[ "A woman is getting her neck massaged while she lays on a table.", "a woman lying on her back is getting her neck stretched and messaged by someone using their arm.", "A woman is receiving a massage with gentle stretching.", "A woman is lying down with her eyes closed and someone behind her is pushing her neck all the way to the left.", "A woman is lying on her back on a table and is having her neck stretched by a masseuse.", "A woman's head is being lifted and stretched during a massage.", "A lady is receiving a massage while laying in a table in the back of her neck.", "a person receives a relaxing massage to the neck.", "A person is massaging a woman's neck that is laying on a bed with a towel on top of her.", "A women is having her neck massaged and stretched by a massage therapist." ]
[ "A woman sits in a chair and sings a minstrel song as a lady next to her plays a Lute.", "A woman sits and sings, accompanied by another woman playing the lute", "Two women display a musical performance in a music hall.", "A woman plays a guitar-like instrument while another women is sitting next to her singing.", "A woman is singing a song while another woman next to her plays a banjo", "A woman sings while another woman plays a stringed instrument.", "Two women are performing while sitting on benches, one playing a stringed instrument and the other singing.", "A lady is singing a song and another lady is playing a guitar simultaneously", "Two women are sitting and one is playing a banjo and the other one is singing.", "a woman with short hair is singing sitting on a chair while another woman plays an instrument." ]
[ "A young girl places a woman's feet into water and the woman cries while the girl talks to her.", "A woman is sitting in a chair and wiping away her tears as another woman is washing her feet", "The lady is washing the feet of someone who is in tears as they do it.", "A lady is preparing wash another girls feet while she sits in a chair.", "Two females are briefly talking then one woman places another woman's right foot into a basin.", "A woman is sitting down and having another woman knelt down before her and puts her feet into a bucket.", "A woman is trying on shoes on another woman sitting in a white plastic chair.", "A woman sitting in a chair in front of another women kneeling who starts to wash her feet.", "A woman prepares to wash another woman's feet in a basin while four people look on.", "A woman sits in a chair while another woman washes her feet." ]
[ "A little boy is brushing his teeth in the bathroom all by himself.", "A little boy is standing at the sink in a bathroom brushing his teeth.", "A little boy is standing at the sink and brushing his teeth.", "A little boy brushes his teeth in front of a mirror while his mom encourages him.", "A young boy is standing in front of a mirror and brushing his teeth with a toothbrush.", "A little boy brushes his teeth with a toothbrush in the mirror.", "A person is standing in front of the camera and is brushing his teeth", "A child uses a toothbrush to brush his teeth while talking", "A kid is cleaning his teeth with a brush and a woman is talking to him.", "A little boy is learning to brush his teeth while his mother provides positive reinforcement." ]
[ "Toddler crawls to grabs toy from corner, kneels to scratch wall with toy, and stands to reach for toy after throwing toy on table.", "A small baby is playing with a colorful round toy.", "Baby crawling across the floor to get a ball and then throws it on the table.", "A baby crawls on a floor, grabs a ball and tosses it.", "A little baby crawling, grabbing a toy, rubbing it on the wall and throwing it.", "A young baby plays on the floor with a ball and throws it on a bed and stands up fast.", "A baby is crawling on the floor and playing with a ball.", "a baby boy playing with a plastic ball on the floor with a cabinet", "A baby is crawling on the floor and playing with a toy.", "On a wood floor, a baby is playing with a ball." ]
[ "Boy trying to do a handstand on a skateboard on the cement.", "A boy attempts a skateboarding trick, but then he falls.", "A teenage boy hand stands on his skateboard for a while before falling on his buttocks.", "A man holds himself upside down on a skateboard for a moment and then falls.", "A teenager is practicing his skateboard trick in a parking lot.", "A young boy does a hand stand on a skateboard and falls but cheers anyways, another kid laughs.", "A boy attempts a handstand on a skateboard and it hits him in the face.", "A young man performs a handstand on a skateboard and falls down.", "A guy stands on his hands on his skateboard then gets hit by it as he comes down.", "A man in a parking lot doing a handstand on a skate board and falling over." ]
[ "A woman is sitting in the passenger side of a car and is shifting a joystick", "A woman sings along to a song playing on the car stereo.", "A person in a car sings along to a song on the radio and points at the stick shift", "A woman sits in a car's driver seat and then shifts gears as she sings.", "A lady with a lot of make up on and a pony tail on the top of her head is pulling the gears of the car", "A girl is singing to music while driving a standard car.", "A female passenger sings along to the radio in a car.", "A girl is driving a stick shift car and driving while talking to the camera.", "A young sings going down a road and shifting girls while driving.", "A woman in a vehicle lip syncs and repeatedly touches the gear shift." ]
[ "Several young men are seated at a poker table playing a hand of poking and talking to each other.", "A few people are playing cards on a poker table and talking to one another.", "A group of young people play cards together and talk.", "Teenage boys play poker in house with cards facing up in a row and being tapped.", "Teenage boys are sitting around a poker table arguing over a mathematical problem.", "A group of boys are playing poker at a poker table.", "A group of boys are sitting around a table with a deck of cards, playing a game, and arguing about the scores.", "A group of teenagers are playing cards at a table with gambling chips.", "A group of people are playing cards and arguing about the rules.", "Young people play poker at a table while chatting together." ]
[ "A boy is explaining how to make a fishing lure.", "A person instructing on how to wrap a certain wire around the bottom of another piece to make a fishing lure.", "A person is talking while delicately wrapping thin string around a fly.", "A boy demonstrates how to make a custom fishing lure.", "A person twines a string or cord around a piece of fishing bait suspended in a machine.", "A man is using a special tool to wrap up something around Allure that is being hooked up to a fishing hook", "A boy is speaking about his actions as he is using a tool in one hand to craft something, as a machine holds the object of craftsmanship.", "A boy secures strings with another string by tightly binding the end.", "A person is demonstrating how to make a fishing fly with string.", "A boy is wrapping round and round on a fishing fly hook." ]
[ "A woman is outside holding her dog down with two ropes on the grass.", "A person is moving a realistic dog puppet using sticks.", "A person has a large dog on two ropes try to train the dog.", "A man controls a realistic looking marionette of a dog, controlling its head and body.", "Outside a person is with a dog, they get the dog to sit down and they hold him with two leads, while an unseen person is talking.", "A man is holding a dog with a rope, while the dog sits still on the ground.", "A person demonstrates the head movements on a fake stuffed dog.", "A dog is kneeling down while someone stands behind them with two ropes", "A dog with its front down and back up is shown in a field with its owner.", "A dog held by a man on a leash is shown from all sides." ]
[ "A group of people walk along the street and a boy runs into the street.", "a little kid is carrying a large school bag and walking with a group of other people", "A little boy is recorded jay walking by someone as they joke together.", "A young boy wearing a back pack is told to jay walk on a residential street and an adult it talking to him.", "People walk down the street with a dog on a leash while a boy puts his sweater around his shoulders and runs out into the road.", "A young boy is goaded into jaywalking across a street.", "A young boy is video taped J walking across the street.", "A young boy walking and covers his head with coat than takes off running across the street.", "A young boy places a jacket over his head before running across the road.", "A boy is talked to about jaywalking, and he says okay then makes like he's going to jaywalk." ]
[ "A crowded area is seen in front of a store before cutting to a womans face.", "A large crowd is waiting in line and a woman is making faces while she waits.", "A people crowd were standing some where and some people show some action with their hands by shaking", "A hallway is crowded with peopl as far as the eye can see.", "In a crowded area, a man waves to the camera and the woman filming turns the camera towards herself.", "The camera is panning over a large crowd outside of a store.", "a man is raising his hand and talking in a crowd standing in the mall", "In a crowd of people a man waves at the camera and then the camera turns and a woman claws at the camera.", "A huge crowed of people stand outside while a girl eats food.", "A crowd of people stand in a mall shopping area." ]
