroy", "he felt he was lucky" ]
[ "whose death brought sadness to patrick stewart?", "how did patrick stewart feel about spending many hours with leonard nimroy?" ]
It is with sadness that I heard of Leonard Nimoy's death. I was lucky to spend many happy, inspiring hours with him. He won't be forgotten.— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) February 27, 2015
question: whose death brought sadness to patrick stewart?, answer: leonard nimroy | question: how did patrick stewart feel about spending many hours with leonard nimroy?, answer: he felt he was lucky
[ "his participation in 2016 olympics.", "rory mcilroy." ]
[ "what did rory mcilroy cancel?", "who pulled out of rio 2016 olympics?" ]
OCI release on Rory McIlroy's decision to withdraw from consideration for Rio 2016 Olympics: Team Ireland (@olympiccouncil) June 22, 2016
question: what did rory mcilroy cancel?, answer: his participation in 2016 olympics. | question: who pulled out of rio 2016 olympics?, answer: rory mcilroy.
[ "billy idol", "tom petty" ]
[ "who was shocked about the new?", "who just passed away in the tweet?" ]
Shocked & upset 2 hear about #tompetty 'we got lucky when we found u….’…RIP Billy Idol (@BillyIdol) October 2, 2017
question: who was shocked about the new?, answer: billy idol | question: who just passed away in the tweet?, answer: tom petty
[ "ibrahim toure died", "ivory coast" ]
[ "what was confirmed to have happened thursday?", "who confirmed ibrahim toure's death?" ]
Ivory Coast confirm: Ibrahim Toure, brother of Kolo and Yaya, died Thursday at age 28. Bleacher Report UK (@br_uk) June 20, 2014
question: what was confirmed to have happened thursday?, answer: ibrahim toure died | question: who confirmed ibrahim toure's death?, answer: ivory coast
[ "associate professor", "harvard" ]
[ "what position does edelman hold at harvard?", "what school did the tweeter say had been dragged through the mud by edelman?" ]
With just one exchange, Ben Edelman manages to drag himself, @Harvard, and his entire profession through the mud. Dan Lovejoy (@danlovejoy) December 10, 2014
question: what position does edelman hold at harvard?, answer: associate professor | question: what school did the tweeter say had been dragged through the mud by edelman?, answer: harvard
[ "a boat", "endangered rivers" ]
[ "what does john work in?", "what is he bringing attention to?" ]
"The more you work in a boat like that the more it becomes part of you. You're wearing it" #endangeredriver John D. Sutter (@jdsutter) June 15, 2014
question: what does john work in?, answer: a boat | question: what is he bringing attention to?, answer: endangered rivers
[ "earthquake", "c-17" ]
[ "why natural disaster happened in nepal?", "what type of aircraft is bringing aid to nepal?" ]
#NepalEarthquake Inside of C-17 aircraft being readied for take off for Nepal with rescue personnel and load. Sitanshu Kar (@SpokespersonMoD) April 25, 2015
question: why natural disaster happened in nepal?, answer: earthquake | question: what type of aircraft is bringing aid to nepal?, answer: c-17
[ "fatal traffic incident.", "suge knight." ]
[ "what was the arrest in connection to?", "who is arrested for murder?" ]
*Update* Suge Knight arrested for murder in connection to fatal traffic incident in #Compton Booked at @WHDLASD Station held on $2M bail— LA County Sheriff (@LASDHQ) January 30, 2015
question: what was the arrest in connection to?, answer: fatal traffic incident. | question: who is arrested for murder?, answer: suge knight.
[ "a life full of laughter", "daughtry" ]
[ "what is the person after?", "who was quoted in this tweet?" ]
~all that I'm after is a life full of laughter~ .... & yes, I just quoted Daughtry. JoJo Fletcher (@JoelleFletcher) February 23, 2016
question: what is the person after?, answer: a life full of laughter | question: who was quoted in this tweet?, answer: daughtry
[ "#lahm and the national team." ]
[ "who is angela merkel speaking about?" ]
German Chancellor Angela #Merkel: "I would like to say how much I respect what #Lahm has done for the national team." Germany (@DFB_Team_EN) July 18, 2014
question: who is angela merkel speaking about?, answer: #lahm and the national team.
[ "an awkward silence", "came \"anyways am i talking your head off.\"" ]
[ "what happened after a racist comment was made?", "what was said after the awkward silence?" ]
After awkward silence following a particularly racist comment miraculously came, "anyways am I talking your ear off?" & trying to bone again — Ryan Case (@film114) September 29, 2014
question: what happened after a racist comment was made?, answer: an awkward silence | question: what was said after the awkward silence?, answer: came "anyways am i talking your head off."