[ "A man checked the head of a girl while another man stood beside her", "A man wearing gloves prepares to pierce a girl's ear under direction from another man.", "A young girl is getting her ears pierced in a small room.", "A young woman prepares to receive a piercing by a man with large gauges in his ears.", "Someone at a tattoo parlor uses a needle to properly pierce a girls ear.", "A girl gets her ears pierces by a man wearing blue gloves.", "A man puts an earring into a woman's ear while another man watches.", "A girl seems to be getting ready to get a piercing in her ear.", "A person works on a young woman customer who is sitting down.", "A girl is about to get her ear pierced by two large men as they try to gaslight her using jargon." ]
[ "Two men a fighting using their heads in the presence of other people.", "A male head butts another male on the shoulder then connects with the same male's forehead.", "Several young men take part in a party where two of them bang heads.", "Two people head butt each other while another man drinks in the background.", "A group of men are standing together and two of them are banging their heads together.", "Two men headbutt each other while other people look on.", "Two men speaking Spanish are involved in a butt heading competition.", "One man bends his head down while another butts heads with him.", "Two young men headbutting each other in a living room while onlookers laugh at them.", "After people cheer two guys headbutt each other several times." ]
[ "A man is swimming in a large pool and makes a turn at the edge of the pool.", "A man floats down to the bottom of a pool. Then propels himself forward, and begins swimming toward the edge of the pool.", "A person is underwater then rises and swims to the end of the pool and flips.", "A person dives into the center of a pool until they touch the bottom with their feet and push themselves to start swimming on the surface of the water.", "A person is standing under the water in a swimming pool and begins swimming across the surface.", "A person performs chest-type swimming exercises, from the center of a pool to one edge of the pool.", "A person is swimming in the upper part of the water surface swiftly and hitting the wall", "a swimer rose from the bottom middle of the pool and swam to the end of the pool.", "A diver perform various underwater moves in an indoor pool.", "A man is swimming under water in the swimming pool." ]
[ "Two people are going through items, on a sifter, that they found.", "It's amateur archaeology hour when two attractive young women sift some dirt looking for artifacts.", "Two women are sifting looking for objects using a metal sifting grate.", "a couple of people interact with some stuff that is on an object", "The girls are picking metal pieces off of a metal screening device.", "Two women pull objects out of a sifter, including an old rusted nail.", "Two teenage girls are sieving dirt and rocks over a grate and setting the interesting rocks aside on two trays sitting on the ground.", "Young people sifting through dirt and separating out what they find inside it.", "Some people are using a sifter to sift through dirt and are looking for buried objects.", "Two people are using large sifters and gloves to look through the dirt." ]
[ "Three boys in shorts play at throwing axes at a tree in a forest.", "A man holds an axe before he throws it and hits a tree and his friends all exclaim.", "A group of people throwing axes at a target and hitting it while others watch.", "A boy prepares and throws an axe at a tree, his surrounding friends are surprised at how well he threw it.", "A young man picks up an axe and throws it at a tree while others comment.", "A young man readies himself to throw an axe and then launches it at a tree.", "A group of boys are in the woods and one boy throws two hatchets at a tree.", "A teenage boy throws an axe at a tree and it sticks in the tree.", "In the woods, a teenage boy throws two axes at a tree that both hit, with his friends watching.", "a teenage boy is throwing an axe at a tree trunk and his friends are with him." ]
[ "A group of boys are outside playing volleyball across a very big net", "A few boys talking a foreign language are playing a game of volley ball.", "Some boys talking in a foreign language are playing Volley Ball.", "boys are playing volley ball and one boy hits the ball over the net.", "Four boys are playing volleyball on an outdoor court; one sets, one hits, and two watch.", "A man runs to the back of a volleyball field bouncing the ball before he plays a game of volleyball.", "Two teams are playing volleyball outside and one sets up and another spikes the ball.", "Several volleyball players wearing shorts are playing on a dirt court.", "A boy serves a volleyball then another boy hits it over the net.", "young boys playing volleyball outdoors on dirt floors and slightly broken net." ]
[ "A person adds corn to a sizzling pan of broccoli and meat.", "A man is preparing a stir fried meal with corn and chicken.", "A person is cooking making a stir fry and adding stuff to the pan.", "a person cooking in frying pan with lots of diffident vegetables.", "Someone cooks a variety of vegetables such as corn and broccoli in a frying pan and uses a wooden spoon to stir.", "A person is adding corn to a dish that is cooking in a frying pan.", "A person stir fries vegetables with a wooden spatula on a black pan.", "A man is adding food in a large pot in order to cook it.", "Some stir fry is sizzling in a pan and a person adds some extra corn.", "In a kitchen a person is cooking in a pan and adding a food that is in a can." ]
[ "A person was drinking some drink with in some tin and another person was standing near him", "A young man gulps a beer while another young man stands behind him.", "A man speaks as another pours a can of beer down his throat.", "two men are in a room and one man is drinking from a can", "After being prompted, a man lifts his head back and pours a beverage into his mouth.", "A man with a buttoned shirt is pouring a miller light beer into his mouth.", "Two men are holding beers as one turns the can up in the air and pours some into his mouth.", "A man in a white shirt drinks a can of Miller lite.", "A man pours beer into his mouth from a can he holds several inches above it.", "A man lifts a can of beer over his head and pours the beer into his mouth." ]
[ "A person is using a tool to work on a tire and rim.", "Someone grinding on the wheel of a vehicle for something.", "a person removing the bolts from a tire rim with a tool", "Someone is cleaning the inside rim of a tire on a vehicle.", "A person is cleaning the side of a wheel with a piece of machinery.", "A man is working on the rims of his car while music is playing.", "A person is tightening the screws and cleaning the inside part of a very large wheel", "A person is using a drill and machine to clean a large trucks wheel.", "A man is working on the tire of a vehicle.", "A person is using a air wrench on the lug nuts of a vehicle." ]
[ "Two girls are sitting down and is throwing pillows at each other.", "two girls are sitting down and having a pillow fight", "Two girls are having a pillow fight while one is holding a laptop.", "Two teenage girls have a pillow fight, by a railing, as one girl balances laptop.", "In a room where two ladies are using pillow to play on top of their bed", "Two girls are sitting on bed having a pillow fight with throw pillows.", "Two girls are laughing and throwing pillows at each other, saying it's a pillow fight.", "A girl is hitting her sister with a pillow then the sister throws the pillow back at the girl.", "A girl is sitting with a computer in her lap, hitting the girl sitting next to her with a pillow.", "Two young women are sitting down and throwing a pillow at each other." ]
[ "A seated person adjusts the top weave of a basket.", "Two hands weave wooden strips into a round basket and feel around for where to weave it next.", "A man fastens and bends a reed as he crafts a basket.", "Someone is waving something into a bowl shape.", "A woman shows how to weave a basket as a demonstration.", "A person is tightly weaving a basket using pliable reeds.", "A woman is weaving a basket with long pieces of flat bark.", "A person was in a workshop weaving a basket on a table", "A woman is securing the last piece of material that has already been woven into a basket.", "A person is making a basket out of some type of plant material." ]
[ "A young man with a yellow t-shirt explains how the back of a chair got broken.", "A bou is saying something unintelligible, while the camera pans to a chair and a torn curtain.", "A young boy was rocking in a chair and it somehow broke is what he is explaining.", "a young boy in a yellow shirt is filming himself and a chair and what appears to be a busted screen", "A little kid is showing a chair that has the back rest area of it cut out as it is a net", "A young boy stands in a room preparing to do something.", "A young boy holds a playing card and demonstrates throwing it, a woman talks about it.", "A woman shows a boy how to shoot rubber bands across the room.", "A person is demonstrating how to hold something the proper way.", "A chair is shown, then pans to a young man giving instructions about how to make something fly." ]