[ "A women is showing how she scratches her Afro hair with a hair pick.", "a woman is using a hand massager and putting it through her hair to massage her head", "A women uses a hair pick on her hair and head for an itching scalp.", "A woman wearing a blue vest uses a hair pick on her afro hairstyle.", "A woman is is using metal sticks to comb and itch her scalp.", "A woman is using a manual device to massage her head while speaking.", "A woman is using a whisk to style her hair while speaking.", "A woman is poking her afro with a pick and talking about it.", "An african american woman wearing a blue shirt picks her afro.", "A person uses a head scratching massage tool on their head." ]
[ "Three women are sitting around talking with each other and giggling.", "A man is explaining something about a young girls hair which is funny to the older woman.", "a man was saying something to a lady sitting at a table that made her laugh but the girl in the pink jacket didn't laugh", "Two women are staring at each other as a man mumbles in the background and one woman bursts into laughter.", "A man is talking while two girls stare at each other and start laughing.", "A group of three people talk in a different language and laugh.", "In a home two women are seated and having a conversation", "Two girls are looking at each other while a man tells a joke.", "Two women are talking while someone stands behind the girl with a pony tail.", "A guy adjust a girls side of her head then another girl in front of her starts laughing out loud." ]
[ "A shirtless baby with cake all over his face and chest continues to eat cake.", "A baby was eating the cake by making that as a mesh up and dirty every where", "A baby eats a cake and makes a mess as adults laugh.", "A baby appears to be enjoying some birthday cake while others watch in awe.", "Baby stting in a chair eating a piece of cake that is smeared all over his face.", "A baby is sitting in a chair and has birthday cake all over their body.", "A baby sitting in a high chair has cake all over his face, arms and chest.", "A baby with food on its face is in a high chair is eating a smashed cake", "A little baby is making a mess of his birthday cake and the elders are enjoying it.", "A small child on a baby seat is creating a mess as he tries to eat and adults mill around." ]
[ "A man is talking as he sits on the driver's side of a car.", "A man starts up a car and talks about the car", "A young man starts the ignition of his car and proceeds to explain something in a foreign language.", "A man in siting on the car seat and car in starting in key and intruducing in drving he waring in seat belt", "A man turns the key in the ignition, starting a car and then turns the wheel.", "A young man is sitting inside a car behind the wheel talking", "A man turns on his car and puts it in gear while speaking a foreign language.", "A man turns on a car and speaks about it before he leaves away.", "A man starts a car, speaks in a foreign langugae, looks around, and then back at the camera.", "A man sitting in a car turns the key to start the engine, then moves the gear shift." ]
[ "A woman is practicing golf strokes while another woman watches her.", "A woman is doing golf shots as another woman observes her.", "A woman practicing her golf swing while another woman helps", "Two women at a golf green are working on their chip shots.", "Two women stand on a golf course, then one woman putts a ball, then the same woman points in the direction the ball went", "A woman is flipping a golf ball while another is watching her.", "Two woman are practicing hitting golf balls on the golfing range.", "Two women are on a golf course, one of the women is hitting a ball.", "A woman practices her chipping skills while an instructor supervises.", "Two woman are playing golf and taking turns putting onto the green." ]
[ "An instruction video of a man balancing his legs on an exercise ball.", "Someone is holding himself up with his legs supported by a medicine ball as someone narrates.", "A man is explaining while another demonstrates how to do a push using an exercise ball propped up under your chins.", "A man is in a room demonstrating how to use a exercise ball.", "The man is explaining and showing how to do exercise ball pull-ups.", "A muscular man is demonstrating how to do an exercise ball pull-in.", "A man is placing his shins on an exercise ball with the rest of his body fully extended.", "A man is displaying an exercise move using an exercise ball.", "A man is following instructions and doing pull ups with an exercise ball.", "A man is demonstrating how to do an exercise by pulling a yoga ball in with your legs." ]
[ "A woman is smiling as she lifts some weights as another person talks.", "A man performs commentry on a female performing dumbell excersices.", "a lady is smiling in front of the camera and lifting some weights too", "A woman does some lateral raises with dumbbells as a man describes what she is doing.", "A woman shows how to exercise her shoulders with dumbells.", "A woman holding a free weight in each hand raises her arms to the side then to the front.", "In a living room a female is holding weights in her hands then she raises her arms up at the sides then at the front while an unseen male is explaining what she is doing.", "A woman in a tutorial for an exercise video as she uses dumbbells to exercise her shoulders", "A woman is standing in her living rooming exercising with dumbells", "A woman is in a living room and doing a lateral raise combo." ]
[ "A man wearing a hat is showing how to hit a golf ball.", "a man is talking and demonstrating how to swing a golf club", "A man stands opposite a golf ball, he places a gold club behind the ball and places his right hand between the top of the club and his stomach.", "A man standing on a golf green gives a demonstration on proper stance.", "In a golf course a person is showing how to properly line the golf ball and hit it", "A man is showing how to drive a golf ball off a tee.", "A man is demonstrating and explaining how to set up for driving a golf ball.", "A man is shown golfing on a green and talks about what he's doing as he lines up his shot.", "A guy is on a golf course lining the ball and preparing to swing.", "A man is describing how to hold a golf club." ]
[ "A mail person pulls their truck into the driveway and throws a package at the house.", "A post man drives up to a drive way and throws the package out of truck.", "A mail truck pulls up a driveway and the mail man gets ready to get out.", "A man driving a mail truck slowly moves up a street and throws a package out of his open window.", "A US Postal Service truck slowly approaches and the worker insides tosses a cardboard box toward a driveway.", "A United States postal service mail truck drives up, and a man tosses a package out of the truck.", "A mail truck is driving down the street very slow", "A mail man in his car driving up a driveway and tossing a newspaper out the window.", "A mail truck drives up and the worker tosses a package on the sidewalk.", "A Postal office truck driver drives up to a residence and throws a package to the residence." ]
[ "A person rolls around in a wheelchair with one of the small wheels on fire.", "A person in a wheel chair rides around with their wheel on fire.", "Man in wheelchair moves himself through room while flames burn on small, front wheel.", "A man is riding a wheelchair, that is on fair, in circles.", "A man is moving around in a wheelchair that has fire on one of it's wheels.", "A person is whirling a wheelchair in circles, trying to put out a small fire on the front right wheel.", "A person in a wheelchair tries to extinguish a small fire on one of the wheels.", "A person sits in a wheelchair and moves it around while there is a light on the lower part of the chair.", "People are laughing while a person in a wheelchair wheels around and a small fire is going off on one of the tires.", "A girl seems amused as a man demonstrates his agility in a wheel chair." ]
[ "A little girl with a binkie gets her hair shampooed at a salon.", "A young girl is laid back in a sink while someone washes her hair.", "A young girl sucking on a pacifier is getting her hair shampoo in a salon.", "A toddler sits in a beauty salon chair with their hair getting washed in a sink as she holds her binky in her mouth.", "A toddler sucking on a pacifier, while having his/her hair shampooed.", "A little girl with a pacifier in her mouth is getting her hair washed at a salon.", "A small child at a salon is getting her hair washed.", "A young boy who is sucking on a soother, is getting his hair washed over a wash basin by another person.", "A child is seated while an adult is shampooing the child's hair.", "A little girl is getting her hair professionally washed while sucking on her pacifier." ]
[ "A baby lifts itself up on it's hands and feet in a crawl position, shrieks, and tries to crawl towards a man lying on the floor", "A baby tries to crawl and chatters while its dad watches.", "A baby in a green overall crawls on the middle of the floor to an adult.", "A kid is crawling and screaming and there is a man lying down and looking at her while laughing.", "A baby is making noises and crawling towards a man.", "A young baby boy and his dad together as he watches his son try to stand up", "A baby makes sounds and crawls on hands and feet toward a man in a room with toys.", "A little baby is crawling on the wooden floor to a man", "A baby tries to crawl to a man laying down across from him.", "A baby is trying to crawl on the floor, while another man watches the baby." ]