[ "Group of young kids trying their best to demolish a computer board.", "The boys are in their driveway, breaking different types of garbage with a baseball bat.", "A group of boys break a computer into pieces by laying it on the ground and hitting it with a bat.", "A boy swings a baseball bat at a broken electronic item, among some friends", "A group of kids smash and stomp on an old electrical device.", "Broken components litter the ground, boy swings bat across feet, and hits rectangular piece with foil covering.", "A boy is using a bat to smash a metal box, as a group of boys watch.", "a boy in a blue hood swings a bat in his hands", "A boy with a baseball bat is smashing a metal box.", "A person swings a bat around and hits objects that are laying on the ground." ]
[ "A person is standing infront of many people and is trying to perform an act", "A street performer with assistants is performing to a large gathered crowd as laughter trickles around.", "A man with army fatigue pants is holding a U shaped metal bar in front of an audience.", "A guy is performing on an outdoor stage in front of a crowd.", "A crowd of people watching other people while a man talks into a microphone.", "In front of the people a man is doing something and all are watching it.", "A group of men are standing in front of a crowd and setting up for a band.", "A group of three men are performing at an outdoor show in front of a large, seated crowd.", "A man performing tricks for an audience is made sure he is okay.", "In front of a crowd of people a man with a mike is bent over holding a metal object while 2 other men check on him, and he then states it's all right." ]
[ "A woman wearing a cowboy hat and riding a horse goes around a track and shoots a fake pistol in the air.", "A woman riding a horse fires off a shot then has the horse trot past the camera.", "A lady wearing a hat is riding on a horse outside in the sunlight.", "A woman is riding at horse, at one point she fires a gun in her right hand and put the gun away in a holster on the hip.", "A woman is riding a horse and shooting a gun in a corral.", "A woman on horseback shoots a gun and rides around the ring.", "A woman is riding a horse through cones in a fenced area.", "A woman rides a brown horse around an obstacle course.", "The woman is riding a horse around a fence area as somebody throws some shots around", "A woman in a cowboy hat rides a horse in a large gun and discharges a firearm as a woman is heard chatting." ]
[ "On a climbing wall a person stands holding on and moves their feet and looks down.", "A man is climbing the top of a rock wall, many spectators are watching.", "A young boy appears to be struggling finishing at the top of a rock climbing peak.", "A group of people yelling at a man on a rock climbing wall.", "A child is standing at the top of a structure and holding on while those below talk to him.", "A boy is rock climbing on a amusement mountain reaching nearly the top.", "A person attempts to repeal down a large mountainous boulder.", "A man is wall climbing while a girl screams in the background.", "A young boy is on top of a outdoor rock that he has climbed and now trying to get down.", "Man in shorts climbing up the side of a large stone building with no protective equipment." ]
[ "A team of players are playing ice hockey in a play area.", "A little boy is practicing hockey moves as people talk from the stands.", "Children play hockey at a rink, one going for a goal.", "A hockey player in a dark uniform shooting put into the goalie area.", "A man practicing hockey on Ice when a woman's voice shouts out.", "A young hockey player shoots a puck into the goal.", "Ice hockey players practise shots at goal in a rink while a female coach offers advice.", "a woman talks as a young child practices ice hockey.", "During ice hockey practice, a player hits towards the goal while a woman comments.", "View of a hockey rink from above with a female commenting on a boys play." ]
[ "A person wearing a mask swings a hammer around while standing in front of a television.", "A masked man is swinging a hammer in the living room.", "A boy wearing a hockey mask makes noises while swinging something down.", "A MAN IS HITTING WITH HAMMER AND WEARING MASK ON HIS FACE WITH A PIPE ON MOUTH", "A man in a hockey mask is swinging a hammer.", "a man with a mask covering his face is in the living swinging a hammer.", "A person is wearing a mask and has a tobacco pipe in their mouth while they swing a hammer inside a house.", "A man wearing a mask is striking something on the floor in a living room setting.", "The young man is playing with his hammer while watching television in the room.", "Growling and grunt sounds are heard as a person is swinging a hammer in a mask with a smoking pipe." ]
[ "A community event in which people gather together to help clean up a natural area", "People pick up litter outdoors, placing the litter into plastic bags.", "Outside on a field a group of people have garbage bags and are picking up garbage.", "A commercial for outdoor activities showing vidoes of people hiking, boating, and picking up litter.", "Sanitation workers are hard at work picking litters in the bushes, and on water.", "This group of young people and adult leaders are picking up trash at the riverbank as part of the spring litter cleanup of this natural area", "The kids are walking around near the ocean and picking up the garage that people have left.", "A group of people are in the forest attempting to clean the litter.", "A group of people are out cleaning up the trash from water and land.", "A group of people picking up litter in a forest and body of water" ]
[ "A man holding a hose is spraying another man who is climbing out of a mud hole", "A construction worker is hosing off a co-worker that has gotten very muddy.", "A person is completely covered in mud and someone else is hosing him off with water.", "A man stands in water up to his waist while another man sprays him with a hose and two other men film with their phones, he then stands up.", "A man in kneeling on the floor, a second man sprays him with water from a hose, two other men film the first with their phones.", "One man sprays another man with a large hose as people watch.", "A man getting washed with a hose while two others are laughing and recording it.", "A man sprays another kneeling man with a hose while two people film with cellphones, and one person stands nearby.", "A group of men are spraying down a worker with water.", "A group of workers spraying off a man who emerges from a large puddle of water." ]
[ "Three young boys ride a camel lead by a man.", "Three young children ride a camel on the street near a thickly wooded area.", "Two kids riding a camel full of backpacks down the street.", "Three small boys were riding on the camel with afraid and were laughing with some bag at the back", "Two little boys are riding on a camel down a street", "The three small children are sitting atop a camel which is led through the street by a man in a turban", "Two people ride a camel while a man leads it down the road.", "Three young children ride a camel as a person documents it on video.", "Two boys ride on the back of a camel down a street.", "Three little kids were at the back of a camel and a man leading the camel in the front" ]
[ "A man is sitting down and getting his hair cut while a woman is talking about it.", "A man sitting in a chair has his hair cut along the sides.", "A man is giving another man a haircut in a chair.", "A man shaving another man's hair while sitting on a porch.", "A man is trimming another man's hair while he is looking in a small mirror.", "A teenager shaves a man's head with clippers on the porch.", "Young man in white t-shirt using clippers to cut another man's hair.", "a young kid is trimming his friends hair by using a razor", "A teenager uses an electric trimmer to trim the top of his dad's hair.", "One boy is shaving another boy's hair quite short on the sides of his head." ]
[ "A child bounces up and down in a backyard trampoline.", "Two children are jumping on a trampolie in a back yard of a house", "In a backyard, a little boy and a woman are jumping on a large trampoline.", "a little girl is running and jumping on a trampoline", "Two children are on a trampoline, a small girl bounces around", "A child is playing on a trampoline in their backyard", "A girl is jumping on top of a trampoline and then she falls down and then she gets back up and she continues to jump.", "A little girl is running on the jumping bed and then starts to jump in the bouncing bed", "A group of kids are jumping on the trampoline outside on a sunny day.", "Kids are jumping on a black trampoline in a house backyard," ]
[ "A group of men in a dance studio watch as a man in red pants performs a break dancing solo.", "A group of men together in a building as they watch a man break dance", "A group of people were watching the dance performed by the man in the center", "A man does his break dancing moves in front of an audience.", "A man is breakdancing in front of a crowd clapping for him.", "A group of people are in a dance studio watching a man break dance.", "A kid dancing break with people around watching him", "A group of people watch a person brake dance in the middle of a floor.", "A man breakdances in front of people who are watching.", "A man has an audience as he uses his hands, feet and butt to dance on the floor." ]
[ "A small dog plays with a mop head while it is being used to clean the floor", "A playful dog sits on a mop head and is pushed across the floor before it bites the mop and is dragged across the floor.", "a woman is mopping and a small dog follows around the mop.", "A person is playing with their small dog by pushing it on a mop.", "Small brown dog chasing and attacking a mop on a kitchen floor that is tiled.", "A tan puppy makes people laugh at its chasing a mop back and forth.", "A happy dog chases a mop while his owner laughs at him.", "A puppy is trying to play with a mop while a woman is trying to mop the floor.", "A woman is mopping the floor and a puppy attacks the mop.", "A small brown dog is playing and riding a dirty dust mop." ]
[ "A woman competes in a long jump event while outside.", "The woman is running and doing a long jump in the track and field competition.", "A woman outside at the track is competing for long jump.", "A person runs down a track and then performs a long jump, while an announcer can be heard speaking in the background", "People are milling around in a school sports field as one athlete performs the triple jump.", "A young female athlete performs the long jump at an event.", "An athlete runs down a track and jumps into the long jump sand.", "A young female track and field athlete performs a three point jump outside in the sun.", "A person runs down a track for a triple jump and lands in the sand.", "A woman is running and doing a long jump in a competition." ]
[ "Man and woman sitting on yoga mats as they talk about doing yoga.", "A man and woman sit crossed legged on yoga mats with their arms outstretched in front of them.", "A man and a woman are on a mat discussing excercise moves", "A man and a woman are sitting on yoga mats, speaking.", "A man in black demonstrates a yoga pose to a woman in purple.", "A man is giving a woman instruction on a yoga pose on the floor.", "A man is showing a woman how to do a yoga pose and relax.", "a man shows a woman a sitting yoga pose with hands in the front.", "A man and woman practicing yoga together as they use mats and describe what they do", "Two adults are doing yoga by sitting on a mat and stretching their arms in front of them." ]
[ "A little baby has a whistle in his mouth and is whistling.", "A young baby is blowing through a green whistle, a lady laughs at him as he blows the whistle.", "A cute little baby is playing with a whistle in the kitchen.", "A baby boy is blowing on a green whistle that is in his mouth.", "A small baby is sitting down blowing a green whistle.", "A baby has a whistle in its mouth while surrounded by other toys.", "Baby in a kitchen holding a whistle in it's mouth while blowing it.", "A baby blowing a whistle while a adult is recording it.", "a baby sitting on the floor with whistle in his mouth", "A baby has a whistle in his mouth and is blowing it as he plays with the camera." ]
[ "A man using a Tile machine to clean up the Tile in a room", "A man uses a machine and goes back and forth on wood floor.", "A man is using a large, loud tool to strip wood floors.", "A man is using an electrical floor sander and moving it back and forth on the floor.", "A man uses a device to strip a wooden floor in a building.", "A man is using a floor stripper to strip a wood floor.", "A man by himself using a large power tool on the surface of a wood floor.", "A man is running a machine over a wood floor to strip the finish off.", "A man is using a floor sander to take the old finish off of a floor.", "A man is using a machine to strip paint off of the wood floor." ]
[ "A bartender dancing and performing for a crowd of people gathered around.", "Men sitting at a bar are watching a man dance.", "A bar tender dances and jumps while standing behind the bar.", "A bartender is behind the bar performing some tricks as the customers watch.", "At a bar, a man dances with a bottle and then throws money in the air.", "A man at a bar is preparing a drink by flipping the serving bottles around his head and people are throwing money and cheering.", "A man behind a bar dances while others clap and cheer and money falls from the ceiling.", "A man is shown dancing behind a bar and making drinks while people cheer.", "A bartender dances, swings around a bottle of alcohol, and dollar bills fall down around him.", "A bartrender starts dancing and performing in front of an audience, the audience cheers for him." ]
[ "A woman is sitting in a chair and reading something in a computer and writing it in a paper", "A woman with a green cardigan writes at a desk.", "A woman explains how and why we should edit our writing.", "A woman is creating a tutorial on writing while she sits at the table.", "A woman sits in a chair at a table and writes on a piece of paper.", "A woman is explaining something and writing on the book.", "A woman explains something while writing something down on a sticky note.", "A woman talks while she writes something down on a piece of paper.", "A woman chooses the word \"spoken\" in an attempt to see if that word works for her.", "A woman wearing a light green sweater jacket is sitting in a chair and talking." ]
[ "The boy in the red shirt is riding by on a unicycle.", "The words say \"How to ride a unicycle\" and the kid rides a unicycle.", "A man rides a unicycle on the sidewalk in front of his home.", "A boy rides a unicycle on a driveway outside of a house.", "A boy in a red shirt rides a unicycle down the sidewalk.", "A short tutorial clip shows a young boy riding on a unicycle.", "A title slide appears on how to ride a unicycle and a boy rides across the screen on one.", "After the title, a man rides in front of a house on a unicycle.", "A person demonstrates riding a unicycle on a sidewalk outside.", "Instructions are given on how to ride a unicycle as a kid cycles across the screen." ]
[ "A man in a gray t-shirt and black shorts shows how to use a medicine ball to work out.", "A man is against the wall squatting on a large ball.", "Using a yoga ball, a man quietly shows watchers how to do sitting squats.", "A man puts his hands together then sits and stands seven times using an exercise ball.", "A man performing squats on an exercise ball going up and down for a tutorial", "A man stands with an exercise ball behind him against a wall, clenches his hand in front, and sits to stand in the ball", "a man is sitting up and down on a rubber ball as an exercise.", "A man stands in a room, holds his hands together and then does sits and stands on an exercise ball.", "A man has his hands grasp close to his chest and is doing squats until bouncing off an exercise ball and starting the process over.", "a man doing a variation of squats with a medicine ball indoors" ]
[ "A person is scooping a batter into a cake pan.", "Two people pour a batter from a bowl into a pot.", "A man is using a spatula to get batter out of a bowl that a woman is holding.", "In a kitchen, a man and a woman are moving batter from a bowl to a pan.", "Assistant lifts mixing bowl and chef uses spoon to scoop out batter into round pan.", "a chef is scooping out a food substance out of a bowl with a spatula", "Two people are pouring a mix into a bowl then the man wipes the remaining mix off the spoon into the bowl.", "In the kitchen where a man and a woman are trying to bake cake", "Two women in a kitchen are scraping icing out of a large mixing bowl into a smaller baking pan, presumably onto an already baked cake,", "A woman is holding a bowl of batter and the chef is scraping it out into a pan sitting on parchment paper." ]
[ "A man is holding a board with stapled leather on it.", "Two men stand at a table, working on parts, one man bends over.", "Factory workers goof off on camera while on the job.", "A man flips off another man then a man sticks his head down.", "A small group of men are assembling items and one makes a rude gesture toward the other.", "A person is sitting down and pointing at someone while using a small shark fin.", "a couple of guys sitting at a table upholstering materials", "A factory setting in which a person is displaying a piece that they have made", "A person holds up a quarter circled shaped chair seat.", "On a work bench, some workers are displaying their handiwork and smiling into the camera." ]
[ "A young girl talks and then slowly eats a donut.", "A girl waited until someone went into the bathroom to steal and eat their donut.", "A young girl eating a powdered doughnut in a bedroom.", "A young girl is in her bedroom and facing the camera while eating a donut.", "A girl is eating a white powder donut inside of a bedroom.", "A young girl come on screen, says a few words and begins to eat a doughnut.", "A little girl is video taping herself eating a donut in her bedroom.", "A girl begins to eat a powdered donut while her friend has gone to the bathroom.", "A person eats a donut in front of the camera.", "A person is standing infront of a camera and is eating a snack and talking" ]
[ "A man plays monopoly while sitting on the ground and lifts up a card.", "the man is sitting on the floor of the bedroom and playing a game of Monopoly with another person and smiling", "Man wearing glasses sitting on floor next to a board game.", "A man (possibly the father of the unseen young girl operating the camera) is playing Monopoly", "A man plays a game with a small child sitting on the floor of a room.", "A man is sitting on the floor and playing monopoly with his kid.", "A man is sitting on a bedroom floor playing Monopoly with a child.", "A man plays Monopoly on the floor and draws a Chance card.", "A child films his father landing on chance in monopoly.", "A man is playing monopoly with a young child on the floor of a bedroom." ]