[ "A boy showing his skills at juggling a soccer ball with his legs and feet.", "A boy stands in the middle of a park as he does kick ups with a football.", "A boy trying to continually kick a soccer ball upwards in order to avoid it touching the ground while another child is laughing in the background.", "A boy kicks a soccer ball up in the air while standing in the same spot.", "A boy repeatedly kicks a soccer ball in the air to prevent it from touching the ground.", "A boy bouncing a soccer ball on his knees outside.", "A child holds a soccer ball in the air without touching the ground, kicking it with both feet and knees.", "Footage of a young man doing tricks with a soccer ball.", "A boy in a sports field plays with a ball, only using his legs.", "A boy juggles a soccer ball on his foot while standing in the grass." ]
[ "A man is hitting a cylinder shaped object on a black flat item.", "a man is resting his arm holding a stone on his leg and uses an object to strike it repeatedly", "A person is striking a flint against a rock, multiple times.", "A man sitting in his room and holding two objects in his hand", "A man strikes a black rock repeatedly with a piece of metal and plastic.", "A man is tapping the end of a shot gun bullet to something.", "A man is holding a black object in one hand, and hitting the edge of it with a metallic object.", "Person taps a capped tube along an oval stone to make a beat.", "A guy is making sparks by scraping the metal end of something on the edge of a piece of black onyx.", "A man is hitting a piece of rock with a tool many times." ]
[ "A young man is juggling three tennis balls in an empty lot.", "A man makes a sound and is juggling three tennis balls.", "A young man is wearing a jacket and knit cap while juggling balls.", "A boy wearing a dark shirt and cap is juggling a bew balls.", "A man is standing outside and juggling and even throwing up all three at once.", "A man is seen outside a building performing some juggling tricks.", "A man juggls three apples outside while using many different styles.", "A man is juggling three tennis balls in a parking garage.", "A person is indoors in a large room, and juggling 3 tennis balls", "A man in his living room practicing juggling various objects with his hands then he stops" ]
[ "A man is cutting designs into a pineapple and trying to sell it to the photographer.", "A man is seen slicing off the outer parts of a pineapple placed on a board.", "A man is cutting chunks out of a pineapple he is holding outside on a table.", "A man stands on the beach and demonstrates fancy way to cut a pineapple.", "A person is using a special sharp knife and making a sculpture out of a large piece of pineapple", "A man cuts a pineapple and makes grooves in it as he talks to another man.", "An man wearing a hat is cutting a design into a pineapple.", "A man is cutting pineapples for a person on a table outside in the sunlight.", "A man is holding a knife and carving up a pineapple.", "A man is cutting up a pineapple as he asks an inaudible question before a man explains he can't cut." ]
[ "A woman at a circus is practicing on the trapeze.", "A woman holds onto a bar and jumps off a cliff to swing around.", "A woman swings indoors on a acrobatic rope while wearing a harness.", "A woman is practicing her trapeze routine under blue lighting.", "A woman learning the trapeze flies out after a woman on the platform gets her ready.", "A trapeze artist rocks back and forth while holding a bar.", "A person attempts some trapeze tricks by swinging back and forth", "A woman on a very high platform is holding onto a trapeze swing then lets go and swings back and forth a few times.", "A man holds a woman before releasing her on an acrobatic swing which she holds onto.", "Someone leaps off a ledge while attached to wires holding onto a bar and swings back and forth." ]
[ "A man runs with a poll to attempt poll vaulting.", "A boy runs with a stick as fast and jumps over a horizontal pole.", "An athlete-clad man runs with a pole, attempts to jump over a high bar but falls, and another athlete-clad person runs up and gives him a high-five amid applause and exclamations.", "A pole vaulter's pole snaps at the beginning of his jump.", "A person runs down a track to do a pole vault and his pole snaps.", "A young man is doing a pole vault and the pole breaks.", "A man at a pole vault competition has his pole snap mid-jump.", "A man does a pole vault but the pole breaks and he falls, then gets high fived.", "A man runs with a pole in his hand and then he jumps and falls on a mat as the pole breaks.", "the young man is running with the pole to high jump and it breaks before he jumps" ]
[ "A man is water skiing on a behind a boat and goes back and forth across the boat's wake.", "A person is wakeboarding on a lake whlie being pulled by a quickly moving boat", "A man is water skiing off the back of a boat.", "A person skiing on one ski makes sharp turns side to side around bouys", "A man waterskis on a beautiful body of water, doing sharp turns in the process.", "A person is skiing on the water behind a boat and swerving from side to side.", "Person in a wet suit being pulled by a speed boat while using only one ski", "A man rides on a jet ski next to a mountainous landscape.", "A water skier is sking from side to side, alternating the rope between their hands for each side.", "A man is slaloming on a mono water ski behind a boat." ]
[ "A man is sanding a wood floor with a power sander.", "In a home, a man uses a wood floor cleaner to clean the floor.", "A worker is seen polishing a wooden panel floor with a polishing machine.", "A man in a dust mask is using a machine to sand a wood floor.", "A person with a mask runs a machine on a wood floor.", "A worker is using a sanding machine to sand a wooden floor.", "A man wearing a mask takes a machine and cleans a hardwood floor.", "A commercial sander is used to refinish wood flooring.", "A man uses an electric machine to sand a wood floor.", "A man wearing a mask is pulling a floor sander in a backward motion." ]
[ "A man and a woman are making an instructional video on the proper way to do jumping jacks.", "A man demonstrates how to work out with a woman doing the work outs.", "An exercise instructor instructs a woman as a toddler talks in the background.", "a man is instructing a female on how to complete a jumping jack exercise", "A man in a gym instructs how to perform a jumping jack exercise and a woman moves according to his instructions.", "A man demonstrates correct form to a woman regarding performing a jumping jack.", "A woman is being instructed on how to do a jumping jack exercise properly.", "A man instructs a woman on how to do star jumps in a gym.", "A guy is giving an instructional video on jumping jacks while a girl does them.", "A man is at a gym teaching a woman how to properly do a jumping jack." ]
[ "A few kids havin fun with karts in a dirt track", "Several people ride little carts around a dirt track while others watch them.", "Several people are racing small vehicles around a dirt track outside.", "A group of people are outside racing small lawnmowers on a sunny day.", "People race around on a curvy dirt track on motorized vehicles.", "Some people are racing go-carts around a track while others look on.", "a group of people in go carts in a track outdoors with people outdoors", "People race on a track riding all terrain vehicles", "People are racing their small tractors around a serpentine race track while others look on.", "A group of people drive go karts around a dirt track." ]
[ "A man comes up to a woman in a service and washes her feet in a bucket.", "A man takes a woman's feet gently and places them in a bowl of water.", "A man crouches down in front of a girl, he then puts her feet in a bucket of water.", "A woman has her feet washed by a man in church.", "A man washing the feet of a woman during a church service.", "A man washes a woman's feet during a church service.", "A pastor performs the washing of the feet on one of his parishioners.", "A man kneeling before a young child and washing her feet in a bucket of water.", "A man kneels in front of a woman and then places her feet in a water basin.", "A young man washes the feet of another young woman, while people take pictures and others sing." ]
[ "A lady is explaining how to properly time and bake some cookies.", "A woman describes what she is doing as she bakes cookies.", "A woman is making chocolate chip cookies in her kitchen.", "A woman in a kitchen explains how much time to leave cookies in the oven.", "An homemade video on baking cookies showing both uncooked and finished product.", "A woman talks about a cookie recipe while displaying a cookie.", "A lady explains how long to bake her cookies in the oven.", "A woman wearing eyeglasses picks a cookie from the table.", "A woman demonstrates how to make an excellent cookie in her kitchen.", "A woman demonstrating and giving tips on how to bake a good cookie." ]
[ "A man is crowd surfing at a large concert, he is screaming while being passed along.", "A guy holds his arm in the air as he crowd surfs at a concert.", "A man crowd surfs while people clap and dance to the music.", "A crowd is shown at a rock concert as a person crowd surfs.", "In the crowd a man was passed on the top of the crowd by the people", "A man is yelling and dancing while doing a selfie with a camera while others are standing around and music is playing.", "A man is video taping himself while crowd surfing at a very congested event.", "Man crowd surfing during an outdoor concert with people looking on.", "A young boy is shown crowd surfing at a hard rock concert.", "A person is holding a selfie stick and is getting cheered by the group" ]