[ "Two kids in a classroom use their pens to strum on desks like drumsticks.", "A person taps writing implements on a desktop, and then another person taps writing implements on a desktop as a group of people sit at desks.", "Two students are in a classroom practicing drumming in their desks.", "Two young men in populated classroom are comparing drumming activities on desk.", "In a classroom two children at desks use pens to drum out beats.", "Two people are sitting at desks and using pens and their fingers to tap a beat on the table top.", "Bunch of students are in a room and a two are making music on their desk with their hands and pens.", "A person is hitting some pens on to a wooden desk.", "Pair of boys tapping objects on top of wooden tables and creating music.", "A boy sits at a classroom desk and makes a beat with his pencils on the wooden surface, and then another person does the same" ]
[ "A young girl brushes her teeth on top of a sink as quickly as possible.", "A person is brushing their teeth in the bathroom really fast.", "A female applies toothpaste onto a toothbrush and begins to brush her teeth.", "A young girl demonstrates how she brushes her teeth quickly.", "In fast motion, a girl is taking a video of herself brushing her teeth.", "a girl putting toothpaste onto a toothbrush proceeds to brush her teeth", "A child is brushing her teeth with a blue toothbrush in a bathroom.", "A girl applies toothpaste to a toothbrush and brushes her teeth over a sink.", "A sign shows that teeth will be brushed very fast then a girl puts toothpaste on her toothbrush and starts to brush her teeth.", "A girl brushes her teeth in a bathroom next to a sink." ]
[ "Man in a blue top holding a bow and arrow and preparing to fire it at a target.", "A man is walking towards the camera with a bow and arrow.", "A man holds a bow and arrow at a range and walks toward the camera.", "The man wearing a baseball cap is holding a crossbow in one hand, a clicker in the other and has a container of arrows on his back while outdoors.", "A man holding a bow at an archery rane steps to the side.", "A man is holding a bow and arrow and wearing sports clothing and equipment.", "A man holding a bow and arrow in an outdoor range begins to walk.", "A man is taking a step while holding a bow and carrying ab arrow arrow.", "A man is holding a bow in one hand and a arrow in another and takes a step toward the camera.", "A man dressed in blue is holing a very sophisticated bow while standing at an archery range." ]
[ "A person is walking very carefully down the side of a snow covered hill.", "Someone scaling down the side of a hill covered in freshly fallen snow.", "A young boy struggles walking down a steep, snow-covered mountain.", "A man is walking down a big hill that is covered in snow.", "A woman is walking down the side of a hill covered in snow and making deep tracks with her boots.", "A person is slowly walking downhill through the deep snow.", "A man is attempting to traverse steep terrain in heavy snow.", "A person slowly and carefully descends a snowy mountainside step by step.", "A person slowly walks down the side of a snowy mountain side.", "a person walks down a hill in very deep snow." ]
[ "A man is lifting weights as other people in the room are talking.", "A man making a tutorial for performing flies and other shoulder exercises using dumbbells", "A guy is doing some arm workouts while on a stage.", "A male is showing how to do exercises with hand weights.", "An athletic man is lifting weights back and forth while standing still.", "A man stands with a dumbbell in each hand and does forward and side raises", "a man standing in a room on a mat lifting weights", "In a gym and then is standing still while lifting some hand weights with his hands", "A man works his front and side deltoids, by lifting weights out in front of him and to his sides.", "A man uses dumbbells to workout in front of some promo signage" ]
[ "A man is doing some gymnastics while standing on a net.", "A tightrope performer fell on the net then finally assisted off the net to the ground", "Muscular trapezes artist getting out of a net and putting his hand in the air to applause.", "A person is part of a show on some type of high wire show with a net below.", "A shirtless man on a bungee cord dismounts from a net.", "An acrobat is on a safety net and attached to a harness and he flips off the edge of the net to descend.", "A man is on a net and is doing tricks and running on the top of the net.", "A circus performer runs across a safety net and flips over the edge to stand in the ring for his applause", "A shirtless man walks along a safety net then tumbles off of it while people cheer.", "A man is walking on a safety net and disembarks to cheers of a crowd of on lookers." ]
[ "Child attached to harness, with elastic cords on sides, is pulled up and down over trampoline inside a mall.", "A young man, suspended in the air by a pair of elastic bands is bouncing up and down.", "A boy is tied to a bungee and jumping up and down.", "A person is jumping in a big sling in a shopping mall.", "A young boy is able to jump very high while attached to elastic cords.", "A boy is bouncing on a trampoline attached to bungee cords.", "A young male jumps on a trampoline at the mall.", "A boy is bouncing in air while seated in a device held by two stretchable ropes.", "A kid is jumping on the trampoline by using straps", "A boy swings up and down on a harness and elastic ropes." ]
[ "Two woman are on stage giving out awards to three other men in business suits.", "Two women are clapping on a stage and one of the women gives an award to a group of men.", "A group of people wearing formal clothes on a stage are handed an award", "Two woman are on stage clapping and then one presents a group of people with a trophy.", "A video of a past award ceremony which was conducted to give out awards to those called up stage.", "People on a stage are accepting an award from a woman, while music is playing.", "A woman in a read dress is receiving an award at a ceremony.", "Two women stand on stage at an awards ceremony before being joined by others.", "A woman recieving an award for a bengal awards show as she gives one to another woman", "A woman in a red dress presenting an award at the The Asian Curry Awards." ]
[ "A man is sitting at a table counting money very quickly.", "A man is flipping over his dollar bills at a table with other people.", "A man is flipping through paper money very fast at a desk.", "A man is sitting at a table counting a stack of cash bills.", "A person is counting a large stack of money at a table.", "A guy is sitting at a table and flipping money in his fingers at a fast rate.", "An asian man is counting paper bills continuously on a table.", "A man flips some notes on is hands as other people are conversing in the background", "A sitting at a table in the conference room slowly flips bills in a stack of money that he is holding.", "A young man quickly counts a large stack of money" ]
[ "A commercial shows diners at New York city restaurants.", "Food and a city view is shown and a man sits at a table and eats.", "A montage of the city buildings as well as food in restaurants.", "People season food, cook, serve food, drink wine and butter their bread.", "Views of the city, people eating in a restaurnat ad other scenes of people interacting are shown across the screen.", "Several types of food and various restaurants are shown as someone talks about dining in New York", "A narrative of, a restaurant and its food that it sells.", "This is an informational video about New York and places and types of food that is offered.", "An advertisement for City Crab with a server pouring wine for Tony Soprano.", "A montage of a urban restaurants in New York while someone narrates the scenes." ]
[ "A man demonstrates and explains the proper golfing stance, then hits the ball.", "A man tees off and whacks a golf ball a considerable distance.", "Young man at a golf course following through with driving the ball with his club.", "A man wearing a blue vest strikes a golf ball with a gulf club on a fairway.", "A guy i son a golf course, lining up his shot and then swinging through.", "A man hits a golf ball while explaining how to do it.", "A man is hitting a golf ball down the fairway.", "in an open golf field a man is hitting golf ball and throwing it as far away as he can", "A man is outside on a golf course and tees off at a hole.", "A man standing at the tee of a golf course takes a swing with his driver." ]
[ "a cook is applying a yellow sauce as a dressing to his dish", "A person spoons a sauce over a large plate of food.", "An chef is filling some fresh cream on the fresh vegetables on a bowl.", "In a kitchen a person is pouring some sauce on top of a large bowl of salad", "A man is using a spoon to douse a plate full of food with sauce.", "A person scoops melted cheese out of a dish onto a plate.", "A chef is putting sauce on a very large plate of various vegetables and pasta.", "A chief is in a kitchen showing how she is making a dish of food.", "A chef is adding a yellow sauce to some cooked food and following a recipe on the table.", "A man is adding a yellow sauce to the top of a prepared dish of rice and veggies." ]
[ "Kids gather around a table while an adult helps them.", "Kids in a toy store playing with a wooden toy train set.", "A little boy rides a toy train on the table and a little girl is watching it and there are other people near them", "Kids play with a toy train inside a toy store on a table.", "A kid is holding a toy train on a troy train track.", "Several children are walking around a toy train set as a boy moves a train.", "a group of kids hang out near a toy and interact", "A group of children surround a toy train and landscape and play.", "Two children are playing with toy musical instruments, while adults try to help them.", "A person is watching kids play with games in a game room." ]
[ "A person is wrapping an object in foil on top of a wooden table.", "Somebody is demonstrating the proper way to begin wrapping a gift, using a piece of wrapping paper.", "A book is on top of a paper wrapper and a person is folding the wrapping paper with her hands with the book inside.", "A person is wrapping an object in a foil wrapping on a wooden table.", "A person shows how to wrap a book the right way.", "A person is covering up a book with wrapping paper.", "A person begins to wrap a small box in a sheet of colorful paper.", "A person is carefully wrapping a book in multi-colored wrapping paper.", "A person wraps a small gift in colorful wrapping paper.", "A person carefully begins to gift wrap a book on a table." ]
[ "A young girl using a hand tool on a piece of wood inside of a workshop.", "A young girl is using a wood planer to shave off wood.", "A little girl is doing some kind of artwork with wood in workshop", "A little girls is using a tool to file a plank of wood on a table.", "A young girl is using a plane to file down a piece of wood in a work room.", "A little girl is in a workshop and she's using a special tool to smooth out a piece of wood", "A young girl is using a hand planer to flatten the side of a piece of wood.", "A little girl grazes an object against a longer rectangular surface.", "A little girl tries to sand the top of a piece of wood by herself.", "a young lady is smoothing a piece of wood while another person is trying to take a video of hers" ]
[ "The snowmobile is racing down on top of the snow, and jumps over a snow-covered berm.", "Two people snowmobile in a large section of snow on a sunny day.", "Two people are using motor vehicles to ride in the snow outside.", "A person is riding a snow mobile in the snow and goes over a snow hill", "Someone is riding a snowmobile across the snowy landscape and over a drift.", "People are riding snowmobiles down a hill and over a large snow bank.", "Two people on snowmobiles ride through snowy hills on a sunny day.", "People on snowmobiles ride through the snow and one of them jumps a hill.", "A pair of people are seen riding on snow mobiles in a snowy environment.", "A group of people going down a slope and ramp with a snow mobile" ]
[ "A woman is riding a horse inside of a fenced area.", "A woman is riding a horse outside in a fenced in place.", "The lady is on the ranch having a great time riding the horse.", "A woman is horseback riding alongside a fence in the country.", "A female is trotting around on the back of brown horse outdoors.", "A woman is riding a horse alongside the fence in a paddock", "In a corral, a woman is riding horseback and dust is being generated as the horse moves.", "A girl rides a horse out side along a wooded area of a fence.", "A person on a horse rides it by a fence in slow motion", "A person rides a horse through some dirt at a slow speed." ]
[ "A young man is driving a car while making a video.", "A young man sitting in a stationary vehicle talks about making a video.", "A boy sits in his car and plays with the stick shift while speaking about making videos", "A man sits in the drivers seat and adjusts the radio.", "A man at the driving wheel of a car talks, and the view through the windscreen is shown.", "The driver is watching traffic as he prepares to drive away.", "A man prepares his video blog for when he's driving, complains about not having content", "A man is sitting in a car saying that like most of his videos he didn't really plan it out and that it really sounded bad.", "a boy with several cameras in his car talks about what he is about to film.", "A boy is getting ready to drive his car, which does have a dashboard camera." ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating how to make balloon animals and explaining how to fix them.", "A woman is explaining how to make a balloon animal.", "A woman making a tutorial on how she blows up a balloon and then ties it by showing it", "A woman gives tips on how to make balloon animals.", "A woman is holding a long brown balloon that is shaped like a dog.", "A person displays a brown ballon twisted into a figure.", "A girl holds a balloon that has been twisted into something.", "A female describes how to remove excess air from a potential balloon animal.", "A girl is describing how to make a character out of a balloon.", "In a tutorial, a woman describes how to create balloon animals." ]
[ "Man sits by potter's wheel and uses palms to hit ball of clay in center of wheel.", "A man sits at a pottery wheel and narrates what he is doing.", "A person talks through the process he is going to use to create pottery.", "A man sits himself in front of a clay spinner while talking about what he's doing.", "A young man shows how to use a pottery wheel.", "A man is sitting down to a pottery spinner with a piece of clay.", "A man sits down at a turning wheel and says he is going to make something start to finish.", "A man sits down a pottery wheel and starts talking about it.", "A man sits down in front of a potter's wheel and prepares to make an object.", "a person molds some clay that is in front of him" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating to her viewers the art of decorating a Christmas tree.", "a presenter is decorating a christmas tree with pine cones", "A woman decorating a christmas tree with pine cones and branches.", "a woman putting decorative pine cones into a Christmas tree", "Woman reaches for decorated pine cones on sticks and adds them to a displayed Christmas tree.", "A lady speaks of pinecone ornaments that she uses to dress a tree.", "A woman stands in front of a Christmas tree then shows how to decorate it with pinecones.", "A woman is standing in front of Christmas trees and is showing the different decorations that can go on the tree", "A woman shows how to decorate a Christmas tree with some gold pinecones.", "A professional decorator demonstrates various items that can make a christmas tree look good." ]
[ "A man is performing a magic trick with a set of black cards.", "A boy has someone else cut a deck of cards then handles the cards himself.", "A person performs a card trick using black cards on a green table.", "A guy with black top is playing the card game on the green clothes with others", "At a table someone cuts a deck of cards in half then someone else grabs the cards.", "A person was arranging a card deck on the table with the other boy", "Two people are working with a deck of cards and then split the deck.", "A boy is doing a magic trick with a deck of playing cards.", "Two boys are sitting around a small table demonstrating a card trick.", "Two people together shuffling cards as one young man tries to do a trick" ]
[ "A man is demonstrating how to use a whisk attachment with a drill.", "This man inserts a kitchen whisk attachment into a cordless drill, tightens up the chuck, and then the video ends.", "A man holds a whisk and then attaches it to a cordless drill", "A man is demonstrating how to attach a whisk to a drill", "A man insert a whisker into the mouth of a drilling machine", "A man displays a mixing beater then puts the beater into a cordless drill.", "A man shows a metal whisk and talks about making it more useful, then puts it into a drill", "A man is giving instructions on how to properly attach a tool to his power drill.", "A person is looking to the front and is showing the use of drilling machine", "A man is demonstrating how to turn a cordless drill into a kitchen hand mixer appliance using a metal whisk attachment." ]
[ "A man is using a small sharp knife to cut some potatoes and another man is juggling some bottles at a bar", "A young person is filming his hand while moving his fingers in an out of some shadows.", "A person making a recording of themselves doing weird things with their fingers.", "A young boy waves his fingers back and forth several times.", "A young man making hand movements while standing in his room as he covers the screen", "A person is sitting down and wiggling their fingers on a couch, they are in front of a television.", "A person is waving and wiggling their fingers in different directions.", "A boy is wiggling his fingers in front of the camera.", "A boy waves his fingers in front of the camera.", "A person is talking and moving the fingers of a hand." ]
[ "A person is using the hose to water some plans outside while the sun is shining", "someone is watering their garden with water hose on a suuny day.", "A person is watering plants and a tree that is outside with a hose", "A person is outside spraying a liquid on some plants.", "A person was watering the plants slowly in the center of the plant with hose pipe", "Someone is watering a plant using a hose pipe as they move from plant to a bush.", "A person is seen watering several plants and shrubs with a hose.", "Someone watering plants with a yellow hose in backyard flowerbed.", "Decorative grass is being watered with a hose on a bright sunny day.", "Someone is using a hose to water different plants outside." ]
[ "A older woman is in the middle of the street jumping rope", "A woman tries unsuccessfully to jump rope one leg at a time, then switches to jumping with two legs.", "A woman is outside and she is being filmed jumping rope, there are other people around her and hoola hoops on the sidewalk.", "An older woman is having difficulty jumping over the jump rope.", "Woman outside on a sidewalk jumping rope while people cheer her on.", "An older woman is outside on a playground attempting to try to jump rope.", "A woman jumps rope outside with a beaded jump rope.", "A woman on the street as she tries to perform jumpropes but slipes up once", "An adult lady is trying to show how she can jump rope.", "A woman performs jump rope outdoors on the streets while interacting with other people in background" ]