[ "A boy bends his arms backwards while a man comments on him.", "A young boy demonstrates how he can continue to twists his elbows all around.", "A young boy shows how he can twist his arms in different directions.", "A boy was twisting his arm around in a weird position", "A little kid is pressing his hands onto a table and then flipping his arms around to show how flexible he is", "A young boy showing his abilities of being double jointed.", "A young brazilian boy wear a green tee-shirt with a super hero on it is being talked to by his teacher to perform some type of physical pose.", "A child demonstrates abnormal flexibility by rotating his arms all the way around.", "A little boy is bending his elbows backwards on a table.", "A double jointed child contorts his elbows for the camera." ]
[ "A crpwd people are dancing while they cheer and listen to music.", "A group of people are wearing green are starting a mosh pit.", "A large number of males in team colours and football strips are behaving as though in they are in a mosh pit as they bash against each other.", "guys are in a group cheering each other on in an indoor setting.", "A group of people, mostly with green shirt jump, and dance celebrating.", "Youngsters dance enthusiastically to harsh music as some of the dancers hold country flags up, and all display country colors in their attire.", "A group of young men dance crazily to loud music indoors.", "Men jump up and down in what looks like a sports team victory dance with heavy metal music.", "A crowd of people in a room jumping around and waving their arms to music.", "A bunch of people are wildly dancing around together while wearing green and white." ]
[ "A person is using an applicant on a wall to cover up a big crack.", "A person is seen demonstrating how to patch a hole in dry wall with plaster.", "a video demonstrating how to repair huge holes and cracks in the walls", "Someone is demonstrating how to patch a hole in drywall.", "A person uses a large metal tool and puts some type of material in a hole in the wall.", "Drywall mud is being added over a large hold spread smoothly with a spreader on the wall", "A man showing how he repairs a large dent in the wall with plasture as it can fill up cracks and holes", "Somebody is using a metal trowel to apply filler to the wall.", "A hole in dry wall is being shown to be repaired by filling it with grout and being smoothed over.", "A person shows how to repair a hole in a wall." ]
[ "A girl demonstrates how to polish a cowboy boot in her hand using a bottle.", "A woman is polishing a calf length boot with a small hand-sized machine.", "A woman is holding a boot in her hands while using an electric shoe polisher on it.", "A woman is polishing a leather cowboy boot with a brush.", "A woman is using jar of polish to rub on a leather boot.", "Woman sitting down shining a pair of boats with a shinning tool.", "A young woman is using something to polish a cowboy boot.", "A blonde haired girl appears to be using a polish to polish some brown boots.", "A young woman is rubbing a shoe with liquid from a bottle.", "A woman with tattoes is buffing boots using an electrical device by moving it in a circular motion." ]
[ "Two trapeze artists are doing moves inside on a trapeze.", "Two people hang from a trapeze and do an impressive set of tricks.", "Two trapeze artists practice a difficult move in a gym.", "A man and a woman hang from a swing performing acrobatic maneuvers together.", "A couple is performing a routine on an indoor trapeze.", "The couple are practicing their acrobatics at the warehouse in front of their coach.", "A pair of adults are practicing their amazing trapeze routine.", "A man and woman are seen performing some gymnastic moves.", "Two people perform tricks from a trapeze above a net.", "A pair of acrobats are practicing moves on a trapeze bar handing from the roof." ]
[ "a man in a mohawk is skiing down the hill.", "Man with a mohawk walking up a snow covered hill with a snowboard and ski poles and then goes down the hill on it", "A man with a huge mohawk skis down a bumpy snowy slope.", "A man with a large blond mohawk carries his skis up a hill, before skiing down.", "A young man with a very wild mohawk is expertly skiing down a snowy slope.", "A man with a very tall mohawk standing straight up is skiing down a hill.", "A man with crazy hair sticking up is skiing down a snowy hill on one ski.", "A man runs up a mountain before sledding back down it.", "A man with punk hair walking in the snow and then skiing his way down.", "A man with a large mohawk walks up a hill and then snowboards down." ]
[ "A person uses electric clippers to shear a sheep lying on the floor", "Someone is demonstrating how to shear an animal with electric clippers.", "In a room theirs a man holding a sheep to shear it.", "A person stands above a sheep and uses electric shears to take wool off the sheep.", "A guy is using an electric shaver to shave a sheep's wool.", "An animal is being shaven by his owner using a machine.", "A man has a pair of sheep shearers and is trimming the wool from a sheep.", "A man shears a sheep that is lying on the ground using an electric razor.", "Someone is shaving and removing the wool off of a sheep.", "An animal is getting its coat shaved off by someone with an electric shaver." ]
[ "A boy is laying on the bed and smiling at his father who wakes up.", "A young child is moving on a bed next to another person.", "a baby boy is playing with his parents on the parents' bed.", "A little girl with green top and bottom is rolling on the bed trying to wake her daddy up", "A baby is playing on a bed while his father is trying to sleep", "A small child drops and rolls over on a bed with a man under the covers", "A toddler is standing on a bed playing with an adult laying in bed next to them.", "A mother is with her young daughter on the couch in the living room trying to get her daughter to fully wake up as she swims around with her head in the couch.", "A baby rolls around in a bed waking up while a woman talks to it.", "A young baby is playing on top of a bed with a lady the young baby smiles during the process." ]
[ "A woman is talking about a pineapple and cuts it in half.", "A woman is using a knife to cut up a pineapple after to points out the core.", "a person cuts a pineapple with a knife on a colorful surface", "A woman makes an attempt to core a pineapple with a knife.", "A woman talks in the background and cuts a pineapple in half.", "A person cuts a peeled pineapple in half.", "A women points to the core of a peeled pineapple then cuts the pineapple in half", "A person has a shelled pineapple on a cutting board and cuts the pineapple, lengthwise, in half.", "A woman chef shows the proper method for coring a pineapple.", "A woman points out the core of a pineapple and begins to slice it" ]
[ "A man steps over a slackline, then a young man and a young woman hold a woman's hands as she gets on a slackline and stands on it.", "Young woman in a purple shirt attempting to walk across a tight rope set up between trees.", "Two teenage kids support their mother on the tightrope in their backyard.", "Outside, two people help a woman climb up on top of a tightrope.", "A woman, with the help of two others, attempts to cross a tight rope.", "A woman walks on a low backyard tightrope with two people holding her hands for balance.", "Two people are helping a woman up onto a tightrope outside.", "A woman is being helped up on a tightrope in a yard by a man and a woman, and begins to walk on it while holding their hands.", "Middle aged woman attempting to walk on a rope barefoot in a backyard.", "A young man and women is assisting another women up on a slack rope." ]
[ "A person places bricks with attached mortar on a base layer of mortar, tapping them into place.", "A worker is placing bricks on top of fresh mortar on the floor.", "Someone with rubber gloves is showing how to lay bricks with mortor.", "A pair of gloved hands place pieces of brick into place and tap on them.", "A person was arranging bricks on the floor with a cement", "A person is laying bricks onto wet concrete while a woman narrates.", "A lady is lying bricks and cement together on the ground, the lady is explaining how the process should be completed.", "A person with yellow gloves sets bricks on mortar,tapping lightly using a metal tool.", "a person wearing cloves lays bricks in wet cement.", "A person laying brick a woman tells what to do when working." ]
[ "A man is running on a treadmill while being show from the buttocks down.", "A man is running on a electric motorized treadmill bare footed.", "A person in shorts runs barefoot on a treadmill in front of a mirror.", "A man is running on the treadmill and not wearing any shoes.", "A person with no shoes on runs on treadmil in slow motion", "Person with shorts on running on a treadmill in slow motion.", "A man is running on a treadmill in slow motion.", "In a workout facility, a man is running on a treadmill.", "Someone is being filmed running on a treadmill in slow motion.", "A person is running on a treadmill with no shoes on." ]
[ "A woman explains how to make jumbo chocolate chip cookies.", "A woman is demonstrating how to make and bake chocolate chip cookies.", "While taking them out of the oven, a woman explains the temperature to cook cookies.", "A woman is describing the desired temperature and length of time to cook a batch of cookies and then she pulls them out of the oven.", "A woman talks as cookies are put on a tray and bakes on an oven.", "A person takes freshly baked cookies out of the oven.", "A woman is giving advice on cooking chocolate chip cookies while in her kitchen.", "A woman is baking cookies in a oven and instructing on the temperature and time.", "A person opens an oven to remove chocolate chip cookies that have been placed inside.", "A woman removes cookies from the oven and details how long to cook them." ]
[ "An adult male is holding two wooden ladders together as a toddler attempts to climb ups the ladders with one hand and one foot on each ladder.", "A man is holding two five foot ladders while a toddler climbs in between them at a kid's gym.", "A small child climbing ladders in a gym while an adult supports him and supervises.", "A man holds two ladders up steady while a little boy climbs up them like spiderman.", "A man is holding up two ladders in front of himself with a little boy in between the ladders climbing up.", "A man is holding a child propped up while the little boy stands on two ladders", "A boy was climbing between two ladders held by a man", "In a gym, a man is helping a small boy climb a parallel ladder.", "A man is holding two ladders as a small boy climb them.", "A young boy climbs ladders while an adult male assists." ]
[ "A man sharpens a pencil with a box cutter while another laughs.", "A man sharpens a pencil with a utility knife while another man looks on and laughs.", "A man is using a pocket knife to cut a pencil.", "A person fiddles with a box cutter, then begins to close it.", "A man sharpening a pencil with a razor blade as another man laughs", "A man decides to cut the top of a pencil off with a sharp blade.", "A man uses a pocket knife to sharpen a pencil while his friend laughs in the background.", "A person is sharpening a pencil with a folding box cutter.", "A person shows how to sharpen a pencil with a knife.", "A man tries to sharpen a pencil with a box cutter like pocket knife." ]
[ "A person is massaging their own arms while sitting on a bed.", "A person is sitting on a bed rubbing something into both their arms.", "A person is applying something in the left arms, elbow and wrist and fingers", "A person is sitting on a bed applying lotion to their left arm.", "A person rubs lotion on her arm while sitting on a bed.", "A young lady is applying make up to her arm in a circular motion.", "A woman rubs lotion on her arm in her bedroom .", "A young girl is applying lotion to her left arm while music is playing.", "A person is rubbing cream along her arms while sitting on a bed.", "A young girl is sitting on a bed and rubbing lotion onto her arm." ]
[ "a lady does some exercise moves in front of the camera", "A woman is doing a walk progression while another woman speaks about the exercise.", "A woman is jumping and doing squats in a gym.", "A woman demonstrates how to do lunges while another explains.", "A woman instructor is showing how to do cardio exercise effectively.", "A overweight woman demonstrates how to perform jump squat exercises", "A woman in a gym is jumping up and down doing an exercise", "A woman is squatting in a gym, then rotates and continues squatting.", "On a gym floor, a woman is doing squats with her body while holding her hands together.", "A lady is exercising by doing squats and lunges in a large gym room." ]
[ "an artist is drawing a some octopus tentacles design on a piece of sculptor", "A person is decorating a cake with a sharp pen, making tentacles from it.", "A person uses an electric ink pen to create a beautiful piece of art.", "Someone is practicing drawing an image which could be used as a tattoo.", "A person is drawing an image on a table with some type of drawing tool", "A person is painting a design into a piece of tile.", "A timelapse where a person uses a marker to try to make an octupus on a cloth", "A artist is burning an image of a octopus onto some fancy wood.", "Someone is drawing an octopus in black marker atop a yellow material representing an octopus leg.", "A person is outlining and shading in an octopus leg with an airbrush device." ]
[ "Three men in a motor vehicle driving while playing a song as a band.", "A man plays drums that are attached to a motorcycle driving on the road.", "A person is driving on top of a motorcycle while playing drums.", "A trio of musicians play on a pallet attached to a motorcycle on a highway.", "Some men are riding down the roan in a platform attached to a motorcycle while playing musical instruments.", "A rock band assembled a vehicle that drove and could play music during it.", "A young man is in the side-car of a motorcyle playing drums, while another man is sitting behind the driver, playing a guitar, as the motorcycle is driven on a road.", "A group of people are playing instruments as they ride down the street.", "A rock and roll band, consisting of a guitar player and a drummer, is playing tunes while cruising down the highway on a platform attached to a motorcycle.", "A band is playing on a platform on a motorcycle while on the freeway." ]
[ "A group of little kids are playing and jumping handmade jumps with their bikes.", "A child in a gray and red shirt rides around a yard and driveway, jumping off of homemade ramps.", "A boy rode a bicycle over a slant pile of plank placed on the lawn", "A young boy on a bicycle is going off of some homemade wooden ramps.", "A young boy gets a head start and makes a jump from a ramp.", "A little kid is riding their bike fast and then jumping over a small hump in the yard", "A young boy is riding his bike over a ramp in the front yard.", "A boy rides his bike around the driveway, then rides and jumps off a homemade ramp landing upright in the grass.", "A lady filming her son outdoors riding his bike and going over his ramps.", "A boy cycles towards a ramp and jumps over it." ]
[ "A guy with white shirt on is teaching on how tp tie a tie with a pink tie", "Man in a white dress shirt tying a yellow tie around his neck in a parking lot.", "A young man begins to demonstrate how to tie a necktie.", "A man is standing outside and starts to tie a pink tie that is hanging around his neck.", "A man teaches people how to tie a necktie, as he demonstrates with his pink tie.", "A young man showing his prefered way to tie a necktie.", "A guy stands and puts a tie around his neck and prepares to tie it.", "A man was holding the tie he had around his neck", "A man puts a tie around his neck, he is talking and he pulls on each end of the tie.", "A man wearing a white shirt is wrapping a pink tie around his neck and tying it" ]
[ "A young girl does a cartwheel and the kicks a bucket over.", "a little girl is practicing cartwheels on a tile floor and raises her hands in the air", "A young girl smiles at the person holding the camera, as she then proceeds to do cartwheels on a tiled floor. The person behind the camera is heard swearing before it cuts off.", "A little girl does a handstand and then did another handstand but this time she kicked a bucket.", "A little girl on a tile floor does a hand stand and hit another object and a woman says something.", "A little girl does a cartwheel and then she tries to do another one and kicks a bucket.", "When a girl does a second flip, she kicks a pink bucket.", "A little girl does a cartwheel, then does another one but knocks something over.", "A girl demonstrates how to perform a cartwheel, and kicks a bucket.", "A girl puts her arms in the air and then does two cart wheels on the floor." ]
[ "The lady is doing a demonstration on how she peels and slices the pineapple.", "A woman is cutting a pineapple and describing parts of it.", "A woman with a knife is slicing a pineapple into segments.", "A lady showing how to carve a pineapple to eat.", "A female demonstrating how to cut and core a pineapple.", "A woman is demonstrating how to cut a pineapple with a sharp knife.", "A woman gives a tutorial on how to cut a pineapple.", "A woman stands at a cutting board and cuts up a pineapple into pieces.", "An obese woman is conducting a demonstration of cutting a pineapple.", "A woman demonstrates how to properly cut a pineapple." ]
[ "A kid is seen taking a paper napkin from a shelf to clean his nose.", "A young boy is standing on a plastic chair and getting a tissue.", "A little boy stands on a yellow chair and tries to grab tissues off a shelf.", "A little boy stands on a stool to reach tissues to wipe his nose.", "A little boy is standing on a little yellow chair and reaching for tissues so he can blow his nose.", "A toddler stands on a chair and reaches into a tissue box, removes a tissue, and blows his nose.", "A toddler uses a small stool to reach a box of tissues then blows his nose.", "a little boy tries to reach something that is on the shelf in front of him", "A boy stands on a stool and picks a tissue out of a box.", "A little boy is standing on a small yellow chair fondling with some items on a counter." ]
[ "A young man bobs his head to music in front of a red background", "A boy snaps his fingers while standing in front of a red wall.", "a boy is shaking his head to the music and laughing his face off.", "A man is holding something and laughing, people around him are laughing too.", "A man leans forward several times in a row then laughs and walks away.", "People are laughing in the background as they watch the man go with the music.", "A boy is standing in front of a red screen while laughing.", "A man is standing in a red room, he begins laughing hysterically.", "A boy standing in front of the camera leaves laughing.", "a man is standing and talking in front of an orange cover as somebody's taking pictures of him and then he starts laughing" ]
[ "A young man wearing black is dancing to a song.", "A man dances about to a song in a very enthusiastic manner,", "A man is dancing in front of a camera to the rhythm of music in the background.", "A man in a room dancing to music with bags on the wall", "A young man makes noises as he dances to a song in a room.", "A man dances in a unique to music while in his apartment.", "A person jumps around moving his arms across his body.", "A guy is in his living room jumping around and dancing crazily.", "A young man sings and dances around inside a room.", "A man dances by jumping around his room with his head down." ]