[ "A room full of women are seen performing yoga poses.", "A group of ladies are doing head stand on their mats in the studio,", "A group of women perform balancing exercises together indoors at the gym.", "Two people do headstands on yoga mats and two others do yoga.", "Women practice various yoga moves on floor mats inside an athletic studio.", "Women do yoga together while inside a studio for this purpose.", "Women are in the gym on mats in yoga pose positions.", "Women are in a gym with mats and doing stretches and exercises.", "At a gym, several women perform a head stand while one loses her balance.", "Several young women are on yoga mats on the floor doing various positions." ]
[ "A woman is beating egg in a coffee mug and adds black pepper powder may be to make an omlette.", "A girl taps her spoon on the edge of a mug filled with a yellow liquid and then pours a sprinkling of salt into the mug.", "A girl stirs liquids in a mug and adds salt and pepper for taste.", "Someone is adding pepper to raw eggs that have been beaten in a coffee cup.", "A spoon is taken out of a cup with beaten eggs in it, then the cup is set infront of a microwave and a female starts talking while putting salt in the cup.", "Fast music is playing while someone scrambles eggs in a mug then adds salt and pepper.", "A person empties a egg in a cup and mixes it with a spoon.", "As music is playing, a person uses a spoon to stir liquid in a mug, and then a woman starts talking while someone pours seasoning in the mug.", "A person is mixing up an egg with pepper in a cup", "Someone scrambled an egg in a cup with a spoon and then their are sprinkling pepper into the cup." ]
[ "A person fails twice while trying to perform a handstand.", "A man using outside and trying to get a running start to do a headstand but cant complete it", "A man is in the backyard attempting to stand on the hands several times.", "A person attempts to walk on their hands outside to music.", "Techno music can be heard while a young man repeatedly and unsuccessfully attempts a handstand on the lawn.", "A man stood on his hands and took a few step towards the monkey", "A person tries to stand upside down and tries twice and a dog is watching it", "A young man attempts to do a cartwheel outside on a lawn.", "A dog is sitting outside and a man is trying to do a handstand.", "A man is outside on the grass trying to do a handstand." ]
[ "A male is laying on the ground next to a bicycle and two other men walk up to see if he is o.k.", "A man rolls over on the ground with his bicycle on top of him.", "A man is riding on a bike in the dirt, he falls over and hurts himself.", "A man on a Bike falls off of it and his friends run over to make sure that he's alright.", "Someone is falling from the bicycle while riding it and his friends are coming to help.", "Boy had wrecked on bike and was laying on ground, two other boys came over to help him.", "Boy falling off his bicycle on top of a mound of sand and dirt.", "A man lays down after falling off his bike in the sand, two other men walk to help him.", "A mans friends help him up after a bad bicycle wreck.", "A person has fallen off of a bike and is on the ground, as two other men go to help him up." ]
[ "Two men together in the hospital where a man tries to communicate with another by using hand gestures", "A man is standing by the bedside of a boy having the boy watch his fingers and try to do the same thing.", "A man in a hospital bed is imitating the hand movements of a man standing next to him.", "A man is with another man in a hospital and is moving his fingers so the sick man can copy his movements.", "A man is lying in a hospital bed while another man is trying to get him to wiggle his fingers.", "A person lie in bed moving has fingers as the man stands beside him moves his fingers.", "A man is holding up fingers for a male patient in a hospital bed, and they are copying his hand movements.", "A person in a hospital bed with lots of equipment attached and a person standing over the bed move their hands in a counting motion together", "A man holds a hand up to a person on a hospital bed and wiggles fingers.", "a man is showing a hospitalized boy how to move his fingers one by one." ]
[ "People play ice hockey at a game with music in the background.", "two teams playing hockey on an ice rink in a stadium", "A group of hockey players are beginning a hockey game to play with one another", "Two hockey players face off as the referee drops the puck, then the players skate around the ice.", "Agroup of young guys are playing a hockey game in a hockey field", "Two competing hockey players fight for the puck after the referee drops it on the ice.", "a team of hockey players standing on ice playing hockey", "A hockey referee is dropping the puck between two hockey players", "The hockey players are hitting the puck around on the ice.", "Two teams of people are playing ice hockey on an indoor rink." ]
[ "A painter is shown painting a house with a roller on a long handle.", "A man uses a long roller brush to paint an exterior white wall.", "A guy with white top and cap is painting on the surface of the house in a sunny day.", "A man cleaning the building very clearly using the cleaning stick.", "A man is cleaning the outside walls of a house.", "A person is painting the side of a house with a long extender paint roller.", "A man demonstrates painting the outside of a house with a paint roller.", "A man uses a paint roller to touch up the side of a house.", "A man uses a roller on a pole to paint the exterior of a house.", "A male is painting the side of a wooden house using a long pole with a roller at the end." ]
[ "A young girl is shown jumping, then she does acrobatic cartwheels and back flips.", "A gril in a pink shirt and black shorts jumps and twirls and tumbles", "A small girl was jumping and doing the summer salt on the ground in the sunlight", "A girl is doing jumps and flips, and then runs and does a tumbling routine on the grass.", "A person is seen jumping, rolling, and then somersaulting on the grass.", "Little girl in a pink shirt twirling acrobatically in the backyard of a house.", "A girl is outside jumping on a trampoline doing flips in the air", "A woman runs upand down outside on the grass,practicing gymnastic routines", "A young girl jumps on a trampoline and then does several back flips in a row in a yard.", "A young girl is outside performing spins and flips on a trampoline." ]
[ "A person was printing some cards by placing one after another", "A person is show putting envelopes under a machine that automatically stamps them.", "A person uses a machine to do something to some paper objects repeatedly", "A person inserts paper into a machine in order to imprint it with something.", "a traditional printing press printing cards with manual help.", "A person is placing cards underneath some type of machine that stamps the cards.", "A machine stamps out paper while some one loads the machine.", "A person is placing pieces of paper in a printing machine.", "A worker feeds several sheets of paper into a machine.", "A person is inserting pieces of paper into an automatic printing machine." ]
[ "A woman sneezes and then makes her eyes big in shock.", "A woman sneezes and makes a funny face into the camera.", "A girl sneezes into the camera and briefly stares nervously.", "Woman in a black shirt sneezing loudly which startles her and scares her.", "A woman holds her hair while sneezing, then opens her eyes wide.", "A young woman facing the camera sneezes and looks very surprised.", "A brown haired girl holding her hair up while she sneezes.", "A woman sneezes and the makes a funny face afterwards.", "A woman records herself looking into the camera and then sneezes.", "A beautiful girl with black hair has a big sneeze." ]
[ "A man is doing some tap dancing inside of a dance studio.", "A man is practicing his tap dancing moves in a studio.", "A person says go ahead and go then a man starts to tap dance on the hardwood floor.", "A tap dancer's feet are filmed showing of his moves.", "A person records another person tap dancing and zooms in on their feet.", "A man is tap dancing in a room by himself.", "A man is tap dancing and a woman is speaking in the background.", "A person begins quickly tap dancing on a wooden floor", "A man wearing tap shoes taps his feet on a floor repeatedly.", "A man is tap dancing on a wooden floor and a lady watches." ]
[ "A toddler is jumping on the small trampoline as her brother tries to join her.", "The little girl is jumping on the trampoline, and the little boy is putting his hands on it at the same time.", "A baby girl is bouncing on a trampoline while a toddler boy is laying on the trampoline near her feet.", "A little child is jumping on a trapeze while another person holds onto the mat", "A girl is playing on a small trampoline while a boy is lying down next to her, and is being encouraged by the adults to jump.", "A small toddler girl jumps on a trampoline as a boy lays at her feet.", "A baby girl is having fun jumping on a small trampoline.", "A girl jumps slightly while holding onto a balancing bar.", "A toddler is jumping up and down on a trampoline while a sibling tries to catch her.", "A young toddler jumps up and down while hanging onto a bar." ]