[ "A man speaks of how people are using their cellphones while outside.", "A TV commentator and a field commentator are talking about texting and computing on cell phones and how deadly it is.", "A woman is talking about the dangers of distractions like talking and texting while crossing the road.", "A news clip talks about the dangers of texting and not paying attention.", "The news anchor introduces a film which targets people distracted by texting, talking and computing as they cross streets", "Several people text and talk on their phones and a woman explains how it can be dangerous.", "So many people are walking around on their phones and there is a story about it.", "Various people are walking while looking at their phones as a woman speaks.", "A news report is showing how people are constantly on their phones even when walking.", "A news anchor cuts to a report of shots of people using their cell phones on the streets." ]
[ "A girl with glasses in her room puts on lipstick.", "A girl talking in front of the camera, applying lip gloss", "Young girl sitting in her bedroom staring into her computer and putting on lip gloss.", "A young women wearing glasses is talking and applying makeup.", "A girl is describing as she puts on orange lip gloss.", "A young girl tells how she is going to put on her gloss to lips.", "A girl with glasses is applying makeup in her room.", "A girl is talking about a orange gloss while applying it to her lips.", "A little girl wearing glasses and sitting in front of the camera and showing how to put some lip gloss on", "A little girl is talking while she puts on some lipstick or lip gloss." ]
[ "A kid in a playground throws a soccer ball, then has it returned.", "Children are playing kickball on a basketball court, one child kicks the ball and the other runs to get it.", "a kid rolling a ball while another person kicks the ball and another person picks the ball up.", "A boy throws a ball underhand, watches and runs after ball as ball is returned overhead, catches ball, and bounces ball.", "A young kid is using a ball in a park and then running away to grab another ball from someone", "A person rolls a volleyball that is kicked by another.", "A young boy plays kick ball with another kid on a concrete playground.", "A boy rolls a ball across a playground, then runs and grabs another one.", "A young boy rolls a ball on the floor outside at a playground.", "A child rolls a ball that is kicked by another person while playing a game outdoors." ]
[ "A man was seeing the HDFC board and move his head and A man withdraw fund from the ATM", "A man is withdrawing cash from an atm machine at the bank.", "An exterior of a bank is shown and a man takes money out of an ATM.", "A group of men are using an ATM in a television commercial.", "A commercial for a banking company shows multiple people.", "A commercial for a bank shows a young man taking cash from an ATM machine.", "A person is explaining how a certain atm machine works.", "a person puts a card into a machine when they are outside", "Man wearing bandanna shakes head after looking up and man looks down at cash he is holding.", "An advertisement for the HDFC bank ATM plays saying it will \"help you get cash faster\"." ]
[ "A man sitting plays a small guitar like string instrument.", "A man with long hair as he attempts to play the lude using an amp", "An individual man is playing a wooden stringed acoustic instrument.", "A MAN, SITTING ON A STOOL PLAYS A GUITAR LIKE INSTRUMENT.", "A man is sitting on a stool and playing the banjo.", "A guy with black top and trousers is sitting down and playing some instrument", "A man is strumming a guitar while sitting down and he is making sounds.", "A person is sitting on a stool playing some sort of guitar.", "A man is playing an instrument that is similar to the guitar.", "A guy sits and strums the strings of an old Renaissance guitar." ]
[ "A person rides on a trapeze through the air riding by their bent knees.", "A woman practices some farm of gymnastics and is swinging upside on a trapeze while a man gives verbal instructions and holds some sort of safety pole.", "A person is being instructed while on a flying trapeze.", "Woman dangling from a safety rope in a large warehouse area with bright lights.", "A woman swings on a trapeze high up in a building then hangs by her knees and drops her arms down", "A person learning how to do a trapeze act with someone explaining it.", "A person practicing acrobatics for the first time while being coached from below.", "Someone is practicing on a trapeze, while someone looks on and is talking about it.", "A woman swings on a trapeze while someone below instructs her.", "In a large building, an trapeze artist practices while a teacher yells out." ]
[ "a man stands in the air with an arm raised and then kneels down", "A man drops a cell phone on the ground, and then picks it up and turns it on to show it still works.", "A man drops a cell phone on a tile phone to show no cracks or breaks on the phone.", "A man stands with his hand above his head and then he holds up a cell phone and walks away", "A man holds a cellphone outright before dropping it onto the ground.", "A commercial for a phone that you can drop on the ground and the screen doesn't break.", "A guy drops a cellular phone on the ground then he picks it up to reveal no stratches.", "A person demonstrates dropping a phone on a hard surface.", "A man is demonstrating an unbreakable cell phone screen on hard surface.", "A man drops a cell phone from above his head, picks it up and turns it on as music is playing." ]
[ "One man holds a snake that he has stretched out while two other men look on.", "A snake is crawling across a tile floor and then one is seen up close while a man stretches a viper out.", "Snakes slither across a floor and a man shows to other men a snake that he's holding", "A man is holding a snake as two other people are sitting at the table and asking about the snake.", "A snake crawls and darts its tongue out, then a man displays a snake.", "A garden variety snake is on a tile and people talk about it.", "A person is filming a television which is playing a clip of a show with snakes.", "A snake is shown on a TV screen as part of a news cast, one man holds it to show two others.", "A snake is slithering across some tile, then a snake is laying on a stick and a man is holding a snake by two men sitting at a table.", "A television show on the travel channel looking at different rattle snakes." ]
[ "Goldfish are swimming in a bowl, then a person drops food into the bowl and the fish eat.", "A man and his coy fish as hes feeding them by dropping small pellets in the water", "A person sprinkles some fish food into a small pond with fish swimming in it", "Placing red and green pellets into a pool of water in order to feed fish.", "Small fish are being fed as someone drops pellets into the water.", "A person feeding a group of goldfish some fish food", "Fish swim the the surface as a person drops food into their tank.", "A man displays a small amount of fish food in his hand and drops it into a fish tank where a fish is swimming.", "Someone holds fish food pellets over a pond with fish, and then begins throwing them in.", "A person is feeding small colorful pellets to some goldfish in a dirty tank." ]
[ "A man sits and plays music on a set of drums.", "A bearded, bald drummer sits at a drumset and strikes a cymbal five times.", "A man is playing two instruments. one of the instruments are drums.", "A man plays the drums and uses the sticks to make some music.", "A man is seated at a drum set striking the cymbal several times.", "A person strikes the cymbal of a drum set repeatedly.", "A man sitting at a drum set slowly hits the cymbals with a drumstick.", "A man is slowing hitting a cymbal with a drumstick while sitting down.", "A man sits at his drum set and slowly hits the symbols continuously.", "An older man is sitting down behind a drumset and he hits the same symbol several times." ]
[ "A little girl does a back flip as other children watch", "In a gym, a young girl is doing a back flip on a gymnastics cushion.", "A young girl is on a red mat practicing her gymnastics.", "In gym, a girl does a backflip on padded gym matt.", "A little girl is in a gym tumbling on a mat as she cuts flips backwards.", "In a gym a girl does a back flip while other girls watch.", "A little girl does back flips in gymnastics class on a pink floor mat.", "A girl gymnast does a flip on a red mat.", "A group of little girls are practicing gymnastics at a gymnastics studio.", "A girl performs a back flip on a soft crash mat as other children spectate." ]
[ "A young girl in a stable brushing a white horse's hair", "A person shows how to brush out a horse and what parts to do.", "A person uses a handheld brush on a white horse.", "A young child is showing how to properly brush a horse.", "A person is taking a brush and making circular strokes on the side of a horse.", "A young person demonstrating how to brush down a horse.", "A young girl brushes the coat of a large white horse.", "Woman showing how to properly groom and brush a horse.", "A young child jockey brushes the hair of a horse", "a little girl uses a brush to rub against her horse to brush it" ]