[ "A person applies a spinning buffer machine to a flat surface set on a table.", "A person puts a part over a cylindrical section of a tool.", "A man is applying a rollar onto a tool then applies little force and rolls on the piece of glass.", "A person attaches a grinder wheel to a piece of hand held equipment and then begins grinding across a table.", "Worker holds electric machine, inserts a hollow cylinder over a tube, and guides machine along surface.", "A polishing device is attached to a machine and begins to polish metal on the table.", "A person is setting up a machine to polish a piece of metal.", "A buffing and grinding tool is demonstrated on a sheet of metal.", "A person places a polishing pad on an electric hand tool then polishes a surface.", "A machine that buffs a metal to a shine and a person using it." ]
[ "A man indicates how the glue should be placed to repair the rubber casing for bicycles.", "A man is demonstrating how to fix a hole in a tire tube.", "A man is demonstrating the proper technique on using glue to repair a inner tube.", "A guy is dabbing his finger on the glue while glue is dry on the black hose to fix the hose", "A person is pressing their finger on a piece of rubber and explaining why he is doing it.", "A man is demonstrating how to seal a hole in tyre tubing using a wet sealant on which he dabs a finger before it dries.", "A man giving close-up instructions on how to fix a puncture.", "A young man tries to repair a hole in a inner tube of a tire.", "A man talks in the background with music poking at a rubber item.", "Someone is pointing at some sort of paste into something that looks like leather." ]
[ "A person from fire rescue shows how to tie a complex looking knot.", "A woman showing how she creates a knott by using string then credits play", "A man is attempting to fashion an intricate knot in a large orange rope.", "A person is putting three knots in a rope and then he keeps the rope as it is", "A man is showing how to tie a special kind of knot.", "A person is making knots in a large orange rope.", "A man demonstrates how to tie a complex knot in a piece of rope.", "A person demonstrates how to finish tying a knot in a rope", "A man tieing a knot in a red rope with two hands.", "A man is performing how he can make a knot with rope." ]
[ "A family is playing a board game and the mom wants to win.", "A group of people sit around a table and play a board game together.", "A group of people are playing a board game, one person throws the dice and moves their game piece into place.", "A group of people are sitting at a table playing the game Monopoly.", "A dark recording of a family together playing monopoly as a woman rolls a die and moves her token", "A woman is playing monopoly with her friends and talking about jail.", "A group of ladies, one is throwing dice and making a move during a game of Monopoly.", "A group of people are playing monoply while they roll the dice.", "Some people are playing a board game and someone rolls the dice and says he won't roll doubles.", "A person rolled a dice on the monopoly board while other around the table watched" ]
[ "There is a large drilling machine and then the camera pans over to one of the machines gauges.", "Workers on a construction site with a large ground drill.", "People preparing a drilling machine to be plunged in to the earth.", "huge machine to dig the soil to extract water or oil in a beach.", "A giant drilling machine runs and the camera then pans to show a gauge on the machine.", "A person shows a large three headed drill and a gauge on the machine.", "A three headed drilling machine is on a beach as a person looks at a guage", "A group of construction workers are walking while another is looking at the machine gauge.", "a heavy drilling machine is running outdoors as people are working.", "The men and the machine are digging huge holes into the ground to prepare for construction." ]
[ "Young girl attempting to demonstrate how to properly learn to ride a bike.", "Adult misadventures arise when revisiting bicycle lessons as a child.", "A voice talks on camera as a few instances of someone falling from a bike are shown.", "A lady is demonstrating how to ride a bike without falling.", "A woman falls off a bike, then rides a bike without falling.", "A girl is demonstrating how to ride a bike without falling.", "A girl is trying to ride her bike and falls several times.", "A women is teaching how to ride a bike with out falling and to use a helmet.", "A young girl is demonstrating how to ride a bike without falling and she does that while someone is talking about it.", "A lady falls down twice while trying to ride a bicycle but at the end successfully does it." ]
[ "A young boy is learning to ice skate and using a crutch to help him.", "A boy is using an assistive device to skate in a skating rink.", "A young kid using a support to ice skate on the rink.", "A little boy uses a crutch to learn how to ice skate.", "Little boy using a metal balancing device to keep from falling in an ice rink.", "A boy jump and ice skates while holding on to a walker of some kind.", "A boy is holding onto some pipes that are helping him learn how to skate.", "A group of people are ice skating on an indoor rink.", "Boy using a handrail to guide him while ice skating in a rink.", "People are skating at an ice rink and a little boy is skating along using a guide bar." ]
[ "A group of musicians including an accordion player perform on a stage.", "A man with a band of men, plays the accordion while the others hold their instruments and dance", "A man with an accordion is playing with a band on stage.", "a band of musicians are dancing and singing on the stage", "A Spanish flavor band performs on a stage at night with lights and other special effects.", "A band plays live music on a stage with flashing lights, and an accordion player takes center stage.", "A group of musicians dance and play instruments on stage.", "A group of dancing musicians on stage during a latino music performance.", "A band with five musicians is playing for an audience, using various musican instruments a lively dance music which they also dance to on the stage.", "A group of men are on stage dancing and playing with their instruments." ]
[ "Kids break dance and goof off in a stage area to music, as the audience screams.", "A group of people performing a dance in front of an audience.", "Four people do a dance on a wooden stage while an audience cheers.", "Four guys with black top and bottom are dancing on the wooden floor of the stage with others cheering for them", "A group of young men practice their break dancing in front of a crowd while loud music plays.", "A group of four men breakdance to music on a small stage while a crowd cheers", "A group of boys break-dance on a low stage in front of an audience", "Four teenage boys are shown break dancing while people cheer for them.", "There are several guys break dancing while girls watching them are screaming and cheering.", "At a dance studio people are break dancing and screaming wildly." ]
[ "A young child puts their eye up to a toy microscope.", "A boy concentrates intensely while looking at a slide under a microscope.", "A young child aspiring scientist is looking under the eyepiece of a toy microscope.", "A boy is looking into a colorful microscope standing on a table.", "The little boy is looking threw his toy microscope, checking out the slide that is has attached.", "A boy looking into a microscope, turning a lever on it and looks in it again.", "A child looks through a toy microscope while a recorded trivia question is playing.", "A young boy is looking at something through a microscope while someone is talking.", "A boy looks into a child's microscope while wearing a white uniform.", "A boy looks down the lens of a microscope at a table." ]
[ "A man with pliers and a hook attempt to attack wires into a fishing hook", "A man is making a fishing lure out of a hook and some string.", "A bunch of minute thread is being stitched on to an edge of a pointed tip", "A man is making a lure with a fish hook and some fuzzy material and talking about it.", "Someone has a insect sitting on a tool and is picking with it", "A person is showing how to make a fly bait for fly fishing.", "A man shows how to make a fly fishing hook for fishing.", "Hand are seen using tools to hold and tie off a lure on a fishing hook.", "A person works on fine threads using metallic tools to pinch.", "A person is creating a fishing leur, winding a string round and round it." ]
[ "A person is on an indoor mechanical bull and goes for a ride", "A woman is riding a mechanical bull with her arm in the air.", "A person successfully rides the full cycle of a mechanical bull in a nightclub.", "A woman is riding a mechanical bull, with their arm and hand up in the air.", "A person is riding an electric bull that is moving really fast and holding tight into it", "A woman is in a cllub and is riding a electric bull without falling.", "A man is in a bar riding a mechanical bull with loud music playing.", "In a building a woman is riding a mechanical bull that is spinning in circles.", "A lady is riding on a mechanical bull in a dark bar.", "A woman is riding an electric bull and holding on with all her might." ]
[ "A boy on a riding lawnmower in the street pulls up next to the camera and then proceeds past it.", "Outside, a man rides a go cart down the street away from the camera.", "A cycle rider is passed by a boy riding on a mini tractor as he rides down a street", "A young man riding a riding lawn mower down the road.", "A man is riding a mini lawn mower down the street.", "A person is riding on a small four wheeler down the street.", "A boy is driving a small tractor down a street.", "A man is riding a small tractor down a street, while someone else looks on.", "Man riding a lawnmower down a road wearing a helmet and a white shirt.", "A young man wearing a helmet riding a lawnmower down the road." ]
[ "There are two people outside smashing a gingerbread house, they are using hammer and one of them says \"that was awesome\" at the end of the video.", "The two kids are in the woods, smashing concrete with each other and a mallet.", "Two kids are breaking a gingerbread house with hammers in the yard.", "Two children are keeping themselves busy outside by taking a hammer and smashing some decorated wooden blocks.", "Two boys hit gingerbread on the grass with small sledgehammers.", "Two people use axes to chop a gingerbread house into small pieces.", "Two people smash a gingerbread house with sledge hammers.", "Some kids destroy a gingerbread house with their hammers while outdoors.", "Two people with hammers are breaking apart tiles by hitting them.", "Two children smash a gingerbread house to pieces using hammers" ]
[ "A person is using a hammer with a sharp edge to indent a piece of wood", "Hand tools are being used to carve out wood on a frame.", "A person uses a mallet and a chisel to cut a joint in a piece of wood", "Someone is using a hammer and other tools to make a hole in a piece of wood.", "Person pounding on a tool with a hammer that is held in a clamp.", "A person is using a chisel to chisel out a hole in a piece of wood.", "A person is using hand tools to do wood work.", "Worker positions flat tool vertically over square opening and uses mallet to bang on tool handle.", "A person is using a chisel and hammer to make a hole in wood", "A person is hammering a chisel into a piece of wood on a table." ]
[ "A woman is showing how to make oversize ribbon pieces to decorate a Christmas tree.", "A woman demonstrating how to put garland on a tree.", "A woman puts a ribbon decoration on a Christmas tree.", "A woman cutting ribbon to decorate a Christmas tree.", "A woman is cutting a ribbon and then placing it on the christmas tree.", "A woman holds and cuts a ribbon before placing it on a tree whle she gives instructions.", "An old woman is cutting ribbons with scissors to use to decorate a christmas tree.", "A woman is giving instruction on how to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon.", "A woman cuts up a decoration piece as she puts it on a Christmas tree.", "A woman is hanging bows she made on a Christmas tree." ]
[ "A person with scuba diving gear scuba dives on the floor of a body of water.", "An underwater diver using a sea scooter to view a shipwreck.", "A man holds onto a steering wheel of an underwater type of machine while diving before he meets up with another diver.", "A man in scuba gear is being pulled through the water while fun music plays.", "Diver s diving in the deep water with torch on and loud music is play in the background", "A guy under water scuba diving holding onto something, and looks like by a ship or something underwater.", "A man is scuba diving in the ocean, he is holding something that drags him through the water.", "A man is in under water in scuba diving gear with a flashlight.", "The man is undewater scuba diving and moving around with a motorized wheel.", "People are scuba diving in the ocean and someone is holding onto a tank that is pulling him." ]
[ "In front of a picture an man demonstrates how to sharpen a large knife with a sharpening stick.", "A man in black calmly demonstrates the proper way to sharpen a knife.", "a man is showing how to sharpen knife on a knife sharpener.", "A man shows how to sharpen a knife while explaining the right way to do it.", "a man looks at the camera and talks with a picture behind him", "A man with a shaved head sharpens a large silver knife.", "A man shows how to manually sharpen a knife using a hom to do it with.", "A man standing in front of a tattoo'd photograph demonstrates sharpening a knife.", "A man is standing in front of a picture holding a knife showing how to sharpen it on a metal rod.", "A man is talking and he is sharpening a large knife." ]
[ "Several people dressed in old uniform costumes march down a street,", "People dressed in period costumes are marching in a parade.", "A group of people are walking on the street in a war type of parade on a sunny day.", "People wearing costumes beat drums and march in a street parade.", "A group of people in civil war type uniformsare walking through the streets with a band, in costume, leadin the way.", "People dressed in different uniforms march in the street as drums are beaten.", "A arge group of people dressed up in military uniform marching for a war", "A crowd of people dressed in historical costume march through while beating drums and holding guns.", "A large amount of people are dressed up has early colonists to the new world.", "Several people walk in a parade beating on drums and holding guns." ]
[ "A young child is harnessed and jumping on a trampoline", "A young girl jumps on a traplione with a harness hooked to her.", "A SMALL CHILD STRAPPED INTO A HARNESS JUMPS ON AN INDOOR TRAMPOLINE.", "A smiling, young man watches as he holds ropes that apparently support a child that is strapped to those same ropes, as she jumps up and down on a trampoline.", "A little kid is strapped into a jumping trampoline machine.", "A little kid is jumping on a trampoline connected to two rope lines.", "A young child is jumping on a trampoline while being suspended by two bungee cords.", "Inside of a mall area, a man watches a child jump on a trampoline with secure fasteners around her waist.", "A child jumps on a trampoline while two people walk, and one person handles hanging ropes.", "A young child jumps on a trampoline while wearing a harness." ]
[ "A young man sitting on his motorbike snapping his fingers.", "A man snaps his fingers while sitting on a motorbike next to a street.", "A young man is sitting on a motorcycle and snapping his hands.", "A boy, sitting down is reading something and then he looks up and clicks his fingers and smiles.", "A man, who is sitting on a motor cycle on the side of the road, snaps his fingers.", "A young man sits on a motorbike and snaps his fingers while someone talks.", "A guy sitting on a motorcycle snaps his fingers as people walk by.", "A man is sitting on a motorcycle and snapping his fingers.", "A young man on a motorcycle snaps his fingers as traffic drives around him.", "A man is sitting on a scooter talking and snapping his fingers." ]
[ "A boy is showcasing his beat boxing capabilities in his bed room.", "A young boy is making techno music sounds into his hands.", "A kid stands in a room and holds his hands to his mouth as he beatboxes.", "A young boy is making noises with his hands that are cupped over his mouth.", "A boy is doing some beat boxing that sounds like dub step.", "A boy has his hands covering his mouth as he makes musical sounds with his mouth.", "A man is trying to do beat boxing with his hands on his mouth.", "A boy is covering his mouth with his hands to use them to make music.", "A boy is sittting on the floor next to his bed beatboxing.", "A boy is using his hands to make beat boxing noises with his mouth." ]
[ "A teenage boy swings on a rope over a mud pit while people cheer.", "The boy is holding onto the rope, and he swings across the water and lets go on the other side.", "A young man holds onto a rope and swings across a water pit", "A group of people watch a young man swing on a rope and jump off.", "Two men grab a rope and one swings from the rope across a mud pit to the other side.", "A teenage boy swings with a rope across a large muddy pond.", "A man swings on a rope across some water as people cheer for him.", "A young man is using a rope to swing across a man made puddle of mud.", "A man in an orange t-shirt is about to swing across some water using a rope which he successfully does.", "A young man swings on a rope across a ditch to the cheers of onlookers." ]
[ "Someone is cleaning the dust on the slab of a wall with cloth very slowly", "A person in clening in a particular area a using in clath and in claing in a place is white", "A man wipes the outside of a rain gutter clean using a rag.", "A man wipes mildew and dirt from some gutters in this interesting and informative vignette.", "A person showing you how to wipe your gutters to make them nice and white.", "A man is using a towel to wipe dirt from a gutter, while he speaks about the procedure", "A man is cleaning a gutter on a roof while describing the process.", "Someone is cleaning the filthy gutters of an outdoor roof.", "A man cleans the gutter of a rooftop with a hand-held cloth to remove the dirt and grime.", "a person is using a piece of cloth to clean and remove the dirt from the shin of the house" ]
[ "a group of people cheering and laughing while a man is putting a knife down his throat.", "A man is swallowing a knife at a wedding reception for entertainment.", "An older man in a banquet type area downs something into his mouth as the attendees cheer.", "In a group of people a man swallows a sword and people are snapping pictures,", "A man is swallowing a sword as others encourage him.", "A man stands up holding a metal object and then lifts it above his head covering his mouth with his hand.", "A gentleman stands up at a gathering and does a knife swallowing act.", "An elderly man attempting a party trick of swallowing a knife.", "Man lifts hand to partially hide face as he uses other hand to lower sword toward mouth.", "an elderly man with an object as he tries to squish it or eat it people cheer him on" ]