[ "a person is wiggling their toes while they crack their knuckles on their hands.", "Person laying on a bed wiggling their feet and adjusting their hands.", "Person laying down filming feet moving and doing signs with hands.", "Someone is wiggling their toes and then cracks their knuckles in front of the camera.", "A person lays on the bed flicking thier toes and moving thier hands.", "A woman lying on a bed cracks her knuckles on both her hands.", "A WOMAN ON A BED FLEXES HER SOCKED TOWS WHILE SNAPPING HER FINGERS.", "A person is laying in bed and cracks the knuckles on both of their hands.", "Someone lays on a bed and cracks the fingers of both hands.", "A person laying in bed stretching their toes and popping their thumbs" ]
[ "A man walks from one side of a kitchen to the other to cook an omellette.", "A man is attempting to make a pan full of eggs in the kitchen for breakfast.", "In a kitchen a man is cooking scrambled eggs in a pan on the stove.", "A man is frying eggs on a frying pan while in the kitchen.", "A man is in the kitchen making eggs for breakfast for everyone.", "A man walks over to a grill and starts flipping some eggs cooking in a frying pan and talks to another person.", "A man is standing at a stove in a kitchen stirring a pan of eggs with a spatula.", "A man looks at a pan of eggs on the stove and picks up a spatula.", "Two young men are making breakfast and the one stirring the eggs believes there is too much butter.", "A pan of eggs is on the stove as a man stirs it with a spatula." ]
[ "A woman sits on a rock that is in a rapid stream of water.", "A lady is trying to cross a rushing river on wet rocks.", "A woman was sitting on a stone while trying to cross a river", "A lady needs help coming back off the rocks as she tries to collect water from raging rapids.", "A lady holding her snickers in her hand and afraid to cross a stream", "A person is crossing a river and asking someone to hold their shoe.", "A woman is sitting on a rock near a river taking off her shoes before crossing.", "A woman is trying to make her way across a rocky stream of water and ask someone to hold her shoe.", "A woman is asking someone to hold her shoe while she is on a downed tree on a hike.", "A woman is sitting on a rock in a fast moving river, trying to hand her shoe to another woman." ]
[ "A person and his friend begin blowing through a tube together, they pause and smile at the camera.", "Two men speak in a foreign language after one of them blows into a horn.", "A man blows into a long pipe-like instrument while another man helps hold it up.", "Two men are showing how to play a long tribal instrument.", "Two people are outdoors, and one of them makes a sound with a didgeridoo, and both of them say a few words", "A man blows a long pipe in a yard under a tent.", "A man blows into a didgeridoo producing a unique sound.", "A man is blowing a long pipe with music sounds while someone speaks about him.", "A man plays a didgeridoo while another man holds it up for him.", "Two men hold up the wind instrument called a didgeridoo while one of the men blows into it." ]
[ "A person's hands are shown folding the corners of a piece of floral paper into the center of the paper", "A person folds a paper napkin carefully while some soft music plays in the background", "A woman is folding brightly colored paper into a square.", "A person folding in a flower stamped paper over a table", "A person is slowly folding a to make it look decorative.", "A person is showing how to fold a patterned paper napkin.", "A person is folding a pink napkin into another square with music playing in the background.", "A person is folding the corners of a piece of paper.", "Someone if folding a flowered piece of wrapping paper into a square.", "A woman is using a flowery piece of napkin and folding all its corners in to make it pretty" ]
[ "A young girl places something in the mouth of another young girl who's blindfolded and is supposed to guess what it is.", "One girl blind-folded while another girl puts a piece of candy into her mouth.", "A girl feeds a blindfolded girl and another person holds something up between their fingers.", "A young girl is doing a blind taste test of a piece of candy.", "A girl puts candy into the mouth of a girl who is blindfolded.", "A little girl with a blind fold is being fed bits of food by another little girl.", "A young girl blind folded has to guess what she is eating.", "Two sisters and their mother are trying a blind fold contest where the blind folded girl guesses the color of the candy.", "two girls seems like playing while one of them is blind folded and was given something on he rmouth", "A group of young girls are doing a blindfold challenge to guess a certain type of candy." ]
[ "A person is twisting blown up balloons into a head figure and then into an animal figure.", "A person is demonstrating how to fold balloons into balloon animals.", "A person shows how to make a balloon dog using balloons.", "An artist shows some tips on making animals with balloons.", "A person gives a balloon art demonstration montage with music.", "A man making a tutorial on how to blow a ballon and tie it to make an animal", "A person is demonstrating how to make a ballon head.", "A person made a knot with the pink tube balloon and keep the bead in black in center of knot", "A person is demonstrating step by step how to make balloon animals.", "A balloon dog is partially made in the first few steps." ]
[ "A young girl plays on a two wheeled device in her living room.", "A girl with a striped shirt rides on an electric board.", "A girl rides back and forth in a room on an electric hoverboard", "A small little girl is in a living room on a hoover board riding it", "A very young girl videoing herself dancing on her hover board.", "A little girl rides a hoverboard in a fastforwarded motion to hip hop music.", "A young girl has a self propelled scooter and is dancing around on it to hip hop music.", "Little girl moves in living room on roller-board by spinning, moving forward and moving backward.", "A young girl rides around on a two wheeled board inside a small room.", "A young girl playing on her electric skateboard listening to music" ]
[ "A man sticks a pencil into the back of a cat shaped pencil sharpener and the sharpener makes a cat sound.", "A man inserts a pencil into a cat shaped pencil sharpener that meows.", "A person is using a pencil sharpener that is shaped like a cat and meows.", "A man is demonstarting a pencil sharpener that is shaped like a cat and the pencil sharpens in the butt.", "A man sticks a pencil in a sharpener that is shaped like a cat's butt.", "A person puts a pencil into a pencil sharpener that looks like a cat.", "A man sharpens a pencil with a cat-shaped sharpener whose pencil hole is the cat's bottom, and makes a sound when it's used.", "A man starts speaking, and then, someone sharpens a pencil in a sharpener that is shaped like a cat and makes meow sounds.", "A person is sharpening their pencil in a funny looking pencil sharpener resembling a cat", "Person inserts pencil into rear opening of cat-shaped sharpener which makes \"meow\" sound when sharpening." ]
[ "In a living room, a male is standing while another is crouching, the crouching male charges the other male and lifts him up then they both fall.", "While inside of a room in a house, a woman talks and laughs before a man, who talks quickly and tackles another man.", "One person runs and tackles another person who looks like they are wearing padding.", "A man is standing in a tackle position and another man tackles him in a living room.", "Two boys in a living room run toward one another and fall down on the floor.", "Two people are in a living room and one person tackles the the person to the floor.", "Two boys in a living room doing football tackles and landing on the floor.", "a teenage boy tackles another teenage boy in a living room.", "One boy tackles another boy in a TV den, while a girl looks on and laughs.", "A teenager is standing in the middle of a room when another teen dressed in a football uniform tackles him down." ]
[ "A little boy sitting in a high chair is cooing and shaking his head, while a woman is talking to him and shaking her head.", "A baby sits in a highchair, shakes his head and smiles as an adult watches and laughs.", "A baby is sitting in a chair and is shaking his head.", "A baby sitting in a high-chair shakes his head at a woman.", "A baby sits in his high chair and shakes his head side to side.", "a woman is playing with a baby, and the baby is mimicking her", "A mother shakes her head and giggles at her baby and he mimics her.", "A baby in a black and white high chare shakes his head at a woman", "A baby sits in a high chair and shakes his head from side to side and laughs in response to a woman.", "A baby in a high chair shakes head back and forth and then looks at a woman." ]
[ "A little boy appears to be playing hop scotch while other children watch.", "A boy in a yellow top takes a turn at playing hopscotch while other boys and girls watch and comment.", "A boy plays hopscotch around a crowd of other kids who are watching", "A young boy does hop scotch outside while a group of kids watches him.", "A group of children, on a playground, watch as a boy plays hop scotch.", "A group of children playing a game with one of them hoping in the middle as the rest watch and laugh.", "A group of children stand around watching a boy play hopscotch.", "A group of young kids watches a kid play hop scotch in the middle of a sidewalk.", "A group of children outside, watch a boy playing hopstoch.", "a little kid jogs around and hops up and down on one leg" ]
[ "A man is standing in a music room playing a long horn instrument.", "A man in jeans plays a didgeridoo in front of a wall hanging, with other traditional instruments stacked alongside.", "A man, surrounded by musical instruments, plays one to music.", "A man is standing and blowing into a wooden musical instrument.", "A man is playing a long tubed horn into a microphone in front of a row of them leaning against a wall.", "A man is playing a long horned type wind instrument at his house.", "A man is inside of room blowing air into an instrument that makes a vibrating noise.", "A man was playing a very long wind musical instrument", "A man is standing in a room playing a long horn instrument.", "A man playing a large wind instrument with a moving slide that changes the sounds." ]
[ "A man is standing between trees and kicks a soccer ball in the net.", "some kids are in a yard playing soccer and the one kid kicks the ball.", "A boy makes an impressively-long soccer kick past another boy and into a goal.", "A man kicks a soccer ball which curves in the air to land in the goal.", "A man behind a tree kicking a ball across a yard to a child.", "A kid is kicking a soccer ball into the goal from a distance.", "Someone standing in between some trees kicks a soccer ball all the way next to a goal.", "A man standing behind a group of trees kicks a ball towards a goal.", "A man kicks a soccer ball in the goal pass a young boy.", "A man kicks a ball between two trees into a goal while a boy runs after it into the goal." ]
[ "A man was cutting the edge of a floor with a machine", "A man in a construction area is using an electric saw on the ground with sawdust flying.", "A man is using a loud equipment that seems to be cutting a wall trimming.", "a man using a saw on a counter that creates a lot of dust", "A man is using a circular saw to cut a large piece of plywood.", "A man is using a tool where the wall and carpet meet.", "A man uses a saw to cut a board out along a wall.", "A man is cutting a kitchen counter with a saw.", "A man runs a machine against the base of a wall, creating a cloud of dust.", "A man is using a electric small hand saw to slice a rooms edge." ]
[ "Calf is released, cowboy on horse rides forward, lassos calf, jumps off horse, and ties the calf in a cloud of dust.", "A man is riding a horse trying to wrangle a cow.", "Cowboy riding a horse chasing down and lassoing a calf", "A horse and rider chase down a calf after being released from a chute.", "In a sand-lined outdoor arena, a cowboy on horseback takes off after a calf and lassos it before jumping off his horse and diving to the calf in a billow of dust.", "A man riding a horse chasing a calf and catching it.", "A man on a horse catches a calf with a rope.", "A man on a horse catching a small bull with a rope.", "A person practices a rodeo trick where they catch a calf with a rope.", "A man lassoes a calf from his horse in a arena." ]
[ "Hands can be seen needling and stitching with a piece of red fabric.", "A woman is explaining how to knit a make 7 stitch with knitting needles.", "A woman is using two large needles and red yarn to demonstrate a M7 stitch.", "A woman is showing the techniques for knitting using large diameter needles.", "A pair of hands are using a string of yarn to knit something.", "A lady is showing how to knit with two short fat blue needle and red wool to make patterns", "A person uses two turquoise knitting needles to knit yarn together.", "A person is knitting with both of their hands on table.", "A woman is holding two needles in her hand and she is stitching something with them.", "A person demonstrates how to begin a crochet for a small article of clothing." ]
[ "A man coos and talks to a wide eyed little baby.", "A man talks to a baby that is strapped into a car seat, and he leans over and makes kissing gestures and the baby responds with smiles and cooing noises.", "A man talks to a small baby who looks around while seated in a car seat.", "A baby looks at a man with huge eyes and laughs at him.", "A baby is looking at her dad with wide eyes as he talks to her.", "A wide eyed baby sticks out his tongue with some encouragement from his father.", "A man is talking and making kiss noises to a baby in a car seat, causing the baby to respond.", "A man makes faces and kissing noises to a baby in a car seat.", "a man is talking to a toddler who looks around and giggles", "A small baby is seen being talked to by two adults in a car seat." ]
[ "An automated machine is packaging up a product while a person observes it.", "A machine drops little packages onto the floor and a hand picks one up to look at it.", "An industrial packaging machine is shown dispensing packed material onto a floor", "A machine produces sealed packages of a brown sandy substance with an Asian character stamped on it, and a hand reaches in and picks one up.", "A machine releases multiple bags of an item with asian writing on it.", "A factory machine is shooting out products at a high speed, someone picks up the products.", "A machine is dispensing packets of an unknown resource as a man picks one up off the ground.", "A machine produces small, sealed packets of a substance and deposits them on the floor.", "A machine is spitting out little bags of something and someone picks up one of the bags.", "An industrial machine packaging and sealing goods into plastic bags." ]
[ "A man is holding a ring as a woman, in a hospital bed, holds a crying baby.", "A man proposes to a woman after she delivers a baby in the hospital.", "A woman comforts a crying baby as a man talks to her", "A man puts his hand on a woman's thigh then she rocks a crying newborn.", "A woman is in a bed holding a newborn, and man is kneeling holding a small box with a ring in it.", "A man proposing to a woman with a baby in a delivery room", "A man proposes to a women in the hospital holding a baby", "A man kneels holding out a box with a ring, proposing to a woman in a hospital bed holding a newborn.", "A woman cradles her newborn in her arms in the hospital while the baby's dad sits at her bedside.", "A man is proposing to a woman in a hospital who just had a baby." ]
[ "A metal worker uses welding equipment to work on a large metal plate.", "A man welds pieces of metal together in a shop.", "A man is using a plasma cutter to cut metal sheets.", "A man is moving a large blade and other men are using blow torches on metals.", "Man cutting through a piece of metal in a workshop using a hand welding tool.", "A man works on welding pieces of metal, creating large sparks.", "A man welds a piece of metal in a shop.", "A man in a workshop is using his tools to weld.", "A man uses a torch to weld some metal pieces in a shop.", "A man uses stands at a table in a garage, using a welding torch." ]
[ "A woman is using an electrical razor to shave the fur off of the dog.", "A woman is giving a small dog a haircut with a clippers.", "Woman cutting the hair of a small grey and brown dog on top of a kitchen counter.", "A woman grooming a small dog with a pair of electric trimmers.", "While music is playing, a woman is shaving the hair of a small dog, who is sitting on a counter.", "Female animal groomer trimming the fur off a dog standing on top of a table.", "A person demonstrates grooming a small dog with clippers.", "Someone is trimming a dog, with an electric razor.", "A poor little dog is being tortured with a shaver by a techno wizard.", "A small dog is groomed indoors set top loud music." ]
[ "A man is standing up then he is sitting down in a boat rowing by himself", "A man is explaining his history with kayaking and being outdoors.", "A man stands and talks to the camera, smiles and waves at the camera from a kayak in the water, and then the camera shows a view of a cliff and body of water.", "A French man in a green athletic shirt is explaining about kayaking.", "A man is standing outside and then starts to kayak.", "A man was talking and a man was moving on a river with a kayak", "A man in a green shirt is talking about a Fjord where you can go kayaking.", "A man is describing fun outdoor activities while on an island.", "A man talks about something and then is shown in a kayak on the water.", "Fjords are shown as a man describes the beauty of the area." ]
[ "Ballet dancers are dancing and then a foreign speaking woman appears on the screen.", "A National Ballet is featured before an inspiring performer enters the building where the performances occur.", "A woman is in the front seat of a car and then a man and woman are performing a ballet dance and then the first woman is walking in the entrance to a building.", "A montage of ballet is shown before cutting to a woman in a building.", "A man and woman perform ballet and a woman talks as she walks through a building.", "A woman sits in the car and then talks while a woman stretches her arms and turns and a man and woman dance together on stage.", "A woman walks into a building after a clip of ballet plays.", "The lady is talking about her ballet skills as she enters the building.", "Several ballet dancers dance gracefully, then a girl leans in close and addresses the camera", "Several people are dancing ballet style, and then a woman is shown talking." ]
[ "A person is showing how to clean out debris from a horse shoe.", "A man is checking the feet of a horse that is tied to a tree.", "A woman is showing how to clean out a horse's hoof, with written instructions across the top.", "A woman is outside and cleaning a horse's feet, the horse is tied to a tree", "A woman is showing how to clean the bottom of a horse's hooves.", "A woman is demonstrating how to properly clean the hooves of a horse.", "A demonstration of how to properly clean a horse's hoof.", "A man is demonstrating how to clean the hooves on a horse.", "A woman demonstrating the proper way to clean a horses hooves.", "A person is demonstrating the proper technique to clean a horseshoe." ]